*0« V v*^^V %'^r-'^ V'^V c *W* W ' •^ ■•/ \*^^V V^^*/ V-^^V ^ V \^ .. <* ••••• a *%, *• W <*°* r *o 7 * ^^^^^ %'-- ; V % #J !«P\<^ ^0^ L 4^ I TO Nuremberg and Back 3. (BxxVb (Jolibau BY AMY NEALLY ILLUSTRA TED NEW YORK E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY 31 West Twenty-third Street 1892 Copyright, 1892 BY E. P- DUTTON AND COMPANY IFthb library! jjOF CONGRESSI Washington! BocMueU anU aTrj^crjiU BOSTON CONTENTS. CHAPTER PAGE I. An Unexpected Pleasure 11 II. New York for the First Time .... 19 III. Life on a Steamer 25 IV. A First Glimpse ok England ..... 32 V. A Week in London , . . . 36 VI. Off for the Continent ........ 44 VII. Up the Rhine 50 VIII. The Legend of the Lorely 58 IX. Mayence to Nuremberg 66 X. Nuremberg TO XI. Nuremberg. — Continued 82 XII. Strasbourg 91 XIII. Homeward Bound 101 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE ece Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York Frontispi The Great Steamer backed out into the River, 22 Houses of Parliament 29 Nelson Column 36 Tower of London 41 Hampton Court . . 42 Brussels Bourse 47 Cologne Cathedrai , 51 La ii neck Castle 55 Mouse Tower 62 Mayence — general view 67 Nuremberg Walls 71 Albrecht Durer's House 73 Nuremberg Castle 75 Nuremberg 82 Strasbourg Cathedral — side view 91 Strasbourg Storks , 95 Strasbourg-Cathedral Clock 97 Place de la Concorde 102 Petit Trianon 109 Thames Embankment . 112 TO NUREMBERG AND BACK, A GIRL'S HOLIDAY. CHAPTER I. AN UNEXPECTED PLEAS T I! E. /"~\NE day in the early spring, Alice Winter came home from school, and, after the usual ques- tion at the door, "Is mamma at home?" rushed upstairs, and found to her great surprise that her papa was at home, talking very earnestly to Mrs. Winter. When Alice came into the room, Mr. Winter stopped talking, and she wondered very much what they could have been talking about so earnestly, as all she heard was her papa asking, " Do you think we had better take her with us ? " 12 TO NUREMBERG AND BACK. " Why, papa ! What is the matter ? Are you going away ? Are you sick ? What made you come home so early '.' were the questions which Alice gave rapidly, without waiting for an answer. Mr. Winter said, "Yes, dear, I am obliged to go to Nuremberg, Germany, on business immediately, and mamma is trying to make up her mind whether it is best for her to go with me. She does not like to leave you for so long a time, and we do not think it wise to take you with us, when you are getting on at school so nicely." " papa, please take me with you. I shall learn just as much on such a lovely trip as at school, and you know I can take care of mamma, and keep her from being lonely when you are busy. papa, please ask mamma to let me go. I should be so unhappy to stay without you, even with dear Aunt Edith, and I know there is where you would send me." "Alice, dear, go to your room and get ready for dinner, and leave us to talk it over," said Mr. Winter. " My dear little daughter knows that no AN UNEXPECTED PLEASURE. l-> matter which way we decide, it will be as we think is best for all of us. You know it is as hard for us to leave you as it will be for you to let us go." x\lice left the room without another word, with her heart beating very fast from the excitement of it all. The thought of going to Europe across the great ocean was a very happy one to a bright girl of fifteen who was studying all the time about the places she would visit and the objects of interest she would see, if her papa would only decide to take her. Alice sat down by the window of her pretty room, and looked out on the village street, far aw r ay in the northern part of the State of New York. She wondered how the ocean looked, as she had never seen any larger bodv of water than that of Lake Erie, when she went with her mother to make a visit in Cleveland. She also wondered if her state-room on the steamer would be as large as the room she was in ; also, would she be sick, and how would all those 14 TO NUREMBERG AND BACK. wonderful cities look ; if they could be as beautiful as the pictures she had seen of them. Then she remembered that only last week she had been studying about the quaint old city of Nurem- berg, and wishing she c6uld go there and see all its curiosities. Alice was startled by the dinner-bell, and could not even wait to brush her hair, she was so anxious to know what her papa had decided. As Alice went into the dining-room with a very wistful look in her deep-brown eyes, Mr. Winter said, " Well, dear, we have decided to take you with us, and as it is now Wednesday, and we sail Saturday from New York on the ' Etruria,' you will be very busy getting ready, and you must help your mamma all you can/' Alice threw her arms around Mr. Winter's neck, crying with joy, saying at the same time, " Oh, you dear, darling papa, how kind and good you are, and how I do love you ! " After kissing him again and again, she went to her mamma and nearly smothered her with kisses. AN" UNEXPECTED PLEASURE. 