.\\ £ c» NC *^ x 0o x V, V ■*- 1 , ■\V #> X S .- ■ - V .A "^ «V A^' ^- fe: \\ X v. .^ c» aX o o *> -u ><> ; <*> W ,A> * <" A > « ^ ^ DRAUGHTS OF THE Proprietary Manors IN THE Province of Pennsylvania, AS PRESERVED IN THE LAND DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMONWEALTH. EDITED BY William Henry Egle, m. D. HARRISBURG, PA. : CLARENCE M. BUSCH, STATE PRINTER. 1895- PREFATORY NOTE. [It -will be seen by reference to the following list of Proprietary Manors, that many are wanting. It has been deemed proper, however in elucidation of the text and the volumes devoted to the "Minutes of the Board of Property," to preserve copies of such as nave been found in a special volume of the present series of Pennsylvania Archives as a separate and distinct volume. The burning of the State printing office, which destroyed volume three, will only delay the publication of that volume a brief time. It is to be regretted that this record of the Manors of the Province of Pennsylvania cannot be made complete, but for the presen t it is wise to thus preserve what may now be secured. In this connection, it has been seen fit to reproduce Reed's Plan or Map, of Philadelphia, the copy in the Land Department, owing to frequent reference, being in almost illegible condition, Further search may bring to light other Draughts which, in time, may thus be preserved for futurity.] The Proprietary Manors. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 271, Amorland of Bilton, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, . Antolhough or Andolbea, Beaver Harbor, Bedford, . . . Bilton Caliowhlll, . . Chawton, . . . Cherry Hill. . Chest Conestoga, . . Cow-Pasture, Crooked Dale, Damascus, . . Denmark, . . . Dundee, . . . Elk Forest, . . Fagg Fell Fox Harbor, Fermor, . . Freame, . . Freame, . . Gilberts, . . Hempfleld, . Highland, . Highlands, . To Whom Granted Wm. and Margaret Lowther. Proprietaries, Richard Penn, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, John Penn, . . Thos. Callowhil John Page, . . Proprietaries, Proprietaries, William Penn, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Letitia Aubrey. Gulielma Maria Fell. Proprietaries. Proprietaries, Thomas Freame ^homas Freame Proprietaries, Proprietaries, Proprietaries. Proprietaries, Date Indian Lauding, ! Proprietaries, 1768 1741 1763 1762 1701 2,850 2,770 5,000 665 2,810 9,840 1702 [ 5.000 1735 1703 1760 1717 1763 1769 1773 1769 1773 .1763 1737 1727 1763 1736 1733 1741 1783 1720 1155 1762 ( 1702 ( 1,500 1,202 1,123 16,000 3,603 1,026 4.390 4,861 10,000 11,526 39, 250 10,000 1,694 2,500 10,000 4,095 2.S16 7,750 12,473 I 763 Chester County. Northumberland, Lancaster (See Little Swatara.) Northumberland. Bedford. I Chester. Chester. Northampton. Westmoreland. Bedford. Lancaster. Berks. Northumberland. Northampton. Westmoreland. Northumberland. Northampton. Chester. Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Bucks. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Bucks. !■ Bedford. 