i1 Virginia Society January, 1901 J YEAR BOOK OF THE Society of Sons of the Revolution IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA JANUARY, 1901 RICHMOND I. N. JONKS & Son Print 1901 \? <" ol- ^-■^ p. OFFICERS GENERAL SOCIETY. General President. Hon. JOHN LEE CARROLL, Ellicott City, Ot the Maryland Society. General Vice-President. GARRET DORSET WALL VROOM, Trenton, Ot the New Jersey Society. Second General Vice-President. POPE BARROW, Savannah, 01 the Georgia Society. General Secreturi/. JAMES MORTIMER MONTGOMERY, No. 102 Front Street, New York, Ot the New York Society. Assiatant General Secretary. WILLIAM HALL HARRIS, No. 216 St. Paul Street, Baltimore, Of the Maryland Society. General Treasurer. RICHARD McCALL OADWALADER, 133 S. 12th Street, Philadelphia, ot the Pennsylvania Society. Assistant General Treasurer. HENRY CADLE, Bethany, Of the Missouri Society. General Chaplain-. RIGHT REVEREND HENRY BENJAMIN WHIPPLE, D. D., LL.D. Bishop of Minnesota, Faribault, Of the Minnesota Society. General Registrar. FRANCIS ELLINGWOOD ABBOT, Cambridge, Of the Massachusetts Society. General Historian. HENRY WALBRIDGE DUDLEY, 23 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Of the Illinois Society. Virginia Society. Organized Jcnb 7. 1895- Incorporated by the General") march a i8q6 Assembly of Virginia J ' 4> v • CHARTER. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia, That James Alston Cabell, Francis L. Smith, W. C. N. Randolph, Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Junior, Robert Lancaster Williams, Charles Washington Coleman and Lyon Gardiner Tyler, and such other persons as may be associated with them, and tlieir successors, be, and they are hereby, declared and constituted a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the " Society op the Sons op the Revolution in the State op Virginia," and by that name shall be known in law, and shall have a right to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with, and to enjoy all the rights and privileges, and be subject to all the regulations incident to similar corporations under the general law of the Commonwealth. 2. The objects of said Corporation are social, patriotic and benevolent, and the said Society has been formed for the purpose of perpetuating the memory of the men who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel achieved the independence of the Country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birthday of Washington and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records, documents, and other things relating to that period ; to inspire the members of the Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. 3. The principal office of the said Corporation shall be in the city of Richmond, Virginia. 5 Charter. 4. The members of the said Corporation shall have authority to adopt a Constitution and By-Laws, to prescribe rules and regulations for its government and the promotion of its interests, for the admission and the expulsion of its members, and to amend the Constitution and By-Laws in the manner to be therein prescribed. 5. The officers of the said Corporation shall be a President, Vice- Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, and such other officers as may be deemed necessary, and they shall be elected in such manner and at such times, and shall hold office for such terms and perform such duties as the Constitution and By-Laws shall prescribe. 6. Said Corporation may acquire property by gift, devise, or purchase, and may use, manage and dispose of the same in such manner as may be deemed best to advance the object of its incorporation. 7. All the property — real, personal or mixed — which said Corporation now owns or may hereafter acquire by gift, purchase, or otherwise, shall be exempt from all State, county and city taxes or levies. 8. The amount of real estate which the Corporation may hold at any time shall not exceed five hundred acres. 9. This act shall be in force from its passage. SONS OF THE REVOLUTION IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. OFFICERS, 1900. President. Hon. JAMES ALSTON CABELL, Richmond, Va. Isl Vice-President. Col. FRANCIS LEE SMITH, Alexandria, Va. ?nd Vice-President. GEORGE BEN JOHNSTON, M. D., Richmond, Va. Treasurer. ROBERT LANCASTER WILLIAMS, Richmond, Va. Secretary. CHARLES RUSSELL ROBINS, M. D., Richmond, Va. Registrar. Hon. RICHARD THOMAS WALKER DUKE, Jr., Charlottesville, Va. Hiitorian. JAMES ROBERTSON VIVIAN DANIEL, Richmond, Va. Board op Managers. Hon. JAMES ALSTON CABELL. GEORGE BEN JOHNSTON, M. D. WILLIAM CHASE MORTON. CHARLES RUSSELL ROBINS, M. D. ALEXANDER WILBOUENE WEDDELL. ROBERT ALEXANDER LANCASTER, Jr. ALEXANDER RANDOLPH HOLLADAY. ROBERT FINDLATER WILLIAMS, M. D. EDMUND RANDOLPH WILLIAMS. Delegates to the General Society. JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS. Col. FRANCIS LEE SMITH. Capt. WILLIAM GORDON McCABE. Hon. JAMES ALSTON CAJBELL. Hon. R. T. W. DUKE, Jr. Alternates. ROBERT A. LANCASTER, Jr. EDMUND RANDOLPH WILLIAMS. JOSEPH LYON MILLER, M. D. ROBERT FINDLATER WILLIAMS, M. D. ALEXANDER WILBOURNE WEDDELL. OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA SOCIETY FROM ITS ORGANIZATION, JUNE 7, 1895. PRESIDENT. ElecM. Retired. 1895 Hon. James Alston C.\bem,. Ut VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1895 Wilson Gary Niohglas Randolph, M. D. 1896 1896 Col. Francis Lee Smith. Znd VICE-PRESIDENTS. 1895 Col. Francis Lee Smith. 1898 1896 Wilson Cary Nicholas Randolph, M. D. 1898 1898 George Ben Johnston, M. D. secretaries. 1895 Hon. Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Jr. 1898 1898 Charles Russell Robins, M. D. TREASVliER. 1895 Robert Lancaster Williams. registrars. 1895 Charles Washington Coleman. 1897 1897 William Chase Morton. 1898 1898 Hon. Richard Thomas Walker Duke, Jr. HISTORIAN. 1895 James Robertson Vivian Daniel. BOARD OF MANAGERS. J* ^ J896. Hon. James Alston Cabell. William Chase Morton. Charles Washinqton Coleman. Lyon Gardiner Tyler. Jambs Robertson Vivian Daniel. Robert Findlater Williams, M. 1). Robert Alb.xander Lancaster, Jr. Horace S. Hawes. Alexander Randolph Tatum. J897. Hon. Ja.mes Alston Cabell. William Chase Morton. Lyon Gardiner Tyler. Charles Russell Robins, M. D. Willis B. Smith. James Robertson Vivian Daniel. Robert Findlater Williams, M. D. Robert Alexander Lancaster. Jr. Horace S. Hawks. J898 and 1899. Hon. James Alston Cabell. William Mead Cohlling. George Ben Johnston, M. D. Alexander Randolph Holladay. William Chase Morton. Robert Findlater Williajis, M. D. Charles Russell Robins, M. D. Edmund Randolph Williams. Frank Battle Dancy. 