F 29 .V95t-16 - THE - Woodstock, Sumner i Buckfield TOWN REGISTER 1 9 O 5 COMPILED BY MITCHELL AND DAVIS Brunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co. 1905 X .V\jo^^, TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION WOODSTOCK Early Settlement Organization and Incorporation Hamlin's Qore Town Officials Manufacturing Military Account Religious Organizations Education SUMNER Butterfield Township, No. 6 and No. 7 Settlement Incorporation Town Officials Local Industries Military Matters Church Affairs School Items BUCKFIELD Township Number Five Early Settlement Incorporation Town Officers Industrial Account Military Buckfield Churches School Items Zadoc Long Free Library Patrons of Husbandry CENSUS OF BUCKFIELD CENSUS OF SUMNER CENSUS OF WOODSTOCK Woodstock, Sumner m Buckfield TOWN REGISTER. 1905 INTRODUCTION. Nowhere in the State of Maine can be found more beau- tiful and varied scenery than presents itself in the rugged landscape of the celebrated Oxford Hills bordering the upper valley of the Androscoggin. The surface of the three towns of which we treat is beautifully varied by precipitous hills, with their peaks generally covered with evergreen forest trees, quiet lakes nestling at their feet, and rushing brooks and hillside torrents wending their way to the noble river which surrounds this section to the north and east. This section of Maine was not entered by civilization, except for hunting and trapping, for many decades after the formation of permanent settlements along the coast, and on the lower courses of the great river highways. Gradually, as the native Indian tribes retreated or became weakened by the loss of numbers, the ambitious and progressive white men ventured farther up the river courses or penetrated the 6 INTRODUCTION ojreat unbroken wilderness; thus gradually but steadily- pushing forward the pioneer line, and forcing backward the old order of native ownership of the soil and its common possession by a race which seemed to delight both in the lib- erties of peace, and the vicissitudes of war. During the last twenty years of the eighteenth century many townships in Oxford county and the interior of Maine were granted or sold to men who sought them for the priv- ileges of making for themselves and their families homes where they should be at peace, and enjoy the liberties so dearly and heroically bought. Settlement was made in Buckfield in 1777, in Sumner soon after the close of the American Revolution, and in the towns farther north and west very soon following. This was the beginning of a period of remarkable growth and development in this section of the State, which we shall briefly follow in this account as they are related to the towns of which we write. HISTORY OF WOODSTOCK EARLY SETTLEMENT. Not until settlements had been made in all of the sur- rounding towns did the rugged tract of land now included within Woodstock, Greenwood, Alban}^, and Milton, and what was formerly Franklin plantation, attract the atten- tion of settlers, Fryeburg. on the Saco river, was settled in 1762, the first settlement in Oxford county. Bethel had a settler in 1773 and Waterford in 1775. Buckfield was set- tled in 1777, Paris tw^o years later, and Rumford in 1780, Sumner in 1783, Norway in 1786 and Peru in 1793, but up to this time none ventured to make a home>'ithin the terri- tory thus surrounded. This offered to those engaged in hunting, fishing and trapping, a "happy hunting ground" but not so to the man who must till the soil for his living. Thus it was that the place became frequented by those of the former class before 1795. The thrifty settlements at No. 4, (Paris) and at New Penacook (Rumford), being separated by a distance of about twenty miles w^ished better connection than was offered by the single foot path, so in 1795, they jointly petitioned the Court of General Sessions for the location of a road that should connect the two settlements. This petition was granted and a committee consisting of John 8 WOODSTOCK Greenwood, Nath. C. Allen, Isaac Parsons, Ichabod Bonney and Pele^ Chandler was appointed to locate the road which was soon after built. This, the first road built through Number Three as the township was then called, generally agreed with the present well traveled road crossing the west- ern section of the town. Christopher and Solomon Bryant, Jr., sons of one of the settlers in Paris were already familiar with the attractions offered by the region around Long Pond, as Bryant's Pond was then called, where they had spent much time fishing and hunting. According to their wishes to locate, with another brother and several brothers-in-law, in this region, they employed one Thomas Joycelin, of Buckfield, to lay out ten lots of one hundred acres each, five on each side of the new county road. This was in the spring of 1797, and it was during the following summer that the Bryant brothers made the first clearings. The following year they returned from Paris where they spent the wiuter, burned their clear- ings and erected log houses. In October they came with their families and household goods, and on the twelfth of November the wife of Christopher Bryant gave birth to her first child, a son, who was named Christopher, Jr., and was the first white child born in town. In the spring of 1799, Luther Briggs, a brother-in-law of the Bryants, brought his famil^^ into town, and the same summer, Jacob Whitman, Jr., of Buckfield, brought his wife to the settlement, locating on the present town farm. Luke Owens, an Irishman, made a clearing on the Morton Curtis farm where he lived four or five years and then removed to HISTORICAL 9 Paris. Levi Berry, from Buckfield, fell an openinoj on lot No. 11 in the west part of Woodstock. In the fall of 1799 Sam- uel Bryant built a cabin on what is known as The "Com- mon" lot, and moved in. In 1800 Levi Berry married a sister of the Bryants and established a home on his clearing. Luther Whitman, a brother of Jacob, and probably Asa Thurlow from Buckfield and John Nason from Paris, moved in during the year, making a total population of nine fami- lies in town during the winter of 1800-01, not reckoning Owens. At this juncture a change in the ownership of these lands was made by the acceptance of the western half of the town- ship by the Trustees of Dummer Academy in fulfillment of a grant of a half-township to that institution by the Massa- chusetts legislature. On March 5, 1800, the committee on the sale of eastern lands conveyed the grant to the Trustees, and this became known as the " Dummer Academy Grant." But on the thirteenth of the following October the Trustees sold the grant to Michael Little of Poland for the sum of 16240. Mr. Little employed Alexander Greenwood, of Hebron, to run out the land into lots ready for settlement. He treated liberally the few settlers whom he found already occupying his lauds, realizing perhaps that their presence would aid him in faltilling the conditions of the grant. In the fall of 1801 Stephen Chase, w^ho had been in Mr. Little's employ, came here with his brother Merrill, to select homestead lots. Stephen selected lot 33 and Merrill lot 29, being adjoining lots situated South-easterly from the one afterwards selected by David Bicker, known as the "Bicker 10 WOODSTOCK Farm." The following March they moved their families to the clearings which they made during the fall. For five years after he came to town Stephen kept a journal which today throws much light on life as it was lived in those try- ing days. Noah Curtis moved to lot No. 10 in 1804 and his son Morton, to lot No. 15, the following year. Soon after the settlement in the west part of Woodstock was made a section two lots wide was surveyed the width of the half-township on Paris line by John K, Smith. These lots were of different sizes, and in number some twelve or fifteen. Abraham and Jonathan Walton settled upon two of these lots, and the former, if not the latter was here in 1801. Mr. A. Hutchinson, and also Mr. E. Hutchinson, occupied two other lots. Another was taken up by one Mr. Reniff. Benj. Forbes bought lot No. 7, according to Smith's survey, in 1804 and soon after John Gray and John Star- bird bought two adjacent lots; the two last named lots in 1825, were annexed to Paris. The eastern half of the township was, on June 23, 1803, granted by the legislature of Massachusetts to the Trustees of Gorham Academy, including the portion already settled. The stated conditions being met by the Trustees, they employed Lothrop Lewis and Matthew Cobb a committee to run out the land. The grant was surveyed in 1806 by Gen. James Irish of Gorham, afterwards Land Agent of Maine. In this, as in the survey of the "Thousand Acres" in the west part, the previous survey of a few lots was not dis- turbed. Soon after the survey was made, that is in 1807, the entire grant was sold to James H. Chadbourne and HISTORICAL 11 twenty others, mostly citizens of Gorham, for the sum of 110,000. These proprietors divided the land among them- selves, and afterwards sold it out to settlers. But these lauds were not attractive to the men seeking homesteads, consequently these settlements increased slowly. In the spring of 1804, Cornelius Perkins came from Paris to lot No. G in the east part, and was the first settler in the school district which has continued to bear his name since its formation. Other settlers in the eastern grant were Geo. Townsend, Lazarus Rand, David Rand, Benaiah Dow, Lydia Dunham and sons, and Luther Dudley's sons, of whom Josiah was the oldest. Others in the w^estern grant who had taken up lots there prior to the organization of the plantation were David Ricker, Jr., who came to No. Three in 1803 ; John True who bought lot No. 21 about 1801, in 1807 he sold to Enoch Hammond; Wm. Swan from Paris, in 1802; also his son of the same name who came the same year; Jotham Per- ham, of Paris, in 1808; James Nutting; Edward Lothrop; Rowse Bisbee, from Sumner about 1808, erected a mill; Levi Drew, Joshua Felt, 1810; Lemuel Perham and Lemuel Per- ham, Jr. We have endeavored to mention the men who were located within the township as permanent settlers up to the time of the organization of the plantation in 1812, further than this we shall be unable to trace the settlement of the town. At this time there were lorty-two families liv- ing in Number Three. 12 WOODSTOCK ORGANIZATION AND INCORPORATION Number Three was organized a plantation for taxation purposes on March 23rd, 1812, when the inhabitants met at the home of Noah Curtis. Stephen Chase was chosen to preside over the gathering, and Merrill Chase to keep its records, as plantation clerk. The board of assessors chosen consisted of Cornelius Perkins, Merrill Chase and Jotham Perham. Christopher Bryant was made collector, with Luther Briggs and Oliver Colburn his "sureties." This board of officers was re-chosen the following year, except the collector, who was underbidden by Cornelius Perkins, The third year the same board served. As this was the last year of the plantation government it is seen that it was served by but one board of officers. A meeting was held April 4th, 1814, "to see if the plan- tation will petition the General Court for an act of incor- poration." This petition met the approval of the Court, and the act incorporating Number Three a town by the name of Woodstock was approved by the Governor, Feb. 7, 1815. The first warrant was issued by Albion K. Parris, of Paris, who seven years later was elected to thegovernor's chair. The warrant was directed to Seth Curtis, a freehold inhabitant. The town meeting called lor the election of the first board of town officers was holden at Noah Curtis' house on March 20, following the passing of the act. Mr. Rowse Bisbee was selected moderator and Stephen Chase clerk. Cornelius Perkins, Alex Day, and John Billings composed HISTORICAL 13 the first board of selectmen, while John Gray, Jr., Richard Green and Josiah Dudley were elected assessors. Seth Cur- tis became treasurer, Luther Whitman, collector and con- stable. Other necessary town officers were chosen, includ- in'. Mr. Spaulding was one of the leading spirits in the early plantation and town, being chosen to serve on the first Board of Selectmen, and other offices. His family has remained in the oiticial and business life of this town, and is now well represented. The first men that came with their families and estab- lished homes were Abijah Buck and Thomas Allen, who came to this town April first, 1777, with their wives and children. They were joined by Nathaniel Buck, a brother to Abijah, who arrived with his family later in the month. On the 80th of September, following, Molly Allen was born, and Abijah Buck, Jr., was born March 1st, 1778, being the first children born to white parents in Buckfield. The Bucks settled near where the old cemetery is now located, one and one-half miles from the village toward North Buckfield. Thos. Allen was one of the leading men of the. town, serving as Town Clerk for nian3^ years after its incorporation. It is said that a settlement was made at Lowell's Cor- ner, then called Hebron, nearly if not quite as early as the above families located here. Thomas Lowel, or Lowell, and others arrived here probably about the same time and es- tablished what proved to be the principal settlement for some years. This fact accounts for the names now applied to the two elevations known as South Hill and North Hill, HISTORICAL 51 both of which are located in the southern part of the town, but between which this settlement was made. Dominicns Record, whose posterity is now quite numerous in town, was perhaps the man to whom the people looked more than to any other in public affairs. He was an early mill pro- prietor, so far as we have learned he was the first to erect a mill here. He filled many town offices and has been suc- ceeded by others of his family. Others of the most prominent men in the early town were Lemuel Crooker, Wm. Harlow, Jonathan Roberds, Ephraim Hathawa^^ Seba Smith, Wm. Doble, John Buck, Philemon Parsons, Josiel Smith, (in the west district), To- bias Ricker (north-east district), Enoch Hall, the first rep- resentative sent from the town to the General Court; Sam- uel Jenkins and Thomas Joscelyn, land and road surveyors; Nathaniel Chase, the first settled minister, who came in 1781, an ancestor of Chase Bros., nurserymen of Roches- ter, N. y.; Jacob Whitman, Job Prince, John Warren, Capt. Mark Andrews, at whose house early town meetings were held. Of those who settled school district Number 2, in the south part of the town, on what is now the west road to Mechanic Falls, were Daniel Packard and his brother, Job, Jacob Whitman, Samuel Taylor, Jabez Churchill, John Brock, Seth Bearce and others, all arriving in 1783. Benj. Jordan, Nathaniel Leonard, Joseph Lothrop and Jesse Turner, arrived in town the following year. These men were all veterans from the war. Of the remaining families that had located here up to 1795 we would mention the following: Amos Brown, John Andrews, John Richardson, 52 BUCKFIELD Jonathan Philbrooks, Joel