1773 I 1,836 i Northumberland. BII/TON. ■Jfijv c/u/oj % huajfoy s9/jvui Worth East 396 Eerffles one half in right JJt! tflm. Sharlclt Lowlier Me Other half//? t/'y/il of ^Jfelwo Warrl. datec/ 3l:/0 m J/J3\ ARMORLAND MANOR OF BILTON. BEDFORD. /V/b^V^V S77/S//JM& G > U-r •*»« '"J '•' "* "•"«• °^ uceof ■ Wirrul D»red the 13th d*y of October 17*0 by T.JOHN LUKF.NS. r TMOMA, ,«,,,. Surveyor G*' -•» CONESTOGA, NO. i. n This tract of Land containing Sixteen thous; acres was Surveyed for the proper use and bt Penn Esq. Proprietary and Governor in Chie his heirs and assigns for-ever by Virtue of a dated the first day of the twelfth month February Dom. 1717 /saac 7aj/or /ci/cf ot/ffo Jotr/ Car/f/oge S~oo 9S fo Jr roads. &c. Surveyed the 6th day of October 1769 For the Honorable the Proprietaries tn pursuance ol a Wairrant dated the 17th day of March 1769. [OHN 1 UKENS, Esqr 1 Surveyr Genl. \ by CH *S STEWART DUNDEE. i6 River and o„ a large Stream if Water aL wtlo^C T"" ^^ ™* ° f ^ *** E ** B "" ch ° f Susquehanna besides the usual allowance of 6 p. Cent fo Roa^s & ca 1 „ ""'T"* "^ th ° USand five hundred and Twe «ty *"« days of October WJ . In p^^ £ ^ ^ ^ J^ ed J" the Honorable the Proprietaries On the 4 th, 5 th & 6th To JOHN LMKENS Esqr > tl>C 27th day ° f Se Pt<™ber 1773 for 10,000 Acres. SUrVeyr Gen1 ' ' by CHAS. STEWART, Dy. S TRACT OR MANOR OF DUNDEE. FELL. 19 5**// jytfrt'/f u<>^& Guttim* Atana Fell MOO Acres Gulielma Maria Fell's Land Situate on Tulpehoceon Creek in the County of LP a8ter - Bc « in8 at a Black ° ak being a Corner of John Page's land thence South by the Same 370 pchea to a White Oak [ ' neuce by the P Pa * e ' 8 la " d EaHt ' >y South 256 pches to a Hickory. East 470 pches to a White Oak, Thence by Vacant 1 * 1 Nortb 65 d Ea8t 32 ° pChe " t0 * Hickory. East by North 214 pches to a White Oak. North 70 .1. East 340 pches \ Snla " WhitC 0ak ' Ba8t by S ° Uth ^° pches to a White Oak. South 55 d. East 235 pches to a post, thence by the P. j | in atf e ' s Land N " r,h H1 '' Ha8t 1058 p8 t0 post. Thence South 80 d. West along the Barren 2224 pches to a Hickory. theJ S """' We8< 321 pChM l ° thC ^^ °* Beginning. Containing Ten thousand acres. FREAME. 23 'Uff/flOJ SV2U0?/ £$£ /fi&UMtdiah t&t 3 ecre/orifc office /fa f „/ Chier //S2Ar /fff U i e if Sa.CC J ju jji m 1/ . /UVJVJ THE MANOR OF FREAME. GILBERTS. 24 u(*reJra.c+eR ' >1 HIGHLAND. HIGHLANDS. Sr ft » * £ > Co MANOR OF HIGHLANDS HIGHLANDS. 27^ <=3 Tusszys Mountain Commonly Called Tiie Cove Mountain tUt* £660PS. The Honourable The Proprietaries. and Allowance of S/a Pr. Cent For tfoads. cork ecl~ ?6 3 acres mallear* Vie Warr?or$ Ridqe k & • ft A Draught of a tract of land situate in the Warrior's Valley on the North west side of the Warnor s R.dge and on the south east side of Tusseys Maintain in Cumberland County containing seven hundred and sixty-three acres and the usual allowance of six pr cent for Roads, Surveyed for the Honourable the Proprietaries August the 23rd 1762. In pursuance of the Honourable the Proprietaries Warrant bearing date the thirteenth day of October one thousand seven hund. and sixty. To JOHN LUKEN'S, 1 by JOHN ARMSTROG, D. S. Surveyor General. ) of this tract the high lands are good but not much Meadow ground. THK MANOR OF HIGHLANDS THE INDIAN LANDING. 28 A Ora.ht of -act or L a»d c f e^XKe ^^^ £ £ ^^^^1^^ ^^X^ N ^Ktrt^ I- g P — ce o.aSpecia, Order Septet 1773, and their Warrant Dated the 27th of Septr. 1773 <"<" '°.°°° ac - fay CHAg STEWART , Dy. Surv. To JOHN LUKENS. Esqr., " Surveyr. Genl. THE INDIAN LANDING. THE INDIAN TRACT. 29 Lr 5pan/-ih Oak >»/ /fe/?ry TenM'xyer By Virtue of a Warrant dated the 31st day of December 1733. Survey'd the 24th day of June 1735 to the Honorable the Proprietaries the above described Tract of Land Situate on the Forks of Delaware in the County of Bucks containing six thousand five hundred Acres & allowance of 6 p. Cent. Taken from the Field Works of Nicolas Scull deceased. R JAMES SCULL. THE INDIAN TRACT MANOR. KITTANNING. 