Class |r_L^ ' — Copyright N° - coFVRiGirr nEPosir. ISTORICAli SOUVENIR * « « OF EXICO. N. Y. KITV / "GRIP'S" Historical Souvenir of }Aexico, fi. Y. LIBRARVol CONGRESS Two Corjes,«Rtte>ved-_ APK ri }180JI*. CooyrteM Entry CLASS (^"XKl. No." COPY B '•H'"i"SfORicAh''SouvEr4iR Series. Ho. 15 MEXICO. OSWEGO CO..flN^ VICINITY •■'11 11 : AKIK >H \ II .l.A< il ri.pyriKliiid. ■'('•fip." UliM'in.niiitr A\'f.. S>'i'ai.»isr, N. \ . III.l.lSTKATF.Dl Duinvick, I'linli). MAIN STUKKT. Siir 111 >ll)l:. Ik-IWLH-M ilnircii iid'i .li.lVrrsim Sln-L'ts. MIOXICO, located as it is in tlip center nf a wealthy agricultural region, has steadily risen in importance until today it is one of the jirettiest and most tlirivint; villages of Oswego oounty. Il.s citizens ])oint with a just i)ride to its fine churches, hotels, schools, mills, stores, creiiniery and canning factory; its niiicliiue ami w:igon shop.s. \vu\ < s|)cciully are its citizens ]>roud of their well pavi'il streets and the large anioiiuf of cement sidewalks thai atfruct the attention and elicit the nnfVigniMl admiration of all visitors to this lieanfi- ful village. Hut where Mexico, the lovliest village of the north, excels, is in her heautiful modern homes and their clean, orderly and attractive environ- ments, together with an ahundance of foHage and shrnhliery — in fact the arhoreal heauty of this en- ticing place should give to it the designation, indeed mo.Ht appropriate, of Al'bor Villag*'. Her residents include a large of jieojile well known in Society of Ontral New York. 'I'hey are, as the rule, people who have pro.spered and are well proxiilcd wifli this world's goods. Alany of them are retired from active Imsiness life, whose children — the men and women of the future — are getting the l)est of modern eilncational facilities. For many years Mexico village, a center of re- finement, has licen a leader among the villages of Oswego county in eilucation. Tlie acanl>lic school, was cjU'ried on in an admirable and intelligent manner. The region which contrilmtes to the prosperity of Mexico consi.sts of splendid farms and an intel- ligent agricultural community. The roads in the town, itself, as well lus the village, are kept in good condition. "GEIP'S" HI8T0RICAI. SOUVENIE OF MEXICO. Mexico is a stiitiou on the Oswego and Richland branch of the E. W. A: O. raih-oatl system, leas- ed by the New York (!eutial * Hudson River railroad. It is 9 miles west of Pulaski and 1(1 miles east of Oswego, situated but 3 miles from Lake Ontario at the forks of a stream which empties into the lake at Mexico Point, and 45 miles (by rail) north of Syracuse. HISTORY OP MEXICO [t. w. skinner] The town of Mexico, once the largest of towns [See "Mexico Mother of Towns" on another page] is now reduced to Township No. 20 of Scriba's Patent and a small portion of Townships Nos. 19 and '21. and contains l2S,'J17 acres of land. 1798, when by the loss of their vessel, seven strong men, heads of families, were drowned near Mexico Point, had a dejjressing influence on the early settlers and the uumlier of families dwindled to six. No other vessel was Vmilt there; but the store and mill remained, and in a later year, it was stated, more goods were sold there than at Oswego or Utica. The early settlers located along Scriba's road and this was their most convenient trading point. It finally became the resort of successful smugglers and tradition implicates some of the inhabitants of the town in that illegal traffic. Xathauiel Rood was the first white settler inside the corjioration limits of Mexico village, and his son, Truman Rood, was the first white child born in this town. Nathaniel w as one of the victims of the lake disaster, and Truman re was a large influx of l)Qn\viuk. riiotu. -MAIN .^TliEKT. \V 1;ss men of Colosse came to Mexico, among wluuu were Heurv and (Charles Webb and Dr. (i. A. Dayton. Mexico village was ()rigin:dly called Mexicoville and Nathaniel Kood was the first settler. In l.S]^ there were only seven houses. The first frame house was built by Shubal .\lfred and his house and barn were both used at difl'erent times for school purposes. The house was the place where the Masons held their lirst meeting. The hrst mill for grind- ing gi'aiu was built by John Mortcui, who was succeeded by M. Whitney and Dennis Peck. Wil- liam S.Filch keptthe first store and Mr. Whitney the first hotel; Bazalecl Thayer the first carding and cloth dressing mill and .lobn Wood the first tannery. Till' town of Mexico hius been honored with a good share of statawreu<'e and l-Mwin Ii. Iliuitington. The county judges have liren Avery Skiiiner,()rla II. Whitney and Maurice L. Wright. The suito- gates from this town alter Mr. Hrewster were .Joseph Torrey, Orville Kobinson, ( )rla H. Whit ney and Timothy W. Skin- ner. The members of assembly were Orville Kiibinson,.\very Skinner, Ijuke 1). Smith, Leonard Ames. Dcwitt ('. Peek. .\lvin llichardson and .lohu M. Richardson. Cieorge (J. French was district attorney and Uewitt C. Peck,'W. S. (ioodell, John W. Ladd and Ida (iritfin were school ciimmissioners. Dr. GiLson .\.Daytim was state canal auditor and Avery Skinner was state senator and a member of the state"court for the correction of errors,"which, under the old con.stitution wivs analagous to the ])reseiit court of aii])eals. Jfexico being the geo- graphical center of the county all the county con- ventions of both |)()litical jiarties were always held in this town until a few years ago when, in conse- quence of the convenience of railroads the cim- ventions have met at Oswego ami Pulaski. Mexico, Mother of To'wns.-The grandeur of the domains of the town of Mexico, embraced in the boundaries jireseuted by the legislature in 17!)2 and rearranged in I T'.M!, can best be a])])re- ciaf«'d by glancing at a modern mu]i and faking an inventory of the remarkably great number of civil divisions —counties, parts of counties and towns — which have been cavved therefmiu. biinwU'k, rill lt.\ir,ll().\l) STRF.KT, MiKTI! FlinM rE.METERY STKEET. 'GEIP'S" HI8TOKICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Duiiwi^'k, riiutu. WAtiHlXGTUN STKEliT, .SIH Til lUoM MAIN STliEET It will he seen that Mexico has fairly earned the (listiiiftidn of "Mother of Towns." Not only that, but the most fertile acres, the most historic localities and to-day the most popular section of Central New York was first comprised in the town of Mexico. The orginal town, erected in 1792, extended in the greatest direction to the nortli and south, witli a coast line on Lake Ontario of about thirty miles and reiM^hing' almost to the state of Pennsylvania. Four years later, the legislature deeming a re- adjustment of its boundaries necessary to l)etter acconiniodate the several groups of settlements for the purpose of civil government, elongated the town to the east and west,addingtwenty-tive miles I if lake sliore in the east and ciitting off all west of the Oswego river. Tliis netted Jlexico forty-tive miles of lake coast, more than the state of Penn- sylvania possesses on Lake Erie or New Hamji- .slnre on the AtLmtic. At the same time Mexico was chopped off along Oneida lake and river, and stretched out on the eaht to include tlienew settle- ments along Black river and the ])aths leading into the intervening sec- tions from lAirt Stanwix. Whereas it had former- ly included the counties of Onondaga and Cort- land, it now being de- tached from that terri- tory was united with 'he vast stretches of gladi s and woodland now com- jirised in the counties of •lefl'ersou, Lewis and ( )neida. ( )ne reason for the annexation of thi^ new territory (179(1) was to include all of the Scriba patent, the owner of which liad then begun extensive plans for erect- ing a city on the shore of Lake ( )ntario at VeraCruz which he intend(>d to connect with his new city of Rotterdam on the shore of Oneida lake with a broad, well constructed highway and wliicli favor- ed the enlargement of the limits of the town of Mexico to bring both pl.aces within the same town. The village of lYotterdain (Constantia) was made the caiiital of the new town and it was there at the house of John Meyer that the first town meeting was de- creed by law. Beginning with the dis- memberment of Mexico in the south, two years earher, when Onondaga county Wius formed (1 794), there foUowed an inter- val of two years during which Mexico was re- stricted to boundries within the present county of Oswego, Then with the annexation of the east- ern and northern territory began the breaking up of Mexico into new towns, continuing year after year until it was finally in l.S3(i, reduced to its present size, a still large and flourishing town al- most in the heart of the old town; giving birth to a numerous progeny of municipalities, three counties and eighty towns, which to-day include a population of nearly 400,000, having a boundary of about 400 miles in extent. The names of these several municii)alities, which should call ^lexico mother, are as follows; Oswego Co., Amboy, Albion, Boylston, Con- stantia, Hannibal, Granby, Hastings, Mexico, New Haven, Oswego, Orwell, Parish, Palermo, Red- tield, Iiichhind, Schneppel, Scriba, Sandy Creek, Volnev, Williamstown, SVest Monroe. Itiimv'irk. Plioti \V.\TH1{ STREET, SOl'TH I'KIIM .MAI.N .STUKHT. "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Ououdiiga Co., Cliiy, Cicero, Cainillus, Do Wilt, Klbridge, Fiiliiiis, (Jedili's, Lafayette, T^vsamler, Mauliiis, Mareelln.s, Otiseo, Ou(iii(l:ip;a, I'mnin'V, Saliiia, Si)alV(ir2 he wtis elected justice of the peace and served for two terms, in 1H."):{ he moved to the village of Mexico where he has since resided. In 1S.">7 Mr. Skinner was admitted to the bar and in November of the same year joineil with .luIaurice li. Wright of Oswego is the wife of Hon. M. Ti. Wriglit of the siiineme court. In IS.")!; Mr. Skinner married Kliza- lieth Calkins who died in bStil, leaving one daughter who is now Mrs. .1. li. Stone of .\uburii, N. Y. In 18(')2 lie married Sarah L. Rose and their children were .Vuua ({race Skinner, who died Dec. 24. bsi)4, and Avery Warner Skinner who is now snpei-inteiident of the schools of the city of Oneida. Mexico of 1792; its boundaries; including the first clear, accurate description of tlie original to«ii ever piibli.shed. Mexi<'0, then the largest ol all towns, was erei^ted from Whitestown, then in Herkimer coiuity, April 10, 1792, its boundaries being (h'fined as follows: ".\11 that jiart i>f Wliites- town bounded on the by the east bounds of tlie ^Military tract and a line drawn north from the mouth of ('aiiaserago | Chitt«'naiigo| creek across Oneida lake to Lake Ontario; on the South by Tioga connty ; on the West by the west bounds of Homer, Tully, Marcellus, Camillas, Lysander and Hannibal of said Military tract, and on the North bv Lake Ontario." "GBIP'ji" HISTOBICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 9 lliniwiik. I'hol,,. r. W, SKINNKICS ItMSI [)E.\< 'Iv Tiiking a map of the jireseut time tlie bonudary will lie seen to riiu as follows: Beginiiiii^' at the mouth of Salmon river and running west along the south shore of Lake Ontario to the western boundary of Oswego county, it followed south the west bounds of Oswego and Onond.iga oouuties to the south-west corner of the town of iSkaneateles. ( )noii(higa county; then followed a direct easterly course along the southern boundary of that town, crt of the village of ■ Marathon running a short di.stan<-e north of Hunts Corners and through the village of Hartford. Then it again went south fol- lowing the Tionghnioga river to tlie south line of (he county. From that ]ioint it foUowed the south and east boundar- ies of t!ortland and the east boundary of Onon- ilaga counties to the nioutli of Chittenango ci'eek. ('rossing Oneida lake it pursued a nortli- we terly course to the place of the beginning; passing through the town of Coustantia, the nortli- west corner of West Mon- roe, the town Hastings, a few rods east of Hastings station, the town of Parish, cutting througli th(> center of Parish \il- lage, and the town of Mex- ico, crossing the lour corners in the \illage of Daysville. The iict which created the town provided tliat the loan meeting should be held in May, IT'.tli. at the house of Heii- jainin Morehouse, which stood near the present village of Jamcsville, Onondaga county. The greatest width of this immense town was 21) miles, on a line crossing the towns of Skanea- teles, Marcellus, Onondaga — passing through the Indian re.servation — Lafayette and Pompey. Its greatest lengtli, measuring from the Salmon river du'ect to tha SDuth-east bonmlary of Cortland county, was S'l miles. In Oswego county it included nine complete towns, Scriba, Volney, Oswego, Hannibal, Granby, Schneppel, Palermo, New Haven and Mexico, and part of five other.s, Hastings, Gonstantia, Parish, West Monroe and Richland. It inchnled nineteen towns in Onondaga and twelve conij)lete towns together with parts of three towns in Cort- land county. There are all of forty towns and Hucsted, Photo. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE UNION. 1, Mrs. P. Morjian, President; 3, Mrs. M. D. Sill, Vice President; 3, Mrs. Mary Hoose, Correspoiictiiij; Sm-ctary; 4, Mrs. Haflie Munson, President Mothers' Uepart- meut; .5, Mrs. \V. r. Sliuiiiway, President of Press Work; li, Mr.s. K. A. Orvis; 7, Mrs. M. HviMK-loii; S, Mrs. Ella liall; ' " "' '' " - l!iM(lliin\. , Mrs. P. Uavis; 10, Mrs. X. McDoiiakl; 11, Mrs. E. 10 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. parts of eight others, the most populiir and fertile in Central Xcw York, that were i-arved fmm the oUl town iif Mexico. Toilay tli<' tract of old Mex- ico snpports a popnlation of about 270.0111), includ- ing four cities, Syracuse, Oswcro, Cortland ami Fulton, and twcuty-cight inctu-porated villages. Within those limits are raore than thirty lakes and i)ond.s and nmumeralile streams of clear, running water. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union wxs organized in April, 187t, with Mrs. .T. T. Hewitt ])resident, ^Irs. 15. S. Stone secretary, and a membership of forty. Other presidents were Mrs. E. Bradbury, ;Mrs. P. Davis and Mrs. B. S. Stone, who jiresided for a long term. Mrs. ]\Ian- .\. Hoose, jiresident and ]Mrs. M. E. Bying- ton, corres]iondiiig secretary, were in otliee for nearly ten years. The present ofiii'ers are Jlrs. di8i>en8ation for a lodge to be located in the town of Mexico; whi<'hdisiieusition was is ued .\pril S, 18 )S. That disjieasation having expired it was renewed and the last petitioQ was granted naming Samuel Cherry, Jr., as master, Levi Matllic«e !is senior warden, and I )ennisou B. I'almer as junior warden, with warrant issued June (>. ISIH. This lodge, Xo. 307, suspended in 1H27, owiog to the Morgan excitement. The warrant for the present lodge was issued June 15, LSIS, and is No. 13(). Thechart<.'r mem- bers were Bezaleel Thayer, Joseph E. Bloom- field, Benjamin (Jregory, David (ioit, L. Hulchens. Simon Lerov, Avery Skinner, Sherman Hosmer, I). P. Siiooner, Bradley Higgins and Charles Benedict. The first master of the new lodge was B. Thayer and the present ma.ster is William H. Norton. The first settlers who were masoni had great ditlii'ulfv in finding a suitable lodsr room or jilace MlM-lr.l. I'llDlll. Titp row — (It-< .1. r).--.MiiWlc vw l.iiiilslrv, .1. W. .Mi;.\l(() I.IIDHK, N(P. i:ill, K. \- .\. M. nil Irll Id ri^rlil J .lolin .\vcr\-, ItoHs (Jrcfii. .1. C(n-, K. Haker. Kri-d Ctuiklin, M. Snow. r-(liM)r(f.- Wliitiiuy, .s. \V.: A. Hollisler. S. D.; \V. Norton, W. .Master; W. Hiiek, A. I/ower row— K. A. Orvis, I'rof. A. Norton, H. Harris. I'eter Morgan, president; Mrs. M. D. Sill, and Mrs. R. A. Orvis, vice presideots; Mrs. ICugenia (Sraves, recording secretary; Mrs. (ieorge Mc- Donald, iissistant secretary; Mrs. Ella Ball, treas- urer; Mrs. Mary A. Hoose, eori-espondiiig secre- tary. The i)reseut membership is !)0. Twelve departments of work are \inder the direction of etii Ment helpers. Masonry in Mexico. —| By T. W. Skinner.] The hi.story of uuvsimry in the town of Mexico dates bai^k to the early settlement of the town. .\lmost all tlie early settlers were from New Eng- land and Oneida county, and ipiite a respectable niimlHT of them wore members of th«^ masonic fraternity. They soon became aci|Uaii\teil and as early as Nov. 14, 1801!, a petition signed by nine brethren was presented to the grand lodge for a to hold their meetings, as the first houses built were log houses with but one or two rooms, but when Shubal .Mfred built the first frame hotise in town they held their meetings there, but were obliged to send the women and children down (•ellar when the lodge was opened. .\t a subse- (luent time, att<>r Matthias Whitney built the first hotel where the Mexi<'o Hotel now stands, the masons utilized the ball room as a lodge roo-u. It is stated that one evening when they had a candi- date to initiate who wius rather a timid ami basli- ful young man, he was left in the kitchen till the lodge was ready for the initiation. He spent the time very agreeably in conver.sation with the cook, a girl who was quite a joker. During the evening she went into another room and returned with an old-fashioned gridiron which she put among the blazing coals and watched intensely 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OP JIEXICO. 11 till it was red-hot. This excited the cnriosity of the young man a\ ho inquired what she was doing that for. She replied that she did not know what it was tor; but .she did know that when the masons had a lodge meeting iiud had a candidate to initiate she always had to heat that gridiron very hot. The young man, terror stricken, seized his hat and rushed from the kitchen, declaring that the masons would never use that gridiron on him. Masonic records and tradition show that no can- didate was initiated that night. The present lodge, under its cajialile ofiiccrs, is very prosperous, and the work done in the lodge room has never l)een excelled in the history of the lodge for beauty and impressiveness. l?ut it will not do for the present officers to relax their efforts to do good work, for a new star has arisen in the east that threatens to become a strong rival in beautiful work. This is no less than Victoria Chapter of Eastern Star which has been recently Biu'en 1880, 1881, 2 years; Robert H. Baker 1890- '03 — 13 years. The Eastern Star was instituted U. D. in MexicoSej)tember I'.IOO, with the following officers: R. A. OrvLs, W. P. ; Mrs. Clara W. Davis, W. M. ; ^Irs. Mary Hart well, A. M. ; Mrs. Anna Thomas, C.:Mrs. Ruth Sampson, A. C.;Miss.Tennie Baker, Sec. ; Mrs. Florence Hart, Treasurer; Miss Lilian TiOngstreet, Organist; ^Irs. ^lartha Bobbins, Chaplain; Mrs. Angelia Maguire, Marshall; Mrs. Theresa Elkins, Warder; Mrs. Kate HarJie, Ada; Mrs. Emma Everts, Ruth; Mrs. Mary Hare, Esther; Mrs. AdellaBenuett, Martha; Mrs. Harriet Porter, Electa. The other Charter members were Mrs. Bose Norton, K. H. BaKer, W. A. Bobbins, N. I). Hart, Frank Elkins and John Jlaguire. The first lady upon whom the degrees were conferred was jNlrs. I )elia S. Orvis and the first gentleman was Mr. (i. A. Davis. In the hitter part of the IliicsliMi, Pholii. VTCTOHIA rH.\I'TEU. .NO. 2(K, ( ). E. S. Tup row - (tium left to rig:ht) Mrs. E. .lohnson. Chap.: Mrs. M. Hoosc, Esther; Mrs. F. Liiwl'M, Kiilli; .Mrs. K. ('(inklin, .Mr. .M. t^now. Miss J. linker, Sec: Miss Lena House, Mrs. N. D. Hart, Treas. Miildle row— Mrs. CunninKluoii. Mrs. A. Tliomas, Con : Mi's. C. Davis, W. .Matron: Mrs. G. Sarapsoii, .Mrs. K. Hariiy. Lower row-Mrs. M. Hartwell, A. M.: K. A. Orvis, W. P.; .Mrs. W. Ncrton. established and under Ihe able management of Mrs. (Jeorge A. Davis as chief efficer, and an ex- ceedingly brilliant array of some of the most in- telligent and educated ladies of the village as associate officers, are doing such splendid work in exemplyfing their most beautiful and impressive ritual, that many of the masons who have been ]n-esent declare that their work excels everything they have ever .seen. Mexico Chapter of Boyal Arch Ma.sons is one of the oldest in the county. The charter is dated Feb. ry, ISol. The following have been past masters: Bezaleel Thayer 18.51-'.")5, IHtjO-'til — (i years; Avery Skinner 18.j6-'59, 1862,1863 — 6 years; L. H. Conklin 1864-'71, 1878—9 years; T. W. Skinner 1872, 1873, 1875-'77, 1879, 1882-'89— 14 years; D. B. Van Biu-en 1871— 1 year; J. G. Van year Mrs. Bose Norton was appointed to take the office of A. C. vacated by the resignation of Mrs. Ruth Sampson, Mrs. Gertrude Conklin was ap- pointed to the office of Marshall, vacated by ]\Irs. Mrs. Maguire who had moved to Pulaski and Mrs. Alice Miller filled the chair of Martha vacat- ed by the illness of JNIrs. Adella Bennett. On Nov. 29, the chajjter \\as constituted and a charter presented by D. D. G. M. Mrs. Clara Cooper Allen of .Adams. At this time as at the instituting of the chajjter the Pulaski and Parish chapters were present and on lioth occasions as- sisted Mrs. .\llen in the ceremonies. At the instituting and constituting the Masonic fraternity were present. A banquet and a social time followed the ceremonies. The officers were reelected the .second vear and at the third election Mrs. Clara 12 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Davis for the third time was persuaded to accept the honor of filling the oflfioe of W. ^f. Mrs. Ella lircnkeiliofV 1). 1). (J. M. of .Jordan ofiiciallv vi.sit- cd thr' order August 'H. Initiations were frequent and an oceasional soeial was lield: tlie orfjanizatiou increa-sed in number and in interest until at the present time there are 7S members. Two very enjoviilile visits were made to Puritan Cliapter of Parisli and the sisters of that order visited the Mexico C'hajiler sustain- ing very cordial relations with each oilier. Miss .\iiua Bard deserves si)ecial mention for the in- terest she lias taken in sustaining lier a|ipointment as eommittee to provide literary and music d enter- tainment. The meetings ore held in tLe new and handsome ^[asoni<- Temple. One member Mrs. W. W. Kiugsley jiiussed on to the higher life, and by her stnmtj'v expre-sed wish was buried with tlie beautiful auespeak for it continued prosperity in the future. Mexico of 1796. — Its boundaries are here clear- ly defined and iml)lished for the first time. By legislative enactment of Feb. li(i, ITlXi, Mexico was reconstnicted within the following boundary lines: "Beginning at the north-west corner of a tract of land commonly called F(mda's forty- thousand acre patent, thence down and along the west side of Canada creek to its jnnetion witli Wood creek, thence down and along the waters of Wood creek to Oneida lalve, thence through thi' middle of .said lake to the west end thereof, thence til the north shore of the Onondaga river, thence down autl along the north side of the .siii Past Crands, together with the present olM'jers wlioae term will the .said lake to the moiitli of Black river, thence up and along the saiil river to the northern most corner of 2.j,()UI) acres of land sold by William Constable to William Inman, thence south 37 degree,-! and 30 minutes west along the north- westerly bounds of the said Iractcommonly called Oothout's jiatent, thence south one degree west along the westerly line of said trat!t to the place of it.s beginning." .Mexico was then comiitised within the bound- ary running on jiresent geogi'apliieal lines from till' junction of two streams which form the lie- ginning of Canada creek, chise to the east side of the village of Lee (Vntre, Oneida county, directly north to and across the south boundary nf Lewis county, pii-ssing one mile west of the village of West licyden, running north along the boundary 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. l:i between the towns of Leyden and West Turin to the west bank of Black River opposite the mouth of Moose river. Then its course, very phunly ex- ) iressed, followed the Black river to Lake Ontario, the shore of that lake to the Oswego river, then up that stream and Oneida river to Oneida lake, along the north .shore of that lake to and up Wood and Canada creeks. This large town then enclosed all the jire.sent Oswego county east of the Oswego river, Oneida county north and west of Wood and Canada creeks, Lewis county west of Black river, excej)! t lie town of Leyden, and .Jefter.son county .south of ]51ack river. Carved from this territory are today four tow-ns and jiarts of three others in the county of Oneida, ten towns iind a part of one in Lewis county, nine towns in .Tett'erson county and eighteen towns in Oswego county: altogether forty -two complete worth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hessell, Dr. G. Franklin Smith and Clayton Sherman. There were thii-ty-five initiated the first night and the membership has been increasing until at the present time it numbers over 100. In its second year the lodge was hoDored by having the office of district deputy president of the county which was held by Mrs. (irace Edwards, their first noble grand. The degree staff has been quite noted for the tine work it has done, having assisted at the institution of three new lodges iu the county, .an! — Nmv Yo'ik province erected into ten counties, Albany, New York, Dutchess, Kings, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Suttolk, lUster, Westchester. March 22, 1772 — Tryon county erected from .\lbanv County. u 'GRIP'S' lIlSTuniCAL SOUXK-NUt or MJiXlCO. March 8, 1773 — KiN(isr,ANr) district, one of tlie five into which Tryon county was iliviilcd. A))ril i, ]~Si — MoNTooMEHV County nanic suli- stituteil for Tryon Co. Marcli 7, 178M — WiirrF.sTowN from Kingsland district; nil of the stale west of a line drawn mutli and south through I'tiea. Feb. If), IV'.tl — HEHKiirsn county erected from Montgomery including all of Whitestown. April 10, 1792 — Mpxk o erei^ted from Whites- town (For boundary lines see "Mexico of 1792,' page 8). March 5, 1794 — Toysan der erected from Mexico: embracing all of present Oswego county west of Oswego river. March.'), 1794 — Onondaha County erected from Mexico. 1794 — Cortland C'onnty erected from ^lexico. Feb. 2t!, 179() — Mexico reerected. (Forboundary see Mexico of 179(). ) March 1.5, 1798 — Onkioa County; in jiart from Mexico, including all of that town cast of ( )swego river in her limits. March 1, 181(1 — OswE(io Co. with 8 towns.Con- stantia, Hannibal. Mexico, New Haven, Kichland, l!edliel()7, (J. .\. K., was instituted by the aid of the commander of Post O'Brien of Oswego, N. Y. on the 18th day of :May, 1881',. Thirty-tive comrades were duly nmst«red as memliers of the Post and the following were didy installed as officers of the Post, viz: Commander, Hon. M. L. Wright ; Sr. Vice Commander. Newton Hall; Jr. Vice Commander, W. S. Sweetlaud; .\djt , F. B (ii'egorv; Surgeon, W. A. Tillapaugh; Chaplain, Rev. C. A. Booth; (). 1)., Geo. A Pen- field; (). M.. A. K. Matt<>son: H. M., L. A. U t U yr, I'licilo. MEr./.AK It K'll .V It US I'O.-^T. \c>. :)iiT, C. A. li. Tci|> row— (from lelt to ri(rht) 1,. .1. Clark, I), liiiiion. ( miier ul' iho (iay; (i. Iluck, M. I'arsuiis, O.Wcbl). K.I,. H\in- injfton. I). Austin, 8iii'Keon; W. .Nwerllaml, K. .lom-s. ti.tLarkin. I. Maiks, It. I'ai-mctier, .1. Kclk-r. Middk- row— K. Curpiiitei-. It. Aiiil, S. V.; I,. Iteijiiillaril. K. ilakiT, Adt.; .'<. N'k'iiols, Com.; C. Kverts, >.). M.; ,1. Ilulisun. S. Si><)Oiui-, .1. \ .; H. llackus. Lower row— i,. Whitney, Chap.; ,1. Itunlick, I.. T\iller, S. Major; W. Elevens. H. .\nies, L. Mn.viiu. M. Mentor. March 1;"), 179!l — (!ami>en, Oneida Co., from Mexico (including Vienna and Florence.) March 14,1800 — Ciiami'I()N,Wati:kti)WN,.\i>ams, (.lelVerson Co.,) Kedeibi.d (Oswego Co.), Tikis and Lowvii,LE (Lewis ('o); leaving Mexico with about 1,200 scpiare miles of territory. Feb. 22,1 803 -ELLisnt'Ko (including Henderson), .TetVerson C'o., from Mexico. March 24, 1804— Lorraine, (including Worth) Jefl'erson Co., from Mexico. March 24, 1804 —Williamstow.n, (including .\in- boy, .Vlbion, Piichland, Handy ('reek, Orwell, Boylston) from Mexit^o. Feb, 28, ]80(; — FREDicK.smnuii (including Vol- ney, Palermo, Scribu and Schneppell, from Mexico. .\pril 8, 1808— Constantia, leaving Mexico with its ])re.sent territory and that including the towns of Parish and New Haven. April 2, 1813— New Haven from Mexico. Whitney; Q. M. S.. N. Alford. :\I. P. Wright served lus Conwnander until 188.") when W. S. Sweetland was elected Commander. Geo. A. Pen- tield was next elected Comnninder in 188(1 ami at the next election ni 1887 K. L. Huntington was elected Commander who served the Pk,st aa such continonsly until 18!l.") wheu P. A.Whitney served for one year, after which Kobert .\ird served for one year, succeeiled by Myron .lohnson who dieil while in otlicc, after whi<'h, in l.s:r.l, when I". L. Huntiiig'on was again elected commander and served until 1903, when the present officers were eli'cted and in.stalled, viz: Commaumrade3 in good standing. It is a fact that many widows, sick and disabled soldiers of the great rebellion have lilessed the n.ame of this Post for the aid and sympathy given to them when in need of helj) and in sickness, and not un- til the last comrade of the Post shall be mustered out by the Comniiinder of the universe wiU its name be blotted out or its liistory forgotten. The Melzar Richards Woman's Relief Corps, No. 135, was organized Aug. Ill, ISSi), with thirteen charter memliers. The following otlicers were nnanimously elected and installed by Sarah E. Minck, department jn-esident, formerly national president: Pi'esident, .Jennie Barton; vice otic teaching have introduced flag drill in many schools, thus instilling love of country and its endilem in the hearts of our children. Miich as- sistance has been given to needy soldiers and their dependant ones, no known wi>rlliy, deserv- ing sufferei' being neglected. Towns of Oswego County. — Hate of their erection and towns from which they were taken ; tra<'ing each back successively to the original teri-itory ; .\mboy, JIarch 2.'), l.S:^,l); from Williamstown; which was taken from ]\Iexico. AUriim, March 21, bS2ri; from Kicliland; from Williamstown : from Mexico. Constantia I Rotterdam], .\iiril S, ISKS; from Mexico; from Steuben Patent. Boylston, Feb. 7, 1S28; Orwell; Richland; AVil- liamstown; Mexico. Granby, April 20, 1818; Hannibal; Lysander, Onondaga Co. ; Mexico; MOitary tract. lluesti-d. I'hi.l.,. MELZAU Ulrll.Vl!l).-> I'd.ST, .\,.. IX:, W . 11. C. 1, Mrs. G. Laikin, 2, Mrs. S. Nichols, Cliaplain, 3, Mrs. Jane Webli, 4, Mrs. A. Cole, Guard, o, .Mrs. Maggie Evarts. Cdkir Ui-arer, B, Mrs. Helen McMuUen, Secretary,?. Mrs. Olive Adams, S, Mis. Anna Day, H, Mrs. Hattic Newell, Vice President, 10, Mrs. L. J. Clark, 11, Mrs. Mai-y Sweetland, K, Mrs. .1. liall. l;i. Mrs. (Daniels 14, Mrs. Ada Parker, Pianist, l.i, Mrs. Ella Ames, lli. .Mrs. Moda Barker, 17 Mrs. D.Barton, IK, Mrs. L. Dillen- lieck. Color Bearer, ISI, Miss Jnlia Nichols, .\ssistant Condiictor, 20, Mrs. .Maria Spooner, President, 21, Mrs. M. Pai'sons, 22, Mrs. M. Stunt-. 2:;, Mrs. N. Pcnheld, 24, Mrs. E. Parker, Assistant Guard, 2.'>, Mrs. M.Andrews, .luniiir Vice, 21), Mrs. Noia .MrDonald, 27, Mrs. Mary Huntington. Conductor, 28, Mrs. J. Carpenter, 2!), Mrs. D. Austin, :iO, Mrs. F. C. Tilhipaufih, 31, Mrs. J. Kulisou, 32, Mrs. E. .tones. president, Olive Adams; junior vice president, .\delia Hardy; chaplain, Adelaide M. Parker; treasurer, Celia Copp; conductor, Amelia Clark; assistant conductor, PhUauda Aird; guard, Ella Ames; assistant guard, Kate Morton. .