PS 1,-11 hi? PS 3531 .fl618 B5 1918 Copy 1 And the Slacker BY Rev. T. A, Parker :<:«' Price 75c. c'opvwriL-iii 1918 l)v T A P.nk, -^.-..^, '10334 3 SEP 13 Lio ^^ .^ <^ > V PREFACE. .„^ Object of this book is to arouse a higher sense of duty, Reverence, honor and obedience for God and leaders of our ^^country, also to stir up a righteous indignation against him \^'who has for his own selfish motives, brought our nation into "this sanguinary battle; moreover to intensify the minds of those v^ho are careless and unpatriotic in discharging their obligations to a free country. Trusting the public will excuse the rough words and tenns used, by considering the characters thus faintly described. Poison has for its antidote poison. The older and tougher the disease, the heavier the dose and stronger the medicine required. Considering rhyme more attractive than prose, plainer and more forceful than poetry, for in poetry, sometimes extra words are used to fill out the line as wedge wood, covering or weakening the thought ; while on the other hand, elision makes the thought harder to understand. Feeling myself inspired to write this book, I therefore submit it to the public for approval, trusting to meet success. If there be any praise, give it to the Lord. T. A. Parker. Emperor William, the Kaiser, Is a heinous adviser; Wears a six and seven-eights hat. Just the size for a half grown bat. Thinks he is as slick as lard; If he has got the devil for his-pard. Is the worst tyrant in all the East, The typical Bible beast. He who has the name in his forehead. Is doomed by holy writ; The gates of Heaven against him barred ; A thousand times better quit. Has been preparing war for fifty long years ; Signed a peace treaty for a cloak of disguise. Murder in his heart, without conscience or fears. To catch the world asleep and take her by surprise. Not hesitating to violate international law. Committing diabolical crimes from murder to treason. Too hard hearted for the pleadings of Neutrals to thaw. Proves ambition has unbalanced the old hypocrite's reason. He who fights for plunder or conquest In the sight of God is a human hog Warring and slaying at his own request Violates the sixth Commandment of the Holy decalog. Me made a vow And acted conceity, Raised a row, And broke the peace treaty. Went against Belgian forts with his big.gUn, And kept hammering and hammering away; Soon wished he had never begun ; For thousands of his had there to stay. The Teutons rushed on to Paris to take, And thought they'd drive away the French; But found that her they'd have to forsake. And abandoned every trench. They conquered the Russians, took Petrograd (So they were heard to say) It tickled so much old Kaiser dad, The old fool did his best to bray. Imitates hardhearted Pharaoah of old, With misanthropy he holds an iron face^ To slavery and autocracy he does hold, In vain hope, willing to exterminate his race* Absolute autocracy! Abject slavery! Direful apostacy. Life tole knavery ! Is like the old wicked king Ahab, Willing to possess if he does kill ; Is riding in the devil's cab, Instigated crimes that rend every heart with thrill. If for good he had utilized his brain, Not the world to trample Vv^ith his iron heel ; To forge his own enslaving chain; Lost his heart to cruelty and could not feel. The most cruel man on earth! With ambition he drives his armies to slaughter, By dire starvation and dearth. Without regard for mother or daughter. Tried to cut the Gordian knot, But his svv^ord was too dull ; The devil v/ili put him in his seething pot, For he is an infernal gull! With the heathen he made a league And bid the v/orld defiance ; But discovered was his intrigue. And with the ungodly formed an alliance. He sent the Deutschland to Uncle Sam, And sneered at the British Navy ; Would import his eggs and ham, But the torpedos spilled his gravy. The Autocrat says he will have to be shown! ''From Missouri" he is; Will cause the whole world to moan, But will have to be whipped to a ''friz." The broken hearted sister and mother, I close my ear and spurn ! Bereaved son and brother, Who may never, oh, never return, I am a big snake, Know well how to swim May yet get into the fiery lake, But will stick to my whim! I thought in my midnight dream, I the world would rule ; Was fishing in a golden stream; When I woke I found I was the devil's tool. Everything the worst of ail. The U. S. embargo I hate, Though my Empire may fall, My Universal dream will not abate. I sink every cargo That's not coming to me ; Thinking myself Ego, With closed ear to cry and plea. He plunged into the seas, Like a mighty shark, To bring old Britain to her knees And sink all ships that embark. He also sent the Brenham across the briny deep, To import their many supplies; But the French laid her forever to sleep, To Germany's greatest surprise. The Lusitania they destroyed. Killing the women and children, too ; America harassed and annoyed. Friends loved ones kind and true. Kaiser tried to conquer the entire globe, Like Alexander the Great; Has endeavored every heart to probe, But is doomed to fate. The Zeppelins v^ent to London, her women and children to kill. They knew the men were gone to battle, But Britain used her art and skill, And they v/ere glad to ''skedaddle." They went up into the air, With their planes painted like the sky! They flew and fought up there, Burned to a crisp they fell to die. ■-. . They went into the ocean; r Robbing the children of their favorite dish And took a foolish notion To act like mad devil fish. They killed a Red Cross nurse, And did things even worse; Bombed a hospital, Yet were not ready for acquittal. In the name of justice and right, be our strife Red Cross nurse, patriotic, many not a few Is glad to sacrifice her sweet life. That she may administer to the dying she never knew. Billy thought he had the only gun, And the war was almost won; But at Verdun his oldest son t Told him hell had only begun! And 'tis time for dad to get on his knees; Everything smells worse than Limburger cheese, Spur up or you will lose your crown. In defeat you'll be without renown. ^ i On the dreadful Western front. He said the war would end at Verdun ; Would snatch off his biggest stunt ' Z And relieve him of his burden. . , v .:% He dedicate his life To the god Pluto; Tried to raise a strife In our friendly Mexico. Sent his nefarious plot Whole America to damn ; The secret service men soon got And handed over to Uncle Sam. Kaiser, the vain old scape goat; Was too vain to pray; Trusted in his little U-boat, Would rift all Allied ships away. Said our convoys were nothing but toys, And too far behind; But when he saw Uncle Sam's boys, Suddenly changed his mind. The Allies with Uncle Sam, Will whip him like Billy whipped the ram. He swore he could whip the world in three weeks But into the fifth year he creeps. Said his men had scaled the Alps, But feared the Sammies would take their scalps. He offers his flimsy terms of peace ; But determined to trample Italy and Greece. Has made many an orphan and widow; Also desolate and ruined home; V The devil has him pictured in his show window, But he will never be able to enter Rome. The meanest man that was ever born; A disgrace to old Harry! That all nations his blasted name to scorn, But too big a fool to be scary. A reproach to every ancestor. An universal curse. Has tried the whole world to pester; Should be riding in the devils hearse ! Has destroyed people by the mJllion, Contrived the most infamous plot. Let him sink into oblivion, Let his Vvdcked name forever rot. In France they poisoned the waters, Also cut dov/n the apple trees; And carried off her fair daughters, But not able to bring France to her knees. ! We owe noble France a debt j In money we can never repay; Her kindness and chivalry well not forget ; But shall pay her in the same patriotic way. We are proud of our American Flag! Which has gone to France to remain! Will push the battle to victory and not lag Until peace, democracy and liberty shall forever leign. Where'er the stars and stripes float, O'er rugged land or turbulent sea, May Prussianism forever tote, For Liberty and right is our plea. Le<- the world hear the screams of the American Eagle! Let all nations learn to respect her army and fleet; May they stick to Billy's trail like a beagle, Till they with peace-liberty all nations greel. Sammie;5 are natural born heroes, They will surely fight to a finish! Will chase Billy until home he goes ; Having reserves, the army to replenish. He who conquers and rules Without Gods consent Shall be cut off like other fools, His kingdom from him rent. In the name of God we go to battle. Trusting victory to be our own. Enemy superior in number will not rattle; They upon battle fields shall be strewn. Where ere waves ''Old Glory" Is the land of the brave and free. May it ever be the same old story Enemy vanquished, conquered bow the knee. Emperor William, with the Central powers. Would drive the whole world into dark ages, Despising peace, freedom, and libertys bowers; Like Satan, against all good rages. He alike ignores religion and tradition. Would against Uncle Sam even dare to^ kick ! Like a heedless, reckless son of perdition. Challenges a nation that none has ever been able to lick. May freedom and democracy be preached Until tyranny and Prussianism are crushed to the ground ; That all nations and people be reached By democracy, peace and liberty, that shall forever resound. Trusting in Providence Divine You will, no doubt be able To drive the enemy beyond the Rhine ; And send victory upon every cable. The Allies trust in God! Like the Psalmist of old. Will break the tyrants rod, And with victors be enrolled. The world sat for ages, listening to the kettle lid rattle; Ignorant of the endless power of mighty steam, They took their difficulties and troubles to battle; Not knowing the power of diplomacy, to settle their scheme. Bismarck — Prime Minister to Germany, laid off the road to destruction When Billy insulted U. S., he struck a dangerous obstruction! He formed for him that most infernal map ; Which caused war, and caught Billy in a snap. Also designed that most hellish war chart, Proving the imiaginations of his wicked heart; While in the Spanish- American War ; he said, U. S. a mistake made, Was afraid should upset the diabolical plans which he laid. To prove that Billy had us on his war slate During this war of Eighteen Hundred and Ninety Eight; He ordered his navy to go west across the surging seas, But "John Bull" spoke the word, and brought him to his knees. The devil ''busted" when he went in cahoot with Billy to rule together, For doubtless he has already boasted how he will tan dad's leather. The devil's guns are old, shop worn and out of style. And when Billy gets there, he intends to smash the whole pile. The devil always was greedy and wanted it all ; But just give the old gentleman till Fall, Old Billy won't have enough coal to run him through next winter, Will run the devil out of hell without a chunk or splitder. He thinks himself to be the greatest ruler under heaven, And for the devil is trying the entire globe to leaven ; On earth is running the deviFs kingdom, But under the banner of right, we shall smash his thralldom! Billy trampled Belgium, and cut off fingers and hands of her boys. Had no more regard for human life, than a hog for toys, The blood of the Armenians rests upon him and the Turks, He says the remainder of v/ar is upon the allies ; from respon- sibility shirks. He has washed his hands with snow water; Feigns himself innocent, tells Allies balance of war is their slaughter, Most contemptible hypocrite on record, dead or alive! For the final destruction of all nations he does wickedly con- trive. Thank God! the Blue Jackets are able to handle U-boats, can and pickle his meat! That the Yellow Jackets, to him. can carry final defeat. The Sammies are the best shots upon the battlefield, The central powers shall finally have to yield. Our planes are the best that ever soared in the skies! And when they flock over their trenches, shall cause doleful cries. Billy is dirty enough to rob a setting goose; Which has been setting on rotten buzard eggs at that, Like a "Yaller Cur," is not fit to run loose; Reminds one of a lousy, ticky, chinchy, vampire bat. ) Unlike the old woman that lived in the shoe. Who lived under the red, white and blue; Has killed so many women and children, too, But knows hes got to soon skidoo. The old Kaiser is mad and telling lies Because he cant get any sugar in his pies; Is as extravagant with men as a drunken millionaire with money, The world knows, he is the devils honey. Billy always played a give away game when he played checker ; This accounts for slaughter of his army, for he is a wrecker. He has gone furiously wild and mad! If he doesn't soon quit, he better had. Has dirt enough in his heart to fill an ocean, And too wicked and stubborn to change his notion. Tis enough to disgust everybody with the devils cause, When he launched him, cut off his own claws. Satan has from now until the old Kaiser dies; Then the picnic be over, done eating cakes and pies. The trouble with Satan was, in heaven he betrayed his trust ; ^ The trouble with Bill — Universal Empire or bust! When a city or nation fills her cup of iniquity to the brim, God sends His wrath and judgment upon her so grim. There is no use in mortal man fighting against Almighty God, Devastate, slay, murder and onward to hell plod. Billy is doing no good, swapping seven for one. Had as well acknowledge the Allies shall soon have the victory won. His fighting hence is ^'Cutting off the nose to spite the face,'' Said should conquer in three weeks, what a disgrace ! Napoleon Bonaparte , the greatest genius of modern warfare, Was always ready to conquer and do his share; But his ambition led him most too far When he tried to conquer the world, and morning star! struck his match, doom and fate at Waterloo, Was driven into disgrace, exile, solitary and blue. Universal Empires are a thing of the past. If you try to form one, shall find it not so fast. The battle is not always to the strong; Neither is defeat ahvays to the vv^eak. Nevertheless, defeat is always to the wrong. Success to the right ; victory not always to the meek. You may fight awhile against