Srdivip XVI. No. 325 Price 10 Certis ^. t. LDINGS Tvaxreic I4tbmaxx- TWENTY- MINUTB BXBRCISBS .f^ ••.v!-vr: '!? By EDWA.RD B. = WARMAN = ,5f*:i=T^*'. ^2^--^- i-ri^^W'l mM^i^mM. :;^^3'-' ■AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COMRANYj W 45 ROSE STREET. NEW YORK fl^ ^'«'>*^V!'- FOR OUR CUSTOMERS THIS ORDER BLANK IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. YOU PURCHASED THIS BOOK AT We also sell a complete line of Spalding Athletic Goods as well as all the books of the Spalding Athletic Library. CONSULT THE FULL LIST FOR OTHER BOOKS ON ATHLETICS When ordering Athletic Goods use this sheet. Simply tear it out along dotted line, fill in your wants on the reverse side, and mail it with the price as noted. SEE THE OTHER SIDE Gentlemen : Enclosed please find $ for which send me the articles listed below: List Number Quantity Description of Article . Price (See other side) SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Series, 25c. Blue Cover Series, iOc. Green Cover Series, 10c. No.lR. SPALDING'S No. 3R. SPALDING'S No. 6. 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Tennis for Girls (Miss Ballin) No. 84R. Tennis Errors and Remedies No. 85R. Tennis for Girls (Mile. Leng- No. 99R. How to Play Tennis [len) No. lOlR. The Outdoor Group or Com- munity Sports Club: How to Organize One. Includes directions for con- structing a tennis court No. 102R. "The Kid" No. 103R. The Club Player No. 104R. The Expert Group IV. Golf "Green Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 2P. How to Learn Golf "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 3R. Spalding's Golf Guide, with revised rules No. 4R. How to Play Golf [Leitch) No. 63R. Golf for Girls (Miss Cecil Group V. Basket Ball "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 7A. Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide No. 193. How to Play Basket Ball "Red Cover " Series, each number 25c. No. 700R. Spalding's Official Basket Ball Guide [for Women No. 93R. How to Play Basket Ball, Specially Bound Series of Athletic Handbooks Any 25 cent book listed in Spalding's Athletic Library will be bound in flexible or stiff covers for 50 cents each ; or any two 10 cent books in one volume for 50 cents. One 25. cent book or two 10 cent books will be bound in leather in one volume for 75 cents. Mention style binding preferred. (Continued on the next pasre. Prices subject to change without notice.) SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Series, 25c. Blue Cover Series, 10c. Green Cover Series, 10c. Group VI. Skating and Winter Sports "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 14 Curling "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 8R. The Art of Skating No. 20R. How to Play Ice Hockey No. 72R. Figure Skating for Women No. 90R. SpaldingsOfficiallceHockey Guide and Winter Sports Almanac (speed skating and ski records, snow shoeing and curling rules) [Edition) No. 2C. Ice Hockey Guide (Canadian Group VII. Track and Field Athletics "Blue Cover'' Series, each number 10c. No. 12a Spalding's Official Athletic No. 27 College Athletics [Rules AAU No. 87 Athletic Primer No. 156 Athletes' Guide No. 182 All Around Athletics No. 255 How to Run 100 Yards No. 317 Marathon Running [petition No. 342 Walking for Health and Com- "Green Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 3P. How to Become an Athlete No. 4P. How to Sprint "Red Cover'' Series, each number 25c. No. IR. Spalding's Official Athletic Almanac [A.A.A.A. No. 4oR. Official Handbook Intercol. No. 48R. Distance and Cross Country Running No. 70R. How to Be aWeight Thrower No. 77R. A. E. F. Athletic Almanac and Inter-Allied Games. No. 88R. Official Handbook Can. AAU No. 94R. Olympic Games of 1920 No. 95R. Official Handbook New Eng- land Intercollegiate A. A. Group VIII. School Athletics "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 246 Ath. Training for Schoolboys "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. N0.6IR. School Tactics and Maze Run- ning ; Children's Games No. 66R. Calisthenic Drills and Fancy Marching