Class Book Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSm THE EVER READY DOCTOR The Ever Ready Doctor Devoted to Prevention and Home Treatment of Diseases. "With Full Description of Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment. by W. B. House, M. D. PRICE, $2.00 Published by National Distributing Company, Chicago, 111. Copyrighted, 1915 by NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING CO. Chicago, 111. JUN 26 1915 5O.A406452 Foreword. "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves,' ' is a saying that is old, but nevertheless, just as true today as it ever was. It is especially true in the prevention and treatment of the many human ail- ments that nature so often visits on us. There is a great object in this book. This object is to supply a "real need" to the tens of thousands of American families who are not conveniently located near a physician's office, or to those whose circum- stances are such that they are not able to consult him on the slightest symptoms of an approaching illness, which quite frequently, if not immediately and properly treated, develop serious symptoms, often followed by years of suffering or even death. Its mission is for prevention rather than cure. Almost every human ailment known is described at length within its pages, not only their causes, but prevention, symptoms, sequels and full treatments as well. This is done in such simple language that anyone who can read and follow out the simple explanations given within its pages can pretty well determine just what the nature of each ailment is by its symptoms, and, by following the treatment prescribed, not only check and avert serious complica- tions, but in many cases disaster and probable death. To those who are so situated that the services of a doctor can be conveniently had on the slightest illness, we wish to emphasize that this book is not intended to supplant their family doctor, but, rather, to help him. If you or anyone in your family show 8 THE EVER READY DOCTOR the slightest symptoms of an oncoming illness, you will, by careful study of this book, be enabled to realize the gravity of the case and consult your doc- tor in time to avert serious developments. Or, in the milder cases save him the trouble and yourself the expense of his visits. As it is a well known fact that ' ' an ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of cure," so by the guid- ance of this book you will be able to prevent a great many illnesses, and thus save yourself many hours, or even days and weeks of pain and anguish and the more dreaded sequels of many of the diseases. The treatments given in this book are all pre- scribed by Dr. W. B. House, a graduate of 1885 from the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, with special course taken at the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. The doctor has had a wide and varied experience as a family physician for 30 years, an experience which is ripened and can be trusted, and that will be made of benefit to many thousands of families through this book. He has a wide acquaintance, and has the strongest of endorse- ments, not only from his patients, but among medical men of highest standing. Most of the remedies recommended are also manufactured under the doctor's supervision, from his own formulae, used in his long and extensive practice, and need no comment by us, except that, al- though we have looked far and wide we could find no remedies with better or stronger recommendations as to reliability and effectiveness than those of Dr. House, some of which he has used for twenty years and more with continuously successful results. His methods of treatment are the most logical, therefore the most practical and effective means to a cure. While there are hundreds of remedies sold and prescribed for almost every known ailment, it is un- reasonable to believe that the best results can be ob- THE EVER READY DOCTOR 9 tained bj r the use of one single remedy alone in a seri- ous illness. Where there is fever with constipation or a bowel tract loaded with poisonous matters, it is necessary not only to take a medicine to check the fever with its headache but also one to relieve or prevent the consti- pation, or to remove the cause of the fever. This can- not be done with a fever medicine alone, a laxative and antiseptic must be regularly taken as well ; while, if the body is run down, some medicine to build it up into shape to combat the disease must also be taken to hasten speedy and complete recovery. Temporarily checking the symptoms as some sin- gle remedies do is not enough. The cause must be ascertained and removed, otherwise the disease is liable to return stronger and with more serious re- sults. In conclusion we might add that all of the prepa- rations and medicines recommended in this book are sold by us so that you can always depend on getting .iust what you want and know just where to get it. We hope you will find this work of great help and value to you. and that whenever occasion demands von will, by turning to its pages, find relief, advice and consolation that will number you among the many friends that we already have. National Distributing Co. 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. A Chat With Doctor House. Having prescribed the treatments for this book, I would like a personal word with the readers. I am not a specialist, unless it be as a family- physician. The curing of disease in the easiest and simplest way has been and is my ambition. Success- ful physicians of experience do nearly all of their best work with but very few remedies, and the longer they practice the more simplified their treatment becomes. In my own practice I have used with great suc- cess a few prescriptions of wide scope and great util- ity. The first of importance was Painolets, more than twenty years ago, after ten years of active practice. There was no intention at first of putting them on the market, but I finally did so because of their very great value and because their value created a demand ; and the most enthusiastic users of them today are the customers who began using them in their families eighteen or twenty years ago. As time passed and experience matured other remedies were perfected and adopted, making a list of a few, but of such wide scope that almost every disease can be treated and successfully combated. It is not intended nor expected that these reme- dies shall supplant the services of your doctor when- ever he is needed. Do not by any means neglect call- ing him at such times. But you will find by follow- ing the advice given in this book and by keeping a supply of these remedies always on hand, that you will very seldom require a physician, and will have very much less illness in your home. Study the rem- edies and their uses and become familiar with the carefully prepared directions with each package and the suggestions in this book. You will then be able 12 THE EVER READY DOCTOR to act intelligently in eases of sickness or emergency, and the more so as you become familiar with them. Each remedy is made with a view to its use by people in their homes, and so as to be safely used by anyone; but even so, you should watch the effects of any remedy, especially when new to you, and if there is any unpleasant action take smaller doses or stop it for the time. Where no dose or frequency is given in this book you can follow the directions and sugges- tions accompanying the package. At their own request, the National Distributing Company have arranged to handle these remedies. I, myself, attend to their manufacture, aud they are pre- pared with exactly the same highest grade ingre- dients as for my own practice. They are not cheap, but they are economical. They DO THINGS, and will do them for you, and do them promptly and right, and will rarely disappoint you. It is very important that you have on hand at least those of the remedies mostly prescribed, to- gether with any of the special remedies that you are most likely to need, and thus BE READY for any emergency. The fireman does not wait for the fire and then get ready ; but gets ready and then waits for the fire. So should you be prepared for sickness. BE READY, and at first show of any ailment begin promptly, abruptly and vigorously and knock the creature out. These remedies can be depended upon. Get familiar with them and learn how to make the best use of them. Any special or confidential inquiries or communi- cations addressed to me, in care of the National Dis- tributing Company, will be held in perfect confidence. Yours for better health, INDEX A Page. Abcess, Alveolar 169 Acute Catarrh of the Bow- els — see Acute Diar- :-hea 90 ' Lc ;nd Chronic Dys- entery in Adults — see Bloody Flux 98 Acute Diarrhea 90 Acute Indigestion 81 Acute Milk Infection — see Cholera Infantum. 94 Acute Rheumatism — see Rheumatic Fever 105 Amenorrhea — see Sup- pressed Menstruation. .123 Appendicitis 99 Arrest of Menstruation, Sudden 125 Asthma 73 Asthmazone 181 Astragine 183 Astringent Lotion 184 Atomizer 184 B Baldness — see Dandruff . .159 Balmolets 184 Bed-wetting 114 Bilious Malaria 47 Biliousness 85 Bites, Insect — see Stings. 159 Bites, Snake 159 Blackheads — see Pimples. 154 Black Water Fever 49 Bladder, Inflammation of the 113 Bladder and Kidney Dis- eases — see Rheumatism . 105 Bloody Flux 98 Body, The Human 19 Boils, Carbuncles, etc.... 156 Bowels and Stomach, The 81 Bowels, Catarrh of the. . . 81 Bowels, Acute Catarrh of the — see Acute Diarrhea 90 Brainotone 185 Breast, Cancer of the 162 Bright's Disease 112 Bronchitis 66 Bruises — see Wounds 159 Burns and Scalds 157 Bust and Form Develop- ment, Lack of .167 C Cancer of the Breast 162 Cancer of the Lips 162 Cancer of the Stomach. . .162 Cancer of the Womb 162 Carbuncles — see Boils 156 Catarrh of the Bowels, Acute — see Acute Diar- rhea 90 Catarrh, Nasal 65 Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels — see Acute Indigestion 81 Catarrh of the Stomach, Chronic — see Indiges- tion 86 Chafing and Chapping 153 Change of Life 131 chapping — see Chafing. . .153 Chaps , 153 Chest, Rheumatism of the. 109 Chickenpox 30 Cholera Infantum 94 Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach — see Indiges- tion 86 Chronic Diarrhea 96 Ch ronic Indigestion — see Indigestion 86 Chronic Malaria 47 Chronic Rheumatism ...107 Clapp — See Gonorrhea 133 14 INDEX- Cleanliness, Vaginal 129 Climacteric — see Change of Life 131 Coarse, Large Pores 155 Colds 63 Cold Cream 186 Colic, Mucous in "Women. 97 Confinement 130 Conjunctivitis 147 Consumption 69 Contagious Fevers, Erup- tive 21 Corns 165 Corn-Cura 186 Cough 66 Cough, Whooping 41 Croup, Membranous 69 Croup, Spasmodic 69 Cuts — see Wounds 159 D Dandruff and Baldness. . .159 Dandruff Remover 187 Delayed or Scanty Men- struation 125 Diarrhea, Acute 90 Diarrhea, Chronic 96 Diarrhea of Children, Sim- ple 91 Diphtheria 64 Dizziness 54 Dropsy 113 Dysentery 95 Dysentery, Acute and Chronic in Adults — see Bloody Flux 98 Dysmenorrhea — see Pain- ful Menstruation 121 Dyspepsia — see Indiges- tion 86 Dyspepsia, Nervous 88 Dyspepsia Tablets, Ever Ready 187 E Earache 149 Ear and Eye, The 147 156 - (Cont'd; Epilepsy 55 Epsom Salts ! ! ! 189 Eruptive Contagious" Fev- ers 21 Erysipelas 43 External Piles '.'...103 Eye and Ear, The ....... !l47 Eyeola ] jgg F Face Powder 190 Fat— see Obesity . !i66 Feet 165 Fever, Black Water 49 Fevers, Eruptive Contag- ious 21 Fevers in General .... 33 Fever, Malaria 45 Fever, Rheumatic 11 ! 105 Fever, Scarlet 21 Fever, Typhoid 35 Fever, Yellow 49 Fits— see Epilepsy ...... 55 Flux, Bloody gg Freckle Cream 191 Freckles and Liverspots. .155 G Gem Cleanser 192 German Measles 25 Gonorrhea 133 Gonorrhea in Women 135 Gout, Rheumatic 109 Graduate 192 Grippe, La— see Influenza 75 H Headache 141 Headache from Indiges- tion 142 Headache, Nervous 143 Headache, Neuralgic 143 Headache from Poisoning. 143 Headache of Rheumatism. 144 Headache, Sick .141 Headache, Sympathetic. . .142 Heart Disorders 166 Heartlets 192 INDEX— (Cont'd) Hernia — see Rupture 102 Hives 154 Hot Water Bottle 193 Human Body, The 19 Indigestion 86 Indigestion, Acute 81 Indigestion, Headache from 142 Infectious Diseases 35 Inflammation of the Blad- der 113 Inflammation of the Kid- neys Ill Inflammation of Ovaries. 129 Inflammatory Rheumatism — see Rheumatic Fever. 105 Influenza 75 Inherited Syphilis 138 Insect Bites — see Stings.. 159 Internal Piles 103 Itching 158 Jaundice 82 K Kidney and Bladder Dis- eases — see Rheumatism. 105 Kidneys, Inflammation of the Ill Lack of Bust and Form Development 167 La Grippe — see Influenza. 75 Large, Coarse Pores 155 La Tonic 193 Laxets 194 Leucorrhea 126 Lips, Cancer of the 162 Liverspots— see Freckles.. 155 Lues— see Syphilis 137 Lumbago 108 Lungs and Throat 61 Lungs, Tuberculosis of the 69 M Malaria 45 Malaria, Bilious 47 Malaria, Chronic 47 Malaria, Pernicious 48 Massajit 196 Measles 23 Measles, German „ . . 25 Medicine Dropper 197 Menopause, The — see Change of Life 131 Membranous Croup 69 Menstruation 119 Menstruation, Painful 121 Menstruation, Scanty or Delayed 125 Menstruation, Sudden Ar- rest of 125 Menstruation, Suppressed. 123 Miscarriage 131 Mucous Colic in Women.. 97 Mumps 40 Muscular Rheumatism ...108 N Nasal Catarrh 65 Neck, Stiff 109 Nervous Diseases 53 Nervous Headache . . ._. . . .143 Nervous Prostration . 53 Nervous Dyspepsia 88 Nettlerash— see Hives 154 Neuralgia 54 Neuralgic Headache 143 Neurasthenia 53 Nuaseptic 197 Nuaseptic Lotion 200 Nuaseptic Oil 202 Nuaseptic Solution 199 Obesity 166 Obesity Tablets 203 Ovaries, Inflammation of the 129 Painful Menstruation 121 16 INDEX- Painolets 204 Pernicious Malaria ...... 48 Piles 103 Piles, External 103 Piles, Internal ...^ 103 Pimples and Blackheads. .154 Pink Eye 149 Pleurisy 64 Pneumonia 67 Poisoning, Headache from. 143 Pores, Large, Coarse 155 Pox— see Syphilis 137 Prostration, Nervous 53 Q Quinsy 62 R Rectum Plugs 206 Reola 206 Rheumatic Fever 105 Rheumatic Gout 109 Rheumatism, Acute — see Rheumatic Fever 105 Rheumatism of the Chest. 109 Rheumatism, Chronic ...107 Rheumatism, Headache of .144 Rheumatism, Inflamma- tory — see Rheumatic Fever 105 Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Diseases 105 Rheumatism, Muscular. . .108 Rupture 102 S Salflz 209 Salt Rheum — see Eczema. 156 Sarcoma 161 Scalds and Burns 157 Scanty or Delayed Men- struation 125 Scarlet Fever 21 Sciatica 158 Sexual Diseases 133 Sexual Organs 119 Shakit 212 - (Cont'd) Shampoo Liquid 212 Sick Headache 141 Simple Diarrhea of Chil- dren 91 Skin Diseases 153 Smallpox 26 Snake Bites 159 Sores 158 Sore Throat 64 Spasmodic Croup 69 Sprains 168 Stiff Neck 109 Stings, Insect Bites 159 Stomach and Bowels, The 81 Stomach, Cancer of the.. 162 Stomach, Catarrh of the.. 81 Stomach, Chronic Catarrh of — see Indigestion 86 Stye 147 Sudden Arrest of Menstru- ation , 125 Summer Complaint — see Cholera Infantum 94 Sunstroke 168 Suppressed Menstruation . 1 23 Suspensary 213 Sympathetic Headache. . .142 Syphilis 137 Syphilis, Inherited 138 Syringe, Penis 213 Syringe, Fountain 213 T Tears — see Wounds 159 Teeth 168 Teething 169 Tetter — see Eczema 156 Thermometer 214 Throat and Lungs, the 61 Throat, Sore 64 Tissutone 214 Tonsilitis 61 Toothache 169 Tooth Paste 216 Tooth, Ulcerated — see Ab- scess Aheolar 169 Tuberculosis of the Lungs 69 Tumors 161 Typhoid Fever 35 INDEX— (Cont'd) 17 Ulcerated Tooth — see Ab- cess Alveolar 169 Vaginal Cleanliness 129 Varicocele 136 Vox-Galega Tablets 217 W Warts 159 Wens 163 Whites — see Leucorrhea. .126 Whooping Cough 41 Womb — Cancer of the 162 Wounds, Bruises, Tears, Cuts, etc 159 Yellow Fever 49 CHAPTER I The Human Body The body of man is a most complicated machine that is subject to many disorders; many of these are directly resultant from and are the effects of abuses. Good health can be retained with a little care and the serious disorders can be avoided in many cases by proper attention to this intricate machinery. The average person does not consider himself except as an inexhaustible energetic body, if he gives his body any consideration at all, and for this reason he pays no attention to his physical condition. He expects all wrongs to right themselves without any co-operation on his part whatever. In the human body there are more than two hundred and fifty bones and more than five hundred muscles. The length of the bowel or alimentary canal is about thirty-two feet. The weight of the blood in an average adult is thirty pounds, or one-fifth of the entire weight of the body. The temperature of the blood is 100° F. The normal temperature of the average healthy adult is 98 6/10° F. The heart is about four inches in diameter and about six inches in length. It beats at the rate of Beventy times a minute — over thirty-six million times a year. With each beat of the heart over two ounces of blood are thrown out of it, one hundred and eighty ounces a minute or about eight tons a day. All the For articled referred to In treatments see pn^es 173 to 217. 20 THE EVER READY DOCTOR blood in the body passes through the heart in three minutes. The lungs, at their usual degree of inflation, contain about one gallon of air. We breathe, on an average, one thousand two hundred times an hour, six hundred gallons of air. The combined surface of the air cells of the lungs is greater than twenty thousand square inches. The average weight of the brain of an adult male is three pounds and eight ounces; of a female two pounds and four ounces. The skin is composed of three layers and varies in thickness from one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch. Each square inch of skin contains three thou- sand five hundred pores. These if compared with a ditch draining the body would make a tube forty miles long. The nerves probably exceed ten million in num- ber. The whole nervous system is connected with the spinal marrow and thus to the brain. This, it is plain, exerts a great influence over the mental and physical condition of a person. The study of the human ailments is a subject that every man and every woman should know some- thing of. It is not possible for everyone to know all that is known of these ailments, but it is possible for everyone to understand the seriousness of neglect and self-abuses so that serious diseases and disorders may be avoided or corrected. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER II Eruptive Contagious Fevers. Scarlet Fever, Measles, German Measles, Small- pox and Chickenpox. — These, with the exception of smallpox, attack children more commonly than adults. It is therefore wise to isolate children as soon as any fever is noted, even if from "a cold," to avoid pos- sible spread of a contagious disease. The child should stay in a room by himself and the doors kept closed ; other children should not enter the room nor should objects be removed to other parts of the house after the room is occupied by the sick child. The services of a physician are desirable to take measures to protect the family, neighbors and com- munity from contagion ; failure to secure medical aid is regarded by law as criminal neglect, subject to punishment. Failure to report the presence of con- tagious diseases is also a crime. Scarlet Fever. Scarlatina occurs most frequently in children, be- tween the ages of two and six years, one attack usu- ally protects against another. Close contact with the patient, or objects which have come in close contact with the patient, are apparently necessary for conta- gion. It takes from two to five days for the disease to show itself after contagion; rarely it shows in twenty- four hours and still more rarely in a week to ten days. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 17.1 to 217. 22 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Symptoms — The attack is usually sudden. It be- gins with vomiting (young children sometimes have convulsions), sore throat, fever, chilliness and head- aches, furred tongue ; patient is stupid or restless and delirious. In twenty-four hours rash appears (first on neck, chest or lower back), in forty-eight hours it spreads on trunk, legs and body, excepting the face, which may be flushed. The rash is fine, scarlet pin points scattered over flushed skin. At end of second day the whole body is the color of a boiled lobster. After this time it generally fades and disappears in five to seven days, then scaling of the skin begins and continues for ten days to ten weeks, usually termi- nating at the end of the eighth week. The tongue first shows points through white coating. After this clears it presents a raspberry-like appearance. The throat is deep red and tonsils dotted white or covered with white or gray membrane like diphtheria, which some- times complicates scarlet fever. The fever is 103° to 107° F. (very high), pulse 120 to 150. Both decline after rash develops usually by fourth day. Complications and Sequels are frequent, making this the most dreaded of eruptive diseases, except smallpox. Care should therefore be taken at the first indication of the disease. Enlarged glands under the jaw are common, usually not serious, but they may enlarge and threaten life. Pain andswelling of joints are also common and may cause serious inflammation of these parts. Inflammation of the kidneys is also very common. Disease of the kidneys usually results in recovery, occasionally death occurs or chronic Bright 's disease of these organs set in. Inflammation of the middle ear with abscess — deafness — is not un- common. This complication may be prevented to a considerable extent by spraying the nose and throat and by the use of nightcap with earlaps, if room is cold. The heart is sometimes attacked. Blindness, paralysis and St. Vitus Dance are rare sequels. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 23 Measles are sometimes confounded with, scarlet fever when determining disease; measles, however, may be distinguished by the rash appearing first on the face. The patient must be put to bed in the most airy and sunny room heated 70° F. Use flannel nightgown. Full doses of Nuaseptic are recommended. Fever is best overcome by using Painolets as per directions, and sponging with warm Nuaseptic Lotion. To di- minish restlessness and delirium, sponge body a part at a time, dry the part as soon as sponged, repeat process when fever goes over 103° F. If there is chilliness after sponging, place hot water bottles at feet. Spray or swab throat and nose with Nuaseptic, 8 tablets to y 2 glass of water, unless very young in- fant, every 2 hours, or gargle throat with 4 tablets of Nuaseptic dissolved in a glass of water ; use this solu- tion also for spray or swab in infants, gradually in- creasing its strength if well borne. The diet should consist of milk, broth or thin gruels ; plenty of water should be allowed. Massajit should be rubbed over the spine and throat night and morning during entire sickness and convalescence. In infants reduce it with equal part or more of sweet oil. Keep the bowels regular with Laxets. After fever subsides vegetables, fruit, cereals and milk may be permitted, together with meat or eggs once daily. Nurse should wear gown and cap over the outside clothes, to be slipped off and on upon leaving and entering the sick room. Measles. This is a more contagious disease than scarlet fever, characterized by a preliminary stage of fever and catarrh of the eyes, nose and throat, and followed by a general eruption of the skin. One attack usually protects against another. A patient is capable of com- municating the disease before the appearance of the rash and until the end of the third week. It is most For articles referred to in treatments see paRes 173 to 217. 24 THE EVER READY DOCTOR common between the ages of two and six years. Adults are attacked by measles more often than by scarlet fever. A period of from seven to sixteen days elapses after contracting measles before it becomes apparent. Symptoms. — This disease begins like severe nasal catarrh with fever, eyes get red and watery, nose runs, throat is irritable, red and sore. There is cough with chilliness and muscular soreness. High fever at night, from 102° to 104° F., pulse ranges from 100 to 120, drowsiness for a day or two before rash appears, coated tongue, no appetite, occasional vomiting and thirst are present during this period. Minute white spots surrounded by a red zone appear in the mouth opposite the back teeth before eruption occurs. The preliminary period, when patient appears to be suffer- ing with a severe cold, lasts about four days, then the rash breaks out. The rash appears first on the face, then the chest, trunk and limbs are covered. Two days are required for complete development of the rash. It remains then in full bloom for two days. It then begins to subside, fading completely in two days — six days in all. The rash appears as slightly raised, bright red blotches on the face which is slightly swollen. Between the mottled red rash the natural color of the skin may be seen. At this time the cough may be hoarse and incessant and the eyes extremely sensitive to light. The fever and other symptoms abate when the rash subsides, then the scaling of the skin occurs. Complications and Sequels are: Bronchitis, pneumonia, croup, sore eyes, ear abscess and deafness, violent diarrhea, convulsions and sometimes consump- tion accompanies or follows measles if proper care is not taken. Measles are more severe in adults than in children. Put patient to bed in a darkened room, well ventilated at temperature of 70° P. Other children For articles referred to lu treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 25 in the house should be kept away from the patient, they should also be kept away from school and their companions to prevent spread of the disease. The bowels should be kept regular with Laxets. If tem- perature is at 103° F., or over, sponge body with tepid Nuaseptic Lotion, exposing and sponging one part at a time. When cough is incessant and rash does not come out well use hot pack as follows: The patient is stripped and wrapped from feet to neck in a blanket wrung out in a gallon of hot Nuaseptic Lotion. This is then covered with two dry blankets and. allowed to remain for two or three hours. If there is hoarseness the neck should be rubbed with Massajit and covered with a flannel bandage. Cough is also relieved by Balmolets. Eyeola is to be dropped into the eyes with a medicine dropper every two hours whenever there is any soreness. Severe diarrhea is combated with As- tragine. For adults the diet consists of milk, broths, gruels and raw eggs. Infants living on milk mixture should receive their regular mixture diluted one-half with barley water. Nourishment should be given every two hours except during sleep. The patient should be in bed from the beginning and until all rash and fever has subsided, and should remain in his room for three days after getting up, and after leaving his room should stay in the house a week longer. The principal danger after an attack of measles is pneumonia or consumption and the great- est care should be exercised to avoid exposure to wet or cold draughts. German Measles. This is a distinctly different disease from Measles, one attack usually protects against another. The period after contracting the disease to its appearance varies greatly, from five to eighteen days. For articles referred to In treatments see paces 173 to 217. 26 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Symptoms. — The rash in children is usually the first indication. In others, for a day or two before eruption there may be headache, soreness and redness of the throat, red spots on the upper surface in the back of the mouth, chilliness, soreness in muscles, loss of appetite and watering eyes. Unlike Measles there are no catarrhal symptoms, unless very mild, and there is no hard persistent cough. Fever is some- times absent in German Measles, usually about 100° F., rarely 102° F. The rash on the face appears first and spreads to the chest and the whole body within twenty-four hours at most. The eruption takes the form of slightly raised spots from the size of a pin head to that of a pea, round or oval, color is rose red, sometimes running for two days and then fades into a coppery hue as it disappears. Enlarged glands under the jaw and on the back of the neck often accompany the disorder, the latter are the most characteristic. There is very little treatment required. The patient should remain in bed in a darkened room on a liquid diet while the fever lasts and remain apart from others until the eruptions are passed. The eyes should be treated with Eyeola. The diet should con- sist of milk, broths, thin cereals, beef juice, raw eggs and egg nog. Infants should have their milk diluted one-half with barley water. A bath and cleansing and airing after the disease without chemical disinfection. Smallpox. This is one of the most contagious diseases known. It is not necessary to come in close contact with the patient as the germs can travel some distance through the air. One attack almost invariably protects against another. All ages are liable to smallpox, and it is particularly fatal in young children. A period of For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 27 from nine to fifteen days elapses after exposure before the appearance of the first symptoms. Symptoms. — The first onset usually appears with the same symptoms as severe grippe; sudden chill, severe pains in the head, back and limbs, loss of appetite and vomiting, dizziness on sitting up and fever — 103° to 105° F. In young children convul- sions often take the place of chills in adults. On the second day a rash appears on the lower part of the belly, thighs and arms lasting for a day or two, it is very evanescent and rarely seen. Diarrhea and vomit- ing occur, particularly in children. On the evening of the fourth day the true eruption usually appears. First on the forehead and face, then on the arms, hands, legs, palms and soles. The eruptions take consecutively four forms; first, red, feeling like pimples, then on the second or third day these pimples are tipped with little blisters surrounded by a red blush. Two or three days later the pimples are filled with "matter" or pus, are rounded on top and present a yellowish appearance. Finally, on about the tenth day of the eruption, the pustules dry up and the "matter" exudes, forming large, yellowish or brownish crusts, which, after a while, drop off leaving red marks, and, in severe cases, pitting. The fever often disappears on the appearance of the erup- tion and in mild cases does not reappear; in severe forms the temperature remains about 100° F. and when the eruption is at its height again mounts to 103° to 105° P., falling gradually with convalescence. The eruption is most severe on the hands, face and forearms. It appears also in the mouth and throat and when fully developed on the face, gives great pain and swelling, distorting the features beyond recognition. Delirium is common at this stage and the patient needs constant watching to prevent his escape from bed. In severe forms the pimples run For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 28 THE EVER READY DOCTOR together, making one distorted mass of swelling, sore- ness and crusting. A still worse form is " black smallpox" in which the skin becomes a dark purplish hue, each pustule being a blood blister, bleeding oc- curs from the nose, mouth, etc. These cases are al- most without exception, fatal in five to six days. After the first or "false eruption" takes place the patient may feel absolutely well, it however passes through the stages mentioned although only half the time may be occupied. Smallpox is often mistaken for chickenpox, or some of the skin diseases, especially in its mild form. Complications : While a variety of disorders may follow in the wake of smallpox complications are not very frequent, even in severe cases. Inflammation of the eyelids is very common and also boils in the late stages. Delirium and convulsions in children are also frequent, as well as diarrhea. Among the less common complications are pneumonia, diseases of the heart, insanity, paralysis, skin eruption of various kinds, inflammation of the joints, eyes, ears and baldness. Vaccination stands as one of the great preventive measures in smallpox, innoculation with matter taken from one of the eruptive points on the body of a calf suffering with cowpox. Vaccination is supposed to protect for four or five years, the length of time varying with different individuals. It is optional with the individual whether he be vaccinated every four years. Treatment of the disease is largely a matter of careful nursing. The patient must be quar- antined in an isolated building, all unnecessary articles should be removed from the sick room such as furnishings and carpets. The room should be darkened to save the eyes. The diet should be liquid ; milk, broths and gruels. A physician should be sent For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 29 for at the slightest suspicion of the disease. Where a physician cannot be secured, sponging with Nuasep- tic Lotion throughout the disease is essential, warm or cool (see article on Scarlet Fever) with the use of cold on the head to relieve the itching, fever and delirium. The cold pack is still more effective. To give this the patient is wrapped in a sheet wrung out in Nuaseptic Lotion at a temperature of 69° or 75° F. The wet sheet surrounds the naked body from feet to neck and is tucked between the legs and between the body and arms, the whole is then covered with a dry blanket and a cold wet cloth or ice is placed upon the head. The patient may be permitted to remain in the pack for an hour, when it may be renewed, if necessary, to allay fever and restlessness, otherwise it may be discontinued. The necessity for the cold sponging or cold pack are indicated when the temperature is over 10214° F., and when with fever there is restlessness and delirium. Great cleanliness is important throughout the disease; the bed clothes should be changed daily and the patient should be sponged two or three times with warm Nuaseptic Lotion daily unless fever is high. Cloths wet with cold Nuaseptic Lotion should be kept con- tinuously on the face and hands, cut holes in a piece of oil silk for the eyes, nose and mouth, and make a face mask, keep the whole face covered with this to keep in the moisture. The hair must be cut short, and crusts on the scalp treated with frequent sponging and applications of Nuaseptic. Eyeola should be dropped into the eyes 2 to 4 times a day, and the throat Sprayed every few hours with Nuaseptic, 8 to a half glass of water, or a gargle with 2 to 4 Nuaseptics to a half glass of water. Diarrhea may be checked in adults with Astraginc, ;i tea spoonful in hot water after each prim- age. All clothes, dishes, etc., coming in contad with Tor articles referred to In treatments see pn(?es 173 to 217. 30 THE EVER READY DOCTOR the person must be boiled or burned. When patient is well, being entirely free from scabs, and a bath is taken, he may dress, outside of sick room and resume his daily occupation. Chickenpox. This is a distinct disease and is in no way related to smallpox. It sometimes attacks a patient suffering with or recovering from smallpox, vaccination will not prevent it. Chickenpox is not common in adults. One attack of chickenpox usually protects against another. The disease is contagious, attacking chiefly children. A period of two weeks elapses usually before its appearance, this may vary to three weeks. Symptoms. — The eruption is often the first indica- tion, in some cases there is preliminary discomfort for a few hours before the appearance of the rash. There may be nausea, chilliness, sometimes vomiting and rarely convulsions in infants, pain in the head and limbs and a slight fever 99° to 103° F. The eruption shows first on the back in the form of red pimples rapidly developing into pearl-like blisters about the size of a pea, these are sometimes surrounded by red flush. These blisters vary greatly in number, from twenty-five or less to two hundred. They do not spread together, and in three to four days dry up, shrivel and pucker into a dark brown or blackish crust and drop off leaving in most cases red spots. The fever usually continues during the eruption. During the first few days successive crops of new pimples and blisters appear, while the first crop is dropping off the succeeding one may be in full development. In chickenpox the eruption is seen mostly on the unexposed skin, but may occur on the scalp and forehead and even on the palms, soles and face. In many cases the eruption is found on the roof of the mouth and inside of the cheeks. The For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 81 blisters seldom contain pus ("matter"). Scratching may cause pus to form and cause ugly scars — rarely pitting. The patient usually feels well throughout the attack which lasts from eight to twelve days.- "With proper care complications are very rare and a rapid recovery is usually the result. The patient should be kept in bed until the blisters have dried. To prevent scratching and pro- mote healing Nuaseptic Solution No. 4 should be applied on all eruptions. Painolets according to directions on package are excellent to check fever ; the bowels should be kept free with Laxets, while through- out the disease 1 or 2 Nuaseptics in water is recom- mended four times a day, (children 10 drops of Solu- tion No. 2 to a teaspoonful of water.) The diet should be milk, broths, thin cereals, beef juice, raw eggs, or egg nog, infants should be kept isolated until all signs of disease have disappeared, then a bath and fresh clothes before going out. The sick room should be thoroughly cleansed and aired. Great care should be exercised by a competent physician to determine the disease not to be smallpox. For articles referred to In treatments see pa«es 173 to 217. CHAPTEB m Fevers in General. General Treatment. Begin on a fever as soon as it does on you, and don't let it get the advantage. Clean out the bowels and keep them clean. Take 1 Painolet and a teaspoon- ful Salfiz every half hour for 4 or 5 doses, and con- tinue Salfiz morning and night; 2 Nuaseptics every 2 hours at first, then every 4 hours, to destroy all disease germs and to keep the stomach and bowels in thoroughly antiseptic condition. To relieve congested and inflamatory conditions and nerve tension take Painolets, 2 every 2 hours (an hour after the Nuaseptics) till fever begins to lessen, then every 4 hours, varying to suit circumstances. Apply Massajit to spine frequently, and over any affected organs 2 or 3 times daily. Sponge frequently with Nuaseptic Lotion, spending 15 to 30 minutes, going several times over entire body, especially over any affected parts. This simple but powerful Lotion opens the pores, vitalizes the skin and glands and neutralizes the poisons. During convalescence take Tissutone to build up on. For articles referred to in treatments see paces 173 to 217. CHAPTEE IV Infectious Diseases. Typhoid Fever. Through ignorance, many times mild forms of typhoid fever are called mountain fever, slow fever, gastric fever, malaria fever, nervous fever, etc., all true typhoid. Typhoid fever is caused by a germ which attacks the intestines and also invades the blood and all other parts of the body. It is characterized by an eruption, fever, tenderness and distension of the bowels and general diarrhea. It is most prevalent in the late summer and autumn months after a hot, dry spell. No age is exempt from its attack though it is more common between the ages of fifteen to thirty years. The robust succumb -as easily as the weak, it affects both sexes alike. Communication is brought in many ways, contamination of drinking water through bad drainage, flies carry the disease by light- ing on the nose, mouth and discharges of typhoid patients and carrying the germs to food. All water, where typhoid fever is prevalent should be boiled, raw food and vegetables should be avoided. Killing the flies and keeping them out of houses becomes imperative. Milk is a source of con- tagion through water used to wash containers and to adulterate it. Oysters growing near sewers and rivers are carriers of the germs and should never be eaten raw. It is probable the germs enter the body by being for articles roferred to In treatments see pases 173 to 217. 36 THE EVER READY DOCTOR swallowed. Ice may harbor the disease for many months, freezing does not kill it. Typhoid germs escape from sick-rooms in the bowel discharges, urin, sweat, saliva and vomited matter. The disease is preventable and will probably be stamped out in time. In some most thickly populated cities where drainage and water supply are good it is hardly known, while in some of the most whole- some country districts, its ravages are fatal through ignorance and carelessness. One attack usually pro- tects against another. From eight to twenty-three days elapse after the disease is contracted before the patient is taken sick. Symptoms. — Typhoid fever is subject to so many variations that it is impossible to enumerate all of them. Rest at the outset is imperative, persons who persist in walking about for the first week or so are most likely to die of the disease. The average duration of the disease is about one month. The first week the development is gradual, the temperature advancing a little higher each day, 99° F. the first, 101° the second, 102° the fourth, 104° the fifth, 105° the sixth, and 106° the seventh. The temperature is usually one degree lower in the morning than that of the previous night. For two weeks, the second and third, the fever remains at its height. During the third week the temperature gradually falls. After the entrance of the typhoid germs and before they manifest themselves there may be lassitude and dis- inclination for work. The disease begins with backache, loss of appetite, headache, chills in adults, convulsions in children, soreness in muscles, nosebleed, pains in the belly, vomiting, diarrhea, coated tongue, cough, flushed face and pulse, temperature 100°, gradually increas- ing. At the end of the first week or ten days pink- red pin-point spots appear on the chest and belly For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 37 nambering from two to a dozen or more. These will disappear on pressure, only to return immediately. Headache is now intense. These "rose spots" often come in crops during the second and third week, last for a few days and depart. During the second week delirium and wandering at night is common; the headache goes, the patient is stupid and has a dusky, flushed face. The tongue gets brown in color, its coat is cracked, the teeth are covered with a brown- ish matter. The skin is generally red and the belly distended and tender. Diarrhea is often present with three to ten discharges daily of a light-yellow bean- soup nature, with a very offensive odor; constipa- tion, however, through the disease in the more serious cases is common. The pulse varies from 80 to 120 a minute. During the third week, in moderate cases, the general condition begins to improve with lowering of the temperature, clearing of the tongue and less frequent bowel movements. In severe cases, however, the patient becomes weaker with rapid, feeble pulse, ranging from 120 to 140, muttering delirium and stupor, twitching of the wrists, general trembling of the muscles in moving and picking at the bed clothes, slow hesitating speech and enunciation. The urine and feces may pass unconsciously in bed. The patient with delirium requires watching to prevent him from injuring himself and getting out of bed. He may appear insane. During the fourth week in favorable cases the temperature falls to normal in the morning, the pulse is reduced to 80° to 100°, the diarrhea ceases and natural sleep returns. There may however, be a fever for five to six weeks, with a good recovery. Chills are common during (lie disease, sometimes owing to complications. Relapses, or a return of the symptoms all over again and fever may occur. As many as five For articlefl referred to In treatments see pases 173 to 217. 