right, and even God, But your enemies shall prevail and upon your carcass trod. ''The face of the Lord is against them that do evil,'* Truce breakers, murderers, liars are the children of upheaval. Those who read and study the Holy Bible, Know there's no use to disbelieve it, squibble or squible; ''God has His way' (even) 'in a whirlwind," Will not always strive with man but in wrath descend. It is useless to fight in a lost cause, ^ Better stop, reflect, consider, pray and pause. Individuals may and can be judged over yonder. But nations have to be judged in this world before they absconder. So nations are judged, while in power on earth, ^Vith wars, pestilence, famines and dearth ; So it is an awful thing for a nation to sin, It is sure to bring God's wrath and trouble within ! Tlie proper thing for the v/orld is to do like Ninevah, repent! Then God, His judgment and wrath shall relent. Bill has tinged the billows of the raging sea with innocent blood ; With ambition has opened the flood-gates of hell to destroy the world with her flood. If left to vain man, when can he settle this fray? Never ! oh, never ! as long as too stubborn to pray. But trusting in God, Who shall drive these hellish clouds away, Then may freedom and peace dawn to endless day ! But as long as the world so proudly travels in the devils lane, The battlefields shall be strewn with countless millions slain. Ignorance with Godliness never destroyed any nation; But education with ungodliness is sure way to damnation. We noticed in a war conversation ; God ignored and it by preachers. You well know the world can be no better than her teachers. We tell you, "If the salt has lost its savor," Then judgment must come, hell spewing out her lava. We tell you what we most earnestly believe, If the people shall ask in faith, God shall give repreive. We desire to make another suggestion or statement Concerning this terrible war, and awful judgment. Suppose we leave the people entirely out of it, As the preachers did God, and their knowledge of Holy Writ. If all preachers be consecrated to God and T3ray as one prays, God should send His universal peace in less than ten days. The morals of our countrv de^^end uiion ladies and preachers ; But if they become worldly, then hell on us creatures, Some speak plainly to masses, of but little influence. But afraid to preach to rulers, and men of affluence. Please read the Prophet Jeremiah, ten, twenty-one. And see for yourself what the Jews have done. ^^Hien our religion fails, as in days of the past, Then God brings judgment, wars, destruction at last. To make a true man it requires several things, heredity, Good home training, education, environment. To be complete, must have good mother, which is sheredity, Most important of all, sound integrity and godliment. ''It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in princes," ' Trusting Him for wisdom to keep one on the right side of life's fences. The lives of the men which Billy studied, inflamed this desire, And caused this foolish dream of Universal Empire. Studying their evil lives, inspired him with the plan ; Each of these was an over i clous and worldly minded man. , If Billy can't hold an apple orchard in France, Controlling an Universal Empire is a slim chance. Nebuchadnezzar had a vast kingdom — man of valor, i Got vain, stuck on himself, thought he was slick as tallow ; God drove him from his throne, with other cattle to eat grass, Left him there until he acknowledged he was an ass. ! The dews of heaven wet his old scaly back, I Acknowledged God ruler, God returned his kingdom, nothing did lack. There was King David that mighty Jew ! \ Asked God whether to go, then the enemy he always slew. When he told him to forbear ; To go to battle he did not dare. IVain Sennacharib went to Jerusalem to kill the Jews, strong i and frail ; ' God destroyed his army, left only a remnant to tell the tale. Look at Rome, the greatest Universal Empire ! (This being example of avariciousness and worldly desire.) Once the mistress of the entire globe ; But when she died had to borrow her burial robe. Reflect upon the fate of our sister, Spain ; When we retrospect it, makes our hearts pain. Before she crumbled to pieces, was vain and proud ; When she died, had to be buried without a shroud. Alexander the Great, the military genius of all ages. Conquered the world at age of thirty-three, died of histeric rages ; * His family all dead, strangers ruling his kingdom in less than fifteen years, Because they were ungodly and lived without conscience oi fears. Billy is not the only one to wear a turn coat, But doubtless he is the biggest war shoat ; Will put on a preachers coat and try to run a Sunday Schooi in hell. To regain confidence of his people so they won't rebel. He says it is getting dark and cloudy. Or else vision bad and hopes dowdy ; Went to see with his telescope. But looking, found nothing to hope. The heavens were filled with war birds, red, white and blue, Dropping bombs and fiery missiles everyv/here they flew ; Said they looked like hell on wheels, set with wings too, Seemed like brimstone blazes, so hot and blue. Billy is getting on like Pat's frog got out of the well, Every time he hops up two feet, falls back three down in hell ; "Why, his own people are hunting a rope to hang him on ! All that saves him is the army, and it will not much longer do to depend upon. He has fallen down on everything that has come to hand, Has disgraced himself and raised sand. His own good people are sticking to Uncle Sam ; Say they are not going to follow crazy Billy ram. He's hauling Germany to France, making her rich forty feet deep. Most everything they carry there she shall keep. Making her soil rich in humos and poto'sum ; Why they can already grow potatoes as large as a 'possum. He's crazy trying to whip the world while his people live on turnip soup, The inhabitants dying of starvation, dearth and croup ; *'The foolishness of man, perverteth his way; And his feet fretteth against the Lord," because he forgets to pray. Perhaps Billy is the old devil's prodigal son, But when he gets down there, how dad shall run ! Shall not have time to kill the fatted calf and make a feast, But shall flee from that ravenous hyena of the East. Has been sitting around a good fire for more than six thousand years, But when Billy gets there, have to hike with awful fears, May not have time to get boots, overcoat or umbrella, Rain or snow, ''Have to hit the ball," for Billy is a hard propeller. Has been indulging himself in old age, roasting his shine, But when Billy roils in, he shall have nothing but chagrins ; "War is hell," on earth, and Billy is the devil's beast in the arena. Comparing satan with Billy is unfair, for the Kaiser is so much meaner. Ninevah repented and God let her remain for a time, But she was finally destroyed for her crime. So was Babylon in all her glor^^ destroyed. When filled up the cup of her iniquity, by her no longer annoyed. Likewise were wicked Sodom and Gomorrah ; When to God they became a mighty stench of horror. God in His wrath destroyed Sidon and Tyre, Because they so vainly went in the devils attire. Let the world take heed from these examples of the past. Humble herself to God, save her from famine, pestilence and blast. Egypt, once the most learned and greatest nation of antiquity, '*A native born prince shall never sit upon her throne," caused by iniquity. Fools say this is a thing of the past and out of date, They think there is no danger of sin bringing such fate. No profit, ''If a man gain the whole world and lose his soul," For the devil takes ail he has for his toll. Sin and moral putrifaction shall send any nation to hell. This is a historic fact, the cause of all kingdojns that fell. If the old fashioned gospel had been preached in Germany for the last four decades, They should not have been guilty of brutal military raids. If Jesus Christ had been preached there with demonstration and power. The entire world might have been at peace this present hour. God sends calamity upon us, to bring us to the feet of Jesus, our Master, Yet fools will not take heed, but go to hell faster. The proper thing for old "John Bull," Fight the enemy till earth be full; Russia should unfold hands from her back and fight like a wild cat. And help the Allies conquer that hell born Autocrat. The Italians are fi.c-hting to maintain nation and home, God grant that Billy can't ever enter historic Rome. The wise thing: for the old wicked Hun, Skidoo, skedoddle, high ball and run. The right thing for the Teutons, surrender, return to Berlin, Find their Empire robbed of her glorir, pale and lean. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, each a millionaire, Ex-President Taft, in Woodrow's van going hard as they can tear. The greatest navy in the world — the Blue Jackets, The greatest army in the world — Yellow Jackets; The greatest ruler in the world today resides in the White House, And in the name of God, the Allies shall w^hip the whole cadouce. Our unique country shall soon be a solid phalanx, Uncle Sam is growing stronger every day, thicker in the flanks. We admit there are a few sons of Belial spitting venom, The w^orid has always had sons of Ghihinoms. Of course now and then there is a simple minded gourd head, Too green to read and keep himself correctly informed; Would rather listen to enemies than what his leaders said. Some too obstinate, rather remain wrong, than to right be transformed. Oh, noble sons of liberty, loving France we can never forget The invaluable aid rendered us by thy patriotic General La Fayette. Oh, patriotic France, thy deeds shall be cherished forever in our hearts. We will aid thee in conquering thy enemy till he from thy shores forever departs. One of the wonders of the world, The learned Teutons led by a crazy ; Into chaos and destruction, cast and hurled By a bat blown out of hell with the devils fan. Oh, noble Germans driven into destruction by a mixed breed, A cull and dwarf, condemned and doomed to fail. From hell he got his tyrannical and diabolical creed, He is old, peevish, childish, avaricious and stale. Oh, that mighty and highly education nation, At whose feet for knowledge all nations proudly sat ; We painfully lament your downfall and eternal destruction, If left to the people, never should have been, but left to the despotic bat. Oh, right nov7 put up that wild beast, Of course you have some form of stock law, Dont' let him any longer on "clover" feast, For you know he is a savage outlaw. ^ Chain him fast and secure in his stall, Give him some salt and corn stover ; Keep him right there if he does bellow and bawl, Call oif your dogs and the war will be over. If you can't catch him, just give more rope, ; I think the old fool shall break his neck ; Then you will have some ray of hope, Return home and begin to patch up your wreck. He is too big a fool to hold down his job. His calculations and problems are all wrong; A whimsical, cranky, tyrannical old snob. Fighting, devastating, singing his universal song. Said should thresh "crap" in three weeks, perhaps like Dewey, before breakfast, But there has elapsed three years and one-half; Unlike the war of 1870, not done so fast. What do you think of people led to war by a scrub calf? t Had the audacity to make light of the red, white and blue. Poked out his front paw at our Embassador, laughing him to scorn ; We'll pay him for that, for we will knock him black and blue, The Allies shall whale him as sure as you are born. Will try to carry an almanac and thermometer with him to hell, So that he may know when it will rain, snow, frost and temperature tell; Shall have the nerve to ask for pass to come back to this globe. And chuckle at the thought of the devil furnishing him a robe. Or perhaps he may ask him for a dishonorable discharge, or lengthy furlough. Then Satan shall tell him, *'No furloughs in hell," but shall send him below. "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth,'* Then shall curse the days of his native heath. There are two classes of people, the heathen and fools, Who do not believe God's word, they are the devil's tools. God is immutable, is the same, doesn't change; Fools are those whom the devil does derange. The heathen don't have the opportunity God's word to learn, Fools will not heed, but desire their souls to burn. The kicker doesn't believe God's Holy Book, Is on the road to destruction like any other crook. The day has been when ignorance God winked at, But today holds every one responsible, even a bat. The devil wouldn't let a slacker in hell even when there was snow on the ground. Leave him outside to whine and yell alone like a yaller hound. The British have heroically destroyed the submarine base, Another heavy blow on Billy, soon out of the chase. Is it possible that any fellow should leave his own country to shun high taxation? Come to a free country, turn traitor and aid the son of damnation ? Three cheers for old patriotic Gawamala! Who has joined the Allies to aid and conquer the bloody trailer ; May our sister, Brazil, shortly get her rebels subdued and tied, And be fiercely fighting with us side by side. ''When you are in Rome, do as Rome does," If you do not observe law, you are going to hell fast as can buzz. What shall Billy answer that heavenly tribunal on his trial. Where there is no waiving of justice and no hopes of denial? Oh sons of Columbia, how could you liberty spurn. For which our noble fathers fought and did so much esteem and yearn. Obey when your nation justly and nobly calls. And fight like mad devils until the power of darkness falls.; Oh! how can you be content our noble leaders to chide. Should you be satisfied in ignorance and slavery to abide? ^ Should we close our ears to the cries of one who fought with us side by side as did France? Should we not return her kindness, aid her now and proud of the chance? How long will the Lord suffer the gates of hell to stand wide open? The devil to flood this world with destruction, God's laws violated and broken; How long will the Lord listen to the cries of orphans and widows, Ere he hears their cries and sends His wrath down from Heaven's windows? The trouble with old bloodthirtsy Billy, He didn't drink deep of the Pierian Spring; Trying to conquer the world is wicked and