WORCESTER COUNTY ! i Statistical Record! MILITARY ROLL OF HONOR. FOR THE YEAP :862. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY i: J> W A R 1 ) R . F I S K E , ^ WOHCESTEK. yCy- ^ ' ■ .^ .k> ^ THE WOUCESTEll COUNTY STATISTICAL RECORD, AND MILITAEY EOLL OF HONOE: C05TAINING THE NAME OF EACH TOAVN IN "WORCESTER COUNTY; THE YEAR OF incorporation; NO. OF INHABITANTS; NO. OF LS, AND VALUATION, ACCORDING TO THE LAST FICIAL CENSUS; NAMES OF ALL THE TOT/N OFFI- ERS: SHERIFFS; CORONERS; JUSTICES OF THE peace; POST MASTERS; BANKS, THEIR CAPI- TAL AND OFFICERS; CHURCHES AND THEIR MINISTERS; physicians; NEWSPAPERS AND THEIR PUBLISHERS ; INSUR- ANCE COMPANIES; NAMES OF ALL THE COUNTY OFFICERS, AND TIME OF THEIR ELECTION; STATE AND COUNTY TAX, WITH THE AMOUNT ASSESSED UPON EACH TOWN. ALSO, LMES IN FULL OF ALL THE VOLUNTEERS FROM AVORCESTER COUNTY, IN THE SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES. WORCESTER : PUBLISHED BY EDWARD R. 1862. Entered according to Act of Congress, in tho year 1862, Bv Edward R. Fiskk. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Contents Page. Introductory, 5 County and District Officers, 8 Commissioners to qualify Civil Officers, 10 Justices of the Peace, 10 The Courts, 16 State Institutions in Worcester County, 18 Notaries Public, 19 Coroners, 20 Council and Senate Districts, 21 Representative Districts, 22 Congressional Districts, 25 Savings Banks, 25 Banks, 26 Insurance Companies, 27 State and County Tax, 28 Military Record, 30 Roster of Officers 15th Regiment, 32 « '' '■ 21st " 33 '• " " 25th " 35 Town Officers and Volunteers, 41 — 143 Worcester Co. Officers in other than Worcester Co, Regiments, 144 Three Months Volunteers 145—150 Worcester Advertisements, 16o — 168 Franklin Steam Job Printing Establishment. PLAIN AND DECORATIVE JOB FRIISTTER CO 1 Si i* s s 1 r ^1 "^1 i 1 J, :5 1 i 1 00 1 ^ 1 ^ <^ '-! 00 1 1 c .« * ^ « 1 Jan. "5 "fi "7 1 8 2 9 3 10 4 111 M, "6 7 1 8 2 9 S 10 4 11 5 12 V2 IS 14 15 16 17 IS! IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 2.1 24 25! 20 21 ti 25 24 U ^, ?^ •317 28 •:» ■¥) 31 •17 38 79 30 31 Fob. 1 1 Aug. 1 J 3 S 4 5 6 7 « 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 irt 17 18 19 20 21 23; 17 IS 19 30 31 22 23 M 2i 25 26 27 28 ... 1 24 25 36 27 38 29 .30 Mar. i: Sept. 31 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6' y 10 11 12 13 14 15! 7 8 9 10 11 13 13 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 2S 24 25 26 27 •2,S 29 21 22 2,3 24 35 26 37 Apr. 30 31 1 Oft, 28 29 50 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 H 9 10 11 12; 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 30 21 22 23 24 25 26, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 37 'is 29 SO 26 37 :is '*» .30 31 Maj 1 ? 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 2.V 26 27 2S 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 36 June 1 Dee. 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 1 2 S 4 6 6" 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 I 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 22 X< 24 25 26 27 2S 21 22 23 24 25 *') 27 a» 30 i •>s 2t) 30 31 =^ — ! — EVERT DESCRIPTION OF BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, NEATLT AND COREECTLT EXECUTED, Opposite 13. & ^V. Hail road Station, AVORCESTER. THE COUNTY OF WORCESTER. The Couxtv op Worcester takes the first rank among the Counties of Massachusetts for the extent of its territory, and it is the third in population, and the fourth in wealth. It occupies the whole central portion of the State, extend- ing from the line of New . Hampshire, on the north, to those of Connecticut and Rhode Island, on the South, — a distance of fifty miles; and its average width, from East to West, is about forty miles. The County was incorporated on the 2d of April, 1731, by the General Court of the Province, by an act entitled "An act for erecting, granting and making a county in the inland parts of this Province, to be called the County of Worcester, and for establishing Courts of Justice in the same." It was provided by the act " that the towns and places hereafter named and expressed, that is to say, Worcester, Lancaster, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Lei- cester, Rutland and Lunenburg, all in the County of Mid- dlesex; Mendon, Woodstock, Oxford, Sutton, including Hassanamisco, Uxbridge, and the land lately granted to several petitioners of Medfield, all in the County of Suffolk; Brookfield, in the County of Hampshire; and the South town laid out to the Narraganset soldiers, and all other lands lying within the said townships, with the inhabitants 6 AVORUESTER COUNTY thereon, shall, from and after the 10th day of July, which will | be in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ; thirty-one, be and remain one entire and distinct County, ! by the name of Worcester, of which Worcester is to be the ! county or shire town; and the said County to have, use | and enjoy all such powers, privileges and immunities as by i law other Counties within this Province have and do enjoy," i At that time the population was sparce, and the means | of communication with the seaboard so difficult and irregu- j lar, that the incorporation of the County was strongly i opposed in the General Court, on the ground of the '" utter \ impj-obnbility of itis ever makiny amj figure." It will be our purpose to show in these pages that the men of that generation were mistaken in their calculations; and that, in the development of all the elements which combine to form an industrious, thrifty, intelligent, moral and prosperous community, the County of Worcester has "made a figure," of which all who claim it as their birth- place may be justly proud, and which the inhabitants of other sections of the State, in some respects more favorably located, have not been slow to acknowledge. It will be seen that Woodstock is named among the towns in the original act incorporating the County. At that time, 1731, the boundaries between the Massachusetts and Connecticut Colonies had not been definitely adjusted, and the inhabitants of Woodstock preferred to cast their lot with the last named Colony. They continued, however, to pay their taxes to Massachusetts, and to send Eepre- sentatives to the General Court until 1748, when, by vote of the town, they quietly seceded, and elected Kepresenta- tives to the General Assembly of Connecticut. The Repre- sentatives thus elected were admitted to seats in the Assembly of the sister Province by a bare majority ; and although Massachusetts continued to tax the town, and the STATISTICAL RECORD. I people refused to pay, no compulsory measures were re- I sorted to; and at the close of the Eevolutionary war, the I subject in dispute was never revived, and rhc territory j embraced in the original limits of Woodstock, as a pai-t j of Worcester County, was permitted quietly to drop away j from the territory and jurisdiction of Worcester County I and of Massachusetts. It is no part of our present purpose to present in these I pages even an epitome of the interesting historic incidents I connected with the settlement and progress of Worcester ! County. Wc have neither time nor space '' to go down ! among the dead men " of past generations, to exalt their j virtues, I I " Or draw their frailties from the dread abode," I of those who have gone before us. To useful facts, perti- ' I nent to the business and every-day life of the present gen- j oration of Worcester County, we must confine our attention; i and we hope that the record of local information which \ we here furnish, will give to our undertaking such interest ' and value, in the eyes of the people, that they will welcome I it as they do the presence of an intelligent and entertaining j friend, — to be consulted with profit and advantage in the I counting room of the merchant, the shop of the mechanic, ; and at the fireside of the farmer. a2 WORCESTER COUNTY t COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. ' Cleric of Courts — Joseph Mason, of Worcester; office in New Court House ; elected by the people, for live years ; term expires in 1S66; salary, $2,000 per year, and one-half of the fees received in excess of that sum. Assistant Clerh of the Courts — Wm. A. Smith, of Worces- ter; appointed by the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court, for the term of three years; salary, $1,600. Register of Deeds — Alexander H. Wilder, of Worcester ; office in New Court House; elected by the people, in 1S61, for three years ; salary paid by fees. County Treasurer — Anthony Chase, of Worcester ; office in New Court House; elected by the people, in 1861, for three years; salary, $1,500. Sheriff — John S. C. Knowlton, of Worcester ; office in Old Court House; elected by the people, for three years; term expires in January, 18G3; salary, $1,800 per year. Deputy Sheriffs. — These officers are appointed by the Sheriff. Salaries paid by fees. The names and residences ' of the Deputy Sheritfs of the County, for the present year, 1862, are as follows : — Marshall Wetherbee, Ashburnham ; Gardner Lord, Jr., Athol ; Daniel Cummings, Barre; Syl- vanus H. Benson, Blackstone; Enoch K. Gibbs, Clinton; Francis Buttrick, Jr., Alpheus P. Kimball, Fitchburg; George W. Dodd, Gardner; Salmon D. Hall, Grafton; Appleton Clark, Hubbardston ; Samuel W. Ilayward, Mil- ford ; Orrin W. Chaffee, Oxford ; Cephas Willard, Peters- ham ; Solomon Thayer, Southbridge ; Francis Adams, Jr., Spencer; John Stearns, Templeton, (Baldwinsville) ; Thos. Aldrich, Uxbridge ; Solomon Shumway, Webster ; Silas D. Cooke, West Brookfield; Daniel F. Newton, Wcstboro' ; Joseph S. Watson, Winchendon ; Jonathan Day, Jonathan B. Sibley, Worcester. Comity Commissioners. — Compensation, $2,800 per year for all. These officers are elected, one annually, and sev- erally for terms of three years. The present incumbents STATISTICAL RECORD. arc, Yelorus Taft, of Upton, Chairman, term expires December, 1863,- Amory Holman, of Bolton, term expires December, 1862; Warren Bigelow, Rutland, term expires December, 1864. Times of meeting, at Worcester, fourth Tuesday of March, second Tuesday of September, third Tuesday of June, and fourth Tuesday of December. Special County Commissioners. — Thomas Billings, Lunen- burg ; Bonum Nye, North Brookfield ; chosen for three years; terms expire December, 1802. District Attorneys, — Elected by the several Districts, for the term of three years. Middle District, embracing all of Worcester County, P. Emory Aldrich ; salary, $1,200 ; term expires in Januarj^, 1863. Commissioners of Insolvency. — Thomas (1. Kent, Milford; William A. Williams and David L. Morrill, Worcester. Public Administrators. — William Jennison, Worcester; Adam Harrington, Shrewsbury. Masters in Chancery. — David H. Merriam, Fitchburg ; William S. Davis, J. Henry Hill, Henry C. Rice, Hartley Williams, Worcester. Trial Justices. — The Statutes of the Commonwealth re- quire the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, to designate and commission a certain number of Justices of the Peace as Trial Justices in the several Coun- ties, to try criminal eases. No Justice of the Peace, unless so designated and commissioned, has any power or author- ity in criminal cases, except to receive comi>laints and issue warrants, for which no fees are allowed. Each Trial Jus- tice holds office for the term of three years. The Trial Justices in Worcester County, designated and commissioned as above, with their residences are as follows : — Thornton K. Ware, Fitchburg; Edwin Woods, Barre ; Joel W. Fletcher, Leominster ; Bethuel Ellis, Winchendon ; Wm, S.Bradbury, Westminster; Isaac Stevens, Athol ; Joseph F. Hitchcock, Warren; Sylvester Dresser, Southbridge; Zadoc A. Taft, Uxbridge ; Benjamin Boynton, A\^estbor- ough ; John T. Dame, Clinton ; Willard Wilson, Black- stone ; Luther Hill, Spencer; Edmund J. Mills, Sutton; David F. Parmenter, Holden ; Adin Thayer, Worcester; Jasper Brown, Oxford; Gilman Day, Templeton; Nathan- a3 10 WORCESTER COUNTY iel L, Johnson, Dana ; Chauncey W. Carter, Gardner; ! John H. Stockwell, Webster; Vehirus Taft, Upton; J. | Evarts Greene, North BrookfieUl : James W. White, Graf- j ton ; Charles A. Dewey, Jr., Milford. ' Jailers. — The Jails of the County are by law in the cus- j tody, rule and charge of the Sheriff; also the Houses of! Correction and all the, prisoners therein ; and the Jailers, ' Masters, or Keepers are appointed by him, to act as his deputies in the custody and care of building-s and inmates. The Jailer at Worcester is Rufus Carter, of AVorcester; at Fitchburg, Alpheus P. Kimball, of Fitchburg. COMMISSIONERS TO QUALIFY CIVIL OFFICERS. Athol. — Charles Field, Theodore Jones, Isaac Stephens. Barre. — Lyman Sibley, Edwin Woods. Fitchburg. — Ebenezer Torrey, Nathaniel Wood, Gold- smith F. Bailey. Milford. — Thomas G. Kent, Hamilton G. Staples. Oxford. — Emery Sanford, Jasper Brown. Worcester. — Henry Chapin, Charles W. Hartshorn, Wm. Jennison, Levi Lincoln, Joseph Mason, George W. Bich- ardson, William A. Smith, Calvin Willard, JUSTICES OP THE PEACE. Ashhurnham. — William F. Burrage, John L. Cummings, Daniel Ellis, Jr., William P. Ellis, Jerome W. Foster, Ohio Whitney, Jr. Athol. — Charles C. Bassett, Elias Bassett, Benjamin Es- tabrook, Jesse Brown, Farwell F. Fay, Chas. Field, Calvin Kelton, J. P. Lynde, Nathaniel Richardson, Isaac Stevens. Auburn. — William Emerson, John Mellish, Stephen Sa- vary, Isaac Sawin. Barre. — Charles Brimblecom, Edward Denny, Jason Gorham, J. Martin Gorham, John King, Henry J. Shat- tuck, Lyman Sibley, Edwin Woods, John F. AVoods, Sam- uel F. Woods. Berlin. — William Bassett, Amos Sawyer, Asa Sawyer, Josiah E. Sawyer. STATISTICAL RECORD. 11 Blackstone. — Alexander Ballou, Silas A. Burgess, Arthur Cook, Joseph B. Cook, William F, Engley, Welcome Far- num, Dan Hill, George A. Kimball, John C. Scott, Moses D. Southwick, William L. Sonthvvick, Preserved S. Thayer, Paul P. Todd, Abel Wilder, Willard Wilson. Bolton. — Roswell Barrett, Jtjhn E. Fry, Amory Holman, Jos. Sawyer, John S. Wallis, Caleb Wheeler, Edwin A. Whitcomb. Boylston. — Charles Andrews, George A. Cotting, Levi Holbrook. Brook-field. — Braman B. Adams, Thomas Bond, Oliver C. Felton, George Forbes, Alanson Hamilton, Otis Haydcn, Francis Howe, William Howe, Dwight Hyde, George W. Johnson, Aaron Kimball, Hiram Pierce, Joel H. Rogers, Abram Skinner, Emmons- Twichell. Charlton. — Henry Clark, Kufus B. Dodge, Levi Ham- mond, Simeon Lamb, William P. Marble, John Spurr, Salem Town. CTi»/oH.— Daniel H. Bemis. Horatio N. Bigelow, John T. Dame, Charles F. W. Parkhurst, E/.ra Sawyer, Charles G. Stevens, Joshua Thissel, Jr., Nelson Whitcomb. i)nnr/.— Nathaniel Johnson, Nathaniel L. Johnson, Daniel Stone. DovgUm. — Fenner Batcheller, Adolphus F. Brown, Enoch Brown, Comfort Carpenter, Warren Humes, William D. Jones, Charles G. Keyes, Moses Knapp, Lyman Parsons. Dudhij. — Moses Barnes, John Eddy, Charles C. Wood, Henry H. Stevens. Fitchhurcj. — Goldsmith F. Bailey, Charles J. Billings, Thomas E. Boutclle, Lewis H. Bradford, Judson S. Brown, Charles Burleigh, Thomas C. Caldwell, Alvah Crocker, Levi Down, Elisha Garfield, Alfred Hitchcock, Chas. Ide, Moses G. Lyon, Joseph W. Mansur, Chederlaomer ]\Iar- shall, Charles Mason, David H. Merriam, William J. Mer- I'iam, Amasa Norcross, Hale W. Page, John J. Piper, Otis T. Buggies, Abel Simonds. Charles H. B. Snow, Daniel Stearns, Cyrus Thurston, Benjamin P. Todd, Eben Tori'ey, George A. Torrey, Thornton K. Ware, Henry A. Willis, Sidney D. Willis, Moses Wood, Nathaniel Wood, William "Woodbury, William G. Wyman. « Gardner. — Chauncey W. Carter, Thorley Collester, John Edgell, Thomas E. Glazier, John M. Moore, Francis Rich- ardson, Simeon W. A. Stevens. 12 WORCESTER COUNTY Grafton. — Samuel II. Allen, Abraham M. Bigelow, Ed- ward B. Bigelow, Charles Brigham, Joseph Bruce, Thomas T. Griggs, Charles A. Holbrook, Henry R. Keith. Joseph Leland, Chandler M. Pratt, John W. Slocomb. William F. | Slocum, Jesse 11. Smith, Grilbert C. Taft, Jonathan Warren, Rufus E. Warren, Jonathan -D. Wheeler, James W. White, | Stephen R. White, AVashington White, Henry F. Wing, I Charles C. Wood. ' I Hardwick. — Daniel S. Collins, Albert E. Knight, William Mixter, Alraon M. Orcutt. Harvard. — Emory Barnard, Augustus G. Hill, Eliakim A. Holman, Noah Warner, William B. Willard. Holden. — Charles Chaffin, John E^ Chaffin, Cyrus Che- nery, James E. Cheney, Joseph H. Gleason, Theron E. Hail, Joab 8. Holt, Isaac S. Merriam, William C. Metealf, David F. Parmenter. Hvbhardston. — William Bennett, S. R. Heywood, Benja- min D. Phelps, George Williams. Lancai^ter. — Asa D. Farnsvvorth, Francis B. Fay, Brad- ford K. Pierce, S. L. S. Thompson, .lohn G. Thurston, Silas Thurston, John M. Washburn, Solon Whiting. Leicester. — -John D. Cogswell, Joseph A. Denny, Cheney Hatch, Samuel L. Hodges, Samuel H. Moore, John N. Murdock, Sewall Sargent, Fred. S. Taylor, Talman Trask. Leominster. — James Bennett, George S. Bnrrage, Leonard Burrage, Joel W. Fletcher, Charles Grout, Charles II. Mer- riam, Augustus Morse, David Wilder, William Wilder, Merritt Wood. Ljunenhunj. — Thomas Billings, Cyrus Kilburn. Mendon. — Alexander H. Allen, Benjamin Davenport. John G. Metealf, Andrew II. Reed, Amariah Taft, Arnold Taft. Milford.—DxxiGG T. Aldrich, Seth P. Carpenter, Charles F. Chapin, Lyman S. Clark, Charles A. Dewey, Jr., Clark Ellis, Lewis Fales, Amos Holbrook, Leander Holbrook, Thomas G. Kent, Aaron C. Mayhew, Lyman Maynard, Abraham Mead, Jr., Albert Newhall, George G. l*tirker, John S. Scammel, H. B. Staples, Andrew J. Sumner. Sulli- van Thayer, Alvin G. Underwood, Orison Underwood. Millhury. — Ilosca Crano, Elias Forbes, Ephraim Gould- ing, Ithran Harris, Clough R. Miles, George A. Perry, Samuel D. Torrey.-Asa H. Waters. Nciv JJraintrce. — Samuel Mixter, llollis Tidd. STATISTICAL RECORD. 13 Norihboroiit/h. — Gcorg;e Barnes, Samuel Clark, George C. Davis, Cyrus Gale, Anson Rice. Northhridge. — Ebenezer Cadwel], Paul W. Dudley, Hi- ram Wing. North Brookfield. — Charles Adams, Jr., William Adams, Ezra Batcheller, J. Evarts Greene, Erastus Hill, John Hill, Hiram Knight, Bonum Nye, Pliny Nye, Amasa Walker, Freeman Walker. Oakham. — James Allen, Mark Haskell. ! Oxford. — Jasper Brown, Jonathan P. Dana, George F. i Daniels, Alexander De Witt. Nathaniel Eddy, George W. i Hartwell, Cyrus Lamb, Loren C. Parks, John B. Pratt, Samuel \N . Smith. Paxton. — Ambrose Fames, Silas D. Harrington, Solon C. Howe. Petersham. — Collins Andrew, Seth Hapgood, John G. Mudge, Josiah White, Lewis Whitney. [ PhlUipston. — Jason Goulding, Edw. Powers, Eph. Turnei*. 1 Princeton. — Alph. Brooks, John Brooks, Jonas Brooks, Jr., David H. Gregory, Solon S. Hastings, Ephraim Os- j good, Joseph A. Reed, Charles Russell. I lloyalston. — Barnet Bullock, Jervis Davis, Nahum Long- ley, Lucius W. Partridge, Isaac. P. Willis, John Wood. Btitland. — J. Warren Bigelow, Horace Brooks, Zadock W. Gates, Calvin G. Howe. Shrcicshury. — Asa H, Allen, Lucius S. Allen. Adam Har- rington, William II. Knowlton, Geo. Leonard, Thomas R. Norcross, Thomas W. Ward. Soitthhoroiirjh. — Solomon Este. Jonas Fay, Sullivan Fay, ' William Greenwood, Peter P. Howe, Curtis Newton, Dex- \ ter Newton. j Southhn'd(/e. — Malcolm Ammidown. Daniel F. Bac( n, j Andrew J. Bartholomew, Frederick W. Botham, Sylvester : Dresser, Samuel M. Lane, Manning Leonard, -lohn 0. j McKinstry, George A. Vinton. Spencer. — James Draper, W'illiam T. Harlow, Luther ! Hill, George II. Livermore, Wm. Pope, Richard Sugdcn, j William Upham, Eli J. Whittemore. SterlnKj. — .lonathan S. Buttrick, Samuel Houghton, Ezra Kendall, Eli Kilburn, Wm. D. Peck, Samuel Sawyer. St>irhrid(/e. — Simeon A. Drake. Calvin P. Fiske, Henry j Haynes, Jr., Benjamin D. Hyde, Simeon F. Marsh, Edward Phillips, Aveiy P. Taylor, Roswell Warner. 14 WORCESTER COUNTY Sutton. — Benjamin L. Batcheller, Harvey Dodjie, Foster Free] and, Solomon D. King, Horace Lelancl, Edmund J. Mills, Solomon Severy, Sylvester Siblcv, James Taylor, Paris Tonrtellott. John W. Whipple. Tcmpfeton. — Alonzo Bancroft, Benjamin Brown, John M. Brown, Joseph Davis, Gilman Day, Dexter Gilbert, George P. Hawks, Artemas Lee, Samuel Lee, Henry Xewton, Samuel M. Osgood, Frederick Parker, Varanus P, Park- hurst, Henry Smith, Leonard Stone. Willi.am X. Walker, John W. Work. Upton. — Elisha B. Fiske, Nahum W. Holbrook, Velorus Taft. Uxhridgc. — Alvin Cook, Francis Deane, Merrill Greene, George W. Ilobbs, Tsahum Morse, Zadock A. Taft, Joseph Thayer, Theodore B. Whiting. Warren. — Tames S. Davis, Daniel Hitchcock, .Joseph F. Hitchcock, .Joseph B. Lombard, Levi B. Morey, Nathan Richardson, John Tyler. Webster. — Hiram Allen. Frederic D. Brown, Henry E. Bugbee, William H. Davis, .James J. Robinson, Lyman Sheldon, John H. Stockwell, Seymour A. Tingier. Westboroitf/h. — Lewis H. Boutell, B. Boynton, Elmer Brigham, John A. Fayerweather, Jebez G. Fisher, Nahum Fisher, Samuel D. Fisher, Noah Ilimball, Otis F. Vinton. West Boi/lston. — Albert Hinds, Ebenezer M, Hosmer, Lemuel D. Newton, Levi Pierce, Oliver B. Sawyer, Aaron E. Winter. West Broohfield. — Silas D. Cook, Chandler Giddings, Calvin E. Gilbert, Alanson Hamilton, Francis D. Holt, Avery Keep, Joseph A. Sprague, William R. Thumas. Westminster. — William S. Bradbury. .Joel Merriam. Jr., Joseph M. Whitman, Harrison G. Whitney, Benj. Wyman. Winehcndiin. — Amos W. Buttrick, Jiethuel Ellis, Edwin S. Merrill, Lafayette W. Pierce. Silas Ra,ymond, Charles J. Rice. Joseph S. Watson. Giles H. Whitney. Worcester. — P. Emory Aldrieh. diaries Allen. Samuel Allen. Calvin VV. Angier. .James G. Arnold. IJenry liacnn. Peter C. Bacon, George W. Baldwin. I'hineas Ball. Charles Ballard, Jas. H. ]>ancroft, Emory JJannister, Sam'l l^annis- ter. Ira M. P>arton, Wm. S. Barton. Wm. M. Bickford, Harrison Bliss. Horace E. Brooks. Alexander H. Bullock. Asa li. Burbank, Benjamin Butman. Seth Ciildwell. (ioorge Chandler, Henry Chapin, Anthony Chase, Wm. D. Choever, STATISTICAL RECORD. 15 Albert S. Coffin, Samuel H. Colton, ICdwin Conant, Augus- tus N. Currier, Albert Curtis. Appleton Dadmun, Caleb Dana. John A. Dana, Ezekiel Daniels, Andrew McF. Davis, Edward L. Davis, Isaac Davis, William S. Davis, Jonathan Da3\ Henry A. Denny, ^^'m. 8. Denn3% Chas. Devens, Jr., Francis H. Dewey, John B. Dexter, John B. Dexter, Jr., Silas Dinsmore, William Dickinson, John Milton Earle, A. Jones Eaton, G. H. Estabrook, James Estabrook, J. E. Estabrook, Abraham Firth, Benjamin Flagg, Dwight Fos- ter, Thomas W. Fox, Samuel B. I. Goddard, William N. Green, William E. Green, Wilham Greenleaf, Wm. Grout, Franklin Hall, Charles A. Hamilton, Edward Hamilton, Parley Hammond, Timothy W. Hammond, William Har- rington, Clarendon Harris, Charles W. Hartshorn, Samuel F. Haven, Samuel R. Heywood, Nathan Heard, Charles Herseyj J. Henry Hill, George F. Hoai-, George Hobbs, William E. Hooper, S. A. Howland, William Jennison, Clai-k Jillson, James B. Kendall, Maro Kendall, Francis L. King, Thomas Kinnicutt, Charles L. Knowlton, John S. C. Knowlton, Orville Lathrop, Daniel W. Lincoln, Edward W. Lincoln, Levi Lincoln, William S. Lincoln, Thomas Magennis, Jos. Mason^ Lewis A. Maynard, W. B. Maxwell, Matthew S. MeCafierty, Edward Meilen, Charles M, Miles, David L. Morrill, Thomas L, Nelson, Rejoice Newton, Patrick O'Keefe, Charles Paine, Frederick W. Paine, Na- thaniel Paine, William W. Pratt, Addison Prentiss, Charles G. Prentiss, George M. Prentiss, Charles L. Putnam, Chas. W. Rice, George M. Rice, George T. Rice, Henry C. Rice, William W. Rice, George W. Richardson, Austin L. Rogers, Stephen Salisbury, Sauniel Smith, William A. Smith, Chas. E. Stevens, Elijah B. Stoddard, Samuel V. Stone, George Swan, Putnam W. Taft, Adin Thayer, William C Thomp- son, Horatio N. Tower, George A. Trumbull, Jos. Trum- bull, Stephen P. Twiss, Edward W. Yaill. Gill Valentine, George F. Yerrv, Daniel Ward. Charles Washburn, Henry S. Washlmrn, John D. Washburn, John W. Wetherell, George W. Wheeler, Franklin Whipple, Calvin Willard, Alexander H. Wilder, Harvey B. Wilder, Hartley Williams, William A. Williams, Heni-y Woodward. 