TS 270 fc .U6 Copy 2 No. 460 l! *j SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL WIRE TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH ORDNANCE PAMPHLET No. 445 1 JANUARY, 14, 1904 REVISED APRIL 9, 1907 REVISED JULY 30, 1908 REVISED JUNE 23, 1909 REVISED JANUARY 26, 1910 REVISED JULY 30, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 No. 4«0 SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR STEEL WIRE TO BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH ORDNANCE PAMPHLET No. 445 JANUARY, 14, 1904 REVISED APRIL 9, 1907 REVISED JULY 30, 1908 REVISED JUNE 23, 1909 REVISED JANUARY 26, 1910 REVISED JULY 30, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1914 I). 05 FP 21 \\^%\$ PART I. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MATERIAL FOR CANNON CONTAINED IN ORD- NANCE PAMPHLET NO. 445, FORM A PART OF ANY CONTRACT FOR STEEL WIRE. 58565—14 (3) PART II. SPECIFICATIONS FOE STEEL WIRE. 1. The wire must be of square cross section, one- eighth inch or one-tenth inch on a side, as may be called for in the proposals. It must be delivered neatly and snugly wound on wooden spools of sufficient strength to stand shipment and use while the wire is being un- wound. The winding shall be in neat concentric layers, in such manner as to avoid all tortional or other serious strains, and the United States reserves the right to reject, in the course of manufacture of the cannon for which this wire is to be used, any and all spools of wire in which the strains are serious enough to render it ob- jectionable. The spools shall have a hole through the center of at least 2J inches in diameter for mounting it on an arbor for unwinding the wire, and the spool upon which the wire is laid shall not be less than 15 inches in diameter. 2. The net weight of wire on each spool shall be 185 pounds, plus or minus 10 per cent for 75 per cent of the amount called for in any contract; 15 of the remaining 25 per cent shall have a weight of 150 pounds minimum per spool, and the last 10 per cent a weight of not less than 100 pounds per spool. The wire on all spools shall be without splice or break, except where a test specimen has been taken from other than the ends, in which case the spool will be so marked as to show that the wire is broken. 3. All the wire must be rounded at the corners with a radius of 0.01 inch. It must be smooth and of accurate (5) 6 sectional dimensions and free from checks, twists, flaws, or other defects. A variation not exceeding 0.004 inch above the specified size will be allowed in the sectional dimensions. A variation of 0.001 inch below the specified size will be allowed in the sectional dimensions, pro- vided that the total amount of wire having a minimum cross section does not exceed 10 per cent of the amount of wire to be delivered. 4. The following physical qualities are required, viz: (a) All wire must have sufficient ductility to enable it to be wrapped without rupture about a cylinder of di- ameter equal to the diagonal of its cross section. (&) The wire one-eighth inch on a side must have an ultimate strength of at least 180,000 pounds per square inch. The elongation due to an increase in stress from 20,000 to 100,000 pounds per square inch must not ex- ceed 0.35 of 1 per cent of the original gauge length. (c) The wire one-tenth inch on a side must have an ultimate strength of at least 200,000 pounds per square inch. The elongation due to an increase in stress from 20,000 to 140,000 pounds per square inch must not exceed 0.50 of 1 per cent of the original gauge length. (d) The right is reserved to reject wire which may have very high qualities with lack of uniformity, which is too hard and stiff to pass through the winding machines and wind satisfactorily on the gun, which breaks in winding, or for other reasons is unsuitable for use in gun manufacture. 5. (a) When wire is rejected after delivery, the con- tractor will be allowed the following times of delivery for the replacing wire : Days. 25,000 pounds or less 30 From 25,000 to 50,000 pounds 45 From 50,000 to 100,000 pounds 60 More than 100,000 pounds 90 (b) The time allowance shall date from the date of receipt by the contractor of the notification of rejection. (c) If the replacing wire be not delivered within the time specified, liquidated damages shall accrue at the rate specified in the contract. 6. All necessary precautions will be taken by the manu- facturer to prevent wire from rusting before delivery and during shipment. 7. In order that preparation for splicing may be made prior to unwinding the wire from a spool, the inner end of the wire will be left free and exposed for at least 2 feet of its length, and the inner and outer ends as wound on the spool will be clearly indicated. The outer end will not be passed under any of the wire of the spool, but will be free, so that when spliced to the wire of the preceding spool the entire wire on the spool may be unwound freely without being tangled or twisted. All spools not so wound will be rejected during manufacture. 8. As an electrically welded joint is desirable a wire giving a high percentage of strength, using this method, is preferred. 9. The manufacture of the wire, to such extent at least as may be necessary to verify the requirements of these specifications, must be open to inspection by the inspector appointed by the Ordnance Department. The finished wire will be inspected at the place of manufac- ture aad after acceptance must be delivered with the coils properly packed and covered free on board cars for transportation by the most convenient shipping line to the point designated by the United States, or must be delivered at such points as may be specified in the con- tract. The manufacturer must afford full facilities for the inspection and supply such assistance as the inspector may require therefor. Test pieces will be taken from each end of each coil, and the inspector may select other test pieces from such parts of the coil as he may desig- nate; but when specimens are taken from other than the ends the whole coils shall be accepted, provided it comes up to the specifications. All specimens on being detached from the wire must pass through the inspector's hands for inspection and record. If the manufacturer possesses a reliable testing machine, judged by comparison with results with the United States testing machine at Water- town Arsenal, he shall without expense to the United States test thereon such specimens as the inspector may designate. Such tests shall be made in the manner pre- scribed by the United States and in the presence of the inspector. All other specimens required for the inspec- tion of the wire shall be delivered to the inspector at the place of manufacture without expense to the United States, for test by the United States at Watertown Arsenal, Mass. William Crozier, Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance . War Department, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, Washington, July. SO, 1914. January 14, 1904. Revised April 9, 1907. Revised July 30, 1908. Revised June 23, 1909. Revised January 26, 1910. Revised July 30, 1914 32688-6222-1. Form No. 460. Ed. Aug. 22-14—500. ill LIBRftRY 0F CONGRESS 003 321 267 7 * j]