439 9 5-FOXS ATHLETIC LIBRARY. By belle GORDO CHAMPION WOMAN BAG PUNCHER 32 ILLUSTRATIONS Price 10 CENTS FrSkiir?iciua>re,^SvS'. BELLE GORDON CHAMPION WOMAN BAG PUNCHER OF THE WORLD PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN BY BELLE GORDON CHAMPION WOMAN BAG PUNCHER OF THE WORLD FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH POSES Br THE AUTHOR, ESPECULLT FOR THIS BOOK RICHARD K. FOX PUBLISHER FRANKLIN SQUARE New York City LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two CoDles Received JUL 13 1904 H^ Oeoyrlffht Entry CLAS$ flu XXb. No. COPY B Copyright, 1904 BY RICHARD K. FOX LC Control Number tmp96 026369 INTRODUCTION There is no reason why men should entirely usurp the field of physical culture, which during the past few years has grown to such vast proportions. Every normal woman has it within her power to develop a perfect and symmetrical figure, and there is absolutely no excuse for the crime of obesity. In arranging this book care has been taken to present none but the simplest exercises in order that the services of an instructor may be entirely dispensed with. Miss Gordon is to-day one of the most beautifully formed women in America, and what this system has done for her it will do for any one else if conscientiously and persistently practiced. A few minutes each day will show wonderful results. Exercise only in loose clothing so as to allow perfect freedom of movement, and in assuming the different positions keep the muscles tense and rigid as possible. It is not the attitude which develops so much as the strain placed upon that part of the muscular system which is brought into play by that particular movement. After all is said and done, there are only two simple rules for taking off or putting on flesh, and they are as follows : To take on flesh drink plenty of water — as much as a gallon a day. Eat starchy foods and spend eight or nine hours in bed. To reduce eat sparingly, take long walks, and spend but five or six hours in bed. Pages could be written on this subject and menus mapped out in detail, but the result would be no different. Plenty of fresh air and this series of exercises will work wonders within a short time. INDEX RESISTANCE MOVEMENTS Beginning WAND MOVEMENTS Beginning BAG PUNCHING MOVEMENTS Beginning Page 9 Page 42 Page 53 Plate No. 1. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. Exercise No. i. Clasp the hands at the small of the back and then raise them slowly as far up and as far down as possible, at the same time keeping the muscles rigid. Do ten times. Plate No. 2. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. Exercise No. 2. Clasp the hands, knuckles out, and then assume the position as shown by the accompanying plate. Lower them, still clasped, to the back of the neck. Do ten times. dt Plate No. 3. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 13 Exercise No. 3. From an erect position, bend the body at the hips, keeping the knees stiff, and touch the floor with the tips of the fingers. (For continuation of this movement see plate No. 4.) Plate No. 4. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 15 Exercise No. 4. From the preceding position bring the body to the pose shown on the opposite page, with the knees still straight, the arms upward and backward. Bend as far back as possible. Then return to the original position of Plate No. 3. Do from five to ten times. Plate No. 5. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 17 Exercise No. 5. Place the palm of the right hand agahist the head at a point just above the ear, and with all the force possible push the head to one side, at the same time resisting with the muscles of the neck. Repeat with the left hand. ^PSr^^: f. Plate No. 6. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 19 Exercise No. 6. Bring the tightly clenched fists up to the sides as shown in the accompanying plate, forcing the shoulders back as far as possible. (For continuation of movement see next page.) Plate No. 7. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. Exercise No. 7. From the preceding position strike out violently with both arms, still keeping the fists clenched. Then return to the original position, forcing the shoulders far back, and strike out upwards. Do from five to ten times. Plate No. 8. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 23 Exercise No. 8. Slowly force the head as far back as it will go, then bring it forward as far as possible. Do this until the muscles of the neck become tired. Plate No. 9. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 25 Exercise No. 9. Bring the heels together, toes apart, then keeping the muscles of the legs rigid, raise the body up and down several times. Plate No. 10. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 27 Exercise No. lo. This is simply a reversal of the preceding exercise. Raise the toes from the floor and balance the body on the heels. Do ten times. s^^rA''|Vv\' Plate No. 11. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. ^9 Exercise No. ii. Raise the right leg, bent at the knee, as high as pos- sible, then repeat with the left leg. As the movement is continued make the movements faster and faster until they are very rapid. Plate No. 12. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 3I Exercise No. 12. This movement, in connection with Exercises Nos. 3 and 4, is excellent for reducing the waist line. Place the hands on the hips and sway the body from side to side as far as it can be forced. Plate No. 13. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 33 Exercise No. 13. Assume the position shown in the accompanying plate, keeping the muscles of the arms as rigid as possible. (For continuation of movement see next page.) Plate No. 14. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 35 Exercise No. 14. From the position of Plate No. 13 extend the arms outward, still keeping the muscles tense. Turn the palms downward, then upward, then back to the original posi- tion. Do fifteen times. o Z Q. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 37 Exercise No. 15. Lie on the back with the hands clasped behind the head. Raise to a sitting position. If at first this feat cannot be accompHshed, get a brace for the toes by placing them under a heavy piece of furniture. o Z PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 39 Exercise No. i6. Lie face downward, and keeping the body absolutely rigid, raise yourself at arm's length, using both hands. Then sustain the body first with the right arm and then with the left. o Z a. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 4I Exercise No. 17. This may be used as a continuation of the preceding exercise. From the position as shown by Plate No. 16 assum.e the position as shown by Plate No. 17. Allow the hips to touch the floor and then raise by stiffening the entire body. Reverse by using the left arm. Plate No. 18. PHYSICAL culture: FOR WOMEN. 43 Exercise No. i8. Take a pole — a broom handle will do — and go through the exercises as illustrated by Plates i8, 19, 20, 21 and 22, keeping the body balanced on the toes during all the movements. Begin with the position shown on the op- posite page. Plate No. 19. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 45 Exercise No. 19. Then change to this position, bending the body shghtly forward, taking care to maintain a perfect balance. Plate No. 20. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 47 Exercise No. 20. Raise first one knee and then the other, allowing each in turn to rest Hghtly on the pole. Plate No. 21. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 49 Exercise No. 21. From a position shown by Plate No. 20 bring the pole over the head and as far back as possible, forcing it if necessary. Plate No. 22. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 5 1 Exercise No. 22. From the position shown by Plate No. 21 bring the pole along the line of the back, bending the body slightly forward. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 53 BAG PUNCHING Bag punching is an art which can only be acquired by practice, but it is always productive of good results, and in the following pages some simple movements are illustrated and explained as clearly as possible under the circumstances. The ordinary bag punching platform is usually a cumbersome and expensive affair, and a good substitute — invented by McFadden, — advertised elsewhere in this book, is so reasonable in price and convenient to work that every woman who values a good figure and her health ought to own one. For a floor bag or a side wall bag nothing but a swivel arrangement is needed. Plate No. 23. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 55 Exercise No. 23. After fastening the swivel firmly to the floor, strike the bag, first with one fist and then with the other, so that it will hit the floor with sufficient force to rebound and meet the next blow. It will take considerable practice to keep the bag in motion, but it is well worth the trouble. Plate No. 24. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 5? Exercise No. 24. This is the next step in floor bag punching. Instead of using both fists, the left elbow and right fist are used alternately, and then the movement is reversed by using the right elbow and the left fist. Plate No. 25. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 59 Exercise No. 25. Here the knees take the place of the fists. To start hokl the bag in position with the hands and then strike it first with one knee and then with the other. Plate No. 26. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 6l Exercise No. 26. The foot movement brings into play almost every muscle of the body, and it will be found rather difficult at first to maintain the balance. The object is to keep the bag in motion by repeated blows of the foot. Plate No. 27. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 63 Exercise No. 27. This is a combination of the knee and the fist in which they are used alternately. Plate No. 28. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. ^5 Exercise No. 28. The accompanying plate illustrates one of the primary movements in bag" punching, known as The Tattoo. Fasten the swivel firmly on a side wall where there is enough resistence to allow the bag to readily respond to the blows, and then strike rapidly first with one fist and then with the other. Plate No. 29. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 67 Exercise No. 29. Here the ball is hung from a platform — McFadden's, for instance, which can be put up anywhere — and the pretty and efifective elbow and fist movement is shown. ■ '8 L^ J 1- 1 1 J|;||||.: ■:;■■;;■:/ |:.''SS-.:;'.. ... 1^ p- ^:;.^^^K'^^ ■' ' |i tiSill ^^^^fc| 1 ■^Stl B.«rai^H^'M^' WK^M ";^ ,l^gg « ' ■ ■ ■ • Plate No. 30. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN; 69 Exercise No. 30. This can be performed on any bag which is suspended and is a great arm and shoulder developer. Hit the ball a swinging blow with the right fist and then as it is about to rebound from the opposite side strike it with the left fist. Plate No. 31. PHYSICAL CULTURE FOR WOMEN. 73 The result of physical culture. A group of well- formed young women who were at Madison Square Garden. Three of them were prize winners, and the com- mittee who selected them was composed of men who w^ere capable of judging. o o Fox's Tennis Kackets. THE CLUB. THE COMET. Frame of white ash, best ^ ^^""y substantial Racket of the ordinary size, finely walnut throat, well finished and strung with fine Ori- ental gut. Each, $3.00. finished and strung with best American gut; weights 1 1 >^ to 14 oz. Each, $1.50. Fox^s Tennis Rackets. THE FAIRY. A good Youths' Racket. A trifle smaller than our Ex- pert. Throat and handle of cherry. Strung with good American gut. Weights, II to 13 oz. Kach, $1.00. THE EXPERT. An excellent Youths' or Misses' Racket. Ash frame, walnut throat, strung with good Oriental gut. Weights, II ^ to 14 oz. Kach, $2.00. . >■■£■/.>. . ' Indian Clubs. 1 21b ...Pair 20c 3-4 - ... ' 25c 1 ... ' 30c 1 1-2 " ... ' 35c 2 ... ' 40c 2 1-2 '' ... " 45c 3 ... ' 50c 4 ... " 60c 5 ... • 70c RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. No. 1 — The Fox Championship is a ball that meets all the requirements of the highest grade tennis ball. We guarantee them unequaled in resil- iency and durability, and made in exact accordance with the specifica- tions of the National Lawn Tennis Association Dozen, $4.00 No. 2 — The Club — An excellent prac- tice ball. Dozen, $3.00 No. 3 — Plain uncovered rubber, Dozen, $2 00 HOX»S CADDY BAGS. No. 171. No. 176. No. 179. No. 171 — Heavy tan canvas, leather bound, with ball pocket and sling, ... . $1.00 No. 176 — Fine Calfskin Caddy Bag, with reinforced leather bottom, ball pocket and sling, 4.00 No. 179 — Fine Pigskin, with ball pocket and sling, leather bottom, 5.00 QOUF, Fox's **St. Andrews" Iron Clubs. No. Taylor Lofting Mashy. Medium Mashy. Concave Mashy. Centraject Mashy. Driving- Mashy. Driving Iron. Mid Iron. 97. Gun Metal Putter. Goose Neck Putter. 99. Putting Cleek. 100. Niblick. We can furnish all models in rights, lefts and ladies'. PRICE E/iCH, $1,50. Fox's No. 180. Cleek. 196. Medium Iron. Nos. 180, 18 Rob Roy'' Iron Clubs. Are made from the best material and are better than the majority of clubs sold at a higher price. The heads are made of mild steel, with hickory shafts. No. 186. Lofting Iron. 188. Lofting Mashy. 