and Physical Training for the School and Class Room No. 74R. Schoolyard Athletics Group IX. Water Sports "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 128 How to Row No. 129 Water Polo "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 36R. Speed Swimming No. 37R. How to Swim No. 91R. Intercollegiate Swimming Association Guide No. 106R. Science of Swimming No. 107R. Swimming for Women (Continued on next page. Prices Group X. Games for Women and Girls "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 7a Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 38R. Field Hockey No. 41R. Newcomb [Leitch) No. 63R. Golf for Girls (Miss Cecil No. 69R. Girls and Athletics No. 89R. Learning Field Hockey No. 93R. How to Play Basket Ball, for Women Group XI. Lawn and Field Games "Blue Cover " Series, each number 10c. No. 170 Push Ball No. 201 How to Play Lacrosse "Red Cover " Series, each number. 25c. No. 6R. Cricket, and How to Play It No. 43R. Archery, Roque, Croquet. English Croquet, Lawn Hockey, Tether Ball, Clock Golf, Golf-Croquet. Hand Tennis. Hand Polo, Wicket Polo, Badminton, Drawing Room Hockey, Garden Hockey, Basket Goal, Pin Ball, Cricket No. 86R. Quoits, Lawn Bowls, Horse- shoe Pitching and " Boccie." No. lOlR. The Outdoor Group or Com- munity Sports Club; How to Organize One. Includes directions for con- structing a tennis court. Group XII. Miscellaneous "Blue Cover" Sey-ies, each number 10c. No. 13 American Game of Hand Ball No. 364 Volley Ball Guide "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c, No. 49R. How to Bowl No. 105R. Camps and Camping Group XIII. Manly Sports "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 282 Roller Skating Guide "Red Cover " Series, each num.ber 25c. No. IIR. Fencing Foil Work lUustra- No. 19R. Professional Wrestling [ted No. 21R. Jiu Jitsu No. 25R. Boxing No. 30R. The Art of Fencing No. 65R. How to Wrestle No. 78R. How to Punch the Bag Group XIV. Calisthenics "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. lOR. Single Stitk Drill No. 16R. Team Wand Drill No. 22R. Indian Clubs and Dumb Bells and Pulley Weights No. 24R. Dumb Bell Exercises No. 73R. Graded Calisthenics and Dumb Bell Drills subject to change without notice.) SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Red Cover Scries, 25c. Blue Cover Series, 10c. Green Cover Series, 10c. Group XV. Gymnastics "Blue Cover" Series, each number 10c. No. 124. How to Become a Gymnast No. 254. Barnjum Bar Bell Drill No. 287. Fancy Dumb Bell and March- ing Drills "'Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 14R. Trapeze, Long Horse and Rope Exercises Grading of Gym. Exercises Indoor and Outdoor Gym- nastic Games Pyramid Building Tumbling for Amateurs and Ground Tumbling Exercises on the Side Horse; Exercises on Flyir^jr Rings Horizontal Bar Exercises ; Exercises on Parallel Bars No. 34R. No. 40R. No. 5211. No. 56R. No. 67R. No. 68R. Group XVI. Home Exercising "Blue Cover" Series, each num,ber 10c. No. 161. Ten Minutes' Exercise for No. 185. Hints on Health [Busy Men No. 325. Twenty-Minute Exercises "Red Cover" Series, each number 25c. No. 7R; Physical Training Simplified No. 9R. How to Live 100 Years No. 23R. Get Well; Keep Well No. 33R. Tensing Exercises No. 51R. 285 Health Answers No. 54R. Medicine Ball Exercises, Indigestion Treated by Gymnastics. Physical Education and Hygiene No. 62R. The Care of the Body No. 64R. M'lscle Building ; Health by Muscular Gymnastics Spalding Score Books, Competitors' Numbers, Etc. BASE BALL SCORE BOOKS. Mnde in three styles — Morse (Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5 and M): A. G. Spalding style (Nos. 2 and S) : John B. Foster style (No. F). The Spalding style has diamond shaped spaces for scoring. POCKET SIZE. No. 1. Paper cover, Morse style, 7 games Each $0.20 No. 2. Board cover, Spalding style, 22 games " .50 No. 3. Board cover, Morse style, 46 games " 1.00 No. F. Board cover, Foster (reporters') style, 79 games " 1.50 No. M. Board cover, Morse style, 79 games " 1.50 No. S. Board cover, Spalding style, 79 games " 1.50 CLUB SIZE. No. 4. Morse style, 8%xl0% in., 30 games Each $2.00 No. 5. Morse style, 8%xl0% in., 79 games '' 3.00 Score Cards, 1 game ....Dozen .10 BASKET BALL SCORE BOOKS. No. 10. Paper cover, 10 games Each $0.20 No. 11. Board cover. 