Foster, Tristram Warren, Caleb Young, Joseph RoljertB, Joshua Wescott, James Jordan, Simon and Jonathan Eeeord, Josiah Keen, Abiel Drake, John Clay, David Farrow, Enoch Leathers, Moses Bisbee, Gershom Davis, Thos. Lincoln, Wm. Berry, John Rider, John Sweat, David Warren, Samuel Tobin, Wm. Churchill, Abijah Lapham, Moses Stephens, Joseph Chase, Jonas Co- burn, Israel Smith, Stephen Rider, James Bonney, James Hodgdon, Eben Austin, Jeremiah Hodgdon and Daniel Crocket. Sa-nuel Andrews was on the board of selectmen in 179G, and Gershom Cole, Thos. Frazier, David Gammon, Jonathan Damon, John Huzsey and Luther Gardner served in various town offices the same year. Wm. Mahew, James Waterman, Robert Elliott, Valentine Mathews, Edmund Warren, Thos. Faunce, James Hussey, Daniel Merrill, An- drew Twombly and Levi Cushman were here in 1797, also John Brown and family, who were, at the time, a town charge, Samuel Webb, Benj. Silley, Gershom Davis, Stephen Drae, Geo. Ricker, and Consider Samson, are men- tioned in 1798. Additions seem to have come into the new settlement faster than the proprietors or inhabitants desired, for we find a vote taken May 1, 1798, recorded in the town annals, directing David Warren, constable, to warn twenty-five families and a widow, who had recently come to the town for the purpose of locating here, "not having the town's consent, to depart the limits thereof with their children and others under their care within fifteen days." Among these families we find some who became leading men in the towns HISTORICAL 53 farther back, including; Rouse Bisbee, later of Woodstock. Daring these years many new families arrived annually, new ambitions and enterprise took hold of the men, who began to see the wealth of their possessions and the possi- bility of their development; new industries were established, making each central community practically independent of the commercial world. Buckfield village early became a trading center, being on a direct stage line. An early hostlery had been established on the hill near the site of the present Union Church, or town house. Other early Inns were opened in town for the accommodation of the traveling public. When, at the middle of the centur^^, the town be- came the terminus of a railroad line, its standing as a com- mercial center became augmented and its growth continued. INCORPORATION ACT OF INCORPORATION. Act to incorporate the Plantation of Bucktown, or Number Five, in the County of Cumberland, into a Town by the name of Buckfield. Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Represen- tatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the following described tract of land, viz.: Beginning at the north-west corner of Hebron and running south, twenty degrees east, on the northly line of said He- 54 BUCKFIELB bron, five miles and about one hundred and ninety rods, until it strikes the west line of Turner; thence north twenty- six decrees east by said line, five miles and about one hun- dred rods, until it meets the south-east corner of Number Six, or Butterfield; thence runniuf)^ south eig'hty-one degrees west, eight miles and two hundred rods, to the east line of Plantation Number Four; thence by said line running south thirteen degrees east, to the first mentioned bound; together with the inhabitants thereon, be and they hereby are, incor. porated into a town by the name of BUCKFIELD, and the said town is hereby invested with all the powers privileges and immunities which other towns in this Commonwealth do or may enjoy by law. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that Wm. Widgery, Esq., be and he hereby is, empowered and requested to issue his warrant, directed to some suita- ble inhabitant of the said Buckfield, requiring him to warn the inhabitants thereof to meet at some convenient time and place to choose all such officers as towns are by law re- quired to choose, in the month of March or April. The above act received the approval and signature of the Governor, March 16, 1793. The earliest town meeting held was called at the house of Dominicus Record, who issued the warrant calling the same. Mr. Record was chosen moderator of the meeting, Thomas Allen, town clerk, and Lemuel Crooker, Wm. Har- low and Jonathan Roberts, selectmen. Lemuel Crooker, Jonathan Roberts and Ephraim Hathaway were then cho- sen assessors after which the meeting was adjourned until HISTORICAL 55 two o'clock in the afternoon. At the afternoon session they cast their votes for governor and other state officers, with the following results: Samuel Adams, for Governor, received 31 votes; Moses Gill, for Lieutenant Gov., received 25 votes; for Senator, Wm. Wid<2;ery, 17 votes; Josiah Thatcher and David Mitchel, each 9 votes. Mr. Record was then chosen Town Treasurer and Wm, Lowel, Collector; collection to be at one shilling on the pound. Benj. Spaulding and Wm. Doble were chosen Tythingraen. Road Surveyors were cho- sen for each of the seven districts, and Abijah Buck, Eph- raim Hathaway and Lemuel Crooker were made a com- mittee to lay out roads; this committee was dissolved, how- ever, before taking any action. At an adjourned meeting Dominicus Record and Benj. Spaulding were chosen to act as Selectmen and Assessors in conjunction with those already chosen. At a meeting held for raising money for various town purposes, £100 was voted for roads and highways, £50 for schools, and a vote was taken to build a pound 25 feet square. The following is also recorded "Voted to postpone the building of Stocks." A strong feeling for the separation of the District of Maine from the Commonwealth was shown by the people of Buckfield in the various votes cast on the question. In 1795 the vote record shows forty in favor and but eighteen against; in 1819 the final and successful vote shows 119 to 11 in favor of the new State. Buckfield's first representa- tive in the General Court was Enoch Hall who was chosen to serve in 1807. Buckfield Village Corporation adopted its Act of Incor- 56 BUCKFIELD poration March 8, 1890, and adopted its by-laws two days later. Fred H. Atwood was chosen first corporation clerk; C. H. Prince, treas., and Merritt Parsons, Alfred Cole and I. W. Shaw, assessors. Its object in organizing- was to insure to the village a continuous high school, and to provide a suitable system for fire protection. A new system of water works has recently been installed by the Buckfield Water and Electric Light Co., and twenty hydrants have been placed throughout the village. The water supply is brought from North Pond, a distance of three miles and furnishes an excellent supply for protection or consumption. The ofiicers for 1905 are J. E. Warren, clerk; G. B. Spaulding, treas., A. F. Warren, W. H. Conant, and W. C. Allen, asses- sors; E. L. Phinney, A. Damon and J. E. Warren, fire war- dens. TOWN OFFICIALS CLEEKS Dastine Spalding, 1850-51; George Thomas, 1852-53; James Murdock, 1854-56; Dastine Spaulding, 1857-64; Carleton Gardner, 1865-66; Jason Farrar, 1867; Josiah Hutchinson, 1868-70; Jason Farrar, 1871-72; 0. F. Gard- ner, 1873-74; C. C. Spaulding, 1875-82; Alfred Cole, 1883- 1905. HISTORICAL 57 TREASURERS Carleton Gardner, 1850; S. C. Andrews, 1851-53; Das- tine Spaulding. 1854; Axel Spaldino^, 1855; Oscar F. Gard- ner, 1856; D. Spaulding, 1857; Orville Bridoham, 1858-59; D. Spaulding-, 18G0. Albion P. Bonney, 1861; H. H. Hutch- inson, Jr. 1862; Amory H. Allen, 1863-64; Hirann Hines, 1865-67; S. C. Andrews, 1868-71; R. C. Jewett, 1872-74; A. r. Bonney, 1875-79; V. P. DeCoster, 1880; Gilbert Barrett, 1881; A. P. Bonney, 1882-85; C. Gardner, 1886-87; C. H. Prince, 1888-96; Merritt Parsons, 1897; B. Spauldino-, Jr., 1898-1904; T. S. Bridgham, 1905. SELECTMEN 1850— H. H. Hutchinson, Jr., Joshua Irish, Merritt Far- rar. 1851 — H. H. Hutchinson, Jr., Merritt Farrar, Lewis Mason. 1852— H. H. Hutchinson, Merritt Farrar, H. Philbrick. 1853— J as. Bonney, Daniel Fletcher, Leonard Russell. 1854— Jas. Bonney, L. Russell, N. 0. Stoven. 1855 — L. Russell, Carleton Gardner, James Spaulding. 1856 — H. H. Hutchinson, Lewis Mason, Asa Taylor. 1857— Alhson G. Cole, A. P. Bonney, Wm. Chase. 1858-59— H. Philbrick, H. H. Hutchinson, Naphtali Mason. 1860-61— Thos. Chase, Noah Prince, Orin Farrar. 1862 — Noah Prince, Merritt Farrar, Josiah Hutchinson. 1863-64— Dastine Spaulding, C. H. Berry, H. H. Hutch- inson. 58 BUCKFIELD 1865— H. H. Hutchinson, Thos. Chase, T. W. Bowman. 1866— H. H. Hutchinson, T. G. Bicknell, O. F. Gardner. 1867— Hiram Hines, A. C. Day, A. P. Bonney. 1868— H. H. Hutchinson, C. D. Bradbury, Alden Bessey. 1869— H. H. Hutchinson, C. D. Bradbury, 0. F. Gardner. 1870— H.H. Hutchinson, Varauus DeCoster, Silas Mitch- ell. 1871— H. H. Hutchinson, Silas Mitchell, Gilbert Barrett. 1872— Carleton Gardner, C. H. Berry, A. F. Mason. 1873—0. F. Gardner, L. C. Andrews, A. D. White. 1874— Carleton Gardner, C. H. Berry, Alfred Cole. 1875— Carleton Gardner, Alfred Cole, Lucius Young. 1876— Carleton Gardner, Alfred Cole, A. G. Atkinson. 1877— Alfred Cole, Gilbert Barrett, Merritt Farrar. 1878— Alfred Cole, M. Farrar, H. H. Hutchinson. 1879— A. P. Bonney, M. Farrar, A. F. Mason. 1880— T. S. Bridgham, A. F. Mason, J. C. Heald. 1881— T. S. Bridgham, H. H. Hutchinson, S. Mitchell. 1882— T. S. Bridgham, A. P. Bonney, A. F. Mason. 1883— A. P. Bonney, A. F. xMason, H. D. Irish. 1884— T. S. Bridgham, H. D. Irish, H. H. Hutchinson. 1885— A. P. Bonney, H. H. Hutchinson, A. S. Bessey. 1886— A. P. Bonney, C. E. Foster, C. E. Irish. 1887— A. F. Mason, A. P. Bonney, C. C. Spaulding. 1888— Carleton Gardner, Ellis Whitman, L. C. Mason. 1889-90— Ben j. Spaulding, E. Whitman, V. P. DeCoster. 1891— Benj. Spaulding, L. C. Mason, A. P. Bonney. 1892— Stanley Bisbee, L. C. Mason, E. Whitman. 1893— T. S. Bridgham, A. P. Bonney, V. P. DeCoster. HISTORICAL 59 1894-C. Gardner, A. P. Bonney, W. H. Purkis. 1895-96— T. S. Brido-ham, W. H. Purkis, A. P. Bonney. 1897— W. H. Parkis, E. Whitman, N. E. Morrill. 1898— T. S. Bridgham, E. B. Austin, L. C. Mason. 1899— E. B. Austin, L. C. Mason, J. B. Mason. 1900— E. B. Austin, Henry Parsons, H. F. Irish. 1901— E. B. Austin, H. F. Irish, V. P. DcCoster. 1902— H. F. Irish, V. P. DcCoster, A. E. Cole. 1908— Merritt Parsons, E. B. Austin, N. E. Bessey. 1904— Merritt Parsons, E. B. Austin, E. Whitman. 1905-H. F. Irish, E. Whitman, W. H. Irish. INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNT Many different industries have been operated within the town of Buckfield during- the last century and a quarter. Where was erected the first mill in town we are unable to say, Dominicus Record was an earl}' mill proprietor, per- haps the earliest in town. We are told that Capt. Joseph Parris owned the first saw mill at the village, the mill stand- ing just back of the present grist mill. This passed into the hands of Virgil D. Parris but is now entirely obliterated and the old dam gone. The present grist mill occupied the site of that owned by Benj. Heald, and which passed into the hands of Washington Heald, his son. This was burned, together with the carding machines of Nathan Atwood, who had established a business in the chamber of the mill. The 60 BUCKFIELD grist mill was rebuilt at once. Not long after this Mr. Heald sold out his milling interests at the village and went to North Buckfield, where he built both a saw and a grist mill. His sons, J. C. and B. F. Heald are now manufacturing brush blocks, together with some custom sawing. The ear- liest saw mill at North Buckfield seems to have been that owned and operated by Leonard Spaulding; this has now disappeared, The site below the bridge was occupied for a number of years by Abel Spaulding who carried on quite an extensive rifle manufactory. His rifles were a superior article and greatly prized. The first mill on the site of C. Worthington & Sons' brush factory was a carding and fulling mill built by Wm. Cole. The business was left to Addison, his son, who later sold to Jason Farrar. Mr. Farrar run a shingle machine together with the carding mill. These were burned, but were rebuilt by the town's people. Nahum Moore was the next owner. He leased the building to C. M. Dacy for manufacturing shoes which he did for a few years before removing to South Paris. It was also occupied for making cider and vinegar by C. B. Atwood, and by K. C. Atwood for the manufacture of blacking box holders and skewers. The building was again left vacant until bought by C. Worthington & Sons twenty-one years ago. This bus- iness was begun here by Chas. Worthington about fifty years ago when he removed from Portland to the old starch factory in town. From 1864 to 1868 he carried on his bus- iness at East Auburn and at Lewiston, but returned to Buckfield establishing himself at the old shoe factory build- HISTORICAL 61 ing erected by the town on the site of the present Odd Fel- lows' Block. This factory was burned and Mr. Worthing- ton moved the brush business to the present site 21 years ago. The business was again burned out in October, 1897, immediately after which the present building was erected and opened on the January following. This business was incorporated in 1897, and is the largest in town. On the mill site below the brush factory a saw mill and starch factory were built in 1845-46 by Ephraim Atwood, Levi Cushman and Lorenzo Atwood, The buildings were later occupied for the manufacture of shovel handles which business was carried on by different parties for about twenty years. Chas. Forster then made tooth picks here, until he sold to Irish & Donovan who made brush blocks, which bus- iness is now carried on here by C. M. & H. A. Irish. Atwood & Atwood's block making establishment was started by Granville Harlow who also made tooth picks. Mr. Harlow sold the business to Chas. Gile of whom E. M. Atwood and Bert Allen bought it. Allen later sold his share to K. C. Atwood. E. M. Atwood is manager. The corn canning business was established here in 1881, hy J. Wiuslow Jones who erected the buildings that year and placed large contracts with the farmers. Upon his sub- sequent failure in business this plant came into the hands of the AYinslow Packing Company, Chas. P. Maddox, president. In 1888 it was bought by the Portland Packing Company, the present owners. It has been under the care of H, H. Nulty, superintendent, since it was opened. The plant has been greatlj^ enlarged, having a capacity now of 75,000 62 BUCKFIELD cans daily. 