30 r *>M pw-jjoyf//'// Kittening, Surveyed fax the u*<- ■>( the Honble Proprietarieii >>n the J>th I>ny of March 1709 Containing Three thonaand Nine Hundred and smy Aires A the uanal allowance •■' Bii p CI on the Baal side .>f the Alleghanj Rivet ahout thirty-five Mile* above Port PW in Cumberland Connty ■ .nit ..( the -tr.i i>.iv ,.f j-'e-i .% 1780 To JOHN LUKBNS p JOSHUA BLDBBfl D - LECHAWAXSIN. 31 f>K* 7 d~±R M\tp ofStviies •d'ca" By Virtue of a Warrant bearing date the 25th Day of November 1748. Surveyed the 22d day of October 1751 for the use of the Honourable the Proprietaries the above described tract of Land Situate within the new purchase in the County of Bucks Containing Twelve Thousand one Hundred and fifty acres beside the usual allowance of Six p Cent for Roads &c. BDWD. SCULL. MANOR OF I.ECHAWAXS1N. urrmA AUBREY. in ^ x: 'jouvij wild J ww/iy >3 dWuhOak 8 •>o #////# /luOrey MWdcres anc/tieMo*anee of Six Acre* ffak Situate on Elk River in the County of Chester / / office'fhe/5* of August ™y ooh w no £ JKVJVf Hoc 606 PaJf"""f land 5§ LETITIA AUBREY'S MAM'k. LITTLE JUNIATA. 33 This Tract is m ae/ierat Good f^' m>n H ^o-nd \\ so £ u 5H -g oS E > St/) a» . ■Bfl 2 * ?X v w 3 > rt * Ji 4 £ '§ » E Jm ! ■£ a *5 a* ■- § ,S ,§ 1 S II jo B 1 1 1 1 5 A\ u a I 5 °i: = ^3 LITTLE JUNIATA MA! LOWTHKR, 34 A Draught of land known by the name of the Manor of Lowther Situate in the township of Pennsburough & Allen in County of Cumberland, containg Seven thousand five hundred & fifty one acres and the usual allowance of six p cent for roads and highways. Resurveyed for the use of the Honorable the Proprietaries in March one thousand even hundred & sixty -five, in pursuance of their Warrant of reeurvey, bearing date twenty-sixth day of December, in the year of our Lord, One thousand seven hundred & sixty-four. To JOHN LUKERS Esqr.J b JOHN ARMSTRONG, D. S. Surveyor General. <7AV> ? 8»D jr F> ~ 10 TO -=■ 3 10 c .o to o "a 7J jg 33 *c J i 8 3 5 a,' l 3 J J 3 s- - a > s - <■ "p b a g. t^Uss SC/+J&3 \ lb -7?t"? ~?f0n « ■9 ^ £ ^ ft & 1 S ^ ^ soufA / 8 I safysjac/ ZfipP K, //JVOJV «,| ?/W »*0 ¥ $/'V-?s1^qir/*§ q S! 1 ? | MIT MASK -■ ■■ . MACUNGY. 36 BO Sf Kt, MANOR OF MACUNCY. MUNCY. oono.wSgo.p^o.oS. ^os.| : a.St» D -s-g.|-o g-s s.> «< *_3crS- ft *3 V Co hv * ft h *\i >o ^ £ +£9 41 Z 9 ?g /ne //ofio/e rro^r/eiar/es /o^s acres /Ind Allowance . Po/?dof® Good Wafer. [ ><>35i < $ m ll s ^ k X, 1? "5 /Y/S £851 ' to Oak. Open Barrcrd without' Timber. The Draught of a Tract of Land situat, „, v the Indian Path lea d.ng ,. ' » Penn's Creek to old Frankstown Where the ivaters «em I rve ac Perches with the usual allowance ,0? Six Acre, p cent. Surw^ he 3| « g „ f , Of September Anno Dom: .766 For th-- Hon II- 1 ropr etanes 1 Warrant Bearing Pate at Philad'a the nth Da, of Dece ™ ber ^°^C L AY D MANOR c j 1 XOI T1NGHAM. 43 * L ,. , jX )X**1* \ V / •pup 7 pun MANOR * PA ^ANG. WIIXIAM PKNN'S. l/d/IASUQ i/f '40 606 * >R PINK GROVK. 