silly. Like a flying dragon, trying to kill with bite and sting. *'He didn't stay long enouhg at Jericho," Has tried to raise hell from Halifax to Mexico; Didn't stay as wise kings used to do. But tangled himself up with the red, white and blue. "Smart Alex" thinking himself smarter than his grand-pappy, To be universal King would make him so happy ; William, the conqueror, killed his neighbors and stole their land. When God's wrath descends, finds Billy's kingdom founded upon the sand. The atheist, agnostic and infidel are the devil's choice elect, Atheism, agnosticism and infidelity destroy the soul and swivel the intellect; The infidel is a hypocrite and awful big liar, too. To God, and the devil and everything else, is untrue. The world used to say that infidelity v/as sign of brain, But an infidel is a fool, cull and dwarf made across the grain ; A long time ago were called hybrids. But they are now found to be the low breds. Disbelieves the Holy Bible, so gives God the lie, Denies the existence of the devil, does him defy; The atheist says there is no God, he is the biggest fool yet, A spiritual idiot, easy for the devil to manage and is his little pet. Those fellows have vainly been pounding the Rock of Ages, Have been shelling the Bible, but not able to blur one of its sacred pages; Have almost worn out their little hammers, drills and picks, But with no more effect than chaff and broken sticks. Their presence may run one mad if he gets their saliva, When he gets this baneful fluid in his veins, is the devils contriver ; Billy ran with this gang, is what put him on the devil's stage. Got their fever, went mad, then this hellish war did wage. This fever is so prevalent to the weak-minded fellow of high education. Is a sure destruction to soul and body by eternal damnation; When his fever gets high, say one hundred and six or seven, He gets crazy, says there is no such place as hell or heaven. Is a son of Belial, and on earth, devil incarnate, For bad conduct was even expelled from hell. A cold blooded reptile, cruel hearted pirate. Hell born ruler, the Allies will clean him up without leaving a smell. With blasphem.y said he got his right to rule from God, But judging by his works, got his commission from the devil. The most ravenous beast that ever trod on this green sod, Trying to drag everything down to hell's level. We are going to chase him until his hooffs are covered with blisters, ,We will pay him for what he did for children, mothers and sisters. Catch him, cut off his old quilly, grizzly whiskers, Distribute them for souvenirs among his inflictors. "Woe to thee, oh land, When thy king is a child." Woe to that band Whose leader never smiled. Billy's chariot spindle is dry. Because he can't get to Greece. He'd better quit telling nothing but a lie, Quit his bluff and cry in earnest for peace. Says our fearless Sammies are nothing but wind bags, Uncle Sam is just putting up a big bluff, They shall make it hot for him and his stags, Will put it on thick, fast and rough. When Billy asks for peace, it's nothing but a lie. The Allies all know it, for they give it the dry eye. Has raised so much hell, almost darkened the sky. But when the Sammies get after him, he'll cry peace to satisfy. They have the nerve to catch him in his iron collar, And snatch him from his diabolical throne; Sell his hide to the tanner for a dollar, Use his ears for razor strops, and skull for hone. Can and will if they have to do it, Tired of his lies and not going to take and bluff; Make the remainder into soap and suet, Doesnt 'matter how knotty, stale and tough. Take his magnificent crown for national fiov/er pot, Where the memories of deeds be cherished and not forgot. Kaiser has leased hell and beat the devil at his own game, Violated all th laws under heaven, blasphemed God's holy name. The greatest Being that ever left footprints on the sands of time, Is the Lord Jesus Christ, the best, richest, wisest and most sublime ; Read the Bible, what have the righteous on record? Prayers, What on record for the v/icked — gone dov^m stairs. V/hat one gives to charity is deposited in heaven's bank, for him, But what he steals and hoards in bank of hell, makes hard the flood to stem. The more you give for benevolence, the more stars in your crown, The more you hoard, the hotter is hell, the devil's city and tov/n. By liberty and charity you lend to the Lord, He repays, it makes a fat soul. The fellow that cheats and hoards, lends to Satan for him to buy coal. The coward that fears a bank and draws his money to conceal Is a blunder head, sets bad example, loses interest and aicfe Billy's deal. The fellow who is unpatriotic is mean or green as a gourd, Bad citizen is that man, making money to hoard ; He is a disgrace to the devil and dread to hades, Should be a menace to hell for there should have rebellious rades. If he were to die in day time instead of at night, The devil would be ashamed to send for him, have to alone tak his flight. If two die at same time, should give hell the colic, x4nd you know that would be a bad frolic. If seven should die at one time, would givQ hell the choler morbus right, Then the devil eouldnt stay home day or night. Kaiser's intrigue and President's speeches scattered broac cast, But failed to reach ignoramuses the the devil's cast. A good reasoning faculty they never had, They have an immoral character, and it bad; None but the death angel could find or run down, None but He has the universal power to pluck his crown. To his country menace, to Uncle Sam a carbuncle. Too big a coward to protect country. Aunt or Uncle; Such a fellov/ is a disgrace to God and the devil both. To God a thing so degenerate, to the devil by him inspire moth. The white people and negroes are loyal to government, But the green people kicking, deserve punishment. ''Thou art weighed in the balance and art found wanting Because thou hast kicked against the government and four daunting. ■ yon are skilled in hand work, knit or crochet, 'o something useful, dont idle time with croquet ; ' you are skilled in bread making — a good cook, hats all right, but don't be a blasted crook. 'ou may be an invalid, but don't forget to pray, /rite a cheerful Is tier to a soldier to drive the blues away; bu may not be a good financier in national bank, 'on't forget to join the army, fight the enemy from the tank. bu may be an epicurean and can't get enough sugar in your pies, >on't get mad and sour like Billy and get to telling lies ; ou m.ay be a toper splitting air with a red snout, : you do stumble and fall into the ditch, for pity's sake don't get out. ' you don't do something for a righteous cause, you are a cut-throat, our rations should be left to one better — a billy goat. ome have bowed to the God of mammon, to hoard the price of of blood, "oble soldiers for their liberty, fightin, dying, tram.pied be- neath the mud. ike Judas Iscariot, don't care if corne their way, Cuss" war, lie, chisel, steal, rob, practice extortion, their victims flay; ome are dirty enough to bring politics in this v/ar they tell, ; would take a carload of water, soap and =sand to fit them for hell. The fellow who had rather hide his money in a trunk, Than buy thrift stamps and liberty bonds, is a human skunk; Every stamp you buy is takine: starch out of Billy's collar, In four stamps, there is nothing more patriotic to invest a dollar. Every bond sold is a link out of the devil's chain, A good safe investment, and for liberty and U. S. .orain; The fool says war shall break U. S., doesn't want his bonds, But feels safe in the devil's canoe fishing on his ponds. If satan should issue bonds on hell, should buy and strut like a millionaire. For he is green enoue-h to think he can collect them there; V/ould pay gold for them and premium on them at that. Hoot at friends, believe enemies and not joint the nation in the combat. After you have made a living and paid your debts. Buy thrift stamps and Liberty bonds, dont give it to the devil in bets ; Let's give the money to Uncle Sam v/e sDend for movie tickets, That shall buy more bullets to kill Bill's pickets. Lend your money to government, nicldes and dimes, To aid the Allies whip Billy who has commj.tted so many ; At least part of your money spent for needless drinks. Until the enemy of liberty ceases to fight and forever shrinks. Lets send old Kaiser, not on hay ride, but thorn ride to hell, With shouts and cheers and not toll the bell ; Oh, fellow citizens, put every shoulder to the wheel, Give Uncle Sam power to make a square deal. Travel libertys paths our noble sires trod. Fight to maintain freedom, Christianity and rights from God ; Vanish him who is viler than any tramp that ever trod the sod, And forever pluck from his cruel hand his enslaving rod. Where Liberty cries, our nation gladly responds, To aid her cut asunder her bonds and free her of bonds ; Lets all, great and small, stick to our rulers, Sammies and war drum, Patriotic leaders, brave bluejackets, valiant Sammies hum. If you can't (For bad eyes) sew on a ruffle, Try your shovel raising sand with a hustle ; If you can't darn a hole in Sammie's sock, Drill a hole in a building granite rock. If you are old, or no good with firearms, Grow grain, cotton, truck stock, etc., on farms; If you can't handle rifle and bayonet in battle, Go to the ranch and feed some cattle. If you caD/t fight helFs mighty boss, Be patriotic giving aid to Red Cross; [f you can't help run our powerful ships, Take your ax, get on a log, chop out chips. \ If you can't fight the devil, Billy Kaiser, Czar, Be a conductor or motorman on a street car ; If you are not skilled in the running of a mill, Take your ax, go to the forest and hew a sill. If j^ou can't lead an army of men to the goal, Get your pick and shovel, dig out the needed coal; If you are not a minister of the Gospel — a preacher, Perhaps you can train kids as wise teacher. If you have rheumatism and can't follow the plow. Get bucket and stool and go milk the cow ; If too young or old to fight, don't against the U. S. raise a row, Go milk the pigs and feed the old sow. If you don't know how to build a house. Get your gun, go beyond the sea, kill a louse; If you cant fight on land, sea or in air, make a shell. Quit kicking, criticizing the government, dont rebel. If you eat too much and are addicted to gout. Get your bait, hook and line, jro catch a trout; If you are so awkward you cant make a shirt, Go in the garden v/ith spade and mattock, dig up dirt. Like the scum of hell overflowed in flood tide, Who have no self-respect, patriotism or national pride; 1'hey ovoen the throttle of anarchy and discord wide, Upon the wings of ignorance, hallucination to destruction ride. Slackers are of no account dead or alive, And will hinder any nation to prosper and thrive. To their country signed allegiances oath, Are meaner than the devil and hell both. To his nation obedience and homage swear. From, her sacred temple, her flag dare to tear, Is not worthy to look upon the fairer sex; His carcass should be smoldering under battle wrecks. Is not the precious noble grain so fair. But a curse to any nation, a devil sown tare ; Not golden grain, but chaff and bran, Non vertebrate, if he does wear breeches, not a man. Spurned by God and by the devil condemned and abhorred. Too sorry for the devil, for in hell hed sow discord ; Worse than a ''Yaller cur," no collar, no tax paid, with per- nicious claw. Tax paid on slacker, wears a collar, to kill him might violate the law. His soul is blacker than Pharaoah's night, 1 On nation a painful cancer and parasite ; IVolud rather in ignorance and slavery, than in liberty's bowers dwell. For he is not willing to join the nation to conquer the sons of hell. One who does not protect his country, will not protect his home. He who iolates sacred rites, deserves the penitentiary for his dome; The fellow who doesn't protect, woman, child or lady, Deserves the heart of hell where it is not much shady. It is unpatriotic to contort or bring politics into this battle,. He who does so is a coward and should be branded with the devil's scrub cattle ; It's the fogies too old for war that's cussing our government, Not nobility, Sammies, but old fools that deserve punishment. ^AHierever you live, in North, East, West or South, If too big a coward to protect your country, shut your mouth ; One jumping on Uncle Sam in time of war thinking he means play, Is fool enough to go to hell and too sorry to stay. You needn't be howling, were you born with your eyes shut? In a manger, bungalow, log cabin or hut; You resent a personal insult, why not a national ? take his hide, Get your blood up hot in the collar, for liberty make a stride. But would rather live in disgrace and have no hope when he dies, Than do his duty, serve his nation and be said, "With the heroes he lies." The wise live and learn, die and discern, Fools live and spurn, die and burn. There is none so blind as he who will not see, When the devil comes for him, ignorance will be his plea. *'Iie that being often reproved, hardeneth his neck, shall sud- denly be destroyed,'' And that v/ithout remedy, the people no longer v/ith \vm annoyed. ''Who are taken by him 'the devil' captive at his will" This is the reason they slack and takes sides with old Bill. To compare with satan, nothing should make him madder, He is against the U. S., raising sand and blowing adder. Needn't "cuss'* the Russian, with hands folded on his back, For he should do likewise, let Billy everything sack. Is a son of destruction, the devil's blasted sniper, He leaves him to do dirt, take him when riper. Indeed he's a son of Belial, lawlessness and anarchy, Belongs to hell's scrub cattle and her alagorchy. Is an ignorant saphead, also a blabbing noodle. Sowing destruction, raising hell, is the devil's doodle. Please read Psalms, one twenty seven, Of course if you don't believe the Bible, you can't go to Heaven. ''Except the Lord build the house, labor in vain that build it," All sensible people know this is true, for it is Holy writ. "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain," God may give the city into hands of the enemy to be slain. ''Trust in God but keep your powder dry," Then you shall be well able your enemy to defy. The kicker is the fellow too old to be enlisted in the struggle. Is "Calamity howler" speaks guile, but from U. S. tries to smuggle. "Speak evil of no man," but worse of ruler, minister or magis- trate. Serves a bad purpose, with calumny, defimation is trying to frustrate. He is a cold-blooded reptile, slimy, sneaking, lurking viper. Doesn't deserve a free country, but should be over yonder with the devil's swiper; What a liar, says he will fix Billy if he comes over this side. First coward to forget his hat, take to his heels and saplings ride. Is acephalous got the neck, but hasn't the pole. And will deny his name when the devil calls the roll. Cusses Hoover for requiring the meatless days, Is in sympathy with Billy, never thinks or prays. Six days are given us for some kind of work, Not seven to dissipate, gossip and shirk. An idler, or slacker is the devil's pucilanimous v^^help. For he is for the enemy, and doesn't the nation help. What a pity they can't be entirely exterminated, Seems they can't be informed, are for the devil consummated. They are so ignorant their minds can't be diolated, A nuisance, Satan would even have them annihiliated. Are so green, if possible, would smother the fires of hell. Producing an awful odor and notorious stinking smell. Ko doubt they should even be a bother there. And should perplex the devil, bound to make him swear. Cod should change the slacker's heart if he would let Him do so. Is hard hearted and stubborn as a Mexican bronco. Should be on some island alone like Robinson Cruso, Or frying in the lava of an active volcano. If left here should contort his lies, blubber and bile, Is filled with ignominy and his mouth inexcruciable guile. Oh yes, you think you are slick and pert, But you had better watch and pray ; be on the alert. For you are suerly playing upon the devil's territory, We are giving you good warning, it's no alegory. No doubt you are under the devil's allodium, Keeping pace with destruction, marching to the beats of the devil's drum. You m.ade light of the illiterate Russian slave, You are a great deal worse, are liberty's knave. You say just let Billy come, you'll fight him face to face, You would take the bushes and not be in the chase. You say U. S. has no right to send soldiers over yonder, Just let the Hun come, you'd be first to absconder. When you hear of a Hun killing a Tommie it does you good. You tell it to all you see and it takes a plug of tobacco to make you a cud. You don't belong to God or the devil, I believe that's right, And when it comes roosting time you may be left out all night. You ought to be shot with rocks from air guns, not with powder and lead. Shot through the body for you have no heart or head. It is not the devoted man to God or the devil that fears so much to die, But a hypocrite who dreads hell, knov/s he can't go home beyond the sky. Rather it were said, "Yonder he does run," Than show himself a man and fight the Hun. The fellow using match or bomb is making a hell of his own, Trying to aid the foe who soon shall be without crown or throne. ; He who helps him is fool enough to fondle a mad dog and give him pot liquor, Implicates himself to assist a devil who is destined to soon flicker. Our ladies are patriotic heroines, always doing their bit, When striving in a good cause they never say quit ; They practice economy and toil all day. And even work at night and for our strife do pray. They can, knit, sew, aid Red Cross, but do not play, ' They wont quit till Billy bets his pay ; j They mean business, for they even patch and darn. Will not slack until Allies wind up Billy's ball of yarn. She was last at the cross, first to sepulcher, this is a fact, ! Has the same lofty motives today and from liberty will not retract. Her petitions bring tears and prayers are all in heaven num- bered, : And soon shall be answered by Him who never slept or ; slumbered. I The slacker says would rather be a live coward than dead hero, ! V/hat a fool! Soon be a dead coward and to destruction go; ' Says he is bound for hell that the devil has no choice, All the wicked anarchit, truce breakers to cull Satan has no voice. Let all the scum of earth dumped in for six thousand years, And plenty of room for balance till end of time you have no fears ; You have already m.ade hell worse than you have dared to preach, Finite mind inadequate to comprehend words inevitable to reach. Three awful curses to any nation, the slacker, Ignorant, blabber and blasted street packer ; If you are an impolitic city dude or lout. Bo something patriotic, if it's nothing but make a barrel of kraut. If you are a rustic green horn, pale or stout, Do something for the cause, cut your racket out. Some peoDle believe Billy never intended to come over here, The world always did some fools and idiots rear. They say cut out the war, and it be well with m.other and daughter. Ignore cries of even France, let Billy continue his slaughter. Crazy devils dont know their own good, No more forethought than a cow with full stomach chewing her cud. Says he doesnt want to come, it's our Government's whim, Can't come, sure, too many good men between us and him. But if depending upon cowards, Billy would soon be here, then they'd bellow, And our fair land be left to carnage and the old fellow. A green snake can hide in a green bush and be unshown, But he is too green and by God's wrath shall be blown ; Those against our Government are wrong as sure as they are born, "Got no more business with ballot than the devil with powder horn.'* He will have to be sugar coated and that good and thick, Before hell can swallow him, then make her desperately sick. Have to hold her nose, gag her too so she can't smell or chew, Then fear every moment lest she might heave and spew. Or perhaps the devil will try to smuggle him in at the back gate, Not let any Sodomites know it, their escape be too late ; But when the Sodomites find that he is for their associates, No doubt will rebel and try to smash the brazen gates. I I • Nevertheless render tribute to God and Csesar, I But render hell to Billy, the old Kaiser; ' Bead Romans thirteen and get your dose and fill, I If you are any good, shall be ready to fight old Bill. i j Now, if this hits you, don't whine and yell like a "Yaller hound," Let everybody know you are caught in the nest stung and found ; But kneel and pray until corns are on your knees, Or God rolls the scales from your eyes and h^ars your pleas. For I perceive that thou art in the gaul of bitterness, And in the bond of iniquity and should desire forgiveness. If a merchant pays S7.50 for a bag of fertilizer, And sells same to fanner for $12.00, is helping the Kaiser. The man who against our government makes speeches, Is guilty of treason, disloyalty, and anarchy teaches ; Looks as though to snap your fmger at him should make him run. Consummate scoundrel, knows he is for the Kaiser and the Hun. Slackers in all occupations from hay seeds to mayors. All are a menace to society, for they are brayers ; He who wants the Huns to hang his children up on the walls to mellow. Is too green to know what they have done and is the devil's right hand fellow. ''He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty. And he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city,'* He who disbelieves his government is frighty. Those who take sides with their enemies are not witty. The private soldier who through the war retains his integrity and morals. Is greater in the sight of God than the debauched General who returns with fame and laurels. Anoint thine eyes with eye salve so that thou canst well see, Fight the enemy till peace and mercy shall be his plea. He produces rice, sup:ar, coffee, eggs and ham; Bill3^ knows now, he has struck a "bad Sam." Also grows wheat, corn, barley, rye, sheep, cattle, pears and beans ; And Billy is getting despondent, and almost out of means. Has his bristles up, getting hot, ready to jump into the brouch ; Already sent his application to the devil for a job on his ranch. Uncle Sam has gone into the game alright : Not long 'till nothing be left for him to fight. Billy thinks himself it ; thus thinking himself the real stuff ; But when the *'Yanks" get thro' with him will have enough. His physician says that he has a case of larynxgitis ; But I think he has sever attack of Americanitis. Or it might be a chronic form of meningitis ; Perhaps it is a modern case of gastritis. Shakespeare said the soul of wit is brevity; That's true and the soul of a fool is levity. Solomon said the heart of the fool is in the house of mirth ; But the trouble with a fool he is a fool from birth. There is a great desire in this day and time for fun and wit; That's alright, for there's plenty of room in the bottomless pit. If one discharges his duty he displays charity and generosity ; But if one serves the devil look out for hatred and animosity. One had better have a case of chronic rheumatism ; Than be like Billy have a spell of antagonism. God sent His Son to redeem mankind by His ignominious death fellowship ; Satan has sent his son to create war and sink every hospital ship. God sent His Son to redeem manking by His ignominious death upon the cross ; Satan has sent his son to destroy mankind by shelling the Red Cross. God sent His Son to bring peace on earth ; Satan has sent his son to bind us with his girth. God sent His Son to bring us life with more abundance ; Satan has sent his son to bring death with greater preponder- ance. Jesus Christ took little children in His arms, then He so kindly blessed ; But Billy took arms and killed little children, is a murderer and hell-born pest. Jesus healed the lame so that they could leap like harts ; Billy has wounded the able-bodied, robbing him of his com- ponenet parts. God is love, created all things, has absolute power to heal the sick, raise the dead, give life eternal ; Satan has no absolute power, hates all things, kills and de- stroys, gives eternal fire for wages, most-infernal. Now, my friend, which one do you serve ? Which home is your desire? Peace on earth — eternal life, or hell in this world and eternal fire? Me to him is like twin brother and general in chief, This leaves him to earlier defeat and causes sorrow and grief; This shows his ungratefulness, lack of appreciation ; He and his cause sink deeper every day into depreciation. Displayed himself a fool of high temper and heated passion; Wielded his cudged with all the fury and force that he could muster, from a limited soup ration. If the assertoin is true that one does as he lives; He shall surely have the royal privilege of dancing upon the devils red-hot sieves. Is a hellish brute who swears that he shall overthrow the cradle in which liberty rocks; Is a cloven-fotted devil with infuriated animosity even hell's modesty shocks ! Hell's blackest cloud that ever floated oe'r liberty's shining path: Indulges himself in the vilest deeds and crimes of satanical wrath ; Should be hanged high on Haman's gallows ; For he has bowed the knee in the temple of Pallos ; Has imbibed the blood of saints for his nectar ; For with diabilical hand has wielded his bloody scepter. Has had the nerve to try to enter into liberty's palladium; But his hopes shall be consumed like an un watered caliadium. He hides him.self behind the devil's infernal falisades; While he manipulates his direful scheme and trades; But the Allies are making hi' mtremble like the aspen leaf quaking ; While his bankrupt empire is trembling and shaking. U. S. is superior to his empire in most every respect ; To offer to fight us makes him a most contemptable aspect. Uncle Sam is daddy of the gold dust twins; They always send for him when trouble begins; Is a fine surgeon, for he knows just when and how to operate; Never has lost a patient, for he is never too late. Billy vainly thought he had a big gun ; Until to his great surprise Uncle Sam showed him one ; Shelled him at a distance of one hundred and five miles ; Histed him back of the lines took off his fiendish smiles. Smashed what he thought was a safe kitchen ; Sent his cooking utensils into the junk pile pitching; Killing his gunners and putting his guns out of commission ; Said Uncle Sam did this without notice or permission. For three days and nights he had no soup or bread Made more emphatic Uncle Sam to his dread. Uncle Sam carries the Bible with him everywhere he goes ; His boys always conquer ; for they are inspired heroes. Some may think this a little rough; But how can it be too bad for a hell born tough. Some do think it should be much worse ; For every one knows by this time that he is a devil sent curse. He has already beaten the devil at his own job and put him on crutches ; But Uncle Sam shall settle his hash, when he gets him in hiii clutches. Satan thought he should use Billy to aid his cause in latitude and extension; But has ruined himself, left penniless, no credit, blind, halt and maimed and no pension. The Americans caught Billy's officers so early asleep, Marched the gentlemen back where they could them safely keep. They also found his soldiers in the fields cutting the dewy rye, Captured the most of them, but some wanted to die. Billy thought he had put Russia forever off the market; But she may soon be waltzing with him upon his carpet; Thought she had gone "away back and sat down." But she will shortly be yanking his down. He only has enough men to make her a good lunch! And he does not like or relish that kind of Dunch. Says he hates the yellow pearl and yallov/ China; For they have it in for him the universal Rhiner. He is a vicious beast, fetid animal ; But has not the genius to conquer like Hannibal. Uncle Sam has even turned upon him Sourboard Dinah, Now he is the complainer and America the compliner. Didn't he make an agreement with the sons of Sodom, The devil's hell born gang old Billy's Dotham? That if they should furnish him the required dough ; That he should make speedy work of ifc — not be slow; That he in 1915 (as recompense) should cede to them the chief ^ mining lands of the world? At this diabolical conceit and carnage, the devil even snurled. He has killed innocent children with bombs from the skies; Is dirty enough to steal coppers from a dead negro's eyes. If one entirely resigns himself to God, he can do wonders ; But Billy let the devil take possession, devastates and plunders. All through his treacherous