250 acres of corn is cultivated annually for this market, most of which is raised in this town. PROFESSIONAL MEN Of the professional men, Dr. Wm. Bridpjham was prob- ably the first educated physician. Dr. Wm. Comstock and Dr. Cyrus Coolidge were successful early practitioners. Dr. Wm. P. Bridgham, now living in his 90th j^ear, succeeded his father. Dr. Drake, Dr. Bradbury, and Drs. C. B. Bridg- ham, O. R. Hall, Cyrus Irish, Dr. Crosby, John DeCosta and Dr. Blanchard have practiced here. Dr. J. C. Caldwell, who has been here about 40 years, and Dr. Harry Heald are the present physicians. The earliest lawyer of whom we have learned was Sam- uel F. Brown, whose influence and direction led the boys ol the village school in setting out the stately trees which now over-arch the village streets; Jacob Brown, S. C. Andrews, Thos. J. Bridgham, public spirited men; Geo. D. Bisbee, now of Rumford Falls; and O. H. Hersey, now of Portland have practiced law here. Thomas S. Bridgham was admitted to the bar before the Rebellion, practicing a short time at Mechanic Falls before enlisting. He opened an office in Buckfield in 1876 and has continued in successful practice. Fred R. Dyer is a leading man in the community, and a member of the bar. HISTORICAL 63 MILITARY The militar}' history of Buckfield beg;iDS before the first sound of the settler's axe broke the native stillness of the forest. Many of the patriotic men of the mother state had already faced the British g;uns and were yet to see several years of hardship and fortitude before the}^ were able to declare themselves free and independent of the tyranny of Great Britain. But at the close of that war many had become estranged from their native towns by the death of loved ones, or by the loss of their entire property. They were paid in the nearly worthless currency of the new nation which was not sufficient to provide other homes, except such as they might carve from the wilderness on the frontier. Many in competent circumstances were also flocking to the new fields which fact influenced some to venture back to the settlements in the woods. We are told that no less than 36 veterans of this struggle are now resting in Buckfield soil, while many others have been numbered with those who were here before 1810. Many came during the years at the close of the war. Ser. Daniel Packard and his wife, Betty, both of whom served throughout the entire war, where Betty was an army nurse; Job Packard, his brother; Jacob Whitman, Samuel Taylor, Jabez Churchill, John Brock and Seth Bearce, Jr., came in 1783; Benj. Jordan, Nathaniel Leonard, Jesse Lothrop and Jesse Turner, in 1784, besides many others who became the leading men and the fathers of many honored citizens. Nearly as many men from this town enlisted in the War 64 BUCKFIELD of 1812 as came from the Revolution, but space forbids us to enumerate them here, or to mention the training days which followed the closs of this war. Oscar Gardner is said to have been the sole representative of Buekfield in the Mex- ican "War. We give below a list of the men who served to the credit of this town in the Rebellion, as compiled from the reports of the State Adjutant Geueral. The action of these men on the field of battle was well worthy the trained and patriotic blood which they inherited from the earlier generations. CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS Daniel Austin, Henry Brown, Fernando Brown, Wm. H. Brown, Moses Brown, Asia Brown, James Brown, Chas. B. Bridgham,Capt. John E. Bryant, Jas. H. Bryant, Asia Bry- ant, Llewellyn A. Buck, K. R. Buck, Augustus G. Buck, Austen C. Buck, Benj. F. Buck, Chas. M. Beadle, Wm. H, Blake, Henry N. Bradbury, John J. Bradelon, Edwin S. Burrows, Albert H. Burrow, Rufus A. W. Bunker, John F. Berry, Chas. H. Cox, Corp. Roscoe G. Chase, Decatur S. Chase, Wm. A. Cole. Cyrus W. Cole, Chas. C. Churchill, Joseph P. Chandler, Eli B. Clark, Lorenzo Cushman, James M. Chesley, Corp. Wm. G. Davey, James E. Davey, Wm. G. Davee, Edmund Decoster, Nathan H. Decoster, Corp. Wm. B. Decoster, John D. Decos- ter, Edwin G. Doble, Corp. Joseph E. Davee, Clinton Forbes, James M.Farrar, Daniel W. Farrar, Gideon Fletcher, Roland A. Foster, Henry B. Forbes, Levi Gammon, Chas. Gammon, David Green, Nathaniel Harlow, Freeland F. Harlow, Kins- man Holmes, Samuel Holmes, Asia Howard, James Hussey, HISTORICAL 65 Wra. R. Hasey, Veranus D. Irish, Isaac M. Irish, Corp, Abel Irish, Stephen O. Irish, Araial Jones, Corp. Simon L. John- son, Samuel T. Johnson, Danville R. Jack, Henry C. Lonjg^, Arthur B.Latham, A. J. Lufkin, Albion A. Maxim, Henry H. Maxim, Franklin Maxim, Sylvester E. Murdock, James Mnr- doek, Chas. A. Murdock, Irving Morse, Wm. W. Marston, Corp. Geo. D. Marston, R. G. Mitchell, Decatur Monk, Car- roll Morrill, Orrington Mason, Lieut. Isaac H. McDonald, Baptiste Macho, Gosselin McGloire, America F. Mahevv, Moses Merrill, Thos. Merrill, John J. j\Iorrill, Samuel Nutter, A. G. Osborne, James F. Packard, Moses F. Packard, Capt. Chas. H. Prince, Benj. F. Peterson, Madison O. Proctor, Samuel W. Proctor, Lewis Record, Edo:ar T. Record, Julius A. Record, Georo:e B. Record, (vorp. Albert A. Roberts, Alpheus A. Ricker, Jerry Russell, Alvardo Russell, James A. Russell, Clinton Ripley, Fraiik Shaw, Frank J. Shaw, Mil- ford N. Shavv, Burton Shaw, James G. Spaulding, Corp. Cyrus C. Spaulding, James T. Skillings, James F. Skilling-s, Orville P. Tucker, Winslow Turner, Luther Turner, Gardner Thomas, Edward Velend, Moses F. Verrill, Serg. Holman W. Waldron. Alphonso F, Warren, James A. Warren, Cyprian Whitman, Horace M. Young, Joseph H. Young, Morris Woodburv. BUCKFIELD CHURCHES. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Elder James Potter visited the settlement as early as 1789, and Elder Snow, of Thomaston was also an early preacher of the Baptist faith here. The First Baptist Church was organized in 1791 at which time there were seventeen members. No pastor was settled and no regular ])reacliing was generally had until Elder Nathaniel Chase, who had come from Windham in 1781, at the age of 21, and was con- 66 BUCKFIELD verted under the preaching of Elder Potter, began hi8 minis- try. He was licensed to preach in 1796 and six years later was ordained pastor of this church. Duriug his pastorate of thirty-five years the church passed through a growth and decline ending with the church having become much weak- ened through loss of members. There were but twelve left in 1841, five years after Mr. Chase had removed his relations to the Hebron church. The society disbanded in 1841, having had an existence of fifty years many of which had been pros- perous and influential. Job Prince, Stephen Benson and Job Packard were leading men in the church. SECOND BAE^TIST CHUKCH— WEST BUCKFIELD. This society was organized July 14, 1802, as the result of a strong religious awakening in the west part of the town. The church was generally under the care of Elder Chase until Elder George Kicker was ordained and installed pastor Nov. 23, 1803. He remained until 1810 at which time some disaffection arose in the church. This was followed by a per- iod of decline until the winter of 1816-17 when a revival again awakened a religious interest. Elder Chase was again chosen to act generally as pastor, although not formally settled. In 1822 Ephraim Harlow was licensed a local preacher, and three years lat er was ordained at the Brock school house. He served this church preaching also at var- ious school houses for nearly 25 years, at the same time till- ing his fields for his liv^ing. Trouble regarding Masonry arose in 1829-30 and the church again became weakened until revived in 1839 under Elder Butler. Elders Hutchin- son and Hall are the last mentioned preachers, being herein 1848. The last records show 21 members in 1852, which year completed a half century since organization and also ends the records of the society. HISTORICAL 67 BUCKFIELD VILLAGE BAPTIST CHURCH. For two years the town seems not to have had a relig- ious organization. Buckfield village had, in 1850, become quite a business centre, and the terminus ol the new Buck- field Branch R. R. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of Hebron, and A. K. P. Small held some services during the summer of 1851, and in September Mr. Small closed his connection with Hebron Academy and took up his residence here as a mission preacher, and teacher in the village school. After many discouragements he saw an interest awakened. He was ordained an evangelist in Oct. 1853 and the following December baptized his first convert. A branch of the Paris church was then formed consisting of six members. The church became organized as a separate body with 19 mem- bers, Sept. 13, 1854, and a new church building erected, ded- icated Nov. 29, 1855. Rev. Mr. Small having by his tireless labors established a prosperous church, resigned the pasto- rate in Aug. 1858, and was followed by Rev. Edward H. Pray in December. Mr. Pray remained three years. The next settled pastor was Rev. J. A. Baskwell, remaining from Sept. 1862 for one year. In Feb. 1864 Rev. C. H. Carleton became pastor filling the position for three and a half years. Rev. Alonzo F. Benson followed him in 1868 for two and one-half years. The next pastor was Rev. Harry Linsley who was ordained and installed Nov. 1, 1871. The church edifice was entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, Oct. 27, 1872, with no insurance. The hall in the Buckfield house, and Union Chapel were used for holding services until, after much hard work, the new house was dedicated freefrom debt, Jan. 13, 1874. Rev. Mr. Linsley, who had stood so nobly by during the hour of trial now^ tendered his resigna- tion preaching his farewell sermon Oct. 18, 1874. Rev. R. G. Farley became pastor in 1875, remaining until June 1877. Succeeding pastors have been Revs. L. A. Freeman, 68 BUCKFIELD 1878-80; S. L. B. Chase, (supply) 1880-81, H. B. Marshall, 1881-82; J. M. Follett, 1883-87; J. H. Barrows, 1887-89; B. F. Lawrence. 1890-96; Sumner Bangs, 1896-98; John H. Whitson, 1898-1 900; B. F. Turner, 1900-1903 ; and Rev. W. D. Athearn, the present pastor who began his pastorate Nov, 22, 1903. A Parish Society was organized Jan. 25, 1890 to cooperate with the church society. The church now numbers 74 members. UNION MEETma HOUSE. The old Union Meeting House which today stands on the hill, towering above this peaceful village hamlet, was erected in the year 1830, by a number of the residents, who sold the edifice, completed, to pew holders of the different denominations then represented among the people. These were Baptists, Universalists, Congregationalists. Metho- dists and Free Baptists. The house was occupied princi- pally by the Baptists and Universalists for many years, until the Baptists erected their first house. After this the Union Church was occupied by the Universalists occasion- ally, then was used as a public hall. The building had passed into the hands of Lawyer Anderson and C. B. At- wood, and later into the possession of Mr. Atwood by the purchase of pew-rights. The old town house having become unfit, it was decided advisable to fit up this old land-mark into a town house a few years ago. The plan was aided by the generosity of man^^ of Buckfield's sons both at home and abroad, and this is now one of the best town halls in the count3^ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Methodist Episcopal church in Buckfield was found- ed in the year 1878 soon after which the present church edifice was erected at a cost oi |3,000. This edifice has been thoroughly repaired the present year under pastor A. W. HISTORICAL 69 Pottle, at an outlay of |800. The followinnj pastors have served the church:' 188 1 , S. T. Record; 1882, N. C. Clifford; 1888-8, J. iMoulton; 1886, J. P. Roberts; 1889-90, E. K. Mabury; 1891, A. D. Graffani; 1892-93, Henry Crockett; 1894, G. B. Hannaford; 1895, F. W. Sadler; 1896-97, R. A. Rich; 1898-99, G. Ji. Hannaford; 1900, E. L. Hooper; 1901- 02, C. H.'Munson; 1903-4, J. C. Prince; 1905, A. W. Pottle. The present membership of the church is about twenty. SCHOOL ITEMS Schools were maintained here before the incorporation of the town as is shown by the fact that the school house was then staudinjy on the county road. An appropriation of £50 was made as soon as the town government was estab- lished, and a vote was made the same year for the abate- ment of taxes, the same to be applied to the support of schools. At the second annual town meeting- a school committee of eleven men was chosen, and Jonas Coburn, Abijah Buck and Beuj. Spaulding were chosen "to look after the cultiva- tion of the school lots." The following is a list of the men chosen in each district in March, 1796, to look after the schools: Ichabod Waterman, in the West District; Thomas Lowel, South Hill; Benj. Spaulding, Middle Dist.; Thos. Allen, N.-W. Dist.; Tobias Bicker, N.-E. Dist.; Joel Foster, Second Middle Dist.; Enoch Hall, 7th Dist.; Luther Gardner, Second N-W Dist.; and Amos Brown "for district he belongs to." Two years later a vote was passed to erect four new school houses in town, but before any active steps were taken the vote was rescinded, the town contenting itself with an appropriation of £60 for school support. This shows the readiness with which the voters provided for ed- 70 BUCKFIELD ucation, and it is very probable that the houses were erect- ed very soon after. The old village school, where many honored sons and daughters of Buckfield received their first training, is still standing, and is now used as a job shop by Gilbert Tilton. The town schools have continued to receive the in- creased attention of the voters and community. New and improved methods have been adopted from time to time as they have been proven superior to existing methods. The old district system was abolished in 1891 for the adoption of a town system. There are now several rural schools be- sides the graded village school. A high school has been in successful operation for a quarter of a century, but not un- til last year was any attempt to establish courses made. There are now a Latin Scientific and an English course, formed by the principal, L. G. Lord, who has remained with the school the present year. This department has now about twenty students. All the village schools are held in the large brick school house, which was erected after the burning of the other, in 1872. A catalogue of "Buckfield High School and Lyceum," dated May 15, 1841, has come to our attention. Although then in the first year of its existence it was being attended by a total of eighty-six men and women, many of whom were already teachers. This Normal School had the strong- est men of Buckfield behind it as is shown by the names of the Board of Directors: Zadoc Long, Samuel F. Brown, Wm. W. Comstock, Wm. Cole, and James Levett. The in- stitution was under the direction of Rev. Cyril Pearle, pre- ceptor, with J. C. Richardson and Miss Emeline Smith, in- structors. It was well provided with a valuable library and cabinet as well as scientific apparatus. Doubtless the work done by this institution did much to place the schools of this and surrounding towns, on a higher plane of education. HISTORICAL 71 ZADOC LONG FREE LIBRARY. The beautiful new library building erected in 1902, by Hon. John D. Long, to the memory of his father, is much prized by the residents of this village. The building which is neatly designed and well built, stands near the center of the village, where it is within easy access to the greatest number. It was erected by John Murch, of Paris, builder, from plans by John Calvin Stevens. The books were fur- nished by different members of the Long family: pictures were given by Mrs. Stevens, wife of the architect; sons of Thomas Chase gave the heating apparatus; and the lot on which the building stands was presented by Mrs. Josephine Cole Thomas. A Spanish gun captured from the Spanish armed steamer "Santo Domingo," on July 12,1898, by the U. S. Ship ''Eagle," decorates one corner of the reading room, the gift of Mr. Long, while Secretary of the Navy. There are now around 3000 volumes on the library shelves, and in the hands of those who have learned to improve their opportunities in their free use. Lizzie L. Allen is librarian. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY Mountain GiiANGE, No 164, was organized at Buckfield village, May 15, 1875. After a few years of activity it ceased to hold its meetings, until re-organized with 25 members June 17, 1901. Soon after the re-organization it was re- moved to North Buckfield where a hall was erected in 1904 at a cost of .f 2,000. Henry Parsons was chosen master in 1901 and has been succeded only by the present master, Fred E. Heald. Other officers for the present year are S. J, Spaulding, Over.; W. L. Harlow, Lee; Maude Bessey, Sec. 72 BUCKFIELD BucKFiELD Grange, No 438, was instituted at Buckfield village, July 14, 1904, with 73 charter members; this num- ber has now increased to 97. Henry Parsons was chosen Master and re-elected for the present year. Fred A. Cooper is now Overseer; Sadie Thorne, Lecturer; Adelbert Parsons, Treasurer; and A. F. Warren, Secretary. Meetings are held in Odd Fellows Hall. Franklin Grange, No. 124 of Woodstock was organized March 11, 1875, with 48 charter members. Itsbuildingwas erected in the spring of 1892 at Bryants Pond at a cost of $3000. It was dedicated on Aug. 31 of that year. The following is the list of the Past Masters from the organiza- tion: Alden Chase, Beujamin Davis, S. C. Davis, D. J. Libby, I. S. Curtis, J. L. Bowker, A. P. Cole, G. W. Ridlon, H. H. Cushman, G. L. Cushman, R. C. Davis, G. W. Q. Perham, W. S. Davis, L. P. Bryant, D. C. Dudley and H. C. Bacon, the present Master. The present membership numbers 257. The present officers are: H. C. Bacon, Master, Bryants Pond; G. E. Stevens, Over.; Georgia Bisbee, Lect.; W. H. Noyes, Steward; Will Perham, Asst. Steward; Mrs. Emily J. Felt, Chaplain; G. L. Cushman, Treasurer; Mrs. Stella Bowker Bacon, Secretary, Bryants Pond; Ernest Billings, Gatekeeper; Ethlyn Davis, Pomona; ElsieCushraan, Flora; Lucy Emmons, Ceres; Mrs. Lizzie Buss, Lady Asst. Steward; Leah Sweetser, Librarian. G. L. Cushman is proprietor of the Grange Store. Note: — We regret to state that no account of Union Grange, in Sumner, has been received in time to be included in this account. Census- The population ol the Towns of Buekfiehl, Sumner and Woodstock has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-residents are indicated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ). Followingthenames of the population is the occupations. To designate these we have used the more common abbre- viations and contractions, as follows: I^armer — far; car- penter—car; railroad service— R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning — stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (including all who have reached the age of five years)— 1)1; housework — ho; laborer — lab; physician and surgeon— phy & sur; clergyman— clerg; mer- chant— mer; teacher — tr; blacksmith— blk; clerk— cl; book- keeper— bk kpr; lawyer— law; mechanic-mech; machinist- mach; engineer— eng; maker— mkr; worker — wkr; work — wk; shoe shop work— shoe op; cotton or woolen njill operatives — mill op; weaver— weav; spinner — spin; electrician— elec; painter— ptr; carriage work— car wk; dress maker— dr mkr; insurance — ins; traveling salesman, or commercial traveler — sales, or coml trav; music tpacher—mus tr; teamster— team; general work — genlwk; mariner— mar; employ — emp; retired — retd . This census was taken expressly for this work during the fall of 1905, by Rev. B. V. Davis, of Kent's Hill, Me. Census of Buckfield Note: — The following Post Office abbreviations are used in the census of Buckfield : Hebron Station — Heb Sta. ; Buck- field R. F. D. No. 1— No. 1; Buckfield R. F. D. No. 2— No. 2; East Hebron— E. Heb. ; So. Paris R. F. D. No 3— S. P. 3. Allen, Frank W far Eva A (Murch ho Wendell M Beula A Allen, Annie L (Keene Depot Evereft C pi Urban K • pi Allen, Lizzie L ho »ii: librarian Elm Allen, William C cl Elm Allen, C V truck Edna L (Holland ho Raymond A pi Guy V pi Alice E pi Allen, Hamden A car Elm Ames, Velzora T (Morgan ho Atkinson, Susan J (Hall No 2 far ho Elm stu Atkinson, Albion G Bessie M (Monk Oscar R G lend on A Athean, W D bapt clerg Cyril D *Roy C 51105 No Main, Fall River, Mass AtwMrd, C R mer Church p]n)ily I) (Irish ho *Fred H P M Rumford Falls *EdwinF cl 21 Monument Sq., Portland Atvvard, Asa ret'd mer Augusta (Dearbon ho Ernest M mfg *Nervie E (m Allen 123 P, So Boston, Mass CENSUS 75 Atward, E M rafo; River Dollie A (Dearborn ho & tel oper B Bacon, Thankful C (Long Elm Mary A ho Barrill, Emeline (Bickford No 2 Barrill, Estella A ho Barrett, Sarah H ho Bennett, Lepha M (Pillsbury Nol *Frank far Paris Hill *Lizzie A (m Bicknell Norway *Annette phy Norway *Carrie (m Hamlin ho 29 Cushman, Portland *Lena L s s op Norway *EfRe M nurse Augusta Bennett, Fred far Lounettie A (Mason ho Paul M stu Eugene H stu Ralph M pi Bennett, Montrose E far No 1 Bennett, Charles D pi Benson, Lillian M (Sieberling Nol Gladys A pi Doris R Howard F Benson, Stanlej^ M lab Gertrude (Wright ho Berry, Charles H far Cyntha S (Harris ho *Ida A (m Hersey ho 249 Stevens Av, Woodfords Berry, Charles F far Sadie H (Dearborn ho Frank D lab Besse, A S far S Paris 3 Alfaretta (Turner ho * Alice M (m Bonney East Sumner *Everett M cl Rumford Falls *Lillis L (m Pulsifier West Sumner Besse, N E far S Paris 3 I Maud (Heald ho Gerald H pi Ralph A Bonney, Emma (Simson No 1 Mertie M (m Emery ho *Gertie s s op Norway *Vina M (m Crockett Dixfield Jennie M ho Jessie E pi Bonney, Shirley M far No 1 Lena M (Turner ho Mason T Bonney, Lucy P (Parris No 1 Leonard W 76 BUCKFIELD Bonney, Lizzie M ho North Boston, Mary E (Griffen S Paris 3 *Wm D blk Boothbay Ctr Grace A (m Snow ho Bo wen, C T shop oper Morrill Myrtie V (Waite ho Stella M stu Charles T Jr pi Horace E Bradbury, Thos s s op Norway Isabel A (Smith ho Motelle T s s op Norwa.y Ethel 1 bk kpr Norway Mae L checker Norway Roy H cutter Norway Bradbury, Malona R (Chase Nol *Thos s s op Norway *Chas D 11 Central, Boston, Mass *Rolfe Priiicetou, Lowell, Mass Bradbury, A W Ret\l Hotel Bfidghain, VV P phy & sur^- Hi^h *Ella H (m Wood Auburn *May (ni Davis Situate, Mass *Nellie (m Burleigh 17 Bloomfield, Boston, Mass Lucy L (Farrar Bridgham, Thos S law High Harold R R cond L Belle (Nulty head waitress Briggs, Cyrus iar *Wm C mach Winston, N Car Abbie C (Stevens ho *Lizzie C (m White Sulphur Spr, Mont *Walter N far W Scarboro E Carlton far *Benj C Keens Mills Roland O far Briggs, S E far S Paris No 3 Clara L (Farrer ho Roy W lab Daisy M pi Erald I pi Leo] a M pi Brown, Geo lab Church Brown, Earle lab Church Brown, W H ret'd Elm Georgia A (Hickcock ho Brown, Moses far Sophronia D (Records ho Brown, Eva 1 ho & tar No 2 Bryant, Eliza F (Shaw No 2 James I far Bryant, J no B far No 2 Clara B (Waterman Bryant, J as I far No 2 CENSUS 77 Eleanor L (Stearns ho Wilmer S pi James Buck, Miller Inmate Town Farm Burt. Eunice Inmate Town Farm Bucknam, Abbie F (Lowell ho Chester S far Buck, Chas A far No 1 Hattie C (Churchill ho Maud H pi Buck, H H far No 1 Katie E (Warren ho Warren F pi Blanch M pi Doris F pi Dorothy pi Bertrand C Buck, Henry M far No 1 Emot^ene P ho *Delmer (ra Farrer ho West Sumner *Lulie A (m Benson ho So Paris Charles A far Myrtie B (m Damon ho Bucknell, Francie M (Warren *Endora F (m Ames Rumford Falls James E far Nellie M (m Record ho *Minnie M (ra Barrett Barrett Bumpus, W E far No 1 Melvina E (Turner ho Mabel T (m Ellingwood Grace M (m ho Myrtle ho Caldwell, J C phy & surg Josephine M (m Cole *Bessie M (m Buck Travis City, Mich Wilber C stu Hattie B (Wyman ho Chase, Benjamin F far Sarah A (Hasey ho Chase, Charles A far Sarah J (Mitchell ho Tempie C (m Jordan ho Chaffin, James B far Emma I (Hay den ho *Clara H (ra Thayer Haverhill, Mass Mary E tr *Dora B nurse Manchester, Mass Albion E far Jas B Jr sled fact oper Childs, C S mer & far Florence A (Spaulding ho Helen S (m Within^ton Cheslej', Adeline ho No 1 Churchill, C A far No 1 Hattie M (Churchill ho 78 BUCKFIELD Ervin E Norman C Churchill, Asaph pl far S Paris 3 Fannie (Murdi ho Myrtle F (m Tucker ho *Clayton A far W Paris *Jennie M (m Jewell Hebron Howard L stu Ernest B lab Carl F lab Mattie (ra Buck ho Flora B stu Lizzie M pl Nina G pl Cloutier, A F blk Elm Isabel D (Dorman dr mkr Cobb, J W far No 2 Sarah E (Brown ho Arthur W pl Cobb, Florinda B (Resse *Flora A (m Smith ho 159 Pleasant, Auburn Dora H (m Records ho Colby, J W S far S Paris 3 Mary A (Davis ho Beatrice E Naomi E Cole, Martha N ho Cole, Verojil car Emma J (Gurney ho *Thos P R R ser Mexico *Walter V drug Lisbon Harold J R R cl *Geo G R R ser Rumford Cole, A E dentist Myrtie M (Spaulding ho EUen S pl Arthur H Cyrus E Cole, Alfred P M Mary E (Storer ho Mary S stu Alfred S pl Cole, Edw G undertaker AbbieE (Ellis *E Herbert car Turner Arthur E dentist Alfred T trader Annie G brush mkr Cole, A T mer Josephine (Caldwell Conant, Geo I far No 2 Gertrude V (Bean ho JohnC Conant, Everett E far No 2 Lelia E (Hodgkins ho lone M pl Irma H Conant, Lena E pl Conant, Harry L lab Conant, Chas D lab Conant, Florence G s s op Conant, Sadie L s s op Conant, Sauford E far Faustine E (Records ho Marv L ho CENSUS 79 Fred Conaut, Ida M Conant, W H lab ho barber Depot St Mattie W (Bradeen ho Willard R Cooper, Fred M far No 1 Mary E ( Pearsou ho Fred A far Effie M ho Lizzie E pi Ralph A pi Charles W pi Cressey, Mrs M S (Spaulding North Crockett, R block mill & ptr Depot St Aaousta E (Farrar ho *Alice A (m Haskell tr S Paris Crowe, J lab Mary A (Devine ho CummiD^s, R Leslie far No 1 Sadie R (Dunn ho Cumrnings, Jos V lab North Amanda M (Keene ho D Damar, S B ret'd No 1 Damon, J B far No 1 Esta M (Drake ho Arlington mach *Mabel (m Bisbee ho Hartford, RED *Blanche A (m Murch ho Ridlonville Damon, Alton far No 1 Annie V (Bearce ho Mellen L pi Richard A Damon, Bradbury F far Viola A (Gammon ho Wilson M far Leona A ho Linwood F pi Mary H pi Paul D pi Harry J pi Elbert M pi Damon, Wm E far No 1 Ella E (Stiles ho Clifford L pi Carl E pi Damon, Arlington mech Flora F (Boeley ho Amy E pi Damon, J L far & store op Depot Myrtie B (Buck ho Alice L Damon, Mosley J far Elm *Ernest Norridgewock *Stanley s s op Norway Damon, Harriet D (Cummings Elm 80 BUCKFIELD Dammon, Hannah (Witham Elm Davee, H G far No 2 Mary S (Cole ho Davee, Emma J (Reed ho Davee, Fred G far Caroline C (Packard ho Hat tie S Deaue, Georgia ho Dean, Laura A ho Decker, W F lab & paper hgr Linda A (Stevens ho *Geo F lab 63 2nd, Hallo well Decoster, Vergil P far No 2 Master Turner Grange Edith B (Hooper ho Cleora M stu Edith H pi Helen F pi Decoster, B C far No 2 Nellie M (Hodgdon ho Decoster, Edmund far No 2 Mary Anna (Stovve ho *Harry A law Little Falls, N Y Fred S far Chas E far * Lester H mech Ardmore, Pa Decoster, Jos F far No 2 Decoster, Nellie E (Records Thomas A stu Devine, Annie M ho Dorman, R S blk & car Elm Joanna B (Ricker ho *Mary A (m Briery ho 111 Pleasant, Auburn Helen ho Isabel D (m Cloutier Dudley, Hannah E (Churchill Nol Martha E ho Jennie (m Lewis ho Cyrus K far Albert L far Harry far John far P far, mech & blk Dunham, Celia B (Buck No 1 Dunn, Wm B far No 1 Martha V (Getchell ho Sadie R (m Cummings ho Dunu, Sarah J (Drake No 2 Dunn, Albert L far No 2 Celia V (Damon ho Gertrude M ho Wendell L stu Perley B pi Dyer, Frederick R law High Lena H (Maxim ho E Eastman, Albert T far Ab cream coll East Hebron Effie M (Brown ho Albert R pi CENSUS 81 OraR Beatrice E Josephine O Bertha E Grace E Pl Pl pl pl pl Eastman, Lucy (Burgess ho *Chas stone mason Gorham, N H *Willard far Hale *Augusta (m Merrill Rumford Point Oscar far Edgar lab Eastman, Oscar far Florence (Whitman ho George R pl Ellingwood, I W far & ice bus Depot Clyde M pl Mabel T (Bumpus ho Vernard W Guy W Elwood, A H far No 1 Georgia A (Hall ho *Arthur H barber Skowhegan * Angle A (ui Currier ho Foxcroft * Winnie M ho Skowhegan *Martha G ho Norwood, Mass Allison H Jr pl Emerson, E L overseer Town Farm Edith E (Emery ho Eva Pearl Emery, Mrs N B (Churchill Nol Howard sea capt Emery, Daniel W far Elm Myrtie M (Bonney ho Rachel A pl James W Ralph A Farnum, Dan'l G far No 1 Margie (Moore ho *AdellaY (m Willis ho *Eugene B thresher Manitoba, Canada *Chas G far Lebanon Farrar, Lucv L (Hayford High *Carrie E (m Bradford ho 527 Cumberland Av, Portland Fields, Bell (Hammond No 1 *HarIen H pl Auburn Angle M pl Flagg, H A far No 1 Octava (Buck ho *Chas H ptr So Paris John E far Agnes V (m Fogg ho * Annie V (m Getchell ho Keens Mills Amanda M (m Cummings 82 BUCK] ?IELD Alice M (m Smith ho Maud A ho Flag^, John E far No 1 Mary E tr Mary E (Smith ho Amos C wood & lumb Ag:nes V pi Leola M stu Elizabeth M pi Stanley E pl Bernice E pi Bessie A pl Susie E Florence L pl Fletcher, Laura E (Holmes Foster, F F far S Paris 3 Nol Laura A (Place ho Lila B tr GuyC mech Fogo^, Wm L far No 1 MaeE pl Agnes V (Flagg ho Anna F pl George W pi Fitzhugh pl Fogg, Patience E (Damon ho Ava E pl *Marion E (m Chandler Joel A Lewiston Fuller, Elizabeth E cl *Eveline I (m Damon Fuller, Isaac D far Nol West Auburn Bertha M (Drown ho *Jane C (m Samson Charles W West Auburn Glennie A *Margery A (m Record ho Fuller, Eugene F far Nol Paris Hill Carrie E (Rowe ho Dorrillis P lab Lester E pl Forbes, Henry B far Addie A (Abbott ho G Martha A (m Holmes ho Henry C far Gammon, C H far No 2 Clinton F stu *Mabel S (m Wood Ida B pi Hartford Forbes, Julia C (Bicknell ho Viola (m Damon ho *Eleanor B clerg Gray *Percy far Hartford Foster, C E Chester far far, wood & lumb Elmer far Lelia (Winslow ho Lyda ho CENSUS 83 Gardner, Carlton ret'd 27 River Marj S (Gammon ho *Mary S (m Hobart 5724 Midway Park, Austin, 111 Gardner, E L brush mkr 26 River Elizabeth S (Jones ho *Guy el Mechanic Falls Iva M brush mkr Mary C pi Gauthier, Chas A sect fore *Lilla M (m Pierce ho Mechanic Falls Dell B cl Annie L (Allen ho Gauthier, Lewis far Sarah (Sousie ho *Ida (m Gauthier Lewiston Mary (m Pardise ho Peter lab Gerriish, Wm A ret'd Depot Elizabeth A (Emery ho *Lora L (m Laughton ho West Bridgewater, Mass Benj drover & apple buyer John D ptr & paper hgr Gerrish, J D ptr & paper hgr Depot Lula M (Ward well ho Bertha I stu John A pi Bert W pi Harold D pi Gerrish, Benj E drover Minnie M (Harlow ho Harlow pi Gile, C F cl 38 Morrill Minnie E (Harlow ho Julia A pi Glover, Mary R (Bisbee ho C F far & watch rep'r Gray, Chas E lab RED Catherine M (Farrar ho Charles E Jr pi Thelma M Mina E Minnie G Infant Gregg, John M lab Nol Lottie E (Silver ho Charles S pl Edward W Pl Catherine A pl Infant H Hall, A S far Nol Alice May (King ho Mary K pl Harry T pl Hall, A J far Nol Mary (Hooper ho Abbie (m Harlow ho *MattieG (m Har dy ho Cambridge, Mass 84 BUCKFIELD Georgia A (m Elwood ho *Harry L mach Deering Hall, Oscar B nursery stock Linett