-^ ~ *" O (• ^^ ♦ o • o ^ ^ I i i wi i a»i i iwff <»!W»aaB>«iea«Meiit ' « t »^ f i f T I / A Ik ■ 'y. ^•i ilLY I -'■I ^ r ! P^ D^ /« I I fe i i 3. \ Gift N. C HUiMTEIR, URBANA, O Born November 1, 1825, Being the Oldest Living Decenoent of Nathaniel Hunter. — / t' (* -; ^ CONTENTS: Half Tone . . N. C. Hunter age 3 , , Nathaniel C. Hunter, Sr 14 , . . John Hunter 15 . , Nathaniel C. Hunter 21 . . Mary Ann Casebolt 21 . . Alexander St. Clair Hunter 28 . . Thomas Hunter 32 . . . Nancy Hunter 33 . , Samuel Hunter 39 . . . Sarah Whited 42 . . Elizabeth McFerrin 44 . , . Maria Funk 46 . . Hester Ann Hunter The descendants of Nathaniel Hunter met at the residence of N. C. Hunter, Urbana, Ohio, July 7th ^ 1905, for the purpose of effecting an organization. The following officers were elected to serve one 3'^ear, or until their successors are elected: President . . N. C. Hunter Urbana, Ohio Vice President . T. E. Hunter Mingo, Ohio Secretary . . S. M. Hunter Saint Paris, Ohio Treasurer . Mrs. Anna Russele North lycwusburg, Ohio fT\- The officers were instructed to have a short genealog- ical history of the family published. We the present decendants dedicate to future decendants the following history: HISTORY OF NATHANIEL HUNTER, SR.'S FAMILY, OR HIS BRANCH OF IT He was born in the Kingdom of Ireland, County of Down, and Parish of Saintfield, about twelve miles vSouth of Belfast, Ireland, December, 14th, 1768. Ann Porter was born in the same county and Par- ish May 15th, 1772, and married Nathaniel Hunter February 2nd, 1790. They were both of Scotch de- cent, their ancestors emigrating from Scotland to Ire- land in 1607, at the time King James 1st, after sub- duing Ireland, confiscated the lands of the chiefs of O'Niel and O'Donnell of the Ulster tribes, (they hav- ing fled to Spain,) consisting of eight hundred thous- and acres of land. This land was divided out to Scotch Colonists who settled it, and this was the beginning of the Scotch Irish race, whose descendants have emigrated to, and become the best citizens of most of the states of the United States. Their history in Ireland has been one of religious warfare from their settlement until the present. These settlers being of the Protestant religion and (the native Irish Roman Catholic^ so a continual strife was kept up between the factions. In 1641 the English Parliment advocated repress- 4 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY ive measures against the Catholics with threats to oust more of the Irish and introduce English settlers in their stead, when the native Irish turned savagely on the Protestant Colonies of Ulster and murder and atrocities of all kinds were committed in North Ireland at Portadown about twenty miles west of Saintfield Parish, hundreds of the victims were driven into the river and drowned. We have it handed down from Alexander Sinclair Hunter, that many of the relatives of our ancestors were victims at this place. The total victims of this insurrection was estima- ted at thirty thousand. Another family of this Scotch Irish colony were the Sinclairs who became related to the Hunters. We find they were an old and highly honored family of Scotland and at one time held the Earldom of Rosslyn and Janet Sinclair had the training of Maryr Queen of Scots in her youth. Nathaniel Hunter in the year of 1808 while in Virginia inherited property from the estate of John Sinclair of Saintfield Parish, Ireland. S. M. Hunter has a copy of the power of Attorney, sent by Nathan- iel Hunter to Francis Breeze, Attorney in County Down, authorizing said Attorney to receipt for Nath- HUNTKR FAMILY HIvSTORY 5 aniel Hunter for his part of said estate. Nathaniel Hunter also named his oldest son after Alexander Sin- clair. This Scotch Irish colon}^ continues to live and thrive in the north of Ireland until this day; sending out energetic men and women. After the American Revolution was over and the United States had thrown off the yoke of English op- pression; emigration from Ireland to America set in with renewed interest.. In the year of 1 793 while the Irish rebellion was brewing (which broke out in full force in 1798) the prospects for peaceful and successful life growing dim- mer in Ireland, and America holding out bright pros- pects, not only for success in worldly affairs, but in the Liberty of conscience of freedom of manhood and speech; Nathaniel Hunter with his young wife, he be- ing twenty-five and she twenty-one, with one daugh- ter, Mary Ann, two year old, set sail for America. We have no record of this voyage but find them in Greenbriar County, Virginia, in 1794. -— — That they had many friends and relatives that came with them to this country we have evidence. We have records that show business relations between / 6 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY Alexander Sinclair and Nathaniel Hunter in Virginia on June 22nd, 1794, also many Scotch names of part- ies transacting business with him the same year in Vir- ginia, among them Robt. McCullough and Alexander Buckhannum. In reference to the Scotch Irish Theodore Roose- velt in his "Winning of the West" has this to say of them: "Among those who thus went vSouth west were the Scotch Irish, a people to whom historians are now beginning to render justice. In great numbers these people, English in speech, Scotch in blood, Irish by adoption, Presbyterian and Methodist in faith, came to America. Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania low lands were full of them. Princeton University is their memorial in New Jersery . They entered the Appalachian Valley, largely populated West Virginia, and were the backbone of the young commonwealth that sprong up on the Ten- nessee and Cumberland. They formed the kernel of the distinctively and intensely American stock, who were the pioneers of our people in their March Westward, the Vanguard of the army of fighting settlers who with ax and riflle HUNTER FAMII^Y HISTORY 7 won their way from the Alleghanies to the Rio Grand and Pacific Coast. In 1810 emigration from the Central Atlantic States set in to the North West territory with such magnitude that the historian McMasters says: "A Pennsylvania village witnessed the passage in one month, of 1811, of two hundred and thirty six wagons with two thousand people all bound for Ohio." That Point Pleasant at the crossing on the West Virginia side grew from a few huts in 1810 to five hun- dred inhabitants in a short space of time. Our ancestors lived in Virginia fifteen years, and in 1809 they