\ugust 19, 1890 found the number of members largely increased. Its growth has been continu- ous, and at the pi'esent time there are sixty-six members. In 1883 a piano was purchiised by the Clorps, aided by the Post, to which we are aux- iliary ; and from time to time other property, such as tables, dishes, silverware, linen and numerous other article have been added, thus enabling them to givi' socials, musicales and other entertainments for its benefit. Flag work has been adJed to the ritual work of the corps and committees on patri- Hastings, April 20, 1825; Constantia; Mexico. Hannibal, Feb. 28, 1806; Lysander; Mexico; Military tract. Mexico, .\pril 10, 1792 — re-organized Feb. 25, 1791); ^\llitestowu, Herkimer Co. New Haven, Ajiril 2, 1813; Mexico. Orwell, Feb. 28, 1817; Richland: Williamstown: Mexico. Oswego, April 20, 1S18; Hannibal; Lysander; Mexico; ^Military tract. Palermo, .\]iril 4. 1832; Vohiey; Mexico. Parish, :March 20, 1828; Mexico. Redtteld, March 14, 1800; Mexico. Rieldand, Feb. 20, 1807; Williamstown, Mexico. Scrilja, April 5, 1811; Fredei-icksburg (see Vol- neyj; Mexico. If. •tUiU-'S" IlISTOliiUAL, SOUVKNiU OF MEXICO. Siimly Creek. Mim-h 21, 182.".: Richliind: Wil- liamstown; Mexico. Schrceppel, Aiiril 4, 1H!2; Yc.lney; Mexico. Voliiev, .Vpiil •">, ISl I ; eiect and were intended to become the main poit of entry at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. Being located at Lis "copitiil" on Oneida lake which he called Rot- terdam, now the yilliige of Constantia, Mr. Keriba desired to open means of connecting with the out- side world l)y lake navigation. Following the most direct and feasible route he opened a road four rods wide, lietween Rotterdam and the lake, a distance of twenty miles, stiiliing at the point where he determined to locate his lake port. This road ran almost a "bee line" even cros.sing the high hill in the eiustern part of the village of ^lex- ico near the house formerly owned by Joseph Simons. Tn 17!).") his agent Benjamin Wright, sur- \cyed both .sides of the Little Salmon river from the lake a half mile up stream and laid out the whole tract in .streets and "city lots." A map of the i)ropo.sed city which was made at that time was afterwards found by Mr. (ieorge (ioodwiu of Mexico and with the understanding that it should be j)reservi d, was ])laced in the custody of one of the pro|inetor.s of the summer hotels now occupy- ing I lie site of the cmbryoic city of Vera Cruz. It was framed and now hangs in the hotel. Scrib.i's vast jirojects for a harbor at this place were never fully realized, although for a few years l>eginning the niuteenth ccnturv, considerable lake business was transacted at this "port." Tlie deepening of the harbor and the necessary break- waters which he expected the government wouhl effect were never obtained. J5ut considerable building of small structures. ])rincii>idly residences was done along tlie stream and the place gave promise of f\Unre greatness. It is .said that in ISIII more merchandise Wius received and produ' e ship]ied at this place than at Oswego or Utica, lioth of which were then small villages. The year Wriglit made the surxey Scriba erected on the stream back from the lake a saw and grist mill. The following year Wright put uji a log building for a residence and another for a store. That summer he procured as much help as could be obtained from the settlers and dug out the mouth of the creek. The next year, IT'.IT, Scriba caused to V)e erected a one-story building for a tavern and five small stru<-tures intended for homes o" his workmen of whom he intended to employ a large number, ho]>ing to induce many to come there with their families. These were budt about on the jiresent site of Texa.s, where the fall of the stream made it necessiU'v two years li<>fore to erect his mills so that he could obtain water jtower, and close to which it was desirable to establish the nucleus for the projiosed "city." X sea captain nam(>d (leerman, who had come over from Holland, wa.s sent to Vera Cruz by Mr. Scriba to suiierintend the erection of a .shij) vanl which wius forthwith laid out but was not imilt until the f(dlowing spring. 17KH. In the mean- time a few families had arrived, some of them tiiking np small plots of ground which they were to i>urchiuse for homes, and a few jdaces of busi ness ha.l started up. The pl.ace in 17i>S comprised a dozen buildings including the Wrij,'ht store, the Scriba tavern and a blacksmith shop. There is no record of Capt. Geernian crossing the lake until he made the fateful voyage to Kingston in in the summer of 179!). Benjamin Winch, .\i-chi- bald Fairchild and Benjamin Gilbert bought homes here and brought in their famihes during 17!).H. Captain (ieerman loaded his new schooner in the summer of 17!)!> with lundwr and accom- panied by Welcome Spencer sailed for Kingston. Several days passed and nothing wius heard from them. Finallv it wjis learned that they had not been seen at Kingston. Then a rescuing l>arty mad(> up of the father of young Spencer, Chili- mau Wheadon, Green Clark, Nathaniel Rood ami Miles DooUttle, all prosperous citizens of Vera Cruz— Clai-k and Rood binug freeholders- put out in a small boat hoj ing to get tidings of the craft. On their return when opposite the mouth of Salmon river, ten miles from home, the boat was upset bv a sviddcn sijuall. Wheadon was the oulv one of the ]iarty who numaged for a time to'cling to the overturned l>oat. But he Wii.s soon compelled to let go even while some wood- men who had come down to shore were attempt- ing to get out to his rescue. Not one of the party was saved. Their left at Vera Cruz only Benjamin Wright. Benjamin Winch, Benjamin GUbert and Archibidd Fairchild, surviving frc<'- holders and heads of families, the rest of the pop- ulation being Scriba's workmen. It was a serious blow to the prosperity of the community. Bat others came in and the "town for a fi>w years picked up with renewed vigor. Then followed more dis- asters on the lake in which now and th(>n a resi- dent of the place was lost, l-'inally in 1 S2() all of the buildings between the present site of the Texas postoflSce and the lake were burned. Then the new buildings that were erected were built chistering about that iioiut and the new name of Texas was sulistituted tor that of Vera Cruz. A ship yard built at the same time did not prosper and was at last abandoned. , Now the lake shore on both sides is occupied by summer homes, the locality being known as Mexico Point, more recently and more appropri- ately christened Ontario Park. Supervisors. John Myer 17!t7--8: Reuben Hamilton 171I'.I-1H0I1, lSI):i-'l).">: Jonathan Parkhurst 1801; Calvin TifTanj 181)2, Dyer Burnliam 1806- •S, •10,'12-1.5; David Ea.ston 1809; David Williams ISll; Elias Brewster 1816-'17; '40-'l; '44; David Buruham lHlS-'20; Peter Pratt 1821, '23- '8; W. S. Fitch 1822; Joseph Lamb 1829; Joseph W. Houghton 1830-'4; Luther S. Couklin 183.5-'6; Joseph Torrev 1837; Charles Brewster 1838-'9; Orville Robinson 1842; Starr Clark 1843; John M Richardson ]84.')-'8; James S. Chandler 1849; Bradlev Higgins lS.^,0--3; L. D. Snath 18 ,1-0; Calvin"G. Hmcklev ISr.t;; Seabury A. luller 8;./; ■ti'>-'7- M Neweir 18,")S-'9; Calvin Smith 18t)0; Leonard Ames lSi;i;John C. Taylor 18<)8-^!); William J. Menter 1S70-5; -V-sa L. Sampson 18i(>- %" 'Ol-^i- George H. Goodwin 188:5; L. La Seur Vh'gil 1884; John W. L.kW 188.-,-T.; '89; M. W Collins 1887--8; Rufus P. Calkins 1890; Edward L. Huntington 1894 (present incumbent). "GKIP'S" HISTOKICAL SOUVENIB OP MEXICCX 17 The County Seat Question. — Umler the authority of the law eivctiug the county, enacted March 1, 1816, provision was made for two county seats, each representing one of the two "jury districts" into which the county was then divided. The naming of what was to 1 le tlie two half-shire villages of the county was left to three comniis sioners named in the act, viz: Pearley Keyes and Ethel Bronson of the county of .TeU'erson, ami Steiihen ISates of the county of < )ntario. The consti'uction of coni't houses in Oswego and Pu- laski was begun in the summer of 1818. That at Oswego was a wooden structure designed solely as a court Louse, althougii its hasement was sulise- quently titteroposition. It became so acrimonious that the snjiervisors attempted to cc)mpriiini''e by adopting a resolution, November 22, for the location of the county clerk's ottice at Mexico, it being supposed by those who favored Oswego tliat the i)eople of Dunwick, I'l -MAI.N .STHKKT, EAST FltCl.M Inl.. It llAliUVS liESIDE.XCE. purpose until the completion of the new jail, in 1888. In 1858 the board of supervisors apjiro- priated .■$30,1)00 for the erection of a new court house in Oswego and $5,000 for enlarging and re- paiiing the court house in Pulaski. The former was comideted in September, 1860, and its cost was $610 less than the appropriation, being $29,3'.)0. The improvements on the court house at Pulaski were made in 185!t. Until 1853 the records of the county were kept at intervals in places which seemed the most seciu'c in Oswego and Pulaski. By common consent they were transferred trS2, upon which tlie route lie pursued is plainly traced liy a •lotted line. C'hamiilaiii in ItiO!) had discovered and explored the lake which Ix'iirs his name. Six yi'ars lat<'r, following the unlieateii tracks north of tlie (Ireiit Tjakes he jienetrated the tlien unknown refjions westward into the countiy of the Hurons striking the shores of the lake bearing that name. Then he returned east accom]>anied by a considerable the party directed their course soutliwesterly, traveling "four leagues over a sandy i>lain." They weie crossing the heart of what is now the town of ^lexico, which Champlain describes as follows: "I observed a very pleasing and tine country watered by numerous small streams, and two little rivers which empty into the said lake [Little Sal- mon and Grindstone creeks] and a number of ]ionds and prairies where there was an infinite (|uantity of game, a great many vines and tine trees, vast nundiers of chestnuts, the fruit of wliich was yet in the shell. It was ipiite small and well flavored." He evidently refers to beech- nuts I unknown to Euro|)eaus| a large (piantity of which was once found in Mexico. Some historians have located the fort he attack- ed in the Oneidas' ooiintry. others in that of the < )non(lagas' After stndving his mati no one can hunwirk, IMinii riii-.i-rr. .siirTii ikmm .^i'kinc s-|'Ki:i:r. force of that nation who were then at war with the Seoecas, the most western of the Five Nations of Indians. Skirting the north shores of the lakes as far as the pn'sent sit<> of Kingston, he embarked at that point and cro.sse(l Lake Ontario, "proceed- ing southward," ashe writes, "towards the enemies 1 Iroquois] country." His i>assage what he calls lake of the Entx)uhonorons ] Hunin term for Ontario I, during which he noticed ".some beauti- ful and very large islands," he estimated to lie H leagues I 12 mile,'- 1, which corres]ionds to the dis- tance from KingstHI) sheep, 17.2S8 yards of cloth, ;^ grist mills. 7 .saw mills, 1 oil mill, 2 fulling mills, '■) carding miurhines, 1 card nian\ifactory, 3 distilleries, 3 tanneries, 3 a.slieries." 'GRIP'S" HISTOKICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 19 George H. Goodwin was l)orn in Mexico, N. Y., in 1S34, the youngest of four childreu and the only survivor. His brothers were J. Austin Good- win, Joseph C. Goodwin and Henry G. Goodwin. His father, Calvin (ioodwin, and his mother, Emily Hiukley, l)oth of Eiglish deseent, were liorn in Manstield, Conn., and came to Mexico in 1.S28. The former died in 1869 and the latter in 1845. His grandfather was a well known minister of the gospel who preaelied aUout forty years in Connecticut and was the founder and first pastor of the Baptist church in ^lexico village. The .subject of this sketch was educated at the Mexico academy. He read law with ex-.Judge Cyrus Whitney, Orville Eobinson and .bimes Xoxon, and was graduated from the dejjartment of law of the Albany University in 1856. He iiracticed his profession for a few years in Oswego county and in California, but was afterwards more or less diverted from the law by reason of ill health and the cares devolving upon him in the settle- ment of estates, so he has given more time laterly to business and literature than to his profession. Mr. Goodwin formerly took an active interest iu politics and has held many positions of trust. He was chah-mnn of the democratic county committee many years and frecpienlly reiiresented liis party in the .state conventions. He was president of Mexico vil- lage in 1879 and was supervisor of the town of Mexico in 1883, being the only democrat, with a single exception, that has been elected as supervisor of the town of Mexico 0 "GRIP'S" HISTOIUCAL SOUVEXDJ OF MEXICO. vin F. Brooks 1808; Heiuy L. Cole 18fi9; Winsor Beelie 1870; Sciibnrv A. Tnllfrl871: (ieorge H. (tooilwin 1878; Amos C. Thoiiipsou 187'.t: Miinrice L. Wright 188l)-'82: .Tohii 1). Hartson ms:i-T); Robert H. Bilker 188C,.'7; .Tiimes B. iJriggs 1888; Soloimm L. Alexiimler 188'.t; TiiiKithv W. Skin- ner I81I0; Frank :M. Earle ]8:il-"2;' Hiram W. Looniis ]8!I3; (ienrge H. Wilson ISiU; Dr. S. M. Bennett 1895; J, E. Baker H)()l; George H. Wil- son, 111(12 I present ineunibent). Mexico Grange. — The charter of Mexico (irange, Xo. 21S, bears date .Tune 20, 1874, and this is all the authentic history of Mexico Grange for tlie first twenty years of its existence, for the tire which destroyed the Boyd House also des- troyed all the papers and furnit ire of ^lexico (irange. Ho we are obliged to dejieud on the memory of the few Mirviving chaiter members for whatever history we may writ«. Its first organ- He was also supervisor of the town of ^lexico for nine years. Mrs. Sampson held majy important otliees in the grange, dischii-ging each and every duty faithfully. A kind friend and a true coun- selor. Mr Green joined the grange soon after its organization and soon became one of its staunch suj>pry Saturday at 2 ji, m., in the engine, butexpects to have lodge room.s of its own in the near future. i y '' ^9 ^ % a J. ■ '/ i^li A ^ v^ V "* ' ^^r*^ :^ 1 ' . ^^L t' ^ ^^ >>1 ■J^ im% » A A A' '^^ ^ ' =? % «k ?• 1 \ « ' ^ ■^ 9lr i> f f 1 ■ •^*^ M ^ sik » \ ^' % • f , ^^ ^ ^1 wm .\li:.\ICi) HK.\.\UK, No, :.'IS. . litrht) W. .trs. N. liiii k, I,. \.. Mrs, .M. Kmerv, .M. It. Kiilils, Miss I,. 'I'rowl.ridji.-, Mrs. Ti owliri.ltfe, Mrs. Clearwater, Cliap., W. Itiu k. r.ower Itow — \V. Waitcin. .\. S., .\lrj. (!. Wlircler, Mrs. W. Kvarts, .Mis. \V. Samp- son, C. Stevens. ization consisted of twenty charter members with Frederick Sampson as its first master who is still living and is a pros])erous farmer in Onondaga county. It woidd be impo.ssible to give a consec- utive list of ina.sters or odicers duriiigtlie first two deciules of its existence, but we think it would be invidious to none of its meiuliers if we mention a few who were always faitliful and helped cheer- fully in sustainitig tlie grange by their presence and coun,sel. Tliere comes to our mind tliree in- dividuals who had, it teems to us, very much to do in the early history of our gi-ange, and those were Mr. and .Mrs. .\. E, Samiison and Veder Green. Mr. Samiison wa.s one of tlie earlier mas- ters and was thoroughly jiosted in all grange work and for a number of years was secretary and director in the Oswego t'ounty Belief .X.ssocuition. County Treasurers. — Peter Pratt, Mexico, 181(5; Elias Brewster, Mexico, 1820; Avery Skin ner, Mexico, 1827; Robert A. Stitt, 18:!!); St«rr Clark, ISIO; Hiram Walker, IS-Ki; Stimuel H. Stone, Mexico. 1841); Henry V. Peck, Mexico, 18.")"); Luther H. t'oiiklin, Mexico, 18.VS; .lohii Dowdle. O.swego. 1871*; George Goodier, Oswego, 1882 (died in oflice in IS.SCi, the tirst year after his re-election); E, Eugene McKinstry, Oswego, (ap jiointed bv the supervi.sors in (ioodier's place) February,' 188{;: Thomas Moore, Oswego, 188(i, re-i'Iected 1881) and again every term since. First Postofffice in tlie town of ^lexicn. or Oswego county was established at Kotterdam, now Constantia, Jan. 1, 171)8, in the house of John Meyer who wa.s made the jiostmaster. 'GEIP'S" HISTOEICAX, SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 21 Mexico Fire Department. — An organization kimwu us the Bucket Company was formed iu the rear l.S.")5, with Daviil Uoit as foreman. In IHtU the village purehased a hand engine and then two new cnmpanie.s were fo'-med, the engine comi>auy with forty men and the hose company with twenty men, S. E. Sj>ooner being chief. This organiz ation continued for f-ome twenty years, during wliicli Mie following served as chief: W. \. ]{oli- liin.s, S. L. Alexander, A. J. Ha'leck, John Wing, F. B. (xregory. In 1.S87 the i)re.sent SUsby steam eugiuH was purchased by the village and a new organization wa-< formed, known as Mexico Fire l)epiirtuient, with John M. Wing as chief. This department tlieu consisted of fonr companies. The Engine Company, Weed and Sullivan Hose Conqianies and the Hook and Ladder ('omiiauy. The following .served as chief siuce the steamer was purchased: ISSS ,T. Schoonuiaker; ISSII A .T. llalleck: l.S'.IDF. B. (iregorv; IS'.ll .T,,hn Wiiic: 1835; Jabez H. Gilbert. Orwell, Jan. 1, 1838; Nor- man Itowe, New Haven, Jan. 1, 1811; second term, Jan. 1, 1819; Marinns W. Matthews. Puhiski, Jan. 1, 1811; Horace J. Cai-ey, Oswego, appointed to till vacancy by death of Matthews, Dec. 5, 1.S14; .\h'iu Lawrence, Mexico, Jam. 1, 1816; George W. Htillman, Orwell, Jan. 1, 1852; Eufm Hawkins, C)swego. Jan. 1, 1855; Charles A. Perkin.s, Con- stanlia, Jan. 1, 1858; Sidney M. Tucker,, Jan. 1, ISIJI; re-elected from Oswego. .Ian. 1, 1807; Robert]). Gilli.spie, Richland. Jan. 1, 18ii-l; Janaes Doyle. Oswego, Jan. 1, 1871); Henry H. Lymin, I'ulaski, Jan. 1, 1873; Frank S. Low. Pulaski, .Ian. 1, 187(); J. Lyman Bidkley. Saudv Creek, .fan. 1, 1870; Edwin L. Huntington, :\Ie\i'co, Jan. 2, 1882; Alfred N. Beadle, Pulaski, Jan. I. 1885; John Van Buren, New Haven. Jan. 1, LSSS; Amos .\11- liort, Scriba, .Ian. 1. 1891; Wilbur H. Stileck, Williamstown, Jan. 1, 1894; Wm. H. Euos, Scriba, Jan. 1, 1S97; Albert Warren. Jan. 1. 1900. Hiiested, Pboto. THE MEXICO FIKE DEPARTMENT. Top Row— (from left to right', .James Ti-yon F Smedley, .Secretary. F. Stewart, J. D. Coo. Foreman H. A: L. Co.: E. IJurdick, E. Pettinfrill. C. Fellows. .Middle Row— W. H. Sherman, Asst. Chief: C. Pettiugill. A. .J. Halleck, Foicman Hose Co., F. Pepper. G. Minckler, Chief; M. Freeman. Lower Row— W. Castle. O. Anus, C. Davis, \V. Elkins. M. Lamphier. 18:13 Edward Potter; 1896 W. P. Lyons; 1899 Frank Elkins; 1900 A. J. Halleck. At present the depatinent con'-ists of twenty-eight men with the following as officers: Gates M. Minckler, chief; Willi im H. Sherman, assistant chief; Frank Smedlty, secretary, and Robert Adams, treasurer; A. J. Halleck, foreman Hose and Jasper D. Coe, foreman Hook and Ladder. The old hand engme is .still the property of the village and is still in f.iirly g "id condition. Sheriffs. — John S. Davis (appointed), Pulaski, MiU-ch 21, 181(3; Peter Pratt (appointed), Mexico, Feb. i. 1820; Orris Hart (appointed), New Haven, Feb. 13. 1821; elected from 0,swego, Jan. 1, 1823; Asa Diidlev. Oswego town, Jan. 1, 1826; Hastings Curtiss, Hastings, Jan. 1, 1829; WiUiam Hale, Pu- laski, J.iu. 1, 1832; Jonathan Case, Fulton, 1, State Senators from Oswego County — Alvin Bronson, 1823-1, '30 3; Avery Skinner, Mexico, 1838 11; Enoch B. Talcott, Oswego, 1815- (i (his term was cut short by an amendment to the con- stitution); Thomas H. Bond, Oswego, 1848-9; Moses P Hatch, Oswego, 1851; James Piatt, Os- wego, 1852-3; M. Lmdley Lee, Fulton, 1856-7; Cheney Ames, Oswego, 1858-9, '64-5; Andrew S. Warner, Pulaski, 1860-1; Richard K. Sanford, Fulton, 1862-3; John J. W'olcott, Voluey, 1.H66-7; Abner C. Mattoou, Oswego, 1868-9; William Fos- ter, Constantia, 1872-3; Benjamin DooUttle, Os- wego, 1876-7; George B. Sloan, Oswego, 1886-'91; Nevada N. Stranahan, Fulton, 1896-1902, Epidemics. — In 1812 a sweeping epidemic of cholera carried oft' many residents of Mexico. In 1820 there were a large number of deaths from dveenteiT. 'fJKirS' HTSTOHICAI. SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. U >ir..«r.| I'li.ilos, CKIIIiCi-; II. WILSON. .MAUV unices \V I I,Sany with Steadman Bros., he built a canning factory in the latter village. The Stead- mans retired soon thereafter and Mr. Wilson is still carrying on that factoiy. \ few years later he came to Mexico, his wile's far as is known, were Perry Allen and Elisha Huutley. Lorenzo Huntley lived on the old homestead many years. Lyman Huntley became a physician. About 1817 Judge Bates erected a tavern adjacent to the store which was opened by Rufus Tiii'any in 181(). The latter place of business afterwards went into the hands of Milton Harmon and subsecpiently Lean der Parkhurst. About 1810 Henry Webb was engaged in trade here but he sold out to Thomas and Charles L. Wel)b and moved tt) Mexico vil- lage. The Union Stiu-e Stock Co. was succeeded by John Becker who was succeeded by his son and a jiartuer named Richardson. R. \. Burke was one of the early iiierchants who sold out to George ({. Brown & Son, who in turn were succeeded by Peter (iray. The latter was .succeeded liy his son, James Gray. William A. and James A. Johnson were merchants who burned out in Decemlier, 1853. In 1821 Paul AUen l)uilt the .second tavern in the village; also an ashery and distillery. In 1822 Joseph Deveudorf started a tannery and shoe .shop and he was .succeeded by Truman Rood. About the same time Marshall Fairchild was en- gaged in making hats. Among those who afiei-- « arils kept tavern here were F. L Barnes, L. D. Snell and Seymour Worden. The early black- smiths were Alvin Richai-dstm and Sidney D. Markham. The early po.-tmasters were Alvin Richardson, Orange Frary, Cbauncey (i. Frary, his son, Cyrus H. Harvey, Edwin T. Johnson, Welister jl. Richardson," Peter Gray, Cyrus F. >' ^_:>. ._ « ■^ P|W>^ wu ^HIk- A H - * liorrowud Photo. GEORGE H. WILSONS MEXICO CANNING FACTOKY. 24 "GUIl>'S" HISTOUICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Allen auil James Gray. Dr. Tenuant wsis the first physician. Sauford Doiifjla-ss opened a school, the first in the town of Mexico, iu IHOH. Colossc Hiirlior was at one time the dream of some of tile energetic and eiiteri)rising residents of that village. For the purpose of elVectiug this ent<'rpiise the Colosse Hvdiaiilic C!o., was organ- ized with a capital of .ii;.'>,IIO(l on A]iril 12, 1.S42. Tbi' incorporators were (Ivrus Allen. Sidnc'V D. Markhini, Leandei- Parkhurst, .\lvin Kiehardson, Cliarles L. WeKU, William .\. Bates, Thomas Wel)l>, Artemns Church and Jt ooteni- porary with the organization of the church. Wh' n men heg'n to preach and pray, wonn u began to work and also to pray. The oldest niem^ ers have long since passed on and many of the older mem- bers have recently died. Mrs. Benj.iniin Stoni' and the first Mrs. Gardner Tidlar death is of comparatively recent date were useful and d(>- voled members who are still much missed. Mrs. .h)seph Stone who difer. Baptists in Os^vego County. In ISSll tliere were fourteen churches, eleviMi clergymea and ]H:-i!l (rommunicauts in the Baptist as.sociation of Oswego county, viz: Colosse, C Mar.-shaU, pattor, 1.1k;S mm Huested, I'liotn. W( >.M.\N>; Hu.\l K .M l>.s|n.N.\ H V ^iiclETV, .\l. K, i HI lie H. Top nnv— (Irom let t tci riirlit) Mrs. T. Pepper, .Mrs. 1'. Thomas, Mrs. G. Robl)iDS, Mrs. W. Lansin'r, .Mrs. \V. liracy, Mrs. K. A Diiniel Smith and liiinia Cone, liotli of Whitostown, Onciila (Jo., were niaiTieil iiml settled three miles east of the village of Mexico. They Imilt a log structure where tliere was nothing Imt forests. Frank (i- Smith of this village was l)orn in that house, also his sister, Hcden C. Smith, deceased, whom no one knew Imt to love. After some years Daniel Smith built a frame house and jmrchased quite a traet of land whieh made iij) a good sized larm and which is now known as tlie .lason Wriglit farm. Twelve children were horn to Daniel and Laura Smith, two of whom are living, Frank (i. Smith of this village, and Henry C Smith of Los Angeles, Cal. One daughter, Ko.sette Smith Muii^hy, was known for her ]ihy.sical cliariiis and loveliness of character. The Epworth League of the Firnt Metliodist church was organized in Di'cemlier, l.SKo. In 1MH7, through the etVorts of the i)a.stor, Kev. W. K. C'ohh, a CHiristian Kntlenvor Society was or ganized. After many years of usefulness it was thought best, during the liastorate of Kev. H. \V. Hennett, to re-organize and the society became Chajiter No. looTl, Ep- worth League, in Decem- ber. IH'.t."). The present membership is 7.'). The regular business lueetings are held the last We(l- nesday evening of the month. The luesent cab- inet is; President, Lena L. Hoose; tirst vice i>resi- dpnt,Mrs.(!eirit of the new society was Rev. (iamidiel Barnes, who preached on that and following occasions. On Jan. 7, 1S07, further steps were taken but the organization was not perfected until Oct. l.'i, IHI)7. On .luly l!. IS] 4, the society wius dis.solved but was again organized, as the Bajitisl church of Mexico, Aug. 2ii, ]Hb"), at a meeting held in the .school building of school district No. 1 Inow in the town of Par- ish |, with a fellowship of eighteen brethren and sisters, twelve delegates from .Tetlerson county being in attendance. The following day the organiziition was i>erfected with the right hand of fellowship. The Moderator at this council was Bev Kraoiy Osgood and the clerk. Kev. Maitin E. Cook. The members were Gamaliel Barnes, Barnet Whipple, William R.Huntley, .Tames Koberts.Sam'l and.lno. ]\Lanwaren, Asa Barnes, Stutely Palmer, jr . Han- nah Barnes, Hannah Uoberts. Fanny Manwareii. Eunice Mauwaren, Prudence Carr, Lowry Barnes, ("aroline Barnes, Tjvdia Barne", Polly Mor.s<> and Bethiah Williams. Rev. (iamaliel Barnes was chosen for the ])ast(ir and Allen and Stutely Palmer, jr., deacons. The latter was the first clerk. During the ensuing nine years the little congre- gation "worshiped around,' in farm houses and school houses, the most convenient jilace to ac- commodate ditVerent neighborhoods. < lenerally the meetings were held at ^lexico Four Corners (Colosse). the old red mill being sometimes used for that inirpose. The erection of a church building in the village of ('■•losse. the tirst church edifice in the county of Oswego, was the outcome of ell'orts which first took form at a meeting helil Nov. o, \H'2\. It was two years later, however, when work on the structure was begun and it was not nntil fall in IlA.MKI. S.MITII. Hlii>li-.l, IMiol... Kl'W 1, .Miss Lena H(>i>8c, :.'. M iiifi'ii i.i;.\i.i i;. .M. K. rmiuii. s.s l.illliHi I.iintrstrift. :i. .Mrs Herliert Wliltni'.v. 4, .Mr?. Spencer Itamsey, 6, Miss Mollio Millir. li. .Mr. Curl ll.illiird, T. Itev. M. D. SMI. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVEXIR OF MEXICO. 27 the following vear, 1824, thiit the edifice was eom- pleteil. The cost aggi-eRiited $2,.J00. The build- iug was put nj) close to the neighborhood cemetery ami sheds were erected. It was 4*i.\:ill feet, the ceiling being 20 feet clear of the tloor. The jiul- jiit wrts a box like enclosure reached liy a flight of stejis. The pews were enclosed with gates, thost' abutting the side walls being square aud those along the center aisle being box slij^s. On the two sides were galleries. The frame of the build- ing was hard wood and the siding pine. The congregation worshiiiiped here the tirst winter without tires. At the dedication of the church in bS24 Rev. Nathaniel .T. (iilbert preached. On Dec. 30, 1S78. it was rededii'ated, when Rev. G. \. Ames of 2)reached. That year, in De- cember, the building was altered. The room was divided horizontally making two .stories, the upjier jiart being furnished for theaTiditorium and the lower i>art for church socials, prayer meetings and to accommodate other occa.sions. Ten years later the building was closed for repau's and in November, 1S8:3, was again oiiened for regular services. A Sunday school in connection with the church was organized in 1S28. At one time the society numbered I'M members. The pastors of the church down to 1876 named in the order of their re.sjiective pastorates were : Gamaliel Barnes, Nathaniel Gilbert, Enoch Ferris, William Wat- kins. George B. Davis, John I. Fulton, Edmund (ioodenough, WiUiam Storrs, Charles Miirshall, Newell Boughton, David McFarland, Peter Goo, Ira Dudley, .Albert C'ole. .Tudson Davis, Jlortimer V. Wilson, Lemon i). (ialpin, .Tudson L. Davis, Thomas .T. Seigtried, Elam D. Phillips, Chai'les Sherwood. Deserters assisted by Mexico Settlers; the •'Blind Trail" to the Little Salmon river. — For some years after the close of the revolutionary war the occupied the post at Oswego and there were frequent desertions from that army. Settlers living along the Ontario lake shore, the country thereabcmts then being sjiarsely settled, sympathized with deserters, largely because of their natural antipathy to an enemy with whom they had for a long time been at war, and whom they desired to injure. So that wherever there was a cabin within reach of the British posts it was occasionally subjected to a .sudden and rigor- ous search for deserters by a party of red-coats. This was the case in the eastern jiart of the town of Mexico where a few log cabins stood, at Vera Cruz which had suddenly sprung into being, and farther north between the Salmon river and Sandy Creek: and esjiecially idong the latter stream — a cou.ntry Into which the settlers were then pene- trating. Deserters from the posts on the St. Law rence frequently made their way west to the lake, sometimes as hands employed on sailing ves- sels and other times by retreating along timber jiaths and depeudiijg u}>on the good services of the .\merican settlers. There was what was called "a bhnd trail," used to facilitate the escape of these men into the heart of the state, which dur- ing the years of 17y0-';t4 was used frequently. To strike dii'ectly south from the St. Lawrence river Wiis impossil)le owing to the vast stretch of unin- habited country, for the fringe of settlements that had to be reached to insiu-e safety extended across the center of the state following the Mohawk river to Fort Stanwix, with an interim of woods to Onondaga and at infrequent distances from there into the new county of Ontario. So in c^der to siibist while eHecting their escape the poor wretches from the river posts heailed west. They were always warmly received, fed and piloted on from liiiuse to house, as was the case with slaves from the South, a half century later who, heading for Canada, came noi'th by the way of Sometimes a party of Indians fishing at the mouth of the Salmon river, usually the ( )neidas, were induced to ])ilot the I?ritish refugee to Fort Stanwix; but usmdly he worked :i.s far west as Ijittle Salmon river where during the earliest ])eriod following the war werea few cabins and from there was piloted across country to Fort Brewerton, thence south to Salina and Onondaga Hollow, the tw i> frontier hamlets in existence dur- ing the years mentioned. Society in Old Mexico, 1802, as seen by Puritanical I'yes, is described by the Presbyterian "Missionary," Rev. John Taylor, as follows: "I'reached to about forty people [Sej)!. 