CITRUS FRUITS. PART 1. FIFTEEN YEARS WITH THE LEMON. By G. W. GARCELON, of Riverside. PART II. NEW VARIETIES OF CITRUS FRUITS. By B. M. LELONG, Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, and ex officio Chief Horticultural Officer. a£^- SACRAMENTO: STATE OFFICE, ::::::: A. J. JOHNSTON, SUPT. STATE PRINTING. 1 1891 •as— <&- - CITRUS FRUITS. PART I. FIFTEEN YEARS WITH THE LEMON. By G. W. GARCELON, of Riverside. PAET II. NEW VARIETIES OF CITRUS FRUITS. By B/^MTLELONG, Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, and ex officio Chief Horticultural Officer. SACRAMENTO: state office, : : : : : a. j. johnston, supt. state printing 1891. \ STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. ELLWOOD COOPER, President Santa Barbara, Commissioner for the Los Angeles District. L. W. BUCK, Vice-President - Vacaville, Commissioner for the Napa District. S. RUNYON, Treasurer Courtland, Commissioner for the Sacramento District. < J. L. MOSHER, Auditor San Francisco, Commissioner for the State at Large. FRANK A. KIMBALL ....National City, Commissioner for the State at Large. A. F. WHITE Santa Rosa, Commissioner for the Sonoma District. FRED. C. MILES ....Penryn. Commissioner for the El Dorado District. I. H. THOMAS Visalia. Commissioner for the San Joaquin District. A. BLOCK Santa Clara. Commissioner for the San Francisco District. B. M. LELONG, Secretary. Ex officio Chief Horticultural Officer. ALEXANDER CRAW Clerk of the Publishing and Quarantine Bureau. ELLA F. HALLAHAN .Clerk. Office of the Board: No. 220 Sutter Street, San Francisco. u ^0 ^ PREFACE TO FIRST PART. For a number of years extensive experiments have been conducted by lemon growers, with the aim to discover, if possible, a process that would keep lemons until such a time as there would be a market for them. Various methods have been tried, and while some of them have been more or less a success, yet they lacked the most essential point, i. e., the keeping of the lemon without shriveling and becoming dry on exposure to the atmosphere. Dealers in San Francisco have greatly complained of California lemons not keeping long after exposure, and for that reason the foreign lemon has had the lead. But this is no longer so; the Cali- fornia lemon is fast supplanting the foreign. California lemons are now placed in the markets — not only of this State, but also in the East — in a fresh condition, and do not shrivel or dry on being exposed, even after several w T eeks. That the growers have been able to place upon the markets a lemon having all the essential points, as well as quality, as late as ten months after being picked, only goes to show what constant experimenting and energy can accomplish. It is to G. W. Garcelon, of Riverside, that the success in this direction must be accorded. For a number of years he worked faithfully, experimenting at an outlay of considerable time and money, and now we give to the public the result of his " Fifteen Years with the Lemon," with the hope that others will be equally as successful. Certainly they can if they follow the directions and details closely, as in this lies the secret of success. Respectfully, B. M. LELONG, Secretary. San Francisco, Cal., September 17, 1891. PART I. FIFTEEN YEARS WITH THE LEMON. By G. W. Gaecelon, of Riverside. In giving to the public the details of my experience with this most valuable of all citrus fruits, I will make no apology for a few introductory remarks. As in every well built structure much depends upon the foundation, so much of the success of handling lemons depends upon observing very carefully every detail; care and gentle handling should begin, continue, and end every act. I am well assured that failure will be the result if one tried to succeed with lemons without particularly and always recollect- ing that he is dealing with perishable fruit, which, because of the extreme firmness of the rind, he thinks may sustain without injury rough hand- ling. Oil cells upon the rind of a freshly picked lemon are as easily fractured as an egg shell; a slight pressure with the finger will often produce decay, and the surprise occasioned by spoiled lemons, when we were positive they were not bruised, will vanish if we could follow the lemon from the time it is clipped until decay overtakes it, especially when we recollect the frailty of the oil cells in the rind. In foreign countries where lemons are produced, labor is much less valuable, and time can be devoted to working up necessary details with- out adding very much to the cost. Here, where labor costs, every hour of time should show to the employer corresponding progress; even the employed feel that there should appear advance with the work. But if the expression "make haste slowly" has a fitting application, it belongs to this lemon business.. And as foreigners have learned by years of experience, with probable losses, how to take graciously $10 for a box of lemons which in nowise differed from our own at one time, and for which grumbling housekeepers begrudge us the paltry $2, we ought to bend our energies to produce just as good, recollecting being on the ground and a little protection will go far to make up the difference between well paid and cheap labor. Right here I wish to emphasize that not every man is going to make a success of lemon curing, not because it is not his intention to do his best, but because he cannot "steer the ship" and "take in the sail" at the same time. It has taken centuries for the natives of the Mediter- ranean shores to get into the rut of success. We are made of different material; and while we are working with our physical strength our mental visions are aloft after some new and shorter road to success, consequently mere animal strength and will often forget, because of the wandering brain, the details of which I believe are not the fort of the genus American, and "our basket of eggs," or lemons, are kicked over, and we tear down our poultry houses and take up our lemon trees. Now we are dependent more or less upon those who work for us — I — 6 — would not question the honesty of our laborers; I believe the most of them try to do their work well, yet this idea of making a show of having accomplished something does prevent thorough work. Men detest details, and hate worse to have their employers dwell upon and repeat the same thing over and over again; and while I have had some of the best of workmen, yet I often find myself much tried by small neglects, and I know I succeed very poorly in hiding away vexation under the bland smile of reproof. Now, this lemon industry, successfully done, demands the careful observance of small things. Right here I will add that the difficulty of trying to come up to the reputation of imported lemons with what few of the home production over which I had any control, I found insurmountable, consequently I discard in a measure the compliments for generosity that the press have awarded, as my object for the fifteen years has been to introduce in quantities lemons that our own people will prefer to the foreign. In Riverside and surrounding places I have succeeded, but I fail to reach the quantities, even though I had control of them. I would not be able to extend the successful supervision they need, consequently I have concluded to give to the public my process of producing " Rip Van Winkle " lemons, hoping that the merits of the lemon and its popu- larity will induce many others to help me keep at home the many millions of dollars which annually go abroad to pay for lemons. Years ago my attention was drawn toward the apparent truth that California could not produce a good lemon, for the San Francisco market quoted foreign lemons at $5 and $6; home, at $1 and $2, and even less. These last were always overgrown seedling lemons, which should have left the trees months before. But they grew larger, made fewer to the box, and made — yes, made those who used them profane over their efforts to extract any juice from them. Soon following the introduction of budded oranges, came budded lemons of different varieties. Even then, the fruit which should have been clipped as soon as it was ready was allowed to remain upon the trees