,^ «>►_ <.-y '^\f-W^^^.:^. >y. ^^^^ °o\ -^ .0' .0'^ c " ° ^_ '^^ ^0^ .'V. ^^c^^ ' o .^^ ^* ..^ .. '~^;.- 0^" '^ ,/ .^>5^% %^^,^ .v-^^:^^ %. ^Pv * o . o ' * - . -I ■■ V » * • »- V , - ^ , • . , - //l/'/7 i-X>V /v>. ASSEMBLY SKETCH BOOK. ■-•-ESSIOlSr OF 1879. :%^ORTH CAROIiNA Bv J. S. TOMLlNSUxV R ALE ! Ni:Ws STEAM BOOK 1 T. R. DAY & BRO. *^ MANUFACTURERS OP ^ Y 'S $^OKIH$T0dM(O Oar Mr. J. R. DAY was for many years a nieraT)er of tlie firm of W. T. Black- well & Co., and with the advantage of his long experience in the manufacture of Smoking Tohacco, and with a sufficiency of capital, we are enahled to give the trade goods that are not equaled by any manufactured in Durham. Th'^y are Standard in evry particular. Manufactured of the hest old Stock. We call special attention to our TRADE MARK. DAY'S STANDARD DURHAM Can he found at all the large Groceries and Tobacco Houses in the United States. Street's National Hotel,. RALEIGH, N, C. S. E. STREET & SON, Owners and Prop'rs. GASTON HOUSE NEW-BERNE, N. C, S. Tl, STREET & SOT^i", P'roprietors.,: The undersigned having purchased the National Hotel property at Raleigh, on March loth, 1879, opened that well known House to the public under their man- agement. They refer to their past management of the (4aston House as a guar- antee that the traveling pul)lic will tind tlie National, in their hands, up to the standard of a fli-st-class Hotel The senior, Mr. Samuel R. Street, will remain in. charge of the Gaston House. The junior, Mr. Wm. J. Street, wiil conduct th National Hotel. ^ ^ , S. R, STREET & SON OAK CITY HOTEL, HILLSBORO STREET, RALEIGH, N. 0. Convenient to business centre. One square from Capitol. New furniture, ; it - tentive servants. Board m.oderete. IVOLES GOODWIN & SON, PKOrRIETOKS . TAR HEEL SKETCH-BOOK. — ^-^ — T('" A BRIEF BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND PUBLIC ACTS OF THE MEMBEllS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF Session of 1879. P^ By jfS. TOMLIXSON. ; RALEIGH : KALEIGH NEWS STEA3I BOOK AND JOB PRINT. 18 7 9. I l^ ij In Ebschaiige Univ. of North Oarolina PKEFACE. At 1-^ o'clock, M., Wednesday, Jan. 8th, 1870, the General Assembly of North Carolina was called to order by tJie Princi- pal Clerks of the last session. The following officers were elected in the Senate : Secretary, /R. M, Furman: J*]ngro£sing Clerk, J. S. Tomlinson; Reading Clerk, Piatt. D. Cowan; Sergeaut-at- Arms, H. r>. Mnrrill; Assistant. Door-keeper, W. V. Clifton. In the House of Represeatatives the following: Speaker, John M. Moring; Principal Clerk. J. D. Cameron; Engrossing Clerk, W. J. Barrett; Reading Clerk, U. W. Best; Door keeper, John Hill; Assistant Door-keeper, X. P. Norton. The General As- sembly continued in ses^jioa. withoiitintermissioii, sixty-six days, and adjourned at 3 o'clock, Fiiclay, Mjirch 14tli, 1879. The Constitutional limit of sixty days expired on the Sth in^t., but that some very important businessmight be completed the mem- bers remunn d, without j)ay, six days longer. On the 21st of January (Jov. Z. 1>. Vance was elected United States Senator for tlie teim beginning ilaich 4th. and upon his resignation, Feb, 5th. Lieut. Governor, Thonuis J. Jarvis, was called to fill the Executive Chair ; and whereupon James L. Robinson, Esn., was tlected Lieutenant Governor, snd ])resided over the Senate during the remainder of the session. The author wishes to say that the following pages have not been ''fashioned to the taste of critics," for they were ]iiepared very hastily, while the ardiicns duties of Engrossing Ch j-k of the Senate were pressing upon him, and in many cases it was impossible to get the necessary data in order to make the sketches ■complete. J. S. T. March 15th, 1870. SEISTA-TF.. FIRjfiT DISTRICT. RUFUS WHITE, BELVIDERE, PERQUIMANS COUNTT, N. 0., Was born in Perquimans county. Nov. 6tli, 1837, and has al- ways been a resident of that county. His parents were also na- tives of the same couuty and lived to advanced ages. His fath- er was a member of the Society of Friends, and was a zealous advocate of liberty, peace and temperance. The subject of this sketch is also a member of the same religious denomination. He was marrief' Jan. 19th, 185-4, to Miss Lydia Wilson, daugh- ter of William Wilson, Esq., a prominent citizen of AYoodville, Perquimans county. He has seven children living, the eldest, a son, graduated at Haverford College, near Philadelphia, with the class of 1878. This is Mr. W's. first term in the Legislature. He received a very flattering vote in his county, having received 630 majority over his opponent. This shows that he stands high in the estimation of his people, and that they had great confidence in his ability to legislate in their behalf. By occu- pation he is a plain farmer, and is a very hard working man. He is on the committees, Finance, Public Printing, Claims and Insane Asylum. — Republican. GEORGE HENRY MITCHELL, AVIX"TON", HEETFORD COUXTY. . Was born in Bertie county, in that j)art which was formerly (6) tnown as the Snake-bite District, on the 8th of September, 1828o- His father, James L. Mitchell, died, leaving him and a younger brother when very small . He now owns a very fine farm in, Hertford county, near St. John's, known as the '•Roswell Cas- tle," and does an extensive business at farming. He was mar- ried to Miss Martha M. McGlohon in July, 1852, and the fruits of this union were three children, the oldest of which died in 1870, at the Murfreesboro Baptist Institute. Her name was Georgiana Mitchell. Martha L. Mitchell, is still living; the youngest, a son, Dr. J. H. Mitchell, is also living. His wife died in December, 1S63, and he was again married in December, 1864, to Mrs. Nancy Vann, a sister of his first wife, by whom he had two children, Mary Emily and James x\rthur Luke. His second wife died in Kovember, 1873. He then married Miss Nancy A., daughter of James Northcott, Esq., on the 22nd of December, 1874, by whom he has one child. Mr. M. was elected captain of a military company when only 18 years old, after which he rvsis promoted to Lieut. Colonel of a Militia Eegiment and soon afterwards to Colonel. Did not go into the war — fur- nished a substitute. He carried the mail by contract for three years during the war, and furnished provisions for the Confed- erate army. Since the war he has served a number of years as Justice of the Peace, by appointment and by the popular vote of the people. Wa,s a candidate for a seat in the Constitutional Convention of 1875, but defeated by Hon. J. J. Yeates. Was elected to his preseAt seat in the Senate by a large majority. He has always been a farmer, and has been keeping hotel in AVinton for several years -past. Committees — Insurance, State Debt, Magistrates and Public Buildings. A very quiet and attentive member . — Eopubl i can . (7) SECOND DISTRICT. JAMES THOMAS EESPASS, YEATESVILLE, BEAUFORT COUNTY, N. C. Born ill Beaufort county Jiinuary 9th 1S37. Educated at Uol. Lee's school in Ashcville. Volunteered and entered the Con- federate service in April 1861 as a member of Comiiany I. 3rd. Kegiment North Carolina State Troops. In the fall of the same year he was transferred from this regiment to the Gist. During the campaign he Avas in the battle of Newberne, Kinston, Wag- nor, Sumter, Fort Moultrie, Drury's Bluff, Cold Harbor, the seige of Charleston, and a number of others. He was captured while in an engagement near Petersburg, Va, on the 4th of August 1864, and taken as a prisoner to the old Capitol, Wash- ington, D. C, and from these to Fort Delaware, Delaware, where he was retained in prison until after Lee's surrender in 1865. Was wounded three times. Since the close of hostilities he has been engaged in tilling the soil. He has been twice married. Was first, married to Miss Mattie, daughter of Joseph Laughing- liouse, EsR., (a i:)rominent citizen of Pitt county,) on the 21st of March 1866. She died on the 12th of March 1868. His second wife was Miss Alice, daughter of W. H. Laughinghouse,Esq., to whom he was Aveded on the 26th of May 1860. The second wife died the 18th of August 1873. Soon after the war he was elec- ted Colonel of a militia regiment in his county but the Provis- ional Governor, W. W. Holden, prevented him from holding tlie office. Been magistrate two years. The present session is the first that he has ever been a member of. He holds a place on the following committees: Propositions and Grievan'bes, In- ternal Improvement, Privilege and elections, and Joint Com- mittee to nominate Magistrates. He is a zealous member, ever looking to the good of his constituence and the State at large, and coming as he does from a section minus of railroads is free to express himself as being opposed to any ajipropriation ])y the State to incorporate companies — Democrat. JOSEPH THOMAS WALDO. HAMILTON, MAETIN COUNTY, N. C. Is a native of Martin county, one of the counties of 2nd dis- trict, and was born in the town of Hamilton on the 26th of April 1839. He received a liberal education having attended the State University, and otherwise prepared himself for the practice of the jjrofession of law. When the war between the States broke out, his ardent and youthful patriotism quickly placed him in the ranks of his State's defenders. He served in the 31st North Carolina Regiment and was captured at the fall of Eoanoke Island. Even amid the clash of arms he was not insen- sible to cupid's charms, and was married June 11th 1862. He is of pleasant, agreeable manners and address, of cultiva- ted intellect, in the vigor of life, and a premising future before him. He serves on Committees: Judiciary, Corporations Milita- ry Affairs, and is Chairman of Committee on Claims, A quiet and good member — Democrat, THIRD DISTRICT. GEOEGE DOSSY IIOLMAN, JACKSON, NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, N. C. Born March 4th, 1828, in Hertford county. Married first to Elizabeth Beale, of Northampton county ; the second time, to Sarah F., daughter of Rev. William Boone ; his third wife was Mary A., daughter of Lemuel. H, Boyce, Esq. Has nine chil- dren living. His occupation is that of a farmer and gunsmith. During the war he served a;S a Captain of a Militia Company. Been Magistrate four years and County Commissioner two years. Elected to the State Senate for the sessions of 1872-'73 and 18- 73-"M, and re-elected to the present by about 500 majority. Mr. H. is a quiet and peaceable citizen at home, he having never (9) been sn^'d, inflicted or warrani-cd on his own account in bis life. This shows a record worthy of imitation. — Republiean. FOURTH DISTRICT. HENRY EPPES. , HALIFAX, C. H., X. C. Born September ICtb, 1830. Never went to school any in his life, bnt by his own exertions has secnred a very fair education. Married Miss Lavina Knight, of Halifax county, by whom he has had thirteen children, seven arc now living and six dead. Tie has been a minister (Methodist) of the Gospel for a number of years. By trade he is a brick mason and plasterer. He was first elected to represent Halifax county in the Convention of 1868, since which time he has been in politics nearly all the time, this session in the Senate being his seventh term in this honorable body. Committees: Propositions and Grievances and Corporations. — Republican { Col.) FIFTH DISTRICT. FRANKLIN DAVID DANCY, TARP.ORO, EDGECOMRE COU^'TY, :; . • . Bjrn N'^v. lotli, 18-19. Bol'ore and during the war he was owned by Lafayette Dancy, Esq., a prominent fanner of Edge- combe county. He has served as Commissioner of the towu of Tarboro for two years, and as Commissioner of Edgecombe county for two vonrs. He i? n vc:j fine specimen of his race in aiipearan' '.nrtshii iningly while in the Senate. (10) His occupation is that of a blacksmith. Not married. He was elected to the present Senate by about o.OOO majority. — Repub- lican, {Col.) SIXTH DISTRICT. ELBERT ALFRED MOYE, FARMVILLE. TITT COUNTY, JJ'. C. Born in Pitt county North Carolina, May 11th 1842, the youngest son of Alfred Moye, Esq., who waa an honored mem- ber of the General Assembly from Pitt county, from 1829 to 1842. Received an ordinary education from the free and neighborhood schools of his district. In 1S60 went to the Oxford Classical and Mathematical School under the charge of J. H. Horner, Esq., and remained until the breaking out of the war. In Sep- tember 1861 he enlisted as a private in Company G. Stli Regi- ment North Carolina State Troops, was captured at Roanoke Island February 8th 1862 but was soon after paroled and ex- changed. He served as a private for twelve months, as Orderly Sergeant for about the same length of time and was then pro- moted to 2nd Lieutenant — in which capacity he served until the close of the war. On the .31st of May 1864 he was captured at Cold Harbor, Virginia, carried to Poii.t Lookout, Maryland, and kept for about three wncks, and was transferred to Fort Delaware, Delaware, where he remained until the 17th day of June 1865 having been in prison twelve months and thirteen days. December 1801 he Ava« married to Miss Mary I. Edwards, of Lenoir county, A^orth Carolina, nnd has three children living. By profession a farmer. In 1870, his people without any effort on his part selected him a" the candidate of the Dem- ocratic Conservative party of ' ;ir Senator of his' dis- trict, but he was defeated by nine ^> otcs. In 1876 he was again nominated, this time for the House of Representatives and was (11) elected by nearl}' hvo liundred majority. That he was a faith- ful Representative and served his people acceptably, was evinc- ed by his being nominated in 1878 for the Senate, and receiving the highest vote of any one in his county, with the exception of the candinate for County Treasurer, who had no opposition.. His firm and decided stand for the rights of the people, for the working men of the country, has rendered him somewhat unpopular with some of the professional men, especially pro- fessional politicians, but by no means unpopular with the people whose friend he has proven himself to be. He is a niomber of that branch of the Christian Church styled the "Disciples of Christ."* He is Chairman of the Joint Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds and on the comniitiees on Enrolled Bills? Education, and Fish and Fisheries. He is very quiet but faith- ful to his people, he watches their interest and their is no firmer member in the Senate — Democrat. SEVB>'TH DISTRICT. KOHERT WILLIAMS K^G, . WILSON, WTLSOJT COUXTY, IST. C. Bon: Xovember loth 1835 in Pitt county. Was educated at the Franklin Institute, Franklinton, Xorth Carolina, and the University of Virginia. Read Medicine under Dr. B. F. Green, Mf Franklinton, and Dr. C. J. O'Hagau of Greenville. He also took lessons in medicine while at the University of Virginia. Graduated at the Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1858, with first hon'^^'". The Principal of the Institution passed some very decided compliments as to his jiroficiency upon the final examination, and especially as to his-familiarity with the science of anatomy. After graduating he located at Goldsboro for a short time and then moved to St^mtonsburg, in Wilson county^, Avhere he remained until 18()3, since which date he has resided (12) in tlie town of Wilson. Married Miss 0. J. Bynum, daugliter of Gideon Bynum, Esq., of Pitt county. Her father was a prom- inent citizen of Pitt, and for many years a repi'esentative in the State Legishiture. He attended a course of Lectures in Riclimond in 18Gl-';i and received a diploma from the Institution in that city. 8oon after this he entered the Confederate service as sur- geon and served both in the field and in the hospital. In the hitter ]mrt of 1863*lTe had a severe attack of the camp fever, and never sufficiently reeovered to enter the service again. Since the war he has been practicing his profession and farming. He has been chairman of the Executive Committee of Democratic party in Wilson county ever since 1870 up to his nomination, andtlie change of the politics in the county is greatly due his wise man- agement. He was elected to his present seat without opposi- tion. Committees: Insane Asylum, Banks and Currenc}^, En- grossed Bills, and is Chairman of the select Committee to in- vestigate railroads. A very good member — Democrat. CAPT. WILLIAM S. HAREIS, PACIFIC, FRAXKLIN" COUNTY, N. O. Capt. Harris was born in Franklin county, April 17th, 1831. He was educated at the common schools of the neighborhood. He was first mai-ried to Miss Sarah Wiggins, of Wake. Sh« lived only a few years, and 1 ythis marriage he has one child, a daughter. He w^as married the second time to Miss Marv A. Harris, of Franklin, and by this marriage has three children. At the commencement of the war he volunteered in the Frank- lin Kifles, the first company raised in the county, and upon the organization of the company was elected a Lieutenant. Capt. Harris has been a magistrate since he was twenty-one yeaxb of age, excepting the period; of Grov. Holden's aclministratitni. Ho was the Democratic candid ate for the Legislature in 1868, again in 1870, and for the Convention in 1871. He made active can- (13) vasses and ei*rnest telling speeches, but the negro majority in his county was then so large that it could not be overcome.. His canvasses were not without result, however, for they hel})ed to keep organized the Democratic party in his county, and the party organization in that county is to-day equal with, if not superior to that of any other county in the State. lie was elected to his seat in the present Senate without opposition. He is a member of the following committees, viz. : Propositions and Grievances; Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum; Salaries and Fees, and Privileges and Elections. He does not speak often, but when he does speak he talks with animation and earnestness. His speech in favor of the oppropriation to the Orphan Asylum was very effective, and to him is due the credit of passing that, measure through the Senate. He introduced the resolution, and was very active in Avorking up a sentiment in its favor. He is genial and pleasant as a companion. He is a Avarm, zealous friend, and an earnest advocate of the rights of the 2")eople. Very few men in the Senate have as much personal poi^ularity. Capt. Harris belonged to the old Jeffersonian school of Demo- cracy, and is in religion a Missionary Baptist. — Democrat. EIGHTH DISTRICT. EDWARD BULL, WOODBRIDGE, CKAVEX COUXTY, X. C. Was born, on the Southern slope of Connecticut, in the his- toric town of Saybrook, on the 21st day of June, 1830. His an- cestor, the original John Bull, came over from England about the time of the plague in London, in 1684. During his infan- cy, and until he was twelve or fifteen years old, he was physi- cally weak, suffering nearly every disease that baby's flesh is air to, with several extra attacks of lung fever. (This was before "Dr. Bull," who belongs to another branch of the famly, had come upon the stage as the baby's benefactor.) About the age- (U) indicated his attention was directed to building up his constitu- tion by reasonable conformity to suitable habits. A careful ad- herence to a judicious system has resulted in as perfect a condi- tion of bodily health, for these many y^^ars, as often falls to the lot of mortals. Few men enjoy life better ; few indeed suffer less of its aches or pains. And the secret is an open one — a plenty of hard work, plenty of plain wholesome food, sufficient sleep, reguhir time for sleep, food and labor, temperance, chas- tity and a good conscience. His idea of temperance is simple cold water, always and everywhere, nothing else : and the avoid- ance of tobacco, the use of which is not consistent with perfect health. In his childhood he enjoyed the advantages of the pub- lic schools, later of the High Schools. At nineteen he com- menced teaching, and has taught more ir less constantly till re- •cently; sometimes m the winter only, sometimes tlip year round. Thus engaged, he pursued a course of theology under Kev. Da- vis Brainerd, of Lynn, was licensed to preach the Gospel by the Middlesex Association (Congregational) of Connecticut, and Wiis ordained to the work of the ministry by a Council of the Chu]-ches. He has always been in the Sundav School; first when quite young as a pupil, afterward as a teacher, then for a dozen years as Superintendent. While in Coimecticut, before turning his attention to theology, he held several offices of hon- or, being Chairman of the Board of Assessors, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and School Committee to examine the teachers, visit the schools, and report on their condition and progress. He moved to North Carolina in October, 1869, going to Beaufort in the employ, and holding the commission of the American Missionary Association of ISTew York, as Superintend- ent of the Washburne Seminary, then numbering two hundred and fifty pupils and employing five teachers, four of whom were Northern ladies, highly intelligent and of fine culture. After two years he removed to his present place of residence at Wood- bridge, on the Atlantic & North Carolina Eailroad, about half way between New Berne and Morehead City. Since his resi- dence there, in addition to cultivating his farm, he has endeav- ored to increase the privileges and improve the condition of those around him. For this end he has erected a large and con.- (15) venicnt building — undor tlic anspict'S of the Association before named — for school and chapel purposes, in which school is taught for eight months in the year, by well qualified teachers, (the present teacher being a graduate of Williams' College, Mass.) and religions services. Tie has also secured the establish- ment of a Post Ottice. He has twice been elected magistrate, and is now an incumbent by the appointment of t!ie Legislature. He was a member of the Board of Commissioners for the term of two years. Mr. Bull is a Republican, without being an ex- tremist or violent partisan. Since he came to North Carolina he has sought to identify himself with her interests, and to do so more and more from year to ye--tr. He has been here long enough to become pretty well acquainted with the condition of things in this commonwealth. Here are all his property in- terests, here is his farm, his family and liis iiome, and 'he claims to be as truly avf} fully a citizen of North Carolina as if he was to "the manor born." Was married the 24th of May, 1856, to Miiw ^Tn-tild i Penfield, of Saybrook, Conn., who was a faithful and atfectionate wife and mother, and who died after a year and two months, leaving one child, a daughter, then a year old, now engaged in business in Hart- ford, Conn. He was married the second time the 17th of March, 1859, to Jane Susan Pratt, of Weelbrook, Conn., by whom he has two sons, now nineteen and sixteen years old. — Republican. NINTH DISTRICT. JOHN WILLIAMS SHACKELFORD. RICHLAWDS, OXSLOW COUNTY, N". C. Born 16th November, 184-4, in Onslow county. Married IGth September, 1865, Miss Mary C. Wallace, of Onslow county. ■Has been twice elected a magistrate. Elected to the Legisla- ture 1872-74. Re-elected in 1876, without opposition either (16) time. Entered the Confederate service 1862, as private in com- pany H., 3d IST. 0. Cavalry — elected a Sergeant — and promoted to a Lieutenancy in 35tli Eegiment, but was prevented from joining this command in consequence of being captured near Greenville, jSi". C. AYas confined in prison till the close of the war, at Plymouth, ISTewbern, Fortress Monroe, Norfolk and Point Lookout. Was elected to his present seat in the Senate by a majority of 76'? votes. He is Chairman of Committee on Engrossed Bills, on Banks and Currency, and Fish and Fish- eries. He is a very intelligent and useful niiBniber. — Democrat. TENTH DISTRICT. WILLIAM T. DORTCH, GOLDSBOEO, WAYNE COUNTY, N. C. Born in Nash county, August 23rd, 1824. Educated at Bing- ham school. At the age of 17 commenced the study of law with the late Hon. B. F. Moore. Obtained county court license at 19 years of age ; Superior Court license at 20. Elected County Attorney of Nash at 20 years of age, and re-elected. Moved to Goldsboro in 1849. Elected County Attorney of Wayne. Elected to the Legislature from W^ayne 1852, and con- tinuously (except one session) until 1861. Elected Speaker of the House in 1860. Elected to the Confederate Senate in 1861, and served in that body during the war. Has held no office since the close of the war until the present session of the Legis- lature. Has devoted his attention since the close of the war to farming and the practice of law, doing probably the largest and most lucrative practice in the State. Tendered the office of Judge of the Superior Court by Governor Ellis in 1859, and declined. He is Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and as such had many arduous duties to perform during the present session. He has occupied but very little time on the floor of the Senate in the way of speech-making, but when he does (17) speak he always receives the attention of all within the range of his voice, for his argnaients arc always i)ointe(l|^ and conclusive and the force of which are always shown when the vote is taken. He is a man of fine personal appearance, excellent education and of superior legal ability. Tlicse combined with his other good qual'ties of head and heart have won for him the esteem of all the members, and lias given him quite an enviable infln- ence in the Senate Chamber. — 7~)'^mocrat. JOHX ALEXANDER BRYAX, KEXAXSVILLE, UUPLIX COUXTY, X, ''. Born in Sampson county in the year 1821. Was educated in the old-fiield schools until 17 years old, at which age he entered the Grove Academy, preparatory for college. Subsequent to this he entered Chapel Hill but remained there only three months on account of failing health. In 1S13 he studied med- icine under Drs. Strong and Hall in Clinton. After this he was instructed in the Medical University at Philadelphia. Dur- ing the winters of 184:4-'45 he took the regular course of lec- tures. Married Miss Mary Oliver, of Duplin county, in June, 1845. In 1^4:7 he returned to his native place near Taylor's Bridge, on the Six-Runs river, where the sand plains were fringed with the blooming jessemine vines as in the days of his boyhood. But farm life losing its charms he sold out in 1850 and moved to Kenansville, the county town of Duplin, where he was engaged in merchandising for two years. But finding that he did not have a genial spirit for a ?iieculative life, he be- came thoroughly convinced that for hapiness and prosperity he would again have to enroll himself among the "horny handed sons of toil." So it was not long until hcAvas again comfortably located on another farm, and has been a hard laboring man ever since. He has raised five sons and three daughters. His oideot son, Vi'. R. Bryan, served two years during tiie war, but the subject of this sketch fought no battles except for bread and 2 (18) meat, and slied no blood except the blood of beasts. He was married tlie second time to Miss Kute Oliver in 1870. — Democrat. ELEVENTH DISTRICT. WILLIAM PELL OIUIOND, HOOKERTOX, GREEXE COUXTY, X. C. Born September 25th, 18-43. Attended common schools. Is a fcirmer; he also manufactures lumber. Married 11th Septem- ber, 1878, to Miss Elenora H. Newman, of Washington county. During the war he was Corporal of Com]3any '^B," 10th Eegi- ment, N. C. State Troops, and served from the 18th of June, 1861, to the 25th of April, lbG5. In 1870 and '71 lie was Dep- uty Sheriff of Greene county. In 1874 and '75 he was a County Commissioner, and elected to the ITons:! of Representatives for the term of 1876-'77, and elected to his jiresent seat in the Sen- ate by a majority of 249 votes. — Republican. TWELFTH DISTRICT. ROBERT KEDAR BRYAN, scott's hill, PEXDER COUXTY, X. c. Born in Sampson county, N. C, Jan. 22d, 1827. Was edu- cated at Donaldson Academy, at Fayetteville, and at the L^ni- Tersity of North Carolina. Studied law nnder Chief Justice Pearson, and obtained a license to practice law. Practiced law two years. Edited the North Carolinian, a Democratic newspa- per publishe-d at Fayetteville, three years. Retired npon a farm on the sea coast of New Hanover, (now Pender county) where he has lived ever since. In 1858 was a member of the House of Commons fi-om New Hanover. In 18'^8 was elected Senator from the Senatorial District composed of New Hanover and Pender. Married Feb. 10th, 1851. to Miss Susan Lofton, of New Hano- ver, by whom he has five children. He is a very efficient and wortliy membei'. — Democrat. Tin llTKliNTH I)J STRICT. ASA TiOSS, SMiTiivju-i:, iJiu'xswicK cou>;ty, x. c. l!o)'n i)i BUiden county, ]\Iay 15th, IS^'J. Moved to Bruns- wick county at two yeai's of age. ]\Iai'ried Sojit. 