2, east end of the town]. The most I can say is that the people behaved with tolerable decencj- — 3 or 4 left the house in sermon time. Gave one Ijible, 2 addresses (printed] and a hidf a dozen catechisms to such ])ersons as I thought would receive them. The people are in general nothing-arians or fatal- ists — or ^lethodists aud Ba]itists, who are the worst of all. The people stand in sjiecial need of assistance and most of them are very thankful for everything which is done for them in a religious way.' The people meet every Sabbath and per- form regular exercises by praying, reading and preaching. I have seen no people who I think stand more in need of the cultivating hand of the societies [ New England Missionary which sent him here | than this, unless it be Camden. They have no projjer books to read upon the Sabbath and indeed nothing but a few ordination sermons. [IJ gave an order for one of the select sermons, 2 bibles, ti Dodridge's Addiesses, 10 catechisms and 1 of the Societies' Addresses." The next day this good man reports that he was "a little unwell from bad diet." He adds, -'Took i)hy.sic and olitained some relief." Mexico Was Incorporated Jan. lo, 18.51. The fir.-,t village board was O. H. Whitney, Dr. Clark D. Snell, James S. Chandler, David Goit and Asa Sprague. The first vOlage treasurer w;us Seabury A. Tuller, clerk Cyrus Whitney, assessors Ezra c! Mitchell and R. L. Alfred, collector John A. Fort and poundmaster Grandus Ciregory. Texas is a small hamlet on Little Salmon river three-fourths of a mile from the lake, which sup- plies the summer hotels and cottages on the shore of the like with their mail. A store and post- oftice were first located at this jjoint, although building of houses at first inclined toward the lake where it was intended that a pretentious village and harbor known as Vera Cruz should be built. When in 1820 fire swept away all that constituted ^'era Cruz, the name of Texas was given to this locality. S. P. Robinson then established a boat vai'd on the river at this place. At one time a paper mOl was running here. 28 '(ilUP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Noted Names of Mexico.— Among those from MisiiMi who ha\r (listiDguishcd themselves are the following; Morgi.ii T.. iiml (iiles Smith, sons of Cvrns Smith, reared on a farm, followed Sherman iind Grant in their eampai^ns, one as a major general, the other as brigadier general. Roth were intimate friends of Sherman and (irant, and in ii historv of (ien. Sherman their names were espccinllv "mentioned. After the war :\Iorgan was sent to Honoluln as consul, and (Iiles was ap- pointed second assistant postmaster general. Hon ('. R. Skinner, superintendent of piiblu; instruction, Judge ISIaurice Wright, Rev. George Mains Prof. Charles Wheeler entomokigist of Wiishi'ogton, 1). C, and I'rof. H. W. Slack of St. ra\il Minn., were all schoolmates. Among the pedagogues are Rrofe-ssor Nicholas Knight, I'ro- tessors Elmer and Frederick Loomis, all of whom studied special coiu'ses in Europe, and Rev. C. H. Among the editors are W. C. Stone of the Cam- ilen Advance, I^. R. Muzzy tor several years editor of Pulaski Democrat, H. O. Elkins of Steii- hen Countv Courier, and C. H. Plumley of Fargo, N. 1). C". L. Stone i- a succ-cssful lawyer m Syracuse, Courtland Rrown and ^Nlyron Collins are lawyers of Denver. F. W. Severance is a lawyer in New York. William Rallou ot New York ha.s launched seviral successful novels on the literary world. Frederick Dewey is a successful architect in New York. , , Three missionaries spent (lieir early days in Mexico. Rev. Frank Tuli\>s went for several vears to Mexico and Soutli America. He is now Doctor of Divinity in Ohio; Rev. George Stone, son of (i. W. Stone, went to Arabia, but died be- fore he had scarcely liegun his work; Rev. A. D. IJevrv went lasi Jniy as a missionary to .lai>an. Willis Heaton is a successful lawyer in Hoosick [•'alls and surrogate of Rensselaer ('o. Among the women ?ili-s Emma Reebe now of Iowa, is an artist of note and autlior of a successful Sunday school book, and Mary Ilutchi' s Hatl away liad a successful prai-ticc as a pliysiciau in Oswego. Salmon Fishing.— A cent\iiy ago salmou were found in tlie stieaiiis in this village in great abun- dance weighing some times twenty five ])ounds. At times they passed up the stream in shoals, their liright tins lliushing on the water like silver in the sunlight. The poor pioiu>ers some years had little else to eat. This was belVu-e the day of bridges and mill dams and the early .settlers crossed Salmon Creek on a huge log which spanned the stream near where Osboru's State and Toronto Mills stand. Salmon were so plenty that the fishermen used to stand on this rude log bridg(> and spear them with a piU^h fork. A Mrs. Ijocke while washing clothes one day by thel>rook wliieli passes through Mexico village cemetery caught in her a]>ron out of a deep hole one weighing thir- teen pounds. Scriba's Patent was bounded by a line begin- ning on the south shore of Salmon river east of Port Ontario village and running southeast, south ot the village of Pulaski, thence following the boundary line of .\lbion and Williamstown on the north, and the line between Lewis and Oneida counties to creek, tlu'iicc along that stream and the north shore of Oneida lake; thence along Oneida and Oswego rivers to Lake Ontario. Ancient Cities In Mexico.— According to several authorities the conntiy comprised ia the old town of :Mexico was, long Viefore discovered Ameirca, occupied by a large coloniza- tion of Finns. Danes and Welshmen, who in the eighth and ninth centuries gradually moved simth from Jcehmd, (ireenland and Laborador to the St. Lawrence, and crossing th it river spread them- selves out along till' south shoi-es of Lakes ( )nturio and Erie. Dr. Mitchell (.A-rcha. Anier.) calls the country of the Ontario, that region especially described by him at this end of the lake in the town of Mex- ico, as the Autijiodal Regions of the eighth and ninth centuries, w liere the Scaudinaviiins crossing from lOurope to north-eastern America and migrat- ing southwest, and the fierce Tartars crossing from Asia to northwestern America and migrating to the southeast met in bloody conHict which resulted in the extinction of the Scaudaiiavians. Seven centuries later, the French .sent their Jesuits down into this country and fouud the .\merican Indian, who had descended from a race ot ^lidays, which thev in a sense resemble. While tlie original occupants of the t)ntarin hike regi(m had become extinct. i)lainly discerned traces of their presence were apiiaivnt as late as 1H2I) and ISSIl. Rema'ns of what are considered traces of large cities and fortifications were, be- fore the agiicultiirist began to ph)wthe soil.fouml in the towns of Sandy Creek, Richland, :Me\ico. New Haven, Volney, Granby, Hannil)al and Os- wego. [ii many ]>laccs there are evident nuirksof holl^e8 having stood as thi' k as to join each other. The remains of old fireplaces built of stones— wells mideutly dug and stoned to aonsiderable depth; and the remans of old fo!-ts and entreuehmeiits. Oswego is a corruption of Ochouegen (Odi- we-geii), the original name given to the locality now occupied by the city of Oswego by the Iro- (piois Indians. .\t the foot of the blutf (m both sides of the river the Indiuis pitchnl t'leir h> Iges and drew in large (pnuitities of fish. There they exchanged goods or met in treaty with tlie tribes from the north of Like Out, mo. Ochouegen, pronounced in the lulian gntteral ga-.e to the French tlie tei III ('liou>en. whii-h was the name thev used for that locality. The English, how- ever, caught the entirely ditVerent pronnneiation, Oswego. The Roosevelt Patent was granted by the state to .lohn ami Nicholas Uoosevelt in Aug. 171>1. It contained olMl.DDI) acres and the price jiaid was 77.0S:i jiounds, f; shillings andH pence. The tract was then described as bring bounded northerly by th(> Alexander Macomb purchase, eiusterlv bv Oot- houdt's patent and Canada creek, southerly by Wood creek, tbe Oneida lake and Onondaga 1 Oneida] river and westerly by the Oninidaga I Oswego] river and liiike Ontario. The islands Iving offshore | "in front"] of the patent were to r.e included at :i shillings and 1 penny for each acre. The boundarv line began at the mouth of the Salmon river and ran southeast, g. neraUy north of the stream and east of Altmar village; thence followed the northern line of Oneida county to Fish Creek; thence to Canada creek and Wood C^reek; thence along the north shore of Oneida lake and river; along the shore of O.swego river and the south shore of Lake Ontario, com- prising two-thirds of Oswego county and a thud of Oneida county. 'GBIP'S" HISTOKICAL SOUVENIE OF MEXICO. 29 Jl!^ :,^ fl|^ f ■^ ^^Pl ..:.'.;>. -f^v^i^^BBsj M mKI^ Wm ^^H fm^i>' iii.nowod PliDli). HKNHV HIMPHKEVS. Editor and Proprietor Mexico IiidepetuU'iit. The Mexico Independent. — The first issno (if flic ]\Iexi("n Iiuli'peiideiif, now in its f'orty-fbiid year, iijjpeaied March 21, 1861. were troublesome times. The country was facing one of it« most momentous periods, the great civil war. Bunks were breaking everywhere and pulilic cnn- tidcnce was greatly imparled. It s-eemed a wild scheme to stjrt a paper under such circumstances, and many were tlie prophecies of the Independ- ent's speedy demise Over-cautiou.s people who had .suliscnbed to the Oswego County Democrat (the first newspaper puliHshed liere and which only existed a year or two), only ventured 2.") cents, flaring the lude- l^endent would he equally sh(u-t lived. But its founders, Henry Hum- phries aud James M. Scarritt, were made of sterner stuft" and none of these things moved them. They began in a very modest way in the room over what is now H. C. Peck's store, with a .second-liand outfit (given them by their former employer in place of the wages ihiethem), consist- ing of a hand press, a (iuernsey power press tliat it took two men to turn, type, paper, etc. The first copy was a four- column, eight-page pa- per, uncut and unfolded. The ju'esent issue is a six-column octavo, cut, piusted and folded by a Bennett Paper Folder. Besides the folder the I ndependent office is supjilied with other modei'U and up-to-date machinepi-. Btit what they lacked in materiil they more than made up l)y their grit, their tact and enter- prise. The word failure was not in their vocabu- lary aiid they hustled and jiushed things. They were kindly received and heartily supported by the townspeople, and from the date of its first issue to the present time each week the Indejiend- ent has regiilarly appeared on its ))ul)lication day. In December. l.S(i5, Mr. Humphries, the present editor and proprietor, bought out Mr. HcaiTitt. It may not be amiss to state that the foreman, Mr. .Tcihn Berry, has tilled that jKisition for nearly thirty-four years and Mrs Edwin Baker has been employed in the office for twenty-eight years. The oilier employes are George I. Peitingill and ( 'larence \. Hosford. Silas Town— The Spy.- On a little island at ^lexico Point there are two or three graves in one of which sleeps all that is mortal ol Silas Town, a soldier in the revolutionary war. He was a man of ability, with good personal appearance aud an uncommonly pleasing address. He was a great favorite among the early s-ettlers some of wliose rhildrcn now bear his name. Connected with his history there was a strong tinge of romance. His early life was spent in one of the New Eng- land villages where he won the atfeotious of a lovely girl to whom he was soon to be married. The young lady di' d very suddenly. Town Wius overwhelmed aud his pathway was ever after darkened. His heart was buried in the same grave that closed over her. The war of the revo- lution soon after commenced and when the clangor of arms was heard at Lexington and Bunker Hill lie joined the army and being bright and eagle- eyed his .services were mou sought liy the govern- ment as a spy and he was sent out on some of the most hazardous enterprises. He was connected Borrowed Pholi IIK.NHV IILMPHKEVS UliSIDENCE. 30 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. with Arnold's expeditiou to attack (^uoljec ami was a hero in many secret missions in Caniula and elsewhere. When the war was over, being very fond of fish- iiif^ and hunting he made a settlement here and lioarded for some time with Phinejus Davis, sr., within our village limits. Afterwards he went to Vera Cruz (Mexico I'oiut) where he lived Tintil ISOt! when he died. He was Imried as he desired (m the little rock-bound island at the mouth of Salmon creek near the waters of thi> lake he loved so well. In ISTl a monument was erected over his grave on which is the following inscription: ••Erccti-d .luly 4tli. IsTl, tn rlic incinniy of Silas Town, ail olflccr iiiidrV \V:\sh!ii)flon.- Died l.soij. " The Rev. li. N. Stratton delivered an oration when the monument was erected, recounting the many services of Town to the republic. The Jerry Rescue. — Mexico had a hand in it. A little more than half a century ago ocoun-ed an event in Syr:icuse which aroused the city to a ])itch of frenzy such as it hiul never lie'ore known and to which it has since been a stranger. The famous ••rescue of .Terry." a poor fugitive .slave, from the authorities of the United States govern- ment at that time created a tremendous excite- ment throughout the nation. He was arrested for a test case to see whether or not the obnoxious Fugitive Slave Law could be enforced in this state. Three or iowr years ago, the actors in those exciting scenes having all pa.ssed aw.iy, the correct, inside history of the rescue was given. After .Terry was taken from the United States marshals in Syracuse he was hidden for weeks before he reached Canada and until recently it was a ])rofound mysteiy with historians as to where .Terry was <'oncealcd and how he was curried to Canada. The United States government brought its whole power to brar on catcliing .Terry after he wa.s rescued, and all roads leading from Syracuse and all siiipping points to Cauiula were patrolled and watcheii, but .Tei'ry got away all the same. ^Mexico did its full sluiii' in lieliiing him on to freedom. While the sherill's and marshals were watching all the seaports between Rutlulo and Ogdenshurg, poor .Terry was hiding in this village. Tn Syracuse on the Sunday following the res- cue, as the bi'lls were ringing for evening .service, Caleb Davis drove out into the country to collect l>eef, as was his custom. He sto)i|>ed at the Syra- cuse House for a cigar and drove on without ex- citing suspi<'ion. Rut in the bottom of the cart, covered with sacks lay .Terry, armed and anxious. The team was a span of fleet liorses f\irnislied l>y ex-Mayor Jason C. Woodruli', a Hunker Democrat, .lames Davis, on horseback and disguised as a negio, rode out twelve miles to see and instruct the tollgate keepers. .Tason S. Hoyt also joined the painty later. The "patriot.s" were soon on their track, b\it when the p\irsuers reiu'hed the toUgates they had great dilliculty in rousing the gatek<>epers, who consumee went to Oswego for a load of wheat (he then ran the liailroad Mills) and having secreted Jerry among the bags and blankets delivered him before daylight to the '•agent" in Oswego who smuggled him on board the schooner that wa.s waiting in the harbor. .Terry in due time reached Ivingston in the "land of the free." The Canadian climate was too cold for .Terry and he sickened and died Oct. S. IS."):?, and was buried in a ceme- tery near Ivingston. .Ten^y suH'ered much iluring the fearful ordeal but his name will be written on the pages of hist^, Saw mill owned by Mr. Borland. Loss 8(100. „. ^ , , , July -l-'. 1864, The big fire (See Fire of hi on another paf,'e). ,,-,,■ June 2!l. 18(;il. Empire Hotel block, mehlding buildings attuc-lK'd to the hotel and J. A. Riekard's barn J. -A.. Rickard, W. O. Johnson, Bard k (Jrimth, T. G. I'iick(r. T. A. Skinn.r, Good Templars, (i. Swanson, W. Cooper, T. B. Ely, J 1' Plank, Dr. Baker, (i. A. Castle, Lawson & Co , O. L. Kuue, T. W. Skinner, J. B. Taylor and others were losers. Loss $24,000; insurance $14,000. First Fire in Mexico village was the liurning of the cabin of Calvin Tiffany in February 1801. Tlie structure built of logs stood on the Scriba road, a spot now in the corporation limits of Mexico village a half a mile northeast of the rail- road depot and was first occupied by Nathaniel Rood the first white s tthn- in Mexico who took jwissession with Jonathan Parkhurst in 1798. The latter soon after settled south of Colosse. In February 179:t Calvin Titliny and Phiiieis D.ivis rented tlie house. The latter shortly after liuilt a house for liimself, leaving the Tiffany family in ihc old house where they were living when it, was burned. It was in this house that Truman Rood was born— the first birth in town— and where Rood's widow lived after marrying Richard (Jaf- f(U-d— the first wedding in Mexico. In 1807 the Richard Gafford residen e standing on the s nie ground was linrned. The Cradle of Societies was the name popii larly given tn Sliuabel .Alfred's residence and barn which stood in the west end of the vilhige on Main street. The residence was erected in 181)7 being the first frame building in the village. It is still standing as a wing to a dwelling which was Imilt later. It was here the M:us(mic fraternity was organized in 1808. The barn which stood m tlie rear of the house suinilied Harriet I'^aston with a school ro(mi in 1811. On .Vug. 20, ISIO, a few ladies met in this barn with Sinum Waterman and took ste]is for the organization of a Presby- terian church. Services were conducted there bv the Kevs. Israel Brainaid, Oliver Leavitt and M. Dunla)) until :\Iay LSI I wIkmi a second meeting of citizens was held* which resulted in the organiza- tion of till' First (iongregational church of Mexico. The Soldiers' Monument Association was organized June 20, 1^77, witli L. II. ('(Uiklin, l)reRidfcnt; 0. L. Webb, secretary; H. C. Peck, treasurer; J. M. Hood, E. Ij. Huntington, I.ia [■'ayette .Vltred, Phineas Davis, Asa I-. Sampson and Lewis Miller executive committee. In 188S the town voteil S'-,"00 and the momiment at a cost of $2,0H9.:M was erected the following year, being dedicated July 4, 18H9. It is a granite shaft :i4 iVel high, standing in the Mexico village cemetery. Wolves became so plenty in the early days of Oswego settlements that the town board of Mexico on March 0, 1804, voteil SIO each wolf killed the ensuing year. In LSI 2 the nuisance wiis of such character that the town board increased the bounty t00 in bounties for wolf scalps which he had taken. Prattham, or Prattville, two miles east of Mexico, was named after Judge Pratt who built a store, .saw mill and distillery there and engaged in mercantile trade with Elias Brewster. Pratt * Brewster were also interestecl in a woolen mill with Dr. Sardius Brewster. Joel Savage con- ducted the tavern. Edward Smith a tannery and harness shop, Simon Leroy a cabinet shop and Ge(n-ge Finney a blacksmith shop. Wellwood (South Mexico) was settled by James WeUwood in 1838. It is only within the jiast few years, when the post ottice was started that it was named Wellwood. The postnnusters here were :Mahlon Remington, Ellsworth Rem- ington. Mrs. Emma Preston and William Harris. The South Mexico :\Iethodi-;t church was organ- ized March 1, 1819. with 120 members and they built and dedicated their church in March, 1H.')1. The early pastors were Charles Northrup. .\nsiin Tuller, Harris King.sley and J. C. Brown. Mexico in 1806.— The town of Mexico border- ing the lake on the east as well as the south, as it did in 1800 is described Ity a wiiter in that year as follow.s:— "At the end of the lake there are large marshes, on which vegetation is very rapid. Some of 1 his is planted with corn and produces abundantlv; but in conse(iuence of there Uung so much grass and other i)roducti(Uis which cannot lie gathered, the jieople are in the fall of the year liable to a distressing fever— much more malignant and dangerous than the common fever and ague. In the lake there are large winrows of soud. five miles in length, on which there stands, here and there a i>ine, and some other small trees which make the ajipearance from the land very ])iclur- esque. This town began t > settle in '98, is c.illed Mexico or Elli.sburgh; in the town of Mexico— nine miles square— about 30 families is ivpidly settle- iug. " Nuts and Fruits.— Beechnuts and chestnuts were found in Oswego county in great abundance when the first settlers came here. There were als(^ large quantities of fruit, many siiecies of which are now highly cultivated. Along the streams berries grew in great abundance. As earlv as 1015 Chaniplain found a great wood of beechnuts which he called chestnuts and which appears as one of the many localities of interest he marked on his maj.. Slippery elm bark was idso gathered by the i.ioneers and there are in- stances when famishing families fed on it. Butter- nut bark was hoard. 'd for the win'er and steeped, the liquor being used for a s))ring tonic. In 1.S02 Rev. John Taylor, "a missionary," in this section dei'lared that he considered the fact that he had found here ■■<-urrauts, black and red, angelica, plantain. English i>arsely, high balin.s and peppermint," evidences that this country had once been occnpicil by "an improved people." 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 33 lioiTowiil I'liiitcis. AMES FAMILY- FIVE GENEKATK INS. Miner\'a Peck Amt-s; EmeliiiL' Ames Whitiu'.v, Iht dau^lik-r KiU*y <). Whitney, si'anilson; Mrs. Laura .1. Treadwell. irrrat ^randdailjiiitcr; Gerrie L. TreadwcII, great-j^rcat-wraiidsoii Frank E. Whitney, j^reat-j^randdaiif^ltter. The Ames Family. — On the north side and nearly at the end of West Main street stands the stone house of historic interest, whose jjresent oceujjants are Mrs. George Cole and her daughter Kate Boylan. This lin Miss Addie E. and Miss Sarah L. Burrows. He ha.s one sister living in the Bahamas. Mr. BniTows" remarkjible service in the United States navy took him to all jiarts of the world and attached him to many of the well known vessels of war whose names are houi-ehold words, .\moug the number were the U. ^>. S. .\laska, ihe Ticon- deroga, the U. S. S. Frigate San .lacinto and the U. S. S. Wyoming. At the time of the outbreak of the war in 18()1, he was assigned to duty on the U. S. S. slooj) of war Hartford and during the niiLuy trying campaigns of that ves.sel. the Wachu- setts to which he was transferi'ed in 18(i2 and the Dtinwlck, I'tiotd. THK MEXICO CKMKTKUV. Feb. 2, 1851, he was married to ^liss Eliza McKre of Brooklyn and three years later, in the fall of 18.')4, they moved to tins village, coming here through the friendsbi]) of T. t'. Herbert, a saU- inaker, who was a boon companion of Mr. Bur- rows. Here Mrs. Burrows died .Tan. 17, 1881. On Sei)t. (i, 1882, Mr. Barrows marriid .Miss Sarah F. .Vllen wlio died Dec. 18, 18:15. more than six years prior to the time of liisdeatli. Mr. Burrows had five chiUlren, all by his first wife, two of whom are now living in the village of Mexico, U. S. Steamer Wyoming to which he was attached in 18(15, performed the duties of boatswain witli gallautr,v. In 181)8 being assigned to shore dut,y in the Hrookl^ n navy ya'd he moved his family to that cit,y and they resided there two and a half years. In 1874 he was directed to rig imt Old Ironsides for the receiving ship Constitution at League Island navy yard ant(). UEV. itii>\vi:i,i.. The First Baptist Church of Mexico was or. ganized as the Haptist flinivb of Mexicnville, .Tan. 24, 1832, by Rev. Jonathan Goodwin, who came to this town from Connecticut in 1829. Preach- ing in this vicinity for three years, his hibors crys- tjilized in the organization of this church. Hi.s rijje age, experience, wisdom and spiritual endow- ment fitted him for ellective service. Born at Lebanon Ct., in the year of our nation's birth, ]77(), called of Ood, pastor of the Baptist church at Mansfield, Ct., twenty su'cessive years, hewa.s the man for the work. iServing the infant church as pastor three years, he returned to lal lor in his nat- ive state. Re-visiting Mexico in '50, he was taken ill and died at fourscour. He was buried in the primitive cemetery. He was the noble grand- father of our honored townsman, (ieorge H. (ioo, ('alvin'?Titlany and Mrs. Robinson. The first annual meeting of the Oswfgo l?aptist associiition was held with this church, which re])ortcd .""x; members. witlijUev. .1. tJoodwin, R. Smith, M. Clark and C. Titi'any, del- egates. In 18:!."). the Bap- tist church in Northwest Mexico united with this and adopted the present name. There were 11.5 members, with Rev. S. Davison, pastor. Inl83(), Rev. Wm. Prary was pastor hero and at New Haveu. In 18;?7 Rev. Nelson (^amp was called. Li 1K:)H the first bajitism occurred. The nuMd)er was !i:{. hi 183!) Rev. ^. I'omerov as pastor; 4 baptiztA; the church numbered 8!), abd the first exclusion occurred. The as.sociatiim again met here. From 183!) to '4.". data are lacking. Dunwick, I'lioto. In 1845 Rev. David McFarland became pastor and found 112 mendiers. He labored four years, bai)tized 18 and left 110. Rev. Nelson Fergm-on followed two years, baptized 2 and left 83. Rev. T. Theall served nearly a year. From 18.")3 to 'H') they had supplies, triids and discouragements. Rev. Chancellor Hartshorn preached one yearand left 7ii. Destitute one year. In 18r)7 Rev. .lud- Bon Davis came su]i|ilyiijg also Colosse. He found 73 members. He gave up Colosse the second year. Things brightened. During his i)astorate of four vears and nine months, 32 were baptized. In bSiilthey numbered 114. In ]8li2 Rev. S. S. Utter, of ble-sed memory came. .\ year of goiUy toil, and five were baptized. He left 100. Rev. George R. Pierce followed, was ordained, and preached earnestly a year and a half. In .July, 18()j, Rev. Lawson Muzzy, wise and beloved, be- came pastor, leading the chiu'ch in goodly paths for nine years — the longest jiastorate in the church's history. His memory is fragrant. The cinuch edifice wa,s rebuilt of l)rick in 1872, and and re-dedicated Jan 12, 1873, Rev, 1. Butterfield preaching the sermon. Rev. E. B. Hut<'hins was called, ordained and labored two years. Rev. J. H. IMcGaheu had a four years' pa:,torate of bless- ing and 53 were added to the church. Rev. C. M. Booth followed until :March, 1884. with 18 ad- ditions. Rev. G. W, Barnes cime in M.irch, 1,885, and left in February, 1889. Additions, 29. Rev. (i. H. Button followed for (me year. Then the church was pastorless until May, 1891, when Rev. S. M. Wheeler was pastor until February, 1892. Elder Button labored four weeks evangel istically and 18 were ba])tized. The veteran. Rev. E. F. Elaine, supplied them two years and three months and the savor of his name lingers sweet on the field. Rev. .1. M. Berry was the next pastor for two years. Rev. H. Wayne Wolcott came in December, 189(1, laboring until .Tune, 1900. .\ fine chapel was built, roll call helil, and a imrson- .sonage secured. Rev. (ieorge A. Fairbank be- came pastor July 1, 1900, was ordained Oct. 30, and labored efficiently with divine blessing. With his busy wife he lives in the hearts of the peo|ile. The preM'nt i)astor. Rev. S. S. Bidwell, came -Tan. 1, 1903. The outlook is good skyward, and .some- what cheering to human vision. The present membershi]) is 102. Deiu'ons S. C. (ireeii, E. L. THK Il.M'TIST ( miiCH. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 37 llcilic.wicl I'llcitU. Kl.lZAIiK'lll I). FEUKIIS. Joues iuul H. F. Kenyon; trustees, S. C. Greon, Daniel Wyant, Herbert Adams, Fred Hamilton, E. W. Jones and Charles Loomis. Our oldest, best beloved sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Douglass Ferris, whose likeness appears, fell asleej) Sept. 24, 1902. She was of Conned icut descent, born in Westmoreland, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1803, daughter of a godly Baptist deacon and a devoted and gifted mother, converted at 14, bap Hzed in Whitesboro, N. Y., gifted and educated, a successful teacher, in maiden years the affianced of the sainted hero missionary, Rev. Eugenio Kin- eaid, but her friends shrank from the jiartiu.^ »nd she remained single until 1812, when she married Mr. E. M. Ferris. They soon moved to Mexico where they ended theu- days— he in 1883, she as above, in her one hundredth year. The Wesleyan Methodist Church society of rrattham was first organized in ISIS. The church building was erected in 1863, the dedica- tion taking jilace on Dec. 11 of that year. Those who preached to this society were Rev. David R. Dixon, 1818-'33; William B. Stowe, 1833-'36; John L. Marvin, 1840-43; Ezra Scoville, 1843-'53; Ralph Robinson, 1853-'.57. Then came a gap of a few years which resulted in the new society and a good church building, in whit'h Rev. A. P. Burgess was the first pastor, preaching in 1863. Then followed L. N. Stratton, 1865-70; A. P. Dempsey, 1871; Rev. G. L. Payne, 1872-'5; Rev. E. Barnets, 1876. The First Birth in the town of Mexico was that of Truniiin, the .son of Nathaniel Rood, Aug. 10, 1708, in the old Rood house then located in the present boundary of the village of Mexico. Rood first came to Mexico that same year and built a house at Vera Cruz. The same fall about the time of the birth of his son he was lost with a party on the lake. His widow married Richard Gaflford. Harriet Rundell, whoso popularify in Mexico during lier long useful life prompted everybody to call her "Auntie", was a woman of more than ordinary endowments. For forty yeais she jirac- ticed medicine driving lier own all through the country herealiouts in all linds of weatlier. She never attended a medical school but "))icked uj)" what knowledge she possessed and she was (|uite successful. Her husband. W. W. Rundell was a Methodist clergyman who finally practiced medicine. Harriet was liberal to the poor and ]ii)]iular with everybody — the village fnvorite. She was by far the most representative, best known and nuist active of Mexico women in all social and riiurch matters. Very earnest in her su|i|iort of the Methodist church she at the time of her death left her large, handsome house to the society for the parsonage. Earliest Mills.- In 1801 John Morton i)ul up a log house m Mexico. Three years later he erected a saw mill which Wiis also condiined with a mill for grinding feed and the pioneers brought corn on tieir backs from miles su-ound to be ground here. Matthias Whitney & Son bought the mill in 1811 and put in two run of stone, in 1827 it passed into the hands of Dennis Peck who sold t)ut to Wm. Goit and he in turn to David Goit. Almeron Thomas in 1864 was followed by his son Amos C. Thomas, who was succeeded by his brother Frederick A. 'i homas. This mUl was torn down within the past two or three years. The Osln)rne mill stands on the site of this old liuilding. Leonard Ames succeeded Morton in running the saw mill. The First Store. -In the mercantile line, the first store in Mexico, aside from Scriba'swas kept by William S. Fitch, near the Calvin Tiffany (now C. (j. Dewey) place. About the of the war of 1812 he removed his business to Mexico village, his store l>eing where Simons' liilliard saloon now stands. The building he had before occupied was al)0ut thnt time removed to the village and is now a part of the tirst house north of Osborn's Toronto Mills. Itorrowcfi Photo, "ATNTIE" RT'NDALL. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Military Tract.— Facts of interest with eom- pl.-tciiil'oimitti.>ncoiK-eniiiig these liistorioal lands: The leKislatiue by tlic act of Julv 'i.'), 17H'2, cre- ated the ()1.