PS 3537 .H16 K5 1922 Copy 1 KING WINTER'S COURT anc The Miss Springtime Company A PLAY OF ONE ACT. IN TWO SCENES CAN BE GIVEN BY A DRAMATIC OR DANCE SCHOOL BY ALMA MATER WILSON SHAFER WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA Copyrighted by the Author KING WINTER'S COURT and The Miss Springtime Company A PLAY OF ONE ACT IN TWO SCENES CAN BE GIVEN BY A DRAMATIC OR DANCE SCHOOL BY ALMA MATER WILSON SHAFER WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA Copyrighted by the Author KING WINTER^S COURT CHARACTERS "^1 King Winter. Prince Iceland — (King Winter's Son.) Princess Snowbound — (Bethrothed to the Prince.) Lady Sunshine — (Beloved hy the Prince.) Jack Frost. North Wind. End of the Rainbow. King's Attendants — (Any number.) Court Messenger. Herald. Standard Bearers. Court Jester. Icicles — (Prince Iceland's Attendants.) Snowflakes — (Princess Snow's Attendants.) Imps — The Window Painters (Jack Frost's Attendants.) Sunbeams and Cupid — (Lady Sunshine's Attendants.) The Court Ballet. Premiere Danseuse. Miss Springtime. Manager — (of the Miss Springtime Co.) The Springtime Ballet. Rose / Kathryne I Members of the ^H?flhPth { ^^^^^ Springtime Co. ^iizaoetn \ ^ ^ York City Jane [ and Delegate \ (High Priestess and Incense Dancers, Train Bearers, Flower Girls, Snow Birds and Bunnies, etc.) 'CI.D 61666 "vv . I KING WINTER'S COURT NOTE As no change in scenery is necessary, tlie setting siiould be' ass elaborate as possible, finishing with a snow storm. If it is desired t&» use the same people in both scenes, the costumes can be covered witk the cape used by the Springtime Co., until such time as they can change and no waiting is necessary between scenes. Lady S., when she first appears may be attended by a cupid dressed in gold, who dances between the Prince and Lady S., with his bovv^ and arrow. Lady S. and the Sunbeams wear gold costumes. The King, Prince and Piincess, in white court costumes with ermine fur. Tha snow- flakes in white with tufts of cotton sev/ed on and crystal bead trim- ming. The King's attendants in white flannel, made Roman blouse with girdle. Jack Frost and Imps in close fitting suits covered with spark- ling trimmings. The court ballet in white ballet dresses trimmed with silver ribbon, to which snowballs are attached. North Wind in grey and blue drapery. End of the Rainbow colored ballet dress. The Springtime Co., will wear dresses suitable to their particular part. The ballet can be costumed in green for one size and pink for an- other size. If another color is desired it could be yellow or lavender. If necessary some of the characters can be omitted, such as North V/ind, End of the Rainbow, Court Jester etc. If there is a derth of good speaking characters in the school, the speeches in the Spring- time Co., can be doubled. The End of the Rainbow and Premiere Danseuse dress the stage in the Court scenes and dance before the King. The author will be glad to answer any question regarding the staging, costuming and special dances used which will benefit the teacher. SYNOPSIS Serene I. — A snow and ice scene — with throne for King up R., a raised platform up L. for Lady Sunshine to appear upon — all covered with snow. — Prince discovered, seated on steps of throne. Scene II. — Same as Scene I, finishing with a snow storm. Time of Play — The play can be made to run an entire evening if a sufficient amount of material is used in the court revelry and th*^ entertainment given by the Miss Springtime Company. NOTE NO., 2 The entrances and exits of the King and his court, should he . made very impressive. Enter down R^ — March to center of stage then., up center to throne. The different attendants should stop before; reaching the throne separate and face eacli other, thus forming a . pathway for the passage of the court dignitaries. The trumpeter whav. heralds the approach of the King should march to the left of the stage and face, holding a very military position during the assem- bling of the court. The standard bearers march to center separate-v face each other and present arms as the King passes — then take the extreme right and left of the stage. The jester dances in front of the. King and takes a place near the King on the throne. Prince Iceland and his attendants take up their position center- back. Lady Snowbound and attendants in aff oblique line on the right, with the court ballet in the same formation on opposite side. Jack Frost and the Imps, dance in and face the throne,, the Imps sitting until they dance out for their paint buckets. These buckets and brushes should be painted white. If Jack Frost has considerable trouble managing the Imps, it lends a touch of comedy. Tlie play has been arranged with the object in view of linking together the work of the school for a finishing performance and all the beautiful things learned during the year can be utilized. KING WINTER'S COURT SCENE I. NOTEi — Snow-birds standing in semi-circle at back of stage. They dance as curtain rises and return to places. PRINCE — Why does my father insist on such a loveless marriage? Princess Snow is so cold and unapproachable! I don't w^ant her for my wife and I am most unhappy. NOTE — Chorus off stage, sings "Look for the Silver Lining," published by T. B. Harris Co., N. Y., copyrighted MCMXXI. Then have chorus dance across stage singing. Prince up stage despondent. a (Enter Lady Sunshine.) (Snow-birds dance again and exit.) NOTE — Speaking parts from here until the King enters are set to music of "Dance of the Robins." Published and copyrighted by Sam Fox Publishing Co., Cleveland and New Yori-:. PRINCE — Tell me beautious maiden, where you came from into here. LADY S — I came from far across the ocean, from the land far o'er the sea. PRINCE — Tell me, wonderous lady, were you happy there in that land across the sea? LADY S — Yes, your Royal Highness, I was happy. Oh, so happy, happy there. PRINCE — Oh, Golden Lady, if you stay not, stay not here, I'll die. LADY S — Prince Charming, let me tell a secret. If I stay here you will die. For my rays are life and health and pleasure to lands far o'er the sea, but they're death, destruction and oblivion to all whO: dwell in your fair land. PRINCE — I care not, if you'll stay here now with me. LADY S — If you love me— on bended knee you'll vow. PRINCE — On bended knee I vow to Heavea abiO'Ve'^ t© l!