25 games " .50 No. A. Collegiate, paper cover, 10 games " -20 No. B. Collegiate, board cover, 25 games *' .50 TRACK AND FIELD. TENNIS AND GOLF SCORE CARDS. No. TF. Olympic Score Card: for outdoor and indoor track and field athletic meets: used in A.A.U. championships Each $0.05 No. H. Tennis Score Card, endorsed by leading, umpires: used in national championships, new and improved design; for five sets: in two colors Dozen .75 No. L. Golf Score Sheets: used in leading tournaments: size 22x28 in.; match play or medal play (specify which is wanted). Each .30 COMPETITORS' NUMBERS. Used in A.A.U., intercollegiate and interscholastic championship events. Made up in sets (1 to 60. 1 to 100, etc.). Manila paper Per number $0.02 Linen backed Per number $0.12 Letters, A, B, C, D, etc., on manila paper, for relay races. .Per letter .05 Any of the above mailed postpaid on receipt of price. American Sports Publishing Company, 45 Rose St., New York 10-21 SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY Group XVI. - - . No. 325 Twenty-Minute Exercises DC^ WITH SUPPLEMENT How to Avoid Growing Old and Fasting; Its Object and Benefits EDWARD R^ WARMAN. A.M. Los Angeles, California New York AMERICAN SPORTS PUBLISHING COMPANY 21 Warren Street i ' J Copyright. 1921 BY American Spouts Publishing Company New York DEC 2,7 1921 ©CIA630974 I ^nA PREFACE After forty-one years of experience and observa- tion regarding Physical Exercises, I have arrived at the following conclusion, viz., the average person seeking health, through exercise, becomes very en- thusiastic (for a few days) over any and every "new" system, practices faithfully during the time and then drops the whole thing. Why? Because all extensive systems (my own not excepted) contain more than the average person has the time or inclination to follow daily unless he is preparing to become a specialist in this particular field. Therefore, I have chosen from my own system of Physical Education (Tensing) the exercises / take, invariably, every morning; such exercises as may be taken in twenty minutes ; such exercises as will, with right living, put and keep the human machinery in good running order; such exercises as may be taken with benefit by the child of six or the child of sev- enty-six. These exercises are fully illustrated herein and given in the order as I take them every day of the 3^ear. Do thou likewise and years will be added unto thy life and life unto thy years. Vigorously yours, Edward B. Warm an. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. General Directions Do not hold the breath during an exercise. Con- tract the muscles as though overcoming a natural resistance. When the muscle is brought to its great- est tension it should be held a moment and then re- laxed. After becoming familiar with the movements the time required to take all the exercises will not exceed twenty minutes. Correct position of the body when standing and sitting, and correct carriage of the body when walk- ing, together with full, deep breathing and right living, are essential to HEALTH. The exercises, to be of the greatest benefit, should becomes a daily habit. The minutes faithfully spent now will reward you in yeai's by and by. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LiBtlARt. Before Arising Lie flat on the' back. Stretch the entire body, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the neck, arms, back, chest, abdomen and legs. This increases heart action and causes arterial distention in the most nat- ural and effective manner. After Arising Cleanse the teeth, rinse the mouth, gargle, drink one or two glasses of cold water, then take all the exercises in the order given; take them vigorously but not violently. Follow the exercises with a suitable bath (prefer- ably cold if there is sufficient vitality for reaction) ; at least