months too long, because it was early winter, and no one wants lemons to any extent in winter. The lemon is an everbearing tree. While the orange blossoms and matures its fruit at stated times, the lemon tree is in flower and differ- ent stages of fruit throughout the year. I think I am correct in writ- ing that all fruits having seeds change at certain times the character and quality of juices. While in the first stages of growth, before seeds are developing, juices are fresh and characteristic, when seeds are being formed and matured the juices lose many properties and assist in maturing seeds. Now, how unreasonable to expect all the fruit of an everbearing tree, like the lemon, to be at the same time ready for clip- ping. We have learned already that lemons should be gathered from the tree many times through the year. At first, before we knew better, the whole crop was taken at one time, large and small, and to-day some growers persist in taking from the tree in early winter lemons no larger than walnuts, for fear of chill, having trees in exposed places. Now, if these trees had their growth checked earlier, so that in time of cold weather the trees were in a measure dormant, not so much harm would be done. Better still, do not put out lemon trees in badly exposed or low places. I have seen the fruit of orange trees hurt by frosty weather, while lemons on adjoining trees were not harmed. This was owing to the condition of the trees when the cold struck them. As a general — 7 — thing lemons are more tender than oranges. Put your lemon trees on the highest ground; it is always colder on the lowest soil. Do not bud lemons into lemon stock — China lemon stock is worse. Seedling orange trees make the best stock for the lemon. Lemon root is sure sooner or later to be affected with the gum disease. I also think that the stock does affect the bud and fruit. When trees are well cared for in and about Riverside and all other places between the Coast Range of mountains and those on the east, from one half to two thirds of the fruit will be both sizable and mature enough to clip from the last of October to the middle of December; the balance of fruit will be in different stages of growth, and as often as once a month, for six or seven months, the fruit should be clipped. In lemon orchards between the Coast Range and the ocean, conditions are somewhat different. The 'saline atmosphere of the ocean modifies the cold, and the blossoms of the trees are not chilled; consequently the fruit crop is more evenly dis- tributed throughout the year. But this same situation and condition produce, by excessive moisture, a fungus up*on the trees and fruit which entails the expense of cleaning the lemons before marketing, and involves an extra handling, which, when fruit has to be kept for the market, is apt to impair its keeping qualities. On the other hand, lemon orchards east of the Coast Range produce the cleanest of fruit, and although the blossom in midwinter may drop from being chilled, yet the next bloom- ing will have more fruit in consequence, and this makes the heavy crop which matures before the holidays. The results of my experience have, from year to year, cost me time and money. Failure and loss had to be put on the income side of my returns, and if it had not been for the profit in growing oranges, which enabled me to use a little of the surplus to persevere, I would have been tempted, as others have been, to remove my lemon trees. Year after year a little more light on the subject encouraged me to continue, and to-day, although my system is not wholly perfect, yet I feel confident, when my plan becomes generally known, others more capable than I will further improve upon it. It is a fact that I have to-day (Septem- ber first) lemons in excellent condition, after being clipped ten months. Experts pronounce them equal to any grown in any part of the world. I have been often amused by the comments of those of an inquiring mind, who, holding my fruit to their olfactory organs, pronounce sul- phur, salt, lime, sawdust, sand, etc., to be the basis of the keeping and curing process, when the facts are that the main points of success are simple and inexpensive — no chemicals, only a little common sense. Too many of us are looking higher for the solution of our difficulties than the case warrants. Common sense, applied to a little persevering detail work, will often be the " open sesame " to success. While many newspapers have encouraged me in my progress, and said kind words, knowing that my success meant much for California, others have called attention to my meanness in withholding from the public and my neighbors the information I had gained. Not until I was sure of success would I have been excusable for claiming any merit for my plan of curing lemons. While it is a sign of progress for our newspapers to vie with each other in being first to put news before the public, there is danger of being "too previous" in this respect. Not only does the adage "be sure you are right, then go ahead," apply gen- erally to the press, but because our newspapers give first impressions, and it is difficult to remove a false first impression, no newspaper is excusable for giving as facts what may work an injury, unless all the means for obtaining reliable news are used. Although lemons handled as I care for them may be all right, yet the thing is to get them to market in good condition. Railroad companies charge the same price for landing a box of fruit spoiled by their careless handling as for a good box; thus, if I sent twenty boxes of lemons to Chicago it would cost me $2 80 per box, even though half of them spoiled in transit. In almost all branches of business a responsibility is obligatory upon those who do the business, and if loss comes from want of proper facilities to do the business, common justice demands that the loss be made good. But in the matter of sending fruit the shipper not only loses his fruit, but has to pay freight to the party through whose neglect the fruit comes to grief. Now, not until the railroad either chooses or is made by law to make good what is lost by their poor facilities in transportation, or even to lose the freight on goods spoiled in transit, can»we expect redress; and I favor a law which will encourage competition enough to give us better ventilated cars, and prevent railroad consolidation where the public suffers from a monopoly. Having been in San Francisco lately, I observed that well cured California lemons are fast taking the place of the foreign. Some of the heaviest dealers assured me that the demand for home-grown lemons was for nine out of every ten boxes wanted. How different from a few years since, when the poor reputation of lemons of inferior quality prevented even the really good fruit finding a paying market. Before proceeding to give the details of my process, I wish to publicly apologize for not replying to the many letters I have received about lemons. I had not the time to do so, and excused myself, knowing soon that all the many questions in said letters would be publicly answered. There may be a few more suggestions to make, but I will proceed to business, reserving, when each point is made plain, the right to make comments, which I think all interested in growing lemons will approve. I think best to classify the different points involved, and treat them in the following order: First — Where to grow lemons. Second — How to plant. Third — When to plant. Fourth — What to plant. Fifth — Pruning. Sixth — Processing the lemon. Seventh — Lemon house. Eighth — Picking. Ninth — How and when to clip fruit. Tenth — How to keep fruit. Eleventh — Marketing the lemon. WHERE TO GROW LEMONS. Select the highest and driest part of your citrus orchard for the lemon. If you have no situation which is comparatively free from frost, do not waste your time with lemons, for your crop will not be profitable to you, and will hurt your neighbor who may raise good lemons, as prices will be reduced by your poor fruit. There is wisdom in advising not only — 9 each locality, but different orchards in each locality, to produce what it can do best — that will secure