LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 822 341 1 "X 558 S6 L3 lopy 1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE lilJI BULLETIN No. 470 a,, Sjayvjy^? Contribution from the States Relations Service J\Z&*<$£rU A. C. True, Director Washington, D. C. PROFESSIONAL PAPER December 22, 1916 STUDIES ON THE DIGESTIBILITY OF THE GRAIN SORGHUMS. By C. F. Langworthy, Chief, and A. D. Holmes, Scientific Assistant, Office of Home Economics. Page. Introduction 1 Milling the grain sorghums 3 Cooking tests and the experimental diets 4 Subjects of the experiments 6 Methods of procedure 6 Digestibility of the sorghum meals prepared as breads 7 CONTENTS. Page. Check experiments with breads made from corn and wheat meals 19 Digestibility of the sorghum meals prepared as mushes 22 Summary and conclusions 29 INTRODUCTION. As the result of many attempts to find crops suitable for cultivation in the semiarid regions of the Western States of this country, the non- saccharine grain sorghums have been successfully introduced from South Africa, where they have for a long time held a prominent place as a staple cereal crop. In India, China, and other oriental countries the sorghums have been used in both animal and human nutrition, oftentimes comprising the major portion of the available supply of food suitable for human consumption. As an instance of their importance, Lapique * states that the dietary of the Abyssinians is essentially a vegetarian one composed largely of durra (Sorghum vulgare) . In an exploring expedition through China Meyer 2 observed that one of the sorghums, kaoliang, was extensively used for human food. In some localities it was prepared as a mush and eaten by the very poor coolies with such condiments as gingerroot, garlic, and radishes. By people slightly better off this sorghum was ground into a meal and made into a bread. In both instances Meyer observed that exceptionally large quantities of the grain were consumed, making an even more bulky diet than most strictly 1 Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. [Paris], g (1893), No. 9, pp. 251-258. 2 Personal communication. 61396°— Bull. 470—10 1 Monograph 2 BULLETIN" 470, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. / r> IP vegetarian diets, and he believed accordingly that kaoliang was very incompletely utilized by the human system. In this country feterita, kafir, dwarf milo, and kaoliang are well-known varieties of the grain sorghums which have for some time been used primarily as feeding crops for animals, but which in some instances have formed a part of the human dietary. The people living in those sections of the country where the sorghums have been grown have long known that these grains are suitable for use as food, and the agricultural press has from time to time reported successful attempts to use them for this purpose. Moreover, following the introduction of the sorghums into the agriculture of the United States, commercial attempts have been made to interest the public in these grains for bread making and similar uses. Numerous tests of these grains have been made to detennine their composition and nutritive value as a feeding crop for animals and, in some instances, to learn how they may best be prepared for human consumption. Many baking tests, for example, have been made with the meal of kafir, which is perhaps the best known of the sorghums, to determine whether it can be used more advantageously alone or mixed with some other meal in ordinary baking practices. The Department of Agriculture 1 has studied the preparation