PS 3523 I .E37 S7 11913 ' Copy 1 ^4^^^^ r "THE STATUE OE LIBERTY" A TABLOID EARCICAL GOIvIEOY IE THREE ACTS BY 6, .^^l MIROB" LEEEIITGWELL COPYRIGHTED 1913 BY ALEX BYERS NOTE Under tlie new copyright law the rights of production of a play- are not secured by the pixrchaseof a manuscript of it and copying of a copyrighted play and sale of copies of it, are offences punishable "by fine and if done wilfully, by imprisgnmeit Eor manuscripts of this play and rights to produce it, apply to CHICAGO MAmSCRIPT CO., 431 U. Clark St. , CHICAGO, ILL. iCID 34(ill "He*. I. "THE STATUii OF LI2KRTY. " A TalDloicL Parcial Come.i.y in Three Acts By i.IiiOlI Li';P?I IffV/KLL, Cast, Alonzo Jenkins A young sculptor. Jack Trip ..ho li<^6 on his ^its, Willi'.jn Stageers Y/ho cha^gad ^lkT^,na-:e . Imogens A California heii^^^ Cjm'thia Tha famous cataleptic of ths agas , Scene: — Alonzo 'sstudio* Tirae included in action, one hour. oooOOOOOOOooo--- An apartraeftt in Cynthia Trip studio set. Act First. rooming house. Sculptor's EXPLAIIAT I OH (1)' Arch "backed hy interior backing. (2) Sot door io"bliqued L.U,E, int=^rior backing. (3) set aoor obliqued R.U.E. Interior' bacjcing. (4) vrindow at back of L. of CV-- Kxterior backinr. (5) Couch dom l.C. (6) Table anr. dhair^dovjn R.C. (9) Modeling tabl e vdth scuiptor'r- modf-ling tools., ;,^'!S^£ts, Ghisel3, etc, Lunps of cla3^ (8) "c:xterior backing>A' T , E hinc-. arch 1, is a square pede;=tal, painted -J-ite. step up '^ same. Decorate ^cene I'ith bu^ts, n^^c'raiion ; , planter figures, aim^ , hands and feet' etc, jndian clmbs , foils, boxing gloves;- on back of chair L.C. hangs a loud smoking jacket and gez cap. A -;hite nod-l- of torch a- used by Libert:^ Knlight'.ning th:- Y/orid is on table 7, oooOOOO- Oooo 1-e Act At Rise:' — CjTithia diccov r-^d in chsAr L. of table - arm chair. Jack in shirt sleeves is paci ig up and dovn stage L* Cynthia wears loose rohe . She is under-cr^csed for statue •cdiich should not be burlesqued in raake up. The criticisms of Staggers ar^ supposed to be inspired by ma^lice and not justified by appearance cf statue. Staggers ovm raake-up can be as freak- ish as actor chooses after he is placed on pedestal, Ja ck' This business don't pay, Cjmthia. "Well, I should say not. Jack We must get bora- money so eway - but how? Cjmthia Have 3^ou ev^r thou^t of going to work? Ja ck Work? Haven't I work;-^d everybodj?" I know? Cynthia That's just it, you'd bett-r turn over a nev/ leaf. Jack Whatj And work somebody I don't knov/? Cynthia I am sper.king of phj'-sical labor. Jack What - a man with a head like mine? Cynthia Jack,' JackJ They could onlj^ turn billiard balls out of your solid ivory cranium. Jack That's a pretty thing for you to say to your little brother, when our busted condition is all your fault, Cynthia CV. My fault? ^^•'^l. Jack ^^^/r> Sure", it luas your shingle on th.^ front door that 'p^^v^^/i^ this hole, "Madane C^nithia - The- Great Sa,bylonian ©eeres"§' ;?. rey;^l = the past, present aad future. Reunites 1he parted - gives/ ^ advice on the stock market - discovers buried treausre. Consult at once the peerless cajjaleptic of the ages," Cynthia Well, it strike me that's a pretty?- good shingle. Jack It ien't v^ry good for a lady v/ho lets out furnished rooms in a select neighborhood. We can't combine the two businesses and noT/ the rooms have noboc.y in th^m, Cynthia ITobooy? ¥/hy, we have nothing in th-^m, Jack, The installment man took nverything away thio morning - all th^^ furniture. They started to strip this apartment also , althou^ I assured ■ them that the things \/er?; Tr, Jenkins ov.n personal effects here, Thf^y broke his big statue to pieces, ti-j'-ing to move it just as he camf= in and the language he used reminded me' of the tine we traveled v;ith old Doctor Slacks' covn salve shov/. Jack (Impatiently) Don't dig up the pasti I suppose now we'll lose Jenkins , ' Cynthia I shouldn't wonder. He threatened suicide , I advised him to consult the spirits and he said he would; and. he just sent' out for a bottle of Scotch Yihiske3^ and retired to his bed-room. Jack 2"E Ja ck "IhatiS in there? (Pointing R) ire shall not die aloneo I will go mth hira,, (Ruchc'c off R, door) Cynthia I f/ish ^--ou both a happj'- ouicide^ That's the way with- men „ They get dead broke, th^n the^r v/aiit to get dead drunk. (Bell sounds outside) Th-ere's the bell, j suppose soneone v/ants to ccnsult th^- S'^eress, Thej- can, 'I'll go into a trance imi^ediatel; if they show me some real mon^j'", (Exits L»U,E. Re-enter Jack with v±Liske3'- bottle, which he holds out of reach of Alonzo Jenkins who chases him on) ' Alonzo Give me that bottle „ Jack Ho, 3'-ou shall not flirt with the demon „ This is vile stuff „ Alonzo It isn't, I paid a dollar anj^ a half for it. Jack Afljl liquor is vile. Don't - don't - I b'g of 3^ou - blast your young life - blight 3-our career] Thisk of your future] Don't cpoil vihat might have, been a bri^t finish 9 I implore you] (Takes drink from bottle) Alonzo I'll make jov. think of 3'-our own finish if you don't give up my bottle, Ja ck' My finish doesn't matter^, I am but th? plaj^thing of fate - the sport of destiny - likely 1 be bloiim off of this mundane sphere at any minute, Alonzo ¥?11, I'm not going to "Blow ^ou off" to any of ray booze. Jack Think of tiiaat you have before you, Alonzo I'm trj-^ing to forget it » (Takes