\ Mihtary Traet as it was called. It contained 1,800,000 acres and included the pres- ent counties of Onondaga, Cortland, Cayuga, Tomi.kins and Seneca (except a strip across the southern end of Cortland county, west from the Tioufihnioga river, about a mile and a half wide), and all of Wavue couutv east of Great Sodus Bay and OswvKO county west of the O.swego river. In tins tract there were is townships, called ■•Military towns" to distinguish them from the towns afterwards created in erecthig the counties enclosing them. In ITSf, the legislature created a new military tract of TtiS.OOl) acres in the cMinties of Clinton, "Franklin and Essex which was laid out in twelve towns, bringing the total number up to tiO. Each was laid out as nearly square a.s practical, averaging about It- miles square and containing each 100 lots of (iOO acres to the lot. or a total of tiO.OOO acres. The towns were number- ed and given classical names all of which have Iwen retained (as far as the supply wtuxld gol in the re-constituted towns. Except where they co- incided with county lines, none of the original boundaries were preserved, each "military town supplying territory for two or three re-orgaui/ed towns. Tlie onlv""niilitary' town overlapping a county line is that of Sterling which contributed territory for both Wayne and Cayuga counties. The numbering of the towns began with Ly.sanrtainment at the sign of the Far- mer's Accommodation; and there you will find us out." 'GRIP'S" HISTOEICAL SOUV^ENIE OF MEXICO. 69 Grace Episcopal Church. — In the year of our Lord, l.s;50, there were living in this village, Luther HheUinger Conklin and his wife, Frances Rebecca, who were the first couinmnicants of the Eiiiscojjal church in this village, as far as is known to us. With the exception of the burial service, the offices of the church were not known here, until 1848; when the Rev. E. DeZeng was invited by Bishop De Lancy and services were held until March, 18-19. On December -t, 1848, a Parish was organized under the name of the ■'Rector, AVardens and Vestrymen of Grace Church in the village of Mexico, " and the officers elected. The rector was Rev. Edward De Zang; the wardens were Charles Benedict and Alexander Whaley and the vestrymen wei'e J. E. Bloomtield, Cyrus Whitney,' Wm. Cooper, jr., L. F. Warner, Levi Downing, L. M. Conkliu, N. AUen and L. D. Smith. In March, 1849, Mr. De Zeng, being c]uite ill, retired. Services now were held occasionally by Dr. Galiandet (who was greatly interested in deaf mutes, many of whom were confirmed and became valua- ble members), and others. The parish was re-organized March 29, 1869, and regular services were begun l)y Rev. T. E. Pattison, who came from Syracuse for this piu-pose. In the spring of 1870 the jjresent site was secured and preparation for the new build- ing was actively begun. C)n June 22, 1870, the corner stone was laid bv the Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington, S. t! 1)., Bishop of Central Xew York. At tliis time the war- dens were M. Bradbury and L. Conklin, and the vestrymen were L. D. Smith, J. M. Wing, William Cooper, G. W. Pruyne, J. B, Taylor and C. K.Tuller. On June If!, 1871, the building wa-s completed, costing over .$14,000, nearly half the sum being given by members and by citizens of this viUage and vicinity. Donations for his fund were received from Mr. W. C. Pierrepont. R. C. Morgan, Benjamin Doolittle and jjer- haps one or two others. The chui'ch was built ui)on a twelfth century ])lan, of gray stone, with brick facings. The pro- ]iortions of the building are perfect, and the interior of the building is in exquisite taste. The windows are of the best cathedral stained glass. The exquisite chancel window was given by the State Association of Deaf Mutes in memory of its first president, John W. Chandler. One memorial window was contributed by Mrs. W. A. Loomis and one by Mrs. Sarah A. Conklin; the Rose window by friends of Mrs. George D. Babcock of Mexico. The bell was a gift from Miss Fannie Conklin and her brother L. H. Conk- lin, in loving remembrance of their jmrents. The altar,'8 chau- and credence liracket were presented by a class of young ladies of Christ Church, Oswego, and thejiulpit, desk and rector's chair liy Miss Johnson and her friends of Trinity church, Hartford, Conn. Miss Anna French of Utica, daughter of Mr. Benjamin F. French and his wife Martha French (who later on resided here and were most active and helpfid members), gave the altar rail. Rev. Mr. Watson presented the altar cross, H. Chandler the communion plate, Wm. Ely the stoles, while the lectern, font and first altar cloths were given by the Sunday school. Rev. Mr. Pattison was succeeded by Rev. G. H. Watson in 1870, during whose rectorship, on June 1(), 1871, the opening service was celebrated with the presence and assistance of nine other clergymen. Dr. Beach, of Oswego, preaching the opening sermon and communion was administered to more than a hundred persons. In 1874, Rev. B. T. Hall took charge of the parish imd through his efibrts a fine Steve k Turner pipe organ, cost- ing .SI, 150 was purchased and placed in the build- ing. At this time Mrs. Adelaide M. Piu-ker, a professor and teacher of music from the western part of the state, was ai)pointed organist and mus- ical director, and as such she has served dihgently and faithfully from that time till the present. Rev. W. L. Parker was the next minister in charge, followed by Rev. R. M. Hayden ; and on his leaving Dr. Jo-sejih Cross was called. Dunwiok, Photo. "^ GK.ICE^EPISCOPAL CHIRCH This parish wLU always hold in faithful remem- brance Rev. F. B. A. Lewis, M. D., who was asked to take charge of this church in 1879. At this time there was a debt remaining on Grace church of about .§(1,000 which Dr. Lewis most generously assumed liy consent of the vestry, and with a small salary, undertook the task of raising this amount, giving of his own jirivate means the sum of $2,000 and three months' salaiy. He re- ceived nearly .S^lOO, donated in pledges in Mexico and vicinity, about $500 from church people in Oswego, about .$1.50 through .solicitation of George I). Babcock of ^Mexico, from friends in Water- town and other places, and $2,(500 from the women of the parish; and he finally .saw the property honestly free from all debt or incumbrance what- ever, and conveyed to the "Trustees of the Par- ochial Fund," and the building consecrated on October 3, 1882. It would he unworthy a "his- torian" to omit honorable mention of the work of 40 •GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. tlie women of Grace cliuroli. Among the earliest workers who formed an "Aid Society" were Mrs.L. H. Conkliu, Mrs. Morris l?rown. Mrs. .1. M.W'ing, JVfr.s. George 1). Hal)cock, >rrs. (i. Pniyne, Mrs. F. C. Tnller, Mrs. A. Halleck. Mrs. A. Mason. Mrs. Jacol) Brown, Mrs. W. H. Penfield, 5Irs. F. Carpenter, Mrs. H. Rider, Mrs. .T. Chandler, Mrs. J. Driggs, Mrs. .\. M. Parker, Mrs. .\ndrew .Tohu.son, Mrs. Lingenfelter, Mrs. A. Houglitou, Mrs, .Tosie Smith Collins, Mrs. T. .Tetl'reys. Mi.sses Fannie Conklin, .\lta ('ole and Nettie Fletcher. Hy their nnit«'d labor the f-vim of .S'2.t)(iO was jiaid on the church deht, over §800 on carijets and fur- njK'es, over $'2'M to the organ fnnd, besides mnch given for various purposes. Nearly $'J.")0 of this money Wius raised by gathering, trimming and s-lling ground pine, and nearly all of tlie above amounts represent hard labor Many of the workers of those days have passed on to the land •'whence none return." .Among later workers, asirevailing at the time. The Mexico hotel, Whitney block, SneU block, ollice and twelve other buildings were destroyed. Everything wa.s burned oH on the so\ith side of Main street from Dr. Snell's residence down to Water street, and also two dwellings on East Hill. The tire broke out about 3 p. m., in SneU \- Hunt ingtou's drug store. A boy was drawing some uaptha, which aceidentidly got on tire and spread with most alarming rajadity. The following were the sufl'erers; SneU & Hunt- ington, .1. .T. Parkhurst,.!. Y. Smith, L. D. Smith, Dr. Huntington, .1. Didier, Stone k Tnller, J. J. Lamoree. .Ta.s. Bailev, -T. .1. Jackson. M. Youngs, ,T. N. Holmes, Whitnev .V Skinner, D. W. C. Peck, Drake A- Mitchell. .1. Blakeslee, R. A. But- ler, Mrs. Firth, Iv Becklard, J. B. Taylor, J. R. Driggs, J. W. Chandler, E. Cole, N. Herbert. Taylor & Barritt, W. Peulield, C. Tickner, J. lliHsticl rhdlu. WOMAN'S MISSION.VltY SOCIETY I'ltESBYTf;!! l.\N CHfKCH. Top Ki)w-(Ult to riifhtl Mrs. l.awtim.'Mrs. Eniiiv Tullir, Mrs. E, .1 . I'arniclee, Mrs. Hardv. Mrs. Hymn Miller. Mrs. .1. M. Smith, .Mis. Willis Tltlttliv, Mrs. Charles i;varts. Mrs. II. II. Dol.soii, Mrs. Carrie Etet ker. Mis. Geii. W. Stone. .Midcllr Umv- Mrs. G. A. Ddvls. Miss Mini. Ha ItyiiiKton. Mrs, .\. W. Wooilnitf. Mrs. Holli.lay, Mrs. Dr. (ireell, Mrs. Emoiy. .Mrs. II. MiMuphriys, Mrs. W. II. Kiclianisoii, Mrs. 10. Gates, .Miss .\iuia liaril, Mrs. Carl Taylor. Lower How— Miss Lillian Hardy, Miss I^ena .1. Severant-e, Mrs. Geo. Matthews, Mrs. l»r. Geo. 1', .lohiison, Mrs. .1. Porter, Mrs. E. I Stone, Mrs. Hurliii); ham., Simons, E. D. (ioit, F. (.ioS, J). Morse, Humph- ries .t Scarritt, H. Webb, S. Clark, A. Thomas. H. T. Butler, R. Howard and others. Entire los.s about $70,000. Insurance about .§30,000. Mrs. L. BequUlard, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Wid- worth, Mrs. M. (Collins, Mrs. .1. Hartson, Mrs. Smith; the young ladies of the church; Mrs. B. F. French and Mrs. G. 1). Babeock, the latter lieing very successful in various means used for earning anusiness organization was for iieil to have charge of its temporal atikirs and the first trustees of the church, elected at this meeting were Peter Pratt, Barnett Whipple, Sher- man Hosmer, Shubal Al- Duuw icli, riiuto. fred and Calvin Tiflany. From this time the church had a very succes.sfu] career and in a few years gained a large membership. It embraced terri- torially the .settlements of Parish, Prattville, Texas, Colosse and Mexico and all the region about these places. The Revs. Israel Brainaril, Oliver Leavitt and M. Dunlap were among the early preachers. The Rev. David R. Dixon was its efHcicnt pastor from 1.S17 to 1.S33. E])liraiiii (rates, Daniel Locke and Edmund Wheeler were the tii-st elders. 1 )uring the early years the church services were held at different points in barns, dwellings, groves and school houses. Al>out 182.") the society hav- ing become strong and vigorous, started a move- ment to buihl a meeting house. 1 hen it was found that the society was not destined to perpetual jieace and prosperity. Unhap])y diU'erences a' use over the question of the location of ihe church edi- fice. Years of contention followed and all etibrts to effect a cimipromise on location failed. The final result was the erection of two meeting houses, one on Pratham Hill in 1829 and the other in this village a little later. The Pratham society con- tinued until about 18tJ0 when it disbanded. The village church in one sense an offshoot of the society previously described, was orgMuized ^lay 5, 1829 and instituted by Revs. Olive rAyre, Raljih Robinson and Oliver Leavitt, a commit' ei! appointed by the Oswego Presliytery Feb. 24, 18:^11, as the First Presbyterian church of Mexico- ville. The membershiji at first consisted of the following persons Shubal and Lucinda Alfred, Nathaniel and Lucinda Butler, Lsaac and Lydia Stone, Anson and Eliza Gu.stin, Samuel and Cain- line Wilson, .\lexander and Mary McNitt, Edmund Levi, Lucy, Mary and Lavina Mathews, Sally and Louisa Davis, CliU'k and Abigail Beebe, .Jal)inand Mehnda W^iod, Asa Allen, Catherine Wheeler, Laura Goit, Sal'y Ames, Nancy Lord, Sophia Taft, Fanny Wood and Eunice Killam. The following pastors have served the church suceessivelv: — Revs. Ralph Robinson, Oliver Ayer, Alfred White, J. A. Hart, Charles Bowles, D." R. Dixon, Wm. Blodgett, John Eastman, .Tosiah Leonard, Russel Whiting, Daniel Van Valkeuburg, Henrv Parker, Thomas A. Weed, .Tames P. Strat- THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 42 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. ton, John Q. Ailiims. .Tobn R. Lewis and George Uayloss. The Rev. Thomas A. Weed iiiiiiistered to this society about 'J8 years and the Rev. Geo. Baylors was its jHistor for the same number of years. In 185H the cluirch editiee was enlargeil and enth'ely remodeled giving it a more modern a\y pearauce, and it was again extensively repaired in 1H7!>. Tlie parsonige was also remodeled and en- larged a few years since. The following is the present l)oar 1 of trustees:^ Charles W. Had way. .Tames B. Driggs, Geo. W. Stone, Edward T. Stone. Willis E. Tittany, Elisha W. (iates, .\sa L. Samp.son, (iardener S. Tnllar and Earl S. Taylor. Roderick A. Orvis is super- intendent of tlie Sunday school. Many pro.iper- ous men and devoted women have gone forth from this organization. Its good influence has been far- reaching. Its "lines have gone into all the earth and its words to the end of the world." Judg'es, Court of Appeals, — Those who have honored the Court of Appeals bench of this state: Freeborn (i. .Jcwett, Onondaga county; (ireene C. Bronson, New York; Charles H. Ruggles, Dutch ess; Addison (Jartluer, Monroe, elected .Tune 7, 1847; Samnel A. Foote, Ontario, appointed vice Bronson, resigned, April 11, 1851; Alex. S. John- son, Oneida, elected Nov. 4, 1851; Hiram Denio, Oneida, appointed vice Jewett, resigned — elected June 23, l.Sj:i, for balance of term, re-elected 1857; (reorge F. Comstock, Onondaga, elected vice Ruggles, resigned, Nov. (i, 1855; Saumel L. Sel- den, Monroe, elected Nov. 6, 1855; Henry E. Davies, New York, elected Nov. 8. 1858; Wifliam I!. Wright, Sullivan, elected Nov. 5, 18()1; Henry It. Sclden, IMonroe, app. vice S. L. Selden, re- .ssgned, .Fuly 1, ].S(i2— elected Nov. 3, 18(1:!; John K. Porter. .Vlbany, ai)p vice H. R. Selden, re- siguiHl, .Tan. 2, 1 8G5—elected Nov. 7, I8(i5; Ward Hunt, ()np. vice (irover, deceased, Nov. 5, 1875 -elected Nov. 7, 187(i- re-elected Nov. 4, bS'.li); Sanuu'l Hand, Albany, app. vice Allen, decea.sed. June 10, 1878; George F. Danforth, Monroe, Nov. 5, 1878; Fran- cis M. Finch, Tompkins, app. vice Folger chosen chief judge, May 2.5, 1880— elected Nov. 8, 1881; Benjamin F. Tracy, Kings, a))]i. vice Andrews, chosen chief judge, Dec. 8. bssi; Rufus W. Peck- ham, Albany, Nov. 2., ].8Si;; John Clinton (iray. New York, app. vice Rapallo. deceased, .Tan. 25, 1888- elected fuU term, Nov. 1888; Denis O'Brien, .Teflerson, Nov. 5. 1881); Isaac H. Jfayuard. Dela- ware, app. vice Earl chosen chief judge, .Tan. 20, 1802; Edward T. Bartlett. New York, Nov. 7, 1893; Albert Haight, Erie, Nov. (i. 1894. Present Court of Appeals (terms expire) — CniEi': Albm B. Parker, Ulster, Dec. 31, 1911. As-soci- ,vrEs: .Tohn Clinton (Jrav, New Y'ork, Dec. 31, 1902; Denis O'Brien, Jetl'erfion, Dec. 31, 1903; Edward T. Bai-tlett, New York, Dec. 3], 1908; Albert Haight, Erie, Dec. 31. 1909; Celora E. Martin, Broome, Dec. 31, 1909; Irving (i. Vann, Onondaga, app. vice Peckham resigned, Dec. 31, 1910. Height of Principal Summits in the state. — Mount Marcey, Essex Co., 5,4t)7; Dix Peak, Es- sex Co., 5,200; Mount Mclntyre, Essex Co., 5.18;^; Mount McMartiu, Essex Co., 5,000; :Mount San- danoni, E.ssex Co.. 5,000; Mount Nipjiletop, Es- sex Co., 4,900; Mount Whiteface, Essex Co, 4,- 900; Mount Ph.araoh, Essex Co., 4,500: Mount Tailor, Hamilton Co., 4, .500; Mount Seward, Franklin Co., 5,100; Mount Emmons, Hamilton Co, 4,0)0; Mount Grain, Warren Co., 3,000; Rnund Top, Greene Co., 3,804; High Peak, (ireene Co., 3,718; Pine Orchard, (ireene Co.. :!,0(I0; M(miit Pisgah, Delaware Co., 3,400; Koeklaiid Blount, Sullivan Co., 2,400; Riplev Hill, Ouomlaga Co., 1,983: Walnut Hill, Sullivan Co., 1,980; Mount Toppin. ('ortlaud Co.. 1,700; Pomjiey Hill. On- ondaga Co., 1,743; Beacon HiU, Dutchess Co., ],(i85; Old Beacon, Putnam Co., 1,471. Bull Hill. Putnam Co., 1,580; Anthony's Nose, Putnam Co., 1,228; Butter Hill, Orange Co., 1,529; Crow's Nest, Orange Co., 1,418; Bear Mount. Oiange t;o., 1,3.50. First Town Board. — When Me.vico was origin- ally organi/.eil as a town the law provided that the tirst town meeting should be held at the house of Benjamin Morehouse, near the presi'iit village of Jaiuesville; but no town municipality was etl'ected. When the town was re-organized in 179(i it was lU'ovided that the meeting should be at .Tohn Meyer's, Rotterdam. A year passed without or- ganization, then Sanford Clark. Michael Meyers and Eleazer Closely, justices for Herkimercouiity made the following appointments that the west end of the big town might go on and assist in ef- fecting ]niblic conveniences: Oliver Stevens, town clerk; .Vmos Mathews, Soli):naii Waring and Lnke Mason,; Elijah Cartter and Messrs. ]\Iathews and Waring, constables; Mr. Waring, collector. First Town Meeting was held Ai)ril 3, 1798 at which John Clever was elected supervisor; Benjamin Wright town clerk; .Tohn Bloomfield, Amos Mathews, Benjamin Gilbert and Luke Ma.son overseers of the jioor; Samuel Waring col- lectcu-; .Tohn Bloomtield, Samuel .birvis, Reuben IlamiitoM highway com misi-ioners;. Tared Shei)ard, .\iiios .Maihews, .\aidn Van Valkeuburgh con- stables; .\mos Mathews, Henry Fall feiu'c viewers; .Tohn Meyer, Samnel Royce, BeLJamin Wright school commis.'^ioners. The second town meeting was held at the house of Luke Mason and the third at Benjamin Winch's, I'ort Ontario; then the next at Phineas Davis' in Mexico village. Several to«n meetings were held at Calvin TitVanv's house a mile of the village. 'GRIP'S" HISTOEICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 43 "^ P .W ^ liKV. AUTHl K I). liEKUV. Rev. A. D. Berry, youngest son of John anil Loiiisn Berry, was born in Mexico, Aug. 7, 1872. After completing a course in Mexico Academy, he entered University from which he gi'ad- uated in 189,"). He belonged to the Delta Upsilon Fraternity and was editor of the University Herald for one In the fall of '95 he entered Brew Theological Seminary in Madison, N. J. In his senior year he won the fellowship prize. He then took a year of post graduate work in Drew Seminary and the University of New York. He wa.s ordained to the ministry in 1an Mission with headquarters at Fukuoka, Jajmn. The Railroads of the County. — The Os- wego it Utica Railroad Company was chartered, May 13, 1836, but it did nothing for .several years. On April 2',), 1839, the Oswego & Syracuse RR. Co. was incorporated, the road being completed in October, 1818. The Rome & Watertown Rail- road Comjiany was chartered in 1832. Work was begrm at Rome in November, 1848, and in May, 18.51, the road was constructed as far as Pierre- pont Jlmor. The Oswego & Rome Railroad Company constructed a road from Oswego to Richland station via Pulaski and Mexico in the fall of 18l),'5. The Oswego Midland Railroad Co. incorporated Jan. 11. 1866. The road, ex- tending from Oswego to Jersey City, a distance ol 32.") miles, was completed in 1872. It is now known us the New York, Ontario it Western rail- road. The Syracuse Northern Railroad Company was chartered in 1870 and on the 18th of May in the same year construction was begun. The road was opened, Nov. 9, 1871. It is now a part of the Uome, Watertown & Ogdensburg system, leased by the New York Central k Hudson River Railroad Company, and extends from Syracuse to I'nliiski, where it connects with the Oswego and Mexico branch of the same system. The Lake Ontario Shore railroad, also a partof that system, was con- structed in 1871, connecting Oswego with Lewis- ton on the Niagara river. A branch road extending from Woodard,a station on the Syracuse Northern railroad to Fulton and there connecting with the \ew York, Ontario and Western railroad, gives the New York Central entrance to Oswego direct from Syracuse. The R. W. & O. .system was leised to the New York Central in March, 1891. Stebbins Roderick Orvis was born in Mex- ico, May 16, 1822 and was married to Mary Jane .\llen on Dec. 17, 1816. Six children were born to this union of whom four survive, Frederick A. ( )rvis of Mexico, Charles Sumner Orvis of Hamil- ton, Mrs. F. W. Roseljrooke of Hoosick Falls and Mrs. D. A. Fradenburgh of .\ltmar. Mr. Oi-vis, a carpenter by trade, moved to this village about 33 vears ago and many well built houses stand as a monument to his conscientious work. Mr. Orvis was especially noted for having an unusually clear, sweet strong bell- like tenor voice and he conducted a choir in church for fifty years. He was well known in neighboring towns as a singing teacher. He died after a long iUness on April 22, 1890 leaving behind him a reijutation for purity of character, and of strict integrity which had gained for him the highest respect of the com- munity in which he lived. His wife a lady noted for her wit, warm heart and social qualities sur- vives him. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, a loyal friend and a cheerful companion. Officers in the Rebellion from Mexico in- cluded Brigadier-tieneral ( liles A. Smith ; Major- (ieneral Morgan L. Smith; Capt. E. L. Hunting- ton; Capt. John Sawyer; Capt. Cyrus V. Hartson; (!apt. Nelson Ames; Capt. Samuel Nichols; Capt. J. I). Steele; Lieut. Edson D. (ioit; Lieut. JMar- sha'l Rnndell; Lieut. George Barse; Surgeon Al- len Huntington; Surgeon T. J. Green. Borrowed Photos. MRS. K. A. ORVIS. R. A. ORVIS. 44 "GRIP'S" HISTOEICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. Chm-ch.— On N.iv. J. ISTl, Mr.s. Dr. Win. Butler of Boston, a returned niissionwv from India, and Mrs Foot of Ronic, N. Y., came t« this vilhme, held a meeting and organized a W. F. M. S., the first missionary society for women in the town. Mrs. Butler with her husband went to India in 1S.")(;, was tliei-e during the He|)oy rel)el- lion and established the Methodist E|)isco|)al mis- sion in North India. While in India slie was brought very close to the needs of the women of that country, and was well ])rppared to relite to the women of the lionie land tlie hardships and deg- redation of our heathen sisters. The object of this society is to aid in interesting christian women in the evangelization of heathen women. Any j)erson i)ayiug two cents a week or one dollar per year may become a member, and any ])erson contributing twenty dollars at one time shall be a life member. As a result of this meeting twenty- two women gave their names to this society. The following were the chai-ter members: ^fis. Dr. Oriffith: treasurer. Mrs. M. A. Peck; pajjer agent. Miss Florence Morehouse. Those «ho have acted in the capacity of president are as fol- lows: Mrs. Kundell in '72, Mrs. Ball in '73. Mrs. Hewitt in '74, Mrs. Skinner in '75, Mrs. Mains in '7(5, Mrs. Rundell in '77, Mi's. York in '78, Mrs. Peck in '75), '80, '81, Mrs. Washburn in '82. In 1883 Mrs. Rundell wa.s elected presiii(liny Seorctary; 2S. Mrs. (_,. Itiirdick. 2i». >Irs. H. Adams. ,T0, Mrs. Ilrowii. Harriet Rundell. Mrs. ('. B, Tliompson. Mrs. Harriet N. Davis. Mrs. Sophia Lambie. IMrs. Sim- eon Parkliurst, Mrs. Celestia Bali, Mr-". Harriet Smith, Mrs. Cornelia Barber, Mrs. Almira Bal- lard, Mrs. James Brown, Miss Florence More- house, Mrs. R. L. Nelson. Mrs. ('. L. (irillith, Mrs. M. A. Peck. Mrs. Van Du Zee. Mrs. (1. E. liarton, Mrs. .1. W. Lawton, Mrs. .\rtemesia Men- ter, Mrs. C. Mains, :Mrs. S. Tiillar, .Mrs. V.. Drake, Mrs. (Rev.) W. K. Cobli. The first thirteen named have res|ionded to the ^Iast*'r's call. Six of the remaining number reside in other i)laces. Three only remain in the society, viz: Mrs. Peck. Mrs. Barton and Mrs. Menter. The first officers were a.s follows: President, Mrs. Dr. Harriet Rundell; vice |)resident. Mrs. W. R. Cobb; corresponding secretarv. Mrs. C. B. Thonip.son; recording Becretary, Sirs. ('. L. field, .\bout .'51,000 ill money and suiiplies has been given to both objects. More than two hun- dred names have been enrolled on the secretaries' books since Novendier, 1871. Up t<> date, March, 1903, fifty of this number have died. At present there are forty-eight members. '1 he first special work which tlie society took up was the education of an ori)han girl in India, named Myra Ostrum Slack, for oue of the Sunday school te.icht fs. .\t present two orphans in India are l)eing cared for by the annual payment of .?20. each one of whom bears tlie name of Charloite Mains; idso S2"> is contributed annnally towards the salary ed injury. He was wounded at Freder- icksburg anil honorably discharged and mustered out May 211, IHt;;}. Mr. Huntington re-enlisted in ISIi.i as lid Lieutenant in Ca|jt. Frank Sinclair's Battery L., 5)th N. Y. .\rtillery, for three years and w lis promoted as Cap- tain, July I), 18(>.5. He was again slightly wound- ed at Cedar ("reek and was honorabl V discharged Sept. 29, lH(i."). Coming home again he was en- gaged in the drug busi- ness for a number of years. IiilSSd, Mr. Hunt- ington was unanimously nominated at the Itegiuli- licali County Convention as shcrilV on the tirst ballot and was elected by an unusually large majority. In lHi)4 he was elected supervisor of i)iiMwi'.-.1. I'hotu. CKdKGE WKDl! .lOHXSDN. .1. A. .lOHXSOX. James A. Johnson was born la Jett'crson county ill 11S27 niid Ciinie to Mexico in 1H2S and has spent the most of bis life in this vicinity. He \va.s educated in tlie public schools and attended the Falley Seminary at Fulton. He read law in this village with Orla H. Whitney and Luke 1). Smith and afterwards attended the Albany law school. He was admitted to practice in all the courts of this state at Albany in 185.5, and has been in active ]iractice of his profession most of the time for nearly half a century enjoying a lu- crative ])ractic<> and representing numerous and important interests. He has been very success- ful in procuring pensions and has probably pro- cured more pen-ions than any attorney now living was tbrmcrly been a in the county. Mr. Johnson having always staunch democrat and having received the nom- ination of his par.y for various offices. He was the candidate on democratic ticket county treasurer of wego county in 'H57 ran largely ahead of active in politics. Height of Water Sheds of New York above tide. — Hudson River and Ramapo at Moncey, Westchester Co., 557 ft; Hudson and Delaware rivers at Otisville, Orange Co., 900 ft; Hudson and Neversink rivers at Wawarsing, Ulster Co., S.50 ft; Hudson river and Jjake Ontario at Rome, ( )neida Co., 427 ft; Hudson river and Lake Erie at Tonawanda, Erie Co., 557 ft; Delaware and Susipiehanna rivers at Deposit Summit, Broome Co., 1,373 ft; Su.squehanna and Mohawk rivers at Bouckville. Madiscm ('o., 1,127 f t ; Susi|uelianna river and ( )neidd lake at Tully, Onondaga County, 1,247 ft; Susquehanna river ami Cayuga liie at Ithaca summit, Tom])kins Co., 9(50 ft; Su.scjuehanna river and Seneca lake at Horseheads, Chemung Co., 884 ft; Sus- iiuehanna aud (xenesee rivers at Alfred Summit, Alleghany Co., 1,780 ft; Genesee and .\lleghany rivers at Cuba, Alleghany Co., 1,1)99 ft; Alleghany river aud Lake Erie at Little Valley Summit, Cattaraugus Co., 1,1)14 ft; Mohawk river and Lake Ontario at Kasoag, Oneida Co., 53tj ft; Mohawk and Black rivers at BoonviUe, Oneida Co., 1,120 ft; Lake Champlain aud St. Law- rence river .at Chateangav Summit. Franklin Co , 1,050 ft. Driving Distances of Mexico from j)oints in the county — .Vmboy Center, 1().8; Bernhards Bay, 24.1; Caughdenoy, 14.3; Kedfield Square, 25; Central Squai'e, 13.7; Cleveland, 20.2; Colosse, 4.8; Constantia, 20.2; Fulton, 15.9; (iilbertsville, 12.5; Granby Center, bS.O; Hannibal, 24,4; Han- nibal Center, 24.7; Hastings, 8.2; Hinmauville, 17.5; Holmesville, 5.7; Hulls Corner.s, 24.1!; New Centerville, 14; New Haven, 4.8; Orw<'ll village, 17; Oswego, 15.1; Oswego Falls. Ki.7: Palermo, 7.4; Parish, ti.8; Phent oue night at the nioutli of Salmon river. His troops were ahoard vessels hound up the lake. The weather was threatening and tlie (ieneral ac- conipabied l)y his olliceis went nsliore kite at nijjht. They found no conveniences (■\ce])t some teni|)orary ovens which had lieen erected and in oue of whicli .lolin Lovett, (ien. Van Ken.ssclaei's secretary slept timt niglit. Lovctt aft<'rwards founded I'erryshurgh on Lake Erie and wa-s a nuinl)er of ('ongress. Tlic caiitaiu of tlie guard on duty at that time was lleuhen Tower who afterwards lived at SangerKeld, Oneida Co., X. Y. Hon. Willis E. Heaton was liom in the town of Cicero, Onondaga Co., X. Y., Sept. 1.5, 18(!], and is the son of Dr. Charles E. Heaton and Sarah Gates Heaton now living in Baldwinsville, X. Y. His boyhood days were spent in Mexico where he wa< educated in district school Xo. it and in Mexico academy from which latter institu- tion he was graduated in 1H7H. He continued his studies in .Madison (now Colegate) Uuiversily and .\ll)any Law School. Before entering the univer- sity he spent a year in the office of the Mexico Independent under that vete- ran newspaper man, Henry Humphries. .-Vfter returning from the university he began the study of law witli French iV Stone, a firm widely known in those days. After a short time he was appointed by Hon T. W. Skinner clerk to the sur- rogate's court of Oswego county, which office he tilled until he entered Albany Law School. Mr. Heaton was ad- mitted to the bar at .\lbany in January, 1S8.'^ and in the .spring of that year located at Hoosick Falls, X. Y., where he has siuce resided practicing his profes- sion with marked success. In 18118 Mr. Heaton was n various papers and maga- zines and IS in frccpienl demand as a s|ieaker u|ioii public occasions. first Court of Common Pleas, L'ud jury dist- rict Oswego county, was held at the school iu the village of I'ulaski. Harnett Mooney was pre- siding judge a.ssisted by .fudges Huguninaiid Dun- lap, .lames E. Wright, .Iose]ih I'vnchon Ko.s.seter, Thomas C. Chittenden, Heiijaaiin Wright and l>aii- ii'l Wardwell wire admitted to luactice law. .lud^j 'GKIP'S" HISTORICAL SOU\'EXIK OF MEXICO. 51 Original Names in Oswego County. — Caiigh-ile-nov, village — [Iroquois], Eel laying down; vasf numbers of fish a'e said to have been caught here by the Indians who had a village at this plaee. 15rewerton (Oneida outlet) — Oh sa-hau-ny-tah fOnon.], Here the waters run from the lake. Se- ugh-kah [Oneida], Lake pours out. Deer Creek — fiah-teh nah [Iroc]. ], Small stream in the rushes; it flows through njar.-hes. (irindstone Creek — He-haw ha-kee |Iroq.], Where there are nuts Little Salmon River — Kah-na-ta [Onou. ], Place to find bark. Che-go-hage [Oneida], Large bark ready to be picked up. . Lake near Fulton — Ne-at-a-waut-ha [Irorj.], Lake hiding from the river. Fi>U lake [Earlv Settlers]. Mexico Bay — Teh-uoha hah [Iroq.], Wide waters in the land. N'ew Haven Creek — Kah-dah-l>o-gah [Ii'oq.], Place of low wet ground. Oneida Liike — Sa ugh ka |()nou.]. Striped waters (from the ^lanlius and Pomi)ey hills which are the Iroquois. Lac St. Francis f Cham- plain's map, 1(J32.] Cadaraqui [Mohawks and early English. ] Phoenix — Kahne-wo-nah [Tnxi. ], Place of the Tall Pines. Phcenix, Indian Fishing Village — (^ui-e-Hook- gah [Iroq.]. Sujjply with fish. Salmon River— Heh-hah-wa-gah [Onon.], Where swim the sweet (delicious) fish. Ka-hi-agh-haghe [Oneidas], Plenty to eat of fish. La Famine [Fr. Jes. ], Where Gov. Barre's troojis famished. Sandy Creek — He-kah-na-go-gah [Irocj. |, Where there is much sand. Riviere de la Planche [Fr. Jes. J Scriba's Creek — Gah-teh-nah [Iroq. |, Falling creek. Hegh-kanagh-hagh | Oneida], Creek danc- ing in the sun. Bruce creek [Early Settlers]. Three River Points — Te-u-nug-hu-ka [Iroq.], WTiere all of the rivers meet. The First Public School. — .\t a si^eeial meeting held at the house of Calvin Tifl'.uiy, June 13. l.Sl:i. in compliance with the act for the estab- llil.stcd, 1'1j(>i,>. I'KL.M.VHY DKl'.VUr.MK.XT PUE.'^Ii VTEUI .\ .\ SC.ND.VV .-^CUDnl.. 1. Miss AIi<-e Hanh'. ■-'. Ethel riilliTis. "l. Lillie Hostdi-d. +. Dearborn Harfi\-,.5, Gurlev Davis. (I, Mildred .Sampson, T. Miss Vesia H. Greerie. !l, (ie^ rjie Woiidrnff. il. Lyle Edwardii, U), Koliert Greenleaf, 11, Carl Sherman, 1-', Miss Car- rie A. Peek. Vt. Dorris U' 14, Daisv Hosford, l.i, George Huntley, IH, Marv Radway, IT, Janet Tavlor, 18. Willard Taylor, lii. Vena (iar.lner, 2U, Gay Osborn, 21, Vera Gardner, 22, Chas. Parnielee, 2:i, Ruth MeClyman, 24, Ira Hos- lortl, 2.