1st, l^i5^', Miss Charlotte McKeitiicn, of Brunswick, by wliotn he ]jas had five children. "Wa.-^ appointed Clerk of the Court of that countv in 1853, and elected to the sumv cffice by the Whig partv in 1854. Head law under C'ol. George Worthani, ol: Granville count}', and began the practijj of the proffs-iion in 1857. Has been a practical surveyor since 1857. In the yen- 1856 he emi- grated to Greenville, Ala. I'racticerl hiw in that p ace until the beginning of the '^iw. Jo'ued the ConlVd-.-rate aim/ Jan. 10th. 18G1, becoming a memliei of an independent e mp ny. <;reen- ville (Ala.) (Juards. Was with the command wlien the Pensa- cola Xavy Yard wis seized, driving the Felcja f rces into Fort Pickens. I'henee orderuil lo Uichmond, ^';>. Ainv d at YorktownJune 13th. 1 ^1. Acted as "^nd Sorgaa t, and was serio-isly wounded in a charge at (iaine's ^lills, in (Jen. Lm;.- street's old Division, sth Al iba-na U'".;itnent. iijina'ned iu s>:- vice until tlucloicof tlie war. After the clo:e of tin- M'ar ho again located in Br inswick c-ouuty and coutinuxl the practice of his profession until the }ear 1870. Was elected liegister of Deeds in 1870, Elected to the present Senate by a majoritv of -395, He is Ivery quiet but one of the most attentive and earn- 'Gst members in the Senate. — Pepublican. (20) FOURTEENTH DISTRICT* EOBINSOX WAED, BLACKMAJSr'S MILL, SAMrSOX'S COUNT Y, N. C. Born in Sampson county, Dec. Gth, 1823. Received only a common school education. Acted as magistrate for twenty years before aKd during the war, and was elected once since the war.. Married in 1867 to Mrs. Martha Jackson, and has two children living. By occupation he is a farmer. In politics previous to the war he was a Democrat, but when the secession question came wp he took a stand for the Union, and was during the whole war a peace man. Since 1865, though not a strict party man, he has generally voted and affiliated with the Republican party. Was elected to his present seat by eighty majority, while the Democratic majority in that District has previously been from four to five hundred. He serves on Committees: En- grossed Bills, Insane Asylum, Banks and Currency, and Special Committee to investigate Lieut. Gov. Robinson. — Republican. FIFTEENTH DISTRICT. DANIEL PURCELL McEACHERN, SHOE HEEL, ROBESOX COUNTY, N. C. Born and raised in Robeson county. Educated at the Uni- versity of North Carolina, and graduated with the class of 1859. He served two years in the Rebel Army. Was a member of company G., 24th Regiment, X. C. State Troops. He has served for four years as magistrate m his county. He was elected by a very large and complimentary vote, he receiving a majority of 3,100 votes. He is on Committees: Privileges and Elections, Education, Corporations, and Public Buildings and Grounds. He does not speak in the Senate very often, but when (•31) lie does, he always receives the attention of those who hear him. Eobeson county has a faithful Senator. — Democrat. SIXTEENTH DISTRICT. NEILL SHAW STEWART, AYERASIIORO, HARXETT COUXTY, X. C. Born May 20th, 1820, in that part of Cumherland county which is now Harnett. Never received the advantages of col- lege education. His ancestry came from Scotland. AVas mar- ried March 13tli, 1850, to Miss Hannah E. Armstrong, of Cum- l)erland county, by whom he lias had four children, one sonaad three daughters. He was a magistrate before and during the war. Was a warm supporter of the Southern cause. Been postmaster ever since 1841, with short intervals. He has al- ways been an ardent su^tporter of the Democratic party and scorns the very idea of sacrificing principle for money or position. This was fully illustrated in his case in the year 1808. He was elected that year to the House of Representatives, but on account of holding the position as post master during the war under the Confederate government, he was del)arred taking his seat, and the Reitublicans having a majority in the General Assembly prevented his disabilities being removed ; they, how- ever, proposed to him that if he would vote with them on cer- •tain measures that they would see that hcAvas permitted to take his seat. He replied : " I am worth but little, but the whole Radical party cannot 1)uy me. If these are your only terms you may declare my seat vacant." He was again elected to the House in 1870 by an increased vote and was thistim.e permitted to represent his county. Was elected to the present Senate by over 500 majority. He serves on the Committee of Engrossed Bills, and several other important committees. — Democrat. {22} !«KVENTEENTH BISiTKICT. LEGII KICIIMOND WADPELL, SMITIIFIELD, JOHXSTOX COUiN^TY, X. C, Born April 3rd, 1831, in Brunswick. A son of Maurico (^ "Waddell, Esq., of Cliatliam. Graduated at Chapel Hill, claa : of '52. Head law with Chief Justice Pearson, and obtained license in 1854. Married, February 24th, 1859, Miss 0. Wright, of Goldsboro, by whom he has one child living. Elected Clerk and Master in Equity in ISG'.^. Served until 1865, when he was. elected County Solicitor. Nominee of the Democrats for the Convention of 1868. Elected in 1870 to the Senate. Re-elected in 1874. Re-elected to the Senate of 1876-'77; and reelected to his present seat without opposition. He is a clear-minded,., patriotic and generous hearted gentleman, and makes a very; efficient member. — Democrat. eKtHteenth district. GEORGE H. SNOW, RALEIGH, X. C. Born July 27th, 1846. Was educated at J. M. Lovejoy's: Academy in Raleigh and the Hillsboro Military Institute at Hillsboro. During the Avar he served in the army of Northern Virginia as Lieutenant in Company H, 3od N. C. Regiment uf N. C. State Troops, He ct^mmanded the right wing of a batery in the battle near Petersburg, Ya., on the 2nd of April, 18G5,.. and was captured and remained in Johnson's Island Prison until the close of the war. Studied law after the Avar and received his license to practice at the January term of the Supreme Court in 1869. Married Miss B. McC. Boylan July 18th, 1871. In. 1876 the Democrats of Wake, recognizing his ability and popu- (23) l;irity,iioniin;itoil liiiii hy acclamation fur tlic Senate ; he nuido a vigorous eaniiublican. (24) TWENTIETH DISTRICT. GILES MEBANE. MILTON, CASWELL COUNTY, N. C. Born in Orange county (now Alamance} in February, 1809. Graduated at the State University, at Cha]>el Hill, with the class of 1832. He was married in the year 1837 to Miss Mary C. Yancey, daughter of Hon. Bartlett, of Caswell county. He moved to Caswell county from Alamance in the fall of 1865. Mr. Mebane has been in political life a great deal. His first term in the State Legislature was as a member of the House of Repre- sentatives from Orange county in the year 1842. For several years he continued to represent that county in the General As- sembly until 1850. During this time the subject of building the North Carolina Eailroad came up, and he was an ardent sup- porter of that great State enterprise, which has done so much towards developing the internal resources of the State. At that time there were five members from Orange county, and Mr. Meb- ane was the only one who voted for the appropriation; and when the time came he showed his interest in the road by taking a contract and building six miles of it through Orange county. He was director of this road for 18 years. In 1858 he was again a member of the House, and in 1861 was in the Secession Con- yention. He was in the Senate, and Speaker of that honorable body, from 1861 to 1865, during which time he was the Repre- sentative from Alamance and Randolph counties. Was a mem- ber of the "Andrew Johnson Convention" in 1865. He served many years as Chairman of the County Courts, (succeeded Judge Ruffin") and in many other ways very prominently served the people of his county. He now serves on the Committee of State Debt, and several others, and took a very decided part devising and mauiring plans to compromise and settle the State Debt, the bill with that end in view which passed the present General Assembly having received his ardent support. He is the oldest members of the Assembly, but still retains a large proportion of the energy and vitality of mind of his more youthful days. — Democrat. (25) GEORGE WILLIAMSON, YAXCETVILLE, CASWELL COUNTY, N. C. "Wais born in the county of Caswell Dec. 8th, 18:^4. Still lives •where l)orn. His pcdioreo extends back some years — in fact so •far that but a few know or care anything about it. Ilis parents were in good circumstances in their later years. Were "poor though honest" in early life. Thev would have given young ■George a good education, but be had lieard of ''wars and rumors of wars," and longed to follow to the field some "war-like lord." So, as he was a wild young buck and harsh and cruel teachers 'Wished to dress him off, he demurred and turned the tables and the cruel teacher got tlu- licking. Consequently George went home feeling ])adly. His father told George to take his little hatchet and march oft" to the new ground, with instructions not to cut down any cherry frees, and, as he was impressed by read- ing that George Washington would not //e about cherry frees, he, following after liis great exemplar, did lie— {undcv the shade of the beautiful trees.) That did not please his stern father, so he whaled George. Thereupon the young man weakened. Soon thereafter tlie Mexican war came off, and George, being tired of his father's sfern realities, visited the foreign land of Mexico in chief command of Comi)any F., 1st Eeg't K. C. Volunteers, raised in his native county. He returned unwounded. Was married on tlie 4th day of March, 1853, in Xewton county, Ga., with (or to) Miss Marion W. Hill, who still lives to bless his old age as she adorned and rendered happy his younger years. George, soon after marriage, moved to Danville, Va., and merchandised, and by strict attention to business was rapid- ly accumulating a handsome loss. So he quif: removed to the old stamping ground and wtnt to farming. Then "rumors of wars" came. He buckled oii his old claymore, (is this spelt right ?) was appointed Major of the Eighth Xortk •Carolina State Troops, afterwards Lieut. Colonel ( -^0 ) of the same, and achieved no distinction except having had the- honor of putting the present Chief Executive of the State through the double-quick. To the education there received no doubt Governor Jarvis is mainly indebted for the position he now so ably occupies. He returned from the wars unwcnnded, having been very lucky in avoiding all serious engagements where bullets flow about loose. In 1874 he was elected Senator from the 20th District. The people approved his course and re- elected him to the same position to the present session, where he is now^doing his level best to spend his per diem, and with every prospect of success. This notice of this distinguished Sen- ator may seem like flattery, but we are sure he knows nothing of how we obtained our facts, and no one will for a moment do him the injustice to suppose he "writ it." — Democrat. TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT. ELKANAH ELVIS LYON". DUTCHVILLE, GRANVILLE CO'J>.T^, N. C. Was born in Granville c >uuty, April 2Tth, 1824. Was edu- cated at common schools of the count}'. Married Miss Marga- ret J., daughter of Hfirrison Parktr, Es'[., of Orange county. May 18th, 1849, by whom he lias four children living. During the war he served as Captain of Co npany A, 44th Eegiment, N. C. State Troops. He was by the side of the lamented^Col. Singletary when he fell at the battle o£ Jackson's Mills, Martin county, JN". C. By occupation he is a fMrmer, and is one of the finest tobacco growers in the State. As an evidence of his skill in raising tobacco, we will mention that in 1875 some of his to- bacco was sent to the Royal Chemist of England, at London, for analysis, and this great chemical export pronounced it the finest tobacco ever sent him from any part of the world. Tavo prom- (27) iiu'iit fcatiiros of this tclxieco as sliown l)y tlio chemist's state- ment were its excellent liavor and the small quantity of nicotine. It contained only three per cent nicotine whPe the average amount in tobi cjo grown by others cor;tained from 12 to 1-i per cent. The present is tlie first session he has been to tho Legislature, but has four In'others who have represented the county of Granville from time to time in the different branches of the General Assemljly. Committees: State Debt, Corpora- tions, Agriculture, IJetrenchment and Kel'orm, Claims. A true and faithful member. — Democrat. TWKXTY-SECOM) DISTRICT. ABRAHAM HAYWOOD MERRITT, PITTSBCRO, CHATHAM COUXTY. Born July 18th, 183^1. Was i)repared for college under the late AV. J. Bingham at Oaks, Orange county, N. C. He grad- uated at the University of North Carolina with high distinction in 185G. AVas editor of tlie University Magazine during his senior year. After leaving College he entered the school room and taught very successfully until the beginning of the war. He was then at the head of a flourishing high school at Olin, Iredell county. The derangement of nearly every line of busi- ness caused by the hostilities between the States necessitated the suspension of the school. He then returned to Chatham, his naiive county. He was appointed Clerk and Master in E(|uity for Chatham, although that position was usually given to laAV- yers and was eagerly sought by several excellent members of the bar. This position he continued to fill with entire acceptability to the court and bar until the office was abolished. Since the war he was in charge of a school of high grade at Cary, AVake county, and then later, was in charge of the Academy at Pitts- boro. He was nuirried in ISGl to Miss Purviss, of Iredell (■ountv, a lady of great intellect and w^.i.h^ by whom he has (28) six interesting children, and is now living quietly on his farm near Pittshoro in his native county. He holds his present posi- tion as Senator by a most flattering vote. Was nominated un- -expectedly and against his wishes, and in a county where the partiet are nearly equally divided he received over 700 votes more than hoth his competitors. Was one of the presiding Justices of the Inferior Court Avhen he received the nomination for the Senate. Was elected one of the Trustees of the State University during the present session of the General Assembly. By profession he is a Methodist and takes great interest in the Sunday School work. He now has charge of a Sunday School, and has made, at different times, addresses on the subject Avhich have been highly complimented. Diffident and distrustful of himself he seldom appears before the public, but this much may be said in his praise, he is most loved and esteemed by those w^ho know him best. He is Chairman of Joint Committee on the Library and serves on Committee on Education, Enrolled Bills, and Roads and Highways. He is a conscientious and faithful member — ever watching and guarding the interest of those he has the honor to represent. — Democrat. TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT. JAMES PINKNEY DILLAED, LEAKSVILLE, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY, jST. C. Was born April 7th, 1824. He received no collegiate course — "svas taught at the common schools of the county. On the 0th day of March, 1861, he married Miss M. L. Lash, daughter of Wm, A. Lash, Esq., a prominent citizen of Stokes county. Before the war he was magistrate for a number of years and served for some time as a member of the old county courts of Eockingham. In the year of 18(33 when our Southern territory was throated to be overrun by the powers of the North he made aip a company of thirty men and tendered service to the Con- (20) federate army but was not received on acconnt of the size of the company. After this he aided materially in the collection of conscripts for the service. He had charge of the delivering of all darkies reqniredfrom Rockingham to ^Yilmington and other places — they being taken to those places to work on the fortifi- cations. Since the war he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits, merchandising and manufacturing tobacco. He now carries on an extensive manufacturing and mercantile business- at Leakesville, He is brother to Judge J. H. Dillard. — Dem- ocrat. TWENTY-FOURTH DISTRICT. DAVID FRAXKLIX CALDWELL. GREENSBORO, N. C. Born Xovember 5th, 1814, in Guilford county. He served in the Legislature many years ago, and has had considerable experience in public life. He is a great talker and has taken a prominent part in speech-making on nearly every bill that has been presented during the present session. — Democrat. JUNIUS IRVING SCALES. (tREEXSBURO, X. c. Born in Rockingham, June 1, 1832. Graduated at Chapel Hill, class '53, Read law witli Chief Justice Pearson, and set- tled at Graham, ilarricd Miss Eftie II. Henderson, daughter of Col. A. Hendoi'son and grand-daughter of Chief Justice Henderson; has seven cbildren. Represented Ahimance in the House in 1857-58. Moved to Mississippi in February, 1801; enlisted in Confederate States army from tluit State and was (30) "elected Captain; org-anizecl as part of SOtli Mississippi, of wliicli lie was elected Lieutenant-Colonel, and subsequently promoted t ) Colonel. Abounded and captured at Chicamauga ; impris- oned on Johnson's Island, in wretched health until June 25th. 18G5. After the Avar resumed practice of law at Greensboro in copartnership with his brother, Gen. Alfred M. Scales. Col. Scales comes of patriotic stock. Of his family six lirothers and three brothers in-law entered the army, and three of the former and one of the latter perished, by wounds on the battle field, or exposure in camp. Senator Scales is among the most intel- ligent and liighly esteemed gentlemen in the Legislature. He has been in ])ublic life a great deal and has always proved him- self true to the trust imposed in him. He was made a magis- trate when only about 21 years old. AVas memlier of the Sen- ate of 18? 6-' 7 7, and elected to the present Senate in ISTS, he leading the ticket in his district. Committees : Judiciary, Chairman Eetre.icliment and Reform, Eidings of Judges, and was Chairman of Education, but resigned. — Democrat. TWENTY-FIFTH DISTRICT AYILLIAM MARTIN BLACK, CARTHAGE, MOORE COUXiy, N. C. AVas born June 1st, 1829, in Moore county. Received his education at Carthage Institute. Married Miss Margaret A. Seawell on the 13th day of April, 1869. He entered the array as a Lieutenant in Company C, 35th Regiment of K. C. S. T, After the battle at New Berne he was made Captain of Compa- ny C, 49th Regiment, under Col. Ramseur. Since the war he has been engaged in farming the greater part of his time. He was elected to the House of Representatives for the session of l-864-'05, and re-elected to the session of 1866-'67. In 1875 he "Was a member to the Constitutional Couvention. AA-'as elected to his present soat in the Senate by a majority of 250 votes. lie serves on several comniittees, and is a very quiet but attentive member. — Kepublican. TWKXTV-SIXTH in.STRICT. GEORGE ALE:^AXDEK GRAHAM, WADSVILLE, X. C. Born in Montgomery county, April 1st, 1830. Scliool advan- tages limited. In liis early boyhood he served an apprentice- ship as house carpenter. ]\roved to ]\rissis^ippi in th<' year 1857. A'oluuteered and joined the Confederate service -r's a private member in company C. '-Crenada Rifles," of Grenada, Miss. His Ompany joined the J5rh Miss. Regiment at Corinth, 'rom thence was ordered to KiU)Xv:llo, East Tenn. At this place he joined General Zollicoffer's Brigade. "Was in the memorable Cumberland (iaj) Campaign. Was with Gen^-al Zollicoffer when he fell at Mill Springs, Ky. After this battle he returned to Corinth. After the battle of Shiloh was transferred to Gen- -eral Breckenridge's Division. Was at the first bombardment of Vicksburg. Was discharged from service on account of hemor- rhage of the lungs. He returned then to ^Montgonifry county, the place of his nativity; but as soon as his health would ])er- mit he again joined the service ir. North Carolina, and contin- ued with the army until the surrendor in 1865. He married Mary Jane Andrews, by whom lie has six children. He was a candidate for the Legislature in 18G5, but was defeated by a small majority. Was nominated by his party as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1808 and elected by 235 majority. Was eleected to the Legislature of 18G9-*70 by 400 majority, and elected to the present Senate by 317 majority. He serves on the committees on Finance and Library. He has served in his county as Justice of the Peace for 10 years. (32> Governor Holden appointed liim in 18G9 as one of the Trus- tees of the State University, and at the same time was ap- pointed as the State's proxy for the AVestern Railroad. Since then he has been a Director on said road. — Republican. TWENTY-SEVENTH DLSTEICT. CULPEPPER AUSTm, MOOKE, UXIOK COUNTY, N", C- Born in Anson county (now Union) May 8th, 1818. Re- ceived a limited education at the common schools in the county. Was raised a farm boy and has been engaged in farming all his life. But a great deal of his time has been spent in trading and looking after his manufacturing interest. He, like the majority of the young men, was very fond of the young ladies during his boyhood and the early days of his manhood, and as an evidence of such association he "took to himself a wife" when only twenty years of age. On the loth dav of Aprii, 1838, he selected from the large array of beau- tiful young ladies of Anson county, Miss Hester Curlce, with whom he lived ten years. On the 19th day of March, 1848 the cruel hand of death separated them. Knowing the consola- tion of having a good lady to "divide his sorrows and share his joys," he again married on the 4th day of June, 1848. His choice this time was Miss Martha B. Griffin, with whom he is still happily living. In public life he has had a good share of experience. For 12 years he served the good citizens of Union as Sheriff, and this is his third term to the State Leg- islature. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 18G4 and re-elected to the House in 187G, and was elected to his present seat in the Senate by over 2,000 majority. He serves on the following committees: Military Affairs, Salaries and Fees, and Deaf Dumb and Blind Institute. He is a jovial old gentle- man, always says what he thinks,, and generally thinks right. ( '« ) \{(} speaks yftcn in tie Senate, ant^ ;e]dom misses tl:e mark. Democrat. TWKNTY-EKillTH lUSTRICT. JAMES MILAS RED WINE. AIJiKMAKLE, bTA^;LY COUNTY, X. C. Ikirn in Rowan county, June loth, 1825. All the education he received was by his oavu eiforts and principally at home. ]\Iarried Miss Marinda Hal', of Montgomery county, August 1846» She died in November 18G3. Was married the second time, June 1st, 1805, to Mrs. Mary Ann Fesperman, of Stanly county, lias eight children — six girls and two boys. Before the war he was Captain of a Militia Company — during the war he served in the Home Guard under command of Maj. Ilahn, and was sta- tioned below Wilmington. By occupation he is a farmer. In 1S(;5 he' was elected Superior Court Clerk of Stanly county, Avhich position he has held ever since, and was elected every term by an increased majority. Was elected to his present seat in the Senate by a very complimentary vote. He is a very quiet but conscientious and careful representative. Committees: In- sane Asylum. Engrossed Bills, and Insnraiicc. — Democrat. TWENTY-NINTH DISTRICT. SIDNEY BENONT ALEXANDER. CHAKLOTTE, N. ublican. THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRU'T. THOMAS ALLISO]Sr NICHOLSON, X If II OLSON "S MILLS, IKEDLLL (OUXTY, X. C. IJorn in Iredell connty December 24th 181G. Married July 2oth, 1S39, Miss Rebecca C. Nicholson, by whom he has five children, the oldest of whom, Mr. J. L. Nicholson, died in September 1871. Up to ISn.S he had held the position of Magistrate 14 years. That year he was elected to rei)resent Iredell in the House of Representatives. Was re-elected in 1870. Elected to the Senate in 1872. Elected to the Constitutional Convention in 1875. Re- elected to the Senate in November 1870 by 1500 majority. Was re-elected to the Senate for 1870 without opposition. He is chairman of the Committee on Public Printing, and serves on committee of Engroseed Bills, and Cor})orations. He very sel- dom makes a speech Imt when he does speak he always says something of importance and his Avords have much weight with other members. He is one of the best and truest men in the Senate and eminently worthy the high com])liment shown him by his constituency in returning him to this place of trustso of- (40) ten. He is a very faithful member to liis place of duty while the body is in session and very rarely lets any circumstance prevent Mm from recording his vote on every subject that is brought be- fore the Senate. In legislating he studies every point well be- fore acting. As a private citizens, Mr. Nichalson is a christian gentleman of unsurpassed qualities, and wields a great influence for good in the community in which he lives. He is now about 63 years old, yet we trust that he will be spared many years longer to represent the good people of the noble old county of Iredell — Democrat. JOSEPH PINKNEY MATHESON. TAYLORSYILLE, ALEXANDER COUNTY, N. 0. Was born in that part of Iredell county which is now Alex- iiuder, November 27th, 1830. His educational advantages were> limited to the common schools of the community in which he lived. During the early days of his boyhood he worked on the farm, making a crojD in the summer and attending school in the winter season. In March, 1819, he entered the store of Carson & Smith, of Taylorsville, as a clerk. This was one of tlie first stores established at the then new town. In 1852 he gave up this position and began the study of medicine. Tliough he de- voted some time in reading medicine he has never practiced any. In the year 1853 he located at Sugar Grove, Watauga county, ^nd engaged in the mercantile business. On the first Thurs- day of August, 1857, he was elected Clerk of the County Court, which oflice beheld until 1859. Continued to mercliandise un- til the pressure of the war came upon the South — which caused him to suspend. After the war began at the time of the re- organization of the militia he was elected Major .of the 95tli reg- iment of miJitia. While in service with the Home Guard he was Lieutenant of Capt. Cook's company. March 1865 moved l^ack to Taylorsville and raised a crop that year. In the fall he was appointed Provisional Sh 'riff of Alexander county. When (41) oivil county (,nnc"nmoiit was rcorgiuiized ho was olectod Kegis- ter of that county. In September, 18GG, was elected Sheriff and after serving out his time to the satisfaction of the citizens of rlie county, was re-elected in 18G8, but was banded by the '■ Howard Amendment," and did not ([ualify as Shcritf, thongli lie served as Dejjuty Sheriff until 1873. He merchandised in Taylorsville from 187:i to 1875. Been married twice and has oiglit children. AVas elected to present Senate without opposi- tion. He is a very quiet but a firm member. He serves on three Committees, viz : Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Sala- ries and Fees, and Enrolled Bills. — Democrat. THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT. JESSE BLEDSOE. NATHAX'S CRKKK, ASHE COUNTY, X. (;. B()rn in Ashe county October loth, 182f). Received only a "common school education. Was raised a farmer boy and been engaged in farming ever since. His father and mothar botli died when he was only two years of age. When Alleghaney county was formed from Ashe in the year 1856 the new county included his home. That same year he was elected Sheriff — being the first person to fill that office in Alleghaney county. He served in that capacity for nine years. He then resigned •and moved to Ashe in 18G5, since which time he has been de- voting his time almost exclusively at farming and raising stock. He now has a very fine and extensive farm on the South Fork of New Biver, the green pastured fields of which extend from the rippling stream far up the rugged sides of the surrounding mountains. For some time he has given special attention to raising horses, cattle, sheep, goats and hogs. He is a true North Carolinian and takes pride in doing everything in his ]iowcr that will be conducive to her prosperity. To illustrate this he driv. s all 1 is luirses, cattle, tv., to thecastern \r,\\\ of tlicStati- (42) to find a market instead of taking tliem out of the State. He is a Democrat by birth and a Baptist by profession. Was elected to the present Senate wit^^oiit opposition. He serves on the State Debt Committee, also on several other standing and special committees. He married Miss Salina Thompson, of Ashe coun- ty, Jnly lOth, 1851.