reputation and profit to all concerned. HOW TO PLANT. After having selected the proper location, see that the soil is properly leveled. After leveling break up as deeply as you can, so that the roots of your trees will have an opportunity to use the subsoil of your orchard. Look after the flume and irrigating apparatus. Stake not less than twenty-five feet apart each way; make the holes, according to age of tree, from two to two and one half feet each way. Be sure your tree is taken up with soil on roots sacked. Some how I think an evergreen tree ought never to have its roots exposed, so as to get dry; there are those who say that trees do just as well without the soil, but this opinion is given often to avoid trouble of sacking. Be careful and cut clean from ball of soil all roots mangled in digging. I think a lemon tree gets more injury from exposed and bare roots than an orange, because its growth is more luxuriant. Before the last two or three shovelfuls of soil are put around the tree run the water, and when the soil is settled around the roots put the reserved soil around the tree. WHEN TO PLANT. The best time to transplant citrus trees is just as the tree is starting out its new growth in March and April. WHAT TO PLANT. My favorite lemon is the Lisbon, and what I claim for it is rapid growth and good form of tree, profuse bearing, well proportioned and uniform fruit, with fine acid and good keeping qualities, as well as attractive appearance. The only thing that can be said against the tree is, it has thorns — yes, it has thorns; but I have for several years gathered lemons from the Eureka (thornless), and conclude that there is not much difference between the amount of culls — a cull is very seldom made from thorns; a very slight rubbing of branch, leaf, and limb upon a green lemon will make the cull. Then thorns diminish as trees grow older and mature their growth. The properties of the Eureka lemon are good, but its appearance and want of uniformity are against it; also, I believe, it is more tender than the Lisbon. The facts are that all varieties of lemons are improved by removing the fruit from the tree at the proper time, and not waiting until over mature, because as the pulp becomes fibrous the tendency to bitterness is increased. It is claimed for the Villa Franca that it is hardier than other varie- ties. If that is true, it is desirable on some accounts; yet, while I claim that cold weather brings out the tone in fruit, still a little extra cold will tend to develop in fruit thus exposed a tough resisting condition, which rather thickens and roughens the rind at the expense of quality. The fact that Riverside, with her little frosts, now leads the world in citrus fruits really indorses my claim, or why have not wholly tropical climes made their mark on the mere insipid sweetness of their fruits before this? Now, this question, what to plant, has been put to me many times. I have advised those who are in doubt about the variety — 10 — of lemon to plant, to first set out two or three-year old seedling orange trees, and bud in the orchard after a year or two; then time, which solves many difficulties, will have revealed what is the best variety. One will lose nothing, as I am sure that too often buds are put in trees too soon after being transplanted, consequently less vigor of growth and poorer trees. PRUNING. This is a great question, and no doubt will call forth much conten- tion. I give my opinion from observation and experience. After the tree is set let it grow. As soon as they appear remove all suckers, which some growers leave to protect the trunk of the tree from the sun; rather burlap the trunks and let the growth come from the top, which will con- stitute two thirds of the tree. Allow all top growth to remain, except shorten in any too luxuriant branches, and keep the trees well balanced, or winds will prune for you, and more than is desirable. Now, this is all that is necessary, except annually to clean out any wood in the tree which is too near or has got through being useful to the tree, always remembering that the best fruit of the lemon comes from the inside of the tree and nearest the ground. PROCESSING THE LEMON. For many years the question of lemon curing has puzzled me; so many plans for keeping lemons, each one partially successful, and the first warm days of May and June found the lemons on the market, because beginning to spoil or dry. My first experience was — well, it is time wasted, perhaps, to dwell upon those failures; suffice it to say that I have been through all, and not until I used a room plastered as for living, with attention turned to excluding light, draught, and heat, did I see the glimmerings of success; even then many lemons decayed, yet those that were good kept well and proved to be fine lemons. Having this clew, I began to think that the fruit was not taken from the tree with proper care, and gradually I used one plan and another until I reached my success of to-day. LEMON HOUSE. It is not necessary, unless one has a large lot of lemons, to build a very extensive or expensive house. Mine (see illustrations) cost me, with all appurtenances, about $2,500, and will contain six to seven car- loads of fruit, properly arranged, to keep from four to twelve months, and in addition I have in the basement two large rooms which I use for storing and packing, also for box material, etc. Feeling confident that the best success in handling lemons will come from each orchardist making arrangements to keep his own fruit, I recommend all growers of lemons to build a house somewhat after my plan, larger or smaller, according to their orchards. In a few words, a plastered room, or rooms, inside an unplastered but closely boarded and ventilated structure, and a hallway running around these rooms, which serves a double purpose, giving an inside passageway to rooms and allowing what is most essential, the boxes of lemons (newly picked) to be piled up in the outside passage until they gradually throw off excessive moisture and permit any lemon which has been bruised through careless handling, or otherwise, to — 11 — develop imperfections, etc., before the lemons are finally put to their " Rip Van Winkle " sleep. I would also advise that if the basement is not needed, to set the house nearer the ground and shade with trees and vines, which will keep the temperature down, as it is desirable to keep lemons as near the 60-degree limit as possible. The doors should be made to fit close in the inside rooms; no windows. A few windows, with close fitting shutters, ought to be placed in the outside structure; board tightly outside and inside rooms, and I now think lathing and plastering on the inside, with movable ventilator in ceiling, would be an improvement on mine. My rooms were plastered on ceiling, and sometimes moisture from spoiled lemons, which were not properly handled before putting in the rooms, caused the plastering to fall. PICKING. When to Clip Fruit. — When lemons, on well cared for trees, are from two and one half to three inches in diameter, they should be clipped. There should be a good proportion of the fruit, say one half to two thirds, ready to come from the tree from the middle of October to the middle of December, and it would be best to make two separate clippings in that time, for if you make only one some may be too large and others too small. Some growers clip smaller than I recommend, but the three hundred to the box size is the most popular. The longer you keep the lemon the more it will be reduced in size; you will have to make allow- ance for contraction — one third to one half — before it is marketed. Every three to four weeks the trees should be gone over for sizable fruit until all is gathered. Color cuts no figure, only if the tree is not in good condition, or suitable lemons are not all gathered, my rule will not hold. It has been claimed that the first clipped fruit keeps better than the last, and that there is some of the fruit that is not a true lemon. Now, I take no stock in such claims; the trouble comes either from excessive chill, or from lemons which have been overlooked in former clippings; both will