became enthused with the idea of moving west. This enthusiam prevaded the whole family, so much so that they went to work to prepare for their journey. They built two large wagons, which would in these days look more like small steamboats, they did the most of the work within themselves. They procured ten large horses for that day, they also had one for mother to ride. Thus in the year of 1810 we were about ready to start on our journey west. When the time came the horses, with their new harness were hitched, five to 8 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY each wagon, and everything was ready. Mother mounted her pony, boys and girls ready to drive the six cows. The entire neighborhood were there to see us off. With many sad partings, we pulled stakes and moved out, a very memorable time to us and many of our good neighbors, we started for Ohio, what seemed then to be the far west. I remember of an incident when we came to the mountain to go down to New River; the single tract down the mountain to the river was so narrow that wagons could not pass, so a messenger was dispatched to see that the way was clear, and we got down with- out any mishap. Here we had to ferry across the river, all went well until our cows became frightened and jumped overboard, which caused us considerable trouble. But now came the tug, climbing the mountain on the opposite side, here we had to double teams, and all the way up stones and fire flew, got up without any serious trouble. The next large river that we had to cross was the Kanawha, here we swam our cows over. We had the pleasure of seeing the large salt works here. This brought us into Ohio at Point Pleasant; we HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 9 made our way as best we could to Chillicothe, which was then a town of considerable size. We finally stopped near what was then called Pos- sum Run in Madison county, eight miles south of lyOndon. Here father bought a three years' lease of a man of a large tract of land, got several hundred bushels of corn and a lot «©«i./^/'-^v It was now about twenty-two days since we left our old home in Virginia, and we were all about worn out. We unloaded and went into winter quarters. The next spring we put out a large crop of corn, we boys and girls raised the crop, and father went on to select for us our future home. It was some time before he found anything that suited him, but finally bought quite a large tract of land, about (950) nine hundred and fifty acres, nearly three miles south-east of West Liberty and two miles west of what is now Mt. Tabor. During our stay in Madison county sister Eliza- beth was born. While the family remained on the lease, father took one or two of the boys with him and went to the land and built a log house and made some improvements; and in the spring of 1814 they moved 10 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY to their new home in the wilderness. Now the whole family are here alive and well and happy. The Indians lived in a village on Mac-a-cheek nearby. We always kept our guns loaded and ready for an emergency, but were never disturbed by the Indians. We built the stone house in 1820 that now stands on the farm near where the first log house was built. This is as John Hunter, son of Nathaniel Hunter, Sr., related it to his son, N. C. Hunter, a short time before his death. I, N. C. Hunter, still own the farm at this time, 1905, ninety-one years after our family settled there. They naturally began to look around to see about fchool houses and churches. They found none. Be- ing religiously inclined they hunted up their neigh- bors which were few and far between. But they found some six or eight families within a radius of from six to ten miles, who seemed to readily enter in- to arrangements to meet together for worship. Found a family who was there a little before them; by the name of Grifieth Evans, who offered his log cabin with its earthen floor; they made seats out of puncheon, as there were no saw mills. Here they worshiped for HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 11 three or four years. At this time they purchased, at a nominal price, one acre of ground, upon which they built their church edifice, it being a log structure, (using it for a school house also, ) This site being on quite an elevation and one of nature's lovely spots, this place they named Mt, Ta- bor. Their first preacher was Saul Hinkle. As above stated their house was built of logs, with five corners, in the fifth corner they raised the earth and built a fire thereon (to heat their house) with charcoal, but greatly to the annoyance of the preacher, and mortification of the people, the smoke and gas could not be endured, so ended their first ef- forts at heating their little church in the wilderness; this being in 1817. In the year 1818 they held their first campmeet- ing west of the church. This was followed by anoth- er meeting in 1819. Among those attending the lat- ter, were about three hundred Indians, mingling and worshiping with their white brethren and neighbors. The then noted Lorenzo Dow met with them. Among the families comprising the first society at Mt. Tabor were the Evans, Hunters, Scotts, Latties, Thompsons, Casebolts, Burgess, May ses and Humph- 12 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY reys. The first church edifice was destroyed by fire in 1824. The society and friends ot Methodism again rallied and this time built a brick church, size thirty by forty feet. The society had sent to them from time to time such men of God as J. Strange, Biglow, Wm. Raper, Finley, George Walker and others. Through the labors of these men of God, and lo- cal preachers and laymen the "Wilderness has truly bloomed and blossomed as the rose." I have about thirty-five pages more of the history of Mt. Tabor written, it is not expedient to insert it in this family history. Next I will give you as best I can, a copy of Grandfather Hunter's family record of births and deaths. Nathaniel Hunter, Sr., and all his family are dead. I, N. C. Hunter, am the eldest one living of his decendents. Nathaniel Hunter, Sr., was born December 14, 1768. Married Ann Porter February 2, 1790, and died July 5, 1841. Ann Porter was born May 15, 1772, and died August 15, 1819. Born to them five daughters and four sons. HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 13 Mary Ann was born October 9, 1791. Married Mr. Casebolt. Died July 14, 1817. Alexander was born February 11, 1795. Married. Died April 28, 1856. Jane was born November 11, 1796. Married Mr. Miller. Died February 28, 1879. Thomas was born January 22, 1799. Married twice. Died February 19, 1879. John was born March 20, 1801. Married. Died February 28, 1878. Nancy was born April 30, 1803, Single. Died July 30, 1815. Samuel was born March 27, 1805. Married. Died October 1, 1869. Sallie J. was born October 13, 1806. Married Mr. Whited. Died March 18, 1876. Elizabeth was born March 18, 1813. Married Mr. McFerrin. Died March 30, 1897. Maria was born September 22, 1821. Married Mr. Funk. Died March 13, 1874. Hester Ann was born March 2, 1825. Single. Died February 20, 1843. Mary, second wife of Nathaniel Hunter, Sr., and mother of Maria and Hester Ann, died 1849. 