M (Holmes ho *Herbert brush mkr Maiden, Mass *Edgar B mer Rumford Falls Hall, Mary P (Prince Church Shirley P tr *Harold H chemical wk New York Hammond, C L far No 1 Hammond, E E far No 1 Eva M (Fuller ho Hardy, Mrs S J (Hilborn Elm Harlow, J M brush mkr Depot Sadie B (Maxim ho Harlow, Julia S (Austin 38 Morrill Charles F cl Harlow, Fred A florist No 1 Harlow, Wm L far No 1 Mary A (Hall ho *Flora A (m Kawson Oxford *Daisy M (ra Morrill ho West Auburn Maud E (m Phinney ho Percy W s s op Fannie G tr * Harry A cl 124 Chandler, Boston, Mass *Leon I cl 124 Chandler, Boston, Mass *Earl A elec cond Haverhill, Mass Alice B ho Harper, John far Heb Sta Hayes, Erastus ret'd Elm Harriet L (Herrick ho *Emily H (m Austin Ridlonville *Benj H box sh op Farmington ^Arthur G box sh op Farmington Hayford, l^eslie A Heald, Carl M far No 1 Zilla (Jordan ho Heald, E D grain dlr North Carl M far Jane S (Swallow ho Heald, J C wood turner North Olynthia A (Swallow ho Fred E far Preston C lab Harry M phy & sur Maud I (m Besse Heald, B F wood turner North Rozilla (Monk ho Washington wood turner Elva L (m Stetson ho Margaret P tr Heald, W wood turner North Lydia J (Varney ho Carolyn V CENSUS 85 Heald, Fred E far North Florence A (Monk ho Helen M pi Heald, H M phj & sur River Alice G (Cary ho Alice pi Heath, Ada D ho Herse}^ Betsy J (Richardson Depot *Lonella J (m AVarren E Sumner *Geo H plumber West Norwood, N J Fannie A postal cl *A]ice A (m Taylor ho 21 School, Boston, Mass HododoD, Fred far No 1 Susan (Johnson ho Mabel pi Ray pi Hodjidon, Cindarilla (Damon Nol *Chas H far Paris Fred far * Eugene R R ser Bryants Pond Alouzo far * Lizzie M (m Therin No 1 Hodsdon, L R blk&far HSta Eliza J (Merrill ho * Lawrences lab Auburn *Chas S harness mkr 74 Front, Waterville *Stanley O cl Turner *Frank O blk W Minot *Jennie F (m Perkins ho 27 Silver, Waterville Hodsdon, Hazel M pi Holland, Geo R ret'd Elm Martha H (Phillips ho Charles L cl Edna L (m Allen ho Holland, Fred mill op 42 Morrill Bessie L (Moore ho Doris M Charles E Holmes, Z C Mary C (Jackson ho Holmes, Claudy E far Mattie A (Forbes ho Holmes, Louisa E (Thurlow ho & nurse River Holmes, Harry A lab River Ethel H (Moore ho Donald A Hutchinson, Olive B (Whiting Nol Hutchinson, B A mallear Nol Martha C (Purkis ho Edward B pi Carroll W pi Arthur B I Ingersol, Jennie (Records Depot 86 BUCKFIELD Lena Pl Irish, H A die block mfg; Ida pl 30 High Irish, Henry D lar V A (Nason ho Catherine F (Hines ho *Lewis M cashier bank Mabel M tr Rum ford Falls *Fred S far Turner *Luther M mfg die blocks Percy H far West Paris Irish, Vestie M stu No 2 *A]len M Irish, Ben] L far No 2 draughtsman Naval clept KoseE (mTuttle ho 706 Washington, Bath *Lillian H (m Crockett Elsie A pl Sumner Irish, Fred L lab No 2 Irish, V D far No 2 Zoa (Hall ho William H far N Augustus far Irish, H F far MellieF (Barrill ho Irish, John M far Irish, Abel far Mary J (Turner ho Irish, William ret'd Mary A (Ford ho Herbert F far *Clara L (m Marston ho 9 School, Auburn Irish, C M die block mkr Almira H (Hodgdon ho *Mary H (m Ward well ho West Paris *Ella H (m Clement Freedom M Myra stu J Jack, D R lab North *Earl D Sumner Mary (Merrill ho Jacobs, H A lab Depot Elsie H (W^illiams ho & dr mkr Jewett, Jas ret'd Hotel Jewett, Emma A (Emery Depot Johnson, E H far E Heb Augusta E (Tracy ho Everett E far William H far Jordan, Chas p(r & paper hgr Tempie C (Chase ho Ethel G pl Thelma L pl Jordan, AS far No 1 Lorinda (Swan ho Sherman A far CENSUS 87 Jordan, Betsy (Chesley No 1 Jordan, Florian far Janett B (Jordan ho William F ptr Florian Jr ptr Llewellyn ptr *l8aac s s wk North Abbing'ton, Mass Charles ptr Arvilla (ra Records Drusilla (m Heald ho Jordan, Florian Jr ptr No 1 Grace A (Bruce ho Valroy G ho Raymond C lab Jordan, Wm F lab No 1 Marj>:aret A (Langan ho Eugene E lab William lab Winnefred ho John pi Katie pi Margaret pi Charles Jordan, Rufus far Hattie E (Gower ho Emery O stu Hattie I stu K Keene, Lott E far No 2 Martha M (Young ho *Carrie M (ra Bonney So Paris Alpheus A far Keene, Calvin B far No 1 Cora A (Snell ho *Bertha M (m Turner So Paris *Etta C (m Wiuslow So Paris *Sam'l J far No Paris *Agnes J (m Mc(>alister So Paris *Frank E far West Paris, No 1 *Harold W Bridge, Lowell, Mass *Clyde M far Bridge, Lowell, Mass *Viuton C Wellesley, Mass Grove C far Keene, Amanda M (Flagg North Phillip L pi Keene, Clara B (Barnes North *John W law Golden, Col Florence A (m Heald ho Lewis, James far No 1 Eunice J (Dudley ho Mineva M (m Farrar ho Charles B lab Harry J lab Wilber Lewis, Geo W far No 1 88 BUCKFIELD Libby, A W far Cyntha P (Allen ho *Long, John Davis ex Sec Navy & ex Gov of Mass Hingham, Mass * Margaret phy & sur Hingham, Mass *Agnes (Pierce Hingham, Mass *Pierce stu Hingham, Mass Loring, Emily (Atwood ho Low, R C far No 1 Low, Esther J ho No 1 Lowell, Jas A far No 2 Nellie A (Con ant ho Harry A pi John E pi Willie R pi Helen F pi Bernard C Lowell, Alice J ho No 2 Lucus, Jane R (Mclntire No 2 Sanford A R R ser *Alford Hartford *Lydia (m Mathews Council Bluffs, Iowa Lucus, S A sec hd Depot, cor High Bessie (Libby ho Clarence W pi Alice L pi BellL Sanford W Lunt, F H feed store Eva M (Heath ho *Bertha L (m Ulrich ho M Mason, Willard far No 1 Clinton L far Mason, Naphtali ret'd North Mason, A F mer & P M North Emma A (Mank ho Mason, Lewis C far No 2 Carrie E (Watson ho Eva M ho Mason, J B far & mach No 2 Mary A (Shaw ho Maxim, Fred L far No 1 Grace M (Bumpus ho Maxim, Charles far No 1 L Anette (Jordan ho Charles W far George A far Fred L far Pearl C Maxim, Webster D far No 1 Martha M (Dougherty ho Maxim, E die block mkr High Lola T (Record ho Sadie B(m Harlow drmkr Lena H (ra Dyer ho *Mayne, E C livery stable Auburn Juliette E (Bicknell ho Millard plumb & steam fit CENSUS 89 Mayne, Celinda L (Jordan Nol Mclntire, Jane R (Reod No 2 *Chas H far Hartford Francis H Mclntire, Chas H far No 2 Martha C (Verrill ho Geo A. lab Carroll E lab Angie L pi Frances E pi Albert V pi McKenuej, C E ret'd Heb Sta Merrill, Albert A far No 2 Merrill, Alice ho No 2 Meschidis, Myrtie I (Record Heb Sta Edwin pi Millett, Jas M far No 1 *Helen M stu Norway Hattie E (Clifford ho Richard M pi Moore, J E sta apjt 42 Morrill Emily M (m Parsons ho Sarah P (m Turner ho Bessie L (m Holland ho Ethel H (rn Holmes ho Morrill, Ralph PI mer Maud E (Russell ho Morrill, N E mer 16 River Sarah A (Crommett ho Morrill, L L far No 2 Sadie S (Strout ho Guy L stu Emma W pi Charles L pi Ruth M pi Mori ill, Wm L lab No 2 Harriet A (l)icknell ho Morse, Herman far No 1 Susan (Fletcher ho W Tilson tr Lawrence G pi Linwood G pi Morse, Delwin H far No 1 *Ona M pi Mechanic Falls Ethel (Tucker ho Morse, Sarah E ho No 1 Monk, Betsey P (Turner No 1 Monk, Lysander E far No 1 Ruviller C (Ames ho *Ora B (m Turner So Paris Monk, Lysander I far & blk Mary A (Fuller ho Monk, Florence A (Barnes North Holman W elec eng Josephine B tr Murch, Danl car Elm Ada C (Churchill ho Helen B pi Murdock, Mrs L B (Bangs Elm N *Nash, Geo eng Somerset Hotel, Boston, Mass b7 90 BUCKFIELD Julia F (Welch ho Georjie F Nash, Frank V far No 2 Norton, Mary E (Lin scot t ho *Georgia E (ra Corbett ho New Vineyard *Anuie L (ni Harnden ho Farmington *Harriet (m Stone Brunswick *Millard F lab Westminster, Mass Nulty, Plenry H High Hotel Long & fore corn shop L Belle (Bridgham hotel hostess William B stu Alice H stu Packard, Addison G far Martha J (Folsoni ho Margaret E (m Record ho Packard, Jesse far No 1 Lizzie J (Smith ho Carlton G far * Lizzie P (m Howe Bryants Pond George H far Albion E ptr Jesse W lab Carrie C (m Davis ho Packard, Geo H far No 1 Bell H ( Clark Lizzie M Jessie C Packard, J F ho shoe mkr River Julia F (Canwell ho *Vira C (m Downs nurse Fairfield Leonora dr mkr *Jas E U S ser Alboy, P I Pardise, Lee lab Mary L (Gauthier ho Albert pl Archie pl Henry Parker, Linzy H Parson, J V far No 1 Nellie N (Durgin ho C Ethel ho Fred A stu Everett V lab Mabel A pl Parsons, H far 30 Morrill Celia A (Russell ho Parsons, A far 30 Morrill Emily M (Moore ho Mildred A pl Clifford A Howard M Parsons, M far & car Elm *Ellen M cook C M Hospital, Lewiston *Viola (m Tyler Canton No 1 CENSUS 91 *01ive J (m Winslow Lisbon Hannah M (Moore ho Phinney, Edwin L car Maud E (Harlow ho Abbie M pi Edwin R Pottle, AW ME clerg Elm *Georg;ia E (ra Warren Westbrook Theresa W (Whitmore ho Prince, C H ins & brush mkr Elm Eunice A (Atward ho *Harry C editor Waterville *Jo8ephine L (m Drummond ho Morrill Av, Waterville *Lucy A (m Sherman Woodfords Prince, H N ret'd Church Sophie E (Dana ho *Leonard K Princes Iron wks 555 West 33d, New York Prince, Ardelia ho Elm Purkis, A L far No 2 Anna E (Irish ho Leon L pi Archie W p] Quimby, Emeline (Trask ho *Elzener (m Delano Li verm ore R Rawson, J A druggist Carrie J (Folsome ho Harley F drug cl Reckards, J P far No 2 Adelaide L (Cole ho *Louisa M baker 1906 Mass Av, No Cambridge, Mass Thomas lab George B lab * Abigail (m Briggs ho West Scarboro Carrie C ho John P Jr lab Record, David far No 2 Record, H A far & R R ser Heb Sta Record, Flora M dr mkr No 1 Record, David lab No 1 Record, Wni Jr lab Morrill Dora H (Cobb dr mkr Helen A (m Farrar ho Walter J stu Record, Wm shoe mkr & team Lola (m Maxim ho Chas A blk & mill op William Jr lab 92 BUCKFIELD Euo'ene lab George far Jennie (m Ingersol ho Benj blk & mill op Harry stone cutter Kecord, C A block mkr Elm Ruth A (Thomes dr mkr Lottie J stu Records, Eugene lab Depot Villa (Jordan ho Maud ho Records, Nellie E (Abbott Fred W jeweler Records, Martha M (Spaulding North Records, Benj L far North Records, George B far Margaret E (Packard ho *Ella M (m Record W Auburn Warren L far Addison G far *Jo8 C telg op Carp, Nev Records, Geo W far No 2 Annie V (Merrill ho Blanche M stu Records, Eliza A ho Records, George L far Nellie M (Bicknell ho In a M stu Bernice L stu Cleon B stu Jennie E stu G Wilber pi Harold E Records, Mary F ho & far Richards, A S far No 1 Evelyn A (Coffren ho Richards, Jas G far No 1 Addie R (Thorn ho Louise M pi Roberts, B F far & car No 2 Mabel A (Davie ho Horace W pi Frank L p] Robinson, Wm F far No 2 Mary A (Irish ho Mary F ho Robinson, H M lab Morrill Sadie L (Holmes ho Bernard Rodgers, C D (Reed Heb Sta Rowe, Chas H car & far No 3 Emma A (Silver ho Jesse L pi Rowe, M L far & cream col Nol Laura B (Silver ho Charles H pi Angle M pi Mildred P pi Silva A pi Rowe, Chas D far No 1 Margaret A (Farnum ho M L far * Walter E mach Snow Falls CENSUS 93 *Hattie E (m Billings Woodstock Carrie E (m Fuller ho *Celia M (m Lawrence So Paris *EdiiaA(mCole So Turner *Myrtle B (m Pearl So Turner Anson F far Gould E far Russell, John lab Elm William F lab Herbert lab Russell, O G far No 2 *Geo W far Turner *Miuerva (m Perry No Auburn *Susau B (m Mitchell N H *Chas O far Mechanic Falls *Genevieve (m Pratt Welchville *John H R R ser Mechanic Falls D F lab *Mary E (m Ayer Hartford *Frauk lab Turner *A L diver Nantucket Shoals, Mass Sanborn, Charles A pi Sawyer, A W far *Minnie E (m Cole Lisbon Ada I (Dow ho Wilfred A far *Nellie L (m Hathaway ho Turner Ctr George L lab Mabel F tr Clara E tr * Edith (m Hayes Parmin^ton Percy G lab Flora E stu Alexander D pi Archie W pi Emily A pi Shaw, Albert far Sadie A (Keene ho Jennie M ho Ervin A lab Lawrence L pi Shaw, George W far No 2 *AddieE ho Liverniore Mary E (Jones ho Shaw, J W far No 2 Rose A (Irish ho *Isaac taxidermist Myers, Fla *Ellen F (m Dunn Hartiord Clarence W apple dlr &lab 94 BUCKFIELD Harold lab Shaw, Henry G far No 2 Georgia A (Lowell ho James A clerg- *Aunie B (m Tibbetts Lisbon H Lowell far Cora Bennett pi Shaw, Isabella D (Brown 17 River Henry G far *Katie B (m Morrill Sumner Josie M bk kpr & mus tr Shaw, Emily A (Thurlow ho Shaw, I Wilson mer High Ada M (Tuttle ho Amy W tr Howard P stu Mildred W stu Helen M pi Shaw, Wilson far Elm Elizabeth S (Spaulding ho Warren S photo & engraver Shaw, George B lab Leonard B Sieberling, Rowena H (Cooper No 1 Lillian M (m Benson ho Skillings, Lucy A (Ladd Elm Smith, John W far No 1 Alice M(Flagg ho Smith, Bell (Fields ho No 1 Smith, E G far No 1 *Wm G s s op Gardiner *Enoch s 8 op East Auburn Rose C (Farrar ho Snow, Grace A (Boston So Paris 3 *Bertha M (m Dyer Norway *Inez A (m Williams ho Galgeria, C A Harry E pi Grace A pi Spaulding, A W fruit fra North Mary B (Keene ho Spaulding, S J Iruit fm North Inez A (Buswell ho Arthur C pi Herbert A pi Leila A pi Lila M pi Spaulding, Cyrus C mer *Nellie B (m Bisbee Rumford Falls Myrtie M (m Cole ho *Lottie M (m Russell East Sumner Carrie M (Sterling ho Sarah A (m Morrill ho Lila S mus tr Spaulding, Benjamin . mer Sarah E ho Mary L ho CENSUS 95 Benjamin Jr mer Gilbert B mer Staples, E M lab No 2 Josephine E (Con ant ho Stetson, Althea H pi North Sturtevant, Eldora A (Swan Arthur L pi Swallow, S D far North Isabell (Turner ho Eola Bell pi Swan, Ambrose far No 1 Frances A (Taylor ho Eldora A (m Sturtevant *Minnie A (m Stevens ho 36 Railroad, Auburn *Effie F (m Besse Hebron Taylor, Charles L far *Leon H s shop Auburn Herman F pi * Lottie E pi Auburn *Hazel S pi Auburn Laura W (Barnard ho Webster L Taylor, Carroll A far No 1 Alice I (Jordan ho Taylor, Benj J far No 1 Jennie G (Mayne ho Richmond M pi Clarence B pi Sylvia A W Gleason Terron, Henry lab No 1 Terron, Lizzie M (Hodgdon Nol Terrio, Alexander far No 1 Thayer, Mandeville L far Annie A (Durgin ho Beulah A pi Yerna P pi Roger I) pi Thomas, M P lab Depot George E far Ella F (Farr ho Thomes, Ellen M (Morrill 16 River Thomes, Randolph C ret'd High Josephine (Cole ho Thurlow, Marion W pi Tilton, Gilbert newspaper reporter Cynthia M (Kilbreth ho *AF 143 Pleasant, Auburn lore butter dept creamery Gilbert W repr shop Tucker, \Vm H far No 1 Myrtle F (Churchill ho H Raymond pi Harry E pi Nelson A pi Tucker, Lois L (Damon ho *Nellie M (m Wood 103 Pleasant, Brockton, Mass Tucker, AVm H far No 1 Tucker, William ret'd No 1 96 BUCKFIELD Lois L (Tucker ho Tucker, Mary E (Griffin So Paris 3 Turner, W A blk Depot Mad^e L pi D wight pi Sadie (Moore ho Turner, Isaac far So Paris 3 Hattie M (Farrar ho Bessie A pi George M pi Leola M pi Harold M pi Norman E pi Paul M pi Turner, N M far No 1 Emma A (Page ho Julia M (m Shaw ho Arthur C pi Amy M pi Turner, G iar Orpha M (Swan ho Turner, D S far No 1 Sarah S (Maxwell ho Lena M (m Bonny ho Turuer,Sophia A (Jordan Nol *Benj J far So Paris Otis G far Lester L far Mel vena E (m Bumps ho Turner, Wesley far No 1 Rose F (Record ho *Ernest L s s op Norway *Rachel A (m Dudley W Minot Nellie J ho Turner, Lester L far Bertha J (Corbett ho Ina M pi Harry pi Leon C pi Mildred B pi Alton L Tuttle, Vesta Y (Mitchell No 2 *Dan'l A clerg Bolster's Mills Tuttle, Solon C ■ far Annie M ho Tuttle, William W far Tuttle, W R ret'd Elm Maria W (Staples ho Ada M (m Shaw ho *Alton M nursery bus Highlands, Melrose, Mass Tyler, R B cook River Emma T (Wood ho Mildred E pi Wilbur R Lottie E Verrill, Eldora A (Sturtevant Nol Vergil C CENSUS 97 W Waite, O E hostler Church Esther J (Warren ho *Ulla M (m Gould Freeport Myrtie V (m Bowen ho Waldien, W E far No 2 M (Wiuslow ho Kenneth E R R fire Lillian cl Josephine E stu Ivan N pi Waldron, Elizabeth S (Fletcher ho Mary E (m Storer ho Warren, Rosetta J (Turner Nol Frank E repr shop Gertrude E ho Hazel