/^^^ L6 252-3 1 9 fc STATE OF LOUISIANA. OFFICE OF State Superintendent of Public Education Baton Rouge, July 1^0, 1906. To School Officials: This Circular contains School Laws enacted hy the Second General Assembly, under the Constitutioii of 1898. /. B. AS WELL, State Superintendent of Public Education, 2 \ -i. ^^ • ' 1 State Teacher's Certificate, ^^^ Act No. 55. • l " " AN ACT To define a State teacher's certificate and providing under what conditions same shall be granted; also, providing for a State Board of Examiners. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That to obtain a State teacher's certificate, the applicant must be, found competent to teach all of the sub- jects now required for a first grade teacher's certificate, and also literature, chemistry, loookkeeping, Latin, general history, botany, history of education, psychology, and school adminis- tration ; provided, that the graduates of all institutions of learning authorized to confer diplomas under the laws of this State, be credited with having past a satisfactory examination for said Staf e teacher 's certificate in such of the 'required sub- jects as, by the president of said institutions, may be certified to as having been completed in the course of study of the appli- cant, excepting theory and art of teaching, history of education, psychology, and school administration. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That a State teacher's certificate shall entitle the holder to teach in any parsh.of the State, for a term of ten years, from date of said certificate after which same may be renewed by the State Board of Examiners. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That the examination for a State teacher's certificate shall, be conducted by a State 'board of examiners, same to consist of the State Superintendent of Public Education, the President of the Louisiana State Uni- versity and Agricultural and Mechanical College, and the Presi- dent of the Louisiana State Normal School, under. such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the said State Board of Examiners, provided that it shall be optional upon all teachers to take advantage of this Act. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the State Board of Examiners shall issue State teachers' certificates as provided for in this Act. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc.. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Election of School Boards. Act No. 60. 'AN ACT. Providing for the election of members of the Parish School Boards, the number from each parish, their qualifications, terms of office and compensation. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That there shall be elected by the qualified electors of each police jury ward of the several parishes in the State a member cf the Parish School Board for each police member in said ward, and in the Parish of Orleans the l-'arish School Board shall consist of seventeen members, being one from each ward in said parish, who shall be elected by the qualified voters cf each ward. That the first election above provided for shall take place at the same time as the consrressional election in 1908, and every four years thereafter. That such members (>f the Parish School Boards as may be elected as above provided for shall hold their office for four years, when their successors shall be elected. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the compensa- tion of said members of the school board is hereby fixed at three dollars for each day that he may be required to attend the meet- ings of the board, and five cents a mile for each mile he may travel to and from the meetings of said board. Provided, that in the Parish of Orleans no compensation at all shall be paid any member of said board. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc. That the Parish School Boards as now constituted shall hold their office until their suc- cessors shall have been elected as provided for in Section 1 of this Act. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That the qualifica- tions of a person to be a member of a school board under this Act shall be that he be a qualifi^ed elector, able to read and write, and own and be assessed in his own name property to the value of three hundred dollars. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc.. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. School Bonds. * Act No. 84. AN ACT. To authorize parishes, municipal corporations, and parish boards of school directors, the Parish of Orleans excepted, to issue bonds for certain public purposes to be secured by special taxes voted therefor, and to provide for the manner of the issuance of the said bonds. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That parishes, municipal corporations, and parish boards of school directors, the Parish of Orleans ex- cepted, shall have the authority to fund into bonds issued in conformity to the provisions of this Act, the proceeds of special taxes voted and carried, or that may be voted and carried here- after under the authority of Article 232 of the Constitution and the laws carrying the same into effect, for the purpose of eon- stracting and erecting public buildings, public school houses, bridges, wharves, levees, sewerage work, and other works of permanent public improvement, the title of which shall be in the public. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That the bonds issued under the authority of this Act shall mature annually upon the dates to be determined and fixedby the issuing body and shall conform as to their several amounts and maturities to the sum of the avails of the special tax and the date of its availability, the said sum to be estimated upon the tax rolls of the year in which the tax is voted; that the said bonds shall not bear a greater rate of interest than five per centum per annum, which shall be paid annually or semi-annually on dates to be specified in the bonds, and in the interest coupons thereto attached, and that each bond shall bear across its face printed in red letters, the following certificate : I hereby certify that I have examined the proceedings prior and relative to the voting of said special tax, the resolutions, ordinances, and other proceedings of (naming the issuing body), pursuant to which this bond was issued, that the said proceedings are regular in form, and that the proceeds of the special tax dedicated to the payment of the same, estimated upon the tax roll of the said — for the year in which the tax was voted, that is to say, the year 19 — , will be ample for the payment of the said bond, principal and in*^erest. This the — day of , 19 — . District Attorney, Judicial District. The foregoing certificate shall be signed by the District. Attorney of the Judicial District in which the parish, municipal corporation, or parish board of school directors is situated or domiciled, and thereafter the said bonds shall be incontestable ^or any cause after three months from the date of the promul- gation of the result of the said special election, except for fraud iij their issuance. The District Attorney shall receive as com- pensation for his services in making the examination and cer- tificate required by this Act. one-tenth of one per centum of the total amount of the bonds thus certified by him, but in no case shall he receive less than twenty-five nor more than one hundred dollars for any such service, to be paid by the parish, municipal corporation, or narish board of school directors issuing the said bonds; provided that the provisions of this section shall not prevent the police .iuries, municipal authorities or parish board of school directors from stipulating in said bonds that same may be redeemed before maturity at their option. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That parishes, mu- nicipal corporations, and parish boards of school directors shall, through their respective governing bodies, before the issuance of bonds under this Act, and in contemplation of the same, in each case, pass and adopt an ordinance or resolution setting forth substantially the denominations, form and phraseology of the bonds and interest coupons and specifically dedicating the proceeds of the special tax voted for that purpose to the pay- ment of the bonds, both principal and interest as they mature and in the case of parishes and municipal corporations levying the said tax for the whole term or series of years for which it was voted, and the fund thus dedicated shall not be diverted to any other purpose whatsoever, so long as any bond of the series shall be outstanding and unpaid. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with or contrary to the provisions of this Act. be pud the same are hereby repealed. Inheritance Tax. Act No. 109. AN ACT To carry into effect Article 235 and 236 of the Constitution, and to levy taxes solely for the support of the public schools on all inheritances, legacies and other donations mortis causa, to provide exemptions therefrom, to prescribe the manner of collecting the same, to fix the fees of attorneys and commissioners of tax-collectors, and to repeal all con- flicting laws. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That there is now and shall hereafter be levied, solely for the support of the public schools, on all in- heritances, legacies and other donations mortis causa to or in favor of the direct descendants or ascendants of the decedent, a tax of two per centum, and on all such inheritances or dispo- sitions to or in favor of the collateral relatives of the deceased, or strangers, a tax of five per centum on the amount or the actual cash value thereof at the time of the death of the decedent. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., The said tax shall not be imposed in the following cases : a. On any inheritance, legacy or other donation mortis causa to or in favor of any ascendant or descendant of the dece- dent below ten thousand dollars in amount or value. b. On any legacy or other donation mortis causa to or' in favor of an educational, religious or charitable institution. c. When the property inherited, bequeathed or "donated shall have borne its just proportion of taxes prior to the time of such donation, bequest or inheritance. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., It shall be unlawful for any heir, legatee or other beneficiary of a donation mortis causa to take or be in possession of any part of the things or property composing the inheritance, legacy or other donation mortis causa, or to dispose of the same or any part thereof, until 6 he shall have obtained the authority of the court to that effect, as hereafter provided ; and in case he shall so take or be in pos- session or shall so dispose of such things or property, or any part thereof, he shall no longer have the right of renouncing such inheritance or donation mortis causa, and shall remain personally liable for the tax thereon; but he may, without waiting for au- thority do such acts as may seem necessary to preserve the property from waste,, damage or loss. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., The executor of the will of a person deceased, or the administrator of his succession, shall, after payment of his debts, proceed against the tax col- lector and all the heirs and legatees of the deceased summarily, by rule before the court which has jurisdiction of the succession, to fix the amount of tax due by each heir or legatee, and on trial thereof the court shall render judgment for the same against each heir or legatee, with interest and costs, as hereinafter pro- vided. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., The executor or ad- ministrator shall thereupon pay to the tax-collector the amount of tax, with interest and costs, so fixed, on each inheritance, legacy or donation, out of the funds comprised therein, if suf- ficient. Should there not be sufficient funds, the court shall, on the application of the heir or legatee, grant an order for the sale of the property composing such inheritance, legacy or dona- tion, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of paying such judgment. If the same be not paid by the heir or legatee, or an order of sale be not granted, as above provided within thirty days after the date of the judgment, the court shall, on the application of the executor or administrator, grant an order of sale for the said purpose, as above provided, and the executor or administrator shall pay the said judgment out of the proceeds of the sale. Such sale shall be made in such manner, and on such terms and conditions as the court shall prescribe, and the expense thereof shall be borne by the heir or legatee. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc.. No executor or ad- ministrator shall deliver any inheritance or legacy until the tax thereon shall be fixed and paid, as hereia provided; otherwise he, together with his surety, shall be personally liable for said tax, with interest and cost. And no exesutor, or administrator shall be discharged until it. is shown that all taxes under this Act, due by the heirs and legatees, have been paid, or until it h judicially deteniiined by the process herein provided that no tax is due. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc.. In all cases in which an administration is not ordered by- the court, the legal or in- stituted heir, or universal or residuary legatee, shall within six months after the death of the decedent, or, should there be a will, within the same time after the discovery of the same, pre- sent to the court a detailed descriptive list, sworn to and sub- scribed by him, of all items of property contained in and com- posing the estate of the decedent, and therein shall state the actual cash value of each such item at the time of the death of the decedent, and service thereof shall be made on the tax col- lector who hall have the right to traverse the same. Should the deceased have made special or particular legacies or donations mortis causa, the legatee shall also be served, and after sum- marily hearing the said parties the court shall fix the amount of tax due as aforesaid by each such heir or legatee, and shall render judgment therefor, with interest and cost, against each of them. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc.. In the same manner as provided in Section 5, the heir or universal or residuary legatee shall thereupon pay or take measures for the payment of the tax due on all special or particular legacies or donations. Section 9. Be it further enacted, etc.. The heir or universal or residuary legatee may likewise obtain an order for the sale of the property of hjs inheritance or legacy, or part thereof, for the purpose of paying the tax thereon. But if such tax be not paid, or such order of sale be not made within thirty days after the date of the judgment fixing the amount of the tax, a similar order for the same purpose shall be granted on the application of the tax collector, and thereunder any property forming part of the inheritance or legacy may be sold, and the proceeds thereof shall be applied to the payment of the tax with interest and costs. Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc., The heir or resid- uary or universal legatee shall not deliver any legacy until the tax thereon shall have been fixed and paid ; otherwise he shall be personally liable for the said tax, with interest and costs. Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., If during the six months next following the death of ajiy person, leaving property, movable or immovable, within this State, an administration of his succession be not applied for, or his legal or instituted heir or. universal or residuary legatee do not apply to the court to be placed in possession thereof, as herein provided, the court shall ex parte and on the application of the tax collector grant •an order directing that a search be made for the will of the de- ceased by a notary public, and in aid of the same may order that all persons having in their possession or control any books, pa- pers or documents of the deceased, or any bank-box, safe deposit vault or other receptacle likely or designed to contain the same, shall open such receptacle and exhibit the contents thereof, as well as all other books, papers and documents of the deceased, to the said notary. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc.. Should the said notary find any document appearing to be the will of the de- ceased, he shall take possession of the same and produce it in 8 court; and on application of the tax collector, or of any party in interest, the court shall proceed to the probate thereof, as row provided by law. If an executor be therein appointed, the person named shall be notified, and if he do not within ten days , after notification accept the appointment, and if within the ten days next following this delay no person entitled to be appointed dative testamentary executor shall apply for the appointment, then the Public Administrator in the Parish of Orleans, and in the other parishes the tax collector, shall be appointed dative testamentary executor of the said decedent, and the administra- tion of his succession shall proceed as herein directed and accord- ing to existing law. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., If the notary can find no will, he sTiall report the fact to the court ; and tliereupon the tax collector shall proceed against the legal heir or heirs of the deceased summarily by rule to fix the amount of tax due by him or them, and each of the heirs shall be ordered, within a delay to be fixed by the court, which may be extended from time to time in the discretion of the court, to make and file a detailed descriptive list, sworn to and subscribed by him, of all the items of property contained in and composing the estate of the decedent, stating therein the actual cash value of each such item at the time of the death of the decedent, and the tax collector shall have a right to traverse the same. On trial of the rule the court shall fix the amount of tax due by each of the heirs, and shall render judgment for the same against each of them, and in such case, as well as in the cases mentioned in Section 32, shall include in the costs payable by the heir or legatee a fee of not more than ten per cent, on the amount of tax due by each heir or legatee in favor of the attorney for the tax collector. In the same manner and under the same conditions as provided in Sections 5 and 9 of this Act, such heirs or legatees shall have the right to procure the sale of their inheritances or legacies for the purpose of paying the tax due thereon, with interest, costs and attorney's fees; and if payment thereof be not made by the heir or legatee, or if an order of sale, as above provided, be not granted, within thirty days' after the date of the judg- ment, the tax collector shall be entitled to a similar order, and thereunder any property forming part of the inheritance or legacy may be sold. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc., Should there be more than one legal or instituted heir or universal or residuary lega- tee any one of them may institute the proceedings provided by this Act, and the others shall be made parties thereto, and such heir shall be entitled to recover out of the mass of the succession one reasonable attorney 's fee, besides his costs. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., Nothing contained in this Act shall affect the rights of creditors of persons deceased, or the rights of the creditors of the heirs or legatees of such per- sons, as established by the general law. Section 16. Be it further enacted, etc., Each inheritance or legacy is indivisible, and must be accepted or renounced for the whole; and the heir or legatee shall not be entitled to be placed in possession of the same, and shall be without right or capacity to alienate any part thereof, until the tax on the whole shall have been fixed and paid, or until it shall have been judicially determined, in the manner herein provided, that no part of the same is subject to the tax imposed by this Act. Section 17. Be it further enacted, etc., No bank, banker, trust company, warehouseman, or other depositary and no per- son or corporation or partnership having on deposit or in pos- session or control any moneys, credits, goods or other things or rights of value for a person deceased, or in which he had any interest, and no corporation the stock or registered bonds of which are owned by a person deceased shall deliver or transfer such moneys, credits, stock, bonds or other things or rights of value to- any heir or legatee of such deceased person, unless the tax due thereon under this Act shall have been paid, or unless ic be judicially determined in the manner herein prescribed that no tax is due by such heir or legatee. Otherwisa the person or corporation so making delivery or transfer shall be liable for the said tax. But the order of a court of competent juris- diction, directing such delivery or transfer, shall be full au- thority for the same. Section 18. Be it further enacted, etc., The burden of prov- ing facts establishing exemption from the tax imposed by this Act is upon the person claiming exemption. Section 19. Be it further enacted, etc.. The District Court of the last domicile of the deceased, and in the Parish of Orleans the Civil District Court, shall have original jurisdiction to hear and determine all the proceedings provided by this Act. In the case of a non-resident decedent, the District Court, or Civil District Court, of any parish in which he left property, movable or immovable, shall exercise such jurisdiction, and the court in which such proceedings shall be first begun shall have exclu- sive original jurisdiction thereof. Section 20. Be it further enacted, etc., Non-residents and unknown heirs and legatees, and those whose whereabouts are unknown, shall be represented by curator ad hoc appointed by the court, and all notices, citations and demands prescribed by this Act shall be served on such officers. Though there be in any case more than one unknown or absent heir or legatee, all may be represented by the same curator. Section 21. Be it further enacted, etc.. The tax collector spoken of and intended by this Act is the Sheriff and ex-officio Tax Collector of the parish in which was