^■"^itM ^^.?^« fi» -f". ^% .^^'S *!iuee^. kMM ' .j j aM.awjria t" r he, J ^ Class. CoffriglifN?. COPVRIGHT DEPOSrr. ^, 'r^-- ^ COMPENDIUiM OF History and Biography MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA MAJ. R. I. HOLCOMBE, Historical Editor WILLIAM H. BINGHAM, General Editor WITH SPECIAL ARTICLES BY CHAS. M. LORING, THOMAS B. WALKER, GEORGE H. CHRISTIAN, GEORGE H. WARREN, AND OTHERS ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO HENRY TAYLOR & CO. PuHlihrr,, Encratirr, and floo* Mariula. 1914 f (i/4 COPYRIGHT 1914 BY HEXKY TAYLOR & CO. SEP -8 1914 )CLA37!)8S7 FOREWORD This compendium of history and biograi)hy aims to present to the residents of Minneapolis and the gen- eral public a clear, succinct and comprehensive ac- count of this region from the earliest prehistoric period of whcih any authentic information, written, archiPologioal or traditional, is attainable. The publishers believe that in the treatment of aboriginal doings and developments they have ex- plored a hitherto largely untrodden field and given an account of it far more complete, accurate and satisfac- tory than any that has ever before appeared in any publication. They feel confident, too, that in tracing the course of early explorations in this part of the country and following the footsteps of the heroic ad- ventures who made those explorations they have won a degree of success never before attained. They have used every precaution to verify all the facts and de- ductions given, and are therefore convinced that every statement made in this volume can be fully and safely relied on. In dealing with the period from the foundation of the city to the present time the publishers have found an inexhaustible fund of information and suggestion. The invasion and conquest of a wilderness ; the wrest- ing of a vast domain of hill and valley, forest and prairie, from its nomadic and savage denizens; its transformation into an empire rich in all the elements of modern civilization — basking in the smiles of pas- toral abundance, resounding with the din of fruitful industry, busy with the mighty volume of a multiform and far-reaching commerce and bright with the luster of high mental, moral and spiritual life — the home of an enterprising, progressive, all-daring people, as they founded and have built it, is always and every- where an inspiring 1*ieme, and nowhere is it richer in elements of true heroi-sm, brighter with the radiance of genuine manhood and womanhood or more signally blessed with the results of endurance bravely borne and industry well applied than here in Minneapolis, which was born and has grown to its present magni- tude and importance within the memory of persons who are still living. The book teems with biographies of the progressive men of Minneapolis — those who laid the foundations of its greatness and those who have built and are build- ing on the superstructure — and is adorned with por- traits of a large number of them. It also gives a com- prehensive survey of the numerous lines of productive energy which distinguish the people of the city at the present time and those in which its residents have been engaged at aU periods in the past since the settle- ment of the region began. And so far as past history and present conditions disclose them, the work indi- cates the trend of the city's activities and the goal which they aim to reach. No attempt has been made to give undue tone or a spectacular appearance to the course of events re- corded in this volume. Essential history insists on writing itself, and refuses to be anticipated, controlled or turned from its destined way. What the men and women of Minneapolis have done and are doing for its advancement and improvement embodies the real essence of the city's growth and progress, and points out, with immistakable significance, the sterling char- acteristics of the people who have wrought the great wonder-work of its creation and development. In their arduous task of preparing this compendium of history and biography its publishers and promoters have had most valuable assistance from Mr. Warren Upham, the accomplished and accommodating secre- tary of the Minnesota Historical Society. He has freely, cheerfully and at all times placed at their dis- posal, not only all the publications in the State His- torical Library, but also all the stores of his own ex- tensive knowledge and teeming memory of persons and events connected with the swift march of Minnesota from the far frontier to the heart of civilization. The special thanks of the publishers are due also and are warmly tendered to Mr. C. M. Loring for his splendid and sparkling chapter entitled "Looking Through a Vista of Fifty Years : " to Mr. Thomas B. Walker for his highly entertaining and valuable "Early History of the Lumber Industry;" to Mr. George H. Christian for his graphic and interesting account of the founding of the milling industry and fast-fading stories of its early da.vs: to ]Mr. George H. Warren for showing in an impressive way the relation- ship of the woodsmen to the lumber industry, the vital necessity for their service and its inestimable value ; to Major R. I. Holcombe for his masterful work in preparing the general history of the city which en- riches the volume, and to many other persons whose aid is highly appreciated but who are too numerous to be mentioned specifically by name. Without the valuable and .judicious aid of all these persons, those who are named and those who are not, it would have been impossible to compile a history of the complete- ness and high character this one is believed to have. Finally, to the residents of Minneapolis and Henne- pin County, to whose patronage the book is indebted for its publication, and whose life stories constitute a large part of its contents, tlie publishers freely tender their grateful thanks, with the hope that the volume will be an ample and satisfactory recompense. It is submitted to the judgment of the public with no other voice to proclaim its worth than that of its own in- herent merits, whatever they may be. CONTENTS CHAPTER I. MINNEAPOLIS IN PRE-HISTORY AND IN THE EARLIEST RECORD. TUE MOUND builders' OCCUPATION THE COMING OP THE FIRST CAUCASIANS — THE DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT FALLS BY THE HUMBLE PRIEST THAT MADE THEM FAMOUS 1 CHAPTER II. FURTHER INCIDENTS OF THE ERA OF DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION. FATHER Hennepin's work op toil, suffering, and glory — duluth's attempt to rou the good priest of cer- tain HONORS and distinctions — GROSEILLIERS AND BADISSON 'S DOUBTFUL EXPLORATIONS — PERROT "s AND LE SUEUR'S explorations AND OPERATIONS — CERTAIN ALLEGED VOYAGES ABOVE ST. ANTHONY NOT AUTHENTI- CATED VERENDRYE AND SONS ' EXPEDITION THROUGH NORTHERN MINNESOTA FROM 1727 TO 1767 10 CHAPTER III. THE FIRST AMERICAN VISITS AND EXPLORATIONS. VISIT OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN CARVER IN 1766 THE FIRST NATIVE-BORN CAUCASIAN-AMERICAN TO SEE AND WRITE ABOUT .ST. ANTHONY'S F.iLLS — HIS DESCRIPTION OF TH EM AND THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY' GOES UP TO RUM RIVER AND ASCENDS THE MINNESOT.V — CLAIMS THAT HE SPENT SEVERAL MONTHS WITH THE SIOUX — HIS ENTIRE ACCOUNT A MIXTURE OF TRUTH AND FALSITY — BUT ALTOGETHER HE DID MORE GOOD THAN HARM TO THE MINNE- SOTA COUNTRY — LIEUT. Z. M. PIKE's EXPEDITION AND INVESTIGATIONS HE PROCLAIMS THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES, TREATS WITH THE INDIANS FOR THE SITE OF FORT SNELLING AND MINNEAPOLIS, ETC 19 CHAPTER IV. THE ADVENT OP CIVILIZATION. TRESPASSES OP BRITISH TRADERS HASTEN THE COMING OP THE AMERICANS — THE BUILDING OP FORT ST. ANTHONY OR FORT SNELLING THE OLD MILLS AT ST. ANTHONY'S F-VLLS THEIR ERECTION THE FIRST DEVELOPMENT OP THE SITE OF MINNEAPOLIS — MAJOR LONG 's EXPEDITIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS DISCO\'ERY OP LAKE MINNETONKA BY "joey" BROWN, THE DRUMMER BOY — NAMING OP LAKES HARRIET, AMELIA, AND OTHERS — FIRST ATTEMPTS AT GRAIN GROWING IN MINXESC >TA, ETC 28 CHAPTER V. FIRST OCCUPANTS OP THE CITY'S SITE. THE SIOUX INDIANS HAD THE FIRST HABITATIONS — CLOUD MAN 'S BAND AT LAKE CALHOUN — OTHER SIOUX BANDS IN THE VICINITY— THE " FIRSTS" NAME OP FORT ST. ANTHONY CHANGED TO FORT SNELLING THE TREATY OF PRAIRIE DU CniEN — EARLY^ INCIDENTS OP FORT SNELLING HISTORY — THE FIRST WHITE IMMIGRANTS COME FROM RED RIVER THE POND BROTHERS COME AS INDIAN MISSIONARIES AND BUILD THE FIRST HOUSE ON THE CITY'S PRESENT SITE — H. H. SIBLEY COMES TO MENDOTA — ZACHARY TAYLOR COMMANDS AT FORT SNELLING AND LI\^S TO APPOINT THE FIRST TERRITORIAL OFFICERS FOR MINNESOTA OLD INDIAN FIGHTS AND TRAGEDIES NEAR THE SITE OF MINNEAPOLIS — THE FIRST SHOT OF THE GREAT INDIAN BATTLES BETWEEN THE SIOUX AND CHIPPEW AS AT RUM RIVER AND STILLWATER, IN JULY, 1839, IS FIRED AT LAKE HARRIET 39 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER VI. PREPARING FOR THE WHITE MAN'S COMING. THE CHIPPEWA AND SIOUX TREATIES OF 1837 — THE INDIAN TITLE TO THE E.\ST BANK OF THE MISSISSIPPI PURCHASED, MAKING POSSIBLE SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS — OPERATIONS BEGUN HERE AND ON THE ST. CROIX — FRANKLIN STEELE LAYS THE FIRST FOUND.VTIONS OF MINNEAPOLIS AT ST. ANTHONY — LATER VISITORS AND EXPLORERS EXAMINE THE COUNTRY FEATHERSTONHAUGH, CATLIN, AND NICOLLET— MINNEAPOLIS CAME NEAR BEING LN' PERMANENT INDIAN TERRITORY— CERTAIN DANGEROUS CRISES IN THE HISTORY OP THE COUNTRY N.\RRO\\'LY PASSED A MIGHTY METROPOLIS ON THE FORT SNELLING SITE PRE\T;NTED BY THE TLh CON- DUCT OF A MILITARY BOSS THE BANISHMENT OF WORTH V SETTLER.S LEADS TO THE BUILDING OF ST. PAUL. .50 CHAPTER VII. PRELIMINARIES OP THE CITY'S FOUNDING. CLAIM-MAKING FOLLOWS TREATY RATIFICATION — FRANKLIN STEELE MAKES THE FIRST LEGAL LAND CLAIMS AT ST. ANTHONY'S FALLS — WHO HIS ASSOCIATES WERE BUILDING THE FIR.ST MILL ON THE EAST SIDE THE WORK OF DEVELOPMENT PROCEEDS SLOWLY FOR WANT OF A LITTLE MONEY FIRST HOMES AND OCCLTANTS AT ST. ANTHONY — THE COUNTRY AND THE GENERAL SITUATION IN 1847, ETC., ETC 59 CHAPTER VIII. THE FOUNDING AND EARLY HISTORY OF ST. ANTHO.NY. MINNESOTA OPENED TO WHITE SETTLEMENT — FRANK STEELE'S MILL .\T ST. ANTHONY IS COMPLETED AND A BUSINESS BOOM RESULT.S — FIRST BUSINESS HOUSES OPENED — -ADVERSITIES FOLLOW AND PALL UPON THE FOUNDER OF THE PLACE- — FIRST TIMBER-CUTTING ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI — STEELE'S MILL-WHEELS TURN AND THE VILLAGE GROWS — CREATION OF MINNESOTA TERRITORY WM. R. MARSHALL SURVEYS THE TOWN SITE IN 18-49 AND ANOTHER BOOM FOLLOWS — THE FIRST FERRY" — ADVENTURE OF MISS SALLIE BEAN — MINNESOTA'S GOVERN- MENTAL MACHINERY SET IX MOTION — WII.VT THE FIRST CENSUS DECLARED. ETC 66 CHAPTER IX. PRIMITIVE SCENES AND CONDITIONS. ST. ANTHONY" IN ITS FIRST D.\Y'S AS DESCRIBED BY WRITERS AND ACTUAL RESIDENTS — E. S. SEYMOUR, THE NOTED NORTHWESTERN TRAVELER AND DESCRIPTIVE WRITER, PRESENTS WORD PAINTINGS OF THE LITTLE FRONTIER VIL- L.A.GE IN 1849— EDITOR GOODHUE, OF THE FIRST MINNESOTA NEWSPAPER, MAKES THE FIRST PRINTED MENTION OF THE TOWN — ONE OF THE FIRST LADY RESIDENTS GIVES RE.MINISCENCES OF PIONEER DAYS AND DOINGS 77 CH.APTER X. IN THE MORNING OF POLITICAL ORGANIZATION. THE FIRST COURT CONVENES IN THE HOUSE OF THE GOVERNMENT MILLER FIRST ELECTIONS — SPIRITED CANVASS IN 1848 BETWEEN HENRY H. SIBLEY AND HENRY M. RICE. THE CAPTAINS OF THE FUR INDUSTRY, AND WHO CONTEST FOR THE POSITION OF DELEGATE IN CONGRESS FROM "WISCONSIN TERRITORY," AND SIBLEY WINS ST. ANTHONY THEN IN WISCONSIN — FIRST ELECTIONS IN MINNESOTA TERRITORY, 1849, AND SIBLEY AGAIN ELECTED DELEGATE - — THE CLOSE ELECTION OF 1850 — JOHN II. STEVENS APPEARS AND BECOMES PROMINENT IN PUBLIC AFFAIRS — LIST OF VOTERS IN ST. ANTHONY IN 1849 AND 1850 — THE FIRST SCHOOLS, STEAMBO.^TS, INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBR.VTIONS, BUSINESS HOUSES, ETC., ETC 84 CHAPTER XI. THE AFFAIRS OF STEELE AND TAYLOR — ST. .\NTHONY IN 1850 AND 1851 — THE VILLAGE AS DESCRIBED BY PIONEER WRITERS — THE FIRST NEWSPAPER — FIRST SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC. PIONEER ENTERTAIN- MENTS ST. ANTHONY MIGHT HA\T; BECOME THE CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA — THE MOMENTOUS INDIAN TREATIES OF 1851 94 CONTEXTS vii CHAPTER XII. THE CJTY AND COUNTY ARE ESTABLISHED. EFFECT OF THE INDIAN TREATIES OF 1851 — THE WEST SIDE OF THE KIVER OPENED TO WHITE SETTLEMENT SETTLERS FLOCK TO THE NEW HOME SITES — THE FIRST PERMANENT OCCUPANTS OF THE CITY 's WE.STERN DIVISION — A NEW CITY IS FOUNDED AND A NEW COUNTY CREATED 10.") CHAPTER XIII. LAYING THE CITY'S FOUNDATIONS. REDUCING THE FORT SNELLING RESERVE — CHANGING THE NAME OF THE ST. PETER 'S TO MINNESOTA — SETTLERS ON THE TOWN SITE IN 1851 AND 1852 FIRST CL.UMS ON THE INDIAN LANDS MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS AND CLAIMANTS FIRST FAMILIES NEAR LAKES HARRIET AND CALHOUN — FIRST CLAIMS IN NORTH MINNEAPOLIS — EARLY SETTLERS IN SOUTH TOWN ADDITIONAL PIONEERS OF 1851 AND 1852 FINAL RECORDS OP SOME FIRST CITIZENS — UEGINNIN(iS OF THE UNU'ERSITY 11!^ CHAPTER XIV. LEADING EVENTS OF THE EARLY HISTORY. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND COMMENTS ORGANIZATION OP THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN THE NATipN AND STATE POLITICS IN 1855 AND THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION AT MINNEAPOLIS — THE HENNEPIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HOLDS THE FIRST AGRICULTURAL FAIR IN THE STATE — THE GOVERNOR PREVENTS THE ORGANIZATION OF ST. ANTHONY COUNTY AND IS SEVERELY DENOUNCED ST. ANTHONY INCORPORATED AS A CITY HENNEPIN COUNTY ABSORBS ST. ANTHONY — THE SENSATIQN.-iL ELECTION FOR DELEGATES TO FORM THE FIRST STATE CON- STITUTION — THE FIRST GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION, IN 1857 — THE FINANCIAL PANICS OF 1857 AND 1859. . . .119 CHAPTER XV. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL INCIDENTS FROil 1861 TO THE CONSOLIDATION, IN 1872. DURING THE WAR FOR THE UNION MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. ANTHONY DID THEIR FULL PART FROM FIRST TO LAST — THE VICTORIES OF THE TIME OF PEACE THE FIRST RAILROADS ARE SECURED THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS SECURELY FOUNDED — A MODEL PRIVATE SCHOOL, THE BLAKE THE REAL ESTABLISHING OF THE UNIVERSITY — THE PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDED CREATION OF THE PARK SYSTEM I'i2 CHAPTER XVI. FROM THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE CITIES AT THE FALLS TO THE PRESENT. MINNEAPOLIS AS A MUNICIPALITY FIRST CITY GOVERNMENT EXPANSION OF THE CITY AND ITS TRIBUTARY COUN- TRY — THE CITY GROWS CONSTANTLY STRONGER ENCOUNTERS AND PASSES PANICS AND OTHER OBSTACLES TO PROSPERITY — A STREET RAILWAY IS BUILT — OTHER FEATURES OF STRENGTH ARE SECURED THE YEAR 1880 OPENS THE DOORS TO A GREAT BUSINESS BOOM LASTING SIX YEARS A PARK SYSTEM INAUGURATED — PROGRESS .\LONG ALL LINES A GAIN IN POPULATION OF 118,000 FROM 1880 TO 1890 — MORE RAILROAD BUILDING THE EXPOSITION IS CREATED — THE OLD "MOTOR LINE" — THE STREET RAILWAY ADOPTS ELECTRICITY AS A MOTIVE POWER — BIG PUBLIC BUILDINGS ARE ERECTED THE CENSUS WAR WITH ST. PAUL IN 1890 THE GREAT BOOM BURSTS, BUT THE SHOCK IS SUR\aVED — NEW INDUSTRIES FOUNDED AND OLD ONES STRENGTHENED — TRADE CON- DITIONS BECOME WORTHY OF PRIDE AND BOASTING — DURING THE WAR WITH SPAIN — EFFORTS AT CHARTER CHANGINC SOME CENSUS FIGURES OF 1900 — PROGRESS IN CULTURE AND REFINEMENT — THE NEWSPAPERS — CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS RECENT IMPORTANT HISTORIC INCIDENTS, ETC 138 CHAPTER XVII. PERSONAL AND HISTORICAL REJIINISCENCES BY' PROMINENT CITIZENS. R. P. Upton's notes on early days in st. anthony — chas. m. loring's "vista op fifty years" — thos. b. walker's reminiscences, historical sketches, and notes on lumber manufacturing at ST. An- thony's FALLS — GEO. H. CHRISTIAN'S NOTES ON EARLY ROLLER MILLING IN MINNEAPOLIS AND HOW CERTAIN viii CONTENTS RAILROADS OPPRESSED THE MILLERS GEORGE H. WARREX "S NOTES AN EXCERPT FROM "tHE PIONEER WOODSMAN AS HE IS RELATED TO LUMBERING IN THE NORTHWEST. " 150 CHAPTER XYIII. THE BANKING INTERESTS OF THE CITY. SKETCHES OF SOME OF THE IMPORTANT AND TYPICAL BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES OF MINNEAPOLIS THE FIRST NATIONAL THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL — THE SECURITY NATIONAL — MINNEAPOLIS TRUST CO. MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST CO. — THE STATE INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS FARMERS AND MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK — SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL METROPOLITAN NATIONAL — ST. ANTHONY' FALLS BANK — THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS — THE GERMAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL EAST SIDE STATE BANK 169 .ST. AXTIIUNV l-AI.LS JX isoi Showing till' first suspension bridge built tliat year, and the first to span tlu- river anywlu-n t'(lL. .lUH.N IIAKHI.XUTUX STKVKXS I'irst settler on tiie original site of Minneapolis. (Krom photo ill ISSd.) CHAHLKS H()A(; 'l"he prniiiiiieiit pioneer w lio gave tlie ( ity of .Minneapolii it> name. (I'nun an old ni'Wspaper print.) HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA CHAPTER I. MINNEAPOLIS IN PRE-HISTORY AND IN THE EARLIEST RECORD. THE MOUND builders' OCCUPATION — TUE COMING OF THE FIliST CAUCASIANS THE DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT FALLS BY THE HUMBLE PRIEST THAT MADE THEM FAMOUS. To the great cataract iu the Mississippi River at its site, the city of Minneapolis owes its origin, its existence, and the principal elements which form its condition and character. The history of this cataract, or Oi the series of cataracts known as the Falls of St. Antliouy, is practically, therefore, the history of Minneaiiolis. But for these falls there would liave been no city here, and their development has kept progres-s with that of the city'; and though the city could now live and prosper if the great water power were taken away, yet that mighty force is still one •of the strongest elements and features of the munici- pality's well-being and prosperity. And the history of the city is also a very impor- tant part of that of Minnesota. The two records are interwoven and so dependent as to be insepai-ahle. IMiuneapolis could hardly exist without Minnesota, and ]\Iinnesota at large finds its great busy, bustling, and enterprising metropolis of immense advantage to the material welfare of the State and its people. No history of Miiuicapolis can be complete without a fair mention of that of jMinnesota. THE PRE-HISTORIC PEOPLE. At a very early period in American history, per- haps before the Christian era, that mysterious race commonly called the jMound Builders occupied por- tions of what is now the State of Miiinesota. From a fair consideration of the evidences of their occupa- tion, it is probat)le that the period of their stay here covered at least a hundred years; exactly when they came and when they left can never be known. All knowledge of them is incomplete, uncertain, indefi- nite, and largely speculative. It seem.s certain, how- ever, that at a vei'y remote period a race of human beings, differing from the red or copper-colored Indians of historic times, were in Jlinnesota. They left undoubted evidences of their occupation. They raised earthen mounds, fortifications, and effigies; made and used stone axes, flint arrow-points, spear and lance heads, and other weapons and implements; and manufactured pottery, beads, and other articles. In time tiu^y made implements of copper. They left si)ecimens of their work behind them, and very many of these specimens are in existence today. It seems altogetiier 23robable that at one time there was a city of the Mound Builders in the eastern j)art of St. Taul, on the cr'est of the great elevation known as Dayton's Bluff. Here, until in recent years, were a dozen huge conical mounds, some of which were 25 feet in height and the same dimension in diameter at the base. Two or three of these are sup])oscd to have been temple mounds, from whose crests human sacrifices were offered to the great Sun God ; for, many think the Mound Builders were akin to the Aztecs of Mexico, whom Cortez found worshiping the sun and offering to that gi'eat luminary, fi'om stone altars upon lofty elevations, human sacrifices gasiied and dismembered with flint knives. Near Little Falls are considerable deposits of white quartz; and, from certain chips and fragments found in the vicinity, it is conjectured that the Minnesota JMound Builders worked here and made certain weapons and imple- ments. The greater number of these articles found in Minnesota were not made here. The material of which they are formed came from other States, some of it from as far to the eastward as West Virginia. Now, the ilound Builders — or at least some very ancient people — made all these stone and flint imple- ments; their successors, the red or copper-colored Indians, did not — could not. They picked them up aiul used them. Init they could neitlier manufacture them or put them in repair. Evidently the most delicate arrow-points were made simply with other flint tools. In many Western States, from the Ohio to the upper Mississippi, numerous copper imple- ments are found in the Mounds and at the sites of pre-historic villages. It is conjectured that most of the mineral from which these ai-ticles were made came from the vast deposits in Michigan. Some of the ancient red Indians — notably the Sioux of the ;\Iille Lacs — made a rude pottery, but it was not like that of the Mound Builders. A proportion of the larger ^Mounds seem to have been used mainly as the sepulchers or last resting 1 HISTORY OF :MINNEAP0LIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA places of the kings, chiefs, and other of the illus- trious pre-historic dead. The practice of such interment may have been copied from the ancient Egyptians. The majority of the mounds are small. The smaller are called sepulchral mounds, because they seem to have been used solely as tombs and burial places. Some of the larger and higher mounds are thought to have been towers of observation from whose crests the approach of enemies might be dis- covered. In nearly every mound that has been opened, whether sepulchral, temple, or observation, human relics have been discovered. In most in- stances, however, all that was found of the character of liuman remains comprised some fragments of bone, which crumbled on exposui-e to the light, and some wliitish powder, apparently the last traces of a human •skeli'ton which hac! "returned to its original dust." In every case of this kind it is fair to presume that the mound was not only intended as the tomb of a distinguished personage, but was meant to be a monu- ment to his memory. It was a Pyramid in honor of a Mound Buikler Rameses. Tliis is not the place for an essay upon the old Mound Builders. Thej' have long been the subjects of investigation and discussion, and, in recent years, of controversy and dispute among American ethnol- ogists and archaeologists. One party contends that these pre-historic people were members of a distinct race of fairl.v civilized agriculturists, whose remote ancestors came from South America, by way of Central America and Mexico, into what is now the United States; that they lived from remote antiquity in the regions where the mounds and the stone and Hint implements were found, and that they were finally driven away or exterminated by the more savage nomadic hordes that came from the northward and wliose descendants became the red Indians found ill North America l)y the first whites. Another party believes that the ilound Builders were merely the progenitors and ancestors of the red or copper-colored Indians. No written record of the Moiind Builders has ever been found, luiless the alleged "golden plates" from which the ^Mormons claim their "Bible" was translated was such a record. MOI'ND BUILDERS -\T MINNE.VPOLIS. There never were but few evidences of the Mound Builders' occupation of the present site of ilinne- apolis; perhaps there are none now. Out on the shores of Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet, in early times, there were a few tumuli or sepulchral mounds. Tlie Pond brothers, early missionaries, noted one or two of these on Lake Calhoun. The late Gov. W. R. Marshall, who was one of the very first settlers on the east side of the Palls, had several small mounds on his claim and excavated one of them for a cellar, 'but nothing very remarkable was found. At Bloom- ington and Lake Minnetonka are al)undant evidences of the Mound Builders' presence at a remote time. The i-oUection of mounds at Bloomington is large and important, but no remarkable "finds" have been developed. It is probable that in tlie early periods of human occupation the site of the great Falls here was regarded as supernatural, as holy ground, not to be trespassed upon with impunity, but only to be visited in reverence and a spirit of devotion. Any great natural feature, as a mountain, a large lake, a water- fall, was by the aborigines believed to be the abode of a deity and was regarded and respected accord- ingly. Even the huge granite boulders scattered over the sui'face of the countiy were believed to be the abiding places of supernatural beings. These simple people, in the natural disposition of mankind to believe in the mj-sterious and supernatural, filled, in their fancies, not only the earth but the air with deities and spirits, and of a ti'uth saw God in the clouds and heard Him in the wind. THE FALLS SITE HELD TO BE HOLY. The aborigines, both Mound Builders and red Indians, did not make their homes immediately near the great river falls at the site of Minneapolis. There were beautiful locations all about the cataracts, but doubtless it was thought to be dangerous to occupy them. The powerful spirits whose abodes were here would resent the intrusion and visit the intruders with awful penalties and punishments. The nearest the old-time villages came to the Falls was out about Lake Calhoun. When the first white man. Father Louis Hennepin, visited the Palls, in July, 1680, he saw a Sioux Indian offering sacrifices and addressing his prayers to the presiding local deity. Other earl.y explorers noted that the Indians visited the mightj' cataracts, not to fish or hunt, but to say their prayers and show all proper respect to their gods; no Indian offered to set his tepee or to build his lodge there. In fear and trembling they noted the intinision and trespass of the white men upon the sacred precincts. They regarded the work of improvement here as sacrilege and desecration of the worst form. When in 1820 the garrison at Port Snelling built a miU and a dwell- ing house here, they looked to see it overwhelmed by a riood or destroyed by thunderbolts. As time passed and other improvements were made, ami especially when mills were built and the river current made to turn them, they were astounded. Finally they con- eluded that the old gods had aliandoned the place, and then a few of them came and pitched their tepees wpon ground which became the busiiiess center of the great city. Geologists tell us of the great Glacial Period, when ^Minnesota was covered with a sheet of ice. In time this melted away, and it is thought probable that there were men in southern Minnesota when what is now the northern part of tlie State was ice-bound. The scientific men believe that 7,000 or 8,000 years ago the Falls were at the mouth of the Minnesota, and that during this- time the long, great gorge between Fort Snelling and the present cataract was eroded and dug, as it were, by the river. THE FIRST WHITE EXPLORERS. The city of Quebec was founded by Samuel Cham- plain, the French Governor of Canada, in 1608. He insTOKV OK MIXXEAl'OLIS AND 1 1 KXXKl'lX ("OIXTY, .MIXXESOTA was soon joini'd by missionary priests of llic .Motlicr Clitirch wiio penetrated the siirrouiuiiiiir wiUleriU'Sses and labored among the savajre Indians lor their con- version to the Christian faitli. The eajytnre of Canada by the English, in l(i2!l. defeated any further uiis- sionary efforts for a time, but the country was restored three yeai-s later and Jesuit priests set out to con- tinue the missions alone. These zealous religious workers became the first discoverers of the greater part of the interior of the North American Continent, especially of a great part of the Northwest. Within ten years after their second arrival, they had not only examined mucii of the country from Lake Superior to the Gulf of Mexico and founded several Christian villages, but they had planted the cross at the 8ault Ste. ]\Iarie, from whence they looked out and down upon the eounti-y of the Sioux and the valley of the upper Mississippi. But for these courageous and pious men very much of early Northwestern history would not have been made, and much more of it would not have been recorded and preserved. WHAT JEAN NICOLET SAW. It was, however, not a priest, but a layman, ilon- sieur Jean Nicolet, who first heard of ""a great water" which proved to be the upper ^Mississippi. He came to Canada from France in ItJlS and had been much in the service of the Government as an emissary and explorer. In 1639 he was sent to Green Bay and went, by way of the Fox River and a portage, to the Wis- consin, and down that river for some distance. Of this journey Father Vimont, in the Jesuit Relations of that year (Rel. 1639-40, p. 135), writes: "The Sieur Nicolet, who had penetrated furthest into these distant coimtries, avers that had he sailed three days more on a great river which flows from that lake | Green Bay] he would have found the sea." Now it was the Ouinipegou (or Winnebago) Indians with whom Nicolet was at the time. They told him simply of "a great water," by which term they described the big river. From his imperfect under- standing of their language, he believed they were tell- ing him of tile great ocean, and he hastened back with the astounding news. At that time the belief was common that the sea was to be found not many hundred miles west of Canada. The Jesuit fathers now had higl: hopes of rea<;'hing the Pacific with their mission stations and prepared to send some of their number to "those men of the other sea." (Ibid., 132-35.) It was not long, however, before the truth was learned, or at least enough to realize that the Wiiniebagoes meant a big river and not the va.st ocean when they told Nicolet of the "great water." The Spaniards had discovered the loiocr ;\Iississippi a hundred years before, and De Soto had died on its banks and been buried in its bo.som in 1542. It is, however, fpiite certain that to Jean Nicolet. the Frenchman.* is due the credit of having first reached and reported upon the waters of the upper portion of the great river, which has been not inaptly styled the "Father" of them and of many others. ' Nicolet was drowned at Tlirpo I?ivers, Canada, in 1642. THE GOOD WORK OK THE JESLTr FATHERS. In Kill F'athers Isaac Jogues and Charles Raym- bault, at Sault Ste. :\Iarie, and in 1660 Father Men- ai'd. another Jesuit, with a mission on the southern shore of Lake Superior, heard of and reported upon ■'the great river to the westward," and of the nation of people living upon it and its waters. This nation, it was reported, spoke another language and differed in other characteristics from tlie Algonquins. Father Allouez, who succeeded Father ilenard on Lake; Superior, was the first to report the name of the l)eople and of the river. In the Jesuit Relations for 1666-67 (p. 1(16) he writes: "The Nadouessi live on the great river called ]\Iessipi, which empties, as far as I can conjecture, into the sea by Virginia." The Jesuit father. James Marquette, and the Sieur Louis Joliet, instructed by the French Governor of Canada, Frontenac, embarked June 10, 1673, in two I'.irch bark canoes on the Wisconsin for an explora- tion of the upper Mississippi. Sailing slowly down the Wisconsin, amid its vine-clad isles, its varied shores, and numerous sand-bars, on the 17th they glided into the great river, "with a joy I cannot express," writes Father Marquette. They went south over the river as far as the mouth of the Arkansas. The good father wrote "Meskousing" for Wisconsin, spelled the name of the great river "Missisipi." wrote "Ouabache" for Wal)ash, "Akansea," for Arkansas, etc. The upper Jlississippi was now fairly well known, but nobody had made known to the world the Great Falls which constituted its most important natural feature. The first wliite man to see tliem was to come seven years after Father Marquette and Joliet liad learned for a certainty that there was such a gnvat river identical with that discovered and reported upon by De Soto's expedition. ALL HAIL. FATHER HENNEPIN, THE FIRST WHITE JIAN AT THE SITE OF MINNE.VPOLIS ! The first pure Caucasians or men of full white blood to look upon the site where afterwards arose the great city of Minneapolis were Rev. Father Louis Hennepin and his associate, Anthony Auguelle. and the date of their visit was in July, 1680. There is but a single source of information to warrant this statement, but yet it has been made myriads of times, .seldom questioned, and is still listened to with inter- est; it cannot become too well known, and perhaps it cannot be too often made. Father Hennepin was born in the Province of TT.iinault. Flanders, Cnow RelgiunO. in aboiit 1640. He became a Franciscan monk and in 1674 wa.s present as a chaplain in the French army at the bat- tle of Senef. A year or so later he was sent to Canada. In December, 1679, he was at Fort Creye Coeur, on the Illinois River, eager to engage in nns- sionai-v work among the savages. His conuuander was tlie renowned Chevali(>r Robert de La Salle: Ins religious counselor was the venerable Father Ribourde. HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA FIEST CAUCASIAN VOYAGE TO THE t'PPER MISSISSIPPI. Ou the 29th of February, 1680, Father Hennepin and two Frenchmen left Fort Creve Coenr in a large canoe and sailed down the Illinois River, which the French, and especially Father Henneiiiu, called the Seignelay. The party consisted of the Franciscan priest and Michael Accault (Hennepin spells the name Ako and others write it Lc Sieur d 'Accault, d'Acau, D' Ako, and Dacan) and Antoine Auguelle, who was a native of the Province of Picardy and often termed "Le Pieard" and "Pieard du Gay." They had fire arms and other weapons, a good stock of provisions, and Father Hennepin carried all the articles commonly employed by a priest in his sacred calling. In his "Description of Louisiana" Father Hen- nepin states the object of and some other circum- stances connected with the expedition. He says: ■ ' I offered to undertake this voyage to endeavor to go and form an acquaintance with the natives among whom I hoped soon to settle in order to preach the faith. The Sieur de La Salle told me that I gratified him. He gave nie a peace calumet and a canoe with two men." The real leader or commander of the party was not Father Hennepin ; he was merely the chaplain of the expedition. Pie admits in his journal that his com- panions often disobeyed his requests. The real com- mander seems to have been IMiehael Accault. Father Hennepin says that La Salle, "intrusted him [Accault] with some goods intended to make presents, which were worth a thousand or twelve hundred livres [or nearly $210]. He gave me ten knives, twelve awls, a small roll of tobacco to give the Indians, about two pounds of black and white beads, and a small package of needles. He is very liberal to his friends." About March 7, the party reached the mouth of the Illinois. Here they were detained five days by the floating ice in the Mississippi, which river was then called by the French of the country the Colbert. Two leagues from the confluence of the two rivers they came upon some Indians whose villages were west of the Colliert and who called themselves ilaroa or Tamaroa, and were probably the bands known to the Algontjuins as the Messouret or Missouris. They used wooden canoes, or canoes fashioned from logs, while the Algon- quins of the lakes had boats of liireh bark, and the woi-d .Missouri, or Michouri, means wooden canoe; not muddy, as is commonly supposed. The Maroas were at war with the Northern Indians towards whom Father Hennepin and his companions were going with arms and other iron implements. The Indians shot arrows at the white men in the endeavor to prevent the reenforcemeut of their enemies. 'i'lie explorers renewed their voyage up the Colbert on ^March 12. The woi-k of paddling the rather heavily laden canoe against tiie strong swollen current of the Mississii)pi in the month of March and the flrst part of April, when much driftwood and floating ice must have been encountered, was of course very hard and toil- some. Landings and encampments were nuide every niglit and progress was necessarily very slow. In his Jouriud Father Hennepin does not mention these embarrassing circumstances, however, and doubtless they were cheerfully endured. He speaks joyously of the abundance of fresh provisions the country afl;'orded them, saying: "We were loaded with seven or eight large turkeys, which multiply of themselves in these parts. We wanted neither buffalo, nor deer nor bea- ver, nor fish nor bear meat, for we killed those animals as the}' swam across the river. ' ' SEIZED AND ENSLAVED BY THE SAVAGE SIOUX. After a mouth's journey up the great river an extra- ordinary incident occurred. The reverend father tells us that during tlie voyage they had been considering the river Colbert (ilississippi), "with great pleasure, and without hindrance to know whether it was naviga- ble up and down." It is quite probable that they had been instructed to investigate and rei)ort upon the navigability of the river, and that they were also to examine and describe the country upon both its shores. The priest expected to proclaim the Gospel to the sav- ages to whom the.y should come, and the daily prayers of all three of the white men were that these people might be encountered in the daytime, and not at night, when they might be mistaken for enemies and ruth- lessly killed. Their prayers were answered when, on the 11th of April, "about 2 o'clock in the afternoon," says Father Hennepin, they encountered '6'i birch bark canoes AVith 120 warriors of the great Nadouessioux or Sioux nation of Indians. The savages were on their way "to make war on the Miamis, the Islinois, and the Maroa" Indians, whose country was to the southward, and who were the hereditary enemies of the Sioux. Of course the Sioux were armed and very desirous of kill- ing somebody. There was the greatest excitement among them. The white men had the peace pipe which La Salle had given them, and which Father Hennepin now lipid conspicu- ously and ostentatiously aloft that the Indians might plainly see it. A peace pipe or calumet was a white flag, and not only meant that the bearer was harmless and friendly but that he must be respected and pro- tected from all harm and injury. It was very valuable on this occasion. The Indians yelled and screamed and fired arrows at the white strangers, but Father Hennepin says: "The old men, seeing us with the calumet of peace in our hands, prevented the young men from killing us." It was a perilously critical time, according to Father Hennepin's narration. Some think he exaggerated the danger and peril of the conditions, which were doubtless bad enough at the best. He says that by the signs of the Indians — for their language could not be understood — the white men comprehended that the savages were on a hostile expedition against their old time enemies, the Miamis and others down Itelow. Then the good father, "took a little slick and by signs which we made in the sand showed them that their ene- mies, the Miamis, whom they sought, had fled across the river Colbert to join the Islinois." TORRENTS OF TERRIFYING TEARS. Whereupon, realizing that their enemies had escaped them, the Sioux lifted up their voices and wept — wept HISTORY OF .MIXXKAI'OLIS AND IIKXNKIMX COUNTY, :\I1NNES0TA loudly and tlu'ir tears flowed profusely. Tlieir iocs had lied in safety; hiiic illn lut what the Indians really said was "Wau-Kawn, " or j)crhaps " wau-kawn-de," meaning supernatural. In eit'ect they said, respectfully enough, "lie is saying something of a supernatural or sacred character." He afterward read from his breviary in an open canoe the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, and was not dis- turbed. The Indians seemed to think that the book was sacred. The point on the Jli.ssissipjji where Father Hennepin and his conqjanions met the Sioux cannot now be definitely fixed. The most reasonable estimate has been made by that eminent authority on Northwestern History, ^Varren I'pham, Secretary of the State His- torical Society, In his X'oluine 1 of "^Minnesota in Three Centuries" (V. 229) Mr. Uphamsays: "Hennepin's estimate of the distance voyaged in the ascent of the ^Mississipi)i from the mouth of the Illinois Hivcr before meeting the Sioux was about 200 French leagues; and from the i)lace of that meeting to where they left this river, at the site of St. Paul, ahout 250 leagues. The whole distance, thus represented to be about J-'iO French leagues, or 1,242 English miles, is ascertained by the present very accurate maps to be only 689 miles, following the wiiuling Course of the river. If we can truthfully accept the proportional ratio of the e.stimates of Hennepin, indicating four- ninths of the whole voyage to have been passed when he met the Sioux and was taken captive, that place was near the head of the Rock Island Rainds, some 15 miles above tlic citii-s of Rock Island and Daven- port." DAYS OP DEADLY PERILS A.XD DANGERS. It was probably on the 14th of April when the fleet of Indian bark canoes, including the boat of the captive white men, set out for the Sioux country up the river — the Indians abandoning their war expedition in great sorrow. These particular Sioux, connnonly ferocious and very savage, were, according to Father Hennepin, very lugubrious and lachrymose. They burst into tears and wept copiously on the snndlest occasion. In tearful tones they would tell the white men how mueh they loved them ; the next minute, in voices choked with sobs, they would announce that they meant to dash out the bi-ains of the helpless captives becaus'^ the ^liamis had killed some Sioux onci' upon a time, ;\lore than once Father Heiuiepin's life was saved by the intervention of the kind-lu'arted "captain" w'hom tlie father calls .Xarhetoba. (Probably, Nali- ha-e-topa, meaning, kicks twice to one side.) The head chief of the party, according to the father's account, was called Aquipaguelin. (Probably A-kee-pa Ga-tan, meaning a foi-ked or pronged meeting, from a-kee-jia, a meeting antl gatan, forked or i)ronged. and meaning one who meets at a forked or pi-onged division of the road or i)ath.) For some time this chief was deter- mined to kill the tliree wliite men in order to assuage his grief for the death of his son, who had been killed by till' Miamis. He bawled almost constantly and kept up a special roai'ing at night. Father Hennepin says he indulged in all this extravagant demonstration of a poiginnit sorrow and a broken heart in order to obtain the sympathy of his followers so that — probably to HISTORY OF illNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA stop his noise — they would murder the white men and appi-opriate their goods. But the father says that their lives were spared by the savages for merely commercial I'easons. He explains: "Those who liked European goods were much dis- posed to preserve us, so as to attract other Frenchmen there imd get iron, which is extremely precious in their eyes, but of which they learned the great utility only when they saw one of our French boatmen kill thi-ee or four bustards [turkeys] at a single shot, while they can scarcely kill only one with an arrow. In conse- cjuence, as we afterward learned, the words 'JIanza Ouackange' mean iron that has understanding."' (llah-/ah Waukon means supernatural iron, and a gun was often so called. The white men's boat l)ore such a load of freight that with its ordinary crew it could not keep pace with the light birch-bark canoes of the Sioux ; and so the Indians sent four or five of their number to help the French- men paddle their craft. The ma.jority of the Indians were fairly kind to the prisoners, but their kindness sometimes took disagreeable forms. The father tells us: "During the night some old men came to weep piteously, often rubbing our arms and whole bodies with their hands, which they then put on our heads. Besides being hindered from sleeping Ijy these tears, I often did not know what to think — whether these Indians wept because some of their warriors would have killed us, or out of pure compassion at the ill- treatment shown us. ' ' When the fleet reached Lake Pepin there was another outburst of Indian tears. Father Hennepin says he named this lake the Lake of Tears ("Lac des Pleurs"), "because some of the Indians who had taken us and wished to kill us wept the whole night to induce the others to consent to our death." The voyage was con- tinued, amid occasional showers of tears and the con- stant threats and menaces of old Forked Meeting, for nineteen days. It was a voyage of physical toil and hardship as well as of mental discomfort. Only one thing was comforting, game was abundant aiul there was plenty to eat. VOYAGE ENDS AT I'RESENT .SITE OP ST. PAUL. On the nineteenth day after the capture, or April 30, the expedition landed on the east side of the Colbert, or Mississippi. Father Hennepin says this landing was made "in a bay." and at a point "five leagues [15 miles] below St. Anthony's Falls." The locality has been identified as Pig's Eye Lake, a few miles east of St. Paul, on the nortli or east side of the river. In the early spring this lake has always been connected by water with the Mississippi, and Father Hennepin very properly called it "a bay." Subsequently the place was called "La Pointe Basse," or the shoal point; Point Le Claire, for Michel Le Claire, the first bona- fide white settler on its banks; and "Pig's Eye," for the nickname of an old Canadian Frenchman, Pierre Parrant, who kept whisky for sale at the western end of the lake, at Dayton's Bluff. Here the Indians broke up the white men's boat and seized all their goods, taking even Father Hennepin's entire equipment for his sacerdotal functions, all the articles pertaining to a portable chapel which he was carrying with him, his robes, chasuble, etc., everything except the chalice, which, because it glittered, they thought was "Waukon" and had better be let alone. They also distributed the hapless prisoners separately to three heads of families, "in place of three of their children that had been killed in war. ' ' Then they hid their own canoes and some other articles amid the tall and rank growth of weeds and ru.shes in Pig's Eye Lake, and then set out for their principal villages on jMille Lacs, or among the "thousand lakes" of that locality. The journey from the river to the village occupied about five days. Presumably the Indians followed a well known trail, but the march was a hard one, espe- cially for Father Hennepin and his companions. The distance, as the crow flies, is a little more than a hun- dred miles, and the trail was not very far from straight. But the Rum River and other streams were to cross, swamps and marshes had to be waded, and elevations climbed. It was early spring and many of the lakes and swamps were covered with a thin ice which broke under the feet of the prisoners, and the father says: "Our legs were all bloody from the ice which we broke as we advanced in lakes which we forded." They ate only once in 24 hours and often the priest fell by the wayside in the dead prairie grass, "resolved to die there," he tells us. But the Indians set fii'e to the grass and he was forced to trudge on or be burned to death. He swam the chilly water of the Rum River, but his companions could not swim, and the Indians had to carry them across on their shoulders. IN SLAVERY AT MILLE LACS. At last, about the 5th of ilay, they reached the ]Mille Lacs village, which Father Hennepin calls Issati, per- haps a corruption of E-sau-te (or Isanti), meaning a knife. A number of the Indian women and children came out to meet the warriors and welcome them home. The white men were objects of curiosity but not of admiration. Their status was that of slaves and nobody envied them. One old man ("weeping bitterly," of course) rubbed Father Hennepin's legs and feet with wild-cat oil and was very sorry for him. while another Indian gave him a bark dish full of wild rice well sea- soned with blueberries. Father Hennepin's master (A-keepa Ga-tan) had five wives. He lived on an island to which he soon conveyed his adopted son, whom Hennepin says he called Mitchinchi (Me-Chincha, meaning my child), and to whom he was reasonably kind. PROBABLY THE FIRST WHITE MEJ.' AT MILLE LACS. Nothing is said by Father Hennepin, in his rather elaborate account of his captivity, indicating that he and his companions were the first white men that the Sioux (or Nadonessis) had seen. He makes no refer- ence to the subject whatever. The Sieur dn Luth claimed that he was at this same Issati village in l(i7!l. HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA the year before Father Hennepin was taken to it, but Father Hennepin does not say so. l)u Ijuth returned with the Father to the viUage in the early autumn of 1680, and in mentioning this fact the priest does not hint that this was Du Luth's second visit. It is singu- lar that Du Luth never ehumed until late in 1680, after Father Hennepin's release, that he was at Mille Laes, the village of the Issatis, in the summer of 1(J7(). IMany have boldly claimed that Father Hennepin and his two companions in captivity were the first white men to visit the ancient Sioux at Mille Lacs, and that Du Luth willfully and knowingly testified falsely when he asserted that he was there in 1679. CONDITIONS AND INCIDENTS OP INDIAN LIFE AT MILLE LACS IN 1680. Father Hennepin and Ids white companions had a rather uneventful experience among the Indians of Mille Lacs. This great lake at the time was called the Spirit Lake, or in Sioux ' ' Meday Waukon. ' ' The peo- ple dwelling on its banks came to be called the Meday (or Meda or iM'da) Waukontonwan, or people of the Spirit Lake ; Meda, lake ; Waukon, spirit ; Tonwan, people or village. Father Hennepin found them boil- ing their meat and wild rice in earthen pots. He had an iron pot "with three lion-paw feet," which the Indians were afraid of as "Waukon" and would not touch. It is therefore certain that the early Sioux made pottery, as did the Mound Builders. It is not proba- ble, however, that they made flint implements, or at least Father Hennepin does not tell us so. They prob- ably used stone war clubs, weapons formed of egg- shaped stones fastened in the ends of sticks. Henne- pin tells us that on one occasion Chief Aquipaguetin, the Meeter at the Fork, came at him with his "head- breaker, ' ' which was no doubt a war club. The French term is "casse-tete," which Dr. Shea and others trans- late tomahawK, but which the best dictionaries render a bludgeon, or a mace. Literally the term means head breaker. The Indians had no tomahawks or other metallic implements at the time of Hennepin's visit, for this was doubtless their first meeting with white men. Prof. Thwaites translated "casse-tete" club. The lot of Father Hennepin and his white com- panions among the Sioux at Mille Lacs was not an espe- cially happy one. They were slaves and had to work. The good father was kept busy at garden making on the island of his master. He had brought some vege- table seeds with him, it seems, and they came handy. He planted tobacco, cabbages, and purslain (portu- lacca), as well as corn and beans. He had the satisfac- tion of baptizing a child, a little girl, the daughter of "Maminisi" (probably Maminni-sha, meaiung looks at red water), as she was believed to be dying. The child recovered, but died some weeks later. He christened her Antonetta, chiefly for Anthony Auguelle, who stood as her godfather. .Michael Accault (or Akol and the Picard had a hard time of it too. Father Hennepin sa.vs the latter was especially illy used. The Indian women recoiled from both men in horror because of ' ' the hair on their faces;" they seemed to think they were practically wild beasts of some sort, or the missing links between the human and the lii-ute. Father Hennepin shaved hiuLself and they liked him. He was then about 40 years of age and the Flemings were generally good looking men. Rut he was not favored by the Indian women. In fact they did not even use him kindly. He says : "I had been well content had they let me eat as their children did; but they hid the victuals from me and would rise in the night to eat, when T knew noth- ing of it. And although women have usually more compassion than men, yet they kei)t the little fish they had for their children. They considered me as their slave, whom their warriors had taken in their enemies' country, and preferred the lives of their children before any consideration they had for me ; as indeed it was but reasonable they should." Of course the father had told the men that he did not want a wife; that he had promised "the Great ]\laster of Life" never to marry, and that he only desired to instruct them in regard to that Master and His com- mands. They accepted his statement agreeably, but when he told them that white men had but one wife each, they received the information with derision, and intimated that such men must be idiots. They bade him have patience, for a great buffalo hunt was coming off soon and he should be a member of the party, when he would have all the sport and all the buft'alo meat he wanted. The head chief, the Pine Shooter, was good to the prisoners and denounced the other Indians for their neglect and cruelty. Father Hennepin gives the name of this chief as "Ouasicoude," in Nadouessioux, and translates it Pierced Pine ; but it is altogether probable that the Indian name was Wahze Coota, which means Pine Shooter; in Sioux Pierced Pine would be Wah-ze Pakdoka. During the less than three months when he was their prisoner. Father Hennepin tried hard to learn the Nadouessioux language, but did not succeed very well. He set about compiling a dictionary of it, but did not get very far. He says : "As soon as I could catch the words Taketchialiihen,* which means in their language, How do you call that? I became in a little while able to converee with them, but only on familiar things." Yet on a subsequent page he pretends to give us a full and correct translation of a rather long jirayer made by a Sioux at St. Anthony Falls to the deity of the place, entreating vengeance on the Fox tribe of Indians, the deadly enemies of the Sioux. FATHER HENNEPIN VISITS THE FUTURE SITE OF MINNEAP- OLIS AND ST. ANTHONY. In the beginning of July the Nadouessioux set out on their grand buffalo hunt, going down the IMississippi to the great jirairies of Southern JMinnesota and North- ern Illinois and Iowa. Two months of fine grazing luul made the animals fat, and they were abundant. Headed by the Pine Shooter, 80 eabixis, of more than "Take, pronounced tah-kay; chiabi, keabi ; ban, hab. Prob- ably in modern Sioux Taku keapi hay, meaning, What call itt HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 130 families and 250 warriors, composed the party. The women went along to care for the meat and of course had to take their children with them, ^laiiy of the villagers (perliaps the women and children) walked from their villages to the Elk and the Rum Rivers, where they embarked in birch bark canoes and paddled down the upper ilississippi, making portages at the Great Falls by carrying their canoes, etc., around the cataracts and putting them in the water below. Father Hennepin embarked in a canoe with some Indians on Rum River, called by him the St. Francis.* A sort of boat yard was established at the mouth of this river and quite a number of new canoes made. The women made the frames and the men cut and brought in the bark to cover them. This delayed mat- ters so long that Father Hennepin and Anthony Auguelle had permission to go in their boat in advance of the hunting party. When they embarked on Rum River the Picard and Accault would not let the priest go in the boat with them. "^lichael Ako told me very brutally ('brutalement') that he had carried me long enough." The Picard said the canoe allotted them was a very rotten one and would have burst had all three been in it ; but the priest thought this was not a sufficient excuse. He reproached his companions for their desertion ; said that whatever favors they had received from the savages was due to his good work among the latter ; that acting as a surgeon he had often bled them and cured them of sickness and rattlesnake bites, by administering orvietan** and other medicines to them; having kept a stock of these remedies with him, and for all this his sworn companions were now ungrateful. However, on being allowed to go in advance of the hunting party, Anthony Auguelle, the Picard, agreed that the Father might go in the boat with him ; but Michael Ako preferred to stay with the Indians. Father Hennepin had protested that he must hasten to the mouth of the Wisconsin, becau.se his superior, the Chevalier La Salle, had promised to have men and sup- plies for him there about that time. Doubtless this was a made-up story to deceive the Indians into allow- ing their prisoners an opportunity to escape; for this is the first mention Father Hennepin makes of such a promise on the part of La Salle. LOOKS UPON AND N.\MES THE GRE.VT CATARACT. Father Hennepin and the Picard were allowed by the Indians the Picard 's gun, fifteen charges of pow- * It has been disputed that the stream called by Father Hennepin the St. Francis River was the one so named on subsequent maps. Many think it was really the Eum Kiver which he named for the saint, and not the stream which other travelers and certain maps considered to be the St. Francis and which is now called Elk Kiver. The learned Dr. Elliott Cones (deceased) who in 1S9.T rejuiblished Lieut. Z. M. Pike's Journal of his ascent of the Mississippi, with invaluable notes and comments, was positive that Hennepin's St. Francis was really Rum River. Seemingly as a sort of compromise an upper branch of Elk River is now called St. Francis. Both the Rum River and the Elk (or St. Francis) have their head- waters in the Mille Lacs and the Nadouesiouxs would have but a small portage to make between them and their villages. ** Orvietan, now obsolete, was a drug described as a counter poison, made in Italy, and given in extreme cases. der, a knife, a beaver robe, and a "wretched earthen pot," the latter their only cooking utensil; w-hat had become of the iron pot with the three lion paws is not recorded. The two wJiite men paddled swiftly down the Mississippi and soon landed above the great falls, probably oppasite the head of the present Nicollet Island, or maybe a little farther uji the stream. They had to make a portage around the falls of more than a mile. That is to say, they had to drag their canoe from the water, hoist it upon their shoulders, and carry it and their baggage around the cataracts from the calm water above to the navigable current below. It was well that the canoe was of birch bark and not very heavy, yet its transportation was a disagreeable and toilsome job at best. In neither of his two books — "A Description of Louisiana." and "A New Discovery of a Vast Coun- try," etc., — does Father Hennepin give a very elab- orate description of the great falls which he discovered and named. In the prelude of the "Description" he says : "Continuing to ascend the Colbert River ten or twelve leagues more, the navigation is interrupted by a fall, which I called St. Anthony of Padua 's, in grati- tude for the favors done me by the Almighty through the intercession of that great saint, whom we had chosen patron and protector of all our enterprises. This fall is forty or fifty feet high, divided in the mid- dle by a rocky island of pyramidal form." In his account of the descent of the ilississippi when he first saw the falls, as contained in what may be con- sidered his journal in the "Description," he makes no elaborate mention of his particular discovery. One would expect him to give us a rapturous description of all the circumstances, his sensations, etc., covering sev- eral pages. But he makes simply a brief reference : "As we were making the portage of our canoe at St. Anthony of Padua's Falls, we perceival five or six Indians who had taken the start," etc. Then he goes on to describe the performance of one od the Indians. He says the savage climbed an oak tree opposite the fall and on one of its branches hung an elaborately dressed beaver robe, which he suspended as an ottering to the spirit that dwelt under the falls — probably Onk- tay-hee, the greatest of all the Sioux water spirits, the great Nadouessioux Neptune — and begged that the hunting party might be successful, etc. But as Father Hennepin understood the Indian language quite imper- fectly, his pretended literal translation of the aborig- ine's prayer cannot be relied upon. Later Michael Accault took away for his own use the fine beaver robe which he had seen offered to the water god. In referring to the Falls, which he was the first white man to see. Father Hennepin invariably calls them "St. Anthony of Padua's Falls," or "the falls of St. Anthony of Padua." He seldom leaves off the affix "of Padua." He evidently wants it understood that his patron saint was the Portuguese St. Anthony, who died at Padua in 1281, and not the St. Anthony of Egypt, who died as early as A. D. 356. It was the Paduan Saint that is said to have preached to a school of fishes and they understood him. HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE GOOD FATHER S SNAKE STORY. About three miles below the falls, or probably just above iliniiehaha, the Pieanl di.seovered that lie had left liis powth'r horn, with its preeiou.s fifteen eharfjes, where they had re-embarked and they landed and he rau back to get it. And here Fatiier Hennepin tells his remarkable snake story. He gravely relates : "On the Pieard's return T showed him a huge ser- pent, as l)ig as a man's leg and seven or eight feet long. ['Uu serpent gros eomme la jambe d"un honnne, qui etoit long de sept ou liuit pieds. '] She was working herself insensibly up a steep, craggy rock to get at the swallows' nests ['nids d' hirondelles'] to eat the young ones. At the bottom of the eliff we saw the feathers of those she had already devoured. We pelted her so long with stones till at length she fell into the river. Her tongue, which was in the form of a lance, was of an extraordinary length. Her hiss might be heard a great way and the noise of it seized us with horror. Poor Picai-d dreamed of her at night anti was in a great agony all the while. He was all in a sweat with fright. I have likewise myself been often disturlied in my sleep with the image'of her." Such a monster, "as thick as a man's leg," would be of the proportions of a python or anaconda, and not easily knocked down with stones. Nor do snakes, when they partake of swallows an naturel, stop to pick off the feathers, but bolt the delicate morsels whole and without much prci)aration. A snake of the character and dimensions described by Hennepin could take a young bird into its stomach — that is to say, swallow a swallow— feathers and all, as easily as a man can bolt an oyster. CHAPTER II. FURTHER INCIDENTS OF THE ERA OF DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION. FATHER Hennepin's work op toil, suffering, and glory- — du luth s attempt to rob the good priest op cer- tain HONORS and distinctions GROSEILLIERS AND R.\DISSOn'S DOUBTFUL EXPLORATIONS PERROT 's AND LE SUEUR 'S EXPLORATIONS AND OPERATIONS CERTAIN ALLEGED VOY.VGES ABOVE ST. ANTHONY NOT AUTHENTI- CATED VERENDRYE AND SONS ' EXPEDITION THROUGH NORTHERN MINNESOTA FROM 1727 TO 1767. As Father Hennepin and the Picard du Gay descended the Mississippi tliey found several Indians on the various islands — probably Pike's, Gray Cloud. Red Wing, and Prairie among others — and these people were happily situated. Some of them were of the party that had come dovi^n the Ruin River ; others were probably those who had marched rapidly across the country from IMille Lacs to Pigs Eye Lake, or Bay, resurrected the canoes they had left there some weeks before, and hurried down tlie river. The idea was to be first among the butfaloes, which were known to be then coming north, and get tlie choice of the herds. They had succeeded and had plenty of fresh meat upon which they were feasting. Of course the Indians divided their supplies with the two white men and all were happy, for a time at least. But for the Indians when on a hunting expedi- tion to go ahead of a hunting party into the region where the game abounded, was a serious infraction of the game laws. As Hennepin and Accault and some of the "sooner" Indians were feasting on an island, suddenly there appeared 15 or 16 warriors from the party that had been left at the mouth of Rum River. These men had their war clubs in their hands and were very indignant at the "sooners." They at once seized all the meat and bear's grease and reproached the offenders angrily for their viola- tion of the Indian hunting rules. After leaving this island, which they did secretly, Heimepin and the Picard suffered severely for the want of provisions. They were not with the Indians and Auguelle was a poor hunter. At last they killed a buffalo cow and on her flesh and that of some turtles and fish they got on very well for a time. Hennepin and Auguelle rowed ' ' many leagues, ' ' says the father, but could not find the mouth of tlie Wiscon- sin. About the middle of July the Forked Meeting suddenly overtook them with ten warriors. The white men thought he had come to kill them because they had desei-ti'd him up the river. But he gave them some wild rice and buffalo meat, and asked if they had found the white men they expected to meet at the month of the Wisconsin. When they told him they had not been down to the expected meeting, the chief said he and some of his good boatmen would hasten down in a light canoe and see il' the white men had come. Akeepa Gatan and his men i-eturned in three days. saying there were no white men at tlie mouth of the Wisconsin. The Picard was out hunting when the chief returned and P'ather Hennepin was alone in his shack. The chief came forward with his "head breaker," or war club, in his hand ("son casse tete a la main") and the father thought he was to have his brains beaten out. He tells us that he seized two pocket pistols and a knife, but says: "I had no mind to kill the man that had adopted me, i)ut only meant to frighten him and keep him from murder- ing me." The chief contented himself with reprimanding and scolding his adopted son for deserting him, and for exposing himself to the attacks of the enemies of the Sioux, saying that he ought at lea.st to have remained on the other side of the river. He then said, in effect : "Come with me; I have 300 hunters and they are killing far more buffaloes than all the otlier hunters: it will be better for you." The father says: "Probal)ly it would have been better for me to have followed his advice." But he was resolved to go on to the Wisconsin and meet La Salle's men, and then the Picard was afraid to accompany the Forked ileet- ing, and "would rather venture all than go up the river with him." So Hennepin and Auguelle toiled on down to the mouth of the Wisconsin, but found no white men waiting for them, and were forced to turn about and paddle up the strong current of the Mississippi again. Says the father: "Picard and myself had like to have perished on a hiuidred different occasions ('en cent occasions differentes') as we came down the river, and now we found ourselves obliged to go up it again, which could not be done without repeating the same dangers and other difficidties. " For the first few days of their return they had nothing to eat, but at the mouth of the Buffalo River the Picard eauglit two big catfish, bullheads. Fatlicr Hennepin says: "We did not stand to study what sauce we should make for these monstrous fish, which weighed about 25 pounds, both, but cut them in pieces and broiled them on the coals. Boil them we could not, as our little earthen pot had been broken some time before." That night they were .ioined by another large detachment of the Nadouessi hunting I)artv and among the hunters was the Looker on Red Water, father of the little girl whom Father Hen- nepin had liaptized, and who died later in the odor 10 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 11 of sanctity. They uow fared sumptuously, for the Indians bad pleuty of meat, and gave it to them freely. The Indians continued down the river, and the two white men accompanied them on the hunting expedi- tion. Hennepin says the Indian women hid a lot of meat at the mouth of the Butfalo Kiver, but it is hard to understand why it ilid not sjjoil. However, it is difficult to understand many things which the good father states as facts. HENNEPIN MEETS DU LUTH. On the 28tb of July the whole party began to re-ascend the ilississij^pi. For Hennepin and Au- guelle this was the third time they had paddled up the great water-course. The Indians wanted them to go with them to the head of Lake Superior to make peace and an alliance with their enemies in that quarter. At a point which Father Hennepin esti- mates (and doubtless over-estimates) as 120 leagues from the Sioux country, they met, to their great joy, the Sieur Daniel Greysolon du Luth, who, with four or five men and two Indian women, had come down the Wisconsin, by way of Fox River and its portage, in canoes from Lake Superior. And great was the joy of Du Luth and his companions at tiie meeting with Father Hennepin. Uood Catholics that they were, they had not approaclied any of the sacraments for more than two j^ears. HENNEPIN E.SCORTS DU LUTH TO MILLE LACS. Hearing Father Hennepin's account of his experi- ences, Du Luth was anxious to visit the villages of the Nadouessioux (or Is.sati). up in the Mille Lacs region, and urged the father, because he understood Sioux, to accompany him and his party to the vil- lages of those people. ("De les accompagner et d' aller avec eux aux villages de ees peuples. ") But if Du Luth had visited the villages a year before, why had he not learned something of the language of the people? Wh.v did he want to go to the vil- lages if he had already been there and formally taken possession of them for the King of France? He says he went to reprove the people for their unkind treat- ment of the three white men in making slaves of them. But he further says that 1,000 or 1,100 of the Indians, including the head chief, were with Father Hennepin when he met him. Surely that number was enough to declare his displeasure to, especially as he did not punish the Indians in any other way than to scold them. There is abundant evidence that Du Luth, in July, 1680, had never seen the villages of the "Issati," or Naudouessioux, nor the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua, but wanted very nuich to, and readily embraced the opportunity to do so, in company with the 1,000 Indians and the two white men. The trip was at once entered upon ; apparently it was made the greater part of the way liy water — up tiu? IMississippi to Rum River, and then up that stream to a point opposite the Mille Ijacs villages, when the remainder of the journey was by land on foot. The next paragraph in Hennepin's "New Dis- covery" after that describing the meeting with Du Luth reads: "The Sieur du Luth was charmed at the sight of the Fall of St. Anthony of Padua, which was the name we had given it, and which will prob- ably always remain with it. I also showed him the craggy rock wdiere the monstrous serpent was climb- ing up to devour the young swallows in their nests," etc. The return party arrived at the villages of the Issati (or Sioux), August 14, and all the white men remained there until the end of September. Father Hennepin was fortunate in finding his silver chalice and all his books and pai)ers, which he had buried, safe and well preserved; the Indians had been afraid to meddle with them. The tobacco he had planted was choked with grass, but, the cabbages and the portulacca ("purslain") had gi-own to prodigious sizes. DU LUTIl's IMPROBABLE STATEMENTS. Du Luth says that he assembled the savages in council in their chief village and denounced them very vigorously for their treatment of Father Hen- nepin and his companions. (One white man with but .seven companions denouncing in the harshest terms thousands of savages in a locality hundreds of miles from any other white men!) Father Hennepin, how'- ever, gives a different account of this council. He says it was a "great feast to which the savages invited us after their own fashion." He says that "there were above 120 men at it naked." The head chief, the Pine Shooter, roundly denounced the Sieur du Luth because he did not show proper respect to the Indian dead, and told him plainly that Father Hennepin was a better man and "a greater captain than thou." The only evidence that Du Luth was at ^Mille Lr seek his merits to disclose, Xoi- draw his frailties from their dread abode." No apology is made for the space given in this vol- ume to the account of Father TIenne])in and hi.« imiiort- ant and influential discovery. No i)i-evious history of Miimeapolis has anything like such an account, and the facts in detail of the important discoveiw of St. Anthony Falls ought to be as well known to every citi- zen of ^Minneapolis as the particulars of the discov(>ry of America should In' within the knowledge of every citizen of the riiiti'd States. The authorities consulted in the preparation of this 14 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA chapter have been, in English, Neill's History of Min- nesota, Warren Upham's Vol. 1 Minnesota in Three Centuries, Thwaites' Translation of Hennepin's New Discovery, Shea's Translation of the Same, Parkman's "LaSalle and the Discovery of the Great West," and in French, Hennepin's "Voyage, ou Nouvelle Decou- verte d'un Tres Grand Pays Situe dans rAnierique, " etc., printed at Amsterdam in 1698 by Abraham van Someren, and the same printed at Amsterdam in 1704 by Adrian Braakman ; also Vols. 1 and 2 of the Mar- gry Papers. For interesting and valuable notes on Father Hennepin and his expedition see Warren Upham's articles in Vol. 1 I\Iiun. in Three Centuries. GKOSEILLIERS AND RADISSON. During the period between 1654 and 1660, ante- dating. Father Hennepin by twenty years, two French- men, named Sledard Chouart, connnonly known as the Sieur des Groseilliers, and Pierre JJsprit Radisson, made two expeditious of exploration and traffic into the Northwest from Canada. Tliey may have pene- trated the country now comprised in Eastern Minne- sota, but it cannot be proven that they did, nor defi- nitely concluded just where they did come. The "Relations," or reports, of the Jesuit fathers make it certain that they were in the Northwestern country at different times, but those authorities do not pre- tend to state their routes. Years afterward, while living in England, Radisson wrote in English an account of the expeditions of himself and his bi-other-in-law, Chouart, or Groseil- liers, but this account is confusing rather than enlight- ening. In writing Radisson seldom noted the date of any event by the month and never by the number of the year. It seems impossible now, from his descrip- tion, to identify any lake, river, or other natural fea- ture of the eounti-y which he and his brother-in-law- visited or traversed, or to tell what tribes of Indians tliey met. His language is generally no more definite than, "We embarked on the delightfuUest lake in the world;" or "we ci-ossed a great river;" or, "we came to another river;" or "we came to a I'iver;" or, "We abode by a sweet sea (or lake) ;" "We passed over a mountain;" or "We met a nation of wild men," etc., etc. However he at no time mentions tliat they came to a river clearly answering the description of the Mississippi, or that they even heard of a waterfall resembling the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua. Historians and commentators do not agree in their conclusions as to the .iourneys of the two adventurous Frenchmen. Radisson says they spent about four- teen months on "an island." The late Capt. Russell Blakely claims, in an elaborate article in the State Historical Collections, that this island was in Lake Saganaga, on the northern boundary of Minnesota; Warren Upham thinks it was Prairie Island, in the Missi.ssippi, a few miles above Red Wing. There is nothing, and never can be anything but theory and speculation regarding the localities and natural fea- tures mentioned by Radisson. At the same time those most tolerant of and friendly toward Radisson 's statements admit that many of them are pure fiction. The historian or commentator claiming that Groseil- liers and Radisson were ever at the Falls of St. An- thony or even at the Mississippi, has not yet appeared. AVhat Radisson would doubtless call "the beautifuUest hotel iu the world" has been built in ^Minneapolis and named for him, but the honor bestowed thereby is entirely gratuitous. So much for Groseilliers and Radisson-. PERROT, LE SUEUR, AND THE VEKENDRYES. It is well to mention, though ever so briefly, the expeditious into the ^Minnesota country, in the region of the present site of Minneapolis, made b.y the French explorers that came immediately after Father Hennepin and Du Luth. Some of these visited St. Anthony of Padua's Falls and wrote alx)ut them, still further advertising them. CAPT. NICHOLAS PERROT "S IMPORTANT OCCUPATION. Passing by the great liar and falsifier. Baron L'Hontan, who pretended to have explored a great river and a vast country in Southern Minnesota in about 1690, but who never was in the country at all, we come to consider the important expeditions of Capt. Nicholas Perrot and Pierre Charles Le Sueur. Perrot was a Frenchman, and Le Sueur a French Canadian. In 1665, when about 21, Perrot came to Green Bay as an Indian trader, and for the next few years acted as a general peace commissioner among all Indian tribes between Lake Michigan and the Mississippi, bringing them all into friendly relations with the French. Prabablj' as early as iu 1683 Perrot established a trading post, which was named Fort St. Nicholas, on the Mississippi, not very far above the mouth of the Wisconsin. In early days trading posts were generally called "forts" although they were not fortifications or hardly had a military character. Perrot, it seems, was .soon doing an extensive business, buying the furs of the Indians of what are now western Wisconsin, northeastern Iowa, and southeastern Minnesota. In 1685 he built a temporary post on the east side of the river, near the present site of Trempeleau. Subse- quentl.v, on the northeastern shore of Lake Pepin, six miles from its mouth, he built his most noted post, which he called Fort St. Antoine. He also had, at the outlet of the lake, a small post which he named for himself and called Fort Perrot, and another in the vicinity of Dubuque ; but the latter were merely auxiliaries and feeders of Fort St. Antoine. Dr. E. D. Neill was of opinion that Fort Perrot was built first, in 1683, and stood on the present site of the town of Wabasha. Perrot informed himself about the country in whicli he was stationed. He wrote several manuscripts about it, describing certain Indian tribes, tlieir wars, cus- toms, etc., and giving much of the geography of the country ; but he did not mention the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua, although three years before he came to the country they had been discovered and made known. Moreover, his ti-aders must have pene- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 15 trated to them many times during the fifteen years Fort St. Antoine existed. He knew of the St. Croix and the St. Pierre (the latter now the Minnesota) Rivers and gives their names at least as early as in 1689, showing that the.se rivers had been named before that time ; can it be possible that he did not know of St. Anthony's Falls' If he did know tliem, why, in his numerous writings, did he not mention tliem .' C.\PT. PERKOT TAKES POSSESSION OF THE COUNTRY FOR HIS KING AND NAMES THE ST. CROIX AND THE ST. PETER RIVERS. May 8, 1689, at Fort St. Antoine, Perrot, acting with full authority, or as he says, "Commanding for the King at the post of the Nadouesiou.x," took formal possession of a large extent of country in this region for and in the name of the King of France. This country extended far up the ]Mississippi, and of course included the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua, although they are not mentioned. It especially mentions the country of the Nadouesioux, on the border of the River Saint Croix, ("la Riviere St. Croix") and at the mouth of the River St. Peter ("La Riviere St. Pierre") "on the bank of which are the i\Iantau- tans. " The latter named tribe may possibly mean the Mandan Sioux, although when first visited and reported upon the homes of tliese people were on the upper ]\Iis.souri. In 1699 King Louis XIV of France ordered the abandonment of the French trading posts in the far west, reealling the traders and the few soldiers to Lower Canada. In a convenient time Capt. Perrot obeyed the order and thereafter lived in retirement at his home on the St. Lawrence River. It is known that he was alive in 1718, but the date of his death is not known. PIERRE CHARLES LE SUEUR. It is <|uite probable that Pierre Le Sueur was the second prominent early explorer to visit the site of ^Minneapolis. He was a Canadian Frenchman, born in 1G57. Probably he came with Nicholas Perrot to the Minnesota country in 1683 and was in his employ in this region for many yeare. lie was at Fort St. Antoine. on the eastern shore of Lake Pepin, in 1689, for on the 8th of ilay of that year he, as a witness, signed Perrot 's proclamation taking possession of the country in the name of the King of France. The other witnesses were the Jesuit priest, the Rev. Fr. Joseph Jean Marest; M. de Borie-Guillot, "commanding the French in the neighborhood of tlie Ouiskonche [Wis- consin] on the Mississippi;" Angustin Legardeur, Esquire : the Sienr De Caumont, and Messrs. Jean Hebert. Joseph Lemire. and F. Blein. All these, in- cluding Ix' Sueur, could write tiieir names. Le Sueur is described in the document simply as ^Ir. Le Sueur and signs without either of his Christian names. He was not then a prominent character. In 1695 Le Sueur, by order of Gov. Frontenae, built a trading post on Prairie Island, in the Mississippi. Early in the summer of this year he journeyed to Montreal, taking with him a Chippewa chief, Chen- gouabe, and "Tioscati, " a Sioux. Tiie idea was the promotion of a permanent treaty of peace between the two warring tribes in the presence of Gov. Frontenae. The Indians remained .several months in Montreal, but the Sioux chief Tioscate (probably Te-yo Ska Te, meaning white door of a tepee, from te-yopa or te-yo, a door; ska, white, and te a contraction of tepee) died the next winter. Le Sueur then went to France and obtained a commission to work some mines which he had previously discovered on the Blue Earth River, near its eonfiuence witii the ^Minnesota. What he says he reall.v found was some "blue or greenish earth" on the banks of the river, and he thought that this meant that large deposits of cop- per were imbedded deeper beneath the surface. What he saw was blue clay, so blue that the Indians used it for paint in bedaubing their faces and naked bodies on certain occasions. The Sioux called the stream whereon they found this blue clay, "Watpa JIah-kah to," meaning River of Blue Earth, (Watpa, river; mah-kah, earth: to or toe, blue.) Maukato is an Eng- lish corruption of .]\Iali-kah to. Le Sueur obtained his commission to work his sup- posed mines largely through the influence of a French assayist named L'Huillier, who analyzed the dirt brought from the Blue Earth and said it contained copper. Obstacles of one kind and another deterred Le Sueur from returning to the Minnesota country and working his mine until in the year 1700. About October 1 of that year he i-eached the mouth of the Blue Earth. He spent the ensuing winter on the Blue Earth, a few miles above its mouth, where he built a post or "fort" which, in honor of his French fi-iend, the assayist, he named Fort L'Ifuillier. Le Sueur, who was the historian of his exjiedition, says that October 26, 1700, he "proceeded to the mines, with three canoes which he loaded with blue and green earth." The next spring he is said to have left a small garrison at Fort L'Huillier and .shipped a lot of his "ore" down the ]\Iis.sissippi to New Orleans and from thence by ship to France. Wiiat was done with the stuff when it reached Paris is not certainly known. The so-called copper mine was never farther explored. It was a copper mine without any copper. Le Sueur himself is believed to have died before 1712 ; one account says he died at sea while on his way back to America, and it is also said he "died of sickness" in Louisiana, where his home was at the time. Le Sueur's journal of his mining expedition was published by Bernard La Harpe in French and has been translated into English by Shea and others. Another historian of the exiiedition was a ]\Ionsieur Penicaut, a shipwright, that built Le Sueur's boats and kept them in repair. Dr. Neill describes him as "a man of discernment but of little scholarship." He has, however, written a concise but dear, consist- ent, and apparently a fairly correct account of the expedition and of the geography of the country. His statements agree very well with those of Le Sueur; any discrepancies are easily explained. 16 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA LE SUEUE AND HIS MEX VISITED ST. ANTHONY FALLS. We are assured by Penieaut 's account that Le Sueur and his men visited the present site of Minneapolis. The ship-carpenter historian writes : ''Three leagues higher up, after leaving this island, [Prairie Island] you meet on the right the river St. Croix, where there is a cross set at its mouth. Ten leagues further you come to the Falls of St. Anthony-, which can be heard two leagues [six miles] off. It is the entire Mississippi falling suddenly from a height of 60 feet, ( !) making a noise like that of thunder rolling in the air. Here one has to carry the canoes and shallops * and raise them by hand to the upper level in order to continue the route by the river. This we did not do, but having for some time looked at this fall of the whole Mississippi we returned two leagues below the Falls of St. Anthony to a river coming in on the left, as you ascend the Mississippi, which is called the river St. Peter, ['"la Riviere St. Pierre.'"] AVe took our route by its mouth and ascended it forty leagues, [a large over-estimate] where we found another river on the left falling into the St. Peter which we entered. We called this (rreen River, [''La Riviere Vert"] because it is of that color by reason of a green earth, which, loosening itself from the Copper mines, becomes dissolved in it and makes it green." FOR WHOM WAS THE ST. PETER 's RIVER NAMED? The river which is now and has long been known as the ^linnesota was originally called by the Sioux Indians "' Wat-pa-]\Iiune Sotah," meaning River of Bleai-y Water. (Wat-pa, river; Minue, Water; Sotah, bleary.) The Chippewas called it by a name signify- ing the river where the cottonwood trees grow. The earl.y French explorere called it "la Riviere St. Pierre," or the river St. Peter, and it was commonly called the St. Peter's, which name it bore until in 1852, when Congress declared that thereafter it should be called the Minnesota. Singularly enough. Father Hennepin does not mention the Minnesota. Doubtless its mouth was con- cealed by an island and trees and he passed up and down the eastern channel of the ]\Iississippi and did not see it. This was Carver's conjecture. The Sioux called it the river of clouded or bleary water, because a hundred or more years ago it washed some clay deisosits above the present site of the vil- lage of Morton, and the dissolved clay clouded or bleared th(> water. The current long ago receded from the clay banks. Why did the French call it the St. Pierre or the St. Peter's? The question, like many another relative to early history, cannot with confidence be definitely answered. It had been named the St. Peter l)efore May 8, 1689. because in liis proi'lamntion taking pos- session of the country Captain Nicholas Perrot twiee mentions it by that designation. A suggestion that it was named for the first Christian name (Pierre) of Le Sueur has met with endorsement from good authorities. But this theory cannot be well estab- lished. It is most probable that Perrot christened the stream before 1689, possibly in 1688, and at that time Le Sueur was in his employ, an obscure person, whom Perrot designates as simply a 3Ir. Le Sueur, in com- pany with Mr. Le Mire, Mv. Ilebert. and Mr. Blein. Not until six years later did Le Sueur become famous and worthy of having a river named for him because he thought he had discovered a copper mine and had built a post on Lake Pepin. In his .journal Le Sueur repeatedl,v mentions the river and always calls it the St. Peter, without a hint that it was named for him- self. He well knew whether or not it was so called, for he was at Fort Antoiue when the name was given. Penieaut also mentions the St. Peter frequently, but never intimates that it was named for his superior, which he most probably would have done had this been the fact. No early chronicles even suggest that it was named for Le Sueur and it is a distinction not given him by any biographer. The fact that his name was Pierre simply, and not Saint Pierre, is also an objection to the claim made for him, but which he never made for himself, that the stream was called in his honor. His name has been honored in ^linnesota, however, by calling one of the best counties and a flourishing town in the State for him. It has also been suggested that the river was named for Capt. Jacques Le Gardeur St. Pierre, at one time commander of Fort Beauharnois, on Lake Pepin, but he did not come to the country for nearly fifty years after the St. Peter was christened and well known by its name. It will probabl.v never be certainly known for whom the St. Peter was named. No theory yet brought forward has been conclusively demonstrated. One guess is as good as another until the truth is shown. Since it could not have been named for either of the individuals suggested, or for any other early pioneer and explorer, it may be that it was called for Saint Peter himself, the "Prince of the Apostles." It may have first been visited by Perrot 's men on June 29, or St. Peter's da.y,* of some year between 1683 and 1G89 ; if so, the appropriate designation would at once be perceived and in.sisted upon by Rev. Father ]\Iarest. the devout Jesuit chaplain of Perrot "s party. Or for some other reason it may have been called in honor of the great apostle, to whom were delivered "the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven," and this seems to be the most probable solution of the question. THE ST. CROIX NAMED FOR AN UNFORTfNVTE FRENCHMAN. The origin of the modern name of the St. Croix river has been well enough determined. Father Hen- nepin says the Indians called it Tomb river ("Watpa ohknah hknah-kah-pe") "because the Issati for. Na- • The shallops referred to were probably flat boats propelled by both oars and sails; afterwards they were called Mackinaw boats. ♦ .'vinie chroniclers say that Saints Peter and Paul both sutrpred martyrdom at Rome on the same day; others allege that St. Paul suffered a year after St. Peter. Tn the Roman Calendar St. Peter's Dav is June 29 and St. Paul's June 30. HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 17 douessioux) k-ft thcif tlir l)oily of one of their war- riors, killed by the bite of a rattlesnake." The father says lie covered the gjrave or toiiili with a blanket, and that this act of respect gained him great admiration aud impelled the savages to give him the great banf|uet he describes which was given on the occasion of his and Du Lnth's visit to the big village at .Mille Lacs. It is reasonably certain that the St. Croix bears the family name of one of Perrot's Frenchmen, who was drowned at the mouth of the stream by the upset- ting of his boat, some time prior to 1689, when Perrot issued his proclamation in which the river is named. In his Journal 11. Le Sueur says that on the 16th day of Septend)er. 1700, he "left on the east side of the Mississippi a river called St. Croix, because a French- man of that name was wrecked at its mouth." M. Penicaut. heretofore mentioned, in his description of file country in 1700, and his account of Le Sueur's expedition, states (see quotation on a preceding page) that at the river St. Croix "there is a cross set at its mouth." It is jirobable that this ci-oss was over the grave of the unfortunate voyageur, or at least marked the locality where he was drowned. Carver says in his Journal that the river "is said to be named for a Frenclnuan that was drowned here." TWO ALLEGED VERY E.\RLY VOYAGES TO AND PAST ST. AXTHONY FALLS — THE ALLEGATIONS NOT VERIFIED. In an extract from his "Memoires, " (which is printed on pp. 171-72 of Vol. 6 of the Margry Papers, in French) M. Le Sueur tells of a canoe voyage made by himself on the upper Mis.sissippi sometime about the year 1690, or before 1700. He claims that he went more than a hundred leagues above the Falls of St. Anthony. ("J'ai desja dit que j'avois monte plus de 100 leaues au-dessus du Sault St. Antoiue.") He fur- ther says that the Sioux with whom he went up as- sured liim when he had reached the end of his upward trip there were yet more than ten days' jour- ney to the sources of the Mississippi, of whi'-h sources the Indians said there were very many. It is to be regretted that M. Le Sueur did not give fuller and better details of his alleged voyage, and that what he wrote was not intended solely to refute the statements of a certain ilathieu Sagean, with whom he seems to have had a dispute. He does not say why he went up the river or give us any exact dates or en- lightening details. Ilis account is not conclusive or convincing — and may as well be disbelieved. In "jrinnesota in Three Centuries" (Vol. 1, pp. ■253-4) Warren llpham suggests that Le Sueur and a M. de Charleville made the voyage above St. Anthony's Falls together. The authority for M. de Charleville 's connection is a statement made by M. Le Page? Du Pratz in his "History of Louisiana," originally pub- lished by him in French in 17.")7. In an English trans- lation printed by Becket, London. 1774, the histoi'ian (cliaj). 1 of Hook 2) is made to say: "M. de Cliaileville. a Canadian, and a relation of IVI. de Bienville, Commandant General of this Colony, told me that, at the time of the settlement of the Fi-ench. curiosity alone had led him to go u]i this river [tlu' Mississipiu| to its sources; that for this end he fitted out a canoe, made of the bark of a birch tree, in oriler to be more portable in case of need. And that having thus set out, with two Caiuulians and two Iiulians, with goods, ammunition, and provisions, he went up the river 300 leagues to the north above the Illinois: that there he found the fall called St. An- thony's. This fall is a flat rock which traverses the river and gives it only between eight and ten feet fall. He ascended to the sources 100 leagues above the fall." That will be about all for the story of M. de Chai'le- ville. It is void for improbability and uncertainty. The date of his setting out is given as "at the time of the settlement of the French," (meaning probably Perrot's settlement) which might be any time between 1683 and 1695. That he would go to all the trouble and expense of fitting out and taking part in an expe- dition up the river 1,200 miles (or 400 leagues) above the Illinois, merely out of "curiosity alone," is at least strange. That he shoukl see and pa.ss St. An- thony's Falls and pronounce them " a flat i-ock" which was "only between eight and ten feet fall" is a pal- pable mis-statement. He says he went 100 leagues (or 300 miles) above St. Anthony's Falls and learned from the Indians that the sources of the Mississippi were still hundreds of miles to the north. He esti- mated the entire length of the ]\Iississipi)i at 4.800 miles or l.(i00 leagues. Nowhere in Du Pratz 's ac- count of Charleville is the name of Le Sueur men- tioned, aud nowhere in the extract from Le Sueur's "Memoires" relating to his voyages is the name of Charleville mentioned. Warren Upham sa>s that both Le Sueur and Charleville wei'e relatives of the brothers Iberville and Bienville, who were at different periods (ioveruors of the Louisiana Tcrritor.y. In that case, it is again singular that if they were in company when they made the voyage to and above St. Anthony's Falls, neither of them in his account mentions the other. Purtherniore tliere is no corroboration extant of the •statements of Le Sueur and Charleville as to their several expeditions 300 miles up the Mississippi above St. Anthony's Falls. No other contemporary writer, whether hi.storian or recorder, endorses their a.sser- tions or even refers to them. The "sources" of the Mississipi>i are on a direct line about 160 miles north- west of the Falls; by the meanderings of the river and through the lakes, the distance is much greater; but if Le Sueur, as he says, went up the stream for more than 300 miles above Minneapolis, it is prepos- terous that there wi're yet "more than ten days' journey," or 250 miles, to Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi. Le Sueur, it seems, was bent on making, or at least claiming, a record. In the contro- versy over which was the greater explorer, Le Sueur said: "I went to the Falls of St. Anthony." Sagean replied: "That's nothing: I went 50 leagues above those Falls." Le Sueur rejoined : "That's nothing : I went 100 leagues above them." As to Charleville he is not mentioned in American hi.story elsewhere than in Du Pratz 's "Description." Ilis statement to Du 18 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pratz is entirely unsupported, and not worthy of belief. EXPEDITION OF VERENDRYE AND HIS FOUR SONS. In 1731, Pierre Gautier Varennes, more commonly known as the Sieur de la Verendrye, made, in company with his four sons and a nephew, an extended expedi- tion west of the western extremity of Lake Superior. The expedition was commissioned and equipped by the Canadian government and its main object was the discovery of an easy route across the country to the Pacific Ocean. One of Verendrye 's sons was a priest. The expedition built Fort St. Pierre, ^.t the mouth of Rainy Lake; Fort St. Charles, on the Lake of the Woods, and other forts and trading posts on Lake Winnipeg and the Assineboine and Sa.skatchewan, in Manitoba. The expedition did not come near St. Anthony's Falls or the present site of Minneapolis. It went westward and south westward to "the great shining mountains," which may have been the Black Hills. On the return at the crossing of the Missouri, where the city of Pierre now stands, the commander buried an inscribed leaden plate, which was resurrected by a school girl in Februarj', 1913. FROM 1727 TO 1767. In 1727 a French post, called Fort St. Beauharnois, was built and a Catholic Mission, called the ilission of St. Jlichael the Archangel, established on the ]\Iin- nesota shore of Lake Pepin, near the present site of Frontenac. The first commander of the post was the Sieur Perriere, and the commander in 1735 was Capt. LeGardeur St. Pierre, before mentioned. The mission was in charge of the Jesuit Fathers ilichel Guignas and Nicholas de Gonnor. It is not certain that the fathers built a separate mission house, and therefore the first church building in Minnesota. The post had four large buildings and it is probable that a room in one of these was used as a chapel. At all events there is no special mention in the early records that a sepa- rate mission house was erected, though some good authorities think there was. In May, 1737, Capt. St. Pierre burned Fort Beau- harnois and departed down the Mississippi, on account of the hostile conduct and menaces of the wild Indians of the surrounding countrj'. The Fort was rebuilt in 1750 and for the next two j^ears was under the com- mand of Pierre Paul ilarin. (See Vol. I Minn, iii Three Cents., p. 276.) Before further explorations and establishments were made by the French in the country of the North- ern MissLssij^pi the old "French and Indian War" between the English Colonies in North America and the French of Canada broke out. Meanwhile the few and scant records of that period make no mention of the Falls of St. Anthony or the country about them. In 1763, by the treaty of Versailles, all the territory now comprised within the present limits of Wisconsin and of ^Minnesota east of the ]\Iississippi was ceded by France to Great Britain, and all French establishments in this quarter were permanently abandoned. Fort Beauharnois being the last of these. CHAPTER III. THE FIRST AMERICAN VISITS AND EXPLORATIONS. VISIT OF CAPTAIN JONATHAN CARVER IN 1766 THE FIRST NATIVE-BORN CAUCASIAN-AMERICAN TO SEE AND WRITE ABOUT ST. ANTHONY'S FALLS HIS DESCRIPTION OF THEM AND THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY GOES UP TO RUM RIVER AND ASCENDS THE MINNESOTA — CLAIMS THAT HE SPENT SEVERAL MONTHS WITH THE SIOUX HIS ENTIRE ACCOUNT A MIXTURE OP TRUTH AND FALSITY BUT ALTOGETHER HE DID MORE GOOD THAN HARM TO THE MINNE- SOTA COUNTRY — LIEUT. Z. M. PIKE's EXPEDITION AND INVESTIGATIONS — HE PROCLAIMS THE AUTHORITY OP THE UNITED STATES, TREATS WITH THE INDIANS FOR THE SITE OF FORT SNELLING AND MINNEAPOLIS, ETC. JON.VTHAN CARVER, THE FIRST ENGLISH VISITOR. The first Euglish-speakiiig explorer and English suhjei't to visit St. Anthony of Padua's Falls was Capt. Jonathan Carver, who tirst saw them in November, 1766. Capt. Carver was born at Stillwater, or Can- terbury, in the then Provinee of Connectieut, in 1732, the year of the birth of George Washington. He was captain of a company of Colonial troops in the French War and was present at tiie massacre of the English troops at Fort W^illiam Henry, in northeastern New York, in 1757, narrowly escaping with his life. In 1763, as soon as peace had been concluded, Capt. Carver conceived the idea that it would be greatly to his credit and advantage, and to the interests of his sovereign and government, if he should explore at least a portion of the territory in the Northwest which had been recently ceded by France to Great Hritain. That territoiy was very little known to Englishmen, and the Captain believed that if he were the tirst to explore it, and then report upon it, his King would suitably reward him, and his countrymen highly honor him. Capt. Carver's plan was meditated very early, but its execution was greatly delayed. Not until in June, 1766, did he set out from Boston for the country about the Falls of St. Anthony, then fairly well known through French explorers and adventurers, although no p]nglishman had yet visited it. He proceeded to Mackinac, or Mackinaw, then the most distant British post. Following the track of Marfjuette and Joliet and of Du Luth and other early vnyageurs, he pas.sed up Green Bay, ascended the Fox River, made the portage across to the Wisconsin, and descending that stream entered the Mississippi October 15. His de- clared destination after leaving the Falls of St. An- thony was the so-called "River of the West," or Ore- gon, whieh was supposed to enter the Pacific Ocean at the fictitious or mythical "Straits of Annian." At Prairie du Chien (which he calls "La Prairie Ic Chien") some traders that liad accompanied him from ]\Iackinac left him. He then l)Ought a canoe and some supplies, and "with two servants, one a French Canadian and the other a ^lohawk of Canada." started up the Mis.sissippi October 1!). Capt. Carver did not return to Boston until in 1768, having been al>sent on liis expedition two years and five months. The following year he went to Ihigland, wrote from his notes a fairly good account of Ids jour- neyings, including much narrative and descriptive matter, and pulilished it in book form. He died Jan. 31, 1780, at the age of -18, and after his death several editions of iiis l)ook were printed, with .some new mat- ter, by his friend Dr. John Coakley Lettsom. He made repeated efforts to obtain a suitable reward for his pub- lic services from the British government, but failed in every instance to obtain anything beyond "an indem- nification for certain expenses." His book had a lim- ited sale and he made little profit from its publication. He became very poor. \n 1779 he was clerk in a London lottery office at a few shillings per week. He died in extreme poverty. Dr. Lettsom says: "After rendering at the expence of fortune and health and the risk of life many iin])ortant services to his country, he perished from absolute want in the first city of the world." His death was caused by dysentery occa- sioned by actual want of food. With his two men Capt. Carver paddled slowly up the ilississippi. About the 12th of November (1766) he came to the present site of St. Paul and in what is now Dayton's Bluff visited the noted cavern afterward called Carver's Cave. He also noted that tlie crest of the bluff wa.s even then a prominent burial {)lace or cemetery of the Naudowessie, or Sioux, Indians. SEES AND DESCRIBES THE GREAT FALLS. November 17 he visited the Falls of St. Anthony. In a very early edition of liis book. ("Travels Tlirough the Interior Parts of North America," London, 1778,) he describes his visit, with a mention of prominent features of the surrounding country. To quote : "Ten [?1 miles below the Falls of St. Anthony the River St. Pieri-e, called by the natives tiie Wadda- pawmenesotor | Wat-pa-.Minne Sotah] falls into the Jlississippi from the west. It is not mentioned by Father Hennepin, although a large fair river; this omission, T conclude nnist liave ])roceeded from a small island [Pike's?] by wliich the sight of it is intercepted. I should not have discovered the river myself had I not taken a view when I was searching for it from the high lands opposite, [probably Pilot Knob] which rise to a great height. Nearly over against this river I 19 20 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINTs^ESOTA was obliged to leave my eaiioe, on account of the ice, and travel by laud to the Falls of St. Anthony, where I arrived on the 17th of November. The ]\Iississippi from the St. Pierre to this place is rather more rapid than I had hitherto found it, and without islands of any consideration." No one that never visited this portion of the IMissis- sippi could have described it so accurately. Capt. Carver had no printed description to follow ; he must have seen the country himself. From where he left his canoe he was accompanied to the Falls by a young AVinnebago Indian, whom Carver calls "a prince," and who had come into the country on a visit to the Sioux. The Winnebago left his wife and children in the care of Capt. Carver's ^lohawk, while he. the cap- tain, and the French Canadian .iourneyed to the Falls. Carver says they could hear the roaring of the great cataract for several miles before reaching it. He says he was "greatlj- pleased and surjirised" when he ap- proached this astonishing work of nature. The AVin- uebago was profoundly and peculiarly impressed. Carver says : "The prince had no sooner gained the point that overlooks this wonderfid cascade than he began with an audible voice to address the Great Spirit, one of whose places of residence he imagined this to be. He told Him that he had come a long way to pay his adoration to Him, and now would make him the best offerings in his power. He accordingly first threw his pipe into the stream, theu the roll that contained his tobacco, the bracelets he wore on his arms and wrists, an ornament composed of beads and wires that was about his neck, — in short he presented to his god every part of his dress that was valuable, at last giving the car-rings from his ears. During this distribution he frequently smote his breast with great violence, threw his arms about, and seemed much agitated. All the while he continued his prayers and adorations, petitioning the Great Spirit for our protection on our travels." Carver says that instead of ridiciding the pagan Indian and his heathenish devotions, "as I observed my Roman Catholic servant did." he looked on the former with gi-eat respect and believed that his offer- ings and prayers "were as acceptable to the Universal Parent of JIankind as if they had l)een made with greater j)omp or in a consecrated place." The Con- necticut cajjtain's mention of St. Anthony Falls is most interesting. In part he writes: "The Palls of St. Anthony received their name from Father Louis Hennepin, a French missionary, who traveled into these parts about the year IGSO, and was the first European ever seen by the natives.* This amazing body of waters, which are above 250 yards over, form a most pleasing cataract ; they fall per- pendicularly about 30 feet, and the rapids below, in the space of 300 yards more, render the descent eon- sidci'ably greater; so that when viewed at a distance they appear to be much higher than they really are. The above-mentioned traveller has laid them down at above 60 feet. But he has made a greater error in cal- • Kviilently Capt. Carver was acquainteil with tlie history of tho Falls, and did not believe that Du Luth visited the Kamlowessie village at Mille I>acs a year prior to Hennepin. dilating the height of the Falls of Niagara, which he asserts to be 6UU feet, whereas, from latter observa- tions, accurately made, it is well known that it does not exceed 140 feet.* But the good father, I fear, too often had no other foundation for his accounts than report, or at best a slight inspection." Of what we now call Nicollet Island Capt. Carver interestingly says : "In the middle of the Falls stands a small island, about iO feet broad and somewhat [ I] longer, on which grow a few scragged hemlock [ ?] and spruce trees; and about half way between this island and the eastern shore is a rock, lying at the veiy edge of the Fall, in an oblique position, that appearecl to be about five or sis feet broad and 30 oi' 40 feet long. These Falls vary much from all the others I have seen, as you may ap- proach close to them without finding the least obstruc- tion from any intervening hill or precipice." Of the island afterwards known as Cheever's Island the following description is given : "At a little distance below the Falls stands a small island, of about an acre and a half, on which grow a great inimber of oak trees, every branch of which that was able to support the weight was full of eagles' nests. The reason that this kind of birds resort in such num- bers to this spot is that they are here secure from the attacks of either man or bea.st, their retreat being guarded by the rapids, which the Indians never attempt to pass. Another reason is that they find a constant supply of food for themselves and their young from the animals and fish which are dashed to pieces by the Falls and driven on the adjacent shores." APPE.VRANCE OF THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY. Deseril)ing the country surrounding the Falls the explorer is fairly enthiisiastic in their praise, thus: "The country around them is extremely beautiful. It is not an uninterrupted plain where the eye finds no relief, but is composed of many gentle ascents, which in the summer are covered with the finest verdure and interspersed with little groves that give a pleasing variety to the prospect. On the whole, when the Falls are included, which ma.v be seen at the distance of four miles, a more pleasing and picturesque view cannot, I believe, be found through- out the universe. I could have wished that I had hap- pened to enjoy this glorious sight at a more seasonable time of the year, whilst the trees and hillocks were clad in nature's gayest livery, as this must have greatly added to the pleasure I received ; however, even then, it exceeded my warmest expectations. I have eiuleavored to give the reader as just an idea of this enchanting spot as possible in the ])lan annexed, [alluding to an engraving of the Falls] but all de- scription, whether of pencil or pen, nuist fall infinitely short of the original." -VSCENDS TO RUM RIVER. Having observed the Falls until his curiosity was satisfied, Capt. Carver, accompanied by his Canadian * The best authorities give the total descent of Niagara Falls as 212 feet "from the head of the rapids." HISTORY OF MINNE/U^OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, I\I1XXES0TA 21 Froucliman and his Wiiiiicbaf^o in-iiice, journeyed up till' .Mi.ssi.ssii)|)i until Xovciubei- 21, when he reached the mouth of the St. J-'rancis. He estimates the dis- tance from the Falls to this river at 60 miles, au over- estimate of some 20 miles. He says: "To this river Father Ilennepiu gave the name of St. Francis,* and this was the extent of his travels, as well as mine, towai-ds the northwest. The JNlississippi lias never been explored higher uj) than the River St. Francis, and only hy Father Hennepin and myself thus far." Of course he crossed Rum River, which he says is 14 miles above the F'alls, an under-estimate, and when he crossed, it was 20 yards, or 60 feet. The St. Francis was ;}0 yards wide. On November 20 he says he passed "another stream called Goose River, 12 yai-ds wide." The cold weather, he tells us, prevented ins making many observations of the country in this quarter. He noted, however, the mouth of the St. Francis. "Here," he says, "the I\Iississippi grows narrow, being not more than i)0 yards over, and it appears to be chiefly composed of small branches. The iee prevented me from noticing the depth of any of these rivers;" but he eould have added that it facilitated traveling on foot and especially his cross- ing sti'cams. Of the country he says: "The country in some i)laces is hilly, but without large mountains, and the land is tolerably good. I observed here many deer and earribboos, some elk, with abundance of beavers, otters, and other furs. A little above this, to the northeast, are a number of small lakes called the Thousand Lakes, [Mille Laes] the jiarts about which, though but little frequented, are the best within many miles for hunting, as the hunter never fails of returning loaded beyond his expectations." GOES UP THE JITXXESOTA. November 25 ("apt. Carver returned to his canoe or boat which he had left at the mouth of the St. Pierre. Here, he says, he bade good-bye to the Win- nebago prince, and set out to ex])lore the Minnesota, taking with him his Mohawk and Canadian French- man. He discovered and named Carver River and passed the Blue Earth, which he calls the Verd, or Green River, and which, he says, "forks at a little distance from the St. Pierre," the west fork being called the "Red IMarble River," meaning probably the Red Pi|)cstone. He says this fork had its source among some mountains containing red marble. Two hundred miles up the St. Peter, according to hi? estimate, he says he came to a large village of the NainloweSvSies or Sioux of the Plains, and here he asserts that be remained living with the Indians from December 7, 1766, to April 27, 1767. This period he says, on one page of his book, was five months, and on another he states that it w^as seven months. The truth probably is that he did not pass the winter in Minnesota at all. •See ilisdission on a |)rei'eiliiig iiage, (Hpnnoi)in's aci-oiint) as to whether or not the stream palled by Father Hennepin the St. Francis was nut ri'allv Rum River. As a geographical and topographical gazetteer of the Minnesota country, ('apt. Carver's book of travels is very faulty and misleading. He describes the country that he actually saw very well indeed; but he frankly says that he was obliged solely to the Indians for his knowledge of much of that which he diti not see but attempts to desi-ribe, ;uid these latter descriptions are almost worthless, being for the most part incorrect. Then, too, his estimates of distances, like the estimates of other early explorers, are not even approximately accurate in most instances. The early explorers did not cari-y odometers or other instruments for measuring distances traveled, and their calculations of s])aces traversed S(!em to have been based on the fatigue and labor involved in encompassing them, and so were always exaggera- tions. For example, Capt. (Carver says he ascended the ^linnesota for 200 miles; his nuip indicates that he went up to a jjoint a few miles below New Clm, or, taking into account the meanderiugs of the river, about 100 miles from Mendota. If he had gone 200 miles, he would have stopped not far below Big Stone Lake. But Capt. Carver's worst fault was that of many another traveler. He was a great romancer and pre- varicator. He was probably not very nuieh worse than some other early explorers and chroniclers of Minnesota, and hi.s false statements did no gi'eat harm or particular injustice. He said he lived among the Sioux for several months and "perfectly acquired" their language; the iircteiided Sioux words and terms he gives in his book show that he had but a smat- tei'ing of the language. His description of their manners and customs, founded ujion his pretended personal observation of and ac(|uaintance with them, is (juite inaccurate and misleading. It is somewhat remarkable that in his book Carver gives so large a ntnnber of geographical names cor- rectly, as Lake Pi'pin. the St. Croix. St. Pierre. Rum, and St. Francis Rivers, as they were afterward known." This proves the truth that many of these names were bestowed a hundred years before and were well estab- lished. St. Anthony's Falls was doubtless then the best known geographical name in the Northwest. Thus, though ('apt. Carver's book is false in many things, it is not false in all. RETCKNR TO TIIP; MISSISSIPPI. In tlie lattri' jiarl of .\i>ril. 17(i7. Ca!)t. Cai'ver. still with his Mohawk and his Canadian, jiaddled down the ^linnesota, according to his statement, and returni'd to the "great cave" in the white sandstone bluffs at St. Paul. Here he says a grand council was held of representatives of all the Sioux bands, "as was their custom," although we know that this was not their custom. He further says that they brought with them the bones of their deceased relatives and friends who had died the preceding winter and deposited them on the crest of the bluff above the cave. "\Ve have long known, however, that the crest of Dayton's Blufl' was the last resting i)lace of only the liones nf the old-time Sioux that died in the near- 22 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA by villages. The .remains of those that died in the remote villages were disposed of there. At the couucil, Carver says he delivered a grand speech to the Indians on May 1. He prints this speech in his hook, and purports to give a verbatim report (as if he took it down in short-hand) of the reply of one of the chiefs. He also says that on this occasion the Indians created him a chief, which is utter nonsense; the Sioux never made a ehief out of a white man. After his death Carver's heirs exhibited a document evidently written by their ancestor and which purported to be a deed to a vast extent of coun- trj- ea.st of St. Anthony's Falls, and which bore the pretended signatures of two alleged Sioux chiefs. Everything about this "deed" was bogus, and those that attempted to gain anything by it failed utterly. After attending the council in the Great Cave, Capt. Carver says he returned to Prairie du Chien and thence went to Lake Superior. He spent some time in exploring that region, finally returning to Boston by way of the Sault Ste. Marie. Detroit, and Niagara Falls. He reached Boston in October, 176S, ■"hav- ing," he says, "been absent from it on this expedi- tion two years and five months, and during that time travelled near 7,000 miles." Soon after he went to England and published the first edition of his book in 1769 : subseiiuently several editions were published and it wa.s transbited and printed in Dutch and French. CARVER, TOO, WAS A FALSIFIER. As has been said. Capt. Carver, as a writer was a prevaricator, and, like most other early explorers that narrated their own experiences and achievements, often mis-stated and perverted the faets. He wrote to please and interest his readers and imagined that to do so he must write of something extraordinary or at least remarkable. If his own adventures were not really remarkable, he must pretend they were. Imitating Simon ilagus, mentioned in Scripture, he meant to "give out that him.self was sonu^ great one." From what we now know, it seems most prol)able that Capt. Carver's experience in and about St. Anthony's Falls was not of high importance or verj' extraordinary. It may be admitted that he came to the locality ; that he saw and examined the great Falls; that he went up to the St. Francis; that he examined the shores of the ilississippi for two miles or so ou either side of the river; that he went up the Minne- sota to the mouth of the Blue Earth — and practically, no farther: that he then returned to the Jlississippi. Then he probably spent the winter about the mouth of the Jlinnesota or lie may have hastened back to the comfortable trading houses of the post on Oreen Baj', where he passed the ensuing season very well. He hardly spent several months with the Sioux near St. Peter or New Ulm, coming down to the mouth of the Minnesota in the spring of 17G8. If he had spent any considerable time with them he would have kiiown them and their country better and his descrip- tions would have been more accurate and in accord with established facts. He, in no sentence in his book, calls the Indians that he says he came to know so intimately by their proper and real names. Always and in ever}' case where he refers to them he calls them Nadowessies, with various spellings. Now, this term was an epithet bestowed upon the Indians about St. Anthony and on the ^Minnesota River by the Chippewas and the other tribes east of the ^Mississippi. The term signifies in the Algonquin dialect "snakes" and also "our enemies." If Capt. Carver had spent five months, or seven months, with the Jlinnesota Indians, and been treated by them with the great kindness and consideration he says he received from them, be certainly ought to have called them by their proper name, or the name they called themselves — Dakota — meaning the allied or banded together, the union of the "seven great council fires." They always called themselves Dakotas, resented any other name, and for a long time considered the term Naudowessies (or Naudowes- sioux and its contraction "Sioux") as an insulting epithet. Nowhere in Capt. Carver's book is it even intimated that the name of these Indians was Dakota, nor does the word Dakota appear. Imagine a traveler spending seven jdeasant months in Mexico and then writing a book descriptive of his experience in which he refers to the people of that country only as ' ' Greas- ers. " Or a European writing of the United States and calling our people by the sole name of "Yanks." If Capt. Carver had spent five months with the Indians in the present St. Peter or New Ulm region, he would have learned that there was no "Red ilarble River," a fork of the Blue Earth and which rose in "some mountains containing red marble." Some- body told him of the Watonwan and that this insignifi- cant stream had its source out in the direction of the Coteaus and the Red Pipestone Quarrj', and his imagination made mountains of the Coteaus, and marble of the pipestone. His pretended council with the Indians in the "great cave," at St. Paul, when he says they gave him, merely as an expression of good will, a vast expanse of country, was never held. His so-called deed was a palpable and very clumsy forgery. It pur- ported to be signed by two Sioux chiefs, in their tribal vernacular ; but there are no such names in the Sioux vocabulary as he gives to them, and no such words with the translations he presents: his pretended trans- lations are preposterous. Then it is pretended that with their signatures the grantor chiefs affixed totem marks, when it is well known that the Sioux did not have totem distinctions or use totem marks. It is only necessary- to add that the greater part of the land which the deed pretended to convey to Capt. Carver was not Sioux land at all; nearly all the described tract lay east of the St. Croix and belonged to the Chippewas, the "Winnebagos, and tlie Menominees. Another evidence that Capt. Carver falsified his account of his so.iourn among the Sioux for several months is presented by the many errors he makes in his descriptions of their character, their manners and customs, etc. He copies nuich of this matter from the great liar La Ilontan. and well nigh imagines all the HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 23 rest. He foully and inexcusably slaiulei-s the Sioux women whom all other writers i)raise for their virtue, purity, and innate nobility of character. For a correct analysis and estimate of Carver's account the invest if?ator is referred to Keating 's article in his Journal of Lonpr's Expedition of 1S23. Some respectable historians, like Robert Greenhow, the historian of Oregon and California, and the re- nowned Henry R. Schoolcraft, allege that Carver never wrote the book of "Travels, '"etc., which appears under his name. Defending him against this charge his principal champion. Mr. J. Thomas Lee, of ]\Iadi- son, AVis., goes on to make this candid and harmful admission: "That some parts of the 'Travels' were plagiarized from Hennepin, La Ilontan, Charlevoix, and Adair, is a fact well established." Mr. Lee be- lieves that Carver himself wrot(> the book, but readily admits that it is full of larcenies and lies. Prof. E. G. Bourne, late of Yale College, in an article in the Am. Hi.st. Review, Vol. XI (1906) proves that many portions of Carver's book were plagiarized and many others stolen bodily from La Hontan's "New Voyages." Charlevoi.x' "Journal." Vol. I. and Adair's "History of the American Indians." Since the appearance of Prof. Bourne's scathing but con- vincing presentation of the facts, other writers have, as J\Ir. Lee says, "dismissed Carver with little cere- mony." C-\RVEB NOT WHOLLY B.\D. But whatever Capt. Carver's demerits were as a descriptive writer of his own travels, he certainly did a great deal for JMinnesota and especially for the Falls of St. Anthony. He caused them to be still bet- ter known to the civilized world. He described the entire region as well-nigh all that was desirable. If he had been the advertising agent of a big real estate firm owning all the country and desiring to sell it, he could scarcely have written more attractively. His descriptions were glowingly interesting and glaringly false. There was, he said, "an abundance of copper" on the St. Croix, western Wisconsin aljounded in "heavenly spots," and nature had showered "a pro- fusion of blessings" over the entire country of west- ern Wisconsin, except in some places along the shore of Lake Superior. LiECT. pike's visit IN 1805-1806. Capt. Carver was born and reared in Connecticut and was in America until 1769; but, because he was always a British subject, some writers claim that he was not the first American citizen proper to see St. Anthony's Palls, but that to Lieut. Zebulon Mont- gomery Pike belongs that distinction. The War of the Revolution virtually terminated in 1782 and by the treaty of Paris in 1783, between Great Britain and the United States, the former gov- . ernment ceded to the latter all of its former territory in North America below the Canada line. This gave the United States all the territory ea.st of the Mis- sissippi, including the eastern end of the Falls of St. Anthony and the adjacent land. The country west of the Mississippi, to an indefinite extent, belonged. after 1769, to Spain, fi'oiii Lake Itasca to the Gulf of Mexico; but in 1800, by a secret treaty, Spain ret- roceded it back to France. This country included the site of what is now the western and principal part of i\linncapolis. In 1803, by what is commonly called the Louisiana Purchase, the United States acquired the French country west of the Mississijjpi. Strangely enough, as it seems to-day, there was great dissatisfaction among a large part of the Amei'icau peoi)le, especially those of New England, with the Louisiana Purchase. President Jefferson, who had been the jirincipal agent in its negotiation, was strenuously denounced ; the price paid for the countiy, $15,000,000, was declared to be "outrageously extravagant;" the country itself was declared to be "a howling wilderness, the abode of wild and savage beasts and wilder and more savage men, and it cannot be subdued in 200 years," etc., etc. It has long been the condition that any two wards of the western division of Minneapolis are worth far more than the price Thomas Jefferson caused to be paid for the entire and vast Louisiana Purchase. To silence the clamor against the new ac(iuisition, because he believed in its value, and to inform him- self and the country about it, President Jefferson had the country examined. The southern part, now in- eluding the States of jMissouri, Arkansas, and Louis- iana, were fairly well known, but surveyors and exploiters were sent in considerable numbei's to lay it out for settlement and to report upon it. Two important expeditions, semi-military in character, were ordered to ascend respectively the Missouri and the Mississippi Rivers to their sources, and see if the northern part of the country was really a ' ' hyper- borean region under Arctic conditions," as had been alleged, and to assist President Jefferson in the con- firmation of his opinion that he had not bought a piece of blue sky, but that the country he had purchased was worth the money ]iaid for it. Captains Lewis and Clark, with a considerable expedition, went up the JMissouri in 180-1 and Lieut. Pike, with another party of soldiers, ascended the ^Mississippi in 1805-6, both expeditions setting out from St. Louis. Lieutenant Pike, a New Jerseyman, was but 29 years of age when he first saw the Palls of St. Anthony. He set out from his encanii)meiit near St. Louis, August 9, 1805, in a keel-boat, 70 feet long, with a crew of regular soldiers consisting of one sergeant, two cor- porals, and 17 privates, and with rations and pro- visions for four months. He was equipped with math- ematical instruments for calculating latitude and long- itude, measuring elevations and distances, etc., and with barometers and tiiermomctcrs, drawing appa- ratus, etc. ; he was accomplished in the use of all these. On the 21st of September he reached Pig's Eye Slough and what is now Dayton's Bluff, St. Paul, when; then was a Sioux village of cabins presided over by Chief Little Crow HI, the third of the Corvidean dynasty of Sioux sub-chii'fs. The same day he passed old Jean Bapfiste Faribault's trading post, on the west side of the river, below Mendota, and that night encamped on the northeast point of what is now Pike's Island, oppo- site the mouth of the St. Peter's or Minnesota. 24 HISTORY OP JIINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA THE TRE.\TY OF PIKE S ISLAND. On the 23d he held a council niuler an arbor on Pike's Island with the following Sioux chiefs: Little Crow III, of the Kaposia or "light" band; the Son of Penechon, of the band at Black Dog's Lake; Shakopee of the band living near where the town of Shakopee is now ; Stands Suddenly, whose real Indian name was Wokanko Enahzhe, though Pike gives it as Wayago Enagee also called the "Son of Penishon," and who was a chief of the Wah-pay Kootas. or Leaf Shooters, down on the Cannon River, and Tah-tonka jManne, (Walking Buffalo) of the Red Wing band. There also took part in the treaty, or conference, thi-ee Indian head-soldiers, the Big Soldier, the Rising Moose, and the Supernatural Deer's Head (Waukon Tahpay). The deed made at the conference was signed by but two chiefs. Little Crow III and the son of Penishon or Stands Suddenly — "Wayago Enagee." Pike also mentions the Supernatural Deer's Head by the French designation of "Le Becasse," meaning a woodcock. Under the deed signed by the two chiefs, the Sioux nation granted of their eoiiutry to the United States, "for the establishment of military posts," nine miles square at the motith of the St. Croix; "and also from below the confluence of the Mississippi and the St. Peter's up the Mississippi to include the Palls of St. Anthony, extending nine miles on each side of the river." The amount to be paid the Indians was left to the U. S. Senate, which fixed the sum at !i*12,000, which was subsequently paid mostly in goods. Although only two chiefs touched the goose-quill and made their marks to this deed, none of the tribe ever attempted to repudiate it for any reason what- ever. There are some interesting features of this so- called treaty and deed which may be passed over here. PIKE SURVEYS AND PASSES ST. ANTHONY 's FALLS. On the 23d of September, from his camp on his island, Lieut. Pike sent up three of his men to make a preliminary obsei-vation of St. Anthony's Falls, but "their reports were so contradictory." he says, "that no opinion can be formed from them." But on the 25th he broke camp and renewed his voyage to see them for himself. That night he encamped opposite the mouth of Minnehaha Creek, but did not notice or com- ment upon the stream or the beautiful little waterfall only a few hundred yards away. As for his itinerary the ensuing four days, the following extracts from his Journal comprise a sufficient account: "Sept. 26 — Embarked at the usual hour, and after much labor in passing through the rapids, arrived at the foot of the Palls about 3 or 4 o'clock ; unloaded my boat and had the principal part of her cargo carried over the portage. With the other boat [his barge] full loaded, however, they were not able to get over the last .shoot, [chute] and encamped about 600 yards be- low. I pitched my tent and encamped above the shoot [chute]. The rapids mentioned in this day's marcli might propei-ly be called a continuation of the Falls of St. Anthony, for they ai'e equally entitled to this ap- pellation with the falls of the Delaware and Su» quehanua. Distance nine [ ?] miles. Killed one deer.* "Sept. 27 — Brought over the residue of my lading this morning. Two men arrived from Mr. Frazer, on St. Peter's, for my dispatches. Sent a large packet to the general [Gen. James Wilkinson] and a letter to Mrs. Pike, with a short note to Mr. Frazer. This business of closing and sealing [letters and dispatches] appeared like a last adieu to the civilized world. * * * Carried our boats out of the river as far as the bottom of the hill. "Sept. 28 — Brought my barge over and put her in the river above the falls. While we were engaged with her, three-quarters of a mile from camp, seven Indians, painted black, appeared on the heights. "We had left our guns at camp and were entirely defenseless. It occurred to nie that they were the small party of Sioux who were obstinate and would go to war when the other part of the bands came in. These they proved to be. They were better armed than any I had ever seen, having guns, bows, arrows, clubs, speai'S, and some of them even a case of pistols. "I was at that time giving my men a dram, and giving the cup of liquor to the first Indian he drank it off; but I was more cautious with the remainder [ !] I sent my interpreter [Joseph Renville] to camp with them to await my coming, wishing to purchase one of their war-clubs, wliich was made of elk-horn and deco- rated with inlaid work. This and a set of bows and arrows I wished to get as a curiosity. But the liquor I had given the Indian beginning to operate, he came back for me ; refusing to go till I brought my boat he returned, and (I suppose being offended) borrowed a canoe and crossed the river. "In the afternoon we got the other boat [the keel- boat, 70 feet long,] near the top of the hill, when the props gave wa\' and she slid all the way down to the bottom, but fortunately without injuring any person. It raining veiy hard, we left her. Killed one goose and a raccoon. "Sunday, Sept. 29 — I killed a remarkably large raccoon. Got our large boat over the portage and put her in the river at the upper landing. This night the men gave sufficient proof of their fatigue by all throw- ing themselves down to sleep, preferring rest to supper. This day I had but 15 men out of 22; the others were sick. ' ' Even at this day, when it can do no good, one cannot but sympathize with Pike's poor soldiers that per- formed so nuich hard work during his entire expedi- tion, and especially with the 15 that performed the heavy and greatly fatiguing labor of carrying the heavy boats, the baggage, and the provisions up the high and steep banks of the river and around the falls for a distance of at least a mile. The big keelboat was 70 feet long and must have weighed not less than 30 pounds to the foot, or 2,100 pounds, a weight of 140 pounds to each of the 15 soldiers. The Lieutenant's barge was of course smaller, but heavy enough in all conscience. No wonder that Pike gave his men fre- *A K'eat dral of the space in Pike's Journal is taken up with notiees of his hunting and fishing exploits. Whenever he shot a deer or a raccoon or a duck or caught a catfish, be made a note of it. niSTORV OF :\[INNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 25 queiit "ilraiiis'" to t'liuouragc ami .stiiiiulato them; no woiuler that the bijr boat .slid hack ilown the high blutf, which Dr. Cones and others thiuk was ou the east side ; no wouder that 7 nieu out of 22 were sick and unable to work ; no wonder that on the evening of that memorable Sunday the 15 that had worked fell exhausteii and prostrated, cheerfully foregoing their suppers for a few minutes more of sleep. Con- tinuing his journal, Lieut. Pike writes: "Sept. 30 — Loaded my boat, moved over, and en- camped on the Island. | Nicollet.'] The large boat loading likewise we went over and i)ut on board, (sic) In the meantime I took a survey of tlie Falls, the poi-t- age, etc. If it be possible to pass the falls at high water, of which 1 am doubtful, it must be on the east side, about SO yards from shore, as there are three lay- ers of roeks, one below the other. The pitch-off of either is not more than five feet, but of this I can say more on my return. [After his return Pike added to the foregoing as to the practicability of passing the Falls at either end ; ' It is never possible, as ascertained on my return.'] "October 1 — Embarked late. The river at fir.st ap- peared mild and sutKciently deep ; but after about four miles the shoals counuenced and we had very hard water the remainder of the day. This day the sun shone after I had left the Falls, but whilst there it was always cloudy. Killed one goose and two ducks.'' THE COUNTRY THEX FROM ST. P.UL TO RUM RIVER. Describing the country along the Jlississipjii from what is now St. Paul to the mouth of Rum River the Lieutenant w-rites well, although exaggerating dis- tances between geographical points: "About 20 [!] miles below the entrance of the St. Peter's, on the E. .shore, at a place called the Grande ^larais [Big ^larsh, now Pig's Eye Lake] is situated Petit Corbeau's [Little Crow's] village of 11 log houses. "From the St. Peter's to the Falls of St. Anthony the river is contracted between high hills, and is one continual rapid or fall, the bottom being covered with rocks which in low- water are some feet above the surface, leaving narrow channels between them. The rapidity of the current is likewise much augmented by the numerous small, rock,y islands which obstruct the navigation. The shores have many large and beautiful springs issuing forth which form small cascades as they tuml)le over the cliffs into the Mis- sissippi. The timber is generally maple." He also says that the river between the St. Peter's and the Falls is "noted for the great quantity of wild fowl." Of the Falls themselves, having surveyed them, he is able to give us actual dimensions and correct descrii^tious : "As I a.scended the ^lississippi the Falls of St. Anthony did not strike me with that ma.jestic appear- ance winch I had been taught to expect from the descriptions of former travelei-s. On an actual survey I find the portage to be 2f)0 poles (4,290 feet) ; but when the river is not very low- boats ascending may be put in 31 poles below, at a large cedar tree, and this would reduce it to 22!) poles. The hill over which, the portage is made is 6!) feet in a.scent, with an elevation at the point of debarkation of 45 degrees. The fall of the water between the place of debarkation and reloading is 58 feet ; the perpendicular fall of the shoot [chute] is IbVo feet. The width of the river above the shoot [chute] is 627 yards; below 20'J. In high water the appearance is much more sublime, as the great quantity of water then forms a spray, which in clear weather reflects from some positions the colors of the rainbow, and when the sky is overcast covers the Falls in gloom and chaotic ma.iesty." Just what is meant by "" chaotic majesty" is not certain, but the nuitter is not important. The gal- lant explorer continued his voyage under the adversi- ties of low water and cold weather. On the 3d of October he left the mouth of the Rum River with the mercury at zero and ice forming. That day, however, he killed three geese, a raccoon, and a badger, and was happy, and the next day it rained and he killed two geese, a grouse, and a wolf. Proceeding with some difficulty up the Jlississipiii, the explorer and his party were overtaken by early snow and cold October 16, and forced to go into winter quarters at Pike Rapids, in what is now .Morrison County; the site of their stockaded encampment or fort has been identified. Though they had made fine game-bags every day, killing dozens of geese, ducks, prairie hens, pheasants, etc., there was more hardship than sport among the party. Of the distresses among the men the la.s1 day, Pike tells us: "After four hours' work we became so benumbed with cold that our limbs were perfectly useless. We put to shore, built a large fire, and then discovered that our boats were nearly half full of water. My sergeant [Henry] Kennerman, one of the stoutest men I ever knew, broke a blood-vessel and vomited nearly two quarts of blood. One of my corporals, [Samuel] Bradley, also evacuated nearly a pint of blood. These unhappy circumstances, in addition to the inability of four other men, whom we \yere obliged to leave on shore, convinced me that if 1 had no regard for my own constitution, I should have some for those poor fellows who were killing themselvi'S to obey my ordei-s. « * * We immediately un- loaded our boats and secured their cargoes." EXPLORES THE ri'l'EK MISSISSIPI'I ON FOOT. Setting out December 10. Pike advanced^ up the Mississippi with Corporal Bradley and a few men, who dragged a sled in which were provisions and on which rested one end of a small canoe or i)irogue. His object was not only to examine the country but to reprimand the English traders at Sandy, Leech, and Cass Lakes. These men were Hying the British Hag over their posts and occasionally giving out British medals to the Indians. Pike visited them, made them haul down their I'nion Jacks and substitute the Stars and Stri]ies aiul also made them pi-omise to thereafter comport themselves as law-abiding residents of the United States. 26 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA The brave and gallant officer returned to his fort at Pike Rapids on March 6, 1806. Ou the 6th of April he set out ou his return vojage and on the 10th arrived at St. Anthony's Falls, and that day trans- ported the boats and baggage around the Falls and put them into the water below. The job of making the portage on this occasion was far less arduous than on the up trip. ST. Anthony's falls in the spring of 1S06. Of the appearance of the Falls ou the lOth of April Lieut. Pike says: "The appearance of the Falls was much more tre- mendous than when we ascended ; the increase of water occasioned the spray to rise much higher, and the mist appeared like clouds. How different my sen- sations now from what they were when at this place before. * » * Ours was the tirst [ ?] canoe that had ever crossed this portage. * * * '^ow we have accomplished every wish, peace reigns throughout the vast extent, we have returned this far on our voyage without the loss of a single man, and hope soon to be blessed with the society of our relatives and friends. The river this morning was covered wtli ice wliich continued floating all day; the shores were still barricaded with it." THE GRAND COUNCIJ^ WITH THE SIOUX. April 11 it "snowed veiy hard." Lieut. Pike en- camped on the island which still bears his name. The same evening he held a council (perhaps on the mainland) with 600 Sioux. These were of two west- ern bands and one eastern. The western were the Sissetons (Pike calls them "Sussitongs") and Wah- pay-tons (Pike calls them "Gens des Feuilles;" or People of the Leaves) and the Medawakantons, or People of the Spirit Lake, (Pike calls them "Gens du Lac") were the eastern band. The council had been arranged a month or so before, while Pike was still on the upper river. The Yanktons, (or "Yank- tongs," as Pike calls them) whose homes were out in what is now South Dakota, were expected to be pres- ent, but Pike says, "they had not yet come down." The council was held in an improvised room which had been i)repared by Wayago Enagee, the Son of Penishoii, and the Chief of the Walipaykootas or I^eaf Shooters. Its proceedings related to an arrangement for a treaty of permanent peace between tbe Sioux and the Chippewns, and amounted to nothing because the Indians could not understand Pike's interpreters, who were tlieii two Chippewa half breeds named Rous- seau and Roy. The Chippewas bad sent liy Pike some pipes to tlie Sioux with a request to smoke them if they wanted peace. The Sioux smoked them. Lieut. Pike invited Chief Stands Suddenly, alias Wayago Eiuige(>, alias Son of Penishon, and the son of a Sis.seton Chief, named Red Eagle, to supper with him. Red Eagle's son had visited Pike on the upper River the previous winter. Pike translates the chief's name into French as "Killeur Rouge," the term Killeur being a corruption of "Killiou," the French- Canadian patois for eagle. LIEI'T. PIKE AND OLD LITTLE CROW. April 12 the return voyage was resumed, and soon the present site of St. Paul was reached. Pierre Rous- seau had been up the river frequently, but Pike says : "He could not tell me where the cave spoken of by Carver could be found ; we carefully searched for it but in vain." Of Little Crow's village at Dayton's Bluff and of Little Crow himself, Lieut. Pike says : "We were about to pass a few lodges, but on i-eceiv- iug a very particular invitation to come ashore, we landed and were received in a lodge kindly ; they pre- sented us sugar, etc. I gave thfe proprietor a dram and was about to depart, when he demanded a kettle of liquor; on being refused and after I had left the shore he told me that he did not like the arrangements and that he would go to war this summer. I directed the interpreter to tell him that if I returned to the St. Peter's with troops I would settle that affair with him ! ' ' Old Little Crow and the most of his people were not in the village at the time of Pike's visit, being out on a hunting expedition on the lower St. Croix. Pike tells us: "On our arrival at the St. Croix I found Petit Corbeau [Little Crow] with his people and IMessrs. Frazer and Wood. [The latter were two white men, formerly with the old Hudson's Bay Company.] We had a conference, when Petit Corbeau made many apologies for the misconduct of his people. He rep- resented to us the different manners in wliich his young warriors had been inducing [ ?] hira to go to war [against the Chippewas] ; that he had been much blamed for dismissing his war party last full, but that he was determined to adhere to our instructions at that time; that he thought it most prudent to remain here and restrain the warriors [from fighting the Chippewas.] He then presented me with a beaver robe and a pipe and gave me a message to the general [Wilkinson] that he was determined to preserve peace in his band and 'make the road clear.' He also wanted it remembered that he had been promised an American medal." On this 12th of April. Pike .says he observed the trees beginning to Inul for the first lime. Going on to Red Wing's village, he found Lake Pepin closed and had to wait until the 15tli for the ice to go out. lie reached St. Louis on the last of April. LIEUT, pike's SOUTHWEST EXPEDITION. A few weeks after reaching St. Louis, Lieut. Pike was again ilispatched by Gen. Wilkinson upon an imi:)ortant expedition. His ordei'S were to take an escort of a party of soldiers, ascend the Missouri and Osage Rivers, penetrate to the head waters of the Arkansas and the Red Rivers and, en route, to treat with the Iiuiiaii tribes and explore the country west and southwest of St. Louis. In this second expedition, December 3, 1S06, he measured the height of the mountain in central Colorado which has ever since been called Pike's Peak. Proceeding southward he (perhaps intentionally) stumbled across the then line HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 27 between Spanish America and the United States and he and his men were made prisoners by the Spanish military' authorities. Pike was taken before the Span- ish Government at Santa Fe, and finally after much delay, was escorted out of Spanish territory and allowed to return to the United States. In 1813, dur- ing the Second War with Great Britain, Pike was made a brigadier general and given a command. At the attack on York (now Toronto) in Canada, April 27, 1813, he. with many others of the troops of the American and British armies, was mortally wounded by the explosion of a British magazine. His body was buried at Fort Tompkins, a little distance from Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. IMPORTANCE OF LIEUT. PIKE's MINNESOTA EXPEDITION. Pike 's expedition to near the headwaters of the Mis- sissippi was of the greatest importance to the Min- nesota country. He reported upon it fully and made it much better and far more favorably known than it ever had been before. Several printed editions of his journal were issued, containing an engraving and description of St. Anthony's Falls, etc., and these were largely circulated. CHAPTER IV. THE ADVENT OF CIVILIZATION. TRESPASSES OF BRITISH TRADERS HASTEN THE COMING OF THE AMERICANS — THE BUILDING OF FORT ST. ANTHONY OR FORT SNELLING THE OLD MILLS AT ST. ANTHONY 's PALLS THEIR ERECTION THE FIRST DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE OF MINNEAPOLIS — MAJOR LONG'S EXPEDITIONS AND INVESTIGATIONS DISCOVERY OF LAKE MINNETONKA BY "joey" BROWN, THE DRUMMER BOY — NAMING OF LAKES HARRIET, AMELIA, AND OTHERS — FIRST ATTEMPTS AT GRAIN GROWING IN MINNESOTA, ETC. DURING THE WAR OF 1812. Soon after Lieut. Pike went down the Mississippi, in 1806, tlie British ti'aders in the jMinnesota country began a persistent violation of the promises they had given him. They took down their American tiags, sold whisky freely to the Indians, and poached and trespassed on the American territory as far south as the lower Des ^loines and as far eastward as the Chippewa River of Wisconsin. During the War of 1812 (or "last war with Great Britain") every trading post in Minnesota was a re- cruiting station for the British army. British officers enlisted Sioux from the villages on and near the .Min- nesota and took them to their main armies in ^lichi- gan and northern Ohio. The warriors of the liands of Little Crow and Wabasha, led by their respective chiefs, furnished the most men for the Ohio expedi- tion; but the other bands sent representatives. ^Vt the siege of Fort JMeigs. in Northern Ohio, in May, 1813, the Northwest Indians took a prominent part. The Winnebagoes captured some American sol- diers, killed them, roasted and served them up for dinner, and sent word to the Sioux to come and partake of the feast. Little Crow and Wabasha went over and found the cannibals at their horrible repast, with gorgeously uniformed Britisli officers looking on and laughing. The Sioux chiefs roundly denounced the officers for permitting such a horrible and heath- enish thing. They said they came out to fif/ht Ameri- cans, not to eat them, and were going home if such a thing were i)erniitted.* Little C'row had a nephew named Big Hunter who had been persiuided to sit at the loathsome table. His uncle took him by the nape of the neck, .ierked him from his seat, struck him with the flat of his tomahawk, and drove him away. Not long after, the Sioux left the army and returned to Minnesota. (See Ncill's Hist, of Minn., pp. 281-2: McAfee's "Late War in the Western Country." and other publications on tlie siege of Fort Meigs during the War of 1812.) INDIANS PIGHt FOB THE BRITISH. A))Out 2G0 Canadians and several hundred Sioux, Chippewas, Winnebagoes, and Menominees captured * f'ol. Robert Dick,son, a prominent early trader in Min- nesota, and who had recruited the Sioux and cundui'tod them to Ohio, interfered and broke up the feast. the American post at ^lackinaw in July, 1812; and among their leaders were Joseph Rolette, Sr., and ^lichael Cadotte, both afterward well known in ilin- nesota. In July, 1814, a force of British and Indians captured Fort Shelby, an American post at Prairie du Chien. Among the captors were Capt. Joseph Rolette, Sr., Lieut. Joseph Renville, Sr., Louis Provencalle, and even old Jean Baptiste Faribault, all of whoni became prominent in Minnesota affairs. In 1812 they were loyal to their country, which then was Canada : and, when they became American citizens, they were truly loyal to the United States. Among the Indians who helped the British capture Fort Shelby were some Sissetons. For their seiwices on this occasion the British promised to give them two boat-loads of goods and a cannon, which debt the Indians afterward tried to collect, to the great annoyance of ller jMajesty's officials. In 1859 old Chief Sleepy Eye was returning from Winnipeg, where he had been to try to get the long past-due cannon and goods, when he died. Late in 1814, Little Crow and many of his warriors went down to Prairie du Chien to help defend tlic place from a threatened attack by the Americans, but the latter, under Zachary Taylor, came no farther than Rock Island. The onl.y Sioux that were truly faithful to their promises to Lieut. Pike and loyal to the United States during the War of 1812 were Tah-mah-hah (accent on the first syllable) Pike's "Rising I\loose." a ^Icdawa- kanton, and llay-pee-dan, (meaning the second child if a son) a Wahi)aykoota. Tah-mah-hah had but oiu» BRITISH TRADERS TRESPASS ON AMERICAN TEHIUTORV. In 1811 the Briti.sh established an Indian trading post on Pike's Island, at the mouth of the Minnesota, and maintaiiu'd it for some years. It was a big post, sold whisky freely, and did a large business. For some time it was in charge of Capt. Thos. G. Ander- son, who bad an Indian wife. lie educated his two mixed-blood daughtei's, and some of their descendants became prominent in jMiiniesota affairs. At that time there wsis no other trading post near St. Anthony's Falls. (See Neill's Hist, of Miini. and also of St. 28 HISTORY OF :\ITNXEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COFNTY, :\HXNESOTA 2» Paul: ('apt. Aiulcrson's " Personal Recollections," in Wisconsin Hist, Socy., Collections, vols. 2 and 3; ]\Iinn. Socy. Coll., etc.) For some years after the War of 1812, which en- tirely closed in the early part of the year 1815, the British traders swarmed in the Minnesota country. Rohert Dickson. — ■"the red-head." as he was called — established Joseph Renville on the Minnesota, up about Lac qui Parle, and Jolm B. Faribault was back down about Mendota. Other traders were near .Meudota. for all the old Indian villajres in the Jlinnesota River section iiad been re-jn'opled after havino; been par- tially abandoned during the War. Up in the Chip- pewa country, at Leech Lake, Cass Lake, Red Lake, and other northern lakes, were luuuerous posts Hying the liritish thig; American tiadei-s were practically crowded out. The Americans had complained that the English- men had seized all of the best tra foreigners from trade and inter- course with the Indians residing within our limits." It is Rlain that the jiriucipal olt.ject of the establish- ment of what is now Fort Snelling was to bring the British traders to subjection, or drive them fi-om the country. Dr. Xeill (Hist, of :\Iinn., Chap. Hi) and others following him say that the founding of Lord Selkirk's colony, in the lower Red River region, was the chief reason for th(> building of the fort. But Lord Selkirk's colony is not mentioned or hinted at in Secretarj' Calhoun's letters or in any of the records in the case. 30 HISTORY OP MINNB^VPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA TROOPS ORDERED PROM DETROIT TO BUILD THE FORT. In February, 1819, Secretary Calhoun ordered the Fifth U. S. Infantry to concentrate at Detroit with a view to go, by way of the Lakes and Fox River, to Prairie du Chien. After leaving a garrison for Fort Crawford, at the latter place, and another for Fort Armstrong, at Rock Island, the commander and the remainder of his men were to go on and build the new post at the mouth of the St. Peter's. From Fort Dearborn, at Chicago, the baggage was to be hauled in wagons drawn by horses and o.xen to Prairie du Chien. The commander of the Fifth was Lieut. Col. Henry Leavenworth. Having re-enforced the garrisons at Prairie du Chien and Rock Island, Lieut. Col. Leavenworth set out with the balance of his command, via the ]\Iissis- sippi, for the St. Peter's. His troops numbered "98 rank and file." They were in fourteen batteaux or keelboats, and were accompanied by 20 voyageurs or boatmen ; thus the entire force numbered 118. Besides the batteaux, which .served as troop-ships, there were two large boats loaded witli provisions, ordnance, etc., the barges of Col. Leavenworth, and the boat of ]\Ia.j. Forsyth, or in all 18 boats, which were propelled by oars, poles, and sails. The expedition left Prairie du Chien August 8, (1819) and arrived at the mouth of the St. Peter's on Tuesday morning. August 2-t, having made the trip of 234 miles, by the river, in sixteen days, an average progress of 20 miles a day. Of the live stock belong- ing to the detachment only some cows were brought by land from Prairie du Chien that fall, but next spring all the cattle were driven from the Prairie du Chien to St. Peter's; all the driving was done by John Baptiste Faribault and other members of his family. With Col. Leavenworth from Prairie du Chien came Maj. Thomas Forsyth, from St. Louis, with the $2,000 worth of goods to be given the Sioux in payment for the lands deeded by them to the United States at Pike's council, in 1806. En route, at the mouth of the Ouisconsin River, the wife of Lieut. Nathan Clark, of the Fifth Regi- ment, gave birth to a daughter, who was christened Charlotte Ouisconsin Clark, and who became the wife of Gen. Horatio P. Van Cleve and a well known and highly esteemed lady citizen of Minneapolis. She always spelled the first syllable of lier middle name according to the French method. At Pig's Eye Slough, now a part of St. Paul, the boats were detained by head winds for two days. The officers visited old Chief Little Crow's Sioux village, then, as on Pike's visit, under the eastern wall of Day- ton's Bluff. The Kapozia band (as Little Crow's was called) then numbered about 70 warriors and in all about 200 people. They lived in very comfortable cabins, which had palisaded walls of tamarack poles and roofs of brush covered with bark. The chief had a large cabin, 30 feet long, divided into two rooms. THE EXPEDITION ARRIVES AT ITS DESTINATION. As soon as the soldiers arrived at the mOuth of the St. Peter's, they left their boats and went into a tem- porary camp on the right bank of the stream, near its mouth. Col. Leavenworth selected the site, which comprised the fiat land between Mendota and the St. Peter's. Perhaps the Sibley and Faribault houses now stand on tlie eastern end of the old site. The Sioux called the place "]\I'do-ta," meaning a .iunction of one water with another, which has been corrupted to Mendota. The Indian word is really a contraction of "minne-dota ;" minne means water but dota means throat, and hence the phrase may mean the throat of the water, or the place where water passes through a narrow channel into a larger recep- tacle. When the.y arrived at the St. Peter's, more than half of Col. Leavenworth's 98 soldiers were sick from drinking the warm and unhealthy river water during their voyage. The remainder, less than 40 men, "were immediately set to work in making roads up the bank of the river, cutting down trees, etc.," says Maj. For- .syth, in his journal. The first tree was felled by Dan- iel W. Hubbard, one of the soldiers. In a compara- tively short time a sufficient number of log cabins had been built to accommodate those present, and the work of clearing off the camp gi'ound was continued in antic- ipation of the imminent arrival of re-enforcements known to be en route, and which, to the number of 218 men, rank and file, arrived September 3. FIRST W^HITE LADY VISITOR TO ST. ANTHONY 's F.-VLLS. Saturday, August 28, a party, composed of Col. Leavenworth and other officers and also the wife of Capt. Gooding, with an escort of soldiers, visited St. Anthony's Falls. Mrs. Gooding was the first white woman to see them. The excursion was made in Llaj. Forsyth's boat, and in his journal the ]\Iajor writes: << # # # rpj^g sight to me was beautiful. The white sheet of water falling perpendicularly about twenty feet, as I should suppose, over the difl'erent precipices: in other parts rolls of water, at different distances, falling like so many silver cords, while about the island large bodies of water were rushing through great blocks of rocks, tumbling every way, as if deter- mined to make war against anything that dared to approach them. After viewing the Falls from the prairie for some time, we approached nearer, and by the time we got up to the Falls the noise of the falling water appeared to me to be awful. I sat down on the bank and feasted my eyes, for a considerable time, in viewing the falling waters and the rushing of large torrents through and among the broken and large blocks of rocks thrown in every direction ])y some great convulsion of nature. Several of the company crossed over to the island fNicoUetl above the Falls, the water being shallow. Having returned from the island, they told me that they had attempted to cross over the channel on the other side of the island, but that the water was too deep; they say the greatest quantity of water desceiuls on the other (the north- east) side of the island."— (See Minn. Hist. Socy. Coll., Vol. 3.) Maj. Forsyth's graphic description of St. Anthony's Falls may be said to describe Minneapolis in 1819, Till-: OLD FKRRY AT FOKT S.\ lOI.LINi I \II-:\V UV THE FALLS LV l.So4 rill': (iLii i.i)\ Ki;\\ii;\ r mills a i iiih; kali HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 31 since they were the most important feature of the city's site at the time. Not a white man, or even an Indian, lived there then ; the locality was entirely vir- gin and unimproved. Col. Leavenworth called a bountiful and excellent supi)ly of pure water. From this circnmstnnee the Colonel called his new encampment Camp Coldwater. The men were quartered in tents during the spring and summer, but passed the late fall and winter months in their for- mer log ealiins at New Hope. September 20 of this year (1820) the corner-stone of the commandant's quarters — commoidy considered the corner-stone of the Fort^was laid. In August Col. Leavenworth, W'ho had been promoted to colonel of the Sixth Infan- try and ordered to the Southwest, turned over the command of the new post to Col. Josiah Snelling. of the Fifth Infantry, who had l)een ordei'cd to complete it. Col. Leavenworth went down to the Kansas coun- try and built the fort which still l)ears his name. Fortunately we have on record an account of the building of Fort Snelling from one who assisted in the work, Mr. Philander Prescott, who came to Can- tonment New Hope in 1819 as a sutler's clerk. He lived in INIinnesota ever after or initil his death in August, 1862, when he was murdered the first day of the great outbreak of tlie Sioux Indians. He was an intelligent and educated man and a few years before his death wrote a brief autobiography, which is printed in Volume 6 of the IMinnesota Historical Society's Collections. According to IMr. Prescott 's account, which is en- tirely reliable, not much was accomplished toward the building of the fort in the summer of 1820. A few soldiers were employed in cutting trees and hewing the logs and hauling them to the site selected. This site, it may be noted, was 300 yards west of the one finally determined upon and where the fort was eventually eonstrucfcd. Although the buildings of the post were to be mainly of logs, a considerable quan- tity of boards and other sawed lumber was needed. The Hrst lot of this material used was cut with whip- saws, worked by two men to each saw, and the sawing was not easy. By this method of preparing boards the work was toilsome and the amount of hunber pro- duced in a day by one saw was insignificant. It was determined to build a sawmill in the vicinity — and this practically led to the founding of Jlinne- apolis. THE MEMORABLE OLD MILL. The first building erected on the present site of Minneapolis presaged the future chief character of the city. For the first building was a mill for the manufacture of lumber and breadstuff, and the manu- facture of lumber and breadstuffs has been the indus- try which has made Minneapolis famous. Col. Snelling determined to raise corn and wheat on the prairies about the Fort, and he wanted a mill for grinding. He also needed a great deal of lumber for the proper construction of the permanent fort buildings — plaid\s, boards, and sawed timbei-s. To whip-saw these into suitable shape and proper quan- tities would require too nuieh time, and the lumber would be imperfect. He concluded to build fir.st a sawmill in the vicinity of the fort. At that time steam was not in general use as a motive power, and mill machinery was commonly driven by water power. Tlie Colonel sought a site for a null as near to the Fort as it could be found. An examination of what were then commonly called the "little falls," or Brown's Falls, (now called Minnehaha,) was made and it was hoped to find a suitable site at the little cataract, or somewhere near by on the stream which formed it. But very little water was running over the falls when the examination was made, and it was learned that although the creek had an abundant "fall," it could not be depended upon to furnish a sufficient volume of water at all seasons to turn the big water-wheel of a mill. At last a site at the great St. Anthiniy's Falls, only a few miles away, was se- lected. In his autobiography, before mentioned. Philander Prescott thus describes milling operations at Fort Snelling in 1820-21-22: "An officer and some men had been sent up Rum River to examine the pine and see if it could be got to the river by hand — that is, without hauling the logs 32 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA with auiuials from where they were cut to the river hank. The party returned and made a favorable re- port, and in the winter of 1820-21 a party was sent to cut pine logs and to raft them down in the spring. They brought down about 2,0U0 logs by hand. Some ten or lifteen men would haul on a sled one log from where it was cut a ((uarter or half a mile and lay it on the bank of Rum River. In the spring, when the stream broke up, the logs were rolled into the river and floated down to the Jlississippi, where thej' were formed into small rafts and Hoated down to the Falls. "The sawmill was commenced in the fall and winter of 1820-21, and finished in 1822, and a large quantity of lumber was made for the whole fort and for all the furniture and outbuildings. All the logs were brought to the mill from the river landing by teams. Lieut. "William E. Cruger * lived at the mill and had charge of the mill part}-. " The area of the mill was 50 b.y 70 feet. The work of building it and the adjoining building in which Lieut. Cruger lived was conducted by Lieut. John B. P. Russell, acting quartermaster of the post at the time. He was a Massachusetts man, a graduate of the Military Academy at West Point, became a captain in the Pifth Infantry in 1830, resigned from the service in 1837, and died in 1861. According to Rufus J. Baldwin, in the Atwater History, (Vol. 1, p. 23) the mill stood, "on the west bank of the river, a few rods below the brink of the Palls. Water was carried to the big, breast-wheel by a wooden flume." The mill was equipped with an up- right, quick-acting saw known to lumbermen as a "muley." COIIPLETION OP A GRISTMILL. In 1823 a gristmill for grinding wheat and corn was completed near the sawmill. Its machiner}- was driven by an overshot wheel turned by water from another flume connecting directly with the cataract. Col. Snelling was experimenting in grain-growing. West and north of the Port, in the spring and sum- mer of 1823, he had large fields of corn and wheat, and he expected to be able to furnish fresh bread- stuff to his troops. In the summer of 1823, when Ma.j. Long's expedi- tion was at the Fort, the agricultural operations and conditions of the garrison were noted. Prof. Keat- ing, the historian of the expedition, (in Chap. 6 of Vol. 1) thus describes them: "The quarters of the garrison are well built and comforta])le; those of the commanding officers are even elegant. * * * There were at the time we visited it al)0ut 210 acres of land under cultivation, of which 100 were in wheat, 60 in Indian corn, 15 in oats, 14 in potatoes, and 20 in garden vegetables, which sup- ply the tables of the officers and men with an abund- ant supply of vegeta])les. " To aid him in his enterprise the IT. S. Commissary at St. Louis, by order of the Department at Washing- * In Vol. 6 Minn. Hist. Soi'.v. Coll. tliis officer is ealleolis would have be- longed to the Carver heirs. TIjr. fiUKAT FAI.I.S MA.I. l.dNi; SAW TIIE.M IN 1817. Jla.j. Long made an exf ended examination and report upon the Falls of St. Anthony. His report was printed by the Government and rather widely circu- lated for the time. He arrived at theni on the morn- ing of July 1() and cncaini)cd on the east shore just below the catarait. In liis .jouriud for that day he says : "Till' rajiids below the Falls of St. .\ntliony com- mence al)out two miles above the confluence of the Mississipin and the St. Peter's, and are so strong that we could hardly ascend them by rowing, sailing, and jioliiig, with a strong wind all at the sauu^ time. About four nnles up the rapids we could make no 34 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA headway by all these means and were obliged to sub- stitute the cordelle in place of the poles and oars. ' ' In his journal for Thursday, July 17, he writes : "Thursday, 17 — The place where we encamped last night needed no embellishments to render it romantic in the highest degree. The banks on both sides of the river are about 100 feet high, decorated with trees and shrubbery of various kinds. The post oak, hick- ory, [?] walnut, linden, sugar tree, white birch, and the American box ; also various evergreens, such as the pine, cedar, and juniper, added their embellishments to the scene. Amongst the shrubbery were tlie prickly ash, plum, and cherry tree, the gooseberry, the black and red raspberry, the chokeberry, grapevine, etc. There were also various kinds of herbage and flowers, among which were the wild parsley, rue, spikenard, etc., and also red and white roses, morning glory, and various other handsome flowers. A few yards below us was a beautiful cascade of fine spring water [the waterfall formerly kno^\^l as the Bridal Veil] pouring down from a projecting precipice about 100 feet high. "On our left was the ^Mississippi hurrying through its channel with great velocity, and about three-quar- ters of a mile above us in plain view was the majestic cataract of the Palls of St. Anthony. The murmuring of the cascade, the roaring of the river, and the thun- der of the cataract all contributed to make the scene the most interesting and magnificent of any I ever be- fore witnessed." Of the Falls themselves Maj. Long makes this de- scription : "The perpendicular fall of the water at the cat- aract, as stated by Lieut. Pike, is IGVa feet. To this height, however, four or five feet may be added for the rapid descent which immediately succeeds the per- pendicular fall within a few yards below. "Immediately at the cataract the river is divided into two parts "by an island [Nicollet] which extends considerablv above and below the cataract, and is about 500 yards long. The channel on the right side of the island is about three times the width of that on the left. The quantity of water passing through them is not, however, in the same proportion, as about one- third part of the whole passes through the left chan- nel. In the broadest channel, just below the cataract, is a small island [Hennepin] about fifty yards in length and 30 in breadth. Both of these islands con- tain the same kind of rocky formation as the banks of the river, and are nearly as high. Besides these there are, immediately at the foot of the cataract, two islands of very inconsiderable size situated in the right channel also. "The rapids commence several hundred yards above the cataract and continue about eight miles below. The fall of the water, beginning at the head of the rapids and extending 260 rods down the river to where the portage road commences, below the cata- ract, is, according to Pike, 58 feet. The whole fall, from the head to the foot of the rapids, is not much less than 100 feet. * * * On the east, or rather the north side of the river, at the Falls, are high grounds, at the distance of half a mile from the river, considerably more elevated than the bluffs and of a hilly aspect." VERIFIES THE SAD STORIES OP VTINONA AND BLACK DAY. i\Iaj. Long was impressed by the stories told him by the Indians of the melancholy fate of the two noted Sioux Indian women of Minnesota that in the long ago committed suicide because of disappointment in love. These were Winona, (meaning the first-born child if a daughter) of Wabasha's baud, who threw herself from the ^Maiden Rock, at Lake Pepin, because her parents sought to make her marrj' against her will, and Ampatu Sappa-win (black day woman) who put her two children into a canoe and floated with them over St. Anthony's Falls because her husband had taken a second wife. Wahzee Koota (Pine Shooter) told Maj. Long that Winona belonged to the Wabasha band, which was his band, and that her sui- cide was committed within his recollection. He also said that his mother witnessed the tragic death of Black Day and her two little ones. Wahzee Koota also related the stories to Prof. Keating, when Maj. Long made his second expedition, in 1823. ilany other old Indians related them to Joseph Suelling and others about Fort St. Anthony in early days. The sad stories are certainly true. Indian women did not often kill themselves, but sometimes they did. Jlaj. Long recommended that a fort "of consider- able magnitude" be built on the "commanding ground" between the St. Peter's and the Mississippi, and when he came up six years later he had the satis- faction of seeing svich an establishment nearly con- structed. He left the mouth of the St. Peter's on his return trip July 18, and arrived at Camp Belle Fon- taine, near St. Louis, August 15, after an absence of 76 days. MAJ. long's second EXPEDITION. In the spring of 1823 President James Monroe or- dered, "That an expedition be immediately fitted out for exploring the river St. Peter's and the country situated on the northern boundary of the United States, between the Red River of Hudson's Bay and Lake Superior. ' ' The command of the expedition was given to Maj. Stephen H. Long, who had made the skiff voyage six years before, and with him were sent the learned Thomas Say, a very noted zoologist and antiquarian ; Prof. William H. Keating, mineralogist and geologist ; Samuel Sejnnour, landscape painter ; James E. Colhoun, astronomer. Profs. Sa.y and Keat- ing were appointed joint journalists to the expedition and charged with the collection of the requisite infor- mation concerning the Indian tribes encountered en route. The route commenced at Philadelphia and was from thence by wayof Wheeling, (Va.) Fort Wayne, (Ind.) Fort Armstrong, (at the Dubuque lead mines) and thence up the Mississippi to Fort St. Anthony, (mouth of the St. Peter's) : thence to the source of the St. Peter's; thence to the point of intersection between Red River and latitude 49° ; thence along the northern HISTORY OF I\IINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA 35 boundary of the United States to Lake Superior, and thence lionieward bj' the Lakes. The party set out from Philadelphia April 30. From the mouth of the Fevre River, at the Galena lead mines, the route up the ^lississijipi was on horse- back. At Fort Crawford, or Prairie du Chien, the party was re-enforced by Lieut. JMartin Scott and a corporal and nine men from Col. Snelling's Fifth Regiment of Infantry. Augustine R«c(iue, (or Rock) ila.i. Long's interpreter of 1S17, was secured as Sioux interpreter for this expedition; as he could not speak English, his French was translated by Mr. Colhoun and y\v. Say. At Prairie du Chien, also, Ma.ior Long divided the expedition into two parties, one of which proceeded by land on liorseback and the other by water, on a keel- boat. Tile ila.ior headed the horseback party, which was composed of him.self, ^Ir. Colhoun, a soldier named George Bunker, a slave boy named Andrew, owned by Mr. Colhoun, John Wade, the Sioux inter- preter, and the ever faithful guide, Tah-mah-hah, or the Rising iloose. FORT SNELLING WHEN FIRST COMPLETED. The boat party reached Fort Snelling, July 2 ; Maj. Long and his little party arrived a few days before. Keating 's description of the fort as it was at the time may be of interest : "The fort is in the form of a hexagon, surrounded by a stone wall ; it stands on an elevated position which .commands both rivers. The height of the half-moon battery, wliieh fronts the river, is 105 feet above the level of the Mississippi. It is not, however, secure from attacks from all quarters, as a position within ordinary cannon shot fwliere the present line of offi- cere' quartei's begins] rises to a greater elevation; but as long as we have to oppose a savage foe alone, no danger can be appi-ehended from this. But if it were recpiired to resist a civilized enemy having artil- lery, possession might be taken of the other position, which would command the country to a considerable distance and protect the present fort, which is in the best situation for a control of the two rivers. The garrison consists of five ■companies under the com- mand of Col. Snelling." No mention is made of the old tower, although it was built at the time. THE FALLS ON MAJ. LONG "S SECOND VISIT. A few days after their arrival at the St. Peter's, Maj. Long again visited the Falls of St. Anthony and this time lie was accompanied by the scientific mem- bers of the partv. Prof. Keating writes: ' ' On the fith of July we walked to the Falls of St. Anthony, which are situated nine miles by the course of the river and seven miles by land above the fort. • * • We discovered that nothing could be more picturesque than this cascade. * • * "\ye have seen many falls, but few wiiich present a wilder and more picturesque aspect than thos(> of St. Anthony. The vegetation which grows around them is of a cor- responding character. The thick growth upon the island imparts to it a gloomy aspect, contrasting pleas- ingly with the bright surface of the watery sheet which retiects the sun in many differently colored hues." The force of the current immediately above the fall was very great, but the water was only about two feet deep, and though it flowed over a flat slippery rock tile party waded across from tlie west shore to Nicollet Island ; Profs. Say and Colhoun forded from the Island across to the east shore ; they had, however, to be assisted by a stout soldier on their return. Keat- ing notes : "Two mills have been ei'ected for the rise of the garrison, and a sergeant's guard (five men) is kept here at all times. On our return from the Island we recruited our strength by a copious and palatable meal prepared for us by the old sergeant. Whether from the violent exercise of the day or from its intrin- sic merit we know not, but the black bass of which we partook appeared to us excellent." Of the dimensions, Keating puts on record some fig- ures well worth keeping here : "Concerning the height of the fall and the breadth of the river af this place, much incorrect information has been published. Hennepin, who was the first European that visited it, states it to be 50 or 60 feet high. He says of it that it, 'indeed of itself is terri- ble and hath something very astonishing.' This height is by Carver reduced to about 30 feet; his strictures upon Hennepin, whom he taxes with exaggeration, might, with great propriety be retorted upon himself, and we are strongly inclined to say of him as he said of his predecessor: 'The good father, T fear, too often has no other foundation for his accounts than report, or at least a slight inspection.' Pike, who is more correct than any other traveler, states the per- pendicular fall at I61/0 feet. Maj. Long, in 1817, from the table rock, found it about the same. Mr. Colhoun measured it while we were there and made it about 15 feet. We cannot account for the state- ment made by Mr. Schoolcraft that the river has a perpendicular pitch of 40 feet, and this only 14 years after Pike's measurement. "Mr. Schoolcraft also states the breadth of the river, near the brink of the fall, to be 227 yards, while Pike found it to be 627 yards, which agrees tolerably well with a measurement made on the ice. Messrs. Say and Colhoun obtained an approximate measure- ment of 594 yards, the result of a trigonometrical cal- culation ; but the angles had been measured by an im- perfect compii.ss and the base line not well obtained. Below the fall the river contracts to about 200 yards. The portage from a proper distance above to a proper distance below the Falls is 260 poles." MINNEHAHA AND OTHER NATURAL FEATURES NOTED. The party was delighted with certain natural fea- tures of the country about the Fort, and especially with the well known ca.scade which has long been called ^Minnehaha Falls, then called Brown's Falls. Prof. Keating anves us the following somewhat impas- sioned description : 36 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA "The country about the fort contains several other waterfalls, which are represented as worthy of being seen. One of them, which is but two miles and a half from the garrison, and on tlie road to St. Anthony's, is very interesting. It is known by the name of Brown's Falls, and is remarkable for tlie soft beauties which it presents. Essentially different from St. Anthony's, it appears as if all its native wilduess has been removed by the hand of art. A small but beau- tiful stream, about tive yards wide, Hows gently until it reaches the verge of a rock from which it is precipi- tated to a depth of -13 feet, j)i-esenting a beautiful parabolic sheet, which drops without interruption to its lower level, when it resumes its course unchanged, save that its surface is half covered with a beautiful white foam. ' ' The spray which this cascade emits is very consid- erable, and, when the rays of the sun shine upon it, produces a beautiful iris. Upon the surrounding veg- etation the eifect of this spray is marked; it vivifies all the plants, imparts to them an intense green color, and gives rise to a stouter growth than is observed upon the surrounding country. On the neighboring rock the effect is as characteristic, though of a de- structive nature. The spray, striking against the rock, has undermined it in a curved manner, so as to pro- duce an excavation, similar in form to a Saxon arch, between the surface of the rock and the sheet of water; under this large arch we passed with no other inconvenience than that which arose from the spray. "There is nothing sublime or awfully impressive in this cascade, but it has every feature that is re- quired to constitute beauty. It is such a fall as the hand of opulence daily attempts to produce in the midst of those gardens upon which treasures have been lavished for the purpose of imitating natui'e ; but it has the difference that these natural falls pos- sess an easy grace, destitute of the stiffness which generally distinguishes the works of man from those of nature. ' ' Of ]\linnehaha Creek, then called Brown's Creek, Keating makes this mention : "The stream that exhibits this cascade falls into the ;\Iississippi about two miles above the fort ; it issues from a lake situated a few miles above." And this of Lake Calhoun : "A liody of water, which is not re])resented upon any map we know of has 1)een discovered in this vicin- ity witliin a few years, and has received tlie name of Lake Calhoun, in honor of the Secretary of War. [John C. Calhoun.] Its dimensions are small." Aiul this of Lake Minnetonka : "Another lake, of a much larger size, is said to have been discovered about ;50 or 40 miles to the north- west of the fort. Its size, which is variously stated, is l)y some supposed to be ei|ual to that of Lake Cham- plain, wliicli, however, from the nature of the country, and the knowledge we have of the course of rivers, seems searcelj' possible." L.\KE MINNETOXK.V AND ITS DI>;C()VKUER. The last lake mentioned then had no distinctive geo- graphic name; it was called by the general Sioux term for a great water, or a large quantity of water — i\Iiune (water) tonka (big, large, or great) — which has be- come its i)articular name. The Indians did not even call it a big lake, meday (or m'da) tonka ; they termed it simply a l)ig water. Tlie lake had been first vis- ited and reported upon l)j' white men in the summer of 1822, the year preceding Long's second expedition. Joseph R. Brown, then a fifer and drummer boy of the Fort. St. Anthony garrison, and aged but 17, had set out to exi)lore ilinnehaha Creek from the falls to its source. There accompanied him a great part of the way the gifted but erratic Wm. Joseph Suelling, son of the commandant, and two soldiers of the garri- son. In his letters descriptive of the early Northwest Joe Suelling mentions this trip, saying he was driven liack l)y the swaiMiis of mosquitoes before reaching the lake. The young drummer boy's exploit is noted by Neill in his History of i\Iinnesota, p. ;J31, chapter 16, narrating the events of 1822. Dr. Neill upon the authority of ^Maj. Taliaferro, ("ToUiver") the Indian agent at Fort Suelling, says that the noted cataract was first called Brown's Fall, in honor of Gen. Jacob Brown, of the regular army. Taliaferro and Neill were both personal enemies of Joseph R. Hrown, who became very prominent in iMiii- nesota public life; neither of them gave him the credit or full and projjer distinction due him. It has been freiiuently stated, and it seems proliable. that the old Brown's Fall (now the Minnehaha) was named for Joseph R. Brown, the drummer boy, and not for Gen. Jacob Brown, who never saw the beautiful cataract, or even any part of Minnesota or the Northwest. It cannot be disputed that the young fifer and drummer was the first white man to exploi-e Minne- haha Creek and to discover Lake ]\Iinnetonka and make report upon it. Old settlers and even old records mention the stream as "Brown's Creek," because Joe Brown was first to explore it. From this circumstance it is plausible that the falls of the creek came to be called Brown's Falls. Keating, who came the year following the young soldier's exploring feat, calls it Brown's Fall, but does not say it was named for Gen. Jacob Brown, or for whom it was named. In 1826. the year after Joe Brown, the drummer, left the army, he made the first land claim ever made in Hennepin County. (See Warner & Foote's Hist, of Ilenn. Co., p. 175.) He was but 21 at the time he made his claim and this was before the land was sub- ject to entry, but while it could be "claimed." His claim was near the mouth of ]\Iinnehaha Creek. Brown built the first cabin or claim house on the creek and lived there a short time, without making many improvements. Subsequently he owned a little mill on the creek, near its mouth, but it cannot be stated tliat he built it; the mill dam wa.shed away and the mill was abandoned. Years later another mill was built, by other parties, and again the dam washed away. Early pioneers used to say that not only were the stream and the Fall named for the drummer, but that they were often called "Joe Brown's Creek" and "Joe Brown's Fall," making it almost certain for whom they were named. Of course they are now .i(isi:iMi i!h;\siiAW I'.uowx I'ir-t ilniiiiMiit to land in llrnni>|iiu ('(iiinty iind .Minnesota's most dibtiMj;iii-lH.I ciniv piunwr. (From photo ol' ISGS.) IIISTOIJV OF MINNE.U'OIJS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 37 cullctl .MiiiiR'luilia, and iioliody wauls tlii' iiaiiiL' changed. Joseph R. lirown had attached to him vei'V many distinctions which wei'i' undisimted. No other man tliat ever lived in I^Iiiuiesota had so many. To him belongs the erowuing honor ot" suggesting and plan- ning the organization of JMinnesota Territory; he drew the l)ill for creating the Territory, which was first introduced in 18-K), and when the final organiza- tion was arranged for at the Stillwater Convention it was he who suggested the name and its proper spell- ing. (See Vol. 2 .Minn, in Thi-e<' Centuries, pp. 350- 51; also \'ol. 1 ^linn. Hist. Socy. Coll., pp. 55-59.) In Minnesota he laid out the first town, (Stillwater) the first wagon road, (from Fort Snelling to Prairie du Chien) wa.s the first lumberman to cut and raft logs, etc. He lield many important jMiblic positions, and could have held many more had he wished. He was for a eonsideral)le period editor and proprietor of the ^Minnesota Pioneer, now the Pioneer Press, was a Major in the great Sioux Outbreak, and commauded the whites in the battle of Birch Coulie. In her book, "Three Score Years," etc., ^Mrs. Van Cleve who came to Fort Snelling in 1819, when an infant, says of ^Maj. Brown: '"He came up the river with the first troops of tiie Fifth Kegiment as a drum- mer boy, and was always considered a faithful, well- behaved soldier." On his di'um lie beat the first reveille ever sounded by Americans in Minnesota. The officers of the first garrison of Fort St. Anthony named other lakes in the vicinity Harriet, Eliza, Abi- gail, Lucy, etc., for the Christian names of their lovely w'ives, l)ut none of them have retained the original name Init Harriet. Col. Snelling named Calhoun for the Secretarj' of War, who had given him his promotion. THE FIRST STE.VIIBOAT COMES TO FORT SNELLING IN 1823. In ilay, 1823. the first steaml)oat in Minnesota, the Virginia, landed at Fort Snelling, having left St. Louis, May 2. No perfect description of this craft can now l)e made. It is known, however, that she w'as 118 feet in length, 22 feet in width, and drew si.x feet of water. She had a single engine, one smoke- stack, and was a side-wheeler. Her cabin was fairly well arranged. It w-as a long trip up file river. Every few miles the boat had to stop and tlie crew go ashore and cut wood and carry it aboard for the engine, there being no other fuel; indeed, at that early day steamboats liurned nothing but wood, and "stone coal" was hardly known. Among file pas.sengers wlien the boat left St. Louis were IMa.j. Lawrence Taliaferro, the newly appointed Indian Agent for the Minnesota country: J. Constan- tine Beltrami, an Italian count, but who was then a lioiifical refugee: Big Eagle, a Sac chief, and some immigrants for Galena, then already the site of a considerable lead-mining industry. "When the steamboat arrived at Fort Snelling the entire population of the section, white and red. turned out 1o welcome it. The Indians from the near-by villages swarmed about to see the strange thing, un- certain whether it was a watt-r craft or a "Waukon" monster. The red people looked intently at tlie unac- customed spectacle of a huge moving wooden bulk, with jtaint and polisii and glitter and smell. They had managed to hold their ground and stare stolidly when the whistle sounded and the bell rang and tiierc were other strange noises as the lioat tied up at the bank and nestled close to shore, imt they were as full of excitement and apprehension as tiiey could hold, and when the boat "let off" steam, with a terrible swish- ing and clouds of vapor, it was too mucli. Women, children, boys, warriors, and even head soldiers and chiefs, tumliled over one another and, yelling and screaming, tied up the ^Minnesota valley toward their villages and tepees. COL'NT BELTR.VllI WRn'ES OF TIIE COfNTRY. Beltrami had for a patron of his expedition a very wealthy Italian countess. She, it seems, paid all the expenses of his journey. The articles in his book, "Pilgrimage in Europe and America," are addressed to her. Describing conditions at Fort Snelling at the time of his visit he says : "Our J) resent ramlile, my dear iladam, will begin and end arouiiil this fort. * * « There are no buildings around the fort, except three or four log houses on the banks of the river, in which some subal- tern agents of the fur company live among the frogs. There is no otlier lodging to lie had than in the fort. The land around the fort is cultivated by the soldiers, \vhom the Colonel thus keeps out of idleness, which is dangerous to all classes of men, but particularly to this class. It yields as much as (iO to 1 of wheat and God knows what proportion of maize. Each officer, each company, each employe, has a garden and might have a farm if there were hands to cultivate it." Of St. Anthony Falls. Beltrami gives a very fioritl and somewliat bewildering description, which in the original Italian may be pictures(|ue and engaging but which in English is hardly satisfactory : ■'What a new scene ])resents itself to my eyes, my dear madam! How shall 1 liring it before you with- out the aid of either painting or j)oetry ? I will give you the best outline I can and your imagination must fill it up. Seated on the top of an elevated i)romon- tory, I see, at half a mile distance, two great masses of water unite at the foot of an island which they encircle, and whose majestic trees deck them with the loveliest hues in which all the magic jilay of light and shade are rcHected on their brilliant surface. From this point they rush down a rapid descent about 200 feet long, and, breaking against the scattered rocks which obstruct their passiige, they spray up and dash together in a thousand varied forms. They then fall into a transverse basin in the form of a cradle and are urged upward by the force of gravita- tion iigainst the side of a precipice, which seems to stop them a moment only to increase the violence with which they fling themselves down a depth of twenty feet, 'file rocks against which these great volumes of wafer dash throw them back in white foam and glittering si)ray; then, jilunging into the 38 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA cavities which this mighty fall has hollowed, they rush forth again in tumultuous waves, and once more break against a great mass of sandstone forming a little island in the midst of their bed, on which two thick maples spread their shady bi-anches. "This is the spot called the Falls of St. Anthony, eight miles above the fort ; a name which, I believe, was given to it by Father Hanepin [sic] to commem- orate the day of the discovery of the great falls of the Mississippi. A mill and a few little cottages, built by the Colonel for the use of the gari-ison, and the sur- rounding country adorned with romantic scenes, com- plete the magnificent picture." Beltrami attempts to describe the country now called Minnesota, but makes a sad job of it. His accounts are full of errors. His geographic and other proper names are so distorted as to spelling, etc., that they are scarcely recognizable. He spells the name of chief Wabasha "Wabiscihouwa," Shakopee's name, "Sciakape, " the term Naudowessioux, applied to the Dakota nation by the Chippewas, " Nordowekies, " while the Mankato is ■written "JIakatohose," etc. He calls the Chippewas, the "Cypowais, " and very few of his names are rightly spelled and very few of his items of history are correctly stated. MAJ. LONG RESUMES HIS JOUEKEY. On the 9th of July Maj. Long and his party renewed their journey of exploration, setting out by way of the St. Peter's River. In the aggregate the party was composed of 33 persons. Col. Snelling had furnished a new detail of soldiers, consisting of a sergeant, two corporals, and 18 soldiers to be under Lieuts. Martin Scott and St. Clair Denny. The inter- preters were the noted half-Sioux, Joseph Renville, (for whom the county is named) and Wm. Joseph Snelling. The expedition was divided into a land and a water party. Four canoes transported the provi- sions and the water party, headed by Maj. Long. The land party was composed of Lieut. Denny, Profs. Say and Colhouu, and Count Beltrami, the last named a g-uest. Beltrami quarreled with the officers of the expedition, which he left in northern Minnesota, and descended the Mississippi. The military escort re- turned to Fort Snelling from Mackinaw. Jlaj. Long returned to Philadelphia Oct. 26, having pursued the route designated for him and having fully accomplished the objects of his expedition after a tour of 4, .500 miles which lasted six months. In the latter part of 1824 Gen. Winfield Scott, then the Commanding General of the army, visited Fort St. Anthony on a tour of inspection. On his recommen- dation the War Department changed the name of the fort to Fort Snelling, in honor of the Command- ant, Col. Josiah Snelling. The General said of the fort, then newly completed: "This work reflects the highest credit on Col. Snelling, his officers and his men," and he suggested the new name as a compli- ment to "the meritorious officer under whom it has been erected. ' ' He gave other reasons for the change, saying: "The present name is foreign to all our associations, and it is besides geographically incorrect, as the work stands at the junction of the Mississippi and St. Peter's Rivers, and eight [?] miles below the great falls called after St. Anthony." Improvements connected with the fort were con- tinued. In 1830 stone buildings were erected large enough to accommodate four companies of infantry; a stone wall nine feet high and a stone hospital were also built, although these improvements were not fully completed until some time after the close of the Mexi- can War, in 1848. CHAPTER V. FIRST OCCUPANTS OF THE CITY'S SITE. THE SIOUX INDIANS HAD THE FIRST HABITATIONS — CLOUD MAN 'S BAND AT LAKE CALHOUN — OTHER SIOUX BANDS IN THE VICINITY THE " FIRSTS" NAME OP FORT ST. ANTHONY CHANGED TO FORT SNELLING THE TREATY OP PRAIRIE DU CHIEN — EARLY INCIDENTS OF FORT SNELIJNG HISTORY THE FIRST WHITE IMMIGRANTS COME FROM RED RIVER THE POND BROTHERS COME AS INDIAN MISSIONARIES AND BUILD THE FIRST HOUSE ON THE CITY 'S PRESENT SITE — H. H. SIBLEY COMES TO MENDOTA ZACHARY TAYLOR COMMANDS AT FORT SNELLING AND IJVES TO APPOINT THE FIRST TERRITORIAL OFFICERS FOR MINNESOTA OLD INDIAN FIGHTS AND TRAGEDIES NEAR THE SITE OF MINNEAPOLIS THE FIRST SHOT OP THE GREAT INDIAN BATTLES BETWEEN THE SIOUX AND CHIPPEWAS AT RUM RIVER AND STILLWATER, IN JULY, 1839, IS FIRED AT LAKE HARRIET. THE ABORIGINES OP MINNEAPOLIS. Of the original human inhabitants of the site of ^Minneapolis nothing definite is known. There is no worthy i-eeord more remote than 1670. Even since that date, up to within comparatively recent periods, the knowledge of them is limited and much of it vague and uncertain. A great deal is left to conjecture and speculation, and neither conjecture or speculation, or guesswork, ought to be set down as history. The only evidences that" the Mound Builders ever lived on the site were the two small mounds noted by Gov. Marshall, on the St. Anthony side, and the two elevations only about three feet high, noted by Alfred J. Hill, on the shores of Lake Calhoun, and which maj' not have been the work of Mound Build ers at all. From the time when the ob.servations and knowledge of travelers iu the region began to be re- duced to writing, (which was after Father Marquette and the Sieur Joliet descended the Mississippi from the mouth of the Wisconsin, in 1673), the inhabitants of the country surrounding the present site of Minn- eapolis, for from 50 to 100 miles, were members of the gi-eat Dakotah nation of Indians, called by the Indians east of them Nah-do-way-soos, or "our ene- mies;" in time the last syllable of the reproachful word was contracted by the French writers to Siou.x, and was fastened upon the people who even yet call themselves "Dah-ko-tah," or the allied bands of the same general family bound together by the ties of blood, friendship, and self-interest. About the middle of the 18th century a band of Cheyenne Indians, separated from their tribe, lived for years in the Minnesota Valley, coming eastward as far as the mouth of the Blue Earth ; but in about 1770 they went into what is now Ransom County, in Southeastern North Dakota, and built a large village near the present town of Lisbon, on the Sheyenne River. The name of th(! tribe and of the river, though spelled differenti.v. art' iironouiifM'il alik(>. Contem- porary with the Cheyennes was a band of Iowa In- dians, who had a considerable village at the mouth of the Minnesota, on the south side, on the site of Mendota and the Bald Knob. At one period they were allies of the Sioux. When, however, in about 1765, the Chippewas, supplied with guns and other metallic weapons by the French traders, drove away the Sioux from the Mille Lacs region across the JVIis- sissippi, the latter, in turn, fell upon the lowas and drove them away from the ilinnesota down into what is now the State named for them. So it was that for 200 years before the southern Minnesota country was settled by the whites the land was occupied in part by the Dakota or Sioux Indians. Only a small portion of the country was really so occupied. The Indian villages were commonly located on the streams and in a few instances on the lakes.* The great Dakota nation extended from the Medawak- antons, on the Mississippi, to the Mandans and Tetons, high up on the IMissouri, and practically at the Rocky jMountains. These people spoke a common language; each great band had its peculiar dialect of that language, but a Medawakauton could talk intelligently with a JIandan. An Indian tribe is, properly speaking, a nation. The Sioux ti-ibe was the Sioux nation. It was divided into bands, and often these bands were divided into sub-bands, the latter having a sub-chief. The Man- dans constituted a band ; the Tetons a band ; the Yank- tons a band; the Medawakantons a band, etc. East of the Mississippi, to the Delaware river, was the former great and mighty Algomjuin (or Algonkin) nation, and the most western of these Indians were the Odjibwai, (Schoolcraft's Discovery, etc., p. 459) or Ojibway (Warren, Vol. 5, Hist. Socy. Coll.) or Ochipwe (Rev. Fr. Baraga's Die.) or Chipioue, Cypoue, and Otchipoua (French) or Chipeway, Chip- peway, and Chippewa, (English) the inveterate and everlasting enemies of the Sioux. But the Chippewas became so great that they constituted a tribe or nation, although their dialect was as well miderstood by the Jliamis of Indiana as the speech of the Wurtemberger is comprehended by the Austi'ian. * ' ' There was a small village at Lake Calhoun, one on Can- non River, and one at Two Woods, south of Lae qui Parle. With these exceptions all the Dakota villages were near the tuo rivers and Big Stone and Traverse Lakes." — S. \V. Pond, Vol. IL' Hist. Socv. Coll. 39 40 HISTORY OF MINNE.4P0LIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA As set down by the early travelers and historians the original names of the Indians (or at least the spelling) were different from those in modern vogue, and this is true of most geographie names. Down as late as 1847 Peatherstonhaugli, the great geologist, who explored the Minnesota Kiver from mouth to source, in 1835, spelled its name "Minnay Sotor." The Wisconsin, among other spellings, was early "Mis- kousing" and " Meschonsing, " and it was generally spelled by both P"'rench and English according to the French, " Ouiscousin, " up to and after 1825. The Mississippi was spelled a score of ways before the present form was adopted, as Messibi, ileschasebe, Jlisipe, etc. The French explorers called it Concep- tion, Colbert, etc. ilany names were doubtless mis- spelled by cojjyists and printers because an n was mis- taken for a u and vice versa, as Miscousin, Issauti (for Isanti) Mankato (for Maukahto), etc. The Indians who are known to have been nearest to the present site of Jlinneapolis from 1780 to 185li belonged to the Medawakanton })and of the Sioux or Dakota Indians of Minnesota. In its entirety the big Indian word is pronounced correctly "JM'day-wah- kon-tonwans" with the accent on the second syllable, (wah) as is the case with most Sioux words; no mat- ter how long they are, or of how many syllables the.y are composed, the accent is nearly always on the second syllable. As has been said the name is inter- preted "M'day, " a lake; "wah-kon," a spirit; "ton- wan," a people or a village — the People of the Spii'it Lake; "tonwan," has been contracted to "ton," the common Sioux expression, and "m'day" has been changed to "meda," as it is generally pronounced. The Medawakantons were the descendants of the people met by Father Hennepin and his two com- panions at Mille Lacs in 1680, and called by him Nadouessioux. Their name for the big Mille Lac was M'day Wah-kon, meaning spirit or supernatural lake; hence their name. Du Luth called the liig lake, La(! Buade, the family name of Gov. Fr'ontenac of Canada. Le Sueur called them (or perhaps his copyists did) ' ' Mendeoucantons. ' ' Now, from about 1798 forward there were in the Minnesota country four principal liands of the Min- nesota Sioux, or Dakotas viz. : The Medawakantons and Wah-pay-kootas. in the eastern part, and the Wah-pay-tons a)id Sis-se-tons, in the western. The second name means the People That Shoot Leaves, based on a .ioke whereby they were indiiced to shoot into some leaf piles believing them to be Chippewas asleep ; the second name means the People That Live in the Leaves, because at one time when they lived on the upper Minnesota River they often slept in trees to keep away from rattlesnakes; the Sissetons were the People That Live by the Marish. Then in what is now the eastern part of Soiith Dakota lived the Ehanketonwans. or People Living at the' End, from ehanke (or Ihanke, meaning end).* In time this term became Yankton, which is now well known. These people were and are Sioux, but their dialect differs from the Minnesota vai'ietv. Thev have no sound of ' Owehanke, inkjiii, ami Yiish-tank]io, oacli, also means end. D and substitute L for it, saving Lakota for Dakota, etc. In the Atwater History (Chapter 2, p. 18) the scholarly pioneer, ]\Ir. Baldwin, makes the strange mistake of saying that, "the aborigines of the coun- try surrounding .Minneapolis at the time of the advent of the white race belonged to the Ihanktonwan or Yanktcn branch of the Sioux nation." The Yank- tons never came nearer St. Anthony's Falls than to the Traverse des Sioux, and then only a small band came and did not remain long. The Sioux Indians that lived near St. Anthony's Falls all belonged to the big Medawakanton or Spirit Lake band. When this band was driven down from INIille Lacs by the Chippewas with their French guns, they established a village a few miles above the mouth of the Mirmesota, near the trading post of a French- man named Penichon (or Penneshon, etc.). At that time they constituted but one band, perhaps under Wapasha (or Wahpashaw) the first of the name. (Neill, Ed. 1858, p. 331.) In a comparatively short time, however, they were divided into sub-bands. Wapasha 's sub-band was down by Winona; it was called the "Ke-yu-ksah" band, from the Sioux, unk- ke-yu-ksah-pe, meaning violating a law, because mem- bers of this band inter-married with cousins, step- brothers, and step-sisters, and even with half-brothers and half-sisters. At Red Wing was old Red Wing's (afterwards Wahcouta's) band; at what is now St. Paul was Little Crow's Kaposia band; on the lower Minnesota were the bands of Black Dog, the Son of Penichon, (or Pennishon, or Penesha, etc.) Cloud Man, Eagle Head, and Shah-kpay Cor Shakopee). According to Saml. W. Pond, the old missionarv, (See Vol. 12, State Hist. Soey. Coll.,) the location of the bands in 1830-34 was clearly fixed. Wabasha's was lielow Lake Pepin and at Winona; Wahcouta was chief of the Red Wing band ; Big Thunder was chief of the Kaposia band; Black Dog's villatre was two or three miles above the mouth of the Minnesota, and Great War Eagle (or Big Eagle) was chief; Penne- shon 's village was on the ^Minnesota, near the mouth of Nine Mille Creek, and Good Road (Tchank-oo Washtay) was chief; the band of Cloud JIan (^Makh- pea Wechashta) had its village on Lake Calhoun and their town was called Kay-.yah-ta Otonwa, meaning a village whose houses have roofs; Eagle Head's (Hkxi-ah pah's) band was at the mouth of Eagle Creek, called Tewahpa, or the place of lily roots, and Shakopee 's band (called the Tintah-tonwans, or Prai- rie People) were at the present site of the town of Shakopee; in English Shakopee (or shah-kpa.y) means six. There were various spellings of the names of the old Indian bands. In 1703 Le Sueur wrote of the ^Medawakantons as the "Mendeoucantons;" the Wah- paytons as the "Ouapetons;" the Wat-pa-tons (the River People) as the "Oua-del)a-tons:" the Shonka- ska-tons (White Dog People) as the "Songa-squi- tons," while he called the Wah-pay-kootas (Shooters in the Leaves) the "Oua-pe-ton-te-tons, " and trans- lated their name as meaning "those who shoot in the HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 41 large pine." As tlir iciiowiu'd disi-ovt'i-er, iligm'r, ciud shij)])!'!' of lihif flay and green mud spells it, the last name means peoi)le of the leaf living on the prai- ries, sinee '"tetons" is a eorruption of the Sioux word tintah, meaning a prairie, the n having the French nasal sound. M. Le Sueur, referring to the iledawak- aiitons, translates their name to meau People (or vil- lage) of the Si)irit Lake, ("Gens du Lae d' Esprit"). Seldom do any two early writers, whether Englisli or French, spell hulian ])ropei' names alike; a stand- ard orthograi)hy seems iiartl to establish. Of the Indians located nearest ^linneapolis from 1820 to 18"):^ — in wliich latter year they were removed to the upix-r Minnesota — it must be borne in mind that they were Dakotas, or Siou.x, belonging to the Spirit Lake band of that tri1)e and to the old sub- bands of Penneshon. Black Dog. and Cloud ^lan. The original Penechon ( however he spelled his name) was a French Canadian trader that had a post on Lake Pepin in the days of old Fort Beauharnois (1745). He had an Indian wife and by her had a son who was chosen cliief of a banii. In time this band came up to the mouth of the ^linnesota and while the Indian name of the chief was Wayago Enagee, he was called "the Son of Penechon" by the whites. He signed his Indian name to Pike's deed or agreement, but Pike always calls him tlie Son of Penechon, or in French, "Fils de Pinchon." Ofttimes his name was spelled Penneshaw. Upon his death his son succeeded him as chief of the suli-band, but when he died an Indian named Great War Eagle became chief; when he died Good Road, his son, succeeded him, and when Good Road died his son succeeded him and took the name of jMahkah-toe, (now written .Mankato) mean- ing Blue Earth. lie led his warriors in the Sioux Outbreak, was killed by a cannon ball in the battle of "Wood Lake, Septeml)er 23, 1862, and was the last chief of his band. Prior to 1840 Black Dog's Iiand lived for many years near Hamilton Station and on the lake and marsh still bearing tlie name of the old chief. He died in about 1840 and was succeeded by his son, Wamb'dee Tonka, or the Gi-eat War Eagle; he died in a few years and was succeeded by his son. Gray Iron, 01- i\Iahzah llkotah. When Old Gray Iron died, in 18,').'), his son succeeded him and took the name of his graniifather. the (ii'eat War Eagle, but was com- monly called Big Eagle. He, too, led his band in the outbreak and was in tlie most important battles. He surrendered at Camp Release, "graduated" from Rock Island prison, became a Presbyterian farmer, and diiMl near Gi-anite Falls in the winter of lOOli. The band of Cloud -Man, or :\Iakh-iiea (cloud) Wi- chashta, (man), lived on the eastern shore of Lake Calhoun, between Calhoun and Harriet, literally on a part of tlie present site of Minneapolis. Cloud Man was not a hereditary chief: he became such in about 1835. The previous winter he and some other Indians, while hunting tniffaloes out on the jilains, near the Jlissoui'i River, wei'i' overwhelmed by a bli/.zard and snowed under. Sanmel W. Pond says Cloud Man told him that while he lay buried beneath the snow, starving and freezing, he remembered how often Ma.]. Taliaferi-o, the Indian Agent at Fort Snelling, had tried to induce him and other Indians to bi'come farm- ers of tile rich land about Lake Calhoun and raise bountifid supplies of pi'ovisions. and not be de])endent upon the uncertain results of the chase aiul the hunt for subsistence in the long, cold winters, and indeed in all seasons. Cloud ilan said that while shivering ill his snow bed he solemnly vowed that if he lived til return to Fort Snelling he would become a farmer and induce others of his band to .join him. He lived to return to his village on the Minnesota and gathering a few families about him he started "the Village of Roofed Cabins," on Lake Calhoun. His village was not very large, but it was thrifty; its people always had enough to eat. ]\Iany of the other Indians were indignant at his proceedings and looked with scorn and sorrow upon the departure of their brethren from the ancient ways and methods. It took a long time for the Cloud Alan and iiis fellow progressives to convince the old stand-patters that the new way was the best. The U. S. authorities encour- aged Cloud Jlan in his undertakings. They recog- nized his authority as chief of the Lake Calhoun Indians ; furnished them with seed and tools : plowed much of their land for them ; gave them, first Peter Quiiin and then Philander Preseott, as teachers to instruct them in farming, and even put up buildings for them. Cloud Man was popular among the whites and always friendly toward them. A dashing and accom- plished officer at the fort, Capt. Seth Eastman, became enamored of one of the chief's daughters, about 1833, and. Pond says was married to her "in Indian form." By her he had one child, a daughter, whom the whites called Nancy, but who was called by the Indians the Hol.y Spirit woman, because she was a professed Christian. After Capt. Eastman aban- doned his Indian wife and married a gifted white woman, who was an accomplished poetess, the dis- carded Siou.x woman — who subsequently marned an Indian — came to Air. Pond with her half-blood daugh- ter and wanted him to take the maiden and i-aise her as a white girl, saying: "Her father is a white man and a Christian ; I am not able to keep her. for I have no husband ; my grandmother has kept her for a long time, but now she is 12 years old. and must either work hard or somebody must care for her.'' The missionary said he would gladly take the girl, who was bright and smart, although with a hot temper, inherited from her mother and grandmother. But "tah-kunkshe," her grandmother, interfered. The old woman said: "I have brought up the girl to do noth- ing, but now that she is able to hel]) me you will take her away and make a fine hnly of her; you shall not have her unless you giv'e me a horse." The missionary had no hor.se, and so Nancy remained with her kunk- she, who worked her very iiard and scolded her in- cessantly. Nancy was high-spirited, but bided her time, and when she was about 15 she elojx'd with an Indian named Wah-kah-au-de Ota. (or Many Light- nings) of another band, anil the grandmother got no hor.se to ride, or .so much as a dog to roast I It was a great scandal and disgrace. 42 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Nancy Eastman, as she was called, remained an Indian, although she was nominally a Christian. The M-hite people made her numerous presents, which she stored in the Pond brothers' mission house at Oak Orove. Learning this, the grandmother came to the Mission and took away everything her grandchild had in keeping there, whereat Nancy was very sorry. Many Lightnings was a good husband to Nancy. She bore him sons and daughters and two of her sous. Rev. John Eastman, a licensed minister, and Dr. Charles Eastman, the noted author of books on Indian life and the husband of the white authoress, Elaine Good- ale, have become noted and useful characters. j\Iany Lightnings was badly wounded while fighting the whites in the battle of Wood Lake. Brig. Gen. Seth Eastman, gi-andfather of the Eastman brothers, died in 1875. Eagle Head became chief of the' "Village where the Lily Roots are," at the mouth of Eagle Creek, also by election. lie fonnerly belonged to Shakopee's band, but he killed a woman of that band, and fearing the vengeance of her relatives fled, with some of his relatives and friends, to the new location at the mouth of the stream which has since been called Eagle Creek. The township of Eagle Creek, in Scott County, also helps perpetuate his name. The people of Minneapolis may well be proud that such an Indian as Cloud Jlan lived for many years on what became a prominent part of their city. He was an industrious and prudent man and always advised his people for the best. He never ceased to tell his fellow Dakotas that the time had come when, if they wished to save their nation from ruin, they must change their mode of life and adopt that of the white man; but only a few heeded him. Their gardens and fields in what is now southern Minn- eapolis were a great credit to their industry and sagacity, and enabled them to live in comfort. Many of the warriors worked in these fields, but the prin- cipal part of the farming and gardening was done by the women, who usually dug up the ground with hoes, planted and hoed the crop, and aided by tlie children drove and kept away the vast swarms of blackbirds that attacked the corn from the time it was planted until it was gathered, and sometimes destroyed entire fiekls. When the treaty of Mendota was made, in July, 1851, Cloud Man accepted the inevitable and signed. His head soldier, the Star, (Wechankpe) and his principal men. Little Standing Wind, Scarlet Bov, Smoky Day, Iron Elk, Whistling Wind, Strikes Walk- ing, Sacred Cloud, and Iron Tomahawk, also "touched the goosequill" and legalized their marks to the treaty. Some of Cloud Man's people often camped temporarily on Bridge Square in 1852 and 1853, when they were no longer afraid of tlie Onktayhee living under the falls. In the latter year, however, pursuant to the ]\Iendota treaty, old Cloud Man led his people to their new reservation on the upper Minnesota, and they began life anew. AVlien the great Outbreak occurred, many of his band became hostiles, hut the old chief remained loyal and faithful in his friendship for the whites. He died in the first month of the great and bloody uprising, which really hastened his death. Almost with his last words he lamented the conduct and the infatuation of his people and predicted the bad results that followed. Some Indians of the Lake Calhoun village were noted. Take Smok-y Day (Ampatu Shota) for ex- ample. On one occasion he and another Indian, dis- regarding the commands of Agent Taliaferro, went away down into Iowa and fell upon a Sac and Fox village in the night, put 14 people to the tomahawk, and brought back their scalps. Iron Elk (Hay-Kah- Kah jMahzah) was another noted character. BEFORE THE WHITES OWNED THE LAND. Early incidents of Fort Snelling history may be referred to in connection with the record of the city, since the relations of the military- post and the munic- ipality have always been so influential and so involved. FIRST WHITE CHILDREN BORN. In August, 1820, Col. Josiah Snelliug arrived and relieved Lieut. Col. Leavenworth, and on the 10th of September the corner-stone of the commandant's quarters, the first building of the new fort, was laid. Mrs. Snelling accompanied her husband, and a few days after her arrival a little daughter was born to her. Perhaps this was the first full-blooded white child born in Minnesota. The cliild died when but thirteen months old and its interment was the first in the new fort cemetery; previous interments had been made on the Mendota side of the Minnesota. Charlotte Ouisconsin Van Cleve (nee Clark) was born earlier than Mrs. Snelling 's baby, but in Wiscoasin. THE FIRST WHITE WOMEN. The year 1821 was busily spent by the garrison in the construction of the new fort and of the mill at St. Anthony's Falls. October 1, when the work at the mill was being supervised by Lieut. R. A. IMcCabe, a party composed of Ma.i. Taliaferro, some officers of the fort, and the accomplished Jlrs. Gooding, visited the mill on horseback. Two weeks later Mrs. Gooding, accompanied by Col. Snelling. Agent Taliaferro, and Lieut. J. M. Baxley, went down the river, in the big keelboat "Saucy Jack," to Prairie du Chien, where her hu.sband, formerly Capt. George Gooding, was post sutler at Fort Crawford, having resigned from the service. It has been noted that Mrs. Gooding was the first white woman to .see St. Anthony's Falls. The first white women in Minnesota were the wives of the officers at Fort St. Anthony, and of these ladies I\Irs. Gooding seems to have been the leader in accomplish- ments and general attractions. In the fall of 1822 the buildings of the new Fort St. Anthony were sufficiently completed to admit of its occupancy by the troops. In 1823 came the steamboat Virginia and Long's expedition. ANENT THE TREATY OF PRAIRIE DU CHIEN. In 1824 Gen. Scott visited the fort and changed its name to Fort Snelling. The same year Maj. Talia- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 43 ferro escorted a delegatiou of Chippewas and Sioux to Washingtou and arranged for tlie holding of a great treaty at Prairie du L'liien the following year. Little Crow, Wahnatah, (the Charger) Wapasha, and Sleepy Eye were the leading Sioux chiefs. Wahnatah was a Yankton, from Lake Traverse, and Sleepy Eye's band was at Lac j>i. Little Crow soon removed his village from Dayton's Bluff and Pig's Eye, St. Paul, to Kaposia, where Swift & Co. 's pack- ing house now stands, at South St. Paul INFREQUENT MAILS. Except in summer seasons, in early times the mail for Fort Snelling was carried by soldiers or "coureurs du bois" to and from Prairie du Chien, and between that point and the outside world it was conveyed in sleighs. January 26, 1826, Lieuts. Baxley and Russell, of the Fort Snelling gan-ison, returned from fur- lough, bringing with them the first mail that had been received for five months. A BLIZZARD CAUSES CANNIBALISM. In Februarj' and March deep snows fell, blizzarda prevailed, and the Indians suffered greatly. Thirty lodges of Sissetons, men, women, and children, were caught in a blizzard on the Pomme de Terre River, and then cut off by the deep snow. Nearly all the members of the party perished; the survivors existed only by cannibalism. One woman named Plenty of 151ankets ate her young child. She was brought to Fort Snelling helplessly and liopelesslj' insane, but with a craving for human flesh. She begged Capt. Jouett to let her kill and eat his .servant girl, saying she was ' ' fat and good. ' ' A few days later slie jumped from the liijrli bliift' in front of the fort into the river and drowned herself; the body was recovered and decently buried. MEETINGS ON THE "FIELD OP HONOR." In the summer of 1826 there were two duels between officers of the garrison. Dueling was not uncommon. Col. Snelling encouraged it. When drunk he would swagger about and offer to waive his rank and fight with any of his ofificers, even his subalterns. Capt. Martin Scott was hndly wounded in one of the en- counters in 1826, but he mortall.y hurt his aaitagonist. SOCIAL LIFE AT THE FORT. Nearly all of the officers of the Fifth Infantry at Fort Snelling between 1823 and 1827 were married. The ranking officials were Col. Snelling, Surgeon Mc- Mahon, ]\Ia.i. Hamilton, Maj. Clark, Captain after- wards Ma.joi-, Joseph Plympton, and Captains Cruger, Denny and Wilcox. Lieutenants Piatt Green, Jlelanc- thon Smith, and R. A. McCabe were married, and a child of each of the first two was buried in the Fort cemetery. The ladies were all accomplished and of good families and the society was excellent. They had numerous social gatherings, and even entertain- ments. The wife of Capt. Plympton brought the first l)iano to Fort Snelling and ;\Iinnesota, in 1826. A favorite diversion was horseback riding. There were several good horses owned in the garrison and a gallop up and back to the F'alls was freipiently indulged in. MaiTied ladies were generally aci'Oiii- paiiied on these occasions by gentlemen other than their husbands. Mrs. Snelling was an accom]ilished horsewoman and her escort was usually Capt. Martin Scott.* He was a splendid rider, and as Lieutenant * Capt. Si'ott was a Vernionter and a famous shot with a hiiTitinf; rifle. He was the hero of the ridiculous story oon- nei'ting liis name with a treed raccoon which he was about to shoot. "Don't shoot, Capt. Scott," it is alleged the coon cried; "don't shoot; save your powder. I'll come down and you can kill me with a club. You'll be sure to hit me if you shoot, and I don't want my hide spoiled." 44 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Colonel lie was leading his regiment on horseback at the battle of Molino del Rey, (near the city of Mexico) during the Mexican War-, MJien a sharpshooter's bullet pierced his heart and he died gallantly. FIRST MARRIAGES. The first marriage service in ^Minnesota, wherein a clergyman officiated was performed by Rev. Dr. Thos. S. Williamson, the missionary, in the summer of 1S35. The contracting parties were Lieut. Edmund A. Ogden and iliss Cordelia Loomis, daughter of the then Captain (afterwards Lieutenant Colonel) Gus- tavus Loomis. The bride had been a former sweet- heart of the young trader, Henry H. Sibley, and according to letters found among the Sibley papei-s she never forgot her old love. The first marriage at the Fort occurred in August, 1820. The contracting parties were Adjutant Piatt R. Green and the young daughter of Capt. and Mrs. George Gooding. Perhaps Maj. Taliaferro perfonned the service in his official capacity of Indian Agent, which gave him certain magisterial powera. He sub- se(|ucntly performed marriages between white persons and between whites and Indians and mixed bloods EARLY STEAMBOATS AT THE FORT. Up to ^lay, 1826. the following named steamboats had arrived" at the Fort : Virginia, May 10, 1823; Neville, in 182-4; Rufus Putnam, April 2. and May 2, 182.5 ; Mandan and Indian, later in the year 1826 ; Lawrence, May 2, 1826; Scioto, Eclipse, Josephine, Fulton, Red Rover, Black Rover, Warrior, Enter- prise, and Volant, at various dates in 1825 and 1826. IMMIGRANTS FROM RED RI\ER. In 1821, disheartened by the misfortunes and priva- tions they had endured in that locality, five Swiss families abandoned Lord Selkirk's Colony, on the Red River, in Canada, south of Winnipeg, and made their way to Fort Snelling. They were kindly received by Col. Snelling and permitted to settle on the mili- tarj^ reservation. In 1822 the gras.shoppers destroyed the crops of Selkirk's colonists, and the following year other Swiss families left the inhospitable country and came to Fort Snelling. Some went on to Prairie du Chien, to Galena, to St. Louis, and even as far as to Vevay, Indiana. After a great flood in 1826 more families, chiefly French-Swiss came. Among the heads of these fami- lies were Abraham Perret (or Perry) Joseph Rondo, Pierre and Benjamin Gervais, Louis Massie. and others, who were among the first settlers and citizens of St. Paul. July 25. 1881, twenty more families of the unfortunate Red River colonists came to the Fort: they had been fold that the United States would give them land near the post, and farming implements and provisions to last them until they could raise a crop. These refugees wer(> settled on the level lands a little north and west of Fort Snelling and if they had been allowed to remain in that locality a mighty city, in compact and developed form, would have been built between the Palls and the ilinnesota River — and there never would have been a St. Paul. THE INDIAN COLONY OF EATOXVILLE. Indian Agent Taliaferro encouraged Cloud Man to farm at Lake Calhoun by establishing a sort of Indian colony there and furnishing its members with seetl, implements, and in time with two-horse plowing out- fits. It was difficult to plow and bi-eak up the virgin tough prairie sod, however, for the plows were frail, cast-iron affairs which would l)i'eak easily and when broken could not be mended. So the Indian women often dug up the stubborn sod the first year, and after that the soil could be plowed very easily. Maj. Taliaferro called the colony Eatonville, in honor of the then President Jackson's Seei-etary of War, Hon. John II. Eaton. The colony was established in 1829 with twelve families, and Peter Quinn, a Red River refugee, was the first instructor. lie was suceeeded the following year by Philander Prescott. In 1832 the colon.v had increased to 125 Indians, men and women, and great cornfields were planted about Lake Calhoun and over a great part of what is now the southern pai"t of the city. During the Sioux Outbreak of 1862 the Indians killed both Prescott and Quinn, each of whom had an Indian wife. They cut off Pres- cott 's head and stuck it on a pole, and they pierced Quinn 's body with a dozen arrows at the battle of Red- wood Ferry. ADVENT OF THE POND BROTHERS. In 1834 the Pond brothers, Gideon H. and Samuel W. Pond, came to the Fort directly from Galena, although they were Connecticut men. They came as volunteer Christian missionaries to labor for the con- version of the Minnesota Indians. They were not licensed ministers, nor were thej* sent by any church or society. They were almost "without scrip or purse." but simply i-eligious enthusiasts, who believed they had a heaven-inspii-ed mission, which they must fulfill at all hazards. They endured all sorts of hard- ship and privation, and, although they did not make very many converts among the Indians, they labored steadfastly and unselfi.shly and did much good in other ways. These worthy and good men passed the rest of their lives in ^linnesota engaged in the work to which they had consecrated themselves, and died near the principal field of their labors near ]Minne- apolis, some years ago.* THE FIRST RESIDENCE IN MINNEAPOLIS. When the Ponds first came to Fort Snelling Agent Taliaferro sent them o\it to his Indian colony on Lake Calhoun. That summer (1834) they built a log cabin, 12 by 16 feet in area and eight feet high, on a site a little east of the lake and where afterward the Pavilion Hotel stood. Unless the little rude hut connected with the Government Mill at the Falls is considered a dwell- ♦ See S. W. Pond's book, "Two Volunteer Mi.ssion.iries"' and other Minnesota histories. HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND IIENXEI'IX rOIXTY. :\IIXNESOTA 45 iug liousi', the cabin of the Pond hrothcrs was the first white luau's residence built on the j)resent site of Jliiineapolis ; at any rate it was the second structure erected. It was certainly a residence, for here the brothers kept bachelors' hall and cooked, ate, slept, and passeil their leisure time, while the hut at the mill was only occupied by soldiers tenqiorarily detailed to work the mill. It is but fair to state that the Pond brothers' luunble hut was the actual home of tiie first actual citizen settlers in Hennepin County and on the present area of ilinneapolis ; the people of the fort were neither settlers nor citizens in the proper sense of these terms. The cabin was also the first mission house, the first house of divine worship, and strictly speakinji; it was the first school room; the school teacher Haker, who came to Fort Snelling in lS"J-t, taught only the officers' children in their own homes. II. H. SIBLEY COMES TO MENDOTA. In 18;5-I, also, came to Fort Snelling — or to the American Fur Company's trading post at ilendota — the accomi)lished Henry Hastings Sibley, who became so prominent and distinguished in Minnesota history. He came as chief factor of the Fur Company, suc- ceeding the talented and gifted Alexis Bailly, a French and Ottawa mixed blood, educated and accomplished, polished as a courtier, but as sharp as a hawk. Tie wrote and spoke French as well as Talleyrand; but he .seemed to enjoy life in iliimesota as much because he could torment Agent Taliaferro to the verge of distraction as for any other reason. After being deposed as the chief factor of the Fur Company, he was employed for j'ears as a trader under it. DEED SCOTT AT FORT SNELLINe;. ;\[ajor Lawrence Taliaferro (commonly pronounced Tolliver), the Indian Agent, was not then connected with the regular army, although he had been a lieu- tenant. He had his military title of Major by virtue of his office as Indian Agent, f(n' in ^linnesota Indian agents were always called "^lajor," and Indian Superintendents '"Colonel," no matter if they had never smelled powder. Ma.i. Taliaferro was from Fredericksburg, Va., and was a slave owner. In his " Antoiiiography" (Vol. 6, Hist. Socy. Coll.), the Jla.ioi' says that he was accustomed to hire his slaves to liie officers of the gai-rison, because he had no use for them himself. In his journal, as (pioted by Neill, he says that in 1831 Capt. Plympton wanted to purchase his negro girl Eliza, but he would not sell her "because." he says, "it was my intention to free all my slaves ultimately." He, however, afterward .sold a l)lack man to ('apt. Gale and one of his slave girls, Harriet Robinson, to Dr. John Emerson, the post surgeon. And thereby hangs a tale. ]\Iaj. Taliaferro brought the girl Harriet to the Fort in 1835. Dr. Emerson, who had come to the Fort fi-oin service at Rock Island, had a black man named Drcd Scott, that he had imrchascd from the Scott family at St. Louis. In 1836 Dr. Emerson pur- chaseil Harriet from Maj. Taliaferro ami married her to his man Dred. The couple had two children, one l)orn at Fort Snelling and one on the steamboat Uipsy while her nujthcr was accompanying her mistress to St. Louis. In l!S38 Surgeon Emerson was transferred back to Jelferson Barracks, near St. Louis, and took his negroes with him. Dr. Emerson died in LS43 and the negroes were inherited by his wife, Mrs. Irene Emerson. Nine years later arose the famous Dred Scott case which was so much talked about in the country fi'oni 1857 to 1861. In 1852, instigated by certain prominent anti- slavery people of St. Louis, Dred Scott w-as made to appear against his mistre.ss as a suitor for his free- dom in a district court of that city. He claimed that he and his family were entitled to their freedom be- cause he had livi'tl in two free districts, viz.: at Rock Island, 111., and Ft. Snelling, then in Iowa Territory, in both of which places slavery vias prohibited ; that by virtue of being taken to such free soil (not running away to it) he became free, and once free he must be always free. The St. Louis district judge, himself a slave owner, said that all such suits as Duetl's should be ilecided if possible on the side of freedom, and virtually gave him his free papers. The Supreme Court of Mis- souri, however, (two judges to one), reversed this decision and, as it were, remanded Dred and his family back to slavery. Mrs. Emerson then sold Scott and Harriet to a man named Sandford, a wealthy resident of New York City, but who kept his negroes in St. Louis. In 1853 the anti-slavery people of St. Louis again had Dred Scott suing for his freedom, this time against Sandford and in the U. S. Circuit Court. In Jlay, 1854, that court rendered a decree that Scott and his family "are negro slaves, the lawful jn-op- erty of the defendant," John F. A. Sandford. Scott's attorneys appealed the decision by a writ of error to the Supreme Co\irt of the United States. In March, 1857, that Court directed the Circuit Court to dis- miss the case, saying that Dred Scott was a slave and not a citizen and had no right to sue and no standing in court : that he did not become free by reason of his four years' residence on free soil. Col. Sandford, Scott's owner was prominently connected with the Chouteau Fur Company of St. Louis and well known on the ^Missouri River, although his residence was in New York ; he was also well known to the traders of ]\Iinnesota. But in the meantime Sandford had died and the .slaves had descended to certain of his heirs, the family of a Brpuhlicnn member of Congress from Massa- chusetts! This family hired out the negroes for some time in St. Louis, but finally sold them to certain Iihilantliropi(; people that wished to set them free. These peoi)le conveyed them to Ta.ylor Blow, a drug- gist of St. Louis, who emaiu-ipated them Jlay 26. 1857, two months after the U. S. Supreme (^ourt had consigned them to slaverv during their life time. (See Scott vs. Emerson, 10 Howard, p. 3!)3 : Nie. & Hay. Life of Lincoln, Vol. 2. Chap. 5 and also foot- note p. 81. Jlinn. in Three Cents., Vol. 2.) A few old citizens who were vouths in 1835-38, and 46 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA who have died recently, remembered Dred Scott and Harriet when they were at Fort SnellLiig. Wm. L. Quinn, the noted half-blood scout, son of Peter Quinu, who lived near the fort, often said that Dred and his wife were apparently of pure African blood, jet black and shiny ; that they were mildly disposed, in- offensive people, but of a low order of intelligence and did not like the Indians. Dred was fond of hunting and quite successful as a deer-stalker. The only resident of Minnesota that was a slave owner was Alexis Bailly, who purchased a black woinan (Neill says a man) from Alaj. Garland, and used her as a house servant and as a maid for his mixed blood Indian wife, the daughter of John B. and Pelagie Faribault. At tirst the Sioux were greatly diverted by the negroes. They called the black people "black Frenchmen," (Wahsechon Sappa) fol- lowed them about, felt their woolly heads, and then laughed heartily. Another negro slave, James Thomp- son, was purchased by the missionaries at Kaposia from a Fort Snelling officer. He had an Indian wife and had acquired the Sioux language, and the mission people wanted him for an interpreter. Of course they set him free. He seemed to be a devout Chris- tian, but soon fell from grace and went wrong. After a time he fell back again, then fell out again and sold whisky, and finally became a Methodist and died in hope of eternal happiness. GEN. ZACHART TAYLOR AT FORT SNELLING. The first commanders of Fort Sneliing were Lieut. Col. Henry Leavenworth from September, 1819, to June, 1821 ; Col. Josiah Snelling. from June. 1821, to May, 182.5 ; Capt. Thomas Hamilton, in Jlay and June, 1825, and then Lieut. Col. Willougliby Morgan to December, 1825 ; Col. Snelling again until Novem- ber, 1827, and then Maj. J. H. Vose, to ]\Iay 24, 1828. All these officers were of the Fifth Infantry. Then came Lieut. Col. Zachary Taj'lor, of the First Infantry, who commanded from May, 1828, to July 12, 1829, or fourteen months. In after years, when he had become so distinguished as a fighting general and had been elected President of the United States, the Lieut. Colonel commanding Fort Snelling in 1828-29 was again connected with the history of Minnesota. Among his very fir.st duties after he became President was the appointment of the officials for the then new Territory, now the North Star State. He appointed Alexander Ramsey the first Governor, Chas. K. Smith the first Secretary, etc. To Delegate H. H. Sibley President Taylor expressed his regret that he had not been permitted to sign the bill creating IMinnesota Territory, because he had been connertcd with its early history and believed it would become a great State. "Your winters are long and cold," said the President to the Delegate; "I know, for I spent one there. But your climate is exceedingly bracing and probably the healthiest in the Union. With proper care good crops can be raised there, for I have seen them growing — as good wheat as I ever saw — and we raised very fine vegetables of all kinds at the Fort. Then you have vast forests of lumber which alone will make your State great, and St. Anthony Falls is probably the greatest water power in the world." While at Fort Snelling Gen. Taylor had with him his wife, his four daughters, and his three-year-old sou, Richard, who became a distinguished Confederate general. One of the daughters, Sarah Knox, familiarly called "Knox," mairied Jefferson Davis, a few years later, at the home of her aunt, a few miles in the rear of Louisville, Ky. It is often said that the mar- riage was the result of an elopement, but it was not even clandestine ; a number of her near relatives were present, although her father had refused his consent. She died three months later. INDIAN FIGHTS AND TR,VGEDIES NEAR MINNEAPOLIS. Perhaps the most noted incidents of early history which occurred in the near vicinity of Minneapolis between 1820 and 1840 were certain hostile encounters between the Sioux and Chippewa Indians wherein many lives were lost. So many of these affairs occurred throughout the State that their enumeration and description at this late day would be most diffi- cult. Some of them were rather formidable, but none of them were of any more consequence and influence on the interests of the country than fights between packs of wolves. On a night in May, 1827, some Chippewa Indians, under the old Flat Mouth, were asleep in their camp in front of JMaj. Taliaferro's agency house and under the guns of Foi't Snelling. Nine Sioux from Pene- chon's village, with guns and tomahawks, crept up in the darkness and fired into the sleeping Chippewas, killing four and wounding eight. Within two days Col. Snelling forced four of the Sioux that had fired so cowardly and cinielly upon sleeping men, women, and children to run the gauntlet before the guns of the Chippewas. All ran gallantly, but all were shot down and killed before they had proceeded a hundred yards. The Chippewas rubbed their hands in the blood.v wounds of their dead enemies and tlien licked their fingers with great reli.sh. After scalping and mutilating the bodies they pitched them over the bluff. BATTLES AT RUM RIVER AND STILLWATER. In July, 1839, there was a stirring, tragic, and alto- gether a most remarkable affair between the two i\lin- nesota tribes in the perpetuation of their feud. Pre- liminary to this incident, which in effect was a great dual tragedy, several hundred Chippewas came down from their country to Fort Snelling with the mistaken idea that they were to receive some money under the treaty of 1837. They came in two columns. Hole-in- the-Day led the Pillager Band and the Mille Laes down the Missi.ssippi in canoes to St. Anthony's Falls, where they encamped. The St. Croix Chippewas came down that river from Pokegama to Stillwater in canoes and then marched across the country to Fort Snelling, and encamped a mile or so north of the fort, near Cloud Man's band at Lake Calhoun. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 47 All the Sioux bands in the neighborhood came for- ward and greeted their old time enemies very cor- dially, and they and the V. S. authorities entertained them most bountifully and hospitably. Hole-in-the- Day's Indians came down to Lake Calhoun and joined in the feasting and the fraternizing. Everybody said the tomahawk was buried forever and henceforth there would be profound peace between Chippewa and Sioux. This most exemplary condition lasted four days, and then the Chippewas set out to return to their homes, each column taking the route over which it liad come. By special invitation the Pokegama Cliippewas went first to Little Crow's Kaposia village (now South St. Paul) and spent some hours in friendly visit and then went on to Stillwater. But two young men of Hole-in-the-Day's contingent had "bad hearts" all this time. They were from Mille Lacs and claimed that tlie Sioux had killed their father the year before. When their party set out to return home they remained behind. The next morning, well armed, they slipped down to near Cloud Man's village and hid themselves on the south- eastern side of Lake Harriet, in the tall grass, by a path that ran on the east side of tlie lake and then on to "a great body of timber, a wild pigeon grove, on the ilinnesota. Just after daylight on the morning of July 2, an Indian wliose proper name was Hku-pah Choki Jlah- zah, or Middle Iron Wing, came along the path where the Chippewas were ambushed. He was on his way to the pigeon roost to kill pigeons before early morning came, when they would Hy away, returning at dark. He had a boy of 12 * with him and each had a gun. He was often called the Badger, and this is the name given him in some histories. He was a son-in-law of Chief Cloud ilan and a nephew of Zitkahda Doota, (or Red Bird) the "medicine man" of the band, but who in this instance became its head soldier. In the tall grass and weeds lay tlie two Chippewas, every muscle strained and tense and their eyes gleam- ing with excitement and hate, like tigers in a jungle about to leap upon their pre.v. When the Badger came up within eas.v gunshot they fired at the same instant and both bullets struck him, killing him in- stantly. The.v rushed forward and took his scalp and then slunk awa.v through the tall grass towards Minnehaha, or the "Little Falls," as they were often called. The boy had tlirown himself in the grass be- side the path and was lying still. The Indians said the.v saw liim. but forbore to kill him. As soon as they had gone the lad sprang up and ran back to the village, crying with all his might, "Ilkah-hkah Ton- wan! Hkah-hkah-Tonwan!" ** or, "the Chippewas! the Chippewas!" The boy 's soprano screams rang like silver fire-bells and were heard at the mission house as soon as at the •In the spring of 189.5 the writer inter\'iewed this "boy," but he was then 68 and bearing the white man 's name of David Watson. He was then at Flandrau, S. D., where he died a few years later. He was a nephew of .Middle Iron Wing and well remembered the incident. *' Meaning literally People of the Waterfalls, the Sioux name for the Chippewa-s who, when the Sioux first knew them, lived at the Falls of Sault Ste. Marie. Indian tepees. The Pond brothers were at the side of the murdered warrior as soon as his comrades were, and it is from Saml. W. Pond's printed record (see "Two Missionaries") that we get the details of the murder and of tlie terrible events that followed. The body of the Badger was borne back to the village, where, as it were, it lay in state. A crowd soon gathered about the scalpless, bloody corpse. Red Bird bent over it and kissed it, though the blood was yet oozing. Then he removed from the body the ornaments which liad bedecked it, and, holding them up where all could see, he solemnly swore: "1 will avenge you, O, my nephew, though I too am killed ! ' ' Turning to the assembled warriors he demanded that they too avenge their comrade, and they fairly yelled that they would. There was a sudden and a very wild excitement among the Sioux tliat morning. Swift messengers bore the startling and astounding news from village to village and from tepee to tepee, crying out wildly : "The Chippewiis! The Chippewas! They have turned treacherously back from their homeward journey and are butchering us! ^Middle Ii'on Wing is already killed ! On the liank of Lake Harriet — there lies his dead body, all bloody! Go and see it. But get your fighting implements ready first!" In two hours Cloud Man's warriors, Red Bird at the head, stripped almost as naked as Adam, but painted and armed for fight, were all read.y and eager for the war path. Then in another hour the warriors from the other villages began to arrive. The}' came from Good Road's village, from Bad Hail's, from Black Dog's, from Eagle Head's, and even from Shakopee's. Little Crow's men did not come, as will be explained, but the plan was made known to him. The plan was soon arranged. The Chippewas were to be pursued on both of the routes they had taken. Little Crow (or Big Thunder) and his Kaposia band, because the,y were miles nearer to them, were to fol- low after the St. Croix Chippewas, with whom they had an old account to settle anyhow, and overtake them at Stillwater if possible. The other liands were to pursue Hole-in-the-Day's people and those from the ]\lille Lacs. Each pursuing party largely out- numbered the Chippewas it pursued, the latter being composed largely of women and children, while the Sioux were all warriors. The Sioux came to the war path painted, armed, moccasined, and victualed, and all eager as wolves on the scent. In eft'ect the warriors were sworn into service. The oath or pledge was brief but strong. It bound him who took it to fight to the death and to show no quarter to any living Chippewa thing. No mercy was to be asked and none was to be given. The babe was to be served as the grandsire and the virgin as the warrior. The authorities at the Fort did not offer to inter- fere: it would not have been of any use. The Sioux hurried up to St. Anthony's Falls and cro,s,sed the river by detachments in canoes, landing on the east bank, just above the head of Nicollet Island. Samuel W. Pond went up and viewed the cros.sing. which was not effected until near sundown. Red Bird, so Pond 48 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA tells us, caused his 400 \varrioi"s to be seated in a line, down which he marched, naked except for breech-clout and war paint, laying his hand on every warrior's head and bidding him fight to the last for the sake of the Dakota gods and the honor of the Dakota nation. It had been a hot July day. but the war party started as soon as the favor of its gods had been invoked, marched all nigiit. and .iust before day reached Hole-in-the-Day"s camp on Rum River. Lit- tle Crow and his warriors marched all night and arrived at Stillwater at daylight, finding the Chippe- was in camp, but ready to embark on the St. Croix for their homes. Red Bird managed well at Rum River. He waited untU the Chippewa hunters had gone ahead on the trail and dispersed themselves on either side of the road to kill game for the subsistence of the party, and these hunters were half of the Chippewa warriors. Not every warrior had a gun. hut every gun was loaded only with bird shot. The camp had .just been broken up and the morning column, composed largely of women and children, was stringing out when Red Bird gave the signal for attack by a loud and long war whoop. The Sioux sprang forward with gun and spear and tomahawk. The Chippewa women and chil- dren fled in horror and dismay ; the Sioux leaped upon them and cut them down. The men present with guns fought as best they could, but what could they do with bird shot? In a little time the Chippewa hunters had come back and then the killing was not all on ojie side. Oh. no I Hole in the Da.v and his warriors always did their share of killing in a battle. The Chippe- "was, frenzied at the sight of their dead and mangled women and children, fought with such despei-ation that in twenty minutes the Sioux were retreating from the field, leaving their dead, and some of their disabled. Shakopee * and his Prairieville band were made the rearguard and had all the.v could do to keep back the infuriated Chippewas. Once, when hard pressed and his men were not supported, he rode among the other chiefs and complained : ' " You have poured blood on me," he said, "and now you run away and leave me." Shakopee. Red Bird, and some others were on horse- back, having made their horses swim the ilississippi. Red Bird was killed. He rode upon a Chippewa who was in his death agonies, but still held his loaded gun. Red Bird dismounted to finish him with his knife, when the d.ving warrior shot him througli the neck and the noted medicine man and fighter fell a corpse and into the hands of his enemies. His son, a lad of 15, was mortally wounded. As they were bearing him from the field he noticed that his intestines were dan- gling from his wound and he said : "I wish my father could see this." Told that his father was killed, he did not utter a word more, but closed his eyes and wan! Hkah-hkah-Tonwan !"*** or, "'the Chippewas! The Chippewas followed the Sioux for some miles, and killed three and wounded 2.5 of Shakopee 's rear guard. At last they turned back to bury their dead. Father of the chief hung at Fort Snelling. to care for their stricken ones, and to chop to pieces the bodies of the dead and wounded of their enemies left on the slaughter field. The Sioux bore away 70 scalps, at least 50 of which were those of women and children. Some of the Chippewas killed were not scalped. The Sioux had 12 warriors killed and car- ried off about 50 wounded, some of whom afterward died, one when he was being lifted from a canoe on the west bank of the ^Mississippi. (See '"Two ilission- aries;" also Vol. 2, Minn, in Three Cents.) Jleanwhile Big Thunder's Kaposia warriors had been successful to a degree : for the.v too were forced to retreat from the field. The Chippewas were in their camp at Stillwater in the big ravine where the penitentiary now stands. At the same hour when Red Bird attacked the Chippewas on Rum River, Big Thunder attacked the St. Croix and Pokegama people. The Sioux had crept up within gunshot and bowshot, and, without warning, suddenly poured a plunging and deadly fire from the crest of the bluff upon their enemies' camp. The Chippewas behaved well. Tliey retreated toward the St, Croix, women and children going first, and the men protecting the rear, fighting bravely. Near the shore the.v halted and checked the Sioux, finally driving them back and away from the battle ground, but not in time to prevent them from taking about 20 scalps and cutting off and carrying away half a dozen heads. The Sioux retreated in a panic, although the Chippewas did not pursue them beyond the crest of the bluffs. The fighting was wit- nessed by "Wm. A. Aitkin, the trader, (for whom the count.v was named) and by Mrs. Lydia Ann Carli, a sister of Joseph R. Brown, who lived in the big log castle at Stillwater (then called "Dakota") which her brother had built. In both battles the Chippewas lost 95 killed. 75 at Rum River and 20 at Stillwater. The Sioux lost 12 killed at Rum River and five at Stillwater, or 17 in all. The whole number of wounded cannot well be estimated. The Chippewas carried aU of their wounded back to their villages, those from Rum River on litters and those from Stillwater in canoes, at least a great part of the wa.v. The scene at Fort Snelling when the Sioux returned from their victories was one of wild and fierce exulta- tion. Rev. Gideon H. Pond, who was present, wrote: "It seemed as if hell had emptied itself here." They paraded their blood.v scalps and ghastly heads with great ostentation as if for the delectation of the white spectators. The.v yelled and danced until the.v worked themselves into a state of delirium and frenzy. They kept up the scalp dance in all their vil- lages for a month. "Why not? They had 95 scalps! The Pond brothers and the officers of the Fort saw the great and horrid celebration but did not inter- fere. There were other witnesses. There were at Fort Snelling at the time the Right Reverend Bishop Mathias Loras and his assistant, the Abbe Pelamonr- gues. Catholic ecclesiastics stationed at Dubuque, who had come up to look after the interests of the ^lother Church in this quarter. The gentle-souled, mild- mannered Bishop was inexpressably shocked at the loathsome and hideous spectacle of the dancing and HISTORY OF MINNE^VPOLTS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 49 howling: Sioux and their ghastly trophies, and he shed tears of heartsiekness antl liorroi' as he looketl ui)ou it. One of the two young I'hippewas that shot the Badger and brought the disasters upon their people died at .Mille Laes in 1903. To the late AVm. L. l^uinn, of St. Paul, wlio at one time was a trader among them and who himself had Chippewa blood in his veins, they told the story. It is now w'ell known that after they had done the shooting they made their way to the "Ijittle Falls," now the Falls of Minne- iiaha, and effected their escape as they planned to. ]ieliind the broad sheet of water that formed the cataract proper, snug under the deep shelving bluff over which the water poured, they crawled and hid themselves. Here they renuiined that day and night and the following day. They reasoned that the Sioux would not search carefully for them, but would fol- low their lirethren ; and when the Dakota warriors had gone tliey \»f)uld slip away in the darkness and go back to -Alille Lacs. All about the Falls there were bramliles and brushwood, and the sheet of fall- ing water hid them as if they were behind a big white blanket. On the second night the.y crept away, swam the JMis.sissippi by the aid of a log, and got safely back to their village. They were very sorry that the fire they kindled had caused so much distress and sadness, but their people forgave them because they had meant well and from the Indian ponit of view had acted bravely. The battles between the Sioux and Chippewas in the tirst days of July, 1839, arc to he remembered in coiuiection with the history of Minneapolis. They were the largest affairs of the kind that occurred in Minnesota after the supposed great battles between the two tribes near Mille Lacs about 1750, or perhaps about ITtiO, and they were planned on the present site of Minneapolis. Nearly all the Sioux warriors that fougiit in it were from or near the city's site, set out from here, and returned here. At least 115 Indians of both sides were killed — moi-e than the aggregate of all the Indians that died on Minnesota battle fields after 1760, including those killed in tight and hung at Mankato during the Sioux Outbreak of 1862. Intelligence of the affairs, generally exaggerated as to details, went to all parts of the country. Writing from St. Louis July 26, 1839, Robert E. Lee, then a captain of U. S. Engineers and who had been en- gaged in engineering work on the ^lississippi up as far as Prairie du Chien, wrote to his associate ollicer, Lieut. Joseph E. Johnston, about these Indian battles. (It will be understood that both these officers were afterwards the two principal Confederate generals.) After mentioning an excursion party tliat had re- cently' gone up the river on a steamboat to the Falls of St. Antiiony. '"with music pla\ing and colors fly- ing," and which their mutual friend "Dick" (who- ever he was) had accompanied from Galena, Capt. Lee wrote : "News recently arrived that the Sioux had fallen upon the Chippewas and taken 130 [sic| scalps. The Hole in the Day, Dick's friend, had gone in advance with the larger party and they did not come up with him. It is ex])ected that this chief, who is i-epresented as an uncommon man, will take ample revenge, and this may give rise to fresh trouble. You will see the full account in the papers." The letter in full is printed in Gen. Long's "Jlem- oirs of R. E. Lee," and in Dr. J. William Jones's "Life and Letters of Lee," at page 35, but it has never before been noticed in a Minnesota publication. CHAPTER VI. PREPARING FOR THE WHITE MAN'S COMING. THE CHIPPEWA AND SIOUX TREATIES OP 1837 THE INDIAN TITLE TO THE EAST BANK OF THE Mik,BISSIPPI PURCHASED; MAKING POSSIBLE SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AT ST. ANTHONY FALLS OPERATIONS BEGUN HERE AND ON THE ST. CROrX — FRANKLIN STEELE LAYS THE FIRST FOUNDATIONS OF MINNEAPOLIS AT ST. ANTHONY — LATER VISITORS AND EXPLORERS EX.\MINE THE COUNTRY FEATHERSTONHAUGH, CATLIN, AND NICOLLET MINNEAPOLIS CAME NEAR BEING IN PERMANENT INDIAN TERRITORY — CERTAIN DANGEROUS CRISES IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY NARROWT^Y PASSED A MIGHTY METROPOLIS ON THE FORT SNELLING SITE PREVENTED BY THE ILL CON- DUCT OF A MILITARY BOSS THE BANISHMENT OF WORTHY SETTLERS LEADS TO THE BUILDING OF ST. PAUL. THE TREATIES OF 1837 OPENING THE WAY FOR MINNEAPOLIS. Prior to the year 1837 every foot of land in what is now the State of Minnesota — except the little reservation about Fort Snelling — was in primeval condition and barbaric ownership. The country was red-peopled and virgin, and a white man might not make his home anywhere in all that great expanse w-ithout permission of the Indians. These people held the land solely by the right of conquest and the rule of might, having taken it by force from weaker breth- ren and defended it against stronger. It was theirs, therefore, under Rob Roy's rule: " « * * the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can." The mighty resources of the counti-y, the iron, the granite, the soil, the water-power, were as they had been for thousands of 3-ears. The great water-power at St. Anthon.v's Falls was unharnessed and undi- verted and the ^Mississippi flowed "unvexed to the sea." But in 1837 a breach was made in the barriers that had shut out the forces of civilization, and through the gap soon came the advance guard of the great army of progress whose many battalions were not far to the rear. A foothold was obtained whereon white men eould stand and from whence they could not be driven. It was made possible and lawful to take away the great Falls of St. Anthony of Padua from the Oiiktayhee or Indian gods that controlled them and make them subserve the uses of mankind, and the way was clear to found a great city at their site. Two treaties were made with the Chippewa and Sioux which opened the lands east of the Jlississippi in this quarter to white settlement. It would follow that the lands west of the river would soon pass under the same control. In July, 1837, Governor Ilcnry Dodge, of Wiscon- sin Territory, — to which division of the national domain the country east of the IMississippi and now in southeastern Minnesota then belonged — made a treaty with the Chippewa Indians at Fort Snelling for the cession of their lands in southeastern Minnesota and southwestern Wisconsin. The treaty was signed July 29, but was not ratified by the Senate until June 15 of the following year. It was a great occasion. Maj. Taliaferro's journal says there were 1,200 Chippewas present. They came from all their villages between Lake Superior and the Mille Lacs, and this was the largest convocation of the tribe ever assembled in ilinnesota. Under present conditions the boundary line of the ceded territory ran from the mouth of the Crow Wing River ("Kah-gee .Wugwan Sebe" in Chippewa) almost directly east to the Upper Lake St. Croix, about 30 miles southeast of Duluth ; thoice, generally east, to within 30 miles of the jMichigan line ; thence south about 60 miles, or due w^est of Menomonie, Wis- consin ; thence, in a general direction south, by way of Plover Portage to a point twelve miles south of Chippewa Falls ; thence, northwesterly, to the mouth of the Watab River, eight miles above St. Cloud, and thence to the mouth of the Crow Wing, the place of beginning. Within what is now ]\Iinnesota the boundary line included the southern part of the counties of Crow Wing, Aitkin, and Pine ; all of Morrison east of the Jlississippi : all of Mille Lacs, Kanabec, Benton, Isanti, Chisago, Sherburne, Anoka, Washington, and Ramsey. It also included the greater part of northern and western Wisconsin, practically confining the Chip- pewas of that then Territoi-y to the comparatively narrow strip along the southern shore of Lake Superior. In consideration of the cession of this vast expanse of country, amounting to fully 60,000,000 acres, the Indians were to receive less tlwn two cents an acre, or $810,000 in goods and money, payable in twenty annual installments to the members of the tribe: and the further sum of .