16 WORCESTER COUXTY THE COURTS. ;nPREME JUDICIAL CODRT. Chief Justice — Geo. T. Bigelow, Boston. Associate Justices — Charles A. Dewey, Northampton ; Theron Metcalf, Boston ; Pliny Merrick, Boston ; Eben- ezer R. Hoar, Concord ; Reuben A. Chapman, Springfield. Salary of the Chief Justice, $4,500, and of each Associate, $4,000. Attorney General — Dwight Foster, of "Worcester. Sal- ary, $2,500, and $1,000 clerk hire. Clerk for the Convnonweolth — George C. Wilde, Boston. Assistant Clerk — George W. Nichols, Boston. liejjorter — Charles Allen, Boston. Salary, $300, and pro- ceeds of Reports. Law Terms. At Boston, 1st Wednesday in January of each year, and by adjournment at any other places, at the option of the Court. Regular Law Term for Worcester County, at Worcester on the fourth Tuesday after the first Tuesday in September. For the trial of Jury Cases, at Worcester on the 2d Tuesday in April of each year. SrPERIOR COURT. Chief ,7««leton, Herman Partridge. Uxhridge, Seott Seagravc. Warren, Nelson Carpenter. Webster, William H. Davis. Westhoroitgh, (Special) Daniel F. Newton. West Brookfield, Solomon L. Barnes. Westminster, Frederick Allen. Winchendon, Joseph S. Watson. Worcester, Lovcll Baker, Jonathan Day, Levi Jackson, J. Marcus Rice. Police Court* There is but one Police Court in the County, viz., at Worcester. Standing Justice — Wm. N. Green. Salary. $1,500. Special Justices — John W. Wetherell, Wm. W. Rice. Fees for duties perfonncd. CVfi/'A.-— Clark Jillson. Salary, $800; elected in 1861, for five years. STATISTICAL RECORD. 21 COUNCIL. DISTRICTS. As cstablisbed l.y Chap. 310, Acts of 1857. District No. 4. — The Franklin Senatorial District, the Hampshire and Franklin District, and the Central, North-East, and West Senatorial Districts of the Coun- ty of AVorcester, viz: — The city of Worcester, and towns of Holden and Paxton, composing the 1st District ; Ashbuvnham, Fitchburgh, Gardner, Harvard, Lancas- ter, Leominster, Lunenburg, Princeton, Sterling and Westminster, composing the Nortb-East: Athol, Barre, Dana, Hardwick, Hubbardstown, North Brookfield, New Braintree, Oakham, Petersham, Phillipston, Roy- alston, Templeton, and Winchendon, composing the West. Represented in the Executive Council by Hon. Alfred Hitchcock, M. D., of Fitchburg. District No. 6.— The North Norfolk Senatorial District, the Third Middlesex District, and the East, South- East and South-West Senatorial Districts of the Coun- ty of Worcester, viz : — The towns of Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, Clinton, Grafton, Millbury, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Upton, AYestborough and AVest Boylston, (composing the' East District) ; Black- j stone, Douglas, Mendon, Milford, Northbridge, Sutton | and Uxbridge, (composing the South-East) ; Auburn, | Brookfield, Charlton, Dudley, Leicester, Oxford, South- i bridge, Spencer, Sturbridge, AA'arren, AVebster and AVest Brookfield, (composing the South-AVest.) Repre- j scnted in the Exeoiitive Council by Hon. James Ritchie, of Roxbury. SENATE district- As established by Chap. 309, Acts of 1857, with the number of legal voters in each District, by the census of that 3^ ear. AVorcester County is entitled to six Senators, and the Districts, number of legal voters, and names of Senators for 1862 are given below. Average ratio of voters for each Senator, 4,942. 22 WORCESTER COUXTY Central District. — Worcester, Hoklcn, Paxton, and Rut- land. Legal voters, 4,883. Hon. Hartley "Williams, Worcester. South-East DiHtrift. — Blackstone, Douglas, Mendon, Mil- ford, Isorthbridge, Sutton and Uxbridge. Legal voters, 4,798. AVm. R. Hill. Sutton. South- West District. — Auburn, Rrookfield, Charlton, Dud- ley, Leicester, Oxford, Southbridge, Spencer, Stur- bridge, Warren, Webster, and West Brookfield. Legal voters, 4,941. Hon. Rufus B. Dodge, Charlton. West District. — Athol, Barre, Dana, Hardwick, Hubbards- ton, New Braintree, North Brookfield, Oakham. Peter- sham, Phillipston, Royalston. Templeton and Winch- endon. Legal voters, 4,903. Hon. Henry Smith, Templeton. North-East District. — x\shburnham, Fitchburg, Gardner, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Lunenburg, Prince- ton, Sterling and "W^estminster. Legal voters, 5,217. Hon. Alvah Crocker, Fitchburg. East District. — Berlin, Bolton, Boylston, Clinton, Grafton, Millbury, Northborough, Shrewsbury, Southborough, Upton, Westborough and West Boylston. Legal voters 4,913. Hon. Charles G. Stevens, Clinton. REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS. As established by the County Commissioners, pur- suant to the 21st Article of Amo*idments of the Constitu- tion, and Chap. 308 of the Acts of 1857; with the number of legal voters in each district, (according to the census of 1857,) and the number of Representatives to Avhich said districts are respectively entitled. Worcester County is entitled to thirty-four Representa- tives, and the districts, number of legal voters, and the names of Representatives for 1862, are given below. District No. 1. — Ashburnham and Winchcndon. Legal voters, 1,0465 <^^G representative; Nelson D. White, Winchendon. District No. 2. — Athol and Royalston. Legal voters, 951 ; one representative; Farwell F. Fay, Athol. STATISTICAL RECORD. 23 District No. 3. — Dana, Petersham and Phillipston. Legal voters, 679; one representative; Hudson Tolman, Petersham, District No. 4. — Templeton and Hubbardston. Legal voters, 988; one representative; Artemas Lee, Temple- ton. District No. 5. — Grardner and Westminster. Legal voters, 975; one representative ; Thorley Collester. District No. 6. — Fitchburg, Leominster, Sterling and Lun- enburg. Legal voters, 2,689 ; three representatives ; Amasa Norcross, Fitchburg, Manson D. Hawes, Leom- inster, Daniel Putnam, Lunenburg. District No. 7. — Harvard, Bolton and Berlin. Legal voters, 890; one representative; Isaac N. Stone, Harvard. District No. 8. — Clinton and Lancaster. Legal voters, 813 ; one representative ; Jared M. Heard, Clinton. District No. 9. — Princeton, Rutland and Oakham. Legal voters, 800; one representative; Zadock W. Gates, Rutland. District No. 10. — Barre and Hardwiek. Legal voters, 898 ; one representative ; J. Henry Groddard, Barre. District No. 11. — Warren, West Brookfield, and New Brain- tree. Legal voters, 785 ; one representative ; Lucius J. Knowles, Warren. District No. 12. — North Brookfield and Brookfield. Legal voters, 851; one representative; Charles Adams, Jr. District No. 13. — Leicester and Spencer. Legal voters, 910; one representative ; John D. Coggswell, Leicester. District No. 14. — West Boylston, Holden and Paxton. Legal voters, 898 ; one representative ; Wm. Mulligan, Paxton. District No. 15. — Shrewsbury, Northborough and Boylston. Legal voters, 825 ; one representative ; Jonathan H. Nelson, Shrewsbury. District No. 16. — Westborough and Southborough. Legal voters, 806; one representative; J. F. B. Marshall. 24 WORCESTER COUNTY JDistrjct No. 17. — Grafton. Legal voters, t)03; one repre- sentative ; Seth J. Axtcll, Grafton. District Xo. 18. — Northbridge and Upton. Legal voters, 935; one representative; Henry Shaw, Upton. District No. 19. — Milford. Legal voter;?, 1,741; two repre- sentatives; Henry 0. Lothrop and Chas. F. Claflin. District No, 20. — Uxbridge and Mendon. Legal voters, 790 ; one representative ; Wm. T. Metcalf, Mendon. District No. 21. — Blackstone. Legal voters, 851; one repre- sentative; Wm. ^. Northup. District No. 22. — Webster and Douglas. Legal voters, 889; one representative; Albert Butler, Douglas. District No. 23. — Southbridge and Dudley. Legal voters, 837; one representative ; Jacob Baker, Dudley. District No. 24. — Charlton and Stui-bridgc. Legal voters, 977; one representative; Dexter Blood, Charlton. District No. 25. — Oxford, Sntton and Millbury. Legal vo- ters, 1,657 ; two representatives ; Horace Armsby, Mil- bury, and Moses Stone, Oxford. District No. 26. — xiuburn, Worcester 6th Ward. Legal voters, 766; one representative; Delano A. Goddard, Worcester. District No. 27.— Worcester, 1st and 2d Wards. Legal votei-s, 945; one representative; Samuel Souther. District No. 28. — AVorcester, 3d and 8th Wards. Legal voters, 904; one representative; Joseph D. Daniels. District No. 29. — Worcester, 4th and 5th Wards. Legal voters, 844 ; one representative ; John L. Murl)h3^ District No. 30. — Worcester, 7th Ward. Legal voters, 802 ; Alexander H. Bullock, (chosen Speaker of the House by a unanimous vote.) STATISTICAL RECORD. 25 I CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS, AS ESTABLISHED BY ACTS OP 18/32, The city of Worcester, and the towns of Auburn, Black- stone, Boyl.^ton, Brookfield, Charlton, Douglas, Dud- ley, (Jrafton, Hoiden, Leicester, Mendon, Milford, Milllniry, Xew Braintree, Northborough, Northbridge, North Erookfield, Oakham, Oxford, Paxton, llutland, (Shrewsbury, Southborough, Southbridge, Sturbridge, Spencer, Sutton, Upton, Uxbridge, Warren, Webster, Wcstboi'ough, A^est Boylston, and West Bookfield, in the county of Worcester : and the towns of Belling- haui, Foxborough, Franklin, Mcdway, W^alpole and Wrentham, in the county of Norfolk, shall form one district, and be called District Number Eight. The several towns in the counties of Hampshire and Frank- lin; and the towns of Ashburnham, Athol, Bai-re, Berlin, Bolton, Clinton, Dana, Fitchburg, Gardner, Hardwiek, Harvard. Hubbardston, Lancaster, Leomin- ster, Lunenburg, Petersham, Phillipston, Princeton, Royalston, Sterling, Tenipleton, Westminster and Win- ehendon, in the county of Worcester, shall form one district, and be called District Number Nine. SAVINGS BANKS. FROir OFFICIAL RETURNS TO OCTOBER 26, 1S6L NAMK. Clinton Savings Bank, Fitchburg Savings Bank, Lancaster Savings Bank, Milford Savings Bank, Millbury Savings Bank. N. Brookfield Sav'gs Bank Southbridge Savings Bank Winchendon Sav'gs Bank, Wore. Co. Ins. for Savings, Worcester, 12,204 2,704,736 Mechanics Savings Bank, Worcester, 2,704 696,744 Five Cents Savings Bank, Worcester, 1,826 140,290 b2 NO. AM'T ' LOCATION. DEPOSITORS. DEPOSITS. Clinton, 422 $69,839 Fitchburg, .3,558 710,330 Lancaster, 1,236 251,340 Milford, 650 80,774 Millbury, 250 39,424 N. Brookfield, 272 21,031 Southbridge, 9S6 175,238 Winchendon, 350 40,769 2G AVORCESTER COUiXTY j o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ■< o o o o^ o o <=> o^ o o o o o ^ en fl ^ a o h>i % J? y—\ s '« O s 3 "1 ^ rt ^ s 'o W ^ d S 1 ft o ^ o 3 o o 6 O 2 o o o ft ^ DQ s w ;^ f4 >-:) G t^ W ^-5 ^ •-5 f^ O m 1— 1 ^ ^ H bi ,i^ ^ ^ rfi S^ C 3 d O 1 ^^ ^ S n n o P TO If II rid" o o If i o O o W o ft 1 _fcc i ft '3 C3 i?; ^ 1 2 o ^ CO h5 *s -2 1 c2 o o 02 s o O o .2 >> 6 o "3 % 5>; o cT ?; H fl tc tc ■-3 '3 C iT O o ^ V4 o o « o o o o ^ 3 S 3 f3~ o 1 -2 Si o -l-> s o 1 1 1-1 'o 1 1 s s 6 o g ^ o o i i| STATISTICAL RECORD. 27 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Bay State Fire lusurance Company, (Stock,) Wor- cester. [Incorporated March 20, I860.] CiiAS. L. Putnam, Pres. Edw. R. Washburn, Sec'y. Peoples Mutual Fire Insurance Company, (Stock and lUutiial,) Worcester. [Incorporated March 23, 184:7; Charter expires 1875.] Henry Ciiapin, Prcfi. A. N. Currier, Sec'y. Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company, (Mutual,) Fitchburg. [Incorporated March 23, 1847.] Nathaniel Wood, Prcs. Abel Thurston, Sec'y. Merchants and Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Com- panj', (Mutual,) Worcester. [Incorporated April 6, 1846 ,• Charter expires 1876.] Isaac Davis, Pres. J. D, Washburn, Sec'y. Milford Mutual Fire Insurance Company, (Mutual,) Milford. [Incorporated April 30, 1851,- Charter expires 1871.] A. C. Mayhew, Pres. C. F. Chapin, Secy. Worcester Mutual Five Insurance Company, (Mu- tual,) Worcester. [Incorporated February 11, 1823.] Anthony Chase, Pres. Chas. M. Miles, Sec'y. Worcester Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Worcestero [Incorporated March 31, 1855; additional act ISGlj Char- ter expires 1880.] Alex. II. Bullock, Pres. Parley Hammond, Sec'y. State Mutual I^ife Assurance Company. [Cash Capital and Accumulation, $477,619 00.] Isaac Davis, Prcs. Clarendon Harris, Sec'y. b3 28 WORCESTER COUNTY STATE AND COUNTY TAX FOR 1862. WITH THE AMOUNT APPORTIONED TO KACII TOWN. TOWNS. COUNTY TAX. STATE TAX. RATE PER $100. { Ashburnliam $1,095 80 $1,818 00 $1 04 i Athol 1,367 04 2.208 00 94 Auburn 520 78 864 00 65 Barre 2,115 66 3.510 00 76 Berlin 575 03 954 00 1 01 Blackstone 2,614 73 4.338 00 58 Bolton 770 32 1.278 00 78 Bo3^1ston 607 57 1.008 00 1 00 2-10 Brookfiekl 1.139-20 1,890 00 100 3-40 Charlton ],226 00 2.034 00 96 Clinton 2,202 45 3,654 00 85 Dana 368 88 612 00 1 30 Douo-las 1,301 94 2.160 00 75 Dudley 933 06 1,548 00 73 Fitchburg 4,936 53 8.190 00 1 04 Gardner 1,334 49 2^214 00 55 Grafton 2.354 35 3,906 00 75 Hardwick 1,171 75 1,944 00 732-10 Harvard 1.128 35 1.872 00 03 Holden 1,084 95 1,800 00 88 Ilubbardston 878 81 1.458 00 86 Lancaster 1,095 80 1,818 00 57 Leicester 2,018 01 3,348 00 76 8-10 Leominster 2,245 85 3.726 00 786-10 Lunenburg 933 06 1.548 00 78 Mendon 933 06 1.548 00 60 Millbury 1.931 21 3,204 00 1 00 Milford 4,643 59 7,704 00 68 New Braintree 672 67 1,116 00 77 Nortliborough 1.182 60 1,962 00 06 6-10 Northbridge 1,345 34 2,232 CO 57 North BrookfieUl 1,605 73 2 664 00 73 8-10 Oakham 466 53 774 00 1 15 Oxford 1,605 73 2,664 00 712-10 Paxton 423 13 702 00 85 Petersham 889 06 1.476 00 1 06 2-10 Plullipston 412 28 684 00 1 18 Princeton 911 36 1.512 00 73 2-3 Rovalston 1,052 40 1,746 00 60 STATISTICAL RECORD. 29 Rutland 672 fi7 1,116 00 1 00 Shrewsbury 1,388 74- 2,304 00 95 Southborough 1,247 70 2,070 00 1 05 Southbridge 1,801 02 2,988 00 971-2 Spencer 1,735 92 2,880 00 761-5 Sterling 1,269 39 2,106 00 74 Sturbridge 1,193 45 1,980 00 82 Sutton 1,453 84 2,412 00 92 Templeton 1.551 48 2,574 00 921-2 Upton 1,041 55 1,728 00 90 Uxbridge 2,115 66 3,510 00 527-10 Warren 1,106 65 1,836 00 70 AVebster 1,497 23 2,484 00 1 00 Westborough 1,616 57 2,682 00 84 West Boyls'ton 1,236 85 2,052 00 70 West Brookfield 878 81 1,458 00 881-5 Westminster 1,030 70 1,710 00 1 191-5 Winchendon 1,464 68 2,430 00 S3 Worcester 21,601 39 35,838 00 80 $100,000 00 $165,906 00 30 WORCESTER COUXTY MILITARY RECORD. In the Revolutionary struggle, the people of "Worcester Co'unty bore a conspicuous part, and some of the most bril- liant pages of the history of that war bear record of the heroic valor, fortitude and patriotism of her sons. The news of the Battle of Lexington, which was fought on the 19th of April, 1775, reached Worcester in the fore- noon of the same day, and before night two companies of minute men, numbering in all one hundred and ten men, well armed and well drilled, were on their march to Con- cord, under the command of Captains Timothy Bigelow and Benjamin Flagg. In the month of April, 1S61, eighty-sis j'cars later, and on the very anniversary of that battle, the men of Worces- ter County again stood shoulder to shoulder with the men of Middlesex, in defence of those wise and beneficent insti- tutions which their fathers achieved the power and the right to establish, on all the battle fields of the war for In- dependence. At the call of the Governor of the Commonwealth, issued in response to a requisition of the President of the United States for 75,000 troops, with which to crush the treason- able conspiracy against the Government, the County of Worcester responded, in the year of the Great Rebellion of 1861, with a generous iilacrity, worthy of her ancient fame . In response to orders received about noon of the 16th of April, 1861, to report at Boston on the following day, the Warccster Light Infantry, a military organization dating back to the beginning of the century, and forming at that time a part of the 3d Batallion of Rifles of the Massachu- setts Volunteer Militia, were assembled with full ranks. STATISTICAL RECORD. 31 armed and equipped for service, at Boston, at the time appointed, where, under directions of the Adjutant-General, it was incorporated in the Sixth Regiment, — " The Gallant Sixth," — which two days afterwards, while leading the van for the defense of our then imperiled National Capital, added new lustre to the historic renown of Massachusetts, and by another baptism of fire and blood, consecrated anew, in the streets of Baltimore, the memories of Lexington and Concord. Orders were subsequehtly issued for the remaining com- panies of the 3d Battalion of Eifles to report to Major Charles Devens, at Worcester, on the afternoon of the 20th, which met with the same ready response, and at 9 o'clock in the evening of that day, the Battalion, composed of Co. A, Worcester City Guards, Co. B, Ilolden Rifles, Co. C, Emmet Guards, of Worcester, were on the way to Balti- more, where they were afterwards reinforced by an addi- tional company recruited in Boston, and known as " D odd's Rifles." All of the troops above referred to were enlisted to serve for three months, but later developments in the progress of the rebellion showed but too plainly that a much larger force than the original number called for would be required, and that it would be unwise to accept the service of additional troops for a less term of service than three years. To all the requisitions for troops, Massachusetts, as is well known, responded with characteristic promptness ; and the patriotism of Worcester County, and tho enthusiastic interest of her people in the cause of the country was still farther illustrated by the enlistment and organization within her borders, of three full regiments of three years' volunteers for the war, viz : the 15th, the 21st, and the 32 WORCESTER COUNTY 25th, besides several full companies which were attached to other regiments. We give below the " Rosters " of these organizations I and the names, designations and officers of the companies I referred to. ROSTER OF THE OFFICERS OF THE Fifteenth Regiment 3Iassachusetts Volunteers) With Promotioxs asd Changis troji its Obgaxiz.ition to ?.Iat 15, 1802. Colonel CHARLES DEVENS, Jr., Worcester ; promoted Brigadier General of Volunteers, April, 1862. Colonel, GEO. H. WARD, Worcester, promoted Colonel April 29, 1862. Lieutenant Colonel, John W. KimbALL, Fitchburg. Majo); John W. Kimball, Fitchburg, promoted Lieut. Colonel April 29, 1862. Major, Chase Philbuick, Northbridgc. promoted from Captaincy April 29, 1862. Adjutant, George A. Hicks, Boston, appointed Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers Xov. 16, 1861. Quartermaster, Church Howe. Worcester. Surrjeon, Joseph N. Bates, Worcester. Assistant Surgeon, S. Foster Haven, Jr., Worcester. Chojjluin, William G. Scanlan, Grafton. Captains. G. W. Rockwood, Leominster Clai-k S. Simonds, Fitchbui-g Henry Bowman, Clinton John M. Studley, Worcester Chas. H. Watson, Oxford Sardus S. Sloan. Brookfield Disuhargcd Jan. IG, 1802. Walter Forehand, Grafton Chase Philbrick,]Srorthbridge Promoted Major April 20,1802. M. W. Gatchell, Blackstone Killed at Ball's BiuftOct. 21, 1801. Geo. E. Joslin, Worcester Leonard Wood, Leominster Jeremiah Green, Brookfield STATISTICAL RECORD. 33 First Lieutexants. Leonard Wood, Leominster Promoted Capt. of Co. K Oct. 21, 1801. Jos. M. Groddard, Fitchburg Andrew L. Fuller, Clinton Discharged Oct. 7, 1801. E. P. Woodward Worcester Nelson Bartholomew, Oxford Died at Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 21, 1801. Jere, E. Ureen, Urooktield Promoted Captain Jan. 17, 1802. Newell P. Holden, Grafton Henry S. Taft, Northbridge Edwin B. Staples, Blackstone Amos Bartlett, Webster Geo. W. Baldwin, Worcester Richard Derby, Salem Thos. J. Spurr, Worcester Wm. B. Storer, Cambridge L. H. Ellingwood, Brookticld Second Lieutenants. Frank W. PoUey, Leominster Discharged Jaa. 10, 1802. Chas. H. Eager, Fitchburg James N. Johnson, Clinton Diacharged Jan. IG, 1802. J. Wm. Grout, Worcester Killed at Ball's Bluff Oct. 21, 1801. Bernard B. Vassell, Oxford L. H. Ellingwood, Brookfield Promoted Ist Lieutenant Jan. 17,1802. Stephen L. Carney, Grafton Discharged Jan. 10,1802. Richard Derby, Salem Promoted 1st Lieutenant Nov. 22, 1801. Amos Bartlett, Webster Promoted Ist Lieutenaut Auj. 5, ISOl. Frank S. Corbin, Dudley F. A. Walker, N. Brookfield J. Harris Hooper, Boston H. P. Jorgensen, Leominster John S. Hale, Worcester James Taft, Uxbridge Walter Gale, Northborough Lyman Doane, E. Brookfield Albert Prince, Oxford HOSIER OF THE OFFICERS OF THE Twenty-first Regiment Massacliwsetts Volunteers, WITH PROMOTIONS AND CHANGES FBO.M ITS ORGANIZATION TO MAY 15, 1802. Colonel, AUGUSTUS MORSE, Leominster. Lieutenant Colonel, Albert C. Maggi, New Bedford, discharged Feb. 28, 1862. Lientenant Colonel, William S. Clark, Amherst. Major, William S. Clark, Amherst, promoted to Lieut. Colonel Feb. 28, 1S82. Major, Joseph P. Rice, Ashburnham. Adjutant, Theron E. Hall, Holden. Quartermaster, George F. Thompson, Worcester. Surr/eon, Calvin Cutter, Warren. Assistant Surgeon, Orrin Warren, West Newbury. Chaplain, George S. Ball, Upton, 34 WORCESTER COUNTY Captaixs Geo. P. Hawkes, Templeton Chcas. F. Walcott, Boston J. M. llichardson, Ilubbards- ton Theo. S. Foster, Fitchburg P. Bradford, W, Boylston B. Frank Rogers, Worcester Pischar^ed March 2, 1802. A. A. Walker, Ashburnham Jos. P. Rice, Ashburnham Promoted Major Feb. 28, 18iJ2. H. H. Richardson, Pittsfield Thos. S. Washburn, Worcester Dischai-ged March 2, 1802. John D. Frazer, Holyoke Solomon Hovey, Jr., Boston Chas. W. Davis, Templeton First Lieutenants. Chas. W. Davis, Templeton Promoted Capt. March 3, 1802. Wells WiUard, Springfield Wm. T. Harlow, Spencer Chas. Barker, Fitchburg S. Hovey, Jr., Boston Promoted Capt. March 3, 1802. Chas. K. Stoddard, Upton Shot by a sentinel. Died Sept. 30, 1801. .\. P. Davis, Ashburnham Discharged Jan. 16, 1862. John D. Frazer, Holyoke Promoted Captain Feb. 28, 1862. Frazer A. Stearns, Amherst M. M. Parkhurst, Barrc Discharged March 3, 1802. ' Samuel 0. La Forest, Boston S. A. Taylor, Ashburnham Ira J. Kelton, Holden W. Whittemore, Lancaster John Brooks, Jr., Templeton E. T. Haywood, Fitchburg Second Lieutenants. John Brooks, Jr., Templeton Promoted 1st Lieutenant March 3, 1802, Jas. W. Hopkins, Springfield Ira J. Kelton, Holden Promoted 1st Lieutenant Feb. 28,1862. Eben T.Haywood, Fitchburg Promoted 1st Lieutenant March 3, 1862. W. Whittemore, Lancaster Promoted 1st Lieutenant March 3, 1802. S. 0. La Forest, Boston Promoted 1st Lieueenant Got. 10, 1801. S. 0. Taylor, Ashburnham Promoted Ist Lieutenant Jan. 24, 1802. S. C. Shumway, Belchertown Joel W. Fletcher, Leominster John B. Williams, Barre Discharged March 2, 1802. Wm. H. Valentine, Worcester A. Wheeler, Ashburnham H. Aldrich, Williamsville, Vt. H. A. Beckwith, Fitchburg F. M. Sanderson, Philipston Chas. Coolidge, Sterling Fred. 0. Bemis, Spencer STATISTICAL RECORD. 