197. G. M. Putter. 199. Putting Cleek. 200. Niblick. 88, 196, 199 are made left hand also. No. PRSCE, ANY STYLE, $1.00 E/iCH. Fox's ••Rob Roy" Wood Golf Clubs. Are made v^ith heads of selected dogwood or persimmon and with hickory shafts. The line is far ahead of many clubs at the same price now on the market. Made in rights, lefts, and ladies' of the following models: No. No. 160. Straight Faced Driver. 168. Straight Faced Brassey. 16 r. Bulger Driver. 169. Bulger Brassey. 164. Long Spoon Driver. 171. Brassey Spoon. 165. Medium Spoon Driver. 173. Wood Putter. PRICE, AIMY STYLE, $1.00 E/ICH. McFADDEN'S PUNCHING BAG PLATFORM. ABSOLUTELY NOISELESS. Specially adapted for women. Can be put up anywhere. Price, complete with bag, $6.00 RICHARD K, FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. m FOOT BKLL. ^ The Fox Inter- Collegiate Foot Ball. Is a perfect Foot Ball, conforming in evorv detail to the requirements o f Inter- Collegiate Foot Ball Associ- ation. Made from the finest English grain leather and has a pure Para rubber bladder. Packed in a box and sealed. Ct»m- plete with pump. NO. 1, $4.00 EACH. The Fox Associaton Foot Ball. Made of finest English grain leather and guaranteed perfectly round. Complete with bladder, pump and lacing needle. NO. 1A $3.00 EACH. Th€r Fox Amateur Foot Ball. Made of finest pebble grain leather, lined with strong duck. Guaranteed to be per- fect in shape. Complete with bladder. NO. 3 $1.50 EACH. Medicine Ball. The covers are ( f selected leather, stitched with strong linen thread. The exercise consists of passing the ball from one to another and the catching of it de- velops the chest, arms and legs and strengthens the back. No. 1—4 lb. Ball.. No. 2—6 " " .. No. 3-9 '' " .. ....each $4.00 .... " 5.00 .... " 6.00 RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. CAN FURNISH ANYTHING IN THE ATHLETIC LINE AT LOWEST PRICES, FOX^S STRIKING BAGS* I ROUND STRIKING BAGS. I No. O— Made of good quality wine-colored J^ kid and packed with pure gum bladder, ^ cord and screw eye; price $1.00 j^^ No. 1— Made of selected wine-colored kid, and -^^^pi^^^*5tea-v regulation size. Packed with pure gum j^^^m^^^^^^^^ ^iadder, cord and screw eye; price $1.50 I ^ii" """ ' JjiK'" ^^- ^— Full regulation size bag, made of M^^ iiH^^^^^^fmKt^^ heavy oil tanned leather. The seams are fl^^P^^^^^^^P?^^B^ triple stitched with waxed linen thread. H^Bl^^^^^^BIM^^^ Each bag has a pure gum rubber bladder, HV^^^^^^^^^^^^^^hB ^ord and screw eye. Complete in a ^^P^^^HHI^^pP^^^H separate box. Price $2 00 i^Hi^^^^^^^^i'^^^B ^^- 3— This bag is made from wine-colored i^Bii^^BH^^B'li^BP leather, with Napa green trimmings. A ^^H||^^^^^^^^9;|||HP strong, durable bag. Packed in a box with ^Bl ^ ^^^^^^^PilHP^ a gum rubber bladder, etc. Price.. .$2.50 ^m ^^^^^^^PSy No. 4— Made from best Yucatan kid and ^%.^^^^^^^Sr sewed in the most approved manner. An ^^^W^^^^ exceedingly lively bag. Price $3.00 No. 6— Made from California Napa kid and has seams stitched with triple rows of best linen thread. Each bag has pure gum bladder, cord and screw eye. Price • $^' 00 No. 10— The peer of any bag made. Exceedingly lively, owing to the quality of the stock used in its manufacture, whicii is the best Russia calfskin obtainable. The seams are sewed by hand and remforced in every possible way. This bag is in use by two-thirds of the gym- nasiums in the United States— a fact which should be sufficient guarantee of its superiority. Price $5.00 Bell Shaped Striking Bags. No. 5— Made from Russia calfskin, and one of the liveliest bags made. Packed com- plete with pure gum rubber bladder and cord in a separate box, Price, $4,000. No. 7— Made from fine quality Russia calf- skin and stitched with best silk thread. The liveliest bag manufactured by any- body and weighs complete with bladder, 13 oz. Price, $5.00. RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. CAN FURNISH ANYTHING IN THE ATHLETIC LINF AT LOWEST PRICES. FOX^S STRIKING BAGS. Double End Bags. No. 1 1>— Made of selected wine colored kid, regulation size. Packed with pure gum bladder and all attachments. PRICE, $1.50. No. 3 I>— Full regulation size bag, made of heavy oil tanned leather, triple stitched with waxed linen thread. The loops are extra reinforced. Packed in a box with pure gum rubber bladder, cord, elastic floor attachment and screw eyes. PRICE $2,50, No. 4 D— Made from finest Yucatan kid aiid triple stitched on reinforcements with best linen thread, Packed in a box with pure gum bladder, cord, elastic floor attachment and screw eye. PRICE, $3.50, Pear Shaped Striking Bags. No. A P — Made of fine Napa kid, triple seams. 