4 6 J s tewan « °" P^^^nd in Surveyed In Pursuance of a Special Order the 2 2d & 23rd Day of September I773 For the Honorable The PropneUr.es And part of a Warrant for Ten Thousand Acres, dated the 27th of September A. D. ,,73- STEWART Dr. Surv. To JOHN LUKENS, EsQR. y TRACT OR MANOR OF PINE GROVE 4 6 PENN'S U)DGK. > f~r^°~* % 'oaecA tdar/un °-m«/(*.HusA A Draught of a Tract of Land Situate South West of Proctor's Improve- ment and on the Waters of S.wickley in the County of Cumberland contain- ing Five Thousand Five Hundred & Sixty-eight acrcf and the allowance of Six Acres p. Cent for Road, and Highways. Surveyed the Twenty-third day of April .770 for the Use of the Honorable the Proprietaries in pursuance of a Warrant bearing date the 22d day of February 1769. To JOHN LUKENS ESQ I WM . THOMPSON, Dy. Sr. Survr. General. f MANOR OF PENN'S LODGE. PERKASIE. 4 § Jl Jca/e of perches 240 Jn an. JxcA. The Proprietaries Manor of Perkasie as Surveyed by John Chapman Anno 1730 is contained in the figure A. B. C. D., within the prick'd lines as by Tho: Fairman ; is contained within the Red lines by the figure A. B. C. D. wch. contains 11,462 ac the greater part thereof has been since taken up in other Rights Viz: the figure D. F. C. D. wch. contains 6031 ac. wch. includes part of a Tract formerly called by the feigned name of Col. Mildmay's. MANOR OF PKRKASIE. PITTSBURGH. A Draught of a Tract of Land, situate on both sides of the Monanghehela River and 01 Alligeney River in the County of Cumberland, including Fort Pitt and the town of Pittsbur follows. Viz., Beginning at a marked Spanish oak standing on the South side of the Monangl 1 perches to a marked Hickory Thence West 150 perches to a marked White oak the ast side of the d described as th 800 N 35 W 144 perches to a marked White oak thence West 518 perches to a marked White oak thence North 758 perches to a post thence East 60 perches to a Post thence N 14 E 218 perches to a White Walnut at the mouth of the Sawmill Creek on the Ohio River up the Ohio River S 62 E 212 perches to a White Walnut opposite the point thence crossing the Monanghehila River and up the South East side of the Alligeny River N 71 E 377 perches N 49 E 212 N 39 E 74 and N 50 E 99 ps. to a Spanish Oak on the said River thence by Mr. Croghans claim S 60 E 249 perches to a marked Sugar tree and S. 85 E 192 perches to a marked Sugar tree thence by Vacant land S. 18 E 236 perches to a marked White Oak thence by Barrens S 40 W 150 perches to a marked White oak thence by Sam Sample's Improvement West 192 perches to a marked Hickory and S 65 W 74 perches to a marked Red oak on the North side of the Monanghehila River thence crossing said River S 78 W 308 perches to the place of Beginning Containing Fixe thousand seven hundred & sixty six acres and the allowance of six acres p. cent, for roads & highways. Surveyed the 27th day of March 1769 for the Honble Thomas Penn & Richard Penn Esqs. True and absolute Proprietaries of the Province ol Pennsylvania in pursu- ance of a Warrant bearing date the 5th dav of January 1769. To JOHN LUKENS, Esqr., ) WM. THOMPSON, Dy. Surv. Survr. Genl. > MANOR OF PITTSBURGH. PLEASANT GARDEN. ^OVsv^ k k to By Virtue of a Warrant dated the 31st day of May 1776 and surveyed from the 6th to the 12th of July 1776, to the Honor- able the Proprietaries, the above tract of land Situate on the Waters of the Lechawaxin Creek on the Head Waters of Big Middle Creek in Northampton County containing Eleven thousand five hundred and twenty-six acres three quarters and the allowance of six p cent. &ca. To JOHN LUKENS, ESQUIRE, ) p GEOl PALMER, D. S. Surveyor General. f MANOR OF PLEASANT GARDEN. POMFRET. 