and uses of kafir meal, reporting a number of recipes for incorporating it in such common foods as bread, doughnuts, cookies, etc. A series of baking tests described by Dillon 2 indicates that kafir meal in admixture with wheat flour in the proportion of 1 to 1, 1 to 2, or 2 to 1, makes a very satisfactory bread. Francis 3 reports analyses comparing the composition and food value of feterita, Indian corn, kafir, and wheat, and gives recipes for the preparation of bread and similar products, using part feterita meal and part wheat flour. He con- cludes that feterita resembles corn in composition, having a nutritive value of about 90 per cent of that of corn, and suggests, moreover, that feterita, being somewhat softer than kafir, should be more thoroughly digested. General information and a number of tested recipes compiled from various sources are given by Davis 4 regarding the value of kafir, feterita, and milo as cereal foods. Summers 5 reports comparative analyses of feterita and wheat together with the results of a series of baking tests. He found that the best bread, pancakes, or gems, could be made by using 50 per cent of feterita meal and 50 per cent of wheat flour. Similar studies of kaoliang are reported by Fromme 6 , who used kaoliang meal in place of kafir meal in the recipes reported by the Office of Home Economics. » U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bui. 559 (1913), pp. 6, 7. 2 Northwest. Miller, 90 (1912),) No. 2, pp. 79, 80. ■ Oklahoma Sta. CIrc. 27 (1914), pp. 8. < Texns Dept. Bui. 42(1915), p. 18. » Oper. Miller, 20 1 1915), No. 1. pp. 42 it. "tJouth Dakota Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 158 1 1915), pp. 17.() Sugar 179.0 Total food consumed 3,147.0 134.5 1, 891. 9 95. 54.3 40.7 211.2 20.7 190..-) 905.9 45. 860.9 40. Feces li.:, Amount utilized 25.5 Digestibility of entire rat ion (per cent). (ID. 2 95. 63.7 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) '. :<7.4 ■).-,. 1 DIGESTIBILITY OF THE GRAIN SORGHUMS* 11 Data of digestion experiments with softer kafir bread in a simple mixed diet — Continued . Weight. Water. Protein. Eat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 211, subject D. G. G.- Kafir bread Grams. 1, 736. 1, 008. 798.0 330.0 201.0 Grams. 583.3 756.0 718.2 36.3 Grams. 139.9 30.2 2.4 3.3 Grams. 96.4 Grams. 871.8 211.7 73.4 Grams. 44.6 Potato 10.1 Apple sauce 2.4 280.5 1.6 Butter 9.9 Sugar 201.0 Total food consumed 4,073.0 135.0 2, 093. 8 175.8 66.2 109.6 379.3 9.8 369.5 1,357.9 33.0 1,324.9 66.2 26.0 Amount utilized : 40.2 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 62.3 97.4 97.6 60.7 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 59.0 98.7 Experiment No. 212, subject R. L. S.: Kafir bread 1,354.0 753.0 1, 122. 209.0 182.0 454.9 564.8 1,009.8 23.0 109.1 22.6 3.4 2.1 75.2 680.0 158.1 103.3 34.8 Potato 7.5 Apple sauce 3.4 177.6 2.2 Butter 6.3 Sugar 182.0 Total food consumed 3, 620. 136.0 2, 052. 5 137. 2 63.0 74.2 256.2 18.1 238.1 1, 123. 3 40.6 1, 082. 7 • 50.8 Feces 14.3 Amount utilized 36.5 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 54.1 92.9 96.4 71.9 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 50.5 97.2 Experiment No. 213, subject O. E. S.: Kafir bread 1,631.0 974.0 1, 145. 280.0 227.0 548.0 730.5 1,030.5 30.8 131.5 29.2 3.4 2.8 90.5 819.1 204.5 105.3 41.9 Potato 9.8 Apple sauce 3.5 238.0 2.3 Butter 8.4 227.0 Total food consumed 4,257.0 193.0 2,339.8 166.9 83.6 83.3 332. 