28 inches in circumference. A very lively bag and a favorite with professionals Each $2.60 No. 3 P— This bag is made of wine-colored kid, has triple seams, and is 30 inches in circumference. Complete with pure gum bladder. Each $3.00 No. 2 P— Made of best quality Benton tan leather. Stitched with strong linen thread. Circumference 30 inches. Complete with pure gum bladder. Each $4.00 No. 1 P— Made of best quality selected Russia calf, with welt seams. 30 inches in circumference. A very durable bag. Com- plete with pure gum seamless bladder. Each $5.00 RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. CAN FURNISH ANYTHING IN THE ATHLETIC LINE AT LOWEST PRICES. FOX'S BOXING GLOVES. Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Mo. 1 — Boys' size, made of oil tan leather; a substantial glove, hair pad- ded. Set of four gloves, Per set $1.00 No. 2 — Men's size, made of oil tan leather; excellent value for the price. Per set $1.50 No. 3 — Boys' size, made of wine-colored leather, Corbett style, and padded with good quality of hair. Per set $1. 50 No. C. No. C — Men's Boxing Glove. Made of Yuca- tan kid, padded with fine quality hair. Per set $2.00. Nos, 4 and 5, No. 4— Men's size, made of finest quality Yucatan kid, Corbett style, lace wrist and padded with a superior quality of hair. Per set $2.50 No. 5— Men's size, made of Cali- fornia Napa kid, Corbett style, and stitched with strongest linen thread: padded with curled hair. Per set $3.00 RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. m- CAN FURNISH ANYTHING IN THE ATHLETIC LINE AT LOWEST PRICES. FOX'S BOXING GLOVES. No. 6. No. 6— Made of wine-colored kid and has a well padded wrist and grip. Corbett style. One of our most popular gloves. Per set, $4.00, No, 7. No. 7— Corbett style and made from fine Benton tan kid. The seams are welted and are stitched in the most approved manner with strong silk thread. The padding is the best curled hair. Per set, $5.00. No. 8. No. 8— Made from the heaviest and best Benton tan kid, which is imported especially for the manuf act ure of this glove. The padding is of the best curled hair obtainable, and all the seams are welted, The gloves are fully guaranteed. Made in three weights, 5, 6 and 8 oz. each glove. Per set $6 . O RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. ^^ CAN FURNISH ANYTHING IN THE ATHLETIC LINE AT LOWEST PRICES. ElecMciiy is Naiure^s Greatest TonicI But to get the best re- sults from electrical treat- ment you must have the right kind of an instru- ment and apply it proper- ly. Our batteries are con structed from the best materials by export me- chanics. They are oper- ated by dry cells, always ready for use, are very compact and durable and do not get out of order. They are used and recommended by hundreds of physicians. With each one of our batteries we send gratis a copy of "Suggestions and Directions for Treating Disease with Faradic Cur- rents of Electricity," by J. J. Mackey, M. D. This little book gives full and explicit instructions for using the batteries at home. Paralysis, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Nervousness, etc., readily yield to the currents of electricity generated by our batteries applied under Dr. Mackey's methods. ELECTRIC MASSAGE. Electric massage restores tone to flabby skin, removes wrinkles and fills up hollow spots. The beneficial effects of the electrical currents on nutrition will cause thin persons to increase in weight very rapidly. A mild current of faradic electricity, applied to the scalp, will remove dandruff, keep the scalp healthy and clean and promote the growth of the hair. It will very often instantly relieve nervous headache. DR ir^lT r ^"^P*'^^®^ ^®^ Cross Battery . . $5.00 FlVl^ltl Dry Cell 20th Century Battery . . 6.00 LIST... i Double Dry Cell Perfection Battery . 8.00 For Physicians and others, who desire an extra large and very fine battery, we make the Double Dry Cell Dial Battery, Price, $12.00. A high grade battery at the right price. The coil and metal parts are mounted on a polished slate base and enclosed in a highly polished oak box. :^^^^^EXPRESS/^GE ON E/iCH EXTR/i.