52 1 S HAM KIN HILL By Virtue of a Warrant dated the 29th D. [? of October 1768. Surveyed the 19th Day of December "68. To the use of the Honorable the Pro P-taries of the Province of Pennsylvania. The abov scribed tract of land situate at Shamokin on the River Susquehanna, containing Four Thousand Se ven hundred and sixty-six acres of land am \ allowance of -six p. cent COURSES & O/STA/iCETS OE THE RlVER Suspuefi/if/plfi FROM YE SUCARTRB£ / /• 7 W 20 Z /V 20 W 34- 3 /V 30 £ 64- 4 /V 7 £ bO 5 A /4 £ 10 6 /V 23 £ 2+0 7 ft 31 £ 60 8 /V 15 £ 200 9 /V 23£ 24- i0 A 4-<» £ 5 ^ II /V 70 <£ / sC/s>4-£- - j*r>J '.z * v*»yr 8.0 A liia,tt aj-lancl of tke honorJle H« Proprietaries tanUinmo /?§?/' f &* A,/ andAI/anameoJ-J'itiycfsrffMdi Cornet- MSA-VM/err. The ctioire is a very Cooct Tract, and in 6eneru,i ', ifriia,/ fr any Land in thela,h PanAese fine Hit/ A Draught of a Tract of Land Situate on the North Side of Franks Town Branch, a Branch of Juniata River and Between part of the Head Draughts of the Standing Stone Creek; and on some of the Draughts of Shavers Creek, in Cumberland County Containing Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eight Acres and the usual Allowance of Six Pr Cent. For Roads— Surveyed for the Honourable the Proprietaries November the fifth day, one Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty Two. In Pursuance of the Honourable the Proprietaries Warrant Dated the thirteenth Day of October Anno Domini one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty. To JOHN LUKENS 1 JOHN ARMSTRONG, Surveyor General f D b ' SHAVER'S CREEK MANOR. SINKING VAUJSY. 61 *2M Mountains ~~ ^ V^O^ T » „ u , T t na „H sit„ a te in Sinking Creek Valley about Eight Miles Northwest of Waterstreet in Cumberland County Containg Nine kJ^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Honorable the Proprietaries in December ,,6* ,n pursu- ance of a Warrant bearing date the thirteenth Day October Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred & Sixty. To JOHN LUKENS 1 JOHN ARMSTRONG, D. S. Surveyor General. j ,„,,„ c in i„ nea H v as represented in the Draft; an incon- the above Tract is generally well timbered, the greater part of the Soil good, and the Water binks nearly as v venience to which Limbstone lands mostly subjected. Y: A: MANOK Ol' SINKINi . \ ,\l LE'S SPRINGETSBURY. 63 MANOR OF SPKINGETSBURV qtrtffume/ y*or>Vi SPRINGTON. 65 K^cs/Vy <(-/< //-Z? * V * SPRUCE AV/V4- "~^\pM~M'JVS1fi(KJ?JD By Virtue of a Warrant dated the 29th day of October 1768. Surveyed the 9th etc., days of December 1768, to the use of the Honorable the Proprietaries of the province of Pennsylvania the above described tract of land Situate at Wioming on the South East side of the North East branch of Susquehanna River containing eight hundred acres & allow- ance of six p. cent. P. WM. SCULL. MANOR OF STOKE. STOKE. 66 W'0/ns/Vc ^^J •3 A 72 £ -f 68 £ 8/V+p £ S*63£ /o/v a £ " M 71 £ tji/t ' 7e s /3tf f.Z £ S4 S 30 £ '■*// 7d £ /6/V 4-2 £ /7// ao c /8 £/*sr /9 s £4 £■ 20 S 36 £\c4- 2/ -s 2a £\/s4 22,5 80£ SO 2S/V ?(, e 2-f-/V Stent & r we/096/ -?*■% *»*■*£*/> "V V 4 j£ ?