22.5 309.5 1,355.9 66.3 1,289.6 62.4 Feces 20.6 Amount utilized 41.8 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 49.9 93.2 95.1 67.0 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 44.2 45.6 95.0 385.2 Average food consumed per subject per day 1, 258. 4 705. 8 103.6 18.2 Summary of digestion experiments with softer kafir bread in a simple mixed diet. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carbohy- drates. 187 188 189 190 211 D.G. G R.L.S O.E.S R. F. T D. G. G Per cent. 90.8 38.0 38.2 37.4 59.0 Per cent. 98.7 94.6 93.6 95.1 98.7 212 R.L. S O.E. S Average Per cent. 50.5 44.2 Per cent. 97.2 95.0 51.2 96.1 In these experiments with the softer kafir bread in a simple mixed diet it will be noted that on an average 45.6 grams of protein and 385 grams of carbohydrate were supplied the subjects daily. The bread alone furnished 35 grams and 230 grams of these constituents, which were found to be 51.2 per cent and 96.1 per cent digested, respectively. These figures indicate that the bread protein appar- ently was less available than in the preceding tests in which harde kafir bread was eaten with milk. 12 BULLETIN 470, V. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS WITH FETERITA BREAD. Feterita was also used in the form of a bread flavored with ginger, experience having shown that all such gingerbreads, owing to their slightly sweet and spicy flavor, are very appetizing. For example, the subjects ate an average of eight-tenths of a pound of the feterita bread per day and over a pound of the kafir bread which was made according to the same recipe. The data of the digestion experiments with feterita bread eaten with a simple mixed diet follow: Data of digestion experiments with feterita bread in a simple mixed diet. "Weight. Water. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 195, subject D. G. G.: Feterita bread Grams. 1,422.0 918.0 888.0 268.0 137.0 Grams. 477.9 688.5 799.2 29.5 Grams. 113.4 27.5 2.7 2.7 Grams. 82.2 Grams. 705.6 192.8 81.7 Grams. 42.9 Potato 9.2 Apple sauce 2.6 227.8 1.8 Butter 8.0 Sugar 137.0 Total food consumed 3, 633. 124.0 1,995.1 146.3 62.2 84.1 312.6 14.5 298.1 1,117.1 34.9 1,082.2 61.9 Feces 12 .4 49.5 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 57.5 95.4 96.9 80.0 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 52.9 98.0 Experiment No. 196, subject P. L. S.: Feterita bread 1,298.0 728.0 1,016.0 208.0 128.0 436.3 546.0 914.4 22.9 103.4 21.8 3.1 2.1 75.0 644.1 152.9 93.5 39.2 Potato 7.3 Apple sauce 3.0 176.8 2.0 Butter 6.2 Sugar 128.0 Total food consumed 3,378.0 106.0 1,919.6 130.4 53.5 76.9 254.8 12.3 242.5 1,018.5 29.4 989.1 54.7 Feces 10.8 Amount utilized 43.9 » Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 59.0 56.3 95.2 97.1 98.5 80.3 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) Experiment No. 197, subject 0. E. S.: Feterita bread 993.0 702.0 941.0 204.0 193.0 333.8 526.5 846.9 22.4 79.1 21.1 2.8 2.1 57.4 492.7 147. 4 86.6 30.0 Potato 7.0 Apple sauce 2.8 173.4 1.9 Butter 6.1 Sugar 193.0 Total food consumed 3,033.0 110.0 1,729.6 105.1 52.9 52.2 233. 6 12.3 221.3 919.7 32.6 887.1 45.0 Feces 12.2 Amount utilized 32.8 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 49.7 94.7 96.5 72.9 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) ' 43.1 97.4 Experiment No. 198, subject R. F. T.: Feterita bread 856.0 415.0 1,018.0 142.0 178.0 2S7. 7 311.2 916.2 15.6 68.2 12.5 3.1 1.4 49.5 424.8 87.1 93.7 25. 8 Potato 4.2 Apple sauce 3.0 120.7 2.0 Butter 4.3 Sugar 178.0 Total food consumed 2,609.0 74.0 1,530.7 85.2 29.7 55.5 173. 2 11.4 161. 8 783.6 23.5 760.1 36. :i Feces 9.4 Amount utilized 26.9 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 65.1 93.4 97.0 74. 