way is fully blacked from uni- versality ; Nevertheless, has caused expense, sorrow and death in every nationality. According to the newspapers, but perhaps they have lied; He thrashed von Hindenburg, at least he tried, Crowned him one upon his aged, hoary head; Because he did not slaughter his men fast enough to suit him, so they said. I Has not tacided the heroic sons of America to fore! Can never endure their arena; can not hold the floor; William the Conqueror and Alexander the Great plaj-ed havoc in Europe, Asia and Africa; Good for their fame, they did not fight upon the hills and plains of America! A mighty good thing for Alexander he did not have to come here to play his game! For if he had, should have never attained universal fame! As long as there is virtue in our fertile soil; We will be with Billy in this mighty turmoil. So long as we may have material to make a shell! We will be on the spot giving him hell ! **As many as I love I rebuke and chasten." The wise in time of trouble to God hasten. The heart of man is prone to stray; God loves us, afflicts us to lead us back into the straight and narrow way. Billy says he has a divine right to rule, what does this spell? For the devil certainly has the divine right to rule hell. I He surely is a diabolical ruler and hell born curse! So much for him. and the devil ; if any preference Billy is worse. I Thought he could smash the armies of Allies ; I Like a boy with pop gun killing a gang of blow flies. Freedom and liberty he has furiously smit; For he does not appear to be a man of much wit. With the devil he has his infernal catenation; And to his own kingdom, surely played damnation. Has already lost much of his preoccupied territory; Has gotten himself into a most awful category : Says let us have peace, permitting everyone to hold territory he now occupies; What a bluff! What nerve, trying the Allies to tantalize. No bluff game! ''We will fight until hell freezes over and fight on the ice"! And when we get through with Billy, he will think he has been whipped twice. Once more old Billy has changed his tune ; He surely has played hell during the months of May and June. Said the Sammies went leaping and yelling right over the top of his dugouts; With the most extraordinary, bold, saucy, irrespectful flouts; Again and again he of peace terms unreasonably and vainly talks ; Whale him ! Don't even leave the ground on which he walks ! Billy's soldiers turn their backs to bullets ; not much like the Spartans : For when the Sammies rush on them, try to get away like a flock of gully martins. He has sold his empire for a mess of potage ; Exchanges his imperial palace for an exiled cottage. Is dirty enough to rob a blind cat of sour milk; Drink the milk, eat the cat, tan her hide, think h-mself fine as silk! Is meaner than an egg-eating, sheep killing, worthless cur; And the comparison is to him a compliment—not a slur. For he is surely an eclipsed sun, a fallen constellation; We do believe this and it is a great consolation. While the farmer is plowing over the hills and rocks; Making bread for the soldiers, he knows they are punching off Billy's red socks. God bless the noble girls who have left pleasant homes and sweet mothers weeping! Gone to aid suffering humanity, in the jaws of death — where the bullets are flying and hell is sweeping! Who have sacrificed worldly pleasures and the allurements of society bravely denied! Have proven themselves noble philanthropists when only tried ! Turned their backs upon friends and sacred ties at home ful- filling their mission from the heavenly King! In the hospitals they administer to those who have felt the shells lacerating sting! Where they can hear the cannon's roar, the bullets and shells flying; There they are alleviating the joints of the suffering and pre- venting the wounded from dying. God bless the soul loving, ardent workers of the Y. M. C. A. ! Who have with Christian zeal, gone into the war zone and carried the blessed Gospel's ray! Have sacrificed their all to the glory of God and good of humanity, forgetting all their greeds ! Carrying the precious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is a soothing balm to every soul that heeds! Have bravely and triumphantly carried the love of God to the verj^ battle's front! Have words of love, heartfelt sympathy, comfort and cheer for every sigh, groan and grunt! Are ministers of love for spiritual needs, jeopardizing their lives upon the battlefields from front to rear ! To the soldier invaluable aid refreshing his troubled m.hid with God's matchless love, which does appease and dry every tear. All these noble lovers of humanity in heaven shall be crowned ! For they have relieved the aches and pains of those that groaned and f rov/ned ! Each shall have in his golden crov/n a thousand luscious stars ! For the inestimable service rendered the great army, where float the stars and bars! Each shall have a pair of easy golden slippers! Who has prolonged life: warded off death's cold gripuers! For great shall be their reward in heaven in the fields elisian ! For the invaluable love and kindness they have rendered to individual, company and division. Billy's carcass should be in the bottom of the dead sea with the wife of Lot; ^Vhere the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah mar the brackish waters of that sin-cursed siDot; There under her deadly, bitter, sulphuric, ashy waters; Too vile for hell, but rem.ain with Sodom's brutish sons and daughters. God forbid that his body have a resting place even in a civil- ian's plot! Have no royal funeral and not even the fragrance of the wild touch-me-not. Doubtless this is a v/ar of judgment, starvation and stint! The wise go to God in prayer, but hard-hearted fools won't repent. God suffers these calamities to come upon us, as dispensations of His providence. The v/orld is sufiering today; because she lacks spiritual improvidence! It seems that the world has lost her art — muenionics; Forgetting history, the wars of the past, but has indulged in hyptonics. Old Billy can't any longer stand on his P's and Q's: For he now has insomnia, and a chronic case of blues; Has learned that Uncle Sam in war is a ''bad Ike" ; Is about ready to stick up his bristles and go down the pike. Has learned at last, that his empire is not as strong as the United States; That we are going to probe every air castle that he inflates ! Has proven himself, in this war, with greatest animosity and maledictions ; Ignored God, His word, religion and all other benedictions. i Some have asked me not long since, ''Do you think the Allies shall be victorious?" I think they displayed very little faith, patriotism and com- mon sense! It won't be long till Central Powers be subdued by defeat most notorious! But if Billy were to set his cloven foot upon our shore; V/e will conquer him, or be fighting until time is no more! He is dirty enough to be lousy and have the mange ; And too big a coward to get in range. He is the most brutal devil that ever crossed the Rhine ! But Uncle Sam surely has drawn a stubborn dead line ! ' Has found himself hampered and handicapped; For conceit, nerve, and brutality has the climax capped. Oh may Gods' Holy Word, with infinite power prevail ! And all the power of darkness and hell soon curtail. Oh Billy, thou infernal savage, bloody man of the Rhine ! Look upon the dark pages of crime, the blackest is thine ! God pity the wretch who would attempt to aid this brute — ■ justify or laud! For at the very citadel of freedom, has made his desperate stand, champed and pawed ! His fifty years' preparation for war, proves this has been his bitter soul's intent! This is why he made a league with the sons of Sodom and towards their city pitched his tent. So long as God smiles upon our great country and the golden grain waves! He has a mighty tough and endless job dig.9:ing graves So long as fields, forests, and mines are rich! We v/ill chase and drive him beyond the last ditch ! So long as we can grow wheat and king corn ! We w^ill conquer or fight until Gabriel blows his horn. He sunk a hospital ship, but the old ?iypocrite denies the charge ; Says 'tw^as done by a mine or thro mistake; thinking it only a barge. Has destroyed grave yards, disturbing the sleeping dead; Robbed the aged and the helpless children of their daily bread; Bombed little children at their birthday dinner around their dainty table ; Ladies and gentlemen, this is a fact — not a myth or fable. Hurrah, for Uncle Sam's patriotic daughter Cuba! Who is helping the Allies roast Billy like a green guber. Think that contemptible fool didn't strike each of Uncle Sam.'s cheeks once? Now he is severely flogging that little dunce. How could he be fool enough at Uncle Sam to make on stroke ! Of course, he thought he meant it as a joke. He was a stubborn, contentious, selfish, fighting devil when a kid; Now the old gentleman is proving to the world what bad rearing did. Used to domineer over the kids and claim himself their mighty king i Since these bad principles culminated, has drug upon liberty hell's bloody ring. Used to v/ith toy gun play war, having for opposing arm.y rows of acrobats; But it's no play game now, for the Yanks fight like a gang of wild cats! One drop of his blood contains two hundred and fifty thousand demons ! Has been suffering fifty years of demoniacal delirium trem.ens : Lingering in the chambers of temporal despair! Too angry to pray, too hoarse to swear. Oh noble soldier boy! have you given your heart to God? If not, do it today : Have him for your friend and shield — a solace when you pray ! Then you need not fear death or world to come! Have faith in Him, and He shall bring you back to friends and chum. Oh, broken hearted mother, who hast bidden thy brave son farewell ! To go beyond the seas, and fight the cohorts of hell ! ''Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith," Who shall answer your prayer : Trust in Him, and He shall keep thy son safe over there. Oh noble father, who hast given to thy country thine only son ! Who has gone so bravely to fight the dirty Hun! Put your trust in God; in His faithful care and keeping: He shall send him back to you, when the Hun is sleeping. Oh patriotic, noble, sweet American girl! Who told your heroic lover good-bye, and left your heart a whirl ! Look to Almighty God! in faith, when you pray! And He shall return your dearest to you "some sweet day.*' For He is faithful to listen to what you say! If you Him obey, and walk in the divine right of way. He has chosen the simple things of this world to confound the wise; Has done this to make us humble and fit us for the skies. Billy's heart's desire is the great city of New York! But dreads the ''Yanks" for his head is doddling like a fishing cork; For he knows the ''Yanks" are good shots; And if his boys get to playing over here ; shall have the rots ! It is sport for them to shoot down buzzards and bats ; And the Blue Jackets know exactly how to drown skunks, cats and musk rats : But guess he should "make cold chills run down Woodrow's back" ! Those fools "will come up missing," won't ever get back. Almost five decades since he pitched his tent towards Sodom ; Having his heart set upon universal empire caused this hogdom. Reason, common sense and religion ; he has not used one ounce. Made his final blow at civilization, with a bloody pounce. Has for quite awhile run among the apple orchard's of France ! But when the Yanks get there, they will make him prance! Everybody wants a plume from that hellish war bird ! Are filled with contempt, from head to toe, believe what they've heard! It may talke a life time to form a good reputation ; But one may destroy it before breakfast with one execration. Billy has crimsoned with human blood his direful war ballad, I His entire motion is wholesale murder, wickedness unhallowed. He's been playing and singing, may have to do like the grass- hopper ; If time's get much hotter, may go down yonder to see papa. All his heinous plans are to overthrow liberty and enslave Humanity. Ambition has vitiated his depraved heart and developed into desperatein sanity. I don't profess to be a poet, learned man or erudite scholar, But speak the voice of one hundred million Americans ; will not wear Billy's collar. Where is there a home in which he has not sent sorrow and sadness? Can any true American citizen reflect upon his crimes without anger and madness? Has stamped upon civilization an immortal blot, and cast upon Christianity an everlasting shame. Has left reflection upon the devil and even disgraced his blasted nam.e; "Bring the children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Don't let them have their way, Billy did as he pleased when a child, now "hell is to pay." Ps. 81:15-16, "The haters of the Lord should have submitted themselves unto Him; But their time should have endured forever" ; not lean or slim. '*He should have fed them, also vi^ith the finest of v/heat;" And they should have never felt the bitter sting of defeat or retreat. ''And with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee;" And to thine enemy thou should'st never had to bow the knee. Thus you see in the Holy Scriptures what God spoke to the Jews. He condemns sin in a nation or individual ; does not excuse. The Son of God wrote with his finger upon the sands of time, While He forgave the woman's sins and crime; But vain man with steel pen; engraved his words upon solid brass ; But left his body to feed the worm and the stupid grass. Some men have held office in time of peace and prosperity; But now prosperity and war have turned traitor with severity. Pity they do not maintain dignity and pov/er for a good cause ; Utilize their talents for good ; leaving for themselves applause. But have made themselves a menace, lost their good influence J Only retaining the bad qualities of leaders, exfiuence and side- fluence. The coroners shall say in their (character) post mortem examinations : Complications brought on by excessive exasperations and dire- ful expostulations. It was woman's influence that caused man to leave parr.dise; She has the same power today to bring him back — good advice. If water can be purified by ten successive freezes ; \Voman can civilize and Christianize the world in ten genera- tions if she pleases. Her