35 ROSTER OF THE OFFICERS Twenty-fifth Regiment Massaelnisctts Volunteers, With Tromotioxs axd CiiANnEs feom its Organization to May 15, 18G2. Colonel, EDWIN UPTON. Fitchburg. Lieutenant Colonel, Augustus B, R. Sprague, Worcester. Major, Matthew J. McCafferty, Worcester; discharged March 19, 18G2. Major, Josiaii Pickett, Worcester. Adjutant, Elijah A. Harkness, Worcester. Quarter master, WiLLiAM 0. Brown, Fitchburg. Surgeon, J. Marcus Rice, Worcester. Assistant Surgeon, Joseph C. Batchelber. Templeton. Assistant Surgeon., Theron Temple, Belchertown ,• dis- charged March 27, 1862. Cha2jl(iin, Horace James, Worcester. Captains. Josiah Picket, Worcester Promoted Major March iO, 1802. Willard Clark, Milford Cornelius (1. Atwood, Boston Albert H. Foster, Worcester Thomas O'Niel, Worcester Charles H, Foss, Fitchburg Lewis Wagely, Worcester Orson Moulton, AVorcester Y. P. Parkhurst, Templeton J. Waldo Denny, Worcester F. E. Goodwin, Worcester William Emery, Milford First Lieutenants. Frank E. Goodwin, Worcester Promoted Captain March 20, 18G2. William Emery, Milford Promoted Captain April 15, 1862. James Tucker, Boston. Geo. S. Campbell, Worcester William Daley, AVorcester Levi Lawrence, Fitchburg Harry M. Richter, Worcester D, M. Woodward, Worcester James B. Smith, Royalston Samuel Harrington, Paxton Merritt B. Bessey, Worcester William F. Draper, Milford 3G AVORCESTER COUNTY Merritt B. Bessey. VVorcester Promoted First Lieutenant March 20, 1802. William F. Draper. Milford Promoted First Lieutenant April 15, 1802. Merrick F. Prouty, Spencer Geo. H. Spauldino;, Worcester H. McConville, Worcester J. H. Richardson, Fitchburg Fred. A. Wiegand. Worcester Discharged March 4, 1802. Second Lieutenants. Nathaniel II. Foster, Xorth Brookiield Amos Biiffum, Templeton Jas. M. Drennan. Worcester Thomas Earlo, Worcester John G. McCarter, Milford Randolph A. Hacker, Wor- j cester John W. Davis, Worcester In addition to the regularly organized regiments and companies referred to above, an examination of the muster rolls of the other regiments of Massachusetts volunteers, shows that Woi'cester County is well represented by her citizens in nearly all of them. In the belief that it would be more gratifying to the peo- ple of the several towns to see the names of those heroic representatives of the patriotism and the valor of the County arranged under the head of the respective localities in which they claimed to reside, we have compiled from the official rolls the names of all enlisted men in the three years' ser- vice, who Avere residents of the County at the time of their enlistment. It has been a work of much labor and perplex- ity, so to arrange and classify by towns, regimental numbers and company letters, these names from lists embracing more than thirty thousand soldiers, and we doubt not that some errors may be found, for the original rolls are in many cases imperfect, and there are very few which are in all respects correct. A reference to the " Roll of Honor " thus prepared, will show at a glance the quota of troops which each town in the County has contributed to the Union armies, and its use by the officers of the towns will greatly facilitate their labors in the administration of the laws relating to the wives, ohildren and other dependent relatives of volunteers. STATISTICAL RECORD. 37 ASHBURNHAM. Incouporated in January. 1795. Valuation.— Real, $568,311 ; Personal, $178,419 ,• No. of Inhabitants, 2,108; No. of Polls, 576; No. of Acres, 21,438. Approjniations for 1862.— For town charges, $3,000. Schools, $1,500 00. Highways, $1,500 00. A^e^ec^wcH.- Jesse Parker, Isaac D. Ward, William P. Ellis. Assessors. — The Selectmen. Treasurer. — Elbridge Stimpson. Collector and Town Clerh.— Jerome W. Foster. >School Committee.— L. L. Whitmore, Henry Tuckerman, 0. Whitnej'-, Jr., Samuel Howard, Eber Gibson, Asher Moore. Corhs-fnhles.—Renrj Kibbling, E. S. Wood, Charles Win- chester. Physietans.— Alfred Miller, L. L. Whitmore, Allopathic; Merrick Wallace, Botanic; L. A. Noyse, Eclectic. Postmaster. — George C. Winchester. Churches.— There are two Congregational Churches in this town ; Rev. Thomas Boutelle and Rev. Asa Rand are the Pastors, One M. E. Church, Rev. Mr. Pentecost, Pastor. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Beg't. Co. Names. Eeg't. Co. Harry A. Cheney, 2 D John L. Cook, 21 G Chas. W. Kendall, 2 D Frank Litch, 21 G Benj. F. Fay, 2 D Peter Archambeau 21 G Chas. H. Heald, 2 D Joseph B. Brown, 21 G Allen A. Nutting. 2 D Merrill Farwell, 21 G Albert F. Johnson, 2 K Geo. G. Hadley, 21 G Augustus Mcintosh 2 K James Hare, 21 G Bart. Coughlin, 29 F Washburn Lewis, 21 G James M. Garnett, 21 H Geo. W. Lawrence, 21 G WORCESTER COUXTY l^'ames. Reg't. F. S. VVillard, 1st bat'y Pascal Brooks, '*' Leroy A. Howe, " Chas. F. Leathers, " Marquis L. Ward, " Geo. Y. Brook, " John Finnan, 1st oav., Ciias. H. Parker, Thos. M. Ptussell, Asahel Wheeler, Joseph H. Whitney, Geo. E. Davis, Chas. G, Lawrence, Henry C. Puffer, H. H. Martindale, Jonas W. Dwinnell, 21 Oliver D. Wilder, S. A. Rockwood, John A. Spanlding- George V. Ball, Luther Clark, Frank A. Davis, Michael Fitzgibbon, 25 Orrin Morton, 25 Francis H. Morton, 25 Parley Mclntire, 25 Charles E. Smith, 25 Sam'l C. Lesure, 21 Names Ezra M. Merritt, James Mclntire, Erastus Mcintosh, George F. Puffer, Edw. A. Puffer, Calvin Pinder, Wm. Pratt, Alfred Piper, (leorge E. Pajre, Anson G. Stowell, Robert N. Shaw, Geo. M. Wetherbee, 21 Charles H. White, James Whipple, M. Whitney, Jr., T. B. Whitinore, Geo. W. Wilson, Joshua T. Stowell, Michael Thompson, Lincoln Wallis, James L. Walker, Frank J. Bassett, Octavus Brown, Martin Burgess, Steph. C. Hasting Robert J. Elliott, John K. Walker, leg't. Co. 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 (^ 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 Qc 21 G 21 G 21 G 21 G 25 F 25 F 25 F 25 F 25 F 25 F 25 I 25 15 B 15 B STATISTICAL RECORD. 39 ATHOIi. Incorporated 1762. Valuatiox.— Real, $636,996 ; Personal, $287,588 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,604; No. of Polls, 807; No. of Acres, 18,702. AppropriatlouH for 1862. — For town charges, $5,000. Schools, $1,750. Highways and bridges, $1,000. Selectmen. — Amos L. Cheney, John Kendall, A. D. Ilorr. Afisessors. — The Selectmen. School Committee. — Rev. J. F. Norton, Rev. I. Bailey, Dr. J. Cooledge. 7'own Clerk. — James I. Goulding. Treasurer and Collector. — Sylvanus E. Twitchell. Constables. — Abner G. Stratton, John R. Pierce, Gardiner Lord, Jr. Physicians. — George Hay, Hydro ; F. M. Cragan, Normal; J. P. Lynd, J. B. Gould, Kendall Davis, A. G. Wil- liams, James Cooledge, Allopathic. Postmasters. — Samuel Lee ; Athol Depot, S. E. Twitchell. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name, Reg't. Co. David B. Billings, 2 F Chas. H. Barton, 1st bat A J. B. Billings, 2 F Gardner Howe, '^ A L. W. Phelps, 2 F Asa L. Kneeland, u A D. Richardson 2 F Horace K. Weaver, ii A Hubbard V. Smith, 2 F James Connell, " A Edw. L. Townsend 2 F J. M. Cassavant, a B John D. Emerson, 2 F Fred. A. Chubb. <■' B Chas. H. Hill, 2 I Abner G. Foster, " V. John F. Merrill. 10 II George W. Nelson, a B James L, Merrill, 10 H Joel D. Cummings 21 A Vernon S. Cook, IT B Francis B. Brock, 25 A John W. Sprague, 12 I Henry D. Brock, 25 A Edmund R. West, 24 A Theodore J. Dyer, 25 I Thos, Kenney, 27 A Albert Haskins, 25 I 40 WORCESTER COUXTY Is ames. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. Joseph F. Fay, 27 A Charles Gray, 27 B Wm. Richardson, 27 A Otis Oliver, 27 B Henry T. Morse, 27 A John 0. Morey, 27 B Leander B. Morse, 27 A Warren B. French, 27 B Geo. R. Hanson, 27 A John R. Morse, 27 B B. D. Washburn, 27 E T. G. Berry, 27 B Wm. Beard, 30 E 0. J. Bigelow, 27 B Sumner S. Giles, 30 E John S. Briggs, 27 B Asa Phillips, 30 E J. G. Cummings, 27 B Charles Tiklen, 30 E Linus Crawford, 27 B Thos. H. Woodard 30 E L. A. Chamberlin, 27 B James A. Hand, 30 E Van Buren French, 27 B Joseph H. Collins, 21 A William Hill, 27 B Charles E. Hager, 21 A James S. Hodge, 27 JB Andrew J. Hill, 21 A James Kelly, 27 B Samuel A. Hill, 21 A D. W. Learnard, 27 B Seth F. Hale, 21 A Geo. P. Meacham, 27 B W. A. Shepardson, 21 A N. B. Meacham, 27 B Geo. R. Severance, 21 A Edmund Moore, 27 B Neri F. Riplej^, 21 A George Morse, 27 B John E. Rand, 21 A J. C. Morey, Jr., 27 B James C. Parker, 21 A Frank Oliver, Jr., 27 B Charles C. Phelps, 21 A Sylvanus E. Oliver, 27 B Ansel Orcutt, 21 A E. A. Peckam, 27 B George Carter, 21 A Albert D. Pond, 27 B Wm. H. Johnson, 21 A Henry Packard, 27 B Owen Kennejs 21 A Foster W. Phelps, 27 B Patrick W. Fox, 21 A Samuel Rich, 27 B Patrick Learned, 21 C James Richardson, 27 B Morgan Young, 21 K Joseph C. Smith, 27 B Eli Bodet, 1st bat. A Lancaster A. Thorp, 27 B Wm. A. Fry, li A Robert W. Theawcr , 27 B STATISTICAL RECORD. 41 AUBURIV. IXCORPORATER APRIL IOtH, 1778. Valuation.— Real, $312,334; Personal, $108,618; N 3. of Inhabitants, 914; No. of Polls, 210; No. of Acres, 9,632. Appropruitions for 1862. — For town charges, $1,600. Schools, $800. Highways and bridges, $600 Selectmen. — John Warren, Ezra Rice, Samuel A. Newton. AssesHom. — Isaac Sawin, David G. Aldrich, "Warren Sib- loy. - School Committee. — Charles Kendall, A. L. Smith, Samuel | 1 A. Newton, Ji-. Toion Glerh. — Emory Stone. Treasurer and Collector. — Anson Burlingham. Constables. — Marcus M. Dunn, Jason B. Stone. Postmaster. — E. S. Knowles. TOLUXTEERS. f Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. } Peter Bedorety, 31 H Charles A. Mayers, 25 A »| Thomas Doligan, 31 H Nelson Tiflflney, 25 A Francis Campbell, 31 H Orrin D. Frost, 25 C James Dolligan, 21 F Severn N. Howe, 25 D Owen Hammed, 21 F Henry G. Newton, 25 D Munro C. Lovering, 21 F Morton D. Gifford, 25 K Horatio McCxurness, 21 F Jerome Johnson, 25 K Mason Owen, 21 F Chas. C, Williams, 25 K Edw. B. Stowell, 21 F George F. Newton, 15 A George Williams, 21 F David A. Jennison, 15 D Chas. A. Legg, 1st cavalry. Chas. E. Barnard, 15 E Joseph P. Eaton, 25 A Patrick D. Kinney, 15 E Edw. S. Hewett, 25 A Owen McCann, 15 E Wm. B. Keef, 25 A Geo. S. Williams, 15 E Benj. C. Knowles, 25 A Bernard Smith, 15 I Augustus Knowles, 25 A c 42 WORCESTER COUNTY BARRE. Incorporated 1776. Valuation.— Real, $1,133,030; Personal, $547,830: No. of Inhabitants, 2,973 ,• No. of Polls, 769 ; No. of Acres, 26,961. Apjiropriations for 1862. — For town charges, $600. Support of poor, $800. Common schools, $2,200. High School, $800. Roads and bridges. $2,000. Soldiers' families, $1,200. Selectmen. — Franklin Smith, James F. Davis, Warren M. Mandell, Stephen Heald, Addison H. Holland. Assessors. — Silas Bemis, Henry S. Minor, Addison H. Hol- land. School Commiffee, — J. Martin Gorham, Austin G. Wheelock, Thomas P. Root. Toion Clerk. — Lyman Sibley, Treasurer and Collector. — John W. Rice. Constahles. — Pliny H. Babbitt, Daniel Cummings. Physicians. — Lucius F. Billings, Charles Whitcomb, Aaron Bassett, Botanic. C/n^VA^I1I> H. :FIlSItE, AT THE FRANKLIN JOB PRINTINO OFFICE, Opposite the Depot, Worcester. 48 WORCESTER COUNTY BLACKSTOXE. Set off from Mendon ix 1845. Valuation.— Real, $1,144,495; Personal, $700,058; No of Inhabitants, 5,453; No. of Polls, 1,186; No. of Acres, | 9,.305. Aiyprojmations for 1S62.- -For town charges, $3,000. Schools, $3,000. Poor, $1,500. Highways, $800. Selectmen and Assesson \ — Emory Scott, John C. Scott, 1 Joseph G. Ray. School Committee. — Francis Kelly, John V. Lewis. Totvn Clerk. — George E. Bullard. Treasurer. — Richard K. Randolph. Collector.— A. A. Wheelock. Constables. — Artiman Staples, Royal K. Taft, Aaron S. Esty, Milling A. Taft, William L. Billings. Physicians. — Abel Wilder, Moses D. Southwicl? , Willi am M, Kimball, George E. Bullard, Allopathic. Postmaster. — S. H. Benson. * VOLUNTEERS. Xame. Reg't Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Chas. Kearney, 9 I Peter Carr, 15 K Daniel G. Cole, 11 F Michael Cosgrove, 15 K M. V. Kempton, 20 I John Costello. 15 K Daniel Sullivan, 22 A Patrick Coyle, 15 K Orville Brock, 24 1 William Dame, 15 K James W. Colvin, 24 I David Farrar, 15 K Pardon H. Corey, 21 G Wm. Farrcll, 15 K Solomon Blanchard, 21 G Richard Flaherty, 15 K Edwin B. Corey, 21 G Adin Fuller, 15 K George A. Corey, 21 G Wm. Gilbert, 15 K Henry H. Howard, 21 G Wm. Gleason. 15 K Herbert Joslyn, 21 G Thos. (h-acc. 15 K A. M. Littlefield, 21 G Augustus Grobitz, 15 K STATISTICAL RECORD. 49 Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Eeg't. Co. Orison Parkhurst, *21 G John Hancock, 15 K Juba B. Pickering, 21 G Thomas Ilaynes, 15 K j^. G. Rathborne, 21 G Thomas Keating, 15 . K Tiarison Kempton, 21 G Michael Keating, 15 K Patrick Cabe, 21 G Patrick Kelly, 15 K Melvin Howard, 15 K Timothy Kennedy, 15 K George W. Bolster, 15 K Eli Lymonston, 15 K G. Oscar Shove, 15 K Alfred Maguiness, 15 K Henry W. Freeman ,15 K John Mullen, 15 K Thos. Furnald, 15 K William Murphy, 15 K John B. Burns, 15 K Martin McBride, 15 K John Maguinness, 15 K Patrick McElroy, 15 K James H. Day, 15 • K Patrick McGahey, 15 K Charles Gammage, 15 K Thomas McGlynn, 15 K Thomas Powers, 15 K William Nutter, 15 K Daniel McGowen, 15 K Andrew F. Simons 15 K And. J. Bellows, 15 K Albert Smith, 15 K C. E. Bicker, 15 K Joseph F. Smith, 15 K Henry Estes, 15 K John Starrett, 15 K James Barn, 15 K Joseph Stringer, 15 K Joshua Blackburn, 15 K W. A. Tucker, 15 K Wm. Black, 15 K Fred. Warner, 15 K Peter Boullett, 15 K Thos. Welch, 15 K Edw. W. Bryant, 15 K John Whalan, 15 K Thos. Brown, 15 K Joseph AVhite, 15 K Patrick Campbell, 15 K Geo. Williams, 15 K Owen Carity, 15 K 50 WORCESTER COUNTY CHARL.TO:5f. Incorporated May 24th, 1755. Valuation.— Heal, $612.983 ; Personal, $256,950 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2.047; No. of Polls, 554; No. of Acre! 25,878. Appropriations for 1862— $6,200. Selectmen. — Jos. H. Hathaway, E. Winslow, A. E. Fiske. Assessors. — Joseph H. Hathaway, Aaron H. Marble, Rufus B. Dodge, Esq. School Committee. — Willard C. George, Rufus B. Dodge, Dr. George H. Taft. Town Clerk.— Alfred E. Fiske. Treasurer. — Rufus Dodge. Collector and Constable. — Turner Marble. Physicians. — Chas. M. Fay, Allopathic; Willard C. George, Eclectic ; George H. Taft, Homeopathic. Churches. — Congregationalist, Rev. John Haven ; Univer- salist, Rev. Lucius Holmes ; Methodist, Thomas ; Union, . Postmasters. — Charlton, Rufus Dodge ; Charlton Depot, Almon Sampson ; Charlton City, Norval B. Lamb. YOLUXTEERS. Name. Keg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Thos. Cain, 22 K George Gillien, 21 F Timothy Chase, 22 K Albert Knight, 21 F Charles F. Sanger, 22 K AYm. H. Ramsdell, 21 H Edward Silk, 22 K A. C. Willard, 15 D Elbridge F. Perry, 22 K Wm. H. Amidon, 15 E Alfred C. Blood, 24 I Geo. F. Davis, 15 E Geo. Bowen, 24 I Thos. F. Dockham 15 E Wm. H. Cummings , 24 I John B. Marcy. 15 E Francis Young, 24 I Charles E. Morse, 15 E W. H. King, 24 I Albert L. Williams 15 E Wm. G.Lamb, 24 I Michael B. Hayes, 15 F Francis Young, 24 K Isaac Matthews. 15 F il. S. Pike, 24 K Elliott H. Bobbins 15 F Geo. E. Knights, ;u H Calvin J. Darling, 25 D Addison March, 21 D Francis Clark, 25 E Harry March, 21 D Wm. J. Bond, 25 K STATISTICAL RECORD. 51 CL.lNTO?f. IXCORPORATED 1850. JAluation.— Eeal, $1,088,474 ; Personal, $634,058 ; No. of ^^ Inhabitants, 3,859 ; No. of Polls, 885 ; No. of Acres, 3,679^. Appropriatmis for 1862, — For I'oads, $1,000. Cemetery. $100. Schools," $4,625. Fire Department, $1,050. Lunatics, $400. Paupers, $500. General expenses, $1,000. Discount on Taxes, $600. Interest on town debt, $1,200. Selectmen. — James F. Maynard, Charles W. Worcester, Philip L. Morgan. Assessors. — Levi Greene, Joshua Thissell, Jr., Sam'i Belyea. School Committee. — Charles M. Bowers, George W. Sy- monds, Enos Morgan, J. Thissell, Jr., J. F. Dame, C. F. W. Parkhurst. Town Clerk— B.. C. Greeley. Treasurer and Collector. — Alfred Knight. Constables.— E. K. Gibbs, W. P. Holder, S. T. Howard. Physicians. — Geo. W. Symonds, Geo. \Y. Burditt, Geo. M, Morse, Allopathic ; Charles A. Brooks, Homeopathic. Churches. — Congregational, Bev. W. W. Winchester; Bap- tist, Rev. Charles M. Bowers ; Methodist, Rev. Albert Gould ; Unitarian, Rev. Jared M. Heard ; Catholic, Rev. J. Boyce and Rev. P. T. O'Reilly. Postmaster. — E. K. Gibbs. Newspaper. — Saturday Courant, E. Ballard, Publisher. VOLUNTEERS. Name: Reg't. Co.i Name. Reg't. Co. Edward K. Hayes, 2 A Thomas Dickson, 15 C Anson B. Bartlett, 2 D Heman Edgerly, 15 C David J. Orne, 2 D Wm. Eccles, 15 c Charles Duncan, 9 C'Chas. Frazer, 15 c 52 AVORCESTER COUNTY Names. Eeg't. Co. Names. Beg't. Co. M. T. McNamara, 9 C John Frazer, 15 C Michael O'Toole, 9 C Henry Greenwood, 15 c Thomas Grady, 11 B Gustavus Graichen, 15 i Chas. P. Hobbs, 11 B Geo. J. Henry, 15 John C. Wheeler 20 B Chas. H. Hapgood, 15 c Warren P. Barnes, 20 B James C. Howard, 15 c Ebeu S. Henry. 20 B Joseph S. Holman, 15 c Thos. Clark, 22 G Andrew J. Hunt, 15 c Jonathan Sawyer, 23 H Henry B. Holman, 15 c Henry A. Oromitt, 23 H Chas. E. Holbrook, 15 c Wm. C. Eaton, 23 H F. C. Houghton. 15 c Sewell D. Lawrence , 23 H Geo. W. Hunt, 15 c Edward Maley, 24 C Amos Jaquith, 15 c Henry C. Pease, 26 E S. B. Kilburn, 15 c Darius Schleater, 31 H Alexander Lyle, 15 c Wm. Cohen, 21 B Gilman W. Laythe, 15 c Patrick J. Dixon, 21 B W. R. Lawrence, 15 c Michael Hoolihan, 21 B George Muir, 15 c George Hubbard, 21 B W. B. Maynard, 15 c Dennis Mahar, 21 B James A. Partridge, 15 c John McRobbie, 21 B John Smith, 15 c Patrick Meehan, 21 B Henry B. Sargent, 15 c Patrick Maloney, 21 B Francis E. Smith, 15 c John Quan, 21 B L. M. Towsley, 15 c John Tracy, 21 B Wm. R. Wheelock, 15 c Patrick Burke, 21 E Wm. Walker, 15 c Augustus M. Hall, 21 E A. D. Wright, 15 c Calvin Jameson, 21 E Z. C. Patte^rson, 15 c Thomas Maley, 21 E J. D. Hayes, 15 c Chas. H. Moulton, 21 E H. B. Olcott, 15 c Luther E. Stewart, 21 G G. T. D. Putnam, 15 c Hiram A. Cromett, 1st cav. Geo, F. Stearns, 25 A C. D. Mattoon, 15 Francis A. Bowers, 25 c Wm. Corcoran, 15 E John W. Craig, 25 c Jonas Spencer, 15 F John Gordon, 25 E Frank Graichen, 15 H Leopold Wolfgang, 25 G Nelson Pratt, 15 H Gotfred Speisser, 25 G Nelson L. Pratt, 15 K Philip Eciseher, 25 G Alden Fuller, 15 c Fred. Waiser, 25 G Willis A. Cook, 15 c Ferd. Ehlert, 25 G Henry A. Putman, 15 c Mority Grumbachei ,25 G Edw.'W. Benson, 15 c Herman Klnessner, 25 G Jos. F. Burgess, 15 c Edw. Klein, 25 G STATISTICAL RECORD. 58 Name. David C. Wallace, James A. Bonney, Briggs M. Daboil, Edward Malley, John E. CaiTuth Orrin L. Cutting, Elisha G. Buss, John D. Brigham, Thos. Burgess, Sam'l D. Brigham, Rufus K. Cooper, James P. Cbenery, Wm. J. Coulter, Thos. Caulfield, Matthew Creclman, 15 Tristram D. Dexter, 15 Reg't. Co. Name. Eeg't. Co. 15 C Wm. F. Klein, 25 G 15 C Carl. Koekler, 26 G 15 C Fred. Kohnle, 25 G 15 C Christ. Linhardt, 25 G 15 c August Miller, 25 G 15 c Franz Miller, 25 G 15 c V. Mueller, 25 G 15 c Henry Molter, 25 G 15 c Albin Riedel, 25 G 15 c Joseph Schusser, 25 G 15 c Michael Suess, 25 G 15 c Ferd. Schwam, 25 G 15 c Geo. Vettcr, 25 G 15 c Fred. Wening, 25 G , 15 c Christ. Winter, 25 G •, 15 c Daniel A. White, 25 54 WORCESTER COUNTY DANA. Incorporated 1801. Valuation.— Real, $171,053,- Personal, 58.969; No. of Inhabitants, 876; No. of Polls, 204; No. of Acres, 10,993. Appropriations for 1862. — $2,600. Selectmen. — Allen Goodman, Timothy Stone, M. J. Hill- man. Assessors. — Charles N. Doane, T. W. Johnson, N. S. John- son. School Committee. — A. J. Nye, M. J. Ilillman, John Peter- son. Totcn Clerk and Treasurer. — D. L. Richards. Collector and Constable. — Burrell Amsden. Physicians. — Daniel Lindsey, M. D. ; Allen Goodman, Eclectic. Postmaster. — Nelson Bosworth. * VOLUNTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Eeg't. Co. Leary J. Oakes, 27 F Henry H. Haskins, 21 K F. W. Lindsay, 31 C Horace D. Lindsey, 21 K Daniel R. Potter, 31 C H. Witt, 21 K Warren B. Smith, 31 C James M. Stone, 21 K Geo. H. Gibbs, 31 D Forbes Stone, • 27 B George J. Spooner, 31 D Geo. F. Whitney, 27 B M. M. Thompson, 31 F Edgar Cummings, 25 C Chas. A. Pelkey, 21 A Edw. Stone, 25 C Lewis Stevens, 21 A Cyrus A. Wells, 25 C Wm. H. Billings, 21 K STATISTICAL RECORD. DOUGL.AS. Incorporated . Valuation.— Real, $637,383; Personal, $234,983; No. of Inhabitants, 2,442; No. of Polls, 658; No. of Acres, 19,042. Ajyprupyintions for 1862. — For aid to volunteers, $2,000. Schools, $1,500. Paying debts, $2,000. Support of paupers, $800. Incidental expenses, $1,200. Highways and bridges, $1,500. Selertmcn. — Fenner Batcheller, Joseph Hunt, James H. Dudley, Charles Hutehins, Elijah Eigelow. School Committee. — Aaron M. Hill, Adolphus F. Brown, Charles G. Keyes. Assessors. — Gardner Chase, Adolphus F. Brown, Charles G. Keyes. Toion Glerk. — Edwin Moore. Treasurer. — Samuel W. Heath. Collector. — James H. Dudley. Covstahles. — Lucius Simpson Balcom. Physicians. — H. H. Darlin" White, Allopathic; B. A. Tart, Botanic Postmaster. — Fenner Batcheller. James H. Balcom, Dudley Homeopathic; David P. VOLUNTEERS. Xames. Benj. W. Thomas, Noah H. Jones, Thos. J. Colden, Enoch Converse, Edward Thayer, Noah M. Knight, Hiram Staples, 0. F. Carpenter, Thos. M. Magee, JReg't. Co. 28 28 28 28 28 1st eav. 25 . A 25 B 25 C Names. Reg't. Joshua Dubugue, 25 Joseph Teaboult, 25 Wm. Wood, 25 Timothy Megerry, 25 John Allen, 25 Glory Busch, 25 Joseph Lamay, 25 Cornelius Emmons, 25 Amos Stear, 25 Co. E E E E G G G 56 WORCESTER COUNTY Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Marshall Purington, 25 C W. D. Balckome, 25 Joseph H. Albee, 25 D Harvey Sibley 15 G Jas. 0. Bartlett, 25 D Paifus H. Belding, 15 H Samuel Cragin, 25 D Franklin Bullarrl, 15 H George Leach, 25 D Harlan Fairbanks, 15 H J. E. Luther, 25 D Thos. A. Southwicl^ , 15 H L. B. Simmons, 25 D Thos. Snow, 15 H Charles Walls, 25 D Hiram Ward, 15 I Allen Hough, 25 D DUDIiEY. In-corporated June 1st, 1732. Valuation.— Real, $514,836 ; Personal, $156.081 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,736; No. of Polls, 424; No. of Acres, 13,116|. Appro2iriations for 1862. — For town expenses, $2,200. Schools, $1,200. Highways, $800. Selectmen. — Lemuel Healy, A. D. Williams, George Davis. Assessors. — Lemuel Healey, Ebenezer Davis, Amasa Davis. School Committee. — Rev. Henry Pratt, J. Q. A. Johnson, Ira F. Jacobs. Town Clerk. — Moses Barnes, Jr. Treasurer. — Moses Barnes. Collector and Constable. — George Davis. Physicians. — Ebenezer Lindsey, S. F. Lindsey, Allopathic. Postmaster. — H. W. Williams. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Geo. W. Cozzens, Waldo Vinton, Alonzo Vinton, Oscar Tortelotte, A. P. Williams, F. W. Perry, Anson P. Goodell, Edwin D. Goodell, Keg't. Co. 21 H 21 H 21 H 25 D 25 D 25 D 25 D 25 D -N ames. Chris. Moffith, Morton Bobbins, W. N. Upham, Hczckiah Davis, Chas. A. Beattie, Blbridge Parks, Geo. R. Stone, Reg't. 26 Co. D D D D E I I STATISTICAL RECORD. ' 57 FITCHBURG. Incorporated 1764. Valuation.— Real, $2,513,235 ; Personal, 1,201,202 ; No. of Inhabitants, 7,805; No. of Polls. 1,937; No. of Acres, 16,553 1-5. Apiirojyriations for 1862. — For town expenses, $16,500. Roads and bridges, $5,000. Schools, $7000. Selectmen. — Cyrus Thurston, Caleb W. Jaquith, William 11. Vose, George Robbins, Alfred R. Ordway. Afi^cssors. — Isaac B. Woodward, William Woodbury, Jr.. John Upton. School Committee. — Rev. William P. Tilden, Rev. Kendall Brooks, Rev. Francis E. Cleaves. Town Clci-L— John T. Farwell. Treasurer. — Ebenezer Torrey. Collector. — James M. Woodbury. Constables. — A. P. Kimball, Francis Buttrick, Jr., Lucius Aldrich, Henry A. Hatch, M. Edwin Day, E. B. Hay- Avard, E. T. Miles, Loriston StockwelJ, P. G. Barton, 0. J. Monroe, S. G. Frost, Oliver Kendall, William Burke, T. L. Sanderson, C. H. Kelton, F. A. Hale, Leonard E. Osborne, Samuel Farwell, 2d, Willard H. Lowe, A. R. Ordway, Silas Whitney, D. Keefe, S. W. Browning, Silas Pratt, S. P. Emory, Geo. Wheelock. Churches. — First Congregational (Unitarian), Rev. William P. Tilden; Calvinistic Congregational, Rev. Alfred Emei-son; Third Congregational (Trinitarian), Rev. Elnathan Davis; Baptist, Rev. Kendall Brooks; Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Albinus 0. Hamilton; Universalist, Rev. Andrew J. Weaver; Roman Cath- olic, Rev. Edward Turpin. Physicians. — Hubbard H. Brigham, Mrs. Sarah C. Brig- ham, Eclectic ; Thomas R. Boutelle, Jonas A. Mar- shall, Alfred Hitchcock, William M. Barrett, George D. Colony, Alfred Miller, Allopathic; James C. Free- land, Daniel B. Whittier, Homeopathic. Postmaster. — Thornton K. Ware. Newspapers. — Fitchburg Sentinel, Elisha Garfield, Publish- er ; Fitchburg Reveille, John J. Piper, Publisher. 