1900. Hon. James Alston Cabell. George Ben Johnston, M. D. William Chase Morton. Charles Russell Robins, M. D. Robert Alexander Lancaster, Jr. Alexander Randolph Holladay. Robert Findlater Williams, M. D. Edmund Randolph Williams. Alexander Wilbourne Wbddbll. 11 Society OK THE Sons of the Revolution In the State of Virginia. Organized . . . . . June 7, 1895. Incorporated . - - . - March 4, 1896. OBJECT OF THE SOCIETY. It beiug evident from a steady decline of a proper celebration of the National holidays of the United States of America, that popular concern in the events and men of the War of the Revolution is gradually declining, and that such lack of interest is attributable, not so mucli to the lapse of time and the rapidly increasing flood of immigration from foreign countries, as to the neglect on the part of descendants of Revolutionary heroes to perform their duty in keeping before the public mind the memory of the services of their ancestors and of the time iu whicli they lived ; therefore, the "Society of the Sons of the Revolution" has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of tlie men, who, in the military, naval and civil service of the Colonies and of the Continental Congress, by their acts or counsel achieved the independence of the Country, and to further the proper celebration of the anniversaries of the birtliday of Washington and of prominent events connected with the War of the Revolution ; to collect and secure for preservation the rolls, records and other documents relating to that period ; to inspire the members of the 13 Object of the Society. Society with the patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and to promote the feeling of friendship among them. Any male jierson above the age of twenty-one years, of good character, and a descendant of one wlio, as a military, naval or marine officer, soldier, sailor or marine, in actual service, under the authority of any of the thirteen Colonies or States or of the Continental Congress and remaining always loyal to such authority, or a descendant of one who, as a member of the Continental Congress or of the Congress of any of the Colonies or States, or as an official appointed by or under the authority of any sucli legislative bodies, actually assisted in the establishment of American independence by services rendered during the War of the Revolution, becoming thereby liable to conviction of treason against the government of Great Britain, but remaining always loyal to the authority of the Colonies or States, shall be eligible to membership in the Society. 14 By-Laws of the Virginia Society. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. Name of Society. This Society shall be known by the na^e, style and title of " The Sons op the Revolution in the State of Virginia." ARTICLE n. Admission of Members. Candidates shall send their written application, approved by two members, with documentary or other proofs of qualification for member- ship, to the Secretary, who shall submit tlie same to the Committee on Admissions, and upon a favorable report from said Committee to the Board of Managers, and payment of the membership fee and dues for first year, said applicants shall become members of the Society. ARTICLE m. Funds. The membership fee shall be three (3) dollars, which shall be in lieu of dues for the current calendar year ; the annual dues three (3) dollars, payable January 1st of each year. The payment at one time of twenty- five (25) dollars in addition to the membership fee shall constitute a life membership. The payment at one time of one hundred (100) dollars shall constitute a perpetual or endowed membership, and upon the deatli of the member so paying the membership shall be held by the eldest son, or such other descendant from the ancestor from whom he claims descent as he may nominate ; in failure of such nomination having been made, the Society may decide which one of the descendants shall hold the mem- bership ; provided always, that the Society reserves to itself privilege of rejecting any nomination that may not be acceptable to it. All those holding life or endowed memberships shall be exempt froin the payment of annual dues. 16 By-Laws of the Virginia Society. ARTICLE rv. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Society sliall be held in the citj- of Rich- mond, Va., on the 22nd of February (except when that day is a Sunday, the meeting shall be held on the next ensuing day) , at which a general election of officers and managers by ballot shall take place. In such election a majority of the ballots given for any officer or manager shall constitute a choice ; but if, on the first ballot, no person shall receive such majority, then a further balloting shall take place, in which a plurality of votes given for any officer or manager shall determine the choice. ARTICLE V. Quorum. At all meetings of the Society seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VL The officers of this Society shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Historian, Chap- lain, and a Board of Managers to consist of nine (9) persons, of whom the President shall be one. ARTICLE Vn. President. The President, or in his absence, either of the Vice-Presidents, or in the absence of both of them then a chairman pro tempore, shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall have a casting vote. He shall preserve order, and decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Society. ARTICLE Vm. Vice-Presidents. There shall be two Vice-Presidents, First and Second, who shall in the absence or disability of the President or either one of the other, perform all the duties of the President. ARTICLE EX. Secretary. The Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Society. He shall notify all members of their election and of such other matters as may be directed by the Society. He shall have charge of the seal, 16 By-Laws of the Virginia Society. certificate of incorporation, By-Laws, and recoi'ds of the Society. He, together with the presiding officer, shall certify all acts of the Society. He shall, under direction of the President or Vice-President, give due notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society, and attend the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the proceedings and orders of the Society ; and shall give notice to the several officers of all votes, orders, resolves, and proceedings of the Society affecting them or pertaining to their respective duties. He shall have charge of all printing and publications directed by the Society or by the Board of Managers. ARTICLE X. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society ; and so often as those sums shall amount to one hundred (100) dollars they shall be deposited in some bank or banking house in the cit}- of Richmond, other than that in which he keeps a personal account, to his credit as ' ' Treasurer of the Virginia Society of the Sons of the Revoi^ution," and shall be drawn thence on the check of the Treasurer for the purposes of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums as may be ordered by the Society, or by the Board of Man- agers. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and at each annual meeting render the same to the Society, when a committee shall be appointed to audit his accounts. He shall give sucli security as shall be required by the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XL Registrar. The Registrar shall keep a roll of members, and in his hands shall be lodged all the proofs of membership qualification, and all the historical and other papers of which the Society may become possessed ; and he, under the direction of the Board of Managers, shall make copies of such similar documents as the owners thereof may not be willing to leave permanently in the keeping of the Society. He, if practicable, shall be a member of the Virginia Historical Society. ARTICLE Xn. Chaplain. The Chaplain shall be a regularly ordained minister of a Christian denomination, and shall perform such duties as ordinarily appertain to such office. 17 By-Laws of tlie V'irginia Society. ARTICLE xm. Board of Managers. The Board of Managers shall consist of nine (9) members, of whom the President shall ex officio be one. They shall elect their own chairman and secretary. In case of a vacancy in anj' of these offices, the Board may fill the same until the next election. They shall judge of the quali- fications of the candidates for admission to the Society, and upon the recommendation of the Committee on Admissions, shall have power to elect the same to membership. They shall, through the Secretary, call special meetings at any time, upon the written request of three members of the Society, and at such other times as they see fit. They shall I'ecoramend plans for promoting the objects of the Society, shall digest and prepare business, and shall authorize the disbursement and expendi- ture of unappropriated money in the treasury for the payment of the current expenses of the Society. They shall generally superintend the interests of the Society, and execute all .such duties as may be committed to them by the Society. At each annual meeting of the Society they shall make a general report. At all meetings of the Board of Managers four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE XrV. Committee on Admissions. The Chairman of the Board of Managers shall appoint annually three members thei'eof as a Committee on Admissions, whose duty it shall be to pass upon the qualifications of applicants for admission to the Society, and report to the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XV. Historian. The Board of Managers shall have power annuall}' to appoint an Historian, who shall keep a detailed record, to be deposited with the Registrar, of all the histoi'ical and commemorative celebrations of the Society ; and he shall edit and prepare for publication such addresses, essays, papers and other documents of an historical character (other than a Register of Members) , as the Secretary may be recjuired to publish ; and at every annual meeting, if there be a necrological list for the year then closing, he shall submit the same with carefully prepared biographies of the deceased members. 18 Bi/-Luir.s of the ]'irjiinia Soriely. ARTICLE XVI. Expukion and Suspension. The Board of Managers shall have power to expel aii}' enrolled member of this Society who, by conduct unbecoming a gentleman and a man of honor, or by an opposition to the interests of the community in general or of this Society in particular, may render himself unworthy to continue a member, or who shall persistently transgress, or, without good excuse, willfully neglect or fail in the performance of any obligation enjoined by the Constitution, By-Laws or any standing rule of this Society : Provided, that such member shall have received at least ten days' notice in writing of the complaint preferred against him, and of the time and place of hearing the same, and have been thereby afforded an opportunity to be heard in person. The Secretary shall notify the members of this Society and the Secretaries of the other State Societies of such expulsion. Whenever the cause of expulsion shall not have involved turpitude or moral unworthiness, any member thus expelled may, upon the unanimous recommendation of the Board of Managers, but not otherwise, be restored to membership by the Society at any meeting. The Board of Managers shall drop from the Roll the name of any enrolled member of the Society who shall be two years in arrears in the payment of dues, and who, on notice to pay the same, shall fail and neglect to do so within thirty days thereafter, and upon being thus dropped, his membership shall cease and determine ; but he may be restored to membership at any time by the Board of Managers, on his application therefor, and upon his payment of all such arrears. The Board of Managers may also suspend any officer from the performance of his duties, for cause, which proceeding must be reported to the Society and acted upon by it within thirty days, either by rescission of the suspension or removal of the suspended officer from office, or otherwise the suspension shall cease. ARTICLE XVn. Disqualification. No person who may be enrolled as a member of this Society shall be permitted to continue in membership when the proof of claim of qualification by