1 Estimated digestibility oi bread 66. 3 98. 6 DIGESTIBTLITY OF THE GRAIN SORGHUMS. 13 Data of digestion experiments with feterita bread in a simple mixed diet — Continued. Weight. Water. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 203, subject D. G. G.: Feterita bread Grams. 1,205.0 965.0 805.0 306.0 165.0 Grams. 35.0 723.7 724.5 33.6 Grams. 105.4 29.0 2.4 3.1 Grams. 68.0 Grams. 620.3 202.7 74.1 Grams. 36 3 Potato 9 6 Apple sauce 2.4 260.1 1 6 Butter 9.2 Sugar " 165.0 Total food consumed 3,446.0 157.0 1,856.8 139.9 81.6 58.3 330.5 11.3 319.2 1,062.1 50.6 1,011.5 56 7 Feces 13 5 Amount utilized 43 2 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 41.7 96.6 95.2 76 ' ? Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 30.7 95.2 Experiment No. 204, subject R. L. S.: Feterita bread 1,298.0 913. 888.0 226.0 139.0 403.9 684.8 799.2 24.8 113.6 27.4 2.6 2.3 73.2 668.2 191.7 81.7 39 1 Potato 9 1 Apple sauce 2.7 192.1 1.8 Butter 6.8 Sugar 139.0 Total food consumed 3,464.0 94.0 1,912.7 145.9 46.8 99.1 268. 8.0 260.0 1,080.6 29.8 1,050.8 56.8 Feces 9.4 Amount utilized 47.4 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 67.9 97.0 97.2 83 5 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 66.5 98.6 Experiment No. 205, subject 0. E. S.: Feterita bread 876.0 836.0 827.0 182.0 199.0 272.6 627.0 744.3 20.0 76.6 25.1 2.5 1.8 49.4 451.0 175.6 76.1 26.4 Potato 8.3 Apple sauce 2.5 154.7 1.6 Butter 5.5 Sugar 199.0 Total food consumed 2, 920. 99.0 1,663.9 106.0 49.1 56.9 206.6 8.6 198.0 901.7 31.2 870.5 41.8 Feces 10.1 Amount utilized 31.7 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 53.7 95.8 96.5 75.8 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 46.6 97.6 Experiment No. 206, subject R. F. T.: Feterita bread 850.0 369.0 782.0 136.0 199.0 264.5 276.7 703.8 14.9 74.4 11.1 2.3 1.4 47.9 437.6 77.5 71.9 25.6 Potato 3.7 Apple sauce 2.4 115.6 1.6 Butter 4.1 Sugar 199.0 Total food consumed 2.336. 110.0 1,259.9 89.2 48.5 40.7 165.9 12.5 153.4 786.0 36.5 749.5 35.0 Feces 12.5 Amount utilized 22.5 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 45.6 92.5 95.4 0-4.3 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 42.1 95.1 Average food consumed per subject per day 1,034.1 577.8 39.5 81.0 319.6 16.2 Summary of digestion experiments with feterita bread in a simple mixed diet. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carboh}'- drates. 195 196 197 198 203 D.G.G R.L.S O.E.S R.F. T D.G.G Per cent. 52.9 56.3 43.1 66.3 30.7 Per cent. 98.0 98.5 97.4 98.6 95.2 204 205 206 R.L.S O.E.S R.F.T Per cent. 66.5 46.6 42.1 Per cent. 98.6 97.6 95.1 50.6 97.4 14 BULLETIN 470, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In the test periods in which feterita bread was eaten, an average of 31 grams of protein and 185 grams of carbohydrate was supplied daily by the bread, the protein being 50.6 per cent and the carbo- hydrate 97.4 per cent digested. As with the other sorghums, although the meal was coarse and apparently increased the peris- taltic action of the intestine, no physiological disturbances were experienced. DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS WITH MILO BREAD. Milo bread flavored with ginger was used in this series of tests, being supplemented by a simple mixed diet like that provided for the other experiments of this series. Four subjects assisted in the eight digestion experiments, the results of which are recorded in the following tables: Data of digestion experiments with milo bread in a simple mixed diet. Weight. Water. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 171, subject D. G. G.: Milo bread Grams. 1,247.0 743.0 871.0 200.0 252.0 Grams. 389. 4 557.3 783.9 22.0 Grams. 94.3 22.3 2.6 2.0 Grams. 79.2 2.6 170.0 Grams. 617.9 156.0 80.1 Grams. 36.2 Potato 7.4 Apple sauce 1.8 Butter 6.0 Sugar 252.0 Total food consumed 3,313.0 148. 1, 752. 6 121.2 72.4 48.8 40.3 31.5 251. 8 12.2 239.6 95.2 1.136.0 50.2 1,085.8 95.6 95.5 51.4 Feces 13.2 Amount utilized 38.2 Digestibility of entire ration (per cen t) . 74.3 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) Experiment No. 172, subject R. L. S.: Milo bread 1,330.0 770. 1, 075. 213.0 100.0 417.2 582. 967.5 23.4 101.0 23.3 3.2 2.1 84.8 694.2 163.0 98.9 38.8 Potato Apple sauce. 3.2 181.1 2.2 Butter 6.4 Sugar 100.0 Total food consumed 3, 500. 133.0 1, 990. 1 129.6 63.9 65. 7 oO. 7 45.5 269. 1 21.5 247.6 92.0 1.056.1 34.4 1,021.7 96.7 97.9 Feces 13.2 Amount utilized 41.9 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 76.0 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) Experiment No. 173, subject 0. E. S.: Milo bread 1,256.0 651.0 986.0 226.0 217.0 392.2 488.3 887. 4 24.8 95.0 19.5 3.0 2.3 79.8 652.6 136.7 90.7 36.4 Potato 6. 5 Apple sauce 2.9 192.1 2.0 Butter 6.8 Sugar 217.0 Total food consumed 3,336.0 116.0 1, 792. 7 119.8 55. 7 64.1 53.5 J9.7 274.8 10.7 264.1 96.1 1,097.0 37.9 1,059.1 96.5 97.3 51.7 Feces 11.7 Amount utilized 40.0 Digestibility of entire ration (percent) . 77. i Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) Experiment No. 174, subject P. F. T.: Milo bread 1,007.0 443.0 1,105.0 150. 253. 314.5 332.3 994.5 16. 5 76.1 13.3 3.3 1.5 63.9 523. 2 93.0 101.7 29.3 Potato 4.4 Apple sauce 3.3 127. 5 2.2 Butter 4.5 Sugar 253. Total food consumed Feces 2, 95S. 119.0 1.657.8 94.2 51.2 43.0 45. 6 42.3 194.7 13.7 181.0 93.0 970.9 42.4 928.5 95. 6 40.4 11.7 Amount utilized 28.7 1 >igestlbllity of entire ration (per cent ) . 71.0 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (percent) ". . — DIGESTIBILITY OF THE GRAIN SORGHUMS. 15 Data of digestion experiments with milo bread in a simple mixed diet — Continued. - Weight. Water. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 218, subject D. G. G.: Milo bread Grams. 1,745.0 819.0 1, 107. 340.0 185.0 Grams. 573.2 606.0 996.3 37.4 Grams. 130.9 24.6 3.3 3.4 Grams. 89.3 Grams. 902.3 180.2 101.9 Grams. 49 3 Potato 8.2 Apple sauce 3.3 289.0 2.2 Butter 10 2 Sugar 185.0 Total food consumed 4, 196. 159.0 2, 212. 9 162.2 81.5 80.7 381.6 11.5 370.1 1,369.4 51.4 1,318.0 69.9 Feces 14 6 Amount utilized 55.3 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent). 49.8 97.0 96.2 79.1 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 44.8 96.8 Experiment No. 219, subject R. L. S.: Milo bread 1,727.0 788.0 1,075.0 225.0 110.0 567.3 583.1 967.5 24.8 129.5 23.6 3.2 2.2 88.4 893.0 173.4 98.9 48.8 Potato 7.9 Apple sauce 3.2 191.2 2.2 Butter 6.8 Sugar 110.0 Total food consumed 3,925.0 142.0 2, 142. 7 158.5 72.9 85.6 282.8 15.4 267.4 1,275.3 38.8 1,236.5 65.7 Feces 14.9 Amount utilized 50.8 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 54.0 94.6 97.0 77.3 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 50.6 98.0 Experiment No. 220, subject 0. E. S.: Milo bread 1,855.0 747.0 1, 228. 300.0 322.0 609.4 552.8 1, 105. 2 33.0 139.1 22.4 3.7 3.0 95.0 959.2 164.3 113.0 52.3 Potato 7.5 Apple sauce 3.7 255.0 2.4 Butter 9.0 Sugar 322.0 Total food consumed 4, 452. 216.0 2,300.4 168.2 104.6 63.6 353.7 18.8 334.9 1,558.5 71.8 1, 486. 7 71.2 Feces 20.8 Amount utilized 50.4 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . . 37.8 94.7 95.4 70.8 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 31.6 95.2 Experiment No. 221, subject R. F. T.: Milo bread 1,435.0 595.0 1, 128. 240.0 293.0 471.4 440.3 1,015.2 26.4 107.6 17.8 3.4 2.4 73.5 742.0 130.9 103.8 40.5 Potato 6.0 Apple sauce 3.4 204.0 2.2 Butter 7.2 Sugar 293.0 Total food consumed 3,691.0 , 205.0 1,953.3 131.2 89.6 41.6 280.9 24.1 256.8 1,269.7 68.4 1,201.3 55.9 Feces 22.9 Amount utilized 33.0 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) . 31.7 91.4 94.6 59.0 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) 24.3 93.9 Average food consumed per subject per day 1,223.8 658.5 45.2 95.4 405.5 19.2 Summary of digestion experiments with milo bread in a simple mixed diet. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carbohy- drates. Experi- ment No. Subject. Protein. Carbohy- drates.' 171 172....... 173 174 218 D. G. G R. L. S O. E. S R. F. T D. G. G Per cent. 31.5 45.5 49.7 42.3 44.8 Per cent. 95.5 97.9 97.3 95.8 96.8 219 220 221 R. L. S O. E. S F. F. T Average Per cent. 50.6 31.6 24.3 Per ant. 98: 95.2 93.9 40.0 96.3 16 BULLETIN 470, CJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In the diet containing large quantities of milo bread, the bread sup- plied an average of 36 grams of protein and 251 grams of carbohydrate, which were estimated to be 40.0 per cent and 96.3 per cent digested, respectively. In these experiments, as in the tests with the other sorghums, owing to the low protein content of the grains, it would have been very difficult for the subjects to eat a sufficient bulk of the diet to obtain the amount of protein specified in the common dietary standards, namely, 100 grams per man of average weight daily. DIGESTION EXPERIMENTS WITH KAOLIANG BREAD. Kaoliang bread, or, perhaps better, gingerbread (also flavored with ginger), was very similar in taste and appearance to the other sorghum breads. Indeed, all the sorghum gingerbreads so clearly resembled one another that the subjects apparently believed that they were all prepared from the same meal. The essential data of the digestion experiments with four subjects are reported as follows: Data of digestion experiments with kaoliang bread in a simple mixed diet. Weight. Water. Protein. Fat. Carbohy- drates. Ash. Experiment No. 378, subject D. G. G.: Grams. 1,419.0 632.0 1,045.0 374.0 94.0 Grams. 203.6 474.0 914.4 41.2 Grams. 134.8 19.0 3.3 3.7 Grams. 124.9 Grams. 920.4 132.7 120.5 Grams. 35.3 6.3 4.3 317.9 2.5 11.2 94.0 Total food consumed 3,564.0 194.0 1,633.2 160.8 102.5 58.3 447.1 22.5 424.6 1,267.6 53.6 1,214.0 55.3 Feces 15.4 39.9 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) 36.3 95.0 95.8 72.2 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per 26.8 96.4 Experiment No. 379, subject A. J. H.: Kaoliang bread 1,323.0 599.0 947.0 337.0 44.0 189.9 449.2 828.6 37.1 125.7 18.0 3.0 3.4 116.4 858.1 125.8 109.2 32.9 Potato 6.0 Apple sauce 3.9 286.4 2.3 Butter 10.1 Sugar . 44.0 Total food consumed 3,250.0 213.0 1,504.8 150.1 109.0 41.1 406.7 34.6 372.1 1, 137. 1 4& 3 1,08a 8 5L3 Feces 21.1 30.2 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) 27.4 91.5 95.8 sa 9 Estimated digestibility of bread alone (per cent) . 16.1 96.5 Experiment No. 380, subject R. L. S.: Kaoliang bread 1,431.0 587.0 1,073.0 270.0 121. 205.4 440.2 938. 9 29.7 135.9 17.6 3.4 2.7 125. 9 92a 2 123.3 123.7 35. 6 Potato 5.9 Apple sauce 4.4 229.5 2.6 Butter ai Sugar 121.0 Total food consumed 3,482.0 235.0 1,614.2 159.6 119.1 40.5 359. 8 30.3 329.5 1,296.2 04. 1, 232. 2 52.2 Feces 21. 6 Amount utilized 30.6 Digestibility of entire ration (per cent) 25.4 91.6 95.0 5&