$200,000 to be divided,— $100,000 to the half breeds of the Chippewa nation, and $100,000 for debts due by members of the nation to traders and other whites. Of this latter $100,000, there was to be paid to Wm. A. Aitkin, $25,000; to Lyman JI. Warren, $25,000; to Hercules L. Dous- man, $5,000. Aitkin and Warren were married to Chippewa women. Many of Warren's descendants are yet prominent members of the Chippewas of Min- 50 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 51 nesota. Not until June 15, 1838, however, did the U. S. Senate ratify and confirm the provisions of this treaty, so that it did not become effective until that date. The treaty was signed by Gov. Henry Dodge, as the U. S. Commissioner, and by the following named Chippewas of ^Minnesota — Wisconsin Chippewas not named : From Leech Lake — Chiefs: Flat Mouth and Elder Brother. AVarriors: Young Buffalo, The Trap, Chief of the Eartii, Big Cloud, Rabbit, Sounding Sky, and Yellow Robe. From (JuU Lake and Swan River — Chiefs: Hole in the Day and Strong Ground. Warriors: White Fisher and Bear's Heai't. From St. Croix River — Chiefs: Buffalo and Flat Jloufh. Warriors: Young Buck, Cut Ear, and Com- ing Home Hallooing. From Mille Lacs — Chiefs: Rat's Liver and First Dav. Warriors : The Sparrow and Both Ends of the Ski'. From Sandy Lake— Chiefs : The Brooch, Bad Boy, and Big Frenchman. Warriors: Spunk and Man That Stands First. From Snake River — Chiefs : The Wind, Little Six, Lone Man, The Feather. Warriors: Little French- man and Silver. From Red Lake — Francis Goumeau, a Chippewa half-blood. Among the white witnesses to the signatures were Maj. Lawrence Taliaferro, Capt. Martin Scott, Surgeon Dr. John Emerson, H. H. Sibley, H. L. Dous- man, Lyman M. Warren. Wm. H. Forbes, J. N. Nicol- let, Rev. D. P. Bushnell, Peter Quiuu, and Scott Campbell. The last two, with Stephen Bonga and Baptiste Dubay, were Indian interpreters. By this treaty the United States secured the most valuable pine lands in southeastern ilinnesota and western Wisconsin from the Chippewas, who claimed them. The timber districts then obtained were not entirely cut over in forty years, and not until the.v had yielded many millions of dollars in as good lum- ber as was ever cut. This treaty, also, — in connection with the treaty with the Sioux, made two months later, — opened the whole of what are now AVashington and Ramsey Counties and the small part of Hennepin County which is east of the Alississippi, but which was large enough to contain St. Anthony, now tbat part of Jlin- neapolis on that side of the river. And of course this included the land at the east end of St. Anthony's Falls where the first iiTiprovements of the Falls were to be made by civilians. The vast cession contained pine timber enough to supply the entire country of Min- nesota as well as many other markets, and the mills at the east end of St. Anthony's Falls would reduce this timber to lumber. The xvny teas oprnrd, therefore, for the building of a great citu at the Falls of St. Anthony of Padua, and when the foundations of that city were fairly laid it was called Minneapolis. The treaties also opened to permanent white occu- pation and settlement the land in Minnesota on which the first settlements were really made, viz. : at Gray Cloud Island, at Stillwater, at St. Paul, and at East or North Jliuneapolis. Therefore these treaties are important to be considered among the incidents per- taining to the foundation of Minneapolis. They were the first authoritative measures and proceedings which made the city possible. All information about them, therefore, ought to be of interest to every Minnea- politan. THE SIOUX TREATY. Notwithstanding that, by the treaty of Prairie du Chien, of 1824, the Sioux apparently ceded away all their lands in ^Minnesota east of the Mississippi for the benefit of the Chippewas, yet the Government recognized and admitted that they still held a sort of title to them. So in 18;57 there was made with them another treaty, which in effect was a sort of quit-claim deed from them to the land east of the river. In September, pursuant to orders from the Indian Department, a delegation of about 20 chiefs and "head men'' of the Medawakanton band of Sioux, in charge of the agent, Maj. Taliaferro, left Fort Snel- ling on the steamboat Pavilion, Captain Lafferty, for Washington to nmke the ti-eaty referred to. At Ka- posia village, below St. Paul, the chief of the band. Big Thunder, (or Little Crow IV.) and his ()ii)e-bcarer (Wind That Upsets) came aboard; at Red Wing the Walking Buffalo and his head soldier, and at Winona Chief AVabasha and his head soldier, took passage, making in all a delegation of 26. A number of white men, chiefly fur traders, inter- ested in the treaty, accompanied the delegation. The American Fur Company sent H. H. Sibley, its chief factor; also Alexis Bailly, Joseph La Framboise, Alex. Rocque, Francois La Bathe, Alexander and Oliver Faribault, and other traders. They wanted to secure a provision in the treaty that about .$100,000 should be paid them out of the money allowed the Indians in discharge of the debts due them from said Indians for goods had and obtained. The treaty was concluded and signed September 29, (1837) "by Joel R. Poinsett, then Secretary of AA^ar, who was, by special appointment, the Commis- sioner on the part of the Government. None but Indians of the Aledawakanton band signed, for they were the only ones interested. The cession included "all their land east of the Mississippi River and all their islands in said river." The land east of the river was a strip varying from a mile to a few miles in width from the mouth of the Bad Ax (opposite the extreme southeastern corner of Alinnesota) up to the mouth of the AA^atab. It was an indefinite extent of country and there was no possible way of comput- ing its area. It could not be said that the Indians had a good title to the country, since they had already surrendered it to other Indians and had abandoned it twelve years before. Under all tiie circumstances, therefore they were fairly well paid for it, receiving, and to receive, the following sums: The interest on $300,000 at five per cent forever; 52 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA for their mixed blood relatives and friends, $110,000; to pay their debts to the ti-aders, $90,000 ; an annuity for twenty years of $10,000 in goods, or $200,000; for the purchase for themselves of medicines, farming implements, and live stock, and the support of a physician, farmers, and blacksmiths, etc., $8,250 annually for twenty years; for a supply of useful articles, to be furnished immediately, $10,000; for the purchase of provisions, to be delivered free by the United States, $5,500 a year for twenty years; "for the chiefs and braves signing this treaty, $6,000 in goods upon their arrival in St. Louis." The Sioux received for the laud which they virtually only quit- claimed at this time far more, in proportion to its area, than they obtained for any other land that they ever released to the United States. On the part of the Indians the treaty was signed by the following chiefs and "head men" of the Jledawakanton liaud: Chiefs — Big Thunder, Grey Iron, Walking Buffalo, CtOocI Road, Cloud Man, Eagle Head, and Bad Hail. Head Men — Standing Cloud. Upsetting Wind, Afloat, Iron Cloud, Conies Last, Iron with Pleasant Voice, Dancer, Big Iron, Shakes the Earth, Red Road, Runs After Clouds, Walking Circle, Stands on Both Sides, and Red Lodge. These were all of the upper sub-bands of the Medawakantous. For some reason which cannot here be explained neither Wabasha or any of his sub-band signed the treat.v, although he was present and he was head chief of the entire Medawakanton band. A considerable portion of the ceded country along the Wisconsin shore of the Mississippi was only immediately across the river, from the Minnesota lands of Wabasha and his people, and they nnist have had an interest in its disposition ; but their signatures to the treaty do not appear in the printed copj'.* In 1820 the Sioux bands about Mendota gave, or attempted to give, the island in the ilississippi opposite Fort Snelling, and commonly called Pike's Island, to their kinswoman, Mrs. Pelagic Faribault, the mixed-blood wife of old Jean Baptiste Faribault, the trader that lived on the island. At this treaty of 1837 Alexis Bailly, her son-in-law, presented the deed given Mrs. Faribault by the Indians and sought to have it acknowledged in one of the treaty provisions, but the demand was refused. Following is an extract from the deed itself, which is dated August 9, 1820, and fully signed : "Also, we do hereby reserve, give, grant, and con- vey to Pelagic Farribault, wife of John Baptist Farri- bault, and to her heirs forever, the island at the mouth of the River St. Pierre, being the large island con- taining by estimation 320 acres • * * the said Pelagic Farribault being the daughter of Francois Kinie, by a woman of our nation." At one time Pike's Island — or Faribault's Islaiul, as it came to be called, — was considered valuable. John B. Faribault lived on it in a somewhat pre- tentious establishment, and had the greater part of it under cultivation. It was thought that, from its • See U. S. Stats, at Large, Vol. 7, ■Indian Treaties," pp. 539-40. situation, it was destined to be a great ti'ading site. Samuel C. Stambaugh, at one time post sutler of Fort Snelling, and later a trader, oifered $10,000 for it, but the otfer was refused. But in 1838 came a Mississippi River Hood which submerged the island and well nigh swept away everything upon it, Fari- bault's buildings included; in 1839 came another which completed the destruction and nearly every vestige of improvement was washed off. Mrs. Fari- bault 's ownership was refused in the treaty ; the Gov- ernment finally decided that the island belonged to the United States, under the Pike treaty ; the Fari- baults were refused anything for their improvements, and not long afterward, in indignation and disgust, and mortified because they had refused Stambaugh 's offer of $10,000 for it, they abandoned it permanently, leaving if in the ownership of the Government and at the mei'cy of the Great Father of Waters when he indulges in his customary sprees in the spring. THE "SOONERS" BEGIN OPERATIONS. Gov. Dodge's treaty with the Chippewas at Fort Snelling for the cession of the St. Croix country was signed July 29, or practically August 1, 1837. Hardly was the ink of the signatures dry on the paper when Franklin Steele, Dr. Fitch. Jeremiah Russell, and a man named Maginnis and eight laborers set out from Fort Snelling to make claims commanding the water-power of the river at the St. Croix Falls. In advance of them, however, was the alei't and sagacious Joseph R. Brown, who had come over from Gray Cloud Island, established a trading house, and begun cutting pine at the present site of Taylor's Palls. These men were what are now called ' ' sooners ; ' ' they went upon the country and made claims "sooner" than anybody else and before it was legally open for filing claims and making entries. Franklin Steele was born in Chester County, Pa., May 12, 1813. He came of a good family, was fairly well educated, and early in life he manifested the traits of character which afterwards so distinguished him. His father. Dr. John H. Steele, was a prominent Democratic politician, and President Andrew Jack- son became the friend and adviser of young Frank and urged him to go to the St. Peter's country and make his fortune. He came to Port Snelling as the post sutler in the spring of 1837, when he was but 24 years of age. After a brief study of the situation he saw that the country had large advantages and possibilities, and he determined to nuike if his home. In 1837, even after the treaty was signed, the St. Croix Falls seemed a better site for business operations than the Falls of St. Anthony, for at the St. Croix site both sides of the river were open to occupation, while at St. Anthony only the east side could be settled upon by the whites. Of his venture and 0])era- tions on the St. Croix at this time, Mr. Steele has left us a good account, (Vol. 2 Minn, in 3 Cents., P. 137) as follows: "In September f ?] 1837, immediately after the treaty was made ceding the St. Croix Valley to the Government, I with Dr. Fitch, of Bloomiugton, [now HISTORY OP^ MINNEAPOLIS AND IIENXEPIX COUNTY, MINNESOTA 53 Muscatiuo] Iowa, started from Fort Siielling in a bai'k canoe, aeeonipauied by a scow loaded with tools, supplies, and laborers. We descended tbe IMississippi to tlie nioutli of the St. Croix, and thence ascended the St. Croix to the Dalles. We clambered over tlie rocks to the Fid Is. where we made two large claims, eover- ing the Falls on the east side and the ajjproach in the Dalles. We built a log cabin at the Falls and a sec- ond log house we built in the Dalles, at the head of navigation. While we were building, four other parties arrived to make claims to the water power. '"I found the veritable Joe Brown on the west side, cutting tind)er and trading with the Indians, where now stands the town of Taylor's P^dls. His were the first pine logs cut in the St. Croix Valley, and they were used mostly in building a mill." Steele and ^lagiunis remained at the Falls with the laborers. Two cruising parties, under Russell and Dr. Fitch, were sent out to search for good pine lands. Jesse U. Taylor and a man named Robinette came over to the site in the interest of B. F. Baker, who was often called "Blue Beard," the old time trader of Fort Snelling and the head of '"Baker's settlement." The foundations of a milling industry were laid, but for some time no town was pro.iected — none was needed, none was wanted. Of operations the follow- ing year Mr. Steele, in his account referred to, says : "In February, 1838, I made a trip from Fort Snell- ing to Snake River, (via St. Croix Falls) where I had a crew of men cutting logs. While I was there Peshig, the local Chippewa chief, came to me and said : ' We have received no money for our lands and these logs can't go until we do.' He further said that, if trouble arose between the whites and the Indians over the matter, he could not control his young men, and he would not be responsible for their acts. The treaty was ratified, however, in time for the logs to be moved. ' ' But as payment for the Chippewa lands was not made for nearly two years after the ratification of the treaty. Chief Peshig, and his warriors nuisT have been placated in some other way if they allowed the logs to be moved in 1838. Joseph R. Brown, however, rafted a lot of his logs down the river in the fall of 1837. and the Indians did not try to stop him. The dissatisfaction of Chief Peshig and his war- riors with the delay in the payment under the treat.v and his covert threats to l\Ir. Steele seem to have con- stituted the beginning of Ihe long series of troubles, not yet (>nded, betwt'eii the Chippewas on one side and the Uunber cutters and the Government on the other over the Indian pine timber. Millions of dollars' worth of pine timber have been taken from the Chip- pewa Indians of Minnesota illegally and without proper compensation. Mr. Steele further states that in the spring of 1838 "we" descended the Mississippi to St. liOuis, where he and others organized the St. Croix Falls Lundiei'- ing Company. The co-i)artners were Mr. Steele, Dr. Fitch, of ^^uscatine ; Washington Libby, of Alton ; W. S. Hungerford and James Livingston, of St. Louis; Hill and Wm. Ilolcombe (afterwards Lieuten- ant Governor) of Quiney. While at St. Louis the parties heard of the ratifica- tion of the treaties. At once they chartered the steamer Palmyra, (owned in and named for Palmyra, i\Io.,) loaded her with materials for building a saw- mill, took on l)oard 3G laborers, and set out for the St. Croix and St. Peter's. What Mr. Steele did when he reached the latter port, at Fort Snelling is told on subse are preserved in the former's two volumes which he brought out in London in 1847, and entitled, "A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor. " The volumes contain some singular statements. The author's si>i'lliiigs of Indian names are invariabl.v incorrect and without authority. lie sa.\-s he plainly heard the roaring of the Falls of St. Anthony when he was at Lake Pepin ; he was the only explorer to say that he believed in Carver's "extensive ancient fortifications," west of Lake Pepin, which he sa.vs he visited and studied. He thought the ridges and other elevations and the depressions which he saw were not foiMiied by the action of the strong jirairie winds upon the loose, sandy soil. He denounced, and ridiculed the mis- sionaries. He criticised nearly everybody that did not ab.stain from the use of tobacco in his presence, and did not furnish him all the good wines and li(|Uors he desii-ed. At the same time. chieH.v from what his guide, Henry Jlilord (an intelligent half-blood in Trader Sible.v's employ) told him, he put on record some interesting items of historv, espeeiall.v concern- ing the "IMinnay Sotor" and its valle.v. Of St. Anthony's Falls, in addition to what has been already quoted, he says : "They perhaps look best at a distance; for although upon drawing near to them they present a very pleas- ing object still, from their average height, which does not exceed perhaps 16 feet, they appeared less inter- esting tiuin any other of the great cascades I had seen in North Aniei-ica.'' 54 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA And yet in the next paragraph, describing the fall, he says: ' ' In its details this is a cascade of very great beauty. Its incessant liveliness contrasts pleasingly with the sombre appearance of the densely wooded island, and presents to the observer that element in motion which has so much modified the whole channel of the ]\Iissis- sippi. The current above the cascade is very strong and comes dashing over the fractured limestone of this irregular curvature, where it recedes and advances with a great variety of plays, etc., etc." Featherstonhaugh and Mather, with Henry Milord for a guide and a crew of mixed-blood boatmen, set out in a big canoe from Fort Snelling on the 16th and after a month's paddling reached Lake Traverse and were entertained at Joseph R. Brown's trading post. Returning he reached Fort Snelling in a cold snap, with ice forming in the Minnesota. October 23, he left Fort Snelling and descended the Mississippi in a boat to Galena. He took with him a young lad of 14, John Bliss, Jr., the son of Major John Bliss, the commandant of Fort Snelling at the time. The boy's parents desired and sent him to attend school in the Eastern States. At Galena they took the steamboat Warrior for St. Louis. From St. Louis Featherstou- haugli made an overland journey through Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia to Washington City, where he arrived October 9, 1S86. Featherstonhaugh 's survey was not of much advan- tage to Minnesota wlien it was made. His description of the country was not printed in time. Not appear- ing until in 1847, it came too late to be of much advan- tage as an advertisement of the new land of promise. "Mr. Frestonhaw," as his countrymen called him, did not conduct himself seemingly when he was in Minnesota. Sibley assisted and befriended him greatly, and in return he abused Sibley and all other traders severely. Joseph R. Brown entertained him ■ and gratuitously furnished him with goods and sup- plies, and in return he slandered Brown outrageously. GEORGE CATLIN, THE PAINTER, COMES. In the summers of 1835 and 1836 George Catlin, the noted American painter of Indian and frontier scenes, came to Fort Snelling. He painted the portraits of several Indian chiefs of the vicinity, and he made the first pretentious painting of St. Anthony's Falls. Pre- viously many little imperfect sketches of the Falls had been made, chiefly by officers' wives at the Fort, but his painting was of valuable character and of fair proportions. Catlin came first to Fort Snelling in June, 1835, by a steamer from St. Louis ; he returned in a canoe. The next year in the early summer he came again, travel- ing in a birch canoe from Green Bay to Prairie du Chien and thence up the Mississippi to Fort Snelling. In the autunni he returned in a dug-out canoe to Rock Island and from thence went east. He spent several years in touring among the American Indians, painted hundreds of pictures illustrating them and the lives they led, and finally took a delegation of them to Europe. He also published several books describing his travels, Indian life, the country, etc. His pictures are in a collection called "the George Catlin Indian Gallery," and are hung in the U. S. Museum at Wash- ington. D. C. While in Minnesota Catlin 's greatest single piece of work was his journey on horseback, via Traverse des Sioux and Little Rock, to the Red Pipestone Quarries, and his accurate sketch of that remarkable natural formation. His printed description of the country and of his experience en route is of value and great interest. He rode a horse given him by Gen. Sibley. Joseph La Framboise, Jr., son of the old trader at Little Rock, was his guide and his main guard. From the Rock, on the Minnesota, four miles below Fort Ridgely, to the Quarry the route was over a prairie trail never before followed by a white man of full blood. Joe La Framboise (who died but a few years since) was a mixed-blood Sioux. Catlin was the first white man to visit and describe the noted Quarry with pen and pencil. The peculiar red s.venitic stone was and still is called catlinite. Catlin 's ^Minnesota pictures are still in the U. S. National ]\Iuseum at Washington. They include views of Fort Snelling, St. Anthony's Falls, the "Little Falls," (Minnehaha) Cloud Man's village at Lake Calhoun in 1835, and portraits of old Great War Eagle, Chief of the Black Dog band; Toe Wahkon Dah-pe (or Blue Sacred Clay) the medicine man of Shakopee's band; Tah-tonka ]\Ianue (or Walking Buffalo) of Red Wing's band, etc. Copies of these sketches ought to be in the State's public halls and galleries. In his printed reports Catlin gives a bright and interesting description of Minnesota country gen- erally ))ut makes very brief mention of St. Anthony's Falls, saying: "The Falls of St. Anthony, which are 900 miles above St. Louis, are the natural curiosity of this coun- try. They are nine miles above the mouth of the St. Peter's, where I am now writing. The Falls are also about nine miles above this fort (Snelling) and the junction of the two rivers, (ilississippi and ^linne- sota) and although the fall is a picturesque and spir- ited scene, it is but a pygmy in size to Niagara. The actual pei-pendicular fall is but 18 feet, though of half a mile or so in extent, which is the width of the river, with brisk and leaping rapids above and below, giving life and spirit to the scene. * * * "To him or her of too little relish for Nature's rude works, there will be found a redeeming pleasure at the mouth of St. Peter's and the Fall of St. Anthony. These scenes have often been described, and I leave them for the world to come and gaze upon for them- selves. At the same time, I recommend to all people to make their next 'fashionable tour' a trip to St. Louis; thence by steamer to Rock Island, Galena, Dubuque, Prairie du Chien, Lake Pepin, the St. Peter's, Falls of St. Anthony; then back to Prairie du Chien, etc." Catlin, too, was ungrateful for favors. He could not have made the trip to Pipestone Quarry without the help of Sibley and La Framboise, and yet in his report he denounced them unjustly and shamefully. HISTORY OF MINNEAl^OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 55 Nicollet's four visits, 1836-37-38-39. The first large and almost exactly correct map of nearly all of the area of Jlinnesota and of much other portions of the western and northwestern parts of the United States was drafted by Joseph Nicolas Nicollet, a French astronomer and civil engineer, and pub- lished by the U. S. Government a short time after his death, in 1843, in connection with his rejjort of his extensive ofHeial surveys. Nicollet was born in Savoy, France, in 1786. He came to the United States in 1832 and not long afterward entered the engineering service of the regular army. In 1S3() he came first to Fort Snelling and ascended the Mississippi to its sources, surveying the country en route. He passed the winter of 1836-37 at Fort Snelling, and he says, "was a witness that $15 was paid for a barrel of tlour and $25 for barreled pork at St. Peter, which had probably cost respectively $5 and $8 at St. Louis." In 1838 he surveyed the valley of the Minnesota and much adjoining territory, ascended that river to Lake Traverse and then went south by way of Lake Shetek to the Red Pipestone Quarry. Here on the crest of the "leaping rock," on July 1, he carved his name ; the other members of his party, including the afterwards distinguished John C. Fremont (who then wrote his name Charles Fremont simply) cut their initials. In the almost adamantine jasper rock the carved letters are as plain to-day as when made. In 1839 he ascended the Missouri as high as to Fort Pierre Chouteau. This place was then a trading post owned by the American Fur Company, of which Pierre Chouteau, of St. Louis, was a prominent mem- ber. The name of the fort was afterwards contracted to Fort Pierre ; now there stands opposite the site of the old fort the city of Pierre, the capital of South Dakota. He surveyed the country as far north as to Devil's Lake, and then came back across the prairies to the Minnesota, or St. Peter's, as it was then called.- His maji of the country over which he passed was by all odds the best made up to that time. His descriptions of the lands are accurate, his spelling of Indian names uniformly correct, or so that they can be distinctly and rightly pronounced, and altogether his report is in certain respects invaluable. Of the; locality called "St. Peter's," which included the trading houses then on the Mendota side of the Minnesota, Fort Snelling, and the ])lateau upon which it is situated, Nicollet says spiritedly : "St. Peter's is, in ray opinion, the finest site on the Mississippi River. 'The natural beauties of its environs add to its importance and grandeur. Upon reaching this place, the traveler is already premon- ished of the magnificent scenery which he will enjoy in ascending the river tlirough its long, narrow, and deej) valley. At the confluence of the St. Peter's and the Mississippi there is an extensive and fertile platt»au. This reaches far to the west and presents to the delighted gaze a level country, interrupted by moderate undulations of the surface and beautified by intervening prairies, tracts of woodland and lakes." Of Minnehaha P'alls he writes: "Three miles from Fort Snelling, and on the right bank of the Mississippi, there is a very pretty cas- cade." Of St. Anthony's Falls he makes but brief mention, viz. : "Four miles further up from the Little Falls we reach the celebrated Falls of St. Anthony. This fall — examined in detail, with the noi.sy boiling of its waters, rebounding in jets from the accumulated debris at its foot, its ascending vapors, and the long and verdant island that separates the two portions of the falls, with the solitary rocky island that stands in front — altogether form a grand and imposing si)cctacle." The possibilities and the probabilities of the utiliza- tion of the tremendous power of St. Anthony's Falls, and of the necessary and resultant foundation of a great city at their site, are not even hinted at by Nicol- let, or indeed by any other of the; distinguished early visitors to the great cataract. The Falls, in their entirety, seem to have impressed them only as a natural beauty, a thing of picturesqueness and charm, worth traveling hundreds of miles to see. Nor did the country of jMinuesota impress them as a promising future seat of a great civilization. They gave favorable descriptions thereof, wrote rhapsodical delineations of its topogi-aphy, its scenery, its rich soil, its beautiful lakes and streams, but said no word of recommendation concerning its fitness as a site for future permanent white settlement, occupation, and development. Only the pine timber was mentioned as the resource of the country likely to become of some, but not of great, importance. They seemed to be keeping back or withholding some information and ideas; doubtless they were, and these ideas were prob- ably those given them by certain white men to the efi'ect, that, owing to its high latitude and extremely cold seasons, the country would not, because it could not, even be a valuable agricultural region or attain to a high state of civilization and development. Nicollet's descriptions of the country and his map were embodied in a little volume printed and widely circulated by the Government in 1843. His map became a standard one; it was often cited in treaties, State and Territorial boundaries, etc., and "accord- ing to Nicollet's map" appeared frequently in the printed documents connected with such matters. His descriptions of the country hardly induced immigra- tion to it. He made no reference to a future city of the proportions of Minneapolis at the Falls, and all he said of the country aliout the great cataract was: "From St. Antliony's Falls may be visited the Lake of the Isles, Lake Calhoun. Lake Harriet, and other lakes. Then, crossing the St. Peter's near its mouth, the traveler ascends the Pilot Knob, from the summit of which he enjoys a magnificent view, embracing the whole surrounding horizon; and if he will conclude his excursion by going to two natural grottoes [Car- ver's and the Fountain Cave, St. Paul] in the vicinity, he may flatter himself that it has been most actively and pleasurably performed." Of the more remote country on the prairies, he thought none of it liardly worth settling upon save at "the oases of timber" dispersed here and there. He 56 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA thought Traverse des Sioux eligible to become a place of importance, but the only other available sites for villages in the JMinnesota country which impressed him favorably were the shores of Lac qui Parle, Lake Benton, Lake Shetek, Lake Tetouka, Spirit Lake (now in Iowa) and two or three other lakes. Tetonka was then the site of Alexander Faribault's trading jjost which he afterwards removed to Lake Sakatah, near by. Moreover tlie accomplislied engineer favored and recommended the proposed establishment of the north- ern boundarj' of the forthcoming State of Iowa as the parallel of latitude passing through the present site of the village of Hanska, Brown County, and the mouth of the Blue Earth and extending eastward to the Mississippi above ^linnesota Citj% in the northern part of Winona County. He preferred that the west- ern boundary of Iowa be a meridian running due south of the mouth of the Blue Earth. In 18-44 a proper convention of the people of the Territorj' submitted a constitution to Congress for the proposed new State of Iowa, with boundaries detined, etc. March 3, 1845, Congress rejected these proposed boundaries, and substituted others embody- ing the Nicollet ielea regarding the northern and west- ern, save that the latter should be the meridian of Hanska, a few miles south of New Ulm. The constitu- tion as amended had to be adopted by the voters of Iowa Territory and at the election in the fall of 1845 they rejected it, but by the narrow margin of 596 votes. Had oUO electors who voted against it cast their ballots in its favor, it would have been adopted. Then all of the present part of Minnesota east of the meridian of Hanska and south of the parallel between ilankato and "Whitman City would now be in Iowa ! Our State would not include the eleven fine counties of Southeastern Minnesota — Houston, Winona, Fill- more, Olmsted, Dodge, ilower, Fi-eeborn, Steele, Waseca, Faribault, and Blue Earth, nor all of Brown, Watonwan, and Martin. Just to what extent Nicol- let's declared preference infiuenced Congress to fix the boundaries as it did cannot be said ; but as other points were described in the act as "according to Nicollet's map," it may be presumed that his opinions were at least given consideration. Nicollet's proposition would have been a good thing for Iowa, but bad for ^Minnesota, Minneapolis included. That he did not carefully forecast the future of the country is evidenced. He was an accom- plislied engineer and his surveys of the country were accurate almost to a dot ; but the adapta))ility of a country to civilization is not computed by theodolitic measurements or calculations by sines and tangents. The great surveyor failed to note the importance of the St. Peter's country; failed to conceive that white men would invade it ; failed to discern that a conllict between the forces of civilization and of bar- bai'ism for the permanent possession of this and the vast regions surrounding was certain to ensue, and that civilizalion would win : and failed to discover that in this conflict the Falls of St. Anthony would con- stitute th(> key-point of the battlefield. MINNESOTA PASSES PERILOUS CRISES. ilinnesota passed many crises in early days. The Iowa boundary proposition was only one. The north- ern boundary proposed first by the Iowa people, and which Congress rejected for the one they rejected in 1845, was worse for Minnesota than the latter. It was fixed as a line from the mouth of the Big Sioux to the mouth of the Blue Earth then down the JMinne- sota to the Mississippi and thence down that river to the Missouri line. If this bouudai-y had been adopted by Congress — and it came near adoption — and rati- fied by the people, Jlendota and all of the present Southeastern Minnesota south of the Minnesota and west of the i\Iississippi would be now a part of Iowa. Another crisis was the Doty treaty of 1841, made at Traverse des Sioux between Gov. James D. Doty, then Governor of Wisconsin Territory, and the Sioux chiefs of Mimiesota. The Sioux agi-eed to sell all their lands in what are now Minnesota, the Dakotas, and Northwestern Iowa, except some small reservations. The country acquired was to be made a Northern Indian Territory, the equivalent of the Southern Indian Territory, (now Oklahoma) and used as a dumping gi-ound for all the Indian tribes and frag- ments of tribes east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio. The Democratic Senators in Congress killed this treaty, because they considered it a Whig meas- ure authorized and promoted by Jolm Bell, of Ten- nessee, then Secretary of War. Had they ratified it, ^Minneapolis and Minnesota would not have come into existence when and as they did. Indian occupation might have held them in the clutches of barbarism until in 1!)07, when Oklahoma became a State in the Union. THE FIRST FOUNDATIONS OP MINNEAPOLIS AND THE MEN WHO LAID THEM. The now distinguished men that visited the site of Minneapolis advertised it. The Indian treaties of 1837 opened the country on the eastern side of the ilississippi to white occupation, and as soon as the news of their ratification reached the St. Peter 's coun- try that occupation began. In the case of Minne- apolis that beginning had to be confined for a con- siderable time to the east side of the river. The Fort Snelling reservation and the Indian title to the Trans- Mississippi country forbade settlement on that side. The boundaries of the reservation were not well defined, but when Lieut. Pike treated for it the reser\'e itself was described merely as nine miles square about an indefinite point somewhere "below the mouth of the St. Peter's." However, this was sufficient to keep off settlers from the vicinity of the west end of St. Anthony's Falls, unless the military authorities per- mitted them to come. The U. S. Senate ratified the Indian treaties of 1837 on June 15. 1838, but not until a month later did the authentic news reach ?"'ort Snelling per the steamboat Palmyra. Capt. John Holland master, nine days up from St. Louis. The boat first carried the news up the St. Croix to the Falls, whither it went with .some mill machinery and other supplies for lirsTOKY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 57 Frank Sttule's lumbering company, with something of the same sort for Joseph K. Brown, who, foreseeing that tile treaties would soon be ratilied, had already begun the cutting of pine timber to be sawed in a mill already in process of erection. The Palmyra witli her good news came to Fort Suelling a few ilays later, or July 15, 183S, and soon afterward Franklin Steele, the new sutler at Fort Snelliug, and more justly entitled to be called the foiiiidir of Minneapolis than any other person, began preparations for building a city at the great tumultu- ous Falls of St. Anthony of Padua. On the eastern shore of the river, at the north end of the ledge over which rolled the cataract he made a "claim" to 160 acres of land. All he could do was to "claim" the laud and occupy it ; it was not then subject to regular entry ami ditl not become so until in 18-17. The particulars of Mr. Steele's "claim" of the laud are given on subsequent pages. THE CRITICAL YEABS OF 1838-39. The year 1837 was a memorable one in Minnesota and Minneapolis history, for during that year were made tiie important treaties before described; also, during that year something occurred which had an important bearing upon the founding and future destiny of Minneapolis. This something was the action taken by the military authorities of Fort Snelliug to eject and evict the settlers on the reserva- tion in the vicinity of the Fort. JMaj. Joseph Plymjjton, a Massachusetts man, took comnuiud of Fort Snelliug in the summer of this year, and it was he who instituted the action. The ilajor was an anomalous character. The descendant of Puritans and himself a psalm-singing Presbyterian from the Bay State, he desired to own slaves, pur- chased two from brother otifieers, but failed to buy a woman from Agent Taliaferro. An officei' of the U. S. army, with a sworn duty to i)rotect American citi- zens and settlers, he was especially hostile to those about Fort Snelliug. He -had arrested and confined in the guard-house those well-meaning and God-fear- ing men, Abraham Perret, the Frent^h-Swiss watch- nuiki'i-, and Louis Massie, the Canadian farmer, and I'onlined them in the guard-house because their cattle broke into the enclosures of the Fort. Maj. Plymi)ton was typical of the then' commanders of the Fort, of whom Col. John II. Stevens, in an address before the Miinieapolis Lyceum, iu 1856, said: "At that time, as often before and since, the com- manding officers at tiie Fort were 'the Lords of the North.' They ruled supreme. The citizens iu the neighborhood of the Fort were at any time liable to be thrust into the guard-hous<'. While the commander of the Fort w-as the King, the officers were the princes, and persons were deprivd of their liberty and impi'isoned by these tyrants for the most trivial wrong, or even for some imaginai'y ofTense." It was perhaps not best that ^laj. Plympton should have been in couunand at Fort Snelliug at any time; it cei'taiidy was not well that he had that authority in 1837-38-30 and that he inaugurated and enforced a particularly unjust and hai-mful policy. In October, 1837, by order of Major Plympton, a survey was made by Lieutenant Ephraim Kirby Smith.* The white inhabitants iu the vicinity of the Fort were found to number 157. On the Fort Snell- iug side, in what was called Baker's settlemeul, (around the old Camp Coldwater) and at Massie 's Landing, (three or four cabins strung along under the blull) there were 82 people; on the south side of the Jliunesota, including those at the Fur Company 's establishments presided over by Sibley, Alex. Fari- bault, and Antoine Le Claire, there were 75. Seven families were living opposite the Fort, on the east bank of the Slississippi, and the head of one of them was Francois Desire, alias Francois Fronchet, who had been a soldier under Napoleon and also of the American army, mustered out from the latter service at Fort Suelling. He was iu the service of Nicollet when the latter made his explorations in this quarter. Lieut. Smith further reported that the settlers had "nearly 200 horses and cattle.'' In transmitting Lieut. Smith's report to the War Department Maj. Plympton indicated his determina- tion to eject the settlers from the reserve, alleging that they were cousinning the wood on the tract which was needed by the garrison. The Secretary thought Plympton must know best, ami directed him to mark over on a map an area of land necessary to be reserved. In IMarch, 1838, he traaismitted such a map and upon it was marked an extensive tract, embracing a considerable quantity of land on the east side — now- the St. Paul side — of the Mississipjii. About the same time Plympton wrote and caused other letters to be written to the Department favor- ing a large reservation. Writing himself, he declared that the interests of the military post (the future of the country and the welfare of the people being tlis- regarded) demanded the reservation he had marked on his map. Surgeon John Emerson (Dred Scott's owner) wrote, in April, that the reservation ought to be "twenty miles square, or to the mouth of the St. Croix River." In July (1838) following, Plymjiton ordered away all the settlers from the reserve. Ilis order forbade: "All persons not attached to the military from erecting any building or buildings, fence or fences, or cutting timber for any but for public use within said line, which has been surveyed and forwarded to the War Department subject to the final decision thereof. 'Sly order must, as a matter of right, more particularly aliiule to jiersons urging themselves within the lines at this tinu\" Meanwhile the settlers had not been idle and unconcerned. About the time of the making of the treaties, in 1837, they had a hint that they were to be turned out of and awa.v from their homes and from the reservation as soon as the treaties w-ent into effect. Thereupon they sent a memorial to President Van Buren upon the subject of their ini|)ei-iled situation. They said that they had settled upon lands which they * A Connecticut man, a West Pointer, killoii at Molino (let Rev. in tlie ^texican War. He I'as sometimes lieen cont'onmleiJ with Kdinnnd Kirby Smith, who liecamc a prominent Confed- erate general. 58 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA were assured belonged to the public domain; that they had only exercised the privileges extended to them by the benign and salutary laws under whose operation other parts of the Western country had been peopled ; that they had erected houses and culti- vated fields upon the tracts they occupied ; that many of them had large families of children that had no other homes; that the labor of years had been invested in these homes, and they appealed to the President for protection in them. They further asked that, if in the pending treaty the lauds they occupied should be purchased from the Indians for a military reservation and they ejected from them, then, and in that case, a provision should be inserted in the treaty providing for a just payment to them for their improvements. This memorial seems to have been prepared by H. H. Sibley and among its many signers (some of whom could not write) were Louis Massie, Abraham Perret, Peter Quiun, Antoine Pepin, Duncan Graham, Oliver Cratte, Joseph Bisson, Louis Dirgulee, Jacob Falstrom, and Joseph Reasche. Numerous descend- ants of the first seven named now live in the State. Jacob Falstrom, subsequently connected with the Methodist missionary service, and who was married to a Chippewa woman, was the first Swede to perma- nently settle in Minnesota. All the signers were white men but all those named except Perret and Jlassie had Indian wives. Yet the impassioned remonstrances of the settlers were without avail. No provision to pay them for the improvements they had made was inserted in eitlier of the treaties, and they were commanded to abandon their homes and little farms and go across the river, to the east side, into the Territory of Wis- consin, and outside of the reservation. Some of them left during the summer of 1838: a few left the country entirely, going down to Prairie du Chien. Those who remained did so in the hope that there would be an intervention in their favor — that some- thing would turn up. Certain influential persons endeavored to have Maj. Plympton become satisfied with the departure of several settlers, and for a time he was quiet and let those who had remained dwell in peace in their humble homes. But in 1839 Plympton broke out again. He declared that all settlers sliould be driven from the reserva- tion at the muzzle of the musket and point of the bayonet if necessary. The reason he assigned was that some of them were selling whisky on the east side of the river, and that therefore everybody on both sides should be driven away. Now, there was an illegal and very harmful liquor traffic being carried on by four I'stnblishmeiits east of the river. These were conducted by Theodore j\Ienk and "Nigger Jim" Thompson, on the east bank; Pierre Parrant, down at the Fountain Cave, and Donald McDonald, on the plateau back of the Cave. For this misconduct some 40 or 50 innocent men and their families were expelled from their homes on the west side to make new homes on the east side. There were no excep- tions. The wife of Abraham Perry, good old "Aunt Mary Ann," was an accomplished and expert mid- wife, or accoucheuse, and the married ladies of the garrison at the Fort begged Plympton to allow her and her husband to remain, but the ofiSeer was inexorable. The result was that the settlers went away from the west side of the river to the east side — though some of them did not go far enough eastward until in 1840, when they were again evicted by the U. S. Marshal from Prairie du Chien with two companies from Fort Snelling. The people were forced to move all their property away. The soldiers, under the direction of Marshal Ira B. Brunson, threw their furniture and other belongings out of their cabins and then burned the cabins. The settlers went down to about where the "Seven Corners" now are in St. Paul, and some of them farther below. The whisky sellers also moved farther down; Jlenk and "Nigger Jim" were closed up, but ilcDonald and Parrant kept on selling whisky. EFFECTS OF THE EVICTIO.N. Had the unjust and unreasoning ]\Iajor Plympton (really he was only a brevet-major at the time) allowed the settlers to remain on the west side of the Mississippi, about Fort Snelling, what mighty and everlasting good would have been effected! The people he drove away formed a settlement which in time became St. Paul. Had Plympton allowed them to remain near Fort Snelling, their settlement would in time have become the nucleus of a great and powerful city extending from south of the Minnesota northward to beyond St. Anthony Fails and east and west from the Mississippi to beyond Lake Harriet. Within these boundaries would now be a solid, compact city ; suburbs would be beyond these borders. Fort Snelling, if not abolished, wonld now stand on the east side of the river. The State capitol build- ings would probably stand where Stephen A. Douglas wanted Ihem to stand, on that "heaven-kissing hill" which we call Pilot Knob, with the State House on the crest visible 50 miles away in every direction. There would be no St. Paul, no Twin Cities, but one great, magnificent city, larger by far and better in all respects than the aggregated cities as they now are. The 157 souls, "in no way connected with the mili- tary," which Lieut. E. K. Smith found in the fall of 1837, were enough, with their 200 horses and cattle, to start a city with. The first plat, after old St. Anthony, might have been laid out near Fort Snell- ing, but in time it would have extended clear up to the Falls. But for the ungenerous and even tyrannical dispo- sition of Major Joseph Plympton. dressed in his lirief authority, Minneapolis might today, or in the near future, be a strong rival of Chicago. It is a very good and a very great city as it stands ; perhaps there is no use in making it any better, but it may well be made greater. CHAPTER VII. PRELIMINARIES OF THE CITY'S FOUNDING. claim-making follows treaty r.vtification franklin steele makes the first legal land claims at st. Anthony's falls — who his associates were — building the first mill on the east side — the work op development proceeds slowly for want of a little money first homes and occupants at st. anthony — the country and the general situation in 1847, etc., etc. Among all the white men that came to Minnesota prior to 1840 only the refugees from Red River and perhaps four missionaries came with the intention of making liomes, identifying themselves with the coun- try, and remaining permanently. All the rest had come as transients, as soldiers, as traders, as employes, under engagements for a certain length of time, and wlien this time expired they expected to and generally did leave the country. A few voyageurs and other engagees of the fur company aiul a few discharged soldiers from Fort Snelling concluded to remain and take chances. They had no settled purposes in life or abiding places, and might as well be one place as another. Like most of their comrades and associates, tliey were mere birds of passage, flitting from one locality to another, and never resting long on any perch. One reason why the duration of the existence of these people in Jlinnesota was, practically speaking, merely ephemeral, was because they could not make jiermanent homes worthy of the name. They could not marry according to their tastes and ideals, and a home withnut a wife is practically no home. Thei'e were no nuirriageable white women in the country — ■ or but very few — and to many a. white man the idea of miscegenation or union with a woman of an alien and barbaric race was disagreeable, if not repulsive. Yet it was an Indian wife or none ! It is the natural desire of men to perpetuate their names through their children. And some men insisted that theirs should be white children only, and so they left the region where there were no white women and went elsew'here. Other men selected Indian women for wives and had children by them. Uniformly, with hardl.v an exception, these Indian women made most excellent wives for their husbands. They were chaste and pure; they were domestic and affectionate; they were industrious and economical ; they loved their hus- bands and children devotedly and would make any sacrifice for them. Some of the best people in Minne- sota are the descendants of early mixed-blood families, and the women as a rule manifest the exemplary traits of their Indian grandmothers. THE PIONEER.S WERE NOT PLUTOCRATS. In 1840 one might count on the fingers of his hands the men in the Minnesota country with money, or resources convertible into money on sight, to the value of $5,000. The wealthiest man was Franklin Steele, who probably could command $15,000. Sibley, the trader, was working for a salary of $1,000 a year and house rent and a percentage of the profits of the Fur Company above a certain sum ; sometimes this commis- sion amounted to $1,500, but generally to about half that amount, and sometimes it was nothing. Joseph R. Brown had some means ; but his operations were so diversified, and he moved from one place to another so frei|uently, that it was difficult to keep track of him, and to ti'll what he was worth at any i)articular time. The mill men had a snug sum in the aggregate, but perhaps their average wealth per man did not exceed $5,000. By combining, they were able to build a mill and conduct lumbering operations at St. Croix Falls. But no comhiiMtion of men could be found with disposition and capital to build adequate mills at St. Anthonij's Falls. Franklin Steele had to do the work practicalhj alone. FRANK STEELE AND JOE BROWN BELIEVED IN MINNESOTA. Steele and Joseph R. Brown were the most promi- nent of the men in the St. Peter's country who were determined to make ^Minnesota their pennanent homes. Sibley, a few years before his death, told the present writer that in 1840 he had no thought of passing the remainder of his days here. As soon as he had secured a comfortal)le "stake" from his business in the fur trade he meant to return to Detroit and settle down. He did not think the country would be any farther developed in fifty years, or by the year 1890, than the region in Canada north of Lake Superior. Brown said he would stay. There were so many chances for an energetic man. Grain could be grown successfully here, for he bad grown it. The country was finely adapted to stock raising, to growing corn, and to raising all kinds of vegetables ; hence it would be a farmer's country. The vast forests of the best pine timber were practically inexhaustible : the water power was incalculable and would last forever. A great deal of the country could be reached by steam- boats, and all these things woiild nmke a country of cities and towns and a large, thrifty population. (See Brown's letter to B. II. Eastman, Sibley papers."* Soon after the treaties of 1S.']7 had been ratified. Brown planned the creation of a new Territory of the 59 60 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA United States, whieli was to comprise a great deal of the country west of the Chippewa River in Wisconsin and north of the Iowa boundary, and this Territory was to be called ^linnesota, for its principal river, wholly within the State. In the prosecution of this plan iie went to the present site of Stillwater in 1839, laid out the first town, which he called "Dakotah," and wiiicli he designed sliould be the eapitol of the new Tcri-itory, and he built a huge two-story log building which he expected would be the eapitol building. Steele believed that the timber and water power of the country alone insured its fviture, and he was determined to venture his existence in that future. Although a young man, and without experience in milling or a.s a lumberman, he resolved to build big saw mills at St. Anthony and St. Croix and run them in connection with his .sutler store at Fort Snelling. FIRST CLAIMANTS AND LAND 0"«T^EES AT ST. ANTHONY. In 1836, before the land was subject to entry, the Indian title not having been relinquished, Major Joseph Plvmpton, Capt. ]\Iartin Scott, and another officer of tile Fifth U. S. Infantry from Fort Sneiling, made "claims" to a tract of land on the east side of the river, at St. Anthony 's Falls, and built a log cabin upon it. jMaj. Plympton liad succeeded Ma.j. John Bliss in command of the Fort, and subsequently drove away the settlers from the Fort reservation. In 1837 Serg(>ant Nathaniel Carpenter, also of the Fifth Infantry, made a "claim" adjoining the Plympton claim. Although it was illegal for a military officer to pre- empt land while holding a military commission, yet Maj. Plympton and his a.ssociates continued to claim their lands until after the time of the ratification of the treaty, or in Jul.y, 1838, and they were called "the Plvmpton claim" hv manv as late as in 1845. About the 16th of July, 1838, however. Frank Steele "jumped" the claim and continued to hold it. i\lr. Steele had spent the winter of 1837-38 in Wash- ington, endeavoring to secure the ratification of the Indian treaties. He returned from St. Louis to Fort Sni'lling June 13, 18.38, on the steamboat Burlington, Capt. Joseph Throckmorton. Among his fellow pas- .seiigcrs were Benj. F. Baker ("old Blue Beard''), a trader at Fort Snelling or "Coldwater"; Capt. Fred- erick IMarryat, the novelist, but then of the British navy, and Gen. Atkinson, of the U. S. army. The next day after their arrival the entire party rode up to the Falls of St. Anthony. Five days later, on June 18, came the steamer Ariel, also from St. Louis. One of its passengers, a Mr. Beebee, ainiounced that when be left there was a "rumor" current in St. Louis that the treaties had been ratified. The "rumor" was premature, for tlu^ ratification was not made until three days before the Ariel arrived at Fort Snelling. It was generally believed, however, and created much interest among Steele, Brown, and others who had already made "claims" to certain sites. MR. STEELE " JUMPS " THE PLYMPTON CLAIM. The night of the arrival of the Palmyi'a (July 15) ilr. Steele made due preparations and set out from Fort Snelling for the Plympton claim at the north end of the 1* alls. He cro.sscd the river at the Fort, went up on the east side, and at daylight had his tent pitched on the claim, and with his men went to work making '■improvements." Capt. Martin Scott, one of the partners in the Plympton claim, appeared on the west side of the Falls about the time Steele appeared on the east side. The captain had come up to "cinch" the title of the partners to the claim by occupying and "working" it; but he did not succeecl in crossing the river until Steele and his forces were securely in adverse possession and boasting of the fact. Capt. Scott protested against Steele's "jumping" tactics. He pointed to the cabin built by Plympton the year before as evidence of prior ownership of the claim by the partners. But Steele confidently replied: "You and Major Plympton know full well that you have no good claim to this site. You made your claim to it a year before it was subject to claiming; and, moreover, the law is plain and imperative that army officers are wholly incapable of either claiming or pre- empting land while they are in the military service. You have neither a moral or a legal claim here." The officer had to admit the correctness of Steele's position and retired. Jlr. Steele soon had another cabin readj' in which to receive visitors, and in a little while, late as was the season, planted a few vegetables. He placed a French-Canadian voyageur named La Gnie and his wife in ciiarge, and they so remained until the fall of 1839, when a sad tragedy terminated their occupancy. POOR UNFORTUNATE MRS. LA GRUE ! Mrs. La Grue may have had a little Indian blood in her veins, but she was almost white in appearance. La Grue was a good sportsman and fond of hunting and fishing. Returning from a hunting trip, at the time mentioned, he found his cal)in burned to the ground, with everything it had contained, and the charred body of his wife lay among the smoking ruins. How the house came to take fire, or why ]\Irs. La Grue did not save her.self, was never explained. There were no witnesses and the dead woman could tell no tales. No censure was ever placed upon the husband, how- ever. After gazing upon his loss for a little time. La Grue started to cross the river below the Falls in an efi:'ort to reach the old Government mill, where he hoped to pass the night, before going to j\Ir. Steele with a report of his loss. But on the bluff, where the Univer- sity buildings now stand, he encountered a war party of Chippewas, hidden and in bivouac in the dense grove of oaks. They had .slipped down from ^lille Lacs and hoped to surprise some unwary Sioux from about Fort Snelling and take their scalps. They, however, received La Grue kindly, commiserated him because of his misfortune and bereavement, and enter- tained him as best they could, aiding him to cross the river next morning. HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 61 It was believed by many that this band of Chip- pewas were the murderers of La Urue's wife and the incendiaries tliat first plundered and then burned his cabin. Why they did not kill hiiu wliere they found liini cannot be explained. A few weeks after the tragedy. La Grue left the country and never returned. Mrs. La G rue's death was the first of a person living in cirilization on the present site of Minneapolis. The (late was in tlic fall of 1S39, probably in October. FURTHER HISTORY OP STEELE'S CL.\IXI. A singularly incorrect version of Frank Steele's occupation of the Plympton claim has frequently been made and printed. It is said tliat when Mr. Steele made his claim it was mid-winter and very cold ; that he crossed the Mississippi on tlie ice; that he built a board sliack and "planted" potatoes in the snow, etc., etc. Even the late Gen. R. W. Johnson, of St. Paul, who was 'Sir. Steele's brother-in-law, and was pre- sumed to know the facts, gives the version above in his otherwise historically correct Ft. Snelling sketch which appears in Volume 8 of the State Historical Society's "Collections." The fact that Steele ".jumped" the Plympton claim Ji;ly 16, (the next day after the arrival of tlie steamboat Palmyra at Fort Snelling) makes it impossible that the arctic con- ditions mentioned in Gen. Johnson's account could have existed when the noted pioneer made his claim. .\fter La Grue left the country, heart broken over the fate of his wife. Charles Landr.v, (or Laundry) another Frencli-Canadian voyageur, was, according to the best evidence obtainable, placed in charge of the Steele claim. It seems that La Grue had lived in the cabin built b.v Plympton and Scott, and this hav- ing been burned Landry occupied the one built by Steele. A postscript to a note from Steele to Sibley dated in December, 1839. sa.vs : "Do not let C. Lan- diy have anything on my account without a written order." Landry was not as faithful a steward as La Grue had been. He was wont to ab.sent himself from the Steele claim frequentl.y and remain away for days. It was the rule, if not the law, that the occupation l)y a claimant i by himself or agent) of a claim must be continuous. If he was absent from it 24 hours, it might be, during his absence, held and occupied by another. On one occasion when Landry, after an absence of some days, returned to his cabin he found it (X'iMipied liy James (or Theodore) Menk. (or ]Menke oi- Jlink) the afore-mentioned discharged soldier and whisky seller. Jim JMenk was as daring as he was unscrupulous. He sat with a rifle ])etween his knees and swore he would "blow out the brains" of any man that attcmiited to enter the cabin or to possess tile claim against him ! In great alarm and distress L;inili'y left Menk and hurried to Mr. Steele and reported the forcible entry and detainer of the bold, bad Englishman. Steele promptly and vigorously kicked Landry from his pres- ence for his negligence and faithlessness, and then proceeded to make terms with Jim .Menk. He was forced to pay Jim $200 in cash and $100 in store goods to relinquish the claim. Mr. Steele then decided to put on the claim the head of a family as his agent and steward, so that when the agent was oti the claim .some member of his family would remain to hold it. So Stole sent over- from the Fort, Jcseph Reasche, another Canailian, with an Indian wife, w-ho was industrious, faithful, and prolific. She had five sons and two daughters. Keasche had been a trader's assistant, and even a trader, among the Sioux, and was well known in the country. He could read, write, and cast accounts, while nearly every one of his asso- ciates couUI, like Jack Cade, thank God that he could do neither, but signed his name with a mark, "like an honest, plain-dealing man.'" But among them all "the wonder grew" that one snudi head, like Joe Reasche 's, could "carry all he knew." Reasche died at his home in North St. Anthony in 1854. Landry died near Bottineau Prairie in 1853. So that, without counting Charles Wilson, tlie first four white men to reside on any part of the present site of ^Minneapolis were La Grue, James Menk, Charles Landry, and Joseph Reasche — not taking into account the men that lived in the little house at the Government mill, on the south side of the river; for they were soldiers and their home — if it be proper to call it a home — was properly Fort Snelling. And tlie occupation of these people was in 1838 and 1839. It may well be borne in mind that at the beginning of the year 1840 there were but three human dwellings here, and one was the hut at the Government mill ; one was Steele's log hut occupied ])y Keasche and famil.v. and the other was a log hut on the Carpenter & (^>uiini claim, north of Steele's, occupant now unknown. WHERE THE FHiST CLAIMS LAY. Ml'. St.*ele"s claim (the old Pl.vmjjton claim) was noted in the written claim as "bountled on the north by a line beginning at a large cedar tree, situated on the east bank of the river," opposite the Falls, and "running thence in right angles to the river" to an indefinite extent. The first boundary lines of the claims were almost admirably luicertain and confused. If the land had been wortli -$100 a square foot, as it is to-day. perhaps the claimants would have been more careful. Sergeant Nathaniel Carpenter's claim, which has been alluded to as having been made in 1837, before the treaties were ratified, was l)()undcd, "on the south b.v the claim of Majoi' J. Plympton," and on the west "by the river." The northern and eastern bounds bafWe description and understanding, but the whole tract was to "contain about 320 acres." The two claims of Steele and Carpenter comprised all the lands on the east side of the Falls then considered worth claiming! On November 3, 1838, Sergeant Carpenter trans- ferred a half interest in his claim to Thomas Brown, for a consideration of $25. Brown is described in the certificate of transfer as "Private Thomas Brown, of Compan.v A, Fifth United Stati's Infantry." One- half of 360 acres of I\Iinneai)olis town site for $25! A log house was soon after built on the claim by the 62 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA joint owners. It was situated near the river, on land between what are now Third and Fourth Avenues Northeast. The certificate (still owned by the heirs of the late John B. Bottineau) states that the land referred to is "in the County of Crawford, and Terri- tory of Wisconsin;" it is dated at "Fort Snelling, Iowa Territory," and is signed by Nathaniel Car- penter, in the presence of George W. P. Leonard. Who occupied the Carpenter cabin is not known. May 6, 18-iO, Thomas Brown transferred his inter- est in the claim to Peter Quinn, who was described as "of St. Peter, Iowa Territory." The deed of transfer, which is attached to the deed from Carpenter to Brown, is signed by Brown and witnessed by Norman W. Kittson, then a young fur trader at the Cold Spring, near Fort Snelling. Kittson wrote his name, but Brown, who would have been described by Jack Cade as "an honest, plain-dealing man," could not write, but made his X mark. Kittson was born in Lower Canada in 1814 and came to Fort Snelling in 1834. Later in life he set- tled in St. Paul and became very wealthy, prominent, and influential in Northwestern commercial life. He died in 1888. Peter Quinn was born in Ireland and came to Fort Snelling in 1824 from Winnipeg : his half-blood Cree Indian wife (maiden name Mary Louise Findley) came the following winter on snow- shoes, losing her baby en route in a storm. Quinn became a trader's clerk, Sioux and Chippewa inter- preter, Indian farmer, etc., at Fort Snelling and was acting as Indian interpreter for the Minnesota volun- teers when he was killed at Redwood Ferry, Aug. 18, 1862, at the beginning of the great Sioux Out- break. ilay 1, 184.5, Peter Quinn sold his interest in the claim to Samuel J. Findley and Roswell P. Russell. The transfers were very loosely made, without seals and without naming a consideration. While Quinn had become entitled to an undivided half, in his deed to Finley and Russell he attempts to divide the claim and describes the part sold as "half of claim — say, north portion." But nobody questioned the deed then. Findley (or Finley) was a Canadian Scotch- man and at the time he bought the Quinn interest he was a clerk in Steele's sutler store at Fort Snelling; the following year (1846) he married Quinn 's daugh- ter, Jlargaret ; subsequently he ran the ferry at Fort Snelling for many years. He died in 1855. Russell came to Fort Snelling with Henry M. Rice, in 1839. He established the first store in Minneapolis, was receiver of the land office, and became a very promi- nent and useful citizen. JMay 9, 1846, Findley and Russell deeded their interest to Pierre Bottineau, (often pronounced Burch-e-noe) one of the most honorably noted mixed- bloods in Minnesota. The deed to Bottineau describes the property as, " a certain tract of United States land in the Territory of Wisconsin, St. Croix County, on the Mississipi)i Rivrr, above the Falls of St. Anthony, containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres, more or less." The consideration is named as .$150. The deed was written by Joseph R. Brown, and of course is in correct and proper form. It is witnessed by Brown and Philander Prescott. Mention has already been made that Brown made the first "claim" to land in Hennepin County, selecting a tract on Minnehaha Creek, near its mouth. Prescott was long connected with the Government sendee at Fort Snelling, as Indian farmer, etc. Although his wife was one of their tribe and he had children by her, he was mur- dered by the Sioux on the upper Minnesota, the first day of the outbreak of 1862. PIERRE BOTTINEAU, ELI PETTIJOHN, AND JOSEPH KONDO. Pierre Bottineau had come to Fort Snelling in 1837, with Martin McLeod, (for whom a eounty is named) having lost two companions on the way. The men lost were two officers, who had been in the British military service and were coming into the United States from Winnipeg. One, Lieut. Hayes, was of Irish extraction ; the other, Lieut. Parys, was a Polish gentleman of long experience in military life. They were lost in a heavy blizzard west of Lake Traverse. Bottineau was the largest real estate owner in East Minneapolis for several years in the beginning. From the papers of J. B. Bottineau it has been learned that Pierre Bottineau became the owner of the remainder of the Carpenter claim in 1844, and thus came to own and control all of the original Carpenter tract of 320 acres. In 1842 came Eli Pettijohn, an Ohio man. He has resided in ilinneapolis nearly ever since, and now (July, 1914) still resides here, aged 96. Strangely enough, his name is given in Warner & Foote's, Hud- son's, and At water's and other histories as "Petit John, " as if his family name were John and his Chris- tian name Petit. He made a claim south of Steele's claim, or down the river, where the University build- ings now stand. Ever since 1842 this noble old pioneer has lived continuously on the site of ilinneapolis and it is passing strange whj- the historians Atwater and Hudson have failed to make proper mention of him. In 1845 Pierre Bottineau purchased Pettijohn 's claim and then was, by odds, the largest landholder in the locality. His possessions extended down the river, or eastward, almost indefinitely. The same year that Eli Pettijohn made his claim, or in 1842, came another French-Canadian, Joseph Rondo (or Rondeau), and made a claim north of the Carpenter claim. He was a Red River refugee, and one of those evicted by ilaj. Plympton's order from the Fort Snelling reservation. He came up from down St. Paul way and made a claim with such uncer- tain boundaries that he was alwaj'S in trouble about them. He was 46 years of age then, and could not brook opposition from the younger men of the settle- ment. Then he was aggressive and troublesome, and was continually trying to encroach upon the Carpen- ter claim, especially upon Boom Island. In 1845, after Bottineau had bought the Pettijohn claim, he began to have trouble with Rondo, but settled it in a summary and effective way. Rondo had a claim down at "St. Paul's Landing," as it was then called, and spent some time upon it. One day, when he was absent from his St. Anthony claim, Bottineau HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 63 and others tore down his little eabin and with a yoke of oxen hauled away the logs a mile or more north- ward and piled them up. Then Bottineau proceeded to "jump" the Rondo claim and hold it. Rondo gave over all attempts to get his claim back, and in the fall of 1845 settled permanently vn his St. Paul holdings. He lived at St. Paul the remainder of his life, died wealthy, and had a street named for him. In a subsequent controversy over land that had been included iu the original Rondo claim testimony was introduced to show that it was really included in the Frank Steele claim. Herewith is given a copy of a certificate, preserved among the Bottineau papers, which was introduced as evidence in the controversy referred to : "This is to certify that I helped James Mink to run certain lines on claims belonging to ^Ir. Mink (now said claim belonging to Mr. F. Steele) and one belong- ing to Jlr. QuiuD, lying on the east side of the ]\lissis- sippi River, near the Falls of St. Anthony. I do hereby further certify that the northern line of the claim, now belonging to S. J. Findley and R. P. Rus- sell, was run by me, in the year 183S, it then belong- ing to Mr. P. Quinn. The said line was marked to commence on a large elm tree, near the shore, above the small island in the Mississippi River opposite said claiming. The said nortliern line was marked accord- ing to law. The trees were all in a line, running due northeast from the river, or from above said elm tree, and were blazed on all four sides as well as could be done then. "This is further to certify that, according to the way the above said northern line of said claim was drawn, that Joseph Rondo has no claim whatever to it ; that said Rondo drew his line inside of the above said line, some two or three years after. "Sept. 9th, 18-t5. Witness: Peter Ilayden. ''Bcrptistc S pence." (For an interesting and generally correct account of these early land claims at St. Anthony, now East Minneapolis, see Warner & Foote's History of Henne- pin County, 1881, chap. 5.5; also, John H. Stevens's "Minnesota and Its People.") THE SITUATION IN 1845. In 1845 the former Petti.iohn hou.se was occupied by Baptiste Turpin, a French half-breed voyageur, though the claim was still owned by Pierre Bottineau. Paschal and Sauverre St. Martin, Canadian-French- men, came this year and made a claim below the Pettijohn claim, which extended down the river below what is now East Washington Avenue and perhaps Riverside Park. The population of Minneapolis in 1845 was prob- ably 50. AVe may speak of the place as Afinneapnlis, although it then had, properly considered, neither "a local habitation or a name." It had not been chris- tened or even laid out. The place comprised a few log cabins scattered along the east side of the river and the head of the household in each case, with but one exception, was a French-Canadian or a French- Indian. All of them were cither guarding their own claims or those of employers. Old ^laloney was living at the Government mill, on the west bank of the river, but he was a soldier and an Irishman. Chas. Wilson, an ex-soldier from the Fort and long in the employ of Steele as a teamster, was a white man and born in Maryland; he held Steele's claim for him at intervals, but the greater part of the time was engaged in teaming. His wife died in 1838 and when he became a single man, his home was under his hat, wherever that was, and lie spent the most of his time at Fort Snelling. Col. Stevens and Judge Atwater, however, considered him the first American settler. Only one house in the place had a shingled roof, and that was Steele's eabin, which was occupied by Joseph Reasche. The other roofs wei-e of elm bark or birch bark or sod. APPEARANCE OP MINNKiVPOLIS IN THE LATE FORTIES. In 1842 the east side of the river at the Falls was practically an unbroken forest, with little clearings about the cabins. Nicollet Island was covered with magnificent sugar maples, and for successive years, until the trees were cut downi, three or fouj* sugar camps were opened by the families living near. These sugar makers were invariably assisted by Indian women from Cloud Man's and Good Road's villages. As the trees were on an island constantly surrounded by water, their roots drew up plenty of moisture at all times and in the .spring the sap was very abundant and sweet and never failed. Considerable iiuantities of sugar were made each spring, although the machin- ery was primitive and rude. Birch-bark pans caught the sap as it flowed from gashes in the trees made with axes, and it was boiled down and reduced first to syrup and then to sugar in kettles swung from a pole supported by forked sticks. The presence of flakes of ashes, bits of dead leaves, etc., did not atl'ect the taste of the sugar, which indeed was verj^ toothsome. AS SEEN BY COL. STEVENS IN 1847. The west side was then Indian country and back from the river to the Indian villages and mission sta- tion on Lake Calhoun and on to Fort Snelling was a stretch of prairie, with oases of timber and brush- wood and grass-bordered lakes here and there. In the spring of 1847, when John IT. Stevens first visited the locality, he was impressed with it and in his "i\[innesota and Its People" (pp. 20 et seq.) he de- scribes it as he then saw it: "From the mouth of Crow River to the western bank of the Falls of St. Anthony was an unbroken but beautified wilderness. With the exception of the old military building, [the Oovernment mill] on the bank, opposite Spirit Island, there was not, — and, for aught I know, never had been — a [white man's] house, or a sign of [white] habitation, on the west bank of the ^Mississippi from Crow River to a mile or two below ]\Iiiinehaha. "The scenery was picturesque, with woodland, prairies, and oak openings. Cold springs, silvery lakes, and clear streams alioundcd. Except the niili- 64 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA tary reservation, from what is now known as Bassett's Creek to the mouth of the St. Peter's River, the laud all belonged to the Sioux Indians, and we were tres- passers when we walked upon it. "We were particularly charmed with the lay of the land on the west bank of the Falls, which includes the present site of Minneapolis. A few Indians belong- ing to Good Road's band had their tepees up, and were living teinijorarily in them, in the oak-opeuiugs on the hill a little west of the landing of the old ferry. There was an eagle's nest in a tall cedar on Spirit Island, and the birds that occupied it seemed to dis- pute our right to visit the crags below the Palls * * * "Many Government mule wMgons from Port Snell- ing, loaded with supplies for Port Gaines, were ford- ing the broad, smooth river near the brink of the trembling Falls. Here the dark water turned white and with a roar leaped into 'the boiling depth and gurgled on its rapid way to the Gulf of Mexico. "The banks of the river above the Palls were skirted with a few pines, some white birch, many hard maples, and several elms, with many native grape vines climbing over them, (which formed delightful bowers) up to the first creek above the Palls. The table land back from the river was cov- ered with oak. There were some thickets of hazel and prickly pear. On the second bench, below the Palls, from a quarter to a half mile back, there was a dense growth of poplar [Populus tremuloides, or quaking aspen] that had escaped the annual prairie fires. These trees were very pretty on that spring day, with the foliage just bursting from the buds. "Here and there were fine rolling prairies, of a few acres in extent, in the immediate neighborhood of the Palls ; but toward Minnehaha the prairies were two or three miles long and extended to Lake Calhoun and Lake Harriet. Near the Falls was a deep slough of two or three acres. It was seeirdngly bottomless. This and a few deep ravines and grassy pouds were the only things to mar the beauty of the scene around the Pails. "On the old road, from the west side landing to the rapids where teams crossed the river, [the ford being .iust below Spirit Island — Compiler.] was a fine large spring witli a copious flow of clear cold water. It seemed to be a place of summer resort for Indians and soldiers. Large linden trees, with wide-spreading branches, made a grateful shade. In after years the water of the spring was much used by the early set- tlers. Picnic parties were common in those days from Fort Snelling. The officers, with ladies, would come up and spend the long, hot days in the shade of the trees and drink the cool spring water. "For many years after 1821 all the beef cattle required for the Fort were pastured, wintered, and slaughtered near the old Government buildings. The locality to the wi'st of the Fort, in the gi-owing sea- sons, was often so covered with cattle that it seemed more like a New England or Middle States pasture ■ than the border of a vast wilderness. "On the way from the Falls to Fort Snelling, about half way to Little Falls (Minnehaha) creek was a lone tree. It was a species of poplar [perhaps cotton- wood] and had escaped the prairie fires. Its trunk was full of bullet holes. This was the only landmark then on the prairie between Minnehaha Falls and the west bank of the Falls of St. Anthony. It was far from being a pretty tree, but it served an excellent purpose during the winter months, when the Indian trail was covered with snow, and there is not a pioneer that had occasion to use the old trail in the winter who will not hold it in grateful remembrance." HOW THE EAST SIDE .\PPEARED IN 1847. According to other settlers, Col. Stevens's descrip- tion of Minneapolis in the fall of 1847 was fairly faitliful and certainly not overdrawn. It is well to contrast the appearance of JMinneapolis in 1847, the year before any portion of its site was legally and fully acquired, with its condition in 1914. Visitors arriving on foot — a very common mode of travel in those days from the Fort to the cataract — obtained their first view of the Palls from the high grounds where now the University buildings stand. At this point, according to the late Gov. Marshall and others, they would halt and take in the fine view presented to the west and north. The Palls themselves constituted the central feature and the principal attraction. The i-iver seemed to leap over the rocks and fall 25 or 30 feet to the foot of a precipice which extended in nearly a straight line from Hennepin Island to the east ])ank, forming a gentle curve from tlie Island to the west bank. With a full current in the river, the roaring of the plung- ing waters seemed to almost threaten the solid land. In the mist which rose above them, however, there appeared in the sunshine a beautiful rainbow, a bow of promise that no danger was present or threatening, and that the traveler would be richly rewarded by a fui'tlier and closer approach. Just below tlie Falls, but showered by their spray, was the little green islet called "Spirit Island." Both this and Hennepin Island were covered with beautiful tamaracks and other evergreens. The Indian story of the suicide of Ampatu-Sapa-win, or the Black Day woman, has been referred to on preceding page.';. In general this story is true ; it is not a mere legend or tradition. The woman committed suicide and mur- dered her little children, by floating over the terrible cataract into the Maelstrom-like whirling waters below. The Indian assertion that the spirit of the wretched woman dwelt among the tamaracks, and that her apparition was often seen, and her voice as she wailed her death song often heard, cannot of course be certainly vouched for. On the east side of the river the banks sloped gently from the high lands above down to the bank of the river. Still farther eastward from the highlands was a level expanse varied by clusters of oak trees of low, scrubby growth, so that they looked like apple trees, at a distance, and the collection resembled an old orchard. Still farther to the east and nortlieast the expanse continued, back to the Rose Hills, with oases of oak and a considerable cranberry marsh intervening. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 65 THE WEST SIDE AND THE ISLANDS. On the west side a l)eautiful rolling prairie, virgin as when first created, stretched out beyond Cedar Lake. On the bank of tlie river, at the lower part of the Falls, was the old Governnient Mill and tlie miller's little hut adjoining. The mill had two depart- ments, one for sawing and the other for grinding. The latter liad but one run of buhrs — one old-fashioned granite millstone — and the gauge had to be altered when the miller changed from wheat to corn. There was only one saw in 1847, an upright. It did its work well, l)ut required great eare in its management, because if broken its replacement would bo diflicult. At a distance the buildings, with their gray, weather- stained surfaces, resembled piles of limestone. In 18-47 the Falls were nearly perpendicular for the most part, but the wall was irregular and broken, and on its crest upraised and broken rocks, against which parts of trees and other timber had lodged, were freciuent. Spirit Island, only a little way below the Falls, with its evergreen covering has long since disappeared. Cataract, Hennepin, and Nicollet Islands, then without names, were also densely wooded. THE PIONEERS OF ST. ANTHONY IN 1847. Opposite the F'alls, but a little removed from the bank on the east side, stood the log cabin of Frank Steele, with a few acres of corn — one account says seven acres — growing in a fenced patch near it; its location was at what is now the corner of Second Avenue South and ]\Iain Street East. What was then called the block house was being built. Pierre Bot- tineau's liouse, on the hank of the river, above the head of Nicollet Island; Calvin A. Tuttle's claim shanty, near the ravine north of the University; Steele's house, then occupied by Luther Patch with his family, including his two pretty daughtei-s, Marion and Cora, and a few humlile cabins occupied by obscure Canadian Frenchmen, were all the human habitations in the little settlement which became Saint Anthony and is now the wealthy and highly improved seat of civilization sometimes called East jMinneapolis. CHAPTER VIII. THE FOUNDING AND EARLY HISTORY OF ST. ANTHONY. MINNESOTA OPENED TO WHITE SETTLEMENT FRANK STEELE 's MILL AT ST. .\NTHONY IS COMPLETED AND A BUSINESS BOOM RESULTS FIRST BUSINESS HOUSES OPENED ADVERSITIES FOLLOW AND FALL UPON THE FOUNDER OF THE. PLACE FIRST TIMBER-CUTTING ON THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI — STEELE'S MILL-WHEELS TLTIN AND THE VILL-^GE GROWS CREATION OF MINNESOTA TERRITORY WM. R. MARSHALL SURVEYS THE TOWN SITE IN 1849 AND ANOTHER BOOM FOLLOWS THE FIRST FERRY ADVENTURE OP MISS SALLIE BEAN MINNESOTA'S GOVERN- MENT.AL MACHINERY SET IN MOTION WHAT THE FIRST CENSUS DECLARED, ETC. THE LAND IS SURVEYED AND COMES INTO MARKET. Up to 18-48 the land in that part of modern Minne- apolis east of the Mississippi was not properly in mar- ket. The Indian title to it had been extinguished, but until it had been surveyed, and the survey recorded and notice of sale at the Land Office given, it could not be fully and legallj' acquired. It might be "claimed" before final acquirement, but if a ", jumper " went to the Land Office and entered the land so claimed and paid for it his title was supeiuor to that of the unfortu- nate claimant, or "squatter," as he was sometimes called. In 1847 President Polk establislied a Government Land Office at St. Croix Falls for the portion of Wis- consin Territory lying west of the St. Croix River. It will be borne in mind that at that time what is now the portion of Minnesota below Rum River and east of the Mississippi belonged to Wisconsin, and the coun- try west and south of the ^Mississippi practically was a part of Clayton County, Iowa. So that until 1849, when Minnesota Territory was organized, the portion of Minneapolis east of the big river was in Wisconsin. Gen. Saml. Leech, of Illinois, was appointed Receiver and C. S. Whitney Register of the St. Croix Land Office, which was where all the lands in the Minne- sota district and those in the Western Wisconsin dis- trict were to be sold. The country west of the Mississippi was Indian land. Considerable time was required to survey the lands — to lay them off into sections, town.ships. and ranges — and it was not until August 15. 1848, when the first tracts were offered for sale ; this sale continued for two weeks, but only 3,326 acres were sold, at the uni- form price of $1.25 an acre. The second sale com- menced September 15, and also continued for two weeks. At this latter sale were disposed the lands now comprised within the lower peninsula between the St. Croix and the Minnesota, including the town sites of St. Paul, St. Anthony (or East Mimieapolis") and Stillwater. Only a score or so of white settlers then lived outside of these towns. At that time, and for some years afterward, St. Paul was the commercial center of the Northwest. It had a store, a Catholic Church, a hundred or so inhabitants, largely French-Canadians by birth or descent, and waa known down tr> St. Louis as St. Paul's or St. Paul's Landing. St. Anthony — by which name the little settlement at the Falls was. known before it was laid out and regularly named — was not so important in 1848. It had neither store nor church. The citizens bought their goods at the sutler's store of "Mo-seer Steele," at Fort Snelling, and when they attended church (which, to tell the- truth, was not very often) the greater part of them knelt in Father Ravoux's and Father Lucian Galtier's- sei-viees in a part of their dwelling hou.se at Mendota. A few Catholics went to their duties down to the little log chapel M-hich good Father Galtier had built in 1841 and named St. Paul's, and which finally fur- nished the town its name. Every house in both St. Paul and St. Anthony was in 1848 of logs, but there- were as happy households in the two places then as- now. It was at the September land sales, as has been said, when the sites of St. Anthony, St. Paul, and Still- water were purchased from the Government. The only way of obtaining Government land then was by purchase ; the homestead law was not enacted until thirteen years later. To be sure the greater part of the claims had already been selected, occupied, and improved ; but no man could safely say that he owned his land until he had the Government's patent for it. There had been a little apprehension that "jump- ers" might appear at the sale and bid in some of the improved claims, but nothing of the kind was at- tempted. There were no speculators present at either the August or September sale. There was only one contra bid, which was in a friendly way between two settlers of Cottage Grove, Washington County, one bidding ten cents per acre more than the other. The most exciting period of the September sale was when the town site of St. Paul was offered. Some of the settlers who had selected lots and built cabins upon them were disturbed by a rumor that specula- tors would be present to bid on the homesteads which tlie bona fide settlers of St. Paul had selected. Trader Sibley had been selected as the agent of all the St. Paul settlers to bid in the lands they wanted, and pay for them. This he did to the general satisfaction ; in some instances he advanced the money to help out the impecunious home-seekers. Quite a number of St. Paul men accompanied him to the sale. 66 Jl L-' 45t ^i ■ «#■ <^^m| |p ^ m ;"' HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 67 In one of his " Reminiscences, " printed in the State Historical Society's "Collections," Gen. Sib- ley says: "I was selected by the actual settlers to bid off their portions of the laud for them, and when the hour for business had arrived my seat was invariably surrounded by a number of men with huge bludgeons. What this meant I could only surmise, but I should not have envied the fate of the individual that would have ventured to bid against me." In the case of St. Anthony there was no trouble and apparently no apprehension of any. Franklin Steele was practically the only bidder. A few others bid and secured lands, but seemingly they were bid- ding for i\Ir. Steele's interests, as it has been stated, and not denied, that soon after the land sale he owned a tract extending from University Avenue to the northern limits of St. Anthony village, another tract at the upper end of the village, and all of Boom Island. It seems from the records that he took meas- ures to secure for himself such lands as he thought most valuable, particularly the site of his mill, and that for some reason he employed others to purchase and hold certain claims and then transfer them to him. Steele's mill dam completed In the spring of 1847 Wm. A. Cheever made a claim near the present site of the University. He had an acquaintance with certain men of Boston then regarded as wealthy, and through him and his brother, Benjamin Cheever, Mr. Steele conducted negotiations for the purchase of a portion of tlie water-power of St. Anthony Falls at the site of Steele's projected mill, tlie money received to be applied to the erec- tion of the mill. On the 10th of July the deal was closed, and Steele transferred nine-tenths of the water-power owned by him to Caleb Cushing, Robert Rantoul, and others, of Boston, for a consideration of $12,000. As soon as the money was promised measures were at once taken for the erection of a mill. Mr. Ard Godfrey, of the Penobscot country in Maine, an ex- perienced millwright, was secured to superintend its construction, and he arrived on the ground in the spring of 1847. Before Godfrey's arrival, however, considerable work had been done on .what was called the dam. Jacob Fisher, who liad worked for Steele over on the St. Croix, directed the construction of the water power and other preliminary work before Godfrey's arrival. The dam was not fully completed until in the spring of 1848. THE FIR.ST BfSINESS BOOM. In the first part of this year (1847) St. Anthony (or perhaps we should say Minneapolis) had its first business boom. Work was commenced on the mill and carried well along, the money to assure its completion was promised, and what was considered a large num- ber of settlers came to the place. A few of the names have been lost, but the following list is worth looking at and preserving. Besides Ard Godfrey, who came late in tlie fall, there were Wra. A. Cheever, Robert W. Cummings, Caleb D. Dorr, Sumner W. Farnham, Samuel Ferrald, John McDonald, Wm. R. Marshall, Joseph M. ^larshall, Luther P. Patch, Edward Patch, John Rollins, R. P. Russell, Daniel Stanchfield, Chas. W. Stimpson, and Calvin A. Tuttle. One account says that Cheever came to Minnesota in December, 1846, but it seems that he did not set- tle in St. Anthony until in the spring of 1847. As before stated, Luther Patch occupied Steele's log house, with his family, which included his two daughters, IMai'ion and Cora. Calvin Tuttle also had a family. The other families of the place had come in previous years. It is claimed that the female mem- bers of the Patch family were the first full-blood white women in the place; but unless La Grue's wife, of sad fate and memory, was a mixed blood — and some who knew her declared she was not — she was the first white woman. Mrs. and the Misses Patch were the first white American women, for Mrs. La Grue was a Canadian. THE FIKST STORES. The year 1847 saw the establishment of the first "store," if it be proper to call it a store. R. P. Russell had for some time been engaged in mer- chandising at Fort Snelling. He moved over a small stock of goods to St. Anthony and exposed them for sale in a room of the Patch building, where he boarded. One account is that the store-room was im- provised for the purpose, by partitioning otf one of the lower rooms of the building, and that all of the entire stock of goods, including the counter, made only one small wagon load. When Gov. Marshall established his store, in 1849, he declared that it was the first in the place, because Russell's little stock in a dwelling house could not be called a store. Russell's intimacy with the Patch family as a boarder and tenant resulted iu his marriage, October 3, 1848, to Miss Marion Patch, and this was the first marriage of -white people in Minneapolis. Not long afterward Cora Patch married Joe Marshall. Mar- riageable white girls were in demand in St. Anthony at that time. The men were very largely in the majority, and nearly all of them were fine young bachelors. Wm. R. ]\Iarshall, who became one of Minnesota's greatest and most gallant soldiei-s and also one of its ablest and best Governors, walked across from St. Croix Falls to St. Anthony in the spring of 1847, while the ground was yet frozen. He carried a rather heavy pack in which were a blanket and some pro- visions. He liked the place, made a claim, bought an ax from Russell, and cut logs enough for a cabin. The next year he and bis brother Joseph came over and built the house. Marshall had heard good ac- counts of St. Anthony, but he was a Missourian, born in Boone County, and had to be "shown." The place was exhibited to him and he liked it. THE ADVERSITIES OP 1847-48. Things went well enough for the new settlement until came the winter of 1847-48. The new-comers 68 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA were nearly all New Yorkers. They had come to the country by steamboat and had not brought much bag- gage with them. The Sioux would have called them "Kaposia, " as being lightly burdened. They had ordered the greater part of their supplies to follow them, first loading them on a canal boat on the Erie Canal. In December a slow-traveling mail brought bad news to the New Yorkers at St. Anthony. The canal boat in which their supplies were being conveyed had sunk in the Erie Canal and the supplies were an almost total loss. The hardware and tools, which they greatly needed, were wholly a loss. This caused a gi-eat scarcity of tools, which were so necessary in their building operations. The winter came on and it was severe. Provisions were scarce and high, and money was also scarce and hard to obtain. There were all sorts of discom- forts. There was not much to cook, but female cooks were very rare, and in most instances men did the cooking, with unsatisfactory results. The work of building went on, for the men were improving their cabins with sawed lumber. Among the New Yorkers were some carpenters and they were very busy. Ed- ward Patch was a carpenter, and a good one, and he became a contractor. But the old Government saw- mill, which was depended upon for lumber, was a weak affair. It worked slowly and imperfectly and could not be counted upon for more than 300 or 400 feet per day. Big sleds were made and considerable lumber was hauled from the St. Croi.K Mills, by slowly-moving ox teams, over the snow covered roads, with the thermometer below zero. Fond hopes were entertained that Steele's new mill would be com- pleted the following spring in time to do all necessary building in 1848. Then word came to Mr. Steele that Cushing, Ran- toul, et alii, would not be able to let him have the promised money. The ilexiean War was on. Because American success meant the acquisition of Texas and more slave territory, old anti-slavery Massachusetts would not furnish either men or money to contrilnite to that success. But Caleb Cushing, and others were more patriotic. They raised a good regiment of fight- ing Bay State men, and it was armed and equipped largely by Cushing 's personal expenditures. He was made Colonel of the regiment and led it to the field. The expenses his patriotism caused him drained his putse so that he had scarcely any money left to build mills at St. Anthony. SOME OF FR.VNK STEELE'S EARLY EXPERIENCES. For some time in his early experience in Minne- sota, JIi-. Steele was often in straits for money, although lie was always active and busy and engaged in business ciilci'ijrises. In April, 1842, hi' was in Philadelphia, where he had purchased a bill of goods for his sutler's store at Fort Snelling. These goods he meant to ship over one of the few railroads then in the country to New York, where they would be transferred to a ship and carried to New Orleans by sea. From New Orleans thev would be carried liy steamboat to St. Louis, and from St. Louis, by another steamboat, they would be brought to Fort Snelling. The Sibley papers, in possession of the State His- torical Societ}% show that at this time Steele wrote to Sibley (who became his brothei'-in-law) then in Washington City two letters which are most intei-- esting. April 6, he wrote that he was to marry "Miss B , of Baltimore," and take her with him when he returned to Fort Snelling. Sibley was earnestly invited to attend the wedding, which he did. "Miss B." was Miss Ann Barney, a granddaughter of Com- modore Joshua Barne}% the noted naval commander, and also of Samuel Chase, a signer of the Declaration. In the letter of invitation to the wedding J\Ir. Steele wrote further to Sibley : "Now, dear Sibley, permit me to ask a favour of you. Can you assist me, in some way through ilr. Chouteau, to about $900? I am willing to pay well for the aeconunodation and shall be able to repay it in St. Louis or at St. Peter's. * * * If you can aiTange it for me, I shall consider myself under last- ing obligations to you, and shall always be most happy to reciprocate so great a kindness. * * * We shall leave inunediately after the marriage for the West, my youngest sister accompanying us." Tile '"youngest sister" referred to was ^liss Sarah J. Steele, who. in the following May, became the wife of the then chief trader, Sibley, her brother's friend. Three days after the letter quoted from was written, Steele wrote again from Philadelphia to Sibley at Washington, thanking him for his answer and the assurance that he would be present at the wedding on the 14th, and earnestly importuning him again to procure the loan, saying: "I hope that Mv. Chouteau will be able to manage the money matter; if not, I shall be under the neces- sity of returning here from Baltimore, as I have a number of bills to pay for the folks at Fort Snelling, as well as the insurance on my goods. Now, my dear fellow, if you ever expect to do me a favour, do try and assist me in arranging this matter, as a neglect may injure me at Fort Snelling, Money matters are so tight here that it is entirely out of the question to do anvthing. I hope to see you in Baltimore on the 14th.'"' Jlr. Steele's straitened circumstances continued for many years, .just at the critical periods of his life, when he was striving to lay the foundations of com- mercial enterprise in Minnesota and to accumulate a conit'ortable fortune. Yet his condition did not dis- hearten him, or even daunt him. lie had eonfidence that everything would come out all right in the end and he infused a part of this confidence into the sys- tems of his associates and fellow-pioneers. His credit was never impaired. P^ven the workmen whom he had been unable to pay after the failure of the Mas- sachusetts capitalists, trusted him and continued to work for him, and in the end were paid in full. His I, O. U.'s were as good as the best paper money. FIRST TIMBER-CUTTING ON THE UPPER MISS1SS1PP7. In September, 1847, Daniel Stanehfield. Severe Bot- tineau (Pierre's brother'), and Charles Manock went HISTORY OF MINNEAl^OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JHNNESOTA 69 up tlic Mississippi aiul Rum Kivur in a birth-bark caiioo iu the capacity of what would now be called "cruisers" for pine timber. Steele wanted to assure himself and Cushing, Kantoul, et al., that there was abundant standing pine timber in .Minnesota to jus- tify the erection of at least two good saw-mills at St. Anthony. Tlien L'ushing et al. would loan him the money he needed. Another object of the cruise was to procure the proper timber out of which to con- struct the mill-dam. Especially were some long pine logs wanted. ^loreover, it would be well if logs enough for the first sawing could be .secured. Stanchtield, another Elaine lumberman, was tlie leader of the three cruisers. A logging party accom- panied the cruisers but went on foot except for one canoe carrying supplies. In the country on the Rum River and south of ]\Iille Lacs they found plenty of timber. StanchHeld reported to Steele that there was "more than 70 saw-mills can saw in 70 years." He soon established a logging camp and began cutting. Accompanying the "eruisei's" or explorers were about 20 men, who were to march along the shore, keeping pace with the explorers in the canoe, until pine was discovered. Then they were to ft)rm a logging camp, while the explorers went on to find more pine, and when the camp had been constructed they were to begin cutting and "banking" the logs, until the explorers returned and further plans shouhl be made. Both explorers and cutters worked hard, and, though the mosquitoes and gnats nearly ate them up, they cut a great many logs, and by the first week in November had them piled on the bank. Calel) D. Dorr and John JIcDonald had been sent up Swan River from the camp for some pieces of big timber that could not be obtained on Rum River. They had secured the long and big logs, had rojled them into Swan River, (which tiows eastward and comes into the Mississippi on the west side, near Little Falls) then floated them down the jMississippi to the mouth of Rum River. Here a great boom of the logs from Rum and Swan Rivers was formed. It was a bad night, about November 1. The snow was falling fast and freezing to the surfaces of the logs as it fell. Cold weather had come and apparently to stay. Dorr and StanchHeld had talked over their operations. They were glad and congratulated themselves that they had more logs for Mr. Steele than he could saw during the entire winter, even if he ran his saws night and day. But lo ! at midnight the frail supjiorts of the boom gave way, the boom itself broke up. and the logs went whirling swiftly down on the bosom of the river, da.shed over the Falls of St. Anthony, and were lost forever! Mr. Steele stood on the high bank of the river at Fort Snelling and saw them floating by. and he had no power to stop them. His hopes for a pros- ])erous and useful season floated away with them, and there was a painful hour of discouragement for this man of enterprise. Luckily, however, Caleb Dorr suc- ceeded in saving most of the fine logs he had cut and delivered them safely at St. Anthony the next spring. UENNEPIN ISLAND TIMBEK USED. The late pioneer lumberman, Daniel Stanchtield, has left iu imperishable form much of his recollection of events pertaining to the beginnings of St. Anthony and ^linneapolis. In a |)aper which is published in Volume 9 of the State Historical Collections, and en- titled "Pioneer Lundicringon the Upper Missis.sippi," he has set down many items of interest and value. This article is freely ([noted from in this chapter. Mr. Stanchfield says that upon his return to St. Anthony after the disastrous boom break, it was at his suggestion and on his advice that Ard Godfrey built the dam largely of local timber. The logs used were cut on Hennepin Island, without waiting to pro- cure othei's from the pine forests of the upjjer ilissis- sippi. The logs were of hard wood and used without hewing or dressing and proved really superior to hewn pine timbers. Then they were procured within a stone's throw of whei'e they were used, which was a decided advantage. The planks u.sed for nailing over the cracks, etc., were brought from the St. Croix mills. When the sviceess of the dam was a.ssured, the next thing w-as to procure a stock of pine timber for saw- ing. In the fall of 1847, as has been stated, prepara- tions were made for logging on the upper Mississippi, in the region of the Crow Wing River. Teiims to haul the cut logs to the river bank, log sled.s to bear them, and men to drive and care for them, were ob- tained in what is now Washington County. It was the first of December, and snow covered the ground, when the outfit started ; ten days later it reached the lumber district and its scene of operations, below the Crow Wing River, a mile back from the ilississipjii. TIMBER PURCHASED FROM THE CIHPPEWAS. Through the assistance of Henry M. Rice, who then had a trading post at the mouth of the Crow Wing, and Allan ;Morrison, who had long lived in that quar- ter and had a Chippewa wife, trees were purchased from the Chippewa Chief "Pug-o-na-ge-shig," or Hole in the Sky, (commonly called Hole in the Day) for a consideration of ")0 cents a tree. Hole in the Day was then chief of the old Pillager band of Chip- pewas, having succeeded to the name and rank of his father, who had been nuu'dered the previous year. The Indian village was, in the winter of 1847-18. on an island in the JMississippi, opposite the mouth of the Crow Wing. Work was pro.secuted vigorously through the win- ter and with much success. A great deal of the haul- ing was done by ox teams, which traveled slowly but steadily. March 1 work was stopped and Mr. Stanch- field ordered the camj) broken, and he and numy of the cutters set out for St. Anthony. A suflicient num- ber of drivers was left in cam]) to l)ring down the logs when the iNIississippi should be o]ien, a month or so later. Stanchfield tells us that he found Mr. Steele sick in bed, perhaps from over-work and worry. The him- 70 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA berman, by Steele's direction, went down to Galena, and from bankers there he says he received, "two remittances of $5,000 each from Gushing and Com- pany, their investment for lumber manufacturing at St. Anthony." DID STANCHFIELD GET THE MONEY? But Mr. Stanchfield's positive assertion that he re- ceived for Mr. Steele $10,000 from Cushing and Com- pany, is clearly disputed by other good authorities that declare the Boston men, Cushing and Rantoul, did not pay Mr. Steele $10,000 or any other sum. By their default, it is claimed, Cushing and Rantoul forfeited their contract and lost all interest in the St. Anthony property. Warner & Foote's History, (printed in 1881, when many old pioneers conversant with the facts were living and presumably were interviewed for historical data) states positively that these were the facts. Goodhue's historical sketch, written in 1849, apparently from data furnished by Mr. Steele, says : " A few months since Cushing and Company, of Massachusetts, having failed to comply with the con- ditions of their purchase of a part of this property to JMr. Steele, he sold one-half of the water power to ilr. A. W. Taylor, of Boston," etc. Regarding the starting of the mill aiid other inci- dents connected therewith, Stanchfield says: "The first sawmill that the company built began to saw luml)er September 1, 1848, just one year from the time when the exploring party in the little canoe started up the Mississippi to estimate its supply of pine. Following that exploration, the town was sur- veyed and lots were placed on sale. The real estate office and the lumber office were together. Later in the autumn a gang-saw mill and two shingle mills were to be erected, to be ready for business in the spring of 1849. Sumner W. Farnham ran the first sawmill during the autumn, until he took charge of one of my logging parties for the winter. As soon as the mill wa.s started, it was run night and day, in order to supply enough lumber for the houses of immi- grants, who were pouring in from the whole country." JONATHAN CAm'ER's HEIR COMES FORWARD. While Steele was completing and when he had com- pleted the mill he was annoyed for a time by a Phil- adelphia man. Dr. Hartwell Carver, who claimed to be one of the heirs of Capt. Jonathan Caiwer, the ex- plorer of 1767. Capt. Carver, as has been stated, claimed that the Indians had given him a large grant of land in this region, including the site of St. An- thony Falls. This Hartwell Carver claimed that he was a descendant of the old explorer and that he had purchased the interests of some of the other Car- ver heirs in their ancestor's claim. Jn November after the mill was completed he wrote Steele that he had borrowed $;30.000 in cash from Hon. Lewis Cass with which to purchase the interests of the remaining heirs. In the same letter, (which is among the Sib- ley papers, and which smells of blackmail,) he warns the people of St. Anthony that he can do much for them if they will approach him in the proper way. To Jlr. Steele he hints that he has a strong legal claim on the mill and says: "I can prove to you, sir, that I was offered by some men in St. Louis ten thousand dollars in cash for a quit-claim deed to your claim. The temptation, sir, was great, for I wanted the money badly. But, sir, come to go oh there and .see what you had done and how you was situated, and after talking with some of the people I concluded not to do it." Two years before, or in 1846, Dr. Carver had vis- ited St. Anthony in the interest of his claim. How- ever sincerely he really believed in its rightfulness, it is reasonably plain that he was trying to frighten Mr. Steele into paying him some money in return for a quit-claim deed to the site of his mill. It seems that his intention was to practice a species of black- mail, first upon Steele and next upon the settlers of St. Anthonj", whose lands he pretended to own under a mythical grant by the Indians to his ancestor, the unreliable Capt. Jonathan Carver. But Mr. Steele was not "taken in." He knew enough of the facts in the case not to be imposed upon. He rejected all of Dr. Hartwell Carver's overtures, and curtly and emphatically informed him that he would have naught to do with his proposition or with him, save that if he came any more to St. Anthony and endeavored to blackmail the citizens he would be treated as he deserved to be. There was no more of Dr. Hartwell Carver. STEELE THE FIRST POSTMASTER. In 1840 Mr. Steele was commissioned U. S. post- master at Fort Snelling — the first postmaster in what is now Minnesota. At that day postmasters had the franking privilege and could send their mail matter free of charge to wherever the mails were carried. But this emolument, while it helped Jlr. Steele some, did not go far towards helping him build mills and to improve the Falls of St. Anthony. THE MILL WHEELS TURN AND THE VILLAGE GROWS. Notwithstanding the adverse financial circum- stances prevailing, the work of building Steele's mill went cheerily on. In the spring of 1848, despite all obstacles, the mill was completed ; September follow- ing it began to run. There was great joy in the little settlement when the water-gates were opened and the wheels began to go round. And the joy was not con- fined to St. Anthony but extended to the other settle- ments at Fort Snelling, IMendota, St. Paul's, and up the jNlinnesota to the mission stations as far as to Lac- qui Parle. The mill had but two saws at first, but in a few months two more were added. Several new settlers came in and new houses were built. The first that was constructed of lumber from the new mill was the house of Sherburne Huse, (or Hughes) the next was an addition to the house of Richard Rogers, and it was built by Washington Cetchell ; the third was the house of Getchell himself. (See Warner & Foote's History.) HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 71 In the spring of this year (lS-18) William A. Chee- ver, the enterprising Bostonian, platted a town on his land, now occupied hy some of the University Imild- ings. and sold some lots. Other settlers came and another boom was on. Cheever's plat was never re- corded, however. ORGANIZATION OF MINNESOTA TERRITORY. It was in the summer of 1848 when the first steps were taken for the organization of Minnesota Terri- tory. A bill, whose real autlior was Joseph R. lirown, and which provided for the Territory's organization, was introduced in Congress by Hon. Morgan L. Mar- tin, Delegate from Wisconsin Territory, in 1846. Brown and JIartin had been associates in the Wis- consin Territorial Legislature in 1841, and it is said that the organization scheme was then planned by them. The bill passed the House but failed in the Senate. It was apparent to the latter body that there were not 500 bona-fide white settlers in the proposed Territory ! Congress admitted Wisconsin as a State ^lay 29, 1848. with boundaries as they are at present. The lower part of the country between the Mississippi and the St. Croix, including St. Anthony, had been St. Croix County. By the creation of Wisconsin, as a State, this St. Croix County was left out and became a no-man's land, as it were, and Stillwater, St. Paul's, and St. Anthony were under no law or government. And yet there was a court house, (at Stillwater) court records and clerk, justices of the peace, etc. The people were greatly dissatisfied, and finally decided to take action and have it determined that they were still under a republican form of govern- ment. They claimed that the country which had formerly belonged to Wisconsin Territory but had been left out of Wisconsin State, was, prima facie at least, still Wisconsin Territory and entitled to a Dele- gate in Congress. THE STILLWATER CONVENTION. Pursuant to certain preliminary meetings and a public call, a "general convention of all persons in- terested" was held at Stillwater, August 28. The number of men partici[)ating was 61. Franklin Steele, Jo.seph Reascbe, and Paschal St. Martin at- tended from St. Anthony. Mr. Steele was prominent in the proceedings. The Convention declared that the country west of St. Croix was still the Territory of Wisconsin and en- titled to have a Delegate in Congress. Whereupon Henry H. Sibley, of Mendota. was unanimously elected by the convention as such Delegate. Sibley had not lived in St. Croix County, Wisconsin, but always in Iowa, until it became a State, when he too became, a resident of a no-man's land. At a special election, held Octolier )10, Sitiley was elected Delegate by a decided majority over Henry M. Rice. The contest was spirited, but the result was accepted and Sibley went on to Washington, and. after some discus- sion, was admitted as a "Delegate from the Territory of Wisconsin," and took his seat in the House of Representatives. The Convention also resolved in favor of the organ- ization of a new Territory, to be called Minnesota, and it was understood that Delegate Sibley's chief duty would be to introduce a bill to that effect, and to press it to final passage. This he did, and the nec- essary enactment was secured at the ensuing Con- gress. One of the very last official acts of President Polk, March 3, lS4!t, was the signing of the bill which created ^Minnesota Territory. THE NEWS KEACHE,S ST. ANTUONY. The winter of 1848-49 was a hard one on the little settlement at St. Anthony. It was long and severe. A rather heavy snow fell November 1. To the people of St. Paul's, Fort Suelling, St. Anthony, and Still- water the long season was mo.st uncomfortable. In addition to the inclemencj' of the weather and the consequent privation, there was a loneliness hard to l)ear. The nearest point of mail distribution and sup- ply was at Prairie du Chien, nearly 200 miles down the river; but for four months of this season the river was ice-locked, and neither men, merchandise, nor mail could be brought up by water, and so for long periods the .settlements were entirely cut off from communica- tion with the outside world. There were no men and no merchandise en route to this locality, but the mail, scanty as it was, might be brought in and would be gladly welcomed. There were no horse teams available, and so dog sledges were constructed and made to serve as mail coaches. Teams of dogs were ti-ained to draw them and a coureur du bois, who was sometimes a white man but generally a mixed blood, was hired to di'ive and manage the dogs, having to carry rations for them and himself during the entire round trip. The mail route was over the ice on the river, and it was not always smooth. Ttie outfit encam])ed at night by a good fire which the driver kindled. On the return trip from Prairie du Chien a chilling, cut- ting, arctic wind blew steadily in the faces of man and dogs all the way. Under such circumstances the mail arrivals were always infrequent and uncertain. It was not until January that the news of Gen. Tay- lor's election to the Presidency, in the first week of November, reached Fort Suelling. About the 1st of Febniary. word came that Delegate Sil)ley had intro- duced his Territorial bill and was working for it, but there were only faint hopes of its passage. The snow began to melt about March 1. The track on the river became w'et, slushy, and impracticable, and the dog mail sh'dge was abandoned and the mails discontinued until the opening of steamboat' naviga- tion in the spring. It was not until the 9th of April when the steamer "Dr. Franklin No. 2." Capt. Rus- sell Blakeley, arrived at St. Paul's with the glad news that Minnesota Territory had been organized, and the cheering tidings soon spread to the other settlements. The organization was one of tlie most important epochs in our history. The full details, including the appointment of the first Territorial ofiScers, with 72 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Alesaiidei- Ramsey as Goveruor, belong to other his- tories. (See Neill's Historj'; also "Miuuesota in Three Centuries," etc.) LEADING EVENTS OF 1849. The year 18-49 was not only of oonimanding influ- ence upon Minnesota, but upon the town of St. An- thony, and other towns in the new Territory. St. Anthony now belonged to something, and was no longer in a no-man's land or a neutral zone. It be- longed to a regular political organization of the United States, a Territory, with all the rights and powers of such a political division, and this fact helped wonderfully in the development of the little village. New settlers came, new buildings were erected, new capital invested. LAYING OUT THE TOV^'N. The first town laid out and established in Minne- sota was "Dahkota," on the St. Croix in 18.39 by Jo.scph R. Brown, who made the first claim to land in Hennepin County, was the first white visitor to Lake IMinnetonka, etc. In 1843 the name of "Dah- kota" was changed to Stillwater. St. Paul was laid out and named in 1847, but St. Anthony was not reg- ularly established until in the spring of 1849. In the latter season, Wm. R. [Marshall returned from the St. Croix to St. Anthony. It has already been stated that he came over in the fall of 1847, made a claim, cut some logs for a cabin, but, being unable to procure a team to haul them to the site selected, he returned to St. Croix. Now he was back at St. Anthony, determined to perfect his claim, build his cabin and make this his permanent home, and he had brought his brother Joseph with him. He soon built two houses, and in one of them, which was on Llain Street, "above the former residence of John Rollins," he and his brother Joe established their store, which Gov. Marshall always claimed was the first store or merchandising establishment in ^linne- apolis; he contended that R. P. Russell's "wheelbar- row load of goods" in the Patch residence was not, properly speaking, a store. The first weddings, it will be remembered, were those of the then young "mer- chant princes" of their time, R. P. Russell and Joe Marshall, and the two pretty Patch girls. W. R. Marshall was a man of various accomplish- ments. He was a good land surveyor, and soon after his arrival Frank Steele engaged him to survey his town niid lay it off into streets, alleys, blocks, and lots. Marshall had his own surveyor's compass and chain with him, and the work was soon properly done, for Marshall was n good surveyor. In his written account of his survey on this occasion, made many years sub- sequently, he said that he tried to secure good-sized lots and wide streets. The lots were generally 66 feet wide and 16.^ Peet in depth. All the streets were 80 feet wide. ]\Tain Street, running u]) and down the river, was .suiwe.ved as 80 feet wide, liut in places the survey did not include certain projections over the river bank, and where these unsurveycd portions were the street was often 100 feet wide or more. Warner & Foote say that [Main Street was "made 100 feet wide," by the survey, but this is a mistake. The State Historical Society has lately come into possession, by purchase, of Gov. [Marshall's plat or map of his surve.v of the original town site of St. Anthony, or as the plat calls it, "St. xVnthony Falls." This document is in fine preservation and not only intei-esting but instructive. The certificate attached is in Gov. Marshall's handwriting, quite legible, and reads : "St. Anthony Falls, Oct. 9th, 1849. "I hereby certifv that the map hereunto attached is a correct plat of a Town survey made by me for Arnold W. Taylor, Franklin Steele, and Ai-d God- fre.v. Said town being located on sections twentj-- three and twent.y-four, in Township No. twenty nine north (and) of Range No. twenty-four west of 4th Meridian. "W. R. Marshall, Surveyor." The map was recorded in the office of Hon. Win. Holcombe, (afterward Lieutenant Governor, etc.) then Register of Deeds "for "Washington County" (State or Teri-itory not named) at Stillwater, as per his certificate attached : "Register of Deeds' Office Count.v of Washington. "I hereby certify that the annexed Town Plat of St. Anthony Falls, certificate of survey, or acknowl- edgment was this day received in this office for record, at 6 o'clock P. 'SI., and was thereupon dul.v recorded in Book A of Town Plats, on pages 36, 37, and 38. "Done at Stillwater, Nov. 10, 1849. "W. Holcombe, Register." At that date Washington County had been created and its seat of justice established at Stillwater just 14 da.vs; the Territorial Legislature had so enacted Oct. 27. Why the survey was recorded at Stillwater and not at St. Paul cannot be explained. At that day St. Anthony was in Ramsey County, whose county seat was St. Paul. It will l)e noted in [Marshall's certificate the names of Arnold W. Taylor and Ard Godfrey appear as co- partners with Mr. Steele in the ownership of the town. The truth is that Arnold W. Taylor, whom certain [Minneapolis histories call "Mr. Arnold," had pur- chased half of [Mr. Steele's interest for $20,000, but Ard Godfrey was best known as J\Ir. Steele's mill- builder, and certainly not regarded as prominently a town proprietor. What his real interest was cannot now be said. Mr. Taylor had visited the place the previous summer; Seymour saw him there. He was a rich Rostonian, and. like many other rich men, had imperfections of character which rendered him per- sonally disagreeable to others. In January, 1852, Mr. Steele was glad to purchase his intei-est in the town at an advance of $5,000, paying him $25,000. In [Marshall's survey Bottineau's interest is not referred to; Wanier & Foote 's History is authority for the account, on a subsequent page, of the surve.v of his lots. [Marshall's original survey was fourteen and one-half blocks up and down the river by four blocks back from the river. The streets parallel with HISTORY OF .Mii\.\EAl>OLlS AND HENXKIMX COrXTV, MINXIOSOTA 73 the river were iu onler. Main, Seeoiid, Third, Fourth, . He was buried in Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul. THE FIRST FERRY. Meanwhile another important feature of improve- ment had been added to St. Anthony. For a long time the only means of crossing the river directly at the Falls was by fording on the ledge at the foot of Nicollet Island, and this could be done only at low wafer and b(>fore the dam was built. The cur- rent was swift and horses recpiired sharp shoes to 74 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA prevent their slipping on tlie rocks. At Boom Island the current was less rapid, and here crossings were made in canoes. One old Indian woman, of Cloud Man's band, who, however, lived near the Govern- ment Mill and was noted for her skill in catching fish, ferried many persons across the river at this point in her log canoe. In 1847 Mr. Steele established the first ferry. It ran only between Nicollet Island and the west bank. Teams wishing to cross from the east side had to fol- low the ledge of the cataract to the foot of Nicollet Island, and thence up the Island to the feriy landing. The ferry was a fiatboat attached to a rope stretched across the stream and fastened to large posts at either end. The boat was constructed at Fort Snelling of lumber brought fi-om the St. Croix. The ferry was of great convenience in crossing the river between Fort Snelling and St. Anthony, and as time passed became indispensable. R. P. Russell, as Steele's agent, took charge of the ferry, whose track across the river was sulistantially where afterward was the route of the suspension bridge, and a little hut was built for the ferryman on the island. The first ferryman was a voyageur from the Fort named Dubois, (some Minneapolis histories call him "Dubey.") Edgar Folsom, a brother of Simeon P., came late in the fall of 1847, and the next summer took charge of the ferry and with the help of an employe ran it one season. He met with so many mishaps that he was quite dis- gusted with the business. On one occasion the boat rope threw him twenty feet into an ice-pack, and he nearly lost his life. At another time (and this story is vouched for as true) Miss Sallie B. Bean, the daughter of Reuben Bean, who lived at the old mill, on the west side, Mas out in her canoe above the falls. She was raised on the Illinois river and knew how to manage a canoe, but this time she lost her paddle and her little craft floated against the ferry rope. In an instant she was struggling for her life in the deep water. However she contrived to clutch the rope to which she clung until Folsom paddled out in anotlier canoe and rescued her. ESCAPES DEATH AND M.iTRIMONY. When he had borne lier safely ashore, Folsom nervily said to the girl that he thought she ought to marry him as a reward for having saved her life. "But for me you would have drowned," he said; "for you could hardly have saved yourself." Folsom was quite plain featured, and gazing at him a moment the satiric damsel, with aifeeted alarm, exclaimed: "0, put me liaek on the rope!" The incident became known and Folsom soon re- signed. He was succeeded by Captain John Tap- per, of noble memory, (and who died recently), and who operated it until the ]>ridge was built, in which work he assisted, and then he was given charge of the bridge and collected lolls on it for several years. In her usually correct narration of early incidents in her book "Floral Homes," (p. 203) Miss Harriet E. Bishop says that Miss Bean's father rescued her. Editor Goodhue, of the Minnesota Pioneer, got the particulars, from first hands. He was a member of Judge Meeker's grand jury which convened at the Government Mill in the summer of 1849 and took dinner at the hospitable table of Reuben Bean, in the little hut adjoining the Mill. From the family he obtained the details of the incident and thus related them in the next issue (August 16, 1849,) of the Pioneer : A Fortunate Rrsnir. "A few days since Miss S. E. Bean, a young lady residing on the west side of the Falls, experienced a scene of romantic peril. She left home for the school which she attends on the east side of the river. When she arrived at the ferry, the young man usually in attendance was absent ; she, therefore, took the canoe and proceeded alone. When about two-thirds of the way across the stream, a flaw of wind somehow car- ried away her paddle, leaving her helpless. A short distance below the ferry the current, which is every- where rapid, begins to accelerate in its descent towards the Falls, M'hich are only a few rods below. Had it not been for the ferry rope, which is stretched from shore to shore. Miss Bean must inevitably been carried to a swift destruction ; for the boat, after descending a short distance, was seized up by the rope and received such a jerk and lifting up that the young lady M'as thrown into the dangerous water. In an instant, however, she seized the rope and saved herself from either sinking or being swept over the Falls. She nerved her strength to the occasion, and even worked her way along the rope for some five rods. Wlien her strength was almost exhausted, Mr. Edgar Folsom, the ferryman, arrived with a boat and saved her." THE BOOM OP 1849. St. Anthony grew very steadily, even during the winter of 1849, and in the spring advanced rapidly. Stanchfield says that before Gov. Ramsey, the new Territorial Governor, proclaimed the organization of Minnesota Territory, which was June 1, 1849, "a busy town had grown up called St. Anthony, built mostly by New England immigrants and presenting the ap- pearance of a thriving New England village." Steele 's mill ran day and night in order to supply the demands for lumber for houses, which were going up all over the place. They were built chiefly of green pine lumber; there was no time to wait for it to become seasoned. When dry lumber had to lie used it was hauled across from Stillwater. Carpentei-s and other skilled workmen, as well as common labor- ers, were scarce, for Steele's mill company employed all that could possibly be used on the mill improve- ments. When river navigation opened in 1849 immigrants came in what for the time was considered gi-eat num- l)ers. They came to St. Paul by steamboat, and then in vehicles to St. Anthony, for at that date St. Paul was the head of navigation. Both St. Paul and St. HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Anthony doubled their improvements and popuhition iu KS4!I. At St. Anthony among tlie new improve- ments was a store in a fairly sized imildiug ureeted by Daniel Stanehfield, who put in a general stock of merchandise and did a thriving business. Anson Northruj) cnmmeiioed the erection of the St. Charles Hotel and linished it. the following year; in 1848 he had built the American House, (first called the Rice House) at St. Paul, and it was opened iu June, 1849. Minnesota's governmental machinery is set up. As has been stated the last official act of President James K. Polk, on the night of .March ;3, 1849, was the signing of the bill creating Jlinne-sota Territoiy. Polk was a Democrat, but his administration did not last long enough to allow him to appoint members of his party as officers of the new Territory. The incoming Whig President. Gen. Zachar.y Taylor, attended to the selection of the officials, with the result that they were all Whigs. He appointed Alexander Ramsey, an ex-member of Congress from Pennsylvania, to the position of Territorial Governor; Chas. K. Smith, of Ohio, Secretary; Henry L. ^loss, of Stillwater, Dis- trict Attorney; Col. Alexander M. Mitchell, of Ohio, Marslial ; Aaron Goodrich, of Tennessee, Ciiief Justice of the Territorial Court, and David Cooper, of Penii- sylvania, and Bradley B. Meeker, of Kentucky, As- sociate Justices. The Territory was divided into three districts, and each Judge presided over a district. In cases of appeal all three of the Judges sat en banc; but in every such case the Judge whose deci- sion' had been appealed from took no part in the final decision. All of the appointees reached the scene of their duties in proper course. The Governor and his wife arrived at St. Paul, ilay 27, but suitable quarters could not be found for them in the village which, according to Editor Goodhue, ((luoted iu Williams' History, p. 208) had but 30 buildings in April, although Seymour says (p. 99 of his sketches) that in Juue he counted 142. Governor and Mrs. Ramse.y, liy cordial invitation, were for some weeks the guests of ;\Fi-. and ilrs. Sibley in the historic old Sibley house (still preserved by the Daughters of the American Revolution) at .Mendota. The fii-st Governor's man- sion was a small frame cottage on West Third Street, St. Paul, (which afterward became the noted hotel called the New England House) and was first oc- cupied June 25, 1849.* June 1 (iov. Ramsey and the Judicial officers pre- pared and published the celebrated "First of June I'roclamation," which announced that Territorial officers had been appointed and had assumed their duties, and also declared: "Said Territorial Govern- ment is declared to be organized and established, and * St. Paul secured ttie Territorial Capital only by the efforts of Dole^ato Sibley. He prepared and introduced the organic act in which St. Paul was designated as the seat of govern- ment; but Senator Douglas, who had charge of the bill in Congress, struck out St. Paul, and inserted Mendota. He had visited the Territory and thought Pilot Knob w(ndd lie a fine site for a State House. It was with difficulty tliat Sibley ijiduced him to consent to the change to St. Paul. all persons are enjoined to obey, conform to, and re- spect the laws thereof accordingly." June 11, the Governor divided the Territory into three judicial districts. St. Anthony was iu the Second Di.strict; Associate Justice Meeker was appointed the Judge and ordered to hold court "at the Falls of St. Anthony" on the third Monday in August and Feb- ruary following. The boiuidaries of the district by political divisions could not be given, because there were no such divisions then. THE first BOI'ND.UUKS OF MINNESOTA. When Minnesota was made a Territory the boun- daries were more comprehensive than at present. The Territory lay between the St. Croix River on the east and the Missouri on the west, and between the Cana- dian boundary on the north and the Iowa line on the south, including, however, a great part of what is now South Dakota down to the Mi.ssouri River and east- ward to Sioux City. The southern boundary was as at present except that from the northwest corner of Iowa the line extended "southerly along the western boundary of said State to the point where said boun- dary strikes the Missouri River." The western boundary ran from Sioux City up the middle of tiie I\Iissouri to the mouth of the northern White Earth River (about 60 miles east of Fort Buford, or the western line of North Dakota), and thence up that river to the British boundary. The northern and eastern lines were as at present. The area of the entire Territory was about 150.000 square miles, or 90,000,000 acres in extent; but of this vast area less than a million acres were open to white settlement. THE FIRST CEXSfS. Pursuant to a provision in the Organic Act, the Governor ordered John Morgan, then sheriff of St. Croix County, to take an accurate enumeration of all the inhabitants within the Territoiy June 11, full- blood Indians excepted. The census was to include mixed-blood people who were living "in civilization," and to exclude those living in barbarism. The sheriff and his deputies worked hard, and some of them trav- eled far, in the prosecution of their duties, but doubt- less their work was quite inaccurate. Animated them- selves and stinuilated and encouraged by everybody to boom the Territory, their count by no means under- stated the population. The returns showed a population in the entire Ter- ritoiy of 3,058 males ami l.TOB females a total of 4,764. ITnfortunately St. Anthony was counted with Little Canada, the French settlement north of St. Paul. The aggregate population of St. Anthony and Little Canada was 352 males and 219 females, or 571 in all. The census gave St. Paul a white and mixed blood population of 840; Stillwater, 609; Pembina, 637; Crow Wing, both sides of the river, 244; Wabashaw and Root River, 114; Fort Snelling, 38; ^Fendota. 122; soldiers, women, and children in Forts Snelling and Ripley, 317, etc.. etc. 76 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA As stated, St. Anthony and Little Canada, being in one election district, were counted together. In taking the census only the names of the heads of households were recorded; the number of inmates of each household was given numerically, by sexes, thus : "Calvin A. Tuttle, 4 males, 2 females; total 6." The following is from the Journals of the Ter- ritorial Council and House for 1849 — the Council Joui-nal printed by McLean & Owens and the House Journal by J. M. Goodhue, bound in one volume — and is believed to be a list of the families and heads of households in each in the St. Anthony sub-district of the Third Council District, on June 11, 1849, when the first census was taken : Heads of Households. Males. Females. Total. Calvin A. Tuttle 4 2 6 E. P. Lewis 4 2 6 C. A. Loomis 5 3 8 Beuj. La Fou 2 2 4 Edmond Brisette 3 3 6 Charles Mousseau 7 4 11 John Reynolds 7 3 10 Ard Godfrey 43 7 50 Wm. Marat 3 3 6 Wm. D. Getchell 5 4 9 S. Huse 7 5 12 R. FimieU 10 5 15 Daniel Stanchfield 4 4 John Stanchfield 2 2 G. M. Lowe 4 1 5 A. E. C 7 3 10 Rondo, (?) 5 3 8 Joseph Reasche 6 5 11 Peter Bottineau 17 5 22 Michel Reasche 1 2 3 John Banfil 7 2 9 Wm. Line 3 1 4 Wm. Freeborn 5 3 8 Alex. Paul 4 3 7 Heads of Households. Louis Auge Saml. J. PMudlay . . . Males. Females. Total. .... 4 6 10 .... 4 3 7 173 80 253 Thus there were 26 households with an average of nearly 10 to the household. Of the foregoing it is known that several of the heads of households lived beyond the confines of St. Anthony. Charles Mousseau lived on the shore of Lake Harriet on the west side of the river, on the claim which had been occupied by the missionary brothers, Gideon H. and Saml. W. Pond, nearly 15 years before. "Rondo," if it was Joseph Rondo that was meant, lived east of the village, as did William Marat, (or Marette. ) Louis Auge (pronounced 0-zhay) and Saml. J. Findlay also lived on the west side, well down toward Fort Snelling. Benj. La Fou's residence may be considered doubtful. His name appears twice in the list of householders of the combined precincts, and he lived out Little Canada way. He and his household were counted twice. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the entire census of the Territory was "padded" largely and even shamefulh*. St. Anthony was not an excep- tion. It is difficult to believe that the little log cabins of the village accommodated an average of 10 per- sons to the cabin. Ard Godfrey is given 43 males, mill-hands or lumbermen : it is said he had only 25. FIRST POSTOFFICK AT ST. ANTHONY. In 1848 the population of the village of St. Anthony had increased until a postoffice %\;as demanded and made necessary. A petition to the National Postoffice Department was favorably considered ami the office established. T^pon the recommendation of Frank Steele, and nearly every citizen of the village. Ard Godfrey. Steele's millwright, was appointed post- master, and he held the position until in 1850. CHAPTER IX. PRIMITIVE SCENES AND CONDITIONS. ANTHONY IN ITS FIKST DAYS AS DESCRIBED BY WRITERS AND ACTUAL KESIDENTS E. S. SEYMOUR, THE NOTED NORTHW-ESTEBN TRAVELER AND DESCRIPTIVE WRITER, PRESENTS WORD PAINTINGS OF THE LITTLE FRONTIER VIL- LAGE IN IS'ia — EDITOR GOODUUE, OP THE FIRST illNN ESOTA NEWSPAPER, MAKES THE FIRST PRINTED MENTION OF THE TOWN ONE OP THE FIRST L.\DY RESIDENTS GI VES REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER DAYS AND DOINGS. Very early in its career, when there were but a few log ealiiiis on the site, descriptive writers visited St. Anthouy and its noted Falls and made thein known to the outside world. SEYMOUR DESCRIBES ST. ANTHONY IN 1849. In the summer of 1849 Mr. E. Sanford Seymour, of • ialena, an accomplished writer, (died in 1852) visited .Minnesota and spent several weeks in the vicinity of St. Paul and St. Anthony. In his volume of "Sketches of ^linuesota," printed in 1850. lie de- scribes (on page 120 et seq. ) the situation at St. An- thony in the summer of 1849 : " * y steamboat through the Wisconsin and Fox Rivers and the Great Lakes — -a work already well in progress — it is not too much to predii't for this young Territory and for the manufacturing interests of St. Anthony a rapidity of growth unparalleled even in the annals of Western progress." .\ PIONEEK L.\DY'S reminiscences. In the spring of 1848 Sherburn Huse.* who had fomierly resided at ^lachias, Maine, locatt>d with his family in St. Anthony, at what is now Eighth Avenue Southeast and IMain Street. He had a wife and six children, and his family made quite an addition to the little community. Mr. Huse lived but two years, hut some of his children have resided in ^linneapolis for more than three-score years. His daughter, Amanda I\I. Huse, married Lucius N. Parker and lived at St. Anthony Falls until her death, October 18, 1913. Not long hefoi-e her death ^Irs. Parker dictated an article detailing her reminiscences of her earliest days in I\rinneapolis and this article was printed in the ]\Iin- neapolis -Journal of October 19, 1913, the day after her death. The article itself is interesting and valuable history. Mrs. Parker was a lady of strong mental qualities. Her memoT-ies of early days were so ample and so accurate as to be well-nigh ])henomenal. Her state- ments accord witli established and undisputed histori- cal facts, and she pi-esents much tliat is new and original. Her article is well wortli preserving in tliis history and is here given : "My father was in poor health when we lived in the State of ]\Iaine. [so states Mrs. Parker in her articli'l and, believing that the much pi'aised climate of Wisconsin Territon- would be of beiielit to him, it was decided (lurind at I\Iilwaukee. in February, 1873. FIB.ST POLITICAL CANVASSES AND CONTESTS. The first public matter considered of essential con- sequence in a new American community is the elec- tion of the necessary officers and public servants to direct and manage the general welfare. The first election in which the few citizens of pioneer St. Anthony took part was held October 3tl, 1848, while they were yet citizens of "Wisconsin Territory," as w-as called the district west of the St. Croix left out by the admission of Wisconsin State. As has been stated, the Stillwater Convention chose II. H. Sibley Delegate to Congress from this district which was con.sidered reallj' Wisconsin Territory. It had once iudisi)utably formed a part of that Territory and its people were not to blame that they had been cut off from the State when it was organized. But the certificate of the Stillwater Convention was not considered all-surficient for the admission of Sib- ley to the Congress; another certificate was neces- sary. Hon. John H. Tweedy, the Delegate from Wisconsin Territory when the State was admitted, was the proper Representative (perhaps) of the St. Croix district, claiming to be the Territory, — if there was such a Territory. Hon. John Catli)i, the last Terri- torial Governor of Wisconsin, was very friendly to the project of organizing Minnesota. He suggested that, in order to strengthen Sibley's case, Delegate Tweed.y resign, and then he. the Governor, would call a special election to choose a Delegate to fill the vacancy. Sibley, of course, would be a candidate and would be elected ; then Gov. Catlin would give him a certificate of election by the people, and this and the Stillwater certificate ought to be sufficient credentials for the trader's admis.sion. Tweedy promptly re- signed. Gov. Catlin came over from Madison to Still- water, so as to be within Wisconsin "Territory" and outside of Wisconsin State, and issued a proc- lamation calling the election for October 30. There were two candidates for the position, Henry H. Sibley and Henry M. Rice. Tliere was much astonishment when it was learned that Sibley was to have opposition, and that his ojjponent would be Mr. Rice. They were rival Indian traders and the heads of rival fur companies, Sibley, the chief factor of Pierre Chouteau, Jr., & Co.. engaged in trade with the Sioux, and Rice, the chief representative of Ewing & Co., trading with the Chippewas in their country. While there wer(> Imf about 200 voters in the "Ter- ritory" — and unnaturalized residents and half-blood Indians were allowed to vote — the contest was spirited and warm. The issues were largel.y personal; the question was whether Sibley or Rice was the better man and which of the two great fur companies should dominate matters in the new Territory. Both candid- ates were Democrats and hoped that Gen. Cass would defeat Gen. Taylor for the Presidency at the Novem- ber election, in which, however, of course neither could participate, as he did not live in a State. Charges of personal unfitness, of corruption, of illegal practices, etc., were freely made by the can- didates themselves and their respective partisans! 86 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Many letters passed and many promises were made, and some money, but not mueh, was spent. At first, polling places were established at Stillwater, ^larine, Prescott's, Sauk Rapids, Crow AVing, and Pokegama, but finally a voting district was established at Benj. Gervais"s Mill, at Gervais Lake, north of St. Paul, and St. Anthony was made a part of this election district, and also given a polling place. At the election all the qualified voters — and per- haps some that were not qualified — voted. Sibley was elected. The voting places controlled by the Chouteau Company went largely for him, aud the polls controlled by the Ewing Company and Jlr. Rice voted nearly or quite unanimously for that gentleman. There are no records obtainable of the election at Gervais 's Mill, but Gov. Marshall wrote down his recollection that Sibley had about 50 majority, and that every adult male at Fort Snelling (except the soldiers) voted and — under Sibley's and Frank Steele's influence — for Sibley. The action of the Stillwater Convention in endorsing him was power- fully efficient in securing his election. (See Chap. 29, Vol. 2, Minn, in 3 Cents.) FIRST POLL LIST OF ST. ANTHONY 's FALLS, FOR THE ELECTION OF 1848. In May, 1856, Hon. R. P. Russell, then the Receiver of the Land Office at Minneapolis, furnished the St. Anthony Express with the annexed copy of the poll list of St. Anthony 's Falls precinct at the October .30 election, 1848, for Delegate to Congress. It is to be regretted that there was not some way of recording the names of the Sibley men and the Rice partisans. All of the voters named lived at or near St. Anthony. ••Poll List St. Anthony Pncinvt. "At an election held at the house of R. P. Russell, in the precinct of St. Anthony's Falls, township 29, in the County of St. Croix and Territory of Wisconsin, on the 30th day of October, 1848, the following per- sons received the number of votes annexed to their respective names for the following named offices, to-wit : "Henry H. Sibley had twelve (12) votes for Dele- gate to Congress. "Henry M. Rice had thirty (30) votes for Delegate to Congress. "Certified ))v us fCnlviu A. Tuttle, •JRnswell P. Russell, (Sherburn Huse. Judges of Election. The names of the voters w^re as follows: "Henry II. Angell, David Oilman. Stephen S. Angell, Sterling Gresshorn, John Banfield, Aai'on P. Howai'd, Benj. Bidgood. James M. Howard. Horace Booth, Sniiford Huse, Benj. Bowles, Sherburn Huse, Joseph Brown, Eli F. Lewis, Ira A. Burrows, John McDermott, John J. Carlton, David Chapman, Wm. A. Cheever, Louis Cross, Aiulrcw L. Cummings, Robert Cummings, John Dall, Joel B. Daman, Caleb D. Dorr, Dixon Farmer, Sumner W. P'ariihain. Edgar Folsom, Alplieus R. French, Isaac ilarks, Chas. L. Mitchell, Anthony Page, Edward Patch, John Rex. Alfred B. Robinson, Roswell P. Russell, Andrew Schwartz, Dennis Sherica, Iran Sincere, Daniel Stanchfield, Calvin A. Tuttle, Wm. J. Whaland."' Writing a note to W. H. Forbes, Sibley's chief clerk at ilendota, the da.y after the election, Wm. Dugas, (pronounced Du-gaw) a prominent Canadian Frenchman of the St. Anthony district, aud a zealous Siblej' man, described how the election passed otf and was conducted in his precinct : "Our election went of yesterday & considerable briefly we should have don beter but they co'mence buying votes quite early in the Morning, this morning two young men was at my house and sa.y that they was threteud to be kilt in the morning for saying hooraw for Sibley the other says they oft'erd him a dollar to vote for Rice but he answer that they were all his friends but that he shold vote for Sibley but he says now that before he voted he got vei-y Drunk and they some of them changed his vote and conse- quently got a vot out of him for Rice when he entered to vote for Sibley. My Sellfe and all my friends around me have I believed save our money and not have offered to any one pay for his vote. We thought best to pattering after the Honorable Mr. Sibley, save our money to buy, lands for our friends and our selves rather than buying votes with it, we now think that Mr. Sibley is safely elected and may God grant." (See Sibley papers, unpublished, 1840- 50; Chap. 29, Yol. 2, Minn, in Three Centuries.) ELECTIONS IN 1849. Sibley's election in October, 1848, was as Delegate from Wisconsin Territory. He was admitted to his seat and at once introduced a liill for the creation of Minnesota Territory, and this bill he successfully pressed to passage. With the creation of Minnesota Territory the erstwhile Territory of Wisconsin be- came extinct and Sibley was legislated out of office. Not long after his famous "First of Juno Proclama- tion," Gov. Ramsey, after due consideration, called an election for Delegate to Congress and for members of the Territorial Legislature. The organic act pro- vided that the so-called Territorial Assembly should be composed of a Council, to serve two years, and a House of Representative, to serve one year. ^lembers were to be voters and residents of their respective districts. July 7. (1849) the Governor made procla- mation dividing the Territory into seven Council dis- tricts and ordering an election to be held August 1 following, to choose a Delegate to Congress and nine Councilors and 18 Representatives to constitute the First Legislative Assembly of Miiuiesota Territory. HISTORY OF MINXEAPOrjS AND TIENNEPIN COL'NTY, .MINNESOTA 87 Caiiiiidatus wore "brought out" by Ihoir fiiiMuls and admiivrs without regard to thi'ir political seutiiueuts aud party lines were uot drawn. Sibley was a candi- date for Delegate and had no opposition. Out of about 700 votes cast in the Territory he received 682, and about 20 did not vote at all. Some of the eon- tests for menibei-s of the Territorial Legislature (or Assembly) were, however, quite spirited. In St. Paul's Uavid Lambert, a gifted and eloquent lawyer and a most accomplished gentleman was defeated for the Council by a vote of 98 to 9L His successful competitor was James ilc C. Boal (commonly called "McBoal") who came with Leavenworth's first gar- rison to Fort Snelling as a musician and was accus- tomed to beat a snai-e drum while his bunkmate, ■lo-seph R. Brown, blew the fife. So elated were his partisans over his victory that they hauled him about tlie streets in a chariot improvised from an ox-cart and cheered loudly and wildly because their candid- ate, a house painter, had beaten the great lawyer by only seven votes ! In St. Anthony there was no contest. The little hamlet was \inited wi1h Little Canada, the Fi'euch settlement north of St. Paul, in one Council district numbfi-ed the Fifth, and both were for some years in Ramsey County. The candidates for the Assembly agreed upon and elected from this district were John Rollins, of St. Anthony, Councilor, and Wni. R. Mar- shall, of St. Anthony, and Wm. Dugas, of Little Canada, Representatives. The whole number of votes cast foi- Delegate to Congress in Ramsey County was 273; in the territory. 682. At the time of the elec- tion -the correct census of the population of the Ter- ritory was found to be exactly 5,000, or 3,253 males and 1,747 females; and of this population Ramsey Coiintv had 976 males and 564 females, a total of 1 .540. ■ John Rollins, of St. Anthony, the Councilor elect, was born at New Sharon, ilaine, March 23, 1806, and (lied at IMiinieapolis, May 7. 1883. He was located at St. Anthony in 1848, built and operated the first steamboat that ran above the Falls, and was identified with the early lumbci'ing interest of .Minneapolis in general. William Dugas was a French Canadian who came to St. Paul in 1844. He was a milhvi'ight and in 1845 erected the first St. Paul saw-mill, which was driven by the water of Phalen Creek. In 1847 he re- moved to a farm in the Little Canada settlement, where he resided until in 185:^, when he went to the Crow River \'al]cy. the scene of his death, many years lati-i-. Wm. R. .Mai'shall, the other Representative, has .-iln'udy been im-ntioned. THE C.\NV.VSS .\.NI> KLKCTION OF 1850. In 1850 political (larty lines as between Whigs, Democi'ats. anil l'''ree Soilers were not very strictly di'awn. Tiie issues practicallv were as they had been in 1848, between II. M. Rice and II. H. Sibley, the -iiief factors of the two rival fur companies of Ewing & rV).. and Pieri-e Chouteau, .Tr.. & Co. Rice was tiien the wealthiest man in the Territory, a distinction that gave him great influence. He was said to be worth $50,000, and to be out of debt, but had many debtors ! .Mr. Rice had political ambitions. Sibley had de- feated him for Delegate to Congress in 1848' and now, in 1850, Sibley was again a canditlate for the place. .Mr. Rice had causeil a Democratic Couventiou to be called in St. Paul in October, 1849. This convention declared for the organization of the Democratic party in the Territory, and that in the future it would nominate straight Democrats for otifice. This was a move of Mr. Rice's to get control of the nui.prity of the Democrats and to injure Delegate Sibley, who was certain to be a candidate for re-election. Sibley ex- pressly stated that as Delegate he represented no political part}- or faction, and the convention was held to force him to avow or disavow his allegiance to the Democratic party to which he luul always claimed to belong. Sibley's friends presentetl him to the voters for re- election in the canvass of 1850, bringing him out, somewhat against his protest, in July. The Rice fac- tion of the Democracy had declared for straight-out Democratic nominations, but now, in order to defeat Sibley, they brought about against him the ('andidacv of a Whig, Col. Alex. .M. Mitchell, the Marshal of the Territory, a wounded hero of the Mexican War, and an accomplished gentleman. In the canvass that re- sulted the Rice Democrats and the Rice Whigs sup- ported ^Mitchell; also some "old hunker" Whigs voted for him. The Sibley Democrats and the Sibley AVhigs supported the "tall trader," as the Indians called him. Even Gov. Ramsey and other staunch Whigs, like Col. John H. Stevens, were for Sibley. Great ef- forts to win were made by each party. The election came off September 2. For the first time officers and soldiers composing the gai'ri.sons of Forts Snelling and Ripley voted. The Fort Snell- ing soldiers voted in the Mcndota precinct ; those of Fort Ripley voted at Sauk Rapids. In both precincts they voted almost solidly for iMitchell, the candidate of the Rice faction. At Sauk Rapids the vote stood : For :\litchell, 60; for Sibley, 3. At Sauk Rapids was Mr. Rice's trading post and his employes voti d to plca.se him. In the St. Anthony precinct Sil)]ey was poi)ular enough and Frank Steele worked hard for him; but the Whigs were largely in the majority and voted for Col. Mitchell, a staunch Whig. The vote resulted: For Sibley, 64; for Mitchell, 110. The re- sult in the Territory was, for Sibley, 649 ; for Mitchell, 559; nuijority for Sibley, 90. Total vote in the Terri- tory, 1,208. I'nder all the circumstances, Sibley's election was a great personal triumph, although he was disappointed that he did not receive a larger majority. At the same election local candidates were also chosen. No |)arty nominations wei-e maile. biri at St. Anthony the outspoken Sibley men endorseil iiim. nominated Ard Godfrey for County Connuissiouer, Caleb D. Dorr for Surveyor of Lumber, and Pierre Bottineau for one of the road supervisors. St. An- thony and Little Canada were still in the same Legi.s- lati\c district. At the election the voting at St. An- thonv resulted : HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA For Represeutatives in the Legislature, two to be chosen, Edward Patch, 158; Johu W. North, 116; Chas. T. Stearns, 55 ; Louis M. Olivier, 9. For County Commissioner, Roswell P. Russell, 165 ; Ard Godfrey, 130. For Assessors, three to be chosen, I. I. Lewis, 154; Sam J. Findley, 148; S. H. Sergent, 143; Geo. C. Nichols, 135 ; Albert H. Dorr, 135 ; Thos. P. Reeci, 103. The vote of Little Canada for Representatives was Louis M. Olivier, 42; Ed Patch, 38; John \V. North, 5. For Delegate Sibley received 44 and Mitcliell 8. From Dakota County, which then extended fi-om the Mississippi to the Missouri, Alexander P^aribault. the mixed-blood trader and founder of the little city which yet bears his name, and Ben H. Raadali. then clerk in Steele's sutler store at Fort Suelling, w-ere elected Representatives in the Legislature. Mr. Ran- dall has been called the founder of Hennepin County because he more than any one else pressed to ]>assage in the Legislature the bill which created the county and provided for its organization. He died i-t Winona in October, 1913. ST. ANTHONY MEN TAKE PROMINENT PARTS. The citizens of St. Anthony made active partici- pation in the political contest of 1850. Franklin Steele, the brother-in-law and friend of Sibley, exerted himself to the utmost in behalf of his relative. Sib- ley was in Washington and Steele conducted his cam- paign. John n. Stevens, then Steele's clerk and l)ractically his factotum, was also his political lieu- tenant. Stevens was a Whig, but a Sibley Whig. Sililey had written that he cared nothing personally about being a candidate, but Steele and othens wrote him that he must be. July 24 Stevens wrote him : ■'Much excitement and agitation reign throughout Jlinnesota now. but Rice and Mitchell prospects do not present so flattering a .show as they did a few weeks since. Goodhue will bring you out to-morrow in the Pioneer as an independent candidate, and we will try to put you through." But not until August 8th did the Pioneer "bring out" Mr. Sibley "as an independent candidate" with an editoi-ial endorsement. Thence forward it sup- ported the tall trader by printing proceedings of pub- lic meetings strongly endorsing him and which had been held at Stillwater. Cottage Grove, St. Paul, Wellsville, and elsewhere, and by strong editorials. [•! one editorial Mr. Goodhue argued that it was not wrong or reprehensible for a man to be engaged in the fur trade, and that, "honesty and capacity make the man — not the employment of the man. Any at- tempt to exclude any man from participation in gov- ernment on account of his trade and business is con- trary to the genius of true democracy." No doubt (lOodhue so wrote to silence the cry made by denni- gogues that Sibley ought not to be elected because he was the agent of the Chouteau fur company, which it was alleged had a "monopoly" of the fur trade in Minnesota. "Even at that day," says Gov. Marshall, in an address made many years later, "the cry was, Anti-^Ionopoly !" It was conceded that Frank Steele's exertions ef- fected the election of Sibley. Writing to the latter in November, and discussing what he called "the schemes of the Rice-Mitchell party," Johu H. Ste- vens asserted: "The fact is that had it not been for Mr. Steele, ^litchell would have been elected. When we all gave up, as you may saj', in despair, Mr. Steele came to the rescue and took bets against odds. Together with Paul R. George and J. H. McKinney, he di'ove the team safe through, giving Mitchell, Rice, and their followers their just dues. In taking this course Mr. Steele has obtained the most bitterly vindictive ene- mies; 3'et we all earnestlj' hope he will ride rougli- shod over all of those who attempt to put him down." ilr. Stevens himself wanted to be a candidate for the Legislature from the Dakota County, or Fort Snelling, district, called the Seventh Council Dis- trict, and which included, by the terms of Gov. Ram- sey's proclamation, the country and settlements west of the Mississippi, except the country up about Crow- Wing and along the ^lississippi below Little Crow's village. The voting place for the electors of ^lendota. Fort Snelling, Black Dog's Village, Prairieville (or Shaknpee) Oak Grove, Traverse des Sioux, and Little Crow's village was "at the lower ware-house in Men- dota." The election liooth for the western end of the ilistrict or for the voters at Lac qui Parle, Big Stone Lake, and the Little Rock was "at the house of Martin McLeod. at Lac qui Parle." The residence of Mr. Ste- vens was then at Fort Snelling, where he was Frank Steele's agent. Alexander Faribault and Ben H. Randall had been "brought out" by the Sibley men for the Legislature and had Steele's endorsement. Stevens tried but without success to indvice one of them to withdraw in his favor. He was greatly dis- satisfied when both refused. Col. Jlitchell and certain other of the Whig Terri- torial officers had united with H. M. Rice and his Democratic faction in an effort to control political interests in Minnesota, and they had succeeded in securing the favor of the Taylor administration at Washington. Gov. Ramsey had taken the side of the Sibley wing of the Democrats and there was utter lack of harmony between him and Col. Mitchell. Secretary Smith, and the other Whig Territorial officers. It was finally determined by the Governor and his friends to send John H. Stevens to Washington to induce the administration to take a proper and an unprejudiced view of the situation in Minnesota. It was believed, or at least hoped, that Stevens' representations would cause the Administration to adopt the views of Gov, Ramsey and his Whigs, and to denounce the course of Col. ilitchell and his Whigs as deceptive before the country and wrong in fact. But Stevens at first refused to go. He got mad because he was not elected to the Legislature by the Whigs and the Sibley Democrats. In a letter to Sib- ley dated at St. Anthony, Jan. 6, 1851, he explained and sought to justify his course, saying: "I wrote you, some weeks since, that a Whig from this Territory would spend the winter in Washington endeavoring to counteract the unhallowed purposes of HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 89 Col. Mitu-hi'll and his coutVcliTatos. who are doing so much to injurr tlie fair prospects of the Territory liy working for their own aggraiulizenient. As 1 was tlie one selected by (iovernor Ramsey for this purpose, 1 deem it proper that you should lie made acciuainted witii the reason why 1 have not left home, and why probably 1 shall not. "When the (iovernor first wanted me to, it was with tile understaiuiingi that 1 shouhl be elected to the Leg- islature and go in the authority of a Whig member, as he thought it would give me more power, liut Alex. Faribault would not resign, and it would have been perfecth' useless to ask Ben Randall to do so. * * * He is a new-comer, without the requisites necessar\' to make a good member; but he is a Demo- crat, which suited Mr. Steele, who has lost a good deal of sympathy on that account, and so he was kept and elected. So I could not go to Washington in the capacity of a member of the Territorial Legislature. Then the (iovernor said he would give me an appoint- ment, for which I have waited till now — and now it is too late to go. "Had such a thing been thought of last summer, I would have run from here, (St. Anthony) but felt satisfied that a trap was set for me which caught poor Petti.john, after I declined to run. But by Mr. Steele's say-so Randall could have been choked off and thus saved all of the present difficulty. But we hope for better times."" Notwithstanding Mr. Stevens's expressed opinion that it was "too late to go" on the 6th, he was induced to start on the 22d for Washington to secure certain appointments in Jlinnesota desired by the Sibley Democrats and the anti-JIitchell AVhigs. He went by sleigh on the ^Mississippi ice to Prairie du Chien, from thence by stage to Chicago, via Galena ; from Chicago to Detroit by the Jliehigan Central Railroad : from Detroit, by a long stage ride through Canada, to Buffalo and Niagara, and thence by rail to Washing- ton, via New York. . This was the route and the mode of travel at that period from Minnesota to Washing- ton in the winter season. Arriving at the National Capital Mr. Stevens and Simeon V. Folsom, escorted by Delegate Sibley, waited upon Daniel W^ebster. then Secretary of State, and Stevens with a batch of strongly written papers presented the case of the anti-Mitchell and Rice forces in Minnesota. Webster assured the delegation that the back of the Administration's hand was against the ^litchell men. and that the Sibley and Ramsey pai'ty would be recognized in future Territorial appointments. Accordingly Joseph W. Furber. of Washington County, was promised and received tlie Marshal.ship. in place of Col. Jlitchell ; Frank Steele was retained in the sutlershii) a'ld as postma.ster at Fort Snelling, etc. The anti-Riee faction controlled the National patronage, but tiie pro-Rice people liail contrived to secure the appointments of the Terri- torial IjCgislature, so that the honors were fairly easy. MR. STEVENS RETURNS. Mr. Stevens returned from his Washington tri]) to St. Anthony on the 4th of April. En route at Xew York he purchased a supply of goods for Steele 's sutler store at Fort Snelling and another stock to be opened in a new store owned by him and Steele at St. ^\jithony. At Galena he bought for the Whigs of Minnesota an entire outfit for a printing-office, which was to be shipped to St. Paul by the first steam- boat that spring. The river was not open at Galena when Mr. Stevens was there, and he came home over Hon. Wyram Ivnowltou"s new mail route from Prairie du Chien to St. Paul, riding in a hack, passing through a great hail storm and many other privations. The route ran on the Wisconsin side, along the river, terminating at Hudson. Waking the next morning after his ar- ri\al in St. Paul, he found to his chagrin that a steam- boat from Galena had arrived the previous night. Had he waited four days at Galena, he could have come in comfort on the boat and arrived at St. Paul as soon as Judge Knowlton"s two-horse wagon got in. ST. ANTHONY NOTES FOR 18-19. According to Col. Stevens's list the following men, fhe ma.jority of whom had families, became perma- nent residents of St. Anthony during the year 1S41) : Amos Bean, John Bean, Reuben Bean, L. Bostwick, Chas. A. Brown, Ira Burroughs, Narcisse Beauleau, P. X. Crapeau, \Vm. P. Day, Albert Dorr, Rufus Faruham, Sr., Rufus Fai-uham, Jr., Samuel Feruald, A. J. Foster, Moses W. Getchell, Wm. W. (ietehell, Isaac Gilpatrick, Francis Huot, John Packins, Dr. Ira Kingsley, Charles Kiugsley, Isaac Lane, Silas Lane, Isaac Ives Lewis, Eli F. Lewis, Jos. J\I. Marshall, Hon. B. B. Meeker, Elijah Moultou, Dr. J. II. Mur- phy, James Mc.Mullen, Owen McCarty, J. Z. A. Nick- erson, John W. North, L. N. Parker, Stephen Pratt, William Richardson, J. G. Spence, Chas. T. Stearns, Lewis Stone, Elmer Tyler, Wm. H. W^elch, Wm. Worthingham. And Col. Stevens says that all these citizens were "far above the average in regard to merit and enter- prise," and that those who came in 1850 "were men of equal merit." Prominent among those that came in IS.")!) were : Isaac Atwater, Joel B. Bassett, Simon Bean, Wai'- ren Bristol, Baldwin Brown, Henry Chaud)ers, Thos. Chambers. Geo. W. Chowen, Chas. W. (Jhristmas, Stephen Cobb. Joseph Dean, Stephen E. Foster, Wil- liam Finch, Reuben B. Gibson, Chas. Gilpatrick. Chris. C. Garvey, Ezra Hanseombe, C. P. Harmon. Chandler Harmon, E. A. Harmon, W^m. Harmon. Allen Harmon. Kben How. John llinkston. Wm. L. Larneil, Joseph Le Due, (i. (i. Loomis, John S. Mann. Ju.stus H. Moulton, Edward Murphy, A. C. Murphy, ('has. Mansur. Chas. Jliles, ("apt. B." B. Parker, Peter I'oiicin. Rufus S. I'ratt. Col. Wm. Smith. Wm. Smiley, Simon Stevens, Wm. Stevens, Daniel Staiiciifield, ( ?) Waterman Stinson, G. W. Tew. R. P. Cpton. (ieo. T. Vail, W. W. Wales, John Wensinger, Horace Web- ster, Thos. Warwick, Jose])h P. Wilson, A. R. Young. "All these," says Stevens, "were citizens who would do honor to any ]iart of the Union." They lived to .justify Stevens's assertions, and with sui'h 90 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA men as its iouiiders uo wonder St. Anthony became a great city. THE FIRST SCHOOLS. Generally when New Englanders made a settlement on the American frontier, the first thing they built after they had put up their cabins was a school house, and soon a "'school-ma'am," as she was called, was installed in it and a school opened. In 1850 two school districts were organized in St. Anthony and named for the two great capitalists of the region at the time, Steele and Rice. Miss Electa Backus was the first principal school teacher in St. Anthony, and under her superintendeney the schools were very successful. She first had a school in the village in the summer of 184!) — of course a private school. Some Canadian French children were among the brightest and best pupils. The St. Paul Pioneer of Oct. 31, 1850, contained this paragraph, noting two schools in St. Anthony : "Our neighbors of the lovely village of St. Anthony are determined not to be behind the world iu educa- tional progress. They are about to have established there two schools, to be taught by ladies — the one a primary school by iliss Tlioinpson, of whom we hear an excellent report, and the other by Jliss il. A. Schofield, a lady with whom we are acquainted, one of the pioneer teachers of our Territory and a lady who well deserves the character she has gained for talents and character as a teacher of the advanced stiulies." Prior to this, however, there had been at least one private school. This was established some time in 1849 by a Prof. Lee, who, according to Goodhue's Pioneer of December 12, was "a gentleman of schol- astic attainments and long experience." At the time, too, his school was called the "St. Anthony Academy," and the Pioneer said it was in most successful operation. It is agreed that Miss Electa Backus taught the first private school in St. Anthony in 1849, and was also one of the first principals of a public school here. Hudson's History (p. 90) says: "Soon after the settlement of St. Anthony ]\Iiss Electa Backus taught a private school in a frame shanty on Second street, and alioul 1850 the first public school of the village was built near by and was taught for a time by a Mr. Lee." But the notice in the Minnesota Pioneer of Decem- ber 12, 1849, shows that Prof. Lee's "academy" was a lu-ivate school, and no record can be found that he "taught for a time" in "the first pulilic school of the village." The record is plain that the Rice and Steele Schools were the first public schools, that they were established simultaneously, late in 1850. and that Miss Thompson and ^Miss Schofield were the teachers, and ]Mr. Lee had nothing to do with them. ST. .\NTHOXY's INDIAN NEKninORS IN 1850. In the summer of 1850. and for a year or more thereafter. St. Anthony's Indian neighbors were fre- (lucnt visitors, but gave no trouble. The Lake Cal- lioun bands, as Cloud Plan's and Good Road's bands were sometimes called, had removed their villages from Lakes Calhoun and Harriet. From time to time, how- ever, certain families came back to the old scenes and pitched their tepees on the former camping ground. In July, 1850, when Editor (ioodhue went up the St. Peter's on the Anthony Wayne, he noted that Black Dog's village had been moved from the west side of the river, near the lake which still bears the chieftain's name, to the crest of the bluff on the east side. The village was now a line of huts and tepees extending along the blutf. which, though running parallel with the river, was 200 or 300 yards back from the stream. It was about three miles above Fort Snelling. Between the tepees and the river bank, growing in the wai*m, sandy loam and in well kept truck-patches, wei-e thrifty crops of corn and beans, which the Indian women were industriously hoeing. A little above Black Dog's village, and on the same side, was Cloud Plan's. It was now very small and consisted of only a dozen t^epees and huts. But every family had patches of corn and beans, which the women had kept well hoed and which promised abun- dant yields. Nine miles by land from Fort Snelling, also on the east side, was the town of old Good Road (or Ta-chankoo-wash-tay) and this was a larger and more pretentious village then. The appearance of the steamboat caused great excitement among the red people, many of whom had never before seen a pay- tay wahtah or "fire canoe." Here, as at the other villages, the population, men and women, boys and girls, some blanketed and well clad and others in a state of nature, came running to the river bank to see the strange but interesting sight of a huge boat, radiant and gleaming in its white paint, but puffing like a tired gigantic monster. All gazi'leasant eminence above the Falls, and will be completed soon after the opening of navigation the coming spring. It will have two piazzas. 72 feet in length, fronting the river, and fi'om the upper one visitors can have a magnificent view of the angry waters as they hurry over the i)recipice. The hotel is not more than ten minutes walk from the steam- boat wharf, which is now building. It will be kept by 96 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA a geutlemau tliat uuderstauds the art of making his guests feel perfectly at home. He was one of the first settlers of Minnesota and will be the proprietor of the first hotel in St. Anthony. ■ ■ Two schools have been recently opened where all branches of education maj- be pursued, including the ornamental. The school house which is on the blutf of a beautiful prairie overlooking the Falls, is neat and spacious. One of these schools is taught by a lady [Miss Backus] and the other by a gentleman [Prof. Lee]. "A charter for a literary association was obtained from the last Legislature. A small- but choice selec- tion of books has been purchased and preserved iu a fine large book-case. Weekly lectures are given before this association by gentlemen of the first talents. An excellent singing school has just commenced and is taught in the latest style and most approved plan. "A great variety of newspapers aaid other publica- tions are taken, for the people are a reading and thinking people. They ai'e also a church-going people and every Sabbath the school room is filled with an attentive audience, listening to a Baptist or Methodist or Presbyterian clergyman." Ill its issue of May 4, 1850, the Minnesota Chronicle & Register described how busy the St. Anthony mills were then, saying: ■"The mills at St. Anthony run now night and day. Four saws are in operation, turning out 30,000 feet of lumber every 24 hours. In addition, some 10,000 laths and 6,000 shingles are made daily. The larger part of the immense stock of logs got out during the winter has been driven down and secured and the Mill Com- pany are now prepared to fill bills as fast as ordered. ■"An absurd rumor has been current, to a certain extent, that iu the sale of lumber by the Company preference is given to the citizens of St. Authonj', and that a resident of that place could buy lumber on a year's credit, when a citizen of St. Paul could not make a purchase for cash. In sheer justice to the Com- pany we give this report a fiat contradiction. This story refutes itself, and would not receive notice had it not been industriously propagated in certain quarters. ' ' A prominent and quite effective booster for St. Anthony in its first years was L. M. Ford. He was interested in the place and had some lots for sale, l)ut he was largely unselfisli. He wrote many articles for the Minnesota newspapers laudatory of St. Anthony and the country, and at his own expense sent scores of papers containing his articles all over the Eastern country. These printed articles, supplemented by hundreds of private letters, were responsible for much of the immigration which came to the eountry in early days. In an article written by Mr. Ford aliout St. Anthony, and which appeared in the Minnesota Pioneer of February 27, 1851, he said: "• • * rphg extent and beauty of the town site attract particular attention, and newly-made houses are scattered along its river side, above and below the Falls. "But on the west side there is a much better site and more extensive. This land, however, is not yet subject to entry, but being such an admirable situa- tion hundreds are looking over it with eager eyes, ilany ha\e already gone across the i-iver and made their "claims'" even at the risk of having their tem- porary lodges torn down bj- a company of Uncle Sam's boys from Fort Snelling. There will be a grand rush for 'the other side' as soon as the land is brought into market. Another town will then and there spring up, as the result of Yankee enterprise and competition. "Saint Anthony has been mostly built up during the present season. It has received a great immigra- tion and especially from Maine; the lower town is mostly settled by people from JMaine, but the upper towu is composed more of all sorts, like St. Paul. There is a marked difference between the two parts of St. Anthony. The lower part, or the Maine set- tlement, has no drinking establishments, while it has the extensive saw-mills which supply St. Paul and the surrounding country with lumber; it also has the largest stores, besides a noble school house and a church nearly complete. The upper town can boast of a splendid hotel, one of the best iu Minnesota, and several gToceries — but not of the other things found in the lower towu ! "* * * In respect to churches Saint Anthony is about one year behind St. Paul. The Baptist denomination has a house nearly ready for meeting in. while the various other denominations are pre- paring to build. Within a year from this time we may expect to see as many meeting houses in this place as there are now at St. Paul. It is supposed by some that the town now contains 1,000 inhabitants : when the national census of 1850 was taken, last sum- mer, it had about 700." In an editorial article in the St. Anthony Express of December 20, 1851. Editor Isaac Atwater said that it would not be an exaggeration to state that 75 build- ings had been erected in the village during the pre- vious year, and that 75 more were either under way or in mature contemplation. Arnold W. Taylor's building on ]Maiii Street (occupied as a general store in Janiuiry following) was characterized as, "a large building, an ornament to the village, and an indica- tion of the enterprise of the population." It was a large building for the time; Atwater solemnly declared that it was "one story and a half high." J. P. Wilson, of St. Anthony, and I)i-. ilalonc^-, of Illinois, Were having a store building erected on the corner of Main and Rollins Streets, filling a gap which had hitlierto interfered with the regularity of the streets at that point. A number of other houses were being built in the upper portion of the village. Frank Steele iiad a number of workmen engaged in preparing the woodwork for a "hotel of the larg- est size," which was to be completed in the .spring of 1852. John G. Lennon was preparing to build a residence which was to be "eifual in proportions to any which has heretofore been built in St. Anthouy. " These established and contemplated improvements and enterprises were as important in the development of St. Anthony in 1851, as have been the sky -scraping HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNES(rrA 97 office buildings and the vast factories evolved iu Minneapolis in later periods. At the time of writing the foregoing exultant notes of the progress liis village had made and was making, Editor Atwater took oeeasion to say that, due to the season, when the trees were bare and the skies clear, an ample and unobstructed view of the village and of the surrounding country were abundantly afforded. From the crest of Hose Ilill, two miles east of the village, there could be seen, curling in tiie wintry air, smoke from the chimneys of St. Paul, ijittle Canada, Mendota, Fort Snelling, and the little hamlet then called Groveland. A more extended prospect was offereil from a big lone oak which stood, like a great plume, on tlie crest of a high hill in the village cemetery grounds, which were then a mile or more east and south of the College gi-ounds. From the base of this tree the valley of the St. Peter's could be traced from Mendota up the river, for 28 miles, to Shakopee's village. And the Mississippi was visible from far above the Falls to the bend .just below the mouth of what was theu called Brown's Creek, or the Little Falls Creek, now called i\Iinnehaha. Then the lines of the neat white cottages in St. Anthony were plainly visible from the same base, the whole making a delightfully impressive scene. GOODHUE FORECASTS THE FUTURE. It can hardly be too often and too emphatically asserted that Editor Goodhue, of the Minnesota Pio- neer, was a most serviceable friend to St. Anthony. It has already been shown how he tried to "boost" the town and promote its interests by the frequent insertion in the Pioneer of well written articles in their favor which were widely read. He was an able man and recognized the manifest destiny of a prop- erly founded city at the site of the great water-power, on a mighty river, and in the midst of a vast, resource- ful country. In fact while he claimed that his own town was then greater, in all respects but one, than St. Anthony, he conceded that St. Anthony might one day become the greater. In the Pioneer of December 26, 1850, he wrote : "We do not say that St. Paul will always be the most impoi'taiil town in IMinnesota: and we do not say that St. Anthony will not l)e." The truth is that Mr. Goodhue was "a fellow of infinite .iest." He would stop in the midst of engross- ing labor to listen to a funny story, and he would imperil not only his private business but his personal safety rather than forego the exquisite pleasure of writing and printing something in his paper which he thought was humorous. The people about the Falls protested against Mr. (Joodhne's suggestion that the new town should be called "All Saints," and then he resented the pro- test. He saw that he had been inconsiderate, but he pretended that he was deliberale. He said that "All Saints" would be a splendid name for a city — there was no other in all the world so named. John H. Stevens (Minn, and People, p. 128) says: "Goodhue had uo patience when any other name than 'AH Saints' was talked of. His letters to me were always so addressed. In September, 1851, I received a letter from him containing the following: "I, with my wife and sistei-, three children, and a servant girl, propose to dine with you to-morrow, Tuesday, at All Saints.' Miss Mary A. Schofield, the pioneer teacher, also favored the name. 'All Saints, Minnesota Terry.' " It was not, however until in 1851, when the new town on the west side was talked of, that Goodhue proposed the name All Saints. He also contemplated that this name should be given to the combined towns; for he concluded that they would soon be combined as one municipality, the situation and all other condi- tions demanding such a combination. As has been stated, the shrewd editor foresaw, with reasonable clearness, the destiny of the place. In his "New Year's Address" published in the Pioneer Jan. 2, 1850, when the paper was but nine months old, he "dipped into the future," and thus prophesied: "Propelled by our great river, you shall see A thousand factories at St. Anthony." FIRST NEWSP.IPER IN ST. ANTHONY. Very early in their history the citizens of St. Anthony sought to have a village newspaper. Every- body wanted one. The politicians wanted it that they might if possible control it in their own interests; the business men wanted it as an advertising medium; the citizens wanted it so that the town could boast of such an institution, etc. January 6, 1851, John II. Stevens wrote to Sibley, then at Washington as Terri- torial Delegate : "A press at St. Anthony now would be a money- making business. You see Rice bought up the Chronicle & Register; he already owned the Demo- crat, and both of these are his organs. The two filthy sheets are gulling the public with their pretensions of independence : but the cloven foot sticks out so plain thfft a blind man can see Rice — Rice — Rice — sticking out all around, and every column shows it. "Goodhue, of the Pioneer, works for money; dol- lars are his asylum ; [sic] he dreams of them at night and is ready to work by day, provided he can get well paid for the work. Had he not gone in for St. Paul so much, he would have got the public printing; he may get it yet, but it is to be doubted. * » * John Kollins and Edward Patch would have gone for Goodhue had it not been for his remarks about St. Anthony. We must have a paper of our own. "* * * Now, if you know of any one or two young men who want to embark in a profitable busi- ness, and have talent, just send them on to St. Anthony with a press. T will have a house ready for them to move in. They can make money from the start. Good managers cannot help but do well. * * * We hope to hear of the reduction of the Fort Snelling R(>serve soon : yon little know the excitement here about it ; what a help to the srrowth of the Territory it would be!" If Col. Stevens's free and spirited criticisms of the 98 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA newspapers of the Territoiy were true, certainly another, and of a ditifereut sort, was needed. There were two Democratic and one Whig paper at St. Paul, and another Whig paper was demanded somewhere in the Territorj*. Among the first settlers in St. Anthony was Elmer Tyler, who came from Chicago in 1850 and opened a small tailor shop on J\Iain street, opposite the Falls. He bought a number of town lots and other real estate near the village, and in disposing of certain of his holdings made handsome profits. He was an ardent Whig in politics and prone to street and bar-i-oom discussions. In some respects he was eccentric, but on the whole a man of information and a certain sort of talent. He often said that there ought to be a Whig paper in St. Anthony, and as he had made some money in his real estate speculations, he said he was willing to invest in one. He had no experience as a publisher and but little ability as a writer, but he put these disadvantages aside, in his enthusiasm to accomplish his desires. In his history Judge Atwater says that Mr. Tyler proposed to establish a Whig paper at the Falls, if the then young and promising lawyer, Atwater, would edit it, and the proposition was accepted. Tyler went to Chicago and purchased the necessary outfit, includ- ing a hand press, for a seven-column folio paper. How this material was transported from Chicago to the JMississippi caiuiot now be stated; there was then no railroad between the city and the river. The first number of the paper was issued May 31, 1851. It was called the St. Anthony Express. Its place of publication was given as "St. Anthony Falls, Min." In those days every pretentious paper had its motto. That of the Express, was conspicuous under the title on the first page and at the head of the editorial columns and read, "Principles, Not Men." Judge Atwater writes that for the first year the paper was published in a log house on Main Street, under the bluff, and near First Avenue Southeast ; the cabin had been used as a boarding house for the men that built the first mill dam, and was called by them the "mess house," The proprietor of the paper — at least the ostensible and declared owner — was the Mr. Elmer Tyler, before mentioned, and the first announced publisher was II. Woodbury. The latter was a practical printer and Mr. Tyler brought him from Chicago to take charge of the mechanical work on the new paper. His brother, J. P. Woodbury, also a printer, came with him, and the two, as it seems, did all the work of setting the type and "working off" the paper. The Express was well and neatly and tastefully printed, and presented an attractive appearance, although the type was very plain and the printing was done upon a hand-press of the fashion used by Ben. Franklin. It is not very likely that Mr. Tyler was the real owner of the Exjiress; he was jirobably a stockholder, but as tJie proprietor was perhaps only a figurehead. He was an ardent WHiig and the Express was a Whig paper politically. The real owner or the principal backer and promoter was doubtless Franklin Steele, who in the interests of his business did not want a paper at St. Anthony that would in any way, or at any time, oppose them. Though Tyler was so loud- mouthed a Whig, he could not really afford to indulge in the luxury of newspaper ownership at the then little frontier village, with all the risk and vicissi- tudes which such ownership implied. Though Steele was a staunch Democrat in politics, it would be to him money well invested if he should purchase the controlling interest in a Whig paper, not to shape its political course, but to infiuenee its local comments and criticisms. The Democratic papers of the Terri- tory were friendly to him, as was the ilinnesotian, the Whig paper at St. Paul, and then the only journal of that polities in the Territory. If he could control the Express, all the papers in the Territory would be his friends. Judge Atwater, in his history, says that he was the editor of the Express from its first number until it was discontinued, in 1859, and that ]\Ir. Tyler was the editor and publisher until "the end of the year," meaning the first year. The early numbers of the paper, however, do not thus show. From the first issue of the Express, May 31. until August 2 it bore the names in bold black type of "E. Tyler, Proprie- tor, ' ' and ' ' H. Woodbury, Publisher. ' ' Tjder evi- dently did not continue with the paper longer than three months — and not until "the end of the year." August 2, 1851, the paper came out bearing the names of "Woodbury & Hollister, Publishers and Pro- prietors. ' ' A gifted young man named Shelton Hol- lister, of Pennsylvania, seemed to have succeeded Mr. Tyler, whose name, as in any way connected with the paper, never appeai'ed in it again. But, two months later, or October 1, the paper came out bearing the names of "H. & J. P. Woodbury, Editors and Pro- prietors," and was so issued until the latter part of May, 1852. During its first year the name of Isaac Atwater never appeared as editor of the paper, or as in any manner connected with it. It is a fact, how- ever, that he was its chief editorial writer, but it is not probable that he selected and prepared the entire "copy." The Woodbury Brothers made great dis- play of the fact that they were the "editors." The Express was a Whig paper. Judge Atwater was a Whig of the conservative type, and the paper's editorials showed plainly wliere he stood. During the first years of the paper there were in the United States but two political parties worth considering, the Whig and the Democratic; the Free Soil party did not have 160,000 members. The cardinal principles of the Whig party were a protective tariff, an extended system of internal improvements to be estab- lished and conducted liy the General Government, and that the Federal and State governments of our coun- try "are parts of one system." There were in the party States' rights and Federalist members, and particularly there were pro-slavery and anti-slavery men, the farmer residing largely in the South and the latter living almost wholly in the North. The party was always conservative, did not believe in radicalism, opposed war, or anything likely to cause great public excitement or distress, and accepted situ- ations very readily Thus it accepted slavery and the HISTORY OF •MINNEAl'OI'.IS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 99 laws protecting it, wluTcat iiiauy of its mfinbi'rs were olTiMuifd. and contriliutcii larg.'l.v to tlu- ir)(i.(lll() Pivsidi'iitia! voft-s cast in IS")!' for Hale and Jidiaii, the candidates of the Free Soilers or, as they ealh'd themselves, the "Free Democratic Party," the fore- runner of the Republican Party. The truth is that GO and 70 yeare ago a large majority of the anti- slavery men of the North were Democrats, or aHiliated with the Democratic party. When the Reiniblican party was organized, in 1804-55. nearly all of the Free Soil Democrats .ioincd it. and then, after slavery was abolished, some of Ihcni went back to the Demo- cratic party. "When the Whig pai'ty l)roke up. in 1855, Judge Atwater, Judge Meeker, and many other Whigs throughout the country went into the Democratic party and thereafter acted with it, Atwater was, liowever, at all times and under all cii'cumstances a patriot and a true American. He was a lover of and devoted to his country all the days of his life. In 1850-51, about the time of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and when the i|uestion of slavery exten- sion was to the fore, the Southern "fire-eaters," as they were termed, were blustering and blaspheming and declaring for secession and a dissolution of the Union. In the St. Anthony Express of July 12, 1851, Atwater. as its editor, wrote : "It does seem to us that all who clamor for dis- union, whether they live North or South, and all fire- eaters, wherever found, deserve to be sent over the Falls here, and the prescription repeated until they become cool. But, seriously speaking, is not this eternal clamor about the dissolution of the Union insufferable? And shall not Minnesota be character- ized by her devotion to the Union ? Shall not any man who advocates disunion be branded as worse than a traitor?" The subse(|nent histoiw of the St. Anthoiiy Express may be briefly given. ^lay 28. 1852. George D, Bow- man an old newspaper man of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, a.ssumed control of the paper as pro- prietor, publisher, and editor. August 5, 1855, Judge Atwater took full charge and made it staunchly Denmcratic in polities. In March, 1859, D. S. B. Johnston, now the well known capitalist and philan- fhi-oiiisf of St. Paul. becam(> Atwatei-'s editorial asso- ciate. Johnston was at the time principal of a select school in St. Anthony. In August, 1857, Chas. II. Slocum purchased a one-third interest in the pai>er from Judge Atwater and became its publishei' : .Vtwater remained as editor although that yeai- he was elected one of the Judges of the first State Supreme Court. In 1859 Johnston bought a one- third interest in the paper and became an equal ]iart- ner with Slocum and Atwater. (Statemeiir of Slocum to Com])iler. in 1913.1 Sometime hitei- Mr. Johnston became thi' editoi- and Slocum the publisher. In the fall of 1860 Slocum retired and in .May. ISfJl. Mi'. Johnston discontinued the papei-. The press and other material were sold to lion. John L. McDonald, of Shakopee, and used to estalilish and print the Shakopee Argus, (See Minn. Hist. Coll. Vol. N. part 1. p. 260.) PKOHIBITIOX IN 1851. .Many of the first settlers at St. Anthony were from the State of Maine, where for some time a stringent prohibitory li(|uor law — commonly called the "Maine law"— had been in effect. A majority of the .Alaineites in St. Anthony were prohibitionists and brought their peculiar notions with them to the North- west. There was a great deal of promiscuous drink- ing in the little frontier village, where even the family grocery stores sold liquor for five cents a pint, and the "tee-totallers, " as they were often termed, were duly horrified. They called themselves "temperance men" then, for the term prohibitionist was not in vogue. A lodge of the Sous of Temperance, called Cataract Division No. 2, was organized at St. Anthony, in May, 1850; C. C. Jenks was the "W. P." September 15, 1851, the first public "temperance" meeting in St. Anthony was held. An organization, with Washington Getchell as president, was effected and a Territorial Convention of the "friends of temperance" was advocated. On New Year's Day, 1852, in the Presbyterian Church building at St. Paul, the Territorial Convention was held. Several of the most prominent men of the Territory, including Joseph R. Brown. E. D. Neill, Joseph A. Wlieelock. John W. North, C. G. Ames, and Dr. J. H. Murphy, attended and spoke for a "Maine law." In February, 1852, the Express boasted: "There is not a gambling shop, a drinking saloon, a whisky grocery store, or a grog shop in this town." ST. ANTHONY BECOMES A LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. From the first settlement St. Anthony had been united with the hamlet of Little Canada" as a Legis- lative district of Ramsey County; but the Territorial Legislature of 1851 made the village an independent political division, designating it as the Third Council District. The district was to be entitled to one mem- ber of the Territorial Council and two mendiers of the House of Representatives. The district was still in Ramsey County. THE FIRST BRIDGE. In the latter part of July, 1851, the first Missis- sippi bridge was completed at St." Anthony under the ownership of Frank Steele. It extended only between the eastern .shore and Nicollet Island, and not entirely acro.ss the river. The gap was filled by a good ferry- boat. According to the Exjiress the bridge was a very firm and substantial one, constructed of large and heavy tiinbei-s and raised to a level with the bank on each side. The paper said the bridge was a favorite resort for travelers and others, as it afforded a fine view of the Island and of the Rapids below. In Sei)tembei- Edward Murphy, under W. A. Cheever's charter, began opiM-ating the fei-ry below the Falls. MARKETS IN 1851. In Septcmlier the Express gave the retail prices of !?roceries and provisions in St. Anthony. Flour was •4!5 and $5.50 per barrel: cranberries. $4. Oats. 25-fi> 100 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ■40 eeuts per bushel ; corn, 50 cents : cornmeal, 75 cents; potatoea, 60 cents. Coffee, 14 and 17 cents a pound ; teas from 50 cents to $1 ; brown sugar, 9 and 11 cents; crushed or white sugar, 15 cents; lard, 12 cents; butter ""from below" 15 cents; fresh churned butter, 20 cents; cheese, 10 and 15 cents; hams, 11 and 15 cents; fresh beef and mutton, 8 and 10 cents; pork aud bacon, 10 and 12 cents; venison, 5 and 10 cents ; fresh fish, 3 and 5 cents. Common New Orleans molasses, 50 and 65 cents a gallon; N. 0. golden syrup, 85 cents; whisky 25 and 35 cents; Eggs, 20 cents a dozen and very scarce. Prairie chickens, 50 cents a pair, or $2.50 a dozen. FIRST CATHOLIC CHURCH. In August, 1851, the first Catholic Church building in St. Anthony was completed. It stood in "upper town," where now is the corner of Ninth Avenue North aud Maine Street, East Division. The Express of August fl described it as a "large and capacious building," although a few years later it became neces- sary to erect the present fine stone structui-e. The churcli was called St. Anthony of Padua, in honor of Father Hennepin "s patron saint, and this name it still bears. The building was a frame and conaucnced in 1850, or possibly, as Stevens says, (p. 108) in IS^a. The builder of the church was the Rev. Father Augustin Ravoux, of blessed and revered memory. He had come to Minnesota from France in 1841, and had served as pastor of St. Peter's Church at Mendota, St. Paul's at St. Paul, and as a missionary among the Indians. When his superior, Father Galtier, (the founder of St. Paul) left the country, in 1844, Father Ravoux succeeded him. He secured the site of the church in St. Anthony in 1849. Previous to the build- ing of their local church the Catholics of St. Anthony attended services at St. Paul and Mendota. where the priests lived. Father Ravoux was an engaging and admirable character. He was zealous and unwearied in his church work, but he was retiring, over-modest, and shrank from notoriety or publicity. At the request of friends, and by instructions from his superiors, he wrote his reminiscences of his early church work in Minnesota and they were published in book form. The book was disappointing. It makes very little mention of the many good works Father Ravoux actually performed. He makes no mention whatever of his building St. Anthony of Padua, although it is known that he superintended the work of construction in person, coming from Jlendota, via the river, to the foot of the rapids in a canoe, wliich he usually paddled himself. He was engaged for more than a year in the work, but, not desiring to parade his deeds, he does not refer to it. Father Ravoux conducted the first services in St. Anthony of Padua church, but in December, 1851, Rev. Father Ledon. another French priest, came and assumed charge as the first regular pastor. He served until in 1855. a<;cording to Atwater's History, when he was succeeded tiy his former college mate and friend. Rev. Father Fayolle, who had been serving at the little hamlet of Little Canada for some time. Stevens says (p. 108) that Father Ravoux began the erection of the church building in 1849, and that Father Ledon came in 1851 and was the first resident priest, although previous to his coming Fathers Kavoux aud Lucian Galtier ""held services in private liouses." This cannot be true as to Father Galtier, for he left ^Minnesota for good in ilay, 1844, when there was but one house on the site of St. Anthony. FIRST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Members of the Episcopal Church were not very numerous in St. Anthony in early days, but they were faithful and zealous. Frank Steele and R. P. Russell gave them a site for a church building on what is now Second Street, between First and Sec- ond Avenues North. Here the corner stone of a church building was laid October 30, 1850, by Rev. Timothy Wilcoxson, assisted by Rev. Ezekiel G. Gear, the latter then, and for many years prior thereto, the post chaplain at Fort Snelling. At the time there were not more than half a dozen Episcopalians in Minneapolis, but it is said that '"many others were interested" in the building of the church. The build- ing was not completed until in the spring of 1852, and the first soi-mon therein was tlelivered by Father Gear April 15. The church organization and the building were each called Holy Trinity Church. Rev. Dr. James L. Breck, who was present at its dedication and had assisted in its constraction, says the Holy Trinity Church was the "first house of wor- ship erected in this growing town" — St Anthonj-. (See "Early Episc. Churches," etc. Part 1, Vol. 10, i\Iinn. Hist. Kocy, Col., p. 222.) But the best evi- dence is that Holy Trinity was not completed so as to be ready for service until in the spring of 1852, while St. Antliony of Padua, the Catholic church, was completed in August, 1851, and the first services in it were held the following December. METHODISTS HAD THE FIRST ORGANIZATION. The first religious organization formed in St. Anthony, however, and wliich held services peculiar to it was a "class" of the Methodists, (meaning mem- bers of the M. E. Church) whicli was organized by Rev. JIatthew Sorin, an itinerant missionary, in July, 1849, at the house of Calvin A. Tuttle. There were about a dozen members and John Draper was the "leader." They met regularly every Sunday at the members' houses or in the little school house. At first they had no pastor, and so there was no sermon. The exercises consisted of singing, of prayers, and the "giving of testimony." But late in 1849 Rev. Enos Stevens was appointed by the Wisconsin Con- ference as a Missionary to St. Anthony Falls, and then monthly preaching was had in the school house. The preacher did well to speak once a month, at St. Anthony, for he had to minister to small but zealous Hocks of his church at Fort Snelling, Red Rock, Cot- tage Grove. Point Douglas, and liissf^ll 's Mound. The successors of Rev. Stevens were in order Revs. C. A. Neweomb, E. W. Merrill, (who became a Con- gregationalist) and Eli C. Jones. The last named HISTORY OF iMINNEAPOLlS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA cauie in lt^52, and it was during his pastorate, (accord- ing to Atwatcr's History) when the tirst church, a frame, was erected at a cost of $1,000. THE PIONEER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. According to At water's History, which seems to coutaiu iuformatiou furnished by the records, the First Congregational Church of St. Anthony was organized November Ui, 1851, by Revs. Charles Sec- combe and Richard Hall, with 12 members. It was called the First Congregational Church of St. Anthony, and the name is still retained. The History further says that Rev. Seeeombe had commenced his services in St. Anthony "a j'ear earlier," as a home missionary, and that he was in ministerial service here for lifteen years. Stevens says, however, (p. 108) that in July, 1850, Rev. Wm. T. Wheeler, "formerly a Congregational missionary in Africa, commenced preaching," and was succeeded in 1851 by Rev. Charles Seeeombe "as pastor. ' ' Services were lield for some time in the building used as a preparatory school foi' the Hniversity. The first church building was commenced in 1853, at Ceutral Avenue and Fourth Street Northeast, and services were held in the basement that year. It was completed and dedicated February 15, 185-1. ST. .•VNTHONY TRIES FOR THE COUNTY SEAT. Up to the creation of Hennepin County, in March, 1852, the village of St. Anthony was in Ramsey County, and of this county St. Paul w-as the county seat. There was, as has been stated, a rivalry between the two villages which extended nearly to a form of hostilit.v. The idea of two villages named for the lilcssed SI. Paul and St. Anthony being engaged in liostilit.v against each other! Ill the Territorial Legislature of 1851 a desperate attempt was made to remove the county seat from St. Paul to St. .\ntliony. If this could be done, tlie pros- perity and even the supremacy of the latter village might be assured. With its many admitted natural advantages the little town might go from county seat to capital citv and from capital city to greatness and grandeur. The movement originated in the House of Repre- sentatives. An amendment. No. 15, to Council File No. 1, consolidating the statutes, provided for the removal of the county seat. This amendment was adopted in committee of the whole by a vote of 7 to (i : but wlien it came up for final action on its ineoi'- poration into the general ])ill, the vote of the House was !) to 7 against such incorporation. The St. Paulites had rallied all their forces into action and won by 2 votes. The amendment was expected to pass the Council by 5 to 4, and if it had passed the TTousc, would doubtless have become a law. Those voting for the amendment were David Gil- man of Sauk Kapids, North and Patch of St. Anthony, Olmstead of Watab, Tra.sk and Ames of Stillwater, and Warren of Gull Lake. Those voting 101 against were Brunsou, Ramsey, (the Governor's brother' Rice, and Tilden of St". Paul; Randall and Faribault of Meudota, Sloau of Little Rock, and Tay- lor of Washington County. The result was regarded as a i)ractical defeat for Henry .M. IJice's friends, although his brother, Edmund, voted against the amendment. The seven that voted for it were Rice's henchmen. WHY AND HOW THE PROPOSITION FAILED. Now, Ben. H. Randall (died at Winona, Oct. 1, 1913,) and Alexander Faribault, of Meudota, were elected to represent Dakotah County. They were strong friends of Sibley and not very favorable to Rice. There were objections made by the Rice ele- ment to their being given seats in the Legislature, ostensibly because it was claimed that their election was not in due and legal form. A committee re- ported that the two members elect were entitled to their seats, and on the vote to adopt this report both North and Patch, of St. Anthony, as well as three others — Ed. Rice. Sloan, and Warren — voted no, or to keep out Randall and Faribault. And so, wOieu the vote came to remove the county seat from St. Paul to the town where both John W. North and Ed. Patch lived and had their interests, both Randall and Faribault voted "no," and defeated the measure! Had they voted for it, St. Anthony would liave became the county seat, in all prol)al)ility, the vote standing 9 to 7 in its favor. And had North, Patch, and the others voted to keep the two Dakotah county members in their seats, they probably would have voted in the interest of St. Anthony. It really seemed that St. Anthony suffered for the devotion of some of its principal citizens to the inter- ests of Henry M. Rice. AVriting in the St. Anthony Express of SeiJtember 27. following. Editor At water said : " * * * The interests of the west side of the river are identified with our own. and the votes of that side would have been with us in the last Legisla- ture had not a most unprovoked Rice onslaught been made on the Representatives from that side Our Rice Representatives (North and Patch) were made the tools and the active instruments of this attack. Consequently we lost the vote of the west side for the capital, the penitentiary, and the count.v seat. Had our Representatives not taken this suicidal course, the county seat would this dav be located in St. Anthony." DIVERSIONS AND ENTERTAINMENTS. The winter of 1840-50 was a long and lonely one for the settlers at St. Anthony. Not much work could be performed, mails wen* uncertain and infre(pient, for Frink & Walker's stage line, or sliMiib line, was hard to keep open and clear of snowdrifts all the way from Galena to St. Paul. There were no libraries or places of amusement, and even church services were rare. Rut where there are 200 or 300 .Americans in one settlement they will not suffer much fr.om loneliness. 102 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA The New Englanders and otlier x^^merieaiis arranged for a series of lectures to be given during the winter, at least one a month. The lecture force was com- posed of local talent. Lieut. Richard "\V. Johnson, afterward a ilistinguished major general of the l^nion army, but then not long from West Point and an officer of the gari-ison at Foi't Snelling: Rev. E. G. Gear, chaplain of Fort Snelling: Wm. R. Marshall, who had laid out the town; Prof. Lee, of the "acad- emy;" Rev. C. G. Ames, and others were the lecturers, and their efforts gave general satisfaction. Marshall's lecture was first. December 15; subject. "Our Terri- tory;" Lieut. Johnson lectured in January on "Edu- cation. ' ' The French-Canadians and other fun-loving citi- zens, in and about the village, especially the young people, had a good time from first to last. They had skating parties, sleighing parties, fishing excur- sions to the near-by lakes, where they took the fish through holes in the ice; the young men made many hunting trips, and nearly every incident or event of the kind was concluded with a dance. Two or three of these dancing parties were often held in a week. Commonly these were private affairs, held in dwell- ings, where there was room for but one cotillion "set" of eight persons at a time. Violins supplied the music and the fiddlers were compensated by collec- tions taken up during the evening. Occasionally there was "a ball" to which tickets were sold for sometimes as much as $2 apiece, although commonly a dollar was the price. This included supper and a great good time. At the ordinary dances or cotillion parties, the fid- dlers were local talent, too, either from the village or from the Frenchmen at Little Canada. But on the occasion of a "ball" the orchestra was often imported. Then would come Bill Taylor, a negro barber of St. Paul, a noted player of dance music, and Lem Fow- ler, with his "French horn," also from St. Paul; and sometimes there would be somebody from the Fort Snelling Military, and then three fiddles and a "French horn" would be going and rare was the enjoyment and glorious the fun. Modern balls fur- nish nothing approximating the real enjoyment and delight of the old pioneer dancing parties. No won- der that the young men were determined, as the.y sang, that tliey would, to — "Dance all night till hvo-.ul daylight. And go home with the gals in the morning." A large proportion of the participants in these innocent and exhilarating pastimes were French- Canadians; but the Americans fairly rivaled them in ininibers and interest, Stevens says that none joined in these dances with more zest than the mixed- bloods of the time. Th(> social etiuality of those in whose veins the Indian and the Caucasian blood were blended was generally recognized. For they were the offspring of white men and Indian women, who had been joined in Christian marriage, and were for the most part professed Christians themselves and lived reputably before the world. Stevens says that many mixed-blood girls were graceful and beautiful dancers, as they were graceful and beautiful in other ways, and they were much sought as partners by the young men. THE SIOUX TREATIES OP 1851. No other events or incidents have been of more importance in their infiuence upon the character and destiny of ilinnesota than the negotiations with the Sioux Indians of that Ten-itory in the summer of 1851. These events are commonly known as the Treaties of Traverse des Sioux and Mendota. The latter marked the beginning of a great and important epoch in the career of Minneapolis. For as a result of the Treaty of ilendota a vast region of country, large enough and naturally rich enough for a king- dom, was released from the rule of barbarism and opened to settlement and civilization; and a leading feature of this result was the acquisition of territory whereon in time the main portion of the city of Min- neapolis was built, and whereon it now stands. Prior to these treaties onl.y land in ^Minnesota east of the Mississippi was open to white settlement and occupation ; the vast fertile expanse we.st of the river was Sioux Indian land and forbidden ground to the whites, and the greater part of the northern portion of the State belonged to the Chippewas. The boundary lines between the lands ceded to the whites and those retained by the Indians constituted im- passable barriers against which the eager waves of immigration were beating in vain. In 1851 the greatest and most formidable of these walls was removed. In June, 1849, Territorial Governor Ramsey and John Chambers, a former Governor of Iowa, were authorized as commissioners to make a treaty with the Sioux for the land west of the ^Mississippi. The Commissioners met at Foil Snelling in the fall ; but the Sioux were absent from their villages gathering wild rice and hunting for their winter supply of meat, and sent word that they were too busy to make a treatj'. The truth is that the.y were not ready to dispose of their lands at that time. They heard the great clamor among the whites that their lands should be acquired and they believed that if they postponed the sale they would get better terms. So at this time they remained in their homes and the Commissioners returned to theirs. The clamor to have the land opened to white settlement was renewed with increased volume and force. The year 1850 came and passed without a treaty and a mighty demand came from Minnesota and the North- west that negotiations for the lands be opened at once. The need of some action became imperative. It required vigilant effort on the part of the military and the Indian agents to prevent liold and enter- prising home-seekers from crossing the river and claiming and settling upon sites surpassingly beauti- ful and inviting, thus trespassing and encroaching upon Indian rights. Think of white men standing at bay for years upon the east bank of the river at St. Anthony Falls and gazing upon the country to the westward, so fair to view and so full of possibilities. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 103 with only a few paddle strokes between theiu and its glories I At last, ill the spring of 1851, President Fillmore directed that the treaty with the Sioux be made. He appointed as Commissioners Gov. Ramsey, who was ex-olitie-io Indian Commissioner for Jlinnesota, and Luke Lea, the National Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Particular instructions were given them, so that they were entitled to no esjiecial credit for the terms and conditions they made, since their duties were almost purely ministerial. The Commissioners decided to make two treaties; that witii the two upjicr Sioux bands, the Sissetons and Wahpctoiis, was to be made at Traverse des Sioux, and that with the two lower bauds, the ileda- wakantons and Wahpakootas, would be at Mendota. There was much interest manifested, and many prominent men of the Territory attended. Mr. Good- hue, of the Pioneer, reported the proceedings of the Traverse des Sioux treaty and printed them in his paper. The Traverse des Sioux treaty was held under a brush arbor constructed especially for the purpose by Alexis Bailly, a Jlendota .justice of the peace and at one time a prominent trader. The treaty document was not tinally signed until July 23. On the part of the Indians it was signed liy numerous "head men,"' and by Chiefs Running Walker, the Orphan, Limping Devil, Sleepy Eye, Lengthens His Head- Dress, Walking Spirit, Red Iron, and Rattling Moccasin. Six days after the signing of the Traverse des Sioux treaty, or July 29, 1S51, the treaty of Mendota was begun. It was held also under a brush arbor erected by Alexis liailly on the elevated plain on the north side of Pilot Knob. On the oth of August it was finally signed by the V. S. Commissioners, Lea and Ramsey, and by the following chiefs: Wabasha, head chief of the ilcdawakantons, and Sub-Chiefs Little Crow, Wacouta, (the shooter) Cloud Man, Gray Iron, Shakopee, (or Six) and Good Road. There was only one band of Wahpakootas and Chief Red Legs signed for it. The territory ceded by the Indians comin-ised about 23,750,000 acres, of which more than 19,000,000 acres were in ^Minnesota, nearly 3,000,000 acres in Iowa, and more than 1,750,000 acres in what is now South Dakota. To quote the treaty, the Indians sold — "All their lands in the State of Iowa, and also all their lauds in the Territory of Minnesota cast of a line beginning at the continence of the Buffalo River with the Red River of tiie .Xorth, [12 miles north of Moorhead] thence south, along the Red River, to the Sioux Wood River; thence along that river to Lake Traverse; thence south along the western shore of Lake Traverse to its southern extremity; thence in a direct line to the juncture of Lake Kampeska with the Sioux River | Chan-kah-snah-dahta Watpa, or Splintery Wood River] ; thence along the western bank of said [Splintery Wood, or] Sioux River to the boundary line of Iowa." The price which it was agreed should be paid to the Indians for their lands was 12V:; cents an acre. The two upper bands were to receive $1,665,000 in cash and suitplics and be allowed a reservation twenty miles wide — ten miles on either side of the ^linuesota — from the western boundary down to the mouth of the Yellow .Medicine and Hawk Creek. Of this sum $305,000 was to be expended for their benefit the first year, and five per cent interest on the balance of $1,360,000. or $()8,000, was to be paid in cash and supplies annually for fifty years, commencing July 1, 1852. Of each annuity $-40,000 was to be in cash, $12,000 for "civilization,"" $10,000 for goods and pro- visions, and $6,000 for education. The two lower bands were to receive $1,410,000, of which sum $30,000 was to be paid as soon as the U. S. Senate ratified the treaty, $25,000 was to be paid for them in .settling their debts with the traders, remov- ing them to their new reservation on the upper Jlin- nesota, and for schools, mills, opening farms, etc., and five per cent of $1,160,000. a trust fund reserved bj^ the Government, which interest amounted to $58,000, was to be paid annually for 50 years after July 1, 1852. The sum of $28,000 was to be expeniled for them annually for "civilization," education, goods, etc. The lower bands were also allowed a resei-vation, ten miles wide on either side of the Min- nesota and extending down that river from the month of the Yellow ^Medicine to Little Rock Creek, four miles east of Fort Ridgely and 1-1 miles west of New Ulm. The back annuities due under the treaty of 1837 were to be paid in annual installments and $150,000 in cash was to be divided among the mixed bloods of the two bands in lieu of the lands they had failed to claim under thi' Prairie lUi Cbien treatv of 1830. Of the cash paid the sum of $100,000 was to be deducted and paid to certain traders for ".just debts" due them from the Indians for goods and supplies had and delivered in former years. The U. S. Senate amended the treaties by striking out the jn'ovisions for reservations, foi- whicii ten cents an acre was to be paid, and other reservations in what is now the Dakotas were to be selected and the Indians removed thereto; also the item of $150,000 in ciish for the half breeds was stricken out. The amended ti'eaty came back to ^Minnesota and in Sep- tember, 1852. was signed by .some of the chiefs and head men of the Indians. President Fillmore pro- claimed it. and it went into full legal effect, Februao' 24. 1853; it had been in practical effect, so far as white settlers weii' interested, for many months l)efore ! After paying $18,000 to the Indians, as a part of the purchase price of their reservations, at ten cents an acre, the Government, by President Pierce and an appropriation bill, refused to select new reservations for the Indians and allowed them to keep those given them by the treaties of 1S51. They W(>re tinally con- firmed in these reservations in July, 1854. Tb(> point most prominent in connection with the matters under consideration, is that by the Treaty of Mendota, in 1851, the site of Minneapolis was pur- chased from the Indians for 12yo cents an acre. 104 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA A NEW ERA OF PROSPEKITV OPENS FOR MINNESOTA. Great was the general rejoicing throughout Min- nesota over the fact that by the Indian treaties the country west of the Mississippi had been opened to white settlement. Even in St. Anthony the property owners were glad, although it was fairly certain that a competitive town would soon arise just across the river from them. The main reason was that all of them had a "claim" of some sort already selected in the new land of promise ! The fact that the treaties had been made was the consummation of desires, hopes, and expectations which had long been devoutly held by everybody. In May, 1850, John H. Stevens had written to Sibley: "Immigration pours in, but we fear with little money. We want a treaty with the Indians for their lands west of the Mississippi. Our Territory wiU have bad repute unless we open the west side of the river." CHAPTER XII. THE CITY AND COUNTY ARE ESTABLISHED. EFFECT OP THE INDIAN TREATIES OP 1851 THE WEST SIDE OF THE RIVEK OPENED TO WHITE SETTLEMENT SETTLERS FLOCK TO THE NEW HOME SITES THE FIRST PERMANENT OCCUPANTS OF THE CITY 's WESTERN DH'ISION A NEW CITY IS POUNDED AND A NEW COUNTY CREATED. THE EPOCH OF MOST IMPORTANCE. The incidents connected with the Indian treaties of 1851 coii.stituted the most important epoch in the his- tory of Minneapolis. For following hard upon the treaties a town was laid out on the west hank of the river, and this town was named ^Minneapolis. At first it was a rival of St. Anthony, the town on the east bank, hut eventually it absorbed and benevolently as- similated its rival antl extended its corporate limits far to the north and west of the original boundaries of St. Anthony. It would seem that St. Anthony might have pre- vented the laying out of the new town with the new name. It was then a bright and promising village. In two years the rude log cabins of the first settlers had been replaced by commodious frame buildings, white painted and attractive. There were good .saw- mills, a very excellent hotel, a fairly good corn-grind- ing mill, two schools, chun-h organizations, and a strong array of stores and shops. John G. Lennon's big general store was ([uite a creditable institution and carried the largest advertisement in the St. Anthony Express, a whole column in length. The little town had doctoi's, lawyers, scholars, and politicians, and brainy men of all avocations, and Franklin Steele was largely interested in the place. Had the people seen fit they could have had the Legis- lature (which met a few months after the treaty was signed at Mendota) create a new county embracing the territoi-y on both sides of the river at the Falls and designating St. Anthony as the county seat. Then the cor|)orate lines could have been extended and the town on the west side of the river might have been "West St. Anthony," for all time! "SOONERS" INVADE THE WEST SIDE. It must be borne in mind that while the west side was properly considered Indian country, it was liter- ally a part of the Fort Snelling military reserve, which had been jiurchased from tiie Indians by Lieutenant Pike when he visited the country, in 1805-06. Set- tlers were not allowed to go njion it except by special permits from the military authorities ; but, under all the circiniistanccs. and when the manifest destiny of the greater part of the reservation was realized, these permits or licenses were not hard to obtain. The idea was to obtain, preliminary to permanent occupation. good claims on the new site, and even the army officers and soldiers were disposed to secure this sort of holdings. Hardly was the ink of the signatures to the treaty of iMendota dry on the paper when certain bold, ad- venturous spirits, indifferent to legal restrictions, were upon the west side of the river selecting, staking out, and even building upon their claims. Opposite St. Anthony, between the Falls and Fort Snelling, on the military reservation were a score ,of these "sooners." They expected that Congress would soon reduce the limits of the reservation, that their claims would he outside of the new limits, and that the ratification of the treaties would give them titles secure against all assaults. Between the Falls and Fort Snelling several cbuMis were made and houses, or rather shanties, built on them. The "sooners" in these cases made claim to large blocks of the land for possible advantage when the new town should be laid out. A majority of them were St. Anthony men anyhow, and had these claims as anchors to windward in case adverse gales of for- tune should blow violently upon their little home village. By the 1st of January, 1852. quite a number of claims had been made on the Fort Snelling reserve, long before the Senate had ratified the Indian treaties or the reserve itself had been reduced so as to allow of such settlements. Lieut. Col. Francis Lee. of the fith V. S. Infantry, connnanding at Fort Snelling, wrote to Washington foi' instructions. He was directed to at once evict and expel the intruders, destroy their habitations and improvements, and sternly forbid a repetition of the trespass, under a threat of condign and severe punishment. The St. Anthony Express of Februai-y 21, 1852. gave the si^quel: "The cabins erected on the Reserve, we notice, have all been razed to the ground, except those whose own- ers had obtained permits. Had not meetings been called and so nun-h opposition manifested on the part of a few to pei-mits from ofificers. we think that nobody would have been disturbed, even those without jier- mits. We have some dogs in the manger which, not being able to en.ioy themselves, are determined that no one else shall. Congress will probably act on the matter soon and stop all contention." Some of the lumber and timbers of the buildings destroyed by the soldiers under the orders of Col. Lee were thrown into the Mississippi. The mat^-rial 105 106 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of the claim house of Daniel Stanchfield was thus dis- posed of. The soldiers did all the work of ejection and dismantling. Init were not willing instruments of the law in this case. Also in Februai-y, about the time the claim houses were being destroyed, Philander Prescott, agent of the Indian Department at Fort Snelling. was sent out through the country west of the Falls to warn off certain parties that were cutting timber on the for- bidden lands and hauling it to the mills. They were ordered to desist their operations at once, and not to renew them, or even to visit the lands on the west side, without special permission. THE FIRST SETTLER ON THE MINNEAPOLIS SIDE. .Ml'. Bean and the other millers in charge of the old Government Jlill on the west side of the river can- not jiroperly be considered the first permanent set- tlers of ]Minneapolis proper. They were not "set- tlers" at all in the true meaning of the term; they were merely denizens or tenants at will — that is, at the will of the landlord, who then was Uncle Sam ; he could remove them whenever he wanted to, or they could remove themselves at their own pleasure. By and by the Mill came to have a renter and suii- tenants. A dozen or more years previously Secretary of War Poinsett had decided that the Mill was Govern- ment property, but located on Indian laud, and only to be used in aid of the military, and hence was not subject to purchase, to occupation, or to control by citizens. In ilay, 1849, Hon. Robert Smith, a member of Congress from the Alton, Illinois, district, obtained Governmental lease and license to occupy the old Mill by himself or by his tenant. The Sibley papers show that Henry M. Rice was an unrecorded partner of Smith's in this lease, and that at Rice's instance a strong but ineffectual effort was made to get Sibley to become a third partner. The present writer cannot state with certainty who all of Smith and Rice's ten- ants were, if they exceeded three, namely, Bean, Dyer, and Tuttle, but only one of them (Tuttle) was prop- erly speaking a settler or citizen of iliinieapolis. But there was one settler on the original site of Min- neapolis who came before the Indian title was extin guish(>d, and who came to stay, and stayed. This was John Harrington Stevens, born in Canada, of Ameri- can pai'cntage, in 1820, who had served as captain and (|uartermaster in the ^Mexican War, who came to ^lin- ncsota early in 1849, and whose name has become a household word in Minneapolis. In May, 1849, Mr. Stevens entered the employ of Franklin Steele, as a clerk; but in a short time he became Steele's bu.siness agent, his factotum, his major domo, his confidante, and altogether his close intimate. STE\'ENS .\CTS FOB HIMSELF .\ND FOR FRANK STEELE. Now, when Rice and Smith had secured a lease of the Government ^fill. 'Mr. Steele thought their claim a menace to his mill interests. Of course he intended from the first to secure land on the irrst bank con- fronting the Falls, as he had secured a good broad foothold on the cast bank. He detennined to head off any further approach of Rice and Smith toward the west end of the Falls, planning to secure that site for himself. The land was not then subject to entry, but in time it would be. It was, however, subject to occupation, as Rice and Smith had demonstrated in leasing the old ^Mill. "Who does by another does by himself," is an old maxim of law and equity. If Steele could put his confidential agent, Stevens, on a tract of land immedi- ately above the old Mill, the occupation would raise a barrier to an approach toward the land directly at the Falls which Rice and Smith could not cross. In a little time Stevens was properly placed, and in his book he tells us how : "June 10, 1849, Mr. Steele asked me to accompany him on a little trip from Fort Snelling to St. Anthony Falls. I was then his chief book-keei)er in his count- ing room at the Fort. On our way up Mr. Steele said that in a year or two the Fort Snelling reserva- tion would be reduced in size ; that many valuable claims could be secured on the lands which would be left out by the reduction by securing permission from the Secretary of War to immediately go upon them ; that he wanted me to at once secure the claim immedi- ately above the Government Mill, then controlled by Hon. Robert Smith, and he thought there would not be much diiificulty in securing the desired permission from the Secretaiy of War, then Hon. Wm. L. ]\Iarcy. " The Secretary had been very determined that there should be no occupation of the reserve by would-be settlers, but a way was found to whip him around the stump. Steele found it. The Secretary accorded the permission, upon the request of Steele, Sibley, and Lieut.-Col. Gustavus Loomis, the old Puritan com- mander of Fort Snelling and superintendent of the reserve. To justify the license a laudable subterfuge was resorted to. Stevens was to be allowed to live on the west bank of the river on condition that he construct and maintain a feriy across the river from his habitation to St. Anthony; and he was to trans- port on his ferry, free of all charge whatsoever, all officers and soldiers of the army and all othei- agents of the Government, including teamsters with their teams, wagons, and their loads, etc. At that date the road from Fort Snelling to Fort Gaines (Fort Ripley) was that from St. Paul to the upper fort, which ran on the east side of the river, via St. Anthony, etc. ■ It was really a convenience to the authorities and garrisons of the two posts to hav(> a ferry at St. Anthony, in order to facilitate communication between them. Stevens had to give a bond of $500, secured by Steele, that he would faithfully comply with the conditions of his license. There was but little work for him to do to pay for his privilege at first, for the mili- tary representatives seldom wished to cross, but when passage was wanted it was "wanted bad." The a.ssertion that Stevens desired the claim in order to operate a ferry was an innocent fiction, designed to chase Secretary Marcy's order from its firm position in front of the stump to a place behind it. At first Stevens virtually held thi- claim in trust for Frank Steele, so that Rice and Smith and anybody HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 107 t'l.si- hut Steele mifiht not .seeiire tlir mill-sites at the West eud of the Falls. It was known that in a few years the west side would be open to settlement and that Stevens eould then perfect the title in fee, when the mill-sites would be under the control of the Steele interests. Stevens had been only a month in the Territory when he received permission to settle on the west bank of the river and construct a home thei'e. He was a clerk for Steele at Fort Snelling at the time, and was unmarried ; but. acting for his emplo.ver, for whom he had conceived a great liking, he readily con- sented to have his home, and claim it as such, in a not very inviting sitnation. He at once began opera- tions on his claim, although he was rather busy with his duties as clerk for Steele at Fort Snelling and about other business for him at St. Anthony. He tells us that, "on the bank of the river, .just above the rapids, I commenced building my humble house, to which when tini.shed. I brought my wife, as a bride, and in it my first children were born, the eldest being Iho lirst-born white child in iliuneapolis proper. "" STEVENS AND HIS YOUNG WIFE COMPLETE AND OCCLIPV THEIR HOME. Stevens did not complete his house for more than a year; it was finished and first occupied August 6. 1850. It was a frame building, of hunber sawed by Steele's mill, and probably furnished by him. was a story and a half in height, with a wing of one story. The striieture stood on the west bank, quite near the water and only twenty feet above it, on a l>eneh or terrace of land which was several feet below the gen- eral level of the land farther back from the river : from 200 yards to the rear of the house only its roof and attic could be seen. At Roi-kford, Illinois. :\[ay 10. 1850. Stevens had married ^liss Frances IT. Jliller. Immediately after Hie wedding the couple started for St. Anthony Falls, and ;\lay 16 arrived at St. Paul and Fort Snelling. Tlicy intended residing temporai'il.v in the Fort, where Mr. Stevens's work was, but a few daxs after his i-i'lurn he was sent to Iowa to assist the soldiers in removing the Sac and Fox Indians from their former lands in that State, and during his absence ilrs. Ste- vens was the guest of Mrs. Jaeol) W. Bass, the land- lady of the little log hotel at St. Paul. As her husband was returning, Jlrs. Stevens met him at Mus- c;itinc. Iowa, and from thence they returned by steam- lioat to Minnesota, and. as has been stated, moved into their new house at the Falls on tiie 6th of August. The Stevens family was the second white household til reside at the west end of the Falls: Mr. Bean's, tliat occupied the old Government Mill buildings, was the first. THE FIRST DAIRY HERD \T MINNEAPOLIS. At Muscatine Mr. Stevens bought a small herd of five milch cows at ^7 per head : and they were good cows at that. He brought them to Foi-t Snelling for $4 apiece, and thus they cost him $11 each "laid down"' at the Falls. This was the lirst dairy herd lo graze on what afterward became the site of ilinncap- olis proper. Previously, however, several families in St. Anthony each had a cow, and there was plenty of live stock, including good grade bulls, down St. Paul way. Stevens claims: "Tiiis was uudoubt*'dly the first herd of eows ever introduced on the west bank of the Falls, aside from those used by the ti'oops at Fort Snelling.'' Stevens had ildei'mined to operate a small farm on his claim. His situation was not altogether what he desired, but he nuule the lust of it. • The only means of communication with St. Anthony was in a small skitf propelled by two pairs of oars, and the water route was above the Falls, and above Nicollet Island. where the current was so sli-ong that it was fortunate when a landing was made at any considerable distance above the terrible rapids. ( 'aptain John Tapper was the feiTyman and chief oarsman, but his strong arms had to be re-enforced by those of another brawn.v boatman in order to carry the laden boat safely athwart the strong current. The Captain made his home a great part of the time at the Stevens house. In the warm seasons the mosquitoes came in great ravenous clouds and made life it burden for the house- hold; bars and screens afforded but little protection against them. Lucliily, owing to the pure and salubrious climate, there was no poison in their stings, no malarial germs or typhus bacilli which they could transfer to the human system. FIRST STEPS TOWARD CULTIVATING THE SOIL. Immediately ujion occupying his new house Jlr. Stevens set about preparing the ad.ioining land on the flat near him for cultivation. It was covered largely with jungles of black .jack-oak trees and saplings, thickly stuck with scraggy and bristling limbs and branches, and John Tai)per was given charge of the work of clearing these impediments off the land and getting it ready for the plow. The land bordered on the river, running back 80 rods from the bank, "and extending about half way uji to l'>assett's Creek." Tapper hired a bunch of expert axmen and they soon cleared the land. The trees were cut down, the brush piled, the stumps and main roots grubbed up, and after saving a lot of firewood and fence-poles, the tree-trunks, brush, and grubs were piled together and burned. Next siiring. when plowing began, the plow moved easily through the rich, mellow soil, as easily penetrated as an ash-heap. The work of clearing the land and preparing it for the plow had been trouble- some and expensive : but it had to be done. Stevens had plenty of pi-airie land which had no timbei' upon it and required no clearing. But it had something more formidable to the plow and the plowman. It had a tough, thick sod which could not be cut and broken and turned undei- by any plow then in vogue. At that date the plows conunonly in use had wooden frames and cast-iron points and mold-boards. The iron was usually inferior, brittle, and easily snapped and shattered by a strong root or stubborn piece of sod. 108 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA This was one reason why the prairie lands were not first cultivated instead of the timber lands. The sod was from four to six inches thick and composed of roots and fibers cemented with well packed earth. The ordinary plows would not turn it or even cut it. The Indian women had to cut it with hoes, and even axes, before they could plant their gardens and corn- fields. When the timber tracts were cleared and grubbed of their stumps and roots, the loose, loamy soil was half plowed: it was easy to finish the re- mainder with any sort of a plow. In time. wrought-iro}i and steel-pointed plow-points supei-seded the cast iron ; and then, when the prairie lands had been pastured and big weeds kept down for a few years, the roots in the sod rotted and the soil was easily broken. Occasionally in the early settle- ment of the country the local blacksmiths hammered out wrought-iron, " steel-pointed plow-shares which were fastened to large strong frames, forming a huge machine which, when drawn by two or three yoke of oxen, would cut and turn prairie sod quite readily, making great wide furrows, and laying and folding back the sod very regularly. The up-turned sod had to lie under the sun and rains for a year or more before its roots rotted so that it could be easily pul- verized by cross-plowing and rendered into seed-beds Colonel Stevens tells us that the crops produced on his land were very heavy and excellent in every way. They were a great advertisement for ^linnesota and its soil. There were hosts of visitors from other States to Fort Snelling and the much noted St. An- thonv Falls, and every visitor saw Stevens's fine corn- fields, his fruitful gardens, and his fat cattle, and went back home telling every one he saw that ilinne- sota was well adapted to white occupation and des- tined to become a magnificent commonwealth. Stevens says: "The yields that were produced on this land in after years were so heavy that it en- couraged immigi-ants who saw the fields to settle in the Territory." CHARLES MOUSSEAU PRECEDES STEVENS. But while Colonel Stevens was fairly the first per- manent white settler on the original site of Minne- apolis west of the river, he was not the first on the present site. Some three years before his settlement, Charles Mousseau came to the site of the old mission of the Pond brothers, on the southeast shore of Lake Calhoun, and took up his residence as a permanent inhabitant. Tie also laid claim to 160 acres of the land on which his liouse stood, saying that he would perfect title to it as soon as the Indian claiin was ex- tinguished and the Snelling reserve oi)ened to white settlement, and meanwhile all designing persons were requested to notice that he had claims which must be respected ! It is believed that at first Mousseau lived in the old Pond mission house, and a portion of his claim is now included in Lakeview Cemetery. Near his house at one time wa.s the cabin of old Chief Cloud Man (Makh-pe-ah We-chash-tay), the good old chief of the Lake Calhoun band of Sioux. Charles Mousseau was born in Canada, in 1807. His ancestry, of course, was French. In 1827 he came to ^Mendota and entered the employ of the Fur Com- pany as a voyageur. In February, 1836, he married at Fort Snelling, Fanny Perry, the daughter of Abram Perry (or Perret), the old French-Swiss watchmaker. The marriage ceremony was performed by Indian Agent Taliaferro, and in 1839 confirmed by Bishop Loras. of Dubuque, while on his first visit to Miiniesota. In the latter year ilousseau became the first white settler on the crest of what is now Dayton's Bluff, in St. Paul. In 1848 he sold his St. Paul" claim to Eben "Weld and having obtained permission of the military authorities, removed to the claim at Lake Calhoun. He lived in Minneapolis the rest of his life, and out of twelve children born to him he raised nine to maturity : some of his descendants are yet in Minneapolis. In February, 18:52, he gained some local notoriety by killing a 700-pound black bear after a bloody and exciting fight with the monster near the shore of Lake Calhoun. His little daughter, Sophia, whose death was chronicled by the St. Anthony Ex- press in July, 1850, was probably the first white per- son to die within the present limits of ^linneapolis west of the river. OTHER PIONEER RESIDENTS ON THE W:esT SIDE. "When Stevens moved into his new house at the Falls he was alone in his glory, as the only white set- tler on what became the original site of the city. This was in August, 1850. A year previously, when Rob- ert Smith and Henry M. Rice leased the old Govern- ment ilill, they placed a bachelor named Ambrose Dyer, of Oneida County, New York, in charge of the building, and he occupied it for some months as a bachelor's hall, and then, disappointed and dissatis- fied, he went elsewhere. The Stevens household and home were practically without near neighbors until April 25, 1851, when Calvin A. Tuttle crossed his family over from St. Anthony and occupied the Jlill buildings. Thus the number of families in Minne- apolis proper had increa.sed 100 per cent in less than a year — from one to two ! According to Hudson's History, John P. Miller, in August, 1851, secured the second claim at the Falls, also under a permit from the Secretary of "War. On this claim, which was 160 acres in extent. Miller built a good house and made other permanent improve- ments. Not long after Stevsns made his claim Rev. Ezekiel G. Gear, the po.st chaplain at Fort Snelling, laid claim to a tract of land on the eastern shore of Lake Calhoun, near Mousseau 's. Permission to file this claim was given by the militaiw, but it does not appear that any improvements were made upon it for some time. As to other pioneer claims, Hudson (p. 34) says: "Dr. Ilezekiah Fletcher, John Jackins, Isaac Blown, "Warren Bristol, Allen Harmon and Dr. Al- freil E. Ames made claims during 1851. and were soon followed by Edward ]\Iui-phy, Anson Northruj). Charles Iloag, Martin Layman. John G. Lennon. Ben.j. B. Parker, Sweet \V. Case, Hdgar Folsom. Hiram Van Nest, Robert Blaisdell, and otliei's, all of wiioni HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIENXEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 109 secured permits from the military authorities. Prom- inent elaim-liolders just outside the military reserva- tion were Joel B. Bassett, \Vm. Byrnes. Chas. W. Christmas. Waterman Stinson. Stephen Pratt, anti Rufus Pratt, all of whom took up and in what is now North iliiineapolis. " Nearly all of these were citizens of St. Anthony. They crossed the river and made claims on the west side, as anchors to vrindward. Everybody was sayins,' tliat there would soon be a town on the west side, and if tiiis should be at tlu' expense of St. Anthony it was well to have a means of covering and balancing ;niy loss that might thereby be sustained. It was well enough to own property in both towns. Dr. Fletcher's claim was considered "far back in the country." He built a small house on a site now on Portland Avenue, between Fourteenth and Fif- teenth Streets. In two years he sold to -John T^. Tenny. who, in 1854. sold to Daniel Elliott; subse(|uently the tract became J. S. and Wyman Elliott's Addition. The Doctor sold his claim for $1,200, which was con- sidered a good price. He resided in Minneapolis for some yeai-s, was elected to the Legislature of 1854, and appointed R+'gistcr of the U. S. Land Office in 1863. He died in California several years ago, .still owning iMinneapolis realty. After Dr. Fletcher the next claimant was John Jenkins, a Maineite, who had, before coming to St. .\nthony, been a lumberman over on the St. Croix. His claim was innnediately in the rear of Stevens's, and his house stood where afterwards the Syndicate Block was built : he did not finally pre-empt his laud until 1855, but in the meanwhile nobody attempted to "jump" his claim. Isaac Brown, another ]\Iaineite, bought a part of Jackins's claim and built a big house on the site of Sixth Street and Third Avenue South. In October, 1852. he w'as elected the first sheriff of Hennepin County. He and Jackins sui'veyed their land into blocks and lots in 1855. Jackins became a IMinne- apolis merchant, but finally removed to California. Wan-en Bristol came over late in 1S51, took a claim of IfiO acres adjoining Dr. Fletcher's claim on the west, built a house on it the following winter, and b(>came the first lawyer on the west side. The site of his house was subsequently that of the high school, on Fourth Avenue South, between Grant and Eleventh Streets. But the tirst lawyer did not remain long in primitive Minneapolis, tiiough he was the first district attorney for Hennepin County. Official honors had no special charms for him. and before his land came fairly into market he had the imperfect judirment and incorrect taste to exchange it for St. Paul realty. Subsequently lie settled at Red Wing and was Repre- sentative and Senator from Goodhue County. Presi- dent Grant commissioned him a Judge of the New Mexico Territorial Supreme Court and he held the jiosition for several years. So much for the first lawyer to reside in ^linneapolis. Late in the fall of 1851 Allen Harmon came over from St. Anthony. Stevens considered him "a man of great worth" and says, "we were pleased to have him for a neighbor." His claim was some distance l)ack from the river and he resided upon it until his death, in about 1884, The First Baptist Church building, the Atheneum Library, and other promi- nent buildings were subsequently erected on the old Ilai'mon claim. Dr. Alfred E. Ames, from Roscoe, Illinois, made claim to the land on which were afterwards built the courthouse and jail. The claim was made by permis- sion of Capt. A. D. Nelson, then in connnand at Fort Snelling, in October, 1851, but the doctor was then in practice with Dr. Murphy at St. Anthony and did not occupy it until in the spring of 1852. The Har- mon and Ames claims were the last made in 1851. FIRST ORC.ANIZ.VTKIN OK IIENXEI'IN' COrXTY. In the latter part of 1851 tin- project of organizing a new county on the west side of the I'iver. to include flic western shore at the Falls, wre.sented. Martin ^IcLeod was selected without opposition to succeed himself in the Council. B. II. Randall and James JlcCIelland l^oal (commonly called McBoaD were Selected as candidates to be voted foi- as member^ of the House; both then lived at Fort Snelling. 110 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA Stevens and others tried hard to have Eli Petti.johu selected as a candidate for representative in place of Boal. But Boal had a host of friends at Snelling and Meudota and they outnumbered those of Petti- john, up at the Falls, and so the Fort Snelling man was made the candidate. As already stated, Boal came to Minnesota in 1819 with the first detachment of Leavenworth's command that built Port Snelling. Wlien his time expired he remained in the country. He was by occupation a ho\ise and sign painter, and a very good one. Governor Ramsey appointed him ad.iutant general of the territory, a position then without duties or salary. Later he settled in St. Paul, and had a street named for him, though it is called "McBoal." As the time for the convening of the Legislature approached it was apparent that a ma.jority of the set- tlers in the eastern part of Dahkotah County were opposed to the boundaries proposed for the new county. Tlie proposed limits comprised the country north" of the St. Peter's, or Minnesota, and extending from the Mississippi westward to the Little Rapids, now Carver. The western boundary line was to run from the Minnesota at Little Rapids north by west to the forks of Crow River, where what is now the northwestern corner of Hennepin, and then the line was to run down the Crow to the Mississippi, and thence down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Mm- nesota a.s at present. The opponents of these boundaries wanted them to commence at a point on the Mississippi at Oliver's Grove (now Hastings) and follow up the main chan- nel of the river to the mouth of Coon Creek, ten miles northwest of St. Anthony Palls; thence west to a point due north of Oak Grove ; thence south, crossing the Minnesota at that Grove, and continuing south to the parallel running east and west through Oliver's Grove, and tlience east to the Grove and the begin- ning. These boundaries would almost necessarily leave the county seat at Mendota. which would please Alexander Fanbault, but would not satisfy Steele, Stevens, Randall, and the other pro.iectors of the new county, who wanted its capital at the Falls. Their county, while not as large a.s the one proposed by the ob.iectors, was perhaps better, containing an immense water power, ample prairies, woodlands, oak openings, aud broad meadow lands, besides as fine lakes as could be found anywhere. The opposition to the new county continued to grow as the time for the convening of the Legislature drew near. The new county, with the proposed boundaries of the Fort Snelling faction, must be created soon or it would never be. The Legislature began business actively January 14 (1852), but it was not until Feb- ruary 27 when Martin ]McLeod introduced the lull in the Territorial Council, "to establish the County of Hennepin." The bill had been originally drawn by John H. Stevens and others and provided that the new county should be called "Snelling," for the well known fort and for Col. Josiah Snelling, the man that built it. But before its introduction the name was very properly and wisely changed to honor the pio- neer priest. Rev. Father Louis Hennepin, the first white man that saw any jiart of its soil and named its chief natural feature. The bill was known in the Legislature as "Council File No. 17." There was some opposition to the new county in the Council and strenuous objection was offered in the House of Representatives. The bill pa.ssed the Coun- cil, however, on the 4th of March, and was hurried over to the House. Hon. Benj. H. Randall was given charge of it in that body, and had to work for it. That night he secured a majorit>' of the House mem- bers that agreed to vote for its passage the following day, which was the last working day of the session. The St. Paul delegation and some other members were opposed to it, but made no V(>ry hard fight. A rather strong lobby in its favor did good work. On the morning of March 5. th(> bill was presented to the House and had its first reading. Then, on Mr. Randall's motion, the rule was suspended and the bill was read the second time. The bill was in- tended to provide that the first county ol'ticers .should enter upon their duties within "ten days" after their election, but by an ovei-sight the word "days" had been left out. Randall moved that this word should be inserted in the pi'oper place. AVni. P. [Murray, a St. Paul member", moved to insert "years." instead of "days," so that the new officers might not take their positions until ten years after their election! ilurray's motion may have been facetiou.s — it was certainly ridiculous — but it had to be voted upon, and was overwhelmingly defeated. Randall then moved that the rule be suspended and the bill given its third reading and put upon its final passage forth- with. This was ordered, but only by a ma.jority of two. On the final vote the bill passed but by a very slender ma.jority (three) — not as deep as a well or as wide as a barn door, but it sufficed. Governor Ram- sey signed it the following day. The organization act was not a veiy finished and complete statute, but it stood. Almost at the outset it provided that the county should remain "unorgan- ized" until the TJ. S. Senate should ratify the Indian Treaty of Mendota, which had been made the pre- vious year, but whose ratification was still hanging fire in Congress. The new county was to be attached to Ramsey County for .iudicial purposes, "until fur- ther provided for," and to remain "in conjunction with Hahkotah County," so far as related to the election of members of the Territorial Legislature, until the next re-apportionment. Not until after the Treaty of Meudota was ratified were the people of the new county to elect their count>' officers; the returns of the election at which they were chosen were to be made to the register of deeds of Ramsey County, who was to issue certificates of election, etc. A great deal depended upon the treaty ratification. Other statutes ha.scd upon anti- cipation have been declared void. A very important provision of tlic act was that the first Board of County Commissioners should have authority to establish the county seal of the new county, but said establishment was to be temporary, or "until the same is permanently established by tlie IILSTOHV OK .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 111 Legislature or hy the authorized votes of the qualified voters of said eouuty." As has heeii stated, the Seuate ratitieil the ileudota treaty June 2'3, 1852, three months after the eounty organization act, but niadr sueh important amend- ments, whieii the Indians had to agree to, that the treaty was not finally proclaimed and made of effect until February 4, 1853. lUit the Hennepin County organization did not await tlie latter ratification. ORG.VXIZ.VTION .\NI) FIK.'