HV 28 .C7S3 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS o°* .'^^1'!% .<" yi i^> -t • • • V * ** ■o, ♦TV-* iO • ^A° .. - r> .0^ *»• ETER COOPEK, T\i9 Good CiHz^B- PETER COOPER. PETER COOPER. '^*"' THE GOOD CITIZEH, REV. W. SCOTT. " To the weig-ht of precept, biography adds the force and efficacy of example. It presents correct and beautiful models, and awakens Ihe impuJse to imitate what we admire. By the recorded actions of the great and good, we rei'ulate our own course and steer, star-guided, over Ufe's trackless ocean."— Ltdia H. Sigourney. " Were public benefactors to be allowed to pass away, like hewers of wood and drawers of water, without commemoration, genius and enterprise would be deprived of their most coveted distinction."— SiK Henkt Englefield. New York : CHURCH AND HOME PUBLISHING CO , 721 East 141st Street. 1888. COPYRIGHT BY CHURCH AND HOME PUBLISHING CO. 1888. BEDELL, PRESS, N. Y. ^^m^fU^'m€4^-id -a- Cyiu t ^ *i ^°-^^.. •° .^" **. -»:/^^ 7;.* ,0^ 4 O 0°' /. .0* .'V- v ^** \ - ,% "<^. A ^ o " • ♦ <^^ <> *'7V.» ,C ^-^^ • V- rO' ..