E pi Wilbur E pi Georfj;ia E pi Warren, Merton A far No 1 Florence C (Sturtevant ho Judith J pi Clithroe pi James T Warren, Georgia A (Bicknell Nol Katie E (m Buck ho Ormsby D far Warren, O D far No 1 Agnes M (Winslow ho Lena M pi Warren, Fred W far No 2 Effie A (Newton ho Avis E F Milton Warren, Osrnan far No 2 *John V hostler Haverhill, Mass Sarah E ho Fred W far Warren, A F harness mkr Ehu Elizabeth A (Young James E harness mkr Lizzie L ho Washburn, F S mail car Depot Flora A ( ho F Leslie asst sta agt Waterman, L C far No 2 Nellie J (Libby ho Ethel L pi EH pi Marion L pi Maurice Whitman, A C T far No 1 Elsie E (Packard ho *Elsie E (m Crooker ho Mechanic Falls Florence M (m Eastman Claude M far Whitman, Louisa M (Leavitt No 2 *Mabel F (m Merry 219 Summer, Auburn 98 BUCKFIELD Whitman, Ellis far No 1 Cora R (Record ho Harold E pi Flora E stu Whitman, H W far No 1 Martha M (Dunn ho Madeline E pi Whittemore, F A far No 1 Agnes (Rose ho Charles J pi Grace B pi Whitten, Lydia R (Record Turner *Chas R savings bank treas Augusta Wiuslow, Amos K far No 1 Melissa A (Jordan ho Lelia (m Foster ho Marinda W (m Waldron Lorena M ho Agnes M (m Warren ho Witham, Lester F far No 2 Mary B (Wood ho Lawrence J Withington, Chas brush mkr Elm Harriet (Quincy ho *Lizzie (m Irish W Paris Clara brush mkr Withington, P L cl River Annie M (Devine ho PaulD Withington, S C cl & dept sheriff Helen S (Childs ho Rodney C Florence S Withington, F P brush mkr Depot Clara C (Stanwood ho Joseph C brush mkr Nathalie S stu F Donald pi Wood, Lydia E (Monk Depot *Nellie G (m Cole Bryants Pond William E '' lab Emma T (m Tyler ho Nina M brush mkr Wood, John E far No 2 Jennie E pi Clara C pi Wood, John Y far No 2 *George V far No 2 *Herbert H far Turner Ctr John E far Forest P Mary B (m Witham ho Woods, Horace F insane asylum Mary S (Silver No 1 Wyman, Hattie B (Lucas ho Ethel L stu Young, Seliua D (Staples No 2 James H far Louisa M (m Whitman John L far Census of Sumnen Note: Where no address is o;iveii, 5UMNER postofRce is understood. Other PostofRce addresses are as follows: West Sumner — West; East Sumner — East; East Sumner, R. F. D., 1— East 1; Redding— Red'^; Barrett— Bar't; So. Paris, R. F. D.,3— So P 3; No. Buckfieid— No. Bk'field; Buck- field, R. F. D., 1— Bk'fld 1; No. Paris- No. P. A Adrian T - lab *Arlena F (m Furguson Abbott, Vesta H (Doble West Ley ►viston *Henry A clerg- Wilfred W Pl Brido-ewater, N Y Ames, Willis S far Abbott, Clementina (Buck M Ellen (Tuell ho West Marion E *EllaC(mBisbee Ames, James A far & blk Rumford Falls Katie M (Can well Abbott, Arabine (Doble ho Willis S far Hattie F ho Andrews, David far West Abbott, Carl M far Lucy A (Wilson ho Florence :M (Abbott ho *Cora L (m Webber Abbott, Hattie A (Newell ho Ricl imond *Quimby S lab East *Percy M law Charles E far 98 Exchange, Po •tland Florence M (m Abbott ho Andrews, J T far Red'g Grace L (m Dyer ho Chester G far Abbott, Charles E far Leland J far Edith C (Bates ho p:dith M (mCole ho Doris P Mellie J far Allen, Mary E (Poland AA'est Andrews, C G far Red'g Arthur C lab Lena F (Mayne ho 100 SUMNER Andrews, Wallace J far Annie E (Cauwell bo John W pi Andrews, George W far George W Jr far James W far Andrews, George W Jr far Martha E (Canwell ho Ethel G (m Buck Willie W pi Alton A pi B Barrett, S G far & tel agt Bar't Minnie M (Bicknell ho Edith F pi Vergil G pi Barrett, F L far & borge dlr Bar't Emma A (Benson bo Edgar S stu Ralph L pi Barrows, Jas A lab East Mary K (Robinson ho *Abbie A (m Haskell ho Fichburg, Maws Alvin S ptr cV: paper hgr Barrows, M C far West Maud O (Brown ho Annie M 1)1 Bertha R pi Guy M Barrows, Rosalind (Robinson East George E far *Orvill R far Hartford Maria (m Goss ho Julia R (ra Jennings mill op Barrows, G E far East 1 Hattie L (Alley ho Fred W far Barrows, H C retd West Barrows, Geo H far West *Herbert H car Portland Elsie G (Chandler ho Melville C far Charles A lab Bates, Mellen retd West Abigail L (Gray ho Benson, Elbridge S far Mary A (Dunham ho Hattie F pi Gladys M Susie M Berry, Joan (Lawrence West *Addie S (m Remick ho New Sharon *John E clerg North Troy, N Y Villa L (m West * ho *Henry H clerg *GeoR Hamilton, NY clei'g & prof, PHD *Anua M (m Kimball Bethel CENSUS 101 Edith B (m Thoraas ho Bisbee, Winslow T far West Amanda M (Thayer ho Bisbee, Cynthia (York West Bisbee, Thursa (Dearborn West Minnie M (m Newell ho Bisbee, Cynthia (Heald East *Wm *C far Canton 1 Bisbee, L B retd East Eliza A (Heald ho *Minnetta (m Osgood ho Rumford Falls *Harry H lumb *Fannie H (m Sampson 21 Pearl, Auburn *Bennie H car Rumford Falls Bisbee, h A far Bar't Eva (Robbins ho *Clarenee B blk F Wilbert tr Mabel M (m Dyer ho Herbert L pi Bisbee, Polly ho Bar't Bisbee, Autipass far Bar't Bonney, C H far Ida J (Newell ho & dr rakr Bonney, C A far EfRe L (Abbott bo El\ M E pi Walter VV pi Owen A pi Harold C pi Bell V pi Carl K Bonney, Wm A far West Ella A (Newell ho Bonney, Victory A (Chandler West C A far Bonney, Frances (Mayne W^est Angle I (ra Robbins ho *Maud C (m Day W Paris Bonney, J H far East 1 Jennie H (Keene ho Linwood K Bonney, T W East 1 blk, guide & photog Bonney, William H far Blanche (Joy ho Raymond J pi Paul E pi Dora A Bonney, Edwin far Bonney, Harrison far *Abbie C (m Torry ho 338 Belmont, Brockton, Mass W F mer & P M Bonney, W F mer & P M Clara M (Russell ho *Harry H bk kpr 118 Brackett, Portland Bonney, Chas A far East Alice (Besse ho Toleman B pi CarlE 102 SUMNER Bonney, Chas B far East Cynthia T (Gary ho *Sadie D (m Palmer Hartford Hattie M (m Bosworth Charles A far Bonney, Isaac far East 1 Sarah D (Cary ho Henry W far & car Myrtle L (m Palmer ho Bonney, H VV far & car East Winnie E (Palmer ho Eva M ho EthelJ pi Tena F pi Laura F pi Mary J pi Hester R Bosworth, E R R ser East Hatty M (Bonny ho Bosworth, J D far East Phila B (Jordan ho Charles M eug Bowker, Julia M (Brackett Bowker, Willie E far W Lioua pi Myrtle G Laura M Bowker, K P stage driver West Tester H (Abbott ho Minnie G (m Heath ho *]VIattie D (m Tuell W Paris Bowker, A F far Red'g Arvilla K (Andrews ho *Arabella (m Cole Auburn Bradeen, Ella G (Keene East 1 George H eng *Mattie W (m Conant Buckfleld Perle3' S far Clytie L ho cV: table girl Edwin V blk Wilmer B lab Bragdon, E far & mason West Alice J (Small ho ■"Georgia A Woburn, Mass *Ernest E mach Augusta William M lab Percie C lab Clifton O pi Velma I pi Brown, F J West road com & tax col Thersa F (Paine ho Maud (m Barrows ho Brown, E I far & lumb East May E stu Claude I stu Bryant, Mrs S R ho East 1 Bryant, Levi far East 1 Sylvia M (Maconey ho *Chas O car 32 Anis Av, Brockton, Mass CENSUS 103 *Nettie F (m Kerr Rumford Falls Mary E ho * Willie L car Rumford Falls Bryant, Arthur L pi Bryant, Robert E pi Bryant, Frank M pi Buck, Hiram H far Georgia E (Bates ho Buck, L C mail car Red'g Ella M (Irish ho Georoe C lab Wilbur L lab May Bell pi Buck, George C lab Red'g Ethel (Andrews ho Alton L pi Carrol M Pauline M Buck, Clinton H far East 1 Gertrude L (m McAlester Eifie W (Youug ho Buck, C A fir & apple byr West Alma J (Farrar ho Alice E Buck, Mary E (Allen West Clifford R pi Gladys F pi Luellenyn A pi Eva B pi Winnie L Bucknam, C M far West Georgia (Thorn ho Bertha B pi Chauncy A pi Hazel B pi Arthur P Burgess, Leroy S lab Nettie (Morrill Cales, David R far *Carrie (m Brown ho No Main, Gardner, Mass Anna J (Adams ho *Gilbert L cl Mattapan, Mass *CarrieM Mattapan, Mass *Mae A (m McGaw ho 141 Albion, Somerville, Mass *Bprtha (m Batton 52 Winderm Forest Hills, Mass Goldie nurse Canwell, Estella A (Field East *Gertrude B (m Haseam 164 Prospect, Brockton, Mass Chad man, Fidelia A (Morse *Nellie M (m Leckey Ridlonville James F lab Rena E (m Hammond ho Alna R pi Chamberlain, Fred lab West Annie (Schean ho 104 SUMNER Chandler, Fred M EffieB (Ford Clara F Luvell N llua M Chandler, H far Emily (Dunham far West ho pl P» pl SoP3 ho Ella A (m Chandler ho Elsie G (m Barrows ho Jennie E (m Thomas ho *HerbertH Medford,Mass supt state prison *Frank L s s op Salem, Mass Fred M far Alice M (m Decoster ho Chandler, R A cl West Ella A (Chandler ho Chandler, Walter M lab West Mamie M (Majhew ho lola Mae Annie E Chandler, Geo A far West Helen (Tuell ho Hiram B T stu Chandler, O G far West Addie (Farrar ho Leslie lab Clark, Geo retd West Clara (Gardner ho Cobb, Henry W iar East 1 Mabel A (Stephens ho Charlotte E pl Marion F Cobb, James B tar East 1 Estella J (Heald ho Horace L Coffren, Chas R far East Ernest L lab *Emma J (m Everett So Paris Louis A (m Hart ho Lizzie E pl Charles H pl Cole, Georgia E (Dyer ho *Fannie L (m Holt Hanover Arthur R blk *Harry J freight cond Brunswick Cole, E E jeweler Red'g Edith M (Andrews ho Chester J Lula M Cooper, Mellin L far West Fremont L far *Florence M s s op S Paris MayA(Bragdon ho Mellen L Jr Cox, Edward lab West Etta F (Haskall ho *Vina (m Hadley E Peru Stella E (m Davenport ho *A E lab W Paris Arthur G lab Charles E lab CENSUS 105 Crockett, RuthB(Tuttle West *Harold R car Dixfield William A far Crockett, Thursa (Bisbee AVest Crockett, Samuel I far Ruth B (Gammon ho Esther G (m Gross ho Abel W mf<^ Crockett, A W mfg- Lillian H (Irish ho Horace B pi Annie M pi Crofford, Cora A (McAlester John H pi Curtis, J C far & car West Amanda J (Frost ho *Ethel L (m Wood W Paris Leslie R pi William H pi John R Curtis, A H far & saw mill So P 3 AvaH(Hall ho Archie G pi Maynard C Beatrice A Curtis, Howard L far West Martha O (Gowell ho Cushman, W T far Bar't Jessie G (Gardner Lester A Cushman, CG far Bnr'f *Fred E sled fact op So Paris Albert S far East 1 William G far D Damon, M F far West Mehitable H (Cummings *Hattie L s s op Norway *Etta (m Chick Norway Damon, FB far No Bk'fld Harriet D (Shedd ho Joseph W car Arthur E mach Damon, C L far «& stone mason Damon, Chas far No Bk'fld Mary Ellen (Cox ho *Lula (m Swift 37 Lisbon, Lewiston *Edith (m Jordan ho 37 Lisbon, Lewiston Damon, Angeline (AVashburn Bk'fld 1 *Henry dentist Rockland Damon, C B far Bk'fld 1 Lila (McRankin ho Davenport, C A (Keene Bar't Louis W far *John F far Hartford Mary A (m Noyes ho Henry W blk Susie E (m Gerry ho C A^'-o (v^ "v- U' 106 SUMNER Adelbert F lab Albert F lab Davenport, H W far West Florence S (Cox ho Doble, Edwin G far West Ella F (Field ho W Ervin mer Dorr, Flossie B pi Dow, Moses D far West *Hattie M (m Besse ho Bryant's Pond Lucy A (Trask ho Downs, Wm H far East 1 Rachel (m Tucker ho Mary R S Blanche ho Duffney, Frank pi Dunham, C E West mer & postmaster Myrtle C (Dugan ho Earle M pi Dunn, V A far *Minnie (m Lunt Falmouth *Lewis M mach Rumford Falls *Nettie S (m Howe Hanover Georgie E (Cole ho Dunn, John Dunham, M W far West Frances M (Bonney ho Dyer, George F far Georgia A (Keene ho Julian R far & car Wallace L far Fidelia M (m Andrews ho *B far N Abbington, Mass Dyer, Wallace L far Grace L (Abbott ho Eastman, H Wseedsman East Rachel W (Stetson ho Leona E ho Esther H pi Augusta T pi Roger pi Ellingwood, Clyde M pi East Fales, Elton lab West Farnum, John F lab East Ethel F (Jacobs ho Earl J Farrer, E L lab Red'g Cyrena E (Jordan ho Arthur L Alice L Farrer, Florinda (Cox ho Abbie (m Chandler ho *Nellie (m Rowe Woodstock *H jewelor W Paris Farrer, Fredrick A far West CENSUS 107 Polly P (Buck ho Carlton far *Walter far Cauton 1 Leroy far Luella L ho Augustus A car Farrer, Maurice lab West Helen (Records ho Farrer, W S lab West Syrena (Andrews ho *Minuie B (m Carter ho Georgia I (m Burgess ho Alta M (m Harper *Eva E (m Billings Hartford Farrer, F far & cattle byr AVest Henrietta S (Buck ho Horace blk Ernest L horse dlr *Mabel E (m Foster Bryants Pond Flossie L ho Alma J (m Buck ho Lynn J lab Farrer, Fairfield far West Del ma L (Buck ho Farrer, Horace blk West Minnie E (Gilman ho Farrer, Jefferson far West Margaret J (Damon ho *Elery C mach East Braintree, Mass *Carroll L mach Barberton, Ohio Fogg, M R supt corn sp & far Sadie J (Larrabee ho Albert M lab Ford, M F far West Mary E (Thompson ho Norman F Ford, Elmer N far West Lettie B (Abbott ho Norwood A Ford, N C far West Sarah M (Russell ho Elmer N far Madison F lab Effie B (m Chandler ho Foss, Bertrand C elec East Foster, G B far Jennie M (Maskell ho *Nellie M type writer & bk kpr 19 West Cedar, Boston, Mass Wilber B car Stanley D pi French, Geo W far West Elsie E (Palmer ho *Mary E (m Perham Bryants Pond Warren W far Gammon, I F far East information withheld 108 SUMNER Gerry, Alvin M far Susie E (Davenport Ella A Nellie L Elsie V Ethel M LulaE Elden G Amy G Gilman, Minnie E ( Albert S Glover, Agnes F ho Gorden, Lizzie M (Field dr mkr *Nellie M (m Richardson 230 Pierpoint, Rochester, N Y Goss, Geo car & mech East Maria (Barrows Grinier, Archie lab Enilia (LeLelaberta Freda Grose, George D Esther G (Crockett Dorothy Grose, John D *Marion (m McCorraac AVey mouth, Mass *Herbert D supt s shop Whitman, Mass *Bessie (m Brett Hull, Mass *Perle B bk kpr 9 Medford, Boston, Mass West ho pl Pl pl pl pl West pl East East ho East ho far ho pl lab H Hadley, C. B. far West Harriet L ( Bacon ho Leon S pl Alton C pl Lena M pl Albert E IdaL Hamilton, J K far Red'g Hammond, T W far East 1 Sibyl M (Libby ho Eldred C pl ElvaS Infant Hammond, B G far Hartford Rena E (Chadborne ho Hammond, Wesley M far Fidelia A (Chadman ho Clara S pl Chester W pl Hammond, Charles L lab Lydia M (Wing ho Handy, Archie R pl Hand}^, Florence A pl Handy, Frances C pl Harlow, Herbert lab East *Stella (m Sargent Temple Grace pl Jennie (L'Heureux Hart, Stanley N lab East Lois A (Coffren ho Hnfakoll, Gpo H elec East CENSUS 109 Abigail A (Barrows ho Hazelton, A D far West *Lester E lab Mechanic Falls Mabel E (ni York ho *Lillia E (m Martin Oxford Clara A (Edgcomb ho Elva pi Wallace L p] Heald, Stephen C far P^ast Ella 8 (Robinson ho Samuel S lab James H far Amy E (m Russell ho Heald, Abel S retd East *Jas F jeweler Sheridan, Wyo * Jennie M (m Cofifren Sheridan, Wyo Heald, Adeline E ho East 1 Heald, John far W^est Margaret P (Jordan ho Mary A tr *Ethel L (m McDonald Farm in gt on Heald, Jas H far Bar't Tinnie L (Keeue ho Heald, L B far Bar't Ada F (Bonney ho *Sabra R (m Parlin Woodfords Stella J (m Cobb ho Heath, Gilmau W far West Arabella T (Farrar ho *EvaM (mLunt Buckfield *Ada D ho Bk'field Heath, Herbert T far Minnie G (Bowker ho Guy B pi Wilfred D pi George H pi Vesta Bell Hazelton, Cyrus R far West Katie A (Ring ho Thurlow C lab *Edna A ho So Paris Clara R ho Agnes M ho Bessie A pi Harry H pi Lewis J pi Levi H pi Minnie L pi Colby L pi Eugene A pi Hiram P Walter E Hodgdon, Ann H (Robinson East Ralph L lab Hollis, Abel T far Bar't Emma M (Ryerson ho Lois E pi Etta M pi Earl T pi CarlR Hollis, A F far Bar't no SUMNER Hattie E (Bisbee ho Harold B pi Hopkins, Wm H lab East Nora F (Crocker ho Minnie E pi Horton, A W far East 1 Caroline (Robinson ho Howe, Hiram far West Harriet J (Buck ho *Luther C s s op 106 Main, Brockton, Mass *Charlotte A (m Merrill Rumford Falls I Irish, Georgia L ho Irish, Alfred L lab T Jack, Earl D far East North Mamie A (Fields ho Merle F Pearle R Jewett, Herbert G lab West Jordan,S spool mill op Red'g Lizzie A (Hamilton ho Ernest lab Hazel I ho Jordan, Luella B Jordan, Ruth Pl Jordan, Marshall pi North Jordan, WilHam pi North Jordan, Edith E (Damon ho 37 Lisbon, Lewiston Charles W pl Oliver