inexorable power is in the mighty home, Where she teaches the precious kids the word of God, so they won't in sin choose to roam ; You old worldly folks without family altars The next thing you know, your children will be wearing the devil's halter. The soldier that goes to war without prayer, is a good target for the bullet ; Of course he has for mother, sister, wife, or sweetheart the devil's pullet. Woman is the sweetest, prettiest, purest, best, nobles, greatest and best being that God made ; But the fellow that goes to war without religion, may upon his back be laid. The father who does not teach his children morals is a sorry daddy ; Is not patriotic to God or his country, is the devil's little gaddy. Paris has been setting the styles high and low ; She had better repent and on God her affections bestow. *'Where the carcass is there are the eagles gathered together" ; Doubtless if it had not been for prayer she should have been robbed of every feather. He who believes the immortality of the human soul Has already chosen hell for his eternal goal. Billy is trying mighty hard to stop liberty's cradle from rocking ; But the way his men are falling before her children is mar- velous and shocking. On America's soil is where liberty was first planted, flourished and bloomed ; And the pugnosed devil that meddles with her is sure to be well groomed. America is the native home of liberty's historic bell ; And every autocrat that ever tackled her, his feathers soon fell. She rang with power liberty's sweet notes, dear music to the children of men, her heavenly chime; And the brute that raises his heel against her commits a suicidal crime. And the world today shouts for joj^ when she hearts her beautiful tones ; Her gallant sons trusting in God, defy Billy with his hell born drones ; Her liberating peals shall be heard in every isle of ihe sea, and upon the most remote clime ; And her staunch enemies shall soon be expelled; just give the Allies a little more time. Some are heroically striving at Billy's treadmill, With no hope, half starved, are there taking life's bitter pill ; While others are still and silent, in the cold damp ground ; Without monuments to mark their resting place; only a com- mon mound. They have given their lives to a cause that's lost, By the most tyrannical hot-headed fool; were driven and bossed. They have lived, fought, suffered and died in vain ! All for old bloody Billy's sake; in a cause they can never gain. He viewed the bloody battlefield o'er and o'er, Where many of his men were sleeping, but too sound to move ; There he gazed upon one million and a quarter of his men with life's broken thread. Where the Allied armies butchered his divisions as they slowly and vainly sped. There he stood speechless, while he sighed, wept and yawned ; Gazing upon the treacherous road of ambition, where hell has ever dawned. There in the jaws of death he stood looking upon the dead who had died for naught, Where they lay in obedience to his orders and nothing but defeat had bought. For he had foolishly and recklessly driven his mighty wedge ; Against the impregnable Allied armies; solid as a mountain ledge. His heart felt sick, weak and awful sore, And his ambition did refuse, in victory's skies again to soar. With angry eye he looked upon the vanquished battle stud; As he viewed his fallen flag, almost trampled beneath the mud, He then saw his final defeat, fallacy was his scheme; That his keen, two-edged sword should no longer with victory gleam. The stream with crimsoned liquid highly swelled, While his savage cohorts loudly and vainly yelled; But when the mighty army had finished its bloody slaughter ; Found his men trampled beneath the vermillion mortar. They rushed right into the awful arms of decisive defeat, Where Allies were anxiously awaiting; fixed so solid and com- plete ! There in the jaws of destruction, they were so securely caught, For nothing but awful failure and direful slaughter they had wrought. They came across No Man's land like a gang of army worms ; But the Allies rendered to them awful rough terms. Division after division he launched, but were madly crushed! Came like a stampede of much cattle; but soon the clattering of their hoofs was hushed, Turned him heels over head; smashed his international milk pail : Now she is goring him, from ''who laid the rail." Has quit singing his universal song; But has adopted Moses' song; he and his entire throng. ''Oh that v/e could stand where Moses stood," And view fair America's land all o'er ! If we could but enter there, should if we could; We vv^ould devastate that earthly paradise, from shore to shore ! There, listen to the occidental winds playing upon nature's heaps, the evergreen boughs of the lofty pine ; But the mighty hands of destiny and fate, mete out to him defeat, eternal remorse and repine. God's v/rath, Billy's boys, has furiously scattered Like the Autumn leaves are dead, torn and tattered. Some are under the bosorn of the mighty deep ; Awaiting Gabriel's trump, to awake them from their sleep ; Are reposing beneath the surging, foaming billows; Upon the subterranean sand bars for their pillows. They are sleeping there; so remote, safe and sound; And by none, but the trump of God can be found ; There to doze for awhile; in their subs., pickled and brined: While some of their comrades, in the hospitals groaned ?,rA whined. He has set out on a job that is infernal, When he tried to annihilate liberty and right, he challenged the Eternal; For if he were to account for twenty million Yanks, Resis and demolish one million American judgmental tanks; Tf he were to plant his calked heels upon the never conquered American shore, We should then in the name of Almighty God, conquer or fight till time should be no more, Or the sun be turned into darkness. He should love to contend with her glittering steel and its sharpness. Billy is disappointed very much to have to abandon the city of Paris; Dreads to be outdone; for she is quite an heiress. Hates Old Glory, the gi'eat flag of Stars and Stripes; And Avhen he sees her gives him the dry gripes. He had better get a move on, and hoist his vrhite rag! For liberty's flag will soon wave over every plain and moun- tain crag. Said he should milk America; seated himiself upon a keg; But she kicked and would not back her leg. Why doesn't that old fool take peace terms by the other end? Get Spain to ask the Allies their very best peace terms — what he thinks is to condescend. For the sooner he surrenders, the better terms they shall grant ; Quit acting a fool, trying to bluff, and not run or rant. iPerhaps Spain is a friend or sympathizer, may believe him while dying: But of course all others should think of him lying: Throw down his almost worn out battle ax, and quit talking For it appears that he desires to be barred, blocked and chained in an exiled stable! Do you rememiber they tried to get him in an asylum, and that they said he Would have to go seven years to school? And he could net enter that school, because he is too big a fool? He has ''killed the hen that laid the golden egg;'' Pitched his shoe but failed to loop the fatal peg. And he had "better let good enough alone"! For his greed for pelf has made him prone. Says he used to have a gay time with the ladies at home, in England, also in France! But somehow have gotten so they won't waltz with him since he's been wearing paper pants. God bless all teachers of morals, who teach the Bible as infinite knowledge ! At home, from the pulpit, school room, great university or college ! Dan. 12 :3, 'Mnd they that be wise, shall shine as the bright- ness of the firmament; And they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever" — -great encouragement. A home that never has had a child. Is a home upon which God never smiled! A home without those sweet things we call girls; Is a home without music, flowers, kisses, bangs and curls ! Of course a home without the jolly boys; Is a home without fun, mischief and noise. And a home without a father ; May be a home v/ithout authority and council- — a bother. But, nevertheless, a home without a mother; Is solitary, no home at ail, the widower has gone to get another. A hom.e without the Bible and prayer, is the devil's kinder- garten ; Children may live in sin and die without pardon. In time of war, cut out your car ride for joy! you un'jatriotic, worldly minded, lascivious boy! Going with some capricious, silly girl not serene! Dissipating, Sabbath-breaking, burning Uncle Sam's forbidden gasoline. The fellow who vnll purchase a car and use for fun ! Aids the devil, Billy and the old lousy Hun! He who would rather buy an automobile, than government bonds, is not patriotic! But is a worldly, good time seeking fellow and is spasmodic. Hasn't Billy boastingly told America that he should fight the infant that is nov/ rocking in its cradle? He is dirty enough to rob his sacred dead of their metallic caskets, and throw them into his war ladle! Right! he does not heed if Almigty God does frown! He may yet cast into the melting pot, his infernal crown. So long as he believes that the devil and hell have smiled ! He will run bullets to kill liberty's last man, woman and child! While playing upon his countenance a hellish gloom ! That leaves for nothing else a particle of room. He surely is slaying and dying so hard! Since insulting our great Ambassador Gerard Has planted a sub, station in Gulf of Mexico to be concreted; Fears the Blue Jackets will find it; if they do come across it done completed. He now is scarce of material : most out of wax : Let us pray, economize, work and fight harder, until he lays down his battle ax. He m.ay be one of those devils, who has to be cast out by prayer and fasting; The pe \ople must repent, if they have freedom and peace that's everlasting. I If we expect lasting peace, we must have universal morality! For we shall have wars, so long as we have immortality ! And our churches encumbered with worldly minded hypocrits who do as they please! And worse yet some of the mare low-down debauchees. Sin in a nation ripens into war; sin in an individual fits him for hell: But some won't repent until they hear the chains rattle and brimstone smell. Do you know the greatest generals were men of prayer? When they went to battle never failed ; always got there. Look upon the walls of most every American church ; And behold! I say unto you, what do you invariably see? The kind remembrance of those who have gone to drive the enemy from every perch : A record of her gallant sons, who have gone to vanquish in noble France so far : Each star there, represents the pride of some precious mother's heart. May God in His providence, shield him from the enemy's dart I May he be hovered by the ardent prayers of a mother's love ! And be guarded and protected by the omnipotent hand of God above. If you aid either, you help the other, If you aid Billy, you belong to the "Tother;" Billys bonds are valued at 50c per dollar, Satan's 25c, Billy has him in the collar. The old wicked German Kaiser, Will soon be a plaything of the past; For he is an atrocious and evil surmiser, God his dreams and hopes shall blast. Ananias may say good-bye dad, I can't stand the test, And flee from Billy in spite of satan's earnest request. Cleopatra shall shriek at Billy and call for the Egyptian asp, And declare she can't stay with the devil's rasp. When Billy gets home, satan can't have greater title than Viceroy, For all of his present titles, playthings and relics he shall destroy ; Billy says he is going to flood U. S. with German propaganda. What an insult! the Allies shall singe that hissing gander. He failed in leading his army to victory, then the old coward went off and hid. The devil would pay a premium on some men, but if Billy were sold, would pay a premium on some men, but if Billy were sold, wouldn't give him a bid; I wouldn't cuss old Kaiser if I ever had, or knew how, For the cuss words wouldn't do to use again anyhow. Billy thinks himself wiser than generals or any sage, But when the battle is over shall have the blackest page ; If he gets in range, they shall puncture his carcass, That's right for the devil can't be killed with gas. He who fights a righteous cause, fights Jehovah, Shall be vanauished when the battle is over ; Billy should be damned above ground to save the Lord of the trouble, And the devil his companionship, and hell from being double. The devil shall fare awful grim. If Abrithophel's council be not thwarted for him; Billy is the devil on earth and a roaring lion, And dirty enough to try to bomb the old ship of Zion. Billy has to drive his men, by force, into U-boats; For the Blue Jackets have given so many of his m.en, the salt water bloats. For scarcity of material ; he has stripped his monuments and buildings of metal; While the sons of Columbia, are stripping his men of their mettle. He is ''busted, disgusted and can't be trusted," about stranded. And his old blood-stained flag, almost ready to the Allies to be handed. When Russia, Japan and China get their ''ducks in rov/," Then old Billy can't have much time to crow. He shall be conquered and completely bossed! And devoured like hell should a jack frost! He told a captain, the Blue Jackets had left one little rusty U-boat! Go to New York for a salt water gargle would be good for your throat! No wonder his eyes look like two balls of electric fire! Mingled with ten thousand demons, infuriated with their hellish ire! Sees he is eternally doomed; his wordly ambitions dying, Soon to be in the forges of perdition, simmering and frying. Three cheers! for brave, gritty, tenacious and patriotic Bel- gium ! That wouldn't let him thro, and allow his war machine to hum ! V7hy didn't he turn back, v/hen she didn't permit him to pass? Simply because he has a heart of stone and head of brass. The shedding of blood to him is very m.uch pleasing; But he is going to a tropical region, where there is no freezing. Nothing so sweet to him; as the cannon's roaring! Nothing so beautiful, as life's precious blood pouring. Oh that he had fallen into the hands of a bloody Eleud! Before he matured; when quite tender and young! Thwarted his universal plans; nipped them in the bud! For now he is too mean, old and tough, to be hung. He was deranged, by ambition, and