14 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY JOHN HUNTER John Hunter, the fifth child of Nathaniel and Ann Hunter, Sr., was born March 20, 1801, in Greenbriar county, Virginia, came to Ohio with his parents and settled near the old home farm, he died in 1878 being seventy-seven years of age. He was one of the found- ers of Mt. Tabor church and cemetery, made himself useful in his day and generation. Died at Forrest Home near Mt. Tabor, a christian in deed and truth known of all men. Jane Humphreys Hunter, his wife, was the daugh- ter of Thomas Humphreys. He was born in Belfast, Ireland, County of Dennegal. Her mother was Lady Patterson, a lady of high English rank. The family emigrated to America in the year 1790 and settled in Erie county, Pennsylvania, in the town of Waterford where Jane Humphreys Hunter was born in the year 1800. Her father was in the mili- tary service during the great naval battle on Lake Erie (near Put-in-Bay) known as Perry's Great Vic- tory over the English. Before they left Ireland he joined the Methodist church under John Wesley's preaching and early la- bors in Methodism. Thomas Humphreys died in 1848 HUNtER FAMILY HISTORY 15 being 110 years old. His daughter, Jane Humphreys Hunter, was a true christian, she swept through the gates into the city July 15, 1877. John Hunter and Jane Humphreys were niarried December 26, 1822. To them were born six sons and one daughter, four dying in childhood. Alexander St. Clair Hunter was born December 16, 1823. Died September 11, 1824. Nathaniel C. born November 1, 1825. Washingten C. born September 15, 1827. Susan was born November 14, 1829. Died Sep- tember 25, 1831. Thomas was born October 8, 1833. Died March 5, 1846. John was born December 27, 1838. Died August 13, 1839. William H. was born September 29, 1840. Died July 31, 1904. NATHANIEL C. HUNTER Nathaniel C. Hunter, second son of John and Jane Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, November 1, 1825. Married Helen M. Purdy, of Erie City. Pennsylvania, May 17, 1849. She was born 16 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY May 23, 1829, and died April 20, 1880. Nathaniel C. Hunter, now in his 80th year, has lived long and had a very busy life being useful in his day and gen- eration, being loyal to his country and the church. Has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for sixty-five years. He has always strove in his place, doing his duty without fear, favor or affection. Has served for fifty years as Sunday School Superintend- ent, and has filled almost all the offices in the church. Born to them three sons. John G. was born June 17, 1850. Albert L. was born August 4, 1852. William P. was born March 12, 1855, died iuSan Antonia, Texas, January 5, 1882, his mother preceed- ing him two 3^ears. * Here I copy a short memorial written by his pas- tor, Henry Miller, pastor at Mt. Tabor at that time. In the year 1870, under the labors of David Whit- more, he was converted and joined the church at Mt. Tabor. In the rich soil of a pure heart bloomed and blossomed the graces of a christian life, shedding its fragrance on all around. Conscious to the last he stepped out boldly into the merky current, saying "Come lyord Jesus, take me. Oh! take me quickly." HUNTER FAMII^Y HISTORY 17 Then he was not; for God had taken him. Though young he had the welfare of the church at heart. Over one year before his death while confined to his bed he sent for me. He told me that as he was no longer able, to attend the services of the church and Sabbath School of which he was a member, and ren- der himself useful in that way, he greatly desired to give some expression of Love for the cause and society with which he was connected. Being a great lover of music and a fine musician himself, he wished to pre- sent to the Mt. Tabor society and Sabbath School, an organ for the use of the congregation and Sabbath School hoping thereby to stimulate and encourage his young friends and the congregation to rebuild and keep up this old time honored place. He then gave me a letter to read to the membership of the church asking for the privilege of so doing. The letter was filled with love and devotion was read to the whole congre- gation. They arose and with tears and visible emo- tion gratefully accepted the gift of the young Christ- ian. From this came the inspiration to build the new and beautiful house of worship at Mt. Tabor. What a beautiful illustration of the scriptures: * 'Their works do follow them." His remains were brought home 18 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY from San Antonia, Texas, attended by his ever faith- ful father, and on the 12th of January, 1882, in the presence of a large congregation of sympathising friends and relatives, at his old Forest Home, the sol- emn funeral services were held, the church being un- finished. The remains of this brilliant life were laid to rest by the side of his sainted mother, who had pre- ceeded him two years, under the shadow of the new church. John G. Hunter, eldest son of Nathaniel C. and Helen M. Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, June 17, 1850. Married Mary K. Cookston on May 24, 1871. She was born August 29, 1850. Born to them four children, two dying in infancy. Fredie born April 8, 1873, and died January 5, 1875. Maude was born September 9, 1876. Mable was born Sep- tember 20, 1879, and died July 15, 1880. Charley W. was born August 12, 1883. Maude P. Hunter, eldest daughter of John G. and Mary K. Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, September 9, 1876. She was married to John Clapper August 7, 1901. He was born September 11, 1876. Born to them two children. Harry Donald, born May 23, 1902. Kvalyn, born May 13, 1904. HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 19 C. W. Hunter, youngest child of John G. and Mary E. Hunter, was born August 12, 1883, Mar- ried Maribel Wilcox. May 30, 1905. She was born on October 20, 1886. Albert h. Hunter, second son of Nathaniel C. and Helen M. Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, August 4, 1852. Married Mary Frances North November 2, 1876. She was born September 2, 1855, Born to them four daughter, Grace E, born July 11, 1877; married. Edna, born August 3, 1878; single. Fern-e P«, born November 22, 1881; married. Elsie E., born April 13, 1885: single, Grace E. Hunter, eldest daughter of Albert L, and M. Frances Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, July 11, 1877. Married Quinn Xpcum November 5, 1903. He was born '^'^{y. Borii to them one daughter, Helen Feme, December 24, 1904. Feme P. Hunter, third daughter of Albert L. and M. Frances Hunter, was born November 22, 1881. Married Rev. Milton Swisher October 27, 1904, and moved immediately to a charge in Melbourne, Iowa, and is having grand success so far in winning many souls to God. N. C. Hunter married Eliza Seaman Enoch June 20 HUNTKR FAMII.Y HISTORY 20, 1883. She and her husband are counted araongr the pioneer members of Mt, Tabor, a membership of over fifty years. She was born September 2, 1832. Washington C. Hsnter,. third son of John and Jane Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio^ September 15^ 1827. Married Agnes A. Deuel, of New York^ May 15, 1851, She was bom October 17,, 1832. Washington C. Hunter is now in his seventy- eighth year. They moved west several years ago, and now lives in Denver^ Colorado, He and his good wife are Christians above reproach. Born to them two sons. Conklin Deuel, born March 28, 1853, Mar- ried Mrs. Beatrice Bay hain. Arthur C, born May 18, 1857; single. William H. Hunter, seventh child of John and Jane Hunter, was born September 29, 1840; married Effie A. McDonald October 8, 1863. Born to them one son, James McDonald, February 3, 1867. W. H, Hunter had an honorable service in the U. S. Army. He was commissioned during the great rebellion to raise 100 men for the cavalry service. Was severely wounded July 9, 1864. Promoted to Major July 5, 1865. After the war he moved South. He served the people of Alabama one term in the Legislature; two HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 21 terms as Sheriff of Lounds county, one term as Clerk of same county, was Judge of the U. S. A. Commis- sioners Court a number of years, and was a member of the State Constitutional Convontion of Alabama. Died July 31, 1904. Fannie Hunter, second wife of William Hunter, still lives in Birmingham, Alabama. J. Mc. Hunter, only son of William H. and Kffie A. Hunter, was born February 3, 1867. He married Katherine Hoge Green, August 16, 1898. She was born August 7, 1877. Born to them one daughter, Mary Gwendolyne, August 16, 1900. MARY ANN CASEBOLT Mary Ann Hunter, eldest child of Nathaniel and Ann Porter Hunter, was born in County Down, Ire- land, October 9, 1791. Came to America with her pa- rents at the age of two years and settled in Greenbriar county, Virginia. Married Robert Casebolt. Came to Ohio in 1810. Died July 14th, 1817, without heirs and is buried in Mt. Tabor cemetery. ALEXANDER ST. CLAIR HUNTER Alexander St. Clair Hunter, oldest son of Nath- aniel Hunter, was born in Greenbriar county, Virgin- 22 HUNTER FAMII.Y HISTORY ia, February 11, 1795. Came to Ohio at the age of seventeen and enlisted at the age of eighteen in the War of 1812 and served in the north-western army. He married Sarah Hunter October 21, 1819. They settled on a farm near where the village of Mingo now stands, where he died April 28, 1856, and is buried at Mt. Tabor, They had four children: Mary Ann, John Sale, Sarah Jane, and James W. Hunter. Sarah Jane Hunter married Wm. Johnson Decem- ber 4, 1844. To this union were born nine children, viz: William, Isaac, Sarah, Emma, James and Mag- gie, living; GUvStavus, Alexander and Nancy, dead. John Sale Hunter was married to Charlotte Moots November 17, 1868. He is now dead. No children. James W. Hunter married Sarah L. Price Sep- tember 23, 1858. They settled near Cable, O. Mov- ing to Illinois, they settled in Champaign county in that state, he is now dead. They had seven children, viz: Fannie, Lyda, Hattie and Jessie, living; Benja- min, Belle, and Pearl, dead, making in all seventeen grand children and eleven great grand children. Mary Ann Hunter died without heirs. HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 23 JANE MILLER Jane Miller, third child of Nathaniel and Anna Porter Hunter, was born in Greenbriar county, Vir- ginia, November 11, 1796, and came to Ohio in the year of 1810, Married December 21, 1820, Thomas Miller (son of Rev. Robert Miller, of Clark county, O.) He was born July 2, 1795. They settled after marri- age on a farm near New Moorefield where all the child- ren were born in the same house. In the year of 1842 they moved to Van Buren county, Iowa, afterwards moved to Keosauqua, Iowa, where they lived the bal- ance of their lives. She died February 28th, 1879. Thomas Miller died March 17th, 1879, and are both buried in Keosauqua cemetery. They had ten child- ren, two sons and eight daughters, viz: Mary Ann Miller, born September 27th, 1921. Married Jonath- an Seaman September 20, 1849. They settled near Greenville, Illinois, where she died September 30th, 1872. They had five children, viz: Francis Ann Sea- man, born March 10, 1850. Married September 17th, 1873, L. S. Hobert. She died December 9th, 1883. One child. Earl S. Hobart, who is married and has one child lives near Greenville, Illinois. Jonathan Seaman born October 5, 1851. Married 24 . HUNTER FAMII.Y HISTORY Marie B, Owens, of Wilmol, Wisconsin, December 15, 1874. One child, Albert Owen Seanian, born Febru-r aro 7th, 1878, now First Lieutenant 15th Infantry, U, S. Army. His wife died September 22, 1883. Mar- ried the second time to Jennie Hall, February 15, 188T7 One son, J. Ralph Seaman, born May 23, 1893. Catharine Seaman, born November 16th, 1854. Married H. C. Armstrong January 14th, 1875. Two sons, Edgar and Charles, are living at Wellington, Kansas. Anna Jane Seaman, born May 26, 1857, Married W. M, Creighton June 21, 1876. Have several child- ren and live at South Auburn, Nebraska. Elvira Seaman, born May 24, 1860. Married G. E. Finley November 28, 1885; have three children and reside at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. Rebecca H. Miller, born