^T ELECTION. Information tliat the Senate iiad ratified the Men- dota treaty, after aress and tendered the editor, then Geo. D. Bowman, a short comnninication having for its subject a suitable name for the new Hennepin county seat. It was publica- tion day and the forms were about closed. But Editor Bowman, hastily reading the manscript, exclaimed: "That's good, Charlie: that's the best name yet; we'll print it, even if we leave out something else." And this was done; the communication was hastily put in type and placed in the room of another article, without proof-reading, so that two or three t.vpo- graphical errors appeared when it was printed. It was not signed by Tloag's real name but by ''Minne- hapolis," his nom de plume, which he had assumed for the occa.sion. Alluding to his proposition particu- larly, he explained in this paragraph: "The name I propose. Minnehapolis, is derived 112 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA from Minnehaha, falling water, with the Greek affix, polls, a city — thus meaning 'Falling Water City' or 'City of the Falls.' You perceive I spell it with an h which is to be sUeut in the pronunciation. This name has been very favorably received by many of the inhabitants to whom it has been proposed. * * * Until some other name is decided upon, we intend to call ourselves. Minnehapolis.'' There was not time to comment upon Hoag's selec- tion but in the next issue of the Express, which was November 12, Mr. Bowman said editorially : "* * * The name is an excellent one and de- sei'ves much favor by our citizens. The h being silent. as our correspondent recommends, and as custom would soon make it. makes it practical and eupho- nious. The nice ad.iustment of the Indian 'minne' with the Greek 'polls" becomes a beautiful compound, and finally it is, as all names should be when it is possible, admirably descriptive of the locality. By all means, we would say, adopt this beautiful and exceedingly appropriate title, and do not longer suffer abroad from connections with the meaningless and outlandish name of 'All Saints.' " Stevens tells us that Hoag's proposed name for the new town met with great favor at home and abroad. An impromptu meeting of citizens at his house the tirst week in December declared for it, and in a few days, at their regular monthly session, the county commissioners substituted the name Minneapolis for Albion. As the h in the original name proposed was to be silent, the commissioners concluded that it might as well be absent, and so they sensibly struck it out, leaving the Indian part of the name Minneah, as the Sioux would pronounce it. The full name should be pronounced Minneah-polis, and not I\Iinne- apolis, as is common, because "ah" is a contraction of "hkah. " meaning a waterfall. As has been said in discussing the meaning of the word Minnehaha, the name ^Minneapolis literally means, the Waterfall City — "minne 'a," the Sioux for waterfall, and "polls," Greek for city. CHAPTER XIII. LAYING THE CITY'S FOUNDATIONS. REDUCING THE FORT SXELLING RESERVE — CHANGING THE NAME OF THE ST. PETER 's TO MINNESOT.V — SETTLERS ON THE TOWN SITE IN 1851 AND 1852 — FIRST CLAIMS ON THE INDIAN LANDS MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS AND CLAIMANTS FIRST FAMILIES NEAR LAKES HARRIET AND CALHOUN — FIRST CLAIMS IN NORTH MINNE.VFOLIS — E^RLY SETTLERS IN SOUTH TOWN ADDITIONAL PIONEERS OP 1851 AND 1852 FINAL RECORDS OP SOME FIRST CITIZENS — BEGINNINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY. REDUCING THE FORT SNELLING RESERVATION. An important incident in the earl_y history of Min- neapolis was the large reduction of the Fort Snelling Military Reservation, comprising a great part of it.s northern portion and extending from Brown's Creek (Jlinnehaha) northward to the Falls and the Missis- sippi. The ea.st line was the Mississippi and the west a line ninning due south from the Mississippi, near the Falls, via the eastern end of Mother Lake, to the St. Peter's. Of course the reduction made a vast extent of most desirable eountrv open to white settlement, without any special permits or subterfuges. A man could make his claim near the old (iovernment Mill, or any- where else on the new land, without fear of arrest, eviction, or trouble of any sort — provided, that he did not infringe or trespass upon another man's claim ; if he did such an un.just thing, the Claim Association would at once be violently upon him and great would be his regret, as is explained on a sub- sequent page. Bv an act of Congress approved August 26, 1852, (See U. S. Stats, at Lge., 1851-55, Laws of 1852, Chap. Q5,) the reserve was contracted so as to have the fol- lowing general boundary' line : Extending from the middle of the Mississippi below Pike's Island up to Brown's Creek [Minnehaha] in- cluding all islands in the Mississippi ; then up Brown's Creek to Rice I^ake ; then through the middle of Rice Lake to the outlet of Lake Amelia; thence through the middle of Lake Amelia to the outlet of .Mother Lake; thence to the outlet of Duck Lake and the southern extremity of tlint lake; thence due south to the St. Peter's River, and tlieiice down that river to the beginning. A quarter section at each end of the ferry at the mouth of the St. Peter's was also reserved, and 320 acres whereon Mendota stands was reserved from sale for one year, with the ])rovision that the land might be entered as a town site. Let it he emphasized that the tract opened to white settlement and occupation included all the country within these boundaries: On the east and north, the .Mi.ssi.ssippi; on the west, a line running due south from the Mississippi, via the eastern end of Jlother Lake and the outlet of Duck Lake— the latter hang- ing southward, like a jjcndant, to Jlother Ivake— and thence, from the southern end of the pendant, due south to the Minnesota. Plenty of land for the site of a great city — but hardly too much for the one that was built upon it! Congress was induced to cut down the unnecessa- rily large Reserve almost altogether by the efforts of Sibley, the then Territorial Delegate. He prepared and introduced the bill and his efforts caused it to pass. Of course Franklin Steele and Henry M. Rice helped, but Sibley was in a position to do far more effective work and he did it. Many members of Con- gress protested that the.v believed the reduction was wanted in the interest of speculators ; but when as- sured that the only speculators would be actual .set- tlers, who sought homes in or near the site of a future great city, which they desired to help build, this ob- jection was removed. Press and people accorded the credit to Sibley for opening so much of the Reserve, which the.v had worked for so long and so hard. THE ST. PETER 'S BECOMES THE MINNESOTA RIVER. For some time a dislike for the name of the St. Peter's River was manifested by many people. The chief objection was that the name had no proper sig- niticance. True, by this time a great many persons living elsewhere knew Minnesota as "the St. Peter's country," and indeed the entire region surrounding Fort Snelling was often called sim|)ly ''St. Petei''s." The new.spapers down the river were accustomed to say : ' ' Everything is quiet up at St. Peters from last accounts." Ivetters were carried in the mails addressed to "St. Peters, Iowa Territory," and this was the name of the first po.stoffice at Snelling. The name bad a most distinguished derivation, since it was meant to honor the blessed St. Peter, the great Apostolic prince and leader: but it was believed that the river should have a more befitting, even if a less sacred, appellation. The Territorial Legislature of 1>!:')2 took action for the change. It is impossibl(> to tell now who led the movement for it, but on the 6th of March the Gover- nor approved a memorial which was addressed to President Filltnore and which read: "The numbers of the Lrgutlatirc Assembly of the Tcrrilory of Mitnirsota lirspi ctfidhj Represent: — "That the river from which our Territory derives 113 114 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. :\nNNESOTA its name was, by the early French voyageurs, called St. Peters, in honor of a Mons. St. Pierre, an officer in the service of the French Government during the seventeenth centniy ; that there is no possil)ility that the said St. Pierre was ever connected with the first discoveries made in this region of country, or that he was ever even on this side of the Atlantic Ocean, and was therefore in no wise entitled to the honor of perpetuating his name by fastening it upon one of the pri)u-ipal tributaries of the gi-eat national high- way of the West. "* * * That 'Minnesota' is the true name of this stream, as given to it. in ages pa.st, by the strong and powerful irihe of aborigines, the Dakotas. who dwelt upon its baaks; and that, not only to assimilate the name of the river with that of the Territoiy and future State of ilinnosota, but to follow the dictates of what we conceive to be a correct taste, and to show a proper regard for the memory of the great nation whose homes and country our people are now destined soon to possess, — for these reasons we desire that the river shall be so designated. "Therefore the constituency we represent wish that the name of St. Peters be entirely dispensed with, and that of 'Minnesota' universally substituted. This change has been adopted in all the acts and proceed- ings of the several Legislative Assemblies of this Ter- ritory where it has been neces.sary to alhule to the name : and if a like course were followed by the officers of the National Government in all their re- ports, correspondence, and official intercourse, geog- raphers would immediately adopt it, the people at large throughout the covuitrA' would soon become familiar with the change, and the inappropriate title of St. Peter's would be forgotten. "We therefore most respectfully request that you will be pleased to give directions to the officers of the different departments of the Government, civil and military, to carri- out the change herein alluded to. All of which is respectfully submitted." The memorialists did not seem to be aware that geographical names are not changed by the directions of the President to the different departments and sub- ordinates of the Government. Congi-essional legis- lation is necessary for the purpose. Delegate Sibley took up the matter in Congress and on the 19th of June. President Fillmore approved a .joint resolution of Congress reading: "That from and after the passage of this act the river in the Territorj' of ^linnesota heretofore known as the Saint Peter's shall be known and designated on the public records as the IMinnesota River. ' ' The author of the memorial was mistaken in his historical references. There was no "Mons. St. Pierre" suited to his description that early records, histories, and cyclopedias think worthy of mention. Those few Frenchmen of the name worthy of having rivers named for them lived too long before or too long after 1689, when Nicholas Perrot mentioned the River St. Peter in his proclamation taking pos.sessioii of the country for his sovereign, the King of France. It seems as certain as anything not positively suscep- tible of proof can be. that the river was named for the Great Apostle. The Sioux name of the river is Watpa (river) IMinne (water) sota, (doubtful) meaning the river of some kind of impure or imperfect water. The word sota is of uncertain meaning. It is not shown as an independent woi-d in the present Sioux vocabu- lary. It is probably a corruption of "Sho-shay" or muddy, though it may be from "sho-shay" and "hko- ta" combined, the latter meaning gray: and so sota may mean muddy water of a grayish color. Various English definitions of "sota" have been printed as "bleary," and "cloudy" and "sky-tinted," and "whitish"; but "sota" means neither of these words; the Indian words for the English ad.iectives named are entirely dissimilar to "sota.'' MINNEAPOLIS IN 1852. Notwithstanding the fact that not until in 1854 was ilinneapolis regularly laid out into blocks and lots, with streets and alleys, yet the new town was settled upon very rapidly almost immediately after the making of the Indian treaties and long before their ratification. Edward I\Iurphy moved upon his claim (which he had taken in 1850), down the river from John P. ^liller and Stevens, in May, 1852. This was an im- portant Settlement. He improved a great i)art of his land, and an especial feature of this improvement was the preparation of a field designed for a nur- sery and fruit farm. In due time the field was so established and trees set out and seeds planted. Thereby Mr. ilurphy became the pioneer nurseryman of Minnesota: otliers had set out apple trees before him, but he planted the first nursery stock. He did not plan wisely. His stock was not acclimated ; it had been obtained in the lower and warmer latitude of Southern Illinois and could not stand Minnesota winter conditions. In a few years the enterprising pioneer abandoned his attempts at apple raising and to operate a nursery. Nearly all of his trees had perished and he lost all the cash he had invested. His experience was that of many another pioneer would-be fruit grower of ^Minnesota. Anson Northrup lived on his little claim, up the river, above the Old ^lill claim, from June. 1852, continuously until he pre-empted it, in 1853. The claim was only a few acres in extent ; subsequently it was the site of the depot and yards of the "Mil- waukee" Railroad: or Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Northrup biiilt on his claim a large house in which the first sessions of the V. S. Courts and of Hennepin Lodge of Free ^lasons were held. lie also put up a smaller building, in which was held the first public school in original Minneapolis (!Miss ]Mary E. ^Tiller, teacher), commencing December. 1852. and where also, in June. 1853. Rev. J. C. Whitney was installed as pastor of the First Pn-sbyterian Church organi- zation. In IMay. 18.52. Pliilip Bassett. a brother of Joel B. Bassett. claimed wliat became the part of the city knowni as Hoag's Addition to Minneapolis. A few HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENXRPIN COUNTY, .MINNESOTA 115 wi'oks later, liowi'Ver, In- sold liis i-laiiii to his olil New Ilainpsliiro school-fi-llow, Cliark's Iloag, the man that jravc .Minneapolis its naiiu-. Previouslj' Joel B. Bassett hail taken up a quarter seetion above the creek that still hears his name and innnediately upon the west hank of the rivei'. He settled upon this tract in May, IH'yI. and conducted it as a farm for several years, when it became city property. As to Phil Hassett's claim which became Iloag's Addition, it may Ix' said that it was KiO acres in extent. Heally it may be called Iloag "s claim, for Pliil Bassett had it only about tiiree weeks when he conveyed it to Charley Iloag and went to California. Floag had been a school teacher in Pennsylvania, Inil in youth he had ])een a farmer's boy. T'pon the laud acipiired from Ba.ssett he opened a farm which in- cluded the site of tiie West Hotel and what is now termed the heart of the business center of the city. FIR.'iT CI..\IMS ON THE INDIAN L.VNDS. Col. Emanuel Case had come from ;\Iichigan and opened a store in St. Anthony in the spring of liSal, with his son. Sweet W. Case, as a partner. Not long afterward he came to the west side of the river and surveyed and filed on a claim of 160 acres immedi- ately north of Bassett's. Peter Ponein, an Indian trader, had previously built a small trading house on the same claim and sold goods to the Lake Calhoun Indians until they removed. He and Colonel Case had a controversy over the ownership of the land which the Government authorities decided belonged to Colonel Case. Ponein was an early merchant but had a bad personal reputation. In IMareh. 18.52. Colonel Ca.se 's son, James Gale Case, aged 20, slipped through a watering hole near the west bank of tlie river and was drowned. In his '■]\Iinnesota and Its People" (p. 140) Colonel Stevens says this was the second death in ^liinieapolis, but in his Lyc(>um ad- dress pul)lished in the North westera Democrat of January 27, 1855, he says the second death was the wife of Colonel Case, in 1852. Alexander ^loore, another Michigander, was interested with Colonel Ca.se in the ownership of the land, much of which was in cultivation up to 1855, when it was laid out into lots and blocks and platted as a part of Bas- sett, Case & Jloore's Addition to the Village of INIin- neapolis. Both Case and Moore became merchants in Minneapolis, and both aided in the upbuilding of the town in early days. Moore finally removed to Sauk Center, but Colonel Case lived in ^Minneapolis until his regretted death, in the summer of 1871, Colonel Case's original farm became Lawrence & Reeve's Addition. Joseph Menard came in 1851 and by permission of Indian Agent Lea occupied land near the Case anatrick's farms are Additions with the names of the original owners. "Deacon" vSully's okl claim is now ])latt('d as Sully & JIurphy's Addition. Henry Keith's old Falls City farm, named for the steamboat and claimed in 1852, was afterward owned by Judges Atwater and Flandrau, of the State Supreme Court and became a part of the Falls City and the Riverside Short-Line Additions. Mr. G. Mur- phy 's claim is in Cook's Riverside and Alfred ]\Iur- phy's in the Fair Ground Addition. MORE MISCELLANEOUS CLAIMS. Other claims made in 1852-5.3, with the Additions to ^Minneapolis in which the lands subsequently lay were Hiram Burlingham's, in ^Morrison & Lovejoy's Addition; Simon Odell's, in Palmer's: E. A. Hod- son's in the Southside ; Captain Arthur II. Mills's and J. Draper's in Galpin's and adjoining Additions; Charles Brown's and Frank Rollins 's. in Rollins 's Second: John Wass's in Wass's; Amasa Craft's, in ;\Ionroe Bros. ' ; Hiram Van Nest 's in Van Nest 's ; Philander Prescott's in Annie E. Steele's Out-Lots. Simon Bean's claim is ]\Iinnehaha Driving Park. Ard Godfrey's old claim and home is now the site of the Soldiers' Home, and W. G. Moffett's is Minne- haha Park. STILL OTHER PIONEERS OF 1851-52. Additional settlers in ^Minneapolis in 1851-52, as given by Colonel Stevens, were Capt. Sam Woods, a former commandant of Fort Sneliing, and Wm. Finch, Samuel Stough, S. S. Crowell, ^Mark Baldwin, Wm. Hanson, J. J. Dinsmore, Willis G. Moffett, Christopher C. Garvey, H. S. Atwood, Thomas Pierce, and Titus Pettijohn. The original towm plat bears A. K. Hartwell's and Calvin Church's entries, but it is not known just when they were made. Among those who were residents, but not claim-holders, on the west side in 1850 were Simon Stevens, Thomas Chambers, Henry Chambers, and Horace Webster ; they made claims elsewhere. Wm. Goodnow, the car- penter that built Anson Northrup's house, was an- other resident but not a claim-holder. His was the tii-st case of suicide in Jlinneapolis. He was a drunk- ard, and in the early winter of 1852, while demented from delirium tremens, he jumped into the river just above the Falls, was swept over them, and of course lost ; fortunately he had no family. Other adult men, unmarried, and who were resi- dents but not landholders on the west side in 1852-3, were Maj. Geo. A. Camp, a nephew of Anson Northrup and who was a member of his uncle's household. Gordon Jackins and William Jackins lived with their brother John, the merchant ; they were unmai-ried but became interested in a forty-acre tract adjoining Mrs. Sayer's claim, and William died while living on it. William H. Hubbard, a Tennessee lawj'er, held a claim on the town site for a year or two but sold it before it came fairly into market and left Minne- sota. He came first to St. Anthony in 1850, the year in which Atwater came. .John Berry pre-empted a farm near the Lake of Isles. LAST RECORDS OF SOME FIRST SETTLERS. Of some of the earliest settlers of St. Anthony and Minneapolis, it may be said that Eli Pettijohn and HISTORY OP JIINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 117 Caleb D. Dorr, each aged more than uinety years, are yet living. Anson Northrup died in St. Paul, March 27, 18fl4. Allen Harmon died in 1883. Ed- ward Murphy died in Jlinneapolis, January IS, 1877. Peter Ponein went to the Pacific Coast and died there between 1S80 and 1890. Martin Layman, on whose farm the fii"st cemetery was platted, died in Minne- apolis, July 2.5. 1886. Judge Isaac At water died in ^linncapolis. December 22, 1906. John George Len- nou, whose general store in St. Anthony was in 1850 Ihe largest mercantile establishment in ]\Iinnesota, died in iIiunea])olis, Octoljer 13, 1886, aged seventy- one ; he was an Englishman and first came to Minne- sota in 1843 and to St. Anthony in 1849; in 1851 he married Mary B. McLean, a daughter of Ma.j. Nathaniel McLean, the old-time Indian agent at Fort Snelling. Capt. John Christmas Reno, the old ^lin- neapolis steamboat man, died April 13, 1902. N. E. Stoddard, the scientific agriculturist that did so much to improve Dent com, died on his farm manj' years ago. Ard Godfrey died in Minneapolis, October 15, 1894. Edwin Hedderly died in the city, in June, 1880. Hon. D. Jl. Hanson, a noted Democratic politician and in his time regarded as the ablest lawyer in ilinneapolis, died while a member of the Territorial Council, ilarch 28, 1856; his father, Wm. Hanson, died at the age of 82. Chas. W. Christmas, the sur- veyor, died June 17, 1884. The foregoing list of first settlers in Minneapolis has been compiled from the best authorities, notably from Colonel Stevens' valuable volume "Recollections of ilinnesota and Its People." The list is not com- plete, for as to other names and the circumstances connected with their settlements the authorities do not agree. In the list here presented, where tliere have been discrepancies in the authorities the state- ments of Colonel Stevens have invariably been de- ferred to ; and the same has been done in the ca.se of many an historical item. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY. It is perhaps true, as has been often alleged, that the State Universit.v was located at St. Anthony pur- suant to a "gentlemen's agreement" among the St. Paul, the Stillwater, and the St. Anthony members of the Territorial Legislature of 1851. To that Legis- lature was given authority to locate the principal Territorial institutions. St. Paul was the temporary capital, but there was no other public institution. There was no penitentiary ; Territorial prisoners were confined in the guardhouse at Foi't Snelling. Only the three little towns named were to be considered, for they were tiie only communities worth consider- ing. There was then no J\Iinneapolis or Duluth or Winona or Mankato or Fergiis Falls or any other village or town in Minnesota, aside from St. Paul, St. Anthony, and Stillwater. Pursuant to the "gentlemen's agreement" St. Paul was given the capital, St. Anthony the University, and Stillwater the ix-iiitcntiary. \\u\. R. Marshall fouf^lit hai'd to have the capital located at St. An- thony, and the St. Paul and certain other members were only too glad to give him the University to si- lence him. The bill creating the University was drawn bj' John W. North, assisted by General Marshall, Judge Meeker, and Isaac Atwater. The members of the fii-st Board of Regents were Franklin Steele, Isaac At- water, Wm. R. Marshall, Bradley B. Meeker, Joseph W. Furber, Socrates Nelson, Henrv il. Rice, Alex- ander Ramsey, II. H. Sibley, Chas. K. Smith, N. C. D. Ta.vlor, and Abram Van Vorhees. The first four were strong St. Anthony partisans. Steele was made presi- dent, Atwater was secretary, and John W. North, treasurer. The first meeting was held May 31, 1851. Steele donated about four acres for the site of a "preparatorv school," and this site was to be between what is now Central Avenue and First Avenue South- east and also between Second Street and I'niversity Avenue. The title to this site was never made over to the Board. In lieu ilr. Steele offered, in January, 1854, to give the l^niversity five acres in Tuttle's Grove. Meanwhile a "preparatory school" building (costing over $2,500. of which sum Steele had given $500) had been erected on the original site, and Steele offered to build another, costing as much, on the proposed new site. The next year Steele offered to pay to the Board the sum of $2,500, instead of erecting the building, and the offer was accepted. Finally, in 1862, Steele's obligation, which was held as an asset, was turned over to the St. Anthony Water Power Company in payment of debts owed by the University to the Company, and in November, 1862, the Regents quit-claimed the site of the "pre- paratory school" to the same Company in discharge of other ITniversity debts. It was at the second meeting of the Board, which was held in the St. Charles Hotel, June 14, 1851, when it was decided to build the "preparatory school" building at a maximum cost of $2,500. At the first meeting it was decided to erect the building but its cost was not limited. The money was raised by subscription among the people, and Johnson's His- tory says that before the building was completed "a second subscription was necessary." When finished the building, a frame structure, was two stories high with a ground area of thirty by fifty feet. The walls of the basement were twelve feet in height, of which six feet was above the ground. The floor was reached by descending stone steps. For years this building, which would now be inadequate for housing the smallest ward school, was the seat of the prepara- tory department of the University of ^linnesota, and of the LTniversity as a whole. The building was completed about Novemlier 15, 1851, and the first school was opened on the 26th. when only two rooms were ready. The school was practically of the character of a country district school. About twenty scholars were enrolled the first week, but before the year was out there were per- haps double the number. The principal branches taught were spelling, reading, grammar, descriptive geography, and arithmetic: the charge for instruction in these studies were $4 for a "quarter" of eleven weeks. The Board, however, advertised to teach ]18 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA everything up to Latin, Greek, the higher mathe- matics, and astronomy, or as Goodhue expressed it in his Pioneer, "everything from a-h abs to algebra." At first there was but one teacher. Rev. E. W. Mer- rill, who, of course, was called "Prof." Merrill. Before the year expired, however, he had an assist- ant, and in the second year, when there were eighty- five pupils, and elementary spelling as well as conic sections was being taught, he had three assistants. Unfortunately the names of these assistants have not been ascertained for use in this volume. Rev. ^lerrill came to take charge of the school be- lieving that he would be paid a good salary out of the Territorial treasury: but when he came tlie Hoard told him plainly that his compensation would be the receipts for tuition, minus the expense of running the school ! For the first eleven weeks, therefore, he re- ceived probably $300, and when he had paid tlie fuel bills for those cold winter weeks, his assistant 's salary, laid the other expenses, he did not have a very large sum left. In the spring of 1855 lie concluded that his four years of experience as the virtual head of a university was all he wanted, and he closed the school, although during the last year he had on his rolls the names of 150 students. At the close of 1913 there were. 3.932. In ilay, 1856, the school house pa.ssed from the control of the Board of Regents, as has been stated. Thereafter, until it was burned, in November. 1864, private schools under the name of "high schools," and even "academies," were taught in it from time to time. It is, perhaps, well to note that not a dollar was ever paid out of the Temtorial treasury toward the establishment and maintenance of this preparatory school. All the money spent on it was contributed by the pioneers. They built the school house and Mr. ilerrill defrayed the nanning expenses of the school out of the tuition fees received for teaching their cliildren. Whoever would learn the full history of this great institution must consult Bird Johnson's "Forty Years of the University." CHAPTER XIV. LEADING EVENTS OP THE EARLY HISTORY MISCELL.VNEOUS NOTES AND COMMENTS — ORGANIZATION OP THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN THE NATION AND STATE — POLITICS IN 1855 AND THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION AT MINNEAPOLIS — THE HENNEPIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HOLDS THE FIRST AGRICULTURAL FAIR IN THE STATE — THE GOVERNOR PREVENTS THE ORGANIZATION OF ST. ANTHONY' COUNTY AND Is SEVERELY DENOUNCED ST. ANTHONY INCORPORATED AS A CITY — HENNEPIN COUNTY ABSORBS ST. ANTHONY — THE SENSATIONAL ELECTION FOR DELEGATES TO FORM THE FIRST STATE CON- STITUTION — THE FIRST GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION, IN 1857 — THE FINANCIAL PANICS OF 1857 AND 1859. HISTORICAL NOTES AND COMMENTS. It was in 1854 when Charles W. Christinas platted the claims of John H. Stevens and Frank Steele, ileanwhile, the Stevens house had been the scene of most of the notable public meetings and transactions of the city builders. There they had met and organ- ized Hennepin County in 1851, after it had been set off from Dakota County. There they had held their claim holders" meetings, and there they had organ- ized an agricultural society. That they organized to further the cause of agriculture is an indication of the kind of men they were, for they had already set out to prove the soil's fruitfulness and the climate's fitness to rival that of older fields of agriculture. They organized for this purpose and that ; they en- joyi^d such forms of entertainment as a vigorous, cul- tured group of people might well be expected to en- joy, in the time, and with the best that each could contribute from his own talents alone. They went on laying the foundations for a city by the splendid water power: and all this time, in a county without a designated place for its seat of government. This com- munity was unnamed, save for the various names given it by this or that settler. It was not until in 1854 that ^Minneapolis gained a place on the postal map of the United States, when a postoffice was established, with Dr. Hezekiah Fletcher as postmaster. Up to that time mail for ^linneapolis was delivered at St. Anthony. The two connnunities were linked by common citizenship, in that there were common interests on both sides of the rivei-. Between them plied Ca]>tain Tapper's ferry, taking toll from all except troops of the Federal Gov- ernment, according to the original license granted to Colonel Stevens. The ferrying was a difficult pas- sage at first, as Colonel Stevens's reminiscence and tliose of other pioneers indicate, in tales of upsets in the swift waters above the falls. Colonel Stevens's house continued to be the social center of the west siders and to mark the line of communication between the two settlements. In 1854, so rapidly had the settlement of the plateau and of the older village progressed, men on both sides of the river banded together to secure the construction of a suspension bridge over the river. The bridge was opened in 1855. It stood where the Steel Arch bridge now links the east and west sides,' and it gave into a gateway then, just as the present bridge does now. In those days they spoke of Bridge Street ; later of Bridge Square, when the twin ar- teries, Hennepin and Nicollet Avenues, began to take definite direction ■. and now it has become Gateway Park. Forward-looking men were at work developing the nucleus of a city on the west side : and men of no lesser culture and forward-looking qualities were likewise at work in the older village of St. Anthony. In 1851 they had established what they called a pi'e- paratory department for the University of Minnesota. Indeed, in this latter establishment may be seen the true pioneering spirit, for they built this humble pre- paratory department apparently in the assurance that by the time students were prepared for entrance, the University proper would be there for them to enter. In the formative conditions of those first years on both sides of the river it was natural that there should be rivalries between the settlements, and even compe- tition for supremacy even within each of the two divi- sions. Thus in old St. Anthony there were, at one time, three centers which strove for commercial leader- ship : "Cheevertown, " where the campus of the Uni- versity of Minnesota now lies; the village of St. An- thony, centering in the present Central Avenue from the river up the hill; and the town of St. Anthony, up river in the neighborhood that is now Tliird to Fifth Avenue Northeast, and opposite the mouth of Bassett's Creek. At the last named site the steamboat landing for the traffic above the Falls was established, and for a time that was the east side center of busi- ness. BECOMES A SUMMER RESORT. As the village on the west side of tlie river grew, there sprang up that portion of the vil- lage which centered on Bridge Street, and an- other as far down river as the present Sixth to Eighth Avenues South, along Washington Avenue. On the east side, the rival communities had their hotels, the St. Charles and the Winslow; and on the west side there were the Cataract and the NieoUet. 119 120 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA To all these came, iu the years before the Civil War, the flower of Southern society from as far dowu the river as New Orleans, making a summering place of the beautiful locality about the Falls and the lakes near the growing villages. This was a natural out- growth of the steamboat traffic on the great river — - and in that traffic itself there arose another element of rivalry which unified all the competitive elements of the twin villages at the Falls of St. Anthony. RIVALRY BEGETS A FEUD. This iinion was the first manifestation of a bitter rivalry which dwarfed all the petty differences of the several commercial communities at the falls. It was the feud between the pioneer cities of Minnesota — _ St. Paul and Minneapolis : a vindictive fire which has now smoldered, now broken out afresh, tliroughout the nearly three-quarters of a century whicli has passed since the founding of the towns. It was even declared that the long delay in the opening of the Military Reservation on the west side of the Falls was caused by the machinations of men at Fort Snell- ing and in the settlement of St. Paul. The early evi- dences of competition for settlers and commerce in- cluded scheming by St. Paul to prevent the river boats from passing further up-stream to the landing below St. Anthony Falls. LOC.VL STEAMBO.\TING ESTABLISHED. It was this influence which led to the acquirement of a steamtioat by residents of St. Anthony, and the organization of a river traffic company to maintain a line of steamers, of which the Falls City was to be the first, which were to ply between St. Anthony and the ^lississippi below. That was in 1854, when the tii'st mercliant flour mill had been erected on the East Side, and when the need of transportation facilities, not merely for flour but for wheat, became evident. That was an important year in the history of the two villages; it saw the first bank established in St. An- thony; the first survey on the west side: the first lot given away by Colonel Stevens: the establishment of the ^linneapolis postoffice : the first retail lumber yard; and the operation of the old Goverinnent flour mill commercially. And while the river traffic lielow the falls was be- coming an important element in the future of the two settlements, the possibilities of traffic above the falls were not neglected. The steamlioat Oovernor Ramsey, as has been said, had been put in service as early as 1851, plying between St. Anthony and Sauk Rapids, and later other steamboats were put on: a circumstance in transportation history which shows what elements contributed to the development of .Minnesota Territory in the years before railroads were built and the country opened up by settlement. The boats that carried freight and passengers uji- river above the falls continued in active service most of the years until the Federal Government, in the midst of the Civil War. took tiiem around the Falls and used tliem in tlic i-iver navy that figured in the military operations iu the West. And one of them — the first one, the Governor Ramsey — reappeared on Lake Minnetonka and did good service there about the time the first railroad was laid to the north shore of that lake. It was not until well into the second decade of St. Anthony's history that the railroad figured at all in the transportation problems of the city. "Transpor- tation" in those first ten or twelve years of the city's life meant .steamboat traffic in summer, or stage and wagon freighting. The historic Red River carts, relics of the first transportation efl'orts in the North- west, continued to be features of the time. And through the "Big Woods'" to the southwest and west there were mail routes, mostly traversed by mounted horsemen, to the frontier settlements. Ox teams were as common as horses in the farming districts, and all communication was as primitive as in any new country. THE LYCEUM AND THE LIBRARY. The Lyceum was an institution of the time; debat- ing clubs included men. not mere youths, in their membership ; intimate acquaintance with literature was perhaps a commoner attribute then than it is to- day; singing schools were among the forms of enter- tainment; and in its earliest years St. Anthony pos- sessed a public library co-operative in form. Ten years later — in 1859 — the foundation for the ^linne- apolis Public Li})rary was laid, in the formation of the Atheneum, a private library' association which was to all intents and purposes public. It was to this semi-public institution that, after another ten years, an endowment was to come through Dr. Kirby Spen- cer's bequest, which was to yield rich aid to the li- brary of the Twentieth Century. THE PIONEER NEWSPAPERS. The significant fact which stands out before all else in the history of the communities is that the people, were of a high cultural average. Their daily tasks were performed amid conditions often full of hard- ship, always iu surroundings wholly lacking in ex- terior refinement. But all held true to the traditions of their forefathers. One may .see proof of cultural qualities in the circumstances surrounding the found- ing of the first newspaper, the St. .\nthony Express, promoted by Tyler, the tailor, and established in 1S.")1. The Express had been Whig in politics at the begin- ning, and Democratic later, but its brand of Democ- racy did not suit those who opposed the old "Silver Grays," and in 1853 the Xorth western Democrat ap- peared, first under Prescott & Jones and later, after it had been moved to the west side, under W. A. ITotcbkiss. This second paper succumbed, too. The St. Anthony Republican was another weekly paper, published by the Rev, C. G. .Ames, who was an out- spoken abolitionist and a vigorous figure of the time. It was merged, in 1858. with the State News, edited by W. A. Croffutt, who in yeai-s to come gained fame c<|ual to that of Rev. Mr. Ames in a national way, as HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 121 a thinker and writer. It was Croflfutt who, with his partner! ventured the first daily newspaper at the Falls — the Daily Falls Evening News. But this was short-lived. Indeed, most newspaper enterprises of the first deeade failed to sueeeed eonmiercially. It was not until 1859 that a newspaper ajjpeared whieh was destined to endure the financial storms of the times. And its iiublication served to introduce to the Northwest a man who became a great, notable figure in its history. It was in this year, during the stress of hard times following the panic of 1857, that Colonel "William S. King founded the State Atlas, and the paper at once became a strenuous factor in the upbuilding of the community. It held its own for ten years, and then was merged into the Tribune, which still endures. THE EARLY SCHOOLS. The newspaper history of the young community, its achievement in establishing a library, the cultural tendencies of its citizens, were part and parcel of the same spirit whieh earlier had founded a school sys- tem, fii'st on the East, later on the West, Side. In old St. Anthony the first institution to have community support was a private school, established in 1849 and with Miss Electa* Backus as the teacher. That was in June of 1849, and the need for better accommoda- tions was responded to in the fall, when a .school building was erected and the first jniblic school estab- lished. The pioneers who east their lot with the settlement of squatters and early claimants on the west side of the river set about establishing their own schools as soon as the settlers became sufficiently numerous to warrant. It was in 1852 that Anson Northrup's house, close to the present site of the new Minneapolis postoffice building, became a school house for a time. ;\riss ;\laiw Miller was the teacher of the twenty-odd pupils in this, the first organized district school west of the Mississippi river in the Northwest. It is an index to the character of the people, this establishing of a school district before they had even gained title to or right to settle on the lands about the western end of the Falls of St. Anthony. As usual. Col. Stevens's house had been the scene of the organization meeting, and the first school board was composed of Col. Stevens. Dr. A. E. Ames, and Edward Murphy. Three years later, in 1855, the questions of title and government having been cleared up in a way, the people of Minneapolis met in town meeting and deter- mined to organize a graded school and erect a school building. The result was the erection of tlie I'liion School, on the site of the present courthouse and city hall. The building was opened and schools estab- lished in 1858, with a princijjal and foui' teacluTs. It was the real nucleus for the Minneapolis imblii- school system. To its traditions and those of the Washington School, which succeeded it. scores of .Miii- ■" Atwater 's History gives her Christian name as Elizabeth; but Warner & Foote 's and Hudson 's give it as Electa, which is forreet. neapolis men and women remain loyal, and people all over the West count as their best school days the time spent under roof of the Union or the Washington School. THE FIRST MINNEAPOLIS CHURCHES. As establishment of schools was early one of the efforts of the villagers of St. Anthony and of Minne- apolis, so were the natural assemblages of the adher- ents of one or another religious creed notable circum- stances of the time. The first churches in St. Anthony have been noticed. On the West Side, the mission hou.se of the Pond Brothers, on Lake Calhoun, was the first building which by liberal license may be con- sidered a church. It was used only to proclaim the Gospel to the Indians, and cannot be considered as in any sense the foundation of Christian church organi- zation in ^Minneapolis. The services first held in tlie John H. Stevens house by Presbyterians gave that denomination definite part in the church history of the West Side, culminating in organization in 185:5. The ^lethodists had organized on the East Side in 1849 ; the Coiigregatioiialists formed a churcii tlierc in 1851 ; the Episcopalians formed Holy Trinity Parish in 1852, and four years later became organized factors in religious work on the West Side. The Baptists, first established on the East Side in 1850, got together on the West Side in 1853. Other Protestant denomi- nations came later. As for the Catholic church, the parish of St. Anthony of Padua continued for many years to embrace all of the members by the Falls. Other schools, churches, and libraries sprang up spontaneously with the first settlement of either vil- lage ; they existed in the will of every one of those first settlers in the decade and a half preceding the Civil War, and though they may not have had visible form and dimension, yet they were truly elements in the life of the villages from their very beginning. Hardship and privation, financial setback and panic, rivalry with St. Paul, intensive struggle for existence could not check their growth. Even in the bitter days of the panic of 1857 there was no cessation from pro- moting the institutions of the mind and of the soul as necessary elements in the life of the two young cities. The earnestness and the vigor and the cul- tural instinct of Eastern fathers and motliei's kept their fires alight, and held the people true to tlir best that was in their heredity. OUOANIZATION OF THE REPrBLICAN PARTV. The first preliminary and authoritative ad ion taken to organize the Re])ublican party was by a coiivcn- fion of Michigan anti-slavery Democrats, eallinu' Ihemsclves "■fhe Free Democracy of Michigan," which meeting wa.s held at Kalamazoo, Feliruary 22. 1854. the anniversary of Washington's birthday. This con- vention nominated a State ticket, adopted a strong anti-slavery i)latform. and called itself a "convention of Free Democrats and Jetfersonian Republicans." Aliout a week later, or F(>l)ruai-y 28, a meeting held at Ripon, Wisconsin, resolved to hold another meeting 121 HISTORY OF .MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and I'onu a new party if the Kausas-Nehraska bill, then before Congi-ess, was passed. The bill was passed, and ]\Iaroh 20 the contemplated meeting was held and an organization, called by A. E. Bovay the Republican party, was formed; this organization did not pretend to l)e State-wide in character. June 21, 1854, the "Independent Democrats" of iliehigan, in convention at Kalamazoo, endorsed the State ticket nominated February 22 previously. July 6 a grand mass convention, composed of all elements of tlie anti-slavery sentiment in Michigan, met in a large, shady grove at Jackson, and among other things resolved, "that, in defense of Freedom, we will co-operate and be known as Republicans." The anti- slavery elements of other States followed suit : of Wisconsin at IMadison, and of Vermont at Burlington, July 13 : of Massachusetts at "Worcester July 20. etc. Each of these oi'ganized a State party called Repub- lican. There was no national organization until in 18.i(;. In 18.54 the new party elected a majority of the members of the lower House of Congress that chose N. P. Banks, of iMassachusetts, Speaker. Feli- i-uary 22, 1856, a so-called "People's T'onvention"' — all of whose members were Republican.s — met at Pittsburg and prepared the way for the holding of the first national Republican nominating convention, which met at Philadelphia June 17 following and nominated John C. Fremont and "Wm L. Davton for President and Vice President. (See E. V. Smalley's and also S. M. Allen's Histories of the Republican Party. Stanwood's History of Presidential Elections; Thomason's Political Hist. Wis., etc.) THE REPt'BLICAX TARTY IN IIIN'XE^OTA. Prior to 1855 all political canvasses in Minnesota Territory had been non-partisan. Democrats. Whigs, pro-slavery, and anti-slavery men, prohibitionists, and personal liberty men, were all to be found on the same ticket. Simple influences controlled ; a neigh- bor was voted for in preference to a man living at some distance. The only factions were those of the rival fur companies headed by Rice and Sibley. Per- sonal fitness for the place largely controlled the voter in his selection of a candidate. There wer.e very few real pro-slavery men in the Territory, but they and the out-and-out abolitionists were about ef|ual in mniibers — and in the public esteem. An overwlielming nia.iority of the people were op- posed 1o the further extension of slavery, did not wani any more slave States; but at the same time thi'.x did not desire the abolition by Congress of sla\i TN- in States where it already existed. The for- mer Democrats, still holding to their old States' rights beliefs, declared that each State should settle the i|uestion foi- itself. If any slaveholding State wanted to abolish the "peculiar institution." let it do so, in heaven 's name, and God speed it ! Con- gress had not the power over the sub.iect. If Con- gress could abolish slavery in any State, it could establish it in another — and the latter idea was not to be entertained for a moment ! THE ABOLITION MEETING OP 1854. On the 4th of July, 1854, the little flock of aboli- tionists in and about St. Anthony held what they called a "mass meeting" in the school house. The attendance was small, for an Independence Day cele- bration was being held, and the proceedings were so unimportant that not one newspaper in the Territory mentioned them. Rev. Chas. G. Ames, the Unitarian elergj-man, Minnesota's Theodore Parker, was the leading spirit of the meeting. He had been a Free Will Baptist ; he was now heterodox. He had been a conservative Whig; he was now an ultra abolition- ist. He made a passionate and even violent speech against slavery and those that had any sort of sym- pathy with it. He claimed that the U. S. Constitu- tion recognized slavery, and for that reason the great American charter "ought to be buried so deep that it can never be resurrected." He believed with Gar- rison that the Constitution is "a covenant with death and a league agi'eement with hell." John W. North and other members of the meeting made inflanmiatory and incendiary speeches, and no doubt tlicv felt much better after their fires went out. In the following October a new paper called the jMinnesota Republican was established at St. Anthony, with Rev. Ames as its editor. In his salutatory he announced that he was an uncomprising abolitionist, and wanted slavery abolished at once wherever it existed. THE REPUBLICAN ORGANIZING CON\ EXTION. Pursuant to much previous advertising, the first Republican Tei'ritorial Convention in ^Minnesota was held in St. Anthony, Thvirsday and Friday, ilarch 29 and 30, 1855, more than a year after the first Mich- igan convention. Wm. R. Marshall presided and James F. Bradley was secretary. It was a mass meet- ing, but only abaut fifty men attended, (Editor Emer- son, of the St. Paul Daily Democrat, says he counted fifty-two, but Smalley says they numbered 200), and not a half dozen of these lived outside of Hennepin and Ramsey Counties. The meeting was divided into radiral and eon.serva- tive anti-slavery men. The leailing radieals were the fierv preacher. Rev. C. G. Ames, and John W. North, W."D. Babbitt. J. F. Bradley. Geo. E. H. Day— one preacher, two lawyers, and two business men. The influential conservatives were Chairman Mai-shall, Geo. A. Nourse, Warren Bristol. Dr. Hezekiah Fletcher, and Rev. S. T. Creighton. A committee consisting of North. Nourse, Babbitt. Rev. B. F. Iloyt, II. P. Pratt. Eli Petti.iohn, and a Mr. Bigelow, reported resolutions denouncing slavery and the fugitive slave law. but not declaring in favor of the abolition of either. Thereupon there was a lot of si)ecch-making and heated debates. A resolution declariusi- the fugitive slave law wholly unconstitu- tional was defeated, and one pronouncing it "uncon stitutional in spirit and character, oppressive, unjust, and (lang(>rous to domestic tranquility and deserving i-epeal," was passed, but by a vote of twenty-five to twenty-two. This was a compromise resolution be- HISTORY OF illNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 123 tween the t\V'0 factions. So spirited had been the debates and so intense the feeling that there was dan- ger that the convention would "break up in a row,"' withoiit crystallizing the sentiment and uniting the forces for freedom. The zealot. Rev. Ames, saw this danger, and to avoid it he accepted the resolution and championed it. He failed, however, to induce very many of the impracticable and unrea.soning element to follow. The .stormy convention held until midnight, and then adjourned until the next day when the final ses- sion of three hours was held. The last resolution con- cluded : "Appealing to heaven for the rectitude of our intentions, we this df^.v organize the Republican Party of ^linnesota." THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION OF APRIL 3. April 3, four days after the Republican Conven- tion, the Democrats — or " ' Democratic Republicans, as they styled themselves — held a mass meeting at Chambers & Hedderly's hall, ^Minneapolis. There were 125 members, who were chietiy from iliune- apolis and St. Anthony. Dr. A. E. Ames presided and Charles Hoag was secretaiy. W. A. Hotchkiss, Sweet W. Case, and F, R. E. Cornell, composing the committee on resolutions, reported on the slavery question: "That while we deprecate slaveiy agita- tion, either North or South, we do not, in any manner, sympathize with the in.stitution, believing it to be a great moral and public evil; and that we will use all lawful means to confine it within its present limits." The resolutions, including the one quoted, were passed without dissent. D. "SI. Hanson and F. R. E. Cornell, two able lawyers, spoke eloquently in their favor. The resolution on the slavery question adopted by this Democratic meeting became practically the car- dinal principle of the Republican party and the chief feature of its platforms. This was why so many old Free Soil Democrats became Republicans. The fol- lowing year Editor Hotchkiss and his Northwestern Democrat supported Fremont and Dayton and the Republican ticket generally, though Hotchkiss claimed that he was still a Democrat, In his editorial announcing that he would support Fremont he said: "We are a Democrat in eveiy sense of the word. The Republican platform is the old Democratic policy ii extenso. "We are a Democrat — 'dyed in the wool,' as the saying is; a States' Rights Democrat are we, and not a fillibuster or ruffian. Until the Demo- cratic ship gets back to its proper waters and original ]nii'ity, we shall say hard things of it." Tile first year of their political organization the Re- publicans would have elected their candidate, Win. R. Marshall, as Delegate to Congress over Henry ^I. Rice, Democrat, had they not put a strong prohibition plank in their platform. The author of this plank and of its incorporation in the platform was Rev. Chas. G. Ames, before mentioned, and who was as zealous a prohibitionist as he was an abolitionist. The vote cast at the election, October 6, was: For Rice, 3,215; for Marshall, 2,434; for David Olmsted, independent Democrat, 1,785. THE HENNEPIN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. In March, 1853, the Territorial Legislature incor- porated the Hennepin County Agricultural Society. The prime mover and leading spirit in almost every public enterprise at that day. Col. Stevens, was the prime mover and leading spirit in the organization of this society. He believed it would be a great and val- uable advertisement, not only for the town of Minne- apolis and Hennepin County, but for the Tei-ritory and the pioneer farmers, and he infused his ideas into the minds of certain of his prominent fellow-citizens. The charter members of the Hennepin Society were John H. Stevens, Emanuel Case, Joel B. Bassett, Alexander iloore, Warren Bristol, Dr. Hezekiah Fletcher, Dr. A. E. Ames, Philander Prescott, Joseph Dean, and John S. Mann. The first meeting of the Society was held in what was sometimes termed the courthouse, at St. Anthony, Sept. 7, 1853. There was a large attendance for the time. Dr. Ames presided. Addresses were delivered by John W. North, Isaac Atwater, A. G. Chatfield, Captain Dodge, and others. A committee, consisting of John H. Stevens. Isaac Atwater, J. N. Barber and R. B. Gibson, drew up and presented the constitution and by-laws, which were adopted. The officers elected for the first year were : President, Rev. J. W. Dorr ; ti'easurer. Emanuel Case; secretary, J. H. Canney ; executive committee. John H. Stevens. N. E. Stod- dard. Wm. Chambers, Stephen Hall, and W. W. Getehell. The Society decided to hold an agricultural fair at Minneapolis, October 18. Farmers were cordially in- vited to exhibit selections from their fields and from their flocks and herds, and the ladies were particu- larly requested to send Specimens of their industrial work. The people of the Territory generally were invited to attend. Stevens, Dr. Ames, and Charles Hoag were ap- pointed to make a careful analysis of the soil of Hennepin County, and to make "a full and candid report" as to its adaptability for general agricul- tural purposes. Dr. Hezekiah Fletcher, R. W. Gib- sou, and David Bickford were appointed another committee, "to consider and report upon the best means of destroying all birds and animals that infest and destroj^ the agricultural productions of this county." (See St. Anthony Express, Sept. 17, 1853.) At this meeting, pui-suaut to a resolution offered by N. E. Stoddard, steps were taken to fonu a Terri- torial agricultural society; and the "ilinnesota Agri- cultural Society" was organized at St. Paul in Jan- uary following, with Governor Gorman as president. Although both the Hennepin and the Jlinnesota Soci- eties declared for holding fairs in the fall of 1853, none were held. But after careful consideration the circumstances seemed forbidding, and the exhibitions were postponed until the following vear. (Stevens, p. 213.) THE FIRST AGRICULTURAL FAIR IN MINNESOTA. The second annual meeting of the Hennepin County Agricultural Society was held October 6. 1854. John 124 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA H. Stevens was elected president, Emanuel Case treas- urer, and Joseph H. Canney secretary. After dis- cussion the Society determined to hold a fair at ^liu- neapolis two weeks later, or October 20. The time was short for advertising and securing exhibits and for making preparations but some of this work had already been done. The fair was held at the time appointed. It was a complete success, with the additional distinction that it was the first agricultural and horticultural fair held in Minnesota. The site was on the Minneapolis side of the river, on what was subsequently known as Bridge Square. It was opened with somewhat im- posing exercises. Fervent, high-sounding, and fairlj' eloquent addresses were delivered by Governor Gor- man, Ex-Governor Ramsey, and Ex-Justice Bradley B. Meeker. In his "Minnesota and Its People" (p. 242), Colo- nel Stevens says that the first fair "was a success in every department." The grain, roots, vegetables, live stock, poultry, daii-y exhibits, the mechanical and in- dustrial departments, fine arts, ladies' department, and the miscellaneous articles exhibited were all of such excellence that, the St. Anthony Express de- clared, "they would have done credit to one of the oldest and richest agricultural counties in New York The number of exhibitors exceeded fifty, and the cash premiums, all of which were paid, amounted in the aggi-egate to several hundred dollars. The exhibition was a valuable advertisement for Minnesota and especially for iliuneapolis and Henne- pin County. According to all reports, many stran- gers from the Eastern, Middle, and other States at- tended. They chanced to be here, "looking at the country," and the extraordinarily high character of the grain, vegetables, and stock shown at the fair im- pressed them so favorably with the agricultural value of the region that many of them actually became per- manent residents of Minnesota and advertising agents for the country. It is well settled that one of the elements of greatest value in connection with every fair. Territorial. State, or County, ever held in Min- nesota, has been connected with the publicity made in the exhibition of the products of the people. THE GOVEENOR PREVENTS THE CREATION OF "ST. ANTHONY COUNTY." It is not generally known, and no previous history states the fact, that the Legislature of 185.') jiassed an act creating the "County of St. Anthony" out of the western part of Ramsey County and locating the county seat at the town of St. Anthony. The hill passed both houses, but in the closing days of the session. It was not introduced as an independent bill. but as a supplement to an act amending the incor- poration of the State Historical Society. The sup- plemental bill defined the county's boundaries, which ^ere very ample, the northern line being far to the northward. As stated, the bill passed in the closing (lays of the session, the last days of February, 1S5.5, and went over to Territorial Governor Willis A. Gor- man for his approval. The Governor had become well identified with St. Paul and opposed the dismember- ing of Ramsey County. He "pocketed" the bill and allowed the Legislature to adjourn (March 3) with- out signing it, and so it failed to become a law. There was intense feeling at St. Anthony over Governor Gorman's action. A few days after the Legislature ad,iourned, or on ^larch 6, an indignation meeting of more than 200 citizens was held in Cen- tral Hall, St. Anthony, to denounce this action. Geo. F. Brott presided and the Democratic Territorial Secretary, Charles L. Chase, was secretary. For his action in pocketing the bill the Governor was scored in the harshest terms and in violent language by speak- ers familiar with those terms and accomplished in the use of that form of language. Among these speakers were Hon. D. 'SI. Hanson. Hon. Chas. Stearns, E. L. Hall. Moses W. Getchell. and President Brott. A large proportion of those participating were Demo- crats, but they did not spare the Democratic Governor in their speeches. A committee, consisting of 'SI. W. Get«hell, II. T. Welles, Richard Chute, E. Dixon, Silas Ricker, Rich- ard Fewer, and R. W. Cummiugs, reported a series of resolutions, the iirst of which and the preamble read: "Whereas, At the last session of the Legislature of this Territory an act was passed providing for the organization of St. Anthony County, and also an act pro^Tding for the improvement of the Jlississippi River from the mouth of the Minnesota to the Falls of Pokegama ; and whereas Governor Gorman has pocketed said bills, thereby defeating the same, with- out daring to assume the responsibility of vetoing them ; and whereas the Governor has signed other bills involving the same principles and providing for carrying out similar measures in other localities in which he, the said Governor, is believed to be person- ally interested ; therefore, "Resolved, That we regard the action of Governor Gorman in defeating .said bills as a blow aimed in a cowardly manner at the prosperity and progress of St. Anthony and the northern part of Ramsey County, as well as the counties lying between the Mississippi and the Minnesota Rivers. "Resolved. Tliat the action of Governor Gorman in defeating the said bills, passed by both branches of the Legislatiu'c. has been of a most tyrannical, selfisli. and revengeful nature, showing a total disregard of tlie wishes of the people, etc." Another i-esolution demanded that the President remove Governor Gorman, and still another said of him : "That his action as above stated, in connection with his previous course as Governor of the Territory, dur- ing which course he has been engaged in numerous street brawls, personal encounters, and other dis- reputable acts, for which he has been presented by a grand .iury and has been at other times brought to answer at the bar of courts of .iustice. have demon- strated that he is totally unfit for the responsible station which he holds as Governor of the Territory of ]\Iinnesota." Tlie resolutions were applauded and unanimously HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 125 adopted, after being discussed to see if they could not be made stronger. The journals of the House and Senate for the ses- sion of 1855 give scarcely any information regarding this bill ; but see the Xorth-Westera Democrat for March 10, 1855, in an editorial under the heading. "St» Anthony County Not a County;" also the same paper dated March 17. containing a report of the meeting at Central Hall, j\Iarch 6 ; also the Pioneer and Democrat of ^lareh 5, referring to the Legisla- tive proceedings of March 3. ST. ANTHONY INCORPORATED AS A CITY. By an act of the Legislature approved by the Gov- ernor March 3, 1855, the village of St. Anthony was incorporated as a "city," although it had an esti- mated population at the time of about 2,000. The act, virtuall.y the city's charter, was very length}', consist- ing of nine chapters. By its provisions the city was divided into three wards, with two aldermen from each ward, and the six aldermen, the mayor, and a justice of the peace were to be elected on the first Monday in April following. The mayor and three of the first aldermen chosen were to serve but one year ; thereafter the terra of an alderman was to be two j'ears. The other city officials were to be chosen by the Council. Notwithstanding that the town was strongly Republican or al:iolition, negroes were not allowed to vote at municipal elections. At the first election H. T. Welles was elected maj'or; and the Aldermen (composing the City Coun- cil) were Benj. N. Spencer, John Orth, Daniel Stanch- field, Edwin Lippincott, Caleb D. Dorr, and Rol)t. W. Cummings. April 14 the Council elected Ira Kingsley, treasurer, no salary ; W. F. Brawley, clerk, annual salary, $325 ; S. W. Farnham, assessor, salary not fixed; Benj. Brown, marshal, salary, $300; attor- ney, E. L. Hall, salary. $250; collector. E. B. Na.sh, salary, three per cent of collections. The ma.yor was to receive $200 and the aldermen $100 each. Lard- ner Bostwick was elected justice of the peace. The election had been of a non-partisan character, and the officers were of various political persuasions. Mayor Welles was a Democrat. There was a general acceptance of the officials as to their qualifications except in the case of Marshal Brown ;'he was a saloon keeper, and the radical temperance people were roused to great indignation over his appointment. They held a meeting April 10 and denounced every- body responsible for it. and urged that he be re- moved. Geo. A. Nourse, John W. North, and Rev. Creighton made fiery speeches, and the meeting de- manded that the saloons be abolished, or at least that no liquor should be sold on Sunday. The resolutions adopted were hot-tempered and denunciatory of liquor and tlie liquor interests. The Council finally enacted that no saloons should be open on Sundays or after 10 P. M. on week days, and that they pay licenses of the heavy sum of fifty dollars a year; drunkenness, fighting, and gambling were prohibited, and the moral condition of the city renovated and reformed so far as a city ordinance could be made eft'ective. In October, Ben Brown resigned as marshal and Seth Turner was appointed in his stead. HENNEPIN COUNTY TAKES IN ST. ANTHONY. The creation of St. Anthony County, with the town of St. Anthony as the county seat, having been pre- vented by Governor Gorman, in IMarch, 1855, the citi- zens of the town and those who sympathized with them determined to have satisfaction and redress from the Governor and from St. Paul. The members of the Legislature from that town opposed the new county, because it would take away St. Anthony and much other good territory from Ramsey County and thereby injure their city. Mr. Isaac Van Etten, of St. Paul, had led the fight against the proposed new county, and while he had been unsuccessful in the Legislature (of which he was a member) he and his associates had better success with the Governor, who by this time had valuable interests in the Capital City. The St. Anthony partisans were incensed at St. Paul and determined that if they could not have a sep- arate county of their own they would detach their territory from Ramsey County and attach it to Hen- nepin. This would deal a blow at the progress of St. Paul and increase the good prospects of the twin towns at the Falls, St. Anthony and Minneapolis. At the very next Legislatiu-e. that of 1856, they intro- duced a bill into, and succeeded in having it passed by the Legislature carrying out their purpose. The bill was adroitly drawn. It was entitled. 'A bill to designate the site whereon to erect the count.y buildings of Hennepin County and authorizing the Commissioners to procure a title thereto, and extend- ing the boundaries of the County." Governor Gor- man could not well veto a bill allowing sites to be acquired for the much needed county buildings of the new county : and he had no pleasant memories of how the people had expressed themselves about him when, the year before, he had pocketed the bill allow- ing St. Anthony to separate from Ramsey County. The first three sections of the bill related to the acquirement of county building sites in Minneapolis. The 4th section reads : "The boundaries of Heiuiepin County is [sic] hereby extended north across the ^lississippi River, commencing on the north line of township 29. in range 24. on the Mississippi River, and running due east to a point between sections 4 and 5, in town- ship 30. in range 23 ; thence due south to the town line between townships 28 and 29 ; thence due west to the Mississippi River." The two other sections provide that the Hennepin register of deeds should transcribe all the records of Ramsey County relating to the newly attached terri- tory, and that the delinquent taxes of the new terri- tory should be paid to Ramsey County. The act was approved by the Governor February 25. The original boundaries were not satisfactory, and five years later the Legislature of 1861 established them as follows: "Commencing on the north line of township 29, 126 HISTORY OF .AIINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA range 24, ou the Mississippi River, thence due east to a point between seetioas 5 and 6. township 20, range 23 ; tlience due south, on the section line, to the ^lis- sissippi River : thence up said river to the place of beginning. ' ' After the act of 1856 St. Anthony entered its fourth county. It has been in Crawford and St. Croix Counties, "Wisconsin, and Ramsey and Hennepin in ilinnesota. The newly attached territoi-j' was or- ganized into a civil township May 11, 1858, and the first officers were : Supervisors, J. B. Gilbert, J. C. Tufts, Richard Fewer: clerk, D. M. Demmon; asses- sor, J. A. Lennon; .justices of the peace, Solon Arm- strong and Anthony Grethen. The town, however, continued its separate corporate existence until in 1872, when it was united with Minneapolis. THE DISPUTED ELECTION OF DELEGATES TO THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Perhaps the most intei'esting and influential politi- cal events in Minnesota between 1850 and 1860 were the formation of the Republican party in 1855, the election of Delegates to the Constitutional Conven- tion, and the session of that Convention, the latter two events occurring in the summer of 1857, and the first election for State officers. There was a most spirited contest over the election of Delegates to the Convention which was to make the organic law of the State, soon to be admitted into the Union. That Convention would form the first Legislative and Congressional districts and make them Demo- cratic or Republican, according to the politics of a ma.iority of the members. The Legislature would elect two United States Senators and the political con- trol of Congress might depend upon the new State of Minnesota. The Republicans made strenuous efforts to elect a ma.iority of the Delegates. They appealed to their National Connnittee and their brethren in the East for help and some money and some of the best speak- ers were sent them to aid in the canvass. Among those from other States who came and stumped the Territory for the Free Soil ticket were John P. Hale, of New Hampshire ; Lyman Trumbull and Owen Love.ioy. of Illinois: (ialusha A. Grow, of Pennsyl- vania : Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana : Hanseomb, of Boston : Moran, of Philadelphia, and James H. Baker, of Ohio, — the last named afterward promi- nent and distinguished in ^linnesota. Judge Trum- bull remained in the Territory after the election as chief counsel for the Repviblicans. The Democrats employed ordy their local talent : such of them as received compensation were paid out of a fund raised by Territorial office-holders, all of whom were Demo- crats. The election for Delegates came off June 1. The re- turns came in slowly and at first it was conceded that a ma.iority of Democrats had been chosen, espe- cially when it appeared on the face of the returns that four of them had been elected in St. Anthony precinct, of Hennepin County, by an average ma- jority of 13. Rut Senator Trundnill now came for- ward with a plan to wrest victory from defeat. The authorities had decided that two Delegates were to be chosen for each Representative and Councilor in the Territorial Legislature, and this construction made a Convention of 108 members. But June 16, when the board of canvassei-s for Hen- nepin County, all of them Republicans, canvassed the vote of St. Anthony, they decided that not four Dem- ocrats but four Republicans had been chosen from that Legislative district and certificates were issued accordingly. Lj-man Trumbull had counseled the action and furnished the arguments for it. The decision was based upon the difference in form of the tickets of the two parties. The Republican ticket was divided into two parts. The general head- ing of the ticket was in black capitals, "Rejiublican Ticket." Then came a sub-heading in black lower case or italic letters reading, "For Delegates to Con- stitutional Convention fz"om Council District," and below this heading were the names of the candidates. Dr. J. H. Murphy and S. W. Putnam. " Then followed another heading in black lower case reading, '"For Delegates from the Representative District," and underneath were the names of D. A. Secombe, D. M. Hall, L. C. Walker, and P. Winell. Now, many of the Democratic tickets had but a single heading. "For Delegates to the Constitutional Convention," and underneath were the names of all six of the candi- dates. Judge B, B. Meeker, R. Fewer, Calvin A. Tuttle, Samuel Stanchfield, W. :M. Lashelle, and the Secretary of the Teri'itory. Chas. L. Chase. The Democrats claimed that, as the boundaries of the Representative and Council districts were the same and identical with the entire precinct, the group- ing and division of the names on the ticket were un- necessary, but the Republicans denied this contention and claimed that the omission to group the candi- dates on the tickets and place sub-headings over them was fatal to their legality. The returning board found enough of such tickets to warrant them, accord- ing to their belief, in refusing certificates to any Dem- ocrat, although the ballots cast by unchallenged voters showed this result : For the Republican Candidates, Council District — John H. Murphy. 496; S. W. Putnam. 491. Repre- sentative District, Philip Wiiiell, 512: L. C. Walker. 503 : D. :\r. Hall. 485 : D. A. Secombe. 472. For the Democratic Candidates, without Distinction of Districts: B. B. Meeker. 524: Chas. L. Chase. 521 : Calvin A. Tuttle. :509 : Wm. ISl. Lashelle. 497: Sainl. Stanchfield, 495: R. Fewer, 496. The Democrats claimed that Winell and Walker were the only Re- publicans that had been fairly elected and they de- manded certificates for Meeker, Chase, Tuttle. and Lashelle, but the County Clerk, Rev. C. (i. .\mes. the zealous prohibitionist and ardent abolitionist, refused emphatically to give them. He was County Register of Deeds and ex-officio clerk of the County Commis- sioners, who constituted the returning board. On the Minneapolis side of Hennepin County, one Democrat, Roswell P. Russell, was given a certificate by the returning board, which declared that he liad received 18 more votes than his Republican com- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 127 petitor. R^v. Chas. B. Sheldon. It appeared that some good Republican friends of 'Sir. Russell had erased Rev. Sheldon's name on the Republican tickets and substituted the old pioneer's. Then some of Shel- don's friends at the precincts of .Maple Grove, Island City, and Edeu Prairie had voted Republican tickets which were pi-inted like the Democratic, and, to be consistent with the action taken in the St. Anthony ease, these imitative tickets were thrown out, and this gave Russell his ma.iority. ]\Ir. Russell, however, stood by his party's contention, declared he was not fairly elected, and refused the election eertifieate. There may have been another reason for his refusal. At the time, he was receiver of the Land Office at Minneapolis, and it was doubted that he could serve as a Delegate and at the same time hold a Federal office. Sir. Sheldon was finally admitted to the Re- publican wing of the Convention without any certifi- cate at all ! For his "official misconduct," as the Democrats termed it. in issuing certificates of election to the four Republicans of the St. Anthony precinct, who had received fewer votes than their Democratic opponents. Clerk Ames was cited to St. Paul by Gov. Samuel Medary and, after a hearing, the Governor removed him from office. The Hennepin County Commis- sioners re-elected him within an hour after his return from St. Paul to St. Anthony, and announced that they would continue to re-elect him as often as the Governor removed him. In Houston County 0. W. Streeter, Democrat, had received 378 votes on a general ticket 'to 329 votes for C. A. Coe. The Republican Clerk of the Commis- s'ioners, by their direction gave the certificate to Jlr. Coe. In Winona and two or three other counties there was a singular condition in the Republican tick- ets. They were all general, no district divisions, but in arrangement were exactly like the Democratic tick- ets at St. Anthony. The Republican candidates re- ceived a ma.iority of the votes in these southern counties and were given certificates by the respective i-eturning boards. Asked why the course taken in Hennepin with this sort of tickets was not followed in Winona County, Thomas AVilson* a delegate, said: "Every tub stands on its own bottom, and every county controls its affairs in its own way." In the nth district, comprising Hennepin, Carver and Davis Counties (the latter named for Jefferson Davis), the Republican candidates were elected by large ma.iorities, except in the case of Dr. Alfred E. Ames, the staimch Democratic pioneer of Minne- npolis, who received a most flattering vote, and R. I'. Russell, whose case has been described. He refused the election eertifieate and Rev. Sheldon, of Excel- sior, obtained the place by the recognition of the Re- publican wing. The Democratic wing had no delegate from the 11th District except Dr. Ames. The district had twelve Delegates and the eleven Republicans, who acted with the Republican branch of the Coii- • Mr. Wilson was subsequently a Justiee of the Supreme foui't. became a prominent Democrat, was elected to Congress a.s such, and was a Democratic candidate for Governor. vention, were Cyrus Aldrich. Wentworth Hayden, R. L. Bartholomew, W. F. Russell, Henry Eschle, Chas. B. Sheldon, David Morgan. E. N. Bates, xilbert W. Combs, T. D. Smith, B. E. :Messer. Nineteen years after Lyman Trumbull had planned to secure the control of the ilinuesota Constitutional Convention by the Republicans he was down in Louisiana endeavoring to have the electoral vote of that State cast for Tilden and Hendricks, the Demo- cratic candidates for President and Vice President. He was originally a Free Soil Democrat, became a Republican on the slavery question, was U. S. Sen- ator, etc. After the Civil Wai- when slavery was abolished, he went back to his old party and remained with it the remainder of his life. He was chief coun- sel for the Democrats before the Louisiana returning board in 1876. When the Convention assembled, July 13, (1857), the two parties were present with all their forces, • regular and iiTegular. There were the two delega- tions from St. Anthony, each claiming legality and legitimacy. Each party claimed 69 members and con- ceded the other but 53. There was a scramble for tiie possession of the Representatives' hall in the Ter- ritorial Capitol building, and the Republicans suc- ceeded in capturing it. Thereupon the Democrats re- paired to the Council Chamber and occupied it. Both parties then met regularly in their respective rooms, each denouncing the other as a fraudulent as.sem- blage, a rump parliament, and claiming to be the only legal body. The president of the Republican wing was St. A. D. Balcombe, and of the Democratic IT. H. Sibley. Governor iledary and Secretary Chase recognized the Democratic delegates and they were paid regu- larly out of the public treasury : the Republicans re- ceived nothing in the way of pay and had to board themselves. At last, on the 29th of August, pursuant to a previous agreement, both bodies agreed on the same Constitution, each signing a verbatim copy of the compromise draft, and both Conventions then ad- journed. Three Democrats refused to sign it. be- cause, as they said, the "illegitimate Republican"' con- vention had been given a part in its making, although many Republicans called it "a pureh- Democratic instrument. ' ' THE FIRST GrBEBNATOR!.\L ELECTION, IN 1857. The election for the first State officials of Minnesota was held October 13. 1857. Congress had not then formally admitted l\Iinnesota into the Union, as a State, and these officials were .not to assume their duties until after such admission. The candidates were H. H. Sibley, Democrat, and Alexander Ramsey. Republican. Following close after the election of Delegates to the Constitutional Convention and the subsequent session of that convention, the canvass prior to the election was spirited and warm, and be- came unduly strenuous. Each part.v accused the other of designing to capture the election by frauds, and after the election charges were made that the frauds had been perpetrated. Besides the Governor 128 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and other State officers, three Congressinon were to be voted for (but only two were admitted to seats) and a Legislature (which should choose two United States Senators) was to be elected. Therefore the interest in the election became most intense and each side was determined to win. The result was that the tactics of the contest were not commendable. The State was but partially settled, there were no railroads or telegraphs, and the returns were not all in until several days after election. Then many of them were found to be various varieties of irregular form. Some were composed of the returns from each precinct in the county, without a condensed and duly certified abstract, and in many instances these pre- cinct returns were signed by only one .iudge or one clerk of election, while in some cases they were not signed at all. In two instances the returns were not certified by the register of deeds, who was ex-officio, the county clerk. They came in all sorts of ways. The Pembina and other returns were brought by spe- cial messengers. Many were sent by mail to the Sec- retary of the Territory, others were sent to Governor Medary, and in two instances messengers had to be sent for them. In Todd County the messenger from a large precinct carried the returns to the house of the register of deeds, who was absent at the time. The precinct messenger slipped the retiirn, a mere folded and unsealed paper, under the official's door and went away. The clerk did not return for four days. Charges of fraud, intimidation, and illegalities of all sorts, were made by each party before all the ballots were counted, and were reiterated again and again. Tliere really were but few instances of intimidation, but there were such. It is painful to have to record the fact that St. Anthony furnished one of these. The upper precinct of the town was largely Repub- lican, and many of the voters were stalwart fighting lumbermen. There had been much talk about condi- tions in Kansas, where the pro-slavei-y men. or "bor- der ruffians," who were mostly Democrats, had intim- idated many Republicans from voting and mistreated them outrageously. The St. Anthony Republicans gathered about the place of election, talked violently about the Kansas persecutions, and denounced the Democrats — or "slaveocrats," as they termed them — and finally resorted to actual violence in preventing them from voting. The voting place was elevated and reached by steps. About 2 o'clock a number of Republicans, some of them armed with clubs, pulled away these steps and warned the "slaveocrats," that no more of them would be allowed to vote. When a Repub- lican approached the voting place he was lifted up to the window and handed in his ticket. The Demo- crats were chased summarily away. Of course there were many fisticuffs and other personal encounters, the Democrats uniformly getting the worst of it, and some of them were beaten and bruised with clubs. The election returns of St. Anthony showed a major- ity for Ramsey of 122. The Republicans also elected the entire Legislative ticket from the St. Anthony district (then the 23d) the delegation consisting of Jonathan Chase, Senator, and Win. H. Townsend and L. C. Walker, Representatives. Discussing the disgi-aceful affair at the St. Anthony polling place the Pioneer and Democrat of October 31, following the election, commented : "*. * * In St. Anthony, it is notorious that a gang of armed bullies in the pay of Republican lead- ers took possession of the polls in the Upper Precinct and prevented Democrats from voting. Not less than 150 [?] Democrats were disfranchised by the sup- pression of this armed mob. In the afternoon the steps leading up to the voting room were torn down. Republicans coming to vote were lifted up to the window by their associates and voted, but Democrats were driven away. This villainy was perpetrated directly under the eyes of Priest Ames, Nourse, and Secomb, and of course they think there is no evil in it. It benefited Republicanism and that removed the sin and washed away the criine, as Parson Ames argued when he cheated and lied the Democratic Delegates to the Constitutional Conventioji out of their certificates of election. "So rascally was the conduct of the Republican leaders in St. Anthony that some of their prominent partisans, disgusted by the mob-like conduct, have dissolved their connection with the black party. We have the names of some who declare that they will never hereafter vote with their former party asso- ciates. ' ' Referring again to what is called "the Republican election frauds." the Pioneer and Democrat of No- vember 18, in reviewing a series of them, said : "* * * At the election in the upper precinct of St. Anthony a gang of 50 men — urged on, we are told, by Geo. A. Nourse, Republican candidate for .\ttov- ney General. — took possession of the polls and pre- vented a single Democrat from voting after 2 o'clock in the afternoon. No one was allowed to approach the window where the judges of election received votes unless he exhibited a green or a blue ticket, the color selected by the Black Republican candidates. At the least calculation 150 Democrats were disfran- chised by the action of this mob. Many were knocked down and beaten with clubs for attimijiting to vote, and others were driven away." The Democrats also charged that the Republicans had committed gross frauds in Washington. Chisago, Goodhue, Steele, and other counties. They said that hundreds of imnaturalized Scandinavians had been permitted to vote the Republican ticket, etc. On the other hand the Republicans charged that the Demo- crats had committed frauds in Pembina, at St. Paul, in Cass County, and at Cedar Lake, McLeod County. There were no charges of fraud by either party against the vote of Hennepin, save that some Demo- crats claimed that a number of Republicans voted in Minneapolis and then crossed over to St. Anthony and voted again. The county went Republican by over 400 majority, electing the full ticket including the Legislative delegation which was composed of Erastus N. Bates and Delano T. Smith. S(>nators. and HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 129 Reuben B. Gibson, Geo. H. Keith, and Wni. S. Chowen, Representatives. Not until December 10, did the Territorial Return- ing Board designated by the Con.stitution complete the canvass of votes. The Board was composed of Gov. Sanil. ]\Iedary and Joseph R. Brown, Democrats, and Thos. J. Galbraith, Republican. In the begin- ning of the canvass Galbraith offered a resolution : "That the duly canvassed returns from the several counties be adopted as the basis of calculation by this Board of Canvassers." Galbraith and Medary voted for this resolution and it was adopted. Brown had offered a resolution to canvass by precincts : but Med- ary said that it would "take six months to do that." Some persons have claimed that Brown's plan would have elected Ramsey. The adoption of the resolution offered by Mr. Gal- braith, staunch Republican though he was, defeated Ramsey and elected Sibley by a majority of 240, the vote standing, Sibley.' 17,790; Ramsey, 17,5.50. The rest of the Democratic candidates were elected by majorities averaging nearly 1.500. The H. M. Rice influence was still against Sibley and he ran far behind the rest of his ticket. Under the Galbraith resolution the Board threw out 2,128 votes which had been apparently cast for Ramsey and 1,930 intended to be counted for Sibley. Some curious things were discovered in the can- vass. Pembina County was finally counted, 31 fi for Sibley and none for Ramsey, but 62 votes for Sibley and 16 for Ramsey from that county were thrown out. The vote of the First Ward of St. Paul, giving Sib- ley 150 majority, was thrown out. In Goodhue County a census taken after the election showed that there were but 1,652 voters in the coiinty, yet at the election it cast 1,928 votes and gave Ramsey 522 ma- jority. Red Wing, with but 518 voters, polled 679 votes : Kenyon, with 33 voters, cast 74 votes ; Zum- brota. with 37 voters, gave 91 votes at the election. Yet the entire vote returned from Goodhue was counted as returned. Galbraith, a radical Republican though he was, voted with his Democratic colleagues in every in- stance where returns were rejected. His Republican advisers had assured him that his resolution, if adopted, would elect Ramsey, but it did not. THE PANIC OF 1857. August 24, 1857, the suspension of the Ohio Life and Trust ("ompany, of Cincinnati, precipitated a general and most disastrous financial panic through- out the country. The New York City banks sus- pended specie payments October 14, and did not re- sume until December 11. The Illinois Central, the ^lichigan Central, the Erie, and other railroads made assignments. There were great losses and general distress for a long period. The effects of the panic did not reach Minnesota until in October. St. Paul was then the money cen- ter of the country, and October 20, its leading bank- ing house, that of Borup & Oakes, made an assignment. Soon other banks and manv mercantile firms made assignments or suspended, until there were but two solvent banking institutions in the town, those of Willius Brothers and Mackubin & Edgerton. The entire Territory suffered from a lack of real monej-; the currency commonly in circulation consisted of the notes of worthless or practically insolvent banks, for those were days of the old free banking system, when every bank issued its own engraved bills and foisted them upon the people. In Minneapolis there was a great fall in the price of real estate. Stevens says (p. 301) that lots which would bring $3,000 in ^linneapolis in May could not be sold for $300, standard money, in October. In- terest on specie or paper currency at par rose to five per cent a month; and even money borrowed at that rate failed in many instances to save property which had been purchased partially on credit. The two towns at the Falls were on the frontier, and great loads of the worthless bills of other States found lodgmtmt here, to the great injury of the people. The Chicago Tribune of December 16, 1857, said : "St. Anthony and Minneapolis appear to be the headquarters of the uncurrent money in Minnesota. Large quantities of the broken Farmers' Bank of North Carolina, quoted in Chicago at 75 per cent discount, circulate at par up there! Bills of the Citi- zens' Bank of North Carolina, which is busted; of Tekama, Nebraska, which is a swindle, and of Flor- ence, Nebraska, together with the Fontenelle. which are only a little better, constitute about all the cur- rency in circulation north of St. Paul. The same vil- lainous trash has spread over many of the Western counties and driven out everv dollar of current The financial distress continued over 1858. In that year Minnesota set up its State Government, and as soon as might be the Legislature tried to help out by the enactment of a banking law, but this law afforded only temporary relief. During the winter of 1857- 58 the stringency continued to injure Minneapolis. State orders were worth but twenty cents on the dol- lar in gold, but town orders were worth from 30 to 35 cents. The newspapers were filled with notices of foreclosures of mortgages and executions. The City Board and the Hennepin County Board were advised to issue "denominational scrip" to be used as cur- rency. This scheme was put into opei'ation in several counties and the scrip circulated until after the Civil War was in progress. In the spring of 1859, when the country was finan- cially prostrated, another panic came and did more injuiy to Minneapolis. Several banks in ^Tinnesota closed and their circulation was redeemed by the State Auditor at from 14 to 40 cents on the dollar. The depreciated bills of other States still flooded the coun- try. This currency had three designations in the form of epithets. "Wild Cat" bills were those of banks located in wildernesses where wild cats abounded and which had insufficient capital: "stump tail" money was so-called because a great deal of its original par value had dropped off, resembling the tail of an animal from which a gi'eat part has l>een 130 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. IMINNESOTA removed; "shinplasters" were bills of broken or fraudulent banks, of no value whatever except per- haps to wrap about bniised and abraded shin liones. The panics of 1857 and 1859 were greater set-backs to the progress and prosperity of ^linneapolis than were the four years of the Civil AYar. liut for these adverse influences the town jiiight have had 10.000 population in 1860, and the value of its property would have been several millions. Trade was de- pressed, biisiness paralyzed, real estate became of little value and much of it could not be sold at any price, and immigration ceased. Many merchants issued currency of their own. con- sisting of small cards with printed promises to pay various sums of from five cents to a dollar. These checks, as the^' were called were denounced by the Rei)ub]ican and the News and defended by their authors. C. H. Pettit. 0. M. Laraway. Alex. Moore, A. Clarke, Jackins & Wright, Beebe & ]\Iendenhall, Sny- der, ^McFarlane & Cook, and other business men. The local checks seemed more popular tlian the bills of the Nebraska banks of Gosport, Tekama, and Browns- ville, which fairly clogged the financial circulation of the town. Not until the good crop years of 1859 and 1860, when wheat brought 50 cents a bushel in gold, and was first expoT'ted, did the clouds of finan- cial distress lift and the sun of prosperity shine out on ^Minneapolis. •'the case of eliz.v win.ston, a slave." * In August, 1860, in the full tide of the Presidential campaign of that year, and when the Winslow House. Minneapolis, was well filled with guests — many of them from the South, accompanied by their black bond-servants — certain of the radical anti-slavery men of the town determined to make "a demonstra- tion in aid of the cause of freedom" and inform the slaves of their rights in ;\Iinnesota. The plan was originated by W. D. Babbitt. Wm. S. King, and F. R. E. Cornell. iMr. Babbitt was a pioneer citizen and an old-time abolitionist. King was the editor of the Min- nesota Atlas, a radical Republican ^Minneapolis paper, and Coi-nell, a lawyer, was a former prominent Dem- ocrat and a recent convert to Republicanism. All were noted, and noisy, anti-slavery men. A slave woman, about 30 years of age, named Eliza AVinston, wa.s to be the subject of the "demon>stra- tion." She was the widow of a free negi'o who had gone on a mission to Liberia and died there. He had owned a house and lot in ^Memphis. Tennessee, as was permitted to a free negi-o, and if his wife had been free at his death this property would have descended to her. But under the laws of Tennessee a slave could not own pi'operty in fee simple: his belongings were the ])ropei'1y of his master. Eliza had passed from her original owner, one Mc- Leniore, to a IMr. Gholson, of Memphis, who had mortgaged her to secure a loan from Col. R. Christ- mas, a wealthy planter and large slave owner of Issa- * This is tht> title of the case on the Minneapolis Court Records queiia County. Miss. Gliolson defaulted in payment and his slave woman became the property of Col. Christmas under a foreclo.sure of the mortgage. She was made exclusively a house servant, a maid for her mistress and a nurse for a child, and physically her lot was not a liard one. She wa.s mucli attached to her mistress, her master's wife, who was an invalid and had been brou'jht to the cooling lakes and salu- brious air of Minneapolis to escape the malaria of a hot summer in the South. Her only expressed dis- content was that she could not collect and appro- priate the rent from her former husband's property in Memphis, although she admitted that if she received it slie might "spend it foolishly." When in August. 1860. the Christmas family, with Eliza, had been sojourning in their summer cottage at Lake Harriet for some weeks, the bondwoman made complaint. She asked a negro barber's wife if there were not white men in ^Minneapolis that would assist in securing her freedom. The barber's wife consulted a white woman, and very soon Babbitt, King, and their a.ssociates were up in arms to "de- liver their fellow-creature from bondage." as King expressed it. A writ of habeas corpus was sworn out August 18, by ilr. Babbitt, and issued by Judge Vanderburgh, of the District Court, and given to one of Sheriff Richard Strout's deputies to serve at the Christmas summer home at Lake Harriet. About 20 men made an ostentatious and ridiculous display of their zeal in "the cause of freedom" by arming themselves with shotguns and revolvers and riding with the deputy sheriff, as a self-appointed posse, when he went out to Lake Harriet to serve tlie warrant. At the time Col. Christmas was in ^linne- apolis and the garrison of his cottage was composed of the invalid Mrs. Christmas, her little child, and her maid Eliza. Against this array the stout-hearted posse was not dismayed, but boldly went forward. Col. Christmas had been warned that a movement was afoot to take his slave woman from him : but the only efforts he made to thwart the movement was to tell Eliza that the "abolitionists" were after her, and that when she saw suspicious characters coming toward the cottage, and desired to escape them, she must run to a patch of brush back of the house and secrete herself until they went away. Two or three times she liad done this and she was running towards the thicket on this occasion when the deputy and his for- midable posse pursued, overtook, and apprehended her. The rescued woman was taken to town and into Judge Vanderburgh's court in great triumph piid amid cheers and shoutings. Mr. Cornell appeared for the petitioners for the writ and the slave-woman, and a lawyer named Freeman, from Mississippi, repri>- sented Colonel Christmas. There was a large and excited crowd in the court room -. it was said that the calmest man in it was Colonel Christmas himself. In- deed Editor King said of him. in the Atlas, that lie "liehaved like a iierfi'ct geiitlcnian all througli the proceedings." Mr. Cornell, a very able and eloquent lawyer, was expected to make an effort of his life in behalf of the HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. .AIIXNESOTA 181 slave woman and her release : but he eouteuted himself with reading the law forbidding slavery in iMinnesota and then sat down. ]\Ir. Freeman, the attorney for Col. Christmas, argued that under the Dred Scott de- cision Eliza should be restored to her master, as she was but temporarily in free territory and therefore not entitled to her absolute freedom. Judge Vander- burgh decided the ease very promptly. In a few sentences he told Eliza that under ilinnesota law she was not a slave, but was free to go where and with whom she pleased. There was nuich excitement among the bystanders when the decision was rendered. Col. Christmas spoke kindly to Eliza and asked her if she would not like to go back to the home at Lake Harriet and take care of her mistress until the latter got well, "and then you may go if you want to," said the Colonel. "You don't need to go if you don't want to," called out one of her rescuers. Then Eliza answered: "Yes. I'll go back, but not today; I'll come out tomorrow." The Colonel re.ioined : "All right: come when you please, or don't come at all if you don't want to." He then handed her ten dollars and said that if she wanted more money she knew where she could get it. He then bade her good-bye and walked nonchalantly away. A Southern friend called out: "Well. Colonel, you have lost your nigger," and the philosophic Colonel replied: "Yes, I reckon so: but I have plenty more of them and it's all right." (St. Anthonv E.x- press. Aug. 20. 1860). The rescuers and their friends gathered about the embarrassed fflid flustrated Eliza and escorted her to a carriage in which she was driven to ^Ir. Babbitt's residence, as a temporary home, ileanwliile Bill King, the soi disanf and bombastic apostle militant of freedom, and withal the editor of the Atlas, was pacing the courtroom, his florid face fairly aflame, denouncing in violent terms all who would aid or abet slaveholding in ^Minnesota, and brandishing a heavy cane as if he would like to knock out their brains with'it. (Atwater's Hist., Vol. 1. p. 100.) A number of citizens, many Republicans among them, opposed Mr. King and his comrades and depre- cated the entire proceedings. They argued that the woman Eliza was in comfort and well treated : that the officious intermeddling of her would-be rescuers would engender bad feeling and drive away from and keep out of Minneapolis a large number of wealthy Southern tourists that spent a great deal of money in the place, and good gold money at that. The hotel- keepers made a specialty of Southern visitors, and to the abolitionists they could say of hotel-keeping as Demetrius, representing the Ephesian silveremiths. said of their calling to Paul and Silas: "Sirs, by this craft we have our wealth." They were especially in- dignant. Southern people would not come to Minne- apolis unless they could bring their slaves with them and take them away again without their being both- I'l'ed with abolitionists bent on coaxing them to ru'i away. Other tradesmen in tiie town who made gain from these Southern guests .joined with the hotel- keepers in reprobating the proceedings of the ran- tankerous abolitionists. The thing took a disgraceful turn. After night some ,voung men and boys, a dozen or so, went to Mr. Babbitt's house and called out: "Nigger lovers! Nig- ger lovers! Let that nigger alone — she wants to go home," etc. The demonstration was confined to bad words, but ilr. Babbitt and those that were helping to "guard" Eliza were greatly alarmed. Fearing that "the mob," as they styled the young scapegi'aees, would forcibly take Eliza away from Babbitt's, the rescuers removed her late at night to another refuge. The poor African was beside herself with alarm, dis- tress, and confusion. She begged her "protectors" to "tu'n me loose," that she might go back to her mistress; but she was assured that she would be mur- dered on the way by pro-slavery men. The petitioners and their friends were overly- alarmed and preposterously excited. The anti-slavery men of the town outnumbered the pro-slavery five to one, and King and his associates were in no danger of any sort. Yet tlie.y declared and pretended to believe that the Atlas office was to be destroyed that night by a large and desperate mob (always a "mob") of pro- slaveryites! King and a formidable number of his friends, armed with shotguns and revolvers and what not, stood guard about the printing office all night, swearing to shed the last drop of blood in its defense. ]\Iean while the "enemy," the incendiary "cohorts of slavery," were sleeping soundly in their beds — not one of them had contemplated arson or rapine of any sort. In a few days Eliza was sent to Canada liy way of La Crosse, Chicago, and Detroit. She remained at Windsor, Ontario, for about two months, when she returned to Detroit. Why all this fleeing to Canada and over the country when Judge Vanderburgh had set her free, cannot here be explained. From Detroit she sent a letter to Mr. Babbitt and other white friends in ^linneapolis, saying she wanted her free papers sent her, together with money enough to take her back to ^lemphis, where, she said, she could get posses- sion of the house and lot left by her husband, and could also get a situation with white folks at $!'> a month, or else go back to her old mistress and the Christmas family ! Her Blinneapolis friends were dis- gusted at this letter, refused to send her money, and gave her up for lost ! It was afterwards reported th.at .just before the Civil War broke out she voluntarily returned to Mrs. Christmas' and presumably to slavery. There were quite a nund)er of other slaves at .Min- neapolis at the time of Eliza Winston's deliverance, but they loyally remained with their masters, and the abolitionists had no heart to try to effect their free- dom. Eliza Winston sufficed them. (See Bench and Bar of Minn., Vol. 1. p. 32 et seq.) CHAPTER XV. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORICAL INCIDENTS FROM 1861 TO THE CONSOLIDATION, IN 1872. DURING THE W\B FOR THE UNION MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. ANTHONY DID THEIR FULL PART FROM FIRST TO LAST — THE VICTORIES OF THE TIME OF PEACE — THE FIRST RAILROADS ARE SECURED THE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM IS SECURELY FOUNDED A MODEL PRIVATE SCHOOL. THE BLAKE — THE RE.\L ESTABLISHING OF THE UNIVERSITY — THE PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDED — CREATION OF THE PARK SYSTEM. THE TWO CITIES IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION. As the two communities at the Palls passed through the year 1860 and entered upon 1861, every line of endeavor, everv element in the life of the people con- verged inevitably upon the one great overshadowing fact — the menace to the Union by the threatened secession of certain Southern States. It was a mo- mentous period for the young cities. They were just ciiici-ging from the disastrous times of the late years of tlie decade of 1850, with every energy bent upon development, yet every mind distracted by the moral and political condition of the nation. And when the tlame of civil war blazed up, nowhere were patriotic fires brighter than in the communities by the Falls. They were communities of 3'oung and earnest men, for they were pioneers, and as such included a larger proportion of single men than did the older popula- tions of Eastern States. They were men brave in their patriotism as in their pioneering, and it is doubtful if, all conditions considered, there existed anywhere in the North a community which gave so many of its youth to swell the armies of the Union. First and last, in the dozen regiments which Min- nesota gave to the nation, more than two thousand went from St. Anthony, Minneapolis, and Hennepin County. Whole companies there were, enlisted at the Falls and assigned to this regiment or that; and in every other military organization from Minnesota, there were young men from the two communities. As every regiment included them, so on nearly every prominent battlefield of the great war there fell men from ]\Iiiineapo]is, and so in the most valorous of the charges there were men whose desperate braveiy was the city's pride. As the two communities answered the war call of the nation, so .iust as courageously did they respond to the necessity for protecting and preserving the frontier settlements, and the State itself. When the Sioux laid waste the prairies and sought to wipe out a great portion of the white settlement, to the de- fens*' of the settlers sprang not only those young soldiei-s already enlisted for the war in the South, but others. And the roster of Miiniesota soldiery holds many a name of a Hennepin County man whose wliole military service was sriven in defense against the In- 132 dians and in making certain the safety of the settle- ments against recurrence of the massacre. HAD TWO COMPANIES IN THE FIRST MINNESOTA. There is no more famous regiment in all the his- tory of the Civil War than the old First Minnesota. And it was the first in all the North to be offered in response to President Lincoln's first call for volun- teers. To this regiment each community at the Falls gave a full company ; and in other companies of the regiment there were men from Hennepin. It is well known of record how the regiment was raised ; how Governor Ramsey, happening to be in Washington when Fort Sumter was fired upon, promptly offered a regiment to the President ; and how, on the firet re- ceipt of the news to this effect from Washington, Ignatius Donnellv, Lieutenant Governer, issued the call. All the vigor and patriotism of the pioneers gave immediate response to the call. In St. Anthony, in ^Minneapolis, as in all the towns, public meetings were held, partici])ated in by men of all political beliefs, all warm with the fervor of patriotism. St. Anthon;^ gave a company, later designated as Company D, and headed by Captain Henry R. Putnam; Minneapolis raised Company E. commandrd by Captain George N. I\Iorgan. For a week they drilled, and on April 29 they marched to Fort Snelling. there to complete that day the nuistering of the regiment. It was a regiment far from military in a technical sense; there was no uniformity of arms or even simi- larity of clothing, except that the State supplied black slouch hats and black trousers and red flannel shirts. Within sixty days the regiment, drilled by its colonel, former Governor Willis A. Gorman, a Mexi- can war veteran, was ready for orders to the front; indeed, it had been ready in spirit for a long time be- fore orders came. So eager were the men for service that when the two Minneapolis and St. Anthony com- panies were assigned to duty on the northern border to relieve regular army troops ordered southward, they were bitterly disappointed, and setting out for their northern posts, they responded to orders counter- manding the assiginnent by marching all day and all night, lest they be late and be left behind when the First Jlinnesota set out for Washington. The regiment arrived at the National Capital June \ I h:\\ III- III i; MILLING DISTRICT ON Tin: WKST SIDi; (IF TH1-: FALLS T.\Ki:\ FKll.M TIIF WINSlJiW IKlUSI-; IX ls;u LnoKJXC FAST ON II F.NX i:i'l X FHO.M WASIILXOTOX A\'F. IX 1 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 133 26, IStil. Thereafter its liistory merges with that of the l^nion Army, standing forth freqiiently when is recounted some deed of valor, and rising to the top- most pinnacle of martial glory in its immortal charge at Gettysburg, termed by historians unsurpassed in records of desperate daring. In this charge of 262 men. Companies D and E, the companies from the Falls, wei"e participants, and gave, as did the others, to the awfnl toll of death. They were ^Minneapolis men, O'Brien and Irvine, who liore the regimental colors in the charge. To the end of the war men of the old First served in the armies in the East, and fought their way with the best of the soldiery that won the way to Appomatto.x. But though the First Minnesota won the greatest measure of fame in the war, it had no monopoly on brave deeds in battle. In the achievements of the armies in the West and in the Atlanta Campaign, as well as in the armies of the East, Minnesota and jMinneapolis soldiers were in the fore front of battle. Besides men in other regiments, there were entire companies or parts of companies, from Hennepin County as follows: Third regiment. Companies A and I : Sixth, B and D ; Ninth, Companies A and B : Tenth, Company K; and there were portions of com- panies in several of the semi-independent organiza- tions, such as Hatch's Battalion. The flower of the Union army was made up of such men as ^linneapolis and St. Anthony sent to the front. DURING THE SIOUX OUTBRE.AK OP 1862. The Civil War had been waged for a year, and the State liad organized the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Regiments of volunteers. It had begun to steel itself to the 'horrors of war news and the waiting in anxiety and in sorrow, when new horror appeared at home. The Sioux Indians rose in August, 1862, and within a few da.vs ]\Iinneapolis was receiving into its homes and giving shelter to scores and hundreds of fugitive settlers, whose alarm at the red menace was little greater than was that of some of the citizens of the two cities by the Falls. It was on August 17 when the first outrage was committed by the Sioux, in the murders at Acton, Meeker County, and two days later news of the uprising reached jMinneapolis. Simultaneously, in the valley of the ^Minnesota, the Indians assailed the whites from Big Stone Lake to New Ulm. Ere the massacre ended, they had swept from Acton. 6.5 miles west of ^linneapolis, southward to the Iowa line : and laid hundreds of homes waste, and murdered hundreds of settlei-s.* The Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, and Ninth Regiments were just then organizing for service in the South : and several companies of the Fifth Regiment were on duty at frontier posts. So when word reached IMinne- apolis and St. Paul of the massacres, every available man of these regiments was recalled from fui-lough preceding final muster, and every man already at the rendezvous was ordered out to the defense of the * The whole number of whites killed in the outbreak of 1862, was 737. See Heard's History of the Sioux War, p. 243; in 186.'!, about 2.'5 more were killed". R. I. H. countryside. To the southwest at once marched men under Flandrau. Buell. and others, to the relief of New Ulm : to the westward went the men from Hen- nepin County, one expedition to help relieve Fort Ridgely, another to the defense of the people of Hutchinson and Glencoe, not far from the scene of the Acton massacre. And it was on State initiative, coupled with the volunteer aid of citizens not yet en- listed, that the forces of soldiery and home guards set forth. ^Minneapolis and St. Anthony were aquiver with alarm ovei- the rumored approach of the In- dians, foi- the logic of the situation as developed by the whites coincided with that of the red men. They seemed determined to sweep the settlers from the State, beginning at the westward and carrying their red wave of murder from the frontier forts, like Fort Ridgely. through the settlements to and past the cities by and below the Falls. It was a warfare beyond the capabilities of the Sioux — yet it was conceived with all the warlike strat- egy- of the Indian. Even within Hennepin County the alann gripped the settlers. Excelsior, on Lake Minne- tonka. was almost depopulated one night, the inhab- itants of the countrvside joining them either in flight to ilinneapolis or by boat to Big Island, in the lake. MINNE.\POLIS TAKES .\CTIVE P.AKTS. The story of the quelling of the uprising is in part the story of JMinneapolis at the period, for it was Hennepin County men who did much to put down the Sioux. Public meetings in the cities by the Falls developed plans of offense and defense; and muster of available enlisted men was followed by volunteer- ing of men not yet 'in the Union service. The Acton murders, as stated, occurred on Sunday, August 17: by the following Saturday armed forces under Captain Anson Northrup were on the way toward Fort Ridgely. by way of Shakopee and St. Peter. By the next Tuesday. August 26, more soldiers and home guards, under command of Captain Rich- ard Strout. of Jliinieapolis, and including half the men of his Company B of the Ninth Minnesota, were on their way toward Hutchinson and Acton. By Wednesday, August 27, the Northrup forces had reached the fort : fortunately without conflict with the Indians. Within another w-eek the Strout expedition was engaged with the Indians, who attacked them at Kelly's Bluff, near the Acton woods. From the Bluff to Hutchinson the.v fought a running fight, losing three men killed and having 18 wounded. Next day the men joined in defense of Hutchinson, and beat oft' an Indian attack lasting two days. MINNE.\POLIS MEN SERVED UNTIL THE END. Gathering under the leadership of General H. H. Sibley, the men of Minnesota, campaigning over a great expanse of territory, from the ^Minnesota Valley to the Canadian border and the ]\Iissouri River, pa.ssed the next year in putting down the Sioux. ^lost of the members of Minneapolis companies, as did those of other companies, of the Fifth and later regiments up 134 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA to and including the Tenth, did garrison and outpost duty on the Indian frontier during the winter of 1862-3, and some of them continued such service until fall. After that, there were military organizations of volunteers from Hennepin and nearby counties, such as the ]\Iounted Rangers and the men of Ilatcli "s Cavalry Battalion, who saw service as late as 1865 r.gainst the Indians, and indeed spent all their terms of enlistment in such campaigning, never going South to join the Union armies against the Confederates. The history of Indian fighting is a record which bears the names of many a Minneapolis family later prominent in eonuuercial and civic life. Such men were Anson Northrup, S. P. Snyder, J. W. Hale, James ilarshall, 0. C. Merriman, George A. Camp, and others. That the massacre was no more terrible, no more far-reaching in its effects, was due to the fact that such men as these and their fellow citizens rose promptly and bravely to the occasion, and placed their lives in jeopardy to defend the settlers. In that their deeds were built upon their characters, the achievements of Minneapolis and St. Anthony men in the Indian campaigns wei'c elements in the strengthen- ing of the communities ; however at the time the mas- sacre was a setback to progress in Minnesota and in its principal towns. THE FIRST RAlLRd.VD.'^ ARE SECURED. The outbreak of the Civil ^Var had come just at a crucial time for the cities hy the Falls. The far- reaching fiasco of railroad building in 1859 had left the people of ^Minnesota without anything tangible in return for their efforts toward railroad construc- tion. That which had seemed for the moment the brightest possible pi'ospect of commercial growth through railway connection with the outside markets the year "round, instead of only through the river season, had been wiped away with the disaster to credit which marked the panic of 1857. And now War, it seemed, could but delay expansion indefinitely. In 1861 there was not a foot of railroad in ilinne- sola, though there were a good many miles of rail- road gi-ade. thrown up when the liond scheme was at its height. From St. Paul to Clear Lake, 62 miles, for instance, there was a grade all but ready for ties and rails. But there was no money to build, or would liave been none had it not been for the energy of a few men "with the seeing eye." They persevered, and in June. 1862, when the war had been in progress more than a year, they laid rails into St. Anthony and ran a train of the St. Paul & Pacific in from St. Paul. The terminus in the latter city was at the levee ; the terminu.s in St. Anthony was east of the campus of the State Univer- sity. And that tci miles of railroad was the leader not only of ^linneapolis's largest single aid in a trans- portation way for some years, but was tlu' beginning of the great system since expandeil liy -lames J. Hill into the Great Northern Railway. There is no doubt that credit for the first railroad connection of Minr.eapolis — or the communities by the Falls — is due to the late Edmund Rice, of St. Paul. He carried the enterprise to the point of th& bond forfeiture, and then had to relinciuish control. Followed then the contractors, and then the Liteh- lields of New York. But the main point is the fact Uiat the road was built, connecting St. Anthony and St. Paul. This accomplished, another railroad crisis arose, affecting the jMinneapolis of that time to no small degi-ee. A project was formed to abandon all the several lines of railroad planned under the land grant and bond scheme, and to validate State bonds and apply them to a trunk line of railroad to con- nect Sauk Rapids and LaCrosse, by way of St. Anthony and St. Paul. The project was taken into the Legislature of 1862, and only strenuous efforts on the part of adherents of old Jlinneapolis saved the day and pi'evented the shifting of tlu^ bonds and grants. Instead, then, of transferring to a new railroad system and abandoning the old plans, the Legislature set about establishing a trust of citizens who would carry out. or have carried out, Ihe construction of the roads as originally planned. It was in this con- nection that the first railroad building was done by Minneapolis men. The ^Minneapolis & Cedar Valley Railroad — laid out to connect the Falls cities with Iowa and thus with the wheat fields and the lumlier consumers to the southward — was chartered, under the Legislature's trust plan, to citizens along the line, principal among whom were Franklin Steele, E, B. Ames. T. A. Harrison, and R. J. Baldwin, of Minne- apolis. They interested Alexander I\Iitchell, of ^lilwaukee, and Russell Sage, of New York, already heavily represented in the present Chicago. ]\Iilvvau- kee & St. Paul Railway. They found a better wav of crossing the Minnesota River than htid been laid out. by building under the bluff at Fort Snelling and crassing the river on a low-level bridge instead of from the top of the bliiff west of the fort. They exacted a bond from the Eastern men, and they secured the construction of the line to Faribault by 1865. The line was later extended into Iowa and became ]\Iinneapolis's first rail connection with the East. Here, then, was Minneapolis, with a railroad to the southward ; and here was St. Anthony, with a road to St. Paul and up-river toward St. Cloud. And here was the war. just ended by Lee's surrender at Appomattox. It is a picture before the mind's eye full of fancies! Here was a pioneer community, torn for four years, like all other comnumities of North and South, by the heart-rendings, the disasters, the defeats, and the victories of war. Not a circle of friends, however small, but had suffered its losses of vigorous, valorous young city-builders, whose sei-v- ices, could they have lived, could hardly be over- estimated. But they were gone; their families, their friends nnist carry the burdens they might have borne ; and the problems of living w'ere complicated as in almost no other period in that century. With these conditions existing, the story of the ten or fifteen years after the Civil War is perhaps the most astounding the world has r-vcr written. .\nd it HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 135 is to the exaltation, the re-action from four years of stress, that Minneapolis and ilinnesota owe their marvelous progress in the sueeeediug years. The railroad history (as well as the history of settlement) of Minnesota is inseparably the history of Minneapolis and St. Anthony as well. For the metrojwlis of the State could not have developed had not the State gained producers and attracted workers wliose labor brought the wheat and the logs to the mills by the mighty waterpower of the Falls. To the new State came thousands of young men, soldiers only the day before, but homesteaders and workers now. their patriotic fervor turned into the channels of national development. With the leaders who had alread.v come they clasped hands, and took up their work. It was not until 1868 that the line of the St. Paul & Pacific was extended north of Central Avenue, in St. Anthony, and across the Mississippi River to Minneapolis. In these years also the road was con- structed past Lake ]\[inuetonka and northwest to Breckinridge, and it was in the same years that the line to Sauk Rapids was puslied on into the Red River Valley. These years likewise saw the construc- tion of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul's connec- tion of St. Paul an.d La Crosse, and its extension to Minneapolis by way of the Fort Snelling line to Iowa. In these two companies' operations in the cities by the Falls began their enormous acquisition of ter- minal properties, the Milwaukee road near the west bank of the river, in the heart of the city, and the other .system nearer the river on the west side, and farther north, eventually pressing westward. The same years witnessed the building of a railroad con- necting St. Paul and Duluth. but ignoring ilinne- apolis and its efforts to have the line built to St. Anthony, .so as to give the city direct communication with the Great Lakes. Construction of portions of the "Omaha" railroad was also under way, though not yet entering Minneapolis. So the year 1870 opened with two railroads serving the two communities by the Falls — one known to-day as the Great North- ern, the other known now as the Milwaukee, and both mighty transcontinental systems. But whatever their greatness to-day, neither is relatively so impor- tant to any city on their lines as they were in those years when Minneapolis and St. Anthony, on the verge of union, were beginning their marvelous development and finding through the first railroads the beginnings of their markets for flour and lumber. FOT'NDING THE PTTBLTC SCHOOT. .SYSTEM. While tlie citizens were putting forth their best efforts to Iniild up a city, .iust as elsewhere over the nation, the process of rehabilitation was character- izing the endeavor of the people in the years imme- diately after the close of the Civil War. the men and women of Minneapolis and St. Anthonv had by no means lost sight of the finer things of life which had engaged their attention in earlier years. The com- munity was still a new one. despite its nearlv two decades nf history, counting from the founding of St. Anthony. But its counnunity spirit had estab- lished public schools at an early date, and thovigh the war had been a damper on most manifestations of public spirit, its ending signalized an awakening that showed itself in movements on the East side of the river toward acquiring sites and building public schools. On the West side (the first, or Union, build- ing having burned in 1864, and buildings having been leased to serve the purpose of schoolhouses) the foundation of the new Union School was laid in 1865. By 1867 the Wesst side boasted two .schoolhouses, and by 1868 the school system on the West side required the services of twenty-seven teachers, where in 1865 there had been but fifteen. In 1869 the num- ber was thirty-five, and in 1870 it was forty-five. The leading citizens of each community were in charge of the schools: on the East side, history, lists as school tru-stees such men as the Chutes. Gilfillan. Wales, Merriman. A^an Cleve, Young, Annstrong, and McNair ; on the West side, Stevens, Cornell. Harrison, Barber, Washburn, Wolverton, Atwater, Grimshaw. ]Mendenhall, Morrison, Sidle, and Gale. As for the active or executive heads of the two systems, there wei'e many changes in the years that led up to the union of the two cities in 1872. The first strong hand at the helm was that of 0. ~V. Tousley, who took charge in the year of the union of the cities. But the will for a good system of education had been hack of the schools from the first, and early made Minne- apolis foremost in a State famous for its schools. THE BI.AKE SCHOOL. Among the private schools of the city is one of a somewhat uniqi;e character. This is the Blake School, which is here briefly sketched. In 1907 ilr. William McK. Blake, a graduate of De Pauw ITniversity, and a teacher of long experi- ence in the public schools of Indiana, opened a small boys' school in ]Minneapolis with about a dozen pupils. ]\Ir. Blake's admirable personality and the need of .such a school caused it to grow steadily until it reached, in the fall of 1910, an average attendance of about 65 boys. Its quarters at 200 Ridgewood Avenue were, by this time, badly overcrowded, and the School was transferred, January. 1911, to a large brick mansion at 1803 Hennepin Avenue. The growth of the School proved a heavy tax on Mr. Blake, who was advanced in years, and whose teaching force was hardly adequate to the numbers and various ages of hoys enrolled. Several parents of the pupils became deeply interested in the evident possibility of a well equipped, well manned school in Minneapolis, which might help relieve the congestion of the public schools, and which might, by setting up scholastic standards equal to those of similar East(M-n institutions, make it possible to projiare boys for Eastern universities without a long period of board- ing-school life. Such a home institution, they f(>lt. would be a benefit not only to their own sons, but to the sons of many oth(>r Minneai)olis families. Accordingly, in the winter of 191 L steps were 136 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA taken, under the leadership of Mr. Charles C. Bovey, to bring together a group of public-spirited men, and after careful consideration it was decided to incorpo- rate the Blake School under a board of fifteen trustees. The new corporation was legally created, under the laws of Minneisota. May 5, 1911. It was clearly stated in the articles of incorporation that there should be no capital stock in the corporation — the new Blake School was to be in the truest .sense a public service institution, self-supporting (its founders hoped, in due time.) but never an organization for personal profit. The original trustees named in the articles of incorporation were Charles C. Bovey. president ; Edward C. Gale, vice president; Olive T. Jaffray, treasurer: James F. Bell, Elbert L. Carpenter, Charles M. Case, Frederick W. Clifford, George B. Clifford, Franklin M. Crosby, John Crosby, William H. Dunwoody, Charles S. Pillsbury. David D. Ten- ney, Charles D. Velie, and Frederick B. "Wells. This body is self-perpetuating, electing three members each year as the time of office of three other members expires. The newly-formed corporation at once took steps characteristic of the energy and forethought which have ever since characterized it. Arrangements were made to take over the school from Mr. Blake, and to give him a position of dignity in the new Blake School. A guaranty fund was raised, looking towanl a future building; and a new principal, Jlr. C. Ber- tram Newton, was chosen. Mr. Newton was of the Lawreneeville School, a man just reaching hi.s prime, and so eonjbining experience with energ;s' unabated by time. He was instructed to spare no effort in securing men of ability as teachers, the trustees guar- anteeing the current expenses of tlie Scliool for the first five years, so as to insure efficient instruction. The incorporated Blake School opened September 21, 1911, at 1803 Hennepin Avenue, with a total enrollment of 85 pupils, 30 in the Junior Depart- ment, including the first four grades — the boys rang- ing in age from six to ten years — and 5.5 in the Senior Department, which included boys from ten to nin('- teen, and covered the upper grammar grades and the high school classes, although following a somewhat new method of classification. Interest and faith in the Scliool grew, and the trustees determined to delay no further in taking steps toward securing a suitable site and building. After careful consideration, it was decided to adopt the "country day-school" idea, the success of which in several cities had been observed by Mr. Newton. This idea simply means the locating of the school in the outskirts of the citv. and providing for the work iind play of the pupils from morning till evening (about 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.). returning them to their homes for their evenings, Saturdays and Sun- days. With the "country day-school" idea in mind, a careful canvass of possible locations near the city was made, convenient transportation and healthful sur- roundings being of course prime requisites. A puit- able site between the Interlaehen Club and Hopkins, on the Minnetonka trolley line, was secured, and early in the spring of 1912 work was commenced on the first .section of a beautiful and well arranged building designed by Edwin H. Hewitt, of Hewitt & Brown, Minneapolis. The second year of the Blake School began September 25, 1912. in its beautiful new home. Through the untiring efforts of Mr. Charles C. Bovey, seconded by Mr. F. M. Crosby and the rest of the board of trustees, the School was now in a commodious, fire-proof building of its own, on a charming section of land forty acres in extent. The building, equipment, and grounds represented an out- lay of about $90,000, all given outright by the trus- tees and by a number of patrons and friends of the School. Xor was the "human equipment" of the school neglected in this material expansion of its possibili- ties. Its force of teachers was enlarged to a staff of ten men of ability and experience, and provisions were made for supervising and directing the boys' play and exercise. The community responded cordially to this munifi- cent provision for its boys. The Senior Department in the new country day-school doubled its members, far surpassing the head master's estimates. It had an enrollment of 112, and the capacity of the build- ing was taxed from the day of opening. The Junior Department was continued at 1803 Hennepin Ave- nue, as it was felt that very small boys from six to nine should not spend the day away from home. This department had two excellent women teachers and 25 pupils. Gratified by this practical expression of the city's appreciation of the new School, the tru.stees decided to add another section of the building as planned, during the summer of 1913. Accordingly the central portion was constructed, and an extensive additional playing field, together with tennis courts, was graded. Five acres were added, as a protection, on the west. This involved a further expense, which brings the present outlay (Januarv, 1914) to a grand total of between $130,000 and ' $140,000, nearly the entire sum being subscribed or pledged. This addition to the Blake building provides a gym- nasium, which will become the school chapel when tlie entire building is completed: a large "fun-room" in the basement, locker and shower rooms, and a lara'e readine: room. The school opened in the fall of 1913 with 130 l>npils and 16 applicants were obliged to wait or to be turned away. Tlie teaching staff has grown to twelve men, including a physical director. The Blake School, as has been already indicated, makes no profit. Its tuition of $250 a year and its luncheon cliarge of 35 cents a meal enabled it to cover expenses in its second year, and no more. Every parent who has a boy in the school gets not only his money's worth, but the value of the grounds, building and equipoKMit, which form a splendid donation to the assets of Minneapolis. Of the eighteen schools of this type now in exist- ence in the TTuited States, only one surpasses Blake in extent of grounds, and this school is fifteen years HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 137 old. The Blake Sehool is, already, in its third year, third in size and in value of grounds and buildings, and first in the number and generosity of its gifts, among all similar schools in the country, — surely a record Minneapolis may be proud of! The School is democratic. Its boys are not allowed to go to school in automobiles. Teachers and boys take the trolley cars together. Every boy stands, with the teachers and with his fellows, on his own merits. The School teaches by precept and example that wealth meajis responsibility rather than privi- lege. In its course of stiuly Blake School aims at simplicity and thoroughness. Only the tested essen- tials and fundamentals are taught. It prepares a boy for any TTniversity. It is unique in beginning its courses in Latin. French, and German early so as to gain a start in these subjects at the period from ten to thirteen, when a boy memorizes easily, and to prevent overcrowding and consequent "smattering" work. Above all, through and in its work and play, it aims for a high standard of thoroughiWss, honesty, loyalty, and fair play. It tries to furnish discipline tempered with wholesome fun, hard work buttressed by healthy recreation, justice administered with con- sideration and sympathy. THE REAL ESTABLISHMENT OP THE UNIVERSITY. The same years which saw the real beginnings of the public school system of the twin communities like- wise witnes.sed the real founding of the University of Minnesota on the older portion of the present campus. Financial panic and war's distractions had held back or rendered abortive all efforts wliich had early been directed toward establishing such an insti- tution, so that about all that existed toward a univer- sity was an extensive land grant. At last, in 1867. a special commission, consisting of John S. Pills- bury. O. C. Merriman, and John Nicols. brought things to the point of finding assets on which to make a beginning of what is now a great seat of education. Rev. W. W. Washburn was made principal, and the preparatory' department was opened in the old build- ing where years before a similar effort had been made, only to fail. And by 1869 the Board of Regents had made such progress that it felt war- ranted in establishing a college course. William W. Folwell was elected President and was inaugurated December 22. 1869. It was not until that time — so many had been the demands upon the creative facul- ties of the citizens of Minneapolis and Minnesota — that the University of Minnesota as it exists today may be said to have become a real entity in the educa- tional .system of the city and State. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY POUNDED. Some of the same men and women who had now found it possible to busy them-selves in creating and building up the public and governmental institutions of the communities, — the institutions first represented by public schools,- — had by the close of the war brought the Atheneum, the city's nearest approach to a public library, up to the point of the erection of a liuilding to house its books and readers. The library of the Atheneum. founded in 1859, vdth a total of sixty-eight volumes, had increased to 1,300 volumes in 1865. Its affairs were in the hands of S. C. Gale as president and Thomas Hale Williams as librarian. By 1870 the number of volumes was 2,300, and Dr. Kirby Spencer's will had enriched the library society by his bequest of property that has since come to be worth $1,000,000. And by 1872, the year of the con- solidation of Minneapolis and St. Anthony, Atheneum property was valued at .$40,000. BEGINNING OP THE PARK SYSTEM. The history of Minneapolis schools and that of its Public Library may be taken as the largest indication of the city's cultural sensibilities. But the history of the park system, though it may be traced back almost as far, fails to reveal general appreciation of the needs of a nninicipality in this particular. To be sure, as early as 1858, at a lianquet in the new Nicol- let House, the subject of a park was brought up and the banqueters inspired to talk loudly of taking up a subscription and buying, for $500, a considerable tract between Washington Avenue and the river, in- eluding all of what is now known as Gateway Park. But the zeal of the citizens cooled next day, and there is no early-day narrative which includes further men- tion of parks until 1865, when there was a movement on the part of some of the residents of the West .side to acquire Nicollet Island for park purposes. The next year saw the proposition — to buy the entire isl- and for $28,000 — votecl upon by the people of Minne- apolis — voted upon, and voted down. In 1868 George A. Brackett bought forty acres of land, which in- cluded the site of Fair Oaks and the Morrison man- sions of a later day — the site of the Art Museum liegun in 1912 — and vainly for several years tried to induce the city to take the land over for a public park at a cost of $16,000. licss than half a century later Jlr. Brackett saw the purchase of Gateway Park for $635,000, and the purchase of Fair Oaks for $275.- 000, to add to the park site of the Art IMuseum, valued at $200,000 by its donor, Clinton Morrison. Both tracts, that at the Gat(>way and the other at the Art JIuseum, the city had rejected, only to pay many times their first price, in later years. Thus the consolidated cities of Minneapolis and St. Anthony in 1872 possessed no park system. It had the nucleus of one in Murphy Square, set aside as a public park by Edward JIui'phy. when he platted his Addition to the towm of ^linneapolis, in 1b(> early sixties. But it was too young to have a park spirit. CHAPTER XVI. •FROM THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE CITIES AT THE FALLS TO THE PRESENT. MINNEAPOLIS AS A MUNICIPALITY — FIRST CITT GOVERNMENT — EXPANSION OF THE CITY AND ITS TRIBUTARY COUN- TRY — THE CITY' GROWS CONSTANTLY' STRONGER ENCOUNTERS AND PASSES PANICS AND OTHER OBSTACLES TO PROSPERITY — A STREET RAILWAY IS BUILT — OTHER FEATURES OF STRENGTH ARE SECURED THE YEAR 1880 OPENS THE DOORS TO A GREAT BUSINESS BOOM LASTING SIX YEARS A PARK SYSTEM INAUGURATED — PROGRESS ALONG ALL LINES A GAIN IN POPULATION OF 118,000 PROM 1880 TO 1890 — MORE RAILROAD BUJLDING THE EXPOSITION IS CREATED — THE OLD "MOTOR LINE" — THE STREET RAILWAY ADOPTS ELECTRICITY AS A MOTIVE POWER — BIG PUBLIC BUILDINGS ARE ERECTED THE CENSUS WAR WITH ST. PAUL IN 1890 THE GREAT BOOM BURSTS, BUT THE SHOCK IS SURVIVED — NEW INDUSTRIES FOUNDED AND OLD ONES STRENGTHENED — TRADE CON- DITIONS BECOME WORTHY OF PRIDE AND BOASTING DURING THE? WAR WITH SPAIN— EFFORTS AT CHARTER CHANGING SOME CENSUS FIGURES OP 1900 — PROGRESS IN CULTURE AND REFINEMENT — THE NEWSPAPERS CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS RECENT IMPORTANT HISTORICINCIDENTS. ETC. MINNEAPOLIS AS A MUNICIPALITY. It is a remarkable fact- that the liistory of ^iliniie- apolis a.s a single muiiicipality, inclusive of the old City of St. Anthony and the original ^linneapolis of the west side of the river, did not have its beginni'ig until 1872, twenty-four years after the older cf its two component parts had been platted, and seventeen years after St. Anthony had been incorporated as a city. St. Anthony, undisturbed by problems of title. had passed normally from village government to city incorporation in 185.5 and was definitely divided into wards, with a city council and a mayor. But ]\Iinne- apolis, on the west side, was too busy, too often in the dark as to title to its lots, or too seriously disturbed by financial panic or by war's stress, to pay much atte-tion to its form of government. And so, chiefly because their first years on the lands west of the Falls were somewhat different years from the first years of the older settlement, the people of the West side were content with a town form of government for a considerable number of years. Tlicy had their county government : for as early as ^>^rtf) the courthouse of Hennepin County was estab- lished at what is now Fourth Street and Eighth Avenue South : and for fifteen years from the nam- ing of the settlement its people went forward, con- scious of no hampering factor in their remaining under a town government. On the east side of the river was council govern- ment, with aldermen and a mayor, and on the west side, town govei'nment at first, with a board of trustees headed by a president whose powers were about like those of the mayor's on the east side. The city on the east side, as stated, formed its govern- ment in 185,5. with Henry T. "Welles as Mayor-, and three years later, when the town of ^Minneapolis or- ganized its first government. Henry T. 'Welles had moved across the river and he was elected head of the board of trustees. Isaac I. Lewis. Chailes Hoag, namer of the city, William Garland, and Edward Hedderly were the first trustees, FIRST CITY GOVERNMENT. For four years ^Minneapolis held to town govern- ment ; then joined with the township government as by merger, and continued in this loose governmental organization until 1867. Then, the Legislature hav- ing granted a charter, for the first time the people came to the dignity of city government. Dorilus ilorrison was the first Mayor and F. R. E. Cornell was President of the Council. Across the river, 0. C. Merriman was ^layor, and a comnuinity a.s like to that on the west side as it is possible to be was carrying on a government of the same kind. Sep- arate fire departments, separate police departments were necessary ; they were separate conununities as truly as if they had been miles apart instead of on opposite banks of the river. And by the latter part of the decade of 1860 both communities were seeing the need of sy.stems of watenvorks and fire protec- tion, as well as other conveniences of a city having each a population of several thousands, rapidly in- creasing in numbers. Need of sewage systems was also apparent. MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. ANTHONY CONSOLIDATED. Conunon needs and common interests were discuss*^! 0" both sides of the river. But it was not until 1872 that the rival communities, each with its city government, could arrive at a common state of mind, agreeing on compromises and concessions, and vote to consolidate their governments as the city of ]\[inne- apolis. Not the least of the compromises was.^the elimination of the name of the older community of St. Anthony. The consolidated city was divided ;it first into ten wards. Twentv-sixtli .\venue North was the north- 138 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 139 ern boundary, and Franklin Avenue approximately tlie southern. April 9, 1872, was the date of organi- zation of the new City Council and of the municipal government of the greater city. The first ilayor was Eugene M. Wilson ; the first President of the Coun- cil was A. M. Reid, and the other Aldermen were Richard Fewer, M. W. Glenn, G. T. Townsend, Bald- win Brown, Captain John Vander Horck, T. J. Tut- tle. W. P. Ankeny, Peter Rouen. C. :M. Hardenburgh, Samuel C. Gale. O. A. Pray, Leonard Day, Edward :\Iurphy. N. B. Hill, Isaac Atwater, John" Orth, and Joel B. Bassett. Thomas Hale Williams was the first clerk. Thus it ma.v be seen that the greater city had auspicious beginnings, for its officials were for the most part men who were leaders in all the commer- cial, social, and other affairs of the city. Not more than two of the men named survived at the time this history of their first Council was written. THE CITY AND TRIBUTARY COUNTRY EXPAND ALIKE. The year 1872, marked by the municipal union of Jlinneapolis and St. Anthony, was about the mid- dle year in a period of astonishing State develop- ment : but, though the population of ilinneapolis. which was about 22,000 in the year of con- solidation, more than doubled in a decade, the population of the agricultural districts of the Northwest also increased rapidl.y and in proportion. It was a time of great migration and settlement, and the forward strides of ilinnesota in this period wen^ but those which believers in the workings of Provi- dence a.ssociate with the purposes expressed in the upbuilding of the flour and lumber industries at the Falls of St. Anthony. Here was a great manufactur- ing opportunity with its water power ; here was a State rich in soil and fitting in climate to the needs of the agriculturist ; and here was the influx of great migration in the years following the Civil War, in- terrupted at times and nevertheless enhanced by financial panic which itself drove other thou.sands to the soil. It was natural that the farm development far outstripped the city's growth; and it was natural, too, that the forward-looking men of the cit.v, their interests united at last, went out into the Northwest to help in its development. By 1872 Minnesota had come to have railroad mile- age of nearly 2,000 miles, much of which linked the wheat producer with the milling facilities and the wheat market of Minneapolis. The wheat production of the State was nearly twenty million bushels — the product of the greatest wheat State in the Union. ]\Iinneapolis men, led by H. T. Welles, W. D. Wa.sh- burn. J. S. Pillsbuiy, and others of that group of men foremost in most big affaire in this cit.v at that time, had begun the enterprise which construct(>d direct rail connection with Lake Superior and later laid the rails of the IMinneapolis & St. Louis Railway south- ward and westward without a land grant. The Pa- cific roads had reached the Red River Valley and the Northern border. The lines of advancement were far fiunir. and ]Minneai)olis was the gateway to a great and growing empire. THE CITY GROWS STRONGER AND STRONGER. Within its borders, its own institutions were going ahead evenly and surely. Since 1867 the city had read the daily newspaper, the Tribune, built on a consolidation of "Bill" King's State Atlas and Col. Stevens's Chronicle. Since 1867 the city had possessed a full-fledged theater, the Peliee Opera House, destined for many years to be a factor in the amusements of the people. In 1871 the Academy of Music was built and took place higher than the Pence. Since 1870 the people who could afford to pay for it had the convenience of illuminating gas, furnished by a company promoted by men still active in the same business. For seven years the city had been in tclegi-aphic connection with the outside world, though for a long time a single telegraph wire had sufficed to carry the business. The city's schools were growing in educational leadership, the city's other elements of culture were gaining vigor. And in the important item of commercial union the foundation had been laid for organized, concerted effort which still endures (though under another name), with the same purposes as that Board ofTrade which was in- corporated in 1867 when it was twelve years old. and which for a quarter of a century more promoted the interests of the community and of the State, and then gave way only to a re-organization and strengthen- ing of the same component parts. This old Board of Trade had as its leaders such men as Dorilus Mor- rison, W. D. Washburn, S. C. Gale, C. M. Loring, J. S. Pillsbury. E. J. Phelps, J. T. Wyman, and B. F. Nel- son, and its entei-prises were so well carried forward as to make the organization a model for business interests of other cities. ENCOUNTERS AND PASSES PANICS. In the history of Minneapolis may be found a series of remarkably interesting coincidences of success and disaster, of the survival of coinmimity spirit above appalling discouragement. This was the case in 18-35 to I860, when the appreciation of great opportunity preceded by onlj- a year or two the financial panic of 1857. It came again in the first half of the '(iOs, when recovery from panic times met with the terrible effect of war upon the progress of the nation. And — when the municipalities had been knit into one and the whole prospect was bright with promise, there fell upon the nation another financial disaster, tiie panic of 1873 — the strong men and women of Miinieajiolis were obliged to prove again the stuff' of which their city was made. It is a singular circumstance that the men who pulled the city thronsi'h the other diffi- culties were among the leaders in this other sui-vival. Xew blood had been added since the war, but the cap- tains of the earlier time were still the custodians of the city's fate, and all throngh the story of the first fift.v years these names recur again and again. They •were the men who built the mills, who laid the rail- roads, who founded the commercial, civic, and cul- tural institutions of ]\Iinneapolis. Willi rare excep- tions they were builders of permanence; hardly "a HO HISTOKY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA name among the leaders of the first quarter centun' of the community by the Falls is linked with flotation that was impermanent, or cloudy, or disgi-aceful. The men who laid the foundations of Mmueapolis, as the Twentieth Century knows it, were doers, were build- ers, were partners of Opportimity in its best sense. Coincidence followed coincidence in the period be- tween 1870 and 1880. As the panic of 1857 had its reaction of confidence and its succeeding disaster of war, so the panic of 1873 had its later period of re- covery which was shattered in a way by disaster. For in 1875 there came upon the State the grasshopper plague, which smote with poverty great areas of wheat- producing farms and for three years clogged the advancement of Minnesota and the growth and pros- perity of Minneapolis. Yet through all these years the people went for- ward, alarmed at times but never surrendering in their purpose to raise up a city by the Falls. It was "never say die" with the builders. Proof of this may be found in the history of the beginnings of a street railway system in ^Minneapolis. And that his- tory begins in one of the darkest times known to the city. BUILDS A STREET RAILWAY. Prior to 1870 an effort had been made by Dorilus ]\[orrison. W. S. King, and others to construct a street railway line. They had gone so far as to lay rails down Second Street South from Nicollet to Cedar Avenue, and to buy a steam locomotive. But that is as far as the enterprise got ; no car was ever run, and all except Morrison and Colonel King dropped the idea for a time. But in 1873 the splendid optimism, which was undaunted bv panic in finance, revived the traction idea, and a company was incoi'porated by Messrs. ilorrison. King. W. D. "Washburn, R. J. ]\len- denhall, W. P. Westfall. J. C. Oswald. Paris Gibsion. W. W. Eastman, W. W. McNair, and R. B. Langdon — the same group of men who may be found in other transportation enterprises of the time. Philo Osgood, an Eastern capitalist, was interested, and became principal stockholder, and the financing went for- ward. Mr. Osgood was the first president, with Mr. King as seeretar.y. By 1875 the promotion had gone ahead to such a point that tlie fir.st construction was begun, and early in the fall a horse-car line was put in operation. This first car line started at the old station of the St. Paul & Pacific Railway, near Washington and Fourth Avenues North, and extended down Washington to Hennepin, down Hennepin and across the suspension bridge, up Central Avenue to Foiirth Street, and down Fonrtli Street Southeast to Fourteenth Avenue, It linked the principal railway terminal with the State TTniversity district and pa.ssed through the heart of the city. Its rails were of strap-iron laid on wooden stringers, its motive power mostlv mule, its cars di miinitive, its facilities meagre. But it was a street' ririhraji. Into its directorate and list of officers had come a man who was to play a leading part in the develop- ment of a great city. For Thomas Lowry, seeing the opportunities of citj' expansion bj' means of ex- tending its traction facilities, had become interested in the street railway company, and had been elected its vice president. It was an event of great moment to the city, although the circumstance went hardly noticed at the time. But there entered the man who was to put his whole energj' into creating a street railway sj-stem, and who was to become perhaps the best loved man among all the builders of the city. That first year of the horse cai-s, on the first single line, dailj'- receipts averaged about $40. Service began at 5 a. m. and ended at 11 p. m. The fare was 5 cents. Within a year after the first line had been opened, another had been constructed, down Washington from Plymouth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue South. And every year thereafter saw extension of the system. And every extension and improvement absorbed divi- dends. By 1878 ]\Ir. Lowry had become president of the company, and the policy of expansion had been definitely adopted, to the end 'that, according to offi- cials of the present eompan.y, not a single dividend was declared from 1875 until 1899, every cent of profit, when there was any, going into ])etterments. With the construction of a street railway system, Minneapolis began to dream dreams. Betterment of transportation facilities gave reason for a larger sense of metropolitan importance. OTHER FEATURES OF STRENGTH AND PROSPERITY. In 1874 a city hall had been erected on Bridge Square, and the following year a new suspension bridge had replaced that which had been constructed twenty years previously, linking the East and West Divisions, as the two portions of the city were called. Shortly afterwards other bridges, one at Plymouth Avenue on the north and one at Tenth Avenue on the south, had been built across the river. By 1878 the Federal Government completed its work of mak- ing permanent the apron and retaining wall of St. Anthony Falls, saved from destruction ten years be- fore only by streniious effort of the citizens when the limestone ledge had been undermined by the water, because of ill-advised tunneling operations. By 1879 the city reached the dignity of having a paid fire department to succeed the volunteer organization which had endeavored since 1867 to safeguard against fire. And there was a good beginning toward a waterworks system, though most of the mains were crude wooden pipes until shortly before 1880. THE YEAR 1880 OPENS ALL THE DOORS TO GROWTH AND PROSPERITY. Thus, when ^Minneapolis entered the decade begin- ning with the year 1880, recovered from the financial setbacks of panic and grasshopper times and began takinar on metropolitan wavs. it followed ^tbat busi- ness expansion must go side by side witli the asrri- culturnl advancement which had at last beLiin. The population of the citv in 1870 had been 18.000; now it had reached 46,887, Manufactures had begun to HISTORY OF MINxNEAPOLlS AND HENNEPIX COUNTY, 31INNES0TA 141 include other iudustries than Hour and sawmills. The city was the gateway to a great and prosperous farm- ing territory, which was being brought iiij closer touch by means of railroad extension. And so Minneapolis and its people began to dream dreams which they mistook for visions of immediate and enormous growth. And out of tiiose dreams came the boom times which made and unmade thousands. By 1885 real estate activity became seemingly the chief factor of daily life; valuations were inflated astound- ingly when viewed in a calmer age. Additions wei-e platted far out from the city's center, and the prices of lots leaped to tignres which even the growth of a quar- ter of a century since would not justify at the present time. The period of real estate inflation is almost coincident with the limits of the decade, from 1880 to 1890. It ended in disaster for many individuals, in depression for the entire city for a time. But in some ways it was worth all it cost, in that it led to an era of sanity made more wholesome by the lessons taught. And while it was a boom time, it was like- wise a time of manufacturing development on whicli was laid the foundation for much of the present in- dustrial leadership. And as the people dreamed large dreams, they absorbed larger tendencies, conducing to the improvement of the city as a whole. CRE.VTION OF THE PARK SYSTEM. Thus it was of the expansion of Minneapolis that the park systeni was born. There had been efforts toward a "city beautiful" in the earlier attempt to ac(iuii'e Nicollet Island for a jiark, and in other pro- motion of the park idea which had only resulted in failure. But now the city regarded itself in a more exalted, if a more grandiose, light, and some expres- sion of a desire for municipal beautification was in- evitable. True, there had been healthy agitation toward the creation of a park system, in the proceed- ings of the Board of Trade. And the enabling act of the Legislature, which authorized the creation of a park commission, was passed in 1883. before the boom had gone far along. But it was on the boom that the park idea sailed to realization, and so ilinncapolis may thank the boom for her parks, almost as much as she may express appreciation of C. M. Loring's efforts by christening him "Father of the Park Sys- tem." ilr. Loring was the first president of the park commission, A. A. Ames was vice president, and R. J. Baldwin was secretary. Among other commissioners were E. M. Wilson. J. S. Pillsbury, Dorilus Morrison. S. II. Chute. George Brackett, W. W. Eastman, and Judson N. Cross. The commission engaged* Professor H. W. S. Cleveland, a landscape architect of long experience, and he laid out the park svstem which was the nucleus of the present parks and boulevards. It was the fostering of the park sentiment wliicli made possible the inclusion of Minnehaha Falls, of the Missis-sippi River banks, and the lakes within the eit.v limits as factors in the park system. Tliroe squares, gifts to the city, formed the beginnings of the system, and shortly after power of condemnation of land had been conferred, Loring Park was acquired. Upon these as a foundation has been built a series of parks and parkways totaling nearly 4,000 acres iu area. THE PUBLIC LIBR.\EY IS PERFECTED. By 1885, also, the city began to aspire to something more than a semi-privately o^\^led library. The Atheneum was serving most purposes, but it was deemed wise to create a Library Board, representative of the people, and to establish a library that would be absolutely free to all. The Atheneum directors joined in this nuniicipal enterprise, and the private and pulilic libraries were consolidated, iu effect; the Atheneum, however, maintained its identity while still a component part of the Public Library. Erec- tion of a library building was at once decided upon, and the Libi-ary Board, under the Presidency of T. B. Walker, began the woi-k. The Library Building, at Tenth Street and Hennepin Avenue, was completed and occupied in 1889, with Herbert Putnam as Liljrarian. MAKES PROGRESS MENTAI.LY, PHYSICALLY. MORALLY, AND There are many residents of Minneapolis who refe^ almost apologetically to the boom period of the city's history, but it was in that period, nevertheless, that some of the finest advances in culture, refinement, and educational progress were made. It was in 1884 that Dr. Cyrus Northrop, coming from Yale to become President of the University of Minnesota, to succeed Dr. Folwell when that builder chose to step down to less responsible duties in the institution, gave markedly increased impetus to the growth and strength of the University and of the entire educa- tional .system of Minnesota. Dr. Folwell had founded the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts and had been interested in the advancement of the Public Library ; Dr. Northrop early became identified with the same institutions and with kindred elements in the city's growth in culture. So he continued until succeeded as president of the University by Dr. George E. Vin- cent, in 1911. In 1890 the Philharmonics, who later became the Philharmonic Club, was organized and at once be- came the principal single musical organization in Minnesota ; out of this union of musical leaders was to come later the Symphony Orchestra of Minneapolis. In 1891 Dr. Charles ]\I. Jordan became Superin- tendent of the Public Schools, a post which he was to hold for twenty-three years, in which time he was to be no inconsiderable factor in shaping the cul- tural progress of the people of the city. When he became superintendent the school enrollment of the citv was aliout 21.000, the teaching force numbered 525, and the city schools were housed in forty-seven buildings. Cultural growth was paralleled by Jiotable church expansion, or by ready meeting of demands upon church people for facilities for relisfious teaching and services. The principal denominations represented 142 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, :\IINNESOTA in iMiimeapolis by church organizatious became active in erecting large, handsome houses of worship. Among the editices constructed and occupied in tlie period between 1880 and 1893 were those of the Westminster Presbyterian, the Gethsemane Episcopal, the Central Baptist, the Immanuel Baptist, the Swed- ish ]\Iission tabernacle, the First Baptist, the First Unitarian, the First Congregational, the Holy Rosary Catholic, the First Presbyterian, the Park Avenue Congregational, the Oliver Presbyterian, the Church of the Redeemer, Universalist, the Andrew Presby- terian, the ^Vesley Methodist, St. Stephen's Catholic, and the Portland Avenue Church of Christ. The Scandinavian people, also, were especially active iu church construction at this time. Early in the '80s the Presbyterian General Assembly was held in Min- neapolis; and in 1891 the national convention of the Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor was held here. It was in this year that the Young "Wom- en's Christian Association was formed. In the next year, 1892, the national council of the Congregational Churches met here; in 1895 the general convention of the Episcopal Church. Progi'ess in every line went to make the town a city. Hustle locked arms with refinement, even, and invention joined with art to make life more truly worth living, however it became more complex. Cities everywhere began to enjoy more conveniences. The year 1883 gave to Miimeapolis the electric light. The "telephone came into more general business use, al- though it was not until nearly or after 1890 that it became a household appurtenance. As early as 1878 the Northwestern Telephone Company was in the field, and for twenty years it had that field to itself; then the Tri-State Company, at fii-st known as the Mississippi Valley, became a competitor. Gas as a distributed commodity for light and cooking was available before electricity came, but its use was not general until after 1890. G.WNS 118,000 IN POPULATION FROM 1880 TO 1890. If it were not for the fact that the decade from 1880 to 1890 was a period of astounding achievement, the manners and customs of the people would be re- garded with mixed emotions. Grandiloquence marked the common speech of the time ; when Minneapolis and its prospects were the themes, grandiloquence was the keynote of endeavor. But out of the exaltation of the time grew the city that had been an overgrown village ; out of the mushroom-like creation of boom- times at least one incontrovertible fact stood forth. The pop\ilation of the city had mounted from 47.000 to 165,000 in ten years. Whatever may have been the transitory character of man-made institutions and boom-made land valuations, the people were here. With every reason in the scheme of things justifying a great city at this maiuifacturing gateway to the Northwestern empire, the greater portioij of these people nnist inevitably unite for carrying forward the institutions and the indu.stries. Men talked large. l>ut they likewise did largely. New needs aro.se. and new solutions were promptly found to meet the prob- lems. Speculation ran riot, but out of the fantasy was born the Minneapolis spirit, and that spirit breathed life into enterjjri.ses which in any other time would have theiiiselves seemed fantasies. R.VILROAD BI'ILDIXi; GOES ON. It was in 1883 when the Northern Pacific Railway was completed to the Pacific Coast, and the golden spike driven to celebrate the opening of a vast terri- tory to which Minneapolis was the gateway. It was about the same time when Minneapolis business men — some of the same who had figured in many another similar operation for the upbuilding of the city — recognized the fact that Minneapolis needed an out- let l)y rail to the East, independent of Chicago. Of this recognition came the Soo Line, the railroad which connected Minneapolis with the Atlantic seaboard by way of Sault Ste. jMarie, and with the Canadian Northwest by way of the Canadian Pacific alliance. Late in the decade of 1880 this new system had been completed. James J. Hill's dream of conquest of other por- tions of the Northwest was taking material .shape in his Great Northern Railway, as yet. however, knowni as the St. Paul, ilinneapolis & ilanitoba Railway. Passenger and freight terminals adequate to the time were being constructed, giving the city a union pas- senger station which was to serve — or finally fail to serve — for twenty-five years. Manufacturing enter- prises outside of and beyond the flour and lumber industries began to engage the attention of the city- builders. Retail merchants liegan to realize the op- portunities afforded by the phenomenally rapid increase in population, not only within but without and around the city's borders. And wholesale trade began to attract the attention of a few men of fore- sight, although this braiich of merchandising was slower tlian all others in taking root in Minneapolis; her rival. St. Paul, maintained for some years the leadership as a jobbing center. THE EXPOSITION IS BUILT. One of the characteristic manifestations of the ]\Iin- neapolis spirit is found in the ^Minneapolis Exposi- tion, an institution which grew out of rivalry with St. Paul and its acquirement of the State Fair in 1885. and the Midway District annexation, as well as out of a desire to emulate the example of older cities in the East, where expositions had become a fairly common demonstration of city advertising. In 1885^tradition says in Regan's restaurant, a democratic eating house which flourished then — a few men who were most active among the energetic cit- izens broached the idea, and the project culminated in n public mass meeting at which the first few thou- sands of a big public subscription were otTcred. A building costing !|!325,000 was the most kingible re- sult, and in this annually for six years a big display of the products of industry, art and enterprise at- tracted thousands. The Exposition was a product of the period : it has since had no counterpart, nor has RETURN OF NORTHERN I'ACIIH SI in l;^ I \( I PAIITY TAKICX (IN W ASIllN(rr( iN A\'K. AT 1ST AVE. SOUTH IN ISd. WASniNllTdN A\T-:. L(IOKIN(i SOUTH Fl!(lM SECOND AVE. SOUTH IN 1857 WTLLIAM KAINEV MARSHAl.l. First surveyor of tlii' town site of St. Anthony; General in the Civil War; Governor of Jlinnesota, etc. (From paintini; in 1875.) HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 143 there been similar demaml for exprcssiou of the city "s spii'it. But ill its day it served as the stimulus for much of the achievement and effort which finally gave permanence and prominence to the city. Whatever remains of such a need is expressed amply in the State Fair which now has the united support of ^linueapolis as well as St. Paul. ADDITIONS TO .\REA L.\ID OUT AND STRUCTURAL WORK PROGRESSES. Dreams that were mistaken for visions lured city- builders out into the country al)out the young city. Additions were platted, sidewalk laid, water-mains extended, ambitious structures planned, and prom- ises made which (though many were broken when the boom collapsed), found realization in more in- stances than the cautious might have admitted pos- sible. And through all the inflation of local values, trade grew, manufactured output increased. By 188.5-86 the population was about 75,000, the annual manufactured output valued at more than $60,000,000, and the assessed valuation was appraised at $115,- 000.000. And amid the fantasies of the real estate boomers, real institutions and industries were rising. A big steel plant was estalilished ; a huge office struc- ture, the Guaranty Loan Building, was planned and construction begun before the decade closed. A Fed- eral Court and postoffice building, the finest then in the Northwest, was erected and occupied. And finally, keeping pace with the expansion of the city, the traction lines were extended and improved, the end of the decade being marked by a remarkable achieve- ment in street railway construction. of promoters, made a definite proposal to experiment with, and if successful utilize, electricity as motive power for its lines. The Fourth Avenue South line was electrified, and the experiment was successful. And thereupon, the Street Railway Company set out to electrify its entire system — to tlisearil the horse ears and -to substitute, on entirely rebuilt trackage, electric cars. It is one of the notable facts in the won- derful history of IMinneapolis that this was accom- plished in three years, and carried on by the same men whose foresight had given a traction system to the city in times that were marked in history by enormous risk. By 1892 the entire Street Railway System was elec- trified, and in the same period Jlinneapolis and St. Paul were connected by trolley line. It was a time of remarkable achievement; and its annals bear the names of Colonel William McCrory, builder of the Motor line : Anderson & Douglas, Thomas Lowry, C. Gr. Cxoodrich, and many another exponent of the jMinneapolis spirit, but none so eternally written as is the name of "Tom" Lowry. Here, then, was the repetition of history come into its own as usual. Here was closing a period of boom, of inflation, and yet of successful enterprise. Min- neapolis and St. Anthony had seen such a time, in lesser degree, in their early years; had seen such a time twenty years later, and now history was to re- peat itself. For the period of riding on the high wave was to be succeeded by descent into the trough of a sea of depression. The financial disasters of 1893, into which the whole country ])lunged. were at hand. BIG PUBLIC BUILDINGS SPRING UP. THE OLD MOTOR LINE. The first half of the ten years after 1880 had seen the construction of a steam traction line into the suburbs and to the watering places of what are I'ow park lakes, as well as to Lake ^linnetonka. The rival — in a sense — of the old horse-car lines was known as the "i\Iotor" line, its cars being hauled by an enclosed steam engine. Trains were operated, with vai'ving degrees of efficiency, out First Avenue South and Nicollet Avenue to the neighborhood of Lake Street and thence westward to Lake Calhoun and to Lake Minnetonka, as well as eastward to Minnehaha Falls. By 1886 changes in ownersliin of this line led to its absorption by the Street Railway Company and its abandonment as a suburban line to ^linnetonka. Meanwhile other traction enterprises were pro- .iected, culminating in bitter rivalrv over franchise rights within the city. Out of this contest of en- trenched and assaulting promoters came the harness- in£r. locally, of a traction force then new to the world — electricitv. The late years of the 1880 decade saw experimenting with cable lines, and expenditure of a srreat deal of money in trying to improve the means of transportation by improving the motive power. THE STREET RAILWAY ELECTRIFIES ITS LINES. Finally the Street Railway Comnany. combating the propositions of the Anderson & Douglas company It is possible that the unparalleled advancement made by Minneapolis between 1880 and 1890 may be traced to the fact that the nation was having its long- est period of prosperity unmarked by financial panic or disaster. It was a time of commercial conscious- ness, whether it be termed a time of civic awakening or not. All through the years of astounding growth records of community action may be found. One of the flashes of this community spirit was the Villard celebration in 1883, in token of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railway. Another was the Minne- apolis Exposition of 1886 to 1891. Still another was the Hai'\'est Festival of 1891, when the city celebrated the garnering of a mighty crop, the day being sig- nalized by an elaborate parade and by exercises in which that monarch of optimism. Col. "Bill" King, was the conductor. These, however, were transitory tokens of commu- nity effort. IMore tangible evidences of Minneapolis enterprise were the public undertakings which brought forth the $3,000,000 Court House ami City Hall, commenced in 1889 and occupied after 1890; the first postoffice and Federal building, constructed be- tween 1882 and 1889; the Public Library Building, occupied in 1889; the Central High School at Fourth Avenue South and Grant Street, built not long after 1880; the Masonic Temple, erected in 1885-6; the Young Men's Christian Association Building, com- menced in 1889; the Northwestern Hospital, buHt in 144 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COTTNTY, MINNESOTA 1887 ; the Stevens Avenue Home for Children and Aged Women, built in 1886 ; the Washburn Memorial Home for Orphans, opened in 1886; St. Mary's Hos- pital, opened in 1886 ; Maternity Hospital, opened in the same year; and the City Hospital, established in 1888. In addition to these public ana semi-public enter- prises the period was marked by the erection of such structures as the Guaranty Loan Building, completed in 1890; the New York Life Insurance Company's building, completed the same year; the Lumber Ex- change Building, which ante-dated the tirst two named by a year or two : and the earlier structures of the Chamber of Commerce, erected in 1883 ; the Syndicate Block and Grand Opera House, erected in 1883 ; Temple Court, 18SG ; the West Hotel, in its .lay the pride of the city and of the West, erected in 1884; the Hennepin Avenue Theater, afterwards known successively as the Harris, the Lyceum, and finally the Lyric, erected in 1887, and opened by Booth and Barrett: the Bijou Opera House, com- pleted in 1887 ; the Boston Block, the Bank of Com- merce Building, the ^Minnesota Loan and Trust Com- pany Building, the Kasota Block, and others since become lesser structures by comparison liut which were important units in the expansion of Minneapolis in its days of greatest growth. THE BOOMERS WERE BUILDERS. Thus it may be seen that the boomers were likewise the builders; that while the city was forging ahead with a population increase of 2.51 percent in the ten years between 1880 and 1890. and while the most varying elements were represented in tlie life of the times, nevertheless the sum total of it all was the per- manent advancement of Minneapolis. Here were a people who could be seen founding the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts in 1883 — the same people, if we consider them as a whole, who within a few years were to plat additions and sell lots far out from any thing like a real city. Here were the shoestringers and the Imrrowers from the future, destined for collapse when the boom burst soon after 1890, figuring solidly in constructive work, turning from real estate boom- ing to city advertisement in such community enter- prise as that which brought, in 18^4, the national en- campment of the Grand Army of the Republic, chiefly for the advertising it might give. Here were men j-uthlessly, or far-sightedly, building a city, engaged in laying mile after mile of sewers, curli-and-guttcr. watermains, and looking to the paving of the business centers. Here were men so earnest in their belief in future, so strong in their sensitiveness to civi" duty, that they had by 1887 increased the total park area to 120 acres, with a score of miles of parkways — and this in a city whose park commission was not created until 1883. These were days of visions, of dreams that were made to come true. THE CENSUS WAR WITH ST. P.UI,. Illustrative of the varying elements in city build- ing was the census war of 1890 between Minneapolis and St. Paul. Some of the solidest citizens of Minne- apolis were involved in that conflict ; some of the re- sults of their enterprise included invasion and coun- ter-invasion : and linked with forcible seizure of cen- sus schedules by St. Paul was the expedition of ]\lin- neapolis men wliicli culmiiuited in recovery of the kidnaped enumerators and stolen schedules after one of their niimber, he asserted, had been "kicked six- teen feet." It was inevitable that a recount by the Government followed, and the conclusion which the inspector of the census drew was that Minneapolis and St. Paul had each been the scene of a conspiracy of over-zealous citizens to "pad" the returns. Jlin- neapolis, it was asserted, had listed 20,000 too many inhabitants, and St. Paul had shown enterprise in proportion to its relative population total. Out of the warfare sprang uj) intensify of feeling which en- dured for numy years; which for a decade made united action by the two cities impossible, and which still flares up occasionally, Init quite too frequeutly, in inter-eity contention. THE GREAT BOOM BURSTS. The early '90s saw ^linneapolis beginning to see there must be reaction from the real estate value inflation — that there must come a time of reckoning. Some of the largest achievements of the time were those of these yeai-s, and some of the finest examples of the community spirit were manifested, as for in- stance the bringing of the Republican national con- vention to meet in Minneapolis in 1892 — the first departure from long established precedent which called such conventions hitherto only to the largest cities. But now the approach of business depression which was to settle over the whole country was show- ing in the slowing up of investment and the stopping of speculation. And in 1893 the speculative bubble burst — but Minneapolis nobly withstood the explo- sion and the shock. ENTERPRISE AND ELECTRICITY REPAIRED THE DAMAGES. One of the noteworthy facts in the history of ^lin- neapolis is its survival of the business depression of the m'iddle '90s after a ]ieriod of inflation. There is no greater proof of the soliditv and stability of its foundations, than max be found in consideration of some of the lai-gest industries. Contributing to this fact was the coincidence of changing conditions which marked the later years of the boom development. Electricity was one of these factors : for it was be- tween 1885 and 189.5 when factories began to har- ness electricity, and it was during the same years that the developnuMit of the telephone and electric light opened new avenues to manufacturei"s. A pe- riod of increased capitalization, a tim.e of manufac- turing adventure was beginning, and those influences which impelled men to make larger hazards of for- tune moved ^Minneapolis ahead in the list of cities that were becoming centers of wholesaling and manu- facturing. Of course the impetus was felt in flour milling and in lumliering, but more than ever before HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JIINNESOTA 145 it liegan to sliow in other productive industries, some related and others unrelated to what were then the two chief manufacturing institutions. NEW INDUSTRIES ARE FOUNDED, OLD ONES STRENGTHENED. And SO it came about that some of the largest man ufaeturers of to-day laid their foundations then. Ex- amples may be found in the Minneapolis Steel Ma- chinery Company, the Northwestern Knitting Com- pany, the Minneapolis Threshing ^Machine Company, the Minneapolis Furniture Company, the ^linneapolis Bedding Company, the Andrews Heating Company, the linseed oil works, in which a score of companies are engaged, and various other lines of manufacture. Some of these lines had been represented for many 3'ears, but it was during the period mentioned when the.y began to expand, and it was then, also, that their title to enduring place was tested by the storms of business depression. The same measure may be ap- plied to or found in other lines of business — the retail trade, for example. And in this connection it is in- teresting to enumerate some of the old retail firms which still endure, even though the name of the con- cern may have been changed. SOME LONG-LIVED AND TRIAL-TESTED BUSINESS FIRMS. Most of the large retail stores of today had their origin after 1880. One, however, that of John AV. Thomas & Company, traces back to 1867, when G. AV. Hale & Company established a store on Washington Avenue South : G. W. and J. M. Hale later were associated, and eventually the firm became Hale, Thomas & Company, then J. AV. Thomas & Company. Its history is likewise the history of the progress of retail trade from AA'ashington Avenue to and up Nicollet Avenue. Other big retail firms of the decade of 1880 were Goodfellow & Eastman, now become the Da^'ton Company ; AVilliam Donaldson, founder of the present huge department store enterprise ; In- gram, Oleson & Compan.v, predecessors of the present Powers Department Store Company ; Dale, Barnes, Morse & Company, later Dale, Barnes, Hengerer & Company, predecessors (with AA^aketield & Plant and Folds & Griffith), of the present Jlinneapolis Dry Goods' Company ; and the New England Furniture & Carpet Company, established in 188.5 by the pres- ent head of the company, AV. L. Harris. WHOLESALE TRADE IS OF RECENT DEVELOPMENT. For the most part, the wholesale trade has devel- oped since the later years of the nineteenth century, for the .iobbing houses which were prominent in Alin- neapolis prior to 1890 were engaged in handling groceries, drugs, dry goods, and farm implements, ^linneapolis in those days .stood second to St. Paul as the .jobbing headquarters of the Northwest. In 1880 ]\Iinneapolis's wholesale trade amounted to about $24,- 000,000. Its growth was steady in the next ten years, the decade of boom development, and by 1800 it had reached an annual volume of $135,000,000. Its chief factors were the .jobbing houses which are today the leaders in the city's jobbing trade — which is reiter- ated proof of the city's fine weathering of the busi- ness depression of 18!)3 and the five years thereafter. BANKING CONDITIONS. Perhaps the best single index to the business con- ditions of the decade from 1880 to 1890, and of the years just before and during the business depression, is to be found in the banking business. During the ten years mentioned, men were just as enthusiastic about founding new banks as they were al)out launch- ing other concerns. But that dcHation followed infla- tion is shown by this notable fact: Of all the banks established in that decade, only one remains, retain- ing its identity, the German American bank. To be sure, all the principal banks in Minneapolis were in existence then, but they had been established prior to that time, and some of tliem represent, through ab- sorption, several other banks which then existed or were founded during that period. Another index is to be found in the bank clearings. In 1881 the total bank clearings of Alinneapolis were $19,487.6r)0. By 1890 they had mounted to .$303,913,- 022, and in 1892 they were $438,053,526. Then came the business slump, and nothing is more significant of this fact than the bank clearings for the year 1893 — they totaled $332,243,860. And it was not until 1898 when the bank clearings passed those for 1892, and indicated, by their total of $460,222,572, that business had recovered. DURING THE WAR WITH SPAIN. It is no reproach to Alinneapolis to declare that the years that followed the first break in business ad- vancement were singularly barren years, as regards large events. Business was fighting merely to hold its "own from 1893 to 1898, and it was not to ])e ex- pected that any achievement that went beyond the normal for the times would be recorded. It was perhaps fortunate that the middle of this period of depres.sion was enlivened by the jiolitical upheavals of the national campaign of 1896. when the two great parties made a political issue of the proper road to be taken to get back to prosperity. All IMinneapolis. like most cities, became a great forum of political discu.ssion, and the outcome of the campaign and elec- tion, carrying reassurance of the business world as its psychological effect, helped to put Alinneapolis back on its feet. Thus the year of the war with Spain saw IMinne- apolis rejuvenated — sobered, perhaps, by the adversi- ties of fiepression yeai-s, but better grounded than ever before in city building. It was from Alinneapolis^ largely, that theThirtenth Regiment went, which, of all four Minnesota regiments of infantry that the State sent, saw most service in the war ; and not only to the Thirteenth, but to the Twelfth, the Fourteenth, and the Fifteenth Regiments the city gave numbers of its best young men. To the Thirteenth Regiment, 1-16 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ou its returu from the Philippines jn 1899, Minne- apolis gave glorious welcome with a great parade, — perhaps the most stirring in the eit.y's history, — which was reviewed hy President McKinley. EFFORTS AT CHARTER CHANGING. The sobering years of the middle '9()s led up to another phase of development. They prompted the first recognition of civic duty as it l)ore upon municipal government — that is, the first in a decade whicli perforce had been given over to booming. And in 181)8 came the first effort toward change in tlie charter since its adoption in the early "80s. There had been amendments galore— but no attempt at complete change to the extent of adopting a "home- rule" charter. The attempt failed — and it is per- haps legitimate to insert at this point in a chronology recognition of the fact tliat similar attempts made in 19(HI, 1904, 1906. and 1913 were likewise failures, the charter remaining in 1914 amended, if at all, by an act of the State Legislature. Efforts in 1898 toward charter changes by vote of the whole people did not necessarily indicate tliat civic consciousness and civic conscience were synony- mous terms. For shortly after the city entered upon the Twentieth Century, it passed through the experi- ence of a municipal scandal, involving its government in disgrace. It was a scandal preceded by two or three lesser ones a few years previously, involving officials lower in the governmental scale than those caught in the meshes of the larger scandal. There is no little measure of satisfaction to ^linneapolis peo- ple to know that this was not the only city disturbed and disgraced for the moment in such a manner, and to feel that the years since have for the most part, softened consideration of the man in whose adminis- tration, during 1900 ancf 1901, the municipal shame centered. It is a notable fact that for the most part the nnini- cipal government has run along with little change all tlirough the first years of the present century. The mayors in the six two-year terms beginning in 1900 have been, in the order named. Dr. A. A. Ames. James C. Haynes, David P. Jones, then James C. Haynes for three tenns ending in 1911. and then "Wal- lace G. Nye. Generally speaking, improvement that was continuous and successive and began to char- acterize the government, in executive offices and in the council itself, dates from the last few j'ears of the Nineteenth Century. CONFIDENCE AND DETERMINATION CAME IN 1898. It was the year 1898 that really signalized return of confidence in the future, on the part of all the peo- ple. The faithful city builders who had pass?d through similar periods of depression before — some of them as eai'ly as 1857 — were for the most part still foremost in public affairs, and they had been hanging on through thick and thin. The rest of the people became iiisjiircd by their exfimple. Everyone by the time the War with Spain closed had his shoul- der to the wheel again. Building activity revived, and the spread of the population began to justify imi^rovement of the traction system. THE STREET RAILWAY BUILDS NEW LINES. In 1898 the Street Railway Company constructed a second Interurban Line, the Como-Harriet, between the two cities. By 1900 the company had twice im- proved its power sources. And by 190.5 it had re- sumed extension of its lines in several important par- ticulars. It built its Lake Street Cross-Town Line and connected it with a St. Paul line for a third In- terurban Line. It built its line to Fort Snelling, extending it from ]\linnehaha Falls. And it built its double-track line to Lake ]Minnetonka, whei-e it took over at the same time, or soon afterwards, most of the water transportation system. SOME CENSUS FIGURES OP 1900. ^liiuieapolis swung into the Twentieth Century with a population, according to the Federal census of 1900. of 202.718, an increase of nearly 40.000 in ten years. Its business stability was re-established ; its bank clearings had mounted to $580,000,000, and its flour production passed 15,000,000 barrels. Its lumber cut had begun to fall off; the turning point in output of the sawmills of the city in 1901 reached 559.000.000 feet, but the big lumbermen were already moving westward with their nulls, and r^Iinneapoiis was becoming headquarters for the financial end of the business, instead of the manufacturing end. According to United States census figures. Minne- apolis in 1899 had 789 industrial establishments, whose total output was valued at .^95.000.000 and whose employes numbered 20,000. The next manufac- turing census, taken five years later, showed 21,000 em- ployes, and an output of more than $121,000,000. PROGRESS IN CULTURE AND REFINEMENT. The several periods of commercial progress in ;\Iiti- neapolis have had their simultaneous periods of growth of the city's soul, of its civic consciousness, of its culture and refinement. There are more and more tokens of this city sense, in consideration of in- stitutions that have come into being. And 'one of these is the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, founded in 1903 as an outgrowth of efforts by the Philharmonics and their supporters. It was in 1901 that Emil J. Oberhoffer became leader of that organ- ization, and musical development in two years led to the establishing of the Orchestra, and to its incor- poration as an enterpri.se underwritten by some of the public-spirited men and women. In a few years it ventured forth 1o other cities, gradually making the name of Jlinneapolis known for culture and art, as well as for flour and lumber and hustle. And by 1914 it had earned a place among the first three such organizations in America, and had appeared before large audiences in the largest cities of the country. It has become the largest single factor in the musical HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 147 education of the public and has attracted to its con- certs weekly during the season great numbers of dis- criminating people whose musical taste has con- stantly grown and as constantly demanded and ap- preciated better nuisic. Simultaneous with the establishment of the orches- tra in 1901 was the creation of a nuiniciiial art com- mission, in response to a recognition of the need for competent direction as it came to be possible to acquire works of art and to build for artistic excellence. "Within a few years, also, far-seeing business men established a civic commission, which sought by ar- tistic planning to lay out the streets and avenui-s and to .select sites so as to ])uild intelligently, after the manner of the nation's capital, under the guiding hand of a competent architect for the whole city, in- stead of under the hit-or-miss direction of a multi- tude of builders without a city sense. It was natural then that the people's ambitions would turn toward an art museum. Fostered by the spirit that had established the Society of Fine Arts, and building around that body, the nucleus of an art institute became a tangible reality through the gener- osity of a few wealthy men. The ^Morrison residence property — oddly enough part of a tract of land which more than a quarter of a century before had vainly been offered as a park — was presented to the city as a site for a museum, and big men, who either knew the art impulse or appreciated its worth, set about raising an endowment to support a great museum. To this the city added more land by aequisitiou of Fair Oaks, the residence property of W. D. Wash- burn, and in 1911 the corner stone of the museum was laid with appropriate ceremony. Here was the creation of an institution figured in dollars at half a million, and even before its completion it was to have a bequest of twice that value from one of the men who had been chief among its original pro- moters. Linked with such activities as the establishing of the Orchestra and promoting the cause of art came the building of the Auditorium, a structure which could house the Orchestra and serve, until something better could be erected, as the meeting place for large gatherings and for conventions. The city had taken on ways increasingly metropolitan as one after an- other the theater facilities had lieen increased, first with the building of the ]\Ietropolitan Opera House — at first known as the People's — in 1894, Ten years later the Auditorium was opened, and in the same year vaudeville came to town, to have its first lodg- ment in the Orpheum Theater. Within five years four other vaudeville houses were added. THE NEWSPAPERS OP THE TWENTIETH CENTFKY. When Minneapolis entered the Twentieth Century, its chief exponents in the way of publicity consisted of four daily newspapers: The Tribune, established in 1867; the Journal, founded in 1878: the Times, founded in 1889 ; and the Tidende, a Scandinavian newspaper. The city had seen many a newspaper enterprise flourish, then languish. It had passed through a bitter combat with St. Paul, in which pos- session of a daily newspaper figured lai'gely. and in which an attempt to carry on a newspaper as a Twin City enterprise had failed. By 1903 another daily paper, the New's, was founded ; and by another year the Times, a morning paper, had gone out of exist- ence. The Tribune, with which had been connected such men as "Bill" and "Tom"' King, Gen. A. B. Nettleton, Albert Shaw, Alden J. Bletheu, had been acquired by W. J. Murphy. The Times had been the means by which W. E. Haskell had identified himself with Minneapolis. The Journal had been published for more than twenty j'ears by Lucian Swift, J. S. ilcLain, and their associates when it came, in 1908, under the control of H. V. Jones, a. former reporter on the same paper. The News had introduced a new form of newspaper, as well' as the chain system of newspaper ownership. In class or trade .journalism Minneapolis was by this time the home of the principal flour-milling ]>ub- lication in America, the Northwestern Miller, and of an aspiring literary publication, the Bellman. It had seen other weekly and monthly i)ublications, but most of them had passed on. These newspapers had played thi'ir part all through the advancement of the city. They had fought its battles, had chronicled its achievements and its scan- dals. And in most of the events — brought about through the eiforts of the leaders in politics, industry and the finer things of life — the daily newspapers had figured as important factors. They themselves had been subject to many changes, both as regards their own existence and as hinged upon their relation to the public. As institutions they endured side by side with the variously named but alwa.ys principal com- mercial organization, which had its beginning in 1855 under the name of the Union Board of Trade, and was succeeded from time to time by this or that other similar association with the same object in view, and now represented by the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Association. COMMERCI.\L AND OTHER CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS. The story of organized effort in behalf of the whole cit.v is interesting, especiall.v as it is a chronicle of changes, of fluctuations in the civic and commercial spirit as a unit. Thus the business men's organiza- tion in the late 'f)0s was the Union Board of Trade, just then incorporated. By 1881 the Chamber of Connnerce had been established and represented for the time the leading commercial liod.v, although it was primarily and essentially a grain and Hour ex- change. In 1884 the Jobbers' Association took its place, though its interests were centered in the whole- sale trade. Six years later the Business Union took up the burden of promoting the city's inlercsts as a whole. And in 1892 the Conunercial Club was formed, uniting most of the other business elements. For nearly twenty years the Commercial Club was behind nearly every big movement, although at times a specialized organization, like the Jobbers' and Jlanufacturers' Association, went about things pecu- 148 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA liar to its membership. In 1901 the Club oeeupied fine elub-rooms in the Andriis Building, then new ; by 1!)09 it had outgrown these quarters and had, in promoting the building of a fine big hotel, arranged for quarters for itself in the Hotel Radisson. Two yeai's later the Club's commercial and civic interests were tal^en over bj- a new organization, formed on broader lines to meet the needs of the time, known as the Civic and Commerce Association. Two years more, and the Minneapolis Athletic Club, with a new building under way, merged with the Commercial Club, the older name being dropped. Other chibs had meanwhile been organized, to repre- sent various interests in the city's life. The chief social body, the ilinneapolis Club, was established in 1886, occupying at first a rented house at Sixth Street and First Avenue North. Later it built its own home two blocks down Sixth Street, and in 1908 moved again to a handsome club-house at Eighth Street and Second Avenue South. Other social clubs. formed later, include the ilinikahda Club, in 1898; the Odin Clixb, in 1899 ; and the University Club in 1909. About this time district commercial clubs lie- gan to be organized. In the early years of the Twentieth Century, also, came organized efforts at city betterment in another form — the establishment of settlement houses. These. by 1910, came to number several which have become important factors, among them being Wells ilemo- rial and Pillsbury Settlement Houses. Unity House, and, though dift'erent in form and not at all a settle- ment liouse in its plan of operation, the Citizens' Club, on Riverside Avenue, a work made possible among the people of the club by the generosity of George 11. Christian, builder of the club-house. IMPORTANT INCIDENTS IN THE CITY 's RECENT HISTORY. Achievements in the public's behalf took on other forms in tlie first years of the century. In 1911. for instance, a celebration of the city's growth in beauty covered an entire week and included pageantry and parades as well as a ceremony of linking Lake Cal- houn and Lake of the Isles 1)y canal. In 1913 the construction of a high dam in the ^Mississippi River near the Soldiers' Home was begun, by the Federal Government, to make Minneapolis the head of navi- gation and at the same time to provide power for use by the municipality and the State University. The same year marked the completion of the filtra- tion plant and the pumping of pure wafer into the homes. Civil service regulations were introduced into the city offices tlie same year. In 1913, also, citizens w^ho appreciated "Tom" Lowry's deeds for the puli- lic goocl united in erecting a memorial statue to him at the junction of Lyndale and Hennepin Avenues, near his late home. Simultaneously the city was becoming more beau- tiful, l)y the efforts of the Park Poard. The parkway system was being worked out. to girdle ]\Iinneapolis. The ])ublic school facilities were being increased, a notalile addition being the new Central High School, at Thirly-fourfh Street and Fourth .\venue South. Similarly the same year saw the establishment of the lilake School for Boys, a private educational institu- tion, newly located now on ample grounds west of Lake Harriet, near the Lake Minnetonka car line. It was about 1905 that another pha.se in develop- ment opened, in the construction of the Dan Patch Electric Railway southward from ^linneapolis, tap- ping a rich country theretofore tributary largely to St. Paul because of railroad operation and influence. And by 1911 construction of another similar line, the Luce Line westward to Lake Minnetonka and beyond, gave the city another suburban line such as had for some years figured largely in railway development in Ohio. Indiana, and Illinois. Such a railway was also built to Anoka, on the east side of the river. The city continued to grow. Larger and more mod- ern bu.siness stiiietures were ei"ected, among them the Plymouth Building, in its first year the largest re-en- forced concrete building in America ; the ilcKnight, the Security Bank Building, tiie Donaldson office building, the huge structures in the district given over chiefly to wholesale trade, the Dyckman Hotel, the handsome retail structures on Upper Nicollet. Beautiful houses of wor.ship, like Plymouth Congre- gational Church, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, and the Catholic Pro-Cafhedi-al were built. The business men in the Commercial Club — which became the Civic and Commerce Association — had exerted strenuous efforts toward obtaining a Union Passenger Station, had failed, and while seeking authorization for con- struction of a municipal terminal had seen James J. Hill construct a hanclsome station to serve the same roads formerly running into the old Union Station. Business interests, working through the Civic and Commerce Association, had attracted new industries. Interest in better living conditions led to the making of a health survey. Recognition of recreational needs led to the creation of extensive public baths at Lake Calhoun, as well as lesser such facilities in a munici- pal bath house on Rivei'side Avenue, and public baths at Camden and on Hall's Lsland, and in the Mississippi in North ^Minneapolis. Playground facili- ties likewise were largelv augmented in the five years after 1909. Commercially the city forged steadily forward. There was an interval of depression in 1907, reflected from the East, but the city soon got back on its feet again. Municipal government controversies arose occasionally in these early Twentiefh Century years, to give zest to everyday life. Bitter rivalry over the .selection of a site for a new postoffice building that was to be inadequate to its purpose even before it was completed, brought out heated advocacy of a building place on Bridge Square or on Third Avenue South facing the ililwaukee Railway Station, the latter win- ning out. Similarly hot discussion preceded the de- cision of the Council to erect a new bridge across the river at Third Avenue South, as well as Nineteenth Avenue South. In consideration of governmental aft'aii's connected with regulation and control of public utilities, issues aro.se between the public and the Gas. the Electric, and the Street Railway Companies, involving tjie HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 149 right to regulate rates or to fix the price of trans- portation. Each controversy led into court review of the situation, and even as late as 1914 no settle- ment has been reached in some of the suits. Fran- chise duration and terms were also in controversy. Tht> Street Railway Company's dispute was over the ris'ht of the City Council to require it to sell six rides for 25 cents, and the courts decided in favor of the Company. The Electric Company and the city fell out over rates, and their dispute has not come to any definite decision, although rates have since been reduced by the Company to points below the schedule fixed by the City Council. The Gas Company's first difference with the municipality had to clo with the terms of a renewal of its franchise, and five years later, with the effort of the City Council to reduce the price of gas — an effort which opened a long road of litigation hinging largely upon the proper valua- tion of the company property as a basis for fixing rates so as to give the company just returns on its investments. It was in the first decade of the new century, also, that the city took in hand the problem of grade cross- ings on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 's tracks. Twenty years or more before, tliere had been a separation of grades on the Great Northern and the I\Iinneapolis & St. Louis Railway's tracks westward from the river on Fourth Avenue North, and a drag on the development of the North Side had been re- moved. Council action, tested in the courts, led in 1911 to the commencement of track depression on the Hastings & Dakota tracks of the Milwaukee road, across the city from Cedar Avenue. And in 1013 efforts toward lowering or elevating the main line tracks of the same company began. Late in the same year residents of the East Side began similar efforts for a separation of grades on railroads, particularly those in Southeast Minneapolis and through the Uni- versity campus. THE CONDITIONS OP TO-DAY. The sixty-seventh year of ^Minneapolis — counting time from the first permanent settlement of St. An- thony — saw a city with a population of at least 325,- 000; with its flour mills, the milling capital of the world : with its Art IMuseum, the art center of the nation west of Chicago: with its parks and boule- vards, file beauty center of Western muni(dpalities : with its new Government high dam almost completed, the potential head of navigation of the Mississippi River; with its wholesale houses and manufactories,- tlie supj)ly base for the great empire of the North- west ; witli its steam and electric railways, the trans- portation center of that same empire of wlieat and corn and the products of diversified farming; with its linseed plants, the chief center of industries which are linked with that form of enterprise ; with its huge volume of trade peculiar to tlie products of the soil of the Northwest, the banking capital of this ti'ade empire. Jlore than most other American cities M'm- neapolis has grown in culture at a rate at least equal to the rapidity of its commercial progi-ess. So it is possible to point to commercial progress as an index to growth in the finer tilings of the brain and the spirit and tlie temperament. It is a measure of advancement to show that in this cit.y of more than 325,000, the bank deposits at the " end of 1913 amounted to more than $101,000,000; that in that year the flour production of ]\linneapolis mills was more than 19,000,000 barrels, the greatest in the his- tory of the milling industry ; that the bank clearings were $1,312,000,000; that ':\Iinneapolis daily loaded and shipped 1,001 cars of freight, and received 1,159 cars; that nearly $13,000,000 worth of buildings were erected; that the corporate property of the city of Minneapolis was valued at $48,000,000, against less than $23,000,000 in 1900; that these items of coi-po- rafe property included 185 miles of paved streets. 325 miles of sewers, nearly $15,000,000 invested in schools, parks, and parkways; that the public school popula- tion was 48,000 pupils ; and that the conveniences and privileges of urban life through avaliability of edu- cational, recreational, transportation, and other ad- vantages were unsurpassed by those of any other city in America. Just at the beginning of the year 1914 an index to the state of progress of IMinneapolis as a whole was supplied in the form of remarkable munificence at the hands of a man who, dying, left mostly to the people the millions he had made chiefly in the industry around which the city has been built up. Thus it is pos.sible to indicate the city's acquired power to ap- preciate, by chronicling the gifts by "William H. Dun- woody, miller, of $1,000,000 to the stocking of the art museum; of $1,000,000 to $3,000,000 to establish an industrial school or institute for the youth ; and of smaller sums to educational and cultural institutions. These gifts were provided ])y Mr. Dnnwoody, in his will, for the peo|)le of a city which sprang in 1847, and the years following, from a wilderness ; but which liecause it was peopled in the beginning by men and women of culture, of refinement, of moral strength, and of high ideals, became a municipality with a city sense, a community with a common purpose, a unit of society with appreciation of its duty toward the com- mon good. CHAPTER XVII. PERSONAL AND HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES BY PROMINENT CITIZENS. p. rPTOX's NOTES ON EARLY DAYS IN ST. ANTHONY — CHAS. M. LORING 's " VISTA OP FIFTY YEARS " THOS. B. walker's reminiscences, HISTORICAL SKETCHES, AND NOTES ON LUMBER MANUFACTURING AT ST. AN- THONY'S FALLS — GEO. H. CHRISTIAN'S NOTES ON EARLY ROLLER MILLING IN MINNEAPOLIS AND HOW CERTAIN R.ULROADS OPPRESSED THE MILLERS GEORGE H. WARREN 'S NOTES AN EXCERPT FROM "tHE PIONEER WOODSMAN AS HE IS RELATED TO LUMBERING IN THE NORTHWEST. " The articles on Minneapolis history here given are both interesting and valuable. They have been pre- pared by citizens who had the opportunity to make much of the city's eai'l.v and important history and were gifted with the abilit.y and capacity to write about it. "What the.v have said, therefore, may be re- garded as fairly authoritative. Of the history they have set down it may be said that all of it they saw and a great part of it they were. There may be a few errors of statement but they cannot be many or serious. The writers have told their stories well and generations for many years to come will profit by and en.ioy reading them. They were written with the idea that other articles might be prepared and derived from them, but, with only one exception, it was considered best to present them in their original form. Upon the whole it was be- lieved to be unnecessary, if not impossible, to try to better them. R. P. UPTON "S NOTES OF EARLY ST. ANTHONY. Rufus P. Upton, who was among the earliest pio- neers of St. Anthony, wrote, some years ago, a few notes of certain incidents connected with the early history of St. Anthony and Minneapolis. These notes have been kindly furnished for use in this history by Mr. E. K. Upton, a son of the pioneer, and the suc- ceeding paragraphs have been derived from them. "I arrived in St. Anthony in the month of June, A, D. 18.50," writes Mr. Upton, "from the good old State of Elaine. I spent the first summer and fall in tcacliing school in the little old school house but re- cently seen on University Avenue," Of his succeed- ing experiences the old pioneer writes: "The following spring found me on the first steam- boat on my way to Davenport, Iowa, where I made an arrangement with a nurseryman for a quantity of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, and flowers, and also purchased a variety of poultry. The nur- sery was planted and the poultry yard located on the lower part of Nicollet Island, where is now the long stone building of the Island Power Company. They were hauled to tlie Island from the east side, fording the river. Ttiis was the first nursery in the State, The most of the fruit trees died and the remainder, after a few years, was removed and was the beginning of Ford's Nurserj', half waj'^ between this city and St. Paul. "The same year — in June, I think — I succeeded J. ]M. and Wm. R. Mai'shall in the grocery business, which was carried on in a little store near Captain Joliii Rollins 's old house, on Main Street, E, I),: I lived in the rear end of the building, I renuiined in this building lietween one and two years, when I re- moved to King's Iniilding, near the site of the Pills- bury 'A' Mill, and branched out into a general store of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, iron, steel, nails, glass, and blacksmitli's tools. "In the fall of 1853 I leased from Col. J. H. Stevens a store located near where the Pauly House now stands, and stocked it with goods. Thomas Chambers had been clerking for me for some time and I gave him an interest in and full charge of this store, thus constituting the firm of I'pton & Chambers. This was: ihc first store in Minneapolis, on the ircst side. The next spring (1854) the store building Inirned, and I sold the stock of goods remaining after the fire to Mr. Chambers 'on time.' Soon after he formed a partnership with Edwin Iledderly and the business became a success. Isaac I. Lewis had the second for third) store on the west side, near the site of Harlow Cale's City Market; I sold him his stock of goods amounting to .'|;2,000. "In the spring of 1854 Capt. John Rollins, Judge Isaac Atwater, Franklin Steele, and I went to Dr. Kingsle.v's liouse, on Hennepin Island, The doctor I'lainied the entii-i' Island liecau.se he had .iumped ilr. Steele's claim to it, and there was a controversy be- tween them over the property which we went to settle. •We succeeded in effecting a compromise between the parties. Dr. Kingsley took the southwest part of the Island, commencing neai- the Falls, where is now the East Side City Wati'r Works, and Mr. Steele took the remainder of the Island. At the same time Capt. Rollins. John W. Eastman, M. P, Upton, and myself obtained from i\Ir. Steele a lease for a flouring mill site and water to run a mill on the east side of the I.sland, The rate of rent agreed upon for the first twenty years (T think) was $200 per year, "The lessees at once proceeded to build a flouring mill. W. W. Eastman came soon after, took half of 150 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 151 his l)rother's interest, aud acted as agent at a salary of $800 a year; M. P. Upton and I acted as treasurers without salary. The establishment was called the Minnesota ilills. It was -40 by 50 feet in size, and was of wood on a stone foundation. The millstones were three French buhrs, four and one-half feet in diam- eter, and two of them were for grinding wheat and the other for corn and feed. This was the first incr- clmni mill in the State. At first all the wheat ground in it was brought up the river from Illinois. Iowa, and Wisconsin. At that date it was not thought practi- cable to raise wheat with complete success in Minne- sota ; attempts at Fort Snelling and elsewhere had been largely total failures. The largest stock we ever liad on hand for a winter's run was 20,000 bushels. The market for all our prodiicts was readily found at home. Our wheat and our goods all had to be hauled from St. Paul by teams, at an expense of from $2 to $3 a ton, and besides the warehouse charges in St. Paul were not small items. These and other con- siderations had often set the business men of the young city to discussing the practicability of navigat- ing the Mississippi to the Falls by steamboats during the periods of very high water. ■'In July, 1850, the steamer Dr. Franklin No. 2, Capt. D. S. Harris, came up to where the Tenth Avenue Iron Bridge now is, and turned in the swift current and went back to St. Paul. But the boat was handicapped; the captain was said to be 'pretty full,' the boat carried a head of steam of 120 pounds, aiid the river was the highest I ever saw it. The Anthony Wayne. Capt. Dan Able, had preceded the Franklin to near the Falls, and the Lamartine fol- lowed the Franklin in a few days. After 1850 a long time elapsed before we saw another steamboat at Minneapolis. "In the spring of 1855 I purchased in Pittsburg 100 tons of iron, steel, nails, etc., and ordered the stock shipped to JMinneapolis. The bill of lading was to 'St. Paul or St. Anthony' and the rate of freight 90 cents to St. Paul and $1 to St. Anthony. Knowing that without help the goods would not get above St. Paul, I drove down there to meet them. Before leav- ing home I met Judge ileeker, who knew my business, and he handed me a $100 check to hand to the pilot of the steamboat as a 'persuader' — to induce him to agree to steer his boat up the dangerous channel to Minneapolis. The steamer did not arrive until the evening of my second trip to St. Paul. "I innnediately went on board and was followed by numerous citizens of St. Paul, who knew my Inisi- ness, and they put more obstructions and dangers in the river than belonged there. They told the captain that he would surely lose his boat if he attempted to mak(> the trip. (They wanted the ,iob of hauling the goods with teams.) Finall.v the captain put the re- sponsibility upon the pilot and left it to him to de- cide whether the boat should go or not. I then showed the pilot the $100 'persuader,' and he decided to make the trip ! But the captain said it was late, and that he would not be ready to start until morn- ing: so I returned home and the next morning hur- ried back to St. Paul. When I arrived I found that some of our friends at 'the head of na\igation' had got the pilot senselessly drunk and laid him away ! Then I negotiated with the second pilot, gave him the check, went into the pilot house with him, and he took the wheel, and we came up to St. Anthony with- out difficult.v. Before noon we landed on the tlat just below the University, the place being known as Cheever's Landing. "This incident incited other boats to follow and helloed to awaken an interest in the subject of steam- boat navigation. Drawing up a paper, I proceeded to get subscriptions to a fund to bring about in some way the running of boats to the Falls. By heading it with a libei'al sum myself, I succeeded in getting a subscription of $5,000, about half of which was paid up. With this subscription paper I went down to Dubuque, where a line of boats running to St. Paul was owned. I went to J. P. Farley, who was then extensively engaged in trade, had stock in the steam- boat company, and controlled the steamer Lamartine. He took kindly to the proposition I made him, talked with his associates, and called a meeting of prominent business men to whom I made a proposition to form a transportation company which should be mutually beneficial. They fell in with the proposition, and we formed a new company with which the ^linneapolis interest was merged. The Dubuque parties had two- thirds of the stock and the ^Minneapolis men had one- third. "Mr. Farley and I then went to St. Louis and bought the steamer Hindoo, which I partly loaded with goods for St. Anthony. We both came up on her, but by this time the summer was well advanced and the river was very low. On the rocks and rapids below Cheever's Landing the boat stuck; she was a heavy side-wheeler and drew too much water for our trade. After several ineffectual attempts to reach Cheever's, the Hindoo was compelled to drop back and finally landed uiy goods at what came to be called Meeker's Landing, just above the eastern end of the Short Line Bridge. The citizens turned out aud graded a road up the bank, which subsequently was quite useful. After this, during the proper season, the Lamartine and the Hindoo ran on the river below. R. W. Cummings was chief clerk of the Hindoo and represented our interests in both boats. The follow- ing winter (1S55-5G) they were sold; the river proved to be not suited to the navigation conditions whicli we needed. The company then dissolved with a small profit to its credit. "In the fall of 1850 the Minneapolis Board of Trade took hold of the matter of improving the river. About $5,000 was raised and a committee appointed to carry out the improvement. Edward ]\Iuri)hy aud I were members of this committee; I do not remem- ber who the other members were. By the following spring (1857) we had removed all interfering rocks and buoyed out a channel 70 feet wide. Pureuant to an arrangement a line of boats ran that season from Fulton City, 111., to Cheever's Landing, bringing up all our freight and many passengers. We also put a cai)stan on the lower end of the levee, and with a three- . inch cable, more llian half a mile long, helped the 152 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA weak boats over the rapids with a span of horses. At Cheever's Landing were erected several houses, one of which was quite large and roomy. Not a vestige of any of them now remains. "Then came the destructive financial distresses of 1857-58, which 'knocked on the head' so many West- ern interests. We had scarcely recovered from this period of hard times when the War of the Rebellion came and for some time interfered with all our enter- prises. Not long after its close the railroads came and well nigh pTit the steamboats out of business." Although Mr. Upton must be regarded as among the very highest authorities on Minneapolis history, other ai;thorities differ from him. As to early steam- boat histoiy, Hudson (p. 463) says: "At last, in 1854, the citizens of Minneapolis and St. Anthony organized a stock company, with .'};30,0()U capital, and suljseqnently put a boat called the Falls City regularly in tlie Minneapolis and lower river trade. Capt. J. C. Reno, an Ohio River steamboat- man, came to IMinneapolis in 1856, and in 1857 be- came interested in the development of river traffic here, and through his exertions four boats were put regulai'ly in the trade. During 1857 there were 52 arrivals of steamboats at Minneapolis and 10,000 tons of freight were discharged on the landings below the present Wa.shington Avenue Bridge." Jlr. Upton says the firet local steamboat company was not organized until in 1855 and then with a cap- ital of but $5,000, instead of $30,000, and that the boat put in was the Hindoo. He does not mention the Falls City or Capt. R«no. There are other disagree- ments between the authorities. REMINISCENCES, HISTOEICAL SKETCHES, AND GENEE.U, REVIEW OF LUMBER MANUFACTURING IN MINNEAPOLIS BY T. B. WALKER. It was an unfortunate experience that when the settlement of Minneapolis began, the present site of the city on the west side of the river was a Govern- ment military reservation held for no particular pur- pose whatever, but preventing the settlement and building of what would probably have been the first settlement and first city and the most important on the Mississippi River above St. Louis. The settlement in St. Paul began in 1838. Jack- son's store and trading house was established in what is now St. Paul in 1841. In 1842 and 1843 a number of other settlers came, and in 1844 Louis Robert estab- lished a store in St. Paul and trading posts among the Indians and continued trading with them for many years. The first deed recorded in St. Pavil was a quitclaim made April 23, 1844. In 1838, Franklin Steele made the first land claim by permit of the Government. He built a claim shanty and hired a Frenchman to occupy it. Steele secured the claim interests of certain officers at Fort Stielling, and in 1848 secured a title from the United States. His claims covered the whole east side water power from above Nicollet Island to a point below the Falls. Soon after, there was undertaken the con- struction of a sawmill on the east side water power. Ard Godfrey was sent for from Maine to construct the mill, which was built and ready for operation in 1849. This was the beginning of the lumber business in Minneapolis. In connection with the building of the mill projected by Frank Steele, Caleb Dorr and Ard Godfrey, a millwright, both from ]\Iaine, were engaged to build the log dam across the east channel of the river at the head of Hennepin Island. This work was partially finished in 1848 and some sawing was done in the mill. This original mill had one old-fashioned sash saw that was run by water power of only ten or fifteen feet head. Calvin Tuttle was associated with Ard Godfrey in the building of the mill and R. P. Russell backed up the enterprise by furnishing supplies in the way of groceries, pro- visions, etc. Caleb Dorr brought from ilaine in 1850 a shingle mill which he intended to install on the Falls, but for some reason sold it to the Government and it was taken up to Fort Ripley aad operated by mule power for making shingles to cover the roofs of the Fort buildings. The output of Mr. Steele's mill in 1849 was something less than three-quarters of a million feet of lumber of rather inferior grade and rather poorly sawed, being cut by an upright muley saw that ran about as fast as one could climb up and down stairs. In 1849 two additional mills were built next to Jlr. Steele's mill, making three in all. In 1850, Sumner W. Farnum leased the power com- pany's three mills and operated them for about two years. In 1853 Henry T. Welles invested a consider- able sum of money in increasing the mills until the aggregate was eight, which he controlled for a couple of years and then, in 1857, sold them to Dorilus ^Morrison, who for that year operated all of the eight mills, each having one saw. The Territorial Government was organized in 1849 and Judge Meeker held the first court in the old Gov- ernment ]\Iill on the west side. Franklin Steele being foreman of the Grand Jury. During this year school was opened in a log cabin which later in the year was replaced by a frame schoolhouse, in which Rev. E. D. Neill, a Presbyterian minister of St. Paul, preached every alternate Sunday afternoon. The townsite of Minneapolis was laid out to the extent of one hun- dred acres, including what is now Bridge Square, by Col. John H. Stevens. He gave away many quarter- acre lots to people who would build homes and soon a little village was started. In 1858 the town was organized. •In the latter part of 1856, the ^linneapolis ^lill Company was organized and bought the claims of Edwin Iledderly and Anson Northrup and began the construction of a dam for utilizing the water jjower on the west side. In 1857 W. D. Washburn, then a young man of 26, came from the old home of the nu- merous family of distinguished brothers in ]\Iaine, and arrived in Minneapolis on the fii-st of May, and opened a law office. Soon after, ilr. Wa.shburn was appointed secretary and agent of the mill company, and began the construction of the dam from the cen- ter of the river to the west bank; the work was car- ried on during the panicky days of 1857. The Com- HISTORY OF xMINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, IkHNNESOTA 153 pany completed the dam and was ready for leasing sites and power during 1857, although burdened with debts and obligations which the panic made it im- practicable to pay. The mills built on the west side of the river were leased to Eastman, Bovey & Co. ; Leonard, Day & Sons; Ankeny, Robinson & Pettit, and Cole & Ilaui- mond. Mr. Eastman retired from the firm of East- man, Bovey & Co., and H. D. Eastman and H. JI. DeLaittre became- members of the firm. Later this firm purchased one of the mill-sites on the east side dam and built a mill and operated it until in 1887, when the east side mills burned and the Bovey- DeLaittre Lumber Company, with John DeLaittre, president, II. JI. DeLaittre. vice president, and C. A. Bovey, seci'etary and treasurer, purchased a site near the mouth of Shingle Creek and bought the Camp & Walker sawmill, which was located on the river bank at the foot of First Avenue North, and moved it to the new site, and remodeled and enlarged it. The first mills on the west side marketed their lum- ber by rafting below the Falls, over which the lumber was carried in sluiceways down to the quiet waters, where the lumber was put in rafts containing one million or two million feet. The rafts were taken down the river sometimes by steam tugs and some- times being floated with the current and steered with very large rear oars that kept them in tlie channel. This piloting required very careful work and experi- enced men to avoid breaking the rafts on the curved banks of the river and on the bars and shallows. This rafting was the only way of getting to market the surplus lumber aside from that required to sup- ply the demand in St. Anthony and later in ]\Iinne- apolis and in St. Paul, although at rather an early date Prince's mill was built on the flats at St. Paul, just east of where the Union Depot now stands, which supplied the local mar- ket in large part. This method of handling the lumber was to ]iut it into rafts of from three-quarters to one million feet in a raft. On the top of this was sometimes quite large quantities of shingles, and often Major Bassett, who had a tub and pail factory at the West Side Falls, put large numbers of his tubs and pails on the top of the rafts from his lumber mill connected with the factory, and in that way marketed a considerable part of his stock. This method continued for several years, when tlie construction of railroads and the settlement of the nearby tributary lands made more of a home market. This market was opened in 1874 bv the extension oi the St. Paul & Pacific road from' St. Paul through Minjieapolis and out as far as Willmar. Tlie St. Paul & Sioux City road was built from St. Paul through Sioux City and dOwn to Omaha in the dec- ade of 1870. The i\lilwaukee road, which had been in operation for a number of yeai-s from ^Milwaukee to La Crosse, was extended through to St. Paul and Minneapolis in the '7fls. The St. Cloud branch of the St. Paul & Pacific was built up to Elk River, and extended on through to St. Cloud and on out to Crook- ston in the '80s, and the Willmar main line was car- ried on through to Moorhead in the same decade. The Chicago & Milwaukee, from ^Minneapolis through Northfield and on through Iowa, connecting with Chi- cago, and the Minneapolis & St. Louis, from ^Minne- apolis to Albert Lea, were also built in the '80s ; the ]\I. & St. L. was constnieted by [Minneapolis men. These, with their extensions and some other roads (in- cluding the St. Paul & Duluth, the Northwestern through Wisconsin to St. Paul and Minneapolis, and the Northern Pacific through Minnesota and on to the Pacific Coast, with its branch a little later from Min- neapolis and St. Paul, and the Sault Ste. ilarie road), with their developments, furnished abundant outlet for all the lumber manufactured in Minne- apolis after their construction. In these days of rafting, in 1862, the writer of tliis article was a traveling salesman. The time was dur- ing the discouraging years of the Civil War, when trade was stagnant and it was expected that the bot- tom would fall out of everything. I extended my travels out to McGregor, Iowa, on the west side of the Mississippi, opposite Prairie du Chien. After canvassing that very thrifty town, into which the farmers were coming from 75 to 100 miles distant to market their grain and purchase supplies, and while I was sitting in front of the little frame hotel, a ilin- neapolis lumberman, Mr. J. M. Robinson, joined me. He was then a salesman member of the firm of An- keny, Robinson & Pettit, and volunteered an account of his occupation as salesman for lumber in rafts, which were coming down the river. He was waiting for the first raft to come in in order to market and deliver the lumber, of which certain portions were to be purchased by the people of McGregor. Being very friendly, as well as a loyal citizen of the little town of Minneapolis, he gave me quite a glowing ac- count of the prospects of the great city to be built by the great water power of St. Anthony Falls, to which was tributary a vast empire of the richest agricultural land, great forests of splendid white pine timber that would be brought to Minneapolis and manufactured and thence distriliuted over Illinois, Iowa, southern Minnesota. Kansas, and Nebraska. The Dakotas, to the west of us, were then regarded as arid regions unfit for cultivation or settlpinent, prac- tically valueless, though comprising millions of acres, or thousands of square miles of territory. General W. B. Hazen, of the T'. S. army, located at Fort Bnford, N. D., reported officially to the govern- ment, that the territory west of the valley of the Ked River of the North was an arid alkali country, with- out rain or means of irrigation, and without drink- ing water, as the underground supply was alkali and unfit for use for either stock or people. In view of this report, Mr. George B. Wright, a prominent government surveyor, in talking with me about the country between the Red River of the North and the Missouri, said that he w-ould not survey this country if the whole tract were given to him for his work, which would amount to about two cents an acre. This sentiment prevailed to large extent until the time when James J. Hill undertook the extensions of the old St. Paul & Pacific road through as far weijt as settlements were extended, but presumably not far- 154 HISTOKY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, IMINNESOTA ther than to the western side of the Red River VaUey, or ten or twenty miles west of that river. As late as 1880 or 1885, I was offered a tract of land in the val- ley, containing about 40,000 acres, for forty cents per acre, title complete. While I was finding out from Mr. Robinson these wonderful facts concerning this part of the Northwest, T learned of a government surveying party going on the frontier, within two or three mouths, to survey a large area of the public lands. Having also learned that there was a tine line of boats running pa.st ilcGregor to St. Paul, within two hours of the time that I began to talk with Mr. Robinson I was very comfortably located on the largest of the Diamond Joe line of steamers, bound for St. Paul. I arrived in St. Paul and remained there one day, and then came on the only piece of railroad line existing in Minnesota, running ten miles up to, but not through, St. Anthony, now East ^Minneapolis. I landed at the depot on the east side and whereas I could walk across the suspension bridge for five cents and it would cost twenty-five to ride in the omnibus I preferred to exercise myself a little and walk and save the twenty cents, although the distance was aliout a mile. After arranging to go on the government surveys with the chief surveyor, Geo. B. Wright, liefore mentioned, in about two months (it was then June), I returned to Michigan and completed the sale of some grind-stones and then came Ijack, landing in Minneapolis again about the 16th of August. On the 20th of August I started with the surveying party of sixteen men for the northern part of the State, or the pine regions above Crow Wing, which was then the last town on the Mississippi above Minneapolis. We did not reach our destination on account of the outbreak of the Sioux Indians, which took place while we were traveling from St. Cloud to Ft. Rijiley. The savage massacres of inhabitants by the Sioux, and the apprehension that the Sioux were moving up to get the Chippewas to join them, delayed our trip to Ft. Ripley, where we remained for several weeks and then found much danger to be apprehended in an effort to get into the Chippewa country. The trip was abandoned and we returned to Min- neapolis. I reniained there until winter and then, upon my solicitation. Mr. Geo. B. AVright, the gov- ernment surveyor, took a small party of us to survey some of the townshijis. As all the work was located in the timlier, the corners were to be established by means of bearing trees, -and the work could be done satisfactorily in winter: whereas, on the prairies, where mounds were to be built for corners, it was utterly impracticable to do the work. In getting Mr. Wright to sro into the woods. I had arranged with ]\Ir. W. S. Chapnuui to secure Indian land scrip with which to locate pine timber which T would hunt up in the surveying of the government land. This Sioux scrip was locatable on unsurveyed or surveyed lands Ijcfore they wei-e offered for general entry, and had be(>n issued to the Sioux half-breeds, pursuant to the treaties of 1851. We started the 12th of December with ox teams, which was the usual means of transportation on these surveying trips, and landed at Crow Wing about the 20th, when the thermometer was 24 degi-ees below zero. We surveyed about two months and then the ugly attittide of the Chippewa Indians made it seem prudent for us to leave and we came out, having com- pleted the surveys of two townships and some work in another. While I was in the woods, Mr. W. S. Chapman, who was to join me in starting a timber deal, was induced to go to California, where the timber lands — he had heard — were much more valualile than in ilinnesota ; so he went there, having iir.st urged me by several letters to go with him and carry out the project there that we had talked of here. I did not accept the offer and he went to California and remained there quite a number of years and became very wealthy, and then througli speculations with Friedlander, in the grain business, lost $3,500,000, to raise which he had to •sacrifice practically all of his property to cover the debt.> Joel Bassett, who afterwards came to be "ilajor" Bassett, through his position as Indian agent, came to Minneapolis in 1850. In 1851 he started a lumber yard in St. Paul. He obtained his lumber from the St. Anthony mills and hauled it to St. Paul, there being no mills on the west side prior to 1856, except- ing the Government Jlill tliat did not furnish lumber for the market. In 1856 Major Bassett built a steam saw mill on the west side of the Falls, at the mouth of the creek that was afterward named Bassett Creek, and that comes into the river through North Minne- apolis. He ran this mill during 1856 and 1857. He lived on the river bank just above the mill, at the foot of Eighth Avenue. This mill contained a circu- lar and a muley or sa.sh saw, and was the first circular mill in operation in Minneapolis. It burned down in 1858, and in 1850, in connection with Isaac (411- patrick, he built the Pioneer Mill, the first of the block of West-Side platform water-power mills. It was under construction when Bassett bought it and he put in the first gang mill built at the Falls before mentioned. In 1850, as previously stated, S. W. Far- num leased the water power company's three east side mills and operated them until his mill at the foot of Hennepin Island was completed. This mill was afterwards enlarged and became one of the most prominent mills on the Falls by having a gang and circular mill added, and which was operated for many years by Faruiim & Love joy. This firm became one of the most prominent, next to Dorilus ]\Iorrison, as operators in Minneapolis, although they were not finally a success in handling the lumber business and trade, and met with final disappointment. In 1850 John W. Day, known as "Wes, " or Wesley Day, came to ]\Iinneapolis.' In 1851 his father, Leon- ard Day, came and two years later two of his broth- ers came, one of them well-known as "Ilass" Day and the other as "Lou" Day. For a few years Leonai'd Day operated the old Government saw mill on the Falls West Side, which he i-ebuilt and put in some new machinery. He took logs from the river at the mouth of Ba.ssett's Creek and hauled Ihem to this old mill. In 1854 L. D. and J. W. Day began lumbering HISTORY OF JIINxNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 155 on Rum River. In 1856 the firm of Leonard Day & Sons was formed. In 1859 they built a mill adjoining the old Pioneer ilill on the platform. The firm con- tinued as Leonard Day & Sons until in 1885, when the name was changed to J. W. Day & Co. In 1859 or 1860 Jonathan Chase, in company with Ed Jones, operated one of the East Side mills, hut .iust before the war. Chase sold out to Jones and went into the army. It was in 1861 w^hen Ed. Jones built a mill on the w-est side platform ad.ioining the Day Slill. In 1862 Jones built what was then a very fine large residence on Tenth Street, ^liinieapolis. West Side. in which the Keelev Institute is now located. He died in 180:!. In 1862 W. P. Ankeny, J. B. Roliinson. and C. H. Pettit built another mill adjoining this mill of Jones's. This made four mills in a row. In 1863 Dorilus Morrison built a mill some distance further along on the platform than Ankeny, Robinson & Pettit's mill. This was equipped with two gangs and a circular saw. One of them was a round-log gang that sawed the logs without being slabbed, and the other using cants or slabbed logs from the circular saw to nni them more smoothly and evenly and make more and better lumber. In 1863 W. D. Washburn & Co. built a mill between the Ankeny, Robinson & Pettit and the Morrison mills, filling in the space. This firm 'was W. D. Wa.shburn and A. B. Stickney. Tliis was called the Lincoln Mill and completed the row of six mills. In 1862 I\Ir. Wolcott built a steam mill above where the Great Northern bridge crosses the river and below the mouth of Bassett's Creek. This site was afterward occupied by the Shevlin- Carpeuter Company. It contained a gang and a cir- cular. On the east side, above 20th Avenue, Albert Marr & Co. put up a steam mill in 1857, in which was a muley and a circular saw. This was the site of or part of the old Lamoreaux ]\Iill that was built or reconstructed about 1875. under the firm name of Crocker, Lamoreaux & Company. In 1867 JIajor Bassett sold the old Pioneer 'SUM, which he built on the Falls, and constructed another over on the river bank, just above the Falls, where the pumping station was afterward located. He built and operated this mill for a number of years and in 1871 he sold the site and moved the machinery a little farther- up the river into an addition or recon- structed mill. Afterward this part of the mill was purchased by the city for an adctition to the pumping station. LOOKIXG THROUGH A \T[STA OP FIFTY YEARS. BY CHARLES M. LORING. In the autumn of 1860 a party of some fifty persons left Chicago on an excursion to the far away Falls of St. Anthony, traveling by rail to Prairie du Cliien, and by steamboat to St. Paul, the head of navigation on the ^lississippi River. When the party reached the river a grand rush was made for its banks to view the wonderful stream that many of the excur.sionists had read of in their geographies, but had never expected to see. It was a greater wonder to them than the Yosemite, the Yellow- stone Park, or the Glacier Park is to the traveler of today. The voyage up the great river tilled them with astonishment and delight; many declared the scenery from La Crosse to St. Paul as grand and beautiful as that on the Rhine or the Hudson Rivers. The party strolled around the little frontier city of St. Paul and were entertained by the strange sights of Indians, half-lireed and French voyageurs with trains of two-wheeled carts, drawn by one ox or cow, loaded with furs from the Hudson's Bay Company's stations in tlie far Northwest. The journey to the Falls of St. Anthony, on an old-fashioned .stage coach, was a constant source of pleasure. The invigorating, balmy air of that Sep- tember morning, the beautiful quiet scenery from the road which skirted the river, the wide plateau on the opposite bank, covered with "burr-oak openings" whiidi resembled a vast apple orchard, the scattered village and then the grand falls, with a picturesque little suspension bridge hanging in the air above them, made a picture that will never be forgotten. The little city of St. Anthony was like a New England village, with its neat one- and two-story white houses, and the drive from it across the old bridge to the Island, which was densely forested with maple and elm trees clothed in their autumn foliage, was beauti- ful beyond description. At the suspension bridge a toll-keeper inspected and passed us up the steep hill to the business street, which was lined with small stores for two blocks. Just over the bridge on the left was a neat white cottage, enclosed by a paling fence, which we were told was the first house built on the west side of the river, and was occupied by Col. Stevens, its builder, who was the first settler. At what seemed quite n distance from the river we saw a large tn-ick building standing alone, which proved to be the Nicollet Hotel. It occupied the west cjuarter of a city block, looking very imposing and lonely. The quarter block on the east was occupied as a lumber yard with a small stock. Across the street on the west was, a pretty white cottage that looked as if it might have been moved from a New England village. We were met at the door of the hotel by a genial man whom everybody called "Mace," w-ho proved to be Mr. J. M. Eustis, one of the proprietors, and a better host was never born ; he made our stay so pleasant and I found the air so invigorating, that I decided to remain in ^linnesota a few weeks in the hope of recovering my health, which was much impaired. After the excursionists left, there were some twelve or fifteen guests that lived at the hotel ; among them was a young marrii>d couple named Fletcher, who were very kind to our small family, and especially to our two-year old boy. The weeks passed so rapidly, and we enjoyed the climate and people so much, that we stayed on till November. Everyone was cordial and the spirit of hospitality so generous that we were frequently invited to family dinners and soon came to know nearly all the citizens of the town. A recent writer in one of our daily papers stated that the town 156 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA as late as the early "seventies"" was a village of ''shacks boarded and battened." Nothing could be further from the truth, as most of the houses were neatly painted and some of them ((uite large. Awaj' out on the prairie, were three brothers, Asbury, Wil- liam, and Hugh Harrison, and their sister, ^Irs. Go- heen, who had moved from Illinois and built four large houses which are still standing; two on Nicollet Ave- nue, one on Seventh Street, and one on Second Avenue. Judge Atwater lived in a large brick house, surrounded by beautiful grounds, on the river bank : Dr. A. E. Ames had a tine large white house, with greenhouse and garden, on Eighth Avenue: J. B. Bassett had a large brick hou.se on North Washington Avenue; John Jackins occupied the block on which the Syndicate Block now stands; Charlie Iloag, the man who named ]\Iinneapolis, had a fine house and stable on Fourth Street Norlli; a Mr. Babbitt lived in a large brick house, still standing, at tlie corner of Tenth and Park Avenue: "Sir. Crafts lived in a large brick house where the Tribune building now stands; ^Mr. Hidden, in a large brick house on the site on which the Minneapolis Club byiilding was erected ; Deacon Harmon erected on his claim, near the Parade, a fine large house, and thei'e wei'e a niunber of comfortable one- and two- storied houses scattered through the towai. Nearly all of these houses, with the exception of the Harri- sons', were built on the claims their owners had made on Government lands. These men were great opti- mists, and they believed that Jlinneapolis would grow to be a large city in a short time. It was surprising the things they did in the few years after the Reser- vation was opened for settlement. They laid out two centers, built a hotel in lower town in competition with the Nicollet, and built a ])ridge at about Eighth Avenue Soutli. The rivalry between the two sections was very great and had not the lower bridge been destroyed by a freshet, it is hard to predict where the business center would be to-day. There never was a town settler! by a more enter- prising, cultured, hospitable people than was Minne- apolis; but alas! they could not realize that they were a decade ahead of the agricultural development of the State when thej' mortgaged their claims to build fine houses. The effects of the panic of 1857 came upon them like a cyclone, and wdth like effect, for their homes were swept away by the twelve to twenty-four percent mortgages, and w'hen I reached the town every one of the large houses I have men- tioned, except the four owned by the Harrisons, had fallen into the hands of the mortgagees and the places were for sale at a small percentage of the cost of tiie improvements. It may not be uninteresting if I quote a few of the prices placed upon property tliat was offered to me. The Jackins property, boundi'fl liy Nicollet and First Avenues. Fiftli and Sixth Streets, with a good two-story house, $8,000. The Crafts property, one acre on Fourth Street between First Avenue and Nicollet, with large brick house. $2,500. Large white hou.se on Nicollet, with one-fourth acre lot, $700. The two lots on which the Andrus block now stands, $500. and so on all through the town. Jolin Green preempted a claim and lived on it free from mortgage until his death, this property being now known as Green's Addition. J. S. Johnson also lived on his claim and platted it as John.son's Addi- tion. The home of Mrs. E. P. Wells, his daughter, and many other beautiful homes on Oak Grove Street and Clifton Avenue are on this original claim. Lor- ing Park and the site of St. jMark"s Church are also portions of it. The lake in Loring Park was long known as Johnson's Lake. From this lake quite a large stream flowed into Bassett 's Creek; it wa.s crossed by a bridge at Hennepin Avenue. The streets of the town were laid out as broad and the lots were, as large as was to be expected they would be by the large-hearted Col. Stevens and his associates, but the native trees and hazel-bushes grew in most of them and it was no easy matter to get from one section of the city to another. Parties were frequently lost in the winter in going to Pudge Atwater 's, who enter- tained frequently, as indeed did many other house- holders, and the houses were so scattered that the route to them was by a deviated course. The town was dead, very dead, but not the people. They were philosophical over their losses and were as cheerful and hospitable as if their dream of wealth had come true. There was but little money in circulation, and that w-as called "wildcat," and its value constantly fluc- tuated. If one took a bank note at night, it might be of little or no value in the morning. Trade was car- ried on very largely by "barter." It was said that shingles were a legal tender. The people had little or nothing to do, and they helped one another to do it. But provisions were very cheap and the farmers were always willing to take "store pay.'" Himl- quarters of beef were three cents a pound, eggs five and six cents a dozen, chickens three to five cents a pound, and maple wood from $2.00 to $2.50 a cord. I made an arrangement with the proprietor of the Nicollet to board my wife, two-year old boy, and my- self for six dollars a week for the three. This in- cluded laundry and fire. Fletcher had the best quar- ters in the house, and I the next. We were the only married people in the house, except occasiouall\' tran- sients who stayed a day or two. There were several young men boarders with whom we soon made acquaintance which lasted a life-time. We noticed that all the men we met were called by an abbreviated name. I did not hear one called "Mr." So and So, biit all were "Tom, Dick, and Harry." There was in one family *'Gene" Wilson, who became a noted lawyer and M. C; "Dave" Red- field, also a law;\-er of note; "^Fac," Hon. W. W. ^Ic- Nair, prominent in after years as a lawyer, business man. and politician; "Thompson," J. II. Thompson, who became a wealthy merchant, member of the City Council, etc.; "Fletch," Hon. Loren Fletcher, nu^r- ehant, political fighter for IMinneapolis, etc. Theie were a number of citizens who gathered at the hotel to learn if there was any news. Among them was "Jake" Sidel, who brought $20,000 in gold from Pennsylvania, and carried it about with him in a hand-bag several weeks before deciding to open a bank. He became, the first president of the First UASHIXinON A\ K. LudKIM; -\(IKTH FKU.M aU AVK. SULTH IX 1837 [i-Ji Ifillllillli; ijj h^ i.MMixiS(, >iii III i)\ w A>iii\(,r(iN AM) iK(i\i iii:\\Kri\ in i> HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JIINNESOTA 157 National Bank. A very iuteresting visitor was called "Bill" King, afterwards known as the Hon. W. S. King, M. C, the greatest "boomer" the eity ever had; no citizen did more than he toward laying the foundation of the present city. "Doril." ^lorrison became a wealthy lumberman and mill owner, and the first mayor of Minneapolis. He was engaged in lumbering when the "boom busted," and like the majority, owed a great many people, among them men who liad worked for him in the woods. One day a delegation waited on him and told him they were going to "lick"' him if he did not pay. He was a very dignified man. He faced the men and said; "All right, gentlemen; all right; if you can get any money out of my clothes, I wish you would. I have been trying to find some for two months." He did not get "licked" and the men did not get the money, as there was none, but he had a supply store and they took their pay in goods. Later, when the Northwestern Bank was organized, Mr. ]\Ior- rison was made its president ; business had improved, and there was more money in circulation, but his de- mands were larger than the supply and he constantly overdrew his account. The ca.shier said to him, "^Mr. Morrison, the directors think you ought not to give checks when your account is overdrawn." Mr. ^lor- risou replied: "Throw them out." The cashier re- plied : "It does not look well to throw out the checks of the president." "Pay 'em, then; pay 'em!" He lived to be able to own several banks. He was one of the most honorable men I ever knew, but he could "stave 'em off" when hard up. I once heard a gen- tleman who held a note of five thousand dollars against him say to Mr. ]\Iorrison, "Doril, you can never pay this note, give me a new note for fifty cents on the dollar and I will destroy this." Mr. Morrison replied, "If I can pay fifty cents you will still have a claim for twenty-five hundred dollars and I shall pay that, ' ' and he did within two years. There was a tall, muscular young fellow who seemed a favorite with every one. whom they called Braekett. There was great .iealousy between the citi- zens of St. Anthony and the "ujistart village" on the West Side, and occasionally when some of the "East Siders" celebrated, a number would come over the bridge with the avowed intention of "cleaning out" the ^Minneapolitans. Bridge Square was an open field on which there was many a skirmish be- tween the warriors of the two villages. George Braek- ett, his brother, and two Goff boys defended the honor of the younger city, and it was said they were al- ways victorious. George Braekett from that day to this has been fighting for Minneapolis, and as chief of the fire department, alderman, mayor and all around progressive citizen, has won every battle. A young, genteel gentleman who came to the hotel occasionally and was always in evidence on every public occasion, was called "Bill" Washburn. He was Surveyor General of Logs and agent of the JMin- neapolis Water Power Company. Tiiis company had built a dam and was ready for business, but there was no business. The first mill power that was util- ized was given to a man who established a small machine shop on the site. "Bill" Washburn was for many years known by his fellow citizens as the Hon. W. D. Washburn, legislator, member of Congress, U. S. Senator, railroad projector and builder, and lead- ing citizen. Isaac Atwater, who pre-empted a farm on the river bank and erected a house which for many years was the center of hospitalit.v, was a Justice of the Su- preme Court; "Bill" (W. W.) Eastman built the first paper mill and the first flour mill : E. S. Jones, one of the noblest of men, with J, E. Bell, organized the Farniin-s & IMechanics Savings Bank. J. E. and D. C. Bell had a small country store and they devoted much time to the up-building of the town. Frank Cornell, a young lawyer, became Justice of the Sn. preme Court. And so I might go on, naming so many good men I met in that winter of 1860-61, who in after life be- came prominent in political and commercial circles. It seems now that a large majority of the citizens of the village were men of rare abilit.v. Is it any won- der, that with such a start, ^Minneapolis became one of the most enterprising cities in the country? The business sect ion of the village was between the river and Second Street, and its buildings were cheap wooden structures, nearly all of one story with a scjuare front and as ordinary a lot as can be seen today in the smallest villages. During the winter, "Fletch," who had a small dry goods store near the bridge, proposed that I join him in business and purchase the largest building on Bridge Square, which proposition I accepted, and the firm of L. Fletcher & Company was organized. I had not been in business a great while before I found that my new' partner was a "sprinter." With "Gene" Wilson, "Dave" Redfield, "Pat" Kelly, and one or two others he would propose that we close the store and go out on the sf|uare and see the foot races. I .soon found that "Fletch" and "Gene" Wilson were the champions, with "Fletch" the favorite. Every- body closed their stores to go to the races. "Fletch" was so elated with his success on the square that he went into the race for a seat in the State Legislature and won, and for twelve years, two as Speaker, he fought for the interests of Minneapolis and his State. Then he made the race for Congress and, as iisual, won that, and for twelve years he worked as an ^I. C. for this city. State, and country, when he began to realize that younger men had aspirations for poli- tical powers, and he retired, after thirty years of valuable service. In the early part of the year 1860, a man from La Crosse named Winslow, conceived the idea of building a telegraiih line from his town to St. An- thony and Minneapolis. He solicited subscrii^tions from the to\\nis along the river and it was .said that he had quite a surplus left after he had finished. He sold the line to Simmons & Ha.skins, who owned a line from Jlilwaukee to La Crasse. The new owners visited Minneapolis and they decided to take down the wire between here and St. Paul, as the receipts were not enough to pa.v the salary of the operator. The merchants of JMinneapolis held a meeting and 158 HISTORY OF :\IINNEAPOLIS AND ITENXEPIX COUNTY. illNNESOTA arranged with the owners of the telegi-aph line to leave the wire and they would make np the amount the receipts were short of paying the salary. All were anxious to receive President Lincoln's inaugural message, but the operator refused to take it unless he was paid extra, so a purse of forty dollars was sub- scribed, and a large number of citizens sat up nearly all night and heard the message read. The next morning the operator disappeared, and we were with- out telegraph news for several days. After having decided to become a citizen of ilin- neapolis I hired a house, on the outskirts of the town, which at that time was considered one of the best in the village and for which I paid but six dollars a month rent. It is still standing on the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street. There were not over five or six hou.ses south of it and cattle were pastured on the prairie around it. At the breaking out of the War every yomig man who could do so enlisted and we saw the boys gather at Fort Snelling and embark on steamers for the South. Of the First Regiment but few returned. George Braekett went with them, and we lost his in- fluence for a time. The AYar caused a demand for flour and farm products; business improved and money became a familiar ob.iect again, but the Sioux Indian outbreak, in 1862, caused a panic among the residents of the village, and several sold their holdings for anything they could -get and left the State. It was predicted that it would be years before ]\Iinne- sota would recover from the eft'ects of the great In- dian Massacre. Day after day crowds of refugees swarmed into the city and had to be provided for. I saw two children whose wrists had been cut by the savages, and several men who were wounded. The Indians came within twenty miles of the village after their attack on Hutchinson, where a spirited little battle was fought. Our citizens prepared for the de- fense of Minneapolis, but fortunately the Indians turned westward and the danger was over. When the Government began paying bounties for soldiers money became quiie plentiful, and it was ex- pended with great prodigality. Women whose bus- hands had received the bounty and gone to the War, came in from the farms and purchased everj'thing that .struck their fancy. It .seemed as if they thought the first few hundred dollars they ever possessed would last forever. Business improved and the town began to grow. New people came into the village and upon the farms, but it was not until 1865 that there was much building. However, it did not take much to excite the enthusiasm of Minneapolitans. On Saturday evenings a number of the prominent business men of the town met at the office of McNair & Wilson to play "old sledge," or some other game, and incidentally talk over village affairs. This was really the first civic association in Minneapolis. One evening one of the club remarked that the town was growing and cited several men who had come with money to invest, and the talk became general. About this time "Jimmie" Cyphers, who had the only restaurant in town, a snuiH room 10x20 feet, served the usual Saturday evening refreshments to the Club. As the meal progressed some of the members became more and more enthusiastic about the growth of the town and rashly .stated that thej^ believed that some day th^re would be fifty thousand people in ]\Iinne- apolis. Another member said if that were to be so it was time to be looking out ground for a park. W. W. McNair said that one of his Eastern clients had twenty acres of land that he would sell for six thousand dollars and take certificates drawing 7 per cent in payment. It was decided then and there that a town meeting should be called for the purpose of considering this proposition. The meeting was held in a building on the corner of Washington Avenue and Second Street, owned by I\Ir. Dorilus Morrison, and was quite largely attended. There was a long discussion, in which one prominent citizen stated that there would never be a house south of Tenth Street, and that the whole coiuitry was a park; then, with vehemence, he declared that the young fellows who favored tlie purchase would ruin the town with their extravagant ideas. When the vote was taken the "young fellows" were in the ma- .jority, and the resolution to make the purchase was carried. The supervisors were instructed to issue the certificates, but they were opposed to the project and allowed the matter to go by default. This property is now bounded by Grant and Fifteenth Streets, and First and Fourth Avenues South. About this time Mr. H. G. Harrison built the stone building on the corner of Nicollet and Washington Avenues ; in the third story he provided a hall where for many years all the entertainments were held. One of the store-rooms in this building was taken by J. E. and D. C. Bell, and into it they moved their drj^ goods stock from Bridge Square. Nearly everj'one predicted their failure through getting so far away from the center of trade which was between First and Second Streets. But the young men who had participated in but survived the battles of the Soutla were returning, and their influence in building up the town was soon felt and business improved. The fame of the prosperous young frontier city reached the business centere of the country, and cultured young men came from the Eastern States to as.sist in making ^Minneapolis the Queen City of the West. In 1865 all the business buildings on the west side of Bridge Square were destroyed by fire, and in 1866 all on the east side of the Square were destroyed. The rebuilding of these stores brought many to the city and it was at this time that the structures now facing the Gateway Pai*k were erected. The.v were considered palatial ; that erected by Fletcher and Lor- ing was long known as "the Masonic Building" as all of the ]\Iasonic lodges were housed in its third story. There has not been a building erected since that time that created more favorable comment by the press and the people. John S. Pillsbury built a stone build- ing ad.ioining the Masonic Block and moved his hard- ware stock from St. Anthony into it. This same year he opened the State Fniversity whose windows had been boarded up several years, and until his death he was the honored president of its Board of Regents. HISTORY OF IMINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JONNESOTA 159 He was another son of New England, who as mer- chant, legislator, and Governor of the State, did noble work for the city of which he was so proud. It would not be possible to name all who have added renown and brought prosperity to our city, but I cannot refrain from mentioning a few who were most intimately connected with its development. The Regents of the University, in searching for a president, met iu the East a young Colonel of En- gineers who had served with distinction through the Civil War, and induced him to become the head of that educational institution which had been closed for several years. It was not a very tempting offer for an ambitious young scholar, but fortunately for the State, Dr. W. W. Folwell decided to assume the responsibility and began his work here under dis- couraging conditions, but these he overcame, and for nearly half a century he has been a power in the up- building of the city. Rev. Dr. James H. Tuttle, who came in 1866 as the pastor of the Church of the Redeemer, soon made his inlluence for good recognized. He served his clairch and worked for the interest of the city, and after twenty-tive yeai-s he resigned his pastorate and passed from this life in 1895. mourned and beloved by all who had ever met him. A tall, slim young man arrived in the city one day in 1867 and rented rooms over a store in a small wooden building situated on the corner of Second Street and Nicollet Avenue, and put up a modest sign, reading, "Thomas Lo^^Ty, Attorney at Law." As the rent of the rooms was rather beyond his means, he shared them with a young doctor, who came the same year, and whose sign read, "Dr. H. H. Kimball." Mr. Lowry became the president of the Twin City Electric Railway Company and president of the Min- neapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. ]\Iarie Railroad Company, and one of the most public-spirited, gener- ous, lovable of citizens. He passed to the other life in February, 1909. and the citizens are erecting a beautiful monument as a token of their love for his memory. Dr. Kimball is still practicing his profes- sion. Among the young merchants of the early days were two brothers, "Pat" and Anthony Kelly, who had a small grocery store on the corner of Second and "Washington Avenues, and who became the first whole- sale merchants in Minneapolis and did much to de- velop the trade of the Northwest. They often told of their first wholesale customer who came to the little store for a chest of tea. Take all they had in slock, and it would not amount to a chest, so they took what thej' had, purchased what they could from other grocers, and filled the order. Among the young men who came to ^linneapnlis to take up life's work was Thomas B. Walker; ener- getic, honest, and with great natural abilit.y, he grad- ually climbed the ladder of prosperity until he be- came one of its foremost citizens. His great work as president of the Library Board and in the encourage- ment of art and civic improvements will long be re- membered by future generations, and the several large buildings he erected will stand as monuments to his enterprise. In 1867, R. J. Mendenhall built the two-story stone building on the corner of First Street and Hennepin Avenue for his bank, at a cost of ten thousand dollars. This was considered an act of extravagance, and was unfavorably commented on by the patrons of the bank. This same year ]\[r. John W. Pence built, on the corner of Second Street and Hennepin Avenue, the brick building now .standing. The upper stories were finished as an auditorium and the building was called the Pence Opera House. The walls were of common white plaster and looked very cold and inhospitable.