SPEECH OF HON. JAMES M. GRAHAM OW ILLI^^"OIS HOUSE OF IlEPIlESEXTAXn'ES FEBRUARY 12, 1913 WASHINGTON 1913 7S4S3— 1177G a OF n. JUL 14 1915 SPEECH OF IIOX. JAMES M. GrvATIAir ABKAIIASI LTXCOLX. Mr. GIIAIIAM. Mr. Speaker, in tlie grov.'th and devolopment of a nation it would bo diftioult to overestimate tlie value of great exauiijlc.s, of liigb ideals, and one of the compensating benefits we derived from tbc Civil War is the long list of heroic f'.ctious of magiianimous and noble deeds performed by men on either side. Never before in the history of the world did the vanquished exhibit greater valor, and never did the victor in a great war treat the vanquished with such splendid generosity as in that titanic struggle. Xo Roman triumph marked the final victory. Napoleon's standards waved at one time or another from the citadels of almost every capital in continental Europe. The Germans took literal possession of conquered Paris, but Grant turned from Richmond at its very gate. No humiliating terms were imposed at the surrender of the great Confederate com- mander. He received the courteous and chivalric treatment which brave men always accord to brave men. Perhaps the greatest moment in the life of the silent commander was when asked at Appomattox what disposition v,-as to be made of the horses of the Confederate cavalry, which were mostly owned by the men who rode them, and he replied in his quiet way, " Let them keep them ; they'll need them for the spring plow- ing." Deeds of personal heroism were so numerous that it would be invidious to mention any particular ones. There were, indeed, giants in those days. That awful struggle was in truth a struggle of Titans. But out of it all one great gaunt figure 784S5— 11T7G o rises and stands above the others like a cedar of Lebanon, towering beyond his fellows in massive grandeur, unique, alone, for in the whole field of profane history there is neither proto- type nor parallel for Abraham Lincoln. I was not always an admirer of President Lincoln. When a boy the first book I rend about the Civil War was Pollard's Lost Cause, which was published in lUchmond before the heat of the conflict had time to cool. But later in life a number of circumsiances conspired to attract mo to a study of the career of tlii.s wonderful man, this first American, as Lowell called him. For many years I have lived within a stone's throw of his old home in Springfield. He once represented in Congress the district I now have the honor to represent, and the fourteenth of April, the anniversary of his martyrdom, reminds mo of the too frequent recurrence of my own birthday amiiversary. I have loved to talk of him with the low men still loft in Springfield who knew him and admired him long before the general public appreciated him. I have marveled at a career whicli far outdistances romance. Many a time have I traveled witli him in spirit over tliat long and weary journey from the Kentucky cabin to the White House. I have tried to under- stand him, to estimate his character, only with this result, tliat as my own vision broadened I saw in liim new strength, now wisdom, new self-control, in'w cleMicuts of greatness, till lie became to me, as Stanton sjiid of him, "the most perfect ruler of men the world had ever seen," and I am forced to the con- clusion tliat ill the i)rovidence of (!od he was destined to be the savior of the Republic, the preserver of government of the people, by the i)'>oplt'. for the peo])le. [.\pplause.] Having siiid this inm-li, you ;ire not surprised to lu'iir nie s;iy tliat 1 rt'-aiil Aliraham l,iii<-oln as one of tlu- world's greatest men. What is the real test of greatness? How is greatness to be weighed or measured? Ry what method is it to b»> determined V Ha nian'.s greatness is to be measured liy the serviee he rendered his fellow mi-n, tlion indeed w:is Lincoln gre;\t. 78-1S5 -11770 If wo accept tlio criterion that he that ruloth his own spirit is greater than he that taketh a city, still was Lincoln a great man. If tlie ability to recognize and nntlerstand right principles and to stand for them and stand by them, in gloom and defeat as Avell as in snnshiue and victory, is a sign of greatness, still was Lincoln great. If absolnte and abiding faith in the ultimate triumph of that which is right because it is right is a sign of greatness, ho had it. If the broadest charity, the greatest magnanimity, the most complete absence of the spirit of resentment is an evidence of greatness, then was Lincoln superlatively great. If a deep, strong, boundless, active, and abiding sympathy for all those who labor and are heavy laden is an evidence of greatness, he had it in a degree approached by few other human beings. Unbounded courage, unwavering determination, unlimited ca- pacity to work and to suffer are essentials of greatness. Lincoln had them all in a remarkable degree. Nor were these admirable qualities marred by any vice or weakness, barring a supposed weakness resulting from his excessive human sympathy. He was absolutely unselfish; he had in him no element of cupidity; he was incapable of the feeling of mere revenge, and his greatest ambition was to be right and to be of service to his country and to humanity. "Who can be named who had all these qualities in such degree as this rail maker of the Sangamon? If we are to measure greatness by the power to accomplish, by the conquest of obstacles, by difficulties overcome, whom can you name fit to be compared with this untaught and unaided child of the forest and the prairie? The so-called "ladder of fame" furnishes us with at least a figure of speech by which we are wont to measure and com- pare the achievements of the great. Let me use that rhetorical figure