descent shall be found to be defective and insufficient to substantiate such claim, or not properly authenticated; the Society or 19 By-Laivs of the Viryinia Society. the Board of Managers may at any time after thirty clays' notice to such person to properly substantiate or authenticate his claim, require the Secretary to erase his name from the list of members, and such person shall thereupon cease to be a member, provided he shall have failed to or neglected to comply satisfactorily with such notice. Where the Board of Managers shall direct the erasure of a person's name for a cause comprehended under this section, such person shall have a right of appeal to the next annual meeting of the Society, but he shall not be restoi-ed to membership unless by a vote of three-fourths of members present on that occasion, or at a subsequent meeting to which the consideration of the appeal may have been specifically postponed. ARTICLE XVm. Service of Notices. It shall be the duty of every member to inform the Secretary, by written communication, of his place of residence, his postoflfice address, and any change thereof. Service of any notice under the Constitution or Bj^-Laws, upon any member of the Society addressed by him at his last recorded place of residence or postoffice address, and forwarded by mail, shall be deemed sufficient service of such notice. ARTICLE XLX. Delegates to the General Society. Delegates to the General Society shall be chosen by the members of this Society at its meeting next preceding that of the General Society ; and, failing such choice, shall be selected by the Board of Managers. ARTICLE XX. Alterations or Amendments. No alteration or amendment of the By-Laws of the Society shall be made unless notice thereof shall be duly given in writing, signed by the member proposing tlie same at a meeting of the Society, and unless the same shall be adopted at a subsequent meeting, held at least thirty days after such notice by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. 20 ROLL OF MEMBERS WITH THEIR ANCESTORS. ROLL OF MEMBERS. Admitted. 1897. Alston, Edward Ott, Richmond, Vn. Great-great-grandson of Colonel William Alston. 1896. Anderson, Bavis Oarneal, Cincinnati, O. Grandson of Brigadier-General Richard Clough Anderson. 1895. Barringer, Paul Brandon, M. D., University of Vii-ginia. Great-grandson of General Joseph Graham. 1897. Battle, Turner Westray, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Hon. Elisha Battle. 1898. Blackburn, John Sinclair, Alexandria, Va. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Blackburn. 1895. *Blakey, James, Charlottesville, Va. (died April 9, 1897.) Grandson of Hon. Zachariah Johnston. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Angus Rucker. 1898. Booth, Edwin Gilliam, M. D., Carter's Grove, Va. Great-grandson of Captain Isaac Hicks. 1895. Cabkll, Hon. James Alston, Richmond, Va. Gi-eat-grandson of Colonel William Alston. Also, Great-grandson of Major Andrew Hamilton. Also, Great-grandson of Colonel Nicholas Cabell. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Robert Gamble. Also, Great-great-grandson of Hon. John Grattan, Also, Great-great-grandson of Colonel George Carrington, Sr. 1895. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D., Washington, D. C. Great-grandson of Colonel William Alston. Also, Great-grandson of Major Andrew Hamilton. Also, Great-grandson of Colonel Nicholas Cabell. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Robert Gamble. Also, Great-great-grandson of Hon. John Grattan. Also, Great-great-grandson of Colonel George Carrington, Sr. 23 Roll of Members. Admitted. 1897. Campbell, Henry Terry, Norfolk, Va. Great-great-grandson of Colonel John Cabell. 1897. Oarrington, Charles Venaele, M. D., Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Nicholas Cabell. 1895. Coleman, Charles Washington, Washington, D. C. Great-great-grandson of Honorable Thomas Coleman. Also, Great-great-grandson of William Holt. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Baylor Hill. Also, Great-great-grandson of Colonel George Brooke. Also, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel St. George Tucker. Also, Great-great-grandson of Ensign Francis Smith. Also, Great-great-grandson of .Tames White. 1895. Coleman, George Preston, Winona, Minn. Great-great-grandson of Honorable Thomas Coleman. Also, Great-great-grandson of William Holt. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Baylor Hill. Also, Great-great-grandson of Colonel George Brooke. Also, Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel St. George Tucker. Also, Great-great-grandson of Ensign Francis Smith. Also, Great-great-grandson of James White. 1897. CouLLiNG, William Mead, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Samuel DuVal. 1900. Cloud, Marshall Morgan, M. T>., First Lieutenant and Assistant Surgeon U. S. A., Fort Sill, Oklahoma Ter. Great-grandson of Lieutenant William Cloud. 1897. Dancy, Frank Battle, Atlanta, Ga. Great-great-grandson of Honorable Elisha Battle. 1895. Daniel, James Robertson Vivian, Richmond, Va. Great-grandson of Attorney-General Edmund Randolph. 1895. »DrKE, Colonel Richard Thomas Walker, Charlottesville, Va. (died July 2. 1898.) Grandson of Private Clevears Duke, Jr. Also, Grandson of Captain Thomas Walker, Jr. Also, Great-grandson of Doctor Thomas Walker. 24 Roll of Members. Admitted. 1895. DuKB, Honorable Eichakd Thomas Walker, Jr., Charlottesville, Va. Great-grandson of Private Clevears Duke, Jr. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Thomas Walker, Jr. Also, Great-great-grandson of Doctor Thomas Walker. Also, Great-grandson of Lieutenant William Eskridge. 1895. Duke, Honorable William R., Charlottesville. Va. Great-grandson of Private Clevears Duke, Jr. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Thomas Walker, Jr. Also, Great-great-grandson of Doctor Thomas Walker. Also, Great-grandson of Lieutenant William Eskridge. 1895. Duke, Richard William, Charlottesville, Va. Great-grandson of Private Clevears Duke, Jr. Also, Great-grandson of Captain Thomas Walker, Jr. Also, Great-great-grandson of Doctor Thomas Walker. 1898. Ellis, Frank Fearn, Chattanooga, Tenn. Great-grandson of Colonel William Perkins. 1898. Ellis, James Nimmo, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. Great-grandson of Colonel William Perkins. 