bottle away from Jack, places it on table) ^O^ Cynthia - - ^ ^tf^ (Re-finters) H-' is a t^aegram, Mr,. Jenkins, (Hsrfclf ^hY^Aele- gramo ) ^-^ 1/?; Alonzo ' ^ ^4Sv/^^ A telegram] Oh misery, I dread to open it, '''*^ Jack (Advancing) Let me open it. It nay be mone3r, Alonzo Away] (Opens t^-legram, reads it)Ah, as I feared, I am loat] I am lost] (Pal"" 5 in seat, drop.i telegram, C3Tithia picks it up, Alonzo buries his face in his hands) Cynthia (Reads) " am c oning' T.jith Staggers this afternoon to inspect 3'-our work. I-m-o-gee." Jack Oh Gee? XJhy Oh Gee? Alonzo Imogenel Iriogene her name is - you lap eared dcnkey. Jack But she sa3-& she's coming with "Staggers." Alonzo What of it? Jack ¥/ith "Staggers," Does the la 63' drink? Alonzo Staggers is an old dog in human shape, pe is the villain \&io stands between me- and m3i^ dream of happinec^s. He is-th-^; guardian of ray souls' idol, lie pret-nds to be a connosieur. 3-E Jack What sort of "con?" Alonzo An art connosieur, Iraogene is beautiful, affectionate anC^ ac- conpliahed, 'She is heiress to an iraraense fortune and I w^jit to marry hfr. Jack I wouldn't mind marrj-ing her m3'self„ Alonzo "Staggers", her guardian ohjects to me - accuse? n of lack of genius in raj^ art - clai.fiis i must demonstrate it « I oe-ne vou see, is fron California, ^ ' ^ Jack And I suppose Staggers is from ""liscourio Alonzo Ey the terras of her grandfather's will, should Iraogene mari-y anybooy vathout Staggers » consent and approval, h-'r fortt^ne is to revert to a home for sup-jrannuated forty-niners- Fer P-rand- father xvas a forty-niner and this Staggers wor ed himself "into the old man's confidence and trust, Imogene loves me, i -^aved her life at the risk of my oivn. Jack YOU did? Alonzo I also saved Staggers' life at the saae time. Jack' That was careless of 3'ou, you were too heroic,, ' Alonzo He hated me for it, k^ wishes to marry Iraogene himself „ Cynthia ^' Lfr^'^^^® Staggers y/ouIc, ai^iarove of himself as a husband - ohe "thick plottens." Alonzo I brought it to an issue though, re said - could I show him a btatue of my o\.n- proauction on thich was expended my ovm- work he ,;ould consent. ¥/eii, i prepared for this vi^^it to-dav I ' obtained that cast those furniture men sras.shevc this morning of "Liberty -nlightening the o.ld." <-'q ^ But that wasn't j'-our ovm v/ork. '*'*^r ''■'V>^ Alonzo '^^J^^T* Didn't I work its owner to g-t if •^t'* A>f Jack ^^r^ Jorgiv- me, Pal, you're one- of ua after all. But h-- could tell it was a plaster cast. Alonso His eyes are queer - he's half blind. Jack ■ Oh yss, ,,a is "blind Staggers," I see - he's a dicease, Alonzo V/orsei T/orvel I wish I vjas dead. Jack I have an idea. (Pause) Yhat will ^rou do for ray -ister and raj^self if v/e help you out? Alonzo Hot,- can you help me out? Jack 2y reproducing Liberty Kngli^tening thf; World J Alonzo Impossible J Jack llot at all^, IJhen we were with old I'irk rack':- com slave show, Cynthia aiia I appeared nightly in out great statuar:y' sjact as livmg replicas of Greek and Roman art. I did the "I>/ing Gladia ^'"vn" ti^^ clefying the Lightening" - "Hercules leaning on his club" - "The Fighting Gaul J " 4-E A^-onzo I can understand yoxxr "gall" all right, -Put how coulc: yoM do the others ?/ith your shape? Jack n=!Ver mind about ny shape, I've lived on it all Tay life„ Alonzo Sut r.horri did Cynthia do? Jack Y^liom didn't she do? Kv-rybody ghe got a chance to do,, if yon mean v^hom did she represent - "Venu?" - "Dianna" - "Juno" - "Psyche " - "Helen of Troy" - "Finerva of ^"uscatine" - "Olga of Otturawa" - "Lillian Russ'el" - "Mrs. Parkhurst" - and "Lydia ■ Pinkham" - all witla old Dr„ T'fack , s com plasters on their toes„ Alonzo I should have thought the police r/ould have interfsred„ Cynthia They did, but oio. T!ack us;^d to hand th'^m some of his "salve" and we slipped awayc Jack ¥ell , what do you say? Alonzo It's a desperate chance, but I'll take it „ Jack Good and x^at do we get to assist in the game? Alonzo If you succeed, I rill give you -- (Pause) ■ . Jack and C3Tithia Yes? Alonzo I will give you my undying gratitude „ Jack That's ver^' good of you, but hov^ rauch in dollars and cents? Alonzo I have only a few dollars and I haven 1 1 any cents , Ja ck That is- -^ident, ¥/ell, we'll cut out the pennies and take the dollars. How manj'- have you in your inside pocket? Alonzo About fifteen. Jack i'ork them over, Alonzo "Why, that will break me „ Jack You'll get used to that if you travel mth me. ■ i am broke al- most alvays except on occasions, I meet a boob, Corae acroasj Come on, conie on J (Snapping fingers) Cynthia I wm't make up ujitil 3^ou produce. Come on? Come onj (Snaps fingers) Alonzo 7Ihat? Do you have to be bribed to bring tv/o lovine; hearts together? Cynthia Sure ""'likej Alonzo I haven it shovm you my darlings picture, I have it here on a postal card. Cynthia • - I'd rather you'd show ne the Indiaa head on a five dollar bill„ Alonzo (Produces photo card) S^-e how beautiful she is. Y/feuld you break her heart? Jack I'll '.reak somebody's back if we don't get action soon. 5-E CjTithia (Looks at picture, shrisks) OhJ (Goes into fit of hj'starics) Jack "What's the }natter? C3mthia Ch, th^ scoundrel-J The scoundrfilj It's he! I'd know those liiiskers anjmhere, I l my blooming lyre and play a devils dance threon. Sconiorjs - tarantulas - and centipedes shall