§fm B K Mi^ ^S Kiv-?| ^:M 3 '^M The Supreme question, at present, is— Are all of St. John's prophecies now perfect fulfilled, and has "the book of life" containing **TI Revelation of Jesus Christ which GOD gave un him** really opened the Apocalypse of Creation which '' LifeLightLiberty All in ONE is divinely manifested? LIFE — LIGHT LIBERTY EVOLUTION'S PROGRESS THROUGH REVEALED PROPHECY CHARLOTTE CHAPPELL NOTE: — *C7ie original and lawful spelling of name elucidates the reason for this remark — including legal protection against the slightest falsity towards said individual. Coryright 1917 by Charlotte Chappell Life — Light — Liberty m 22 »W V K "jJnd another book ^os opened, which is the book of life. ' ' Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT LIBER T Y GOOD GLORIFIED IN THE HIGHEST, Thou GOD that all suppliest With Open Hand the LifeLight power, As Omnipresence strikes the hour In which the Christ of Light is come, Bringing all His children home To rest in Mercy, which is given Bv the Life that comes from Heaven UFB—LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife — L igh t — L iberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBBRTY OF GOD THE BEST, called VERY GOOD LORD and SAVIOR— understood To be MASTER, also KING In both Heaven and Earth, we sing With the Spirit, Life and Light Open Infinite — the Sight Of ONE SUPREME— Most High Good, LifeLight Savior understood, As HOLY GOD, divinely bright ! The Sacred Being — infinite Light, Eternal Wisdom, Supreme GOOD Through revelation understood. UFE—LIGH T— LIBER T Y Life— Light— Liberty IJh'E— LIGHT— LIBBRTY And this eternal Good supreme Is brighter Light than can be seen From any sun of crystal life, Whose shadows come and go in strife ; For everlasting DAY it is — Without a shadow, without night, Outshining all in earth and heaven AVith its own Infinite Light. Then GODLIGHT— LIBERTY, The might of Life, sincerity The TRUTH, that knows THE DIVINE ONE Spirit, Daystar, Light all done. 10 LIpB— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light— Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— UBBRTY ii O, "many lords and many gods" Of human make from mortal sods, How can the darknes of your night Continue keeping you from light? When Immortal Progress, the divine, Our heavenly Father's name Is Light, the offspring of ONE Life So hallowed to attain. Excellency! — "Thy kingdom come On earth" — reigns, as in heaven, When Spirit, GOD'S own will is done In silence, the true leaven, 13 LIPB— LIGHT— LIBBR T Y Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— UGH r— LIBER TV 13 Which is called "Our daily bread/' The life Eternal giving — Knowing no death, no debts nor debtors. Hence, no evil sinning. For the *'AMEN*' of beginning Also end — infinite singing Tn the soul with joy sublime, Radiates eternal time Which is called Eternity, Ever in its unity 'j With the ONE GOD so supreme, That infinite Light is seen 14 LIFE— LIGHT— UBBRTY Life— Light — Liberty LIFH— LIGHT— LIBERTY 15 To be Life's keeping and support, Protection, too, preserving us ; Temptation then, can have no power. When GOOD is all true righteousness, Which is the glory of ONE GOD— HIS Kingdom having come. The **Amen" or revealed Word Is, was, and shall be done. Then with the only GOD at hand Letting THE GOOD give command To HIS CHRIST, beloved disciple Whom the David — not a trifle 10 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 17 Less beloved — appointed thus, To anoint and pray for us, Since the offspring of this root Brought a SaviorStar, the fruit Of a tree of Life Divine, The crystal Light of our time, Which, in Spirit, means Salvation Of Love's Life-inspiration Looking upward — with ONE GOD As the only staff and rod' — Keeping all the universe In HIS LAW of perfectness. 18 LIPB— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life— Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBBRTY 19 • O PERFECT LAW, so wonderful ! Filled with Light, the beautiful, Sublime and radiant, ever sweet Frankincence in Mind complete. Art Life secure, the faith assured In GOOD alone — all really cured With this word lived in earnestness, The truly Christian righteousness, That alone doth understand True Creation — HIS command To be finished and complete. Resting on the mercyseat 20 LIFE— UGH T— LIBER T \ Life — Light— Liberty LIPE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 21 Jn the Kingdom — Christ's within Actually meaning GOD herein, Even everywhere the same, Above, beneath and only fame To the higher human mind That perceives — tho' yet so blind Tries to rest itself content Upon mortal culture, spent So uselessly — as fools Are used for idle tools Becoming less than all their rules, Because exposed to ridicules. 