- An effort was made to have Mr. Pence decorate the walls, but he said the building had cost more than he had anticipated, and he could not afford to put in any more money. So a fund of .'fil,500 was rai.sed by subscription and the auditorium decorated, and we were very proud of our opera house. At the dedica- tion, Hon. W. D. "Washbuni delivered an address in which he congratulated the citizens upon having such a magnificent place of amusement, and upon the growth of the city. He predicted that, at the rate the city had grown in the past five years, it would not be long before it would contain 50,000 inhabitants. In 1872 the cities of Minneapolis and St. Anthony united as one municipality which began to grow with wondrous strides, and several young men were at- tracted to it and became active iu its development. From New York came George R. Newell, who en- gaged in business with H. G. Harrison, founding the wholesale grocery house now known as George R. Newell & Company, one of the largest in the North- west. Mr. Newell is one of the progressive citizens whose names may always be found among the list of workers for the improvement of the city. From Massachu.setts came John S. Bradstreet, who, more than any other, has led the citizens to higher ideals in the artistic embellishment of their homes. This influence in city building has been invaluable. ilr. E. J. Phelps joined Mr. Bradstreet. and for several years was a mem])er of the firm ; he retired to engage in banking and is now a prominent capitalist. He is a public-spirited citizen and, as president of the Board of Park Commissioners, is doing good service. Fresh from college came "Charle.y" Reeve, who engaged in banking business and soon became a gen- eral favorite as he still is, as General C. McC. Reeve, a title he earned and received during the War with Spain. "Jim" Gray, after graduating from the Univer- sity, took up newspaper work and was soon noted as a reporter who knew what he was writing about and he had the confidence of everyone. He is now the Hon. James Gray, ex-l\Iayor, near-Governor, and an interesting writer on the Journal. Wallace G. Nye, after learning the drug business in Wisconsin, heard that ^Minneai^olis was a thriving village, came to see if all the wonderful stories he had heard about it were true, aiul he saw and was con- quered, and started a drug store in North IMinHc- apolis. His neighbors soon learned the metal that- 160 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JIINNESOTA he was made of aiid elected him to various positions of trust, and now he is the progi-essive mayor of this progressive city. Then came William Henry Eustis, full of the breeze and energy he had imbibed from the ozone of St. Lawrence County, N. Y. He, too, became an ac- tive worker for the city of his adoption and wlieuever a strong man was needed to help in any project for the good of the community, the call was for Eustis. It was thought that he was needed as the head of the municipal government, and the people elected him to the office of i\Iayor. And now I am down to the year 1880, when the young fellows came in so rapidly and made places for themselves in the growing city that I could no longer keep track of them, and if I could, it would take a large volume to record the history of their success. But what of the pioneer women? It would be a pleasure to mention each individually and record the large part she played in the development of the city. First and foremost, the stranger was welcomed and made to feel at home, and one of my most grateful recollections is of their unbounded hospitality. As far as early conditions would permit they were en- gaged, too, in altruistic work of a public nature like women of the present day. There were manj' beauti- ful gardens in which flowers were growni, and as earl.y as 1866 a flower show was held in which nearly every lady took an active part. They organized church and social societies and entertainments for the young. x\ happier, more intelligent, and cheerful gi-oup of women never blessed a new country. The Minneapolis Improvement League, which is still doing active work, is the successor of one of these earlier organizations. Other improvement leagues and the Women's Ckib of today are the result of that spirit for civic better- ment which was born with the pioneer women. Nearly all of the pioneer workers have passed to the other shore, but those who have succeeded them imbibed their spirit and are continuing their work in such organizations as the fifty or more Improvement Leagues, the Commercial Club, the Civic and Com- merce Association, the Society of Fine Arts, and many other associations which have made Minneapolis what it is today, one of the most prosperous and beautiful of all the American cities. Was there ever another city with such a glorious past! The example that was set by the early settlers has been followed by those who came after them, and the future promises to be as bright as that of the past. The little village has growai to be a great city, and it is not so great a stretch of the imagination for the citizen of today to predict that, in a few yeai-s, llie population will exceed one million, as it was for those of 186.') to prophecy that some day there would l)e fifty thousand peoi)le in .Miinieapolis. EARLY ROLLER MILLS AND THEUi TREATMENT BY THE RAILROADS — BY GEORGE H. CHRISTL^N. The state of the art of milling wheat in 1870 in Great Britain was Ijchind tliat of Continental Europe. The English mill owner, inheriting his property, is apt to leave the mechanical conduct of his mill to suljordinates, who, .satisfled with following in the footsteps of their predecessors, are wont to set their faces steadily against new devices or machinery ; nor are liis common workmen the equal of the same class in America in the manipulation of machinery. The English public, too, were satisfled with their bread, ignorant of the better quality of the Continent. In 1870 the most important of the then new ma- chinery originated in France, and as it happened to be of a i)eculiarly difficult character to operate, re- quiring expei-t care, it was not adopted l)y tlie Eng- lish. In this country, knowledge of the art was de- rived from the British, and we were quite ignorant at that time of the progi'ess made upon the Continent. The hard spring wheat of ^linnesota was unflt for the old style milling: the greater force required to crush it ground up the bran to an important extent and darkened the flour. The improved method treated the wlieat l)y gradital reductions, and when in 1870 I was induced to try the French machinery and shortly after when I abandoned the traditional mill-stones, and adopted chilled iron rollers for re- ducing the wheat after the German method, I found the combination of the French and German improve- ments of peculiar advantage for ^Minnesota wheat. Meanwhile the New York and Boston markets had relegated the flour of the Northwest to a second or third place. They preferred the flour of the softer winter-wheat, some spring wheat millers even occa- sionally branding their flour as fi-om St. Louis, Mo., the headquarters of winter-wheat flour in those days of unregulated business ; Ijut after these improvements had been installed they preferred the Minneapolis flour, and its price, for the quality, at once sold at two to three dollars per barrel in advance. Tliis magic change was felt like an electric shock in iMin- nesota throiighout all kinds of Inisiness for wheat. The principal and almost sole agricultural product of the time, spring wheat, shared the advance of flour and the rapid development of the Northwest set in with ever increasing force. It was my fortune to be the first to inti-oduec this new process of milling in this country. It was done in the Wasli))urn ]Mills of Jlinneapolis, which I was operating under the firm name of George II. Chris- tian & Co.. and fi'om here its adojitioii spread over all the United States with wonderful rapidity, wliile the flood of improved flour from this country so filled England that the millers there were forced Xo take it up. Its use re(|uired a large reduction in the output of flour, rendering for several years the profits abnormal. This attracted the army of sharks wliicli haunt the patent office at Washington. They forthwitli pro- ceeded to take out patents for the machinery, easily finding a man who claimed to have invented if, and even patenting the very process of making flour from wheat. One cannot believe that .such patents shouhl liave been issued by the Patent Office, and can hardly believe that they were issued without nndue influence. All of file principal mills of the UnitiMl Stati's were sued for royaltv, and the Washburn r»Iills. in which HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 161 these iinprovemeiits first saw the light in tliis coun- try, were enjoined by the courts from making flour by tliis machinery and forced to give bonds for .$250,- 000. It cost several years of anxious effort and an expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars be- fore the mills of America were able to sliow the falsity and wickedness of these claims, but the patents were finallj' defeated. But resistance against such injustice was not the only trial which the flour manufacturer had to en- dure in those days. The law regulating interstate commerce had not then been framed, and railroad managers ran their roads as if they were their own personal property, and did not recognize the right of the public to complain of unjust preferences in mak- ing rates of freight. The general manager gave re- duced rates to favorites and to large shippers, and the scheduled rates were only applied to the unfortu- nates without influence or whose business was not large enough to attract favorable attention. When the general manager came to the city he was be- sieged by shippers of all classes asking for reduced rates that they might be in position to meet competi- tion or perhaps to crush it. Rebates were granted on every species of mei-chandise and not always for con- siderations of advantage to the railroad. No one knew what was the lowest rate, for all rebates were .SL'cret and paid at the headciuarters of the road. On one occasion the Chicago, ililwaukee & St. Paul Railroad which was the only railroad reaching from Minneapolis to Milwaukee or Chicago, put a wheat buyer on the streets of Minneapolis to buy of the farmers bringing their wheat by team to this mar- ket, erected a warehouse ^nd paid i)rices for wheat which were designed to destroy the milling business here. This was done because the millers sold me flour which I shipped at a period of high water by steamer from here via St. Louis and Pittsburg. The policy of that road was at that time distinctly hostile to i\linneapolis. It distributed agents along the ilinne- sota Valley Railroad (now the C. ^M.. St. P. & Omaha Ry. ). between Shakopee and JMankato, to buy wheat and ship it to Milwaukee at a time when wheat was exceedingly scarce and the millers could not get near enougli to supply their trade with flour. Their agents paid prices which made wheat cost the ilinneapolis inilli-rs. who bought in competition, ten to fifteen cents ])er Imshel more than the ^lilwaid^ee price, (then the govei'ning wheat market) less the established rates of freight, while the millers were obliged to pay the freight to Milwaukee or Chicago, as high as eighty cents per barrel of flour, more than it often costs to ship to Liverpool, England, in these da.ys. The Minnesota Valley Railroad had its general ofYices in St. Paul and regarded itself as a St. Paul enterprise. It allied itself with the Milwaukee Road in the purchase of wheat, giving that road, without doubt, a large rebate from its scheduled tariff to ]\rendota. where it joined the ^lilwaukee, while the ^linneapolis millers had to pay its full tariff. Never- tlieless when I complained at a nu'ctiiig between its President, its General Freight Agent, and my- self of this discrimination, the General Freight Agent said, "Why do you Minneapolis millers buy wheat on our road? We don't want you!" Such was the hostility felt by St. Paul railroads towards Minneapolis merchants. This same road owned tliu grain elevators for receiving and storing wheat along its line. It gave to this man their manage- ment and agreed to let him have what he could make, he guaranteeing that the railroad should be at no loss. In those days no wheat was shipped to this city except it had been previously bought by the mill- ers, who bought direct of farmers' teams, placed the wheat in these elevators, and obtained a receipt for it. The wheat was mingled with other wheat of the same grade and when the miller had accumulated a car load it was shipped to i\Iinneapolis. When the wheat arrived here and was weighed out, it was generally short more than a normal amount, and in some cases as high as one hundred bushels per car of the quanfit.y the railroad agent (who was also the elevator agent) had billed as shipped. No reclam- ation for this shortage could be obtained. Without doubt when all wheat was shipped at the end of the season to the various millers and others, the elevator at each station was found what is technically called "over," or with a quantity of wheat accumulated by this rascally method, to the profit of the agent or some one else. There was a quantity of wheat in a St. Paul ele- vator one winter and I was anxious to buy it and bring it to Minneapolis to grind. There was no published tariff on wheat to ^Minneapolis from that city. I called upon the general manager of the St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, now the Great Northern, and asked for a rate. After much hesitation I was given a rate which evidently he thought prohibitive. I immediately accepted it, but before I could get out of the office I was informed by this St. Paul par- tisan, with a round oath or tM'o, that the rate was withdrawn and that the railroad would not carry wdieat from St. Paul to Minneapolis at any price. This wheat, be it remembered, lay at the eastern terminal of the road ; there was no mill in St. Paul to grind it, and the railroad manager could not ex- pect to earn further freight from it, for it must pass east by the only route, the river, at the opening of navigation. Hatred of IMinneapolis was paramount to his duty to his stockholders. I was asked by the general manager of the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad, now the St. Paul & Duluth, to go down to Lake City, Red Wing, and other points on the IMississipjii where there were grain warehouses, to buy the wheat stored there, Jiave it brought to Stillwater by boat, and from there he promised his road would bring it to Minneapolis, at a reasonable rate. This I did. The sclieilnled rate, a prohibitive one, was however collected, with an understanding that the freight department would refund me the difference. I sent in my account but could get no response. This road was leased hy tiie Northern Pacific. T began to hear ominous rumoi's of the financial condition of tlie Northern Pacific aHd urged my claims the harder, without efi'eet. The 162 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA amount involved was large and at last, in despera- tion, I unloaded the last of my wheat on that road (it was a large quantity) at the end of the season of water navigation and refused to pay the freight. Suit was commenced against our firm, but in a short time the company concluded to carry out their agree- ment and the suit was withdrawn. Soon afterwards the road was in the hands of a receiver. The local freight agent of the same road received, through error of the bookkeeper, from me an over-payment, but nothing was said about it. nor did I discover it until an employe of the railroad agent was dis- charged who came to me saying. '"When rogues fall out honest men get their due," revealing the mis- take, when, of course, the money was returned. In those days free passes for travel were generally dis- tributed to tho.se whose good will was thought of advantage to the railroad. Judges of the court truv- eled on these passes. We relied upon the territoiy covered by the St. Paul & Pacific for the greater part of our wheat. That road owned in Minneapolis a grain elevator near the corner of Washington Avenue and their tracks. Tliis elevator received all the wheat con- signed to Minneapolis millers. It was weighed in, hut the railroad refused to weigh it out or be respon- sible for an equal weight delivered. A grain bin was a.s.signed to each consignee. The miller hauled the wheat as he needed it. On one occasion a carload of mine was carelessly dixmped by the railroad agent into my neighbor's bin. The railroad refused to re- fund or to call on my neighbor to refund, who foimd his wheat was over what I was short. It seemed a hopeless thing to sue the road as they held ray re- ceipt for the wheat, for they always required a re- ceipt liefore the wheat was touched. I therefore an- nounced I would receipt for no more wheat until I had verified the count upon hauling it out. The railroad company refused to let me have any more wheat unless receipted for before hauled. I let my wheat remain with the railroad company until the constantly arriving stream filled the elevator, and the unloaded cars covered all their tracks. They then notified me that double storage rates would b° charged on all my wheat to that time and I could have my wheat except a few thousand bushels which tliey would hold as a test. Wlieu I got ready to grind it I replevined it and sued for damages. The lower court decided that it was a reasonable regula- tion to make one sign even before an opportunity to verify could be had. The .judge added that if I did not like the regidation I need vnt &)(!/ wheat on the line of that road! I appealed to the Supreme Court, and of course the .iudgment of the lower court was reversed. I got my wheat and the railroad paid damages. This leads to the reflection, What a change in the attitude of railroad managers the Interstate Commerce law ha,s wrought and the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, to-wit : that railroads are the servants of the people and can be compelled to do their duty. Respected judges, schooled in the practice that railroads were an irre- sponsible power, could join with railroad managers in dictating to the troublesome public, either to ser- vilely submit to arbitrary injustice or cease to do business ! Indeed it was not uncommon for a railroad man- agement to attempt to destroj- a business or a city, as we have seen. A superintendent of the only rail- road reaching to the Lake ports told a firm of terri* fied Jlinneapolis millers that he would make grass grow in front of their mill door, because I shipped flour down the river by boat which I Imd bought of them. If one should make this threat now he would not be pleased with his treatment. I well remember with what misgivings the first enactment of the In- terstate Commerce law was received l)y the public in general. It was generally predicted that the reign of the mob had commenced and property was no longer sacred. As a matter of fact the regulation of railroads has been an inestimable blessing. ;\Ian when he is possessed of irresponsible power is a ratlier despicable creature. • EXCERPT FROM "THE PIONEER WOODSMAN AS HE IS RELATED TO LUMBERING IN THE NORTHWEST." BY GEORGE H. WARREN. The relationship of the pioneer woodsman to lum- bering in the Northwest can best be told l)y narration of events as they occur in his daily life. These, how- ever, are so varied, that only an excerpt of a more complete retrospection I have written on the subject, may here be given. In order that his unique duties may be fairly under- stood, I invite the reader aiong on the journe.v of the pioneer woodsman, from comfortable hearthstone, from family, friends, books, magazines, and daily papers, and to disappear with him from all evidences of civilization and from all human companionship save, ordinarily, that of one helper who not infre- quently is an Indian, and to live for weeks at a time in the unbroken forest, seldom sleeping more than a .single night in one place. The woodsman and his one companion must carry cooking utensils : axes, raw provisions of flour, meat, beans, coifee. sugar, rice, pepper, and salt ; maps, plats, l)Ooks for field notes : the simplest and lightest possible equipment of surveying implements; and, lastly, tent and blankets for shelter and covering at night to pro- tect them from storm and cold. Some incidents of daily life, as they occurred to me, will be shown to the reader in this condensed recital. In the summer of 1874, I went to the head waters of the Big Fork River with a party of hardy frontiers- men, in search of a section of country, which was as yet unsurveyed by the United States Government, and which should contain a valuable body of pine timber. Having found such a tract of land, we made arrange- ments through the Surveyor-General's office, then located in St. Paul, to have the land .surveyed. The contract for the survey was let bv the TTnited States Government to Mr. Fendall G. Winston, of Minne- apolis. I met Mr. Winston and his assistant survevors at HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, JIINNESOTA 163 Grand Rjipids about the middle of Au^ist. There were uo roads leading into the country that we were to survey, and, as our work would extend nearly through the winter, it was necessary to get our sup- plies in sufficient quantity to last for our entire cam- paign, and take them near to our work. This was accomplished by taking them in canoes and boats of various sorts. Our first water route took us up the Mississippi River, into Lake Winnibigoshish, and from that lake on its northea.sterly shore, we went into Cut-foot Sioux, or Keeskeesdaypon Lake. From this point we were obliged to make a four-mile portage into the Big Fork River, crossing the Winnibigoshish Indian Reservation. From an Indian encampment on this reservation, at the southwest shore of Bow String Lake, we hired some Indians to help pack our supplies across the four-mile portage. Before half of our sup- plies had been carried across the portage, the Indian chief sent word to us by one of his braves, that he wished to see us in council and forbade our moving any more of our supplies until we had counseled with him. Although the surveyors were the agents of the United States Government, for the sake of harmony, it was thought best to ascertain at once what was uppermost in the eluef's mind. That evening, a conference was held in the wigwam of the chief. First, the chief filled full of tobacco a large, verj' long stemmed pipe, and, having lighted it with a live coal from the fire, took the first Avhiff of smoke; then immediately passed it to the nearest one of our delegates to his right; and thus the pipe went round, until it came back to the chief, before anything had been said. The chief then began a long recital, telling us that the Great Father would protect them in their rights to the exclusive use of these lands. The chief said that he was averse neither to the white man using the trail of his people, nor to his using the waters of the rivers or lakes within the boundaries of the reservation, but. if he did so, he must pay tribute. In answer to his speech, the chief surveyor of our party, Feiidall G. Winston, replied that he and his men had been sent to survey the lands that belonged to the Great Father, and, that in order to reach those lands, it was necessary that his people should cross the reservation which the Great Father had granted to his tribe : nevertheless, that they felt friendly to the Indians: that if they were treated kindly by himself and his tribes-men, they should have an opportunity to give them eonsideralile work for many days, while they were getting their supplies across his country to that of the Great Father, where they were going to work during the fall and winter: and that they would also make him a present of a sack of flour, some pork, some tea, and some tobacco. He was told, too, that this was not necessary for the Great Father's men to do, but that they were willing to do it, provided that this should end all claims of every nature of the chief against any and all of the Great Father's white men, whom he had sent into that country to do his work. This having been sealed with the chief's emphatic. "Ugh," he again lighted the pipe, took the first whiff of smoke, and passed it around. Each, in token of friendship, did as the chief had already done. This ended the conference, and we were not again ques- tioned as to our rights to pass over this long portage trail, which we continued to use until our supplies were all in. As nearly as I can now recall, our force was made up of the following men: Fendall G. Winston, in ■whose name the contract for the survej' was issued; Philip B. Winston, his brother: Hyde, a j'oung engi- neer from the University of Minnesota; Brown, civil engineer from Boston; Coe, from the Troy Poly- technic School of Engineering; Charlie, a half-breed Indian; Franklin, the cook; Jim Flemming, Frank Hoyt, Charlie Berg, Tom Jenkins, George Fenimore, Tom Laughlin, Joe Lyon, Will Braekett, Miller, and myself. Flemming, poor fellow, was suffering with dysentery when he started on the trip. On reaching Grand Rapids, he was no better, and it was thought best not to take him along to the frontier, so he was allowed to go home. Miller was not of a peace loving disposition, and, having sho^vu this characteristic early, was also allowed to leave the party. It was best that all weak- lings and quarrelsome ones should be left behind, because it was easily foreseen that when winter closed in upon the band of frontiersmen, it would be difficult to reach the outer world, and it would be unpleasant to have any in the party that were not, in some sense, companionable. Considerable time was consumed in getting all of our supplies to headquarters camp, which consisted of a. log cabin. The first misfortune that befell any one of our party came to Frank Iloyt, who one day cut an ugly gash in the calf of his leg with a glancing blow of the ax. The cut required stitching, but there was no surgeon in the party. Will Braekett, the youngest of the party, a brother of George A. Braekett, and a student from the University, volunteered to sew up the wound. This he did with an ordinary needle and a piece of white thread. The patient submitted with fortitude creditable to an Indian. Some plastic salve was put on a cloth and placed over the wound, which resulted in its healing ton rapidly. Proud flesh appeared, and then the ■(^'isdom of the party was called into requisition, to learn what thing or things available could be applied to destroy it. Goose quill scrapings were suggested, there being a few quills in the posses- sion of the party. Braekett. however, suggested the use of some of the cook's baking powder, because, he argued, there was sufficient alum in it to remove the proud flesh from the wound. "Dr." Braekett was considered authority, and his prescription proved effectual. Hoyt was left to guard the provision camp against possible visits from the Indians, or from bears, which sometimes were known to break in and to carry away provisions. It is never necessaiy for surveyors M'hose work is in the timber, nor for timber hunters, to carry tent poles, because these are easily chosen from among the small trees : yet nine of our party, one time in October, with the rain falling fast and cold, found themselves, at the end of the four-mile Cut-foot Sioux Portase. on a point of land where there were no poles. All of the timber of every description had been cut 164 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA down and used by the Indians. The Indian chief and several of his family relations lived on this point. They had built the house of poles and cedar bark, in the shape of a rectangle. Its dimensions on the ground were about twelve by twenty feet; its walls rose to a height of about five feet ; and it was covered by a hip roof. Our party must either obtain shelter under this roof or must get into the canoes and paddle nearly two miles to tind a place where it could pitch its tents. At this juncture, the hospitality of the Indians was demonstrated. The chief sent out word that we should come into his dwelling and remain for the night. The proffer was gladly accepted. When we had all assem- bled, we found within, the chief and his squaw, his daughter and her husband; the hunter, his squaw, and two daughters, besides our party of nine, making a total of seventeen human beings within this small en- closure. A small fire occupied a place on the ground at the center of the structure^ an ample opening in the roof having been left for the escape of the smoke and live sparks. Indians can always teach their white brothers a lesson of economy in the use of fuel. They build only a small fire, around which, when inside their wigwams, they all gather with their usually naked feet to the fire. It is a physiological fact that when one's extremities are warm, one's bodily sufferings from cold are at their minimum. Our party boiled some rice and made a pail of coffee, without causing any especial inconvenience to our hosts, and, after having satisfied hunger and thirst, the usual camp fire smoke of pipes was indulged in, before planning for any sleep. Our party had l)eeu assigned a portion of the space around the open fire, and our blankets were brought in and spread upon the mats that lay upon the earth floor. The additional presence of nine Indian dogs had not previously been mentioned. Before morning, however, they were found to be live factoi-s, and should be counted as part of the dwellers within the walls of this single room. They seemed to be nocturnal in iuibit. and to take an especial delight in crossing and re- crossing our feet, or in trying to find especially cozy places between our feet and near to the fire, where Ihey might curl down for their own especial comfort. It was not for us, however, to complain, inasmuch as the hosintality that had been extended was sincere; and it was to be remembered b.v us that it was in no way any advantage to the Indians to have taken us in for the night. Therefore, we were truly thankful that our copiier-colored friends had once more demon- sti-ated their feelings of humanity toward their white lirothers. The.\' had been subjected to more or less inconvenience by our presence, but in no way did they make this fact manifest by their actions or by their words. The rain continued at intervals during the entire night, and it was with a feeling of real grati- tude, as we lay upon the ground, and listened to it, that we thought of the kindly treatment we were re- ceiving from these aborigines. In the morning we of- fered to pay them money for our accommodations, but this they declined. They did, however, accept some meat and some flour. The pine timber lying east of Bow String Lake, and included in the survey of 1874 and 1875, was all trib- utary to waters running north, into the Big Fork Eiver, which empties into the Rainy River. Levels were run across from Bow String Lake into Cut-foot Sioux River, and considerable fall was found. The distance, nearly all the way, was over a marsh. It was shown that a dam could easily be thrown across from bank to liank of the river at the outlet of Bow String Lake, and by thus slightly raising the water in the lake, plus a little work of cleaning out portions of the distance across the marsh, from Bow String Lake to Cut-foot Sioux, the timber could be driven across and into the waters of the ^Mississippi River. All of this engineering was before the advent of logging rail- roads. However, before the timber was needed for the ilinneapolis market, many logging railroads had been built in various localities in the northern woods, and their practical utility had been demonstrated. When the time came for cutting tliis timber, a logging rail- road was constructed to reach it. and over its tracks, the timber was brought out, thus obviating the neces- sity of empounding the waters of Bow String Lake. Our frail lurch canoes had been abandoned as cold weather approached', and we had settled down to the work of surveying. Sometimes, however, we came to lakes that must be crossed. This was accomplished by cutting some logs, and making rafts by t>'ing them to- gether with withes. Sometimes these rafts were found insufficiently buoyant to float above water all who got upon them, so that when they were pushed along there were no visible signs of anything that the men were standing on. When on a raft, Hyde was always afraid of falling off, and would invariably sit down upon it. This subjected him to greater discomfort Ihan other members, but as it was of his own choosing, no one raised any objection. On one occasion, when the raft sank muisually deep beneath the water, one of the party who had attended Sunday school in his youth and remembered nnicli of his Bible, said, ' ' I wonder if this is the way Christ walked on the water." One day, several of the party had gone to the supply camp to bring back some provisions which the cook had a.sked for. Returning, not by any trail, but directly through the unbroken forest, we fouiul ourselves in a wet tamarack and s])ruce swamp ; and, although we believed we were not far from the camp where we had left the cook in the Tuorning. wc were not certain of its exact location. Mr. F. G. Winston said he thought he could reach it in a very short time, and suggested that we renmin where we were. He started in what he liclit'ved to be the direction of the camp, saying that lie would return in a little while. We waited until the shades of night began to fall ; and yet he did not come. Preparations w'ere then made to stay in the swamp all night. The ground was wet all around us. nor could we see far enough to discern any dry land. We commenced cnttiuEr down the smaller trees that were like poles, and with these poles, constnicted a plat- form of sufificicnt dimensions to afford room for four men to lie down. Then another foundation of wet logs was made, on which a fire was kindled, and by the HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 165 fire, we baked our bread and fried some bacon, which constituted our evening meal. A sack of flour was opened, a small place within it hollowed out, a little water poured in, and the flour mixed with the water until a dough was formed. Each man was told to pro- vide himself with a chip large enough on which to lay the piece of dough, which was rolled out by hand, made flat, and then, having been placed in a nearly upright position against the chip in front of the fire, was baked on one side ; then turned over and Iniked on the other. In the meantime, each man was told to provide him- self with a forked stick, which he should cut with his jack-knife, and on it to place his piece of bacon and cook it in front of the fire; thus each man became liis own cook and prepared his own meal. There was no baking powder or other ingredient to leaven the loaf — not even a pinch of salt to flavor it. But the owner of each piece of dough was hungry, and. by eating it immediately after it was baked and before it got cold, it was much better than going without any supper. The following morning the party resumed its journey, and met I\Ir. Winston coming out to find it. He had found the cook's camp, but at so late an hour that it was not possible for liim to return that night. After leaving Grand Rapids about the middle of August, we saw very few white men for many months following. In October, on our survey, local attraction was so strong on part of our work, that it was neces- sary to use a solar compass. This emergency had not been anticipated ; it, therefore, became necessary to go to ^Minneapolis to secure that special instrument. Philip B. AVinston, afterwards mayor of Minneapolis, and I started in a birch canoe, and in it made the whole distance from our camp on Bow String Lake to Aitkin, Minnesota, on the Mississippi, the nearest railroad station. We were in Minneapolis but two days, when we returned, catching the steamer at Aitkin, and going up the Mississippi to Grand Rapids, the head of navigation for steamboats. ('a]itain John Martin, of Alinneapolis, the well- known lumberman and banker, wished to return with us for his final fishing trip in open water, for that season. He fished successfully for a number of days, and. at the end of each da,v. personally prepared and cooked as fine a fish chowder as anyone would ever wish to eat. On the da.v of his departure, I took thi' Captain in my canoe, and landed him on the four-mile portage with an Indian escort who was to take liim to Gi'and Rapids, whence he would return by steamer to Aitkin, a station on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. I was left alone in my canoe and must return to camp, crossing the open water of Bow String Lake. On my arrival at the main lake, the wind had in- creased its velocit.y, and the white-caps were breaking. I hired an Indian, known as "the hunter.'' to help me paddle across the lake and up a rapid on a river flowing into Bow String, up and over which it was not possible for one man to push his canoe alone. The animal payment to the Indians by the United States Government was to occur a few days subse- quentl.v, at Leech Lake, and the Indians were bu.sy getting i-eady to leave, to attend the payment. The hunter's people were to start that day, and he seemed to realize, when half way across the lake, that, owing to our slow progress, because of the heavy sea, he would be late in returning to his people at camp. He said so, and wished to turn back, but 1 told him that he must take me above the rapid, which was my prin- cipal object in hiring him. After sitting stoically in the bow of the canoe for a few moments, he suddenly turned about, and, drawing his long knife, said in Chippewa, that he must go back. I drew my revolver and told him to get down in the canoe and paddle, and tliat if he did not, he would get shot. There was no further threat by tlie Indian, and we made as rapid progress as possible over the rapid, landing my canoe — his own having been trailed to the foot of the rapid. Both stepped ashore. Then he said in Chip- pewa, "]\re bad Chippewa; white man all right;" and bidding me good-by, hurried off to his canoe at the foot of the rapid. Captain Martin was the last white man that any one of our party saw for four months. Winter closed in on us before the beginning of November. The snow became very deep, so that it was absolutely necessary to perfonn all of our work on snowshoes. The winter of 1874 and 1875 is shown to have been the coldest winter in Minnesota, of which there is any record, be- ginning with 1819 up to, and including, 1913. The party was mostly comnosed of men who had had years of experience on the frontier, and who were inured to hardship. With a few. however, the experi- ence was entirely new, and, except that they were looked after by the more hardy, they might have per- ished. As it was, however, not one man became seri- ously ill at any time during this severe winter's campaign. The compass-man's work that winter was rendered very laborious from the fact that his occupation made it necessary for him, from morning until night of every day, to break his own path through the untrodden snow, for it was he who was locating the line of the survey. I was all of the time running lines in the in- terior of the .sections, following the work of the sur- veyors, and choosing desirable pine timber that was found within each section. I had no companion in this work, and thus was separated most of each day from other members of the part.v. but returned to tlie same camp at night. In the morning, each man was furnished by t);e cook, with a cloth sack in which were placed one or two or more biscuits, containing within slices of fried bacon and sometimes .slices of corned beef. also, prv- haps, a doughnut or two. This he tied to the belt of his jacket on his back and carried until the lunch hour. Ordinarily a small fire was then kindled, and the luncheon, which generally was frozen, thawed out, and eaten. Under such mode of living, every one returned at night bringing an appetite of ample dimensions. One of the most acceptable of foods to such men at the supper hour was bean soup, of a kind and quality such as a cook on the frontier, alone, knows how to prepare. Plenty of good bread was always in abun- dance at such time. Usually there was also either 166 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA eorued beef or boiled pork to be had by those who wished it; generally also boiled rice or apple duiiip- liugs, besides tea aud coffee. The work of the froiitiereiiian is more or less hazard- ous in its nature, and j-et bad accidents are rare. Oc- casionally a man is struck by a falling limb, or he may be cut by the glancing blow of an ax, though he learns to be very careful when using tools, well knowing that thei'c is no surgeon or hospital near at hand. Some- times in the early winter, men unaccompanied, yet obliged to travel alone, drop through the treacherous ice aud are drowned. Few winters pass in a lumber country where instances of this kind do not occur. One day, when alone, I came near enough to such an experience. I was obliged to cross a lake, known to have air holes probably caused by warm springs. The ice was covered by a heavy layer of snow, consequently I wore snowslioes, and before starting to cross, cut a long, stout pole. Taking this firmly in my hands, I macle my way out on the ice. All went well until I was near the opposite shore, when suddenly the bot- tom w-eut out from under me and I fell into the water, through an unseen air hole which the snow covered. The pole I carried was sufficient in length to reach the firm ice on either side, which alone enabled me, after much labor, impeded as I was by the cumbersome snowshoes, to gain the surface. The next ab.solutely necessary thing to do, was to make a fire as cpiickly as possible, before I should become benumbed by my wet garments. The survey went steadily on, the snow aud cold in- creased, and rarely was it possible to make an advance of more than four miles in a day. Frank Hoyt re- mained at the warehouse and watched the supplies whicli wore steadily diminishing. One day, Philip B. Winston, two men of the crew, and I, set out to the supply camp to bring some provisions to the cook's camp. The first day at nightfall, we reached an Indian wigwam that we knew of, situated in a gi-ove of liard wood timber, near the shore of a lake, directly on our route to the supply camp. Our little party stayed with the Indians and shared their hospitality. It was a large wigwam, covered principally with cedar })ark, and there was an additional smaller wigwam so close to it, that a passage way was made from one wigwam to the other. In the smaller wigwam, lived a young Indian, his s(|uaw, and the squaw's mother; in the larger wigwam lived the chief, his wife, his daughter, son-in-law, and the hunter, his wife, and two daughters, all of whom were present except the hunter. There was an air of expectancy noticeable a.s we sat on the mats around the fire in the wigwam, after having made some coffee and eaten our supptu- outside. Presently the chief informed us that an heir was looked for that evening in the adjoining tent. Before nine o'clock, it was an- nounced that a young warrior had made his appear- ance, and all were happy over his arrival. The large pipe w!is brought forth, filled with tobacco, and, after the chief had taken the first smoke, it was passed around to their guests, and all the men smoked, as well as the married women. The next morning, we continued our journey across the lake and on to Hoyfs camp, where, it is needless to say, he was glad to see some white men. Their visits were rare at his camp. Filling our packs with things the cook had ordered, we started on our return journey, arriving at the Indian camp at nightfall. As we left the ice to go up the banks of the lake to the wigwams, we met the mother of the young warrior who had made his first appearance the preceding night, going down to the lake with a pail in each hand to bring some water to her wigwam. The healthy yuung child was brought into the wigwam and shown to tile members of our party, who complimented the young mother and wished that he might grow to be a Brave, woi-thy to be chieftain of their tribe. That evening a feast had been prepared at the chief's wigwam, in honor of the birth of the child, to which our party was invited. The menu consisted principally of boiled rice, boiled muskrat, and boiled rabbit. The three principal foods, having been cooked in one kettle and at the same time, were served as one course, but the guests were invited to repeat the course as often as they desired. This invitation was accepted by some, while others seemed satisfied to take the course but once. I have always found the hospitality of the Chippew-a Indian unsurpassed, and more than once, in my frontier experiences, I have found that hospitality a godsend to me and to my party. It was in the month of February, 1875. when the surveying party completed its work east of Bow String Lake, and finished, one afternoon, closing its last lines on the Third Guide Meridian. At the camp, that afti'rnoon, preparations were being made for a gen- eral move of considerable distance. It is not always possible for the frontiersman to reach his goal on the day that he has planned to do so. An instance in point occurred next day, when our surveying party was moving out to Grand Rapids. The snow was deep and the weather intensely cold when we broke camp that morning, hoping before nightfall to reach one of Hill Lawrence's logging camps. Some Indians had been hired to help pack out our belongings. Our course lay directly through the unbroken forest, with- out trail or blazed line, and the right direction was kept only by the constant use of the compass. All were on snowshoes, and those of the party who could be depended upon to correctly use the compass, took turns in breaking road. Each compass-man woiild break the way through the snow for half an hour, then another would step in and break the way for another half hour, and he in turn would be succeeded by a third compass-man. This change of leadership was contiimed all the way during that day. About the middle of the afternoon, the Indians threw down their packs and left our party altogether, having become tired of their jobs. This necessitated dividing up the Indians' packs and each man suf- ficiently able-bodied taking a part of these abandoned loads in addition to his own pack; and thus we con- tinued the journey. Night was fast approaching, and the distance was too great to reach the Lawi-ence camp that night. HISTORY OF .rilNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA 167 Fortunately, there were some Indian wigwams not far in advance. These we reached after nightfall, and, as our part.v was vei-y tired and carried no pre- pared food, we asked for shelter during the night with the Indians. They soon made places wliori; our men could spread their blankets around the small Hre in the center of the wigwams. Then we asked if we could be served with something to eat. We received an affirmative "Ugh," and the squaws commenced preparing food, which consisted solely of a boiled rabbit stew with a little wild rice. It was once more demonstrated that hunger is a good cook. After hav- ing partaken of the unselfishly proffered food, and, after most of our party had smoked their pipes, all lay down about the fire, and fell asleep. Even the presence of Indian dogs, occasionally walking over us in the night, interfered hut little with our slumbers. The next morning our party started out without break- fast, and by ten o'clock reached the Lawrence camp, where the cook set out, in a few minutes time, a great variety of food, and an abundance of it, of which each man partook to his great satisfaction. From Lawrence camp we were able to secure the services of the tote team that was going out for sup- plies, which took our equipment through to Grand Rapids. From that point, we were able, also, to hire a team to take our supplies to the Swan River, crossinji which, we went north to survey two townships, which would complete the winter's contract. It has been stated that this winter of 187-4 and 1875 was the coldest of which the "Weather Bureau for ilin- nesota furnishes an.v history. Besides the intense cold, there were heavy snows. Nevertheless, no serious in- jury or physical suffering of long duration befell any member of our band of hard.y woodsmen. Not one of our number was yet thirty years old, the youngest one being eighteen. Two only of the party were mar- ried, Fendall G. Winston and myself. On leaving Grand Rapids in August, we separated ourselves from all other white men. The party was as completely separated from the outside world as though it had been aboard a whaling vessel in the Northern Seas. No letters nor connnunications of any kind reached us after winter set in, until our arrival in Grand Rapids in the month of February following. Letters were occasionally written and kept in readiness to send out by any Indian who might be going to the nearest logging camp, whence they might bv chance be carried out to some post office. Whether these letters reached their destinations or not, could not lie known by the writers as long as they remained on their work, hidden in the forest. I had left my young wife and infant daughter, not yet a year old. in Minneapolis. Either, or both misht have died and been buried before any word coidd have reached me. It was not possible at all times to keep such thoughts out of my mind. Of course every day was a busy one, completely filled with the duties of the hour, and the greatest solace was found in believ- ing that all was well, even though we could not eom- nnmicate with each other. As I recall, no ill befell any one of the party nor of the partv's dear ones, dur- ing all these long weeks and months of separation. Evei-y man of the jiarty seemed to become more rugged and to possess greater endurance as the cold increased. It became the common practice to let the camp fire burn down and die, as we rolled into our blankets to sleej:) till the morning hour of arising. Not every night was spent in comfort, however, though ordinarily that was the average experience. The le.ss robust ones, of whom there were very few, sometimes received st)ecial attention. Long living around the open camp fire in the winter months, standing around in the smoke, and accumu- lating more or less of the odors from foods of various kinds being cooked by the open fire, invariably result in all of one's clothing and all of one's bedding be- coming more or less saturated with the smell of the camp. This condition one does not notice while living in it fi-om day to day. Imt he does not need to be out and away from such environments for more than a few hours, before he becomes personally conscious, to some degree, that such odors are not of a quality that would constitute a marketable article for cash. On arriving in ^Minneapolis at the close of the winter's campaign, without having changed our garments— as we had none with us that had not shared with us one and the same fate — ilr. P. B. Winston and I engaged a hack at the railroad station, and drove to our respective homes. It was ■ Mr. Winston 's domicile that was first reached, and it happened, as the driver stopped in front of his house, that his fiance. Miss Kittie Stevens, (the first white child born in Sliinieapolis), chanced to be passing by. Of course their meeting was unex- pected to either, but was a pleasant and joyous one, though somewhat embarrassing to Mr. Winston. The wind was blowing, and I noticed that he took the pre- caution to keep his own person out of the windward. He had been a soldier in the Confederate Army, and I smiled with much satisfaction as I observed his splen- did maneuver. On meeting me next day, Mr. Winston inquired Avhether his tactics had been observed, and, being as- sured that they had, he said that that was the eml)ar- ra.ssing moment for him, for he did not know but that the young ladj' might have considered that she had just grounds for breaking the engagement. Both of us. however, knew better, for she was a young lady possessed of a large degree of common sense and love- liness. The young people later were married, ]Mr. AVinston liecoming mayor of Minneapolis, remaining always, one of its best citizens. Often afterwards, in- cidents of that winter's experience, a few of which have been herein recorded, wei'e gone over together with great pleasure b.v the parties interested. The occupation of the pioneer woodsman as he is related to lumbering in the Northwest is one which demands many of the highest attributes of man. He nnist be skillful enough as a surveyor to always know which description of land he is on, and where he is on that description. He must be a good judge of tim- ber, able to discern the difference between a sound tree and a defective one, as well as to estimate closely the ((lumtify and qualit.v of lumber, reckoned in feet, board measure, each tree will likely produce when 168 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTS*, MINNESOTA sawed at the mill. He must examine the contour of the country where the timber is, and make calculations how the timber is to be gotten out, either by water or by rail, and estimate how much money per thou- sand feet it will cost, to bring the logs to market. The value of the standing pine or other timber in the woods is dependent on all of these conditions, which must be reckoned in ai-riving at an estimate of the desirabil- ity of each tract of timber as an investment for him- self, or for whonisoeverhe may represent. Possessing these ((ualifications, he must also be hon- est; he must be industrious; he must be courageous. He must gain the other side of rivers that have no bridges over them, and he must cross lakes on which there are no boats. He must find shelter when he has no tent, and make moccasins when his shoes are worn and no longer of service, and new ones are not to be obtained; he must be indefatigable, for he will often be tempted to leave some work half finished rather than overcome the physical obstacles that lay between him and the completion of his task. On the character of this man and on his faithfulness, his honesty, his conscientiousness, and on the correct- ness of his knowledge concerning the quality, quantity, and situation as to marketing the timber he examines, depends the value of the investments. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are invested on the word of this man, after he has disappeared into the wilderness and emerged with his report of what he has seen. The requisitions of manhood for this work are of a very high degree, and, when such a man is found, he is entitled to all of the esteem that is ever accorded to an honest, faithful, conscientious ca.shier, banker, or ad- ministrator of a large estate. CHAPTER XVIII. THE BANKING INTERESTS OF THE CITY. SKETCHES OF SOME OP THE IMPORTANT AND TYPICAL BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES OP MINNEAPOLIS THE PIRST NATIONAL THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL THE SECURITY NATIONAL MINNEAPOLIS TRUST CO. MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST CO. — THE STATE INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS FARMERS AND MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK — SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL METROPOLITAN NATIONAL — ST. ANTHONY FALLS BANK — THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS — THE GERMAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL — EAST SIDE STATE BANK. The first bank at St. Authony was established by Richard Martin, in 1854; later the same year Far- iniin & Traey started. The first bankers on the west side of the river were Simon P. Snyder and Wm. K. McFarlane, who came in 1855. They not only estab- lished a banking house with ample capital but en- gaged somewhat extensively as dealers in real estate. They did a great deal for the advancement and pi'og- ress of the young city. C. H. Pettit came also in 1855 and founded the second bank in Minneapolis proper. From the very fir.st years after they came into existence the local banks have operated for good to an extent surpassing the money exchanges of almost every other American city. The chief factors in the development, growth, and prosperity of Minneapolis have been its mills and other factories, and these could not have succeeded but for the banks. Following are notices and sketches of a few of the banks of the city, leading in their character and ri-garded with great favor in the public estimation. The few mentioned here are typical and representa- tive of the whole number. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. The First National Bank of Miiniea])i>lis was founded under circumstances of more than ordinary romance and adventure, and the history of the insti- tution is in brief and by implication that of the re- gion in which it is located. The sum of .^10,000, on which it was founded, was lirought bv stage in 1857 to what was then the little village of Minneapolis. The money belonged to J. K. Sidle, a young man from the city of York, Pennsylvania, and he brought it for the purpose of starting a liank. He secured the as- sistance of Peter AVolford in the enterprise, and to- gether they established a private bank under the firm name of Sidle & AYolford. which carried on a flour- ishing business for a short time before being incor- porated as a State institution under the name of the Alinneapolis Bank. In 1864, in obedience to a call from President Lincoln, banks all over the country hurried to nation- alize under a new banking law then recently passed by Congress. The Minneapolis Bank made applica- tion for a charter under which to work as the First National Bank of Jlinneapolis early in the year, but it was not until December 12, that year, when the application was perfected and the capital was all paid in. The first stockholders and directors were J. K. Sidle, H. G. Sidle, Henry Sidle, G. Scheitlin, Loren Fletcher, D. C. Bell. E. A. Veazie, Anthony Kelly, E. B. Ames, Capt. John Martin, and W. A. Penniman. J. K. Sidle was elected president and H. G. Sidle cashier. Later Geo. Pillsbury became a stockholder and director, serving until his death. The last statement of the IMinneapolis Bank, made on Mav 31. 1864, showed resources amounting to $126,960.03, a capital stock of $60,000, and depos- its aggregating $41,922.92. The First National Bank began business with a capital stock of $50,000, which was increased to $100,000 in 1872, to $200,000 in 1874, to $600,000 in 1878, to $1,000,000 in 188(1, and to $2,000,000 in 1903, the sum at which it now stands. In 1894 F. M. Prince was elected cashier, and in January, 1895, vice president, being suc- ceeded in the eashiership by C. T. Jaffray. At the same time Captain John Martin was elected presi- dent. On the death of Captain Martin, in 1904. Hon. John B. Gilfillan was elected president. But after two years Mr. Gilfillan was nuide chairman of the board of directors and Mr. Prince was elected presi- dent. The officers of the bank in 1913 were: F. ^I. Prince, president; C. T. Jaffray, A. A. Crane, George F. Orde and D. Mackerchar, vice presidents ; H. A. Willoughby, cashier, and G. A. Lyon and P. J. Leeman, assistant cashiers. The board of direct- ors consists of: J. B. Gilfillan. chairman; George C. Bagley, Earl Brown, E. L. Carpenter, R. H. Chute,- Hovey C. Clarke, A. E. Clerihew. Elbridge C. Cooke, Isaac" Hazlett, Horace M. Hill, W. A. Lancaster, A. C. Loring, John D. McMillan, John H. Mc^Millan. S. G. Palmer. E. Pennington, Alfred S. Pillsbury. Charles S. Pillsburv, R. R. Rand, John Washburn, F. B. Wells, A. M." Woodward, F. M. Prince, C. T. Jaffray, A. A. Crane, and George F. Orde. In 1906 the bank built its present banking house at the corner of First Aveinie South and Fifth Street, in the center of tlie business district of the city. The building has a frontage of 165 feet, is forty feet high, and is especially worthy of coin- mendation for its excellent light provisions. The floor space of the main banking room contains 15,000 169 170 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA square feet, and the institution is fully equipped in the most modern stjie for its work. In addition to the usual departments of business conducted by banks, the Fii-st National has an equipment of safety deposit vaults; a ladies' department, with a rest room for this class of its patrons and other provision for their comfort; a savings department, and a foreign exchange department. It was one of the first banking institutions in the country to distribute a portion of its earnings each year to every member of its staff. This it does by crediting to the account of each man the l)onus allowed annually for ten years and paying interest on the fund thus accumulated, which ma- tures and the whole amount becomes payable at the end of that period. It has also established a pension fund for its employes whereby each of them, after he has served fifteen years from his twenty-first birthday, is entitled to a pension if he becomes in- capacitated, or he may retire on his pension wheu he reaches sixty years of age. In case of his death his family receives a definite amount of care and assistance from the bank. The institution has long realized that a large part of its business success is due to the proficiency of its emplo.yes, and has felt it a duty to give them a part of what they help to earn. This enterprising and progressive institution, which is one of the leaders in the banking business in the country, will in 191-i celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. It has done its whole duty in aiding the development and progress of the Northwest, and done it well. The aggregate of its resources is now nearly $35,000,000, and the volume of business it transacts is enormous No financial panic, however widespread and generally disastrous, has ever .shaken its firm foundations or seriously disturbed its prog- ress; and no "wild cat" or speculative project, how- ever spectacular and alluring, has ever been given any consideration by it. The bank has kept on the straight line of legitimate lianking operations, with- out variation or shadow of turning, except as the pas- sage of time has brought about new departments and facilities for its patrons, and now it is impregnable in its ma.ssive strength and without reservation of any kind or degree in the faith and regard of its immense body of well satisfied patrons. THE NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK. The people of Minneapolis and its ever-widening business zone are fortunate in having always avail- able banking facilities that are ample, quickly re- sponsive to the community's needs, and adapted to its specific wants. Such facilities are furnished, to an extensive degree, by the Northwestern National Bank. In times of misfortuiie it has loyally served its community, and, at all times, its management, while exercising prudence and an essential conser- vatism, has supplied with a spirit of liberal accom- moilation every legitimate requirement. To an institution of good size and attainment there is sometimes given the honor of reflecting upon its city and territory a certain distinction, one which may serve, in a measure, as a return for benefits re- ceived. This gratification has in recent years been afforded the Northwestern National Bank. It lies in the fact that the institution has niateriallj' raised the financial rank of ^linneapolis among the cities of the United States. In point of population the city ranks eighteen; in a comparison of all national banks showing deposits of $25,000,000 and over, Minne- apolis, by means of the record of this bank, assumes eleventh place. This fact was fir.st made apparent by the publication in the "Wall Street Journal, in October, 1913, of a list based upon this classification. Among all the national banks of the country the Northwestern ranked thirty-third. Another item of national comparison may be cited. Consequent upon the consolidation of the National Bank of Commerce and the Swedish American Na- tional Bank with the Northwestern, in 1908, and its affiliation with the Minnesota Loan and Trust Com- pany in 1909, the association became "the largest financial institution in the West north of a line drawai from Chicago through St, Louis to the Pa- cific," This territory, it may be explained, does not include the city of San Francisco, It was in April, 1872, at the Nicollet House, where many meetings of much future import were held in those early days, when the fii'st meeting of sub- scribei's for stock in the proposed new bank took place. The men who came together upon that occa- sion were prominent in the early afiairs of Minne- sota, or destined later to achieve such prominence. They chose as directors, Dorilus Morrison, AYilliam Windom, C. M, Loring, Clinton Morrison, C, G. Coodrich, Henry T. AYelles, Anthony Kell.v, and C. H. Pettit. William Windom. eminent in national politics (being at that time a United States Senator), subsequently became a member of President Gar- field's Cabinet, and, in 1899, Secretary of the Treas- ury vmder President Harrison. Thomas Lowry, who was afterwards president of the Soo Road and of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, acted as secretary of this first meeting. Dorilus ]\Iorrison was elected president of the new bank and S. E. Neiler cashier. The name chosen, the Northwestern, was sug- gested by the name of the wide territory that the institution was destined later to serve — the North- west, It has apparently been an inspiration through- out its existence, as the growth of this territory, re- markable though it has been, has been accompanied by a parallel growth of the bank a.ssuming its name. In September, 1872, the new institution opened its doors to the public. The location that had been chosen as the most advantageous site in the financial district was 100 Washington Aveiuie South, The capital had been placed at $200,000, but this amount sufficed for a few years only. It was increased in 1876 to $300,000, and at varving periods thereafter, as th(> need aros;\ to $500,000, $1 ,000,000, $1 .250,000, .$2,000,000, and finally, in 1909, to .$3,000,000. Its present capital, surplus, and undivided profits are $5,698,000. Towards the close of the '80s the volume of the HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 171 bank's busiuess had increased to the point of over- taxing the offices at Washington Avenue. Following the up-towu tendency they were removed, therefore, in 1891, to the newly completed Guaranty Loan, now called the ^Metropolitan Life, building. In the year following, 1892, the institution was granted its sec- ond charter. This renewal, besides indicating the pa.ssing of a twenty-year pei-iod of its life as a na- tional bank, marked the close of a first epoch of very substantial progress, and the beginning of a second even more notable. Its deposits had increased from !{!50.000 to $3,000,000. :Minneapolis had grown rapidly, having arrived at a population of 200,000. The strategic location of the city and its increasing railway facilities were making it the important mar- ket of the Northwestern States. As for the North- west, the eyes of the whole nation were attracted by its vast development. The bank had, indeed, already experienced a growth during its first twenty years that justified the compreliensive name, the Northwestern, chosen liy its founders. Through the agency of its leading spirits, its career had been closely identified with tliat of its territory. The storj- of the reclamation of Missis.sippi water power at Minneapolis, of the modernization of the milling industry and the estab- lishment of its international supremacy in the Flour f'ity. 111' thi' I'liibliiiof up ol' N'ortbwestern grain, lum- ber, and mercantile businesses, is epitomized in such names, taken from the list of the bank's directors, as Van Dusen, Pillsbury, Janney, Peavey, Welles, liackus, ilorrison, Dunwoody, and W\Tnan. Further, the institution developed an unusual amount of striking financial talent. S. A. Harris, entering the bank in 1879, .spanned in nine years all the offices from assistant cashier to president. James B. Forgan and David R. Forgan, each .join- ing the management in the capacity of eashier. one in 1888 and the other in 1892, have attained national reputations, James B. Forgan being now (in 1914) president of the First National Bank of Chicago, and David R. Forgan the president of the National City Bank of the same city. Gilbert G. Thorne. who was elected cashier in 1896. is now vice president of the National Park Bank. New York. Edward W. Decker, entering the service in 1887, and Joseph Chapman in 1888, both as raessengei'S, now hold th(^ office of president and vice president in the bank of their first choice. As for junior talent, it is said that there have been more young men graduating from this bank to official positions in Northwestern banks than from any other bank in the United States. The roll of the presidents of this first charter period records that Dorilus Morrison was succeeded in 1873 by H. T. Welles. ]\Ir. Welles served thirteen years, being followed by S. A. Harris, who was suc- ceeded in turn liy George A. Pillsbury, in 1890. Among the directors elected during this twenty-year jK'riod were W. H. Dunwoody, Woodbury Fisk, Thomas Dowry, Winthrop Young, J. A. Christian. Anthony Kelly, M. B. Koon, F. H. Peavey, G. W. Van Dusen, 0. C. Wyman, and T. B. Janney. A season of national financial depression was ushered in by 1893, the first year following this epoch of great beginnings. The Northwestern, thanks to the soundness of its policies and the wisdom of its management, withstood the ordeal with excep- tional success. At the close of the year Mr. David R. Forgan, in the customary annual report of the cashier, made the following statement: "The past year has been a trying one. Not only had extraordin- ary care to be exercised in loaning money, but the financing, while New York banks had virtually sus- pended, was a constant worry. So many banks were failing all over the country that the ordinary routine work of sending checks and collections became a re- sponsibility recpiiriug the most careful watching. The fact that we passed through the panic without losing a dollar, a check, or a collection by a susjiendcd bank, I think not only reflects credit upon the man- agement, but shows that every member of the staff attended to his duties and followed his instructions carefully and intelligently." During the few years of national stagnation that attended this difficult year in 1893, it is significant that the deposits of the Northwestern not only maintained their high level but that they showed a steady increase. When gen- eral conditions at length became normal, the growth was rapid. As a matter of fact, the second charter period, from ]892 to 1912, was a time of extraordinary growth for the institution. It acquired, indeed, a national reputation, its consolidations with other banks, as has been .stated, assisting in thus raising its prestige among the great banks of the country. These consolidations may be noted as follows: On March 11, 1902, diiring the able administration of James W. Raymond, (who succeeded Geo. A. Pills- bury as president in 1898) the Northwestern pur- chased the business of the Metropolitan Bank of Min- neapolis. By its last statement before the sale, the Metropolitan showed a capital stock of $200,000, surplus and undivided profits .$24,431.43, and indi- vidual deposits $1,188,049.7.5. Again, on June 6, 1908, the directors passed, a resolution expres.sing the advisability of the purchase of the business of the National Bank of Commerce. Three davs latei- this purpose was consummated. The capital of the ac- (fuired bank was $1,000,000, surplus $500,000, with a deposit liability of $6,6.50,036.67. On November 28th of the same year, the business of the Swedish- American National Bank was also taken over. The capital of this institution was $500,000. surplus $350,- 000 and its deposits, at the close of business on the dav of sale, were $3,769,619.15. In a report to the .shareholders at the close of 1908. the year of these latter two consolidations, Edward W. Decker, then vice president, marked it as a won- derful .year in the liistorv of the bank: "The yeai- has been in some respects the most importa)it in our history. We began it with deposits of $12,900,000: we clo.se with deposits of $25,.500,000. " One more item is necessary to comidete the record of the alliances of this bank with other institution.s. The accommodations afforded by the functions of a 172 HISTORY OF MINNEAl'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA trust eompauy being found to be an increasing need with a bank of its now commanding size, overtures looking towards an affiliation were made to the Min- nesota Loan and Trust Company at about this time. These efforts were successful and the desired affilia- tion was accomplished in 1909. the result being that the usefulness of both institutions was largely in- creased. Midway in the course of this second twenty-year pei-iod, it was again found necessary to look for more commodious qunrters. In 1902 ground space was leased on First Avenue South, now Marquette, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The new building that was erected thereon was completed in the sum- mer of 190-1, and on July 25 of that year the busi- ness was transferred to the new offices. The build- ing is of steel skeleton fireproof construction. The facade is built of white (Jeorgia marble; Italian marble is used in the interior, and the wood finish- ings are executed in Honduras mahogany. The affili- ated Minnesota Loan and Trust Company occupies the connecting first floor of the adjacent Northwestern Bank building, a six-stoi"y structure acquired l)y the bank in 1909. This property is situated on the im- portant Marquette and Fourth Street corner. The third charter, which served to mark the bank's fortieth anniversary, was received in 1912. This anniversary year was imposingly opened liy a banquet given on January 4, at the Minneapolis Club in honor of President William II. Dunwoody and Vice President Martin B. Koon. ]\Ir. Dunwoody had been elected to the presidency in 1903, succeed- ing James AY. Raymond, anil had been a director since 1876. while Judge Koon first entered the serv- ice of the bank in 1881 as director and liad held the oflSce of vice president since 1903. The banquet was especially noteworthy for the presence of men of high position in financial and commercial life, heads of great industries, and men of eminence in educa- tional and professional life, from all over the United States. This mark of honor was singularly timely. for only a stiort time later occurred the death of Judge Koon. and, two years later, tliat of his col- league. Shortly after this gathering at the Jlinneapolis Club, Jlr. Dunwoody was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors. He was succeeded in the presi- dency by Edward AY. Decker, who. though still a young man, had long been connected with the hank, having .ioined the staff as a boy twenty-five years previously. After the death of Air. Dunwoody. February 8, 1914. Oliver C. AYyman, President of the widely known firm of Wyman. Partridge & Company, and for twenty- two years a director of the Northwestern, was elected chairman of the board. The present officers (in 1914") are Edward W. Decker, president; Joseph Chapman and James A. Tiatta. vice presidents; Alex- ander V. Ostrom, cashier; Robert E. Macgregor, Huntington P. Newcomb, William M. Koon. S. H. Plummer, and Henry J. Riley, a.ssistant cashiers. As indicative of the extent of the business of this bank a writer in the Outlook in March, 1912. may be quoted: "Every one whom I consulted on bank- ing matters." .says the writer, '"named the North- western National Bank as the largest and most in- fluential of its class. As the Northwestern carries open accounts with hundreds of county banks scat- tered over the big territory between Wisconsin and the Pacific, its books furnish as fair an index as can be found anywhere, not only of the existing state of business in the concrete, but of popular feeling as well." Tile total Minneapolis bank clearings for 1913 were $1,312,000,000. To compare this amount with the Northwestern 's, it may be stated that the clearings of the latter were, during tlie same year, $422,000,000, or nearly one-third of the total. This figure was an increase for the bank of thirty-eight millions over its previous highest total. A more complete idea of the bank's business, however, is given in its total volume of business, by which term is meant the aggregate of all credits entered on its books for a specified time. In 1913 "this figure amounted to .'f;l,982,000,000, or nearly two billion dollars. This narrative of the Northwestern National, as is the case with all bank narratives, necessaril.y runs much to names and statistics, but to the reflective reader these details are highly significant. Between the lines runs a story of vigorous, progressive enter- prise coupled with that wise discretion that builds a bank success. In the phrase "established in 1872," which phrase is sometimes used to characterize the bank, is condensed a world of meaning. It implies strength and victory, bitter fights against pioneer con- ditions, and .siiccess over the obstacles imposed on the banks of a generation and more ago. The vic- tories of the Northwestern have sei"ved chiefly to harden its fiber into greater strength. That this liank's duty towards its stockholders has been generously performed is shown by the fact that dividends averaging over eight per cent annually, or more than five and a half million dollars, have been paid since its organization. Dividends have never been passed. To the public the bank has al- ways endeavored to give the benefit of a banking .service of the highest excellence. Among other items evincing this service it may be noted that a ladies' department, for many years a deseiwedly popular feature, was established in 1901. In 1905 a savings department was established, tlie Northwestern being tlie first of the national banks in Alinneapolis to make this development. That a special care has been shown towards its employes is instanced by the pension system inaugurated for their benefit in 1911. THE SECURITY NATIONAL BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS. Messrs. T. A. Harrison, H. G. Harrison, and William M. Harrison, brothers, after a long busi- ness career in St. Louis and its vicinity came to Minneapolis in the later fifties and soon thereafter engaged in the lumbering liusiness. On the death of William, about 1875, the two surviving lirothers dis- continued the lumbering business, and having had extended experi(>nce as directors and olTicers of Itanks in Belleville, III, St. Louis, Mo., the First National HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 173 Bank, St. Paul, and in Minneapolis banks, tliey de- cided to start a new bank in ^Minneapolis. They en- listed the cooperation of several of the leading busi- ness men in the city and organized the Security Bank of ilinnesota, a State bank, which opened for busi- ness January 2, 1878, on the northwest corner of Hennepin Avenue and Third Street, with a paid in capital of $300,000 and with a board of seven direct- ors: T. A. Harrison, president; H. G. Harrison, vice president; Joseph Dean, cashier; C. E. Vander- burg, J. M. Shaw, Franklin Beebe, and W. W. Mc- Nair, directors. The Security Bank soon had a fair share of the banking business of the city and within three years had increased its paid-in capital tirst to .ii400,000, then to .'^1,000,000. It continued to occupy the bank- ing building on the corner of Third Street and Hen- nepin Avenue until 1890 when it reiuoved to the Guaranty Loan Building, on Second Avenue South and Third Street, where it continued until the fall of 1906 when it removed to its present quarters in the Security Rank Buildi'ig. The Security Bank of Min- nesota was conducted under its state charter as a State bank until June 1, 1907, when, pursuant to the laws of the United States, it was converted into a national banking association under the name the Security National Bank of ^linneapolis, and has since been operated as a national bank. The stockholders from the tirst were careful to select conservative men for directors and officers of the liank and there have been few resignations. In addition to a Board of Directors, the officers of the Security Bank consist of a president, four vice presidents, a casliier and three assistant cashiers. All of the present officers of the bank have been many years in its service. jNIr. Perry Harrison has the longest record of continuous service, having entered the bank's employment in 1878 as messenger. The connection of the present officers with the bank is, briefly stated, as follows: F. A. Chamberlain: — Pi-esident from 1892 to 1915. F. G. AVinston: — Vice President from 1911 to 191o. Perrv Harrison : — Vice President from 1898 to 1915. E. F. Jlearkle :— Vice President from 1895 to 1915. J. S. Pomerov: — Vice President from 1913 to 1915. Fred Spatt'ord :— Cashier from 1913 to 1915. George Lawther: — Assistant Cashier from 1905 to 1915. Stanley H. Bezoier: — Assistant Cashier from 1907 to 1915. ■ Walter A. Meaeham: — Assistant Ca.shier from 1911 to 1915. MINNEAPOLIS TRUST COMPANY. Among the financial institiitinns that meet a n-al and growing demand in the cf.mmtinity and (hat are important factors in aiding to push forward the de- velopment and improvement of the city, the IMinncap- olis Trust Company occupies a prominent position and commands attention by the strong hold it has upon the confidence and regard of the community and the conservative and careful ])usiiiess methods whereby it secures and maintains that hold. This useful and progressive institution was founded in 1888 and had its otrices in the Kasota Building, at the corner of Hennepin Avenue and Fourth Street, until 1894 and for a number of years thereafter on the corner opposite at 331 and 333 Hennepin. It was organized by one hundred of the leading citizens of Minneapolis, its tirst official staff consisting of Samuel Hill, president; Thomas Lowry, first vice president ; H. G. Morrison, second vice president ; Clarkson Lindley, seci'ctary and treasurer, and these gentlemen, together with James J. Hill, H. F. Brown, A. F. Kelly, Daniel Bassett, Isaac Atwater, A. H. Linton, C. G. Goodrich and Charles A. Pillsbury constituted its first Board of Directors. The capital stock of the company at the beginning of its operations was $500,000.00. It is now $1,000,- 000.00, and the present surplus (1913) is $100,000.00. The officers at this time are : President' and trust officer, Elbridge C. Cooke; vice president and treasurer, Robert W. Webb; vice presidents, James S. Bell, C. T. Jaffray, William G. Northup ; secretary, D. I. Case ; assistant secre- tary and treasurer, Benjamin Webb; assistant trust officer, A. B. Whitney ; assistant treasurer, H. 0. Hunt. Its Board of Directors is composed of the following : Howard S. xVbbott, James S. Bell, E. L. Carpenter, Hovey C. Clarke, John Crosby, Wm. H. Duuwoody, Isaac" Ilazlett, James J. IlilC C. T. Jaffray, J. K. Kingman, Cavour S. Langdon, W. A. Lancaster, W. C. Leach, F. W. Little, W. L. Martin, Wm. 6. North- up, A. F. Pillsbury, Geo. F. Piper, P. M. Prince, John Washburn, F. B. Wells, Elbridge C. Cooke, Ben- .jamin Webb, Robert W. Webb. The offices of the company are now at 109 Fifth Street South. A new building is in course of erec- tion between its present location and the New York Life Building. During the erection of that building the company will occupy temporary offices in the New York Life Building, as during the construction of its new safety deposit vaults the transaction of business in its present quarters will be rendered im- possible. When completed the new safety deposit vaults of the company will be thoroughly up to date. Con- tracts have been let to the Diebold Safe and Lock Co., and the vault construction will be most modern in every resjiect as to shell, electric protection, steel lin- ing, doors, time locks, etc. The boxes will be of more generous size than those usually furnished and will be equipped with interchangeable locks such as are now being put in in the best institutions in the country. The resources of this large and growing institution aggregate a total <;f over one million and a half dollars, inclucling a guaranty fund with the State Treasurer of a quarter of a million dollars. This guaranty fund stands as a surety for the faithful performance of its duties in all its fiduciary relations and is accepted b.v the State of Minnesota in lieu of bonds. The company does no banking business and its de- mand liabilities are practically nothing. Its trust obligations are rej)rcsent(Hl by deposits in 174 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA various banks in its name as trustee and by secvirities held by it in its name as trustee in each particular trust. The names of the men at the head of it furnish suffi- cient guaranty of its ability to carefully and honestly manage its business and to meet everj' requirement of conservative and legal investment of the funds in- trusted to it. The nature of this company 's business and the key- note of its policy is conservation of accumulated wealth. And to this end it acts as executor, administrator, guardian, and trustee and is thoroughly equipped to manage estates and to make investments, having well organized bond, farm loan, and city loan depart- ments. Its real estate department is under efficient man- agement and is equipped to care for the real estate business of the company in its various trust capaci- ties and for all clients who desire to transact their business in connection with real estate with a re- liable, efficient, and financially responsible agent. The history of the company has been one of growth. Its first and most important department is for the execution of tnists. It has added various depart- ments, necessary to enable it to properly carry out its trust functions. The policy of the company is well defined in this regard, and it believes that the public desires and will sustain a trust company in this community that is not complicated in any way with commercial bank- ing or the risks incident thereto. MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. This institution, founded on May 1, 1883, was the first trust company organized northwest of Chicago. Its founders composed the law firm of Koon, Mer- rill & Keith, with Eugene A. Merrill, the firm's senior member, as the originator and leading .spirit of the project. The company was organized in 188.3, as has been stated, with Mr. Merrill as president, George A. Pillsbury as vice president, and Edmund J. Pheljjs as secretary and treasurer, these gentlemen also being directors. The other directors at the beginning were : Thomas A. Harrison, Theodore B. Casey, John M. Shaw, Samuel A. Harris, Mart B. Koon, Joseph H. Thompson, Anthony Kelly, Frederick W. Brooks, Robert B. Langdon, ]\Iortimer L. Higgins, Valentine G. Hush, and Nelson F. Griswold. Mr. Phelps retired as secretary and treasurer in 1892 and was succeeded by F. M. Prince, now president of the First National Bank. The company has had a profitable business from the .start, and, as the rates of interest have been higher upon the same classes of securities in the West than in the East, it has succeeded in attracting a laree amount of Eastern capital to the city of Minneapolis and the State of 'Minnesota. Its reputation as a care- ful and judieinus investment corporation has stead- ily grown Tintil the present time, and during the more than thirty years of its history it has done a larger business in investing Eastern capital, and Weste'rn capital also, than perhaps anj' other corporation in the Northwest. In the meantime, the company's business of acting as trustee, for which it was primarily organized, has increased with the growth of estates in the city and State; and it is in this field that the public is more benefited by the careful management and financial strength of the corporation than in any other. That this fact is appreciated is evidenced by the great num- ber of trusts which have already been satisfactorily administered by it as well as by the steadily increas- ing number and size of those which are committed to its care and management. The original capital stock of the company was $200,000. This was increased in the second vear of its history to .1!300.000, and in 1885 to $500,000, fully paid. In 1909 the company affiliated with the North- western National Bank, and at that time its capital was increased to $1,000,000. In addition it now has a surplus of $250,000. ]\Ioreover, the two institutions have a combined capital and surplus of $6,890,299.75, and deposits aggi-egating $31,302,630.43. Mr. Merrill continued as president of the company for twTnty-.seven years, and since his retirement fro>n that office he has served as chairman of the board of directors. The active officers in 1913 were : E. W. Decker, president ; W. A. Durst, A. M. Keith, vice presidents; H. L. Moore, secretary and treasurer; H. D. Thrall, assistant secretary; I. W. Chambers, assist- ant treasurer; S. S. Cook, cashier, and J. R. Byers, assistant cashier. In the course of its business, with the view of mak- ing itself as broadly and practically useful to the community as possible, this great institution has establi.shed a safe deposit department. This has proven to be so popular and highly appreciated that it now has a greater number of patrons than any othei city. A money deposit department has also been established, which allows interest on savings and i:i- active accounts. The deposits in this department at this time aggregate $3,000,000. The conservatism of its board of directors and the prudent and judicious management of its affairs which characterized the earlier years of the com- pany's activity have continued throughout its his- tory, and. with its enlarged cajiital and clientele, and its affiliation with the richest and most influential and imposing national bank in the Northwest, its jiresent business and rate of growth are greater than at any previous period. All tiiist funds and investments are kept separate and apart from the assets of the company, and every precaution is taken for the pro- tection of every customer in evei-y way and to the fullest possible extent. These facts, however, are so well known that there is scarcely any need of stating them here, and none at all of dwelling on them. THE STATE INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS. This well-known bank is regarded throughout the State as one of the safest, soundest and mast progress- ive savings institutions in the Northwest. It has a paid-up capital of $400,000, which is iowr times that HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 175 of any other bauking iustitution iu the State devoted exclusively to savings. It contiues its business wholly to handling savings, on which it has for 25 years paid four per cent interest. These features give it special advantages in caring for the class of accounts it car- ries, and protecting those who have them. The men in charge of its business are of superior ability and well trained iu this particular line of banking. The funds of the bank's depositors are invested entirely in real estate mortgages, and the institution is under rigid State inspection and supervision. All the officers and directors are under bonds, guarantee- ing the faithful performance of their duties. The bank is wholly a IMinneapolis enterprise and transacts its business in a very handsome and imposing build- ing of its own, built by Minneapolis labor, and located at 517 Firet Avenue South. The bank was founded in 1888 as a mutual savings institution and in 1899 it was capitalized at $400,000. Its first officers were: Dr. W. A. Hall, president; W. E. Johnson, vice president ; II. E. Fairchild, secretary and treasurer: and they, with George E. Bertrand, Howard "W. Field, James D. Shearer, C. H. Chikls, James W. Plain, and John W. Knight, were directors. The present guarantee fund of the institution amounts to $200,000, and its resources aggregate more than $1,000,000. In the management of its business and the treat- ment of its patrons this bank is up to date in every particular. Its officers are men of affairs, keenly alive to all the ins and outs of banking, and well trained in their work. They know just how to secure the largest and readiest returns from any outlay. Every employe is strictly required to show the utmost courtesy and consideration to every patron and give prompt and efficient attention to every call, whether the account involved be large or small. All are also under rigid injunctions to fully explain to inquirers all features of the business. In consequence of this policy and the general wisdom of its management, the business of the bank has grown to very large propor- tions and its reputation is high and widespread. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK. This institution has existed for forty years. Ac- cording to an official statement made by the board of trustees at its beginning, its object is "to provide a perfectly safe depo.sitory for savings and to invest such savings in the best securities. It will receive no biisiness accounts, nor will it transact a general bank- ing business." As an evidence of the care and pru- dence with which the institution is managed, its regu- lations require that investments of deposits be made only in the authorized securities prescribed by the laws of the State of IMinnesota, which investments are examined regularly by the public examiner of the State. The strict manner in which the regulations are obeyed, and the high character and ample re- sources of the men in control of th» bank's affairs give proof of its strength and security that the people have found to be entirely satisfactory. The bank was incorporated September 9, 1874, as a mutual savings bank, without capital stock, under the general laws of the State passed in 1867. The in- corporators were H. T. Welles, Clinton Morrison, "Wil- liam Chandler, Charles McC. Reeve, E. H. Moulton, Paris Gibson, W. P. Westfall, Thomas Lowry, and A. D. Mulford, and they also constituted the first board of trustees. They met and organized for business at the offiee of Thonias Lowry, October 10, 1874. Before the end of that year the bank began receiving depos- its. It occupied at the first a small room on Washing- ton Avenue, under the Nicollet Hotel, By Januai-y 1, 1875, the deposits amounted to the very substantial sum for that period of $17,540.55. In April, 1875, under authority conferred by an amendment to the original savings bank law, permit- ting the capitalizing of savings banks, the board of trustees amended the articles of incorporation so as to authorize the issue of capital stock amounting to $50,000, which was subscribed for and issued. In 1879 a new savings bank law was enacted, which was substantially the same as the present law. The next year, under the provisions of this law, the bank again reorganized, retired all capital stock, and amended its articles of incorporation to conform to the new requirements. It thus once more became a mutual savings bank witiiout capital stock. In the meantime, however, in 1878, when the de- posits had increased to over $100,000, the bank moved into the red brick building on the southeast corner of Washington and Nicollet Avenues. The business kept on increasing more and more rapidly, and in 1886 the deposits aggregated more than $2,000,000. The great and growing volume of its transactions forced the institution to move into larger quarters, which it did by securing commodious rooms in Tem- ple Court. The move was a wise one, which was soon made manifest by the leaps and bounds with which the bank went forward in its new and better location and with its augmented facilities. By 1891 the deposits had gi'own to over ,$4,500,000. The amount of business requiring the attention of the bank had now become so great that the trustees de- cided to erect a building for the use of the bank alone. This building was completed in 1893, and since then has been continuously occupied by the bank and used for no other purpose than the business of its owner. It was the first building erected and used exclusively for banking purposes in Minneapolis. Jaiuiarv 1, 1906, Ihe number of depositors had reached a total of 51,041 and the deposits amounted to $12,674,154.54. April 1, 1913, the depositors num- bered 64,748, and the deposits were $15,940,067.05; of the deposits $41,771.10 were made by school chil- dren, numbering 24,712. During its existence the hank has paid out in dividends to depositors the sum of $7,640,453.10. The figures are striking in their magnitude; the progress of the institution is thor- oughly characteristic of the community in which it operates, in its rapidity and steadiness ; the volume of bu.siness it has transacted and is now carrying on is in keeping with the spirit of the age, and of the people among whom it has had its growth. But there are to^ tals which cannot be stated in mathematical aggre- 176 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA gates. Among these are the benefits it has conferred on the community, the homes it has helped to build and keep in comfort for their inmates, the habits of thrift and frugality it has engendered, and the vast contribu- tions it has made to aid in the development, conduct, and expansion of great industries, to say nothing of the good it has done in moral, intellectual, and social ■ways. The present officers of the bank are : T. B. Janney, president; 0. C. Wyman and William G. Northup, vice presidents; N. F. Hawley, secretary; and these gentlemen, with E. H. Moulton, A. F. Pillsbury, John Washburn, Cavour S. Langdon, John Crosby, C. C. Webber and Karl De Laittre, constitute the trustees. One of the mo.st interesting features, and one pro- ductive of a vast amount of good, is the school sav- ing system operated by the l'''armers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank since 1908. In this department the chil- dren of the public schools throughout the city are encouraged in forming the habit of saving their pen- nies instead of spending them, and the figures are most surprising when one stops to consider the large sums that are gathered annually from this one source. In operating this system the bank employs a num- ber of young women who are interested in the work and capable of explaining its operation to the chil- dren. They visit the schools at stated periods and receive from the children their small savings. Each child is given a stamp-card which holds brightly colored lithographed stamps ranging from one cent to one dollar, and when filled amounts to five dollars. No interest is paid uiion the stamp account, Init as soon as five dollars is collected, the child is advised to open a regiilar savings account, with some reliable savings bank in the city, the adviser making no effort to influence them to open their account with this particular bank. These accounts are subject to the control of the parents or guardians, and no child is permitted to withdraw its savings without their con- sent. A great deal might be written on this suliject that would be of great interest to the people of the city. Suffice to say that since this one department of the bank has been opened, it has grown to such an extent that there are now over twenty-five thousand school children eaiTying savings accounts with this bank alone, and June 14, 1912, their total deposits amounted to nearly fifty thou.sand dollars. Another interesting feature is the fact that the largest number of depositors are from the schools that are attended largely by the children of the working classes, and that the smallest per cent of savings is gathered from the schools where the parents are well- to-do people. Minneapolis ranks first of any of the Western cities in the number of school children with savings accounts, and this is due almost wholly to the interest that the Farmers' & Mechanics' Savings Bank has taken in this particular line of work. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. The Scandinavian American National Bank was organized in May, 1909, in response to a pronounced sentiment that the banking business of Minneapolis had become so concentrated in large institutions that there was a field for a bank of moderate size. The original capital was $250,000. Deposits came in so fast that it was immediately evident that an increase in capital was necessary, and therefore it was in- creased to $500,000 before the bank was six mouths old. At this writing the surplus and undivided profits are $150,000, and the deposits are $4,500,000. Mr. N. 0. Werner, former president of the Swedish American National Bank, was the first president. He died in 1910 and was succeeded by Theodore Wold. The other officers are Chas. L. Grandin and A. Ue- land, vice presidents; Edgar L. Mattson, cashier, and E. V. Bloomquist, assistant cashier. The directors are as follows: Frank G. Brooberg, Aaron Carlson, A. M. Dyste. P. C. Frazee, C. L. Grandin, G. B. Gunder.son, C. J. Hedwall, Erik Jacob- son, John Lind, Edgar L. ]\Iattson. Ed. Pierce. Geo. J. Sherer, C. J. Swanson, Eugene Tetzlaft', A. Ueland, Theodore Wold. This institution, in a period of less than five years, has attained an unprecedented growth, which has attracted the attention of the depositing public, and has demonstrated that there was a field for it. It has a number of stockholders who have used their influence on behalf of the bank, and this, together with an energetic board of directors and official staff, has made the institution a success from the start. The quarters, at 52-54 South Fourth Street, are very attractive, the building being a high one-story structure devoted entirely to the liusiness of the bank. THE SWEDISH AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. This old-time financial institution, now merged in the Northwestern National Bank, deserves mention in the history of that bank. The Swedish-American National Bank was organ- ized originally as a State bank, iinder the name of Swedish-American Bank, in 1888. and began business with a capital of $100,000. Col. Hans Mattson, at that time Secretary of State, and a long time resi- dent of Minneapolis, was the prime mover in the organization of the bank, and he associated with liira ^Ir. O. N. Ostrom, who at that time was a lianker at Evansville, Minnesota, and interested in the grain business. The first officers of the bank were O. N. Ostrom, president: Hans Mattson. vice president, and N. 0. Werner, formerly of Red Wing, cashier. The bank gained a foothold at once, and its growth was rapid and substantial, necessitating in two years an increase in capital to $250,000. Shortly thereafter the liai'k moved into larger quarters at First Avenue Soutli and Washington. ]\Ir. Mattson resigned the vice presidency about this time and was suceeedej by Mr. C. S. Ilulburt. wlio fur many years occupied the position of City Treasurer. In 189:3 occurred the death of President Ostrom. and Mr. Werner suc- ceeded him. In 1894 the bank was reorganized under a national HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 177 charter. The capital was again increased in July, 1905, to $500,000. In 1908 the bank went out of ex- istence as a separate institution, consolidating with the Northwestern National Bank. At the time of the consolidation it had a surplus and undivided profit account of $400,000 aud deposits amounting to $4,000,000. In liquidation the stockholders of the bank have been paid 180 per cent, and it is estimated that they will eventually receive 200 per cent, a striking evi- dence of the conservative and enterprising manage- ment which this bank had enjoyed. The officers of the bank at the time of the consolida- tion were N. 0. Werner, president : C. S. Hulburt and J. A. Latta, vice presidents; Edgar L. Mattson, casliier; A. V. Ostrom, assistant cashier. METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK. This bank was started on its servicea])le career May 20. 1907, and has had a course of unbroken progress. It has encountered some rough places on the road, undoubtedly, but it has met them with full prepara- tion for the difficulties they involved, and passed over them with no delay in its advancement and no injury to its machinery. From the beginning the management of the bank has been in capable hands and judicious in every particular. It has reached out to the limit of safety for .sub.stantial and steady re- turns, ])Ut it has risked nothing of the interests it has had in charge, and never, for a moment, endan- gered the safety of any of its patrons. The first officers of the bank were: George C. Mer- rill, president ; Murray R. Waters, vice president ; V. H. Van Slyke, cashier, and C. F. Wyant, assistant cashier. And these gentlemen, with the exception of Mr. Wvant, in company with J. 0. Davis, P. M. Endsley, S. H. Hudson," F. R. Chase, J. W. Crane, Albert E. Clarke, Ceorge F. Blossom, H. G. Fertig, George B. Norris, Peter Menderfield, W. P. Cleator and Frank K. Sullivan comprised its board of direct- ors. The capital stock was, at first, $100,000, but the enlargement of the bank's operations has necessitated an increase of its capital from time to time, until it is now $300,000, and the surplus and undivided profits are .$95,000. The officers at the time of this writing (1914) are: V. H. Van Slyke, president ; George B. Norris. vice president ; C. F. Wyant, ca.shier, and George Vollmer, assistant ca.shier; and the directors are J. C. Andrews, George F. Blossom, Jav W. Crane, F. R. Chase, P. M. Endsley, H. G. Fertig, W. P. Cleator, S. H. Hudson, George B. Norris, F. K. Sullivan, Jacob Stoft, E. E. Shober, V. IT. Van Slvke, Wm. J. Miller, Clinton L. Stacy, John T. Conley and C. F. Wyant. ST. ANTHONY FALLS BANK. This valued financial institution, which has been of great service to many persons in the city of Minne- apolis, and a highly appreciated aid in pushing for- ward the progress and improvement of the city, espe- cially that part of it which, lies on the eastern side of the river, was founded in July, 1893, by Joseph E. Ware, who has been its cashier from the time when it opened for business. The other officers at the be- ginning were : Hiram A. Scriver, president, and Wil- bur F. Decker, vice president; and they are still holding the po.sitions in the direction of the bank's affairs to which they were elected when its history started twenty years ago. The capital stock of the bank was originally $35,- 000, but the business of the institution has grown so great in the course of its operations that the amount has been raised by successive stages to its present aggregate of .$200,000, of which $75,000 was earned. The surplus and undivided profits have grown to $110,000, and the deposits to a total of $2,000,000. The bank is a State corporation, and is therefore under State supervision and control. But the spirit of enter- prise and liberality which it has displayed ; the prudence and strict discipline which have controlled its management, and the vigor and success with which it has met every financial crisis or panic in the coun- try since its organization would give it a strong hold on the confidence and regard of the community in which it is located, even if there were no outside or official safeguards of its soundness. The lioard of directors at this time (1914) is com- posed of: Aaron Carlson, Henry R. Chase, Wilbur F. Decker, Henry T. Eddy. Theodore A. Foque, An- drew M. Hunter, Arthur H. Ives, Hiram A. Scriver, Joseph E. Ware, William P. Washburn, William F. Webster and John F. Wilcox. These are all men of high standing in the city, who have proven their right to public confidence by their success and prog- ress in the management of their own affairs, and their very connection with the institution is in it- self a guaranty of wisdom, great care and the utmost circumspection in reference to every detail in the direction of its business. The bank carries on a general banking business, including every department of the industry as at present conducted, and makes a specialty of its savings department, which pays three and one-half per cent interest on deposits, the interest being compounded four times a year. NATIONAL CITY BANK OF MINNEAPOLIS. This highly valued and rapidly progressive finan- cial in.stitution, which is one of the best of its capac- ity in the Northwest, was organized on March 14, 1914, with a capital stock of $500,000. Its fii-st official staf¥ consisted of H. R. Lyon, president; George F. Orde. C. B. Mills, vice presidents; S. E. Forest, vice- president and cashier. Mr. Orde, prior to his con- nection with The National City Bank was vice presi- dent of the First National Bank of Minneapolis four- teen years. The officers and directors are now (1914) : Officers — H. R. Lyon, president; Geo. F. Orde, vice presi- dent : C. B. Mills, vice president : S. E. Forest, vice president and cashier. Directors — S. E. Forest. H. R. Lvon, Geo. F. Orde, Geo. H. Rogers, C. B. Mills, J. S." Mitchell, S. H. Bowman, S. J. Mealey, Douglas 178 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA A. Fiske, M. B. Cutter, R. W. Akin, G. H. Heegaard, A. E. Walker, II. S. Ileliu, Harry B. Waite, Stewart W. Wells. The bank purchased the fixtures of the Commercial National Bank, which was merged into The National City Bank and is located in the Lumber Exchange. Its capital stock is $500,000 and its surplus is now $100,000. It carries deposits amounting to over a million dollars,. Its growth has been rapid but steady and wholesome, and its standing in public estimation has been continuous and always well sustained; for it has been wisel.y managed and all its affairs have been conducted with its own welfare and that of its patrons clearly in view. Business in this bank was begun at once and the institution is therefore less than one year old. THE GERMAN AMERICAN BANK. Organized liy men of brain, capital, and wholesome enterprise, for the purpose of founding and building up a strong and conservative banking institution, which was to he conducted for the benefit of all whose interests it might have in charge and also for the gen- eral and special welfare of the community in which it is located, as far as its opportunities might allow, the German American Bank of Minneapolis has fully carried out the purposes of its founders and has been a great power for good to many business institutions and hosts of people of many classes in the territory subject to its steadily expanding operations. The bank was opened for Imsiness on August 16, 1886. It was organized by Edmund Eichhorn, George Huhn, Henry Winecke, John Heinrich, Anthony Kelly, Robert Pratt, Robert B. Langdon, John C. Oswald, A. H. Linton, A. W. Henkle, John A. Schlener, J. M. Griffith, Henry Doerr and Charles Gluek, with a capital of $50,000. In 1904 the capital was increased to $100,000, and in 1910 it was raised to $200,000. Its present surplus is over $200,000, and its deposits aggregate $2,800,000. It is the larg- est bank in the city of those not centrally located, and its strength and the wisdom of its management are amply demonstrated by the fact that it has regu- larly paid dividends on its stock, even during the panic period of 1893. Since April, 1905, it has occu- pied its own Georgia marble front banking house, which is one of the handsomest distinctively banking buildings in Minneapolis. The directorate of the bank at this time (1914) consists of: Francis A. Gross, president; Charles Gluek and Henry Doerr. vice presidents; George E. Stegner, cashier; Jacob A. Kunz, a.ssistant cashier; and Charles Gluek, J. M. Griffith, Henry Doerr, Ar- thur E. Eichhorn, Francis A. Gross, I. V. Gedney, Jacob Kunz. Peter J. Seheid, George M. Bleecker, William J. Von der Weyer, George Salzer. Charles J. Rwanson, William P. Deverenx and William P. Clea- tor. directors. These gentlemen are all widely and favorably known in the Northwest and many other parts of the country as men of extensive resources, fine business ability and genuine interest in the wel- fare of their home community and its residents. They have conducted business enterprises of their own to conspicuous prominence and success, and the qualifi- cations that have made them prosperous and influen- tial in their own affairs are well known to have been applied by them to the management of the business of the bank. An interesting feature in the history of the Ger- man American Bank is the fact that only three men have held the office of president during the twent.y-seven years of its existence, and as each has combined a wise conservatism with an enlightened progressiveness, the original policy of the institution has remained unchanged. Edmund Eichhorn held the executive chair in 1886 and 1887. He was succeeded by George Huhn, who filled the office until his death in 1903, when Francis A. Gross was elected to it, and he has held it since. Another executive officer who was known to fame vias the late Robert Pratt, who was vice president for a number of years. The rapid growth of this bank since its opening affords matter for gratification and serious thought. At the close of the first four and a half months of its business the total deposits amounted to $36,000. Five .years later the deposits had increa.sed just ten fold. At this time the terrible panic of 1893 swept over the country, and although the German American Bank weathered the storm with flying colors, it being one of only three in the citv which paid dividends during this period, deposits fell off to $319,000 in 1896. In the next five .years, however, the deposits were more than doubled, "amounting to $644,000 in 1901. Public confidence rewarded the concrete expression of finan- cial integrity, and another hundred per cent was added by the end of 1906, when the deposits reached $1,396,000. Since then the same phenomenal pace forward has been maintained, until now the total has mounted to the lofty altitude of $2,800,000. EAST SIDE STATE BANK. This enterprising, progressive and highly service- able fiscal institution was opened for business on Octo- ber 8, 1906, with a capital stock of $100,000. Its first directorate was composed of Fred E. Barney, presi- dent; F. E. Kenaston and I. Ilazlett, vice presidents; Howard Dykman, cashier; and W. E. Satterlee, Rob- ert Jamison, Louis Andersch. E. J. Couper and II. R. Weesner, directors in addition to the officers named above. Mr. Dykman continued to serve as cashier until May 1, 1907, at which time he resigned and D. L. Case was appointed his successor. F. E. Kenaston was one of the vice presidents until January. 1908. when he also resigned. The present officials and directors (1914) are the following: Fred E. Barney, president; Isaac Hazlett, vice president; D. L. Case, cashier; and these gentlemen, with W. E. Satterlee, Robert Jamison, Louis Andersch. II. R. Weesner, W. C. Johnson, John Schmidler. J. F. Wilcox and S. L. Frazier, directors. C. L. Campbell is assistant cashier. The bank is under careful and capalile manage- ment and has made rapid progress. Its capital .stock HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 179 is still $100,000, and its deposits now aggregate $675,000. Its policy is liberal as well as prudent, and it has been of great service to institutions, industrial and other kinds, to individual patrons and to the public generally, in aiding to keep the wheels of progress in motion and promote improvements of all kinds, especially in the section of the city in which it is located. The men at the head of it, who have con- trol of its affairs, are among the leaders in business on the East Side, and they give to its direction the same careful and judicious attention they bestow on their private affairs, and seek to imbue it with the safe enterprise they use for the furtherance of their own welfare. BIOGRAPHICAL DEPARTMENT HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 183 THOMAS LOWRY. Back of every considerable enterprise there will invariably be found one man who has builded out of himself the structure which stands as the tangible and obvious result of his life's work — one dominant personality, gifted with vision of the future, faith in accomplishment, power to endure and intelli- gence to achieve. Behind the Twin City Rapid Transit com- pany of St. Paul and Minneapolis loom ever and will ever loom, in colossal proportions, the form and features of the late Thomas Lowry, the builder and maker of the great enter- prise, and through all its history to the present time run the golden threads of his clear foresight, indomitable energy, limit- less resourcefulness, keen business acumen and abiding faith. Mr. Lowry was born in Logan county, Illinois, on February 27, 1843, and died in Minneapolis on February 4, 1909. Into the forty-five years of his manhood he crowded much more of event and achievement than many men of wide renown for large affairs bring forth in much longer periods. And yet he never boasted of what he did or plumed himself over the great results of his work, but ever bore himself modestly as one who merely did what he could to make the most of the opportunities he found or hewed out. He was a man of rollick- ing, irrepressible and unquenchable wit, and this must have come from his ancestry, as doubtless did his energy and per- sistency, for his father was born in Ireland and his mother in Pennsylvania, so that he combined in himself the versatility and readiness of the Irish race and the sturdiness, firm balance and indomitable industry of the German people. His parents located in Central Illinois in 1834, and were pioneers there. The early experiences of Mr. Lowry were those common to the sons of farmers on the frontier, in moderate circumstances, plain-living and hard-working founders of new empires. He began his education in the primitive country school of his boyhood, which he attended until he was old enough and sufficiently prepared to enter Lombard University at Gales- burg, Illinois. In that institution, at the age of seventeen, he began his more extended studies, which he continued until he completed the university course. Then, after a short trip through the West, he became a student of law in the office of Judge Bagby, in Rushville, Illinois, where he remained until his admission to the bar in 1867. In that year he became a resident of Minneapolis, arriving in the city in -July, and opened an office as a lawyer. Two years later he formed a partnership for the practice of law with A. H. Young, which lasted until Mr. Young was elected judge of the Hennepin County Court of Common Pleas. Mr Lowry continued to practice law until 1875, when his con nection with the street railway interests of the city began For several years previous to that time he had dealt in Minne apolis real estate, and through his activity in this line of busi ness had become interested in a considerable amount of out lying property. Probably the value of a connecting line to this class of realty turned his attention to what was then a very feeble, doubtful and insignificant project and kindled his ardor in its promotion. The panic of 1873 had left Minneapolis, in common with all other new Western towns, in a collapsed and discouraged condition. Times were bitterly hard and money was diffi- cult to obtain. Mr. Lowry was poor in purse, but rich in hope and ambition. He saw even then a dim but constantly brightening vision of the city that was to be, and believed that the arduous work of its pioneers must ultimately be crowned with magnificent success. The street railway service of that time offered a means to the end he aimed at, and with the courage that always characterized him he embraced the opportunity it presented and became vice president of the puny company controlling the infant, awkward and unpromising utility. Three years later he became president of the company, which was still a struggling and well-nigh bankrupt corporation, meeting its little payrolls with difficulty and having no sur- plus for extending or improving its equipment and opera- tions. It was then, at the darkest hour in the history of this enterprise, that he resolutely set aside all other employment and opportunity for advancement and determined to give hostages to fortune and hazard all his future on the success- ful development of the undertaking that had won his faith. From that time to his death he devoted himself almost exclusively to the street railway business. The story of the decade that followed reads like an indus- trial romance. Triumphing over almost insurmountable diffi- culties, involved in a mountain of debt incurred by his cor- poration, for which he did not hesitate to make himself personally liable, this modern Hercules cast all fear to the winds, and with an optimism that was heroic stubbornly fought his way toward the end which he had in view — the completion of the system, its establishment on a firm and enduring basis, and a public service that should be unsurpassed by anything in the country. His confidence in the future greatness of Minneapolis never faltered for a moment. He did not simply believe, he knew that it was to be a great city, and in that greatness he felt assured the success of his undertaking would lie. So he worked on courageously, not alone for himself, but for his city and its residents as well. There was no movement for the up-building of the place that he did not aid; no project for its enlarge- ment or beautification that he did not encourage by his praise and his purse; no laudable private or public charity to the appeal of which he turned a deaf ear, or gave slight or indifferent attention. As Mr. Lowry hoped so he labored, with indomitable, uncon- querable will. No discouragement could quench his gaiety, no obstacle darken the transcendent optimism of his nature. The great task of financing his enterprise, which might have daunted a less courageous soul, only served to inspire him with intensified zeal and vigor. He had both faith in the future and patience in the present. To build, equip and operate a transportation system; to accommodate the shifting and growing necessities of a rapidly widening area; to abandon one motive power after another as the improvements demanded; to construct in advance of the population and wait for the traffic to slowly follow — these were elements in the proljlem he had to solve, and they required the supply of a constantly increasing stream of money and the resources to withstand long intervals of unrcmunerative operation. In 1886, Mr. Lowry's foresight, already justified by actual results, led him to conceive and execute the brilliant plan of bringing the street railways of Minneapolis and St. Paul under one control and management. This resulted in the formation of the Twin City Rapid Transit company. The advantages which have accrued to the residents of both cities by reason of this consolidation are today so obviiuis that it is unneces- sary to recount them, and it is doubtful if that could be done in absolute fulness. On .January 11, 1892, the citizens of Minneapolis and St. 184 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Paul united in a fine tribute to the man whose courage and foresight had given them a system of electric transporta- tion as nearly perfect as it was possible to devise. The tes- timonial took the form of a reception and banquet, and was given at the West Hotel, Minneapolis, a hostelry in the pro- duction of which he was a very potential factor. On this occasion the Governor of the state presided, and Mr. Lowry's fellow citizens and friends bore ample testimony in sincere and eloquent words to the regard in which they held him and the value of the service he had rendered to the two communities. He had done his part for them with admirable success. They showed him that they appreciated it by a demonstration as fervent and commendatory as they were able to make it. While Mr. Lowry lived to see his confidence in the future of his city fully justified, and the establishment of his enter- prise practically completed, it was not given him to remain long in the satisfaction which the fulfilment of his hopeful projects brought him. To the very end his was to be a life of struggle, and when the great difficulties already referred to had been overcome, he found himself confronted with another battle, which was to be his last on earth. This was an unequal contest with a long standing ailment, which had persistently attended him during the greater part of his life, but which he had held in abeyance by sheer force of will through the years of his great and long continued activity. The heroic battler met this final enemy with his customary courage and fortitude. Conditions which might well have overwhelmed a less gallant soul, did not terrify him. He manfully summoned every energy to combat disease, bore his sufferings patiently, and when, after a most extraordinary and prolonged defense, he finally surrendered to the inevitable, he died as he had lived, calmly, bravely and hopefully. The news of his death was received with sincere sorrow; not only throughout the city in which he had lived so long and to wjiieli he was so loyally attached, but in other cities East and West, and wherever he was well known. There was sorrow not alone in the homes of the rich, but in humble habitations, the dwellings of the poor, where Mr. Lowry's unostentatious and unfailing generosity had shown him to be a man who was good to the needy and the oppressed. Thomas Lowry was a real man. Rising above limitations imposed on him by his early and obscure environment, by poverty and by physical ailment, he lived fully up to his opportunities in life and made the most of them. He made a record, too, for great kindness, tolerance and benevolence. He had no words of condemnation for the unfortunate. Even for the vicious he favored pity and pardon rather than l)unishment. He walked humbly himself, and his charity for otiiers was unlimited. Above all he was an optimist, always firm in his faith and ready to believe the best of both men and things, and he lived, not for himself alone, but for others as well. He had in him the stuff of which true greatness is made, and showed it repeatedly in the intrepidity of his ventures, the loftiness and loyalty of his faith, and the gallantry with which he led many a forlorn hope to ultimate victory. He showed it also in the utter absence of ruthlessness by which his career was marked. He never built upon the ruin of others, nor did he seek to gain selfish advantage from the mistakes of those who failed. On the contrary, he was always willing to help the tottering, if it was within his power and proper under the circumstances to do so. Mr. Lowry was married on December 14, 1870, to Miss Beatrice M. Goodrich, the daughter of Dr. C. G. Goodrich, at that time a leading Minneapolis physician. Two daughters and one son were born of the union. Horace Lowry, the son, has taken his father's place, in large measure, in the busi- ness the latter had in hand when he died, and is endeavor- ing to conduct every enterprise he is connected with accord- ing to his parent's lofty standards. JOSEPH ALLEN. Joseph Allen, agent for the Holmes & Halloway Coal com- pany and a member of the board of city park commissioners, IS a native of Ireland, born in the county Armagh. May 19, 1866. As a lad he was employed in a bakery and confec- tionery shop in the city of Belfast. After spending seven years there, at the age of eighteen he came to the United States, arriving in New York city with his financial re- sources limited to ten cents. Having read of the opportunities offered by the prosperous farming districts of Iowa he set out for that place, compelled to defray the expenses of the trip by working enroute. At the end of fifteen days he reached Howard county, Iowa, and secured a position with an importer and shipper of fine stock as manager of his large stock farm. He spent several profitable years here, investing in stock and accumulating a neat capital and then returned to the old country for a short time. He came back to Erie, Pennsylvania, where he was employed in the Erie City Iron works for two years. His first position was as a common workman, but his services were soon recognized by promotion and at the end of a few months he was made foreman of the foundry department. At the end of two years he was offered the superintendency of the Port Townsend Nail Manufactur- ing company whose machinery was made in the iron works where he was employed. He accepted the position and pur- chased transportation for Port Townsend, Washington. Mr. Allen had always retained an interest in Minneapolis since his youth when he had become familiar with the name through the use of Minneapolis flour in the Belfast bakery, and he took the opportunity on his way to Washington to visit the city with the result that he resigned his position with the western company and became a citizen of Minneapolis. In 1891 he was a street car conductor on the Fourth avenue line, receiving for his services eighteen cents an hour. At the end of two years he purchased a team which he used for a time on grading and sodding contracts. He then realized the materialization of his plans, making an independent venture into the commercial world as a coal dealer and continued in this successful enterprise for several years when at the organization of the Holmes-HoUoway company he accepted his present position as agent and manager of the yards which are located at 291G Nicollet avenue. He has been a member of the park board sinie January, 1913, and is a member of the finance committee and of the committees on privilege and purchases. In the administration of the board he advocates the policy of improving the present property rather than extending the purchases. Mr. Allen assumed the duties and privileges of citizenship in this country while residing at Erie, Pennsylvania, and as a member of the Republican party has been actively associated with political affairs, serv- ing as chairman of the Eighth ward Republican association II HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 185 for twelve years. He is chairman of the county committee of the Progressive party and takes a keen interest in the political questions of the day. He has been notably asso- ciated with the interests of the commercial organizations of the city, participating in their organization and their efforts for the public good. He was one of the leading promoters of the West Side Commercial club, securing its first member- ship and through his energetic service as chairman of the building committee the club secured its present attractive quarters on Lake street. In January, 1913, his assistance was solicited in the organization of the Calhoun Commercial club and he was tendered the office of chairman. Although in existence but a few months this club has already ren- dered marked service in securing new and improved service on Lake street and a twenty foot boulevard on Thirtj'-first street between Pleasant and Hennepin avenues. Mr. Allen is a prominent member of the Masonic order in the Hennepin lodge. Ark chapter, is a Knight Templar and a member of the Mounted Commandery. He was married in 1S94 to Miss Sophia Berg of Minneapolis. Three children have been born to this union, Crawford, Lockart and Sophia. JOHN W. ALLAN. John W. Allan is a native of Massachusetts, born at Hyde Park, a suburb of Boston, March 16, 1861. His uncle, Mr. Albert L. Russell, was a lumber manufacturer in Minneapolis and in 1876 Mr. Allan joined him there and a year later accompanied him in his removal to Chicago. He remained in that city for the next few years, attending school and assist- ing his uncle in the lumber business during the vacation periods. He spent the year of 1880 in Minneapolis and tnen became superintendent of a manufacturing plant engaged in the constniction of fire apparatus in the east. He became an expert in this line and after four years, returned to Min- neapolis as superintendent of a similar factory and subse- quently operated another plant on the east side of the city. When th.e fire department repair shops were installed by the city he was placed in charge of the work and for ten yearii held this position, he gave the city the benefit of his extensive knowledge of fire figliting machines. During this time he de- signed and built a great derJ of new apparatus for the local department, including chemical engines, wagons and trucks and invented a number of engine improvements. In April, 1898, he became secretary of the Minnesota & Alaska De- velopment company. Mr. E. R. Beeman was president of this company which owned two steamboats that covered the route from Seattle and up the Yukon river. Mr. Allan spent two summers as engineer on the "Minneapolis" navigating the northern waters. He made the run from St. Michaels at the mouth of the Yukon to the head of the Kinakuk river, a trip that covers 2000 miles and ends in the arctic circle. He made other memorable trips as engineer of the "Luella", which sailed ninety miles above Arctic City on its first voyage and estab- lished the head of navigation. For several years after his return, Mr. Allan engaged in general engineering work. In 1905 when the office of smoke inspector was created he was one of nine competitors in the examination for the position, and here his years of experience and well known efficiency easily marked him as the man for the place. At the end of his first term of office he declined the reappointment and spent the next two years as a salesman for mechanical sup- plies and also engaged in the construction of steam plants. In 1909 he accepted the appointment of smoke inspector which was again ofi'ered him and with an increased salary. He has been a valued member of the park board for nine years. Mr. Allan is a Knight Templar and a Shriner. His marriage to Miss Nellie A. Haughey of Bloomington, Minn., occurred in 1892. HOWARD STRICKLAND ABBOTT. Born, reared and educated in Minnesota, both in his youth and throughout his manhood to the present time Howard Strickland Abbott has dignified and adorned the citizenship of the state and creditably kept up the record of his distin- guished ancestry and near relations. His father, Rev. Abiel Howard Abbott, a Methodist clcrgj'man of renown, was re- lated directly or by marriage to Oliver Ellsworth, the tliird Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court; former President Ulysses S. Grant; the distinguished authors, John S. C. and .lacob Abbott; the prominent lawyers Austin and Benjamin V. Abbott; Dr. Lyman Abbott, editor of The Out- look Magazine; Bishop Lawrence, Bishop of Massachusetts of the Protestant Episcopal church; Albert L. Lowell, at this time (1914) president of Harvard LTniversity, and Ezra Ab- bott, the noted biblical scholar, besides other persons prom- inent and widely renowned. The paternal grandmother belonged to the famous Town- shend family, the elder branch of which remained in England and there produced such men as Charles Townshend, prime minister, and the other Charles Townshend, chancellor of the exchequer, during the years preceding the American Revolu- tion. On his mother's, the Strickland, side of the house Mr. Abbott can trace his ancestry directly back to Sir Thomas Strickland of Sizerg castle, Westmoreland county, England. Howard Strickland Abbott was born on September 15, 1863, at Farmington, Minnesota, a son of Rev. Abiel Howard and Mary Ellen (Strickland) Abbott. His early life was passed in Minnesota, and at the Minneapolis Academy he was pre- pared for the State University, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Literature in 1885. He shawed a tendency to authorship in early life, and during his years at the LTniversity was managing editor of the Ariel and also of the Junior Annual for 1884, which were University publications, and his work on them gave abundant promise of the elevation he has since reached and the reputation he has since won as an author. Literature was, however, enly a pastime with him, his more serious business being the legal profession, for which he was prepared by diligent and thoughtful study, and to which he was admitted by oral examination in the supreme court of Minnesota in April, 1887. He at once entered upon the practice of his profession, and before the end of his first year in it was appointed assistant general solicitor of the Minneapolis & St. Louis and the Soo Line Railroad companies, a position in W'hich he served them well and wisely for tlirce years, from 1887 to 1890. Mr. Abbott was also secretary of the Wisconsin, Minnesota & Pacific Railroad from :88S to 1890; attorney for the Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fe from 1890 to 1897; special master in chancery in connection with the Union Pacific re- 186 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ceiversliips from 1897 to 1901; master in chancery of the United States Court in Minnesota from 1897 to date; and has been lecturer on private and public corporations and civil law in the Law School of the University of Minnesota since 1898, filling all these positions with great credit to himself and pronounced advantage to the institutions he served and the interests he had in charge in '•onnection with each of them. It is easy to see that Mr. Abbott's professional career has been a very busy and fruitful one. But it has not included all his work. He has written a number of books and in them has realized his early promise as a writer, although his achievements in this line have been almost wholly within the boundaries of his profession. Among them are case books on public and private corporations; "Notes, Authorities and De- ductions on Corporations," which ran easily through two editions; "Public Corporations," one volume; "Abbott's Elliott on Private Corporations," one volume; "The Law of Public Securities," one volume; "The Elements of the Law of Pri- vate Corporations," one volume, and "The Law of Municipal Corporations," three volumes. The work last named, from its publication in 1906 has been considered the standard and leading text book on the subject it treats of. It is widely cited as an authority by courts in all parts of the country, and has received the highest enco- miums from eminent judges and lawyers for its style, analyti- cal argument, thorough grasp of the topics discussed, and its scholarly treatment of the subject matter. The books are all, however, exhaustive and comprehensive as to the siibjectS' elucidated in them, elevated in tone and terse and vigorous in diction. In his political affiliation Mr. Abbott is a Republican, but he has never been an active partisan, and never has he sought or desired a political office. His religious connection is with the Protestant Episcopalians, among whom he holds his mem- bership in St. Mark's church, Minneapolis, of which he has been a vestryman since 1900. He is also a member of the board of trustees of the diocese of Minnesota in his denom- ination. Socially he is a member of the Minneapolis and Minikahda clubs and the Delta Kappa Epsilon college frater- nity. In business relations outside of his ])rofession he is one of the directors of the Minneapolis Trust company, and in his profession he is an active member of the American Bar Association and the Minnesota State Bar Association. From 1905 to 1911 he was the Minnesota commissioner on Uniform Legislation of the American Bar Association. On .June 29, 1898, Mr. Abbott was united in marriage with Miss Mary Louise Johnson of Racine. Wisconsin, who is a direct descendant, on her mother's side, of Thomas Welles, for many years Colonial governor of Connecticut and one of the courageous men who took part in the Charter Oak episode, which immortalized a tree, Captain Wadsworth, the chief factor in it, and everybody who was connected with it. Mr. and Mrs. Abbott have two children, their daughter Emily Louise, who was bom on October 22, 1900, and their son Howard Johnson, whose life began on January 24, 1904. HON. JOHX SARGENT PH.LSBURY. The strong, true men of a people are always public bene- factors. Their usefulness in the immediate and specific labors they perform can be defined by metes and bounds. The good they do through the forces they put in motion and through the inspiration of their presence and example is immeasurable by any finite gauge or standard of value. The death of any one of such men, even though he be, at the time of his final summons, full of years and of honors, is a public calamity, because by it the country loses not only his active energy, but the stimulus and fecundating power of his personal influ- ence. There is, however, some compensation for this loss in the value and memory of his services, the effect of his example and the continuing fruitfulness of the activities he quickened into life. The late John Sargent Pillsbury, three times governor of Minnesota, for nearly fifty year^ one of the leading business men and civic forces of Minneapolis, and for long one of the greatest potencies in progress and development in this part of the country, was a man of this character. His name still shines in large and luminous phrase from such a height in local estimation as proves it to have been a talisman of the rarest value here, and it spread its light so far as to have attracted the attention of nearly all parts of the civilized world. To epitomize his life, character and achievements within the limits which this work allows is impossible to mortal utter- ance. The stalwart proportions of his living presence are vividly realized by the void made by his death. But less than most men intellectually his equal and his match in business capacity does he need the voice of eulogy. The clear- ness of his purposes, the soundness of his judgment, his ample sweep of vision, his tireless activity, his indomitable will, his great achievements, his unbending uprightness, and withal his large and unostentatious benevolence, have all impressed "the very age and body of the time," making his life a force that cannot die, and continuing it in widening waves of bene- faction even though he passed away himself some twelve years ago. Governor Pillsbury was born at Sutton, Merrimac county, New Hampshire, on July 29, 1828, and was the son of John and Susan (Wadleigh) Pillsbury, descendants of early Puritan stock in New England. The progenitor of the American branch of the family on the father's side was Joshua (Hudson says William) Pillsbury, who came from England to this country in 1640 and settled on a grant of land given him by the Mother Country near Newbuiyport, Massachusetts, a portion of which is still held by some of his descendants. One of the descendants of this God-fearing emigrant from the land of his fathers removed to Sutton in 1790 and founded the New Hampshire branch of the family, and since then succeeding generations of the household have won distinction in many walks of life in various sections of the country. Mr. Pillsbury's father was a manufacturer and long potent in local and state affairs in New Hamp.shire. The son had no special advantages. He received a limited education at the village school, which was primitive in character and narrow in range. Early in life he entered a printing establishment to learn the trade, but soon afterward found his taste much more inclined to mercantile life and became a clerk in the store of his older brother, George A. Pillsbury, who afterward became prominent in Minneapolis, and a sketch of whom will be found in this volume. The dawning ambition within him for a business and career of his own soon broadened, however, into a commanding force, and he quit his brother's store and formed a business partner- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 187 ship witli Walter nairiman. who hiter became governor of New Hampshire. After the tlissohition of this partnership the future governor of this Northern star in tlie diaiiem of American empire removed to Concord, the ea])ital of New Hampshire, and there engaged in a business whicli lie con- ducted for two years. By the end of that period his imagination had been quickened and his appetite for adventure and large exploits had been intensified by suggestions of the great opportunities for business in the great Northwest, and in 1853 he started on a prospecting tour to and through the region which had sung to his fancy in a voice so melodious and persuasive. The facilities for travel west of the AUeghanies were at that time limited and primitive, and embodied considerable hard- sliip and privation. Railroads extended far in the wake of the setting sun, it is true, but they were few in number and crude in equipment and sparse in accommodations. Beyond them horseback, the stage coach and the lake and river boats were the only means of transportation. The slowness of progress and lack of comfort incident to these conditions would now be intolerable, but in that day were only necessary incidents to a long journey and the facilities available were even thought to mark a high state of advanced development in science and art and were highly commended. Mr. Pillabury accepted what he could command with com- placency, and even found pleasure in the prospect of his speedy arrival in the land of promise, enduring patiently and cheerfully what was really very trying. The records at hand give no account of his journey, its deprivations and discom- forts, nor do they mention any of the incidents of his trip — tlie changing scenes of nature which brightened his eyes, the awakening greatness of the country which quickened his pulse, or the thrilling adventures which gave spice to his experiences and made every fiber of his being throb through the daring which possessed him: The hardy adventurer reached St. Anthony, now Minne- apolis, in June, 1855, and at once was impressed with its great possibilities for business. He determined to make it his future home, and, in company with George F. Cross and Wood- bury Fisk, opened a hardware store. The business prospered for a time, but the failure of many "wild cat" banks in the panic of 185" and a fire loss of $48,000 the same year not only wiped out all his accumulations, but left him with a heavy burden of debt on his shoulders. He was, however, of heroic mold in spirit and reorganized the business. He also paid the firm's debts and continued his retail hardware operations until 1875, when he founded the wholesale hardware establish- ment, which still exists and is the largest in the Northwest. From that date to his death he gave his attention also to the milling and industry and other lines of trade, in each of which he was the controlling and moving spirit. He began milling in association with his nejihew, Charles A. Pillsbury, under the firm name of C. A. Pillsbury & Company, which in time became the greatest flour manufacturing enterprise in the world, and still occupies that imperial rank. The lumber industry in this section early arrested the at- tention of Mr. Pillsbury and he soon began dealing extensively in pine lumber. Under his vigorous and progressive manage- ment the lumber business he started in a few years became one of the leaders in the line and opened the way to the great success of many other men of ability in this industry, among them Charles A. Smith. Later he became largely interested in the railroads of this state and a director of the Minneapolis & St. Louis and "Soo' roads, and a.ssisted vastly in their devel- opment and progress. He was also a director of several banks and of the Stock Yards company, and for all of these, too, he was an inspiration for advancement and an impregnable bul- wark of defense. This is in brief the record of Governor Pillsbury's business achievements, and is that of a remarkable mercantile and in- dustrial career. But great as was that career it pales into insignificance, or at least shrinks into much smaller propor- tions, in an estimate of his life, in comparison with other great things he did, some of which he began even before he was fixed on a firm business basis. He began at a very early period during his residence in this state to take a most earn- est and helpful interest in the University of Minnesota. This institution was no more than a name at the time of his ar- rival here. In 1856 a building was begun, but the plans were injudicious and the panic of 1857 stopped the work of con- struction. The university was endowed by a congressional land grant, but had no other resources, and this grant was in great danger of being lost through the foreclosure of a mort- gage of $100,000 on the campus and unfinished building. In this emergency the great man's greatness became mani- fest and the saving power of the situation. In 1863 he was appointed a regent of the University, and soon afterward was elected a member of the state senate. While in that body he had a law passed placing the affairs of the institution in charge of a board of three regents with full power to adjust its affairs according to their best judgment and as if the Uni- versity were their own. Such unlimited authority has seldom if ever elsewhere been given to a public board. But the sit- uation was critical and called for unusual and heroic measures. Great as was the governor's reputation for resourcefulness and business capacity, everybody predicted his failure here. But his hand was skillful, his will was iron and his per- sistency considered no defeat. His determined soul laughed at impossibilities and cried "It shall be done!" He began his adjustment of the claims against the property. The lands he had to offer Avere inaccessible, but he sold them. With the cash thus received he compromised claims on the best terms he could. He rode thousands of miles through a new country hunting up creditors and purchasers and lands to sell to them. He traveled to the East for aid, and the burden of his correspondence in this connection was enormous. But he accomplished the mighty work he had undertaken, and at the end of four years was able to announce that the University was free from debt, with its campus and building intact and 32,000 acres of its endowment of 46.000 still in its possession without incumbrance on any part of the ])roperty. Following this great achievement the University was reor- ganized, the neglected building was completed, a faculty was engaged, and tlic real work for whicli the institution was founded was begun. Mr. Pillsbury continued to serve as one of its regents until his death on October 18, 1901, his service in this capacity covering a period of thirty-eight years, and tlnoughout this long period he was the financial guide and guardian of the institution. In his service of thirteen years in the state senate he was able to accomplish much in secur- ing appropriations, and he was also the man who brought about the consolidation of the land grants made directly to the University and that given for the purpose of agricultural education and experiment work. Notwithstanding his successful work for the institution there was often a plentiful lack of dollars for current ex- 188 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AKD HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINTvIESOTA penses and other needs. But by this time Mr. Pillsbury had become a man of wealth, and his means were always at the disposal of this child of his fond parentage and devoted affec- tion. When the experimental farm was needed in connection with the University and there was no money for the purchase of one, he advanced the $8,500 required. The land then bought was afterward sold for $150,000 and the proceeds were used in securing the present University farm. Then, in 1889, 'The Father of the University," as he has been called since his con- nection with the institution began, quietly handed the board of regents $150,000 for the erection of a much needed science hall, which was called Pillsbury Hall. In addition to all this he gave to the affairs of the institution his own time, strength and capacity freely and continuously. A very conservative estimate made by his friends is that he devoted one-fourth of his time during the thirty-eight years of his service as regent to the University. This means that ten years of actual time were taken from his business and other pursuits in earing for the educational institution which he saved from ruin and built up to greatness. His life-long services to it were recognized in 1900 by the erection of a life-size statue of him on the campus. A man of such intense patriotism and devotion to his coun- try, locally and generally, as was Mr. Pillsbury could scarcely be kept out of the political activities around him. In his ear- lier years, and. indeed, until late in life, when his activities began to abate in business and everything else except the Min- nesota University, the governor was in almost constant po- litical service. In 1858, before the end of the year in which he arrived at St. Anthony, he was elected to the city council for six years. The cloud of the Civil war was then deepening over the country, and long before the end of his term it burst with all its fury over our unhappy land and he turned aside from every other engagement, as far as necessary, to assist in organizing the First, Second and Third Minnesota regiments for service in defense of the Union. A year later, when the outbreak of the Indians in this state brought about such a terrible condition of affairs for our people, he aided in raising a mounted company for service against them. The door for his progress in civil and political affairs by this time was open wide, and at the end of his term in the city council of St. Anthony he was elected to the state senate, and in that high forum he continued to be one of the leading and most forceful agencies in promoting the welfare of the people of the whole state for an almost unbroken period of thirteen years. During his tenure of the office of senator so amply did he demonstrate his broad, comprehensive and ac- curate knowledge of public affairs and his ability for admin- istering them for the best interests of the commonwealth that in 1875 he was nominated and elected governor of the state without any of the usual accompaniments of candidacy and canvass. Ho was re-elected in 1S7T and again in 1879, and could have been in 1881 had lie not positively refused to serve again. The period during which he was at the helm of the ship of state was a very troviblesome one, and Governor Pillsbury was called upon to deal with more problems of momentous importance and diverse bearings than have confronted and tried the mettle of any other governor of this state. When he a8.sumed the office the "grasshopper plague" was in full force, and he had to deal with it vigorously and immediately. With characteristic public spirit and self-sacrifice he went personally to the scene of the calamity, investigated its ex- tent and the condition of the sufferers, and from his qwd means furnished relief in many cases. He then returned to the state capital and urged remedial legislation with such force as to secure prompt and effective means for the aid of the peo- ple afflicted and the destruction of the pests. Then came the destruction of the state capitol and the principal insane. hos- pital of the state by fire; and just before the end of his execu- tive control of the state's interests he was called upon to organ- ize relief for the town of New Ulm, which was destroyed by a tornado. While he was governor Mr. Pillsbury also recommended and secured the passage of some of the best laws we have. Among these were acts providing for a public examiner, a state high school board and biennial sessions of the legislature. In addi- tion he had an unusual number of appointments to make to important public offices. These included justices of the su- preme and district courts and many other officials on whom rested the greatest and gravest responsibilities and whose duties were of the most momentous character. The crowning glory of his official career, however, was his triumph in removing from the name of Minnesota the stain of repudiation. Unwise legislation in the early fifties had led to the issue of over two million dollars' worth of bonds for the encouragement of railroad building in the state. The panic of 1857 prevented the completion of the railroads contemplated, and so exasperated were the people by the status of affairs in this connection that they voted to refuse payment of the debt and redemption of the bonds. The governor, in his first message to the legislature, urged the discharge of these obli- gations; and. although he met with indifference generally, and with violent opposition in some quarters, he continued to de- mand that the honor of the state be preserved. After over- coming the most tremendous obstacles in legislation and legal entanglements he had the enjoyment of his greatest triumph in seeing the blot wholly and forever wiped out. In the foregoing paragraphs the great work of Governor Pillsbury in helping to build up the educational. indu.striaL commercial and general business interests of this city and state, and his personal trials and triumphs in connection with them, have been set forth with some fullness of detail. His services when the integrity of the Union was threatened by armed resistance and when the savage fury of the Indians became destructive, showing itself in butchery and flames, have been mentioned. His long, brilliant and most useful official career has been briefly outlined. But no pen can tell of his private benevolence, for of that there is no record, and he never intended that much of it should be known. Enough has come to light, however, to show that it must have been as imperial in magnitude as it was unostentatious in bestowal. In this exercise of his goodness he strictly obeyed the injunc- tion of the Scriptures, not letting his left hand know what his right hand did. His public benefactions are, however, well known and worthy of mention, especially for their princely munificence and the elevated and noble purposes for which they were intended. His gift of $150,000 to the University has already been mentioned. In addition to this he gave to Minneapolis an endowment of $100,000 for the Home for Aged W^omcn and Children. He also provided a home for young women working for small salaries, which he erected and fur- nished at a cost of $25,000, and which was named in honor of his wife the "Mahala Fisk Pillsbury Home." In addition he started a beautiful library building, put up at an outlay of $75,000, and especially intended for the use of the residents- IIISTOKV OF MLX.NE.U'OLIS AND 1IEN.\EI>1X CUl XTY, ilLWESOTA 189 of tile "East Side." ThU was not completed at the time of his death, but his heirs carried his wishes into full elfeet with re- gard to it, and it is known as "I'illsbury Library." The*e are the most conspicuous of his buuiitiful donations in the city of his liome, but there are others of less note. Governor I'illsbury was married on November 3, IS.IO, to Miss Mahala Fisk, a daughter of Captain John Fisk. who came from Kngland in 1S37 and located at Windon, Massachusetts. Four children were born of the union: Addie, who became the wife of t'harle-s M. Webster: Susan, who married Fred B. Snyder; Sarah Belle, who is now Mrs. Edward C. Gale; and Alfred Fiske Pillsbury. Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Snyder died a number of years ago. Alfred F. I'illsbury has succeeded to many of the business interests and responsibilities of his father. He is president of the Minneapolis Union Elevator company and the St. Anthony Fall Water Power company. He is also a member of the board of directors of the I'illsbury Flour Mills company. Governor Pillsbury's death occurred on October 18, 1901. For many years he was a regular attendant of the Congregational church and a liberal contributor to its support. But his bounty to churches was not limited to this sect. He gave freely to all, and was liberal as well to every public charity and aided in promoting every worthy undertaking in his com- munity in which the welfare of the people, or any consider- able part of them, was involved. The story of this great man's life may be fitly epitomized in Hamlet's description of his father: "He was a Man. Take him for all in all, We shall not look upon liis like again." JAMES CUKRIER .\NDREWS. James Currier Andrews, assistant manager of the Pillsbury Flour Mills and prominently identified with the commercial interests of the city, was born at Concord, New Hampshire, October 6, 1867, the son of William G. and Lucinda J. (Cur- rier) Andrews. Thomas F. and George H. Andrews, brothers of his father, were pioneer settlers of Minneapolis and in 1900 his parents removed to this city, where the death of the father occurred three years ago. .James C. Andrews attended the public schools of Boston and completed his high school course in Manchester, X. H., in 1885. Subse- quently he spent one year in Marietta College in Ohio. In 1888 he came to Minneapolis and in October of that year entered the employ of the Pillsbury company as ollice boy. His marked clKciency and quiet perseverance were speedily recognized by promotion and he was advanced to the ship- ping department and in 1903 was appointed tradic manager. From the position of head of this department, he was pro- moted to assistant manager of the company, and since 1909 has served in that capacity. Mr. Andrews is extensively connected with the business interests of the city and notably associated with its cimimercial organizations. He is president and major stockholder in the Brunswick Investment company which erected and owns one of the finest hotel buildings in the city and is president of the Andrews Hotel company, which operates the hotel. He is a director of the .Metropoli- tan bank and secretary and treasurer and an original stock- holder of the Despatch Laundry company. He is chairman of the transportation committee of the chamber of commerce and in 1912 was elected chairman of the trallic division of the Civic and Commerce association, in which organization he holds the office of second vice president. In 1889 he enlisted in Company I, Minnesota National Guard, as a pri- vate and during his several years of service in this company rose to the rank of lieutenant. He was made adjutant of the First regiment and resigned his commission in 1K98. He was married in 1895 to Miss Harriet L. Blake, daughter of Edwin W. and Sarah A. Blake of Manchester, \. H. Mr. Andrews and his wife are attendants of the Trinity Baptist church. Mr. Andrews finds his favorite recreation in out-of- door sports and is an ardent fisherman and hunter. He is a member of the Minneapolis, Minikahda and Auto clubs, and a charter member of the Commercial club. His fraternal afliliations are with the Elk lodge. HEZEKIAII S. ATWOOD. Hezekiah S. Atwood was a pioneer who came to this locality at twenty-six and died in the new settlement in the wilderness at the early age of thirty-five, having made a mark in local history that endures. He was born in England, and as a boy, was brought by his parents to Nova Scotia, where he ■ was reared and educated. At the age of twenty-one we find him at Southington, Connecticut, where he learned the machinist trade. In the spring of 1849 he came by boat to St. Paul and by stage to St. Anthony, crossing the river by ferry. Calvin Tuttle, a brother of Mrs. Atwood, and Colonel Stevens were the only residents on the West Side, and, in company with Mr. Tuttle, he built the first little saw mill on the west bank of the river. Some time afterward he built a saw mill on Minnehaha creek below the falls for Ard. Godfrey, and in 18.j4 went to Minn'?tonka and built a millwliich he continued to operate until his death. He had hardwood logs cut on the upper lake and floated down the lake and creek to the mill, where he had built a dam. He made chairs, bed- steads and other furniture, his plant being equipped with lathes, a paint shop and other adjuncts. The business was beginning to expand and become profitable when the pro- prietor's death occurred March 11, 1857, the result of exposure after falling into the lake when buying logs. Obliged to remain for hours in wet clothing, severe cold and pneumonia resulted. He succeeded in having a posloflicc established, and his mill afforded employment to the citizens. For ."iorae time b\isiness done at Minnetunka exceeded that of Minneapolis. Indians Avcrc plentiful at Minnetonka. often bringing their wounded braves there after battles with other tribes at Shakopee. Mr. Atwood was married in Connecticut in 1845 to Abbie Tuttle. who survived him twenty-five years, dying in the early eighties at the age of fifty-seven. .She married John Richard- son of Richlield, and their son, George Richanlson. is still a resident of that town. The Atwood children were three daughters. Jennie, in 1868, married the late James Pratt. Ella is the wife of Frank Willson. of Edina. a sketch of whom appears on another page. Kmma is the wife of Perry Gilmore, who died in 1913. JAMES PRATT, who was born in Maine in 1854, came at the age of ten to Minneapolis with his parents. .Job and Mary (Chesley) Pratt, who pre-empted land in what is now St. 190 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Louis Park. But they afterward sold this and resided in Minneapolis, where tlie father died about 1879, having survived his wife a number of years. Their children were Chesley, Jay, Olivia and James, Jay being the only survivor and a resident of the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee. AH three sons were Union soldiers, Chesley and James being members of Company D, Sixth Regiment, and Jay in the Cavalry. Chesley died soon after the war from results of hardship and exposure. James's health was permanently impaired by his three years of service. Olivia married Joseph Hamilton of St. Louis Park and died young, leaving one child, Chesley Hamilton, who was sheriff of Hennepin county, and who died suddenly in middle age. Mr. Pratt was a grocer, later building apartment houses for sale, being so engaged for about twenty years and erecting about forty apartment and residence structures. He put up twelve flat buildings on Lyndale avenue alone, owning several at his death. He died October 13, 1913, in the home at 2508 Hennepin avenue, in which he had lived for eight years. Prohibition appealed strongly to Mr. Pratt, and he became an ardent advocate of it, and was proud that the Eighth ward has always been "dry." He was a member of the old Volunteer Fire Department, his grocery store being opposite the first fire house, and his old grocery horse generally led the com- pany to a fire. He was an active worker in what is now the Joyce Methodist Episcopal church, long a member of its board of trustees and prominent in its missions and works of benevolence. He was a close student, of extensive reading, and warmly attached to his home. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt had six children. Ernest C. is a fuel dealer and member of the school board. Ella V., who was educated at the State Normal Scliool, is a teacher in the Madison school. Burton A. is connected with the Chicago Telephone company. Clyde is a contractor and builder. Harold F. died at the age of seventeen, and Bcrnice I. is a stenographer and bookkeeper. Mrs. Pratt is a zealous worker in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Ladies' Aid Society, the Lincoln Circle, missionary interests, and in connection with many other agencies engaged in uplift and improvement work. CHARLES M. AMSDEN. Mr. Amsden was born in Belvidere, Boone county, Hlinois, on April 13, 1849, and is a son of Noah C. and Sarah S. (Hulbert) Amsden, natives of the state of New York, who came to Hlinois in 1846. The son was educated in the public schools of Dubuque, Iowa, and began his illustrious and success- ful business career as a general merchant at Lemars in that state. From 1873 to 1879 he was connected with the Singer Manufacturing company in Louisville, Kentucky, and was successfully occupied in helping to expand its business and add to its prosperity and importance. But he felt an increasing inclination to dwell in a more northern climate and a region farther removed from the centers of civilization in the East, to enjoy the wider range and broader and better opportunities to be found in the undevel- oped West. So in 1879 he came to Minneapolis to live and engage in business. Soon after his arrival in this city he became associated with Messrs. PilLsbury & Hulbert in the grain elevator enterprise, with which he was connected until he retired from business altogether. In 1882 this firm was incorporated under the name of the Pillsbury &, Hulbert Elevator company, at which time Mr. Amsden became a member of it. When Mr. Hulbert sold his interest in the company its name was again changed, and then became the Minneapolis & Northern Elevator company. This was in 1885, and a little while afterward, in 1889, an English syndicate bought the Pillsbury mills, and the- company disposed of all its holdings, but Mr. Amsden continued in charge as president and general manager until August, 1908. The line was then leased lor two years to Mr. Amsden, and in 1910 Mr. Amsden retired from connection with it. It owned 100 elevators in Minnesota and North Dakota, and carried on a very extensive, active and profitable business. Mr. Ams- den's fine business capacity, excellent judgment and wide sweep of vision enabled him to see, seize and make the most of every opportunity for its advantage and the extension of its operations, and he built its business up to very large propor- tions and made it very fruitful in prompt and abundant returns for the money invested in it. The trade of- this company was very large, as has been indicated, and its demands upon the time and energies of its president and manager were very numerous and exacting. Nevertheless, he found opportunity to give attention to other enterprises and help to make them successful also. He was a charter member of the directorate of the Swedish-American Bank when it was founded in 1S88, and remained on the board until the bank was absorbed by the Northwestern National. He is a member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce and the Minneapolis club, serving as president of the latter in 1898. He still holds his membership in that club, and in addition belongs to the Intci-lachen, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs. Wliile he is not an active partisan and has never held or desired a public office of any kind, Mr. Amsden believes firmly in the principles and theories of government proclaimed by the Republican party, and supports that organization in all state and national elections. In local affairs he considers first and only the good of his community and the welfare of its residents, and seeks always to advance them in all his public declarations and acts, although he is modest and unostentatious in doing so. Like most other men born and reared in the West and moved by its invigorating inspirations, ^Ir. Amsden is fond of outdoor life. He finds great enjoyment, profitable recreation and full relief from business cares in horseback riding, and is a devotee of that form of pleasure and improvement. In all the relations of life he is thoroughly upright and straight- forward, and in social relations he is a very genial, companion- able and entertaining gentleman. WILLIAM HOOD DUNWOODY. The late William H. Dunwoody, whose death occurred at his home in Minneapolis on February 8, 1914, was a most useful, productive and highly esteemed resident of this city for forty- three years, and during all of that period one of its leading business men and citizens. It was here that he lived his life. Here, also, he accumulated the bulk of his fortune; and here he has left the greater part of it to be used in connection with works of practical value to the people of his city. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 191 The story of Mr. Dunwoody's life is best told in tlie fol- lowing thoughtful, appreciative and discriminating account of his career, which was published in "The Northwestern Miller" of this city in its issue of February 11, 1914: "To few men is it given to see the beginning, the gradual growth and the ample fruition of an enterprise. Usually Paul plans, Apollos waters, but neither of them reaps the fruits. In the case of the late William Hood Dunwoody, who died in Minneapolis on Sunday, February 8, the good fortune was };ivcn him not only to bear an important part in the initial work, the foundation building of the milling business in Minne- apolis, but to remain an active participant in its enormous activity until death called him: to both sow and reap; to wisely plan and to share generously in the legitimate rewards of his foresight. Mr. Dunwoody was a pioneer in the creation of the world's greatest milling center. He was a contemporary of Governor Cadwallader C. Washburn, founder of the Washburn plants, John A. Christian, George H. Christian, Charles A. Pillsbury, .Tohn .S. Pillsbury and all those famous millers who in the sev- enties performed such valuable service in establishing the or- ganizations which have built up the reputation of spring wheat Hour and extended its consumption throughout the world. Of these men, all of them great in their individual ways, Mr. George H. Christian alone now survives. Moreover, Mr. Dunwoody's career was continued through the coming and going of other notable millers whose work made an impress upon the Northwest, and his influence ex- tended throughout many other activities that were a part of the life of a city which was but a village when he first came to it; railway, financial, elevator interests all received his at- tention, and in all that makes the inner and truer life of a city, its benevolences, improvements, art and learning, his beneficent assistance was never lacking. He was born in Chester, Pennsylvania, on March 14, 1841. At the age of eighteen he went to work in the grain and feed store of his uncle, Ezekiel Dunwoody. in Philadelphia. Some years later he became senior partner in the firm of Dunwoody & Robertson, doing business in the same city and in the same line. Mr. Dunwoody came to Minneapolis in 1809, and began his operations by purchasing flour for eastern connections. Two years later he became a miller, as a member of the firm of Tifi'any, Dunwoody & Co., operating the Arctic mill, and of H. Darrow & Co., the Union mill, both concerns being under his personal management. In 1877 Governor Cadwallader C. Washburn, having com- pleted what was then regarded as a phenomenally large flour mill, induced Mr. Dunwoody to go to Great Britain for the purpose of establishing direct connections with the foreign markets. TTntil that time spring wheat flour had never been sold abroad direct from the mill, and it is doubtful if any con- siderable quantity had found its way there indirectly. Gov- ernor Washburn said to him: 'Go to England. Start the peo- ple there buying our flour, and where stand these mills, which now seem so large, will be erected others far surpassing tlieni in importance and capacity.' The prophetic vision of the great [)ioneer miller was not mistaken. Mr. Dunwoody proceeded to Great Britain and his mission was successful. It was not accomplished, however, without much opposition and discouragement, but Mr. Dun- woody's superb patience and great tact were fully equal to the demands of the situation, and he established connections which were destined to be a tremendous force in the develop- ment of the milling industry in the Northwest. For many years the export flour trade was a very important factor in the operation of the Minneapolis mills. In May, 1878, a fire broke out in the Washburn mills, resulting in a great explosion which completely destroyed their efficiency. With indomitable resolution the plants were quickly rebuilt on a much larger scale of capacity than before. So great was the possible outturn for that period in the mill- ing business that doubts were generally expressed whether the enterprise could possibly succeed, owing to its largely in- creased capacity. Such suggestions had no influence whatever in curbing the ambitions of the founder and his associates. The latter, in 1879. consisted of Mr. Dunwoody, John Crosby and Charles J. Martin. On the death of Governor Washburn, which occurred in 1883, the milling plants passed into the possession of the C. C. Wash- burn Flouring Mills company, consisting of the estate and its heirs. This ownership continued for almost twenty years. Meanwhile the properties were leased to Washburn Crosby and Company, of which firm Jlcssrs. Dunwoody, Crosby and Martin were members. During this period Mr. Dunwoody was actively engaged in the business, although Jlr. John Crosby was at its head. The capacity of the plants leased by the firm was then eight tliousand barrels. Mr. Crosby died in 1887. In 1888 Mr. Dun- woody. being in ill health, temporarily retired from business, but resumed his connection the following year as vice-presi- dent of the Washburn-Crosby Company, a position he held until the time of his death. For the past quarter of a century Mr. James S. Bell has been the directing head of the company, and Mr. Dunwoody's relations with him continued as they had been with his predecessors, Mr. Crosby and Governor Washburn. For many years Mr. Dunwoody has been known as a man of great wealth and eminent in many directions besides milling, but it is as a miller that his greatest claim to distinction and success will rest. The two epochs which stand out in his ca- reer above the long, steady years of constant and beneficent activity are those of 1877, when he went to Europe to estab- lish a direct export trade, and of 1899, when he purchased the milling plants from the heirs of the Washburn estate and subsequently transferred them to their present ownership. This latter episode in his life deserves especial mention, not only because his action was of the utmost importance to the milling interests of Minneapolis, but because it was indica- tive of his character, showing his willingness to sacrifice per- sonal inclination and ease of mind in order to be of service to others. At that time a strong effort was being made to bring all the larger mills of the country into one huge corporation, hav- ing in mind the creation of a flour trust that ultimately would be able practically to control competition and regulate the output. Thomas A. Mclntyre, of New York, was the promoter of this undertaking and he had succeeded in securing the mills of Superior and Duluth, as well as several in Milwaukee, Buf- falo and New York. He was exceedingly anxious to purchase the Washburn mills and include them in his combination, a proposal tliat seemed the easier of accomplishment because they were owned in Philadelphia by the Washburn heirs, and the Minneapolis company was operating them under lease. Mr. Dunwoody at the time was not in very robust health. He had been in business in Minneapolis for nearly thirty years 192 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and during that time liad carried heavy burdens of respon- sibility. He was already in possession of ample means and had nothing to gain by the jeopardy of new enterprises and a fresh start in milling. His tastes and personal inclinations were toward a life of retirement and comparative ea.se, and he had every justification for permitting the sale of the property to proceed w-ithout intervention. Believing that the formation of the proposed combination was against public policy and would prove a serious detriment to the development of the Minneapolis industrj', and a par- ticular hazard to those who found work in these mills, he put aside his personal desires, and, by making the purchase of the plants, placed them beyond the reach of ilr. Jlclntyre, while at the same time he deliberately put himself in the harness of active business for the renuiinder of his life. The foregoing is a relation of the leading events of ^Ir. Dun- woody's long career in the milling business, during which he held a reputation for business honor and probity which was spotless. Other interesting chapters might be written concern- ing his connection with northwestern railway and banking in- terests in which he was prominent. He was chairman of the board of the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, an establislinient in which lie took great pride and which he had done much to upbuild. In many other institutions he was a director, and in all with which he was connected he was held in the especial regard and esteem of his associates. Only re- cently he contributed one hundred thousand dollars toward the funds being raised to build a great art institute in Min- neapolis. Mrs. Dunwoody was Katie L. Patten, of Philadelphia, wlio survives him. For some years Mr. and Mrs. Dunwoody liave lived in the summer on the shore of Lake Minnetonka and in winter at 'Overlook,' their beautiful Minneapolis residence, which, standing high on the hill, overlooks the great city to the wealth and prosperity of which ilr. Dunwoody contrib'.ited so greatly. At a very notable dinner, probably the most impressive ever held in Minneapolis, given by the directors of the Northwest- ern National Bank to Mr. Dunwoody and .Judge Koon on Jan- uary 4, 1912, in congratulating Mr. Dunwoody on his con- tinued activity and his youthfulness of heart, one of the speakers quoted the following lines by Oliver WciiiUll Holmes: Call him not old, whose visionary brain Holds o'er the past its undivided reign. For him in vain the envious seasons roll Who bears eternal summer in his soul. H yet the minstrel's song, the poet's lay. Spring with her birds, or heavenly dreams of art. Stir the warm life-drops creeping round his heart — Turn to the record where his years aie told — Count his gray hairs — they cannot nuike him old! Despite his perennial interest in the atl'airs of his world; the strong and abiding friendships which grew up between him and the young men who came to take up relationship with him where their fathers, who had passed on, left olf; the rational care which he took of his health and the strong tics of alfection which constantly brought into his life reserves of strength, Mi'. Dunwoody began to grow weaker some months ago. A recurrent fever which baffled the skill of the best physicians in the country afflicted liini and sappeil his strength. At first this was regarded as a ])assing ailment, ami hi> went to Philadelphia with Mrs. Dunwoody to consult the eminent physician in whom he had great confidence, Dr. S. Weir Mitch- ell. This journey proved unavailing and he returned to 'Overlook,' where he gradually grew more and more feeble, until last Sunday he peacefully passed to his rest. For one who knew Mr. Dunwoody intimately and for many years, as the writer did. it is exceedingly difficult to write con- cerning his character without dwelling more upon his acts of beneficence and the unostentatious good he did than upon his achievements in business and his material success, which was very great, but no greater than he deserved. To do this, how- evei-, would be to disregard the most emphatic wish that, had he the power to speak, he would most certainly express, and this would seem unjustifiable. Mr. Dunwoody was one of the very few people in this world who 'do good by stealth, and blush to find it fame.' The most unpretentious of men, it seemed actually to pain him to be praised for his innumerable kind and generous acts, and, as far as possible, he avoided receiving thanks or acknowledg- ments. His gentleness, his thoughtfulness for others, his read- iness to help in time of need, his true kindliness of heart and his sympathy with those in distress or trouble, made him sin- cerely beloved by all who knew him, but he was so exceedingly diffident about being given credit for what he did that very few indeed, even among his most intimate associates, realized to what extent his acts of benevolence reached. Probably his devoted wife, who shared in all his good works and was the companion of a lifetime, did not know more than part of his good deeds, for they were past enumeration and manifested daily in innumerable ways. Verily 'there is that scattereth and yet increaseth' and this great but humble-minded miller exemplified the truth of the proverb. In the garden of 'Overlook' there lies an ancient millstone taken from the mill that he helped to make famous. Its owner put it there, doubtless, to remind himself and others of the industry to which he belonged and which he so highly honored by his career. It was a quiet acknowledgment of his indebt- edness to industry and trade for his success, but whatever that debt might have been, as he regarded it, he has paid it back ten thousandfold by what he has done for others and the bcautif4il and enduring example of his unostentatious and blameless life. O still, white face of perfect peace. Untouched by passion, freed from pain — He who ordained that work should cease Took to himself the ripened grain. noble face! your beauty bears The glory that is wrung from pain — The high, celestial beauty wears Of finished work, of ripened grain. Of human care you left no trace. No lightest trace of grief or pain — • On earth, an empty form and face — In Heaven stands the ripened grain." In the disposition of his property Mr. Dunwoody remem- bered the charitable, educational and religious institutions of the city in which he lived so long and to whose welfare he was ardently devoted with great liberality. After making bounteous provision for his widow, relatives, friends, asso- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 193 ciates and employes, and in addition to other gifts to public uses, his three great bequests of public interest were: To the Slinneapolis i^ociety of Fine Arts, for the purchase of i)ictures and works of art. $1,000,000. To the Uunwoody Home, for the care of convalescent patients from Philadelphia, to be located on the old Dunwoody farm at Newton Square, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, $',000,000. To "The William Hood Dunwoody Industrial Institute," a school where handicrafts and useful trades will be taught, with special emphasis on those relating to milling and machin- ery, the residue of the estate, estimated at $1,000,000 to $3,000,000. CAPTAIN ROBERT K. ALCOTT. Independence and originality of thought characterized the life of the late Rev. A. N. Alcott, and the same characteristics mark the individuality of his son. Captain Robert K. Alcott, attorney at law. The father was a clergyman who, entering lirst the Presbyterian church, gave earnest service to that faith in its pulpits, until he could no longer abide conscientiously by its tenets, and then became as widely known as a minister of the Universalist denomination. He was born near Gowanda, New York, December 6, 18,38. In due time he entered and was graduated from Haysville Academy, in Ohio ; took the theologi- cal course in Washington and Jefferson University, W^ashing- ttin, Pennsylvania, and being ordained a clergyman in the Presbyterian church, held pastorates in that denomination in Ohio until 1882. He was pastor of a Universalist church in Kalamazoo, Michigan, from 1882 to 1887, then was pastor of tlie principal Universalist church in Elgin, Illinois, until 1898, wlien he came to Minneapolis to be pastor of All Souls Universalist church, in the old and cultured University district of the city. Here both Mr. Alcott and his wife were intensely interested in sociological as well as church work. Mr. Alcott possessed varied talents, and in addition to his ministerial work had taken special courses in the University of Chicago. He had been admitted to the bar in Michigan, and there had tecome well known as an eloquent speaker and debater, ever ready to sustain his views in politics as well as religion and sociology. It was his activity in this manner that led him to accept a nomination for Congress as a Prohibition candidate, and it was the same earnest advocacy which made him editor of a paper. In 1896, when the silver issue became paramount, Jtr. Alcott cam- paigned through Illinois on the money question as a supporter of the principles of the Republican party. Mr. Alcott con- tinued as pastor of the All Souls church in Minneapolis until 1905, when he went to Webster City, Iowa, and later to Illinois, where he died December 26, 1910. Captain Robert K. Alcott was bom in Shelby. Ohio, October 28, 1878. His early schooling was in the common schools of Kalamazoo and Elgin, there graduating from the high school in 1895. He went to Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, California and entered the freshman class. There world hap- penings turned him from college to military life. With fifty other students young Alcott enlisted 1898 in Company K, First California Volunteer Infantry and went to the Philippines where he spent a year and a half. His regiment was among the first of the United States troops sent, and so he was at the battle and capture of Manila. He saw a great deal of hard service, especially during the insurrection, when he took part in long marches being detailed on important scouting service. The First California and the Thirteenth Minnesota regi- ments went to the Philippines together, and throughout their service were thrown closely together, sustaining exceptionally friendly relations. So that when young Alcott returned and found his father had meanwhile become a resident of Min- neapolis, he came to this city and in 1900 entered the University of Minnesota, graduating in law in 1904. Mean- while, spun-ed by his service in the Philippines, he had become interested in military affairs, and it needed little urging on the part of his friends of the Thirteenth Minnesota to induce him to enlist in the First Regiment, Minnesota National Guard. He is a military enthusiast, who believes in making the militia so proficient as to be ready at any moment to step into active service of the nation. He has advanced steadily from the ranks, being now captain of Company K, one of the most proficient units of the crack regiment of the state. Captain Alcott was for three years in partnership with Milan Velikanje, who is now in Washington. He is now in general practice in partnership with Frank E. Reed with offices in the Century building. He has taken an active part in politics, and is recognized as a forceful and persuasive orator. He has campaigned in the interest of James C. Haynes for mayor, for George R. Smith for congress, and for Governor A. O. Eberhart. He was an incorporator and is an instructor in the Minnesota College of Law. in which he lectures on contracts, domestic relations and many other subjects. He manied Josephine E. Tunier, daughter of Joseph Turner, a native of Minneapolis and a former student in the University. They have no children. Tlicy are affiliated with the Cliristian church. JUDGE ELI B. AMES. .Judo'e Ames established his residence in Minneapolis more than half a century ago and became one of the representative pioneer members of the bar of the state. He held various positions of distinctive public trust, and prior to coming to Minnesota had sen'ed as United States consul to Hamburg, Germany. His title of judge was gained through his effective service on the bench of the circuit court in Springfield, 111., and he not only lent dignity and honor to the legal profession in Minnesota but also did well his part in the furtherance of civic and material enterprises and measures that conserved the development and upbuilding of his home city and state. He was summoned to eternal rest on the 12th of February, 1897, at the venerable age of seventy-six years. A scion of the staunchest of New England stock, and a representative of a family that was founded in America in the colonial era of our national history, .Judge Eli Bradford Ames claimed the fine old Green Mountain state as the place of his nativity. He was born at Colchester, Chittenden county, Vermont, and in his native state he gained his pre- liminary educational discipline, which was supplemented by attending various educational institutions in the city »f Chicago, Illinois, to which state his parents removed when he was a youth. He gave close and ambitious attention to the study of law and was finally admitted to the bar of Illinois, in which state ho attained to no little ))rominence 194 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA in his chosen profession. He began practice at Hennepin, Illinois, later maintained liis professional headquarters in Springfield, the capital of the state, and his practice in time covered many parts of that commonwealth. At Springfield lie served si.x years as i)rivate secretary to Governor Mattison, and in that city he became a leading representative of his [irofession, as contemporary of many distinguished lawyers wliose names later became conspicuous in national affairs. I'nder the administration of President Pierce Judge Ames was appointed United States consul at Hamburg, Germany, where he remained two years and where he gave a most able and popular administration of the diplomatic affairs entrusted to his supervision. He always thereafter reverted with special satisfaction and pleasure to his experience during this period of service, and his cherished and devoted wife likewise found their sojourn in Germany one attended with unqualified pleas- ure and gracious associations, so that she too reverts to the experience with marked satisfaction, after the lapse of many years. At the expiration of two years .Judge Ames returned to America, primarily for the purpose of organizing and estab- lishing a line of steamships to play between New York and Hamburg, Bremen having previously been tlie principal German port' of the trans-Atlantic service. He was successful in the organization of the company in New York and became one of its stockholders and officials, as representative of the German capital involved. Judge Ames became well known in the city of \Va.shington and numbered among his jiersonal friends many of the leading pul)lic men of the day. Alfred Ames, M. D., a brother of the Judge, had established himself in the practice of his profession in Minneapolis in the pioneer days, and to this city the Judge himself came in the year 1857. He engaged in the practice of law, and became one of the leading members of the Minneapolis bar, but he soon found it expedient to give his attention largely to the insurance business, as representative of a numlier of the strongest of the eastern insurance corporations. In this field he built up a large and prosperous business and he con- tinued the enterprise for many years. In politics Judge Ames ever accorded staunch allegiance to the Democratic party and he was an effective exponent of its principles and policies. He served with marked loyalty and distinction as a member of the state legislature but never manifested special ambition for political preferment. He was a large stockholder and a director of the First National Bank of Minneapolis and encountered large financial loss in the involuntary liquidation of this institution. This bank was organized in 1864 and he was a member of its first board of directors. Judge Ames ever manifested a most lively interest in all that concerned the progress and prosperity of his home city and he served as mayor of Minneapolis in 1870-71. The Judge was afliliated with the Masonic fraternity and his religious faith was that of the Protestant Episcopal church, of which his widow likewise is a devout communicant, as a member of the parish of St. Mark's church. In 1857 was solemnized the marriage of Judge .■\mes to Miss Delia Payne, of Sacketts Harbor, New York, and their wedded life was one of ideal order, marked by mutual devotion and most gracious associations. Mrs. Ames still resides in Minneapolis, where she has a wide circle of friends, and the fine city is endeared to her by many hallowed memories. Judge and Mrs. Ames became the parents of three children, — Mrs. Alice D. Hasey, who remains with her venerable mother; Mrs. .'\delaide Haven, who likewise resides in Minneapolis; and Mrs. Agnes Pulsifer, who was a resident of the city ot Chicago at the time of her death. O. E. BRECKE. Mr. Brecke is a native of Iowa, and a product of the educational systems of two states. He was born in Winnishiek, Iowa, March 25, 1862, the son of Andrew and Anna Brecke, pioneers of Iowa who had come to that state in 1847 and had gone forward to leadership in one of the most prosperous communities of that great farming state. The boy Otto lived on the farm until he was thirteen years old, and was a pupil in the country school. His next step in schooling was in Luther College, in Decorah, Iowa, from which he was graduated in 1881, winning the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and later took a post-giaduate course in the University of Minnesota. His university course completed, Mr. Brecke entered the busines's world, and shortly became attracted to the ocean transportation business. By the early nineties he had become agent of steamship lines, and was soon known widely as representative in the Northwest of the great White Star line. He continued in this position for ten years. Then, with the organization of the International Mercantile Marine Line, Mr. Brecke was made Northwest agent of this great tranportation system, embracing the White Star line, the Atlantic Transport line, the Red Star line, the Holland-American line, the Leyland line, and the Dominion line. The headquarters of this agency were in Minneapolis, but its territory included U])per Wiscon- sin, Upper Michigan, Minnesota, the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho and Washington and Oregon. The volume of traffic originating in this great region and bound toward Europe is enormous, and it is all closely related to the degree of development of the Northwest itself, so Mr. Breck may be said to have his finger on the pulse of Northwest prosperity. .JOHN De LAITTRE. In the United States, as in many other countries, "the con- servative temperament." as it is called, has rendered consid- erable service in preserving and advancing libertj- and pro- moting progress. But its movements have always been slow, its pathway has been carefully selected, its spirit has been one of endurance rather than effort, and its achievements have been more in the line of holding on than of going forward. Enthusiasm, enterprise, vehemence, experiment and adventure — these have rendered services far greater and much more valuable, for they are the attributes which carry the standards of progress and human happiness through every difficulty, over every obstacle and into every field of endeavor. Particularly does the history of our country, esjiecially in the great Northwest, show this to be true; and the men who laid the foundations of civilization, and those w-ho have aided in erecting the superstructure of present day conditions in the locality of St. Anthony Falls on the Mississippi river, have from the start been ]iossesse //''/fAYi', HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 205 changes in tlie world and wliicli has made Minneapolis the third city in this country as a commission center, it being surpassed only by New York and Chicago. He also furnished the capital for and built the Butler building, when it was a question whether the Butler company would locate its North- western branch in Minneapolis or St. Paul. By this act he secured for the Flour City the largest wholesale establishment west of Chicago. But Mr. Walker's business success, great and instructive as it has been, is neither the only nor the best feature of interest in his career. Ho has been a great student and made himself master of many lines of thought and action. He is a recog- nized connoisseur in art, an authority on literature, ancient and modern, and has a vast wealth of information on every live and timely topic of consideration. Minneapolis is indebted to him for its fine public library, and he has been annually elected president of its executive board from the beginning of its history in 1885. An early member and patron of the old Athenaeum Library, he foresaw the need of a free public librarj' and secured the enactment of the law which gave to the city its present fine library buildiijg. The rapid growth of the library in capacity and popular favor since its opening day in 1SS9 has given it a standing in circulation fourth among the public libraries in the United States. But this is not all of Mr. Walker's manifestation of interest in the finer side of life. The Walker home occupies half a city block in Minneapolis, and here he has a large and splendid private library, covering standard authoils in philosophy, sci- ence, history, political economy, poetry and art, and what is even more notable, a rare collection of fine paintings and other art products, which is said to constitute one of the finest art galleries in America or Europe. The collection represents about four hundred fine paintings by the old masters and modern American and European artists gathered in from the fine galleries of England, France, Italy. Germany and Spain, and from many of the galleries of this country. In addition to these he has about one hundred and twenty-five large paint- ings in the public library and over one hundred unhung. This sumptuous art gallery is also enriched by a large assortment of the finest Chinese, Persian, Japanese and Corean pottery and porcelain, and one of jades that stands ahead of any known collection in beauty of form and color. He has in addition a magnificent assemblage of carved hard stones of most beautiful color and form, together with a large number of gems and precious stones and splendid crystals, an exten- sive and superior lot of ancient sunspot bronzes, mostly from China but some from Japan, and the finest aggregation of ancient glass to be found in any museum or collection. The gallery is open every week-day to the public without any charges for entrance fees or catalogues. It consists of ten rooms adjacent to his residence, and he has recently, during the current year (1913), begun the erection of a .$20,000 addition to it. In the gallery at the public library he has a large and valuable collection of porcelains and other works of art in addition to the paintings he has there, and in the museum of the Academy of Science he has a fine selection of ancient art work, pottery, porcelain, ancient glass, Greek and Persian vases, and a magnificent case of a'ncient bronzes. These two rooms are each one hundred and forty feet long. From the character of his chief business operations Mr, Walker has naturally given much thought, attention and study to the forestry question, and he has so posted himself with reference to it that he is better prepared to discuss it in- telligently tliun almost any other man in the country. Ho is now deeply and practically interivsted in the conservation of the forests we have left, and his extensive experience in the lumber trade, together with his judicious study of the subject, has given him a grasp of it that no other man possesses. On this subject he has delivered a considerable number of fine addresses and written many articles for publi- cation in the press and in pamphlet form. In these he has set forth the only plan of conservation that is intended or ex- pressed as a complete one. And his plan will undoubtedly prove successful if public sentiment and legislative enactments by the government and the timber states back it up. He is striving earnestly to get it adopted and put in practical opera- tion, and seeking to induce the authorities who are desirous of intelligent conservation to join him in the movement. Mr. Walker has also, for many years, been actively, intelli- gently and elTectively engaged in helping to promote agencies for the moral uplifting of the American people. He has been deeply interested in the Young Men's Christian Association in Minneapolis, at the State University and throughout thi.s state; and for years he has been the Northwestern member of the National Committee of that organization, which is one of the most important and useful committees in the country. He is also ardently and serviceably energetic in church work, especially in connection with the Methodist sect or denomina- tion. For a number of years he has been the president of the Methodist Church Extension and Social Union of Minneapolis, and through the agency and helpfulness of this organization, and very largely by reason of his work and contributions, Methodist churches in Minneapolis, particularly those of the cojnmon people, are better established, freer from debt and more prosperous generally thaii those in any other city in America. Mr, Walker has moral endowments as well as mental power of a high order. The best principles of integrity and honor govern him in all his transactions, and his word has ever been as good as his bond. He has a clear head and a strong mind, and these have been cultivated throughout his long career by reading, study and observation, and by constant intercourse with many of the best citizens of his state and other localities, all of whom he numbers among his friends. In the interesting and domestic character of husband and father he is particu- larly amiable, enjoying the unbounded affection of his family, and as a man he is just, generous and upright, ever eager to promote the welfare of his fellow men without challenging constant laudation by obtrusive benefits. In manner he is cultured and refined, and is of a genial and sympathetic na- ture; and as a Christian he lives a life full of good works and ■well worthy of general emulation. His whole life, domestic and commercial, is marked by fixed principles of purity and benevolence. On December 19. ISfiR. Mr. Walker was united in marriage with Miss Harriet G. Hulet, a daughter of Fletcher Hulet. They have five sons and one daughter living. The living sons are Gilbert M., Fletcher L., Willis J,, Clinton L, and Archie D, They are all associated with their father in his lumber interests. The daughter living is Julia, the wife of Ernest F. Smith, who has four children. The son who died was Leon B., who passed away in 1887. and the daughter who is dead was Harriet, who was the wife of Rev. Frederick 0, Holman, pastor of Hennepin avenue Methodist Episcopal church. Her death occurred in 1904. 206 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, INHNNESOTA GKORGE L. BRADLEY. Having i)ractically finished his business work for this world, George L. Bradley, founder of the G. L. Bradley Produce Com- mission company, is now living retired from active pursuits, enjoying the rest his long and busy career entitles him to, and secure in the confidence and esteem of the whole community in which a large part of his useful life to the present time has beei) passed, and in which he has made the mark of his enterprise, business ability and high character as a man and citizen. Mr. Bradley was born at Wheeloek, Caledonia county, Ver- mont, November 1, 1837, in a family of merchants for three successive generations. His grandfather operated a general store at Wheelook Hollow. Sewell Bradley, the father of George L., succeeded the grandfather in the business, and George L. was destined to be a merchant too. At the age of seventeen he was bound to apprenticeship in a store at a compensation of $75 a year. In the performance of his duties he allowed molasses from a barrel to run over the vessel he was filling on two separate occasions. His employer, a Mr. Quimby, told him that if this occurred again he would be discharged. With characteristic spirit he replied that if it occurred again he would take his cap and go liomc. On January 14, 1914, he received from Mr. Quimby a little brown jug full of molasses, with an inscription on it saying that it would remind him of his first mercantile experience. In September, 1857, Mr. Bradley came to Fox Lake, Wiscon- sin, where he was employed in clerking until 1861. He then passed a few months in the Water Cure Institute at Dansville, Kew York, when he returned to Vermont and located at Sheffield, near his old home, where he was engaged in mer- chandising five or six years. From Sheffield he moved to Sutton and later to St. Johnsbury, and formed the firm of Cross & Bradley, manufacturers of crackers, a business which has grown to immense proportions. He was occupied in this business twelve years. In 1885 he came West again and located in Minneapolis, where he bought stock in the Sidle- Fletcher-Holmes Milling company and took a position in the office, also acting as a salesman for the company, i.ater he was with H. E. Fletcher in the City Elevator company. About fifteen years ago Mr. Bradley opened an olfice on Central Market and started a produce commission business. He did well and built up a large trade, and this was the beginning of the G. L. Bradley Produce Commission comjianv. He sold out his principal interest in the company when he retired five years since, but the business is still carried on under the old name. While living at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, he was connected with the First National Bank, of which Governor Fairbanks was president, and also had an interest in the Savings Bank, both old and well established and pros- perous institutions. Mr. Bradley being averse to ollicial life has never sought public service of any kind. He was married on January 14, 1864, at Sheffield, Vermont, to Miss Jane M. Morgan, of old New England stock. The fiftieth anniversary of their wedding was most pleasantly remembered by many of their old friends. They have reared a family of three orphans of other households from childhood. They are W. W. Bradley, secretary of the Minneapolis Humane Society; Fannie C, who is now the wife of A. A. Crane, vice president of the First National Bank, and Nellie P., wife of I. W. I.4iwrence. pro- prietor of the Hennepin laundry, the two girls being daughters of Mr. Bradley's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are members of the Second Church of the Christian Scientists, having been attracted to it through actual personal experiences, and they illustrate its teachings in their home and their daily lives. While not given much to sport, Mr. Bradley has found great pleasure in fishing for speckled trout. HENRY F. BROWN. The life story of this great lumber merchant, renowned live stock breeder and strong potency in public afi'airs is one of unusual interest and embodies a high example of vigorous stimulating influence for struggling young men, while it is illustrative, at the same time, of the best attributes of ele- vated American citizenship, to which Mr. Brown was an orna- ment, and of which he was an illuminating specimen. He passed over to the activities that know no weariness on December 14, 1913, but he has left his name in large and enduring plirase on ,the industrial, mercantile, commercial, educational and moral life of the community in which he so long lived and operated on a large scale, and it will be remem- bered with grateful appreciation by the people of that community in all walks of endeavor. Henry Francis Brown was born on his father's farm at Baldwin, Maine, on October 10, 1837, and began his academic education in the neighborhood district school. As soon as he was old enough he was sent to the Fryeburg Academy, Oxford county, in his native state, for two years, and after- ward for two years more to an academy of a higher grade at Limerick in Y'ork county. He was a son of Cyrus S. and Mary (Burnham) Brown, both members of old New England families domesticated in that section of the country from early colonial times. ' The father was born at Baldwin, Maine, where he always lived, and where he reared a family of ten children. He was a man of considerable wealth for that time and locality, a leading man in his neighborhood and prominent in the political activities of the state. Five of his children are living. They have retained the old family homestead and go there every year for a family reunion. Early in life the mighty Northwest, with its boundless re- sources and great wealth of opportunity seized upon Henry F. Brown's fancy, and its hold was strengthened and intensi- fied by the flight of time. When he was nineteen years old it drew him, as with the tug of gravitation, into its choicest region, locating him in Minneapolis in 1860; but prior to coming to this city he taught sdiool for a short period in Wisconsin. On his arrival in Minneapolis he at once entered the lumber business, and in this he was engaged until he retired from active pursuits a short time before his death, but he sold the bulk of his lumber interests in 1896, as he then had other claims on his time and attention which were more agreeable to him, and he had also began to feel the burden of years upon liim. It was in the lumber industry, however, that he laid the foundation of his fortune. He earned his first money in it by driving a team in the woods at twenty dollars a month. His progress at this i-ate was too slow to satisfy the demands of his ardent nature, and he turned his attention temporarily to other pursuits. He rented a farm, which he worked in the summer, and for three years in succession taught school in the winter. When he had acquired one thousand dollars in this HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. ^MINNESOTA 207 way he put it in the lumber trade, but lie lost it all the first winter and found himself in debt one thousand dollars more. This reverse would have changed the whole life of many a man, but Jlr. Brown was made of firm fiber and gifted with a resolute will. He continued lumbering and soon recovered from his losses and started on the upward way to consequence and wealth at a rapid rate. In the course of a few years other enterprises of magnitude proved inviting to him and he also engaged in tliem. He acquired a three-fourths interest in two flouring mills in Minneapolis; became a leader in the formation of the North American Telegraph company, or- ganized by Twin City capital to oppose the Western Union, and was one of the most extensive holders of its stock, and for years one of its directors; was the first president of the former Union National Bank, and a director in the Minne- apolis Trust company and the Minneapolis Street Railway company, the latter afterward becoming a part of the Twin City Rapid Transit company. He was also interested in a leading way in the Minneapolis Land and Improvement company. Notwithstanding these numerous and exacting claims on his time and energies, this gentleman of gigantic business enterprise and capacity found opportunity to give attention to other interests. He was for thirty-six years one of the largest individual operators in lumber in the Northwest in both wholesale and retail lines, and he carried the burden of his business in that line of trade easily. He was also the owner of an extensive iron property in the Mesaba range, which has been among the best producers of the United States Steel Corporation's development. In addition he was extensively engaged for many years in general farming on his faiTU of more than 400 acres near the city limits of Minneapolis. But the work in wliich Jlr. Brown took most delight, ami which carried his name in renown around the world, was breeding Shorthorn cattle. The Browndale herd, on the farm of this name above mentioned, became famous in all the states of this country and in almost every foreign land. It took the sweepstakes prize and many others for individual members of the herd at the world's fair in Chicago in 1893, and has done the same at many state and county fairs. Visitors from many parts of the world have been to Brown- dale to see the famous herd and attend the annual Browndale auction of Shorthorns, and the Browndale strain has repre- sentatives wherever men value high-bred and superior live stock. So many notable animals have been bred on this farm that its output figures with great prominence in the pedigree records in this country and abroad. Mr. Brown's prominence as a breeder caused him to be elected president of the American Shorthorn Breeders' asso- ciation in 1906, 1907 and 1908, and his continuance as a member of its board of directors and its executive committee until his death. He gave the affairs of this association the most careful attention and helped most effectively to expand and magnify its power and usefulness. This was the case with everything he turned his mind to. No interest or enter- prise with which he was ever connected failed to feel in the most serviceable way the quickening impulse of his resource- ful mind and ready hand. In social life he long took an active interest as a member of the Commercial club of Min- neapolis and the Saddle and Sirloin club of Chicago. From his youth Mr. Brown was an ardent supporter of the policies and theories of government advocated by the Repub- lican party, and during the earlier period of his life he was a very active worker for them. He served his party well and wisely as a committeeman and campaigner for years, but was never known as a seeker of ofiice. Only once did he allow his name to appear on the ballot. That was as presidential elector in 1884 for Benjamin Harrison, who was nominated for president in Minneapolis. But the welfare of the party to which he belonged was always a prime interest with him and he sought to promote its success, as long as he was active, by every proper means at his command. In respect to other matters of public interest Mr. Brown was also energetic and potential. He was an enthusiastic motorist, and this made him an earnest advocate of good roads. As a member of the Automobile club of Minneapolis he gave his support ardently to the improvement of highways in the Northwest. His energy and helpfulness in this behalf were very noticeable and of great value to the whole section of country througliout which they were employed, and he is well remembered for them. He was also earnestly and prac- tically interested in public charities, and on his own account maintained numerous private benevolences, but always with- out ostentation and with a decided aversion to public notice of his generosity in this connection. For his own enjoyment and recreation he was a great traveler whenever his business gave him the opportunity to indulge his taste in this respect. In the course of his life he visited nearly every section of the United States, and for many years usually passed his winters in Southern California, making Los Angeles his heacl- quarters and traveling wherever he wished from there. On July 19, 1865, Mr. Brown was united in marriage witli Miss Susan H. Fairchild of Maine. The marriage was solemn- ized at Saco. York county, in that state, where the bride was then living. One child was born to them, Grace, who died at the age of eight years. Mrs. Brown, who died in 1906, was a lady of great public spirit and very active in uplift work. Her philanthropic undertakings were numerous and very serviceable, and won her high regard among the people of Minneapolis. She was a member of the Chicago World's Fair commission for the state of Minnesota and took an active part in the management of the Women's department of that great exposition. Her services there were valued, as they were in every other enterprise with which she was ever connected. She and her husband worked hand in hand for every good purpose and kept achieving good results for their fellows in the human struggle for advance- ment, of which they were such strong and noble advocates, and their names are enshrined in the loving remembrance of all who knew them. HENRY MARTYN BRACKEN, M. D. Secretary of the State Board of Health was born Feb. 37, 18.54, at Noblestown. Penn. His father was Dr. Wm. C. Bracken, whose ancestors were pioneers of Delaware, and his mother, Electo Alvord, was a descendant of early ininiigraiits to Massachusetts. At thirteen Henry M. entered Eldersridge Academy, then conducted by a relative, to be fitted for Washington and .Ted'erson College. At seventeen he taught a summer school. Returning to the academy, he decided to enter Trinceton University. The death of his father changed his plans and 208 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA he decided to take up liis father's profession, arranging for study in a physician's. office. Teaching to bear his expenses, he persisted till he was able to matriculate in the Medical Department of the University of Michigan. Resuming the duties of a teacher, he later took a course in the medical department of Columbia College, in New York City, where his degree was acquired in 1877. In 1879 he received a diploma as licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, Scotland, and soon after began three years' service as surgeon on the ocean liners of the Royal Mail Steamship Company of England. He was in general practice in Thompson, Connecticut, for a year or more when he became surgeon to a mining camp in Mexico. A year and a half later he returned to "the States," and after post-graduate work in New York City, he in 1885 came to Minneapolis. He was offered the chair of materia medica and therapeutics in the Minnesota Hospital College in 1886. When the Medical Department of the University was organized in 1887 he was given the same position, hold- ing it till 1907, when he resigned to devote his whole time to the State Board of Health. lu 1895 his appointment as a member of the State Board of Health led to his becoming one of the most important servants of the state. Two years later, he was made Secretary of the Board, and thus became the principal executive guardian of public health. It became his duty to virtually organize his department and develop its various elements to that degree of efficiency that has made Minnesota noted for advance in health work. Dr. Bracken's achievements have made him well known in the world of medical and kindred sciences. He has been honored by election to high offices in such organizations as the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, the American Public Health Association and the American Climatological Association. He is president of the American School of Hygiene Association, for 1914, and others allied with the parent body, the American Medical Association. He has published numerous papers and treatises on health subjects, and is recognized authority among state health officers. As chief executive officer of the State Board of Health the interests of the State have been his interests throughout, and he is given credit for honesty of purpose and earnestness of leadership in behalf of the people. Dr. Bracken's home is in Minneapolis. He was married February 13, 1884, to Miss Emily Robinson, of Orange, New Jersey. MARTIN B. KOON. Martin B. Koon died at his home in Minneapolis, on August 20th, 1912, in his seventy-second year. He had been a member of the Minnesota bar since 1878. In that year he removed from Southern Michigan, took up his residence in Minnesota and began the active practice of his profession here. He was then thirty-seven years of age. He had practiced law in Michigan for about eleven yeare before he moved to Minnesota. He had been admitted to the Michi- gan bar in the year 1867, when he was twenty-six years of age. Although born in Schuyler county, New York, he had lived, boy and man in southern Michigan since his early childhood. He was the son of a Michigan pioneer farmer, who was a man of Scottish ancestry, and in moral and mental fibre of the mould of an old Scottish covenanter. The son had apparently inherited from his father some of the same qualities. He was early trained in the occupation of his father and disciplined in the heavy work of clearing and opening a farm in Southern Michigan, in the fourth and fifth decades of the last century. His early schooling was only such as the dis- trict school of that region and day afforded. Later he at- tended HiHsdale College, situated at the county seat of the county in which he lived. He there sustained himself largely by teaching and other work, while he carried on his studies. Impaired health in the year 1863 induced him to go to Cali- fornia, where he remained two years, and was principally occupied in teaching school. At the end of that period he re- turned to Michigan, studied law in the law office of his brother in Hillsdale, and was. there admitted to the bar and practiced his profession until he removed to Minnesota. Judge Koon was married November 18, 1873, to Josephine O. VanderMark. To them two daughters were born. Kate Estelle (Mrs. Clias. C. Boveyi and M. Louise (Mrs. Chas. D. Velie). There is nothing new or unusual in the facts of Judge Koon's early life, above sketched. Other lawyers have earned honorable positions at the bar, in spite of early disadvantages and lack of opportunit.v. But the lawyers at the bar are few, who have that broad knowledge of the law and legal acumen, and at the same time that keen business sense and practical business judgment that Judge Koon possessed. All of these qualities in an unusual degree belonged to him, and they formed the basis of his great success as a lawyer, and of his influence and pqwer among men of affairs and in the business world. In addition to these qualities he was a good judge of human nature; he had keen perception, quick wit, great power of direct thought and terse exjjresSion, good command of strong, idiomatic English, depth of feeling, considerable imag- ination, and a persuasive and winning manner — all part of the equipment of the successful advocate at the bar. His ability to state a legal proposition clearly, tersely and in plain, sim- ple language was very great. He could state a legal proposi- tion or any question clearlj' because he thought clearly. He possessed, in a marked degree, what is called a legal mind, that is, a mind that, without great effort and almost unconsciously, anal.vzes any legal question presented by distinguishing at once the material from the immaterial matters, and that al- most intuitively goes by direct course to the kernel of the question and sees the real point involved. He had great power of mental concentration and intense application, and a brain that worked with great rapidit.v and almost always at high pressure. He was thus able to ])erf. and was for many years a director of the National Bank of Commerce. He was a Republican in politics, but not an aggressive partisan. In fact, he withdrew from the Cnion League in 1898, after having long been a member, because he found its prevailing political opinions too radical for him. In religious affiliation Mr. Butters was a Universalist and a member of the Church of the Redeemer. He was a regular attendant at the services in tliis chnrcli. and for ni'iiv \('nrs. 234 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA before his death served as its treasurer. He was married in 1874 to Miss Ella S. King, a daughter of Edward King, of Dorchester, Massachusetts. They had two sons, one of whom died in infancy. The other, Frederick K. Butters, is now an assistant professor in the University of Minnesota. Mr. Butters died suddenly September 15, 1902. His widow and son are still living in the family residence, at 815 South Seventh Street, on the lot adjoining the home purchased by Isaac H. Butters, in 1867. GEORGE K. BELDEN. Among the younger business men of Minneapolis, none enjoy a wider acquaintance in business and social circles, than George K. Belden. Mr. Belden was born at Lyndon, Vermont, in 1870 and is a son of Judge Henry C. Belden, one of the pioneer attorneys of Minneapolis. Mr. Belden received his early education in the schools of his native state, attending school at St. Johns- bury. In 1884 the family removed to Minneapolis and soon after he entered the State University from which he received the degrees of bachelor of science in 1893; and also graduated from the law department in 1897. He was at once admitted to practice before the courts of the State, and for a number of years was associated with Thomas F. Wallace, in the bonding and liability business, under the firm name of Belden, Wallace & Co. Later he became interested in electrical contracting as a member of the firm of W. I. Gray Company with whom he is still associated. Mr. Belden is cordial and democratic in his social inclinations and holds memberships in several organization of the city, including the Minneapolis, Mini- kahda, University Minnetonka Yacht and Minneapolis Ath- letic clubs; and, for a number of years he was captain of Company M, Fourth Regiment of Minnesota National Guards. He also served as Sergeant Major and first lieutenant of Bat- tery B. In politics he has always been an active worker in the Republican party, particularly so in the early days of the Roosevelt club. Mr. Belden was married in January, 1906, to Miss Edith Knight of this city. JAMES STROUn BELL. Heredity and the environment of his boyhood combined with the natural industry of a lifetime to make a great miller of James Stroud Bell. For he grew up in the flour business, and he entered it at the bottom of the ladder. That he is at the top of the longest ladder of its kind in the world is due to the fact that, while being the son of his father may have started him on the lowest rung, natural aptitude sent him upward. And he is today president of the largest Hour mills corporation in the world, in point of output and fame. James S. Bell is not one of the milling pioneers of Min- neapolis. The foundations of Minneapolis' supremacy as the flour capital of the world were laid many years before Mr. Bell became directly identified with the city's chief interests. But the connection of the Bell family with the flour market began before there was a flour mill in Minneapolis, or even a Minneapolis. And it is from this family of flour merchants that there arose forceful elements which have figured prom- inently in the growth of one of the largest and most complex enterprises in the world of barter and sale. As early as the 1830's the name of Bell figured in the Hour markets of the East. Samuel Bell of Philadelphia was a miller, and in 1837 he became a flour commission merchant as well as a miller. Down through the nineteenth century the name endured in the business; indeed, it endures today, in the Eastern markets. For awhile there was the firm of W. and S. Bell; again it was known as Samuel Bell, and later as Samuel Bell and Son. The "Son" was James Stroud Bell. Ten years after Samuel Bell had gone into business as a commission merchant, a son was born to Samuel and Elizabeth (Faust) Bell. That was on June 30, 1847, in Phil- adelphia. The family came of Irish stock, and its affiliations were with the Quakers who made Philadelphia. And the boy, James Stroud Bell, had the advantages of schooling which gave Pliiladelphians a leadership in the world of business and society. His education was that of the public schools and of the Central High school of Philadelphia. And it was directly from the high school, after two years of the course, that the boy passed, when he was sixteen years old, to the office of his father's firm. It is tradition in the business world that the men who have won their way must have started as office boys. So Mr. Bell holds fast to tradition in this particular. He began as office boy — and he worked in every place in the business. So that when the time came, in 1868, for the father to say to his son that the time had come for the two to establish a part- nership, James S. Bell had become conversant with the ins and outs of the flour market from personal contact. For twenty years James S. Bell continued a member of the firm of Samuel Bell and Son. The firm was one of the foremost in the business; and it happened that it was Penn- sylvania sales agent for one of the big milling companies of Minneapolis, Washburn, Martin & Company, an outgrowth of Gen. C. C. Washburn's connection with the industry. So it naturally came about that when that company became the firm of Washburn, Crosby and Company, and a reorganization was effected following the retirement of some of its members, Mr. Bell entered the firm and moved to Minneapolis. That was in 1888. A year later the firm was incorporated as the Washburn- Crosby company, and Mr. Bell was elected its president. He has held the same office ever since. And in this capacity he has directed the largest flour milling concern in the world, for the Washburn-Crosby company has mills in Minneapolis alone which have a total daily capacity of about 30,000 barrels of flour, and in addition the concern owns and operates huge mills in Buffalo, N. Y., in Louisville, Ky., and in Great Falls and Kalispell, Montana. Men who know the flour market say it was due in part to Mr. Bell's insight into the peculiar demands of the flour business, its strategy and its vantage points of competition that the mills in the East, South and West were added to the plants of the Washburn- Crosby Company. For a quarter of a century James S. Bell, president of the company, has been at the helm. That he is a leader as a chief executive of the company is shown by the fact that he has surrounded himself with experts in the cumplex rami- fications of the milling and grain business. For the Washburn- \J-Ciy'>^^LJiyd HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 235 Crosby Company is not only a flour milling concern; it is a commanding figure in the grain trade, and points the way of big traders in the Chamber of Commerce. In this connection it is that Mr. Bell heads not only the milling company but its closely allied concerns, the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Company, and the Frontier Elevator Company. And as he has a guiding hand on the affairs of the milling and elevator companies, so also he figures in the councils within the com- panies, when matters which have to do with utilizing the by-products of the business come up. A successful miller, in Minneapolis, must likewise be a successful financier as well. Business contacts are with men big in the banking world, just as business deals in the grain and flour markets are of such a nature that it is initiative and boldness of operation which rule. So Mr. Bell is perhaps as well known as a banker as he is as a miller. For many years he has been a director of the Northwestern National Bank or predecessors which have become part of that financial institution. And he has been looked to for advice, when matters affecting the credit of the city were uppermost. Mr. Bell is also vice president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. Of late years, though Mr. Bell has continued to be a living and active proof of the theory that a man is at his best when he is past fifty years of age, he has given more of his time to social enjoyment than had been his wont in the beginning of his business career. He is a member of the leading clubs of the city, the Minneapolis, the Minikahda, and the La- Fayette, and he is prominent in the affairs of the Presbyterian church. In politics he is a stalwart Republican. Mr. Bell has been married twice. His first wife was Sallie Montgomery Ford, wliom he married in Philadelphia .Jan. 8, 1873. To them w;is born one son, .James Ford Bell, who is associated with his father in business. The first Mrs. Bell died on June 19, 1905. Mr. Bell was again married .September 28, 1912, his second wife being Mabel Sargent. LEWIS CASS BARNETT. Lewis Cass Barnett was born January 13, 1848, at Greens- burg, Kentucky, the seventh of eight sons of William and Lucy Reed (Cable) Barnett. The Barnett ancestors were Scotch Presbyterians who migrated to this country to secure religious freedom, William Barnett. the paternal great-grand- father of Lewis C, coming to America in 1750, and, settling in South Carolina, his sons espoused the cause of Independence, and served with distinction throughout the war. William, gnuiilfather of Lewis, choosing Kentucky, "the dark and bloody ground," for his future home, there prospered and became the owner of a large plantation. The third William Barnett's second wife was Lucy Reed Cable, another historic Ohio family. Lewis C. Barnett attended the public school until the age of fourteen. In 1864 the family moved to Rock Island, Illinois, and he became a student in Davenport, Iowa, and then took a four years' course in the University of Iowa. His first occupation was farming, where he learned the possibilities of the grain trade, and soon after- ward began operations in the building of grain elevators. Mr. Barnett became a elevator building contractor in 1880, in 1892 becoming president of the Barnett & Record company. F. R. McQueen soon after was made general manager; and in 1895, when the Canadian Northwest showed signs of great grain development the Barnett & McQueen company, limited, was organized under the laws of Canada. The companies are using, in their operations, numerous patents on grain elevators and grain handling devices devised by J. L. Record, C. V. Johnson and Mr. McQueen. Some of the elevators erected by them are: The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad's fireproof elevator in Kansas City, with a capacity of 1,000,000 bushels; the P. V. elevator in Duluth of fireproof tile with a capacity of 650,000 bushels; the steel elevator at Fort William, Ontario, fireproofed with tile and built for the Canadian Pacific Railway, with a capacity of 1,700,000 bushels, and the Canadian Northern Railroad com- pany's elevator at Port Arthur, Ontario, the largest in the world, having a storage capacity of 7,000,000 bushels. The type of elevator put up by these companies is the result of many years' study, observation and experimenting to meet the demand for absolutely fireproof construction. These companies have designed and built over 1,100 elevators of the first class. They have also erected a large number of iron ore, coal and dry docks. November 16, 1893, Mr. Barnett was united in marriage with Miss Laura A. Tombler. They have one child, Lucy Cable. He is a member of the Minneapolis club, the Iroquois club of Chicago, and the Kitchi Gammi club of Duluth. He and wife are presbyterians. He is regarded as one of the far- seeing, enterprising, and public-spirited citizens. WILLIAM BURNS. Mr. Burns was born in Natick, Middlesex county, Massa- chusetts, on November 37, 1868, and when he was between fifteen and sixteen years old came to Chicago, where he began to acquire a thorough practical knowledge of the manufacture of ornamental iron work. He started his work in this industry as helper to a shipping clerk at a compensation of .$6 a week. But he soon made his merit known and was rapidly advanced by the firm which employed him, becoming in turn checker, keeper of the tool room, purchasing agent, cost clerk and city salesman for Chicago. His deep interest in his work and his siiperior qualifications for it attracted the attention of other firms in the industry, and in the course of a few years he was elevated to the post of assistant superintendent of the Winslow Brothers company in Chicago. A few years later, in company with two other men, he organized a small company and began doing business on his own account. In 1906 he came to Minneapolis to accept the office of vice president' and sales manager which he now holds in connection with the Flour City Ornamental Iron Works, and in this position the greatest work of his life in the ornamental iron industry has been done. When Mr. Burns began his connection with this company it employed about 160 persons and sought only comparatively small contracts, one for $30,000 being the largest it had ever secured. This contract was carried out completely, promptly and to the entire satisfaction of the company, and the success opened the eyes of the men with whom Mr. Bums was connected to the larger possibilities of their business and their ability to meet all the requirements involved therein. Repeated extensions of the plant of the company and augmentations of its facilities have since been made necessary. 236 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA At the time of this writing (June, 1914) the company has on file contracts aggregating more than one and one-half million dollars in value, and additions to the works are in course of erection which will practically double their capacity, although about 1,000 high-grade workmen, are regularly employed in them now, and are kept busy to the full limit of their work- ing time. Deeply interested in the enduring welfare, wholesome progress and artistic adornment of his home city, Mr. Burns takes an active part in everything that ministers to its betterment. The social amenities of life engage his attention and he contributes to them by active membership in the New Athletic, the Elks and Rotary clubs and other social organiza- tions. In the Civic Commerce association he serves on the committee on track elevation, and he is also zealously interested in the new Art building. Mr. Biirns was married in Chicago in 1893 to Miss Mary Kelley. They have one child, their son William V.. who is a salesman for the company. GEORGK M. BLEECKER. George M. Bleecker, Lawyer: Mr. Bleecker was born in the village of Whippany, Morris county. New Jersey, on November 19th, 1861, and is a descendant of one of the early Knickerbocker families of New York city. His early education was received at a local academy. In 1883, he came to Minneapolis, and during the next two years pursued a course of special instruction in the University of Minnesota. He then entered the law department of the University of Michigan, from which he was graduated in 1887, and was admitted to practice in Minnesota in Decem- ber following. During the next two years he was employed as law clerk with the firm of Smith and Reed, Judge Seagrave Smith of that firm being then City Attorney of Minneapolis. In December, 1890. he was appointed clerk of the Probate court of Hennepin County, and served as such until January, 1893, and since tliat date he has been in active general practice. He was a member of the legislature during the years 1893 and 1894. He is now one of the members of the Minneapolis Civil Service Commission. Mr. Bleecker also takes an active part in organized social life as a member of several clubs and other organizations devoted to physical, intellectual and social betterment. On October 22nd. 1888, Mr. Bleecker was united in marriage with Miss Mary Frances Martin, a native of Illinois. They have four children, two sons and two daughters. They attend the Episcopal church. JOSEPH DEAN. Mr. Dean was born on Jamiary 10. 1826. near Enniskillen, County Fermanagh. Ireland, where his forefathers lived, labored and were laid to rest in the soil that was hallowed by their labors for many generations. He died on May 23, 1890, at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, in the 'sixty-fifth year of his age. leaving a record of initiative and accomplishment that would have been creditable to any man in any age or country. WTiile he was yet but a lad he was brought to Canada by his parents, who located near Sherbrooke, in the province of Quebec, but moved to the neighborhood of Belviderc. Boone county, Illinois, when he was twelve years old. The father of the family died about this time, and the mother, who survived him, devoted her energies to complete the rearing and education of her children. She passed her last years at the home of one of her daughters at Baileyville, Illinois. George Dean, the oldest son of the household, re- mained in Belvidere, and died there well advanced in years. Joseph Dean learned the carpenter trade in Belvidere after obtaining a limited common school education, and was married there in 1849 to Miss Nancy Harvey Stanley, of near Dunkirk, Cliautauqua county. New York, where her girlhood was passed. After their marriage they moved to Chicago, and there Mr. Dean worked at his trade until 1850, when he brought his family to St. Anthony. He did not remain in that village, however, but soon after his arrival there pre-empted a claim near Bloomington, on the Minnesota river, fifteen miles south- west of Minneapolis, where the dwelling house he built is still standing. He and Thomas Chambers operated a ferry over the river there, and Mr. Dean also engaged in farming and was postmaster at the neighboring village of Bloomington. About 1856 Mr. Dean moved to Minneapolis and conducted the principal building activities of Colonel Franklin Steele, who was then the most prominent man in this locality. After working for Colonel Steele tliree or four years Mr. Dean, in I860, purchased of a Mr. Morey a sash and door factory at the Falls, which he sold to J. G. Smith and L. D. Parker after run- ning it for a few years. The factory then became the nucleus of the large plant of the Smith & Wyman company of the present day. When he sold his factory Mr. Dean formed a partnership with William M.. Thomas A. and Hugh G. Harrison, and they engaged in lumbering under the name of .Joseph Dean & Com- pany. They manufactured and sold lumber, their principal mill, the Pacific, being on the bank of the river above where the Union Depot now stands, and their second mill, the At- lantic, at the mouth of Bassett's creek. The Atlantic mill was destroyed by fire two or three years after they became pos- sessed of it. But this disaster did not lessen their business. The Harrisons were the strongest men financially in the com- munity at the time, and the firm had, therefore, plenty of capital and credit, and was able to carry on its business on a very extensive scale. The Harrisons limited themselves to an advisory capacity in the trade and left the management entirely to Mr. Dean. The wisdom of this course is shown by the fact that the firm be- came the most extensive manufacturer of lumber in Minne- apolis, employing regularly in the sawing season 250 to 300 men and producing about 30.000,000 feet of lumber per annum for many years. In 1877 Mr. Dean quit the lumber trade and turned liis attention to banking. In .luly of that year he consented to take the cashiership of the old State National Bank of Minneapolis, of which Thomas A. Harrison was presi- lieiit. and which was not doing as well as it could have been in a business way. This move on the part of Mr. Dean led to the founding of the Security National Bank, which was opened for business on .Tanuary 1, 1878, with Thomas A. Harrison as president, Hugh G. Harrison as vice president and Mr. Dean as cashier. The old State Bank was liquidated, its depositors were paid off. :iM(l the institution was closed. Alfred J. Dean, the oldest Si^i^A-'C^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 237 living son of Joseph, who liail been employed in the old Inink for seven years, was made assistant cashier of the Security ;ind opened it for business. His father was the lirst cashier (if the new bank, and served it in that capacity until 1881, when failing health caused him to retire. Then Alfred was made cashier. In 1887, the father's health having greatly im- proved, he was chosen general manager of the bank, the i)(i.si- tion having been especially created for him. and from then until his death he continued to hold this relation to the insti- tution, and under his management it became the leading bank in the city. Thomas A. Harrison was presiportunity to reciprocate the slightest favors or courtesies, and his loyalty to friendships and business associates was a matter of universal comment among all who knew him." So spoke a close personal and political friend of many years standing of the late Robert Bruce Langdon. This is high praise, but Mr. Langdon's lirm i)laee in the regard of many persons in many states during his life and the cordiality and warmth with which lie is remembered and his name and achievements since his death are revered show that he must have deserved it all. and that the estimate of his character and ])ersonality embodied in the description was based on genuine merit and a truly lofty, pleasing and serviceable manhood. Mr. Langdon was born on a farm near New Haven. Ver- mont, on November 24, 1826. His ancestry on both sides of the house was English, but the progenitors of the American branch of the family were early arrivals in this country, for his great-grandfather was captain of a Massachusetts regiment during the Revolutionary war. At the close of that mo- mentous contest for independence and freedom the captain located in Connecticut, but later moved to Vermont, becoming one of the pioneers of that state, or at least of the portion of it in which he settled, which was the neighborhood of the HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 245 town of Xew Havpii. in Addison county, where his grandson, Seth Langdon, the father of Robert Bruce, was born and reared. The mother was a Miss Squires, and a descendant also of families loiig resident in this country. Mr. Langdon's father was a farmer and he was himself reared on the farm and at an early age began to take part in the work of cultivating it. He began his academic education in the district schools and completed it by a short course in a good academy. He was of a constructive nature, however, and eager from his youth to be doing something tangible and material. On this account his school days were limited, except what followed in the rugged but thorough school of experience. In 1848 he yielded to his great ambition and began his business career as foreman of a construction company engaged in building the Rutland & Burlington Railroad in Vermont, A short time afterward he left his native state and came West in the employ of Selah Chamberlain, a railroad contractor, for whom he worked a number of years in Ohio and Wisconsin, In the course of time, however, he felt strong enough in the business to take a contract on his own account, and secured one to fence the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad from Fond du Lac. Wisconsin, to Minnesota .Junction. Mr. Langdon was successful in this undertaking, carrying out his contract in every particular and doing well through it. He was now fairly launched on the broad sea of railroad con- stiuction work, and followed his first contract with others as rapidly as he could. In 1853 he had charge of the construction of a section of seventy-five miles of the Illinois Central road extending from Kankakee, Illinois, to Urbana. Ohio, and later was engaged on contracts for the Milwaukee & La Crosse and the Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien roads in the order named. His work was bringing him to his destined permanent home. In 1858 the first ground broken for a railroad in Minnesota was turned up under his direction. Soon after this perform- ance he went South to build the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, a piece of work he was obliged to abandon, after spending two years on it, because of the outbreak of the Civil war. But this did not stay his hand in this department of productive labor or abate his energy. He at once returned to the North and began new lines wherever the time was ripe for them. During his active career as a railroad contractor he was asso- ciated at different times with D. M. Carpenter. D. C. Shepard, A, H, Linton and other gentlemen, and in association with them built more than 7,000 miles of railroad in the states of Vermont. Ohio, Wisconsin. Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Ten- nessee, Mississippi. Iowa, the Dakotas, Montana, and the Northwest Territory in Canada, Mr, Langdon was not, however, only a railroad contractor, although one of the foremost in the country. He acquired interests in some of the roads he built and became a stock- holder and director in some of the most important lines in the Northwest, He was vice president and a director of the Min- neapolis & St, Louis Railroad, and for a number of years a vice )>re9ident of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad. He also turned his attention to other enter- prises besides that of railroad building. In 1866 he built the canal of the Minneapolis Milling company. He was also presi- dent of the company which built the Syndicate Block and the Masonic Temple in Minneapolis; a director of the Twin City Stock Yards at New Brighton and of the City Bank of Minne- apolis; a partner in the wholesale grocery firm of George R. Newell & Company, and interested in the Terminal Elevator company and the Belt Railway, which connects the stock yards with the interurban system of railroads, Mr, Langdon was a gentleman whose counsel was eagerly sought by various corporations and large institutions, not only in Minnesota, but throughout the Northwest, his reputa- tion as a financier and a man of fine business Capacity being high and widespread. And his sterling traits of character made him a strong man in every field of endeavor with which he was ever connected. But his numerous and very exacting business undertakings did not wean him from the studious habits formed in his boyhood and youth, and he possessed a vast fund of general information gathered by reading, observa- tion and reflection. Few men were equal to him as a con- versationalist on so many and such varied topics of human interest and discussion. No man in his community ever took a more active, intelli- gent and serviceable interest in the affairs of his locality than did Mr, Langdon, In the molding of the destinies of Minne- apolis and the state of Minnesota during the active years of his life his influence was widespread and potential. He also had an extensive acquaintance with men of national reputa- tion and influence throughout the countr}', and this he made serviceable to his city and state whenever he could do so. It was largely through his persuasive power and country-wide acquaintance with the leaders of political thought in his party that Minneapolis was selected as the meeting place of the Republican national convention in 1892, and he was a member of the general committee on arrangements for it and chair- man of two of its most important sub-committees, chosen because of his great business ability and personal strength in his community and elsewhere. Politically Mr, Langdon was a Republican all his life after the birth of the party of that name, and was prominent in its coimcils locally and nationally. In 1872 he was elected to the state senate, and his services in that body were so satisfactory that he was successively re-elected, serving continuously until 1878, In 1880 he was again elected to the senate and served until 1885, He was also the choice of his party for the same honor in 1888, but owing to the Farmers' Alliance landslide of that year he was beaten at the election by his Democratit: opponent. That he was very strong in his party was shown by the fact that he never had an opponent for any nomination that he received, always being the unanimous choice of the nominating convention, and always without solicitation on his part. He was many times a delegate to the state conventions of his party and was also one of Minnesota's representatives in three of its national conventions — the one that met in Cincin- nati in 1876; the one that met in Chicago in 1884, and the one that met in the same city in 1888, It should be stated that he was a member of the state senate at the extra session called by Governor Pillsbury to act upon the adjustment of the state railroad bonds and remove the stain of repudiation from the fair name of the state. During the session he was an earnest advocate of the remedial legislation proposed and a vigorous supporter of every effort made for the settlement of the A-exatious problems involved in the case. The pleasing subject of this brief review was a man of large frame and robust physique, and possessed a personality that was both impressive and magnetic. He was also a genial man and had a mitural faculty of making friends of all who came in contact with him. He was a remarkably benevolent and kind-hearted man, too, rich in his bounty to public charities 246 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and generous always to the needy, but always in the most unobstrusive and unostentatious way. His sterling qualities of head and heart greatly endeared him to men in all walks of life, and his death, which occurred on July 24, 1895, in Minneapolis, was mourned by a host of sincere and devoted friends such as few men leave behind them when they die or ever have during life. His memory is enshrined in the hearts of the people among whom he so long lived and labored. It is also embalmed in the name of two towns, Langdon, North Dakota, and Langdon, Minnesota, both of which were given this name in honor of him and because of his services in bringing them into being. Mr. Langdon was married in 1859 to Miss Sarah Smith, a daughter of Dr. Horatio A. Smith, of New Haven, Vermont. The Langdons took up their residence in Minneapolis in 1866, came to Mendota in 1863 and resided in Gen. Sibley's old home from 1863 to 1866, and here the head of the household passed the remainder of his days. In religious faith he was an Episcopalian, and at the time of his death was a vestry- man of St. Mark's church, as he had been for many years before. His offspring number three, all of whom are married and reside in Minneapolis. They are: Cavour S. Langdon, Mrs. H. C. Truesdale and Mrs. W. F. Brooks. All of them stand high in public esteem and in their daily lives exem- plify the sterling virtues of their parents and the lessons- given them by precept and example at the family hearthstone. WALLACE CAMPBELL. Was born at Waverly, Tioga Count}-, New York, Septem- ber 8, 1863, and is the son of S. C. and Mary A. (Farwell) Campbell, both natives of New York. The father was for many years a successful dry goods merchant, late in life joining the son in Minneapolis, where he became Vice Presi- dent of the People's Bank. Both parents died in this city. Wallace graduated from Hamilton College at Clinton, New York, in the Classical course, with the class of 1883. While a student he became a member of the Chi-Psi Greek Letter fraternity, with which he has continued to be affiliated for thirty-six years. In 1885 he graduated in law from Columbia Law School. During 1883-4 he taught Latin, Rhetoric and Elocution in Brooklyn Polytechnic. In 1885 he came to Minneapolis for six years, being associated with H. 0. Stryker in a very sat- isfactory law practice. He then entered the financial field as Vice President of Hill Sons & Company Bank and con- tinued as active manager for seven years. In 1898 he bought the controlling interest in the Peoples Bank, becom- ing President. In 1907 this was .