banquet on his aged lirer. Oh, I' shall give him a bad half hour. Oh - on to the v/ardrobe trunk.' (Grabs up the white washed torch) "Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, ITor Hell a fur^^ like a woman scorned- (E::its through curtains R,U) Jack We'd better hu n-y up with the stage setting if T.e expect to give this showo Cjnithia means business , Say you, Alonzo Jenkins, what aid you show us that picture for? Do you knov. vqu queered me out of your fifteen d-ollars' p^evenge is all right, but it con't buy bread and beef, you had better get on A-our sculptors blouse and get the artistic atriospi- ere. I r-iyself will wear your embroidered jacket and fez. (Changes to Jacket and cap) There! (Strikes attitude) How do I look? Alonzo • ^ you look iike a cigarette sigi, '''^y&s Jack '^V-,^ ^/q You. re jealous] iTow, rem-mber I am a patron of ■ the'^i'rt'^^r has paid you -Qiousands of dollars for your work. You 'm%*i:a, ne prince Zekachewsky, '^^xf. Alonzo Prince viiat? ' Jack Zekach-wsky, I arafro-- the P; Ikans and am worth millions, Alonzo Look here, l can't pronounce that name. Jack llhat - "Zekachewsky?" Y,r-ll, if you can.t pronounce it - sneeze it. And understand ri^t now , if you expect this affair to be carried to a successful t'-rnination, you must follow rny lead in everything and ob^y orders, Y/e must work together tc foil this old fortune hunting schemer and marry Ui e girl ourselves, Alonzo Y!e marr^- the girl? Jack I'm speaking paregorically -■ v/e are partners, Alonzo Hot in Qi^g^ne, Jack Certainly not. I'm not suggesti-ig any poly?..idrous arrangement. Of 6-E cmrse the j-oung lady will choose the one sh.s likes the most to give her hand and fortune, Alonzo That's air ead;: settled. She likes me the mostc Jack She has not yet met rae_. Still this is absurd. W© must not count our chickens he'^ore they are hs.tched, Alonzo I object to Iraogene being characterized as a clicken by anyone and especially by ;rou, TTr. jack Tip. Jack prince Zekach^virsky , if you please. (Bell rings) Ah, the belli Get into your cage, put on your blouse - rumple up your hair, (Gives Alonzo dr3^ shampoo) Assume a x^rapt expression! Alonzo But I'm not rapped! Jack ' I'll rap you if you den » t obey, -Get in I Get in I Kven if you are no artist, pretend to be one, (Pushes him off R) Nov/ if you come out before the ph3'-chological moment, I will strip off your mask bef-ore your lacy love and expose you for "ch^ impos-ter that you are. (Goes up. puts his head through curtains R„UJ Hurry up the Tihit-- nash, Cynthia. (Goes do^m to table, starts to ti,ke long drink, sell rings again. Tak e? bottle from lips) YOU are entirely too previous with that- bell. That "shot" hasn't touched, the bull's eye yet. (Exits L.U.E. Alonzo steals out R. , gra'';s bo ttle) Alonzo I liks his nerve a I m&h I had it „ (Takes drink) ■ Jack (Outside) Certainlyl This is the abode of jenkins-, the genius. Comie , I will conduct 3^ou to his "sanctum sanctorum," Take my arml Iraogene (Outside) Thank you, sir. ^lonzo it i& she - she - I like his nerve, (Exits R. cari-ying bottle. Enter Jack L.U.E. He leads Inogene on v/ith grand air. Stag- gers, a n^r sighted peppery old individual follows) Jack (Looks around mysteriously, looks under table, behind articles of furniture, opens trunk, shuts it) t is evident he is not here . . ^ Staggers Whois not here? Jack Tjy friend Alonzo„ Fov.ev^r, 1hat i^ not strange, y-^ is probably practicing the disappearance act, jtb is eccentric,' my friend Alonzo. jje has been studying P'indoo magic of late and has succeeded in making himself quite invisible at times. Staggers At all times to me. I never could see him. Imogene Invisible? Then aren't we to see him? Jack B^- CQi^orted. -j-f hie out^r shell is not here, he may be x/ith us still in spirit. Stagg-rs (Sniffs) Yes, I smell the §airito. Jack Ah, very good, very good. I'll acce 't tlie hint. You and I will have a drink if the j^oung lady don't mind. Staggers Sir, I don't drink. 7-E Jack (Starts, then shakes head imcredulously) you - doriit - drink ? Staggers I don it drink b-:rcau5e I dm ' t drink, ^esides, I signed the pledge j-ears and yPSLVB ago and if tha,t isn't reas en enouf;,h, I may infoiin you, sir, that i juat had a drink before wa came here. Jack Your excuse is ac'cepted. Staggers I never offer excuses , sir« Jack I see you are wi Jiout excuse. Stagg'^rs Of course if ^^qu insist on forcing me to take a drink — Jack I ii!Duldn»t "be guilty of such a breach of good ras-nners. Staggers I 'kVDuld be. obliged to pass over that and take a drink, tir. Jack ijo , far be it f.on me to help you dig yc^ur dri,inkard's grave. Staggers \'!ha.t^& that?- Drunkard. Tho's a drunkard? I can, handle it ro let it alone, I-'ll prove it to you» I'll take a drink nov/ just to show 3'"ou, Jack (Motions to table) Help your e elf] Staggers (Crosces R. , ercaraines table with hie. glasses) He.lp myself? He3p in.3'-3elf to v/hat? There's nothing Iiere, Lookj Jack A true T^entucky g'-^ntlenan al^.a^^s turns his back -h^-n hi? ur-st is at the decanter. „ Imof.ene , And are you from entucki?-, Mr - ■'^"'r — ? Jack ITot "T!:r ," I am prince Zekachewsky of the palfegga and — Staggers ^^-^^^ Say, am I going to get that drink or not? ■^/ 'G/ jack '^f ^7* (Tunis) ^Ihy, there v^ts a bottle there but it hac- ditaj^^ I mo gene Disappeared?' Like T'Tr, j-enkins. Staggers (Sarcastically) I suppose thry cdsappeared together, (Sits in arm chair) Irao.;ene (Indignantlir) ]'-r. Staggers] Ycu r insmnuation against Alon^j's habits is raalici:uSo Jack ¥/hat do you call this old man? Imogen e Staggers, Prince. Ja ck Stagg-^rs, eh? Staggers - ahv-.