for the purpose of a brief comparison between Lincoln 78iS5— 11776 6 and some of tbe great ones of the eartli whose names fill the pages of the histories and whose fame comes ringing down the ages. I will not attempt more than mere suggestion, but I invite you at your leisure to go into the details and ascertain what each did for himself and what others did for him ; where each began his individual career of accomplishment and where he ended it ; in other words, how far he traveled, through his own efforts, on this strenuous and toilsome journey up fame's ladder. Let me illustrate what I mean by citing just a few of tha names of the world's great which at once occur to anyone — Alexander, Ctesar, Charlemagne, Napoleon. Alexander was the son of a great monarch and heir to a kingdom. lie had all the advantages position could give. lie had as his private tutor the philosopher Ai'istotle, one of the greatest intellects the world has known. At the age of 20 hi.s father's death placed him on the throne of Macodon. Thus, without any si^ecial peisonal elTurf, he found himself, before he reached his majorily, far up fame's ladder. Cicsar was of patrician birth and had bulb wealth and family influence behind him. lie enjoyed tbe beuolit of tbe best schools, and official preferment awaited his desire. His family connection and social position enabled him to begin life well up fame's ladder. Charlemagne was a worthy descendent of the famous Charles Martel, a King of France. He was, in truth, a great enii»ire builder, but he, too, was lioiii well up tbe ladder of fanie. And Napoleon, that wonderful man of destiny, was the son of a general, a graduate of one of the greatest nulitary schools of the time. Others prepared biiii I'oi- tlK> opjiortunity he .sei7-ed so promiilly ami utilized so conii)lelel3'. Nor is our own l.md without illustrations. Washington bad all tbi' advantages that weallb and station could givo, and Jefferson added to the.se advantages a thorough college training. So that all these, through in!ierit«'d :idvant;ige, hfji\n th»ir life work well uj) fame's laddt-r. r.nt wliat of Lincoln V What udviintagc I'T hiilli or weallb or cnvironnicnl liaeping luuler a coverlet of snow; wallclng miles to borrow n bool; ;iii(i lying prone on the Hour to read it by tlie light of the blazing pine knots; wading waist deep through the wintry waters of a creek to rescue a worlhle.cs dog; guiding a ilatl)o:it down llic .Mississippi; malting rails to fence the lillle farm on the Sangamon for his father and stepmother before leaxiiig Iheiu to malio his own way in the world, before starling out at twenty-two on the (inest for the road leading t<» lliat lignialive 78-185-11770 11 ladder on wliicli be was destined to climb so bigb. Again see bim start from Springfield on a flatboat trip to New Orleans; see bim find a way to extricate tbe stranded boat wben older and more experienced men fail, just as later on, in affairs of gi'eater moment, be always found a way; see bim as grocer's clerk treating all witb rigid, scrupulous bcnesty, walking tbree miles before breakfast to bring to a customer tbe modicum of tea wbicb tbe accidental use of a wrong weigbt deprived ber of tbe evening before ; see bim postmaster, witb tbe mail in bis bat, and see bim laying away at tbe end of bis term tbe very pennies wbicb belonged to tbe Government, to be produced years afterwards when called on for a settlement. Step by step see him progress on tbe toilsome way, now storekeeper, now sur- veyor, soldier, politician, and lawyer, but ever and always faith- ful student, good citizen, and honest man. [Applause.] Then see bim arrive in Springfield at tbe age of twenty-eight, bringing with bim little credit, and less money, and riding a borrowed horse. See him gradually rise, gaining steadily in public estimation. See bim in tbe State legislature and in Con- gress, and wben the question of slavery extension becomes acute see bim challenge for a joint discussion bis opponent for sena- torial honors, the ablest debater of his day, Stephen A. Douglas, the Little Giant of the Prairie State. TTie whole civilized world knows the result of that debate. Like a skillful general Lincoln so directed tbe course of tbe contest that be lost a skirmish in order to win a battle. He was beaten for the Senator ship only to gain the Presidency. On May 18, 1S60, he v/as nominated by the national convention of his party at Chicago, and duly elected in November. On the 11th of the following February he departed from his Springfield home never to return alive. I can see in imagination tbe parting scene. In a pouring rain he stood bareheaded on the coach platform at the old Wabash depot and bade good-by to bis friends and neighbors. Listen to him : My friends, no one not in my situation can appreciate ray fooling of sadness at this parting. To this place and the kindness of these people I owe everything. Kcre I have lived a quarter of a century, and 78485—11776 12 havo passed from a young man to an old man. Ilerc my cliildivn wore boiD, and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when or wlietlier ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of that Divine Being wlso ever attended him I can not succeed. With that assi.