15 Mr. Winter had never been abroad, though he had large business interests there, which had been at- tended to by a clerk in whom he had the utmost confidence. This clerk had been taken very sud- denly and dangerously ill, Mr. Winter had no one else he could send, and found he must go himself and at once. He telegraphed to the Cunard office for state- rooms, and went home to tell his wife, hardly thinking she would go with him at such short notice, or leave Alice. Mrs. Winter was not willing he should go with- out her, and soon decided not only to go, but to take Alice with them. Alice could hardly eat any dinner, she was so happy and full of excitement. The next morning; Alice went to school to get her books and tell the wonderful news to her teacher and school-mates. They were nearly as interested as she, for it was quite an event for any one to go to Europe from that quiet village. Hi TO NUREMBERG AXI> BACK. It was decided then and there that all would be at the station to see her off on Friday. When Alice went to her room she found there a new steamer-trunk marked "A. W. " in large let- ters, and then she was busy indeed getting it- packed and deciding what to take with her. Mrs. Winter came in while Alice was almost in despair and said, " This is to be such a hurried trip you will need only a couple of dresses, but you must take all your warm wraps." Alice laughed and said, " I do not think I shall need them in the spring;" but mamma said, "It is always cold at sea, and you will need your winter clothes." Friday afternoon our little party started for New York, with the best wishes of their friends, who came to the station for the very last " good-byes." Alice even shed a few tears, but they were soon wiped away, and a happy face looked from the car window, which fortunately was on the side over- looking the Hudson River. Alice had never seen that lovely river before, and naturally was delighted. AN UNEXPECTED PLEASURE. 17 When they passed the Catskill Mountains it was so clear she could see the famous old Mountain House, and, beyond, the immense Kauterskill Hotel, which seemed almost in the clouds, it looked so high. West Point was the next object of interest, and Alice did hope she could go there sometime and see the cadets do some of their drills. When they were opposite the Palisades, which stood up in their grandeur, with the softened tints of the setting sun settling upon them, Alice said, wt I know I shall see nothing in Europe any finer than that." Very soon the tall spires and smoke in the dis- tance showed that they were drawing near New York, and after leaving the Hudson they followed the pretty Harlem River, which makes an island of New York City. Alice was much interested in the bridges, there seemed to be so many of them, and papa told her that the one then in sight was the new Washing- ton bridge, just completed. The next was High 18 TO NUREMBERG AND BACK. bridge, which carries the water over the river into the city. When it was finished it was said to be the finest engineering in the country. The next bridge was the continuation of the ele- vated railroad, and then came Macomb's Dam bridge, the oldest of them all, and used simply for driving and walking across, and looked, Alice thought, quite unsafe. The pretty Madison Avenue bridge was the last they saw as they crossed their own bridge, and were soon in a tunnel which Alice thought would never end. When they came out of the tunnel the train was nearly at the station, where the noise and bustle were very confusing, and they were glad to get into a carriage to be driven to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. As it was quite dark, Alice thought it was like a glimpse of fairy-land when they reached Madison Square, with its electric lights shining on the trees, and all the bright lights around the hotel. CHAPTER II. NEW YOEK FOR THE FIRST TIME. IV /TR. WINTER having telegraphed for rooms, found them ready for him ; and on going down to dinner they were delighted to see the corridors and dining-room crowded with people, many of them pub- lic characters whom he could point out to Alice, who was so excited she felt the entire evening as if she were in a dream. Of all the prominent men there Alice was the most interested in General Sherman, with his kind, rugged face. The "Etrnria" sailed at noon on Saturday, and Mrs. Winter and Alice spent the morning buying a few last things, such as a hat and hood and comfort- able steamer-chairs. At eleven o'clock a Fifth Avenue Hotel stao-e was at the door, and several people beside themselves 20 TO NUREMBERG AND BACK. went in it to the steamer. The ladies had flowers and baskets of fruit, and seemed so bright and happy that Alice for the first time felt a little lonely and homesick. On reaching the dock there were so many people going on and coming off the steamer, and pushing each other, it was almost impossible to cross the gang-plank and reach their own state-rooms. Finally they found them, and. instead of nice large rooms, they were so very small that Alice felt she never could live in them for a week or ten days, and the berths were so narrow she said, " papa, you can never get into one of those in the world." "Oh, yes, I can." said Mr. Winter, "and perhaps before we reach Liverpool I shall wish they were narrower yet."' Mrs. Winter and Alice had one room, and Mr. Winter was across the passage with another gentle- man. After settling their valises and rugs they went up on deck to see the people, and also the last of the city itself. Large baskets of fruits and flowers NEW YORK FOR THE FIRST TIME. 21 in every shape were constantly being brought on board, and much to Alice's delight there was a large bunch of violets from her school friends at home. She had been looking at the other people a little enviously, especially at a girl of her own age who had many friends to see her, and her arms full of flowers. Very soon the gong sounded, and Alice, who had never heard one, put her hands to her ears to shut out the noise. As soon as the man had passed by Alice said, — "What is that?" "That is a gong, dear," said her papa, 'and is now being used to notify the people who are not sailino; on the steamer that it is time to £&>» ^s&V c #*timkS J> &*• ^ ^ ♦! 4* "^ * ^.^SLtX **.£&?* S<&&\ °°* W ^ v"V %^v V^*V V • • * * ^ ^ *••• • xO %,