017 TO/ bU/ ID0 HoUinger Corp. pH 8.5 \ V BSSGMPTWS «ilf iiiil illmi Slil wKi %" 4r —WITH— TIME DIAL. — AXD — YalBaWe M MmiWii Iiifomation of tlie Tiie of tlie I / iiest important cities in tlie f orll lNufactcukd and sold bv F^ NIEHAir mit WSB I^IPAL S^i::^ CfP' 1^ ft ^^m%^* § No. 807 North Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS. JPJRICE: S3 CENTS. ^^i m ^ffi&;^v ?ti iifiii ,|Ja? The Clock is 5^ feet long and 22 inches wide, the eeuter Dial is 12 inches^ with steel hands, and the «niall Dials are 3 inches, with gilt hands and all white Dials, also the back ground, (or dish) of the small Dials is gilt. It is a Eegulator Movement, equal to any other made in this country, and warranted to keep time. It runs eight d:iys by a weight and has a long Pend- ulum. The Case is made of the finest black walnut, the Tossels and the lower G-lass is splendidly ornamented with gilding and is the showiest and richest Clock made, besides the practical use of the different times. It shows, besides the Local Time, the time of 15 dif- ferent places, and is an ornament for a Hotel, Saloon, Office &c. / / MANUFACTURED BY 807 N. Fourth Street, ratented, March 26th, 1872. OHDERS FROMIFTL^ir ATTIGMDED TO. DIFFEREHCES OF TIME Between St. Louis and the principal cities of the World. INLAND CITIES. St. Louis. Albany, N.Y 106 T Atchison, Ks 20 s Baltimore, Md ^^ * Boston, Mass 1-1^ ^ Buffalo, N.Y 4-^ f Cairo, 111 ^-^ *' Charlestou, S. C 41 f Chicago, 111 ^^ { Cincinnati, O .-IS t Cleveland, 34 f Columbus, O 29 f Davenport, la 02 s Dayton, O "^ ^ Des Moines, la 1* s Detroit, Mich -9 f Dubuque, la 02 s Evansville, Ind 10 1" Ft. Wayne 20 1 Harrisburg ^* ^ Hartford, Conn 1.10 f Indianapolis -17 f Jaclison, Miss. same Jacksonville, 111 same Jefferson City, Mo 08 s Kansas City 18 s Lansing, Mich 23 f Leavenwoath 18 s Little Rock 08 s Louisville, Ky 10 f Madison, Wis 03 f Memphis same Milwaukee 09 f Mobile, Ala 09 5 Montreal, Canada 1-07 f Nashville, Tenn 14 f Newark, N. J 1-06 f New Haven 1.16 f New Orleans 01 f New York 1(5 f Niagra Falls 45 f Norlolk 5G f Omaha 23 s Peoria, 111 02 f Philadelphia 1.00 f Pittsburg 41 f INLAND CITIES— Continued. St. Louis. Portland, Me 1 .20 f Providence 1.15 f Quincy, 111 0») s liichmond , V a 51 T Rochester, N.Y .^8 f Sacremento, Cal 2.05 s Salt Lake City 1.27 s San Francisco 2.09 s Saratoga 1 .<'6 f Savanniih 37 f Sioux City, la 25 s Springfield , Mass 1.11 f Springlield, 111 03 f St. Joseph, Mo 19 s St. Paul, Minn 11 s Terre Haute 11 f Toledo, O 27 f Topeka, Kan 22 s Toronto , Canada 43 f Trenton, N. J 1.02 f Vicksburg 02 s Wa.shingLon, D, C 53 f Wheeling 38 f Winona, Minn 06 s FOREIGN CITIES. St. Loui.s. Calcutta, India 11 06 ( Jarusalem 8.21 f St. Petersburg 8.o2 f Viemia 7.06 f Berlin 6.54 f Rome 6.50 r London 6 00 f Paris 6.10 f Geneva 6.25 f Hamburg 6.40 f Cape of Good Hope 7.15 f Moscow 8.13 f Munich 6.47 f Maunheim 6.35 f LI verpool 5.49 f Leipsic 6.5u f Copenhagen 6.51 f Goettingen 6.40 f t^e 5^ feet long. 22 inches wide Central Dial, 12 inches. Small Dials, 3 inches. ^ >'T r- C^ I o o SandwiciiiTAiaito Athens , Alexandria. ''jfc^ Tm DlAIi. The Time Dial on the 24 Hour system is very interesting to students, and will at once refer them to the Map or Atlas and see whether it is correct and will encourage them to study the same. It is also very entertaining when on a Journey of a great distance, seeing that your good reliable Watch give out in time, then do not blame ^^our Watch, but take this Time Dial and set it to your time and if you find your time, say one Hour, to slow you have then traveled 1-24 part of the circumferance of the Earth, Eastwardly. If you started from St. Louis you are per- haps in New York. In traveling West and your Watch is two Hours too fast you must be in California or some 2,000 miles West; so your Watch will always show, if you take notice, how many parts or miles of the circumference of the Earth you traveled East or West. Take Twenty-four Thousand miles as the circumference of the Earth, (on the Equator) then one Hour difference in time is equal two One Thousand miles, but as the Meridians run to a point to the Poles, we must make the proportional division in miles considering the Latitude on which we travel, so that if we could make a trip around the Earth, One Thousand miles in equal distance from the Pole, (which would be about 2,400 miles) then every Hour difference in time would be counted 100 miles traveling (or distance) and so in proportion. On the Geographical Maps the Meridian lines, running North and South, are 36, (ought to be 24) therefore one Hour will be equal to I2 Meridians..' -Jf you travel from St. Louis Eastwards and find your Watclk^roviding it is a correct time l^iece and is steadily kept running) three Hours too slow, you must be half w^ays between St. Louis and London. And by looking on your map and count the Meridian lines you can easily make out what place or Island you pass, and therefore it is a very interesting and entertaining study in crossing the Ocean. F. £7ZEZZA'CrS, AND MANUFACTCRER OF THE UNIVERSAL TIME DIAL REGULATOR, No. SOT K. Fourth Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. 'I i LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 107 507 5