«lnnce I can not fail. Trusting in llim who can go with me and remain with you and be everywhere for good, let us conlidently .hope that all will yet be well. To His car-j commeudiug you, as I hopo in your juiijcrs you will commend mr, I bid you an afiLeciiouate farev.cll. IAiiiil:uiS:-e.] How toiicliiug, how sincere, how full of faith iu God. AiuT the lanj,'uage itself — how rhythmic, how direct, how simiile it is. Where did this man, who scarcely entered the schoolhouse and knew not the college or tlic university, get this magnificent, this perfect couunaud of Uiuguage? How and where and when did he master that elusive thing called style so thoroughly that some of his letters and speeches adorn the walls of groat institutions of learning as specimens of perfect English? Let me read to j'ou his letter to Mr.s. Bixley, vihich both graces and adorns a wall of Oxford Uuivor.sily as a si)CLiuieu of perfect composition : Dbau Madam : I have been shown iu the files rif the War Department a statement of the adjutant general of Massachusetts that you are the mother of five sous who have died gloriously on the field of battle. I feel how v.-eak and fruitless must bo any words of mine wliich should nttemiit to beguile you from a loss so overwhelming, but I can not re- frain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the IJepublic they died to save. I pray our heavenly rather may a.ssuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of (he loved and lost and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice on the altar of freedom. lAi.plaiise.] Ills Cetlysburg addicts is conceded to be the be.<5t short speech in the language, but short as it is and excellent as it is, I shall not now ask you to listen to it. Intlecd. were I lo in- dulge in quoting si)eclincns of his eloquence. I should find ni> rea.sonable slopping place. I can uol, however, resist the im- pulse lo quote llic proi)hecy which concludes his lirst JMaugural: I nm loath to clo.sc. Wo are not enemies. l)ut friends. We must not l)e enemies. Though' passion may have strained, it must not break our bontls of niri-ctidii. The mystic chords of memory, stretching froui every ballh- thid .•ind patriot gi-ave to every living heart and licarlliston<' all over this bro.ul land, will yet swell the clioru.s of the Inlon, when Ogain touched, as surely Ihcy will be, by the better angels of our n.ilure. [Applause.] 7SIS5 11770 13 And may I not also recite the hymn with which he closes his second inaugural? — ■ With malice toward none, with charity for all ; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in ; to bind up the Nation's wounds ; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan — to do all things which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. [Applause.] What rhythm, what majesty, what patriotism I If we did not knov>' that his spare moments from boyhood up were given to the study of the Bible and to the companionsiiip of ul3sop aud Bunyan and Defoe and Burns and Shakespeare, we might well exclaim as did the doctors aud the scribes of old coucerniug Him who spake as man never spake, " Whence hath this man letters, having never learned?" But we know that his mastery of his native tongue, the only one he knew, did not come unsought. It was acquired by persi-steut and resolute effort, and was tinged and tempered by the tenderness of a nature filled with love for God and man and country- It re- flected his patience, his fortitude, his fidelity, his absolute fair- ness and sense of justice, as well as his courage, sincerity, and resolution. In short, with him, as with eA'ery master of dic- tion, the style bespoke the man. Almost fortj'-seveu years have come and gone since the fateful night -nhen the hand of a poor deluded lunatic, without a mo- ment's notice or a word of warning, struck him down. What a shock he ga^e the world and what a cruel wound he thus inflicted on the torn and bleeding Southland ! By that blow he struck down the only man who had the strength and the will to stay the rutliless hands of those greedy and unscrupulous adventurers who, at the close of the vrar, promptly proceeded to plunder the stricken South. I give it as the opinion of his lifelong friends in Springfield that Lincoln never lost his love and sympathy for his native Southland, and that had he lived he would never have permitted the reign of robbery and ruin which that fair land experienced in reconstruction days. The hand, the only hand, which had the strength to save them was paralyzetl in death by one who vainly imagined he was aiding their cause. 784S3— 1177G 14 As for Lincoln, It was far beyond tlie poor power of tlio as- sassin to rob him of one tittle of his fame. Indeed, he added the one thing needed, if anything v/ere needed, to enshrine his memory forever in the hearts of the American people, and that was the martyr's crown. And for this he chose, most oppor- tunely, the moment when his victim had reached the summit, nay, the very zenith of his fame. The war was practicallj' over. The dove of peace hovered over the land. The Union was saved. Government of the peo- ple, by the people, and for the people had not perished from the earth. The ship of state was safe at anchor. The shackles were struck from the limbs of four million slaves. And the peo- ple gave Lincoln credit for it ail. The world was filled with the sound of his pruises. His feet were on the topmost round of fame's ladder. Millions of his countryinon would cheerfully have laid down their lives to save his life. There was little glory left for him to gain, and thou, lest ho trip and stuuiblo, fate closed and sealeui;le thrills, Tor you houtjuets and ribboned wreaths — for you the shore's aerowdinjj, l'"or you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! Q'his arm beneath your head ! It is some dream that on the dock You've fallen cold and dead. My captain does not answer, his lips are pale anil still. My father does not feel niy arm, he has no pulse nor will. The ship Is anchored safe and sound, lis voyage clused and done, l'"rom fearful trip (ho victor ship con>es In with object won ! KxuK, Oh, shores, and rins. Oh, bells I Dut 1, with mournful (r>'ail. Walk (he d>