32 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— UGH T— LIBERTY 23 Hence, to rise above them all Is to hear the obedient call Of THAT MASTER, when he says, "T.ove GOOD, THY GOD," in all thy way: This now gives the full reward To a faithful servant's Lord, In a benediction kind — Lifting high above^the wind Of destruction — into Peace Which on earth is ne'er to cease, Since the whirlwind long destroyed Now makes room for unalloyed 24 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 35 Pure and perfect righteousness In the mind of earnestness From the downward trend of fate, By beginning to relate All the blessings from a GOD Through a Savior's staff and rod, Which anoints with Life and Light Illumined by eternal sight Into liberty of Right Establishing the ONE GOD bright, Creating only crystal sight Forevermore — the greatest might 36 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 27 In the Kingdom having come Through the ChristLife so begun That to us the "city square," District of Columiba, fair, Means "holy, Newjerusalem," Also called a "Bethlehem" As the NewBabe born again Was found to be in Washington, Where truth's fond love of Liberty Made all things new through unity With that GREAT STAR, babe of Light Truly shining ever bright 28 LIFB—LIGH T— LIB BR T Y Life — Light — Liberty UFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 20 To all nations — far and wide, Calling them to cease to hide From the New and Greater Light Of that Christ of Perfect Might! Showing them salvation's way, Which they seek — since they all say That the CAUSE for which they fight Is only in the way of right! Therefore, Children of ONE GOD Cannot seem to hold the rod Of destruction with true will, When they sing the Joy, be still ! 30 LIFE— LIGHT— UBBRTY Life — Light — Liberty LIPE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 31 For their way of revolution, vSometimes called the evolution Of a rightful God of might — Really desires GOOD— the Light Of Resurrection, Spirit's Truth Giving all the strength of youth In a newer, brighter way, Understanding GOD'S true day Better now ; so when the thought Of insurrection still is brought, Dissolution cannot stay Because of Resurrectionday, Which lights the coming revelation, By destroying annihilation In the mind of mortal-man, Whose endeavor must and can LIFE— UGH T—LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBHRTY Brings Ascension to his gaze- Resurrecting- all his ways ! i LIFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife —L ig h t—L iberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBBRTY 35 Holiness to GOD, THE LORD- LIGHT THE ONE in full accord, Rather than the "lords and gods" Which are manmade of the sods. For the Spirit, Life Divine, Open Infinite — all sublime. Most High Call, supremely bright Radiates Eternal Light ! This, THE MASTER, which transforms Everything in heaven and earth. Leaving only dross to spoil Itself, without the worth 3(5 LIFE—LIGH T— LIBER TV Life— Light — Liberty UfU—LIGH T—Ll BBR T ) ' .".7 Of even notice, as it dies Tn retrogression, which denies .Vll true consciousness of mind In the self of mortal kind. No more darkness! nothing knowing ( )f the Truth of Spirit — being Caused in GOD the everseeing Life immortal — Love revealing- Inspiration from the Mind Of ONE with GOD, wherein we hnd All progress upward and not down, v'^ince, marchinig onward, means abound 38 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife — L ight — Liberty LIFE— UGH T— LIB BR T Y 39 In understanding, wisdom's might With love for everlasting sight From the GOD of Truth's own Light, As the One Eternal right. This inherent glory found With the Savior, doth surround In gHstering radiance so white, That it's called the purest Light Coming from a conscious GOD Far above all earthly sod, When the Highest Real is wrought In the soul, with Spirit bought 40 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life— Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 41 l^-oni 111' encircling- radiance Of supremely crystal sense, That now reflects Omnipotence Tbroni^h a Savior's T.ife-essence, Which so comforts and supplies Kverv need of human woe, 'Ph'it its joy with smiling eyes (xladdens as we to it go. "Go," vou ask? ''too much to do?" When such discipline for you l^rings the everlasting all Of everything from great to small? 42 LIFE— LIGHT— UBBRTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 43 "Oh, but one — Mohammed said Always he had his way paid, For when not incHned to go To the mountain, made it so That the mountain came to him : Why not have it without sin To let the GREAT GOD so within Come to us? now may we sing!" Yes, 'tis true, HE'S always here, Ne'er forsakes nor leaves HIS dear Own Children brought by Christ, Which the world so sacrificed 44 LIPB—LIGH T—Ll BBR T V Life- — Light— Liberty Lll'E—Ll GH T— LI BUR TV Tn its (lark and sinful sense ( )f unconsciousness- — and lience, Lii.cificd the Lord of hosts — Bein.:^- thr.: of which it li^'asts. h'dliowcrs of the living Word .