such a bath as is more suited to the needs of the bodv than to the whims of the mind. i. SPALDING'S ATHLETIC LIBRARY. For Neck, Upper Chest and Back Figs. 1 and 2. B straighten up, note the lightness of tlio step and tin; brightness of the eye and, above a^i, Nvaich the roses come back to the faded cheeks. Ah, my brother, your sweetheart has come back. You had almost lost siglit of her in her multitudinous cares, but when slie again resumes her household duties she will do it with a lighter heart in conse- quence of tbo rest which the short respite from the daily routine has given her, and the improvement in body and mind which the fruit diet has made. And as for you, my brothei-, your change from the beavy foods wbich wore clogging your system to that of the clean, pure, wholesome juices of the fruit will give you a clearer vision and a greater appreciation, perhaps, of liev true worth. Try it. Do not take my word for it. God bless you, and He will bless you in every effort that you make to bring sunshine into the home. A-^igorously yours, EDWAED B. WARMAN. liSTHE SPALDING TRADE-MARK^a^^l No. A No. AA No. A. Ebonite finish. No. AA. With silvered bands, Spalding Trade-Mark Indian Clubs STAINED FINISH Good material, and far superior in shape and finish to the best clubs of other makes. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. Model BS — Weights specified are for each club. >^ lb. . . Pair. $ .85 \y2 lb. . Pair, $1.30 U lb. . . " 1.05 2 lb. . " 1.45 I lb. . . " 1.15 3 lb. . " 2.00 Spalding Exhibition Clubs Handsomely finished in ebonite ; for exhibition and stage purposes. Clubs are hollow, with large body, and although extremely light, represent a club weighing three pounds or more. Model BS iir, $5.00 7.00 Indian Club and Dumb Bell Hangers No. 1. Made of iron and nicely japanned. . . Pair, 25c. Spalding Ash Bar Bells No. 2. Selected material, highly polished, 5 feet long Each, $1.00 Calisthenic Wand No. 4. 4^2 feet long, I inch diameter. Black finish School Wand . Each, 25c. No. 3. 3/2 feet long. Straight grained maple, black finish Each, 20c. 1 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO 1 ANY COMMUNICATIONS 1 ADDRESSED TO US A. G.SPALDING &. BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF stores! SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER 1 OF THIS BOO! | PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For Canadian price, see .pecial Canadian Catalogue T?r THE SPALDING iTRADEMARK^ffiSf Spalding Spring Grip Dumb Bells Manufactured by A. G. Spalding & BrOS. These dumb bells are made in two halves connected by steel springs — as specified in the Sandow patent, which expired August 8, 1 9 1 6 — the effort necessary in gripping, making it necessary to continually devote the whole mind to each movement. This concen- tration of will power on each muscle involved is what is responsible for the great results obtained through properly exercising with them. Black Enameled Bells, Springs Nickel-plated and Polished No, «. Men's. Seven steel springs. Pair, $3.00 No 4, Ladies' . Five steel springs. " 2.50 No. 2. Boys'. Four steel springs. " 2.00 Spaldint; Patent Spring Grip Dumb Bells are used by all the greatest athletes in their training. Spadlding Trade-Mark Wood Dumb Bells Model AW. Stained Finish Good material and superior in shape and finish to best ^vood dumb bells of other makes. Each pair wrapped in paper bag. Weights specified are for each bell. J^lb. . .Pair. $.85 P/ lb. . Pair. $1.30 Klb. , " 1.05 21b. . , . •* 1.45 I lb. . . " 1.15 Spalding Iron Dumb Bells Made on approved models, nicely balanced and finished in black enamel. Sizes, I to 25 lbs. ........ 13c. lb. 50 lbs 13c. lb. Weights between 30 and 100 lbs. Each. 17c. lb. Bar Bells, weight 25 lbs. or more for complete Bar Bell, supplied regularly with steel handles, length 3 feet between bells. . . 