— Democrat. THIRTY-.SIXTH DISTRICT. JOHN GRAY BYNUM. MORG ANTON, BUEKE COUNTY, N. C. Was born at Gilbert Town, in the county of Kutlierford, on the loth day of February, 181:5. Is the only son of Gen. John Gray Bynum, who for many years represented the county of Rutherford in the Legislature, and had much to do with mould- ing the legislation of the State. Mr. Bynum at the age of four years moved with his father to Columbia, S. C, Avliere he lived three years, then back to tlie county of Rutherfordton; in 18G5 to Wilmington where his father died. He then, with his mother, moved to the county of Burke. During the early part of the war he served in the 71st North Carolina Regiment. In 1864 he was on the North Carolina steamer '' Advance," the celebrated Blockade runner, and was captured on that vessel, and imprisoned in Ludlow Street jail, in the City of New Y^ork. After the war he studied law with Chief Justice Pearson, ob- tained his license in 1867, and settled in the town of Morgan- ton, wliere he has resided ever since. On the 21st day of Sep- tember, 1870, he was married toMissHennie E. Erwin, of Mor- ganton, N. C. Mr. Bynum is on the Judic'ary Connnittee, is Chairman of the Committee on the Insane Asylum, was Cbair- num of the C'cmmittee on Privileges and Elections, was also' Chctirman of the Joinst Select Committee to fix the ridings of Judges, and to arrange the number of employees in the two branches of the General Assembly and wages to be paid them. (43) On the parr <>f the Cnnimitto on tlie Insuiio Asylum he filed a very elaborate report showing Avhere, in the management of that institution a saving of sSl 0,000 eould he annually save I to the iState. Mr. Bynum is a very active and e?u>rgetic member an(T a young man of decided ability. He has taken a i)rominent l)art in the discussion of many of the most im])ortant measures that has been before the Senate. — Democrat. ALFRED ilARTIX EHWIX. M.A.KIOX, m'doWKLL (OLXTY, X. C. Born in Morgan ton, Burke county. Wlieii lie was mberof Com- m.ittee on Public Printing, and the Judiciary Committee. He married Miss C. E. Lester, of Ivockingham county, M, C, and has four children. He serves on the Judiciary and several other Committees. Is Chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, Uo Chairman of the Joint Dim .eratic Caucus. During the session Mr. iloring was compelled to be absent a great deal of his time on account of sickness in his family, and to sujyply a want Mr. Vaughan was elected Speaker jro iem, by a unani- mous vote. He is a good jiiirlinuMitarian and inever\ way com- petent to preside over the ddib rations of the body. He is an earnest worker and a most excellent member. He rej. resents a solid constituencv', and the good citizens of Alleghany should feel proud that they have sueh a faithful reitresentative. By occupation he is a lawyer and fiirmer. He has a good run of practice aad I'uns a first-class farm, — Democrat. (52) ANSON COUNTY. JAMES ALEXANDER LOCK HART, WADESBORO, JST, C. Born in Anson county June 2nd, 1850. Gniduuted at Trin- ity College with tlie class of 1873. Read laAv under Maj. 0. Dowd, of Charlotte, and received license to practice at 1 he June t^'rm of the Supreme Court in 1874. He located at AYadesboro, where he still resides. Married Feb. 6th, 1878, to Miss Lina, youngest daughter of Judge Ashe. Though young in years, he has seryed as Mayor of his town, which honor, however, was cou'l^erred upon him almost without bis knowledge. He never .sought political preferment, but the people of his county, recog- nizing his worth, nominated and elected him to bis present seat without the least solicitation on his part. He is an active and efficient member. — Democ]'at. ASHE COUNTY. J. E. FOSTER, .lEFFERSON, N. C. Born in Wilkes county Feb. 20th, 1828. His educational ad- vantao-es were limited to those of the common schools of the community. Moved to Ashe county in 1852. In 1855 he mar- ried Miss Davis, of Mecklenburg county. In the Secession Con- tion of 1861 he represented Ashe and Alleghany, both counties then being entitled to only one member. During the war he served as commissioner to collect supplies for the army. Served as magistrate many years. By occupation he is a merchant and farmer, and in both lines of business he has been very successful. He was elected to his present seat without solicitation on his part, and had no opposition. He serves on Committees: Prop- ositions and Grievances, Public Buildings and Printing Com- (o:;) mittee. He is a close thinker, and always cuusiders subjects carefully, and then does his own voting. — Democrat. BKAUFORI' ODUNTV. SAMUEL FRANKLIN 08H0RNE. FOKK !S\VA.\1I', X. (.'. liorn July 7th, 1840. Educated at common schools. Went- to Ilyde eounty in 1859 and began teaching, being but 19 years of of age. lie returned to his native county in 1860 and con- tinued to teach until the fall of 1861. He was elected Second Lieutenant, under Capt. Geo. "Waters, of the malitia, and re- mained a malitia officer during the war. In 1866 he purchased a farm and began agricultural pursuits, and has continued that •since. He was elected in 1878 to represent the counties of Beau- fort and Pamlico by a majority of 34L Married April 3d, 1873. Miss Virginia Allen, of Plymouth, Washington county, N. C, by whom lie has three children. — Republican. BERTIK COUNTY. WILL. CHLRRV LTIIKlMlXi K. ( 0].Ell.\IN'i:, N. < . Was born in Bertie eounty .July 17th, 1856. Attended Trin- ity College until he passed through the .Junior Class. Left rhere in 1874, and went to Washington Lee University, where he graduated with class of 1876. He was a candidate for the Legislature in the summer of 1876, but on account of the coun- ty being largely Republican he was defeated. But feeling that he was the exinuiciit of a [lartv tliat would linally ti'iuniph he. ^ (54) ran again in 18'T8 and was elected over his negro opponent by 600 majority. He is the tirst Democrat from Bertie county since the war, and is the youngest meml^er in the G-eneral As- sembly, he being only about 22 years old. It is a proud record that one so young should so gain the confidence and esteem of the people of the county as to be honored with such a place of trust. He serves on the Jndiciary and several other commit- tees. He is a brilliant speaker for his experience and has taken an active part in a great many of the prominent measures before the House. — Democrat. BLADEN COUA'TY. JOnX NEWELL. CLARKTOX, ]Sr. C. Born November 11th, 1839. Never went to school a day in- his life. What education he has attained was by applying himself during the spare moments from his work. Was bound out when only seven months old. He has been county commissioner four years and school commiosioner six years.. This is his second term to the House of Representatives. Mar- ried Mary Moriah Pittman Febrtiai'y 16th, 1868, and has seven children — only three living. He is on Committees: Agricul- ture and Claims. — Republican, (Col.) BRUNSWICK COUNTY. ALBERT CALVIN MEARES. SHALLOATTE, iST. C. Born in Columbus county, Marcli 11th, 1848. His occupa- tion is that of a farmer and teacher. He raises large quantities ( '^'^ ) of j»t'auuis, iimrkct fur wiiich he finds in Wilniin^'-ton and Charlesror. He l)c'.ortant duly with liis regiment in dcfendiug tlie renr, and so (57) well did ho perform liis duty that on their arrival at Charlotte he was personally conii)limeiited by President Davis. He wa« '^hcn assigned with his conima7id as a jiart of the escort of Pres- ident Davis in his efforts to reach the trans-Mississippi depart- ment and was Avith him till a few days before his eaptnre by the Federal forces in Georgia. At the close of the war Captain A. commenced the practice of law at As'^eville — not being allowed ro return to his home in Tennessee in conserpience of the reign of terror that ruled there under Brownlow's administration. He afterwards became the Editor of the Citizen^ and for several years his pajter was the only journal in that Congressional Dis- trict that u])held the cause of the Democratic party. Much of our great majority there now may doubtless be placed to his credit. He afterwards sold the Citizen and engaged in the fruit busmess near Asheville, and to-day has likely more reputation in that line than any man in the South, having taken the medal at the Centennial and other National fairs for the linest apples, and through his efforts North Caiolina is noted as the finest fruit growing section of the world. He led his ticket in the election last summer in Buncombe, and is one of the most industrious members of the House. He inaugurated the movement of Iietrenchment and Reform and thro"orh his un- ceasing efforts a large curtailment of the State's expenditures has been made — consequently a reduction of the taxes for the coming year. He is devoted to the intere^jts of his mountain country, and his ttforts in their behalf will be duly recognized ')y an a])pi-eciating constituency. — Democrat. BIRKK COINTV. HAirrLKT'r ale.xandki? i'.kim;^. .M()l!epresentatives by 273 ma- jority. He IS a member of the Committee on salaries and Fees, and Counties, Towns and Cities. A Vfry attentive representa- tive — Democrat. CABARRU,S CuUxvTY.. WILLIAM HENRY ORCHAED, CONCORD, i^r. c. The Repiesentative of Cabarrus county, W. H. Orchard, \va> born on the 9th day of April, 1825, in the county of Cornwall, England. Was placed at school in the year 1831, and remained ( 5'.» ) :ir school until the year l.soS. The only teachings or system of education in the common Schools of the county at that time was from the Bihle and small hand dictionary, with writin<; and arithmetic. In the year 18;{8 he was i)laced at work at one of the deepest mines in Cornwall, and remained at work until the year 1S44, when he visited London for the purpose of gaining general information, returning to his home in the Avinter of that year. In the s})ring of 1845 he visited Duhlin, Ireland, for the ))urpose of information. Left Dublin in May, 1845 for Xew Vork, and after a voyage of seven weeks and three days landed on the American slujrc on the 3d day of July, 1845. After a few weeks stay in the city of New York, he went back into Pennsylvania to Schuylkill county, known as the coal region. From the coal region, in the spring of 1847, he removed to Montgomery county, Pa., to the then newly opened copper mines at Shannonville. In the month of January, 1849, he married in Schuylkill county, Pa,, Elizabeth Fisher, who was born in Yorkshire, England, on the 28th day of May, 1827. Their only child living is one daughter, born in 1850, and mar- ried in 18G7 to Martin Boger, in Cabarrns county. He remained at Shannonville, Pa., until August, 1850. From there was sent to St. Lawrence county, >sew Y'ork, to superintend and manage the Lead Mines of the St. Lawrence Lead Mining (Jo. In the year 1852, at the October term of the Superior Court f.»r that county, held at Canton, he was duly natui'alized and made a cit- izen of the United States. In June, 1853, at the solicitation of many friends, was engaged to take the management of thePhce- nix (xold Mining Company's property in Cabarrus county, at which place he has continued to make his permanent home. although he has been engaged as superintendent of mines in Mccklenbuig and Guilford counties in this State, he accepted the Democratic doctrine as being the doctrine or political or- ganization most thoroughly adapted to the wants of a rei^ubli- can form of government. Since the year 1805 he has been en- gaged most of his time in agricultural pursuits. He serves on Committees: Corporations, State Debt, Eailroads, and is Chair- man of Hanks and Currencv. Avaluubk ;.umber. — Democrat. (GO) CALDWELL COUNTY. EDMUND JONES, LENGIR, N. €. Was born at Clover Hill. Caldwell county, his old family liomestead, on April 15th, 1848. Was prepared for College at Bingham High School and at Finley High School. En- tered the University in 1864, which he left to join the 3d N. C. ■Cavalry. Remained with his regiment as a private soldier until the surrender at Aj^pomatox. After the close of the war he re- turned to Chapel Hill, where he remained until the closing of the University under the administration of Gov. Holden. He then went to the University of A^irginia, remaining there one year. Upon his return home, in 1869, he was elected a Justice of the Peace. In 1870 he was chosen as the representative of his native county in the Legislature ; chosen again in 1872, and again in 1878, He has been for the last four years of his service Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, and is, besides, a member of the Committee on Judiciary, Deaf Dumb and Blind, and Chairman of the Committee on Rules of the House, and a member on Public Printing. Married Eugenia E., daughter of Maj. A. M. Lewis, of Raleigh, N. C, on the 29th of Octolier, 1872. He is one of the most influential members of the House. He has quick perception and clear view of most questions that iirise, speaks well and takes a prominent part in the discus- sion of u great many issues before the House. — Democrat. CAJSIDEK COUNTY. SIMEON JONES FORBES, SHli,OH, X, C. Born in Camden, May 27th, 1822, and is son of Silas Forbes, jSsq. Attended cominun schools. Married Feb. 1st. 1844, Miss (61) :^lary, (laugliter of Tiilly :\r()iTisett, E^q. Has 9 child ron— only 5 living, 4 boys and 1 nrirl. By (>ccupation he is a farmer. Hcon County Commissioner 2 years. Was appointed Magistrate under the Canby Government. AVas elected to liis present sear by 286 majority, Committes: Internal Improvements, Private Bills, Banks and Currency. — Democrat. t'AKXKKKT COUNTY. ALFRED HATCH CHADWICK. HKAUFORT, X. C. JJurn .Man-h ;iMh, Js.J;^. Married July 10th, 1850, to Miss Mary C. Whitehurst, daughter of David iv. Whitchurst, Esq., who represented. Carteret county several years in the Legisla- ture. A merchant by occupation and conducts a very systematic business — never owing an account more than thirty days. Was elected on the first Board of County Commissioners in 1868, and re-elected in 1870, during which term he was Chairman. AVas again re-elected in. 1872. He served two years as Postmaster, ten years as Magistrate and two years as Commissioner of Wrecks. Was elected to the House of Eepresentatives for the session of 1879 by 482 majority. He serves upon the Finance Committee, also Committee on Internal Improvement. — Democrat. CA.SWKLL COUNTY. THOMAS SATTEKTHWAITE HARRISOX,, PIJILEY, N. C. Was born in Caswell county, X. C, on .July 22d, 1842. Edu~ Gated at Yanceyvillc Academy and Trinity College, X. C. En.- (G2) listed as private in Company A. 13th Reg't N. C. S. T,, in May., 1861, and was discharged therefrom in July, 1SG2. Was ap- pointed by the Auditor of Public Accounts (Hon. S. F. Phillips) as clerk in that office in December, 1862, which position he ac- cepted and held until the latter part of 1863. Married August 24th, 1863, to Miss Adeline H. Slade, of Caswell, who died z2d February, 1878. Mr. Harrison was Magistrate in Caswell for several years. Was elected Mayor of Milton in 1872, at which place he was then dealer in leaf tobacco. Elected to the House of Eepresentatives from Caswell in 1874, 1876 and again in 1878 as an Indejiendent. Never attended a caucus of eitljer politi- cal party. He was the only member of the House Avho voted for Hon. A. S. Mcrrimon for U. S. Senator in January last. Is a member of the Committee on Ap})ointment of Magistrates, and also on Engrossed Bills. Mr. Harrison's father and grand- father boi-h represented Caswell county before him. Farmer by occupation. — Independent Repiiblieau. WILSON CAHY, pitch's ST01?E, n. c. Born in Amelia county, Va., Aug. 1st, 1831. Came to North Carolina in 1855. Attended the common schools of Eichmond, Va. Married Miss Francis Kimbro, of Caswell county, in 1857. Has had 15 children — only 8 living. Been Magistrate 2 years. County Commissioner 2 years. Has taught school a great deal as an occupation. He was a member to the Constitutional Con- vention of 1868. Elected to the House for session "69-'70 and '74. Was in the Convention of 1875. In the House in 1876- '7*;^, and again in 1879. Was elected last time by 300 majority over tW'O opponents. Serves on the Committee of Education. — Eepublican (Col.). (03) CATAWBA COUNTY. CAPT. R. R DAVIS. IJICKOIIY, X. C. Was born in Halifax county, Va., Novemljcr ;24, lb'.U>. (irtid- iiated at Hampden Sydney College in 1854. Read law one ses- sion at the University of Virginia, and was reading la^v when the civil war began. Entered the Confederate army as a ])rivate April 24th, 1861, and commanded a battery of light artillery at Appomatox Court House, April !)th, 18C5. Married Cornelia J., daughter of the late N. N. Nixon, Esq., of Wilmington, N. C, June 25th, 18G8. In 1872 was the Democratic nominee for the Mrginia Senate from his native county, and although the Republican majority had been 1,500, he wa^ bcJiton Ijy less than oOO votes. In 1874 removed from Virginia to Wilmington, X. C, and thence after a i«.'-ivleiice of a few months to Catawba county, and resides near Hickory, of which county he was the Democratic nominee, aii.l as such elected to the present House of Representatives by a majority of 51() votes over the combined vote of his three compttitors. He serves on Committees : Ed- ucation, Public Debt, Joint Rules, is Chairman Private Bills, and was on the special committee of three to investigate the uKinagement of the Western Xorth Carolina Railroad and the Western Insane Asylum. Capt. Davis is a hard working and very intelligent member. To him is mainly due the saving of about S230,00U to the State in one instance during the present session. When the bill to adjust the State debt was before the committee, iie originated the clause which provides that the in- terest on the promised shall not begin until July 1st, 1880. This saves to the people of the State all the interest that would have accrued on the bonds for about eighteen months. He has liecn a very faithful member, and though this is his first term in the legislative halls he has made quite an enviable reputation. In reference to his course iu the present General Assembly tl^ leading Democratic organ in Eastern Carolina, the Wilmington Morning Star of March 1st, 187'J, has this to say : " Among the (64) very ablest men iu either branch of the Legislature is the member of the House of Representatives from Catawba. As North Car- linians we have watched his course with pride and gratification. He has been the friend of every measure which tended to build up the great interests of the State. He has fought all jobs with unflincliing courage. He is chivalrous and brave as he is court- eous and kind. A finished scholar, an elegant orator, an accom- plished gentleman he well represents the people of his adopted county," — Democrat. CHATHAM COUNTY. JOSEPH JOHN GOLSTON, EGYPT, N. C. Born January olst, 1835. He received only a common Eng- lish education. Occupation a farmer. Married Miss Eliza L. Watson, April 21st, 1855, by whom he has seven children. Was in Home Guard service during the war. He is a grandson of Col. William Golston, a noted soldier in days that are passed. Belongs to the Methodist church. Been surveyor of his county for eight years. Was nominated without his solicitation and elected by 500 majority over a Republican and an Independent. A good member. Committees : Internal Improvements and Finance. — Democrat. CHEROKEE COUNTY. ROBERT BRUCE, JSrOTLA, N. C. Born in Habbersham county, Ga., Sej^tember 15th, 1826. Educational advantages limited to the common schools. Mar- ( 'i'^ ) ried Miss Ciithariiic Cuarloy, of Wilkes county, N. C, by whom ]k' has had uiue children — live girls and four boys. Occupation a farmer. Gloved to Xorth Carolina in 1872. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by 40 majority. Serves on Committees of Pro]i()sitions and Grievances. — Repub- lican. CHOWAiV COUNT V. IIALSEY HENKY HOBJiS, WAKDVILLE. X. C. Born in Gates county in May 182;i. Left Gates when about IG years old and moved to Chowan, Attended common schools. Farmer. Married Miss Elizabeth Griffin first time — his second wife was Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Chowan. Both are now- dead. Six children. Been county commissioner six years. Was elected by 45 majority over three opponents. Serves on Com- tc'c of Penal Institutions. — Hcjuiblican. f'LAY f'or'NTV. JAMES STAXnOPE AXDEKSOX, IIAYESVILLE, X. C. AVas born in Haywood county (now Jackson) X. C, January lith, 1835. lie attended a few short sessions of schools at vari- ous times and places, but whatever education he may be in possession of is the result of casual hours of self study during rho vicisitudes of a rather border or frontier life. June 14th, 1861, he entered as volunteer in the Confederate army. Was elected Captain of Comi)any A, 29th Regiment, X. ('. troops, o (Gd) Was ill several hot contpsted fields, among them the battle of .IStoues Kiver (Miiifrcesboro) 'J'ennessee, on 31st December, 1862, which perhaps was a dtiy of as great mortality as any day of the war between the States. He was deputy sheriff before the war for two short jieriods. Eepreeented Clay county in the fleneral Assembly in tlio following years 1870- 71-'72-'73 and '74. He was dohgate to l!ie State Convention of 1875 and elect- ed to the Legislatnre again in 1878. He was mai-ried to Jose- phine S. Ketron June Gth, 18(J(J, and resides at Ilayesville, near where he was married, in Clay county. Committees: Chairman Committee on Immigiaiion, on Counties, Towns and Townships, Insane Asylum. He is h. very diligent member, and represents Jiis constitueney well. I'.y occupation lie is a farmer, merchant .aind stock raser. — IfHiaoernt. Cl.KAVKLANll COUNTY. l.l^^WIS EDWAUi) rOWEPtS. SHKI.m, X. c. Born npar Norfolk, Va., March 24th, 1841. He moved with his iatlier, L. A. Powers, Esq., to Camden county, N. C, in 1855. He entered Yadkin College, Davidfon county, in 1861, %nt during the s;;me year he volunteerf^d and entered the Con- iederate aimy. lie was a mcmlier of General Leach's Company, .und served through the war. Was in twenty-seven engagements, uid wounded severely two times, and slightly seven times. Mar- ried October 23rd, 1762, to Miss S. M. Elliott, of Cleaveland ^county. Has four children. After the war located in Cleve- land and has been engaged in mechanical pursuits ever since. W^as opposed in the. late campaign by Eeuben McBrayer, Esq., and W. C. Durham. Was elected by 370 majority. Commit- tees : Propositions and Crievances, Enrolled Bills, Immigration -Gountv Covei-nment. — Democrat. ( '- ) fOI. I'M BITS COINTY. \AX \'. RKIIAIJDSON. wiiriKvi i.i.i;, N". (. l*(ini XdNcmbi'i' C.tli, ]839. Ho attended the 1873-'74 and to the present House by 250 majority. Commit- tees : Internal Improvements and Insane Asylum. He has had much experience in legislative proceedings and business life generally, and is a very intelligent and well posted gentleman. — Republican. CURRITUCK COUNTY. JAMES MONROE WOODHOUSE, POPLAR BRANCH, ]Sr. C. Was born in Currituck county on the 14th day of December. 1835, and is 44 years old. He received a common school edu- cation, studied no profession, and is a ^armer by occupation. In 1867 he was appointed a Justice of the P'eacj for his county, ^ud has held that position ever since. In 1861 he was commis- jgioned Colonel of the militia of Currituck county, and after the f.'ill of liDHUokc Island in IXi'i'i was for some lini" in aclivo ser- vice with his eoniiiiand. After tilt' war returned to his duties on tlie furui and was successful. lu 180'^ was elected county connnissioner. Was elected by tlie Democratic party as a mem- ber of the House of Representatives in the years of 1870-'72^ 1874 and again in 1878. Was never beaten, and liaving -i dee]*- seat in the afTectious of his })eople he can't be. In 18.")0 the- (■olonel was united in matrimony with Miss Sarah M. (iallop,. of his own county, and has six children living. Ho is one of the most popuhir men in his county, and the man has yet to- come who can carry a hirger vote than he can. Ah a represen- tative of his people, he is ever watci\ful of tlieir interests. Courteous, manly, dignified in his numners, and to his friends true, tried and confiding — to every one liberal to a fault — he is one of the best known, best liked, and among the most influen- tial members of the present House. In politics he is Demo- cratic to the bjickbone. Committees: Chairman of Committee- on Engrossed Bills, on Agriculture, Statistics and Mining. — Democrat. DARK COtNTV. (iKUH(iE LEFFEIIS ErLCllKII. CAI'K HATTKllAb, N. C. Boi'u in Hyde county, March 14th, 18:!s. Educated at 'J'riri- ity College. Married Miss Cinthia Srowe, by whom he Inis five children living. Was elected County Commissioner in Hyde in 18G8. Elected to the House from Dare county in 187'I. Re- elected to the present term by 12 majority. Cominitteees: En- rolled Bills and Fish Interest, By profession he is a school teacher. He is a very watchful but unol)trusive memljcr. — Democrat. (72) DAVIDSON COUNTY. GEORGE FRANKLIN SMITH, LINWOOD, N. C. Born Sept. 27th, 1835. Common country education. Mar- ried Dec. 1847, to Miss Nancy J. Miller, daughter of Capt. Geo. Miller, of that county. For several years was Captain of the ■Lexington Artillery, a uniform company that existed for several years before the war. Volunteered in May, '62, as 1st Lieut, of Co. A., 54th N. C. Reg't. Was promoted to Captain in '63. Captured at the battle of Rapahanock Station, Nov. 7th, '63. Taken to Washington Cit}^, then to Johnson's Island on Lake Erie, Ohio, where he remained until the surrender. Since the war he has been faroiing and merchandising. Been magistrate for several years. Was elected by a majority of 177. He is a very intelligent gentleman and makes a good member. — Demo- ci'at. JONES COLUMBUS MILLER, LEXINfiTOX, X. ('. Born in ]ian(lol})li county, Aug. I7lh, 1837. Educated at the free schools of the neighborhood. Married Miss Sarah J. Capi- ter, daughter of Micojah Capiter, Es<[., of Raudol})h county, Jan. 3rd, 1801. During the early part of the war he was 1st Lieutenant in Science Hill Company of Militia, and later was elected Cajitaiu of the detailed men of the 63rd Regiment. Moved to Davidson county in the year 1869, where he has re- sided ever since. His occupation is that of farming, tanning and trading. Deals largely in real e^-tate and leather. Was a candidate for a seat in the liCgislature in 1876 on the Re})ubli- •can ticket, and was defeated by 34 votes — he receiving, however, the largest vote ever cast in the county for one not elected. He was elected to his j)resent seat in the House of Re])resentatives bv a largo majority. He claims to l)e only a moderate nmu so (73) fur as political lined aru concerned, ever looking to the interest of his constitneuts. Always casts his vote according to his con- victions of right, regardless of party affiliations. He is a mem- ber of the Committee on Privileges and elections. — Kepnljlican. DAVIE COUNTY. FRANCES MARIOX JOHNSON, FARMINGTON, X. C. Born Oct. 4th, 1837. Graduated at Chapel Hill with the class of 1858. Married Miss A. L. Douthit, danghter of Steph- en Doutliit, Esq., July IGth, 18G1. By profession he isaMeth- dist, and is a Steward in that church. In his community he is a man of considerable influence and of great value to iho.