*), Ava Cunniit^ham. lishment of common schools, Stutely Palmer, Peter Pratt and Jonathan Wing were chosen com- missioners of common schools in said town and Timothy Norton, Dennison Palmer, Elijah Everts, William I). Wightman, Joseph BaDey and Ellas Brewster inspectors of said schools It was voted to allow the school commissioners 75 cents jier day tor their- services and to raise by tax on said town for the use of said school sixty dollars. The inspectors were Timothy Xoitou, Dennis Palmer, Elijah Everts, W. D. Wightman, .toseph Bailey, Elias Brewster. The tax was .SliO, The first school house was a log structure erected near the site formerly occuped by the East Presbytt rian church. .Tohu Howard was the first teacher of the High school, assisted by Laura Fish in the other department. The original district was No. 5, which was increased in size and then divided by Black creek, the west side being re- tamed as Xo. 5 and the east side as No. H. w hen the sun is right the surface of the lake ap- pears striped bine and white). Lac Techtroguen des Onneiouts [Fr. Jes.], On-ha do-ho-go [Oneida] Teshiroque [Mohawk and Dutch]. Oswego (the port) — Osh-wa-kee [Iroq.], See everywhere see nothing. Ochougen [Fr. Jes.]. Oswego Fails — Kah-heh-sa-hegh [Iroq.], Place of the falls. Oswego River — Swa geli [Iroq.], Flowing out of two rivers. Riviere de la Oiinontogues [Fr. Jes.], River of the Ouondagas, leading to that nation. Oswego Falls Indian Village — Kag-ne-wag roge [Iro(i.]. Peter Scott Swauq) — Ka-uugh-wa-ka ]Onin.], Where ral)bits run. Ontirio Lake — En-tou-uo-ho-rons [Huron], Big water of the Hurons. Ska-nau-da-reh [Iroq J, Beautiful lake. Lac Ontario on des Iroquois [Fr. Jes.] Lake of the (Jutwio over of (on toj :>■! 'GIUP'.S" HISTOKICAL SOUVEKIU OF MEXICO. lliiniiwi'il Photo. IIEV. M. I). SILL. The Methodist Church. — About the year ISOS or ISO!) a ycmng Metlioilist iireacher by tbe name of .Tonathaii Huesti.s came here ou horse- back with his Siuldlebags containing his wardrobe, Bible and hymn book, and preached the lirst Methodist S(>rmon in the town of Me.xico at the lioiiie of Leonard Ames. The class was or- ganized in the Ames home and consisted of five members, namely: Mrs. L. Ames, Mrs. Place, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. Clieesl)ro and W. .\rmstrong who was appointed cliuss leader. The first quiir- terly meeting and love feast were held in ^Ii-. Ames's house ^^ here the sacrament was adminis- tered to eight commimicant.s. The stand upon which the elements were ])laced is now in the j)ossesaion of the church, preserved as a memorial of the infant days of ^Methodism in Mexico. The second i>aHtor was the Hev. \. Howley, from Bal- timore. In bslo the (ienesee conference was or- ganized and the Mexic^i circuit extended from Kedfield and Camden to the Oswego river. In 1811 Rev. Ira Fair- banks was a])pointed to the Mexico circuit. He received $25 that year ou his .salary, and he sa.vs he left the circuit out of debt. After Rev. Fair banks, to the year 1.S2I). the following persons were piustors of thi> church, the exact order in which thev came not being known: [saac I'lif fer 'iruiiian (iillett. Na- thaniel Header, Truman Bishop, Rul)en Farle.v, .lo.sepli Willis and Tru man Dixon. The house of Mr.Ames <-ontiiiued to be the preaching place until 1820 when a commodious school houK', two stories high and built of brick, was erected ou the gi'ound where tbe present academy stands which was then occupied for re- ligious services aKeruately by the C'ongregation- alists and Methodists. In 1H21 Jlexico was placed ia the Oswego cir- cuit Black River district, with Ch.andl.v Lambert, ])ica(her in charge In ]S22 .lames 1'. .\vles\vorth the jircacher of Oswego circuit; in 1.S23 .1. P. Aylcswortli and Orrcn Foot; IX'24 Truman Dixon; 1S2.'') Benjamin Davton and Enoch Barnes; 1H27 Charles Northrui)': ISHS Klisha Wheeler; ISiiO Samuel Bilibins In 1.S31 this had leconie Mexico circuit with Charles Xorthru]) ])reacher, followed in ISlWaud 'o4 by Anson Tiiller and .rosei)h Cross. It is probable that the Mexico Methodist E|>isco|'al church was legall.v organized in 1H33 and a brick church was built. At a meeting of the trustees, FeVi. 11. 1H:^4. there weie jiresent Simon TuUer Leonard Ame.s, Orin Whitney. Dan- iel Austin, Eldad Smith. Reuben Halli;i-'4 .\lmond Chapin, 18.").")-'() Sa-nnel Crosier, 18.>7 Hiram ShejiarJ, 1858 .1. T. Alien, 18.")9 William .Tones, ISliO-'l O. M. Legate, 18(i2 .T. T. Alden. 18()3 W. S. Titus, l.S(;4-fi. M. 1). Kinnev, 18(i7-'8 Andrew Roe, 18(;9-'71 William R. Cobl{ 1872 B. F. Bar- ker, 187:!-'4 .1. T. Hewitt, lS75-'(i S. P. (irav. lliinwiik. I'hii nil'; MK'i'iiniiisT I'.risci ii'A I. > iir in ii. •GEIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. m 1877-'9 W. F. Hempnway, ISSI-'a O. P. Lyford, 1883'5 C. H. Gnile, 1886-7 W. R. Cobb, 1888-'90 C. E. Dorr, 1891-'8 J. C. Darling, 1894-'5 H. W. Beuut'tt, 1S9(;'99 J. H. Myers; 1900 A. C. Dan forth and 1901 M. D. Sill, the present piustor. In 1884 new memorial windows were placed in the church in memory of the founders of Method- ism in Mexico. The bell now hanging in the tower, costing .§1,000, was purcha.sed by subscrip- tion and niouei raised by concerts conducted by Lewis Miller. The organ costingSl.200 was jnir- chased with the proceeds r.iised by the M. E. Choi-al Union under the leadership of Lewis Mil- ler. The present parsonage was the generous gift to the church V)y the late Dr. Harriet Kundell. The Northern Xew York conference has been entertained bv Mexico church three times: In 1845 Bislio]) "Hedding, IHT.'J Bishoj) Scott, 1901 BisliOi> Fowler presiding. The Methodist Epi.scopal church of Me-vico h;i.s been especially blessed in sending forth so many of her young men to jjreach the gosi:)el. .\mong Sandy Creek 1851, '55; Edward S. Keed, Albion 1853; Samuel A. Comstock, Albion 1853; Ezra (ireen, Palermo 1854; '5(i; John Vandenburgh, Constantia 18,54; Edson Wilder, Sandy Creek 1855; Lewis F. Devendorf, Hastings 1857; JIarcus Pat- terson, West Monroe 1857; Benjamin N. Hinmau, Hannibal 1858; '60-'2; Nelson .7. Williams, Boyl- ston 1858; Caleb L. Cai-r, Wdliamstown 1859-"(;0; Hiram M. Steven.s, Sandy Creek 1859; \lvin Rich- ardson. Mexico 1864; Fowler H. Berry, Amboy ]S(i4; .\lvin Osborn, Oswego 18()5; Mars Xearing, Hastings 18fi5; Henry M. Barrett, Hannibal ]8(>(;; .John ShepiU'd, .\lbion 186(;; William Congdou, Scriba 1867; '73; Marcus Patterson, West Monroe 1867; Levi Brackett, Hannibsd 18f)8; Jesse W. Cross, Orwell 1868; R. George Bassett, Volney 1869-70; Andrews. Coey, Redfleld 1869 '70; '75; .lames G. C'aldwel!, West Monroe 1871 ;.lo5eph W. Phillips, West Monroe 1871; .\brahani David, Parish 1872; Edmund Potter, Parish 1S72; '74; '77; Noel \. Gartlner, Ambov 1873; William R. Path, )liiest(.d, Photo PRIM.VKY DEPAKT.MENT, METHODIST EPISCOP.\L SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1, Mrs. M. D. Sill Supcrteniient; 2, Gii'nn Lmvi'll. 3. Geralrt Stewart. 4, Elliot Pettinfrill..5, Cora Muni'Dc. li, Marion liiriv. 7. Mai' House. S. Earl Parker. 9, MlTiiiie Heii.ier^on, III, Lloyd Lowell, 11. .Myrtis Smith, 13, Helen Hoose, V\ Ha/.i'l i:mss, H. Nina Manwnrreu. 15, Hovt Hnllistir, Hi, Carl Shumway. IV, Holland Smith, Is, Ralph Sluimwav, in, l(al|ili SMUiiison. :.'n, liurton M, Sill, 21, Matliscni llollister. ±.', .\melia Miinsou. 'ii. Harry Gill. 34, Fannie Bnok, 3."i, Millieenl llass, 2(1 Lnvell Cook, 27, Mildred KellosJK-. 2S. Knth Sampson, 2!i, Gnile Hi'llister. :!li, Mav Sampson, :ll. Eva Halsev. :!;. Maiv Suiitli. :i:i. Harold Cobb, :u. Dunaj.l Hnose. :>:.,(;reia Coe, 36. Vernetta llnrdiek, :i7, Walter linrdiek, ;is, Hcniv SteriilniV)^, :;'.!, .lohn Monroe, 4U. Verna Wilder, 41. Ki-ed (de, 42, Phillis Chadwiek, 4:i, Lloyd Uenny, 44, Giles Denny, 4.'), Harry Fiih. 4i), Glad.vs Hollister, 47, Helen Chadwiek. them are the following; Albert D, Peck, Reuben Holiday and B, R. Parson i local preachers; W. H. Calkins, Isaac Turner, Henry Lamb, Denni.s Parker, Sardiiis Kenyon, David Ferguson, Levi Ferguson, M.itthew, Othniel Holmes, W. F, Purington, Jesse Rathbun, (ieorge P. Mains, Fayette Severance, Frank Severauc^e. Cyrus Sever.ance, Char'es H. Walton, Herbert L. Campbell, .\mos Nicker.-on, George Wood, Reu- ben Sherman and Arthur Ber-y. Justices of Sessions.— -John M, Casey, Os- wego 1848; T,. Thayer. Parish 1818-50; '61-'3; Nor- man Rowe, New Haven 1849; '.56; Robert Simpson, Scriba 1850; ■(«;. John Wart, Boylston 1851; '52; John B. Higgius, Mexico 1851; 5lason Salisbury, Williamstown 1874; F. W. Squires, North \'oluey 1875; Henry L. Cole, Mexico 1876; Cornelius Edick, Parish 1876; Isaa'3 R, Parkhurst. Scriba 1877. Macomb's Purchase, the largest grant of laud the state ever made embmced 3,693,7.55 acres in Franklin, St, Lawrence, .Tefl'erson, Lewis, Herkimer and the northern part of Oswego couLt- ies It was patented to Daniel McCormick and .Alexander Macomb in 1791-'8, It was afterwards sub-divided into several purchases uicludiug that known as the Boylston tract and Macomb's pur- chase, Macomb's patent was a tract of 1,920,000 acres taken from the above purchase Jan. 10, 1792. 54 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Ilu.slr.i. I'll,.!,,. I, II, t, IAN LONC; Flnrt'iico Avery, FldlL-llCl KicLlimd 1817-'19; David S. Bates, Constan- tiii 1H-2I)-'1; Jiiines Bill, Oswego IS-JO-'l; .Toliii Heeber. Hichliind lcS20-'l; tSaiuuel I'uniliiiiii. Hatiiiiliiil 1H2I)-'1: .Toliu S.Davis, liic-li'aiKl 1 I.SiS-':il: '.Vj-'H; Jolin" UivnuKls. Orwell 1S2".(-'.U; Lovewell Johnson,' Paler- niii ls:H'J-'(i: Hainnel Freeman, \Vi liamstowu ].s:W-'-12: Hir 111 Huhl.ell, I'ulaski I,s3r,-M: Knneh Hil.hard, \01nev l.s:i7-'Ki: Elias Brewster, Mexieo l,S3i)-'43: Samuel B. Lud- low, Oswego 1840'"); Thomas S. Meaehani, Sandy Creek ISU-T): Huntiugton Fitch, Hastinf: M. E. flNUAV seH< Killtli Muiison, Chi-istinc .letTc Lillian Lon^i'strect, ■ Henderson, lllniielu; Aver.v Six Nations — Origin of Their Race: — Bev. ;\Ir. ryrJ.ius resident among the Six Nations in I74r! quotes the Mohawk chief, Squarady, \iz: They dw. It in the earth w here no sun shijne. Though they followed hunting they ate mice which they caught with their own hands, Ganawaghha having found a hole went out and found a deer. In consequence of the meet tasting good their mother concluded it for them all to go out which they did, except the groundhog. They con.sider the earth as their uuiver-al mother. They believe they were created within its lio.som where for a long time they had their aliode before they came to live on its surface', They say the grand and good spii it had prepared all things for their reception but like an infant in the womb of the natural mother their first stiige of existence was wisely ordained to be within the earth. Justices ot the Peace — 1798— Isaac Alden, Williamstown; J W. Bloomfleld, Kotterdani; Benjamin Wright, Veia Cruz; Joseph Strickland, Kcdtield: Samuel Boyce, Camden; aiipointed by the council of appointment of Herkimer countv. I8.H)— Keiibeii lianiilt(m, Mexico. LS()4— l^benezer Wri;^hl, Voluey. 1805 — Beulien Hamilton and Saui\iel Tiffany, Mexico; William J5u ke, Scriba. 180(i — William Cole, Mexico; Thomas Nutting, Parish. 1807— David Williams, Mexico; David l'",ast(in. New llav.n. ]80,S B<'uliiii Hum ikon, William Burke, John Nutting. IslO -Joseph Mailev, New Hav«n; Uver liurn- ham, Me.\ico. 'l81 1- D.ivuD\ illia'ms David Elision, Peter Pratt, Mexico. lHl-> — Jon.i- than Wing, Jo>epli Bailev, New Haven. 181;i— Benj.imin Wright, Peter Pratt. 1814 — David W inx 181.") -Solomon I'.varts, Mexico; Paul .Mien. Parish. Associate Justices, Common Pleius, Prior to 1847 — Peter D. llugunin, Oswego 181(;-''JI); F.dniund Hawks, Oswego Town 181l)-'18; Daniel Hawks, jr.. Hannibal bSKi- '17; Smith Dunia]), Samly Creek 181i;.'l!); Henry Williams, Williamstown ]81()-'2('); David ICaston, New Haven, 181t).'17; ( )n-is Hart, New Haven 1817-'20; WilUoin Hiile, »)1„ Description of Oswego, by the French, ]7.')li. — Fort Ontario is i-ituate at the right (eabt) of the liver in the middle of a very high plateau. It consists of a npiare of 30 toises (180 feet) aside, the faces of whicli, broken in the center, are flanked by a redan pla<'ed at the point of the break. It is eoustructed of pickets 18 inches ill diameter, smooth on both sides, very well join- ed the one to the other, and rising 8 and il feet from the ground. The ditch that enciirles the fort is 18 feet wide by 8 feet dee)). The excavated earth had been th'owu up en glacis on the coun- terscarp with a very steep slope over the berm (covered way). Loo)) holes and embrasures are formed in the pickets on a level with the earth thrown up on the berm, and ascattblding of car- jienters' work extends all around .so as to tire from above. It has 8 guns and 4 mort O's with double grenades. The old fort Clioueg. n, situate on the left (West) bank of the river, consists of a house with galleries with loop holes on the ground floor and principal story, the walls of which are three feet thick and encomiiassed at distance of three toises ( IS feeti by another wall 4 feet thick and 10 f. ethigh, loo|)holed and tlanked by two large, s(|uare towers. It has liKewise a trench, encircling on the land ^i le of the fort, where the t nemy lIlM ^l.'.l, I'liulil. M.W VIKCII/SCI.AS.S M. K. SINOAV SCllOOl,. Top'l ti> ri5rlit).l<'nnleItiK-k,Kllicl Mi'liter, lle.s.sie Trvon. MIcMIc Itciw— (iirtci- Wtltnott, .Miss Ma.v VirifH. Aliec ralklns. Lower Row- MIWicil Siintli, Riilli Hoii?i'. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOIH^ENIR OF JIEXICO. liorrowud Plioto, 1. MILLlilt. [English] had placed 18 pieces of cannon and 15 mortars and howitzers. Fort Geoi'ge is situ- ated :'.()0 loises (181)0 feet) lieyond [west of] that of Chonegen on a hill that commanded it. It is of pickets and badly enough entrenched with earth ou tw-o sides. Tryon was the tenth county instituted in the province of New York and was the first municipal organization in which Mesico was included. The colonial act of March '22, 1772, erected out of the lands of the Iro(iuois this county, which, having no definitely assigned boundaries except that on the east, was declared to reach to the lakes on the west and north, and the Pennsylvania line on the south. The eastern boundary line of the present small county of Montgomery wiisthe eastern limit of Try(Ui county. On Alarch 8, 1773, the county Wius divided into ivnr districts: Palatine, north of the Mohawk and Canajoharie on the south — the two eastern districts, west of which came German Flatts on the south and Kingslaud on the north. It was out of Kmgsland that Mexico was erected. First Town Officers appointed by the justices of Herkimer county for Mexico (then included in that county) in 1792, viz: John Meyer of Rot- terdam, supervisor and justice of peace; Olive Stevens of Fort Brewer- ton, town clerk; Amos Matthews, Solomon War- ing and Luke Mason of Rotterdam, assessors: Amos Matthews and Sol- omon Waring, overseers of the poor; Solomon Waring, collector; Elijah Cai-ter, constable. Huested. Photo. Clayton I. Miller, special surrogate of Oswego county, was elected to that office iu lilOl in recog- nition of his ability to perform the duties iucuiu- bent therein. Among the younger members of the republican party he has figured as one of tlie iiiosl active, his services both at caucus and in cimvention as a speaker and worker being in de- mand iu all important local camjiaigns. He was burn in the town of Mf xico, June llj, ISiJS, and rci-civrd his early education iu the di-trict .schools ;ind the Mexico ac demy, giMduatiug from the liittcr institution iu 1889. He taught .school a nuinber of terms and read law with C. C. Brown in Mexico and William A. Poucher in Oswego. In 189:^ he was gradmited in the law department (if Cornell University and on Sept.. 15 of tlie .same year was admitted to the bar. A month later he opened his office in thi-i village where his prac- tice has grown to a flattering extent, until at. the present time he has a wide circle of client.s and is carrying on a prosperous Inisiness. Mr. Miller has built up a jjrosperous fire insurance businei-.s, in whicli he writes policies on both village and tarm propertv in the most reliable conijjanies, :\Ir. :\mier on Apiil 18, 1900, married Alice M. Bard of Mexico and they occupy a pretty house eligibly situated on Main street. Mr. Miller is a member of Mexico Lodge, F. k A. M., Xo. 130, and is a Royal Arch Mason in Chapter Xo. 135. He has served as tnistee of the village and has taken considerable interest iu local affaii's, being an active supporter of all local imjjrovements and always ready to contribute to advance the inter- ests of Mexico. Salt Road. — The old road called "the salt road," along which before the day of railroads an immense traffic was carried on between Water- town and the northern counties of the state and Salt Point or Salina (now Syracuse) passed through Union Square and Colosse. It was no unusual sight, the jiroce«sion of hundreds of teams of farmers drawing loads of salt moving north on this highway with the winter supply for the northern country. First School in Town was taught by Sanford Douglass at Colosse in bsOfi. The school in the village w;is taught in Sliuabel .Alfred's b:irn by Harriet Kaston in 1811. C. I. MILLER'S RESIDENCE.": ft ^Z K^aa 5() 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Ilorr«n\riI I'lmtos .IKDEDI.Ml IKMiSi;. MAIiV A. lino Jedediah Hoose WHS lioru in the town nf I'ar- ish, X. Y., Oft. 10, IKV.), beiufi tlie .SfC(inil son of .\l)mni Hoose, ;i prominent fiiruior. With his brother, James H. Hoose, he was a stndeut at Mexico Academy, l)nt because of poor health, was unable to finisli a eoinvse there. En December, 1K()1, he maMieil Marv .\. Perriue of Hastings, N. Y., a gracbiate of Whitestowu Seminary. \ few years later they niove tist church but as there was none in Mex- ico, attended the Methodist and gave libe- rally t years of business life he enjoyed the uuiver.sal con- fidence of all men with whopi he dealt. His word was as good as his l»ind. In February. l.SS,S, his son Frank L.. mariied Mary H. Miller, youngest dMUghter of licwis MilU'r. Tliev have three children, Helen H., Donald -J." and Kenneth M. E. J. Parmelee, who conducts the only exclusive tire insurance agency in this vil- lage, which is a notable success, has made the insurance hues a study and is regarded as one of the best adjusters of losses in this locality. He writes both plate glass and li'e, as wfll as fire insurance, though the latter is his s)ieci»lity, and represents alto- gether the old line companies, including one liability comi)aDy. His "tenitory" takes in a wide circle inclusive of the town of Mexico and adjacent town.s. Mr. Par- melee was born at Colosse Apr. 8, ISGO. Charles Parmelee, his father, of New Eng- land ancestry whose early home was in Mad- ison county, N. Y'., was born Feb. lU, 18'J8. He married Apr. (5, 1847, a daughter of Fuller Richardson one of the early settlers of Mexico a stone cutter by trade who was prominent for large public work in which he engaged, ill's. Charles Parmelee was born Aug. 27, 1827. She is now living at Union Square, this county. Her husband died :\rarch 29, 18,SS. They had five children, of whom there are now living Mrs. .Jennie Hartson of Union Square, Charles D. Parmelee now in San Francisco, Vol , and E. .T. Parmelee. The others were .\lice I., born Oct. ."), 1S.">0 and died I. i'.\i{Mi^i.i'!rs i\-;r;:.\Ni'K ori'iiK. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 57 The "new road" opened up to the lalie in the summer of 1802, invited them to proceed through :i stretch of 25 miles of heav^i' timber, where they hiul the whole of tlie eastern end of Lake Ontario at their disposal — the hind of i)roniise. There a '•manua" in the wilderness fed them merely l>y ^fathering it during the s ason — berries, currants, nuts. A writer who visited that se tion in 1S()2 writes that "there were found growing wild in great plenty hops, grapes, cranberries, plums, strawberries, gooseberries, blackberr'es raspbcr- liis, currants, plantain, sarsaparilla, English par- sley, French sorrel, ])eppermint, comniiin mint, catnip, thorn a))ples, ludiEU corn, potatoes, oats and tlax. Peas, beans and all kinds of produc- tiim grmv rank.'' limiowid I'lu.Io. WKHSTKU M. KICH.\KUS().N, Pustinastcv. Nov. 5, 1S97, and Grace M., born Sept. 2(5, 1S70 and dieU March 15, 1885. Mr. E. J. Parmeiee attended the Colosse school and the Mexico academy and was first engaged in business in Madison county. For three years he conducted a book store in this village. On Jan. 1, 1885, he started his present business with A. G. Stow'ell, the partnership continuing six years. Then Mr. Parmeiee was in Chicago awhile. On Jan. 1, ISiU, he resumed insurance in this village, continuing it ever since. He is a member of the ^lasonic order. Bv his marriage to Mary Tourot, J\ine 18, 1881, there are two children Grace M., born Dec. 0, 1890, and Charles T., born Nov. 4, 1897. Pioneers in Oswegro County in 1800 d'd not necessarily sutler from lack of sustenance. The road was long and iirduous but led into a laud of jilenty, abundant in wild beiTies and fruits. The traders and settlers then came in from the .south. Three Rivers l)eing the only gateway whether their course was by water or land. Passing through Oneida Lake by craft with sail or drawn by horses, and down the Oneida river to Three River Point, there they found batteaux lieing freighted to descend to Lake Ontario or ascend the Seneca river to the great west beyond that lake. In traveling by lan OF XKISXEES AXU OFFICEIIS. Dr. S. M. Bennett. C. E. Hare. George H. Wilson. Presiduut. Ric'.iarason, Clerk. Jerome Baker, Street Commissioner. 58 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Di lite AS sociKTv, .\i. i:. ciiritcii. rijr'it) Mrs. AI%'in Kichai-dsim. Mi-s Klla Stcrnbur^r. Mi^^s Ki-iia Hin'sti'il. riioto. T(M' Kiiw- (Li-lt ti Hocist-, iMis. Anna Fish. Mis< Mnv Kanisry. Mi.Mk- |{. Luflla AuBliii. Miss Eva Sti'Vi-iis, Miss Maln'l Wajriici-. Miss — Mrs. .Ii-nnir Cass, Miss .Maiidi- Diitr.ui, Miss Miillii- Milli Kva Hi'iirlcrson. Largest Gun in the World was mauiifac- tnri'd :it tlic Watervliet arstmul auJ from it the first shot was lired at Saudy Hook, Jan. 17, 1903. The designers were Col. J. P. Farley, Maj. Smith and Maj. Birney of the United States Army. It is a curious co-iucideuce that CharU's ('hrii-tiansen of Troy, X. Y., the mechanic to whose skill the success of the work is due, died ou the day the gun was ti'sted, from paralysis of the hrain due to overwork in its construction. The gun costing .f200,001) is si.\teeu-inch ritiod, weighing l:!0 tons and carrying a maxinuni charge "f (ill) j)Ounds of smokeless powder, sends a jjrojectile weighing 2,1;00 ])ounds 2,H()(i feet ))er second with a pres- sure of 38,000 pounds to the .square inch. \n air cushion chaiiiher at the lireech reduces the recoil to ili feet. The gun which is built for coast de- fence can lie tired to hit a vessel at the distance Mrs. .Mauilf Ella Stone, r, .Miss Alii. and liake 1." f f from five to seven miles ami has an extreme range of twenty miles. A July Delicacy. — Sea Foam Cake is made 1 >y sifting one cuji of Hour with one teasponnful of cream of tarlar five times; also sift one and a half cups of grauulateil sugar twice. Then beat the sugar with the btateu yolks of four eggs until very light and creamy. Beat the whites of eleven eggs to a stilV, dry froth; add the yulks ami sugar to the \\ hites very care- fully, then add one tea- siMionful of vanilla and, last, the tlour. Mix thoroughly but gently and (piickly as ])ossible ani;.\\(lli. ilAI'l'ISr I III licll. Tdii 1{.)W— (1,1 It I.I Kiirhl) Mis.s iinuMC,.|i,i. Miss|iliiii.' It >liinsiiii. Miss V.l.lii- II ik.-r. Miss Urac- llakir, Mrs. S. S. Itldwtll, Mrs. Siisutl .N.iri.m. .Mrs. II. my .MiiTiif.r. .Mi.l.lh- Kiw -("liarlLc Hiir.l, K..-V. S. S. Itlilwi-ll, Mrs. HiMliiTt Adums Miss Grace .liiliiislon. Dmiiel V. Wyunt. Miis .l.ihnst.iii. Miss ,liihni>t<>ii. A. H. .N.irt.ui. .Miss C.m- triide Jliird. Lower Uow— .Miss .liilia I'rlc-, ('harles I,oomls,. Master .Vdams, Mrs. D. II Wyatit. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 59 Members of Assembly from Oswego County. — lu ISl!) anil until April 12, 1822, Oswego and Oueiila couuties were represented in Ibe state assembly, as one district. 1)_t five members. Then Oswego county was apportioned one member. On May 28, lS2l), it was given two members. On April 18, 18.j7, and again on April Iti, lSI)(i, it was divided into three a sembly districts and on .\pril 28, 187!), was reduced to two districts with two rc|)resentatives, the number it has now. Prior to ISl!) the territoiy now comprised in ( )sw go county wa'< represented by the Onondaga iin"iiber, Barnet .Mooney, ^^ho lived in the town of Ifannibal. The complete list of those who have represented this couiity in the .state assembly together with the years of service and the districts they respec- tivelv r<'|n'e-ented is as follows: .\llen, \^'ln F, 181 i-'i Ames, Leonard, 2iid d, 18.57 Ainsworth, Danforth E, 2nd d, 188()-'.S Bacon, Ezekial, Oneida-O-wego, 1819 Bacon, .Tosiah, Oneida-Oswego, 2ud session 1820, 1st session 1821 Bronson, (ireene C, Oneida-Oswego, 1822 Baldwin, Wm, 1st Oswego dist, 18.58 Brockway, Beman, 3d Oswego dist, 1859 Bowen, Benj E, 3d d, 1862 Bulkley, Justin L, 8d, 1873-'! Chandler, Samuel, Oneida-Oswego, 1822 Cortiss, Hastings, 1824 Crowell, Jesse, 1835 Carr, Caleb, 1887 Curtiss, Wm P, 1 d, vice Hatch resigned, second se.ssion June 10-July 11, 1851 Coit, -Tames J, 2 d, 1859 Carter, Wm H, 2 d, 1860 Case, Oeorge M, 2 d, 1877-'8 CuUinan, Patrick W, 1 d, 1880-'l Coon, S Mortimer, 1 d, 1888- '9 Costello, Thomas M, 2nd dist, 1896 — present in- cumbent Dean, jr, James, Oneida-Oswego, 1st session, 1820 Devendorf, Peter, 18i0; '42 Duer, Wm, 1840-'l Drake, Reuben, 1816 Doolittle, Benj, 1 d, 1869 Daggett, Henry J, 3 d, 1875 Earl, Orin R, 1847 Frazier, Allen, Oneida-Oswego, second session 1820 and first session 1821 Fallev, George, 1829 Fitzh'ugh, Henry, 1 d, 1849 Fo.x, Edward W, 2 d, 1849 Fort, Daniel G, 1 d, 1872 "3 Giteau, Luther, Oneida-Oswego, 1819 Greene, Thomas W, 2 d, 1872; '76 (iilison, James T, 2 d, 18.52 Hojt. David P, Oneida- Oswego, 1819 Huntington, George, Oneida- Oswego, 1819-'22 Hayden, C'hester, 1825 Hai-t, Orri.s, 1827-'8 Hubbel, Hiram, 1830 Hawley, Samuel, 1859 Hatch,' P, Id, 1851, resigned April 1 close of 1st session Hart, Edwin C, 1 d, 1852 Howe, Henry 0, 1 d, 1885-'7 Howe, Al), 2 d, 1870-'l Helm, Bvrou, 2 d, 1882-'3 Judson, Edward B, 1839; '41 Johnson, Willard, 2 d 18(52; 1873-'5 Kirkland, .Joseph, Oneida-Oswego, second session 1820 and lii'st session 1821 Kenyon, Robert C, 1842 Kelsey, Robert S, 3 d, 1860 Lasher, James D, 2 d, 1868 -'9 Loomis, Hiram W, 2 d, l8()8-'4 Lee M Lindley, 1847; 1st d, 1848 Lewis, jr, William, 1 d, 1850 Lewis, Benjamin, 2 d, 1851 Littlejohn, ' Dewitt C, 1 d. 1858-'5; '.57; '.59-'61 ; '66-7; '70-'l; '84 Ijcwis, Tliomas D, Id, 18.1.1 — present incumbent ^b'XciL Henry, Oneida Osweco, .session 1820 Miirgan, Theophilus S, Oneida-Oswego, 1st ses- sion, 1820; Oswego dist, bs28 McCarty, Andrew Z, 2d, 1848 Matoon, Abner C, 1 d, ]8i;8-'4 ^NlcKinnev, Charles, --i d. 1867 North, Charles, 1 d, 1S78 Pratt, Peter, Oneida Oswego, 1822 Perkins, Charles A, 2 d, 1853 Palmer, Harvev, 3 d, 1868; '4 Parker, John, 3 d, 18i)6; '70 Place, John A, 1 d, 1868 Page, Alanson S, 1 d, 1875 Preston, JoLn, 8 d. 1876 Peck, DeWitt C, 8 d, 1877-8 Poucher, Wm A, 1 d, 1882 -'8 Root, Wm, Oneida-Oswego, 2nd session 1820 and 1st session 1821 Robinson, Orville, 1834; ■3(!; 1 d, 1856 Rice, Arvin, 1888 Richardson, John M, 1838 Root, Eliasl d, 1862; '(55 Rice, Wm H, 2 d, 1866- '7 Richardson, Alvin, 3 d, 1868 Stoddard, Israel, Oneida-Oswego, 1822 Storrs, John, Oneida- Oswego, 1st session 1820 Sweet, Gouverneur M, 2 d, 1884-'5 Sage, Chauncev S, 3 d 1858; '71-'2 Steele. Wm H,'8 d, 1879; 2nd d, 1880-'l Sanford, Richard K, 2 d, 1861 ; '65 Skinner, Avery, 1882-'3 Salisbury, Mason, 3 d, 1861 Strong,, 1843-'4 Severance, Avery W, 8 d, 1865 Skelton, Thomas, 1845 Smith, Nathan B. 3 d, 1869 Smith, Luke D, 2 d, 1850 Sloane, George B, 1 d 1874; '76-'7; '79 Selden, Jacob JI, 2 d, 1855 (he was unseated in a contest with Andrew S. Warner, March 8) Stranahan, N N, 1 d, 1890-'2 Selleck, W H, 2 d, 1890-'2 Turrill, Joel. 1831 Thayer, Luny, ]845-'6 Tayior. L P, 1 d, 1896- '8 Woodrutt'e, Theodore, Oneida-Oswego. 1819 Willi .m.s, CJeorge E, 2 d. 1879 WiUiams, Hearv, 1826 Wart, Azariah, 2 d, 1854 Warner, .\ndrew S, 2 d, (seated in a contest iu place of Jacob .M Selden March 8) 18.55; '.56 Wolcott, John J. 2 d, 1858 Whitney's Tavern.— In 1837 Judge Whitney erected on the site of the present Boyd House a frame tavern and in 1851 I^r. C. D. SneU erected a brick structure using the frame part for a wing. The whole, costing $8,500 and called the Empire House and block, w,is burned .Tune 29, 18('>6, the ])roprietor then lieing J. D. Taylor. Earlier landlords were I. L. Dillenbeek, L. Millington and C. Tickner. It was rebuilt as at present and reopened as the Empire House March, 1867 by J. B. Taylor and George Swanson. Then followed I. B. Gillson and Capt. David Boyd, the latter giving it its present name. F. W. CoukUn is the present proprietor. 00 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Unrrowiui Photii. LEWIS MILLEK. HAKUIETT MII.LEK. Lewis Miller, tlio toiiuclcr of the >Iiller Spriuf^- \Vaj,'(m Works and iuvuntor and designer of that famous wagou, was lioru Sept. 2<), ].S;!0, in Dorf Harste, by Gittengio, the Kingdom of Hauover, Gei-many. When Ifi yeai's old he accompanied his parents to America, hinding at (Quebec, thence going by steamer to Montreal and from there by canal to Troy, N. Y. The superintendent at the emigrant office at the latter ]ilace, Emory Mathews discovering that the lad was master of both the Dutch and (ierman languages, secured his services as interpreter under in), ^Ir. ^Mathews brought him to Mexico, where he remained in the family of Myron Evarts, Mr. Mai hews' lirotlier-in-law, two years, attending school winter terms and doing farm work the rest of the year. On Apr. 1, 18iH, he was apjtrenticcd to Cyrus Turuey, wagon maker, for .^35 and board the first year. This was doubled the second year. The third year he woi-ked for Nims .t Williamson under instructions, his salary tliis time being again doubled. On Dec. 7, IH.'iii, he married Uur- riett VVhitney a school mat<'. He bought the residence of .lanu's Law at the comer of Main and WaHhiugton streets and HvcmI there tifteen years. Since then lie has occu- pied his |)resent residence which he imr-ha-ed of nimwi.-k PImhh title the the Ames estjite. Being of an inquiring and inventive turn of mind, and industrious, he learned all of the branches of the wagon and carriage business, and the year after his marriage became a partner of Mr. Xims. Nims \- ^Miller's shop was then in the build- ing now occu])ied by Herbert Adams. At the oulbrciik of the rebellion Mr. Miller wa-s turuing out a large number of wagons of all sirts .some of which are still in use and in good condition. In ]S.")4 he bought the old aciidemy building, w Inch he moved on to the lot now occupied l>v Henry Peu- tield's residence where it wa.s jjerniitted to staml during the winter on tiueks. In the spring of 1H5.") he bought the lot across the .street, where the factory still stands, of Or- son .