1897. Fry, John Walker, Greensboro, N. C. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Charles Lewis. 1899. Harris, William Hall, Baltimore, Md. Great-grandson of Colonel Josias Carvel Hall. Also, Great-great-grandson of Quartermaster James Callioun. Also, Great-great-grandson of Honorable William Smith. 1895. Holladay, Alexander Randolph, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Lewis Holladay. 1897. Johnston, George Ben, M. D., Richmond, Va. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Peter Johnston. 1896. Johnston, James Edgar, Alexandria, Va. Great-grandson of Captain William Johnston. Great-great-grandson of Honorable George Johnston. 25 Roll of Members. Admitted. 1895. Kent, Platt, New York City. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Everard Meade. 1900. KowNSLAR, Conrad, Berryville, Va. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Blackburn. 1896. Lancaster, Robert Alexander, .Tr., Richmond, Va. Great-grandson of .Tohn Lancaster. 1897. Long, Ernest Mayo, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Honorable John Mayo. 1895. LoRTON, Heth, New York City. Great-grandson of Colonel 'William Heth. 1898. Meade, Professor Richard Kidder, Easton, Penn. Great-great-grandson of Colonel Rieliard Kidder Meade. 1897. MooRE, Charles Lee. Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Major William Moore. Also, Great-great-grandson of Colonel James Barbour, Jr. Also, Great-grandson of Doctor Charles Taylor. 1895. Morton, William Chase, Richmond, Va. Great-grandson of Lieutenant Jolin Clarke. 1899. Miller, Joseph Lyon, M. D., Thomas, W. Va. Great-grandson of Sergeant Christian Miller. Aho, Great-great-grandson of Corporal John Henderson. 1898. McCabe, Captain William Gordon, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of George Taylor, signer of Declaration of Independence. 1897. McCarthy, Frank Johnson, Richmond, Va. Great -great-great-grandson of Captain John Winston. 1896. McCuLLOCH, Captain Champe Carter, U. S. A. Great-grandson of Roderick MoCuUoch. 26 RvU of MeiiiherK. Admitted. 1S96. Preston, Thomas J^kwis, Charlottesville, V'a. Gi'andson of Colonel William Preston. AUu, Grandson of General William Campbell. 1898. Prout, William H-\nxib.\l, Charlottesville, Vii. Great-grandson of Private Williuni Prout. 1899. Randolph, Reverend Buokner Magill, Brook Hill, Va. Grandson of Colonel Robert Randolph. 1S95. Randolph, Wilson Cary Nicholas, M. D., Charlottesville, \'a. Great-grandson of Thomas Jefferson. 1899. Richmond, George Gilbert, Danville, Va. Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel John Hinton. 1896. Robins, Charles Russell, M. D.. Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Samuel Coleman. 1898. Robins, William Randolph, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant Samuel Coleman. 1897. Starke, Luoien Douglas, Norfolk, Va. Great-grandson of John Starke, Sr. Grandson of John Starke, Jr. 1897. Starke, Luoibn Douglas, Jr., Norfolk, Va. Great-great-grandson of John Starke, Sr. Great-grandson of John Starke, Jr. 1897. Starke, William W.\llace, Norfolk, Va. Great-grandson of John Starke, Sr. Grandson of John Starke. Jr. 1895. Slaughter, John F., Jr., Lynchburg, Va. Great-grandson of Private Charles Slaughter. 1899. Smith, Eugene Francis, Jr., Orange, N. J. Great-great-grandson of Private Benjamin Cram. 27 Boll (if Members. Admitted. 1895. Smith, Colonel Francis Lbe, Alexandria, Va. Great-gi-ardson of Captain John Hawkins. 1900. Smith, R. 8. Blackburn, Berryville, Va. Great-great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel Tliomas Blackburn. 1895. Smith, Willis B., Richmond, Va. Great-grandson of Lieutenant William Smith. 1896. TiNSLEY, Thomas Garland, Nashville, Tenn. Great-great-great-grandson of Colonel Samuel Jordan. 1896. Tucker, Beverlv, M. D., Colorado Springs, Colorado. Great-grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel St. George Tucker. Also, Great-great-grandson of James White. ^4^80, Great-great-great-grandson of Judge Cyrus Griffin. Aluo, Great-great-grandson of General Hugh Mercer. 1895. Tyler, Honorable Lyon Gardiner, Williamsburg, Va. Grandson of Captain John Tyler. 1896. Wkddbll, Alexander Wilbourne, Richmond, Va. Great-great-great-grandson of Major Thomas Benbury. 1895. Williams, Edmund Randolph, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Attorney-General Edmund Randolph. 1895. Williams, John Skelton, Riclimond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Attorney-General Edmund Randolph. 1895. Williams, Robert Findlater, M. D., Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Honorable Lewis Burwell. 1895. Williams, Robert Lancaster, Richmond, Va. Great-great-grandson of Attorney-General Edmund Randolph. 1895. Wily, Arthur Skelton, New York City. Great-grandson of Private William Murray. 28 ROLL OF ANCESTORS RECORDS OF THEIR SERVICES. ANCESTORS AND DESCENDANTS. Alston, William ( ). Member of Committee of Safety for Halifax county, N. C, December 21, 1774. Member of Provisional Congress, from Halifax county, April i, 1776. Lieutenant-Colonel of 3rd. Regiment Continental troops of North Carolina. Served at the North under General Washington and in the South under Gen'l Gates. Alston, Edward Ott. Cabell, Honox-able James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. Anderson, Richard Clough (1750-1826). Appointed Captain of company of Regulars from Hanover county, January 26, 1776. Appointed Captain in 5th Virginia Continentals, March 7, 1776. Appointed Major in 1st Virginia Regiment, February 10, 1778. Later was promoted to the grade of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Continental Army, and at the same time appointed a Brigadier-General of Virginia Militia. In 1783 was chosen Surveyor-General of the land reserved to pay the Virginia Conti- nental Line, and his appointment was approved by the State Legislature. Served at the battles of Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown and Yorktown. Taken prisoner at Charl'ton, S. C, and was in the hands of the enemy about 9 months. An original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Anderson, Davis Carneal. Bahbour, J.