^^^S^ For Sale By RWHARD K. FOX, Ftanklin Squai^e, New Votk City. DR-SCOTT'S ELECTRIC HAIR. BRUSH Nothing is'J £0 attractive as a luxurious growth of ^hair. It greatly adds to one's ^personal appearance, and ^when you consider at what ^small cost it can be obtained, I wonder why so many men and women ' have such poor hair. My brush will cure ' falling hair, dandruff and all scalp irrita- [ tions. This is absolutely true ; if you doubt it, try one for thirty days — the price is but W $i.oo, and your money will be refunded if not satisfactory. Cures nervous heai aches and relieves neuralgia. The brush is made from a fine quality of selected bristles— ^no \^ ires to injure the hair or scalp. I could not afford to make this liberal offer if my brush did not possess merit. The Brush handle is made of a new odorless combination, resem- bling ebony; a combination of substances PRODUCING A PERMA- NENT ELECTRO-MAGNETIC CURRENT, WHICH ACTS IMMEDIATELY UPON THE HAIR GLANDS AND FOLLICLES. This power can always be tested by a silver compass which accom- panies each brush. No. 1 HAIR BRUSH No. 2 HAIR BRUSH No. 3 HAIR BRUSH No. 4 HAIR BRUSH No. 5 HAIR BRUSH Sl.OO 1.50 2.00 - 3.50 3.00 pPOST/lGE EXTRA. '^^^ FOR SALE BY RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, New York City. Develop Your Muscles I Illustrated with 75 Full-page Halftone Plates. RICHARD K. FOX, Publisher, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY, SENT BY MAIL FOR 7 TWO-CENT STAMPS. HOW TO PITCH A CURVED BMLL. far I ™ '111 * ^ iiliW THE GREATEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED SENT BY MAIL FOR 7 TWO-CENT STAMPS. 4 VALUABLE BOOK OF REFERENCE! SENT BY MAIL FOR 7 TWO-CENT STAMPS. SCIENTIFIC WRESTIiIftO NO SUCH BOOK HAS EVER BEEN PLACED BEFORE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC PRICE 25 CENTS. IT CONTAINS 7 1 FULL PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS REPRODUCED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS WHICH WERE SPECIALLY POSED FOR. IT EXEMPLIFIES ALL THE HOLDS, COUNTERS AND ESCAPES KNOWN TO MAT ARTISTS, AS WELL AS A FEW NEW ONES. SIZE OF BOOK 5 X TK INS. BEST BOOK ON BOXING EVER PUBLISHED. AND HOW TO TRAIN. (Actual Size of Book 5x8 ^^ Inches}. fiyE PflOHD DOMB BELL [XERCISES.. -BY- Pro!. ATTILA ILLUSTRATED WITH Full -page Hand- some HALF-TONE PLATES. Greatest Series of Physical Culture Movements known JUST ISSUED IN BOOKFORM lOc. ORDER AT ONCE. RICHARD K. FOX, PUBLISHER, Franklin Square, NEW YORK CITY. OUR 1904 HANDSOME ILLUSTRATED PREMIUM BOOK MAILED FREE SHE IS VERY SHAPE- LY AND BEAUTIFUL, AND THERE ARE OTHERS EQUALLY AS CHARMING IN THE Theatrical ART ^ALBUM ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST BOOKS EVER ISSUED. 1lMxi6 INCHES, AND BOUND IN WHITE VELLUM. IT IS A RARE SPECIMEN OF THE PUBLISHERS' AND BOOKBINDERS' ART, AND IS WORTH MUCH MORE THAN IS ASKED FOR IT. s% Sk Sk tSf •»!«• •»»«• PRICE - $2.50. OR SENT FREE FOR 5 QUARTERLY SUB- SCRIPTIONS TO THE POLICE GAZETTE AT $1.00 EACH. RICHARD K. FOX, PUB. GREATEST OF REFERENCE BOOKS UJ n CO :> Ul e 3 Ul (actual size of book 3XaH inches.) lb CO r m (n Q rti :o D (n ..THE STflSMHD SPOftTlSG flDTHOHlTY.. L'BRARY OF CONGRESS THE FOX [0 019 953 892 5 No. 2. No. I -Tho Fox is with- out question the ideal exerciser for home use. Has throe pulleys with polished steel frames and hardwood wheels. One rubber cable ex- tends from the lower pulley to the floor. Each machine packed in a neat box with illustrated book of instructions. PRICE $1.00 EACH. No. 3— The maierial used iu this exerciser is of the highest grade throughout. All metal parts are heavily pol- ished and nickel-plated. Price, complete with illustrated book of m- biructions, $3.00 EACH. '^TTrr No. 2-This machine has nickel-plated adjustable pulle>s with ebonized rollers which are per- fectly noiseless, and the non-elastic cord running over same is of the best: quality. Price,complete with illustratod book of instructions, $2.00 each No. 4 — The arrange- ment ofj the pulleys and cords in this exerciser is such that friction is re- duced to a minimum and the resistance is smooth and regular. Price, complete with illustrated book of in- structions, $4 00 each. ^0. 3 yy777777 RICHARD K. FOX, FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY. JUL 13 1904 ^^■*.. ~^ i The FOX EXERCISER FOR WOMEN IDEAL FOR HOME USE! Easily put up and taken down and occupies very little space. Is absolutely noiseless and simple in construction. (For Prices ami Styles, see last page.)