\mes, and moved the old building on to it, converting it into a factory and secur- ing a valuable water ]M>wer privilege. The original academy was three stories high. Mr. Miller cut oft' the lower srtorv and built on an addition, giving the whole edifice a uniform height. In making the .sale of the old academy, the bell iu the cupola was forgotten by the trustees, one of whom afterwards called ( m^Ir. Miller and .suggested that if he didn't want it (the latter i-laiming lo it) the trusties dia. Mr. Miller returned bell. In 1S78 the great influx of cheap fac- tory work forced down jjrices and Mr. Miller with a great many Wagous on hand, brought his iuveu tive ability to liear on the difficulty, and produced the eight coO 8]>ring lumber w.igon. He secured the patent in Sei)tember, IS'.ll, and formed a com- pany to manufacture it. This is the famous Mil- ler &])ring wagou, hundreds of which have been shijiped all over the <'Ountry, which is now being manufa'tured on a larger scale than ever before by Mr. George Cusack who succeeded the Miller Spring Wagon Company as owner of tin' plant. Mr. Miller, industrious for one of his yi'ars, can be found nearly every day around the wcuks tak ing a i)ardonable pride in witnessing the [irogress of the industry which he created. T,F,WIS MILLER'S RESIDENCE. 'OEIP'S'- HISTOEICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 61 Duiiwkk. I'; THK FAMnIS MIlJ.KIi STKING W The Famous Miller Sjiiiug Lumber W'iigon was jiateutecl Sept. ], ISill, by its inveutor, Lewis Miller, of Mexico, N. Y. , whose uame it bears. This wagon, because oi' its many superior qualities reuilily came into favor and use; and it is ditheult today to sell any other wagon in competition with the Miller sjiring wagon. The following are a few of the many features which make this wagon so pojjular: It has four half-coil springs made from the best crucilile steel and fully tested uader each bolster, at' ached to the axle near the arm, al-o a spring running lengthwihC under each bolster act- ing as a cheek-spi'ing. This wagon with the springs, in lower than the common stiti' bolster wagon without springs. The bearing coming close to the arm and the gearing being under the axle, makes it one of the easiest drawing wagons known. The claim is made, wliich many wiD verify, that one fourth more can I)e drawn on a MiUer spring wagon with the same jjower at- tiiched. All material in these wagons is carefully examined and nothing but the Ijest used. All wide rims are riveted each side of spoke. The stakes are of maleable iron rendering them very strong as well as tasty. The wagons are made in sizes ranging from eighteen hundred to five tons capacity. They have only to be .seen to be ap- preciated and used. (i. 1). Cusack. formerly of Clifford, N. Y., came to Mexico in October, 1901, to t ike the management of tlie manufacture of these wagons. Boylston Tract was a .sub-division of the big Mc- C'orniick and Macomb pur- chase j)atented for Samuel WiU-d Dec. 18, 1792 and con- tained 817,155 acres in Jef- c rsim. Lewis and the nor- thern )iarl of Oswego coun- ties. The purchase was made by Ward as an agent for Thomas Jjoylston. That part lying in Oswego county was reconveyed to later. Bovlston had the AGON. Constable four years tract surveyed and divided into the following townships: Redtield (the north part of the present town of Redtield), .\rcadia (the south part of Red- tield), Campania (now Boylston), Longinus (now OrweUi, Rhodamout (now Sandy Creek, the north part of Richland and one corner of Albion) and Minos (now EUisburgh. Jeft'drson county). Judge Avery Skinner wa^ identified in the pioneer history of Mexico. In 1822 he settled at Union Square where he died Nov. 2-t, 187r). He gave the place its name, erected the first tavern, estalilished a mail route, was appointed the first postmaster, serving until his death. In 1831 and again in 1882 he was elected member of assembly and from 1838 to 1842 was state senator. He was also county treasurer for 12 years and was one of the judges in the county court for 11 years. Normal Schools oi the State. — Albany, opened 1841, William .1. Milne. ])resident; Oswego, 1863, I. B. Puncher, jirincipal; Brockport, 1867, I). Eugene Smith; Fredonia, bSf;8, Fiancis B. Palmer; Clortland, 1869, Francis J. Chenev; Pots- dam, 1869, Thomas B. Stowell; Buttalo, 1871, James M. Cassetv; Geueseo, 1871, John M. Milne, New Paltz, 188ii,' Frank S. Capen; Oneonta, 1889, Percy L. Bugbee; Plattsluirg, 1890, G. K. Haw- kins; Jamaica. 1897. A. C. Mcljachlan. Fnmi Old I'rinl. THE HOME OF THE MILLER SPRIXG WAGOX. C,2 "GRIP'S" UISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. lioncnvrd Photo. ASA L. SAMPSON. Asa Lewis Sampson was l>oru iii this town December 13, IS'JS, iinil his whole hfe wius passed in this immediate vieinity. He has been inti- mately identified with the prosperity and profp-ess of thi.s community, and gave hi.s best efiforls to its welfare. He died at his own home Jan. 10, 19(W, ill the seventy-fifth year of his age. His father, (ieorge Sauijison, was a native of Massachusetts and died in this town. His father was a sub- stantial farmer, and in the intervals of gaining a good common school education the .sou was inured to the same hniiorable piir.suit. He taught school winters to gain funds for his snjiport and educa- tion. His mother Lucy (Davis) Samp.son, was a was jdaced. He reju'eseiited this town in the board of suiiervisors for ten years, and was cliuirman of the board for four years. He wa.s one of the most iu- fiuential members of that body. He was first elected supervisor in 1876. As n public officer he Wis efficient and devoted to the interests of the town. He was fond of agricultural pursuits and his life was largely spent on the farm. First and last he stood for the best interests of the fanner. He was (Uie of the organizers of the Oswego ("ounty Fire Insurance Company, established io the interests of th'> gr.mge and wa.s its eflicient secretarv (or twenty five years. Intelligent and practical, he was never given to poiii]! and dis- IMnnvii-k, Plinto. hit. i;, s. sAMi'sdNs liKsiiiiiNcr,. Iloiiowid Plioto. DR. E. S. S.VMPSll.N". jilay. Honest, energetic and self maiie, he was always strong with the i>eoi)le. He was a warm friend of Mexico Academy, and for along pei'iod was a faithful member of the old boai-d of trustees of that institution. In early life he was for many years one of the trustees of t'le historic old Pratthain church, the site of wliose place of worship was on the bleak ami stony hill just west of I'rattvillc. Since the ilissolution of the old church Mr. Sampson attended tlie I'resljy- tex'ian church in this village of which he was a member and ime of the ^~^ trustees at tlic tiiiK' of his death. Mr. Sani)>sou was mar- ried to Elvira H. Porler in 1S.")2. His wife died Sept., IHDC. He was the father of eight child- ren, two of whom,.\rtlinr L.and.Vlfred P., are dead. The surviving children are Ernest S., William .\., (ieorge H. and I'harles E.,all ofMexico, N. Y.,Orvilh> A., of Troy, Pa., and ^Irs. Martha L. Wilscm of Siiortsville, N. Y. Iq his ileatli his children lose a fond, iu- ilulgeiit father and the town loses a prominent citizen who will li>ng I e niissod in all business circles. 'GEIP8" HISTOBICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 63 llorrowcd IMiolo. liKOlfCiF. H. SAMPSON. Ernest S. Sampson, M. D. wa-^ Ixuu iu Mex- ic-o, X. Y., March 31, 185(\ His early life was Hi)ent, on his father's farm near Jlexico, bariing a nooily pait of it that was devoteil to uhtainiug the I'ounil itiiin of an eiliieation in the country school. When he ou*grew the common school he went to Mexico and entered the academy, gradu- ating from that mstitutiim in 1.S77. Suhsequently he engaged in tea hing during the wiater whUe in summer he was employed at various occupa- tions to accumulate a fund to aid hira in ihe further prosecution of his .studies. He had lie- I'onie inspired with the idea of a professional life, anil it was to thi.s end that he 1 ibored and studied. In the fall of 1S77 he went to Aurora, III, and entered the (■thee of I'r. Abuer Hard, apiominent physician and former army surgeon of high stand- ing. .\l)(iut a year later he returned to Mexico and resumed tlie studv of medicine with Dr. (ieorge 1'. Johnson. In 1.S80 he entered the .\l- bany Medical College obtaining the degree of M. I), in ISS'i. Thus he prepared himself for a professional htV in wliich he has achieved sub- stantial success. Dr. Sampson was the son of Asa L. Sampson and was the second of a family of eight children. He practiced medicine in North S;yracuse, X. Y. from 18S2 until the fall of 1890 when he moved back to IMexico, N. Y., where he now resides. In August, 1805. Dr. Sampson married Miss Ruth Tompkins, daughter of Henry and Emily Tompkins, then of Cigarville, N. Y. They now have fcnir children, Kiitli Emily, Ralph Everet, Marion Elvira and Mariha Bessie. ] )r. Sampson is a member of the Onondaga Co. Dmnvirk, IMnit* GEOKGE H. SAMPSON'S RESIDENCE Horrdwcil I'lioM). CHAIU.ES E. SAMI'.sii.N. Medical Society, has been health physician sev- eral terms, and active iu republican polities in the northern part of Onondaga, couuty. He is a Past Masler in the Masonic order and is now a member of Mexico Lodge, Xo l:i(). He is now the acting Noble Grand in Orient Lodge Xo. 108, I. (). (). F., and examiu ng physician in Mexico Tent cf 'Maccabees Xo 7.^L l)v. Samp.sou is also inter- ested in mu.sic, has .sung in a nnmljcr ol choirs and is now tlje leader of the Methodist choir. His residence i-i on Washington street, Mexico, X. Y. George Hayden Samjison, who is one of (he popular and most experi- enced mail clerks on the Xortheru Xew York rail- way postal lines, has his home hi Mexico. On a farm in this town he was born .July 17, 18(;i), and was educated in the Mex- ico academy, he like all farmer boys, having had the experience of farm work in his youth. On Jan. 2, 1884, he was ap- pointed I'Ostal clerk be- tween Ogdensburg and Rome. Two year- later, .Inn. 7, 188(1, lie married Hattie R. House. After running over the long railway mail route upon which he wa.s first placed for some time his trips were changed so that now he is running between CA •GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOU\rEXri; OF MEXICO. \V. H. PENKIELD. Utioa anil Ma:s o and open- ed a i)rivate bank. .Ml veuturi's weie at last wound up. liunwi.k. I'li.ii. W. H. Penfield, who is one of the leading un- dertakers in this part of the county, was born in Mexico, Mar. 3(1, 1S41. His father, William Pen- field, a blacksmith by trade, came here from Con- necticut about 1837 or "38 and for several years in company with his brother manufactured stage coaches which was a ju-omineut imlustry in the village, these coaches being sold in all sections of the country. He died in ISil-t. W. H. Penfield attending school at Mexico, worked in the sho]) unlil about IHIKi, excepting ttie time he in the army, when he wa.s a])pointed the Mexi' o agent for the .\merican express company, a po>ition he held for about 28 years: at the .same time running tlie bus line to and from the railroad station. In 1877 he bought out the undertaking business of William Ely. In 18(;(i he opened the coal yard in the vil- lage, a business which he conducted during the time he wa'* express agent and which he disposed of to Earl Taylor. .\fter occu))ying several locations in the village he moved his undertaking bn.siness into the building which he erected for that i)nrpose on the Wayne street lot a, 1872, he married Nellie .1., the daugh- ter of Frank and ;\Ialitta ^'alentiue, of the tarty, IS a member of the democratic county com- mittee, a post he has rc- I- ipied with credit to himself and party since bSMIl, except during :iii interval of two years. He lias been active as a delegate at state and <'oiintv conventions. From'l8S7 to IMMK he was deimty collector of cus- toms at I'ort Outiirio'aud iu .Tuly, 18'.)."j, wa.s ap- pointed postranster of iiiinwlik, Phoio, Mexico by Pi-esident Cleveland, au office he held four years. Mr. Baker has always been a zeiJous 8upi)orter of village improvements and as street commissioner where heisserving the second term, has aimed to carry out the policy of maintiiuiug go^d streets for which Mexico is noted. He served as village president in 1901 Vint declined a second tiTiii, and the following year served as \illage trustee, ajipointed to till tlie vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Osboru. Mr. Baker erect- ed the post office building and that occupied by the A?eopagus club in l.s;»7. He is a charter member of that club and a uiember of the Me.\ico Lodge No. 135, F. \- A. :\I. Chicken Served in the most appetizing way: — I'liree pints of cold boiled chicken, three hard boiled eggs, three heaping tablespoousful of Hour that has been browned in the oven, half a pint of chicken stock, one pint of good rich milk, one wine glass of ^Madeira, one even teasii(>onful of salt, a pinch of cayenne pejiper. one half tea- spoonful of mace and one cu]) of butter. Mince the chicken tine, rub the eggs through a tine seive, melt the butter in a large stew jiaii and add the flour. Next add the .stock and milk which has been scalded, then the chicken in which all the sejisouing has been well mixed and the eggs; cook slowly hidf an hour on the back of stove. Just before serving add the wine. Tliis is to be served on brown toast and will serve twenty jiersons. Trout Delicious is the i>roper term for serv- ing as follows: — Dress half a dozen brook trout, weighing about four ounces each, without des- troying shape. Fill with a fish force-meat and .secure the slit made in dressing. Brush over with melt(>d butter or with olive oil, pieces of pajier and put a very thin shaving of salt pork iu the center of each, with a trout above it, dust with salt and pepper, then fold and fasten it closely with a string. Bake about twenty niinutes ia a slow oven, remove the string and serve in the pa)iers, .serve at the same time Hollandaise, Lechamel or lomato sauce. Other fish niav be cooked in the same nianiur. .IKKII.MI-; II.VKEUS HK.-ilDENrK. ■GEIP'S" HISTOKICAL SOUVENIE OF MEXICO. 67 Borrowed Photo. BENJAMIN S. STONE. B. S. Stone & Co. — There is no cue who hiis for .so miiny consecutive years lieen a resident of this vilhige as B. S. Stone, and probably no man in Oswego county whose business career goes back as far, and there are few who have been more highly respected for sterling worth and unques- tioned integrity. Mr. Stone was liorn in Brid- port, Vermont, Mar. 2(5, 1821, and came to Mexico with his parents, Isaac and Lydia Stone, who made the journey by wagon with their six child- ren, of whom Benjamin was the fourth, in the fall of ]S2ti. Beared on a farm, with all the priva- tions and hardships that that implied in those days, with little oppor- tunity to gratify his desu-e for an education, at the age of s venleeu he en- tered upon a clerk.ship in the general store of Peter Chandler, the merchant prince of the town, with whom he remained until that gentleman's retire- ment in 18-13, from the busm. ss, S. H. ing in the little house on Church street now occui)ied liy Elon Van Sickle, which then stood wheie E. L. Hunt ng- ton's tine residence is. In 1850 he l)uilt and moved into the house on Spruig street which has since Vjeen the family homestead. He has four sons living: Walter C, proprietor of the .\dvauce Journal, Camden, X. Y. ; Edward T., of B. S. Stone A: Co.; Vr. WilHaiii G., of Montclaii', N. J.: and Rev. Carlos H.. Ph. I)., proprietor of Corn- wall Heights school, Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y. His wfe died in 1861 and two years later he mar- ried Mrs. Ellen S. Boyle, who died in 1895. Mr. Stone has never been active in politics, though a staunch republican since the organization of the party, but has been called to many jiositions of honor and public trust. A member of the Pres- byterian chui-ch since young manhooil, for the greater part of the time he has been a member of the board of^es, and for many jears one of the sei-sion. A member of the board of tnistees of Mexico Academy for over fifty years and jiresi- dent for nearly twenty, he was most jirominent in the erection of the present building, estimatmg its cost, and what is noteworthy in these ilays, completed it within the estimate. He has several times served as village trustee, ami for thirty years was prominently identified with Ihe Mexi<'0 Cemetery as.sociation. He was from iis founda- tion a trustee of the Oswego County Savings Bank and for many years one of its vice presi- dent.s. .\lways au active, energetic man, in .\pril. 1899, he was stricken with paralysis w hich att'ected the right side, rendering him comparatively help- n. S. :^T()^'E \ CO.'.s r^rnUK. 68 "GRIP'S" IIISTOKICAL, SOUVENUi OF MEXICO. Diiiiwu k. I'lic.t. .1. T. iiiiii\VN> iiahm;>s .--iiiir less: Imt inentalJy he is clear headeil auil main- tains his interest ia the current events of the day. in spite of his eifjhtv-two years, with as much zest as many a younger man. Edward T. Stime was liorn in Mexico .\pril 2:^, 1853. His education was acijuired ia the common schools and Mexii'o .\eademy, and at an early age he became salesman in bis lather's store. Later he had an interest in the firm, and Hnally became sole jiroprietor, although retaining the old well- known tiriu name. In LSTo he married Xettie Warren, and they have three sons: Hev. Warren S., pastor of the Presbyterian church, Le Koy, X. Y. : Chester T. and Donald E. iu school. Mr. Stone is a member of the board of trustees of the Pre.sbyteriju church and of Mexico Lodge Xo. l;i(;, F. A- A. M. Samuel Hubbard Stone was born in Bridg- liort, Vt,, !\larch fl, ISIS. He was the oldest of twelve chililreii, and iu IH'ili the family emigrated overland. It was their original intention to go farther west, but stoi)i)ing in .Mexico en route, they located there permanent- ly. Mr. Stone's mot her was a delicate woman of sweet and gentle nature, whose religious faith and teiuperament were strongly developed. From her he took the strong element of Clnist- ian faith which perviidid his lile. From his father, Isaac Stone, he doiil)tless iuherited the more ru'jg<'cl (puditicH which en,ii)lcd him to mi-et the necessity of mailing his own way ill the world. When liut a boy of fifteen lie ob lained n position iu the store of Starr ClarU and started upon theiumimer- cial career which he '"sTEVK.NS iiKurili;i{» followed for over half u i-entury. .\fter a few years in the capacity of clerk for Mr. Clark, he at- tended Mexico academy f r a short course of study. Soon after leav- ing school he olilained a position iu the store of I'eter Chandler, then the leading Inisiiiess man and c.ipitalist iu this region. Here his fiithful, tner- geti.^ industry and keen b siness ability soon made him a favorite with hi-employer, whose ati'cc- tion and coutidence he retained throughout Mr. Chandler's life. Mr.Stone was made one of the ex- t cutors of Mr.Chandhr's will. In 1,S4;^ S. H. and 15. S. Stone bought out !\Ir. ('h.indier andS. H. Stone carrieil on the sami' business in the same place for many years and was slill lut rested in it, as conducted by his brother, (ieorge W Stone, at the time of his death. The leading trait of Mr. Stone's character was uncompromising honesty. He had no jiatience with uuderhaiiiled methods and was intolerant of the slightest deviation from the line of truth. This will explain the biting, sarcastic epigrams which he applied to anyone whom he suspected of trickery. Tho public appreciation of his own wcuth in this respect was shown by the many positions of trust which he oci'iipieH IIF HIS IlKNT.M, linoMS. (!io Dr. H. W. Whitney, the well Inowu iiuil suc- cessful ileuti>t of this village, was bora in Mexico, .Tilly 17, 1S7;}, stid in 189.5 was graduated at the militaiT- school which was then being conducted in connection with the Mexico academy. The next year he entered dentistry under the instnic- tion of a (^apal)le dentist where he obtained the experience connected with an extended practice covering a period of four or five years. Then he took a course in one of the leading dental institu- tions in the country, the ('ollege of Dental Sur- gery at P>ufialij, X. Y , where in May, 1901, he received his diploma. ('oniing to Mexico he opened an ollice in the Dobson building which he fitted uj) in aj)]>roi)riat«? style and where, etpiipped to carry on the practice in a successful manner, in .Tune, 1901, he began a business that has since steadily increaseeveral financial all of them controlled liy hiniself has made a success Ijy reason of his l)usiness ability and foresight. He in- vested in the Miller s])ring wagon company of wh'ch he was an incor- I loral ( ir and the secietai y . At line time he alone \ en ured into the man- ufacture (if wagons and made it pay him well. He is a ^lason of high standing having tilled all of the ofHc. s in the lilue lodge, except Master.and served as secretary of the C'hai^ter 21) years. His masoni'j con n e c t i o n s, making him widely known iu ma.souic circles, are the following: Mexico Lodge A.M. ; Mexico Chapter No. 135, K. A. M ; Central City Council No. 13, II. & S. M., and Lake Ontario ('Ommandery No. 32, K. T. He is also a member of Media Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He is a prominent republican in the councils of the party of the county and is chau-man of the republican town committee. On Dec. 18, 1807, he married Maria M. Thomas of Mexico, and they have one daughter, Florence. Special County Judg-es, (three years terms; years they .served) — Benjamin F. Rhodes, Pulaski, 1855-'7. Dennis D. McCoon, Schr.eppel, 1858-'(i(). De W'itt C. Peck, Mexico, 18til-'3. .Tames W. Fenton, Pulaski, 1864- '9; •82-'7. Andrew Z. McCarty, Piilaski, 1870-'2. John Preston, Pulaski, 1873-'5; '79-'81; '88-'l)3. Henry A. Brainard, Schroeppel, 187fi-'8. Irving G. Hubbs, Pulaski, 1894-'!)!). F. .1. Davis, Pulaski, 1900 — pi'esent incumbent. DOBPON s .lEWEI.KY STORE AND BICYCLE REPATK SHOP. (Huested.) H. H. DOBSON. (Borrowed.) 72 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. .IIIHN C". TAVLOEt. (KoiT ►wed Photo.) .1. C. TAY ,()li. (HoistLil. Photo.) John C. Taylor was boru at Litchticld, Her- kimer Co., Feb. 25, 1831. Wheu a child of four years of age he came to JNIexico with his father, Diivifl P. Taylor, and speut the remainder of his Hfe here — a jieriod of over half a century. He was educated at Mexico academy and when grad- uated tauglit .school for several years. Oct. 2il, l.S.'')ti, he married .\nne.T. Hooker, of Sandy ('reek, and a short time after bought the place known at present as the Dewey farm then owned by his father. After several years si)ent in farming he moved into Uiwn. bought a store and engaged in the drug trade which business he followed until the time of his death which occurred Dec. (i, 1887. He was a man of particularly correct business habits and was largely identified with the growth of the town, holding many positions of and ies])onsibility. He was elected supervisor in ISns and re-elected in 18()9. He took great inter- est in educational matters being frank and out- spoken in giving voice to his convictions on all (piestions, taking his position boldly and daring to maintain it in the face of all oppositicm. John Curtiss Taylor, the ))resent owner of Taylor's I'hanuacy, was born in Mexico. April - l)aiatus fur turning out briik cream. To- day Mr. Taylor has a thoroughly up-to date ])harmacy. fully stocked and ecpiipped for doing a large business. Besides drugs he handles a large line of paints, also Ijicycles and bicrcle sundries, and a com- plete stock of photographic sup|)lies. In ISO.-) Mr. Taylor nianied Mi-s Xellie Devel, of Sterling Valley, N. Y. Thej have fotir children — two sons and two daughters. Mr. Taylor is a prominent member of the local masonic order and in politics is recog- nized as a staunch rei.mblican. Memories o£ an Historic Hotel. — The oldest hotel now standing in the town of Mexico is at Union Squire. It was liuilt in 1823 by Judge Avery Skinner. During the entire life of this ancient Lostelry it has been usually well kei>t. Tiiere the weary traveler found a full larder and a jileas- ant home. There the beauty and chivalry of the town frequently ci>Dgregated. It has seen jolly times and famous old characters were once joviid patrons of its bai'. Before the days of the raib'oads i'. was the headquarters of the leading political men of the county. Being located near the geograi)hical center of the county, for a long period the county and district ccuiventions of the great political piirties were held there and its venerable walls have silently witnessed thi' making and breaking of many political slates. Mauy aspiring candidates have been there ([uietly beheaded in tlie political guillotine. In the good (rid ihiys balls receptions, lianquets and p 'litical conferences without number were hel3, set- tling on a farm about a mile north of the village, which is now a \mit of thi' village corporation. The house which he built is still standing and the farm is still owned by one of the family. He was a man of rigid integrity ; public s])mted and de- voted to the welfare of the community and the church; a man of great ]iride and strong person- ality. He died m 1.S50 leaving two sons and two daughters of whom Clai'- inda Killam Aldrich and Aaron Killam make tlieir home in Mexico. Aaron Killam Jr. was born in Pern, \t., in ISOTaud came with his father to Mexico and help- ed to clear and till the farm. Later he marr ed Elizabeth Ames and seven children were Ixirn to them. Although residing on a farm, he emjilojed farm hands and followed his vocation that of draughtsman and mechanic, having built some of the finest churches and bridges of his lime. The present M. E. church and other buildings in the town testify to his good workmanship. At one time he owned largely of real estate having farms, and mdling property in this and adjoining towns He was essentially a self made man for hiw .school days ended at the age of Itj bvit he jjossessed an uuusually apt talent for mathematics and in his early hfe he formed classes in arithmetic, teach- ing them at night. One of his scholars was the late Virgil Douglass, who afterwards had the posi- tion of principal in the Oswego High school for years. In politics he was a staunch repul)!ieau and was ever ready to battle for what he consid- ered right in his pohtics or his religion. His ex- tensive reading and excellent memory coml)in(>d with his keen wit made him a strong adversary. .\ well balanced mind and good judgment gave him the unsought otlice of universal arbitrator in neighborhood controversies and the settling of es- tates his decisions lieing |iractical, just and gratu- itous. In religion he was a Universalist, like his father before him, and one of the ])rincipal factors in the building of that church here. In the latter part of his life he was a land surveyor; was village assessor several years and at the time of his death was serving his twenty-sixth year as town as.sessor. He died in 1S73. His youngest son John died while in the navy during the civil war. His liv- ing children are Lydia Dickerman of Oswego, Stratton Kill im of Syracuse. Lotlie Ames of Minnesota and Laura Kobeits of Mexico. Special Surrogates (three year terms; years they served) — William Sanders. Cleveland. 1H"i")-'7. Hueste.l. Pli. IXTKKInl! \Ii:\v (IF .1. C. TAVLOUS DRUG STUKE. Joshua B. Randall, Hastings, 1858-'();?. WUliam W. Scribner, Oswego, 18f54-"(>. Francis David, Schrteppel, 1867 ?2. William H. Kenyon, Schrtepiiel, 1873-'."). N. B. Smith. Pulaski, 187(i-'8. .Arvin Rice Jr., Fulton, 1879-'8-l. William W. Harmon, Oswego, 188'). (ico. \V. Harmon, Oswego, apji. vice W. W. Ib.rmon reiigned 1881). Louis W. Baker, Oswego, ISSS-".)."). B. Baker, Con.stautia, 181M)-11> d. (,'layton I. Miller, Mexico, 1902 — priseut in- cumbent Four Surrogates were residents of the town of Mexico. Elias Breivster, the first in thetouuty, had his office in his house at Prattville. Jo.seph Torrey at Colo.sse erected a structure (about 1S38) — the first used for the purpose in the county — which is still standing. The other two were Or- ville Robinson and Timothy Skinner, whose offices were in this village. 'GKIP'S" HISTOBICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Hiu-sti-ii, Phut. I. W. H. CSIioKN. LEOX C. OSnoliN. ILLIAN INGEKSOLL OSIloU (iAYU)UD F. OSnoKN W. H. Osborn was born in the town of Cape Vincent, Jetiersou Co., N. Y., Aug. 10, 1864. His father, Orlando F. Osborn, was a miller on a large scale aijd the son was brought np to ac(iuire fully all of the practical details of modern milling, in Hour as well as feed. When Ifi years old he went into the mill of P. A. Osborn & Co. at Dex. ter, N. Y., and served his api)rentice8hip there, and later in Farewell .t Khines' mill at Water- town, acquiring knowledge of the new Hour mill- ing process. In 1 Sill he bought tlie Hrvant mills at Evans Mills and in May, l.S'.tr>, th(> K. 11. Pitcher mills at Adams, X. Y. At al)out the same time he was also the owner of mills at Woodville, .Fef- fersou ('o. When in March, 181»H, he came to Mexico he disposed of all those |)ropei'tics and bought the large — I he Toronto mills of the es- tate of .\lmeron Thomas. This prop! rty, whicli had been in the hands of the latter forty years, h d within the past few years been improved, u laige and uiiu.-ually tine a d commodious stiuclure having been tlu-u but re- cently constructed — in IHIK;.' It is a budding ()()x7."), with three Hoors, and sheathed in iron, with an iron roof. It is fully ecpiipped with the modem roller process for merchant and custom miUing, with a grind- ing capacity of ."lO baiTels of flour, and also has the iraju'oved buckwheat mill, a com- plete bolt« ( )ntario and its gi'eatest depth is 00 feet. (iPiidiiN'.s itK.-^inr.Nir.. 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 75 Imnwick, I'liot. \V. H. lISliOUNS Mil. I, A. Surrogates (dutc of ajjpointmeut) — Elias Brewster, Mexico, March 21, ISlli. Abraham P. Voslmrgh, Fnlton, Feb. 17, ISIT. Orris Hart, New Haven, 8, IHl'.l; Nov. :i, 184.5. Chester Haydeu, Oswego. 1821. .lames A. Davis, Pulaski, March 28, 182H. .Tosepli W. Helme, Pulaski, March 27, 1820. Orville Robinson, Mexico, ;\Iarch .5, 1831). Joseph Torrev. Mexico, Feb. St, 18:i8. Joel Turrill, Oswego, Feb. 8, 184:^. Wm. P. Curtiss, Fulton, Oct. 1, bS4(i. County .Judge performed Surrogate's duties 1847-'.j2. Then came the following surrogates in four year terms until 1872 (since whi<^h time the term has been si.x years), and the years they served: — James Brown, Oswego, bs.'ii-'o. Amos (J. Hull. Fulton. ]8r)(;-'G3. Timothv W. Skinner, Mexico, 18)i4-'7; '72-'83. Henry L. Howe, Sandy Creek, 18C8-'71. Francis] )avid, Phcenix, 18S4-'95. ^ Sheldon B. Mead, Ful- ton, 181M) — present in- cumbent. County Judges — Un- til 1847, the Court of ('ommon Pleas consisting of a iiresidiug Judge and two associates served as couuty court. The con- stitution of 1846 substi- tuted county Judges. 'Ihe foDowiug are the Common Plea.fndges and dates of their appoint- ment (See Associate Jus- tices in another article) : — Barent Moonev, Grauby, March 21, 1816; John (irant, jr., Oswego, June 1, 1820'; Joel Turrill, Os- wego, April 2, 1828; David P. Brewster, Oswe- go, April 1.5, 1833; Sam- uel B. Ludlow, Oswego, 'Slay 11, 1841. Then came the county Judges and the years they served (the terms were foui- years):— Orla H. Whit- ney, Mexico, appointed June, 1847, elected 1848. Ransom H. Tvler, Ful- tcm, 1851-T); '(;4-7. Syl- vanus C. Huntiiiglon, Pula.'-ki, 185()-'l). John (!. Churcliill, Oswego, 186l)-'3. CyrusWhitney, Mexico, 1868-71; re- e'ect«d from Oswego (the first six year term incumbent) 1872-'7. Newton W. Nutling, Os- wego, 1878'-83. Maurice L, Wright, Me.xico, 1884- 'i); re-elected 1880, seiz- ing until elected Supreme Court Judge in Nov., 18i)l. James R. O'Gor- luHU, ai)puiuted vice Wright, Dec 7, 1891 to ser\e until .Tan. 1, 1893. Merrick Stowell, elected Nov., 1892, serving 1893 and continuously to the present time. The Areopagus Club of Mexico business men was incorporated Oct. 15, 1896. This organ- ization has a lai'ge membership and occupies two floors in the Baker building on South Jetierson street. The original quarters were in an old builaing on the same ground which about a year or two after the club was organized burned down. The suite is one of the l)est for club purposes that is usually found in a small town. It is furnished throughout elaborately and in good taste, with reading and reception parlors and card and billiard rooms. Here are filed iill of the popular- i)ublica- tions of the day. George W. Bradner, the first president, hiis continued in that office ever since. George .Johnson is the secretary and Willis L. Morgan the treasurer. J^._ I>innviok. Plinti \V. !I. USItOHN'S MILL B. 'GKIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. llurslfil. Photo. TlIK liiiVKDiH' i; I M c '.Vll i iN. Dr. C. \V. Iiad»;i.\. .1. Mrs. Clarii .\. I>;n'is. Si-ffftai-\ . I!. II. I!:ikrr. I'll >i.l<-nl. MEXICO ACADEMY. For sevcniy-tive Tears Mfxieo Acmleniy lias Lad an houorahle recorcl as au ai-adeniif school of the liiglu'st fji'ii'le. As early as 1820 a high .school was fonui'il in Mexico village wilh .Tolin Howard us teacher and Laura Fish as assistant. In 182(5 this school was reor^janized us an academy and regularly iucorpo- rated liy an act of the legislatni-e wh'c-h named Chester Haydon, Nathaniel lintler, Mo.scs 1". Hatch, Peter Pratt. David R. Dixon, Seth Si-vc r- ance, John .\. Paine, James .\liel, Orris Hart, Hastings Cnrtis.s, Wm. W'iUianis, Oliver A>er, Henry Williams, Elias Brewster, Saranel Emery, (ieorge B. Davis, ^Ia.sit, the bar, th medical [iro- fession. tlie army and the business exchange, each and all have many rei re- sentalives of the old acad emy. Within the recol- lection of many now liv- ing, this institution has furnislied forty-one mem- bers of the legislature of different states", fourteen mayors, six sui)reme court judges, two major generals, three governors, many noted j)uli>it ora- tors, besides a long list of persons rei>resenting all the industrial pursuits of life, a list which w ill challenge the admiration of any community. In this short article we can only mention a few of the names of those who have been in some way connected with this school: Hon. Joel T. lleadley and Prof. J. I). Steele, two well known authors, were early teachers; idso Prof. Watson, the celebrated elocutionist, .\mong the principals of the si'hool we readily recall Dr. Geo. (1. Hap- good with all his ;;plendid aci|airenicuts, and also tlie Ihiished classical scholar, Rev. K. K. Hragdou. Prof. John R. French, late I'niversity, was long a teacher here, as was also Hon. S. M. Coon, of < >sKvego. N. Y. Andrew Parsons, once the governor of Michigan, and his brother, Luke Parsons, the late lieutenant-governor ri the same state, will be remembered as early students Charles R. Skinner, State Sup't of Public In- \V. I.a .Mis Ililrsliil, I'liotd. ■rilK. VAcn.TV MH.XICii' SCIlllol.. iKroiii li-l'l tiirliflu ill tt i-livlis iM-uliiniMiflep row] Klla (i. I'i-lili\ Mary Mary A. Illrdscye. Klorunce II. 'I'MVaiiv, .Maml S. Uk-lianls, Mary Sceley, .Icnnlf N. link r. Marv K. Vltzr' raid. Ilakur, LeKoy C. Flu.vil. A. H. Norton, Piliicliml. GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 77 atruction, and Lieut. -Gov. Allen 0. Beach. l)otli of Watt-rtown, were educated here. The late .Tndge (ien. F. Comstock of SyracuFe, attended this school, and the same is true of Judge John F. Kinney of San Diego, CjJ., who presidtd at the Semi-Centenuial Reunion of the teachers and students in 1S7(!. That fearless anti slavery champion, Asa S. Wing, was here k'ducated. One of his contempo- raries in the great struggle against slavery was the Rev. Thomas A. Weed an active trustee of this institution, and to him perhaps more than to any one ]>erson we are ludelited for the enlarged school edifice liudt in ls.").">. He laliored niuht and day in working up imlilic opinion in favor of rebuild- ing. Among the names of old students which occur to us at this moment are Henrv Kendall, D. D., R. H. Tyler, Rev. P. C. Headley, V. C. Douglass, Rev. 'a. S. Walker, the Whitn'eys, the Kelloggs and the Brewsters. Dr. George P. never faltered in its noble work. In deference to the present educational system of the state, which favors schools under piiblic control rather than those supported wholly or jiartly by private funds, in 189.5 the \dllage schools of Mexico were com- bined with the academy into an Academ'c Union School and the aca lemy building is now used for the grammar and academic depai'tments. The following is a list of i>riacipal-i of tlie acad- emy with dates of service of each: Mason W. Southworth Eliai-aph Dorchester White Brooks Shepard Orla H. Whitney Mason W. Southworth Rev. tJeorge G. Hai)good Benjamin 1. Diefendorf Rev. Russell Whiting William H. (iillespi,. Julv, 18:>(! 1H27 1828 1829 is:!i).:;i bs:« 183:5-3-i 1835-38 1838-40 1841-42 1812-43 Duiiwick, I'hutu. 11112 ME.VICH ITIJLR- .'^CllODL AXU ACADKMV. Mains, an agent of the Methodist Book Concern, is a product of this institution. The origiual academic building was built of brick some years before 182fi. The bricks were made in the immediate vicinity, the clay being mixed by the treading of osen. As the school out- gi'ew the accommodations aftbrded. in lS3lia large three-story wooden structure was added in fiout and iidjoining the old brick building and from this time the academy assumed a position of state im- portance. As the years went on need of greater facilities was felt and in 18.55 the present substantiid edi- fice was erected on the old site. In 1893 au addition of a military system of dLseiijline was adopted under the inspection of the War Depart- ment and insti'uction in military tactics given by Col. Richards, an officer of the United States Armv. From first to last the institution has Rev. George G. Hajigood William H. Gillesine E. E. E. Bragdon Aimer Davison William H. GUlespie John R. French J. Dorman Steele, Julv, 18.59, to St Bradford F. Potter, Sept. 18()1 to J Rev. A. B. Dunlap Rev. S. Hawley Adams William "SI. McLaughlin Rev. William H. Reese S. Mortimer Coon Charles E. Havens James M. Giflbrd Rev. John H. Butler Henry R. Fanchcr Warren More Frank B. Severance Melzar C. Richards I'l- ulv Julv 1843-45 1845-4(i 1840-47 1847-50 ]85"-55 1 8.5.5-. 59 bsi;i bst;2 bsi;2-()3 18()3 (15 18t;5-7'l 1S7II-72 1872-74 bS74-7S 1878 SI 1881-82 1882-88 1888-90 1890-93 1893-95 "GRIP'S' UISTOlilCAL SOUA'ENIR 01' MEXICO. i.oris nE(,iin.r,Aiir)s ueside Avery W. Skinner 1835-99 F. R. Parker 1H99-1900 A. H. Norton 1900-1903 The followiuf;; is a list of all the presidents of the Boiu-d of Trustees of Mexico Academy since it.s organization: Elias Brewster 1826 Jonathan (xoodwin 1833-35 Orville Robinson 1835-37 Avery Skinner 1837-38 Orville Robinson 1838-40 Peter Chandlor 18i0-13 Benjamin E. Howcii 1843-47 Charles Benedict 1847-48 Henry Webh 1848-49 Charles Benedict 1 849-50 David Goit 1850-51 Benjamin E. Bowen 1851-55 Calvin (Joodwin 1855-50 Luke ]). Smith 185IJ-57 Marlon Xewoll 1857-(i0 James S. (Uiandler 18(i0-(i2 Benjamin E. Bowen 18i;2-(13 Levi Downing 18(i3-ti4 Benjamin S. Stone 18(;4-(;5 Clark 1). Suell 1 8(i5-ti() (leorge ({. Freneli 18(;(i-(!7 Seabiu-y A.jTuller 18(i7-(>8 Cyrus Wliitney 1808-09 Thomas A. Weed 1809-70 David D. Becker 1870-71 Ilenrv C. Peck 1871-74 David I). Becker 1874-7K I5enjamin S.Stonel878-95 BohertH. Baker 1895-190:', Supreme Court — Os- wego county together with Onondaga, Jett'er- son, Oneida, Herkimer and Lewis constitute the Fifth Judici.ll District. The present Judges anil expiration of term (in each on Dec.31) are: William S. Andrews of Onondaga county, term expires 1913; Maurice L. Wright of Oswego, 19J5: Frank H. Hiscock. Svra- PP, cuse, 1910; PardouC. Wil- liams, Watertown, 1911: Peter 15. McLennan, Syracuse, 1900; William I'.. Scripture, Rome, 1909; Watson M. Rogers, Water- town, 191(). Oswego county has had two other rejiresentatives on the Supreme Court bencli. States; Origin of Names: — Maine — From the province of Maine. France; in compliment of Henrietta, (pieen of France un- der Charles I; part nf, until 1820. Admitted into statehood March 15. 1820 New Hampshire— Origiuall 7 Laconia; after HamiLshire, Eng. ; named by John Mason one of the original crown grantees to this tract, at the time it bcL-ame a province in 1070. One of the original thirteen states in the union. Vermcmt — Originally p rt of Ham))!shire grants; from (ireen mountains (French Verd Mont); nameil by convention of statehood wlu'n declared a stati' indei)enilenf in Januarv 1777. -\dmitted March 4, 1791. ]\Iassachusetts - In ICiiglish signifying the coun- try about the gi'eat hills— lus applied to Massachu- setts bay. Oue of the original thirteen states. Rhode Island— .\fter a fancieil reseaiblance to the I.sle of Rhodt\s in the Mediterranean (ancient Levant); first settlement in iO-iO cidled I'rovidence Plantation; next in 1038. Rhode Island IMantation. Original thirteen. J. U. Coe. ('(lie \ IKiGoltdd.M .s Mi:.\T .MAKKlOl'. L*. I.. llo>fiiboom. 'GRIP'S" HISTOKICAL SOUVENHl OF MEXICO. 79 HiK-sIi-.l. Flioto. THK MEXICO INUEPKXDEXT STAFF. ludependeut Staff - Toil i-ow: Mrs. Ella K. Baker, Clayton Sampson ; middle row: (ieorge I. PettinKill, John Berrv ; Clarence A. Hosford. Georgia — Honor of George II of England ; set- tled in 1732 1)Y Gov. Oglethorije. Original thir- teen. Florida — Land of flowers; also in token of Spanish easter celebration Pascua Florida, feast of flowers named by Ponce de Leon from Spain in 15112; settled in 1(!20; ceded by Spain to the United States in 1S19; formed as territory IS'iii. Admitted March 3, IS-t."). Alabama — Creek word, "The laud of liest;" part of the territory of Missis.sippi nnt 1 LSI 7. Admitted Dee. 14, is'ii). Mississippi — Choctaw, "Long River,'' and Natchez, "The Father of Waters"; part of Louis- iana. Admitted Dec. 1(1, 1817. Louisiana — After Louis XIV; celled by Xapo- leon April 1803. Admitted Apr. 8, 1812. " Arkansas — Indian word Kansas, "Smoky Water," prefixed by the Fiench Arc, "a bow", ap- plied generally for the course of the river ]\Iiss- issip|ii; from Missouri in 1819. Admitted 1H'M>. Tennesse — Indian, "The River witli the Big Bend", laken from North Carolina. Admitted June 1, 1796. Kentucky — Indian "At the Head of the River". Connecticut — After MoheganQuon-eh-ta-cut, a long river. Original thirteen. New York — After the Duke of York brother to Charles II, to whom it \vas granted and who ob- tained possession from the Dutch in Kilil. Ori- ginal thirteen. New .Tersey — After the Island of .Tersey in the British channel of which Sir George Carteret, by whom tiie state was named, was governor; he was one of the pro] irieti irs who purchased it in liWlt. Original thirteen. I'eunsj'lvjinia — Penu's Woods; province granted \Yilliam Penn in ]il81. < )rigiual thirteen. Delaw are — F ro m Thomas West Lord Dc la Wair; part of Pennsyl- vania until 17711. < )ngi- nal thirteen. Maryland — Alsouamt d in honor of Queen Hen- rietta Marie; fo iinded lt)32 by Lord B llimore a< an asylum for the Catholics'. O r igi ral thirteen. Virginia — In honor (if Queen Elizabeth, the virgin — unmarried ipieen ; founded by gntnt to London Co. in IfiOfi. Original thirteen. lomtLSy of .Mrs. Sill. MKS. M. D. SILLS CKADLE CLASS, M. E. CHCKCH. Marion Estelle Butts, Haroiri Fri deriek, Malile Dunniiifr, Jesse Carlyle Smith. M. Bessie Sampson, Glen Everts Walton, Marion Frioicis Cno, Lillian IriiH- Gass, Henry J. Ballard. Gordon Harold Cusaek, George Stevens Jordan, Kenneth Miller Hoose. 80 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVEXIK OP MEXICO. i;i:i iiici; i;. iKi.Nriis ui'.si iii;n( i'., 1.S17 Apri Api)lieil to the tnict (if fouiitn' nest of tbi- .Mlf'gany mountains. Admitti'd .Tune 1, ITil'J. Oliio — t'oi' "Beautiful Kivev": part of ;lie west ceileil to the feJend government by Vir- tjinia and Connecticut. Admitted Xov. 9, 1.S02. Michigan — Tudiiin for fish wier or traji — the laud of the trappers; part of Iniliana wh'U given territorial government in l.'^05. Admitted .Tan 2i), LSST. [ndiana — Land of the Indian.s; when at the time of ten-itorial government the liostiles had re- treated; territory May I.SDO; state JJec. 11, l.Sli;. Illinois — After the trilie of that name, indicat- ing in the Indian tongue "ineu" as compared with those Indian tribes wlio ha.l been driven away and were designated as women. Taken from In- diana for territory of Illinois in l.HOlt. Adinitted Dec. 3, 1S18. Wisconsin — Indian I'oi' Wdd — the strait between the lakes. Territorv IS ill. State May 2i), 1.S4.S. Missouri — After that river, iudicating muddy river. Part of Louisiana. Territory LSI 2. State Aiig. 10," 1.S21. Kansas — ".Smoky Wa- ter", pwt of Louisiana; territory ]8,")-t. State .Ian. 2!), l.Sni. Nel aask a — Part o f Louisiana; territorv l.S.")-l. State Mar. 1H{;7. Nevada— Part ofljcuiis- iaiia; territorv Mar. l.Sli I. State 1K70. Iowa- "Drowsy ( )n< s"; part of Louisiiina teiri- tory. State Dee. 2.S, l,S4i;. M nnesota —(Mo u d y w,.le' ; part of Lou siana lerriloiv. State Miiv 11. l.S")H. Texas — Part of Mexico. Kepublic l.s;^i;. Annexed March i;, lH-1.-). (California -Stale Sept. il, 18511. iHinwi.k, I'hiii. Oregon — River of the west. Teri-itorv 1.S4H. State Feb. 14. l.S.V.1. American Wars. — King Phillip's, ]()7."); King William's, ItiKO; Dutch, Ui'.t:^; (^ueen Anne's, 17-14, French and Indian, Ko."); Revolution, April 18, 177.") iLexiugton fight) to .Tau. 20, l.S,S:i (treaty at Paris I :ili.s,4](l men in service; Northwest In- dian wars, Sept. I'.t.n'JO, extending five years, .s,!t,s^ meu; French war, .Inly !l, 1798, lasting two years,4,.3!t8 men; Trijioli, ."luue 10, 1801, 4 years, ^.'■i'iO meu; Creek Indian, .July 27, 18l;i, 1 year, Ki,781 men; (Jreat Britan, June 18, 1812, 2 years, 8 months, 57(i,()22 meu; Seminole Indian, Xov. 20, men; Black Hawk Lidian, 1 year, 7,!»11 20, 1.H:^1, 1 year, ti months, li, 4(1.5 meu; Cher- okee Indian, 1886, 1 year, 0,494 men; Creek Indian, May 5, 1830, 1 year, .'> months, 18,418 men; Florida Indian, Dec. 23, 18?."), 8 years, 41,122 men; Aroostook Indian, LSliS. 1 year, 1,.")00 men; Mexican, .^ijril 14, 1.84(1, 2 years. 8 months, 101,282 meii; Apache, Navajo and Utidi Indian, 1849, (1 years, 2,501 meu; Seminole Indian, 1.8511,2 years, ,!,(;87 nuni; Civil war, .\pril 12, IsiU. 4 years, 2,772,408 men —about .S00,000 confederate troops. The Strawberry Industry of the town is of great importance, Mexico being cue of the main .shii)])ing points in the county. The soil is adapt- ed for bi-rry culture giving the fruit a size and flavor whicli brings the best prices in the market. INIost of the farms in the town grow berries. At times in a favor.ible seiu'ou tliero are as many as n hundred and lifly tcaas drawn u)) at the cars that are bi'ing loaded in a single day. w. w ki.Ni;,si.i:\' s I!i;siI)1:n('K. 'GKlP'iS" HISTOIUCAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 81 itiirrowrd I'hoti KEV. T. A. WEED. Thomas Allen Weed was born iu North Stiiiii- ford. Cnun., Oct. l.j, 1817, and was .son of Pliilo iiud Abigail Weed. With his parents he moved to .Teflerson Co., N. Y., where he lived until the age of nineteen. His early studies were inirsued under the late .Judge Mullin of the Supreme Court. He graduated fromOberlin College, Ohio, in 1813. The same year he married Lydia Mat- thews, a native of Mexico, N. Y , whose actjuaint- an e he formed at college, she being a student in the same institution. She is still living with her daughter Mrs. Benedict, at Fulton, N. Y. Through the intlueuce of his brother. Rev. Edward Weed, he entered the ministry. He pursued the full course of thLolngioal study in Union Seminary, X. Y., and in 1841) was licensed to preach. While in the seminary he acti d as private secretitry to the well known Lewis Tapiian, receiving for his services snfHcieut for his maintenance. When a student he lectured some months on Temperance and Slavery under the aiLspices of the State Soci- ety. He had then what distinguished him through life — a trenchant way of making his iwiut-s and was keen in his satire. In 1817 he Ijecame the pastor of the Presbyteriim church in Mexico. The salary was then only $400, one man (Peter Chan- dler) signing $150 of the amount. In a few- months Peter Chandler, the chief supporter of the church, died. Mr. Weed was not discouraged, however, but threw his soul info the work of bvi'lding up the church and his labors were not in \ain. In a few years the dilapidated old church edifice was transformed into an attractive house of worship and the membership was so increased as to requu-e the enlargement of the sanctuary by au addition of one-third. His work in Mexico zealously continued for nearly twenty -three years and he left the church with a membership nearly three times as lai-ge and a far greater increase in influence, power and property than when he came to it. Touching life as he did at all points, and the champion of every good cause, he did scarcely if any less for the community at large. He lab- ored in the pulpit and out of it, night and day, for the re-building of the Mexico Academy and worked equally hard in the struggle to bring the raih'oad to this village. In the social and re- hgious affairs of this vicinity no man of his tinu; had a greater influence and his services were iu great demand upon almost idl public occasions. He was an extensive traveler, a keen observer, with a mind stored with incidents racy and rich and a remarkable readiness to relate them with inimitable .skill. He was never nonplused, never at a loss for the wittiest and most telling reply. As a delightful and instructive companion he was w ithout a peer. After leaving ^lexico he preach- 1(1 at Scottville, N. Y., for twelve years. He died at Saratoga in 1882. His funerel was held among his old people at Mexico, conducted by their pas- tor, Kev. Geo. Bayless, assisted by his life-long friend, the late Rev. A. Pai'ke Burgess. He was buried, as was his desire, iu Mexico village cem- etery . Dr. Charles E. Heaton was born in the vil- lage of Elbridge, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Xov. t>, 1837. He was educated in Syracuse high schools and Cortland academy. He read medicine with Dr. David Dunham, at Bridgeport, Madison Co., X. Y.. and with Dr. V. A. Baker, of Mexico, N. Y.. graduathig from the Medical and Surgical Uuivei-sity of Philadelphia. Pa., in May, 1865, and from the medical department of the Univer- sity of Buffalo in 1877. He jjracticed medicine in Mexico from 18(_i7 to 1888— just twenty -one years, and iu Baldwinsville for the past fifteen years where he still resides. Dr. Heaton was miirried in 18()0 to Sarah A. (iates of Mexico. X. Y., who was a daughter of Robert dates, of Fern- wcMxl, X. Y., and also the adopted daughter of Sanlius K. Bixll of Mexico, X. Y. Two children were born to them, Hon. Willis E. Hea'on of Hoosick Falls, X. Y. . who is now .Judge of the Sur- rog.ate's Court at Troy. X. Y.. and Dr. Earld. Heaton. who succeeds'his father in the practice of medicine at his home iu Baldwinsville. In re- ligion Dr. Heaton is a Methodist — an official mein- ber for fully 30 years, and a classleader for 10 BoiTowtd Photo. PR. r, E. HE.VTON. H-1 'GKIPS • HISTORICAL SOUVENIK OF MEXICO. Uuiiwick. Pluttd. ,i;i.i..\ - kljiiii;n' i -\m> i.i \ ri."! years in the Mexico and Biildwinsville churches. He is also prominent in masonry being a member of tlie F. & A. M., and Eoyid Arcli tUiapter at Baldwinsville, N. Y,, and a member of the Miisonic Veterans Association of Syracuse, N. Y., also a member of the Ououdaga Medical Society and a member of the board of trustees of the village of BiJdwiusville. Luther Jay Clark, manufacturer of boilers and portable engines which are sold largely in the New England .states, bought the Beebe foundry in ISTil and has been carrying on that industry, built up to its present dimensions by his own business ability, ever since. His father Joshua B. Clark, one of the earl^T settlers in Mexico came to this town in 1824 and settled on the place where Whitehead now lives. His farm also included what is known as the Bellchambcr jilace. T^ater on he sold the latter piece of ]iropcrty and in l.H')2 traded the rest of it for wild land near Chicago. He spent several ;vears clearing his land, after first coniiug hero, and then lie built a dam and saw mill on Sidraon creek, the site of the present electric light plant. The dam and mill were among the earl est in this part of the tiwn. In 18r):5abu.siness euter]) took hiui to DavenjKJrt, la., where he remained three and a half yeais, when he re- turned to Illinois and set- tled down and improved the wild land near Chi- cago. Jay. bora Xov. 13, 1842, was at the time his home was moved to Davenport eleven years old. The family were living in their new Illinois home when, in 181)1, he enlisted in the ;Wd Illiuois infantry. Through the remarkable lieriod of fo\ir and a half years continuous service in some of (he most active and dangerous bat- tles of the American rebellion. Mr. Clark ])a.ssed — a participant in the Woodiest lights in the cam- paigns of the western armies. He went out in the first campaign of Illinois troops which during 18(')1 was in Missouri, and returned only after the last Union victory was won, being witli his regi- ment marching from Sfobile to Montgomery, .\la., when the tiist news of Lee's suriender reached his regiment through Ijee's own me.i sent home on parole granted at Appomattox. In 18(i2 ^Ir. Clark went through the cumjiaigns in Mis- souri, .Arkansas, Louisiana, Ktntucky, Mississippi anest course to facihtate walk- ing, turning here and there as the nature of the ground reipiired and to {>et to water. North of the East Hill it turned west and struck Little Salmon river about where Main street now the stream, which it fol- lowed for some distance then struck across to Colosse. From there the same tortuous course wa.s pursued to the Oneida river and beyond to On- ontague ( Indian Hilli two miles south cif Manlius. One of the camping ])laces was on the stieam near the jirestnt farm of (t. a. Daws, which the trail traversed from the east. The other camping jilace was at ('iili)sse. Jesuits at Colosse. The Jesuits, Chaumont and Claude Dablon, en route to the cjstles of the Onondaga Indians, left Ouebee, Sept. 19, lti55. They were the third party I if white peojjle to sleep and breakfa-st in the then virgin wilderness — now the village of Mexico (See "Chaniplain at Mexico;" and "Jesuit LeMoine at Mexico"). On Oct. 2(5, the party passed from the St. LawTence liver on to Lake ( )ntario. On the;29th the Jiarty arrived at Otiatangue (Salmon river) which was then the great outijost of the Iroquois Indians and their meeting place with the French. This place was also known as La Famine (Famine Bay.the [place] of Famine). On the 3(lth the party "left the water and jn-e- pared our over land trip to Onontague [Onon- daga]" by the "great Indian trail" (see sketch on another page) ; but it was the next day that they actually started— a wild, jjicturescjue party of whites and Indians. Fifteen miles from Sal- mon river by the side of a brook (now the site of the village of Colosse) they encamjied. Postmasters of Mexico in the order named were Itawscm A. Butler, St aiT Clark, S. B. Barnes, John J. Lamoree, La Fayette Alfred, (ieorge 1*. .Johnson, George D. Babcock, Wilfred A. Roli- bins, .1. E. Baker, W. M. Bichard.son. I'liiNi; \^ II w ui>i m.M H. Si 'GRIPS" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Maurice L. Wright, .Tnstice of the Xo>v York State SuiJii-iuc Court, was Ijoni at Scriba, N. Y,, Nov. 27, 1845. He is a descendant of Samuel Wright, who emigrated from England with tlie Wiuthroii colonv to Massachusetts in Kiiifl. His great grandfather, Caleli Wright, was in the liattle of Bennington and supplied Irniself with Imllets by melting the weights of his eight-day clock. On his mother's side Justice Wright is descended from Walter Woodworth, a native of Kent, Eng- land, who .settled in IMassaehusetts prior to l(i3.5. In this line is Captain William Woodworth who served under (ien. Washington, and commanded the troops in Westchester coiinty, N. Y. His son. Major Lott Woodworth was in the waroflslli, and commanded his regiment at the battle of Plattxbnrgh. .Tustice Wright was educated at Mexico academy and at Falley fieminary. In ISlU he enlisted iu the U. S. Navy. Was a.ssigned to the gunboat "Varey City" of the North .\tlantic squadron, commanded by Admiral Pi rter. He wafi in the Roanoke e.vpedition fol- low ing the sinking of the ram Albemarle by Cush- iiig and .saw much lianl ^ervice. After the war he fin- ished his education, and studied law in the offi e of Congressman John C. Churchill of Oswego. Later he entered the (yolumbia Law school in New York (^ity. He graduated from the Col- umbia College La wSchool at Washington, I). V.. in 1S7(I. He was then ad- mitted to the bar of the Dislrict of Columbia. In 1(S7U he was admitted to the bar of New Y'ork state and formed a law partnership with Hon. T. W. Skinner, at Jlexico, N. Y. F(u- twenty years he p'acticed law there successfully. In lS7!t he was elected president of the village and served two terms. In 1883 he was elected county judge of Oswego county by the republican party. Was reelected in 1S89. Governor Hill appointed him a member of the constitutional commission of 1890, to revise the judic'arv article of the state constitution. In ]8!)1 he was elected Justice of the Supreme Court, which ottice he now holds. Justice Wright is a Mason and a Knight Tem- plar. He was three terms Master of Mexico Lodge No. I'M'i, F. & A. yi. He was also com- mander of the Grand .\rmy Post at ^lexico for three terms. On Nov. 3, 18t!'.t, he married Miss Marv (irace Skinner, daughter of Judge Skinner of I'niou Siiuare, N. Y. Since 181Ki, Justice Wright has made his home at Oswego, N. Y. Governors of New York. — (Jeorge Clinton (UlHter Co.), elected July it, ITTfi: .\pril, 1801; John Jay (New York), April 1795; Morgan Lewis (Dutchess), .\iiril 1804; Daniel D. Tompkins .irixiK .M.xriiU (Richmond), .\pril, 1807: John Taylor.Lieut. (iov. (Albany), March, 1S17; DeWitt Clinton (New York, November, 1817; Nov. 8, 18l>4; Joseph C. Y'ates (Schenectady), Nov. t!, 1822; Nathaniel Pitcher, Lieut. Gov. (Washington), Feb. 11, 1828; Martin Van Buren (Cohimbiaf, Nov. 5, 1Kl>8; Enos T. Throop. Lieut. -(iov. (Cayuga) March 12, 1829; William L. Marcy (Rensselaer), Nov. 7, 18:VJ; William H. Seward (('avuga), Nov. 7, 18:^8: Wil- liam C. Bouck (Schoharie). Nov. 8, 1812; Silas Wright (St. Lawrence), Nov. 5, 1844;. John Young (I>ivingston|, Nov :{, 184t>; Hamilton Fish (New- York), Nov. 7, 1848; Washington Hunt (Niagai-a), Nov. 5, lh50; Hojatio Sevmour lOueidv), Nov. 2, 1852; Nov. 4, lsii2; Myron H Clark (Ontario), Nov. 7, 1854; John .\. King (Queens), Nov. 4, 1856; Edwin 1). Morgan (New York), Nov. 2, 18.58; Reuben E. Fenton (Chautau(iua), Nov. 8, 18ti4; John T. Hoflfman ( N'ew Y'ork), Nov :!, 18i;,S: John A. Dix (New York), Nov. 5, 1872; Samuel J. Til- deu (New Y'ork), Nov. if, 1874; Lucius Robinscm (Chemung), Nov. 7, 187(5; Alonzo B. Cornell (New Y'ork) Nov. 4, 1879; Gro- ver Cleveland* (Erie), Nov. 7, 1882; David B. Hill (Chemung), Lieut. - (iov., .Tan. (■), 1885; elected Novendier 1885, and re- ele teil November, 1888; Roswell P. Flower I New- York,) Nov.:!. 1M91; Levi P. Morton (l)iitch ss), Nov. (i, 1894; Franks. Black I Hensselaer). Nov. 8, 189l!; Theodore Roose- velt (C^ueens), Nov. 8, 1898; Benja-nin B. Odell, jr., Nov. (i, 19)0; Nov. 7, 1902. •Only NewY'ork govern - or elected to ami occu- jiying the Presidential I'hair l)efore the expira- tion of hLs term as governor. State Officers, New York, 191):^— I Elected I (iovernor, Benjamin B. ( )dell, .Jr., Newburg, elected Nov. (i, 1901) (second term). Lieut. -(iu v., Frank W. Higgins, Olean, Nov, 4, 1902. Sec'y of state, .Tohn F. O'Brien, Chazy, Nov. 4, 1902. Comjilroller, Erastus C. Knight, Buffalo, Nov. f), 1902 (2nd term). Trea.surer, John G. Wickser, Buflalo, Nov. 4, 1902. Att'y-tien., John Cunneen (only democrat), BulTido, Nov. 4, 1902. Stjite Engineer, Edward A. Bond, Watertown, Nov. 8, 1»98 (:td term), |.\rpoiNTKi>|— Supt. of Public Instruction, Charles R. Skinner. Water- town, Feb. 13, 1895. Supt. Public Works, Charles S. Boyd, New York, l)e<'. 20. 1901. Sujit. of In.surance, Francis Hendricks, Svrai'use, Feb. 12, 1900. Sujit. (if Hanks. Fre, 1901. Commissioner of Excise, Patrick W. Cullinan, Oswego, May 18, 1901. Supt. of WKIGHT. ■GKIP'S" HISTOKICAL, SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. So Halt Springs, t'liarlps Hiscock. I)e Witt. Jan 22, IHDI). Supt. of Weights anil Measures, Lewis Bos.s, Albany, Feb. 25, 18S4. State Architect, George Lewis Heiu'<, New Yo>k, Jan. 20, 1899. Supt. Public Buildings, Kol>ert J. Hill. Albany, .Tan. 1(), 1901. Supervisor of State Charities, Harry H. Bender, Albany, June 9. 1902. Jesuit Le Moine at Mexico. 10.54 — One of the earliest — prolmbly the first — white man to set foot on the present site of Mexico was Chanijilain, the French governor of Quebec in 1015. The sec- ond was Father Simon Le Moine, the French Jesuit who on Aug. 2, 1054, encamped south of the pre- sent site of the village. Indians landed at Salmon ri\ er the preceding day. On the third he proceeded south crossing Oneida river on the same day and arriving at the chief village of the Onondagas on the 5th. On Aug. 15th, after baptising,preaching,healingthe sick andgiv- ingChristian burial to the dead for ten days he starts on his return to Montreal. His course is by the in 1722 on the west side of the river. The Colon- ial .\ssembly in 1720 granted :500 pounds to con- struct a fort which was reported completed Aug. 1727. It was described as a stone building HO feet squai'e, the eiustern face semi-circular in shajje and the walls four feet thick, having port holes and provided with water from a deep well. It stood on the crest of a knoll on the west i-ide of the river, forty feet from the waters of the lak« and was reached from the south side by a flight of stone steps. An embankment and palisades sur- rounded it. The tirst garrison consisted af alieu- tenant and 25 men. Great Fires— Loudon, Sept. 2-(), 1000, l;f,200 residences and 89 churches and public buildings destroyed. New York, Dec. 10, 18H5, 000 build- ings; loss $20,000,000. rittsburg, April 10, 1S15; 1,000 buildings: loss .S0,000,000. PhUadelphia, Julv 9, 1850, 3.50 buildings; loss $1,500,000. St. Louis, May 4, 1851; loss $15,000,000. San Fran- cisco, May 3-5, 1851; 2, .500 buildings; loss $:^,- 500,000. "Santiago, Spain, Dec. 8. 1803;2.000i)er- ^^■F k % ■ fc*^ w J^H ¥ s ^^^^^^PV^^K%mA^h^ v-^BSou^H 1^*1 Pi Ip^ ^3I^^I ^^m W^ ^^HG m ■IS Ih^^' i '^^^HHniuii jj^Q Huesteii. Photo. Top Row— (left tH he removed the old State mill situated on the oiiposite -side of the creek, erecting in its place a uu)dern ]ilan ing mill, lifting it with the most modern wood working machinery. In connection witli this was creeled a saw mill and hoop fa(-t<)ry. A large number of men found em- Jiloymeiit here at good wages the year around. In I'.tOl Mr. 'I'homas erected the large building on Main street known as the Masonic Temple building — a beautiful modern structure .50x8(1 feet two stories liigli. On the second tloor Mexico Ijcdge No. i;!."), F. iV A. M., Mexico Chapter No. 18(i U. A. M., Victoria (;hapter No. 205 (). K. S. liave rooms second to mine in tlii' stjite, taking into consideiaticm the size of the town. In imtting vi)) this buihling no expense was spared to make it a iierfict place for one of its kind and it is with tinu-h appaient i>ride that Me.