-I ( Sign if i cant IjO Stagger;^ Yes, Staggers, ¥/hat of it? (Gong and glass crash) Jack nothing, sir. 2ut let me warn you.. You are sitting in the -^n chan t =; d chai r . Staggers ^-sn chan t e ^^ cha i r ? Jack 8-E Jack YS'S, we call it the chairof Truth. Anjrone vsho occupiss that chair and t'=lls a li?-, he is diicoverfid irainediately iDy the "El'^ct" of TJaich I am one and retribution quickly follows hinia So if you must lie, dontt sit in that chair. Staggers Oh, fiddl'--.3tickoI Jack You rrB.y have powRrful reasons for concealing 3?-our identity, hut, hewarel Stagg^r:^ Why, Toy nan is Staggers. (Gong effect '■•nd crashouts ide. Staggers jumpy up and exPTnine-i chair) Jack Aha I Staggers I've hau enough of t.'-^is, Cora.-.-, iriogene, let's get out. Imogen e Go if you' like, I mean to stay. I vv nt to see Alonzo, He expects me« Jack That's Viiiat they^all say, Imogen e All? Jack " • Yes, all the young ladies vrho visit Mr, Jenkins - his models, admirers, etc. Imogene And has he many? Jack Hundreds . Alonzo (Off stage) Say, cut that out. Jack- He io certainlj' a kill^-^r, I could t-^'ll you a lot about (Gong and crash as before) but he has probkbl;- come back to earth by this, I T.dll tell hin you are here, (^ijxita R) Staggers '^'/^•■. Y.'hat sort of a place is this anjdaow? L--t'- o t^.ck'' -■^. the hotel. '^<^l^^^ Imogsne . ^X ^ '. /, ?/e are here to see the statue and we'll s--e it. ReTriemb^r.^§M.i agreement. ^ Staggers ■ I am sure the fellow's a f akf- . There isn't any statue and that friend of his is either a lunatic or a confidence man. Imogene H- is a prince. Didn't you hear him say co? Staggers I .on't believe all I hear -nd 3-ou rauotn't either, Imogene I con-'t, the.t is the reason; I got our agreement in black and H-hite, Staggers It i&ntt '. orth the paper it's written on, I \on't consent to you marrying anj'-one but md, I'm the only man that I as your guardian can conscientious!:" r.pprove of. If you marry a^nyhoCy else, bang go e.s your prop-:rtv" to the sup'^-rannuated f rty-nin-?. rs , Imogene lilTaer- ',:n.ll 3'ou be then? y^^r guardianship \7ill end anc" you'll have to look for another meal ticket* Stargers Stubborn girl I Alonzo (Ent-rs drvss'^d in blouse) Imogene J Hy fair Imogene] 9-E Imogen e ' Alonzoi Ky mve Alonzoi (Euo, Th^y ^nbra.ce) iraogene Ah}f dearest, are vou laack on earth agai •? Alonzo Karth? Vhsn j hold 3-ou in ray anus j feel i am in H^iaven, imog-ne Oh, Alonzo, Alonzo Oh, jnogenel Staggers Oh pioklesi (Falls in ana chair) A4-onzo (Turns) Ah, th^ olcl man look8 sick. Staggers X'Jho's iick? 1*11 make 3'-ou sick in a rainut"^ ivhen j expose you, you fraud! Sick? i nf^ver felt >.etter in my lif?:. (Gong and prolonged crash) Stagf^ers (Jump- up) Baim this chair i (jack enters R. iiath bottle) jnogene Dear Alonzo, is the statv.e read;-? Alonzo I think -o, honey tug* (To jack) jstlie statue "dr^^ssec'?" (Viftias pers) Jack (T^^ispers) f courss, that was th^ underrtanc ing , vasn't it? It vasnit to'^h^ undress ?d, v/as it? (Alonzo and jack pantomim-": togeth'-r as if inquiring' \iTethftr C^Tithia i^on platform y?t, Li^ts go gradually do"'n, jfck standc "by curtaini> to v.ork same) Alonzo inogene-, darling;! Hot/ ;-ou shall "behold it^r ra,st''-rpxece . (T''uoic. America. Tlie curtains sloT;l3r part, .ho^ Cynthia made up as "Liberty'- -.nli^tening th- \''orld," The Stag-^^ is 5/4 '5 dark. Spot from side on figure. Pause) Iraogene HOW '"beautiful I Alonzo, 3'"ou are r, g"-nius , LookJ Fr, Staggers, look] (Staggers, puts on glasses) Staggers • \7hatl Oh, Tdaat a monstrosit^rj Do 3'-ou call that a otatue? Itrs a freak, t has no more shape than a cigar store Indian. I am surprised at' y -ur eff r^nter^?-, air, in inviting ut to- gaze on such r.n object. Look at that fonn - look at that face, you'll hav-. to chisel off th ? nose to- make it human. It is evident that raar'ble woman has no legs, Tak^' it away - "break it up - burj'- itl ^ Imogen f- Do you knov- what j'-ou ar? ta,lking about? Staggers of c'our.--e i know. There v/as nev^r aiij-lhing human looker like that^ I'll swear it as sure as v^ naia^ is Sta.jers, CjTith ia (In hollovj tones) your name is not Staggers, Staggers ih., Tshat? Cjsnthia I know yo\x, "Bill Pittz" though you're lost 3-our "vhiskers. Stages rs v/ha. 1 1 Th -; thing ' c- a live , Jack "t/hat's alive? Staggers That thing, Dirn't 3rou h'^ar it p'^ak? 10«E jack speak? C rtainly not, Alonzo How- can a leglsss, marble raonstrositj'- speak? you are cra.zy sir, Imogene I've knovm h-^^'s crazy for son? time, Stagg--rs I tell jrou I heard it, I heard it. Jack It was the voice of jsonsci'^nce you heard on accoiint of your vicked falsehoods. y<^u. venerable liar I Alonzo You antique Annan ias. Iraogene YOU superannuate. falaefierJ Staggers I'll find out about this. (Going towards Cynthia) Jack What are you going to do? Staggers I'm going to touch that statue and find out if it ' s a live one. Jack I do all the touching in this establishment, (Int -rcepts- hiri. They struggle. Staggers breaks aw?.y f j-om him) W- H then I Keat your fatej (Staggers rushes up t o Cjmthia iho knocks Mm doxm with torch) (E - falls Icno-k^d out at foot of ped?