\s dbedicnl Truth is heard. In the way of overcomini^- W'il!! the v'>|)irit- the atoning Of the GOD with GOOD in pn.of, Manifesting" in this Truth More than Naomi and his Ruth, Because of everlasting youth. 46 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife—L ight — L iherty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 47 So, the LifeLight, crystal Star Of Day shines brighter now, by far. Than noonday sun of heavenly light, vSince ONE immortal is its might. v^o realizing GOOD in glory Is the same new and old story. Which to each makes very plain As we in ONE GOD remain. Then the human understands How to hold 1'ruth's loving hands, Never leaving that sweet touch, Opening wide— imparting much 4S LIFE-LIGHT—UBERTY L ife — L ig h t — L iher ty LIPB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 49 Of Life Divine to all the needs Craving for the higher deeds, By confessing with the soul — ONE GOD'S fullness— really whole. Overwhelming GOOD! we say, When all sense of overpay Testifies its promised day Of Freedom's Light in which to stay. While this sparkling, conscious Life Overcoming all the strife, Gives expressioin to Love's wife Cuttting error with Truth's knife 50 UFB—LIGH T— LIB BR T Y Life — Light — Liberty UFB-LIGH T-LIBBRTY 51 From conditions fixed and bound Which the mortal, human found Only to be in its own Misconception, therefore, none Of GOOD which GOD doth send As HIS way we apprehend To be healthy, holy, wise In the sigcht of all the eyes, Which with wonder, comprehend How it is that GOOD doth send Every one to GOD in proof. By remaining in HIS Truth. LIFE— UGH T —LIB BR T i " Life — Light — Liberty UfB— LIGHT— UBBRTY r,:; Omnispirit then, we see, Is the fruit of Life's own tree Planted in the river free, Flowing from Eternity, Called the Paradise of GOD— Kvermore and more applaud With the strongest living sense In the Great Omnipotence, That reveals its Revelation To the LORD of the Christnation Termed the blest of all the best, Being loved by ONE GOD— rest. O, what joy of blissful soul Brings Eternal Life, the whole of GOOD to conscious mind As the ONE TRUE GOD we find 54 LIFE— UGH T— LIBERTY This little booklet has urged its publication years ago, hut because of proper conditions for ways and means, has been oblidged to Wait until now. DIVINE LAW I GOD'S LAW reigning and ruling even more than the universe of man's conception, gives the full supply for a readiness to accept the unani- mous agreement and be free, in which to "live, move, and have our being." Therefore, LifeLight — Liberty — expresses the vStar Spangled Banner of speech so emphatically pronounced in the original Constitution of The United States with reference to its practical value through the ONE Declaration of Independ- ence so mightily accented in a famous act of Con- tinental Congress — having made the fair District of Columbia (when ten miles square) the "Gem of the ocean." Hence, the city of Washington, as the Capital (^f The United States, in which union of fairness and squareness, evidently brought the radiating searchlight to transform its Capitol Building into a "temple made without hands," gives also the reason for the Washington Monument to become a "rock of ages" in memory to the great First President of The United States of America and of the world. This perception also knows why Man (Mind) — both male and female — was created in GOD'S own image and likeness ; while Wo-man (woe- mind or no-mind), both masculine and feminine, was generated in A-dam's own image and like- ness — definitely explaining the difference be- tween Creation and generation. 56 UFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty UfB—LI GH T— LIB BR TV 57 When the woman to be stoned was brought to Jesus, he told her to *'Go (pro'gress) and sin no more." And now, that she is progressing, she still needs to demonstrate the full liberty of that *'Goddress," which George Washington be- queathed freedom to, in his honorable *'Will of emancipation" for all slaves, through the Spirit of Christ coming direct from GOD. Hence, is it a marvelous miracle, that the world's first President has been pronounced the second coming of Christ in the flesh? but, if innumer- able "Messias" must come and go without prac- tical acknowledgment by earth's children, what hope of salvation remains for the world? When the Light of Christ in infancy was taken into Egyptian darkness, it proved the life of Em- manuel's GOD upon earth, and that same GOD is, was, and ever continues with us. Then, if all Presidents of The United States of American Liberty are to be the so-called "Messias" that should come as "Shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night," why does duty bind them to proclaim "The voice of him (or her) crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord — make straight in the desert a highway for our GOD?" giving clear apprehension to the real "Preparedness" for this day of evolution. The Constitution