April 12, 1823. Mar- ried W, J. Parnell April 28, 1841; died January 16th, 1859, and is buried in an old cemetery at Greenville, Illinois. Of her family we have no records. Martha L. Miller, born June 25, 1825. Married Lewis W. Thornburg April 9, 1845, died January 9, 1880, leaving several children. The two oldest child- HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 25 ren died when young. Sarah, the oldest daughter, married a Mr. Bowers. She died some years ago at Farmington, Iowa. Had two children, one daughter dead and one son, Herbert, living. Alice Thornburg married Norton Hinsey. She died July 2, 1880, leaving one son who lives in De Moines, Iowa. Charles E* Thornburg is married and lives at Sioux City, Iowa. Has one daughter. Thomas Miller Thornburg is married and lives at Ottumwa, Iowa; has one daughter, Helen, a young lady. A son was born to Thomas and Jane Miller, 1829, and died when an infant. Kerrilla B. Miller, born June 14, 1827. Married John W. Painter March 28, 1844. She died January 20, 1887, at Independence, Kansas, and is buried there. To this union six children were born, four dying when young. Two grew to manhood, viz: Rob- ert Painter, who now lives at Lakeland, Meade coun- ty, Kansas. He has an interesting family, but we have no particulars in reference to them. Joshua L. Painter died in Chicago January 31st, 1904. 26 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY Sarah Jane Miller, born July 25, 1830. Married Charles May December 21, 1869; died January 31, 1904. No children. Angle Miller, born in Clark county, Ohio, Octo- ber 9, 1832. Moved with her parents to Iowa in 1842. Taught in the public schools of Iowa for twelve years. Married George W. Bowen, of Ottumwa, Iowa, May 12, 1864. He was born in Ohio February 21, 1831. In January, 1882, they moved to Independence, Kan- sas, where they still live. They have one son, George Miller Bowen, born March 23, 1867, and educated at Baker University, Baldwin, Kansas. Married Lela M. Grafton, of Ottumwa, Iowa, P'ebruary 10, 1895. Have one son, Charles Grafton Bowen, seven years of age. George is in the milling business and Mayor of Independence Kansas, where he lives. Elizabeth Ann Miller, born September 26, 1834. Married Alexander Burns November 8, 1855; he died April 18, 1873. To this union several children were born, viz: Fanny E. Burns, who died in her fourth^ year. Edwin M. Burns, who lives at Mason City, Iowa, and has two sons. Jennie Burns married a Mr. Harlan and lives at Ottumwa, Iowa. She has two children, a son and daughter. Mary Edith Burns HUNTER FAMIIvY HISTORY 27 married Wilber Boggs. She and her husband are both buried at Independence, Iowa. Grace Burns married Mr. Elliott and lives at Salida, Colorado. Warren A. Burns lives in Iowa, and Elizabeth Burns, who is a teacher in the public schools of Denver, Colorado. Elizabeth Ann Burns was married the second time in 1880 to George Somerville. She died March 6th, 1898. Thomas Hunter Miller born September 26, 1836. Died October 8th. 1843. Frances C. Miller, youngest daughter of Thomas and Jane Miller, was born October 9, 1839. Married Jacob G. Mast December 19, 1864. They are now liv- ing at Ottumwa, Iowa. To them six children have been born, viz: George Erwin Mast, born May 16th, 1866; died September 5th, 1866. Frank Miller Mast, born April 1st, 1868; married April 25, 1900, to Ida Miller. To this union one daughtbr, Margaret, was . born August 9, 1901. Charles Fulton Mast was born August 15, 1871; married August 22, 1901, to Chessie Bell. Thomas Walter Mast, born August 18, 1873; married October 26, 1899, to Gertie McEwen. Two children, viz: Theodore William, born August 5, 1900, and Ruth Evalyn, born October 17, 1904. Arthur 2S HUNTER FAMII^Y HISTORY Gehman Mast, born December 15, 1875; died Aprit 15, 1876. William Herbert Mast, born August 16th, 1879, now in the government employ, Forestry De- partment, and located at Halsey, Nebraska. Since the copy was prepared for Rebecca H. Mil- ler we learn the following of her children: Mary J. Parnell married John Burns and lives in Keosauqua, Iowa. Charles Parnell lives in Kansas City, Missouri . Emma Parnell married Mr. N. Carver and lives in Kansas. Amelia Parnell married Mr. Bowen and lives in Kansas. Farnk Parnell lives in Kansas City. THOMAS HUNTER Thomas Hunter, fourth child of Nathaniel and Ann Porter Hunter, was born in Greenbriar county, Virgihia, January 22, 1799. Came to Ohio when eleven years of age. At the age of twenty-one he set- tled in the Mingo Valley, built a log cabin and married Mary Evans, daughter of Griffith Evans, March 6th, 1832, Born to them two children, Griffith and Milton, both dying in infancy. His wife Mary died April 13, 1840, aged forty years. Thomas married the second time Ocrober 8th, 1840, Nancy Johnson born in Guer* ency county, Ohio, August 5th, 1813, They bought HUNTER FAMII^Y HISTORY 29 additional land adjoining until they had a beautiful farm on which they lived until death. He was a man of strong convictions of right, both in politics and re- ligion. He stood for advancement of schools, church- es and public improvement, giving liberally in money to found O. W. U. at Delaware, Ohio, in building the Pan Handle aud Erie railroads, Salem church and both churches in the present village of Mingo, also helping liberally in building the present church at Mt. Tabor, where he now rests from his labors of eighty years of useful life, dying February 19, 1879. His wife Nancy died November 2, 1887. Born to this union seven children, viz: Margaret, born September 9, 1841. Single. Died September 24, 1877. Anna May Hunter, born September 28, 1842; and married S. L. Russell, soldier of the civil war. He died July 26, 1878. Now a widow and lives at North Lewisburg, O. Three children, vis: Harry Clifton Russell, born July 10, 1867. Married August 22nd, 1888, May McCartney, of Mingo, O., where they reside They have two children, Harold Leroy, born March 25, 1890, and Ralph, born July 11, 1895. Frank Guy Russell, born September 6, 1870, mar- 30 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY ried May 14, 1896, Myrtle Sprinkle, of Makin, Ind. They have two children, viz: Edward Everett Hale, born March 15, 1897; Harold, born July 11, 1901. Frank is employed as station agent for the Erie rail- road at Tallmadge, Ohio. Levi Kirk Russell, born November 28, 1872. He married December 12, 1894, Lola M. Gilliland, of Gal- ion, O. No children. Live in Washington D. C. Clerk in Post Office Department. Sarah