spoil and affect those near them after being gathered. Of course, I do not say that there is not some fruit on lemon trees that, through some, as yet, unexplained reason, will be no good. This is true of all fruit, and is not confined to the lemon, or less to first clipping than the others; only wind and exposure will make more of this fruit in later clippings than first. How to Clip Fruit. — The grower should provide himself with proper ladders, which may be extention or self-supporting. First, though, he should secure careful, trustworthy men, who will not think it too trivial to carry out the details which must be observed in order to secure suc- cess. Do not hurry them; recollect that, although their time costs you money, you will make more by giving them all the time necessary to do this work well, and should not be hired to pick by box or piece. I have never used rings for measurement, although some growers do. It may be an advantage in getting the exact size, yet there is a disadvantage in the fact that some lemons are ready to come from the tree a little smaller than others, and although purchasers desire mostly the three hundred size, yet three hundred and sixty, three hundred and twenty-four, as well as two hundred and fifty are good sizes. Also, the gloves and clip- pers which the workmen have to use with the rings delay the work. The eye of a good workman is all that is needed, and if he is at times — 12 — at a loss his forefinger and thumb around the lemon will, after he has the diameter, approximate the size wanted. I like oval baskets, holding about sixty to seventy-five lemons, lined with burlap, which may be carefully tacked in the bottom, being sure to cover the heads of tacks with the cloth. Never clip lemons into sacks. Fastened to the handle of the basket may be a stout, bent wire to attach the basket to the ladder or tree. Never pull the fruit; always clip. Put the fruit in the basket carefully, and when full empty into the picking box, first throwing a loose sack into the box so that it will break the fall of the fruit. The basket being oval, one end is put into the box, and then withdrawn, leav- ing the fruit in the box, and bruising avoided. Some take the fruit from the basket by hand and place into the box. This is very safe, but time can be saved by my way, but care must be used. After the first basket- ful is emptied the loose sack can be gently taken from under the lemons and used for the next. The size of picking boxes is immaterial. I use boxes that are twenty-four inches long, fifteen inches wide, and nine inches deep. Do not expose the fruit to the sun after clipping, and remove it in the boxes carefully the same day into the hallway of the lemon house. When clipping lemons do not leave a long stem, as in handling the stem will injure the fruit next to it. HOW TO KEEP FKUIT. We place our boxes of lemons in the hallway of the lemon house — if in early winter on the south side, if in late spring or summer on the north side, next to outside boarding of inside room. The main doors are kept closed, the ventilators open, and the excessive moisture will evaporate from the fruit in about four weeks in winter months, and from two to three in summer; then put the lemons away. Now provide yourself with trays just the size of raisin trays, only deeper; the ends should be one and one half inches deep, and nail a lath on each side, to keep the fruit from rolling out. I have utilized my raisin trays, and nailed one and one half inch pieces on the ends. Select one corner of a room which, to prevent loss of space, could be made a little larger than is necessary, for a number of tiers of trays. Under each tier put a closed empty tray — or two would be better — as I find the fruit next to the bottom as well as top cures faster and shrivels more. Upon this foundation put your tray for the first lot of lemons, which carefully empty from the picking box. It would be best to begin two tiers of trays at once, so that the lemons that are left over from filling the first tray, with only one layer, can be put on the second. Of course throw out as you come to them all imperfect fruit. In this way build up your tiers of trays as high as you conveniently can, using your empty picking boxes for staging. Lastly cover the top trays with one or two tight trays. In this way fill your room and keep your inside doors open for a few days, afterward close through the day and open through the night, according to the moisture in the room, which should be kept comparatively dry. After the lemons are once put away on trays, and if they have been properly cared for before, and the rooms looked after as I have advised, there will be no need of disturbing them until wanted for packing, even if it is four, six, eight, ten, or twelve months after. A few will spoil, say from 2 to 10 per cent. Although the lemons at first touch each other in the one layer on the tray, they will contract so that if any — 13 — spoil they will not often affect the next ones, and the few spoiling lemons give a little necessary moisture to the air of the room. This is all. You can look in from time to time to notice condition. If a ven- tilator is put in ceiling of inner rooms you will have to be careful of draughts, and perhaps use less door opening and closing. MARKETING THE LEMON. This brings me to my lastly, and I am going to plead a degree of ignorance, for I have been unable to follow the fruit in its travels so as to know the reason why some of the same fruit will reach its destination and give perfect satisfaction while other boxes of like fruit handled in the same way are reported as spoiled. However, as I have shipped lemons and oranges together, I find that just as large a percentage of oranges spoil as lemons, and I conclude, first, that the carrying facilities are faulty — different compartments for perishable fruits are necessary where less than carload lots are sent — and that our cars are very faulty in con- struction. Second, I advise that the strongest influence be brought to bear upon railroad authorities to prepare better cars for fruit. If some one could experiment on the different methods of conveying fruit over the continent something might come of it. It seems hard upon the shipper, after he has done his best and succeeded, that his work should be so marred because those who receive a high price for doing their part do not seem to care for anything but the money that is in it for them. There should be the most amicable feelings between the fruit grower and the railroad company, because each is necessary for the other, and both are necessary for the prosperity of the country. I dwell upon this because it is now the great barrier which rears itself up before our great lemon industry, and the sooner something is done to reduce this obstacle of 10 per cent loss in transportation and high price of freight for less than carload lots, the quicker will both railroad and grower reap larger profits. Could not the railroad appoint some competent man to go with each train of fruit and look after the condition of every car all along the journey, regulating the ventilation, etc.? Reports from fruit ship- ments read "fruit heated," "fruit chilled," fruit rotted," etc., until the shipper gets weary and his pocketbook grows thin. o Ul O z £ o X V) ui « > 3 «: Ed uj § > a J- o o < w g a. p a: * HALL Wide LEMON HOUSE. ,3X7 Hall 4 f^ Wide 18 x 14.6 TLoo^. (8 \l^.b Tj_oow^. Id X l^.b HALL &F GxO J9 *"i c -k J3a t. $ 'J"i9 D 6x(> o 4x7 ^ASEI^ENT. The basement is used for storing fresh fruit, box material, etc., and also for packing 17 o U-J (Si 2-F — 18 — PART II. NEW VARIETIES OF CITRUS FRUITS. By B. M. Lelong, Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, and ex officio Chief Horticultural Officer. For some time past there has been considerable inquiry as to new varieties of citrus fruits, and especially in regard to those lately intro- duced. In 1888 we published a very complete list of the varieties then in cultivation, and the merits of each. In that list appeared many varieties which did not come up to the expectations of those who im- ported them. Recently many thousands of trees have been introduced and planted throughout the State, and among these later importations many of those same varieties that proved of no merit have been reintroduced as " worthy of trial." " It should always be borne in mind in considering the qualities of the oranges of the different sections of the country, that climate has a marked effect upon this as well as all other fruits. The skin of nearly all varieties is thicker and more free from defects in California than in Florida and Louisiana, and the flavor much more tart. The misunder- standing of this fact often leads to much confusion regarding the identity of varieties and their adaptability to certain localities. Those that are very mild flavored should not be grown in Florida, because they become insipidly sweet; and those of very tart flavor become really sour in California. If such kinds are planted reversely to the above, they will in both cases be much improved."