atheism*, Led to destruction, consummated by brutal militarism. In temperament very tyrannical, egotistic and pugnastic * A monarchist, arbitrary, despotic and fiegmatic. The Teutons said they could whip U. S. ; if their hands were tied upon their backs. Could pillage our country, and pile the booty in stacks. Now, ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of that? Uncle Sam put on a broad smile and hollered scat ! Do they call this German propaganda? Why it is hot air and slander ! They are blowing horns; some of their lies and improper gander does old bloody Billy still sue for an unreason- able peace? Does that brainless fool think he is fighting a gang of geese? Does he not demand in ?iis terms of peace to leave his iron heel upon the heart of immortal France? Does he not desire to give her the final blow with his blood- stained lance? Does he not deceitfully demand of the Allies, the surrender of the great British fleet? Does he not intend to destroy the statue of Liberty and th^ gods of hell with victory greet? When the whole nation's church bells strike the hour of prayer at seven; Oh may we pray in faith to Him Who sits upon the eternal throne in heaven. We thank the Lord for our good wise leader who ordered this service thus. May He bless our leaders, give us victory and universal ever- lasting peace and reign over us. No trainer tries to teach a lion — but a cub: No one endeavors to straighten a tree — but a shrub. A pro-German is Kaiser Bill's booster; Bill is the fox and that fool desires to be the second rooster. Preach the word of God with demonstration and power from on high, For it seems that Billy has brought hell on earth — very nigh. Three cheers for Russia ! w?io is about to get back on her feet ; He soon shall get his last round up and an overwhelming defeat, ''Be not deceived: God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth : that shall he also reap." Old Billy shall soon go down into the abyss of darknees deep. To scandalize a fellow used to mean to villify ; But Kaiser has given greater significance to the term — to play hell is to Biilify. If the Gospel had been preached in the world for the last fifty years instead of theology; Doubtless the world should not have been flooded with hell and Billy's mythology. This seems probable, for Billy is a one-horse ruler with a head two by four; Has disturbed the world four years with his turmoil and raised more hell than has ever been raised before. There cannot be too much stress laid upon Christian education, But education without moral character, is the power in the devlFs hands for damnation ; A hint or word to the wise is sufficient. But the fool or unwise is never proficient. If the world does not quit teaching the commandments of men instead of God's the devil will get the whole push ; We may yet get down to Billy's diet — rotton potato cush. His people are working hard scratching off their claw5 and nails ; They all are working like the devil ; even the females. The wicked and all nations that forget God into hell shall be turned ; Cast into eternal destruction; their immortal souls forever burned. It is high tim.e for the ministers of the gospel to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified ! To save the world from the devil and Billy's devastation rec- tified. If you preach my funeral, do it now so I can criticize ! j If you give me flowers give them now, so I can utilize! For one blossom, kind w^ord or good deed is mere value to me ! Than then should be all the pearls in the mighty sea ! Wliile living the benefits of one pleasant deed Are more value to me than then should be the fragrant blos- som of every floral weed! So give them now, while the nose can smell, eyes see and heart can feel ! Lavish your money and kindness upon suffering humanity, for now is the time to deal ! What do you want with money but to give? j For no life but charity and duty is fit to live ! I ''It is more blessed to give than to receive; This is divine, oh, what a pity we can't believe! Let's Hooverize, epitomize, civilize, Christianize, freedomize, fertilize, exercise and economize! Don't Kaiserie, tyrranize, heathenize, criticize, demoralize, scandalize, believe lies, but swat the flies ! Do not profane the Holy Sabbath, or take God's name in vain; Don't ''walk after the flesh," but get on "the Gospel train." Worldly-mindedness is the surest to hell habit a moral man can form; what do you think of this, cranks? Surest for heaven habit, "pray without ceasing, and in all things give thanks." "The darkest hour is just before day break;" But trust in God, and He shall never forsake. God forbid that any hour be so dark that we forget to pray ! Prayer is the power that can transform the blackest night into effulgent day. Character and Godliness are the greatest assets you can leave ! Good sound integrity the greatest legacy to bequeath! He who exchanges these for any price is cheated; For from the highest goal under heaven he is defeated. He who does not esteem character as the most valuable gem is out of his intended realm ; Is a lost shiD, bound for the shallows of eternal destruction, without mariner's compass or helm. Our President is a great diplomat — man of prayer, And his earnest prayers are being answered over there; Is the greatest of rulers and mighty men, When he speaks for liberty the whole nation says amen. A noble patriotic gentleman is Judge Chas. E. Hughes, For when Billy and the slacker get in his way he hews ; Is a genuine true man; knows how to rule or serve, Has love and esteem of the American people, nothing more than he does deserve. God will honor and answer the prayers of the American people, Who have praised His Holy Name with their supplications, and chimes from every church and steeple. When the church bells so sweetly shout their silvery chimes May God then reprove Billy of his wicked and heinous crimes. May he no longer to Christianity be an obstruction ; God has prophesied his end and destruction : Has always stood for heathenism and religion fought; May his pov/ers soon have an end ; his infernal kingdom come to naught. He very much covets the great city of New York; But that's not a very safe place for a German stork. He also much desires the city of Washington, D. C. ; His mode of warfare reminds one much of B. C. He must have been asleep longer than Rip Van Winkle! To tackle Uncle Sam and not know his new war wrinkle ! Has set out to kill or starve all man kind. But God hath him to destruction assigned. The one who has been using gas shell so extravagantly, is Bill ; Uncle Sam gave him a few, he soon said I'll quit uncle if you will. Said he should give him a gas shell ! Just to let him know how it does smell. Billy's shells soon will be so weak they won't explode ; For he is almost to the end of his hard road. Oh Billy, thou hast hell upon earth played! Has killed the hero and left his sweetheart to be an old maid. He has taken over all the tailoring or rather paper works of his empire; Look out Dutchess ! may cut your styles smaller, tighter, lower and higher. Says there has come a frost in midst of summer and even a skiff of snow; Doesn't know what next for he is at the end of the row. He has always much desired to come to America so powerful and grand; See her huge forests, rich mines, great factories, fertile fields and golden strand. Says Woodrow is fattening on his job, tough as whit leather ; He has bull dog tenacity, intends to pluck from this bird every long plume and feather. He is confirmed in his convictions, is slick as an eel; He intends to be on top when he closes this deal. Most all nations sincerely signed the peace treaty at Hague, not knowing it to be the tower of Babel ; With good fidelity desired universal everlasing peace; but Billy cut the cable. • Who knows but this to have been, deceitful .German propa- ganda ? To diminish the armies and navies of Allies what a piece of chicanery slander ! Emperor William the Kaiser ''is little but loud" ; Still raising hell but Uncle Sam has him cowed. If you can't grow the golden grain, Perhaps you can run the mighty train. If you can't be a gold or silversmith, Sm.ut your face and be a blacksmith. Hurrah for the liberty-loving sons of Ham! Who are so gallantly helping Uncle Sam roll his war tram. Cater to fashion if you want to make the devil smile, Serve him if you want to die in style. Our bull dog marines went upon the Huns like crockodiles ; Put them to flight, killing and leaving them five deep in piles. Look out, Billy ! for twenty million Yanks ! If you get off alive, will have to outrun Nancy Hanks ! Cur birds and frogs are even patriotic; Of course sometimes a little spasmodic. The frogs in the ponds and everyv/here there's water; Papa frogs, mother, son and even little daughter. Are croaking, kill the Hun! Kill the old Hun! Kill the Hun ! Kill the dirty Hun ! Don't him shun. All thro the night patriotically sings the whippoorwill! His notes are falling on nature's ears; when sleeping still. Oh remember on the moonlight nights! Our noble boys are bravely conquering swift as kites! At home, in the forest, and beside the gurgling rill ! We hear his war cries, whip old BilU Whip old Bill! The hooting owl hollered, Who? Who-o? Who-o? Who-o? Another owl answered, Who do! Who do! Who do-o! The screech owl screamed out, Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? The ni^ht hawk swiftly flying by answered, Bat! Bat! Bat! Bat! The beautiful noted top not blue jay; Who is screaming the live long day, Perched upon branch of some tree, vv^ith voice so shrill and keen. Cries, Give him the guillotine! Give him the guillotine! Give him the guillotine! Billy said negro soldiers are no good; like those in South Africa : But he changed his tune when those struck him from America; For he saw in the black cloud two moons rise ; They butchered his men, to him a painful surprise. The negro to the white man has evere been faithful and true, Obedient to nation ; upholding the Red, White and Blue ! For he is noble hearted and patriotic to the core ! He never intends for the Hun to knock at his cabin door! God has judged the old tyrannical Turk; May he no longer wield sword or dirk! For to civilization he has always been a menace and eyesore; May he lay down his bloody scepter ever more. The Antedeluveans would call for another flood, So that they might hide themselves beneath the mud; The Ninevites would say the fish spewed out a prophet indeed, But hell shall spew out a devil of the most brutal creed. Old Kinc: Ahab will ask for an appeal, And hell shall soar with direful peal ; Benedict Arnold shall say that Billy is a disgrace, And he wishes now he had never come to this place. Sampson killed a thousand Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass. All of hell for a leave of absence of the devil shall ask, If not granted, they all shall have to wear a gas mask. All the Canaanites shall organize and raise sand. And swear they cannot stay in hell with Billys band ; Satan may put shackles on Billy and ring in his snoot, Else he should root up the whole pollute. What a pity if in hell Billy doesn't meet his match, But don't you feel sorry for old scratch? If the fallen angels in doom and endless despair. Ever deserve mercy, they shall when the Hun gets there. Billy has blasphemed God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost," And in crimes suriDassed the devil, his much desired host; Satan, like many earthly fathers, has indulged his son and made him bad. Sees now it is too late to recall, knov/s he is a ruined dad. His association with Satan caused him to commit patricide, Has choice of one of two evils, knuckle to Biily or commit suicide; Used to pet Bill when small, called him his son and time tinker. But now has beaten his dad, making hell on earth and the sea pinker. Has slayed old and young on land and sea, from the sky, Almighty God for witness, beholding it with all-seeing eye; Billy most dreads the United States, For Uncle Sam always conquers tyrants and decrees their fates. Upon us is wickedly using our own inventions. Defying God, all nations and all other interventions ; Read and believe salms ninety-one. It shall inspire you to defeat the Hun. Perhaps the devil's flag is half mast. And we hope the glory of his kingdom is past; One who aids Billy or the devil is making a serious mistake. For either one is a hypocritical, lying fake. Von Hindenburg may see Paris if he dies with her between him and hell, But the devil may not give him time to salute or yell ; This is a slim chance to take in the entire town, A sad disappointment, when it thinks of it, it makes him frown. Doubtless Billy is standing on the verge of the bottomless pit, Almost smell his hoofs parching, bristles singeing yet, he won't quit; The de\n\ watching him with awful jealous eye, Knov;s Billy can beat him with any weapon of destruction, sword or lie. Is the vilest brute that ever crimsoned this green sod, And in hell will chase the devil for his scepter and rod; Shall have no associates, body guard, subjects or attendants to his throne. But endure the eternal pangs of the worst hell alone. In less than five minutes shall banter the devil for a game of leap frog. He's the worst that ever entered there, the biggest hog; His idea for this is to steal the deviFs crown, That would cause sorrow and panic all over the infernal town. When the devil tries to call the house to order, Billy v.'ould call his Eeichstadt, mobilize his army from border to border ; Would drive his v/edge at the devil's first line trench, Oh, how the devil shall shudder and flinch. And in all probability the devil shall have to surrender, And his kingdom soon go to Hinder; Have to give up his crown, sword, scepter and gavel, As prisoner of war, into the dungeon travel. Old Ko rah, with his 250 men, go right over the top of the wall. And leave poor old Satan alone to face it all; He has been hoggish, carried his conquest too far; Made a mistake when he hitched his wagon to that star. If he ever gets out a game of chance, of course. At the very next court the devil and his wife would sue for divorce ; And Judas Iscariot would sue for a writ of Habeas Corpus, If granted, would swim out of the lake like a porpoise. Haman and his ten sons would make a stampede, for the back gate, Declare