Elizabeth Hunter, born January 10, 1845, married January 4, 1866, Col, Marshal L. Dempsey, Col. of 23d regiment in the Civil war. He died Feb- ruary 7, 1891. She is now a wddow^ and resides at Princeton, Indiana, with her daughter. They had four children, viz: Nancy Jane Dempsey, born Septem- ber 1, 1867. Married December 27, 1899, A. M. Smith, Supt. of Southern R. R., and living at Prince- ton, Indiana. They have three children, viz: Eleanor Dempsey Smith, born June 3, 1901; Arthur Morton Smith, born December 30, 1902, and Theodore Hun- ter Smith, born September 5, 1904. Helen Ester Dempsey, born March 19, 1871; mar- ried December 1, 1897, Charles Muggleton, merchant of Janesville, Wisconsin, their present home. They HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 31 have two children, Joan Winifred, born July 22, 1900; and Ester Dempsey Muggleton, born August 28, 1902. Ralph Hunter Dempsey, born April 21, 1873. Single. Mechanical engineer in Pittsburg, Pa. Clarence Hurd Dempsey, born November 2, 1875. Married February 14, 1901, Celia Caley, of Warrens- ville, Ohio, their present home and is engaged in farm- ing. They have one child, Marshal Caley Dempsey, born March 23, 1903. Frances J. Hunter, born March 27, 1847. Mar- ried March 30, 1875, Leroy W. Wright, soldier of the Civil war and merchant, living at Florence, Nebraska. They have three children, all living at home, viz: Agnes A., born September 9, 1880, single, Thomas Leroy, born May 7, 1883, single; and Francis Hunter Wright, born September 4, 1888. Thomas Emmett Hunter, born October 23, 1848; married October 8, 1873, Emma Irene Robinson. He was educated in the common school and Ohio Wesley- an University, O. He was elected to represent the county of Champaign in the 70th and 71st General Assembly, 1893 to 1896. Since that time has devoted his time to farming. Was elected to ofiEice of Justice of Peace in 1896, which office he still holds. They ^2 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY have one child, Jessie Mabel Hunter, born August 18, 1880. Married Perc3' H. Callahan, telegraph opera- tor, Erie railroad, Richwood, O. One child Edith Lucile, born December 20th, 1903. Hale Hunter, born August 19, 1850. Graduated from Cincinnati Law School in 1886. Married July 18. 1901, Myrtle J. Thorn, of Grand Valley, Pennsyl- vania. Attorney at Law, Urbana, Ohio. They have one child, Robert Hale Hunter, born June 20, 1902. x\gnes Hunter, born October 20, 1852. Married October 15, 1873, Marion Guthridge, soldier of the Civil war and lumberman, of Mingo, O. They had two children, Edgar H. and Walter M. Agnes died March 9, 1883, at her home in Mingo, Ohio. Edgar H. Guthridge, born January 11, 1875; mar- ried October 25, 1899, Edith Callahan, of Mingo, O. Is now telegraph operator on Erie railroad at Ashland, Ohio. No children. Walter M. Guthridge, born January 14, 1883. Single. Telegraph operator on Erie railroad at vari- ous places. NANCY HUNTER Nancy Hunter, sixth child of Nathaniel and Ann Porter Hunter, was born April 30, 1803; died July 30, 1815. HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 33 SAMUKIv HUNTER Samuel Hunter, seventh child of Nathaniel Hun- ter, born in Greenbriar county, Virginia, March 27th, 1805, and at the age of five years came to Ohio with his father's family. On the 25th day of September, 1828, was married to Maria Miller, daughter of Rev. Robt. Miller, of Clark county, O. She was born in Fleming county, Kentucky, August 1, 1809. They settled on a farm near West Liberty, Ohio, where he continued to live until death. He joined the Mt. Ta- bor church under the ministry of Rev. George Walk- er in the year of 1833, and continued his membership there, living a consistent christian life until his death on October 1, 1869. Buried at Mt. Tabor. Maria Hunter died February 26, 1885, having been a mem- ber of Mt. Tabor church for fifty-two years. She is buried in the beautiful cemetery near the church. To this union were born eleven children, viz: Nelson F., Ann Eliza, Mary, Robert M., Emily, John M., Sam- uel Benson, dying in infancy; Lucy T., Harriett E., Newton P., and Samuel M. Hunter. Nelson Fletcher Hunter was born in Champaign county, Ohio, January 14, 1829. Married Elizabeth Williamson, of Logan county, who was born in July, 34 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 1830. They settled in Clinton, Illinois, where she still resides, he having died January 12, 1902. They have had four children, viz: Samuel Williamson, born November 19, 1856, died September 22, 1857. Henry lyouis born November 2, 1858. Married Martha B. Rucker, of Clinton, June 6, 1889. Graduated from Philadelphia Dental College in 1888; died April 28, 1898. No heirs. Adda born March 1, 1861. Teach- er in public schools of Clinton, Illinois. Alfred Milton, born January 21, 1864. Gradu- ated from U. S. Military Academy at West Point in June, 1887. Was commissioned Second Lieutenant of Cavalry, transferred to the Artillery Department the following spring and is still with that branch of the U. S. Army. Served during the Spanish American war in the Island of Cuba, now ranks as Captain in U. S. Army and is stationed at Fort Moultry. S. C. Mar- ried October 19, 1904, to Elizabeth Martin, of New- ark, New Jersey. Ann Eliza Hunter was born October 7, 1830; mar- ried W. D. Enoch August 10, 1852. He died Octo- ber 31, 1903. She now lives in Kansas City, Kansas. Four children were born to them, viz; Louis Delmar, born October 30, 1853, died October 18, 1860. Eliza- HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 35 beth Maria, born January 26, 1857, died October 24, i860. John Clarence Enoch was born in Cliampaign county, Ohio, March 27, 1859. Married Emma F. Shaw, of Coshocton, Ohio, October 15, 1879. They now live in Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, where he is en- gaged in a manufacturing business. Three children: Harry Garfield, born February 27, 1881. William, born August 14, 1887, and Alpha Anna, born July 15, 1889. Annetta Enoch, born September 10, 1864. Mar- ried Charles N. Johnson April 9, 1885, now live in Kansas City, Kansas. Four children have been born to them, viz: Nelson Enoch, born February' 15, 1886, law student at Lawrence, Kansas. Charles Robert, born January 13, 1888, died March 11, 1889. Max- well, born September 5, 1880, died July 3, 1894; and Annetta Ruth, born 1894. Mary Hunter, born September 8, 1832. Married September 6, 1854, to Joseph Humphreys. They set- tled in Clinton, Illinois, where she