* In the past two years, and last year especially, I received several hun- dred specimens of these discarded kinds for identification. It is to be regretted that many of those planting extensively hardly ever question the merits of the variety, as long as the trees offered them are large and cheap. It is the extensive planter who mostly falls into this error. The small planter seldom ever buys a tree without examining it crit- ically, and the honesty of the nurseryman growing it questioned. Were this' rule followed by all who plant orchards, less inferior fruit would find its way into the market, which tends to injure the sale of the choice article. It is the duty of this department to examine into the relative merits of such varieties, and new fruits, as come under its notice, and to report such facts of general interest to the public. No sooner is such a report made than we are flooded with inquiries asking, in the main, as to where and from whom they can be purchased, etc., information which we must decline to supply, and suggest that in future such communi- cations be addressed to nurserymen. * Professor H. E. Van Deman, Chief Pomoloaist, Report Department of Agriculture. 1887, p. 638. A NEW ORANGE. THE 'J OP PA'.' — 19 — JOPPA. [Colored Plate*.] This is a remarkable orange, as it can be marketed early, being sweet and of a fairly high flavor from about the time it commences to color. In this respect it compares favorably with imported oranges often seen in our markets — picked quite green for transportation. It has the characteristics of an orange that comes nearer meeting the wants of all sections than any other, as it can be marketed early and yet remain on the tree till May and June without deterioration in quality. At the December (1890) meeting of the State Horticultural Society, I exhibited specimens which were picked of a quite green color, but were highly flavored and sweet. " The orange is large, seedless, exceedingly fine grained, and free from ' rag,' the significant term which is applied to the fluffy white layer which lies between the true skin and the pulp. The orange, though seedless, has no rudimentary seed vessel which forms the characteristic mark of the Navel orange, and occupies part of the space of the fruit with a non- edible material." f At the June (1891) meeting of the same society, I again exhibited specimens of the Joppa, and which were then in prime condition. Fruit (see colored plate). — Very uniform, oblong, medium to large, firm, practically seedless, distinguished by a well defined corona at the blossom end; thin rind, solid and free from rag; pulp very fine, sweet, and juicy; resembles the pulp of the Washington Navel. The fruit does not drop from the tree, is very tenacious, and of a deep red color. Tree. — Thornless, an upright and vigorous grower, attains the bear- ing surface of thrifty seedlings, and is a heavy bearer. A ten-year old tree from the bud, at Mr. Chapman's, now measures eighteen feet in height and fourteen and one half feet in diameter; foliage large, dark green, symmetrical, and very abundant; leaves large, lanceolate; petiole prominently winged on either side. Origin. — Mr. A. B. Chapman, of San Gabriel, was connected for a number of years with the law firm of Glassell, Chapman & Smith, of Los Angeles, who were the attorneys of the Southern Pacific Railroad. In 1877, in conversation with the late Charles Crocker and General D. D. Colton, on their return from the Mediterranean, and while on a tour of inspection, wherein the building of the Santa Ana branch was in con- templation, they praised an orange they had seen at Joppa, Palestine, above all others. Mr. Chapman sent to the American Consulate at that point for some seeds (instead of buds) of that orange, not thinking they would produce different fruit. He received from the Consul some seeds, which he planted that same year. Many plants were thus obtained, and when large enough were set out in orchard. All of them bore fruit of different quality, as is natural in growing trees from the seed. This one had then attained the size of large seedlings, and bore this superior and handsome orange, which was readily distinguished by its fine texture, deep red color, smooth skin, and other marked character- * Lithographed by the H. S. Crocker Company, of San Francisco. The reason their name does not appear on the plate, is because the work was first undertaken by another firm. t " Pacific Rural Press," January 10, 1891, commenting upon specimens exhibited. — 20 — istics, which Mr. Chapman named " Joppa," in order to indicate the locality of its original home in the Holy Land. Ruby. [Figure l.J "A new orange of superior quality, recently imported. Tree strong, of vigorous growth, and nearly thornless. Fruit rather below medium size, nearly round, skin very thin and smooth, pulp in March and April ruby-red."* Fig. 1. While at Riverside, July 21, 1891, Hon. E. W. Holmes showed me specimens of this orange grown by him. They showed no indications of deterioration, notwithstanding the lateness of the season. The speci- mens were in their prime, the flavor very good, and resembled the Maltese Blood to a considerable extent. The pulp was somewhat of a marked, vinous red, but not so prominent as in the Maltese Blood. There were no indications of "blood" coloration on the surface of the rind as is noticeable in the Maltese Blood. I was highly impressed with the orange, and think it will be worth propagation by those desiring to propagate- an orange of vinous red, or " blood-stained " pulp. Mr. Holmes informed me that it was a very good grower and a late keeper. Parson Brown. [Figure 2.] This is a favorite early orange in many parts of Florida, and will no doubt come into favor in this State after its merits become better known. Trees imported in recent years from Florida have commenced to bear. Fine and highly colored specimens were shown at the Marysville Citrus * Bulletin No. 1, Division of Pomology, Washington, D. C, 1887. — 21 — Fair last spring. These, however, having been grown on red soil highly impregnated with red oxide of iron, were of a deeper red color than this orange is known to possess. Fig. 2. Fruit. — Medium, oblong, and slightly flattened at the stem end, juicy and sweet — is sweet from the time it commences to turn, and has a very smooth skin. Tree. — Medium thorny, a fair grower, and a good bearer. Originated in Florida. Daucy's Tangierine. [Figure 3.] This variety has only been introduced within recent years, but many trees bore fruit this year that is quite promising. In another season we Fig. 3. shall be better able to judge all its merits, and shall lose no time in making them known to the public. I received this last season samples — 22 — of fruit from Florida which I compared with those grown in this State,, and judging from their appearance and quality it is a variety well worth propagating. It is a seedling from the China, a variety resem- bling our Mandarin, but of a better quality. "Size small, much flattened, color deeper and more brilliant than parent variety (China). Longitudinal diameter one and three quarters inches; transverse diameter two and one fourth inches; the eye set in a deep cavity seven eighths of an inch in diameter; stalk straight and inserted in a ribbed depression; thickness of skin three sixteenths of an inch; general properties of pulp same as parent, only superior; fruit nearly seedless. In flavor and external appearance this variety is superior to the original. Seminal variety of the Tangierine raised by Col. F. L. Daucy, Buena Vista, St. Johns County, Florida."