38 THE EVER READY DOCTOR relapses have been recorded. A return of the fever, owing to error in diet, excitement or other imprudence may occur after apparent recovery. Death may occur at any stage of the disease after the first week owing to complications or the poisons of the disease. Pneumo- nia, perforation of the bowels and bleeding of the bowels are the most frequent dangerous complications. Perforation and bleeding of the bowels are usually due to the patient having walked about after indi- cations of the disease were apparent, or eating im- proper food during latter stages or convalescence. Examination of the blood under a microscope by a competent physician offers the only exact method of determining the presence of typhoid fever. Complications and sequels are very numerous. Diarrhea, delirium, mental and nervous diseases, bron- chitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, ear abscess, perforation and hemorrhage of the bowels, inflammation of the gall bladder, disease of the heart, kidney and bladder and many other conditions, depending on the organ which the germ invades, are the complications. Boils, baldness, bone disease, painful spine, and commonly insanity and consumption may result. There is perhaps no other disease in which the services of a good physician are so necessary. All cases of typhoid fever must be reported by the phy- sician to protect the community. The outlook is rarely altered by medicinal aid. The treatment con- sists of rest, diet and bathing. Rest in a horizontal position to the extent of absolute quiet at the first suspicion of typhoid is required in order to avoid the dangers of bleeding bowels. The patient must even be assisted to turn in bed, must not rise or make an effort during sickness and should pass urine and bowel discharges into a bed pan. In case of bleed- ing of the bowels the bed pan must not be used, the lor articles referred to la treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 39 discharges should be received in cloths without stir- ring the patient. At the beginning cleanse bowels thoroughly and at once with 1 Laxet and a heaping teaspoonful of Salfiz every half hour for 4 doses. Repeat in 3 hours. Principal remedy is Nuaseptic to destroy germs and poisons in the intestines, at the seat of war. Give 2 Nuaseptics every 4 hours when awake, at least 4 doses a day. If conditions are serious double the dose ; use Painolets to control fever, beginning about 9 a. m. give 1 or 2, according to the fever, every 2 hours till evening. They may be given at same time with Nuaseptics when more convenient. It is very important to sponge entire body 20 minutes, morning and evening with Nuaseptic Lotion, and for several hours each day apply to the abdomen a light compress wet in Nuaseptic Lotion and kept moist, also to head when congested. Rinse mouth fre- quently with 4 Nuaseptics to a glass of water. Unless there is diarrhea keep bowels open with Salfiz. Careful nursing, milk and buttermilk diet, abun- dance of fruit juices, lamb bouillon, etc. Allow no solid food, whatever, even during early convalescence, in spite of demands and complaints. Abundant water should be supplied to the patient throughout the disease. Distension of the bowels is relieved by applying a pad over the whole front of the abdomen, consisting of two layers of flannel wrung out in very hot Nuaseptic Lotion. Diarrhea, if there are more than four discharges daily, may be checked with Astragine. Patients may be allowed to sit up after a week of normal temperature. Solid foods must not be resumed until three weeks after departure of the fever and then very gradually, avoiding all coarse and uncooked food — vegetables and fruit. Great care must be exercised by attendants to escape contracting the disease and prevent its com- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 178 to 217. 40 THE EVER READY DOCTOR munication to others. The bowel discharges must be submerged for one hour in a mixture of one part of slaked lime to four parts of water. The urine should be mixed with an equal part of the lime mix- ture and stand for one hour before throwing in privy or sewer. Clothing and linen must be boiled for two hours. The patient's expectorations must be received on cloths and burned. The eating utensils must be scalded in boiling water frequently, also the bed pan. If there is no water-closet in the house the disinfected discharges may be buried 100 feet or more from any well, spring, river or stream. Mumps. Mumps is a contagious disease caused by inflam- mation of the parotid glands, situated below the ears, sometimes of the salivary glands below the jaw, rarely the testicles in males and the breasts in females. One attack usually protects against another. A period of from one to three weeks elapses after contracting the disease, before the first signs appear. Symptoms. — Sometimes there is some preliminary discomfort, in children, restlessness, peevishness, lan- guor, nausea, loss of appetite, chilliness, fever, and convulsions may usher in the attack. Mumps begins with pain and swelling below the ear on one side. Within forty-eight hours a large, firm sensitive lump forms under the ear, and extends forward on the face, and downward and backward on the neck. The swelling is not generally very painful, but gives a feeling of tightness and disfigures the patient. Speak- ing and swallowing are difficult, chewing causes sever pain. After a period of two to four days the other gland becomes similarly infiammed, occasionally only one gland is attacked. Fever is present from the beginning, temperature is about 100° F., rarely over 103° to 104°. The fever continues four or five days For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 41 and then gradually declines. The swelling reaches its height in from two to five days and then after forty-eight hours slowly decreases. The disease may be communicated for ten days after the fever is past. The most common complication in males past puberty is when, during recovery or ten days after, one or both testicles become sore and swollen, this continues for as long a time as the original mumps. Often the breasts and sexual organs of females are similarly attacked. Some times after inflammation of both testicles in the young the organs cease to develop though sexual vigor is usually retained. Abscess and gangrene of the partoid gland occurs. Permanent swelling and hardness may remain. Men- ingitis, nervous and joint complications are rare. The patient should remain in bed while the fever lasts, during which time a liquid diet is advisable. High fever demands an ice cap on the head, delirium and restlessness may be allayed by sponging with tepid Nuaseptic Lotion of the naked body. To allay pain in the swelling use frequent applications of hot Nuaseptic Lotion to the affected part. Painolets will also be found very beneficial to allay the pain. In- flammation of the testicles demands rest in bed. Application of hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion is recommended, the testicles should be elevated on a pillow. After the first few days a suspensory band- age should be adjusted, and daily applications of the Lotion used over the swollen testicle. Whooping Cough. This is a contagious disease. It is generally taken through direct contact with the sick. It occurs chiefly in children from six months to six years. Girls and weak delicate subjects are more susceptible to the disease. One attack usually protects against another. For articles) referred to la treatments see pases 173 to 217. 42 THE EVER READY DOCTOR From two days to two weeks elapse after contracting the disease before the first symptoms develop. Symptoms. — It begins like an ordinary cold in the head, worse at night, with cough. The coughing fits increase during which a whooping or crowing sound is made following a long drawn breath, the child gets red in the face and has difficulty in breathing during them, and sometimes vomiting occurs when the attack is over. Several fits of coughing may follow one another and are often succeeded by vomiting and the expulsion of a large amount of phlegm sometimes streaked with blood. These attacks last from a few seconds to one or two minutes. Between the attacks puffiness of the face and eyes and blueness of the tongue persist. The coughing usually lasts from three to six weeks, but its duration is variable. In winter it sometimes lasts several months. Contagiousness usually lasts while the cough continues. Some warn- ing of a coughing fit is apparently given for the child usually seems terrified, suddenly sits up in bed or grasps hold of something or runs to its mother or nurse. These fits are favored by emotion, excitement, crying, singing, eating, drinking, sudden change of temperature or bad air. Complications and sequels are many if not prop- erly treated, making this a critical disease for young children. Bronchitis and pneumonia often complicate it in winter, diarrhea in summer. Convulsions in in- fants commonly follow the coughing fits, nose bleed and dark spots on the forehead and eyes occur owing to the amount of blood forced to the head and the breaking of small blood vessels in places. Pleurisy and consumption may occur. The violent coughing may damage the heart. Rupture of the lung tissues occasionally happens, and paralysis sometimes follows the breaking of a blood vessel in the brain. Owing to the numerous complications whooping cough must For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 43 be looked upon as a serious disease. It causes one- fourth of all deaths in children. Fresh air is of greatest importance. The patient should be isolated and it is wise to send away all chil- dren who have not been exposed. If there is fever the patient should be put in bed and kept there, other- wise children may be outdoors on warm quiet days in winter and in warm weather. Sea air is especially good. The throat should be sprayed with Nuaseptic Solution No. 2, with an atomizer every two hours; and a teaspoonful of syrup, made by dissolving 8 Nuaseptics and 16 Tissutones in a little hot water and put into a 4 ounce bottle. Fill the bottle with granulated sugar and add all the hot water it will hold, should be given five to six times a day. For children under 6 years give smaller doses. In the beginning of the disease, before the whooping has begun, Balmolets will relieve the cough, Pain- olets are also a valuable remedy, used according to directions for age. During a fit of coughing it is well to support the child's head, and if he ceases to breathe he should be slapped over the face and chest with a towel wet with cold water. Loss of sleep caused by coughing and loss of nourishment caused by vomit- ing lead to wasting and emaciation. Tissutone is very useful in convalescence and extreme care must be taken at this time to prevent exposure and consequent pneumonia. Change of air and place will often hasten recovery in the later stages of the disease. Erysipelas. This is a germ disease which gains entrance into the body through some abrasion of the skin or mucous membrane ; even where no wound is apparent it may be taken for granted that there has been a slight abrasion. Erysipelas attacks persons of all ages, some being very susceptible, suffering frequent For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 44 THE EVER READY DOCTOR recurrences. The form most common is seen on the face, occurring most frequently in the spring. The period of development lasts from three to seven days. The disease begins usually with a chill (convulsins in babies) and fever. Vomiting, headache and gen- eral lassitude are often present. A patch of red appears on the cheeks, bridge of nose or about the eye or nostril and spreads over the face, the margins of the eruption are sharply defined. In twenty- four hours the disease is fully developed; the skin is tense, smooth and shiny, scarlet, and swollen, feels hot and is often covered with small blisters. The pain is more or less intense, burning or itching occurs and there is a sensation of great tightness or tension. On the face the swelling closes the eyes and may interfere with breathing through the nose. The lips, ears and scalp are swollen and the person may become unrecognizable in a few days. The dis- ease has a tendency to spread like a drop of oil, it rarely spreads to the chest and body, but some- times attacks the throat. During the height of the inflammation the temperature reaches 104° F., or over. After four or five days the disease in most cases begins to subside together with the pain and fever, recovery occurs with some scaling of the skin. Headache, delirium and stupor are common when the disease attacks the scalp. Relapses are common, but not so severe as the original attack. The disease may spread over a large area and the deeper parts may become affected, forming deep abscesses and great destruction of the tissue. The heart, lungs, spleen and kidneys are commonly involved with serious consequences. The old, diseased, alcoholic and new born are more apt to succumb to Erysipe- las. It is curious to note that malignant growths, (sarcoma), chronic skin diseases and old ulcers some- times are cured after attacks of Erysipelas. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 45 The disease lasts from two days to two weeks. It tends to run a definite course to recovery in most cases. The patient must be isolated in a room with good ventilation and sunlight. Dressings and objects coming in contact with the patient must be boiled. The diet should be liquid; milk, beef tea, soups and gruels. Purge bowels with Laxets, 1 every half hour for 4 10 6 doses, followed in 2 hours with Salfiz. Contin< '' latter morning and night. Take Paino- lets to « itrol pain and fever; Nuaseptics internally and eternally to neutralize the poison. Take 2 every V. hours at first, in active cases, till better, then e\ ry 4 to 6 hours. Apply Solution No. 2 the first 6 hours, then use Nuaseptic Lotion, adding to the Lotion 10 extra Nuaseptics per pint. In chronic or non-febrile cases use same treat- ment as above except that in place of Painolets take Tincture of Iron, beginning with 10 drops after meals, in water, rinsing mouth afterwards, increas- ing the dose 10 drops each day till 60 drops (1 tea- spoonful) is taken at a dose, and continue at that. The patient should be quarantined for two weeks after all scaling is complete. Malaria. This is a communicable disease due to a minute animal parasite inhabiting the mosquito and is in- jected into the human body by bites of the insect. Malaria is most common in the summer and autumn months in temperate climes and where low marshy land or bodies of stagnant water are found. The mosquito becomes contaminated by biting a patient suffering with malaria and then carrying the dis- ease to another, thus one case of malaria may affect a whole locality. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 46 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Symptoms. — Headache, lassitude, yawning, rest- lessness, discomfort in the region of the stomach and vomiting. The attack begins with a chilliness or creepy feeling and there may be a severe chill shaking the patient violently, and teeth chattering. Chills are not generally seen in children under six years, the face however is pinched, the eyes sunken and the lips and finger-tips are blue, there is dull- ness and often nausea and vomiting. Instead of the chill the eyelids and limbs begin to twitch and the child goes into convulsions. The surface of the skin is cold and blue during the chill, but the thermometer in the mouth shows temperature of 102°, 105° or 106° F. The chill lasts for from a few minutes to an hour; as it passes away the face becomes flushed and the skin hot. There is often a throbbing headache, thirst and delirium. The temperature at this time when the patient feels hot is little higher than at the time of the chill. The fever lasts for three to four hours then declines, the headache leaves or abates and then the patient sweats for an hour or two, sinking into a refreshing sleep. Attacks of this kind commonly occur every day, or every other day and after an intermission of two days, rarely do they come every four, five or six days. The attacks usually occur at about the same time of the day as the first attack. In severe cases the attacks come closer together, in mild cases further apart. Between spells the patient usually feels well except in very severe cases. In grave types of malaria coming in hot climates and known as "dumb ague," the chill is often absent, there is however, a dull spell followed by severe sweating. Follow same treatment as given under "Fevers in General", taking also 2 to 4 grains of quinine 4 times a day. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 47 Chronic Malaria. This occurs in those who have lived long in malarial districts and have suffered repeated attacks, or those who have not had proper treatment. It is distinguished by a generally enfeebled state, sallow complexion, cold hands and feet and low tempera- ture, except occasionally when there may be slight fever. In extreme conditions breathlessness on slight exertion, swelling of the feet and ankles and enlarge- ment of the spleen, "ague cake," are characteristic. Unusual forms of malaria are characterized by periodic drowsiness accompanied by slight fever, without chills; periodic attacks of neuralgia as of the face and chest or in the form of sciatica. Periodic "sick headaches." These may take the place of the usual characteristics in malarial regions and can be treated the same as ordinary headache. Bilious Malaria. There is a severe type termed "Bilious Ma- laria," which occurs sometimes in the late sum- mer and autumn in moderate climates, but is more common in the southern United States and in the tropics. This often begins with lassitude, headache, loss of appetite, a bad taste, nausea for a day or two followed by chill, and fever ranging from 101° to 103° P., there is also pain in the limbs and back. The chill is not usually repeated, but the fever is continuous, often suggestive of typhoid fever. With the fever there are often flushed face, delirium occasionally, vomiting of bile and more often a drowsy state. After twelve to forty-eight hours the fever abates, the temperature, however, does not fall below 100° P., but the patient feels better, not entirely well as in ordinary malaria. After three to thirty- six hours the temperature rises again and the more For artlcloH referred to In treatments see p.irps 173 to 217. 48 THE EVER READY DOCTOR severe symptoms reappear, the disease continues, there never being complete freedom from fever, temperature remaining sometimes as high as 105° or 106° F. In some cases there are nose bleed, cracked tongue, brownish deposit on the teeth and a delirium or stupid state. The skin and whites of the eyes often take on the yellowish hue of jaundice. A phy- sician should at once be consulted. In the meantime treat same as Malaria. Pernicious Malaria. There is a very grave form of malaria common in the tropics and subtropics, but rarely seen in the temperate regions called "Pernicious Malaria." It may follow an ordinary attack of chills and fever or come on very suddenly. After a chill the hot stage appears and the patient falls into a deep stupor, unconscious state, with flushed face, noisy breathing and fever high (104° to 105° F.) Delirium or convulsions afflict the pa- tient in some cases. The attack may last six to twenty-four hours from which the patient may recover, only to suffer another seizure or he may die in the first. In another form of this disease the symptoms resemble cholera and is peculiar to the tropics. In this there are violent vomiting, watery diarrhea, cramps in the legs, cold hands and feet and collapse. The attack sometimes begins with a chill, sometimes a slight fever although the patient complains of great internal heat. The pulse is feeble and breathing shallow, the intellect remains clear. Death often occurs in this as in the former type of pernicious malaria although vigorous treatment by a physician with quinine, iron and nitre will often cure in either form. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 49 Black Water Fever. This form of fever rarely occurs in temperate climates, but frequently in the United States and in the tropics, especially Africa. After a few days of fever or after chilliness and slight fever the urine becomes very dark, owing to blood escaping into it. This sometimes appears only periodically and is often relieved by treatment. It is apparently a malaria fever with a complication of infection from another cause. Twice a day for an hour at a time apply very hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion over kidneys and small of back; otherwise treat as given under "Fev- ers in General." Yellow Fever. A disease of tropical and sub-tropical countries characterized by fever, jaundice and vomiting caused by a germ or parasite, communicable to man by a par- ticular type of mosquito (stegomys fasciata). Yellow fever has always been common in Cuba, Mexico, and Africa. The disease requires warm weather, as the particular species of mosquito does not develop under a temperature of 75° F. It spreads rapidly in crowded and unsanitary sea-coast cities. After the person has been bitten it takes from fourteen hours to five days before the development of the disease sets in and is manifested by appearance of the first symp- toms. A peculiar circumstance is that a mosquito, af- ter biting a patient, cannot communicate the disease to another person until after twelve days. Symptoms. — During the night or morning the patient has a chill or feels chilly, discomfort in the stomach, sometimes nausea and vomiting. There is pain through the forehead, eyes, back and thighs and often in the calves. The face is flushed and slightly swollen, particularly the under lip, the eyes are blood- For articlcH referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 50 THE EVER READY DOCTOR shot, and gradually, in the course of thirty-six hours, the whites become yellowish. This is one of the most distinguishing features of the disease, though it is often absent in children. The tongue is coated, there is a loss of appetite, lassitude, sore throat and con- stipation. In the beginning the temperature ranges from 101° to 103° F., in severe cases 105° to 106° F., and the pulse from 110 to 120 a minute. The fever continues for several days except in mild cases, the pulse usually falls before the temperature does. A peculiar feature is that the temperature may rise and at the same time the pulse drop to from 70 to 80. Vomiting often increases on the second or third day and the dangerous "black vomit" occurs. This pre- sents the appearance of coffee grounds and is a very dangerous, but not always fatal, symptom. The "black vomit" is due to altered blood from the stom- ach, bleeding sometimes takes place from the nose, throat, gums and bowels, with black discharges from the latter. Kidney action is often interfered with, diminishing the amount of urine. This should always be corrected or it will cause fatal poisoning from the urine retained in the system. The normal amount of urine in 24 hours passed in health is three pints, in yellow fever the urine may be almost or wholly sup- pressed. Two pints may be expected in a fever pa- tient. The course of the disease varies greatly. In children it is frequently so mild as to pass unnoticed. In adults the fever may last a few hours or three or four days, with gradual recovery from the symptoms but yellowness of the skin lasting for some time. Yel- lowness of the skin is not readily seen during the stage of the fever when the surface is reddened, but may be detected at this time by pressure on the skin for a minute when the skin will present a yellow hue before the blood returns to the surface. When the fever falls and symptoms abate after two or three For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 51 days, instead of going on to recovery the patient may again become very feverish and have recurrence of vomiting, perhaps black vomit, yellow skin, feeble pulse, failure of kidney action with suppressed urine, delirium, convulsions, stupor and death, or may again begin to recover after two or three days. Mild fever, slight jaundice and absence of bleeding are favorable signs. Black vomit, high fever, bleeding and passing of little urine are unfavorable signs. Heavy drinkers are apt to succumb. Treatment. — The patient should be well covered and surrounded with hot water bags during chill. Iso- late and protect from mosquitoes to prevent spread of infection. Take 1 Painolet and a teaspoonful of Salfiz every half hour for 4 or 5 doses, continue with 4 Nuaseptics with a full dose of Salfiz and 1 Laxet every 6 to 12 hours, to destroy all disease germs and to keep the stomach and bowels clean. To relieve con- gested and inflammatory conditions and nerve tension take 2 Painolets every 2 hours (an hour after the Nuaseptic, Salfiz and Laxets) till fever begins to lessen, then every 4 hours, varying to suit circum- stances. Apply Massajit frequently to spine and over affected organs and sponge with Nuaseptic Lotion, spending 15 to 30 minutes, going several times over entire body, especially over affected parts. Take Tissutone to build up system during entire convales- cence, but give double doses of Nuaseptic and full doses of Salfiz every G to 12 hours, and a Laxet with each dose of the latter. Apply ice-cold Nuaseptic Lotion to the head. The patient should not rise from bed, but should use a bed pan. In addition an injec- tion of a pint of warm water containing one-half tea- spoonful of sail night and morning and retained by the patient, if possible, should be given to stimulate the kidneys by its absorption. The diet should consist of milk diluted with an equal amount of water, broths For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 52 THE EVER READY DOCTOR gruels, etc., and only soft food should be taken for ten days after recovery. Two teaspoonfuls of whiskey in a little ice water every half hour relieves vomiting and supports strength. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER V Nervous Diseases. Neurasthenia — Nervous Prostration. This disease occurs mostly between the ages of twenty and forty. Patients are usually very thin or very stout. The symptoms are more numerous and varied than in any other disorder known, the most frequent are a feeling of pressure and fatigue in the back of the head and on top ; pain in the lower part of the spine and back of the neck ; muscular weakness, as in walking; numbness, and creepy or crawly sen sations in the skin ; as feeling of heat or cold ; imaginary feverish ness or chillness. There is often despondency, confusion of the mind and inability to fix the attention, making it almost impossible to add a column of figures or concentrate on some tedious occupation. The temper is irritable or moody and patients often weep and are very anxious about them- selves, often imagining they are becoming insane, they fear to ride in street cars, to go among crowds, to be alone or near tall buildings, etc. Sleeplessness is very common. Violent rapid and irregular heart actions are frequently causes for complaint. Disorders of the sexual organs are the rule in women, disordered menstruation and pain in the ovaries; in men, in- ability to perform the sexual act, or great exhaustion after it, or premature discharge from the organ. While all the symptoms never attack the same person at one time they are apt to manifest themselves in pairs or one at a time. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 54 THE EVER READY DOCTOR As Neurasthenia is often due to retained offen- sive matter in liver and bowels poisoning the system, it is necessary to clean them out and keep them clean with 1 or 2 Laxets at night and Salfiz in the morning. Take Tissutone before meals and at bedtime to build up the nerve center and brain tissue and 1 Nuaseptic after meals. In the morning apply Massajit to spine and over solar plexus, at pit of stomach. Evenings sponge the body 20 minutes or more with Nuaseptic Lotion, thus opening the pores, stimulating the glands of the skin and nerve terminals and destroying poison- ous matter in the blood. -Secure perfect rest and isola- tion, away from home and in the woods if possible. Dizziness. This is generally due to inactivity of liver and di- gestive organs, with retention of decomposing waste matter. Take 1 Laxet and a teaspoonful of Salfiz every half hour for 4 or 5 doses, then 1 or 2 Laxets every evening with a small dose of Salfiz, followed with a dose of Salfiz in the morning. Avoid rich diet, coffee and all stimulants and take 1 Painolet 4 times a day to equalize the circulation. If due to faulty heart action, take, also, Heartlets as directed on the package. Neuralgia. Neuralgia is a pain in a nerve or nerves. It occurs more commonly in those inheriting a weak nervous system, in the overworked, in those who have little sleep, and the anxious, nervous, excitable per- sons. A "run down" condition favors this disease, especially when combined with poor blood. It is more apt to attack women during pregnancy and change of life. Neuralgia may begin suddenly. More often there is a warning before the attack as cold or a tingling or prickly feeling. The pain is of a sharp, shooting For articles referred to lu treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 55 stabbing, or 1 burning nature, with intervals of a few seconds or minutes freedom from pain. It occurs more often on one side of the face or body. The skin over the affected region is sometimes red and swollen and hot or cold and very tender. When pain attacks the eyes tears may flow — when it attacks the teeth saliva may flow freely. Neuralgia about the head leads to falling of the hair, many times it turns the hair gray. The muscles in the painful area may twitch. Painful spots along the course of the nerves which give rise to pain are a peculiar feature of neuralgia. Take Painolets in full doses until relieved, apply hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion over affected parts. Take Salfiz morning and evening and Tissu- tone after meahi for at least a month. For Neuralgia of the Stomach use the same treatment. Epilepsy. In this disease there are three stages in the attack; 1, the patient may turn around rapidly or even run swiftly. More commonly a terrible cry or low gurgling groan is emitted and the patient falls to the ground unconscious. The body is stiff and arched upward with the head thrown back or to one side, or the body is bent sideways. The face is first pale, but soon becomes dark or bluish, the jaws are rigidly set, the legs are stretched, but the arms are bent at the elbows and the fingers are tightly clutched in the palms. This is the rigid stage and lasts but fifteen to thirty seconds. 2. The convulsive stage. The spasm begins. The limbs are jerked violently, the face is contorted and working. The eyes are wide open and rolling; the pupils dilated and the whites showing. The jaws may be firmly set and the tongue or lips bitten, or the mouth may be open with the lips flapping loosely For articles referred to In treatments see pages 1T3 to 217. 56 THE EVER READY DOCTOR in breathing and the month covered with froth which may be bloody. Sometimes the urine escapes, less often the contents of the bowels. The fit lasts several minutes. 3. The patient gradually becomes relaxed and quiet, and may recover after a variable time. Some- times he comes to himself in a dazed and bewildered state, at first, and suffers from a dull headache. At other times the patient remains unconscious with red face and noisy breathing, in a stupor, from which he may be aroused after a time, or he may sleep for hours if left alone. No memory of the fit is retained. Attacks often occur every two or three weeks. Sometimes they happen a hundred times in a day, and occasionally once in a year or two. They begin more commonly in youth. Following an attack a patient may do violent things of which he is uncon- scious, he may have pains in muscles, exhaustion, paralysis, or difficulty of speech or remain in a dull, despondent or trance-like state. Sometimes he feels particularly well. In severe and fatal cases the fits occur in rapid succession without any intervals of consciousness. Both sexes are liable to epilepsy. During the fit one should loosen the clothing about the neck and body, see that the patient is kept lying down and not injuring himself. Keep his tongue from being bitten by holding the teeth apart with a rubber cork or a folded towel. If a small body like a rubber cork be used a string should be attached for safety. The diet should consist in absence of meat and salt, and in an outdoor life. To break up an attack take a few whiffs of Amyl Nitrite (from druggist). Patient or associates should always have on hand a small vial filled with absorbent cotton saturated with this, and well corked, or glass pearls containing a few drops each. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 57 To prevent threatened attacks take 2 Painolets crushed, repeat in 10 minutes (children proportion- ately) and copious warm water enema, immediately, then 1 Laxet every half hour for three or four doses, with whiffs of Amyl Nitrite. Give regularly Salfiz morning and night, and maintain activity of kidneys and skin by frequent sponging with Nuaseptic Lotion at least twice a day. Constitutional treatment with view to complete cure varies so much with the in- dividual cases that it is far preferable to consider each case seperately. Write full history of the case to Dr. "W. B. House, at this office, and he will take up the case carefully, giving it his personal attention, and will advise you competently regarding the best course to pursue. for articles referred to In treatments seo pa^es 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 59 The Mouth, Throat and Neck. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 60 THE EVER READY DOCTOR The Lungs. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER VI The Throat and Lungs. Tonsilitis. This is a contagious germ disease. Dampness and exposure to cold and wet makes persons liable to the disease. It is common in young people, especially those who have already suffered and those whose ton- sils are chronically enlarged. The disease begins with fever, headache, sore throat and pain in swallowing, backache and pain in the limbs. On inspecting the throat with the mouth wide open, in a good light, preferably sunlight, and with the tongue held down with a spoon handle, the tonsils will be seen to be swollen, very red and dotted over with white spots or patches. Sometimes only one tonsil is affected, but the other is likely to become inflamed also. Occasion- ally there may be only one white spot on the tonsil. The swelling differs greatly. In some cases the tonsils may be so swollen as to almost meet ; there is, however, little fear of suffocation by obstruction of the throat as in diphtheria. The fever lasts from three days to a week and then subsides with the other symptoms. The disease is contagions and the patient should exercise care, especially if there are many others about, to keep from spreading the disease. It is important at the start that, the bowels be opened with full doses of Salfiz with one Laxet every 2 hours for two or three doses. The outside For articles referred to In treatments see puges 173 to 217. 62 THE EVER READY DOCTOR of the throat should be covered with a soft com- press wrung out of cold Nuaseptic Lotion and daily sponging with same. The throat should be gargled every two hours with Nuaseptic Gargle, and a little held in the mouth for five minutes or sprayed with Solution No. 2 from an atomizer. Take 2 Painolets every 2 hours 4 to 6 times a day. A liquid diet is desirable at the first part of the attack, consisting of milk, cocoa, eggnog, soups and gruel. Orange juice and grapes may be allowed. The bowels must be kept regular by continuing the dose of Salfiz every evening and morning. Quinsy is an inflammatory disease of the tissues in which the tonsils are embedded. The swelling of these tissues throws the tonsils out in the throat, but the tonsil is little affected. It involves the surrounding tissues of the throat and results usually in abscess. Having once had quinsy, the victim is subject to frequent attacks. The swelling is much greater in quinsy and the pain is much more severe than in tonsilitis, the temperature is often high, 104° to 105° F. On examination it will be seen that the tonsils are thrust forward by the swelling of surrounding parts, the tonsils may almost block the entrance to the throat. The voice is thick and indistinct, the glands in the side of the neck become swollen and the neck in consequence is sore and stiff, while the mouth can be only partly opened on account of pain. For the same reason the patient can swallow neither solid nor liquid food and sits bent forward with saliva running out of the mouth. The secretion of saliva is increased, but it is not swal- lowed on account of the pain produced by the act. Sleep is also impossible and a more piteous spectacle of pain and distress is seldom seen. Having reached this stage, the inflammation often goes on to abscess, For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 63 behind, above or below the tonsil. After five to ten days from the beginning of the attack the pus finds its way to the surface and breaks into the mouth with great relief to the patient. The symptoms then quickly subside. Quinsy is rarely a dangerous disease, though it sometimes leads to much obstruction of the throat and death from suffocation may ensue, unless a sur- geon opens the throat and inserts a tube. Occasion- ally the pus enters the larynx, causing suffocation. Follow the same treatment as given under Ton- silitis. The following is also a very effective measure : Hot flaxseed poultice as large as the hand, an inch thick, spread between layers of thin cotton cloth, ap- plied as hot as can be borne and changed every half hour, should be constantly used. Nuaseptic Lotion in- stead of plain water should be used in making the poultice. This often gives more relief than anything else and will lead to a disappearance of the disease if applied early enough. Colds. Proper care and treatment of common colds will prevent very much illness. Promptness and persist- ence are the two essentials. Begin at once with 2 Painolets, repeated in a half hour, then 1 every hour or 2 hours, or often enough to keep up slight dryness of the mouth. Keep this up until the cold is con- quered. In most cases 2 or 3 doses are enough, while occasional cases require 2 or 3 days. Gargle every 2 hours with Nuaseptic Gargle, whether throat is sore or not. If there is soreness of throat apply Massajit 2 or 3 times during the day, and at night bandage with cloth wet in cold Nuaseptic Lotion, and use Balmo- lets for any cough that may arise. Use Salfiz freely. If Bronchitis or Quinsy or Pneumonia are threat- ened, treat accordingly. For article* referred to In treatment* see pages 173 to 217. 64 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Sore Throat. This is often the first sign of an on-coming cold, and should be treated as directed for colds, especially as to Painolets and Gargle. See also Tonsilitis, Quinsy. Pleurisy. This is an inflammation of the pleura, the thin, delicate lining of the pleural cavity, the space between the inside of the chest wall and the outer side of the lung so arranged that in breathing or other movements of the chest there is always, in health, a gliding of the two sides of the cavity against each other. An in- flamed condition of the pleura is very apt to extend to the lungs and vice versa, and is then spoken of as Pleura-Pneumonia. Follow the same general treatment as for Pneu- monia, except that from the arm-pits to the waist line there should be a wide bandage pinned very snugly around the body to prevent movement of the ribs and the consequent pain. The bandage may be kept moist with Nuaseptic Lotion. Diphtheria. Most communities have stringent laws for the iso- lation of the patient in this disease and the services of a physician are imperative. Antitoxin is recommended above all other treatments. Records show that the death rate has been reduced from forty per cent to less than ten per cent, and it is now rendered com- paratively harmless. The proper dose and method of using antitoxin is impossible to impart in a work of this kind. Paralysis of the throat, vocal cords, or of arms and legs is frequent sequel of the disease ; it is not caused by antitoxin. Any sore throat may be diphtheria, a single white spot on the tonsil may be a forerunner of this disease. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 65 If the deposit should cover not only the tonsil, as in tonsilitis, but creeps up on the surrounding tissue and parts, the case is probably one of diphtheria. The disease can be determined by a physician with micro- scopic examination of the germs taken from the throat. If the white spots on the tonsil are easily removed with a piece of cotton or the end of a stick, the affec- tion is likely tonsilitis, but if the throat is covered with a gray-white coat or a yellow-white coat that will only rub off with very much difficulty and then leaves an irritated bleeding spot, the case is very likely diphtheria. It is often a day or two before the deposit occurs, the throat at first becomes simply reddened. Secure the services of a good physician and the proper use of antitoxin. If a physician cannot be secured, begin at once by giving Nuaseptic in full doses. Spray, swab or gargle the throat every two hours. Use Nuaseptic Solution No. 2 for spray or swab unless very young infant. For infant or young child use Solution No. 3 or 4 for spray. For gargle use 4 Nuaseptics to a half glass of water. Painolets to control fever are very beneficial and important. Sponge body frequently with Nuaseptic Lotion and apply Massajit to throat and spine. All who have been exposed should take 1 or 2 Nuaseptics 3 times per day and use the gargle for a week after all ex- posure has ceased. Catarrh (Nasal). Catarrh is an inflammation of the membrane lining the nasal cavity, so that breathing through the nose is very difficult, if at all possible. It begins with chilliness and sneezing, and if severe there may also be headache, fever and pain in the back and limbs, as in grippe. The nose at first feels dry, but soon be- comes stopped with secretion. The catarrh may For article's referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 66 THE EVER READY DOCTOR extend from the back of the nose through the Eus- tachian tube to the ear, causing earache, noises in the ear and deafness. This latter may be prevented by prompt and efficient treatment. In acute cases take 1 Painolet every hour for 6 to 8 doses, then every 2 hours. Spray, wash or snuffle with Nuaseptic Lotion several times daily. Chronic cases use same nasal treatment, also after each meal and at bedtime hold a tablespoonful of the Lotion in the mouth for 5 minutes, and at same time, with a like amount, bathe the face and forehead. Internally take Tissutone 3 times a day. In all cases, acute or chronic, use Salfiz freely. Cough. Cough is a symptom of many disorders. It may be caused by irritation of any part of the breathing apparatus, as the nose, throat, windpipe, bronchial tubes and (in pleurisy and pneumonia) the covering membrane of the lung. A loose cough is to be encour- aged, as by its means mucus and other discharge is expelled from the passages. A dry cough is seen in early stages of the various respiratory diseases. It is very harmful and demands immediate relief. Use Balmolets as directed on package, take 1 Painolet every 2 hours, and compress wet in Nua- septic Lotion on chest at night, and sponge with the warm Lotion in the morning, wiping briskly. We wish to emphasize the value of Balmolets. Their use is not only very pleasant and convenient, but they are very effective in practically all coughs. See descriptive matter in latter part of book. Bronchitis. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous mem- brane of the bronchial tubes. Besides the ordinary symptoms of a severe cold in the head, as sneezing, For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 67 running of mucus from the nose, sore throat and some hoarseness, in bronchitis there is at first a feeling of tightness, pressure and rawness in the region of the breast-bone, with a harsh, dry cough. There are often pain and soreness along the lower border of the chest. If not properly treated, bronchitis leads to pneumonia and consumption, especially in children and aged per- sons. The principal signs of bronchitis are rapid breathing, cough, fever and rapid pulse. Treatment. — Painolets, 1 every 15 minutes for 4 doses, then 1 or 2 every 2 hours, as required, until soreness is gone. Control cough with Balmolets. Take Salfiz freely. Apply Massajit to throat and chest 2 or 3 times during day, and at night a com- press wet in Nuaseptic Lotion. If condition at all serious, treat like pneumonia. Pneumonia. This begins suddenly, often with a severe chill, headache, and general pain like grippe. In a few hours short and dry cough begins with violent stab- bing pain in one side of the chest, generally near the nipple. The breathing is rapid, with expanding nos- trils, the face is anxious and often flushed. The matter coughed up is often streaked with blood and is thick and jelly-like. The temperature is often 104°- 105° F. The sudden onset of pneumonia with chill, agonizing pain in side, rapid breathing and often dilirium, with later bloody and rusty colored expecto- rations, will serve to distinguish it from bronchitis. Whenever cough with rapid and difficult breathing occurs with a rise of temperature and rapid pulse, the case is serious and a physician should be sum- moned. As in other acute diseases, it is important to start treatment when the disease starts and do so most vig- orously. Painolets are the important remedy, 1 every For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 68 THE EVER READY DOCTOR 15 minutes for four doses, then 1 every hour for four doses, then 1 every 2 hours. Empty bowels with 1 Laxet and 1 heaping tablespoonful Salfiz every half hour for four doses and continue Salfiz morning and night. Procure package of Lobelia Herb from druggist and make a tea (infusion) as directed on package, or take 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of the herb after being rubbed up fine and steep it just short of boiling for 15 minutes in a pint of water, add sugar, and give a cupful (tablespoonful, more or less, to children) every 10 or 15 minutes until free vomiting. This is impor- tant. Cover warmly and encourage sweating. "When- ever there is tightness of cough or breathing give enough Lobelia tea to loosen it. Poultice. — Take 6 to 10 onions, according to size, chop fine and put in a large pan or skillet over the fire, then add the same quantity of rye meal, and vinegar enough to make a thick paste. Stir thorough- ly, letting it simmer until onions are thoroughly cooked and it is of good poultice consistency. Put half into a cheese-cloth bag large enough to cover chest, and apply as hot as can be borne. In about 10 minutes apply the remaining half in same manner, and thus continue, reheating and changing every 10 minutes for a few hours, or until patient breaks out in a free perspiration. Keep the poultice fresh by adding more vinegar if necessary, and make new poultice every hour. If rye meal can not be secured, take rye and grind in a coffee mill. If no rye is to be had, use flax seed and wheat bran equal parts. Re- peat the poulticing if required, but this is seldom necessary. Following the poultice, and two or three times a day, sponge chest, under cover, with Nuaseptic Lotion, and entire body once a day. Follow treatment vigor- ously and there need be little fear of this terrible disease. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 68 Membranous Croup. Membranous Croup is diphtheria of the lower part of the throat, in the region of the Adam's Apple. If membrane is coughed up, or if it is possible to see any white spots on membrane, then a physician's services are imperative. If a physician cannot be pro- cured, treat vigorously same as diphtheria. Spasmodic Croup. This is the common croup of childhood. Dur- ing attack cause nausea or vomiting quickly as possible. One of the best medicines for this is Hive Syrup (at any drug store), and should be kept on hand. Or use some other emetic or tickle throat with finger. An excellent emergency expedient is one- fourth to one teaspoonful Coal Oil given clear. Apply compresses to throat, wrung from hot Nuaseptic Lo- tion. Between attacks give Balmolets and apply Massajit to throat and spine 3 times a day. Tuberculosis of the Lungs — Consumption. This disease is above all others the greatest de- stroyer of life. It is not an incurable disease, as is commonly supposed; it is eminently curable if recog- nized in its earlier stages. Careful microscopic and laboratory examinations of bodies dead from other causes show that very many people have tuberculosis at some time during life. The reason why the disease does not progress in most persons is because the system is strong enough to resist the inroads of the disease. It is only those cases that are so far advanced that they are easily recognized that prove fatal. The disease is contagious and can be communi- cated by the germs in the sputum (expectoration) of the afflicted. Simple precautions can, however, be taken to protect against contracting the disease ; these For nrtlclcs referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 70 THE EVER READY DOCTOR will be explained later. The chief source of danger to persons at large is in the germ laden dust derived from expectorations of human patients finding its way into the lungs. Consumption is said to be inherited. This is not the case except in that people living closely together in the home are more liable to contract the disease by coming in contact with the germ of consumption in their every-day home life, and that there is usual- ly an inherited predisposition. No age is exempt from the cradle to the grave, although rare after the age of forty. It is the neglected cold and cough which offer a field most favorable to consumption germs. It is essen- tial to discover the disease at its beginning to have the best chance to recover. The first signs and symp- toms, therefore, should be known by every individual. Cough, which generally comes on so slowly as to be almost unnoticed, is the most constant early symptom, dry and hacking at first and most troublesome at night and early morning. Expectoration comes later. Loss of weight, strength and appetite are also early symp- toms. Dyspepsia with loss of weight and strength form a common group of symptoms. The patient is pale, has nausea, vomiting and heartburn, and there is raise of temperature in the afternoon with general weakness ; and in women absence of monthly periods. The pulse is increased in frequency. Night sweats are frequent in the later stages; they occur in the early morning hours. Chills, fever and sweating are sometimes the first symptoms and in malarial regions would lead to error. They are not, however, cheeked by treatment for malaria. There is also loss of weight and strength in consumption not found in malaria. Enlarged glands which can be felt as lumps under the skin on the sides of the neck or in the arm pits should be Tor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 71 looked upon with suspicion as being generally tuber- culous, and should be removed early by a surgeon, although this does not cure the tuberculous condition. Spitting of bright red spots is one of the most certain signs of consumption and appears in about eighty per cent of all cases, but rarely as an early warning. Shortness of breath on exertion is common when consumption is well established, but is not an early symptom. The voice is somewhat hoarse and husky at the onset of consumption. Application to a physician for examination should be made as soon as the disease is suspected, to examine the lungs, chest and sputum. Failure to find the germs in the sputum does not prove that the patient is free from the disease except on repeated examina- tions at different times. Treatment consists of improving the patient's strength, weight and vital resistance by proper feed- ing and an out-of-door life. The patient should pref- erably have dry air, remain out of doors all hours of bright days, ten or twelve hours in summer, six to eight hours in winter without regard to temperature, and should sleep on a porch or on the roof. The most satisfactory results the writer has ever seen have come from the use of Nuaseptic combined with con- stant out-of-door life. Take 1 Nuaseptic after meals 3 times a day, for 3 days, then double the dose, and after 1 week take a fourth dose at night; then con- tinue with 4 doses per day of 2 Nuaseptics at each dose. Also take continuously 2 Tissutona tablets be- fore meals, and take 1 or 2 Painolets at any time to allay fever and distress. Exercise less than half of what will cause fatigue, and at least twice a day take deep breathing exercises and such as will expand the lungs. Once every week make a record of chest measure, around under the armpits, at extremes of exhalation and inhalation, and also, whenever convenient, of the weight, and take tldei referred to Id treatments see pages 173 to 217. 72 THE EVER READY DOCTOR temperature carefully 3 times daily at 9 A. M., 3 P. M., and 9 P. M. As long as the temperature is above normal, stay in bed. When it has been normal for 3 days patient may sit up half an hour a day if this does not cause the temperature to come up, and if it does not rise above normal the time may be in- creased by a half hour about every 3 days. Have a small blank book for keeping record of chest measures, weight, and thrice daily temperature for future refer- ence. Remember that every hour spent in a closed room lessens the chance for recovery and delays it. Use good, mixed diet, including fruit, much rich milk, eggs, butter, bacon, etc., Indian meal, whole wheat and other cereals, and little or no tea or coffee. Unless the sleep is sound all night there should be a light, nourishing lunch between midnight and 3 A. M. Sponge entire body once every day with Nuaseptie Lotion, and if cough is troublesome apply it to chest more frequently. If hemorrhages occur, remain perfectly quiet in bed for at least 2 weeks after the last one and take 3 or 4 drops of tincture of Ipecac with each dose of Tissutone, regularly; but at time of the hemorrhage take 10 drops of tincture of Ipecac in hot water, re- peat this several times at 10-minute intervals if required. Glonoine may also be given in 1/100-grain doses, not repeated in less than an hour unless condi- tion is alarming, when it may be repeated in half hour. If there are any premonitory symptoms of hemorrhage, full doses of both should be taken, and it is well to have both remedies at hand. The artificial Pneumo-Thorax treatment, given by a doctor who has had experience in its use, should be seriously consid- ered if hemorrhages are persistent. Patient must understand that it is a fight from start to finish, but that if he is willing to make the fight the chances for recovery are very decidedly in his favor. Tor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 73 Have a separate very open sleeping room or an out-of-door bed, and refrain from kissing or caress- ing other members of the family. Never cough in the presence of others without covering the mouth. The care of the expectorations is very important to pre- vent spread of the disease. "While out of doors the sputum can be received in a bottle which is boiled at 160° F. when cleaned. While indoors the sputum can be received on a piece of paper and burned be- fore it is dry. Paper napkins cut into four parts are very convenient. Plenty of sunlight in the sick room will kill germs of consumption and greatly aid the patient. No dusting is permissible in the in- valid's room, only moist cleansing. All dishes used by consumptives must be boiled before they are again used. For sanitary purposes and as an antiseptic for hands and face, etc., use Nuaseptic Solution, No. 4, freely and frequently. Asthma is a disorder caused by the sudden narrowing of the smaller air tubes in the lungs, produced by swelling of the mucous membrane lining them or contraction of the tubes through reflex nervous action. It may ac- company bronchitis, may come unaccompanied or it may be a manifestation of gout. The attack comes on suddenly at night, the patient wakes with a feeling of suffocation. The patient is apparently well between attacks. Difficulty in breathing becomes so great that the patient has to sit up in bed, and often goes to window and throws it open to get air. Breathing is very laborious. There is not much difficulty in breath- ing in, but exhalation is very difficult, usually accom- panied with whistling sounds. The patient appears to be on the brink of suffocation ; the eyeballs protrude ; the face is anxious and pale ; the neck muscles stand For articles referred to la treatments see pages 173 to 217. 74 THE EVER READY DOCTOR out; the lips may be blue; a cold sweat covers the body ; the hands and feet are cold, and talking becomes impossible. Altogether the appearance is alarming, yet death has probably seldom occurred during an attack. The attacks last from one to seven hours, if not stopped by treatment, and will return on suc- cessive nights. Men are subject to Asthma more than women. There is often coughing and spitting of yel- low, semitransparent balls of mucus floating in a thinner secretion. Asthmatic persons are almost invariably greatly debilitated — de-vitalized, owing to the chronic and exhausting nature of the disease and because of the absorption of poisonous matters from decomposition of effete matter in the bowels. Hence these condi- tions must be remedied as well as the disease itself, and failure to attend to these side-issues is often the cause of the failure of good remedies to produce cura- tive results. Begin with taking 1 Laxet every half hour for 4 doses before retiring, and on rising a full dose of Salfiz. Repeat this every second night 3 times, and thereafter take Salfiz night and morning for a month or two, adding a Laxet occasionally to the evening dose. Also every evening on retiring take 2 Nausep- tics to sweeten and purify and brighten up the whole system, and sponge the body with Nauseptic Lotion to clease the skin and keep up its constant activity through the pores. Now for the Asthma, itself. As a regular treat- ment take 1 Asthmazone and 1 Tissutone before meals. At bed-time take 2 Asthmazones, omitting the Tissutone and taking 2 Nuaseptics as above directed. This treatment should be steadfastly continued until there is a complete cure. During a paroxysm take 1 Asthmazone and 1 Tissutone dissolved in a half glass of hot water for the first dose, then 1 Asthmazone without the Tissu- For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 75 tone every 20 minutes in hot water until relief comes or there is headache or any feeling of stiffness in the jaws, then reduce the dose by dissolving 1 tablet in 10 teaspoonfuls water, and taking 1 teaspoonful every 20 minutes. Place hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion on chest and around neck, frequently renewed, and sponge face and back with same. Weakness of the Heart is a prominent symptom in many cases, and should be relieved by the use of Heartlets. We believe that this is the most satisfactory treatment within the reach of Asthmatics, and is ab- solutely without morphine or opiates, and no smoke. It not only relieves the attacks, but by continuing the treatment a complete cure may be expected in the majority of cases, whether due to defective heart ac- tion, nerve tension or bronchial trouble. Asthmazone is also of very great benefit in many cases of Hay Fever, dry or wheezy Coughs, Bron- chitis and Consumption. A useful application for the outside of the chest consists of one part mustard, three parts flour, mixed into a paste with warm water and placed between single thicknesses of cotton cloth. A vegetable diet is recommended, eat only sparingly of meat, beans, pota- toes, parsnips, beets, turnips, pastry and starches (cereals and bread). The evening meal should be light, dinner should be eaten at mid-day. Influenza, La Grippe is a highly contagious disease, very acute and spreads with amazing rapidity. The disease if not treated is sometimes fatal, usually from complications and sequels; pneumonia, tuberculosis, neurasthenia or in- sanity may follow. There are four important symp- toms of grippe: fever, pain, catarrh, and both mental and physical depression. The attack of grippe comes For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 76 THE EVER READY DOCTOR with great suddenness. One is often seized with a severe chill followed by general depression, pain in the head, back and limbs, soreness of the muscles and fever. Temperature varies 100° to 104° F. Catarrh attacks the eyes, nose, throat and larger tubes in the lungs. The eyes become reddened and sensitive to light, movements of the eyeballs cause pain, sneezing comes on early, and is followed, after a day or two, by a discharge from the nose. The throat is often sore and reddened. There may be a feeling of weight and lightness in the chest, accompanied by a harsh dry cough, which after a day or two becomes lower, and expectorations occur. It often happens that some of the symptoms are absent while others are exaggerated so that different types of grippe are often described. Occasionally the stomach and bowels are attacked so violently that vomiting and diarrhea occur. There is a form that attacks the nervous system, the nasal and bronchial tracts escaping altogether. Grippe may last for weeks. It is the prevailing erroneous custom to call any cold in the head grippe. Influenza becomes dangerous through its complications, pneumonia, in* flammation of the middle ear, of the eyes and of the kidneys, and through its depressive effect upon the health. These complications can be avoided by imme- diate treatment and by care during convalescence. It is important that the patient stay in bed dur- ing the course of the disease and in the house for a time after. Get a grip on it as soon as it does on you, and be vigorous and persistent. Take 2 Painolets every hour for 3 doses, then every 2 or 3 hours ; at the same time get the co-operation of liver and bowels by taking 1 Laxet and a heaping teaspoonful of Salfiz every half hour for 4 doses. Continue with 1 or 2 Laxets at night and Salfiz in morning. Soon as bowels becrin to move take 2 Nuaseptics every hour for 4 to 6 doses, then 3 times a day ; and use Nuaseptic gargle For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 77 every 2 or 3 hours. The great need in this and many other conditions is to have proper remedies at hand and be ready for the emergency, allowing it to get no advantage. The La Grippe germ lives only two days, but successive crops are raised under favorable conditions. Neglected mucus in the nose and throat affords an inviting breeding place for the germ. It is essential, therefore, to keep the throat clear with the garde and the nostrils open by spraying or snuffling with the same solution, and always keep up breathing through the nostrils. For articles referred to In treatments seo pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 79 The Stomach. Kor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER VII The Stomach and Bowels. Acute Indigestion or Catarrh of the Stom- ach and Bowels is really a catarrhal inii animation of the lining mu- cous membrane of the stomach ; sometimes there is also an acute catarrh of the first part of the bowels. This condition is often caused by food which is indigistible or has begun to decompose, in which condition it is favorable to the growth of disease germs, particularly in hot weather. The excessive use of alcohol, over- eating, fatigue and violent emotion may also cause it. At first there is a feeling of weight, fullness and discomfort just below the breastbone. Sometimes there is actual pain. The mouth is dry, the tongue is coated and thirst is usually present. Nausea and vomiting are the most characteristic symptoms, to- gether with tenderness on pressure over the stomach. After vomiting has occurred the patient begins to im- prove; but the tongue remains coated, the breath is disagreeable, there is an unpleasant taste, and some discomfort in the stomach for several days. Fever is absent or slight in mild cases, but sometimes the temperature rises suddenly to 102° or 103°F., and there are chills, headache, dizziness and dullness. Mild cases of acute indigestion last only twenty-four hours; severer cases for two or three days. There is always more or less languor. The bowels are commonly con- For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 82 THE EVER READY DOCTOR stipated, although diarrhea may be present. Cold sores are often troublesome. It is advisable to empty the stomach and bowels and be rid of the offending contents. One or two teaspoonfuls of castor oil should be given to babies or children; one Laxet every half hour for 3 or 4 doses followed in 2 hours with a dose of Salfiz for adults. If there is much pain and discomfort in the stomach and vomiting does not come on (before using the cathartic) it is wise to empty the stomach. The patient should drink a pint of tepid water contain- ing a teaspoonful or more of common table salt, and tickle the back of the throat with the finger or use any other method to cause vomiting. Failing in this, or in any case if condition requires prompt action inject 2 quarts of warm Avater into the rectum. Soon as stomach is empty, give 6 Dyspepsia Tab- lets dissolved in hot water. Rest for the stomach is the next necessity, that is, fasting. If vomiting per- sists after the stomach is empty of food little pieces of cracked ice swallowed in considerable amount so as to chill the stomach will give relief. No solid food should be eaten for two days. Strained rice or barley gruel may be taken during this time, and on the third day gruels, soups and a soft egg. See section on In- digestion for further treatment. Jaundice. There are many causes for jaundice, but the com- monest form, described here, is due to an attack of acute indigestion or catarrh of the stomach and up- per part of the bowel. As a result of this catarrhal inflammation, the lining mucous membrane of the in- testine becomes swollen, and in this way obstructs the opening of the tube (commonly called bile duct), which conveys bile from the liver into the bowels. Not only is the bile duct closed by swelling of the For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 83 mucous membrane about its aparture in the bowel, but this opening is often plugged with mucus which is being secreted from the intiamed area. Jaundice is the direct result of this plugging and obstruction of the bile duct, since the bile is prevented from flow- ing into the bowel, as it naturally should, and backs up into the ducts of the liver until it is re-absorbed into the blood, with the result that the skin and whites of the eyes are tinged from pale yellow to olive or greenish black, and the urine dark brownish yellow, while the bowel discharges, being deprived of bile, become light-colored or almost white. Simple catarrhal jaundice occurs more often in young, pre- viously healthy persons, and usually follows an at- tack of acute indigestion; but it may be caused by exposure to cold, or fright, and it may accompany malaria and other diseases. It is sometimes seen as an epidemic in spring and fall. The jaundice or yel- low appearance sometimes comes on without any pre- vious warning or discomfort, but generally such symp- toms as the following may appear several days, or rarely a week or two, before the jaundice is noticed. There are loss of appetite, nausea, a feeling of heavi- ness and distress in the region of the stomach some hours after eating, and perhaps discomfort in the right side ; there is a bad taste, and the tongue is coated. In severe cases there are headache, pains in the back and limbs, and fever, the temperature rarely rising over 101° F. at the onset. Languor, headache, visual disturbance or irrita- bility are often pronounced, sleepiness and itching of the skin are also frequent and there may be boils. The bowels are constipated as a rule, and the evac- uations are very light-colored, while the urine, in carrying away the bile from the blood, takes on a dark-brown hue, and, when shaken, forms a yellow foam characteristic of the condition. There may be profuse perspiration and the sweat may be yellow. Tor articles referred to In treatments ae» pages 173 to 217. 84 THE EVER READY DOCTOR There is another form of jaundice, not uncom- mon in newborn children, which appears about the third or fourth day of life and lasts for about a week or so, and is characterized by some loss of weight, general yellowness, and the passage of dark-colored urine. This is a harmless condition and needs no treatment. There is, however, a rare form of jaundice in the newborn which is accompanied by great emaciation and is often fatal, being due to changes in the struc- ture of the liver. The doctor must be called in to establish the difference here. If there is any fever (the temperature above 99° F.), or much weakness and general discomfort, the patient should go to bed. Otherwise he may safely keep about; but the requisite diet is not con- ducive to work. This should consist at first of skimmed milk, meat broths free from fat, or white of egg beaten up with about six times its bulk in cold water, and given when the froth subsides, fla- vored with a few drops of lemon juice. Some such nourishment should be given every two hours during the day, with occasionally milk, toast, crackers, or a bland cereal like wheat-flour or cornstarch gruel. The bowels should be moved freely every day with a dose of Salfiz in the morning on rising and at night be- fore retiring. With the evening dose of Saltiz take 2 Laxets to increase activity of the liver. As the feel- ings of discomfort from the indigestion disappear and the passage from the bowels regains a natural color, the diet may be extended to lean meat, chicken, fish, cooked vegetables, such as mashed or baked potato, peas and cooked fruits. Much water should be taken throughout the disease, particularly vichy or soda wa- ter if obtainable. Daily injections of a pint of cold water with 2 Nuaseptics into the bowel, to be re- tained as long as possible, are useful. Itching is re- For articles referred to in treatments see pages 373 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 89 lieved and free action of the skin secured by spong- ing daily with, tepid Nuaseptic Lotion. Catarrhal jaundice lasts two weeks in mild cases, four and even twelve in the more severe. If it persists beyond this time it is apt to be not of the catarrhal form, but of some more serious variety indicative of liver dis- ease. Biliousness. This is a vague term describing, not an exact con- dition of the body, but, in an indefinite way, a group of symptoms. It is probable that there is some acute indigestion or more or less catarrh of the stomach and upper part of the bowel in many cases, and that poisons (ptomaines), developed by the decomposed food in the stomach and bowels, are absorbed by the liver and derange that organ so that symptoms of indigestion and liver disturbance result. There are loss of appetite, languor, headache or dizziness, and depression of spirits. The tongue is coated and often of a yellowish hue in the center, and there may be a bitter taste. Constipation is the rule. The whites of the eyes are apt to become slightly yellow, and the skin sallow. Sometimes, after several days of such symptoms, a violent headache comes on with nausea and vomiting, and is followed by relief. Biliousness is more frequent in autumn and spring. It arises in some persons from eating spe- cial articles of food, as eggs, milk and coffee. Prob- ably the fat in these substances disturbs digestion. In most cases of biliousness we see neither the marked symptoms of bile absorption, as white bowel dis- charges and pronounced yellowness of jaundice, nor the characteristic signs of acute indigestion with ten- derness of the stomach and vomiting; but the condi- tion is like a mild admixture of both these disorders. The avoidance of certain articles of diet may se- cure freedom from the trouble. Measures calculated For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 86 THE EVER READY DOCTOR to overcome constipation are useful, such as exercise, especially horseback riding, performing movements for fifteen minutes each morning, in which the body, at first perfectly erect with the hands held directly above the head, is bent from the hips forward till the tips of the fingers touch the floor, and in which the body is swayed at the hips from the side to side. Rowing and bicycling are excellent, also massage of the muscles of the abdomen. The reliable medical treatment is to thoroughly clean the bowels with Laxets and Salfiz, and keep them clean by continuing Salfiz night and morning and taking 1 Nuaseptic after meals. Indigestion (Dyspepsia, Chronic Indigestion or Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach). The causes of ordinary indigestion or dyspepsia are numerous. There has usually been rapid eating. The abuse of alcohol is a very common cause. Lack of exercise, especially in those accustomed to it, favors dyspepsia. Anaemia, that is, blood poor in quality and to some extent in quantity, leads to indigestion, because our digestion depends upon two functions, first, the proper secretion of digestive juices of the stomach, liver, intestines and pancreas, and second, the movements of the stomach and intestines, whereby the contents are rolled about, mixed with the juices, and gradually pushed along until the nutritive particles are absorbed and the remainder finally ex- pelled as excrement. Moreover, both the secretion of digestive juices and the movements of the stomach and intestines are under the control of the nervous system, so that nerv- ous disturbance is one of the most frequent causes of dyspepsia. Over indulgence in tea, coffee and to- bacco deranges the nerves and occasions dyspepsia; an irregular life with late hours, dissipation, or worry For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 87 and anxiety also contributes to this condition. As dyspepsia produces mental depression and anxiety, and as these in turn aggravate digestion, a vicious circle of distressing disorders is the result. Errors in diet are among the usual causes of indigestion among such are the use of fried articles of food, pies, hot bread, pancakes, cocktails and ice water. The habitual indulgence in candy and "soda water" are also prolific sources of indigestion, especially in the young. Decay or loss of teeth favor dyspepsia, through contamination and imperfect chewing of the food. Loss of appetite is one of the most common symp- toms. Pain, sometimes severe, and usually of a burn- ing character, is felt after eating, just below the breast-bone or over the heart (heart-burn.) There is a bad taste often described as salty, and the tongue is coated; nausea is common, and sometimes there is vomiting of food mixed with a good deal of stringy mucus. This vomiting may come on immediately after eating, or perhaps an hour or two later; there is frequent belching of wind, and sometimes acid or bitter fluid, and often the abdomen is distended with gas. Headache, dizziness, languor, depression of spir- its, and a desire to lie down are other accompani- ments. Constipation is the rule. The weight is not often diminished but sometimes there is considerable emaciation. Symptoms of this kind coming on slowly for weeks or months, are suggestive of chronic catarrh of the stomach, the commonest form of chronic indi- gestion. Much vomiting, especially of dark or coffee- colored material, with pallor and loss of weight and pain in a person of forty or over, indicates a serious condition, as cancer of the stomach, and demands immediate and most careful attention by a physician. People, especially women, who drink a great deal of tea, oftentimes imagine they have heart disease, when the trouble is in reality chronic indigestion. For articles referred to lu t.entuieuta see pa^es 173 to 217. 88 THE EVER READY DOCTOR For treatment use judgment as to diet. Take Salfiz morning and night; 2 to 4 Dyspepsia Tablets and 1 Nuaseptic before and Tissutone after meals. This simple, but effective treatment meets every need and gives complete satisfaction in almost every case. See article on Dyspepsia Tablets. Nervous Dyspepsia. This is the form of indigestion that affects a large proportion of dyspeptics. The symptoms are often much the same as those described but the mal- ady is really a disturbance of digestion without vis- ible change in the appearance or structure of the stomach. The disorder is due to general weakness of the nervous system controlling the digestive ap- paratus. The following points may serve to separate nervous dyspepsia from other forms of indigestion ; first : it occurs in persons who have inherited or ac- quired nervous weakness through a life of dissipa- tion, who have business cares or household worries, whose blood is poor, or who are overworked, or lack any regular business interests. Second: there are often other signs of nervous debility besides dyspep- sia, such as pressure or pain in the head, eye-strain, backache, dizziness, numbness or coldness of the hands and feet and an anxious and depressed state of mind. Third: the symptoms change rapidly. The patient, on one day, may complain because the simplest article causes distress in the stomach; perhaps the next day however, under the influence of pleasurable surround- ings and company, he will eat the most elaborate meal without the slightest ill effect. The digestive discom- fort will also disappear when the person is distracted by business or pleasure; but when he has leisure to think of himself, or when he is worried and anxious about his affairs the symptoms will return. More- over, such restriction of the diet as will relieve the For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 89 symptoms of chronic gastric catarrh, will make the patient with nervous dyspepsia worse, while on the other hand, if he has been living on a few articles which he imagines are all that he can eat, and can be persuaded to partake of any wholesome food, there will soon be marked improvement in his condition. The symptoms are so various that it is impos- sible to describe them all. There is pain, sometimes "gnawing," sometimes of a burning character, and a sensation of fullness or distress after eating; there are belchings of gas and annoying, rumbling and gurgling sounds. Palpitation of the heart is com- mon, but vomiting is rare. The appetite is usually good, but constipation is rather the rule. Violent pain in the stomach sometimes occurs. The treatment consists chiefly in alteration in the mode of life; in the avoidance of tea, coffee, tobacco and strong alcoholic drinks ; in eating slowly, in com- pany and at regular times; in keeping pleasantly oc- cupied and in shunning worry and emotional excite- ment as much as possible. Tissutone after meals and at bedtime; 2 to 4 Dyspepsia Tablets before meals; Salfiz morning and evening are simple and effective remedies. The diet recommended by Professor Osier for this condition is three and a quarter ounces of very rare or raw meat, or scraped beef sandwiches, two slices of bread, with an ounce of butter and plenty of water three times daily for several weeks. He also advises eating hard boiled eggs when the burning pain comes on. The general treatment as regards exercise, avoidance of worry, etc., etc., applies here as in other forms of nervous dyspepsia. These cases of nervous dyspepsia make up in large measure the "cures" of the faith and mind healers; such pa- tients are often foolishly alleged to have had cancer of the stomach and to have been cured by these heal- ers. But it requires no miracle to make them well ; For articled referred to In treatments see pajjes 173 to 217. 