-^old iind became the nucleus of the Scandinavian-American National Bank. Mr. Campbell retir- ing from active hanking. While banking occupied his atten- tion largely during that sixteen years, he was identified prominently with other diversified interests. For some years he was Vice President of the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company, was also Vice President of the New Eng- land Furniture & Carpet Company. He also acquired the land grant of 9,000 acres in the Red River Valley of the Great Northern Railway, which he disposed of to actual set- tlers. He is the owner and President of the Hudson Sana- torium Company at Hudson. Wisconsin, which occupies one of the natural beauty spots of the St. Croix Valley. He ia owner, also, and President of the Widmann Hotel Company at Mitchell, South Dakota, and is President of the Almary Oil Company at Tulsa. Oklahoma, one of the fine properties in that wonderful oil tenitory. He holds membership in the Minneapolis club, the Athletic club, the Auto and the Miltona clubs, the latter composed of congenial spirits whose enjoy- ment is in hunting and fishing. In 1886 he married Minnie V. Adams of Chicago, a niece of C. H. McCormick, the renowned manufacturer. They have two daughters, Mary and Ruth. They live at the Hotel Plaza. Ever an ardent Republican, during the Harrison and Morton campaign of 1888 Mr. Campbell attained quite a reputation as a political worker and speaker, stumping the state for the party. Richly endowed with a pleasing per- sonality, enhanced by the culture that comes from university life, and the personal contact with the world through important business relations, few men in Minnesota possess a wider or more loyal circle of friends. GEORGE H. CHRISTIAN. Although a Southerner by birth, and partly educated in the South, George H. Christian has lived in the North from the time when he was eleven years of age, and in Minneapolis for a continuous period of forty-five years. He is therefore in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of this section, and has shown his warm and helpful interest in it by his large contributions to its industrial and commercial development. No part of its business life, and no phase of its economic progress, during his residence among its people, is unknown to him, and there is Scarcely any in which he has not taken part to its great advantage, even though his own manufactur- ing and mercantile activities have been confined to but a few lines of production and distribution. Mr. Christian was born near Wetumpka, Alabama, on January 14, 1839, and remained in the South until 1850, when he moved with his parents to Walworth county, Wisconsin, where they settled on a farm. Before leaving his Southern home, however. Mr. Christian began his academic education in a private school at Wilmington, North Carolina. He had but limited opportunities for further study in a scholastic way, for soon after his arrival in the North he went to Albany, New York, and entered the store of an uncle there. His next step in business training was as a clerk in the office of the Continental Insurance company in New York city, and his experience in both places was of great advantage to him in giving him knowledge of himself and of others, and also in affording him practical acquaintance with business. But he was far above being for any great length of time a worker for other men, and in a few years after having been a clerk for a flour, grain and commission merchant in Chicago, he with great foresight and discriminating intelli- gence saw the possibilities at the head of navigation on the Mississippi and divined the great future of the region around it, especially in the production of cereals and their conversion into manufactured products of various kinds for consumption and still further manufacture, and in 186T Mr. Christian became a resident of Minneapolis as a flour buyer. Soon after- ward he became associated with Governor Washburn in the milling business, introducing French and German processes- HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 247 for milling Hour, which practically revolutionized the business in this section. In 1869 he organized and became the head of the firm of Christian, Tomlinson & Co., merchant millers, which was changed the next year to that of George H. Christian & Co., and continued as such until 1875. At that time he was still a young man and the milling business was particularly profitable because of the introduc- tion of a new process of milling wheat. He had, however, formed the singular determination not to acquire riches, believ- ing happiness could easier be found by one neither rich nor poor, and although his profit on flour per barrel was twenty times what is now considered satisfactory, he sold out his interest in the business to his brothers without exacting any premium. He remained out of active management of any business for twenty years, when a certain large milling con- cern became financially embarrassed through divided manage- ment. He was asked to take over the business, which he did, and at the end of four years he was enabled to hand it back to the companjf with its financial strength restored and its affairs in a prosperous state. Subsequently he became the President of the Hardwood Manufacturing Company, a position he has ever since filled. By his energy and business capacity lie built this company and its trade up to large proportions, making it one of the leading industrial and mercantile institutions in the city, and giving it a name and Standing in the business world of the highest rank and a commanding influence in business affairs in the locality in which it operates so extensively. But it was not to be expected that a man of Mr. Christian's activity of mind and business resources could be confined, or would confine himself, to one line of endeavor. He is vice president of the Minneapolis Paper company and connected with other industries and business undertakings of various kinds and cumulative value to the community around him, which he had helped so materially to build up, develop and improve. George H. Christian is the son of John and Susan (Weeks) Christian, the former a native of County Wicklow, Ireland, and the latter of Wilmington, North Carolina. The father was born in 1807, and was a son of David Christian, of the same nativity as himself, who came to the United States in 1806 and located in Albany, New York, where he died after having been for many years engaged in mercantile life. His family consisted of six sons and three daughters. His son John, father of George H., died in Minneapolis in 1881. He and his wife were members of St. Mark's church. Mr. Christian of this sketch was married on April 2.3, 1867, in Minneapolis, to Miss Leonora Hall, a native of Wisconsin. They have one child living, their son, George C. The parents are Episcopalians in religious connection and members of St. Mark's church. The father belongs to the Minneapolis and Commercial clubs. He and his wife, who still abides with him, have long been among the most esteemed residents of their home city, and recognized as among its most potent factors for good to the community, morally, intellectually, socially and materially. COLONEL FRANK T. CORRISTON. Although now known and listed professionally as an attor- ney at law, Colonel Frank T. Corrison has served the com- munity well in an important olficial capacity, the State as an officer of the National Guard, and the country as a soldier and officer in the Spanish-American war. Colonel Corriston was born in St. Peter, Minnesota, Febru- ary 10, 1868. He removed to Minneapolis in 1883. Later he learned shorthand. Began the study of law in the office of Wilson & Lawrence, and was admitted to the bar March 14, 1889. From 1893 to 1896 Colonel Corriston was a partner of .James W. Lawrence and Hiram C. Truesdale under the firm name of Lawrence, Truesdale & Corriston, the firm being dis- solved when Mr. Truesdale was appointed Chief Justice of Arizona. In January, 1897 Judge David F. Simpson appointed Mr. Corriston official court stenographer of the Hennepin County District Court, a position he held until January 7, 1907, except for eighteen months' sei-vice in the Philippines. Colonel Corriston served in the First Regiment, Minnesota ' National Guard, from April 14, 1889, to October 23, 1913, com- pleting almost twentj'-five years of active connection with that organization, vacating his position of Lieutenant Colonel to accept an appointment as Colonel on the Governor's Staff. As a captain in the Thirteenth Minnesota Volunteers he went to Manila, arriving there July 31, 1898. Participated in the capture of the city of Manila on August 13. 1898, being in command and acting as Major of the Minneapolis battalion of the Thirteenth Regiment. Remained in the Philippines until the regiment returned September 7, 1899. He was mustered out of the federal service October 3, 1899. Resumed his connection with the Minnesota National Guard, in which he was soon elected Lieutenant Colonel. Was largely instru- mental in securing the new National Guard Armory, and was a member of the Armory Board for a number of years. During his service in the Philippines he was detailed for seven months as Judge of the Provost Court of Manila. He preferred the charge and was a witness in the trial of the first j)erson convicted under American authority in the Philippines. Mayor James C. Haynes appointed him chief of police of Minneapolis January 7, 1907, and when the Mayor was re-ele'cted the chief was reappointed, his term expiring the first of January, 1911, when he declined reappointment. When he assumed charge of the police department the force numbered 262 members, and the appropriation was $283,000. When he retired, after four years' service, there were 337 members, and the appropriation was $398,000. The number of arrests in the first year was 8,842, and in the last 11,430. Dur- ing his term the expense of maintaining the department never exceeded the appropriations. During the four years he was chief of police the appropriations aggregated $1,310,460, and the credit balance at the close of his term was $38.54. He introduced the use of automobiles in the department; started the TraflSe Squad to regulate street travel at congested points; was the author of the present traffic ordinance; inaugu- rated a new street signal service, and installed the auto- patrol and motorcycle service; established the auto-ambulance and police surgeon department, and created the new Sixth Precinct station at Lake street and Minnehaha Avenue; the Bertillon method of identification was systematized and enlarged, and the finger print identification installed; salaries of police officers were increased twice during his term of office, and promotions were made on civil service lines before there was any legislation on the Subject. Since leaving the police department he has been engaged in a general practice of his profession. He received his degree 248 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of LL. B. from the Law Department of the University of Minnesota, graduating in the Class of 1890. Colonel Corriston is a Democrat. He was Secretary of the Democratic Congressional Committee in 1892, and in 1900 was the candidate for special judge of the Municipal Court. Belongs to the Masons, holding membership in Khurum Lodge; is Past High Priest of Ark Chapter, belongs to Min- neapolis Mounted Commandery and Zuhrah Temple. He is also a member of the Elks, the Royal Arcanum, the Native Sons of Minnesota, Patterson Post No. 11 Army of the Philip- pines, Cuba and Porto Rico, of which he is the iii-st Past Com- mander. Also belongs to the Minneapolis Athletic Club and the West Side Commercial Club. He was married May 1, 1898, to Miss Lela E. Benham, a native of Algona, Iowa. They have one daughter, Lucile Benham Corriston. HENRY TITUS WELLES. "The memory of the just is blessed." So it was written by King Solomon in hiv* Proverbs of men in general, and so it was written of the late Henry Titus Welles of Minneapolis especially, in the Minnesota Church Record, when he departed this life on March 4, 1898, in the seventy-seventh year of his age and after a residence of forty-five years in Minneapolis, all of which were crowded with business activity, practical and broad-viewed efforts for the progress and improvement of the community, zealous and effective work for his church and all others, and extensive benevolence in many ways. That the encomium was justly bestowed in his case cannot but be seen from even the brief outline of his life presented in these pages. Mr. Welles was descended from old New England families of Puritan stock, and was born at Glastonbury, Connecticut, on .^pril 3. 1821. in the house where his father and grand- father were born and died, and where his mother and her mother, his father's mother, grandmother and great-grand- mother died. He was a son of Jonathan and Jerusha (Welles) Welles, who were cousins, and were married in Boston on December 10. 1818. Governor Thomas Welles, the progenitor of the American branch of the family, having been proscribed as a recusant in England, his native country, came to America and settled in Connecticut in 1636. He was governor of the colony in 1656 and 1658, and held other important public offices. Henry T. Welles was one of his lineal descendants on both his father's and his mother's side of the house. .Jonathan Welles, the grandfather of Henry T.. was a grad- uate of Yale College, and was a tutor in that institution for a number of years after his graduation. He married Catherine Saltonstall, grand-daugliter of Gurdon Saltonstall, governor of Connecticut from 1707 to 1724. dying in office. The family is supposed to be of Norman origin, and has been traced in Nor- mandy back to the latter part of the eighth centtiry, from which time its members held the highest rank, personally and by royal intermarriages. Doubtless some of them were prominent in tlir' train of William the Conqueror, when he in- vaded Engliuul ill tlic eleventh century and gained dominion over that country at the battle of Hastings. Henry T. Welles passed his infancy, boyhood and youth on his father's farm and in academic studies until he entered Trinity College (which was formerly known as Washington College) in Hartford, from which he was graduated in 1843. He then studied law and in 1845 was admitted to practice at the bar of Hartford county. At the age of twenty-nine he was elected as the candidate of the Whig party to represent liis town in the legislature. He accepted but one term in that boily. however, as his active mind was already looking out to projects of moment in a locality far distant from his ancestral home. In 1853 he brought what family he then had to St. Anthony, as the town at the Falls was then called, and at once engaged in the lumber business, which was the principal, the most attractive and almost the only industry of magnitude in this region at the time. He had liberal capital for the period, and invested a large part of it in operating seven of the eight sets of saws then at St. Anthony, working in association with Franklin Steele, sutler at Fort Snelling, who owned the mill. He encountered many difficulties in his new and hitherto un- tried line of endeavor, but his native ability, genius for man- agement and adaptability to circumstances made him trium- phant over them all, and his venture proved very successful. Two years later the rapid growth and great promise of the town induced Mr. Welles to invest a considerable sum of money in real estate, whereby he acquired, along with other properties, a share in the claim of which Col. John H. Stevens had entered on the west side of the river, and he moved to that side in 1856. Retaining and improving this property, using it liberally but with care in furthering the advance and extension of the town, Mr. Welles laid through it the founda- tion of one of the largest fortunes in Minneapolis. In all his activities Mr. Welles displayed great ability, breadth of view, quickness of perception and ready resource- fulness. The people around him recognized these attributes in him early, and repeatedly selected him to present their in- terests and claims before the aiithorities at Washington. In the winter of 1854-5, in co-operation with Franklin Steele and Dr. A. E. Ames, he succeeded in having the size of the military reservation reduced and the lands included in it be- fore that time on the west side opened to purchase and settlement. In the winter of 1856-7 he was again called to Washington, in company with Richard Chute, to aid Delegate Henry M. Rice in procuring the passage of the land grant act of that year, which opened the way to speedy and extensive railroad expansion. On his return home Mr. Welles was tendered a public dinner by the citizens of Minneapolis and St. Anthony in recognition of his services in aiding in the passage of this bill, and in making the two towns centers in the railroad system marked out in it. This compliment, with characteristic modesty, he courteously but firmly declined. When the city of St. Anthony was incorporated in March, 1855, Mr. Welles was elected its first mayor. The contest was a warm one and his majority over Captain .Tohn Rollins, a very worthy man, according to Mr. Welles, was less than ten votes. About the same time the parish of Holy Trinity I'rotestant Episcopal church was in a measure reorganized and Jlr. Welles was chosen one of its wardens. He was elected to the same office in Geflisemane church when it was organized the following year. His contributions to both churches were liberal and very timely. He saw their needs and anticipated all requests for aid by his own ofi'ers of help for them. In 1.S57 a New England Society was organized and lie consented to l)f one of its vice presidents. At the first Minneapolis town election, held in 1858, this enterprising citizen was called to MRS H.T WELLES HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 249 the presidency of the town council, and before the end of the same year to the presidency of the school board. There was at this time strong competition between the par- tisans of the upper and the lower towns on the west side of the river. In 1858 a hotel was built on the corner of Wash- ington avenue and Cataract street in the lower town, which it was thought would boost that part of the city and give it the advantage over upper town. But Mr. Welles and Mr. Steele had already, with unusual enterprise, procured the building of the suspeni^ion bridge to Nicollet avenue, where their interests chiefly lay, and they now set apart a fine lot at the corner of KicoUet and Washington avenues for a hotel in their section, and, with a bonus raised by themselves and others, they brought about the erection of the Nicollet House. At its opening in 1858 a banquet and celebration were held, at which Mr. Welles made one of the speeches. With grapliic clearness he sketched the bright prospects and anticipated the magnifi- tent future of the infant city. In 1859, while Mr. Welles was president of the school board, ♦ he salaries of the public school teachers were in arrears and all of them resigned. The president of the board, with the aid of others, procured funds to pay the back salaries, and the schools were reopened. This was only one instance of many in which this public-spirited gentleman held the welfare of his city and its residents in his hands and gladly gave up his own substance to promote it. But in such instances he strictly obeyed the injunction of the Scriptures by not letting his left hand know what his right did. The two towns on the banks of the Mississippi, at its pic- turesque Falls, were growing apace, and both looking forward with the usual optimism of municipal bantlings to metropoli- tan magnitude and importance, and each was visibly jealous of the other. A serious effort was made in 1860 to unite them in one city corporation, and Mr. Welles was appointed on a committee to draw up a charter. But the hour for this move was not ripe. Public sentiment was not yet sufficiently ad- vanced in education to look over local pride and littleness, and the effort failed for the time, as neither burg was willing to give up its name or merge its individuality, and the great advantages that would accrue to both by the merger were but slightly considered by the thoughtless multitude. Happily a better state of feeling and broader intelligence have since obtained and brought magnificent results. Mr. Welles was never an aspirant for public office and de- clined it whenever it was practicable for him to do so. But in 1863 the Democratic nomination for governor was thrust upon him, and, althougii the election of any candidate of that party was hopeless, he made the race from a sense of duty. Of couree he was defeated, but he reduced tlie majority of his opponent, Governor Stephen A. Miller, to an extent that showed and emphasized his own popularity and influence in the state. He had been a Whig from his youth, but in 1856. when his party lost its identity in the newly-organized Republican party, he became a Democrat because he looked upon the new party as sectional and i evolutionary. Probably the activity in the busy life here briefly chronicled which contributed in the greatest degree to the prosperity, progress and improvement of Minneapolis was the conception of and co-operation in building the Minneapolis & Duluth and Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroads. In the land grant act the railroad system provided for the Minnesota valley had two terminal lines, one to end at St. Paul and the other at St. Anthony, their divergence being at a point near Shakopee. The public lands granted for the system were equally applic- able to both branches, but the control of the road fell into the hands of the St. Paul & Sioux City Railroad company, the controlling owners of which were residents of St. Paul. The line from St. Paul was built and the St. Anthony branch neglected, although lands equitably belonging to it were appropriated for the other. Mr. Welles deliberately determined that with or without public lands the road should be built. He called on the presi- dent of the St. Paul & Sioux City road and was informed by that gentleman that his company had no intention of building the St. Anthony branch and would not do so. Mr. Welles told him that under such circumstances the people of Minneapolis would build the road themselves, and if not allowed a co- operating road would provide a competing one. President Drake received this statement with a derisive smile which showed how futile he regarded the attempt. But President Drake reckoned without his host. The Min- neapolis & St. Louis Railroad company was organized. Mr. Welles was one of its directors and its first president. The construction of the line was begun and it was soon opened from White Bear lake to St. Anthony, and from Minneapolis to the junction with the St. Paul & Sioux City road. Then crossing that line, it was extended south into Iowa and west into Dakota. In course of time the line to St. Paul from the point of junction was abandoned for through traffic, and the derided St. Anthony branch became the main line of the St. Paul road. The extensions involved in this construction work are now parts of the Minneapolis & St. Louis and the Minne- apolis & Duluth Railroads. By the magnificent enterprise which spoke them into being the prestige of Minneapolis waS preserved, and her lumber and milling industries were facili- tated ; and instead of sinking to a subordinate position she soon outstripped her rival city in population and business. At the organization of the park commission Mr. Welles was appointed on the board, but after the act had been submitted to and ratified by the people, and the work of park construc- tion was safely started on its beneficent way, he resigned. He was also for a number of years president of the North- western National Bank, and during his tenure of that office guided the institution safely through a great difficulty, and it is now the strongest bank in the Northwest. He resigned the presidency after a service of twelve and a half years, but remained one of the bank's directors until failing health obliged him to give up that position also. Mr. Welles was married on May 3. 1853, in his native town to Miss Jerushe H. Lord, a native of Tolland county, Connecti- cut, and daughter of Joseph and Chloe (Moulton) Lord, and six of the children born of the union lived to mafiirity. Hen- rietta died a maiden lady. Catherine is living with her mother. Harriet became the wife of Dr. A. M. Eastman, and died in middle life. The others are Henry, Caroline and Fiances, the last named still living at home and Henry being the third of the children who attained their majority and the only son of the household in the number. The wife and mother is still living and maintains the old home on Hennepin avenue. DANA L. CASE. Is a native of Greene, Butler county, Iowa, where he was born on Dec. 3, 1874. He is a son of Edgar S. and Matilda 250 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA E. (Hazlett) Case, who were born and reared in Ohio. The father was for a number of years engaged in the banking business at Wadena, Minnesota. During the Civil war he served in the Union army in an Illinois regiment. He died in California in 1910. His son, Dana L. Case, was brought to Minnesota by his parents in his childhood, and has been a resident of Minne- apolis for twenty years. He obtained his education in the school at Wadena, this state, and began his business career as clerk in a bank at Verndale, Minnesota, with which he was connected during 1888 and 1889. In 1902 he opened a bank at Motley, this state, which was first called the Bank of Motley, and was a private institution, but which lias since become the First National Bank of Motley. He worked in that bank as cashier until 1907, when he came to Minne- apolis, seeking better opportunities and larger returns for his energies. But he still retains an interest in the bank at Motley and is its vice president. On May 1, 1907, when Howard Dykman resigned the cashiership of the East Side Bank, Mr. Case was appointed to succeed him in the position. By his enterprise and busi- ness capacity he built the trade of the bank up to a large volume, and he also largely increased its popularity through his own. In 1913 he resigned as cashier to accept a respon- sible position with the Minneapolis Trust company. Mr. Case takes a warm interest in the social life of the community and shows it by active and serviceable membership in the Commercial and Interlachen clubs. Fraternally he is connected with the Masonic order, and in this also he is deeply and helpfully interested. The public affairs of Min- neapolis claim his attention too. and have the benefit of his aid in the direction of securing good government and pro- moting desirable improvements of every kind, and also with a view to enlarging the comfort and conveniences of the residents of the city and making it a still more desirable place to live in tlian it is at present. On May 23, 1894, he was united in marriage with Miss Grace Holden, who was born in Connecticut. She also is earnestly interested in the progress and welfare of the city of her home, and warmly seconds all her husband's elTorts to advance it, and does what she can in this behalf on her own account besides. She shares with him the high and general regard and good will the people have for him. CALEB D. DORR. If the venerable and highly esteemed patriarch whose life story is briefly told in these paragraphs had no other title to honorable mention in a compendium of history and biography for Minneapolis and Hennepin county, the fact that he was one of this locality's earliest pioneers; that he stood by the cradle of its civilization and assisted its growth into lusty boy- hood; that he helped to speak its great activities into being and direct them into fruitful channels for the service of man- kind and that he is one of the few remaining links which con- nect its present high development and advanced progress with its birth as a civic, social and industrial entity, would entitle him to an honorable place among its makers and builders in any narrative of their aspirations and achievements. But Caleb D. Dorr has enough in his own struggles and good work; his manly battle with dilTicuIties and his mastery over them; his contributions to the growth of all that is now among us and around us, and above all, in his high character and sterling manhood, to make any account of the city and county named incomplete without at least some brief narrative of his useful career among this people, which is all that the space available here will permit, insufficient and unsatisfactory as it must necessarily be. Mr. Dorr was born at East Great Works, now Bradley, Penobscot county, Maine, on July 9, 1824, and is a son of Charles M. and Ann (Morse) Dorr, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Western Maine. The father was a farmer on a small farm, thrifty and industrious in cultivating his land and managing his affairs, but the circum- stances of the family were moderate, and tlie life of its members under the parental rooftree involved little of incident or adventure out of the ordinary experiences of that day and locality. Both parents died in Maine after long lives of useful labor and upright living, and their remains were laid to rest in the soil hallowed by their toil. Three sons and two daughters were born in the household, all of whom are now deceased except Caleb and one of his brothers. Caleb D. Dorr grew to manhood on his father's farm, and during his boyhood and early youth attended the village school during the winter months. At an early age he began to shift in part for himself by working in the lumber mills in his neighborhood and rafting logs. The work was hard and the life of which it was a part was monotonous and primitive. But even as it was, some account of the great possibilities of the great West enlivened it and filled the adventurous spirits engaged in it with desire to see something of the world outside of it and become a part of larger activities. In 1847, when Mr. Dorr was about twenty-three years of age, he yielded to this longing and came West. He reached Buffalo by one of the first railroads then available, from Albany, and journeyed from the former city over the Great Lakes to Milwaukee. From there to Galena, Illinois, he traveled overland, and from Galena to St. Paul on the old Argo, a river boat. He was now near his long journey's end, but what was he to find in the region of hope and promise when he reached it? From St. Paul to the Falls of St. Anthony was but a short distance, but was a journey into the wilds. When Mr. Dorr arrived at the Falls he found but a single log house and a mess shanty here, but he saw the great possibilities of the locality for carrying on the business to which he had been trained, and he at once laid plans to engage in it. In 1848 the St. Anthony Waterfalls company built a small mill, and he became one of the employes of that company. But he did not linger long in the service of others. Before the end of the year he started an enterprise Ijy organizing the Mississippi, and Rum River Boom company which built the first boom across the Mississippi at head of the Island, bringing the timbers for the purpose from Crow Wing, and putting up the first works of construction of this kind ever erected in this locality. He then engaged in cutting and rafting timber on the Rum and Mississippi rivers, and continued his operations for a period of eight or ten years continuously, and in 1866 he became the active manager of the Boom Company. In this position he served the company faithfully and wisely until 1888, and he is still connected with it officially. He also began the manufacture of lumber in the fifties and continued to be actively occupied in this industry for many years, in company with others, helping ^oA^ ^,^^ -C^C^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 251 to start it here and, in fact, being its pioneer in this region as well as one of its most active early promoters. In the meantime a village of great enterprise and promise had grown up at the Falls and been named St. Anthony. In 1855, on April 13, the first city council of this village held its first meeting with Henry T. Welles as mayor and Mr. Dorr as one of the six aldermen. During the rest of his years of activity Mr. Dorr took an active part in the business and civic afi'airs of the community, and rendered it great service in many ways. He was always broad-minded and progressive, and his judgment was largely deferred to by the men who were engaged with him in promoting the advancement of the town whose birth he had witnessed and which he had helped to baptize. On March 4, 1849, Mr. Dorr was united in marriage with Miss Clestia A. Ricker of Dover, Maine, who died in March, 1909. They had no children. Mrs. Dorr was a zealous and devout member of the Universalist church, to which Mr. Dorr has also belonged for a long time, and in whose welfare he has taken a very cordial and serviceable interest at all times. BEN.JAMIN SETH BULL. Among the early settlers of Minneapolis was Benjamin S. Bull, born October 19, 1832, in Essex County, New York. His ancestors were of English Quaker origin, settling in Vermont. His father, Henry Bull, was a man of moderate means, so the son's education was necessarily confined to the district schools of his neighborhood. At the age of twelve years it was necessary that Benjamin Bull support himself and as he grew towards manhood he developed such energy and capacity that he was soon operat- ing for himself in various enterprises. At the age of twenty-one years he married Miss Mary Stickney of his native village and, following the example of others in the neighborhood, journeyed West to Illinois. Be- fore very long, the glowing accounts of Minnesota became alluring and yielding to the pioneer instinct he made the trip with his wife and infant daughter by team, as there were no railroads running to Minneapolis af that time. He arrived at Minneapolis in 1855 and soon identified himself with the active life of the town. Three years after arriving in Jlinneapolis Mrs. Bull died and two years later Mr. Bull married Miss Beulah Newell, who was also a native of Essex County, New York. He now entered the grocery business with a store near Bridge Square. The project prospered, business increased rap- idly and soon a partnership was formed with Mr. Hugh G. Harrison, a capitalist who had recently arrived in Minneapolis. This partnerehip resulted in the Harrison Block at the corner of Washington and Nicollet avenues, which building was in those days one of the prides of Minneapolis. After several years of success, the company Sold out to Stevens & Morse, Mr. Bull and Mr. Harrison continuing their partnership in the lumber business with sawmills at the Falls of St. Anthony. About this time there was great excitement over Montana mining and several leading citizens of Minneapolis, Mr. Bull being among them, made a journey of investigation. This trip resulted in a mining partnership being formed with Mr. Isaac I. Lewis, the enterprise centering in the "Legal Tender" mine of the "Silver Bow" district. This was before the days of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads, and it was necessary to make the trip via the Union Pacific to Salt Lake City, thence north by stage to Montana. The "Legal Tender" was a mine of remarkably rich ore, but capricious, as is often the case, and finally, the flour milling business at Minneapolis attracting his attention, Mr. Bull dis- posed of the Montana mine and erected the "Humboldt Mill," the business being conducted under the name of Bull, Newton & Co. The original Humboldt Mill went down in the great mill explosion of 1878 but was immediately replaced by the present structure now operated by the Washburn-Crosby Co. Flour from the Humboldt Mill received gold medal and first prize at the World's Paris Exposition in 1878. Discontinuing the milling business, Mr. Bull took up what was then known as bonanza farming. His farms were located in various parts of western Minnesota and North Dakota, the principal, however, being the "Hancock Farm," comprising some 14,000 acres in Stevens and Pope counties, Minnesota. In the year 1869 Messrs. Bull, Gilson and others introduced the first street railway into Minneapolis, the concern being incorporated as the Minneapolis Horse Railway Co. Cars were run on a track laid along Second Street, connecting the Mil- waukee and Manitoba depots. The project was a little prema- ture as a street railway and the tracks were used mainly for the purpose of transferring cars between the two systems of roads. Soon Mr. Gilson died and It was decided to abandon tlie enterprise,, thus ending the first street railway of Min- neapolis. Mr. Bull was a quiet man, keeping much with his family and working with unceasing energy and interest on the various business ventures of his life. He was a member of the First Baptist Church when that church occupied a loca- tion at the corner of Nicollet Avenue and Third Street. Benjamin S. Bull died November 31, 1889, and there sur- vives him, his widow, two daughters and a son— Mrs. Louis F. Menage, Mrs. William G. Crocker and Benjamin S. Bull, a sketch of whom is embraced in this book. BENJAMIN S. BULL. Mr. Bull has the administration of the advertising depart- ment of the Washburn-Crosby Co., and, directing the expendi- ture of hundreds of thousands of dollars for printing and advertising, he is particularly well known in periodical cir- cles. In this field he has earned a reputation for being a sagacious and discerning judge of publicity. Born in Minneapolis on. June 21, 1869, Mr. Bull received hig education in the public schools of the city. His first business experience was with his father in the real estate business in 1887 and 1888. From 1S89 to 1895 he was asso'ciated with the First National and other Minneapolis banks. It was in the latter year that he took employment with the Washburn-Crosby Co. Expending large sums of money for advertising, the company found it necessary to create a department for its systematic and judicious handling, and Mr. Bull was made manager of it. His success in this posi- sion is attested by the fact of his being made one of the eight 252 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA new directors elected bj' the company at its annual meeting on September 19, 1910. Aside from the publicity department, Mr. Bull is in charge of the auditing and clerical forces of the company. GIBSON ALLAN CHAFFEE. The business career of Gibson A. Chaffee, manager of the Crane Company of Minneapolis since 1899, has been a con- tinuous succession of effort and achievement, of enterprise and progress, from the time when he left school at the age of nineteen years until the present day. His duties and respon- sibilities have steadily increased in volume and importance as the years have passed, but every step of his advance has been wrought out by himself by faithful performance of the duties he has had in hand, and has been based on sub- stantial and well demonstrated merit. Mr. Chaffee was born at Hastings, Minnesota, on January 31, 1866. He was educated in the public schools of Mansfield, Ohio, which he attended until 1883. In that year he took a position in the employ of Wilson & Rogers of St. Paul, and during the next fourteen years he was a traveling salesman for that firm, the Rogers-Willis company, the Rogers & Ord- way company and the Crane & Ordway company, all St. Paul business houses of high rank, and carrying on extensive operations throughout an extensive territory. At the end of the period mentioned he became assistant manager for the Crane & Ordway company, a position which he filled with great ability and to the entire satisfaction of the company for four years. In 1899 he was made manager for the Crane company, of Minneapolis, and in this capacity he has served that company ever since. On his own account he has for some years been an extensive breeder of dairy stock on his fine farm at Long Lake, Minnesota. He is a member of the Minneapolis Athletic club, the Rotary club, the Civic and Commerce association and several fraternal orders, and takes an active interest in everything involving the welfare of the people of the Twin Cities, His residence is at 1942 CaiToll avenue, St. Paul. WILLIAM SHELDON JUDD. In a residence of thirty-seven years in Minneapolis and forty-four in Minnesota, the late William Sheldon Judd, a leading business man, demonstrated the admirable adapta- bility of American manhood to circumstances and require- ments. He was an Eastern man and a mountaineer, but he fitted in with Western surroundings and life on the Slinne- sota prairie-s as if they had always been his portion. He passed his boyhood and youth in the hardest kind of farm labor; yet he took hold of industrial pursuits in manufactur- ing lines with readiness' and easy control. Mr. Judd was born at Elizabethtown, Essex county. New York, in the Adirondack mountains, March 10, 1823, His father David J\idil, like several generations of his forefathers, lived and died in that region. He owned a rough, stony farm which was hard to work. His son William often said he wore his fingers out picking up stones in his boyhood and early youth, and he also wore out his fondness for farming such soil, if he ever had any. While he was yit a very young man Mr. Judd engaged in the manufacture of iron as the head of a foundry in which he had scarcely any but French workmen, who called him "Beel," their pronunciation of "Bill." He was successful and in a few years sought larger opportunities and more congenial pursuits. In 1858 he moved to Faribault, Minnesota, where he engaged in banking in partnership with William Dyke. They loaned money on farms and other security and carried on a general banking business. Prosperity attended them and Mr. Judd was well satisfied with his location and his prospects. But Mrs. Judd had visited Minneapolis, admired the attractions of the then thriving little city and longed to make it her home. In 1865 she induced her husband to move here, and once more they found a new home among strangers. Mr. Judd formed a partnership with William Eastman, and- they became the managers of the Cataract flour mill, which Mr. Eastman had previously built. This was the first mill from which flour was shipped to the East from St. Anthony Falls. Mr. Judd was well acquainted with many leading families in St. Paul, and they were serviceable in helping to promote his business enterprises. He gave his attention earnestly and studiously to the affairs of the mill, but soon after becoming connected with it he bought the block bounded by Fifth and Sixth Streets and Fifth and Sixth Avenues South, and on it erected a large brick dwelling, which was one of the leading residences in the city at that period. Some years later he bought a home at 639 Eighth Street South, in which both he and his wife died. In the course of a few years Mr. Judd joined Mr. Eastman and George A. Brackett in the erection and operation of a woolen mill, of which Mr. Eastman was the originator, as he was of the Cataract flour mill. Mr. Judd was also a pioneer in one of the local industries that has been remarkably suc- cessful and grown to great magnitude. He was one of the incorporators of the first street railway, a horse-car line that traversed half a dozen blocks along Washington Avenue. After some years Mr. .Judd sold his interest in both mills and turned his attention to the wholesale lumber trade. He made exten- sive sales of lumber in Ivansas and Missouri, but before he could make collections for his sales the grasshoppers devas- tated those States, his debtors became impoverished, and his losses were sufficient to wipe out his fortune. He was then past middle life, had suffered some loss of health and lowering of vitality and strength, and decided to relinquish the greater part of his activity in business. He was for some years manager of a large wheat farm near Wah- peton. North Dakota, for a Mr. Adams of Chicago. He passed a great deal of his time thereafter at Lake Minnetonka, where he enjoyed sailboating, fishing and other lake pleasures. He was also an enthusiastic horticulturist, and gave this pleasing pursuit much attention during his years of leisure. He di< d November 25, 1903. May 13, 1851, Mr. Judd was married at Moriali. in his native county to Miss Mary Almira Bishop who w;is born in Vermont, February 16, 1830, and died in Minneapolis, July 3, 1911. They became the parents of three children, William Bishop, Ella, and Frank David. William Pishop Judd lives at 3607 Pleasant Avenue, Mimieapolis, Mrs. Ella (Judd) Dibble, now deceased, was the widow of the late Russell Dibble (of the flouring firm of Darrow & Dibble), who died in 1882, at the age of twenty-eight. She had two children. One of these' is her daughter Mary, who is the wife of Chapin R. Brackett,. the son of George A. Brackett, her grandfather's old partner. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 253 Mrs. Dibble's son, Eugene Russell Dibble, is prominently con- nected with the Dibble Grain and Elevator Company, with an office in the Flour Exchange building; he is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a member of several social clubs. Frank David Judd, the third child of William S., died at the age of sixteen years. Mrs. Mary Almira Judd, the wife of William S. Judd, was a lady of domestic taste and habits; her home was a social center and great resort. She was the confidential friend and adviser of almost everybody in her circle of intimates, and was always prompt in helping the needy. She retained her youthful appearance in her old age, and her beauty of dispo- sition and attractiveness of manner grew with her years, making her in advanced life one of the most charming old ladies Minneapolis has ever known. Her daughter, Mrs. Dibble, was a very energetic and enthu- siastic social worker. She was active in the work of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, the Ladies' Guild, and a number of other helpful and uplifting organizations. During the later years of her mother's life they passed their winters together in Florida. Mrs. Dibble's death occurred October 27. 1913, at the Hampshire Arms. BARCLAY COOPER. Mr. Cooper is a native of that rich, old German locality, renowned for the sturdiness and worth of its people and the great value and highly improved condition of its farms, Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, which about the time of his birth, 1842, was probably the richest rural county in the United States. His parents, Milton and Zillah (Preston) Cooper, were also natives of Pennsylvania, and came to Minneapolis to live in 1857, arriving in this city on May ll: The fatlier was a contractor and builder, and died here at the age of ninety years and six months. Barclay Cooper was reared to the age of fifteen in his native county, and began his education in the district schools there. He finished this with a high school course in Minne- apolis, and immediately afterward learned the carpenter trade under the instructions of his father, who was a master of the craft. Soon after the beginning of the Civil war the young man enlisted in the L'nion army and was assigned to duty in the quartermaster's department, in which he served to the end of the sanguinary contest. After leaving the army Mr. Cooper joined his father and brother in contracting and building, and was associated with them for a number of years. For a long time, however, he has been in business alone, and has been very successful in his w'ork, having been engaged to put up a large number of important business and dwelling houses. Among the struc- tures he has erected in this city are the residences of George McMullen, on Chestnut avenue; Mr. Harmon, on Hennepin avenue; and B. Taylor, at Sixth avenue south and Eighth street; the Metropolitan theater; a large store building on First avenue north; and four store buildings on Second avenue north; the Curtis Court apartment. Tenth and Third avenues south; the large Flat building. Eleventh and Haw- thorne, besides many other houses on Franklin and irving, residences for W. L. Waldron, John Proctors, W. Pauls and R. M. Chapmans. He owns a lot at the intersection of Third avenue and First street north, 165 by 100 feet in dimensions and a number of other parcels of valuable city property. On Sept. 14, 1869, Mr. Cooper was married to Miss Addie Bassett, of Minneapolis, and by this marriage he became the father of two children, his son Edgar B. and his daughter, Mrs. Edna Fortner. Edgar B. Cooper married Miss Cora Joslin, and he also has two children, Priscilla E. and Barclay Edgar. Mr. Cooper is a member of the Commercial club, and he and his wife belong to the Universalist Church of the Redeemer. Their pleasant home is at No. 1100 Hawthorn avenue. OLIVER PERRY CARTER. The mastery of mental power and a strong will over serious bodily ailments, and the almost conijilete Subjection of the physical nature to the higher attributes were forcibly illus- trated in the life of the late Oliver Perry Carter, a former leading grain dealer who died Januai-y 28, 1912, at the age of sixty-six. Mr. Carter was a victim of locomotor ataxia, which rendered him unable to walk for several years. Yet he meanwhile devoted great energy and constant attention to the management of large business enterprises and even made two extensive tours in Europe. Oliver P. Carter was born near Glen's Falls, New Y'ork, July 5, 1846, and during childhood was brought to a farm near Delavan, Wisconsin, where he reached the age of seventeen. In 1864 he returned to New York to enlist in obedience to the last call for volunteers, being discharged with his regi- ment. On his return he attended Beloit College three years and began his business career in the employ of M. J. Near & Com- pany, Chicago, manufacturers of bags, his attention to busi- ness and the unusual ability displayed soon making him a member of the firm. In 1877, yielding to a long-standing desire, he came to St. Paul to engage in the wholesale trade in vegetable and other .seeds. Entering into a partnership with U. S. Hollister and Henry A. Castle and, organizing tlie firm of Hollister, Carter & Castle, they bought several hundred acres, which was devoted to the growing of seeds. His mar- riage January 23, 1878. united him with Alice Wheeler, daugh- ter of William and Mary B. (Spalding) Wheeler of this city. Mr. and Mrs. AVheeler were natives of New Hampshire, were there married and came to Minneapolis in 1866. Mr. Wheeler had formerly been a manufacturer of lumber in both Wis- consin and Michigan, and had also bought pine lands in thi» state, but is generally remembered in connection with the grain trade, retiring in 1888. After Mr. Carter's marriage he joined Mr. Wheeler in the firm of Wheeler & Carter, and when the senior member retired his son. Charles F. Wheeler, took his place. Mr. Wheeler died December 2, 1897. His widow now resides at Minnetonka, but still owns the oM home on Sixth street south. She is active in the Women's club iiml a <-li:irtcr mem- ber of the Current Literature club. Mr. Carter was always energetic in business, and was found in his office almost constantly until a short time before his death. He traveled extensively, but ever kept his finger on the business pulse even when farthest from home. He owned a farm and timber lands, but for some years restricted his operations to his extensive grain trade, including a line- of country elevators in Minnesota and North Dakota. 254 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Mr. Carter and wife had two daughters, Mary S., the wife of Doctor G. B. Frankforter, dean of the College of Chemistry of the University of Minnesota, and Alice Ellen, wife of Charles J. O'Connell, interested in iron mines of the Cayuna Range, at Crosby, Minnesota. C. M. E. CARLSON. This esteemed citizen who has been a resident for about a quarter of a century has exemplified, in a manner worthy of admiration the strong traits of character, elevated patriotism and cordial interest in the general welfare which are salient features of his countrymen. Mr. Carlson was born in Jeareda Soken, Kalmarlan, Sweden, December 25, 1859, and is a son of Carl Johann and Lovisa (Hultgren) Carlson. He was educated in the state schools and for his technical training attended a slojd school, with special attention to drafting and designing, and was subse- quently selected as a teacher in a similar institution at Upsala. At the Copenhagen industrial exposition he was awarded first prize for a sketch and detail description of a buffet, in com- petition with many others. Not satisfied with the prospects at home and having former associates in this country, and hearing so much of the vast wealth of natural resources and opportunity he decided to come where so many of his country- men had become successful and distinguished. In 1888 he reached Minneapolis. Soon after helping to found the Northwestern Mantel company, now the Northwestern Marble and Tile company, and was its manager and secretary until 1908. From the time of his advent he felt a cordial and serviceable interest in public welfare, and has contributed largely to advance its interests. In 1910 he was chosen county commissioner from the second district, which he now represents, and was elected chairman. He is interested in mining properties in Alaska, and has also other important interests. Mr. Carlson was married in 1896, to Miss Matilda Peterson, of Otisco, Minnesota. They have four children. He is a member of the Odin club, and of the Evangelical Mission Tabernacle. LESTER R. BROOKS. The euthanasia, the easy, painless and peaceful death, least foreseen and soonest over, so much desired by the ancients, was the kind that closed the honorable and useful life and the great and fruitful business record of the late Lester Ranney Brooks of Minneapolis on November 11, 1902, when he was but fifty-five years old, in the prime of his manhood, with all his faculties fully developed and obedient to his will, and when he was also one of the main supports of many worthy undertakings for the advancement of his home city and the enduring welfare of its residents. His final summons came suddenly, without warning or premonition, giving the city he had so long and so wisely served a great shock and enshrouding all its people in deep and oppressive grief and gloom. ^Ir. Brooks was a native of Redfield, Oswego county. New York, where his life began on May 19, 1847. He was a son of Dr. Sheldon and .Teannette (Ranney) Brooks. Because of the uncertain health of the father the family came to Min- nesota in 1856 and from then until his death the doctor was engaged in the grain business at Minneiska. He built a home in the WTiitewater Valley and laid out a town which he called Beaver. It still bears that name and has become a flourishing and progressive village. Early in his residence in the state of Minnesota, which the territory became two years after his arrival within its borders as a resident, the doctor attained to prominence in public affairs, and until his death he con- tinued to be a man of strong influence and local power for good. He was a member of the second state legislature, and in order to reach St. Paul for the session made a thirty-hour journey by stage on the frozen surface of the Mississippi river. Lester R. Brooks was but nine years old when he was brought by his parents to Minnesota, and here he obtained the greater part of his academic education. Early in life he showed a decided talent for business and an earnest desire to be engaged in it. Accordingly, in 1862, when he was but fif- teen years of age, he became associated with his father and brothers in the grain trade. In 1873 they formed the firm of Brooks Bros., doing business in that line of traflSc. The next year Lester moved to Winona, having purchased a large amount of the stock of the Second National Bank and served as its cashier for a number of years, meanwhile retaining his interest in the firm of Brooks Bros, in Minneiska. where he had previously served as agent for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. In 1880 he organized and became president of the Winona Milling company, which erected what was then the largest and most important steam flour mill in the Northwest, if not in the United States. It was one of the first to install the roller milling process and probably the first large mill in the coun- try to discard burrstones entirely. The mill began operations with a capacity of 1,000 barrels a day, and during the five years of his presidency of the company this was enlarged to 2,600 barrels. In this mill Mr. Brooks installed the first Edison incandescent light system west of New York city. In 1885 the state of his health and the growing importance of Minneapolis as a grain market induced Mr. Brooks to move to this city and establish here the headquarters of the Brooks Elevator company, of which he was president and his brothers, Dwight S, and Anson S,, were members. This company owned and operated thirty-five elevators in Western Minne- sota and Dakota, and terminal elevator stocks, and also had extensive interests in the lumber trade and in banking. About the year 1908 the company disposed of practically all its holdings in the grain business, the lumber department of its enterprise having been largely extended by the purchase of western timber lands. This change was made at a time when the price of lumber was rapidly going up, and proved very advantageous to the company. Mr. Brooks also founded the Brooks-Griffith company, which, with various changes in name, is still one of the lead- ing grain companies in Minneapolis. In addition he was presi- dent of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company, president of the Scanlon-Gipson and the Brooks-Robertson Lumber com- panies. In the management of all these industrial institutions he took an active interest, and to their expansion and suc- cessful operation he gave the full force of his highly stimulat- ing enterprise and business capacity. His record as a busi- ness man is written in large and enduring phrase in the indus- durial and commercial chronicles of this city and the monu- t/t /=^, c<, HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 255 r ments which proclaim his greatness as a manufacturer, mer- chant, banker and promoter are the mighty enterprises he helped to found and build up to almost colossal magnitude and almost world-wide usefulness. Soon after his location in Minneapolis he became a member of the Chamber of Commerce and immediately prominent in the management of its affairs. He served on many important committees and in 1897 was elected president. His work in this position, which he filled for two years, was universally recognized as most efficient, conscientious and productive. He saw that the organization was greatly in need of more com- modious quarters and forcibly advocated the erection of a new building. When his views prevailed he was made chair- man of the building committee, a position of weighty respon- sibility, the duties of which, however, he performed in a man- ner wholly satisfactory to the members of the Chamber. He also gave to the grain trade of the city the Chamber of Com- merce Clearings association, the need of which he was the first to see and which he organized and, as its first president, started on its helpful career, directing its activities into proper channels, awakening and concentrating all its powers, and making it meet all the requirements for whicj; it was created and kept in operation. The banking business enlisted the interest, gratified the taste and extensively engaged the energies of Mr. Brooks from an early period in his business career. For many years prior to his death he was a director of the Northwestern National Bank and the Minnesota Loan and Trust company of this city and the Second National Bank of Winona. He was also a prominent member of the St. Paul Lumber Exchange, and be- longed to other business organizations which have had an important bearing on the progress and improvement of the city and the expansion of its industrial, commercial and mercantile greatness. In its social life he took an active part as a mem- ber of the Minneapolis. Minikahda and Lafayette clubs, in the last named being a member of the board of governors and the chairman of the building committee, and in aJJ a potential force for progress in every way. Wliile never desirous of holding political ofRce, Mr. Brooks was an ardent supporter of the principles and theories of gov- ernment of the Republican party. Fraternally he was a Free- mason of high degree, being a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He was liberal in his contributions to all religious and charitable organizations, and to all other agencies working for the uplifting of the people in his com- munity without reference to their creeds or article^ of faith, and with full tolerance toward them. Mr. Brooks always took an earnest, practical and helpful interest in outdoor life, and clean and healthful manly sports, and gave them strong advocacy in speech and substantial encouragement and aid in a material way. He was an enthu- siastic yachtsman and served for years as commodore of the Minnetonka Yacht club. His yacht, the Pinafore, won the championship of her class on Lake Minnetonka and also the inter-lake pennant on White Bear lake. For many years he maintained a summer home on the upper end of Big Island in the former lake, his winters being passed in the South or in travel. Mr. Brooks was married in April, 1873, to Miss Josephine Bullene, a native of Wisconsin, and a resident of Minnesota, at the time of the marriage. They had one child, their son, Philip Ranney Brooks, who is still living and has his home in Minneapolis. Mr. Brooks, as has been stated, died suddenly. without warning or premonition, on November 11, 1902. his demise occurring in his apartments in the West hotel. Rev. L. H. Hallock, pastor of the Plymouth Congregational church, conducted the funeral services, and in the course of his address paid the highest tribute to the genuine worth, strict integrity, elevated manhood and useful citizenship of the deceased. He said in part: "The greatest of mysteries has transpired before our eyes, and we can only stand in awe and sorrow, saying with our late lamented President McKinley, 'It is God's way, His will be done.' Mr. Brooks respected genuineness and sin- cerity. He abhorred meanness and paltry show. The world is better for his having lived in it and poorer because of his having gone out of it." All the institutions and organizations with which the deceased was connected adopted resolutions of testimony to the high character, excellent citizenship and vast usefulness he had exhibited, of sympathy with his surviving family and of deep grief over his untimely departure. The Chamber of Commerce Clearings Association placed itself on record in the following language: "The Association has lost one of its most useful members, an honest and upright man, whose virtues endeared him to' all, and who was always zealous in advancing the interests of the association. He served it as president in 1897 and 1898, and to his wise guidance it owes much of its present prosperity and high standing. During the last two years, as chairman of the building committee for the erection of the new Chamber of Commerce annex, he devoted much of his valuable time to the service of the Chamber, and it was largely through his efforts that the elegant structure is now receiving its artistic finishing touches." His portrait hangs in the directors' room of the Chamber. The St. Paul Lumber Exchange resolved: "That in the death of L. R. Brooks the State of Minnesota has been deprived of a business man of sterling qualities and of a high, honorable type, whose wise and conservative counsel will be missed and the loss of which will be deplored by all, while his being taken from among us will be deeply mourned." The directors of the Second National Bank of Winona declared: That they could not too strongly express the insti- tution's high appreciation of the excellent and valued judg- ment of the deceased, who had been a director of the bank continuously from 1875, and could not tod deeply regret the loss of his future advice. For the directors of the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis E. W. Decker, the cashier at the time, said: "It was with a great deal of regret that we were obliged to give up Mr. Brooks as one of the directors of this bank, and I know that every member of the bcjrd felt the loss very keenly." The Minnesota Loan and Trust company resolved: "That Jlr. Brooks was a square man. He combined the good judg- ment, executive ability and strength of a successful business man with a gentleness and courtesy and consideration for others which endeared him most to those who knew hira best." The American Lumberman, published in Chicago, spoke feel- ingly of the keenly sensitive integrity of Mr. Brooks as fol- lows: "He could not bear to think of the least reflection being cast upon the financial honor of any concern in which he was interested. He carried this high sense of honor through all his business dealings., and demanded it of his associates and employes." His memory is enshrined in the hearts of all the people as 256 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA a perpetual fragrance, not to die." "To live in hearts we leave beliind is .JOHN E. BURNS. 1860. She died in February, 1913, and was buried in tlie habit of tlie Third Order of Dominican Sisters. Tlieir children are Frances, Mrs. P. M. McDonough; Willis, an attorney in Seattle; Ella, private secretary to the president of an insurance company; Anna, a teacher in Minneapolis; and .John, super- intendent of an iron mine at Everett, Minnesota. Tlie story of the growth of an important contracting busi- ness in connection witli tlie upbuilding of the Northwest is told in the narration of .John E. Bunis. It is a business which, like many another, had its beginning in the development of tlie lumber and flour mill industry. Mr. Burns is a native of New Brunswick, where he was born June 15, 1841, being one of seventeen children, and was reared in the lumber woods. He continued working in the woods until 1865, when he landed in Minneapolis, which was then rapidly becoming the lumber capital of the west. For five years he followed lumbering, working for Fred Clark and for Washburn, Stickney and Company. During the winters he was head chopper in the woods; and in the spring would drive logs down the river to Minneapolis'. In 1870, Mr. Burns went to work for C. C. Washburn, and it was this association that shaped his future, for it was then that he became interested in canal, tunnel and flour mill construction. He assisted in building the Wash- burn "A" mill, and worked in it until the mill was blown up in the great mill explosion. At the time of this disaster Mr. Burns stood only a few hundred feet from the mill, and was knocked down but not hurt by the force of the explosion. He was then foreman in charge of cleaning away the debris, as well as of the work of rebuilding. Mr. Burns' first work on tunnels had been done in 1865, when he helped construct the first tunnel to the "B" mill. And he has worked on almost every big tunnel since, in the river about the mills. At the death of Governor Washburo, Mr. Burns turned his attention to contracting, and put in a tunnel for the J. B. Bassett sawmills, and in partnership with Ami Weeks, he took a contract for constructing the city tunnel ■under the viaduct to the city waterworks at the foot of Sixth avenue south, a distance of five hundred feet. Here he devised water wheel power for pumping and hauling otit the cars of earth. At this time he came into close relation witli William de la Barre, manager of the waterworks, ilr. Buins continued to contract for the city on watermain and sewer work; he also in 1887 built a big tunnel at Galena, 111., for the Great Western railroad. He took contracts for tunnels for Winston Brothers, railroad contractors, in various parts of tlic country; and also built a long tunnel — in 1900 — for the Great Northern railway, from the Missouri river to the Teton river, in Montana. In addition to this contracting. Mr. Burns has also been superintendent on large works of water power and dam construction, a line in which he was engaged because of his recognized ability in handling large forces of workmen. He has built and now owns a large apartment liouse near his own home; has been active in municipal and civic aiTairs, participating in politics for others, having himself several times refused candidacy for public office. Mr. Bums is a Republican, although non-partisan in local politics. In 1869 Mr. Burns married Mary Collins, a native of Ireland, and to them were born two sons and three daughters, ilrs. Burns, who was one of the best known women in the Holy Rosary church, and for some years treasurer of the Aid society of the parish, was born in 1844 and came to Minneapolis in GEORGE FRAXK PIPER. George Frank Piper was born in Minneapolis on April 11, 1^56, and is a son of Jefferson and Mary Davis (McDuffee) Piper, natives of New England, where they were reared, edu- cated and married, and where they lived for a number of years after their marriage. The father's health began to fail and he moved to this state, locating first in Minneapolis and some time afterward changing his residence to a farm near Mankato. In the family residence on the farm, amid rural associations and pursuits, his son George F. grew to the age of seventeen. He began his academic education in the public schools, continued it at one of the state normal schools in this state and completed it at the State University, which he en- tered on his return to Minneapolis in 1873. But he remained at the University only one year, being eager to begin making his own way forward in the world. Mr. Piper began his business career as a manufacturer of linseed oil, which he has been ever since. For more than ten years he carried on his operations in this business at Mankato, and was very successful in them from the start. Tlie larger opportunity and greater resources for his business in Jlinne- apolis brought him back to this city in 1894, and here he has passed all his subsequent years, throughout the whole period being prominently connected with the industry in which he started and contributing so largely and effectively to its growth and development that Minneapolis is now the most extensive linseed oil producing point in the United States, and the company which he and his associates control do about one-fifth of the linseed oil business of the country. But Mr. Piper has not confined his energies to the oil busi- ness. He holds extensive interests in Canada in the elevator and lumber business. The elevator companies in that country in which he is one of a number of men who hold a controlling interest, handle about one-sixth of the grain in the Dominion. In the early development of Canada Mr. Piper and his asso- ciates owned large tracts of land amounting in the aggregate to over three million acres. They were among the first to realize the immense possibilities of the western part of the country, and pioneers in starting the development of those possibilities. Mr. Piper also has extensive interests in ilinneapolis in a business way. He has been for many years a director of the Clianiber of Commerce, serving as vice president two years and president one year. He is in addition a director of the Security National Bank and one of the board of governors of the Minneapolis and the Minikahda clubs. His political alle- giance has always been given with firmness and fidelity to the Republican party; but, while he has at all times been deeply interested in its success and continued supremacy, he has never desired a political office or been willing to accept one, although frequently solicited to do so. On August 20, 1883, at Mankato, where lie was then living, Mr. Piper was married to Miss Grace Brett of that city. They Q^ (^ ^c^^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 257 have four sons. Clarence B., the eldest, is a graduate of the Lawrenceville, New Jersey, school and of Cornell University. He married Miss Isabella Gait and lives in Winnipeg. The second son, Louis H., is also a graduate of the Lawrenceville school. He married Miss Ruth Hamm, of Chicago, and is now connected with the starch factory of Douglas Co. of Cedar Kapids, Iowa. Harry C, the third son, is a graduate of Yale University and engaged in business with Piper & Co. in handling commercial paper. Oeorge F. Piper, Jr., the youngest son, is at present a student at Yale. All the members of the family are Presbyterians, and those living in Minneapolis belong to Westminster church of that sect. This is a brief review of a remarkable business career wrought out by a gentleman of very unusual mental endow- ments and business capacity. While it has been of great profit to him, it has also been of great usefulness to the city of his residence and all other localities with which it has connected him. And he has at all times and in all places been zealous in promoting the welfare of others along with his own. This has given him a strong hold on the regard and good will of all who have business or social relations with him or knowl- edge of his broad and helpful manhood. THEODORE F. CURTIS. Mr. Curtis is the builder and proprietor of the ''Leaming- ton" hotel and the "Curtis Court" apartment house, archi- tectural creations constructed according to his own ideas and plans, and at the time of their erection almost unique in tliis country, their most renowned antecedent having been a structure of the same kind built by him in Los Angeles, California, in 1900. Curtis Court in this city was built in 1905 and the Leamington hotel in 1911. Like all new de- partures in human enterprise, they were at the start objects of considerable skepticism and some ridicule, and like others of real merit, they have shown their value and turned their critics of the past into their warmest commenders of the present. Mr. Curtis was born in Portland, Maine, on February 7, 1854, the third of the seven children, three sons and four daughters, of Theodore Lincoln and Esther (Moore) Curtis, also natives of Maine. The father was a ship-builder and learned his trade with his father and older brothers. In 1855 he brought his family to St. Anthony with the intention of engaging in manufacturing here. He first built flat-bottomed boats on the west side of the river at the boat landing, about where the Washington avenue bridge now stands. These were largt scows, 200 feet long and 30 feet wide. They were loaded with lumber and other merchandise and floated to lower points on the river, forming an important factor in the river transportation of the early period of development in this region. The elder Mr. Curtis was occupied in this work for a number of years, but he also built houses and other struc- tures, aiding as a sub-contractor in the erection of the first part of the Nicollet hotel. He also built himself a house on Third avenue north at Fourth street, a locality that was then in the woods, and erected numerous other buildings in different parts of the city as it was or was to be, many of which are still standing. In payment for his work on a barn he built for John Green on the Lake of the Isles he was offered 160 acres of land in that locality. But the land was then of so little value that he refused the offer. The growth of the city in a few years after his arrival here induced Mr. Curtis, the father, to form a partnership with Mr. Burr, under the firm name of Curtis & Burr, for the manufacture of furniture. Some little time afterward he bought a property on Washington avenue between First and Second avenues south in which he opened a retail fur- niture store, and he had a small mill in connection with this enterprise at which much of the furniture he handled was made. He continued his operations in this business until his death in 1875, passing away in the prime of his life at the age of fifty-seven years. Mrs. Curtis, the mother of Theodore F., lived until 1893. She and her husband were the parents of seven children, three sons and four daughters. Norman Eugene, the first born, now lives in Los Angeles, California. Edward Lincoln died in childhood. Theodore F. was the third in the order of birth and the youngest son. Susan H. is the wife of Winslow Knowles. Frances F. is the wife of Edward F. Maloney, the manager of Curtis Court in this city. Etta is the widow of W. J. Bishop, a Minneapolis real estate man who died in 1908. Emma married Captain William P. Allen, an old asso- ciate of T. B. Walker in surveying work, who afterward joined the Nelson lumber trade at Cloquet. The father was a deacon in the old Baptist church which stood on the site now occupied by the Andrus building. Later he was active and prominent in the Presbyterian church, which long stood where the Ven- dome hotel now flourishes. Theodore F. Curtis grew from infancy to manhood in Minneapolis and obtained his education in the primary schools and the old Central High School which was conducted on the lot on which the new municipal building has since been erected. Among his early playmates were many boys who have since become prominent men in the business, social and public life of the city. Mr. Curtis was nineteen when his father died. The estate owned a block of ground on Third avenue north between Fourth and Fifth streets. The construction of the railroad into this locality made the property undesirable for residences, and Mrs. Curtis, the mother, was offered $10,000 for it. The son advised her to ask $20,000, but she sold it for $18,000. Within one year afterward it was cut up into small lots and sold for over $100,000. This transaction opened Mr. Curtis' eyes to the future possibilities of the city, and he set to work to learn the real estate business. Under his direction the $18,000 was reinvested, and in the course of a few years it made up the loss sustained in the sale of the old block. During the boom period Mr. Curtis built, at Vine and Fourteenth streets, the first apartment or flat houses in the city. He also built one at Seventh street and Third avenue south. In 1887 he began to build cottages on the installment payment plan, putting up small modern houses in different parts of the city, and extending his operations to the Lake Calhoun district, where he had 180 lots and built cottages on most of them. In the meantime he had passed several winters in Los Angeles and invested money there. He owned an attractive site on which he erected the first apartment house in that city, embodying in the structure the ideas which he has since expressed more elaborately in Curtis Court and the Leamington hotel, these buildings being divided into suites embracing a large parlor or living room, a bath room and a 258 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA kitchenette, small but provided with every convenience for the purposes for which it is designed. The Leamington hotel contains 860 rooms and has accommo- dations for 800 to 1,000 persons. It cost $1,500,000, and was built by Mr. Curtis in association with Frank J. Mackey of Chicago, who put up the Mackey-Legg block on Fourth street and Nicollet avenue. Mr. Curtis worked five years in planning the hotel. One of its special attractions is its immense lobby • encircled by broad verandas. Similar buildings are being built in all the leading cities, and many architects and builders have inspected it for plans and suggestions, its fame being world-wide. At a recent congress of bishops, composed of men who had visited every important city, emphatic approval of the plan of the Leamington Was expressed. It is a hotel where men and women may have moderately priced homes with all conveniences, and the privilege of either home cooking or public dining service. Many families now make this house their regular home, and it is a great resort for traveling men. Mr. Curtis has been urged to build similar stnictures in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Chicago and many other cities. But he feels that one is enough for him, and he has sold his apartment house in Los Angeles, where he has spent twenty-five winters. Mr. Curtis was married on August 19, 1885, to Miss Delia F. Brown, a daughter of the late .James G. Brown, of the firm of Rand & Brown, operators of an immense farm near Grafton, North Dakota. Mr. Brown maintained his residence most of the time in Minneapolis, but passed his winters in California. He died in 1890, and his daughter, Mrs. Curtis, passed away in January, 1911. Mr. Curtis built one of the first houses on Clifton avenue for a family residence. But for twenty-four years he has lived on the west side of Lake Calhoun, although he still owns the Clifton avenue home. ASA EMERY JOHNSON. M. D. The life story of this man of many parts, who passed away in Minneapolis on January 27. 1905, after a residence of al- most fifty-two years in this locality, and when he lacked less than two months of being eighty-two years of age, contains so much that is of interest that it will be difficult to tell it all within the limits of space allowable in this work. It is a story of personal privation and personal endurance; of inci- dent and adventure; of effort and achievement; of trial and triumph; of firm faith in the goodness of God and great use- fulness to man; of all, in short, that is admirable and com- mendable in the best American manhood. Notable among the doctor's services to the city of his long and last residence on earth was the organization of the Minne- sota Academy of Science, an institution now known the world over, which was founded in his office in Minneapolis on March 4, 1873, by a few far-seeing men like himself, whom he had interested in the project, and of which he was the first presi- dent. Of the little band of Studious and progressive men who laid the foundation of this Academy, of which the city of its home is justly So proud, Professor N. H. Winchell of the University of Minnesota, at the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the institution on March 4, 1913, gave an in- teresting account of its history. Dr. Asa E. Johnson was born at Bridgewater, Oneida county. New York, on March 16, 1825, a scion of New England an- cestry. His great-grandfather fought under Washington in the Revolutionary war, and his grandfather was a soldier in the War of 1812. The progenitors of the American branch of the family came to this country from Holland in Colonial times and settled in Connecticut. From that state the doctor's grandfather journeyed on foot to Oneida county. New York, then far into the Western wilderness, and in the new region planted his hearthstone and reared his family. At that hearth- stone the doctor was born and reared to the age of twenty. At that age he left the home, farm on foot as his grand- father had come to it, and himself journeying into the wilder- ness farther West in search of what fortune might have in store for him. He reached the lake shore at Buffalo and from there traveled by boat to Detroit. His path was still straight westward, and there was no way in which he could follow it but on foot. He walked to Y'psilanti, working in the hay fields by the way, and so on to New Buffalo on Lake Michigan. Another steamer carried him across the lake to Chicago, and from there he again walked on, working at haying as he , advanced, and so earning a few dollars week by week. When he reached Lisbon, Kendall county, Illinois, he visited an uncle, and being pleased with the region, he rented forty acres of land in that neighborhood and raised a good crop of wheat on it. This he hauled tb Chicago, sixty miles distant, with ox teams. He also attended Lisbon Academy for more advanced instruction than he had previously received, and at the completion of his term in that institution returned to New York to take up the study of medicine in the homeoi)atHi'c branch of the science. He later completed his medical educa- tion at Columbia L^niversity, graduating from that college. He began his professional studies under the direction of Dr. Erastus King at Niagara Falls, and afterward attended the University of New York City, from which he was graduated on March 16, 1851, with the degree of M. D. After his graduation the doctor came West again, stopping at Beloit, Wisconsin, where he had been five years before with his father. Here he was married on his twenty-eighth birth- day to Miss Hannah Russell. Here, also, he was persuaded by Dr. A. E. Ames to come to St. Anthony, which he reached on May 29, 1853. The population of that village was then about 800, and eight physicians attended the ailing. Dr. Johnson, however, soon gained a good general practice, being recognized as particularly capable in the department of surgery. He con- tinued practicing actively for nearly forty years before he retired. At his death, as for many years before, he was the oldest physician in Minneapolis in length of practice. In his earlier activity he served a number of years as county physi- cian of Hennepin county and as a member of the county board of health. By taste and inclination Dr. Johnson was a naturalist, and he gave a great deal of intelligent attention to natural liis- tory. He discovered some rare fossils, a number of which are now in the museum at the Smithsonian Institute at Wash- ington. He dug into the mounds and secured well preserved specimens of their builders. He also made a special study of fungi and catalogued over 800 specimens, many of them never before observed, and his researches extended into several other fields of natural Science. While struggling upward from ob- scurity and a very moderate estate in life financially, he cut cord wood at 25 cents per cord, sheared sheep at 3 cents per head and slept in haystacks; and while attending school he lived in a garret and subsisted almost on bread and water. In his later life he belonged to the Episcopal church. He was married at Belnit, Wisconsin, on March 16, 1853, to TV- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA 259 Miss Rosenia Russell, a native of England. She died in August, 1892, leaving one child, their daughter Rosenia Amelia, who is now the wife of Andrew M. Hunter of Minneapolis. Her father passed the last years of his life with his daughter, Mrs. Hunter, surrounded by his books and specimens. He found solace in his pipe and enjoyed the companionship of his old friends and neighbors. ANDREW M. HUNTER, the son-in-law of Dr. Asa E. John- son, was born in St. Louis, Missouri, on September 39, 1864, and is a son of Samuel and Rosa (Byrnes) Hunter, who came to Minneapolis in 1867. The father was a plumber and was engaged in business thirty-six years in this city. He is still living, and is now eighty-four years old. He represented the Sixth ward of the city in the board of aldermen four years and served six as a member of the park board. When the Civil war began he enlisted in the Union army and re- mained in the service to the close of the memorable conflict. He is now prominent in the Grand Army of the Republic in this part of the country. He also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is one of the oldest members of the order in this locality, having joined it forty-five years ago. He is a Republican in politics and a Presbyterian in church fellowship. His son, Andrew M. Hunter, is one of the leading real estate dealers in Minneapolis, and has his oflice in the Phoenix building. He was educated in the public schools of this citj-, having come here when he was but three years old, and for fifteen years, after leaving school was associated with his father in the plumbing industry. His interest in the welfare of his community has always been cordial and practical, and his aid in promoting it has always been zealous, prompt and effective, guided by intelligence and governed by good judg- ment. In fraternal life Mr. Hunter is a Freemason with member- ship in Hennepin Lodge of the order. He also belongs to Minneapolis Lodge of Elks. In the doings of both these fraternities he takes an earnest interest and an active part. On July 5, 1886, he was united in marriage with Miss Rosenia A. Johnson, the only child of Dr. Asa E. .Johnson. Mr. Hunter is a vestryman of Holy Trinity Episcopal church. RICHARD HENRY CHUTE. Having been connected with the lumber industry for twenty years in Minneapolis, and for almost a generation previously in other places, Richard H. Chute, has contributed largely and substantially to its development. He is the treasurer and active manager of the Mississippi and Rum River Boom com- pany, which handles the logs on their way to the mills. Mr. Chute was born at Woburn, Massachusetts, March 14, 1843. His parents were Rev. Ariel P. and Sarah M. W. (Chandler) Chute, the former born at Byfield. Massachusetts, and the latter at New Gloucester, Maine. The father was a widely known Congregational minister throughout New Eng- land, and died in Massachusetts in 1887. The paternal grand- father, whose name was Richard, was a manufacturer and died while on a business trip at St. Louis, Missouri. Richard Henry Chute obtained his education in the public schools. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company C, Thirty- fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, was transferred to the Fifty-ninth Massachusetts Veterans, serving to the close of the war. He was given repeated promotions being mustered out as Captain. He participated in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, and Fredericksburg. He was sent with his command to Ken- tucky and took part in the siege of Vicksburg, returning to Virginia to be with Grant in campaign in the Wilderness, At North Anna River he was taken prisoner, and for eight and one-half months suffered the horrors of confinement in Libby Prison and at Macon and Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston and Columbia, South Carolina. In 1865 he went to St. Louis, where he was engaged in the lumber trade for seven years, moving to Louisiana. Missouri, where he had charge of a large lumber yard for three yeare. In 1875 he came to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, at the manufacturing end of the same company, becoming about 1887 the Manager of the mills. In 1893 he became associated with the Mississippi and Rum River Boom company, and he has since been connected with it in a managerial capacity. Mr. Chute is Vice President of the Northland Pine company and he was the secretary and treasurer of the St. P.aul Boom company which ceased operation in 1914 and is also secretary and treasurer of the Northern Boom company. Mr. Chute has not been a partisan, but has alwaj-s taken an active interest in efforts toward good local government and municipal improvement. He is connected with the Grand Army of the Republic with Eagle Post Eau Claire. He is a regular attendant of Lowry Hill Congregational church. November 6, 1867, Mr, Chute was united with Miss Susan R. Nelson, of Georgetown, Massachusetts, Three of five children are living: Arthur L,, is a surgeon in Boston; Robert W,, is teller in the Sccuritj' National Bank; and Rebecca. CHARLES BRADLEY CLARK. Closing a life of nearlj' sixty-one years of usefulness and activity, suddenly and in a highly tragic manner, on Janu- ary 12, 1911, while surrounded by friends and just after performing a duty of general interest, the late Charles Bradley Clark, of Minneapolis, left a record and rounded a career full of 'credit to himself and of suggestiveneSs for others. Charles Bradley Clark was born on a farm at Pewaukee, Wisconsin, March 26, 1850. He was educated in country schools and at the State Normal School at Whitewater. At sixteen he began to teach, thus ])aying his own way through the Normal School. In October, 1871, he went to Chicago in search of employ- ment, leaving his valise in the office of a friend while he hunted a job. That same night the memorable great fire of 1871 broke out, and his grip, containing everything he had in the world but the clothes on his back, was burned. Not dismayed, he returned home, and soon afterward went to Milwaukee as clerk in an office, and although the paj' was less than his necessary expenses, he adhered to his position, only quitting to take a better job in a wholesale drug hovise. Confinement undermining his health he became a traveling salesman, and continued in this occupation throughout the remainder of his life. Driving summer and winter he encountered all the hardships of the country commercial traveler, but health was restored and he enjoyed the freedom of the life and the self-reliance and resourcefulness it required. For nine years he worked faithfully for one firm, and then 260 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA embraced a better opportunity for hiiiisi'lf with anotlier cor- poration. He came to Jlinncapolis in the interest of the wholesale grocery establishment of Griggs, Cooper & Com- pany of St. Paul and in the service of this firm made regular trips through North Dakota and Montana, though maintaining his home in Minneapolis. His last employer was the C J. Van Houten Cocoa Comj)anj', for which he traveled seventeen years, making thirty-seven j-ears of service on the road. He was said to be the oldest commercial salesman in length of service in this part of the country. The life was exact- ing, its duties requiring continued fortitude and endurance, and he was obliged to visit many small towns by team, stage coach, or by any other available means of transportation. He had to face the rage of the elements, ford streams, live in primitive taverns, and put up with all kinds of privation. But he never lost interest in his work or cheerfulness of dis- position. Wliatever his hand found to do at any time he did with all his might. He became connected with the United Commercial Travelers' Association, always taking an earnest and active part in its proceedings. ^ATiile in Xorth Dakota on one of his early trips he took up a homestead at Eldridge, near Jamestown, and also secured a timber claim. A friend in Washington sent him new varieties of seed for his tenant to test. ,He introduced alfalfa into Xorth Dakota, and he became an enthusiastic advocate of this valuable forage as a staple crop for North Dakota. His articles in the Breeders' Gazette and other publications, setting forth the food and crop value of this product, attracted wide attention to it and aided greatly in extending its use in the Northwest. So deeply did he impress the public mind on the subject that he was often referred to as the "Alfalfa King." He also proved by tests the value of several other forage crops and small fruits to North Dakota. He was reared a Christian and througliout life was a con- sistent and sincere exemplar of that worthy character, holding membership for many years in Pilgrim Congregational church of Minneapolis. He joined the "Gideons," the traveling men's Christian organization and distributed Bibles under its aus- pices all over the Northwest, particularly in Northern Michi- gan. His evenings were devoted to visiting pastors in the interest of Christian work, and in the service of the Volun- teers of America. He was an excellent singer and speaker, and frequently used his talents in these lines in churches and meetings of the Volunteers. Mr. Clark died in the harness while attending a meeting of the State Horticultural Society held in the Minneapolis courthouse. He made an impassioned speech, seconding the nomination of one of the members for president of the society, dying immediately after resuming his seat. June 12, 1887, Mr. Clark was united in marriage with Miss Caroline Petter, who was born at Golden Valley, Hennepin County, a daughter of William and Catherine Petter. natives of Germany, who came to Minnesota in 185.3. They lived two years in St. Paul, ten at Golden Valley, and the rest of their lives in Minneapolis. As a child Mrs. Clark gathered hazel- nuts over the locality in which she now lives, at 1513 Bryant Avenue North. She and her husband were the parents of two children, who are both still with her. They are Harriet O. Clark, a graduate of the State University and a teacher of German in Sisseton, S. D. High School, and Clarence F. Clark, a clerk in the office of the Washburn-Crosby company. VICTOR CORDELLA. Victor Cordelia, son of the Polish sculptor Marian Cordelia chose another line for his creative ability than that of his father Avhen he became an architect. His mother, Florence Cordelia, was also gifted along artistic lines but it was their ambition that their son should be first of all well educated along academic lines before he took up any work calculated to develop his artistic ability. Victor was born at Krakow, in Austrian Poland on January 1, 1872. He was sent to the graded schools of Austria and received his preparatory educa- tion in the High School. After that he entered the Roj'al Art Academy of Krakow. After finishing there he became a student of technology under the direction of Professor Jlichael Kowalozuk at Lemberg. When he came to America he came first to St. Paul and began his architectual training in the office of Cass Gilbert. This was eighteen years ago. After being associated with Mr. Gilbert for some time he won experience and ripened his art in the offices of a number of other architects among them, W. H. Dennis, W. B. Dunnell and Charles R. Aldrich. Mr. Cordelia is at present of the architectural firm of Boehme and Cordelia. This association began about ten years ago and has been very successful in building up a good business in the local field. He has a large business acquaintance and is of social and democratic tastes. He was married eleven years ago, September 15, 1902, to Miss Ruth Maser of Canton, Ohio. CAPTAIN JOHN MARTIN. Among the founders and makers of Minneapolis Captain .John Martin must ever stand in heroic proportions, a type of the men of liis day and locality, an embodiment of all their aspirations, capacities, natural traits and force of character. Yet his origin was humble and his early life uneventful. He sprang from the ranks of the plain and Sturdy people of New England and passed his boyhood and early youth in obscurity and toil. But throughout his life he exemplified everywhere and in every situation the sterling virtues of his class, its resourcefulness in conception and action, its strong self-reli- ance, and the unyielding fiber of its manhood. Captain .lohn Martin was born at Peacham, Caledonia county. Vermont, on August 18, 1820. His parents were Eliphalet and Martha (Hoit) or (Hoyt) Martin, descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers of Massachusetts, whose early lives were passed in Woodbury, Connecticut, whence they moved to A'ermont not long after their marriage. They wex-e farmers and well-to-do for their day and locality, and .John was one of eight children. His early life differed little from that of the sons of other New England farmers, who wrung a scanty living from their rugged and not overproductive land. He at- tend(> occupying the position from 1879 to 1882. In the fall of 1S82 he was married to Miss Belle Horn, one of his pupils in the school. In March of that year he took charge of the business of the Minneapolis Furniture company, of which he was one of the incorporators, as its secretary and manager, and the ne.xt j'ear became its president, which position he still holds. The business of this company has shown steady and con- tinued growth under his vigorous and progressive manage- ment. This company has been engaged in manufacturing and supplying to the trade bedroom furniture and Elwell kitchen cabinets. Tlie kitchen cabinet is a very useful article of furniture, very popular and extensively used. The com- pany employs regularly 150 persons and has $200,000 invested in its business. Its annual trade amounts to $250,000 to $300,000. In his political faith and allegiance Mr. Elwell has been a firm adherent of the Republican party. He never souglit political office either by election or appointment until about five years ago, when he was elected a member of the board of education, and immediately after his election was made president of the board, a position he is still filling. The period of his service has been one of the most important in the history of the school system of the city. The growth of the schools has been rapid, many new buildings have been demanded, and every phase and feature of the system has been expanding in usefulness and requirements. His duties as president of the board have been heavy, but they have been faithfully attended to and his fidelity and ability in performing them are highly appreciated. Mr. Elwell is also deeply and serviceably interested in church work. He and his wife are members and regular at- tendants of the First Congregational church, the one in which his parents were married and he was baptized. Hia principal recreation is an occasional hunting trip, but he finds enjoyment in the social life of his community. He is an active member of the Minneapolis and St. Anthony Com- mercial clubs. He and his wife are the parents of five children: Harold Manford, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, who is secretary of the company over whose affairs his father presides; Georgia Belle, a graduate of Columbia Teachers' College, now a teacher of Domestic Art in the East High School; Florence and Susie Marie are graduates of East High School, and George Herbert, .Jr., is now a high school 298 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA student. All of the children are still members of the parental family circle and ministrants to its enjoyments and attrac- tions. WILLIAM W. WALES. This esteemed pioneer, whose Scotch and Irish ancestry is traced back hundreds of years, was born in North Carolina in 1818. In early manhood he moved to Indiana, and there married Miss Catherine Elliott Bundy. Impelled by the spirit of the Builder of New Communities, he came to the North- west with Mrs. Wales, locating in the spring of 1851 at the Falls of St. Anthony, now East Minneapolis. The popula- tion of the village at the Falls was about 300 persons at this time. During the year two sawmills were added to a small mill previously in operation; the St. Charles hotel was built and a ferry was established to the west side of the river, then known as the "Fort Snelling Military Reserve." It was also during this year that the University was located at St. Anthony, and the regents held a meeting on June 14th, at the St. Charles Hotel, and decided to build the "Preparatory School" building at a cost of $2,500, and to raise that amount by subscriptions from the people. Mr. Wales took an active part in soliciting such funds. While the growth of Minneapolis on the east side of the river may be reckoned from this time, the Reserve on the west side was not opened to settlers until 1852. Mr. Wales soon became active in the civic and social life of the village, and established himself in the book trade, oc cupying the ground on which the Pillsbury A mill now stands his being the first book store in the community. His exten sive knowledge of books and discriminating taste in litera ture, added to his rare social qualities, soon made Mr. Wales little book shop a favorite resort of men and women com bining the culture of the East and South with the vigorous and enterprising spirit of the frontier, all drawn together in the making of a notable community. Mr. Wales took an active part in the organization of the Republican party in Minnesota. The first meeting of aboli- tionists held in the state was at St. Anthony on -July 4th, 1854, and was addressed by Rev. C. (i. Ames who handled the slavery question without gloves. The following spring the first Republican Territorial Convention was held at St. Anthony on Thursday and Friday, March 29th and 30th, 1855. It was a mass convention presided over by Wm. R. Marshall, later Governor of Minnesota. Mr. Wales was one of the leaders among those who were radically opposed to slavery and the fugitive slave law. The convention remained in session for two days, and finally closed after passing the following resolution: "Appealing to Heaven for the rectitude of our intentions, we this day organize the Republican party of Minnesota." Mr. Wales served the town as clerk, as a member of the school board, and. after its incorporation as a city, as mayor, and also as postmaster under appointment from President Lincoln. Furthermore, he Served the legislative district as a member of the territorial legislature in the memorable ses- sion of 1857, being a member of the upper house, then known as the Council; and he took a prominent part in the most thrilling of the legislature's proceedings. In 1857 Mr. Wales published a "Sketch of St. Anthony and Minneapolis," in which he first reviewed St. Anthony, which at that time was far more important than the village on the west side of the river, to which Mr. Wales referred in the following language: "Minneapolis is one of the most beauti- ful and flourishing towns in the United States. Two years ago there were probably not two hundred persons in the place, now there are over two thousand. No place in the Territory has grown more rapidly or on a more permanent basis than Minneapolis. It has all the elements of prosperity. The site for a large city could not have been made more beautiful by art than nature has laid it out." As an indication of the growth of the city Mr. Wales referred to the increase in the ferry tolls from $300 in 1851 to .$6,000 in 1854. He also called attention to the completion of a suspension bridge across the river. In his sketch Mr. Wales wrote further: "St. Anthony and Minneapolis are situated at the head of navigation on the Mississippi river. Some expense must necessarily be incurred in improving the channel of the river, but we entertain no doubt that navigation to these points may be regarded as a fixed fact, and there can be no doubt that within five years railroads will begin to intercept the territory in different directions. The prospects of the rapid growth of St. Anthony and Minneapolis are at this time far more flattering than ever before. There is not a town in the West which enjoys Such a combination of advantages and elements that must inevitably build up a large city at these points." In regard to the climate, Mr. Wales said: "A general error prevails as to the winters in Minnesota. The soil is of a very deep, black, sandy loam, which imbibes heat to a great depth. This is the reason why frost ceases early in the spring, and the principal reason why it holds otf so late in the fall, as compared with clay soils hundreds of miles far- ther south. The growing season is quite sufficient to mature all products of neighboring states." In conclusion he said: "We look to see Minneapolis and St. Anthony united under one corporation, constituting one great city, which will know no superior northwest of Chicago." This publication was widely circulated and was efi'ective in removing erroneous impressions as to the productiveness of the state and in stim- ulating immigration. From the little book shop established by Mr. Wales a pros- perous business along art lines was founded, the Wales Art Galleries becoming a strong factor in developing the art inter- ests of the city. Always in advance of the times, Mr. Wales maintained a standard above commercialism. In his galleries all artistic Minneapolis found inspiration and encouragement to high ideals. In this atmosphere, as well as that of a cul- tivated home, his daughters were developing rare natural gifts into beautiful forms of expression, both in literature and art. In their several lines all have become well known — one in connection with the New York Public Library, others in connection with the Handicraft Guild of Minneapolis and the public schools of Milwaukee and Cleveland. Mr. Wales' son, Charles E. Wales, a well known business man of Min- neapolis, is mentioned elsewhere in this volume. Pursuant to his early expectation, Mr, Wales retired from business in 1892 to devote his time to social and religious work among the mountain people of North Carolina, his na- tive state. His activities in bettering the condition of the mountaineers, whom he so thoroughly understood, occupied tlie last ten years of his long life, which came to an end ///^ . 4i-yfKA X-, HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 303 nothing is needed but heroic souls, and such will always find crises to try their edge. The venerable Past has its les- sons, doubtless, and well is it for those who master and heed them. But were it otherwise, the Present has themes enough of ennobling interest to employ all our faculties, to engross all our thoughts, save as they should contemplate the still vaster and grander Hereafter. Do any speak to us of Grecian or Roman heroism? They say well. But genius died not with Greece, and heroism has scarcely a recorded achievement which our own age, our own country, cannot parallel, in loftiness at least, if not in kind. One shining case in point, in which the residents of Minne- apolis are deeply interested and for which they are pro- foundly grateful, is the heroic stand taken by the late Walter D. Douglas, one of their most prominent and useful men, in the terrible Titanic disaster, in which he lost his life. They all most seriously deplore his untimely and tragic death, but the manner in which he met it has gone a long way toward reconciling them to his fate. For by that he established a record for manliness of the highest character among their citizens, and gave the community of his home a nation-wide reputation in a new field of comment and commendation, or one, at least, in which they had before planted no specifically illustrious monuments. Mr. Douglas had a chance to save his life by getting into one of the later boats, and was urged to do so. But he resolutely put away his opportunity, declaring that he "wouldn't be a man if he entered one of the small boats while there was a woman left on board the doomed ship." At the same time, in obedience to the attributes and dictates of his high character and elevated manhood, he took an active part in helping the crew of the sinking vessel place the women and children on the life boats, aiding in loading and lowering the very last one of them. Then his last chance was gone, and lie resolutely looked death in the face and met it calmly. Within an hour afterward he went down with the stricken giant of the sea. "Tliat is what we would have expected," said many of his fellow citizens of Minneapolis, when they heard the story, and George F. Piper, for many years a business associate of Mr. Douglas, tersely expressed the general sentiment of the community in an interview published in the Minneapolis papers at the time. Mr. Piper said: "Walter Douglas could not have died any other way. He was heroism itself, and his sincere respect for women and his natural bravery were dominant features of his character. I should have been sur- prised had Walter Douglas conducted himself in any other way than he did on the sinking Titanic." Mr. Douglas was born at Waterloo, Iowa, in 1861, and was a son of George and Margaret (Boyd) Douglas, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Belfast, Ireland. They were married in the United States and came West, to Dixon, Illinois, soon afterward. There the father was a contractor on the Northwestern Railroad for a time. The family then moved to Waterloo, Iowa, and afterward to Cedar Rapids in that state, where the father died. The son obtained his education in the common and high schools and at Shattuck Military Academy. He began his business career in association with his father in what was known as Douglas & Stuart, later the American Cereals company, which manufactured Quaker oats, the celebrated breakfast food. Some time later, with his brother, George B. Douglas, he organized the Douglas Starch company in Cedar Rapids, with which he was connected until his death. After his removal to Minneapolis in 1895 he became con- nected with the manufacture of linseed oil, conducting the business under the name of Douglas & Co., and was also connected with the Midland Linseed Oil company, of which E. C. Warner was president. The oil business of the Douglas company was sold to the American Linseed Oil company in 1899, when Mr. Douglas became a partner in the grain firm of Piper, Johnson & Case, with which he was connected until January 1, 1912, when he retired, but still maintained many business interests in asso- ciation with George F. Piper and E. C. Warner. His mind was broad and active, and required many business enterprises to occupy it, and he gave it full scope. Among other industrial and mercantile institutions with which Mr. Douglas was prominently connected were the Canadian Elevator company, the Monarch Lumber company, and several other companies in the Dominion; the Saskatche- wan Valley Land company, which owned, at one time, three million acres in the province of the same name; the Empire Elevator company of Fort William, Ontario, of which he was a director and member of the executive board, and the Quaker Oats company, in which he also served as a member of its executive board. In addition he was a director of the First National Bank of Minneapolis for years. Mr. Douglas was married in Iowa on May 19, 1884, to Miss Lulu Camp, a daughter of Edward L. Camp, a highly respected resident of that state. By this marriage he be- came the father of two sons, Edward B. and George C, both of whom are living. Tlieir mother died in December, 1899. He was again married Nov. 6, 1907, to Mahala Dutton, who was rescued from the Titanic, and they all reside in Minne- apolis. The father was a Democrat in his political affilia- tion early in life, but later threw off all party ties and became independent of them. In church connection he was a Pres- byterian and devotedly serviceable to the congregation to which he belonged, as he was in promoting good works of every kind. This zealous, public-spirited and highly useful citizen in life and radiant hero in death was known in Minneapolis as an undemonstrative and retiring man. It was not his custom to let his left hand know what his right hand did, and so, although liis private benefactions to the needy or struggling were large, the world knew little or nothing of them. Neither was he ever known to boast of his business successes or large accumulations of wealth. He was one of the richest men in his home city, but this was known only to a few of his most intimate associates, although his operations in busi- ness extended over several states and were large in Canada. Mr. Douglas' body was picked up after the wreck of the Titanic and conveyed to Minneapolis, and it was buried in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in May, 1912. His useful life ended on April 15, and his untimely and tragical death at the age of fifty years ended a brilliant business career, an exalted citi- zenship and a record of general usefulness that would be creditable to any man or any community in any age of the world. High tributes were paid to the excellence of his character by every public voice, and the heroism he displayed in his death received new tributes of praise. IN MEMORIAM. The directors of the First National Bank of Minneapolis, are shocked and grieved by the tragic death of one of our 304 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA number. Our friend and fellow-associate. Walter D. Douglas, embarked upon the steamship "Titanic", sailing from South- ampton April 10th. for the port of New York, and on the night of April 15th, while on its course in the North Atlantic, the ship was brought into violent collision with an iceberg, rendering her absolutely hel|)le3s. The life-boats were manned, and in one of these, Mr. Douglas was urged to escape, but this he steadfastly refused to do while women were to be saved, choosing to face death with honor, which he bravely and heroically did by the going down of the ship. Some mitigation of this most sad and tragic death of our friend and associate is derived from the fact that his body has since been reclaimed from the ocean, and will find suitable sepul- ture among his own family. And now while pained and sorrowing for the loss of one beloved by us all, we desire to honor his memory, and to reverence the noble heroism of his deatli ; Therefore, Resolved, That we bear willing testimony to our apprecia- tion of him in all the walks of life; as a citizen ever true and faithful; in business affairs acute, unerring, successful and honorable, his word absolute verity: as an associate in our Board, always active, zealous, sound in judgment and helpful; as a friend, not fulsome, but ever courteous, kind, generous and dependable; as a man above reproach, of high culture, ripe in all the elements of a true manhood, and in his last great hour of trial, proved the sublimity of heroism which can only be the outgrowth of such a manhood. Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family assur- ance of our most profound sorrow and sympathy. Resolved, That in adopting this testimonial we express our reverence for the memory of our friend and associate by rising. Respectfully submitted, .J. B. GILFILLAN, WM. A. LANCASTER, FREDERICK B. WELLS, Committee. May 4, 1912. The universal feeling was that "the elements were so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world. This was a man!" LESTER BUSHNELL ELWOOD. The late Lester B. Elwood, long one of the leading real estate and insurance men of Minneapolis, who died here on October 3, 1911, after a residence in this city of thirty-six years, was born in Rochester, New York, on October 19, 1856, the son of E. P. Elwood, a banker, and a nephew of S. Dow Elwood, the founder and president of the Wayne County Savings Bank of Detroit, Michigan. He was educated at Oneida Seminary, state of New York, and came to Minne- apolis at the age of nineteen. He came to this city to join Elwood S. Corser in the real estate, investment and insurance business, and was associated with him in business from the time of his arrival until his death. Mr. Corser is one of the oldest real estate men in Minneapolis, and the Corser Invest- ment company, which he founded, is one of the city's most prominent and successful business institutions. When Mr. Elwood's father died his uncle in Detroit, Michi- gan, wished to adopt the son, but his mother could not bring herself to consent to the proposed arrangement. So the destiny of the youth was- directed into a different channel, but it brought him an honorable and triumphant business career, which he would probably have worked out in any situation or amid any surroundings. He became a jiartner of Mr. Corser in business, and when the Corser Investment company was organized he was chosen its vice president. From the time of his arrival in the city he was a great believer in its future and devoted to its advancement and improvement. He laid out several additions to the city and Elwood avenue was named in his honor. In political faith Mr. Elwood was an ardent Democrat of the old school, and frequently served as a delegate to the state and national conventions of his party. He was a firm believer in Hon. William J. Bryan, and a devoted friend of Governor John A. Johnson, of this state, who appointed him a member of the board of equalization, on which he rendered the state valuable service. He was also very active in the Minikahda club, the purchaser of all its property and in- fluential in its councils. In addition he belonged to the Minneapolis club, the Minnesota club of St. Paul and the Sons of Veterans of the American Revolution. His religious affiliation was with Plymouth Congregational church, and in his early life he was a singer in the choir of the church he attended, and always a great lover of music. Mr. Elwood was a studious and judicious reader, but gave his attention to nothing in this way but the old standard authors. He was noted for his genial wit, and also for sharp and caustic sarcasm when occasion required the use of it. He was devoted to his business, but was also fond of fishing and other outdoor sports, and intensely enjoyed his home life. He built the house in which he lived before his marriage. It was far out and there were few residents in the neighborhood at the time. But he had a wide choice of locations and chose this one in preference to all others. It became in a short time one of the best in the city. The lot is now No. 400 Ridgewood avenue. On Oct. 23, 1890, Mr. Elwood was married to Miss Deda Mealey, of Monticello, a sister of Mrs. R. R. Rand and Mrs. J. 0. P. Wheelwright. Her parents settled at Monticello, Minnesota, in the early fifties, when there was but a little tavern at St. Anthony and not a house on the West Side. They both died at Monticello, where the father was a merchant and banker, and where they had full experience in all frontier conditions. They were real pioneers and the last survivors of the first settlers of Monticello. Mrs. Elwood was educated at Rockford College, Illinois. She is still liv- ing. Two children were born of the union: Catherine P., who is a student at Bryn Mawr, class of 1915, and Lester, who is preparing for Y'ale University at Phillips-.\ndover Seminarv. at Andover, Massachusetts. wiijLiam henry FRUEN. Among Minncapoli's men whose lives have carried important influence in business, political and religious circles is he whose name heads this sketch, now living retired in the enjoyment of well earned rest, though his brain is still keen in its activity on all questions of the day. Mr. Fruen was born at Salisbury. England. .July 15, 1845; and served a regular apprenticeship as a machinist. Com- HISTORY OF MlxNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 305 ill" to the United States in June, 1865, he found employment with the Boston Screw Company, and there learned all the detail of the manufacture of screws and of the making of screw machinery. He made patterns for several new ma- chines and installed them, also becoming a stockholder in the Company. In those years fhe American Screw Com- pany was buying up the smaller shops and forming a mo- nopoly, the Boston Company being thus absorbed. In 1870 Mr. Fruen visited St. Paul — had then never heard of Minneapolis — but soon secured a repair and machine shop in the milling district of Minneapolis. The new process of flour manufacture was being introduced; and his skill was Bought to make patterns and build new machinery. With the idea of screw manufactory in mind he built twenty-five ma- chines; and, in 1874, built a dam on Bassets Creek near where Western Avenue crosses it and erected a plant where he made 8,000 gross of screws, most of which were Sold to T. B. Janney & Co. R. P. Russell and M. J. Mendenhall were original part- ners, but both were so crippled by financial depression that the burden fell wholly upon Fi-uen, who found it difficult to enlist capital, so that it took some years to get well estab- lished. The American Screw Company had paid 200% divi- dends which were now reduced to zero. Screws which had sold at 90 cents per gross were selling at 19 cents ; and, when, in 1878, the American Company sought to buy Fruen's plant, he contracted not to reengage in the manufacture nor to teach others how to make screw machinery. While he had not been able to secure capital, and was at times almost destitute, he had hosts of friends who appreciated his struggle: and, once at least, they filled his buggy with provisions, and thus gave him substantial as well as moral support. After the historic mill explosion, his services were sought to pro- vide means to prevent a recurrence, one being an alarm bell to indicate shortage of flow of grain between the mill stones and stop the machinery before the surfaces would be injured. Speed of machinery also needed regulation and in 1878 he secured patents on a Water Wheel Governor; which, within a year, had replaced all other such devices in Minneapolis; although, to get his first Governor into use he had to give it to one of the mills. His old screw factory was now con- verted into a manufactory of these governors. These ma- chines which automatically regulated the speed of water wheels, regardless of the head of water, were shipped into many foreign countries including England, Japan and Ar- gentine. His industry demanded his attention largely till 1890. and proved a financial success, making him an im- portant factor in business circles. Mr. Fruen is doubtless best known in connection with the supply of spring water to Minneapolis. Fine springs of purest water near his factory began to be utilized about 1882 for this purpose, H. W. Phelps being a partner in the venture. A franchise was asked for to lay mains to bring the water to the heart of the city and to supply users on the route. .John T. West and Thomas Lowry being associates. But one dissenting vote opposed, but Mayor Pillsbury vetoed it, the rates a.sked by Mr. Phelps not being satisfactory even to his own associates. In a second efifort Philip Winston was a part- ner: and, still later a third attempt was made, Mr. Winston then being mayor; but not then interested, and who vetoed it. Opposition developed, the papers especially 'calling the promoters grafters, fakers, etc. In 1885 in company with Phelps they began to deliver water in jugs; and. in a few months Mr. Fruen became solo owner. An ice plant was added and ever since the business has grown till it has now assumed immense proportions. In 1896 Mr. Fruen retired, liis son. Wm. H. Fruen, becoming the head of the business now known as the Glenwood-lnglewood Company. The Fruen Cereal Company is another project started by Wm. F. Fruen and H. W. Phelps in 1896, then making the Pettijohn Breakfast Food. Mr. Phelps retired from this plant some years since, Mr. F'rueu continuing till this was turned over to his children, the original screw factory being utilized. Mr. Fruen's house stands on an elevation on the Bank of Bassett's Creek, and here his fertile brain is occupied with history, politics, philosophy, sociology and religion. His ex- perience as a manufacturer made him an ardent free trader, his views appearing in pamiihlets, which have had some in- fluence in leading the political thought of agricultured states away from the old protection fetich, his story of the Minne- sota Congressman having had a wide circulation. In re- ligion he is a member of the First Baptist Church; but. in this as in other matters he is not bound by other's views, but is a free thinker, holding liberal ideas, and being espe- cially opposed to the modem commercialized religion or the adherence to Mosaic law, holding that we live under more advanced conditions. With fullest faith in American insti- tutions the love of country has impelled him at times to break forth in song in praise of Patriotism. MANLEY L. FOSSEEN. Recognized as among the foremost members of the upper house of the Minnesota legislature. Hon. Manley L. Fos- seen has come to be looked upon as a leader in constructive legislation. Schooled in the law by virtue of his practice and because of his long service as a member of the law-making body. Senator Fosseen is looked to as an authority among the framers of legislation tending to build for the sociological betterment of mankind. Indeed, it is in this particular phase of law-making that he has won high place, not only among his colleagues of the legislature, but among builders for better conditions of society in other states. He was educated in the public schools of Minneapolis and in Dixon College, Dixon, Illinois. He was graduated from the Law School of the University of Minnesota in 1895, after a course that was marked by a strong show of ability in consideration of aff'airs of state. He at once began active pra'etiee of his profession, and has since enjoyed an extensive and satisfactory general practice. Ever an ardent Republican, Senator FoSseen has been found one of the most enthusiastic workers in the party. He has been a delegate to and participant in almost innu- merable party conventions and conferences, and he has been as well a strenuous worker in the committees which have had to do with the campaigns. In 1901 Senator Fosseen was a member of the Hennepin County Republican Central Com- mittee, and one of three in charge of the speakership bureau. His signal ability there won for him the support of a great number of the leaders, to the end that he became a candi- date for and was elected to the lower house of the legis- lature in 1902, representing the Forty-second District, in the session of 1903. Ever since he has served continuously in one or the other of the two houses. He was elected to the state senate in 1906, and has continued in that office, serving 306 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA in the sessions of 1907, 1909, 1911, and 1913, as well as in the Special session of 1912. The district which Senator Fossecn represents is a strong labor district, and so the senator has been the author of much constructive legislation that would naturally arise from the exhaustive study of labor problems which was prompted by his representing the strongest labor district in Minnesota. Thus is he looked up to as the man who made possible through legislation the evening schools which . are a boon to a great number of the working people, including free books and supplies which go with those evening schools. He is an untiring worker for the betterment of the schools, and it is he to whom the children who will be the citizens of the future are indebted for the statute which forbids use of basement rooms as school rooms. Senator Fosseen has taken a great interest in the prac- tice of law, and in the methods of procedure in the courts. His experience has thus taught him of the abuses, and so it came about that among other laws to his credit there is one which requires foreign insurance companies to try all cases affecting them in the state courts, instead of taking them to federal courts in states other than that in which tlie litigation originates. As a member of the judiciary com- mittee of the state senate Mr. FosSeen has taken a prominent part in the furthering of legislation. So, too, his research into matters having to do with the labor questions has been recognized, and he was chairman of the labor committee in the session of 1909, and a member of a sub-committee of five in 1911 to study the labor question with reference to compensa- tion, hours, etc. Tlie conclusions of this special sub-com- mittee led to the introduction in this and subsequent sessions, of bills pertaining to the matter. These bills, which he helped largely in drawing, embodied the best of labor legislation from other states. For two years or more following the session of 1911 Sena- tor Fosseen was a member of a joint commission with legislators from Wisconsin, engaged in an endeavor to straigliten out disputes of long standing over the boundary lines of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The summer of 1912 was devoted largely to personal study of the question, and in ob- servation, the committee being assisted by the attorney general from each state. The chief controversy, over the boundary line in St. Louis bay, remained unsettled. But the work of Senator Fosseen is expected to go far toward ending the dispute over the boundary line in Lake Pepin. Among important pieces of legislation introduced by him in the legislature was the first attempt at regulation of cold storage. He also introduced the first bill providing for policewomen in Minnesota. The most advanced of the bills providing for sterilization of criminals and defectives — a measure strongly urged by criminologists, sociologists, and others as tending to eliminate re-creation of criminal tenden- cies — was introduced by Senator Fossen. And that he held a high relation in respect to his fitness for directing and guiding legislation is evidenced in the fact that he was chair- man of the so-called "reception committee" of the senate in the special session of 1912 — ^a session called for a specific purpose, which could best be furthered by having tlie recep- tion committee pass on all measures introduced. It was a committee which was all-powerful, and its chairman was highly complimented on his direction of its proceedings. Senator Fosseen is a native of Illinois. He was born in Leland in that state December 10, 1869. His father is Osman Fosseen, who is now living, retired, in Minneapolis. Mr. F'osseen was married in 1897 to Carrie S. Jorgens of Minne- apolis, and they have two children, Freeman F. and Rolf 0. L. Mr. Fosseen is active in social and civic organizations, and is a director of the Citizens' State bank as well as its counsel. JACOB F. TOURTELLOTTE, M. D. A publication of this nature exercises its most important function when it takes cognizance, through the medium of proper memorial tribute, of the character and achievements of so noble and distinguished a citizen as the late Dr. Tourtel- lotte, who established his residence in Minnesota more than forty years ago and whose benignant influence here extended in many directions. He ever stood exponent of the most leal and loj'al citizenship and was a gracious, kindly per- sonality whose memory will long be cherished and venerated in the great state in which he long lived and labored to goodly ends. The career of Dr. Tourtellotte was one of varied and interesting order, and he gained prestige not only as an able representative of the medical profession but also as a man of affairs. His life was marked by signal purity of purpose and a high sense of stewardship. Dr. Jacob Francis Tourtellotte was born at Thompson, Windham county, Connecticut, on the 26th of December, 1835, and at his beautiful home in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, he was summoned to the life eternal on the 11th of September, 1912, in the fulness of years and well earned honors. He was a scion of a family that was founded in America in the colonial era of our national history and the lineage is traced back to sterling French origin. He was one of four brothers, all of whom attained to distinction in con- nection with the activities and responsibilities of life. Gen. John E. Tourtellotte, one of the brothers was breveted at the close of the war Brigadier General. He gave half of his fortune to his brother, the Doctor. The other brothers were Dr. Augustus and Monroe L. To the common schools of his native state Dr. Jacob F. Tourtellotte was indebted for his early educational discipline, which was supplemented by an effective course in a normal or teachers' school at Bridgewater, Massachusetts. He proved an able and popular representative of the pedagogic profes- sion wlien a young man, and in addition to serving as prin- cipal of public schools at Dudley and Oxford, Massachusetts, he also taught one year in the public schools of Ohio. With alert and receptive mind, and high ambition, Dr. Tourtellotte finally entered with characteristic vigor and earnestness upon the work of preparing himself for the exacting and humane profession which he signally dignified and honored by his character and services. He finally entered tlie College of Physicians & Surgeons in the city of New York, this being now the medical department of Columbia University, and in this great institution he was graduated in 1861, with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. His intrinsic loyalty and patriotism forthwith came into evidence, as the Civil war had been precipitated upon a divided nation. Immediately after his graduation he tendered his aid in defense of the Union and was assigned to duty as naval surgeon. He gave himself with all of devotion to his responsible duties and continued in active service in the navy department during virtually the entire period of the great conflict through which rf'i ' (X'lA-iAyUy\yO'-6Ci_ ^/^w/^^^^M^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COrNTY, MIXNKSOTA 307 the inti'grity of tlic iiiitioii was pcrpctuiitcd, liis sorvicc having been on three dilFerent war vessels. At the close of the war Dr. Tourtellotte Continued in the naval service of the government and was assigned to duty as surgeon on the "Nyack," on which vessel he proceeded to Valparaiso, Chili, where he remained stationed for three years. In the meanwhile he became alfected wifli an organic disorder of the heart and the same was emphasized by his marked increase in weight. Under these conditions he found it imperative to resign his |)Osition in the naval service, and as soon as possible he rejoined his wife, who had remained in the city of New York. Skilled physicians gave to Dr. Tourtellotte the assurance that his physical condition was such that he could hope to live but a short period if he re- mained in the climate of the eastern states, and accordingly, in the spring of 1870. he came with his wife to Minnesota and established his residence at Winona. His selection of a home in this state having been largely inlluenced by the fact that one of his brothers was at that time living at LaCrosse, Wisconsin, and had strongly advocated the desirability ol this change. Having at his command considerable financial resources, including the $20,000 received as marriage dower by his devoted wife, Dr. Tourtellotte found it possible and expedient to establish himself in the private banking business at Winona, and with this important line of enterprise he con- tinued to be actively and successfully identified for a period of fully twenty years. He showed much discretion and ma- ture judgment as a financier and through his careful and judicious investments in Minnesota real estate he added materially to his already substantial fortune. He likewise made circumspect investigation in the e.\tenect ideal. Realizing how precarious was his hold upon life. Dr. Tourtellotte denied himself the many social amentities in which he would other- wise have found satisfaction. At all times Mrs. Tourtellotte subordinated all other interests to thoughtful care and min- istration awarded to her invalid husband during the later years of his life, and mutual sympathy, aspiration and devo- tion characterized their entire wedded life, so that its mem- ories are hallowed to the one who survives and who finds her greatest measure of consolation and compensation in the memories of their long and ideal companionship. After coming to Minneapolis Dr. Tourtellotte made most judicious investments in central realty, and with the passing of years these properties have become very valuable, the well improved buildings being devoted to stores and ollices and thus yielding a substantial income to Mrs. Tourtellotte. With an intense desire to do somefliing worthy for their childhood home, the attractive little city of Thompson, Con- necticut, Dr. and Mrs. Tourtellotte gave the matter careful and earnest consideration and finally decided to erect as a memorial the handsome high-school building which now graces and honors the town and stands as an enduring monument to their generosity and wisdom. The selection of a site foi the new building was made by Mrs. Tourtellotte, as her bus- band was too enfeebled to make the requisite journey to th'»:j. Kor live yi-arn lie worked at this and his industry and energy told in the rapid iirogress which he made, but the work was too fonfining and his health suffered, so in 1885 he gave it up lor good and went into the real estate and lire insurance business. He was I'ortunate in making prolitaiile investments in Minneapolis real estate and by close application made the yeaiis count lor good gains in this new venture. He was unusually successful. It was in ISSS that hr lirst went into the banking prol'e»siun and he is at present pjesiilint ol the State Institution lor Savings. The profession of bunking is an exacting one; it mpiires in its managing ullicers unn-niitting attention, close aci|uuint- ance with the linancial conditions of the country and of the greater inlluences which affect the monetary stability in the country; good judgment, firmness of administration and alert- ness in all the daily occurring details of business, but in the midst of all this and in spite of his struggle for success and wealth he has never neglected his civic or social duties. He is a Republican, but the hanking business is ineoinpatible with political life anil seldom affords its votary time to seek political honors even if he were inclined. In city matters Mr. Kairchild is independent in his choice of candidates, and he is always keenly alive to the issues of the day. Socially, Mr. Kairchild is also active. He is a Mason ami a Shriner, and he belongs both to the Automobile and to the Commercial clubs. He was married in tS8T to Delia Wilson of Chicago. EZRA FARNSWORTH. Mr. Farnsworth is recognized as one of the builders of the city of Minneapolis. Evidences of his foresight and of his appreciation of the city's possibilities may be seen in numerous institutions that are part of the city's chief assets. Born in lioston .lanuary 3, 1S43, he grew to manhood in that city. Graduating from the high school, he at once went to work in the big drv goods house of Jewett-Tibbits & Co., for two years, and at the close of the war he engaged with the Parker. Wilder & Company, in which his father was a partner. Young Farnsworth started in at the bottom, intend- ing to learn the business in its every phase. But he was interrupted by the breaking out of the Civil war, and in the Fall of 1861, he enlisted as a private soldier in the Twenty-sixtli Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which had been reorganized from the old Sixth Massachusetts Militia, the regiment which had shed the first blood of the war at Baltimore. The new regiment saw extraordinary •"•rvice. It was with Butler at the capture of New Orleans and of the forts below, and did provost guard duty in the tity. In 1863, then a first lieutenant, he was detailed to receive recruits at Boston. Tliis duty kept him in Boston for six months. The general in command detailed Lieutenant Farnsworth ami other minor ofllcers to drill the recruits. He much preferred active service and rejoined his regiment at Franklin. Ixiuisiana. after it had returned from the Red River expedition. It was then sent to Bermuda Hundred, Va., under Oen. Butler again, and Lieut. Farnsworth was made l>rigair raid on Washington, in an endeavor to capture the national capital, the Twenty-sixth Massachusetts, as part of the Nineteenth Corjis. was sent to Washington to head off the invaders. It followed the enemy back to the .Shenandoah Valley and was under Sheridan at Winchester. Upon the arrival of Sheridan after his famous ride, the regiment wiui in the charge which routed the enemy. At the battle of Cedar Creek, while in command of his company, Lieut, Farns- worth was wounded for tlic first time in his three years' service, a grape shot taking off his left foot. He was then promoted captain, and was sent home. It was a year before Captain Farnsworth recovered from his wound sulliciently even to endure the wearing of an artificial foot. His war service over, Mr. Farnsworth re-engaged with his old house of I'arker, Wilder & Co. He went into the New York branch, which had an immense trade. Later he became a partner, and he was with that house until ISSl. He was given charge of the finances and credits, inude iinpurtant changes in the system of handling creditors, and also watched closely the western buyers. The firm of H. B. Clallin & Company had handled this business, but Mr. Farnsworth now decided to sell to the Western trade direct. So it came about that when 'Black Friday" came, the linn had a large amount of notes due. One jobbing house alone owed Parker, Wilder & Company $80,000. The debtor paid the firm $1,000 in cash, and Mr. Farnsworth accepted small country dealers' notes for $70,000. The debtor firm failed. Mr. Farnsworth's partners were incensed because he had made what they regarded as so "thin-spread-out" a settlement without consult- ing them. The country notes were for small amounts; but he preferred to carry them rather than the $70,000 notes of the one firm, and later the one firm's failure justified his judgment. After his term of partnership expired, his family physician advised a complete change of surroundings, for the benefit of his wife's healtli. Mr. Farnsworth had some wild lami, in Stevens County, Minnesota, which he owned in partnership with his brother-in-law, Chas. B. Xewcomb, who lived in St. Paul. Efforts of his partners to induce him to retain his interest in the firm were unavailing, although he had then a $.')0.000 interest in the business, and that business had become very substantial, and its future looked fine; younger partners soon aciiinnilated handsome fortunes. Hut Mr. Farnsworth left the firm, and today he has no regrets over his decision. With his brother-in-law, Mr. Newcomb, for a partner, Mr. Farnsworth went enthusiastically into the farming enterprise in Stevens County, Minnesota. The change was advantageous to Mrs. Farnsworth's health, and they remained there for three years, although spending their winters elsewhere. Mr. Newcomb returned to St. Paul, and Farnsworth was in full cliarge. Mr. Farnsworth finally abandoned farm life. He and New- comb traded their land for Jlinncapolis real estate, about the Lake of the Isles and along Central Avenue, Mr. Farnsworth decided to live in Minneapolis, although St. Paul friends urgi'd him to live there. He came to Minneapolis in ISKl, and soon had more than three hundred lots and thirty-five or forty houses on Central Avenue, ami one hundred lots near Lake of the Isles. He began to improve them, and he also did a general real estate business, in partnership with ,Iohn R. Wool- cott. Mr. Farnsworth, during the days before his retirement, had a long and persistent — but successful — struggle for the erection of the Franklin Avenue bridge over the Mississippi. The bridge fight involved warring real estate interests, was carried into the State I>r. Mygntt, of Oxford, New York. She died in 1863 after a protracted illness, leaving two children, William Henry, who is now a prominent member of the Minneapolis bar, and Julia M., who was accidentally drowned in a cistern in the family residence in 1871. In 187.'} the juJgc married Miss Anna Culbert, a daughter of Hon. .lohn Culbert, of Broadalbin, Fulton county, Xew York. The only child of this union was a beautiful daughter named Isabella, of unusual talents and promise. She died in ISO.!, at the age of eighteen. Her mother is still living and has lier home at 806 Mount Curve tvenue. Judge Vanderburgh was preeminently a thurchman and a friend of the feeble congregation of his denomination. He was a Presbyterian, and for years served as a Sunday school su[>erintendent in different churches at different times and (S an elder of Westminster church and later of the First Pres- byterian. He gave the ground and building for Stewart Memorial church, was a delegate to the Pan-Presbyterian Council held in Glasgow in 1896, a trustee of Rennet Serai- nary, which was incorporated in 1871, and vice president of the Young Men's Library Association, whidi was organized in 1859. He was also a liberal contributor to Macalestcr Col- lege, and took a deep interest in Albert Lea College, of which he was a trustee. His death was sudden and seemed un- timely, but his memory still lives in the affectionate regard of the whole community. MARTIN" C. FOSNES. -An imitance of capability in public office is furnished in the career of Martin C. Fosni-s. the late emcient, capable and popular assistant postmaster of Minneapolis. Mr. Kosnes was lM)rn in Norway. March 26, 1831, ami etme to Minnesota with bis father, Amund Fosnes, at the •Re of sixteen. They located on a farm in Winona county, where Martin attended the sfchool in the neighborhood. His c«pabilitie» attracted the attention of Hon. William Windom, United States Senator, and secured him an entrance into the official life of the country, in which he was thenceforth creditably employed. Senator Windom made him his private secretary, and lie was axscK'iated in that relation with that eminent and amiable gentleman for a number of years. He afterward became an exumiiier in the pension office and so continued until .January 1, IHUl. His services here won him strong commendation, and his aptitude and l>caring gained him additional credit and popularity until his death, Oct. 16, 1913. In January, 1891. Mr. Fosnea was trunxferred to the post- oflice branch of the public service as a postoffice inspector. This office he held until early in 1911, when he was assigned to duty in Minneapolis as assistant postmaster, a position he filled with credit to himself, honor to the city and satis- faction to the government. During his twenty years as postoffice inspector. Mr. Fosnes paswed two years in Cuba, having Ix-en sent to take charge of postal matters there. He was designated as "Director (ieneral of Posts" on the inland and in official rosters, and when the United States retired from its protectorate he was assigned to the inspection of postoffices in the Northwest. Mr. Fosnes was a Lutheran in religious affiliation and a Republican in political faith and allegiance. But he never was an active partisan or took a prominent part in political Contentions. He loyally adhered to party, but deemed faith- ful performance of his official duties the l>est service he could render it. The welfare of every community in which he lived engaged his interest warmly as diil all projects for public improvement. In every requirement and particular he proved himself to be an excellent citizen, and won uni- versal approval and regard. Yet he bore his popularity modi-stly, claiming no distinction, and U'iiig content with having performed his duty well. On -luly 9, 1891. he was united in marriage, at Des Moines, Iowa, with Doctor Edith M. Gould, a native of Connecticut. She shares in the public esteem bestowed upon her husband, and like him is well worthy of all regard and admiration. She has been in active practice in St. Paul since 1909. She is a club woman, being identified with the Federation and of the Suffrage move- ment. WILLIAM F. FKl'EN, As the means of supplying the residents of Minneapolis with pure spring water for drinking and domestic purposes, and as a citizen deeply and productively interesteevi L. Cook joined the firm, which then became .Snyder, MacFar- land & Cook. Prior to this time, however, and soon after his arrival in the city. Mr. Snyder bought eighty acres of land near Nicollet avenue and Tenth street, which he platted as "Snyder's First Addition to Minneapolis." He paid $100 an acre for this land. It is now worth several millions. His interest in the welfare of his new home was manifest from the beginning of his residence here. In 1856, 1857 and 1858 he was treas- urer of the Minnesota Agricultural Society, and during his occupancy of this ollice the first state fair was held, the ground now covered by the public library building and the First Baptist church being used for the piirpose. Other evidences of the public spirit of this progressive citizen were soon given. In 1862 he established the first auction and storage room in the city and in 1876 built the first warehouse for the storage of overtime railroad freight. During the Indian outbreak in 1862 he and .Anson Northrup organized a volunteer company of one hundred and forty men to go to the relief of New Ulm and Fort Kidgeley. Mr. Northrup was captain and -Mr. Snydi'r first lieutenant of this company, in which eai-h man furnished his horse and equip- ment. The company proci-eiled to St. Peter and reporte.l to General Sibley, the commander-in-chief, who had then about 1,400 armed men at that point. The company was detained at .St. Peter two days and be- came very restless on account of the delay. Captain Northrup and Lieutenant Snyder waited in person on (Jeneral Sibley, and asked leave to proceed with their company at once in aiivance of the general movement. General Sibley said: "I cannot grant you the privilege, but if you wish to go you will have to do so at your own peril." When this was re- porteil to the company it decided to proceed at once. The men mounted their horses and made a midnight ride, arriving safely at the fort at sunrise next morning, one day ahead of the main column, bringing the first relief and great joy to the little garrison. Mr. Snyder lived in Minneapolis continuously for fifty- eight years. He was vigorous, active and in good health until a few months before his death, which occurred Aug. 19. 191.1. On August 21. 1856. he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ramsey, who was born in Springfield. Ohio, on February 21, 1832, a daughter of Alexander and Jane (.Stephenson! Ram- sey. Her grandfather came from Ireland and was well edu- cated, being a good Latin scholar and well versed in other liberal branches of learning. Her mother was a Kentuckian and a cousin of fJeorge .Stephenson, the inventor of the steam engine. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder's first home in Minneapolis was in the first frame house built on the west side of the river by Colonel Stevens. This house was where the Union station now stands, but has been placed in Minnehaha Park within recent years. Frank C. and Fred B. Snyder, the first two of the three children of the household, were born in this house. The third child. Mary ('. Snyder, was born in a cottage on the hill: now a part of Bridge Square. The present Snyder residence is at 410 Tenth street south, where the family has resided since 1876. In their long record of service to the community these two venerable persons have been high examples of noble manhood and womanhood, and have devoted ability, culture and good citizenship to the public weal and to high ideals of domestic life. WALTER V. PHFIELD. On .Inly 25. rill, after a residence of twenty-one years in the city. Walter V. Fifield. a prominent lawyer and one of the founders of the Attorneys National Clearing House and publishers of the Clearing House Quarterly, died, thus end- ing a life of usefulness extending over fifty-five years. He was bom in Dubuque. Iowa. February 25. 1856, a scion of old New England stock that "built a church on every hillside and a school house in every valley." He obtained an academic education at Orinnell College, then studied law. and was admitted to the bar at Oeneva, Nebraska. In 1890. he moved to Minneapolis, and in asso- ciation with his brother, .Tames C. Fifield. and Henrv J. Fletcher, organized the law firm of Fifiehi. Fletcher A Fifield. with offices in the Minneapolis Bank building, later in the Lumber Exchange and finally in the Andrus building. His preference was commercial law. and he was one of the first members of the (^imniercial Law League of .America. In Sejitember. 1894. in association with his brother James he founded the .Attorneys National Clearing Hoiuie. and in 314 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA January, 1895, published the first number of the Clearing House Quarterly. This magazine is devoted to the interests of lawyers, credit men and bankers; and has become an important influence in business life. In its pages, Mr. Fitield found expression for his stimulating views on topics con- nected with commercial, civic, social and legal questions, his contributions being a strong factor in winning for it an enviable and widespread reputation. For some years a zealous member of the Fifth Avenue Congregational church and afterward of the Lowry Hill congregation, Mr. Fifield labored with diligence and efl'ective- ness, helping liberally to build a church edifice and to main- tain all benevolences and to promote the general welfare of the community. His was a strong personality, quick, posi- tive, full of feeling, alive with keen business faculties and endowed with large executive ability. He was ever true to his friends, responsive to appeals from old associates and sedulous in doing good to others. By his old companions he was most deeply missed and mourned, and all who knew him lamented his early demise. Mr. Fitield was married in August, 1879, at Geneva, Ne- braska, to Miss Annie M. Richardson, of Chicago. She died September 23, 1908, leaving three children: Gertrude, wife of B. A. Fulmer, Albert W. and Walter W. On November 19, 1910, the father contracted a second marriage with Miss Elizabeth Wainman, daughter of the late C. P. Wainman, who still survives. DR. DON F. FITZGERALD. Dr. Don F. F^itzgerald, who is also a resident of Minne- apolis, was born in Nicaragua, Nov. 27, 1867. During the ten years before he entered his fifteenth year, he at- tended school in New Orleans, and then went to the Albany Military Academy, Albany, New York. He also attended and finished at a preparatory school in Brooklyn, and later. in 1885, joined his brother in Minneapolis. He worked for a time for the Minneapolis Hardware Company, and then entered the employ of the Nicollet National Bank. After a time, too, he began to read medicine in the office of his brother. Dr. R. J. Fitzgerald. He had joined the First Regiment, Minnesota National Guard, and upon its conversion to the Thirteenth Minnesota, in 1898, he passed from private to Lieutenant of Company B. He served with this rank in the Philippines, and had several important details on special service. At one time he was quartermaster of the Regiment at the convalescent hospital in Manila. He went into the field with his company when the insurrection broke out, and remained in this service until the regiment was ordered home, after having taken part in twenty-one engagements. On his return from the Islands, he finished his medical course, graduating from the College of Medicine of the Uni- versity of Minnesota in 1903. He went into practice with his brother, continuing until the latter's death, and has since continued in the same jiractice. After graduating, he again entered the First Regiment, and succeeded his brother as Surgeon Major of the regiment. In 1902 he married Isabel Bradley, of Minneapolis, and they have three children. His wife is a prominent member of church clubs and is active also in women's literary clubs, as well as being an accomplished musician. Mrs. Fitzgerald is also well known for her musical talent, and has long been a member of the Philharmonic Club. The Doctor is a member of the Minneapolis Athletic Club, the Knights of Pythias, as well as of the Sons of the Revolution. He holds membership in the various organizations of his profession. He is an Episcopalian, and a member of Gethsemane Episcopal Church. J. WALKER GODWIN. The Penn Mutual Life Insurance company has more monev invested in loans on Minneapolis propertv than any two other companies combined. This fact is due almost wholly to two impelling causes. One is that the leading oflicials of the company have great and abiding faith in the future of this city and the steadfastness of its progress and property values; and the other is that it has here, in the person of J. Walker Godwin, one of its two general agents, a strong persuasive force and an excellent judgment at work for its interests and the promotion of its business. Mr. Godwin is a Philadelphia gentleman of the old school, with all the polish and deep-seated courtesy of the best society of the Quaker City and a very large measure of business capacity. He has been one of the Penn Mutuat's most successful insurance w'riters and become thoroughly familiar with all phases of the company's business opera- tions. He also is a great believer in Minneapolis, and has settled down here as a permanent resident. He connects him- self closely in a serviceable way with all the best interests of the city and its residents, is an active member of the Minne- apolis club and takes a very helpful part in the work of St. Mark's Episcopal church. His wife, to whom he has been married since coming to Minneapolis, was formerly Miss Frances Stockton of .Jacksonville, Florida. THOMAS DAGGS SKILES. Reared and trained in the business tenets, methods and scope of operations current in one of the oldest States on the Atlantic slope, and very successful there in the application of them, the late Thomas Daggs Skiles of Minneapolis showed, after his advent in this part of the country, that he pos- sessed the ready adaptability that made him at home in any business environment and enabled him to meet the require- ments of business operations on any scale of magnitude. The whole atmosphere of the business world here was different from that to which he had been accustomed, and the range of its transactions included features and magnitudes entirely new to him. But he took his place in its most active currents of trade with perfect poise, and at once and completely grasped their full import and made them subservient to his will and his advancement. Mr. Skiles was born in Uniontown. Pennsylvania, on Decem- ber 5, 1832, the son of Isaac and Harriett (Daggs) Skiles. the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Virginia. The father was a merchant, and his son Thomas, after an irregular attendance at the district schools in his neighbor- hood, entered the store as a clerk and salesman at the age of fifteen years. He remained in the store with his father until the death of the latter, and then .succeeded him in the owner- HISTORY OF .MINNEAI'ULIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, M1NNE«UTA ;il5 ship Hnd management of the businens. The store was the largest and most prominent one in the eity of Uniontown, and its business, wliich had long been very extensive and active, was still further expanded after the son lM>came proprietor of it. He did not. however, devote himself exclusively to its demands. During the Civil war he served in the Pennsylvania Reserves, which were kept in readiness for field service at any time, if that should be required of them. Id October, ISTU, ilr. Skiles came to Minneapolis in company with his brother Isaac, who had been a banker in Uniontown. Pennsylvania. They had Duluth in mind as the place of their residence in this state, but in a visit to Minneapolis they were so well pleased with the city and its business prospects that they decided to remain here. Isaac, however, lived a retired life, not engaging in any very active pursuits. He died in this city in 1S7T, leaving six daughters, three of whom are still residents of Minneapolis. They are Mrs. E. H. Moulton. Mrs. R. II. Newlon and Mrs Franklin Benner. and are all well known and highly esteemed Thomas D. Skiles bought 110 feet of land on Xicollet ave- nue jit the corner of Fifth street and erected on his purchase the building that is still standing on that corner. He bought the lot for $11,000 about 1874, and in 1912 the improved property was sold to Mr. Sears, of Clilcago, for .$.500,000. Mr. Skiles also bought, in 1873, eighty-two feet on Nicollet between Sixth and Seventh streets, and on this lot he had his home until 1883, when he put up on it the Skiles block, which was erected in connection with the LIndlay block. In addition to these purchases Mr. Skiles bought property at the intersec- tion of Washington and Thirteenth avenues south. He died on March 4, 1888. at the comer of Seventh street and Fifth avenue south, where he had lived for several years. Being a devout Presbyterian in religious faith, Mr. Skilea was an active and serviceable attendant of Westminster church of that sect. For many years Rev. Dr. Sample was his pastor, but at the time of his death Rev. Dr. Burrell was in charge of the congregation. Mr. .Skiles was also one of the original members of the Minneapolis club and belonged to the Cham- l«-r of Commerce. He was married in 1869. in Washington. I). C to Miss Kate Watklns. at the time a resident of that city. She is still living, a lady of superior intellectual attain- ments, line social culture and pleasing and productive public spirit. She is active In the work of Westminster I'reshyferian church and takes a cordial and helpful Interest In the welfare of the Minlkahda and Lafayette clubs, to both of which she belongs. .\ great deal of her time is now passed in the state of California, where she has hosts of friends, as she also has in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. .Skiles became the parents of four children. William, their first born, died in 1896, at the age of twenty- five. Helen, who became the wife of Hon. Allen Wright, a judge in Mc.^lestcr. Oklahoma, died in that city in December, 1912. The other two children, Alvln V. and Thomas D., arc m the real estate and Insurance business, and have their offices in the Skiles block. Their father was a member of the firm of Skiles & Newlon. brokers and railroad ticket agents, whose offices were In the Nicollet House block. They operated extensively and had a very profitable business, and both were men of commanding infiuence in business circles In the city. Mr. Skiles was also earnestly and actively interested in the development ami improvement of the city, and one of the leaders of thought and enterprise In promoting Its growth and welfare. He died at the age of fifty-five, while his usefulness was at its height, and his untimely demise was universally lamented, for he was regarded as one of the most estimable and serviceable citizens Minneapolis hud. He was a director of the First National Bank some years and was at the time of hU death. FRANK WILUAM FORMAN. Frank W. Forman, for twenty-seven years an active glass manufacturer as president of Forman, Ford & Co., of Minne- apolis, was born In Oneida county. New York, November 21, 1835, and died in this city May 22. 1910. During the first twenty years of manhood he was engaged in general mer- chandising at Leroy, New York, and came to Minneapolis in April, 1883. He luid previously visited this city and St. I'aul. becoming captivated by the locality and prospects of business advancement. He engaged in real estate opera- tions for a few years, laying out additions to the bity, one of which was the Cottage City addition at Lake Calhoun, the thriving future of which he clearly foresaw. In 1880, he turned his attention to the wholesale glass business as a member of the firm of Forman & Ford. Bird- well & Ford had established the business some six years pre- viously and in 1884, Frank B. Forman, son of Frank Wm., purchased Mr. Birdwell's interent and William E. .Steele be- came a partner, the firm becoming the Steele. Forman & Ford. Frank W. was the active nmnager of the business whose operations were increased to include the manufacture of art and stained glass mirrors and other high-class prod- ucts. The business conducted under the name of Forman, Kord & Company is still one of the leading ones of its line In the country. As president of the company he had added a paint factory to its other departments, eretted a new building on Second street south between First and Second avenues, had extended the trade over the whole Northwest, and had made constantly increasing gains in business. Frank W. For- man was an active and controlling force in the business until death. He had also established and was president of the Nortliern Linseed Oil Company, at Midway. His son Frank died In 1905, and he continued In charge as the head of the company, also becoming Interested in a company which erecteil a large numlM-r of buildings in Winnipeg where it made many other improvements. He was always enthusiasttb in the growth of Minneapolis, and saw Its progress surpass his earlier expectations. His religious connection was with St. Mark's Episcopal church, of which he was a vestryman and warden for a number of years. He was also for some years a tmstee of St. Mary's School, at Faribault, being much interested in its work and that of the church. He was widely read, and, although a great lover of home, enjoyed travel with his wife, visiting China and .Tapan and Europe, inspecting temples, cathedrals, historic buildings and other scenes of interest. .■\t the age of twenty-one Mr. Forman was married to Miss Mary .Jane Bridge, also n native of Oneida county, New- York, who survives at the old home at 2303 Park avenue. She is active in club and church work, as well as In social life. She is the mother of one son and three daughters. Frank B.. died at the age of forty-five. Evelyn .lane is the wife of Alexander E. Clerihew, president of the Forman. Ford Co., and also living at the old home. Katherine ¥. is the 316 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA wife of Edgar G. Barratt, president of a bag and paper company in New York City, and Mary M. died at the age of eighteen. JOHN FAGERSTROM. John Fagerstrom, contractor and builder, is a native of Sweden, born November 17, 1856. He came to America in March. 1882. and immediately settled in Minneapolis. Full of faith in his adopted country, he secured employment at $1.25 a day and took his place in the ranks of American citizens. As a memento of his first day of work he recalls the fact that he struck the first pick in the breaking of the ground for the West hotel. From this start and with the capital of his own hands. Mr. Fagerstrom has built up a splen- did independent business and now owns numerous properties, residences and flats in Minneapolis, a city that continues to command his ardent support and trust. A few weeks after securing his first position he was taken ill and forced to spend several months in the hospital. On his recovery he continued at day labor, this time working for a year assist- ing in the construction of the Second street sewer. He then became employed as a brick and stone mason and from that occupation advanced to his present one of contractor and builder, in which he has been engaged for the last fifteen years. He began to invest in property as early as 1886 and his keen judgment in business matters and great efficiency in all details of his work, being himself both superintendent and architect, have contributed to his successful career. He keeps in his employ from ten to fifteen men and devotes most of his labor to the construction of flat buildings and residences of which he disposes by renting or selling on terms. In 1885, Mr. F'agerstrom visited in Sweden and on his return a sister and brother accompanied him to his new home and a little later they were joined by a second sister. An- other journey to the old country was made in 1908. Mr. Fagerstrom served for two years in the city hall as street opening commissioner and is a director of the Minneapolis State bank and the Bankers' Security company. His political affiliations are with the Republictui party. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen fraternal order, the West Side Com- mercial club and is vice president and a director of the Swedish-American club. Mr. Fagerstrom has been a faith- ful and generous supporter of the Zion Lutheran church since its organization twenty years ago. He was married in 188.'> to Miss Caroline Erickson. like her husband a native of Sweden, who came to Minneapolis in 1881. They have two sons, Albert, who graduated in medicine from the Univer- sity of Milwaukee, and is now a successful practitioner in Minneapolis, and Lawrence F.. a student in the University of Minnesota. CHARLES ROLLIN FOWLER. Charles RoUin Fowler is of 'Quaker ancestry, and his family who were from Warren county, Ohio, came to Minneapolis in a body in 1853. The Quaker blood comev* from his mother's side. .She was Jane Varner. His fntlier was RoUin D. Fowler. The son. Charles R., was l)orn at -Jordan. Minnesota, on September 17, 1869. His early boyhood was passed at Jordan and he began his education there. In 1885 he came to Minne- apolis and has been a resident of this city ever since with the exception of one year which he spent in Glencoe, Minne- sota, and another at Fargo, North Dakota. He entered the Law Department of the University of Minnesota and grad- uated in 1892. For the years 1892 and 1893 he practiced his profession in Fargo, North Dakota. In 1893 he opened an office in Minneapolis and has enjoyed a continuously suc- cessful and profitable practice ever since. In 1905 he formed a partnership with Judge W. A. Kerr and the firm was known as Kerr and Fowler. Later .Judge Fred V. Brown became a member of the firm with the firm name Brown, Kerr and Fowler. Mr. Brown soon withdrew to become General At- torney for the Great Northern R. R. at Seattle. The firm was continued under the name of Kerr and Fowler until .January 1st, 1913, at which time John R. Ware and Fred N. Fowler were added as partners under the firm name of Kerr, Fowler, Ware & Fowler. For a number of years Mr. Fowler has been resident vice-president of the Ameri- can Surety Company of New York. He is socially inclined and his tastes are thoroughly demo- cratic. While he was in the University he took an active part in the social life of the instituton as a member of the Delta Chi Fraternity and was pi-esident of the law alumni association in 1897. He is a Mason, an Elk and a member of the Royal Arcanum. He is a member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, the Minneapolis Athletic. Minneapolis Automobile, Minikahda and University clubs. He is a mem- ber of the Episcopal church. He was a member of the Minnesota National Guard from 1886 to 1891, in Company B. of the First Regiment. Mr. Fowler is an active Republican and served in the Minne- sota legislature during the 1911-1912 session. HOVEY CHARLES CLARKE. Hovey C. Clarke of .Minneapolis, who has for many years been one of the leading lumbermen of this country, and whose operations in the industry to which he has given the greater part of his time and attention have been imperial in their range and results, is a native of Flint. Michigan, where his life began on May 7, 1859. He is a son of (^.eorge Thomas and Mary Elizabeth (Du.\bury) Clarke, natives of New England. The father was a civil engineer, and had charge of the Baltimore & Ohio, the Maine Central, the Pere Marquette, the Ann Arbor, and other railroads east of the Mississippi. The ancestry of the family in this country runs back to early Colonial days and began in New England, where the progenitors of the American branch of the house were among the pioneers and founders of civilization. Hobart Clarke, the grandfather of Hovey C, was a resident of Andovcr, Massa- chusetts, a lawyer by profession, and the first president of the Boston & Maine Railroad: and throughout the American history of the family its members have dignified and adorned the higher walks of life in many fruitful fields of useful endeavor. Hovey C. Chirke began his academic education in the com- mon school in his luitive town and finished it at the high school in .\nn Arbor in the same state. \\Tien he left school he entered the office of the (liicagd & AVest Michigan— now the /^o^lf^^^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HHNNEIMN COl'NTY. MINNESOTA 317 Pere Miirqtu'tte — Railroad, beginning his services to this lino at Muski'gon, Micliigiiii, in 1HT6. He started as a clerk in the auditor's olliw. but rose by rapid promotions for meritoriuiu work ami tiniisiml adaptability to tlic business to one higher position alter aiiotlier. biroining in turn purchasing agfnt, sec- retary to the general superintendent and chief clerk to the freight, traffic and passenger agent. But while he found railroad work agreeable ami full of promise for him, Mr. Clarke had a longing for another line of etfort which seemed to open a shorter avenue to large suc- cess through business interests of his own. Accordingly, when the Hall \ Ducey Lumber c<)mi)any was organized in the spring of l! by Thouuis H. 8licvlin. Patrick A. Ducey, .*any bought another mill at Cass Jjike. and there built an ailditional band and bund resaw mill. The capacity of this has since boon enlarged by the addition of a gang saw, and thereby the annual output of the two mills was increased to 50,000.000 feet. Another undertaking of consip it. A saw mill with a capacity of 40.000.000 feet u year was put up ut St. Hilaire. and one year later the St. Hilaire company bought the sawmill and logs of the Red River Lumber comjiany at Crookston, with all of the timber holdings of the latter. The Crookston Lumber company was then organizcil, the present plant of which has a capacity of 40,000.000 feet a year. In connection with these manufactur ing plants twelve retail odices and yards are opi'rated under the name of the St. Hilaire Retail Lumber company. These greatly facilitate handling the lumber from the tree to the consumer, which it has alwavs been the desire of the far- seeing gentlemen at the head of these mammoth institutions to do to the greatest possible extent. Subsequent to the time mentioned above the old Crookston Lumber company and the St. Hilaire Lumber company were consolidated under the name of the former. .\Ir. Clarke con- tinued to serve as treasurer after the consolidation, and he still bears that official relation to the company. .Soon after the combination of the two companies a large mill was built at Bemidji, where the general offices of the company for that part of the state had been Iwated some time before, and wa» ei|uipped with two band saws and a gang saw. which made it capable of turning out annually 70.000,000 feet of lumber. For the purpose of furnishing logs for this mill by direct trans- portation a logging spur twelve miles long was built through the timber, connecting with the Minnesota & International Railroad at Ilovcy .lunction. This arrangement has uuide easily available a large amount of timber inaccessible jirior to its completion. The company now owns approximately 400,- 000,000 feet of stumpagi' in this state, and is working it all vigorously. .Mr. Clarke and his associates are also very extensively inter- ested in the lumber industry in Canada, in addition to what they are doing in this country. In the fall of 189:t the Shev- lin-Clarke company, limiteil. was organized to operate in the province of Ontario, and a number of timber berths, aggregat- ing 225,000,000 feet of pine, were purchased in the Dominion. This company is still energetically engaged in business, and its output and dealings reach an enormous total in volume and value. Mr. Clarke's business interests and operations have a mag- nitude surpassing those of many other men. and it is easy to infer that they are very exacting. But he has always found time and energy to take an active oml helpful interest in the public affairs and general welfare of his community. Perhaps nil service he ever rendered Minneapolis has been of more value than the courageous work he did in helping to cleanse the city of the municipal rottenness which permeated it umler the administration of former Mayor Amos, and which broiight great temporary discredit to it. Throtigh the corruptness of some of its municipal officials, the Scandinavian metropolis of the Northwest was infested with criminals of every class, invited to the city by the offi- cials themselves, it was said, in order that those officials might increase their bank accounts by the graft that would follow. For a time crime ran riot in the city, and a most deplorable condition prevailed. This was in the latter part of 1901 and the early months of 1902. In April of the year last named an ordinary grand jury was impanoleil and began its work without special instructions. Mr. Clarke was foreman of this grand jury and had some knowledge of the malfeasance of the city's officials. He proposed an investigation to his fellow jurors, won them over to his views, and the investiga- tion was begun. From the start Mr. Clarke was hampered by the persons likelv to be exposed. Kvery device available was used to hin- der his progress. Bribes wore offered to induce him to desist, and even his life was threatened if ho persevered. But he went on with the inquiry no matter what obstachs were placed in his way or what .langer was nuide to appear immi- nent. When evidence through the ordinary channels was denied him he hir.Ml local iletectiv.'S and then employed outside sleuths to wHtil/ them. He paid the bills himself, the expenses 318 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of the grand jury lor the summer being less than $300 to the county. In a short time the better elements in the community ral- lied to ilr. Clarke's assistance, and within eight months the criminals were routed, corrupt officials were sent to prison, and the city was cleansed and regulated as it had never been before, Minneapolis, grateful for his good work in this coura- geous action, oflered him political reward for it, but, with characteristic manliness and unselfishness, he declined all over- tures in that line. He won, however, a better and more endur- ing reward than any political preferment could have given him in the lasting regard and admiration of all right-thinking men and women in the city and throughout the length and breadth of the land. In addition to the business enterprises already mentioned Mr. Clarke is connected with several others. He is treasurer of the Lillooet Lumber company and of the Land, Log and Lumber company; and he is also a director of the First National Bank of Minneapolis and one of the trustees of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In social relations he is connected with the Min- neapolis, Lafayette and Minikahda clubs of his home city, the Chicago club of the Illinois metropolis, and other social, golf and entertainment organizations. He has been president of the Lafayette club for ten years, and has long been active and serviceable in every other organization to which he belongs. In religious affiliation lie is an Episcopalian and for some years has been a member and vestryman of St. Mark's church of that denomination in Minneapolis. He takes great interest in the affairs of the congregation to which he belongs, and in religious matters generally, and is broad-minded and practical in the service he renders in this behalf. On .June 9, 1886, he was united in marriage with Miss Maggie L. Rice of Detroit, Michi- gan. Thev have no children. GEORGE N. FARWELL. In 1856 John L. Farwell, father of him whose name ini- tiates this article, came to the west from his native state of New Hampshire, as a young man of twenty-two years. Ho made the trip to Davenport, Iowa, in company with another young man, the late Austin Corbin, who later achieved na- tional reputation as a successful railroad builder. Mr. Cor bin at that time was virtually without financial resources, as shown by the fact that he borrowed from his friend Far- well the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars, to defray the expenses of his western trip. It is gratifying to note that Messrs. Farwell and Corbin continued close personal friends and associates for fully forty years, the relations being severed only by death. After visiting St, Louis young Farwell came up the Mississippi river to the ambitious but embryonic city of Minneapolis, and he became so impressed with the locality that he purchased, at eighteen dollars an acre, the tract of eighty acres which his son has in recent years developed into the suburli known as Homewood, John L, Farwell finally returned to New Hampshire, where he eventually became a substantial banker, as well as one of the representative men of affairs in the state. He retained the Homewood tract at Minneapolis until his death, and though he had been offered five thousand dollars an atre for the property it was still little more than a cow pasture at the time when he died. In 1879 George N. Farwell, who had been reared and edu- cated in his native state of New Hampshire, made a trip to the west, the principal allurement being a gracious young woman who was then living at Dubuque, Iowa. It may be stated that the friendship of the young couple ripened into love and resulted in the marriage of Mr. Farwell to Miss Anna Grosvenor. About 1882 Mr. Farwell became asso- ciated with William A, Barnes and EUwood S. Corser, who owned eighty acres, and with a Mr, Griswold, who had forty acres, and they platted the Oak Park addition. The Barnes and Corser half of the property was greatly improved within the next few years, streets being laid out and other modern improvements being installed. Prior to the time when real estate improvements came to temporary ebb in Minneapolis, there had been erected on the addition about eighty houses of the better order, at cost varying from four to eighteen thousand dollars. Mr. Farwell had in the meanwhile become a substantial banker at Claremont, New Hampshire, and had made no special effort to dispose of his Minneapolis realty. In the meanwhile he acquired ownership of the eighty acres of land that had been purchased by his father in the pioneer days of Minneapolis. About the year 1906, he decided to come to Minneapolis and devote a few years to the im- provement and development of his local property. In the meanwhile the D. C. Bell Investment Company had ac- quired the west half of the original eighty acres, and in con- junction with this corporation Mr. Farwell became active in tlie platting and improving of the Homewood addition to the city of Minneapolis. Adjoining the tract on the west was a tine body of native timber, and this had been purchased by the Minneapolis board of park commissioners, at the insti- gation and advice of Mr. Farwell, the tract now constituting the city's beautiful Glenwood Park. His political allegiance is given to the Republican party, both he and his wife are communicants of St, Mark's church. Protestant Episcopal, and he is a member of the board of trustees of the Wells Memorial Settlement House. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell have two children, Grosvenor was graduated in Harvard University, as a member of the class of 1909, and is now identified with banking operations in New York city; Susan is the wife of Harold H, Bennett, a Harvard graduate, and they now reside at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, MAJOR EDWARD G, FAI.K, Was born in Red Wing. Minnesota, July 22, 1859, and is a son of Andrew and Catherine Falk. The father coming from niinois, was a pioneer of Red Wing, locating there in 1845, where he opened the first hotel. Later he took a homestead in Goodhue county, but still maintained his residence in Ked Wing, and for a time traded with the Chippewa and Sioux Indians until they were removed. Edward G. Falk learned the trade of harness making there and came to Minneapolis in 1879, working at the bench till 1886, when he opened a grocery store at Stevens avenue and Twenty-sixth street, which he conducted for three years, then engaging in carriage trimming and harness making for Stark & Darrow for three years. He was for two years in the livery business, and then took a contract for Podds & Fisher, IIISTOHY OF MINXKAI'ULIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 319 making their light harness and kindred products for eight years. In 1892 ho started his present business as ii mnmifacturer and dealer of harness and other leather goods, on Lake street, and in this has been eonfinuously engaged for twenty-one years. ,Iunc 19, 1882, he enlisted in Company A, First Minnesota ]{eginient. and was soon afterward made corporal and sergeant. In 1H92 he was appointed inspector of rille practice on the staff of Col. W. B. Bond, and held this position until the iH-ginning of the Spanish-American w;ir, when lie was made regimental ailjutant of the Thirteenth .Minnesota \'olunteer Infantry with the rank of first lieutenant. He went to the Philippines with this regiment, and in March, IK'Jll, was pro- moted to the rank of captain and adjutant. As adjutant Captain Kalk hail supervision of all the details of the regiment. All orders were issued and all promotions made through him. and all parts of the field work of the regiment were also under his personal attention, j In addition he had direct supervision over the non-commissioned staff band and hospital corps. He was appointed regimental iuljutant with rank of captain at the reorganization of the First Regiment upon the return of the Thirteenth Regiment from the Philippines, in which position he served to I'.lll, when he was made adjutant-general of the First Brigade with the rank of major. In the Philip- pines the major took part in about thirty-five engagements. At the battle on the Uth of August, 1898, he was recom- mended lor bravery and special reward. Major Falk is a Shriner in Zurah Temple, a member of the Junior Order of American Mechanics and is Past Regent in the Royal Arcanum. He helped organize and was three years president of the West Side Commercial club, which has done much to improve the Lake street district, and which presented him with a handsome testimonial. Major Falk was married in 1883, to Miss Frances Lydia .lames, a native of Ohio, and a daughter of Jonathan James, a prominent contractor of Minneapolis. They have one son, Harold N. Falk, a real estate dealer on Ijike street. He graduated from the high school and the law department of the State University. Major Kalk has won many honors as a nmrksnian and taken a large number of medals, iiliout 100 in all. in shooting eon- tests. He was a member of the state ami regimental team twenty-five years, and while connected with it won the American championship on many shooting ranges. He also, in 1888. broke the army record at Fort Snelling. before that time hell! by Captain Parlelle of the regular army. In this contest he shot at 200. .100. 400, .'.00 and 600 yards, and led the score for each distance. The major has been in demand, too, for exhibitions of his "kill before popular audiences. In company with his brother W. O., he has often appeared in lightning and fancy drill ' xi'rcises, which have led to tempting offers from the vaude- ■ lUe stage. He enjoys all athletic and other outdoor sports, and engages in them frequently through his membership in several of the leading clubs and social organizations. AU that is manly and elevating in physical development, all that IS beneflcial and improving in citizenship, all that contributes to the expansion and inlluence of the business interests of his eommunity, ami all that raises the moral and intellectual standard enlists his cordial support, and he is esteemed for broad, enterprising and productive public spirit, busineM ability and genuine worth. WILLIAM WATTS FOLWELL. LL. I). . The character, services and career of Ur. William W. Folwell are best indicated in the comprehensive, highly honorable and very expressive title of "Educator." His whole manhood has been given to teaching in various ways, and the world is better and wiser because of his activities in this useful line of endeavor, while hundreds of men and women are living in a more exalted and invigorating moral and intellectual atmos- phere because of intercourse with him either directly in the class room or more remotely through his numerous addresses and writings on questions of present moment and enduring vitality and importance. Dr. Folwell was born at Romulus, Seneca county, New York, on February 14, 1833. He was graduated from Hobart College, Geneva, New York, in 1857, and received the degree of LL. D. from that institution in 1880. In 1857 and 1858 he was a teacher of languages in Ovid Academy, New York, and from 185H to 18G0 aiijuiut professor of mathematics in Hobart College. In 1860 and 1861 he was a student in Berlin, Germany, and from 1862 to 1865 a Union soldier in the Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineers, in which lie rose from the rank of first lieutenant to that of major and brevet lieutenant-colonel. After the close of the Civil war the colonel engaged in business in Ohio for four years, during the last one serving also as a profes.sor in Kenyon College at Gambler in that state. In 1869 he was elected president of the University of Minnesota, and he held that position with renowned credit to himself and great benefit to the institution until 1S84. a continuous period of fifteen years. At the end of that period he resigned the presidency in order to gratify his strong desire for classroom work, and took the chair of political science in the University, which he continued to occupy until 1907, when he severed his connection with the institution for the purpose of engaging more extensively in literary work. Dr. Folwell's ability and high character received early and continuous recognition in this state in the most extensive and creditable way. In 1876 he was Centennial Conimi.ssioner for the state. From 1882 to 1892 he was president of the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts. For eighteen years from 1889 he was a member of the eity park hoard, and from 1894 to 1901 its president. He was also chairman of the State Board of Correction and Charities from 1895 to 1901. and president of the Minneapolis Improvement I^eague from 1902 to 1905. In 1892 he was acting president of the American Economic Association. In 1883 he passed hia examinations and was admitted to the Hennepin county bar. On March 14. 1863. he was married in Buffalo, New Y'ork, to Miss .'Jarah Hubbard Heywood. Valuable as his services have been in other lines of endeavor. Dr. Folwell is best known and most highly esteemed for what he did to establish the University of Minnesota and promote its growth. The University was most fortunate in securing such a man for the period of its organization. At the time of his election to the presidency the .\merican university as it is today was unknown. He looked into the future and determined to make the Minnesota institution ■ 320 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA university in fact, and planned to make it also a part of a system of general public instruction for the state. Bom and reared on a farm: a graduate of a good college; with his education supplemented by study and travel abroad and his professorships at Hobart and Kenyon; with four years' service in the Civil war — with the benefit of all these broadening influences, he came to Minnesota at the age of thirty-six, young enough to be full of energy and initiative, and not old enough to have lost any youthful enthusiasms or sympathies. He put all his resources into his work here, and he started the University on a broad and firm foundation on which it has grown to its present magnitude, power and usefulness, an inevitable result of the wisdom of his plan. FRED BEAL SNYDER. Fred Beal Snyder, prominent member of the Minneapolis bar and well known citizen of the state, is a native of this city, born February 21. 1859. His father. Simon P. Snyder, was a native of Pennsylvania and traced his ancestry to the old Dutch family of Schneiders who figured in the colonial his- tory of that commonwealth. His mother was of Scotch lineage, a descendant of the houses of Ramsey and Stephen- son. Simon P. Snyder came to Minneapolis in 1835. and lived for a time in the first house erected in the village, known as the Colonel Stevens house, which was built in 1849 on the present site of the Union station. The birth of Fred Beal Snyder, the second son of the family, occurred in this historic edifice. He received his early education in the village schools and after completing his course of study there, entered the University of Minnesota, where his career was marked by the success and ability which have attended all his activities. In recognition of his attainments in scholarship he was elected to the honorary society of Phi Beta Kappa. He is also a member of the Chi Psi fraternity. After graduating from the University in 1881 he secured a position in a book store, receiving for his services a weekly compensation of $4.00. At this time he began to prepare himself for the legal profes- sion, finding time from his duties as a clerk to study law in the office of Lochren, McNair & Gilfillan. He later continued his studies with the firm of Koon. Merrill & Keith and was admitted to the bar in 1882. His first practice was in partner- ship with .Judge .Jamison, a connection which was maintained from 1882 to 1889. His legal career has been characterized by a steady and substantial growth, and his standing at the bar for integrity and truth is unsurpassed. He has been identified as attorney with many of the important cases of the state, winning particular distinction in that of the State vs. Pillsbury in which he overturned a provision of the city charter relating to special assessments for local improve- ments and in his defense of the Torrens Land Law, of which he was the author, in the suit of the State vs. Westfall. Mr. Snyder has rendered conspicuous service to his fellow citizens in many positions of public trust and honor where his influence and energies were persistently devoted to the best interests of the public. He was elected alderman in 1892 and for four years was president of the city council. By virtue of this office he assumed leadership in the con- troversy between the city and the Minneapolis Gas & Light company and it is to his untiring effort at this time that the public owe the reduction in the rate of gas rent and the authorship and passage of the ordinance creating and regulating the otlice of gas inspector. In 1896 he was called upon to represent the university district in the legislature and after serving as a member of the House for two years was elected to the Senate for a term of four years. He de- clined reelection to a second term as senator. As a member of the two legislative bodies of the state he displayed his usual administrative ability and capacity for public service and was actively identified with the work of law making, introducing the bill increasing the annual revenue of the state university, the board of control bill and assumed the fight for the bill for the increase of the gross earning tax from three to four per cent in the Senate. The probation law for juvenile ofi'enders was introduced and passed by him. Mr. Snyder was married, September 23, 1885, to Miss Susan M. Pillsbury, daughter of the late Ex-Governor John S. Pillsbury. Mrs. Snyder died in 1891, leaving one son, John Pillsbury Snyder. Mr. Snyder contracted his second marriage February ^, 1896, with Miss Leonora Dickson of Pittsburg. They have one daughter, Mary-Stuart Snyder. Mr. Snyder is a Republican and holds membership in the principal social clubs of the city. He is a member of the board of regents of the University of Minnesota. He was one of the organizers of Civic & Commerce Association of Minneapolis. He drafted its constitution and was its first secretary. The association has done much to advance the general growth and prosperity of Minneapolis along all lines of commercial and moral progress. His favorite recreation and pleasure is found in the attrac- tions of out door life and he spends much of his leisure time at his attractive home at Lake Minnetonka. Mr. Snyder attends St. Mark's and has been a member of its Board of Vestry for the past three years. CHARLES STEVENS FAY. Although but seven years a resident of Minneapolis the late Charles S. Fay. who died January 1, 1905, made a deep and lasting impression on business circles by his superior capacity and enterprise as a business man, and upon the community in general by elevated manhood, cordial interest in local affairs, highly useful citizenship and genuine worth in all public and private relations. Mr. Fay was a native of New England and exhibited in his successful career the salient elements of character which distinguish that section of the country. He was born at Walpole, New Hampshire, July 17, 1849. When he was six years old his parents, Oliver and Deborah (Perkins) Fay, removed to Stoughton, Dane county, Wisconsin. The father was a farmer there some twelve years, when he changed his residence to Osage, Iowa, where both he and his wife passed the remainder of their days. Charles was educated in the district schools and by instruc- tion at home, ever anticipating an early start in business for himself. At nineteen he joined M. A. Sprague in the management of a retail lumber yard at Osage, four years later starting a yard at Rockford, Iowa, in partnership with a Mr, Emerson. The railroad having just been completed to that town, the business of the firm was active and prosperous. At the end of one year Mr. Fay bought his partner's interest, anil continued the ownership until his death. He also owned IIISTOUV OF .MIXNEAI'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA :J21 one at Xortliwuud, Worth county, Iowa, aud with lii» brutht-r, E. P. Fay, ac<|iiiri'(l and opi-rutfd one at Osage. Mr. Kay came to Minneapolis in .luly, 1898, to secure better educational advantages lor his children. Soon alter he formed a partnership with W. I). .Morrison in the wholesale lumber trade. This partnership lasted several years and did an e.\tensive and prulitable business. Late in 1orain, Ohio. .\ll the children were given high school and other eilucational advantages, which all have justified. CHRISTIAN FILBERT. Mr. Filbert was bom in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, Feb- ruary 16, 1841, where he was reared and educated, acquiring a complete speaking and writing knowledge of French, and also some ma!,tery of English. When he was about sixteen, he Went to France spending ten years in Paris and Lyons, coming from the latter city to this country in 1867. He became a bookkeeper for three years in Illinois where he was advised by a friend, Thomas (Jreen, to come to Min- neapolis. Mr. (Jreen was a nephew of Hugh and Thomas Harrison, and through his inlluence tlio.se gentlemen gave the newcomer credit fur lumber with which to build his grocery store. On what is now Third avenue south there were then but an old shack and Dorilus Morrison's residence, and though the region was sparsely populated, its trade was sullicient to make his business profitable from the start. He handled dry goods, cirugs, hardware, groceries, and almost everything that was called for in an ordinary country store. He remained on that site for thirty-five years, being compelled GEORGE A. FISHER. I For twenty-eight years continuously George A. Fisher, president of the Fisher Paper Box company, has been engaged in the same business, having therefore abundant opportunity to prove his business capacity. He is a native of Rutland. Massachusetts, where he was born .lune 21, 1866. He was there reared, and at seventeen, be- coming a resident of Minneapolis, arriving April 1.1, 1883. He was employed two years in a hardware store, and was eight years an employe of the Frank Heywood Paper Box i'o. In 18'.):i, he founded his present business on a small stale. The output of his factory has increased a thousandfohl and is constantly growing. The business was incorporated in 1900. with a capital sttK-k of $12,(100. It now occupies all of a three-story brick build- ing, with 63 feet frontage on First street, is 162yt feet deep, containing 3-1,000 square feet of floor space. Mr. Fisher 322 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA owns the building and gives personal attention to every detail. He employs some fifty-four persons and manufactures a large variety of paper boxes, nearly all made to order and for local demand. The plant is equipped witli the most modern appliances. With no desire for place or office he is a careful student of social and economic que.stions. In public affairs he takes a helpful interest, being a zealous working member of the Joint Improvement Association of which he served as president two years, and is now chair- man of its municipal market committee. He was a member of the committee which took the initiatory steps toward giving Minneapolis a new city charter, many of his ideas be- ing embodied in the document recently submitted. He is an advanced thinker, and has given the matter of municipal markets thoughtful consideration and investigation, being convinced of the advisability of having such operated by the city. No matter of public betterment but finds in him a co- worker and sympathetic supporter. He is Past Noble Grand of North Star Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and has been representative to the Grand Lodge. Although not strongly inclined to sports, he occasionally devotes his vacations to fishing trips. In 1896, he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Litera, of Min- neapolis, a native of Minnesota, of German parentage. They have two children, Alvin M. and George Lee. The former a student in the East High School. COL. FRANK MELVILLE JOYCE. Col. Frank Melville Joyce, who died in Minneapolis July 22. 1912, was for eighteen years one of the prominent and success- ful business men and useful citizens of this community, and made a record in all the essentials of elevated manhood and sterling citizenship that is creditable alike to him and the locality in which it was wrought out, and is remembered with such warm and general commendation. He became a resident of the city in 1894, and from then until his death maintained his home here. Colonel iToyce was bom in Covington, Fountain county, Indiana, March 18. 1862. His father was the eminent Metho- dist Episcopal clergyman, Bishop Isaac W. Joyce, and his mother, before her marriage was Miss Carrie W. Bosserman, of La Porte, Indiana. This was her native state, but She was educated in Baltimore, Maryland. She died at the home of her son Frank in Minneapolis in 1907, after a life of great activity, filled with incident and adventure experienced in many sections of this country and a number of foreign lands widely separated in space and in the manners, customs and languages of their people. Colonel Joyce, the only child of his parents, passed his early years in his native state. He attended public schools in La- fayette, but completed his preparatory work by a special course of study in Baltimore. In 1877 he entered the institution of learning at Greencaetle. Indiana, which was then known as Indiana Asbury University, but is now Tie Pauw University. He was graduated from the academic department of this uni- versity with the degree of A. B. in 1882. and later the degree of A. M. was conferred on him by it. During his university course he was prominent in all lines of college activity, and one year won a gold medal for proficiency in mathematics. He was a member of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, and for some time after leaving the university published the fraternity magazine and also issued the fraternity song book, which was used for a number of years. After liis graduation Colonel .Joyce located in Cincinnati, where he became teller in the Queen City National Bank. He served in that capacity until 1888, when he was appointed agent of the Provident Life and Trust company. Two years later he began work in Cincinnati for the Mutual. Benefit Life Insurance company, remaining in the employ of the company in that city until 1894. It was during this period that he received his title by appointment on the official staff of Gov- ernor McKinley in 1892. A military title and the duties it indicated were not, however, entirely new to him. While at De Pauw he was a cadet major in the military department of the university, and as such organized and trained the famous "Asbury Cadets," a company which won many first prizes in interstate competitive drills. In 1894 the JIutual Benefit Life Insurance company assigned Colonel Joyce to duty as its state agent for Minnesota, the ter- ritory included in the agency being this state, the two Dakota* and a part of Wisconsin. He then took up his residence in Minneapolis, and during his life in this city he was active in all matters affecting the interests of the public. He was par- ticularly zealous in connection with the movement for good roads, and made several trips to Washington, D. C. to aid in furthering its advancement. He was president of the Auto- mobile club and a potential factor in the building of its present beautiful club house on the Minnesota river. He was also president of the State Automobile association for a time, and served as secretary and afterward as president of the Apollo club. He was also a member of the Minneapolis and Commer- cial clubs, a Knight of Pythias and a thirty-second degree Freemason. While living in Cincinnati he was Captain of the Light Artillery of that city, serving during the famous court house riots, and for a number of years was president of the Northwestern Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association. Colonel .loycp was ever greatly interested in the work of the church, and gave liberally toward its support. When it became necessary to purchase a new organ for the Joyce Memorial church he gave one-half of the amount. During the general conference held here in 1912 he served as chairman of the entertainment committee which secured hotel atecommoda- tions for over 831 people and each one felt that they had received special attention. Colonel .loyce was married in 188.S to Miss Jessie Birch, of Bloomington. Illinois, who was his classmate at De Pauw University. It was their custom to attend the reunion of their class at the university every two years. The last one they attended wa.*: the thirtieth and took place in 1912. only a short time before his death. His widow and their four chil- dren. Arthur Reamy. Carolyn. Wilbur Birch and Helen, survive him and still have their home in Minneapolis. EDWARD CHENERY GALE. A scion of old Engli.sh families, members of which settled in this country in early Colonial days, and whose representa- tives have dignified and adorned American citizenship since in many places and lines of useful endeavor. Edward C. Gale, one of the successful and prominent lawyers of Minneapolis, HISTORY OF MIXNEAl'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 32;} has wi'll iiplic-lil tlio iiiunlioud and traditions of lii» ancestors in his own daily lilv and business career. Richard (iule, the progrnitor of the American brunch of the family, emif;ratcil from Kngland to Musmu-husi-tts in 1636 and took up his residence at Wiitertown in that state. One of his descendants was Siiniiifl f. (Iiile, who w«» the father of Edward V.. and who became a resident of Minneapolis in 1H57. .Samuel C. Gale was educated for the bar but early in his manhood turned his attention to the real estate business, and in that and the civic life of this community he has long taken an active and serviceable part. Edward C. Gale was born in .Minneapolis on August 21, 1862. He attended the public schools of this city and was grad- uated from the high school in 1878. He then attended the luiversity of Minnesota for two years. At the end of that period he entered Yale University, from which he was graduated in 1884. After passing a year abroad he studied law in the office of Messrs. Shaw & Cray, Minneapolis, and subsequently received the degree of A. M. from the Law School of Harvard University. He has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession from the time of his admis- sion to the bar. and has reached an honorable position in it anil in the regard and conlidence of the bench and bar and the citizenship of Minneapolis generally. At the present time (19141 he is associated in practice with Fred B. Snyder in the law linn of Snyder & Gale, which has high standing and a large business. Mr. Gale is a director of the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, of which he has been president. He is also treasurer of the Minneapolis Academy of Sciences: a director of the Minneapolis I'ubliC Library Board, a member of the Muni- cipal -Art Commission of Minneapolis. President of the Hen- nepin County Sanitoriuni Commission, and active in many other movements which make for the better things in life, civic and general as well as individual. But while his taste is es.oentially aesthetic and leads to the higher walks in artistic and intellectual development, he by no means neg- lects the plain, practical things of life, but is always attentive to the voice of duty in reference to what is demanded of good citizenship. On .lune 28, 1892, Mr. (Jale was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Pillsbury. a daughter of former Governor John S. Pillsbury. They have one child living, their son Richard Pillsburv Gale. CHARLKS GLUEK. Mr. Gluek is a native son and entirely a production of the great Northwest. Me was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on .lune 6. 1860, and obtained his academic education in the public schools of this city. He was also specially prepared for business by a thorough course of instruction in one of the Minneapolis business colleges. He is a son of Gottlieb and Caroline ( Koell I (JIuek. the former a native of Germany and the latter of the same country. The father came to the United States in 1854. and for a time lived in Philadelphia. From there he came to Minneapolis in 1855, and here he passed the remainder of his life, which ended in this city in 1880. He founded the brewery that bi-ars his name, and which his Bong, with all the enterprise, business capacity and pro- gregsiveness that he possessed, have developed to such large proportions, its annual output being now more than 150,000 barrels. Charles Gluek bi'gaii the work that has occupied him and engaged all his time and energies to the present day under his father's direction in the brewery. With the thoroughness that he displays in everything he undertakes, he gave him- self at once to a close and exhaustive study of the brewing industry, and continued this until he became completely mas- ter of it in every detail. His studious attention to all its requirements is still kept up, and through this he has been able to introduce nuiny improvements in the management and workings of the brewery, and keep its products abreast of the times in ([uality, superior excellence and extending popularity. The business was incorporated as the Gluek Brewing com- pany while Mr. Gluek of this sketch was still a very young man. and he was at once elected vice president of the new company, an oflicial relation to it that he has held ever since, much to the company's advantage and his own in giving him opportunities for varied and extensive usefulness to the community in which he lives and carries on his busi- ness. He manifests a deep interest in the welfare and sub- stantial progress of that community, and his cfTort.s in this behalf are always practical, guided by good judgment and applied with energy. The people of Minneapolis look upon him as one of their best and most progressive and public- spirited Citizens. Mr. Gluek is also vice president of the German-American Hunk and the St. Andrews Hospital association of Minne- apolis. He is a leading member of the Cliamber of Com- merce and belongs to the Athletic club and several of the other social organizations in the city. Fraternally he is afliliated with the Benevolent, Protective Order of Elks, hold- ing his membership in the lodge of the order in his home city. On December 8, 1888, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Thielen. and by this union became the father of three children. Carl G.. Emma C. and Alvin G. Their mother died while they were still young, and the care of rearing them devolved largely on their Tather. He has been faith- ful to duty in this work, as he is in every relation of life and every public, business and private capacity. HON. PARIS GIBSON. Although I visited the Falls of St. Anthony in 1854. T did not establish my residence in Minneapolis until the spring of 1858 when I formed a co-partnership with William W. East- man, a man of high character and one of the ablest business men I have ever met. Soon after I became associated with Mr. Eastman in business, we secured a site for a flour mill from the Minneapolis Mill Company who had just concluded the construction of the wc^t side dam which made connec- tion with the east side dam of the St. Anthony Falls Water Power Company near the centre of the river and about 80 rods above the crest of the falls. During the year 1858 we secured plans for a merchant Hour mill of 300 barrels daily capacity and comnienceil its con- struction. The following year we completed this mill, nam- ing it The Cataract Flour Mill, and commenced making tlour in Septemlx-r. This, tlie first merchant Hour mill built in .Minneapolis, marks the iH'glnning of business prosperity in 324 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA that city following the financial panic of 1857. The building of the Cataract Mill also marks the beginning of wheat rais- ing immediately tributary to Minneapolis. Immediately following the building of the Cataract Mill, Kastman and (iibson began the manufacture of flour bar- rels, the first ever made in that region, and soon after com- menced the shipment of flour to the Atlantic seaboard. Our transportation line from the mill to our eastern markets was as follows: Teams from Minneapolis to St. Paul; Steam- boats from St. Paul to LaCrosse; Milwaukee Railway, then just completed, from LaCrosse to Milwaukee: Lake boats to ButTalo; thence by railway lines to various markets. It will interest those who may read this narrative to know that James J. Hill, now the acknowledged chief among railway financiers and builders of the world, then a young man, checked off the flour from teams at the steamboat wharf in St. Paul. In 1862-3, influenced by the wide-spread boom in wool and woolen goods then prevailing throughout the country, we built the North Star Woolen Mill, .\fter its completion John De- Laittre was admitted to the firm and the mill was employed in the manufacture of miscellaneous woolen goods. Eastman and DeLaittre having sold their interests to Alexander Tyler and myself, the mill was subsequently employed chiefly in the manufacture of fine white blankets, sleeping-car blankets and Indian robes, its fine blankets having attained a nation- wide reputation. The failure of Gibson and Tyler in 1876, largely the result of the panic of 1873 and the depression in woolens that fol- lowed, ended my career as a manufacturer in Minneapolis. It is due to the memory of William W. Eastman and it is but justice to myself that I should state that, in building and putting in operation the Cataract Flour Mill and the North Star Woolen Mill. Eastman and Gibson placed founda- tion stones on which rest much of the remarkable industrial development of Minneapolis at this time. CHARLES DEERE VELIE. Mr. Velie is a native of Rock Island, Illinois, where he was bom on March 20, 1861. He is a son of Stephen Henry and Emma (Deere) Velie, the latter a daughter of John Deere, the founder of the Deere implement business, and the second man to engage in it on a large scale in this country, his works being located at Moline, Illinois, Tiie father, Stephen H. Velie, was one of the largest stockholders in the firm of John Deere & Company and tor many years its secretary and treasurer. Charles D. Velie was educated at the public schools in Moline, Illinois, and the excellent McMynus academy in Racine, Wisconsin, He also had the advantage of a special course of instruction in mine engineering at Columbia I'nivers- ity in the city of New York. His first business engagement was with his grandfather's firm, and in 1883 he came to Minneapolis to serve that firm as assistant superintendent of the Deere & Webber company's warehouse in this city. The next year he acted as bill clerk for the company ami trimi 1887 to 1889 as one of its traveling salesmen. In the year last mentioned he took charge of the sales department of the D. M. Seckler Carriage company at Moline. Illinois, in which capacity he served the comjiany well ami wisi'ly until 1892. The next year he was elected vice president of the Deere & Webber company in Minneapolis, and this position he has filled acceptably and with great advantage to the company ever since. He is also a director of the John Deere company in his old Illinois home, the city of Moline, and occupies the same relation to the Northwestern National Bank of Minnea- polis, the Velie Carriage and Motor Vehicle company and the John Deere Wagon company. Mr. Velie understands his line of business thoroughly all the way through, and is devoted to it. All the companies he is connected with are flourishing, have a strong hold on public confidence and regard and have built up large and active operations. He has been of great service to them in helping them to the high position and extensive business they enjoy. But he has not ignored or neglected the civic, educa- tional and social forces of his home community, but has given them valuable aid in many ways and been eamest and helpful in his support of all good agencies for progress and improvement at work in that community. One of the means of improvement with which he has been most prominently and serviceably connected is the Boy Scout movement. Hennepin Council of Boy Scouts was organized in October, 1910. Mr. Velie was its first treasurer, and has held that office ever since. But in addition to acting as treasurer of this Council he has ben earnestly interested in the move- ment from its inception and has supported it generously. Through his liberality and financial backing Hennepin Council has been able to have Ernest Thomas Seton, Chief of the Boy Scouts of America; Lieutenant Robert Baden-Powell, Chief of the Boy Scouts of England; James E. West, Chief Scout Executive of New York city, and other men high up in the movement, visit Minneapolis, thereby giving the local Council a high standard for the guidance and government of its activities and the whole movement in this locality a strong impetus for greater progress. Mr, Velie's felloAv members of the executive committee have been encouraged by his interest in the Scout movement and his enthusiasm for its advancement to continue their efforts for the proper training and incidental enjoyment of the boys of this city, and to raise the necessary funds to maintain a h>cal Scout office, with a paid executive in charge aside from the regular expenses, a large part of which has been provided for by his generosity. The Scout camp is located on a part of his land on Maxwell's bay, Lake Minnetonka, not far from his summer home, and he has taken great pleasure and gone to considerable expense in making the place an ideal one for a boys' camp. Without Mr. Velie there would be no Boy Scout Movement in Minneapolis, and his name will always be remembered and revered in connection with this greatest of all undertakings for the recreational education and citizenship training of the Boy Scouts of America. Mr. Velie is an active member of the Minneapolis, Com- merciitl and Minikahda clubs, and takes an earnest interest in their welfare and all their activities. He seeks his principal recreations in farming, golfing and horse back riding, to all of which he is ardently devoted. He was married in Minne- apolis on December 12, 1900, to Miss Louisa Koon, a daughter of the late Judge M. B. Koon. They have four children: Charles Koon, aged twelve; Josephine, aged nine; Grace, aged seven, and Kate aged two. The parents are members of the Congregational church and take an active part in all the good work of the branch of it to which they belong. Their comfortable and popular home is at 225 Clifton avenue. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIKNNKIMN COINTV. MINNKSOTA UJfj TOANCIS A. «;R().ss. Francis A. (Jross. president of the Ci-rinan Aiiu-rieun Hunk of Minnt'Uixilis. is a native of Hrnnopin county, Minnesuta, born in Medina township on OcIoImt 10, 1870. He is a son of Mutliias and Mary (Lenzeni Uross, residents of Miiine- apoli». wliere tliey located when Kraneis was alxnit one year old. Kor .•some years the father was enj!aj|;ed in the ;;rocery trade in this city, but lie is now a real estate dealer of proniinenre. He was born in (ierniany and brought to this country when be was but two years old. He grew to inan- hoo«l in Wisconsin and moved to Minnesota in 18fi8. He is now seventy years of age, and nearly fhree-tifths of his life has been passed in Minnesota, and all but three years of that imrtion in Minneapolis. His son Francis obtained his education in the public and parochial schmils in Minneapolis, and at St. John's University in Stearns county of this state. As a boy he clerked in his father's grocery, doing good and faithful work there, as he has done in every situation he has ever occupied. At the age of nineteen he entered the employ of the German American Bank as a messenger, and he showed such aptitude for the business that he was soon appointed collection teller. From this position his rise through the offices of paying teller, receiving teller, assistant casliier and cashier to the presi- ilencv of the bank was rapid, steady and well deserved. He never had to ask for a promotion. The directors of the bank were always ready to advance him to higher and greater responsibilities in their service when they had opportunity, for he was true and faithful in every position, and his useful- ness increased as his duties became more elevated and en- larged. Mr. Gross has taken great and very helpful interest in public affairs in the city of his home, but not as a political partisan. He has never held a political oilice and has never desired one. But he has been eager to promote by every means at his command the substantial and enduring welfare of the city and the bi'st interests of all its residents through good local goveniment, general progress and improvement and the aid nd skillful and ready hand. On OitolM'r !i. 1H'.I3, Mr. Gross was married to Miss Ida K. IliiiTfeiiing. a daughter of Captain Martin Biierfening and granildaughter of Frederick Weinard. a pioneer who came to 8t. Anthony in 1854. Four children have been Imihi of the union, and all of them are living and still meinlx'rs of the parental familv circle. Thev are Roman B.. Francis B.. .Marie I!, and Carl li. The family has a pleasant and attrac- tive home, which is a popular resort and a center of retined scH-ial enjoyment and gracious hospitality. -Mr. Gro.s8 has served as a member of the city park board and the city water commission. He has also been a memlier of the city charter commission. These positions came to him without solicitation on his part, and his ap|)ointinent to them was based on no political services or considerations of a mer- cenary character, but was made solely because of his cap- ability to till the places ably and Serviceably and the certainty that he would perform the duties belonging to them wisely and efliciently. His course in each position fully justified the coutldence of the appointing power and fulfilled the expecta- tions of the people in every respect and in full measure. P. B. GETCHELI.. Among the men engaged in the grain comiiiission business on a large scale and with eminent success. I'. H. (Jetchell of the Getchell and Tanton Company. 907-908 Chamber of Com- merce building, holds high rank as far-seeing operator and judicious manager. He is also of inlluence in public affairs; and, as ahlerman from the Tenth ward, is giving excellent service. Mr. Getchell was born in this city February 14, 1871, and is the son of 1). \V. and Mary (Laveryi Getchell, the former of Maine and the latter of Ireland, bvit partially reared in New York. Both came to Minneapolis with their parents, Mrs. Getchell in 1854 and her husband in 1856. P. B's grand- father was a lumberman, also owning lands and operating a llouring mill. He prospered and was making headway toward a comfortable estate, when death stopped his activities when his son D. W. was a lad of about eight or nine years. Peter Lavery. the mother's father took up a claim on the East Side, on a part of which the plant of the Minneapolis Sash and Blind company now stands. He died on his farm at the age of eighty-four. 1). W. Getclu-ll for many years after age was janitor of the piiblii' schools on the Fast Side. He was also a soldier serving three years in the First .Min- nesota Infantry and one year in Hatch's battalion, having enlisted at the age of sixteen. He now is Corporal of Chase Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He is about seventy years old. and is one of the oldest temperance men in the community, having been a member of the Father Matthew ScN'iety in St. .Anthony de Padua Catholic church. They had twelve children, eleven of whom reached maturity. Kight are living ami live are residents of .Min- neapolis. P. B. Getchell alteniled the common scliools and high school, although at sixteen lie became connecteil with the grain trade as an errand boy; and. from that humble beginning steailily worked himself up, by industry, cajiacity and strict attention to business. He was in the employ of the \'an Dusen-Harrington Company thirteen years, five as inspector and eight as bookkeeper. Subsequently he became manager for Woodend & ( ompaiiy. and later filled the same position in till' Spencer-iJiaiii Company. In 1907. in association with A. G. Tanton and F. C. Lydiard, he formed the (ietchell-Tantoii Company to conduct a general grain commission business. He is also vice president of the Hoppeiirath Cigar Company, which ■•mploys thirty-live men at 326 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA its factory at 208 Twentit'th avenue north, and is connected with other institutions of importance in industrial, commercial and mercantile activities among them the North Side Com- mercial club. In 1910 Mr. Getchell was elected alderman from the Tenth ward. He is chairman of the committee on sewers and a member of the committees on public lighting, health and hospitals. In the movement to check the violations of law by cafes and rooming houses, and bring about better moral conditions he has been active, his work in this behalf pro- ducing good results. Mr. Getchell is a pronounced regular Republican. He was married in 1895 to Miss Ida Wolsfield and has three children: Grace Catherine, Virna Agnes and Frank Benjamine. The parents are zealous members of Ascen- sion Catholic church. DORANCE DORMAN GREER. The Dorman family in Minneapolis originated with Ezra and Chloe Dorman, who emigrated from near the city of Quebec, Canada, to Galena, Illinois, in 1840; and, in 1854 settled at St. Anthony Falls, where they passed the remainder of their lives. The former was past eighty when he died, and his widow survived him a number of years, being eighty-nine when she passed away, and, at the time probably the oldest member of the old First Universalist church. During her residence in this community she became one of the most widely known women on the East Side. "Mother Dorman" or "Grandma Dorman" was the familiar name by which every- body called her; and, she was regarded as one of the most intelligent and benignant ladies in the city. Her interest in others and her activity in their behalf carried her into the homes and hearts of all the people of the earlier days, and her name is still enshrined in grateful recollection as a synonym for all that is good, generous and helpful in womanhood. In company with his son Dorian B., Ezra Dorman built the Dorman block in St. Anthony, in which Dorian conducted one of the lirst banks. His death in 1864 was directly traced to an accidental gun shot wound in the right lung, which he received while hunting. His sister Delia married in Canada, becoming the wife of Dr. Rankin, and did not see lier parents or the other members of the family for sixteen years. But in 1856 she joined them in St. Anthony and purchased property, which is now the home of Mrs. Josiah Chase. Another daughter of the family was Dorinda, who married Judge Norton H. Hemiup, a lawyer and the first probate judge of Hennepin county. Dorian B. Dorman married Anna P. Hemiup, a sister of the judge. She survived until February, 1903, and had two children: Mary, married Allen J. Greer of Lake City, Minnesota, who was one of the state's ablest and mo.it influential educators and lawmakers. For some years he was county superintendent of the public schools in Wabasha county, and later, as a member of the State Normal School Board, was instrumental in securing for the State its present higlily creditable system of normal schools. He was an early graduate of the State University and the first alumnus of that institution to become a member of the State Legislature. This gentleman served twelve years as a legislator, four in the House of Kejiresentatives and eight in the Senate; and, was not only tlmrouglily informed on all public questions, but took advanced ground in reference to every matter of legisla- tion affecting the welfare of the people. He labored un- ceasingly and effectively for the betterment of social, religious and educational conditions in Minnesota, and was a strong force in promoting improvements of every kind. Removing to Monrovia, California, he died in that city in 1905, at the age of fifty-one. His widow and their son. Doranee Dorman Greer, now reside on the Dorman Addition to Minneapolis. Doranee H. Dorman, the son of Dorian B., died September 17, 1909. He was connected with many interests in the city, and platted Dorman's Addition, a tract which lies along the Mississippi river north of Lake street, and which his father purchased fifty years ago. He was widely known in fraternal circles, especially in the Order of Elks, in which he was prominent and was a charter member of Minneapolis Lodge No. 44, B. P. 0. E. He served this Lodge for a time as its Exalted Ruler, and was secretary of the committee in charge of the erection of the new Temple, selecting the site and devoting arduous efforts to secure a new home for the Lodge, which, however, he was not destined to see com- pleted. He died a bachelor, Doranee Dorman Greer, the son of Allen J. and Mary (Dorman) Greer, was born in Lake City, Minnesota, October 11, 1883. He obtained his academic education in the schools of his native place and was graduated from the law depart- ment o'f the State University, a member of the class of 1904. For a time he was associated with .John S. Crosby in the real estate and insurance business, with offices at the corner of Lake street and Twenty-seventh avenue south. He is now actively interested in the extension, improvement and disposi- tion of the above mentioned Dorman's Addition to Minneapolis. He is a Scottish Rite Freemason with membership in the branch of the order working in Duluth. His wife, whom he married in 1908, was Anne Frances Alexander, of Lake City. They have one child, their son Allen .James Greer. JOHN FINLEY WILCOX. The phenomenal growth, and sturdy healthy development of the once straggling village on the frontier, which has now become the beautiful City of Minneapolis, makes it one of the most interesting communities in this country. The present magnitude, its state of physical improvement, its superb park system; at present only in its infancy as regards the future possibilities, are startling to contemplate and are exemplifications of the progressiveness and enterprise, a.s well as the appreciation of natural beauty and love of their home city, so characteristic of the American people. Located U])On the magnificent Mississippi River at an advantageous point, nature's tremendous physical forces have been harnessed and controlled, and in a great measure these gifts of nature, reluctant to submit to hand of nian, have been directly responsible for the possible gigantic volume, and great number of industrial and business enterprises, many of which have sprung up as if by magic and have become leaders of their kind in the entire world. Abreast of the business development ami the linanrial solidity of Minneapolis, education and art have prngn'ssed hand in hand. The early residents while conscious of the financial and physical development of their city, were not blind to the responsibility, of the care of Civic virtue, the moral and educational duties entrusted to them; and it !■ HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 327 with pridf and uppreciatioii timt tlie present >;i'iieratioii point to the school system ot Minneapolis, tlio L'nivfrsity. the various public institutions which are the direct result ol that sturdy indomitable spirit, the high ideals, and comprehensive duty and the activity lor the futurowhich has characterized 50 many of the men who were the builders of Minneapolis. Among the men of Minneapolis who have built up great industries and made them serviceable to the community on a broad scale, few, if any. have been more muctiilent of the Ilulufh Cniversal Milling Company 328 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA and secretary of the Commander Mill Company, wliicli has mills at Montgomery and Morristown, Minn. He has ever been active in helping to promote the welfare of his home city and is a member of the Chamber of Com- merce and the Civic and Commerce Association of Minne- apolis and the Board of Trade of Duluth. He also belongs to the Commercial, Minikahda, and Lafayette Clubs of Minneapolis. October 28, 1889, Mr. Gregory married Miss Xellie Sowle, a (laughter of L. T. Sowle, of Minneapolis. They have one child, a son, named Lawrence S. Gregory, who is with Gregory, .Jennison & Company. Mr. Gregory is a Republican and firm in his faith. But he has never been an active partisan or sought or desired a political office. His fellow-citizens look upon him as one of their most useful, creditable and repre- sentative citizens. JONATHAN T. GRIMES. Mr. Grimes was born at Leesburg, Loudoun county. Virginia, on the 10th of May, 1818, and was a scion of staunch English stock. The original American progenitors of the Grimes family were adherents of King Charles I of England, and under tlu' turbulent conditions in tlieir native land they sought a home in America, having established their residence in Virginia about the year 16-10. The name became prominently identified with colonial affairs in the Old Dominion and its representa- tives in the early and later periods were largely engaged in agricultural pursuits, as successful planters. One of the family was a distinguished clergyman of the English or Protestant Episcopal church. George Grimes, father of him to whom this memoir is dedicated, was a prosperous planter in Virginia, but was not a slaveholder, his wife, who was birthright member of the Society of Friends, having had conscientious scruples against the holding of human vassals, (ieorge Grimes passed the closing period of his life in Indiana, where he joined his son Jonathan T.. of this review, about the year 1843. He had given valiant service as a soldier in the war of 1812. •Jonathan T. Grimes was reared to maturity in the historic- old state of Virginia and received the advantages of the schools of the period. At the age of twenty-one years he severed the home ties and set forth to seek his fortunes in the west. This was about the year 1840 and he traversed portions of both Indiana and Illinois, in which latter state he visited both Chicago and Springfield. He finally purchased a tract of land near Terre Haute, Vigo county. Indiana, where lie continued to be actively engaged in agricultural and liorticultural jiursuits until 1S5.5, when he came to Minnesota, this change having been made principally because he found it expedient to obtain different climatic conditions. He was most favorably impressed with the advantages and opportun- ities here offered and in the following year he established liis residence in Minneapolis, his original home having been a modest house on the block between First and Second avenues and Fourth and Fifth streets and near the site of the ])resent Niirthwestern National Bank, About three years later Mr, lirimes bought a tract of land west of Lake Harriet, ami his old homestead, a substantial building erected by liini. is still staniling and in an excellent state of preservation. It is lecated on Forty-fourth street and is owned and occupied by his son Melvin. When he purchased this property that section of .the city was represented in farm land and was but little improved. On his farm Mr. Grimes initiated the development of a horticultural business, by establishing the Lake Calhoun Nursery. He remained on this homestead about a quarter of a century and made the place one of the leading nurseries of the northwest. As a pioneer in this field of industry he was a contemporary and personal friend of Colonel Stevens, Wyman Elliott and others who became prominent and influential in this line of industry. Mr. Grimes introduced and tested many new varieties of fruit, flowers, ornamental shrubbery, etc.. and he was a recognized expert and authority in his chosen vocation. He supplied shrubbery and flower? to nearly all of the old homes in Minneapolis and became also a successful fruit-grower. Mr. Grimes served as president of the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, and when vener- able in years he and other pioneer members of this organiza- tion were photographed in a group, the depicture being retained as a valuable and interesting historical souvenir. In this group appear also the pictures of Messrs. Stevens and Elliott, previously mentioned in this paragraph. Mr. Grimes passed the last twenty years of his life in Minneapolis, where he lived virtually retired, though he never abated his interest in the practical affairs of the day, his mental ken being wide and his judgment of mature order. The closing period of his long and useful life was passed in a home at 3209 Nicollet avenue, and there he delighted to greet and entertain his host of loyal and valued friends. Mr. Grimes, with the rapid expansion of the city, platted a portion of his old homestead farm into residence lots and he gave to this addition the name of Waveland Park. Later the Grimes Homestead addition was |)Iatted. and the section is now one of the most attractive residence districts of the Minnesota metropolis, Mr, Grimes suggested the line of the old motor railway that traversed his farm and on the same Grimes Station was named in his honor. This line has since been developed into the effective interurban service of the Minnetonka electric line. As a young man Mr. Grimes served several terms as county commissioner and as a citizen he was at all times loyal, progressive and pulilic-spirited. He was uncompromising in his allegiance to the Republican party and gave active service in the promotion of its cause. Both he and his wife were devout members of the First Presbyterian church of Minneapolis, in which he held the office of elder. The names of both are held in enduring honor in the state that long represented their home ami of which they were pioneers. In Sullivan county, Indiana, on the 20th of September, 1843, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Grimes to Miss Eliza A. Gordon, who was born in Warren county, Ohio, on the 12th of July, 182G. The ideal companionship of Mr. and Mrs. Grimes continued for more than half a century and was severed only when the devoted wife and mother was summoned to eternal rest, on the loth of November. 1902, her husband surviving her by only three months, passing away Feb. 10. 1903, so that in death they were not long divided. Mrs. Grimes was a daughter of John Gordon, and the latter was a son of George (lordon, of Carlisle, Pennsyl- vania, who served as a gallant soldier in the war of the Revolution, in which he participated in the Canadian expedi- tion under General Ethan Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes became the parents of eight children, and concerning the six surviving the honored parents the HISTORY OF .MIXXHAI'OLIS AND II KWHl'IX rOFNTY, MINNKSOTA 329 follo» ill).' l>ri<'l ii'ioiil in ),'ivi-ii: Kilwanl K. i;. a if|)rc>,.'iitiitivf agriculturist near Niirthficld. Riio county, Miiini'sota; Melvin remain!! in tlio old liomustcail. as has previously Iwon noted in this context: tJeorge S. is an able lawyer and is one ol the prominent members of the Minneapolis bar: Klla is the wife of Kred Eustis. who is enftaped in the real-estate business in Minneapolis: and Mis>es Kmnm K. and Mary A. (irimes maintain their home at '^'^^•< I'ir-t Avenue, South, in Min- neapolis. JAMES L. GARVEY. James L. liarvey, of Minneapolis, before his di^ath was one of the few remaining links connecting the present advanced development and elevated civilization of this city with the formative period of its pioneer days, and was revered by all the people of the community as a patriarch anionp them. He located on a farm in the neighborhood of the village in May. I8j,s. and died at 1U37 James avenue south, in the heart of the city, on February 23. 1SH2. after a residence here of fifty-four years and at the age of seventy-nine. Mr. Garvey's history is therefore a very interesting one, and cannot but be striking even in the brief reconl of it presented in these pages. He was born in Holton, Maine, on February 2, IS.13, and grew to the age of sixteen in his native place. In 1849 he heard and heeded the siren voice of Califor- nia proclaiming her boundless wealth of golden treasure, and went to that then far distant state by way of Cape Horn, Nine years were passed by him in the modern Eldorado, during which he sought diligently for the buried treasure, but was only moderately successful in fimling it. In 1858 he determined to return to his family and made the long journey back. During his absence, however, his mother and the rest of the nine children in the family had come to Minnesota and located in what is now Minneapolis, being guided hither by Mr. Garvey's older brother Christopher. Christopher passed the remainder of his days and died on what is now Lyndale avenue, although he was well out in the country when he took up his residence there. The mother lived to a good old age, and also died in this city, making her home with her son James until after his marriage. James L. Garvcy bought a farm in the early ilays soon after his arrival in this region, around the priseiit intersec- tion of Lyiidale avenue ancy Xj^^^^ ^ct^<^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 331 thr only oiifs at limiir. I ri'inained at school in Darmstadt up to my sevontwiith year, intending to enter tlie university as snxin as I reached the |iio|«t aj;e. eighteen, and to take up the study of law. Meanwhile, however, a lirother who had emigrated to the L'nited States kept urging my mother to have me come to him in New York, where I would have better prospects in life than would be before me after completing my studii'S in Germany, and after graduating at the university, when I would have to go on a waiting list for a government posi- tion, probably. He promised to provide for me until I should be able to make by own living. Mother accepted his offer, and I was sent to America. On arrival I was received in my brother's family, and he put me as an apprentice in a lithographic establishment, his own line of business. I went to work with a will, taking up the study of Knglish in my spare time, boon I adapted myself to the ways of a new- world and intidentally acquired some of the American no- tions of independence and democracy. It was well I did. My sister-in-law not approving of what my brother did to assist me, my position in her family be<-anie unbearable. I cut loose, confident that a young man not afraid of work could make his way. I was fortunate in finding employment in a large bakery. My new master, Mr. M. Wentworth, was a gentleman from Maine. The members of his family were most estimable persons, and I found a new home. My educational qualifications enabled me to give Mr. Wentworth mu