died March 2, 1863. No heirs. Joseph Humphreys remarried and is now dead. Robert Miller Hunter, born May 15, 1834, Mar- 36 HUNTER P^AMILY HISTORY ried December 6, 1855, Margaret Gill, of West Lib- erty, Ohio. She was born November 10, 1835. They now live in Marion, Indiana. Six children have been born to them, one dying in infancy, viz: Adda Farley, born October 7, 1856, died September 2, 1860, Will- iam R., born April 18, 1860; married October 7, 1886, Minnie Wiseon . They reside in Marion , Ind . ; grocer . Two children: Carol F., born July 15, 1887, died Aug- ust 6, 1887, and Don Wilber, born October 22, 1899. Roscoe Dunbar Hunter, born March 22, 1862, Married July 21, 1887, May Belle Pearman, of Marion, Indiana, where they reside. Engaged in manufactur- ing. Four children, viz: Lawrence Leslie, born Jan- uary 28, 1888. Helen, born September 20, ^891. Margaret Hester, born September 4, 1893. Agnes Virginia, born October 10, 1897. Jennie F. Hunter, born Dec. 1, 1866. Married September 1, 1888, Dr. Charles W. Cory. They re- side in Hartford City, Indiana. One child, Lucille, born October 29, 1889. Caddie Farley Hunter, born February 18, 1875; died at Marion, Indiana, March 4, 1904. Emily Hunter, born May 9, 1836. Married on January 29, 1874, Alfred W. Hynes, of Greenville, 111. HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 37 They now live in Dayton, Kentucky. One child How- ard Hunter Hynes, born November 4, 1876. Gradu- ated from Cincinnati Dental College May 9, 1905; re- sides in Cincinnati, Ohio. John Milton Hunter, born March 22, 1838; mar- ried November 19, 1862, Sarah Baldwin. She was born December 2, 1862, died April 9, 1902. They re- sided in Urbana, Ohio, at time of his death, May 19, 1903. Three children: Frank Edgar, born July 11th, 1863 . Married Grace McDonald . Two children , Ben dying in infancy and Helen Elizabeth. They reside in Chicago, Illinois. Book-keeper. Nellie Maria Hunter, born December 22, 1865. Married October 9, 1889, Dr. Ben S. Leonard, of West Liberty, Ohio. One child, Mary Eleanor, April 8th, 1892. Ralph E. Hunter, born January 30, 1867; married Elizabeth Burnsides. One child, Donald Hunter. Re- side in Urbana, O. Engaged in fire insurance busi- ness. Samuel Benson Hunter, seventh child of Samuel and Maria Hunter, born December 31, 1839; died No- vember 5, 1840. Lucy Tabitha Hunter, born December 31, 1841; 38 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY married February 5, 1885, Samuel Everett, of North Lewisburg, Ohio. He died October 11, 1895. She married the second time George W. Tallman, October 31, 1901. They reside at North Lewisburg, Ohio. Harriet Elizabeth Hunter, born December 25, 1843; married November 25, 1869, Lieutenant John W. Euans. They reside in Columbus, Ohio. Two children: Dr. Earl Wellington Euans, born January 15, 1871. Graduated from O. M. U, Columbus, O., April 16, 1897. Married Cora Eugenia Taylor, Octo- ber 9, 1902. Resides in Columbus where he is prac- ticing medicine. William Weldon Euans, born May 6, 1878. Resides in Columbus, Ohio. Traveling salesman. Newton P. Hunter, born January 25, 1847; mar- ried January 14, 1874, Mary L. Williams, of Mingo, O. Enlisted as recruit in Co. G., 66th O. V. I. in the Civil war while the regiment was stationed at Bridge- port, Alabama. By reason of disability was retutned to Camp Dennison, Ohio, and from there to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where he was detailed as transpor- tation clerk, remaining there until the close of the war. Graduated from Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincin- nati, Ohio, in 1883. Now a practicing physician in HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 3'9 North lyewivSburg, Ohio. Two children: Hora'ce L.» born November 7, 1874, died April 24, 1881. Agnes M., born February 20, 1880; married at Battle Creek, Michigan, October 15, 1903, William R. Renall, of Shreveport, Louisana, where they reside. Samuel McKendree Hunter, born November 2, 1848; married April 27, 1876, Emma J. Atkinson, of Plain City, Ohio. She died July 17, 1902, in Colum- bus, Ohio. Four children were born to them, three of them living, who reside with their father in Saint Paris, O. Florence Hunter, born April 14, 1877. Graduated from Ohio Weslyan University, Delaware, Ohio, June 1899. Now principal of Saint Paris High School. Wilber Samuel, born July 24, 1884; died Oc* tober 17, 1889. Harry Preston, born July 21, 1891. Robert Miller, born February 28, 1895. SARAH WHITED Sarah Hunter, eighth child of Nathaniel and Ann Porter Hunter, was born in Greenbriar county, Vir- ginia, October 13, 1806. Came to Ohio when four years of age. September 24, 1829, married Levi Gar- wood, who died November 20, 1836. Four children were born to this uhion, viz: Alexrnder Selkirk Gar- 40 HUNTER FAMII.Y HISTORY wood, born July 21, 1830. When he reached man- hood moved to Iowa and married Katharine Smith, She died leaving three children. Soon after he moved to Osborn, Kansas, where he died in 1898. Only two of his children are living. Elizabeth Jane Garwood, born September 27th, 1832. Married in Michigan to George Leesdale, and moved to Fayette county, Iowa, where they died. Four children were born to them; all are now dead leaving four grand children living. Nathaniel Hunter Garwood, born August 27, 1834. At the age of thirty-one years, being in poor health, was advised to make an overland trip to the West. In June, 1865, he started and when in the Black Hills he took the mountain fever and died in September of that year. No heirs. Anna Garwood died March 3, 1837, aged five months and twenty-three days. Sarah Hunter Garwood married the second time August 26, 1837, Stephen Whited. They lived near West Liberty, Ohio, until 1845. They concluded they could better themselves by selling their small farm in Ohio and go farther west and buy more land. Hav- ing some friends in Michigan they packed their house- HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 41 hold goods in two wagons and the family, with four or five horses and some cattle, moved overland to St. Joseph county, Michigan; settled on one hundred and sixty acres of timber land where they established a good home. Here they lived and enjoyed the so- ciety of good christian people, and when life's duties were over were laid to rest in the Florence M. E. Church cemetry, which church they had worshiped in and helped to build. Sarah Whited died January 13, 1876, and Stephen Whited died April 4, 1879. To this union were born five children, viz: George Whited, born June 10, 1838, died when young. Mar- tha Whited, born November 8, 1839; married Henry Sevison, April 22, 1879. They lived and enjoyed life together nearly twenty years, when he was called to his heavenly home, at the age of seventy-nine years. He came to St. Joseph county, Michigan, when a boy of eleven years, growing up with the new country, al- ways taking an interest in all improvements for the betterment of society. Eight children, by a former marriage, and the widow, Martha Whited Sevison, were left to cherish the memory of a well spent life. The widow now lives in Three Rivers, Michigan. 