---:tal. Gong anc. cra-h kept up for Curtain) CUR T_A_I II II II II II II II II oooOOOOOOOooo- 1-W • Act Second. Sarae set, ton jninutes later. At Rise:-- Staggers is discov-^recl on couch R, Jack "bencing over him,. Alonzo ajid inag^ne ov=^r L, togethT, r:3'T^'th.ia rtill laade up as statu" do^-'n C, r«^mi-john r.nci sevsra,! bottlcc.. on table, Stagc^^i^s crat aac ves t on chair) Alonzo re 13 ho n out no'v- a qimrt'^^r of an hour. Jack (Goes ov-":r, tak--s >/■ tch out of staggers' vest) ^-rot quite, only a few minutes , (Puts uatch in his ovn pock^^^^t) InOgene "Diat was an aviful blow. Suppos-' she had killed hi •? Alonzo I dcai,t vish gjTithia anjr haixi, but for our ^akes, I T.'ish she had, iviogsneS Love Dove I Iraogene jTy r'ng-'-l Alonzo i (Eus , Thej^- embrace) Cynthia There ain't an3'- olc'. "Dodo" going to raaka reriarks about rnj* shap? \/ithout him getting his, Jacik Hero coming to, Quick ^ynthia, to j'-our perch. Ronro and julief, hide yourself, Ve v;ill now proceed x-ith the :;,econd degree, (Cynathia goe; up, exito rci::: into receas closing cur- tains, Alonzo and inoi-;ene exeunt R) Staggr^rs (Groans) Oh' Oh' (Ri^e-.. , c,its on couch. Rub& hie head) Jack Thank Eeavn, sir, 3?-ou ' re still- alive, I feared those last fits v^ould hav^ carried you off-, Stagg^^ra (Suspiciously) Last \.hat? Jack "Jits" - f-i- double t-z - "fits," Staggers ^ XS that the vaj^ you bpll "fits?" ^f^V Jack 6 /%r^ Certainly, hov; do you spell it? ''^^^\>^^7* Staggers < ^y' /©r^ Th; , vhat kind of fits? ^<^& ^ Jack your kind, (Pick up d-^-nijohn) Stagg'^'rs ■"..hat are you giving rie? (Indignantly'- rising) Jack I'm going to giv^ you 3'-^ur medicine, Th- c-octor said you must have it e-^erytln^ ycu come to and seem normal. Staggers Miati Has there been a doctor here? Jack Yea , a half dozen tiries in -Qi e last ti^-ntj- four hours. Staggers V/hat , have I been h:-re ti/ nty four hours? Jack Sure. Jack Sure Staggers Impossible, hat's the date? Jack April the first. Staggers That's to-morrov7. 2-.E Jack Before to-morrow I'll cojvince you it's to-daj--, Stagg?rs What cii d the doctor say? Jack rs baid jrou Wf-rs suff ?ring f ron acute idopathic nania, -u-oer- in<..uc-d hy traunatic insanity, re sa,id vqu v;erp afflicted' v/ith headache. , Staggers (Peeling) H<=adaGh^? That's so. Jack Irascibility of terap-^r, confusion of thou^t': , failing- memory inaptitucs for business, a constant feeling of fatigue, * In short, his prognosis is unfavorable. Staggers Say, TTdiat sort of a doctor is she? Jack A v^rjr cheerful sort of a chap, h© took a great int-rest in your ward, ?ass §mogene and has a great sense of humor. There was a capital battle of wits betvv^^en them as you lay there frothing at the mouth , Staggers frothing at the mouth? Jack Yes anc. 5'-ou barked like a . og. Staggers Humph.' Did I bite anyone? Jack Ho, I reraov d your upp-r anc. lo-,er plates. I feared you- rd^t oTTOllov; th':ra. When I saxi/ you coming to, I replaced themo Staggers That's real kind, of you. Suppose I should break out again and swalloi ■ them? Jack The doftor vnC. j talked over that and v/e agreed if you choked to death he would be rid of a great deal of trouble. If they reach-d ;rour fta^iadh, it -..ould. give th?- doctor a chance to perform a skillful and ^■ntertaining op -ration. Staggers indeed, but feuppose i should ti-^^ ■':o bite j-ou nov/. Jack I should knock your block off vlth that indian club there. Staggers • Say, I'm going awa;^ from here, V/h ere are m;' cloth- s? Jack There's your coat and vest, but xkct the doctor- said 3'ou mustn't leave until h^ r^^turns v/ith some other c.octors. Stag/- ers More doctors? Say, what do Ihey v/ant to do? HOld a clinic? Jack Something like that. A postmortem - or some other little old thing. Staggers This doctor is a humorist. • Ja ck Well, I should sa3'-, T/fti-n 3^ou were in your paroxysm, he asked your narip and iraogene giggled, i-e says his nana is " taggers." And the doctor answered bristly the- old itiff ought to be called "ITittz." Th^n -jq all giggled. Staggers That's v/hat the statue called me. Jack Are you going to begin again ■&!? idea of a- statue talking? THhat you heard v/as the voice of conscience. 3-E Staggers Sir, I have no conscience. Jack' That's viia.t jnogsne said. Staggers ■ The little cat] I'll fix her. (Putting on coat and v = rt. Feels in poclcvts) Look h'^re, have you "been h -re all the tirae? Jack Yes, except no- and then wh«n i had to run dovjn staira after medicine for you and refreshment for raj'-self . Staggers (Picks upderai-john, smells it) I suppose you got thi; medicine for me and refreshment for your-elf in the same place? Jack Yes, v4ienev-r I felt run do^^-n , I ran dov-n. Staggers Well, I find my money is all "run doA/n" to nothing. Ja ck yes, that went when I v/ent. Staggers .todwherets ray iimtch? / Jack That 1 3 run doim. too^ I am giving it the rest cure at ray mother's "brotherts place around the corner. Staggers So oir, jrou are a thief. Jack ' Tjo sir, I am a financier, dining on lobster, • Staggers ' I will SKi^ose you. I "11' ^-xpose this house, j v/ill ha-^e you in jail ,^ou anci y^ur cc i. federate, that fake Alonzo^ Jack ^/Ihat, the man \/ho saved j'-our life? Sta-gg' rs I con.t^thank hira a "bit. S-'e .hat he has brought me to. If he hadn't Te en a scoundr^-l , he would