90 THE EVER READY DOCTOR all that is necessary is normal living and the appli- cation of a little common sense. Acute Diarrhea; Acute Catarrh of the Bowels. Diarrhea is brought on by various causes among which are the following: stomach disorders prevent- ing the completion of gastric digestion; extension of adjacent inflammation, as in peritonitis; extensive burns; acute infections, such as typhoid fever; over- eating and drinking; changes in temperature, which lower vitality, particularly in children; exposure of the abdomen, when insufficiently covered, to cold, wet and draughts; certain articles of food; indigestible or excessive food, especially unripe fruit; chemical of ptomaine poisons, as those generated in milk which is kept too long and improperly handled, so as to be- come contaminated with dirt and germs. This is the cause of the fearful and needless infant mortality from "summer diarrhea" and cholera infantum. Also it is the cause of icecream and cream-puff poisoning, and poisons swallowed by accident or intent, and germs existing in decomposing animal and vegetable foods, as in food improperly canned, overripe fruit, or impure drinking water. Sometimes diarrhea is produced by purely nervous causes, as by fright and anxiety, as for example, it often attacks students be- fore examinations. It consists of frequent and soft or watery discharges of the bowels, varying in num- ber from two or three to a dozen or more daily. It is commonly due to catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the intestines. The color of the passages is commonly light yellow, but may be greenish from excess of bile, slimy from mucus, or colorless and watery. Diarrhea is often ac- companied by pain, either continuous or occurring with the movements of the bowels, and sometimes by For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 91 fever (temperature 101° to 102° P.), nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting. Rarely cold sores on the lips and pains in the muscles and joints occur. Children and persons with severe attacks should remain in bed. No solid food should be taken. A cathartic is advisable at the beginning of the attack: a full dose of Salfiz should be taken and followed with another dose in one hour until movement of bowels occurs; if it does not act in 2 hours another dose may be taken. If, however, the diarrhea has existed severely for several days before beginning treatment, the cathartic may be omitted. If nausea or vomiting are present a teaspoonful of cracked ice with or without a little strong cinnamon tea may be swallowed at frequent intervals. Water is permis- sible in all cases, but in small quantities at a time, and often enough to relieve thirst. Cracked ice is preferable. Pain in the abdomen is treated by appli- cation of hot towels. The best remedies to stop the diarrhea without bad after-effects are one teaspoon- full of Astragine after each movement of the bowels and one Nuaseptic three times a day. Simple Diarrhea of Children. This, although the least severe, is of the greatest importance, since the more serious forms of diarrhea often begin with the simple variety, and, after the child is weakened by the latter, germs of the danger- ous forms more readily find a foothold. Therefore it is exceedingly unwise to neglect any diarrhea in an infant, particularly during hot weather. Simple diarrhea is caused commonly by overfeeding, or im- proper feeding, and is the most common cause in pro- ducing intestinal indigestion. The indigestible mat- ter occasions irritation of the bowels and rapid ex- pulsion of their contents. Other causes, noted under For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 92 THE EVER READY DOCTOR the consideration of diarrhea in adults, may s<#m\ times provoke an attack in children. The trouble begins with restlessness, and some- times with crying and fretfulness, owing to pain due to gases in the bowels. The discharges become fre- quent and loose, but without slime or blood nor do they have the appearance of water, as seen in cholera infantum. The passage from the bowels may present a greenish appearance, but this is not of serious import, and may only mean escape of bile. There is slight, if any fever, although thrist may be great on account of the loss of water from the blood in the numerous bowel movements. No food of any kind, nothing but boiled water which has been cooled, and disinfected with one-half of a Nuaseptic tablet to the glassful, as often as, and much as desired. A teaspoonful of castor oil should be given as soon as possible. The best remedy to employ as long as the diarrhea lasts, is 15 to 30 drops of Astragine after each movement of the bowels, but not oftener than once an hour. Summer Diarrhea of Children; Milk Poisoning; Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels. — This disorder known by these various names is probably the most common, and it is the cause of more deaths than all other diseases of infancy put together. It occurs during hot weather, and almost exclusively among babies who are artificially fed, not in breast-fed in- fants. For this reason it is more frequent during the second year of child life. The chief cause is impure milk, or, rather, poisons formed by germs which have gained entrance through improper or uncleanly handling, or because the milk has been kept too long. Milk cases often develop slowly with an increas- ing number of bowel discharges, of a brownish, yellowish, grayish, or greenish color, and contain- er articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 93 ing curds of milk or other undigested food. In other cases it may begin suddenly with loss of appetite, fever (temperature 101° to 102° F.) thirst, vomit- ing and pain in the bowels and crying. The baby may be either restless or listless and sleepy, and convulsions are not uncommon. The bowels are often distended with gas, with frothy discharges of an unusually offensive odor. The poisons produced by germs growing in the contents of the bowels lead to inflammation of the lining mucous membrane and formation of mucus (as in a bad cold in the head), pus, and, in severe cases, destruction of tissue and blood vessels in the intestine (ulceration) with bleed- ing, so that mucus, pus and blood often escape in the discharges, giving them a slimy or bloody appearance. In mild attacks slime may not be seen in the beginning, and blood is usually a sign of a special form of diarrhea, called dysentery. The number of bowel movements vary greatly from two or three to a dozen or two daily, and after a while the poison in them irritates the skin about the exit of the bowels (anus) so that it becomes red, raw and sore. This state must be offset by constant cleansing with pure soap and water, to which a little Nuasep- tic has been added, and dusting with a mixture of powdered starch and zinc oxide, or starch alone. Loss of weight is soon apparent ; first by softness and flabbiness of the flesh. Very mild cases may recover in a few days with proper care, but when much mucus or pus is seen in the discharges it is evident that actual inflammation exists, and several weeks of ear* ful treatment are necessary before health is re- Btored. If the discharges contain little slime or blood, but only curds and undigested food, and fever weakness is slight; the chances for rapid recovery are good. The probability of recovery in any case is, however, entirely dependent on the kind of feeding and general care the baby gets. Tor articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 94 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Treatment. — No food of any kind, nothing but boiled water that has been cooled and disinfected with half of a Nuaseptic tablet to the glassful, as much and as frequently as desired. A teaspoonful of cas- tor oil should be given as soon as possible. The best remedy to employ as long as the diarrhea lasts, is, 15 to 30 drops of Astragine after each movement of the bowels, but not oftener than once an hour. Cholera Infantum ; Acute Milk Infection. This very fatal, but comparatively rare form of diarrhea is seen also exclusively in artificially fed babies, and such as are given other food than milk. It is a rapid, violent form of poisoning by infected milk. Cholera infantum comes on suddenly in hot weather, with constant vomiting and diarrhea. The face becomes very pale, the eyes are sunken, and the features are pinched and expressive of alarm and suffering. The skin is often cold and clammy, but the thermometer, if placed in the bowels or arm pit, shows a very high temperature (102° to 107° F.). The pulse is rapid and weak, the breathing shallow and hurried. The passages, at first of a somewhat normal color and consistency and containing curds, become rapidly looser and paler, until finally only copious discharges, resembling water, escape from the bowels. The fluid part of the blood is then drained away, for there are often as many as thirty or more discharges in the twenty-four hours. Vomiting is also constant and aggravated by drink, food and, later, by the presence of mucus and bile. The baby wastes away before the eyes, and from being fretful and restless, becomes dull, stupid, and, finally, uncon- scious, with the head thrown back, eyes half open, and lips apart. The diarrhea and vomiting may stop, but the child dies in unconsciousness. The course is very rapid, and death often occurs in a few hours. For articles referred to In treatments so? pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 95 A marked improvement, or fatal ending, is the out- come within two or three days. Cholera infantum may be distinquished from other forms of diarrhea by the suddenness and violence of the attack, with constant vomiting, large, watery bowel discharges, and great weakness and high fever. The treatment of this disorder must be prompt and persistent. A dose of Nuaseptic Solution No. 4 should be given every hour unless sleeping quietly. Give as much as baby will take up to 1 teaspoonful. This is very important, in order to destroy the disease germs and the fermentive process. Astragine 10 to 20 drops hourly to check movements of the bowels. Sponge the entire body with warm Nuaseptic Lotion three or four times a day, or wrap body for an hour at a time in warm compress of same. Be careful to avoid draughts, but give abundance of fresh air, night and day. This treatment is very successful. Dysentery. In this form of diarrhea the lower part of the bowels is attacked by inflammation. Great straining and pain attend the bowel movements, which are sometimes almost continuous (281 have been noted in thirty-six hours by one observer) . They are bloody and slimy and small in amount, and the constant straining leads to protrusion of the bowel. There is frequently fever (temperature 101° to 102° F.), rapid pulse, loss of flesh, anxious, pinched face, and tender, swollen abdomen distended with gas. If the discharges become less frequent and more natural in appearance, with little slime and blood, and the expression brighter and less careworn, the chances of recovery within a week are bright, but if the face is pale and anxious, the vomiting continuous, the bowel movements frequent, the abdomen swollen and tender, and restlessness, sleeplessness, moaning, and For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 96 THE EVER READY DOCTOR convulsions are present, with little or no urine passed, the outlook is bad indeed and a physician should be consulted quickly. Take 2 Nuaseptics internally 3 times a day and inject into the bowels at bed time a cupful of Nua- septic Lotion, to be retained. Take 1 Laxet every half hour for 3 or 4 doses, followed in 2 hours with full dose of Salfiz, after which 1 teaspoonful Astragine every one-half to 2 hours to control action of bowels. Apply Massajit to spine and abdomen. Bring system back to normal with Tissutone. Chronic Diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea means a chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the intestines, result- ing in destruction of tissue and the formation of ulcers ; the latter condition is indicated by the appear- ance of blood and pus in the bowel passages. Chronic diarrhea follows acute diarrhea, dysentery, and some- times typhoid fever. It is apt to occur among per- sons crowded together, as in camps and prisons, when the bowel discharges and urine are not properly dis- posed of or disinfected. Disorders of the heart, liver, and kidney, tuberculosis, malaria, anaemia, and diseases of the nervous system may cause chronic diarrhea. Diarrhea often alternates with constipation. The number of daily passages varies from one to eight, and the discharges from the bowels are loose and often contain mucus or slime, or in white, opaque masses. Pus, blood and shreds of tissue are generally signs of ulceration, or raw spots which eat into the lining membrane of the bowel. The discharges are of various colors ; yellow, brownish yellow, green, black, slate, or white. Pain in the abdomen, rumbling noises in the bowels, and distention are common con- ditions. Loss of appetite, coated tongue, bad taste, For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 97 depression of spirits, general weakness, emaciation, and paleness usually follow in time. Take 2 Nuaseptics 4 times a day, 4 hours apart. Salfiz in full doses morning and night. After 2 or 3 days stop the Salfiz and following each movement of the bowels, give 1 teaspoonful Astragine till movements are normal. For the debility take Tissu- tone. Mucous Colic in Women. A form of chronic diarrhea, common to nervous women, between the ages of twenty and forty-five, is due, not to actual inflammation of the mucous mem- brane, but probably to constant irritation of the bowels, produced by chronic constipation combined with strong nervous taint. Most of the patients are very emotional, overworked, or in condition of chronic worry, or have nervous prostration, hysteria, or some other form of nervous weakness. This disease, called mucous colic, begins with chronic constipation and a history of indigestion lasting for a long period ; there are numerous painful passages of mucus, either alone or mixed with the ordinary bowel discharges, and rumbling noises in the bowel. This is because the mucus sticks closely to the walls of the bowel, and great effort is required to detach and expel it. The mucus appears as a transparent jelly-like substance, as slime, or in the form of white strings, and occasion- ally as a tubular membrane, looking like a piece of altered bowel. An attack, characterized by pain and numerous passages of mucus, alone or mixed with bowel discharges, lasts several hours or days. During freedom from the trouble constipation is the rule. Worry or mental emotion tends to bring on the dis- order. Take 1 Nuaseptic after meals; Salfiz in full doses morning and night. After 3 or 4 days stop the Salfiz For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 98 THE EVER READY DOCTOR and following each movement of the bowels give 1 teaspoonfnl Astragine till movements are normal. For the debility take Tissutone as indicated on package. Bloody Flux : Acute and Chronic Dysentery in Adults. This is an inflammation of the lower part of the bowels, manifested by frequent, painful passages of blood and slime (mucus) in the acute cases, and of diarrhea, alternating with constipation, in the chronic forms. Dysentery occurs in single cases or in epidem- ics. In military camps it has proven more fatal than shot and shell; it is very severe in the tropics, and is the cause of a large part of the sickness among the soldiers in the Phillipines, Porto Rico, Cuba, and South Africa. Two special microscopic organisms are known to cause dysentery, but the cause of the most common form of the disorder in this country is as yet unknown. In temperate parts of the United States cases of dysentery are most apt to occur in late summer and autumn. Unripe fruit, impure water, etc., are commonly spoken of as causes. The common variety begins with slight pains in the abdomen and diarrhea, at first free and pain- less; within thirty-six hours there are frequent pass- ages of slime and blood, and small masses of excre- ment, from 15 to 200 in the twenty-four hours. The movements are accompanined by much pain in the abdomen and straining, and there is a constant feel- ing of unsatisfied desire so that the patient is running continually to the closet, or is inclined to stay there for an indefinite time. Fever, not usually high (102° to 103° F.), coated tongue, rarely a chill at the onset, and occasionally nausea and vomiting are also accom- paniments. After the end of the week the blood usually disappears, and the passages consist of soft, For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 99 greenish matter with slime, but these gradually re- gain a normal appearance so that in most cases recovery ensues within ten days. In epidemic dysen- tery or dysentery occurring in the tropics the course is often severe, and not infrequently fatal. Begin- ning with slight fever, pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea with mucus, the passages soon consist of blood and mucus, or blood alone. The fever is high (103° to 104° F.), there is great straining and pain, and constant desire to move the bowels, cramps in the arms, legs, and muscles often occur. The joints may become painful and swollen. The pulse become weak and rapid, thirst is intense, and the tongue coated, great weakness and even delirium appear. If improvement takes place these symptoms abate, the fever and frequency of the passages lessen, and the patient is on the road to recovery in two or three weeks, unless the disease becomes chronic. The latter form is unfortunately only too common, owing often to unsuitable surroundings, or improper care and food, and may persist indefinitely unless these conditions can be improved. Take moderate doses Salfiz every morning and evening; Tissutone before meals; 1 Nuaseptic after meals. Inject into bowels every night 2 quarts, if possible, of Nuaseptic Lotion as hot as the hand can remain in. After it has come away inject a cupful to be retained. If there is persistent diarrhea, take Astragine. Appendicitis. The only causes which appear to excite this dis- ease are: first, that the appendix is a useless organ in man, and is gradually degenerating and disappear- ing; second, that such an organ being poorly supplied with blood, can but poorly resist the inroads of germs which enter it from the bowels. The germs which For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 100 THE EVER READY DOCTOR cause appendicitis very often are also the cause of diarrheal diseases of childhood, and start the trouble in the appendix at that time. There is no particular way in which adults can avoid appendicitis. The old theories of grape seeds, etc., being the cause of the disease are not founded on fact. Pain is the first symptom usually. This often begins about the navel, shifting after awhile to the right lower part of the abdomen. The pain begins suddenly in most instances, and is usually continuous and often agonizing. Nausea and vomiting accom- pany the pain and may occur at more or less frequent intervals, throughout the attack. The patient lies with the legs drawn up toward the abdomen so as to relax the abdominal muscles. The most important point in distinguishing this disease from others with pain in the abdomen is the fact there is tenderness over the inflamed appendix. The point of tender- ness is in the lower part of the belly on the right side, usually midway and a little below a line drawn between the navel and the bony prominence of the hip. Even when the pain is situated in the middle of the abdomen it will be found that there is more tenderness on deep pressure with the fingers in the right lower part of the abdomen than at any other point. The pulse and temperature are usually in- creased. The pulse may be 80 to 120 or more and the temperature from 100° to 102° F., or even higher. Appendicitis differs from ordinary intestinal colic due to indigestion in the following points: the pain is continuous rather than intermittent ; there is local tenderness on pressure, whereas in colic the pain is not increased, but often diminshed by pressure and lying on the abdomen ; the pulse and temperature are usually increased in appendicitis. Appendicitis may last a few hours, days or weeks. The patient may (1) entirely recover and never have another attack; For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 101 (2) may suffer more or less pain constantly, not sufficient to require him to stay in bed, but enough to make him miserable, and he is likely to have another acute attack at any time; (3) may apparently recover completely and yet have another attack at any time — this being the more common result ; (4) or the attacks begin as described above and the patient may die in twenty-four hours or may con- tinue in pain, and after some days a lump may form in the lower right side of the abdomen, and may soften down into an abscess. This may subside by absorption in a few weeks or may break internally and cause death, or its contents may escape through the bowels. Many other complications very difficult of understanding may occur. The appearance, in the course of the disease, of chills, rapid, feeble pulse, general swelling and drum-like condition of the abdomen with anxious, pinched countenance, cold sweats, and coldness and blueness of the hands and feet, are bad signs. Immediately, even upon suspicion, of appen- dicitis, take an enema of 2 quarts of water, as hot as you can keep your hand in, containing 4 table- spoonfuls Epsom Salts and 4 Nuaseptics. Repeat this within 2 hours (if ingredients not at hand use plain hot water, but get those bowels emptied quick). Also at start take full dose of Salfiz and repeat in 2 hours. Also 2 Painolets crushed, repeated in half an hour and again in 2 hours, then 1 every 2 or 3 hours; Nuaseptics, 2 every 4 hours. Remain quietly in bed. Apply large compresses across abdomen, from hips to arm pits and well around on both sides, changed every 10 minutes for 1 hour, wrung from very hot water. A 50 or 75-cent double cotton blanket cut in halves is about the right size for compresses. Prepare one while the other is on and change quickly. Repeat this 2 times daily during attack, then every night for a month. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 102 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Immediately following the hot compresses sponge off with cold Nuaseptic Lotion. Faithfully carried out, this treatment will cure nearly every case without operation. Rupture. Hernia or rupture is a protrusion of a portion of the contents of the abdomen, part of the bowel or its covering, through the abdominal wall. The common seats are at the groin and navel. Rupture at the na- vel is common in babies. Natural weakness of the part is the chief cause of rupture; it is sometimes present at birth. A large percentage of cases are hereditary. Rupture is much more frequent in men than in women and is favored by severe muscular work, fatness, chronic coughing, sudden strain, constipation, diarrhea or blows on the abdomen. The first appearance is a swelling or fullness. In the beginning there may be discomfort on standing or walking for any length of time, later a dragging pain or uneasiness or a sensation of weakness or griping at the seat of the rupture. The use of a first class truss is necessary in the treatment of hernia, sometimes it may be cured by a surgical operation. In case of rupture that cannot be reduced, a physician's services are imperative. Cases of this kind are apt to cause strangulation of the bowels, complete stoppage, with resultant vomiting and severe pain at the seat of the rupture or often at the navel. The vomit consists first of the contents of the stomach, then a yellowish fluid, and finally of dark material having the odor of excrement. Death will follow in eight days if this condition is not remedied. In cases of strangulation place large pillow under hips ; apply very hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion, and give full doses of Painolets to relieve tension and allow reduction. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 103 Piles. These consist of enlarged and inflamed veins in the rectum or lower part of the bowel. Piles, External. These are bluish swellings or lumps which project from the bowel; they become extremely tender and inflamed. Treatment for external piles is great clean- liness, use Nuaseptic Solution No. 1 as a wash, also apply on pledgets of absorbent cotton. The bowels must be kept open and regular and the excrement soft by using Salfiz morning and evening. If this does not give entire relief, then do not dally with this annoying trouble, but go to a competent pile specialist and have them destroyed by the injection process or removed surgically. Piles, Internal. In the beginning the patient feels as if the bowels were not completely emptied after a passage; some- times there is difficulty in urinating, with pains in the hollow of the back and thighs. There is often pain on movement of the bowels and blood may follow the passage. Later blood may be lost at other times; the loss may become so great as to cause marked paleness and weakness. Itching is very common. Pus may also be discharged. Loss of sexual desire and power is not uncommon. There may or may not be any ex- ternal protrusions. Bleeding, itching, and pain dur- ing movement of the bowels are the chief symptoms. If the pain is very severe it is probable there is a fissure or crack in the flesh, or ulcer present at the exit of the bowel, which needs surgical care. Fre- quently the piles come out during the bowel move- ment, when they should be thoroughly washed with Nuaseptic Solution No. 1, greased and pushed back. Sometimes this is impossible, though after lying down For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 104 THE EVER READY DOCTOR for a while and applying ice or cold water the mass may shrink sufficiently to admit of its return. Cold sitz baths in the morning or the introduction into the bowel of a pint of ice water with 2 Nuaseptics added. Rectum plugs, or dilators, are strongly recom- mended in treatment of piles. The sphyncter muscle, through abuse, becomes chronically contracted, and the lower bowel, when full and ready for a passage, loses its sensitiveness, the excrement returned into the bowels becomes harder and harder, and when a pas- sage is finally made it is with great pain. By using the rectum plug the sphyncter muscle is stretched and exercised with somewhat the same result as if a healthy passage was made, the bowel becomes more sensitive, and restoration to a healthy condition may speedily be had. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER VIII Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Rheumatic Fever; Inflammatory Rheuma- tism ; Acute Rheumatism. This variety is quite different from other forms, being in all probability due to a specific germ. It occurs in temperate climates during fall, winter and spring — rarely in the summer, and between the ages of ten and forty years. It is rare in infants, their pain and swelling can be attributed to scurvy or to surgical disease. Exposure to damp and cold in persons ill-fed, fatigued or over worked is the com- mon cause. Symptoms. — Rheumatic fever may begin with tonsilitis, or sore throat, fever and pain in the joints. The joints quickly become more swollen, sore, tender and hot, the larger joints being attacked in turn, the inflammation going from one to another. The muscles near the joints may also be somewhat swollen and sensitive. The fever may be high (from 102° to 104° F.) the pulse rapid, much sweating, after which there develops various rashes or minute blisters on the skin. There is loss of appetite and there may be) constipation. The urine is often very scanty and dark colored. Weakness and prostration are marked, the patient is truly pitiable, suffering agony and For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 106 THE EVER READY DOCTOR unable to move without increasing it. Small, hard lumps often appear on the skin of the fingers, wrists, hands, knees and elbows, these are not tender, but last for weeks. These are seen more often in children and are characteristic of rheumatic fever, they how- ever do not show themselves until late in the disease. Complications are many, the most common as well as most serious being the involvement of the heart with more or less crippling of the organ in after life. Unconsciousness and convulsions may develop, commonly when the fever is very high. Lung trouble, pleurisy, cholera or St. Vitus 's dance sometimes fol- low rheumatism. Repeated attacks of from one to four and five years apart are the rule — more par- ticularly in young persons. Acute rheumatism often takes a milder form, with slight fever and slight pain and swelling, but the complications are just as apt to follow. Acute rheumatism is the most common cause of chronic heart trouble. The milder form often follows the more severe and may persist for years. The duration of the disease is variable. In severe cases the patient is ill for six weeks or so. There are other febrile disorders such as gonorrhea, pneumonia, scarlet fever, diphtheria, blood poison, etc., in which inflammation of the joints occur, and which may be mistaken for rheumatism. Warmth is of great value, the patient must sleep between blankets instead of sheets, and wear flannel night gowns, changing them as often as they become damp with sweat. Wrapping the joints in cotton batting and applying splints may give rest and aids in comfort. Soft cloth compresses wet with hot or cold Nuaseptic Lotion should be applied to the affected part and kept moist and the entire body should be sponged with the warm Lotion twice daily. This will add greatly to the comfort and hasten the cure. For articles referred to In treatments Bee pages 173 to 21T. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 107 The diet should consist of gruels, milk, broths, and soups. The bed must be smooth and. soft. The patient must use bed pan and should remain in bed until recovery. Secure activity of liver and bowels by 1 or 2 Laxets every night and a dose of Salfiz in the morning. Take 2 Painolets every 2 hours, about 5 or 6 doses a day. If there is any sore throat, use Nuasep- tic gargle every 2 hours, and take one 3 or 4 times a day. If heart is at all affected take Heartlets according to directions. Reola is an exceptionally valuable remedy in In- flammatory Rheumatism. Results that have seemed almost miraculous in their promptness and perma- nency have been noted repeatedly. We advise that this remedy be wired for if not on hand when needed. See index for Reola. Chronic Rheumatism. This is a disease attacking persons of middle age or later, and is seen commonly among those who have been exposed to cold and damp. The larger joints are usually affected as the knees, shoulders and hips, occasionally only one joint is affected. There is little or no swelling and redness, the chief symptoms, being stiffness, tenderness or pressure and pain in motion. The pain is increased by cold, damp weather and improved by dry, warm weather. The general health suffers when there is great pain, the patient becoming pale, dyspeptic and weak. The disease tends to grow worse without treatment and the joints may become twisted and swollen all out of shape, making the patient a pitiable object, and in time they become immovable. Heart disease develops as a general rule if treatment is not carried out. Secure activity of liver and bowels by taking 1 or 2 Laxets every night and Salfiz in the morning. For articled referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 108 THE EVER READY DOCTOR This should be maintained for a week or two after all pain is gone. Painolets, 2 every 2 hours, about 6 doses a day. Apply Massajit to affected parts thoroughly 2 to 4 times a day, this is important. As this remedy contains a high percentage of Methyl Salicylate in a very penetrating base, thus carrying this valuable remedy into direct contact with the affected joints and muscles, which with its counter- irritant and anesthetic properties seldom fails to give prompt relief. Nuaseptie Lotion is very beneficial. Compresses wrung from the Lotion, either cold or warm, should be applied to the affected parts at night, and during the day when convenient, and kept moist. This will add greatly to the comfort and hasten the cure. Reola should form the basis of treatment, and should be taken in connection with other remedies as directed in the article on Reola. (See Index). Muscular Rheumatism. In this disease there is pain in the muscles, con- stant, but more pronounced on movement. Exposure to cold and wet combined with muscular strain fre- quently excite an attack. It sometimes, however, occurs during hot, dry weather. Attacks usually last but a few days, but may be prolonged into weeks. The pain may be sharp and cramplike. Sometimes there is a slight fever. Following are common varieties : Lumbago. This attacks the muscles or the small of the back, frequently coming on very suddenly when lifting or stooping. It may be so severe that the patient will fall in the street and be unable to rise or turn in bed. In mild cases the pain catches when attempting to straighten up after stooping. It is often mistaken for kidney trouble. For articles referred to Jn treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 109 A large flaxseed poultice may be applied, re- peated as often as it becomes cool. Otherwise treat as for Chronic Rheumatism. Stiff Neck. This is a very common variety of muscular rheumatism most common in young persons. It attacks the muscles of one side of the neck in back and may appear very suddenly. The head is held stiff d to one side, if the head is turned the whole body m, ?,c also be turned as moving the neck causes gre; t pain. For treatment follow suggestions under Chrrnic Rheumatism. Rheumatism of the Chest. In this form there is more or less constant pain, increased by taking deep breath, coughing, sneezing or in movement. It attacks one side, usually the left. For treatment follow suggestions under Inflam- matory Rheumatism. Rheumatic Gout. This is not similar to any form of rheumatism previously described nor is it related in any way with gout. It occurs more frequently in women, except in the form where one joint is attacked. The disease may appear at any age, but it is more common between the ages of thirty and fifty-five. It usually follows or is associated with nervous disease and is connected usually with influenza or gonorrhea. Con- stant exposure to cold, dampness, great anxiety and care favor the disease. The disease is sometimes limited to the small joints in the fingers and toes, little hard knobs form on them. The joints are tender, swollen and red at the beginning of the disease and at irregular intervals after. At first only one joint is attacked, and often the corresponding finger For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 110 THE EVER READY DOCTOR on the other hand is then attacked. The joints be- come enlarged, deformed and stiffened. The de- formity remains after the disease is stopped leaving a crippled, more or less useless hand, it is there- fore important that effective treatment be taken immediately. The hands are usually first attacked, then the knees, feet and other joints. In many cases every joint in the body becomes diseased so that even movements of the jaws become practically impossible. The disease has a persistent tendency to go from bad to worse. Slight swelling, pain and redness about the joints and tenderness characterize the start. Creaking and grating are often heard on moving the affected joints. This condition may subside at inter- vals, but finally the joints become deformed and crippled, becoming enlarged, irregular and stiff. The fingers are drawn over to one side or twisted, wasted and clawlike, the large limbs are bent and cannot be straightened, the muscles waste away, making the large unshapen joints show plainly. The patient soon becomes crippled, helpless and bedridden if proper treatment is not taken to arrest the progress of the disease. The pain increases until the later stages, when it sometimes grows less. Numbness and tin- gling of the skin often annoys the patient and the skin is smooth, glossy and sometimes freckled. The gen- eral health suffers and weakness, anemia and dyspep- sia are common. If treatment is followed the disease is commonly arrested after attacking a few joints, the patient becomes free from pain and little or no stiffness or interference of the use of the joints remain. Rheumatic Gout is a chronic disease in most instances and persistent treatment may have to be carried out to prevent permanent and complete help- lessness. Nourishing food should be taken abundant- ly such as milk, eggs, cream, butter and fresh vege- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 111 tables. Everything that tends to reduce the patient's strength must be avoided. Tissutone should be used over long periods. Hot air baths are recommended as are other hot baths. Twice every day sponge entire body with Nuaseptic Lotion and use compresses of same on affected joints. Flannel clothing should be worn the year round. Moderate exercises and out- door life in warm, dry weather are advisable. Reola should be made the basis of treatment, and the treatment as given for Chronic Rheumatism should be carried out. Inflammation of the Kidneys. This disease is often the result of exposure to cold and wet. It also may be produced by swallow- ing turpentine, many of the cheap flavoring extracts in large quantities, carbolic acid and Spanish flies or the external use of turpentine. It occasionally occurs in pregnant women. Con- tagious germ diseases, like scarlet fever, measles, small pox, chicken pox, typhoid fever, erysipelas, diphtheria, cholera, etc., frequently produce Bright 's disease either as a complication or as a sequel. Acute Bright 's Disease may develop suddenly with pallor and puffmess of the face owing to dropsy. The eyelids, ankles, legs and lower part of the abdomen are apt to show the dropsy most. There may be nausea, vomiting, pain and lameness in small part of the back, chills, fever, loss of appetite and often constipation. In children convulsions sometimes appear. The urine is small in amount, perhaps not more than a cupful in twenty-four hours, instead of the normal daily excretion of three pints. Occasionally complete suppression of urine occurs. It is high colored, either smoky or of a frosted color or some- times dark or bright red from the presence of blood. Stupor and unconsciousness may supervene in severe cases. With proper treatment recovery usually occurs, For article* referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 112 THE EVER READY DOCTOR in favorable cases within a few weeks, with gradually diminishing dropsy and increasing secretion of urine. If caused by or complicated with other diseases the probable result becomes much more difficult to predict. Take several hours' rest each day, together with what open-air exercise can be easily taken, and much deep breathing. Diet of milk, buttermilk and cereals. Otherwise follow treatment for Inflammation of Kid- neys. For dropsy, if any, crowd the Salfiz, support the heart with Heartlets, bathe the dropsical parts frequently with Nuaseptic Lotion, and at night apply cloths wet in the same to stimulate glands of the skin. See Dropsy. Bright's Disease. This includes several forms of kidney disease. The symptoms are sometimes very obscure, and the disease may not be discovered or suspected until an examination of the urine is made by a physician, which should always be done in all cases of obscure or serious disorders. The disease may exist for years without serious impairment resulting. It often follows and is the result of fevers and acute inflammation of the kidneys (dropsy). It is most common in adults, and is mostly caused by over- eating, more especially of meat, and over drinking of alcohol. The symptoms are so diverse and varied as to make it almost impossible to be sure of its existence without careful physical examination, and of the urine by a competent physician. People may be afflicted with the disease without any symptoms until some sudden complication calls attention to the trouble. Symptoms suggesting Chronic Bright 's Disease are indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting, frequent head- aches, shortness of breath, weakness, paleness, puffiness of the eyelids, swelling of the feet in the morning, dropsy, failure of eyesight, and nosebleed. As the For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 113 disease comes on slowly the patient has usually time to apply for medical aid. Persons in many cases, even without treatment, live for years in comparative comfort with the disease. Several hours' rest each day, together with open- air exercise can be easily taken, and much deep breath- ing. Diet of milk, buttermilk and cereals. Otherwise follow treatment for Inflammation of Kidneys. For dropsy, if any, keep bowels very loose with Salfiz, support the heart with Heartlets, bathe the dropsical parts frequently with Nuaseptic Lotion, and at night apply cloths wet in same to stimulate glands of the skin. Dropsy. Generally due to derangement of heart, liver or kidneys, which should receive proper treatment. To relieve the dropsical condition keep such parts wrapped in moist Nuaseptic Lotion compresses and also keep such compresses over whichever of the organs are affected. Take Tissutone before meals, and on every third day take following treatment, begin- ning early in the day: In a half glass of lukewarm water dissolve a rounding teaspoonful of Epsom Salts; to this solu- tion add a heaping teaspoonful of Salfiz and drink while effervescing. Repeat every half hour till bowels have moved 3 times. This will be followed by several more very watery stools and decided reduction of the dropsy. Inflammation of the Bladder. In this disorder there is some agent which me- chanically or chemically irritates the bladder, inflam- mation soon follows, owing to the entrance of germs in some manner. Failure to pass the urine is the com- mon cause of the disorder. Inflammation may ex- tend from neighboring parts and attack the bladder For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 114 THE EVER READY DOCTOR as in gonorrhea and various inflammations of the sexual organs in women, as childbed infection. Cer- tain food, drinks or drugs applied externally as tur- pentine or cantharides may lead to inflammation of the bladder. The disease is sometimes sudden or acute, but more commonly comes on slowly and as sumes a chronic form. The combination of pain during, and frequency of urination with the appearance, in many cases, of blood or white cloudiness and sediment in the urine are evidences of this condition. The trouble is aggravated by standing, jolting or active exercise. Pain may be felt either at the beginning, during or at the end of urination. There is also generally a feeling of weight and heaviness way down in the abdomen, or about the lower part of the bowels. If there is much inflammation the urine on standing, deposits a white, and often slimy sediment. In chronic inflammation the urine has a foul odor, smelling of ammonia. Take Painolets to control pain and reduce con- gestion ; 2 Nuaseptics after meals ; Salfiz morning and evening. Twice a day, after urinating or draw- ing off water with catheter, inject into bladder, through soft rubber catheter slipped over point of syringe, a cupful of warm Nuaseptic Lotion; retain as long as possible. Gradually, day by day, increase the strength of the Nuaseptic Lotion by adding larger amounts of Nuaseptic. Bed-Wetting. Local disorders of the urinary organs are fre- quent causes for incontinence, as inflammation of any part of the urinary tract, diabetes, nephritis, stone in the bladder, tumors and malformations. The in- voluntary passage of urine may rise from irritability of bladder or from weakness of muscles which retain For articles referred to Id treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 115 the escape of urine or from obstruction to flow of urine from the bladder which overflows when it be- comes distended. In children it is a very common disorder and in some cases no cause can be found, but in very many instances it is due to masturbation, to a narrow foreskin with small opening at exit, to fright, to dream impressions (dreaming the act of urination) and to great weakness brought on by fevers or other diseases. Children who sleep very soundly are more subject to the disorder. Treatment. — Avoid nervous excitement. If the cause can be ascertained have that removed. Little or no liquids at evening meal and none after it. Give child of 8, or over, 1 Tissuetone before meals, younger children in proportion. At bed time give full dose of Painolets. Child of 4 can take a half Painolet, and at 8 can take a whole one. It generally requires but a week to show much improvement. The Tissuetone should be continued for at least a month after trouble has ceased. For nrtlclns referred to In treatments sec panes 173 to 21T. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 117 THE MALE GENERATIVE ORGANS AND THEIR STRUCTURE AND ADAPTATION. For articli's referred to In treatments sec pages 173 to 217. 118 THE EVER READY DOCTOR ANATOMY OR STRUCTURE OF THE FEMALE ORGANS OF GENERATION. Tor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER IX Sexual Organs. Menstruation. Menstruation is the term used for the flow of blood from the uterus, occuring every twenty-eight days during the period of its sexual activity, from puberty to the ' ' change of life. ' ' Several causes have been assigned for the appearance of this flow, such as Nature's effort to rid the body of alleged noxious humors, or the relief of a supposed full-blooded con- dition, or congestion of the uterus following activity of the ovaries, or a shedding of the mucous membrane lining the uterus, which had been prepared for a pregnancy that did not occur. All these explanations are open to argument, but the fact is, that it is not known why menstruation occurs. It is known only that a nerve influence, starting in the sympathetic nerve system in the pelvis, causes stimulation of the maternal organs periodically. It is probable that the flow would not appear at all, were it not for the erect position of human begins. The accepted term for menstruation is " unwell " or "indisposed." Race and climate influence the approach of puberty, or the time of life when sexual activity begins in the young woman. A1 this epoch there are several bodily changes in the girl. Her bust becomes larger, her hips become broader, she puts on more fatty tissue, and hair grows rapidly in the armpits and at the pubes. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 120 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Her manner becomes more reserved, and in all respects she shows the approach of maturity, includ- ing more care of her personal appearance as well as a more serious view of life. The approach of the menses, or flow, is accompanied by trifling discom- fort, headache, slight irritability, a feeling of weight about the loins, and a little restlessness, if, indeed, there is any premonition at all. There is no more discomfort than that just described, unless because of some uterine displacement, or other abnormal condi- tion or disease exists. Mothers should calmly instruct daughters concerning the menses, so that they may not be alarmed when it is first seen, and needlessly worry about a natural condition. In women in whom the function is established, there may be at each period, swelling of the breast, with sometimes the production of a little milk ; the heart may beat faster ; the temperature may be elevated a half degree; the skin may be unusual rosy, and there may be brown discoloration here and there, especially under the eyes in brunettes. The discharged fluid consists of blood principally, with some mucus. It should be dark red, and should not clot. The flow lasts from three to seven days, and in most women a slight mucus dis- charge follows for a day or two. With an ordinary period, the woman normally wears three napkins a day; if more are needed, or it be necessary to wear them double, the flow is excessive. At about the forty-fifth year, in most women, the " change of life" occurs; the menstruation gradually ceases, and the period of possible childbearing is at an end. This change is reached after an irregularity in the recur- rence of menstruation, covering from six to twelve months. There is some discomfort during this period of irregularity, but it is not dreaded nor feared. Menstruation has been seen in an infant of two years, as well as an aged woman of eighty years. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 121 While the rule is to menstruate once in twenty- eight days, some women have an interval of only twenty-one days, while others are unwell at the end of every thirty-days. "When a woman conceives, that is, becomes pregnant, or "in a family way", men- struation ceases, and does not return until after the child has been born. It usually reappears after the mother ceases to nurse the child. When the maternal organs have been removed by surgical operation the woman is never "unwell" again, and the changes that would naturally come at the change of life, appear speedily. Painful Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea. As a result of the unnatural conditions of civiliza- tion, the majority of women suffer some local discom- fort, if not actual pain, at each menstrual period, though usually without interference with the pursuits of their daily life. Absolutely painful menstruation that needs treatment is caused by gout or rheumatism, neuralgia, congestion of the maternal organs, or obstruction unless due to arrested development of or deformity of the sexual organs. Neuralgia as a cause operates in those who suffer from hysteria, malaria, syphilis, poverty of the blood, excessive amount of blood or neurasthenia. It may also be the cause in those who live lives of excitement, if not of actual dissipation, or who are devitalized by mental or physical overwork, by masturbation, or by excessive sexual indulgence. Congestion and resulting inflam- mation are frequently a cause of dysmenorrhea, as a result of child-bearing or frequent sexual inter- course, and also as a result of disorders of the pelvic organs and viscera. Obstruction may result from displacement of the uterus or the existence of a narrow passage through which the flow escapes, retention of the fluid permit- ting clotting, and clots being painful to discharge. For articles referred to In treatments see pases 173 to 217. 122 THE EVER READY DOCTOR The symptoms are pain below the pit of the stomach and above the pelvic bone, in the loins and back, and possibly shooting down the thighs. Rarely the breasts are tender. The pain may be dull and constant, or intermittent, sharp, and piercing; and there may be a dragging, heavy feeling about the waist and abdomen. The general health may suffer, and there may be nervous symptoms due to the severe pain and also to pre-existing nerve disorders. Nausea and vomiting may accompany the pain, if severe ; and derangement of the digestion may be added and con- tinue after the flow has ceased and the attack is over. Rarely the patient faints from the severity of the pain or becomes hysterical. In cases of congestion the pain may be simply an exaggeration of that which is experienced between the periods. In the obstructive form, the back pres- sure from retained fluid excites uterine contractions giving rise to severe pain (uterine colic), which ceases only when the clotted discharge is forced out, to return when the cavity of the uterus is again filled,' and the strong agonizing contractions again expel the fluid. Undeveloped or malformed genitals may present obstructions with similar results. The diag- nosis of the condition causing dysmenorrhea can be made only be a physician who has an opportunity to make a study of _ the individual. The outlook for recovery is worst in the congestive cases, unless they are due to exposure to cold, or to remediable pelvic or digestive troubles. In the neuralgic variety, as well as in the obstructive cases, the outlook is good, if the patient will carry out the treatment ordered and permit the operative interference indicated. In nearly all cases, 1 LaTonic 3 or 4 times a day. Pale women lacking blood and tone, 3 Brainotone Tablets after meals until full blood supply is restored and periods are normal. When caused by cold or For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 123 chill take Painolets 1 every 2 hours. If much pain double the dose till relieved. In all cases use Salfiz morning and evening — just enough to keep bowels free. Apply over both groins and small of back hot. Nuaseptic Lotion compresses. Nuaseptics, internally, and Tissutone are often of marked benefit, and by the study of the articles, further on in this book, on these and the other reme- dies mentioned one will readily understand which are needed. Suppressed Menstruation — Amenorrhea. The nonappearance of the monthly periods, after they are established, does not usually indicate any dis- ease of the womb or female sexual organs, nor any particular disorder whatever, but is merely a symp- tom which may be safely ignored if the general health is good. It is frequently caused by a bloodless condi- tion of the body. If the flow be absent in a young girl, and yet she have at regular monthly periods all the sensations peculiar to menstruation, it is well if she be examined by a physician, for the purpose of determining whether there is any obstruction to the escape of blood. This is very unusual ; when girls pass the age of menstruation, and show no signs of enter- ing this phase of life, it is because they are poorly developed sexually, or because of deficiency of blood. Entire absence of any symptoms of menstruation ex- tending into ?dult life may indicate an absence of sexual organs — a most rare occurrence. The occa- sional absence of flowing at the expected periods, dur- ing the first year of menstruation, is natural; but after the function has become once established, it may cease owing to many causes. Any disorder or circumstance which so reduces the general health as to impoverish the blood and weaken the nervous system will lead to stopping of For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 124 THE EVER READY DOCTOR the monthly periods. Among these are overwore, overstudy, insufficient food and exercise, exposure to cold, sitting on stone steps or cold ground, or wearing damp clothes, or bathing in cold water at the begin- ning of menstruation. Also, powerful emotions, as great fright, anger or anxiety produce cessation of the usual periods. Displacements of the womb and local disorders occasionally give rise to scanty or delayed menstruation. Anxiety lest pregnancy may occur, in the newly married especially, or in the woman who has immorally exposed herself to the possibility of pregnancy, may also cause a delay of the monthly flow. Many diseases which greatly lower the general health produce a suppression of the monthly periods, such as Bright 's disease, heart disease and tuberculo- sis. The last does not generally lead to stoppage of menstruation till late in the disease, and there is no basis for the popular belief that a cessation of men- struation is a cause or indication of tuberculosis. Pregnancy is the most frequent cause for the arrest of menstruation. Among the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, besides the stoppage of the periodic flow- ing, are nausea and vomiting, more commonly in the morning. This differs from the vomiting of indi- gestion in that the patient often feels hungry as soon as the vomiting stops, the appetite being good at other times, and no pain in the stomach or other symptoms of indigestion. Enlargement and slight tenderness in the breast is common ; a darkened area about the nipple appears and increases in size, and the veins on the breast be- come visible. Slight puffiness of the skin about the nipple is particularly suggestive of pregnancy. For congestion, pain, delayed, suppressed or ir- regular menstruation take 1 La Tonic every 2 hours, with drink of hot water, for 3 or 4 doses, then every 3 to 4 hours to maintain the effect of this valuable remedy. It is sometimes best to drop the La Tonic For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 125 for a while and use Painolets. Use hot Nuaseptie Douches morning and evening. Across lower ab- domen apply heavy compresses wrung from very hot water containing 4 Nuaseptics and one cup of Epsom salts to the gallon, change every 10 minutes till there has been 4 or 5 applications; sponge off with cold Lotion, dry with brisk rubbing and apply Massajit to lower spine and groins, using gentle massage over groins for 10 minutes ; this at bed-time, following the Douche and, if possible, once or twice during the day. A morning and evening dose of Salfiz will be of ma- terial assistance. If there is paleness and lack of blood take also Brainotone tablets till proper color has been restored. If low vitality or "run down" condi- tion, use Tissutone, the great tissue builder. If flow is too profuse or long-continued take Painolets, 1 every hour for 4 doses, then every 2 or '3 hours, or enough to keep up slight dryness of the mouth. Massajit applied to spine and groins. Tissu- tone every 3 hours for 1 day, then 3 times a day. There are so many different causes for persistent flow that if above measures do not control a physician should be consulted. Sudden Arrest of Menstruation. If the monthly flow has begun and is suddenly cheeked by fright, exposure to cold, etc., there may be a chill, fever, headache, backache, bearing down pains in the lower part of the abdomen, and pains in the legs, together with frequent urination. The pa- tient should take a hot sitz bath or full bath for twenty minutes, and treat same as for Suppressed Menstruation. (See previous section.) Scanty or Delayed Menstruation. When the monthly flow is scanty, or delayed in appearing, there are often symptoms like pain low For articles* referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 126 THE EVER READY DOCTOR down in the abdomen, thighs and legs; backache, pain and fullness in the top and front of the head, and cold hands and feet. All the symptoms which generally indicate that menstruation is coming on are present, and yet no flow; and this condition may last for days, or even a week or more, before it occurs. Or, in other cases, the flow is scanty and affords but little relief. In these cases it is best for married women to take Nuaseptic douches as hot as the elbow can bear, of six quarts of water, lying flat on the back with the hips raised on a douche pan, and using a fountain syringe. These should be taken night and morning every day between the periods, and stopped when flowing occurs. Young girls should not take them. The general health must be improved in every way possible and treatment carried out as suggested in section on Suppressed Menstruation. Leucorrhea (Whites.) A discharge from the front passage, or vagina, of women. Leucorrhea is not a disease in itself, but rather a sign of disorder of the female sexual organs, or of the whole system. "When it occurs for a few days before and after the monthly periods, during the change of life, and accompanying pregnancy, it may be regarded as a natural occurrence if not asso- ciated with any other trouble suggestive of disorder of the sexual organs or of the body as a whole. In the ordinary conditions of health there should, however, be no perceptible discharge from the vagina in women, and if such occurs, with the exceptions just noted, it should be regarded as a symptom of local or general disorder. The discharge is not by any means always white, as the common term "whites" would suggest, but yellow, brown, reddish if mixed with blood, or colorless like the white of an egg. It varies greatly in color, consistency and amount. The discharge is usu- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 127 ally white or watery when the trouble follows a dis- turbance of the general system and not thick and yel- low like matter from a wound. "Whites" is one of the most frequent symptoms of inflammation of any part of the sexual organs — the womb, tubes, ovaries and neighboring structures; also of tumors and injuries of these organs, as follow- ing tears occasioned by childbirth. It is also pro- duced by faulty positions of the womb, by irritating injections, by too frequent sexual intercourse, etc. In all these conditions of local disorders of the sexual organs there are usually present other symptoms, such as pain in the lower part of the abdomen and back or in the vagina, frequency and perhaps pain in urina- tion, and the discharge is more apt to be thick and yellow like that coming from a boil. Such condition should not be neglected, since sometimes serious dis- eases may be averted by submitting to treatment at the hands of a competent physician during the early stage of the inflammatory disease of the sexual organs. In young children, whites are often due to worms, and should receive local treatment by a medical man. Leu- corrhea is a common disorder of old age, owing to natural changes in the womb, and the discharge is apt to be profuse, watery and very irritating. In cancer of the womb, on the other hand, the discharge is dirty- colored, has a bad odor, is copious, and often accom- panied by flowing. As the result of a continuous dis- charge pouring out on the skin about the entrance to the vagina, there are produced much irritation and itching and often chafing and rawness of these parts. Unless the discharge is caused by displacement or some deep-seated diseased condition, the patient may be confident of perfectly satisfactory results from the following simple but most effective measures. There are conditions in which there are symptoms of local inflammation in some part of the sexual appara- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 128 THE EVER READY DOCTOR tus, as pain, disturbance of urination, flowing and thick discharge like pus, which demand immediate attention of a physician ; and finally there is a third class of cases where the discharge is caused by some disturbance of the general health, for which the pa- tient should also consult a doctor. While the dis- charge itself causes a drain on the system, and weak- ness, it is more often the case that the discharge is caused by a general condition of weakness (or local inflammation) than that the general weakness is the result of the discharge. The patient should wear a pad of absorbent cot- ton held in place by a napkin worn in the ordinary manner. Many women have a prejudice against wearing cloths for a discharge of "whites," appar- ently convinced that covering increased the discharge ; this is not so, and cleanliness is an important agency in cure. The pad should be changed as often as it becomes soiled. Take Tissutone regularly before meals and La Tonic after meals until some time after all discharge has stopped. Hot Nuaseptic Douches every night, and if discharge is yellow or offensive use a Nuaseptic Tampon after the Douche (directions with package). Be sure that liver and bowels are normal, using Laxets and Salfiz if needed. A discharge from the front passage, beginning suddenly and accompanied by frequent and painful urination with swelling and soreness of the external parts, is usually extremely suggestive of gonorrhea, a very grave contagious disorder communicated through sexual intercourse. It is sometimes seen in little girls who acquire the disease from towels or other objects contaminated with the discharge. (See Gonorrhea.) For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 129> Vaginal Cleanliness. As cleanliness is next to godliness, no woman should fail to keep her sexual organs strictly clean. Without this cleanliness the human body is more or less defiled and repulsive. The vagina should be cleansed with the same regularity and faithfulness as any other part of the body. Those not accustomed to use vaginal injections will do well to use hike- warm injections at the com- mencement. After becoming accustomed to them the temperature may be varied according to circum- stances. Indiscriminate use of cold water will usually be found more or less injurious rather than beneficial ; warm douches are always preferable. Every woman should be provided with a good fountain syringe with a good nozzle. Most of the cheap syringes have tubes in which the holes are too small for thorough cleansing, and, inasmuch as the walls of the vagina are lined with folds and pockets, it is almost impossible to accomplish a thorough cleans- ing and get the water to reach these nooks with an ordinary small tube. A valuable aid in this respect will be found in the Gem Cleanser. This is a tube with heavy nickeled wires expanding on all sides. This tube by the aid of these wires keeps the sides of the vagina apart and permits the water to tho- roughly cleanse the organ. This tube can be applied to any syringe and is really a necessity as much as a convenience. Ovaries, Inflammation of. This is indicated by pain or distress in one or both groins. Take 1 or 2 Painolets every 2 hours, just enough to cause slight dryness in the mouth ; Nuasep- tics, 2 after meals; Massajit, twice daily over affected parts and daily sponging with Nuaseptic Lotion. Lo- For article* referred to In treatments sic pages 173 to 217. 130 THE EVER READY DOCTOR cally hot Nuaseptic douches (see directions on pack- age) or Nuaseptic tampons or both. Confinement. Exercise is essential to strengthen the muscles on which easy labor largely depends; but stretching, lifting, jumping or use of sewing machine, bicycling, riding and dancing are to be avoided. Daily walks and light household work are very desirable. Clothing should be loose, corsets are usually inadvisable, and a linen waist sold for this condition should be worn to which the lower garments and garters are fastened. Circular garters do harm by causing enlarged veins. The teeth are prone to decay during pregnancy and require in consequence especially good care. They should be brushed carefully after each meal. Preg- nant women require eight hours sleep daily and an abundance of fresh air. The pain in the thigh is due usually to pressure of the child's head on the nerves in the back of the cavity in which the head of the child rests. Varicose or enlarged veins upon the legs and thighs are natural consequences of pregnancy, and may be controlled, when troublesome, by the application of a flannel bandage before arising in the morning, which should be started at the toes and wound, from thence up the leg to the top of the thigh, or to the extent of the enlargement. After retiring at night the bandage is removed and rolled. The bandage is made at home by sewing together strips of cheap flannel cut on the bias, four inches wide, and is more efficient than the elastic stocking. During the last four weeks of pregnancy the breast should be bathed daily, especially the nipple, with Nuaseptic Lotion. If it is the first baby care should be taken to toughen the nipples by frequent applications of a saturated solution of Alum in Nuaseptic Solution No. 2. If the nipple is depressed and shrunken it may be drawn outward by pressing the mouth of a heated Tor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 131 pint or quart bottle over the nipple while it cools; but much manipulation of the breast is inadvisable, as it stimulates the womb. Keep bowels cleansed with Salfiz and build up the system with Tissuetone, especially during the last two or three months. This is a very valuable and im- portant measure. Use Nuaseptic Tampons (directions with package) every alternate night of last two or three weeks. For headache, feverishness, restlessness or "after pains," take Painolets freely. Following confinement use Nuaseptic Douches daily, take Tissu- tone and Salfiz, and you will be astonished with rapidity of convalescense. Miscarriage is often threatened during pregnancy, and if there are indications of such an accident the following treat- ment should be taken: One La Tonic every 2 hours for 4 doses, then every 3 or 4 hours. Rest perfectly quiet in bed till all danger is past, using extreme care in getting about again. Following miscarriage take 1 Painolet every hour for 4 doses, then every 2 or 3 hours as long as there is any tendency to pain or fever, also Nuaseptic 3 times daily; Salfiz morning and night. Hot Nuaseptic Douches twice daily. Remain in bed 9 days or more, as system requires more time for recuperation than after a natural confinement at full term. Change of Life; the Menopause, or Climac- teric. As has been said this period is reached between forty-five and fifty years, and some nervous disturb- ance is commonly experienced. Hot flashes, shortness of breath on exertion, slight faint feelings, restless- ness, irritability of temper, dread or depression, espe- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 132 THE EVER READY DOCTOR cially in the morning, digestive disturbances with loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhea may all occur, and interfer with the enjoyment of life. After the flow has finally disappeared, following an irregularity of several months, there may be a mucous discharge, at intervals. If profuse flow occurs at this time, there is some uterine disorder present which demands the attention of a surgeon. Commonly, women endure nervous disturbance from removable causes for years, erroneously thinking they are still undergoing "change of life," and silently suffer, often unneces- sarily. A physician should be consulted. Ordinarily, women soon recover their poise and enjoy life, putting on more flesh, and becoming less sensitive and some- what less active. During "change of life" a woman should be protected from worry, heavy responsibility and over- fatigue. The diet should be plain and not abundant, tea and coffee should be reduced to a minimum. Crowded or ill ventilated rooms should be avoided. Salfiz should be taken night and morning. If pain is present Painolets can be used with success. If patient is pale and lacking in rich, red blood, Braino- tone will be beneficial ; if lacking in general tone and vitality, Tissutone, the great reconstructor, does wonders. For bearing down pains, pains and dis- charges of the maternal organs Nuaseptic douches, 4 to a quart of hot water, will relieve. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER X Sexual Diseases, Gonorrhea (Clapp). This is a contagious inflammation of the urethra or vagina accompanied by a white or yellowish dis- charge. It is caused by a special germ and is acquired through sexual intercourse with a person who is suffering with the disease. The mucous membrane of the lower bowel and the eyes are also subject to the disease through contamination with discharged pus. The disease if unaccompanied with complica- tion may run a favorable course and end within three to six weeks. Complications, however, are exceedingly frequent, terminating in a chronic condition which may persist for years — even without the knowledge of the sufferer and may be transmitted after all visible signs have ceased. In men the disease manifests itself from three to seven days after sexual intercourse with symptoms of burning, smarting, and pain on urinating. A watery discharge from the passage, soon followed by a yellowish or white discharge is the next stage. Swelling of the penis, frequent urination and pain- ful erections are also common symptoms. Rest is very important at first — best in bed, if not the patient should be kept as quiet as possible for a week or ten days. Large quantities of water should be taken. The diet should consist of milk, cereals, bread, potatoes and vegetables — absolutely avoiding all alcoholic or stimulating drinks. Sexual For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 134 THE EVER READY DOCTOR intercourse is harmful and should not be indulged. All highly seasoned and spicy foods should be avoided. A bag fitting over the penis with a soft wad of cot- ton at the bottom should be worn continuously to catch the discharge — the passage should never be stopped by putting cotton under the foreskin. All cloths, cotton, etc., coming in contact with the dis- charge should be burned and the hands thoroughly washed after coming in contact with the discharge; otherwise the pus may be conveyed to the eyes, pro- ducing blindness. Painful erections may be relieved by bathing the penis in cold water. Inject locally with a syringe one-half to 4 Nuaseptics in an ounce of water. Retain long as convenient. Begin with weaker solutions and gradually increase amount of Nuaseptic as parts become healed. Use injections 4 times a day after voiding urine. Internally 2 Nuasep- tics 3 times a day and Salfiz morning and night, con- tinuing internal treatment at least a month after all discharge has ceased, in order to eradicate the disease from the system. Suspensory bandage should be worn throughout the course of the disease. The approach to a cure is marked by a diminution in the quantity and a change in the character of the discharge, which be- comes thinner and is reduced to merely a drop in the passage in the early morning, but this may con- tinue for a great while. The- more common complications of gonorrhea are inflammation of the glands in the groin (bubo), acute inflammation of the prostate glands and bladder and of the seminal vesicles, or of the testicles. The latter complication is the common cause of sterility in men. If not properly treated the germ may be taken into the general circulation and affect the mus- cles, joints, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, etc., with serious and often fatal results. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 135 Gonorrhea in Women. There is more gonorrhea in the aggregate, per- haps, among respectable and virtuous women than among professional prostitutes. A large percentage of men contract the disease before they marry and think they are cured. The great majority are not cured, the disease simply lapses into latent form and is thus spread. The respectable woman, thus affected, through modesty and an unwillingness to undergo an examination, remains ignorant of the existence of the disease until her health is seriously involved. In women gonorrhea is not usually so acute and painful as in men, unless it involves the urethra. It usually begins with smarting and painful urina- tion, with frequent desire to urinate and with more or less abundant discharge from the vagina. In the majority of cases the infection takes place in the deeper parts, that is in the neck or body of the womb. In this location it may not give rise to painful symp- toms at first and the patient may attribute the in- creased discharge to an aggravation of leucorrhea from which she may have suffered. The special danger in women is that the germs may ascend dur- ing the menstrual period, to the cavity of the womb, the tubes, the ovaries and peritoneal covering causing peritonitis. Pregnancy and child birth afford favor- able opportunities for the upward movement of the germs. It is estimated that fifty per cent of all sterility in women is caused by gonorrhea. In addi- tion to that the effect on the general health is always serious. Many are made permanent invalids and com- pelled to pass their lives in a reclining position until worn out by suffering. It is estimated that from fifty to sixty per cent of all operations performed on the maternal organs of women are due to disease caused by gonorrhea inflammation. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 136 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Rest in bed, the use of injections of hot Nuasep- tic Lotion by means of fountain syringe in vagina three time© daily, followed by an injection of 2 to 6 Nuaseptics to one ounce of water. Retain as long as convenient. Begin with the weaker solution and gradually increase amount of Nuaseptics as parts be- come healed. Take internally 2 Nuaseptics 3 times a day and Salfiz morning and night, continuing internal treatment a month or more after all discharge has ceased in order to eliminate the disease from the system. Varicocele. This consists of an enlargement of the veins in the scrotum above the testicle of the male, on the left side in most cases. The large veins feel like a bunch of earth worms. If they cause no discomfort they may be entirely neglected, as they are of no con- sequence. Even if they produce trouble it is mostly imaginary in most instances. Many young men ascribe sexual irregularities to this cause, although such is not the case. Sometimes the testicle on the side affected becomes smaller than its fellow, but in very few cases does any serious consequence result from varicocele. Pain in the hollow of the back may be the only symptom where there are any symptoms at all. A dragging pain in the groin, a pain in the testicles and about the rectum and in the bladder may cause complaint. Treament. — Relief may be had by wearing sus- pensory and using Nuaseptic Lotion. Apply Nuasep- tic Solution No. 2, locally, twice daily, and take Paino- lets for any pain o»* feverishness. On retiring, ap- ply a little 50 per cent Blue Ointment from the druggist. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 137 Syphilis, the Pox, Lues. Syphilis is a disease of the most destructive char- acter known. It is very contagious, resulting from in- fection and caused by a germ. "While it is common- ly acquired through sexual intercourse with a person affected it may be and very frequently is inherited from the parents, either both or one. It is often acquired through accidental contact with sources of contagion. Syphilis and tuberculosis are the two great destroyers of health and happiness, but syphilis is the more common, though not the more fatal. Symptoms. — Syphilis may be divided into three stages, the primary, secondary and tertiary. In acquired syhpilis the first stage is characterized by a pimple or sore on the surface of the sexual organ not usually earlier than two, nor later than five to seven weeks after sexual intercourse. The appear- ance of this first sore is subject to such variations that it is difficult to determine positively the presence of syphilis until the symptoms of the second stage develop. Following the pimple on the surface of the penis there appears a raw sore with a hard deposit beneath as of a coin under the skin. It may be so slight as to pass unnoticed or become a large ulcer and somewhat painful, and last from a week to several months. At the same time lumps appear in one or both groins, due to enlarged glands. The second stage appears in six or seven weeks after the initial sore and is characterized by a copper-colored rash which resembles measles somewhat, but not often appearing on the face. Sometimes a pimply or scaly eruption follows this or in place of the red rash. About this time, or preceding it, fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea and sleeplessness may develop though they may not be very prominent. Moist patches may appear on the skin, in the arm pits, between the toes and about the rectum, or For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 138 THE EVER READY DOCTOR warty growths in the latter region. There is sore throat, with frequently grayish patches on the inside of the cheeks, lips and tongue. The hair falls in patches or less often is all lost. Inflammation of the eye is sometimes a symptom. These symptoms do not always occur at the same time and some may not appear or be less noticeable than others. The third stage comes on after months or years, or in those subjected to treatment may not occur at all. This stage is characterized by sores and ulcers on the skin and deeper tissues and the occurance of disease of many organs of the body, including muscles, bones, nervous system and blood vessels. Every internal organ is subject to the attack of the syphilis germ. Years after cure has apparently resulted patients are subject to certain nervous disorders such as locomotor ataxia, which attacks practically only those infected with this disease. Inherited Syphilis. Children born with syphilis show the disease at birth or within one or two months. They present gaunt, wasted appearance, suffering continually with snuffles or nasal catarrh, have sores and cracks about the mouth, loss of hair and troublesome skin eruption. The internal organs are almost always diseased and about eighty per cent fortunately die. Those who live grow to be puny and under developed so that at twenty they may look no older than at twelve. Syphilis is without doubt the most serious afflic- tion of the human race excepting tuberculosis. It lasts for years and reaps a harvest of deaths every day. The majority of syphilitics recover under treat- ment and neither have a return of the disease nor communicate it to their wives or children. It is pos- sible, however, for a man who has apparently re- covered, for five or six years to impart the disease. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 139 Without treatment the disease recurs, frequently carrying on complete destruction of the body tissues and organs. The hair falls out, the teeth leave and then follows destruction of the tissues. The mouth suffers badly, cases being known where the whole roof of the mouth and the nasal canal were completely destroyed. Any part of the surface of the body or mucous membrane is susceptible of inoculation with the virus of syphilis, followed by a pimple or sore as described as occuring on the genital parts and later the development of constitutional symptoms. Treatment should be begun immediately on de- termining the presence of the disease and must be continued and conscientiously pursued until com- pletely cured. Doctor House says: "For this terrible world- wide blight, through which the ' iniquity of the fathers is visited upon the children unto the third and fourth generations,' there is an easy, reliable and compara- tively inexpensive method of treatment that in prac- tically every case produces a rapid and permanent cure. ' ' There are thousand of innocent victims who are suffering because of the sins of their forefathers, and in which the disease is manifest and unmistak- able, but in a still greater number the signs are obscure, manifesting themselves in general ill health — always something wrong ; when one trouble is relieved it's another. It's headache or rheumatism or aching joints or sexual debility and so on; not that these conditions are always, by any means, proof of this disease, though a continued tendency to such troubles is a strong indication and must not be disregarded. "But the innocent as well as the sinners may be aided and without the expense and unpleasantness and uncertainty of such treatments as are now quite popular. Various stages and conditions require For articles referred to In treatments sec pajres 173 to 217. 140 THE EVER READY DOCTOR variations in treatment, hence it is very unwise to offer one unchangeable prescription to meet all con- ditions. It would be vastly better to give special consideration to each individual case." Write freely and confidently to Dr. W. B. House, at this office describing in full the history and present condition, enclosing $10.00, price of first month's treatment; and the doctor will give his personal care- ful attention to your particular needs, and write you personally, as well as forward you the proper remedy and full instructions for a full month's treatment. Labels will give no indication what it is for. From 3 to 6 months is usually sufficient to secure permanent results. Subsequent treatments will be forwarded at, #5.00 per month with further personal directions. Tor articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER XI Headache, Sick Headache. This is a peculiar one-sided headache taking the font! of severe, periodic attacks or paroxysms, and is often inherited. It occurs at more or less regular intervals ; the attacks appear and disappear at regular hours. The disorder generally persists for years and then goes away. It frequently appears in childhood between the ages of five and seven and stops at adult life; if not outgrown at this time it commonly van- ishes during late middle life, about the age of fifty- one in a man and at "change of life" in a woman. It may be caused also by indigestion, eye-strain, enlarged tonsils, and adenoids in children, or by fatigue. There is generally a warning of its approach, as mental de- pression, weariness, disturbance of sight, buzzing in the ears, or dizziness. The pain begins at one spot one side of the head (commonly the left), as in the eye, temple or forehead, and later spreads over the whole side of the head and in some cases the neck and arm; the face may be pale, or pale on one side and red on the other. The headache is of a violent boring nature, aggravated by light and noise, so that the patienl is incapacitated fior any exertion and is most comfortable when lying down in a darkened room. Vomiting usually comes on after a while and often gives relief. The headache lasts several houra or For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 142 THE EVER READY DOCTOR all day, rarely longer. Patients may feel perfectly well between attacks, but if they occur often the gen- eral health will suffer. As the majority of cases have no apparent cause save heredity, the following treatment is recom- mended: Take a full dose of Salfiz; 2 Painolets re- peated in 15 minutes, then 1 every hour if required. This is the one great remedy and will relieve nearly every case. Massajit applied to forehead and back of neck always helps and is sometimes all that is re- quired. Between attacks take 1 Tissutone and 1 Painolet before meals and 1 Nuaseptic after meals ; Salfiz night and morning and daily sponging with Nuaseptic Lo- tion. Headache from Indigestion. In this, pain is more often in the forehead, but may be on top or at the back of the head ; it may last for hours or "off and on" for days. Dull headache is seen in "biliousness," the whites of the eyes are tinged with yellow and the tongue is coated and yel- lowish, dizziness, depression and disturbance of sight. Other signs are discomfort in the stomach and bowels, constipation, nausea, vomiting, belching of wind, hic- cough and tender and painful eyeballs. Two Painolets repeated in 15 minutes, then 1 every hour if required, will give relief in most cases of headache. The sluggish liver or bowels should be corrected with Laxets and 1 tablespoonful Salfiz. This may be repeated in 2 hours. When bowels have moved take 2 or 3 doses of Nuaseptic 2 hours apart. For the dyspepsia take Dyspepsia tablets, and thus prevent re- currence. Sympathetic Headache. This is caused by irritation in various parts of the body and conveyed to the brain by the nervous sys- For articles referred to in treatments »ee pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 143 tern. Headache from eye-strain is one of the most common and one of the most important of all head- aches. The pain may be constant or only occasional and either about the eyes, the forehead or the back of the head. It often takes the form of "sick headache." Painolets are recommended for relief in all eases. However, an oculist, not an optician, should promptly be consulted. Nervous Headache. This occurs in brain exhaustion and anaemia and in nervous exhaustion. There is a feeling of pressure or weight at the back of the head or neck, which is often relieved by lying down. Headache from anaemia is often associated with pallor of the face and lips, shortness of breath, weakness, and palpitation of the heart. Take Tissutone before meals, followed with 2 Brainotone tablets after meals, may be continued until the entire system is normal and the body filled with rich, red blood. Rest, abundance of sleep, change of scene, out-of-door life, are all very useful in aiding a return to health. To stop the headache take 2 Pain- olets, repeated in 15 minutes, then 1 every hour if required. Neuralgic Headache. In this form the pain is often of a shooting char- acter, the scalp is often tender on pressure. This may be caused by exposure to cold, decayed teeth, and sometimes by inflammation of the middle ear. (See Earache.) Painolets are an excellent remedy for quick relief, combined with Massajit to forehead and back of neck. Headache from Poisoning. Excessive use of tea, coffee and tobacco often cause headache from poisoning of the system ; in these there often is palpitation of the heart and great alarm For articles referred to In treatments see paffes 173 to 217. 