*"'£ 4 J 'v utdoo? eof0P9 V WAikiOait /lost Manrtor>°K I k I A Draught of a tract of land, called Abraham's Plains, situate on the westerly side of the North east Bank of Susquehanna River, joining the Honorable the Proprietaries Manor of Sunbury, Containing three thousand and ninety-eight acres besides the usual allowance of six p cent, the width of which was surveyed for Andrew Allen the 18th, 20th & 21st June 177'. In P urs "»nce of an order dated the 4th day of February 1769. November 7 and the quantity of two thousand and ninety-six parts of the said whole tract. Beginning at the South west end of the tract and divided from the remainder thereof by the dotted line in the plan, was seperately returned to the said Andrew Allen, at his special desire in order to enable him to obtain a seperate Patent for that p art - ^ n pursuance of an agreement made be- tween him and John V. Campen and others, who purchased the whole three thousand acres of him, the said Andw. Allen, be it more or less according as the Boundaries thereof, had been actualy run and marked as aforesaid, on the afd 18th, 20th & 21st June 1771. They the said John Van. Campen and Others having agreed to hay purchase money due the Proprietaries and expenses of surveying and patenting the re- mainder of the whole tract. The above I say is a true return of the whole as surveyed in pursuance of said order No 7, dated February 4th, 1769. To JOHN LUKENS. ESQ., Surveyor Gen. By CHARLES STEWART, Dy. Sur. TRACT CALLED ABRAHAM'S PLAINS. ABRAHAM'S PLAINS ^1 Portraiture of the City Philadelphia, in the Province of Pennsylvania Americ a, by Thomas JJblttie Surveyor General . Sold lyJlndrew Soivle in Shorcditch London tffl ■W of tit*? 8;3iS :- n :i y.i f T' ... J» J* 11:1 §;§la S'SlSiS Sj^^i? SiSS-i *:5:!5:5 ■ ■ . .r - ■# ■ i *f-i : J' 3) f J«"A !«,.« ■>:«:» •ti 3 ': § m ♦ig,i- =™#™ HI ■ IT °3. k ht 1 *|s,is> ■*] S % ** "K R *! ^ - .'"27" '"" "v in r"" rtet H*|* u\* ^ ^ 5 I s s j sis *;a s >* :; v, ,,\ .ill -'T »! .......... 1 3 : :CS -3 5 i : S |s =? S if o ^ }*': j o" r N \ * A * 3 ;■? vi 1^ '■ § . >.t. " 1 13 <; IN 1 in f 5 1 '41 1 . ■»■ ---/—■ ■■>c W fro /?,■//<•&,„ //vritoto udiM,Q.>„„ /, y- / , •» - '<* 1 >*^ lAuTiA-r //it ttflemimrcer/teel, l/i-t &»,?<■/!/„„, „.„ ■St /;/» a;7.'/r/'/''/t/aet/ ■la/'toijti'O 4' ofi) pt, totu. ...... .V„ 3 t/ ie /?i>r /:j,n,/u, //„/„,/ /yy./f.ntr, ..., fgjg^ ^^^^J 1 Z ~V- B r dMo.. Suic/lf, P\***w*.£&«: Vtte/... y>U'iqr a ,i/o, ilu / <^ d £rodL*„00 ' aoooM. 1000 1/3 m woofc 1000 000 ■WOO f '&»&« 4>/au/u& '"//a;, $ 6;j S%"Wlf :s//ulZ.Oi/ 7/2?? t -*$W < //e,ny ^/p/a/tfm,. Jo/*K. J2?tt/eu!._. *yAa? c/iraoc-... i%gA,n i ///,„#/,,„ MirA" /,,;„/,„, t /am '1'A, ■„,„■/, iS/lO L'i'/-/ tyz&t \y%mtt>/» ^/„loo^\,c7„./„ :'//'/,,■/ y/i,f//e, Jona "<_//„ /,,,,,.,,■ ,','///, iS/tr/trr'/* > ., //ai/i . y /;,,„/..„ J'ri* JUL ////A" Mk,c,«#. Gd>v. J iJi,„//i — „ W ■ //w ' t'/;f/,„A;, '//,//,_ < W 0/t,,i,na//d _ V lie//:', //#, , VI //ft/"' Mon » L,iyfii/i . ?»»&) vrr Jfte/ya'! £y>'i .-/c/ttman ■ />//f'/// J-Jorcwii c //y"ft>/r § (> vo mow... \ &l/a tyouna. A ,J%," ^5^ _, ■\' <7.. <> St./., 600 JOO soo 500 MOO 1000 soo 260 SJO !••'- tr//it.i i>/t/ieJtr.)o?/o -u/tOUHl/t U/t l/tfJ.J.,il/4/ i t /oM/. /fi/fteti:.. . Gc/n/cttd Cj/'u/y.. • ////(// %:/ ^Z> /-/t/tn///. /oei forMen.. O'pAh &?/ai£.. t\.U„,^///. 6//i/d/. r , /■nfffrS... IfffirSSeaAS,... " - i-sfflfM. ?M w ° //A,/ " « W&& • %<>«/ \zoi '/„/,,, &>„£„„ to 1 1 */,:-. >/ //,//". '„//,.„■„,, %uuwu Statfoni.... ,. win 9'orye '///„/, 'w„-/./vy M ///, XIX Un Jftai&n ■ '.,;„,,„ .'/Im/r/tS \ssoo\§ ■>/«■:■. /./,„„,, . \ laf0 '^'•^"y/'mif i. %t.V&atltu.ism ' '/ft/:' y/) cmAa fffa //,«/t XX 'ivy ' // ' // '"^- Mri .", //l.yt/,,;,/ '•>>■n'J.~*. ?e/,n 3rea,Ui. Woo)h*I \Jame* Jif' ,J/?