* " The foliage of Daucy's Tangierine more nearly resembles that of the ordinary sweet orange than the other varieties of this class; tree thorny and an upright grower. "f The illustration gives an idea as to size and shape of fruit. The leaf of the trees I have seen resembles the leaf of the Satsuma, but is more pointed. It does not have so much of a dwarfish tendency, but I do not think they will make large trees, as those I have seen seemed to be inclined to branch and spread out and become bushy. Villa Franca Lemon. "At the head of the list we place this kind, imported from Europe. Strong, vigorous grower, few thorns, leaves long and pointed, very hardy; fruit oblong, thin skinned, and of superior flavor; ripens in July and August, and often has a second crop later — in November and December. The best shipping lemon we know."! After seeing trees of this variety fruiting for two seasons, I became so favorably impressed with it that in 1886 I secured a few buds from trees imported direct from Europe, and budded them into several orchard trees in the A. S. Chapman grove at San Gabriel. The growth the buds made was really astonishing. In one season they had formed a large and symmetrical top. The year following several lemons were seen on the trees, and from that time on they have continued to bear fruit. Mr. Chapman says that he, also, is very favorably impressed with this lemon, and thinks it will prove a valuable variety to propagate. " We have this year fruited it, and can say from personal knowledge that it ranks among the first three varieties yet known in the United States. As the specimens tested were grown on young trees, they probably were not as smooth and fine- textured as they would have been if grown on mature trees; certainly not so nice in appearance as the Lisbon, which we deem the standard. But, upon sweating, the skin thinned down excellently, and showed a texture which inclines us to expect it to prove a fairly good keeper. The acid is strong, the aroma excellent, and in the specimens thus far we have discovered no seed. It has stood the test used to develop bitterness, and it is superior to the Eureka and equal to the Lisbon in this respect. If it shall prove a lemon which will keep as well as the Lisbon — which can only be thoroughly proven when it comes into extensive bearing — it will be the * Report of Committee of Florida Fruit Growers Association, t Bulletin No. 1, Division of Pomology, Washington, D. C, 1887. — 23 — equal of any lemon grown. The tree will stand frost better than the Eureka, and perhaps as well as the Lisbon; is more inclined than the latter to be an early bearer, and we can but pronounce it a thoroughly safe variety to plant. The only reservation we make is in regard to its keeping qualities, and of this we cannot know until it is handled in considerable quantities."* Fruit. — Medium size, oblong; slightly pointed at the blossom end; rind thin, without any trace of bitterness, even when green; acid strong; juicy; practically seedless. Tree. — Practically thornless; branches spreading and somewhat droop- ing; foliage sufficiently abundant to prevent the fruit from scorching. This variety has the name of withstanding a lower temperature than other imported varieties. Pear-Shaped Lime. (Castleman.) [Figure 4.] Fruit. — Large, pyriform, of a pale yellow color, with smooth, thin skin, and strong aroma of pomelo. Pulp juicy, with strong acid like the *" Riverside Horticulturist," April 29, 1891. — 24 — Mexican lime; seeds few and small. The fruits are treated the same as lemons, and are picked just as they begin to assume a yellowish cast. If allowed to hang on the tree too long, becomes coarse and ''puffy;" also a large cavity forms in center, which greatly tends to injure its shipping qualities. The outline illustration shows the size of the cavity and thickness of skin. Tree. — Ornamental sort; very large, hardy, and prolific; leaf small, somewhat like the leaf of the Mexican lime. Origin. — Mr. I. S. Castleman, of Riverside, several years ago pur- chased a number of citrus trees from the Garey Nursery at Los Angeles, and among the lot was this one, which is, no doubt, a sport, or perhaps crossed with the lime and pomelo. The tree serves both purposes— that of being ornamental as well as useful. Citron of Commerce. Newly introduced varieties sent to Hon. Frank A. Kimball, of National City, by the Department of Agriculture, for propagation and distribution. On May 17, 1890, Mr. Kimball received one hundred plants of the fol- lowing vai'ieties: Forty Amain, thirty Serrento, and thirty Calabria. They arrived in excellent condition, having been shipped from Naples, Italy. Every plant had on it more or less scale insects; some of them were completely covered, so the bark could hardly be seen. The trees were denuded of every leaf, which, with the packing cases and coverings, were burned, and the trees disinfected, and were then planted (instead of being distributed to more than thirty individuals scattered through the five southern counties of the State, as he was directed to do by the department). Although Mr. Kimball worked faithfully to rid them of all scale, 3^et says he cannot even now say that a single scale could not be found on those which he retained for himself. He examined every tree before distributing, and not one has been sent out which was not perfectly clean. Mr. Kimball retained three trees of each variety for his own planting. When the trees were distributed he trimmed them to balance the loss of roots which were necessarily destroyed in digging. The small branches thus cut off he used for budding sticks, and thus saved some eight or nine hundred buds, which he had inserted in three- year old orange stocks, and finds that he has some exceedingly robust trees. Many of those which were budded June 1, 1890, were four feet high on December 1, 1890, and had branches which spread more than three feet. He has planted some six hundred of these trees and they are doing finely; many of them are loaded with fruit. On some of them he has counted about one hundred fruits, which of course he cut off, except one on each branch. The first buds he set were taken from trees which he feared might not survive, so he determined to save the varieties by cutting out buds, some of which were not larger than two kernels of wheat. From these he now has trees about five feet high, with branches spreading four feet. June 18, 1890, lTe received ten trees, varieties as follows: Two Porno de Adamo, two Macrocarpo, two Icompio, two Pireltone, and two " Citrus Medica" (?). These were shipped from Palermo, Sicily, and arrived in a very enfeebled condition, an attempt having been made to pack a box with ten trees, in which not less than fifty should have been packed, — 25 — loose earth having been thrown over the roots, with nothing to keep it in place; the result being that the earth was spread all over the bottom of the box, five feet long and fifteen inches wide, leaving the roots of the trees bare. He only saved four trees and a few buds, which are doing well — the buds especially. On October 30, 1890, he received fifteen citron trees from Catania, Sicily. Varieties: Eight Cedro Vara, three Testa de Turco, two Pirel- tone, and two Limonzania, which had been budded on old stock, and from some cause had very poor roots; in fact, Mr. Kimball says he never before planted trees which had so poor a chance to live. Of these he saved seven. None of these varieties have been described with any degree of accuracy, and their value can only be determined by growing the fruit and preparing the product for market, which Mr. Kimball hopes to do. Mr. Kimball says: From a good deal of correspondence with Prof. H. E. Van Deman, Pomologist Depart- ment of Agriculture, as well as with American Consuls in the Mediterranean