58 WORCESTER COUNTY 1 FITCHBURG VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't; Co. Name. Reg't. Co- Henry A. Beckwith ,21 D James Graham, 25 F Geo. E. Goodricli, 21 D Geo. B. Proctor, 25 F J. D. Whitney, 21 D Geo. Lowe, 25 F Israel Cummings, 21 D Thos. F. Piitraan, 25 F Orrin E. Skinner, 21 D Chas. A. Brick, 25 F 0. B. Goodrioh, 21 D Fred. A. Andrews, 25 F Wm. M. Stewart, 21 D Benj. Y. Brooks, 25 F Azro B. Jaquith, 21 D Orlando Boss, 25 F Cha<. M. Whitney, 21 D Wm. E. Battles, 25 F A. M. Brocks, 21 D Geo. P. Cotting, 25 F Chas. A. Whitcomb ,21 D Richard Collins, 25 F Levi L. Lamb, 21 D Frank S. Dadmun, 25 F Eph. Adams, 21 D Art. W. Ellenwood, 25 F Henry S. Abbott, 21 D John F. Gardner, 25 F Seth All)cc, 21 D Jos. W. Gird, 25 F H. W. Battles, 21 D Appleton Gibson, 25 F Wm. S. Boynton, 21 D Dexter Henshaw, 25 F Horace R. Barker, 21 D Sylvester Haynes, 25 F F. W. Bi-elow, 21 D Chas. H. Hunter, 25 F Jas. Bronsnn, 21 D Wm. S. Hager, 25 F Rulus H. Carter, 21 D Geo. Kinsman, 25 F Dennis Delany, 21 D Xahum Nixon, 25 F John Delany, 21 D W. W. Phelps, 25 F Chas. E. Fay, 21 D Phineas Phelps, 25 F S. W. Flint, 21 D Wm. H. Partridge, 25 F Chas. E. Goodrich, 21 D Geo. W. Rice, 25 F Chas. T. Green, 21 D Wm. Roach, 25 F Nathl €. Dean, 21 D Louis Savaria, 25 F D. W. Goodfellow, 21 D J. C. Spaulding, 25 F Asa S. Jaquith, 21 D Geo. F. Sylvester, 25 F Elias J. Kempton, 21 D A. G. Sylvester, 25 F 1 Alphonso Marsh, 21 D Putman Simonds, 25 F 1 Timothy S. Marsh 21 D Thos. Upton, 25 F 1 Jos. F. Marshall, 21 D 0. H. Whittemore, 25 F Chas. F. Montgoye 21 D Wm. M. Willis, 25 F Simeon May, 21 D Milan B. Wait, 25 F Henry J. Patch, 21 D Chas. H. Whitney, 25 F E. M. Parkhurst, 21 D G. F. Ware, 25 F Daniel W. Rugg, 21 D Edward Booth. 15 E Thos. Moran, 1 3t baf y. Gilbert W. Green, ]5 F Lewis Smith, « Henry Vibbert, 15 F STATISTICAL HECORD. 59 Names. Reg't. Caleb T. Abbott 1st cav, Co. Edwin A. Derby. 1 F Geo, L. Lawrence, 1 G Thos. B. Thurston, 2 D Ansel A. Moulton, 2 D Alvin C, Booth, 2 D Chas, E. Bisbee, 2 D H. P. Hayward, 2 D Ossian M. King, • 2 D Fred. Kinsman, 2 D Crosby Lakin, 2 D Edwin F. Nason, 2 D Henry 0. Pierce, 2 D Chas. Tarbox, 2 D Michael Hayes, 9 I Geo. Jewett, 10 Geo. C. Phillips, 10 C Chas. P. Duffey, 11 G Sidney Whitney, 11 H Jeremiah Silk, 19 G C. Menahan, 20 H John Morgan, 22 D Thomas Tolman, 22 D Wm. T. Warren 23 D Mark Shattuck, 24 A John Morris, 26 B Dennis Moran, 26 D Edwin Hartwell, 26 D Michael McCarthy, 26 D Daniel Whitney, 26 K N. N, Merriam, 28 A. W. Merriam, 28 Michael Cavanagh, 28 C Owen Horgan, 28 C Patrick Larvin, 28 C M. O'Donnell, 28 c Michal Roy, 28 c Stephen Fay, 28 G Almond G. Stevens, 31 C John Collins, 21 E Geo. H. Howe, 21 H Benj. Watson 21 K Names. Chas. Hall, Philetus Ballon, Henry A. Spooner James May, Harrison Rich, Fred. H. Sibley, Cyrus Brown, H. M. Ilunkings, Geo. F. Daniels, Fred. H. Britton, Geo. A. Harwood, Daniel R. Pierce, George Adams, Abel Bruce, Jr., Prank A. Brown, Geo. F. Benjamin, George L. Boss, G. H. Cunningham, Daniel Carpenter, Benjamin F. Clark, John Campbell, Walter A. Eames, John R. Farnum, Charles H. Farmer, P. W. Fletcher, George S. Gilchrist, Artemas H. Gibson, William Gibson, Wm. T. Griswold, Chas. E. Griswold, Kilburn Harwood, Granville Hosmer, Henry J. Hosmer, Joel K. Hosmer, Jos. R. Houghton^ Henry L. Joslin, Albert Litchfield, Amos W. Lawrence, Joseph A. Marshall John E. Morse, Jos. L. Moody, Frank S. Marshall, Reg't. Co. 25 F 15 I 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 15 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B , 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B , 15 B , 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B ,15 B ,15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B GO WORCESTER COUNTY Name. Heg't. Chas. M. Caswell, 21 Geo. A. Whitcomb, 21 A. C. Whitcomb, 21 Fred. G. Bliss, 1st bat. Geo. A. Gould, Calvin W. Lamb, Geo. G. Farwell, Wm. H. Persons, Pat. O'Donnell, Wm. E. Herseh, Geo. F. Maynard, 25 Geo. Hudson, 25 Thos. J. Lobdcll, 25 Thos. J.Lobdell,Jr. 25 Cyrus W. Pratt, Joseph Flaga:, H. A. J). Gerry, A. S. Farwell, Chas. E. Upton, John Simonds, 25 25 25 25 25 25 Name. Horace T. Pope, Georo-e W. Philips, Joel Pratt, John H. Prichard, John B. Ring, Alvan A. Simonds, Henry L. iSheldon, Frank Scott. Lyman VL. Stone, Thomas P. Taylor, H. F. Whittemore, Orlando Wetherbee Stillman W. Edgell Lemuel W. Gibson, H. D. Mclntire, Chas. A. Wheeler, George C. Taylor, Charles D. Monroe, Ai D. Osborne, Elijah M. Scott, Eegt. Co. 15 B 15 B ]5 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B , 15 B 1, 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B 15 B , 15 B 15 B 15 B BY WILLIAM P. DAT. 4^ Travelers who patronize this House, will be carried to and from the Kailroad Depots /ree of exioenae. The publisher of the "County Record" regrets that cir- cumstances oblige him to omit the advertisements of mer- chants and traders in Fitchburg, but knowing they have abundant means of local advertising, trusts the disappoint- ment will not be so great to them as it is to him. STATISTICAL RECORD. 61 GARDNER. Incorporated 1785. VALTJATTo>f.— Real, $589,239; Personal. $294,749: No. of Inhabiiants, 2,040 ; No. of Polls, 075 ; No. of Acres, 12,473 5-0. Appropriations for 1802. — $0,400. Selectmen. — Amasa Bancroft, Thorley Coilester, Jonas Pierce. Assessors. — Ivers Whitney, Thomas E. Glazier, Aaron Greenwood. School Committee. — Cyrus K. Wood, C. Webster Bush, John M. Moore. Town Clerk. — Francis Richardson. Tr'casurer mid Collector. — Elisha S. Jackson. Constables. — Thomas E. Glazier, Rufus Warren. Physicians. — David Parker, Edward J. Sawyer, R. F. An- drews, Allopathic. Churches. — First Church (Orthodox), Rev. John C. Paine; EvanSTO]V. Incorporated June 13, 1767. Valtjatiox.— Real, $521,540 ; Personal, 159,991 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,621; No. of Polls, 390 j No. of Acres, | 25,739. Approjjriations for 1862.— For Schools, $1,400. Highways, $1,600. Other purposes, $2,00C . Selectmen. — John F. Woodward, Lyman Greenwood, Moses | C. Wheeler. Assessors. — Aimer Gay, William Joslin, Lyman Woodward. School Committee. — Abel Howe, James H. Gleason, Horace Underwood Town Clerk.— Wm. Bennett. Treasurer. — Benj. D. Phelps. Collector and Constable. — William J, Eveleth. Physicians.— M. Phelps, Wm. H. Lincoln, S. E. Sylvester. Churches. — Calvinistic, ; Unitarian, — — — ; Meth- odist, Eev. Rodney Gage. Postmaster.— \Ni\\vAm H. Whittemore. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Keg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. George A. Tenney, 1 C AVm. H, Sargeiit, 1st bat. B Stephen H. Parker, 2 F S. C. Young, a B Eli Hunting, 2 F M. C. Young, « B Alfred R. Parker, 2 F Charles W. Allen, 15 D William H. Heald, 2 F Timothy S. Heald, 25 Irving C. Gates, 11 C Geo. A. Browning, 25 Charles A. Bartlett, 12 B Geo. W. Blood, 25 Stephen T. Cole, 12 B Samuel Bishop, 25 Isaac Newton, 12 B Sumner Frost, 25 Edward J. Kendall, 22 D Joseph W. Moore, 25 Parker S. Wright, 22 D William G. Pond, 25 T. Laughna. 21 C Alson W. Clark, 25 K Daniel A. Hunting, 21 K Eli E. Clark, 25 K Dean Moore, 21 K Miron W. Davis, 25 K Geo. S. Maynard, 21 K John H, Devereux, 25 K Charles E. Stowe, 21 K Seth E. Lewis, 25 K John A. Smith, 21 K Roland Pond, 25 K Geo. W. Marten, 1st bat. B George H. Pond, 25 K Willard Parsons, " B Charles F. Tenney, 25 K S. H. Sargent, " B 70 WORCESTER COUNTY JL.ANCASTER. Incorporated 1653. Valuation.— Real, 619,962; Personal, 329,676 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,932; No. of Polls, 435; No. of Acres. | 16,199*. Appropriations for 1862. — $7,276. Selectmen. — Geo. W. Howe, Jeremiah Moore, Jonathan | Buttrick. Assessors. — Solon Whiting, Silas Thurston, Warren Davis. | School Committee. — Silas Thurston, Amos E. Lawrence, | M. C. Stebbins. Town Clerk. — J. L. S. Thompson. Treasurer, — C. A. Pollard. Collector.— Geo. W. Howe. OonsiaMes.— Joel Wilder, Stevens H. Turner. Physicians. — J. L. S. Thompson, Right Cummings, Alio- | pathic ; R. Barron, Eclectic and Spiritual ; Dr. Lyon. | Postmaster. — Humphrey Barrett. VOLUXTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Charles Cady, 11 H F. H. Farnsworth, 15 C Wm. Thompson, 16 B James M. Gray, 15 C Geo. A. Barnes, 16 C Hiram Makepeace, 15 c Caleb W. Sweet, 23 H Henry H. Rugg, 15 c James G. True, 28 N. Alexander, 15 c George H. True, 28 C. H. Balcom, 15 c Wm. H. Bobbins, 21 S. Kittredge, 15 c Edward F. Field, 21 E R. A. Moses, 15 c Wm. L. Fox, 21 E Isaac N. Cutler, 15 c James E. Burke, 21 E Edwin Willard, 15 c Cha's E. McQuillan, 21 E Wm. H. Bergen, 15 D Frank E. Pierce,- 21 E Warren Ellis, 15 F Eben'r Richards, 21 E George C. Mann, 15 F Oliver B. Sawyer, 21 E George W. Cutler, 15 C James H. Beard, 25 C John Kirchner, 15 C Tho's H. Davidson, 15 A Luther G. Turner, 15 C Jos. W. Kingsbury, 15 A James G. Warner, 15 C F. II. Fairbanks, 15 C STATISTICAL RECORD. 71 L.EOMIXSTER. Incorporated 17-10. Valuation.— Keal. $1,236,440 ; Personal. $593,099 ; No. of Inhabitants, 3,522 ; No. of Polls, 828 ; No. of Acres, 17,353. Appropriations /or 1862.— For Schools, $3,230. Supportof Poor, $1,200. Highways, $800. Miscellaneous, $3,467 34. Selectmen. — Manson D. Haws, John H. Lockey, Alanson Richardson. Assessors. — Alanson Richardson, Charles C. Boyden, N. C. Estabrook, Jr. School Committee. — C. C. Field, C. H. Men-iam, J. Bennett. Town Clerk.— J. C. Allen. Treasurer. — P. Piper. Collector. — James Bennett. Constables. — Emery Tilton, Whiting Gates, Gr. S. Burrage. Physicians. — Caleb C. Field, George W. Pierce, Allopathic ; H. D. Jillson, Eclectic. Churches. — First Congregational (Unitarian,) Rev. Eli Fay; Evangelical (Calvinistic Trinitarian, ) Rev. J. W. Backus ; Baptist, Rev. Watson ; Methodist, Rev. J. W. P. Jordan ; Catholic, . Postmasters. — Leominster, C. H. Colburn, ; North Leomin- ster, W. F. Howe, Name. R( Charles C. Cook, Worcester F. Dodge, Charles A. Chase, Joseph G. Eaton, Warren E. Gilchrist, Frank W. Lewis, Loren L. Moors, Charles Tisdale, Andrew Tisdale, George E. Tisdale, John Tisdale, H. P. Wheeler, James M. Mellen, James A. Munroe, Name. Reg't Reuben M. Holmari, 15 Everett A. Brown, 15 Charles H. Stevens, 15 Wm. E. Wheelock, 15 W. ^Y. Derby, 15 John M. Bobbins, 15 S. F. Maynard, 15 Horatio Willard, 15 Gilman F. Moore, James F. Bartlett, Eugene Bennett, Frank C. Benton, Jas. S. Brown, Robert Brown, 15 Band 15 A 72 WORCESTER COUNTY 1 Name. Keg't. Co. Name. Reg't. CO. Luke A. Wilder, 1 D Geo. W. Brown, 15 A William Holmes, 1 E Charles T. Brown, 15 A George F. In gall, 1 E Osgood J. Bugbee, 15 A William Cassady, 2 D Lucien A. Cook, 15 A Albert Houehton. John H. Grain, 15 A George R. Phillips, George B. Damon, 15 ^ Abner Wheeler, 11 c Walden W. Davis, 15 A George Parmenter, 22 I Sumner N. Frost, 15 A Albert L. Wilder, 23 H Daniel Dunn, 15 A Charles C. Cook, 23 Band Cha's H. Fletcher, 15 A Joseph F. Chaffin, 23 " Franklin Gardner, 15 A Fred. D. Goodwin, 23 a Geo. H. Gallup, 15 A John Foster. 26 Luther S. Hapgood 15 A Timothy Sullivan, 29 F Joseph H. Hapgood , 15 A John Schouw, 29 H Thomas A. Joslin, 15 A James Cutler, 29 H Augustus Johnson, 15 A Geoi-ge Curtis, 29 H Charles Joy, 15 A Meland Harris, 30 H Charles F. May, 15 A Oliver J. Putnam, 30 William Maynard, 15 A Benj. Owen 21 D Curtis G. Morse, 15 A Charles E. Yose, 21 E John W. Nourse, 15 Al John A. Parmenter ,21 E Cha's C. Nichols, 15 A Cha's H. Sinclair, 21 E Moses L. Nutting, 15 A Albert M. Thomas, 21 E Albert A. Pelton, 15 A Charles E. Gould, 21 H Edward B. Rollins, 15 A Albert F. Creed, 21 H Andrew J, Rugg, 15 A Wm. H. Johnson, 21 H Thomas B. Ross, 15 A George Holt, 21 John P. Snow, 15 A Geo. H. Houghton, 21 S. S. Stocking, 15 A Alanson R. Owens, 21 Henry T. Taylor, 15 A Geo. F. Wheelock, 21 Cha's B. Woods, 15 A Henry K. Derby, 1st bat. Joseph Willard, 15 A J. D. Robinson, '• B George E. Wilder, 15 A Orin H. Bucfe, " B Edwin D. Wilder, 15 A Silas Newton, (( B Cha's H. Wilder, 15 A H. L. Wheeler, B C. E. Wilder, 15 A John D. Ware, it B AVm. B. Whitney, 15 A John Loyns, 25 E Edward Wilson, 15 A Patrick Leahcy, 25 E Cha's A. AVheelock, 15 A Edw'd W. D. Elleck, 25 F Cha's A. Colburn, 15 A David S, Sawyer, 25 I Cha's A. Lamb, 15 A Adolphus Horwe, 15 K Andrew W. Cowdr> ,15 A Frank E. Colburn, 15 A STATISTICAL RECORD. 73 L.IJNENBURG. Incorporated 1728. Valuation.— Real, $540,158; Personal, $199,786; No. of Inhabitants, 1,212 ; No. of Polls, 328 ; No. of Acres, 16,263i. Appropriations for 1862.— $2,725. Selectmen. — Luther E. Lane, Asa Whiting, Humphrey B. Heywood. Assessors. — The Selectmen. School Oommittee. — Ephraim Graham, Charles A. Good- rich, Charles C. Topliflf. Town Clerk and Treasurer. — James Putnam. Collector. — James W. Fessenden. Constable. — James Page. P%si*cmn8.— Charles C. Topliff, Samuel D. King, Allo- pathic. Postmaster. — Daniel Putnam. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Eeg't, Co. Name. Eeg't. Co. Alfred Billings, 2 D Peter Smith, 23 H Amos Billings, 2 D Warren Wyeth, 23 H Georges. Curtis, 2 D Richard H. Wyeth, 23 H Thomas Largeer, 2 D Gilbert Cook, 26 B Charles C. Walker, 2 D Euther A. Lancey, 26 B Chas. D. Litchfield, 2 D George A. Lancey, 26 B Roswell G. Adams, 16 C Dana Spaulding, 26 B Charles Kilburn, 23 H Wm. D. Perry, 30 D Ansel A. Stall, 23 H Amos W. Gleason, 21 D Henry P. Kilburn, 23 H George S. Smith, 21 D Joseph B. Graves, 23 H Joseph R. Graves, 1st cav. James. M. Hildreth, 23 H George V. Ball, 25 F Chas. B. Longley, 23 H Samuel Hartwell, 25 F John E. Lyons, 23 H Alonzo Whiting, 25 F Charles E. Oliver, 23 H C. D. Sanderson, 25 F Wm. B. Stall, 23 H Noah Winn, 25 F Note.— The town of Leicester having been omitted in its proper place, will be found directly after the town of Milford. 74 WORCESTER COUNTY MEIVDOX. Incorporated May 15th, 1667. Valuation.— Real, $461,585; Personal, $226,712 ; No of Inhabitants, 1,351 ; No. of Polls, 317 : No. of Acres, | 10,543. Appropriations for 1862. — $2,800. Selectmen. — Alexander H. Allen, Henry A. Aldrich, Austin | Wood. Assessors.— Francis E. Wheelock, Austin Wood, Charles | Fletcher. ScTiool Committee. — Dr. John G. Metcalf, Alanson S. F ree- man, Alexander H. Allen. Town C/erA;.— David Adams. Treasurer. — John Gr. Metcalf. Collector. — Francis E. Wheelock. Constable. — George W. Thayer. Physician. — John G. Metcalf, Allopathic. Postmaster. — Henry A. Aldrich. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. N limes. Reg't. Co. Chas. E. Green, 10 G Albert Cook, 25 B Baron P. Levewell, 22 G Alderman C. Cook, 25 B L. 13. Doggett, 22 G D. D. Davenport, 25 B David Harrington, 22 G Joseph M. Ellis, 25 B Abel Weatherhead, 22 G Edwin C. Gaskill, 25 B II. M. Wheelock, 22 G Leonard V. Gaskill 25 B A. E. Batheric, 24 C John B. Rockwood, 25 B J. Saunders, 26 Band Lewis W. Smith, 25 B Wm. Cosgrove, 30 Samuel AV. Smith, 25 B Orlando Mclntire, 15 E Nathan Wheelock, 25 B Chas. H. Wheelock, 15 II E. M. Wheelock, 25 B Stephen Smith, 15 H Samuel Hall, 25 C Caleb H. Arnold, 15 K Patrick Wallace, 25 G Charles H. Spencer, 25 B John J. Hall, 25 I Herbert A. Bennett, 25 B STATISTICAL RECORD. 75 M1L.FORD. Incorporated 1780. Valuation.— Real, $2,409,050 ; Personal, $865,134 : No. of Inhabitants, 9,132 j No. of Polls, 2,429; No. of Acres, ll,896i. A2)2-)ropriations for 1862.— For schools, $6,000. Support of poor, $2,000. Koads, $2,500. Families of volunteers, $20,000. Incidental charges, $17,000. Selectmen. — Obed Daniels, Leonard Hunt, George Jones. Assessors. — Daniel S. Chapin, Charles F. Chapin, James H. Barker. School Committee. — H. H. Bowers, Hiram Carpenter, Geo. G. Parker, Leander Holbrook, George Hill, Winslow Battles. Toicn Clerk. — Lewis Falcs. Treasurer. — Sylvester Dean. Collector. — J. D. Hunt. Constahles. — Charles M. Jones, Charles Leland, David A. Smith. Physicians. — Francis Leland, A. C. Fay, John Barnes, W. M. Parker, Allopathic ; A. E. & D. C. Hoyt, Ptoyal Cummings, Botanic ; Dwight Russell, Hydropathic and Eclectic. Churches. — First Congregational Parish, no settled pastor ; Central Baptist, J. Ricker; Methodist, E. S. Best; Universalist, Geo. Hill ; Hopedale Community, Adin Ballou. NeiDsjmpers. — Milford Journal, Francis P. Crocker, Pub- lisher; M. C. Crocker, Editor. Postmaster. — Adam Hunt. 76 WORCESTER COUNTY MILFORD VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co James McAnarey, 19 K Winfield Frevitt, 16 B Henry D. Brooks, 26 Band Hugh Connelly, 16 F Dexter Clafflin, 26 <( H. F. Whitcomb, 18 D Samuel S. Evans, 26 li Dennis Ford, 19 E Francis Lothrop, 26 K Michael Magee, 19 E Edw. E. Johnson, 28 B William Stewart, 19 Band | Stephen Cronan, 28 D Patrick Gallan, 19 F Oscar H. Bassett, 29 A Patrick Kelly, 19 F Chandler H. Pond, 29 A James Kelly, 19 F Byron Rice, 29 A Martin Lyons, 19 F Daniel E. Higgins, 29 B Michael Lyons, 19 F Daniel E,. Johnson, 29 B Joseph McMaley, 19 F William Williams, 29 B Timothy Quin, 19 F James M, Mason, 16 B John Rourke, 19 F Dana A. Field, 1st cav Mark Tiernan, 19 F Jesse F. Stimpson, , 2 B Thomas Welch, 19 F Daniel A. Hatch, 2 C James W. Henry, 19 I Thomas Gatchell, 2 E James M. Hovey, 19 I Alfred P. Bemick, 2 E Lawrence Boel, 19' K Patrick Bradley, 2 E Stephen Bergin, 19 K John Huntress, 2 E James P. Clare, 19 K Lawrence Leonard, 2 E Lawrence Coney, 19 K Samuel A. Mather, 2 E Geo. Fitzgerald, 19 K Timothy Sullivan, 2 E Patrick Kennedy, 19 K Daniel Wynn, 2 E Ethan Allen, 15 A Amos L. Madden, 2 G I. W. Cook, 15 G Stephen G. Perkins, 2 H Luke Nolan, 15 K Cha's W. Knowles, 7 H E. F. Pond, George H. Shepard, 7 H Liberty W. Burr, 25 B Victor Gibson, 9 Band George Crocker, 25 D Hugh McGlone, 9 A Richard Donovan, 25 E John O'Brien, 9 D Cornelius Farren, 25 E Timothy Cahill, 9 E Patrick Hanagan, 25 E Martin Jenkins, 9 E Bart. Hennelly, 25 E Bernard Monahan, 9 E Daniel Williams, 25 G John Spelman, 9 E John G. McCarter, 25 B Mark Tiernan, 9 E Sylvester P. Krum, 25 B James Walsh, 9 E Paran C. H. Belcher ,25 B Wm. H. Armstrong, 9 G Otis W. Holmes, 25 B Timothy Burke, 9 K Albert W. Cook, 25 B Richard Welsh, 11 « Henry C. Ellis, 25 B STATISTICAL RECORD. 11 Names. Reg't. Co.! Names. Eeg't. Co. David L. Day, 2.> B Thomas Curley, 28 K R. F. Leonard, 25 B Peter Cherry, 28 K Horace (1. Whiting, 2.3 B Martin Coffey. 28 K Chas. E. Buffiugton , 2o B Henry Devlin, 28 K Henry C. Dunton, 25 B John Doyle, 28 K Araasa H. Fisher, 25 B Patrick Deynan, 28 K Ira D. Bated, 25 B .James Donahoe, 28 K George S. Adams, 25 B Cornelius Dunn, 28 K James A. Burnham 25 B Cornelius Donovan , 28 K Elie G. Ball, 22 B Richard Deleny, 28 K Geo. W. Bachelor, 25 B Cornelius Dorhety, 28 K Edwin Balcomb, 25 B Patrick Dillon, 28 K L. F. Bachelor, 25 B Michael Dalej-, 28 K Andrew Bagley, 25 B James Dugan, 28 K William Burke, 25 B William Foley, 28 K Chas. F. Barnard, 25 ]3 Peter Foley, 28 K George Clere, 25 B Martin Finn, 28 K Bnbert Cortrell, 25 B James Ferguson, 28 K Wra. H. Fairbanks, 25 B Edward Farrell, 28 K Edw. Fanning, 25 B .John Griffin, 28 K Jas. M. Holbrook, 25 B Barney Gibbons, 11 K Rob't S. Holbrook, 25 B Cornelius Graj^, K John Higgings, 25 B .John Horner, 28 K 1 .John S. Horton, 25 B Edward Holohan, 28 K i L. D. Hadley, 25 B Edward Ivane, 28 K 1 Michael Keating, 25 B Patrick Kane, 28 K 1 Albert Littlefield, 25 B Thomas T. ICenny, 28 K ; Chas. A. Lewis. 25 B Patrick Kennedy, 28 K j (ifeorge H. ]\Larshal ,25 B Timothy Kane, 28 K ! Henry N. Madden, 25 B Patrick Ivenny, 28 K John Q. Mason. 25 B Michael Lavin, 28 K H. N, Farkhurst, 25 B -John Manning, 28 K Allen Price, 25 B .James Mallon, 28 K Edwin F. Pond, 25 B Patrick Mackin, 28 K Elijah Rockwood, 25 B Michael Melan, 28 K A. W. Rockwood, 25 B James McKenna, 28 K 1 John A. Shepard, 25 B Jacob Maxum, 28 K Wm. Ail^^ilton, 25 E Michael Moone}^ 28 K Albert H. Tucker, 25 B John Moore, 28 K Orrison C. Taft, 25 B Edward Murphy, 28 K Dexter Vant, 25 B Martin McGee, 28 K Reuben Willis, 25 B T. McCormack, 28 K Willis Whipple, E 25 B John Maher, 28 K 78 WORCESTER COUNTY N ames. Launcelot Waldron, John Sullivan, Wm. Holland, Patrick McGuire, Andrew H. Doyle, Thomas Griffin, Michael Flaherty, John Cooley, Patrick Nolan, James Ward, Cornelius Keating, Barney Baxter, Peter Brock, James Brigdale, Patrick Brigdale, James Cannon, Ist, James Cannon, 2d, John Crawford, William Currey, Reg't. Co , 2o B 28 K '2S K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 Band 1 28 ii 28 K 2S K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K 28 K Names. Martin Mullen, Daniel O'Shea, David Roach, Michael Ryan. Levi Ramsden, Thomas Shine, 2d, James C. Smith, Levi L. Smith, Thomas Walls, George C. White, Edward Walsh, Miles Flynn, Dennis Brogan, Michael G alien, Samuel P. Oliver, Patrick Peddid, Dennis Shea, Martin Foley, Heg't. Co. T. O. KENT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, JUSTICE OF THE TEACK AND QUORUM FOR THE STATE, Commissioner to qualify Civil Officers, Commissioner of Insolvencj'. OFFICE IN IRVING BLOCK, Corner of Msiin and Exchange Sts., Milford. W . O . P K K R I CI O , Dealer in Fruits, Confectionery and Fancy Goods, 98 MAIN ST., CORNER OP JEFFERSON ST., N/1ll_FORD Isl. HARRIS, i>e:a.il.eti iiv FXJPtiviTXjriE, CARPETING, CROCKERY. Glass and Britannia Ware, Feathers, Matresses and Bedding. Also, Paper Hangings. Curtains. Fixtures, Stoves, Tin and Wooden Ware, and a general assortment of House Furnishing Goods. 160 and 162 3Iain Street, Milford, Mass. A. C. MAYH]':W & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IM BOOTS A^JD LEATHER, MILFORD, MASS. J8®=" Salesroom, 91 Milk street, Boston. STATISTICAL RECORD. 79 R . L . E> A R L I N a , Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, NO. 124 MAIN STREET, MILFORD, MASS. C L A R K c\L- FIELD, i»rioviiBioiv i>EA.iiiii:i?,s, MEAT MARKET, No. 1 Church Klocic, Milford, Mass. OEOROE ealer in Clioice Fa-iiiily Grroceries, | DRY GOODS. Paper Hangings, Glour, Grain, and Farmers' Produce generally First Building South of Oxford Bank. 94 WORCESTER COUNTY GIBSON'S SALOON, OPPOSI-TB -THE DERO-r, OXFORD, MASS, REFRESHMENTS SERVED UP AT SHORT NOTICE. N. B. Home-Made Pastry always on hand. WILLIAM GIBSON. L. \V. OADY, i TIN AND SHEET IRON WORKER,! OXFORD, MASS. [ Stoves and Tin "Ware. Roofing Conductors and Gutters. Pumps Set and Repaired. N. B, Agent for S. L. Avery's Patent Water Drawer. L.IVERY STABLE. First Class Teams to Let, on Reasonable Terms. 4G^Also, Stabling for Horses. T. S. MERRTAM, Proprietor. OXFOIlI> HOTEJL-, OXFORD. MASS. The subscriber has leased the above hotel, and will be happy to re- ceive his friends, and the public generally. Billiard Rooms and Bowling Alley connected with the house. Private parties supplied with our best dishes, cooked in the best style. B. F. SIBLEY. HARWOOD & P0P:E, Dealers in Newspapers and Periodicals, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES AND FANCY GOODS. 5®" Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and warrant- ed. Sign of the Big Watch, Near Uiiiversalist Church, Oxford, Mass. B. W. CHIL.DS, JR., Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, TAPER HANGINGS, Flour, Grain, Meal, Salt, and all kinds of Choice Groceries. OXFORO, rviASS. STATISTICAL RECORD. 95 PAXTON. I\!OnPOKATED 1765. Valuation.— Real, $207,800; Personal, $80,953; No. of Inhabitants, 725; No. of Polls, 212; No. of Acres, 8,724i. Apjiropriations for 1862.— $3,514. Selectmen. — David G. Davis, Lewis Bigelow, Hiram P. Bemis. Anses8ors. — David Harrington, George W. Partridge, Silas D. Harrington. School Committee. — George S. Lakin, Wm. Phipps, Am- brose Eames. Town Cl-erk. — John C. Bigelow. Trcamrer, — Charles Dodd. Collecti:>r. — Dwight Estabrook. Constables. — Henry A. Allen, Darwin R. Boynton. Physician. — Ambrose Eames, Allopathic. Postmaster. — Nathaniel Clark. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Edward E. Monroe, 21 F Hiram A. Parkhurst, 25 D D. W. Cummings, 21 K Geo. R. Browning, 25 D Chas. 0. Goodnow, 15 D H. A. Browning, 25 D James Holmes, 15 D John D. Pierce, 25 D Herbert L. Cheeney, 15 D Otis Damon, 25 K Hollis Howe, 15 D Edwin F. Pratt, 26 K Samuel C. Orland, 15 G C. A. Harrington, 26 K Charles H. Goff, 15 D 96 WORCESTER COUXTY PETERSHAM. Incokporated 1754. Valuation.— Real, 1458,534 ; Personal, $lS2.491 ; IS^o. of Inhabitants, 1,465- 'No. of Polls, 377; No. of Acres, 23,227. AppropTiations for 1862. — Highways, $1,000. Schools, $1,200. Poor, $600. Town charges, $3,200. Selectmen. — Joseph W. Upton, S. D. Ooddard, Orin Tower. Assessors. — Cephas Willard, Thomas Aldrich, Hudson Tol- man. School Committee. — John A. Wilder, Lyman W. Hapgood, Frank A. Wood. Town Clerk. — Lewis Whitney. Treasurer. — Collins Andrews. Collector and Constable. — George White. Physician. — Frank A. Wood, Allopathic. Postmaster. — Samson Witherell. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Ellis P. Arnsden, 31 C Samuel Young, 21 F Jacob E. Arnsden, 31 C Calvin Aldrich, 21 K H. Cutler, 31 C German Legara, 21 K James Forbes, 31 C Daniel Noonon, 21 K Geo. F. Newton, 31 c Frank L. Stowell, 21 K Leonard Stone, 31 c Geo. W. Young, 21 K Albert W. Stevens, 31 D Thos. E. Field, 1st ca^ -. Horace W. Pike, 31 H H. R. R. Collins, a John Young, 31 H Geo. W. .JillsoD, 25 D F. N. Peckham. 21 A STATISTICAL RECORD. 97 PHILLIPSTO^. IxCOrcPORATED AS THE TOWN OF GkRRY OcT. 20, 1786, AND ALTERED TO PhiLLIPSTON FeB. 5, 1814. Valuation.— Real. $223,978 ; Personal, $62,265 ; No. of Inhabitants, 764; No. of Polls, 195; No. of Acres, Approjiriations for 1862.— For Schools, $600. Highways, $800. Town charges, $1,500. Selectmen and Assessors. — CourtlanJ Sanderson, Emory Bates, Thomas Martin. Softool Committee. — Jason Goulding, Pliny N. Wai'd, Reu- ben Spaulding. Town Clerk. — Thomas Martin. Treasurer and Collector. — Jason Goulding. Constable. — Jason Goulding. Postmaster. — Jason Goulding. Name. Cyrus W. Bryant, Joseph M. Newton, George Rich, Ethan Blodgett, x\mbrose P. Chase, J. B. Cummings, F. M. Sanderson, Roswell L. Doane, Pliny F. Fuller, Alphonso L. Stacy, 21 Fl VOLUNTEERS. Eeg't. Co. Name. Eeg't. Co 2 F George V. Oakes, 27 B , .",0 E Geo. A. Martin, 27 B 21 Band Amos Upham, 27 B 21 A Theo. Washburn, 27 B , 21 A John Clark, 27 B 21 A Anson A. Osgood, 1st bat A 21 A A. L, Parker, a A 21 A Albert Pierce, " D 21 A Benj. R. Manning, 25 I , 21 G 98 WORCESTER COUXTY PRINCETOX. INCORPORATED Oct 20th, 1759, Valtjatiox.— Eeal. $547,283; Personal, $180,318; No .of InhaJjitants, 1,201; No. of Polls, 332; No. of Acres, | 22,136. Approjiyiationsfor 18G2. — Schools, $1,000. Highways and bridges, $1,500. | New county road, $1,000. Incidental expenses, $1,200. Selectmen. — Ezra S. Keyes, Asa H. Goddard, Phineas A. Beaman. Assessors. — A. G. Thompson, Wm. H. Brown, George F. Folger. School Comviittee. — Dr. Alphonso Brooks, Kev. Wm. T. Briggs, Edward E. Hartwell. Totcn Clerk. — D. H. Gregory. Treasurer and Collector. — George 0. Skinner. Constables. — Asa H. Goddard, Amos H. Keyes. Physicians. — Alphonso Brooks, Joseph 0. West, Allopathic. | Poi^tmaster. — Dr. Alphonso Brooks. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Eeg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Chas. T. Love, 13 I Luther B. Howe, 25 F Joseph P. Reed, 22 Band Chas. H. Maynard, 25 F A. H. Skinner, 22 '' Dexter E. Gleason, 25 H Chas. A. Skinner, 22 " Henry Holden, 25 H Chas. E. Loring, 22 '' J. W. Kendall, 25 H Wilkes Davis, 22 " Wm. A. Watson, 25 H Henry C. Boyls, 22 " Geo. M. Eveleth, 25 H Geo. W. Wilson, 21 E Wm. H. Eveleth, 25 H Cyrus Ay res, 21 E Charles Holman, 25 H Thomas Cotton, 25 D Jos. M. Howe. 15 A Godfrey Levallj', 2a p] G. W. Whitcoml), 15 B Thos. McQuade, 25 E L. Loring, 15 C Wm. B. Howe, 25 F STATISTICAL RECORD. 99 R0YAI.ST01V. Incorporated .* Valuation.— Real, $510,243 ; Personal, $272,822 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,486; No. of Polls, 400 ; No. of Ac •es. 26,882. Selectmen and Assessors.- -Wm. W. Clement, Richard Baker, | Cyrus B. Reed. School Committee. — Rev. Mr. Seabury, Rev. Mr. Bullard, j Dr. I. P. Willis. Town C^er/.;.— Charles H Newton. Treasurer. — L. Wheeler. Constables. —QhsixlQS H. S'ewton, Wm. Knight. * No official return of appropriations received. VOLUNTEERS, Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Eeg't. Co. Edvv. 0. Vose, 2 F Lvman S. Wheeler, 25 A. T. Bradish, 2 I Harlan P. Metcalf, 25 . John T. Small, 19 A Geo. W. AVilson, 25 Wm. Welsh, 24 (1 Hosea A. Bosworth, 25 Courtland A. Clark, 21 Band Joel S. Bosworth, 25 Joseph S. Garner 21 " Wm. H. Chase, 25 Jonas (xreelev, 21 A John S. Chase, 25 S. S. Hayward, 21 A Jay Davis, 25 Nathan S. Day, 21 G Byron Doane, 25 F. A. Eddv. 21 G Aaron A. Grant, 25 Frank Fla<;o-, 21 G Wesley D. Goddard, 25 Henry E. Knight, 21 G Wm. il. Howard, 25 Chauncey Norcross, 21 G Nelson F. Peck, 25 Wm. H. Sprague, 27 B Alex. Stewart, 25 Levi Bosworth, 27 B H. K. Sampson, 25 Prescott M. Metcalf, 27 B Warren L. Wheeler, 25 Elkanah Paine, Jr., 27 B Henry S. Wood, 25 James Townsend, 27 B Charles Wilson, 25 Allen Fish, 1st bat B Geo. N. Wheeler, 25 J. C. W. T. M. Skirwin, Marcus Walker, 25 1st bat B Augustus Flagg, 15 B Joseph T. Nichols, 25 I Flavcl Leach, 15 B David W. Day, 25 I Silas M. Newton, 15 B r2 100 WORCESTER COUNTY RUTLAND. Incorporated 1722. Valttation.— Real, 399,283; Personal, 107,453,- No. of Inhabitants, 1,076; Xo. of Polls, 277; No. of Acres. 21,713. Apj)ropriations for 1862. — For schools, $1,000. Town charges, $3,000. Selectmen. — Joseph Davis, Hervey Wilson, .Joseph Stone. Assessors. — Alonzo Davis, Miles Demond, Abram H. Tem- ple. School Committee. — J. Warren Bigelow, James T. Rood, Abram H. Temple. Town Clerk.— Z. W. Gates. Treasurer and Collector. — Z. G. Carpenter. Constable. — William Estabrook. Physicians. — Benjamin H. Tripp, James T. Rood, Allo- pathic. Churches. — Congregational Trinitarian, Rev. Clarendon AVaite ; Methodist Episcopal, Rev, B. F. Whittemore^ Postmaster. — Joseph Davis. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Edw. D. Wetherbee, 20 E Wm. E. Brvant, Ji . 25 H Isaac E. Parker, 21 K C. P. Damon. 25 K 0. P. Judkins, 21 K S. C. Thompson, 25 K Thos. Marshall, 21 K S. W. Armington, 15 D Edw. F. Preston, 1st bat. Jos. Bcrrv, 15 G Geo. F. Bartlett, 25 D STATISTICAL RECORD. 101 J-. E. est^^b:e?,ooeZ:, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, I>ItXJOlS, 31 E I> I C I I>f E S, PAINTS AND DYE STUFFS. ALSO, MANUFACTURER OF THE UNRIVALLED LldUID BliUE, KNOWN AS THE EXCELSIOR INDIGO BLUEING, All orders for which will be promptly answered. RUTLAND, MASS. f- - 102 WORCESTER COUNTY SHREWSBURY. Incorporated Dec. 15, 1727. Valuation.— Real, $690,730; Personal, $327,010; No. of Inhabitants, 1,558 ; No. of Polls, 137 ; No. of Acres, 12,872i. Approjn-iations for 1862. — For schools, $1,000. Highways and bridges, $1,000. To replenish treasury, $2,000. Selectmen. — Charles 0. Green, Franklin A. Sawyer, Alvin Henshaw. Henr}" E. Warren, Asa B. Ivnowlton. Assessors. — Geo. Leonard, Samuel B. Boutell, Geo. S. Parks. School Committee. — Rev. Wm. A. McGinley, Wm. H. Knowlton, Esq., Henry Harlow. Town Clerk.— Fved A. Brigham. Treasurer and Collector. — Lozano C. Knowlton. Constables. — Samuel Jordan, George E. Palmer. Physicians. — Frederick A. Jewett, John J. Witherbee, Al- lopathic. Churches. — Congregational Trinitarian, Rev. Wm. McGin- ley ; Methodist Episcopal, Rev, Wm. W. Colburn. Posimaster. — Samuel I. Howe. VOLUXTEERS. Name. Reg't. E. AV. Harrington, 22 Ba -C. H. Knowlton, 22 ' Gilmer S. Allen, 22 ■ E. J. Morton, 13 ' Densmore E. Hale, 23 ■ W. D. Maynard, 23 Jas. C. Eastman, 21 Edmund J. Reed, 28 Henry P. Rice, 31 Edward A. Andrew, -f- Henry K. Chapman, Appleton L. Sawyer, 13 James H. Cutting, 13 Thomas B. Eaton, 13 — ' Dexter C Nelson, 13 M. 0. Laughlin, 13 Geo. E. Sprague, 13 Wm. H. Wilson, 13 Frank P. Yfilson, Co. Moble Nieket, Elijah Smith, John M. Knapp, Wm. E. Shaw, " ^Calvin C. Pratt, ^ T. Harrington, Albert Kittredge, Marshall N. Rice, II Reg't. Geo. W. Sawyer, W- 15 -' - "■ - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 James T. Maynard, 25 Edw. Gleasou, Julius A, Green, Amasa S. Hyde, K^ Charles A. Hyde, K Joseph Neff, i< 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Cyrus T. Parmentcr, 25 Albert W. Carey, N. B. Garfield, Co. C E E G G G G G G H H H H H H H I K STATISTICAL RECORD. 103 SOUTHBOROCJGH. Incorporated 1727. Valuatio:^.— Recal, $724,304; Personal, $191,071; No. of Inhabitants, 1,854 ; No. of Polls, 443 ; No. of Acres, 9,254. Apiwoiiriations for 1862.— Town grant, $7,000. IIighwa.ys. $1,000. Schools, $1,800. • Support of poor, $400. Expenses of returning and burial of deceased volunteers, $500. Selectmen. — Sullivan Fay, Francis Fisher, B. F. Prentiss, Peter Fay, F. A. Dorr. Assessors. — Troyrbridge Brigham, Jonas Fay, James Wil- liams. School Committee. — R. Goddard, Peter Fay, Henry H. Peters. Toion Clerk, Treasurer and Collector. — Franklin Este. Constables. — John Blair, F. A. Dorr, Wm. D. Seavey. Phijslcian. — J. Henry Robinson, Allopathic. Churches. — Congregational, Rev. Wm. J. Breed ; Baptist, Austin Robbins ; Episcopalian, no pastor. Postmaster. — Solomon Este. John Haggerty, Michael Haggerty, Geo. E. OnthanV, Irving S. Hunt, George 0. Grady, Charles S. Parker, George Brown, George H. Moore, Charles B. Moore, Lowell P. Parker, Francis H. Stowe, VOLUNTP^ERS. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. 9 G Robert Crosby, 13 K 9 G A. E. Chamberlain, 13 K 11 D D. A. Chamberlain, 13 K 13 B Patrick H. Clearv, 13 K 13 Warren W. Day, 13 K 13 Edwin G. Dockham . 13 K 13 Geo. H. Gates, 13 K 13 Frank A. Gould, 13 K 13 Lyman A. Jones, 13 K 13 Joseph Martin, 13 K 13 D. D. Onthank, 13 K 104 WORCESTER COUNTY Charles Scott, 13 T George W. Nichols 16 E Horatio L. Fay. 20 I Vergennes 0. Hyde 20 I Simeon 0. Taylor, 26 E Edw. L. Loveland, 29 H Edw. F. Barney, 2d bat. Edward S.'Esty, 1st cav. Austin G. Parker. 13 G Charles F. Parker, 13 K Charles Baldwin, 13 K John F. Bates, 13 K Gardner R. Parker, 13 K Amos P. Sargent, 13 K Warren H. Stevens, 13 K f^harles A. Trask. 13 K W. AV. Williams,' 13 K William E. Fay, 25 C Geo. W. Williams, 25 C Francis Bird, 25 E Michael McMahone, 25 E Joseph Piaymond, 25 E Edward Roberts. 25 E CURTIS NEWTOJJ^, AUCTIONEER AND SPECIAL CORONER, SOUTHBORO', MASS. STATISTICAL RECORD. 105 SOUTHBRIDGE. Incorporated 1816. Valuation.— Real, $941,148; Personal, $495,486; No. of Inhabitants, 3,575; No. of Polls, 919; No, of Acres, ll,990i, Aiipropriations for 1862. — For district schools, $2,200. High School, $700, Highways and bridges, $1,400. Contingent expenses, $1,500. Support of poor, $1,000. Interest on town debt, $426. Selectmen. — Vcrney Fiske, Malcolm Ammidown, James Gleason. Assessors. — Sylvester Dresser, John 0. McKinstry, Man- ning Leonard. School Committee. — Rev. Eber Carpenter, Rev. W. W. Wil- son, Rev. Thomas Morong. Toiim Clerk.— J)?L-n\Q\ 0. F. Bacon. . Treasurer. — Samuel M. Lane. Collector. — Danforth K. Olney. Constables. — Solomon Thayer, Horace W. Bacon. Physician's. — Samuel Hartwell, Samuel C. Hartwell, Lucian AV. Curtis, Allopathic ; Henry D, West, Homeopathic. Overseers of Poor. — Daniel Whitford, George A. Dresser, A. J. Bartholomew. Churches. — Congregational, Rev. Eber Carpenter, Bap- tist, S. S. Parker , Methodist, N. D, George ; Union Thomas Morong ; Universalist, AV, AV. Wilson ; Cath- olic, James Quan. Novspaper. — Soutbridge Journal, Henry C. Gray, Pub- lisher. Postmaster. — Daniel F. Bacon. 106 WORCESTER COUNTY SOUTHBRIDGE VOLUNTEERS. Name. Beg't. Co. Name. Beg't. Co. Edward Byrne. 9 G L. Converse, 21 H Harrison A. Bond, 22 K Timothy Collins, 21 H Nathan B. Angell, 22 K Chas. H. Greenleaf, 21 H John L. Bartlett, 22 K Sam'l G. Irish, 21 H Andrew J. Clarke, 22 K John D. Fiske, 2d bat . David R. Horton, 22 K John G. Leach, 25 ' C John F, Pratt, 22 K J. A. McKinstre}', 25 C Anson Morse, 22 K John Stone, 25 c Daniel Walker, 22 K John Ryan, 25 c Henry Gr. Amidown, 22 K John E. Bassett, 25 D George Blackmore, 22 K George Link, 25 G Joseph Hannan, 21 B H. M. Carpenter, 15 B Albert Saunders, 21 C Chas. M. Hersey, 15 D Edward Welch, 21 C R. W. Cheeney, 15 E Chas. L. Horton, 21 C E. F. McKinstrey, 15 E Chas. H. Mellney, 21 F Wm. F. Miller, 15 E James Bryson, 21 H Wm. H. Smith, 15 B md MRS. A. CLEMENCE Begs to Inform her customers that she has received her Spring and Summer styles of 1 M I L L I X E R Y (j O O E> S To which she respectfully invites your attention. She tenders her s ncere thanks for the very liberal patronage she has heretofore re- ccived, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same. Main Street, Soothbridge. PATRICK KELLY, Dealer in Groceries, West India Goods, Flour, Grain, PROVISIONS, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Crockery, Stone and Wooden Ware. GLOBE VILLAGE, MASS. COMSTOCK & OLNEY. DEALERS IN CUSTOM AND READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS ANP TRIMMINGS, DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. Boots, Shoes, Flour, Grain, W. I. Goods and Groceries, Beef, Pork, Hanis, Lard, all kinds of Farming Tools, Crockery, Wooden and Stone Ware, and Produce. Soutkbridsc, Mass. STATISTICAL RECORD. 107 J . FLINT, JR ,, Dresser's Blocks f^lobe Village. Fruit, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars, constantly on hand. Oys ters served in any style. WILLIAM C. BARNES, BOOKSSIiLER AND STATIONER, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, Perfumery, Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Artists' Materials, Toys. Dresser's Block, Soutlibt-idge. JAMES GLEASON, Dealer in Flour, Grain, W. I. Goods, Groceries, PROVISl'-NS, STONE- AND WOODEN WARE. Constantly on hand a complete assortment of standard Patent Med- icines, Fancy Goods, Stationery, &c. Qi-OBE VIL.I_AQE, IVIASS. C. H. ROCK WOOD, (Successor to E. B. Blake,) Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, CIothiDg, CROCKERY AND PAPER HANGING. JS^ Millinery and Dress Making connected with the store. Globe Store, Globe Viilage, 3Iass. SOUTHBRIDGE, MaSS. Meals served up at short notice. Fruits. Nuts and Confectionery constantly on hand. Parlies supplied with all the luxuries of the season. CHARLES H. BIGELOW. [Established 1827.] SAMUEL K^EWELL, Dealer in rich and medium priced Parlor, Drawlng-Room, Chamber, and every variety of Common FURNITURE, LOOKING-Gi ASSES. MATTRESSES, Bedding, House Furnishing Goods, Wood and Willow Ware. Soutlibridge, Mass. REYNOLDS' EATING SA Main St., Soutlibridge, Mass. OYSTERS, FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Fresh Fish of all kinds In their season. Tobacco and Cigars con- stantly on hand. 108 AYORCESTER COUNTY DEALER IN GROCERIES AIND PROVISIONS, FLOUR, GRAIN, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Wooden and Stone Ware. Opposite Dresser's Block, . . . S^oiithbridge, I>lass. E. CALVERT'S EATINO HOUSE, Main Street, Sonllibridge. jg@=Fruit. Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars constantly on hand. Oysters served in any style. J. O- M'KINSTRY &. CO., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, DOOT.I iND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Furnishing Goods, and every other kind of Goods needed in a country community, on Pl-EASANT S-TREE-r, HEAO OF FI3KE: STREE-r, Globe Village, Mass. GLOBE VILLAGE HOTEL, On High Street, . . . Globe Village, 3Iass. The subscriber is prepared to furnish his guests with every accom- modation. Board by the week or day. Stable accommodation for Horses, and a good Livery Stable convenient to the house. N. B. ROTCE. ED WARDS HOUSE, Main Street, Corner of Elm, Soutlibridge, Mass. P. S. TURNEK, PROPRIETOR. C®- A good Livery Stable attached to the house. STATISTICAL RECORD. 109 SPENCER. Incorporated 1753. Valttatiox.— Real, $855,150 ; Personal, $432,466 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,777 ; No. of Polls, 749 ; No. of Acres, 20,457. A2}2))'oj)riat{ons for 1862. — For district schools, $2000. High school, $600. Highways, $1,000. Contingent expenses, $4,000. Selectmen. — Luther Hill, Dexter Bullard, Josiah Green, Ji'., Joshua Bemis, Jeremiah W. Drake. Assessors. — David Bemis, Geo, L. Hobbs, Nathan Hersey. School Committee. — Geo. L. Hobbs, T. T. Waterman. Toicn CTerZ;.— John N. Grout. Treasurer and Collector. — Thomas E. Whittemore. Constables. — Francis Adams, Horace A. Grout, D. K. Rath- burn. Physicians. — Jonas Guilford, Edward C. Dyer, Edward M. Wheeler, Allopathic. Postmaster. — Eli J. Whittemore. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Keg't. Co. Names. Eeg't. Co. Daniel Kelley, 9 I Edmund Toomey, 10 K Sam'l W. Stratton, 10 G Joseph Wedge, 10 K Chas. D. Browning ,10 H J. M. Worthington , 10 K Lucian Fogg, 10 H David M. Rowell, 10 K John G. Hastings, 10 H .James 0. Boyd, 19 K Geo. H. Howard, 10 H Horace Wilson, 24 D Sol. K. Hindley, 10 H Alvin Bemis, 24 D S. D. Johnson, 10 H George Bowen, 24 D W. H. Knapp, 10 H John H. Marsh, 24 D L. D. Livermore, 10 H Joel W. Greene, 1st cav. Waldo Luther, 10 H Timothy Craney, 21 c Henry P. Lyon, 10 H Fred. A. Bemis, 21 c D. F. Monroe, 10 H Henry Cain, 21 c Alfred Midgley, 10 H Elbridge C. Barr, 21 c 110 WORCESTER COUNTY ~ Karnes. Reg't. Co Names Reg't. Co. Thomas xMurphy, 10 H Wm. H. Barr, 21 C Wm. Markham, 10 H Henry F. Adams, 21 c Lucius M. Prouty, 10 H (xeoTge H. Cotton, 21 c Lawson S. Powers, 10 H Lewis J. N. Hurie, 21 c Horace E. Prouty, 10 K Alden B. Howes, 21 c Levi D. Boyues, 10 K .Joseph Mead, 21 c Thos. Abrahams, 10 K Hiram Marsh, 21 c John J. Beaumont, 10 K Wm. D. Sargent, 21 c Silas Bercume, 10 K Mathew Webster. 21 c 0. R. Bemis, 10 K John H. AVheeler, 21 c Amasa B. BuUard, 10 K Richard Young, 21 c John Cooney, 10 K Geo. W. Henry, 21 c George E. Clark, 10 K Robert Miller, 21 c S. T. Chamberlain, 10 K Lewis Dana, 21 c Thomas Carney, 10 K Joseph Metcalf, 21 1 Isaiah Crosby, 10 K Cheney Boyd, 21 I Anson J. Collier, 10 K Freeman Davis, 15 E Patrick Kelley, 10 K Joseph Cummings, 15 Band Thomas Lyons, 10 K Charles Allen, 25 c Wm. Mason, 10 K Albert S. Flint, 25 c Thomas Moore, 10 K Joshua B. Prouty, 25 c Andrew Marsell, 10 K Edw. Townsend, 25 c Thos. MeClusky, 10 K N. S. Dickinson, 25 c H. E. Prouty, 10 K John B. Reno, 25 G Theo. Sargent, 10 K Edmond^J. Spencer ,25 K Alonzo Tyroll, 10 K TO-wisr omcEi?.s Supplied with every variety of BOOK OR JOB PRINTING, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, IN FIRST CLASS STYLE And at Reasonable Rates, by EI^T^J^III^ H. nSIvE, AT THE FRANKLIN JOB PRIXTINO OFFICE , Opposite the Depot, Worcester. STATISTICAL RECORD. Ill STERLING. Incorporated 1781. Valuation.— Real, $687,629 ; Personal, $280,387,- No. of Inhabitants, 1,918; No. of Polls, 469 ; No. of Acres, 18,609. Appro2jriations for 1862. — For schools, $1,700. Town charges, $3,300. Pvepairs of highways, $1,200. Selectmen. — J. S. Buttrick, J. A. Pratt, Josiah Phelps. Assessors. — John H. Davis, Prentice M. Rugg, Ezra Sawyer. School Committee. — Samuel Osgood, E. E. Fairchild, John C. Labaree. Town Clerk and Treasurer — Wm. D. Peck. Collector. — John Houghton. Constables. — John Houghton, Luke Sawyer. Physicians. — Frederic A. Sawyer, Allopathic ; A, W. Sid- ney, Eclectic. Overseers of Poor. — Joseph P. Haywood, Chas. M. Bailey, Joseph Whitney. Churches. — Unitarian Congregational, Rev. E. B. Fairfield ; Trinitarian Congregational, Rev. John C. Labaree; Baptist, Rev. William Carpenter. Postmaster. — J. Sawyer Buttrick. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. James W. Lewis, IB and Luther S. Hapgood , 15 A Thomas A. Allen, 26 D Jos, H. Hapgood, 15 A George Brooks,' 26 D Francis A. Lewis, 15 A John Hodgne}^ 26 D Fordyce May, 15 A Samuel E. Goodnow, 21 B Jacob Rugg, 15 A Charles Coolidge, 21 E Herbert D. Taylor, 15 A Charles Goss, 21 E Arad Fairbanks, 15 A Peter T. Kittredge , 21 E Daniel Bonney, 15 B Alfred Welcome, 21 E Moses S. Braman, 15 C Henry K. Buss, 21 E Henry L. Davidson , 15 C John H. Whitney, 25 C Henry G. Howe, 15 c Davis Reed, 25 K Henry Kinney, 15 c Eugene Carr, 25 B ind Chas. A. Tenney, 15 c Geo. W. Boynton, 25 C Pearl S. Gott, 15 c John S. Carlton, 15 A 112 * WORCESTER COUNTY STURBRIDGE. Incorporated 1738. Valuation.— Real, $577,931 ; Personal, $210,709 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,245; No. of Polls, 525; No. of Acres, 22,726. Apprortriations for 1862. — For schools, $1,500. Roads, $800. Families of volunteers, $1,000. Selectmen. — Nath. Upham, E L. Bates, Lorenzo Plimpton. As8es8ors.—B.. E. Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, Wm. Wright. School Committee. — Rev. S. G. Ciapp, Rev. Andrew Piead, Henry E. Hitchcock. Town Clerk.— S. H. Hobbs. Treasurer. — Eiisha Southwick. Collector. — Melvin Haynes. Constable. — Hiram S. Haskins. Physicians. — Calvin P. Fiske, William S. Saunders, Allo- pathic, Postmasters. — Sturbridge, Eiisha F. Shaw; Fiskcdale, Emory L. Bates. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Eeg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. C. W. Walls, 22 A John W. Crosby, 21 C Ransom W. Towne, 22 G Geo. L. Brackett, 21 C John B. Cooper, 22 K Wm. H. Macomber, 21 C Henry G. Miller, 22 Iv Samuel H. Marble, 21 C Edmund Mason, 22 K Dennis Mahar, 21 C John F. Moore, 22 K Henry Edgerton, 21 C John Marra, 22 K F. S.'Rogers, 21 C Charles Morse, 22 K Curtis H. Dodge, 21 C John Newton, 22 K John Burns, 25 C Isaac Plympton, 22 K Alfred Carpenter, 25 C Amasa Phetteplace, 22 K Wm. Stone, 25 C Nathan L. Stone, 22 K Robert Young, 25 C J. Wellington, 22 K Maurice Doran, 25 E A. R. Woodward, 22 K W. Carter, 15 C David AVilson, 22 K C. E. Stone, 15 C Simeon Young, 22 K A. E. Stockwell. 15 E James Brigham, 22 K William F. Bailey, 15 E J. A. Johnson, 27 C Lucian G. Lamb, 15 F Thomas C. Hare, 31 D STATISTICAL RECORD. 113 SUTTOX. TXCORPORATED 1715. YALUATro\.--Hcal, i;w;;9,390; Personal, $255,550: No. of Inhabitants, 2,676; No. of Polls, 670; No. of Acres, 19,241. Appropriations for 1862, — For schools, $1,500. Contingent expenses, $3,000. Selecfriieu. — Israel Adams Dodge, Joel Houghton, Sumner Putnam. Assessors. — Sylvanus Putnam, Henry Clay Mascroft, Syl- vester Sibley. School Committee. — John S. Ilaradon, James M. Newell, Newell Wedge. Town Clerk.— 8. D. King. Treasiirer and Collector. — George Hastings. Constables — George Hastings, D. Tyler Dudley, Lysander Martin, John C. Waters. Physicians. — James M. Newell, David Hall, Allopathic. Churches. — Congregational, (Center) Rev. Geo. Lyman ; Methodist Episcopal, (Center) at present without a pastor ; Episcopal, St. John's, (AYilkinsonville) Rev. Wm. George Hawkins ; Irish Protestant, (Wilkinson- ville) Rev. James Williamson ; Free Will Baptist. Rev. Willard Fuller; First Baptist, (W. Sutton) at present without a pastor ; Second Baptist, (S. Sutton) ; Third Baptist, (Manchaug) Rev. John S. Haradon. Postmasters. — Sutton Center, Simon J. Vf oodbury ; West Sutton, R. C. Hall ; Wilkinsonville, D. Tyler Dudley ; Manchaug, William Metcalf. VOLUNTEERS. Karnes. Reg't. Co. Geo. B. Moody, 1 Band Peter Lafloe, 31 H George A. Lowe, 31 H Thomas Lynde, 31 H G 2T FL.A.C3-S Which were distributed so freely in the streets of Baltimore, by the Massachusetts troops on the memorable 19th of April, 1861, WERE PRINTED — — BY ^-^ EDWARD R. FISKE, ORNAMENTAL JOB AND CARD PRINTER, FRANILIN STEAM JOB OFFICE, Opposite the Boston Depot, Worcester, 3Ias8. "A few more left of the same sort." STATISTICAL RECORD. 115 TEMPI^ETOIf. Incorporated 1762. Valitation.— Real, $672,945 ; Personal, $392,359 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,816 ; No. of Polls, 748 ; No. of Acres, 19,221. A}ypro2)riations for 1862.