have saved my life and tak-n tile tv;o dollar bill j offeree: him, hav- thanked me and gone about his business, but no, he xiould butt in ^o my affairs and thviart me in rajr designs of marrying an heiress ju-t be- cause ghe.s stuck on hi^. Th-ere's iriogene? j suppose you'll tell me she,s "run do^n" too, ' jack She has,- She and her Alonzo and the doctor all "runned dox-n" together. They have gone to th- court. Alonzo, tie Erave, and the fair jmogene are to be v/edded and then as a celebration the doctor and his accomplices whom vje expect axiy minute will declare you a hopel^iss lunatic and 3^ou mil be sent to an asylum. Staggers- Ulfhat? I 'a not a lunatic. That's what thejr all say. But v-hat does it matter? you vail be in time « Stagg-rs Say look here, iTiu're not/a bat sort of fellow, I knov/ you v/ill do anything" for money yo^'^i perjure your-elf , you'd sell your very soul. How j may b-. dott;-, but i hac some money planted that you nev^;r got on to. Ja ck Strangel I c on « t s^^ hov/ it escape, rauh' Staggers I carry it for em rg ncies. 4-2 Jack Vjhere do you carrj^ it? Staggers in ray sock. Jack / I never thou^t of searching a gentleman there, TjO\/, I'll give 3'-ou Ihis monf^y — Jacdc Thatts very c one i derate, jt saved me th? mortifi cation of taking it, Stagf_:ers on condition that you errp'ose av.ful plot against ne. Tell how you. sav; me abused, hov ycu robbed me. Jack Sure. (Takes roll away from Staggers) Stagc^rs Siyear as to the oetails' of this miserable C0:i3 'iracy, sv/°ar that I am not a Ixmatic^ Jack Sure, Have ycu got any more mon^y in th - other sock? Stagg-^^rs • , Sw'iar and we i-lll have the "boob" Alonzo in a dungeon. Jack Sure, Staggers The d-->ceitful iraogene in a prison c^ll. Jack Sure: Staggers And you in cons i c^^ rati on of turning States' pvidmce 111 m mitigation get a light s'ntence on th^ islroid. Jack Sure, Staggers - Then xjb understand one anoth-r, y<^^ -ill s\ ear i am not insane. Jack Surel on- lunatic ought to do v^at he can for &ndth r. The only thing, how in blazes ar-^- vre ^oing to get ou^$ of^ Mj^^.o Staggero '^^C^^f^^T* \7hat»s that? VJhat is this place? *^' ^s5' /©/ 'Jack ^fisf A private mad house, Wait a minute, I'm .- omg to -et -ou something to play with, Stagg-r;; To play 'with? Jack Y's, a f'^ath.-:r an d a little molas es . you see, you dip j'-our fingers in the molasses, then you grab th;. feath r betv.'een the thumb and finger so, (Illustrates) then -..ith th - oth-r thumb and finger, you pull it off , so , and then you pull it back again 6jid i find it vary .oothing u.hen I suffer f rcyi weak nerves'. Staggers Prom what I've seen of you your nerve is th=- strongest part of you. And you claim to be a lunatic? / Ja ck Sure, Sane as you^ Y/hen i cone "back, I'll fight you for T,he lunatic title ^ Staggers IJo, no. Jack Yes, I '11' match 715^ "fits" against yours. Thii is ny ca.y to have them. 5~E StagG^rs No, no. Tell me - hov/ did you cons to "be insane? Jack it \7as v/iahed on me. Stagfi-ers nishd on you? (Asi e) I'll humor hira^ (Aloud.) -riched on jrou? ?y v/hom? Jack ■^y the marble la^y there - Cjmthia. Staggers f-ynthia? (Starts) • Jack ^ Tont-t ■b^gfri^t ".n-^dl She \'on'^t v/i&h it on :,'-ou^ There, 3 no need,, "^o "-fere bom foolish''^ Eut I t,,111 keep y?\xr -guiltj-- se- cret - the secret of your birth, --uah; KuehJ Hushi' (Mys- teriously) I V ill pluck you a f ather from th •■. canary's tail. (Exits L) Staggers (Attempts to folio , door is slarariea in hi^face an( locked)' oh j^ordi (Falls back) ^f I am not iTiad eoon, I will be yet. To think of the tre6,cher of Inogene and to thinik I planned to make her myr mfe, i promised to roarry h ^-r. If the "r^up'-r- annuated fortj'-niners" ev-r hear of this, th^y mil .- loat on ghioulish glee, if i could only "skid" out of here, I'd be "skud" in a moment, (Looks out of -./indow) fifteen fer-t dov-nj if I juiape d, I'd ";:r?.ak ny n- ck anc cajrage riy dignitj--, ilo use.' ITo use] And C3'"nthia.' ^.hat cid he mean by calling that marble monstrosity "cj-nthia." And I'm sure l h'eard it speak and call me "Fittz." Itmentioned ray alfalfas too. ^h, this is a hor ible dreanl I'll take another look at it, (Unpins cur- tains . cautiously, peeping) (Voices outt-ice ib chorus) Rubber! Rubber J ) (Starts') Those muit be the other lunatics, oh Lord, but I am n'-rvous, i beiie--^ if heid return vAth that f eath -r an. molasees I'd. tr^'- it. (Pull .-curtains- apart, disclo.-es cynthia as bef o. e , but vrith her back tumecl. Rear view) H'ellol Th'^iy'-^e turn«Q her around.' And they call that a statue, ITell , nobo«'3'- can tell me that her f'^^et are not both lefts, I don't like her t!urv--s any mo r"- from this vi-v/ point behind, than I >'id Vefore, I'll get my glasses- (Turns, f^els in pocket) v.h ere are theyo (Goes' over to chair by couch) Oh yet, ■&! 'y fell out of my pocket. (PicJ:/: up spectacles from chair, V/hile lie is turned, C^mthia assumes oth-rr po&ition, extends hand with torch, looks dov.n L.C) - Staggers (Turns, starts) ITo •! Holy mackerel; I've got them again. (Shouts off F) Say, hurry up .ith that f'^ath--rj (Gasps) Y.'ell, v;ellj This stone - onan can change any portion of her anatomy except h^r face, Y/hy don»t she chp.nge that? (Cynthia sticks h^r tongue out at him. Staggers groans, backs away) Cynthia Millie.' miliei Did you get that? Staggers Qh je s - -"Williel V.'illie]" I've got then - the "Willies" all right. C3Tithia Look at ne, Hav-^: you swr seen me before ? of viiom do I remind j'-ou? Humpy Turaptyl Vyhat - sla-.