-e around him. He is Master of the Mvsonic Lodge at his place, also ll'gh Priest of the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. By oc- cupation he is a merchant and farmer; he also does a consider- able business in the way of manufacturing flour and lumber at his grist and saAv mills. He never sought political preferment, l)ut when the party placed the nomination on him he felt that it was his duty to serve, and was ek'cted over an Independent by aliout '^OO Votes majority. Committees: Insane Asylum, Post lioads and Railroads. During the session he received the high honor of being elected a Trustee of the State University. Hi- intelligently and faithfully represents the good people of Davie, ;ind never wastes the time of the House with unmeaning talk, liut casts his vote and inlhience with dipcrimiiuition. — Deiud- ^;rat. (74) DUPLIN COUNTY. ALBERT STRONG COLWELL, HARRELL's store, SAMPSON COUNTY, N. C. Born in Sampson county October 5tb, 1839. Occupation, a farmer and merchant. His educational advantages were limited to the common schools of the community — worked in the sum- mer and went to school in the winter. At the age of 21 years he entered the Confederate service. He was in Col. W. S. T^e- vanes' company, 61st Regiment, N. C. S. T. After serving for 9 months he became physically disabled and was discharged from further army service. After remaining at home for some time his health became better and he again entered service as a volunteer in Capt . Taylor's company of heavy artillery. This was in 18G3, and the command with which he served was stationed below Wilmington. Again he was compelled to leave the camp life on account of rheuniat'sm. He then secured a situation on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, where he remained until hos- tilities ceased. In Mr. Colwcll is one of l)nt few cases where the rheumatism did not get well soon aftei" ihe war. He suffers much yet from this drca'le 1 dise ise. He lias liad but little to do with politics, but lias always Ijes'U a "'true blue" and uncom- promising Democrat, opposed to indepcn'lents and bolters in every form. In the nominating convention of 1878 he received 189G out of 2100 votes, on the hrst ballot. This is his first term in the (reneral Assembly, Ijut he shows wisdom and ability in his acts that far surpasses s^me me a'lers of many years expe- rience in Legislative bodies. Committees: Public Roads, Fi- nance, Retrenchment and Reform. Is chairman of the first mentioned. He was married July SHi, 18(12, to Miss M, C. AVells. of Duplin county, by whom lie lias seven children, — Democrat. (To) GEOKOK WASHINGTON LAMH, UALLACE, N'. C. Horn 111 Sam[iri()n county, Marcli 8th, 1827. Farmer. Mar- ried June 12tli, 1845, to Miss xVnn Math is, of Sampson. Moved to Du])lin county in 1858. Been magistrate 16 years. County Commissioner nearly 5 years. Member of County Court 2 years. Had eigJit children, 2 dead. Elected to his present seat in the House by 150 majority. Serves on Committees: Corporations, ]jibrary. Private Bills, Salaries and Fees. A gentleman of much integrity and a sturdy member. — Democrat. KDGECOMBK CoUXTV. DKEl) WIMBERLY, TARBORO, ]S'. C. Born March 15th, 1849. Attended the schools of Tarboro. Married Miss Kisiah AVimberly October 7th, 18G9 — four chil- dren living, one dead. He was a member of the School Com- mittee, but resigned to come to the Legislature. Was elected to his present seat by near 2,000 majority. Committees: Immi-^ gration, Salaries and Fees. — Republican, (col). CLINTON WESLEY BATTLE, BATTLEBOKO, X, c. Was born in Edgecombe county September 2Tth, 1840. Waa educated at, the Shaw L'^niversity in Raleigh. Was married April Gth, 18 «C, to Siddie Ann Bryant, of Edgecombe county, by whom he has one child. In public life he has served two years as Trustee of Swift Creek Township), at the expiration of which term he was elected, in 1870, as Countv Commissioner,. (?6) in which capacity he served two years. Was elected to his pres- ent seat in the House of Representatives by about 3300 votes majority. He is on committees: Propositions and Grievances, and Counties, Towns and Townships. — Republican. FRANKLIN COUNTY. CHARLES M. COOKE, FKANKLINTON, N. C. Mr. Cooke is one of the most accomplished, useful and popu- lar members of the House of Representatives. He is regarded, indeed, as one of the leaders of the Democratic party in that branch of the General Assembly, and it is but just to say that his qualities of head and heart admirably qualify him for that honorable position. Mr. Cooke was born in Franklin county in 1844, and is, therefore, near thirty-five years old. His fath- er, Capt. Jones Cooke, was a gentleman of worth, and generally respected by all who knew him. The maiden name of his mother, who Avas of Northern birth, was Jane A. Kinsbury. Mr. Cooke was fitted for college at the Louisburg Academy by M. S. Davis, and entered Wake Forest College in 18G0. He 'Was not permitted to graduate, for the war having begun, ^he volunteered at the end of the Sophomore year. For a time he served as Lieutenant of infantry, Init at the close of the war was acting as Adjutant of the 55th N. C. Regiment, Cooke's Brigade. He was severely wounded in the last battles around Richmond and Petersburg, and was captured by the Federal troops when Richmond fell into their hands. At the close of the war he labored on his father's farm and read law with Col. W. F. Green. Obtaining license to practice in the County and Superior Courts in January 18G7-'(;8, he settled at Louisburg, the capitol of his count}', and has since devoted himself Avith great earnestness and success to the practice of his i)rofession. He is at present the ]aw-])artner of the Hon. Joseph Davis, member of Congress from the Metropolitan District, lie was clioseu to represent his Senatorial District in 1874: in the Gene- ral Assembly, and in February, 1877, he was appointed by Gov. A'ance, Solicitor of the Gth Judicial District. In 18G8, Mr. Cooke married Miss liettie Person, and thus strengthened his iniiuence by alliance with an old and honorable family. Mr. Cooke is a good lawyer, an able, effective and popular sjieaker; his personal appearance is commanding ; his manners arc bland, genial, and cordial in a high degree; his temper is amiable, his disposition generous,, and his character of spotless purity. When to these good qualities we add his resemblage of human nature, and his skill in managing men, we are not surprised at his extraordinary personal popularity, and may well regard him with pride and hope as one of the coming men of the State. He is already, next to his partner, the amiable and excellent " Jos. Davis," the most popular man in all his section of the State. Mr. Cooke is a professing christian, having been for a number of years a consistent member of the Baptist church. He is the Supeiintendent of the Sunday-School of his church, and a hearty and liberal supporter of all benevolent enterprises. He is a man in moderate circumstances, and yet he gave, two years ago, one thousand dollars towards the erection of a Bap- tist Church in the village where he lives. He is a Trustee of Wake Forest College, and the esteem in which he is held as a christian gentleman by the i^eople of his own communion was shown hy the fact, that he was called to preside over the Baptist State Convention at its session held in Kaleigh throe years ago. — Democrat. FORSYTH COUNTY. WILLIAM ALLKX LOWIJKY, WIXSTUX, X. C. l)orn in the town of Ivenansville, Forcyth cnuniy, Jan. "iUtli^ 184"-^. His father was then a merchant, ihe junior partner of (78) the firm of Hunt & Lowrr-y, the first firm that ever done busi- ness of the kind in the place. When less tlian two years old lie moved with his father's family to a farm three miles from town, where he was brought uji a farmer's boy. He attended the common schools of the community, and als» Kenansville High School, Was in the service of the Confederate States for three years. In the fall of 1865 he married Miss Laura F. Flint, of Forsyth county, by whom he has five children. In the fall of 1876 he moved to a farm six miles from the flourish- ing town of Winston, where he has been engaged ever since in milling and agricultural pursuits. In public life he has served eight years as a magistrat^^e ; was elected to his present seat in the House by 203 majority. Committees: Finance, Mi1i<-ary Affairs, and County Government. — Ke])ublican. GASTON COUNTY. HARLEY BENJAMIN HUPFSTETLER, WOOTEX STATIOX, A'. C. Barn in Lincoln county (now Gaston) Nov. 1st, 18^3. His father died when he was only lO^and left him theeldestfof seven children, upon whom all responsibilities of the management for the family fell. Married Miss E. A. Arrowood, February 1st, 1848. Second wife was Miss Eliza E. Fioneberger,.to whom he was married November 13th, 1877. B«en magistrate seven years. Was member board of county court one term. Was Democratic nominee in 1868, but defeated. August 3rd, 1868, he was burned out of home by the'Union League. He was elected to his present seat by 174 majority over very formadible opposi- tion. He is member Committees : Agriculture and Private Bills. He is a very attentive member, and has uncompromising faith in the Democratic party, "which, we think, will grow no less even though he live to the age of Mathuslah. — Democrat. (70) GATES COUNTY. JOHN JACOli CiATLlNG, (4ATLIN<4TOIs, N. C. Was l»()i-ii near Kc} noldson, (Jates county, N. C, .January l!Stli, 1843, and is 30 years of age. He was educated at tJie Reynoldsou Academy, then known as Chowan College, studied no profession. Is a farmer by occupation. Left scliool at the age of eighteen years, and enlisted in the " State Guards," the first military company raised in the county, and among the first raised in the State. This company was assigned as com- pany "B," to the 5th Kegiment of N. C. State troops, which enlisted, from the outset, for the war, and was at first com- manded by Col. D. K. McRae. On the i2\h of May, 186;;^, he was promoted to the position of IJegimental St rgeant Major, by order of Col. McRae, and jtniained at the Colonel's Iltadquar- ters acting as scci' tarv for iiim. In the early part of 1863 was promoted to be Second ijieutenant of Company G, of the oth Regiment, and as such commanded his company through some of the hottest battles of the war — the Captain, J. M. Taylor, be- ing absent, wounded, and the First Lieutenant a prisoner of war. In 18(34 was made Acting Adjutant of the regiment and in this capacity served until the 19th day of September, 1804, when in the desperate and disastrous battle fought between Gen. Juljal Early's army and that of Gen. Phil, Sheridan, upon the bloody heights of Winchester, Va., he was taken prisoner of uar in company with some six hundred others. After his cap- ture was taken to the Fort Delaware Military Prison, and there ke})t nine months and until after the war. He was engaged in all the great battles of the late war, in which his regiment touk part, up to the date of his capture, except those of Cold lluibor and Mechanicsville. Since the war he has held a good many important public positions. Was townshi}) clerk until 1875, when he resigned to accept the nomination to the House of Rep- resentatives made vacant by the death of the Hon. R. H. Bal- lard, to which position he was elected without opposition. Ho (SJ) was for some time one of the county examiners for teachers, has been public administrator for Gates county ever since that has been an office, and is now a Justice of the Peace. In 1876 he was nominated by the Democratic Convention for House of Rep- resentatives but declined. In 1878 was again nominated for same position, accepted, and was elected over his Republican opponent by about 282 majority. Mr. C-atling was married to Miss Emily G. Whitley, daughter of John Willey, Esq., de- ceased, on the 20th of November, 1870, and has now living four children, three boys and one gin. CuJumitLLOs: Finance, Sala- ries and Fees. — Democrat. (iUANVILLE COUNTY. RUFUS AMIS. BUCHANAN, N. C. Born in Granville county, January 24-th, 1835. Was educa- ted at Caldwell Institute, of Hillsboro, State University, and Jefferson College, of Pennsylvania. His frequent change of schools was caused by bad liealth, and finally he had to abandon his studies. He was engaged in farming nj) to the war. During the early part of the war he entered service as Captain of Com- jnmy I, 23d Regiment of N. C. State troops. Failing health caused him to resign. Afterwards he entered service again and was assigned duty in the 1st N. C. Cavalry, Col. Cheek in com- mand, and remained with this regiment until the close. Since 1865 he has been engaged in milling and farming. He was al- ways a Jacksonian Democrat but never entered into active polit- ical life until 1876, he then being a candidate for the Legisla- ture. He was oj)posed by the negro, Hughes, who was elected by 140 majority. Mr. A. had no idea of being elected but made the canvass of the county to expose a great deal of rascality that was then being carried on in the county and to show the cor- ru})tness that existed throughout the State under Rejiublican (81) rule. He was again nominated for the House of Representatives for the present term and after a laborious canvass against heavy odds, was elected with tiie rest of the ticket by about 200 ma- jority. The colored people of the county have had a voting majoiity of about 200 ever since the war, but they, like other Republicans of the county, saw that a change in the politics of the county was badly needed, so they voted for Mr. Amis, and he is making them an excellent representative. He is Chair- man of Committee on Salaries and Fees, and serves on Com- mittee of Finance. Has married November 14th, 1855, to Miss £. A. Ragland, of Halifax county, Ya., sister of the famous to- bacco raiser, Maj. R. L. Ragland. Mr. Amis is a very active and working member. Only a few week ago he formed a part- nership with Mr. Hiirpcr and is now publishing a newspaper. The Border Review, at Henderson, N. C, Mr. A. as editor. After the close of the session he will devote his attention more fully to the editorial columns of the paper. Success. — Demo- crat. JOHN EATOX BURROUGHS, UENDEKSOX, X. C. Born ]\Iarch 17th, 1814, in Granville county. Educated in Granville. Married eldest daughter of Major D. K. Glover, of same count}', July Gth, 1864. Volunteered ^at 17 in Southern army, and after some service in camp was assigned to duty in the express office at Raleigh and on account of physical disabil- ity remained there during the war. Returning to his native county engaged in the culture of 3'ellow tobacco and is now one of the most successful growers of the weed. Called on by the Granville Democracy Mr. Burrough did his part in an active canvass to secure the first Democratic triumi)h in his county since the war. Appointed a justice by the present Legislature of 1879. Committees : Banks and Currency, Propositions and Grievances, and Agriculture. A good member. — Democrat. 6 (82) GREEN COUNTY. WILLIAM THOMAS DIXON, HOOKERTON, IT. C. Born October 10th, 1827. Went to school only ton months. IMarried Ma}' -ith, 1854, Susan J. Harper. Was a,ppointed magistrate in 1854 and been one ever since. Superior Court Cllerk of Greene county for four years. County Commissioner five years. Elected to House by 209 majority, — Eepublican. GUILPFORD COUNTY. JOSEPH ALTIRA McLEAN, m'leansville, n. c. Born in Ciuilford county, January 9th, 1819. Educated at ihe Caldwell Institute of Greensboro. Taught school for num- ber of years. Graduated in medicine at Charleston, S. C, in 1848. Has practiced medicine in Guilford county ever since he graduated. Married Miss Elizabeth F. Whorton, in 1850, has eight children living, one dead. This is the first time he has ■exer been to the General Assembly. He is Chairman of Com- mittee on Education, and serves on Retrenchment and Reform, Eiiilroads and Insane As3dum. Democrat. CYRUS JASPER WHEELER, DEEP RIVER, X. C. Born Sept. 23rd, 1810. Educated at common schools. Farmer. Harried Miss Mary Ann Mullen, of Randolph county, by whom lie has six children — four sons and two daughters. Been post- master twelve years, and magistrate since the last Legislature. Committees: Penal Institutions, Private Bills, Agriculture. — ■ J3einocrat. (83) HALIFAX COUNTY. JOHN THOMAS REYNOLDS, EXDFIELD; N. C. Bom at Murfreesboro, N. C, Mjircli 28th, 1848. Was edu- cated Jit the Shaw University in Raleigh. He also assifeted some in teaching at this Institution. In October, 1875, he married the (laughter of Rev. William Warrick, late of Philadelphia. In public life he has had a very fair amount of experience. His first term in the State Legislature was in 1868, he then being the Representative from Xorthampton County. In 1870 he was elected a Commissioner for the county. In the year 1873 he moved from that county to Halifax. Was elected to represent that county in the House of Representatives for the teim of 1876-'77, at which session he Avasa[)pointed magistrate. Was ■elected to the present House without opposition. Committees: Finance and Education. He seems to have taken much interest in the educational matters that have been hefore the Assembly. By occupation he is a mechanic— Republican. HARNETT C(n-NTT, CORNELIUS HARNETT COEFIiu..), WINSLOW, N. C. AVas born in Cumberland county Oct. 0th, 1820. In 18')!- was elected to the General Assembly, Commons, from tlie coun- ty of Cumberland, at which session he introduced aljill to make Harnett count}^ which bears the name of the father of the county. In 185C was elected Clerk and Master in Equity of said county, which position he held for many years. In 1870 he was elected Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. In 1874 was elected County Treasurer of Harnett, and was elected. (84) cue of the Boeird of Directors of the State Penitentiary. In 1878 was elected a member of fhe House of Eepresentatives. Married Henrietta E. Shepherd, of New Hanover, Dec. 17th, 1844; has five children. Committees: Internal Improvements, Penal Institutions and Military Affairs. He is a lively and so- cial gentleman and a good member. — Democrat. HAYWOOD COUNTY. FRANCIS McGEE DAVIS, IRONDUFF, N". C. Born in Haywood county, August loth, 1825. Married Miss Angeline Furguson on the 21st Oct., 1847, by whom he has 12 children — nine sons and three daughters. He has been Justice of the Peace twelve years, and has served his county as Coroner and Sheriff, and been to the State Legislature three times. Was elected to the HoubC of Representatives for the term 1874-'75^ re-elected for 1876-'77, and to his present seat by 159 majority. He is on the Committes, Banks and Currency, Internal Im- provements, and Towns, Cities and Counties. By occupation he is a farmer, and comes from a county where the principal farming interest is that of growing fruit and grasses and rais- ing horses and cattle. Haywood is one of the best mountain counties, and in Mr. Davis it has a faithful and worthy repre- sentative. He is an ''old school" Democrat of the Calhoun type. — Democrat. (85) HENDERSON COUNTY. THOMAS FRANKLIX BIRD, BOYLLTON, N. C. Born iu Haywood coimly, Jan. o&th, 1824. His educational facilities were limited to the old-field schools and a short course in "Waynesville Academy. "With these advantages and a strong- exertion on his part, he i)repared himself to teach school. Tlie greater part of his time was engaged in teaching until since the war. He married Miss Mary Ann Carlan, of Henderson county, on the oth day of November, 1848, and then moved to Hender- son county in 1849. His wife died in 18G3, and he married for his second wife Mrs. M. J. "Woodfin, daughter of Turner Wil- liams, Esq. He has 12 children — 7 girls and 5 boys. In 1853 he moved to Spartanburg, S. C, and took charge of a contract in building the Piedmont Air Line Railway. After working ing out his contract, at the expiration of four years he moved back to his old home in Henderson county, where lie has been engaged ever since in the manufacture of lime, farming, raising stock, cSlc. In ISGoihe was ajjpointed by tlieU. S. Government to assist iu the reconstruction of Henderson county. He has served 7 years as county commissioner. This is his first term to tlie State Legislature. "Was elected by 105 majoiity. He is a member of the Committee on Corporations, also Insurance. Theologically he is a Methodist, having had a large family ex- -ample iu that respect. His father and one uncle, his grand- father and four grand-uncles, were all Methodist ministers.— Hepublicans- (86) HERTFORD COUNTY. JOllDAN JONATHAN HORTON, ST. JOHN, N. C. Born near Winton, Hertford county, April 21st, 1815. Both, iis parents were natives of the same connty. Was first married Nov. 19th, 1840, to Miss Anna Harrell, daughter of Powell Har- rell, Esq. married second time Sept. 20th, 1842, to Miss Jane Wil- lerf ord, daughter of Richard Willerf ord, Esq. By his first wife he had one child and by the second fourteen children — -all dead but two, one son and one daughter. He was married the third time, March 27th, 1867, to Mrs. Permelia Bishop, daughter of Grcorge Cox, Esq. .ill his wives were natives of Bertie county. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace for five years, and that of School Committee for twenty years. Served as Treasurer for Hertford county for four years. Was elected to the Constitu- tional Convention of 1875, and in 1876 was elected to the House of Representatives, but on account of the informality of the vote at Winton he Avas unseated by his contestant, C. H. Madrey.. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by upwards of 300 majority. He serves on Committees, Private Bills and Claims. Has been a member of the Baptist Church for 37 years. Has never sued or warranted any one and has never been sued but once, and that time it was for a Confeder- ate debt. He is far the largest man m the General Assembly — his weight is 360 pounds. — Republican. (87) HYDE COUNTY. THEODORE PICKET BONXER, ENGLEHAED, N". C. Born March lOtli, 1840. Was at Trinity [College three years. Read law under Col. David M. Carter and Judge Warren. Re- ceived license to practice in Jan. 1873. Been teaching: school for some time. Both of his grand-fatliers once were members-- of the State Legislature. Ilis graud-father, John Bonner, died in Raleigh while a member of the General Assembly. He is; among the young members of the present session, but is a very attentive member. He serves on a number o! Committees. — Democrat. IREDELL COU>fTY\ JESSE DANIEL CLICK, ELM WOOD, X. C. Was born near "The Point,'' between the two Yadkin rivers, in Davie county, December 10th, 1825. His early life was spent on his father^s farm . He received an academical educa- tion at Mocksville, the capital of Davie county, ^Mider the tu- torage of Prof. Baxter Clegg, one of the best academic tfachers of his day. After leaving the Academy he took a course of study in Emory and Henry College, Va. After receiving his collegiate course he taught school for some time at Mocksville^ Fulton, and other places, but his health failing he was obliged to al)andon teaching. Subsequen*' to this he "was engaged for a number of years in the mercantile business at Mocksville. Married Miss Crump, of Davie county, daughter of the late Rowland Crumi), Esq. His wife only lived a short'while over one jcar after the marriage. At her death he was left with an (88) infant son. In 1858 he was married the second time to Miss Waddell, daughter of the hite Greenbury Waddell, of Iredell county. In 1856 he engaged in the manufacture of leather in the town of Mocksville, which business he kept up until 1863. He then moved to the south-eastern part of Iredell county, where he still resides. Here he "returned to his first love" — the occupation of farming — and has given an almost undivided attention in that direction ever since. Was elected Clerk of the Board of Trustees for Chambersburg Township, and in 1872 was elected county commissioner, which office he held for four years. Was elected in 1878 to his present seat by a large majority, this being his first term in the General Assembly. A very careful and worthy member. — Democrat. JOHK EANDLE McCOEKLE, MOORESVILLE, N. C. Born in Anson county April 20th, 1828. Educated at Wades- boro. Eead medicine under Dr. Days, of Camden, S. C, and graduated at Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia; moved to Iredell county in 1854, and located near the present town of Mooresville, and has been practicing his profession and farming ever since. Married in 1856 Miss Euphoenia Leazar, of Eowan ■ county, by whom he has 9 children. He was the Democratic nominee in the last campaign, and elected with but little oppo- sition. He was one of the first citizens to locate at Mooresville, and it is greatly due to his energy and wise management that there is now a flourishing town at tliat place. He is a very worthy and solid member, always voting according to convic- tions of right, regardless of public opinion. — Democrat. (89) JACKSON COUNTY. F. II. LEATIIERWOOD, WEBSTER, N". C, Born in Haywood county September 25th, 1841. Ho was raised on the farm until he was 20 years old, at wliich age he entered the Confederate service as a private in Com])any G, 9th Eegiment N. C. State troops. Afterwards he was promoted Orderly Sergeant, and then to 2d Lieutenant. He was in the western army all the time undet- Col. David Coleman. At the battle of Chicamauga, September 19th, 1863, he received a slight wound by a spent ball. On the 16tli of February, 1864, he was captured and taken to Camp Chase and thence to Fort Delaware. Was released in June, 18G5. After the war he went to and taught school in Cherokee county. In 18G8 he engaged in the mercantile business, and continues the same yet. Moved to Jackson county March 1st, 1871. Married May 4th, 1871. to Miss Annie Carter, of Cleveland, Tennessee, — a great-grand- daughter of Bishop Soule. He was elected to the House by 24 majority. During the campaisrn he had four independents to ojipose him, but before election day two of them withdrew from the canvass. An observant member. — Democrat. JOHNSTON COUNTY. ETHELDRED JAMES HOLT, PRIXCETON, N. C. Is a native of Johrston county, where he now resides. Is 39 years of age. His education, w! ich is limited, was obtained principiilly in old Held sehuols a'ld reading newspapers. His fatl cr (^iid when he was only 4 yavs old, leaving him and six other childreu «nder the mcther's care. They were all brought (90) up on a farm. He enlisted in an independent cavalry company early in the late war. In 1862 this company was connected with the 8th Georgia Regiment. In 1864 it was assigned to the 16th N. C. Battallion. He was in every battle in which his comjoany was called to participate except two. Was slightly wounded twice, and had a horse killed under him on the morn- ing of General Lee's surrender. He entered the service as a private but was promoted to Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Adjutant and Captain, and then had the pain as well as the honor of surrendernig the remnant of the Brigade (General W. P. Roberts') to the Federal forces at Appomattox on that mem- orable day, April 9th, 1865. After the war he resided for three years in Catawba county, since which time he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits in Johnston county ; has been married twice, and always votes the Democratic ticket without scratch- ing. Served his county one term as sheriff, one term as county commissioner, and twice as a representative in the State Legis- lature. Was elected to the present House of Representatives without opposition. He serves on committees: Corporations* Public Buildings and Engrossed Bills. — Democrat. EVERETT A. BIZZELL, NEWTON" GROVE, SAiMPSON CO., N. 0. Born in Sampson county, and ^'s no v j.bout 47 years old. Educated by John Ghost Elliott. Parmer. Married a Miss Barnes of Johnston county, and has one child. Was Captain of a militia company during the war. Was in the Legislature in 1874-'75, and re-elected to House for term 1879. A sensible voter. — Democrat. ( 01 ) JONES COUNTY. CHRISTOPIIEli DUDLEY FOY, MAYSVILLE, N. C. Born in Onslow county January 30th, 182-i. He is a son of Frederick Foy, who represented Onslow county for a number of years in the Legislature. His mother was Christian Dixon, a native of Greene county. He held a commission during a por- tion of the war from President Davis and part of the time from Governor Vance. He was captain of a company during the war, which acted in an independent capacity, and was known as the Tecumseh Scouts. To this day Mr. Foy is often called Capt. Tecumseh. This company operated mostly in the eastern, part of this State in the vicinity of Kinston. He was of great service to the Confedeiate army after the battle of New Berne,, in the way of saving the troops that were cut off in their re- treat, and hemmed in the elbow of Brice's Creek. He being thoroughly acquainted throughout this section, rendered him very efficient as a guide. Mention of his service on this occa- sion is made in Col. Vance's report of this battle. During his young days he was taught by H. IL Villard, Esq., and after- wards attended school in the Masonic Hall atXew Berne, which was then undercharge of Mr. Ixobt. G. Moore. He was married in the year 1845 to Miss Francis Foy, of Jones county, by whom he has eight children — five sons and three daughters. He has been magistrate about 25 years; represented Onslow county in the House of Representatives in the session of l848-"4:9 ; elected to House for ISTO by 240 majority. Ho serves on committees : Propositions and Grievances, and Banks and Currency. — Re- publican. (92) LENOIR COUNTY. WILLIAM WALTER DU:NN, KINSTOlSr, X. c. Born June 15th, 1832. Educated at LoYejoy Academy in Raleigh. He lived in Texas from Jan., 1854, to Nov., 1857. While on his way west he was on the Steamer Georgia when a fearful accident