the last residence of the decedent, or in which is situated property of a non-resident decedent, and in the Parish of Orleans the Clerk of the Civil District Court. They shall receive a commission of two per cent on their collections of taxes under this Act. 10 Section 22. Be it further enacted, etc., In and for the Par- ish of Orleans the Governor shall appoint, by and with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate, for a term of four years, an attorney at law, whose duty it shall to advise, assist and repre- sent the Clerk of the Civil District Court in the enforcement of this Act. For his services, except as provided in Sections 12 and 13, he shall receive a fee of four per cent on all taxes collected hereunder, payable out of the same before transmis- sion to the Treasury. In all other parishes of the State the said duties shall be performed by the • attorneys appointed under ex- isting law to assist the tax collectors in the collection of de- linquent licenses, and the compensation of such attorneys shall be as above provided. Section 23. Be it further enacted, etc., In fixing the value of any legacy or donation mortis causa which consists in whole 01 in part of an annuity or usufruct or right of use or habitation, the court shall consider the expectancy of life of the legatee or donee according to the table known as the American Experience Table of mortality, at six per cent per annum compound interest. Section 24. Be it further enacted, etc.. The taxes hereby levied shall bear interest at the rate of two per cent p«r month, beginning six months after the death of the decedent; saving to any heir, legatee or donee the right to stop the running of interest against him by paying the amount of his tax with ac- crued interest, or by tendering the same to the tax collector m the manner prescribed by the general law ; provided, however, that in cases in which the settlement of the succession is not linduly delayed, or in which the right of any party to receive an inheritance or legacy is contested, and in all cases in which the failure to pay tax on any legacy or inheritance within the period aforesaid ■ is not imputable to the laches of the heir or legatee, the court may, in its discretion, remit such interest. ■ Section 25. Be it further enacted, etc., The costs of all pro- ceedings under this Act shall be borne by the mass of the suc- cession ; provided, that in cases in which it seems to him equitable t:) do so the judge shall have power to apportion the costs among the several parties, or allow any party to retain his costs out oi' any sum found to be due by him for tax hereunder. Provided, the provisions of this Act shall affect all successions not finally closed, or -in which the final account has not been filed. Branches, Sessions, Certificates, Exami- nation Fee, and Exemptions. Act No. 133. AN ACT To amend and re-enact Sections 23, 49, 53 and 59 of Act No. 214 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana ap- proved July 10th, 1902, entitled: "An act in relation to free public schools, and to regulate public education in the 11 State of Louisiana : to provide a revenue for the same, and impose certain penalties ; and to apply fines imposed by district courts and amounts collected on bonds, to the pur- pose of public education." Section 1.- Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That Sections 2'i, 49, 53 and 59 of Act 214 of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, approved July 10th, 1902, be amended and re-enacted to read as fol- lows, viz : Section 23. Be it further enacted, etc., That the branches F orthography, reading, writing, drawing, arithmetic, geography, gi'ammar. United States history, the laws of- health, including the evil effects of alcohol and narcotics, shall be taught in every district. In addition to these, such other branches shall be taught as the State Board of Education and the parish school boards may require ; provided, that these elementary branches may also be taught in the French language in those localities where the French language is spoken ; but no additional ex- pense shall be incurred for this cause. No public ^school in the State shall be opened later than 9 a. m. or closed earlier than 3 p. m. ; this shall not be construed so as- to prevent half day sessions where the school accommodations are insufficient for all the pupils of the district in a whole day session. . Nor shall it interfere with any arrangements made for the conduct of the kindergarten schools ; pro^dded, that in the parish of Orleans the Board of School Directors may fix the hours of session of the public schools. A school week shall consist of five days and a school month of twenty days; and, no teacher shall be required to teach more than twenty days to be entitled to his or her salary for a school month. Section 49. Be it further enacted, etc., That before being examined each applicant for a certificate to teach shall pay a fee of one dollar. The money so received shall be forwarded to the State Superintendent of Public Education by the parish su- perintendent, along with the names. of the persons by whom it has been paid. The State Superintendent shall give to each parish super- intendent a receipt for the money, and he shall place all such funds to the credit of the State institute fund. A list of all moneys so received shall be forwarded to the State Board of Education. Section 53. Be it further enacted, etc.. That, to obtain a first grade certificate the applicant must be found competent to leach all branches required for a third grade and a second grade certificate, and also