M pl Ruth E Bertha L K Kannagh, M lab Red'g Gladys M (Fletcher ho Keene, Danl B far East 1 Rebecca C (Dean ho *Ella G (m Bradeen Hartford *Lawren A far East 1 *Annie L (m Gautier Buckfield Keene, Hersey R Keene, Mary A (Dyer ho Lamb, G T far Red'g Dianna S (Bowker ho *Eva L (m Farnum Wilton Harold F lab Olive M pl Lathrop, Warren E far West Fannie S (Bicknell ho Clayton W pl CENSUS 111 M Mars ton, E J phy & sur West Sadie A (Sparks ho Marston, Everett W pi West Maxim, Henry B far West Lillian M (Allen ho Edna D pi Aiden A Maxim, George A far East Mary W (Robinson ho Mayne, ninton far No P *Effie (m Robinson W Paris *Percy P man co West Point *John fire West Point Mary A (m Chandler ho *Frank lab No P Lena (m Andrews ho McAlester, F A far & mason Gertrude L (Buck ho Edith B pi Blanche M pi Howard F McAlester, Isabella C (Chadburn ho Francis A far *Mary E (m Handy Farmington Cora A (m Crofford cook Merrill, Cyntha E (Ames ho Miller, Eunice H (Cobb East Gertrude Pl rrill, John H far L Ora (Marston ho J Clyde lab Ethel F ho Nettie (m Burgess ho Angle M pl Morrill, G Wilson car & far Berdena B (Ryerson ho Morrill, Geo C far & team G Wilson car Enoch B lab Katie B (Shaw ho Gladys S pl Lura B pl Alfred R pl Merlyn C M pl Morrill, N P far West Grace M (Merrow ho Hazel R pl Harold W pl Morrison, Eugene A mill man Morse, Fidelia A (Putnam ho *Carrie B (m Austin Rumford Falls Muttart, L W cong clerg East Annie R (Hockin ho *R Everard mech 193 Park Av, Alameda, Cal Charles R stu George E pl Lorenzo A pl John S pl 112 SUMNER N Newell, L far East 1 Laura E (Young: ho "Alice I (m Austin WPeru Ella A tr Newell, Mary J (McKenney Hattie A (m Abbott ho Oscar L far *Chas R lab So Paris *Leslie E blk & butcher Paris Hill Ida J (m Bonne V ho *Flora A (m Haynes So Paris *Geo A car Quincy, Mass Newell, Harriet A ho Newell, Minnie M (Bisbee West Eula M pi Newell, Geo D far West Mary A (Davenport ho Arthur C pi O Oldham, Sidney A far East Osgood, Lavina J (Russell ho East Packard, Geo West saw mill op Belinda (Young ho Jas saw mill op Palmer, H S far East 1 Palmer, Fred S car East 1 Lillia F (Stetson ho Richard R pi Muiiel F pi Palmer, Dan'l R far East 1 Fred S car Winnie E (m Bonuey ho *Jos F far East *Martha J (m Knight Turner Lizzie M (Gordon dr mkr Palmer, Harriet H ( East Arthur L postmaster «S:tel Palmer, A L postmaster & tel East Myrtie L (Bonney ho Chester B pi Parlin, Addie E ho Philbrick, Elias B lab Poland, H W far East 1 Frances E (Young ho Llewellyn H lab Florence L pi Pomery, Alonzo far East 1 *Luciu8 R far W^inslow Cynthia A (Bos worth ho *ChasR mill man So Paris *Lula M (m Daniels SoP3 Nellie W ho Edith A pi Proctor, H A ptr West CENSUS 113 Pulsifer, Mary J (Freeman West *Emma J (m Horn ho 41 Saj^amore, Lynn, Mass *Frank F car 21 Hioh, Natick, Mass Pulsifer, Geo E nursery agt West Flora H (Ripley ho Pulsifer, Harry E far West Lillis L (Bessey ho R Redding, Isabell S (Holman Red'g Willie V mill man George E mill man John F lab & guide Percy V postmaster & mill op *Cynthia I (m Bisbee 15 Myrtle, Auburn Redding, G E ' mill & lumb Red'g Lizzie G (Davfs ho Hubert E pi Harlon D pi Verna Redding, P V Red'g mer & postmaster Alice E (Cole mer & asst postmaster Sadie E Redding, W V mill & lumb Red'g Lillian (Andrews ho Ripley, Perley far East 1 Ripley, Perley J far East Roberts, Thankful L (Bonney Elmer E far Roberts, Elmer E far East Mabel A (Bowker ho Robertson, Helen S (Small West *Enoch B pay master 232 Norfork, Cambridge, Mass Bobbins, Everett D far West Angle I (Bonny ho Beulah F pi Rupert B pi Robinson, Asa far East Robinson, L E far East Estella A (Canwell ho Josie F s s op Robinson, Martha W ho East Robinson, J H far East 1 *H M far Buckfield Sophia H (m Foster ho *L C eng Water ville J Perley far Robinson, Sharon far East Hannah B (Briggs ho *Addie F (m Keene Buckfield Robinson, Asa A Bar't far, car & guide Betsy (Benson ho B0 114 SUMNER George V lab Lucius V lab Roscoe V lab *Alta (m Stiman Livermore Falls Victor lab Harrison L lab John pi Lillian F pi Pearl C pi Valentine I pi Eugene E pi Robinson, A S far East 1 Cynthia E (Bisbee ho Rowe, Herbert E lab D M (Cole ho Veroil H Rowe, Geo H far Red'g Josephine (Benson ho Herbert E lab Mellen M lab Flora M s s op Clifton M pi Rowe, Jennie E ho East Russell, A J mail car East 1 Grace M (Wad leigh ho Earl J Russell, Rebecca S (Irish East Russell, Ellis P mer East (Jharlott M (Spaulding ho & cl Lionel J pi Russell, E L butcher East 1 Amy E (Heald ho Beryl pi Russell, Hannah E (Webber Harry E far Walter A far Russell, Harry E far Ida F (York ho Susie L pi Hattie M pi Lena G pi Harry L pi Russell, F J butcher East Lucy C (Ellis ho Nellie W (m Stephens ho Ellis P mer Ernest L butcher Ryerson, Berdena B (Fletcher C Bernice R3^erson, Emery A far West Esther S (Arno ho RetaC Ryerson, H L car West Nellie V (Pulsiver ho *Susie E (m Richmond Oxford Ryerson, Rosetta (Heath West Emma M (m Hollis *AVilson H car Lawrence, Mass Charles I) far Ryerson, Frank L car East Tessie M (Williams ho Erlon M CENSUS 115 Sanders, R Clara (- Millie far & team Bk'fld Sewell, C M far & postmaster Bar't Shed, Harriet D (Brag:don ho *Mary E (m Merrill Roxbury Slattery, E C far So P 3 Margaret P (Watson ho *Thos H far Paris Hill *Jos J lab Paris Hill *Wm J cl E Hebron Edward D lab *Catherine (m Bridgton Lewiston Roscoe D lab Francis C lab Mary E stu Small, Eleanor G (Moore West Helen S (m Robertson ho *Byron M P'arraington cl of courts & law Daniel I) far Small, Dan'l D far AN'est Annie B (Parlin ho Gilbert M pi Mildred E Spaulding, George G far Charlotte (Morrill ho Kirk W tr Spaulding, Kirk W tr Jennie (Stetson ho Spaulding, Lewis B Bk'field far & phos agt Lucy E (Sawyer ho Amorilla B nurse Led a A nurse Spaulding, Lilla M (Morrill Bar't George W lab Harold M pi Esther B pi Ruth A pi Sickels, Wm H lab West Starbird, Chas far West Stephens, R G far & mach East 1 Nellie W (Russell ho Carl M pi Paul C pi Stephens, T J far & mason East 1 Emeline W (Ricker ho Roscoe G far & mach *Mary E (m Field Bristol, N H Mabel A (m Cobb ho Stetson, S F far East 1 R Adelaide (Rowe ho Jennie S (m Spaulding ho *Ernest R H cl 170 Worthington Springfield, Mass 116 SUMNER Stetson, J T retd East 1 *Matilda J (m Merrill So Paris *WalterJ Auburn treas Mechanics Savings Bank *Ezra H shoe mtg So Weymouth, Mass * Herbert cl Spokane, Washington *ChasH tr Nashville, Teim Eachel W (m Eastman ho Lil!a F(m Palmer ho Stetson, R N far West Althea H pi ElvaL(Heald ho Stetson, Hezekiah far East Stevens, W far & bee kpr So Paris 3 *Lora E (m Stevens No Paris Vern M (Davis ho Carl H lab Harold D pi Charles W pi Lucy E pi Sturtevant, Henry A far Eliza P (Merrill ho Flora E ho Bertha A ho Suckles, James L far East Dora M (Lombard ho * Alice F (m Ferring Errol, N H *Idella M (m Barker Hartford Swift, I O far AVest Hattie M (Pulsifer ho Bertha A pi Taylor, W F far Bar't Lilla M (Spauldiug ho Thomas, H C far West Edith B (Berry ho Marjorio E pi Walter L pi Ida F pi Richard L Edna L Thomas, C L far Lewis W team C M far *Almira (m Mathews Whitman, Mass Evie R (m Yarney ho E May (m Smith ho Thomas, C M far West Jennie E (Chandler ho Thompson, Mary A (Green ho Frank J far Fred P far Tibbetts, Harry F lab Cora A (Abbot ho Eva M pi C Arabine pi Townsend, Eleanor A CENSUS 117 Townsend, Salome A Tucker, W D far East 1 Rachel F (Downs ho Harold E lab *W Elden R R sec hd Hartford Ctr E Edward fireman Alice L pi Philip A pi Helen M pi Tuell, Jas A bakery West Etta (Tuell ho & cook Tuell, E S far West Flora L (Gurnet' ho Mary E (ra Ames Emily stu Turner, C Guy far East 1 C Alice (Davenport ho&tr Tuttle, Richmond far West Nancy J (Bosworth ho *Mary R (m Glover Livermore Falls Charles B far Hattie T (m Young- ho Ruth B (m Crockett ho Tuttle, Chas B far East 1 Imoo:ene (Sturtevant Mabel A pi Twitchell, Eliza B (Whitman ho & far V Varney, Lydia C (Bonney ho Newell M far *John C photog 19 Tenth Av., Haverhill, Mass Olpha L car, far & blk *Geo R clerg Bellingham, Wash *Cora M (m Bartlett ho 19 Tenth Av., Haverhill, Mass *Jas D phy & sur Chesterville, Ohio *L Jennie (m Heald No Bk'field Varney, N M far Evie R (Thomas ho Charles E stu Harry F far J Hattie stu Olpha N Donald C W Webster, Abagail L (Thorn West Flora M Samuel D lab West, Anna C (Gushing West George C far West, George C far AVest Villa L (Berry ho George Harlan pl 118 SUMNER Henry L pi Frank E pi Wheeler, A B far West Hannah G (Richardson * Walter J mill op Locks Mills Lulu M (m Merrill ho Whitman, Wm far So P 3 Willey, Imogene S (Heald East Wilson, Lucy A (Washburn West *Mattie A (m Bryant ho 16 Park, Water ville Wing, Fred C car Anna E (Hammond ho DoraB Wing, Clark A retd Lyda M (m Hammond ho Fred C car Lydia A (Putnam ho *Isaac A car Rumford Falls Etta M(m Davis ho York, Benj S far West *Dora B (m Kimball Berlin, N H *Oneida M (m Davis Bryant's Pond Frank R far Alton M far York, Alton M far Mabel E (Hazelton ho Leone A pl Orlan V pl Margaret A Young, Henry A retd West HattieT*(Tuttle ho EffieW(mBuck LinnieH(m Packard ho Young, Jos F lab West Emily D (Mason ho Annie R ho Gladys N pl Census of lUoodstock Note:— When no address is given WOODSTOCK postofRce is understood. Other postofRce addresses are abbreviated as follows: Woodstock, H. F. D., No. 1— No 1; Woodstock, R. F. D., No. 2— No 2; West Paris— W Par; West Paris, R. F. D., No. 1— W Par 1; West Paris, R. F. D., No. 2— W Par 2; Redding-Red'g; South Paris, R. F. D., No. 1-So Par 1 Abbott, Cullen far No 1 Nellie (Billings ho Leslie E drilling & far Elva E pi Lillie M pi Abbott, E F mill op Sarah G (Hopkins ho Leon a M James H Adams, Chas C sea Capt Mabel I (Russ ho Russell C pi Lutie J pi Allen, Jennie M ( McEgan Mabel E bk kpr *Fred M drug store 289 Cumberland Av, Portland Mark mer Andrews, Rachel H (Perry WParl WP far Edwin mer & hotel Andrews, I W undertkr & mfg Elvira W (Bryant ho Frank R undert'kr & mfg Alva M undert'kr & mfg Andrews, AM undert'kr & mfg Gertrude A (Harden ho Eva B pi Harlan M pi Andrews, F R W Par 1 undert'kr & mfg Olive (Lurvey ho Andrews, Ralph B far No 1 Andrews, T J retd vet No 1 Anna (Soule Ralph B Edwin L *Warren *Eugene Andrew's, Edwin hotel prop & mer Jennie M (Allen ho Arkett, John retd ho far far Indian Ter s s op 120 WOODSTOCK *l8abel M (m Severance 233 Turner, Auburn Albert W photog- Arkett, Albert W photos: Mary G (Dodge ho Alberta H stu Robert D pi Ayer, Hannah S (Durgin Sarah E (ra Day ho B Bacon, Hiram far W Par 1 Mary A (Noyes ho *Luella F (m Procter Paris Hill *Gertrude L (m Marston W Paris Bacon, H A car No 2 Stella M (Bowker ho Bacon, Abel far No 2 Bacon, H C far No 2 Alice A (Hathaway ho Myrtle A tr H Alton cont & bldr Ralph M stu Bean, Edw far No 1 Lucy J (Crockett ho Clifton E p] Esther C pi Chester Beck, Lyman H far W Par 1 Augusta A (Dunham ho Beck, Fred S far W Par 1 *Frank H mer Norway *Lizzie E (m Downing Oxford Lula B (Kimball ho Leah M pi Arthur L pi Doris L Beckler, C E far No 2 Gladys E (Perham ho Bemis, D W far No 2 Benson, Abner E far W Par 2 Maud T (Keith ho Kenneth E pi Helen K pi Gerald H pi Berry, Chas H mill op Delia A (Staples ho Berry, H C stone cut & blk Angle M (Cole ho Bessie, A L eng Hattie M (Dow ho Marian E pi Bicknell, Nellie ho W Par 2 Bicknell, Evelyn B (Cushman WPar Nellie ho *Agne8 mill op Lynn, Mass John A far *Evelyn (m Gray W Paris Bicknell, J A far & car W Par Billings, Augustus retd No 1 Harriet S (Rowe ho WA far CENSUS 121 *IiOreTizo far Milton PI Merrill J far Nellie R (m Abbott ho *Jas H far E Sumner Elmer E far Billings, Elmer E far Lula M (Whitman ho Billings, M J far No 1 Ina M ho Walter E far Susie M pi Hat tie M (Rowe ho Harry C pi Maggie B pi Charles D pi Delia M pi Billings, W A far No 1 Billings, Emerson far No 2 Anna R (Russell ho Benj R spool mill op *Lula M (m Brown Milton PI Hermon E far Billings, Hermon E far Bessie E (Bryant ho Royden H Billings, W H far No 2 Ellen (Gill ho Bertha L pi Eva L pi Billings, B R tax col & truck M E (Day Billings, Abbie M (Russell Walter far Billings, Ernest lab No 2 Bisbee, Georgia A ho No 1 Blake, D N far No 1 Eunice E (Fifield ho Blodgett, Betsy C (Hall ho *Yernie E moterman Holden, Mass *Ella F (ra Jackson Rumford Leon E stu Bolster, Albert C quarry May L (Dunham ho Agnes L (m Brooks ho Gertrude M ho Bowker, James L P M Ellen E (Davis ho *Ervin L eng 37 Morse, Portland * Percy J cl Wakefield, Mass Albert L mill op *Wilford F printer 274 Salem, Maiden, Mass *Pearle M (m Muller So Waterford *Esther M (m Stanley Bethel Elmer R stu Bowker, Albert L mill op Nellie S (Stitwell ho Bowker, A L mill op Nellie ( Bowker, A P far No 2 Angeline (Dudley ho 122 WOODSTOCK *Oscar F moterman Woodfords Stella M (m Bacon ho Brooks, S W spool mkr Agnes L (Bolster ho Philip C pi Clyde K Brown, Lorette P (Bean ho *John S far & millman Nol Emma M (m Davis ho Bryant, A S far *Lizzie M (m Lane ho 91 Lancaster, Portland Georgia E (m Stone ho Bryant, H D spool mill op Eva A (Dunham ho Bessie E (m Billings ho Lottie H stu Lester D stu Bryant, M K (Delano WParl *Willard E far & butcher Paris *Willie far Paris Walter L far Bryant, Ernest pi W Par 1 Bryant, Edith E (Russell ho Bryant, George W far Iva M (Estes ho Ruby I pi Willie H pi Abbie L pi Maxine E Bryant, John M far W Par 2 Elmer E far Annie (m McCloud ho *Jessie s s op Auburn *Lora (m Herrick Greenwood *Lottie (m Greenwood *Archie s s op Auburn Bessie L (m Tambly Paris Bryant, Hannah (Perkins WPar2 Buck, Carl lab No 1 Buck, Charles H far No 1 Ada (Carver ho Fred lab Fannie ho Buck, George E mill op Arabella (Estes ho Vivian pi Viola M Buck, ChasH far & blk Nol Georgia E (Cole ho Chase, Lucy (Cole ho Estella C (m Ford ho A Mont printer Chase, A Mont printer Anna T (Faulkner ho Francis F printer Ralph W far CENSUS 123 Alden stu Coffin, George K lab Minnie (Anderson ho Coffin , A E far & horse dlr Nol Lillian H (Bean ho Ola M pi Hazel M pi Cole, Georgia E (McCrillis ho Hermon far Ida M ho James E pi Amy B pi Cole, Louisa M ho Cole, Edwin H spool mkr Louise (McAlister ho Cole, Cora (Berry ho Fred car Cole, Eugene mer Annie L (Stevens ho Robert C stu Cole, Harry D wood dlr Jennie M (Houghton ho Guy R stu Bessie L stu Doris S Cole, F P far & fore spl mill Alice L (Bryant ho Cole, Cynthia A (Bryant ho Cole, Eugene mer Annie (m Stevens ho Clarence E cl Cole, x\lbina S (Berry bo Edwin H spool mill op Etta C(m Day ho LaliaD(m Pastes ho Cole, Edna J (How'e ho *FrancisE far Greenwood *Virgie L (m Wilson So Paris *Rose L (m Fogg Gorham, N H *Chas M cl 156 Pearl, Boston, Mass Burton A trav agt Cole, LR far Nol Nellie G (Dyer ho Cole, Julia P (Berry No 1 *EttaD (m Tilton ho 586 Pleasant, Worcester, Mass *Ella F (ra Cummings ho 56 Maxwell, Dorchester, ^lass *Lura F (m Trumbull ho 586 Pleasant, Worcester, Mass Cole, DA mail car No 1 Myra xM (Millett ho Irene M stu Crockett, Chas W far No 1 Mary L (Mennard ho George A Crockett, Esther F (Bearce Nol *Elizabeth F (m Abbott Nol Rob't B spool mill op Georgia A ho Harry H spool mill op *Wm H mer Locke's Mills 124 WOODSTOCK Lucy J (m Bean ho *J M cl 101 Warren, Charleston, Mass Charles W far Crockett, Robert B spool op Fannie F (Lurvej ho Robert C stu Crockett, Georgia A ho Crockett, H H barber & spool op Mary P (Curtis millinery Roy