occurred on account of the steamer catching on fire. There were about 300 passengers aboard and about 40 of them lost their lives. He was married February 13th, 1860, to Miss Susan Rountree, of Pitt county, by whom he has four chil- dren. Occupation a farmer. Magistrate several years prior to his election to the House in 18G2-'G3. Re-elected in 1865-'GG. Elected to the Senate in l876-'77. . Elected to the House again for the present term by 202 majority. Commisttee: Engrossed Bills, and Banks and Currency. — Rej^ublican. LINCOLN COUNTY, BEVERLY CAMERON COBB, LIKCOLXTON", N". C. Born in Lincoln, Aug. 17th, 1854. Educated at Bingham School. Read law with Chief Justice Pearson. Licensed June term 1870. Judge Pearson pronounced Mr. Cobb one of his most promising students. Practices in Lincoln, Gaston, Cleve- land and Catawba. Elected to the House in 187G, without op- position: a very unusual circumstance for one so young. Re- elected to the House for the present term without op})osition. He is chairman of the committee on Privileges and Elections and County Government; serves on the committee on State Debt, is a prominent member of the Judiciary Committee, and was one of tlie committee of three to Investio:ate the Western (93) North Carolina Railroad and tlie Western Insane Asylnni. He is a yoTing- mon of Ttvilliont intelleot. He speaks well and has made a very valuable member. Few young men of his'age have ac(juired the prominence and influence in legislative circles that he has. The Good people of Lincoln should feel proud of his course in the General Asaembly, for he has been a very efhcient member. — Democrat, MACON COUNTY. JOHN REID. lRA.NKLI]!f, N. C. Was born in Burke county, September 11th, 1829. Educated at Nantihala, Macon county. Married Miss Salina S. Moore, of Macon, February 12th, 1852, by whom he has six children. He entered the Western army in behalf of the Confederacy as first Lieutenant of Company I, o'Jth Regiment. Was in the battle of Bai>tist Gap, Cumberland Mountain, Murfreesboro, Chica- mauga, Dalton, Hope Church, Pine Mountain, Muddy Ditches, Atlanta, Lovejoy Station, Franklin, Jackson, Forest Station, Spanish Fort, and a number of others in Tennessee, xYlabania, Kentucky, Mississippi and Georgia. Part of the time during the rebellion he was in the secret service of the army under direc- tions of Gen. Joseph E.Johnson. Occupation, farmer. This is the first time he has ever been a member to the General As- senil)y. Committees: Agriculture, Propositions and Grievances, Roads and Highways. — Democrat, (94) MADISON COUNTY. DAVID FRANKLIN DAVIS, MARSHALL, N. C. Born in Madison county, June 10th, 1816. In March, 1864, he enlisted in the Federal army. Company C, 2d Reg't, N. C. Union Volunteers, and remained in service until the close of the war. Soon thereafter he accepted a clerkship in the dry goods store of Messrs. Barnard, Nichols & Co., of Marshall, and remained for some time in their employ. His school advantages during his boyhood were somewhat limited, but he was still de- termined to avail himself of every opportunity; so, after work- ing closely and economizing for some time, he accumulated funds enough to enter school. And thus, by his o^n exertions and the work of his own hands, he attended Ream's Creek High School and Bascome College. After leaving school he began merchandising in Marshall, and has been engaged in that line of business ever since. In the spring of 1872 he was appointed by Judge Henry Superior Court Clevk of his county to fill out the unexpired term of J. J. Gudger, Esq., who resigned. After serving two years he was then elected by the people for a term of four years. He was elected to represent his county in the House of Representatives of the present General Assembly by 262 majority. He is a member of the Committee of Engrossed Bills. He married Miss Sallie L.Hawkins, of Henderson coun- ty, on the 28th day of March, 1876, who died about seven month's thereafter. — Republican. MARTIN COUNTY. HENRY DANIEL ROBERSON, ROBERSOISrYILLE, N". C. Born October 10th, 1824. Went to school only 60 days. In- stead of education his attention was always turned to making (95) money, und he has been very successful. Married Dec, 7th, 1843, Miss Martlia Page, who died in Feb., 1877. Married the second time to Miss Bettie Piver, Jan. 1st, 1878. Has 4 chil- dren living. Seeing the great need of education in himself, he has taken great pains in that particular with his children. He sent his girls to Murf reesboro and his boys to Wake Forest. Been magistrate 12 years, and Deputy Sheriff 9 years. Hisprincii)al oc- cupation is that of merchandising and farming. He also has very fine flouring, corn and saw mills. In ftict, he is a man that car- ries on a variety of business, and can do anything himself out of wood or iron, fi»om a barrel or hoe-handle to a cart-wheel. Eight years ago Hiere was scarcely any of the present lively little village at his place, and he has been instrumental in bringing about all the energy of the place. Was elected after the regular c'ection day to fill the vacancy caused by the death of N. B. Faonn, the member elect. — Democrat. M(;I)OWELL COUNTY. JOHN THOMAS REID, OLD FOKT, N. C. Was born in Kutherford county June 23d, 1838. Attended Marion High School, which was in charge of Mr. Morrison Ramsaeur. He studied medicine under Dr. T. A. Allen, of Ilendersonville, and graduated at the National Medical College of Washington city in 1860. Located in McDowell county in March of 1861 to practice medicine. During the same year he volunteered and entered the Confederate service as sergeant of company K, 23d Regiment N. C. State troops. In Septem- ber he was transferred from the regular service to the medical department, in which capacity he served very acceptably until the close of the war. He then returned to McDowell and re- sumed the practice of his jirofession. He had the misfortune to lose his father when he was only a boy of seven years old. (9G) but with all the disadvantages incident to orphan life he labor- ed assidionsly in the gold niiDOf! of Eatherford county, and at various other lines of business, until he accumulated funds enough to begin his education. After the trials and turmoils of camp life were ended, and he had begun to work up a good practice in his new neighborhood, he saw that there was still one thing wanting to complete his earthly happiness — so on the IGth of May, 1866, he married Miss Hattie V. Bird, of McDow- ell county, by whom he has five children. This is his first ses- sion in the State Legislature, and even with his limited experi- ence he makes a very good representative. He was elected over two opponents. Serves on committees : Internal Improve- ments, Penal Institutions, Insor.e Asylum, and Counties, Cities and Towns. — Democrat. mecklp:nburg couvty. JOHN LEWIS BROWN, CAARLOTTE, K. C. Is a native of Rowan county. Was born near Salisbury, Jan- uary 8th, 1829, but his father and family moved to Charlotte while he was an infant. Was educated in the male schools of Charlotte. He married Miss Nannie J. Kerr on the 25th day of August, 1853. She was the daughter of Maj. Jennings B. Kerr, a prominent citizen of Mecklenburg county, and for 25 years clerk of the court, Mr. Brown never had political aspira- tions, but in 1872, at the time when it was necessary, on account of the troubles in national affairs, that the very best men be placed in Legislative hall, his people chose him as their represen- tative in the Lower House of the General Assembly. He was then the first Whig ever elected to the Legislature from Meck- lenburg county, and his duties were discharged so faithfully that his constituency recognized the labors he had performed (97) and the ability he liad shown, by electing him to the ?ame place in 1864 by an almost unauimons vote. lie was elected to his present seat without opposition. He is chairman of the Com- mittee on Public Debt, and serves on the committees of Inter- nal Improvement, Finance, Banks and Cnrrency and Public Highways. By occuputien Mr. B. is a merchant, and has been very snceossfiil in that line of bnsiness. He has been director of a bank in Charlotte ever since he was 21 years of age, and has been President of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce ever since its organization. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is a Trustee in the General Assembly of that church. He is a man of extraordinary business qualilicatious, takes prac- tical views of the subjects before the Legislature, and in all is a most excellent representative. — Democrat. WILLIAM EPtSKIXE ARDREY, • FI SEVILLE, N, C. Born in Mecklenburg county, September 23rd, 1839, of a well knoAvn family. Son of Dr. T\". A. Ardrey. Occupation a far- mer. Married Miss Margaret M. Robinson, daughter of W. P. Robinson. Appointed Justice of the Peace in 1867, '68, '69. Elected county commissioner in 1874 in Mecklenburg county, and served as chairman of the board for two years. His jiru- dence, efficiency and integrity in this cai)acity commended him to his fellow citizens as a proper person to represent them in a more important field. Elected to the House of Representatives in 1876-'77 by 815 majority, nearly four times the ordinary ma- jority in the county, and re-elected to the General Assembly for 1879, almost Avithout opposition. During the war he enlisted in the Charlotte Grays under Capt.. Ros-i, and served in the 1st X. C. Regiment under Gen. D. II. Hill, at Yorktowr, until its term expired, and then he re-enlisted in the 30th X. C. Troops as a private, was promoted to the captaincy of company K., and re- mained at his post until the surrender at Appomatox. Captain Ardrey is among the most intelligent representatives of thefarm- 7 (98) ;ing element upon the floor of the House. He is an earnest and zealous advocate to the advancement of the agricultural inter- est of the Srate. He is a hard working member, and has a great deal of pride in doing his duty as a member of the Assembly. He is chairman of the committee on Agriculture, Statistics and JMining, and serves on the Committee jOf Salaries and Fees. — Democrat. MITCHELL, COUNTY. SAMUEL WOODFIN BLALOCK, LEEGER, N. C. Born in Yanrey county (now Mitchell) on the 30tli day of ^March, 1845. Educated at New Hope Academy, Wilkes county, Prof. F. A. Belcher, Principal. Married April 5th, 1863, to -Miss Nancy Young, of Mitchell county, by whom he has six children^four girls and two boys. He was commissioned Col- onel of the 99tli regiment of N. C. Militia in 18G2, and held that position until the end of the war. By occupation a farmer. Mr. B. won for the Democrats of Mitchell the first straight- light victory since the war. Was elected by 18 majority. Com- .mittees: Finance, Agriculture, Roads and Ferries. — Democrot. MONTGOMERY COUNTY* WILLIAM THOMAS HAETWELL EWING, SULPHUR SPRINGS, N. C. f Born Aug. 28th, 1834, in Montgomery. Married first to Miss Mary B. Thomas, of Moore county, March 4th, 18G0. Married (00) econd time Miss E. A. Thomas, sister of his former wife, about L862. lias seven childrea living. Has been County Examiner ind County Treasurer. Was educated at Trinity College, raught school for 2o years. Business now a farmer and gener— il trader. Was a member of tlie House in liS76-'?7. Elected to present term by 01 majority. .Serves on committees of Fi- nance and Education, lie is very liberal in politics, never let- ting any party feeling carry him from what he thinks is right. A (piiet member, but always at his seat when the roll is called. — Republican. MOOR' COUNTY. NEILL LEACH, bh; oak, n. c. IJorn Jan. 2;)id, 1838. He is the son of A!chil)ald Leach, who emigiated from Scotland. He went to Texas in 1800, and re- turned to his native home in 18G1. Entered Gen. Mtillett's battalion in 18G2, and remained with it until it disbaiuled in 1864. He then went to the Navy at Charleston, 8. C, and af- ter the evacuation of that city went lo Drury's Bluif, near liich- mond. When that city fell into the hands of the Federal forces he retreated under Gen, Evvel's command to Fannvill;'. On tl)e 2oth Oi April, 1805, was taken prisoner by th"^ Yankees and lodged soon afterwards in the common prison at Foiiit Lijukour, Mil. Was released July 1st, 1805. After returning home he began to form, and has continued the cultivation of the soil a- un occupation ever since. On the 7ili day of May, b'^Oi, he was married to Miss Mary J. McAskill, by wiioni he has iivf ciiildren. His two youngest girls are twins and are so very nmch alike that even the parents ©ften do not know one fiom the other. He has served four years as Justice of the P- ace, and was elected to- House of Representatives for tiie term of is;;) by 88 majority. — • Democrat. (100) NASH COUNTY. GEOEGE NICHOLAS LEWIS. ■ I^^ASHVILLE, N^. C. Born in Nash county, February 2oth, 1829. Finislied educa- tion in 1847. Farmer. Married April 20th, 1847, to Miss Mol- lie L. Pitts, by whom he has eight children. Was first elected to the Lesislatnre in 1856, and has served three terms since. Yolnnteered in 1861, and came out of war in 1864. He was First Lieutenant in Comjiany D, 47th Regiment, afterwards Captain, and served as such until 1864, during which year he was elected to the Legislature while in the army. Was wounded at the battle of Bristow Station in 18C3. Was elected Sheriff of Nash connty in 1866, and served in that capacity ever since. — Democrat. NEW HANOVER COUNTY. WILLIAM HENRY WADDELL, WILMINGTON, N. C. Born May 14th, 1847. Never went to school, but has receiv- ed a very fair family education. Not married. Been janitor,, with rauk of captain, at City Hall in Wilmington, for two terms. Been Superintendent of City Improvement for one year. School Commissioner four years. His first term in the Legislature. He served at the carpenter's trade several years ago. — Repnbli- can, (Col.) (101) HEXRY EPIIRAIM 8C0TT, WILMIXOTON, N. C. }^<)vn in Goagaa county, Ohio, October 24th, 184G. Was ed- ucated in Ripon, Wisconsin. During the war he served with Sheridan's army in the Shanandoah V^alley as Master of Trans- portation. Moved to North Carolina in August 1865 and loca- ted at Wilmington where he still resides. He is quite a young man yet but owns a great deal of property in Wilmington, he bein? one of the largest tax payers in the city. He was appointed magistrate under the provisional government soon after the war and has been one ever since. He has had charge of the poor, sick and insane of New Hanover county for nine years. As an. evidence of his popularity with his party we only have to state that he was elected to his present seat in the House of llepre- scntatives without oppo.sition. Committees: Private Bills, Ag- riculture, and Public Printing. A quiet but observant member. Hepubliean. NORTHAMPTOX COUNTY. JAMP:S WILLIAM GRANT. GAinsiU liG, X. c. Horn in Northnmpton county, November 16th, 1823. Farmer. Married November 2;jrd, 1816, to Miss \Iartlia A. lioonc, by wlinm liP has seven chilrlrou living. Was appointed magistrate under the Provisiontil Crovermn'^nt of Holdon. Been cour.ty <'ommi sioner ten yeirs:ind chairman all tlio while except one term. Is now Public Administrator of the county. Received only a common English erlucation. Elected to tiie House by 133 majority over Paul Haily, a negro, the Repu1)licdn nominee. Oonimittees : Proi)ositions and Grievances, Cor[)orations, and. Agriculture. An observant member. — Democrat. (102) ORANGE COUNTY. MALBOURN ADDISON ANGIER, DURHAM, K. C. Born in Orange county November 30tb, 1820. Raised in the •country on a farm. Had no collegiate education. Was married. February 10th, 1852, to Miss Mary Jane Pearson of Orange county, by whom he now has four children — two sons and two daughters. During the war he was an assessor of taxes for Or- ange county. Of lafe years the greater part of his attention has been directed in the mercantile line ; has been merchandi- sing for about 25 years. In public life he has served but little except as a magistrate, he having held that office for 15 years. This is his first term to the State Legislature, but with the practical knowledge of legislation gained by being a close ob- server during the past, he makes a good representative. He has a place in the following committees: Finance, Propositions ■and Grievances, Education and Insurance. — Democrat. JOSIAH TURNER, HILLSBORO, N. C. He married a Miss Devereux of Halifax, N. 0. Before the war he represented Orange county several times in the State Legislature. Was one term in the Confederate Congress at Richmond, Va. In 18G8 he purchased the Raleigh Daily Sot,- tinel, and edited it for some time with ability. After disposing of this 23aper he retired to farm life in Orange couniy. In 1878 he was elected to his present scat as an independent democrat, and later in the same year he ran as an independent republican for Congress in the Metropolitan District, but was defeated by Hon. J. J. Davis by a very large majority. For the past six years he has been waging a continual warfare against railroad coi-porations and supposed ''rings." Early in the session of i\\Q, present General Assembly he was expelled from the Democratic ( 103 ) caucus, and during the whole session he has been a source of c mtinual annoyance to both parties on account of his frpquent speech-making on "railroads," "rings," &g.- Neither the democrats nor republicans will claim him as a member of thoir party; so we will record him as "Joe Turner," in politics. ONSr.OW COUNTY. CALEB SMITH HEWITT, MAYESYILLE, X. C. Born in Jones county x\pril ;^5th, 18-30, Moved to Onslow. Educated at the county schools. Married throe times : first, to !Miss Hewitt, of Jones county ; next, to Miss Bettie Hatsell, of Onslow county ; and the third time to Miss Sallie Melton, of Onslow. Has ten children living. Before the war he mer- chandised at Swansboro ; since he has been farming. AVas elected on the Inde})endent Democratic ticket by about 300 ma- jority witli two against him. Serves on committ'^e of Prctposi- tions and Grievances. — Democrat. PASQUOTANK COUNTY. HUGH CALE, Ki.i7,A!'.F;i ir rrn . ;,. . Born ill Perquimans county Isov. 27tli, 183S, Married Mary "Wilson in June, 18G7. Occupation — a merchant. Been mag- istrate eight years, county commissioner two years, and treasu- rer of Elizabeth City four years. Was elected to the House of Representatives for the session of 187G-'77, and re-elected to his present seat by a large majority. There were three candidates (104) in the campaign. Kader Perry received 334 votes, S. J. Hal- stard 535 votes, and the subject of this sketch, who received 981 votes. He is on committees : Corporations, and Emigra- tion. By profession he is a Methodist, and a steward in that chnrch. He is very temperate inhabits, he having taken his last drink of spirituous liquor in 1865, and he never smoked a cigar or pipe, and never chews tobacco. He has been much more successful, financially, than many of his race, for his prop- erty is now valued at about $12,000.00. — Republican, (col.) PENDER COUNTY. THOMAS JAMES ARMSTRONG, EOCKY POINT, N. C. Was born in New Hanover county January 13th, 1851. When the county of Pender was formed fj-om New Hanover and other cc^unties in 1875, his place was included in the new county. In 1865, at the time Wilmington was captured by the Federal forces, he served as guide through the swamps of Duplin, Pen- der and New Hanover counties, he being perfectly familiar with the various routes of travel through those unfrequented regions. The enemy came to his father's honse and was about to compel his aged father to perform that service for them, when he, though only 14 years of nge, volunteered his service rather than see the old gentleman taken by force. He attended school at Rocky Point until January, 1868, at which time he entered Trinity College. He passed through the junior class and left College in June, 1872. After this he engaged in the turpentine business in Brunswick county. In the fall of 1873 he be^'an farming in New^ Hanover county, and since that time ao-ricultural pursuits have engrossed the greater part of his time. He married Miss Ella P. Berry, of Wilmington, on the 5th day of February, 1873, who died January 20th, 1874. He was married the second time September 1st, 1878, to Miss Annie E. (105) Durhiim, daugliter of D. T. Durham, Esq., a prominent citizen of Pender county. He is the tirst democrat that has ever been elected in Pender, that county l)eing represented in the last Legislature by a repu])lican gentleman of color, Mr. Alfred Lloyd. — Democrat. rKRQDIMANH COUNTY. lEA SCOTT BLAISDELL, HETRFORD, N. C. Born in the northeastern part of the State of Vermont in 183!), Was educated in Albany, New York, and Lowell, Mass. In addition to his classical education he received a lil)eral course in law. He joined the Federal army in ISfil, served through the Cumberland campaign, and piirticipated in the vicissitudes of camp life until the close of the rebellion. In 18G8 he en- gaged in the lumber business in nortiieasteru North Carolina, and is still engaged in that line as an occupation. Was married on the 10th of March, 1875, to Miss V. C. Morris, of Tyrrell county. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Rep- resentatives by 400 majority over his comi)eLit()r, W. H. Man- ning, Esq. He serves on the Judiciary Committee ; also on the Joint Committee to nominate magistrates, and on the Fish Committee. — Republican. PERSOK COUNTY. MONTFORT McCJEHEE, cuxnixgham's stoke, n. c. I'orn in Pe:snn county D '•. '^h, 18"^2. (Jraduated in 1841, at Cliapel Hill, in his lOiii year. Spent the next year at Har- (106) vard College, Mass., taking a scientific course. Read law with Judge Battle at Cliapel Hill, and obtaining license, concluded to extend his knowldge of the world by a tour in Europe (1849.) Married in 1854 Miss Sallie, second daughter of Hon. George E. Badger, an accomplished and lovely lady. Subse- quent to his marriage removed to Caswell, and was elected to the House from that county in 1864-'Gr). Also to the Andy Johnson Convention of 'G5. Returned to Person and represent- ed that county in the House of 1872-'73-'74 — winning distinc- tion throughout the State by his course in that body. Elected to the House in 1876-'77 ; was elected to the present Assembly, but on account of severe illness was not able to take his seat until near the close of the session. He is a gentleman of fine literary attainments and wide range of general information. As a writer and Belles Lettres scliohir, he is one of the most gifted sons of the State. — Democrat. riTT COUNTY. GERMAIN BERNARD, GEEEXVILLE, N". C. Born in Pitt county, Jan. loth, 18 I -, ai d is now the oldest native born citizen of the town of Greenville. By parental line he is French and Scotc-1; -Irish, his gra;id-father being a native of Bordcfuix, France, while his nioi.er is of Scotch-Irish de- scent. His occupation is tbat o" a lawyer and farmer. In his early days he attended Wake Fore-t Coregf. Later he read law under Judge Hitcbcodc at Yale College. After this be was a student of Chief Justice Pean^on while his law school was loca- ted at Moeksviile, Davie county. Received license to practice in June, 1845. Married in Surry county, Sept. )i5th, 1845, to Miss Juliette Gilliam, of Columbia, S. C. Mr. Bernard ownes the noted Pilot Mountain and a quantity of lands in the commu- nity, in Surry county, at which place he now has a very pleasant (107) summer home, to whieli place he retretits during the heated sea- son. In his naMvfc county h'^ is a gentleman of considerable- prominence, and been identified with the public interest of the- county for many years. He has been Register of Deeds, County Attorney, and during the war was assistant Clerk and Master ini Equity. He has taken a great deal of interest in and labored much for the good of the Democratic party in his county. Has l)een engaged in every political canvass since 180G. He was can- didate for a seat in the first Canstitutional Convention, but was defeated, the Republican party largely predominating. Allowed his name to be run again at the last election and received a title to a seat in the House of Representatives by a majority of 129, He serves on the following committees: Judiciary, Caucus and Counties, Towns and Cities. — Democrat. DAVID COLUMBUS MOORE, BETHEL, N. C. Born in Pitt county, September IStli, 1850. Married Miss ^lavtha C. Andrews, fornieily of Edgecombe county. Dec. 23rd, 1875, by whom he had three children, only one living. Hispar- ents died when he was very young, leaving him with small means, at which time he had only attended the common schools nine months; but by his own clforts, backed by energy of pur- pose, he succeded in securing means and attenrlerl a private school ten months, at which, together with his own studious en- ergy, obtained ' a common education, such as to enable him to teach in the common schools 'in his county. He is therefore a self-made man. Been magistrate two years. Been mayor of the town of Bethel for two terms and served his people satisfactorily in said capacities. The Democracy of his county, rec{»gnizing his worth, honesty and ability, nominated him without any so- licitation on his part to represent them in the House of Repre- sentatives, and w"as elected over his opponent by 105 nuijority. Committees: Public Printing, Privileges aiiJ Elections, Educa- tion, Justices of the Peace and Public Library, all of which he (108) gave valuable service. He is a good, hones •->, faithful represen- tative, and has served his county and State well. By occupa- 'tion a farmer, of whioh he feels proud. — Democrat. POLK COUNTY. NESBITT DIMSDALE, MILLS SPRING, N. C. Born in that part of Rutherford county which is now Polk, .about the year ] 814. By occupation a farmer and merchant. Married in 1831 to Miss ElJ.;abetli Gibbs, of Polk. Six children — four dead. Was very much opposed to the war. He was ac- cused of not being loyal to the Confederate cause and that he took charge deserters, and upon these charges he was brought be- fore a Court Martial, but the charges not being sustained, he was dismissed. He has been magistrate for 10 years, County Treas- urer eight yc-dVi, and was elected to his preseiit se it in the Gen- eral Assembly by 100 majority. He is one of the largest tax- J3ayer3 in his section. — Eepublican. RANDOLPH COUSTV. LORE^nTZO GREENBURY BARNAM BINGHAM, Jackson's CREEK, n. c. Born in Randolph county N. C, March 16th, 1836. Was educated at the old-field schools of his community. Old North Bird, near Jackson's Creek, was the scene of the greater part of hi-3 scliool days. He worked on a farm until lie was twenty-one: since which time ho has been carpenter, wheelright and black- (109) smith, but never served a regular appreuticesliip at any of these trades. In addition to the?e trades he has given some atten- tion, also, to farming. Married March 28th, 18G1, to Miss Em- ily Wai'd, of Davidson county. In public life he has served as Justice of the Peace for eight 3'ears. In 1878 was elected to his present seat in thi- House of Representatives. A very quiet hut earnest member. Committees: Private Bills, deaf, dumb and Blind, and Calendar. — Kepublican. NEREUS CLARKE ENGLISH, BUSH HILL, N. C. His parents, Thomas English and Mildred, formerly Tomlin- son, were reared in the county of Randolph, from Scotch linage. Hg is one of six children— four daughters and two s^ns. Born in Thoraasville, Davidson county, June 28tli, 1849. Parents moved to Randolph in 1857, and located on a farm near Trinity College with a view of educating his sons, at which place he is now situated. Ju&t when he was ready to enter upon school duties the Avar came on, and took not only the means provided but necessitated his going on the farm to manual labor, there to remain until after the struggle ; subsequently was still am- bitious for an education, and proceeded at once to procure one, believing that all men may be an architect of a fortune. In 1874 he graduated at Trinity College with first honor. Soon after was called to the principalship in Pleasant Lodge Acade- my, in Alamance county, for a teim of nearly two years, the fchool thus created is still flourishing ; from thence to Mt. Olive Academy, male and female, in the county of Wayne, and had associated with him Mrs. Nicholson, the widow of the Rev. D. B. Nicholson, of the N. C. Confcieuce; continued there for 2i jears with a decided success. During this time he visited the Centennial and a number of the i)rin(ipal cities North, and to some extent those in the South. During the summer vaca- tion has been teacher at several times in the normal school at Chapel Hill, for the training of teachers, and at the commence- (110) inent of 1878 was selected historian of his class. In 1877 left the East and came to his ''native heath," in the county of Bandolph, and assumed charge oi the vilhige school, at the same time giving the former attention. He was called out in the field of politics and nominated for the Legislature, receiving in •the Convention all the votes cast but five on first ballot ; was •elected to the present itession by a small uiajorit_y over J. W. Bean. He is a single gentleman, and has acquitted himself ■during the present session in a manner that proves he is a young man worthy of a good wife. Ho serves on the following com- mittees : Penal Institutions, (Chairman,) Engrossed Bills, and Education. — Democrat. EICHMONl) COUNTY. DAVID M. HENDERSON, EOCKINCHAM, N. C Was born in Guilford county in 1828. Received 13 days instruction in school in baid county. Went to California in 1852.'T7Spent eight years in California, Oregon, Washington and Mexico. Was married in California. Wife died 20 months after the marriage. He had the pleasure of making about fifty thousand dollars in California, but left the good State without much money and came home to North Carolina in 1859. En- gaged in merchandising, and ma,de $15,000 or $30,000. Lost it in speculating, as usual. Was married the second time in Rich- mond county, N. C- His first wife was Mary Gilky, a Yankee girl. His second wife was Mary Harrison, a genuine Scotch girl. He has four children, all hoys, of Scotch-Irish descent. He has been a Repuhlican, politically, since the Democrats so- lected Horace Greely for their candidate. Was elected to the General Assembly in 1878 as Independent, though his sympa- thies are with the Republican party. — Republican. (Ill) ROBESON COUNTY. ADAM CLARK OLIVER, FAIK J'.LUFF, COLUMBUS COUNTY, N. C. Bora ill Robeson county, September 21st, 1833. Was edu- cated at common scnools. Married Oct. 4th, 1860, to Miss Ad- eline Roberts, daughter of James Roberts, Esq., of ^[arion coun- ty, S. C. Has seven cliildren, 4 girls and 3 sons. Farmer. Vohinteered in 1862 and entered the Confederate service. Was member of Company E. 4th Regiment, N. C. Artillery, Re- mained in service until the fall of Furt Fisher, Been magis- trate 7 years. AVas elected to the House by 6 majority over Neill McXeill. He serves on the following commitiees: Inter- nal Improvements, Railroads and Post Roads. — Democrat. RICHARD MONT(iOMERY NORMKNT, I rMl'.KKTON, N. C. Was born in ]\Iecklenburg county, N. C, Fob. 1st, 1829. Went to the Mexican war in 1847. Belonged to Company I. 3rd Regiment of Artilery, under Capt. Martin Burke, Garland's Brigade, AVorth's Division of Regulars. Participated in all the battles from Vera Cruze to the city of Mexico. Returned to Robeson county in 1851. In April, 1861, raised a company and entered the second regiment N. C. Volunteers, under (Jol. Sol. Williams. His company was discharged in 1862, at the expira- tion of its term of enlistment. In 18(!