  • nter, which he occupied and cultivated until his death, in 1877. Still another son, George Godley, went back to Ohio, »here he is still living. The father passed his last years on he farm of his son Augustus, at Brooklyn Center, and there le died, also in 1S77. He was an old State Rights Democrat iBd a zealous supporter of President Pierce, and being a lluent ind resourceful public speaker, he rose to prominence and nfluence in the political affairs of this city. He was also an kttendant of the Westminster Presbyterian church, which all ;he members of his family who were living in Minneapolis ittended. Philip and Charles Godley gave up merchandising in 1807. Philip then became a commercial tourist for thirty years. 3e ursuits 'or many years. He is the only member of all the family »ho is or ever has been a Republican, He has been an active forking member of Westminster Presbyterian church from roung manhood. On .lune 18, 1867, Mr. Godley was married in Minneapolis lo Miss Ella Scrimgeour. a native of Connecticut and a lescendant of old Scotch ancestry. She was a member of the first class graduated from the old Union School, in 1862. Her father, E, J. Scrimgeour, came to Minneapolis in 1855 and bought land at the intersection of Fourth street and Second avenue north, where he and David Morgan built houses on opposite corners. He engaged in the grocery trade here in partnership with I, F, Woodman, at Washington and Second avenues south. Mr, Woodman built Woodman Hall, of early days, and the St. James hotel. Mr. Scrimgeour was afterward associated with B. S. Bull in the grocery trade at the corner of Nicollet and Washington avenues, and while conducting that business died suddenly in the spring of 1865; the direct cause of bis sudden demise was supposed to have bei'U the assassination of President I..incoln, whom lie warmly admired. His widow survived liim many years. They were among the organizers of the Wesley Methodist Episcopal church, and Mr. Scrimgeour supplied the lumber for the church building, at Third avenue south and J'ourth street, the first church of that denomination erected in Minneapolis. He was, to the end of his life, one of its trustees and class leaders, Mr. Scrimgeour had three children, viz: Mrs. Godley; her sister Helen, widow of the late .John Horton, and who resides at 2015 Aldrich avenue south, and David Scrimgeour. The last named was for more than twenty years one of the lead- ing grain dealers in this city and one of the most active members of the Chamber of Commerce. He died suddenly August 13, 1913. Charles M. Godley and his wife have two daughters, Mar- garet and Florence, both of whom are school teachers. All the members of the family belong to Westminster Presbyterian Church ; the daughters represent the third generation of the family connected with that congregation, Mr. and Mrs. God- ley are still well known throughout the city and highly esteemed by all classes. ARD GODFREY. The oldest house now standing in Minneapolis, and which has been carefully preserved, was erected by Ard Godfrey in the fall and winter of 1848, and is now one of the places of interest to every person interested in local history. It was moved to its present location at the old Exposition building by the Hennepin County Territorial association, while it was originally built some 200 feet back from .S. E. Main street on quite an elevation, and was later moved to Prince street. Ard Godfrey was born at Orono, Maine, .Jan. 18, 1813, and there grew to manhood learning thi' trade of millwright under his father, born in 1777, an exti'usive contractor and builder of mills as well as being an owner ami operator. He was named for his father and his mother was Catherine Gaubcrt, the daughter of .Vnton Gaubert, born in 1779, one of the Huguenot emigrants, who came to America, leaving ex- tensive estates in Paris, At eighteen .\rd was given his time, and was placed by his father in charge of the erection of a large mill, having about one hundred men under his supervision. He also in- vested in a schooner, which, however, was lost on its maiden voyage, causing him a severe loss. In October, 1847, he arrived at St. Anthony, having been employed by Franklin Steele to build the contemplated mill. 334 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and expecting to find the dam well toward completion. But little more than some preliminary work was done, and he was put in charge of both dam and mill. During the winter. Anson Northrup hauled the plank for the dam from a mill on the St. CroLs river, and the following year both dam and mill were completed, the first lumber sawed being used by Godfrey in the building of his own house above mentioned. He had become a partner both in the water power, the mill and the town site, and continued in personal charge of the mill until he sold out all his interests and, in 1853, removing to a claim at Minnehaha, his house standing on the site of the present Woman's Building of the Soldiers' Home. Here the greater part of his life was passed, but a few years toward the close being at Minneapolis, where he died Oct. 15, 1894. He also built two mills on Minnehaha creek near its mouth BO that logs were supplied direct from the river. The saw- mill was burned, as was the flour mill later, not in fact till after he had disposed of it. He had been actively identified with almost every move- ment of the early days in St. Anthony. He was the first Postmaster. His commission, dated April 10, 1850, and signed by Jacob CoUamer, the Postmaster General, is still in the hands of his son. He was one of the charter members of Cataract lodge of Masons, the lodge being organized in his house, and for lack of a sufficient number, his wife was requested to act as Tyler of the lodge. Judge E. B. Ames had come from Illinois, as organizer, this territory being in that jurisdiction. The boat came to Stillwater, and the Masons there appealed to Ames to or- ganize their lodge I)efore coming to St. Anthony, which was done, thus blasting the hopes of the local members to make Cataract lodge number one in Minnesota. Mr. Godfrey was married to Harriet N. Burr in Brewer, Maine, Jan. 31, 1838, who died .June 24. 1896. Their family were seven children, five of whom now survive. They are Abner C, who for some years has been a theatrical manager, and who is well known in connection with fraternal work in several orders, his greatest activity being with the Knights of Pythias, of which he is Past Grand Chancellor. Harriet R. is a well known teacher and first white daughter bom in St. Anthony, May 30. 1849. late president of the Territorial Pioneers. Women's Club. Martha A. is a maiden lady. Mary is Mrs. C. 0. Parsons of Milwaukee, and Minnie, her twin sister, is the wife of D. W. Ham. The eldest daughter, Hcleri^ married Mark T. Berry and died at Los Angeles in 1902. Sarah Catherine died in 1881 the wife of John E. Osborne. HARRY B. WAITE. all has come to be a power in business circles in this part of the country. Mr. Waite was born in the city of Chicago on .July 23, 1865, and is the son of Henry -J. and Ann (Ellis) Waite. Not long after his birth the family moved from Chicago to Marseilles, Illinois, and there he began his academic education in the public schools. He came to Minneapolis in 1880. and in order to complete his education attended the Central high school in the city. Early in life he made up his mind to be a phy- sician, and after his graduation from the high school began the study of medicine in the Minnesota College Hospital, an institution of medical instruction then in charge of the most prominent physicians and surgeons of the Northwest. Mr. Waite completed'his second year's course in the medical school, but by the time he did this he had learned to look at the world in a different light, and instead of becomin* a profes- sional man he decided to go into business, and chose the lumber trade as his line because of the large opportunities offered in it by the rich pine forests of this state. From his entry into industrial and mercantile life Mr. Waite had made rapid and continuous progress, working his way up, step by step, from a small beginning to his present eminence in the business which has engaged his attention. The H. B. Waite Lumber company has its headquarters in Minneapolis, and for some years confined its operations to country tributary to this city. But of late it has extended its scope to the Pacific Coast and has correspondingly in- creased its activities and productiveness. Within the last few years Mr. Waite has also become con- nected with a number of business organizations outside of this city and state. He is president of the Waite Mill and Timber company, which is one of a number of organizations in the Puget Sound region in which he has extensive interests and to which he is giving a considerable part of his time. He has interests also in other parts of the Farther West and in some business institutions nearer home. Mr. Waite has always taken a sincere interest in the public affairs of his home community, and given his support to all agencies at work for its good and the welfare of its residents. For some years he was a member of the Minnesota National Guard as a private in Company I, and while in no degree a politician or aggressive partisan, he has never neglected the duties of citizenship, but has always done all he could to aid in securing the best attainable government and administra- tion of affairs for his city and state. Mr. Waite's social activities include membership in the Minneapolis, Minikahda, and Lafayette clubs, and his religious afiiliation is with the Episcopal church, of which he and hi? family are regular attendants. In 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Luella Lichty, of Waterloo, Iowa. They are botli highly esteemed in social life and active aids in ill good works undertaken in the city. Almost from the dawn of his manhood Harry B. Waite has been prominently connected with the lumber industry of Minneapolis and one of the leading factors in developing and expanding it to its present colossal proportions, and since 1895, when he founded the H. B. Waite Lumber company, he has devoted his energies to building up the interests and en- larging the business of that corporation, of which he has been the president and active manager from the beginning of its history. He has been connected also with other industrial and mercantile agencies, here and elsewhere, and through them JOHN T. McGOWAN. John T. McGowan, president of the McGowan Mahoney In- vestment Company, engaged in his present business in 1889 when he purchased the insurance business of R. W. Cummings, which was established in 1852. He was formerly associated with Henry C. Schultz, who was succeeded after his death by John Mahonev, who has also since died, a sketch of wboB HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 335 U in tliia work, together having built up a business in real estate, loans and insurance which places their company among the local leaders in this line. In 1912 they incorporated under the above name and took their two sons. Thomas J. McGowan and James W. Mahoney into business with them. Mr. McGowan's busincs!! capacity, public spirit and ele- vated citizenship 1ms won for him universal estocra. He was born in Minneapolis April 6, 1864, and is the son of Thomas and Catherine (Murphy) McGowan, natives re- spectively of Leitrim and Fermanagh Counties, Ireland. They were married in Minneapolis in 1S60. the father landing in New York in 1S50, and having become a resident of this city in 1S53. lie was a stonemason and helped to build many of the earlier houses in St. Anthony and the newer town on the west side of the river. lie became a building contractor and owner erecting a number of stores and dwelling houses in St. Anthony. He died in February. 1894, aged seventy-nine, 9ur>"iving his wife seventeen years, she having died in 1879. They were among the original members of the old Catholic church of St. Anthony de Padua and devout and serviceable to the parish in their loyalty and conservation. He was a staunch Democrat and an active and effective worker for the success of his party, seeing in its principles the best security for the rights and welfare of the whole people. They were the parents of three children, Michael, who died in child- hood. Peter P. has been connected with the police depart- ment lor fourteen years. The)- were educated in local parochial schools and at the Eastern High School and the Minneapolis Academy. John T. also devoted one year to study in the law department of the University. Mr. McGowan lias been in his present line of business since 1889, the present firm being the successor to the R. W. Cummings insurance agency, one of the oldest in the city, formerly operating chietly on the East Side. The business has grown steadily from year to year until it ha.s become one of the leaders in its line. It handles its own properties, including both business, residences and farm lands, Mr. MoGowan has long been an active participant in public alTairs. He served from 1888 to 1892, as ahlerman from the First ward, being elected when but twenty-four years of age. During his service the street car system was electrified, the tracks of the Great Northern Railroad were bridged, the first work of this kiml done, and other important projects of improvement were carried into elTect. He served on all the committees which had these matters in charge, although of 39 aldermen there were but four Democrats in the council. He was instrumental in securing the introduction of sewers in the First ward, which began at that time, and it was chiefly through his persistent ellorts that tl ight-hour workday for city employes was adopted. In l.sito he was elected to the state senate from a district composed of the First and a part of the Third Wards, He served three terms in the senate, during eight years of which he was the only Democratic member from Hennepin county. At his first election he received a handsome plurality, at his second his plurality was three times as large, and the third time he was chosen without oppuMition, the Republicans declining to put up a candiilote, thus paying a high tribute to his legis- lative ability. He ever stood for better conditions for the working people, oecoming known everywhere as the laboring man's senator and advocate. During his first term in the senate he intro- duced a bill providing for an eight-hour day in all state work, which was fought very hard by the country members and only became a law after two sessions of hard work on the part of Mr. McGowan and other advocates of the eight- hour movement. He also introduced a resolution embodying the principle of compensation for workmen injured in the course of their employment, his prevision and perception being sustained when in I'.tlS the Bame iresentative of the Irish-.American race in the State of Minnesota. Mr. McGowan retired from active poli- tics in 1910, and while he has been urged many times since to become a candidate for some important state or city office, he declares that he has no more desire to hold n public office and could not be induced to accept a nomination or election. SYLVESTER SMITH CARGILL. Late president of the Victoria Elevator Co., and one of the most successful and best known grain men of the north- west, was born at Port JelTcrson, Long Island, Dec. 18, 1848, and died Dec. 20, 191.T, just entering his B6th year. His father was Captain Wni, D, Cargill, a native of the Orkney Islands, Scotland, and his mother Edna Davis of Long Island. Captain Cargill was a vessel owner and master, engaged for several years in the coast-wise trade. The mother, desirous that her sons should not follow in the father's career, wished to get away from the attractions of the ocean, and in 1855 they moved to a farm near Janesville, Wisconsin, where Sylvester grew to manhood. He attended the public schools in Janesville and finished his studies in Milton College at Milton Junction. His entire business life was devoted to dealing in grain: he was connected with his brother, W, W. Cargill, at Delavnn, Minnesota, for four years, when he began independently, securing an elevator at North- wood, Iowa, extending his operations until he had elevators at various points on the M, A St. L. ami Central Iowa railroads. In August, 1882, he moved to Albert I^ea, still extending his business until, in 1885, he decided to become more closely identified with grain men at Minneapolis, the center of the grain trade. In company with G. C. Bagley. he organized the Bagley A Cargill Grain Co., incorporating his own eleva- tors as a part of the business. They erected elevators on the line of the Hastings and Dakota railroad, having terminal 336 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA facilities in Minneapolis, and thenceforth Ixe became an im- portant factor in the Chamber of Commerce. Four years later he sold his interests to his partner, intending to retire from the trade, but impelled by his thorough knowledge of the business, and its attraction for him, he was in the har- ness again within a few months, and there remained until the summons came for tinal rest. In Oct., 1889, he organized the Victoria Elevator Company, of which he was the presi- dent, with A. E. Benedict as treasurer and W. T. Spencer, secretary. Terminal Elevator "R" was erected, with a 300,000 bushel capacity, which was later increased to half a million bushels. A line of 32 elevators were finally acquired on the Great Northern, Soo, Northern Pacific, and Milwaukee railroads in the Dakotas and Montana, the Victoria Elevator Company becoming widely and favorably known among grain growers, shippers, millers, and dealers. For more than twenty-four years Mr. Cargill continued at the head of this organization, giving to every extension and expansion his personal atten- tion, and witnessing at the last, one of the most successful years, the grain handled at this time, exceeding three million bushels. With thought and energy concentrated upon the one line. Mr. Cargill knew the grain trade as few men know- any one business, his success being commensurate with the devotion and attention bestowed. For a time he was a director in the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, but his preference was in the line in which he had so many years of successful training and experience. Politics did not attract him, and though a Mason, he was not an ardent fraternity man, choosing rather the comforts and enjoyments of domestic life. If not in his ollice, it was safe to say he could be found at his lionic He had traveled considerably, spending one summer in Alaska and one abroad, but his fondness for out-of-door life led him to spend much of his leisure enjoying the recreation afforded by our numer- ous lakes, prairies and woods, enticing the finny inhabitants of the one or hunting the fowl or small game of the other. For many years he was a trustee of the First Presbyterian Church, where he was a regular attendant, seldom a Sunday passing when he was not in his accustomed place. He leaves a wife and three children. His wife was for- merly Miss Elizabeth Murphy, of (5sagp. Iowa; the chilihcii are Robert G., Samuel S., and Helen Louise. While few men in Minneapolis enjoyed a wider acquaint- ance, the circle of really warm, close personal friends Wiis small, but for those few the warmest attachment existed, ami many of his most enjoyable hours were passed with those friends at his own billiard table. It was while awaiting the coming of some of those friends to participate in such a game that the summons came to him, without premonition, to leave all he had heretofore known and loved and to enter upon another sphere of action in closer relation to "Him who doeth all things well." LOUIS GLUEK. Louis was born there on September 21. 1858. Gottlieb Gluek, the father, early established himself in the brewing business in the part of the city which is now known as North East Minneapolis, and thiee of his sous, including Louis, have continued in the business established by their father. When the father died, in ISSl, the Gluek Brewing company was firmly established on a thriving and satisfying basis. It has since been developed by the sons of Gottlieb Gluek as the Gluek Brewing Company into one of the largest and most successful concerns in the Northwest. Louis Gluek, like his brothers, was educated in the Minne- apolis public schools and was early apprenticed to the brew- ing business. Through a close association with his father, who was an expert chemist in his line, and who knew the brewing business on a thoroughly scientific basis, his son soon became head of the manufacturing department. When his father died he took his place at the head of the company, and when the company was later incorporated into the Gluek Brewing Company he became the president of the concern, which position he has held ever since. The historical significance of this great brewing company is something of which to take into account. Being established as early as 1857, it is the oldest of its kind in the city and one of the oldest business concerns of any kind in the state of Minnesota. For fifty-five years it has been owned and operated by the same family and has been continuously pros- perous and successful. The industry and conservatism whith made Gottlieb Gluek one of the most trustworthy and reliable ilinneapolis business men are dominant characteristics in his sons, and they, too, have the respect and trust of their fellow business men. Louis Gluek is democratic and social in his tastes. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., the B. P. O. E., and the Knights of Honor. He takes an active part in civic affairs, and is ex- tremely generous with his time and with his money in anything that makes for the betterment of the state or the city. He has never taken any active part in politics and has never aspired to any political honor. He is a Democrat and earnest in his convictions. Mr. Gluek finds but little time for recreation. His fad is liis beautiful farm located near Minneapolis. Here he finds in tlic management of this his pleasure. In fishing and liunting he finds his real rest from work. Mr. (ihu'k was married in 1893 to Miss Laura Giesmann. Miss Giesmann was a St. Paul girl. HOWARD M. DeLAITTRE. Louis Gluek is the son of Gottlieb and Caroline (Foell) Gluek. who brought to the West from their home in Germany the thrift and industry which did so much, through example and by their enterprise, to build for the state and for the city. They came to St. Anthony in the early days and their son The president of the Bovey-DeLaittre Lumber Company and of the Chinook Timber Company is known and honored as one of the substantial and representative business men of Minne- apolis and as a citizen whose civic loyalty and progressive- ness have made him an influential figure in furthering the general advancement and prestige of the Minnesota metrop- olis. Mr. DcLaittre became vice-president of the Bovey- DeLaittre Lumber Company at the time of its organization, nearly thirty years ago, and he retained this executive posi- tion until .January 1. 1913. when he succeeded his cousin. John DeLaittre. in the presidency of the corporation. He has thus been most prominently and closely identified with the lumber industry in Minnesota and he is one of the representative men 'd ^(^^a^TJ^^jL^ lIlSToKV OK MI.WKAI'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COINTY, MINNESOTA 337 of airairs in the state that ha8 long been hiii home. He is president ol the Chinook Timber Com|mny. whieh hohls ex- tensive mill valiiabli' traet^i ut' tinilMT litnil in Orc^'un; iinil is a direetor ol tlu' Merchants i Mechanies Hank of Minneapolis. The Chinook Timber Company has its head<|uurters in Minne- apolis, and is holding large tracts of Orefton timber for futnre use. Mr. DeLaittre is a practical lumberman, with bruail and varied experience in connection with all details of the in- dustry, anr of the board. He was on the Board of Education from 1871 to 1880. He was president of the City Council, chairman of the Build- ing Committee of the Minneapolis Industrial Exposition, and later on its president. He was also actlvi-ly connected with the .Academy of Natural .S(ipnce><. tin- Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, the Board of Trade, ami virtually every organ- ized effort toward the inipnivenient and upbuilding of thitt city in its earlier days. 338 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Religiously he has been identified with the Unitarian Church and was the chief contributor in the tost of the church edifice. Mr. Gale was married in 1861 to Miss Susan A. Damon of Holden, Mass. They have five children, Edward C. and Charles S., and Mrs. David P. Jones, Mrs. Clarkson Lindley and Miss Marion Gale, all of this city. JAMES B. OILMAN. Mr. Oilman, Chief Engineer of the Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company, was born January 38, 1872, in Rose- mount, Dakota county, Minnesota. He is a son of James B. and Laura C. (Foster) Oilman, of New York and Massachu- setts, respectively. His mother came to Minnesota in the pioneer days. The father operated a foundry at Dansville, N. y., until 1848, when he came to Minnesota and engaged in farming in Dakota county. He served three years in the First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, returning to his farm, until 1880, when he removed to Minneapolis. James B. Gil- man completed an academic education in the high school, and entering the University of Minnesota for a special course in civil engineering, graduated in the class of 1894. While a student in the University, he spent part of his vacations on the survey of the right of way for the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad as far as Portal. North Dakota, thus acquiring valuable experience. Upon graduation he became a draughtsman with the Gillette-Herzog Manufactur- ing company, and in 1897 was made chief draughtsman, so remaining until the company was absorbed by the American Bridge company. He continued in the employ of the Ameri- can Bridge company as an engineer until 1907. when he became chief engineer of the Minneapolis Steel and Machinery company, the largest structural steel concern in the West. Mr. Oilman's work covers a large field, as the company operates throughout a wide territory, giving ample scope for the exercise of the highest technical knowledge and practical skill. He maintains active membership in and is ex-president of the Minneapolis Engineers' club, and is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He also belongs to the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce association, the East Side Commercial club and the Auto club. Fraternally he is con- nected with the Masonic order. Although a Republican he is not active in political affairs, but takes a serviceable interest in general welfare, and is ardent in support of every com- mendable undertaking. June 1-1. 1899, Mr. Oilman was united in marriage with Miss Alice A. Hayward of Minneapolis. They have one daughter, Dorothy. JAMES EDWARD OAGE. Dealing in grain and managing grain elevators on a large scale was the steady and continuous business of the late James E. Gage, from the time he began business until death. January 28, 1908. Mr. Gage was born in Waterloo, New York, April 7, 1849, being the son of John and Eleanor (Probasco) Gage, who came to Minnesota about 1857 and located on a farm in Wabasha county, between Beaver and Minneiska, where they passed the remainder of their lives. The father was a railroad contractor, as well as farmer, and built several miles of the Milwaukee Railroad between Winona and King's Cooley and the narrow gauge road to Zumbrota. He took an active interest in pulilic affairs, holding several local offices and wag for some time representative in the state legislature. James E. Gage was educated in the country and at the high school in Winona. He served as bookkeeper for his father wliile tlie latter was a railroad contractor and then became connected with the grain trade in the employ of others at Kellogg, near his home. After some experience he was taken into the firm of Barnes & Tenny, owners of the Northern Pacific Elevator company, and remained a member of the firm until its failure in 1895. He was .superintendent for this company, with his office at Fargo for some years, removing to Minneapolis in 1891. He had then been a member of the Chamber of Commerce here for a time, becoming familiar with all details of the grain trade and acquiring close acquaintance with other leading dealers. When the Northern Pacific Elevator company went into liquidation in 1895. he, in association with A. C. An- drews, organized tlie Andrews & Gage company, which is still in operation under the name of the Andrews Grain company. This company leased and operated the line of elevators belonging to the old Northern Pacific Elevator company fn the Red River valley and carried on a flourishing grain busi- ness. Mr. Gage was related to this company to the end of life, and was wholly absorbed in its management. He was a member of the Commercial and Minneapolis clubs, in which he felt deep interest, realizing that they were strong agencies for good. He was of domestic tastes and warmly attached to his home, only occasionally finding relief from business in fishing and other outdoor sports. He was ever an earnest advocate of good government and the advance- ment of the community. But he was no politician or active partisan and was never an aspirant for a public office of any kind. Mr. Gage married at Maiden Rock, Wisconsin, Jan. 1, 1872, Miss Rhoba Elizabeth Collier, who was born in Illinois, and as a child brought to Wabasha county, Minnesota. She is the mother of three children. John Charles is in the grain trade witli the Consolidated and International Elevator com- pany, of Winnipeg. Gertrude married George Caplin. of Minneapolis, and died soon afterward. .Joseph Probasco is a grain man and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Gage was the first guest to choose ajiartments in the Leamington hotel, where she has since maintained lier home. M. J. SCANLON. Mr. Scanlon was born on August 24th. 1861, near Lyndon, Wisconsin, and is a son of M. J. and Mary E. (McDonnell) Scanlon. He obtained his education in the district schools and at the high school at Mauston, a neighboring town, from which he was graduated in 1879. For several years he taught school during the winter inonths and worked in the summer niontlis, as a means of preparing himself for higher and broader usefulness. In 1881 he entered the Law Department of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, with a view to making the legal profession his work for life. But he soon found that his bent ^AjUuIjm^ IIlSToKV ()K MIXNKAI'OLIS AND, HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 339 wits ill anotluT iliii'ctioii, anil with iluiractoristio readiness of decision, he abandoned thi' study of hiw bj'fore bein}; adniitteil to the bar. In the autumn of 1SS4 he went to Onniha. Ne- braska, and wliilc there he decided to take a course of lipecial training in a business college. This course was completed in the sprint: of ISK5 and he immediately entered the employ of the K. S. Newcomb Lumber Company, one of the subsidiary corporations of the then <;reat lumber lirni nl S. K. Martin Lumber Company, as bookkeeper. Mr. Scanlon remained with this company four years, rising by rapid promotion until he was given charge of the pur- chases and sales of the company, which brought him in close touch with the leading lumber manufacturing concerns of the North and South. On March 1. 1SS9. he resigned his position with the Xew- comb Lumber Company to become secretary of the C. H. Ruddock Lumber Company of Minneapolis, who were then manufacturing lumber on a large scale in the Northwest. In the fall of 1890. this company decided to close up its Minne- apolis business and purchased a large tract of cypress timber lands in the vicinity of Xew Orleans. The Ruddock Cypress Company was organized and Mr. Scanlon was made secretary of the company, with headquarters at Xew Orleans, in charge of sales and credits. The climate of Louisiana did not agree with his wife's health, so he disposed of his interest in the Ruddock Cypress Company and returned to Minneapolis in March, 189S. liy this time he had acquired a knowledge and command of the lumber business that made him feel that he should go into it on his own arivate business, still it did a large general commercial business. Jlr. Scanlon is vice president of the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company and the M. &, N. W. Railroad Company and these corporations furnish scope for a considerable part of his time, energy and enterprise Sir. ."^canlon has always been a man of great business am- bition and broad views with reference to his line of trade. His several companies were manufacturing upwards of 2.50 million feet per year and, with the rapid disappearance of timber in this state, local conditions and requirements be- came too contracted to satisfy his demands, and in 1905 he turned liis attention to tlie great forests of yellow pine timber of the South. Another company, known as tln' lirIr. Hahn retired from it and Robert .lamison became a member, whereupon the name was changed to Belden. Hawley & Jamison. Mr. Hawley continued in the active practice of his pro- fession until .January 1, 1906, when he was elected one of the trustees of the Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis, and was chosen secretary and treasurer of the board. This made him the managing olTicer of the institution, and all its business has been largely under his direction ever since. He has given the affairs of the hank the most careful and judicious attention, managed them with enterprise and good judgment, omitting no elTort possible on his part to advance its interests and those of its officials and patrons, and has moved it forward in progress at a steady and well maintained pace. The bank is now everywhi're regarded as one of the best, soundest and best managed of its class in the country, and its business has grown to large pnipurtinns. Mr. Hawley has also taken an earnest interest and an active part in public affairs, especially in the domain of good government and public education. For years he has served as one of the tnistees of Iowa College, his .Alma Mater, and Was a member of the Minneapcilis hoard of eilueation from 1899 to Kin.-,. He also serv.Ml on the .liarter .■ommiision of 1898 and again on that of ignii. In politics he is a Kepuh- lican in national ami state atTairs, but in local elections he is entirely independent of partisan considerations, and looks only to the substantial and enduring welfare of the com- munity in the bestowal of his sutfrage. The study of social and municipal questions hag always been one of great interest to .Mr. Hawley, and he has given it a great deal of attention. His tendency in this direction has led him to become u member of the American Academy of Political and .Social Science, the National Municipal League, and other organizations of similar character formed for the purpose of developing and illuminating the line of thought to which he is devoted. The social life of his community has also had his active and helpful attention for many years through bis membership in the Minneapolis, Commercial, Minikahda and Six O'clock clubs, in whose welfare he takes great interest. On September 5, 1884, Mr. Hawley was married in Minne- apolis to Miss Ellen M. Field. They have two children, their sons Robert and Douglas. Robert is superintendent of the Gas Traction company and Douglas is a student at Cornell University. All the members of the family attend Plymouth Congregational church and take an active part in all its works of benevolence and service to the community, aiding it in all its undertakings, and helping to direct its forces into the best channels for usefulness and the largest benefits. FRANK HEYWOOD. Frank Heywood is a member of the Miimeapolis board of aldermen, as one of the representatives of the Eighth ward, and is a valued factor in the administration of the municipal government. He is president of the Heywood Manufacturing Company, a substantial concern which controls a large and im- portant businesij in the manufacturing of envelopes ami paper boxes, as well as in the conducting of a well appointed printing establishment, and he is also president of the Rockford Paper Box Board Company, one of the representative industrial corporations in the city of Rockford, Illinois. Mr. Heywood is a native of New England, that gracious cradle of much of our national history, and is a scion of staunch colonial stwk. He was born at Rutland, Worcester county, Massachusetts, on the 8th day of .luly, 1857. and is a son of C. R. Heywood and ."^arah S. (Brown) Heywood. The father passed the closing years of his life at Rutland, he having devoted the major part of his active career to the lumber business. Frank Heywood gained his rudimentary education in the public schools of his native village and sup- plemented this s iiiti-rcsts of the city. Hi- liuilt the Crown KolliT mills in 1S79, which wi-ri- o|>iTiitc'(l by I'hristiun BrothtTi* until IM'Jl. when he withdrew from this enterprise and, in company with his son. Mr. George Hiirdenbergli. or- ganized the National Milling company, of which he was president. Mr. Ilardenberjih interested himself in the general welfare and progress of the city, gave valuable service as an alderman and was a member of the chamber of commerce. His political declarations were for the Kepublicnn party. He was married in IWilli to Miss Louise l.egas of .Minni'apolis. Mr. llardenbergh and his wife were members of the ICpisco- paliiin church. T. HOMER GREEN. The company of which T. Homer Green is the active man- ager was founded by him -July 1, 1901, with a capital of $300,000 and with himself as president. Karl De Laittre sec- retary. .John De Laittre vice president and Charles A. Green treasurer. The present officers are: Karl De Laittre, presi- dent; T. Homer Green, vice president, and Charles A. Green, secretary and treasurer. Its business has constantly expanded, now operating in Minnesota. Northern Wisconsin, and the Dakotas and is recognized as one of the leading wholesale grocery houses in the Northwest. It occupies ."iO.OOO sijuare feet of lloor space and has sixty- five employes, including eighteen traveling salesmen. T. Homer Green w^s born at Lynchburg. Ohio, October 27, 1849. When 16 years old. he went to Illinois, in 1867', rc- movTng to Oskaloosa. Iowa, where he embarked in the whole- sale grocery trade in IfttSO. Five years later he went to Sioux City, where he carried on an extensive business in the tame line, until he came to Minneapolis in 1901. The active management of this company has devolved largely on him from the beginning, although Mr. De Laittre, president, was energetic and active until elected alderman. Mr. Green is a member of the Minnesota State Wholesale Grocers' association, of which he was treasurer for ten years; is a member of the Minneapolis Credit Men's association and first president and member of the Board of Directors of the Northwestern .Jobbers' Credit bureau. In 1873, Mr. Green was married to Miss ,Julia A. Casteen, of Versailles. Illinois. Their son, Charles A. Green, was educated at the L<'land .Stanford University and is now the secretary and treasurer of the company. Mr. Green is a Knights Templar, a memlier of Ziirah Temple and is a zealons member of the Civic and Commerce asso- ciation. ANURKW TOLCOTT HALE. Mr. Hale was born in (Jlastonbiiry. Hartford coiinty, Con- necticut, on .July 8, 1820. His father. Henjamin Hale, was a direct descendant of Samin-l Hale, a member of the Wethers- field, Connecticut, c, IS'JO. Mr. Warner was united in marriage with Miss Nellie F. Bisbee. of Madelia, Minnesota. They have four sons: Ellsworth B., who is twenty-two years of age; Maurice A., who is twenty; Harold A., who is seventeen, and ^Vendall E., who is twelve. They are all living at home with their parents and aid in making up one of the most i;''ere8ting and agreeable family circles in the city. The fam- ily residence is at ^O.'iO West Ciillumn boulevard, and it is a center of social culture and stimulus anoli8, and are esteemed in accordance with this estimate. GEORGE IILIIS. The late George Huhn, who was one of the veteran druggists of Minneapolis, and for many years one of the most energetic, useful and representative men in the city, was a native of Germany, born at Oggersheim in the Palatinate, on Xoveniber 22, IS-IS. He was reared to the age of eighteen in his native city and educated there. At that age, in 1853, he came to this country and took up his residence in Clevelaml, Ohio, where he remained two years. From there he migrated to this state and located in St. Paul. The whole of this regicm was wild and unpeopled at that time, and Mr. Huhn found it agreeable to him, as he was of an adventurous disposition. His love of incident and nilvniture led him into the army a« a volunteer in 1862, nnomerset county, in that state on August lt>. 1836, and a son of Eusebius and Philena (Dinsmorel Hale, also natives of that state. His academic education was obtaineil at Fox- iToft ill his native commonwealth and on Long Island, New ^ork. He came to Mini\esota in IS-lfl, when he whs but twenty years old, and, after traveling through the West extensively, took up his residence at Cannon Falls in 185l Little Rock. Arkansas. In the fall of 1863 348 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA he was appointed adjutant and later major of the Fourth United States Artillery, and his field of duty was again in Kentucky and Tennessee and afterward once more in Arkansas. After being mustered out of the army in February, 1866, he cultivated a cotton plantation near Pine Bluff, Arkansas, during the remainder of that year. In January, 1867, he was made agent for the Freedmen's Bureau, and in September of the same year came to Min- neapolis where for a short time, he found employment in the office of the Minnesota Central Railway. Before the year was out he became bookkeeper for W. D. Washburn & Company, taking the position in December. His worth and ability were soon recognized by the company and he rose to a high position in its business by successive promotions, becoming agent for the Minneapolis Slilling company, then newly incorporated, in 1872, and two years later became one of Mr. Washburn's partners in the enterprise. In 1879 the management of the company's business was placed in his hands and he conducted it to the great advantage and entire satisfaction of the other members and all who had interests in it. Mr. Hale has also been connected with other business insti- tutions and lias been a valued public official of the Federal government for a number of years. He has been secretary of the Northwestern Consolidated Milling company since 1895, and was secretary, treasurer and one of the directors of the Minneapolis & Duluth Raihvay and a director of the Min- neapolis & St. Louis Raihvay from 1875 to 1881. He was appointed postmaster of Minneapolis first by President Harri- son and next by President Roosevelt, by whom he was reap- pointed in 1906; and he was again reappointed by President Taft. In this position his management of the work has been energetic and progressive, and he has made it as successful as possible with the crowded space and limited facilities at his disposal. He has been diligent in the use of all the means at his command to make the service as prompt, complete and satisfactory as possible, and has succeeded to a degree beyond that which most men would have reached under the circumstances. Mr. Hale also performed important duties as receiver for the American Savings and Loan association from 1896 to 1901. His father was a Congregational clergyman in New England and New York and a member of the prominent family of the name in that part of the country. He died at Riverhead, Long Island, in 1880. The son was first married at Cannon Falls, Minn., in 1864 to Miss Sarah Baker. She died in 1868, and in 1870 he contracted a second marriage, which united him with Miss Flora A. Hammond of Minneapolis. They have four children living. The parents are well esteemed in all parts of the city of their home. He is up- right and straightforward in all his business transactions, faithful and readily responsive to every call of duty in his citizenship, and elevated and commendable in all liis daily walk and conversation. The people of Minneapolis regard him as one of their most useful and representative men, an ornament to their community and a fine typo of American manhood in every way. studio at 1030 Nicollet avenue, after several years of suc- cessful business on his own account at 518 Nicollet avenue, he was as well prepared for the successful prosecution of his art as long, practical experience in it from the ground up could make a man of natural adaptability to it. For years before that time he had been a close student and an observing practitioner of the craft, in every department of its work, and had been laying the lessons thus learned concerning it faithfully to heart. Mr. Hubner was born in Burlington, Iowa, on .luly 17, 1873, and began his education in the parochial schools of that cilv. He afterward completed the public school course there, but started in the business in which he is now engaged at an early age as errand boy for the leading photographer in that city, with whom he served an apprenticeship of three years. He then passed one year in a studio in Baltimore, Maryland, and another in Wheeling, West Virginia. From Wheeling he changed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he held a leading position at good pay for three years. In the fall of 1895 Mr. Hubner located in Minneapolis, and during the next eleven years was employed in the studio of the man who was at the head of the photographing business in this city. When his employer died in 1906 Mr. Hubner opened a studio of his own at 518 Nicollet avenue. Here he was successful from the start, and his business grew so rapidly that he was soon compelled to move to larger and better quarters. He then took possession of the studio he now conducts, which is up to date in every respect and always prepared to turn out the best work skill in its line can produce, and at rates as reasonable as circumstances will allow. G. ADOLPH HUBNER. When G. A. Hubner, one of the leading photographers of the Northwest, took charge of his beautiful and finely equipped EDWIN ROSWELL BARBER. Edwin Roswell Barber, president of the Barber Milling company, one of the most widely and favorably known merchant milling corporations in the Northwest, is a native of Benson, Rutland county, Vermont, where his life began on November 22, 1852. His parents were the late Daniel R. and Ellen L. (Bottom) Barber, also natives of Vermont and descendants of families domesticated in New England from early colonial times. The father was a merchant in liis native town of Benson, and proprietor of the principal store there, when he was only twenty-five years of age. During the next ten years he was so successful in his business that at the end of that period he was able to dispose of it at a good profit, which aided in swelling the comfortable competence he had already accumulated' in his merchandising activity. In the year 1855 the father made a prospecting trip through the Northwest, and selected the new settlement at the Felb of St. Anthony as his future home. The next year he moved his family here. He was first associated in business with Carlos Wilcox, another young man from the Green Mountain State, and together they carried on a real estate business which nourished for a time. But the panic of 18S7 paralyzed all business openftions and the elder Mr. Barber found himself with his nu)ney invested in loans and real estate from which there were no returns immediately or prospectively for an indefinite period. In athc meantime, while he was waiting for the springs of enterprise to rise wd HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 349 flow agiiiii, lie cultivated tracts of land which he owned near the village of St. Anthony. At the election of 1861 he was chosen one of the county commissioners, and the same year was appointed assessor, an ollice whicli he held in town and city for eleven years. He afterward turned his attention to mercantile pursuits again, first in the grocery and later in the dry goods trade. But his eyes were always open to the main chance around him, and the milling business soon arrested his attention in such a way that he determined to devote his energies to that. In 1871 lie bought the Cataract flouring mill, which was the pioneer mill at tlie Falls. Even for that day he found it antiquated and inefficient. He therefore laid his plans for large operations in his new venture by removing all the old machinery from the mill and introducing all the newest and most approved appliances and methods known to the industry, and tlien, in association with his son-in-law, ,T. Welles Gard- ner, lie operated the mill to its utmost capacity and on a profitable basis. Mr. Gardner died in 1876, and after that Mr. Barber took his son, Edwin R. Barber, the immediate subject of this brief review, into the business with him. The joint management of the mill by father and son continued until the death of the father on April 17, 1886, at the age of over sixty-nine years. Tlie management was vigorous and progressive. Every effort was made to turn out the best possible product, and great care was exercised in every part of the work from beginning to end. The flour made at the Cataract mill, in consequence of all this studious attention to its manufacture, soon won a high and widespread reputation, and the sale of it was very extensive, not only locally, but in almost all parts of the country. Edwin R. Barber was but four years old wiien his parents brought him and his sister Julia, afterward married to J. Welles Gardner, and now the wife of John Bigelow, to this locality. He received his early education in the public Schools and later attended the State University, but was not graduated, leaving the institution before completing his course of study. His reminiscences of his boyhood and youth are very interesting in the light of present conditions. He used to shoot partridges where the West hotel now stands, and remembers well when the site of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad depot was an impassable bog, unsightly to look at and wortiiless for use. After leaving the University Mr. Barber attended a business college and had private instructors in modern languages. He also gained practical experience in business in the office of Gardner, Pillsbury & Crocker in what is now Mill D operated by the Washburn -Crosby company, from which he went into the office of Gardner & Barber, his father and his brother-in- law constituting the firm, in the Cataract mill, wliich he entered in 1871. From the humble position which he assumed in this mill on May 1, in the year last named, Mr. Barber has risen to the head of the business, having been connected with it in the same establishment continuously for about forty-two years. He is president and treasurer of the company over which he presides, which is known as the Barber Milling company, and was founded in 1859 and incorporated in 1896. In 1876 the name of the firm, which was originally Gardner & Barber, was changed to D. R. Barber & Son, and when the business was incorporated in 1896 it was put under the name by which it is now known all over the Northwest, and far and wide in other parts of this countr}-, Canada and some lands beyond seas. In political relations Mr. Barber is a Republican, but he has never been an active partisan, although deeply interested in the welfare of his party at all times. His church affiliation is with the Presbyterian denomination, and the social side of his nature finds scope and enjoyment in hLs active membership in the Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette and Automobile clubs. He is also a prominent member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, and is wamily interested in other organizations and all worthy agencies at work in the com- munity for the elevation, improvement and enduring welfara of its residents. He has always been a zealous advocate and promoter of public improvements and an earnest supporter of everything that seemed likely to advance the best interests of his city, county and state. On October 1, 1873, Mr. Barber was united in marriage with Miss Hattie S. Sidle, a daughter of Henry G. and Catherine (Kurtz) Sidle, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. Sidle was for many years president of the First National Bank of Min- neapolis. Four children have been bom in the Barber house- hold, and three of them are living: Henry S., who is secretary of the Barber Milling company; Katharine S., and Edwin Roswell, Jr., who is cashier of the Barber Milling fompaiiy. A daughter named Nellie L. was born in 1883 and died on December 28, 1888. Mr. Barber is modest about what he has done to aid m building up and improving the city of his home. But it is only just to him to record that he was one of the liberal contributors for the purchase of the site of the old Chamber of Commerce building and the postoffiee site, and one of the most efi'ective promoters of the Minneapolis Industrial Exposi- tion and the erection of the Young Men's Christian Association building, Westminster Presbyterian church and the Lake Street bridge. In connection with the enterprise last named he joined with others in paying the interest on the bonds issued for the construction of the bridge for three years in advance, Hennepin county at the time having insufficient resources to assume any more interest bearing obligations. His public spirit in these undertakings is expressive of his real character and clearly indicates the value of his citizenship. THEODORE L. HAYS. Mr. Hays is a native of Minneapolis, where his life began on March 29, 1867. He is a son of the late Lambert Hays, one of the early German settlers of this city, who came here with his parents in 1854. He was very active and energetic in promoting the early growth and development of the city, and to the end of his life pursued the same course with bene- fit to the municipality and profit to himself. The son re- ceived a public school education and afterward pursued a course of special instruction for mercantile life at the Curtis* Business College. Mr. Hays' first employment was with the Minnesota Title Insurance and Trust company in work connected with the abstracting of titles. In 1887 he began an active career in tlie theatrical business in association with W. E. Sterling, they being lessees and managers of the Dramatic Stock com- pany of the People's Theater. This theater was built by his father, Lambert Hays, and its erection was directed and super- 350 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA intended personally by himself. In 1890 the house passed under the control of Jacob Litt of Jlilwaukee, Wisconsin, and its name was changed to the Bijou Opera House. At that time Mr. Hays was engaged by Mr. Litt as treasurer for the house, but his services in this capacity were of short duration, as the theater was destroyed by fire before the end of the year. Lambert Hays immediately rebuilt the house and his son Theodore again superintended its erection. It was reopened on April 13, 1891, with Jacob Litt still in control, and for many years thereafter it was conducted by him with great success, offering combination attractions at popular prices. It is still a popular and well patronized house of entertain- ment, always in touch with the prevailing taste and present- ing for the enjoyment of the public the best attainable per- formances in its class. The property still belongs to the heirs of Lambert Hays. Soon after Mr. Hays became associated with Mr. Litt he was advanced to the position of resident manager of the Bijou, and in 1896 he was selected also to direct the business of the Grand Opera House in St. Paul. Afterward he became and remained for years Mr. Litt's general representative in the Northwest. After Mr. Litt's death he contiuued to serve in the same capacity for the firm of Litt &, Dingwall, and he is now, and has been for a long time the secretary and treasurer of the Jacob Litt Realty company, the corporation that controls the Grand Opera House property in St. Paul. Through his connection with the two well known theaters mentioned Mr. Hays has become prominent in amusement circles in the Northwest. He is united with J. A. Van Wie in the ownership and management of the Grand Opera House in Grookston, Minnesota, the most modern "one night stand" theater in this part of the country, and has interests also in other enterprises of a similar character. He is president of the Twin City Scenic company, incorporated, one of the largest and most successful scene painting institutions in the United States. He was one of the organizers of this company, which started in a small way, and it has been largely through his energy and progressiveness that the undertaking has reached its present magnitude and prom- inence. In the civic affairs of both Minneapolis and St. Paul, Mr. Hays has long taken a very active and serviceable part. He belongs to the Commercial clubs in both cities, and the Association of Commerce in St. Paul as well as the Civic and Commerce Association in Minneapolis. The fraternal life of his community has interested him too. He is a member of the Minneapolis Lodge of Elks, which he has served as Exalted Ruler, and which presented him with a life mem- bership in recognition of the value of his services in that office. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum and the Order of Odd Fellows. For a tinie he was a member of the Minnesota National Guard and is a member of the Company A. M. N. G. Veterans Association. In 1905 Governor Van Sant appointed him a member of the Minnesota Board of Managers of the Louisiana Purchase E.xposition at St. Louis, and he served as secretary of that Board with universal acceptability and approval. Mr. Hays is married and has one child, his son Theodore Edward. The fiunily residence is at No. 2323 Irving avenue south. SPENCER S. HARDEN. Mr. Harden was born in Gardiner, Kennebec county. Maine, on March 12, 1832. He grew to manhood, obtained a common school education and learned the carpenter trade in his native place. When he was twenty-two he came to Minnesota in 1854 to look the country over. After returning to his old New England home and remaining there two years, he came back here in 1856 to live, and here he passed the rest of his days. After his arrival here to stay, Mr. Harden was a partner with Mr. Goodale, as building contractors, and ahso became associated in business with Mr. Connor, another early con- tractor. Mr. Harden's mother, who was a widow at the time, came with him and secured half a block of land on University avenue between Fifteenth and Sixteenth avenues S. E.. and built a dwelling for herself and sons on the corner of University avenue and Fifteenth Ave. Her house was destroyed by fire, and a new one she built to replace it suffered the same fate. She then moved to the West Side, and for a few years lived on Sixth avenue south. But in the eighties she put up the present residence near the old location. Two years later she died in this house at the age of seventy-six. She was a devout and consistent Christian and an active member of the F'irst Congregational cliurch in St. Anthony. Spencer S. Harden, after working at his trade for some years as a building contractor, accepted an offer from the Milwaukee Railroad and took entire charge of the wood work done on engines in its Minneapolis shops. He employed the men who worked under him without interference from the railroad authorities and continued his engagement with the company for a period of twenty years, at the end of which failing health induced him to return to his farm. This was a tract of 266 acres of superior land located on the Minnesota river eighteen miles southwest of Minneapolis and six miles northeast of Shakopee. Besides this farm Mr. Harden owned a number of tenant properties in Minneapolis, including the old Hennepin block, and twice a week he was in the habit of coming into the city to look after his interests here. He looked after his own affairs with sed\ilous industry and good judgment, and took an active part in local public affairs as a good citizen but not as a political pnrtlsan, although he was a firm and faith- ful member of the Republican party. He had no inclination to fraternal orders or social clubs, and did not belong to any. One of his strong likings was for fine trees. He planted a large number and great variety on his farm, and took every precaution to preserve them all from destruction or Injury. Mr. Harden was married in this county on his birthday, March 12, 1862, to Miss Lucy M. Carleton. a sister of Frank Carleton, of Hennepin county, and Daniel Carleton, who is now living in California. Their parents were Robert and Nancy (White) Carleton, who came to St. Anthony In 1854 from near Bath, Maine. The father returned that fall, and in 1856 moved the family to St. Anthony; sometime afterward moved to Jordan, Scott county, Minnesota, and engaged in farming there. Mr. Harden's death occurred April 28, 1910. Mrs. Harden still resides on the farm in Bloomington town- ship. Four thildren were born in the Harden household: Walter S.. who lives with his mother; Nellie M.. the wife of Grant A. Knott, who occupies the old family homestead on Uni- versitj' avenue southeast, in this city; Kate C, a physician, HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 351 who is the wife of Frank C. Helmuth and has her home at Wyoming, Minnesota, and Elizabeth C, who married Dr. Xaboth 0. Pearce and resides at Cloverton in this state. The other old home of the family on University avenue is now occupied by the Scandinavian Christian Union Bible College, as it has been for a number of years. The estate of Mr. Harden (Spencer S.), amounting ■ to $60,000, according to the probate record, is incorporated as the Harden Realty and Investment company. Of this com- pany Mrs. Harden is the president; Mrs. Nellie M. Knott is the vice-pre'sident, and Walter S. Harden is the secretary and treasurer. Its resources are kept active in an enterprising and profitable business which receives careful attention from its officers and the other persons interested in its useful operations. HON. ALEXANDER HUGHES. The late Hon. Alexander Hughes, who passed the last years of his life in this city, where he died November 24, 1907, had a record of public service in peace and war that rendered him distinguished, many admirable traits of character cementing the warm friendships formed through years of companionship. He was born at Brandford, Ontario, September 30, 1846, and came as a lad with his parents to Wisconsin. May 22, 1861, while 5'et in his fifteenth year, he enlisted at Fall River, Wisconsin, in Company B, Seventh Wisconsin Infantry, one of the thirty-seven fighting regiments specially mentioned in the War Records for valiant service and losses in battle, and a part of the celebrated "Iron Brigade." He was taken prisoner at Gainesville, Georgia, when slightly wounded and caring for his brother, who was seriously wounded, but made his escape next morning and assisting his brother reached the Union lines. He received a severe wound 'in the right shoulder at South Mountain; and, at Gettysburg a musket ball passed through his cartridge box causing a painful injury. At Laurel Hill he received a bullet in his right knee and which he carried until 1870, and also two slight wounds in a charge on entrenchments at Spottsylvania. At Jericho ford of the North Anna he was again wounded, more than a year elapsing before recovery. At Gettysburg his gallant conduct on the field won a commission, which he declined to accept on account of youth. He was discharged in October, 1864, and from earliest organization was active and prominent in the Grand Army of the Republic, serving as the first Senior Vice Commander of the Department of Dakota. He was graduated from Spencer Commercial College in Milwaukee in 1867, and for a short time was bookkeeper for a milling firm at Watertown, Wisconsin. In 1868 he studied law at Beaverdam, soon locating at Monticello, Iowa, where he was admitted to the bar in 1869. That year he was also elected county superintendent of schools and was married to one of the county's teachers. In 1871 he moved to Elk Point, Dakota territory, and ten years later to Yankton. He was an able lawyer, a graceful and forceful speaker and, with perhaps one exception, had a larger practice than any other lawyer in the territory. In 1873 and 1873 he served as a member of the Territorial Council, being its president, from 1875 to 1877 was deputy treasurer of the territory, and from 1877 to 1881 was a member and the secretary of the board of trustees of the hospital for the insane at Jamestown. Mr. Hughes' ability and influence were recognized in federal as well as territorial official relations. He was United States court commissioner from 1873 to 1881 and was a delegate to the national Republican conventions of 1872, 1876, 1880 and 1896. In the convention of 1876 he was a Blaine enthusiast and looked after his interests in the committee on credentials. In 1896 he placed McKinley in nomination and was a member of the platform committee. Locally he was chairman of the Territorial Republican committee in 1878 and 1879. He was also disbursing agent of the United States land office at Yankton from 1881 to 1883, resigning to take the office of attorney general, which he held until 1886, and he served as adjutant general from 1881 to 1885. When the question of the removal of the capital came up Mr. Hughes was strongly in favor of the selection of Bismarck as the permanent seat of government. He was opposed to the division of the territory, and as Bismarck was central he believed it would prevent the division. It was largely through his influence that Bismarck was selected, was active in the long litigation that followed the removal, and is still accorded the credit for the retention of that city as the capital. He was made chairman of the legislative committee to select a site for new public buildings and have them erected, serving from 1883 to 1887. To facilitate the work he removed to Bismarck, and, being the resident commissioner, was in direct oversight of the erection of such buildings. He was elected to the Territorial Senate in 1887 and re- elected in 1889, during which was chairman of its judiciary committee. He was president of the board of education from 1885 to 1887, city attorney of Bismarck in 1886 and 1887, and assistant counsel of the Northern Pacific Railroad from 1887 to 1901. In politics he was always a staunch Republican and a quiet but effective worker for his party, and had cast his fii-st vote at the age of sixteen in the army trenches facing the enemy. For twenty-six years no other man was so potential as he in shaping the public afi'airs and civic develop- ment of Dakota. In reference to and commendation of the enterprise and public spirit displayed by Mr. Hughes, the Bismarck Tribune of November 26, 1907, said: "Several years ago he and his sons organized a corporation to furnish electric light and power, and for this purpose took over plants at Bismarck and Dickin- son, North Dakota, and Glendive, Montana, and erected one at Fargo. They were also interested in telephone and other constructive enterprises." One of his last activities was obtaining a park for the residents of Kenwood, in this city. For his services in this connection his neighbors gave him an expressive testimonial of appreciation. At his death the district court at Bismarck passed resolutions full of feeling and strong in eulogy, and his neighbors spoke of him in the following language: "We sincerely sympathize with his mourning and grief- stricken family, and assure them that we share with them a sense of great and irreparable loss. While we would not persuade them from their deep sorrow, we remind them and ourselves that to have known Alexander Hughes was to have loved him; and that no matter how great may be our present bereavement, our loss would have been immeasureably greater had we never been privileged to call him friend." Mr. Hughes was married at Monticello, Iowa, in 1S70, to Miss Mary Higinbothara, a native of Greencastle, Indiana, whose father was from Virginia and mother from Kentucky. The father was a graduate of Asbury College (now De Pauw 352 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA University), and died at his post while serving as an army surgeon. Mrs. Hughes was educated at the Northern Indiana College, South Bend, and was a teacher in Iowa until marriage. Her children are: George A., an inventor and manufacturer in Chicago; Edmond A., at present State Senator from Bismarck, and operator of the electric liglit and power plants there and at Dickinson; Frank C, who is in the same line at Glendive, Montana, and William V., who is proprietor of oil plant's at Beach, North Dakota, and Glendive, Montana. BENJAMIN B. SHEFFIELD. Extensively engaged in the milling business and as a banker, and connected actively in an official way with a number of educational institutions of high value, Benjamin B. Sheffield has been and is of pronounced service to the people of Minnesota in a double capacity directly, as well as generally through his interest and activity in connection with tne affairs of the state in other lines. There is scarcely a public interest which does not enlist his attention and secure his aid, and there is none to which he gives attention that is not the better for it. Mr. Sheffield was born at Aylesford in t^u province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada, in 1860, a son of Miledge B. and Rachel (Tupper) Sheffield, the former a native of Aylesford, Nova Scotia, and the latter of Burwick, N. C When he was four years of age he was brought to Faribault, Minnesota, where his father was engaged in manufacturing flour. He was graduated from the Shattuck school in 1880, and at once entered the milling industry, soon alterwarl becoming the manager of an extensive business already estal • lished. In 1896 the Sheffield mill, with whicn he was connected was destroyed by fire, and a 2,500 barrell mill was at once erected. This Mr. Sheffield operated until 1905. when he sold it. In the meantime he had become interested in the Sheffield Elevator company at the Minneapolis Terminal, and for fifteen j-ears he has had his ofliee in Minneapolis. In 1909, in association with W. D. Gregory and W. D. Gooding, lie organized the Big Diamond Milling company, the Commander Milling company and the Commander Elevator company, of each of which he is the vice president. In addition he is president of the Shellield Elevator com- pany at the Terminal, and he operates a number of grain elevators in Southern Minnesota along the Chicago. Milwaukee & St, Paul, the Chicago Great Western and the Minneapolis & St, Ijouis railroads. His office in this city is in Room 922 Flour Exchange, where he carries on a very active and extensive business, to which he gives his close personal attention. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and a dealer on Change, and has also been connected with the banking business as president of the Security National banks at Faribault and Owatonna. As has been intimated, Jlr. Shellield is deeply and servic<'- ably interested in tlie cause of education, general and technical, and in two special lines of its usefulness. For six years he has been president of the board of directors of the State School for the Deaf and Dumb, and also of the board of directors of the State ."^cliool for the Blind, both located at Faribault. The same board controls both schools, but the schools themselves are kept separate. He was a member of this board some years before he became its president, and has given the institutions over which it has charge a large amount of his time and energy, and rendered them, and through them, the state very valuable service, to say nothing of their unfortunate inmates, in whom he has long felt the liveliest and most sympathetic interest. Since 1897 Mr, Sheffield has also been a life member of the board of trustees of the Bishop Seabury Divinity School at Faribault and one of the trustees of the Shattuck school, of which Bishop Edsall is president. The late Walter D. Douglas, who gave up his life so heroically on the Titantic, was one of Mr, Sheffield's associates on the board last men- tioned, and was one of its most useful and esteemed members. Of the fraternal and benevolent societies so numerous among men Mr, Sheffield has membership in but one. That is the Masonic order, in which he has taken the rank of the thirty-second degree in the Ancient and Accepted Socttish rite. In this fraternity he is also a Noble of the Mystic Shrine with membership in Zura Temple at Minneapolis. He has been twice married, his fiist union in this department of life having been with Miss Carrie A. Crossett of Faribault. They had three children, their daughters Blanche and Amy. The former is a member of the class of 1913 at Smith College, and the latter is a student at Stanley Hall, and one deceased. After the death of their mother Mr. Sheffield con- tracted a second marriage which united him with Miss Flora M. Matteson, of Minneapolis, who is still living and presiding over his domestic shrine. Mr. Sheffield served as mayor of Faribault while a resident of that city, and was chosen presidential elector on the Progressive ticket in 1912. EARLE RUSSELL HARE, M, D. Devoted always to his profession to the exclusion of all other interests. Dr. Earle Russell Hare has won for himself a prominent place in medical associations of the city. He was born in Summerfield. Ohio, May 26, 1872, and is the son of John W. and Mary Cornelia (Taylor) Hare. Dr. Hare received his common school education in the schools of Summerfield. Ohio, and those of Kan.sas City, Missouri, graduating from the High school of the latter in .June, 1890, He next attended the Iowa Wesleyan College from which he graduated in June, 1S94. with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In 1896 he entered the medical Department of the .'^tate University of Minnesota and from there he received the degree of M. D. in June. 1900, he also served as instructor in the departments of Anatomy and Surgery for a period of 14 years. Since receiving his degre of M. D. Dr. Hare has devoted himself to the general practice of his profession in Minneapolis, and has met with flattering success, enjoying a large and steadily growing practice throughout the city. Of late years, the greater portion of his time has been given to surgery. The Dr. is a member of the Hennepin County Medical Association, the Minnesota State Medical Society, the American Medical Asstxdation. the Minnesota Pathological Society, the Minnesota Academy of Medicine and the Association of American Anatomists. H HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA 353 ♦ CHARLES M. HOOPER. Charles Mather Hooper was born in the state of New York, on the 13th of December, 1845, and died Jan. 30th, 1894. He was a scion of honored pioneer families of the old Empire commonwealth, within whose borders were born his parents, Sanford A. and Mary (Harris) Hooper, with whom he came to St. Paul, Minnesota, as a boy, though he returned to his native state thereafter for the gaining of educational advant- ages. Sanford A. Hooper became one of the interested prin- cipals in the development of the townsite of Belleplaine, Scott county, and was there a leader in civic and business affairs. He became prominently concerned in the development of salt works at that place, where he also erected a large hotel and a flour mill, and he was one of the foremost and most honored citizens of Belleplaine at the time of his death, which occurred after he had passed the psalmist's span of three score years and ten, his wife having preceded him to the life eternal. He was also a successful bridge contractor after his removal to Minnesota and assisted in the construction of one of the first bridges across the Mississippi river at St. Paul, besides doing a considerable amount of other important bridge work on this great river, as a government contractor. Charles M. Hooper acquired the major part of his early educational discipline at Geneseo, New York, where resided at tlie time two sisters of his mother, one having been the wife of Governor Y'oung and the other the wife of General Wood, and both having been intimate friends of the family of the distinguished General M. C. Wadsworth. Besides his academic training Mr. Hooper completed a thorough course of study in a business college, and as a youth he became associated with his father's contracting business, as did also his brother, Campbell Harris Hooper. After severing his connection with this field of enterprise, with which he was concerned only a short time, he established himself in the drug business at Belleplaine. About the year 1885, ilr. Hooper exchanged his holdings at Belleplaine for property in Minneapolis, he engaged in the real-estate business, in which his operations as a general agent attained to wide scope and much importance. His father-in-law, John C. Stoever, one of the pioneers of St. Peter and Henderson, Jlinn., and a representative man of affairs in Minneapolis, had for several years given attention to the extending of financial loans on real-estate security, and Mr. Hoojier gradually assumed the management of Mr. Stoever's large business interests, in addition to supervising his own. His political allegiance was given to the Republican party, his religious faith was that of the Protestant Episcopal chiu-ch, and he was affiliated with the Masonic fraternity. He was essentially liberal and progressive as a citizen, was an able and far-sighted business man. On the 17th of April, 1873, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Hoo])er to Miss Susan Elizabeth Stoever. who survives him and who still maintains her home in Minneapolis, her attractive and hospitable residence being located at 106 Spruce Place. She was born in the state of Massachusetts, and was a child at the time of the family removal to Minnesota, in 1856. Her father, the late John C. Stoever, was one of the sterling pioneer settlers of this state, was in active service in the conflicts with the turbulent Indians in the early years of the Civil war, and served as paymaster for the government in connection with military operations in Minnesota at this time. He established his residence in Houston county, was closely and prominently identified with the industrial and civic development of that section of the state and there he lived until well advanced in years, when he came to Min- neapolis, where he died at the age of seventy-one years, his name meriting high place on the roll of the honored pioneers of Minnesota. His first wife died when her daughter Susan Elizabeth — Mrs. Hooper — was eight years of age, and his second wife, whom he wedded in Pennsylvania, survived him by several years, — a woman of marked talent and most gracious personality. PROFESSOR LUDWIG W. HARMSEN. While Minneapolis now holds high rank as a center of musical culture in its early days it lacked in organizations. There was needed a master who could collect, fuse and har- monize the musical talent and attainments. This master spirit came in 1868 in the person of Pro- fessor Ludwig W. Harmsen, who has won wide and apprecia- tive popularity and admiration as a composer, performer and director in musical events. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, December 31, 1839, and had his natural gifts ad- mirably trained in that city's celebrated Conservatory. He began to take pupils and teach music when he was only sixteen years old. In 1865, he joined a brother at Atlanta, Georgia, where he remained two yeare. being employed as director of the i\Io- zart Society. In 1868 he came to Minneapolis and soon be- came popular as a teacher and director in the different musi- cal societies. One exception to the epiiemeral character of the early musi- cal organizations was the Harmonia Society formed bj' the German residents in the early seventies and Still in vigorous existence. It owed a large part of its vitality to the work and influence of Professor Harmsen, one of its early leaders. Peter Rauen was prominent as an early president and Richard Stempf and other well known musicians were also leaders in it. Another valuable musical organization, was the Min- neapolis Choral Society, which was founded in 1876. George R. Lyman was its first president and Professor Harmsen its first teacher, leader and director. Professor Harmsen was also an important factor in the Jlinneapolis Orchestral Union, the Concordia and Maennerchor of St. Paul, the Stillwater Maennerchor, the Harmonia Froh- sinu and the Liederkranz. He was also the organist of Ply- mouth church for ten years and of the Church of the Re- deemer for thirteen. In addition to these, Presbyterian churches had the benefit of his similar services as had also the Hennepin Avenue and Wesley Methodist churches; and. he was director of the Concordia Singing Society of St. Paul for a continuous period of twenty-si.x years. He acquired an enviable reputation as a director of large orchestras. He has been highly honored by the lovers of music, many testimonials of esteem and regard being bestowed. His piano symphony "The Martyr" composed upon the death of President Garfield, and dedicated to the American people, has won high place among musicians. His compositions for choral work have been accorded distinction. "The Singer's Course," especially, demanding attention when rendered by a chorus of 500 chosen male voices at the Singer's festival at Brooklyn. 354 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA He was mairicil in 1875 to Miss Anna Sauer or Minne- apolis. Tliey liave two daugliters and one son. The pro- fessor is truly loyal and devoted to the country of his adop- tion, but still cherishes a warm and appreciative atfection for that of his birth, wliicli he visited in lS6y, and again in 1874. LEWIS S. GILLETTE. Lewis S. Gillette, long one of the leadinj; business men of Minneapolis, and a far more extensive and important con- tributor to the growth and improvement of the city than the residents of it generally know, was born at Niles, Michigan, May 9, 1854. a Son of Mahlon Bainbridge and Nancy Mary (Reese) Gillette, and a direct descendant of Jonathan Gil- lette, who came to America in the ship "Mary and John" in 1630 and settled at Dorchester. Massachusetts. He is also a direct descendant of Commodore Bainbridge of the United States navy, who quelled the piracy of the Barbary States on the Mediterranean coast of Africa in 1803. and afterward still further di.stinguislied himself in the naval service of his country. Mr. Gillette's father and grandfather emigrated from West- ern New York to Michigan in 1844, and located on a farm at Niles on the St. Joseph's river, making the journey of nearly 200 miles from Detroit to Niles by team. On this homestead Lewis S. Gillette was born May 9, 1854, and his brother, George M. Gillette, December 19, 1858. They re- ceived their elementary education in the country school eon- ducted on the homestead and were prepared for college at the high school in Niles. Lewis passed the entrance examination for the University of Michigan in the summer of 1872. but on account of illness came West, reaching Minneapolis in Sep- tember of the same year. Dr. W. W. Folwell, then president of the University of Minnesota, and a cousin of his father, persuaded the young student to attend the latter University for one year at least. At the end of that period he expected to return to Mich- igan, but he became interested in the progress of Minneapolis, then a city of about 18,000 people, and the growth of the University, then in its infancy, and remained for the full four years' course. He carried a double course through the fall college period, and was graduated with the degrees of B. S. and B. E. in 1876. A few years later the University con- ferred on him the degree of C. E. on account of meritorious work in engineering, his first work in this line being done while he was at college and under the supervision of Colonel Farquahar and Lathrop Gillespie, engineers in charge of Gov- ernment work on the Upper Mississippi and the Falls of St. Anthony. After his graduation in 1876 Mr. Gillette returned to his old Michigan home and purchased a farm adjoining that of the family homestead. He was married December 18, 1877, to Miss Louesa E. Perkins, of Minneapolis. While conducting his farming and live stock operations he bought an interest in the Niles Chilled Plow Works and became the treasurer and manager of the industry. His farm house was destroyed by fire about this time, and he then moved to Niles and took active charge of the plow works. In 1880 he represented the State of Michigan at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition, and there he made so great a market for the products of his plow company that it became necessary to either double the plant or move it to another locality with greater facilities. In 1881 James J. Hill offered him the position of assistant right of way agent for the Great Northern, then the St. Paul. Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway. He accepted the offer, moved to Minneapolis and remained with the railroad com- pany four years. During this period much of the right of way occupied by the road, for which it had never procured title, was purchased. This included the line westward from the Mississippi, all the old Union depot grounds, the present terminal, the Minnesota Transfer and the main line, which then extended only to Grand Forks. In 18S2, after the purchase of the St. Anthony Falls water power by the Hill interests, Mr. Gillette was appointed en- gineer and agent of the Water Power Company, and he served in this capacity and also as right of way agent of the Great Northern until May, 1884. It was largely through his efforts that East Minneapolis secured the location of the Exposition building. He was chairman of the committee that made the purchase of the site, and at the same time the city made hira trustee of its properties on Central avenue. He was author- ized to sell or exchange these properties and purchase the whole water front between the exposition and the east chan- nel of the Mississippi. In May, 1884, Mr. Gillette bought a one-half interest in the Herzog Manufacturing Company, then a small institution on the east side of the river. From this date his advance- ment and successes were rapid. In 1899 he bought Mr. Her- zog's interest in the entei-prise, and the iron works became known as the Gillette-Herzog Manufacturing Company. Mr. Gillette's knowledge of engineering served him well and his company became the pioneer in skeleton steel construction for mining and manufacturing buildings throvighout the West .ind the recognized authority on that subject. Its work is found in every principal city and mining camp from Panama to Alaska, and from 1884 to 1900 there was scarcely an enter- prise between Chicago and the Pacific coast requiring steel work in its construction that did not confer with the Gillette company. So enviable was the reputation the operations of this company won for the men at the head of it that in 1885, Allen Marwel, president of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, offered Mr. Gillette the position of assistant gen- eral manager of the Santa Fe system to succeed H. C. Ives, deceased. In 1895 Mr. Gillette and his associates organized the Min- nesota Malleable Iron Company, and conducted its operations in North St. Paul at the plant of the defunct Walter A. Wood Company, which was afterward sold to the American Grass Twine Company. Mr. Gillette was also one of the principal organizers of the American Bridge Company. Two years were required to procure the options on the thirty-one properties that were absorbed by this company and to effect their sale to Mr. Morgan after Jlcssrs. Selligman & Harriman had failed to underwrite them. At the request of Charles Steele, J. P. Morgan & Company and Percival Roberts, president of the Bridge Company, Mr. Gillette remained in tharge of all the properties, west of Chicago until the company was absorbed by the United States Steel Corporation. He then retired and made an extended foreign trip accompanied by his family. After his return from abroad Mr. Gillette's active mind HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS xVND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 355 immediately sought new fields of enterprise. He aided in founding and building the Red Wing Malting plant, a con- tinuously prosperous industry. He also organized and built the Electric Steel Elevator, one of the largest of all the American terminal elevators and to this day a model. In connection with this plant of 3,250,000 bushels capacity, he conceived the idea of grouping other industries and induced three of those now surrounding it to enter into the project. The Russell Jliller ilill, The Spencer-Kellogg Linseed Oil Crusher, the Electric Malting plant, the Arelier-Daniels Lin- seed Oil plant and the Delmar Elevator are grouped around the mammoth central elevator and from it they receive over belts, at the rate of 10,000 bushels per hour, the grain re- quired for their uses, which is purchased and delivered to them by the central company. The anangement is mutually satisfactory and profitable, and the large milling companies are now copying it on a smaller scale. Prior to his entering upon any of the enterprises last enumerated, Mr. Gillette received an offer from J. P. Morgan & Co. inviting him to take the management of one of that firm's Eastern railroads, but as his interests and ties were all in the West he declined the offer. This gentleman of many powers was for years vice presi- dent of the Metropolitan Bank, which was sold through him to the Northwestern National Bank, in which he became a large stockholder and director. He was also one of the early stockholders and directors of the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, and he aided his sons, his brother and J. L. Record in establishing the Minneapolis Steel and Machinery Company, one of the largest industrial institutions in this state. In association with other gentlemen, he purchased the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper, with its building and printing estab- lislunent. The purchasers conducted the business succesfully for some years and then sold it profitably to the owners of the St. Paul Dispatch. Mr. Gillette has always been intensely interested in the growth of the State University and aided it on numerous oc- casions. It was largely through his efforts and those of F. W. Clifford that plans for a Greater University were secured and the master mind of CaSs Gilbert was induced to estab- lish the type of buildings that should be ei"ected on the campus. Since 1887 he has been an extensive traveler. There are few countries in the world he has not visited and care- fully studied, all the American States are as familiar to him as Jlinnesota. His home is full of mementoes of his foreign travels which delight his friends and visitors. He is also a willing servant in public and civic work, and has been prominent for many years on boards having such work in charge. After visiting Rio Janeiro and Buenos Ayres and seeing the wonderful reconstruction of those cities, he conceived that it was possible to do something similar in Minneapolis. At a dinner given by Hon. E. A. Merrill, when discussing this subject with the late Judge Martin B. Koon and General W. D. Washburn, Mr. Gillette related the miracle performed in the two South American 'cities. The result was the organization of the Minneapolis Civic Commission, which was formed for planning the Greater Minneapolis. He succeeded the late Hon. Geo. A. Pillsbury as trustee of Pillsbury Academy and is active in its service. The investment enterprises Mr. Gillette is connected with and president of are the L. S. Gillette Company, the Plymouth Investment Company and the Chippewa Land and Pasture Company of Wisconsin. The clubs he belongs to are the Engineers. New York; the University, Chicago; the Univer- sity and Minnesota, St. Paul, and the Lafayette, Minneapolis and Minikahda, Minneapolis. His religious affiliation is with Trinity Baptist Church. He believes that every citizen who has lived in a community, shared its prosperity, enjoyed its society, benefited by its public service, and gained a compe- tence within its borders owes something to that community and should pay the debt, and he is zealous in the work of discharging his own obligation to Minneapolis. He is an en- thusiastic sportsman and has been for ten years president of Lake Emily Gun Club. Mr. Gillette was married on December 18, 1877, to Miss Louise F. Perkins, of Minneapolis, a daughter of George E. Perkins, who settled in St. Anthony in 1857. They have two sons and three daughters. He has for thirty years been one of the state's largest em- ployers of labor, and has held the confidence and loyal service of his men. He enjoys the enviable reputation of having keen foresight and clear perception — is a good judge of men — a tireless worker, resourceful and of unquestioned integrity. Men of affairs join willingly in any enterprise that he will father. Many benevolences and worthy poor enjoy his un- ostentatious aid. MRS. HELEN F. HANSON. A unique position in Minneapolis is that held by Mrs. Hanson, proprietor of the Plaza hotel, the leading establish- ment of its kind in the city and one that compares more than favorably with the best family hotels in other metro- politan centers. Mrs. Hanson has not only proved a discern- ing and capable executive but has also attained marked distinction and popularity as a hostess. She has made an enviable reputation in her choseii sphere of endeavor and her circle of friends is 'coincident with that of her acquaint- ances. Mrs. Hanson has been actively identified with the hotel business since May, 1901. For five years she was proprietor of the Judd House, and since its opening, in October, 1905, has officiated in a similar capacity at the Plaza, of which she is the lessee. It is essentially modern and attractive, being designed by the well known architect, Walter J. Keith, who was the chief promoter, and who became the executive head of a syndicate of representative local capitalists. Mrs. Hanson was one of the stockholders and her ability and popu- larity marked her as the one most eligible hostess of the new hotel, which ■was completed at a cost of two hundred and sixty thousand dollars. She has handled the executive affairs with ability making the hostelry one pervaded by the true home atmosphere, the while giving the latitude and facilities of the first-class metropolitan hotel. The Plaza has accommodations for one hundred and twenty-five guests and it is a popular center of much social activity. Mrs. Hanson was born and reared in the city of Boston, and is a representative of staunch New England lineage, as was also her husband, the late Charles M. Hanson, who was at one time secretary of the Title Insurance & Trust Company of Minneapolis. Mr. Hanson likewise was born in Boston of a family founded in New England in the colonial era. Mr. Hanson was afforded excellent educational advantages, having distinctive ability and exalted character. In 1864, a mere 356 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA lad, he ran away to tender liis services in defense of the Union, enlisting in the Massachusetts regiment. In later years he perpetuated the memories and associations of his military career by affiliation with John A. Rawlins Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and in which he was held in highest regard. He died on the 39th of January, 1909, at the age of sixty-three. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson were parents of one daughter. Alma, who is the wife of Dr. Charles B. Wright. PERRY HARRISON. The scion of families distinguished in local history Perry Harrison, one of the well known bankers being connected ■with one of the strongest fiscal institutions in the Northwest, has admirably upheld the examples and record of his family in a fruitful and useful business career. Mr. Harrison was born in Minneapolis, October 11, 1862, being a son of Hugh Galbraith and Irene Amelia (Robinson) Harrison, an account of whom will be found elsewhere in this work. He was educated in the public schools and at the Northwestern University Preparatory School. At the age of sixteen he began his banking career in a subordinate posi- tion, and has steadily advanced until lie is now vice president of tlie Security National Bank. Mr. Harrison has always taken an earnest interest in local affairs, and has contributed to their promotion. He served seven and a half years in the First Regiment. Minnesota National Guard, becoming lieutenant colonel. He has ever been energetic and resourceful, the progress and improvement of Minneapolis and Minnesota giving practical aid to every undertaking for betterment morally, intellectually, socially and materially. Mr. Harrison is a Republican, but has never sought or desired political office. He is a member of the Minneapolis, Long Meadow Gun and Lafayette clubs. In 1887, Mr. Harri- son was maiTied at Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, to Miss Miriam Thomas. ARTHUR W. HO BERT. Arthur W. Hobert was bom at Ottawa, Illinois, August 14, 1858, and is a son of Edward and Mary E. (Phillips) Hobert, both of New York state. The mother dying when the son was four years old, he was reared by a step-mother, remaining at home until manhood. He obtained a common school education, which he svipplemented by night scliool in- struction in Chicago, where he learned bookkeeping and was employed in the office of Dr. Madison, a dentist, as was Mr. Hobert's father. He soon afterward became connected with the dental manufactory and supplies establishment of S. S. White, as a salesman on the road and in charge of ofTice detail. He remained with Mr. White until married October 9, 1883, to Miss Bessie Berry, daughter of William M. and Betsey Ann (Godfrey) Berry. She was born at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, living in Chicago from 1875, there attending the public schools as also Miss Grant's noted School. The year after mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Hobert came to Minneapolis. Tlicy have two daughters. Helen graduated from National Park Semi- nary, at Washington, D. C, and married Ensign Ralph M. Jaeger, a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, and then an officer in the navy. He is a son of Luth Jaeger and a grandson of Col. Hans Mattson, twice secretary of state of Minnesota. Hortense attended the high school two years and is now a student at Beeehwood College, Jenkintown, Penn- sylvania, where she has given special attention to voice cultivation. Mr. Hobert was employed one year in building Hillside Cemetery, and then, 1891, became superintendent of Lakewood Cemetery. He stands high in landscape gardening and is an esteemed member of several national associations devoted to this branch of enterprise and improvement. The superiority of his judgment in connection with the subject is widely known, and he has been called to superintend the designing and laying out of cemeteries in many different places. His residence is near Lakewood Cemetery. COLONEL ERLE D. LUCE. Promoter and president of the Electric Short Line Railway Company and colonel of the First Infantry of the Minnesota National Guard; born at Red Wing, the judicial center of Goodhue county, Minnesota, on the 20th of May, 1882, and is a son of William L. and Nellie B. (David) Luce, the fonnei of whom was born in Maine, of staunch colonial stock, and the latter of whom was born in Iowa, in which state their marriage was solemnized, in 1881, in the city of Burlington. William L. Luce is one of the honored pioneers of Minnesota and through well directed enterprise along various lines he has contributed definitely to the civic anil industrial develop- ment and upbuilding of this favored commonwealth. He became a resident of Red Wing in 1858 and eventually developed a large and important business in the buying and shipping of grain, a domain of enterprise in which he gained definite precedence and high reputation. He became the owner and operator of a series of well equipped grain elevators along the line of the Great Northern Railroad and his extensive operations had marked influence in the furtherance of progress and prosperity throughout a large and imjiortant agricultural district of the state. He continued to give tlie major part of his time and attention to the grain trade until about the opening of the twentieth century, and in the meanwhile, in 1889, he removed with his family from Red Wing to Min- neapolis, in which latter city he has since maintained his home. He has been closely and prominently identified with real-estate operations within later years and became a dominating force in the promotion of the Electric Short Line Railway, as he early discerned the groat benefit that would accrue to Jlinneapolis through the construction of such a line to the west. He is the vice president of the comjiany con- trolling the Minneapolis terminal system of the Electric Short Line Railway, and president of the company which controls tlie line of the system outside of the city, his son, Colonel Luce, of tliis review, is vice president, the two separate cor- porations having similar corporate titles. William L. Luce has given his influence and co-operation in the furtherance of legitimate movements for the general good of the state of his adoption, and during the long years of his residence in ^ y^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIEXNP^PIX COFNTY, MINNESOTA 357 Minnesota he has maintained secure vantage-jilaee in popular confidence and esteem. Colonel Luce guined his preliminary etiucation in the public schools of his native city and continued his studies in the public schools of Minneapolis, where he was graduated in the high school as a member of the class of 1903. Scon afterward he was matriculated in the law department of the University of Minnesota, and in the same he was graduated in 1907, witli the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Even at the time when he entered the high school Colonel Luce began to manifest marked prescience and interest in the matter of affording electric interurban facilities connecting Minneapolis with the splendid section of country lying to the west, — a section not adequately served through the medium of the steam railway systems. He entered fully and enthusiastically into the splendid conception made by his father in this con- nection, and thus he was deflected from the work of the profession for which he had fitted himself and was led to enter vigorously upon the practical execution of plans which he had formulated in the matter of developing the intervu'ban electric system which had engrossed much of his thought. His law course was taken primarily for the purpose of fortify- ing himself for the emergencies and legal technicalities that might arise in connection with the prosecution of his ambitious plans for the developing of an important public utility, and his technical knowledge has proved of great value to him, even as he had anticipated. His conceptions of justice and equity have been shown to be of high order and this fact has gained to him in his enterprise ready co-operation ratlier than antagonism. Vigorously and effectively has he handled the involved and multifarious details of bringing his ambitious purpose to concrete results, and he has shown much circum- spection and judgment in securing right of way, terminal facilities and other required concessions, as well as in the general supervision of the details of survey and practical construction work. He has shown splendid capacity in the handling of large affairs and the solving of formidable prob- lems, even as he has proved himself an able financier. The following extracts from an appreciative article which appeared in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune of March 25, 1913, will afford an idea of the magnitude and value of the enterprise which has been fostered and developed under the able super- vision of Colonel Luce: "A ainner in celebration of the acquirement of adequate terminals for the Electric .Short Line Railway was given by Colonel Erie D. Luce to more than five hundred Minneapolis men and citizens of a dozen towns along the route of the railroad, at the Commercial Club last night. Speakers of the evening praised the men who have fostered the project, anil President Fiske of the Civic and Commerce association epitomized the spirit of the occasion when he said: 'As it was said in the old days, "All roads lead to Rome," so may it be said in the future, "All electric lines lead to Min- neapolis." ■ "How the road will mean vast wealth to the city in inter- change of freight, increased land values to the country, more factories here and more produce there, increased population, and a steady stream of happy, prosperous, money-making and money-spending people in both the country and the city was brought out by Douglas A. Fiske. Enthusiasm over the greatness of Minneapolis and the far-sighted pioneer spirit of Colonel Luce and William L. Luce in their cherished plan of making Minneapolis the heart of a great electric railway system was evident among the guests." Colonel Luce has not only shown himself to be one of the most ambitious and resourceful of the vital young promoters of his native state but has also attained to marked prominence and popularity as a representative figure in the Minnesota National Guard. In October, 1898, he enlisted as a private in the Fourth Regiment, in which he was promoted corporal of Company C on the 18th of October, 1899. On the 20th of Ma}', 1900, he was promoted sergeant of Company B, First Infantry, and his subsequent rise, through successive elections is here designated by rank and date : Second lieutenant, February 13, 1901; captain, April 1, 1901; major, June 10, 1910; and colonel of the First Infantry, July 17, 1911. Enthusiastic in all that he undertakes. Colonel Luce has exerted great influence in advancing the personnel, the equip- ment and the efficiency of his command, as is indicated by the honors and attention be.stowed upon the regiment when it appeared on the occasion of the inauguration of President Wilson, in the city of Washington, where it won merited recognition and many plaudits. Ill 1912 Colonel Luce effected the erection of the fine Coliseum building in Minneapolis, at a cost of seventy-five thousand dollars, as well as the erection of the State Audi- torium, at a cost of thirty thousand dollars. His loyalty to his home city and native state is of the most intense order and has been shown forth in other public-spirited undertakings than those of which mention has been made in this context. He has made judicious investments in real estate, and among the.se may be mentioned his interests in the following named buildings in Minneapolis: The Phoenix building, Hampshire Arms, Netley Corners, Dunsmore House, Forest Court, and the Fremont and Franklin Avenue apartment buildings. In politics Colonel Luce accords allegiance to the Republican party, and he has given eft'ective service as president of the Voung Men's Republican Club in his home city, as well as chairman of the Hennepin county Republican committee. He has attained to the thirty-second degree of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masonry, and in this great fraternal order his ancient-craft affiliation is with Kurim Lodge, No. 112. Free & Accepted Masons. He is president of the Minnesota National Guard Association, is an active and valued member of the Minneapolis Club, and is affiliated with the Phi Delta Phi and Theta Delta Chi college fraternity. The Colonel is still fond of athletic sports and during his student days in the high school and university he gained excellent reputation as a resourceful factor in the contests of the football gridiron. On the 8th of December, 1904, was solemnized the marriage of Colonel Luce to Miss Hazel Brown, daughter of Clarence A. Brown, of Minneapolis, her father being vice president and general manager of the St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Company. Colonel and Mrs. Luce have a fine little son, William L., who was named in honor of his paternal grand- father. The family are members of the Trinity Baptist chiircli. LEWIS O. mCKOK. I'nr some years a grain dealer in Wisconsin, and now a biiilihr :ind operator of grain elevators and storage ware- houses. Lewis 0. Iliekok was born in Augusta, Illinois, in 358 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY; MINNESOTA 1845, being a son of Nelson Hiekok, a native of Vermont. After a number of years engaged in farming in Illinois he removed to River Falls, Wisconsin, where he continued farm- ing until death. Lewis O. Hiekok obtained his early educa- tion at the schools in River Falls, Wisconsin. Directly after leaving school he located at Glenmont on Lake St. Croix, Wisconsin, buying and shipping grain. Mr. Hiekok went to Augusta, Wisconsin, on the Omaha R. R. in 1873 and built the first grain elevator erected there, also acquiring another elevator and handled practically all the grain shipped from that station. In 181)0 he built a line of elevators for the Northwestern Elevator company on the Great Northern Rail- road between Rutland and Ellendale, North Dakota, and between Rutland and Aberdeen. In 1891 he built a similar chain of elevators for the I'eavey Elevator company on the Omaha Railroad, and in 1892 he became the traveling agent of the Hubbard & Palmer Elevator company, which operated a chain of elevators through Minnesota, Iowa and the Da- kotas. During the five years of his connection with this com- pany he had charge of the building and equipment of a large number of elevators. He then became a regular elevator contractor. He built a large one at Kasota, Minnesota, and a barley cleaning house with a capacity of 250,000 bushels. In 1908 he erected the concrete structure in South East Min- neapolis No. 20 together with a frame warehouse. During the last five 'years Mr. Hiekok has erected a large number of other storage tanks, fire proof warehouses and similar structures. In 1870, Mr. Hiekok was married at River Falls, Wisconsin, to Miss Luella Smitli. They have four children, Harvey M. spent two years in the university and then graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has since been associated with his father. Mr. Hiekok belongs to Mounted C'ommandery No. 23, Knights Templar, and to Zurah Templar, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He is a member of the New Athletic club. never sought or desired a political office. May 18, 1897 he was united in marriage with Miss Marie Louise Fitzer a native of Minneapolis. They have two children, Sylvia and Marion. H.\RRY S. HELM. Harry S. Helm, vice president and general manager of the Russell-Miller Milling Company, has lived in Minneapolis for sixteen years. He was born in Byron, Ogle County, Illinois, December 17, 1867, and was reared and educated in that state. In 1888, he entered the employ of the Russell-Miller Milling Company as a bookkeeper in one of its offices in North Dakota. He soon afterward became manager of the mill at his North Dakota location, and in 1902 was promoted to the position of general manager for the company, having come to Minneapolis in its service in 1897. Mr. Helm's preparation for the battle of life in a schol- astic way was extensive and thorough. He attended the Rockford, Illinois, High School, also the Beloit Academy for a time and finally passed one year in the University of Illinois. He was naturally endowed for a business life, however, and his inclination led him in that direction. The success that has attended his eflforts shows that he has developed and applied his faculties judiciously. With no desire whatever for public life, Mr. Helm has always taken an active and helpful interest in local public affairs and in the substantial and enduring welfare of his community. The social life of the city has also had his earnest support and he is an active member of the Minne- apolis, Minikahda, and Auto Clubs of Minneapolis, the Lake Pepin Countrj' Club, and the Minneapolis Civic and Com- merce Association. In all of these organizations his member- ship is valued and he is held in high esteem, as he is in business circles in all parts of the city and by the people generally, wherever he is known. WILLIAM OTTO HARTIG. Wm. Otto Hartig was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1870, and is a son of Henry and Marie Hartig, representatives of old families. The father was also an electrical contractor, and with whom the son first became interested in electricity. William attended the local schools and served an apprentice- ship as an electrician, serving in all departments. At si.Kteen he came to the United States and soon there- after reached Minneapolis. For a time he was employed at the West Hotel, and subsequently for 14 years was with the firm of Vernon Bell, electrical contractors. He began his present business in 1900, and wliidi for the first year amounted to $3,500, increasing so that for 1912 it amounted to $150,000. He did the electrical work in the Leamington Hotel, the Deere-Wcbber building, the Powers Mercantile company building, the Auditorium of the School of the Blind, the Girls' Dormitory of the School for the Feeble-minded both at Faribault. Carleton College at North- field, Wartlju'rg Seminary at Clinton, Iowa. He has also installed the street lighting done by the Publicity Club and by the city. He generally has about 100 employes, the payroll at times, exceeding $1,500 per week. Mr. Hartig is a Republican, but is not a politician and has HON. JAMES C. HAYNES. The life of the late Hon. James C. Haynes, four times mayor of Minneapolis and prominent in the political life of the city for twenty-two years, in its early stages, its course and its achievements presents an epitome of American life in general for most of the men who win distinction and dignity and adorn the manhood of the nation, ifr. Haynes was born in obscurity, cradled and reared amid the inspiring scenes and useful pursuits of rural life, taught from his boyhood the value of productive industry through practical application to daily duties, and furnished the rudiments of his scholastic education at home, never =eeing the inside of a schoolhousc until after he was eleven years of age. He grew to manhood on his father's farm, extended his education in a public school and completed it at good academies, all the time making a hand on the farm, as the Civil war was in progress and labor was scarce, even in the North, during a part of the formative stage of his development. Mr. Haynes was bom at Van Buren near Baldwinsville, Onondaga county, New York, on September 22, 1848, and was a son of James and Eliza Ann (Clark) Haynes, also HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 359 natives of New York state. The father continued farming until after middle life, tlien sold his farm and moved to Baldwinsville, where he engaged for some years in the hard- ware and lumber trade and operated a canal boatyard on Oneida lake. He died at the age of seventy-two. The mother, who died in 1909, at tha age of eighty-seven, was a daughter of Sereno Clark of Oswego county. New York, a man prom- inent in local and state public affairs. He served in the constitutional convention held in Albany in 1846 with Charles O'Connor, Samuel .J. Tildcn and others who afterward won international renown. Joseph Haynes, one of the early American ancestors of the late mayor, whose home was at Haverhill. Massachusetts, was an officer in a New Hampshire regiment during the war of the Revolution and active in helping to bring on the struggle for independence. He was a member of the first provincial congress at Ipswich and Salem, Massachusetts, in October, 1774, and aided in framing the resolutions adopted by that body for presentation to the Continental congress, in which the determined spirit of the colonists for liberty was made manifest in every line. In 1867 Mr. Haynes of this sketch entered the academy at Baldwinsville, New York, and soon afterward he and former Attorney General H. W. Childs of this state were examined together and authorized to teach in the district schools at the same time. During four winters Mr. Haynes taught the district school near his old home at $40 a month and board, and kept up his studies at the academy. At the end of that period he began attendance at the Onondaga Valley academy, afterward pursuing a course of instruction at Cazenovia seminary. He next studied law in Syracuse and Baldwinsville in the offices of good lawyers, and in 1874-5 took a professional course at the Columbia law school in New York city. Mr. Haynes was admitted to the bar at a ;2cneral teiin of the Supreme Court of New York, held in Buffalo in June, 1875. During the next three years he practiced his profession in association with the law firm of Pratt, Brown & Garfield, of Syracuse, and in the fall of 1878 formed a partnership with R. A. Bill, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Tlie next year Mr. Bill moved to North Dakota and Mr. Haynes came to Minneapolis, where he resumed the practice of law, especially the branch relating to business corporations. On September 4th, 1879, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah E. Clark of Skaneateus, New York. Three children were born to them, two of whom are living, Ruth — the wife of L. F. Carpenter and Dean Clark, both reside in Minneapolis. Mr. Haynes also took an active part in business affairs outside of his pro- fession, organizing in the Spring of 1883, in company with the late Alfred T. Williams, the American District Teiegraph company of Minneapolis, of which he was president as long as he was connected with it. About 1888 the late Thomas Lowry and Clinton Morrison purchased large blocks of .stock m the company and continued to be members of its directorate until lEToe, when it was absorbed by the American District Telegraph company of Minnesota. -Although always deeply and actively interested in municipal affairs in his home city, Mr. Haynes did not enter politics as a candidate for office until 1890, when he was nominated for alderman by the Democrats of the Second ward. He was elected by a plurality of twenty-three votes, and was the first Democrat elected from that ward, and, with the exception of E. J. Conroy, the only one who ever has been. In 1892, while still a member of the city council, he was nominated for mayor, but, although he ran about 2,000 votes ahead of hia ticket, W. H. Eustis, his Republican opponent, won the election by over 2,000 majority. During the next ten years Mr. Haynes did not seek any political honors, but in 1903 he defeated Julius J. Heinrich for the Democratic nomination for mayor by a small plurality after a very hard fight. At the election which followed he had little difficulty in defeating Fred M. Powers, the Republican candidate, receiving a majority of over 5,900 votes. At the next election he was opposed by David P. Jones, at that time president of the city council, and was defeated by 256 votes. In the fall of 1906 more votes were cast for the office of mayor than at any other time before or since. Mr. Haynes was again the Democratic candidate and Mr. Jones the Repub- lican nominee. The battle was one of the fiercest in the history of the city, but Mr. Haynes was elected by a plurality of 3,565. In 1908 he defeated Charles H. Huhn by the same plurality that Mr. Jones secured four years before. In 1910 the situation was complicated by the first serious entrance of the Socialist party into the contest. Thomas Van Lear was the candidate of that party and former Alderman W. E. Satterlee was the Republican candidate. The three were so clo.se together at the election that it took several days to determine the exact result. In the official count Mr. Haynes had the slight plurality of thirty-four votes over Mr. .Satterlee and only a few more than 750 over Mr. Van Lear. While Mr. Haynes was a member of the city council an unusually large number of important matters came before that body for action. He was firm in his advocacy and support of the interests of the people in connection with every measure, as he always was in his whole career. There was great activity and interest in the proceedings of the city council also during his tenure of the oflSee of mayor. Mr. Haynes kept his ears to the ground and obeyed the voice of public sentiment which he had founded in all his official acts, looking after the welfare of the city and its residents with sleepless vigilance and untiring energy. He vetoed many ordinances passed by the city council regulating raattera of public policy, giving excellent reasons for his position in every case, and most of his vetoes were sustained. Perhaps the greatest contest in which Mr. Haynes engaged while he was mayor was with the Minneapolis Gas Light com- pany. The city council passed an ordinance granting that company an electric franchise for thirty years. Mayor Haynes vetoed this ordinance on the ground that there was no justifi- cation for granting a franchise for so long a period, and con- tended that only frequent renewals, for periods not to exceed ten years, or fifteen at the outside, would compel good senMce and just and rea-sonable rates. His veto message hung fire for several weeks, but was finally sustained by the council, its opponents being unable to muster enough votes to override it. His positiveness in standing by his convictions awakened strong criticisms and at times bitter censure, but after time passed even the most violent of his critics acquitted him of obstinacy and all unfairness, and the judgment of the city council, as embodied in resolutions formally passed after his death, was accepted generally as that of the commiuiity. It was: "That the character and the life of the late .lames C. Haynes were such as to command not respect and confidence only, but admiration and affectionate regard. He combined in an unusual degree lofty ideals and firmness of purpose ' 360 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA with a tactful and kindly demeanor. He was forceful and resolute, yet free from rancor and from all uncharitableness. He performed unpleasant duties unflinciiingly, yet with such evident fairness that resentment was disarmed. He was lovable as well as inflexible, a good neighbor, a capable and honest ollicial and a model citizen. The records of this body bear eloquent testimony to his wisdom and his firmness. Unmindful of selfish and unjust criticism, he was singularly responsive to the public will where ditt'erences of opinion seemed founded on reason. Mere stubbornness was no part of his nature; his fiinuness was not pride of opinion, but faith in the right as God gave him to see the right." Mr. Haynes died at 8:10' Monday morning, April 15, 1913. For some months he realized and his friends feared that his end was approaching — that the plow was nearing the end of the furrow. But as an evidence of the appreciation in which he was held, close personal associates got together and pro- vided for an effort to prolong his life by a change of air, an extended rest and quiet recreation. Thej- made up a purse of $6,300, the contributors numbering 560. The number pre- sented him with a beautiful bound volume containing their signatures and the following: To the Honorable James C. Haj'nes, Mayor of Minneapolis: We, your friends and fellow citizens, desire to express to you upon your retirement from the office of our chief e.xecutivc, our honor and respect for the honesty and fearless fidelity with which you have labored for the best interest of Minneapolis, as her mayor of longest continuous service; and to add thereto our sincere regard for you as neighbor, friend and citizen. Yours has been a rich gift, the gift of your best years and greatest powers to the public service of our city. We honor you for this great sacrifice of private time and opportunity. We believe that your sacrifice has not been in vain, that you have set a mark in the public service; that henceforth whenever an executive, guided by your example, strives for and attains a high plane of usefulness it will be sufficient to say in his praise: "'He was as good a J^ayor as James C. Haynes." This money was presented to Mayor Haynes at his home. 711 East River road, on Christmas day, 1912, and soon after- ward he left for a trip to the South and a sojourn on the Isle of Pines in the West Indies. Accompanied by his wife, Mr. Haynes passed some weeks on the Isle of Pines, then went to Xassau on New Providence Island, one of the Bahamas. Early in April, 1913, they re- turned to New York city, intending to go from there to Atlantic City, New Jersey, for the benefit of the sea air and ocean tonic. But the sufferer felt that his strength was wan- ing, and the tourists hastened home. They arrived on Sun- day, April 13, and the next day the weary star of the dis- tinguished citizen and public official was unloosed, atrophy of the muscles being the cause of his death. Every possible testimonial of public esteem was bestowed upon him after his death, in his home city and many other places. Business was generally suspended in Minneapolis during the funeral services, and the various organizations to which Mr. Haynes had belonged were represented in the pro- cession which attended his remains to their last resting place in Lakewood cemetery, as did the city council in a body after holding a special meeting and passing resolutions proclaim- .iiig to the world the merits of the man whose death the mem- bers mourned. The body lay in state at the city hall and thousands passed the bier for a last look at the remains, while the floral tributes were unusually numerous, rich ancj appropriate. Mayor Haynes was active in the fraternal and social life of his community. He belonged to the EUcs' lodge of Minne- apolis; was a thirty-second degree Freemason and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in the fraternity; and was also a member of the Royal Arcanum, the Ancient Order of United Work- men and the Knights of Pythias. Formerly he served on the public affairs committee of the Minneapolis Commercial club, of which he was long a member, and he also belonged to the St. Anthony Commercial club. In religious affiliation he was a devout member of All Souls Universalist church, and at- tended its services with continued regularity. GEORGE G. HYSER. Though he retired from active business in 1907, George G. Hyser still represents one of the few remaining links between the generation of bonifaces of the early days in Minnesota — that is, its boom times and its fast-building period — and the head of the hostelry of the present day. He has had a part in the building of the Northwest in a sense different from that of most other factors in it, and he has been the friend and companion of many of the foremost men of the North- west. George G. Hyser was born in Zurich, Switzerland, Jlarch 24, 1847. When he was two years old he came to America with his parents. They settled first in Massachusetts, and when George was nine years old he went to work in a cotton piill. He worked in the finishing room, marking goods, etc., until he was nineteen. Then he spent three years as an overseer over eighteen employes, who worked at measuring and tagging for shipment. His wages as overseer were $55 a month; to this he had worked up from the meager wage of a boy marker. In 1869 the family came west. His father took a homestead two miles north of Smith Lake, Wright County, Minnesota. He joined his father and began the labor of farming, but soon found he was not fitted to cutting trees and digging in the ground. A few months later a neighbor built a "shack called a hotel," as Mr. Hyser puts it, at Smith Lake, then on the new line of the St. Paul and Pacific rail- road—now the Great Northern. The line into that village was just building. Regular trains were running to Delano from Miimeapolis. It was when the construction train reached Smith Lake that Mr. Hyser and his mother took charge of the hotel. The next year the railroad was extended to Ben- son, sixty-six miles further west. The railroad company built a hotel there, — the hotel business in small towns was then promoted by the railroads which built into them — and Mrs. Hyser and her son George were asked to take charge of that one. The son accepted, and his mother and his brother Robert soon joined him. They were there a year before regular trains were run into Benson. A year later they moved on westward into Morris, fifty-five miles further on, to nm the hotel. Shortly the railroad company built another hotel, this time in Brockenridge, as part of its policy of development of its towns. Mr. Hyser went there and remained ten years. In those days, Mr. Hyser says, it took two days for passenger trains to run from St. Paul to Breckenridgo, 214 miles. It was some time before the railroad was extended further, but HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COrNTY, MINNESOTA 361 stages ran between Brcekenriilge and Winnipeg, and the travel by four-horse stage coach was heavy. Thus it came about that in his hotel Mr. Hyser entertained some of the biggest men in the country. President Hayes and his party took dinner with him; Mark Twain was a guest, and many other men of importance. J. P. Farley became receiver of the road, and operated it until James J. Hill came upon the scene. It was in this period that two steamboats were built on the Red River of the North, and were operated between Breckenridge and Winnipeg. W^ith them flatboats were run, and on these hugh quantities of groceries and supplies were shipped, and sold direct from the boats at many places along the river. Mr. Hyser became interested in this trade, which proved a lucrative one, sometimes as high as -f 20,000 worth of groceries being carried and disposed of at good profit. Mean- while he ran the best hotel along the route. Later the rail- road was extended to Fargo, N. D. About this time Mr. Hyser married, and in the summer of 1880 he built the Arlington hotel at Wayzata, the first big summer hotel on Lake Minnetonka. He was led to erect the Arlington at the instance of James J. Hill. Mr. Hyser found it a losing venture, and in the winter of 1880-81 he w-ent to clerk in the Nicollet House in Minneapolis, under Col. John T. West. In 1884 he went with Colonel West to the West hotel, and was the first clerk in that hostelry, which was for many years one of the famous hotels of America. Later Mr. Hyser built the hotel at Third Street and Second Avenue South, now known as the Allen. He ran that for five years, and then he went to Fourth Street and Nicollet Avenue and remodeled the building into the Hotel Hyser. He conducted that hotel for eight years, and then retired in 1907. Thus Mr. H}'ser was identified prominently with the hotel business of the Northwest for thirty-six years and acquired an acquaint- ance almost unequalled in the state. It was in 1880 that Mr. Hyser married Miss Alice M. Bowen of Minneapolis, daughter of a contractor who was one of the best known politicians of his day. To them were born two children; a daughter, Alice Maude, now the wife of Warren Leslie Wallace, superintendent of Lewis and Clarke High School in Spokane, Wash.; and a son, George W. Hyser, an electrician in Minneapolis. Mr. Hyser is a member of Masonic orders, the Scottish Rite and the Knights Templar. His home is at 1 Orlin Avenue, Prospect Park. MICHAEL W. HACKETT. Michael W. Hackett was born near Darwin, Minnesota, on June 29, 18G0, and died in Minneapolis on May 26, 1912, lacking just one month and three days of being 52 years of age. He was w'holly the architect of his own fortune and made his way in the world by his own unaided eft'orts. His father died while the son was still in his boyhood and the mother married a second time. The son therefore started the battle of life for himself at an early age, and in the pursuit of advancement among men came to Minneapolis. . Here was employed by Geo. Elwell as a furniture salesman both in the city and outside for a number of years, after which he became manager of the, Webster Chair Factory, with which he was connected in this capacity until his death, a period of about eight years. He Was careful with his earnings and invested them wisely in farm loans and real estate, becoming the owner of a farm of 314 acres near Campbell, in Wilkin county, this state. His business absorbed his energies and attention to the exclusion of almost everything else. But he took an interest in fraternal life as a member of the Order of Knights of Columbus and was also a devout and consistent member of St. Lawrence Catholic church. To his home and family he was warmly attached, and in his hunting and fishing trips and his occasional outings at the lakes, always insisted on being accompanied by his wife or some other member of the household. Mr. Hackett was married on January 8, 1884, to Miss Ida May Jester, who was also a native of this state. She died on October 19, 1907, leaving a family of six children, Mabel, Ida May, Grace Arvilla, Rollie J., Adelaide Olivia and Rosalia. Mabel is the wife of H. J. Lane, who is connected with the Russell-Miller grain commission company in the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce. The home of the family for the last twelve years has been at 1004 Seventeenth avenue southeast. The mother's early death left the family largely to the care of the second daughter, Ida May. The older daughter was married and Ida had just entered upon her high school course. But she abandoned this in order that she might give her whole attention to caring for the younger children. They have found in her a devoted motherly companion and helper. Her father was thus ably assisted by her, and when his own end approached, found great consolation in the fact that he would be able to leave those who were dependent on him in such excellent hands, and that the comfortable competence he had accumulated for them would be judiciously employed for their benefit. GEORGE E. HUEY. A pioneer in three of the Northwestern states, one of the founders of at least two great industrial and commercial centers, and a successful operator in several important lines of business, the late George E. Huey was born in Steuben county, New York, December 19, 1819, being the son of John and Susan (Minier) Huey, who were taken as children from Pennsylvania to New York. Abram Huey once owned the land on which Harrisburg now stands. Judge Huey, a lo'cal justice of the peace, and later first police justice of Great Falls, Montana, was reared on a farm in his native state and educated in a country school. He was in business for two years in New York, and in 1851 reached the Indian agency at Long Prairie, Minnesota, where lie was employed by the agent for one year. In 1853 he returned to New York, but within a year he returned, soon coming to St. Anthony Falls. Here he engaged in rafting logs and cutting them into lumber. He assisted in the organization and operation of the Minneapolis Milling company, which superseded the "Old Government Mill" in 1856. He was the first secretary and superintendent of llic board of directors of the old Canal company, which took a leading part in rivalry between the lower city, and Bridge Square as to which should become the business center. He took a valiant part in this struggle in favor of the milling district, and in furtherance of determination to make that section the business center, he built the Cataract house, at what is now the intersection of Washington and Sixth 362 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA avenues south, and which led the opposition to the Nicollet house. In 1854 Judge Huey was elected the first county register of deeds for four years, and in 1855 was made a justi'ce of the peace, rendering valuable services in establishing law and order. By 1865 the lumber industry had grown to such importance that in association with R. P. Russell and others, built a large planing mill where later the Model mill stood. In 1861 R. P. Russell and 0. B. King built the Dakota flour mill. In 1879 he moved to Central City, Black Hills, where he operated stamp mills, and finally selling his interests immediately sought new fields of enterprise. In 1884 he went to Great Falls, Montana, where not sev- enty-five persons were then living, but its natural resources and promise for the future were inspiring, and it is now a busy, progressive city of some 25,000. Judge Huey took up a pre-emption claim on land he felt the town must soon cover, and after securing title platted it as Huey's Addition to Great Falls. He took a great interest in the development of the town and was ele'cted first police magistrate, his firmness enabling him to handle the tough element that still abounded. About 1901 he returned to Minneapolis and died at Ex- celsior, April 17, 1904. He was a lifelong Democrat, and was a devoted Freemason and Odd Fellow. In early life he was united in marriage with Miss Mary E. Ticknor. Their daugh- ter is the wife of Byron Dague of Deadwood. Her mother died young, and in 1858 he married Miss Corolene Tay- lor, a native of Painesville, Ohio. Four of their children are living. George T., a railroad man; Arthur S., of Chicago; Frank, who live-s in Montana, and Douglas, a resident of Mexico. One son, Albert (twin brutlier to Arthur) died in Jlexico where he was in business, in August, 1903. A friend at Judge Huey's funeral said: "He lused his time in useful labors and won for himself a warm place in the affectionate veneration of the people. One of the patriarchs of the city he helped to found, he could look back over his long connec- tion with it with pleasure unmarred by the recollection of any interest neglected, any duty slighted or any wrong done eon- s'ciously to any pei-son." CHARLKR F. HAOLIN. It was in 187:i that Charles F. Haglin, one of the leading contractors and builders of Minneapolis, came to this city and began his very creditable and successful career here. He started in business in this locality as an architect, having been well trained in the technique of the profession by previous study and practical work in architects' offices farther East, and having also brought to this Western country the spirit of enterprise and self-reliance required for advance- ment among men in its strenuous activities, large engage- ments and great wealth of opportunities. Mr. Haglin's life began in the village of Hastings, Oswego county. New York, on April 7, 1849, and there he passed his boyhocKl and early youth on the farm of his father, Joseph Haglin. He was educated in his native state, and, having a special aptitude for drawing, became a draughtsman in an architect's office in the city of Syracuse. A few years later he came to Cliieago, and there he was employed for two years in the office of Messrs. Yorke & Ross, architects, with an ex- tensive business in that city. When he came to Minneapolis the old city hall was Hear- ing completion, and he decided to wait until he could secure an office in that building before beginning operations here. He forme'd a partnership with F. B. Long, under the name of Long & Haglin, and they were associated in business three years. At the end of that period Mr. Long sold his interest in the firm to F. G. Corser, and the firm name was then changed to Haglin & Corser, the new partnership enduring until 1879. In that year Mr. Haglin, having found that there was a better field for him in the domain of building than in that of architecture, formed a new partnership with Charles Morse, and they immediately began contracting and building. They erected the Globe building and the Washburn Home in 1888; had eight of the leading contracts for the construction of the new court house and city hall, and built the union station in Duluth and a number of brick structures in Brainerd. During the construction of the Minneapolis court house and city hall Mr. Haglin severed his business connection with Mr. Morse and conducted his operations under his own name alone, He continued to do this until 1909, when he formed a partner- ship with B. H. Stalir, and they carried on their business under the name of the Haglin-Stahr company. During the time he was alone in business he built many of the city's prominent business and residence structures and a number of the largest grain elevators in this section of the country. Some of the larger buildings put up by him are the Sixth street addition to the Glass Block, the Northwestern Tele- phone building, the Security National Bank building, the Wyman-Partridge building, the Patterson-Stevenson building, the Minneapolis Gas Light building, the Orpheum theater, the Northwestern Miller building, the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Commerce annex, tlie Security Warehouse, the First National Bank building, the Plaza and Radisson hotels, the Pence building at Hennepin avenue and Eighth street, the Studebaker building and the F. E. Murphy building, and there are others almost as important and imposing. In the line of private residences this firm also has a long and impressive record of its credit in the way of construc- tion work. Among the fine residences in and about Minne- apolis which it has erected are those of .John Edwards, Frank H. Peavey, George W. Peavey, C. M. Harrington, George Partridge, L. S. Donaldson, Frank T. Hell'elfinger, A. S. Brooks, Mrs. L. R. Brooks. F. B. Semple, Franklin Crosby and John Crosby, in the city proper, and those of George H. Porter, E. W. Decker and John Birkholtz at Lake Minnetonka, and that of Frank H. Peavey at Highcroft. The list of grain elevators and warehouses built by Mr. Haglin includes the Peavey elevator in Duluth, one for the American Malting company in Chicago, one at New Ulm for the Eagle Rolling Mill company, a (lour mill and elevator at Waseca, tlie Wasliburn- Crosby elevator, the Concrete elevator, the International Sugar Feed company's house in Minneapolis, two warehouses for the J. R. Watkins company in Winona, one for the same company at Memphis, Tennessee, the Minne- ajiolis Sewer company's plant, a machine shop and several warehouses for the Minneapolis Threshing Machine company at Ho])kins, besides many other large structures in different localities in this and neighboring states and others in other sections of the country. Being deeply interested in the enduring welfare, rapid HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 363 progress and wholesome improvement of the city by both natural tendency and the cliaraetcr of liis business, Jlr. Haglin has given practical and serviceable attention to all under- takings involving or contributing to its good in any way. He is the owner of the ilinneapolis Cornice and Iron Company, and is president of the Minneapolis Stone company and the Oklahoma Gipson company, of Prim, Oklahoma. He belongs to tlie Minneapolis, Commercial, Auto and New Athletic clubs, being a life member of the one last named. He is also' a member of the Masonic Order, in which he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in Zurah Temple, Minneapolis. On .January 22, 1880, he was united in marriage with Miss Emma R. Smith, a native of Racine, Wisconsin. They have three chil- dren, Edward, Charles F., Jr., and Preston. Mr. Haglin's record as briefly outlined in these paragraphs is almost wholly one of results accomplished by his own efl'orts or under his immediate direction and supervision. But he has also been a potential force in inspiring other men to activity and achievement by his example and stimulating ad- vice and encouragement. houses, and business buildings and because of specializing in down town property handles Some of the largest deals in Minneapolis. Mr. Harrington is a member of the Minneapolis Athletic club, the Rotary club and the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce association and St. Albans Club. He also retains active mem- bership in his college fraternity and is a zealous adherent of the Masonic order. He is an ardent devotee of his busi- ness and never neglects it on any account. But he Seeks relief from its burdens and cares in hunting, fishing and other out- door enjoyments when he has opportunity. He is also fond of athletic performances and always takes a cordial and help- ful interest in their promotion. On September 2, 1903, Mr. Harrington was united in mar- riage with Miss Mary E. Willis, a daughter of H. B. Willis, president of the Brydwell Manufacturing Company of this city. Mrs. Harrington was bom in Rochester, Minnesota, and educated in the Central High School and the State University. She and her husband are the parents of two Sons, Wayne E. and Willis L. CURTIS L. HARRINGTON. LEASON EDWIN HOLDRIDGE. This estimable gentleman and excellent business man has been in business in Minneapolis for years and a resident of the city, with but temporary absences, since 1899. He was born in New Richmond, Wisconsin, April 29, 1876, and is the son of George N. and Effie M. (Lyman) Harring- ton, whoso names stand high on the records of our sister state across the Mississippi. The father was a farmer and dairyman at Hayward, in Sawj'er county, that state, and the mother, who was a teacher in her young womanhood, has been county superintendent of schools in that county for twenty-four years, being the oldest lady county superin- tendent in length of continuous service, it is believed, in the United States. The son was graduated from the high school in Hayward and came to Minneapolis in 1899. Here he pursued a course of s^)ecial training in a business college, and then entered the Northwestern University, at Chicago, to prepare him- self for the Christian ministry. The uncertain state of his health, however, interfered with his design in this respect, and he returned to Minneapolis and became a student in the Law Department, University of Minnesota. He worked his way through this institution, and was graduated in the class of 1904, and admitted to the bar of the State of Minne- sota in June, 1904. He began his business career in the office of H. E. Ladd, a real estate broker, in whose employ he remained three years. He then formed a partnership with R. C. Wyvell in the same business, and this also continued three years. At the end of that period he associated himself with A. V. Skiles in the real estate and insurance business under the name of the Harrington-Skiles company, incorporated, and also engaged in the practice of law which he still continues. In 1911 Mr. Skiles withdrew from the company, and the name was changed to the Harrington Sales 'company, the one under Which the business is now carried on. I his company conducts extensive operations in building and Selling on a commission basis, in addition to handling its own properties. The company has erected about 240 This estimable gentleman, whose early death in Minne- apolis on November 37. 1889, in the forty-eiglith year of his age, widely lamented, was a native of Northampton, Massa- chusetts, where his life began September 15, 1842. On .June 3, 1868, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Parish at Poughkeepsie, New York, where she was born Decem- ber 25, 1847. They came to Minneapolis in 1881. Jlr. Hold- ridge was a wholesale dealer in crockei'y in Poughkeepsie, and in this city returned to that line of mercantile enter- prise, although, for a short time, he was a bookkeeper in the First National Bank. The state of his health obliged him to leave the bank, but he soon afterward took another position as bookkeeper, this time in a grocery store. A little later he became man- ager for C. W. Foss in an extensive crockery trade, and also conducted a real estate agency. He built a home for his family at Twenty-seventh street and Hennepin avenue, one l)lock removed from the home of R. P. Russell, who lived at Twenty-eighth street and Hennepin avenue, there platting the Holdridge subdivision. In this home he died in 1889, as has been noted, and in 1901 his widow had a summer residence erected at Mcadville. Excelsior, on Lake Minnetonka, where her life ended on February 18, 1909. They were both charter members of Lyndale Congregational church, and Mr. Holdridge was its first treasurer. After the widow's re- moval to the I^ake she continued to be an active worker in this cliurch as long as her health permitted. Three children were born in the Holdridge hou.seliold. .James Parish, the only son, who was a stenographer, died at the age of twenty-seven, and Mary Dibble, in childhood. Rachel Harrington Holdridge, the only survivor of the fam- ily, remained with her mother until the death of the latter, and still resides in the home on the lake. It is beautifully located on Lake Minnetonka, about one mile distant from that village, and on the opposite side of the water. Miss Rachel Holdridge was a charter member of the Sunday school of Lyndale Congregational church, and she is now an active nu'mber of the Excelsior church of the same denomina- 364 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA tion. In February 1912, in company with Miss Ella Strat- ton Molter, she established the Minnetonka circulating library at Excelsior, in rooms rented for the purpose, the ladies hav- ing their home together at the Holdridge residence. They have about l.SOO volumes in the library, and during the year and a half of its usefulness about 5,000 books have been read from it by its patrons. It was founded for the pur- pose of elevating the taVite of the community, or gratifying it where it was already manifest, and is admirably filling this want. It is kept supplied with the best literature, and has become a very popular and highly esteemed social center. The ladies at the head of the enterprise are their own super- visors and conduct their business according to their own judg- ment. But they are studious of the lu'cds of the community around them and zealous in their efforts to supply them in the pleasing and beneficial line of their work. They are well esteemed for their genuine worth personally, and widely commended for their courage in undertaking a work so use- ful and attended with so much risk, as well as for the agreeable manner in which they perform the duties they have so reso- lutely taken upon themselves. .JEFFERSON .M. HALE. Congregational church to which he devoted much time and attention. He was married in 1869 to Miss Louisa M. Herrick, daugh- ter of Nathan and Laura (Small) Herrick. both from Ver mont. They moved to Dubuque, Iowa, in 1S54, four years later coming to Minneapolis, where Mr. HeiTick engaged in the marble trade, at Third, street and Nicollet avenue. He died in 1893, aged eighty-five, and his widow in 1898, aged eighty-eight. Of their four children, ]\Irs. Hale is the only survivor. Albert passed away in 1911. George died at Monticello, Minnesota, and Eev. Henry Herrick, a Baptist minister, the oldest son, died at Granville, Ohio. Prior to his marriage to Miss Herrick, Mr. Hale was married to Miss Emeline Barrows, of Vermont, who died in Minneapolis in 1867. They had one child, Jessie, now the widow of George Tuttle, of Minneapolis. Charles S. Hale, the only child of the second marriage, is president of the Peteler Car company. Mrs. Hale is a member of the board of directors of the Pillsbui-y Home, having been active in the service of that ex- cellent institution for many years. She is also a member of the Women's Christian Association, which has an oversight of the Pillsbury Home, and of other charitable and benevolent organizations, among them the Puritan Colony, and various church missions of great usefulness. Jefferson M. Hale, who died in Minneapolis, October 22. 1893. at the age of sixty-five, and after a residence of over forty years in this city, was born at Tunbridge, Orange county, Vermont, September 5, 1828, and passed his earh' life on a farm at Stowe in that state. In 1849 he joined a party of gold-seekers going to California, by the Cape Horn route. Soon after returning to the East two years later, he came to Minneapolis, working for Mr. Northrup and other lumbermen in the mills and at other occupations until 1868, when he joined his brother George in the dry goods business, with which he was connected to the end of his life. George W. Hale was a merchant near Boston previous to coming to St. .\nthony in 1858. He was for a time toll keeper for Captain Tapper at the bridge, and after teaching school for a time, returned to the East. In 1868 he came back to Minneapolis, and in company with his brother JefTerson opened a dry goods store on Washington avenue, be- tween Nicollet avenue and First avenue' south. They soon built up a large trade which necessitated tlie employment of several assistants. They confined their operations to dry goods, and after some years moved to the only double store, and the largest dry goods house, in the city at Third street and Nicollet avenue. Just before the business was again removed to Fifth and Nicollet, George died, and .Jefferson selected John Thomas as buyer in his place, in accordance with an arrangement previously made by George. Mr. Thomas is still carrying on the business, established forty- six years ago. JefTerson M. Hale confined his attention exclusively to the details of the business until his death. The firm name was originally G. W. Hale & Company, finally becoming Hale, Thomas & Company. Mr. Hale took no particular interest in party politics or public affairs. He performed all the duties of citizenship conscientiously and faithfully, but never became an active partisan or sought or desired public office. He was. however, warmly interested in the welfare of Plymouth WILLARD W. MORSE. Prior to 1880, St. Paul had practically a Mumopoly of the jobbing trade in this part of the country, but witiiin the decade which began with that year, enterprising and resource- ful men put forces in motion here to build up an extensive trade of the same kind for this city. The steps taken look- ing to this end were not designed to rob the sister city of any of its trade, but to secure for Minneapolis that proportion of the wholesale trade of the Northwest to which, by her location and natural advantages, it seemed she was justly entitled. This brought about a wholesome rivalry that re- sulted in vast advantages for both cities, and for the whole Northwest, as an immediate consequence. One of the men to whom these ideas strongly appealed, and w)io luid nuich to do with the results which followed, was Willard ^\■. Morse, now president of the Security Warehouse Company, of this city. He built warehouses on an extensive scale and gave manufacturing companies in other localities space in tlieni for the storage and exhibition of their products. From these warehouses orders were filled and deliveries made that ef- fected great savings both in time and in freight charges in the delivery of merchandise to the people of the Northwest. He visited the manufacturers at their headquarters and showed them the possibilities of trade for them in the Northwest. Mr. Morse did not seek to augment his business to any- great extent through the storage of household goods. His energies were employed in getting trade that reaches farther and tends at once and directly to aid in building up the city of Minneapolis as a jobbing center. Many of the jobbers in this city who are now carrying on an extensive business in Minneapolis were started here by his enterprise. It was his custom to visit the leading factories in tlie Eastern and Middle States and get them to begin trading here bv using his facilities. Seventy-five to eighty HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 365 per cent of the agricultural implement houses now operating in this section, began business in the Northwest in this way. Four-fifths of the companies now composing the International Harvester Company began their operations in the Northwest through tlie Morse warehouses. At the present time, seventy- five to one hundred companies, foreign to this city, keep ex- tensive stocks of goods in these warehouses. Mr. Morse began with storage room for agricultural implements, and as the trade in tliem became established, he furnished space for stocks of groceries, hardware and other merchandise. Many manufacturers sent carloads of goods to his warehouses and then put agents in the field to sell them. When their trade was sufficiently developed, they established wholesale houses of their own in this city. Numbers of tlie companies which have large establishments in ilinneapolis now, were first in- duced b}- Mr. Morse to enter the trade territory of Minneapolis. In this way, a very large jobbing trade was started here, and the story of it is creditable alike to the city and the man who initiated the enterprise; and the enterprise, itself, fur- nishes strong proof of both his business capacity and his strong and intelligenf devotion to his home city and its residents. Willard W. Morse was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on July 5th, 1864. He is a son of Willard and Lydia (Whit- conib) Morse, natives of Sharon, Massachusetts and Newport, New Hampshire, who moved to Michigan in 1857 and to Minneapolis in 1882. The father was a merchant and soon after his arrival in this city started the Minneapolis Rubber Company, which continued in business five years. After the expiration of that period the elder Mr. Morse engaged in various lines of merchandising until his death in 1897. The mother is still living and makes her home in this city. They had two children, their son Willard W. and their daughter Minnie F., both of whom are residents of Minneapolis. The son obtained a high school education and started his business career in the employ of his father's rubber company. In 1886, in association with Harry B. Wood, also of Kalama- zoo, he started the Security Warehouse Company. The partnership lasted until 1894. when Mr. Wood moved to Cali- fornia, where he has ever since had his home, and since then Mr. Morse has been the sole proprietor and director of the business of the company. He owns his own warehouses, some fourteen in number, all located on North First Street and all supplied with trackage of the C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. Co. In 1886 there was but one warehouse and was located at No. 700 North First Street. This was the first general storage ware- house for merchandise ever opened in Minneapolis. Now the warehouses contain sixteen acres of floor space and the busi- n ss employs regularly about 100 persons, and in busy sea- s many more. dr. Morse has long taken an earnest interest and an active t in the organized social life of the community and all lertakings for its advancement and improvement as a mber of the St. Anthony Commercial Club and the Civic 1 Commerce Association. He does not, however, confine his )rts for the betterment of the city to the projects these anizations have in charge, but opens his hand freely and ploys his faculties industriously in behalf of all work for irovement, morally, mentally, socially and materially, and his efl'orts are guided by intelligence and inspired by a >ad and discriminating public spirit. On May 15th, 1888, Mr. Morse was united in marriage to 'iss Bertha F. Alden, of Minneapolis, a daughter of Albert M. Alden, a pioneer merchant here, who was in business in this city from 1864 to his death some ten years ago. Mts. Morse was born in Spring Valley, Fillmore County, Minnesota. She and her husband are the parents of four children, Wil- lard A., Guilford A., Mildred and Priscilla A. All the mem- bers of the family attend Plymouth Congregational church and are actively interested in the work of that organization. They are also esteemed throughout the community as enter- prising, progressive and serviceable members inspired and directed by lofty ideals of citizenship, and they richly deserve the universal regard and good will bestowed upon them. REV. .JOHN HOOPER. For many years in liis young manhood the voice of tliis now venerable minister of the gospel was literally that of "one crying in the wilderness," in appeals to men to "repent, believe and be born again." He came to this state as a pioneer Methodist Episcopal minister in 1855, and carried the message of salvation to men and women in their crude and lowly homes on the frontier, preaching wherever he could find a roof to cover him and his hearers, and under the blue canopy of heaven when no other covering was available. He is now (1914) eighty-six years of age, and during sixty-eight of the number, twice the average duration of human life, he was an active force in the Christian minisfry. Mr. Hooper was born in County Cornwall, England, on April 27, 1828. His parents emigrated to the United States when he was but three years old, and he was reared to the age of twenty in his native land by an uncle. When he was seven he began working in a tin mine at a wage of five shillings a month, boarding himself, and he continued his laborious and meagerly recompensed toil for thirteen years, but without much improvement in wages or conditions. At the age of fifteen he joined the Methodist Episcopal church, and two years later began preaching in humble quarters and the open fields, as was the custom of his class in England in those days. In 1848 he too came to this country and joined his parents in Cleveland, Ohio. One year later he moved to Grant county, Wisconsin, near the Illinois line, and there served as a supply preacher until he could join the conference of his denomination and become a regular circuit rider. In 1855 ho was sent to Minnesota on a mission, the whole territory now embraced in this state and Wisconsin then being under one organization. He was assigned to a mission at Caledonia, now the seat of government in Houston county, but then almost nothing but a name in the wilds. There was but one congregation organized in the locality at the time, but in the two years Mr. Hooper passed there he organized several others. There was also only one schoolhouse in his territory and he was obliged to preach often in private dwellings. For the purpose of securing a house for regular meetings he hewed timber in the woods and helped to put it together in the erection of a rude church. He also conducted camp meetings, being the only evangelical worker in the region, as other denominations had not yet begun their circuit work in that section of the state. Mr. Hooper attended the first Methodist Episcopal confer- ence in Minnesota. This was held at Red Wing in 1857, and presided over by Bishop Swift. The conference sent him to North Minneapolis, his circuit embracing all the territory for 366 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA many miles north of Bassett's creek, and he also had charge of the church interests at Harmony, now Richfield, and those at Brooklyn Center. He secured the nucleus of a congregation at each place, the number at the first being seven. Of this number only one, Mrs. Abisha Benson, of Minneapolis, is now living. There was not a school house or M. E. church building in his territory, and for about one year he preached and worked as best he could. At the end of the year he was transferred to Princeton, where there was a church edifice, and where he remained two years. His next appointment included Sauk Rapids, where there was a school house, and Little Falls, where there was a church. He next passed another year at Brooklyn Center and one more at Richfield, preaching tljree times every Sunday, attending to pastoral duties during the week, acting as local elder, and working on a farm he rented to provide a living for himself and his family. In the course of a short time Jlr. Hooper bought eiglity acres of land on what is now Pcnn avenue but then lying far beyond the boundary of the city. This land he transformed into a good farm, and when the city grew out to it laid out a part of what is now one of its main streets, Penn avenue already mentioned. The school house on that street stands on what was a part of his farm, and the bountiful crops which once enriched and beautified the rest of it have been succeeded by acres of solid masonry in which many varied industris are now housed and conducted, and by a multitude of homes in which prosperity and comfort abound. Rev. Mr. Hooper preached his last sermon three years ago. having been engaged in the ministry for sixty-eight years. He is now a member of the new Calvary church in this city. AVhen the general conference of the denomination to which he belongs met in Minneapolis in 1911, he was called before the conference as being probably the only charter member of the first Minnesota conference of the church who was then living. Mr. Hooper cast his first political vote for candidates of the Free Soil or Abolition party in Ohio. He afterward became a Republican and later a Prohibitionist. He has occupied his present residence sixteen years. On July 31, 1853, sixty years ago, he was united in marriage with Miss Mary M. Atkinson of Wisconsin. Four of the children born of their union are still living, one daughter, Ida M., being the wife of Edwin Peteler, as told in a sketch of his father. Colonel Francis Peteler, on other pages of tliis volume. The others are also residents of Minneapolis and, like their parents, the children all have and well deserve a strong hold on the regard and good will of the community in which they live. •TUDSON C. HinOIXS. Judson C. Higgins, until recently a leading grocer of Minne- apoli.s. has passed fifty-two years of his seventy-five in con- tributing to the advancement and welfare of the city. He was born in Benson. Rutland County, Vermont, November 21, 1838. His father was successively a farmer, a merchant, and a postmaster, and came to Minneapolis in 1860 and became associated with Daniel R. Barbee in the loan business. They borrowed money in the East at six per cent, investing it here on mortgage loans at five and even six per cent a month. He died here in 1867, aged sixty-five, in the old Elder Whitney home, on Fourth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. Judson C. Higgins came to Minneapolis in 1861. He had taught school in his native county and was accustomed to hard labor and simple living. He bought a wood saw and sawhorse, and during his fir^t winter in Minneapolis earned his living by sawing stove wood at sixty cents a cord. He was married in the East, March 24, 1861, to Miss Emeroy Knapp, and they started at once after marriage for their new home. Early in 1862 he bought a yoke of oxen and for several months engaged in teaming, buying other teams as his pa- tronage increased. He liauled freight from St. Paul, sup- plies to the lumber woods, etc. Early in the Indian outbreak of 1802 he volunteered to haul supplies for Capt. Richard Strout's company and 20 citizens that had been ordered to Meeker County. Nine teams were so engaged in hauling camp outfits and other necessaries. He was out for 30 days. He w-as in the fight with Little Crow's Indians near Acton, and when the whites retreated he, with his two horses, went to Hutchinson, i^i company with the troops. Before daylight that morning while in camp at Acton postoffice. Captain Strout had been warned by three white men that the Indians were in force near him and he at once started for Hutchinson. Two miles out the whites came upon the Indians in ambush in a wheat field, 150 in number. The savages, on horseback, attacked the party, attempting to surround it, but the whites charged them and escaped. The Indians followeer cent interest, to begin business. Mr. fileason decided to remain with the lumber firm, but Mr. Higgins opened the grocery under the name of Higgins & Gleason. according to announcements already made. The store was at No. 127 Washington avenue .south, in a locality recommended by Anthony Kelly. There were then five or six grocery stores in the city, but Mr. Higgins made the venture. He pur- chased the building, opened the store, and within the first year his business became so extensive that he was able to pay back the capital borrowed, employed four or five men and used three teams. At the end of four years he found himself $25,000 to the good financially, but with his health breaking down from overwork. He then sold the store to his clerks. In the meantime he had bought the adjoining building on the corner of Second and Washington Avenues, and had formed a partnership with E. S. Corser in the purchase of 300 or 400 acres of railroad land near Crookston. which they intended to farm. Tliev sent two carloads of horses and 1 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 367 other tilings needed to the land, erected buildings for a super- intendent, and took all other necessary steps to begin opera- tions, when Jlr. Higgins became Sick from drinking alkali water and retired from the undertaking, selling his interest to Mr. Corser and Lester B. Elwood, and returning to Minne- apolis. For some years thereafter he was engaged in the grocery trade and as a shoe dealer, a portion of the time with Robert Anderson. He finally sold his grocery establishment and bought Anderson's interest in the shoe store, which he con- ducted for some time, eventually turning it over to his son. the present proprietor. The senior Mr. Higgins still owns the two store buildings, and a number of other pieces of desirable property. He has lived in his present home at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Sxith Street thirty-two years, though it has recentl}' been leased for business purposes for a term of one hundred years. Since Mr. Higgins bought this property, in 1862, it has increased in value seven fold. In 1887 he paid $99,000 for his store property, a lot of 66 feet front with the same buildings on it that are now there, and borrowed a large part of the purchase money. This lot was bought in earlier yeara for $1,100. For himself and wife he is now building a resi- dence at 3624 Nicollet avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins had seven children: Lucy A. is the widow of the late Henry Waterman; Lottie E. married a Mr. Goden and died young; Chauncey, is in charge of the shoe department of the Donaldson store; Albert, J. is in the commission house of Gamble & Robinson ; Anna L. is the wife of Grant CoUender; Fannie L. died at the age of eleven; Beatrice M. is the wife of Charles B. Peteler. STEPHEN CROSBY HALL. Thirty-five years of active and useful existence in three states ending suddenly and tragically by accident, make up the life story of tlic late Stephen Crosby Hall, who was engaged in the lumber industry from early manhood, and became one of the most extensive operators during a fruitful business activity. He lived in Minneapolis only four years, but long before this he was as well known in its business circles as though here dwelling and operating. He was born in Penn Yan. New York, August 16, 1834. He met with a fatal accident August 3, 1888, while employed at his sawmill on the bank of the river. He made a misstep and fell a distance of about twenty-six feet striking Some timbers, thus ending an active career at the age of fifty- four years. He was the son of Deacon Jonathan and Anna (Whitaker) Hall, originally of Passaic, New Jersey. One of his sisters became the wife of Rev. Luther Littell, a prom- inent Presbyterian minister of Orange county, New Y'ork. In his youth he was much inclined to mathematics, and made a specialty of that branch of learning to become a civil engineer, a knowledge of which was of vast use a few years later when living in the wilds of Michigan. At nine- teen he was employed as a clerk in New Y'ork city, and two years later moved to Michigan, locating on White river in the great [linc forest. For a number of weeks he carried the mails to and from his locality in a carpet bag until a regular route was established and a postoffice selected. White- hall was chosen as the name, and it was formed by combin- ing the name of the river with that of Mr. Hall and his brother. It is now a city of some 2,000 inhabitants, and has become a widely popular resort, and was for some years the chosen home of the renowned Alexander Dowie. Mr. Hall was soon employed in surveying, in which he acquired an expert knowledge of timber and where the best of it was. About one year and a half later he erected a saw- mill, but which he soon sold. He acquired title to a 2,000- acre tract of land in what surveyors reported to be an im- passable marsh. This he drained and converted into one of the finest farms in Michigan, and which has in recent years been e.xchanged for valuable property in Minneapolis. In addition he soon began to acquire pine lands, making his own investigations, selections and surveys. While doing this he slept in the woods many nights, depending on fires to protect him from the wolves with which the forests abounded and which especially in winter were often ravenous. He then began extensive logging operations, having 1,500 acres of pine later increased to 300,000 near Houghton lake. By employing 300 to 300 men and one-third as many horses he was enabled to put 15,000,000 feet of logs into the lake in a single season. In the seventies he operated several sawmills, being asso- ciated with Thompson Bros. & Company, of Chicago, the output of the mills going largely to that city. The Steamer Stephen C. Hall, which he built at Grand Haven and which ■was engaged in this traffic, was named in his honor. He was president of the Bay State Lumber Company of Menom- inee, Michigan, and also of the S. C. Hall Lumber company, his Son-in-law, Thomas H. Shevlin, being its manager. His operations led him to buy Minnesota timber lands, interests which induced him financially to move to Minneapolis in 1884. Mr. Hall was for a time a partner with Colonel James Good- now in the North Star Lumber company; and, in 1886 the Hall & Ducey Lumber company was incorporated, he being the president and manager. This company became one of the largest operators in Minnesota, cutting regularly 40,000,- 000 feet of lumber and doing a business aggregating three- fourths of a million dollars annually. The Hall & Shevlin company, he being president, was organized in 1886, erect- ing a new mill with a capacity of 40,000,000 feet. In 1888 the pay roll of the two companies averaged $18,000 a month. Mr. Hall was a member of the Minneapolis Lumber Ex- change, which at his death showed its estimate by passing strong resolutions. Busy as he was, he made it his duty to take an active part in all projects designed to improve the community and promote the general welfare. He served as supervisor and county treasurer in Michigan, where he was also president of a Congregational church society and an ardent supporter of foreign missions, even going so far as to support a missionary in Japan at his own personal ex- pense. The Y'oung Men's Christian Association in Minne- apolis enlisted his most helpful interest, as did also West- minster Prebyterian church, and he was a liberal contributor to the needs of both, being especially so in the erection of the church edifice which stood on Nicollet avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets. As he was diffident and retiring, shrinking from public notice, knowledge of his charities and public benefactions became public only after his demise. On April 8tb, 1862, Mr. Hall married Miss Alice Clark, of Grand Haven, Mich. She is still a resident of Minneapolis; three of their four children are also living. Alice A., married Thomas H. Shevlin and died in 1910. Emma is the wife of 368 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HEXNEPIX COUNTY, MINNESOTA Charles A. Bennett, of Los Angelas, California. Hattie is tlie wife of Edwin Shevlin of Portland, Oregon; and Stephen A. Hall, who died in 1914. He married Miss Cecilia A. Kent. They had one child, Stephen A., Jr., the third generation of the name, a high school student. At the death of her husband Mrs. Hall assumed the heavy responsibility so suddenly thrust upon her, and taking upon lierself the management of his large interests, directed them with admirable judgment and ability. She gradually changed extensive outside holdings into Minneapolis properties, and has erected some very important buildings, including those at the corner of Nicollet avenue and Eleventh street and the corner of Hennepin avenue and Seventh street. The Colonial Realty company has been fonned to look after the various properties, she being its president and the owner of nearly all its stock. Earlier she was a zealous chur'ch woman and the prime mover in many important charities. She was also devoted to art, literature and social organizations. In later years, however, business responsibilities have over- shadowed the social, artistic and esthetic inclinations en- gendered by her education, culture and early environment, though still no really worthy cause is allowed to pass without some consideration from her. EDWlIi HAWLEY HEWITT. Edwin Hawley Hewitt of Minneapolis, one of the most widely known and most highly approved architects of the Northwest, has made his own way to success and prominence by arduous effort, close and analytical study, and a judiciou.^ use of all the means for the development of his art faculty which he has found or made available for his purposes. Mr. Hewitt was born in Red Wing, Minnesota, March 26, 1874, a son of Dr. Cliarles N. and Helen R. (Hawley) Hewitt. His father, a renowned physician and surgeon, was born in Vergennes, Addison County, Vermont, and was graduated, with the degree of A. B., from Hobart College, Geneva, New York, and with that of M. X>. from Albany Medical College. He served throughout the Civil War in the medical service of an engineer corps in the Union army, becoming chief of a division in the Army of the Potomac. After the close of the war Dr. Hewitt located in his pro- fession at Red Wing. He organized the first Minnesota State Board of Health and served as chief State Health Officer for 25 years. He was also for many years a member of the faculty of the University of Minnesota, and a lifelong asso- ciate and friend of its first President, Dr. William W. Folwell. Edwin Hewitt's grandfather was also a physician and sur- geon, and a graduate of Y'ale University, and he too served in the Civil War. The mother's father was a distinguished phy- sician of Ithaca, New Y'ork, and also a graduate of Yale. Edwin H. Hewitt received his early education from his father, who instructed him and directed his studies until he reached the age of fifteen. He then went to Potsdam, New York, where he studied two years. After his return to Red Wing he followed a course of study preparatory to entering Hobart College, his father's alma mater. He passed one year at Hobart, and in 1895 entered the sophomore class of the University of Minnesota, and from this institution he was graduated in 1890 with the degree of A. B. The next year he devoted to the stuiiv of architecture in tlie Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in which he was a member of the sophomore class. This gave enlargement and definiteness to the knowledge of his chosen profession which he had gained by previous study and practical work, during his vacations, in the office of Cass Gilbert, the eminent architect of St. Paul and New York. After completing his course in the Institute of Technology Mr. Hewitt worked in the offices of different architects from 1S98 to 1900. In April of the latter year he went to Paris to study in the "Ecole des Beaux Arts," the national school of architecture in France. He was admitted to this institu- tion on a competitive examination which placed him at the head of the list of foreign applicants and within one place of heading the whole list of students admitted. When he com- pleted his course in this school he stood second in a class of fifty students or more. Mr. Hewitt remained in Paris until 1904, when he returned to Minneapolis and opened offices for the practice of his pro- fession. While he was abroad, however, he made trips to England, Spain, Switzerland, and Italy for study. His first offices in Minneapolis were in the Lumber Exchange, but he found them inadequate and moved to larger rooms at 14 Fourth Street North. These met his requirements for eigh- teen months, and he then decided to build an office of his own for permanent use and erected the attractive and artistic office building which he now occupies at 716 Fourth Avenue South, and which is one of the architectural gems of the city. From the beginning of his career here Mr. Hewitt has had an extensive business and his work has all been of a high class. He designed the residences of Mrs. L. R. Brooks, on Mount Curve Avenue; and of E. J. Carpenter, T. B. .lanney, Robert Webb, and William Bovey. He also designed the city residence of Charles S. Pillsbury and his summer home at Lake Minnetonka, the McKnight Building, St. Mark's Church, the Thomas Hopewell Hospital, and the Loose Wiles Biscuit Factory. He is now (1914) at work on the Hennepin Avenue Jlethodist church and the Gateway Park. Mr. Hewitt was one of the prime movers in the efforts that resulted in the erection of the fine building for the Minne- apolis Museum of Arts, and he is an enthusiastic member of the Society of Fine Arts. He also belongs to the Minneapolis. Minikahda, and Lafayette Clubs, and tlie Cliff Dwellers Club of Chicago. He was married April 18, 1900, to Jliss Caroline C. Christian. They have one child, their son Charles C, who was born in Paris. A daughter named Helen died a number of years ago. The jiarents are members of St. Marks Epis- copal Church, and live at 126 East Franklin avenue. No residents of Minneapolis stand higlier in public esteem than they, and they are richly deserving of all the regard and good will bestowed upon them because of their high character, rare accomplishments, genial natures and genuine worth in every way. They embody the best attributes of elevated Minne- apolis citizenship and are among its most admired exponents. CHARLES SUIMNER HALE. As president of the Peteler Car company, Minneapolis, and through his connection of other large industries in this city Charles Sumner Hale lias been able to contribute largely and substantially to the growth of Minneapolis as a manufacturing center and the exi)aiision of the city's industrial and com- Y/i^m^ HISTORY OF MliNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 369 mercial power and usefulness, and he has made the most of his opportunities in this respect for the benefit of tlie city and all classes of its residents. Mr. Hale was born in Minneapolis on A])ril 1, 1870. and is a son of Jefferson M. and Louisa M. (Herriok) Hale. He was graduated from the high school in 1888 and from the academic department of the University of Minnesota in 1892. He then began his business career in the store of his father. Some time afterward he was associated for two years with the late Jesse G. Jones, and at the end of that period became con- nected with W. S. Hill in the lumber trade. In 1896 he was made secretary and treasurer of the Kettle River Quarries company, furnisher of building and paving material, with quarries at Sandstone, Minnesota. In 1904, in company with George W. Bestor, he organized the Kilgore Machine company, which soon afterward absorbed the Peteler Portable Railway Manufacturing company, and is now called the Peteler Car company and engaged in making cars for contractors and rail- roads. The old plant of the Peteler Car company embraces five acres, and the company also owns another site of twenty acres within the free switching zone at Como avenue and Belt Line. The new plant is located on that track and is the only commercial car plant in this state for standard car work. It has contracts with the Soo Line, the Minneapolis & St. Louis and the Chicago Great Western railroads covering the building of refrigerator cars, tank, box and flat cars and rebuilding and repairing old ones. Its employes number at times more than 300 and its pay roll exceeds $20,000 a month. In 1870 Francis Peteler founded the Peteler Portable Rail- way Manufacturing company, he having been the inventor of the first dump car used in railroad work. He erected the plant located at Thirtieth Avenue S. E. and the Northern Pacific tracks south east, and continued in charge of it until 1905, when the company was consolidated with the Kilgore Machine company and he retired from active connection with it. Since then the consolidated enterprise has been manufacturing additional lines of equipment for railroad work, and has built up a vci-y extensive business. Mr. Hale has also been president of the American Loco- motive Equipment company, of Chicago, and the Sandstone Land company, which owns the townsite and electric and water companies at Sandstone. He is a member of the Minneapolis and Minikahda clubs, the Chi Psi college fraternity and Plymouth Congregational church. On June 23, 1897, he was married at Mankato, Minnesota, to Miss Marjorie L. Patterson. They have one child, their son Sumner Patterson Hale. WILLIAM S. HUNT. He is the son of Dr. Henderson Hunt and Sarah Ann (Bar- low) Hunt and was born in the town of Delavan, Wisconsin, on May 1st, 1861. His mother's father, Stevan A. Barlow, was for two terms the attorney general for the state of Wisconsin. Another relative on his mother's side was .John W. Barlow who as an officer in the regular army held the rank of brigadier-general. Dr. Hunt, the father, was an old time family physician, of a type, unfortunately, which the specialist has driven out of fashion. He was not only the physician of the physical ills but also the healer of souls and the father confeesor of half the town of Delavan; William, his son, spent the years of his early youth and boyhood in Delavan and began his education in the local schools. When he was sixteen years of age the family moved to Beloit and he began the scientific course in Beloit College. From this college he graduated in 1880. He now determined to become an architect and went to Chicago to study. He put in three years of hard work there as a student and then entered the office of one of the most prominent of the Chicago architects as an office student. He came to Minneapolis in 1888 still considering himself a student. That same year he began an independent practice of his profession which he has continued successfully evei* since. It has been his good fortune to plan a great many of the large and beautiful buildings of the citj'. Mr. Hunt is a republican in politics although not seeking office and having little time for any special activity along political lines. He is interested in all civic matters and a student of civic conditions. He is a member of the Odd Fellows and a number of principal clubs of the city. He belongs to the Episcopal church. He married Miss Caroline Park Graves in 1885. She died seven years later. In May, 1906 he was married to Miss Barbara C. Maurer. They have uo children. ALONZO D. HOAR. Mr. Hoar was born in Meeker county, Minnesota, Septem- ber 1, 1864, being a son of David B. and Melissa (Bryant) Hoar, natives of Maine but married in Minneapolis. The mother came to Minnesota with her parents, in 1856, finding a new home near Montieello, in Wright county. David B. Hoar became a resident of Meeker county, in the fall of 1857, the next year taking a tract of government land from which he was driven by the Indians in 1862, his dwelling being burned. He then served in the militia aiding in reducing the savages to subjection. When their homes were destroyed the families fled to Montieello. Eleven of the men returned and collected the household effects, and on their way back to Montieello intentled to stop at a Mr. Coswell's. Four of them drove into this place and were immediately killed by Indians lying in con- cealment. The other seven escaped, one of whom, James Nelson of Litchfield, is still living. Mrs. Hoar was teaching school at the period of the out- break, and was warned of the impending danger by a mail carrier. But before she and the rest of the family could get away bands of Indians appeared in the neighborhood. As their house was destroyed and their crops ruined, they decided to go back East, and for two years and a half thereafter lived with Mr. Hoar's peojjle in New Brunswick. The}' then returned to their homestead of 280 acres in Meeker county, and there Mr. Hoar died in 1900 in his eighty-third year. Mrs. Hoar and some of the members of her family are still living on the homestead. She and her sister, Mrs. Lemming, are among the very few survivors of the Indian trouble in her vicinity. She and husband were the parents of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, ten of whom are living (1913) and of whom Alonzo D. and Irving are residents of Minneapolis. Alonzo came to this city in 1886, and for seven years was assistant engineer at the city water works. About 1893 he started his present transfer business with one 370 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA horse, doing all his own work. He now keeps sixteen horses and employs eight men with a constantly increasing business. Mr. Hoar's father took a warm interest in local public affairs and filled several local offices. In this respect the son has been like the father, having been interested in the progress and advancement of his community. In 1908 he was elected, alderman from tlie Tenth ward and served on the committees on good roads, public grounds and buildings, licenses, salaries, markets, and fire department. The goods roads committee of which he was a member did effective work in the way of bringing about a general improvement of the roads leading into the city. In fact, laid the foundation for all such improve- ments that have Since been made. November 12, 1890, Mr. Hoar married Miss Xettie Beach, daughter of John P. Beach, one of the pioneers of Northfield, who came from New York. Mrs. Hoar died in 1907, leaving three sons, Chester, Bryant and Gordon. The former is in the employ of a railroad company in St. Paul and Bryant is in the employ of Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. December 10, 1910, Jlr. Hoar was united with Miss Mina Grout, who was born and reared near Mankato, where her father was for years a member of the police force, and who died recently in Minneapolis. Mr. Hoar has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows from the age of twenty-one, and is on the charter roll of Highland Lodge, at Camden Place. He also belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Woodmen of the World. His re- ligious alliliation is with the Camden Place Methodist Episcopal church. PLEASANT M. STARNES. Pleasant Jl. Starnes is a stockholder and valued executive in coriiorations that are conducting extensive operations in the handling of timber lands and other properties on the Pacific coast, with specially large holdings in Northwest Canada. He maintains his residence and business headquarters in the city of Minneapolis, where he is vice-president and general man- ager of the American Timber Holding Company, besides which he is vice-president of the North American Timber Holding Company, the official headquarters of wliicli are in the city of Chicago. He was born in Hancock county, Illinois, on the 1st of January, 1S63, and is a son of Eldridge and Emily (Jenkins) Starnes, the former of whom was born in Tennessee and the latter in Ohio, their marriage having been solemnized in the state of Illinois, where the father Eldridge Starnes was a pioneer representative of the agricultural industry in Hancock county. He departed this life Feb. 3, 1914. and the mother on April 17, 1914. After long years of worthy and fruitful application, he maintained his home at Afton, Iowa, and both he and his wife commanded inviolable places in the confidence and high regard of all who knew them. Pleasant M. Starnes gain<'ii his initial experience in connec- tion with the work of the home farm and duly availed him- self of the advantages of the public schools of his native state, where he also attended a well ordered academy and thus effectively supplemented his earlier educational discipline. He finally went to the state of Iowa, and there he began the study of law under effective preceptorship. He later estab- lished his residence in Kansas, where he was admitted to the bar, and for several years thereafter he was there engawed in the successful practice of his profession. He maintained his residence for some time at Winfield and later in the city of Topeka, the capital of the state, and in the meanwhile he developed and matured the powers which have made him a force in the industrial world. He then moved to Iowa where he held the position of state manager for an insurance com- pany and later he there effected the organization of a life insurance company, of which he became president, an olhce of which he continued the efficient incumbent until the com- pany was consolidated with the National Life Insurance Com- pany of the V. S. A. in Chicago, ilr. Starnes showed great administrative and constructive ability during his identifica- tion with this important field of enterprise and developed a large and substantial business for the corporation. After its consolidation with the National Life Insurance Company he became president of the latter corporation, of which he con- tinued the executive head for two years. From the domain of life insurance M. Starnes withdrew to turn his attention to real-estate operations, particularly in the handling of timber lands and other realty in Western Canada and other parts of the west. In 1909 he came to Minneapolis and effected the organization of the American Timber Holding Company, and of this representative corpora- tion he is now vice-president and general manager, the com- pany having extensive and valuable holdings of timber lands^ in various localities on the Pacific coast as well as in th» Canadian northwest. He also was one of the organizers of the North American Timber Holding Company, of Cliicago, of which he is vice-president and a director and in which a num- ber of representative business men and capitalists of Minne- apolis and other places are likewise interested principals. Mr> Starnes is also vice-president and treasurer of the Western Finance Company, a director and executive of various other important corporations, in Minneapolis and the northwest.. He is a stockholder in leading financial institutions in Minne- apolis and is known as one of the representative men of affairs in this city. In politics Mr. Starnes gives his allegiance to the Repub- lican party and in his civic attitude he is essentially public- spirited. In his home city of Minneapolis he is identified with, the Minneapolis, the Athletic, the Minikahda, and the La- fayette Clubs and other representative organizations. In the year 1894 was solemnized the marriage of Jlr. Starnes to Miss Marie Lower, who, like himself, was born and reared in the state of Illinois. They have four children — Frederick E., who is in the office with his father; William U., who is assistant secretary of the North American Timber Holding Company, of Cliicago; and Louis H. and Mildred E.,. who remain at the parental home. WILLIAM PENROSE HALLOWELL. William Penrose Hallowell, a well known business man who is prominently identified with the commercial interests of Minneapolis as coal dealer and manufacturer, was born at Philadelphia, Pa., November 30. 1863, the Son of William P. and Elizabeth (Davis) Hallowell. He received the educational advantages of his native state in several of its well known institutions, attending Cheltenham academy, the Friends Central school and Swarthmore college. In 1883, he came to I HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 371 Minneapolis, joining his brothers, Morris L. and I. E. D. Hal- lowell, who had located here a few years previously. His first employment was as clerk in the Northwestern National bank. He then served in the same capacity with D. Morrison & Company, merchant millers. In 1888 he accepted a clerkship with the Northwestern Fuel company and since that time has continued to devote his attention to this business. Hu became a partner of the firm of H. W. Armstrong & Company, then resident manager for the Youghiogheney & Lehigh Coal company. In 1903 was secretary of the Holmes & McCaughy company, and in 1904 vice president and treasurer Holmes & Hallowell company, located at 401 First avenue, south, who operate wholesale and retail oflices in Minneapolis and St. Paul. He is also prominently connected with the Ramaley Boat com- pany as president in the manufacture of cruisers, auto boats, hydroplanes, racing sail boats and high grade row boats and canoes. Mr. Hallowell served for five 3'ears, 1883-88, in the state militia, as a member of Company I, First regiment. He holds membership in the Minneapolis, Minikahda, and La- fayette clubs and his personal affiliations are with the Repub- lican party. His marriage to Miss Agnes Hardenbergh, the daughter of Charles M. and Mary Lee Hardenbergh of Min- neapolis, was solemnized in St. Marks church, .June 5. 1888. Their only child, William Penrose Hallowell, Jr., died March 23, 1913, aged twenty-one years. EMANUEL GEORGE HALL. Mr. Hall is a native of the city of Bowmanville, province of Ontario, Canada, where his life began on August 13, 1865. The circumstances of the family made it necessary for him to begin earning his own living at an early age, and his opportunities for securing an education were therefore limited. In 1880, when he was fifteen years old, he came to Minneapolis with his parents, and soon afterward began learning the cigarmaker's trade in the factory of James Elwin, under whom he served an apprenticeship of four years. He then worked at the trade in several diff'erent states, until early in 1909, when he was appointed assistant State Labor Commissioner of this state under Labor Commissioner W. E. McEwen, during the last term of the late Governor Johnson. Mr. Hall filled this office with great credit to himself and satisfaction to all the interests involved for two years and four months, having direction of the factory and other inspectors during the whole of his tenure. He retired from tlie office in May, 1911, and in June of the same year was elected president of the State Federation of Labor by its annual convention in session in Mankato. In 1912 he was reelected by the convention which met in Brainerd, and in •Tune, 1913, was chosen a third time by the convention in St. Cloud. As president of the state central body of organized labor Mr. Hall is required to look after the interests of the labor unions and their members in all parts of the state. The State Federation of Labor embraces between 30,000 and 3,'j.OOO union workers, and reaches, in its work and uifluence, every locality in Minnesota sufficiently populous to maintain a labor union. The State Federation of Labor was organized in 1890 on a very small scale. It has made steady progress from the start, although it has had its seasons of depression, and is now a very strong, virile and energetic body. During the last two years one of the most difficult situations it has had to deal with was the strike of the street car employes in Duluth. Mr. Hall was on the battle ground continuously for seven weeks, using every honorable means, Avith the help of others, to bring about an adjustment of the differences between the men and their employers and bettering the conditions of labor for the workmen, and while the strike was not entirely successful, practically every condition asked for by the street ear men has been since conceded and is now enjoyed. Mr. Hall's devotion to the cause of organized labor and his ability in serving it have been recognized in a national, or more correctly speaking, an international way. He is the Sixth Vice President of the Cigarmakers' International Union, the supreme governing body of the craft for the United States, including their insular dependencies, and the Dominion of Canada. By virtue of this office he is a member of the General Executive Board of the International Union. He ia also the secretary-treasurer of the Northwestern Blue Label Conference, an interstate organization formed and maintained for the benefit of union cigarmakers in Minnesota and the Dakotas. In 1886, while Mr. Hall was working as a journeyman cigar- maker, he took an active part in the great fight for the eight-hour workday for his craft. The fight was won for the workers, and in fifteen years following the establishment of the eight-hour day for them the death rate from, tuberculosis among cigarmakers fell from 63 per cent to 25 per cent as compared with other industries, which is an enormous saving of human life since the number of persons engaged in making cigars and tobacco products is so large. This decrease is attributed entirely to organization and the eight-hour day. In his home city of Minneapolis Mr. Hall has been appointed on a committee of three to select a 'committee of fifteen to make an investigation within educational lines for the purpose of recommending to the Minneapolis Board of Education a plan of vocational training to be put in operation in the public schools of the city. On July 2, 1892, Mr. Hall was married in Fargo, North Dakota, to Miss Martha Strem, a native of Fertile, Polk county, Minnesota. They have six children, Gertrude, Ethel, Hazel, Milton, Chester and Irene. The head of the house belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Woodmen and the Order of Moose. His residence in Minneapolis is at No. 923 Third avenue north. THOMAS ASBURY HARRISON. Mr. Harrison was a very prominent citizen and business man of Minneapolis. He was the founder of the Security National Bank, in 1878, and its president thereafter until his death, in 1885. He was one of the original members of the lumber firm of J. Dean &. Company, organized in 1863, and which built the Atlantic & Pacific Mills, for many years the most extensive lumber mills of Minneapolis. He was for several years president of the State National Bank, a director in the First National Bank of St. Paul and in the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul and the St. Paul & Sioux City Railroads. In 1862 he and his brothers, Hugh and William Harrison, built Harrison's Hall at the junction of Nicollet and Washing- ton Avenues. The building was of stone and upon its con- 372 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA struction was the most imposing in the town. Mr. Harrison was born at Belleville, 111., December 18. 1811. In early life he was engaged in milling and operated both saw mills and flour mills. He came to Minneapolis in 1859, and died in 1885. In 1839 he married Rebecca M. Green and she died in Minneapolis, February 13, 1884, in her 64th year. They had five children, two of whom— Mrs. S. H. Knight and Mrs. Dr. E. B. Zier — now reside in Minneapolis. PAUL D. BOUTELL. Since writing the following Mr. Boutell w;as called to the life eternal on May 26, 1914. To no part of the population it has gained from other sections of the country is the Northwest more indebted than to that which it has secured from New England. Tlie persons who have come here from that section have brought with them the industry, frugality and all-conquering ingenuity which have combined to make its residents renowned through- out the civilized world, and having ready to their hands great wealth of natural resources, however difficult of development, have gloriously helped to work out the results of application, genius and persistency wliich have made Minneapolis wonder- ful for the extent and rapidity of its growth and advancement. One of the admirable specimens of the strong and resource- ful New England character was P. D. Boutell, for more than a generation of human life one of the leading merchants and business men of the city, and also one of its most elevated and influential citizens. He was well advanced in years and retired from all active pursuits when the end came on May 26, 1914. His record as a worker was practically made up and closed. There was little more for him in reputation, in achievement or in business profits to look forward to. But the retrospect of his career, however unsatisfactory it may have been to himself, is full of suggestiveness and sources of admir- ation for his friends and all others who know what he had done and how true he had been to every command of duty. Mr. Boutell was bom at Bakersfield, a little interior town in Franklin county, Vermont, on .Ian. 3, 1837, and was reared on a farm, obtaining his scholastic training in the country school in the neighborhood of his home. He began his business career in the leather business in Massachusetts, remaining not far from his native heath and amid the civic, social and industrial associations of his nativity until he reached the age of thirty-four years. He prospered in his business and stood well in his community. But there was within him a longing for larger opportunities and a freer air, and the great Nortliwest seemed to offer him all he desired in this respect. His own section of country was not lagging beliind or losinj; ground. It was keeping pace witli the nuirch of events in its way. But the great sweep of advancement seemi'd to be in the regions which bask in the arms of (lie -Mississippi and the Missouri, and he was irresistil>ly inii)elk>d to be in it and a part of it. When his pas'sion for the West became a ruling one he yielded to it, and in 1871 came to Minneaimlis. after being in business three years in St. Paul. Soon after his arrival in this city he founded the large furniture business whicli i^< now carried on by his sons, Walter D. and William T. He conducted this business and other mercantile enterprises until 1907, when he retired, turning the management of the under- takings he had started over to his sons. Before coming to this city he was a member of the firm of Nelson, Eiee & Boutell, tanners on an extensive scale in Worcester, Massa- chusetts. His connection with that firm gave him a wide and accurate knowledge of business, and he lost none of the lessons which the hard but thorough taskmaster, Experience, set for him. When he located in this state to start an enterprise of his own, therefore, Mr. Boutell was well prepared tor the project he had in mind. And he was by no means deterred or daunted by the magnitude of the undertaking, or even much dispirited by the uncertain state of his health, which had drivep him from the bleak and humid climate of New England to the more salubrious one of this region, severe as it often is in winter. He arrived in St. Paul in 1868, and at once became a member of the firm of Coon, Boutell & Company, wholesale dealers in hardware. After moving to Minneapolis from St. Paul he passed three or four years in the hardware trade as a retailer, then, in 1875, opened a small retail furniture store, which was the beginning of the vast business his establishment now does in its six story building at the corner of 1st Avenue South and Fifth Street, which is 165 by 140 feet in dimensions. Mr. Boutell was married in Massachusetts on Sept. 12. 1863, to Miss Maria C. Wellington. They have three sons and one daughter living. The daughter is now the wife of J. H. Reuttell. The father was a Republican in political faith and allegiance, but he never was an active partisan. But served on Governor Van Sant's staff with rank of colonel. His business ability and high character were recognized, however, by his appointment on the city park board, of which he had been a member for six years. In fraternal circles he was connected with the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He was presi- dent of the Elks' Building association, which had charge of the erection of the new Elks' Temple in the city. He was also president of the Indemnity Life and Accident association. In religious affiliation he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and for many years he served as president of the board of directors of the Asbury hospital, to the interests of which he gave a great deal of time and attention, seeing that its affairs were properly cared for and made to result in the largest possible good to the beneficiaries of the institu- tion. Mr. Boutell was one of the best known and most highly esteemed residents of Minneapolis and deserved to be. CHARLES A. HOHAG. Mr. Hohag has been a resident of Minnesota since his boy- hood and is a member of one of the sterling pioneer families. Ho was born in Prus.sia. (m the 10th of August. 1848, and is a son of William and Dorothea (Henchel) Hohag. He was about fen yeai-s of age when, in 1858, he accompanied his ]iarents on their immigration to America, and his father established a home at St. Anthony, where he engaged in the work of his trade, that of carpenter. He became one of the successful contractors and builders of Slinneapolis and here his death occurred in June, 1884. at which time he was sixty-eight yeara of age. His widow survived him by a dec- ade and was seventv years of age when she died. Of the c/7 ^ , /(j cr-^-^-^^^^t^^^' HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 373 children, the subject of this review is the only survivor, Wil- liam and Anna having died, of consumption, when in middle life. Charles A. Hohag gained his rudimentary education in the schools of his native land and thereafter attended school in Minnesota. When eighteen years of ago Mr. Hohag went to the home of his maternal grandparents. He assumed virtual charge of the farm, and during the winter terms attended school at Parker Lake. Two years after he thus assumed the work of the farm his grandmother died, and thereafter he and his venerable grandfatlier kept house at the old homestead for two years. A radical change was then made, as Mr. Hohag. in 1871. took unto himself a wife and devoted helpmeet, in the person of Miss Emily Moser, daugh- ter of the late Karl and Margaret Moser, who were natives of Germany and who came from Detroit, Michigan, to Minne- sota, in 1854, Mr. MoSer entering a preemption claim to a tract of wild land in Golden Valley township, where he reclaimed a valuable farm. He was a millwright by trade and assisted in the erection of the first grist mill at St. Anthonj' Falls. He continued to reside in Golden Valley but became a successful contractor and builder in Minneapolis. Mis. Hohag was born in Germany, in 1847. Mr. Hohag early gave evidence of his public-spirited inter- est in local affairs, and a few years after establishing his residence on his present farm he was elected treasurer of the school district, a position of which he continued the incum- bent about ten years. In 1879 he was elected township super- visor, and in this important office he served for thirty con- secutive years, during twenty of which he was chairman of the town board of supervisors. When the village of Rich- field was incorporated, in 1907, he was elected its first president and in this office he 'continued to .serve during the first year of his incumbency of the position of superintendent of the county farm and infirmary. He made an admirable record as a member of the board of supervisors. In 1900 Mr. Hohag was a candidate in the first Republican primaries in Hennepin county for the office of county commissioner, but was defeated, as was he also in the contest four years later, after having made an excellent showing at the polls and having been defeated by a small majority on each occasion. In 1909 he was appointed to his present respon- sible office, that of superintendent of the county farm, and his able administration has been signally fortified by the eff'ective co-operation of his wife. In politics Mr. Hohag has never wavered in his allegiance save on the one occasion when he supported Grover Cleve- land for the presidency. Both he and his wife are zealous members of the Third Christian Science church in Minneapolis and both have a wide circle of friends in Hennepin county. They had seven sons, concerning whom brief record is made in conclusion of this sketch: Arthur owns an adjoining farm in Richfield; Walter, who held an office position in con- nection with the construction of the Panama canal, for a period of four years, is now identified with railroad operations in British Columbia; Augustus is a large farmer, his farm also adjoining the old home, Richfield; Herman died at the age of twenty-four; Frederick likewise owns a farm in Richfield; .John is in charge of the old homestead; and Cleve- land Henry, who was named in honor of President Cleveland, resides at Seattle. Washington, where he is engaged in the fniit and produce commission business. JOHN HARVEY HORTON. The late John Harvey Horton, who is well remembered in Jlinneapolis for his activity in the lumber trade in the early years and still better for his skill and artistic taste as a house decorator, was born at Chazy, Clinton county. New York, in 1828. His father was a lawyer, farmer and merchant, and his mother was a Beach, a member of which family was one of the distinguished lawyers connected with the trial of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. At the age of twenty-one .John H. Horton became one of the great host of "Forty-niners" who crossed the plains in search of gold. He remained in California several yeai'S, and on his return to the East found that his father was dead and that his mother and two brothers had come to Slinneapolis. He followed them in the spring of 1856, thenceforth making it his home and the scene of his subsequent activities. The two brothers were Milon and Myron, twins. Milon was a grocer and Myron a druggist on Second avenue south, the then business center. Milon died in the service of the Union during the Civil war and Myron returned to Malone, New Y'ork. The mother died in Minneapolis, and a daughter, Zerviah, became a homeopathic physician who enjoyed a large practice among the women, continuing her professional serv- ice until her death in 1893. after thirty-seven years of active practice. She was one of the earliest homeopathic physicians in the city, being preceded only by Dr. Hatch and Dr. Higby. .John H. Horton was engaged in lumbering for a number of years. He then turned to house decorating, in which work he is best and most favorably remembered. He became an expert, his services being in demand, the best homes receiving final decorations from his hand. His own first home here was at the corner of Nicollet avenue and Ninth street, and when he and wife built on that site there was but one other house within the range of vision. Later they built a new home on Diamond lake just south of the city. Mr. Horton's death occiu'red in April, 1893. In politics he was a Democrat of the old school and a zeal- ous worker for the success of his party, although never an office seeker. In religious affiliation he was a Methodist, and a liberal supporter of the church. He was accounted a skill- ful Sportsman, being companion of T. B. Walker in deer hunt- ing trips. He was also a great lover of fine horses and enjoyed driving in contests of speed on the street and on the Lake of the Isles. He was married in 1857 to Miss Helen J. Scrimgeour. a daughter of E. J. and Mary (Morrison) Scrimgeour, whose mention is found on another page. Six children were born to them. Florence Isabel is the wife of L. E. Kelley of Minne- apolis. Addie S. is the wife of George Colton, and for twenty- three years has resided at Yokohama, Japan, where Mr. Colton is an importer of merchandise, but whither he first went as resident buyer for a New Y'ork mercantile firm. Mrs. Colton is acfive in the work of the Union church in Yokohama. Helen Morrison is the wife of Arthur E. Hammond, dealer in farm loans and farm lands. For some years he was in with the Kelly loan office, having come from Vermont to Minneapolis in 1881. Mary Louise and Jessie Phoebe died in childhood. .James Harvey Horton, the only son, is a farmer at Backus, in Cass county. Mrs. Horton is a charter member of the old Heiincpiii .\venue Methoilist Episcopal church, and one of the two or three survivors of the seventy-two who made up the 374 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MfXNESOTA first congregation. She was active in church work until affected by age and infirmities. She has made three visits to Japan, passing four years in that country. With a quick wit, a habit of close observation, a memory that is richly stored with incidents and events of pioneer life, and a cordial, genial manner in social intercourse, she is an agreeable companion and popular among the many who know her. She makes her home with her youngest daughter, Mrs. Hammond, whose four sons, Arthur Horton, Lawrence Darwin, Wray Ells- worth and John Morrison, are sources of great companion- ship and comfort to their grandmother, as are the con- siderate attentions she receives from her large circle of ad- miring friends and acquaintances. JOHN R. HUGHES. The late .John R. Hughes, who passed the last two years of his life in Minneapolis, and died in this city on April 26, 1913, was one of the earliest settlers at Gettysburg, South Dakota, and during his residence in the town one of its most important, useful and valued citizens. Mr. Hughes was born at Lewiston, state of New York, on December 28, 1866, the son of Hugh R. and Margaret Hughes. He passed his boyhood at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and obtained his education in the schools of that state, finishing at one of its State Normal Schools, at which he pursued a special course of training for the profession of a teacher. He followed this profession for a sliort time, but soon yielded to an increasing longing for a newer and more unsettled region, and in 1884, took up his residence at Gettysburg, South Dakota, almost at the beginning of its history, and while its possibilities were as yet wholly undeveloped, but full of promise for men of nerve like him. On locating at his new home Mr. Hughes started a bank there. He was familiar with the banking business, having had experience in it at Emmittsburg, Iowa, for a number of years. His bank proved to be a great convenience and advantage to the people around him, and a fruitful means of assistance in building up the community and providing for its growing needs. He managed it with skill and judgment, and in such a manner as to make it of great service to the public and very profitable to himself. He also dealt exten- sively in land in South Dakota, and had interests in other banks besides the one he owned and conducted at Gettysburg. He was therefore of considerable importance in the develop- ment of the new country in which he was located, and he supported with ardor all undertakings having this in view, and originated many of them himself. Failing health caused him to retire to some extent from active pursuits, and in 1910 he temporarily changed his residence to Minneapolis, locating in this city on June 9, on account of medical assistance and making his home -in the Lake Harriet section of the metropolis which had his warm admiration. While living there he assisted in organizing the Lake Harriet Commercial club. This made him friends here, and in seeking his co-operation in furtherance of other projects of value they always found him genial, obliging, liberal and highly intelligent in his views as to what would constitute judicious improvements. Before leaving South Dakota Mr. Hughes served as a member of its legislature, and for a number of years was president of the South Dakota Bankers Association. He attended the conventions of this association and made many strong and illuminating addresses before them. He also attended bankers and other conventions in other states, and always took an active part in the proceedings of any gather- ing of which he was a part. By appointment of the governor he also served as a member of the board of directors of the State Orphan Asylum at Sioux Falls for some years. Mr. Hughes was always ready to do all he could to aid in promoting any worthy enterprise. He took a cordial interest' in the fraternal life of the country as a Freemason of high degree, and in social alliances, through his active membership in many clubs and other organizations. Nothing was foreign to him that was human, and everybody who came in touch with him felt the quickening inliuence of his strong mentality,! wealth of general information and companionable disposition.; Mr. Hughes was married in Wiconsin in 1892 to Miss Mary. J. Williams. Two children were born of their union: Lucille, who is a graduate of the West High School in the class of 1913, and Harold, who is now (1914) a high school student. The wife is very active in connection with the affairs of the Gettysburg Literary club, and in 1912 was the secretary of the State Federation of Clubs, and a delegate to its conven- tion in 1913, and is now secretary of the Ramblers Literary club. The father's usefulness was cut short by his early death at the age of fifty-six on April 26, 1912, and the event was universally mourned throughout South Dakota, in Min- neapolis and in all other places where the people had knowl- edge of the genuine worth and conspicuous usefulness of the life which then closed. MOSES P. HAYES. Living now retired from all active pursuits, and serene in the enjoyment of the rest he has well earned by many trials and triumphs in business in his long and active career, and by his arduous labors in conducting a variety of useful enter- prises at different places and in different lines of industrial and mercantile endeavor, Moses P. Hayes enjoys the respect of all classes of the people of this city, and the cordial regard of all who know him well and associate with him intimately. He was an early settler in St. Anthony, as East Minneapolis was called when he located here, and if he did not assist at the birth of the new metropolis at the head of the Mississippi, he was at least one of the guides and guardians of its l)oy- hood, to personify the place, and a wise and helpful aid to its growth and development. Mr. Hayes, whose liomc is now at 525 University avenue, was born at Limerick, Miiine, on December 6, 1829. The circumstances of his parents compelled him to begin caring for himself at an early age, and the self-reliance thus taught him has been a valuable asset through all his subsequent years. As a boy he went to work in a butcher shop in Brighton, Mass., at a wage of $150 a year. He proved capable, industrious and attentive to the interest of his employers to such an extent that his pay was raised to $200 for the second year, and to $300 for the third year. After that he received $600 a year as long as he continued to work for the employers with whom he began his career; becoming head butcher. By the time he reached the age of twenty-five years he had accumulated $1,000 by fnigality and good management, and with that as active, ready and responsive capital to HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 375 begin any new venture he might wish to make in business, he came to St. Anthony, arriving in October, 1854. Albert Stimson of Stillwater had married his sister, and Mr. Hayes accompanied them to their home in wliat was then the far West. Albert Stimson's cousin Charles had come to St. Anthony in 1850, and was engaged in the lumber trade here. About 1857 he erected the big mill on the island, but the undertaking proved disastrous. He is still living, now past ninety years of age, and has his home at Elk River. Mr. Hayes, in association with Charles Stimson and his brother Daniel, built a butcher shop, Mr. Hayes assuming the management of it, and engaged in supplying the local market with meat. The shop was located on Second avenue just off Main street, and for a number of years the firm had an extensive local trade. In the course of time Charles Stimson withdrew from the firm, and some time afterward Daniel sold his interest in it and moved to Oregon. Harman Martin tlien became a partner of Mr. Hayes. The butchering business was not to Mr. Martin's taste, and he induced Mr. Hayes to join him in the purchase of a foundry and machine shop at Belle Plaine. This they moved to St. Anthony at once, locating it near First avenue and the river bank. Here they manufactured flour and saw mill machinery, and while neithsr of them had had any previous experience in the industry, they made their undertaking successful and built up an extensive and profitable business in it. Mr. Martin in time sold his interest in the establishment to C. R. Bushnell, and the business continued to prosper and grow until the plant was destroyed by fire in 1879. The loss of patterns by the fire was great, and other difficulties were in the way of going on in the industry, and so the firm determined to abandon it and not rebuild the plant. More- over, other persons had started in the business, and the competition promised to be keen. Altogether, the conditions did not look promising and the machine shop was given up for other engagements. In company with the late Senator W. D. Washburn and Capt. .John Martin, Mr. Hayes built a lot of grain elevators on the line of the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad, locating one at nearly every station from Albert Lea to Rritt, Iowa. Mr. Hayes took charge of the construction o'f these elevators and afterward of the operation of them, buying grain for the mills at Minneapolis for eight or nine years. At the end (if that period the elevators were sold, and Mr. Hayes then joined Mr. Grinnell and Mr. Jordan in putting up a cold storage jdant. This was not a success financially. Mr. Hayes lost .$1,500 in interest and $3,000 he had loaned on the business. But he was gamp and not to be deterred by disaster. His next venture was an investment of $25,000 in the stock of a school furniture company. This proved more disastrous than the cold storage enterprise. Mr. Hayes not only lost his investment in the stock of the company, but was forced to pay notes he had indorsed to secure funds with which to carry on the business. This company has since been placed on a paying basis, but he is no longer connected with it. In company with Thomas F. Andrews Mr. Hayes erected an important business block on Bridge Square. This invest- ment has been profitable, as has his purchase of stock in the First National Bank, which he acquired when the bank was started. In politics he has ever been a firm and loyal Republican, but has never sought or desired a political office. He was made a Freemason in 1864, in Cataract Lodge, and he also belongs to the Royal Arch Chapter, the Council of Royal and Select Masters and the Commandery of Knights Templar in the Masonic fraternity. For more than si.xty years he has been a liberal contributor to the Congregational church. On June 17, 1855, Mr. Hayes was married at Limerick, Maine, to Miss Elizabeth Stimson, a sister "of Charles Stimson. When he came to St. Anthony this lady was one of the party, she coming out here to visit her brother. She died on October 10, 1900, after a residence in Minneapolis covering forty-six years. Of the four children born of the union all are living. They are: Nellie, the wife of W. E. Chamberlain, a jeweler in Great Falls, Montana; Carrie, the wife of T. J. Dansenberg; Emma, the widow of a Mr. Arthur N. Monroe, who is living with her father, and Frank M., who is also living at home. ADAM HORNUNG. The late Adam Hornung, who died in San Diego, Cal., on March 30, 1913, aged sixty-three, after a residence in this city of nearly thirty years, gave the community in which he lived and labored on this side of the Atlantic a striking example of German thrift, frugality, and business capacity. Mr. Hornung was born in the busy commercial city of Mainz in the province of Hesse, Germany, on January 28, 1849. For a number of years he passed his winters in California, and in San Diego, that state, he obeyed Nature's last call on March 30, 1912. His remains were brought to Minneapolis for interment, and they now rest in Lakewood cemetery in this city. Germany gave him birth and Minneapolis burial; and in his active and useful life he reflected great credit on both. He was reared and educated in his native land, and according to the requirements there served his term in the army. His period of service covered the Franco-German war of 1870 and 1871. He took an active part in the short but decisive contest, and was called on to undergo many hardships and privations in doing so. He faced death in a number of battles of the war, but escaped unharmed, and at the close of the struggle returned to his former occupation of jeweler. In the meantime Mr. Hornung's fatlier had come to the United States and located in Cleveland, Ohio. He Sent for his two sons, Adam and Vincent, and they joined him in Cleveland, where they also had a sister living. Vincent, his sister and their father remained in the Ohio lake metropolis, and Vincent died there in 1913. Adam, however, came on to Chicago, where he engaged in dyeing and cleaning, carrying on a profitable business and growing into extensive favor with the residents of the city. In 1875 he was married in Chicago to Mrs. Mary Penning, who was born in the grand duchy of Luxemburg, but reared in Paris, her parents being French. She came to Cliicago a widow, with two children, but was married soon after her arrival in that city to Mr. Hornung. After tlioir marriage the couple rcniniiicd in Chicago for about eight years. In 1883 tlu\v cliiuigcd their residence to Minneapolis, and here Mr. Hornung bought the dyeing and cleaning plant of a Mr. M.ver on Bridge Square. He continued the business until his retirement from all active pursiiits in 376 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1902, and it is now conducted under the firm name of Gross Bros. The main establishment, while Mr. Hornung owed the business, was at Tenth avenue and Fifth street, but he had a branch on Cedar avenue, one on the East Side and one in St. Paul. The business proved to be very profitable and grew to great magnitude, ilr. Honning's returns from it enabled him to invest heavily in real estate and pass his winters in California, where tlie climate was more congenial to his health than were the wnters here. His wife died in 1903. She was about to start for California, but her fatal malady attacked her in this city, and here her life ended. Mr. Hornung became a citizen as soon as he could after com- ing to this country, and to the end of his career always took a warm and helpful interest in the institutions, aims, industries and public affairs of his adopted land. He was a devout and zealous member of the Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, of which the present Archbishop Kane was the pastor for many years. He was also interested in athletic pursuits and belonged to the German Harmonia Society. By his marriage Mr. Hornung became the father of two children, Catherine Laura and Elsie L. The latter died at the age of twenty years. Mrs. Hornung had two daughtcre by her first marriage. Elizabeth became the wife of A. R. Brandt of Chicago, where she died at the age of thirty-three. Margaret, the other daughter, is now the wife of P. J. Thielen of Minneapolis. Their mother was a lady of fine business capacity, and she took an a'ctive and very helpful interest in all the affairs of her hus- band. She possessed great force of character and was highly educated, being particularly an accomplished linguist and able to read, write and converse with fluency and accuracy in the French. German and English languages, and having an inti- mate knowledge of the best literature in each. She was also a lady of social culture and refinement, and made a pleasant and lasting impression on everybody with whom she came in contact. Like her husband, she is remembered in Minneapolis with admiring regard, and the foi'ce of her elevating and stim- ulating example is still serviceably felt in the city of her long residence, as is that of her husband's influence. A. W. HAEPEE. Arthur W. Harper, organizer and president of the Min- neapolis State Bank, has been prominently identified with that institution since its incorporation September 28. I'.ilis. In January of that year he came to Minneapolis. The bank was organized with a capital of $25,000. which in 1912 was increased to $30,000. Its deposits are nearly $.i00.000, and it has a surplus of $20,000. Mr. Harper became cashier and Roy Quimby vice-president. Fred M. Powers was the first president and was succeeded bj' B. W. Smith. Mr. Harper was elected in 1911, after three years of service as cashier. A. W. Harper and L. M. Chamberlain became vice-presidents. Mr. Harper was born at Owatonna, Minn., where his father, L. T. Harper had come from Moline. 111., in 1868. He was the first manufacturer of foi'ce pumps in the State, having his factory at Owatonna. The grasshopper years in Min- nesota so discouraged him that he removed to Minnehaha county. South Dakota, where he took up a homestead eighteen miles north of Sioux Falls. He continued there and at Parker, South Dakota, with the exception of a few years spent in California, until his death. Arthur Harper accom- panied his father to South Dakota and his boyhood was largely passed on the homestead. At nineteen he secured a position in a bank, and in six years had advanced to the position of manager. Previous to coming to Minneapolis, in 1908, he had already organized three banks in South Dakota. He is secretary and treasurer of the Bankers' Security company, which has a paid up capital in excess of $100,000. E. E. Merrill is president of this company, which is closely allied with the Minneapolis State bank, handling stocks, loans and real estate, and owns the controlling interest in several other corporations. Aside from his banking interests Mr. Harper is identified with the Brownton (Minn.) State Bank, and in other corporations. He is a member of the West Side Commercial club and the Calhoun Commercial club, and is a trustee in the First Baptist Church. He was married in South Dakota to Miss Stella Near. They have two children, Alzo and Keith. WILLIAM CHANDLER JOHXSON. William Chandler .Johnson, secretary and treasurer of the Northwestern Casket Company, was born in St. Anthony November 1, 1856, being a Son of Luther G. and Cornelia E. (Morrill) Johnson. The father was a native of New Hamp- shire, settling at St. Anthony Falls in 1853. He was one of the pioneer merchants and helped lay the foundations of the city and its trade, giving even then an illustration of the spirit of broad and compiehensive enterprise that was to dis- tinguish the future business center. Judge E. M. Johnson, whose biography and portrait are in this work, was another son. William C. .Johnson attended the public Schools of St. Anthony and Minneapolis and for three years the State Uni- versity. After acquiring a knowledge of merchandising in his father's store he went to Duluth in the employ of the Duluth Iron company. He was for a time cashier in a wholesale flour house in New York city, and spent one year with the Minne- apolis Harvester company. In 1887 he became secretary and treasurer of the Northwestern Casket Company, since then being one of the prominent manufacturers and has taken an active part in local development and improvement, as in organized social life. For many years he has been a director of the East Side State Bank and is a member of the St. Anthony Commercial club, the Civic and Commerce Association and the Lafayette club. In 1891 he married Mrs. Blanche (Gilbert) McCall. WM. S. HEWITT. Wm. S. Hewitt, head of the Security Bridge Company, although comparatively young in years is a veteran in bridge construction. Bom in 1864, he entered the business which became his life work in 1887, and his name is now identified, after a shade more than a quarter of a century, with some of the largest highway bridge structures between the Great Lakes and the Pacific Coast. Mr. Hewitt was born in Maine, Oct. 27, 1864, and it was in that state, famous for its educational institutions, where he HISTORY OF MLNxNEAPOLIS AND HllNNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 377 obtained the foundations of his now technical education. He went througli tlie common schools, the high school, and the normal school. When he was only 23 years old he engaged in business in Minneapolis, associating himself with an uncle, S. M. Hewitt, who had himself gone into the bridge business in 1880. Great possibilities loomed before the young man; it was an attractive profession, and he rapidly proved his fitness. In the years that followed, Mr. Hewitt gained a remarkably varied experience, coming in contact with every phase of the work. In 1897 the firm of W. S. Hewitt and Company was organ- ized. It was incorporated in 1911, as the Security Bi'idge Company, with an authorized capital stock of $250,000, and at once became a factor to be reckoned with in the strongly competitive field of Northwestern bridge contracting. Its specialty was highway bridges, but it built all kinds of bridge structures, in iron, steel, and concrete. Minneapolis was made its headquarters, and branch offices were also established in Billings, Montana, and in Lewiston, Idaho. It does a business nearly $750,000 annually and employs, in its construction work over the great Northwest, more than 300 men. W. S. Hewitt was the first president of the com- pany, and continued in that position until 1913, when his nephew, A. L. Hewitt, was made president and placed in charge of the Billings offices, while the uncle continued in Minneapolis, as vice president and treasurer. Mr. Hewitt was married in 1891 to Miss Helen Obert. Tliey have a family of five children: Maurice, a student in the Engineering Department of the University of Minnesota; Agnes, wife of E. H. Carvill, of Montana; Harold, Pauline, and Elizabeth. The family home is a handsome residence at 4602 Dupont Avenue South, in the beautiful Lynnhurst region. Mr. Hewitt is a member of the New Athletic club of Min- neapolis, and also is a member of Hennepin Lodge No. 19, A. F. & A. M. ANTHONY W. INGENHUTT. Anthony W. Ingenhutt was born in Northeast Minneapolis September 34, 1886, and is a son of Joseph and JIary (Keat- ing) Ingenhutt, the former a native of Gladbach, Germany. They were married in Minneapolis in 1877, and here the mother died October 30, 1908. In 1863 the father came to Minneapolis at fifteen years of age with his parents, William and Mary Gertrude (Geopkins) Ingenhutt, who bought the farm, then containing sixty-seven acres, of Edward Bacli, the first postmaster of St. Anthonj^. It had half a mile of river frontage, a good dwelling house and other improve- ments, and was then considered one of the most desirable residence sites near the city. The price paid was $1,600, a large one for the period, but lie reckoned tliat tlie city would grow to it eventually. The limit then was Eighteenth avenue north, and the farm being at what is now Marshall street and Twenty-ninth avenue, and the city limits extending to Thirty-seventh avenue, his expectation has been fully real- ized. Since then fifty-five acres have been added and part of the tract bordering the river has been leased and is occu- pied by the Northland Pine Company. William Ingenhutt died in 1872. His widow survives, and on March 20, 1914, celebrated the one hundredtli anniversary of her birth. She is active and energetic, and even at her advanced age, continues to do her own housework. They were the parents of five cliildren, Joseph, John, Anthony, Mary and Theresa. John, Antliony and Theresa are still living at home with their mother. Joseph, the father of Anthony W., died a number of years ago, and Mary M. is the wife of John Reiners of this city. The family has been parishioners of St. Boniface Catliolie church for more than fifty years. Joseph Ingenliutt helped to manage his father's farm, dairy and butchering business until the age of twenty-one, then becoming a cement sidewalk and paving contractor. For a number of years he was councilman from the First ward and was accorded the cognomen of "Honest Joe" because of his unflinching integrity and unselfish devotion to the general welfare. He had clear and practical ideas, and with con- vincing argument exerted an influence in securing better- ments. He was a stanch Democrat, but was free from party bias in matters affecting the improvement of the city, and rendered excellent service for several years as a member of the park board. He reared a family of three sons and one daughter. Gertrude E. is living with her grandmother. John J. is vice president of the Northeast Feed Mill companj', and Thomas S. is a grain merchant. Anthony W. Ingenhutt, the other son and the third born, obtained his education in the public schools, at St. Boniface Catholic school, of which he is a graduate, and at La Salle Institute, conducted by the Christian Brothers, from whi'eh also he was graduated in 1904. He then worked as a book- keeper for the Gluek Brewing company, and in 1909 started his present real estate and insurance business. His pride in and devotion to the city and the nature of his business have made him an ardent advocate of public improvements, espe- cially those affecting the East Side. Largely through his efforts greater school and playground facilities have been se- cured, street car extensions have been made, and many other steps taken in keeping with the advanced spirit of the time. Mr. Ingenhutt is a firm believer in the power of organization and has made his faith in this respect practical. He is president of the St. Anthony Commercial club. He also be- longs to the Knights of Columbus, the Order of Elks, the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Apollo club and the Elks Glee club, the former being the leading male chorus in the Northwest, and is president of the Northeast Minneapolis Improvement association. Mr. Ingenhutt is a devout Catholic and holds active mem- bership in St. Boniface churcli. He is a worker for all advancement, moral, social and civic. In 1909 he was mar- ried to Miss Catherine Weeks of Minneapolis. They have one child, Catherine Mary. He is fond of outdoor sports, being especially ardent in his devotion to tennis, hand ball, the enlivening game of squash and indoor baseball. JOSEPH HENRY JOHNSON. Joseph Henry Johnson was horn in Calais, Maine. Jan. 17, 1853, and came with his mother and steiifathcr. Justin Dow, to Minneapolis April 1857. He is the son of Rev. Charles Henry Augustine Johnson and his second wife, Navini Ann Moore, both of whom were lineal descendants of the New England Puritans. One of his paternal ancestors was Rev. Stephen Bachiler (or Batchelder), 378 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA founder of the town of Hampton, New Hampshire, and the first minister of the town. Another of his paternal ancestors was Rev. Robert Yallalee, who was ordained by Bishop Coke in 1796 for the Foulah Mission, Africa, and with others went to Sierra Leone. Owing to war the missionaries were com- pelled to leave. He sailed for America, joined the Methodist itinerants of New England in 1796 and was appointed to Provincetown, Mass. In 1797 he was colleague of Joshua Taylor on Readfield Circuit, Maine. He founded the society at Saco, Maine. It was his privilege to receive into the church the senior bishop of the Methodist Episcopal CInirch South, Joshua Soule. Rev. Robert Yallalee died July 13, 1846, in his seventy- eighth year at Rome, Maine (see History of the M. E. Church by Abel Steven, Vol. Ill, Page 498). He married Betsey Hoxie. The great-great-grandfather of Joseph Henry Johnson and his great-great-great-grandfather were both signers of the Association Test of New Hampshire, viz., Joseph. .Johnson, Sr., and Deacon Joseph Johnson of Hampton, New Hamp- shire, thus making him eligible to the Sons of the Ameiican Revolution. The subject of this sketch has been a resident of Minneapolis since April, 1857. The white cottage at 318 Fifth street south, where he first lived was still standing in 1913, though there were stores built in front of it. Early left an orphan, Mr. Johnson was thrown upon his own resources, and at the age of fifteen went to live with the late Judge F. R. E. Cornell, during which time he attended the public schools and business college. He has been a member of the Methodist church from early boyhood, being one of the few remaining members of Cen- tenary M. E. Church, now Wesley church, which he joined in 1868 and was a member of the Sunday School in 1857 in the '"Xittle White Church Around the Corner." He is a member of the Minnesota Territorial Pioneers, has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1885, is Past Worshipful Master of Minnesota Lodge No. 334, and one of its charter members, also Past Senior Grand Deacon of the M. W. Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Minnesota. Jlr. .Johnson was married Feb. 15, 1877, to Miss Louise A. Lyon, daughter of Walter Lyon of Herrick, Pa. She is descended from the Puritans of New England on both sides. Two of her maternal ancestors were named in the famous charter of Connecticut granted by King Charles, viz., John Deming and Richard Treat. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution through her ma- ternal great-grandfather, Captain .Jabez Deming, and hor paternal great-grandfather, William Bishop. During the middle seventies Jlrs. .Johnson taught in the Lincoln, .Jeffer- son and Washington schools of this cit.v. She is a graduate of the Mansfield, Pa., State Normal School, class of 1874, and of the Chaiitauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, class of 1890. She was Worthy Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star of Minnesota 1895, the banner year in the history of the Order in this State, and Regent of Minneapolis Cliapter, Daughters of the American Revolution 191,3. Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Henry .Johnson have two sons. Wal- ter Henry .Johnson, Captain Company C, Second Infantry, United States Army, and Arthur Eugene .Johnson, Second Ijieutenant, Mounted Detachment, First Regiment, Minnesota National Guard. The latter is associated with his father in business, being secretary and vice president of the .Johnson Undertaking company. Mr. Joseph Henry .Johnson is an active and successful business man. He was early associated with George T. Vail, one of the pioneer undertakers of this city, and continued the business thus established on Washington avenue until 1890, when it was removed to 614 Nicollet avenue. Later the firm was Johnson and Landis, but in 1906 that association ceased, since which time Joseph H. Johnson has conducted the undertaking business at 838 Hennepin avenue. What is now known as Wyoming Park, near Camden place, was platted and sold by Mr. Johnson for the late John Bohannon in the year 1889, Mrs. Johnson naming the section for the historic Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, which was near her childhood home. H. S. JOHNSON. H. S. .Johnson, prominent manufacturer and president of the H. S. Johnson company, was born in Denmark, in 1849. At the age of eighteen he came to this country and for some time was employed in the Union Pacific shops at Omaha. In 1874 he located in Minneapolis and for several years worked at his trade of carpenter in various factories and mills, employed by the Wheat & Reynolds company, manu- facturers of sash and doors and subsequently in the Minne- apolis Planing mills and in the shops of .Johnson cS Hurd, wlio built the plant which Mr. .Johnson now occupies. In 1878 he formed a partnership with Peter Frazier, purchasing a small shop of Janney Semple Hill & Company and engag- ing in the manufacture of sash and doors, operating the plant by means of a wire rope that was connected with the machinery of Camp & Walker's planing mill. After some years he sold his interest in this enterprise and in company with Mr. John W. Anderson, started a planing mill on Fourteenth avenue north, under the firm of Anderson &. John- son. This association continued during five years of profit- able and successful trade. At the end of that period Mr. Johnson sold his share of the business to his partner and made an independent venture in the same industry. He operated a mill on Nineteenth avenue for several years, and then, perceiving the fast approaching limitations in the plan- ing mill and lumber business he reverted to his former occu- pation of the manufacture of sash doors and mouldings and for the past twenty years has devoted his interests to these lines. The firm of Johnson & Hurd, his former employers, had failed and for a number of years the plant had renmined unoccupied and after seven or eight years in his original location he disposed of it and purchased the Johnson & Hurd property on Eighteenth avenue and Marshall street, which became the permanent quarters of his factory. The pur- chasing price was $30,000 with a cash investment of $10.(100, and in a few years under Mr. .Johnson's management the plant had paid for itself and developed a business of fully three times its former capacity. The company was incor- jiorated in 1904 with a capital of $80,000. Mr. Johnson now owns three-fourths of the stock. The other stockholders are Cliarles Lubeck, superintendent of the factory; B. A. Lind- pren. who holds a position in the ollices; 0. N. Nelson: Mrs. Bangs of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota: Anna D. .Johnson, wife of Jlr. Johnson, and Bernard Stahr. Tlu- company has enjoyed HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 379 marked success through a prosperous and steady growth and handles a large local retail and wholesale trade, its annual transactions amounting to $230,000. They make a specialty of interior finish work of all kinds, employing expert work- men. Mr. Johnson is a member of the New Athletic club, the Auto club, the Civic and Commerce association and the North Side Commercial club. His fraternal affiliations are with the Elks and the Masonic order, having attained the rank of the Thirty-second degree. He was treasurer for six years of the Plymouth Masonic Lodge and for a number of years served in the same capacity in Columbia Chapter. He was married to Miss Anna D. Stahr and they have two children, Olga K., the wife of Mr. Hemrichs of Stettin, Germany, and Arthur H., of Muscatine, Iowa. OLIVE TALBOT JAFFRAY. In the twenty-five years that Clive Talbot .laflray has been a factor in the banking circles of Minneapolis, he has risen from a clerkship to the vice-presidency. He began his career as a banker in his native city, Berlin, Ontario, in the Mer- chants' National Bank of Canada. This was soon after he had finished his education in the Canadian public schools. He was associated with this institution for five years and gained there most valuable experience for his future business life. In 1887 he accepted a position as clerk in the Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis. Two years later he was made bookkeeper and in 1890 w^as promoted to the position of assistant cashier of the same institution. In 1895 he was offered a cashiership in the First National Bank of Minne- apolis which was then as now one of the leading financial institutions of the city. He has been with this big banking house ever since, part of the time acting both as cashier and as vice-president. He is now devoting all of his time to the activity of the vice-presidency. Mr. Jaff'ray is a member of all of the leading social organ- izations of the city, including the Minneapolis and the Mini- kahda clubs. He is an enthusiastic golf player and spends much of his recreation on the golf links of the Minikahda club. He is a member of the Long Meadow and the Minne- apolis Gun Clubs. Mr. Jaflray was born July 1, 1865, in Berlin, Ontario, and is the son of W. and Agnes S. Jafi'ray. Aside from his activity in the First National Bank of Minneapolis he is also in the First National Bank of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, being a director of that institution. He is also interested in the Northwestern Life Insurance Company, the Northwestern Fire and Marine Insurance Company and vice-president of the Minneapolis Trust Company. THOMAS B. JANT^EY. Thomas B. .Tanney is yet one of the active and energetic business men of Minneapolis, and at the head of an estab- lishment which connects him in its history and through its acquisitions. He h.us himself been a resident of the city since 1866, and throughout all the Subsequent years has been conducting a very extensive and active business in the hard- ware trade. Mr. .Janney was born in the village of Shanesville, Tuscara- was county, Ohio, on October 5, 1838, and is the son of Phineas M. and Frances (Smith) Janney. When he was one year old his parents moved to Van Buren county, Iowa, where they lived twelve years, and where he began his education in the district schools. At the age of thirteen he accompanied his parents to a new home in the town of Henry, Illinois, and there attended the academy for instruction in the higher branches. His first business experience was as a clerk in a" general store. In 1866 Mr. .Janney came to Minneapolis to join his brother Edwin and his brother-in-law, S. T. Moles, in the retail hard- ware business, which they were then conducting on Bridge Square. For a number of years the firm carried on only a retail business, but it was gradually drawn into the wholesale line, which it then steadily enlarged and emphasized in its operations. The trade grew and Hourished as the years passed, and it became manifest in time that there was room for another enterprise in the same line conducted on a more ambitious basis. In recognition of this fact Mr. Janney, wlio had been in the hardware trade in this city nine years, in 1875 associated him- self with Messrs. Eastman and Brooks and formed the firm of Janney, Brooks & Eastman. This firm purchased the hard- ware store started by Governor .John S. Pillsbury in 1855, and for a number of years carried on a wholesale and retail busi- ness on Bridge Square. The retail department was finally disposed of and the wholesale department was moved to its present location at the corner of First avenue south and Second street. In 1883 Mr. Brooks died and Mr. Eastman retired from the firm. But Mr. Janney remained at its head and .Janney & Semple was founded and later the present organization, .Jan- ney. Semple, Hill & Company was incorporated as such in 1898. It is by far the largest wholesale hardware establish- ment in the Northwest, and one of the largest in America. It is in the wholesale trade that Mr. Janney has prospered most and made the greater part of his reputation as a business man. In this he has won the regard and respect of all mer- cantile circles in his home city and of those in many other localities, far and near. Mr. Janney has also taken an active and serviceable part in the civic and social life of the city. His aid in fostering and developing the city's interests in every way is generally recognized. For he has been connected with nearly all the movements and institutions which have aided in extending the stability and renown of Minneapolis, and has long been and still is active in all semi-public and philanthropic corpo- rations, organizations and agencies for good of every kind. He was one of the men who founded and conducted the old Minneapolis Exposition twenty-five years ago, and has for years been one of the directors of the Northwestern National Bank. He is also president of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank, and a director of the Equitable Loan Associa- tion, which was started as a means of combating loan sharks. It is largely due to his pertinacity in its behalf that this institution was made the gratifying success it is. Mr. Janney has also long been interested in the work of many civic organizations and has done his full part toward making them as useful and productive of goo.'vcovA^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 389 prosperous real estate dealer, being already residents. Wil- liam B. passed two years in the University, returning to New Brunswick. He soon went to Florida as a member of the civil engineering corps for the Florida Southern Railroad. In 1884 he became a partner with his brother A. J. in real estate, this brother, in 1892, going to Tampa. Florida, to superintend the erection of a gas plant. He now lives in Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. Jlr. Boardman then began to take special interest in the development and improvement of the East Side, and his energies have since been largely devoted to that section. Be- sides having an extensive agency business he has important personal holdings, being particularly interested in railroad trackage properties. Jlr. Boardman, realizing shortage of track facilities in the jobbing district, conceived the idea of building a railroad spur between Washington avenue and Third street, from 4th to 10th avenues North; and, which has changed this section from the most dilapidated part of the city to what is fast becoming the most attractive business district. He has already located on this spur several of the largest jobbing and manufacturing houses in Minneapolis, not less than a million dollars being alreadj' expended in build- ings. Among them are the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company, employing 500 hands, The Parlin & Orendorf Plow Company, The Roach-Tisdale Company, The Green & De Laitte Whole- sale Grocery Company, The Pence Automobile and the Andrews Warehouses, The Cribben & Sexton Stove Company and the Acme Harvester Company and the plant of the George Diiensing Hay and Grain Company, which he erected individ- ually and which he still owns. This was the initial move- ment to open many miles of trackage in the heart of the city ; and, which, being followed by others, will afford an unlimited supply of moderate priced houses for the growing jobbing trade. A more recent movement is the development of a new industrial center on the East Side covering not less than 1,000 acres. He conceived the idea of bringing the Belt Line into Minneapolis, the extensions of which make such a center possible. One of the industries in the movement, and located by Mr. Boardman, is the new plant, just being completed, of the National Lamp Company costing one half million of dol- lars and to employ 600 hands. For three years he was chair- man of the Commercial Club committee to secure new in- dustries, and is chairman of the industrial and development committee of the Civic and Commerce Association. He was for some years real estate agent for the Great Northern, the Northern Pacific and the Burlington Roads; and, secured the right of way from Minneapolis to Rochester, for the Dan Patch Electric line. Many other commissions, committees and organizations for improvements have had the benefit of his counsel and enterprise. It is in the extension and im- provement of Minneapolis proper, however, that he has been most deeply and thoroughly interested. He laid out the Wil- liam B. Boardman Addition at Minnehaha Falls, and joined in platting the Gilman & Boardman. the Taylor and Board- man and the Minnehaha Falls Second Addition, and has erected several business and residence properties His entire thought and attention are given to business, steadfastly re- fusing to accept political honors. He has not neglected social organizations nor enjoyment of outdoor pleasures, belonging to the Lafayette and Auto clubs; and, for recreation, makes frequent trips to northern Minnesota, in the development of which he is deeply interested. He was married in 1887 to Miss .Jessie P. Wilbur, a native of Vermont. They have one daughter Marjorie. who was a member of the first graduating class of the West Side High School and a student at Smith College. In 1912 she and her mother made a world tour visit- ing .Japan, China, the Philippine Islands and Honolulu. Th» family attends the Universalist Church of the Redeemer. ALBERT H. KENYON. F'or a continuous period of forty years this esteemed citi- zen has lived in this city and been actively connected with its business interests, public aflfairs, social life and general advancement. When he came here in 1873 he had the fore- sight to realize the wonderful possibilities and the enter- prise to take advantage of the passing opportunities. His enterprise and public spirit made him a promoter of the development of the community, and by exercising business ability and a'cumen has made that development advantageous to himself. Mr. Kenyon was born in Greenwich, Washington county, New York, thirty miles from Troy, September 14, 1842, working on his father's farm until the age of eighteen. He then began his business career as clerk, and in 1868 came to Chicago, and soon became a partner in a general store at Aurora and which is still doing business. The rapid restor- ation of Chicago following the fire soon drew much of the trade from Aurora, and in 1873 Mr. Kenyon sold his interests and came to Minneapolis. He had known A. C. Rand, later mayor and president of the Minneapolis Gas Light company, in Aurora, and acted upon the representations of that gen- tleman, who drew flattering pictures of the future of the Northwest. Mr. Kenyon bought the store of Thomas and Geo. Andrews on Bridge Square, next door to the hard ware store of Hon. John S. Pillsbury. The AndreAvs estab- lishment was a general store with a trade of ,$100,000 an- nually. The management of it was a difficult undertaking for Mr. Kenyon. but his twin brother, Alfred F. Kenyon, joined him as Kenyon Bros., and they succeeded in handling the enterprise with the small capital they had. L'nder the name of Kenyon Brothers they conducted the business until 1885. In the days when the Grange organi- zation was potential it was their custom to open the store at 4 o'clock in the morning to meet the requirements of customers from the country. The farmers bringing their grain to the city would often fail to get unloaded until far in the night, when, after a few hours' rest, they were ready to start on their long joHrney home early in the moniing. It was thus necessar}' to have the store open at that early hour to accommodate them. It carried a large stock in al- most everything but groceries, and was the leading dry goods store. In 1885 Mr. Kenyon sold his interest to his brother and opened a carpet store, Me-ssrs. Folds & Griflith being the only firm already operating in that exclusive line. The brother continued to conduct the old Store with a constantly increasing trade, which in time reached a business of $200,000 annually. The new carpet store was opened on a small scale on Nicollet avenue where the Rothschild store now is. Later it moved to the old Sidle block, and in 1888 Mr. Kenyon. .JameS I. and W. S. Best united in building 'the Medical block, in which he now has his offices, ami which has been more especially devoted to the use of the medical profession. 390 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA This six story block fronts 110 feet on Nicollet avenue between Sixth and Seventh streets. When it was built some of Mr. Kenyon's friends said he must be demented to build so far from the business center. He moved his carpet store to the new building where it was continued successfully for ten years. Mr. Kenyon also owns a business block on Washington avenue north, a four-story brick block on Washington avenue south and another on Third street, having kept his inter- ests in the heart of Minneapolis. His old home at 89 South Tenth street is now occupied as a business block, and his present residence is at Twenty-second street and Blaisdell avenue. During the last twenty years he has passed win- ters in Southern California, New Orleans and at Palm Beach, norida. With abiding faith in Minneapolis property he is justified in taking some satisfaction in having been one whose efforts have materially contributed to its growth. Mr. Kenyon takes no active interest in politics as a par- tisan, but is earnest in his advocacy of good government as a citizen, and zealous in securing it. In religious affiliation he is a Universalist, being a regular attendant at the Church of the Redeemer. In 1875, he was married at Aurora, Illinois, to Miss Belle Newlin, a daughter of Major Thomas Newlin, of that city. Mrs. Kenyon is a member of the Women's club, the Travelers' club and other similar organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon have three children: Lewis N.. a graduate of the University of Minnesota, is now associated with his father. Alfred T. is a coffee broker in Los Angeles after having for some years been so engaged in San Francis'co. Raymond H. is a student at Columbia University, New York city. MATTHIAS KUNZ. Matthias Kunz, vice president and manager of the Kunz Oil company, is a native of Germany, born near the Rhine, March 22, 1856. He came to this country in 1868, and located in Carver county, Minnesota. In 1882 he removed to Minneapolis and for several years was in the employ of W. W. Eastman as night engineer and watchman for the Island Power company. He then erected a livery barn and for six years engaged successfully in this business in company with his brother, Jacob Kunz. The latter was at this time employed as engineer by the Island Power company and in 1888 he established an oil business in which his brother was also interested, the firm being known as .Jacob Kunz & Brother. This enterprise met with such success and its rapid growth attested to possibilities which at length claimed the attention of Matthias Kunz to the exclusion of other interests. In 1892 the livery was disposed of and the following year the firm was changed to its present style, the Kunz Oil company. Matthias Kunz as manager of this company has been eminently identified with every phase of its remarkable development. From an original investment of $2,200 with .$5,000 covering the first year's sales, its success and growth is marked. In 1905 it was incorporated with a capital of $100,000 and in 191,3 the company tran.sacted an annual business of ovit $400,000, It has a force of thirty employees engaged in com- pounding and blending, producing a high grade lubricating oil. Through their salesmen they transact a large business through- out the northwest beside an extensive local trade. Aside from his interests as vice president, treasurer and manager of the Kunz Oil company, Mr. Kunz is associated with other important industries of the city and is a stockholder in the Minneapolis Brewery, and the North Star Malt House of which Jacob Kunz is the manager. Matthias Kunz was married in Waconia, Minnesota to Miss Emma Haback, daughter of William Haback, They have four children, Therese, Helen, William and Florence. HENRY N, KNOTT, Henry N, Knott was born at Bloomington, Hennepin county, Minnesota, on December 14, 1874, a son of E. W. and Tabitha (Little) Knott, the former having removed from Canada to Minnesota about 1855. and the latter born and reared in Penn- sylvania. Her father was a merchant in that state, and about 1856 located near Glencoe, in this state. His daughter Tabitha was a young woman when the family moved to Minnesota, and soon after her marriage to Mr. Knott, the father of Henry N., they located on a farm in Bloomington township, Hennepin county. Henry N. Knott passed his boyhood and early youth at Sauk Center and completed his education at the high school in that town. In 1893 he located in Minneapolis, anil here he supplemented his academic training with a thorough course of study in a good business college. In 1895 he was appointed stenographer and bookkeeper in the city clerk's otiite by C. F. Haney, at that time the city clerk. From this start he passed through all the intervening positions in the office until he reached that of assistant city clerk in 1900. which he continued to fill until 1909, when he was elected to the city clerkship as the successor of L, A. Lydiard. Mr. Knott was elected as a non-partisan, and that he has been ever since. He was re-elected in 1911 and again in 1913. The volume of business requiring attention in the office is constantly increasing, and has grown to such mag- nitude that Mr. Knott is compelled to have seven assistants. In the fraternal life of the community he mingles freely and serviceably as a member of the Order of Elks and of Minneapolis Lodge No. 19 and Ark Royal Arch Chapter of the Masonic Order, O, P, BRIGGS, President of the H. E. Wilcox Motor Company, was born on a farm in Maine, February 17. 1856, and came to Minne- apolis in 1877, the directory of that year indicating him as clerk for O. A. Pray, Mill Furnishings and Iron Works at First Street and Fifth Avenue South. His father, W. H. Briggs, who was a life-long friend of the Hon. W. D Wash- bum, was a teacher for many years and became, at the urgent request of Mr. Washburn, the superintendent of the Children's Home, where he rendered valuable service till his death. He was also treasurer of the Church of the Redeemer, a warm attachment existing between him and Drs. Tuttle and Shutter, its pastors. O. P. remained Avith Mr. Pray till 18S6, and the following year, in association with .Tose])!! Oarbctt and W. H. Getchell, founded the Twin City Iron Works, It was at first a foundry and machine shop, gradually becoming 1 " ^^^^1 ^^^ ' ^^^^^^^^^1 1 -;*'* ^■s„^^^*_ sf m 1 > - 1 ^^^ 1^ HIi ^^^^m^^^M Bh HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 391 devoted to the making of Corliss engines and transmission machinery. Several of the old employees of the Pray Com- pany sought positions here under their former companion; and, the business experienced so rapid development that by 1903 it hiid outgrown its shop facilities, it becoming necessary to secure larger and better accommodations. Other citizens DOW becoming interested, united in the organization of the Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Company, erecting the finest plant of its kind in the Northwest, and whose operations soon demanded the employment of 650 mechanics. Mr. Briggs was vice-president of the incorporation. His services being re- peatedly sought by the directors of the National Founders Association, who urged him to become its head, he finally yielded, and resigning his position with the above company, and his terms of activity in the association being readily ac- cepted, he in 1903 assumed that important official relation, that of commissioner to the organization, a position he filled two years, was the vice-president for one year and president for seven years, till November 15, 1913, his successor being William H. Barr of BufTalo, N. Y. The objects of this association are: "The adoption of a uniform basis for just and equitable dealings between the members and their employees, whereby the interests of both will be properly protected. Also, the investigation and ad- justment, by the proper officers of the association, of any question arising between members and their employees." His own wide experience reaching back to boyhood in ad- justing the questions arising between employer and employee, thus extending over a long period, readily enabling him to recognize the rights of all concerned, justified his selection as the head of an important employers organization. Main- taining his home at Minneapolis, he had become interested as a director in the Wilcox Motor Company, to the presidency of which he was selected July 1, 1913. He is a Republican, and when important matters demand attention of progressive citizens, his services are not with- held. For thirty-six years he has held active membership in the Church of the Redeemer, whose pastor was one of his father's warmest friends. Ever desirous of contact with the soil, he secured a part of the old Gideon homestead on Lake Minnetonka, where the Wealthy apple had its origin, and has found pleasant recreation in various industrial phases of agriculture. In 1880 he married Clara Getchell. daughter of W. H. Get- chell mentioned above. She died September, 1907, leaving one son, Hiram Kenneth, a student in Shattuck School, Class of 1914. In 1909 he married Miss C. L. Gaines of Wisconsin. He is identified with the New Athletic Club. EDWARD CRANE CHATFIELD. F.dward C. Chatfield practiced law in Minneapolis for more than thirty years. The Chatfield family to which he belonged came to this country in 1639, with the colony of Rev. Henry Whitfield, settling at Guilford, Conn. The fam- ily remained in Connecticut for several generations, until David, the great-grandfather of Mr. Chatfield, was given a grant of 800 acres of land in Onandaga Co.. N. Y. This was in place of money, as remuneration for his service in the Revolutionary War. Then the family removed thither, to establish a home upon the property, and remained there. until William, Mr. Chatfield's father, removed as a young man to Ohio, settling at Sharon Centre, Medina Co, William Chatfield married Ruth Ann Crane, a member of the Crane family who settled in Dorchester, Mass., in 1658. Edward C. Chatfield was born in Sharon Centre, October 24, 1849, In 1861, when he was nearly twelve years old, the family undertook, on account of the frail health of his mother, an overland journey by wagon to Minnesota, where relatives had preceded them. They started in the spring and traveled by easy stages, arriving in the autumn in Fill- more County, where the family lived for eight years upon a farm near Spring Valley. Edward Chatfield attended the district school there, and then went to the academy in the town of Fillmore, to fit for the University of Minnesota, from which he graduated in 1874. This was the second class to graduate from this institution, and consisted, as did the first class, of two members, the other member being the late Dr. George E. Rickcr. Mr. Chatfield then taught school for two years, after which he read law in the offices of Messrs. Loehren. (iilfillan and McNair. He then took the law course of the University of Iowa, graduating with the late Judge Edward M. Johnson, with \vhom, after their return to Minneapolis, he formed a part- nership, which, however, was of short duration, and after its dissolution, Mr. Chatfield practiced alone for the remain- der of his professional career, occupying for many years the same offices with his father-in-law, the late David A. Secombe. In 1901, Mr. Chatfield was elected an alderman from the second ward, which office he filled for eight years. He was instrumental in the erection of the statue, by the alumni and personal friends, of Ex-Governor John S. Pillsbury. He proposed the project at an alunmi dinner, and was made chairman of the committee appointed to ac- complish it. Throughout the entire undertaking, he worked with unusual interest and great satisfaction when his efforts resulted in obtaining the noted sculptor, Daniel Chester French, to design and model the statue. Mr. Chatfield's great interest in this work led him to make quite a study of municipal art, in which subject he was greatly aided by his intercourse with Mr. French, d\ir- ing his visits to New York while the work of the statue was going on, and Mr. French's visits to Minneapolis, vvitli the result that he secured the formation of an art commis- sion for Minneapolis, of which he was made chairman, re- maining in the office until his ill-health caused him to resign shortly before his death in 1910. In 1895, he developed a serious ailment, which made the remaining fifteen years of his life a burden, although he continued to attend to his practice, and his duties in the council, up to the last year of his life. In the fall of 1909, his health was so impaired that he did not dare to remain another winter in the climate of Minnesota, and removed in September, to San Diego, California, hoping that that equable climate might add a few years to his term of life, but the change had been made too late, and he passed away .January 26. 1910. He married in 1884, Carrie Eastman Secombe, the daugh- ter of the late David A. and Charlotte Eastman Secombe, and four children were born to them, three of them surviv- ing their father: William Edward, born Aug. 19, 1890; 392 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA David Secombe, born Dec. 26, 1891, and Charlotte Eastman, born Dec. 14, 1893. The youngest Son, John De Laittre, was bom Feb. 21, 1895, and died Aug. 25, 1908. WILLIAM M. KNIGHT. Having been one of the county commissioners continuously during the last eight years, and having previously filled an- other important office, William M. Knight has had abundant opportunity to demonstrate superior qualifications for ad- ministrative work to become intimately familiar with the public needs, and keep himself fully in touch with the spirit of enterprise and progress. He represents the Fourth dis- trict, which includes the Third and Tenth wai-ds and all of the Fourth ward lying between Hennepin and Franklin avenues. Mr. Knight was born in East Machias, Maine, May 29, 1847, and came to St. Anthony with his parent's in October, 1854. He is a son of William and Bridget (Hickey) Knight, natives of England and Ireland respectively, although they were married in Maine. The father was a well digger, a stonemason and farmer; and in 1856 settled on a tract of government land half a mile west of where William now lives. He also owned another farm, which lay about three miles northwest of the present city hall, and there he died in 1892, aged seventy-si.x years. His widow survived him two years, dying in 1894 at the age of seventy-eight. They had a family of six sons and three daughters, eight of whom reached maturity and four of whom are living now. John lives at Thirty-third avenue and Fourth street, and of the two daughters one is a maiden lady and the other a widow. William M. Knight worked for a time in the lumber woods, and then, in association with his brother John and Horatio and A. A. Day, took lumbering contracts, sometimes for driving logs down to Minneapolis. He was engaged in lumbering in this waj' fourteen or fifteen years, during seven or eight years of the time being a partner with his brother in cultivation of a large farm in Dakota county and in operating a thresh- ing outfit. About 1876, William started farming independ- ently, renting land in his old home neighborhood. For thirty-three years he has occupied his present farm, which comprises forty acres, lying within the city limits, and bounded by Penn avenue on the east and Yerxes avenue, or Osseo Road, on the west. This farm is devoted to market gardening, its principal crops being potatoes, onions and melons. The average yield is about 9,000 bushels of pota- toes and 4.000 bushels of onions, and frequently twenty acres are devoted to melons. In 1888 Mr. Knight was elected street commissioner for the Tenth ward, so serving in all for six years, and graded the first streets in the ward. In 1906, and again in 1910, was elected county commissioner. In 1906, running as a Republican and with five other candidates in the field, he received a majority of 2,970 votes, the large.'st ever given a candidate for this ofilce in the district. In 1910 a strong fight was made against him at both the primaries and the election; but, he was sustained by the people at the polls. He is positive in convictions and thoroughly alive to the best interests of the county. In his zeal in behalf of good roads he has visited Eastern states on tours of inspection, much of the extension of fine roads in Hennepin county, being secured through his support. In all official business he has stood firmly for what he has believed to be right and most conducive to the best interests of the public, and is not diverted from his course by partisan or personal considera- tions. He belongs to and takes an earnest interest in the Territorial Pioneers Association. In November, 1872, Mr. Knight was married to Miss Mary A. Fewer, a native of St. Anthony and a daughter of Richard Fewer, who was the first judge of probate in Hennepin county and one of the early merchants in St. Anthony, where he settled in 1849, coming here from New Brunswick. Mr. Fewer also enlisted in the Civil war, Company K, 10th Minnesota, and was mustered out as Captain Richard Fewer. Mr. and Mrs. Knight have had fourteen children, eight sons and six daughters. Six of the sons and two daugliters are living. Walter W. is deputy clerk of the district court; Rich- ard E. is chief bookkeeper for the gas company; Clement V. is manager of Bamaby's shoe department; Stephen E. is in the city fire department at Twentieth street; Willis A. operates the home farm; Otis R. is a meter tester for the gas company; Mary I. is deputy county treasurer, and Eleanor I. is living at home. The father has ever been fond of good horses, and has owned many of superior ^efc HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 395 JOHN LOHMAR. Mr. Lohmar's life began August 6, 1860, in Carver county, Minnesota. His parents were Hubert and Regina (Kirsch) Lolimar, who came to Minnesota in 1854 and located on a claim in that county. The father was a native of Germany, and the mother was a widow with four children when she married him. They were married at Galena, Illinois, and came at once to this state, where they passed the remainder of their days. The father was killed in 1904 by a cyclone which swept his house away. He was then eighty yeai's old and had survived his wife a number of years. Of their four children John is the only one living in Minneapolis. He remained at home until he reached the age of twenty- one, working on the farm and attending the neighborhood school for a short time during the winter months when he could be spared. At seventeen he pursued a course of special training at the Curtis Business College, and at twenty-one began his business career as a clerk in a country store, in which he worked five years. In 1885 he came to Minneapolis in company with his brother-in-law, William .J. Vander Weyer, whose sister Louisa he had married, in 1884, she being at the time a resident of Wright county. Mr. Lohmar had saved the greater part of his earnings; and he and his brother-in-law had together a ready capital amounting to about $2,300. Together they purchased the stock of dry goods, furnishings, millinery and kindred commodities in the store of B. L. Buck, at 1201 Washington avenue north, the inventory amounting to about $9,000. The expansion of trade continued to be slow for some time after Mr. Lohmar and his partner purchased the store; but its increase was steady and soon became rapid, requiring two rooms in addition to the first used. In 1909 Mr. Lohmar bought his partner's interest and gives his whole time and energy to the management. Mr. Lohmar and wife are members of St. Joseph's Catholic church. They have nine children living, Helen, Mary, Veronica, Bernard L., Ester, Rudolph, Arthur, Leo and Jerome. Helen is a teacher in the Perham public school, Mary is employed in the store, and Bernard is connected with the North Side State Bank. While Mr. Lohmar has taken no particular part in public affairs and shown no special political activity, he has always been deeply interested in the welfare of the community. purchasing agent in 1908. In 1911 he was made general superintendent of the mills, but still left in charge of the purchafsing department. He now has personal supervision and direction of all the details of the enormous business carried on by the company, which employs 1,100 persons and manufac- tures more than 20,000 barrels of flour per day. A narrow man, lacking in executive ability, would probably wear himself out over a multiplicity of details in such a position, while Mr. Lehman, depending upon others for detail, is necessarily employed in the larger supervision. In whatever situation placed, his ability to judge men, coupled with a sincere sympathy and fellow-feeling for the employes, has stood him in good stead, thus obtaining results with due consideration to the employes. The good will of the men under him is more to him than his position, and, knowing his attitude in this respect, they all hold him in high esteem, supporting him with genuine and unstinted loyalty. A strong proof of this was furnished during the great strike in 1903. As far as possible the mills were supplied with workmen from the outside, which were housed and fed in the mills. The hack drivers in sympathy with the strikere refused to bring in the necessary supplies, there thus being danger of a shortage of food for the marooned men. In this critical situation Mr. Lehman himself mounted a hack and led the way through the strikers, who offered him no violence. They realized that he was but endeavoring to do justice to his employers, and the respect of the men was not only maintained but heightened. One mill was started on the first day of the strike, the others being also soon in full activity, although the strike lasted four weeks. Mr. Lehman's experience as purchasing agent for the great milling industry induced Mayor Haynes, in 1912, to select him as a member of a commission consisting of ex- Gov. John Lind and Mr. Horace Hill to select a purchasing agent for the city of Minneapolis. He is a member of the University, Interlachen and Lake Harriet Commercial clubs, Traffic club, and the Theta-Delta-Chi college fraternity. On Oct. 16th, 1903, Mr. Lehman and Miss Louise James, the daughter of Ralph James, an old resident were married. She was born in Minneapolis and is a higli school graduate. They have two children. They are members of Plymouth Congre- gational church, and Mrs. Lehman belongs to the Sunshine club, in which she is an active and effective worker. Mr. Lehman finds recreation and inspiration in golf, of which is an ardent devotee. MAX A. LEHMAN. Max A. Lehman, General Superintendent of the Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, was born at Lubbenau in the province of Brandenburg, July 31. 