144 THE EVER READY DOCTOR and distress. Painolets according to directions, with a full dose of Salfiz every morning, with cessation of the habit, will almost invariably relieve these head- aches and associated troubles. Poisons formed in the blood from germs in acute diseases also cause head- ache. One of the most prominent symptoms in typhoid fever is constant headache, increasing toward night. The appearance of constant headache should always warn one to consult a competent physician. Headache from germ poisoning is one of the distressing accom- paniments of grippe, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, and sometimes pneumonia. Malaria also causes vio- lent headaches, the pain being just over the eye in most eases, and occurring often instead of the chill and fever. Painolets according to directions will nearly always relieve the headache, but to head off the underlying disease Salfiz and Nuaseptics should be used freely. If symptoms of any other disease are manifest treat accordingly. Headache of Rheumatism. This is also caused by a poison in the blood and is often associated with soreness of the scalp. The poison of gout in the system is often the cause of severe headaches. The headache of Bright 's disease and of diabetes is dull and associated usually with nausea or vomiting. Headache of indigestion is also of poisonous origin, the imperfectly digested food giv- ing to the blood a poisonous product. Headaches from ill ventilated and crowded rooms are all of the poison- ous variety. The inhalation of illuminating gas from leaky pipes and fixtures is still another form. Paino- lets are very valuable for relief from all such head- aches. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 145 ULA UITC» MO rOVC* CCNTB»LIS The Eye. For nrtlclpd rofrrred to In troutments nor pnRps 173 to 217. 146 THE EVER READY DOCTOR The Ear. For articles referred to in treatment* see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTER XII The Eye and the Ear. Stye. This is a boil on the eyelid beginning at the root of a hair as a hard swelling which may extend to the whole lid. The tip of the swelling takes on a yellow- ish color, breaks and discharges "matter" or pus. Pain, a feeling of tension on the lid and very rarely some fever are usual symptoms. When one stye fol- lows another it is well to have the eyes examined by an oculist, as eye strain may result which can be cor- rected with glasses. Otherwise the patient is prob- ably run down from chronic constipation and anaemia. Take 2 Tissutones before meals and at bed time. Use Eyeola 3 times a day and take Salfiz morning and night. Conjunctivities. In this disorder one eye is commonly attacked twenty-four hours before the other. There is a feel- ing of discomfort, a burning sensation, constant water- ing, the tears containing flakes of white discharge, sometimes sticking the lids together. The inner sur- face of the lids are reddened, the blood vessels are enlarged and the lids are slightly swollen. The red- ness may extend to the eyeball and give it a bloodshot appearance. There may be blurring of vision caused by the discharge and severe pain as if a cinder had fallen into the eye. Early treatment is imperative, for by this means the sight may be saved. AH forms of severe inflam- For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 148 THE EVER READY DOCTOR mation of the lids are contagious and arc conveyed through the agency of towels, wash basin, soap, hand- kerchief, etc. If eyes are persistently troublesome, consult an oculist for eye strain and have glasses fitted. The germ of pneumonia and that of grippe often cause conjunctivitis. Colds, chronic nasal ca- tarrh. Foul vapors, gases and tobacco smoke lead to congestion and catarrhal inflammation of the lids. In all cases of sore or inflamed eyes or lids; or eyes that are strained and tired from over use; or in snowblindness, Eyeola should be used freely, putting at least 2 drops into each eye. If only one eye is af- fected the other eye should be treated practically the same in order to prevent its becoming inflamed as is so often the ease. Applications of Eyeola should be made 2 or 3 times a day, or every 2 hours, depending upon the severity of the case. With but very little practice one can easily do this for himself with the dropper. In making the applications it is well to put one drop into one eye and wait a few moments before put- ting one in the other, then, after a few moments, re- peat the process while lying down or with the head thrown well back. Whenever pain is caused by the light a dark bandage or shield should be worn, partly or entirely cutting off the light. In severe cases the patient should be kept in a perfectly dark room until eyes can endure the light. It is also well in severe cases to place a film of absorbent cotton or soft thin cloth moisted with Eye- ola over the closed eyes, and lie down, allowing them to remain so for an hour or two. Keep the bowels free with Salfiz, and take 1 Tissuetone before meals and at bedtime and 1 Nua- septic after meals. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 149 Pink Eye. This is a severe form of catarrh caused by a germ known as "Kock-Weeks Bacillus." Treat same as conjunctivitis. Earache. This is due commonly from an extension of ca- tarrhal disease of the nose or throat. Grippe has been a very fruitful source of the germ attacking the mid- dle ear, causing earache. Chronic catarrh of nose or throat, diseased tonsils, adenoids in children or an obstruction of the nasal canal favor earache. The com- mon eruptive diseases of children as scarlet fever, measles and dyphtheria are common causes of inflamed middle ear and earache. Although earache is common its dangers are not appreciated for various complica- tions will surely arise and the result is always serious. Extension of the inflammation to the bone behind the ear may necessitate chiseling away part of the skull to liberate pus or dead bone ; occurrence of abscess of the brain necessitates operation. Symptoms. — Pain is severe and often excruciating in adults, especially over the temple, side, and back of the head and neck, the teeth even may be painful as well as the ear itself. Pain is increased by blowing the nose, sneezing, coughing and stooping. There is ,-ness on pressing the skin in front of the ear p*e. In infants there may be little evidence of i the ear. They may be fretful, cry out in sleep, refuse food, often be with the affected ear resting on the hand and experience great tenderness on pressure of the skin immediately before or behind the ear pas- sage. The patient must stay in bed and a hot water bag be kept on the ear until all pain ceases. If the drum is perforated a discharge usually appears from the al ear. The canal must then be cleansed once red to In treatments see pages 173 to ! '"■ 150 THE EVER READY DOCTOR or more daily with warm Nuaseptic Solution No. 2 by- injecting very gently into the ear. Also place into the ear a pledget of absorbent cotton saturated with warm Nuaseptic Solution No. 1. Unless the discharge is copious, syringing once a day, only, is permissible, but the canal may be wiped out several times a day with dry absorbent cotton. Syringing should be done very gently in order not to force the germs back into the cavity in the bone back of the ear, although this may occur through no fault in care. Fever, local redness above the bone and swelling in this region may then indicate this condition. Application of rubber bag containing cracked ice must be inforced, together with close confinement to bed. If tenderness on pressure does not subside in twenty-four to forty-eight hours a surgical operation must be resorted to or fatal results may ensue. The opening in the drum caused by escape of discharge often closes, but even if it does not deaf- ness is not a necessary sequence. Ordinary after- effects are chronic discharge from the ear following acute inflammation and perforation of the ear drum, which may mean a sudden return of pain at any time with recurrence of the more dangerous conditions and deafness. At the outset of the disease several doses of Salfiz should be taken. Also Painolets and Nuaseptics. The water in the hot water bag should be as hot as can be borne. Every two hours a jet of hot Nuaseptic Lotion, which has been boiled and cooled just sufficient to permit its use, is allowed to flow gently from a foun- tain syringe into the ear for ten minutes, and then the ear is dried as follows: A small piece of Sterilized Cotton is twisted around the end of the small stick such as a toothpick which has been dipped in water to make the cotton adhere. The ear is pulled back to straighten the canal and the cotton is then gently pushed into the bottom of the canal and removed and For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 151 the process repeated until it no longer returns moist. This treatment is of less importance than the dry heat of the water bottle and may be omitted. For the common earache of children, drop in 2 or 3 drops of equal parts of Nuaseptic Solution, No. 1, and laudanum, very warm, then cover with pledget of cotton, or may insert cotton saturated with same. For articles referred to In treatments sec pages ITS to 217. CHAPTEE XIII Skin Diseases. With a little persistence in the use of Nuasepties and Nuaseptie Oil and Salfiz there need be little diffi- culty in curing almost any of the skin ailments. In most cases follow the treatment given for Eczema. For cleansing use warm soap suds, preferably of Sul- phur soap. Chafing and Chapping. Chafing is caused by two skin surfaces rubbing together irritated by sweat. The same result is in- duced by irritating discharges constantly on the skin. When the lips are frequently licked the condition is called chapping, but it is the same as chafing and the treatment is the same. The first requisite is to remove the cause, then thoroughly wash the parts with soap and water. Ap- ply Nuaseptie Lotion with a soft cloth or piece of cotton three limes daily. If the lips or skin are badly id, a good Cold Cream should be applied to relieve the pain and promote healing. Chaps. For chapped hands and face, first wash thor- oughly, then apply a good Cold Cream to affected parts. This is an exeellenl method for keeping the skin white and soft and will prevent all roughness. For articles referred to In treatments see oages 173 to 217. 164 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Hives, Nettlerash. This disorder is frequently caused by indigestion. Certain articles of food are almost certain to bring an attack in susceptible people. These include clams, lobsters, crabs, rarely oysters, oatmeal, buckwheat cakes, strawberries, and sometimes raspberries and peaches. A dose of Salfiz should be immediately taken, and Nuaseptic Lotion applied frequently with a soft cloth and allowed to dry on the skin. Pimples and Blackheads. This eruption is situated chiefly on the face, but often on the back, shoulders and chest as well. It is common in young men and women at the age of puberty. Pimples and blackheads are both due to inflam- mation about the glands of the skin which secrete oily material. The mouth of the gland becomes plugged with dust, thus retaining the oily secretions and caus- ing blackheads. If the gland is then invaded by germs, producing pus, we have a pimple. This in women is sometimes caused by use of cheap face pow- ders. Constipation and indigestion favor the occur- rence of pimples and blackheads, but more often it is on account of a poor condition of the blood. Self- abuse with the resultant waste of the body's most vital element causes a weak and unhealthy condition of the blood and is a frequent cause of pimples. Tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol, as well as all other stimulants, should be avoided. Veal, pork, fat and cheese should be avoided also in order to aid the digestion and help keep the bowels open. For all such cases, even the most stubborn, it is first necessary to secure liver activity and bowel clean- liness by taking one Laxet every half hour for 4 or 5 doses every third night for 3 times, taking Salfiz on For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 155 following mornings, after which Salfiz morning and night with 1 Nuaseptic after meals. Wash morning and night with warm water and good soap, preferably Sulphur soap, after which apply Nuaseptic Solution No. 2 to affected parts 3 or 4 times daily. On retiring apply Nuaseptic Oil, well rubbed in. The most obstinate cases will usually yield in from one to three months. Freckles and Liverspots. Freckles are commonly seen on red-haired per- sons, rarely on brunettes, and never on the new born. Their removal is accomplished by agents which cause a flaking off of the skin. Liverspots are observed more often in women and are due to disorders of the diges- tive organs, sexual organs or pregnancy. These are generally benefited by the same treatment as for freckles. Prevention of freckles is secured through non- exposure to the sun or by guarding against its rays by use of good vanishing cream and face powder. An excellent remedy for freckles is Our Freckle Cream used according to directions. Large, Coarse Pores and coarse skin are caused by continuous irritation and by inroads of blackheads and pimples; the skin becomes rough and uneven with the pores open and gaping. Frequent application of Astringent Lotion is very efficacious and should be used promtly to tighten the skin and shrink and correct the pores. Our Van- ishing Cream and Face Powder will be found of great use in making a rough skin appear smooth and velvety until corrected, while treatment is carried out, and can be used without fear of clogging the pores and causing blackheads and pimples. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 156 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Boils, Carbuncles, Etc. Boils are caused by the entrance of pus-producing germs into the skin either through the pores of the skin or along the shafts of the hair. These germs set up an inflammation of the sweat or sebaceous glands and the surrounding structures of the skin, and a small, red, itching pimple results. This increases in size for several days until it may be as large as a pigeon egg. It assumes a bright red, sharply defined, rounded shape, with a conical point, and is at first hard, until pus or "matter" forms when it becomes soft. There is severe pain of a throbbing or boring character, which is worse at night. There may also be some fever. Carbuncles are similar to boils, but have a tend- ency to spread laterally and involve deeper layers of the skin. They are much larger than boils and have rounded or flat tops instead of the conical shape of boils; also the openings are numerous and sievelike. They are accompanied by intense pain and high fever. For treatment in both cases apply Nuaseptic Solu- tion No. 1 frequently, or, better still, keep on light dressing wet in Nuaseptic Lotion. Open freely and early if there is pus. Internally. 2 Nuaseptics 3 times a day and Salfiz morning and night to clean the sys- tem will work wonders. Eczema; Salt Rheum, Tetter. Eczema is a catarrhal inflammation of the skin with the fluid that is given off concealed beneath the surface, or appearing on the surface after irritation has occurred. The many varieties are as follows : Eczema of internal origin due to morbid agencies produced within the body; cases due to drugs and reflex cases. Eczema of external origin caused by oc- cupation, climate, or seborrhea appears, almost invari- ably, on both sides of the body at once, as both thighs, For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 157 both arms, or both cheeks. Its body shades into the surrounding skin. It is dotted with heads filled with fluid. As it spreads the symmetry of distribution is lost. Among the morbid agencies producing this vari- ety are the products of indigestion. Among the drugs producing it is codliver oil. Occupational eczema ap- pears first on the exposed parts, the hands, arms, face and neck in those who handle irritant dyes, su- gar, formalin, etc. Climatic eczema includes the "winter itch," appearing on wrists and ankles in the form of clean, scaly patches, often ringed. The seborrheic variety spreads down the scalp to the folds of the skin. Its borders are sharply defined with yel- lowish and greasy crusts. It spreads from the cen- ter in all directions at once. Treatment. — The diet must be regulated at once. Meat should be eaten only once a day, and then only in small quantities. Only easily digested meats should be eaten, such as fowl, beef and lamb. Sugar and sweet food must be cut down when there is indigestion with a production of gas. Fresh air and exercise are imperative. Cleanse the bowels with Salfiz. Take 2 Tissutones before meals and 2 Nuaseptics after meals, also apply the Lotion externally to affected parts dur- ing the day, but on retiring use applications of Nua- septic Oil well rubbed in. This treatment will pro- duce marvelous results, and cases of the most stub- born character have been cured by it. Burns and Scalds. Apply Nuaseptic Solution No. 2 or 3 frequently, or compresses kept wet in Nuaseptic Lotion. If severe the compresses should be continued until entirely healed to prevent the usual bad scar. For articles referred to In treatments sec pases 173 to 217. 158 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Itching. Sponge frequently with Nuaseptie Lotion. Espe- cially do not neglect this for the babies whose skins are itchy and troublesome. Sores. According to conditions use Nuaseptie Solutions locally in varying strength, as conditions may require, from the Lotion to Solution No. 1 ; Nuaseptics, being actively healing as well as antiseptic. If due to dis- eased condition, treat the cause as well as its mani- festation. See also Wounds, Bruises, and Skin Dis- eases. Sciatica. Sciatica is a neuralgia or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which extends from the upper middle part of the back of the thigh down to the foot. It is caused by exposure to cold or wet, by lifting, and in women may be due to some disease in the neighbor- hood of the womb, or to injury sustained in childbirth. It may also be due to spinal disease or rheumatism. The tension of the sciatic nerve must be relieved by frequent applications of Massajit, and general sponge baths with Nuaseptie Lotion, otherwise treat as di- rected under Neuralgia. If persistent, with the edge of a clean knife, care- fully and very lightly scrape the skin, beginning at small of back and going nearly to the knee along the course of the sciatic nerve, an inch and a half or two inches wide, also across small of back, not injuring the skin more than to rough up the scaly portion ; sponge with Nuaseptie Lotion, and when dry apply pure croton oil along the scraped portion, rubbing it in lightly. The pustular eruption that occurs should not be interfered with, and may be dressed with vaseline and absorbent cotton until it heals, when the applica- tion may be repeated if required. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 159 Stings, Insect Bites. For stings, insect bites, etc., apply Nuaseptic Solu- tion No. 1 or No. 2. Massajit is also very soothing. Snake Bites. For snake bites or other serious or poisonous bites take immediately 4 Nuaseptics, also apply Nua- septic Solution No. 1 or stronger to the bite, keeping compresses on the spot saturated with it. It is ad- visable to open the skin so as to get remedy in deep. Continue Nuaseptics, giving 2 every half hour for 3 or 4 doses, then every 3 hours. Wounds, Bruises, Tears, Cuts, Etc. There is nothing better for promoting the heal- ing process and for antiseptic requirements, whether injuries are small or extensive, than Nuaseptic Solu- tion either in the strong No. 1 Solution or any of the weaker ones or in form of the Lotion. For punc- tured wounds, or such as are likely to cause lock jaw or blood poisoning, apply Solution No. 1 per- sistently, being sure it enters to bottom of wound. A medicine dropper is sometimes very convenient, or you may have to enlarge opening by cutting the skin. For bruises, tears, cuts, etc., bandage and keep moist with Nuaseptic Lotion. Warts. Scrape till they are ready to bleed, and apply a drop or two of Nuaseptic Solution No. 1 frequently, for several days. Dandruff and Baldness. Baldness is commonly caused by seborrhea of the scalp, inflammation of the skin, with great increase For artlclea referred to In treatments Bee pages 173 to 217. 160 THE EVER READY DOCTOR of dandruff of a thick greasy variety. The film should be removed with olive oil and a shampoo with a good Liquid Shampoo given onee every other week, the hair should not be wet with water between shampoos. The hair must be arranged by combing, the brush being used to smooth the surface only. Massage of the scalp is useless to control seborrheic eczema which is nearly always present. Our Dan- druff Remover should be used moderately each morn- ing. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTEE XIV Tumors. A tumor is a growth or enlargement of a part which is not due to injury or inflammation. Tumors occur at all ages in both sexes and may attack any part of the body. They are divided into two distinct classes of growths — benign and malignant. Malignant tumors are painful; they do not move about freely, but become fixed to the parts. Their growth is rapid, and they often have no well defined borders. They frequently return after removal, the skin covering them is often attacked and cannot be moved without also moving the tumor. Malignant tumors are divided into cancers and sarcomas, of which cancer is much more frequent. Cancer occurs more often in people over thirty, and there is a hereditary tendency to it in some families. People in communities are often afflicted as though it were communicated. The com- mon locations of cancer are the breast and womb in women and the lip and stomach in men. The neigh- boring glands become enlarged ; this is, however, a late sign. The growth should never be permitted to re- main long enough for these to appear. Paleness, weakness, and loss of strength often are common on development of cancer, but many do not show these symptoms. Sarcoma is often found in the young and well nourished. It grows very rapidly. The skin does not adhere to the tumor, there is generally no pain. Heredity has no relation to its development. Paleness is often absent. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. 162 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Its seats are the bones, muscles, glands of the neck, brain and many other locations. It is not as common as cancer. Cancer of the Breast begins as a lump, occurring commonly on the outside of the nipple, but many develop in any part. It may or may not be painful at first. The skin becomes at- tacked, and sooner or later the nipple drawn in. It is seen commonly in women over forty. Lumps in the breast occurring during nursing period are often due to inflammation. These generally have no relation to cancer unless they persist in growing for a long time. Any lump that appears in the breast and persists for a long time after inflammation ceases should be cause for alarm. Cancer of the Womb in middle aged women may be suspected if flowing is more profuse than usual or occurs at irregular times; if there is a discharge, often of offensive odor; and sometimes pain — backache — and paleness. Cancer of the Stomach. occurs in persons over forty, most frequently in men, and begins with loss of appetite ; nausea or vomiting ; vomiting blood ; pain in the stomach ; loss of weight and paleness. Some of these symptoms may, however, be absent. Cancer of the Lips arises as a wart or as a small lump on the lower lip in men from forty to seventy ; sometimes it looks like a slight sore or crack, which repeatedly scabs over but does not heal. The growth is very slow and may appear only trivial, but any sore on the lower lip of For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 163 a man of middle age or over which persists should be attended to immediately by a surgeon. Treatment. As soon as there is the least symptom of cancer, and even before you think it is such, go to a compe- tent physicion or surgeon and insist that if there are grounds for suspicion the growth be removed at once. It is suicidal to delay. Early operation when the growth is accessible is a hopeful measure and will always prolong life and may effect absolute cure. This is especially true of cancers of the lips and skin. Until a physician can be consulted, 2 Nuaseptics should be taken before meals and Nuaseptic Solution No. 1 applied to neutralize the poison. For the womb, a hot douche with 4 Nuaseptics to a quart of water should be used. Wens. There are also a number of harmless forms of tumor, which will not return if removed and do not endanger life until they become very large. Among these are soft, fatty tumors of the shoulder and back and other parts, and the wen. This is often seen on the head and frequently is the size of a pea, although they sometimes develop to the size of an egg, in groups. Wens are elastic lumps, painless and of slow growth, and are easily removed. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. CHAPTEE XV Miscellaneous. Feet. For tired, aching, swollen, sweaty feet due to walking over hot floors, or walks, or tenderness of the feet, we know of no better remedy than Shakit. One powder shaken in each shoe will keep the feet comfortable for several days, sometimes weeks. A bath with one Shakit dissolved in the water will do wonders to relieve this discomfort. Corns. Ordinary corns are tough, yellowish, horny masses, but when moistened by sweat between the toes are white and commonly called "soft corns." They are not in themselves sensitive, but pain follows pressure on them. Continued irritation often leads to irrita- tion of the skin around and beneath the corn and the formation of pus. Comfortable shoes are first necessary; well fitting, neither too tight nor too loose. The corn should be painted night and morning with Corncura, and after three or four days soak the corn in hot water, when the corn can be picked out. If the corn has become irritated and pus has formed, the foot must be propped up and the pus let out with a knife which has first been put into boiling water to sterilize it. The use of a knife to cut the corns off is very dangerous, as gangrene or erysipelas may set in. For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 166 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Heart Disorders. Many cases of palpitation and heart weakness are not due to a diseased condition of that organ, but to a system overburdened with waste matter or to indiges- tion, etc. In these cases attend to the cause, and in the meantime use Heartlets to support the heart action. In cases where there is an actual weakness or im- pairment of the organ itself, the use of Heartlets will increase its energy, regulate its action, and in many cases be all that is necessary to bring it into practic- ally normal condition. Persons liable to irregularities of the heart should always carry with them a small vial of these valuable little tablets. A daily sponging with Nuaseptic Lotion will very greatly assist the tab- lets. Obesity (Fat). Fat is dangerous, unsightly and uncomfortable. It spoils the figure, causing wrinkles, flabbiness and loss of vigor, while excess fat weakens the heart. The liver, lungs, stomach and kidneys become diseased and breathing becomes difficult, and the end may come in heart failure and sudden death. Remove the fat and your figure will become beautiful, wrinkles will disappear and shortness of breath, kidney and heart trouble usually leave as the fat goes away. Nadico Obesity Tablets will accomplish wonders in this respect. They contain nothing that is in- jurious to the stomach; are composed of vegetable herbs, such as hops, skullcap, shepherd's purse, bladder wrack, etc., all of which are recognized to possess valuable anti-fat properties. The action of these is sure, pleasant and agreeable. If you use these tablets you don't have to starve, sweat, or do any violent exercise to remove your fat, yet the results are effective and permanent. For articles referred to in treatments see pageB 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 167 If you want to feel younger, look younger, regain your health, use this treatment and your double chin will disappear and you will be able to walk or work with pleasure and even climb mountains. Treatment. — Take one Obesity Tablet after meals and 2 at bed time. Take sponge baths of Nuaseptic Lotion every morning and night with moderate doses of Salfiz. Lack of Bust and Form Development. This is due to many causes among which obstructed circulation of the blood in the parts plays a most important part. This obstruction is due to a previous severe sickness, present ill health or many other causes, among them late hours, im- proper food, lack of open air exercise and of exercises of the upper part of the trunk or body, which in par- ticular has a tendency to retard bust development. Any of these causes lower the tone of the system, while some divert the nervous force that should be used in the development of the bust. As a con- sequence the mammary glands and organs fail to develop. The first and most important thing is that the assimilative organs and glands of the breasts be stimulated to greater activity, that the blood be diverted to them in increasing volume. Vox-Galega Tablets contain, among other harm- less ingredients, the famous Galega, which has a spe- cial action on the glands of the breasts. This action is that of a great vitalizer tending to increase their activity, and therefore adding greatly to their size. It operates in a most remarkable manner in over- coming a withered and blighted or shrunken state of these glands and is unexcelled for promoting a luxuriant growth of the bust. Vox-Galega Tablets do what no other treatment will do, enlarge the bust in a natural way and there- For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 168 THE EVER READY DOCTOR fore make it firm and beautiful in contour; will fill out the neck, chest and shoulders and make them plump, and prettily rounded. It acts on a thoroughly scientific principle, and builds up the weak, thin and debilitated without any nauseous dosing. Sprains. If at all severe give the joint a complete rest until entirely well. If in ankle or wrist, fill an ordinary water pail half full of water, hot as can be well borne, throw in 8 tablespoonfuls (half a pound) of Epsom Salts and 8 Nuaseptics. Immerse the member for 2 full hours, adding boiling water occasionally, keeping it as hot as can be borne. Following the bath, apply Massajit and bandage snugly. Repeat twice daily. The same solution may be used several times if desired. There is probably no other treatment so satisfactory. Sunstroke. This is very dangerous and should have imme- diate care. Apply Nuaseptic Lotion, cold, to head and neck, and sponge entire body frequently. Give 1 Painolet every 15 minutes for 4 doses, then every hour or two. Perfect quiet and rest with head high should be had. The Nuaseptic Lotion should be continued in a modified way for several days or weeks and bowels kept free with Salfiz. Teeth. A sour mouth is the cause of tooth decay. It softens the gums, taints the breath and inflames the entire mouth and throat. Teeth are composed of a chalky bone substance, which will remain unchanged for a thousand years if kept from the attack of acids. Teeth removed from the mouth stop decaying and For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. THE EVER READY DOCTOR 169 never soften or crumble. Acids forming around the base of the teeth, in minute cracks in the enamel and between the teeth, are the sole and only cause of tooth decay. These acids are the result of bacteriological decomposition of food particles lodged in membrane fold, in crevices of the teeth, between and around the teeth. The alkaline reaction and cleansing properties of our Tooth Paste prevents these acids from forming, whitens the teeth, prevents decay, sweetens the breath, keeps the gums firm and healthy, removes germ and acid deposits from between the teeth, at their base, around fillings, and saves the enamel. It gives new life to softened, wasting gums through a cleansing and purifying effect heretofore considered impossible, and leaves a delightful sanitized taste of refreshed cleanliness. Teething. Sponge face and neck with warm Nuaseptic Lo- tion frequently and entire body morning and evening. In 1 teaspoonful lemon juice dissolve 1 Nuaseptic and apply to gums frequently. Small doses of Painolets if feverish, as directed on package. Lancing the gum is sometimes best, and far better than to allow child long, needless suffering. Toothache. For toothache take 1 Painolet every 15 minutes for 4 doses, then 1 every hour or 2 hours. Clean cavity and fill with Nuaseptic, crushed and slightly moistened ; cover with cotton and apply hot Nuaseptic Lotion to the cbeek. Massajit is also of value in the cavity and applied to the cheek. Abscess, Alveolar (Ulcerated Tooth). Abscess Alveolar (ulcerated tooth) begins as an inflammation in the socket of a tooth, and, if near its For articles referred to in treatments see pages 173 to 217. 170 THE EVER READY DOCTOR deepest part, causes great pain, owing to the pus which is formed and which cannot escape nor expand the un- yielding bony wall of the socket. This explains why an abscess near the tooth is so much more painful than a similar one of soft parts. There may be no cavity in the tooth, but the tooth is commonly dead, or its nerve is dying, and it is frequently darker in color. Threatened abscess at the root of a tooth which has been filled can be often prevented by a dentist by bor- ing down into the root of the tooth, or removing the filling. Nuaseptic Solution No. 4 should be held in the mouth as hot as can be borne and repeated often. Lie with the painful side of the face on a hot water bottle and apply Nuaseptic Solution No. 1 to the gums at frequent intervals between the hot water applica- tions until pus escapes or the inflammation disappears. Pulling the tooth or lancing the gums will also produce immediate relief. For articles referred to In treatments see pages 173 to 217. A Marvelous Combination of MEDICINES This combination comprises but seven remedies but of such wide scope that most all ordinary- ailments can be combated by their use. THESE SEVEN REMEDIES ARE NUASEPTIC the great germkiller and antiseptic — many times stronger than carbolic acid, yet absolutely harmless and non-poisonous, regular price, $1.00. SALFIZ the great laxative and reconstructor — mild and non-griping, regular price, Si. 00. PAINOLETS the great painkiller and fever remedy — nothing better in the world, regular price, SI. 00. MASSAJIT the greatest liniment for all around use, regular price, SI. 00. TISSUTONE the great tissue tonic and reconstructor — strengthens and invigorates the body, regular price, $1.00. LAXETS the great liver and bowel corrective, regular price, $1.00. ASTRAGINE the best colic and diarrhea remedy, regu- lar price, $1.00. Out of Over 130 Diseases Described in "The Ever-Ready Doctor." Dr. House recommends Nuaseptic in 119 Salfiz in 56 Painolets in 51 Massajit in 31 Tissutone in 30 Laxets in 21 Astragine in 12 These facts are conclusive evidence that no home should be without this wonderful combination. It will enable you to fight disease as you were never abletofightit before. It will keep your mind at ease — your family well — your doctor bills down, and life will be worth living. •OUR SPECIAL OFFER' In order to introduce these remedies and to enable you to be pre- pared to test their efficiency, we willsend you these seven remedies postpaid, on receipt of #5.00. If bought singly, the cost would be J57.00, so you save #2.00 by buying the combination. This is well worth considering! nasmuch as you can never tell just when you may need them, and i tis always best tohaveasupplyonhand at all times than to wait until you ncedi t and then wait until i t arrives. Dr. Hou se naua: " Thes . e are remedies that I h tat used in my own ™^^^™"^""— practice for many years, and I can personally auure you that they may be depended upon J or distinctive merit and /or the best obtainable results in their spheres of action. ' ' National Distributing Co., 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, HI. Practical Household Remedies These remedies are all manufactured under the strictest supervision and care, from the high- est grade ingredients, and contain no habit- forming drugs of any kind. We recommend these remedies to all doc- tors and practicing physicians who are looking for reliable, high-grade preparations, as well as to everyone wishing to use reliable medicines in their home. They are especially prepared with a view to their use by people in their own homes, and so as to be safely used by anyone. Address All Correspondence and Orders to National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. Foreword. "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves," is a saying that is old, but nevertheless, just as true today as it ever was. It is especially true in the prevention and treatment of the many human ail- ments that nature so often visits on us. There is a great object in this book. This object is to supply a "real need" to the tens of thousands of American families who are not conveniently located near a physician's office, or to those whose circum- stances are such that they are not able to consult him on the slightest symptoms of an approaching illness, which quite frequently, if not immediately and properly treated, develop serious symptoms, often followed by years of suffering or even death. Its mission is for prevention rather than cure. Almost every human ailment known is described at length within its pages, not only their causes, but prevention, symptoms, sequels and full treatments as well. This is done in such simple language that anyone who can read and follow out the simple explanations given within its pages can pretty well determine just what the nature of each ailment is by its symptoms, and, by following the treatment prescribed, not only check and avert serious complica- tions, but in many cases disaster and probable death. To those who are so situated that the services of a doctor can be conveniently had on the slightest illness, we wish to emphasize that this book is not intended to supplant their family doctor, but, rather, to help him. If you or anyone in your family show 176 THE EVER READY DOCTOR the slightest symptoms of an oncoming illness, you will, by careful study of this book, be enabled to realize the gravity of the case and consult your doc- tor in time to avert serious developments. Or, in the milder cases save him the trouble and yourself the expense of his visits. As it is a well known fact that "an ounce of pre- vention is worth a pound of cure," so by the guid- ance of this book you will be able to prevent a great many illnesses, and thus save yourself many hours, or even days and weeks of pain and anguish and the more dreaded sequels of many of the diseases. The treatments given in this book are all pre- scribed by Dr. "W. B. House, a graduate of 1885 from the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, with special course taken at the Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons. The doctor has had a wide and varied experience as a family physician for 30 years, an experience which is ripened and can be trusted, and that will be made of benefit to many thousands of families through this book. He has a wide acquaintance, and has the strongest of endorse- ments, not only from his patients, but among medical men of highest standing. Most of the remedies recommended are also manufactured under the doctor's supervision, from his own formulae, used in his long and extensive practice, and need no comment by us, except that, al- though we have looked far and wide we could find no remedies with better or stronger recommendations as to reliability and effectiveness than those of Dr. House, some of which he has used for twenty years and more with continuously successful results. His methods of treatment are the most logical, therefore the most practical and effective means to a cure. While there are hundreds of remedies sold and prescribed for almost every known ailment, it is un- reasonable to believe that the best results can be ob- THE EVER READY DOCTOR 177 tained by the use of one single remedy alone in a seri- ous illness. "Where there is fever with constipation or a bowel tract loaded with poisonous matters, it is necessary not only to take a medicine to check the fever with its headache but also one to relieve or prevent the consti- pation, or to remove the cause of the fever. This can- not be done with a fever medicine alone, a laxative and antiseptic must be regularly taken as well ; while, if the body is run down, some medicine to build it up into shape to combat the disease must also be taken to hasten speedy and complete recovery. Temporarily checking the symptoms as some sin- gle remedies do is not enough. The cause must be ascertained and removed, otherwise the disease is liable to return stronger and with more serious re- sults. In conclusion we might add that all of the prepa- rations and medicines recommended in this book are sold by us so that you can always depend on getting just what you want and know just where to get it. "We hope you will find this work of great help and value to you, and that whenever occasion demands you will, by turning to its pages, find relief, advice and consolation that will number you among the many friends that we already have. National Distributing Co. 