\mes, Jr. ( ). Lieutenant-Colonel commanding Culpeper Militia, 1776. President of Court appointed by Legislature of Virginia in 1777 or 1778 to adjudicate disputed land cases in Kentucky. Moore, Charles Lee. Battle, Elisha (1723-1799). Member of State Congress of North Carolina, November and December, 1776 ; and afterward C)f State Senate throughout the Revolutionary War. Battle, Turner Westray. Dancy, Frank Battle. 31 Ancestors and Descendants. Benbury, Thomas (1730-1806). Member of North Carolina Provincial Congress, which met at New Berne, August 25, 1774. Member of Committee of Safety fromEdenton District, 1775. Signer of Declaration of Independence of St. Paul's Church, of Edenton, as vestry- man, June 19, 1775. Appointed Paymaster of 5th Regiment of North Carolina Militia, April 22, 1776. Member of Constitutional Convention which met at Halifax, November 12, 1776. Speaker of the House of Delegates of North Carolina, sessions 1778, 79, 1780-82. Major of North Carolina Militia. Weddell, Alexander Wilbourne. Blackburn, Thomas (1743-1807). Member of Committee of Safety of Prince William county, Va., 1774. Member of Virginia Convention in 1775. Member of Virginia House of Burgesses. Member of Privy Council of Virginia. Blember of " Virginia Association to Support the Constitutional Liberties of America." Elected Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Regiment on December 20, 1776, by the House of Delegates of Virginia, by joint ballot with the Senate. Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to General Washington at the battle of Germantown, 1777, in which battle he was dangerously wounded in the thigh. Sustained a regiment of Continental troops for one winter on his place, Rippon Lodge. Honorary member of Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Blackburn, John Sinclair. Kownslar, Conrad. Smith, R. S. Blackburn. Brooke, George (1728-1782). Member Virginia House of Burgesses, King and Queen county, 1768, 69, 70, 74, 75. Member Virginia Conventions, 1775, 76. Paymaster of 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th Virginia Regiments, 1776. Paymaster of the Army. Member of Virginia Senate, 1777, 78, 79. Treasurer of Virginia from 1781 to death. Member King and Queen County Committee of Safety, 1774-5. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. BuRWELL, Lewis ( ). Member House of Burgesses, 1769-74. Member of Williamsburg Convention, 1776-6. Williams. Robert Findlater, M. D. 32 Ancestors and Descendants. Cabkli., John (1733-1815). Member of House of Burgesses of Virginia. Chairman of Buckingham County Committee of Safety, and Deputy to District Committee, 1775. County Lieutenant. Delegate to "Williamsburg Convention, May 6. 1776, and author of tlie famous Buckingham Re.soliitions. Member of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1777-80, 1780-81, 1783-84 1784-85 1787-88. Campbell, Henry Terry. C.\EEi,L, NicHOL-vs (1750-1803). Captain of one of the first companies of Minute Men that went to Williamsburg, Va., at the time of the disturbance with Lord Dunmore. Appointed Colonel of one of the Virginia Regiments by Act of Assembly. Served in Southern Campaign under General Green, and under Lafayette at Yorktown. Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. Member of the Assembly of Virginia, 1779-80. Cabell, Hon. James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. Carrington, Charles Venable, M, D. Calhoun, James (1748-1816). Member Committee of Observation for Baltimore county, 1775-6. Quartermaster of Baltimore Town Battalion, William Buchanan, Colonel, 1776. Harris, William Hall. Campbell, William (1745-1781). United with other Colonels in address to Continental Congress, January 20, 1775. Raised the first Company of Riflemen in AVashington county, September, 1775. Marched to Williamsburg and held the rank of Captain in the 1st Virginia Regiment under Patrick Henry. Was in the battle of Gwyn's Island under General Andrew Lewis, July 9, 1776. Was made Lieutenant-Colonel at the first Court of Washington county, Jan., 1777. Promoted to Colonel, April, 1780. By order of Colonel William Preston, dispersed a band of Tories on the border of Nortli Carolina and Virginia, August, 1780. Commanded at the battle of King's Mountain, and was distinguished at the battle of Guilford Courthouse, March 15, 1781. Was a member of the House of Delegates, 1781. Was made a Brigadier-General, June 14, 1781, to serve under Lafayette, and given the command of a Rifle Brigade. Died before the Siege of Yorktown. Preston, Thomas Lewis. . rn 33 LofC. Ancestors and Descendants. Carrington, George, Sr. (1711-1785). Member of Hou?e of Buvgesses, 1749 to 1775. Chairman Cumberland County Committee of Safety, 1774, 75, 76. Elected County Lieutenant of Cumberland county, September 26, 1775. Was also Colonel of Cumberland County. Member of the Assembly of Virginia, 1779, 1780, 1784. Cabell, Hon. James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. Clarke, John ( ). First Lieutenant in 8th Virginia Regiment, January, 1777. Taken prisoner at Germantown, October 4th. 1777, and exchanged in October, 1780. Captain, February 14th, 1781. Morton, William Chase. Cloud, William (1750-1842). Private and Lieutenant in Virginia troops under Captain James Lyon and Colonel William Christian during 1780. Cloud, Marshall Morgan, M. D. Coleman, Thomas (1725-1794). Member of House of Delegates of Virginia, 1776, 77, 78, 83, 84. Member of King and Queen County Committee of Safety, 1774-5. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. Coleman, Samuel (1755-1817). Lieutenant of Artillery in the Continental Line, from January 13, 1777, to February 15, 1783. He received a severe sabre wound of the head at the battle of Eutaw. Member and Secretary of Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Robins, Charles Russell, M. D. Robins, AVilliam Randolph. Cram, Ben.tamin (1734-1836). Private in Captain Peter Clark's company. Colonel Stickney's regiment. General Stark's Brigade of Nevp Hampshire Militia, which marched from Lyndeboro July, 1777, and joined the Northern Continental Army. Also served in Captain Ezekiel Worthern's Company, Colonel Stephen Peabody's Regiment, which was raised in 1778 by the State of New Hampshire for the Continental service at Rhode Island. Smith, Eugene Francis, Jr. 34 , Ancestors and Descendants . Duke, Clbvears, Jr. ( ) Private in Captain Anderson's company, 5th Regiment of Virginia, Continental Line. Duke, Colonel Richard Thomas