„7y q**ary-. -Uno Ull |JW**> ^>?Jn. ifa/e., i^fy \jooo\ p //}„,,/ SAvtvH Uoo \l3S\ I I.— I m\&>/u/m . J&™*M \zt\>Jc//„ Ji'o/"/^ woo '>/,. , C //,„A 2ooo\m, r-' alPr ,X,lJ"" ce ■X/„, j > > !J """' G/,/^,^,CO«/< |J00 |/32 %//■<<'>'?> 2/^jtvatd |2*o |i7*l 9,60 26 O 500 2SO \177\ 500 \ai\ eA t-flM yxxvii' Vic/o/m //al» -|4 .7" , n -wS JoU^>o» \\r /Uia) .^,: Y // // , Wjo/in-^'- 1 ^"" -■■ 9laiu/a/.J/i-Y> .. „, cl>, J$M?<- Anu... Mc/rf f : "" a / (f/i ./■/,„„, J2>*,,r/„ t 1000 £|1 ,9t./,:, . /&,//,,....--- \soo\i4o\l Mtc/f^"^ />/rf/- M y/iy/^S^flin YTYV# , f+tael &»d*tii»h- ittifol \iasu , it/ti/o/, XXXI Vffi&Uu hJ., -Jit,/ia £?,„„ j xxxn ' '■"""■" cA»iHi \io\jo^,/ t ^/mU. ' '/;.'''<- S'//u& ' f/'', '' ^ ""'/'"if/ ■ "n ', /<>/,,//,„,-.,/ t-yai/isj tJ/„/ I ii/, :'//„//„ JoAn iS/,/,/„ M ,/ s "/' " //,,£. Mow \ r -"-'-'."'f / /t//,i„/ '00\ 7 (,\ | , //„„„„.. , // lui< I 100 [77 itaol soo 250 SOO 600 ■SOO 6 000 S00O DUOO 50(H), .5000 JOO" SOOO J^^-^fm/f/^f^ 4-1 <~y /w Z /%Z,lfr*:. xxxa//.. ^jr/l/f M , ifa/ie ^/c//./.„ // a//SAi «. 4^?//£7/„. SPAo? tS/ittfr t %;,,,/, ZXunui. tU„* 4,/muat/tj/d /au eu//h,, t/ff/tua,,,/ itcKd/vr a,Jv,i'„.t„ „-/,jf/f //te Jime/iva,-> f,/Jnr- t/fffJfUr//u,t,f/to W l/>ofo/>c/t//'tf/>rt/ t/r. o\//n,/////'^/ cl „,„ o/mis-j /* /mJou/ A,,r//if, „,,,;;/„„, /,',/„:, /ataloauCt aru///ie £w,riati0uj>te/& ^y//i,/t'^„/tat/,f/J,t>r/„,./f>J so ie/ma/n, i-/,idJf/f,/1 ( >i-/u-! ,■„/<-, /&at//,. : /,,. 1 //,,,>rt///u.,y<>sr,' 8 ^/tffi/,t, ! l//,/r/fie/it'ijt,,//tff,,/t,ueh>u,,,//^//i, tt-JT, '/ Is/i-l fo //, /, 8 y'"~>f>tt.v'r„,/j ,/a/,,, ' //tf/i/ut/er,,?/,,/ Ovto/nh J6JJ ■ Uh , //,„/,„ J 8 1 Q&ftj i^a ~V/,//"' ^M/t^- '■'A •'■„,„„ jR*t<4fin 7/'Y/ifi,>A- y '/-i//// Af/,,,,,/,,,,/,,,,,/ t,,,, „„.■„> .-/y/t,. "a ma ij/i „ ■/,,„, /„/,,, '//'-"■f, -.,,,/,, //"///„,„< ■>t//i •tttr/f/l ',//,/ ',,>y,„„l„, ,,,,/„/ l_/,t,f/„,,i,t t/f'f///, l't,:,„ alllTf'/iy /,,/t/o />,,/,, ,,„S «t// /,/',;:/ .7;;t,„/, "■//■„,,/„ //■":*>/!„.,,/<,/,;,.$,,„ „„yr\J/, / . ///,„ J/'c/e, Jftt-k ' ///,a,/,,r//~#f , fo/m . I tuw ,//,,„/,„/ waj Vy> , /,.„■/,/, . //,/' Js ,7/ift;/ . s//u„ y/iu/,/ (2* XLV *.S e /om? M/cfe^ , /,/,//,/,, -yf,>u n /t?/,T, r i ,'/!/,,• , /(■/," GDewUm i/A*? £?/>f/./„t XIA'I c //f//y r/y,.,,/^ ; ;000 '«4. \500 \jvn 260 9.50 1 iooo\ 260 I sej/uta t-StHn C'/iv'/ 7//if//,ij \sqo rsa',,M,ii/by> , >fliL • /t<.it/,/i -yo//t> (/tora,: Trwe/. ^y/ic/„fii*i //cr(/t* ,^1//,/ C/Mvrm f^/ain . &0radjha,. XLVII Cl/aiji/i t_y'ii//ti iooo o/,,tt/y//f ^/mvl/ '.. lift Je/m ,-4r///a/„/.rz S 1,/f, -.* ' l-Vjltt/ima't- \S0 ty%iHf. //f'/Zinlel/.--. i ooo (?,./,„ ^Af.,// hooo \/.Vfi/ y/„r.- ^yc Irroo jSSatu'e/ c/',/f>'//f. Jiooo f-yo/,,1 rft/tttt). \soo ^ff„^//,i//a)a>6..\ ioo 'Jlt/i/cfti /ion,/..... Z3lil/i cS&if/.. t-/o/,„ *yt,,,,/',? CIX t/',7/?,//t / J/,y,'Ult / rfffrryt ry>>*,„*/. j&y/u too •50O 500 IOOO 1J0O iooo jooo 6000 I (J000 . JO ot> //////,u// . r Hy/j ,'/',■,•/,,,„/„,,, l tfevMwr ff .'A„„ j y/lu,L, /,'/,„ /«>/,; e ■ ff,///,'/t; ,/,/vota/ ,'/-: ''•"• '.'//■//,„//,//-:■ V/, r :,■/„.'■'" --,,> lb. -);,//:'._ ///,„ '/-:; tzu/o,>t,//,a,;je ue>,t /,>/'*/'"> Jr,//n,/J,'a„c/ '/„;„/■,;-,/,; tfffff'f' //amy,;,,, /,■ //„,///,:'>/ /'f/ 1- -fatpite £' //„■/,, j / .1,-,-ti't' k i //„,„,/,t///kn ,/,;„ .:„-ftf //a/1,,/,/ //,,,„ „„y„ pt/A v/y*,'/a/l//a,/,:> f „S . %//,/,/>/,/ ,/'/'//, / /„J//i"<>'f' I //i,!/„//, SnyY/Zsytf//"/ //,<>„/// ,,,t/,, ,/,„> ,,,,/7'f'ff - -aaru/jM^///,,,,,' f't/l'/'/ a,,y /,,;■ ■/ >/„;„. wm \ m . ft>//U Sr/lil/L.