E stu Crooker, Rose R (Whitman Nol Crooker, Elbridge mfg Vertie A (Cummings ho Homer E stu Annie E stu Cummings, R D retd Sarah E (Cushman ho Vertie A (m Crooker ho Cummings, George H RRser Josephine V (Whitman Obery pi Frederick W pi Cummings, Eliza (Bryant No 2 Henrietta- (m Saunders *Maurice mer Boston, Mass *Dana F mer 84 Morning, Portland *Melroy E W Paris 2 R L far & apple dlr *Arthur A 84 Morning, Portland Cummings, R L far & dlr WPar2 Flora (Judkins ho Edna pi Carroll J pi Alanson R pi Currier, Lesmore mill op Curtis, Solon C far W Par 2 Lottie H (Lervey ho Ruth M pi Curtis, Betsy G ( Picket t WPar2 Curtis, Adelia, (Dudley ho Mary P (m Crockett ho Curtis, Abbie B (Bemis No 2 Curtis, Danl H far W Par 1 Charles H far Fannie (m Bowker ho *Geo L lab W Paris Curtis, C H far W Par 1 *Inez (Hammond W Par Merton pi Cushman, H H far No 1 Minnie A (Swan ho George W pi Cushman, Geo L far No 1 Florence E (Davis ho Edith L stu Elsa A pi Claud S pi Robert G L Cushman, Frank stonemason CENSUS 125 Mabel E (Hay ward ho *Horace H eng Gorham, N H *Bertha I (m Welch Rumford Falls Arthur F reporter Helen S stu Ernest F pi D Davis, Albert W far No 1 Davis, Lueretia (Lovejoy 'NoI Davis, Geo R far No 1 Emma M (Davis ho Davis, Sadie M tr No 1 Davis, Emma M (Brown No 1 Edp:ar J pi Davis, Rouello C far No 2 Oneida M (York ho Owen R pi Leola pi Davis, Emma J ho No 2 Davis, Wm S far W Par 2 Georo;ia A (Irish ho George W far Frank E far Davis, F E far W Par 2 Annie E (Bryant ho Ellis M pi Davis, G W far & mer W I*ar 2 Eliza A (Felt ho Gerald F pi Gay don G Davis, Jos H far W Par 1 Julia E (Irish ho Elmer B far Mary E (m Bobbins ho Davis, Elmer B far WParl Annie E (Lurvey ho Ethelyn E stu Davis, Martha E (Perham No 2 Florence E (m Cuehman Ronello C far Day, Alton L far W Par 2 Ella F (Swan ho Lillian I pi Lula D Day, James M far No 2 Etta (Cole ho M E (m Billings ho Da}', Wm fore G T stone quarry Sarah E (Ayer ho Alice P milliner Florence A tr Day, Lizzie A (Gilbert No 1 *Grace A (m Wing- ho 142 Wood, Lewiston *Annie L (m Barker ho Auburn Harold S far Day, Geo W far No 1 Mary L (McCloud ho *Geo F mill op 126 WOODSTOCK Rumford Falls *Chas P wood cont Locke's Mills *Maud M (m Lapham Locke's Mills Herbert E pi Ernest C pi Dearborn, John F mifi; Denham, Mary A (Chase W Par 1 Deshon, Fred F spool mill op Gertrude M (Cole ho Deshon, Lucy E (Merrill ho Dolloff', Lonanza (Cole ho Clarence D druggist Dudley, Dana far No 2 Martha E (Kimball ho Dudley, Ansel mer Josephine E (Childs ho *01evia D (m Bucknam 127 Congress, Portland Carl C mer Dudley, Nellie B (Bryant sum boarders No 1 Dunham, Addie B (Estes ho *Emma F (m Small Dixfield May L (m Bolster ho *(Jhas R tel op So Paris Eva A (m Bryant ho Dyer, Nellie G (Wood No 1 Grace W pi Edwards, Rachel H (Andrews W Par 1 Emmons, W S far W Par 2 George N lab Hannah E ho Lucy S ho Herman W pi Estes, John G far Bertha ho Eva M pi Jessie pi Lucy A pi Lewis pi Estes, Martha (Nelson No 1 Estes, J Otis far No 1 Virginia E (Bicknell ho Estes, Danl C far No 1 Elliott I far *Hattie M (m Brown No 1 Maggie E (Dry den ho Estes, S B car & far No 1 Ella M (Cooledge ho Arabella (m Buck ho Josiah M pi John W pi Hannah E pi Forrest E pi Myrtle pi Leslie S pi Estes, H M fore R R bridge bldr Lalia D (Cole CENSUS 127 F Farnum, Myrtle A pi Red'g Farnum, R E far No 1 Janette (Smith ho *Albert W far Canton *Farnum, A W far Canton Flora E (Buck ho Richard W pi Farnum, Nathl far No 1 Deborah A (Tracy ho *Lewi8 W far *Mary E (m Dwinells *Rosie E (m Stevens Ruraford Clarence pi Farnum, Jas H far & stone cut ImogeneC(Day ho *Chas H turner Locke's Mills Fred C stone cut Jas D spool mill op D Webster mill op Abbie L stu Hugh S stu IM pi Farnum, F C granite wkr Ida V (McCullum ho Farnum, Jas D mill op Susie Maud (Hopkins ho lone E pi Thelma L Farrer, Consider F car MaryP (Felt ho J B s mill op Farrer, Jerry B s mill op Alice P (Bowker ho Florence L pi Felt, Emily J (Bryant ho Lena M stenog Archie D stenog Felt, Granville far No 2 Felt, G N far No 2 Clara W (Whitman ho Eliza A (m Davis ho *Earl G s s op Norway Albert N far Fickett, Chas A far W Par 2 Fifield, Wm M lab No 1 Ford, Estella (Chase ho Ethel crayon artist Foster, John B lab Mabel E (Foster ho Blanche H pi Helen J Gordon, Walter mason H Hammond, F E retd W Par 1 Hardin, David far No 1 Lulu V (Hatch ho Floyd L pi Verna pi 128 WOODSTOCK Arlene Harlow, Chas B far & tr No 2 Marion A pi Hortense B pi Zella V pi Eva N (Whitman ho Harriraan, Minnie (Hendrickson ho W Par 1 Asa lab *Mary (m Curtis No Paris Hathaway, M M No 1 ptr & paper hgr Clara M (Whitman ho Kenneth B stu Rupert K stu Hathaway, John E No 2 far & mail car Delia A (Wyman ho Allen J pi Lester W pi Lloyd A Rayboun B Hayes, David E sta agt Ethel F (Kimball ho Maxwell K Hayes, Daniel mill op Heath, Lester stable kpr Hendrickson, F R far WParl Georgia L (Whitman ho Alva R pi Myrtle L Hendrickson, Minnie (Hanson WParl Fred R far *Matilda P (m Cole Chicago, 111 Higgins, Ernest G pi W Par 1 Hill, Charles G spool mkr *Ellsworth eng Berlin, N H Fred C U S ser Houghton, H F ret'd *Lena I (m Davis Los Angeles, Cal Fraucena K (Russell ho Howe, John F far No 2 Edwin E stu Delphon F pi Fannie E (Brooks ho Howe, Isaac far Sarah (Bryant ho *Augustine I roofer 3 Bevere, Portland Wm far & quarry *Jennie L (m Faulkner Turner Etta (m Jacobs ho Ella (m Powers ho *Chas R sec hd Mechanic Falls Howe, Wm stone cutter Phylena L (Packard ho Harry W pi Arthur A pi Agnes J pi Howe, Geo H far W Par 2 Bertha M (Duran ho CENSUS 129 Nellie M pi Mabel Geor^-e R Hudson, Luvilla F (McCrillis George F pi I Jackson, W M mer No 1 Mary E dr mkr Maria (Dodge ho Jacobs, Charles A far Carrie E (Walker ho Harry R pi Eva M pi Jodre, Chas L far W Par 2 Katheriue S (Marston ho Johnson, Robt G printer Daisy May ( Libby ho Hazel J stu Robert pi Richard S pi Jones, AVm A far No 1 Abbie H (Cumniings ho Jordan, Geo H lab No 1 Jordan, E A ei)g Minnie L (Waterhouse ho Marjorie E ])1 Eleanor M Lawrence E Judkins, Geo G far No 1 Edna J (Cole ho G Howard pi K Kimball, Narcissa H (Perham No 2 *Columbus P bk kpr Berlin, N H *Mar3^ E (m Lamontagne Piermont, N H Martha E (m Dudley ho Kimball, C V far W Par 1 Emma L (Wilson ho Lula B (m Beck ho Mildred F (ra Reeves ho Leon H far Alice C pi *Wilfred W stu 85 Spring, Portland Kinsman, Sarah S (Trowbridge *Geo H sea capt Boston, Mass Fred L far Kinsman, Fred L far No 1 Georgie (Whitman ho Beatrice pi Koch, C C clerg Lappin, Evilena (Bacon ho WPar2 Roger C pi Helen pi Libby, Jas W spool mill op 130 WOODSTOCK Jennie M (Morgan ho Stephen H spool mill op Daisy M (m Johnson ho Libby, Stephen H mill op Libby, Harry C far No 2 Littlefield, JC far No 1 Fannie (Peverley ho Florence H pi Raynor pi Littlefield, Horace E far Littlefield, E N far W Par 1 Cora S (Pratt ho Lurvey, Fred mill op Lurvey, O F iar W Par 2 Annie E (m Davis ho Fred mill op M Mann, Lewis M mfg W Par Mann, Edwin J mfg W Par Martin, Geo B lab No 1 Lnvilla F (Hudson ho McAlester, Louise (Hill ho Alison V coachman Albert N coachman Eva seamstress McCrillis, Emily E (Brown Nol Georgia E (m Buck ho *Nellie A (m Robei'ts ho LuvillaF(ni Martin ho McLiis, Chas W far No 1 Florice (m Brooks ho Kenneth C pi Mildred Meader, Lizzie (Larkins boarding house *Lena M (m Cummings Locke's ^lills Millett, A T far No 2 Bertha A (Stevens ho Millett, F M lumb No 1 ^Herbert C attend insane hospital Worcester, Mass *Lizzie E (m Rayner Worcester, Mass *Rose L (m Smith ho Melrose Highlands, Mass *Lineus M lab Oxford *Quincy A mason Worcester, Mass *E]dw A stu Worcester, Mass *Robt P lab Oxford Harold V Lottie O Roland C Millett, C C macb & far Frank lumb Sarah J (Thurlow ho Millett, Rolliu C pi No 1 Millett, Lottie O pi No 1 Morrill, CL far W Par 1 • Ella L (Morrill ho Morse, William S mill op Capitola (Buck ho CENSUS 131 Bertha M Morse, F M livery stable Emily G (Coffreu ho Mountford, Louanza (Dolloff *GraceI 229 Franklin Boston, Mass N Newell, Frank L mill op Blanche M (Powers ho Elmer L Lester K Newell, Sockalexis F No 2 Liza D (Powers ho Laura F pi Lydia B Liuwood C Noyes, Horace F far Addie E (Emmons ho Winfield H far Harry F sec hd R R Fred C lab Grace E table wk Alba W mill op Georgia A pi Hiram pi Noyes, Chas E far No 2 Ethel G (Wilson ho Charles W Noyes, Eli M far No 2 Louisa (Adams ho Effie G (m Smith ho Charles E far O Ordway, Hannah C (Besse Nol Ordway, Silvia M pi Pearson, Wra H far No 1 Mary E (Moore ho Perham, Chas H lab No 2 Cora A (Taylor ho Delbert H lab Henry A lab Harry L pi G Gertie pi Stella L ho Perham, Sylvania millinery Perham, K G hotel cl *Lee A cl Pittsfield *ClifTtbrd G cl Portland *Geo H elec R R ser Boston, Mass Sidney M lab Dora M (m Sylvester * Albert far So Framingham, Mass *Jennie table girl Congress Sq, Portland *SadieI (m Nutting, Cooks Willie S lab Perham, Clarence lab Perham, Kilbon far No 2 Sarah J (Bryant ho 132 WOODSTOCK *Clara J (m Chase 20 Beacon Hill A v Lynn, Mass *Ed\vin R expressman 22 Marshall, Somerville, Mass *Mabel L (m Bumpus Turner Georo;e Q far Per ham, Geo Q • far Cora J (Sanborn ho Mildred C pi Edwin B pi Peverley, D D carg mkr Effie F (Halkett ho *Fannie R (m Littlefield Locke's Mills *LottieE (m Eliott Berwick Edward D stu Pike, Edward H No 2 information withheld Powers, J D quarry & far Ella (Howe ho Winfield R pi Powers, James W retd Lydia C (Day ho John D quarryman Guy H mill op *Lucinda F (m Elphinstone, Bethel, Vt Liza D (m Newell ho Blanche M (m Newell ho James A quarryman Powers, Guy H mill op Hattie A (Noyes ho Ola Myrtle pi Lydia May pi Powers, James quarryman l*ratt, D W far Red'g *LottieM (m Moore Madrid Linnie B pi Cora R (Robbins ho Pratt, HE lab W Par 1 Hannah F (Youno- ho *Ida A (m Lock Norway Robert E lab Herbert E pi Abbie A pi Pratt, W E under'tkr & embalmer Bertha M (Colburn ho IL pi Procter, Sarah E Whitmore No 2 Fred D far Bertie L (m Whitman ho R Reemts, Robert B mill op Lizzie (Stevens ho Reeves, John lab W Par 1 Mildred F (Kimball ho Coleman T Ricker, Arthur C blk Flora (Stevens ho Richmond, A A far No 1 CENSUS 138 Sylvania P (Spofford bo Dana L pi Rule pi Lulu C pi Birdie Mary E Robbing, Cora R (Davis Red'g; D H s s op Lizzie M pi Robbius, I W far Red'^ Anna M (Bovvker ho *Bessie E (m Swan ho Livermore Falls Oliver A pi Erwin R pi Robbius, O W far W Par 1 Etta M (Davis ho Rowe, Lee M s mill op Mabel H (Perkins ho Rowe, Augustus L far Lucinda D (Pray ho Rowe, Stephen retd Augustus L far Elizabeth R (ni Whitman Rowe, Dan'l A far Red'g Frances E (Dunn ho *L Dora (m Farnum ho Rumford Falls Rowe, A D far Red'g Augusta E (Farrar ho Russ, Henry K far No 1 Alice J (Cotton ho *Mary E (m Laphara ho Rumford Falls *Stella E (m Lessions Milton PI *Walter I s s op Norway Albert H ear Russ, Samuel L far No 1 Sybil J (Felt ho Mabel I (m Adams ho Russ, Albert H car Elizabeth S (Sweetser ho Russell, Abbie M (Billings ho Russell, Moses M far W Par 1 Russell, E S casket mill op Julia F (Goodwin ho Ryan, Jerry lab No 2 Ryerson, JR far & jeweler Nol *Albertena (Lander So Par 1 Ralph E pi Glora pi Hartwick pi Albert pi Sanburn, H W Par 1 Rose (Jacobs ho Cora J (m Perham ho *Ella M s s op Auburn Harry N lab Seams, Joseph retd *Joseph Jr New York Nevwirth A dr mkr *Wm lab Locke's Mills 134 WOODSTOCK *Ada M (m Mori arty ho 690, 3d, Fall River, Mass Albert lab Peter lab Annie (m Staples ho Sheeran, Amanda M (Dudley boarding house Silver, A T f ar W Par 1 Arvilla M (Benson ho Harry T pi Flora A pi William S pi Eva M pi Charles S Edith C Smith, Wilfred J far No 2 Effie G (Noyes ho Charles E pi Gertrude M Staples, Delia A (Staples ho *Mary E (m Swift W Par Staples, Annie (Seams ho Margie pi Mary pi Howard Stevens, Laura B (Andrews *John E mer Rumford Falls Annie Laura (m Cole ho Lydia L (m Rankin Mechanic Falls George L mer Birdena M (m Mosher Rumford Falls Stevens, Lizzie C (Lovejoy ho Harry S pi Joseph A pi Arthur B pi Stevens, Fred T eng *CarrleS (m Mann Athol, Mass *Elizabeth A tr Newton, Mass *Grace S (m Briggs ho W Par Mary H tr Stevens, Geo E far No 2 Ida M (Fow ho Maud I tr Bertha A (m Millett ho Swan, Ned I harness mkr Ada M (Briggs ho Swan, Chas H mill op Ida A (Swan ho Alice M pi Henry Mildred Swan, G C far W Par A A far John A , far *Marilla M (m Ray ho Portland Swan, D G harness mkr Sarah E (Bacon ho Minnie A (m Cushman ho Sweetser, S G eng Ella S (Swan ho Frank H car CENSUS 135 Leah S mill op Elizabeth S (m Sweetser Thomas, Nellie J (m Titus ho Lenora E tr Thompson, Edward J far Carrie J (Wade ho Amy K stu Duke E W pi Thurlow, Sarah J (Rowe ho *Amos pulp op Mechanic Falls Joseph H far Johnny far Nellie (m ho Thurlow, Joseph H lab No 1 Josephine A (Picard ho Benjamin J Thurlow, Fred A far Winnie A (Rich Lulu M Alfred H Bernal F Erland A Thurlow, E E No 2 ■ ho Pl pl pl far & cream col W Par 1 Rosie M (Berry ho Marion C pl Lelia E pl Ronald E pl Christine B Malcomb S Titus, J A butcher & mer Nellie J (Thomas ho Leroy W butcher & mer *Merton C telegop So Par Trask, L C mach & far No 1 Abbie R (Hobbs ho Verrill, Fred far W Par 1 Verrill, Fj'ed C far No 2 Viabele E (Bicknell ho Gertrude H pl Lenwood A pl Evelyn E Lewis () W Wajre, Carrie J (Kellum ho *Daisy M (m Wilson ho Davis, West Va *Grace L (m At wood West 120th, New York *Elsie M (m Jackson Milton Pl Wheeler, E F far W Par 1 Sarah A (Ingham ho *Cha8 E s mill op Bethel *Lizzie E (m Morgan Bethel *Eva R (m Spearin Norway *Robt 1 s s op Derry, N H 136 WOODSTOCK *ElizaE(m Drake Norway *Emma (m Records So Paris *Nellie (m Goodwin Norway Whitman, C H far No 2 George S far *Wm H far No Paris *Laforest W far No Paris Frank E far Fred A lab P^lvern E far *Robt R elec cond Worcester, Mass Velraa J (m Cummings lio Lulu M (m Billings ho Pearl E ho Whitman, G A far & mach No 2 Clara M (m Hathaway ho *Gerald B musician Haverhill, Mass *rannie E (m Ross Ruraford Falls Genevieve I L tr & ho Whitman, Abbie ho Whitman, Eleanor (Bryant Whitman, C R pension agt & J of P *Chas H livery Livermore Falls *L Edmond lab Rumford Falls E(m Kinsman ho Whitman, Fred H far No 1 Ida M (Hemminway ho Arthur B pi Gevna H Whitman, Elon retd No 1 Lucy (Swan ho George W *Jacob F far Otisfleld *01iver G far Greenwood Reuben M R R ser *Cha8 W far Gilead *Almon M teleg Ayers, Mass *Ronela P^ teleg Danversporfc, Mass Whitman, Geo W far No 1 Georgia A (Brown ho *B G far No 1 Fred H far No 1 Whitman, R M sec fore R R Wallace H sec hd Fremont E far Alma (Hickey ho Whitman, F E ' far No 2 Bertie L (Procter ho Alma E pi Whitman, E E far No 2 Inez D (Casey ho Whitman, Geo S far No 2 Emma E (Brown ho Whitman, Geo L far No 2 Mary S (Verrill ho Mabel I (m Wilson ho CENSUS 137 *Ro8ie E (m Perkins Ridlonville Eva N (m Harlow ho Georgia L(m Hendrickson ZillaV pl Wilson, Geo F far No 2 Mabel I (Whitman ho Clifton R far Perg.v G lab Faje pl Wilson, P H stone cut Alma J (Woodman ho IvaD pl Myrtle pl Pearl Benjamin W Infant Wiuslow, Charles F retd Wing, EG el & far Louduska P (Billings ho Effie L (m Rogers ho Wing, Perley E stone mason Hersheal pl Wyman, F L mer W Par 2 Mary A (Perkins ho *Perley M far W Par 2 *Cora D (m Lui-vey ho W Par 2 York, George H far No 1 Susan M (Stevens ho *Leora A (m Farnum ho 23 High, Lewiston LBJa'13 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■M 013 995 898 6