-e? Staggers Cynthia Staggers you 6Ug£e-:t the clow i in the singling shOw only you. haven't pants. Cynthia ' / piive me your handj yo^'" hand, I say' (Co anandingly, • k*^ timidly offers right hanci^ She takes it vdth her left. He leads hsr on tip to-' down stage) Cynthia ' (Drops his hand) TThy. j^ou » re as cold as ice. Staggers ,,ou»Be not so vmrro yourself, (Shivers) 3r-r-ri Cynthia -' How- could I h:^ , p-^tri/'ied as j have been. Staggers Petrified] petrified] Cynthia Yes, at tines] Staggers Oh, you're a "stiff", ^h? Cynthia Sehold in me th e famous catal-ptic of the ages. Staggers Cat? ^Ihat kind of a cat? • Cynthia Cataleptic, I said, I go into trances that last sometimes for years. Staggers' j'or years? That is sometime , Don,t you fe.-l drowsy nov/? Cynthia No, I just woke up. Staggers I TJiih I could, Cynthia It v/as you tho av;ak:ened me. Staggers I'm sorrj--., go to sleep and i ^mi t do it again, Cynthia YOU can't help it, y°^ ^^- ^ soul mate of th e ages. Staggers Soul mate of the ages-? See here, I'm not as olr as that. CjTithia YOU are] You are] (Embraces him) Staggers Have it your om v©.y, Cynthia Oh, deceitful V-'illir, Pal .^ , perjured fluting i^illie.' Do you deny that j'-ou are ^/hat you are? Don»t my caresses bring back -the memories of j'ears now past? S targe rr That hugging busins.05 does ^e^n familiar an(': .-u ro ii ^or^tty v/ell for an "old stiff:". .~ CjTithia V,hat!S that? Stagg--rs I m-^^-.n an old cat. Say, \.hat sort of a cat die-, j'-ou pay vou vere? Oh yee, a cat cy a peptic, an ag^d dyspeptic cat, '^h yes]^ I go- ch=: r nof, I gotch--r, Cynthia Yes, Willie aadi 've got you anc v^e'll part jiomore. We'll remain here together. Staggers ■>/Zhat , here in t?ii= riac—hou-.— ? CjTithia Ivlad-house? V/illie, j^-ou're cra,zy. Staggers Y?&, I knoT.v I am, that's -.iiy I'm here. yo\: wa.- it Ihey cau^t you too? 7-^ Cynthia I vas oug up. Staggers Scoundrels! Vhy clic'ii,t th^y 1st you rest in peace? C^Tithia \7hen you mn avsay from me and went to California, I turned to ston^ and vas carried around the count r^^ anc- exhiJjited as the petrifi-sd voman, like the Cardiff giant, I i,a,s cal^ftd thr- t"u ca- tine V^nua, V= ceased to b^ attractions and -. er- shelved. Staggers I sea, 3rou v;ere barred on the "big tirae, Cvnthia jiry manag-r --vho by th- v;ay is my younger brother, j ck Trip, had me put in the family vault and onlj^ took ne t-.-nc-', yester- day to impersonate tlie -tatue that struck you so hard. Staggers Y;rs, you nearly knocked -ny "coco" off. I f:el it still. CjTithia Your presc-nce vanned me into lif - anc. i -ra again a living breathing \jomsn, ycur Cjmthia. Staggers Say, YJtiat s.ort of Z3ull is this you'r- handing ne? Cjmthia Bull? Sull? (In rising tejTip r) i:-ntt your nara-^ ^•■illiara 5'i ttz? - Staggers It was Eittz - j-es, ,.yOB it's Stagger dhng^d b}^ the California legislature, Cynthia Wasn't your v/ife's name Cj^Tithia Trip? lien it ■'-;^u bas-ily desert her? Staggftr^ I ran av/r.y when she tri =>d. to knock out my brains "tdth a rolling pin, yes., Cynthia I am that voman, i am your deserted bride, Staggere Pooh J She's dead and buried, Cjmthia Pooh yourself, '^he liv-s and has been rp'turr"'cted. (Chases him around stag^) ]?ool,. x'-ou^.d you v/ar against the infinite? ¥ould you defjr th = omnipotent powers that can annihiliate juid destroy - th\t rai£=ra'-le bodj^' of thine p^ml r-ruce it to nothing- necS? 0^^ rouls are immortal. They have met before, in ages past, sev-' ral tines. Staggers I have no recollection of it, C^rnthia you were once Captain Hid, the Pirate, You vi^iit-^d " oston v^er? I was a raemb r of one of our best families Staggers Thej^'re all b°st families in Boston, C^Tithia You lured ne from ny happy home and i became your f o-.. rteenth bride. Your thirt^^nth marriac? b^ing an unfortunate one. Stag- • -,. Thirteen is a hooaoo. Cynthia I helped you' swell your pirate' store and vaded myself knee desp through gore. You Vi'--re then \'illiam Hid. D ny it if ;^ou da re ,' Staggers Look here, voman , I'll ackioTJ-ledge that I va3 ■■. illiam Tittz and I married cyntiila. Trip, but c-on't ycu tr;- to cha,rge ne 8-E with anv "Kid" "busin^^s, 'cause it dontt g'd. Stop your ki'ding/ Cynthia You acknowledge th?--n helngojiy hucbano. vjho ran avsay? Staggers Ye?., yea , for th^ love of T^ike, yes, Cynthia (Shouts loudly) PolireJ Police.' Police] (Alona and Imo- g^ne ent-r R. Jack raade up a? copper vith fat stomach) OTnnps "What's the natter? Ihat's the matter? Sjrnthia Arrest that nan, r^y hu^^bajid, v.ho "basely deserted ne seven years ago« Jack "What* Oh, you Vj-retchJ Seven years desertion. Say Eo , i'-ou'll get the limit. Alonzo Th'^ poor -vvcnan is speaking the- truth, Ve heard hira confess, didnit we, Irnogene? Iraogftne We did. Oh, isn't it -,\rful? Jack ' Seven 3'- eaars , -h? You ought to have your neck broke J (xo Cyn- thia) '/i/ere there any children? Cynthia Twoi (Sobbing) Soohol Boohool Jack (Shakes c-,tar;g&rs) You old ratj L'-a.ving j^our \.ife along for seven years and her having to rai ae t".,'o childr^^in? B.ovj old are they? Irnogene On^ is four enc. th-r^ other tosa only to and they ar^- darlings. Staggers ' And I've Te en away ^^even ypar?. Hoop laj (Calls) ¥ai>ter, bring feathers anr molasses around. Give ras a^ihol-^ caa arj' bi nil and - cocaine coc-':tail. Kv^rj^bodj- i? "niitty," We're all "bugg:'." Hoop laj Hoop la J Hoop la J ('Bun>s. around stage) (Jur;ping on oofa, grab chair, uses it as hobhj' V^^^S'^) C-=!t- ap.' Get ap,' I ch:",ll"-^nge 3'ou all for th ■ big house ch?"Tpi-oa\rhip.' (Breaks from C^Tithia who grabc hira, gets to ^;indoH, dive& out head first, Cynthia clutches at the botto'is of l-is trousers, th-'y com'^ off in her hands. As he goes out of -ight, glas^ crash out.