17c. lb. Bar Bells, weight 25 lbs. or more for complete Bp'- Bell with steel handles, either shorter or longer than Tftsu\r>r length =^ noted above, 2£ Prices foi Bar Bells, weighing: other than above, quoted on application [ PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDBESSEOTOUS ' A. G. SPALDING d. BROS: STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES I FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE liiSIDE FRONT COVER GF THIS BOOK f RICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For Canadian prices see .pedal Canadian Catalogue sSbsWe THE SPALDING TRADEMARK _ DEMPSEY Copyrleht. Internationa) Fitn Spalding "Championship Boxing Gloves Used and endorsed by all Champions of the World since the days of John L. SuUivan Made in 3 sizes, 8. 6 and b Leather is specially tanned for this particular type of glove Best hair filled, patent palm grip, palm lac- ing, padded wrist Spalding boxing gloves were used almost exclusively to train our boys to take their part in the world war We supplied twenty thousand sets for use in the training camps in this country and behind the lines abroad Every set we furnished carried the full Spald- \ne, guararilee and gave the same service (that Spalding gloves have given continually during the past thirty. five years Set of Four Gloves No 118 S-ounce . . No 116. 6-ounce, . . No 115 3-ounce. . . No. 100 No. 100 Spalding "Instructors' " Boxing Gloves Best grade brown boxing-glove leathei extra heavy padded over knuckles Special large padded thumb and thumb pocket to prevent mjury to instructor oi pupil Laced extra fat down for ventilation, patent palm grip, padded wrist. No. 100. 10 ounce . . . Set of four gloves. No 110 No. 110 Spalding "Pupils'" Boxing Gloves Double wrist-pad model Additional padding on the forearm and over the wrist prevents soreness during boxing lesson. Best grade brown glove leather, patent palm grip and palm lacing. No. 110 Set of four gloves. PROMPT AHENTION GIVEN TO I ANY COMMUNICATIONS ADDRESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING &. BROS, STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER OF THIS BOO! PRICEi iUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. F«t •pecUl Canadiaa C«tftl»gw suSe THE SPALDING TRADE-MARK "^Slf SPALDING CHEST WEIGHT MACHINES No. 2 No. 12 No. 5 Chest Weight No. 2. A good machine for home use; noiseless and durable. Well made and easy running. Rods are ^^-inch coppered spring steel. Weights are 5-lb. iron dumb bells, one to each carriage, and may be removed and used as dumb bells. Wall and floor boards are hard wood. All casings heavily japanned. Every part of machine guaranteed free of defect. . . Each, $12.00 Chest Weight No. 12. Especially designed for home exercise. High grade in every particular. Cast iron parts are all nicely japanned. The wheels are iron, turned true on centers, and have hardened steel cone point bearings. Guide rods are spring steel, copper-plated. Weight carriage has removable felt bush- ings, noiseless and durable. Each handle is equipped with 10 pounds of weights Each, $24.00 Chest Weight No. 5. Because of its adjustment feature, which permits of all lower, as well as direct chest movements, this machine really combines two machines in one, and is particularly suitable where space is a consideration. The various changes are made by raising or lowering the center arm. Japan finish. Each machine is equipped with 16 pounds of weights. . Each, $36.00 Extra weights for above machine, 1 ^^ pounds " .45 PROMPTHnENTIONGIYEKTOl ^'\NY COMMUNICATIONS { ADDRESSED TO US A. G. SPALDING & BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES FOR COMPLETE LIST OF SinRES SEE INSIDE FRONT GOV J OF THIS BOOK PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. For Canadian price, see .pedal Canadian Catalogue sSbs?