- <_?ir/i/z p/ai/t. Mil * Xtta/? ^Aa>//7r: C Sut/&«iit~Q /// n //u/j *:/ /w/rtifraii i2soo\4° ■// m 'ipfyfi'«f£ no o X y &,.., {;ut/U/ett ^JfuuC. KSanie* £/ iZtyA. t y/^l2j«'«)W! _ \^Va%f? Ckvtn ' XI; V/M*r o%«*>„ _xu .>„!,„ ' '',;, .s/,„,,y /.y,,/, ( ',//// . *", />/„/,////„//. 7/-,// "'. /„„//,. i' //%,.,/, //„>/,, „/,r/, ^A'/t/? . 6>0&e X11J °/ i //J/fl ,■ r ■ ff/tt ^./■C.'-'Jrrfi'K&WJ.. 7%Z&r Mrown (://,///ij ./{/i//,'/,/; .Jn'.!/6.-7t'Wi,<7 . ','/■ .'7l/// .... pOOO • /t(f<) I^ooo XV r.Uf./n dz-itztu «* T7/<'///rtj. Wit'/'.'. 'L>Jbc/- J0//11 J7a>( , S(>j//ua. rfu-7,??777»k... . Wd<7/ , '///i'torn Jouwlan. 7/al'." (peal/. ,///(>:' vctett. XXIV %>7iu 77/e j7„/i, t &, 7//e > '■•a,//- ', S,i ",/,r .'' //y , ■ XX\ 1 7n ■/>!■//;• , S//rr/,- Ijoo Sinnt'/t • lf/n//t \soo //t//r ( ni/t/fti I JO!) t /}'>/•' 4 //>»Mto JOO I . ''. /fr/i/isiu* |«JO J/u* ',,l>l,.,'i //// m '( /<,!,/* | /7 r ,-r ( ■c_^M" Qcoige. '77/7/'- *?i-*qi A7>MiM ■ u $,„&/; /;>. ":':: ^w' yum/vraM m/UcA r.',o, ^al"//* yaw,. //,ti7a*iS c .fitcAlf^s/frfiii, /rtuS/tarifyft'V" uttdel ,//iy fiarut'ltj sal, ft,/-/, t)/ T //-fc/o/iti /'/i //tr W*u -/>"'(/ ctrrt>n/{/i/f /r>/7u: b'lO- //j// ,c,/ ' ll/ ff <>■•"■ //it'UJa/Mt 'o/je /tutt*>'>citC£ty/tap oiu (/cr,yr \y/l<*Al e >-> ^y*rar.4H<) i C Sffl{/'/t't<>.. , XL1V ' y//o:j.''t^P/r /me-. Wooj XXXIII 7//ejt t/eo/we 7/rQe/nuui. "77u7>.>- giTl/A* v /fe£7:i 7?ei>>/Mc/ Qj/"fU. >'/ftc/i /!, 'ft MoTr? (jlfr/M'tzt, xyya27r J^7a>Ai. ^Q% xxxrv r •y 'A.o:.^^JroM/c77. Matfi/i yt£?. ^/u/'/i^Z//i>n/. •ry/'t// ...|4o| '7/ l //^Sc/,, w ^. -Vr/if,,,;,,//, ,//,/i7ir// I ctranA _g)^^. \ie\ C?c//c^ ( /at/itvaa. Jv/ f J;%£. .>/L -7/iA \j£,jey.. // '"/% £>r&l, \ya77e,-,.. ^■/^///mtr. ^ 4,7 r //(?//,>,/ •-/in,/,//! 7eiri<>/t *-7//c/,/<>i,//. 'Ul,y , ,/7tr,/,/t'i7t &\ '<*mrj,^f7cri>ul/tf<-. ■■ ' lS 6u/A/m Ose • '/j/t/rtt/6/i atC • Ij/t/rlufyi t sam{iWtc/uiH& M,- ,/ts;> tr/l9?te6 t //.■/// toe UU > > *f , 0},, •/, « fa arru> -Ux?aari # L ,%.* t /'nf/'ii-"'^' ,ol„/, y //<■"'"'» "^ .■/„://*/? *■<■ (I,,:, f/aUuv / ( , /, f ,:/„,/«■»•*?■ — ■■' i )■ - ; ttd , ?,,/„, . 4u*6h . *V , /mi'i/u //!,/'. M,»»J B //},/' , '/jil/WJ /sttrrtf/lttJ- J/j**i'»i , ftmm . Wtydtn . %%&&»/** .//!,. V4.W . /./,, -A/,,M>. //,>•' „Aitr6tr ';„,„. A.,rdL- ^uiMtrry '//,.■ Jr>m&w .//m/v £MacAi&** , '/,/,„ M*fy* , '/„/,„ ^Aar/er '//,//"* ^s.'t' ■ ./„,„>'! /U,r , '/„/,„ _*J,ira«// ,- ,'.;l.n-r-J . ~t;tfA fJSivm/tif < /laiy < ■/ iino ■ '. iit/m/iSnrti.1 1 Jl ,r>ofo . neat < »***u c %i'' (/Hir/ltm , I , '.," t '■/w.'ll <'')*{■! i . '/;,////■' i ami • , .ir/sr ■/*,,/. ff*m+y ifoA? toMfUHOr D , r 'L/- r .' • ''it ■' \l',-iltH.>.ii/i E ! ./^/*. //,//■• Srnti , *,!■■ i' IUII.' ' von , ■>'„■■ <",/,,,■ .■?/,:, r , -//tii ■■';■ •/!■>■ . /am ', . ''<' 'M ■i^/,. /■ ■r/u.i /r, WK •y. ; \'' W vr t'- Y <■ G <_dn? ydeatt iftz." (Gardner ' H *dAo. ffl&fr&u j7a J c/it"ivHC ,/ojA-UO' ai/td idirtt^ t^rtMl "f Jirc'ver, Oe ? idticA •■//tail* K Soo soo soo £00 1000 JOOO SifiO SOO Soo ■too Soo JOOO «oo Soo JOOO Soo SOO SOO SOO (l/Ao/ooAuftA ejL-.£an d J Mo: >jm ft^Sdivird- sI?w " 0mJiis M ^&* L L.He*i% Si/fa M N o /frf*- Owen, &/u>?. S^etree ^d/w ^^d an <*nj 4f> JOO'J ISO soo soo SOO 1000 2600 soo 10(0 Uric/Bo// K/jf/uj::_L'aH. SOO JO 000 sooo 9500 jooo JOOO 9000 iooo Soo soo So c ( £l)cwi-d (/euro-. ty^ZdonfJy^/ni^i ■ J&a'ny^frfit-rrifi/im, r S 6feo J. t.'/frwu ■tfti/trruad J i.W,*,A/4- o v- v OO C- V - X ^ ^ % ^ .-s 1 - ^ c ^ °/ o5 -^ A N ,-fc .-•* X ^.