-iv -) Csmthia (flourishing trousers) "Rhat am I to do -v.ith these? Jack Put them on, Cjnithia , they belong to you. C_ U R T ^ !_ 1£ II II II II II II II oooOOOOOOOoro • ' 1-E Act Third. 3'ive minutes lat^r. Ss-ras s*^t. At Rise: — Citithia is discovered C. made up as in beginning of play - apparently stirring up Tiiitft wash in bucket . Standing on hox over R. is Staggers in \7hit0 Roinan shirt, vihite ti^ts, etc. Alonzo has large hite wa&h brush \hich he ajplios vigorouslj/- to Stagf:er: legs. jmogene is waiting with large pov/der rag covered m th poT;/dsred chaik c^ot.n R) Imogens Aren't you nearlj- through? I v/ant to get at him. Alonzo It is the best j can do. I rai^t apply this xli i tet-v/ash an iach thi-ck - the yellow in hira atill shov/- through, ^'jell , , get do\vnJ (Staggers itancfi apparently -dazed. Alonzo pokes him in stomach with brush) Get doTTn, I &: yj Stagger"^ U^J (Winchi g and doubling up) "Wiy don't you nurder me at once, you b\ira sculptor? (Gets dovtn from box) Alonzo There's gratitude for you and I am probably saving your life. You ought to ■':e glad to be ishitewashed? Iraog'=;ne (Plumps Staggers into chair, covers his face with chalk) Yes, W c^arling Alonzo, he ought to be glad. Stagg'=irs Oh, I've been -Kbit? wash-d before \jh.en- I was an alderman in Frisco. That v/as t; save rav- office, I suppose j can stand it to save my life, ( Imogen -^ cabs po\/der in his eye) Stagfjers Oudil B&n'd do that J Imofjene He is av;fully yellow, isn't he? T/ell, with e-nou^ whit^. powder on his natviralcolor, he'll seem like old Ivor;'-, Cynthia Ye-, --spf^cially frcmhis eye'^ upward - "solid ivory."- Let us hope Armaud val5°Bcne tintil vie^ ve finished mth him. He ■".all think he's a statue and pa^'s hin by, Stat gers ^^fi>\. Who in blazes is A.rmand? & *^/rs Cynitia "^l^iP^r My friftnd, Ai-raand S± Duval, '^<^J' '^Sfe^ Staggers "^^S ^ Oh, he's the "gink" is he? ** CjTithia He is the gentleman Tsho ha,s vcv^.d to eat you aliv=« .^^e is knov^n on the big time 5,5 "Posco," H^ is at pr^^^Sent our next coo neighbor and he is passionatelj'- in love with me, you did B.n a -f ul thing, V/illie . xAien you jumped out that \;indOi/, bf- refit of your loTT/er garments. You have ruined my reputation forever - not onl;r vdth Armand , but th- hol=' n'^i^borhood saw :'qu, (Alonzo shakes his heaf, exitsL.) Staggers Did 3''ou tell Aniiand? ' I was your long absent husband? Cynthia I did and he ground his teeth and said - "He-, deserved all that's ccriing 1 hi ? Hov dare he sta;^ a-'a;'' so long? How doubly dare he coma back? Staggers I agree vdth riim, Cjntithia He eats a live snake ev^-rj- shot/. He swea-rs he \ixll eat you as an appetizer. Staggers Say, coul<;int v/- pacify thic cannibal? 2-2 Cynthia. Nothing but the sight of you weltering in your gore vri.ll still his road jealous3''. I wept at his feet, I implored him. He . called me hie "little fluttering "bird" and said, "Uever mind, Cynthia, you may be this monster's wife. You. soon shall be his widow . " Ah, Armand, has a has a most poetical nature. Staggers He must have. But say, can't this littile troubl^^ be fixed up? I*m perfectly v/illing to surrenci&r you to the gentleman. Cynthia (In temper)' \ii&iat? Aft°r me going t-o all this trouble to. save 3'-ou? Hence! Hence to your pedestal,' (Points to curtains) Remember ;^ou are Julius Caesar, nov;, in lifeless stone. Staggers I feel more like Dennis Mudd in the stock jrards, Alonzo (Ent=;rs hurriedly) Quick PittzJ Quick if you v/ould save your miserable' life. Armand I>uval is coming upstairs with a knife that long, (Indicating long butcher's laiife) j^e is thirst- ing for your blood „ Staggers (Shakes with fear) Oh LordJ Alonzo (Shakes Staggers' hand) _Good-bye, oldmani In case I dcn't see you again alive - good lucki Imogen e &ood~bye, G-ua-^rdy dear, as you're about to die, i don't mind forgiving 3-ou, Alonzo and I ^rill cherish 3'-otir nemory, although it is a great relief to us to get rid of 3'-ou« Cynthia Farewell, Willie^ If Arrrnand discovers our plan and your mortal clay should l^ve this sphere mundane, you can at least revisit us as a spirit* At any rate, i will call 3-ou upo Staggers CaH me up? "Where in Hell do you think I'm going? you'd better ca U me up - any of you, if I come back, I'll bring' my coffin lid with me and wear it out on the whole gang of 3''ou^ Jack • • . . (Off stage) Eat 'em alive] ^:at 'em alive ^ %. 'Alonzo "^^Jc t^^' 7a Quick to your place. Don't move « don't breathej ¥a3s^>'Mjf^y^ think jrou'^e a work of art, (Hurries staggers to platfonfi'C^ Comedy bus, of placing him in position^ Knter Jack made up ' ferocious moustache and whiskers , 'slouched hat and cloak. He carries long knife. As he Winters, the women scream) Jack "Where is he? "Where is tip-- scorpion? "i/^io has hissed sweet nothings into Cynthia'' s ear