I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. 1 Shelf ..L3-- mz UNITED STATES OF AIVIERICA. AN Epistle of Jesus Christ Faithful Soul, that is devoutly affe6led towards Him : Wherein axe contained certain divine infpirations teaching a man to know himfelf, and inflrudl- ing him in the perfe6lion of true Piety. Written in Latin by the devout fervant of Chrifl, Joannes Lanspergius, a Charter-Houfe Monk; and Tranflated into Englijlt by Lord Philip, XIXth Earl of Arundel, {Reprinted from the Edition of i6io.) Dedicated, by Permiflion, to HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF NORFOLK, Earl Marflial of England, &c., &c. A ""s*^^ NEW YORK: CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 126, NASSAU STREET. Extradl fro^n the ''LiFE OF Philip Howard, Earl of Arundel," by His Grace the late Duke of Norfolk.{i) " But after his condemnation he fpent betwixt four and five hours every morning in prayer and meditation, and betwixt three and four in the after- noon. The reft of his time, excepting that Httle he fpent in walking or fome other corporal exercife appointed by the phyficians, he beftowed either in writing or tranllating books of piety. One book, Lanfpergius^ containing Alt Epijlle of J ejus Chriji to y^ Faithful Soul^ he tranflated out of Latm into Ejiglifh^ and caufed it to be printed, for the furtherance of devotion." — Page io6. " Philip Howard, nineteenth Earl of Arundel, was fon of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, and the Lady Mary Fitz-Alan. This Book, and its author, are unnoticed by Walpole or Park. The latter and Mr. Heber affure me they have never heard of or feen another copy.'' — Note by Dr. Blifs, The above note is infide the cover of the copy in the Britifh Mufeum. A copy of this tranflation, however, is in the poffeffion of the Right Hon. Lord Petre. Another copy of the fame edition as that in the Britifh Mufeum (1610) is in the Library of the Dominican Priory, Woodchefter. Another copy (imperfedl) of an earlier edition, Antwerp, 1595, is in the poffeffion of Alfred Blount, Efq. — Publifher's Note. (^) London : Kuril and Blackett, 1857. TO HIS GRACE, THE MOST NOBLE HENRY FITZ-ALAN HOWARD, DUKE OF NORFOLK, Earl Marshal, Premier Duke and Earl of England, &c. &c. &c. This Reprint of a Translation from the Latin OF JOANNES LANSPERGIUS, made by his most virtuous ancestor, that noble Confessor of the Faith, THE LORD PHILIP, XIXth EARL OF ARUNDEL, During his Captivity in the Tower of London, Is, by kind Permission, DEDICATED By his Obedient and Humble Servant, JOHN PHILP. The Epijlle Dedicatory. {Third Edition^ 1610.) TO THE REVEREND MOTHER AND DEVOUT POOR SISTERS Of the Holy Order of S. Clare, in the firfl Englifh Convent eredled in Graveling. |HIS brief but . moft excellent Epistle of Jesus Christ to THE Faithful Soul (Reli- gious Poor Sifters), worthy, no doubt, both of the Author's piety and Tranflator's virtue, being fo much by you and others defired, and now the third time printed, I have thought it both to your profit and for your confolation to prefent the fame unto you, as a mirror or looking- glafs, who, being now entered into the path of virtue, do earneftly endeavour to arrive vi The Epijlle Dedicatory, to the height of Chriftian Religious Per- feftion ; efpecially at this time, when al- moft all virtuous life and devotion in our country, by the unfortunate fway of Schifm and Herefy, lieth, as it were, languifhing, and fick even unto death itfelf. That by this means fome little fparks of piety may be conferved alive within the embers of your religious breafts, thereby to enkindle and inflame the hearts, not only of thofe who, by this your virtuous example, fhall follow your footfteps, but of others alfo into whofe hands this Golden Treatife, fo particularly due unto yourfelves for the rare documents of perfe6lion it containeth, fhall