©^© j&VSr t® JSMKGER— (Entering, down R.-) — Sir, Uis feMs ymt attend Mm at once*. FEIMC;1J— 'I wfli me 'my l&tMv #©si#nsfljr, (illfit "Mg.s®eng;gr,> LiABY B — I'm a very fiefele Ia(fof,'.i|cxv;:thi»-^Iand',y©'U: loye &o well. If ycm S&& m\& very often, you'll be not a charming Prince, but a littl© stream of water on its way: down to the sea, KING WINTER, — (Entering- down R, accompanied by Trumpeter.) — My son, have I not comxiiandedyou to stop this flirtaUon with Lady Sunshine? LADY S— Your Majesty, blame not your son for that which he cannot help. KING W — (Angrily)-— You are our worst enemy and my son does not know .the danger he is in. Leave us, I command you ! PRINCE — Stay, oh, lady fair, I beseech thee, on bended knee I — LADY S — On be-nded knee? Oh, Prince, I must Heave you— your father is right, but I will come again and again for a short intei^aJ — but beware Prince Charming, that you ask not too much of me. {Esit Sunshine) . PRINCE" — Sir, you have taken from me the one bright spot In my life. KING W — My. son, I have sent from you that which .in a short time would destroy you. "I must be cruel to be kind." (To Trumpeter) — Go summons my ministers and all my court, that we may without delay announce the betrothal of Prince Iceland and Princess ;Snowbound. (Exit Trumpeter.) (Exit King.) (Prince up stage.) PRINCESS SNOW— (Entering down L.)— Oh, woe is me! I love the Prince and he loves Lady Sunshine — I spread a mantle of white purity over all the world to delight his eye, but he sees only the golden glitter of sunshine. PRINCE — (Coming dowii stage) — Princess Snow, I wish you would not follow me about so constantly. I'm tired of your white purity; I want life and warmth and happiness. (Retires up stage.)^ (Princess Snow falls in despair.) (Enter Snowf lakes — Dance around stage, they discover their Princess.) A SNOWFLAKE — See our Princess where she lies! (Dance aroujid her and help her to her feet.) (Exit.) NOTE — (Prince recites or sings "Only a Smile." Published and copyrighted by Sam Fox Publishing Co., Cleveland and N. Y. f Lady Sunshine appears, on the words, "All that I hold dear, now is drawing near." Have 2nd choi'us sung by invisible choir. At finish a blare of trumpets is heard and Lady Sun- shine hasitily disappears.) (Enter, the Court.) !^, '-^ NOTE — Enter the King, preceded by trumpet- ers. Messenger, Standard Bearers and Jester followed by the Prince, Princess and Jack Frost with their attendants, and all the Court. * ~* [j (King seated on ithrone.) KING W — This gajthering of my court Is to witness the betrothal of my son Prince Iceland and the Princess Snowbound. This mar- riage will be in every way a fitting one for my son and I know you rejoice with me that in this union the noble character and time-hon- ored traditions of our country will be perpetuated. NOTE — The betrothal scene, should be as i elaborate as possible, finishing with a Pa- vanne or a Court Dance, after which the King's Messenger reads the Royal decree. KING'S MESSENGER— Here all ye! List to the Royal Message. It is herein set down, that the King granits his loyal subjects a half holiday in which they may make merry as best suits their wishes. SUBJECTS — Long live the king! (Exit King and Attendants,, followed by all the Court.) NOTE— Here may be introduced dances or acts in keeping with the spirit of the play. If play is given by a dance school, the revel- ! ry may consist of a group of dances. If given '^ by a dramatic school, anything in keeping with the nature of the play, or a mixture of song and dance may here be introduced at < end of which the King again appears. KING W. — (Enter down R.)— Proceeded by trumpeters, messen- ger, standard bearers and jester, etc.) My faithful subjects, this Is our harvest time and as this holiday is drawing to a close, we must be about our work. (To Messenger) — Call my son. (Messenger sum- mons Prince who goes to throne.) Prince Iceland, see that all the streams are locked with ice. PRINCE — Your commands shall be obeyed sir. KING W— Call Princess Snowbound. (Goes to throne.) Covej: the world with your fleecy blanket, .__ PRINCESIS S— With pleasure, I will do as ydu Md. KING (W — Call my not to be trusted subject, Jack Frost and Imps — The Window Painters. (They go to throne.) Your work, sir, is to nip the nose and bite the toes of all who go abroad. You will also see that your Imps paint all windows with fantastic pictures. JACK FROST — ^We will get our frost pots and brushes and will away to do your bidding. (Exit, and dancia in with buckets and brushes and do eccentric dance.) KING W — North Wind, come at my call. (Dances in.) Be about your duty, make a stir worthy of your name. (Noise of wind.) NOTE — (Entire Court exit left on minuet step.) As the dancers leave the stage, the noise of an air plane is heard. KING WINTER'S COURT SCENE IL VD^i^ja til ,'_*>lW.'*A>t*A^'.^-.:--.,'; ^^, i-l,*", ■.•,-•" -■''"■'■ , ■ fA-/^^.*- Sl^. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5