[t!1?e THE SPALDING TRADE-MARK ^rZf SPALDING ACROBATIC SHOES No. FN No. FL. Extra high cut canvas acro- batic shoes. Special leather soles, will not harden. Reinforced where upper and sole are attached. Pair, $2.50 No. FN. Corrugated rubber sole, special leather uppers. Made after special model supplied by us to the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, and char- acterized as the most satisfactory shoe for gymnasium use, especially acro- batic and w^restling wear. Pair, $10.00 GYMNASIUM AND BOWLING SHOES No. 148 Bowline Shoe* GYMNASIUM SHOES No. GWH. High cut. special pear. colored leather ; flexible soles ; well made Pair, $4.00 No. GW. Low cut, otherwise as GWH. Pair. $3.50 SPECIAL BOWLING SHOES No. 148. For bowling and general gymnasium use ; light drab chrome tanned leather uppers, electric soles; laces extremely low down. Pair,$7.00 WOMEN'S INDOOR EXERCISE SHOES No. 66L. Low cut, light selected black leather uppers, electric soles. Pair, $6.00 mENTIONGIVENTOI ANY COMMUNICATIONS iPDRESSEDTOUS A.G.SPALDING &. BROS. STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES rORCOMPlETE LIST OF STORES SEE INSIDE FRONT COVB OF THIS BOOI ' :PRICES subject to change V/ITHOUT notice. Fa C»Ubga»J ^S^ffiTHESRALDING TRADEMARK "^"nrr^v^^ QUALITY No. 600 No. lA WORSTED ATHLETIC SHIRTS N0.600W No. 600T No. 600. Carried in stock in Gray, White, Navy Blue, Maroon, and Black Each. $2.50 No. 700. Light weight. Carried in stock in Cray, White, Navy Blue, Maroon, and Black. . Each, $2.00 No. 6OOW. Six-inch stripe around chest. In following color combina- tions : Navy, White stripe ; Black. Orange stripe ; Maroon, White stripe ; Black, Red stripe; Gray, Cardinal stripe. ...... Each, $2.75 No. SOOT. Same as No. 600W, but with two narrow stripes wide apart Each, $2.75 No. 700W. Light weight. Six-inch stripe around chest. Color com- binations similar to No. 600W. Special order only. . . Each, $2.25 No. 600V. V-neck. Supplied on special orders only ; any color. Each, $2.50 COTTON SLEEVELESS SHIRTS No. 6E. Sanitary cotton. Bleached White Each, SOc. No. 6E. Black orCray. . " 60c. No. 6E1S. Sanitary cotton, solid color body, with 6-inch stripe around chest Each, 90c. Spalding Quarter Sleeve Shirts No. 6F. Sanitary cotton. Bleached White Elach, 60c. No. 6F. Black cotton " 65c. Necklace on Shirt. Nos. 600W or 600T Shiits on special orders only, with necklace stitched on of different color to body of shirt for an extra charge of $1 .00 per garment. TIGHTS AND TRUNKS No. lA. Full Length Tights. Best worsted, full fashioned. Pair, $10.00 No. 605. Full Length Tights. Good quality worsted. . . |] 4.00 No. 604. Knee Tights. Good quality worsted " 2,50 No. 2. Worsted Trunks. Good quality worsted; carried in stock in Navy or Black Pair, $2.00 Stock Sizes: 24 to 42 inch waist. Stock Colors: Worsted knee and full tights and trunks, except where otherwise specified. Gray, White, Navy Blue, Maroon, and Black. Any other color on special orders. no extra charge. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ANY COMMUNICATIONS _ ADDRESSED TO US A.G.SPALDING & BROS, STORES IN ALL LARGE CITIES fORCOftiPlETE LIST Of STORES m. INSIDE FRONT COVEB 0FTHIS80C:'V^ "PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. f«t CjumIUii pHcc. •«« n>eeui tee that you get what you pay for. I I A Word to j I Buyers and Users of j j Athletic Goods j I "V/^oiJ don't "pay for the name'' I i A when you buy something I I "Spalding," as those who are after | I larger profits often allege. Youpay '-; I I for — and get — satisfaction. The | I name, as evidenced in the Spalding | Trade Mark, is put on as a guaran- I CH< LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 006 010 995 3 % reite book covers every Athletic Sport and is Official and Standard ;> .. SPALDING p^ ATHLETIC GOODS ARF THE STANUAF^D OF THE WQl^LD AG. Spalding ® Bros. NLWAPK P hi I I A U F C hi I C A G r SAV FRANC INDIANAPOLIS OAKLAND ST. LOUIS D L 1 »>! o I r ROCHrSTLR C SYRACUSE PiriSBUPGH LCM BXLTIMORE DAL I AS Vv ASHINGTON LON DON. ENGLAND. M( LIVL RPOOL. LNGLAND AT LA NT A LOUISVILLL AS M T N N f LOS ANGhM LS S H /\ T T I . r PORT LA N D > SALT L A K L C 1 T N D E N \' L R KANSAS CITY TNNfAPOLlS DFS MOINES : V\' p I f- A N S ST. PAU L »EAL.CAN, TORONTO. CAN. EDINBURGH. SCOTLAND I N C V\' P I } A N 1 ON T REAL. CAN, B I R MI N G H A [. ENGLAND R. ENGLAND ENGLAND GLASGOW. SCOTLAND PARIS. FRANCE SYDNEY. AUSTRA NEW TDBK CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO CHICOPEE. MASS. BROOKIiYN BOSTON JPHIUkOmLPHIA liONDON, EN6.