happily come. Our fweet Saviour increafe daily your earneft defire of Re- ligious Piety, and preferve you ever, Amen, Your fervant in Chrijl Jefus, I. W. Priejl, The Epijlle of the Author, TO THE VENERABLE MOTHER AND RELIGIOUS VIRGINS Of the Order called PremonJlrate7ifLs^ dedicated to Chrifl in the Monaflery of Hensberch. Joannes Lanspergius, Prior of the Carthufians, wijheth grace and peace, JO man I fuppofe to be fo ignorant (devout Virgins) as to think this enfuing fpeech or exhortation, afcribed to our Bleffed Saviour Chrift, was either fpoken by His own mouth or made by Him personally when He lived here on earth ; but that it is there- fore ftyled with fo glorious a title becaufe it containeth that very Do6lrine which is truly and really Chrift's, as His divine in- viil The Eptjlle of the Autlior. fpirations do daily witnefs. Which Doc- trine is not only felt inwardly in our hearts, but is alfo here fet down in charaflers, as if Chrifh Himfelf did feem to fpeak unto us, both in word and writing. And, indeed, man's mind is fo much the more vehe- mently ftirred up to liften and obey, by how much he doth now feel and receive this Do6lrine, as it were, not from man, but from Chrift. For who can doubt but that every doftrine doth fo much the more delight and perfuade the reader, by how much he who teacheth the fame is of greater dignity and eftimation ? Seeing, then, we greatly wifh that the hearts of all fuch as fhall read this book fhould be enlightened with the Spirit of Chrift, we do therefore perfuade all men to read the fame, not in our own but in Chrift's name, whereby every one may make himfelf worthy of fuch a Spirit. For the dulnefs of our Spirit, fo long as we remain in this our corruptible body, hath this pro- perty, that it is fooneft moved, ftirred up, and extended towards God with fen- fible things, and fuch as are more fami- The Epijlle of the Author. ix liar to human underftanding. And for this caufe hath the Holy Church received the divers ceremonies in her Divine Service which now-a-days fhe ufeth, as organs, fmging, and other the fundry ornaments thereof; as alfo in like manner are the Images and Pi6lures of Chrift and of His Saints, before which the common people do exercife their devotion ; as when, in be- holding them, they are either moved with the remembrance of Chrift's benefits to- wards them, or ftirred up to imitate their examples of fan6lity, or elfe, turning them- felves to Chrift, do offer up the wor- fhip of their devotion, not to ftocks or ft ones, but unto Him whofe perfon the image reprefenteth. For although we are not ignorant that the pi6lure of Chrift which we fee is not Chrift, yet, notwith- ftanding, the devotion of him that prayeth before it doth no otherwife worfhip it than Chrift Himfelf, whofe pi6lure it is ; becaufe his mind is not then carried (or fixed) upon the pifture, but upon Him whom it repre- fenteth. In like manner may this Epiftle or Exhortation of Jefus Chrift be read ; not X The Epijlle of the Author. for that it was either written or fpoken by Himfelf, but as it were by Him ; feeing that whatfoever is here either taught or faid is daily fpoken by Chrift inwardly to the devout foul, His Spoufe. You, therefore, devoted Virgins of Chrift, who have contemned the vanities of this world, read thefe Exhortations of your Spoufe, Chrift Jefus, which, by a fecret kind of infpiration(if you mark it) He continually breathes into your hearts. And in fo doing fhall you read thofe things whereof you may be inwardly admonifhed, if you will vouchfafe to give ear, and hearken what is faid. For that herein is contained a Rule to live rightly and pioufly in the fervice of God, inftru6ling you in all fpiritual con- verfation. And for this caufe have I thought it convenient to write and dedicate the fame to your Holy Congregation, imitating herein the