-^ he raised another com- pany and joined the 16th Regiment, N. C. Troops, under Col. E. D. Hall. Was promoted to Major, but resigned on account of ill health. Elected by the Democratic party* in 1870 to the State Senate from Robeson county, and not being disposed to follow the prrty in some of its measures, joined the Republican party and was elected to the House of Representatives in 1874 l)y that party. He claims to have been elected also to the Con- (112)' stitutiontil Convention of 1875. but says that owing to Gen. W. K. Cox's celebrated telegram to "hold Eobeson and save the State," the Convention adjourned without an Investigation. Was again elected to the House of Kepresentatives for the pres- ent term. He is a good looking widoAver, and we think he would like right much to find some fair one with whom he could "share pleasures and divi.le troubles." — Republican. KOCKINGHAM COUNTY. T. L. RAWLEY, EOCKINGHAM COUNTY, N. C. Was born in Rockingham county on the 4th day of December, 1841. Was prepared to enter the Sophomore class at the Uni- versity, in the year 1861, by that most excellent teacher, Mr. S. W. Hughes, of Orange county, but the war comming on he en- listed, as a private, in Mayj'lf^ei, in Capt. Slade's company, 14th N. C. Regiment. Was wounded in the battle of "Seven Pines," June 1st, 1872. Was m the battles in which the Army of ■Northern Virginia was engaged up to November, 1863, when he was appo'nted 1st Lieut. Company K. 13th N. C. Regiment. Acted as Adjutant of this regiment until the close of the war, surrendering his sword to the Northern army, April 9th, 1865, at Appomattox C. H., Va. Was married to Miss Sallie P. Lindsey, of Reidsville, N. C, Dec^^mber 5th, 1865. Has en- gaged in merchandising, farming and manufacturing tobacco since the war. Never has engaged in politics in any way. In 1878 was nominated by the Nominating Convention of Rocking- ham county, on first ballot, to represent that county in General Assembly of 1879. — Democrat. (113) KOCKINGHAM COUNTY. WILLIAM RALEIGH LINDSAY, WEKT WORTH, X. C. Born in Rockingham, August 5th, 1836. Graduated at Wake Forest in 1860. Occupation a farmer. Served in the Confed- erate service as Sergeant of Light Artillery. Mr. Lindsay was elected without opposition to fill the seat left vacant by Dr. P. M. Winchester^ deceased, in the session of 1876-'77. Was re- elected to the House for the present term without opposition. He is on Committees : Corporations and Immigration. He has taken an active part in the Legislative work before the House. Was married June 5th, 1878, to Miss Nannie H. Meadows, of Rockingham county. — Democrat. ROWAN COUNTY, DAVID BARRINGER, SALISBURY, N. C. Born February 22ud, 1813. Educated principally in the old* field schools. Was married the -Ith day of February, 1834. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace ever since 1836 except for about four years just after the war — he then being banded by the Federal government. AVhen he was only twelve years old he adopted the principles of Democracy and to which faith he has adhered ever since, and declares that he will continue in the same until the last sands of his life have ebbed out. He was born and has ever since lived in the good old county of Rowaa and we have no doubt but there he will remain until she opens her bosom, when his spirit passes over the dark river, and kindly hides him from the turmoils of life until the resurrection morn. — Democrat. 8 (114) HENRY CONOR BOST, SOUTH KIVEE, JiT. C. Bom in Cabarrus county January 8th, 1841. Educated at Trinity College. Was in the Confederate service from the 3rd of June, 18G1 to the 13th of April, 1865. Was a member of Company F, 1st Regiment, N. C. Cavalry. He served first as a private, then Sergeant, and then Corporal. Married January 12tli, 18G5, to Miss Dorcns, daughter of Jacob Fraley, Esq., of Iredell county. By occupation he is a farmer. This in his first term to the Legislature and he is a very attentive member. He serves oii Committees: Propositions and Grievances, Agriculture, Mechanics and Mining, and Insurance. — Democrat. RUTHEKFOKD COUNTY. NATHAN YOUNG, BRITTAIN", N, C. Born in Yancy county, .^pril 20th, 1820. Married May 29th, 1855, Miss S. A. Logan, of Rutherford and has one child living. Attended old field schools. Been county commissioner two years. Was Clerk of the Court in Yancy county for eight years. Moved to Rutherford in 1857. Elected to House of Representa- tives over two opponents by 183 votes. Committees : Salaries amd Fees, Propositions and Grievances. — Democrat. (115) BAMPSON COUNTY. LUTHER RTOE CARROLL, CLINTON, N. C. Born ill Duplin county December 23(1, 1S88. AVas educated at the sehools of the community. Has taught school a great deal during the winter season of the year, and attended to his farm in the summer time. He volunteered April 15rh, 1801, and joined the Confederate service for six months as a member of Capt. Thos. S. Kcenan's Company — the Duplin Riiies — and was made color-bearer of that company. "When the time for which he had enlisted had expired he joined the 3d Regiment of Cavalry — Capt. A, F. Newkirk's company. He was in ser- vice for four years and four weeks, and was not wounded, neither was he a day absent without the prop3r permission. After the Avar he moved to Sampson, where he has been engaged in teaching and farming ever since. Been magistrate for 10 years. He is an earnest worker in the Sunday-schools, and now has charge of the largest one in all that community. Married Miss J. A. Carlton January 27th, 18G7. He was elected to the seat ho now occupies by 219 majority. Committees : Penal Institutionta and Private Bills. He is a very decided and earnest man, and takes great pride in working for the good of his constituence and the Democratic party at large. He is the tallest man in the General Assembly, measuring 6 feet and 7 inches. He and his father and four brothers give an average in height of G feet and six inches and their combined weight is 1220 lbs. He is a true and zealous member. — Democrat. JOHN CHARLES HIKES, CLINTON, N. C. Born January 11th, 1833, in Sampson county. His eiucatioa :was received at common country schools and academies. En- (116) tered the Confederate army in 1862. Was Lieutenant in Com- j)any C, 5th Kegiment N. C. Cavalry. Was in a number of engagements. Wounrled at the battle of Jack's Shops, near Orange Court-house, Va., September 13th, 1863, and captured at the same time. While a prisoner was confined at Washing- ton in the Old Capitol, at Fort Henry, Point Lookout, Fort DelaAvare, Morris Island, Fort Pulaski, then back to Fort Del- aware. He was one of the six hundred officers placed under fire of the Confederate guns while at Morris Island, South Car- olina. Was released from prison July 1st, 1865. Since the war has been engaged at farming. Has served as magistrate two years and as county commissioner fonr years. Was married November 13th, 185G, to Miss E. E. Ashford, of Sampson coun- ty. Was elected to the present House of Representatives, and is serving on the following standing committees : State Debt, Corporations and Emigration — Democrat. STANLEY COUNTY. DANIEL EICHEY, GOLD HILL, N. C. Born in Stanly county, February 14th, 1825. Was raised a common farmer boy and received no education except what he learned at the " old field schools." In former days he was a Whig, now he is a Conservative Democrat. He was qualified as magistrate in February, 1857, which office he filled for seven- teen years. Was elected county commissioner in August, 1870, and re-elected for three terms in succession. Was chairman of the board of commissioners for four years. Was married on the 11th day of April, 1848, to Miss Delinda Frick, of Stanly coun- ty, and has six sons and two daughters. Was elected to the present House of Representatives by a large majority. He is on two standing committees. Agriculture, Mechanics and Min- ing, and Penal Institutes. — Democrat. (117) .6T0KKS COUOSTTY. SQUIRE VENABLE, PILOT mountain;, SURRY COUNTY, N. C. Born in Stokes county, April 6th, 1837. He received only a .fire-torch education. By occupation he is a farmer. Served as :a Captain of a malitia company during the war. Was elected in 1872 Clerk of Superior Court for Stokes county and held that place two years. Elected to House of Representives by 273 ma- jority. Committees : Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute, Private Bills, Public Roads. He is a very clever batchelor, makes a good representative, and will some day make a good lady a good husband, — Democrat. • SURRY COUNTY, NOAH PARTEE FOARD. ELKIN, N. C. Was born in Rowan county at the homestead of the Partee t'amily, September 2Gth, 1839. His parents, Rob't W. and M. E. Foard moved to Concord, in Cabarrus county, January 1st, 1840, where he spent his childhood and youth. He entered the University of the State in 1859, and graduated in class of 1801 ; when he immediately enlisted as a private in Capt. R. Barriu- ger's (now Gen. R. Barringcr) Company F, 1st X. C. Cavalry, under Col. Rob't Ransom (now Gen. Ro])'t Ransom.) The subject of this sketch fought with his company and regiment, which under Stewart and Hamilton bore such a conspicuous part, through all the battles of the army of Northern Virginia, and was only slightly wounded once, though nine horses were wounded under him and four killed. He was promoted to (118) Capt. of his company, and after the bloody cavalry engagement at Upi)erville was introduced by Gen. L. S. Baker, then Colonel of the Eegimtnt, as the " bravest of the brave." He was often, selected by his commanding officers to go with his splendid com- pany (which never had a desertion from it) on duties of special trust and danger. On one occasion when detailed by Gen. "W.. H. F. Lee, for detached service with his company, fought and kept at bay Wi]son'|)'whole column for an hour and a half, when that General was making his notorious raid on South Side railroad to Staunton Bridge. He witli his Company and Com- pany C, wliich formed the squadron he commanded, made under Hampton the celebrated night attack on Kilpatrick's cam]) five miles from Ilichmond, and while no other troops were engaged, drove the enemy from his camp, captured large number of prisoners, horses and supplies, and thus prevented Kilpatrick and Dahlgren from joining their forces for their intended attack upon Eichmond, He, with his company, took an active part in the notorious beef raid of Hampton. After the war he spent eighteen months in New York City in the cotton business. January, 1867, he moved to Elkin, Surry county, to engage in manufacturing, where he still resides. August 25th, 1868, he married in Greensboro Miss Lilly Walker, grand-daughter of th& late Gov. John M. Morehead. In 1878 was nominated by the- Democratic party of Surry as their candidate to represent the county of Surry in the House of Representatives, and was elected over a Republican and Independent Democrat. He is a very popular and influential member, and labors hard for the good of his constituents. He serves on the following Committees : Judiciary, Public Debt, Education, and Insane Asylum. — Dem- ocrat. (119) ftWAIN COUNTY. TIIADEUS DILLARD BRYSOX, CHARLESTON-, N. C. Born ill Haywood county, February 13th, 1839. Attended the common schools of the neighborhood, tifrer which he went to Col. Lee's graded school in Ashevillo. Married Miss Maiy C. Greenlee, of McDowell county, April Gth, 1871, hy whom he has four children. Mr. B. by occupation is a farmer, stock- raiser and miller. He has a very good farm and takes much interest in raising fine stock, and has one of the best mills in all that section . Dui ing the war he was Captain of Company B, 25th Regiment, N. C. State troops. In 1853 when the county of Jackson was formed his place was included in the territory which composed the new county. Soon after this he was elected the first malitia Colonel of the county. He ^as elected as the member to the House of Representatives from the new county of Jackson in 185-4, and was the member continously for twelve years, he being the first and last representative from that county up to 1870, at which time another new county, Swain, was formed and named in honor of the lamented Governor Swain. His residence again was included in the territory of the new county and he has been the representative of Swain ever since it was formed. It is very complimeutary, indeed, that his people should honor him as their representative for so many }ears in succession, and it shows that he is a man woi-thy of their suf- frages. He is a working member and does all in his power that will tend to the prosperity of his section of the country as well as keeping an eye open to the interest of the State at large. He has done much towards shaping legislation for the development of the transmontane section. A good member. He is Chair- man of Committee on Claims, and serves on Internal Improve- ments, and Joint Committee to nominate Magistrates. — Dem- ocrat. (120) TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. JOHN HARVEY PAXTON, EASTATOA, K. C. Was born in Buncombe county (^now Transylvania) on the '19th day of April, 1820. Received a common school education. Emigrated to the State of Georgia in 1854. Settled in Gordon county. In 1862 was elected Captain of Company F. 1st Geor- _gia cavalry. Was mustered into regular service March 22d, 1862. August the 11th was assigned to General Forest. Was in the campaign to Perryville in Kentucky. Fell a victim to disease, and was forced to resign, August 26th, 1864. Returned to his native State, North Carolina, Dec. 23d, 1865. Been magistrate 6 years and school committeeman 4 years. Nominee of the Democratic party in 1878 for the House of Reprerenta- tives and elected by 75 majority. Committees: Salaries and JFees and County Government. — Democrat. lYBEELL COUNTY. WILLIAM G. MELSON, FOKT LAXDIXG, X. C, Born June 13th, 1839. Educated at the Normal College, now 'Trinity. Was there in 1856, '57 and '58. Married Feb. 10th, 1859, Miss Mary Ann Alexander, of Tyrrell. Served as magistrate 6 years. Is surveyor, school teacher and farmer. He is an ar- dent supporter of the temperance cause. Has six children, 4 living and 2 dead. Was elected to his present seat in the House by 128 majority. A very quiet but attentive member. — Demo- *crat. (121) UNION COUNTY. PAVID AADERSON COVINGTON, MONROB, N. C. Was born in Monroe, N. C, on the 2d day of Dec., A, D. 1853. During the earlier part of liis boyhood he received only such education as is usually to be had in small towns. In Sep- tember, 1870, he entered Wake Forest College and continued there until June 1873, one year prior to graduation. During his collegiate course he represented the Euzelian Literary So- ciety at its 39th Anniversary as first debater, and at the close of the session of 1873, was unanimously elected by said society as its orator for the ensuing Anniversary. In December, 1873, he was married to Miss Ella E, Howip, of Lancaster county, S. C, and on the 7th of Aug:ust following was so unfortunate as to lose his wife. Immediately thereupon he be began the study of law under Chief Justice R. M. Pearson, and obtained license in June 1875, and commenced the practice forthwith in the town of his nativity. On the 23d day of June, 1878, he was happily mar- ried to Miss Mollie A., second daughter of Prof. W. G. Sim- mons, of Wake Forest College. On the 1st Thursday in Aug., 1878, he "was elected to the House of Representatives by a ma- jori'y of 1375, being by far the largest proportionate, if not ab- solutely the largest majority, received by any Senator or Repre- sentative. Mr. Covington was at the time of his election 24 years of age, and is the youngest member, save one, in the Leg- islature of 1879, lie is chairman of the committee on Insur- ance, also Public Printing, and serves on committees, Judiciary and Privileges and Elections. He is one of the sprightl'est and wittiest meml)ers; very quick to catch ideas in a running dis- cussion, and never fails to fitly apply his remarkp. — Democrat. (122) WAKE COUNTY. WILLIAM ALONZO EICHARDSON, EAGLE EOCK, N'. C. Born March 24th, 1848. Married June 2nd, 18G7 to Miss Verona C. Hood, by whom he has five children. He was pre- pared for college at Elm Grove Academy. Graduated at Wash- ington University, Baltimore, with the class of 18C8. He vol- unteered in 1863 and joined company I., 8th regiment Georgia Cavalry. Was in a great many engagements, and in the last charge Lee's army made at A})pomattox. By profession he is a practicing physician. Elected to the Houye by 147 majority. — Democrat. ROBERT WEBB WYNN, NEUSE, N. C. Born Sept. 21st, 1813. Educatel at the common schools of the communit}^ Married Miss Lucy Ann House, Oct. 3rd, 1837, by whom he has had 9 children — 5 now living. Wife died Dec. 2nd, 1878. Been chairman of the board of county commission- ers for 6 years. Been connected with the special courts of Wake county for about 35 years. Was member of the Senate in 1876- '77. Elected to the House in 1878. Committees : Internal Im- provements, Banks and Currency. — Republican. J. J. FERRELL, KALEIGH, N^. C. Was born near Fish Dam, Wake county, January 8th, 1823. Went to common schools only a few months. What other edu- cation he has was received by studying at night and rainy days. • Was raised on the farm by a widowed mother. September (123) 15th, 1845, was employed as elcrk by Thomas Loring, Esq., of Auburn, 10 miles east of Raleigh. Was appointed postmaster at that place by President Polk in 1852. Moved to Kaleigh in 18G1 and engaged in tlie mercantile business. Was elected Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Avhich office- he held for two terms, after which he retired to his farm in Oak Grove Township. In 1876 was elected Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners. Was elected in 1878 to the scat which he now occupies. Was married December 15th, 185"^, to Miss Cornelia Ellington, of Johnston county. — Repub- lican. STEWART ELLISOX, RALEIGH, N. C. Born in Beaufort county March 8th, lb33. Never went to a day school ; all his education was procured by attending a short time at night school, and by his own hard studying while alone. Married the first time Miss Mary Davis, of Beaufort county, by whom he had three daughters. His second wife was Miss Nar- cissus Lucus, of Raleigh. He served an apprenticeship as car- penter, and now has the trade well. In public life he has served as city alderman of Raleigh for eight years, and as director of the Penitentiary for four years. This is the fifth session he has been a member to the House of Representatives. He is on committees : Education, Deaf, Dumb and Blind, and Public Buildings. He is far above the average of his race as to intelli- gence, and makes a very fair representative. He takes practi- cal views of most subjects of general importance. — Republican, (col.) (124) WARREN COUNl Y. HAWKINS W. CARTER, WARRENTON, N. C. Was born in Warren county March 23d, 1842, of free parents. IMarried Feb. 7th, 18 — , to Miss Nannie Boyd of Warren coun- ty. He is a farmer by occupation. In public life he first ap- peared as a member to the House of Representatives in 1874 ; ■was elected by 800 majority. Was again elected in 1876 by five majority. Was elected to his present seat by about 1,000 ma- jority. During the war he served as an attendant for Captain Jones in the 46th Regiment. — Republican, (col.) LEWIS THOMAS CHRISTMAS, WARRENTON, N. C, Born in Warren county November 4th, 1855. He first went to school in Warrenton, and after this he attended the Shaw University in Raleigh. Has been teaching school in Warren and Granville counties for about five years. Was elected to his present seat in the House of Representatives by about 1,300 majority. He serves on committees : Incorporations, and Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institute. — Republican, (col.) WASHINGTON COUNTY. JOHN McDowell bateman, PLYMOUTH, N. C. Was born in Washington county July 25th, 1835 . His edu- 'Cational advantages were limited to the free and subscription (125) schools of the community. ITe has been married three time?. Was first m.irried to Miss Emeliza Jackson in 1854. His second' wife was Miss Angcliiie Cooper, to whom lie was married in 1867. In 1878 he married the third wife, who was Miss Nancy p], Snell, of Washington county. lias six children. Before the war he Avas a Henry Clay Whig, and favored emancipation. On account of his Union sentiments during the war he was ar- n^pted and put in prison, where he remained for four months. He was then put with the Confederate forces near Fredericks- burg, Yo., but he escaped from the camp and walked all the way home. In the year 1873 he joined the 11th Regiment of North Carolina U. S. Volunteers, and remained in the Federal service until the close of the war. Soon after the treaty of peace he was appointed under the Pi ovisional Government as Sheriff of Washington county, in which capacity he served for ten years. He has been magistrate for a number of years, and was the member from Washington county in the Constitutional Convention of 1875. Elected to his present scat in the House of Kepresentatives by 164 majority. Committees : Internal Improvements, Salaries and Fees, and Finance. — Republican. WATAUOA COU>TY. WILLIAM BOWER COUNCIL, BOONE, N. C. Is a native of W^atauga county. Was born Feb. 23d, 1820. By profession he is a practicing physican. He graduated at the medical college of Charleston, S. C, in the year 1851. After getting his diploma to practice medicine in South Caro- lina he concluded that the Palmetto State should furnish him a life partner, so in 1855 he marries Miss Alice M. Bostwick, of Sumter, by whom he has six children living. During the war he was a brave and patriotic soldier. He was one of the first (126) ■volunteers in South Carolina, and bears the record of fii-ing the ■first gun that was fired upon the United States flag. It was when the Federal steamer " Star of the West^' sailed within range of the Confederate guns at Fort Sumter on that memora- ble day "when the cruel war begun," . He enlisted as Captain in Hampton's Legion, in which capacity he served until 1863. While in an engagement at Beans' Station, Tenn., he was wounded, after which he was transferred to the 6th N. C. (Col. Folk's) Regiment, where he served until the hostilities ceased. In public life he ha-^ served his country two terms in ■.the General Assembly. He was elected to the Senate for the term 1876— '77, and to his present seat in the House of Repre- sentatives by a majority of five votes. He had five opponents — four Democrats and one Repul)lican. He hails from a moun- tain county not surpassed in many particulars by any in West- ern Carolina. The air is dry, firai and bracing, and the climate generally is perfectly delightful in the summer season. The variagated scenery along the many creeks and rivers is grand and picturesque. The soil is fertile and admirably adapted to the growth of corn, potatoes, ajiples, buckwheat and cabbage. The citizens are generous, hospitable and hard workers. The Dr. represents a noble constituency, and that with much credit. — Democrat. WAYNE COUNTY. GEORGE CALVIN BUCHAN, JERICHO, N. C. Born January 1st, 1829, in 'Moore county. His school days Tvere spent at Longstreet academy, in Cumberland county, Mid- dleton Academy, in Randolph county, and Normal College (now Trinity.) He moved to Wayne county in November, 1854, Married Miss Mary J. Kornegay, October 18th, 1855, (127) and has nine children, eight daughters and one son. His wife died July 13th, 1876. In 18G1 he entered the Confederate army as a private in Company G, 40th Regiment N. C. State troops. In 1803 he was promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant of his Company, and in 1803 lie was still furthur honored by receiving the rank of Captain of his Company. He was wounded and taken prisoner at the fall of Fort Fisher. While a prisoner he was incarcerated at Point Lookout and Johnton Island. Was released June 17th, 1805, and reached his home again on the 28th of the same month. His occupation is that of a farmer. Has been magistrate two years. Elected to House by 00 major- ity. Committr-es : Propositions and Grievances, Education, and Private Bills. — Democrat. WILLIAM ANDERSON DEANS, aOLDSBORO, N. C. Born in Wayne county May 29th, 1840. His education was obtained at the cuinniou country schools and around the fire- side. His occupation is that of merchandising and farming. On the 3rd day of May, 1800, he was married to Miss Phabe Edgerton, of Wayne county, by whom he has five sons. He volunteered June 11th, 1801, and joined the Goldsboro Rifles and continued in service until February, 1805. During his camp life he was in the battle of New Berne, Harpers Ferry, Seven Days, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Bristol Station and several others. At one engagement his regiment entered with 500 mem and in a light of only 15 minutes the whole regiment was killed or captured except 80. As a public man he has served as Justice of the Peace about five years. Sheriff four years, and elected to the House of Representatives for the pres- ent term by 110 majority. He is a member of the Finance Com- mittee, also on the Committee on Towns and Townships. — Re- publican. (128) WILKES COUNTY. TYRE YORK, TRAP HILL, N. C. Born in Surry, May 4th, 1836. Married May 4th, 1858, Miss Eliza Grumpier, of Surry, by whom he has three children. Read medicine, and gi'aduated at Charleston College in 1857. Prac- tices his profession in Wilkes, Surry, Ashe and Alleghany. Was a peace man, but served as Surgeon in "Home Guard" during the war. Elected to House in 18G5 and 1867, also in 1870. Elected to Senate for the term of lSIu-'77. His county not be- ing entitled to a Senator for 1879, on account of alternate ar- rangements with Alexander, his people nominated him against his will for the House, knowing that it was highly essential that his name be on the ticket in oc^ler to effect a victory for the party; so he was elected by 515 majority. He moved to Wilkes county in 1859, and vvhen he began his political career the county was 900 Republican majority, and after having taken an active part in all the campaigns, he has finally seen the political sentiment of the county entirely revolutionized. The political fighting and management generally has been directly under his control, and much credit is due him for his arduous labors, and his people appreciate his efforts, for every nomination that he has received has been by acclamation. He is a very active and working member. Most of his education was received at East Bend, Yadkin county. Was raised on a farm. Read med- icine under Dr. M. Y. Eolger, of Rockford, the old county site of Surry. — Democrat. LAWSON HARRELL, BRIER CKEEK, N. C. Born in Rutherford county, Feb. 17th, 1838. Began the study of medicine in 1858. Entered Jefferson Medical College, (129) of Philrtdelphia, in October, 1850, and graduated March 1st, 18G1. lie volunteered and entered the Confederate service Ma}^ 1st, 1861, as a member of company D. IGth regiment. In Feb. 18G2 was detailed to recruit the old company, but secured men enough for a new company and was elected 1st Lieutenant. At the battle of Seven Pines he was with Hampton's Legion, at which time Capt. Kilpatrick was killed, after which Mr. liar- rell Avasmade Captain of the company. Went into liamseur's brigade and remained in that command until the close of the war. Was captured by the Federalists near Petersburg on the 25th of March, 1865, taken to Old Capitol at Washington, and from thence to Fort Delaware. Was released the 19th of June, 1865. Settled in Wilkes after the war and has been practicing medicine ever since. Married Miss Carrie Carmichael Feb. 18th, 1864, who died Dec. 26th, 1871. He was elected to his present seat by a large majority. Committees: Penal Institutions, Deaf, Dumb and Blind, and Immigration. A true member. — Demo- crat. WILSON COUNTY. JOSEPH MARCELLUS TAYLOR, WILSON, N. C. Born in Nash county, Jan. 5th, 1820. Educated at Rich- ardson's Academy in Wake county. Married Miss Mary T, Windrom, of Philadelphia. Has eight children. Was member to the House of Representatives from Nash county in 1848-'4:9. Clerk of Court of Equity for 4 years in Nash. Studied law under Judge Fowler and received license to practice in 1853. Moved to Wilson county in 1860. Studied medicine under Dr. J. II. Drake, of Nashville, and went to the Medical University of Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1848. He is a farmer and mil- ler. — Democrat. 