Walker. Duke, Honorable Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Duke, Honorable William R. Duke, Richard William. DuVal, Samuel (1714-1784). Officer in the War of the Revolution. Member of the Virginia Convention, 1775. Member of the Committee of Correspondence of Henrico county, Virginia. Coulling, William Mead. EsKRiDGE, William ( ). Lieutenant in 2nd Virginia Regiment, Continental Establishment. Charter Member of Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Duke, Honorable Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Duke, Honorable William R. Gamble, Robert ('— ). In the Continental Line throughout entire war. Was with Wayne on the Hudson, with Greene in the South and on Baron DeKalb's staS. He led one of the assaults on Stony Point, where his company was the first to enter the fort. Cabell, Honorable James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. Graham, Joseph ( ). A brave, distinguished and intelligent officer in the Revolutionary War, and in various campaigns from May, 1778, to November, 1781. General. Barringer, Paul Brandon, M. D. Grattan, John ( ). Member of the Assembly of Virginia, 1779, 1780. Justice of Rockingham county, Virginia. Cabell, Honorable James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. 35 Ancestors and Descendants. Griffin, Cyri's ( ). President of the first Continental Congress. Twice Member of Congress from Virginia, 1778 and 1787 Tucker, Beverly, M. D. Hall, Josias Carvel (1746-1814). Colonel commanding 2nd Battalion Maryland Flying Camp. Colonel commanding 4th Battalion of Regulars of Organization of March 27, 1777. Supernumerary Colonel of the Maryland Line. At battle of German town. Member Maryland Provincial Convention, December 8, 1774. Harris, William Hall. Hamilton, Andrew Y ). Major in South Carolina Line under General Pickens. Took part in all the leading battles in North and South Carolina. Cabell, Honorable James Alston. Cabell, Julian Mayo, M. D. Hawkins, John ( ). Ensign, Lieutenant, Adjutant and Captain in 3rd Virginia Regiment, Continental Line. Smith, Colonel Francis Lee. Henderson, John (1740-1787). Served in Dunmore's War. Corporal in Captain Gregory's Company, Colonel Morgan's Regiment, Virginia Con- tinental Line. Miller, Joseph Lyon, M. D. Heth, William ( ). Colonel of Culpeper Minute Men. Lorton, Heth. Hicks, Isaac ( 1817). Captain in 3rd Georgia Battalion, Continental Troop, commanded by Lieutenant- Colonel John Macintosh. Taken prisoner at Briar Creek, March 3, 1779. Booth, Edwin Gilliam, M. D. 36 Ancestors and Descendants. Hill, Baylor (1760-1804). Ean away from home to join the Revolutionary Army at the age of sixteen. Commissioned Cornet in 1st Continental Dragoons, December 4, 1776. Lieutenant. 1777. Captain, 1780; served to January, 1783. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. HiNTON, John ( ). Member of Provincial Congress of North Carolina at Hillsboro in August, 1775. Colonel of North Carolina Militia, September 9, 1775. Member of Committee of Safety of Hillsboro district, September 9, 1775. Member of Provincial Congress of North Carolina at Halifax, April, 1776. Richmond, George Gilbert. HOLLADAY, LbWIS ( ). Lieutenant in the Spotsylvania Military Company, October 5, 1775. HoUaday, Alexander Randolph. Holt, William ( 1791). Quartermaster of Virginia Forces. Member Virginia Court of Admiralty, 1777, 78, 79. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. Jefferson, Thomas ( ). Governor of Virginia, 1779. Member of Continental Congress. Author of the Declaration of Independence. President of the United States. Randolph, Wilson Gary Nicholas, M. D. Johnston, Gborge ( ). Member of Assembly of Virginia, and seconded the famous Resolutions of Patrick Henry. Johnston, James Edgar. Johnston, Peter ( ). Lieutenant in Lee's Legion, Continental Army. Member of the Virginia Society of the Cincinnati. Johnston, George Ben, M. D. 37 Ancestois and Descendants. Johnston, William (1757-1802). Entered the Army as Captain in the 15th Virginia Regiment, February 9, 1777. Transferred to the 7th Virginia Regiment, September 14, 1778. Taken prisoner at Charleston, S. C, May 12, 1780. Transferred to the 3rd Virginia Regiment. Member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Johnston, James Edgar. Johnston, Zachaeiah (1743-1800). Member of the House of Burgesses. Member of the Virginia Legislature from Augusta county. Member of the Constitutional Convention of 1778. Bore arms and gave freely to the cause. Blakey, James. Jordan, Samuel ( ). Member of the Buckingham County Committee of Safety, 1775-6. Colonel of Militia. Tinsley, Thomas Garland. Lancaster, John (1763-1826). Entered the Ai-my at the age of sixteen and served during the war. Was at the battle of Guilford Courthouse and the Siege of Yorktown Lancaster, Robert Alexander, Jr. Lewis, Charles ( ). Colonel 14th Virginia Regiment, Continental Establishment. Fry, John Walker. McCuLLOCH, Roderick (1741-1826). Member of the Amherst County Committee of Safety of Virginia after Nov., 1775. McCulloch, Captain Champe Carter, M. D. Mayo, John ( ). Member of the Virginia Convention of 1776. Long, Ernest Mayo. Mbade, Everard ( ). Aide-de-Canip to General Washington. Kent, Piatt. 38 Ancestors and Descendants. Meade, Richard Kidder (1746-1785). He was one of the twenty-four who, in June, 1775, seized the arms and ammunition in Dunmore's house at Williamsburg, Va. Commanded a company at the battle of Great Bridge, near Norfolk, Va. ..December, 1775, the first battle of the Revolution in Virginia. Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, with the rank uf Colonel, and was with him in all the great battles of the Revolution, and superintended the execution of Andr^. Meade, Richard Kidder. Mercer, Hugh ( 1777). General. > Wounded at tlie battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777, and died a few days after. Tucker, Beverly, M. D. Miller, Christian (1744-1836). Sergeant in Captain Jacob Rinker's Company from Virginia, 1780. Miller, Joseph Lyon, M. D. Moore, William (1740-1802). Member of Orange County Committee of Safety of Virginia, 1774-76. Member of Virginia State Convention of 1776. Moore, Charles Lee. Murray, William ( ). Private in Virginia State Line for three years. Wily, Arthur Skelton. Perkins, William ( 1808). Appointed Ensign of a Company of Militia in Buckingham county, October 2, 1775. Captain from 1775 to 1783. Ellis, Frank Fearn. ^ Ellis, James Nimmo, M. D. Preston, William (1729-1783). In 1776 organized a company of Riflemen in Botetourt. Was the ranking officer in Southwest Virginia, and organized expeditions against Indians and Tories on the western and southern frontiers. He with Colonel William Campbell were thanked by the North Carolina Legislature. Commanded a regiment at Guilford Courthou.se, Marcli 15, 1781. Preston, Thomas Lewis. Prout, William ( ). Private for two years in the Connecticut Troops. Prout, William Hannibal. 