E Glass. Book STATE OF NEW YORK REPORT OF THE Plattsburgh Centenary Commission TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE APRIL 11, 1917 ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 1917 « s STATE OF NEW YORK \ REPORT OF THE Plattsburgh Centenary Commission TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE APRIL 11, 1917 ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY, PRINTERS 1917 D, of D. MAY 15 1917 <.^-^ ^ State of New York No. 60 IN senate: Ai'HII. 11. 1!»1T Report of Plattsburgh Centenary Commission Ti) ihc Lf'fiishifiirr of tiw Stuff' of Xfir York: Under chapters 730 and 828 of the Laws of lOlo and chaj^ter 95 of the Laws of 1914- the Plattsburgh ('eiitenarv Coininissioii was created and organized to " provide for the celebration of the centenary of the battle of Plattsburgh " and '' bv itself, or in co- operation with the government of the United States to provide for, erect and establish a suitable niemorinl to Tbouias ^facdonough in the city of Plattsburgh, ^e\\ York." An appropriation of $1::?5,()()0 bv tbc Legislature of the St;ite of Xew York April 3, 191-1:, under chapter {);") of the laws of that year for the purposes outlined above was followed July 31, 1914, by an appropriation of an equal amount by Congress " to aid in constructing at Plattsburgh a fitting, perniiinent uieuiorial of the victory of Macdonough and Macondi." THE CELEBRATION The members of your Commission arranged that September (> to 11, 1914, should be the dates for the celebration and proceeded in the belief that a celebration of this event should be so planned and carried out as to enable as many as possible to take active part 4 [^Senate, in the ceremonies ; that it should appeal to people in all walks of life, young and old, rich and poor, grave and gay. The battle was fought and won by people from all walks of life, laboring men, farmers, ministers and priests, merchants, manufacturers, profes- sional men and at least one member of Congress fighting shoulder to shoulder. There were lads of eighteen and under; there were gray-haired veterans of the Kevolutiou. Few had uniforms. More than half of the men who won the battle of Plattsburgh were residents of the Champlain valley. Accordingly, the following program was arranged and carried out to the letter: Peace Day Sunday, September Qth Forenoon Services in the churches in the city and at the Catholic Summer School of America at Cliff Haven. Afternoon 3.30 1'. M. Popular patriotic mass meeting, pageant field, Plattsburgh barracks. Addresses and patriotic songs, led by chorus of 400 voices and by bands of the First Brigade, U. S. A. Evening 7.30 v. M. Services in the churches appropriate to occa- sion. 8.45 p. M. Sacred concerts by several bands, throughout city. Labok Day Monday, September 7th Forenoon Parade of labor organizations, under the auspices of Trades and Labor Assembly of Plattsburgh. Afternoon 1.30 V. M, Address at Clinton county fair grounds by Hon. Samuel Gompers, President American Federation of Labor. ;{.00 J*. M, Program of horse racos, foot races, niotorcyi-le races, jumping contests, tug-of-war and oilier sj)orts, Clinton county fair gronmls. Trap shooting tournament on the grounds of Phittshurgli luxl and (luii (Muh, Oak street and Bovnton avenue. N'lOKUKXNKs Day Tiicsdai/, Srpfpiiihrr S/// III Vergennes, Vt. Celebration of the building of Macdonough's Heet. /;/ Pldttsburgh Trap-shooting tournament (Continuecl ). Evening 8.00 J*. .M. First performance of the Historical Pageant of the Champiain Valley on Pageant Field, Plattsburgh bar- racks, under the direction of Margaret Maclaren Eager, with 1,200 particiyjants, chorus of 400 voices and Doring's band of Troy, X. y. (40 pieces). ^Iacoaib Day \\'('