higher algebra, natural philosophy, and geometry; provided, that graduates of all institutions of learn- ings authorized to confer diplomas under the laws of this State, applying in examinations for first grade teachers certificates, be credited with having passed a satisfactory examination for said first grade teacher's certificate in such of the required subjects 12 as, by the president of said institution, may be certified to as having been completed in the course of study of the applicant, excepting theory and art of teaching as it applies to the sub- jects required for a first grade teacher's certificate, and to general school practices. Section 59. Be it further enacted, etc.. That diplomas con- ferred by the Peabody Normal School, located at Nashville, Ten- nessee, upon graduates of that institution, as also diplomas con- ferred by the State Normal School at Natchitoches, Louisiana, as also diplomas conferred upon the graduates of the Department of Philosophy and Education of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College as also diplomas con- ferred upon the graduates of the City Normal School of New Orleans, Louisiana, shall entitle the holders thereof to a first grade certificate, valid in any town or parish of this State for four years from the date of graduation, at the expiration of which time certificates awarded to the graduates of the Peabody Normal may be renewed by the State Superintendent of Public Education upon satisfactory evidence of the ability, progress and moral character of applicants asking for such renewal ; cer- tificates awarded to graduates of the State Normal School may in like manner be renewed at the expiration of four years by the board of administrators by whom they were originally issued; certificates awarded to graduates of the Department of Philos- ophy and Education of the Louisiana State University and Agri- cultural and Mechanical College may in like manner be re- newed at the expiration of four years by the board of adminis- trators, by whom they were originally issued; and certificates awarded to graduates of the City Normal School of New Orleans may in like manner be renewed at the expiration of four years by the board of directors by whom they were originally issued. Bird Day. Act No. 198. .\N ACT. For the protection of birds, other than gani'; birds, and their nests and eggs: specifying which species are non-game birds ; prohibiting trespass on bird breeding island ; prohibit- ing trapping; provding that such birds may be killed un- der certain conditions; providing for the punishment of violators thereof and for the disposition of all fines. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the State a 'id Parish Boards of Public Education are directed to provide for the celebration, by all public schools, of "Bird Day," on May fifth of each year, being the anniversary of the birth of John James Audubon, the distinguished son of Louisiana. On the recurring anniversary days, suitable exercises are 13 to be engaged in, and lessons on the economic and esthetic value of the resident and migratory birds of the State are to be taught, by the teachers, to their pupils. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That all acts or parts of acts heretofore inconsistent with or contrary to the pro- visions of this Act are hereby repealed. School Libraries. Act No. 202. AN ACT. To establish individual public schools and grade libraries for the public schools ; to provide for their purchase, care, and enlargement; and to provide penalties for the destruction of or taking and carrying away any part of libraries. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That whenever the patrons and friends of any individual school or grade of the free public schools in which a library has not already been established by aid of the parish board of school directors, shall raise by private subscription or otherwise and tender to the treasurer of the parish public school funds, for the establishment of a library to be connected with such school or grade, the sum of ten dollars, and the parish treasurer has so advised the secretary of the parish board of school directors, the said board at its next quarterly meeting shall appropriate from the public school funds the sum of ten dollars for this purpose, and shall appoint the teacher in charge of said school or grade the manager of such libraries; provided further, that at times other than during the school term, the library shall be kept in a locked case provided for under this Act. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That as soon as the secretary of the parish board of school directors shall have re- ceived notice from the treasurer of the parish public school funds (and said notice should be served by the said treasurer, within five days after receipt of same) that a donation for a library for a certain school or grade has been made, the said secretary shall inform the State Superintendent of Public Edu- cation of the fact, wher'eupon the said State Superintendent shall furnish the said secretary a list of public school library books and prices therefor, said books and prices having been approved by the State Board of Education. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc.. That within five days after the parish board of school directors shall have made an appropriation for a library, the president and secretary of the board, with the assistance of the teacher in charge of the school or grade for which the appropriation was made, shall select from the aforesaid approved list of books for public school libraries, a list of books to be purchased for the said library, and shall submit the list of books to be purchased to the secre- 14 tary of the board, who shall order the books at once, and pay- ment for same shall be made by warrant upon the treasurer of the parish public school funds signed by the president and sec- retary of the parish board of school directors. Upon applica- tion of the parish superintendent, the parish board of school directors shall furnish, to each library, at the expense of the public school funds, a neat bookcase, with lock and key. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc.,. That the local man- ager of every library shall carry out such rules and regulations for the proper use and preservation of the books as may be established by the State Superintendent of Public Education, and shall on or before the tenth day of January of each year make to the State Sviperintendent of Public Education such report as he ,may require. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc.. That when the patrons and friends of any individual school or grade of the public school in which a library has been established for one year under the preceding sections of this Act, shall raise by private subscription or otherwise and tender to the treasurer of the parish public school funds the sum of five dollars for the en- largement of the library, the parish board of school directors shall appropriate from the money belonging to that school or grade not less than the sum of five dolalrs nor more than fifteen dollars. The money thus collected and appropriated shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rules and restrictions as govern the establishment of new libraries; provided, that no more than one such appropria- tion shall be made each year for each school or grade. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the legal pos- session and ownership of the books, cases and other appendages of the school or grade library, shall be and remain in the parish board of school directors and their successors in office, and that the felonious destruction or taking and carrying away thereof, or any part thereof, or of any books, article, apparatus or furni- ture, from or belonging to any public school house owned or used for public school purposes shall and is hereby declared to be larceny, and the breaking into such school house at night, with intent to commit larceny, as herein set forth, or any felony, shall and is hereby declared to be burglary, and that any larceny or burglary so committed shall be punished as in other cases under existing statutes. Expropriation of Property. Act No. 208. AN ACT. ■ To amend and re-enact Act No. 227 of 1902. approved July 10th, 1902. entitled "An Act to amend and re-enact Act No. 96 of 1896, approved July 9th, 1896. entitled "An Act to amend 15 and re-enact Section 1479 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana, as amended by Act 117 of 1886" relat- ing to the expropriation of property for purpose of charity • and public schools and providing herein by said amend- ments for the expropriation of property for the laying of pipe lines for natural gas for supplying the public with natural gas. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That Act No. 227 of 1902, approved July 10th, 1902, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : Whenever the State or any political corporation of tLc same, created for the purpose of exercising any portion of the govern- mental powers, in the same, or the board of administrators or directors of any charity hospital, or any board of school di- rectors thereof, or any corporation constituted under the laws of this State for the construction of railroads, plank roads, turn- pike roads, or canals for navigation, or for the construction or operation of water works or sewerage to supply the public with water and sewerage, (or for the Diping and marketing of natural gas for the purpose of supplying the public, with natural gas,) or for the purpose of transmitting intelligence by magnetic tele- graph, cannot agree with the owner of land which may be wanted for its purchase, it shall be lawful for such State, cor- poration, board of administrators, directors or person to apply by petition to the district court, in which the same may be situated, or if it extends into two districts, to the judge of the district court, in which the owner resides, and if the owner does not reside in either district, to either of the district courts describing the land necessary for the purposes, with a plan of the same, and a statement of the improvement thereon, if any, and the name of the owner thereof, if known at present in the State, with a prayer that the land be adjudged to such State, corporation, board of administrators or directors upon payment to the owner of all such damages as he may sustain in conse- quence of the expropriation of said land for such public works; all claims for lands or damages to the owner caused by its taking 01' for expropriation for such Dublic work shall be barred by two (2) years' prescription which shall commence to run from the date at which the land was actually occupied and used for the construction of the works. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That all the existing l?ws for the forms and processes of expropriation of property shall be applicable to the said act and section thus amended and re-enacted. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc.. That all laws or parts of law3 in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS lllillllllilllllillilililllilllilllllillll 020 312 077 1