9 (130) YADKIN COUNTY. BARTON ROBY BROWN, HAMPTONVILLE, N. C. Born in Surry county (now Yadkin) Jan. 3rd, 1843. He is son of Rev. Wm. G. Brown, a well known Baptist minister. Received the first ludiments of an education in the public schools of the community in which he lived. At the age of 1-i years he entered Yadkin Institute at Boonville, where he attended two sessions. Was married March 13th, 1862, to Miss C. J. Hol- comb, of Yadkin county, by whom he has four children. Upon the passage of the Conscript Act, during the war, he refused to enter the Confederate service. Was detailed by Major Mallett to make and haul salt from Saltville, Va., to Yadkin county, which he continued to do from the fall of 18G2 to the fall of 1863. In December of the latter year he was arrested and car- ried as a prisoner to Camp Holmes, Raleigh, thence to Raccoon Ford, Va. He was offered his liberty on condition that he en- ter the service in company H. 21st N. C. S. T. This he em- phatically refused to do. He was then tried by " Drumhead Court Martial," and retained as a prisoner with General Hoke's brigade until the spring of 1864. While at Kinston, N. C, he broke prison and made his way in safety to his old home in Yadkin county. Since the war he has been teaching school and farming alternately. He was appointed magistrate under the provisional government of Governor Holden. In 1870 he at- tended school at Jamesville Academy. In 1872 he was elected surveyor of the county, and re-elected in 1874 and 1876. He has taken an active part with the Republican party ever since the war. Was the regular nominee of the party in the late elec- tion and elected to his present seat in the House of Representa- tives by 78 majority. — Republican. (131) YANCEY COUNTY. DANIEL G. CARTER, BALD CREEK, N. C, Born in Yancey county, and educated at the Burnsville High School. He enttM'od the Confederate army in 1862. Was ord- nance sergeant in the ()2nd regiment. In 18G3 he returned home and was with the Home Guard during the balance of the war. Here he acted ;is Quartermaster Sergeant. This is his first term to the Legislature, he having never aspired to politi- cal positions. He has served as magistrate for a number of years. Was elected to his present seat by 151 majority and serves on the following committees: Finance, Insane Asylum, and Salaries and Fees. By occupation he is a farmer and mer- chant. He is a jolly and clever gentleman, and will be a for- tune to some young lady some of these days. — Democrat. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. SENATE. JAMES LOWRIE ROBINSON, President. FRANKLIN, MACON COUNTY, N. C. Was born in Franklin, Macon county, September 17th, 1838. His father, James Robinson, came to North Carolina from Tennessee, was a merchant of Note and character, and died in the village that was the birth place of his son, June, 1843. His early training was only what the com- mon schools of his county and tlie village academy afforded, and a year at Emoi-y & Henry College was added to his edu^cation by his own hard- earned wages and the kind assistance of a friend and relative. When armed men sprang up in every hamlet of North Carolina at the call of her authorities he volunteered as a private foot soldier in Company H, 16th N. C. Troops, and became Quartermaster Sergeant in same regiment. At the re-organization he was elected Captain of the Company of which he was a soldier and its triumphs became a part of his history. Wounded at the Battle of Seven Pines, he led his men over the fields of Manassas when it was baptized with blood a second time. Participating in the en- gagement at Chantilly Farm he was present at the terrible struggle that decided the Maryland campaign at Sharps burg. When he had laid aside his sword and returned to peaceful vocations, his people recognized in him the deliberate courage and solid qualities of mind that are valuable in civil employments; and chose him to be their Commoner in 1868. He was returned without opposition in 1870. No mark of confidence could have bestowed greater honor upon him. He had been one of a bold and true minority that had withstood the seductions of a reckless and ex- travagant administration, and had rendered success for the Democracy possible. When chosen a representative in 1872, he was almost by com- mon consent elevated to the highest honor of the body of which he was a member, and when the Speaker's baton was again tendered him in 1874 it came as a palm of merit that he had no right to put aside. The retri- bution in the history of North Carolina came in 1876. The ruins were restored. The counties bearing names conspicuously North Carolinian, and composing his Senatorial District, called him to serve them in the Upper Chamber of the State's councils. He came without opposition, and was chosen President of that distinguished body. Long experience (133) and great I'aiuiliarily with the dutiesofa presiding oliiccr over a dt-liljer- ulive bod}-^ made it eminently fit that he be chosen to fill this high posi- tion. Ilis conduct of the business of the Senate from the asssembling of tlie Legislature until the (lualirication of Lieutenant Governer Jarvis as Uovernor added to his growing rei)upation as a legislator and i>arlianien- tarian. No num ever had more loyal constituents and no people ever had a more faithful servant. His Senatorial services were endorsed by a re-election unsouglit and to wliicli no opi)osition was offered. He was elected President of the Senate February 5th, and served in that capacity witli great accejitability to the wliole Senate. His familiarity witli parli- mentary usages, his 1)old and fearless impartiality and quickness of de- cision rendered him admirably fitted for the honored position he filled so well. ROBERT Mcknight furman, secretary, ASHEVIIiLE, N. C. Is a gentleman of fine personal appearance and possesses qualities that win friends wherever he goes. He is about 33 years old, is married, has two children. He is a native of Franklin county. His life since matu- rity has been spent principally in the newspaper business. When onh' 20 years of age he established the American Eagle, at Louisburg, Frank- lin county— this was in year 186(3. After some time this paper was moved to Henderson and the name changed to that of the Henderson Index, which he publislied until 18()9, during wliich year he sold out the paper and fixtures to Cicero W. Harris, Esq., now editor of the Wilmington Daily Sun. In December of IStiO he moved to Norfolk, Va., and publish- ed the Norfolk Courier for one year, after which he had charge for some time of the editorial columns of the Ridgeway Press. He was then em- ployed for some time on the Raleigh Daily Sentinel. This was during the prosperous days of Josiah Turner. He reported the proceetlings of the Legislature for this paper at the time W. W. Holden, Governor of the State, was impeached. After severing his connection witli this paper he revived the Franklin Courier and published it until October 1.S72 — at which time he purchased the Asheville Citizen from Capt. Natt. Atkin- son, and in connection witli .Jordan Stone, Esq., is still publishing that paper. At the State Convention held in Greensboro in 1872, at the time Merrimon was nominated for Governor, he received next to the highest vote cast for Secretary of State. John Womack, of Chatham, his oppo- nent, was nominated by a verj' small majority. He w-as elected Se<-ie- tary of the Senate for the session of 1876-77, and re-elected without oppo- (134) sition to the same position in the present Senate. He is thoroughly con- versant witli tlie work of the office and makes an efficient Secretary. — Democrat. JOHN S. TOMLINSON, Engrossing Clerk, HICKORY, CATAWBA COUNTY, N. C. He is a native of Iredell county. January 1st, 1875, he purchased one- half interest in the Piedmont Press, Hickory, N. C, and located in that town. September 11th of the same year, he became sole owner and is yet the editor and projirietor ot that papier. — Democrat. PLATT D. COWAN, Reading Clerk of Senate, WILMINGTON, N. C. Is a native of New Hanover county and a son of the late Robert H. CoAvan, Esq. He is a lieavy built young man, measures 5 feet 10 inches, brown eyes, black hair and moustache and runs above 200 avoirdupoise. When a boy he attended the High School at Oxford, Granville county; later he spent some time about the classic halls of the State University. At the age of twelve years he was librarian of the Wilmington Librarian Association, after which he was connected for a number of years with the Carolina Central Railway Company, but more recently has held a position as clerk in th^ criminal Court of New Hanover county. His father was a very eloquent speaker and represented his native county many times in the State Legislature. He is a grandson of the lamented Hon. David Sioiie, of Bertie county, who was once Governor of North Carolina, Supreme Court Judge and Senator to the United States Con- gress. — Demo-rat. H. D. MURRILL, Seargeant-at-Arms. Is from and a native of Onslow county, was born in the year 1840. He served during the whole war between the States in different capacities. During the last twelve years he has been engaged in farming. He mar- ried a daughter of Dr. Charles Duffy, of Onslow county, she has been dead four years. — Democrat. (135 ) W. V. CLIFTON, Assistant Dook Kkki>i u. UALEIGH, N. C. Is a native of Franklin county, wa.s ))orn in the year 1840. He served four years in the Confodorate service, and was in prison at Point Look- out. After the war he served two years as Dc])uty Sheriff of Franklin county, since which time he has been livint? in Wake and engaged at farniinp:. He was married in 1866, and has two children, one boy and one girl. — Democrat. -:o:- HOUSE OP KEPRESENTATIVES. JOHN MADISON MORING, Spkaker, PITTSBORO, N. C. Was born at Moringsville, in Chatham county, on the 11th of March, 1{S41, and raised on a farm. He was educated at Graha)n College and at our time-honored State University, and would Jiave graduated ^\ith the class of 1863 — 'G4 but for the war between the Suites. He left the classic shades of Chapel Hill in the spring of 1S62 avid joined as a private in Company G, 7th Regiment North Carolina Stale Troops, and was Ser- geant Major of the regiment at the surrender of Johnston at (Jreens- boro, in 1865. When the war was over he studied law, obtained his license and entered successfully upon the practice of his profession in the counties of Chatham, Orange and Alamance. In 1872 the people of Chatham county recognizing his merits, elected him to the Legislature of North Cai-olina. In this Legislature he was the chairman of the Com- mittee on Engrossed Bills, and a prominent member of the Committees on the Judiciary and the State debt. In 1874 he was re-elected by a largo majority to the General Assemblj'. In 1>S76 he was elected by an in- creased majority to the General Assembly. He was a member of the committee to locate the Western Insane Asylum, and on the committee to cancel and destroy the coupons received under the Funding Acts of 1867-'68 ; and was on the committee with Major John W. Graham, of Orange ; Montford McGehee, of Person ; L. K. Waddell, of Johnston, and Thos. R. Purnell, of Wake, to examine aiul cancel the vouchers in (130) office of Treasurer and reported this session. Last summer Mr. Moring was elected to the House by a larger majority than ever before. The people of Chatham are devotedly attached to him ; they have honored him by their unwavering support, and he has served them and the peo- ple of the State faithfully and ably. Mr. Moring is a good debater and industrious member, a good liarlianientarian and a true man. His de- cided character, even temper, quickness and experience fit him admira- bly for the post of Speaker, and the duties of that office have been faith- fully executed. — Democrat. JOHN D. CAMERON, Peincipal Clkrk, HILLSBORO, N. C, Is a native of Cumberland county. He was educated at Chapel Hill, he having graduated with the class of 1841. He was for some time editor in chief of the Raleigh Daily News ; has been editor and proprietor of the Hillsboro Recorder for six years ; also contributing editor of the Farmer and Mechanic. He has filled the place he now occupies for the three past sessions of the General Assembly. His exijei-ience and busi- ness qualifications ijeeuliarly fit him to fill the responsible place. — Dem- ocrat. WARREN JASPER BARRETT, Engrossing Clerk, KINSTON, N. C. The Engrossing Clerk of the present and the last two Houses of Rep- resentatives was born in Gainsville, Ga., March 27th, ISSl, and is 48 years of age. He received a common school education, and was trained to the mercantile business. At the age of 5 years his father, Reuben Barrett, took him to Lumpkin county, Georgia, to which place the old gentleman moved with his family. Here the Major attended school, and com- menced clerking at the age of 17. Leaving this place he went to Rome, Ga., and clerked until 1851, when, in company with a lot of adventurers, he went to California and remained 4 years, engaged in mining, at whic'h business he acquired and saved a considerable sum of money. While in California he met with, and was a boon companion of, the distinguished but unfortunate Indian warrior, Capt. Jack, Chief of the Modocs, and contracted a warm and life-long friendship for that ill-starred hero. In ( 137 ) 1854 he returned to Romq, iQ^i, and opetnedi^ d/yrjfopds store. This, after one year's trial, he changed into a connnission business, and made a for- tune. Upon the outbreak of the JateNVar b^ween the States he promptly obeyed the call of his country and enlisted as a private in Company "A," 8th (Jeorgia Reginjont, then comnuuidcil by tlie lamented IJartow, who fell at the first Manassas. A few days'after this battle he was promoted by Gen. .Tos. E. Johnston to the rank o?Ma)or, and placed in command of tlie Hith Confederate Battalion, composed entirely of Irishmen; and witli tliis command lie coiitinuecl Until the fnvasion of 'Pennsylvania. While at Leesburg, on this eventful cami>ftign,' iie' was ordered by the Secretary of War to report to hini at Richmond,' and ivai^ assigned to duty with the army of the West, for secret ser^♦lce, at the special request of Gen. Bragg, then in command. With this army he remained, shar- ing in all its glories and hardships until the sinking star of the Confede- racy paled into its final obscuration at Appomattox! The Major was en- gaged in many of; the great ,batt],e.s^ pi \^\f^ waj-,,anjd at the second battle of Manassas received a wound which will render him a cripple for life, and from wliich he now suffers. In 1862 he was married to Miss Mary E. Bright, of Lenoir count3', a'ncf ha.s six' children. He has traveled a good deal, and left friends wherever he has gone. He is tall, dignified, and commanding in appearance, iriid, but for his wound, would be an athletic man. Is a positive man— always has, and never hesitates to ex- press, an opinion. Has strong likes, and as strong antipathies. Is quick to resent an affront, and, when aroused is a dangerous foe, but wheti sllovV^i to be in tlie wronj;, a^'reAd'y-'to forgivfe.— DertiOcrit. • ;' M, ■ , . ;,., • .,| ,., 1... . , RUBT. W;. B^§'<[;'„Rj:ai>i>« Ci.EmK. ,iin; •> M(.i KALKIGH, N. C. Is a native of Greene county. In 18o7 he was elected Clerk of (ireene county court, which position he held two terms, or eight years. He was purcliasing agent lor commissary supplies during the war, under Maj. W. W. ^forrli^on and Dr. T. D.'Hf»*g. Aftei' the war closed he was appointed Secretary of State, to till the unexpired term of C. R. Thomas, and moved to 'Rivleigh in NovembM*, IH6."). He' held the said otlice during the administration of Governor Worth, and gave universal satisfaction, —s,o much so tliat the Legislature jp. ISUU voted vinaniiriou,sly for his re- election. He has filled the prliicipal offices in the Grand Lodge of Ma- sons of Xortli Carolina, and was Grand Master in is«is. 10 (138) JOHN HILL, Door-Keeper, ASHBORO, N. C. Is one of the smallest men in the House, but is a very energetic and working old gentleman. He has seen the frosts of 66 winters, and is to- day as active as a young man of 18 summers. He has a wife and one child living. He lost two sons during the late contest between the States, By profession he is a confectioner at Ashboro, the county town of Ran- dolph. He has held the place he now occupies in the General Assembly for the whole time during the past eighteen years. — Democrat. JAMES P. NORTON, Assistant Door-Keeper, MARION, N. C. Is a large and portly man, weighing 215 lbs. He joined the Confede- rate army in March, 1862, and was wounded in the leg at the famous bat- tle of Seven Pines. His leg was amputated in the Exchange Hospital, Richmond, Va., May 3d. He was a member of Company C, 4th Reg't N. C. State Troops, in Gen. Featherston's Brigade and Gen. D. H. Hill's Corps. Since the war he has been earning a living for himself and his small family by shoemaking and managing a small farm. He was elected Assistant Door-Keeper of the House for the session of 1874-'75, and Principal Door-Keeper for the Constitutional Convention of 1875. For the session of the General Assembly of 1876-'77 he was again elected Assistant Door-Keeper of the House and re-elected to the same position for the present session. — Democrat. A. D. BROOKS, Enrolling Clerk, Company Shops, Alamance County, N. C. Is a native of Chatham county ; has brown eyes, black hair and motis- tache ; stands six feet and six inches in his boots, and tips the scales at the even notch of 200 lbs. He graduated at Trinity College in the class of 1874-'75. For some time past he has had charge of a Methodist School at Company Shops, which school is under the direction of the Hillsboro District Conference. Mr. B. is a very clever young gentleman, and is rapidly aspiring to matrimonial honors. STATE OFFICERS. THOMAS JORDAN JARVIS, Governor, RAI.KIOH, N. r. Was born in the county of Currituck on the IStli day of January, 1836. His father was a devout and useful member of the M. E. ("iuirch South. Owing to straitened circumstances our Governor followed the plow until his eighteenth year. When after a year's preparation at home he entered Randolph Macon College, in Virginia, and by teaching during his vaca- tions and with the aid of friends he was enabled to complete liis educa- tion and graduated in 1860, whereupon he immediately began teaching a scliool in Pasquotank county and continued until June, 1861, when he entered the army and served in the 17th and 8th Regiments N. C. State Troops. He shared all the dangers and hardsliips of his command until the ITtli of ^lay, 1864, when he was severely wounded at Drury's Rlulf, from which wound his right arm now hangs paralyzed at his side. After the war he entered into the mercantile business in the county of Tyrrell and at the same time arduously pursued the study of law and received his license to practice at June Term, 186«>, of tiie Supreme Court. In the year 1865 he was elected to the Andrew Johnson Convention. He served in the Legislature in the memorable sessions of 1868-"69 and 1870. In 1870 he was re-elected to the Legislature and made Speaker of tlie House of Representatives. His success on the lioor and in tlie chair at once stamped him as one of the best parliamentarians and presiding officers in North Carolina. He was a candidate for Elector from liis district ob the Seymour and Blair ticket and for the State at large on the Greeley ticket. In 1874 he mari-ied Miss Mary, the accomplished daugliter of Jolm Wood- son, Esq., of Richmond, Va., at one time editor of the Riclimond Wliig. In 1875 Gov. .Jarvis was elected to the State (.'onvention from the county of Pitt where he had located, and having been nominated for Lieutenant Governor in 1876 madea thorougli canvass and was triumphantl}- elected. On the 5th of February, 1879, Governor Vaiu-e liaving been elected to tlie United States Senate, Gov. Jarvis reajied his merited reward and was in- augurated Governor of his State. Governor Jarvis is a man of decided ability, and is now taking a prominent i)lace in the estimation of the people as the Chief Magistrate of tlie State. — Democrat. (UO) WILLIAM LAWRENCE SAUNDERS, Secrktary of State, ^ElidiH', N. C. RALI AVas born in Raleigh, July 30th, 1835, graduated in June, 1854, studied law under Judge W. H. Battle, at Chapel Hill, obtained license to prac- tice in the county courts in January, 1866, and another to practice in the other courts in June, 1857. On the 10th of October, 1857, he moved to Sal- isbury, and resided there until the beginning of the war. In April, 1861, he volunteered as a meinl)er of the Rowan Rifle Guards, Cajjt. Fi-ank McNeely, and was ordered to Fort Johnston, below Wilmington. In June, 1861, he was appointed a Lieiitenant in the " Rowah Artilleiry," better known as Reilly's Battery, then in camp for iiistruction her W^I- don^ Tlie Batterj'- went with the 4th R%imeilt, N. C. Troops, Colonel G. B. Anderson commaridingi to Manassas Junctioli, arriving there a few days after the battle, and remained uiVtil its equipment was somewhat per- fected, when, having been detached from the Regiment, it was assigned to the Artillery Corps of Colonel Pendleton. Having received an appoint- ment as Captain from Governor Clark, of North Carolina, he resigned his Lieutenancy in January, 1862, and returned to Salisbury, enlisted a com- pany of infiintry for the war, carried it to Raleigh for instruction at Camp Manguin where it became a part of the 46th Regiment, North Caralina Troops, Colonel E. D. Hall commanding. In May, 1862, the regiment was ordered to Goldsboro, thence to Richmond, thence to Drury's Bluff, where it became a part of Gen. J. G. "Walker's Brigade, better known afterwards as Cooke's Brigade, Heth's Division, A. P, Hill's Corps, Army Northern Virginia. He was twice wounded — once at the first battle at Fredericksbhrg, in the right cheek, and again at the Wilderness in May, 1864, very severely, the ball entering the left corner of the mouth, and passing out at the back of the neck on the right side. He was prom6ted in 1862 to be Major, in 1863 to be Lieutenant Colonel, and on the first of January, 1864, to be Colonel of his Regiment. His military service was terminated at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, by the surrender of General Lee, on the 9th of April, 1865, when he was paroled as a prisoner of war. On the 3d of February, 1864, at the residence of Mr. Thomas Barnes, near Marianna, Florida, he married Florida Call, third daughter of the late John W. Cotton, of North Carolina. On the 9th of July, 1865, his wife died. With health and strength greatly impaired by wounds, Colonel Saunders after the war removed to Florida and engaged in plant- ing. Returning to this State, he Avas elected in 1S70 Secretary of the Sen- ate, and in 1872 was re-elected. His readiness and familiarity with its rules made him a most useful officer of the Senate. From 1872 to 1876 he was one of the editors of the Wilmington Journal, winning high char- acter as a journalist and great reputation as a wise political leader. To him and to his brother-in-law and partner, the late Major Engelhard, are greatly due the steady growth and final triumph of the Democratic (141) party in Xortli Carolina. In November, 1S76, lie in connei-lion with Peter M. Hale, established the Kaleifjcli Daily (Mjserver. Col. Saunders was appointed .Seeoi)le in lt<70, and served very acceptably until his death, which otx'urred on the loth of February.-rDoijiocrut. ^lOfllS iVf. WoRTH^ Treasvb^ij, , ■ I ■ YAIyKTOIl, N. < . Born in Guilford county June isth, 1811. Graduated hb a physician in tiie Medical College at Lexington, Ky. Was a nieriiber of thfe State Sen- ate seven dillerent times. His home is now* in ItandolpU t-ounty. — Dem- ocrat. . : ,• 1 . . -11/ /,■;.'•,!■(■/'■ THOMAS S. KEXAN. Attorney General. RALEIGH, N. C. Jiorn in Duplin coiyity February 17j:h, 1838. Graduated, at.Cliapel, ,HiU in 18.")7. A Lawyer by profession. IJntered the army a^s Captain but was promoted to the Colonelcy of the 43d Begiment Xorth Carolina State Troops. Was a member of tlie Jlouse of Kepresentatives in 1865 and in l!S(36. His honi.