1876. He is a son of Ferdinand Lehman, who came to Minnesota in 1881, and located on a farm near Wells, Faribault county, but who passed the later years of life as a merchant in Blue Earth City, where he died. Max graduated from the scientific department of the University in the class of 1898. After one year as Principal of the public school in Kent, Minnesota, he became clerk in the Car account- ants office of the St. Paul and Duluth Railroad. When this road was absorbed by the Northern Pacific, he went to the auditing department of the Soo in Minneapolis, and in Sep- tember, 1900, joined the office force of the Pillsbury Milling company, as a clerk in the purchasing department. Here the most responsible duties of this whole branch of service soon devolved on him, his handling of them making him general FRANK F. LENHART. Frank F. Lenhart, prominent manufacturer and ])roprietor of the Lenhart Wagon company, 2600 University avenue, is one of the pioneer business men of the cit}', having established the wagon industry in Minneapolis in 1878. He was born near the state line at Fountain City, Wisconsin, nine miles north of Winona, April 1, 1858. At sixteen he went to Winona to learn his trade, serving an apprenticeship of three years, with no monetary return the first year and but little the last two, so that at the end of this time he possessed no cash capital but had a thorough training as a wheelwright. He came to Minneapolis in 1875 and found employment with Driscoll & Forsythe, wagon manufacturers, where in a very few weeks his skill earned him the promotion to the position of foreman over thirty men. But ambitious to become one 396 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of the factors in the business life of the growing city and equipped with a good kit of tools and forty dollars, he estab- lished an independent plant in 1878 on Main street near the present site of the Exposition building, with Mr. M. J. Klop, a wheelwright, and Mr. J. Roberts, a blacksmith, as partners, their total cash investment being $150. With this unpreten- tious start in one room and with but one extra workman, they began to secure trade and in a short time were building wagons for many of the leading firms. They constructed the first spring dray and first police wagon in Minneapolis. After two years Mr. Lenhart bought Mr. Klop's interest and the firm continued for nine years as Roberts & Lenhart. Mr. Lenhart has always displayed sound business judgment and also confidence in the ultimate prosperity of his industrial ventures which was evidenced markedly in one of the early years, when a large stock of material, purchased against the advice of his partner, was justified by a remarkable increase in trade. When Mr. Roberts retired, they were employing about twenty workmen and Mr. Lenhart was left sole pro- prietor of a business valued at $16,000, and owner of the buildings occupied on the island. In 1893 the entire plant was destroyed by fire with a complete loss of stock, machinery and buildings. But the following year, Mr. Lenhart estab- lished the Lenhart Wagon company in cooperation with Mr. Woodbury and Mr. Horace Andrews, Mr. Andrews soon retir- ing. The plant was installed at "Little Pittsburg" on Univer- sity avenue, its present site, and was the pioneer business establishment in this vicinity, which could not then even boast of water mains. The new company developed rapidly, Soon adding the manufacture of farm wagons and fire trucks. The demand for these lines became so great that they finally absorbed almost the entire output and were sought for by dealers throughout all the adjoining states. In 1907, after thirteen years of partnership, Mr. Lenhart acquired Mr. Wood- bury's interest in the company. He now employs sixty men in operating the plant which covers two and a half acres, the yards provided with trackage, and equipped with every modern mechanical improvement, and docs an annual business of $100,000, the notable outgrowth of a forty dollar capital and years of efficient and capable management. The lumber used by the company is purchased 'in its native forests and dried and seasoned at the factory, certain woods being secured in Louisiana, while another especially adapted for the manu- facture of spokes comes from Indiana and that for axles from Arkansas. Mr. Lenhart is besides a stockholder in several other manufacturing concerns. As a Democrat in a Republican ward, he takes an enthusiastic interest in public matters. He has been prominently identified «ith all civic progress and influential in securing various important factories for Min- neapolis. He was married in North Dakota, in 1883. to Miss Johanna Piatt. His family have taken an active interest in the business, Alfred, the eldest son, being general manager and a daughter, Helen, the bookkeeper and stenographer. Tlie four younger children, Roy; Lillian; Willard and Frank, are students in the public schools. Mr. Lenhart takes great pleasure in out of door recreation and owns a summer home at Black Lake in the northern woods, where he enjoys his favorite sport with the rod anath. The father started the village of Amenia and built it to a considerable extent. He died there in 1892, leaving the greater part of his immense acreage under culti- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 397 vation in one of tlie largest wheat-growing farms in the United States, the Amonia & Sharon Land Company Farm. This farm lies in two parts, with the villages of Chaflee and Amenia on it, and is located about eight miles from Castleton. As a means of marketing his crops to the best advantage Mr. Chaffee erected elevators at different towns in the region, in which he was able to store his grain until he was ready to sell it. For years he devoted his energies principally to raising wheat in large quantities. But early in the nineties he began to raise corn also on a large scale. His son Herbert was an industrious student of advanced farming, and he adopted a well thought out scientific system of it for his own use. He and his father operated for a long time with hired help, but in later years they instituted the tenant method, and this is still in vogue on the estate. The son began the erection of mills, stores and other needed structures, not only for their own use but also for the benefit of the section of country in which they carried on their business. Their annual corn crop often covered 6,000 acres, and their wheat crop a great deal more. They also made specialties of seed wheat and corn, which they raised in large quantities to supply a very active and widespread demand in the new country around them and in localities far more remote. Eben Chaffee, the father, also took an earnest interest in public affairs and was well qualified for service in helping to conduct them. He was a member of the constitutional con- vention, and in that body served on the committee on legis- lation. He had bj' this time become thoroughly attached to the Dakotas and always stood for the best that was attain- able in constitutional and legislative provisions for their welfare, but after the division of the territory into two parts and their admission into the Union as the states of North and South Dakota, he gave his attention mainly to the affairs and needs of North Dakota. In 1899 Mr. Cliafl'ee united with Hon. John Miller, the first governor of North Dakota, in organizing the John Miller Grain Commission firm, which had offices in Minneapolis and Duluth. Tlie firm carried on an extensive and profitable business, for it was well and vigorously headed and its operations were conducted with wisdom and excellent judg- ment. The men who composed it knew all about their business and ]»\t all tlieir knowledge under requisition in conducting it. Herbert F. Chafl'ec owned extensive tracts of land not included in the pro[ierty of the Amenia-Sharon Land com- pany's grant, and on all the land he used the tenant sj'stem. He made his own plans for the cultivation of the land, and his tenants found them satisfactory and profitable. There are now about ninety-five tenants on the lands, and they have the benefit of an ideal course of instruction in farming es- tablished by him. One is reserved for experimental work, and on this every new development in agriculture is thor- oughly tested. He also built a 600 barrel flour mill at Castle- ton and named the leading brand of its products the "Nodak" Flour. This has an extensive popularity and sale, and has been found equal in quality to any flour on the market. The father built a church, with parsonage attached, at Amenia, and started it on so good a basis that it has been self-supporting from the beginning of its history. In that village Herbert Chaffee had his home until after the demise of his father. The latter was an excellent citizen and deeply interested in the welfare and advancement of his state, and the steady improvement of the agricultural operations eon- ducted in it. In several visits to Europe and other lands also he studied the methods of farming in its various coun- tries, and adopted for his own use whatever he deemed good in them that he was not already practicing. He had firm faith in the future greatness of North Dakota as an agricul- tural state, and bent his energies to give its farmers the benefit of all he knew or could learn in the business of high grade aii(T advanced farming. In addition to raising enormous crops of superior grain, Mr. Cliaffee, for a number of years prior to his death engaged extensively in feeding sheep for the markets, often having as many as 40,000 head on his farm at one time. He be- lieved strongly in young men, and was always ready to give them opportunities for advancement. Some of his ten- ants renting from him, for sixteen years, and after years of tenancy with him most of them preferred to continue that relation to buying and owning land. At the time of his death this prominent and most useful man was a trustee of Fargo College, and for many years before that was deeply and helpfully interested in the Young Men's Christian Association and other educational and up- lifting institutions. Every form of good for the people of all classes in his locality enlisted his interest and had his earnest practical support, and his activity and generosity in behalf of each sprang from the dictates of his elevated and pro- gressive manhood, his breadth of view and his great public spirit. But he was unostentatious in his bounty and work in this respect, seeking no commendation for himself, only good for his fellow men. On Dec. 21, 1887, Mr. Chaffee was married in Iowa to Miss Carrie Toogood of Manchester, Delaware county, in that state. Five of their children are living: Eben Whitney, who is on the farm and assists in managing its operations; Dorothy, who is the wife of P. E. Stroud, manager of the John Miller Commission company; Herbert Lawrence, a mem- ber of the junior class at Oberlin College, Ohio; Florence Adele, and Lester Fuller. The two last named reside with their mother in Minneapolis, where she bought a home in order to secure good educational facilities for her younger children. All the sons are preparing to take part in the management of the farm, as they desire and intend to keep the estate together in one big business enterprise. Mr. Chaffee's life ended tragically when he was but forty- seven years of age and in the prime of his manhood and usefulness. His death was due to one of the great historical catastrophes of the world, and could have been prevented by no precaution on his part, or by any effort of his except an exhibition of selfishness of which he was incapable. The whole state of North Dakota mourns his early death and the manner of it, but rejoices at the same time over the manifestation of elevated manhood he made in it, and the credit thereby brought to the citizenship of the common- wealth. He died as he lived, deeply interested in the welfare of others and eager at all times to promote it by any sacrifice he might be called upon to make. JOHN T. LUCAS. Mr. Lucas was born in Maumee, Lucas county, Ohio, some- thing more than seventy years ago. He grew to the age of 398 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA eighteen in liis native place and obtained his education in its public schools. At the age mentioned he made his patriotic devotion to the Union manifest by enlisting in the armies called into action by the Federal government for its defense when armed resistance to the mandates of the people threat- ened its dismemberment. He was enrolled in Battery H, First Ohio Light Artillery, and in 1862 this battery was assigned to the Army of the Potomac. It took part in all the campaigns of that great fighting aggregation from the second battle of Bull Run to the end of the war, and was in the midst of all its heavy fighting from the battle of Fredericksburg until the banner of the Confederacy went down in everlasting defeat at Appomattox. At Chaneellorsville the battery lost four of its six guns, and, although it afterward recovered one of the four, the recovered gun was found to be spiked and temporarily useless. The battery's position at Gettysburg was on Cemetery Hill, where it was advantageously located to mow down General Pickett's men in their terribly disastrous but heroic charge. The battery, ■ however, suffered heavily in losses of men, but it recuperated in time to take part in the campaigns of General Grant which brought the war to a close. Mr. Lucas was with his command through all its terrible experiences, but escaped without a wound or once being taken prisoner, and was one of the few men who enlisted in 1863 that were present when its final discharge from the service came. He was slender in build and not robust, but he came out of the momentous conflict in good health and with increased vigor. After the war was over he returned to his old Ohio home, but in the autumn of 1865 came to Minneapolis, where his older brother, Charles, was established in business as a pros- perous tinner. He had come to this city about 1857 or 1858, but had gone back to Ohio. In 1860, however, he returned to Minneapolis, and here he passed part of the remainder of his days. During his first residence in Minneapolis he worked for Edward Nash, but when he came again and to stay, he started a business of his own at First street and First avenue north, continuing in the tinning industry, with which he was familiar. His brother John joined him in the enterprise, work- ing as a salesman in the store, and remained with him four years. Mr. Lucas then spent some time in traveling over the Western States. It was in the fall of 1870 that Mr. Lucas came back to Minneapolis, and soon afterward his brother sold him his interest in the business and moved to California. Mr. Lucas continued in the tinning business until 1898, being the pro- prietor of his store for twenty-eight years. In 1866 this was on Bridge Square. Later it was moved to the corner of First street and Bridge Square, then the business center of the town. He put up a new house on his old lot at 25 Nicollet avenue, and in this he carried on his business until about 1886. By that time his operations had grown to such large proportions and his stock was so extensive, that he found it necessarj' to have more commodious quarters for them, and moved to lO'J Nicollet avenue. There he remained until IH'.tS, when he retired from business altogether. Since 1898 he has built the business block he now owns on the site of his old residence. This block fronts 66 feet on Sixth street and contains four store rooms. It is on land that was formerly a part of the old homestead of John Jackins, and in it the business Mr. Lucas once conducted is still in operation by a younger brother. He also still owns his old property on Nicollet avenue, on the site of which the dry goods store of Fletcher & Loring stood about 1867. In political faith and allegiance Mr. Lucas has been a member of the Republican party from the dawn of his manhood. He is a member of Levi Butler Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and one of the few who still respond to its tattoos, many of its once large membership having foiever grounded their arms for earthly contests. In 1879 Mr. Lucas was united in marriage with Mrs. Louise A. (Putnam) Oburn, a Wisconsin lady, who died three years later. LESLIE C. LANE, M. D. Dr. Lane was born on September 19, 1855, at North Perry, i Maine, and in 1863 came to Minneapolis with his parents to reside. They were Charles W. and Almira B. (Coulter) Lane, also natives of Maine. The father was a'farmer and practiced veterinary surgery in his native state, and after his removal to ' Minneapolis was ])roprietor of the Wilbur hotel on First street north for a number of years, and also operated a carriage > factory. He was interested in the Flathead Lake Lumber i Company, but kept his residence in this city, where he died on Februarj' 10, 1913, aged eighty-five years, surviving by only \ four months his wife, who passed away here in October, I9l2, at the age of eighty-eight. The father was a Freemason, holding his membership in ; Ark Lodge at the time of his death, but formerly belonging to old Cataract Lodge. He was buried by the Lodge with full Masonic ceremonials, and his remains were attended to their last resting place by many of his fellow members and large numbers of other persons, all of whom respected him highly. In his political relation? he was always a Republican, but at I the last national election decided to vote for the Democratic candidate, Hon. Woodrow Wilson. He could not carry his intention into elfect, however, owing to his inability to get ; to the voting place. He enjoyed hunting and fishing in his years of activity, and was to the close of his long life a man of strong friendships and social inclinations. His family consisted of three sons and one daughter: Freeman, who is a lawyer in active practice; Leslie C, the immediate subject of this review; Frank S., now a deputy sheriff, and Cora, who died in childhood. Dr. Lane obtained a good high school education and was graduated in medicine from Rush Medical College. Chicago, in 1877. He practiced his profession at Benson in this state two years and at Ortonville twelve. In 1890 he returned to Min- neapolis, where he built up a good general practice and was rapidly rising to the first rank in the profession. The death of his wife three years after their marriage changed his line of action, and he became interested in life insurance work in the employ of the Fidelity Life Insurance company of Phila- delphia, with which he was associated two years as a solicitor. ' At the end of that period he was made manager of the com- ■ pany for the Northwest, his territory including Minnesota, i the Dakotas, Wisconsin and one-half of Iowa. In 189,'!, when it was necessary to have a receiver to close ! up the business of the Children's Endowment Society of Min- neapolis, the doctor was appointed to the position by Judge Russell. It took three years to complete the work, and he so managed it that the society paid fifty cents on the dollar, a HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 399 much larger percentage than many persons expected, some declaring that it could not possibly pay over ten cents on the dollar. In discharging him from the receivership at the end of his work the judge complimented him for his excellent management of the trust and the fine result he had accom- plished thereby. In 1901 Dr. Lane was elected president of the Surety Fund Life company of Minneapolis, which was organized in 1898, and in 1901 had about $390,000 insurance in force and was at a standstill. This company now has some $13,000,000 insurance out in live policies and operates in six of the states and also largely in Canada. Its last annual report, published on Decem- ber 31, 1912, and brought down to that date, showed its total assets to be $225,323.50, and to include $112,100 invested in first mortgage farm loans, $36,400 in municipal bonds, $60,410.64 cash in banks, and various other funds and property, the gain in gross net assets for the year being $70,251.31, and the income in excess of disbursements $60,089.35. In January, 1913, the doctor was re-elected president of the company for another term of three years. He was married in 1881 to Miss Matilda Emmett, a daughter of Hon. Lafay- ette Emmett, the first chief justice of the state of Minne- sota, formerly a resident of Faribault. Mrs. Lane died after three years of married life, leaving one son, L. Emmett Lane, who is now in the employ of the city. In his second marriage the doctor was united with Miss Adla M. Carlson of Minneapolis. They have three daughters, Bonnie, Eleanor and Charlotte, all living and all still members of the parental family circle. In church relations the doctor is a Presbyterian and chairman of tlie board of trustees of Stewart Memorial church. He was elected to this office for a second term although he was not, at the time of the election, an actual member of the church. Fraternally he is a Freemason and belongs to Ark Lodge in the order. He is also a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in this great fraternity. In politics he is a Regenerated Republican, and cast his vote for Woodrow Wilson for President at the election of 1912. But the only political or semi-political office he has ever held was that of United States Pension Examiner, which he filled for two years while he was living at Benson. ALFRED HADLEY LINDLEY. M. D. The late Dr. Alfred H. Lindley was for forty years one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Minneapolis. Dr. Lindley was a native of Chatham county. North Caro- lina, where his life began in May, 1821. He died in Minne- apolis on February 16th, 1905, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. He grew to manhood and was educated in his native state, completing his academic courses at the Friends' School at New Garden, which is now 'called Guilford College, in which he taught four years and his professional instruc- tion at the Jefl'erson Medical College in Philadelphia, from which he was graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1827. After completing his medical course the doctor returned to his native county and there practiced medicine until 1861. Having been reared a Friend, or Quaker, in the sect to which all his family connections belonged, he was strongly opposed to the Civil war, and as soon as North Carolina seceded from the Union he decided to remove to the North. R. J. Mendenhall, one of his old friends and intimates, was living in Minneapolis at the time, and that fact induced him to select this city as his future home. His brother-in- law. Dr. M. B. Hill, whose sister Eliza was his wife, came with him, and after their arrival they practiced medicine together here until the death of Dr. Hill in 1875, after which Dr. Lindley practiced alone until he retired, except that for a number of years one of his sons was associated with him. He yielded to the genius of the place in another line of business also, and did what everybody else was doing — • dealt in real estate and put up buildings. In 1883 he erected what is now known as the Lindley block, an office building fronting 82V2 feet on Nicollet avenue, and others of value later. He also served as health officer for the city for some years, and bought the land on which the first pest house was built. This has since been converted into a public park. True to the religious Sect in which he was reared, the doctor was through life a warm and helpful friend of its edu- cational institutions. He contributed liberally to the support and advancement of Guilford College in North Ciarolina, his own Alma Mater, and also to Earlham College, at Richmond, Indiana, where Lindley Hall has been erected in honor of him and as a memorial of his serviceable interest in the institution. Penn College, in Oskaloosa, Iowa, also enlisted his aid and his donations to it were frequent, generous and cheerfully made. The Society of Friends, his home and his profession were the objects of his warmest devotion, and he was true to them all in every particular and at all times. Dr. Lindley's wife was a zealous worker in Quaker circles, giving a great deal of time and energy to the service of her chur'ch as long as she was able. She was also zealous in be- half of the Women's Boarding Home, and for many years served as the president of its board of trustees or directors. Her death occurred on February 18, 1913. after she had reached the age of eighty-seven. She and the doctor were the parents of four sons and one daughter. One of the sons died when he was but three years old and another when he was thirteen. The daughter lived to the age of thirtj'. The two sons who grew to manhood were Samuel and Clark- son. Samuel was a graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col- lege in Philadelphia, and was associated with his father in the practice of his profession until his death in 1887, at the age of thirty-five. He was a valued member of the Hennepin County Medical Society. Clarkson Lindley, the last survivor of his father's family, and the only one now living, was graduated from the Minne- apolis high Schools in 1874 and completed his academic education at Amherst College in Massachusetts. He was engaged in the real estate business seven or eight years in association with Corser & Company, and was secretary of the Minneapolis Trust company eight years. In 1896 he became connected with his father in the real estate trade, and in addition to what he handled for the firm while his father lived, he owned extensive and valuable properties him- self. Like all the other members of his family for several generations, Mr. Lindley belongs to the Society of Friends, and he has for some years been one of the trustees of the organization in Minneapolis. On Dec. 11, 1895, he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Gale, a daughter of Samuel C. Gale, of this city. They have three daughters and one son. Ella, their oldest daughter, is a student at Bryn Mawr 400 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA College, in Pliiladelphia, and Alice G., Charlotte and Alfred are living at home with their parents and attending school in this eitv. GEORGE P. DOUGLAS. Prominent in professional life as a capable, energetic, re- sourceful and successful lawyer, and, during the last twelve or thirteen years, standing high as a real estate investor, George P. Douglas of Minneapolis has fully justified the confidence the community has in him. Mr. Douglas exemplifies in his energy and ingenuity the salient characteristics of the section of country and race of people from which he came. He was born in Vermont in 1866, and is a typical New Englander in every commendable feature. He is a son of Christopher F. and Louisa (Perkins) Douglas, with whom he came to Minneapolis in 1873. when he was but seven years old. The father was a dry goods merchant in the firm of Camp, Douglas & Gold, and also operated a flour mill on Minnehaha creek. He was active and enterprising in business until about 1885, when he retired. He died in 1910, aged seventy-nine, having survived his wife by a number of years. Their son, George P. Douglas, was prepared for college at the East Side Academy, Minneapolis, and in 1885 entered Yale University, from the academic department of which he was graduated in 1889. He then became a student in the law department of the University of Minnesota, obtaining his degree of LL. B. in 1890. During the next ten years he practiced his profession. But more promising fields of en- deavor opened before him, and he entered tliem without hesi- tation, and has cultivated them with great enterprise and success for himself, and with decided advantage to the community. The new fields were in tlie real estate business, and in this Mr. Douglas has been engaged with profit and a steadily rising and widening reputation ever since he, in a measure, gave it precedence over the law. He has mastered his busi- ness in this line, and made himself so well informed with reference to it that he has become an authority on every phase of it, and his opinion and judgment have great weight in connection with cverytliing belonging to it. Mr. Douglas is also earnest and enthusiastic in his support of the social agencies at work in the community for the enjoyment and betterment of its residents. He is president of the Minneapolis New Athletic Club, which has now (July, 1914) 2,300 members, and also belongs to the Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette and St. Paul University Clubs. In his political relations Mr. Douglas is an ardent Demo- crat and a very hard, faithful and efficient worker for his party. He has served for some years as chairman of its local campaign committee, and as such has rendered it very loyal and valuable service. During the campaigns of the late Hon. James C. Haynes for tlie mayoralty he was particu- larly active, and his activity and the intelligence whicli guided it gave inspiration to the other members of the com- mittee and kept up the courage and determination of the most faint-hearted and sustained the faith of those most inclined to be doul)tfuI of triumphant results. In another public service he has worked arduously as a member of the city charter commission. Mr. Douglas was married on Oct. 19, 1899, to Miss Bessie Pettit, the only child of Hon. Curtis H. Pettit, a sketch of whom will be found on other pages of this work. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas are the parents of three children, their daugh- ters Deborah L., Elizabeth P. and Eleanor G. The mother is a member of Westminster Presbyterian church. She and lier husband are very fond of the enjoyments of social life as furnished by a select circle of congenial friends, and their home at 2434 Park avenue is an attractive and much fre- quented resort for such circles. The general welfare of their home city and its residents also has their earnest and dis- criminating attention, and they are zealous in their support of every commendable undertaking for its promotion and general advancement along all wholesome lines of progress, moral, mental, social and material. The city of Mnineapolia is well pleased to number them among its most useful, agree- able and representative citizens and forces fo"- good. WILLIAM H. LANDIS. ilr. Landis is a native of Pennsylvania, that great hive of industry in which almost every form of productive human endeavor is in fruitful activity. He was born near the Bloss- burg coal mine, in Tioga county, that state, on May 28, 1844. His father, Joseph Landis, was a farmer, and the son was reared on the farm and acquired habits of useful labor in assisting in cultivating the land. Near the close of the Civil war the father, a farmer, was drafted for service in the Union army. The son volunteered to go to the front as a substitute for his father, and was enrolled for a i)eriod of nine months. A regiment was formed of the conscripted men and Mr. Landis was made its adjutant. The regiment was never called to the field, however, as the war closed soon after it was organized. Mr. Landis was less tlian twenty j'ears of age when he began his military service, and never had any opportunity for advanced education. What he could get in the common district schools of his native neighborhood was all the mental training he received from regularly appointed teacliers. But his mind was strong, active and inquiring, and lie acquired a considerable fund of general information by reading and observation, and also learned by doing things how best to employ his faculties to }iis own advantage and in the service of his fellow men. The experience of this gentleman in the army quickened into determination his inherent desire to see more of the world than the hills and vales amid which he was born and reared, and when he quit the militarj' service in 1865 he came west to La Crosse, Wisconsin, and *as in that city when President Lincoln Avas assassinated. From La Crosse he journeyed by boat to St. Paul, and from that city went to Le Sueur, where lie taught school one term and studied telegraphy while he was doing it. At the end of his engagement as a teacher he became a telegraph operator for the St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road. He worked faithfully as an operator for this company for a year and a lialf at Anoka, Jlinn., and in 1S67 came to Minneapolis and o])eneil an office for it as operator and bill clerk. Six months later lie was sent to the Big Woods region as a claim agent, and sometime afterward became interested in the publication of a newspaper, the one now known as the Delano Eagle, which he founded. In 1881 he was appointed auditor on the Great Northern Railroad, and he served the k::^^'^ -fS^-^_^ HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 401 road in that rapacity ten years. At the end of that period he was made superintendent of the business of the Northwestern Elevator company between Minneapolis and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and later purchased a one-half interest in an under- taking establishment in 1891, which was then conducted under the firm name of Johnson & Landis, his connection with it lasting from 1891 to 1905, as member of the firm. In that year he acquired a large ownership in the business and the name was changed to the Landis Undertaking company. This company is interested in developing a forty-acre tract of land, in Cuba, ten acres of which are well wooded. The tract is located in a very desirable country and the climate of the region is as good as can be found in America. The company is also interested in building mausoleums and is erecting three this summer (1913). Mr. Landis is its secretary and treasurer with offices in the Lumber Exchange building. Mr. Landis is of Pennsylvania Dutch extraction, and a fine tj'pe of the American manhood that has come from that source. He is a Republican in his political belief and adherence, but, while deeply interested in the success of his party at all times, and zealous in its service in his quiet way, he has never aspired to public office. On April 36, 1S67, he was united in marriage witli Miss Mary A. Cuttler, the daughter of a prominent lum- berman. They have two sons living: Raymond F. and Willis E.. connected with their father's business in Minneapolis. The father belongs to the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum and the Grand Army of the Republic. LE\T LONGFELLOW. With a creditable record of forty-three years in the same line, during which time he has built up an extensive trade by square dealing and progressive enterprise, Levi Longfellow, head of the Longfellow Brothers Company, wholesale produce dealers, is justly regarded as one of the leading men in busi- nesS, civic and social activities. Mr. Longfellow was born at Machias, Maine, May 10, 1842, being a son of Jacob and ilartha .J. (Getchell) Longfellow, also natives of Maine. Machias Bay on which the city is located was the scene of a thrilling and unusual event during the Revolution. The British frigate "Margaretta" with four 4-pounders and 16 small cannon, entered the harbor and her commander, Capt. Moore, demanded that the Liberty Pole be taken down. The next day upon leaving he fired upon the town. The Colonists, led by Capt. O'Brien, on the "Unity," a much smaller vessel, followed the "Margaretta" which became wind-bound. They grappled with and boarded her, and after a severe hand to hand fight captured her, Capt. Moore being mortally wounded in the battle. Mr. Longfellow's paternal great-grandfather Nathan Long- fellow, was a First Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War and served on General Washington's stalT. Mr. Longfellow's ma- ternal great-grandfather took part in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Jacob Longfellow was a lumber manufactiu-or operating two large saw mills. In 1851 the family came to St. Anthony Falls to join the mother's parents, Washington and Mary (Berry) Getchell, who had located here in 1848. Mr. Getchell erected the second frame residence built in the village. He took up land in Brooklyn Center and his Sons, Winslow D., Washington, Jr., and Henry, became citizens of that town. In 1857 they removed to California, making that their permanent home. Jacob Longfellow pre-empted land at Brooklyn Center where he lived until after the Civil War. He then removed to Minneapolis where he died in 1884, surviving his wife four years. Mrs. Longfellow, the mother of Levi, was a mem- ber of Hobart Chapel, Methodist Episcopal Church. Of nine children but five are living. Elizabeth Ls the widow of S. D. Morrison, Levi and Daniel W. are the membeiis of the Long- fellow Bros. Company. Charles is in the West, and Ansel is a contractor in Seattle. In 1862 Levi Longfellow enlisted in Company "B" Sixth Minnesota Regiment under Capt. 0. C. Merriman, then mayor of St. Anthony — the regiment being under the command of Col. William Crooks. He became Principal Musician of the regiment and was discharged with the field staff at St. Paul on August 19, 1865. He then taught school in St. Paul for a year and clerked in Minneapolis until 1870, when he engaged in the wholesale Fruit and Produce business. Later his brothers, Daniel W. and Nathan, became associated with him in the business which has continued until the present time. In 1906-07 Mv. Longfellow was Department Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic in Minnesota, and follow- ing that was made Department Patriotic Instructor. He held this office till 1913, when he was appointed National Patriotic Instructor, under Commander-in-Chief, Alfred B. Beers. The Longfellow Brothers have been active in improve- ments. They platted and incorporated the village of West Minneapolis where the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Works are located, Levi having been treasurer of that in- stitution for nine years. Levi Longfellow has always been deeply interested in the education of young men to full American citizenship. He is a pleasing speaker and is always heard with profit. F'rom the founding of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal Hospital he has been one of its trustees and for many years has been the treasurer of the Board. He is the only survivor of the incorporators of the Hennepin Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. For five years he has been the resident executive member of the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota Soldiers Home, and is at present its president. In politics he is a Republican but has never been induced to accept a public office. He is also a member of Hennepin Lodge No. 4 A. F. and A. M. W. H. LAWRENCE. W. H. Lawrence, Secretary and Treasurer of the Model Laundry company, was born in Minneapolis on July 5, 1877, and is a son of Wesley and Elvira (Potter) Lawrence, natives of Vermont who came to Minneapolis in 1876 and started the first steam laundry in the city. They are still living, but tlie father is now retired from all active pursuits and enjoying a well-earned leisure. The son was reared in this city and educated in the public schools. He began business in association with his father, and remained in this relation to the parent for a number of years, helping to conduct the laundry, but not in charge of its affairs. 402 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA In 1902, however, he was given the general management of the business as secretary and treasurer of the company, his father still retaining the presidency. He still fills this position and directs the business of the mechanical institution over which he presides in every particular; and it is nourishing and thriving under his vigorous management. On Aug. 18th, 1910, Mr. Lawrence was united in maniage with Miss Ettie S. Webster, of Minneapolis. He is a member of the Order of Elks and since early in 1911 has been president of the East Side Commercial club, of which he was one of the founders. The family is of English ancestry, and in his business operations Mr. Lawrence exhibits the sterling and sturdy traits whicli distinguish the race from which he sprang, and which always command the success due to persistent effort and good judgment. Throughout the city he is well known, and among all classes of its residents he is esteemed as an energetic and enterprising business man and an excellent citizen, earnestly interested in the substantial welfare of his community and anxious to promote by every means at his command the enduring good of its people and its own material advancement and improvement. But, while he is earnestly interested in public affairs locally, he is not an active political partisan, although a loyal member of the Republican party. CHARLES G. GATES. The sudden death of the late Charles G. Gates on Tues- day, October 28, 1913, in his private car, at Cody, Wyoming, ended the second generation of the most spectacular, striking and successful business enterprise in the same family the world has ever known. The career of the father, John W. Gates, and that of the son, Charles G. Gates, was each unique in its way, and distinct from the other, although there were many elements of similarity and many features that were common in the two. The father was a man of unbounded nerve in business, and by his unrivaled boldness and self- confidence of the commendable kind, won for himself the fa- miliar sobriquet of "Bet-You-a-Million Gates," and the son, through a liberality on all occasions that was almost unprece- dented in human history, if not entirely so, became almost as familiarly spoken of as "Spend-a-Million Gates." These names were not, however, mere empty sounds, and much less were they terms of reproach. Tliey were but the expression in the popular mind of general admiration of substantial and fruitful qualities in the two men on which their respective fortunes and careers were founded and built up to Such impressive proportions. Charles G. Gates was born in West Chicago, May 21, 1876, and was, therefore, only thirty-seven years old when he died. He was the Son of John W. and Delora R. (Baker) Gates, both born and reared in Illinois. The father was one of the most towering and stupendous of all captains of industry. His business career touched the industrial and financial world at so many points of contact that a recital of them all would be wearying. But he touched nothing Small, and was never con- nected with any business transaction, after he struck his proper pace and got fairly under way, but one of magnitude and prime importance. He began his industrial activity as a manufacturer of wire, but soon broadened his operations so that they took in large dealings in steel and grain, and in time covered almost the whole field of large transactions of every kind. He died in August, 1911, leaving a fortune esti- mated at about $30,000,000, the bulk of which he willed to his wife, who is still living in New York city. After the death of her husband she made an almost equal division of the estate witli their only child, the immediate subject of this writing. The son obtained liis education in the public schools of Chicago, and his father earnestly desired him to secure a thorough college training of advanced scholarship, but he opposed the proposal and insisted on .going into business in his early manhood. The father argued, persuaded, and pos- sibly even threatened dire results from his displeasure. But the son was literally "a chip of the old block," and firmly adhered to his own purpo.ses. Doubtless his own intuitions were guiding him in the right course, and they overbore all outside influences. At the age of sixteen he began his busi- ness life as secretary to the manager of a large wire mill, and during the next five years he performed the duties of that responsible position with great ability. When Mr. Gates reached tlie age of twenty-one his father gave him $50,000 with which to go into business for himself. He at once bought an interest in the brokerage firm of Balwin & Gurney, dealers in stocks and bonds in Chicago. This step was also taken against the advice and wishes of his father, but subsequent events proved the wisdom of the choice, as the son became one of the most extensive and successful stock operators in the world. He carried on his business for some time in Chicago, and then moved to New York city and founded the firm of Charles G. Gates & Company, which was the larg- est Stock and bond firm in business on W'all street. The com- pany consisted of twelve members, the elder Mr. Gates being one of the number, but the son retained a majority of the stock. The firm was very successful until its retirement from business in 1897. After his withdrawal from this firm he operated alone until his death and amassed a large fortune by his own efforts. Among the numerous business projects Mr. Gates aided in creating and bringing to large fruition was the development of the Beaumont Texas oil fields, he being one of the first men of large means who became interested in them. He in- duced his father to invest heavily in that region also, and together they founded the town of Port Arthur, Texas, and contributed liberally to its growth and improvement. The younger Mr. Gates built a rice mill, started a bank, erected a large number of buildings of various kinds, gave the local Lodge of Elks a handsome home and aided in many other ways in making the place important and attractive for business and as a residence. At his death the entire town was in mourning for several days and its people paid him many touch- ing tributes. One of the largest enterprises in which Mr. Gates was inter- ested was the United States Realty and Improvement com- pany of New York. This company built the Plaza Hotel in that city and many other important structures tlicre and elsewhere. Mr. Gates was one of its largest stoekholdere and most influential directors. His widow still has an extensive interest in it. But he was interested in many companies in different parts of this tountry, and was known in every sec- tion of it. He belonged to the Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafay- ette, Interlachen and Automobile clubs in this city, and many of tliose in Chicago and New York. In the latter city he was a member and at one time the commodore of the celebrated New York Yacht club. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 403 On September 29, I'Jll, Mr. Gates was united in marriage with Miss Florence Hopwood, of Minneapolis, and at once decided to make his home most of the time in this city. With this end in view he bought whatever land he wanted on the Lake of the Isles front regardless of cost, and began the erec- tion of a mansion that was to cost at least $1,000,000. The structure was not finished at the time of his death, but in accordance with his wishes, Mrs. Gates is having it completed on the original design. It will be one of the most magnificent residences in the country, when finished, but language pales before the task of fully describing it. Like many men of robust physique and vigorous health, Mr. Gates overrated his strength. His extensive business engagements made enormous drafts on his resources, and in the fall of 1913 his private physician. Dr. Fellows Davis, Jr., advised him that in order to recuperate he must pass a con- siderable period in the open air, and agreed to accompany him on a trip for the purpose. In obedience to their wishes he went to Cody, Wyoming, arriving there on Friday, Septem- ber 26. The whole population of the city welcomed him warmly and treated him with marked consideration. From Cody Mr. Gates rode on horseback twenty miles through the mountains into Shoshone Canyon in one day. He spent a month hunting big game and returned to Cody on Saturday, October 25, to make preparations for his journey back to New York. His preparations were delayed by a ■slight derangement of the stomach, and on Monday night he began suffering from dizziness and an alarming weakness in the action of his heart. His ailment would not yield to treat- ment, and the next day he died in his private car, which was about to be attached to an Eastbound train. Even in the face of death, however, he did not lose his interest in his fellow men or withhold his unfailing generosity to them, and as the people of Cody had treated him with great cordiality and theirs was a good town, he ascertained the indebtedness of the different churches in the town and paid it. He also made liberal donations to the other churches, and was munificent in his generosity to his personal attendants, giving them various sums of money ranging from $100 to $10,000. His remains were taken to New York and buried in Woodlawn cemetery in that city. Company. He is President of the North Star Malting Company, and associated in various capacities with quite a number of other financial organizations. A member of the Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette Clubs. ALBERT C. LORING. Albert C. Loring, son of Charles M. Loring and Emily Cros- man Loring; born in Milwaukee, August 31, 1858. Educated in the public schools of Minneapolis, Minnesota, State Univer- sity of Minnesota, and the West Newton English Preparatory School, West Newton, Massachusetts. Upon returning to Minneapolis, he entered the office of L. Fletcher & Company, then engaged in general merchandising business and Hour milling; and became associated as Secretary and Treasurer of the Minnetonka Mill Company in 1877 — one of the earliest mills in the City. He has remained contin- uously in the milling business since that time. He was the organizer of the Galaxy Milling Company — its Secretary and Treasurer — afterwards, its President; was one of the organ- izers of the Northwestern Consolidated Milling Company, being for a long time associated as Manager, and for some years. President of that Company. Upon organization of the Pills- bury Flour Mills Company, he was made President of that .J. A. LATTA. Almost from boyhood J. A. Latta has been actively identified with the world of banking and with banking business. Pre- paratory to his career as a banker he entered the employ of the County Treasurer of Ionia County, Michigan, soon after he graduated from the High School in Allegan, Mich. This was in 1882 and in 1883 he was made deputy treasurer with full charge of the office. In this capacity he served for two years. After some months in an insurance office, — in 1885, — became teller of the Second National Bank of Ionia, Mich. With this bank and with the banking firm of Webber brothers, its successor, he continued for seven years, then he went to Detroit to accept a position with the Penisular Savings Bank as assistant teller. Here he remained for only a short time as he was soon elected to fill the office of cashier in the First National Bank of Hurley, Wisconsin. Two years later, after having satisfactorily filled this position in Hurley, lie went back to Detroit to an advanced position and two years after- ward was appointed State Bank Examiner, and when two years had been given to this service he went back to Detroit as assistant cashier of the Penisular Savings Bank, remaining here for six years. Mr. Latta's first entrance into Minneapolis Banking circles was made as vice president of the Swedish American National Bank. This was in 1905, nearly four years before its con- solidation with the Northwestern National Bank. When this consolidation took place on November 28. 1908, he was elected as vice president of the augmented Northwestern National Bank, which position he is now filling. Miss Cristine Webber, daughter of John A. Webber, of Port- land, Michigan, became the wife of Mr. Latta on January 15, 1902. Mr. Webber now deceased was of the banking family which is so prominently identified with a number of Michigan Banks. Two daughters have been born to them, Marian and Jeannette. He and his family are membci*s of St. Mark's Church and he is a 32nd degree Mason. He is a member of the Minneapolis, the Minikahda and the Commercial clubs. Mr. Latta was born in Ionia County, Michigan, April 23, 1865. He is the son of Patroclus A. Latta and Margaret (Just) Latta, natives of Michigan and New York. He was reared and educated in Allegan, Michigan, and gi-aduated from tlie High School of that city in 1880. His father was engaged in the practice of law and educational work. He died at Saugatuck, Michigan, in 1911. CAVOUR S. LANGDON. Cavour S. Langdon, railroad contractor and a prominent business man of Minneapolis, is a son of Robert B. and Sarah (Smith) Langdon, a sketch of whose lives will be found else- where in this work. His business activity has been highly beneficial to this part of the country, and his career in the 404 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA conduct of it has been very creditable to him in the upright and enterprising manner in which it lias been wrought out and the success that has attended his judicious, energetic and wisely applied efforts. Mr. Langdon is a native of New Haven, Addison county, Vermont, where his life began on September 11, 1861. He was educated in the public schools of Minneapolis, and has been engaged in railroad construction work continuously since 1878, when he was but seventeen years of age. In the public affairs of the community Mr. Langdon takes an earnest and helpful part as a Republican in political faith. But he has never been an active partisan and has never sought or desired a political office; but has served as secretary of the school board for tlic past two years and as a member since 1911, his term expiring in 1917. The industrial and fiscal agencies at work in this city and state also interest him practically, and he gives them serviceable attention, being a trustee of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank, president of the Minneapolis Syndicate and a director of the Minneapolis Trust company. He was also a member of the Minnesota National Guard from 1879 to 188G. In church affiliation he is an Episcopalian. In the organized social life of the city he is active as a member of the Minneapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs. While his business is always the first con- sideration with him, he frequently finds relief from its burdens and recreation in golf and hunting. IRVING A. DUNSMOOR. The old Pine Tree state has contributed an appreciable and valuable quota to the complex social fabric of tlie Gopher commonwealth, and of this number Mr. Dunsmoor is a rep- resentative. He was born in Franklin county, Maine, on the 25th of June, 1844, and has been a resident of Minne- sota since his boyhood days, his father, .James A. Dunsmoor, having been one of the honored pioneers of Jlinneapolis, where he first made his appearance in the winter of 1852 and where he was joined by his family in tlie following spring. James A. Dunsmoor secured from the government a pre- emption claim of land on what is now Lyndale avenue, and his original domicile was erected at the present number, 5317, on this fine thoroughfare, which then crossed Minne- haha creek at a point about one-half mile west of his home, which was on the south side of the creek and five and one- half miles distant from the court house of Hennepin county. James A. Dunsmoor reclaimed his land to cultivation and developed a productive farm, besides which he became one of the prominent and influential citizens of the pioneer com- munity. He assisted in the organization of Richfiehl township and served for a number of years as its treasurer, besides having been for a considerable period of time the postmaster at Richfield and having also held the office of justice of the peace. He donated five acres of land, at the crossing of Minnehaha creek and Lyndale avenue, to a company which there erected a grist mill, and he also sold small tracts of land to other ])ersons, for the starting of stores, blacksmith shop and other business enterprises. He was one of the most liberal and public-spirited of the pioneer settlers of that sec- tion of the city and his attitude has been that assumed by his son. Irving A., who, as early as 1867, built a store at Rich- field, and served as postmaster for four years prior to his going to California, the old grist mill previously mentioned having been constructed about the year 1854. The old home- stead of the Dunsmoor family was a house of six rooms and in the same entertainment was given in the early days to settlers who came from points forty or more miles distant to avail themselves of the advantages of the grist mill. The capacity of the little house was thus often taxed, and the sons frequently slept in the hay-mow or on the floor, in order to provide beds for the guests, the home having served as a hotel or inn. The old liomestead is still standing and in ex- cellent preservation, but many changes have been made, in- cluding additions to the original building. The place is now inside the city limits of Minneapolis and is one of the land- marks of the section in which it is situated. The old Duns- moor farm is now a part of the Wasliburn Park addition. About the year 1872 .Tames A. Dunsmoor disposed of the portion of the farm which he had retained and he then re- moved with his wife and other members of the family to California. In Los Angeles, that state, his death occurred about one year later, and there three of his sons still re- side, another son having been a resident of the same city at the time of his death, in 1912. Tlie devoted wife and mother, who likewise was a native of Maine and whose maiden name was Almina A. Mosher, survived her husband by a number of years and passed the remainder of her life in California. She was a zealous and devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church and her name merits enduring place beside that of her husband on the roll of the noble and honored pioneers of Minnesota. Of the six sons. Irving A., of this review, and Dr. Frederick A., reside in Minneapolis. Irving A. Dunsmoor was about nine years of age at the time when the family home was established in Minnesota and he was reared under the conditions and influences of the pioneer days. He attended a primitive school two miles distant from his home and later continued his studies in a school at Wood Lake, but this discipline was irregular and somewhat desultory, so that his broader and more liberal education was that gained through self-training and through the lessons acquired in the practical school of experience. He assisted in the operations of the pioneer farm and also, until he was fourteen years of age. aided his mother in the domestic affairs of the household, as there were no girls in the family. When the Civil war was precipitated upon the nation Mr. Dunsmoor did not long wait to respond to the call of pat- riotism. In the autumn of 1861 he enlisted in the first Min- nesota company of sharpshooters, under command of Colonel Pcteler, his elder brother, Frank, having enlisted at the first call of President Lincoln, and having taken part in the first battle of Bull Run. in which he received a wound that de- stroyed one of his eyes, so that he was granted his discharge on account of physical disability. Irving A. Dunsmoor. the second of the six sons, proceeded with his command to the front and with the same assisted in the capture of Fred- ericksburg, besides taking part in various engagements of General Pojie's campaign leading >ip to the second battle of Bull Run. He continued on active duty for thirteen months and then received an honorable discharge, having been m- capacitated as the result of sunstroke received on the march. In 1864 Mr. Dunsmoor gave further evidence of his insistent loyalty to the Union, as he enlisted in the First Minnesota Heavy Artillery. At Chattanooga he was detailed in charge of a one-hundred-pound gun that was stationed at a bend of the river, to guard against the advancement of the Con- ■C^t4.^^in^d-i^c HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 409 had a capacity of 150,000 bushels and long continued as the largest in the state, its grain supply having originally been drawn almost entirely from the southern part of the state. After the completion of the elevator Mr. Eastman was made its manager and of this position he continued the incum- bent for eight years. Prior to his superintendency all grain had been transported in bags direct to the mills. He ar- ranged to permit the wheat to flow into the wagon boxes, but the majority of those concerned still insisted upon the use of bags. He constructed a wagon box with a capacity of one hundred bushels, and in the facility of loading and un- loading this saved in both time and expense, his innovation effecting a revolution in the handling of grain. His success encouraged others to erect elevators, and within his regime of eight years seven or eight such structures were built in Minneapolis. In 1870 he resigned his position and became as- sociated with his brother, William W., in the erection of the "Anchor' mill, equipped with eleven buhr stones and having a capacity of two thousand barrels. While still in charge of the elevator he and his brother had engaged in the man- ufacturing of grain reapers, the same having been the first automatic rakers to be placed on the market and having been designated as the "Valley Chief." Defects in certain minor parts of the mechanism made the practical working of the machines unsatisfactory, and the manufacturing of tlie same was, therefore, discontinued. For two years Mr. Kastman had active charge of the operation of the Anchor mill, and under his able direction were installed improved purifiers, for the whitening and strengthening of the flour. His study and experimentation were carried forward with marked zeal and the result proved of inestimable and en- during value in connection with the great industry fhat has made the name of Minneapolis famous. Mr. Eastman learned that the "shorts" or gluten went into the bran, the while the starch was retained in the flour. He also found that the embryonic chits or sprouts contained the oil which yellowed the flour, as combined with the middlings. The result of his investigation was that he found that desired conditions could be gained by the utilization of rollers. In his preliminary experimentation he borrowed sugar-rollers from a local whole- sale grocery firm. He thus tested the middlings through the primitive rollers and found that his ideas had been correct. He then arranged for the construction of two rollers to be attached to the mill machinery, but before lie had perfected liis plans for the improvement of the process he and his brother sold their mill to the late Governor Pillsbury, so that his idea of the roller process of flour manufacturing was left to be developed and perfected by others. In- connection with the selling of the Anchor mill the Eastman brothers ac- cepted a hardware store and business, the headquarters of which were on Bridge Square. William W. Eastman sold his interest in this business to T. B. Janney, and the enter- prise was continued by George H. Eastman and Mr. .Janney until 1875, when the firm became .Jannej', Brooks & East- man, by the admission of a third member. Under these conditions the business was successfully continued until 1883, and the volume of the trade, both wholesale and retail in functions, was increased frctai two hundred thousand to one million dollars a year. In the year last mentioned Mr. East- man sold his interest in this prosperous enterprise, which is still continued under the firm name of .Tanney, Seniplc, Hill & Company. After his retirement from business Mr. Eastman indulged himself in extensive and appreciative travel, the interest of which was intensified by his previous careful and far reaching study of history. He made four trips to Europe, and extended his travels into Egypt, China, Japan and other parts of the Orient. In 1884 Mr. Eastman and his brother, William W., erected a fine and extensive hotel at Hot Springs, Arkansas, but from this line of -enterprise he soon afterward withdrew. For twenty years Mr. Eastman was associated in the opera- tion of one of the leading baths of the great Arkansas resort, where he customarily passed the winters for a term of years. ' Though he has had no desire to enter the arena of practical politics or become a candidate for public office of any de- scription, Mr. Eastman is found arrayed as a staunch sup- porter of the principles and policies of the Democratic party. He is a charter member of the Minneapolis Club. He is identified with the Minneapolis Civic & Commerce Associa- tion and is essentially progressive and public-spirited as g. citizen. He is affiliated with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and was one of the organizers of its first lodge in Minneapolis, of which he was the first master workman. In Minneapolis, in the year 1869, was solemnized the mar- riage of Mr. Eastman to Miss Caroline W. Holt, daughter of the late Edwin Holt, who was an honored pioneer and influential citizen of this city. Mr. Holt was a man of marked ability and was a prominent figure in civic and busi- ness affairs in Minneapolis. He came to this state in 1868, from Wisconsin, but formerly from New York City, in 1862, and became a large owner of valuable realty in Minneapolis, besides being specially prominent in the state organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mrs. Eastman has been a leader in church and charitable activities of her home city, where her circle of friends is limited only by that of her acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman became the par- ents of two children, Florence, who died in New Orleans, at the age of seven years, and Eugene Holt Eastman, M. D., who is engaged in the practice of his profession. He married Miss Lenora Snyder, of Dayton, Ohio. HORACE LOWRY. Horace Lowry is the only son of tile late Thomas Lowry, former president and founder of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company. His mother is Beatrice M. (Goodrich) Lowry. He was born in Minneapolis, February 4, 1880. He is a graduate of the Emerson Grade School, the Central High School, class of 1896, and the University of Minnesota, class of 1900, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science. For nearly two years after leaving the University, he was emploj'ed aa an electrician in the company's shops, after which he entered the auditing department of the company where he remained for nearly a year, being chief clerk at the end of that time. Mr. Lowry then left. the company to look after his father's real estate and personal business interests, which up to that time had been in the hands of Several agents. In June, 1908, he accepted the superintendency of the Minneapolis division of the company, holding that position until December 10, 1910, when he resigned to give his entire time to the Arcade Invest- ment Co., of which he was president. It was then that he built the twelve story Lowry Building in St. Paul, acting as his own engineer and general contractor of the construction. On .lanuary 1, 1912, Mr. Lowry was appointed general manager 410 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY. MINNESOTA of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company, and one year later, January 1, 1913, was elected vice president which position he now occupies. Mr. Lowry is a member of the Minneapolis, Minikahda, Inter- lachen and Lafayette Clubs of Minneapolis, the Minnesota Club of St. Paul, University Club of Chicago, as well as the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. He is also a member of the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce Association, and the St. Paul Association of Commerce. He was married March 18, 1909, to Kate S. Burwell. They have two sons, Thomas Lowry and Goodrich Lowrv. CHARLES F. LINSJLWER. ■ Chas. F. Linsmayer, president of the McMillan Fur & Wool Company, was born in German)-, in 1872, and at the age of eleven came with his parents, who are still living, to Minneapolis, where he attended a public school for two years. His first work, at the age of 13, was as office boy for the company of which he is now the head; but continued to attend school at night. At different times and in various ways the company showed its confidence in his ability and judgment, one manifestation of this being that in 1906, he was sent to Europe to study the foreign markets and make extensive sales and pur- chases of rare costly furs. He has since made two trips abroad in the interest of the company, redounding in largely increased business. Mr. Linsmayer is the president and treasurer; J. C. Wade is vice president, and C. M. Wiley, secretary, and among its directors are Miss C. E. McMillan, a sister of James McMillan, whose sketch and portrait are found elsewhere in this work, and A. C. Gebhart. Mr. Linsmayer is a member of the New Athletic club and the Civic and Commerce associa- tion. He is a Republican but not an active partisan. Sept. 11, 1894, he was married to Miss Helen Gilles of Minneapolis. They have two sons, Carl and James McMillan. One month each year is devoted by Mr. Linsmayer to hunting in the northern wilds, the home at the Lake of the Isles containing some fine trophies of such recreation. He and wife are members of Immaculate Conception Catholic Cliurch. GUST LAGERQUIST. Having come to this country a young man, with habits of industry, and the Spirit of enterprise that characterizes his countrymen. Gust Lagerquist, an extensive manufacturer of elevators, has found conditions in the United States agree- able in every sense. He has made the most of the oppor- tunities and has hewed out for himself a flourishing business. Mr. Lagerquist was born in Sweden in 1855, and came to Chi- cago in 1878. There he was for some years employed in a manufactory of elevators when he in 1885 came to Minne- apolis and started the present enterprise, removing after six years to First street and First avenue north, where he remained for five years. Realizing the need of larger quarters and better facilities, he then built the present factory at 514-524 Third street north. This is two stories hign. 75 by 150 leet m dimension*, and gives employment regularly to about forty men. Under Mr. Lagerquist's progressive management the business has grown to very considerable magnitude, the products attain- ing wide popularity and a very extensive sale. His elevators are modern in every particular, made according to tlie latest and most approved ideas and contain none but the best materials, and have ever retained the high standard orig- inally set, the principal buildings in the city being fitted with them. While not a political partisan, Mr. Lagerquist has taken an earnest interest in local affairs, in good government and most rapid advancement for Minneapolis. He has also been active and serviceable in its fraternal life, being a Shriner in Masonry. He was married in 1885, to Miss Emma Nelson, also of Sweden. They have three children, F. W. is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, for eight years being an ensign in the navy; Helen is a graduate of Sargent's Phys- ical Culture College in Boston; Carl S. graduated from high school, and is a freshman in the University. OWEN J. EVANS, M. D. Few citizens of Minneapolis are better known and none is held in higher esteem in the community than the repre- sentative pioneer physician and surgeon to whom this re- view is dedicated. He established his home in Minneapolis in 1865, after having rendered gallant and distinguished service as a surgeon in the Union ranks of the Civil war, and here he continued ir the active and successful practice of his profession for virtually half a centurj-. He is unmis- takably the dean of his profession in Minnesota, where he is the only survivor of the charter members of the State Medical Society, as is he also of the charter members of the Hennepin County Medical Society. A few years since he re- tired from active practice, but he is held in reverent affec- tion by many representative families to which he has min- istered in years past. Dr. Owen Jason Evans was born in the town of Remsen, Oneida county, New York, on the 5th of February, 1840, being the ninth in order of birth in a family of ten chil- dren, of whom only three are now living. He is a son of Thomas T. and Mary (Lewis) Evans, both of whom were born and reared in Anglesey, an island and county of Wales, in the Irish sea.' and both representatives of the staunchest of Welsh lineage. The marriage of the parents was solemn- ized in their native laud and upon coming to .\merica they established their residence in the state of New York. When Dr. Evans was seven years of age his parents removed from his birthplace to Remsen, Oneida county, where the father became the owner and operator of a dairy farm. In 1858 the family removed to the city of Rome, New York, and there the parents passed the closing period of their lives, secure in the high esteem of all who knew them. The rudimentary education of 'Dr. Evans was obtained in the little district school near his birthplace and was con- tinued ill a similar institution after the removal of the family to Oneida county. Thereafter he continued his higher aca- demic studies in tlie Rome Academy, and in preparation for his chosen profession lie finally entered the Albany Medical ^yzr<^^^^^-cj HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 411 College, in the capital city of the Empire state. In this in- stitution lie was graduated in December, 1863, wiien he duly received his degree of Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Evans, forth- with showed his intrinsic loyalty and patriotism by tender- ing his services in behalf of the cause of the Union, the Civil war being at this time at its height. On the very day on which he received his medical diploma the Doctor also ob- tained his commission as assistant surgeon of the Fortieth New York Volunteer Infantry, proceeded to the front, and entered service in the Army of tlie Potomac. He lived up to the full tension of the great conflict between the states of the north and the south, and made a record that will ever reflect honor upon his name. After the battle of Chancel- lorsville he was detailed as a member of the surgical operat- ing staff of his brigade, and in this important capacity he continued in active and faithful service until the close of the war, when he received his honorable discharge. Nearly one and one-half years before his discharge a vacancy hav- ing occurred in the surgical staff of his regiment, he was commissioned and mustered as surgeon of the Regiment, this preferment having been given at the urgent request of all save one of the officers of the regiment. It is worthy of note in this connection that his associate, the other assistant sur- geon, was a man twenty-nine years his senior and that his ability and personal popularity brought about his advance- ment. At the battle of the Wilderness a request was made for volunteer surgeons to remain with and care for the wounded while the army moved to the left and prepared for the battle of Spottsylvauia. Dr. Evans was one of the four surgeons who volunteered for this exacting service, and the next day after the Army of the Potomac had moved forward to the left the Confederate ofHcer Colonel \Vhite, with his guerillas, effected the capture of the four surgeons and all of their wounded patients. They were held in captivity for two weeks and then, by a clever ruse, effected their escape to Fredericksburg. This result was accomplished principally through the versatility and efforts of Dr. Evans. He started for General Wade Hampton's headquarters for the purpose of obtaining needed supplies, but was met by the Confederate otticer of the day and halted, but he persuaded the Con- federate officers to permit him to depart unmolested for Fredericksburg, and on his return to come in with such a supply train as he may have been able to secure. He at once sought the Federal lines under General Ferreros, not many miles distant, and after obtaining a goodly amount of food and medical supplies, together with about seventy-five ambulances, he returned to his stricken comrades. The next day he contrived to effect the removal and escape of about two-thirds of the wounded Union soldiers, and he also left adequate provisions for the remainder, as well as for about two hundred wounded Confederate soldiers. With his rescued comrades he returned in pafety to the Union lines. After the surrender of General Lee, at Appomattox, Dr. Evans was detailed as chief medical officer of the department at FarmviUe, Virginia, where the Confederate hospital was situated and where many wounded Union soldiers, as well Confederate, were confined. In caring for these men the Doctor completed his service as one of the able and efficient surgeons in the Union army, and his career thereafter has mainly to do with Minnesota and its fair metropolis. After the close of the war Dr. Evans came to Minneapolis, where he engaged in the practice of his profession and where he has nuiintained his home during the long intervening years, which have been marked by large and worthy achieve- ment on his part. He early made careful investments in local realty, and in addition to erecting many dwellings of excellent order he has built three business buildings. He still owns the Anglesey block, three-story block and three store rooms, at the corner of Hennepin avenue and Four- teenth street, all of these buildings having been erected by him. He served two terms as city health officer, was a valued member of the city council, and also gave effective service as a member of the board of education. In 1885 he served as a member of the lower house of the state legislature. In this connection he takes just satisfaction in the fact that he was the author of the bill in conformity with the provisions of which the state condemned and assumed control of the property now known as Minnehaha Falls park. The city of Minneapolis later obtained from the state the ownership of this beautiful park, the state retaining the ground on which is now located the Minnesota Soldiers' Home. Prior to the assumption of state control the now beautiful park was un- kempt and was the resort of tlie most undesirable class of persons, the ideal place having thus virtually denied its privileges to the better class of citizens. The Doctor was for many years a director of the Minneapolis Board of Trade. Both he and his wife are zealous members of Westminster Presbyterian church, with which he has been actively identi- fied for practically half a century. He is a member of the American Medical Association, and, as before stated, is the only surviving charter member of each, the Minnesota State Medical Society and the Hennepin County Medical Society. Dr. Evans is one of the appreciative and valued members of Rawlings Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he is a member and in which he served four terms as surgeon. He is also affiliated with the Minnesota Comraandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and he served as a member of the council of this patriotic organization. In former years he was an active member of the Minneapolis Club and the Nicollet Club, but he resigned his membership in both several years ago. A specially interesting and valuable achievement has been that of Dr. Evans in connection with the raising of live- stock standards in Minnesota. He has been a prominent and successful breeder of fine horses and cattle. He has brought out on his stock farm many admirable standard-bred horses, and was the first to introduce the high-class draft horses in the state, both Clydesdale and Perclieron stock. He has in his possession a fine Tiffany prize cup, valued at one hundred dollars, and this he won at the state fair on ex- hibiting the Wilkes trotting stallion "Red Chieftain," and four of his get. Another valued trophy is two solid silver cups captured by the Doctor's standard-bred "Mike Wilkes" in the ice races on the Lake of the Isle course. The Doctor has also become well known as a financier and successful breeder of fine registered Jersey cattle. At the present time he is interested in fruit ranches in the Bitterroot valley of Montana and on the Pinellas peninsula of Florida. In each of these localities he has made substantial investments in real estate, and his land in Montana is devoted to the raising of apples, pears, cherries and plums, while that in Florida is given over principally to the propagation of grape fruit. Dr. Evans is giving personal attention to the improving of 412 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA these valuable properties and takes likely interest In the same. In the year 1869 Dr. Evans wedded Miss Elizabeth Dodge, of Princeton, Illinois, and she was summoned to the life eternal in 1879, leaving no children. In 1890 was solemn- ized the marriage of the Doctor to Miss Tamazine McKee, who presides graciously over their attractive home, no chil- dren having been born of this union. Dr. Evans is known and honored in the city that has so long represented his home, and it may consistently be said that his circle of friends is limited only by that of his acquaintances. CHARLES D. LOUGEE. Charles D. Lougee has borne the heat and burden of the day and is enjoying the beauty of its sunset or the milder glories of its late evening at his home, 1103 Fifth street, Southeast Minneapolis. But he is by no means oblivious of or indifferent to what is going on around him, and is as deeply interested in the continued progress and welfare of his home city and state as when he was one of the most active and potent factors in promoting their advancement. Mr. Lougee was born in the village of Bainstead, Merri- mack County, New Hampshire, a few years after the birth of the late Governor John S. Pillsbury in the neighboring village of Sutton, about 25 miles distant. They were life- long friends, and were associated in business here for many years. The county of their nativity has produced other men who have attained distinction, among them former Governor Harriman, of New Hampshire, and former Governor Otway. of South Dakota, Mr. Lougee grew to manhood and was educated in his native State, and he there learned the trade of carpenter. He came to Minnesota in 1857, and located at Faribault, where he engaged in carpenter work for ten years. In 1867 he came to Minneapolis to live, and in partnership with the late H, J. G. Croswell, operated a flour mill near the site of the present Pillsbury Mill A, which was destroyed by fire some years after he Sold his interest in it to his partner, with whom he was associated for about four years. The milling business in which Mr. Lougee was engaged was profitable, and he invested his revenues from it in pine lands, in St. Louis County. Minnesota. Governor Pillsbury owned lands nearer the city, and they began to operate together. Mr. Lougee assuming charge of the details of the lumber business. They had their logs sawed in Minneapolis mills, belonging to other persons and then disposed of their lumber at wholesale. The business continued under their joint management for a number of years, and each accumulated a handsome fortune from it. Mr. Lougee finally sold his interest to C. A. Smith and Governor Pillsbury. .M an early day Mr. Lougee became and still is a stock- holder in the First National Bank. He also served for a time as vice-president of the Floiir City Bank, and has held con- siderable stock in other banks for many years, but has never cared for official positions in these institutions. Neither has he ever sought or desired public office of any kind. One reason for refusing official position was that once given by Governor Pillsbury when he was urged to be a candidate for Congress: "My business is worth more and it must suffer if I go into public life," and he resolutely put aside all efforts to induce him to change his mind, and some of them were difficult to resist. November 28, 1872. Mr. Lougee married Miss Catherine Sperry, in Minneapolis, where they were both living at the time. Miss Sperry was a young lady of unusual mental en- dowments, educational attainments, and personal cliarms. She is a sister of Rear Admiral Sperry. of the United States Navy, and of Mark L. Sperry, of Waterbury, Connectitut, the place of her nativity. She and her husband were the parents of three daughters: Mary, the wife of Hon. John C. Sweet, a prominent lawyer of Minneapolis; Helen, the wife of Dr. A. A. Law, and Catherine Louise. They are all graduates of the University of Minnesota, and Miss Catherine is a teacher of art in Oregon. The mother died in 1889. He was married the second time to Harriette L. Brown on .luly 12, 1894. The home of the parents is at 1103 Fifth street southeast, Minneapolis, as has been stated, and there Mr. Lougee finds his greatest contentment and pleasure. He has helped to build, magnify, and adorn a municipality that is one of the glories of our country, and he has planted and cherished one of the finest of the many charming homes in the city, and given to it an example of domestic virtue and contentment nowhere sur- HON. JOHN G. LENNON. In business affairs, in public service and in all the elements of sterling manhood the career of Hon. .John G. Lennon is creditable alike to him. to his family and to the community. He was born on Bridge Square, Minneapolis, September 2, 1858, a son of Charles and Margaret (Glass) Lennon, natives of Ireland, where they were reared and married. Soon after marriage they came to the United States, making the voyage in an old sailing vessel and being twenty-seven weeks on the ocean. The father's brother, John G, Lennon, one of the leading real estate men of Minneapolis, was at that time sutler at Fort Snelling, Mr. Lennon's father died before the son was born and, in 1860, his mother married C. C. Hartley and moved to Lansing, Mower county, Minnesota, whence she returned to Minneapolis in 1895 or 1896, and here ])assed the remainder of her life, ex- cept when living at Kalispell, Montana. She died in Kalispell, Montana in September, 1912, aged eighty-two. For many years she was a member of the Territorial Pioneers Associa- tion, and from girlhood belonged to the Methodist Episcopal church. There were two children in the family. .Tohn (",. and his older sister, Mary, Before John G. Lennon returned to Minneapolis, in 1895 or 1896, he opened a general store at Blooming Prairie, where he rendered the community service as a member of the city council, the school board and the postmaster. He was also for some years a justice of the peace. He has traveled ex- tensively for clothing houses, which he has served thirty years as salesman. As a salesman he has been connected with one firm fifteen years, and is still selling goods all over the Northwest, making two six week trips a year. He belongs to the Church of the Redeemer and the United Commercinl Travelers' Association, and is a life member of Minneapolis Lodge of Elks No. 44. It is in his legislative lareer. however, that Mr. Lennon's record is most lonspicuous. creditable and serviceable. He has HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 413 been a member of the House of Representatives continuously for ten years, being elected in 1904, in the Forty-first legisla- tive district, which embraces the Fifth and Sixth wards. In 1905 Mr. Lennon fathered the law providing for state inspection of hotels. He was the author of the law creating the state free employment bureau. Its activities at first were confined to Minneapolis, but since extended St. Paul and Duhith and so enlarged in scope that it now includes several lines, not at first embraced. He has kept in close touch with labor legislation and supported what he deemed judicious and helpful to the working classes. In the session of 1907, he ardently supported the bill creat- ing the State Farm for Inebriates, which is now in operation at Willmar, and which is supported by 4 per cent of all saloon licenses in the state. After the law was put into effect, the citj' of Morris contested by refusing to pay the tax, but the law was fully sustained when the case was carried to the Supreme Court. In the session of 1911 Mr. Lennon was elected Speaker pro tem,- and for three weeks, during an illness of the Speaker he served as Speaker. His presence in that session was due to his triumph over the advocates of County Option in the liquor traific who made a bitter fight on him at the election. In that session he served on the special committee appointed to investigate the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, and wrote the report submitted by the joint committee of the two houses. The investigation was renewed in the session of 1913, when Mr. Lennon was dean of the House, and he took a prominent part in the discussion it awakened. On December 26, 1877, Mr. Lennon was married at Portage, Wisconsin, to Mrs. Amy Giddings. They lost one child at the age of three and a half years, and have one living. Captain Bert M. Lennon, adjutant in the Minnesota National Guard and deputy state hotel inspector. By her first marriage, Mrs. Lennon had a daughter, Grace, now the wife of F. .1. Schisler of Winthrop, Minnesota, where her husband is a merchant and mayor. \ DR. CYRUS NORTHROP. Dr. Cyrus Northrop, late president of the LTniversity of Minnesota, did not attain his elevation to the first rank of educators in this country without difficulties of a weighty and at times oppressive character. But he met the obstacles in his pathway with a serene, self-confident and determined spirit that kept him always moving toward the goal for which he was destined. In early life his mind was omnivorous in its appetite for knowledge, but his physique was frail and scarcely able to sustain the intellectual force that dwelt in and controlled it. He suffered much from uncertain health at times, but during most of his boyhood and youth kept on with his studies and making decided and permanent progress in them; and his field of operations, after he began to exert his force in the management of human affairs, covered many lines of thought and action, but was always in the educational domain. Dr. Northrop was born in Ridgefield, Fairfield county, Con- necticut, on September 30, 1834, and is a son of Cyrus and Polly B. (Fancher) Northrop. He attended the common school in his native town until he was eleven years old. During the next five years he was a day student at a board- ing school taught in Ridgefield by H. S. Banks, a graduate of Yale College. In 1851 he was entered as a student at Willis- ton Seminary, Earthampton, Massachusetts, where he passed one year, and after leaving that institution entered Yale College in 1852. At the end of his second term, however, he was obliged to leave the college on account of illness. In the spring of 1853, having recovered his health in large measure, he re-entered Yale, and from tliat great seat of learning he was graduated in 1857. The next two years were passed by him as a student of law in Yale, and during this period he supported himself by teaching in a boarding school kept by Hon. A. N. Skinner in New Haven, which is even now well remembered by the older residents of that famous old city. By the end of the period last mentioned the political agita- tion that resulted in the election of Abraliam Lincoln to the presidency of the United States and the great Civil war was in full activity, and engaged the attention of all thinking men. North and South. Dr. Northrop took an active part in the campaign for Lincoln, making many speeches in behalf of the candidacy of the great emancipator in Connecticut and New York. After the election, which resulted in the choice of a legislature favorable to his views, he was assistant clerk of the Connecticut house of representatives in 1860, and clerk of the same body in 1861. The next year he served as clerk of the state senate, and at the close of the session be- came editor in chief of the New Haven Daily Palladium, one of the most influential newspapers in Connecticut at that time. But the newspaper field of endeavor was not the one best suited to his temperament and abilities. His Alma Mater recognized his special fitness for her service and in 1863 elected him professor of rhetoric and English literature, a position which he held for a continuous period of twenty-one years, or until he was chosen president of the University of Minnesota in 1884. He voluntarily retired from the presi- dency of the University on April 1, 1911, after an honorable record extending over twenty-seven years and a half. While occupying the chair of rhetoric and English literature at Yale College he delivered hundreds of addresses on political, edu- cational and religious subjects in the Eastern and Middle states, and after coming to Minnesota he was in very fre- quent requisition for the same purpose throughout the whole period of his connection with the University, and the same demand for his services in this respect continues to the present time. Dr. Northrop has always been devoted in his loyalty to the Congregational church, of which he has been a member from his boyhood. In 1889 he was moderator of its national council, which assembled at Worcester, Massachusetts, and in 1891 assistant moderator of its international council, which held its sessions in London, England. He has been. president of the Congregational Home Missionary Society, and was for several years president of the American Mis- sionary Association. He is vice president of the Congrega- tional Sunday School and Publishing Society and of the American Bible Society. He is also a corporate member of the A. B. C. F. M. — the Congregational Foreign Missionary Society. He is president of the Minnesota Peace Society and is deeply interested in the world movement for peace. The doctor has always been a warmly welcomed orator at college commencements and other college celebrations. He delivered one of the principal addresses at the Yale Bicen- tennial celebration in 1901, and, although he is not a clergy- man, he has filled pulpits of almost all tlie church 414 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA denominations on important occasions. His life in Minnesota has brougiit him into association with most of the leading citizens of the state, and for those of his eminent intimate friends who have passed away — Governor John S. Pillsbury, Senator W. D. Washburn, Judge Martin B. Koon, Governor A. R. McGill, and many others, he cherishes a very tender memory. His work in this state lias lieen mainly that of building up the University of Minnesota. But he indulges the hope, and with good reason, that the by-products of his industry have also been of some value. He is one of our state's most esteemed citizens. S. K. FOREST. Vice president and cashiei of the National City Bank of Minneapolis and the founder and president of the Commercial National Bank of this city, during its existence has had a very creditable business career, covering several different lo- calities and lines of effort, in all of which he has been pro- gressive and successful. Mr. Forest was born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1867, and graduated from the Brooklyn Collegiate Polytechnic Insti- tute in 1884. Went to St. Paul, Minnesota, 1886; left St. Paul in 1889 and associated himself with Charles Hamilton under the firm name of Hamilton and Forest, lumber and coal, with a line of yards on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. At the end of that period he removed to Britton. South Dakota, having accepted a position with the Dakota Lumber Company. While a resident of South Dakota he sened one term as treasurer of Marshall county. He then organized the Citizens' Bank of Britton, which later became the First National Bank. In 1911 he went to Portland, Oregon, return- ing in the fall of that year, and organized the Commercial National Bank, over which he presided, until it was merged into The National City Bank. Under his enterprising, pro- gressive and judicious management the bank flourished and grew rapidly, steadily increasing its business and strength- ening its hold. Mr. Forest was married in the state of New York on June 24, 1900, to iliss Frances C. Hall. They have one child, their daughter, Margaret E. Her father is a son of Samuel A. and Lydia E. (Mortimer) Forest, natives of Brooklyn, New York. They had four sons and three aaughters. Three of the .seven children are living. The father was a pioneer in Winona, having been a merchant and manufac- turer there and elsewhere. He died in St. Paul in 1906 at the age of 76. In fraternal relations. S. E. Forest is a Freemason, and has risen in the order to the rank of a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He also belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and in church affiliation he is a Presbyterian. Mr. Forest is highly respected as a progressive and pub- lic-spirited citizen, with a warm and practical interest in the welfare and improvement of his home city. In all projects for its advancement he can be depended on to do his part to help the cause along, and his views in this connection are always guided by wisdom and good jvidgment, and his ef- forts are always duly proportioned to the importance of the matter in hand. Minneapolis has no better citizen, and none who is more highly esteemed. HON. WAI.LACE G. NYE. Mayor Nye was bom at Hortonville, Wisconsin, on October 7, 1859, a son of Freeman James and Hannah (Pickett) Nye. He traces his descent from Benjamin Nj'e, who came to America from England in 1635 on the ship '"Abigail" and settled at Sandwich, Massachusetts. Benjamin and his de- scendants shared with other colonists the hardships and privations of pioneer life and the stress and storm of the Colonial wars, the War for Independence, the War of 1813 and the Mexican war. And when armed resistance threat- ened the dismemberment of the Union, the mayor's father showed the same patriotic spirit by promptly enlisting in the Federal volunteer army, remaining in the service to the close of our memorable sectional conflict. Wallace G. Nye passed his boyhood on his father's farm and obtained his elementary education in a district school. When he was sixteen years old he took up the battle of life for himself as a school teacher, and with the proceeds of his first industry in this occupation began a more systematic course of academic training at the normal school in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He completed the course at the normal school, teaching at intervals to get more funds, and for a time after leaving the institution. He learned the retail drug business in Chicago, and in September, 1881, came to Minneapolis and opened a drug store in the Northern part of the city. This store he con- tinued to carry on until 1893, when other duties required all his attention. He was, from his youth, an active Repub- lican in political faith and allegiance, and in 1888 served as a member of the campaign committee of his party. His services in this capacity showed him po.ssessed of such superior ability for administrative duties that in 1892 he was elected city comptroller, an oflice he held through three successive terms. In 1898 lie served as chairman of the Rejiublican city campaign committee, and managed the campaign with ad- mirable vigor and skill. Previous to this time, however, he was chosen secretary of the park board, beginning his service in that position in 1889 and continuing it for four years. In 1894 he was elected a member of the board to fill a vacancy, serving three years, and in 1904 was chosen to membership on the City Hall and Court House commission. He was also for some time chairman of the public affairs committee of the Commercial club, and in that position ren- dered the city notably effective .•service in the promotion of its commercial and substantial interests, being elected mayor of Minneapolis Nov. 5. 1912. Mayor Nye has been active in the fraternal life of tlic city as a Freemason of the thirty-second degree and a member of the Order of Odd Fellows, the Ancient Order of I'nited Work- men and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. His principal activity in these connections has been in the Order of Odd Fellows. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the state in 1890. Grand Patriarch of the Grand Encamp- ment in 1893 and a representative to the .Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Order for ten years. He is not a member of any church organization but is interested intelligently and practically in all good agencies for the advancement and improvement of the community. In 1881 he was married at New London. Wisconsin, to Miss Etta Kudd. They have two sons, Marshall A. and George M.. both of whom are in business in this city. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 415 DR. CHARLES HENRY NORRED. A Virginian with some of the best blood of the south in his veins Dr. Charles Henry Norred has proved through his long and honorable career in Minneapolis, his right to his proud inheritance. Dr. Norred is a man of tine enthusiasm and high principles. Taken together with his splendid integrity and fearless in all matter pertaining to his profession these characteristics have won for him the enviable place in the esteem of his fellow citizens. His name is lastingly identified with the sanitary interests of the city. His father was William Norred and his mother was Eliza- beth Ellen (Dowdell) Norred and the son Charles Henry was born in Loudon county, Virginia, .January 19, 1842. While he was still a young boy his father moved with his family to Springfield, Hlinois, where he acquired large tracts of land, a flour mill and a lumber yard. It was during his boyhood and early manhood that he acquired a scientific knowledge of farming and stock raising and also a practical working knowl- edge of lumbering, engineering and milling, and he went into the business of buying and selling stock quite extensively. It was in the public schools of Springfield that Dr. Norred received his early education, attending first the graded schools and later attending the Illinois State I'niversity. He was not yet twenty when he began his medical studies with Dr. R. S. Lord of Springfield. Later he went to Pope's Medical College, in St. Louis, Missouri, finishing with the class of 1865, and also to the School of Anatomy and Surgery in Pennsylvania. It was from the last named institution that he was graduated. He received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia in 1886. Added to all his other honors. Dr. Norred was also a soldier having served his country through the tivil war. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 114th Regiment Illinois Volun- tary Infantry and organized the first regimental hospital for the soldiers at Camp Butler. After passing an examina- tion as senior assistant surgeon before the Illinois State Military Examining Board he received a commission as Cap- tain of Cavalry. Throughout the war he served in the varioas hospitals in charge of the medical department, saving many lives and alleviating much suffering, having charge of the surgery on board of the floating hospital "Nashville" which was a receiving boat at the siege of Vicksburg. Later he was placed in charge of the medical department of the 7th Illinois Cavalry, in which service he remained until the close of the war. Before coming to Minneapolis he had practiced in Dawson, Sangamon county. Illinois, and in Middletown, Illinois, and also in Lincoln, Illinois. He came to Minneapolis in 188a. It was five years after that the smallpox epidemic swept over the city and it seemed for a time that the physicians would be unable to cope with the situation. Dr. Norred was appointed special quarantine officer and in a short time pre- sented the city with a clean bill of health. It was at hia suggestion that three large quarantine hospitals were con- structed and people of Minneapolis raising about thirty thou- sand dollars for the purpose. It was as special quarantine officer that he first came into prominence in Minneapolis, winning in this capacity the respect and approbation of the 'entire community. In 1892 Dr. Norred was made consulting surgeon and in 1902 surgeon in chief of Soldiers' Home. Many of the improvements for the Minnesota State Sol- diers' Home in the matter of sanitation and management were due to Dr. Norrcd's skill and judgment while he was con- sulting surgeon there. Under his direction many changes were made that resulted in the betterment of the inmates there. He left the institution in splendid sanitary condition, after devoting a number of years of his active career to that end. He held the office of United States Examining Surgeon under President Harrison and was at one time medical director of the Department of Minnesota Grand Army of the Republic and he also acted on the board of United States Examining Surgeons, being president of Board No. 1 at the present time. For a time he was consulting surgeon of the Minneapolis City Hospital. He is prominent in G. A. R. circles, being a member of the John A. Rawlins Post, Number 126, and the military order of Loyal Legion of the United States. He is also a Scottish Rite Mason, a Knight Templar and a Shriner and a member of the Wesley M. E. Church. When Dr. Norred becomes reminiscent he likes to tell how his father at one time consulted Abraham Lincoln on legal matters and how the great man took notice of the young man who went with him. Charles was taken in office of the lawyer who was then comparatively unknown and who after- ward became so great. This created a wonderful impression upon him and had a permanent and determining influence upon his ambition during his future life, especially after Lin'coln had become so great. He advised him as to his future life and conduct. Dr. Norred lives at the Rogers Hotel and has his office in the Andrus building. Lincoln was a friend of the family and often visited at their home. In 1900 Dr. Norred was selected special quarantine officer by the city to clean it of smallpox and after a few months of active work gave it a clean bill of health and also erected five modern quarantine hospitals at an expense of over $30,000 which was contributed by the citizens of Minneapolis. ORLO MELVIN LARAWAY. The late Orlo Melvin Laraway, who died in Minneapolis on April 18, 1909, after a residence within the present city limits of more than fifty years, was one of the founders of the municipality. Mr. Laraway was born on September 7th, 1832, in Char- don, then Trumbull, but now Geauga county, Ohio, and came to Minneapolis to live before the city, or even the village which has grown into the 'city, was founded. He was one of the earliest merchants in this locality, opening a general store in 1857. In 1864 he was a member of the board of township trustee's, Cyrus Aldrich and George A. Brackett be- ing the other two, and as such helped to lay the foundations of the civil and educational institutions of the region. He also served as Treasurer of Minneapolis about that time. Mr. Laraway was a builder from his advent in thi's section. In 1868, in association with C. K. Perrine, he established the Minneapolis Plow Works, an important industrial enterprise in its day, which did a large business and gave employment to a large number of men. He was also instrumental in found- ing and building up the Mechanics and Workingmen's Loan 416 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA and Building Association, which helped greatly in providing the newcomers into the locality with homes, or the means of building them. He was secretary of this association twenty-six or twenty-seven years, and there is ample proof of the wisdom and prudence of his management of its affairs in the fatt that at the end of its long and useful activitj' it liquidated its business at one hundred cents on the dollar. Mr. Laraway was also one of the directors of the old Bank of Commerce until it was consolidated with the present Northwestern National Bank, and because of his zeal, energy and intelligence in working for the good of the city, he was appointed its postmaster in 1882. He served in this office until 1886, and during the four years of his incumbency in it the foundation of the present postoffice building was laid. It was a period of rapid growth in the history of the city, the postoffice receipts being doubled during his four years' term of office. The next year after he left the office of postmaster Mr. Laraway became the successor of .John G. McFarlane in the oldest insurance company in Minneapolis, whose history dates back to 1857 or 1858. He continued to do business on a large scale and with great enterprise until the asthma, from which he suffered from early life, so weakened him that he was obliged to lay aside his activity and rest from his ardu- ous labors. For more than a generation of human life, Mr. Laraway was an active and honored member of Hennepin Lodge. No. 19, Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons. He was married on November 8th, 1857, to Miss Abbie F'. Clark, a native of Warren, Ohio. Born in 1837, who is still living. They became the parents of two children, both of whom are also living: Floyd, who now has charge of the father's former business, and Grace, who is the wife of Arthur Von Schlegel, and has her home in Detroit. Michigan. MATTHEW J. PEPPARD. Mr. Peppard was born in the city of Fredericton, the cap- ital of the Canadian province of New Brunswick, on November 10, 1846, and when lie was four years old was taken by his parents to the neighboring province of Nova Scotia. There he grew to manhood and obtained a common school educa- tion, leaving his books at an early age to begin learning his trade as a carpenter under the direction of his father. When he attained his majority he left his native land for the United States, and chose the state of Minnesota as liis future home, locating first at Castle Rock, Dakota county. Here he became a contractor for building houses and con- tinued as such for a short time, until he could mature his plans and find a way to work them out. In 1869 he entered the employ of George W. Sherwood, the railroad bridge contractor, as a workman on the bridge over the Cannon river at Hastings, this state, and within a few weeks afterward was given charge of all bridge construction work then in progress on the St. Paul Railroad in that division. His wages exceeded his expectations, and he was kept in Mr. Sherwood's employ for six years, during which he was always assigned to important duties, among them laying the foundations of the bridges now spanning the Mississippi at Hastings and La Crosse, and other large jobs of great public utility. At the end of the period last mentioned he decided to undertake similar contracting and construction work for himself. He secured contracts on the H. & D. division of the St. Paul Railroad, now the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, and built the bridges between Glencoe and Ortonville, making his home at Hutchinson, McLeod county. For a num- ber of jears thereafter he was associated with Henry &, Balch, the well known contracting firm, and during this period he began building docks on the Great Lakes, a line of work that is still in progress and has been growing in im- portance from the beginning of its history. One of his most important jobs in this department of enterprise, in magni- tude and usefulness, has just recently been completed at Ashland on Lake Superior. Mr. Peppard remained with Henry & Balch from 1878 to 1897, and for three years after that was in partnership with Mr. Balch. Since 1900, however, he has been operating alone. He built the great railroad docks at Marquette, Michigan, Escanaba, Gladstone, Ashland, and other progressive and growing lake ports. In addition he has never hesitated to take a contract for building an entire line of railroad, and at times has had more than 2.000 men in his employ. Dur- ing the last twenty years he has done all the dock con- struction work required by the Northwestern Railroad, and, in company with Bernard & Record, built some of the larg- est docks on the Great Lakes in addition to those named above. His extensive work as a buildinj; contractor has kept Mr. Peppard busy, but he has still found time to give attention to other lines of business. He has loaned money to farmers, bought and sold pine lands, farm lands and other real estate, and built large business blocks and . residence properties for renting purposes. The fine business block at First avenue and Tenth street, south, Minneapolis, was put up by him and in addition he owns several desirable lots and dwelling houses near his own home on Third avenue south, and is still extending his acquisitions of this kind. While living at Hutchinson Mr. Peppard joined actively in the movement to secure railroads to that town, and largely through his efforts the Great Northern and Chicago, Milwau- kee & St. Paul were extended to it. In recognition of his services in this respect he was nominated by his party, the Democratic, for membership in the state house of repre- sentatives, and his nomination was cordially indorsed by the Republican nominating convention. But he declined the honor and did not make the race, preferring to devote him- self wholly to his business, which had by that time grown to large proportions and was steadily increasing. While the greater part of his activity has been given to Minnesota enterprises since he became a resident of this state, he has acquired interests elsewhere also. lie has a large addition to the city of St. Charles, Missouri, in which he is laying out streets and making extensive improvements, pushing the work forward with the energy and dispatch which he has always displayed in his undertakings, and with the confidence and self-reliance which have always characterized him in all things. In the public affairs of every community in which he has lived or with which he has been connected he has taken an intelligent and helpful interest, and to the progress aful im- provement of Minneapolis in every way he has been es- pecially devoted and a liberal contributor. In its social life he has been useful as a member of the Auto, Commercial HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 417 and New Athletic clubs. He has also been very fond of fine horses, but has not found his liking for them profitable. In 1893 he was married at St. Charles, Missouri, to Miss Maniye Redmond. They have three sons living, Melville, George and Edwin. Another son, wliose name was Royal, died in childhood. nominations and all agences working for the good of his com- munity. On May 19, 1875, Mr. Leighton was united in marriage with Miss Sarah L. Heaton, of Machias, a native of same. Seven children have blessed their union and brightened their family fireside, Mabelle E., Addie L., Maude A., Lizzie A., Lewis L., George E. and Sarah L. The attractive and popular home of the family is at 1509 Fremont aveime, north. HORACE NEWELL LEIGHTON. Mr. Leighton was born on January 8, 185.S, in the city of Machias, Washington county, Maine. There he grew to man- hood, and obtained his education in the common schools. Tlie shop, the mill and the business office were his Schools in his preparation for his business career, and they did their work well, as his career has been an eminently successful, credit- able and useful one. In 1876, when he was twenty-three years old, he came to Minnesota and took up his residence in Minneapolis. He be- gan contracting and building, and to this line of effort he has adhered throughout the thirty years whith have passed since he came to this locality. His progress in it has been steady and continuous, and he now stands in the front rank of his business in the Northwest. He is the head of the H. N. Leighton company, and among the notable structures which it has erected in this city are: The Metropolitan Life build- ing, the Palace Clotliing house, the Catholic Pro-Cathedral, the old and new postoffices, the Northwestern and the Farmers and Meclianics bank buildings, the Pilgrim Congregational, Trinity Baptist, Westminster Presbyterian. Wesley Methodist and Lyndale Congregational churches, and the Great Northern, Advance, Newton & Emerson, Tibbs-Hutehins and Loose, Wiles & Company warehouses. Many other imposing and artistic structures stand to Mr. Leighton's credit in this community and elsewhere, and as enduring monuments to his skill and enterprise as a coirtractor and builder. His life here has been a very busy one. but its activities have been by no means confined to his private enterprises. On the contrary he has been very zealous and serviceable in his attention to public affairs and in efforts to promote the city's welfare by helping to secure for it the best government attainable. He has never been fond of official life and lias never sought public office of any kind. But he consented to serve, under the importunities of his friends without regard to party lines, as a member of the city council, from 1898 to 1902, representing the Third ward, in which he lives, as its alderman.' He is also a member of the city board of educa- tion, and in its work he is deeply, intelligently, and helpfully interested at all times. The cause of education lias always had Mr. Leighton's cordial support. For years lie has been one of the trustees of Windom Institute at Montevideo, Minnesota, an educational institution fostered by the Congregational church denomina- tion of the state, and he occupies the same relation to Carle- ton College at Northfield. Socially he is connected with the North .Side Commercial and Athletic clubs. His political faith and allegiance are given to the Republican party in national and state affairs, but in local matters he is not a partisan, but gives all questions a good citizen's consideration, and is im- pelled in reference to them by no other influence. In re- ligious affiliation he is connected with the Pilgrim Congrega- tional cluirch. but he is liberal in his support of other de- S. J. NICHOLSON. This valued citizen of Minneapolis, who has been a resident of the city and engaged in business here for a continuous period of twenty-nine years, is the senior member of the firm of Nicholson Brothers, merchant tailors, with their prmcipal establishment at 709-711 Nicollet avenue. The business in which the}' are engaged was started by him in 1884, and the partnership between him and his brother, Murdock Nicholson, was formed in 1885. Theirs is one of the leading merchant tailoring establishments in the city, and has had a prosperous career with a growing trade from the start. S. J. Nicholson was born on Prince Edward Island, Canada, on June 29, 1860, and came to this country in his boyhood. He was educated and learned his trade in Ohio, attending what in his student days was Wooster College, in the city of the same name. He became a resident of Minneapolis in 1884, and has since built a handsome home for his family and himself at 5703 Nicollet avenue, where he owns forty acres of land and gives a great deal of attention to raising choice peonies, astei's, daisies, and other flowers, and make a specialty of producing the finest growths of Japanese Iris, all for the market. Mr. Nicholson's American ancestors came to Prince Edward Island from the Highlands of Scotland, in 1820. and the family is one of the oldest on the Island. As soon as he was able to look the country over and select a place for himself he made Minneapolis his choice, and he has never since found fault with his judgment in this particular. He has fallen in completely with the genius of the locality and has prospered here, having built several residence properties for sale or renting purposes. Mr. Nicholson has also taken a very cordial and helpful interest in the affairs of his home community in public, fra- ternal and sporting lines, and although quiet and retiring to an almost excessive degree, has established himself firmly in the regard and admiration of the people here as a very commendable and useful citizen. He was one of the pioneers of field sports in this city, having been one of the players in the foot ball game of 1886, the first ever played in Minne- apolis, the foot ball grounds being at the time at Thirteenth street and Nicollet avenue. Fraternally he is a Free Mason of the Royal Arch degree, and holds his membership in the order in Ark Lodge. Minneapolis, to which he has belonged twenty-seven years, and in Royal Arch Chapter. S. J. Nicholson was married on January 15, 1890, to MiSs Antoinette Clarke, a daughter of Hon. Charles H. Clarke, a sketch of whom will be found in this work, and a grand- daughter of Charles Hoag, the gentleman who gave Minne- apolis its beautiful name. She and her husband are active in many organizations for the promotion of the welfare of their community and its residents, she being especially active 418 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA as a member of the Women's club of the city. They have one bhild, their son Clarke, now eighteen yeare old and a student in the high school class of 1914. Mr. Nicholson is sedulously attentive to his business and omits no effort to expand it and make his work satisfactory to his numerous patrons. The firm employs regularly thirty- five to forty persons, and keeps them all busy. He is a Eepubliean in political faith, but in the last presidential elec- tion, cast his vote for the electors of Woodrow Wilson, his desire for the public welfare then, as always, overbearing all personal or party considerations, however firmly fixed or long adhered to. GEORGE R. NEWELL. Among the early arrivals in Minneapolis, although not one of the first, was George R. Newell, now head of the wholesale grocery house of George R. Newell & Company, and he has been one of the most enterprising and successful of the business men in this city. He began his career here as a young man of twenty-one, and in a humble capacity. He has lived among this people nearly half a century. Mr. Newell was bom in Jay, Essex county. New York, on July 31, 1845, and there obtained a limited public school education, his attendance at school being short because he was ambitious and eager to get into business at an early age. He is a son of Hiram and Phebe (Bush) Newell, also New Yorkers by nativity, but able to trace their American ancestry back to early New England Colonial times. The father was a drj- goods merchant, and the son was therefore in touch with the mercantile life from the dawn of his in- telligence. At the age of twelve he left school to become a clerk in a general store, and during the next eight years followed this occupation under various employers and in various lines of trade. In 1866 he came to Minneapolis, where his first employment was as a clerk in the Nicollet hotel. A short time afterward he accepted a position as clerk in a retail grocery, for his inclination was still strongly in the direction of merchandis- ing, and in 1870, when he was but twenty-five years old, became a member of the firm of Stevens, Morse & Newell, jobbers in groceries, this firm being the beginning of the present extensive wholesale business of which Mr. Newell is the head. This partnership was dissolved in 1873, and for one year thereafter Mr. Newell continued to do business alone. At the end of that period he entered into partnership with H. G. Harrison, the firm name being Newell & Harrison, and doing business on a steadily widening basis and in constantly augmenting volume until 1882. In that year the personnel and name of the firm again changed and that of George R. Newell & Company was formed. Sometime afterward the business was incorporated with Mr. Newell as president of the company and his son, L. B. Newell, as secretary and treasurer. The company now enjoys a trade surpassed in extent by that of no house in this section of the country, and the business is one of the oldest under one continuous management in the city. Mr. Newell has always given liis business close and careful attention, supervising in person all its details and permitting no department of it to escape his notice. But he has, never- theless, found time to take part in the management of other institutions of magnitude and mingle freely in the fraternal, social and civic life of his community. He is one of the directors of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railroad and a member of the National Grocers' Association and the Minnesota State Grocers' Association. For many years he has been a Freemason with strong devotion to the fraternity. He also belongs to the Athletic and Minikahda clubs. In political faith and allegiance he is a Republican, but has never sought or desired a public office. In 1876, Mr. Newell was married at Wyoming, New York, to Miss Alida Ferris. EDMUND J. LONGYEAR. Having been a resident of Minneapolis for twelve years, and of the State of Minnesota for twenty-three, Edmund J. Longyear, head of the E. J. Longyear Company, engaged in the development of mineral lands, has become closely iden- tified with the industrial, commercial, civic, and social activi- ties of this city and state, and enterprising and efficient in helping to promote their welfare. The company of which Mr. Longyear is the president and controlling spirit was organized by him in 1911 and incor- porated on July 1, of that year; its capital stock was $335,000. It is a close corporation and is engaged in the investigation and development of mineral lands and proper- ties on the Mesabi and Cuyuna Iron Ranges in this State and the mining regions of Wisconsin, Michigan, and many other states, including also the Arizona Copper district, in this country, and the pyrites deposits of t\iba. Although the Company devotes itself primarily to diamond core drilling on a 'contract or commission basis, using ma- chinery of its own manufacture for this work, it frequently explores promising mineral lands, on its own account, with a view of lease or purchase. A well equipped geological de- partment cooperates in this branch of the Company's activi- ties and in addition, makes geological examinations and reports on mineral properties in any part of the country. Mr. Longyear was born in Grass Lake, .lackson county, Michigan, November 6, 1864. After due pr.eliminary prepara- tion and study in the lower schools, he entered tlie University of Michigan to pursue a full course in civil engineering, which he intended to make his life work. At the end of his junior year in that institution, however, he found liis health giving way, and therefore took employment in the Northern woods, on a railroad survey for the Iluluth, South Shore & Atlantic line. Mr. Longyear's cousin, .lohn .M. T^nngyeur, of Marquette, Michigan, was engaged in the mining and development of iron lands as an associate of tlie Pillsburys and Russell M. Bennett, of Minneapolis. Through the inlluence of his cousin, Mr. Longyear was induced to turn his attention to this new line of endeavor and as a preparation therefor, to take post graduate work in the Michigan College of Mines at Hough- ton. He afterwards received his degree in the first class that gniduated from that institution, which was then new and at the beginning of a notable career. After leaving school ho was employed by his cousin and associates and while in tlicir employ he took the first diamond <::^yuly\.--^^p^l,.j^^^ HISTORY OF MINNEM'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 419 drill into the Mesabi Iron Range. He has made his career eminently successful and highly profitable for himself and largely useful to the localities in which it has been worked out. For a time he acted as superintendent of other companies in the same line of development, but in 1895 he began con- tracting in this line for himself, and he continued this work until 1911, when he organized the company of which he has been president from the beginning of its existence. In 1901 he became a resident of Minneapolis, but for six years before that time he lived on the Mesabi Range. Among the regular and continuous employes of the company he now controls are ten mining engineers and geologists, graduates of various well known colleges and mining schools. In his religious preference, Mr. Longyear is a Baptist, and he holds his membership in Trinity Church, of which he is one of the trustees. He is also a member of the board of trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association and be- longs to the Minneapolis Club and the Civic and Commerce Association of the city. His beautiful home is on a farm of ninety-two acres fronting on Smithtown Bay, Lake Minne- tonka. Here he has an orchard of 400 trees producing many kinds of fine fruit. His is one of the attractive residences in a region renowned for numerous elegant and artistic homes. Mr. Longyear was married at Charlevoix, Michigan, April 16, 1890, to Miss Nevada Patten, of that city. She is now active in the work of her church, in the Woman's Club, the Clio Club, and in other improving organizations in Minne- apolis. They have six children, Clyde S., Robert D.. Philip 0., Margaret, Richard P.. and Edmund J., Jr. The father has long been earnestly interested in the cause of education, and for a number of years has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Pillsbury Academy, at Owatonna, Minnesota. He is, however, deeply and helpfully interested in every undertaking for the improvement of people in general and those of his own community in particular. No public enter- prise of value goes without his active and effective support, and all his efforts in this behalf are governed and guided by intelligence and breadth of view. Minneapolis has no better citizen and none whom its residents more highly or generally esteem than Edmund J. Longyear. FLOYD MELVIN LARAWAY. Floyd Melvin Laraway, the only son of Orlo M. Laraway. who is now in charge of the insurance business, built up 'by his father, was born in Minneapolis on September 5, 1858, on the site of the old Pence Opera House, where his father kept one of the first stores in the city for many years, at the corner of Hennepin avenue and Second street. His life has been passed in this city and his education was obtained in it.s Schools. In 1882, when he was twenty-four years of age, and while his father was postmaster of the city, he was made superintendent of the free mail delivery, and he re- mained in charge of this branch of the local postal service until 1888, serving two years under his father's Sueceasor as postmaster, A. T. Ankeny. After Mr. Laraway left the ])OstaI service, he joined his father in the insurance business, and to that he has de- voted him'self closely ever since, his connection with it cover- ing a period of twenty-five years. Like his father, he has been intelligently and serviceably interested in the growth and general welfare of the city, and has been an ardent, practical supporter of every commendable undertaking involving its betterment. He has, however, taken no direct part in political contentions, and has held aloof from participation in public aft'airs except as a good citizen zealous for the best govern- ment of the city that could be secured. He was married on October 25, 1888, to Miss Elizabeth Sophia Oswald, a daughter of the late John C. Oswald, and also a native of Minneapolis. They have two children, their son, Oswald Melvin and their daughter, Elizabeth. The father is a member of the Minne- apolis Commei'cial Club, and is devoted to automobiling and pleasures on the lake as his principal recreations. WILLIAM OUILE NORTHUP. William Guile Northup was born in Salisbury Center, Herkimer County, New York, July 21, 1851. His father was Daniel A. and his mother Louisa (Guile) Northup. Mr. Northup senior was a merchant, a member of the State Legislature for a number of j'ears and prominent in business and social circles in northern New York. The boy was a baby under two years of age when his mother died and when he was less than sixteen he came to Minneapolis to make his home with his uncle. Rev, James H. Tuttle. The first constructive thing he did when he arrived in Minneapolis was to take a course in business college. Then he went to work for the Minneapolis Tribune. Here he was brought into daily contact with Hugh G. Green, then editor of the paper, and Jacob Stone, who was the business manager. This was a fine association for a boy of his age and did much for his development. When Mr. Green left the paper young Northup went to work for the J. S. Pillsbury hardware company. Again he took a short venture into the newspaper world, working for a time on the old Times which afterward became The Journal. After a few months of newspaper work he resigned to go back to the Pillsbury store to learn the hardware business. He remained in the employ of this company until 1874, when he was engaged by Paris Gibson to take charge of the office of the company, which afterward became the North Star Woolen Mills. It was two years after this that Gibson and Tyler failed in the business and Mr. Northup was placed in charge of the company's affairs by R. B. Langdon. the assignee. Ever since that Mr. North- uji's hand has been at the helm to direct the fortunes of what has come to be one of the principal manufacturers of woolen blankets in the United States. The New York City oflice of the company which Mr. Northup represents is at Twenty-first street and Fifth avenue. The great business which has been built up is illustrative of the value of Minne- apolis as a distributing point for merchandise. Mr. Northup is a director of the Northwestern National Bank, vice president of the Minneapolis Trust Company, vice president and a trustee of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank and a director of the North American Telegraph Company. The holding of all the positions of honor and tnist are eloquent of the high esteem in which he is held as a business man and as a citizen. Socially his connections are of the same enviable character. He is a member of the Church of the Redeemer and a member of tlie Minneapolis. r>afayctte ami Minnetonka Beach Clubs. 420 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA In 1874 Mr. Northup was married to Leia Tucker, daughter of Henry C. Tucker of Providence, Rhode Island. They have two children. Marjorie and William G., Jr. WILLIAM S. NOTT. William S. Xott was born in Dublin. Ireland, on .luly 9, 1853, the son of Henry and Louisa (Nott) Nott, and in 1858, when he was but five years old, was brought by his parents to the United States. He obtained a limited academic educa- tion in the schools of Chicago and entered upon his business career as an employe of E. B. Preston & Company, manu- facturers of belting and rubber goods. He remained with this house and rendered it excellent service until 1879, learning the business and showing unusual aptitude in seeing its pos- sibilities and devising means to develop them in serviceable and profitable ways. But he was not born to be a workman for others all his life. There was that within him that called him to a master- ship in whatever work he was engaged in, and in the year last mentioned he came to Minneapolis and founded the firm of W. S. Nott & Company, of which he has been the president from the beginninpr of its history. His energy and capacity in business have called him to leading positions in kindred enterprises, and he is now also president of the Xott Fire Engine company; vice president of the Minneapolis Threshing Machine company; a director of the Security National Bank of Miniipapolis, and connected in a leading way with other industrial and financial institutions of ..rreal value to the community in which he lives. The Nott Fire Engine company was organized in 1900, and has been made one of the most successful and impressive institutions in the Northwest. It manufactures steam fire engines and gasoline pumping engines of high quality and great power and popularity, which are known and commended from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The combined companies do a large and profitable business, and their business is steadily on the increase. Mrs. Nott was Miss Jessica Cory, a native of Iowa. They have one child, their daughter Charlotte, who is now the wife of Conrad G. Driscoll of St. Paul. The father has mingled freely in the social life of his community as an active member of the Minneapolis and Commercial clubs, and has been a liberal patron of healthful recreation as a devotee of golf, fishing and traveling. He has given in his own case an impressive example of the value of these recreations in relieving busy men from the exacting cares apd burdens of a strenuous every-day life of toil and efl'ort. The excellent and broad-minded business man. whose life story is briefly indicated in these paragraphs has also given a due share of his energy and attention to promoting the general welfare of his community by taking part in its governmental affairs and all commendable undertakings for improvement along lines of enduring usefulness, moral, in- tellectual, social, commercial and material. He has been a very progressive citizen, with a mind ever alert and active in behalf of the best interests of his city, county and state, and a hand ever open and skillful in advancing them. No resident of Minneapolis stands in higher personal and general public regard among the people, and none deserves to. EDWIN WINSLOW HERRICK. Closely connected with the development of Minneapolis is the name of Edwin Winslow Herrick whose knowledge of men, rare executive abilities and affable social qualities won for him the high respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. Edwin W. Herrick descending from the English family of that name, located originally at Beaumanor Park, Leicester- shire, England, and represented later in Massachusetts and New York state, was born in Sheridan, Chautauqua County, N. Y., on the 13th of June, 1837. the son of Alfred M. and Caroline Ambler Herrick. He spent his early years with his brother and two sisters on his father's farm near the shore of Lake Erie. His father was a man of great strength of character and prominent in all the progressive movements of his time. After his father's death in 1846 young Herrick, then nine years of age, lived with his grandfather, Hon. David Ambler in Oneida County, N. Y.. and later with his uncle. Haven Brigham, his guardian, in his native town. The common schools of the county and two terms at the "Old Academy" at Fredonia comprised all his school education. Realizing that his success in life must depend solely upon his own efforts he, at the age of Seventeen, started out to make his own way — and at the same time to avoid being railroaded into the ministry by his family — a calling for which he felt he was not fitted. He turned his hand to anything that offered and, having been taught that whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well, progressed rapidly, accumulating gradually the wherewithall to go into business for himself. This, put with the inheritance turned over to him by his guardian, permitted him in 1860 to embark in business when he and his older brother, William W., under the firm name of Herrick Brothers, established a wholesale and retail Dry Goods Business in Ashtabula, Ohio. This business progressed steadily during the next eight years during which the Civil war began and ended. His heart was always with the Union and the cause of humanity and though prevented from enlist- ing himself, his means were ever ready to relieve the soldier's widow or orphan. After the war his spirit of progressiveness and expansion seconded by the hope that a 'change of elimat^ might benefit the health of his wife, whose tendency to bronchial trouble was increasing, induced him to spend the summer of 1867 prospecting throughout the West where new fields and drier atmosphere might offer double inducements for a change of base. He visited many cities before reaching Minneapolis, then a village claiming eight or ten thousand inhabitants, where both the business prospects and resources and the dry, won- derful climate appealed to him as being the ideal place to "drive his stake." He returned to Ohio and by his enthusiasm induced his brother to sell their joint business in Ashtabula and on the first day of .Tune, 1868, the two brothers arrived in Minneapolis. The real estate firm of Herrick Brothers was immediately established and in the early 'seventies engaged in many transactions of magnitude and iniportante among which was the creation of "Groveland Addition" to Minnea[)olis comprising nearly one thousand lots now lying in the center of the residence portion of the city. He also became a member of the lumber firm of Jones. Herrick & Company, and later secured large tracts of timber land in Northern Minnesota which were sold some fifteen years later. Another important purchase was the real estate and building known as "The Academy of Music," then the most important building m <^^^^-^l^ .i^tf^^U^iyL^ <^C3 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MLXNESOTA 421 the city, situated on the site now occupied by Temple Court. The building was thought to be far in advance of the city's needs and as it contained a spacious auditorium above the second floor, at that time the finest theater in the Northwest, Mr. Herrick was forced to take the management of it and for the next ten years devoted untiring efforts to bring to this far western point the best talent to be had in the dramatic and musical world. His constant aim was to cultivate the public taste for music and the drama by booking only the very best companies. It is needless to say that this was often accomplished in the face of the most discouraging circum- stances and at personal pecuniary loss. Nevertheless it can be truly said that owing to the untiring efforts and oneness of purpose of Mr. Herrick, Minneapolis saw the dawn of a new era and a higher moral tone in the history of her amuse- ments. During the seven years of financial depression from 1873 to 1880 when many good men were forced into bankruptcy, Mr. Herrick never for one moment lost faith in the city of his adoption and during these years did much to Stimulate the growth of the city by the erection of business blocks. On Christmas day. 1884, the Academy of Music was partially destroyed by fire. Upon the site was ei'ected in the following year under Mr. Herrick's personal supervision the splendid fireproof office building known as Temple Court, one of the very first of its kind in the city. Mr. Herrick was one of the first subscribers to the stock of the Soo Railway, recognizing the great benefit its completion would bring to Minneapolis; and during the period of its construction was one of its directors and for a time president of an auxiliary railway of that system. Mr. Herrick's love of nature and keen appreciation of human nature made him an intelligent and ardent traveler which pleasure he gratified liberally throughout his life. In politics Mr. Herrick was always a republican, though not a partisan, always desiring to see the best men in ofli'ee. He never aspired to official position but was idealistic in his ideas of the simple duties of citizenship. In religion he was liberal minded and though expected by his relatives to become a Congregational minister, he found a more congenial and satisfactory home in the Universalist faith. Since 1869 he and his family have been identified with the Church of the Redeemer in Minneapolis, in the west transept of which he placed a beautiful memorial window in memory of the three members of his family, his wife, youngest son, and his daugh- ter who died respectively in 1880, 1881, and 1883. On .July 29. 1861, Mr. Herrick married Miss .Tuliet C. Durand at Westfield, N. Y., and their early married life was spent in Ohio. Three children were born to them: Dora G., in Ohio, in 1862; Roy Durand, in Minneapolis, in 1869; and Edwin Lowry in Minneapolis, in 1875. Mrs. Herrick was graduated at Wadawannuc Institute, Stonnington, Conn., in 1860. She possessed a brilliant literary mind, was practical in deed, and in thought was progressive in advance of her times. Her mental strength was too great for her frail physitjue and while at Jacksonville, Fla., jn 1880, in search of better health, passed Suddenly away. Mr. Herrick remained a widower until his death in 1911 when he succumbed sud- ilonly on May 2d to pneumonia, contracted, it is believed, in the northern passes of the mountains on his way home from California where he had, as usual, spent the winter. In reviewing the character and career of Edwin W. Herrick wo nolo particularly his just and active mind, his cordial sim- plicity of manner, and his unswerving loyalty to any cause he might espouse, especially to the welfare of the city of his adoption where he lived the greater part of his life and in whose future he had such sublime faith. FREDERICK D. NOERENBERG. Frederick D. Noerenberg, president of the Minneapolis Brew- ing Company, is a son of Carl and Wilhelmina Noerenberg, and was born in Bietzicker Provinz Poomern, Prussia, in 1845. The family came to America in 1860 and located in St. Paul, where Mr. Noerenberg earned his living by working on farms and as a day laborer. Later he was employed in Stahlman's Brewery. From 1870 to 1875 Mr. Noerenberg kept a hotel in St. Paul. In 1875 the family made their home in Minneapolis, and Mr. Noerenberg engaged in the brewing business under name of Zahler & Noerenberg until 1891, when several breweries consolidated and formed the Minneapolis Brewing Company. Mr. Noerenberg was elected vice president of this company at the time of organization and later became president. In 1878 Mr. Noerenberg married Miss Johanna Sprung- mann, of Minneapolis. Mr. Noerenberg is a lover of nature and has made his home at Crystal Bay. Lake Minnetonka, where he spexds most of his time. FRANK H. NUTTER, Frank H. Nutter is a native of New England, having been born at Dover, N. H., April 20, 1853. His father, Abner J. Nutter, was a school teacher. It would be hard to estimate the breadth and scope of the father's influence during the fifty years which he devoted to teaching, for the boys and girls, who came under his care at the time when character was being made and habits were being formed, are now scattered from Maine to California, and have passed on to the second and in many instances to the third generation, the principles and ideals with which he inspired them. Hannah (Roberts) Nut- ter, the wife and mother, was the typical New England woman of the cultured type. Both she and the father were particu- larly ambitious for tlie fullest mental development of their son Frank. The son sjicnt much of his early boyhood in and around Boston. He attended the public schools there and entered the Eliot High Schools. It was after finishing high- school that he formed his first association with the eminent specialists like Joseph H. Curtis and F. L. Lee and began his career as a civil and landscape engineer. He learned all that these men had to teach him and after engaging in his pro- fession for a few years on his own account there in Boston, he came to Minneapolis. This was in 1878. For ten years, from 1880 to 1890, he was in partnership with Frank Plummer and the firm was known as Nutter and Plummer. Since the dissolution of this partnership, Mr. Nutter has been alone as a landscape engineer. For 23 years from 1883 to 1906, Mr. Nutter held the appointment of Park Engineer, under the Board of Park Commissioners. This position he resigned be- cause of the press of private business, and his son Frank Nutter. Jr., was appointed to fill his place. Mr. Nutter's in- 422 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA LEO MELVILLE CRAFTS. M. D. fluence is almost as far reaching as his father's although in an entirely different way. He has designed beauty for the in- spiration of humanity in many of the states of the union and also in Canada. Civic work is Mr. Nutter's specialty although he has designed private grounds in as many states as he has parks. Cemeteries are another angle of his work in which he has been particularly successful. Mr. Nutter is an active republican and devoted to all civic interests. He is a pioneer member of the Minneapolis Society of Civil Engineers, and one of the prime movers in the State Horticultural Society. He also belongs to most of the prin- cipal clubs of the city, including the Commercial Club. His church affiliations are with the Congregationalists. and he is a member of the Congregational church. His wife was Miss Carrie Alden, before her marriage, which took place in April, 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Nutter have three children, Frank H., Jr., Williard A., and Hannah A. n HON. WILLIS L NORTON. Hon. Willis L Norton, lawyer, son of Austen and Eunice M. Norton, born in Plainwell, Michigan, April 28-, 1880, at the age of seven, with his mother, brothers and sister (his father having died when he was four years of age), became a resi- dent of Lyon county, Minnesota, spent his early boyhood days working on the farm, then removed to Marshall, Minne- sota, where he went to graded and high school, working his way, and in June, 1899, graduated from the high school. In September, 1899, he entered the University of Minnesota, con- tinuing to work his own way. In his junior year at the University he became interested in business and continued in business during the remainder of his University course. He is a graduate of the Academic and Law department of the University, class of 1906. While in the University, he was a member of the Intra- Sophomore debating team in a successful contest for a cash prize of $75.00. In his junior year he was a member of the Inter-collegiate debating team of the University, which de- feated the University of Chicago and the University of Michi- gan, in 1902, and won the championship of the Interstate debating league for that year. His success as an orator and debater secured him membership in the Delta-Sigma-Proe, an honorary forensic society limited in its enrollment to in- terstate debaters and orators selected on demonstrated merit and ability, Mr. Norton is engaged in the general practice of law in asso- ciation with his brother, F. E. Norton. He has taken an active part in public affairs. In 1912, he was elected by 1,000 majority to the House of Representatives from the Thirty- ninth legislative, or University, district, comprising the Sec- ond and Ninth wards, as the nominee of the Republican party, having been selected as such over two competitors at the primary election. In the legislature of 1913, he was a member of the com- mittees on Judiciary, Appropriations, Reapportionment, Tem- perance, University and University Lands and Public Libra- ries, and rendered conspicuous service in drafting and passing important legislation, Mr, Norton was married in June, 1903, to Miss Lottie O'Urien, of Amiret, a graduate of the Marshall High School. They have one daughter, Eunice Marie, Colonial and Revolutionary patriots were the American fore- fathers of Leo Melville Crafts, M, D., his early ancestors" in this country being among the founders of Boston, while his parents, Major Amasa and Mary J. (Henry) Crafts, were among the founders and builders of Minneapolis, having come to this locality in 1853, The father, in 1857, built the first brick liouse ever put up in Minneapolis, which stood on the site of the present Century building at the corner of Fourth street and Marquette avenue. The ancestors of Major Amasa Crafts on his mother's side were the Stones, who for more than 200 .vears owned the beautiful estate "Sweet Auburn" on the banks of the Charles river at Boston, which afterward became a part of Mount Auburn cenjetery in that city, A portion of the ancestral home near Boston is still occupied by a branch of the family. One of the early members of the Stone family was one of the first graduates of Harvard College, and Mrs. Crafts' male ancestors were East Indian traders at a time when the merchant marine of this country was of great importance. The historical Boston Tea Party started from the house of Col. Thomas Crafts. He presided at the meeting in the State House when the Declaration of Independence was first read in Boston. He commanded the Regiment to which Paul Revere belonged. He was also in command of the Artillery at the siege of Boston driving the British ships from the harbor. His portrait was hung in the old State House at Boston in 1913, the subject of this sketch being chieHy in- strumental in having this done. Dr. Crafts' father, Major Amasa Crafts, was a major in the Maine militia about the time of the Mexican war. The major's father, Moses Mills Crafts, was a captain in the War of 1812. The major's grandfather, great-grandfather and five other members of the family took part in the battle of Lexington in the Revolutionary war, and the major's great- great-grandfather was a soldier at the siege and capture of Louisburg, Nova Scotia, in the French and Indian war in 1758. Seven out of nine generations of the family have given military men to the service of their country on this side of the Atlantic. In 1793 Lieut. Moses Crafts settled at .Jay Hills, Maine, and the house built by him at that time is still standing and in a good state of preservation. Major Amasa Crafts engaged in lumbering extensively here for some years after his arrival, but he suffered a heavy loss in 1857 W'hen the spring floods carried thousands of his logs down the river. These logs piled against the piers of the bridge about where Fourteenth avenue south is now and carried the whole structure away only a few minutes after he crossed. The loss he thus suffered and the following panic of 1857 compelled him to sell his fine old home, which had been the center of social life in the community. But under the persuasion of his wife, whose faith in Minneapolis never wavered, he became possessed of a considerable body of real estate, which he continuest Gothland. Sweden near the village of Vara. This was on April 5. 1872. A few months later his father died and when the boy was two years old, his mother brought him to America and went to live with relatives on a farm near Waconia, Minnesota. The following year his mother married John Swenson — from her old liome in West Gothland, Sweden. The family then moved to Minneapolis, but two years later they went to live on u farm near Water- town, Minnesota. In 1880 they returned to Minneapolis and the son Alexius has been a resident here ever since. He be- gan his education in the country schools and continued it in the Franklin. Sumner, and North High schools of Minneapolis. During his senior year in the North Side High School he won the German-American Bank prize for oratory. He entered the Minnesota State University in 1891. and was graduated in 1895. receiving the degree bachelor of science. He received the degree bachelor of laws a j-ear later from the same institu- tion, and in 1897, the degree master of laws. Being naturally of a studious turn of mind, Mr. Cllson has taken advantage of every opportunity to acquire knowledge, and from 1S97 to IS99, and 1904 to 1907, he took post graduate work in the law department and in political science and economics. During his student years at the University he was much interested in College affairs and was always generous with his time in serving these interests. He acted as president of his class, then as editor of The Ariel and later as cadet major of the University battalion. He was one of the prime movers in securing for the University a chapter of the Zeta Psi Fra- ternity and was one of the charter members. He is also a member of the Delta Chi (law) Fraternity. While he was still a student at the University, he took a trip abroad spending some time in Europe. Then he was employed at the World's Fair in Chicago. After being ad- mitted to the Minnesota Bar in 1896, he entered practice in Minneapolis devoting his time to real estate- law and to Probate court practice. In connection with his legal work he also became interested in the real estate business and since 1909 he has been connected with David P. Jones and Company, investment bankers and real estate brokers of Minneapolis, and is at present attorney for this company. As a student of political science and economics he has been keenly alive to all political matters. He has always been a republican. From 1899 to 1901 he served the State in the legislature, and was appointed by the judges of the district court as a member of the Minneapolis Charter Commission and served during the years 1903 to 1907. He was defeated by a narrow margin when he entered the race for the legisla- ture for the second time in 1908. Mr. Olson is a member of the Lutheran Church. HORATIO R. OWEN. The late Horatio R. Owen, who was an influential character in Minneapolis for many years, performed his life's best work in this community as the founder and proprietor of the agricultural journal known as "Farm, Stock and Home," and in connection with that publication left the record for which, doubtless, he would best like to be remembered if he could make known to us his wishes. Mr. Owen was born in Huron county, Ohio, May 4, 1849. The story of his early life is uneventful and soon told. He was reared on a farm and obtained the common school educa- tion available to farmers' sons in his day. As soon as his age permitted, he entered a drug store as a clerk, and rapidly mastered all the details of the business. A few years later he became a traveling salesman for a wholesale drug house, and for several years thereafter pursued that calling with pronounced success. Mr. Owen was always earnestly and sincerely in sympathy with the farmers of the country, and his choice of life work was as a journalist in their interest. After a good deal of experience with journals and journalism, he turned his atten- tion to that vocation, and in November, 1884, he founded "Farm, Stock and Home." His management of this journal, which became so able and influential a voice in behalf of the agricultural interests of the country, and so strong and sure a light for the men engaged in them, was the feature of his career that he was most pleased with. This paper was conceived by Mr. Owen. Ho named it ; he gave the titles to its several departments of work; he con- tributed to each at times and to some at all times, and he directed the course of each in every particular. It was his inflexible determination that the |)aper should be both clean and useful. This was his supreme condition: "Every mother must know that her daughter can ojien and read any number 426 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of the paper witliout danger of her seeing, in advertisements or elsewhere, a single line that would be improper for her to read." Another of his inflexible rules was: "Let other papers furnish news and amusement, but let us give prac- tical, useful, helpful matter only." He was also scrupulously watchful of the advertising department. He insisted that the income of the paper from this source must always be subordinated to the interests of the subscribers. One of the most unusual characteristics of Mr. Owen as a publisher was that he regarded every subscriber as a personal friend, and wanish-American war. Mrs. Pratt, the mother of these children, died in the fall «1 1903. SWAN .1. PETERSON. ."swan .J. Peterson, a well known contractor with offices at 300 West Lake street, was born in Sweden, April 18, 1871, In 1886, a lad of fifteen, he came to America and has here built his successful business career, steadily rising through liis ability and energy to liis present position as a prominent and substantial business man and thorougli American citizen. On coming to this country he first located at Dubuque but two years later removed to Minneapolis where he found employment in construction on a railroad section for a few months and then spent the following winter in the wilds of the lumber camps, hauling logs to the river for a Duluth lumber company. In the spring of 1889 he returned to Min- neapolis where he industriously turned his hand to any profit- aide employment, working as day laborer on a .street railway and driving a team for sewer excavations. In the winter, for several years he contin\ied his employment in the lumber camps. He made a modest entrance in the contracting busi- ne.ss in 1903. For many years he was associated with Pike & Cook, leading contractors, in some of their most important undertakings. In those early days, Mr. Peterson was alert to every opening that could benefit his business venture and was even first in the field with a competitor who was an alderman for the sale of dirt to the city street commission, Hi.s business developed rapidly to its present prosperous busi- ness with contracts for the largest buildings, and requires equipment for handling several big jobs at the same time, employing one hundred men and teams. He also operates a large force of workmen on railroad and street gradings and engages in the fuel and transfer business. He has erected several buildings, double houses and large tenements which he owns, his real estate interests including a farm and timber land in Pine county. Mr. Peterson is a director of the Min- neapolis State bank and the Bankers Security company and a member of the West Side Commercial club and the Auto club. He is ex-chairman and a member of the board of directors of the Swedish-American club, and a faithful supporter of the Zion Lutheran church, its financial secretary and treasurer. He was married to Miss Anna C. Peterson of Minneapolis, May 20, 1899 and they have one daughter, Ruth. LEVI E. LEIGHTON. The business history, the moral records, the religious life story, and the social chronicles of Minneapolis, whenever written, would be incomplete without some account of the career and services to the community of the late Levi E. Leighton, who died at his lionie here, 337 East Sixteenth .Street, July 24, 1899, after a residence of thirty-si.x years in the city and in the 72d year of his age. He had finished his work and retired from business some years before his death, and was passing his time in looking after the wel- fare of his extensive propertj' when the summons came, but all his preparations had been made and he was ready, Mr. Leighton was a native of Athens, Somerset County, Maine, where he was born in September, 1828, and where he was reared to manhood and educated. In 1850 he made a long and trying journey to the gold fields of California, enduring all the dangers and hardships of the trip with courage and fortitude. The youthful Jason (he was only 22} was not disappointed. He found tlie golden fleece he went for. In five years in the modern Eldorado he secured by placer mining a considerable amount of the precious metal, and returned with his treasure to his native State. Soon afterward he was united in marriage with Miss Addie Hutchins, also a native of Maine, who died in Minneapolis some years prior to his death. In the fall of 1863 they came to the Northwest and located in what was then the town of St, Anthony, but a few months later they moved across the river into Minneapolis, and there passed the remainder of their days in successful efforts for their ow-n advancement and the expansion and improvement of the city they had chosen as their home. It was not long after Mr, Leighton located in Minneapolis before he got into business actively and progressively. For 11 few yi'iirs lie cMnied on an enterprise, wholly his own, in the lumber trade, and early in the decade of 1870, forujed a partnership in the same trade with the late Duncan !). McDonell, the firm name being Leighton & McDonell, They remained in business together for a number of years, and their industry grew to large proportions and profits. When Mr, Leighton retired from the firm he '-ptired from business altogether, and thereafter occupied himself in looking after his property. Among the valuable pieces of real estate owned by him at the time of his death were the Leighton Building, a four- story brick structure erected by him on Third Street, near the corner of Second Avenue South, and a double-front store building on XicoUet Island, which Is now occupied by Ott(> ^.JLAJX, I Jj .J!^._^J~\X^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 439 Witte. He owned many other properties and was possessed of considerable wealth. He aided materially in developing new additions to the city and improving old sections, and thus was of great service in promoting its progress and augment- ing its power and influence. In religions faith Mr. Leighton wn, n Fnr Will Baptist and very warmly devoted to the denomination. He became a member of the Minneapolis Free Baptist Church by bap- tism, April 28, 1869, and thereafter until his death was one of the most zealous members of the congregation. He served as its treasurer for a number of years and for a long time as one of its trustees and deacons. So well was he known as a zealous churchman that during many of the later years of his life he was familiarly called "Deacon Leighton," a title with which he seemed well pleased, although he was far too modest to take credit to himself for anything he did. He was particularly active and energetic in connection with the erection of the new church edifice for the congregation, giving all the work of construction his personal attention and supervision. Mr. Leighton was quiet and unostentatious in his ways, generous in his disposition and charitable toward all man- kind. He was ever desirous of opportunities to do neighborly acts of kindness, never waiting to be asked, but always ready to offer his aid wherever he knew it to be needed. His second marriage was in Toledo, Ohio, July 17, 1907, and was to Miss Emma Sargent, a native of that city. She and their one child, Martha Lord Leighton, are still living in this city. Mr. Leighton was universally regarded as one of the best representatives of true manhood and elevated American citizenship that Minneapolis ever registered among its resi- dents. alive by him by serviceable participation in the activities of the Chi Psi Greek letter fraternity, of which he is still a working member, and his devotion to the social agencies around him finds expression through his active membership in the Minne- apolis, Minikahda, Automobile, Lafayette, Town and Country and Roosevelt clubs of Minneapolis. On December 7, 1901, he was united in marriage with Miss Nellie Pendleton Winston of this city. EDMOND A. PRENDERGAST. Was born in St. Paul on October 16th, 1875. He is the son of Patrick and Brigget Prendergast, pioneers of Minne- sota, who settled in St. Paul in 1856. Edmond A. Prendergast received his early schooling in the Parochial scliools of St. Paul and continued it by a six years' course in St. Thomas' College, graduating with, the class of 1894. He then spent two years in Montreal in post grad- uate work after which he entered the Law Department of the State University of Minnesota from which he was graduated in 1899. Since his admission to the bar he has followed the general practice of his profession, and is retained as counsel for some of the larger corporations of the city among which can be mentioned The Northwestern Telephone Exchange and the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company. In politics Mr. Prendergast supports the principles of the Republican party, but has never been a candidate for public office. He is a director of the Associated Charities, and is also interested in other charitable enterprises. He also holds mem- bership in the Minneapolis club. CHARLES STINSON PILLSBURY. Is a native of the Northwestern metropolis in wliich he is carrying on his operations. He was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on December 6, 1878, and is a son of Charles A. and Mary A. (Stinson) Pillsbury, a sketch of whom will be found in this work. Mr. Pillsbury was well educated in the schools located in his native city. He passed through the graded schools and was graduated from the Central High School in 1896. He afterward attended the University of Minnesota, and from that institution he received the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1900. Immediately after leaving School he began his busi- ness career. It has included the milling and other manufac- turing industries, dealing in land and lumber extensively and banking in connection with one of the leading banks of the community in which he has his home. He is at this time (191^) a stockholder in the Pillsbury Flour Mills company; the Union Elevator company, and one of the directore of the Northwestern Knitting company, the Gull River Lumber (onipany and the Swedish American National Bank. In political faith and allegiance Mr. Pillsbury is a Repub- lican. H,. i,s earnest ami loyal in his devotion to his party, but he has never yet sought a political oflTiee by election or appointment, or expressed a desire for one. In church aflilia- tion he is a Congregationalist, and liberal in his attention to the work and needs of the congregation to which he belongs. The memories and associations of his University life are kept ALVIN HENRY POEHLER. Having been in touch with mercantile life from his boy- hood, Alvin H, Poehler, now president of the H, Poehler Company, wholesale dealer in grain and seeds, in Minne- apolis, was well prepared for his work when he began his business career. His father, the late Henry Poehler. a sketch of whom is published in this volume, was a merchant for many years, first at Henderson in this state and after- ward, until his death, in Minneapolis, and the son was asso- ciated with him in his merchandising from an early age. He was taught the rudiments of trade by that esteemed gentleman, who was a thorough master of them, and his own natural aptitude for this line of endeavor enabled him to take in the lessons easily and to his lasting benefit, Mr, Poehler was born at Henderson, Minnesota, on .Janu- ary 15, 1864, the first of the three sons of Henry and Eliza- beth (F'rankenfield) Poehler, and obtained his education in the elementary and high schools of his native town and the Shattuck Military School at Faribault, being graduated from the last named institution in 1883 as the valedictorian, or honor student, of his class. He began his active career in the banking and elevator business in October, 1883. For two years he was teller in a bank at Gaylord, this state, and afterward was associated with his father in general mer- chandising and the grain trade at Henderson. 440 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA In 1885 he came to Minneapolis to live and at that time became connected with the grain trade on an extensive scale in this city. Four years later, when his father moved the family to Minneapolis, he made this his permanent home, and he has ever since been connected in a leading way with the business his father then founded here. When his father died in July, 1912, the son succeeded to the presidency of the H. Poehler company, incorporated, and to various other business relations enjoyed by the father. The company of which he is the head has a branch house in Duluth and its trade is very extensive and active. But Mr. Poehler manages it with enterprise and skill, and the company keeps on steadily gaining ground, as it did under the man- agement of its organizer. Mr. Poehler is also vice presi- dent of the Pacific Elevator company, organized by his father; a member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, of which he was one of the directors for eight years: a member of the Duluth Board of Trade and the Milwaukee and Chicago Boards of Trade. Mr. Poehler has been close and constant in attention to his business enterprise."*, and has made them profitable on an enlarging scale. But he lias also been zealously attentive to the welfare of his home city and earnest and active in his efforts to promote it. No undertaking of value for the improvement of MinneapolLs or the greater comfort and increased conveniences of its residents has gone without his energetic aid in counsel and material assistance. He is as far-seeing and broad-minded with reference to public af- fairs as he is in business, and his support of any project for the advancement of the community is always sure to be guided by intelligence and good judgment as well as im- pelled by an energetic force of character and determination to make whatever is in hand entirely successful. In the social life of his locality Mr. Poehler is a strong potency for good and the widest usefulness. He is a charter member of the Commercial club and also belongs to the Min- neapolis and Minikahda clubs. He was one of the organizers, and first President of the Interla'chen Country club. His interest in all these organizations is strong and his member- ship in them is very helpful to their activities in many ways. He is a devotee of outdoor sports and recreations, and adds to the enjoyment of his fellow clubmen by his enthusiasm over these forms of relief from the burdens and exactions of business. His specialties in sports are hunting, fishing, golf and curling, and he takes advantage of every opportunity to enjoy them. Fraternally he is a Freemason of the Knights Templar degree in the York Rite and of elevated rank in the Scottish Rite; in political relations he is a Democrat of positive convictions and energetic service to his party, and in religious affiliation he is an Episcopalian. While ardent in his devotion to his political party, Mr. Poehler has never held or desired a political office either by appointment or election. But he has a taste for military life, acquired while he was at the Sliattuck Military School, where he was captain of Companj' B in the military organi- zation of the students, and he indulges his taste in this re- spect by membership on the staff of Governor Eberhart, with the rank of tolonel, the same as he held on the staff of the late Governor .lohnson. He is also one of the trustees of his Alma Mater, the Shattuck School. On February 19, 1896, he was married in Minneapolis to Miss Eugenia L. Cole, a daughter of the late Emerson Cole, for many years one of tile liighly esteemed residents of this city, who died in 1907 at the age of 70 years. Mr. Poehler is a gentleman of robust healtli and tine physique. He is very enterprising and energetic, and with the high order of business capacity he possesses he gives promise of many years of usefulness to his community and of reaching a still greater altitude in its commercial life. At the same time his genial and obliging disposition, engaging manners, comprehensive intelligence and high character arc sure to preserve for him the extensive and cordial popularity he now enjoys. Among the business men of Minneapolis none stands higher than he does in public esteem and none is more deserving of a high place in the regard of the people. DLTNCAN D. McDONELL. The late Duncan D. McDonell, who passed fifty-two of the eighty-one years of his useful life in Minneapolis, and died here .January 26, 1910, after making an admirable record in business and attaining to prominence and influence in citi- zenship, was a Scotchman by ancestry and a Canadian by nativity. But before he lived long in this country and State he became a thorough American in his political theories and sympathies, and a devoted, loyal citizen of Minnesota. He was thoroughly American in his business ideals, methods, enterprise, and large and self-reliant resourcefulness. Mr. McDonell was born in County Glengarry, Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1829, and was there reared and educated. There also he began his business career, remaining in the Dominion until he reached the age of 28. In 1857 he came to Minnesota, and his business ability was so manifest and his personality so strong, that he deeply impressed the lead- ing lumbermen of the State at that time and became closely associated with them. After a residence of four years in this State he returned to his old Canadian home, where he remained one year. In 1862 he came back to this State to remain, and at once renewed his close relations with the magnates of the lumber trade. After his return to Minneapolis Mr. McDonell spent some time in the employ of other men who were already in the lumber business and conducting it on elaborate scales. They sought his aid in large operations of a confidential nature and found him always ready for the limit of service in amount and high quality. He continued to work in this way to hie own advantage and the satisfaction of his employers for a number of years, and then decided to go into business for himself. With this end in view he formed a partnership with Levi Leighton. under the firm style of McDonell & Leighton. and together they carried on a steadily expanding lumber trade which in time grew to great magnitude and became very profitable. After Mr. Leighton retired from the firm. Mr. McDonell gave greater attention to dealing in timber lands and stumpage than to making and selling lumber. He also made investments from time to time in city real estate, and acquired several properties that proved to be very valuable. These are still owned by Mrs. McDonell, and one of them is a block on Eighth Street, between Nicollet and Hennepin Avenues, Mr. McDonell was of a retiring disposition and never sought or desired a public position of any kind, although HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 441 he was well qualified to lill almost any office with credit to himself and benefit to the public. He had a strong Scotch proclivity for attending to his own business, and he indulged it to the fullest extent. Yet he was by no means indifferent to the public welfare, and never withheld any effort he could make to aid in promoting it. He was an earnest, in- telligent and energetic sui>porter of every undertaking de- signed to advance the interests of the city, and the people among whom he lived and carried on his business. Bv birth and religious training Mr. McDonell was a Roman Catholic. But his mind was active, comprehensive, and in- quiring, in religious matters as in all others, and during the greater part of his residence in Minneapolis he attended the Universalist Cliurch of the Redeemer. When, however, he realized that he was approaching the end of his earthly race, the spirit of his teachings in youth reawakened within him. and he ended his days as he had begun them, closely enfolded in the embrace of the Mother Churcli. September 18, 1884, Mr McDonell married ^liss Linda Lord, a native of Skowhegan. Maine, whose family, running back in clear and unbroken lines to Colonial days, has pro- duced many men of action and renown. The first member of this family that settled in Maine was a major in the Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War, and his wife was a daughter of the celebrated Colonel Goff, of Goffstown, New Hampshire, The spirit of resolution and independence of this couple descended to their posterity, and has been mani- fest in every generation of the family since their day, al- though shown in many different walks of life and lines of work. Mrs. McDonell became a resident of Minneapolis in 1880. Xo children were born of her marriage with Mr McDonell, but she has had so far an active, fruitful, and very useful life. Many agencies for the improvement of her home com- munity have had the benefit of her zealous and effective aid, for, whatever her liand has found to do that would be help- ful to others she has done with industry and energy guided by intelligence. She united with Mrs. T. B. Walker and another lady in keeping the old Northwestern Hospital in service for many years, and she has been potential in the support of many other institutions and organizations of great public utility. In religious faith Mrs. McDonell. having experienced the benefits of Christian Science in her own restoration to com- plete health (after years of suffering) through the applica- tion of its tenents and teachings, became a convert to them, and is now numbered among the most devout, sincere, con- sistent, and inlbicntial followers of Mrs. >L-iry Baker Eddy in Minneapolis.and holds her membership in the Second Church of Christ Mrs. McDonell has also been an important factor and an effective worker in literary, musical and social circles, and has been instrumental in founding several organizations de- voted to the cultun- such circles foster. She is a lady of cultivated taste and wide attainments herself, always in quest of knowledge and doing a great deal of traveling to get it. Nothing gives her greater enjoyment than visiting strange or new localities, which are out of the ordinary in features, customs and suggestions. During a recent visit to Honolulu she toured the island in an auto she took with her, and found great delight in the beauties of nature there displayed in forest, field, and ocean. Later she found equal delight in the more bold. Weak, and nigg.d scenery of Alaska But while Nature lies close to her heart and speaks to her always with a persuasive voice, the works of Man, (iod's liighest creation, afford her gratification to the same extent. In all the manifestations of Omnipotent power she sees proof that "the hand that made them is divine." GEORGE WRKJHT PEAVEY. Although ardently and sincerely devoted to his native land and its civil, educational, social and religious institu- tions, the late George W. Peavey, of Minneapolis, was never- theless a great traveler, and an industrious and fascinating writer on the natural beauties, material wealth, industrial activities and governmental theories of the lands he visited, and the manners, customs, employments, conditions and ten- dencies of their inhabitants. His articles of travel were published numerously in magazines of general literature and special works particularly devoted to this kind of writing, and they won for him a high place in the current literature of this country. Mr. Peavey, whose very useful and interesting life ended on June 8, IQl,!, when he was but little over thirty-six years of age, was born in Sioux City, Iowa, on May 20, 1877. He was the only son of the late Frank H. and Mary D. (Wright) Peavey, a sketch of whom will be found in this volume. In that sketch the brilliant career of the father is shown somewhat in detail. The scm came to this city with his parents in 1884, and here he had his home from that time until the close of his life. After obtaining an excellent education Mr. Peavey was associated with his father in the grain business until the death of the parent on December 20, 1901. and after that event his remaining years were passed in company with his l)rothers-in-law, Frank T. Heffelfinger and Frederick D. Wells, also Charles F. Deaver, in the management of the great business interests started and built- up by the father, which comprised the most extensive grain trade ever known in the world. But. while Mr. Peavey never neglected his business, or any other work that came to him with the command of duty, he was enamored of travel and indulged his taste for it exten- sively. He did not travel, however, solely for his own en- joyment, and not even for his own improvement alone. He was keenly alive to the refining, harmonizing and expanding inMuences of general society — of intercourse with minds which have profited by a large comparison of nations, climates and customs — of the inspiration given by the grand, the wild, the picturesque beauties of nature, and well knew the value of comprehensive and accurate knowledge of the world in which he lived. But he believed that all he acquired through these channels of development he held in trust for the benefit of his fellow men, and that it was as much his duty to dispense the knowledge he gained for the good of others as it was to use his opportunities for his own pleas- 'ure and improvement. Firmly fixed in this conviction, Mr. Peavey was, ns has been indicated a diligent, free and glad dispenser of what he learned among persons less favored, and many of them re- joiced in his advantages because they shared most help- fully and ])leasingly in the results of his work. The world of .Science and Lidters also recognized his value and accorded 442 •HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA him the rank to which it entitled him. He was chosen a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of England, and his membership in many other organizations devoted to liberal studies was cordially welcomed and warmly appre- ciated. In his own city he belonged to the Minneapolis, Minikahda and several other clubs, and to a number of benevolent organizations and societies of different kinds and took a serviceable interest in them all. Mr. Peavey was married in Cincinnati, Ohio, on October 25, 1899, to Miss Katharine Semple .Jordan, a daughter oi" Hon. Nathan Edmund and Sarah (Sei*ple) .Jordan. The mother is a sister of F. B. Semple, one of the esteemed residents of Minneapolis. Both parents were persons of strong intellectuality and culture, and Mrs. Peavey is a lady of the same gifts and attainments. She is esteemed univer- sally as an ornament to the womanhood of the city in which she Uvea. JOHN G. ROBB. After a good record as a promoter of industrial and manu- facturing enterprises and as a salesman of their products, John G. Robb, Alderman from the Fifth Ward, and the oldest mem- ber, in years, of the board, retired, intending to pass his re- maining days in leisure; but in 1912 he was again elected and accepted the position. He finds this public service congenial, and gives it close and conscientious attention. In the council, he is a member of the committees on bonds and accounts of city officials, and taxes, street ear extensions, and health con- ditions. He is also chairman of the committee on licenses. Mr. Robb was born at McConnellsville, Ohio, February 14, 1843, and at the age of thirteen with his parents remtived to Crawford County, Wisconsin, to aid two of his older brothers in improving a new 240 acre grub-land farm. He passed five years here at work on the farm, and during the time attended two terms of winter school. September 18. 1861. he enlisted in the Twelfth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, helping to raise half of his company. He was appointed third sergeant and soon promoted to first sergeant. The regiment was ordered to Camp Randall, at Madison, and entered the Servi'ee October 31. In .January, 1862, it was ordered to Western Missouri and received its baptism of fire and blood in the battle of Pea Ridge, Ark., March fi, following. The regiment returned, via Fort Riley, and Lawrence, to Leavenworth. Kansas, winning the last day's march over the Thirteenth Wisconsin by accomplishing 45 miles in 13 hours, a most extraordinary military feat. The regiment was next .sent via Cobimbus Ry., to Humboldt. Tennessee, where it was placed on guard duty. Later it was assigned to General Hurlburt's division and took part in the battle of Hatchie River against the Confederates under General Price and Van Dorn. where .^.000 ITnion troops defeated 18.000 Confederates. It took part in the Mississippi campaign in the fall of 1862. passed the following winter at Memphis, and in the Spring of 1863 joined General Grant's army at Vicksburg, taking part in the long siege of that city and being present at (its sur- render. Mr. Robb then secured a furlough and returned home, his trip, by steamboat being enlivened by a rebel attack on the boat as it passed the mouth of the Arkansas river. His health was so shattered that he was unable to return to active service and he was mustered out at the close of his term. After his discharge Mr. Robb conducted a general store at Seneca, Wisconsin, where he was nominated for County Register of Deeds, but was defeated at the election. The County Treasurer then made him a partner in his hardware store, at Prairie du Chien, where he was in charge for five years and was a traveling salesman for five years more. As a "drum- mer" he sold goods to the leading old-time houses of Minne- apolis. In 1876 he formed a partnership in a soap factory at Prairie du Chien with an old friend, J. D. Humphreys, now of St. Paul, and their partnerehip still continues. With Humphreys as the manufacturer and Robb as salesman, the firm made a profit of $1,000 a month during the first three and one-half years of its existence. This result induced Mr. Beach of Dubuque, Iowa, to urge them to join him in the same line of trade in St. Paul. But as he had then an ex- tensive trade in stoves as well as soap, he declined. In 1873 the Minnesota Soap Company was organized, and in 1881 its management being taken to St. Paul, Mr. Robb acted as salesman. They operating the plant in Minneapolis until 1890. Mr. Humphreys had bought a factory in Omaha and consolidation was formed with the Newton Brothers of Sioux City, and in 1911 the Minnesota Soap company joined as Hoskins Bros. & Company, with a capital of $400,000. with plants in operation in St. Paul, Sioux City and Omaha. Mr. Robb continued in charge of sales until January, 1912, being then sixty-nine years of age and a salesman for thirty- eight years. He was for six years president of the People's Bank of Minneapolis, which closed it doors during the depres- sion of 1893. Mr. Robb was then one of the directors and being chosen president, had the bank opened and doing busi- ness again in thirty days. It has since been merged into the Scandinavian -American Bank. In the organization of the Minneapolis Retail Grocers' Asso- ciation, Mr. Robb also took a leading part; he is still being an honorary member. Fraternally he is an active and prom- inent member of the Grand Army of the Republic. June 22. 1868, he was married at Mt. Sterling, to Miss Harriet Gay. They have had nine children, eight of whom are living. Emma is the widow of Dr. M. P. Van der Horck, late of Minneapolis. Charlotte is the wife of Alfred Mc- Laughlin, lumberman. Laura is the wife of Dr. S. Baxter, of the Abbott Hospital. Alice died in childhood. Edward is a farmer in North Dakota. Ray is a fuel merchant. Walter is an insurance man. James conducts a thriving grain com- mission business in Calgary. Alberta, and Donald is a student at Yale University. GENERAL CHARLES McC. REEVE. A resident of Minneapolis for more than forty years. Gen eral Reeve lias been conspicuously concerned with the de- velopment and upbuilding of the city along both civile and material lines, in which he has attained to distinction in vari- ous positions of trust. He is one of the essentially representa- tive citizens of Minneapolis, and in his home state it may consistently be said that his circle of friends is limited only by that of his acquaintances. General Charles McCormick Reeve was born at Dansville. Livingston county. New York, on the 7th of August, 1847. and is a son of General Isaac V. D. Reeve, a distinguished HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 443 oliioer of tho L'liiti'd States Army. In the great struggle for national independence were found enrolled many representa- tives of the Reeve family, ineluding Colonel Isaac Reeve, and many maternal ancestors likewise were valiant sohliers in the Revolution. General Isaac V. D. Reeve graduated from the United States Military Academy, in the class of 1835, and continued in active service until 1870, when he retired, upon his own application. He served in the Seminole Indian war, in Florida, and was a gallant olUcer in both the Mexican and Civil wars. In the war with Me.vico he received throe brevets for gallant and meritorious service at Contreras and Cherubusco and after taking part in the brilliant battle of Molino del Ray he received the brevet rank of lieutenant colonel. At the close of the Civil War he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general, and his entire militarj- career was such as to reflect honor upon himself and upon the arms of his native land. During a considerable period of the Civil War he served as mustering and disbursing ollicer, and in 1862-3 he was the incumbent of this dual jjosition in New York city, where he had charge of providing for all soldiers passing through the metropolis and where he retained a clerical force of more than seventy persons. His preference was for service in the field, but the Secretary of War was insistent in assigning West Point men to the important details of executive and official service, to which General Reeve was thus called. He was in charge of the government military disbursing olTice in New York city at the time of his retirement from active service, in 1870. In 1871 he joined his son, General Charles McC. Reeve, in Minneapolis, and this city was his home thereafter until his death, which occurred in 1890. General Keeve was a num of impregnable integrity, of distinct and positive individuality and of most winning personality, so that his name is held in enduring veneration in the city and Btatc in which he passed the closing period of a noble and illustrious life. In Minneapolis he was one of the prominent and influential members of Plymouth Congregational church. 2R'hen the Minneapolis park system was initiated and a loulevard laid out around Lake Harriet, the court commis- lioners awarded to General Reeve the sum of $32„')00 for the itrip of land which had been taken from him and which rdered on the lake. With characteristic liberalitj', he pro- losed to donate this land to the city in case the Same was tilized in the perfecting of the fine boulevard and park sys- tem, about nineteen hundred feet of lake frontage, of the original Reeve farm, of two hundred and fifty acres, on the south shore of Lake Harriet, the beautiful old homestead Ijeing situated on an eminence overlooking that lovely body «f water. General Charles McCormick Reeve passed the period of his childhood and youth in the various military posts in which his father was stationed, and as a boy he accompanied his parents on a wagon trip of seven hundred and fifty miles from the Texas Coast to Fort Bliss, of which po.st his father as- sumed tommand. the same having been on the site of the present citj' of Kl Paso. The last western command held by his father was at Fort Buchanan built by him in New Mex- ieo. It is worthy of note that at this frontier post General Isaac V, D. Reeve had as his principal aide Captain Kwell, who later served as lieutenant general in the Confederate army under General Lee. General Longstreet, another of the distinguished officers of the Confederacy, likewise Served under him prior to the Civil War. h (Jeiieral C. McC. Reeve graduated at Yule University in the class of 1870, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In 1873 his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of Mauler of Arts. He was admitted to the bar in 1871. He made his first trip to Minneapolis, for the purpose of visiting friends, his expectation at the time having been to establish his resi- dence in California. In .Minneapolis he fiiund an opportunity to purchase the Thornton farm of two hundred and fifty acres, on Lake Harriet, and he had the foresight to realize the ultimate appreciation in the value of the property. His father consented to join him in Minneapolis, and they pur- chased the land mentioned, — the same constituting the fine old homestead which has long been associated with the family name. The brick portion of the old residence was built in 1860, by Frances Thornton, and the house is one of the land- marks of this beautiful section of the city. General Reeve was admitted to the Minneapolis bar in 1S71 and for a short time thereafter he was engaged in the active practice of his profession in this city. In 1872 he assisted in the reorganization of the City Bank, in which he became bookkeeper. Later he was promoted assstant cashier and finally he became cashier of the institution, with the exe- cutive affairs of which he was identified for a period of eleven years, during which perioil the bank never passed a dividend nor declared less than twelve per cent per annum, besides adding substantially to the surplus. He then became man- ager of the Hardwood Manufacturing Company, which was engaged in the manufacturing of fiour barrels and which operated four heading and stave mills in Wisconsin, more than two hundred men being employed in its cooper shops, in Minneapolis, and the output having at one time reached the enormous aggregate of si.xty-five hundred barrels in a single day, — a record never before or since equalled. A. R. Hall, of Wisconsin, was at that time president of the Company, and with the same was identified its present president, (ieorge H. Christian. General Reeve was manager of the Company's business, which included the manufacturing of hardwood lumber barrel stock and barrels. The General retired from the position of manager after the expiration of five years, and he then purchased the old Holly Flour Mills, the opera- tion of which he continued until the plant was ilestroyed by lire, in 1893. Since that time he has not been actively en- gaged in business. It has been a matter of special .satisfaction to General Reeve to aid in the upbuilding of the live-stock industry in Minnesota and he has done much to improve the grades of stock raised. On his original place, given the name of Sunny- side Stock Farm, he gave special attention to the raising of fine Ayrshire and .lersey cattle, ami his stock has been ex- hibited at Icailing western fairs, including that at St. Louis, where it has won many prizes. At one time he had a herd of more than two hundred registered Jerseys, including six- teen imported cows. In association with his brotlu'r-in-law. .Tames W. Lawrence, now a representative member of the bar at Santa Monica, California. General Reeve purchaseil one hundred and sixty acres of the Wilson farm, on Chicago avenue and Lake street, and this tract was platted under the title of the I^wrence & Reeve's Out Lota, which were sold in five-acre tracts. In politics the General is a Democrat, and in ISDO-lU he represented his county in the state lepislnturc. having tx-en elected in a strong Republican district. He was made chair- man of the joint committee on appropriations for the State 444 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA University, and it was largely due to his earnest and inde- fatigable efforts that the University was not denied its much needed appropriations, including that for the erection and equipment cf the first building for the Medical Department. It will be recalled that this so-called "reform" session of the legislature was chiefly notable for its efforts to throttle advancement and even to deny proper support to the various state institutions. The General's experience in the Legis- lature proved all that he desired and he did not appear as a candidate for renomination. General Reeve was appointed a member, and elected Secre- tary of the Minnesota commission for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, in 1893, and in providing a creditable showing for his state he labored with characteristic zeal and ability. He devoted eighteen months to preliminary work and thereafter was present at the fair in Chicago during a very considerable part of the time of its duration. He received no compensation for his efforts in securing the Minnesota ex- hibits' at the exposition, and at the close of the same, fifteen thousand dollars of the original appropriation was returned to the state treasury. In the winter of 1891-2 General Reeve was one of the three commissioners selected by the Governor of Minnesota to assume charge of the contributions of flour made by the millers of the United States for the starving peasantry of Russia. The Governor of Nebraska also com- missioned him as one of those to take charge of its contribu- tion of corn. The generous gifts were duly shipped to Russia, and General Reeve and the other members of the commission representing the two states met the relief ship at the Russian seaport of Libau, on the Baltic sea, after which he and his associates gave their personal attention to the distribution of the greatly needed supplies. About three hundred and fifty carloads of food were thus in charge of the commissioners; the Russian government provided transportation of supplies to the famine districts, and the commissioners worked in harmony with the various local committees in its distribu- tion. In 1899 General Reeve was made Warden of the Minnesota state prison at Stillwater, and he retained this office two years, during the administration of Governor Lind. He did much to bring about needed reforms in the management of the penitentiary and was insistent in urging the building of a new prison, though this was not effected until the manage- ment of the state institutions were severed from politics. His management met with the unqualified approval of the Gov- ernor and the Board of Prison Managers. In 1883 General Reeve enlisted as a private in Company I, First Regiment, Minnesota National Guard, and in the same he passed through the various grades of promotion until he attained the rank of colonel. In 1898, the regiment tendered its services to the government and it was mustered into the Volunteer service as the Thirteenth Minnesota Volunteer In- fantry. In command of his regiment General Reeve went to the Philippine islands, where he took part in the capture of the city of Manila and other important military operations and where he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. He was appointed the first military chief of police of Manila and in April, 1899, he was honorably mustered out of the Volunteer service. He resumed his office of colonel of the First Regiment, Minnesota National Guard, and in this posi- tion he continued the able and popular incumbent until his retirement, in 1911. He was then given further assurance of his secure hold upon the confidence and esteem of his com- rades, in that they gladly welcomed his promotion to the office of brigadier general of the entire Minnesota National Guard, comprising three regiments of infantry and three batteries of artillery. He did an effective work in behalf of the state militia and his final retirement from active association with the same occurred in October, 1911. The General is a member of Mili- tary Order of the Loyal Legion, the Aztec Club of 1847, the Society of Foreign Wars and the Society of the Army of the Philippines. He is identified with the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a mem- ber of the Graduates Club of New Haven, the Yale Club of New York, the Commercial Club, the West Side Club, the Automobile Club, and the Lafayette Club. Both he and his wife are valued factors in the leading social life of the com- munity and their attractive home has ever been a center of gracious hospitality. They are zealous communicants of St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church, and the General was formerly a member of its vestiy. In Minneapolis, in 1873, was solemnized the marriage of General Reeve to Miss Christine McLaren Lawrence, daugh- ter of the late Captain James W. Lawrence, who was an honored and gallant soldier of the Union in the Civil war. Captain Lawrence was an officer in the One Hundred and Seventy-sixth New York Volunteer Infantry and he died while in service, at New Orleans. General and Mrs. Reeve have no children living. SYDNEY II. OWEN. It is to the everlasting honor of the late Sydney M. Owen, who was called to rest February 2, 1910, after an exalted service of twenty-five years as editor of "Farm, Stock and Home," the oldest and the leading agricultural paper in the Northwest, that he did one thing distinctive and individual in life, and did it well. He published an agiicultural paper that thoroughly covered the domain of sowing and reaping, and which also gave specific and expert attention to the larger field of economics, governmental policies, and the laws of business as they are related to farming, and was an educator, accurate and reliable, of its readers in these branches of knowledge. Conducting such a journal involved comprehensive learning, ready practical ability, close touch with the trend of the times, and a full understanding of basic principles, all of which he exhibited in a high degree, as many other men have done. But the work also involved clear vision, strict adherence to principles, great force of will and courage and these he exhibited in a high degree, as many other men with equal opportunities and resources have not done. He was always true to his convictions and brought all the power of his being into their service, Mr. Owen was born in Ohio, August 11, 1838, and received the common school education of his time and locality. To this he added a higher course of study in Oberlin LTniversity. In 1860 he married Miss Helen A. Feagles, who is still liv- ing. They became the parents of two children, their daughter, Jessie A., who died in her eighteenth year, and their son, Harry N. Owen, who succeeded his father in the publication and management of "Farm. Stock and Home," with the avowed liope of making the paper "a living, useful monument" to the parent's memory, and who has been realizing that hope. •^ d2^'i-^-^^<^ HISTORY OF MLWEAi'OLIS AND IIENXEPIN COIXTV. MIXXHSOTA 445 I Sydney it. Owen began his long career of usefulness in the service of his country, during the Civil War, as a soldier in defense of the Union in the Fifty-fifth Ohio regiment. After the war closed he became a merchant in Toledo, Ohio, wlieix' he remained for a number of years, then moved to Chicago, and there followed the same line of business. But, while mercantile life was in many respects agreeable, and liis energy and ability made it profitable, his tastes and in- clinations were all the time in the direction of literature, and his opportunity to follow his bent came in 1884, when his brother, Horatio K. Owen (who died in 1000), founded "Farm. Stock and Home." In July, 1SS5, Mr. Owen came to Jlinneapolis and took editorial charge of this journal. In its very first issue under his editorial management the paper took a stand in favor of a revision of the tariff. Xotliing in Mr. Owen's whole record required more courage or showed more clearly his unyielding devotion to what he considered right than his taking this stand in Minnesota in 1885. If an editor is ever justified in carefully feeling his way and avoiding sources of controversy and unpopularity, it is when he is starting his paper. The side Jlr. Owen took was not the popular one in this state then, but he saw with great clearness of vision the logical outcome of our tariff system, and he could not keep from declaring the truth that was in him, even though to have done otherwise would have been the profitable course in a material way and for the period. Mr. Owen did more than this. He discussed with great force and freedom in his paper all economic questions which have a bearing on agriculture, and all his views were based on fundamental principles and elastic breadth of view. This editorial policy made his paper uiiiijue among piiblieations of its kind, and gave it a novelty and potentiality which no other h;id. It also brought him into such close relationship with the FarnuMs' Alliance that, in 1890 he was selected as its candidate for (iovernor of Minnesota. The selection was made not only without suggestion or solicitation on his part, but against his expressed wish, for he was not then and never became an office seeker. He bowed to the behest of his party, however, and became the leader of its fight, and in this, as in everything else he undertook, he threw- all his energy into the contest, and as a result made the campaign of that year nienu)rable in Min- nesota politics. Without money, organization, or newspaper support of any kind, even his own paper making no reference to the State campaign, he polled over 58,000 votes and very nearly caused the defeat of the Republican candidate. Between 1890 and 1895 the Populist or People's party en- joyed its period of prosperity, and in 1894 Mr. Owen was forced against his will to accept its nomination for governor. At this time the Democrats felt certain that a fusion with the Populists would bring the defeat of the Republicans, and were an.xious to give Mr. Owen their nomination also. His stern devotion to principle blocked the project. He declined to consider the proposition, and informed the committee that offered him the Democratic nomination that it was not office he wanted, but the development of a party of and for the people to combat the party of and for the "money power," as it was called in those days, and that he had no more faith in the development of the Democratic party than he had in that of the Republican party in the direction he desired. In this campaign he polled over 88,0000 votes, getting more than the Democratic nominee, and it is reasonably cer- tain that if he had abandoned principle and allowed per- sonal ambition to sway him, he would have been elected. His last active political work was as a candidate for Congress in the Fifth Congressional District in 1896. He made this race wholly as a favor to his friends, and, although he was not elected, he gave ample proof that the constituency would have been well and wisely represented if he had been. It was not in political life, however, that he did his best and most lasting work. Agricultural education, as exam- plified in the State School of Agriculture and the columns of "Farm, Stock and Home" was his real life work. When he came to Minnesota there was practically no School of Agriculture in the State. What was called one was merely a skeleton organization with an ordinary high school course of study, and little more. No one then seemed to realize that a school course in farming was feasible. The pre- vailing desire was to have a school that would "articulate with the University." Mr. Owen declared that what was needed was "a school that would articulate with the farms," and he kept that idea before the people until a course of study was mapped out that made the Agricultural College such a school — one that would educate boys and girls to- ward the farm instead of away from it. He was also an earnest advocate of locating the school where it is, in close touch with the University and the cities, although the ma- jority of his party associates were opposed to this; and it was chiefly through his influence and his writings in his paper that the present location was selected and the neces- sary appropriations to secure it were made. In 1893 Mr. Owen was appointed a Regent of the Uni- versity to fill out an unexpired term. In 1S9,") he was re- appointed for a full term, which lasted until 1901, when he retired from the board. But in 1907 he was again ap- pointed, through the solicitation of the graduates and faculty of the School of Agriculture, and under this appointment he continued to serve until his death, giving a great deal of time and energy to the affairs of the University, even after failing health made such work difficult for him. Mr. Owen realized early in his residence in this State the necessity for conservation of forest areas, and the de- velopment of new growth. In his paper he advocated tree l>lanting and told how trees could be successfully grown on the prairies of the Northwest. He made a decided impres- sion on the public mind and created a strong desire for for- est conservation and tree culture, and there can be no doubt that many a profitable stretch of woods in this section of the country is the result of his efforts in this behalf. He was appointed a member of the Minnesota Forestry Board in 1901, and was its president for several years. In the personality of Mr. Owen there was a wonderful and ever present charm. He was a man of quick sympathy and infinite patience, and he had a deep love for and confidence in his fellow man which always led him to think tlie best of everybody he knew Ills nature was optimistic and sunny, and its influence on others was always wholesome and in- spiring. He grew with his work and the progress of events, keejiing his face ever toward the rising sun and his thoughts in the present as a period of preparation for the future. His death, even at the age of seventy-two. was universally deplored throughout this State, and in many others where he was known either in person or by his work, and his life's achievements constitute a proud heritage for the common- 446 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA wealth in which he lived and labored so long and to such excellent purpose and fruitful results. PUTNAM DANA McMILLAN. Was born at Fryeburg, Maine, August 25th, 1832. He was the descendant of illustrious ancestors of the colonial and revolutionary times, his great grandfather and grand- father on his father's side being Colonel Andrew McMillan and officer of the French and Indian wars and General John Mc- Jlillan of the War of 1812. Through his mother Putnam McJIillan traces his descent from General Israel Putnam who stands as one of the most distinguished soldiers and pa- triots in the days of the founding of our country. Israel Putnam's grandson, Colonel Israel Putnam Dana, a soldier of 1812, was the grandfather of Putnam McMillan. This remarkable record of military service and patriotism which dates from the beginning of American History was honorably sustained by Putnam McMillan and his brother in the crisis of 1861. Andrew McMillan, Putnam's father, was trained for his heritage of Military service in West Point, graduating (from that institution in the early part of the last century. Later he resigned from the service preferring the activities of a civilian career, and settled in Danville, Vermont, when he engaged in business and farming. He was prominent in public life,- a democrat and a member of the state legislature of Maine and Vermont. Andrew McMillan died at seventy-two year^ of age. Putnam McMillan was reared in Danville and at the age of sixteen entered his uncle's store where he was employed for several years. In 1852 he went to California making the journey by water around Cape Horn in a sailing vessel and landing at San Francisco one hundred and forty-one days after leaving Boston. He Spent about five years in the mining districts and San Francisco passing through many interesting and exciting experiences for which California during the "Gold Fever" was remarkable. The return trip was made across the Isthmus of Panama, during the period of Walker's Fillibuster. In Vermont Mr. McMillan spent several years farming ami at the outbreak of the Civil war enlisted in tlie 15th Vermont and served as quartermajiter of the regiment. Upon the ex- piration of his service in the army not long after the battle of Gettysburg he went to South America to engage in a sheep ranch enterprise with his cousin. They located in Santa Fe, a province of the Argentine Republic near Rosario and about two hundred miles above Buenos Ayres on the Parama River. He then stocked their land with some five thousand sheep and for a number of years met with success and pros- perity. Later, however, a civil war was waged between the provinces of Santa Fe and Buenos Ayres, Mr. McMillan's ranch being part of the time the contending ground. This was followed by a war between Brazil and Paraguay and then by a horrible scourge of cholera. These disasters wiped out Mr. McMillan's property interests and when his wife and several members of his household succumbed to the fatal pestilence he returned to the States. In 1872 after two years in Vermont he i)aid a visit to Minneapolis and was so favorably impressed with the city that he decided to make it his future home. Soon after coming to Minneapolis he established himself in the real estate and insurance business. One of his first enterprises was the McMillan addition in Northeast Minneapolis. He made extensive investments in property erecting a number of houses on the East Side and the McMillan Block on Third Avenue and Third Street which he still owns. His most notable project has been the reclamation of a large tract of swamp land in Freeborn County converting it into rich agricultural land. After buying the property he labored a number of years to secure proper laws for the drainage of the immense area and his efl'orts finally resulted in the present law under which millions of acres are being reclaimed. Hickory Island Farm, Mr. McMillan's estate, has been transformed from useless land covered with muskrat houses and cattails to a most valuable property and is a noteworthy example of what can be done with one sviamp land when properly drained. Mr. McMillan has had no desire to enter public life and has held but one public oflice, that of alderman of the second ward. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Rejiublic and the Loyal Legion. Mr. McMillan was married in 1858 to Helen E. Davis, daughter of the Hon. Bliss M. Davis, a noted attorney of Vermont. Her death occurred in South America leaving one daughter Emily. His second marriage was with Kate Kittridge, daughter of Judge Kittridge of St. .Johnburg, Vermont. They have two children, Margaret and Putnam Dana, Jr. Mr. McMillan is a member of the F'irst Congregational church of which he has held the office of trustee for thirty-three years. JAMES S. PORTEOUS. The late James S. Porteous, for nearly thirty years a resi- dent of Minneapolis and during the last two years of his life at Wayzata, on Lake Minnetonka, was born in St. Johns, New Brunswick, September 6, 1856. His parents were born and reared in Scotland, and one of his brothers, older than himself, was a minister of the gospel in Edinburgh. When quite young he went to work for the Stuarts of his native city, lumber merchants, and superintended shipments of lumber for them from that place, Quebec, and New York City to English ports. At the age of twenty-one he. was transferred to their New York City branch office, and while a-ssociated with them made several trips to Eiuope on business. In 1881 he was married in Poughkeepsie. New York, to Miss Loui.sa (i. McKniglit. In December, 1887, he came to Jlinneapolis ]iartly for the benefit of his health which had been delicate for a number of years. Soon after his arrival in this city he entered the employ of Dorilus Morrison as a bookkeeper, but a little later became associated in the Same capacity with S. G. Cook & Company, and was with them in the erection of the Lumber Exchange Building and in its reconstruction after its partial destruction by fire in the winter of 1891. He was for a considerable time secretary, treasurer, and man- ager of the building company. He helped to organize the Edison Light and Power Company, which was afterward ab- sorbed by the Minneapolis General Electric Company, and was its treasurer at the beginning. This company erected the Edison building in the rear of the Lumber Exchange, which Mr. Porteous and the late H. C. Akeley purchased some years ago and afterward sold to the Lumber Exchange HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 447 interests. He spent two years in the successful litiuidation of the accounts of the Flour City National Bank when that institution was taken over by the Security National. Mr. Porteous was one of the organizers and directors of the new' Commercial National Bank; an organizer and presi dent of the Federal Securities Company; an organizer of and active in the National Building Managers' Association, an energetic member of the Minneapolis Real Estate Board. He was president of the Y. il. C. A. for si.\ years, a direc- tor for a much longer time, and his services to the organi- zation were untiring and self-sacrificing. The completion of the new building of the Association, on the commodious and comprehensive plan followed, were in a measure due to him. Mr. Porteous was a member of Westminster Presbyterian church, and for thirteen years one of its trustees. He was its iSundaj- school superintendent for fovir years, and for a long time was president of the Westminster Church Asso- ciation. He was active in social life as a member of the Minneapolis and Lafayette Clubs. The unexpected death of this good and useful man occurred at Eitel Hospital, March 23, 1013, and occasioned deep and widespread grief, especially in Minneapolis and at Wayzata. In Wayzata he had lived for two years, and had been a member of the village council. Upon his death the whole community united in tributes of praise for the nobility and usefulness of his career, his fine business ability, and his elevated and sterling manhood. Mrs. Porteous is still living in Minne- apolis, where she is highly esteemed. I ARTHUR R. ROGERS. Nature spread her bounties in this section of the country, for business purposes and the service of mankind, with a lavish hand, and then waited with her imperturable patience through long ages for the advent of Man, the true lord of the heritage, to come with his commanding might of mind and turn tliem into useful and marketable commodities, and dur- ing her long wait she kept maintaining and multiplying her gifts, ^^^len the time was ripe, the developing spirit came, and its representatives were men of caliber and qualifications suited to the mighty task before them. The interesting subject of this brief review was not among the first or even the early comers, but he has been among the most potential, farseeing and enterprising of them all, and has wrought out here a business career consonant in full measure with his large opportunities and his strong, active and productive mental faculties and business capacity. When he came he found the field white with a bounteous har- vest, and with steady progress, even through difficulties, he rose within a few years to the first rank of the extensive and all conquering reapers. Arthtir R. Rogers was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1864. His father was Alexander H. Rogers, an employe of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, and also a native of Wisconsin. The son obtained his early education in a graded school in his native city and afterward attended a high school there for two years. In 1882 he left school and began his business career as second man in the lumber yard of the Edwards & McCulloch Lumber Company, at Valley City, North Dakota, of which C. E. Blackwell was Manager, which yard enjoyed a large trade. Mr. Rogers remained in the employ of this C^ ^^ ^^^^2^2^^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 449 He enjoyed a close friendship witli Thomas Edison, "tlie wizard of Menlo Park," and kept up with all the inventions of that vereatile and prolific genius. He had a large number of other intimate friends also among the prominent scien- tists and mechanicians of the country, with whose minds his own was in unison. May 3, 18.53, Colonel Peteler wa.s married in New York City to Miss Margaret Hynes, a native of that city. Mrs. Peteler was born February 27, 1834, and died in Minneapolis February 8, 1U07. They became the parents of live children: Kdwin. wlio is a market gardener in North Minneapolis; Pliilip, who was general superintendent of his father's car works, and died at the age of forty-eight; Frank, wlio was also connected with the car works for a number of years, and who died in Te.\as when he was forty-two; Minnie, who is the wife of Edward EUingson, a farmer of Bloomington township, and Charles, who was in active connection with the car works. EOWIX PKTELER, the oldest son of the colonel, was born on his father's farm near Anoka, Jlinnesota, October 6, 1854. As has been noted, he is a market gardener in North Min- neapolis, and has lived in the neighborhood of his present residence, 4315 Penn Avenue North, for thirty-six years. He was married December 7, 1880, to Miss Ida M. Hooper, a daughter of Rev. .John Hooper, a sketch of whose life ap- pears in this work. Mrs. Edwin Peteler is a native of Little Falls, Minnesota. She and her husband are tlie i)arcnts of one child, their daughter Gertrude M., who is now Mrs. E. L. Noyes, and also has her home in Minneapolis Jlr. and Mrs Peteler have occupied the dwelling they now live in for twenty-one years, and in his capacity of gardener Mr Peteler has served the Minneapolis markets with his products from their beginning. He is well known in all parts of the city, and is held in high esteem for his business capacity, elevated character, strict integrity, and useful citizenship. the sale of farm lands. His business was started on a small scale, but through his great enterprise, industry and busi- ness capacity it rapidly increased until it grew to large pro- portions. It was managed with good judgment, carried on with energy, embraced all opportunities presented for ad- vancement, laid all sources of expansion under tribute and gave its proprietor every advantage his openings and facili- ties allowed. Mr. Preston was a progressive and public-spirited citizen, wherever he lived, and took an active part in all commend- able undertakings designed to promote the advancement and imiirovement of liis community at all times. He never married, and so, having no family ties or duties, he waa able to put all the energy of his nature into service to the city of his home and work with ardor for the welfare of its residents. In business he was very successful, amassing a considerable fortune in his operations and building up a large trade and an enviable reputation for straightforwardness and square dealing in every jjarticular. His only relative in this country is his nephew, Alexander P. Drapes, who is carrying on the business founded by him, with an office in Koom 418, Andrus building. Mr. Preston's life closed in Minneapolis on August 6. 1912, at the early age of fifty-three, and his death was universally lamented. H(^ was an Odd Fellow, a Freemason and a Wood- man in fraternal life, a member of the Minneapolis Commer- cial club, and an Episcopalian in religious affiliation, holding his membership for years in St. Mark's church of that denom- ination. He was widelj- known in the Northwest and was everywln're highly esteemed as an upright, intelligent, genial and companionable nuiii and a very progressive and useful citizen. DANIEL F. PECK. ARTHUR C. PRESTON. Mr. Preston was boin in the city of Enniscorthy, County L Wexford, Ireland, in 1859. He was reared and obtained I a common school education in his native land, in which he remained until he reached the age of twenty-two years, riien. in 1881, he came to tlie United States unaccompanied liy relatives or friends, to take up his residence and work his way forward in the world in a new country, amid un- accustomed scenes and associations and surrounded by strangers. The East in this country did not satisfy his desires. He sought the amplitude, openness and freedom of the west, and coming to Iowa, accepted employment on a farm near Lemars in Plymouth county. Soon afterward Mr. Preston transferred his energies to the service of the Close Bros. & Company Development com- pany, and in 1883 became its resident agent at Pipestone, which was the headquartei"s for its operations in Pipestone, Murray, Rock and Nobles counties in this state. He remained in the employ of this company at Pipestone until 1890, then changed his residence to St. Paul and was employed by the Farmers' Trust company, of which he acted as general man- ager for four years. In 1900 Mr. Preston moved to Minneapolis and started a business venture of his own, as he had long desired to do. In this city he opened an enterprise in mortgage loans and For many years one of the leading business men of Minne- apolis and also one of the city's enterprising and influential promoters of the public welfare, the late Daniid F, Peck, who died on Oct. 29, 1912, after some years of failing health, held a high place in jiublic estimation and enjoyed the con- fidence and regard of all classes of the people of the com- munity in a degree and with a steadfastness that proved him to be a man of genuine worth and ven' useful to his fellow men in his day and generation. Mr. Peck's life began in Jackson, Michigan, on September 13, 1845, and was a son of Dennis L. and Fannie (Lewis) Peek, with whom he came to Minneapolis in 1859, when he was fourteen years of age. He comideted here the educa- tion he had begun in his native state, and as soon as he left school entered mercantile life as a clerk in a dry goods store. Being of an independent nature, and having some initiative of his own. he also kept boats for rent on Lake Cedar for a number of years, where he had preempted a quarter section of land. In the dry goods trade Mr. Peck rose by steady promotions made on merit to a position of responsibility and influence, and then started an enterprise in that line of merchandising for himself, which he carried on for a continuous period of sixteen years, prospering in the business and winning ex- tensive popularity as a merchant and as a man. His father, Dennis L. Peck, was engaged in the real estate business, and 450 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA its demands on his time and energies became so oppressive that he was obliged to have help. The son, thereupon, gave up his own enterprise and joined the father in his. Mr. Peck, the son, continued his operations in real estate until a few years before his death, when failing health caused him to retire from active pursuits. Mr. Peek also took an earnest interest and a helpful part in the organized social life of the community as a zealous member of the Minneapolis Commercial club, of which he was one of the founders, and aided in giving strength and influence to its fraternal forces as a Freemason of the thirty-second degree, this degree in the order being conferred on him by the father of Dr. Ames. His membership in the Ancient Craft branch of the fraternit)' was maintained in Hennepin Lodge No. 4. On March 31, 1907. Mr. Peck was married to Mii,s Nellie Graham of Minneapolis. A daughter of Mr. Peck (Mrs. Arthur Clark by a former marriage) is living and has her home in Los Angeles, California, and a sister of his lives in il'cMinn- ville, Oregon, Mrs. Frank SuUey, a widow. In his career as a mercliant and real estate dealer ilr. Peck exemplified lofty ideals of business and established him- self firmly in the confidence of the community. He was on the square in all his transactions of every kind, his word was as good as his bond, and he had excellent judgment in reference to all business and public affairs. His life in the community was an open book, and there was not a stain on any of its pages. He lived usefully and creditably, and his name is enshrined in the loving regard of the people among whom his activities were so long wisely employed. GEORGE W. POOLER. Besides the duties of the local office he also has charge of the messengers on the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad. ilr. Pooler possesses a genial and companionable disposition and manner, making friends wherever he goes. He takes an active part in social life as a member of the Rotary club, aiding in its entertainments and being helpful in all its activi- ties. Fraternally he is an Elk and a Freemason, being a Knight Templar and a Xoble of the Mystic Shrine. His religious afliliation is with Gethsemane Episcopal church, in which he has been vestryman during nearly the whole of his residence in Minneapolis. He is also a musician, favoring the saxophone and the cornet for his own use. While living in Sioux City, he was a member of the Fourth Regiment band, as also band director. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Pooler was married in liis native county, to Miss Pauline Van Ness. Se died in Iowa, leaving two children: Guy V., who is connected with the A. G. Spalding company's establishment; and Grate, who is the wife of Edward Schempf, and lives at Watertown, Wis- consin. The father's second marriage took place in Iowa and united him with Miss Kate Nickel of La Porte, Indiana. Thev have no children. After a varied experience as a merchant for a number of years for others and for himself, George W. Pooler entered the employ of railroad and express companies thirty years ago, to which he has since adhered, now being general agent of the Western and United States Express companies, with office at 619 Nicollet avenue. He was born in St. Lawrence county. New York, .\ugust 2, 1851, and acquired an academic education in the Normal School at Gouverneur. At thirteen he clerked in a store, and at nineteen started a general merchandising business at Rich- ville. After conducting this store seven years, he went to New York 'city where for five years he was with an uncle importing Swiss watches. Returning to Richville he again engaged in merchandising, which he continued until his store was destroyed by fire. In 1883 he came to Iowa, where he secured employment as a telegrapher. He soon became agent of the United States Express company at Sioux City, later serving as traveling auditor for the company in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri. South Dakota and Minnesota, making his first visit to this state in that capacity. In 1901 he was stationed in Minneapolis as the general agent for the company which then had the largest business of its kind in this city, and its operations were increasing at the rate of 20 per cent a year. Mr. Pooler then had thirty-five employes under his supervision. The business of the company was later restricted to fewer lines of road, and hence did not so far outrank that of tlie other oiimpanies. ANDREW BONNEY ROBBINS. By the death of Andrew B. Robbins, Thursday morning, June 16, 1910, at Robbinsdale, the town he founded and which was named in his honor, Minnesota lost a citizen of the high- est type, the Northwest one of its most energetic, enter- prising, and successful promoters, and American manhood one of its best and most comjnendable representatives. He had worked well for his State and country as a soldier, legislator, and Christian business man, governing his worldly affairs by his religion, which he always found of sustaining assistance. Andrew B. Robbins was born at Phillips, Maine, April 27, 1845, the son of Daniel and Mary R. (Shaw) Robbins. The father was a leading business man in Phillips and the pos- sessor of a considerable estate. The mother was a descendant of John Howland, one of the Pilgrim Fathers, and a lady of most exalted character. Some of his remote ancestors were prominent on the American side in the momentous Revolu- tionary war. In 1855 Daniel Robbins brought his wife and six children to what was then the Territory of Minnesota, and took up his residence at Anoka. He built the first steam sawmill in that locality, and loaned money to men starting in business. Andrew continued in the public schools of Anoka the educa- tional training he had begun in his native State, and after- ward attended a private academy for two years. By the end of that period the Civil war was in progress, and in 1862, when he was but seventeen years of age, he enlisted in Com- pany A, Eighth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, in defense of the Union cause. The regiment to which Mr. Robbins belonged saw a great deal of active service in the field. In 1864 it was a part of General Sully's command in its famous expedition into Da- kota against the Indians. This service involved, said Gen- eral Sully, the greatest hardships suffered by any expedition he ever commanded. The troops had very limited supplies of food, and that of an innutritious character, and were often HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 451 obliged to march for hours without water in a temperature of 110 degrees. When this expedition was over, Mr. Robbins Went with anotlier to escort Col. Kisk's parly Of Montana emigrants to safety, acting as commissary sergeant. Trials and hardships of more than ordinary severity were encoun- tered on this expedition also. His regiment next went South and became a part of Ceneral Scliolield's 2;td Army Corps. It took part in the second battle of Murtreesboro (sume- iiiics called '"the Cedars") and contributed to the Union \ u tory at Franklin, Tenn. Later it was marched to King- ston and Raleigh, North Carolina, and formed a junction with siii'rman's army. It was continued in active service until the t\-AiS of the Southern Confederacy went down in everlasting iktVat at Appomattox. At the close of the war Mr. Kobbins \ias mustered out, having shown himself to be one of tlie lust as well as one of the youngest of soldiers. I In his return to his former home, Mr. Robbins accepted till- first employment he could find, which was night work in a -;iwmill. But he soon became first ticket agent in the first .lr|Mit of the St. Paul & I'acific Railway (now the Great Xurthern), in old St. Anthony, on the river bank, just above the Falls. When the depot was moved to the west side of the river he was ticket agent, chief accountant, and tele- gra])h operator. When the railroad was extended to Willraar, Mr. Robbins was appointed terminal and general agent, and t>">k the first train to his new field of duty. He became active in all the industrial and mercantile in- terests of Willmar, and soon engaged for himself in the lumber, the farm machinery, and the grain trade. His busi- -- increased so rapidly that he decided to qtiit the service tlie railroad company and devote liimself wholly to his , :-.onal affairs. In 1879 he founded the Bank of Willmar, which, under his management, soon became one of tlie strong- est financial institutions of its rank in the Northwest. He was also one of the founders of the First Presbyterian Church of Willmar, and for many years its Sunday school superin- tendent. To this school the children, by whom he was greatly beloved, came from many miles around. When he was only thirty years old he was elected to the State Senate from the district composed of Kandiyohi and other counties. He was the youngest member of the Senate, but was made chairman of several important committees. During his term the grasshopper scourge visited this state, and he drew up the first seed-grain law to supply seed wheat to the destitute farmers, and canvassed the Senate to secure its enactment. He also invented the sheet iron "hop- per-doser", to kill grasshoppers. It was very successful, and is still used to a limited extent. After the scourge had devastated his Senatorial District, he and Thomas I!. Walker took quantities of seed of rapidly growing crops througliout the country, and distributed it free to the farmers. Many of those farmers came to him in after years and told him that his interest in their welfare and the help he gave them had saved them and their families from destitution if not starva- tion. While at Willmar Mr. Robbins became more and more in- terested in the elevator ami grain trade. He established a receiving store there, and often watched the long line of ox teams waiting their turn t& be relieved of their loads. The line often stretched out toward the west as far as he could see, and sometimes the men with the teams had to camp until their turn for unloading came. All the while his grain and elevator business was increasing, and by 1882 it had grown so great that he required more help to handle it. He then moved to Merriam Park, where lie organized and took the management of the Northwestern Klevator Company, which he conducted for fourteen years. During this period he was a leading member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce, and for four years afterward was general manager of the -Minnesota & Dakota Elevator company, which also carried on a very extensive business. In 1890 he purchased a large tract of land north of Minne- apolis, removed thereto, and expended a considerable amount of time and money in the development of the town now called Robbinsdale. He platted many blocks and beautified them by planting a great number of trees on them. I'pon the shore of Twin Lake he built a beautiful country home, with extensive grounds comprising more than 20 acres. From the road he planted, leading to the house an elm drive which is now considered the finest in the State. He took great delight in planting almost every variety of tree and shrub suited to the Minnesota climate. He also built the street railway to the town, made other extensive improvements in his country seat, which he made his home for the remainder of his life. While living here he served as State Surveyor General of Logs and Lumber, and was again elected to the Legislature as a Representative from Hennepin County. In his last years Mr. Robbins was actively engaged in the real estate business and the promotion of street railway building. He was a member of tlie Masonic order (in which he had attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish rite), and of Butler Post, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was a Past Commander. In 1905 he was chairman of the Memo- rial Day Committee of his post. In religious affiliation in later life he was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church, in Minneapolis. He was a director of the old Minne- apolis Business Men's Union. He was fond of outdoor life and gave expression to his love of nature by planting trees extensively wherever he lived. In all the organizations to which he belonged he was prominent and active, and his membership was highly valued because of its usefulness. In 1869 ilr. Robbins was married in Minneapolis to Miss Adelaide J. Walker, a sister of Thomas Barlow Walker, the great lumberman, and a niece of Judge Barlow, of Ohio. Mrs. Robbins is still living, as are live of the seven children born of their union; their only son and a daughter, Helen, died a number of years ago. The living children are: F.dith, the wife of Lester Daniel: Amy, the wife of John Roland Ware; Adelaide, the widow of Ralph P. Gillette: Ruth, who became the widow of Sterling Loomis and is now the wife of Dr. Fred C. Rodda; and Lsther, who is the wife of William Wright Scott. All the daughters are graduates of the University of Minnesota, and they all live at Robbinsdale, except Mrs. Gillette, whose home is in Minneapolis, and Mrs. Scott, who resides with her husband in North Dakota. Mr. Robbins' death was not unexpected when it came, but the event shrouded the whole of this community and many others in gloom, and his funeral obsequies were very impressive by reason of the high tributes paid to his worth. During tlie funeral services business houses were all closed in Robbinsdale. and every tlag hung at half mast. Such was the esteem felt for the departed friend of the town and all its residents, that not a team nor an automobile passed in either direction, the long funeral procession in its progress from the home of the deceased to the city limits, all drivers waiting respectfully until it had passed. 452 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Mr. Robbins lived in service to his God and his fellow men, and he died at peace with both. He felt throughout his life that he and his fellows were going the same way and had better go hand in hand. He loved the best in music and literature. He was passionately devoted to his family and his home, and was happiest at his own fireside. The beauties of nature brought him great enjoyment and peace, and he constantly looked up through them to their Creator, on whom his faith was always firmly fixed. FRANK PECK. For a continuous period of fifty-seven years this gentleman has been a resident of Minnesota, and during the last eigh- teen has had his home in Minneapolis and been engaged in the real estate business. Mr. Peck was born October 1, 1854, near Galena, Illinois, and when he was but two years old his parents, Julius and Caroline (Child) Peck, moved to Goodhue county, this state, and located on a farm of 200 acres on the Zumbrota river, two miles and a half northwest of the town of Zumbrota. Frank was reared on that farm, and educated in the district school in the neighborhood. He assisted his father in culti- vating it as soon as he was able, and he continued his man- agement of it until 1895, when he moved to Minneapolis, where he has ever since had his home. Julius Peck was a native of Vermont, where his life began in 1807. Wlien he was eight years old his parents moved to Genesee county, New York, and in 1831, when he was twenty-four, he came farther West and located in Pontiac, Michigan. In November, 18.38, he was married in Detroit to Miss Caroline Child. In 1847 they changed their residence to Jo Daviess county, Illinois, and in 1856 they settled on the Goodhue county, Minnesota, farm already mentioned. The first school taught in that neighborhood, which was a Subscription school and conducted by Charles Locke, was krpt in Mr. Peck's primitive shanty which he cheerfully gave uji for the purpose. He also suported the school in other ways. On this farm he died in 1889, in the eighty-third year of his age, just eight months after his wife passed away, end- ing a married life of over fifty years which they had enjoyed together. In 1856, when the elder Jlr. Peck came to this state from Illinois he brought with him the first span of horses and owned the fii'St reaper used in bis township. When he and his wife died they were among the oldest citizens of the township. They were the parents of six children: William, Elijah, Charles, Louisa, Frank and Asa. Of these six F'rank is the only one now living. Williaiii and Elijah served in the Union army in the Civil war. Wil- liam was in the Firtt Minnesota regiment. He was wounded in its furious and heroic contest at Gettysburg, and died in a hospital July 27, 1803, at the age of twenty-three. Elijah was in the Seventli Minnesota, and took part in sujipressing the Indian outbreak of 1862. He was on guard the night before the thirty-eight Indian leaders of the insurrection were executed, and died at New Ulm, December 27, 1862, only eighteen years old. Charles moved to Minneapolis in 1893 from a farm in Sibley county, and during his residence in this city acquired the ownership of several pieces of valuable property, among them the site of the new Lake Harriet Bank. He died near Lake Harriet, in January, 1911. His widow is now living at Hudson, Wisconsin. Louisa married Latimer Doxey and died young. Frank and Asa were partners in own- ing and cultivating the old family homestead in Goodhue county, until Asa died in 1894. The next year after the death of his brother Asa, Frank was married to Asa's widow, who was Miss Carrie Rogers before her first marriage and a native of the state of New York. By her marriage with Asa Peck she became the mother of three children, Mary L., Charles Scott and William R., all of whom are living at home. No children have been born of her second marriage. Mr. Peck has dealt in real estate in a quiet way, and has had his home located at 4410 Upton avenue South, in the Lake Harriet district. He is a Republican in politics but not an active partisan. HON. FRANK L. PALMER. This esteemed citizen, member of State Legislature and promoter of city extension and improvements has been a resi- dent for twenty-five years, and during that period has been tireless in expending his energies in making Northeast Minne- apolis a desirable and populous section, for both residence and business purposes. Mr. Palmer was born in Brooklyn, Jackson county, Michi- gan, June 34, 1860. When twelve years old his father died, his mother also dying three years later, so that he was thrown on his own resources at an early age. He was able, however, to secure a good education, being graduated from the high school at Napoleon in his native county. At nine- teen he entered the store of his brother in Kalamazoo, later securing a position in the postoffice, through the influence of Hon. J. C. Burrows, then in Congress. When the estate of his father was settled in 1882, Mr. Palmer was married to Miss Mary A. Hogle, and the next spring took up a homsetead in Kidder county, North Dakota, on which they remained until title was secured. Repeated poor crops and severe wintei"s made it unsatisfactory, and in 1888 he moved to Minneapolis. He secured employment in tlie office of John D. Blake, an extensive real estate dealer, and spent a year at St. Louis Park, in the interest of Haywood & Boshert, In 1896, Mr, Palmer opened a real estate office in Northeast Minneapolis, then New Boston, but which was without trana- poitation facilities and sparsely settled. This has since be- come well 'connected with the city, has fine street railway facilities, is a desirable residence section, has business inter- ests of considerable magnitude, and schools, churches, paving, sewerage and other improvements which make it compare favorably with other new ])art3 of Minneapolis. Mr. Palmer has been a potential factor in promoting every such advance. He has served as president of the St, Anthony Commercial club, is one of its directors, and is a member of its public imjjrovemcnts committee. In the fall of 1910 he was elected from the 39th district to the State House of Representatives, and re-elected in 1912, In his first terra he was chairman of the committee on temperance, and a member of the committees on towns and counties and elections. He was instrumental in securing the enactment of the law reg- ulating the sale of malt, and was deeply interested in legisla- tion on insurance, forestry interests, elections and labor. J HISTORY OK MINXEAIN^LIS AND IIENXKPIX COIXTY, MINNESOTA 453 In till' lattrr si'ssiun hf was iliaiiman of the coinmittic on cities, wliicli consists of seventeen members, and which passed upon all legislation relative to cities, and a member of the committees on insurance, legislative expenses, towns and counties, and labor and elections. He has made earnest efforts to secure greater economy and efficiency in the management of the legislature, and is the author of the law allowing rail- road and commercial men, and others whose duties keep them away from their homes a great deal of the time, to cast their votes for presidential electors and state officials at any poll- ing place where they happen to be on election days, and safe- guarding the transmission and counting of the votes they cast. The initiative, referendum and recall have also earnestly en- gaged liis attention and been carefully studied by him. When ilinneapolis decided to secure a better water supply, Mr. Palmer was one of a sub-committee of five selected from a committee of twenty-three, to visit a number of ditTerent cities to collect information on the subject, the recommenda- tions made by this sub-committee being adopted by the city. Mr. Palmer's knowledge of real estate values has been fre- quently called into requisition in appraising property con- demned for park, boulevard or other public use. He was one of the appraisers of the property designed for the Gateway Park, the Mall, the Lake of the Isles Boulevard, the Jlinnehaha Falls Park and the East River Drive. He has also served on the e.^cecutive committee of the Real Estate Board, and as one of the directors of the Xew Boston Commercial club, which he helped to organize. In fraternal relations, Mr. Palmer is a thirty-second degree JIason, and his interests in the fraternity made him diligent in working for the erection of a Masonic building for Arcana Lodge, No. 187. His religious affiliation is with Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, serving on its official board for twenty-five years. His family consists of two daughters, Merle B., at home and Floy M., wife of D. G. Campbell, who is associated with him in his real estate business. CMXTOX MORPJSOX. Mr. Morrison died on March 11. VJUi, aged seventy-one years, one month and twenty days, and for fifty-eight years resided in Minneapolis. He was born at Livcrmore, Maine, on January 21, 1842, moved to Bangor in 1844, and lived there until he was thirteen, laying the foundation of his education in the famous Abbott school. His parents, Dorilus and Har- riet Putnam (Wliitniore) Morrison, were of the same nativity as himself, and possessed, in large measure and controlling force, the New England characteristics. The father was the first mayor of Minneapolis, and gave the municipal bantling an excellent business administration of its affairs, starting it on a lirni basis of governmental wisdom, broad- viewed pro- gressiveness anil financial strength. In 185">, wlien the son, Clinton, was less than thirteen years old, the family moved to Minnesota and located on the banks of the Mississippi at St. Anthony Kails. For a few years he attended the old Union .school, which stood on the site now- occupied by the present city hall and court ho\ise, later he attended siliool at Raeine, Wis., ami there completed his edu- cation so far as schooling and text books were ciineerned. Accordingly, lie left school at an early age and began doing business under the guidance of his father. He was an apt pupil uf an excidlent teacher, and soon showed an admirable grasp of business conditions and requirements. At the age of twenty-one lie united with his brother, George H. ilorrison, in an enterprise for outfitting lumbermen, and, as an out- growth of this business, they became interested in the pur- chase of pine lands, mills and lumber. They operated a water power sawmill on the platform at the Falls and con- ducted a lumber yard in the lower part of the city. They did an extensive and profitable business until the death of rge H. Jlorrison in 18H2, after which Clinton turned his attention to the extensive business interests of his father and assisted the latter in managing them._ At this time the Minneapolis Harvester Works, which the father had assisted in organizing, and which had been run as a stock company, began to show signs of failure. He and his father took over most of the capital stock of the com- pany, assumed charge of the business and started the resur- rection of the institution. Under the advice of the younger Mr. Morrison the company adopted the twine binder invented by Mr. Appleby, who was Connected with the Harvester Works, and this invention proved to be very profitable. The whole industry was sold in 1892 to the Walter A. Wood Harvester company, organized in St. Paul, and for years afterward continued to be a big pro- ducer of business. Mr. Morrison was also a potential factor in building up the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank of Minneapolis. He was elected president of this bank in 1876, and several times while he was at its head it was brought face to face with great financial panics and' severely tried as to its soundness and strength. But it withstood every storm with Gibraltar like resistance, and came forth from each with millions to the good, proving itself to be one of the strongest financial institutions in the Northwest. Two or three times, also, it has withstood "run.s" generated by mi.schievoua tongues, but always with increased vigor, crcilit and popular approval. During Mr. Morrison's administration of its affairs as trustee and president the bank erected its handsome build- ing on Fourth street near First avenue south. He was also extensiv<'l}' interested, in connection with his father, in the construction of the Northern Pacific Railroad. For some years before his death Mr. Morrison was occu- pied mainly with the management of his extensive private interests. But he continued to serve as president of the Great Western Elevator company, the Northwestern Knitting company and the North American Telegraph company, and vice president of the Xorth Star Woolen Mill company. His political affiliation was with the Republican party. In re- ligious belief he was a Univer.salist, and his local connection in the sect was with the Church of the Redeemer, of which he was a regular attendant for many years. In social rela- tions he was long a valued member of the Minneapolis club. In February, 187,!, Mr. Morrison was united in marriage with Miss Julia Kellogg Washburn, a daughter of Nehemiah and Martha (Parniclee) Washburn. .She died in 1883, leaving two children, her son, Dr. Angus Washburn Morrison, and her daughter Ethel, who is now the wife of John R. Vander- lip. a Minneapolis lawyer. The father was alway.'* intensely interested ill the advancement of his home city and bore a large part of the burden of building it up anil improving it. ^lis public benefactions were numerous and various, and his private contributions to worthy persons in need of help, although alwaj'S entirely unostentatious and never mentioned 454 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA by liim, were munificent. And when death closed his long and higlily serviceable record, warm tributes to his genuine manhood and sterling worth, to his great liberality and public spirit, to his unobtrusive way of living and doing good, were poured out in voluminous measure from all classes of the people. One incident that brought him into greatest prominence here and made him known in artistic circles abroad was his gift of the site for the new Minneapolis Art iluseum, which is now in course of construction. With his usual modesty he esti- mated the value of the property he gave for this purpose at $200,000, when it was worth at least $50,000 more. It was his father's renowned residence known as "Villa Rosa," which has long been famous in local history and in which many notable men of the country have been entertained. The tract comprises ten acres and is admirably located for the new use to which it is to be devoted. Jlr. Morrison con- veyed this property to the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, as he stated in his letter making the tender, "without cost or incumbrance, to be a memorial to my late father, Dorilus Morrison, the first mayor of Minneapolis, with the simple condition that it become one of the parks of the city, to be used only for the erection and maintenance thereon of such a museum." It will be a fine memorial to the first mayor of the city, but it will be no less an enduring monument of the filial affection, large-hearted generosity and elevated pub- lic spirit of his son, suggesting always the high traits of char- acter of both and indicating in a Substantial manner the value of their citizenshp. EDWIN PAGE STACY. The career of the late Edwin Page Stacy, who was, when he died, the head of tlie best known wholesale fruit and produce house in Minneapolis, was rounded out by consistent and steady advances from a humble and obscure beginning on a farm to prominence as the foremost merchant of his branch in this part of the country. His father, Isaac Stacy, was a tiller of the soil near De Kalb, St. Lawrence county. New York, and his mother, before her marriage, was Miss Orpha Page. Edwin P. Stacy was the youngest son of his parents, and, was born on May 31, 1831. Farming in St. Lawrence county, New Y'ork, was much as it was elsewhere at that time, although an unusual number of the state's and nati(m's fore- most men were native there. Mr. Stacy's father had been reduced in circumstances through illness, but the son managed to secure a fair education, and while getting it kept looking to the time w-hen he might enter remunerative business. He attended the public schools in De Kalb and the Gouverncur Academy until he reached the age of eighteen years. In 1850, deeming it time for him to get to work, young Stacy secured emploj'ment with Stacy, Golden & Company, in Utica. So apt was he that he was selected a year later to go to Lafayette, Indiana, to take charge of a branch house. This move was but one of a series, each bringing him nearer the city in which the fruit of his business carter was to mature. In 1854, with an elder brother, he estab- lished himself in Dover, Illinois, where for seven years they operated a general merchandising, grain and lumber trade. Edwin P. Stacy then passed four years at Stacyville, Iowa, and at the end of that period went to Mitchell, in that state, and entered upon a business which finally led to his becoming a resident of Minneapolis. Mr. Stacy remained at Mitchell, however, for nearly twenty years engaged in general merchandising, and during this period was also active and prominent in the civic and political life of the community, serving four terms as mayor, and is remembered as Superintendent of the Congregational church for years. In 1879 his oldest son, Arthur P. Stacy, was taken into partnership with him, the firm becoming E, P. Stacy & Son. As the merchandising business and the produce com- mission lines were closely related, and they were doing a considerable amount of business in Minneapolis, they decided to establish a branch house here. Another son, Harlan B,, then became a member of the firm, and he and the father, in 1883, came to Minneapolis and established a house which has constantly grown in com- mercial importance. The parent house and the branch kept up their relations as such for two or three years. By the end of that period the Minneapolis end of the business at- tained such proportions that the firm decided to concentrate all its interests here, and the youngest son, Clinton L. Stacy, was then taken into the partnership. The growth and expansion of the business have surpassed all expectations, the firm now having twelve branches in North and South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota, through which it makes available to the great farm states of the Northwest the products of this and foreign countries. The firm stands in the front rank among the fruit and produce houses of America. Early in his business life in this city Mr, Stacy became actively connected with business organizations. He was a leader in the .Jobbers and Manufacturers' Association from its organization, and was equally active in the Produce Exchange, and a member of the Commercial club and other business and social organizations. His membership in all was highly valued, for he was a gentleman of great breadth of view and progressiveness, and conspicuously and wisely energetic in whatever he undertook or was interested in, Mr, Stacy was tAvice married. His first wife was Miss Elizabeth E, Leonard, of Gouverneur, New York, whom he marrried on December 10, 1856, Her children are the three sons mentioned above. She died on January S, 1S74, and six years later Mr. Stacy married Mrs, Amelia Wood Kent, in Naperville, Illinois. She was a native of A'ermont and a descendant of William Bradford, one of the Pilgrim Fathers and Governor of Plymouth colony. Mr. Stacy died in Minne- apolis on March 11, 1909, she dying a few months later. He was a working member of Plymouth Congregational church. Since 1885 he spent each winter in Los Angeles, Cat., and there formed a wide acquaintance among men especially m his line of business. The first car of oranges brought to Minneapolis from California was shipped by him in 1885, This was one of the first cars of fruit shipped east from California. One of his characteristics was to make warm friends and was of a congenial optimistic nature. From early life he made it a practice of keeping a diary in which he persisted till his very last months. 