devotion of our Bleffed F, Denis of Ruremond, no lefs famous for fan6lity of life than learning, who, whilft he lived, dedicated many devout works unto confe- crated Virgins, and efpecially to your Holy Convent ; as for example, Of the Profefjion The Epijlle of the Author, xi of Nuns ; Of Lively Mortification^ and In- ternal Reformation; Of Spiritual Profit and Watch over the Heart ; &c. Therefore, when as I perceive that you defire nothing more than to have fome chafte and pious doftrine inftilled into you (for which caufe you do fo greatly honour all thofe that be devoutly learned), I doubt not but that, this your defire being fatisfied, you will transfer your cogitations from men to God. Defire, therefore, eameftly this His doftrine, and think that Chrift fpeaketh unto you in thefe Exhortations, as it were in an Epiftle from Himfelf. — Farewell, A Table of the Chapters Contained in the enfuing Treatife. Page N Epijile or Exhortation of Jesus Christ to the Soul that is Devoutly Affected i Chap I. A Rule for a Spiritual Life . . . .22 Chap. H. How we mu/i Mortify all Unlawful Defcres and Wicked Inclinations , , . .27 Chap. HI. How a Man ought to Govern his Tongue . 30 Chap. IV. Of the Contemplative Life^ which is wholly withdrawn from the Cares and Affairs of this prefent World 33 Chap V. How we ought to Judge no Man . . .36 Chap. VI. How we ought to Fight againfi Vice . . 41 Chap. VII. How we muflfly the Occafcons of Temptation 63 xiv A Table of Chapters. Page Chap. VIII. When Spiritual Temptations are to be Con- quered . . 66 Chap. IX. How we ought to take heed of Envy . .72 Chap. X. How we mujtfly Singularity . . . •73 Chap. XI. Of the Honour^ Reverence^ and Worfhip which we ought to exhibit unto the MOTHER OF GOD 74 Chap. XII. Of Senfcble Devotion 79 Chap. XIII. How we mujl prepare ourf elves when we come to receive the Blessed Sacrament . . 82 Chap. XIV. Of Difcretion 88 Chap. XV. How we ought in all things to conforin our felves unto Christ . . . . .94 Chap XVI. Of Poverty 95 Chap. XVII. Of Humility 100 Chap. XVIII. How Humility is to be Obtained . . . 102 A Table of Chaptei^s. xv Page Chap. XIX. How IV e ought not to care for Men^s Judgments 113 Chap. XX. Of Obedience 120 Chap XXI. How we inuji Mortify our own Will a7id De- fer e 127 Chap. XXII. Of the ConfLcleratio7i of God's Providence . 138 Chap. XXIII. How we muji bear Adverfity . . . .145 Chap. XXIV. Of Wa7iting of Confolation . . . -157 Chap. XXV. Of Inward Peace and Me chiefs of Heart . 160 Chap. XXVI. Of the Love which we Jhould bear towards 07ir Neighbour 163 Chap. XXVII. Of the Purity of the Heart . . , .167 Chap. XXVIII. How we ought to refer all the Good Things zue receive to the Goodnefs of GOD . . .170 Chap. XXIX. How Divine Infpirations otLght to be Obferved^ and the Grace of GOD not Negle6led . .180 xvi A Table of Chapters. Page Chap. XXX. How we iniift Employ the Gifts of GOD which we receive to the Benefit of Others . . 1 86 Chap. XXXI. Of Poverty in Spirit 192 Chap. XXXII. Of the Love of GOD 194 Chap. XXXIII. Of the Praife of God 208 Chap. XXXIV. Of the Exercife of the Love and Praife ^GOD 218 Chap. XXXV. Of the Transformation of Man . . .227 The ConclufL07i 236 Two Rules of Direction for a Man^s Life . 240 An Inflru^lion or Rule forfuch as are Weak and Linperfe^l^ and but New Beginners ht God's Service 247 Another Lnfiru6lion or Rule for fuch as with a more fervent Zeal and Spirit do earneflly labour to attain to Perfection . . .254 A very fhort Exercife of Love to GOD the Father^ GOD the Son, and GOD the Holy Ghofl, the mofl Blejfed Trinity, and One true GoD 271 AN Epistle of Jesus Christ TO THE Faithful Soul. Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World AND King of Heaven and Earth -, Being 7^eady to e77ibrace thofe that earnejily a7id ti^uly defire His grace^ with His merciful and fatherly ar??is, wifheth to His Spoufe^ that is, to the Soul which loveth him (for whofefake He willingly fuffered death that He 7night unite her to Himfelf) all per fe^ and true felicity, ^^^^^1 MY dearly beloved Daughter, N^^^^lil I have fpoken to thy heart by fecret infpirations, but thou wouldeft never give ear unto my motions ; vv^herefore, fmce thou didft care little to answer me, much lefs to obey me, I am enforced by B 2 An Epijile of Jefits Chrijl the great love I bear thee, to write unto thee ; that at the leaft thou mayeft be con- tent to read what thou didft negleft to hear, and by reading both better bear away my exhortation, and more deeply imprint it in thy mind. For that charity which moved me to offer myfelf, not only to all danger, but even to death itfelf, for thy fake, will not fuffer me to leave anything undone that may tend to the furtherance of thy falvatiom And although thou doft not in any fort re- quite my love, becaufe thy heart is inclined to outward, vain, and tranfitory things, and fo by that means too much affefted and addifted to my creatures ; yet I cannot withdraw that charity, wherewith I am ahvays ready to embrace thee, which ex- ceedeth the love of any father or mother towards their children, or of any earthly parent whatfoever. For I am not only wil- ling to grant thee my grace and favour, but defirous to accept thee for my fpoufe, and will daily enrich thee with greater and better bleffmgs than any that this world can yield thee, if thou wilt follow my coun- fel. But for that thou haft contemned me To the Faithful Soul, 3 when I came to vifit thee, and haft not hearkened to my infpirations, thou art become by this evil cuflom of thine, fo much diftrafted in thy foul, and fo far be- fide thyfelf, as thou art neither able to con- ceive what thou haft loft, nor yet the mifery wherein thou art, and the lefs that thou doft bewail and lament thine own mifery, the more doth thy cafe deferve to be pitied and lamented. 2. What fliall I fay, O my daughter ? Thou fhouldft be an example to others, and thy life an inftru6tion to thofe that go aftray. The fweet favour of thy good con- verfation ought to be a wholefome medi- cine for the curing of fuch as are weakened with infeftion of fm, and thy words as a confuming fire, to inflame the hearts oi thofe that hear them. But now thou art thyfelf fo corrupted with the defire of child- ifh vanities, fo bufied with a multitude of unprofitable matters, and fo fubjeft to many hurtful paffions, as thou art diftracl- ed in thy foul, and haft fo much polluted it with filthinefs, as it is poffeffed with Vv'andering thoughts and vain imaginations. 4 An Epijlle of yefiis Chrijl Self-love doth as yet reign in thee, and till thou mortify that, thou canft never enter into my chamber, or be partaker of my de- lights. So thou, who oughtefh to teach others, ftandeth now in need of being taught thyfelf. I v/rite this, not to the end that I mean to rejeft thee, but becaufe I would let thee know how far thou haft erred, and am defirous that thou fhouldft underftand thy own lofs and danger ; and I do not only allure thee, but I do alfo urge thee forward to return from thence, home again unto me. 3. Wherefoever thou art, whatfoever thou doft, or Avhitherfoever thou goefh, my eye is never off from thee, looking and fearch- ing into all thy afts, all thy motions, and all the fecret intentions of thy heart. And if at any time I fpy in any of thefe the leaft unfaithfulnefs to me, who am moft faithful, I am juftly offended and angry. For I did fuffer not only with all patience, but even v/ith all willingnefs, many affronts, reproach- es, griefs, and torments for thy fake. 4. O, my moft dear daughter, to pafs over in filence all the pains and torments To the Faithful SotcL 5 which I did endure, tell me, I pray thee, what man would have fuffered fo many and fo great difgraces for