— For schools, $2,205. Hio-bways. &c., $1,200. Debts, $1,000. Current expenses, $3,000. S'ehchnen. — Leonard Stone, Leonard Smith, Amos D. Wiley. Assessois. — James II. Clapp, Gerard Bushnell, E. C. Farns- worth. School Committee. — Rev. Gerard Bushnell, Rev. Lewis Sabin, D. D., Rev. E. G. Adams. Town Clerk.— GevsLvd Bushnell. Treasurer. — Erastus 0. Eddy. Collector. — James H. Clapp. Constables. — John Stearns, Chas. W. Upham, J. G. Gold- smith. Physicians. — Joseph C. Batchelder, Jonathan C. White, E. E. Spencer. Postmaster. — Henry Smith. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. Levi N. Smith, 21 A David H. Spear, 21 A H. S. Hitchcock, 21 A Geo. H. Sawtell, 21 A Wyman E. Stone, 21 A W. T. Smith, 21 A John F. Lewis, 21 A Otis S. Sweet, 21 A John F. Green, 21 A George L. Thayer, 21 A Levi Morse, 21 A John Thibeault, 21 A H. J. Marshall, 21 A Auo'ustus Upton, 21 A Sereno Sawyer, 21 A John W. Wallace, 21 A D. D. Wiley, 21 A E. S. Whitney, 21 A S. N. Gould, 21 Band George H. Alden, 2 D Gl - 1 110 WORCESTER COUNTY Name. Keg't. Co. , Name. Reg't. Co Herbert Leland, 21 Band Alyin W, Day, 2 E Mandell Bryant, 21 A E. C. Bushnell. 2 F Samuel C. Adams, 21 A Jared P. Whitney, 2 F Branch F. Ayres, 21 A Asa W. Brooks, 16 C Henry N. Allen, 21 A Charles F. Lee, 18 A Wm. A. Blackmer, 21 A •Tames F. Delherty, 21 D Chas. A. Blackmer, 21 A Geo. D. Whitcomb. 21 a Ambrose P. Chase, 21 A Geo. H. Dudley, Ist bat. A Chas. W. Cobleigh, 21 A AVendell Eaton, « a' C. W. Cummings, 21 A James M. Lufkin. u A C. H. Chittenden, 21 A Chas. H. Moore, u Bi Chas. H, Cutting, 21 A Christopher M^^ers, 25 C J. Prescott Cutting 21 A Gustav. Kluge, 25 G Jonas R. Dayis, 21 A Herman Spindler, 25 G Benj. F. Fuller, 21 A ■T. Henry Crocder, 25 J William Flint, 21 A A. M. Cobleigh, 25 Geo. VV. Jennison, 21 A Walter Lamb, 25 Geo. H. Lamson. 21 A Francis L. Moore, 25 Wm. H. Mellen, 21 A William Norcross, 25 William Marran, 21 A Lander jST. Xorcross , 25 Reuben Mann. 21 A Joel Whitney, Jr., 25 John A. Merritt, 21 A Chas. W. Wheeler, 25 Uriah Merritt, 21 A George Bi'own, 25 I James A. Miller, 21 A Artemas Jones, 25 Otis P. Moore, 21 A Saul Thomas, 25 Albert J. Osgood. 21 A Joseph S. Moulton, 25 Wilbur A. Potter, 21 A D wight M. Martin, 25 Harrison S. Pierce, 21 A Ceorge A. Jackson, 25 Asa F. Y. B. Piper 1 1 1 21 A (Jeorge E. Potter, 25 STATISTICAL RECORD. 117 UPTON. IXCORPORATED 1735. Valuation.— Keal, $550,645; Personal, 144,089; No. of Inhabitants, 1,986; No. of Polls, 543; No. of Acres, 12,451. Appropriations for 1862. — For district schools, $1,700. High school, $150. Highways, $1,000. Town expenses, $3,650. Selectmen.— AxhSi T. Wood, Pearley P. Taft, Adams Fisk. Assessors. — Whitman Holbrook, Nahum W. Holbrook, Arba T. Wood. School Committee. — Elon. Velorous Taft, Henry D. John- son, Edwin Nelson. Town Clerk. — Harvey Bradish, Treasurer and Collector. — Winthorp B. Fay. Constables. — Benjamin A. Jourdan, Thomas T. Brewer. Physicians. — George W. Ward, Vv^illiam 0. Cutler, Henry Shaw, Allopathic. Oceraeers of Poor. — Whitman Holbrook, Nahum W. Hol- brook, Chester W. Walker. Postmaster. — .Joshua Rawson. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. Amos A. Holbi-ook 16 E Levi F. Jose, 15 H Charles M. Fales, 18 F Dennis Murphy, 15 H Thomas HanaI^TP»5r1■I^s^Q^ T EDWARD R. FISKE, AT THE FRANKL.1X JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Opposite the Depot, Worcester, STATISTICAL RECORD. 121 WARREN. Name changed from Western in 183-i. Valuation.— Real, $721.523 ; Personal, $174,668 ; No. of Inhabitants, a>107 ; No. of Polls, 559; No. of Acres, 16,428. A2)propriation8 for 1862. — For contingent, <&c., $2,500. Schools, $1,200. Roads and bridges, $1,000. Selectmen. — Joseph Ramsdell, Wm. A. Patrick, Daniel Russell. Assessors. — Dwight Ellis, Samuel D. Stoddard, Samuel N. Gleason. School Committee. — Rev. S. S. Smith, Joseph W. Hastings, M. D., D. Warren Shepard. Ton-n Clerk and Teasurer. — Samuel E. Blair. Collector. — William Coombs. Constables. — Wilson H. Fairbank, John H. Sherburne, Physicians. — Nelson Carpentei', Joseph W. Hastings, Allo- pathic ; F. R. Sibley, Homeopathic. Postmaster. — Joseph F. Hitchcock. yOLUXTEERS. Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. Albert W. Powers. 2 (i William Sibley, 27 K (leorge H. Crouch, ? G Lemuel L. Hines, 31 D Wm. A. Cowles, 2 G Charles L. Chapin, 21 E Wm. W. Laliin, 2 G Ira Thorn ])son, 21 E Philo H. Peck, 2 G George Walsh, 21 E Chauncv Peck, 2 G Almon L. Switzer, 1st cav. Alfred Stevens, 2 G S. II. Lincoln, ii Owen Tiffany, 2 G Albert Peck 25 C Roswell Stone, 2 G 0. B. Rumwell, 25 C Daniel Carr, 24 I Lewis Wright, 25 C H. HAYNES Sc SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF i Opposite the Center Church, Sturbridge, Mass. 4®=Htepairing in all the branches promptly attended to. •=©& HENRY HAYKES, JR. HENllY D. HAYNES, JOHN P. HAYNIS. 122 WORCESTER COUNTY WEBSTER. Incorporated 1832. Valuation.— Real, $525,660 ; Personal; $367,075; No. of Inhabitants, 2,912; No. of Polls, 777; No. of Acres, 7,267. ♦ Appro2yrioMons for 1862. — Incidental expenses, $2,500. Schools, $2,500, Highways, $1,000. Families of volunteers, $2,000. Selectmen — Hiram Allen, Nathan Joslin, Nathan Chamber- lain. Assessors. — Edwin May, John B. Ilasler, John L. Harris. School Committee. — F. D. Brown, E. G. Burnett, William S. Slater. Town Clerk.— S. A. Tringrel. Treasurer. — Wm. T. Shumway. Collector. — Solomon Shumway. Constables. — Solomon Shumway ard Barius, A. Bixby, D. A. Brown, Wm. W. Holmes. Physicians. — F. D. Brown, E. G. Burnett, George Ide, Allopathic : G. W. Emerson, John G. Heart, Botanic. Newspapers. — Webster Weekly Times, John A. Spalding, Publisher. Postmaster. — A. E. Day. Horace I. Joslin, Leon- VOLVXTEERS. Ncames. Reg't. Co. Napjes. Keg't. Co. Hiram Chase, 2 H M. M. Aldrich, 15 I George W. Chase, 2 H Henry Butler, 15 I Charles Angell, 2 H C.W. Briggs, 15 I Joseph Paul, 2 II E. T. Bigelow, 15 I Daniel Kenny, 9 C George Butler, 15 I Wm. Mullen, 9 C William Brantes, 15 I James McGovern, 9 c L. H. Briggs, 15 I John O'Brien, 9 c Jacob Bender, Jr., 15 I Patrick Bowers, 9 c James Barker, 15 I John Piyan, 2d, 9 c Charles Buck, 15 I John llyan, od, 9 c Alex. Bryon, 35 I James Slatterly, 9 c Henry H. Clapp, 15 I Culbert Burke, 9 D Wm. F. Converse, 15 I Aug. Bcnway, 9 D Milo S. Converse, ¥ I Henry Blanchard, 9 D Dyer D. Cady, 15 I STATISTICAL RECORD. 123 Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Eeg't. Co. Joseph Gill, y D Rufus E. Corbin, 15 Jas. T. Marshall, u D M. Cunningham, 15 Mitchell Provose, 9 D Edward Daley, 15 Joseph Plant, 9 D G. IL Dabans, 15 Peter Dowel, 9 D Daniel L. Dow, 15 Anthony Little, 30 A Jona. L. Geary, 15 Luke Agnew, 30 D Henry Groh, 15 Reuben Waters, 21 B md Francis Gallen, 15 J. Hetherington, Jr. ,21 li James Gardner, 15 Isaac T. Horton, 21 i John Grady, 15 Marcus W. Corbin, 21 '■ George Hadfield, 15 Lewis S. Dunbar, 21 a Thomas Henry, 15 Franklin Gould, 21 (' John Hollin, 15 Lewis J. Burgess, 21 i Patrick Ilealy, 15 Thomas A. Bryden, 21 i John Irving, 15 Hiram P. Emerson, 21 " Peter Johnson, 15 Carlos Holt, 21 '• Emery W. Joy, 15 Jacob E. Judd, 21 William IL Joy, 15 Loriug D. Waters, 21 a Oliver King, 15 Fred. H. C. Berger, 21 f'' John Kelly, 15 Horace Clapp, 21 E Patrick Lanning, 15 John D. Reynolds, 21 F John McGuire, 15 Lewis Du Pray, 21 F Chas. II. Mellen, 15 Jere. Harrington, 21 F James Mahoney, 15 Fred. Lcbois, 21 F Charles Murry, 15 Chas. W. Shumway, 21 F Patrick Maher, 15 Elias Ellis, 15 V. Vernon Negus, 15 Orrin W. Cutler, 25 C Thos. O'Connor, 15 Julius A. Cummings ,25 D Jackson Pool, 15 Albro Freeman, 25 D P. Pendergrast, 15 M. S. Parmenter, 25 D Lewis 0. Riely, 15 Harvey L. Brown, 25 K Godfred Reidmann 15 Frank H. Young, 15 Hiram J. Raymond ,15 Moses I. Warner, 15 Thomas Redfern, 15 George H. Lewis, 15 William Scott, 15 Wm. H. Palmer, 15 William Slattery, 15 R. F. Raymond, 15 Albert II. Slater, 15 Thomas S. Blaslanc ,15 Joseph Stevens, 15 E. L. Parmenter, 15 Joseph Sandbaeh, 15 W. W. Bosworth, 15 Frederick Soder, 15 Henry Russack, 15 John Schesler, 15 Jos. H. Wood, 15 Riley Thayer, 15 Pliney M. George, 15 Elias B. Wakefield, 15 Henry L. Amidon, 15 Moses Wood, 15 124 WORCESTER COUNTY H. M. DRESSER, I>ealer in I*a,iiits, Oil, Grlass, I>riigs, Medicines and Dye-Stuffs. Also, Paper-Hangings, Borders, Curtains, Fire-Board Prints, &c. Dresser's Block, Main St., Webster. CYRUS SPAUL.DING, Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Tin and Slieet Iron Worlt, Nails, Wooden Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shoe Kit and Findings, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, &c. WEBSTER MASS. WEBSTER EATING HOUSE, BY S. D. SIBLEY. Refreshments always on hand. Meals served up at short notice. WEBS-TER, IVIASS. WEBSTER TEMPERANCE HOUSE, WEBSTER, MASS. The suhscriber would take this method of informing his friends that he may be found, as usual, at his old stand. Pleasant rooms and a good table always ready to accommodate the public. A Livery Sta- ble connected with the House. H. I. JOSLIN. J . M . R A \ V S O N , DEALER IN Heady lade Clolliiug and Gents' Fnrnisliing Goods, WEBSTER, MASS. E. BULLARD, WEBSTER, MASS. JAMES O. DONA VAX, ]PITOTOOIlAX»HIC A.K,TIST. Melainotypes and Card Photographs taken in the best manner. WEBSTER, MASS. J. H. STOCKAVELIi, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WEBSTER, MASS. STATISTICAL RECORD. 125 P. S. DAVIS, Briice's Block, Webster, Mass. ALEXANDER PATTERSON, SHAVING 8i HAIR CUTTING SALOON, Briice's Block, Webster, Mass. S. FOSKETT, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, WEBSTER, MASS. T. & P. M. McClUAID, DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, WEBSTER, MASS. SYLVESTEIt TENNEY, DEALER IN FOREIGN AHD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, WOOLEXS, CLOTHINO, HATS. CAPS, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers; Parlor, Chamber and Common Furniture, West India Goods and Groceries, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, Paper Hangings and Borders, Hardware, Carpets, Tools, <&c„ &c. WEBSTER, IVIASS. CHARLES WADE, DEALER IN Choice Groceries, Flour. Grain, Meal, Salt, KEROSENE OIL, EAST NA/EBSTER, IVIASS. ^V. E. PHETTIPLACE, DEALEK IN CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR. GRAIN, Meal aiicl Salt, NORTH NA/EBSTER, rVlASS. 126 WORCESTER COUNTY WESTBOROUGH. Incorporated 1717. Valuation.— Real, $930,026; Personal,. $256,714; No. of Inhabitants, 2,91o; No. of Polls, 6oI ; No. of Acres, 11,988. Ajiproiiriations for 1862. — Common schools, $1,500. High school, $600. Highways, $1,000. Paupers. $1,200. Town debt, $2,120. Contingent, $1,580. Selectmen. — Greenleaf C. Sanborn, Becj. B. Nonrse, Silas B. Howe. Assessors. — Zebina Gleason, Daniel F. Newton, Benj. A. Nourse. School Committee. — Rev.. Zebina Gleason. Tovm Clerk. — Samuel M. Griggs. Constables. — Daniel F. Newton, Thomas II. Fayerwcather, John A. Thayer. A. N. Arnold, Benj. A. Nourse, Daniel F. Newton. Rising, Allopathic: Wm, Curtis, Treasurer and Collector. Physicians. — Henry H Alli)pathic and Homeopathic: J. H. Hero, Hydropathic. Churches. — Congregational Trinitarian, Rev. L. H. Shel- don ; Baptist, Rev. A. N. Arnokl ; Methodist, Sweetser ; Congregational Unitarian, Rev. Gilbert Cummings, Jr. ; Advent, Rev. J. K. Sweetman. N'eivsjjaper. — Westborough Transcript, C. H. Rice Editor, J. M. Farwell Publisher. Postmaster. — Josiah Childs. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Beg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. J. W, Sanderson, 13 C John S. Burnap, 13 K S. Chamberlin, 13 C Thomas Copeland, 13 K William E. Buck, 20 I John H. Crowley, 13 K Chas, Greenwood, 20 K AVm. W. Cushman, 13 K Salem T. Weld, 22 Band George R. Douglas, 13 K STATISTICAL RECORD. 127 Name. Eeg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Fred. W. Kimball, 22 Band Charles Drayton, 13 K Chas. C. Nichols, 22 ' Geo. F. Emery, 13 K Austin Wallace, 22 ' Charles M. Fav, 13 K Marshall S. Pike, 22 ' H. H. Fairbanks, 13 K John I. Bond, 22 ' Jos. H. Fairbanks, 13 K Solomon J. Taft, 22 ' John Fly, 13 K William Dee, 22 ' Wm. H. Forbush, 13 K Wm. E. Harrin^tor ,U c G. J. Fayerweather, 25 C Warren Haskell, 24 K John W. Harraden 25 G Henry G. Rice, r>o D C. W. Blanchard, 25 I Thomas B. Dyer, 21 K H. A. Fairbanks, 13 K James H. Sullivan, 21 K •John Glidden, 13 K Jackson Donovan, 1st bat. A Lyman Haskell, 13 K C. L. Harrington, '< A Geo. C. Haradon, 13 K Wm. B. Kimball, 13 K John Lackey, 13 K A. R. Greenwood, 13 K Edward Lee, 13 -K William Cordwell, 13 K Alden Lovell, 13 K Augustus Allen, 13 K Michael Lynch, 13 K William W. Fay, 13 K Chandler Bobbins, 13 K John Jones, 13 K Harvey C. Ross, 13 K William H. Sibley, 13 K James Slattery, 13 K Alfred L. Sanborn, 13 K Stephen Warren, 13 K Melzar G. Turner, 13 K Melvin H. Walker, 13 K Josiah H. Reals, 13 K Chas. H. Williams, 13 Band | Sidney Barstow, 13 K Frank L. Stone, 13 K F. A. Brigham, 13 K H. G. Hodgkins, 13 K Chas. R. Brigham, 13 K Ira L. Dunaven, 13 K Emery Bullard, 13 K H. M. Brigham, 13 K John Copeland, 13 K F. A. Harrington, 13 K B. BOYNTON, j!l T T O H ]V 3 i:Y ^T 1L,J^ w. Office over Post-Office, Westboro'. S. G. HENRY, ID E 3sr T I S T ^ Eagle Block, Westboro'. L. CHAP MAN & CO., Custom. I5oot and Slioe IMCalcers, | Kimball's Block, Westboro'. 128 WORCESTER COUNTY WEST BOYL.STOIV. Incorporated 1808. Valuation.— Eeal, $612,010 ; Personal, $215,915 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,509 ; No. of Polls, 562 ; No. of Acres, 8,207i. Ap'propriations for 1862. — For common schools, $1,100. High school. $500. Highways, $100. Poor, $1,000. Incidental expenses, $1,000. Selectmen. — D. C. Murdoek, Nahum Hastings, James H. Moore. Assessors. — F. L. Cutting, Wm. W. Keyes, Albert Hinds. School Committee. — Rev. John H. Willis, Rev. Joseph W. Cross, Dr. F. L. Hunt. ToiDu Clerk. — Horatio Houghton. Treasurer and Collector. — Geo. F. Howe. Constables. — Lafayette Hawes, John S. Cutting. Physicians. — Ephraim Lovell, Geo. W. Warren, Allopathic ; F. L. Hunt, Homeopathic. Overseers of Poor. — Charles Buck, Aaron Goodale, Stephen H. Sm'ith. Churches. — Baptist, Rev. Charles F. Holbrook ,• Congre- gational, M. H, Hitchcock ; Methodist Episcopal, Rev. Abbott ; Universalist, Rev. John H. Willis. Postmaster. — David P. Waite. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Geo. B. Newton, 2 D Frank Sargent, 21 Band John E. Anderson, 2 D Justin Brown, 21 E William Beach, 2 D Joseph Daly, 21 E William H. Blunt, 2 D Hugh (Jallagher, 21 E William P. Chase, 2 D John H. Horan, 21 E Isaac Childs, 2 D John F. Jennings, 21 . E Frederic Colvin, 2 D Jonah G. Sawyer, 21 E Geo. B. T. Hosmer, 2 D Thomas E. Sargent , 21 E Winsor Newton, 2 D Albert P. Sylvester ,21 E STATISTICAL RECORD. 129 Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. William Palmer, 2 D Joshua G. Shepard, 21 E James M. Prescott, 2 D Chas. Shepard, Jr., 21 E Alfred A. White, 2 D L. M. Wheeler, William Hyde, 2 D Samuel T. Smith, 15 C William D. Toombs, 2 D Thomas Hayes, 15 F Lewis Rivers, 2 H James McRobbie, 15 F Thomas Watson, 2 K David Reekie, 15 F Benj. W. Parker, 13 I W. C. Hemminway, 25 C Addison A. Hosmer, 14 L. B. Greene, ' 25 K John D. White, 21 E Chas. C. Murdock, 25 K Thomas Plunkett, 21 E Henry A. Loring, 25 K James M. Chase, 21 E ■v;rEiDr)i:N'a- gj^:eiid^ Printed in style equal to engraving, of unsurpassed beauty and elegance, by EDWARD R. FISKE, AT THE FRANKLIN JOB PRINTINO OFFICE, Opposite the Depot, Worcester. 130 WORCESTER COUNTY WEST BROOKF1EL.D. Incorporated 1848. Valuation.— Real, $468,300; Personal. $173,791 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,548; No. of Polls, 396; No. of Acres, 12,088. Appropriations for 1862. — For schools, $1,100. Contingent, &c., $3,700. Selectmen. — Raymond Cummings, A. C. Allen, E. W. Combs, AVm. Foster, Geo. H. Brown. Assessors. — C. E. Smith, W. A. Blair, Horace Ranson. School Committee.— S. N. White, F. Holt, Geo. ^Y. Lincoln. Town Clerk and Treasurer. — E. H. Blair. Collector.—^. D. Cook. Constables. — S. D. Cook, John Perry, Physicians. — Julius Bloclgett, Allopathic; F. Forbes, Homeopathic. Postmaster. — E. H. Blair. VOLUNTEERS. Names. Thomas Reese, Charles Riggs, Lyman B. Bliss, Isaac M. Sampson, Benj. F. Sampson, John L. Powers, Edwin T. Brown, Joseph P. Adams, Charles C. Buck, Elias Tyler, Jr., Jabez A. Blackmer Reg't. 2 18 19 20 20 22 21 21 21 21 . 13 Co. H G C K K G C c c c K Names. Reg't. L. W. Gilbert, 15 Edward J. Russell, 15 Wm. L. Adams, 15 E. H. Bullard, 15 Albert W. Livermore, Charles W. Marsh, Elijah Nichols, Augustus N. Potter, J. C. Wellington, John F. Hastings, 25 Timothy McCarty, 25 Co. D F F F STATISTICAL RECORD. 131 WESTMINSTER. Incorporated Oct. 2Uth, 1759. Valuation.— Real, |53G,026 ,• Personal, $175,146 ; No. of Inhabitants, 1,840; No. of Polls, 452; No. of Acres, 21,211. Approiiriatlons for 1862. — For town charges, $2,000. Highways, .$1,200. Schools, $1,000. Selectmen.— 3. W. Forbush, Chas. A. Forbush, F. Wyman. Assessors. — J. Merriam, Jr., T. Whitney, S. H. Sprague. School Connnittce. — Rev. Brown Emerson, Dr. Clinton Warner, T. Dwight Wood. Town Clerk. — William Mayo. Treasurer and Collector. — David W. Hill. Constables.— J uniGS M. Clark, David W. Hill. Phi/sicians. — Clinton Warner, J. F. Coolidge Allopathic. Postmaster. — Samuel G. Kendall. VOLUNTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co Albert E. Brooks, 2 D Edward S. Kendall, 15 B Wm. 0. Eager, 2 D Lyman Nichols, 15 B H. J. Partridge, 2 D Francis Nichols, 15 B Franklin Wilcox, 2 D Frederic Nichols, 15 B Jos. A. Wetherbee, Lowell C. White, 15 B Amos H. Partridge, 20 D Henry E. Newell, 25 D Aaron Bolton, 26 D Edw. Donlan, 25 E Marcus Miller, 26 D Martin Heavej^, 25 E Patrick Kelly, 28 G W. H. Sowtell, 25 F Abner E. Drury, 1st bat. A S. H. Peckham, 25 Band Alonzo D. Bolton, " A Alonzo T. Brown, 25 F Asa B. Bates, " A John L. Browii, 25 F Lucius Colman, " A Francis Esty, 25 . F Benj. F. Gibbs, " A Frank B. Fenno, 25 F Lorenzo Mansur, " A Chas. W. Hartwell, 25 F Edw. P. Miller, A Etham W. Holden, 25 P Geo. E. Rice, " A Edwin M. Minott, 25 F Otis W. Sawin, 1st cav Charles A. Miller, 25 F Chas. M. Coolidge, 15 ' A George Nichols, 25 F Asaph W. Rice, 15 A Geo. W. Phillips, 25 F Geo. F. Benjamin, 15 B Geo. H. Page, 25 F Jos. R. Houghton, 15 B .Tohn Scollay, 25 F N. Porter Howard, 15 H B Edward Whitman, 25 F 132 WORCESTER COUNTY WINCHE^^DON. Incorporated 1764. Valuation.— Real, $661,751; Personal, .i;;3C6,419 ; No. of Inhabitants, 2,624; No. ot Polls, 742; No. of Acres, 24,581. Ajjpropriations for 1862. — Town charges, $2,500. Schools, $1,600. Highways, $1,000. Selectmen. — Oliver Adams, J. B. Sawyer, Geo. B. Ilaymond. Assessors. — Bethuel Ellis, Seth Tucker, Chas. D. Brown. School Committee. — Abijah P. Marvin, Elisha Murdoch, Edwin S. Merrill. Toion Clerk.— ^Yehstel• Whitney. Treasurer and Collector. — John H. Fairbanks. Constables. — Joseph S. Watson, Charles E. Forristall, Har- rison Aldrich. Physicians. — Alvah Godding, John T. Page, Allopathic ; R. W. Geddes, Eclectic. Churches. — First Congregational, Rev. Benj. F. Clark; Second Congregational, Rev. Abijah P. Marvin ; Methodist, Rev. Thomas B. Treadwell ; Baptist, Rev. G. H. Litchfield. Postmaster. — Edwi n S. M errill. YOLUXTEERS. Name. Reg't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. Wm. E. Bailey, 15 B Winthrop Maynard ,15 B Robert Bruce, 15 B Francis II. Loud, 15 B Amable Beadry, 15 B Chas. F. Pope, 15 B Edwin Chase, 15 B Andrew Riley, 15 B R. E. Hartwell, 15 B Walter D. Scott, 15 B Wm. H. Holman, 15 B Fred. C Stewart, 15 B Chas. W. Kendall, 15 B Stillman Safford, 15 B Oscar A. Kendall, 15 B Chas. A. Stevens, 15 B Henry C. Lowell, 15 B Wm. E. Taylor, 15 B Jos. B. Matthews, 15 B Horace H. Wyman, 15 B STATISTICAL RECORD. 13.3 Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't Co. Napoleon 13. Bruce 15 B Edwin A. Parks, 26 Seth R. Fisher. 15 B H. W. Powers, 26 Benj. Whitcoinb, 15 B Warren A. Powers, 26 Edward Alger, 25 F Jerome T. Puch, 26 Chas. H. Stratton, 25 F 0. L. Sawtelle, 26 A. H; Whitcomb, 15 1 Bailey B. Thomas, 26 Theo. K. Parker, 2 D Wm. R. Townsend, 26 Harry A. Crocker, 2 D E. N. Taylor, 26 Frederic Maynard, 2 D David A. Caswell, 30 D Jas. H. Taylor. 2 Band Chas. Sampson, ?>0 D Geo. H. Boston, 2 B Fred C. Leland, .30 Geo. A. Bruce, 2 D Geo. W. Bradish, 21 A Isaac C. Hadley, 2 D Aug. E. Houghton 21 A Henry S. Pierce, 2 D Henry Haskell, 21 D Edwin B. Pollard, 2 D Geo. n. Mathews, 21 D Martin McCabe, 9 Band John Welch, 21 E Jones Hale, 24 C James S. Stratton, 21 G James J. G. Ball, 26 Chas. M. Crayton, 21 G Madison Beal, 26 Andrew J. Flagg, 21 G Levi W. Brooks. 26 Josiah T. Town, 21 G Lewis V. Clough, 26 John Wells, 21 G E. M. Fitzgerald, 26 Herbert Weston, 21 G Alfred Hyde. 26 Edwin Wells, 21 G J. H. Harwood. 26 R. M. Whitney, 21 G H. H. Baldwin, 26 W. Thompson, 1st bat. B S. H. Prentiss, 26 I John B. Connor, « C * Hi 134 WORCESTER COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF WORCESTER, 1S63. Incorporated a Towx, June, 14th, l'r22; a Citt, February 29th, 1848. Valuation.— Real, $10,470,900; Personal, $5,759,700 ; Ho. of Inhabitants, 24,900 ; No. of Polls, 6,245 ; Xo. of Acres, 21,087. Mayor — P. EiiORY Aldrich. Aldermen — Ward 1, Merrick Bemis ; Ward 2, Lneius W. Pond ,• Ward 3, Adam Harrington : Ward 4, Samuel D. Harding; Ward 5, Francis Strong; Ward 6, Chas. B. Pratt; Vard 7, George Chandler ;' Ward 8, Benj. Walker. City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen — Samuel Smith. Office at City Hall; residence 57 Southbridge street. Common Council — Philip L. Moen, President ; .Tohn A Dana, Clerk. Ward 1. Alex. Y. Thompson. Leonard R.Hudson, Charles Whittemore ; Ward 2, Philip L. Moen, Phinehas Ball, Silas J. Brimhall ; Ward .3, Fred. B. Norton, Lyman Brown, Walter Henry; Ward 4, Appleton Dadmun, Frank H. Kelley, Samuel E,. Le- land ; Ward 5, Edwin C. Cleveland, Hugh Doherty, Richard Barker ; Ward 6, Henry Goddard, John W. Jordan, John R. Greene ; Ward 7, Julius E. Tucker, Jonathan F. Esty, George S. Barton ; Ward 8, Caleb B. Metcalf, Addison Palmer, Augustus N. Currier. City Messenger — David Gleason. Solicitor — William A. Williams. Office Central Exchange. Treasurer and Collector — George W. Wheeler. Office City Hall; residence 49 Thomas street. Auditor — Gill Valentine. Office No. ?> Piper's Block. Aqueduct Commissioner — Wm. D. Cheever. Office No. 3 Piper's Block. Commissioner of Highways — Henry Prentice. Office No. 3 Piper's Block. STATISTICAL RECORD. 135 Commissioners of Hope Cemetery — David S. Messinger, 5 years ; Albert Tolman, 4 years ; Albert Curtis, 3 years ; Levi Lincoln, 2 years ; Isaac Davis, 1 year. Directors of the Free Pvhlic Library — John Green, Life Director. William A. Smith, Geo. F. Hoar, 6 years ; Thomas W. Higginson, John J. Power, 5 years ; Stephen Salisbury, Isaac Davis, 4 years : Henry Chapin, George M. Rice, 3 years ; William W. Rice, Dwight Foster, 2 years ; Alexander H. Bullock, Sam'l D. Harding, 1 year. Librarian — Zephaniah Baker. Assistant Librarians — Callina Barnes, Frances M. Baker. School Committee. Ward. Three years. Two Years. One Tear. l_John Firth, Merrick Bemis, G. W. Russell. 2— Edward Earle, Timo. K. Earle, R. L. Smyth. 3 — John J. Power, L. M. Burrington, .Jonas Bartlett. 4— J. S. Woodworth, Benj. D. Allen, S.D.Harding. 5 — Thos. Magennis, Levi Barker, S. V. Stone. G — John S. Baldwin, D. A. Goddard, J. C. Newton. 7— Thos. M. Lamb, Thos. Earle, Chas. Ballard. 8 — Wm. Workman, Wm. A. Williams, R. R. Shippen. Police Court — Wm. N. Green, Chief Justice : John W. Wetherell, William W. Rice, Associate Justices. Clark JilJsou, Clerk. llarsha I— WiWiam E. Starr. Office City Hall ; house 26 High street. Deputy Marshals — Edwin Haven, office City Hall, house 16 High street ; Ephraim L. Drury, office City HaP, house Adams square. Constables — William E. Starr, Edwin Haven, William A. Ayres, Lucian B. Drury, Horace L. Jenks, Ephraim L. Drury, Charles H. Braman, Levi Jackson, Jere- miah Kane, Henry P. Robinson. Assessors — Levi Barker, 3 years ; William S. Lincoln, 2 years ; Samuel Smith, 1 year. Assistant Assessors — Ward 1, Nathaniel G. Tucker ; Ward 2, Wm. A. S. Smyth ; Ward 3, Jason Temple ; Ward 4. Walter R. BigcloAV ; Ward 5, Benjamin W. Fletcher; Ward 6, Joel Davis ; Ward 7, Gerry Hutchinson ; Ward 8, Warren Williams. 