0CCc death Mr. .Stone was a prominent figure in the commission grain trade in Minneapolis, and in this field of enterprise his principal coadjutor was n. G. Atwood, who is now a resident of Peoria, Illinois. In 1907 was adopted the firm name of Atwood, Stone & Company, and under this title the business was continued on a very extensive scale, the enterprise being exclusively on a com- mission basis and no elevators being owned by the firm. Mr. Stone was a stockholder in a number of banking institu- tions aside from those already mentioned, and was one of the resourceful and representative bankers of the state. He was associated with his elder son, Frank L., in the ownership of valuable real estate in Alinneapolis and its environs, and they platted several additions to the city, including the Mississippi Park addition and the Carter & Stone addition, besides which they gave attention to general real-estate opera- tii>ns. with which the son is still identified. The finely iinjiroved farm of Mr. Stone adjoining the village of Benson < Miitinued to be his place of residence imtil 1908 and the li'uutiful homestead is now occupied by his son Frank L. In tilt' year mentioned he removed to Minneapolis, and here he ■ -tablisliod his residence in a home at 407 Oak Grove -tret, wliere his widow still resides. During the latter as of life Mr. .Stone, in company with his wife, customarily i-sed the winter seasons either in Florida or California, and iH- died at his home in Minneapolis, on the 7th of April, 1913, liis remains being interred in beautiful Lakewood cemetery. Ill Minneapolis Mr. .Stone was a member of the Chamber of I nmmerce, the Civic & Commerce Association, the Minneapolis I lub. and the Minneapolis Automobile Club, besides which he « as atliliated w ith the Masonic fraternity. He was not inrmally identified with anj- religious organization but was lilicral in his support of church and charitable work, his wife and children being communicants of the Protestant Episcopal rliiirch, in winch Mrs. Stone is a devout communicant of tlie parish of St. Paul's church in Minneapolis, where also she is a popular figure in the representative social circles in which ?lic moves. As a young man Mr. .Stone was united in marriage to -Miss Clara L. Lowell, of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, of which >late her parents were pioneer settlers. Tliree children survive tlie honored father, — Frank Lowell .Stone, concerning whom more specific mention will be made in an appending paragraph; Albert I.ane Stone, who resides at Benson and is assistant lashier of the Swift Covmty Bank; and Pauline, who is the "lie of .lohn M. Dillon, a prominent iron and steel manufac- turer at Sterling, Illinois. FRANK LOWELL STOXK was born at Benson, Minn., on the 5th of April, 187G. and his early educational advantages were those afTorded in the public schools. Under the efTective direction of his father he received the most careful training and excellent opportunities in connection with practical busi- ness affairs. He entered the Swift County Bank, at Benson, in 1892, and in the same he held the position of cashier until the death of his father, when he was advanced to his present olTice of president, besides which he is vice-president of the commission corporation of Atwood, Stou't & Company, of Minneapolis, of which his father was president, as already noted in this article. He gives close supervision to his various eapitahstic interests in Minneapolis, but still resides in the fine old homestead at Benson, as has been previously stated. He is president of the State Bank of De OralT, .Swift county, and a stockholder in banks at other points in the state. In the Minnesota metropolis he holds membership in the Min- neapolis, the Interlaclien. and the Athletic Clubs, and his political proclivities are indicated in the staunch allegiance which ho accords to the Republican party. In 1900 was solemnized the marriage of Frank L. Stone to Miss Frances Eleanor Thornton, who is a daughter of Frank M. Thornton. Jlr. Thornton was identified with the building of the old St. Paul & Pacific Railroad, and later became one of the prominent and inlluential citizens of Benson. .Swift county. His father was a sterling pioneer of Minnesota and owned the fine farm of three hundred and twenty acres later ]iurcliased by (leneral McC. Reeve, on Lake Harriet, much of the tract being now located within the city limits of Minneapolis, as may be noted by reference to the biography of General Keeve, on other pages of this publication. Mr. and Mrs. Stone have three children, — Lowell Thornton, Elizabeth Eleanor, and Ileman Ward. LEONARD PAULLE. Accepting the lot of common labor when a boy. by his sagacity, industry and integrity, Leonard PauUe has climbed high on the ladder of success in the business world. Take him all in all he is a unique man and his counterpart would be diflRcult to find. Coming to Minneapolis wholly unknown and without money, i)restige or friends, he worked at manual labor until he had saved enough to go into business for him- self. When this was accomplished he still worked at his bench until the success of his venture was assured, and busi- ness was established upon satisfactory financial basis. His first investment in the show case and store fixture business was the five hundred dollars he had saved by hard labor in the employ of .Jesse Copeland and Sons. His present investment is .$100,000. He has branches of his business all over the west, beside the extensive business he carries on through his Minneapolis headquarters, at 26 North 2nd Street. When he first went into business he employed three men; he now em- ploys from 90 to 12,5. His annual output was about $5,000, now it runs from $1(10,000 to $l.><0,00n. At present he has three large buildings with a floor space of 90,000 square feet, devoted to the business. It is still growing and promises to be one of the big enterprises of the city. All this for a poor boy who came into Minneapolis. 41 years ago with nothing in his pocket. Leonard PauUe was born fifty-seven years ago in IS.'Jj. April 2."!, in Bufl"alo, New York. He is of French decent, his father having served in the wars of France in the campaign of Napoleon 1. The father lived to be over ninety years old, thus fullilling the record of longevity of the family. The mother of Leonard Paulle had a family history of a like peculiarity. On both sides the original stock was German. The boy received his early education in the parochial schools of Buffalo, and when he was but twelve years old began his industrial career by being apprenticed to a trade at $2.50 a week. Later he was raised to three dollars a week and then to four. In 1865 the family moved to St. Paul and remained until '69 when tluy returned to Bulfalo, but Leonard re- turned in 1H72. 458 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ^Vhen but seventeen years old }ie came to Minnesota with the intention of buying land and raising cattle. He took a tract of land in Sherburne County, but after three months came to Minneapolis. His first factory was at 311 Nicollet avenue. This was on the site of the Loan and Trust building. One of the interesting things connected with the history of Mr. Paulle's business career is that the first show case pur- chased by William Donaldson when he first went into business in Minneapolis, was made by the Paulle Show Case and Store Fixture establishment. This was bought on credit. In politics Mr. Paulle is a Republican, not of the demonstra- tive type, but always firmly and quietly adhering to his be- liefs. He has had no time for seeking political honors and no inclination. He is not a politician. Simple and unostentatious in his mode of life, his demo- cratic inclinations have made him popular in the circles in which he moves. He is particularly prominent in Masonic circles being one of the oldest 32nd degree Masons in the city, having belonged to the order here since 1876. He is also one of the board of directors of the Masonic Temple having been one of the original promoters of the building project. He is a member of most of the clubs of the city including the Com- mercial club, the Elks club, the Athletic club and the Automo- bile club. His chief amusement is hunting. In this way he gets most of his relaxation from the press of business cares. He has built and owns a number of business buildings. \Vlien John Lind was governor Leonard Paulle held a colonel's com- mission on his staff. He is one of the vice-presidents of the Germania Bank. In 1905 Mr. Paulle was married to Miss Minnie Crozier of La Crosse, Wisconsin. They have no children. Mr. Paulle's spirit of good citizenship has given him a part in every public enterprise that make for the betterment of tlie state and municipality. He is a self-made man. but very humble in the matter of the credit he gives himself for his achievements. LUMAN C. PRYOR. Lunian C. Pryor was born .January 8, 1864, at Milwaukee, Wis. His father came west from Rochester, N. Y., in the early fifties, thus being one of Wisconsin's pioneers. His home- stead was located a short distance from the townsite of Milwaukee and is now included within the city limits. Here Mr. Pryor was born and lived until twelve years of age. In that year both his mother and father passed away and lie removed with the family to Waupun where two years later he commenced work in one of the printing offices and there learned the printer's trade. On leavinj; Waupun ho located first at Madison. Wis., and later at Minneapolis, arriving in the latter city in April, 1882. He resided in Minneapolis for several years, then removed to St. Paul, where he re- mained until 1891. In that year he returned to Minneapolis and early in 1892 took the management of one of the im- portant printing firms. He resigned that position a few months later, having meanwhile acquired possession of the business of the Farm Implement Pub. Co., publishers of "Farm Im- plements" a trade paper devoted to the interests of the im- plement bu.siness in the northwest. This business was taken over by him in March, 1892, and ho has ha2, and is a son of Samuel S. and Emily S. (Clark) Eustis, the former a native of New Hamp- ^^^m 1 P^^^^^^L ^^ ^^H /.■•^" fT\ |Bh^s^8^ y^^L 1 » 1 IIISTOHY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 459 sliirf mill the liittcr of Maine, nnil hoth (li'steiuleil from olil F.iifjlisli families which settled in this country in early Colonial ilays, the father's ancestors in the state of New York and the mother's in New Enfjlaiid. They were themselves pioneers also, coming to Minneapolis in lHr)4, when their son .lohn was but one year and a lialf old. They located on a farm in what is now Midway, and this has since been converted into trackage and freight yards for the railroads' to a considerable extent, leaving only a small part devoted to residence and farming purposes. The parents were farmers in Jhune. and they turned their attention to the same industry after their arrival in this city, but they did not buy their Midway farm until 3 864, ten years after they came hither. On it, however, they passed the remainder of their lives, the father dying on it in 1887 at the age of sixty-nine years and the mother more than twenty years later at the age of ninety. She came of a family distinguished for mental force and business capacity, and for a time after the death of her husband, managed the estate he left successfully and profitably. The eight children born to her and her husband were: Warren C, a graduate of the University of Minnesota in its first class, the only other members of the class being H. F. AVilliarason. now a resident of Washington. Warren w'as a physician and surgeon at Owatonna. Minnesota, and died there in May, 1913, aged sixty-seven. Samuel S., Jr., is a retired farmer living in Minneapolis. John B. is the immediate subject of this review. Fred and Frank (twins) were formerl}' both partners of John B. in business, and Fred is still associated with him in that way. Frank was actively connected with the Loan Company until his death in 1903. Kiimia 10. is the wife of E. F. Talbot and has her home in South Fast Minneapolis. Nellie, the wife of John Uccke, lives at Seymour. Wisconsin; and Ida, a maiden lady resides in Minneapolis. John B. Fustis was educated at the I'niversity of Minnesota, as all the other children were. His father's death obliged liim to aid his mother in managing the estate at an early age, and as an assistance in this work he organized the Fustis Loan and Realty company, which was incorporated in 1S94. Originally this company had charge of all the family interests. It laid out a large part of the old farm in streets and lots and sold a considerable extent of it to the railroads for track- age and switching service. The freight yards of the Great Korthern cover a portion, and many lots have been devoted to residences and small farms. The company has also laid out additions to Minneapolis and St. Paul and been interested in building thr'm up into desirable residence or business sections, and has, in addition, been interested in projjerty in Duhith. This company originated and developed the Eustis Park at Midway, one of the attractive breathing places for the residents of that picturesque and rapidly growing locality, and has also erected ninnerous residences, apartment houses, business blocks and other properties for renting purposes. Its business has long been extensive and active, and almost all its energies and financial resources have been employed in expanding and improving the choice and valuable section of the state in which the Twin Cities are located. It has assisted in securing the location of many factories in this section, and in many other ways has contributed substantially to its ailvancemcut. In addition to his interest in the business of the company of which he is the head, they own several farms near the Twin Cities and other valuable property. For twenty-eight years he was actively engaged in farming, but has not beer, now for some years. Until his mother died ho maintained a residence with her, which was the old family home. He is active in local public alTairs but not a politicnin, although he is a firm and loyal member of the Kcpublican piity and sujjports it in all national elections. His religious afliliatiou is with the Presbyterians, and he is an elder in St Andrew's clmrch of that sect, having filled this office in it for a con- tinuous period of over thirty years. The members of the Eustis family have belonged to that church from the beginning of its history. Mr. Eustis was once fond of hunting and fishing, but he does not indulge in them or other sports now. Neither is he a society man. He is unmarried, and lives quietly, modestly and serviceably, and he is everywhere highly esteemed as an excellent citizen and a man of genuine worth in every respect. GEORGE HERBERT PRICE. The late George Herbert Price, who died at his summer resi- dence at Manitou, Lake Minnetonka, on Sunday, May 12, 1912, after an illneSs of only a few hours and in the lifty- first year of his age, was cut off in his prime, but had al- ready achieved far more in actual and substantial results than many men of twice his years of activity. He was a resident of Minneapolis about thirty years, and during the greater part of that jicriod was a large and potential factor in the lumbering industry. In his later years he turned his attention to building, and in that line also contributed largely and directly to the expansion and improvement of the city. Mr, Price was born in New Brunswick, October 19, 18G1. He obtained a common school education and at the age of twenty located at Hayward, Wisconsin, where he worked in the lumber woods, as he had done in his boyhood and youth in his native land. About 1881 he came to Jlinneapolis. where his first work was hauling building material for the Soo Railroad shops. In a short time, however, he entered into partnership with his brother Elijah, who had accom- panied him. and they took contracts to get out cedar timber at Grand Rapids. Tlie lirm name was Price Bros., and the partnership lasted until Elijah's death which occurred about 1903. The operations of this firm were extensive. They included supplying logs from the pine woods on Prairie river for C. A. Smith, H. C. Akeley and other Minneapolis lumbermen, some- times for many as a dozen at a time, and often required the regular employment of 500 men. The Price Bros, were, in fact, the heaviest operators in their line in this locality. Both members of the linn were trained woods- men and went into the forests to- give the business their personal attention. While they were contracting for the de- livery of logs they also made purchases of pine lands and carried on lumbering extensively on their own account. The greater part of these lands were sold prior to the death of Mr. Price, who continued the business three years after the death of his brother Elijah, finally retiring because of fail- ing health. He then turned his attention to building, erect- ing several residence structures near his own home, at 2207 Polk street northeast. These are still owned by his widow and are valuable for renting purposes. Mr. Price was eminently successful in his business under- 460 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA takings. He began operations with almost no capital, but made every day and every opportunitj- tell, his prosperity being progressive and continuous. He gave his attention almost exclusively to business, never taking an active in- terest in political contentions and never holding, seeking or de- siring a public office of any kind. But he was alive with the keenest interest to whatever was designed to promote the public welfare. In politics he gave his allegiance to the Re- publican party. On October 1, 1890, Mr. Price was married in his native land to Miss Grace Murphy, who was also there born and reared. They had two 'children, George Wilber and Phyllis Grace, both of whom are living with their mother. The father was a wide-awake, progressive and patriotic Christian gentleman and business man. He was a member and for years a vestryman of St. Matthew's Episcopal church and a Freemason of high degree in the Scottish rite, belonging also to the Mystic Shrine, with membership in Zurah Temple. In his Lodge, which was Arcana, No. 187, he was president of the board of directors; and he was also president of the Masonic Temple Building Association taking a very active part in the erection of the new Masonic Temple. His club member- ship was confined to the New Boston Commercial club. His death was due to apoplexy, with which he was suddenly stricken while making garden at his summer home at Manitou about twelve hours before he died, and his early demise was sincerely and very widely lamented. 16. 1848. He was the son of prosperous parents, but it may lie truthfully said of him that he is a self made man. He married Jlrs. Ella Sturges Lawlcr of St. Paul, and one of his stepdaughters, Jersuha, is the wife of .John Pillsbury. EDMUND PENNINGTON. Choosing his life work just after he had attained his majority, Edmund Pennington has climbed from the lowest to the highest rung on the ladder of success in railroad circles. He began his active career as warehouse-man in 1869. He remained in that position for one year and from that moved steadily upward through the various grades of work until he came to be assistant superintendent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway. The young man was particularly well constituted by nature for the advance- ment that, came to him so rapidly, for he has patience, good nature, bodily health and powers of physical endurance which at times during his business 'career have seemed tireless. His capacity for W'ork and his executive ability have always been a marvel to his associates. It was these valuable characteristics which won for him the position of superintendent of the Minneapolis, St. Paxil and Sault Saint Marie Railway, which position he held until June, 1888, after which he became general manager of the same road. Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Saint Marie has proved the sphere of his active business life for after acting as vice president and general manager for a number of years be was elected president of the road in rebruary, 1909. Those who have long been associated with Mr. Pennington in a business way are the readiest to bear witness of his splendid qualities of heart and head. His kindly disposition makes him a great favorite in the social world although he is of retiring and modest tendencies. He and his family are actively Socially and his beautiful home on Summit avenue is frequently the scene of some handsome social functicm. Edmund Pennington was born in La Salle. 111., September CHARLES N. ROBI>JSON. Charles N. Robinson, president of the Bardwell-Robinson Manufacturing Company was born in New Jersey, in 1853, and is a son of S. B. Robinson, who became a resident of Minneapolis in 1858, and founded a profitable business in the manufacture of doors, sash, moldings, and kindred products, of which he was the head for many years, and of whom further mention is found elsewhere. Charles N. Robinson was educated in the public schools and early learned the carpenter trade, at which he worked until 1892, when he entered the employ of the company of which his father was then and he is now the head. He acquired a thorough practical knowl- edge of the details of production had when his father died he succeeded him as president. This company has Ijeen an important factor in the building of Minneapolis. Its prod- ucts being used with wood work and finishing of most of its leading buildings public and private. Mr. Robinson has also taken an earnest interest and practical part in the general building up and improvement and in all efforts to secure the best government. He is not an active partisan but an earnest citizen, whose zeal and activity in this behalf, have proven of some benefit. He belongs to the Masons, the Elks and the North Side Commercial club. In 1872, he was married to Miss Kate Eveland. Their three sons are Frank S., Levi C. and Howard. SUELL J. BALDWIN. As a farmer, a L^nion soldier, a mechanic, a dairyman, an enterprising and successful man, Suell J. Baldwin, president of the Metropolitan Milk company, has put in fifty-three years of active manhood, forty-eight of them being in Minne- sota and all but one of that number in this city, except por- tions of seven years, Avhile acquiring a homestead in Chijipcwa county, Wisconsin. Mr. Baldwin was born in Sandy Creek, Oswego co\inty, N'ew York, January 14, 1839. He is the eldest of five childreu. of Sidney and Mary (Maxham) Baldwin. One of his brothers is still living in New York. .Jabez C. Baldwin was foreman in B. F. Nelson's paper mill, where he met with a fatal acci- dent. His widow, son, and three daughters are still residents of this city Mr. Baldwin's mother died early. Sidney Baldwin had come to New York from Vermont with two of his brothers. Zebulon and George Baldwin, and there Sidney died at the age of eighty-seven. Suell grew to manhood on the family home- stead and securing a common school education began his o'*D business career as a farmer. In obedience to the first call for volunteers to defend the Union he enlisted in Company G, Twenty-fourth New York Volunteer Infantry. His regiment reached Washington July 4, 1861, and he heard the cannonading during the disastrous first battle of Bull's Run. The day after that battle the regi i ~ .: ' " .. . r ~ - ^^Bi^^B^WB^^^^MHBBB i - ': =_-'- :: : L^^^^B ^-^::....y-.:^ ^ 1 4 ^k;j^« '^^^^^H ^^ ■ ■ ^^^^Bfc ^^^L. ^ .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^1 1 hS 1 1^1 /P l3c-/cL^ /U^^Ja^^,'^, (f?c^J^^^-2^-^'t HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 461 iiient was ordered to the front and reached Bailey's Cross Konds in one day's march, witli all its guns and ammunition soaked with water and rendered useless. The command was kept on railroad guard along the Potomac, and passed its first winter in a camp on L'pton's hill. During the winter all of a party of foragers sent out from this brigade were captured. In the spring of 1862 the regiment was in tlie advance on I'ledericksburg, and this division of the army drove the Con- federates out of that city. It was kept in that neighbor- hdod and used to strengthen weak places. It was in the j-ciund battle of Bull's Rim, but Mr. Baldwin being on special detail duty did not participate. He was wounded at South Mountain, Maryland, August, 1862, and sent to General hos- pital at Washington from where he was transferred to Elmira. New York, and was disduirged with his regiment at the end of his term, bearing such evidence of service that kept him from re-enlisting and gave him enough of war. He returned home and resumed work on the farm. In the fall of 1865 he came to Minnesota, arriving in Minneapolis October 22, in the midst of a severe snow and hail storm. Two of his wife's uncles were living thirty miles farther up the state, but the roads being reported impassable, he and iiis wife, remained in this city a few days, then went in an open stage to Rockford, where he bought a farm and built a log house in which he lived that winter, the ground not freezing and potatoes being dug from the hill in the spring. In .July, 1866, they returned to Minneapolis and he worked as a carpenter. That summer he took a trip to St. Louis on a lumber raft. He then worked two years in the livery stable of Deshon & Levi on Bridge Square. Mr. Baldwin has lived in Minneapolis since except during the years on a homestead in Wisconsin. While there lie was elected town- ship supervisor and served as chairman of the board. For seven years before previously he operated a dairy at his present home at Twenty-first avenue soutli and Tliirty- sixth street, and On return resumed this industr}- continuing it three years longer. lie helped organize the Minneapolis Milk company some twenty years ago, and served long as its vice president and secretary. When it was reorganized in 1913 as the Metropolitan Milk company he was elected president. Mr. Baldwin has taken an active interest in public affairs in behalf of good government, and has frequently been solicited to become a candidate for city council. But being averse to official life he refused the use of his name as a candidate. lie was married in New York to Jliss JIarion A. Harmon, who died here in 1877. Their only son died in child- hood. May 25, 1881, Mr. Baldwin married Miss Jlelissa II. Osmer, daughter of Datus and Esther (Green) Osmer, who came from Watertown, New Y''ork, in 1867. Mr. Osmer was a cattle dealer, and soon after his arrival bought ten acres of the Nathan Roberts homestead, where he and his wife died, she in her seventy-fourth year and he in his eighty-eighth. .\ part of this place is the present home of Mr. and Mrs. lialdwin. The coming of this family was due to the keenness of Mrs. Osmer. who overheard remarks which led her to believe this I ity was destined to become large and important. She pos- ^isseiurance company of Hartford, Connecticut, the salary attached to which was $1,000 a year, a good one for the year 18fi4. His success in the work brought him an advance to $2,500 a year as state agent for the same company in Kentucky. He worked in Kentucky until he had the affairs of the company in that state in good condition and then resigned to take the position of special agent for the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York, with headquarters in St. Paul. In 1808 Mr. Johnston was made Western superintendent of the Widows and Orphans branch of this company's busi- ness at a salary of $5,000 a year. His field was at that time enlarged to twelve states, which rendered a central location at Richmond, Indiana, the most advisable. In that region fever and ague so impaired his health that he was compelled in 18T2 to return to St. Paul. He then became vice-president and general manager of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance company, of which General H. H. Sibley was president and some of the most prominent men in Minnesota were directors. But his health did not materially improve. >^(MZm^ /\J. ■ y^/rf // ji f//i 1^ /(■ A iij/< 1/ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 465 and in 1875 un aecount of it he was obliged to resign liis j>osition. He then started a t'aim loan ageney, and in that business he loaned nearly $2,500,000 for Kastern investors. This loan ageney was the foundation of the land business in wliii'h he and his sons are now engaged. In the fall of 1S98 Mr. Johnston and his sons bought 470,000 acres of land east of the .James river in North Da- kota. Their holdings previous to that mammoth purchase, together with what they have since acquired, have aggre- gated about 200,000 acres more. Since 1898 they have dis- posed ol about all but 140.000 acres and have placed a jiopulation of more tlian 30,000 persons in Minnesota and the Dakotas. Mr. Johnston is president of the Urm, which is known as the D. S. B. Johnston Land company. Its other successful enterprises include a large lumber yard, a bank and two grain elevators (70,000 bushels capacity) at Marion, North Dakota. Mr. .JolmstonNi activities are not bounded by his business atl'airs. but extend into many spheres of religious, benevolent, litrrary and municipal work. He is one of the founders and zealous workers of the People's church, was co-worker with his first wife in organizing the Woman's Christian Home of St. I'aul, built the Mary .Johnston Memorial Hos- [lital in Manila, and donated to the Young Women's Chris- tian A.ssociation of St. I'auI tlie costly site on which its imposing building now stands. Among the most .valuable of the publications of the Minnesota Historical Society is his elaborate and accurate "History of Minnesota Journalism," a highly important work which but for his inteiest and dili- gence in its |)roduction would have been neglected until too late for its accomplishment. Many other lines of useful public service have been made vital and efficient tlirou;,'h liis efforts. Mr. Johnston's lirst marriage was with Miss Hannah C. Stanton. To them were born two sons, Charles and A. D. S. Johnston, who are now their father's closest associates in liusiness. Their mother died in 1879, and two years later the father married Miss Mary J. King, of Canandaigua, New York. Her death occurred in 1905, and in 1909 Mr. John- ston contracted a third marriage which united hira with Miss ICda Worth, also of Canandaigua, New York. MRS. D.\NTEL S. B. .JOHNSTON. Hannah Collin Stanton, who bciume the lirst wife of Daniel S. B. Johnston, of St. Paul. Minnesota, on .January 1, 1859, and whose name is revercen highly appre- ciated and widely publisheil. Mr. Roberts is an experienced embalmer and thoroughly understands all the sanitary requirements for the protection of the public in extreme ea.ses. Although independent in politics he has always shown an eager, practical desire for good government, and done what he could to aid in securing it. Fraternal interests have also engaged his attention in a serious and helpful way. He is a Freemason of high degree in both the York and the Scottish rites, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, and is also a valued member of the Minne- a])oIis Lodge of Elks. His religious afTiliation is with Geth-' semane Protestant Episcopal church. CHARLES H. ROBINSON. Charles H. Robinson is not only a native of Minneapolis but one of its most loyal and patriotic sons and supporters. In the city's affairs he is a leading business man and a worthy representative of the best elements of citizenship among its people. Mr. Robinson was born in Minneapolis, May 20, 1866, the son of Jabez M. and Martha B. (Day) Robinson, natives of Maine, who came to St. Anthony in \Hli6. They were married here in 1857, and here they reared a family and died after long j'ears of usefulness to the community. The father died September 8, 1U05, and the mother, October 1, 1908. The latter was a niece of the late Leonard Day. of Minneapolis, her mother having been a sister of his wife. Her father was also Mr. Da}''s cousin. She came to St. Anthony, with her parents. While on a business trip. Jabez Robinson met Thomas B. Walker, and his description of the ])romise of Minneapolis so impressed Mr. Walker that he soon afterward became a resident and started the career here that has made him famous. After his arrival at St. Anthony, the elder Mr. Robinson worked for a time for the lumber firm of Hurlburt & Day, of which Leonard Day was a member. When he was prepared to go into business for himself he formed a jiartner- ship with William Ankeny and Curtis Pettit, and under the firm name of Ankeny, Pettit & Robinson they continued to manufacture lumber until 1886 or 1887. Mr. Robinson was an expert and gave his personal altcii- tion to the operation of the mills controlled by the firm, lie also engaged in the manufacture of fiour in association with Mr. Pettit under the firm name of Pettit & Robinson. He and bis wife were the parents of three children, Adeline U., Charles H., and Irene B. Adeline is the wife of Charles Morse, of Minneapolis, and Irene is unmarried. Their mother was one of the most energetic and valued workers of the Church of the Redeemer during her life. Charles K. Robinson has so far passed his life in Minne- apolis. He received a high school education here, and in his prst business venture was associated with his father in leasing iron ore lands. Subsequently he engaged in the 470 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA leasing of cut-over pine lands on the Mesaba Range, wliicli contains a considerable amount of productive land. Mr. Robinson is still interested in the leasing business, but he has otlier lines which engage hira extensively, and is one of the directors of the Belt Line Brick Manufacturing Com- pany of Minneapolis. It manufactures 10,000,000 brick an- nually as a regular output, and often far e.\ceeds that amount. Its plant is at New Brighton, in Ramsey County, where the raw material for the product is found in great abundance and of the finest quality, and it is one of the largest and most completely equipped brick factories in this part of the country. He is interested in Arizona copper mines and is president of the Calumet & Copper Creek Mining Company of that state. Mr. Robinson from his youth has taken an earnest and helpful interest in the advancement and improvement of Minneapolis. All undertakings designed to increase the city's industrial and commercial greatness, all agencies for moral, educational, and social betterment, and all lines of public improvement have had his hearty approval and his influential assistance. He belongs to the Commercial, the Minneapolis, Interlachen, Lafayette, Athletic, Auto, and Dead Lake Clubs, the last named being an organization in the interest of hunt- ing and fishing, to which diversions Mr. Robinson is and long has been an ardent devotee. January 3, 1889, Mr. Robinson married Miss Jessie P. Smith, a daughter of Thomas J. Smith of Minneapolis, who is well known as a post office official of the city for many years. Mrs. Robinson was born in Charlotte, Eaton County, Michigan, but completed her education in a Minneapolis high school. They have four children; Charles J., the oldest, is a student in the Scientific School of Yale University, and belongs to the class of 1914. Elizabeth Irene is a student at Graham Hall, and the other two children are Martha B. and Jane S. Mrs. Robinson is a working member of Plymouth ( 'ongregational Church and also active in social work. She belongs to the Travelers' and Study clubs.' She and her hus- band have visited most points of interest in the United States. SUMNER C. ROBINSON. For forty-si.v years Sumner C. Robinson, who died in 1903, was a resident of Minneapolis, and one of the leading business men and manufacturers during more than half of the period, being engaged in contracting and building through- out the first twenty years after his arrival in this locality. He was born in New Jersey in 1831, and there was married to Miss Mary H. Dare, who was also a native of that state. They came West in 1856 and, after passing one year in Kansas, moved to Minneapolis in 1857. Mr. Robinson was a carpenter and soon became a leading contractor and builder. Nfearly all the residences on the East Side, built previous to 1876, were erected by him. In that year, in company with Charles S. Bardwell, he began the manufacture of sash, doors and interior finishings. The firm of Bardwell & Robinson has been an important factor in the city's growth. About 1SS5 they bought at Second street and Twenty-second avenue north, building the plant now used at present operated by two sons of the founders of the busi- ness, which was incorporated in July, 1903. Mr. Robinson and wife were among the original seventy- four persons who started the Hennepin Avenue Jlethodist Episcopal church. Mr. Robinson was a Sunday school worker, and a member of the official board of the church, from 1858 to the end of his life, rendering longer service of this char- acter than any other man in the city. He was also active in starting the Asbury Hospital, furnishing a room in his own name, and was a member of its board of directors until death. Mrs. Robinson, now living at the Hampshire Arms, has ever been active in all church eft'orts and particularly so in connection with hospital work. She has been a member of the controlling board of Asbury Hospital from its founding as she was long a member of the official staff of the North- western Hospital before Asbury was established. She is also connected in a highly serviceable way with the Deaconess' Home and other institutions of a beneficent character. She and her liusband were the parents of two children. Charles N., president of the Bardwell & Robinson company, and Mary R., wife of William Wolford. FREDERICK WEYERHAEUSER. Frederick Weyerhaeuser, of St. Paul, died at Oak Knoll, his winter home in California, on Saturday, April 4, 1914, at the age of seventy-nine years, four months and thirteen days. This simple statement chronicles the passing away of one of the business men of our day. He was remarkable in the ex- tent and success of his business operations; remarkable in the cleanness and regularity of his private life, and remarkable in his reticence concerning both and his strong aversion to newspaper comments, biographical notices and all other pub- licity touching him and his affairs. His life story has been distorted and falsely colored, his wealth greatlj' exaggerated and his motives and methods mis- represented. The truth remains, however, that he was a man of high integrity, lofty purposes and correct business methods in every particular. But he was in reality only a minority stockholder in most of the large corporations with which he was connected, and hy no means so extensive a holder of con- trolling interests as has been popularly believed. In addi- tion, he was liberal to approved agencies for good to an extent never made known and therefore vastly underestimated. And his refusal to talk for publication about himself was due to no ill-nature, unfriendliness to his fellow men or other censur- able motive, but to the genuine modesty of real merit. He had .a stiong sense of duty and he obeyed its commands. It inspired him to make the utmost of his opportunities and he did it. For the rest, he preferred always to let his work speak for itself wherever it had a right or reason to be heard. Frederick Weyerhaeuser was born on November 21, 1834, in a snuill village on the Rhine near the city of Mainz, in Ger- many. He was the son of John and Katharine (Gabel) Weyerhaeuser, and the only son of their eleven children who survived to maturity. The father owned a farm of fifteen acres, and the son was needed in the cultivation of this patri- mony as soon as he was large and strong enough to work. His education in the schools was therefore cut short when he reached the age of eleven years, but prior to this time he at- tended a Protestant school, in which he acquired the funda- mentals of learning and a considerable amount of informa- tion about the Bible and catechism. In 1848 he was confirmed '^^^21£- HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COI'NTY. :\nNNESOTA 471 in the Gprnian Ri'fornipd cliiirrh, ami after coming to tliin country joinoil the Lutlieran cliuioh, of which he was a mem ber for a number of years. He then united with the Presby- terian House of Hope in St. I'aul, with wliich he was con- nected until his death. Times became hard in Germany and the spirit of emigration to the New World received a quickeninfj impulse tln'rcby. \\'hen Mr. Weyerhaeuser was eighteen, ancj an orphan through the death of his father, one of his sisters and an aunt came to the United States and located in Pennsylvania. They wrote back to the village on the Rhine glowing accounts of the new country, and the rest of the family packed up and came hither also. The family located at Northeast. Krie county, Pennsyl- vania, and there Frederick decided that he would become a brewer and went to work at .$4 a month. The second year lie got a raise to $9 a month, but he soon gave up brewing and turneil his attention to farming, in which he received a salary of $13 a month. He came of the thriftiest kind of German stock, and from his earliest beginnings his financial progress was steady. • In 1S5C the family moved to Coal Valley, Rock Island county. Illinois, Frederick carrying with him his share of his father's estate, which had just been settled in Germany, and which he afterward described as "a very small amount of money," though he had his savings in addition to this. Soon after his arrival at Rock Island J[r. Weyerhaeuser got a jiosition as night fireman in the sawmill of Mead, .'^mith & Marsh, but he was not otherwise, connected with the lumber industry until two months later, when there was an opening in the force of the mill and he was given a place as tallyman. One day while eating his lunch in this capacity he made a shrewd sale of lumber to some farmers. This pleased his em- ployers, and they promoted him.. But not long afterward the firm went into bankniptcy, the sawmill at Rock Island of which he had been made manager was shut down, and he lost his position. In this emergency Mr. Weyerhaeuser and F. ('. A. Denck- man, who afterwards became his brother-in-law. decided to go into business for themselves. They diicli work through- out the Northwest. Sarah E. Tremble of Mattoon. Illinois, was the first wife, dying some fifteen years after marriage, and leaving one son, Warner F. Burnett, now in San Fran- cisco. In .Tune, 18S8, he married AUeda Suits of Huron, South Dakota, and they have one daughter, Harriet Alleda, a student in La Salle Seminary, Auburndale, Massachusetts, With literary tastes, Mr, Burnett finds greatest enjoyment in the companionship of books, the master minds of the world, — being represented on the shelves of a well-chosen library. He is an official of Como Congregational Church ; a member of the Congregational club and of the Civic and Commerce Association and active in all good work pertaining to the rity, State and Society. Although now 71 years of age his average health is most excellent, and he feels that he is good for ten or twenty yeare more. He longs to sec the day when no litjuor uill be maiuifactured or sold in this country and when segregated vice will be a stench in the nostrils of all decent men. ALONZO COOPER RAND. Eminently successful in life and mournfully tragic in the manner and suddeimess of his death, the late Alonzo C. Rand, one of the leading business men of Minneapolis for more than ten years, showed in his active and brilliant career the great power of a strong and well trained intellect and the utter helplessness of man in combat with the superior forces (if nature. He was one of the unfortunate passengers on the Afinnie Cook, a private jileasure boat, when she sank witli all on board on Lake Minnetonka in a sudden storm on Siniday afternoon, July 12, 1885. This dreadful catastrophe ended the lives of ten persons, several of them numbered among the most prominent, influ- ential and esteemed residents of Jlinneapolis, and threw the whole community into a universal grief too deep for utter- ance, and in which the only mitigating circumstances were that the tragedy could not be foreseen or prevented, and that some of those who perished in it had already achieved enough in life to leave shining records behind to keep their memory green in the hearts of the people among wliom they had lived and triumphed, and who were the beneficiaries of their great and useful work. The persons who went down on the ill- fated boat with Mr. Rand were his wife, his daughter, Mary, and son, Harvey, his nephew, Frenk Rand, aged nineteen, Mr, and Mrs, John R. Coykendall and their little daughter Luella, Master Hussey, a young friend of both families, and George McDonald, the engineer of the boat. She sank off Breezy Point only about 800 feet from the shore. Alonzo Cooper Rand, at the time of his death, was the president and one of the principal owners of the Minneapolis Gas Light company. He had been mayor of the city for three j'cars from April 3, 1878, and had given the people an excellent business administration of their public affairs, mani- festing a determination for the strictest and most impartial enforcement of the laws, and an admirable industry and clearness of vision in looking after and promoting the best interests of the city and all its residents. He was kind, benignant and generous in private life, benevolent* to the poor anil a helpful friend to many worthy families. But as a public official he knew neither friend nor foe, only the command of duty and the public welfare. And he must have impressed himself forcibly on the public mind of the com- munity within a short time after his location in it, for he was a resident of Minneapolis biit four years before he was chosen its chief executive. Mr. Rand was born in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1H31, and while he was yet a boy moved with his father to Buffalo, New York, where the father died on June 17, 1859, in the fifty-seventh year of his age. The son was educated in the common schools, and at the age of twenty was married to Miss Celina Johnson of Buffalo, About one year after the death of his father he moved to Union City, Pennsylvania, and for three years was very successful in the oil business there. From Union City he moved to the city of New York, where, prompted and guided by information he had acquired 474 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA in the oil fields, lie perfected a process for manufacturing illuminating gas from oil. Mr. Rand remained in New York four years working on his invention and preparing to commercialize it, then located at Aurora, Illinois, and there made a large fortune out of his valuable discovery. In 1874 he visited Minneapolis in the course of a pleasure trip through the Northwest, and was so favorably impressed with the city and its business out- look that he sold his interests in his Illinois home and became a resident here. He at once became connected with the gas industry in this city and before long owned a controlling interest in it. His new process revolutionized the manu- facture of gas in this community, and proved of great benefit to the consumers as well as highly profitable to the company, of which he soon became the head and controlling spirit. Mrs. Rand, whom death found at the side of her husband. ■was a lady of great culture and refinement, and also possessed a vast fund of excellent common sense. Her sympathetic heart moved her to constant activity in benevolent work, her clear head and responsive brain found the easiest and most practical way for the execution of her wishes, and her hand was the obedient servant of both in carrying out her designs. She was greatly admired, warmly esteemed and fen-ently revered for her many excellent qualities, and her death brought lasting pain to many a stricken heart. For "None knew her but to love her." She was a native of Herkimer county, New York, and liad reached the age of fifty-one when her life ended. JOHN H. ROWE. John H. Rowe was born on May 15. 1860. at Downing Farm, Dutchess county. New York, seven miles south of Poughkeepsie, where the family has been domesticated for four generations. He is one of the eight children, five sons and three daughters, of Daniel Chase and Susan Ann (Town- send) Rowe, also natives of Dutchess county. One of his sisters, Hetty Morgan Rowe, is a teacher in Roberts college in Constantinople, Turkey, and three of his brothers are successful business men in New York city, himself and sister being the only ones outside of New York. Daniel Rowe was the son of William Roe, during whose life the name was changed to its present form, and whose brother was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. Daniel was one of eleven children and at the age of fifteen went to New York city, where he became a successful hardware merchant; and, after many years of activity as such, retired to the Dutchess county farm, on which he died at the age of ninety-two, highly respected by all. John H. Rowe passed his boyhood on the farm, attended the public school and two years at Degarmo Institute at Rhinebeck and one at Mount Pleasant Military Academy in Ossining. At the age of twenty-one he visited at Cedar Falls, Iowa, where he met Robert A. Davidson, an Fast Side Minneapolis banker, accompanying him here to take a clerkship in the bank, and which he filled for a year and a half. He then became a clerk in the office of Captain John IMartin's Lumber company, with which he remained five years. He was next connected with E. W. Uackus & Company, first as bookkeeper and afterward as a member of the company, which was then running two mills. Mr. Rowe continuet. Louis expecting to there practice his profession. An old and prominent lawyer in that city advised him to come to Minneapolis, and he acted upon this advice. He immediately began liis practice, and thenceforth, until failing health and advancing years obliged him to practically retire from business, he was reckoned among the leading lawyers of the state. His clientage included the most prom- inent residents and business tirms in the community. He carried many cases to the higher courts, state and federal, where he won many notable victories embracing principles of extensive application and which contributed largely to the future construction of legal questions. ilr. Guilford had his office on the East Side his attention being devoted largely to matters pertaining to tliat part of the city. During the last twenty years his home was on the West Side, though old clients and friends continued to employ him and, till the end, his advice way eagerly sought. His parents came to Minneapolis in 1870 and both died here. The mother belonged to the Adams family, more prominently represented by John Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams. Nathan Guilford, an uncle of Jonas, was an eminent edu- cator in Ohio, and commonly credited as the father of the l>ublic school system of that state. For some years he was prominent in the legal profession, which he abandoned to devote his talents to the cause of public education, and from then until his death was consecraated wholly to that great work, the greatest need in a Republic. In recognition of his services in this behalf Guilford School, Cincinnati, was named for him as an enduring testimonial. Jonas Guilford was married in September, 1869, to Miss Helen Morrill, who was born in Danville, 111., and be- came a resident of Minneapolis in 1867. Their children are Paul Willis, Harry Morrill, Harriet. The sons arc both grad- uates of the University, the former being a lawyer and the latter a physician and a member of the health board. The daughter is a graduate of Carleton College, and is with her mother at 1820 Hawthorne avenue. Mrs. Guilford is a member of the Minneapolis Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Like her hus- band, she is also descended from Revolutionary forefathers, comprising several of the old, distinguished families of New Kngland. The home contains many interesting souvenirs, each having individual history and valuable as illustrating early conditions of life. The first deed given in St. Anthony is also found here. Both were early members of the Lowry Hill Congregational church. He took an active part in public a£fairg, but was not a politician and never sought or desired a public office, though he was ever ready to aid in securing the best attainable government. NELSON H. REKVES. One of the most extensive and successful market gardeners, Nelson H. Reeves, 3410 Second street north, was born at Rochester, Wisconsin. January 4, 18.'j8, a son of N'incent and Ida C. (Kelleri Reeves, the former a native of Salisbury. Wiltshire, Kngland. and the latter of Columbia county, Penn- sylvania, being born near Bloomsburg alKiiit ls;i,"). The father was born August 12, 1831, and came to the United States in 1850, locating near Hartford, Washington county, Wiscon- sin, where the mother had come with her parents three years before. Vincent Reeves was a blacksmith and worked at his trade for a time in Chicago and also for ,1. I. Case in Racine, Wis- consin, at a time when horse power operated his factory. In 1863 he moved to Pierce county, Wisconsin, and in 1864 to Minneapolis. Here he worked for four years in the black- smith shop of what is now the Milwaukee Railroad, then the Minnesota Central. In 1868 he began market gardening on the land now occupied by his widow and son between Second street and the Mississippi and north of Thirty-fourth avenue, and which was at that time all woodland. It is a part of the original Campbell Bell claim, and the oldest farm devoted to market gardening in or about Minneapolis. He worked 10 acres in garden crops, and continued his activity in this line until 1S83, when lie turned the business over to his son Nel- son, lie was a member of the city council from the Tenth ward for ten yeans, during which period he labored arduously and faithfully for the general good of the city. In politics lie was a Republican and active in the service of his party. In religious faith he was a Spiritualist and in fraternal rela- tions a Freemason, holding membership in Minneapolis Lodge, No. 19, and at his death was one of its oldest members. The lodge conducted his funeral obsequies in an imposing manner. He built the house in which he died and in which his widow- now lives, in 1874, then being the finest in the northern part of the city. His death occurred on September 19. 1910, in the eightieth year of his age. In the family four children were born. Three of whom are living. Nelson H., Martha E. and Julia A. Martha is the wife of J. A. Gillard, manager of a large saw mill at La Pas, Manitoba. Julia is the wife of W. J. Glenn, of Tacoraa, and who is connected with the Northern Pacific Railroad. His father, Robert Glenn, was one of the early butchers in Min- neapolis. For a time he owned the original Colonel Stevens home where the old union depot now stands, but in later years moved to the vicinity of the Reeves home, where he died. Florence A. Reeves married Charles Roberts, and died at the age of thirty-seven. Her two children, Nellie and Horatio, are being reared by their grandmother. Nelson H. Reeves has lived in Minneapolis since 1865 and on his present farm since 1868. He worked for and with his father until 1883, when he took upon himself the man- agement of the business, his father retiring. He built his first large greenhouses in 1892, and to these he has made additions until he now lias about 38,000 square feet of floor surface under glass. In winter he devotes his efforts to raising lettuce, parsley, radishes and cucumbers. Most of hi» products are sold to commission men and sent out of this state. He also raises large quantities of rhubard by a forcing process, a large part of his land being given up to the pro- duction of this succulent plant, his anniuil output ranging from twelve to sixteen tons. His yearly sales of lettuce aggre- gate 12.000 to 15,000 dozen and of cucumbers 3,000 dozen. He also grows bedding llowcrs and plants, and keeps a stall in the Minneapolis market. His operations compel him to em- ploy four men the year round. Mr, Reeves was oiu' of the incorporators and is the vice- president of the Market State Bank of Minneapolis. He w«« married in December, 1909, to Mrs. Anna O. Nelson, a widow with one son, George Herbert Nelson, who is a graduate of 478 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA the State Agricultural College, of the class of 1913,. and asso- ciated with Mr. Reeves. By his marriage to Mrs. Nelson, Mr. Reeves has become the father of one child, Joseph N. The father is an Odd Fellow and belongs to North Star Lodge, No. 6. JOHN D. McMillan. John D. McMillan, president of the Osborne-McMillan Elevator company, came to Minneapolis in 1887, and lost no time, soon starting a venture which he has since been busily and successfully occupied in promoting to high development and profitable results. Mr. McMillan wa-s born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, in 1860. Immediately after leaving school he entered the employ of the Cargill Bros. Elevator company in La Crosse, where he remained ten years. Soon after his arrival in Minneapolis he united with Edward N. Osborne in the Osborne-McMillan Elevator company building a large elevator on the line of the Soo Railroad. They also built the Empire elevator on the Milwaukee Railroad: and the Northland at another location on the Soo, the latter operated by the Northland Elevator. They also own extensive holdings in the International Elevator company, which operates in Western Canada. The aggregate of the interests with which Jlr. McMillan is connected are large, the management being with such prudence and enterprise that every factor contributes to progress and prosperity. Mr. McMillan is a director and ex-president of the Chamber of Commerce. He is a member of the Min- neapolis, Minikahda and Lafayette clubs, and other organiza- tions engaged in uplift work, and is ever ready to give prac- tical support to any undertaking for the general good. In political contests he has never taken part as a partisan, and has had no political aspirations. Mr. McMillan is married and maintains a pleasant home at 239 Clifton avenue. FRANCIS 8. McDonald. The late Francis S. McDonald, who died in Minneapolis July 18, 1896, at the age of sixty-one, after a residence of forty-two years in the state, proved himself to be a useful citizen, rendering excellent service both in times of peace and in time of war. He was bom in Cumberland county, Maine. June 10, 1835, and at the age of seventeen worked in a cotton factory at Saccarappa, and later at Lewiston. After one year in Massachusetts, he in 1854, came to Minnesota and joined his uncle, John McDonald, in operating a saw mill at Otsego, Wright county. The uncle helped to build the first saw mill at St. Anthony, later building the one mentioned. In 1861 Francis enlisted in the Third Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, being soon afterward promoted orderly sergeant. He had command of his company in Indian campaigns, and for his services and valor was commissioned second lieutenant. He re-enlisted in Hatch's Battalion and was detailed as draft clerk at Fort Snelling, where he remained until mustered out of the service in 1865. In 1866 he was appointed postmaster at Fort Snelling. and in 1868 moved to Minneapolis, still remaining in charge of the postoHice. While living at Otsego, he served as county commissioner of Wright county one term and also as tax assessor of Otsego. In 1868 he took up his residence in the block containing the present home of his widow at 1212 South Eighth street. He was appointed deputy by County Auditor Mahlon Black, and when that gentleman retired succeeded him, and by successive re-elections was continued for twelve years. He was a Repub- lican, and active in all undertakings designed to promote the general welfare of the city and county. November 2, 1857, Mr. McDonald was married at Otsego to Miss Elizabeth Spencer, who was born in Bangor, Maine, February 7, 1838, and came to Minnesota at the age of nineteen with her parents, who located at Otsego. She and her husband were the parents of four children, two of whom are living: Mary, is the wife of Dr. N. P. Austin, and Nellie, is the widow of the late E. L. Fisher, who was a conductor on the Wisconsin Central Railroad for thirty years, and who was killed in a collision. Mrs. Fisher lives with her mother, and has two childi-en, William and Florence. Another daugh- ter of the Fisher household. Frances, died when she was six- teen years of age. Mrs. McDonald's sons were Fiank and Charles. Frank was deputy auditor under his father, and after the father's death, under Harry Minor. He died in California on Easter Sunday, 1891, aged thirty-nine. Charles was a locomotive engineer on the Milwaukee Railroad, and died March 2, 1899, aged thirty- six. The mother is a great lover of her home and lives a retired but useful and commendable life, manifesting a cordial interest in everything that pertains to the good of the city. Mr. McDonald died July 18. 1896. His death was due to overexertion in making arrangements for an encampment of the Knights of Pythias, a fraternity to which he was ardently devoted, and was a brigadier general in the military rank of the order. He was also a Knight Templar and the Com- mandery to which he belonged attended his funeral in a body. Each of the other twenty-one fraternities or societies to which he belonged was also represented at the funeral, which was one of the largest and most imposing ever seen in Min- neapolis, the procession being said at the time to have been five miles long. No man in the city ever had a wider circle of acquaintances or was more popular. After leaving the office of auditor he became tax agent of the Milwaukee Rail- road. He was very e.xact and painstaking in his work, and his superior officer in the tax department of the railroad declared that his only mistake during his connection with the department was made on the day of his death. THOMAS KENNEDY CRAY. The late Thomas K. Gray was before his death, which occurred on December 24, 190<,), the oldest retail merchant in Minneajiolis and the oldest dealer in drugs in the state of Minnesota in continuous connection with the trade. His career was quiet and uneventful except for the length of its contin- uance, his constant fidelity to duty, his conservative adherence to the same location for more than half a century and the enterprise with which he kept pace with the flight of time and the progress of events in business and in local and general public affairs. His life flowed on in one continuous current of calm, unostentatious goodness, true to the duties ever at his hand, furnishing a lofty example of undemonstrative. I >^^^ HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 479 modest, meritorious manliooil. and working out results of enduring value to the eonimunity, and his record is enshrined in the admiring remembrance of all who knew him. Mr. Gray was born of Scotch ancestry at Jert'erson, Lincoln county, Maine, on June 17, is:i3. His parents, Peter T. and Elizabetli (Ken edy) Gray, lived originally in Andover, Massachusetts, and moved from there to Maine. The father was a doctor, and died when liis son Thomas was only f(mi; years old. In 1842 tlio mother moved lier family to \\'aIdo- boro, also in Lincoln county, Maine, and there the son passed three years at Wescosset Academy, completing his academic education, and in the meantime acquiring a general jireliminary knowledge of drugs by studiously reading tlic incdical l)Ooks in liis father's library. The yoting student was employed as a clerk in a dry goods store for three years, then, at the age of twenty, came west to Toledo. Ohio, where he resumed his clerking, which he continued in that city until 1855, when he came on to Minneapolis in company with his brother Oliver C. They first went to what is now Hutchinson, Minn., and there assisted in platting the town of Hutchinson having walked from St. Paul. John D. Gray, who came on later, became a partner of Dr. M. R. Greeley in the drug business in Minneapolis and Thomas K. clerked in the dry goods store of D. \V. Ingersoll in St. Paul for half a year. Oliver C. Gray went to Arkansas, where he became principal of a boys' military academy, and at the beginning of the Civil war enlisted in the Confederate army. He was promoted in the service until he reached the rank of colonel, and after the death of his first wife married the wfdow of a Confederate general, and some years later died in the South. His second .son, Carl R. Gray, became connected with railroading early in his manhood and has risen to distinction in official circles in that great industry. He was president of the Great Northern Railroad and several other corporations embraced in the Hill systems. Early in 1857 Thomas K. Gray bought the interest of Dr. Greeley in the Minneapolis drug store, and he and his brother .John formed a new partnership, under the name of Gray Brothers, to continue the business. It was carried oti in the firm name until 1874, when .John D. retired from the partnership and moved to the Pacific coast. The Gray Brothers' establishment was first on Bridge Square, but in 1858 it was moved to its present location on Hennepin avenue. The whole block in which it stood was destroyed by fire in 1864, and soon afterward the brick structure in which the business is now housed was erected. Mr. Gray conducted the business until a few years before his death, when he decided to leave the details to the care of his son Horace. But he continued his connection with the trade until the end of his long and useful life. Not long after his location in Minneapcdis Mr. Gray secured a tract of land at the intersection of Nicollet avenue and Oak Grove street, and on this he built a store and an apartment house, the latter being the well known Winthrop tiat and stores. Near by, at the corner of Oak Grove and Spruce streets, he had his own home, and this home has been in the family for fifty-eight years, the widow continuing to make her home in the same dwelling since his death that she occu- pied HO long with him. Mr. and Mrs. Gray were married in 1865. She was, before her marriage. Miss Julie Allen, a daughter of Rev. Lorenzo B. Allen, for some years pastor of the First Baptist church of Minneapolis. A brief account of his life will be found in this work. Six children were born in the (iray household, four of whom are still living. Horace A., the first born, succeeded his father in tlie drug business and is still engaged in it at the old stand. Edward L., the third son, died in early life as the result of an accident. The two daughters are Grace Elizabeth now Mrs. A. B. Choate of this city, and Marguerite. Mr. Gray was trustee and an active member of First Baptist church for many years. ALINl'S C. MATTHEWS. For a continuous period of :ilmost forty years the late Alinus C. Matthews was connected with the Washburn-Crosby company of this city, and throughout that long term of service proved himself to be an expert and dependable work- man in the line of his employment as well as an upright, enterprising and public-spirited man in connection with all the duties of citizenship. So valuable did his services to the company prove in his years of activity that when tlie advance of age rendered him less vigorous and alert the company insisled on his retiring from active work, but continued him on the payroll until death finally ended his labors. Mr. Matthews was born at Mayfield, Fiilton county. New York, on February 1, 1832, and died at his home in Min- neapolis, 1531 East Twenty-fourth street, on February 19, 1914. He was reared in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and learned the trade of mill wright under the instruction of his father. Before the Civil war he moved to Altona, Knox county, Illinois, and during that memorable conflict he served for two years in the Seventeenth Illinois Volunteer Infantry. While in the service he was promoted from the ranks to the position of first lieutenant for bravery on the field, but his service in the army was cut short by wounds wliich he received in battle, being shot througli his right arm at Fredericktown, Missouri, and later through a leg at Shiloh. On September 30, 1863, Mr. Matthews was married in La Crosse, Wisconsin, to Miss .Jennie Taylor, of Altona, Illinois. She was born in Pennsylvania and moved to Illinois as a child with her mother. For eleven years after liis mar- riage Mr. Matthews lived in Winona, this state, and worked at the carpenter trade. In 1874 he moved to Minneapolis, and after serving for a short time in the mills of George Christian, entered the employ of the Washburn-Ci-osby com- pany as a millwright, making his engagement with that companj' his anchorage for the remainder of his life, and winning a high reputation with it for the superior skill and fidelity of his service. Mr. Matthews was essentially a man of domestic tastes and devoted to his home. When he founded it the location was outside of the city limits and the family had very few neighbors. He witnessed the growth and improvement of the section and did his full share of the work of promoting its advancement. He always kept himself well informed as to current events, and took a helpful part in public affairs as a Republican active in the exercise of his citizenship, but never as a politician. On September 30. 1913. he and his wife celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. He was a genial and companionable gentleman, always fond of flowers and outdoor life, and with a warm heart and open hand for everything that was sunny and cheerful. Mrs. Matthews survives and still occupies the old family 480 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA home. Of the twelve children born of their marriage six are living: Harry S., Frank M., Ernest L., Winnie (Mrs. W. H. Baxter), Adele (Mrs. Thomas M. Garland) and Myrta (Mrs. Fred W. Bursell), and there are sixteen grandchildren. Mr. Matthews was for many years a regular attendant of Grace Episcopal church. Fraternally he belonged to Cataract Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and Minneapolis Lodge No. 12, Ancient Order of United Workmen. CHARLES MORSE. Charles Morse, real estate dealer, with offices in the Oneida building, is one of the early citizens of Minneapolis, whose faithful support and successful effort have contributed to the present prosperity of the city. He was born at South Paris, Maine, December 30. 1845. and there received the excellent educational advantages offered by the Oxford Normal Institute. During the Civil war he entered the service of his country, enlisting in the fall of 1864. as a recruit in the Twelfth Maine regiment stationed at that time at Savannah, Georgia, and which participated in the Georgia campaign as part of the army of occupation until it was discharged in August, 1865. Soon after his return from the war, he engaged in the wood and lumber business at points along the Grand Trunk railroad in Maine and continued in this trade until 1875 when he joined his brother, Elisha in Minneapolis. Elisha Morse had located here several years earlier and he is found in the city' directory of 1877, indicated as a notary public, located at 180 South Washington avenue. He was a member for some time of the wholesale grocery firm, Stevens. Morse & Newell, but was largely identified with his brother, in the real estate business. He died in San Francisco p few years ago. For a number of years the brothers were associated in their business interests, constructing as owners, a number of the buildings that were erected in the early eighties, among them the old Kurnam hall on the corner of First avenue, south, between Washington and Third street, the five story section of the National hotel and business blocks on Second Avenue, south. Charles Morse then continued in this occupa- tion for a few years in partnership with Mr. Charles F. Haglin. The trade of this firm expanded rapidly and they extended their operations to Duluth and other cities one of their contracts being for the erection of the court house at Brainerd. Minnesota. They also constructed the foundation for the municipal building in Minneapolis. Since 1892, Mr. Morse has confined his attentions to the real estate business and through his keen financial mind and careful concentration on these matters to the exclusion of all other interests, he has come to be recognized as one of the best informed men on land values in the city and his opinions are accepted as final. His success, he attributes in part to the confidence with which he has always regarded the future of Minneapolis, never hesitating on investments but relying fully on her great promises of development. He considers the remarkable growth of the city during his residence an ample justification of his faith and there is today no more optimistic and enthusiastic citizen within its borders. Mr. Morse has exten- sive property interests, largely in the resident sections of the city, although he owns valuable trackage property occupied by wholesale warehouses and has erected several prominent buildings. He has been instrumental in the laying out of various city additions, preferring in these enterprises to be a silent partner, his name having been used in but one instance, that of the Morse & Small addition. In considera- tion of his services as confidential adviser to the late Elder Stewart, he was appointed executor of the Stewart estate, and as such has the detail of the management of this property. His first wife, Ella Townsend Morse, died in 1893, leaving one daughter, Ella T., who is a student in the state university. He later married Adeline R. Barber. Mr. Morse is a trustee of the Universalist church, and a member of Lafayette and Automobile clubs. OSCAR 0. MARTINSON. Oscar O. Martinson, chief of police since .January, 1913, when he was so chosen by Mayor Nye, was born in Stockholm, Sweden, December 13, 1877, and came to Minnesota with his parents in 1881. The family located at Long Lake, and there the son, completed the course of instruction in the public school. He then learned telegraphy, and was employed as an operator for the Great Northern Railroad for about four years. He then became city salesman for the Crescent Creamery about five years. Mr. Martinson was appointed a member of the police force July 14, 1905, being detailed to do special work. He was soon promoted to sergeant on the plain clothes force, not long thereafter being named a lieuten- ant. His next step was to the rank of plain clothes detective, so continuing until he was chosen ciiief. Chief Martinson has met all demands in a thorough and satisfactory manner, and has given the city an administration of its police de- partment that is creditable alike to it and to him. He attends to his duties in a quiet and undemonstrative but effective way, and thereby is securing the best results. The welfare of Minneapolis has ever been an object of practical interest to Mr. Martinson, and he has been diligent in his efforts to promote it through every channel available, his services being recognized and appreciated. He was married December 8, 1899, to Miss Fannie Mousso, daughter of Barney Mousso of a family that was one of the first to settle in St. Anthony. They are the parents of three children, Uriel, CeleStine, and Francis. WALTER HENRY GOIT^D. Although his life and usefulness were cut short at the age of sixty by long continued maladies which steadily sapped his strength, and ended before the ambitions of his aspiring spirit were realized and while they were still potential with him, the late Walter H. Gould of Minneapolis wrought out a very creditable career and made his impress on the body of the times here and in a distant Eastern community before he came to this part of the country, for all his time was well employed on progressive undertakings, and liis indomitable will carried him through them all with gratifying and profit- able success. Mr. Gould was a native of Heath, Franklin county, Massa- chustts, where his life began on July T, 1850. His ancestry in America runs back to 1650, when the progenitor of the HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 481 American branch of his father's family landed in New Kngland. Hia mother, whose maiden name was Martha Temple, also Ix'loiiged to old Colonial families of distinction in times long gone by and prominent in her day, Ave of her brothers being physicians and surgeons in Boston, and throughout Massa- chusetts and other representatives of the house adorning other lines of serviceable and productive endeavor. Walter H. Gould was a cotton manufacturer. He began his connection with the industry as bookkeeper in a cotton mill, and by his energy, enterprise and ability soon became the half owner of one himself. He made the cloth for calicoes and other cotton prints in large quantities and prospered at the business. But after conducting his large establishment eight years he found life in the factory so seriously detrimental to his health that he was forced to give it up and seek a change of climate and occupation. In May, 1886, he came to Minneapolis, and here his health improved so rapidly and steadily that he determined to remain, and even deliberated earnestly over the advisability of starting a manufactory of cotton batting in this city. The fear that the dust of a mill might again prove hurtful to him deterred him, however, and he never yielded to the temptation, although it was strong Avith him to the end of his life. Instead he gave his attention to handling real estate, insurance and probate work and acting as the executor of estates and guardian of minor heire. This gave him the benefit of an outdoor life in large measure, and as he was well informed on questions involved in the laws of his business and very particular and exact in attending to it, he was very successful and his operations were extensive in it. In the course of his transactions Mr, Gould became mterested in Colorado mining and acquired large holdings in the Radium Mine company, of which he was vice president at the time of his death. The property of this company lies on the cele- brated Moffat Rail Road not far from the entrance to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river. Vanadium is found on the property in commercial quantities and availability, and it promises to become very valuable, Mr, (!ould was in the habit of visiting the mine several times a year to push its development, and his services were so highly esteemed that he was continued as vice president of the company even when his health no longer permitted him to give close attention to his duties. He also owned Summit Park farm at Wayzata on Lake Minnetonka where he maintained a summer home and found considerable enjoyment in farming operations. In addition be had cottages at Ste. Albuns Bay, and there too the lake scenery and enticements gave him pleasure at times. In politics he was a Republican, but he never consented to be a candidate for office. He was, however, a strong advocate of just and equal taxation for all classes of the people, and proclaimed his views on the subject everywhere without fear or favor. Fraternally he was an ardent, enthusiastic and hard- working Freemason, and gave tlie fraternity, in all its activities, the best service of which he was capable. Although he was a charter member of Ark Lodge in Minneapolis, and Minnesota Lodge No. 324, serving as treasurer eight years, he did not confine his energies to the service of that organization, but spread them over all, even serving as a member of the state charity board of the order. On August 30th, 1876, Mr. Gould was married at Bernard- ston, Massachusetts, in his native county, to Miss Martha Alexamler, who also belonged to old families domesticated at Dedliam, in that state, from early Colonial times. Her great- grandfather. Dr. Stearns, was the author of "American Herbal," the first medical work published in this country. He was also a poet of .some renown, Mrs, Gould is still living. On her mother's side of the house she had several relatives who were prominent in the French and Indian war in this country. She was prepared for Holyoke College at the Powers Institute in Bernardston, Massachusetts, by one of the eminent educa- tors of the period, Professor L, F, Ward, But she married young and gave up her expected course in college instruction. The questions of the present day interest her deeply, and she is a member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, But she is constitutionally opposed to the woman suffrage move- ment, and is not pleased with the methods of the suffragettes. Two children have blessed and brightened the Gould house- hold. Frances, the daughter, is an artist and lives at home with her mother, Frank, the son, is a member of the firm of Lee & Gould, in the livery business in Minneapolis, The father was fond of all kinds of animals, and greatly enjoyed driving a good horse. M, P. McINERNY, Maurice P, Mclnerny, an inlluential member of the Minne- apolis City Council, was born at Louisville, Kentucky, October 21, 1867, the son of Austin .1, and Mary C, fConnell) Mclnerny. His parents were natives of Ireland and came to this country in their childhood. They were married in Louisville and made that city their home until a short time after the birth of their son, Maurice, when they removed to Lake City, Minnesota, where they remained for nine years and then located on a farm in Swift County. In 1882 the Mclnerny family removed to Minneapolis, and here the father engaged in general building and contracting \intil his retirement, a few years ago. He continues to make his home in Minneapolis and his three daughters and four son's are all residents of the city. At the age of sixteen, Maurice Mclnerny apprenticed himself to the plumber's trade, in the employ of Mr. E. Buffton, and served three years. At the end of his apprenticeship he was employed as a journey- man for a number of years, rising in his profession until in 1004 when he established an independent business which has prospered and steadily increased. In 1910 he removed to his present location, at 414 Sixth Avenue South, He employs a large force of workmen, and handles contracts for general plumbing and heating. He has alway.s championed the cause of organized labor. Possessed of gifts of the orator, and with an unbounded enthusiasm for the cause of his fellowmen, he is a favorite spokesman of the local labor organizations, repre- senting them in many important meetings. In 1910 he was chosen alderman for a four-year term, from the Seventh Ward, one of the strong labor wards of the city. His membership in the City Council has been marked by an intelligent interest in every pha-se of eity government and by commendable achievements. He is Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges and thereby is a member of the Park Board, He is also on the committees on the bonds and aecount.s of city officers, fire department, license, and salaries, \s Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges and as a member of the Forestation Committee he has given most valuable services. His hearty cooperation with the Park Board Commission in the cause of good roads and of the boulevard system and play- 482 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA ground extension has been of great assistance to the Com- mission. As a member of the Committee on Forestation he has obtained notable results. Mr. Melnerny is a Republican but places good citizenship before politics. He was married in 1891 to Miss Margaret McHugh of Elroy, Wisconsin. They have had eight children: Raymond, a graduate of St. Thomas College of St. Paul, and who was killed on the Milwaukee Railroad July 13. 1913, aged 21; Helen, a graduate of South High School in 1912; Margaret, and Maurice, who are students in the High School; Genevieve, Austin. Clayton, and George. Mr. Mclnemy and his family are members of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church. MINNESOTA LINSEED OH. COMPANY. This enterprising and progressive industrial institution is one of the leading factors in the conditions which make Min- neapolis the greatest linseed oil producing center of the United States, and is altogether worthy of the high rank it holds in the industrial world. It manufactures old process linseed oil and oil cake. The company was originally incorporated for manufacturing purposes in 1870, with a capital stock of $60,000 with G. Scheitlin, D. C. Bell and J. K. Sidle as in- corporators. The capital stock at this time (1914) is $150,- 000, and the present officers are: W. A. Ramsey, president, and George L. Miles, secretary. It is strictly a home com- pany, and an important industrial factor its products enjoy- ing not only extensive domestic but also a large foreign sale. The plant occupied, which was erected and equipped in 1904, covers an entire block at Third street and Eleventh and Twelfth avenues south, and is complete and modern in facili- ties and appliances. This company crushes about 750,000 bushels of flax seed a year, employs regularly about one hundred persons and has a pay roll that reaches about $1,200 per week. It stands in high estimation for the excellence of its products, the squareness and uprightness of its treatment of patrons, its thorough reliability in respect to the quality of its output and its business methods, and the enterprise with which it keeps pace with improvements. It is a credit to Minneapolis and an element of potency and influence in the city's industrial and commercial greatness. PETER McCOY. Was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on March 27, 1856, and came to St. Paul with his father, Patrick McCoy, in 1869. The father and three of his brothers were soldiers in the Union army during the Civil war, having enlisted in Penn- sylvania, where they were all then living. Patrick McCoy worked at railroad grading and for farmers for a few years after coming to this state, then located on i\ farm of his own in Dakota county. But he sold this a little later and moved to Colorado, where he died. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic from its organization to the end of his life, and was ardently devoted to it. Peter McCoy remained with his father until he reached the age of eighteen. He then passed two years and a half in the Colorado coal fields in charge of the San .Juan coal mine. He has lived in Minneapolis thirty-four years, and during that period has been variously employed. During the last fifteen years he has been a wholesale coal merchant, and during the last two has also carried on a retail trade in this commodity, operating two yards. In 1898 Mr. McCoy was elected alderman from the Ninth ward, and he served in the city council twelve years con- tinuously thereafter, giving the ward the longest term of service it has ever had from any one councilman. He is a Democrat in politics and the ward has usually a Republican majority, but he was elected time after time solely on his merit and because of his known devotion to the public welfare in general and the interests of his ward in particular. When he entered the council there were no sewers and no gates at the railroad crossings in his section of the city. The service in these respects is now extensive and increasing. For four years he worked earnestly for street cars for his section, and his work was so effective that he finally secured what the ward wanted in this respect. Fraternally he is an Odd Fellow, a Knight of Pythias and a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. He also has the sporting element largely developed in his make up, and for some years was the owner of ''Billie Bobbs," the famous ice track racer. At the age of twenty-six Mr. McCoy was married to Miss Mary Beckley, of Minneapolis. She and the six children born of the union have all died, the last one to pass away being a son named John, wlio died in March, 1913, aged twenty-seven years. Mr. McCoy's second wife was Miss Frances Kessier, also a Minneapolis lady. They have two children, their daughters Gladys and Marian. RIGHT REVEREND JOSEPH GUILLOT. Prelate of the Papal Household in Minneapolis. Right Rever- end Joseph Guillot, pastor of Notre Dame de Lourdes Catholic church, Prince street southeast, and the first Minneapolis priest to receive the title of Monsignor. has risen to the eminence he occupies in church relations by natural ability improved by hard study and zealous and unremitting service to the cause to which he has dedicated his life. He was born near the city of Lyons, France, about sixty years ago, educated at Meximieux, Department of Ain, and ordained to the priest- hood on September 1, 1878, at Bourg. diocese of Belley. While a student he engaged to some extent in teaching, and after his ordination taught one year in ;in institution for the education of deaf mutes. Father Guillot remained as a teacher in the seminary at Meximieux until 1883, when he came to the United States. Bishop Grace, of the diocese of St. Paul, at once assigned him to work at Watertown, Minnesota, but the next year he was placed in charge of the organization at Waverly, Wright county, where he remained until 1898, a period of fourteen years. He erected the church and school house at Waverly and raised the parish to a prosperous condition. Other pioneer work requiring his services, he was sent to Marshall, Minnesota, where he organized a parish of forty-five families. This grew so rapidly that by 1900 it had 200 families, making it one of the leading and most prosperous churches in the diocese. In 1910 he came to his present charge, the church of Notre Dame de Lourdes, wliere much ^V-^^-z^^^^ HISTORY OF MIXNHAl'OLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 483 has since been acconiplislifd in improvinf; iliiiiili ami school through his tireless and efficient work. This church dates from 1S77. when, under Rev. W. Brunelle, the parish bought the buildin-; of the First Universalist Society of St. Anthony. Kevs. L. Chandonnet, P. S. Da^'nault and .1. A. Souniis succeeded, the church embracing some 450 families, with about 2.200 communicants. It conducts an excellent parish school, with an enrollment of .300 pupils on the average, and is ardent with zeal and activity in all good work properly included in its field of useful and beneficient endeavor. From the time when Fatlier Hennepin visited and named the Falls of St. Anthony de Padua in 1680 to the present time France has contributed liberally of her priesthood to advance the cause of Christianity in this section of the New World. In 1830 St. Anthony was included in the diocese of Milwaukee, and Archbishop Henny sent Father Galtier as a missionary to look after its interests. Two years later the site of the present church of St. Anthony de Padua was purchased by Father Ravoux, then stationed at Mendota. In 1849 a frame church edifice was erected, and in 1851 Father Ledon became the first resident pastor of the parish. Father Ledon came from France and the same seminary that gave the world Fatlier Guillot, Meximieux, upon the invitation of Bishop Loras, of Dubuque. He was a noted spiritual adviser and did a great work in building up the parish. In 1855 he was removed to St. Peter, and some years later returned to France. There, although he had been absent a long time, he was again placed in charge of his first parish. He was succeeded at St. Anthony by Father FayoUe. a college companion and intimate friend of his young manhood. In 1860 Father John McDermott took charge of the parish, and he was succeeded in turn by Father Tissot, who left a lasting and beneficient inflvience in the community. He came from France in 1854, was ordained in 1858 ana given charge of twenty-four missions, and assumed control of St. Anthony de Padua in November, 1S66. For twenty- two years he consecrated and devoted himself to the needs of his parish, resigning in 1888 and retiring to the Doniinleaii convent in South Minneapolis. Father Guillot was appointed by Pope Pius X, in March, 1913, prelate of the Papal Household in Minneapolis and received with his appointment to this office in the church the title of Monsignor. On Sunday, April 6, 1913, he was invested with the insignia of his office, the purple cassock, the mantelletta and the rochet. Archbishop Ireland, of St. Paul, conducted the investiture and presided over the cere- monies, and clergymen from all over tlie Northwest took part in the solemn and impressive proceedings. The pontificial mass celebrated in honor of the event by Right Reverend .1. •!. Lawler, auxiliary bishop of St. Paul, was largely attended. The procession, led by acolytes of the church, comprised semin- arians, priests, bishops and Monsignor Guillot with Archbishop Ireland attended by his chaplains. Rev. Paul Perigonl. of St. Paul Seminary, read the brief from Rome announcing the appointment, which was signed by Cardinal Merry del Val. In the sermon preached by him on the occasion Archbishop Ireland paid high tributes to the zeal and services of Father Guillot as a missionary and pioneer priest. Sixty priests participated in the rites, among them Father Chandonnet, the first pastor of the church of Our Lady of Lonrdes. A complimentary dinner at the St. Anthony club gave opportunity for several congratulatory addresses by visiting clergymen and laymen, and a public reception at Holy Cross hall. Fourth street and Seventeenth avenue northeast, was eagerly utilized by a large throng of admiring friends of the new Monsigrnor in extending to him their expressions of high personal regard and good wi.shes. The occasion marked a lofty altitude in the progress of the church in this locality and was one that will always be pleasantly remembered by all who took part in the unusual and highly interesting exercises, everybody feeling that the honor conferred on Father Guillot was most worthily bestoweS. EUGENK ADKLliERT MERRILL. One of tlie founders of the Minnesota Loan & Trust Com- pany, and at present chairman of its board of directors, was born at Byron, Genesee county. New York, on August 26, 1847, the son of Daniel P. and .Jeannette L. (PoUay) Merrill, both of the same nativity as himself. The father was a farmer and prosperous in his occupation. The farm lands of Genesee county in the Empire state are very fertile and fruitful, and the elder Mr. Merrill was industrious, enter- prising and far-seeing in cultivating them. But the vivid accounts of the superior richness of those in the Mississippi valley which flooded the East soon after that section of the country became somewhat settled and populated, led him to seek the larger opportunities they seemed to offer. Accord- ingly, when his son Eugene was .ibout ten years old the family moved to Genesco. Illinois, in Henry county. In and around Geneseo the son grew to manhood, and there he continued, in the primitive country schools of the prairie, the education he had begun in the more advanced ones of his native county. At the age of twenty he entered Hillsdale College in the city and county of the same name in Michigan, where he pursued a full four years course of study and was graduated in 1872 with the degree of Bachelor of Science. The same institution afterward conferred on him the degree of Master of Science in regular course, and in 1888, that of blaster of Arts. Immediately after his graduation Mr. Merrill made an extended tour of Europe, and on his return entered the office of E. L. & M. B. Koon. prominent attorneys of Hillsdale, Michigan, as a student of law. He was admitted to the bar in 1874. and was soon afterward appointed master of chancery. Early in 1875 he came to Minneapolis, and in March of that year formed a partnership Avitli .Judge Charles H. Woods, the style of the firm being Woods & Merrill. It was as a member of this firm that Mr. Merrill virtually began his practice as a lawyer. The partnership mentioned continued three years, and wag then dissolved on the arrival in this city of the late Judge M. B. Koon, when the law partnership of Koon & Merrill was formed. Two years later Arthur JI. Keith was admitted to the firm and its name beeame Koon. Merrill &, Keith. The business of the firm was large and profitable from the begin- ning, and it soon became one of the leading law firms in the city, its members being called into almost every ease of prominence or magnitude. On January 1, 1883, he ipiit the law firm aiul gave nji the profession, at that time uniting with Edmund J. Phelps in organizing the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, which by his aid and largidy through the wisdom he has displayed in 484 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA its management has become one of the most successful and widely useful institutions of its kind in the country. He was elected president of the company when it was founded, and this position he held with great advantage to the institu- tion for a continuous period of twenty-seven years. At the end of that long service he resigned tlie presidency, to become chairman of its board of directors, the position he has ever since held in connection with its affairs. He is also vice president of the Associated Realty company; treasurer of the Monadnock Realty company, and financial otiicer of various other corporations that have great weight in the localities in which they operate and help to magnify the value of the utilities around them. Mr. Merrill left an enviable record at Hillsdale College, where he obtained his higher education, and that institution has watched his career with justifiable pride and pleasure. The college authorities elected him some years ago as a member of its board of trustees. He has filled the position with commendable attention to its duties and been of great service to the college in doing so. He has been for a number of years also one of the trustees of Parker College at Winne- bago City in this state. In the social life of the city of his residence he takes an active and serviceable part as a member of the Minneapolis, Lafayette and Minikahda clubs. On September 6, 1876, he was married in Minneapolis to Miss Adelaide Keith. They have four children, Birdette, May, Keith and Eleanor. DAVID ADAMS SECOMBE. David A. Secombe was the fourtli lawyer to practice in the village of St. Anthony, arriving in .June of 1851, and being admitted to the bar the next year. Those who pre- ceded him were: Ellis G. Whitall, J. W. North and Isaac Atwater. Mr. Secombe was born in Milford. N. H.. May 35, 1837. He was the son of David and Lydia (Adams) Secombe. On his father's side, he was descended from a long line of Se- combes in this country, the first of whom came in 1660, from the west of England, and settled in Falmouth, Mass. (now Portland, Maine), removing later to Lynn, Mass., where he died. His will is still on record in Salem. He was Richard Seoombe, and the different branches of his family have adopted different spellings of the name, as: Seccomb, Se- combe and Secomb. David Secombe's mother, Lydia Adams, was descended from the same immigrant ancestor as the two Adams Presidents, viz. Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass. Mr. Secombe attended the public school of his native town, and fitted for college at the academies of Hancock and Pem- broke, N. H. He entered Dartmouth College in 1847, but did not remain to graduate, leaving in his junior year to go to Mancliester to read law in the office of the Hon. Daniel Clark, who was at that time an e.\-l'nited States senator, and later a United States district judge. In June 1851, Mr. Secombe arrived at St. Anthony, and began the practice of law, which he followed continuously for the remaining forty-one years of his life. He was a member of the State Constitutional Convention, which met at St. Paul in 1857, and was a representative from Hennepin County in the state legislature in 1859 and 1860, and in the latter year was a delegate to the national republican convention in Chicago, which nominated Abraham Lincoln. In 1871-2 he was county attorney of Hennepin County. In 1884, just thirty-five years after leaving college, his Alma Mater confen-ed his diploma upon him. This was without any solicitation on his part, and was a great sur- prise to him. It was in recognition of the success he had made of his profession, and the credit he reflected upon his college. He was for nine years local Minneapolis attorney for the Northern Pacific Railway, and at the Directors' meeting fol- lowing his death, the following tribute was read: "Whereas, This Board has been informed of the recent demise of Mr. D. A. Secombe, the Company's Local Attorney at Minneapolis, and desires to place upon its records, a suit- able expression of respect, therefore. Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Secombe, this Company has sustained a loss that causes sincere regret, and removes from the field of usefulness, one who during his long connection with the Company, commanded the highest appreciation of his asso- ciates for his personal worth, and his efficient and satis- factory attention to tlie important interests in his charge." The funeral was attended by nearly all of the Hennepin county bar, and all the judges of the district court, they having met in the city and marched in a body to his home on Nicollet Island. At the next meeting of the Bar Association, the following beautiful tribute to Mr. Secombe was read: "We, the members of the Hennepin County Bar, deem it proper and appropriate that we should place upon record, an expression of our sense of the great loss to ourselves and to our profession, caused by the death of Hon. David A. Secombe, which occurred on the 18th day of this month. "For more than forty years he has been a resi. a sun of .1. C. and Emily (Bing- ham) Morrison, farmers who came from Pennsylvania to this state in the early days, the father having driven a stage between Winona and Rochester before the railroads were built. Frank's milling career began in the capacity of a laborer in a mill at Stillwater when he was sixteen years old. He worked in mills in Stillwater and at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, until 1S8.5. Before the end of that year he became an oiler, at $1.75 a day, in Pillsbury B mill, Min- neapolis. Under the supervision of that prince of flour millers, J. H. Miller, he progressed steadily through all the stejis of advancement, in 1891 being made a bolter in the B mill, and was assigned as second miller two years later in Pillsbury A mill. His promotion to his present place came on May 1, 1911, his old superior and instructor having died on February 28, 1910. Mr. Morrison was married in .Minne.npolis in 1903 to .Miss Belle Franklin, a native of Michigan. They have one child, their da\ighter Vellita. The parents are members of the First Congregational church in Minneapolis. While always deeply and intelligently interested in the welfare of his home community and its residents, and doing what he can to promote that in all quiet and unostentatious ways, Mr. Mor- rison has never taken an active part in political contentions, and has given but little attention to the clubs and fraternal societies so numerous in the city. But he neglects nothing in which the general well being is involved. ELLERY 0. MEAD. The late Ellery O. Mead, during his lifetime one of the leading builders of Minneapolis, "was born in Hinesburg, Ver- mont, on November 16, 1844, and died in this city on April 16, 1911. In his young manhood he was in the mercantile business at Shelburne in his native state. Mr. Mead went to Aberdeen, S. D., in 1881 and for many years conducted a hardware store on tho corner now occupied by the Abci'dcen Ilardw,are company. After doing business for some time in a small frame building on that site, he moved the structure and replaced it with the building now known as the Wells block, which was called the Mead block until W. O. Wells bought it a dozen years ago. He aold his hardware business at the same time and thereafter devoted his time to his increasing property in this city. He owned the Ilagerty block for some time, selling it to the present 488 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA owner, J. F. Hagerty. He changed his residence to Minne- apolis in 1906. When Mr. Mead came to Minneapolis he bought land on Lowry Hill lying between Aldrich and Bryant avenues, and reaching from Hennepin avenue to Franklin, to which Bryant avenue had not yet been extended. He looked the city over to secure the best location for an apartment house, and by the thoroughness of his search found what he wanted. He then put up the Vermont Apartment, containing twenty- six flats, and the next year, which was that of 1910-11, erected Aberdeen Court, containing thirty-six flats. The locations of these buildings are unsurpassed, and both were built in modern, high-class style. The last was just about finished when he died. He had built both as an invest- ment for himself, and had made them to suit his own elevated and exacting requirements in their line. His business always interested him, whatever it was, and had his close attention. Nevertheless, he was a man of strong domestic tastes and devoted to his home. Social life did not interest him to any great extent, and he was never active in making acquaint- ances. The persons he cherished as friends were compara- tively few in number, but his attachment to them was strong and sincere. Mr. Mead was a great believer in the Northwest and cor- dial in his devotion to it and its welfare. He felt great satisfaction in the knowledge that he was permitted to be one of the builders of its greatness and promoters of its prog- ress and development. He also had great confidence in the future of Minneapolis, and was earnest and constant in doing what he could toward its advancement and improvement. He was an industrious reader. His books and his home were the sources of his greatest enjoyment. His widow is living, and has her home at the Aberdeen Apartments. She, also, is warmly attached to Minneapolis, and greatly favors the city as a place of residence. ALBERT MASSOLT. Albert Massolt, president and controlling spirit of the Massolt Bottling company is a native of Minnesota and Avas born in Stillwater. .June 11, 1863. The company of which Mr. Massolt is the head was organized by liim; but its business was started by his father. Frederick William Massolt. who was born in Germany, emigrating to Pennsylvania in 1850. Two years later he came to Minnesota locating at Taylors Falls, where he remained ten years, being there nuirried, March 29. 1861. to Miss Mary Kostman. who was born in Prussia. In 1862 Mr. Massolt moved to Stillwater, remaining three years, when he went to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and began the manufacture of mineral water. In 1867 he came to Min- neapolis in order to secure a better market and increased facilities and started the business which is now beinfj con- ducted so successfully. The father died February 29. 1892. He was an active member of the Odd Fellows, a good business man and a highly respected upright, independent and serviceable citizen, and true to every duty in all the relations of life. His wife survived him ten years, passing away in 1902. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom six are still living. Albert Massolt early went to work in his father's estab- lishment, and when his father died he took charge of the business, incorporating the Massalt Bottling Company in 1907^ The present officers are: Albert Massolt, president; P. A. Benson, vice president; Edward Massolt, secretary, and J. L. Michaels, treasurer. The business is the most extensive of its kind in the Northwest, manufactures all the leading mineral waters, its principal product being "Whale Brand" ginger ale. The plant at 116, 128 Plymouth avenue is large and well equipped with the latest machinery and devices. Mr. Massolt is a member of the Odd Fellows, the Elks, the- Foresters and the Knights of Pythias. In 1886. he was married to Miss Glendora Bowlby. They have one child,. Gertrude, at home. OTIS MILTON HUMPHREY, M. D. J)r. Otis M. Humphrey, who was one of the oldest phy- sicians in Minneapolis at his death July 8, 1911, was born at Victor. Ontario county, New York, April 26, 1832, much of Ids youth being passed in Steuben county, Indiana, with his parents. At sixteen he returned to New York attending academies at Bloomington and Geneseo preparatory for col- lege. Failing health, however, compelled him to forego a college course, but he later studied medicine under the direc- tion of an uncle, a physician in New Y'ork. He attended medi- cal college in Philadelphia and the Long Island Hospital College in Brooklyn. He practicd in Natick, Massachusetts, until the outbreak of the Civil war. when he enlisted in the re- nowned Sixth Massachusetts Regiment as assistant surgeon. The doctor soon received his commission as surgeon and . was placed in charge of general hospitals to which th& wounded were sent from the battlefields. For a considerable time he was in charge of such a general hospital in New Orleans, and near the close of the war was director of the army medical corps. Then he was staff surgeon with Gen- eral Reynolds and General Herron, and served as such until Lee's surrender at Appomattox, being soon after discharged with the rank of brevet-colonel. He resumed practice in Boston, where he remained until 1870. when health necessitating a change he came to Minne- apolis, locating at the corner of Eighth street and Nicollet avenue. He continued in active general practice until 1892, when yielding to failing health he gave up practice and all other active pursuits. He was an active and helpful member of the leading medical organizations and served as president of the state and local Homeopathic societies. He was edu- cated as an allopath but adopted homeopathy of his own initiative. His religious adiliation was with Plymouth Con- gregational church; and while he took an active interest in public affairs never held or sought a public office. He had a superior education, academic and professional, and in his life illustrated the sterling New England qualities of character and manhood. Dr. Humphrey was married in Lowell, Massachusetts, in l.sfi2, to Miss Sarah F, Dennis, a native of that city, and who for over forty years has been a highly respected and' useful member of Plymouth church. Their three children are; Otis L., of Boston; Frances H.. wife of Lester C. McCoy, and' Richard D., of Minneapolis. The doctor erected the present home in 1889 at First Avenue and Fourteenth Street and which is one of the choice ones in this section of the city. OM. HUMPHREY HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 489 His life devoted to liis liome and liis piolr.ssioii, wus ricli in lofty ideals, his activity in all that made for a better citizen- ship redounding to the general good, his memory being cherished by hundreds who knew his ability as a. physician, his character as a citizen and his loyalty as a friend. DORILUS MORRISON. All honor is due to the men who laid satisfactory founda- tions and built them of ample dimensions for future needs. Among these men none rendered more substantial, intelligent or far-reaching service or aided more in giving character and stability to the city government than the late Dorilus Mor- rison, the first mayor of the city, who assumed the control of municipal affairs in 1807, immediately after the place put off the swaddling bands of village infancy and dunned the more ambitious habiliments of city dignity. Dorilus Morrison was of Scotch ancestry and was born at Livermore, Oxford county, Maine, on December 27, 1814. He was one of the six children, four sons and two daughters, of Samuel and Betsy (Putnam) Morrison, pioneers of Maine and New Englanders by nativity. Mr. Morrison of this sketch obtained his education in the district or common schools of his day and location, eiubracing every means of opportunity for mental improvement that came his way, but being neces.sarily limited in the range of the facilities available to liim. His parents were sturdy New Englanders with a keen sense of the value of industry and thrift, and it was in consonance with the atmosphere of his honu' that the youth began to earn his own livelihood and make his own way in the world at an early age. The son began his business career as an outfitter of lumber- men in Bangor In his native state and remained there until 1854. In that year he came to Minnesota and the next year located at St. Anthony. He took a contract to supply the mills on the east side of the river with logs, and for this purpose employed crews of loggers. During the winter he o])erated on Rum river, delivering his product in the spring. After passing a number of years in this work, Mr. Morrison operated a sawmill and conducted a lumber yard in Minne- apolis. He became a director of the Minneapolis Mill company an earnestly interested in the matter and was a member of the company organized to build the lirst section of the Northern Pacific Railway. In this company he was associated with Messrs. Brackett, King, Eastman, Washburn and Shep- herd of Minneapolis; Merriam of St. Paul; Payson and Cauda of Chicago; Balch of New Hampshire, and Ross and Robinson of Canada. The first section of the road extended 240 miles and was completed in 1872. Mr. Morrison was ehoseii one of the directors of the company, and was tontinued in the office until the reorganization of the road after the failure of Jay Cooke. In 1873 he again becauu' a member of the construction company and helped to build the second section of the road, which extended from the Red river to the Missouri. There was no money to pay for this work, so Mr. Morrison took up the stock of his associates, paid off the indebtedness and received from the company as his compensation a large tract of pine lands in Northern Minnesota. In 1871 Mr. Morrison's interest in the general welfare of his community led to his election as a member of the city school board. He was elected for a Second term in 1878, and during this term was president of the board. He was also a prominent and influential member of the lirst board of park commissioners, and for years was deeply interested in the Athenaeum and in promoting plans for the expansion and im- provement of the Minneapolis public library. Mr. Morrison was lir.st married at Livermore, .Maine, to Miss Harriet P. Whitmore. They became the parents of three children, George H., Grace and Clinton. The last named was the only member of the family living in Minneapolis. A sketch of his life will be found in this volume. His mother (lied in Austria in 1881. and his father was married a second time, being united on this occasion with Mrs. H. C. Clag- stone, a widow lady of great culture and refinement. In political relations he was a pronounced Hepiibliean and in religious faith a Universalist enrolled in the membership of the Cliurch of the Redeemer of that sect. He died in ISltO. and his second wife passed away some years later. His name is hehl in grateful remembrance among all t-la«ses of the people of the city for whose advancement he did so much, and he is regarded on all sides as one of its most worthy, estimable and -erviceable citizens and highest types of nun. 490 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA HARRY L. MOORE. Harry L. Moore, alderman from the Seventli ward, is a forceful factor in public life, whose ability has been variously tried in different capacities, found equal to every requirement, and in all the relations of life has been clean, strong and helpful. He was born in Minneapolis, May 31, 18G8, and is the son of Winchester E. and Nellie (McKeene) Moore. His grand- father, Joseph Moore, came to Minnesota in 1851 and located on a farm at Brooklyn Center, where he died in 1898 at the age of ninety-three. Winchester Moore came to Minneapolis in 1855, was for many years engaged in the Plaining Mill business, and was for a long time engineer of the city water works, being now practically retired. Harry L. Moore was educated at the Washington School and the Central High School, and in 1886, at the age of eighteen, passed the civil service examination and was appointed to a clerkship in the postoffice. After three years of such service he became an employee in the oflice of Fred S. Swisher, agent of the Michigan Central and the Monon Railroads. In 1891 he was appointed agent of the Monon route, having filled that position with credit to himself and to the company ever since. He is also the local agent of the Western Assurance Company and the Insurance Company of North America. Mr. Moore's public service lias been characterizeil by enter- prise, progressiveness and breadth of view. He was elected alderma'n by a handsome majority in 1912. although the honors came unsought. In the council he has had abundant opportunity to show his mettle and render service, to the full satisfaction of his constituents. He is chairman of the committees on railroads and street railways, and a member of those on public buildings and grounds and of good roads construction. Mr. Moore has also taken an active part in eivic life as a member of the Traffic, Minneapolis, New Athletic, East Lake Street Commercial, Athletic and Boat and Powderhorn Clubs, and in the fraternal lines by membership in the Masonic order, the Royal Arcanum and the Ancient Order of United Work- men, He was married January 1, 1900, to Miss May N. Martin of Crawfordsville, Indiana. They have one son Stan- ley L. They are Methodists in religious affiliation and active in church work. JAMES H. MARTIN. James H. Martin, a leading leather merchant and progressive business man was born at Decatur, 111., in 1860. His father, Captain I. N. Martin, was one of the pioneer settlers of Decatur where he was a well known contractor and builder. He was among the first to respond to the call for troops in 1861 and at the end of the three months' service, reenlisted and served throughout the war, receiving honorable discharge with rank of captain. When the Grand Army of the Republic was organized in 1867, Captain Martin's name was one of the first to be placed on the roster of the first post, and he is still an active comrade in the fast thinning ranks of veterans. James H. Martin attended the public schools in Decatur and at the same time engaged in carrying newspapers and in working in a photograph gallery in the morning and evening. Leaving school, he secured employment with Nebinger & Reeser, a leather firm, and during the six years in their employ, mastered the business. For the ne.tt seven years he was with the Standard Oil company. In 1893 he came to Minneapolis and established himself as a leather merchant, jobbing in leather and .shoe findings, his success being beyond expectations, liis goods finding market throughout the north- west. For eight years the location was at 609 First avenue, south, but on the erection of a four floor brick building for the firm by C. B. Hetfelfinger, it removed to its present quarters, 30-22 North Fourth street, the building becoming the property of Mr. Martin in lull. Aside from the management of this establishment, Mr. Martin established the Martin & Adams. Leather Co. at Spokane but later sold his interest. He is vice president of the I. N. Martin Dry Goods company at Peoria, 111., and in 1909 he organized the Progressive Shoe JIachinery Manufacturing company, whose remarkable growth necessitated the building of a new plant at 32nd street and Snelling avenue at the cost of $40,000. Mr. Martin is a member of Wesley church, and superintendent of the Sunday school, and is president of the Minnesota Sunday School Asso- ciation. He is a Shriner and member of the New Athletic club and the Civic and Commerce association. He was mar- ried to Miss Ida Kain of Decatur, 111. They have two children, Edith, and Russell. The family residence is at 1917 Colfax avenue, south. EVERETT F. IRWIN. Now enjoying the evening of life after a useful career, Ever- ett F. Irwin, of Richfield township, is highly esteemed for his sterling manhooil and enterprising and public-spirited citizen- ship. Mr. Irwin was born twenty-two miles from Buffalo, Erie County, New York. February 2. 1840. and at sixteen came to Minnesota with his parents, George W. and Meribah L. (Webb) Irwin, both also probably bom in that state. They located in what is now Edina, but was then. Spring of 1856, Richfield township, seven miles from the court house. They paid $1,200 in gold for 160 acres of Oak Openings, which he made into a fine farm, and where he died. The eastern line borders what is now Penn avenue, which was laid out soon afterward and became the principal road into the city. George W. constructed the buildings which are now standing, including a fine two-story barn. The first dwelling house erected was built in a hurry and So loosely that during storms it leaked, necessitating moving the bed to the middle of the room. Mr. Irwin died February 21, 1885, in his seventy-fourth year. His widow survived him ten years, being about the same age. They were among the eleven original membere of the First Baptist church of Richfield, which was organized in 1858, and of whom their .son Everett is the only survivor. The father was chiefly instrumental in establishing the congregation, and during life this worthy couple retained an active and pro- ductive membership, many deeds of kindness and words of sympathy attesting the nobleness of lives grounded in Chris- tian faith. For eleven years church services were held in the school house and until the erection of the present building in 1869. Mr. Irwin has ever been zealous for the churth welfare, serv- (^ "i^-^-^^C^ ^ ^ )>^^y^-7.^Cn^'^J HISTORY OF illNNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 491 iiig it as clerk for twenty and as deacon for fifteen years. The original Irwin family were three sons and one daughter. Levina became the wife of Clinton K. Reynolds, a pioneer sash manu- facturer of Minneapolis. George H. Irwin is a real estate dealer. Judson D. Irwin has for twenty-five years been a physician in St. Louis, Missouri. Everett F. Irwin remained with his parents until twenty-one. He as a boy grubbed out a considerable quantity of land, becoming inured to all other kinds of farm labor. He attended the first high school in Minneapolis, Prof. Stone being principal; and himself taught three winter terms. Se- curing eighty acres of prairie in Bloomington township, he put in his first crop while living four miles distant, carrying food from home. His team consisted of a yoke of oxen and a span of colts. This crop netted him, however, a profit of $1,.300. One year later he exchanged for another tract on Lyndale avenue, where his son John B. now lives. There were new buildings, and about forty acres was under cultivation. A leading feature of his business was to buy young cattle, feed them through the winter and sell at advanced prices. Mean- while he kept clearing until he had seventy-five acres under lultivation, and buying more as circumstances permitted. He was among the first breeders in Minnesota of Holstein cattle, and for fifteen years exhibited them at the state fair. The Wood-Lake Stock Farm herd of fifty head took one season premiums amounting to $700 in competition with thirteen herds from other states. Two years Mr. Irwin wa.s elected President of the Western Holstein-Friesian Association. His son .John B. finally assumed charge of the herd, not only maintaining but extending its former importance and reputation. As a young man Everett served as Qviarter Master in Capt. E. B. Ames' Company of state militia, being an active participant in its annual musterings. At the Indian outbreak, in August, 1862. he enlisted in Ansen Northrup"s Company of cavalry, making a forced march from St. Peter to the relief of Fort Ridgely. Mr. Irwin wius married in 1867 to Miss Martha Borland, of Iowa. She was born in the same town in Erie County as himself, graduated from the state university of Iowa, in which her l)rother was a professor; and was for a time herself engaged in teaching. The brother's health failing, .she accom- panied him to the then noted St. Anthony Water Cure, located on the site of the Exposition building. After marriage she entered heartily into all local movements for social betterment, was an earnest worker in Sunday school, her natural grace and endowments, emphasized by an excellent education and intercourse with cultured people, endearing her to the hearts of a wide circle of warm friends. She died August IS, 1900. Mr. Irwin's second marriage. .lanuary 15, 1902, united him with Miss Minnie Manton. . 1K'.)4. was a useful citizen, respectid. and admired for genuine worth and !-ervices. Mr. March was born at Oakfield, (ienesee county. New York September 4, 1840. and came to Minneapolis in I.s77. His father died when Samuel was eight years old ami the latter passed his boyhood and youth as a clerk in an uncle's store. He was educated at Carey Seminary and fieneseo College, and in young manhood engaged in merchandising at Oakfield in partnership with Geo, C, Church under the firm name of March & Church. •JOHN MAHONEY, Mr, Mahoney's life began in the province of New Bruns- wick, Canada, on October 17. 1851, and came to a elo.se in Minneapolis on March 31, 1914. and the circumstances of his family were such that at an early age he was obliged to begin looking out and providing for himself. For a few years he worked in the lumber woods of his native country, and lived frugally, saving his earnings so as to be able to take ad- vantage of expected opportunities for advancement when they came. In 1873, when he was twenty-two years old. he moved into the United States and located in Minneapolis. From here he again found employment in the woods for three years as a chopper and a scaler. In 1876, inspired by the gold discoveries in the Black 500 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Hills, he and one of his brothers started for that region. But the Indians in the Hills and on the way to them were troublesome, and the argonauts from Minneapolis changed their plans. They secured contracts in Montana to supply cord wood on the banks of the Yellowstone for the steamboats that then plied that long and picturesque water highway. Hostile Indians were numerous also in the neighborhood of their work and their outrages were frequent, the carriers of the United States mails being picked off at short intervals. Their depredations made mail carrying so hazardous that the government paid a carrier $200 a month for the service. The little band of wood cutters with which Mr. Mahoney was connected was in continual peril from the savages, but the two years they passed on the Yellowstone proved very profitable to them financially. On his return to Minneapolis Mr. Mahoney secured em- ployment from Caleb Dorr, the superintendent of the Boom company. After a time he was given a contract to take railroad ties from the river, pile them up along the track and load them on trains. Then, in company with .John Woods and Stephen Lovejoy, he began taking railroad grading contracts, and he continued this line of enterprise for a number of years, his final work in it being in connection with E. F. Comstock, with whom he became associated in 1886. Some twenty-one or twenty-two years ago Mr. Mahoney became associateroviding for the same. He has served on many local party committees and been active in campaign work; and in the gubernatorial campaign of 1912. he was interested in the candidacy of Hon. L. C. Spooner. Since 1899 Mr. Sawyer has been engaged in the real estate, loan and insurance business, having been for seven years a member of the firm of Moore Bros. & ."^awyer ami fourteen years a member of the Minneapolis Heal Kstate Bo:ird. He owns an irrigated fruit ranch of 360 acres in Southern Idaho, which he has developed himself, 175 acres being in fruit already 518 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA bearing. He was married in January, 1892, to Miss Olive M. Bennett, of Laconia, New Hampshire. She was a teacher and also a graduate of New Hampton Institution. They have four children, Esmond B., a student, freshman in the Univer- sity of Minnesota; Russell J., Charles A. and Miriam Louisa. Mr. Sawyer is a member of the Park Avenue Congregational Church, which he has served as deacon and a trustee. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is Past Worshipful Master of Minneapolis Lodge No. 19, Past Illustrious Master of Minneapolis Council No. 2, and Past Commander of Zion Comraandery No. 2, and Past Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. He was a charter member of the Commercial Club and a member of the Six O'clock and Monday clubs. He makes occasional hunt- ing trips to North Dakota, Montana and Idaho. his community through his zealous and helpful membership in a number of clubs and fraternal orders, and contributes to the welfare and advancement of his profession by his connection in a leading way with the Minnesota State Bar Association. HON. GEORGE R. SMITH. The interesting subject of this brief review is now (1914) representing the strongly industrial and commercial city of Minneapolis and surrounding county of Hennepin, in the popu- lar branch of the United States Congress. Representative Smith was born in Stearns county, Minne- sota, on May 38, 1864, and is the son of David and Katharine (Crowe) Smith. His boyhood and youth were passed on his father's farm, and his education was begun in a country school house. When Mr. Smith was fifteen years old he entered Lake View Academy as a student, and there he passed several years in further preparation for the professional training he had in mind and toward which he was working. He was graduated from Lake View in 1886, after winning a gold medal for Scholarship, and during the next five years he taught school, earning every dollar he got by his excellent service to his pupils even though he did not intend to make teaching his life work. He lived frugally and saved all he could of his earnings, and in 1891 became a student in the College of Law of the University of Minnesota, being prepared to pay his way as he proceeded by the money he had saved as a teacher. From the law school he was graduated in 1893 with the degree of LL. B. and a high rank as a student. From 1893 to 1907 the young lawyer diligently practiced his profession, allowing nothing to interfere with his prog- ress in it except a brief service in the Minnesota House of Representatives, to which he was elected in 1903, the first Republican representative ever sent to the legislature from his district, which was the Thirty-eighth. After the Session of the ensuing legislature he again devoted himself to his law practice, and again made steady and permanent progress in it, until 1906, when he was elected judge of probate for Hennepin county by a large vote. In this office he served six years, be- ing re-ele'cted twice by large majorities. In 1912 the earnest importunities of large numbers of his friends and acquaintances induced him to become a candidate for Congress from the Minneapolis district. He won easily at the primaries and as easily in the election which followed, and took his seat in the national House of Representatives at the special session of Congress called soon after the inaug- uration of President W^ilson. Judge Smith was married on January 9, 1895, to Mrs. F. J. Koran. He takes an active part in the social life of CHESTER SIMMONS. Second Vice President, Treasurer and manager of the Bemis Brothers Bag Co., was born Dec. 26, 1850, in New York City where his parents had settled upon coming from England, his father being engaged in the mercantile trade. A business life had strong attractions for the boy and upon leaving school he became identified with the Bemis Bros. Bag Company. It is largely his efforts that have made this Company, with which he has been identilied, during most of his thirty yeai's in Minneapolis, so progressive a firm. It has been largely his initiative and farsightedness which has marked this firm as a model in Minneapolis business circles, of pro- gressive and efficient methods. Mr. Simmons is socially inclined and is a member of both the Minneapolis and the Commercial Clubs. He is actively identified with Trinity Baptist Church, is an active republican although he has never aspired to public office. Fannie A. Bemis became his wife in 1875 and they are the parents of six children, Chester B., Ethel, Lois M., Marmion J., Emily R., and Donald B. Their delightful home on Park avenue is fre- quently the scene of social function, the family maintaining an enviable standing. GEORGE SUMMERS. Mr. Summers was born in Scotland, near the city of Glas- gow, on September 16, 1832, and died in Minneapolis on October 18, 1908. He grew to manhood and ob- tained his education, academic and mechanical, in that country. When he came to this country he first located in Brooklyn, New York, and a few years later moved to Chicago, where he also remained a few years. In 1873, or about that time, he became a resident of Minneapolis, and here he passed the remainder of his days. In the prosecution of his business as a contractor and builder he erected many buildings prom- inent in this city, among them the old Hennepin Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, the residence of T. B. Walker, the Minneapolis Bank building, the Zcir block at Fourth avenue and Ninth street, two churches on the East Side and the one at Park avenue and Nineteenth street. He also built and sold the Summers hotel, Drexel Court, and many other structures of equal prominence and importance, continuing his operations actively for over twenty years. Mr. Summers was first married in Brooklyn, New York, to Miss Margaret Findley. They had four children, all born before they came to Minneapolis, and all still living. They are: William T., who has his home in Pasadena, California; Elizabeth E., who is the wife of C. W. Rohne and lives near Los Angeles, California ; Amy A., who is the wife of William S. TwogooVl, and also a resident of Los Angeles; and Miss Nellie G. Summers, who lives in New York city and is re- nowned there and elsewhere as a vocalist. The mother of these children died in Minneapolis, and on April 17, 1877, _-.^-^^^-«-'<>-U^C,^^C IllSTOKV OF .MIXNKAl'OLIS AND HENNEPIX COrXTY. MIXNKSOTA 519 the father contracted a Sfcoiiil marriage, wliich united him with Mrs. Addie S. (Kelker) Wentworth, widow of tlie late Joseph P. Wentworth, also of this city. Mrs. Summers, whose maiden name was Addie S. Felker, was born in Barrington, Strali'ord county, New Hampshire, on April 2, 1840. Her great-grandfather and his two brothers came to this country from England in Colonial days. The two brothers died soon after their arrival in America, but Charles Felker, the great-grandfather of Mrs. Summers, lived to old age in Xew Hampshire, and was the progenitor of the American branch of the family. William Felker, the grandfather of Mrs. Summers, was a native of Barrington, and Charles Felker, her father, was also born in that town and passed his whole life on the old home- stead, which is still in the family. As a youth of si.xteen he enlisted in the American army for the War of 1812, and he served through that contest between the young Republic and the ^Mother country. One of his grandnephews, Hon. Samuel D. Felker, is now the honored governor of New Hampshire. Mrs. Summers' mother, before her marriage, was Miss Polly Swaine, and was born in Strafford, New Hamp- shire. She died at the age of seventy-tw'o, and her husband at that of ninety-three. Mrs. Summers was first married in Boston, Massachusetts, by Rev. Phineas .Stowe, on August 8, 1862, to Joseph P. Wentworth, of Milton, New Hampshire, also of old New England stock. He engaged in wholesale merchandising as a dealer in notions at Oroton Center, Massachusetts, and con- tinued his operations at that place until 1867, when failing health forced him to seek a more congenial climate, and they then came to Minneapolis. The husband opened a retail notion store at the junction of Washington and Hennepin avenues, which he kept until 1869, and then bought a lot at the corner of Eighth street and Third avenue south, in the rear of the site of the present Minneapolis Club building. He built a store on this lot and devoted his energies to selling groceries and notions. But the malady which had driven him from his native state was too deep-seated to be overcome. It was tubercu- losis, the dread white plague, and soon after he opened his new store it began to make rapid progress, and brouglit on his death in 1870. He was a gentleman of superior mental endowments and highly educated. By his marriage with Miss Felker he became the father of two children, both of whom died in childhood. Soon after Mr. Wentworth's death his widow sold the business, and gave all her attention to her children while they lived. She and her husband had become members of the old Centenary Methodist Episcopal church, and she re- mained in that congregation until the Hennepin Avenue church of the same denomination was organized, when .she became one of its seventy-four original members. Only three of these besides herself are still living. They are I.«vi Long- fellow, Mrs. Thorpe and Mrs. Helen Horton. Mr. Summers and his first wife were also among the seventy- four orig- inals. The present Mrs. Summers still belongs to that church, and her interest in its work for the good of mankind never stops. Years ago she was a Sunday school teacher in it, and she has also been active in all the organizations of its lady members for benevolent and beneficent purposes. When Mr. Summers retired from business he built a resi- dence for his family at White Bear Lake. This was their summer home for fifteen years, and most of the winters were passed by him and his wife in travel. Mrs. Summers had no children by her second marriage, but the olTspring of Mr. Summers were at an age to need the care and direction of a mother when she entered the family. They have all commended her as an excellent parent and frequently expressed their gratitude for the considerate attention, wise counsel and useful discipline she gave them. Their father possessed admirable qualities of mind and char- acter, and. like the first husband of Mrs. Summers, was a man of lofty ideals and pure life. l-KKD L. S.MITH. Fred L. Smith, tlie piuni'er living printer of Minneapolis, has been a resident continuously for lifty-seven years, and almost continuously' has been connected with the printing trade, and much of the time with newspaper publishing. He helped publish the first city directory, and has aided in the publish- ing of every directory since. He was born in Lee, Maine, .July 2, 1843, coming in the early summer of 1857, to what is now Minneapolis. He re- ceived a diploma entitling him to teach from the Lee Normal .\eademy and also attended short sessions in the old black school house on University a\enue. He lii-st secured employment in the dry goods store of ilinor Ball, and in September, 18.57. began his connection with the printing trade as "a devil" in the office of Messrs. Croifut & Clark and a carrier on the Falls Evening News, the first daily paper printed at St. Anthony. After its demise in 1861, he worked on the old St. Paul Pioneer, as a journeyman printer for two years till he was made foreman of the job department, so continuing for two yeare longer. His services must have been of a high order, as his pay was $27 a week, which was unusually good for the time, and especially so for a youth of twenty. He returned to Minneapolis in 1865 starting the Weekly (lininicle and a job printing office. The Chronicle afterward becanu? a daily, and, in 1867, was merged with the Atlas into the .Minneapolis Daily Tribune. He was kept in charge of the niecliaiiical department of the new paper with special con- trol of the job department until 1871. In company with C. W. .Tohnson, then city editor of the Tribune, he started the first exclusively job printing establishment and which rapidly grew to such projiortions that frequent removals to more com- modious (|Uarters were reipiired. In 1880, to accommodate their rapidly growing business, they erected a four-story brick building at Third street and First avenue south. They were laughed at for building so far from the business center, but soon afterward the post ofTice was built across the street and the Chamber of Com- merce at Third street and Fourth avenue south. Mr. .Tohn- son retired in the early nineties to become chief clerk of the State senate, the firm becoming Harrison & Smith, and in 1890, incorporated, as the Harrison & Smith company. In 1900 another change was made, to Seventh avenue south and Fourth street, its counting room covering the site of the frame dwelling in which Mr. J^mitli lived during the first twelve years after nuirriage. In 1907 the |)lant enlarged to its pres- ent size of about ,'i5.n00 square feet. Mr. Smith has ever stood for advancement and improve- 520 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA mfnt in all that pertains to his craft as in all involving the welfare of the community. He was Alderman from the Fifth ward for five years, part of the time as president, resigning in 1881. He served twelve years, 1896 to 1908, on the park board, of which he was also president for two years. He was made a Mason in Cataract Lodge No. 2 early in life and ser%-ed as its Worshipful Master three years, during which the present temple was erected. He is Past High Priest of St. Anthony Falls Chapter, R. A. M., is Past Illustrious Master of Adoniram Council and Past Eminent Commander of Darius Commandery K. T. For 25 years he was President of Minneapolis Typothetae, when he was made honorary President for life and he is a member of the Executive Committee of the United Typothetae and Franklin Club of America. For many years was secre- tary of all the local Scottish Rite bodies. He was married in 1868 to Miss Roxana G. Sinclair. They have two children, Henry in the office; Agnes, wife of H. C. Rompage. Mr. Smith is universally recognized as the dean of the printing business in Minneapolis, being awarded the title by long service, rectitude of conduct, and the uprightness of mo- tives in all dealings with his fellow men. He has steadfastly stood for what he considered right, regardless of consequences to himself, and by an upright life has earned the honors bestowed upon him. Dakota; John P., vice president and manager of the State bank of Martin, Xorth Dakota; William A., cashier of the Dakota County State bank at Lakeville, Minnesota; George E., the cashier of the Citizens State bank of Minneapolis and Fred A., junior. The Citizens State bank which was promoted and established by Mr. Samels has proved one of his most successful enterprises and an important addition to the banking institutions of the city. Its location on a thriving business corner at a distance from the center of the city has demonstrated its advantages and justified the selection of the promoters. The bank was organized December 1, 1912, and opened February, 1913, and after one year's operation shows a handsome surplus and deposits amounting to $215,000. It was incorporated with a capital of $25,000, with Mr. F. A. Samels, president, T. 0. Gulack and N. D. Samels, vice presi- dents. G. E. Samels, cashier and other directors are C. B. Stringer of Osage, Iowa, T. 0. Gulack of Minnesota and M. L. Fosseen, Minneapolis. Mr. Samels is a member of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. The New Athletic Club and East Lake Street Com- mercial Club. ALBERT MILLARD SHELDON. F. A. SAMELS. F. A. Samels, president of the Citizens State bank and well known financier, is a native of Luxemburg, Germany, and at one year of age was brought to Aurora, 111., there passing his boyhood and receiving his education in its schools. He then located at Monticello, Iowa, as a dealer in agricultural implements and was also interested in real estate transactions, investing in improved farm lands in Minnesota, Iowa and North Dakota. He came to Minneapolis in 1882 as state representa- tive for the Chamberlin Plow Company of Dubuque, Iowa, and oiliced with Mr. Charles Shatto on Washington avenue, for four or five years. Mr. Samels has continued his residence in Minne- apolis with the exception of twelve years spent in Lakeville, Minnesota where he established the Dakota County State bank, the first in that locality, of which his son, William A., is cashier. Mr. Samels has extensive banking interests in the northwest and is associated with his brother in the opera- tion of the Dakota County State bank at Lakeville. Minnesota, the Martin State bank at Martin, North Dakota and with Mr. T. 0. Gulack of Minneapolis in the First State bank at Keith, North Dakota. He also is a stockholder in the Kannan State Bank at Kannan, Wi.s., and with others has recently organized the Harriet Bank in Minneapolis. Mr. Samels' career has been largely identified with the banking business although liis ability has carried him successfully into other lines of commercial activity. He is a member of the Samels Brothere & White Canning Company located at Shaska, Minnesota, and representing an investment of $40,000 and also continues his real estate interests. He erected the business block on the corner of Lake and Bloomington streets which is now owned and occupied by the Citizens State bank. Mr. Samels was married in Minneapolis, in 1882 to Miss Mary B. Karcher of Shaska, Minnesota. They have five Sons: Frank W., lumber- man and dealer in agricultural implements in Martin, North A. M. Sheldon is a typical Minnesota man. He was born in Minnesota, was educated in Minnesota, married a Minne- sota girl and has lived in the state all his life. He was born in Owatonna on May 15, 1868, and graduated from the High School in 1886. He began his active business career in the First National Bank of Stillwater, as bookkeeper. Three years later he organized and started the Prince, Sheldon and Company priv- ate bank at Cloquet. He continued as manager until 1896 when he came to Minneapolis to enter the grain business, with P. L. Howe organizing the Imperial Elevator Company. The concern has been notably progressive and successful and Mr. Sheldon has continuously remained as activ manager and treasurer. Socially Mr. Sheldon is a member of the Minneapolis, Mini- kahda and Lafayette Clubs and is a regular attendant at Plymouth Congregational Church. Miss Wilhelmine C. Hee- gard became his wife in June, 1893. They have one child, Ralph Millard Sheldon, who is receiving his education at Princeton Univereity. LAZARUS TILLENY. Lazarus Tillcny is one of the pioneers of Hennepin county, and a character with uncommonly wide acquaintance. His home acres have been his abiding place since 186U, and his reminiscences include tales of deer shooting around Lake Harriet as well as other narratives of pioneering in the East, the Northwest and the Far West. In many ways his has had a remarkable career. Mr. Tilleny was born January 30, 1831, in Plymouth, England, and was brought, an infant, to Canada by his parents. His father died before Lazarus was three years old, and then took place a notable incident in his life. His mother and her five children went to Vermont — on foot, Lazarus being carried on his mother's back or on ^kM HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 521 the back of an older brother. He grew up on their farm in Vermont, and when he was twenty years old made another notable journey. In company with a consider- able party of Vcnnontcrs, he went to California, answering the call of the gold fever which lured thousands to the new Eldorado. They went by way of the Isthmus of Panama, walking across the isthmus. Jlr. Tilleny recalls with gusto his prowess on this journey. At one point on the crossing, it was necessary to cross a stream on a footlog. The log had become worn smooth of bark, and none of the party but Mr. Tilleny could walk on it. He was used to logging, be- cause of his experience in Vermont, and so it fell to him to help the others of the party across. All the others, including two young women, were pulled across by llr. Tilleny. For a year and a half he prospected on French creek, in California, and then sold his claim, coming out with about $30,000 in gold. After a visit home he soon returned to California, and established a dairy near San Francisco. He also dealt in young stock. Finally, after four or five years, he sold out to advantage and returned to Vermont in 1859. He had lived when a boy with a man named Stanton, being a playmate with Stanton's daughter, Lydia Ann. And when he returned from Californi.a in 1859, he married his child- hood companion. They came west at once, and settled at Star Prairie, Wisconsin, where he bought 200 acres of land. After one year they sold and in 1860 came to Hennepin county, buying 120 acres, mostly brush land, near what are now the western city limits of Minneapolis. Mr. Tilleny cleared the land, converting it into a good farm. About 1887 he erected the house in wliieh he now lives, and sold 100 of the original 120 acres, on which for more than a quarter of a century he had raised wheat and carried on successful farming operations. He still retains about twelve acres of the original farm, and Excelsior avenue, one of tlie most beautifully tree-lined drives in Hennepin oounty, was donated as a highway by Mr. Tilleny, the gift including the tree- planting which he had done. Mrs. Tilleny died January 11, 1904. They had no children who grew to maturity. But Mr. Tilleny stands in the place of a parent, so far as ties of affection are concerned, to Clement George Townsend, now of Duluth, son of Phebe Townsend, who has been housekeeper for Mr. Tilleny for twenty-one years. Few men are more widely known in Hennepin county than Lazarus Tilleny. For one thing, he is a famous trout fisher- man; for another, he is a great hunter. And for still an- other, he has an oddly unconscious habit of the use of swear words. Mr. Tilleny does not defend the habit: but those old friends who know him best say his picturesque stories of early life in Vermont : of gold mining in the days of Bret Harte in California; and of hunting and fishing in the wild country of Minnesota when he was a pioneer, would not seem half so spicy did not the rugged old man interject into his penetrating commentaries on life and events the emphasis carried in an expert's use of words which would be profane used bv a less skilful and intelligent raconteur. 7, 1872, the son of T. F. and Susannah Strong. He became a resident of Minnesota when a lad of nine, his father re- moving at that time to Faribault and four years later lo«»ting at Minneapolis where he resided until his death. A. W; Strong completed his preparatory studies in the Central High school and entered Trinity college at Hartford, Conn., where he became a student of mechanical engineering. After spend- ing two years in that institution, he continued his course at the University of Minnesota. In 1894 be started upon his business career as superintendent of the shops of the Hard- wood Manufacturing company and remained in their employ for three years when he became engaged in his present enter- prise, buying the Minneapolis plant of the Wilford & Xorth- way Manufacturing company. He assumed management of the business details of the industry which had been operated for fifteen years and spent the first few years traveling through the northwest and establishing the successful and extensive trade which the firm conducts in that territory. The company was incorporated in 1897 with a capital stock of $32,000 under the name of Strong & Xorthway and in 1903 became the Strong-Scott Mfg. Co. A. W. Strong is president, C. H. Scott, vice president and treasurer. They manufacture a general line of machinery for flour mills and grain elevators, including transmission machinery and a number of patented articles, scouring cases and cleaners. They handle large con- tracts for the fitting up of mills and elevators throughout the great grain districts, from Minnesota to Montana and Canada, eighty per cent of their sales being outside the city. The industry has enjoyed a steady growth and now shows a remarkable increase in its annual business. The factory is located on South Third street and employs seventy-five ex- pert workmen. As president, Mr. Strong's business tareer has been identified with its success and prosperity. Mr. Strong is prominent in social organizations of the city, has served as president of the Minikahda club and a member of the Minneapolis, Lafayette and Auto Clubs, being a trustee in the latter. He is a member of the Civic and Commerce association and a communicant and vestryman of St. Paul's Episcopal church. He was married to Miss Grace Swift, a daughter of Lucian Swift and they have four chililren, Lucian Swift. Elizabeth Grace, Albert \V., Jr.. and Jane. ALBERT W. STRONG. Albert W. Strong, president of the Strong-Scott Manufac- turing company, was born at Fondulac, Wisconsin, January EBENEZER JAMES HALL SCRl.MGEOUR. Mr. Scrimgeour was bom at Xewburg, Orange county. New York, October 5, 1806, the only son of Rev. .lames Scrimgeour, a celebrated minister of the Associate Reformed church, who was of Scotch ancestry and nativity. He was highly educated in his native land, ordained for the ministry and engaged in preaching there for two years, when he came to the United States, but never conversed extensively about Scotland or his forefathers. He came a bachelor, and when married and his son was bom he was named in honor of a noted Scotch divine. The son was in school when his father, on his death bed, sent for him to come as rapidly as possible, as he had an important communication to make to him. But in spite of the utmost haste, the father died before the son's arrival^ and the communication was not made. The family coat of arms indicates that it is descended from the Scrimgco\ir of 522 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA noble rank who is honorably mentioned in Highland history as one of Scotland's noted chiefs. E. J. Scrimgeour lived with his guardian, David Andrews, a wealthy merchant in New York, continuing his studies until he acquired a thorough classical education. While at Enfield, Connecticut, during a vacation, he met Miss Mary Morrison, whom he maiTied in 1830. He then engaged in merchandising in that neighborhood for some twenty years, in fact, until he removed to Minneapolis in 1856. He bought lots at the comer of Fourth street and Second avenue north erecting a dwelling. The streets were then laid out through that section but not traveled. Indians camped on near or adjoining lots. Charles Hoag lived on another corner of the streets luiraed, there being but few other houses in the locality, the surrounding land for some distance being wild and unoccupied. Mr. Scrimgeour foresaw that a great city would arise, but, dying June 30, 1865, did not live long enough to see even a railroad built to the town. His widow married Rev. John Huwson, of ThompsonviUe, Connecticut, where thej' lived until his death, when she returned to Min- neapolis making her home witli her children until her own death in 1890. She was an active, zealous, hard-working member of the old Centennary Methodist Episcopal church. She and her husband were the parents of four children, only two of whom survive. They are: Helen J., the widow of John Harvey Horton, and Ella Jane, the wife of Charles Godley, of whom sketches will be found elsewhere. The sons of the family were James Boyd and David Andrews. James went to Cali- fornia at the age of eighteen and died in that state. He was prominent in the Masonic order, his fraternal brethren erecting a monument to his memory in Masonic cemetery at San Fran- cisco. David A. was an old Board of Trade and Cliamber of Commerce man, a highly interesting personage in many ways, and is said to have been the champion checker player at the Chamber, where this game of skill affords so much recreation and where a successful player must needs be an adept. For many yeai-s no more widely or favorably known man frequented the chamber than "Old Scrim," and when news of his sudden death in 1913 came to his old associates many a voice was softened, many a hand pressed and many an eye was moist. ALVIN STONE. Alvin Stone was born in Berwick, York county, TMaine, October 13, 1835, and there learned his trade of painter. In 18.50 he came to St. Antliony, and, in company with James McHerron, started a painting business on Main street between what are now Fifth and Sixth avenues. Later (ieorge I-.cgg was his associate, the firm tiiiiilly becom- ing Bigelow, Stone & Lcgg and employed 15 to 20 men, repaint- ing the old suspension bridge being one of its contracts. Mr. Bigelbw later retired. Stone & Lcgg continuing. When the Pillsbury "A" mill \vas erected Stone placed his old foreman in charge. Mr. Stone had a special faculty for i>aint- ing artistic and attractive signs, having the reputation of being the best sign painter in town. He prospered and became one of the substantial citizens. He was ))rogressive, far-seeing and hud good judgment in respect to public improvements and the advance of the city, and rose to high esteem. He died at his summer cottage August 20, 1893, at Somerville, Massa- chusetts. Mr. Stone devoted two or three winters, to jobbing in cedar timber, making and handling posts and kindi'ed products. In 1860, in company with Oren Rogers and others, he made a trip to Pike's Peak, where he located a claim and took out some gold. He had a portion of this made into watch chains which are still in the possession of his son. Mr. Stone in company with Baldwin Brown platted Brown and Stone's Addition, First and Central avenues southeast, and built a business block. This started the improvements there, and within a few years it became well built up and populated. In 1851 he married Miss Elizabeth Goodwin, a native of Salmon Falls, Maine, and who died March 28, 1876, leaving children; Frank, who died in March, 1880, at the age of twenty- five; Hattie, who became the wife of Frank Harrison and died at the age of twenty-seven, leaving a daughter, Minnie E. Harrison, and Harris. He was born October 22, 1860, al- most on the site of his present home. He became a fireman and later an engineer on the M. & St. L. and Soo Railroads, working as such for ten years. He has also been engaged in the clothing and tailoring business and a dealer in real estate. On November 24, 1887, he was married to Miss Arvilla Hen- dee. They have no children. HORATIO R. STILLilAN. Horatio R. Stillman, a pioneer resident of Minneapolis and the suburb, Robbinsdale, was born in the western reserve at) Andover, Ashtabula county, Ohio, September 5, 1832. His father, Roswell Stillman, was one of the early settlers of Connecticut and his mother, Mary E. (Marvin) Stillman, was a native of Vermont. Horatio Stillman inherited from these parents the sturdy endurance and perseverance that charac- terized the pioneer American and as a young man planned to seek a home in the great western territory. \\'hen he was twenty-one years of age his father presented him with $200 and the following year he was occupied in the making of boat oars and was able to double the sum with his savings from his wages. With this capital in the fall of 1S54, he set out for Minneapolis in company with his brother, Riley F. Stillman. The journey was made partly by boat and they experienced many vicissitudes. The party transported live- stock with them and after crossing Illinois were to complete the trip by water. The boat on which they embarked en- gaged in a race with a rival craft which resulted in a collision and necessitated the unloading of the horses and wagons. Horatio Stillman was placed in charge of them and traveling in this way he reached St. Paul about midnight several hours before the arrival of the boat and crossed to Minneapolis on Captain Tappert ferry with the remainder of his party. His brother owned several lots near the present site of the municipal building and there erected a small house. Horatio Stillman secured a span of horses from him and engaged in teaming between the two cities and selling wood cut from government land. After a short time he sold his team and bought half interest in the outfit of Mr. Partridge, one of the men who had accompanied him from Oliio and they continued to work in ])artnership for several years. Soon after his arrival he had purchased the tract of land which is his present home and had erected a shanty on it and put in /^T^^.^im^. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIEXXEPIX COrNTY, MINNESOTA i23 his first wlieat crop when it was discovered to be school hind. He continued his occupation with the intention of buying it when it should be placed in the market, but an act of the legislature setting aside other territory for school lands made this unnecessary. After the spring of 1856 he devoted his entire attention to farming, expending much labor and expense in the clearing and breaking of his land which was covered with invaluable timber. When the fer- tility of the soil for a wheat crop was exhausted he found that it would proiluce a fine quality of hay and foreseeing the monetary possibilities of the dairy business in this loca- tion he equipped the farm for this industry, finding a ready market for the butter and chee.se. From a successful trade in the beginning of the enterprise it has steadily developed into the j)resent prosperous business. In 1864, Mr. Stillman enlisted and served during tlie remainder of the Civil war in the Kleventli Minnesota regiment which was stationed at Tunnel Hill as guard over the Louisville & Nashville railroad. His marriage to Miss Arvilla Townsend, who had accompanied lier uncle, Mr. Partridge, to Minnesota, occurred August 31, 1S53. Mrs. Stillman died in 1873, leaving two children, Elmer D., who makes his liome at Salt Lake City, Utah, and I^lla, who married Jlr. Herman Renspies and resides in Robbins- dale. ilr. Stillman contracted his second marriage February 23, 1879, with Miss Maggie Allison of Charlestown, Portage county, Ohio. They have one daughter, Maude, wife of Mr. David Huston of Robbinsdale. Mrs. Stillman was educated at the Farmington Academy in her native state and for a number of years was a successful school teacher. She takes an active and capable interest in church work and the affairs, of the world about her and has been influential in the estab- lishment and maintenance of a library in her communit.v. As an early settler and a progressive citizen of today, Mr. Stillman has shared alike the hardships and successes of Minneapolis. In his beautiful c^^^^ ^^^^>^^^ HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNPiSOTA 527 Mr. Miller was born in Schaffhausen Canton, Switzerland, December 14, 1854. In 1868, he came to tliis country with his older brother, Henry, expecting to join him in business in Philadelphia. Later he went to Chicago, and was in that city at the time of the great fire of October, 1871. Soon afterward he moved to Kenosha, Wisconsin, where he finished learning his trade as a butcher, which he had begun in Philadelphia. In 1875. while he was still a little less than twenty-one, Mr. Miller became a resident of Minneapolis, and here he has ever since had his home. In 1878 his brother Henry followed him to this city and engaged in the meat trade for himself. Marcus worked two years for A. L. Sump, at 117 Washington Avenue North, then at 308 same avenue, started a meat market of his own, which he called the Philadelphia market and which he conducted five or six years, part of the time at a stand directly opposite on the same street, whicli he bought and' took possession of in about 1880. In 18S:! he built the block in which the Jlinneapolis Packing Company is now located. He started this company and con- ducted all its operations until about 1907, when he retired from all active pursuits, turning the affairs of the Company over to his three sons. Wliile in charge of tl>e business lie liad branch markets at different places in the citj', one on Western avenue, wliere lie owned tlie property. For fifteen years he slaughtered his own stock in his own slaughter house, located on a five-acre tract of land on which his resi- dence now stands. During the decade of 1880 he butchered on an average a carload of cattle a week. He supplied meat to hotels and restaurants all along the lines of travel into and through Dakota, making a specialty of railroad and eating-house trade outside of the city. Locally he always had a large retail trade, and this his sons still have; some of the customers of the market having been such for thirty years. The business was started on a small capital and at a time when money was very scarce. But prudent management carried it safely until it lias become one of the leaders in its line in the Xorthwest. Wliile Mr. Miller confined himself mainly to the meat business he also gave attention to other lines as opportunities presented themselves. He is a stockholder in the (ierman American Hank of Minneapolis, and he lias done a very creditable amount of building to the advantage of the city as well as his own. He has put up apartment houses, separate residences, and store buildings, and has al.so taken an earnest and practical interest in other lines of improvement. Some twenty years ago, however, his party thrust upon him its nomination for the office of alderman from his ward. At the election he was defeated by eight votes, for which he has ever since been thankful. December 1, 1879, Mr. Miller was married in Minneapolis to Miss Louisa V. Korn, a daughter of the late Adam Korn, a well known resident of this city, and for many years pro- prietor of the old Crow River hotel, on First Street between First and Second Avenues North. He brought his family to Minneapolis from Buffalo, New York, in 1857, and afterward moved to Rockford, Minnesota, where he was the first post- master. Mrs. Miller is the only daughter of her father's family. When she was 13 they returned to this city, and then the father opened the hotel, which he kept for fifteen years. He died in 1900. at the age of 65. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have three sons and three daughters living. Otto G., the oldest son, is at the head of his father's former business house, the Minneapolis Packing Company, and Marcus, ,Ir., and Walter H. are associated with him. Klizabeth is the wife of J. J. Boyd, who is in the commission business for himself. Louise is the widow of Dr. A. E. Brim- mer, of this city, and Bertha is the wife of Earl Coe, a prom- inent fruit grower at White Salmon, State of Washington. All the members of the family arc connected with Fremont Congregational church. Mr. Miller is a member of the Order of Elks, th.' Itoyal Arcanum, the Modern Woodmen and the Royal I^eague. He has been "up to date" in other ways. Raised the fastest ice pacer ever bred in Minneapolis, and was one of the first men in the city to own an automobile. Since coming to the I'nited States he has visited his old home in Switzerland twice; his wife accompanied him on both trips. GEORGE HENRY TENNANT. Mr. Teniiaiit was born on .luly 31, 1845, in County Clare, Ireland, where his forefatliers were domesticated for many generations. When he was but one year old he was brought by his parents to this country and found a new home in the state of New York, where he grew to manhood, obtained his education and made himself useful during his boyhood and youth by working on his father's farm and in his father's shingle mill, and doing whatever else presented itself as re- quiring attention and effort. When he came to Miniieaiiolis in 1866, Mr. Tenant was just about twenty-one. He began working here in an old shingle mill on the Falls, which also had a saw mill in joint opera- tion with it. At the end of the second season passed in this mill he moved to St. Louis and there started a wooden cave spout factory. This he operated two years, then returned to Minneapolis. In this city, on May 15. 1870, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah Elizabeth Blakeney, a daughter of Mrs. .lane Blakeney. who is still living and is now eighty- four years of age. She was born and reared in the provini-e of New Brunswick, Canada, and came to Minneapolis to live in 1865. She came with her hsuband, who died of tubercu- losis two years later. After his death she sold the farm at Eden Prairie on which he died, and came to Minneapolis where she reared her family of eight children, the oldest of whom was eighteen when the father died, and was the only one able to render her any assistance in the arduous work of providing for the household. The three daughters who are still living resitie in Minne- a|>olis: Eliza, who is the wife of A. W. (iriswold; .Margaret, who married M. A. Cribb, and Sarah Elizabeth, who is Mrs. Tennant. Only two of the sons are living, .lohn S. and William S. Blakeney. Both are residents of Milwaukee. The oldait son died in his boyhood. The. mother became connectod with the Central Baptist church soon after her arrival in .Minneapolis and still belongs to it. She has long been active in all church and church society work. Notwithstjinding her advanced age and the struggles and privations through whieh she has passed she is well preserved, and throughout the oity she is well known and most highly esteemed. After his return from St. Louis. Mr. Tennant was made foreman of a planing mill at the Kails, and continiieil to fill that position two or three years. At the end of that time 528 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA he started a planing mill of his own at the Falls, and after- ward conducted another in North Minneapolis on the West Side, and still later he operated a third on the East Side near the site now occupied by Messrs. Barnard & Cope. Ross Russell, the son of R. P. Russell, was in partnership with him in these enterprises. He suffered heavy losses by fire, but immediately reorganized his business, and prepared to carry it on in greater proportions than before. Later he followed the lumber mills to Thirteenth and Cen- tral avenues and located on the site of the present Andrew Carlson factory. Mr. Carlson had been one of his employes for some years and he wished to help him to a business of his own be'cause of his fidelity. Another fire swept over the Tennant plant, and Mr. Tennant then sold Mr. Carlson all the machinery in it that had not been badly damaged by the fire, and in this way the present large enterprise of Mr. Carl- ison was started. After his second fire, which was not as disastrous to him as the first, Mr. Tennant established the present plant of the Tennant business at 920 Sixth avenue southeast. Circum- stances led him to begin dealing in hardwood products, and his mill was gradually converted into a hardwood floor fac- tory, the first one ever conducted in this city. Mr. Tennant designed new machinery to meet the requirements of the hardwood flooring work, and his business grew rapidly to great magnitude. He began making hardwood flooring about 1900, and on August 3, 1908, he was once more burned out. The buildings were of wood and the insurance rates very high. So he was not carrying much insurance at the time of the fire, and the plant was wholly destroyed, as was also a large amount of stock, one warehouse alone containing $20,000 worth. The fire occurred on the day of a picnic, which he and most of the membei"s of the fire department attended, and but one of his warehouses was saved. The rest of the property was a total ruin. Mr. Tennant was then past fifty years of age. But with all the energy of his youth he immediately set about rebuild- ing his factory of brick, and in Sixty days had it in full operation. He was a staunch Republican in politics, but he never sought prominence politically or an oflace of any kind. He gave his attention strictly to his business until about six weeks before his death, taking no vacations, but enjoying considerable relaxation at his summer home at Wildhurst, on Lake Minnetonka. Mr. Tennant wa-s a Baptist in religious faith, and for thirty years Served as one of the trustees of Olivet Baptist church, and for many years as its treasurer. Fraternally he was a Freemason of high degree — a Knight Templar and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He belonged to old Cataract Lodge in the fraternity and for many years was its treasurer. The lodge presented him with a handsome testimonial for his fidelity and ability in serving it, and when he died his re- mains were buried with Masonic ceremonies. He was also a charter member and one of the directors of the St. Anthony Commercial club. Through life he was a very benevolent man, and always very modest and reticent about his contri- butions for the relief of others. Mr. and Mrs. Tennant were the parents of three children. Their son William, their first born, died at the age of seven- teen. The two daughters are living. Grace M. is the wife of Charles E. Adams, a lawyer in Duluth. Lois A. is the wife of E. McMaster Pennock, vice president and general manager of the 0. H. Tennant company, Mr. Tennant's former business, which he had incorporated before his death. Mrs. Tennant lives with Mr. and Mrs. Pennock at 2206 Doswald avenue, St. Anthony Park. ROBERT W. TURNBULL. Robert W. Turnbull was born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng- land, on the 28th of January, 1834, and his death occurred, with slight premonitory illness, at Bowden, North Carolina, on Sunday morning, March 28, 1909, — two months subse- quent to his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. In his na- tive land Mr. Turnbull was reared to the age of fifteen years and he then accompanied his parents on their immi- gration to America, the family home being established in the province of Ontario, Canada, whence, a few years later, he removed to the state of Michigan. Mr. Turnbull gained his early educational discipline in England and supplemented the same by somewhat irregular attendance in the schools of Canada, though his broad and liberal education was prin- cipally the result of self-application and the experience gained in the course of a long and Signally useful career. In Michigan Mr. Turnbull became identified with the lumber industry at the time when in this line that state held pre- cedence over all other sections of the Union. His energy and ability enabled him to make substantial progress toward the goal of definite success and he became one of the representa- tive factors in connection with the great lumbering operations in Michigan, where he operated mills at Muskegon and Big Rapids during the years immediately following the Civil war and when that section of the state was the center of the most extensive lumbering operations in the United States. During this period he was also an interested principal in the operation of a large mill at Manistee, ilr. Turnbull continued his residence in Michigan until 1882, when he removed with his family to San Jose, California, but in the following year he establshed his permanent residence in Mimieapolis, Minnesota. Here he became one of the original stockholders and executives of the Itasca Lumber Company, in which he owned one-third of the stock. He disposed of his interest in this compaify a few yeais later, and was engaged in the manu- factiiring of lumber at Stillwater, the judicial 'center of Washington county, though still retaining his residence in Minneapolis. The mill at Stillwater was erected in 1885 and he became a factor in the dcvclo])ment of a large and pros- perous lumbering business. In ISDl Mr. Turnbull's only Son, Albert R., became associated with him in the prosecution of this business, under the firm name of R. W. Turnbull & Son. and in connection with the mill at Stillwater they also operated, for one year, the Plymouth mill, in Minneapolis. The mill and business at Stillwater were sold by the firm in 1904, and Mr. Turnbull, basing his plans upon his broad and intimate experience, decided to continue lumbering in a field where timber resources were of adequate order to justify operations upon an extensive Scale. In 1906 he and his son purchased all of the stock of the Rowland Lumber Com- pany, with mills at Bowden, North Carolina, and general offices at Norfolk, Virginia. Of the 'company Robert W. Turnbull became president, an office of which he continued the incumbent until the close of his life, about three years later. His son became secretarj', treasurer and general man- ager of the company, and since the death of the father has HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 529 been president of the corporation, the stork of which is all in the hands of the TurnbuU family. Operations are con- tinued upon an extensive scale and have fully justitied the confidence and judgment of the veteran lumberman who as- sumed control of the business in company with his son, the latter proving a most able and progressive coadjutor and one well equipped for carrying forward the enterprise since the death of his honored father. The company controls e.\- tensive tracts of choice timber land in North Carolina, the supply of timber being sufficient to permit and justify ex- tensive manufacturing operations for many years. The com- pany owns it's own railway lines, for the facile handling of logs and products, and also owns at tidewater, two hundred miles distant from the mills, adequate dock facilities, in tlie city of Norfolk, Virginia, so that it commands the markets of the world in its sale of lumber. The manufacturing plant is one of the largest in the south and the business, as etreetively advanced by Albert R. TurnbuU, constitutes one of the most important industries of Nortli Carolina. In the year 1900, Robert \V. TurnbuU erected at 27:!0 Park avenue, Minneapolis, one of the many fine residences in that attractive section of the city, and licre his widow still maintains her home. The domestic chapter in the life history of Mr. TurnbuU was one of ideal order, and his devo- tion to his family and home was of the most insistent and appreciative type, with every relation and association of the most idyllic order. He was reared in the faith of the Eng- lish or Protestant Episcopal church, but in tlie later years of his life attended services of the Central Baptist cluirch in Minneapolis with utmost regularity, his widow being a devout member of this church. One of the dominating cliar- acteristics of Mr. TurnbuU was his abiding interest in struggling young men, and many successful and honored men to-day are ready to do him honor and to accord lasting gratitude for the advice and tangible aid given by him. At the time of his death an appreciative tribute appeared in the Mississippi Valley Lumberman, and the article closed with the following words: "He was a genial, whole-souled gentleman whose loss will be keenly felt, not only by his family but also by a large circle of friends and neighbors. At Port Huron, Michigan, in the year 1865, was solemnized the marriage of Jlr. TurnbuU to Miss Julia A. Wilson, w-ho was born at Ann Arbor, that state, and who is a representa- tive of one of the honored pioneer families of Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. TurnbuU became tlie parents of four children, aU of whom survive the honored father. — Minnie A.. Minerva A., Rosa Bell and Albert R. The only son has the general management of the business of the Rowland Lumber Com- pany, in North Carolina, as has already been stated. He wedded Miss Lucy Gale, daughter of A. F. Gale, of Minne- apolis. MRS. THOiL\S B. WALKER. Mre. Walker was born in Brunswick. Medina county, Ohio, on September 10, 1841, and is a daughter of Eletdu'r and Kannie (Granger) Hulet, who were luitives of AFassachusetts and descended from good old English stock. Her paternal grandfather, .Jolm Hulet, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war and fought in the battle of Bunker Hill; and his father, also named .Tohn llulet, was a zealous patron of Methodism and is said to liave built the first Methodist Episcopal church edifice erected in Massachusetts. When Harriet Granger Hulet (now Mrs. Walker) was six years old, her parents moved to Berea, Ohio, in order to secure for their children the educational advantages offered by Bald- win University. Tliere their daughter Harriet grew to woman- hood, remaining in her father's household until her marriage, and cultivating her natural gifts for vocal and instrumental music and her love of languages, through which she became mistress of the Latin, the Greek and the (ierman tongues. She was also a frequent contributor to periodicals, and her early ambition was to write a famous book. Her ambition in this direction has never been realized, but her literary tastes and ability have found vital and fruitful expression in lectures and addresses in behalf of her numerous philanthropies. In 1856 Miss Hulet became acquainted with Mr. Walker. They were in school together, and later, when Mr. Walker was employed as traveling salesman, the daughter was her father's bookkeeper and secretary, and so tliere was ample opportunity for frequent and continued intercourse between the young couple. Their ac(|iuiintance ripened into a more tender feeling, and on November 19. 1863. after an engage- ment lasting five years, they were married in her home city of Berea, Ohio. Mr. Walker then came on to St. Anthony and prepared the way for establishing a home here, after which he sent for his bride. Six years later he built a new residence in Miimeapolis. at Ninth street and First avenue south, which was then so far up and out of town that he felt obliged to keep a horse for transportation between the city and his home. During the first twelve years of her married life Mrs. Walker devoted her energies to her growing family and gave little time to any work outside her home. Her husband was engaged in surveying for the government and the new rail- roads planned for this region, and was absent from home for months at a time. Their means were limited, too, and the letters that passed between them reached their destinations with difficulty. In addition to her burdens, of privations and responsibilities, the constant danger of Indian outbreaks in the region where her husband was working gave Mrs. Walker a heavy and continual weight of uneasiness to bear. Hut she accepted her lot with fortitude and cheerfulness, and per- formed her every duty with fidelity. About the end of the period mentioned above, Jlrs. Walker began to observe closely the condition of the poor and the oppressed, and to engage in active work for their relief and betterment. Since then her philanthropies have been so numerous, far-reaching and voluminous, that only a brief sumniary of them can be given here. She has founded be- nevolent and helpful institutions and established them on pernnment bases, investing considerable sums of nioiu>y in their maintenance and development. These institutions an- nually give succor in sickness and misl'ortiine to hundreds of men. women and children, and do it in the quiet and unosten- tatious way which true benevolence always seeks to follow. Afis. Walker was a member of the first organization of the Women's Christian Association of Minneapolis, which at the time of its inception was given the care of all the poor of the community. A few years later she joined with other ladies in organizing and numaging the Sisterhood of Bethany, an association for the care of erring women and their infant chihiren. which has become a wonderful power for good thr(iM"hstern Hospital. She remained at the i)lace of the dreadful visitation two weeks, taking charge of one of the hospitals, and several of the nurses remained two and some three months, doing all they could to relieve the suffering. It is not to be supposed tliat because of this generous lady's attention to outsiders who have needed her help she has neglected her home or its duties. She has been a close and sympathetic comi)anion of her hu.sband in all his under- takings, and she reared her eight children to honorable man- hood and womanhood. In fact, if her work outside of her own household has had any effect on her conduct within it, it has only intensified her devotion to her home and its duties and made her more zealous and diligent in attending to their requirements. She has given Minneapolis one of the noblest and loftiest examples of Christian womanhood and mother- hood it has ever had, and in all sections of the city "her works praise her in the gates." REV. ISAAC WILSON JOYCE, D D., LL. D. Rev. Isaac Wilson Joyce, D. D., LL. D., the father of Col. Frank Melville .Joyce, and one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church, was one of the most eminent and conspicuous clergymen of that denomination. He was born in Hamilton coonty, Ohio, October 11, 1836, the Son of .James W, and Mary Ann Joyce, natives of Dublin, Ireland. As a youth the doctor found many obstacles in the way of his education, but he Avas an enthusiastic student and persevered in spite of them. He taught school to pay his way at Hartsville, Indiana, the denominational school of the United Brethren church, and finally secured the degree of A.M. from De Pauw {then Asbury) University. Some years later Dickinson College con- ferred on him the degree of D. D., and he received that of LL. D. from the University of the Pa'cific. He was licensed to preach as a United Brethren minister, but in 1857 united with the Methodist Episcopal church, and in 1859 was admitted to the Northwest Indiana Conference. As a very young preacher Dr. .Joyce became pastor of some of the leading churches in the Conference, and at the age of thirty-three was Presiding Elder of the East Lafayette dis- trict. He was next pastor of Trinity church in Lafayette. Failing health necessitated a change of climate for him, and he Avas induced to fill the pulpit of Bethany Independent chui'ch, Baltimore, for one year. His health improved, and, although Bethany earnestly solicited him to become its settled pastor, he returned to Indiana, and in 1877 was appointed to old Roberts Chapel, in Greeneastle. Here he built a commo- dious church edifice which is a monument to his zeal, energy and fine business ability. In 1880, at the close of his pastorate in Greeneastle, he was elected to the General Conference, which was held in Cincinnati. This led to his transfer to the Ohio Conference and first appointment to St. Paul's church in Cincinnati. In 1886 he was official representative to the Methodist Episcopal Gen- eral Conference of Canada, which met in Toronto, and in 1888 was elected Bishop by one of the largest votes ever given for a candidate up to that time. For eight years his Episcopal residence was in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he made a deep impression by his power as a preacher and his skill as a leader. During this period he was Chancellor of Grant Univer- sity for five years, and of the Epworth League for four, and also presided over conferences in Europe and ilexico. The General Conference of 1896 transferred him to Minneapolis, which was his home until his death in July, 1905, following a stroke of paralysis suffered by him on Sunday morning, July 2, 1905, while preaching at Red Rock Camp Meeting. During the first two years of his residence in this city he was under appointment to visit and supervise the churches in the Orient. His duties led him through Japan, Korea and China, and into many regions never before visited by a bishop. HISTORY OF Mlis'NEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 531 His administration in China resulted in a spiritual quickening unsurpassed anywhere in modern times. On his return trip he visited Malaysia, made a zigzag journey across India and met tlie Central Conference at Lucknow. He was married in 1861 to Miss Caroline Walker Hosserman, of La Porte, Indiana, who died at tlie home of their only child. Col. Frank M. -Joyce, in Minneapolis, in 1907. GKORCK CITLKR STORKR. Mr. Storcr was born in Portland, Maine, on September 29, 1860, and died in Minneapolis on March 13, 1913. As a child of seven years he was taken by his parents to live in Boston, the father was a wholesale dry goods merchant and busy operator in financial affairs. Eight years later the family moved to Madison, Wisconsin. Later he was a student for four years at the Shattuck Military school in Faribault in this state. When he finally left school he inclined to farming as his occupation, and with this in view he moved to Grand Forks, North Dakota. But during the next two years his views as to employment were entirely changed, and at the end of the period mentioned he changed his base of operations to Chicago and his occupation to merchandising, becoming connected with the wholesale coal trade in the city last named. He remained in Chicago until 1893, when he came to Minneapolis and organized the Commercial Loan and Adjustment company, over whose destinies lie afterward presided, and which he conducted to a high rank in the business world, considerable magnitude in its operations and pronounced success in all its undertakings. In the course of a few years this company was doing business all over the Northwest and also in California and other Pacific coast states. Charles Fowler was associated with Mr. Storer in the management of it, and its requirements received sedulous attention from both these gentlemen. But Mr. Storer in particular watched and worked for the progress and expansion of its business with sleepless vigilance and tireless energy. The company's transactions occupied his time and powers largely, and they opened the way to other avenues of prosperity for him. Througli the opportunities they laid before him lie soon began investing in city property, and on parts of wliat he bought he erected business blocks. In the purchase of real estate Mr. Storer exercised good judgment, buying only in localities making or capable of rapid improvement and sure of speedy enlianccment of values. He did not hold all the property he purchased, but turned a considerable amount of it over rapidly at ready profits, and with the fruits of his slirewdness and business uciiiiien he still further enlarged his operations and augmented his revenues. At the time of his death, however, he still owned a number of income producing properties and left an estate of large value. It is easy to infer from what has been stated that Mr. Storer was a very busy man. Hut he was never indiircrent to tlie substantial improvement of his home city, and never with- held his support from any worthy undertaking in which that was involved. He also took an active part in public affairs locally, not as a political partisan, but wholly as a good citizen animated by a strong desire to aid in securing the best government and the greatest good for the people around him. Fraternallj- he was a Freemason and a member of the Order of Elks, and earnest though not enthusiastic in his devotion to their welfare and all the good work they were doing. Mr. Storer was married at Baraboo, Wisconsin, in 1883, to Miss Fannie King, a native of Monroe in the same state. Three children were born of their union, all of whom are living. They are: (k-orge L., a lawyer, who has charge of the collections for the company of which his father was the head; Catherine, who is the wife of Ivan .1. Kipp and a resident of St. Paul, and Mary, who married with Raymond M. Gillette and has her home in Minneapolis. Like their parents, tlie children are well esteemed for their genuine worth and have a strong hold on the confidence and good will of the people where they live. The force of character and strict integrity for which their father was distinguished and the graces of manner and purity of life for which their mother is revered are exemplified in them in all their daily activities and all their relations with their fellow beings. His parents, George L. and -Mary F. (.Johnson) Storer, natives of Sanford and I'ortUind, Maine, both died at Madison, Wis., the father in 1906 and mother in 1908. They had two song and three daughters, all living but our subject. The father was a prominent man and was a son of .John Storer, a pioneer of Sanford, Maine, and one time mayor, and was in lumber trade. He endowed Storer College at Harper's Ferry, a colored college. EUGEXE L. TRASK. Eugene I^. Trask, an extensive and prominent dealer in Minnesota lands, has been a resident of Minneapolis contin- uously since 1876, except during a few years which he spent in Montana. He was born in Springfield, Maine, in 1864, the son of Albion K. and Melissa (Nettleton) Trask, the former a native of Maine and the latter of Ohio. She came to Min- neapolis with her parents in the sixties when DubiKnie. Iowa, was the terminus of the railroad. Her father was ."^amuel D. Nettleton, whose old home was on the site of the present block at the corner of Nicollet avenue and Fourth street. He died early in the seventies at the age of sixty. His widow survived him many years, and in 1877 was living at 913 Hennepin avenue. Albion Trask came from Maine to Minneapolis ami engaged in lumbering on Rum river, sending logs to the Minneapolis mills. He was married in this city about 1860, and then returned to Maine, where he followeil luml>ering until 1876, when he came back to Minneapolis and resumed his lumbering operations, which he continued until his death in February, 1902, at the age of sixty-eight years. He was not a lumber manufacturer, but bought timber lands and worked cutting crews year after year until 1900, by which time the timber was nearly all cut and the lumber well nigh exhausted in the Rum river country. After his purchases were denuiled of their trees he sold them, disposing of land at $3 to $4 an acre which is now- worth $f>'> to $7.") an acre. He attended religious services at the Church of the Redeemer. Mrs. Trask, the mother of Eugene, is still living. She and her husband were the parents of four sons, three of whom are living: Eugene L., Herney E., who is a gradmite of the engineering although he has never any political aspirations. He is a republican, but is independent when it comes to placing m?n in city affairs. Mr. Van Valkenburg was married on January 14, 1903, to Miss Grace Jerrems of St. Paul. They have three children. PAUL H. KNOLL. Although a young man yet the interesting subject of this brief review is connected with several industries of importance and extensive operations, and is a forceful factor in the busi- ness life of Minneapolis. He was born in 1880 in Illinois, a son of Rev. Robert H. Knoll, who came from Europe to the United States in 1854 and settled in Illinois, where for many years he continued to follow his sacred calling. The son ob- tained a high school education and soon after his graduation secured employment in the hardware trade, with which he was connected for a number of years. Mr. Knoll rose rapidly in his employment and in a short time became a credit man for the Simmons Hardware bom- HISTORY OF :\riXXKAI'OLTS AM) IIKNXEPIX COrXTY, MIXXESOTA 537 pany of St. Louis. In 1907 lie came to iliiineapolis to repre- sent that company as its credit man in this community. He remained with the company twelve years, and at the end of that perioil, became associated with the Gas Traction com- pany, and was one of its officials until it was sold to the Emerson- Hrantingham company. Ifr. Knoll then formed a partnership with P. .). Lyons and started the Lyons-Knoll Investment company. The Bull Trac- tor company, which manvifactures gas traction engines for farm and draft work, was organized in 1913, with Mr. Knoll as treasurer. This company turns out a large number of tractors a year, and its tractor is sent to all parts of the United States and has a high reputation for power and adaptability of practical service. In addition to connection with the Bull Tractor and the Lyons-Knoll Investment companies, ilr. Knoll has other busi- ness associations important in character and useful in pro- ductiveness. He is secretary and treasurer of the Consolidated Liquid Gas company and secretary and treasurer of the Milli- gan Stock Ranch company. He is unmarried but takes an active interest in local pubilic affairs and exercises material aid in promoting local jirogress and improvement. He is a member of the Jlinneapolis New Athletic Club, tlie Masonic order and other organizations of a social or benevolent char- acter. While living in St. Louis he was member of Battery A, Missouri National Guard. His Minneapolis home is at 116 Oak Grove street. \V. P. TRICKETT. In the vast develoimient of our industries and all other activities in this highly progressive land the matter of trans- portation has risen to the firet rank in importance and now requires men of an advanced order of ability to conduct it and so conserve its forces as to make them yield the best and largest returns for the outlay devoted to it. In this connec- tion W. P. Trickett of Minneapolis has shown ability and made a record that is well worthy of special mention and consideration. Mr. Trickett is a native of Kansas City, Missouii. wlure his life began on .January 9, 1873.' He grew to uianlioud and obtained his edti'cd'tion in his native city, and there also he Started the bii'siheis career that has given him the high reputation he ' liaS as a man of exceptional administrative power and success. He began his apprenticeship in the busi- ness which now occupies his attention in 18S7. when he was hut fourteen yeare old. In that year he enlcriMl the employ of the K. C. E. S. & M. R. R., in its freight traffic department, and four years later became chief clerk of the Kansas City Transportation bureau. His aptitude for the business was marked and his promo- tion in it was rapid. In 1897, on April 1, he was appointed commissioner of transportation for Kansas City, being at the time only twenty-four years of age. In this position he succeeiled the late A. .T. N'anlandingham, a recognized traffic expert who had made a creditable record in. it and set its standard of efficiency high. Mr. Trickett, howeS-er, showed himself equal to all requirements, and filled the office with great acceptability to its patrons and the general public until the close of 1907, when the bureau wius consolidated with the Commercial club. During the next two years, after he left the city service, Mr. Trickett was engaged in special traffic work for large industrial interests, terminal work for carriers, and he also performed duties of the same character for the United States government. On October 1, 1909, he entered the employ of the Minneapolis Traffic association as executive manager, and when the Minneapolis Traffic association was amal- gamated with the Minneapolis Civic and Commerce associa- tion, he was appointed traffic direfctor of the combine. In this position, which he still holds, he represents tKe allied in- dustrial, wholesale, retail, grain and milling interests of the city of Minneapolis. Mr. Trickett has been a resident of Minneapolis only four years, but this period has been long enough to give him a warm and helpful interest in the welfare of the city and its residents and business institutions, and this he shows in every way open to him. He also manifests a deep and intelligent concern for the full growth and usefulness of all educational, moral and social agencies at work in the com- munity for the good of its people, and a constant willing- ness and readiness to aid them by every means at his com- mand. His attitude here is what it has been wherever he has lived — that of a good citizen eager at all times to do whatever he can to advance the best interests of his home community, and he is esteemed highly for the genuine worth he displays in all the relations of life. KOBEKT J. UPTON. Robert J. Upton, junior member of the firm of G. L. Upton & Company, wholesale and retail dealers in grain, flour and feed, is a native of St. Anthony, now Minneapolis, and born March 22, 1868. He is the son of esteemed pioneers, C. H. and Maria (Fenton) Upton, the former a native of Maine and the latter of Nova Scotia. They were married in St, Anthony in 1838, the motlier having come to the town with her mother soon after it was laid out, and the father came from his native state in 1855. He was one of the organizers of the Union- Iron Works, which were started in 1879, and prior thereto was foreman in the St, Anthony Iron Works until the plant was Inirned, The elder Mr. Upton and .James K. Lockwood started the Union Iron Works, and Mr. Upton was the first president of the company and the superintendent of the plant until his death on May 27, 1910. He was a very progressive and resourceful business man and an excellent citizen. He was a Republican in politics but not a imlitieian or active partisan. He was not remiss in performing tlie duties of citizenship, whatever form they took, and without regard to where they led hira. When the Sioux Indians broke out. in 1862, he was one of the first to enlist for the expedition against them. He was a man of decided domestic tastes and correct habits. His first wife, the mother of Robert .1., died in 1888; afterward he married Mrs. .lulia Kennedy, a widow, who is still living. The children of his first marriage numbered five, four sons and one daughter: Horai'c C, a machinist connected, with the Union Iron Works; Harvey L„ a plumber in North Dakota; Robert J., and George L,. who compose the firm of G. L. Upton & Company, an.l Mabel, now the wife of Harry Merriman, a dealer in automobiles in Minneapolis and the son of the late Hon. Orlando C. Merriman, who was twice mayor of St. Anthony and once mayor of Minneapolis. 538 HISTORY OP MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA Robert J. Upton began his education in the common schools, and completed it at an academy. He learned the trade of machinist, and was employed nine years in the Union Iron Works. In 1895 he went to Sandstone. Minnesota, where he remained one year as master mechanic of the Minnesota Sandstone Company. Returning to Minneapolis from a trip to El Paso, Texas, in 1896. he and his brother-in-law, Mr. Merriman, started a box factory, which they conducted until 1900. Mr. Upton then took charge of the Commercial hotel on Nicollet Island, which he conducted until 1909, when he united with his brother, George L. Upton, in organizing the firm of G. L. Upton & Company, with which he is still connected. Mr. Upton was elected County Commissioner of Hennepin county in 1908, and held the office until 1913. During his tenure the bridge over the Narrows in Lake Minnetonka, and the Crystal Bay and Orenbery bridges at the lake were built, and the macadamizing of Superior boulevard was started. He served as chairman of the board in 1911 and 1912. Mr. Upton has been married three times, first in 1893 to Miss Flora E. Wood; next in 1900, to Miss Laura Morgan, who died in 1906, and like the first wife left no children. In 1908 he married Miss Anna Hollister, his present wife. They are members of tlie First Congregational Church, and Mr. Upton belongs to the Order of Elks, the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Knights of Pythias. THOMAS VOEGELI. Heck had been employed in the drug store for a number of years and had both made their start in the capacity of errand boys. The former is now confidential clerk and bookkeeper for the company while Mr. Heck is the manager of the Nicollet drug store. Mr. Voegeli has a noteworthy conception of good citizenship and endeavors to discharge the civic duties that have come to him in recognition of his ability and interest, in accordance with this standard. He cherishes the ambition that Minneapolis may be celebrated not only for its scenic beauty but also for that high class of citizenship that ma.v be pro- duced through attention to the modern note of warning that is sounded for municipal improvement. With this end in view, as a member of the park board, he has bent all his energies to provide every part of the city with the proper hygienic conditions and attractive surroundings through park extension and improvement. He is an active member of the Commercial club and served as chairman of the committee on public affairs. He has been a prominent member of the board of park commissioners and was elected its president. His first wife, Mary Fyfe Voegeli was of Scotch descent. She died at Fountain City, Wisconsin, leaving one daughter, Ethel, who is the wife of Mr. Geo. Riebeth of Minneapolis. In 1887, he married Mrs. Charlotte Yule, whose only child, a son, died soon after the marriage. They have one daughter, Marguerite. Mr. Voegeli and his family are communicants of the West- minster Presbyterian church. He is a Shriner and Knight Templar and a Thirty-second Degree Scottish Rite Mason. He also holds membership in tlie Civic and Commerce association. Thomas Voegeli, president of the Minneapolis Park com- mission and senior partner in the firm of Voegeli Brothers Drug company, is a native of Wisconsin, born at New Glarus, a Swiss settlement. September 24, 1856. His father, Tobias Voegeli, came to Wisconsin in 1853 and was one of the early members of the New Glarus colony, where he engaged in the trade of carpenter. He is now residing in Minneapolis after retiring from several 3'ears of association with his sons in the drug business. Thomas Voegeli was instructed in the carpenters' trade by his father but after attending the Platt- ville Normal school, he chose to enter the teaching profession for a while. His first experience was in the country schools but he soon advanced to the position of principal of the schools in Alma, Wisconsin. His successful career as a teacher was closed with four more years spent at Fountain City, Wisconsin. In 1883, he made his first venture in the drug business, joining his brother, Fred, in LaMoure, North Dakota, where they conducted a store for five years. They came to Minneapolis in 1887 and opened a drug store on the corner of Washington street and Hennepin avenue, the present loca- tion of their main establishment, where they occupied a small room, which had been used for a drug dispensary for a number of years. In 1892, Mr. Fred Voegeli. who now resides at Bozeman, Montana, retired from the firm and another brother, Henry, entered the partnership with Thomas Voegeli, an asso- ciation which has continued to the present time. The success of their business enterpri.ses has been marked and the Voegeli Drug company lias long been an important factor in the com- mercial life of the city. Tlie extensive trade of the company has demanded the establishment of two branch stores, the corner of Seventh street and Nicollet avenue and in the West Hotel. The firm was incorporated with W. F. Ralke and Mr. R. S. Heck becoming stockholders. Mr. Ralke and Mr. DAVID LLOYD OWENS. Tlie late David Lloyd Owens, treasurer of the American Grain Separator Company, who died in Minneapolis September 25, 1913, was born at Cambria, Wisconsin, November 23, 1862. He was a son of John L. and Winnie (Roberts) Owens, and inherited from his father his natural bent in the direction of mechanical ingenuity. The father was a native of the North of Wales, bom in 1832, and came to this country with his parents at the age of thirteen. He was of an inventive turn of mind and made many improvements in windmills and invented a churning machine of unusual utility. In 1860 he opened a general machine shop at Cambria, Wisconsin, in which he made wagons, plows and other farm implements. In 1871 he invented a harvester and a self-acting grain and grass rake. These he manufactured at Cambria until 1874, then sold the rake rights and had the harvester manufactured on a royalty basis. In 1878 the father came to Minneapolis and entered the employ of the Minneapolis Harvester Company as an inventor. He made several improvements in the "Dewey" harvester, manufactured by that company, and was made superintend- ent of its wood shop, and while acting in that capacity in- vented many improvements in woodworking machinery. In 1885 he formed a partnership with his son, John J. Owens, for the manufacture of a cockle eliminating machine which was afterward combined with a fanning mill. One year later another son, Robert J., tame into the firm, and it then erected a plant on the site now covered by the establishment of the J. L. Owens Company, an extensive manufacturer of grain ch^aning machinery, turning out about 10.000 machines every year. This company was incorporated in 1894 with David L., HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIEWKPIX COUNTY, MINNESOTA 539 Richard L and Owen L. Owens, all members of it. The father ■was a man of the strictest integrity and a genius in his line of work. Uavid L. Owens worked for the Minneapolis Harvester Com- pany eight years while his father had chal-ge of its woodwork department. He became a first-class mechanic and rose to the position of superintendent of the factory, remaining with the company until 1898, when the plant was sold. During the ne.\t eleven years he devoted his time and energies to the affairs of the J. L. Owens C'oni])any in company with his father and brothers, and aided jTrcatly in extending and im- proving the business of that company. The American Grain Separator Company was organized in 1909 with Robert J. Owens as president and David L. as treasurer. In 1911 the company started a branch establish- ment at Orillia in the province of Ontario, Canada, of which David L. took charge. That branch turned out several thou- sand fanning mills, smut mills and grain cleaners annually, Mr. Owens remaining in charge of it until May, 1913, when he returned to Minneapolis, where he passed the remaining six months of his useful and productive life. He is survived ty his widow, two sisters and four brothers. The sisters are Mrs. J. T. Evans, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. .Jennie .Jones, of Chicago. The brothers are Robert J., John J., Richard L. and Owen L., all members of the J. L. Owens Company. David L. Owens was a member of the South Side Commer- cial Club. His father was the founder of the Welch Presby- terian Church in Minneapolis, and all the members of the family have belonged to that organization. David L. was also active in the Welch Society of Cambria, Wisconsin, and a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He "was devoted to his home and fond of good horses and Scotch collie dogs. On November 26, 1902, he was united in mar- riage with Miss Dora Rittenhouse, a daughter of Dr. Richard and Elsie Agnes (Rhoades) Rittenhouse, of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. The parents of Mrs. Owens were married in that city and she was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and was their only child. Her father was a physician in active practice in Prairie du Chien. and was killed in a railroad wreck when he was about thirty years old. Her mother was a daughter of Josiah Rhoades, who came to St. Anthony from Macoupin county, Hlinois, in 1858. He engaged in contracting in Minneapolis, ■where he died Jlay 19, 1905, aged seventy-eight, after a resi- dence of forty-seven years in this city. He was born in Ken- tucky and his wife, wliose maiden name was Martha Wilson, was a native of Cairo, Illinois. Mrs. Rittenhouse, one of their nine children, died in Minneapolis at the age of thirty- seven. One of her sisters, Mrs. Peter Munkler. makes her home with Mrs. Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Owens had no children. GEORGE EDGAR \1NXENT. Dr. George Edgar Vincent was born in Rockford, Illinois, March 21, 1864. He is the son of John Heyl and Elizabeth (Duzenbury) Vincent. His father. John H. Vincent, was the founder of the Chautauqua and was one of the most bril- liant and popular of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church. Bishop Vincent is now retired and lives in Clii- cago. His wife died in 1909. Dr. Vincent received his early education in the public schools of I'lainlield, N. J., and was a student for one year in the Pingrey Academy at Elizabeth, N. J. He graduated from Vale University in 1885 having entered that institution as a freshman in the fall of 1881. For a year after he received his degree he was engaged in editorial work as literary editor of the Chautauqua Press. He went abroad and spent Some time traveling in Europe and the East. Upon his retuni he was made vice president of the Chautauqua. It was in 1892 that Dr. Vincent was first called to the University of Chicago and made fellow of sociology. He held this position until he was made assistant in the same department two years later. Receiving his de- gree of doctor of philosophy from the University of Chicago, he became principal uf instruction in the Chautauqua. From 1900 to 1904 Dr. Vincent was associate professor in the de- partment of sociology at the University of Chicago and in 1904 was elected to full professorship in the same department. For seven yeare Dr. Vincent held the position of Dean of the Junior College. In 1907 he was chosen president of the Chautauqua institution and that same year was made dean of the faculties of arts, literature and science in the university of Chicago. This position he held until he was called to the University of Minnesota in 1911, to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of Dr. Cyrus Northrup. For years Dr. Vincent has been a contributor to the socio- logical journals of the country and is the author of a number of books. In collaboration with Professor A. W. Small, he wrote "An Introduction to the Study of Society" and "The Social Mind in Education." He is a member of all the leading educational associations of the country, among them the American Economic Association, the American Historical Associations, the American Sociological Society. He is a member of the American Editorial Board of the Hibbert Journal. During the last fifteen yeais he has given lectures and addresses before Educational Associations and other gatherings in nearly every state in the East and West. In 1890 Dr. Vincent was married to Ix)uise Palmer at WilkesBarre, Pa. Mrs. Vincent is the daughter of Heury W. Palmer, an attorney at Wilkes-Barre. Mr, Palnu-r was attorney-general of Pennsylvania during the administration of Governor Hoyt and recently served his third term as a member of congress from Pennsylvania. Mrs. Vincent is a graduate of Wellc^ley in the class of 1886. Dr. and Mrs. Vin- cent have three children, Isabel, who was graduated at Bryn Mawr, in 1912, John Henry, an undergradmite at Yale, and Elizabeth, aged 12. GEORGE A. WIIITMORE. Mr. Wliitmiui- is a native of the city of Rochester, New York, where liis life began on October 24. 1857. He came to Minnesota to live in 1875. when he was but eighteen years old, and took up his residence at Montevideo, Chippewa county, where he had two brothers, one engaged in general merchandising and the other in the insurance business. His father, Clayton B. Whitmore, also passed the latter years of his life in Montevideo and dieil there. George A. Whitmore began his business career in the store of his brother, becoming a partner in the business soon after his arrival in this state and continuing his connection with it until 1S95, when he sold his interest in it and moved 540 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND H1':NNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA to Minneapolis. For about seven years he represented the National Biscuit company on the road, and since then he has been pushing the trade of the Loose-Wiles Biscuit company. Mr. Whitmore is one of the original stockholders in this company and was one of its incorporators. To the interests of the company Mr. Whitmore is wholly devoted and he gives its business all the time and attention it requires of him. But on his own account he also deals in real estate to some extent, handling principally his own properties, and does some farming, too, on his half section of land, which lies partly in North Dakota and partly in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, and is well adapted to wheat growing and general farming. In fraternal relations Mr. Whitmore is a Freemason and a member of the Order of United Commercial Travelers of America. He was married at Montevideo, Minnesota in 1882, to Miss Marian A. Case, a daughter of James A. Case, who is prominent in the grain and elevator business in this state. No children have been born of the union. Mrs. Whitmore is a devout and consistent Christian Sci- entist and an active member of the Sixth church of the sect located on Lowry Hill. JOHN C. VAN DOORN. John C. Van Doom of the Universal Portland Cement Company became the local representative in 1907, his opera- tions covering several states. In that six yeare the business has increased greatly in competition with about twenty-six other companies; and the office force has grown from three employes to twenty-nine. In 1903 Mr. Van Doom took charge of the St. Louis agency. Before that he was traveling for one of the largest producers, the total output of the mill being 100 barrels a day; and the entire annual production of cement in the United States amounted to but 375,000 barrels in 1892. No other industry has ever shown such remarkable strides and enormous growth in so short a period. Prior to 1896 nearly all the cement used in this country was imported from Germany and England, but since then it has been almost wholly produced in the United States. The Universal Cement company has been one of the leading factors in bringing about this result, having large plants at South Chicago, Buffington, Indiana: and Universal. Pennsyl- vania; and was a pioneer in the manufacture of genuine Portland cement. Its mills now produce 40,000 barrels per diem; and. in 1913, it was the largest shipper of the commod- ity in the world, distributing in the United States alone 10,- 047,000 barrels, and again in 1913 was largest shipper. The amount used in Minneapolis and at other places in the North- west is prodigious, this city alone using in 1913, 97,000 bar- rels, while 70,000 barrels were sold to the State for use in the tonstruction of the new prison at Stillwater, and enor- mous quantities to the government for the high dam. The Coon Creek dam construction required 50,000 barrels, and more than 40,000 have been sold for canals at Duluth and Superior. Mr. Van Doom has operated in this northwestern territory for twenty years, his acquaintance extending over a dozen or more states. He might appropriately bo called the living apostle of cement, as he is contiiuially conducting a wide and active propaganda, disseminating cement literature and illustrating the many uses and superior adaptability of the article. Two publications, "The Monthly Bulletin" and "The Farm Cement News," are regularly distributed to the farmers in twenty-three states, the demand having so increased in consequence that a new plant is building at Duluth with a capacity of 5,000 barrels a day. Mr. Van Doom is a stockholder in the United States Steel Corporation, the cement industry being one of the leading sub- sidiary lines of that great enterprise. In the manufacture of cement large quantities of slag are supplied by Minnesota iron mines; and the importance of the industry to this state is rapidly increasing. Mr. Van Doom is connected with all organizations of cement producers, and is ever on the look- out for extensions of the trade of his company. He be- longs to many associations, including the Minneapolis and Athletic clubs and Civic and Commerce Association. In fra- ternal relations he is a Freemason, and in religious connection an Episcopalian being a vestryman of All Saints chur'ch. Fishing and hunting are his chief recreations. John C. Van Doom was born in Quincy, Illinois, on July 26, 1869. His grandfather, John K. Van Doom, owned and operated the first sawmill at Quincy, dating to about 1842; and the dwelling he built there in 1850, is still standing. He was one of Quincy's leading citizens; and, when negro refugees fled from Missouri and other slave states, the gov- ernment employed him to care for them. The familj' orig- inated in Holland, but has been in America for more than 250 years, some having emigrated to South America in 1658 and others to the Hudson river in 1744. Mr. Van Doom, on November 14, 1906, married Miss Hattie Bailey of St. Louis. They have one son John Bailey Van Doom. JACOB SCHAEFER. "Mr. Schaefer was one of the truest men this city has ever known." So declared one of his intimate friends in Min- neapolis of the late Ja'cob Schaefer soon after the death of this leader in business life and high example in moral, re- ligious and social circles in Minneapolis, where he made his home during the last twenty years of a busy and eventful career. His residence here was quiet, peaceful and prosperous, but previously he had experienced many privations, hardships and vicissitudes, in which he was severely tried by all ex- tremes of fortune. Mr. Schaefer was born at Baerenthal, near Strasburg, Ger- many, in 1809. and educated in the Strasburg schools. At the age of nineteen, while attending a normal school, he de- termined to come to the United States. He landed at Phila- delphia, soon finding work as a clerk in a wholesale grocery. He went to Canton. Ohio, in 1842, and during the next year built an oil mill at Mishawaka, Indiana, but which was burned with a total loss. A few years later a flood swept away all his possessions and business at Rochester, Indiana. In 1849 he crossed the plains to California, and later went to Nicaragua, where he engaged in silver mining, only to be again overtaken by disaster. In 1852, on the Atlantic coast, he and six others contracted yellow fever. The six died and his own cofiin was prepared. But he recovered, only, how- ever, to suffer shipwreck a few years later as he was return- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND TTENXEPIX COI'NTY. MINNESOTA 541 ing after a more successful venture in Honduras. In 1860 he got back to Canton, Oliio, and in 1862 enlisted in the One Hundred and Fourth Ohio \'olunteer Infantry. Ue rose to the position of quartermaster of the Third Division, Twenty-third Army Corps, on the staff of General Jacob D. Cox. thus con- tinuing to the end of the war. In 1865 he came to Minneapolis and engaged in the lumber trade. He was successful and was soon recognized as not only a good business man but one on whom everybody tould place the utmost reliance. He was a modest man, however, and never sought or desired prominence, especially in public affairs. But the people being impressed by his fine business capacity and sterling worth elected him auditor of the county in 1870. This position he tilled for four years with credit to himself and decided benefit to the county. In 1878 he was chosen a member of the board of county commissioners, and during the next six years served as its chairman, retiring only a few months before his death. His services to the county in this position were also widely beneficial and they were appreciated by the public at their full value. In his boyhood Mr. Schacfer became a member of the Pres- byterian denomination, to which he adhered to the end. On coming to Minneapolis he joined Westminster Church and was recognized as one of its most prominent members. The associations and memories of military service were always dear, being ardent in devotion to old comrades. The Grand Army of the Republic has perpetuated his connection with it and his unblemished name in military circles, Jacob Schaefer Post being named in his honor. Mr. Schaefer's wife was Miss Sarah Miller, a sister of Mrs. John H. Stevens. She accompanied him to Honduras in 1855, and was the first American lady to visit the interior of that country. Their daughter Francisca, now Mrs. VV. O. Winston, was born at Yuscaran, Honduras. Mr. Schaefer died March 9, 1885. Mrs. Schaefer survived him almost a quarter of a century, dying at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Win- ston, in February, 1908. A clearer insight into Mr. Schaefer's character can scarcely be given than that expressed in the quotation from one of his friends at the beginning of this sketch. He was true to every element of elevated manhood and to every requirement of duty in all relations of life. FliEIJF.KUK 15. WKKiHT. Frederick B. Wright is a native of the Old Granite State, having been born in Coos County, New Hampshire. .lanuary 17, 1856. His father was Beriah Wright, and their forefather, too, was named Beriah and was a captain in the War of 1812. The other Beriah, father of Fred B., was a farmer, character- ized by that sturdiness and |)ublic spiritedness which marked the men of New Hampshire. He gave his son good schooling in the district schools, and then the younger man entered the St. Johnsbury Academy, at St. Johnsbury, Vermont, an institution of learning long famous in New England. From the academy Fred Wright was graduated in 1878. For a time he followed the traditions of New England and taught school. Then W turned naturally to the law — for there have been many Wrights who have won prominence in that as well as the medical profession — and entered the law office of George A. Bingham in Littleton, New Hampshire. From there he went to Boston Law School, where he completed his studies preparatory to his admission to the bar. In 1883 the young man's course fumed westward, and he came to .Minne- apolis to begin practice. Here the natural trend of affairs led Mr. Wright to take an interest in the political life of the community and his sturdy Republicanism carried him high in the councils of his party. He became active in the affairs of the State League of Republican Clubs during its ascendency in the politics of the state, and was president of that important organization. His activity a.s an advisor ill his party brought about his candidacy for the legislature, and he was elected to the lower house of that body in 1906. as a member from the fortieth district, comprising then the Fourth ward of Minneapolis. During the session of 1907, Mr. Wright was among the foremost members of the house of representatives, was chosen to serve on many of its most important committees, and was chairman of the drainage committee, as such bringing about the revision of the state drainage laws, a task for w^hich he is given chief credit. Mr. Wright served again as member of the house of representatives in the next session, in 1909, and then re- tired to give more time to his profession, although he con- tinued to be sought out as an advisor in the affairs of the Republican party. In addition to his political prominence .Mr. Wright is well known in the circles of the Masonic order. He is a member of the Blue Lodge, and the Knights Templar, as well as of the Shrine. He is deeply interested, also, in the civic organizations of his immediate community. Mr. Wright was married in 1884 to Miss Helen M. Comant, of Greensboro. Vermont, and tliev have four children. WILLIAM E. WHEELER. William E. Wheeler, president of the Northwestern .\uto- mobile company, 317 South Fourth street, was boni at Menasha, Wisconsin, February 25, 1873. He acquired his early education ill the ]iublic schools of his native city and then entered Daggett's Business college at Oslikosh. After graduating from that institution, he accepted a position in the offices of a wagon manufacturer at Superior, Wisconsin. In 1896 he came to Minneapolis and for three years was employed by the Deere & Webber company in charge of their bicycle department. This was during the time of the great popularity of the wheel and to keep the supply equal to the demand required alert and energetic business ability in the successful sales manager. At the end of three years he resigned his position with the Deere & Webber company and established himself as a bicycle dealer at 611 First avenue, south. On the advent of the auto- mobile trade, he quickly grasped the greater possibilities of the industry with its menace to the business in which he was engaged and so became the pioneer automobile dealer of the Northwest, and was closely identified with rapid development of the industry. He was not discouraged by the failure of his first investment of $1,000 in an electric, which he finally dis- posed of, after four years, for $125, but handled succe-ssively the steam car and the gasoline. In 190.T he became agent for the Ford company and for the next ten years conilucteil an enormous sale of this car throughout the northwest. The Northwestern Automobile company, of which he is president, with Mr. I. R. Du Sault, secretary, and Mr. William Eggleston, vice president, was incorporated in 1900. with a capital stock 542 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA of $100,000 and a cash investment of $5,500, which has in- creased to the present investment of $200,000, demanded bj' their extensive trade. They retain local agents in North and South Dakota, eastern Minnesota and northern Wisconsin and are now engaged in promoting the sale of the Krit car. The company requires the services of seventy-five employes, includ- ing the office force, salesmen and mechanics and operates a supply department which has become an important phase of the business. In addition to his successful commercial career, Mr. Wheeler has been actively associated with the real estate transactions of the city, erecting several residences and platting the Wheeler addition at Hennepin avenue and Thirtj'-fourth street. He is the owner of a farm at Rockford, Minnesota, and has extensive land interests in Minnesota, North Dakota and Canada. He is a member of the Civic and Commerce association, the New Athletic club, the Kandijohi Gun club and the Auto club. He was married to Miss Susan Wood at Waukau, Wisconsin, in 1900 and they have one daughter, Elydah Mary Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler and his family are com- municants of the Lyndale Congregational church. JOSEPH EDWIN WARE. Joseph Edwin AVare, the primary factor in founding the St. Anthony Falls Bank and its cashier ever since it was first opened for business, is a native of Morrison, Illinois, where his life began on May 17, 1863. He is a son of Joseph and Martha Emma (Roy) Ware, highly respected citizens of the town of his nativity at the time of his birth. The father was an Etttorney at law there, and prospered in his business. His son Joseph obtained a high school education in Morrison, then attended Beloit College at Beloit, Wisconsin, and afterward Carleton College at Northfield, Minnesota, being graduated from the institution last named in 1883. Mr. Ware has been connected with the banking business ever since he left school. He began his career as a book- keeper in the Commercial Bank of Minneapolis, with which he remained until 1885. He then moved to Clark in that part of the territory of Dakota which is now the State of South Dakota, and was there engaged in banking in asso- ciation with his brother until 1888. In that year he re- turned to Minneapolis and operated in this city in insurance and loans until 1893, when he founded the St. Anthony Falls Bank in company with some other enterprising gentle- men. In religious affiliation Mr. Ware is a Presbyterian, and he takes a cordial interest in the social life of his com- munity as a member of the Minneapolis Commercial club. He was married in Red Wing, Minnesota on April 28, 1886, to Miss Kate Belle Webster. His active and constant personal attention to the business of the St. Anthony Falls Bank has made that institution what it is in a large measure, and his genial and obliging nature has done a great deal to render it popular among the people of this city. CHARLES C. WEBBER. C. and Ellen S. (Deere) Webber, the former a scion of old New Hampshire families and the latter of Vermont households established in Colonial times, and a daughter of John Deere, the plow manufacturer. The father was a merthant and manufacturer at Rock Island, Illinois, and died there. They had five children who grew to maturity: Charles C, the subject of this brief re- view ; Mrs. W. G. Mixter, who is now a resident of New Haven, Connecticut; Mrs. T. A. Murphy,- whose home is at Rock Island, Illinois. The head of the house was successful in his business undertakings and a man of high standing in his community. Charles C. Webber obtained his education in the public schools of his native city and at Lake Forest Academy in the city of the same name in another part of his native state. He attended the academy three years, completing his course of instruction there in 1877. He at once began his business career on leaving school in the line in which he is now en- gaged and with which lie has been connected from the start. After passing three years in the employ of Deere & Company, manufacturers at Moline, Illinois, working in the office and on the road as a salesman, he came to Minneapolis in Jan- uary, 1881, when the firm founded its business in this state, to take charge of the interests of the house here. For twelve years the firm bore the same name here as in Illinois, but in 1893 the business was incorporated under the name of the Deere & Webber company. He is also vice-president of the old firm of Deere & Company at Moline, Illinois. In the fiscal agencies of magnitude, which are numerous in this Northwestern metropolis, Mr. Webber has long taken an earnest interest and an active part. He is a director of the Security National Bank and the Minnesota Loan and Trust company, and a trustee of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank. He is an independent Democrat in political faith and prac- tice, always willing to perform a good citizen's full duty to- ward securing the best government, local and general, but never seeking or desiring to aid in administering it as a pub- lie official. In church relations he is a Presbyterian, and among the social organizations in the community he has allied himself in membership with two. the Minneapolis club and the Commercial club. He was married in Rochester, New York, to Miss Mary M. Harris of that city. OLIVER F. WARNES. Mr. Webber is a native of Rock Island, Illinois, where his life began on January 25, 1859. His parents were Christopher Mr. Warnes is the head miller of the West Side Mills of the Pillsbury Company, and has personal supervision of the production of at least 10,000 barrels of flour a day, which is about half of the output of all the Pillsbury mills. He was born June 19, 1856, at Polkton, Michigan, and as a child was taken to Wisconsin. His father, I. Warnes. was for years a practical flour miller in New York, in Michigan, and later at Neenah, Wisconsin. Oliver began learning the trade under his father, and in a few years became familiar with every detail in the process of manufacturing (lour. In the spring of 1877, Mr. Warnes came to Minnesota, find- ing employment in the Trust mill at Minnesota City, where he dressed millstones for one year. The Hungarian process of flour milling was then attracting attention, and many lead- HISTORY OF JIIXXEAPOLIS AND HENXEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 543 Ing millers were adopting it. While at Decorah, Iowa, Mr. Warnes was among the first practical millers to operate that process in this country. He helpeil to install the Hungarian machinery in a new mill at Stillwater, one of tlie first of the large mills to adopt tlie system. When it was started a dele- gation of millers from Minneapolis visited it to inspect its workings and were convinced of its superiority. Mr. Warnes then worked one year in the Crown Roller Mill, in Minneapolis, then returned to Stillwater to become second miller in the mill where he had formerly worked. He was employed in that position at the time of tlie historic mill explosion in Minneapolis, in 1878, visiting the scene of destructon next morning. In 1885 his services were secured for the Piilsbury B mill, and in November, 1889, he was appointed head miller of the company's big mill at Anoka, where he remained for twenty years. This was at first a 750 barrel mill, but he enlarged its capacity to 1,500 barrels a day, employing forty-five men. In 1909 the company gave him charge of the "B" and the Anchor Mills in Minneapolis, in addition to the one at Anoka. He was soon made superintendent of the Palisade Mill, with gratifying results. Of the Company's whole output, which is in excess of 20,000 barrels a day, fully one-half is pro- duced under his immediate oversight and direction. While living at Anoka, Mr. Warnes was a member of the School Board and the Library Board of that city, and for a time served as a bank director. But his life w'ork has been devoted principally and without a break to flour milling in which industry he is considered an expert and authority. Mr. Warnes was married at Stillwater in April. 1883. to Miss Laura W. Weatherbee, a native of Bangor, Me. They have one daughter, Carrie W., wife of R. L. Fairaisn, now general passenger agent of the Eastern Division of the Cana- dian Northern Railroad in Toronto. Canada. Mr. Warnes is a York and Scottish Rite Mason and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is a Past High Priest of Anoka Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. In religious ufliliation he is a Universalist and belongs to the Church of tlie Redeemer. FRANK H. WADSWORTH. Soon after the first settlement of European colonists in New England two brothers, William and Christopher W^ads- worth, left Yorkshire, England, and came to this country. William located at Newton, near Cambridge, Massachusetts, was selectman and became prominent and influential. When Governor Winthrop oppressed the citizens by seeking to limit the privilege of sufTrage to the members of the church to which lie belonged. William Wadsworth joined tlie famous liberal preacher. Hooker, in a demand for the total separation, of church and state. Their efforts being unsuccessful, in 1636 they removed to the valley of the Connecticut, where they expected to enjoy greater freedom of conscience and the right and opportunity of governing tliemselves. John Wadsworth, who was the first lawyer licensed in Connecticut settled at Farmington in 1641. The title to his land was acquired directly from the Tunxis Indians, descended to the eldest son tlirough eight generations, finally reaching Winthrop M., the father of Frank H. and Henry H. On October 31, 1687, when the tyrannical governor, Sir Ed- mund AndroB, sought to seize the charter of the colony, granted by King Charles I, in 1642, Capt. Joseph Wadsworth, a brother of John, seized the precious document, carried it away in the dark and hid it in the historic Charter Oak, Later the charter was again restored, and continued to be the fundamental law of Connecticut until 1818. After hiding the charter Joseph Wadsworth fled to the plan- tation of his brother John at F'armington. On this old plan- tation Frank H. Wadsworth was born, March 2, 1859, and there remained until he reached the age of twcnty-fivc. Ho attended the common Schools and two or three seminaries, and was graduated from the law department of Yale College in 1883. He became a resident of Miniieaiiolis in 1883, and has since then been actively and extensively engaged in the practice of his profession. The old Wadsworth homestead at Farmington, has been the scene of historical events of importance, not only to New England, but the whole United States. The first Guernsey cattle brought into this tountry went to that farm, and in Farmington. Conn., the first creamery in New England was established. The owner of the farm at that time was Win- throp M. Wadsworth, the father of Frank and Henry, who was president of the State Agricultural Society and also of the .State Dairymen's Association, which controlled eighty cream- eries and wielded an influence that has been felt in every locality where dairying is carried on. The firm of Wadsworth & Wadsworth, composed of Frank H. and Henry H. W'adsworth, is the oldest law firm in Min- neapolis, being established Sefitember 7, 1883, and in civil and real estate law its practice is extensive. The members of the firm are not ollice seekers, but both being Republicans, they have worked earnestly for the success of their party. Their business, however, has engaged them mainly, and many large estates have been handled by them. They have placed in use in Minneapolis more than two million dollars of East- ern capital; and have themselves in late years been active builders, especially in the line of tenement and apartment houses. Frank H. Wadsworth is given credit for having prepared the first and only complete history of the water power of the city, including the reservoir and preservation of the Falls. His work on this subject has won high praise and is held to be of inestimable value, especially by the Water Power company, which has complimented the author cordially on his worthy effort. He was married in 1888 to Miss .Mary L. Mattison, of Oswego, New York. They have two children: Winthrop M., who is a student in the University of Illinois, and Kate, who is a student in the University of >Iinnesota, HON. CADWALLADER (OLDEN WASHBURN. Governor Washburn was born in Livermore, Oxford county, Maine, on April 26, 1818, He was a son of Israel Washburn, some account of whose life will bi' found in a sketch of his younger brother, the late Hon. William Drew Wa-^hburn, which appears elsewhere in this work. The son had no academic advantages, and his ntlendante at the public school in his native town ended when he reached the age of eigh- teen years. During the next three years he was engage.l in several different occupations, including clerking in a country store, teaching a village school and clerking in a postofflce, all of which were useful to him in preparing for his great 544 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA career, tor he was alwaj's observant and studious, and made every hour of his time and every phase of his experience serviceable in helping him up the steep incline to complete success, of which he determined in early life to reach the summit. He also began the study of law in the office of his uncle, Kewel Washburn, a prominent lawyer of his native town. When Mr. Washburn attained his majority he determined to seek a new home and ampler opportunity for the employ- ment of his business capacity in what was then the far West, and took up his residence at Davenport, Iowa, where he taught school for a time, then joined the Iowa Geological Survey under David Dale Owen. He was prepared for use- fulness in this connection by a study of surveying and practice in the profession before he left Maine. He also continued his law studies as he had opportunity, as progress was the law of his being and he was ever obedient to it. In 1840 Mr. Washburn was appointed surveyor of Rock Island county, Illinois, but two years later he moved to Mineral Point, Wisconsin, and began the practice of law. For this purpose and others he formed a partnership with Cyrus Woodman, agent of the New England Land company, and while practicing law was his principal business, he also availed himself of the crowding opportunities for good in- vestments in timber lands, whereby he laid the foundation of a large fortune. In addition to extensive holdings in the pine region of Wisconsin he acquired large tracts of similar land in this state and also secured interests which com- manded the riparian ownership of the Falls of St. Anthony. Mr. Washburn and his partner also established a bank at Mineral Point, and thus, through his law practice, his deal- ings in land and his financial operations in the bank, he be- came widely and favorably known throughout Southern Wis- consin. In 1855 he was elected to the Thirty-fourth Con- gress, and was twice re-elected, serving six years in all, his third term ending on March 4, 1861, and having at the end of that period a national reputation of the first rank. By the end of his last term in Congress the Civil war had begun, and this eminent patriot determined to help to enforce on the battlefield the principles he had so ardently espoused in the councils of the nation. He therefore declined another term in Congress and turned his energies into military channels in defense of the Union. Mr. Washburn entered the war at its beginning and laid down his sword onlj- wlien peace had been re-established. He recruited the Second Wisconsin regiment of Cavalry and was made its commander with the rank of colonel. Promotions in the service followed rapidly, due in part to the confidence President Lincoln, who knew him well, had in him, but all earned by meritorious service. In .lune, 1862, he was com- missioned brigadier general, and in November of the same year major general of volunteers. He served in the Vicks- burg campaign, had command of the Thirteenth army corps in a series of brilliant exploits on the gulf coast, and was finally plated in charge of the military district of Western Tennessee at Memphis. His services throughout the war were valiant and skilful and vastly useful. At the close of the war General Washburn ret\irned to Wis- consin and was again elected to Congress for two terms, serv- ing from 1867 to 1871. This was during the important era of reconstruction, and his services in rehabilitating the states which had been in the Confederacy, and restoring order and harmony, were also signal and highly appreciated. His last service in the National House of Representatives was followed by an immediate call to the governorship of Wisconsin, which he filled during the years 1872 and 1873. He gave the state a thoroughly practical business administration which con- tributed greatly to its advancement and prosperity. By the end of his term as governor he found his business interests ciying aloud for attention from him, and he re- tired from public life to give them that attention. He had large holdings in the pineries of Wisconsin, and he founded lumber factories on a large scale in La Crosse. He had married Miss Jenny Garr of New York, and for her and the two daughters who then constituted the family, he built a handsome residence in Madison, the capital of the state. In 1850, as already stated, Mr. Washburn acquired exten- sive tracts of pine land in Minnesota, and a controlling in- terest in the water power at St. Anthony Falls. The Minne- apolis Mill company was incorporated in 1856, with him as one of its principal owners. He was a director and at times president of the Water Power company, and an earnest ad- vocate of and inrtuential potency in making the most sub- stantial improvements in the property. It was a source of great satisfaction to him that he lived to see his largest hopes in respect to this property and its expensive improve- ment fully realized. In 1876 the governor erected a large flouring mill at the Falls, and after sending agents abroad to examine the most approved methods of milling in Europe, he introduced the Hungarian iron roller process, and also adopted the newly invented middling purifier. The "New Process" flour at- tained wide popularity and there was a great demand for it in all parts of the country. Two years of great prosperity for the mill and its owners followed, then, in 1878, came the disastrous explosion and fire which totally destroyed the mill and took a toll of the lives of seventeen of its employes. This loss of life, although due to the want of no known precau- tion, was a source of great sorrow to Governor Washburn. He sympathetically aided the families of the men killed and injured, and gathered the remains of the dead into one burial place, over wliich he had erected a granite monument in- scribed with this sentiment from Carlyle: "Labor, wide as the earth, has its summit in Heaven," which truly repre- sents his views on the subject. As soon as preparations could be completed the mill was rebuilt on a larger scale and with more perfect machinery than before; and another large mill was built near it with capacious store rooms for wheat. These mills were Con- tinuously operated during his life, and by a wise provision of his will their operation has been kept up by his represen- tatives since his death. Both as a far-seeing business man and as a patriotic citi- zen eager for tin" development and advancement of his state. Governor Washburn took a deep, practical and helpful interest in the expansion of the railroad facilities of Minneapolis. He became a large stockholder in the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway company and served on its board of directors. He also shared with his more actively interested brother, the late William D. Washburn, in solicitude for the construction of the line to connect this city with the Atlantit seaboard by way of Sault Ste. Marie, which was a project first suggested by the older brother. Governor Israel Washburn. While Governor Washburn was more successful than most men in his business enterprises, he was more than most suc- cessful men eager to devote his wealth to worthy purposes. HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 545 Many years before his death he joined witli his brothers in presenting to their native town of Livermore, Maine, a free publie library. As governor of Wisconsin he was olllcially connected with the State Iniversity and became earnestly interested in its welfare. In recognition of his learning and ability it conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1S78 he showed his interest in the welfare of the institution in having erected an astronomical observatory in Madison, and when it was completed and thoroughly equipped with the most modern instruments for its purposes he pre- sented it to the University. About the same time he endowed at Edgewood, near Madison, the St. Regina Academy. His post mortem public benefactions were a public library at La Crosse and the Washburn Orphan Home in Minneapolis. For these his bequests were liberal — $50,000 for the La Crosse library and $75,000 for the Orphans' Home. In this connection it should be stated that about the time he made his will. Governor Washburn wrote to a friend: "I long have had the thought that 1 ought to do something for mankind before resigning up this pleasing, an.xious being." His life work was then drawing to its close, and this seemed to be his heart's desire. While the Astronomer scans the starry firmament to solve the stupendous problems of the universe; while the generations of youth draw from the garnered treasures of learning inspiration and strength for the work of life; while the children of poverty or misfor- tune are sheltered and trained for lives of industry and virtue, the generations as they come and go in this growing Northwest through the ages will testify that this noble man "did something for mankind." His impulses were elevated and liberal. In politics he was a radical Republican from the strength of his convictions, but in dealing with his political opponents he was tolerant and considerate from the nobility of his nature, and in religion he was the incarnation of liberality. His whole career strongly illustrates the possibilities of a noble manhood. He died at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, on May 13, 1882, after two or three years of failing health, and his remains were laid to rest in a cemetery in La Crosse, where he made his home during his last years. Two married daughtere still survive him: .leannette, who is the wife of A. W. Kelsey of I'hila- delphia. and Kanny. who is the wife of Charles Payson of Washington, D. C. It needs scarcely be said that his death called forth testimonials to his great ability, worth, line busi- ness capacity and fidelity to every duty in many parts of the country, and made this city and many others in which he was well known, mourn deeply the loss of one of America's best and truest citizens. IK IN. WIM.I.V.M DKKW WASIIIU KN. The late Hon. William Drew Washburn of Minneapolis was essentially a man of high character — clear in perception, reso- lute in pursuit, quick and firm in decision. These qualities gave him force and leadership among men and wrought out for him a record in industrial, commercial and political life, creditable alike to himself and to the people in whose service it was made. True, he belonged to a ilistinguished family — one that has givi>n to this country a I'niteil States secretary of state, two governors, four members of congress, one United States senator, one major general in the army, one second in conwnand in the United States navy, one surveyor general, two foreign ambassadors, two state legislators and three distinguished men who were at the same time members of congress from different states. But the subject of this writing made his own record, and without the aid of cir- cumstances, except as he commanded them to his service, and made them wings and weapons for his advancement. Mr, Washburn was born at Liverniore, Androscoggin county, Maine, on .lanuary 14. 1831. Me was a son of Israel Wash- burn, a descendant of John D. Washburn who came over in the Mayllower. The senator was reared on a farm anarents, John and Anna Pauly. both of whom have been dead for a number of years, were among the first settlers of Minnesota, and on their arrival in the territory located at Shakopec, where Gustav was born on February 15, 1855. The family moved to Minneapolis in 1862, and here for many years the father was engaged in the cooper business in partnership with .\n- drew Bumb. Gustav attended a public school and learned the cooper trade and business under the instruction of his father. From his boyhood his interest in the uplift work of the Immac- ulate Conception Catholic church was very ardent, and he took an active part in it imder the first pastor of the parish. Rev. Father SfcGolrick. now Bishop of Duluth. He was the tenor singer of the choir, n /I'liloii- member of the Young Crusaders' Total .\bstinente Society and eornetist in that Society's famous brass band, continuini.' his activity in these 554 HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA lines until 1886, when he was united in marriage with Miss Amelia M. Young, organist in the same choir. During the next two years Mr. Pauly was a hardware merchant in Bishop Ireland's colony at DeGraflF, Minnesota. In 1889 he returned to Minneapolis and entered the real estate, savings and loan business, in which, by industry, square dealing and an agreeable personality he achieved a large measure of success. His most prominent traits were clear-headedness, patience and never failing good humor under the most trying circumstances. His work was con- structive and helpful to others, and firmly based on his belief and practice in the theory that the best way to help a man is to show him how to help himself. He gave the best years of his life to building up the Hennepin Savings and Loan Association, of which he was one of the founders and the secretary and a director from its start until his death. He found his greatest pride and satisfaction in telling of the sure and safe growth of this institution in the confi- dence of the community. Mr. Pauly's life closed on December 15, 1911, when he was fifty-five years and eight months old. His widow and sis children are living. The children are Francis, Eugene, George, Gustav, Florence and Margaret. Francis and Florence have musical talent of a very superior order which they have cultivated by careful training in Europe. They were home and at the bedside of their father when he died. Florence has sin'ce returned to Europe and is now pianist in the Lon- don Conservatory of Music. She has performed in public in the English metropolis before highly cultivated and critical audiences, and has won the warmest praise from eminent musicians and composers. Francis Pauly is a member of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra company, in which he is first violinist. He was trained in Berlin under the instruction of Hugo Kaun, the great Berlin composer. Eugene Pauly is connected with the draft department of the Northwestern National Bank. Mrs. Pauly, the mother of these children, is a member of the Min- nesota Territorial Society. She was an early arrival in this city and has vivid recollections of the pioneer days. She well remembers the incidents of the' Indian uprising in 1862 and the terror of the people in consequence of it. Her father, Charles Young, was a member of Captain Fisk's expe- dition against the savages at the time. FRED. D. YOUNG. " 'Tis ever wrong to say a good man dies." And yet the bonds of nature are so strong and fond they can never be broken without deep grief and gloom and lasting pain. When Fred. D. Y'oung, one of the leading business men of Minneapolis, departed this life on December 5, 1911, the community in which his activity had been most conspicu- ously displayed and his high character, fine business capacity and upright, honorable and stimulating citizenship had been most serviceable, felt throughout its extent that a vital force had gone from it which it could never wholly replace. The grief and gloom over the sad event was heightened and intensified by the fact that Mr. Young was but forty-nine years old when his summons came, and the work for which he had special qualifications seemed but half done. The influence of his life, however, is still potential in the city of his former home, and his memory is cherished there with lasting regard. He rests from his labors, and his works do follow him. And so it can be truthfully said that he has not died. Fred. D. Young was born in Freeport, Illinois, on October 12, 1862, the son of Lafayette and Martha (Dean) Young, natives and long residents of the state of New York, their home in early life being at Utica in that State. The father was a railroad engineer, and ran the first engine that made the trip from Chicago to Freeport over the Northwestern road. He died when his son Fred was but twelve years old, and the care of the latter and his younger brother Burton was left to the mother. She performed her duty to her sons faithfully, and they sljowed their appreciation of her fidelity by their unalloyed devotion to her while they all continued to live. After having completed the course of study prescribed in the Freeport High School, Mr. Y'oung began his business career in the store of Mr. Walton, the' oldest merchant in that city, with whom he remained until he was nineteen. Then, in 1881, he came to Minneapolis well trained for business and eager to have an establishment of his own which he could build up and expand according to his ambi- tious desires. He came to this city to investigate the oppor- tunities available here, and finding them very promising, ac- cepted a position as a salesman in the Siegelbaum store. He did not retain the position long, however, as he soon found the better opening he was looking for, and at once' took advantage of it. He became associated in business with R. S. Goodfellow & Company, and found his situation and surroundingls so congenial that he continued his association with that firm for a continuous period of eighteen years. At the end of that period he felt impelled to embark in busi- ness wholly on his own account, and started the Fred. D. Y'oung company, locating his business in the Syndicate block and handling ladies' furS, coats and suits. Some time after- ward Miss Elizabeth Quinlan became his partner in the enterprise, and the style of the firm was changed to the Young-Quinlan company. About one years before the death of Mr. Y'oung Miss Quinlan purchased the business, and she is still conducting it. Mr. Y'oung died a bachelor. His brother Burton was asso- ciated with him in business until his death, which occurred six years prior to that of Fred., although Burton was seven years younger than his brother. Their mother came to Minne- apolis with Burton after Fred, .embarked in business, and after the arrival of the latter here he built a handsome home for his mother at 2316 Colfax avenue, and there the three, the mother and her two sons, lived together. The mother died in May, 1903, She was a charter member of the first Christian Scientist church, joining the sect in its infancy, and working to advance its interests ardently and effectively as long as she was able. She was especially energetic in its behalf during her residence in Freeport, and to the end of her life retained her membership, with that of her son Burton, in the mother churdi of the creed, Fred, D, Y'oung was a faithful follower of his mother in his interest in the welfare of young men and boys. She long nuinifested her deep and abiding interest in this class of hunujnity in practical work for it, and he appeared to have inherited or imbibed the spirit from her. He took a very active part in promoting the Y'oung Men's Christian Association and kindred organizations, and also in the fra- HISTORY OF MINNEAPOLIS AND IIFANEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA 555 ternal and social life of the coiniiiuiiity tliroii^'h his ardent and helpful nienibership in the Maiionie order (thirty-second depree), and in the Order of Elks and the Commercial, Minne- apolis, Lafayette and other clubs. His brother IJurton was also a thirty-second degree Freemason, and a member of several clubs. By his enterprise, capacity and e.vcellent judgment ilr. Young built his business up to large proportions, and con- ducted it with great energy and success until he realized that his health was failing, when he disposed of it. But he did not yield to physical ailments without an arduous struggle to overcome them. He visited Europe twice for the benefit of his health, and while on that continent indulged freely in the baths at Carlsbad and other curative treat- ment. He also visited the Isthmus of Panama for the same reason. But his efforts were all in vain. His vital forces were on the wane, and he was able to find nothing that would arrest their (light. At his death the whole city mourned. Funeral services were conducted at his former home, and the beautiful burial ritual of the Miisonic fraternity was impressively rendered at the .Masonic Temple over his remains. They were taken to Freeport, Hlinois, and there becomingly interred amid the scenes of his childhood and youth. Mrs. A. D. Palmer, an aunt of the brothers passed a great deal of her time with them after the death of their mother. As a tribute to the noble womanhood of that mother, and a sign of his devo- tion to her, Mr. Young endowed a room in the Eitel Hospital. Her friends were his friends, and were remembered by him in his will. The estate left by ilr. Young at liis death exceeded $100,000 'in value. In disposing of it he made a bequest to his mother's old church, remembered each of tlie employes in his household, and the devoted friends of his mother, his brother and himself. He had hosts of admiring friends but few intimates, but to the few his life was an open book without a blot or stain on any of its pages. He was a true man in every sense of the word, and was esteemed in his life and revered after his death as such. Minneapolis has had no better, brighter or more manly citizen, and none who enjoyed a larger measure of public respect, admiration and regard. ALFRED FISKE PILLSBURY. Alfred Fiske Pillsbury is a native of Minneapolis, where his life began on October 20, 1869, and where he has passed the whole of it to the present time, closely connected with the business and social life of the community and exemplifying in his daily walk all the best attributes of elevated American citizenship. Tie is a son of .Tohn Sargent and Mahala (Fiskel Pillsbury, and obtained his academic and professional training in the schools of this city and the State Universty. After passing through the Minneapolis grade and high schools he attended the University, and from the law department of that institution he was graduated in 1894. Mr. Pillsbury's subsequent life has not been devoted en- tindy to his profession, however. Industrial and financial in- terests have laid him under tribute to their needs, and he has responded with ability and energy of a high order. He is secretary and treasurer of the Pillsbury Flour Mills company. president of the Minneapolis Mill company and of the St. Anthony Falls Water Power company, a director of the Firet National Bank and the Minneapolis Trust company and a trustee of the Farmers and Mechanics Savings Bank. Although Mr. Pillsbury's father, the late Governor Pills- bury, was one of the most eminent and useful public men of this state, the son has not taken an active part in public affairs as an official. He is a Republican in politics, but only as a citizen, anil not at all as an office seeker. He is a member of the Minneapolis, Minikahda, Lafayette and other clubs, and his religious affiliation is with the rniversalists, he being a regular attendant of the Church of the Redeemer of that de- nomination. He was married in Boston on May 15, 1899, to Miss Eleanor L. Field, of Boston, Massachusetts. They have no children. WILLIS GREENLRAF C.M.DKRWOOD. Willis Grcenleaf Caldcrwood is a product of obscurity and toil, and has raised himself by his own ability, force of char- acter, persistent industry and superior business capacity to the position of public prominence and personal regard which he now holds in tliis state. He was born at Fox Lake, Wiscon- sin, July 25, 1866, the son of Rev. John and Emily B. (Grcen- leaf) Calderwood. The father was a Wesleyan Methodist clergyman and a Scotchman by birth. The mother was descended from one of the earliest Puritan families of New England. Mr. Calderwood passed his boyhood in Wisconsin and Iowa. ^\1ien he was seven years old he earned his first wages herding cows, and at fourteen was able to support himself. At sixteen he entered the Wesleyan Methodist school at Wasioja, Dodge county. Minnesota, from which he was graduated in 1886. After teaching school three years in Dakota lie came to Min- neapolis December 21, 1889, and in 1890 became an instructor in a commercial college in this city. Soon afterward he was appointed assistant secretary of the Northwestern Life .Asso- ciation, now the Northwestern National Life company of Min- neapolis, his position carrying with it the responsibility of managing the agency department of the association, and being retained by him until 1898. Even before he left school Mr. Calderwood biTanic an active worker for the prohibition of the manufacture and sale of in- toxicating liipiors, and in 1888 he served as chairman of the Nonpartisan Prohibition League in the judicial district in which he lived in North Dakota and he had an active part in the campaign which made that state dry. In 1893 he was made secretary of the Hennepin County Prohibition commit- tee, a position he fille