42 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY Susan Ann Whited, born April 25, 1842. Mar- ried James Bates and lives at Ames, Iowa. Lyda Ann. born April 25, 1842. Married a Mr. Clark. She is now a widow and lives at Spirit Lake, Iowa. Has two children, a son and a daughter. Oliver Whited, born in July, 1844. Lives in Three Rivers, Michigan. Has a daughter, Mrs. Sill- man; and a son, Charles Stephen Whited, who live at Three Rivers. ELIZABETH McFERRIN Elizabeth McFerrin w^as born in Ross county, Ohio, May 18, 1813. When about one year old her father moved to Champaign county, Ohio. She was married to James McFerrin April 2, 1833. He was born in Green county, Tennessee in 1806. They first lived after marriage in Logan county, O., then moved to Allen county, Ohio, and entered eighty acres of land on which they lived four years. In 1838 they moved to the farm in Champaign county, Ohio, from which they moved in 1863 to Bond county, Illinois, and pur- chased a farm of three hundred acres three miles north west of Greenville, Illinois. Here they made their home for several years, then moved to Greenville, HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY 43 where he died November 11, 1873. She moved about the year of 1880 to Terre Haute, Indiana, and lived with some of her children. Here she died March 30, 1897, and was buried beside her husband in Hazel Dell Cemetry, near Greenville, Illinois. They had nine children as follows: Hester Ann, born January 30th, 1834, and died iVpril 2, 1838. Sarah Jane, born July 4, 1836, now living in Kansas City, Missouri, single. Mary Ann, born September 22, 1838. Was married to C. P. Staub, October 22, 1861, and died at Vincen- nes, Indiana, October 26, 1902. They had four child- ren, two dying in infancy. Maud Morris, (now a widow) and living at Indianapolis, Indiana. Helen Beckes, (a widow) two children, viz: Irv- ing, born and died in 1892, and Marlin Lyman Beckes, born April 5, 1899, now living in Vincennes, Ind. Nathaniel Hunter McFerrin, born July 17, 1841. Married in 1875 to Melissa Beltys. She died in 1876 and left one child, Charles B. McFerrin. He is mar- ried and has one child, Elizabeth, born June 13, 1903. Nathaniel married again to Lizzie Ulrick, and is now living in Terre Haute, Indiana. Martha, born July 11, 1845, and died July 15, 1845. James Porter, born 44 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY June 24, 1846, now living in Kansas City, Missouri, Single. William Clark McFerrin, born November 29, 1848. Married April 23, 1874, EmmaF. Pearce. They have one child dead and three living, viz: Paul Luther, born May 23, 1876. Maud Hope, born January 9th, 1880, died May 20, 1883. Mary Grace, born Sep. 9, 1881. William Virgil, born October 15, 1892. They now live in Independence, Kansas. Oliver Quinn McFerrin, born July 17, 1851; mar- ried September, 1889, Carrie Moody and lives at Terre Haute, Indiana. No children. Emma McFerrin, born January 1, 1855; married November, 1878, James D. Phillips. Live in Kansas City, Missouri. No children. Ann Porter Hunter died August 15, 1819. Na- thaniel Hunter married for his second wife. Mrs. Mary Ward, whose maiden name was Hunter. To this un- ion two children were born, viz: Maria and Hester Ann Hunter. MARIA FUNK Maria Hunter, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary Ward Hunter, was born in Champaign county, Ohio, September 22, 1821. Married Joseph Funk December HUNTER FAMII^Y HISTORY 45 1, 1840. They settled four miles north of Urbana where she remained the rest of her life. She depart- ed this life March 13, 1874, and is buried in Oak Dale Cemetry, Urbana. He died August 15, 1901. To this union were born five children, viz: Mary Francis, Emma, Charles, William H., and Efhe Funk. Mary Francis Funk was born April 10, 1846, and married Edward Lemen (a soldier of the Civil war) December 31, 1868. She is now a widow and lives in Urbana, Ohio. Two children were born to them, Ber- tha M., born November 19, 1869, died October 21, 1870. Charles Orlando Lemen, born November 28, 1877. He married September 10, 1902, Elizabeth A. Funk, daughter of Theo. Funk, of Portsmouth, Ohio. They have one child. Charles Edward Lemen, born October 14, 1903. Emma Funk was born April 3, 1853. Married Harry Rawlings, soldier of the Civil war, March 29, 1894. They reside in Urbana, Ohio. Charles Funk, born August 17, 1855. Now lives in Chicago. Manager Illinois Vinegar Company. William H. Funk, born July 1, 1857, and died February 17, 1880. Efiie Funk, born June 5, 1863, and now lives in Chicago, Illinois. Single. 46 HUNTER FAMILY HISTORY HESTER ANN HUNTER Hester Ann Hunter, youngest daughter of Na- thaniel and Mary Ward Hunter, was born March 2, 1825, and died March 20, 1843. She is buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetry. The records show that since the birth of Nathan- iel Hunter on December 14, 1768, over one hundred and thirty-seven years have passed and in that time two hundred and seventy direct lineal descendants have been born. Ninety -three are dead and one hun- dred and seventy-seven were living July 7, 1905, di- vided as follows: born dead living Children 11 Grand children 63 Great grand children 120 Great great grand children 73 Great great great grand children 3 11 None 33 30 39 81 10 63 3 Total 270 93 177 Those living are located in fourteen states of the United States and the general trend of their liyes is to follow the example of their ancestor, Nathaniel Hun- ter, who while living done what he could to amplify the life and teachings of Him who taught "Whatsoever ye would that men do unto you do ye also unto them." 1^ ^' LE Ap '09 ■ff >^ > >""*^ • • .0 <^ o • o . »* A 6^ >, ^ .-.^J^L^.'^ o , » ^v-0^ AT ^ A°*. -^^^^ ■4 Q^ o « ^ < ^ * • , > o ^j^. «^ O « ' Oat DOBBSBROS. %cr*'C^ * ^^'''''^'^;* ' ^P ^ WAR 81 J? \ ^ ^ ST. AUGUSTINE ^ '^ o. '0.4" A I ' »