136 WORCESTER COUNTY Overseers , 28 H Charles Rost, 20 B James Noyle, 28 H John Shilling, 20 B Wm. O'Donnell, 28 H Henry W. Brewer, 20 H Thomas Fineran, 28 I Benj. Kirby, 20 H Michael A. Brady, 29 A Rev. J. C. Cromack ,22 Jas. E. Estabrook, 30 138 WORCESTER COUNTY Names. Reg't. Co.l Names. Keg't. Co. Aaron Bowman, 30 A E. B. Fairbanks, 21 C Michael Callihan, 30 A Thos. A. Doherty, 21 D James Cunningham ,30 A James M. Murray, 21 D Charles Carpenter, 30 A Albert C. Stearns, 21 D James Clark, 30 A A. H. Bullard, 21 E Maurice Hacker, 30 A John L. Clinton, 21 E James Hart, 30 A Paul DeFoe. 21. E Luke Meagher, 30 A William P. Hall, 21 E Marcus Tolman, 30 A Wm. P. Kenney. 21 E Henrj D. Barber, 31 D Jefferson Paine, 21 E ^Ym. Pratt, 31 F Wm. L. Robinson, 21 E Edward Baldwin, 31 G James A. Wilson, 21 E Henry Burton, 31 G L. W. Libbey, 21 G James Egan, 31 H Charles S. Oliver, 21 G Chas. A. Johnson, 31 H Marcus M. Putnam , 21 H C. McGillycuddy, 31 H G. 0. Williams, 21 H Charles Williams, 31 1 Edward E. Howe, 21 Henry Young, 31 I David F. Laurie, 21 Joseph E. Morse, 21 A Thomas McEvoy, 21 Chas. S. Wilder, 21 A Lucian W. Spencei , 21 Chas. L. Preston, 21 B Melville C. Stone, 21 Samuel Smith, 21 B James Clancey, 21 K Peter Lynch, 21 C William Ellis, 21 K Albert Patterson, 21 c Henry M. Harper, Silas C. Bullard, 21 c William A. Henry, Francis Bullard, 21 c Patrick Matimoe, 21 K Wm. H. H. Carter, 21 c Nicholas Powers, 21 K William Carter, 21 c Alfred A. Rider, 21 K John Davis, 21 c Thomas Winn, 21 K John Finneran, 21 c Alfred P. Jones, 1st cav. Joseph Fitzgerald, 21 c Charles H. Steele, (( William Frost, 21 c H. P. Goddard, 15 B ind J. H. Groton, 21 c Joseph Rcidc, 15 ' William Glasgow, 21 c John Reide, 15 ' William Lombard, 21 c Robert Mende, 15 James Quilty, 21 c B. D. Ryan, 1.-. Albert Rogers, 21 c C. Specht, 15 a S. L. llobbins, 21 c William Fischer, 15 Thomas Spence, 21 c Wm. H. Folgcr, 15 Alfred Smith, 21 c H. J. Haven, 15 Jeffrey Vail 21 c James Saner, 15 ' Asa Warren, 21 c Charles H. Odlin, 15 S. W. Young, 21 c C. R. Bancroft, 15 a STATISTICAL RECORD. 139 Name. Res't. Co. Name. Reg't. Co. A. W. Kelley, 15 Band Wm. Curtis, 15 A Frederick Page, 15 ' Dwight Newbury, 15 A Andrew Fischer^ 15 ' Calvin J. Eaton, 15 B Geo. H. Smith, 15 ' H. A. Chambers, 15 C E. H. Spring, ■ 15 ' Chas. H. Hurlburt, 15 c H. J. Murray, 15 ' Jos. A. Hamilton, 15 c Paul Bauer, 15 ' Chas. G. Perkins, 15 c Charles B. Fox, 21 F Chas. H. Palmer, 15 c Felix McDermott, 21 F Jas. K. Witham, 15 c H. W. Bachelder, 21 F Charles Sutton, 15 E Wm. E. McLeon, 21 P Henry L. Berry, 15 E S. Breckenridge, 21 F George H. Carr, 15 E Daniel Buckley, 21 F -James Comrie, 15 E Ptichard Barry, 21 F Frank Eaton, 15 E Jeremiah Clifford, 21 F Michael Flynn, 15 E Hiram J. Day, 21 F John Sullivan, 15 E Owen Fallon, 21 F Alex. Thompson, 15 E Timothy Fabrey, 21 F Francis E. Tingley, 35 E William Flagg," 21 F Timothy Crowley, 15 E Thomas Fulton, 21 F Geo. 0. Williams, 15 E Charles J. Gay, 21 F Edwin L. Adams, 15 F John Hart, 21 F John Brown, 15 F Wm. Kelley, 21 F Rli Clements, 15 F John McCue, 21 F Jeremiah Donovan 15 • F Charles Moran, 21 F LeroyD. Ball, 15 G Charles C. Muzzy, 21 F Chas. J. Merriam, 15 G John Nanglc, 21 F Wm. S. Moore, 15 G Albert Potter, 21 F C. A. Rockwood, 15 G Emerson Phillips, 21 F Frank Morse, 15 G Geo. E. Parker, 21 F Oscar Phetteplace, 15 G James Slater, 21 F Charles Davis, 15 G Joseph Shea, 21 F David M. Daniels, ]5 G Geo. E. Scott, 21 F Chas. L. Preston, 15 G Chas. E. Simmons, 21 F John T. Bixby, 15 H Levi Waters, 21 F C. P. B. Barrows, 15 H Albert Wright, 21 F Thomas Cassidy, 15 I John K. Parker, 21 F Patrick Harty, 15 I Edw. S. Betterly, 15 A Wm. H. Laverty, 15 I 1 Chas. H. Barton, 15 A Robt. F. Laverty, 15 I George M. Cook, 15 A Geo. W. Mirick, 15 I Albert H. Gleason, 15. A Timothy Sullivan, 15 I Wm. D. Oakley, 15 A Charles Timon, 15 I Geo. H. Watson, 15 A Stephen Thompson 15 K 140 WORCESTER COUNTY Name. Reg't. Co. Aaron Aldrich, 25 E E. A. Franklin, 25 C John B. Keed. 25 C Lyman F. Hooker, 25 C John R. Hill, 25 Band Charles E. Ball. 25 C Charles Brownhill, 25 C John Chafee, 25 C William Chafee, 25 C John Howard, 25 C Warren Hardy, 25 C James Haverstock, 25 C Samuel P. Jones, 25 C Edwin A. Moody, 25 C Edward F. May, 25 C H. J. Marcy, 25 C Silas H. McKay, 25 C C. K. Stratton, 25 C John W. Davis, 25 I Francis Freeman, 25 I William Conner, 25 I Charles Wilson, 25 Band John Haas, 25 " Charles E. Tew, 25 K Edwin T. Eaymond, 25 K George Burr, 25 K James B. Horton, 25 K Luke T. Drury, 25 K Wm. N. Greene, Jr., 25 K Horatio B. Spooner, 25 K Robert T. Chapman, 25 K Henry A. Saunders, 25 K Edwin Abbott, 25 K John Q. Adams. 25 K Guilford Blaisdell, 25 K Henry H. Bellows, 25 K Gardner F. Barnes, 25 K Theodore Barber, 25 K Edmund Coffin, 25 K W. 0. Collester, 25 K C. F. Collins, 25 K Nathan Drury, 25 K John C. Dennis, 25 K Name. Reg't. Co. Wm. IL Edwards, 25 K Joseph Eaton, 25 K A. W. Edwards, 25 K Theodore N. Gates, 25 K Charles S. Hall, 25 K Charles E. Jelly, 25 K John E. Lewis, 25 K William Latham, 25 K Benj. F. Mills, 25 K S. C. Maynard, 25 K Benjamin Miller, 25 K J. M. W. Padelford, 25 K Jehu Perry, 25 K S. A. Pushee, 25 K Chas. A. Poland, 25 K John S. Sylvester, 25 K Frank S. Sibley, 25 K Benj. F. Smith, 25 K Samuel Thurston, 25 K Geo. W. Webber, 25 K Benj. F. Ware, 25 K Edwin T. Witherby, 25 K C. M. Murray, 15 D L. D. Goddard, 15 D 0. S. Oakes, 15 D Thomas Hastings, 15 D Benjamin Taft, 15 D C. M. Smith, 15 D P. Young, 15 D F. McCambridge, 15 D E. D. Jordan, 15 D William H. Ford, 15 D Frank Knight, 15 D Warren A. Alger, 15 D W. H. Andrews, 15 D Chas. H. Adams, 15 D Edward Anderson, 15 D Chas. H. Bemis, 15 D G. F. Barnard, 15 D Thoma.s Biekford. 15 1) Edwin Blake, 15 J) Henry S. Baker, 15 ]) Chas. P. Bonzey, 15 D STATISTICAL RECORD. 141 Names. Reg't. Go. Names. Reg't. Co. Henry N. Bemis, 15 J) H. B. Weixler, 15 D John H. Divold, 15 U H. S. Whittemore, 15 D Oscar Downes, 15 J) Edwin F, Andrews, 15 D Chas. L. Defose, 15 D J. B. Lamb, 15 D Anthony Earl, 15 D Henry Upham, 15 D Georo-e W. Farr, 15 D Melville Walker, 15 D Ralph T. Finney, 15 D George A. Johnson 25 A Charles Fitch, 15 D Geo. Burr, 25 A Ormand H. Fuller, 15 D J. J. McLane, 25 A Henry Fuller, 15 D W. W. Sprague, 25 A Wm. L. Gilman, 15 T> Frank L. R. Goes, 25 A Milan Gleason, 15 D John A. Chenery, 25 A Levi C. Greenleaf, 15 D Jaalam Gates, 25 A Henry Houghton 15 D Henry M. Ide, 25 A Benj. D. House, 15 D Edwin A. Morse, 25 A Charles Head, 15 D Samuel H. Putman 25 A Eben Harris, 15 D John A. Thomas 25 A Henry Harlan, 15 D S. C. T. Aborn, 25 A Jas. H. Kneeland, 15 D Chas. S. Bartlett, 25 A Edson T. Leland, 15 D Moses P. Brown. 25 A John S. Logue, 15 D M. L. Bolster, Jr., 25 A Walton M. Mii'ick, 15 D S. G. Bullock, 25 A Fred. Maple, 15 D Horace E. Brooks, 25 A G. G. Noyes, 15 D David B. Bigelow, 25 A Willis H. Odlin, 15 D G. W. Bigelow, 25 A James Peacock, 15 D Albert Bonn, 25 A J. F. Pierce, 15 D Hiram 11. Billings, 25 A E. W. Pierce, 15 D Geo. E. Curtis, 25 A Geo. 0. Pierce, 15 I) Sam'l S. Dresser, 25 A Geo. S. Putman, 15 D Thomas Earle, 25 A A. J. Richardson, 15 D Lewis J. Elwell, 25 A E. A. Rice, 15 D E. G. Fairbanks, 25 A Geo, M. Sylvester, 15 D Jerome H. Fuller, 25 A John W. Smith, 15 D Chas. Forbes, 25 A Amos Sprague. 15 I) F. Greenwood, 25 A Alfred P. Smith, 15 D J. L. Goodwin, 25 A Walter S. Shaw, 15 D H. Goulding, 2d, 25 A John F. Stafford, 15 D A. L. George, 25 A James Taylor, 15 D James M. Hervey, 25 A J. B. Thompson, 15 D Charles Henry, 25 A Chas. W. Upham, 15 D Cyrus L. Hutchins, 25 A Henry C. Ward, 15 D J. W. Hartshorn, .25 A D. B. Woods, 15 D Wm. E. Holman, 25 A 1 Edw. P. Hall. 25 A J. M. Allen. 25 F 142 WORCESTER COUNTY Names. Reg't. Co. Names. Reg't. Co. Cyrus N. Holman, 25 A Joseph Brown, 25 E C, H. Knowlton, 25 A M. Brisnahan, 25 E Wm. L. Lyon, 25 A Peter Brady, 25 E Chas. H, Munroe, 2b A .John Burke, 25 E Lloyd T. Manning 25 A Philip Byrnes, 25 E Geo. E. Merrill, 25 A Michael Connell, 25 E M. G. Merrill, 25 A Patrick Conlin, 25 E C. L. Metcalf, 25 A C. Conners, 25 E Orrin Parsons, 25 A Jere. 0. Conners, 25 E Eli Pike, 25 A John Cronin, 25 E Geo. F. Penneman 25 A Patrick Cronin, 25 E S. W. Phillips, 25 A Bryan Cuflf, 25 E W. IL Richards, 25 A James Doherty, • 25 E Geo. F. Robinson, 25 A Robert Emprey, 25 E H. W. Reed, 25 A Patrick Farren, 25 E A. E. Stearns, 25 A John Farren, 25 E John B. Savage, 25 A Patrick Falvey, 25 E Elijah Simonds, 25 A Thomas Foley, 25 E Charles Smith, 25 A James Gunigall, 25 E Paris Smith, 25 A Patrick McGarty, 25 E Augustus Stone, 25 A Patrick Hagerty, 25 E Julius M. Tucker, 25 A Terrencc Henritty, 25 E Chester 0. Upham, 25 A Peter Hickey, 25 E A. D. Whitcomb, 25 A Martin Leonard, 25 E Fred. A. White, 25 A John Masterson, 25 E John Wright, 25 A Patricic Murphy, 25 E Timothy M. Ward, 25 A James Mulloy, 25 E Michael McKeon, 25 E N. Mooney, 25 E Patrick Curran, 25 E Felix McCann, 25 E John B. McLane, 25 E James McTicrman 25 E J. McIIannan, 25 E Daniel McCrca, 25 E Napoleon Ward, 25 E Wm. McDevitt, 25 E James O'Neil, 25 E Pat. McDonough, 25 E Patrick McIIugh, 55 E John McLaughlin, 25 E Thos. McKeon, 25 E James O'Conncr, 25 E Denis M. Shechan, 25 E Dennis O'Connell, 25 E John Colby, 25 E Alfred Piper, 25 E E. C. Lafferty, 25 E John Ryan, 25 E John Loyed, 25 E Eph. Smith, 25 E Wni. R. Taber, 25 B and Francis Smith. 25 E Wm. G. Dixon, 25 B and Edward Swancy. 25 E John O'Neil, 25 E R. Whalin, 25 E Gotfred Kreis, 25 G Joseph Johnson, 25 H Sam'l Gleason, 25 G Geo. C. Larncd. 25 H STATISTICAL RECORD. 143 Nam^s. Reg't Co. Names. Reg't Co. John i). Grece, 25 G Wm. Perkins, 25 H Carl Haas, 25 G Daniel E. Pond, 25 H Ferd. Jacol)i, 25 G Chas. L. Rice, 25 H Frank F. Knapp, 25 G Frank L. Smith, 25 II John llaas, 25 Band C. W. L. Webber, 25 H John Mihon, 25 " F. W. Wellington, 25 H Joseph Bubser, 25 G Edw. P. Rockwood ,25 H Carl Maybaurn, 25 G Henry Matthews, 25 D Joseph Orfall, 25 (t C. H. Stratton, 25 D Joseph Erhart, 2o (i Orlando Hodgkins, 25 D Eugene Gartner, 25 G Joseph B. Knox, 25 D David Tainter, 25 G Aaron Parker, 25 D George Werner, 25 G Wm. H. Wood, 25 D Rudolph Weyer, 25 G Chas. A. Mann, 25 Band | Arthur Forboo, 25 H Geo. H. Libby, 25 " Chas. H. Pelton, 25 H F. R. Alden, 25 D Thos. Gleason, 25 H Wm. R. Alexander, 25 D Jas. C. Woodworth , 25 H George F. Allen, 25 D Francis Bridges, 25 H Andrew M. Austin 25 D John D. Miriek, 25 H Isaac R. Barbour, 25 D 11. W. Fcrnald, 25 H George H. Banner, 25 D W. Cheney, Jr., 25 H Alvin Brimhall, 25 D E. W. Wellington, 25 H A. A. Brigham, 25 D Rufiis E. Morse, 25 Band Levi L. Fames, 25 D A. I. Thompson, 25 '- C. A. McGaffery, 25 D E. W". Bancroft, 25 H C. Murphy, 25 D H. M. Banister, 25 H C. L. Ouimelt, 25 D A. F. Bartlett, 25 H W. M. Park, 25 D Geo. S. Battel, 25 H Sam'l Palmer, 25 D Geo. A. Bixby, 25 H Peter Rice, 25 D Lyman E. Hill, 25 H Edwin A. Roby, 25 D W. S. Clemence, 25 II Jas. M. Simmons, 25 D Geo. A. Coffin, 25 H Edgar A. Stone, 25 D R. S. Crane, 25 H Benj. D. Thayer, 25 D Chas. F. Curtis, 25 H J. N. Tourtellotte, 25 D Geo. E. Kent, 25 H Chas. F. Vv^inn, 25 D James R. Esty, 25 H James Stewart, 25 D Chas. F. Fisher, 25 H Daniel C. Gates, 25 D Moses S. Forbes, 25 H Geo. M- Worcester, 35 D Sam'l T. Hall, 25 H Geo. H. Wilson, 25 D Wm. Hudson, 25 H S. W. Tyler, 25 D E. P. Lawrence, 25, H Otis H. Knight, 25 D R. L. Lewis, 25, a Jpjm H. Sampson, 25 D G. L. McKnight. 25 H 144 WORCESTER COUNTY Worcester County O/Hccrs in other than Worcester County ilegimcnts. 0. Martin, Worcester, Brigade Surgeon, Westei-n Division. Francis Lcland, Milford, Surgeon, 2d Reg't Stephen G. Perkins, Milford, 2d Lieutenant, 2d '* Robert Peard, Milford, Lieut. Colonel. 0th " Thos. R. Roach, Milford, 1st Lieiitonant, 9th " Timothy Burke, Milford, 2d Lieutenant, 9th " Jeremiah O'Xeil, Milford, Captain, 9th " Wm. B. Bacon, Worcester, 1st Lieutenant, Uth " J. W. Sanderson, Westborough, 1st Lieutenant,. .13th " J. M. Mason, Milford, Captain, 16th " Wesley C. Sawyer, Harvard, Captain, 23d " Seth Bonney, Sterling, 2d Lieutenant, 26th " Addison A. Hosmer, W. Boylston, 1st Lieut, and Quartermaster, 14th " John A. McDonald, Holden, Captain 28th " John J. Cooley, Milford, Captain, 28th " John Ahern, Milford, 1st Lieutenant, .'SSth " James O'Keefe, Worcester, 1st Lieutenant, 28th " Nicholas J. Barrett, Worcester, 2d Lieut2nant,...28th " STATISTICAL RECORD. 145 THREE MONTHS VOLUNTEERS. THIRD BATTALION EIFLES. Company G, Worcestei* liight Infantry, Worcester. Formerly Co. B, 3d Battalion Rifles, M. V. M. ; it was known in the three months service as Co. G, 6th Regiment. 1st Captain, HAKRISON W. PRATT, Worcester. Lieut., George W. Prouty, Worcester; 2d Lieut., •'■Thomas S. Washburn, Worcester; Zd Lieut., *J. Waldo Denny, Worcester; 4,th Lieut., -Dexter F. Parker, Worcester. Sergeants, John A. Lowell, Worcester; J. Stewart Brown, Worcester; *Charles H. Strattea, Worcester; James A. Taylor, Worcester. CoqmraU, Joel H. Prouty^ Worcester ; Edward S. Stone, Worcester ; *Brown P. Stowell, Boston ; William H. Hobbs, Worcester. Musicians, Edward Stalhufth, Worcester ; William C. Roiindy, Worcester. privates. «-E. W. Alden, ■-■•"Benjamin F. R. Alden, *Caleb F. Abbott, John W. Bacon, *A. S. Badger, Boston, ^i^David H. Ball, «-Thomas E. Ballard, William F. Belser, •■•Henry Bemis, *Joseph L. Brown, Ptobert M. Brainard, John E. Calligan, ••■Edwin A. Campbell, Edward G. Capron, Luther Capron, Jr., Thomas J. Casey, Joseph Clissold, T. E. Cogger, Newburyport, -William Conner^ David W. Corson,, Moses W. Comsett^ George H. Conklia, Marcus Curtis. Charles E. Dart, *J. B. Dennis, Norwich^ Ct., ■*Thomas A. Doherty, E. L. Drury, *Joe Dyson, *Luke T. Drury, John Emerson, Miilbnry, Josiah S. Estabrook, Adam Gurnhard, *IIenry Ilardey, *Rudolph Hacker,, 146 WORCESTER COUNTY *Ira B. Hastings, •*Henry M. Richter, Henry R. Haven, Calvin Riggs, ^■^Eclward S. Hay, "^Meilleux Seif, John Henry, James D. Shaw, ^Orlando Hodgkins, •'■Dennis M. Sheehan, George A. Houghton, George Schwartz, *A. D. V. Hoar, Danielson- Baxter J. Smith, ville, Conn., John W. Stiles, "•••Church Howe, T. Sweenev, Holliston, George P. Johnson, Thomas Talbot, "•'■John M. Knapp, Edward P. Thompson, Frederick J. Kidder, John F. Towle, "■^-S. 0. La Forest, So. Boston, Charles P. Trumbull, William Lincoln, i^-Peter J. Turner, Henry Lawrence, Barre, ■^-William H. Valentine, Geo. F. Minter, Boston, Albert C. Walker, Charles A. Moulton, •'•Frederick Weigand, John F. Methven, C. E. Whipple, Springfield, John F. Muleahy, A. J. Whitcomb, *Myron J. Newton, Daniel Wilkins, Dennis H. Nolan, •'Mames Wilkins, •;;:"Edward B. Perry, "SCharles H. Wilson, William H. Piper, ■*John Wolf, *J. M. T. Pierce, fra Woodcock, Elbridge M. Rice, J. Wallace Woodward, Joseph 0. Rice, Silas E. Young. 1 All the above are from Worcester, unless otherwise designated. * Re-enlisted. Company A, City Guards, Worcester. ^Captain, AUGUSTUS R. B. SPRAGUE, Worcester. let Lieut., "SJosiAH Pickett, Worcester ; 2d Lieut., "^Geo. C. JosLiN, Worcester ; ?,d Lieut., "-'-Orson Moulton, Worcester ; Uh Lieut., •'■Eli.tah A. Harkness, Wor- cester. Serrjeants, Edward W. Adams, Worcester : Walter S. Bug- bee, Worcester ; "»George A. Johnson, Worcester ; Charles A. Ward, Worcester. STATISTICAL RECORD. 147 Corporals, *James M. Hervey, Worcester ; Calvin N. Har- rington, New York ; * George Burr, Worcester ; *H. Matthews, Worcester. Musicians, William H. Heywood, Worcester ; *James Stewart, Worcester. PRIVATES. William H. Aldrich, George W. Hatch, Frank J. Alden. Boston, Charles B. Kendall, *Merritt B. Bessey, ■^Herbert J. Kendall, -'■'George P. Bigelow, A. A. Livermore, Millbury, Luther H. Bigelow, Nathaniel S. Liscomh, B. A. Bottomly, Leicester, Henry Mellen, Francis Bacon, ■'•James I. McLane, Charles H. Bond, Henry A. R. Moen, Harry T. Bradish, Upton, «Edwin A. Morse, ■•-Theodore Burdick, ••'■Charles H. Monroe, ■*Charles S, Bartlett, David H. Mclver, James M. Cummings, W. L. Newton, No. Bridge- Lowell Caswell, water, John M. Cheney, Amos M. Parker, *Frank L. R. Coes, Francis J. Plummer, Elmer Cutting, Horace W. Poole, -'•George M. Curtis, John W. Pomroy, Lewis C. Champney, Charles H. Pelton, Charles B. Cutler, *Wm. R. Steele, New Haven, "•'•George S. Campbell, Conn., Herman E. Cn.nningham, Chester B. Shaw, Edwin L. Dodge. «C. K. Stoddard, Upton, Silas R. Dunn, Upton, •'•"James S. Slocum, Henry W. Daniels, ■••■Samuel A. Slocum, •^Charles Davis, -^Welcome W. Sprague, •'■Jerome H. Fuller, William E. Starr, Charles F. Fairbanks, •■•John A. Thompson, Arthur A. Goodell, George E. Warren, Joel W. Green, Jno. Wheeler, 2d, Hardwick, Thomas Gleason, -^^"C. A. Wesson, Grafton, John S. Gibbs, Boston, Wm. B. White, Leicester, Jaalam Gates, Melville E. "Walker, Amos H. Gilbert, Boston, ••■'Louis Wagcly, *Charles Henry, William H. Wood, William Heywood, Geo. Wakefield, Millbury, «Edward E.'Howe, «-Elbridge G. Watkins. All the above are from Worceste r, unless otherwise designated. * Ee-ei] listed. 148 WORCESTER COUNTY Company B, Holden Rifles, Holden. Captain, JOSEPH H. GLEASON, Holden. Ist Lieut., Phineas R. Newell, Holden ; 2d Lieut., Ed- ward F, Devens, Charlestown ; Zd Lieut., Samuel F. Woods, Barre ; Uh Lieut., George Bascom, Holden. Sergeants, "■■•Isaac T. Hooton, Webster; Hiram P. Newell, Holden ; -••Henry M. Ide, Worcester, Vt. ,• "*James W. Stanley, Worcester, Mass. Corporals, Emery Rogers, Holden; Artemas D. Bascom, Holden ; "*Sanford E. Stratton, Worcester ; --Ira J. Kelton, Holden. privates. H. G. Ammidown, South- bridge, *L. F. Alexander, Brookfield, Warren J. Ball, Holden, Aaron B. Burt, Sutton, J. Brown, West Boylston, H. H. Bowman, Leicestei-, Wm. E. Baker, Worcester, George Burnett, Holden, *"Saniticl Clark, Holden, Geo. A. Corey, Holden, C. Chenery, Jr., Holden, "•••P. A. Champney, Grafton, *^-Geo. E. Childs," Upton, *E. D. Clemans, Webster, John A. Collier, Worcester, N. S. Colburn, Worcester, Francis E. Davis, Holden, Wm. H. Earle, Worcester, Enoch Earle, Worcester, Hcnr,y Fales, Holden, E. Fairbanks, Rutland, ■•••Edw. E. Munroe, Paxton, ■■■Serino Newton, Oxford, "•••Wm. A. Nye, AYorcestci", •'■Maxie Pantum, Holden, "■••■Alfred Piper, Holden, John Fearing, Holden, John Firth, Worcester, •■•C. J. Fox, Newburyport, E. H. Franklin, Worcester, «Jas. S. W. Gee, Grafton, "*J. H. Gibson, Leicester, Martin M. Hayes, Grafton, ■«-Chas. R. Hill, Holden, Geo. Hobart, Worcester, ■*Hiram Howe, Holden, John F. Hubbard, Holden, ■«-C. B. Irish, Millbury, E. P. Lamb, West Boylston, Henry C. Ladd, Holden, G. H. Larnerd, Worcester, ■■■"Chas. A. Legg, Auburn, ••■"F. Lumazette, Holden, "*Bandall Mann, Leicester, •«Wm. McClern, Burke, Vt., C. A. McGaifcy, A\'^orcester, S. A. Moses, Holden, *Chas. S. Moore, Holden, "«"Edwin F. Pratt, Holden, •■•Samuel Preston, Holden, •^•J. D. Robinson, Leicester, G. W. Rockwood, Worcester, "*John B. Savage, Holden, STATISTICAL RECORD. 149 A. B. Sawyer, Holclen, •■•■Jesse S. Scott, Leicester, •■•C. N. Sbumwav. Webster, Geo. A. Smith, 11 olden, John H. Smith. Holden, "•■■E. B. Stone, Leicester, I R. B. Thomas, W. Boylston, * Re-enlisted *Geo. Trask, West Boylston, M. N. Trask, West Boylston, J. B. Weston, Georgetown, E. C. Winslow, jSTorthbridge, ■*J. D. White, AYest Boylston, Fred. A. White, Worcester. Company C, Emmet Guards, Worcester. Caiitain, MICHAEL S. McCONVILLE, Worcester. 1st Lieut., Michael O'Driscoll, Worcester; 2d Lieut., •■•Mathew J. McCafferty, Worcester; Zd Lieut., *Thomas O'Neil, Worcester; 4(/t Lieut., Maurice Melyik, Worcester. Sergeants, ^William Daly, Worcester ; *Patrick Curran, Worcester ; Martin Hayes, Worcester ; Patrick Hayes, Worcester. Corporals, Nicholns Power, Worcester; John .J. O'Gorman, Worcester: Geo. B. Chandler, Worcester; James Con- nor, West Boylston. privates. *Patriek Brazzle, James Burns, James M. Brewer. H. Been, North Wrentham, John Carroll, John Crimmen, Michael Collins, ■•••-Jeremiah Conners. James Duggan, Milford, Dennis Downey, "*James Doherty, John Dunn, Grafton, P. Diggins, Millbury, Patrick Deery, Daniel Donahue, - ■•'■Robert Empej^, Michael Finnegan, Milford, Thomas Finn, Anthony Gavin, James Hammond, John Hines, Edward Hayes, Bartholomew Harrington, J. F. Hartigan, W. Boylston, W. Hickey, West Boylston, E. Houston, West Boylston, "'■•Edw. Jennings, Grafton, Patrick Kelly, John Keer, Michael Keegan, 150 WORCESTER COUNTY STATISTICAL RECORD. Patrick Keegan, Patrick Kenna, Marlboro', John Kirk, Leicester, Timothy Lanton, •■•Joseph Laverty, Leicester, *Martin Leonard, Leicester, J. D. Long, West Boylston, ■■'George Moore, Francis Morrison, *John Morton, James Moran, -i^Michael McKeon, Thos. McKeon, F. Mclntire, Philadelphia, Michael McDonald, ■*Felix McCann, *Henry McConville, John B. McLane, *Re- ••••James McHannon, Daniel McLaughlin, John McDonald, *Telix McDermont, Auburn, John McGinnis, James McNulty, Clinton, John IMoriarty, Millbury, James McKenna, Edward T. Murray, John O'Brien, •-James O'Keefe, Michael Boach, P. Shevlin, West Boylston, J. Shevlin, West Boylston, -■•John Traynor, John Tobin, Michael Tobin, :-'-Napoleon Ward, enlisted. WORCESTER'S SEMES OF DICTIONARIES. THE STAXDARD BICTIONARIES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. L The Royal Quarto Dictionary. 81. The Universal and Critical Dictionary. III. The Academic Dictionary. IV. The Comprehensive Dictionary. V. The Elementary Dictionary. VI. The School Dictionary. WoRCESTKR's QuARTo DiCTiONART contains 1S54 pages, 1000 illustrations, 504JO words syuonymized, tiOjOUO new words. It is preferred by those who understand our lanptuage best— by such writ- ers as President Felton, George P. Marsh, Jidward Everett. Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, William C'ullen Bryant, Joseph Henry, Oliver W. Holmes, Prof. Longfellow, &c., &c. *^* Worcester's Comprehensive Dictionary. New electrotyped edition, revised and enlarged. It is betfer adapted as a text-book for High and Select Schools, and as a work of reference for families and the country-house, than any other Dictionary of the same size. Price, $1.12. *:f*' Worcester's School Dictionary. New eiectrotyped edition, revised and enlarged. It contains all the words in the English lan- guage, much used. It is printed in clear, distinct type, and is exten- sively used in schools. It is an admirable Pocket Dictionfiry for travellers and soldiers. Price, 38 cents. A. Mianual of Agrlcxxltni'e. Prepared under the direction of the Mass. State Board of Agricul- ture, for the use of Schools, Families and Farmers, by Geo. B. Emer- son, LL. D., and Charles L. Flint, Secretary of Mass. State Board of Agriculture. Price, 75 cents. SWAN, BREWER &, TILESTON, No. 131 Washingtoix Street, Boston, IMass. ll WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. 