of The United States, which was drawn up by a convention of fifty-five mem- bers, who met in the city of Philadelphia (brotherly love) and presided over by George 58 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life— Light — Liberty Ui'H— LIGHT— LIBERTY 59 Washington, brought the Declaration of Inde- pendence, which, today stands, and is substan- tially called the work of a famous act of Conti- nental Congress, whose government is upon the shoulderes of ONE termed "Wonderful, Coun- sellor, the Mighty GOD, the Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Is this concept the kind of law declaring GOD'S Revelation? And does this give the rea- son for a united demonstration of a tract of land having been acquired by the nation, as a site for the Capital of The United States, in which the ten miles square — according to a particular com- mission of which George Washington was a member — was given the name of District of Columbia? since the prophetic city was compelled to be "square" as well as "fair"? Hear! O Man, the Lord our GOD is ONE LORD! "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion ; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem ; because He is the righteous Savior — and HE shall speak peace unto the heathen." But, "Why have the nations so furiously raged together against the Lord, and against HIS Anointed"? especially while, at the same time, "Hallelujahs" were rising up higher than ever, saying— "The Lord GOD (GOOD) omnipotent reigneth! Worthy is the LAMB (purity) that was slain to receive power and wisdom ; strength and honor; glory and blessing" ; in Life and Light — The One Great Might, forevermore — the only Right. Amen ! 60 Ul-B—LIGHT—UBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 61 The so-called woman of Samaria (watch- tower) realized the meaning of having heard about the "Messias" that should come, when she understood The Savior" (Christ) of all Messiahs. Then the Revelation — time being no more — was fulfilled, and The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (GOOD ALONE) and the LAMB (Purity) became the temple of it." This Temple, containing the perfect Constitu- tion of all United Freedom through GOD'S own image and likeness, manifests the perfect male and female of divine Liberty in every country, nation, government and race. Therefore, the GREAT-GOD (capitalized) becomes the "Emmanuel" to remain forever with us; enabling all to sing, "My country 'tis of THEE, sweet land of LIBERTY!" because it can sing of nothing else. To realize such Independence, is the Decla- ration of Paradise found — no more to be lost, and discernment of this immaculate greatness per- ceives the "Isis unveiled" in the open conscious- ness of that Christ without beginning or end — The Life-Light of all Liberty. Then what can prevent a fully realized, soul- ful, conscious affirmation — declaring sacredness in the hallowedness of Our Liberty which is in heaven ? To the traditional woman (wo-man) of Adam's invention, the strong command still continues, "Go (progress) and sin no more!" But the ques- 68 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty IIFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 63 tion from woe-mind or no-mind, equally con- tinues — "How Lord?" And the answer from the Lord was to Adam and not to woman until her name was changed to Eve ; since Eve (enlight- enment) and not wo-man (no-mind) became the "mother (source) of all living." Then the Lord God said, "Behold, now the man (mind) is become as one of us, but lest it eat also of the tree of life and live forever," he sent this man (awakened mind) "out from the garden of Eden to till the ground (the lie) from which Adam was taken ; placing at the east of the gar- den, Cherubims and a flaming sword turning every way to protect the "tree of life" from being- eaten of, which was the means of bringing the unpardonable sin of original ignorance into the world. Are we not aware of the greatest purpose to which this wonderful "tree of Life" is to be uti- lized? Then how can Adam any longer, call Man (Mind) by a masculine gender, and WO-man (no-mind) by the feminine? since even the LORD God called her "Eve," because she was the "mother of all living," evidently making Adam the father of all dying. However, when Jesus taught and demonstrated this, scribes and pharisees sought to kill him : but instantly saying — "They are still joined to their idols — let them alone !" he well knew that the male and female of GOD'S Mind are neither masculine nor feminine, but rather neuter (neu- 64 LIFE— UGH T— LIB BR T Y L ife—L igh t—L iberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 65 tral) — there being no A-dam (curse) in GOD'S CREATION. This just Principle of the perfectly balanced equality, is the only equilibrium known to the ONE GOD (GOOD) of all nations; having given enough light to present Eves of modern vSamarias, that the life