country, I am satisfied there is a mine of wealth in the growing of the citron. To Prof. H. E. Van Deman Southern California is indebted to an extent not at present conceived of. I have seen no other tree which has so quickly adapted itself to our conditions, nor one which exhibits such a robust character. The' foliage is beautiful, the growing shoots being of a reddish-purple color, and very rich; the ripened leaves are not so dark as orange leaves, nor yet so light as the lemon; they are very fragrant. The flowers are very similar to the lemon, but have the fragrance of the orange. I hope to see every family in Southern California growing their own "citron." Mr. Kimball, in a supplemental note, says: I have no hesitation in saying that from all I can learn the citron will pay an enormous profit, as the fruit may be kept many months after it is picked, and may be processed by any one who can prepare preserves of any kind. Among the varieties there are some which bear fruit weighing six to eight pounds, and the price in Sicily seldom falls below 6 cents per pound when picked, and later on a much higher price. I have distributed nearly one hundred of the original importation, and thousands of buds. — 26 — SUPPLEMENTARY. Imports and Exports of Citrus Fruits — Number of Trees in the State- Temperatures of Italian, Floridan, and Californian Citrus Belts- Acreage, etc. ORANGE AND LEMON TREES IN CALIFORNIA. Schedule Showing the Number of Orange and, Lemon Trees in the State up to September 17 , 1891, Collected, from Reliable Sotirces. County. Bearing. Not Bearing. Alameda — Orange trees Lemon trees 722 525 72 34 3,007 362 145 18 195 44 155 118 108 30 1,113 400 425 275 125 475,726 47,403 225 16 28 18 325 215 75 14 455 378 100 89,260 5,097 6,055 595 1,310 166 391,656 24,066 26,715 7,006 112 22 1,200 600 126 50 6,700 3,750 920 156 1,874 622 Amador — Orange trees ... - 44 Lemon trees 18 Butte — Orange trees 116,005 Lemon trees 1,400 Calaveras — Orange trees 85 Lemon trees.. . Colusa — Orange trees . . .. . 200 6,728 54 Lemontrees . . Contra Costa— Orange trees 243 Lemontrees 140 El Dorado— Orange trees Lemontrees .. 176 265 Fresno — Orange trees . .. 4,828 Lemontrees . Kern— Orange trees . 980 852 Lemontrees .. .. 365 Lake — Orange trees _. Los Angeles — Orange trees .. 236 511,376 Lemontrees 29,524 Marin — Orange trees. 23 Lemontrees.. Mariposa — Orange trees .. 145 Lemontrees. . 115 Merced — Orange trees .. 625 Lemonti'ees Monterey — Orange trees 420 146 Lemontrees Napa — Orange trees ... 920 Lemontrees 254 Nevada — Orange trees (estimated) . Orange — Orange trees 200 51,769 Lemontrees . 19,969 Placer — Orange trees 5,480 Lemontrees 1,300 Sacramento — Orange trees Lemontrees 12,300 976 San Bernardino — Orange trees 1,895,544 Lemontrees 155,934 San Diego — Orange trees .. 177,311 Lemon trees . 58,916 San Joaquin — Orange trees • 2,640 Lemon trees 65 San Luis Obispo — Orange trees 4,600 Lemon trees San Mateo— Orange trees Lemontrees... ... 1,950 244 Santa Barbara — Orange trees Lemontrees .. . 37,500 9,400 Santa Clara — Orange trees 415 Lemontrees 175 27 Orange and Lemon Trees in California — Continued. County. Bearing. Not Bearing. Santa Cruz— Orange trees Lemon trees-.- Shasta — Orange trees Lemon trees Solano — Orange trees Lem on trees Sonoma — Orange trees ... . Lemon trees.. Stanislaus — Orange trees. Lemon trees Sutter — Orange trees Lemon trees Tehama — Orange trees ... Lemon trees Tulare — Orange trees Lemon trees Ventura — Orange trees . . . Lemon trees Yolo — Orange trees Lemon trees Yuba— Orange trees Lemon trees. 120 44 74 44 1,303 189 1,619 255 1,154 254 353 27 380 104 1,580 455 8,644 4,215 485 214 3,132 327 80 125 2,114 215 1,466 840 16,642 314 3,144 125 866 114 1,750 1,430 55,056 32,512 856 309 18,027 SUMMARY. Orange trees— Bearing 1,025,899 Not bearing 2,932,451 Lemon trees — Bearing ' 97.486 Not bearing 318,981 Total orange and lemon trees in the State 4,374,817 Note. — The counties that are omitted do not grow citrus fruits, but in most of them orange and lemon trees are seen in gardens, planted for ornamentation. Trees over five years old after planting are classed ,as bearing; under five years old as not bearing, and includes those of this year's planting. 28 — NUMBER OF LEMON AND ORANGE TREES IN CALIFORNIA IN 1870. (From Assessors' Statements.) County. Lemon. Orange. Alameda . 88 130 10 10 35 6 64 Amador . 120 Calaveras 28 Colusa . . 20 Contra Costa - 80 Del Norte 4 El Dorado... 8 Fresno. 10 Kern 15 53 Lake 15 Los Angeles n .. Merced .. 3,700 10 47 24 15 40 275 415 290 12 50 10 1,200 25 25 2 27 34,000 5 Monterey Napa 50 Nevada .. . .. .. 120 Placer _ .. 62 Sacramento . . 542 San Bernardino 875 San Diego .. . . 233 San Joaquin 30 San Luis Obispo . 50 San Mateo 15 Santa Barbara 1,508 Santa Clara . 167 Santa Cruz . 60 Sierra ; 1 Solano 81 Sonoma 40 Stanislaus 10 Sutter . Tehama. ... 21 8 374 150 12 60 60 14 Tulare ... 129 Tuolumne . 70 Yolo .' 217 Yuba 250 Totals 7,086 38,991 ORANGES AND LEMONS EXPORTED IN 1890. By the Southern Pacific System — Pounds. 'San Francisco* 144,500 Marysville 20,850 Los Angeles 7,477,120 Cotton 10,801,850 Total 18,444,320 Or 9,222 tons; or 922 carloads. By the Santa Fe System — From all points (South of Tehachapi) . 49,975,000 Or 24,987 tons; or 2,498 carloads. ORANGE AND LEMON CROP OF 1890-91. Cars 4,600 Boxes 1,380,000 Tons . 48,300 *The shipments given from this point consist of fruit received from different parts of the State, but mostly from Southern California. — 29 — ORANGE CROP OF 1889-90.* Boxes. Riverside 340,000 Los Angeles, outside of Pasadena and Pomona 450,000 San Diego 30,000 Anaheim 35,000 Pomona . . 22,000 Pasadena 30,000 San Bernardino, Colton,and Highland 20,000 Ontario and vicinity 2,000 Santa Ana, Orange, and Tustin 86,000 Redlands and Old San Bernardino 25,125 Ventura 15,000 Santa Barbara 2,000 Oroville 2,860 Yuba -. . 5,000 Placer 2,500 Santa Clara 1,000 Fresno... 500 Sutter 300 Solano... 150 Total 1,069,435 ORANGES SHIPPED IN 1888-89.* Los Angeles'County: Boxes. ( Los Angeles 23,412 Winthrop 46,281 Vernondale. 40.940 Dodsworth 13,008 Tropico 20,988 Alhambra... 39,596 San Gabriel 24,442 Savannah 14,363 Pomona ... 16,500 Rivera 31,310 Lamanda Park 15,500 Pasadena 43,400 Duarte 29,140 Azusa 11,160 Other places 30,807 Total 400,847 San Bernardino County: San Bernardino 4,030 Riverside 260,661 Colton 5,656 Redlands 15,169 Ontario 600 Highlands 3,650 Other places • 5,281 Total 295,047 Other counties : Orange 92,896 Santa Barbara 17,000 San Diego 10,250 Ventura 10,886 Total 131,032 Grand total 826,926 * Report Internal Commerce of the United States, 1890, p. 318. — 30 — SAN GABRIEL AND RIVERSIDE SHIPMENTS. (Compared with former years.) San Gabriel. Oranges and Lemons Shipped from San Gabriel. 1876-7 --- 14,305 boxes. 1878-9 43,856 boxes. Acreage. 1877 (oranges and lemons) - 1,300 acres. 1880 (oranges and lemons) 2,206 acres. Orange- Trees Planted - 1877 71,793 1880 134,252 1877 (in bearing) 5,752 1880 (in bearing) 28,734 Lemon — 1877 - - - — 10,806 1880 11,885 Lime — 1877 ... 3,397 1880 _- 5,544 Total Number of Citrus Trees. Covering San Gabriel, Alhambra, Pasadena, and Duarte. 1877 -- -. -. - 86,285 1880 155,278 From 1877 to 1880 there was an increase of 12,671 trees in San Gabriel, or 181 acres a year. Total Number of Oranges, Lemons, and Limes Shipped. 1876-77. . 2,383,166 1878-79 9,209,760 Entire Fruit Crop of 1878-79. Boxes. Oranges 40,932 Lemons 2,619 Limes 305 Total 43,856 Total Value of Fruit Crop. 1876-77 $47,683 32 1878-79. 92,097 60 The citrus fruits shipped from San Gabriel from the crop of 1878-79 were raised by thirty-five persons, and out of the 13,856 boxes sold 36,440 were sold by ten persons, leav- ing only an average of 300 boxes each to the twenty-five other fruit growers. The oranges shipped from the crop of 1878-79 averaged 210 to the box; 40,932 boxes contained 8,595, 720 oranges; value of crop, $85,957 20. Total number of bearing trees, 28,734; num- ber of trees to the acre, 70; total acres in bearing, 410; value of crop to the acre, $209 68. Shipments. 1871, Los Angeles County 1,730,000 oranges. 1872, Los Angeles County 4,000,000 oranges. 