Billy to be a stench in their nostrils and shun such an associate ; The Sodomites shall curse the devil their donor. And hell shall be sicker than the whale that swallowed Jonah, Old Magog would rise to his feet with Gog, And tell the devil they can't stay with such a mingy hog; Jonah no doubt would scale the wall and sniffle at the stinking' smell. And the devil should have more than he could quell. The old lying devil knows he can't win, Had better quit and crawl in the hole; The way he has murdered and played havoc is a sin, Let his hellish war drum no longer roll. Strike from his vocabulary victory and goal, Weak in the knees, soup low in the bowl ; Von Hindenburg says he's going to Paris in April right, If soup doesn't get him so weak he can't fight. His paper breeches are crumpled ahnost to his knees. Got him in awful shape, fears to cough or sneeze ; Wants to go to Paris to get another style of trousers. The on^s he wore before put on soup diet were rousers* Is an iron man, wears frowns instead of smiles. But shall be able to Paris to go never 52 miles; Says is going to break through the Western Line, To sacrifice a million Germans would be fme. The Huns won't go with us in Russia so fair. They don't want to seek a resting place there; They remember the fate of Napoleon Bonaparte, Army of two hundred thousand, only twenty thousand left to depart. The Russians will get Billy out in the middle, Then they will make him dance and fiddle; Says he is going there for a bait of wheat, ''Flour doings" to him is a great treat. Ambition was the bronco on which the devil rode, Falling angels ridino- with him and in hell m.ade their abode; Amibition is the devil's steed upon which the Kaiser rides, The more Billy kills the greater he dotes and prides. A greed for conquest has infatuated his heart and brain, The more blood he si:f!lls he thinks is greater earthly gain; Boasts as though he v/ere twin brother of God Himself, Doubtless he soon shall be laid UDon the devil's shelf. Is on the battlefield in a steel caQ*e to direct his crime, Perhaps the devil and the junk man will meet there at the sam.e time; Then he and the junker shall have a quarrel for m.astery and defeat For the devil will accuse him of trying him. to cheat. Billy says his big gun is like turnip soup, won't stand the test, And is getting the blues, playing havoc in the west; Upon earth he is the keystone in the devil's arch, But when he gets down yonder shall make old Satan march. Of course people are right to be afraid of a mad dog, But atheists and infidels are worse; keep them on other side of log; The agnostic is a doubter, he even doubts that he doubts, Morally rotten, belongs to the devil — one of his scouts. He had advantage over other people, however, Dos not have to wear a life preserver, oh, never; To stand or walk erect, of course, he has no trouble, For weighty brains have the natural propensity the body to double. Skepticism has undermined Billy's Empire, every corner. Is destined to ruin, 'cause didn't believe his v^arner; They have paved Billy's way to destruction, told him to strive, And like Jehu, does most furiously and wickedly drive. Old Kaiser for good has no affinity. And thinks he knows more than the Holy Trinity; The old devil should lose his entire job. For disturbing the world with such a snob. Who cares if Billy does scratch his eyeballs out, And make him. cuss, whine, sob and pout? For this world with his animosity, and Billy did furiously chunk, God grant that his infernal kingdom shall go defunct. While our armies fi^ht Billy, the world's wicked surpriser, God help the Christians to fight the devil, the spiritual Kaiser, May God in his infinite wisdom over-rule this output of hell, Redown glory to his Holy name, and we his matchless love can tell. Our leaders are the wisest and most patriotic in the land, Sammies noblest soldiers on earth, shall conquer the devil's band; Our Blue Jackets the bravest that ever plov/ed the billows of the briny deep ; Are laying Billy's U-boats forever and eternally to sleep. Billy is now trying to swallow the entire Russian Empire, Bitten off more than he can chew, to his men shall prove him- self liar ; Gives four of his men for a Tommie, and for a Sammie seven, A give-away game, soon put him somewhere under heaven. Like the farmer's ram that pounded the maul till nothing left but his tail. Has pounded the Allies until nothing but soup in hi spail; Have killed so many of his men is why into Roumania he did ride. For if he remained on the western front, they should perforate his hide. He is like the Irishman's old foolish hen, Is trying to spread over too many eggs ; Shortly not know where to quit or begin, Better be rubbing wizard oil on his stiff legs. Billy made fun of Uncle Sam, sneered at his striped coat, Guess he sees now LL S. is not afraid of a billy goat; The Allies shall give Bill his need, * And the devil shall give him his meed. If the devil in his belongings has such a thing as a prayer book, He surely will unfold its smouldering pages against this crook; Billy says he has got to rule ail the world as his own. But I think he has made a good start for the torrid zone. He shall soon go to the craggy rocks of lov/er damnation, there to make his nidus, U. S. is always on the right side, Billy acted a fool when he jumped on us; If hell were raked with a fine tooth comb and the ashes sieved, Billy would be found to be the most consummate devil that ever lived. Billjr no doubt is the devil's crown prince. The devil is a goner when he goes hence; Satan is now the king of hell, and Billy will be the Absalom, Old scratch shall lose his throne for he will drive him there- from. Doubtless the devil is the spiritual Kaiser, When he has a knotty problem, has Billy for adviser ; No wonder old Billy is so dirty, for he's out of soap, They say his soup is getting so thin it won't rope. The devil has had a long and successful reign. But shall have trouble now for he gave Billy too much rein; Billy made a sad father, was a heaviness to his mother. He reminds one of the devil's twin brother. His grand pap ''Built his house upon the sand," 'The floods descended," his house can't stand; Is the man -killing Nimrod of modern ag:es, But unable to conquer like ancient sages. The kingdom or city built upon innocent blood, Will not stand the test when God sends his flood ; If wealth ill gotten cannot remain through third generations, An Empire founded upon blood is destined to sure damnation. Billy must be an awful, nervey, wicked fool, Thinking he can rob Almighty God of His foot stool; He is a perjured scoundrel, the world can't believe his oath, Can't carry out his plans, is a fool and liar both. The devil tried to whip out Heaven and God to boot, Billj^ is trying to conquer God and the whole cahoot; The devil in several respects reminds one of the Kaiser, But, of course, Billy thinks himself a good deal wiser. Doubtless Billy is the devil's ambassador sent from hell to France, The French should sever friendly relations with hell, give him his passport and smile at the chance ; Said he was going to drive a wedge through the line himself and get fame. But failed, an awful slaughter and give away game. Is an infernal, pernicious, venemous galliniper. And if the devil ever catches him, shall spoil his dipper; Found he had layed havoc to an army and acted a fool, Galloped off into Roumania like a frightened mule. To study one subject alone finally unbalances the mind, Perhaps that has run him crazy and why he is always falling behind ; If the devil gets full possession of a fellow, he is soon crazy; Making one obscure, wicked, foolish and hazy. The thing for the Teutons to do is to tole that hog into his steel cage, Lock the doer, give the key to satan, tell him they don't v/ant any more of his sage; The prophet says, "The ass knows his m.aster's corn crib," That is the reason Billy went to Russia so glib. If Billy ever dies of lock jaw, shall be with mouth wide open, Trying to gulp down entire globe, the vilest acts committed and spoken; Greed of conquest was what made the devil deranged, And the trouble is the old fool has never been changed. Some people have an organic disease called "The swell head," The trouble is their brains turned to gas, they are a dread ; It is sign of what one has not instead of what one retains, Divine grace is always lacking, and most generally brains. A vain person has the big head, that's sometimes said. Is deformed, needs an operation, for he has the hollow head ; Always stuck on himself and filled with conceit. Also a very fresh fool, not wise or much discreet. The devil is the monkey, Billy the cat scratching out hot chest- nuts, Woe to any country when her ruler gets the struts; *Tride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall," A fool's kingdom is bound to topple, large or small. Sampson slew the lion and from its carcass obtained honey, May the world repent, slay the judgmental lion to save life and m.oney; While prisoner of death repented, he smashed the temple of hell. Therefore killing his enemies when the structure fell. Billy says he has nerve enough to stick to the bitter end, If he only knew what is in store for him, but he can't com- prehend ; He had better crawl in the hole and take the hole in after him, For the chances for him to win are worse than slim. Old bloody Herod and his diabolical dad Antepater, Shall tell satan his fire is not hot enough to roast that tater; Satan sees h's error, had no business trusting that child with a gun, He didn't think he had a boy that w^ould adopt the warfare of the Hun. Sees now he had made an awful serious blunder, He never gave him permission the v/hole world to plunder; Satan p^ave Billy a chunk of fire to make a hell on earth to his own glory, Says Billy has gone too far, didn't think the fool would be so gory. Satan, vmnging his hands as he stands around his red hot pot, Says, "The sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me," I shall have to leave this dear spot; Ananias gets despondent and hurriedly sends in his resig- nation. Knows he can't hold down his job for Billy can outline all creation. He was in the path where the death angel should so angrily tread ; Where death and defeat so intimately wed. There the Allied army for him death had stored, V/ith their deadly missiles through his divisions poured. While his victory upon electric wings so swiftly fled, As he gazed upon his millions, now vanquished and bled, He saw then, his stubborn head should have to bow, While drops of blood-tinged sweat stood upon his angry brow. And when the furious battle had ceased and all was quelled, He felt the heavy blow and bitter shock, that final defeat has ever spelled. He has blasphemed God's Holy name with his sin polluated lips: Now in the path of defeat and destruction, his treacherous foot fastly ships. May he enter into destruction without the honor of a shroud I And have for his eternal canopy, the darkest, hellish cloud, Not sleeping as a hero under the shady boughs of a stately giant oak! Beside the silvery stream, listening to the thundering tones of the bull frogs croak! But enter into the fiery land where God's eternal wrath and justice reign! Bartering his immortal soul for worldly honor, which is hell's eternal gain. His remains do not deserve even a rude grave! For the destruction of civilization and everything that's good he does crave. Has used his head for the devils' work shop ; lay it not west ! His hands have killed innocent children, painted white the golden locks of its mother; fold them not upon his breast! Feet that have trodden down millions of noble humanity, turn them not to the rising sun ! Oh earth refuse to let him in thy bosom have a resting place ! Rise in thine indignation, and make an exception, in this single case ! But leave his carcass to bleach upon the mighty battle plains I There to decompose, by vermin, pelted by hails and descending rains ! Or left for food to the vulture and nourishment to the rav- enous beast of prey ; And may no human hand dare to molest or take it away ! May he like Korah and Judas Iscariot go to hell soul and body ! And not be laid with the noble ; in the hallowed mold so green and soddy. May no nation be cursed by the ruling of his posterity ! For doubtless he should be contaminated by his deviltry and rule of austerity. May no day be found for his commemoration! But may the world never forget his unparalleled devastation ! May no flowers be seen or shed their fragrance around his hellish bier! Neither let lamentations be heard ; nor seen one solitary tear ! May he be denied the honor the wreaths of luxuriant flowers ! Or have his heUish features stamped upon monuments or lofty towers ! May his bloody flag not be half mast, or unroll its hellish kinks ! While his lost soul forever and eternally sinks, Where the liquid fires angrily forever leap. And moments seem like ages for they so slowly creep! Not a drop of water to cool his parching tongue, no refreshing ice cream cones ! But the vehement heat of sulphuric flames to dry the marrow of his spiritual bones! Pour forth his enraged soul against the brazen gates that stand locked and forever closed! There to spend eternity, thronged with scornful flaming devils, where none ever slept or reposed. Where he shall forever pay compound mterest on his infernal war loans; Fly through the stifling fumes ; sink deeper or be seated upon red hot stones Where the accelerated remorse of conscience, doom and despair forever dine ! In an implacable fiery gulf of endless woe and eternal v^rath divine. Suffering excruciating pains, caused by the projection of eter- nal damnation's venemous fangs! Under the pinions of everlasting destruction; snooping over the black caverns of eternal woe, there he hangs. A suitable epitaph or descriptive inscription Of the most hell deserving wretch of sedition. Here lies the carcass of hell born bloody Billy; Caused millions dead, now sleeping in their graves so cold and chilly! His name shall go down in history as old bloody Bill! For all humanity's blood, he does vainly try to spill ! _ His wicked deeds shall be written upon black pages with red ink! In the nostrils of future generations his cursed name shall forever stink. 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