of GOD'S government is so crystalized upon earth, as to make her mis- sion the message of that "Peace which passeth all understanding." This answers the question why institutions of the world have been changed to "Mansions in our Father's house," and also gives the reason for the Capital nations to include even their lega- tions in becoming ONE. Furthermore, by turning to the book of Prov- erbs, which gives sufficient proof of the beautiful account of the model Eve in her domestic, social, and public relations, it is written ; that she took care of the household, did the spinning, and made the clothes ; as well as mingle freely in social festivities and occupy public positions — besides attain the Queenship on an equal with the King ; say nothing of secret requirements from man- made laws, which held her bound. Nevertheless, was there ever a time when Resurrection and Ascension were not operative? Surely, the so-called mortal and human truly desire the Life by which the Divine power be- comes the Spirit of the Risen Christ, since this Son — Sun — is radiated in the Star Spangled Ban- 6G LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 67 ner of that Day, which continues more than a thousand years. Here one says — "It seems as though George Washington were made equal with the Savior, and yet he married, indulged in war and died." Any one having possessed the power by which to establish liberty enough to begin more im- proved conditions upon earth, could not have married from the basis of ordinary motive, neither did he suffer war without proving its mistake — giving the reason for the world to say — '*he died." But, can it be truthfully possible for anyone whose faithful works follow, to die? According to the world's judgment, even if all the seeming ties of so-called mortal and human life, were not successfully severed, as by the One who realized the entire way of salvation, it must acknowledge, through the prophecy of Revela- tion, that full Redemption comes evolutionarily. And when the Everpresence of the whole accept- ance becomes the lawful development for each individual, the Unwritten Law will be reasonably understood to mean the Spirit and not the letter about GOD (GOOD capitalized.) This is letting "there be light," giving Sam- uel's reason for the question, "And what can David say more? for thou Lord GOD knowest thy Servant" ; acknowledging the LORD to be great, but GOD (GOOD) still greater, as he wholly accepts the promises fulfilled. The writer, having searched and researched the Scriptures, found it necessary to underline (•> ; LIFB—UGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY 69 all words spelled with the three capitals, viz. — GOD — realizing the ChristSpirit more effect- ually important in the New Testament, because the capitalized GOD was not quite accepted until the Resurrection became the Ascension, and Jesus said— "Not my will, but THINE be done!" wherefore, the grace (GOD-understand- ing) of our Lord Jesus Christ, was realized to continue to remain with all forever. This is "the faithful and true witness," which is the fulfilled GOOD of ONE GOD. In the book of Moses, when the Lord spake, he was charged to say unto the woman (Avo-man or no-mind), "The Lord make thee a curse among thy people, and this water that causeth the curse, shall go into thy bowels. And the woman" — both masculine and feminine — "shall say, Amen, amen." This same Lord is found to say in Deuteron- omy — "Cursed be he that perverteth the judg- ment of the stranger, fatherless and widow. And all the people" (children included) "shall say — Amen." But what did the Lord Christ say to the wo- man? Did he not advise her to "Go (progress) in order to become a Liberty Goddess, by which she must never sin any more? Is the "Amen" bearing witness to a curse as faithful as "THE AMEN" fulfilling the Truth? Again, Is "A-dam" of the Moses concept equal with the AD-AM of Paul's conception, saying — 70 LIFB— LIGHT— LIBBRTY L ife — L ig h t — L iherty LlfB—UGH r—UBHR T Y "The tirst man Ad-am was made a living soul; the last AD-AM — a quickening spirit?" Evi- dently a difference between A-dam ; Ad-am; and AD-AM. Here the words — "If with all your heart ye truly seek me, ye shall ever surely find me" — are distinctly heard. When the world understands the prophet Isaiah in the office of Christ, it shall know why "The Spirit of the Lord GOD was upon him," and why THAT SPIRIT anointed him to preach good tidings of liberty to captives, and the open- ing of prisons to them that are bound." But what does the written law say to this kind of LORD GOD, called Unwritten Law? Just exactlv what it always did, viz. — "This day is THE LAW fulfilled in THY SIGHT, O LORD GOD!" — Prophecy declaring, that "out of Zion (realization) goeth forth THE LAW, which shall judge among the nations; when they shall beat their swords (and guns) into ploughshares, and their spear? (and axes) into