1879, From San Gabriel (about).... - j ^^ leSs! — 31 — Riverside. Oranges and Lemons Shipped from Riverside. Years. Carloads. Boxes. 1880-81 15 42 45 50 456 506 375 725 982 1,500 4 500 1881-82...... 12 600 1882-83 13,500 15 000 1883-84 1884-85 136 800 1885-86 151,800 112,500 217,500 294 600 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 450,000 Totals 4,696 1,408,800 Crop of 1S90-91— Shipments. Carloads. Boxes. 33 9,652 111 31,691 99 374 338 28,125 106,806 97,108 163 243 51 46,384 69,239 12,823 4 1,200 December January February March April May June July (up to July 23d) By express Totals 1,416 403,028 CHIEF PRODUCING COUNTIES. Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in San Bernardino County. 1889 — Orange trees, four years old and over... 391,656 Orange trees, three years old and under 472,826 Lemon trees, four years old and over 24,066 Lemon trees, three years old and under 7,009 Total planted 895,557 Trees in Nursery. 1890— Orange 426,356 Lemon 75,000 1891— Orange 591,973 Lemon 50,000 In Seed Beds. 1891— Orange 2,526,150 Lemon 50,000 Planted Prior to 1890. Orange trees 10,175 acres. Lemon trees 390 acres. Total 10,565 acres. Planted in 1S90. Orange trees 3,647 acres. Lemon trees 1,144 acres. Total 4,791 acres. — 32 — Planted in 1891. Orange and lemon trees 9,316 acres. Planted to Date. Orange trees 22,872 acres. Lemon trees 1,800 acres. Total 24,672 acres. Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in Los Angeles County, 1891. Orange trees, ten years old and over.. 327,659 Orange trees, under ten years old and over five 148,067 Orange trees, five years old and under 511,376 Total 987,102 Lemon trees, bearing... 47.403 Lemon trees, not bearing 29J524 Total 76,927 Orange and lemon trees in nursery 2,430,724 Orange and lemon trees in seed bed 4,446,600 Total 6,877,324 Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in Orange County, 1891. Orange trees, bearing 89,260 Orange trees, not bearing.. 51,769 Lemon trees, bearing 5,097 Lemon trees, not bearing 19,969 Total 166,095 Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in San Diego County, 1891. Orange trees, five years old and over 26,715 Orange trees, under five years old 177,311 Total 204,026 Lemon trees, five years old and over 7,006 Lemon trees, under five years old 58,916 Total 65,922 Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in Santa Barbara County, 1891. Orange trees, over five years old 6,700 Orange trees, under five years old 37,500 Total 44,200 Lemon trees, over five years old 3,750 Lemon trees, under five years old 9,400 Total 13,150 Orange and Lemon Trees Growing in Ventura County, 1891. Orange trees, over five years old 8,644 Orange trees, under five years old 55,056 Total 63,700 Lemon trees, over five years old 4,215 Lemon trees, under five years old 32,512 Total 36,727 33 — IMPORTS. Value of Imports of Oranges, Lemons, and Limes into California. Months. Lemons. Oranges. Limes. 1882— July -.- $19,369 16,870 September 25,240 October 25,206 November 24,349 December .. 25,781 1883 — January - --. 20,569 February 17,932 March. .. . 8,308 April 13,363 May - -.- - 8,348 June .. . 21,085 July $1,725 663 844 1,193 12,400 August $581 1,735 307 7,322 September . 8,803 6,958 November 3,884 December . 6,855 2,228 271 6,632 1884 — January 20,352 February - March . - .. .. 135 5,312 5,626 April ... 4,304 1,606 2,500 1,399 540 6,828 May .. ... - 3,521 June 7,154 July 5,478 August 3,238 September 5,731 October . . 6 6,505 November , 4,404 December 9,063 110 4,972 1885 — January 3,339 February . . . ._ . 3,038 March _ 2,445 April . . 923 2,976 2,182 3,146 May 2,519 June . .. 3,980 July 3,674 August 348 4,235 September . 4,362 October. 6,373 November .. 3,595 December r ._. 3,731 4,063 1886— January 1,112 February.. ._ 1,441 March .. 1,918 April _. 2,979 Mav 2,199 1,310 1,197 680 122 1,264 2,471 79 313 1,578 1,240 1,168 2,255 571 3,835 June 6,307 July... 3,358 August 4,718 September . 6,343 October 5,557 November 5,030 December .. . 6,497 1887 — January.. .. 2,718 Febi'uary 1,241 March .. . 2,046 April .. 2,808 May 154 5,631 June. 4,478 July 5,404 August . .. . .. 4,117 5 October.. 2,876 1,157 3,519 7,464 November. . 3,918 December 2,992 3-F — 34 — Value of Imports— Continued. Months. Lemons. Oranges. Limes 1888— January ... February . . March April May June July August September. October November. December . 1889 — January . . . February _. March April May June July August . . . September. October November . December . 1890 — January . . . February .. March April May June July August September . October November . December . 1891 — January ... February .. March ___.. April May June July $134 1,400 1,250 695 837 97 $1,841 1,478 52 770 985 985 614 128 4,041 4,783 1,906 1,399 390 16 1,149 2,145 1,152 1,399 4,377 2,081 1,661 1,024 141 53 3,242 1,264 4,360 5,130 11,293 12,496 3,724 476 276 39 2,542 $3,021 1,738 5,309 3,844 7,279 6,095 7,872 4,760 5,201 7,738 6,118 8,131 4,589 3,742 5,347 4,323 4,341 6,024 5,902 8,264 6,319 6,813 8,855 4,694 4,085 6,396 3,963 3,599 4,666 10,011 8,658 5,529 3,662 7,597 3,113 7,402 2,401 2,405 2,687 5,736 7,484 7,902 5,210 Citrus Fruits Imported into the United States. 1882— Pounds. 188S— Value. 1890— Value. Oranges Lemons Limes .. 17,686,480 *3,390,604 £2,408,262 3,874,968 40,128 $2,269,149 3,453,398 58,959 'Including limes. Imports of Mexican Oranges. Period During which Imported. Boxes. Value. December 20, 1884, to June 8, 1885.. . . December 18, 1885, to May 6, 1886 November 6, 1886, to March 30, 1887 ... November 5, 1887, to April 14, 1888 November 20, 1888, to April 6, 1889 November 4, 1889, to March 17, 1890. . November 2, 1890, to February 19, 1891 Totals 5,740 $10,993 7,145 10,922 7,955 14,654 13,823 13,026 9,859 15,241 13,899 26,424 18,346 34,607 76,767 $125,867 — 35 — Citeus Fruits Imported into England in 1889. Bushels. Value. Oranges and lemons. 573,516 $4,553,380 ORANGE AND LEMON PRODUCT OF ITALY FOR 1880. Adriatic region 85,000,000 Mediterranean region . 725,000,000 Sicily region 1,622,000,000 Total fruits 2,432,000,000 TARIFF ON ORANGES, LEMONS, AND LIMES. Oranges — In packages of 1£ cubic feet or less — Per package. .. $0 13 In packages of li to 2i cubic feet — Per package _. 25 In packages of 2| to 5 cubic feet — Per package 50 In packages of over 5 cubic feet— For additional cubic foot or fraction 10 In bulk— Per 1,000 150 Limes and lemons in bulk— Per 1,000 .. 1 50 SCALE FOR JUDGING CITRUS FRUITS. The California Scale. (Submitted for adoption by J. E. Cutter, of Riverside.) Preliminary Classification : Season: Early, December to April 1st; middle, February to July 1st; late, June to December 1st. Size: Large, medium, small. Divisions: Size, form, color, peel, fiber, grain, seed, weight, taste. Possible, 100 counts. Scale: 1. Size Oto 10 Standards: Large (126s), 3i incbes diameter; medium (176s), 2f inches diameter; small (226s), 2§ inches diameter; Tangierines, etc., 2| inches diameter. 2. Form Oto 10 Standards: Round, oval, ovate, pyriform. 3. Color ..Oto 15 Of bloom, to 2; of peel, to 10; of flesh, to 3. 4. Peel Oto 10 Sweetness, to 3 ; protective quality, to 7. 5. Fiber Oto 8 6. drain ...Oto 4 7. Seed Oto 8 8. Weight Oto 10 9. Taste to 30 Sweetness, to 10; citrus quality, to 10; aroma, to 10. The Florida Scale. 1. Size Oto 10 2. Appearance OtolO 3. Juiciness OtolO 4. Thickness of peel ...0 to 10 5. Absence of seed ..0 to 10 6. Absence of tissue OtolO 7. Acidity.. .Oto 15 8. Sweetness ... ..Oto 15 9. Bouquet OtolO Total points in a perfect orange 100 — 36 — COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, SHOWING AVERAGE TEMPERATURE OF THE ITALIAN, PLORIDAN, AND CALIFORNIAN CITRUS BELTS. Italian. Place. Naples ... Rome Florence . Pisa Genoa San Remo Mentone . Nice Cannes... 5 3 d cd cd kj 61.3 60.7 58.8 60.4 60.4 60.1 60.9 59.5 59.5 p So e co CD ^ 48.5 48.9 44.3 46.4 44.9 48.9 49.0 47.8 49.6 47.0 45.0 44.0 45.8 44.0 48.0 48.7- 40.9 48.8 23.0 23.0 20.0 Floridan. !» > > =>^ d^ <*-^ CD 2 2S C CD «* B ,£ CD SO rt-TO CCD O CD Place. CD CD ^ s 2 a Sh H "< i-S bb B H H o« « CD J3 B Jacksonville .. 69.5 68.4 58.7 55.7 57.4 54.1 19.0 16 Pensacola.. Sanford 71.0 58.0 55.0 28.0 Califoenian. > S> > 2 "■ H ■2< C CD So §3 s t° S-cre rt-TO - CFQ 3 CD 3 CD CD CD Place. CD £ 1> ^ s SB c 2h H