153 SEWING MACHINES, AT L. Q. SPAULDING'S SEWING MACHINE SALESROOMS May be found of different manttfacture, s0ch as SLOAT'S, WHEELER & ^VILSON'S, I. M. SINGER & CO.'iJ, EMPIRE, GROVER & BAKER'S, A. F. JOHNSON'S, AND OTHERS* THE SLOAT SEWING MACHINE Is now offered to the public under the license of E. Howe, Jr., and MANUFACTURED AND APPROVED BY THE WhEELER & WiLSON SEWING Machine Co., with Glass Pressure Foot and Hemmer, and is one of ! the best machines in the market. J THE SINGER MACHINE, for family and manufacturing pur- poses, is unsurpassed by any one, with new improvements. I SEWING r\/1ACHINES TO LET, By the week or longer, on reasonable terms. Also, all kinds of Ma- i chines Cleaned and Repaired at short notice. Macliine Needles for all kinds of Machines, on band. SILK AND OIL, AND—— SEWING MACHINE FIXINGS GENERALLY, 263 MAIN ST., WORCESTER, MASS. L. Q. SPAULDENG, Agent. i2 154 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. DRY aOODS — AND — CARPET WARE - HOUSE, HEADQUARTERS FOR C ^ tl I> 3S T S , Oil Cloths, and House Furnisliing Goods ! LADIES' OUTSIDE GARMENTS. SILKS, SHAWLS, &C. VISIT THE Ladies' Exchange and Cloak Emporium, NOS. 253 & 255 MAIX STREET, (Corner Mechanic Street), WORCESTER, MASS. I beg leave to call your attention to my unusually large and at- tractive stock of FoRttiGN AND Domestic Dry (toohs, which I am flaiiv opening. In addition to my large line of* DRESS GOODS. SILKS. SHAWLS, CLOAKS. &c , I have a lull a.ssortment of DOMEST[C GOODS, purchased for Cash, which will be sold below the present market value. I also ask attention to my large stock of I'ARPET- INGS. purchased at Auctions for Cash, and will be sold at prices be- low any other Carpet House iu this city. Tinrgains in ''l.-i<'k !>»ilkf«.— Ladies looking for Black Silks should not fail of looking here. We sell a better Silk for 87 1-2 cents than can be purchased anywhere else for $l.U0; Iti^h, I>IedJMm, nsi»l TiO«,v Prirprt fJoofIs— of every de- scription, from the smallest article in the Thread Store Department, to a Jl'oh Tn^'Tiet. SiJk. rionli. Cape, or Sliawl,— Including thousands of items not here recited. All of which I have taken greit pains to provide for my extensive circle of customers, and will be sold at prices as low as at any other store in Massachusetts. Everybody should call here before pur- chasing. J. S. PINKHAM. 253 iSc 255 Main, (Cor. Mechanic Street,) WORCESTER, MASS. WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. 155 BE^-TIST, NO. 158 MAIN STREET, niKECTLY Opposite Mechanics Hall Building, ^WORCESTER, MASS. 156 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMEXTS. OJ^B PRICE STORE, O. A. SMITH, DEALEE IN DRY GOODS, FOREIGIV AND AMERICAN, NO. 6 LINCOLN HOUSE BLOCK, Terms Cash. Worcester, Mass. p^ EJ w 15 ^ li JE R, :sr . Having fitted up the Rooms at 38 FRONT STREET, KELLEY'S BLOCK, WORCESTER, For the purpose of carrying on a First Class Domestic Bakery and Confectionery Business? I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Worcester that I am now prepared to furnish them with all the Delicacies of the Season, orders solicited and faithfully executed. Always on hand. Cream Cakes, Fruit, Pound, Wedding and Sponge Cake; Molasses, Brown and Wheat Bread; Warm Biscuit, for Tea; Hot Rolls, Fried Turnovers, Doughnuts, Ginger Snaps, Cookies, Buns, Cranberry Tarts, Meat, jApple, Custard, Lemon and Washing- ton Pies; Boston, Wine, Soda, Milk, Butter, and Common Crackers. E. M. KINaSBURT. LIVERY STABLE, Hacks furnihhed on all occasion'^ tooider Horses Boarded by the xjtxy, WccK, Oi M^^nth. O.Tice, >'o. 18 I'oster St., Worcester, 3Iass. Opposite the \ j. ammidon. B. & W. R. Depot, j 0. d. wiiittemqei;. WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. 157 ^> E O I^ Xi E =" S MIJTIJAI FIRE IISUSANCE €01M¥, WORCESTER, iVlASS. Insure Buildings, Merchandise and Personal Property, BOTH ON THK STOCK AND MUTUAL PLAN, On as favorable terms as any sound and well conducted Stock or Mutual Uompanj'. Losses Equitably Adjusted and Promptly Paid. OIRECTORS: j Henry Chapin, John C Mason, Sam'l H. Colton, C. W. Freeland, Joseph Pratt, Jona. Luther, E. L, Brigham, I. Washburn, H.N. Tower, H. Goulding, Timo. S. ^tone, Jona. Warren. I Joseph Boyden, Edward Earle, D wight Foster, : A. N. CURRIER, Sec't. HENRY CHAPIN, Pres't. SAMUEL H. COLTON", Treas'r. B J^ Y B T ^^ T E FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Worcester, Mass. OFFICE IN C1_ARK'S BLOCK. Capital Stoclc, S150,000. Paid in, 100,000. Insures Buildings, Merchandise, Manufactories, and Per- sonal Property Generally. DIRECTORS: Stephen Salisbukt, Worcester. I Isaac Davis, Worcester Alexander H. Bullock, Charles L. Putnam, George T Rice, Francis H. Dewey, Lewis Barnakd, Francis H. Kinkicutt, George W. Richardson, Calvin Poster, JosiAH H. Clarke, William Claflin, Boston, Jacob Edwards, Jr., Boston George Hodges, Jr., Oxford, Ebenezpr Torrey, Fitchburg Aaron C. Mahew, Milford Royal O. Storrs, Webster CHARiEs G. Stevens, Chnton Edward B. Bigelow, Grafton Jacob Fisher, Lancaster EDW. R. WASHBURN, Seg'y, CHAS. L. PUTNAM, Pkes't. 158 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. A. P. WARE & CO., UrAIS'UFACTURERS AND DEALERS IX MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTHINa, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Constantlj' on hand, a large, varied and well manufactured stock of CLOTHijsra, adapted to all seasons of the year, and to persons of all pursuits. OUR BOYS' DEPARTMENT Is at all times worthy of the especial attention of purchasers. Entrance to the Boys' Department, at Constantly on hand, a large and WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SCOBS, Which will be sold hy the Piece or at Retail, at the LOWEST PRICES, OR MADE UP TO ORDER IN THE MOST ARTISTIC AND TASTEFUL MANNER, — AXD SATISFACTION WARRAMTED IS ALL CASES. A. P. WARE & CO., 164, 168 & ITO jMaiix St., WORCESTER. WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. 159 J. B. LAWRENCE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF, AND WHOLESALE ANI> RETAIL. DEALERS CABINET FURNITURE, of every description. Also^ FEATHERS, BEDS, MATTRESSES, Looking-Glasses and Looking-Glass Plates, A N D Cornices of every Description. UPIIOLSTEEY GOODS, DAMASK, EEPT, AND SHALLIES, Hail- ClotSi, CiirtalRi FixtKres, Curtain Tassells and Cord, Picture Tassells and Cord, | SPRING BEI> BOTTOMS, OF THE BEST KIXDS. j PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER.! OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED, 1 OLD MATTRESSES MADS OVER. ' I A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP CURTAIN DAMASK. AMEEIOAN HOUSE BLOCK, I Coi'. of Main and Foster Sts., Up Stairs, l WORCESTER, MASS. i l-i^i^SS^^U^^ 160 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. Hotels and. Hesta/ixrants. \muj)^ Ladies' Enti nd Door on Foster Street. 3L.I]?^COLPf HOUSE, W. H. Balcoin, Proprietor. MAIJSr STREET, OPPOSITE B. & W. B,. R. DEPOT, WORCESTER. B-A-TIlSra- HOXJSE Barker & Witlierbee Have just opened a Saloon for Ladies and Gentlemen, where Refresh- ments can he had at all hours. Ladies visiting Worcester, will find it the pleasantest place in the city to take a Lunch. No. 230 MAIN STREET, nearly opposite Pinkham's Dry Goods Store. 8. D. BARKER. D. I" WITHERBEE. EFFECTED IN FIllST CLASS STOCK AND MUTUAL COMPANIES, By William S. Denny. OFFICE, 257 MAIN SEREET, (Clark's Block,) WORCESTER. ELLIS THAYER, Manufacturer and Dealer In BnXJf^XIEJS OF A^T^J^ It I IV I> S , No. 10 FOSTER STREET, Opposite the B. & W. B. R. Depot, WORCESTER. Particular attention given to Machine and Dresser Brushes. WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. 161 attorneys and CoTxtisellox-s. J. HENRY HILL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, j N/IAS-TER IN CHANCERY, i Notary Public. Oommissioner of the TJ. S Court of Claims, and Com- j missioner for taking Depositions, the acknowledgement of Deeds, &c., FOB NEARLY ALL THE STATES IN THE UNION, WOKCESTER, MASS. Office, No. 8 ]3i-iiilev Hall. D. VV. HASKIXS, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NO. 6 BANK BLOCK, (FOSTER ST.,) WORCESTER. A. DADMUN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NO. 5 BANK BLOCK. W. W. RICE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NO. 7 BANK BLOCK, WORCESTER, MASS. HENRY C. RICE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, And Ma.ster in Chancery, NO. 4 BRINLET HALL, WORCESTER, MASS. Particular attention aiven to the collection of Pensions and Bounty- Money for United States Soldiers. MEIiLEN & DAVIS, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BRINLEY ROW, 18S MAIN STREET. EDWARD MELLEN. W. S. DAVIS, Master In Chancery. rug;g:ists and. A.i>otlieearies. M. B. GREEN Jt CO., Apothecaries, and Dealers in Chemicals, Leecks, FAN/IIUY IVIEDICINES, Patent Medicines, Brushes, Perfumery, &c., No. 7 Lincoln House Block, Main Street, Worcester. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS ACCUflATELT PREPARED. C. A. HARRINGTON & CO., Wholesale and Ketail Dealers in DYE-STUFFS, DRUGS, PAINTS AND OILS, KEROSENE OIL, BURNING FLUID, Wheat and Potato Starch, Window Glass, and Manufacturers' Articles Generally. Sign of the Good Samaritan, 50 Main St., Worcester. C. A. HARRINGTON. JEROME MARBLE. JAMES GREEN, No. 117 Main Street, Worcester. Established by the present proprietor in the year 1822, on the site now occupied. PRESCRlp-riONS CAREFULUY CON/IPOUNDED. j8®= All of the popular Family Medicines for sale at the lowest prices. The folJowiiig Excellent Uolanic Medicines Are prepared and sold by L.. E. BUTTERWORTH, 62 FRONT STREET. Peruvian Syrup, Restorative Wine Bitters, Pulmonary Balsam, the Great Strength Restorer Liniment. A. L. . HOBART, A. M., M. D., PHYSICIAN ANI> SUROEON House and Office No. 10 Green .Street. ig®= Professional services untiring and perpetual. 164 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMENTS. Watclies and. Jevrelry. RICHARD FISKE, Agent, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE, GUNS, PISTOLS AND FISHING TACKLE, 195 Main Street, - - Woi-cester, J^lass. W. D. FENNO & SON, DEALERS IN Watches and Jewelry, Silver Ware, Combs, OPTICAL AND MATHEMATICAL IXSTRUMEXTS^ OUNS, PISTOLS AND FANCY GOODS, 16ii Main St., Worcester, Mass. BENJAMIN GODDARD, DEALER IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE & SPECTACLES, NO. 174 MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. (under brinley hall.) Personal attention given to all kinds of Watch Repairing, &c WlIiLARD & DEVEREACJX, PIPER'S BLOCK, UP STAIRS. 269 I>Iain St., ^Vorcester, Mass. jg®- A choice stock of desirable and seasonable goods always on hand, and at low prices. Terms cash. W. H. Willard, John B. Detbreaux. A. E, PECK, Manufacturer and Dealer in Looking Glasses, Oval & Square Frames, Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings, Ornain«nted Gilt, Rosewood and French Oval Frames for Photo- graphs, of the Richest Styles; Looking-Glass Plates, Passe-Partouts, Paper Matts, Picture Cord, &c. Hair Wreath Frames Furnished to Order. 145 MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. WORCESTEU ADVERTISEMENTS. 165 Oroceries a/Xid I*rovisioiis. DAVIXNEIiL. & TAFT, Dealers in West India Goods, Groceries, Flour, Farmer's Produce, Potashes? Sec, NO. 23A MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. li. M. LARNED, Oealer in Oroceries and I*rodLnce, At Wholesale Only, 10 FRONT STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. WM. O. SWETT, Dealer in Fine Teas, West India Goods, and Choice Family Oroceries, NO. 186 MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, MASS. B. F. BOURSE, I>EA.I^EI?, ITS PHOVISIOIS^®, NO. 5 SOUTHBRIDGE STREET. Beef, Pork, Lard, Ham, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Fruit, Oysters, and Provisions generally. INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, No. 3 Harrington Corner, Up Stairs. Opposite City Hall, corner of Main and Front Streets. Families and Hotels supplied with the best help that can be obtained, free of charge. WILLIAM P. JOHlSiSON. DEXTER RICE, SiaN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. No. 16 Mechanic Street. Glass Signs, Transparencies, Store Shades, &c. ^M^^^^^k^f'^i:^^^^ 166 WORCESTER ADVERTISEMEXTS. -VISIT THE PEOPLE'S STORE; The only place where you can find a complete outfit for Housekeeping. FURNITUEE, OAKPETS, OROCKEEY, — AND — HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS- ALSO, Paper Hangings, Borders, WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, NOW SEIililNG AT PANIC PRICES I Be sure and Call before you buy ! WORCESTER, - - MASS. J. L. HOOD. p. \ MIrfM, CHILSO jST'S PATENT ElEVATED DOUBLE OVEM OOOKIMO BAHOE. This very superior Eange, now in so gen- eral use, needs only to be seen to under- stand the great improvements attained in this invention over any other plan of Range iu the United States. It is entirely new in principle,— having five claims patented for Improvements not found in any other Range:— Its unparalleled economy in the consumption of fuel; Its quick and even- baking ovens; its ixitent self-reguiating flues around the ovens (without the usual vexatious complication of dampers tound in the common Ranges) ; its cast iron flue plates around the oven, preventing loss of heat in the chimney. Its superior, tine, heavy castings, and general beauty of de- sign and conveniences, cannot fail to commend themselves to all using Ranges. Sizes in variety for dwellings, hotels, &c., with or without Water Backs, for Bath Boilers and other washing purposes; also, Hot Air Fixture, for heating additional rooms when desired. Xo housekeeper will long use any other plan of Range or Cooking Stove after once using this Range. OHILSON'S NEW PAELOR STOVE, PARLORS, CHAMBERS, OFFICES, STORES, &c. This Stove keeps fire day and night, and warms the floor for a great distance around the stove. It has a nice arrangement for ventilaiing the room. J8®- An Oven and Boiler attached, when desired, fob Dining Rooms. All are invited to examine this invention. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the subscriber's store, ]Vos. 01> and lOl Klaclcstono ©treet, 330STON, OR AT HIS FOUNDRY IN MANSFIBoD, MASS. GARDNER CHILSOX. CHILSON'S PATENT CONE FURNACES. FArKNTED IN THE United States^ England and France. A Gold Medal awarded by tlie " Massachusets Charitable Mechanic Association " Fair of 1856, and the only gold medal ever awarded to any firm in Massachusetts. The extensive use of this superior Fur- nace in the United States, has acquired for it a reputation too well and favorably known to need more at this time than to call the special attention of those in want of the best possible means of warming dwellings, public buildings. &c., with pure, fresh, healthful heat, (free from that scorching, dry, red-hot-iron heat, and coal gas, so common to hot-air furnaces,) to an examination of this superior inven- tion, which represents a cluster of cones, or tapering radiators, over a broad, flar- ing, shallow fire-pot. These cones, being large at the base and small at the top, secure the great and Important object of retaining and' holding the smoke and gases back, in contact with the burning fuel— thus thuronghly consuming the gases while their heat is com- pressed up into the cones, and made to impinge against and radiate from the tapering nurfaces—thereb!/ securing twice the heat from a given amount of coal, that can be obtained from any other plan known to man. This furnace is very simple in its construction, and easily man- aged, and much less liable to need repairs tban any other plan of furnace in use. ALSO, FIVE SIZE* OF On the same principle, that are giving perfect satisfaction. A special invitation Is given to all interested in the heating and ven- tilation of buildings to examine the above assortment of furnaces. »^ Special attention given to putting up furnaces and kakgks, and the ventilation or buildings, in any part of the country. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the subscriber's store, ¥os. 99 and 101 Blackstone Street, Boston, Or at his Foundry, Mansfield, Mass. GARDNER CHILSON. iivr»i A.3N- MEDICAL INSTITUTE OFFICE, 36 BROMFIEL.D STREET, BOSTON. Rev. N. DAY, Pres't. Rev. P. MASON, Vice Pies't. R. GREENE, M. D., Superiutending Physician. This Institution was established for the cure of Diseases upon the principles of innocent medication, entirely discarding the use of poi- sonous drugs. Many diseases, such as ScrofHala, Humors of tlie Blood., Diseases of tlxe Throat ai^cl Lixngs, Dyspepsia, Liver Coinplaiii.t, Heart Complaint, Rliexxinatism , Female Com.plaints, And a great variety of ordinary diseases are successfully treated by medicine which may he sent to any part of the country, with full directions. Persons having CANCERS. Or those afflicted with complicated diseases, should Immediately avail themselves of Dr Greene's personal attention. Consultation at the office, or by mail, free of charge. Dr. Greene will be at the office from S A. M. to 1 P. M. The office will be open, and competent persons in attendance, from 7 1-2 A. M. to 6 P.M. All communications should be directed to R. GREIiKB, M. D., 36 Bromfield street, Boston. Note.— Persons wishing to investigate this method of practice, or its superior success, will be furnished with a pamphlet descriptive of treatment, free, by addressing R. GEEENE, M. D., 3G Bromfleld street, Boston, Mass. SHIRT DEPOT. C. F. HATHAWAY & CO. HATI5G Removed from 63 Milk Street, NO. 141 WASHINGTON STREET, OFFER IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A LARGE STOCK SHIRTS, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, AT TOE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Our' Shirts, Stocks, &c., have long been known as the best In the market, and we can suppiy any quantity ready made, or attend to orders for We have Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Linen Bosoms, Cuffs, and Shirt Materials of every kind, and Patent Paper Collars, for Gentle- men and Ladies. Our success for upwards of twenty years. In satisfying customer with the quality and prices of our goods, is a sufficient guarantee to all who favor us with their custom. C. F. HATHAVVAF & CO.. NO. 141 ^VASHINOTON STREET, BOSTON. S. M. BURGESS, DEALER m GLOVES, HOSIERY, Cravats, Scarfs, HANDKERCHIEFS, STOCKS, UNDEESHIRTS. DRAWERS, SHIRTS, BOSOMS, COLLARS, &c. BUCK GLOVES AND MITTENS. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. ISrO. 104 TI^EI^01^TT ST. (Second Door from Bromfleld Street,) BOSTON. BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY! Experience has proved, and time has demonstrated, that this reme- dy is unequalled lor the immediate relief and cure ot Oonghs, Golds, Bronchial Affections, WnOOPIN-G COUGH, GROUP, DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS, As well as the most dreadful of all diseases, COIS-SXJMIPTIOIV! The high character of this preparation, as a safe, certain, effectual and agreeable remedy for the complaints which it professes to cure, has given it a world-wide reputation. From the hundreds of certihcates in our possession, certifying to the wonderful etiects of the use of Wistar's Bulsaii of Willi Clierry, we select the following letter. From Beujaniiii Wheeler, Esq., Depot Master at South MoynlsiLoii. South Royalston, January 4, 18G1. Messrs. Skth W. Fowle iam. though with no belief whatever in its truly wonderful curative properties, and before using two bottles the effect was almost magical. My cough entirely left lue, the night sweats deserted me, hope once more elated my depressed spirits, and soon [ had attained my wonted strength and vigor. thus had tliis Balsam, as ha:" often been remarked by persons con- versant with the above facts in this vicinity, literally snatched me from the vawning grave. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Very respectfully yours, BENJ. WHEELER. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IK MEDICINE, AND BT THE PKOPHIETORS, SETH W. FOWLE & CO., 330STON. Would respectfully announce that a great saving may be effected by purchasing mourning at his GENERAL MOURNING STOBE. His stock of strictly Mourning Goods is the largest and most economical in the city. BLACK GOODS, of everv name and quality, at the lowest prices. BLACK M0UKN1N(t SILKS, in great variety. MOURNTISTG SHAWLS— a very large stocli always on hand and made to order. SUPERIOR ENTGLIsn CRAPKS. MOURNING HAXDKRRCIIIKPS. SUPRRIOR BLACK KID (tLOVKS. LUPIN'S BOMBAZINKS, very low POULT DR SOIR SILKS. 7."> cents to $2.00. BLACK RRP. SILKS, very heavy. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKED SILKS. We call special attention to low priced Bombazinos, Tamise Cloth, and Turin Cloth, OF SUPERIOR MAKE. We have a large stock of LOW PRICED MOURNING GOODS, remarkably cheap. MOURNING MILLINERY. BLACK CRAPE AND SILK HATS. „.,,„ BLACK ENGLISH CRAPR VKILS AND FALLS. BLACK ENGLISH CRAPE SETS . , „. » ^^ We would draw attention to a verv fine assortment of BLACK GRRNADINR COLLARS AND CUFFS. BLACK GRENADINE SETS. BLACK CRAPE COLLARS AND CUFFS. BLACK CRAPE SETS. BLACK LACE SETS. WHtIR MU-^LIN COLLARS AND CUFFS. BLACK AND WHITE LACE SETS. WHITE MU-^LIN AND TARLRIOM COLLARS, CRAP.O. LACE AND GRENADINE COLLARS. BLACK LACR VEILS BLA(^K LACE AND CRAPE VEILS. TISSUE VEILS. S . S . W I T. L I A M S , NO. 20 WINTER STREET, BOSTON. JOHN A. WHIPPLE, PHOTOfiRAPHIC & BAGCERREOTYPE ROOMS, NO. 96 WASHINOTON STREET, BOSTON. J. A. W. HAS HAD TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the Daguerreotype business ; was the first to successfully practice Photographing in the United States (the Crystalotype) ; received a At the World's Fair, London, and the niCHEsx prize given foe pho- tographs at the World's Fair, New York; offers his services to the public in the Daguerreotype and Photograph business, assisted in its various branches by THE BEST AKTISTS to be had in the country. AT HIS OLD STAND, IVo. OG ^Washington. Street, BOSTON. I J. w. bla-Ck:, PHOTOGRAPHIST. RoomS) No, 173 Washinston Street) BOSTON. Photographs of every size and description taken in the best manner, plain finish, colored, or in India ink, at prices ranging from $3 to $151). Excellent copies of old or partially faded Daguerreotypes taken. Per- sons having such Daguerreotypes of deceased relatives, will And this a very useful branch of our art. CARD PHOTOORAPHS, Now so much in favor with the public, at $3 per dozen, equal, if not superior, to any in this country. PHO-rOQRAPH BOOKS AND Al_BUIVIS ; French, English and American, of every variety. Rosewood. Black Walnut, and Gilt Frames; Cases in Velvet and Morocco, and all other articles appertaining to the Photographic art, constantly on hand, and for sale at reasonable prices. fli^Orders for new sittings received one week in advance, if desired. PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRI jSTTIISTG, Executed with neatness and dispatch, by AT THE FRANKLIN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, AVOROESTKR, :SIASS. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS roE OIV3L.Y ^3.5<> I»ER r>OZEiV! DAVIS & CO.'S, Corner "Winter and. ^Vaslaington Streets, (Ektrance, No. 2 Winter Street,) BOSTON. OVER ONE MILLION OF MINIATURES Have been made at their rooms within the past nine years,— more than one to every house in the New England States. THE ORIGINAL Twenty-five Cent Ambrotype and One Dollar Fhoto- eraph RoomS) Corner or "WixfEB and Washington Strkets, BOSTON. ^' PREMIUM ' STANDARD SCALES. Cor/ect in Principle, Thoroueli in Construction, Accurate, Convenient, and Durable in Operation! These scales are still made under the supervision of the origlnaj Inventors, and are constantly receiving improvements, based on thel| skill and experience of more than thirty years, devoted only to thfi branch of business. They have received more first class premium than all other scales; and, what Is of more practical value, have re ceived the award of superior excellence from the vast numbers win have used them for many years. At our warehouse may constantly be found a complete *> isortmeni ofall kinds of weighing apparatus, adapted to every branch of bu3l ness, as HAY, COAL, RAILROAD, ICE AND FARMERS Platform, Counter and Warehouse Scales. Druggists*, Confectioners', Butchers' and Gold Scales WITH IN AMPLE VARIETY OF STORE FURNISHING EQUIPMENTS, Aa Sugar Mills, Alarm Money Drawers, Measures, Weights, &c., &Q ALL -WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. FAIRBANKS 8l BROWN 118 Milk Street, Boston. FOR SALE BY C. FOSTER & CO., WORCESTER. LIBRARY CONGRESS