€ is at Wilson, X. C— Dcmociat. JOHN C. SC4RB0Jl0UGi^, ^ui'fiR^N^EN.D^i^J^'S oy Pu3i.ip,Iy^[i'RUCTioJS, UAI/KIOH, N. ('. Was born in Wake c'duht^V September 21st, 'l^l- Serv^ct through the war. Graduated at Wake Forest in 1869. tils' hoih'e Is how in Johnston fouutv. — Democrat. (142) SAMUEL LEONIDAS LOVE, State Auditor, WAYNESVILLE, HAYWOOD COUNTY, N, C. Born in Haywood county, August 28th, 1828. Educated at Washing- ton College, Tennessee. Read medicine at Asheville, N. C, under Drs. Hardy and Lester. Attended the Philadelphia College of Medicine two years, and graduated with the class of 1853. Was elected a member of Gov. Bragg's Council for the years 1855-'56, but resigned this position to accept a seat in the House of Commons, and continued to represent his county in that capacity until after the war, he then being banded. Next appearance in political life was as a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1875. At the State Convention in 1876 he received the unanimous vote of the Convention for Auditor, and was elected and still holds that office. During the war he held a commission as Sergeon in Thomas' Legion. Married October 11th, 1870 to Miss R. E. Boyd, daughter of Maj. Robt. Boyd, who died on the 23rd of October, 1878. — Denuocrat. LEE S. OVERMAN, Pkivate Secretary to Governor, RAI.EIGH, N. C. Was born in Salisbury on the 3rd day of January, 1854 ; was graduated from Trinity College in 1874, receiving the degree of A. B., and three years later the degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by his Alma Mater. After graduation he taught scliool in Winston two sessions, and then accepted the principalship of a Masonic school at County Line in Davie county. In June, 1876, he commenced the study of law under Col. J. M. McCorkle, of Salisbury, and in the campaign of 1876 took a very active part. On the 31st of January, 1877, he was appointed by Gov. Vance his confidential clerk, and on the 1st of January, 1879, he received the appointment of Private Secretary. While in Raleigh he pursued the study of his profession under Richard H. Battle, Jr., Esq., and at the January Term, 1878, of the Supreme Court received license and was ad- mitted to the bar. On the 31st of October, 1878, he was married to Miss Mary O., eldest daughter of Senator A. S. Merrimon. Gov. Jarvis con- tinued him in the office of Private Secretary which he now holds. Mr. Overman is a good looking and clever gentleman and makes an excel- lent Secretary. Since he entered the practice of law he has succeeded well, and received the high compliment of gaining the first suit he brought before the Supreme Court, and he having in that instance a prima facia case against him. — Democrat. (143) SHERWOOD HAYWOOD, Statk I.ihkajuan, KALEIOH, N. C. Was born in the city of Raleigh March 19th, 1853, and is the eldest son of Dr. R. B. Haywood. He began his studies in his native city under Jeft'erson M. Lovejoy, afterwards attending in succession "Pelliani Mili- tary Institute, Westchester county. New York, and 13th Street College, Philadelphia. After leaving the latter he pursued his studies at Colum- bia Law School, New York city, having decided to make the law his pro- fession. He returned to Raleigh in the spring of 187o, following the study of the law under R. II. Battle, Jr. Having turned his attention to politics, he took an active part in the great campaign of 1«76, and was one of the leaders in organizing the Tilden-Vance Club of Raleigh, prob- ably the largest in the State, having a membersliip of 763 voters, and was elected Vice-President of the same. Shortly afterward he was apijoint- ed Private Secretary to Gen. W. R. Cox, Chairman of State Democratic Executive Committee, which position he held during the entire cam- paign. The Democratic ticket being elected, he was appointed by Gov. Z. B. "Vance State Librarian soon after he was inaugurated, January 1st, 1877, since which tinie he has devoted himself to the duties of that office and the study of his profession. He applied to the Supreme Court, and after examination was admitted to practice as an attorne3- and counselor at law January 1st, 1878. His close attention to his duties as Librarian, his genial disjiosition and pleasant nuinners have rendered him very popular with all who visit the State Library. — Democrat. DONALD W. BAIN, Clerk to the Treasurer, KALEIOH, N. C. Born in the city of Raleigh April 2d, 1841. Was educated by Professor .1. M. Lovejoy. Was prepared for College, but preferring to engage in business pursuits, he never entered college. Was married .lanuary 26, 1865, to Miss Adelaide V. Hill. Is a member of the M. E. Church, South, and has served as an officer in said church since 1866. He entered the office of Comptroller under C. H. Brogden in 1857. In this capacity he served the State until appointed Chief <"lerk of the Treasury Depart- ment, which he lias held ever since. In February, 1867, lie was apjjoint- ed Grand Secretary of tlie Grand Lodge of Masons in North Carolina, and has been annually elected ever since. He also holds the position of Grand Secretary and Gr. Recorder of the other Masonic bodies in tlio State. Mr. Bain has the confidence of every one who knows him, and a (144) more deserving, Morthy gentle^iian ,is uot to,bQ Jfo.uA^c^.in tUe State. He is a most estimable gentleman, ahcl all who know him love him. — Dem- ocrat. : , ■ -n! ,ii ^ ,Ni'i - -ill . ..;. .-.■11 THOMAS C. WQ.|f:^H,.TKLLER OF Treasub,y, .-■( /■ ./ , W'ili /'■ i;! -'ilJ t>/l;;i(i u: \y \u ■■ ; . r.i .' ri'i .1 •■'■ • A :■■ ■ f /i >'/ :■ ■ ' ■r' 1 as porn the Qth of November, 1854. , He was educated at the Bingham School, and yip 'to the time of his . appointnieiat as Teller, was engaged witii his fatiier, Hon. J. M. Worth, in mercantile pursuits. Upon the withdrawal of Hon. jVI. S. Robins, in 1876, from the editorial di^.ties on the Randolph Regulator, to accept the nomination of vState Senator from the 25tli District, he was left editor-in-chief during the hottest period of the campaign of 1876. He graduated at .fudge Strong's Law School in 1878, January term. His business accomplishments eminently fit him for the responsible trust he holds in the Treasury Department. He vvas married on. the iJd of October, 1878, to a daughter of Mr. George C. Hau- liah, of Charlotte county, Va. — Democrat. JAJylES, McLEOI^' TURNER, Keeper of the Cap^tol^ RAJjEIGH, n. c. Born in District of Columbia, near Washington, D. C, Februax-y 24th, 1841. Came to North Carolina in the earty part of the year 1852. Lociated in Hillsboro ; received an education at Alexandria High School, Alex- andria, Va. Loe^ted inSalisbuf^ in' 1858. '■ At th6 call of Gfov. Ellis for troops to man the Forts on the coast, he joined the first company that left Salisbury and was ordei-ed'to Fort Johnson, at Smithville, N. C. Remained there two months, when he received an appointment from the Governor to raise a company for the war. Was assigned to the 7th Reg- iment under Col. Reuben P. Cajnpbell. The following brief statement of his career diiring tliQ war is copied from the Roll of Honor : "His company was mustered into service as Co.. F,; "th N« tJ. Regiment, Aug. 21st, 1861, He was in couimaud of the rear guard, at New Berne, N. C, and his company was left to burn the bridge over the Trent River after the retreat of our foi'ces. . He was slightly wounded in the side. He was l^resent at the battle of Hanover. Court House, Va., in all the battles around Richmond, at Cedar Run, Manassas Plains, and 2d battle of Ma- nassas, where lie was wounded in the head and compelled to leave the field. He rejoiiied his command shortly after, the battle of Sliepherds- town, and was with it in the battle of Fredericksburg December 13th, (145) 18G0, uliu.iu^j »v.i., ui^aiii ilaiigeioiisly woiiiuknl by ii btill tnrough the right lung :uul also soveicly in the head, lie was promoted to Major of this Regiment May :Jd, ISfi.",, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the death of Lieut. Col. Hill. lie rejoined his commuud in time to take part in the campaign in Pennsylvania, and commanded his regiment in the battle of <^ettysl)urg ; was wounded by a ball passing near the spinal column, disabling him probaldy lor lile; was captured ou that battle-ricld on July :id, LSiW, and held a prisoner ol" war for fourteen months. The "tli Itegi- ment had not a braver soldier or more efficient otHcer than Maj. Turner." After his release from prison his general officers insisted on his promo- tion to Lieutenant-Colonel before retirement, for which he had applied, being so disabled as to bo unable to return to a<^tive service. Since the war he has been for the j^reater part of the time unable to attend to any bu.sille^8. He was elei:(ed J-^agiossing Clerk to the Senate session of ls7ii-"7.'J, and was chosen without opposition (o the same position each succeeding year, until in .lanuary, 1S77, he was appointed Keeper of the Capiiol by (Jov. Vance. He sutrers a great deal every day from the olieet8 of the wouud.s received during the war. He is an intelligent and highly cuULvaied genticman, and has a large circle of warm friends. —Democrat. MKLDING McXElLL STKATGHAN, CAPnor. Janitor, RALKIUll, N. ('. Was born in Cliatham county February '2M, is;*,4. Gloved to Raleigh in 1S51. Was married December 23d, 1859, to Miss Eliza Massingall, of Wake con.nty, by whom he has five children. Was in the Confederate service from the beginning to the end. lie served as teamster for the medical department of tl\e 26th (Col. Vance's) Regiment. He was ap- pointed Janitor of the Capitol eight years ago, and has held the position ever since with mucli credit to himself. He is very attentive, and per- forms his duties faithfullv. — Democrat. (;i:i;aui> w. rvuTiN, CAfn.ii, wm. mm lioni in \> aki. (•c.<,.,ii_\ .mj\ ciiiliei liUli, l.^^i'. iv.u>.i'. i dh jiiuim. \ ijI- unteered an'' entered the Confederate service on the "A May, iJStil, wh>< a member of Company D, JOth Regiment X. C'. State Troops. He was woundeil the .id day of .July, ISii.'J, at tlie battle of Gettysburg, Pa., which wound afterwards caused tlie amputation of his right arm. .\ner the (146) war has been engaged in farming, imtil 1877 was appointed by Colonel J. McLeod Turner as Capitol Policeman. His duties are to remain up all night and patrol the various parts of the Capitol building, to see that there is no danger of fire breaking out in the different rooms, and to suppress any disturbance that might occur on the Capitol grounds.— Democrat, LEONIDAS L. POLK, Commissioner of Agricui-tuhk, BALEIGH, N. C. Born in Ansou county April 2-lth, 18o7— a descendant of the Mecklen- burg family of Polks. The only child by the second marriage of his father. Parents died when he was about 15 j^ears old. Educated only in the English branches and chiefly in the schools of his county ; was one year at Davidson College. Married at 20 years of age. Engaged in farming. Was elected to the Legislature in 1860 as a Union Whig ; served three sessions. Entered the Confederate service as a private in the 26th North Carolina Regiment in May, 1862. Was appointed by Col. Vance Sergeant Major of the Regiment ; was elected Lieutenant of Co. I, 43ci Noi-tli Carolina Regiment, February, 1803. Was nominated and elected to the Legislature in the fall of 1864 as "the army candidate." Was elected to the Constitutional Convention in 1865, and served the two ses- sions. Has since persistently declined to hold political olflce. Was ap- point-ed Commissioner of Agriculture by the Board, April 2d, 1877. Resides in Raleigh. — Democrat. THOMAS J. ROBINSON, Sec'y and Tkeas. Board of Agrxculture, RALEIGH, N. C. Was born in Cumberland county, A. D. 1827. Is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, class of 1849. Was married at the age of 25. Engaged in farming and afterwards in teaching school ; was ap- pointed Professor of Mathematics in the United States Navy, and at the breaking out of the war resigned his commission and returned to North Carolina; was connected with the Confederate Arsenalin Fayetteville, and held the position of Chief of Laboratory at the time of the surrender. Since then for several years was engaged in civil engineering, and iu April, 1877, was appointed to his present position. — Democrat. STATE INSTITUTIONS. INSANE ASYLUM, RAI.IGH, N. C. The Insane Asylum of North Carolina is situated one mile southwest of the Capitol at Raleigh. It is a building of imposing exterior, extend- ing 72(> feet; the wings are three stories in height. The (.-eutre building is 80 by 120 feet, four stories high, with an observatory whifh is 110 feet, from the basement. On the fourth floor of the centre building are water tanks of a capacity of 15,000 gallons, which are filled by means of the steam pump operating on Rocky Branch some three oi- four hundred yards from the building. The walls of the building are of brick stuccoed on a granite foundation. The doors, floors, window frames and other parts of tlie internal finisli, are of the common long leaf pine of the country. Tlie entire basement of the centre and wings of the building is occupied by the heating apparatus, water, steam and gas piping, and the large pipes for carrying_otf the sewerage. The steam is conveyed by pipes to the radiator at the base of the flues in the walls, thence through tlie Hues to eacli story above where it enters the rooms and corridors tlirough reg- isters inserted |in the Jwalls. The water is conveyed by pipes from the tanks in the attic to all parts of the building; one large pijie taking it to the boilers in the basement where it is heated and tlien by the force of gravity carried by a separate sj-stem of pipes to the same points, so that every part of the building is supplied with hot and cold water side by side. The liouse wasjoriginally constructed to accommodate 224 innuites. but owing to the great demand for admission there have been during the past years as many as 275 crowded witliin its wards. The buildings are well prepared against fire, the apparatus and arrangejuent being very complete, and the large supply of Avater contained in the tanks in tlie at- tic, besides a reservoir of 43,000 gallons near the boiler house, can, at a moment's notice, be^^tlirown on any i art of the house from within or witliout by an eugine^kcpt always in readiness for action. The first act incor])orating the Insane Asylum of North Carolina was passed by the Legislature of 1848, making an approj>riation of ^S(t,(iOO. Other appropri- ations were made by subseqi.ent Legihlatures, ilie whole amounting to about »;j(M»,0O0. The first inniale, Antlrew M. Holderby, of Rockingliani county, a soldier of the'.Mcxican war, was admitted on the 22nd of Feb- ruary, 1856. From that time to the spring of 187S, as shown by the re- part of the Sui.erintendont to the Board of Directors, tliere have been. (148) admitted to the institution 1,2-10 patients, of wliich number :315 wen- dis- chavged cured, 127 improved, 180 stationary, and 384 died, leaving upon the books 281 under treatnieut the present year. The euterijrise of erect- ing and maintaining an Asylum lor the insane met witli very strong op- position at the outset. The success of the movement Wias owing mainly to the personal influence and exertion of Miss D. L..T)ix, whose life has been devoted to the alleviation of the sutterings of this class of our fellow creatures both in this country and Europe^. On both continents she has been directly instrumental in the organization of hospitals and asylums for their care and treatment, and in arousing sympaLhy in their behalf. Tlivough lier efforts the Pope was influenced, some years ago, to erect a magnitlient institution for the insane at Eome. Soon after the passage of tliu act of incorporation in 1818, the Commissioners of the Asylum were organized by the appointmeiit of Goveraior Ivlorehead as Chairman, and the work on the building was begun. The supcH-intendency was first ottered to Dr. Edmund Strudwick, of Hillsboro, who accepted it only tem- porarily. He Avas succeeded by Dr. Edward C. Fisher, of A'irginia, on the flrst day of October, 1853, as Superintendent of Construction and Medical SuiJerintendent. He held the position until the 7th of July, 1868, when he resigned and was succeeded by the present incumbent, Dr. Eugene Grissom, of Granville county. The other ofricers of the institu- tion at present are Dr. F. T. Fuller, Assistant Pliysician, who has held that position and faithfully performed its duties continuously since his election in 1856; Mr. James H. Moore, Steward, who is now filling the position for the third time with much acceptability ; IMrs. M. A. Law- rence, Matron, who has occupied the place witli great erticiency for ten years, and Mr. James S. West, Engineer, who was elected at the regular meeting of the Board in December, 1877. The Insane Asylum is one of our grandest State cJiai ities and ought to be cherished and sustained by our liegisl; vii , ;.iM ■ > i worthy object of State pride by all our peo])l<'. WlOSTI'.lLs AS> iJ.M FOR THE INSANE, Owing to thn increase of iiissiuity in the State l)y reason of whi'.-Ii '' Asylum at Raleigh was insuflicient to accommodate all of those -^o ': Ibrtunate the Legislature of 1874-75 thougJit wise to locate and b-iild an Asylum in the Vrc.tt. n part cc" the State and to this end sent a special committee westward with instructions to visit Statesville, Morrjanton, Asheville and other points, and rojiort the most advantageous place <>f ocation. Following the report of thatcoiTLmittec, the location was c.)'i- ( 14^' ) I ' ■ to carry out t]u :• ., iT Orange ; Dr. ford; Col. T. Very soon, ' Wni. A. ' ". 15. 1)011 • • ■ - ■■' ■ •■ . Tlie Eo lull ofi I :;ii arciii- to. , 'h' build- ing. J. •.-.icd ij.v Liic \ ox'y L:oj.nin_'aiuas iiiitl well ap- polni'v' \\:-Q that time lia:i been' slowly but surely rearing iis head over one of the most beautiful landscape scenes tobefoud in Western North Carolina. The site is one that lias called forth the admiration of all who have ever visited it. Elevated as it is, its surroundings are pictercs(jne in the extreme. Immediately in front a placid and beautiful lake of water lloats out upon the view, wliilst on every side the most enticing prospect of arable land is presented. At a distance the view is one of sAJrpubsing grandeur and beauty. To the north may be seen the Grandfather and Table Koek mountains, then follow in one vast circle Hi Briton, the South Mountains, the Pilot, Black ISFountain, Mounts Mitchell and Clingman, with others of lesser note. All this would seem to be 'peculiarly adapted in its soothing influence upon the mind of the Insane. Tiie water supply of tlie Asylum is brought by pipes four and three-fourths miles from a spring in the heart of the South ^Mountains, and considering the importance of an abundant sup- ply of pure water to an institution of this kind does credit to the wisdom of the commissioners who contrived it. The work progressed during the seasons of l«75-'76. until tlie commission expended about seventy- five thousand dollars Avith which they had bought the site and requisite lands, (in all over two hundred acres), had laid the water line, and put into the walls about two and one half millions of brick, making alto- gether a fine showing in the imjiortant w'ork they had undertaken. The entire length of the building is 018 Ccet in a straight line. Has a centre building and four wings in the rigiit and left of this, three of which are parallel and the end ones at right angles to them. The centre building is four stories high, the first two wings three stories, the others two sto- z-ies, twenty separale wards in all. The material used is all of best qual- ity. Under an act of the Legislature, enlitled "An act to provide for the completion of the Western Asylum for the Insane," ratified ^March 7th, 1877; Col. J. C, Harper, of Caldwell county, (who had also served on the former Board since Dr. M. Whitehead resigned), J. G. Hall, Esq., of Ca- tawba, and Col. W. 8. Pearson, of Burke, were appointed to still further prosecute thfi work. Their iiumnL'-cnicnt has been in effect to carry out (150) the wise plans adopted by their predecessors.'^They, howevei*, were' limited to the construction of the centre building and south winfi;s, leav- ing the north wings until the State'should be financially better prepared to carry out the entire original plan, and an early completion of a part of the building being demanded by the necessities of the insane. This commission placed in the walls about three and one half million brick, have the sovith wings about seven-eights covered with slate, and have expended some sixty thousand dollars. It is thought an aditional ex- penditure of one hundred thousand dollars will put the bviilding in con- dition to be used. Investigation has shown this work to sui-pass any previous public work in point of workmanship and economy of exjien- diture. DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND ASYLUM, BALEIGH, N. C. The North Carolina Institution for the education of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind was founded in 1849. There are now present in the Institu- tion one hundred and thirty-five laupils. The principal officers are, H. A. Gudger, Principal ; R. S. Tucker, President of the Board ; E. Hall, Stewart. The Institution is iinder the management of a Board of Direct- ors, (7) appointed by the Governor and confii-med by the Senate. Their term of office is two years and until their successors are aiapointed. The Principal is elected by the Board for the same length of time — the other officers for one year. The Institution for the colored Deaf and Dumb and Blind was commenced in 1868. The building now occupied by them was built under an appropriation made by the Legislature of 1873. It is located one mile from the main Institution and is under the same Board of Directors and principal officers. Pupils from the State, be- tween 8 and 21, are admitted free of cliarge. Total number of white and colored deaf mute and blind persons under instruction at present is one hundred and ninety-four. The Institution is in a prosperous condition. Under the general order to investigate the affiiirs of the Penal and Chari- table Institutions, the committee made a most flattering report as to the efficiency of the officers of this Institution and the manner in which they had dischai-ged their duties during the two past years. (151) THE UNIA'EUSITY OF Noimi (;A1{( )I,I N A, CTiAI'KI. II 1 1, 1., X. C. The Uuiversily ol" NoiLli Caroliii.i was e.stal)lished in oljetlienee to a clause of Section XLI ol" llie Conslitiition of the State, adopted on tlie IStli of December, 177(), viz : "All useful learning shall be duly encour- aged and promoted in one or more Universities." In conse: „^^.v,_ X . >, .^ ....uiner vacations. In 1878 there were over four hundred " teachers and those desiring to teach " in attendance, including some of the most experienced teachers in the State. All the branches usual in otir public schools were taiight, and besides for the more advanced — Latin, Algebra, Higher English, Chem- istr3^ The Kindergarten system was likewise unfolded bj'- a skilled in- structor, ^pss Coe, of New York, Care was taken to secure the services of experts in Kornial methods. Prof. J. J. Ladd, late Superintendent of the public schools of Stau*nton, Va., was Superintendent of the Scliool. He delivered many lectures on school discipline, organization, illti(>>t. llosorve at 4 ]ior coiit, A P..10 4,076.75 Received in 1S78, pi-einumis, interest, tVc, 9,li0,i2l.40 Ratio of expense cf nitinrq:i innit to reee:])ts in ]?7? only, 6.57 per cent. Policie.s in foreo Thc M T, I :-. i;|. 7i. irsn -ii.- 170,319.161.00 Pai.n>. nilir; liiii-^ .IV-, 3,i07,5;i.3.28 Paid i.-v..i,...,v- t 2,346,137.71 Plea.se s.-l.d for 1 , - Uotr.s, ice. ^. i). WAIT, General Agent, K A LEIGH, N. C. ST. MARY'S SCHOOlT {FOR UIRLS,) RALEIGH, N. C, (FOTJIsTDEI? 3VE.A.^2", 1848.' The EIGHT EEV. TITOS. ATKINSON^, D. D. LL.l)., The TtlGlIT REV. THEO. B. LYAIAN, I). I)., VlSTTOKf^. The REV. ]5ENXETT SMEEDS, A. M., PiECTOR AND PlilXL'II'AL. Mit.-.. KATE DeROSSET MEARES, Lady Pringu'al. A. S. MERRIMON. TIIOS. C. PULLER. .s. A. ASUE. MEMIMON, PULLER & ASHE, Attorneys i Counselors at Law, RALEKill, X. C. Ag- I'mcf icf in tlic i^taieand !'• (U ml ;iii.ri.s wherever their services may be required. MANUFACTURING Jeweler and Engraver, AND DEALER IN "WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Keeps a full line of all articles found in a first-class Jewelry Store. FlAIl 411 f 4ie¥ llliS, Made to oi'der at short notice. (Send for Patent Ring Size.) EAIR JEWELRY, COLLEGE BADGES, MEDALS AND SEALS, a Specialty. Orders from a distance solicited. ^S'Goods sent on approval to any part of the State on satisfactory references. H. MAHLER, RALEIGH, N. C. THE lyrORTH OAHOI«IMA HOME INSURANCE CO. 11ALEI(;IL N. C. ORGANIZED 1868. JOHN GATLING, President. W. H. CKOW, Vice-President. W. S. PRIMROSE, Secretary and Treasurer. P. COWPER, Adjuster and Supervisor. HAS PAID TO LIS POLICY HOLDERS #191,619.3T ISSUES POLICIES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE AS FAVORABLE AS OTHER SOUND COMPANIES. University of North Carolina, CHAPEL HILL, JV. C. Commencement, 1st Thursday in June of each year. Tlie Sossion lu'fenns last Thursday in AuRiist and continues, with a week's vaca- tion at Christmas, until first Thursday in June. For fatalog'iie. apply to KEMI» 1». BATTIiE. Prof. €. D. «RAXI>Y, I>r«>si4l('n<. Secretary. THOS. R. LOADSR, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, ROOMS OVER TUCKER'S STORE, RALEIGH, N. C. Larg'o Stock of g-oods constantly on hand, consisting of FINE CASIMERES, BROAD CLOTHS, DOESKINS, And everythin;^ kept in a First-class Tailoring Establishment. REPAIRING AND CLEANING NEATLY AND CAEAPLY DONE. E. BUKKE HAYWOOD, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, KALKICUI, X. ('. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. LAWEENCE & REN'FROW, Pkoi'rietors, NORTH SIDE OF MARKET SQUARE. RALEIGH, N. a Persona visiting Raleigh should not fail to give this flrst-class establishment S call, where they will always Hnd the finest WIJ^ES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS^ ELEGANT PRIVATE ROOMS AND THE MOST POLITE SERVANTS. Wines and Liquors sold in any quantities less than fa e gallons. The best North Carolina and Virginia Liquors always on hand. For good Boots and Shoes, or Trunks, at low prices, call or send to Heller Bros Raleigh, N. C. Ordei-s by mail promptly filled. 3^ api* , ^ CHARLOTTE, NEW YORK AND RA.LEIGII. BARGAINS FOR FAMILY, WEDDIFQ AFD CIIPT PURPOSES, Write for Catalogue. s HAW University RALEIGH. N. C. -:o: This Schoul is beautifully located in the city of 'Raleigh, N. C, within live min- utes walk of the Post Office and Capitol. The gTouiids include several acres of land, and are among the finest in the City. This Institution already furnishes by lar the largest accommodations of any colored male and female school in North Oai-olina, and in the large number of advanced pupils, is not equaled by any col- ored Institute in this country. REV. H. M. TUPPER, A. M., Presiderit. A_ttoniev at I.ja-w^ RALEIGH, N. C. J3S= Special aitt'iititn given to collection of claims in all parts of the State. •^58. MELVIN E. CAIITER. ARSEMU.S L. CARTER. CARTER & CARTER, ASIIEVILLE, K. C, Practice in the State and Federal Courts, in Western North Carolina." iWCOLLECT CLAIMS IN ALL PARTS OF THE STATE.-^ ISAAC OETTINGER, fjL J£ Xj JLi I j^ ISi .til.) jiL ^ di^i ^H^ j^ijj' Jmj M\i} M^ ^ LADIES FANCY, FURNISHING, NEEDLE AND HAIR GOODS, -18 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. RALEIGH, jS". C. Mrs. Oettiiigoj* attends to Millin(M*v Branch. i^S•=•0^•der^i from a clistjince will rrun t with inMini.t iittPiiticn-=S^ ALFKED WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Booksellers and Stationers, RALEIGH, N. C. School Books and Sunday ^'(•liool Books a'^e si)ocialt!<\s. Now C'atalofcups free on ai>i)Uc-itol at Raleigh, know personally or by character Messrs. P. F. Pescml k Son, 65 Fayetteville, St., who rank among the oldest, most reliatile and i)romi>t Insurance Agents in our State. And represent some of the oldest, lar.est and most economically managed In- surance Companies in Kurope or America. As Litre and FIro IiiNiirHiicc has l)ocome almo.st an indispensable necessity, and Pe<«cii«l Jk Son have >)ii|>orior facilitioH and ofTcr great inducements, our readers would do well to give them a trial. They represent fifteen lirst-class Fire Insurance Conipanes, whose combined assets i'.\cecd ^2'),000,0^'0, and the Equital)le Life Insurance Company of New York, wliich is one of tlie oldest, cheapest and largest Companies in America. It has !:35,J54,092.30 assets, safely and judiciously invested. CANAL STREET FROM SIXTH TO SEVENTH, KICHMOND, VA. ENGINES, Portable and Stationarj, SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, BOILERS, CASTINGS of BRASS and IRON, FORCINGS, &e., MACHINERY for Gold and Coal Mines, Blast Furnaces, &e. We call special attention to our IMPKOVKD PORTABLE ENGINE, for agricul- tural and other jmrposes Tlie Boiler.-; of our .Vgricultural Engines are provided with our PATENT PREMIUM SPARK ARRESTERS, a device by which the Sparks are forced to pass dow .ward over a reservoir of water and eftcctually ex- tinguislied without tlie use of wire gause. Ours is tlie only arrangement of" this kind which atfords free access to the loiler tubes for cleaning ifroiu eacli end. Also to our new styles SMALL LOCOMOTIVES for hauling lumber, and other articles upon tramways and narrow gauge railways. The best Planters reganl our GINNING ENGINES superior to any in use. Send for illustrated Catalogue, free. Other things being equal encourage Southern institutions. Repair work solicited and promjitly done. Shafting, Pulleys, Ac, for Gin Houses. Manufacturers of Jones' patent Tobacco Lump Machines to work bv hand or power. W. E. TANNER A- CO. K. R. BAUGHAM, Rich Square, N. C, General Agent in Eastern Nortli Carolina. GtN. J. J. Wir;rtii>;.\ii„Agi\i'if, ' i V - Rilleigh, N*. C. ^ tur'«>y W. r. lU-*"" "•''■'." "■ ^' * «, « o ' .0 "^^ " • , -1 * '^ -*1~ . Y • 6 ♦ Ay "^ ,^^'. ^" O^ * e H o ■" ^ v-^^ ^^^- >.*'\. -5 ^ /^ v^i^ \3 ^0 V '^o V^ '•S' <-/ s>^^. ^: .<^^. »'; y W" r-^. ^* /"% >"\ <^ ^^V.'^^ ^. .o:.4'*. ^^ .0- OK OCT 7fi "^% "^^ ^°' M BROTHERS LIBRARY BIRD*NG CO- ■^BT. AUGUSTINE. FLORID*