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. A Chat With Doctor House. Having prescribed the treatments for this book, I would like a personal word with the readers. I am not a specialist, unless it be as a family physician. The curing of disease in the easiest and simplest way has been and is my ambition. Success- ful physicians of experience do nearly all of their best work with but very few remedies, and the longer they practice the more simplified their treatment becomes. In my own practice I have used with great suc- cess a few prescriptions of wide scope and great util- ity. The first of importance was Painolets, more than twenty years ago, after ten years of active practice. There was no intention at first of putting them on the market, but I finally did so because of their very great value and because their value created a demand ; and the most enthusiastic users of them today are the customers who began using them in their families eighteen or twenty years ago. As time passed and experience matured other remedies were perfected and adopted, making a list of a few, but of such wide scope that almost every disease can be treated and successfully combated. It is not intended nor expected that these reme- dies shall supplant the services of your doctor when- ever he is needed. Do not by any means neglect call- ing him at such times. But you will find by follow- ing the advice given in this book and by keeping a supply of these remedies always on hand, that you will very seldom require a physician, and will have very much less illness in your home. Study the rem- edies and their uses and become familiar with the carefully prepared directions with each package and the suggestions in this book. You will then be able 179 THE EVER READY DOCTOR to act intelligently in cases of sickness or emergency, and the more so as you become familiar with them. Each remedy is made with a view to its use by people in their homes, and so as to be safely used by anyone; but even so, you should watch the effects of any remedy, especially when new to you, and if there is any unpleasant action take smaller doses or stop it for the time. Where no dose or frequency is given in this book you can follow the directions and sugges- tions accompanying the package. At their own request, the National Distributing Company have arranged to handle these remedies. I, myself, attend to their manufacture, and they are pre- pared with exactly the same highest grade ingre- dients as for my own practice. They are not cheap, but they are economical. They DO THINGS, and will do them for you, and do them promptly and right, and will rarely disappoint you. It is very important that you have on hand at least those of the remedies mostly prescribed, to- gether with any of the special remedies that you are most likely to need, and thus BE READY for any emergency. The fireman does not wait for the fire and then get ready ; but gets ready and then waits for the fire. So should you be prepared for sickness. BE READY, and at first show of any ailment begin prompt^, abruptly and vigorous^ and knock the creature out. These remedies can be depended upon. Get familiar with them and learn how to make the best use of them. Any special or confidential inquiries or communi- cations addressed to me, in care of the National Disr tributing Company, will be held in perfect confidence. Yours for better health, THE EVER READY DOCTOR 181 ASTHMAZONE — Here is the remedy for Asthma. Also of great service in Hay Fever, Dry, Wheezy Coughs, Bronchitis and Consumption. This remedy is the result of careful observation and long experience. In it are combined the prescription of Dr. House, that is in itself practically a specific, with a remedy of great value suggested by Prof. J. D. Parish, a practitioner of 24 years' experience right here in Chicago where the very atmosphere itself is asthmatic. In some correspondence with Dr. House, the pro- fessor suggested that he add to his prescription the Rosin Weed of our prairies, the weed that, mixed with hay and fed to horses, cures them of Heaves (Asthma) with greater certainty than any- thing else known, and that, in the form of extracts or tinctures, is one of our best remedies for asthmatic and other dry coughs and wheezy condi- tions. Prof. Parish reports many cases as having been cured by this remedy alone, and tells in particular of one lady of 83 who has suffered for years from the sudden changes that prevail along the lake shore, who has found in Rosin Weed the only remedy that has given her relief. Also in Con- sumptive cases the doctor has found it of great service. In one prominent case it caused 3 pints of frothy, watery matter to be raised in one day, and seemed to be the saving remedy. Rosin Weed, or Silphium laciniatum, as it is known in medicine, has been very widely used in Asthma and is a thoroughly tested and proven medicine, but it seems never to have received the attention of our pharmacal chemists, and as the usual dose of 20 drops of the fluid extract could not well be combined in a tablet the matter was taken up with a leading manufacturing chemist, and as a result we have a fine, active concentration that works into the tablet without difficulty, and will add great Intensity to its action. Asthma, while not among the most prevalent of diseases, is very distressing, in many cases driving its victims to desperation. It is a great destroyer of vitality, and has a tenacity of the same nature as the Means' bull-dog in The Hoosier School Mas- Natlonal Distributing Company, -1311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 182 THE EVER READY DOCTOR ter — "When Bull oncet gits a-holt, heaven and airth can't make him let go." But Asthma does let go when Asthmazone takes hold. Asthma may de-vitalize the patient, but Asthmazone de-vitalizes the Asthma. If you have Asthma it is now up to you to con- tinue having it or to take Asthmazone and be re- lieved. We say this in all earnestness with every assurance that this splendid remedy will give, not only relief from the paroxysms, but eradication of the disease. Directions for use: How to Treat Asthma — Asth- matic persons are almost invariably greatly de- bilitated — de-vitalized, owing to the chronic and exhausting nature of the disease and because of the absorption of poisonous matters from decom- position of effete matter in the bowels. Hence these conditions must be remedied as well as the disease itself, and failure to attend to these side-issues is often the cause of the failure of good remedies to produce curative results. Begin with taking 1 Laxet every half hour for 4 doses before retiring, and on rising a full dose of Salfiz. Repeat this every second night 3 times, and thereafter take Salfiz night and morning for a month or two, adding a Laxet occasionally to the evening dose. Also every evening on retiring take 2 Nuaseptics to sweeten and purify and brighten up the whole system, and sponge the body with Nuaseptic Lotion to cleanse the skin and keep up its constant activity through the pores. Now for the Asthma, itself. As a regular treat- ment take 1 Asthmazone and 1 Tissutone before meals. At bed-time take 2 Asthmazones, omitting the Tissutone and taking 2 Nuaseptics as above directed. This treatment should be steadfastly continued until there is complete relief. During a paroxysm take 1 Asthmazone and 1 Tissu- tone dissolved in a half-glass of hot water for the first dose, then 1 Asthmazone with the Tissutone every 20 minutes in hot water until relief comes or there is headache or any feeling of stiffness in the jaws, then reduce the dose by dissolving 1 tablet in 10 teaspoonfuls water, taking 1 teaspoonful every 20 minutes. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 183 Place hot compresses of Nuaseptic Lotion on chest and around neck, frequently renewed, and sponge face and back with same. Weakness of the heart is a prominent symptom in many cases, and should be relieved by the use of Heartlets. We believe that this is the most satisfactory treat- ment within the reach of Asthmatics, and is abso- lutely without morphine or opiates, and no smoke. It not only relieves the attacks, but by continuing the treatment a complete cure may be expected in the majority of cases, whether due to defective heart action, nerve tension or bronchial trouble. Asthmazone is also of very great benefit in many cases of Hay Fever, dry or wheezy Coughs, Bron- chitis and Consumption. Price, per package, postpaid $1.00 (3 packages, postpaid. $2.50.) ASTRAGINE — For all forms of Diarrhea, Dysentery Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum and Sum- mer Complaints. There has probably never been offered to the pub- lic a more elegant preparation or more successful remedy for these distressing complaints than Astragine. For nearly 30 years Dr. House has used this Great Remedy in his own practice with uniform success, even in most serious cases, and many of his patients and others would not be without it in their homes. There is NO OTHER REMEDY like it. The cures in nearly all cases come about so easily that patients often speak of it and of the fact that there is no bad after-effect. It is a great emergency remedy in all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, and should be kept on hand in every home. A delightful remedy to take. There is nothing better, if as good, in the many Bowel Complaints of Babies and Children, and they like to take it. Physicians acquainted with it are emphatic in its praise, and no Doctor can afford to be without a supply in his Emergency Case. Directions for use: Unless otherwise recommended National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 184 THE EVER READY DOCTOR in the "Every Ready Doctor", in all forms of Diarrhea take 1 teaspoonful in HOT water and sugar after each passage. Children, doses in pro- portion. Infants, 4 to 8 drops. For Colic and other bowel pain take a dose every quarter hour. Especially valuable in Babies' Colic. For true Cholera and severe cases of Cholera Mor- bus, Dysentery, etc., take double doses. Price, per bottle, prepaid $1.00 (3 bottles, prepaid, $2.50.) ASTRINGENT LOTION — This is an excellent remedy where the skin is relaxed and has lost its elasticity and the pores are enlarged and stand open. This Astringent Lotion is a mildly astringent tonic — pre- pared for this special object. In every case it will be of great value. It will cause the skin to con- tract, making an even, smooth surface where rough- ness and unevenness previously existed; thus pre- venting blackheads and other skin eruptions from forming. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in "The Ever Ready Doctor", a few drops on the palm of the hand gently rubbed into the skin, when wash- ing will tighten any skin, no matter how flabby or sallow, and will assist wonderfully in correcting the facial lines. A teaspoonful in a bowl of water when bathing the face is excellent as a tonic. Deli- cately scented. Price, 4 #z. bottle, prepaid 50c (3 bottles, prepaid, $1.25.) ATOMIZER — For water or oil, three tips (throat, nasal and larynx), made entirely of hard rubber, large bulb and tube. Gives absolutely continuous spray. Practically indestructible. Price, each, postpaid $1.00 BALMOLETS — Not a tar-and-syrup compound, nor a "gum-stick-'em" candy affair. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 185 Balmolets are neat, dry Lozenges, very pleasant to the taste, convenient to carry with you and, best of all, a Real Cough and Throat Remedy that gives the highest satisfaction in all the ordinary Coughs and Sore Throats such as accompany bad Colds, Bronchitis, etc., in which they exert a very prompt and curative action — not only on the noisy and ha- rassing Cough and Sore Throat, but upon the ail- ment itself. Balmolets contain no morphine nor opiate of any sort whatever, but is a valuable and favorite pre- scription of Dr. House's, now combined, by a new process, with Chloroform. It may seem impossible that so volatile an article as Chloroform can be re- tained in a dry, uncoated Lozenge; but it is true, as will be quickly proven both by its taste and its healing effect. Even in the Coughs of Asthma and Consumption they are often of great benefit. Directions for use: They may be used quite freely, taking one every half hour till better, then every 2 to 4 hours until entirely relieved. Excellent for Children and can be given to them in proportionate doses; dry or dissolved in water. Price, large box, postpaid ......50c (4 boxes, postpaid, $1.50.) BRAINOTONE — The Red Blood Iron Tonic. A Blood Builder for Bloodless People. Sharpens the Ap- petite, Increases the Weight. This is a real Blood Maker — a preparation of Iron and reconstructive Tonics, constituting a true builder of healthy rich, red blood, filling the blood vessels, feeding the tis- sues, making Muscles that have Iron Strength, Brain that has Mental Force and Nerves that have Ginger Snap; all of which are lacking in proportion as the blood lacks In healthy, red blood corpuscles. This unsurpassed preparation is in tablet form, and may be used in perfect confidence by Pale People with flabby muscles and lack of energy. A universal remedy in all such conditions, being a true Brain Food, and of special value to people who lead inactive sedentary lives, and particularly to hard National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 186 THE EVER READY DOCTOR brain workers who require richer brain food which can only be supplied through the Blood. Ladies and girls at puberty, with absent or delayed periods when there is lack of full blood supply, will find these tablets the very thing they need. Directions for use: Take 1 Brainotone just before or after meals, with a dose of Salfiz every morning. Brainotones are slightly laxative, but if they do not loosen the bowels too much, 2 may be taken at a dose, yet it is always best to take the morning dose of Salfiz. This treatment should be continued until the cheeks are well colored and there is abundant bodily vigor. Do not stop treatment abruptly, but drop one dose every third day. Price, per box, postpaid 75c (5 boxes, postpaid, $3.00.) COLD CREAM — A lovely face should never suffer from a sallow, muddy or coarse skin. Cleanliness and care are the two great essentials in the making of a pretty, velvety complexion. The skin cannot be thoroughly cleansed with water — not even soap and water. The cuticle is a horny substance and does not contain water, and cannot absorb it. There- fore, in cases of sallow, muddy, or coarse skin, sun- burn, tan, cold sores, or abrasions, Cold Cream should be applied to the face on going to bed; cov- ering the whole face and neck with a generous coat. This, on arising the next morning, will have soft- ened the outer layer of the skin and should be then washed off. Our Cold Cream softens and puri- fies the skin, and cleanses the pores, thus keeping away blackheads and other blemishes; is soothing and cooling to the skin. It is as harmless as wa- ter. Delicately Scented. Price, 2-oz. jar, postpaid 50c (4-oz. jar, postpaid, 75c.) CORNCURA — This is really a meritorious remedy and will be found to remove corns where other remedies have failed. Directions for use: Apply a thin coating every Address AU Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 187 night, putting each layer directly on the preceding one. After a few applications, the mass drops off, bringing the indurated portion, and frequently the whole corn, off with it. Price, per bottle, postpaid 25c DANDRUFF REMOVER — Dandruff is probably one of the greatest destructors of hair known to science, and to cure it has been the stumbling block of the profession for a long time. Our Dandruff Remover acts directly on the scalp, loosening the tiny parti- cles, dissolving the troublesome grease and attack- ing the trouble at its source; to effect a complete cure is only a matter of persistence. This disease is one of the scalp which frequently results in pre- mature grayness and baldness, yet it is nearly al- ways neglected until it becomes positively annoying, either by producing itching of the scalp or by scales showing among the hair and falling from the head. The dry flaky condition is most apparent, but not so serious nor so difficult to eradicate as that state in which the roots of the hair become imbedded in a layer of oily, adhesive substance that is difficult to remove. When the head is found in this state it is absolutely necessary to remove the disease, or the final result will be appalling — baldness or gray- ness. The Dandruff Remover should be used in all cases. It will clean the scalp very quickly and keep it clean; it will stimulate and promote a healthful condition of the scalp. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in "The Ever Ready Doctor", rub into the scalp with the finger tips, every morning until all dandruff vanishes. After that once or twice a week will be sufficient to keep the scalp free. Price, 4-oz. bottle, prepaid 75c (3 bottles prepaid, $2.00.) DYSPEPSIA TABLETS, EVER-READY — For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Acute or Chronic, Inflammation of the Stomach, Gas Accumulations, Colic, etc. Here is the great remedy for Indigestion in its various forms; a remedy that is not only, itself, an active National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 188 THE EVER READY DOCTOR digestant, taking right hold of the Digestive Proc- ess, but that stimulates the nerves of the Stomach into new activity, making it more capable of doing its own work; and this is one reason for its great superiority. The condition in Indigestion that causes most of the severe pain is accumulation of Gas as a result of fermentation, but Ever Ready Dyspepsia Tablets takes the gas out of one's stomach as a cannon ball would out of a balloon, and the Pain goes with the Gas. People should live so that there would be no need of Dyspepsia cures, but if they do not, then they should at least do whatever they can for the stom- ach they have abused. Ever-Ready Dyspepsia Tablets should be used in cases of slow, imperfect digestion, aversion to fat or rich food, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Nausea, Ac- cumulations of Gas in stomach or bowels and all sim- ilar conditions. Even in Ulcer and Cancer of the Stomach they are of great benefit as, also, in Neuralgia of the Stom- ach and the Morning Sickness of women. Directions for use: Unless otherwise recommended in the "Ever Ready Doctor," as a general rule take 2 to 4 tablets just before or immediately after meals. May be taken whole, but for quick effect should be dissolved in hot water and taken hot. They will not interfere with the action of other remedies that may be needed at same time. In severe Pain from Gas or Indigestion, dissolve 6 in half a glass of Hot Water and take as hot as possible, and while preparing the Dyspepsia, Tab- lets, take 2 Painolets and 2 Nuaseptics, crushed, all of which may be repeated in a half hour if necessary. Should vomiting occur soon after giv- ing the medicine, give another dose. Prompt and thorough cleasing of the bowels should be secured by injecting 2 quarts of warm water containing 4 Nuaseptics and 4 tablespoou- fuls Epsom Salts, or may use plain warm water. Ptomaine Poisoning, same treatment as above, only that several doses of Nuaseptic should be given half hour apart. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 189 These suggestions faithfully followed will result in the complete restoration of nearly all ca3es of Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Price, per box, postpaid 50c (3 boxes, postpaid, $1.25.) EPSOM SALTS — Invaluable in many cases of injections as indicated in the "Ever Ready Doctor." Price, per package, postpaid. 25c EYEOLA — For all Inflammations and Irritations of the Eye and Lids. There are all kinds of Eye Waters and Washes and Salves, and some of them mighty good; but our experience is that Eyeola possesses healing properties equal to any and far superior to most. Its ingredients are the choicest that can be pro- cured, and it happens, also, that they are among the highest-priced drugs manufactured. As a result of using the proper combination of in- gredients, and using them in their purest form, we secure two most important advantages: (1) Superior Healing Power. This, of course, is the really essential feature. The rapidity of the healing process under Eyeola treat- ment is very pronounced and rapid. Inflammations and Irritations, both of the Eye itself and of the Lids are quickly overcome, and Pain is rapidly subdued. (2) Freedom from Pain in its Application. The application of Eyeola does not throw one into a spasm of pain, as is, so unfortunately, the case with most of even the best of eye lotions. The extremely sensitive nature of the eye makes it very difficult to prepare a healing remedy to use upon its surface that is, at the same time, so bland and non-irritating as to cause no pain. But this has been accomplished in Eyeola. Its use is recommended in all cases of Sore and Inflamed Eyes or Lids. It can be used freely and frequently with perfect confidence of good results and without fear of pain in its application. National DlHtrlbutlDR Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 190 THE EVER READY DOCTOR Directions for use: Unless otherwise recommended in the "Ever Ready Doctor", in all cases of Sore or Inflamed Eyes or Lids; or Eyes that are strained and tired from over use; or in Snow-blindness Eyeola should be used freely, putting at least 2 drops into each eye. If only one eye is affected the other eye should be treated practically the same in order to prevent its becoming inflamed as is so often the case. Applications of Eyeola should be made 2 or 3 times a day, or every 2 hours, depending upon the severity of the case. With but very little practice one can easily do this for himself with the dropper. In making the applications it is well to put one drop into one eye and wait a few moments before putting one in the other, then, after a few moments repeat the process while lying down or with the head thrown well back. Whenever pain is caused by the light a dark band- age or shield should be worn, partly or entirely cutting off the light. In severe cases the patient should be kept in a perfectly dark room until de- cidedly improved, and eyes can endure the light. It is also well in severe cases to place a film of absorbent cotton or soft thin cloth over the closed eyes, and lie down, allowing them to remain so for an hour or two. Price, per bottle, including eye dropper, post- paid 50c (3 bottles, postpaid, $1.25.) PACE POWDER — Not so many years ago powder was considered injurious to the complexion and it was also considered bad form to use it, excepting on the stage; but both of these prejudices have passed away. A dainty touch of powder improves the ap- pearance of almost every skin, and provided it is composed of soft, non-irritant and non-poisonous materials, it does not harm the skin in the least. If a wholesome powder be used the sun will not burn nor the wind roughen the skin so much as if no powder were used. For a still better protection from sun and wind, Vanishing Cream should first be applied. Our Face Powder is as soft, delicate and Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 191 harmless as a rose leaf placed against a cheek; is prepared scientifically and carefully, and is the ne plus ultra of face powders. It removes the objec- tionable and shiny look with which so many ladies are troubled, checks profuse perspiration, and pro- duces that rich and soft velvety appearance so seldom seen and so universally admired. Delicately scented. Colors: White, Brunette, or Flesh. Price, large box, postpaid 50c (3 boxes, postpaid, $1.25.) FRECKLE CREAM — Freckles in reality are only dis- colorations of the skin caused by the sun; and are pigmentary discolorations characterized by the for- mation of yellow or brown spots or patches of vi- rious sizes and shapes, usually located on exposed parts, especially the face and back of the hand, but often elsewhere on the body; this does not affect everybody alike — some people tan and others freckle. Our Freckle Cream removes all sunburn, freckles, as well as liver spots and all discolorations that collect in the skin. It does not take from the face the natural rosy color, but bleaches these objection- able blemishes. Freckles and other discolorations are dissolved; blackheads, flesh worms, etc., are brought to the surface, where they dry and fall off with the old cuticle, which flakes off like fine dan- druff, by rubbing the face gently with a towel. While the old skin is thus being disposed of, the new is forming, soft, smooth and white, and fine in texture. Richly perfumed. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in "The Every Ready Doctor", bathe the face with a good soap and warm water, thoroughly cleansing it. Rinse well with cold water, dry with a soft towel and apply the cream lightly over the entire face. Do not rub in, as it is absorbed by the skin. Bathe the face in the morning, and if not going out, you may use as before; if you are, apply cream very lightly, rub in and powder over. It holds the pow- der nicely. Should you desire the Cream to act more promptly and can remain home for two or three days, apply hot towels, steaming the face well, then apply the cream freely. This should cause irritation for two Natlonnl DiHtrihntlng Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 192 THE EVER READY DOCTOR or three days, and may puff the eyelids somewhat (though but temporarily). Having all the surface cuticle, together with all discoloration removed, a new skin takes its place, giving you a perfect com- plexion. DO NOT use any other cream while using this. Continue the treatment daily until you have a perfect complexion, which can readily be retained by using Our Cream only. No irritation will result after the first treatment. This Cream does wonders for the complexion. The application of a little witch-hazel or Astringent Lotion is good where irri- tation is excessive. Price, per jar, postpaid 50c (3 jars, postpaid, $1.25.) GEM CLEANSER — This article is made of hard rubber with heavy plated metal distenders attached in such a manner that they will distend or balloon the walls of the vagina and thus permit the water to reach all crevices and nooks between the folds, and permit of thorough cleansing — impossible with ordi- nary syringe tips. Will fit any fountain syringe. This is an indispensable article to all ladies and insures thorough cleansing. Price, each, postpaid 50c GRADUATE — For measuring medicines a graduate will be found very handy around the house or in the sick room. You will find a good many uses for this article and will never be without one once you have one. Made of heavy glass, measuring up to 2 ounces. Price, each, postpaid 25c HEARTLETS — For Heart Diseases and Irregularities, both as an Emergency Remedy and for Regular Treatment, this thoroughly proven prescription is a combination of some of the most useful Heart Remedies known. It can scarcely be improved upon for a regular treatment in weak hearts that travel with an uncertain gait and are constantly threatening greater trouble; while in EMERGEN- CIES of Heart Failure their action is very rapid, giving Prompt Relief. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 193 People with weak hearts should habitually carry with them a small vial of Heartlets, plainly labeled, for immediate use. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in the "Ever Ready Doctor," for Regular Treatment take 1 Heartlet after meals and at bed time, and keep bowels thoroughly cleansed with Salfiz. If this does not seem to be enough, one can be taken every two or three hours; or if too much, take fewer doses or take half a tablet at a dose. It is more essential in treating the Heart than in treating any other organ that great regularity be observed in taking the remedies. In Emergencies, when necessary to secure quick response, CRUSH two Heartlets and give at once, followed with a drink of hot water, when this can be done. The first dose may be followed with one Heartlet every 15 minutes, if necessary, until the heart responds. Price, per box, postpaid $1.00 (3 boxes, postpaid, $2.50.) HOT WATER BOTTLE — Made of finest new rubber, cloth inserted. Almost impossible to wear this out. A real necessity in every home. Not a cheap arti- cle, but it is made for service. No. 619, 2 quart, postpaid, price each $1.50 No. 619, 3 quart, postpaid, price each 1.75 LA TONIC — (Ladies' Tonic.) For irregularities and diseased conditions of the uterus and its append- ages, inflammation of the womb, falling of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, pain in the groins, irregular or painful menstruation, leucor- rhea (whites), also the various disorders and dis- turbances that arise from these pelvic troubles, and the general run-down and exhausted condition that so often takes place before our ladies will stop and take proper care of themselves. La Tonic is a Real WOMAN'S FRIEND. It should be, and is, used by a very great many of our lady customers. It is a combination of proven National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IU. 194 THE EVER READY DOCTOR remedies that are used by many thousands of Physicians the world over, and considered by them as practically certain in curative action in the above conditions. And this combination, in its present form, has been thoroughly tried out and in constant use for many years in the hands of many Specialists in Diseases of Women. It is not necessary to discuss these matters here, and we do not wish to be understood as claiming that La Tonic will do impossibilities; but we do say with emphasis that La Tonic will seldom fail in cases that do not absolutely require surgical help, and they will very often prevent such neces- sity. Directions for use: Unless otherwise recommended in the "Ever Ready Doctor," for immediate effect take one La Tonic every two hours for four doses, then every three hours to maintain the effect. If there is much pain one Painolet should be taken with each La Tonic. In conditions where continued treatment is neces- sary, as is often necessary in chronic or neglected cases, and at the menopause, or change of life, take one three times a day. An evening and morning dose of Salfiz will add ma- terially to the good effect of La Tonic, and greatly hasten perfect restoration. Price, per package, postpaid $1.00 (3 packages, postpaid, $2.50.) LAXETS — These Wide-Awake little tablets are chuck full of business, stimulating the Liver to normal action when it lags, or into special activity when- ever conditions demand, invigorating the action of the bowels and digestive organs and are one of the most satisfactory and helpful of all laxatives. They contain no calomel nor any mercurial, whatever, and are entirely vegetable. Laxets are among the few remedies that are an actual anri certain stimulant to the Liver, emptying the gall bladder of its retained thick or hardened bile, and even of gall-stones, largely increasing the secretion of bile and the activity of the bowels. Laxets should be taken whenever there is inactivi- Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 195 ity of the Liver, as shown by constipation, with hard, light-colored stools, gas and rumbling, dusky, sallow or yellow skin, bad taste, pasty, yellow tongue or general state of biliousness, and is especially rec- ommended in Diabetes when there is sugar in the urine; also, even when the liver is in normal ac- tivity, when it is necessary, for any reason, to get a decided action of the bowels, as in the beginning of acute diseases, etc. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in "The Ever Ready Doctor", as a purgative, when prompt and thorough action is required, as in check- ing a cold or other acute disease, take 1 every half hour for 3 or 4 doses, followed in 2 hours by a full dose of SALPIZ. If action is not desired until next morning, take the Laxets thus in the evening and the Salfiz upon rising. If greater quickness of ac- tion is required, take 4 Laxets, crushed, at one dose, followed in 2 hours with Salfiz. An enema may also be used while awaiting the action of the Lax- ets, as in Acute Indigestion, Ptomaine Poisoning, etc,, when great promptness is essential. As a laxative, take 1 or 2 on retiring, gradually de- creasing the dose to a half tablet, or just enough to insure a good movement in the morning. For Chronic Constipation, in old, stubborn cases, every evening for 3 or 4 evenings, take a full, hot enema and the treatment as given above for a Purga- tive; getting the bowels thoroughly clean and the liver and digestive organs in active condition. Fol- low this with 1 Laxet after each meal and at bed time; if too much take but half a Laxet morning and noon and whole ones after the evening meal and at bed time, but take the 4 doses. Find just what you need and continue it for a week, then each week drop one dose, beginning with the morn- ing dose, and so on. If necessary continue the even- ing dose longer. Above all things establish a regu- lar morning habit for the bowels, and stick to it. In Chronic Inactivity of the Liver, Jaundice, Liver- spots, etc., and in Diabetes, take as for Chronic Constipation, hut modified to suit the case and con- tinued as long as there is any need. Trice, per package, postpaid $1.00 (3 packages, postpaid, $2.50.) National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 196 THE EVER READY DOCTOR MASSAJIT — A delightful remedy, administered by ab- sorption through the Skin. Giving prompt relief in nearly all cases of Rheumatism (Inflammatory or Chronic), either of the Joints or Muscles, Neural- gia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Cramps in the Muscles, Headache, etc. Also of great use when applied to chest In Pneu- monia, Pleurisy or Bronchitis; and to the throat in Croup or other Throat affections. The ingredients of this really precious ointment are remedies most generally given by the mouth for the above conditions, but in this elegant preparation are so combined as to be reaJily and quickly ab- sorbed, passing through the Skin and tissues into the Blood, where they act promptly in the Relief of Pain. The penetrating power and local anesthetic action are very marked, and in all cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc., this remedy should be given by the skin in connection with the proper internal treat- ment. MASSAJIT is neither a salve nor a liniment, but a medicinal remedy given through the Skin instead of by the mouth. Upon entering the skin it is quickly taken up by the capillaries, the very minute blood vessels, and upon coming in contact with the excess of carbonic acid at the point where the Rheumatic or Neuralgic condition exists the curative principle of the remedy is given off just at the spot where needed. Even when applied at points quite removed from the seat of pain, it is caught up from the cir- culation at that point and the effect is soon manifest in the affected part. There is, however, an added advantage in applying it at the seat of pain because of the light massage used in its application, which is generally beneficial. Do not be skeptical regarding the absorption of this splendid remedy through the skin and of its being carried by the blood and given off at the exact point where needed. Exactly the same thing is done when these remedies are given by the mouth; they are taken up by the blood, through the capillaries of the stomach and liberated at the exact spot where needed. So, also, with sub-cutaneous (hypodermic) injections, which are almost always given in the arm, no matter where the action is desired; for instance, Address AH Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY EOCTOR 197 Digitalis is given sub-cutaneously in the arm to stimulate the muscles of the heart in threatened heart failure, and the remedy finds its place just as surely as though given by the mouth, and very much more quickly, and with only half the dose. So with the ingredients of MASS A JIT; by the cu- taneous method they are quickly conveyed to the very point where needed, relieving the pain and pro- moting the elimination of the elements causing it. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in "The Ever Ready Doctor," apply at the location of the pain, with light massage, for from 5 to 10 min- utes 2 to 4 times a day, using what would be one quarter to one half a teaspoonful at a treatment, then apply 2 or 3 thicknesses of hot flannel or other soft cloth secured with a bandage. The massage should be gentle, but deep and firm unless it causes pain. The massage not only acts mechanically, but stimulates the capillaries to great activity so that the remedy is more rapidly absorbed. If parts are very sensitive, apply lightly with the finger to the affected part and also into the groins or other portion of the skin where light massage can be used, until absorbed. Much better effect is secured when the skin Is first washed in warm suds. MASSAJIT may be used alone with excellent results but it is well, at the same time, to take whatever other remedies or treatments are indicated. Price, per tube, postpaid $1.00 (3 tubes, postpaid, $1.50.) MEDICINE DROPPER — Made of extra heavy glass, fin- ished with a double ring. The ideal dropper for measuring drops of medicines or for dropping med- icines Into the eye. Price, each postpaid 10c NUASEPTIC — Most satisfactory of all germicides for both external and internal use. Nuaseptic is an intensely active Germicide and Antiseptic for In- ternal, External and Gernal use. A remarkable In- ternal Remedy, absolutely destroying all Micro-or- Natlonal Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, I1L 19S THE EVER-READY DOCTOR in the blood and tissues of the body. There need be no restrictions in the use of this non-poisonous, non-irritating, constitutional Medical Antiseptic for either Internal or External use. It KILLS disease germs wherever found; and most of our diseases are either caused or aggravated by these destroyers of human life. Nuaseptic is by far the most active, reliable and economical Antiseptic for General Use. There is no other practical and Economical Anti- septic known that can be used internally and ex- ternally in any such strength as Nuaseptic without causing death if taken internally, or extreme suf- fering and destruction of tissues if used externally. Carbolic acid and Bichloride of Mercury (Corro- sive Sublimate) are probably used more extensively than any other antiseptics, but the action is so dangerously poisonous and so destructive to tis- sues that only very weak solutions can be used. These and various other common antiseptics can not be used strong enough to act quickly without danger of great injury. Nuaseptic, though stronger than Carbolic acid, can be applied locally or taken full strength in re- peated doses of one to four tablets, and with only the very best results. Such doses of Carbolic acid or of many other antiseptics, or germicides, would result in quick death; while Nuaseptic is absolutely Non-Poisonous and Non-Corrosive, and vastly more satisfactory than any of them. Nuaseptic is given Internally, as the best known remedy and antidote in all such conditions as Ty- phoid, Blood Poison, Ptomaine Poison, Snake Bites, Erysipelas, Contagious Diseases, etc.; its curative action being phenomenal. It is our most efficient Blood Purifier and remedy in all septic (poisonous) conditions; being the best Medical Antiseptic known to the Medical Profes- sion. Nuaseptic for Local Use, is not only a Germicide, but a real Healer. In sores and wounds it at once creates a healthy condition and promotes the rapid growth of new tissues. It is an absolute Destroyer of Pus. In various Skin diseases its action is posi- tive and healing. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 199 General Directions for Use. Dose: Internally, 1 to 2 Nuaseptics, 3 or 4 times a day for adults; children one half teaspoonful of Solution No. 4 up to 1 tablet in water, with sugar, if desired. In urgent or severe cases take 4 at one dose, then 1 or 2 every hour for several doses, al- ways with plenty of water. Gargle: 2 or more to a half glass of water. Should be used frequently in all sore throats. Dejections: 2 Nuaseptics to a quart of water as warm as the hand can remain in it. Indicated in many conditions where quick relief or special cleans- ing is required, as in Appendicitis, acute Bowel Troubles, Typhoid, etc. Use 2 quarts, or as near that amount as possible. Douches: 2 to 4 to a quart of water as hot as can be used. Ladies will find greatest possible satisfaction in this whenever conditions call for a cleansing, healing wash. Tampons: To make, take enough Absorbent Cot- ton for a firm wad about one half inch through and tie securely on one end of a 6-inch cord and saturate with the following solution: 16 Nuaseptics crushed or rubbed up thoroughly in 2 teaspoon- fuls of hot water in a cup and add 1 ounce of Glycerine and mix thoroughly. It is well to place as many tampons in the solution in the cup as will be thoroughly saturated. Use one each night on retiring, passing it well up against the uterus, and withdraw in the morning. A napkin should be worn as there will be a rather profuse discharge. In place of the Tampon, 2 unbroken Nuaseptics may be inserted and will give the same excellent service except lacking the action of the Glycerine. No mistake will be made in using Nuaseptic in any disease or condition. In the list of diseases and conditions which follows it is especially useful, as in all septic or poisonous conditions. NUASEPTIC SOLUTIONS — For convenience we use and recommend the following Solutions which may either be made up and kept on hand, or made when needed. It is usually best to make them up in 2-ounce or 4-ounce bottles. Crush the tablets be- fore putting them in the bottle. When for external National Distributing Company. 