pruning-hooks ; when nation shall not lift up sword against nation ; neither shall learn war any more" ; for GOD'S Kingdom having begun, HIS will is done, and shall be completed in its entire perfection. When David said, that Moses and Aaron were among his priests, while Samuel was among them that call upon HIS (GOD'S) NAME, it taught the apostles of Jesus to give an account for the questions from the scribes and pharisees — viz. — "Why the disciples transgressed the tradi- tion of the elders"? to Avhich Chist answered — 72 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife — L ig h t — L iherty UFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 73 "Why does tradition transgress the command- ment' of God?" adding, "Every plant my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up"; after which his departure unto the sea of Galilee (circle of purity) led him up into a mountain (power of light) — multitudes coming, because GOD was glorified. Was it not the same glory of ONE GOD which bequeathed freedom to slaves in the be- loved "Will" of George Washington, when he demonstrated liberty for the world? And still the question insists, "When Christ cometh, will he do more than these have done?" Mortal and human mystery is repeated just so long as amusement, instead of instruction, is the indulgence — thereby thwarting the power of natural law through which retrogression be- comes the master. Jesus said, '"All things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law, and in the prophets, and in the psalms" ; and this, today, as always, opens the understanding of Scripture," called "The Revelation of Jesus Christ which GOD gave unto him"— for "the time is at HAND"! Christ testifies unto every man (mind) that heareth his words, saying — "If any man shall add or take away from this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city and from the things written in HIS book. This is corroborated in the say- ing, "Surely I come quickly. Amen ! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen !" 74 UFB-LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty UPB— LIGHT— LIBERTY Is this not the voice from that GOD called GOOD forever? Is there any reason to doubt the Christ Liberty for all sons and daughters of GOD? According to this, is there the sHghtest rea- son for the State of Virginia having thought it a lav^ful act to secede or recede from the perfect square of the District of Columbia, after she had so loyally ceded the desired land to the national government ? Surely, it cannot be, that the rumor trying to enforce reality and permanency, can ever make it actually true; that. Because of the great First President's ''Will," in having bequeathed free- dom to Slaves compelled Virginia to secede, and, for a time, ruin a godly work so important to earth's w^elfare and development. Certainly! truly! there are still some condi- tions of mind left to correct mistakes, by v^hich pure reformation may yet begin to save! Is there any law prohibiting proof, declara- tion, acknowledgment, revelation or realiza- tion against the freedom towards slave-emanci- pation ? If the Christ Liberty condemned not the man of woe called "wo-man" or no-mind — but cured it — let this same adjusted Liberty today, so com- bine rehgion and politics, that a Re-United-State of Americanism may serioiusly ask itself the ques- tion, viz. — What right had America to permit a reason for being criticized, when she fully knew 76 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY L ife — L ight — L iherty LIFB— LIGHT— LIBERTY 77 one of her countries called ''The United States" was so much disunited? Will this not bring a clearer sun than the one ''turned into darkness," and a brighter moon than that "changed into blood?" This point of view elucidates even a purer revelation than St. John's, altho' he is called divine, for it beautifully explains the Savior's reason for advising WO-MAN (called wo-mind or no-mind) to "Go (progress) and sin no more." But this tender command of the Master, can- not possibly be interpreted, as the world has tried, to mean ; that the curse of condemnation and everlasting punishment eternally rests upon all womankind, since Jesus' explicit address to the Virgin Mary, who is called his mother, was repeatedly through the word "woman" and not "mother." Does the same higher criticism of the world's judgment, also declare its right to affirm, that JDecause Christ said — "Call no man your father upon the earth, for ONE is your Father, which is in heaven," that all earthly fathers are to be everlastingly cursed and con- demned to eternal damnation? How then, can the following proclamation ever be prevented? viz. — Long may all lands be bright With freedom's holy light — Protect all by THY Might, r GREAT GOD, our King! ! ! '.: 80 LIFE— LIGHT— LIBERTY Life — Light — Liberty m LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■■. 018 603 833 2