39 Ancestors and Descendants. Randolph, Edmund (1753-1813). Aide-de-Camp to General Washington, August 15, 1775, to March 25, 1776. Muster-Master-General of Southern Department, May 25. 1776. Member of the Virginia Convention, May 6, 1776. Attorney-Genenil of Virginia, 1776. Delegate to Continental Congress, 1779, 1780-82. Governor of Virginia, 1786-88. An influential delegate to the Constitutional Convention, 1787 (introducer of tlie "Virginia Plan"). Attorney-General, 1789-94. Secretary of State, 1794-95. Daniel, .James Robertson Vivian. Williams, Edmund Randolph. Williams, John Skelton. Williams, Robert Lancaster. Randolph, Robert (1759-1825). Entered Revolutionary Army at sixteen as Ensign. Promoted to Captain. Served in Baylor's Dragoons. Was captured at Tappan. Aide-de-Camp to General Wayne. Member of Virginia House of Delegates. Randolph, Reverend Buckner Magill. Rocker, Angus (1752-1836). Volunteered in Gibson's Virginia Regiment, which was transfei-red to the Conti- nental Service. Served during the entire war. Received pension as Captain. Blakey, James. Slaughter, Charles ( ). Member of Continental Cavalry. Served to close of war. Slaughter, John F., Jr. Smith, Francis (1740-1814). Commissioned Ensign in 6th Virginia Regiment, 1780. Coleman, Charles Wasliington. Coleman, George Preston. 40 Ancestors and Descendants. Smith, William (1728-1814). Member of Oommittee of Observution of Baltimore county, Maryland, November, 1774, to September, 1775. Member of Continentnl Congress, February to December, 1777, Member of Navy Board, Middle District, from May 9 to July 17, 1778. Harris, William Hall. Smith, Willi.^m (1720-1790). Lieutenant in 6th Virginia Regiment, September 17, 1778. Smith, Willis B. Stakkb, .TonN, Sr. ( ). Member of Committee of Safety, Hanover county, Virginia, 1775. Starke, Lucien Douglas. Starke, Lucien Douglas, Jr. Starke, William Wallace. Starke, John, Jr. ( ). Member of Committee of Safetj', Hanover county, Virginia, 1775. Starke, Lucien Douglas. Starke, Lucien Douglas, Jr. Starke, William Wallace. Taylok, Charles, M. D. (1755-1821). Surgeon's Mate 2d Virginia, July 19, 1776. Surgeon Virginia Convention Guards, October 26, 1779, to June, 1781. Moore, Charles Lee. Taylor, George (1716-1781). Member of Committee of Safety, 1775. Member of Continental Congress, 1776. Signer of Declaration of Independence. McCabe, Captain William Gordon. Tucker, St. George (1752-1827). Aide-de-Camp to General Nelson, 1779. Major of Militia, February 25, 1781. Served with General Greene, and was wounded at the battle of Guilford Courthouse, March 15, 1781. Lieutenant-Colonel, September 12, 1781. Present at the Siege of Yorktown. Was of the official family of Governor Nelson, and member of the Council of State, 1781. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. Tucker, Beverly, M. D. 41 Ancestors o?)(? Descendants. Tyler, John ( ). Member of Committee of Safety, Charles City county, Va., 1775. Captain of Militia, 1775. Judge of Admiralty Court, 1776. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1778-86. Tyler, Hon. Lyon Gardiner. Walkkb, Thomas, M. D. ( ). Member of Committee of Safety, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1775. Duke, Colonel Richard Thomas Walker. Duke, Honorable Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Duke, Honorable William R. Duke, Richard William. Walker, Thomas, Jb. ( ). Member of the Albemarle Company, Captain George Gilmer, which went to Williamsburg, Va. Captain in 9th Virginia Regiment, Continental Establishment. Duke, Colonel Richard Thomas Walker. Duke, Honorable Richard Thomas Walker, Jr. Duke, Honorable William R. Duke, Richard William. White, James (1748-1821). Served in Revolutionary War in North Carolina line, for which he received grant of land. Coleman, Charles Washington. Coleman, George Preston. Tucker, Beverly, M. D. Winston, John (1724 ). Entered the Army December 6, 1776. Captain in 14th Virginia Regiment, 1777, afterwards designated 10th Virginia, September, 1778. McCarthy, Frank Johnson. 42 Un (TDemodam RICHARD THOMAS WALKER DUKE. J822 - J898 (3^ t2r* 9£^ Col. R. T. W. Duke was born iu Albemarle county, June 6th, 1822, at "Millbrook," his father's seat. He died at " Sunny- Side," his residence in that county, July 2nd, 1898. He was the grandson of Clevears Duke, Jr., of the Fifth Regiment Virginia Line; grandson of Captain Thomas Walker, Jr., in Ninth Virginia Line, and great-grandson of Thomas Walker, member of the Committee of Safety, Virginia House of Burgesses, 1775. He graduated second in the class of 1844, Virginia Military Institute, and in 1850 commenced the practice of law at Char- lottesville, Virginia. In 1858 he was elected Commonwealth's Attorney of Albemarle county. In 1861 he entered the Confed- erate Army as Captain of Company "B," Nineteenth Virginia Infantry. In 1862 was Colonel Forty-sixth Virginia Infantry, and in 1865 commanded the Reserve forces in Richmond. He was prisoner of war on Johnson Island — having been captured April 6th, 1865, at the battle of Sailor's Creek — until July, 1865. He was elected, as a Democrat, to the Forty-first Congress, V. S. A., and re-elected to Forty-second Congress. He was a member of the Virginia Legislature of 1880-81 as a debt-paying Democrat. At the Bar for many years recognized as one of its leaders ; iu political life always true to the early and noble principles of high statesmanship ; in war fearless and patriotic ; his private life was one of singular beaut)- and sweetness, honored by his people, beloved by his friends and wellnigh adored by those who were of his own blood. Two sons, Hon. Wm. R. Duke and Judge R. T. W. Duke, Jr., and one granddaughter, Mary W. D. Slaughter, survive him. His wife, Elizabeth Scott Eskridge, died January 13th, 1896. LiBR««^ °L,2SSmii rSu 697 222