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, III. 300 THE EVER READY DOCTOR use it is well to add one teaspoonful of Glycerine to each ounce. For your convenience we send with each package labels for the 4 Solutions and Lo- tions. Solution No. 1. 16 Nuaseptics to each ounce of water, or 2 to a teaspoon- ful. Solution No. 2. 8 Nuaseptics to each ounce of water, or 1 to a teaspoon- ful. Solution No. 3. 4 Nuaseptics to each ounce of water, or one half to a teaspoonful. Solution No. 4. 2 Nuaseptics to each ounce of water, or one fourth of a teaspoonful. NUASEPTIC LOTION — Made by the solution of Nua- septics and 1 heaping tablespoonful (1 ounce), of Epsom Salts in 1 pint of water. It costs almost nothing, yet is one of the most useful and harmless of all remedies. May be used either internally or externally, but in this form is generally used externally. Its special action is in stimulating the millions of minute glands of the skin to great activity, opening the pores, giving nature a chance to throw off the retained poisonous matters, and neutralizing the poisons as they come to the surface. It can never act injuriously, and when its use ia indicated it can never fail to do good. The fol- lowing SUGGESTIONS may be useful. Warm Sponge Bath. For 10 minutes to half an hour, quietly sponge the entire body, over and over repeatedly, then rub dry with towel, or let skin dry naturally. This is a great healing proc- ess; relieves Tever, Pain, Congestion, Inflamma- tion, Nervous Conditions, Stupor, Coma, Restless- ness, Inactivity of Skin, etc., and just as useful for Babies and Children as for adults. If circumstances prevent its use over entire body, use it over the parts most affected. Use it cold when preferred. Used on face and Neck 5 or 10 minutes, once or Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 201 twice daily brightens up the complexion, removes "Liver Spots," etc., and relieves Headache, Cold in the Head, Nasal Catarrh and Dandruff. Light Compresses, kept moist with the Lotion, are of special value when used over affected parts; as in Dropsy, Inflammations, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Blood Poisoning, etc. A Hot Foot Bath in the Lotion for 15 or 30 min- utes at bed time is of great service in relieving the blood of poisonous matter. Internally, it is invaluable for the following dis- eases: Appendicitis, Inflammation of the Bladder, Blood Poison, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cancer, Ulceration, Catarrh of the Stomach, Cholera Infan- tum, Cholera Morbus, Consumption, Diphtheria, Dys- entery, Erysipelas, Indigestion, Itch, Lock Jaw, Pto- maine Poison, Quinsy (Tonsilitis), Scarlet Fever, Small Pox, Snake Bite, Inflammation of Stomach, Cancer of Sore Throat, Typhoid Fever. Used externally for: Abscesses, Boils, Cancer, Car- buncles, Lice, Crabs, Ringworm, Snake Bite, Stings, Wounds that are likely to cause Blood Poisoning or Lock Jaw, Blood Poison, Earache, Hair Falling Out, Itch, Piles, Diphtheria, Eczema, Hives, Scarlet Fever; Spray nose and Throat frequently; Burns, Scalds, Catarrh, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, etc., Ery- sipelas, Hay Fever, Ivy Poison, Mouth or Gums, Quinsy, Inflamed Throat, Tonsilitis. When dressings are to be kept moist it is well to use about one part glycerine to seven parts water for the mixture instead of all water. General use for the home: In a clean pint bottle, dissolve 8 Nuaseptics, add an ounce or two of Glycerine, and fill with Water. This is same strength as that last mentioned and can be used in all the conditions named and in all cases and places where a strong Antiseptic or Disinfectant is needed to make things clean and sweet and to de- stroy bad odors. Can be used wiihout the Gly- cerine. Use It in sick-room utensils, in sinks, bath rooms and wherever and whenever Purification is needed. Keep air in sick-rooms sweet and pure by hanging up cloths wet in the solution. Two Nuaseptics to the gallon of water should be used for washing and National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 202 THE EVER READY DOCTOR disinfecting floors, wood-work, etc. Infected bed- ding should be soaked or boiled in this solution. Remember, too, that it is just as useful for your domestic animals and about the barn and chicken houses as in your home. Nuaseptic is the Great Disinfectant Antiseptic and Purifier; non-poisonous, non-irritating, non-corro- sive and can be used anywhere with perfect confi- dence. Its ingredients are used by the advanced and successful Physicians and Surgeons the world over in the Antiseptic Medical and Surgical Work that has produced such astonishing results during the past few years. Doctor House Says: "I have used it for years, over and over again in all sorts of cases and conditions, and it has rarely, if ever, disappointed either me or my patients." Other appropriate remedies and re- treatment can always be combine with it when indicated. Price, per box, postpaid $1.00 (3 boxes, postpaid, $2.50.) NAUSEPTIC OIL — A highly Antiseptic and Germicidal Healing Oil, very useful in Open Sores, Ulcers, Bruises, etc., but of Special Value as an Applica- tion in all Stubborn Skin Diseases. Eczema, Pimples (Acne) even in Severe and Chronic cases, Ringworm, Itch, Barbers' Itch, Dan- druff, etc., yield marvelously to the ravages that Nuaseptic Oil makes upon the disease germs that cause them. Many such cases that have stubbornly resisted other treatments have been quickly and easily cured by the use of this remedy. It not only destroys the germs but is very heal- ing and soothing, and is a dressing of great value for Sores ind Wounds in general. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in the "Ever Ready Doctor," in most cases Nuaseptic Oil should be used undiluted, but when large sur- faces are to be covered, or the parts are very sen- sitive, the Oil should be diluted with from 1 to 4 times the amount of sweet oil or petroleum oil or melted vaseline or even lard if nothing else is at Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 203 hand, and the strength gradually increased as heal- ing takes place. In all Skin Diseases and Open Sores first cleanse the parts thoroughly with warm soap suds, using, preferably, a good Sulphur Soap. See that all crusts are removed, leaving a clean surface so that the Oil may come into direct contact with the dis- eased surface and the parasitic organisms. Black-heads and Pimples containing pus should be emptied. After an application it is best in all cases, when practical, to bandage lightly with gauze or cheese- cloth bandages. In Eczema apply 3 or 4 times a day. In Pimples and all pustular diseases of the face apply at least twice daily. In Barbers' Itch apply as often as every 2 hours, if possible, for first 3 or 4 days, then 3 times a day. In severe cases, after applying with the fin- gers, soak pieces of cheese cloth or gauze in the oil and apply two-thick putting a mask of linen or cotton over all, with holes cut for eyes, nose and mouth, fastening behind to hold dressing in place. In Burns, Scalds, Frozen hands or feet dilute the Oil with 4 parts Castor Oil, but if none be at hand use some other oil as above. In Rheumatic conditions much relief is secured rubbing the Oil in thoroughly 3 times a day. In Inflammation of the Uterus or Vagina excellent results are secured by use of absorbent cotton tam- pons at bed time, saturated with the Oil either full strength or diluted. Being an oil, the clothing and bed linen should be protected. We strongly recommend that with this local treat- ment you also take Nuaseptic internally and keep bowels free with Salfiz. Nuaseptic Oil will generally do these things single handed, but there is general- ly a need of systemic cleansing and we want to get the best and quickest possible results. Price, per bottle, postpaid $1.00 (3 bottles, postpaid, $2.50.) OBESITY TABLETS — A wonderfully effective prcpara- Nntlonnl Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago,, IU. 204 THE EVER READY DOCTOR tion for reducing fat. Contain nothing that is in- jurious to the stomach as they are composed of vegetable herbs, such as hops, skull-cap, shepherd's purse, bladder wrack, etc., all of which are recog- nized to possess valuable anti-fat properties. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in "The Ever Ready Doctor," take one tablet at noon and one tablet at bed time. Exercise ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes at night. While in bed, throw the coverlets down to the waist and sit up eight times without using the hands. This may be a little hard at first, but soon the muscles of the abdomen will be strengthened, so that it will be easily accomplished. This throws the develop- ment of the stomach to the chest. Then, remove the coverlets and bring the feet up high and straight, placing the knees up to the chest eight times. Always exhale with the effort and inhale deeply be- fore the effort. Then exercise the arms and limbs for a few minutes before dressing. Always make it a rule to exhale forcibly with the effort and in- hale deeply before the effort. Price, per box, postpaid 75c 3 boxes, postpaid, $2.00.) PAINOLETS — The best all-round household remedy. During 3 years as physician Dr. W. B. House has carefully studied this problem and believes that in Painolets it is solved. For 20 years these Ever- Ready Yellow Tablets have been relieving Pain, curing Disease, saving Life and, incidentally, saving many heavy Doctor's Bills. They are a combination of Homeopathic and other valuable remedies that help and intensify the action of each other. Their special action is in the con- trol of the Circulation of the Blood and the relief of Nerve Tension; and it is improper Blood Circu- lation or Nerve Tension, or both, that causes or accompanies nearly all diseased conditions. Painolets do this, and do it to a larger extent than any other known remedy, and do it quickly and easily and it is because of their remarkable control over these two predominating systems of the body Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 205 — the Circulatory and Nervous systems, that they are so promptly curative in a. very wide range of painful and diseased conditions. There is no other known remedy that conquers Pain or subdues Fever or quiets Nervous conditions like Painolets; yet they contain no opiate and do not depress the heart. For these reasons it is almost superfluous to name the conditions or diseases in which they may be used with benefit. Use them wherever there is Pain, Fever, or Nerve Tension and you will rarely be disappointed. They are especially useful in such diseases as Rheu- matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Fevers, Coughs, Colds, Grip, Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Colic, Pelvic Or- gans, Ovarian and Menstrual Pains. Painolets are not sold because they are cheap, but because it's the best — the very best, and we want everyone of our customers to have a box of this fa- mous remedy in their homes, ready for any emerg- ency. We are convinced that for a general-service remedy there is not its equal to be had at any price. If you keep but one Remedy in the House — it should be Painolets. Just a few letters of Proof: For the past 20 years they have been a fixture in my own home and among patrons, where I am never without, and where during all these years I have found them more reliable than any other preparation. They are certainly the most satisfactory, all-around service remedy I have ever used. Prof. J. D. Parish, Educator and Practitioner, Chi- cago, 111. After using Painolets for over 20 years we would not do without them in our home. They take the place of a doctor in every case and never fail to head off Colds, Fever or Grip when taken in time. If they were in every household, very few doctors would be needed except for surgery. Extract from letter of J. H. Vail, Omaha, Nebr. It must be some 20 years ago that I found them strongly recommended in a reliable magazine and National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 206 THE EVER READY DOCTOR resolved to try them. I found them so valuable that I have never since been without them. I have a large family and we use them for almost every ailment with which fever is connected with the greatest success, and they have saved us many doc- tor bills. From letter of Julius Johonnsen, Port Clinton, Ohio. Please send me another box. For about 20 years we have been using them for Headache, Coughs, Colds and Pain anywhere. I would not be without them. A number of my friends have used them, and their testimony has been universally the same. They are not only of great efficiency, but are abso- lutely harmless. — Rev. D. O. Darling, Indianapolis, Indiana. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in the "Ever Ready Doctor." Average Dose: One every hour till relieved, then 1 every 2 hours to 3 hours. For Prompt action, to head off a Cold or Fever or stop Toothache or Headache or other severe pains, take one (crushed), every five min- utes for 3 or 4 doses. Wait 2 hours and take 1 every hour if required. Results are marvelous. Children: One-third to one-half adult dose. If 1 tablet be dissolved in 8 spoonfuls water, 1 spoon- ful contains 1-8 Tablet, or two in same amount of water equals 1-4 Tablet per spoonful. Price, per box, postpaid $1.00 (3 boxes, postpaid, $2.50.) RECTUM PLUGS — Made of hard rubber. A necessity in all cases of piles. Price, each, postpaid. . $1.00 iiEOLA — A Real Rheumatic Remedy either in Inflam- matory Attacks or Confirmed Rheumatic Cases. In the whole world there is scarcely a more prev- alent or painful ailment than Rheumatism. There are but few adults who have not felt its pangs. In the greater number of cases it is of such a low, chronic nature that people quietly put up with it, bearing it without much complaint, feeling that there is little hope of a cure. Many die from it. Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 207 while many others, suffering intensely and con- stantly, live on, wishing that they might die. Thousands of Remedies have been placed upon the market. Many have been and are very excellent and have relieved much suffering. But there has recently been great advancement in the understanding of the cause and nature of Rheumatism, and with this has also come a much clearer knowledge of its proper treatment. It is now known that Rheumatism in its different forms is largely due to the presence of certain poisonous matters in the system which are formed by fermentation of the contents of the bowels. And have you not noticed that nearly all cases of Inflammatory Rheumatism are preceded by either a severe or light attack of tonsilitis or sore throat and, also, that there is almost always a condition of inactive Liver and sluggish or constipated Bowels? The condition is one in which the blood has become overcharged with poisonous matter which finds lodgment at various points in the body and pro- duces the pains of Rheumatism. But what interests YOU is that You Have the Rheumatism and We Have the Remedy. Reola is not an old-time prescription. If it was it would not contain the ingredients that are now most effective, for it is but a short time since physicians have had anything like their present knowledge of its nature, cause and cure or of the remedies now so effectively combined in Reola; nor have these remedies been manufactured or avail- able until quite recently. Reola is right up to date, and used as required, embodies the latest and very best medical treat- ment of Rheumatism, and is the most successful now known. Whether it be a case of Acute (Inflammatory) Rheumatism or an old chronic condition, in which the joints and muscles have ached off and on for years, or a case of Rheumatic Gout, in which the joints are becoming enlarged and stiff — in all these cases, as, also, in Lumbago, Sciatica and many Neuralgias, Reola is the basis for correct treat- ment. National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 208 THE EVER READY DOCTOR In conditions where the joints have become en- larged and hardened by heavy lime deposits it can not be expected that any medicine will restore the lost joints, but there is nothing better than Reola to control this condition and make life endurable. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in the "Ever Ready Doctor," in Inflammatory attacks begin at once with Reola, taking 2 tablets every 3 hours, followed with a large drink of hot water when possible. An hour and a half after the Reola, take 2 Painolets to more quickly subdue the pain and fever. When relief has come, take but 1 Pain- olet, or none, and take either 2 or 1 Reolas as required to maintain free movements of the bowels — 3 or 4 times a day — or even a slight feeling of nausea. This condition should be maintained, taking more or less, as required, until there is decided improve- ment, when the dose may be slightly decreased. Painolets may be taken at any time to control pain or fever. Throughout the attack Massajit should be applied to the painful parts 2 or 3 times a day, and the free action of the Bowels, Skin and Liver be maintained as already indicated. The great danger to life in Inflammatory cases is from heart failure. To prevent this condition and to sustain the Heart, should it show signs of weak- ness, take Heartlets as directed on the package. In all Inflammatory cases this should be on hand, ready for immediate use. In Chronic cases the same treatment should be car- ried out, only that it need not be begun so vigor- ously, but the fasting and cleaning-out process should be just as thorough. Take the Reolas in dose enough so as to secure the free action of the bowels, and if inconvenient to take them every 3 hours, take them before meals and at bed time, taking as many at a dose as required, always with a good drink of water — hot when possible; taking Painolets after meals when needed, applying Massa- jit night and morning, sponging body with Nua- septic Lotion at least once a day and taking Salflz every morning on rising. Keep the bowels empty and clean. Reola is highly antiseptic and will maintain an antiseptic condition Address All Correspondence and Oiders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 209 of the whole system, hut it is an added advantage to take a few doses of Nuaseptic the first 2 or 3 days of treatment. In many cases — hoth Inflammatory and Chronic — there will he very rapid recovery, while in some chronic cases the treatment will have to be carried on for some time, varying with the conditions; hut the right course is being followed, and in any curable case Persistency will Win, and there will be very few disappointments. Price, per package, postpaid $1.00 (3 packages, postpaid, $2.50.) SAJLFIZ — An Effervescent combination of the physiolo- gical Cell-Salts of the body — Lime, Potassium Mag- nesium, Sodium and Iron, the True tissue builders of the system, and, in full doses, acting as a prompt, energetic, thorough laxative or purgative, according to dose, but without griping or distress. While many other evacuants are given simply as a purge, Salfiz is given for its valuable physiological action. It freshens up the whole digestive canal, stimu- lates the glands of the body and provides a real tis- sue food to re-supply the loss which, even normally, is constantly occurring by the breaking down of the bodily tissues. If the supply of cell food is cut off from any living organism, whether plant life or animal life, it wilta or dies in proportion to the lack of supply. This combination of natural Cell Salts not only supplies the tissues with their natural food, but gives to the glands the impetus to assimilate it. More than half of all illness is caused by poisons produced in the bowels by retention and decompo- sition of waste material; and this may occur with- out any sense of constipation. Many otherwise clean people carry within them, day after day, and without knowing it, a filthy putrid mess that they would never allow anywhere else, that gradually poisons the whole system, and then wonder why they don't feel just right. From such retentions, poisonous matters are con- stantly absorbed and any little aggravation may National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, I1L 210 THE EVER READY DOCTOR cause its manifestation in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fevers, Colds, Headaches, Kidney and Liver Dis- orders, Nervous conditions, etc. When these re- tentions are removed the manifestations vanish and Nature has a chance to recuperate. It is often hest to begin the cleaning process with a dose or two of a more active cathartic like Laxets, then scrub it out with Salflz. Thorough elimination of the morbid matter from the system will cure more ailments than any other one procedure. People know this in a general way, but they don't know it well enough; and they fail to realize that it is not sufficient to simply carry off the bowel secretions, leaving the person in a weak, flabby condition, and that Tissue Food along with the elimination is just as important. And this is supplied in Salflz. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in "The Ever Ready Doctor." — As a Laxative, 1 to 2 heaping teaspoonfuls in glass nearly full of water (not too cold), taken while effervescing first thing in the morning. If more energetic action is desired, or if bowels are hard to move, take the larger dose and repeat in half an hour or hour. Same dose may be repeated often as desired with no bad effect. A valuable procedure is to take one heaping tea- spoonful on retiring and 1 or 2 on rising regularly, for a month or two; dropping, then, the morning dose and continuing with the evening dose; not so much for its laxative action as for its reconstruc- tive properties and its general cleansing, sweeten- ing effect upon the whole system, mental as well as physical. It will clean up those yellow-eye-balls and the coated tongue and there will be no foul breath. It will prolong your life. Thousands of our customers will live longer and much more hap- pily because of their free use of Salfiz. A half tea- spoonful, more or less, in a tumbler of water, 4 times a day, before meals and at bed time, as a Tissue Builder is of very great service in any con- dition where the system is run down, and may be continued for any length of time. The long-continued use of an evening drink of this real Mineral Water by anyone, even in excellent Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 211 health, is highly recommended. In bowel com- plaints, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhea or Consti- pation or in Sluggish Liver or Kidneys, Headache, etc., Salfiz is the first thing to be given. Clean out the putrid mass that is causing the trouble, then give Nuaseptic — the Purifier. That's the way successful doctors handle these cases, and that should be your way. Children should take one fourth to one teaspoonful, more or less, according to age and circumstances. It may be given in lemonade or orangeade, if de- sired, after effervescing. Adults who cannot easily drink it while efferves- cing may take it in the same manner. Baby's Colic, or fermentation in bowels, causing gas. In place of regular food, give once or twice during 24 hours (preferably at night), a nursing bottle of warm, sweetened water in which has been dissolved a heaping teaspoonful, or less, of Salfiz. Add 10 drops Nuaseptic, Solution No. 1, if you have it. If convenient, may add a few drops of lemon juice. Both you and the baby will appre- ciate this suggestion. This is a good way to give it to babies whenever needed. Salfiz cleans out the bowels; does it quickly and easily and without griping, and leaves no consti- pated condition. Ordinary dose usually acts but once — a clean, free, satisfying flush (not a purge), and leaves you feeling fresh and vigorous — not weak and exhausted. Nothing like it for old Tobacco and Whisky Stom- achs. As a Spring Medicine it meets every condition. A Solution of Salfiz is a highly superior Mineral Water — not a solution of elements that happened to be dissolved from the earth in some spring, but a solution of selected cell salts that are the real Tissue Builders. And if you will go to half the pains to take this water as freely and for as long periods as you would (or wish you might) enjoy the waters of some noted spring you will receive far more benefit and at far lens expense. Price, large package for family use, postpaid. $1.00 (3 packages, postpaid, $2.60.) National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 212 THE EVER READY DOCTOR SHAKIT — The Real Antiseptic Powder for Swollen, Sweaty, Tired, Aching Feet. For Ingrowing Nails, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Inflammation, Burning, Smarting, Tender Feet. Relieves and pre- vents Blisters, Callouses and Sore Spots. Tends to make the feet smaller. Many can wear shoes one size smaller after using SHAKIT. Shake it in your Shoes and then try the shoes you have cast aside as too small. Directions for use: For Swollen, Sweaty Feet. Shake one Shakit powder in each shoe before put- ting on, each morning. It should not be put inside the stocking but in the shoes and then shake well so that the powder is distributed thoroughly around, to the tip from the heel and on top as well as the sole of the shoe. Ingrowing Nails and Corns between the toes. The powder can be applied directly to the part affected. Callouses. Rub the feet with vaseline before using powder. Bathe the feet in water every night, in which has been dissolved one Shakit powder and note the immediate relief. As a Deodorizer it is equally efficacious, simply ap- ply small quantity of powder to the parts where profuse perspiration is troublesome and offensive. It has a tendency to check the perspiration harm- lessly and slowly and will neutralize the odor com- pletely. This powder is thoroughly pure and anti- septic. It tends to heal and cool the skin whenever applied. Relieving Chapped Skin, Prickly-heat, Sun- burn, etc., etc. We call the attention of physicians and nurses to the absolute purity of this prepara- tion. Important: In severe cases of soreness, foot-aches or swelling feet, dissolve one Shakit powder in two or three quarts of very warm water, bathe the feet in this water, rubbing gently. Price, per package, prepaid 25c (5 packages, prepaid, $1.00.) SHAMPOO, LIQUDD— To have a beautiful growth of hair demands little of our time, and to neglect the shampoo is little short of crime. Great care should be taken in selecting a shampoo; alkali and acids Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 213 must be avoided. Our Liquid Shampoo contains none of these. To obtain results with a shampoo it must so act on the scalp as to remove all the se- cretions, thoroughly cleanse, and at the same time supply the necessary oil to keep the hair from split- ting, and invigorate the scalp. Our Liquid Sham- poo contains these properties to a marked degree and can be safely used in all instances. Direction for use: Unless otherwise indicated in "The Ever Ready Doctor". If the hair is in good condition, once a month is often enough to shampoo it if one lives in a clean place; but in large cities, where the hair is full of flying dirt, once a week is not took often to cleanse it. Use a good brush and comb. The brush bristles should be moderately stiff and long enough and far enough apart to reach through the hair. Rubbing the scalp daily for ten minutes with the tips of the fingers is very bene- ficial. Wetting the head every day is injurious. Delicately scented. Price, 4 oz. bottle, prepaid 50c (3 bottles, prepaid, $1.25.) SUSPENSARY — Made of pure silk, should be worn in all cases of Gonorrhea, Varicocele or kindred com- plaints. Many men wear them all the time, as they take off the strain from the nerve cords. Price, each, postpaid $1.00 (3 postpaid, $2.50.) SYRINGE, FOUNTAIN — Made of seamless Red Rubber, no seams to come open. Will outlast several cheap syringes. No. 621. 2 quart rapid flow, price each, postpaid $1.50 No. 621. 3 quart, rapid flow, price each, postpaid $1.75 SYRINGE, PENIS — Made of hard rubber with glass-bar- rel, blunt point. The best and most sanitary syringe for this purpose. Price, each, postpaid 25c National Distributing Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago^ 111. 214 THE EVER READY DOCTOR THERMOMETER — A clinical thermometer is a necessity in every home. No family should be without one. In case of an oncoming sickness it enables you to take the patient's temperature and thus ascertain quickly whether there is any fever, and to act ac- cordingly. Our thermometers are enclosed in an aluminum case, insuring them against breakage. The lens is magnifying, making the reading easy. Will take temperature, if placed under the tongue, in y 2 minute. Price, each, postpaid $1.00 TISSUTONE — A physiological combination of the con- structive Tissue builders of the body, including the Tissue Phosphates and Sulphates with Iron and vegetable Tonics. Not a theoretical prescription, but the result of many years of close observation and practical use; a Remedy that is not so much a Medicine as it is a nutritious Food to the minute Tissue Cells of the body — whether they be the tissue cells of bone or brain, flesh or fat, or any other part. In perfect health these elements are supplied through the ordinary wholesome diet, but conditions arise in which the nerve force is insufficient to as- similate them, even though they are carried in the blood. Then, the nerve force being deficient, It sooner or later occurs that the digestive process becomes so defective as to be unable to supply the blood with proper tissue food and it becomes loaded with the poisonous elements of decomposition. This fact is of great importance and shows the ne- cessity for the use of Tissutone, combining, as it does, a Tonic (to raise and sustain the Nerve Force) with the great Reconstructives — the nutrient ele- ments of the body, to feed the ever hungry tissue cells. This is the remedy needed whenever the nutritive process is deficient, whether that condition be acute or chronic. We all know people of great force and of unusual power of resistance, whose endurance of severe con- ditions is remarkable, whose vitality is so great as Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 215 to keep them in vigorous health or to enable them to resist death when seriously ill, and who live vig- orously, even to advanced age. These are persons in whom the process of nutrition is habitually good. They need no Tissue Tonic. But a vast number are under-toned, and, instead of overflowing with a great, super-abundant vitality, they are obliged to be continually cautious against over-exertion; and, with good reason, are fearful of every threatened ailment, and there is a general lack of Vital Force. These people need Tissutone; they more than need it — their condition DE- MANDS it. Tissutone is indicated in all conditions where there is lack of nutrition and, hence, lack of vitality, whether there be an otherwise diseased condition or not, and is of special use in such conditions as the following: Chronic "run-down" conditions. Neurasthenia and various nervous conditions. Brain-fag and Nerve-fag, even to the extent of In- sanity. Fevers and Contagious Diseases, either during ill- ness or convalescence when there is lack of Nerve Force and recuperative power. In convalescence, affer any sickness, it adds greatly to rapid restoration. Consumption, throughout its course. Wasting Diseases of any name. Chronic Dyspepsia. Ladies, before and after Confinement and in Pelvic disorders. Delicate Girls, just coming into womanhood. Pale, Blue, Chilly people. Children, Slow Growth (Mal-nutrition). To prevent hardening of the Arteries. Through the lymphatics the blood is conveyed to every minute part of the body, where the tissue food which it carries is fed to every tissue, and these tissues are as hungry for good rich food as a hearty hungry boy is for dinner. There must, then, be a full supply of rich creamy National Distributing Compnuy, 1311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. 216 THE EVER READY DOCTOR blood. No skim-milk, limpid stream will ever re- sult in forceful, vigorous life. In Tissutone we have a combination of those ele- ments that — (1) Supply the real Tissue Food in a form easily and quickly taken up, so that good results are no- ticed within a few hours. (2) Excite the digestive activity of the Stomach so that the blood is enriched from the ordinary ar- ticles of diet. (3) Raise the Nerve Force so that these nutritious elements are taken up by the tissues and become part of the living, vital structure. Directions for use: Unless otherwise indicated in the "Ever Ready Doctor." One or 2 tablets of Tis- sutone before (or after) each meal and at bed time; or may be taken, 4 doses a day, 3 hours apart, without reference to meals. If stomach be very delicate, dissolve the tablet in hot water. For Children, for whom it is often of great value: Up to 1 year, dissolve 1 tablet in 10 teaspoonfuls of hot water, and give 1 teasponful every 3 hours for 4 doses, daily. 1 to 3 years, dissolve 2 tablets in same amount of water and give in same manner. 3 to 6 years, use 3 tablets in 10 doses. 6 to 12 years, half tablet at a dose. Price, per box, postpaid $1.00 (3 boxes, postpaid, $2.50.) TOOTH PASTE — A sour mouth is the cause of tooth de- cay. It softens the gums, taints the breath and in- flames the entire mouth and throat. Teeth are com- posed of a chalky bone substance, which will re- main unchanged for a thousand years if kept from the attack of acids. Teeth removed from the mouth stop decaying and never soften or crumble. Acids forming around the base of the teeth, in minute cracks in the enamel, and between the teeth, are the sole and only cause of tooth decay. These acids are the result of bacteriological decomposition of food particles lodged in membrane fold, in crevices of the teeth, between and around the teeth. The alkaline reaction and cleansing properties of our Tooth Paste prevents these acids from forming, whitens the teeth, prevents decay, sweetens the breath, keeps Address All Correspondence and Orders to THE EVER READY DOCTOR 217 the gums firm and healthy, removes germ and acid de- posits from between the teeth, at their base, around fillings and saves the enamel. It gives new life to softened, wasting gums, through a cleansing and puri- fying effect heretofore considered impossible, leaves a delightful sanitized taste of refreshed cleanliness. Price, per tube, postpaid 35c (5 tubes, postpaid, $1.00.) VOX-GALEGA TABLETS — Contain, among other harm- less ingredients, the famous Galega which has a special action on the glands of the breasts. Thia action is that of a great vitalizer tending to in- crease their activity, and therefore adding greatly to their size. It operates in a most remarkable man- ner in overcoming a withered and blighted or shrunken state of these glands and is unexcelled for promoting a luxuriant growth of the bust. Vox- Galega Tablets do what no otLer treatment will do, enlarge the bust in a natural way and therefore make it firm and beautiful in contour; will fill out the neck, chest and shoulders and make them plump and prettily rounded. It acts on a thoroughly scien- tific principle. Directions for use: Unless otherwise directed in "The Ever Ready Doctor." Take one tablet at noon and one tablet at bed-time. Exercise ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes at night. While in bed, throw the coverlets down to the waist and sit up eight times without using the hands. This may be a little hard at first, but soon the muscles of the abdomen will be strengthened, so that it will be easily accomplished. This throws the development of the stomach to the chest. Then, remove the coverlets and bring the feet up high and straight, placing the hands upon the hips. Do this eight times. Then, bring the knees up to the chest eight times. Always exhale with the ef- fort and inhale deeply before the effort. Then exer- cise the arms and limbs for a few minutes before dressing. Always make it a rule to exhale forcibly with the effort and inhale deeply before the effort. Price per box, a full months's treatment, pre- paid $1.00 (5 boxes, prepaid, $4.00.) National Dintrlbuting Company, 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 11L A Marvelous Combination of MEDICINES This combination comprises but seven remedies but of such wide scope that most all ordinary ailments can be combated by their use. THESE SEVEN REMEDIES ARE NUASEPTIC the great germkiller and antiseptic — many times stronger than carbolic acid, yet absolutely harmless and non-poisonous, regular price, $1.00. SALFIZ the great laxative and reconstructor — mild and non-griping, regular price, $1.00. PAINOLETS the great painkiller and fever remedy — nothing better in the world, regular price, $1.00. MASSAJIT the greatest liniment for all around use, regular price, $1.00. TISSUTONE the great tissue tonic and reconstructor — strengthens and invigorates the body, regular price, $1.00. LAXETS the great liver and bowel corrective, regular price, $1.00. ASTRAGINE the best colic and diarrhea remedy, regu- lar price, $1.00. Out of Over 130 Diseases Described in "The Ever-Ready Doctor," Dr. House recommends Nuaseptic in 119 Salfiz in 56 Painolets in 51 Massajit in 31 Tissutone in 30 Laxets in 21 Astragine in 12 These facts are conclusive evidence that nofhome should be without this wonderful combination. It will enable you to fight disease as you were never able to fight it before. It will keep your mind at ease — your family well — your doctor bills down, and life will be worth living. 'OUR SPECIAL OFFER- In order to introduce these remedies and to enable you to be pre- pared to test their efficiency, we will send you these seven remedies postpaid, on receipt of $5.00. If bought singly, the cost would be $7.00, so you save $2.00 by buying the combination. This is well worth considering inasmuch as you can never tell just when you may need them, and it is always best to have a supply on hand at all tunes than to wait until you need it and then wait until it arrives. Dr. House says: "These are remedies that I have used in my own "^^^^""■^^™ practice for many years, and I can personally assure you that they may be depended upon t or distinctive merit and for the best obtainable results in their spheres of action. ' ' National Distributing Co., 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. The Herb Doctor Recipes !> consistin* of J» HH simple Herb Teas & JZ for all of the » O following ailments ft may be found in the Herb Doctor book Constipation Tapeworm Diarhoea, Piles, Diabetes. Dyspepsia, Dropsy. Gallstones, Catarrh. Epilepsy, Fits, Rheumatism, Nervousness Kidney and Bladder troubles Eczema, Pimples Cancer, Bcdwettinr. Sore Eyes. Stomach troubles Neuraleia, Malaria, etc Liquor Recipes The Herb Doc- tor book also con tains the famous natural fermenta- tion liquor pro cess, for makinr hifh rrade corn whisky cordials wines, etc. with- out a grill. FATTENING TEA — This is a simple herb tea which r g a will make thin people robust. It will put solid flesh - © on any frame. The Herb Doctor book contains com- a , # So* • 5 2 H?S where to get all kinds ofPJ's this tea especially to sufferers Sxj plete directions and tell herbs We recommenc of dyspepsia, constipation and stomach troubles. VOICE TOXIC — This is an old Indian herb secret. It g_ e g, is an herb that tastes like licorice and has a flavor or- o, odor similar to hickorynuts. It is chewed like gum; m» » excellent for all throat troubles. Used by Indian or- ators. When chewed it seems to create sing which is due to its wonderful SSu^fiSlnSUffllt Herb Doctor Recipe Book ' f ° SntSns orer 250 recipe, and rare old herb secrets. <* Old German herb formulas as well as jealously guard- t ed secrets of modern physicians and herbalists. re a desire toCpJ cleansing and g &• • 1 »r 220 THE EVER READY DOCTOR MEMORANDA THE EVER READY DOCTOR MEMORANDA 221 222 THE EVER READY DOCTOR MEMORANDA A Marvelous Combination of MEDICINES This combination comprises but seven remedies but of such wide scope that most all ordinary ailments can be combated by their use. THESE SEVEN REMEDIES ARE NUASEPTIC the great germkiller and antiseptic — many times stronger than carbolic acid, yet absolutely harmless and non-poisonous, regular price, $1.00. SALFIZ the great laxative and reconstructor — mild and non-griping, regular price, $1.00. PAINOLETS the great painkiller and fever remedy — nothing better in the world, regular price, $1.00. MASSAJIT the greatest liniment for all around use, regular price, $1.00. TISSUTONE the great tissue tonic and reconstructor — strengthens and invigorates the body, regular price, $1.00. LAXETS the great liver and bowel corrective, regular price, $1.00. ASTRAGINE the best colic and diarrhea remedy, regu- lar price, $1.00. Out of Over 130 Diseases Described in "The Ever-Ready Doctor," Dr. House recommends Nnaseptic in 119 Salfiz in 56 Painolets in 51 Massajit in 31 Tissntone in 30 Laxets in 21 Astragine in 12 These facts are conclusive evidence that no home should be without this wonderful combination. It will enable you to fisht disease as you were never able to fight it before. It will keep your mind at ease — your family well — your doctor bills down, and life will be worth living. 'OUR SPECIAL OFFER" In order to introduce these remedies and to enable you to be pre- pared to test their efficiency, we will send you these seven remedies postpaid, on receipt of $500. If bought singly, the cost would be $7.00, so you save $2.00 by buying the ccmbination. This is well worth considering inasmuch as you can never tell just when you may need them, and it is always best to have a supply on hand at all times than to wait until you need it and then wait until it arrives. -J-. "These are remedies that I have used in wiy own *»i practice for many years, and I can personally assure you that they may be depended upon J or distinctive merit and for the lest obtainable results in their spheres of action. National Distributing Co., 4311 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. Dr. House sav