\ico Masonic friit«'rnity point out its beauties to their visitors. The masons cannot be otherwise tlmu gniti'ful to Mr. Tliomius for the in- terest and pleasure he took m erecting this building for their j)er.sonHl use. July 10, liWl, the planing mill, saw mill and hoop factory wereentirely destroyed liy tire. This made a loss of over $20,000 by fire in a period of five years. .Jan. 3, 1902, Mr. Thomas wius obliged to make a general assignment, the pro])eity being sold to Mr. K. C. Koberison, of Parish. Through Ine efforts of Fred Thomas, as he is more fami- liarly known, Mexico has the best mill in tlic I'ounty and the best Masonic Lodge looms in Northern New York. ^lexico has always bceti his home and it has been his aim to promote its commercial and social welfare notwithstand- ing he has met with many reverses. His support (■f imblic improvement has alway been expected and never withheld, he having given freely of his time and money. Air. Thomas is an enth sia.vlic collector of curios and in his home are many choice mementoes of his travels about the United States and the country of old ]\Iexico. He is a member of Mexico Tjodge, Mexico Chapter, Lake ( )ntaiio Commnndery, Hyrai'use Council and Media Tem])le Shrine. In Nov. IMSS, Mr. Thomi'S mar- ried .\nna H. Taylor, daughter of John V. Taylor. They ha\e one son, .John F. Thomas. .\t pre .sent Mr. Thomas is editing a local weekly paper of eight pages, seven columns, called The Jlexican. H. R. Huested made all of t'le portraits for this work at his Mexico studio, which will con- tinue as it has in the past to be opened regularly every Saturday. .Ml of his work is fini.shed at his new ground Hoor studio, Si<). it. Stone St.. Watertown, N. Y., which is newly cipiipped with the most modern and up-to-date accessories. II. i(. lirrsTKl). 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF IMEXICO. 87 Battles Rebellion; when fought ; other faot.s:- Antietaiii, Sept. 1(M7, 62. Acqua Creek, May 31, 61. Avoyelles Prairie, La, May 16, 64. Atlanta, bombarded Aug 9, 64 ; occupied by federals Sept 2: destroyed Nov 14; evacuated Dee 20; Sherman entered Dec 21. Bull Kuu, 1st, July 18, 61. Bull Run, 2ud, July 21, 1)1. Baltimore, attack Mass. 6 inf, Apl lit, fil. BigBelhel, Va, JuuelO, 61. Boonville, Mo, Ju'je8;61. Balls Bluff, Oct 21, 61. Belmont, Nov. 8, ()1. Bottoms Bridge, May 24. G2. Bayou de Cache, Ark, July 7, ()2. Baton Rouge, Ark, Aug .'■), 62. Ball Run. Aug 29-30, 62. Bakers Creek (Vicksburg) May 16, 63. Big Black Rivi r Bridge (Vicksburg), May 17, 63. Big Black River (Vick.sburg), July 8, 63. Bristow Station, Va, Oct 14, (53. Brown's Ferry, Tenn, Oct 26, 63. Corinth, JMiss, May 26-28, 62; evacuated liy confederates May 29, occupied 1)V federals May 30; attacked by confederates, Oct 4, 62. Curth-ge, Mo, July 5, "61. Carricksford, Va, July 13, 61. Clark and Hatteras forts, bonil) and cap, Aug 28, 61. Cariufex Ferry, Va, Sept 10,61. Cross Keys, Va, June 8, 62. Cedar Mountain, Aug 9, 62; drawn fight l)etween Banks with 7,000 men and Jackson with 12,000. Chantilly, Sept 1, 62; Pope vs Jackson. Chancellorsville, Va, Jlay 1-5, 63; Hooker vs Lee. Clinton, Miss, May 6, 63. Chickamauga, Oa, Sept 19-20, 63. Charlestown, S C, l)ombarded Sept 14, 63. Chattanooga, Tenn, Nov. 23, (i3. Cane River, Apl 24, 64. Cedar Creek, Oct 19, 64. Carlisle, Pa, July 1, 63. Cold Harbor, June 1 -3, 64. Draft Riots, N Y, July 13-18, 63; Boston.Brook- lyn and Jersey City, July 15, 63. Drainesville, Va, Dec 20, 61. Dug Spring, Mo, Aug 2, 61. Donelson, Feb 12-16, ()2; Grant 40,000 men vs Floyd 18,000. Darling, fort, bombarded May 9, (i2. Deep Run, Va, Aug 16, 64. Elizalieth City, N C, Feb 10, 62. Fisher, fort, attacked l>ec 24-25, 64. Franklin, Tenn, Nov 30, 64. Fair Oaks, May 31-June 1, 62. Fort Craig, N M; Feb 21, 62. Famngton, Miss, Mav 9, 62. Front Royal, Va, May 23, (;2. Fay- etteville, Ark, July 14, 62; 2nd, Dec 7, 62. Fred- ericksburg, Va, cap by Gen Sedgwick May 3, 63. Fourteen Mile C!reek (Vicksburg), May 6, 63. Fishers Hill. Sept 22. (i4. (ireeubrier, Va,Oct3, 61. Galveston, Texas, Jan 1, 63. Grand Gulf, May 3, 63, cap by Admirall'or- ter's fleet; evacuated May 4. Gum Swamp, N C, May 22-23, 63. Gettvsburg, July 1-3, 63; Lee re- treats July 6. Grant's Va Campaign began May 3, 64. Guntown, June 10, 64. Harpers Ferry, evacuated l)y confederates, .Tune 14, 61; capt by confederates !Si])tl5, (i2. Hilton Head, Nov. 7,61. Henry, fort, captured Feb 6, 62 by Com A H Foote. Hamjjton Roads, Mch 8, 62, Merrimac, attack on U S vessels; Mch 9, 62, Jlonitor defeats Merrimac. Hanover, Pa, June 30, 63. 1-u-ka, Miss, Sept 20, (52. Jackson, fort, and St Philip, bombarded, begun Apl 18, (;2; surrendered Apl 28. James Island, June 14, 62. Jackson, Miss, May 14, evacu- ated May 16, 63. Kelleys Ford, cavalry liglit, jNIch 17, (>3. Kilpatrick's raid on Richmond, Feb 28-Mch 1-2, 63 Lookout Mountain, Nov 25, 63. Lexington, Tenn, Jan 1, 63. Lee's Inva.sion, Peun, began Jviue 12, 63; occupied Gettysburg 26, York 28, Mechanicsburg 28; evacuated York 30. Malvern Hil', July 1, 62. Mumfordsville, Ky, Sei)t 14-16; Dec 17, 61. Mill Spring, Ky, Jan 19, 62; Thomas 13,000 vs Crittenden and Zollicoffer 10,000. Macon, fort, bond) and cap Apl 25, 62. McDowell, Va, May 8, 62. Memphis surr June 6, 62. MechanicsviUe, Va, 1st, June 26, 62, Mc- Clellan defeated by Jackson; 2nd June 27, federals recross Cbickahominy. Murfreesboro, Tenn, July 13, 62, federals defeated; 2nd, Dec 31. ()2, Jan 1, 63; occ by fedends Jan 5. Marysville. .Airk, Oct 22, (i2. McAllister, fort, Jan 27, Fel) 1, :M(h 1, (i3. Monticello, Ky, May 1, 63. Millikens Bend, June 6-7, 63. Meclianick.sburg, Pa, occ by Lie June 28, 63. Morgans Invasion of Ohio and Penn July 8-26, 63; Morgan cap July 26. Mari- etta, Ga, occ by Shtniian, July 3, 64. Monocacy, July 9, 64. MobUe Bay, Aug 5, (!4. Morgan, flit, bomb Aug 22, 1)4, sun- 23. New Orleans caji Apl 26. 62. Norfolk, Va, surr Mav 10, 62. New Market, W Va, May 15, 64. Nashville, Dec 15-16, 64. Opequan, Sept 19, 64. Pea Ridge, Tenn, Mch 6 8, 62; Curtiss 22,000 vs McCuUough 35,000. Pittsburg Landing, Tenn, Apl 6-7, ()2. Phillippi, Va, June 2, 61. Pilot Knob, Mo, Oct 16, 61. Port Rovid Island, S C, Jan 2, 62. Pulaski, bomb anil cap by Hunter Apl 11, 62. Port Republic, June 9, 62, Shields vs Jackson. Peach Orchard and Savage Station, Va, June 29, 62. Popes retreat begun Aug 18, 62. Pfiryville, Kv, Oct8-9, 62. Port Hudson, La, bomb Mch 14, 63'; 2nd bomb May 9-10; 3rd bomb May 27-28, June 3, surr July 8. Paris, Ky, July 29,63. Petersburg, att June 15; mine explosion Jidy 30, 64. Peebles farm. Sept 30, 64. Quaker Church, June 17, 64. Resaca, Ga, May 15, 64. Rich Mountain, Va, July 11, 61. Roanoke Island, Feb 7-8, 62. Rich- mond, Ky, Aug 30, 62. Ringgold, Nov Reams Station, Aug 18; 2nd Aug25. Round Top Mountain, Oct 9, 64. Sumter, fort, bomb Apl 11-13, 61;bond)l)y federals Aug 12, Oct 1, Dec 10, 64. Sewells Pt, Va, May 18, 61, federals att rebel batteries; first offensive iigainst confederates in the war. Sugar Creek, Ark, Feb 17, 62. St Charles, Ark, June 17, 62. South Mountain, Md, Sept 14, 62. Stone River, Tenn, Jan 1-2, 63. Somerville, Ky, Mch 30, 63. Sulphur Springs Bridge, Aug 11, 64. Strawberry Plains, Aug 14, 64. Sherman's inva- sion of (iulf States begun May 6. 64; occ Dal- tou. May 14; occ Resaca 15; Kingston 18; Dallas 28; Culpa farm June 22; Kenesaw and Marietta July 3 (see Atlanta) ; orders for march to sea Nov 9. Spottsylvania, May 10, 64. Thompsons Landing (Vicksburg) May 1, 63. Tuscumbia, Ala, Oct 21, 63. Trevillian Station, June 11, 64. Vicksburg, (irants army invests May 18, 63; fortifications assaulted May 19; complete in ves-t- ment 26; Grants ultimatum unconditional sur- render May 21; general as.sault May 26-22; bomb May 22-25J 31, June 20; surr July 4; federals caji- ture 31,000 men commanded by Pemberton. Wilsons Creek, Mo, Aug 10, 61 ; Lyons vs JIc- Cullough. Winchester, Va, Mch 23,' ()2; 2nd July 31. 63. Wright, fort, Apl 14, 62, May 10, 62. West Point, Va, May 7, 62. While House, Va, evac by McClellan J'une 24, 62. White Oak ■Swamp, Va, June 30, 62. Wagner, fort, assaulted Sept 4, 63; cap Sept 6. White Suljjhur Springs, Va, Oct 10, 63. Wilderness. 1st day, May 5, 64 Yorktown, bomb by McClellan begun Apl 30, ()2; evac by confederates jMay 4. Yazoo City, Miss, cap b'y federaLs ^May 13, 63. Yellow Bayon, La, May 18, 64. 88 "GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. The Colosse Cornet Band claims the dLs- tini-tioii of being tlio dldcst iKinil in the county, hiiving been organized in the summer of 1873 and fully keoi>ing up the organization ever since. Only Sl'*^-"" wa,s first at the (li.s])osal of the band. Part of the instrunipiits were purchased of the old 48th regimental band, having been used by them during tlie war of tlie rebellion. The ori- ginal members were Stanley .T. House, C'has. W. House, Hamuel C. Perlet, S])encer H. Webb, Theodore (lothier, Alfred W. Culkins. Kobt. H. Bilker, Alfred W. Ricbardsou, W. M. Kichardscm, H. L. Huntley and W. J, Kowc. The present meniber.ship consists of Chas. W. House, Stanley J. House, Bert, Fred W. House, Arthur Jaquin, Fr.m'c aqui". Henry C. Le Clair, C'eleste Henry, (ieo. .7. Loren, Henry]). Nichols, C'has. Hamraeckir. Norn an .\lger, Frank Henry -Tr., Julius TacUhy, I'liinuce Booth, Elbert Pettin- gale, Aitliur Beley, U. S. Davey, Hubert (iardincr, mis- ion at Onondaga, the French governor having madt" them a grant of a hundred scjuare leagues of land m the heart of the Iroquois country. To- wards the last of June they sailed into Lake On- tario and the following day lauded at La Famine where they went into (piarters )>utting up bark huts a' d lireparing to stay several ilays )irior to their overland trii> south. They found them- selves at the mouth of a broad river, which they knew to possess an abundance of salmon trout, ami where they hoped to get enougli food to last them to the end of their journey. It was not an entirely new sjiot to them since tliey had pre- viously stopped there. But the river was at this time very high and while their provisions con- tinued to diminish in spite of their ett'orts to ob- tain more tish they were too nearly famisheil to continue their journey withoutin some way obtain- ing more food. Finally they were forced to ex- plore the fields and wooils for berries. All of tlicir Indians deserted them and to make matters MiM'sri'il. I'hiitii THK CDLOSSE ((IK.MOT H.V.MI. Tup l((.w-(lcft ti> lijfht) Elbert IVtteiiKill, Arllnir .)ai|iiiii. I'll li lliinse, Hiiuy I). Xlchole, Heniy C. LeClalr. tJlareure Kiioth, .lohn Cobb. Middle How— Stankj .1. House, Frank Jaqiiin, Georjte Loren. Charles W, Henise, Hubert Gardner, ITraiik Heiir.v .Ir., N. N. Al(?er. Lower Kow— Celeste Heiu-y, Charles Hammeeker, .Tiilhm Tackli'y. Elmer Cottet and (' Alsever. The members of this baud arc reipiired to sign ii contract not to touch liquor wliilc out on a job. Jesuit's Name La Famine. — The moutli of the Salmon river was one of the earliest known resorts for French and Indian fisliing parties. It was while a party of Jesuits were on their way to the country of the Onondagas that they .stop]ied several days at La Famine to rejileuish tlicir suji- plies by lisliiug. Tlie party consisted of four .Icsuit iirie.sts, Le Mercicr, the superior, Dabloii. Men U'll and Fremin, aceomiianied by tliirty or fortv other Frenchmen and escorted liy Maj. Zacuary Du I'uys, the c(uuniandant of the fort at Quebec and ten of liis .soldiers. There were also a few Hurons, ( )noiidagas and Senecius, converts from the Jesuit missions. It was May 17, ll!')!}, when the expedition set out from Quebec. The object of the journey was to establish a Jesuit worse the Father Sui>erior, to whose ettbrts alone were due thii4: S,.5(10. Huron, 'JoO; 21,0(1(1. Erie, 240; i»,(!(10. Athabiusca, 2:i(l; 4,(;(lll. Ontario. lilll; (i.aoil. Nicarangua, 11(1; 2,8:^0. Maraeavbo. Kill; 7,.'')(l(l. (h-eat Bear, 1.5(1; 14.000. Ladoga, 120; l!,H04. Champlain, ]2l>; ],.')(«). Lake of the Woods, 8.j; 7,050. (ireat Salt liOke, ilO; 2,2i)0. t'onstancts 44; 200. Geneva, 5:!; 4it(l. George, :!li; 110. Cayugo, a8; 104. Utah, 24; 130. ■GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Coiirti'SV nl" Ri-v. S. S. llidw.'ll. THE COLUSSE BAPTIST CHURCH, BUILT 1834. The first chiircli ediftce erected in Oswej^o county (still standing.) The body of Rev. Gamaliel Barnes, the lirst pastor, is buriLd in the cemetery back ot the church. Oneida Lake Mythology. — Iroquois tradi- tion make.s Oueida lake the pliise where the earth was createil; A woman descending from the high- er world of light ni)on amatfrassintothesea of the lower world (chaos) — a world peopled with mon- sters — was received upon the back of a Luge turtle which had jwepared for her a couch l>y varnishing his shell with earth. And this turtle increased in size and became a considerable islaml of earth, apparently covered with small bushes, which was Great Island. And the woman gave birth to twins, one of a gentle disposition, Enigorio, the good mind, and the other which possessed an in- solence of character, Enigouhahetgea, the bad mind. To the former is due the creation of the sun (from his mother's head) which Hooded the world with light by day; the moon (a fragment of his mother's liody) which gives light at night: numerous spots of light called stars; and all good things in the universe — streams, game and other necessities and enjoyments of the Indians. And after preparing this Eden for the red men, Eni- gorio was in doubt respecting some lieing to jios- sess the Great Island; and he formed two images of the ground in his own likene-ss, a male and a female, and by his breathing into their nostrils he gave them living souls, and named them EA- GWE-HOWE, i. e. the real people, mean- ing of course the Iroquois. But what became of the bad mind. Cusick, the native Iroijuois historian, says that when Enigorio turned on the light the monsters .sought to hid. themselves in dark caverns; and the bad mind liiiilt hills and mountains, falls of water, great steeps, various reptiles— all of those things which lay obstructions iu the path of the Indian and make his hunting more diihcult. And the bud mind en- deavored to copy the good mmds creation. His images of earth turned (JUt to be In- dians, but not the Iroquois, who like the Israehtes were chosen of the Great Manitou. After a great battle Itetween the good and the bad minds — God and the Devil — the latter is tlriven down to eternal doom and the good sjjirit retired from the earth to his celestial regions above. Size of Large Bodies of Water. — Oceans— Pacitic, .S(),()O0,()(M) sq. miles; Atlan- tic, 40,000,000; Indian, 20,000,000; South- ern, 10,000,000; Arctic, .'5,000,01)0. Seas- Mediterranean, 2,000 miles long; Caribbean, 1,800; China. 1, 700; Red.l, 400;. Japan. 1,000; Black, 932; Caspian, 640; Baltic, GOO; Okhatsk, 600; White, 450; Aral, 250. Lakes — Superior, 360 by 120 mUes in area; ^Michigan, 840 by 60 miles; Ontario, 100 by 40; Erie, 270 by 50; Huron, 250 by 00; C!hamplain, 126 by 12; Cayuga, 36 by 4; (ieorge. 36 by 3; Baikal, 360 by 35; Great Slave, 300 l)y 45; "Winnipeg, 240 by 40; Athabasca, 200 by 20; Maracaybo, 150 by 60; Great Bear, 150 hy 40; Ladoga, 125 by 75; Constance, 45 by 10; Geneva, 5.i liy 10; Lake of the Woods, 70 by 25. Great Bells, the weight, viz: — "Great Bell, "Moscow, 44;i, 732 pounds; St. Ivans, Moscow, 127,.S:^0 pounds; Pekm, 120,000 pounds; Vienna, 40.200 i>ounds; Olmutz, Bohemia, 40,000 pounds; Rouen, France, 40,000 pounds; St. Pauls, Lon- don, 38,470 pounds; "Big Ben," Westminister, 30,350 pounds; Montreal, 28,560 pounds; St. Peter.s, Rome, 18,600 pounds; Liberty Bell, Phila- delphia, cast in London in 1752, weighs 2,(100 liounds. It was cracked the first time it was used in 1753 and «as recast in Philadeljjhia the .same vear. A few vears after the Revolution it was cracked again while being rung. ]Hountains,New York -Altitude and locality, viz : — Adikonpacks : — Marcy, 5,467 feet, Mcln- tyre, 5,183, McMartin, 5,000, and Dial (Nipple), 4,600 in Essex county; White Face, 4,855, Clinton county; Seward, 4,000, Franklin county. Cat- skills:— Round Top, 3,801, High Peak, 3,718, Pine Orchard, 3,000, Green cjunty; Shawangunk, 1,866, Orange county. Butter Hill, 1,520, Old Beacon, 1,471, Breakneck, 1,187, Anthony's Nose, 1,128. Isolated: — Defiance, (ne.u- Ticonderoga) 750, Essex county ; Palisades, 550, Rockland Co.; Fort Putnam (near West Point). 500, Orange Co. ; Harbor Hill, 319, Long Island; Richmond Hill, Stateii Island, 307. rourtesv of Rev. S. S. Bidwell. THE FIRST SURROGATE'S OKKICE [at Colosse) iiSWEGo COUNTV rstill slandins!'!. 90 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOmTENIK OF MEXICO. Ol.l I'buliis. I.K\1 MATTHEWS. SOLOMO.V M.\TTHKWiS. GEOKGE I'. M.\TT1IE\V Levi Matthews wus liorn in Mas.sachiisetts, Dec. ;», 1771. Ill 17!).S lie luiinied Kel leeoa Walk- er and about two years later they came to the town of Mexico, taking a farm where they lived the lialauce of their lives, raising ten children. Mr. Matthews, besides being a successful farmer, conducted a grist mill which stood on the west shoie of Little Salmon river in the village of Mex- ico, where one of the Osborn mills now stands. His integrity in business matters gave him the iiiune of "the honest miller." Mr. Matthews was a strong temjiei'ance advocate and an active Pres- byterian and gave liberally towards repairing the oid chuivli in ISft, of which he was one of the charter members. He was one of who or- ganized thiOrasoniclodge in Shuabel.Mfrcd's house, in ]«0.S. A niece of his, a graduate of Oberlin college, was for years ])romiuent on the lecture jilatform in advocacy of woman suHrage. He died April 24, LSlU, and his wife. May bi. bS.jH. Solomon Matthews, a son of Levi, was bom on the the farm in the town of Mexico, .Tune 21, lull, and wh<>ii about 2;! jears old went to Deni- erevtville, ('anada, where lie engaged in the trade of a cooper, making bar- rels. In March, l.S.ill, he married Susan Dorlaiid, who died in 1844. On Feb. 11, IS-J.-), he wedded Amy Clark and in ^Nlarch, 1H47, they removed to Afexieo. Four children wei-e the fruit of this marriage. Mr. ^Matthews wa.s the superintendent of tb(! ^lexico and Oswego plank road and of the county fairs, each five years. Ife wna a member of and liberal contributor to the I'lesbyti-riiin church. Mr.^f. wa.s a conrte ons, obliging man. always cheerful and having a ])leasaiit word for all. He died M-.ircU 2."i, lSil2. (ieoige Paschal Mattliews,son of Solomon, was born .V)iril "i, IS."):!, on the farm which he still nnns. On Oct. 2.">, bS77, he married i;\a A. ^lillcr. Thev moved to the village of Mexico, April 1. I'.S'.M. The Show Window. The growth of a town jirojierty valuations, enlargi-s file circumference of local trade and expands iciital values. It increases church and school attendance. It jirovides more months to be fed, more bodies to be clothed, more people to l)e amused. Competition between <'ommunities is to-day as stirring a.s between tradesmen. The latter i;ni i M A'niii;\vs iioMES'i'EAii. .\(i\v IN iHi; 11111(11 gi;nkh.\iii>n. "GBIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. 91 The State Legislature consists of a senate with fifty uuMiihci-s and an assemlily with \M mpmbevs. Both houses are required by the eon- stitutiou to meet aunu;i]ly on the first Wednesilay in Jamnry, the legislative term anil political year to begin .Tanaary 1. The senators serve two years and the assemblymen one year. No restric- tion is placed on the duration of the annual ses- sions. The annual salary of senators and assem- blymen is the same, Sl.-'iOn, with an extra allow- ance of ten cents a mile going to and returning from the capital over "the most u.snal route" once during the session. No member of the legislature shall receive a civil appointment of any character. X majority of either house constitutes a ipiorum for doing Imshiess, except on the final jiassage of l>ills carrying apiiropriaticms, ccealing debt or inii)osing a tax, when it is neces.sary for three- fifths to be present, and has the exclusive right to make its own rules and be the judge of the elec- tions returns and (naalifjcations of its own mem- bers. Either hous(> has the right to its doors the public and may at any time .shut out the whole or any part of the press from getting the proceedings. Neither house can adjourn for more than two days without the consent of the other. For any speech or deljate the meml)ers shall not be questioned by any outsider; and all members are exempt from ai'rest. Planets. — St'N, diameter, 8:22,000 miles; re- volves once in 2.5 days, 8 hours, 10 miuTites. Mek- cuBY, diameter, 8,1.50 mile?; revolution aljoul the SunmSSd; diurnal revolution (length of day) 1 d, h, 5 m; distance from the Suu, :).") millions of miles. Venus, diameter, 7,718; revolution, 225 d; diurnal, 23 h, 21 m; distance, (56 millions. Earth, diameter, 7,91(); revolution 3()5l d; diurnal, 23 h, 5(5 minutes; distance, 91 millions. Moon, diame- ter, 2,1G0 miles: revolution .about the earth in 27 d, 7 h, -^^ m; distance from the earth 237,000 miles; the lunar month, from one conjunction to the Sun to annthur, is 20 d,12 h, 14 m, 2 s. M.Mis, diameter, 1.093; revolution, (iS7 d; diurnal, 1 d, h, 37 m; distance, 139 millions. Fn)n.\, diame- ter not given; revolution, 1,139 d; diurnal not given: distance 201 millions. Hyueia, diameter not given; revolution, 2,011 d; diurnal not given; distance 288 millions. Jupiter, diameter, 85,9(i8; revolution, 1,3:52 d; diurnal, 9 h, 55 m; distance, 575 millions. S.vruRs', diameter, 79,013; revolu- tion, 10,759 d; diurnal, 10 h, 10 iii; distance, S7] millions. Uhanu.", diameter, 31,292: revolution, :!0,().S7 d; diurnal not known; distance 1,752 mil- lions. Neptunf, diameter. 37,000; revolution, 00,127 d; diurnal not known; distance. 2,713 mil- lions. AsTEKOiiw, a system of upwards of a hun- dred planets thus far discovered ranging in diam- eter, each, .so far as is known, from 50 to 2:30 miles, occupying a belt about 200 million miles wide and averaging in distance from the Sun from 200 millions to 301; millions of miles. The four largest are Ceres, PaUas, Juno and Vesta. Vote, New York State— In 1900 McKinley re- ceived 821,992, Bryan 678,387, Malloney (socialis- tic-labor) 12,622, Woollev (proh.) 22,013 and Debs (Soc-dem) 12,68i). In 1902 Odell received 665,150, Coler 65,5,:398, Manierre (proh) 20,190, DeLeon (Soc-labor) 15,- 88i;, Hanford (Soc-dem) 23,100 and Rider (Lil)- eral-dem) 1,894. High Structures of the World.— Eiffel, Paris, 984 feet: Washington, Washington, 5.55; Pyra- mid of Cheops, Egypt, 486; Antwerp Cathedral, Belgium, 47(;; Stra.sbiirg Cathedral, Germany, 174; Pyramid of Ce])hrenes, Egypt, 456; St. Peter's church, Rome, 118; St. Martin's church, I.iand- shut, Germany, 111; St. Paul's church, Loudon, :!65; Salisbury Cathedral, England, 400; Cathed- ral, Florence, Italy, :!S7; Cathedral, (!remona, Lombardy, .iOG; Cathedral, Fribourg, Germany, 386; Cathedral, Seville, Spain, 3<)0; (Cathedral, Milan, Lombardy, :3.55; (lathedral Uti-echt, Hol- land, 35l!; Pyramid of Oakkarah, Egyj)t, 356, t'athedral of Notre Pame, Jlunich, Bavaria, 348; St. Mark's church. Venice, 32.S; Assiuelli Tower. Bologna, Italy, 272; Trinity church. New York, 281; Column'at Delhi, Hindoostan. 262; Church at Notre Dame. Paris, 224; Bunker Hill Mmm- ment, Boston, 221; Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy, 179; Washington Monument, Baltimore, 175. ^lonument, PLace Vendome, Paris, 153; Trajan's Pillar, Rome, 151; of Luxor, Paris, 110; Egyptian Obelisk, New York, (i9. Wars of the world — Cost in lives and money 18,55-1880:— Crimean, 150,000 lives ;$1, 700,000,000. Italian, 45,0.)0 lives; $300,000,001). Schleswig- Holstein, 3,000 lives; $35,000,000. American, Civil, Union. 280,000 lives; $4,700,000,000. Amer- ican Civil, Cimfederate, .520,000 lives; $2, :!OO,O00,- 000. Prussia- Austria, Italian, 45,000 lives; $330,- 000,000. Expeditions in Mexico, Cocliin-C'hina, Morocco, Paraguay, (;5,000 lives; ,$200,000,000. Franco-German, France 155,000 lives; tiermanv, ()0,000; total cost, $2,600,000,000. Russia-Turko, 225.000 lives; $1,100,001), 000. Zulu-and-Atghan, 40,000 lives; .$50,000,0.00. Frozen Raspberry Juice. — Mash two quarts of red raspberries and cover them with three heap- ing cupfuls of granulated sugar. Let this stand in a warm pl.ace for an hour, then press through a cheesecloth bag or a vegetable press to extract all the juice. To this add the juice of three lemons, one orange, and two cpiarts of cold water. Stir well together and freeze. Some persons put a spoonful of ^\hil)ped cream upon each glass of this ice. The contrast of the white with the jjink is very pretty. Directory, June, 1903. — Town Officers- Supervisor: E L Huntnigtou. Town Clerk: N D Hart Justices: W C Sliumway, AV A Robbins, Charles House, A J Rose. Commissioner of High- ways: Grove Halsey. Trustee Town Hall: W'L AI irgan. Cims-tables: SL Alexander, W S Sweetlaud, Ira Marks, Levi Dawley. Poormaster: Roliert Ah\\. A.ssessors: J E Jones, William Buck, George Patten Collector: Theodore Green. ViLLAiiE Offu'ers — I'rcsideut — George H Wil- son. Trustees: Dr S :\I Bennett and C E Hare. Clerk: Alvin Richardson. Street Commissioner: J E Baker. Collector: Joseph Brown. Treasurer: Charles A Peck. Police Constables: Jasper Cole, RL Houghton. Board of Education: President, K H Baker; Secretary, JMrs George A Davis; Mrs E S Taylor, Dr C W Radway and J W Ladd. Court Crier: W A Tillapaugh. Postmaster: W H Richardson. R.adi-oad Agent: A K MattUewson. Express .\gent: John Porter. Clergy: M D Sill, Methodist; George Bayless, Presbyterian; S S Bidwell, Baptist; J W Hawkins, Episcopal. APR 9-2 1 2 1904 'GRIP'S" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO. Attorneys: T W Skinner; George H GoodTrin; J A Jolmaon; C I Miller; George W Biadn.r; W C Sbuinway; R L Simons. Hiiuk : Tlie First National. I5arl)ors: M. .Fetterv; Chatlwick & Allen; John Freeman; U (i Ruck. Bicycle Repnirinf;: H H Dobsou: Herliert .\(1- ams ; J C Tavlor. Rillanls: W H Simons. Blncksniiths: R L Houghton; (icor^e Consene; Cliuiles Shar|i; .\Itre(l Hollislcr: Jacoh Sharra; Wm DillenhiH'k; \Vm (iustiu; M Manwaren. Rus and Bat,'gage; Lansing A- Avery. Cartman, William Fish. Canning: Cteorge \\'ilson. Can-iage Painting: L \ Whitney. Cheese Buyer: R. H. Baker. Creamerv: Rosemary Co. Coal Dealer: E S Taylor: Hartwell .V GiU. Dentists: H W Whitney; A CLindsley. Evaporator: George A Davis; Henry Cole. Flour and Feed: W H Osborn, Charles Everts. Foundry: L J Clark. Harness: Jacob Brown; (J B (Jusack; B W Pond ; M Stone. Hotels: Boyd House; Mexico House. Insurance: E J Parmelee; George Stone; C 1 Miller; Edward A Hollister. Laundry: Jed Hager. Ijivery: R H Green; Elon Van Sickle. Lumber: H .\nies; Stevens Bros. Merchants: E Hollister, (ieorge McDonald, W Mcliityre, C Hayden, grocers; (Joe \- Hogoljooni, W Bra'cy, meats; H C Peck's Sou, Cook A' Jordan, i' E Hare \- Co, K Brown, di-y goods; W W Kingsley, W P (, fiimiture; J C Taylor, N D Hart, drugs; H H Dobson, Milo (iraves, PDidier, jewelry; B S Stone A Co, L B Ballard, W B Pond. W H Norton, hardware: E S Taylor, boots and shoes; Mrs M .\ Barker, books. Milliner; Miss .Manwaren; Mrs C H Everts; .laeob A: Longstreet. Monuments: F L Kellogg; George Salladin. Painters: Charles Fellers: Stone ; Monroe Griffin; Daniel Wyant; M Hemstreet. I'hotogiaiiher: H R Huested. Printing; Mexico Independent; The Mexican. Physicians: C W Radway; S M Bennett; (i F Sniith; (ieo P .lohu.sou: .1 H Huntington; E S Sampson; D T Stow; T J (ireen. Restaiu'ant: Myron Stone. Slioemakers: David Dempster; Tom Pepper. Stock Farm: Ira S Hosford; A S Tubbs; Wil- liam Buck. Undertakers: W H Pentield; John Porter. Veterinary Siu'geon: F Fowler. Wagons: MiUer Spring Wagon Co. ; B W Pond. INDEX TO "GRIPS" HISTORICAL SOUVENIR OF MEXICO Academy "'• Asscmlily, Meinliei's .lii Allies •*•* Ancient Cities ~s Areopagus dull 7.5 Itusiness Men, I'rior IHTII ;ill llaptist riiurcli :ii;-.\i(l Se- cicty 4T— in nswiKO ('ii:i"i — Cliiistian Eml "iS-Ooi- ca-s a+ Hnylstun tract |il Uurrows, ■*-** Ualiecick, Gciirtre '.'■} UriKiit Snyin^rs '»T ItiTrv, A D l^i Uak«r„Iirunu' i«i -HH.Ucs.s.) Uells, Great .si> lirown, .1 T ijs ]lc<|uillar(l, Louis 7S llattles, KelielHon ST ('onjfrcKatiuniil cli, 1st in Mcxicii :t! Clark, I.. I s-.' Cradle of Societies :tti Colosse :Ji-Hapcli -Jll-Cor- net liaiid ss Clianiphiin in Mexico IS Cenietery :Jf Chirk, Stiirr 'S.'! Coiniiion I'liiis, Isl Court, 1st .lury Dist ll'i-lst Court. *Jnd .liir\- Dist -V) Count \ .ludi^^es T.'t— .luilKcs special 71— Seat (.iiieetion I. -Clerks 111- Treasures L'd Court of .Vppeals Jud>res 4- CookillKl'lui) -'t Cusiick, (i It lil Deserters -7 District Atfys il'i Distances. Drivin>r 4S Dri^l^s, .loliii 'Si Dolison. )l H 71 Davis. I'liiiieas, Ites W K.pldenilcs U'l Earthworks, Historic Ti Kini^rants :1H Eastern Star II Episcopal cli :is EducaticMl, Hoard ol "11 Kerrls. E D :17 Fire Departnicnt -1— the First :ri-prlor lsi)ret 'naeli 17 — \'illa>fe school .'il —town ftchool .Vi— Uoad .'►8— Town invetlnK 4'J— Town Hoard 42— Hlrtli :IT— Marrl 'M (10 SI Highway HKclKl Hank III Store :i7— Hotel i;4-Mail Route .'iS— Town ollieers •"w— County olticers 47— Miesionar.N' 47— I*ostolliee:Jii Faculty, school French, Geo G (! A K Granjfe Goodwin, G H (lun. larifi'st Governors. .N V Grucn, U 11, lies Humphries, Henry Heatini, W C .'iii-tJr C E lluntiim'ton. E L Hoose, .jeilcdiah Hutidilnson Huested. H K Holel, Historic Hij^'h St iMU'tiires llajjer. .led HouffhtiMi, It I, IndependeMl SiatT Indians, yrreat trail .Iiistices, Session 'vt— peace .>4 — associate Common Pleas 'yi .lerrv Uescue :UI .lohnson. ,1 A 4S-G W 48- Dr G l':).-i .lesuit I,eMoincat .Mexico s.'>— at Colosee .s;i— Name La Fauiinc SS KiIlain..\rti'ou \- .\arri- nal Owners 70-Descrip- tioii ^•— country Itll.'i, :;4— SoclctylS(L',L'7— ot 17!e.s- ol' ITlia l:i— mother id' towns 4 -Genealogy i:t— Independent ai-iii IsiH! :K— Ini'orporated :,'7— in 1K24 Is-Nutsaiid Fruits :t.' Maiiulacturers.eMrl\ :!1 Military Tract :!S Milcoiiih I'uri-liase ,'VI Matthews G 1' IK) Mills, earliest :17 M !•; Church .Vi -I'rimary Cla.sH 'ui — Lonjrsl reel's Class .'it — \'inrirs Class .'>4 Cnidle Class 7'.I-\V H M Si V \V F Msk •-'.•. -Epworlh League :)ti— Dorcas ."kS — W FM 44 V W F M K.'i Mason.* 10 Mounta'ns of N Y, height .SH Miller. Lewis (Ml— Sprinjj WaKon Co (d-C 1 -Vi Naines.Noted 28— Oritrlnal .11 Normal schools til Oneida Keservation ;ls (Mhcers ill Keliellioii 4:i ( >swevro.*»4— Forts s.',— ( iriirin of Name L's Ihieida Lake7t--Myth I'ifv SH odd Fellows Oaliiun. W II Orvis, S It Prattliam I'resli>'teriai eh 41-Mis- Hi'uarv .\id 24--Friinarv (hiss.-il-W M 40 Physicians, prior IS.III :il Pii'iiicer lost 4(V-ln Oswego count \- .'17 Pcnlield, W H 114 Parmelee, V. .1 -"til Planets 111 Presideiiis. \-ilIa>re IK Postonicc Corner, Old ll!i Postmasters. Mexico s;t Pond, I! \V 71 Kooscvelt Patent a* I! It County 4:1 Ilehek^hs i:i Itumlcll. .\untie :I7 Ilichanlson. \V M .■■7 Itohliins. W .\ 4!i Iteccipts. cake -Vs — chicken salad («>— Frozen liasp- lierrv .luici^ Id— Trout i'r(i Stone. li S (i;-S H as Sill, Itcv M D .".2 Sampson, .\ L A: V. S (12— G H\-C Eisi States, Origin Names 7s.- ollieers N Y S4-Itoiid 70 Supreme C^ourt 7S Street Views .T-T, 17, 18 Skinner, .\vcrv lil-T W K Smith. DA: L'Jt'r-Drt! F 4.5 Scrilia's Patent 12S Suramils, heitrlit, (See Water Sheds) 42 State Senators 21 Show Window SO Salmon Itiver Li^rlit House 17— Earl of Selkirk 40-- Gcn Van It at .10 Sftlmon Fishing: 2S Soldier's Monuincllt :12 Supervisors SurrO}rates 7'>— Special 7:i— First Four 7:1 Sherills Salt Uoad Stevens Hros Strawlierrles Towns, erection Texas Town, Silas Trustees Village ThlmtileCluli Tryon County Taylor, .1 C \- Son Thomas. F A T'nderirround Station \'era Cm/, Vote. N V State Wellwood W.dv.s W CT r W HC Watersheds, h't, (s 'e Sum- mits 4.s— size larjfe bodies sit Whitney's Tavern Wilson. G H — Wee.l.UcvTA SI Whiluev. H W 7.1 Wars of the World al — .\mericuii .so Writrht, .M L S4 1« W g<>-^- John Treeman ^ Tor a first'Class Shave and Up=to=date lyair Cut