his friend as I did for thee ? And yet I endured them when thou waft mine enemy, when thou hadft done no good at all, when thou didft neither love nor know me, yea before thou wert born did I love thee, and fuffer thefe grievous and innumerabletorments forthee? Why then wilt thou turn away thyfelf from me ? Why doft thou feek quietnefs with- out me ? Thou art fickly, and yet wilt wander abroad : If I forfake thee, who will receive thee ? Who can cure thee ? Alas, my daughter, how far art thou de- ceived ! Whither thou turneft thine eyes, or upon whatfoever thou doft fix thy mind, yet thou fhalt find no peace, no joy, nor any reft, but in me only. Thy fenfes de- ceive thee, and they which feem to love thee do abufe thee, and thou alfo doft de- ceive thyfelf, when thou refufeft a fove- reign medicine that would help thee, and receiveft rank poifon, which will kill thee. 5. Alas, vay Daughter, alas my Spouse ; 6 An Epijile of Jefits Chriji I know how often beautiful and goodly things in fliew, but vain things indeed, (which when they profefs moft love and faith unto thee are moft ready to be- guile thee) do allure thy fenfes and draw thy affeftion, and how often alfo they deceive thee with their fnares, and lead thee from me with their guiles. O, dear Daughter, remember that thou art a Spoufe, and let not the love of any other thing but only thy husband enter into th)' heart. Defire nothing but his favour, that thou mayeft be beautiful in his eyes, and pleafe him, and be for ever beloved of him. I ftand defiring thee, and waiting for thee ; I wifli that thou wouldft return unto me with all thy heart, and forfaking all thefe vanities, apply thyfelf wholly to devotion, and give thyfelf daily to humility ; that I might then vouchfafe to talk with thee in more familiar fort, and rejoice thy mind with far better and purer delights than thofe wherein thou haft lain drowned. 6. I require no multitude of works at thy hands, wherewith to trouble thee, but a chafte, faithful, and pure heart, which To the Faithful SotiL 7 may feek to pleafe me, and not delight itfelf. I defire a fmcere love, and a fer- vent devotion, that is, a ready and forward will to honour and obey me, and a fmcere and pure intention in performing of all thofe things that I command, I wifh that thy heart fhould be clear and free from any other love whatfoever, and if thou wouldfb prefent it to me in this fort, I would endow thee with greater confolations and far more excellent bleffmgs, than either thou dareft prefume to defire or art able to conceive. I am a husband that is bafhful, and there- fore will never come unto thee, when I fee thee bufied with other matters altogether vain and unprofitable. When I come I muft find thee alone, for I ftand knocking at thy door, being very weak and quaking for cold, even in the fame form that I carried, when I was unloofed from the pillar whereto, being bound, I was fcourged and wounded for thy fake. And this I do, that I may m^ake an impreffion of myfelf in thy mind, wounded as I was, and that thou, embracing me with the arms of thy love, I may unite thee unto me, and 8 A 71 Epiftle of J ejus Chrijl inflame thee Avith my wounds, that do yet burn with the fervent heat of that charity which I bear towards thee. 7. Oh, if thou wouldfh acknowledge me for thy husband, and love me as thou oughteft to do, wouldft thou not both quickly draw me into thy heart, and alfo before I came, with a moft defirous will, attend and long for my coming ; and wouldft thou not then clothe the naked, and give fire to warm him that is cold, that thou mighteft be made v/orthy to receive again the chafte embracings of my love, and to enjoy the fweet tafte of my fpirit ? 8. How much it would pleafe me that thou hadft a certain and firm truft in me, and wert as willing to be with me, as I am defirous to be with thee, feeing all my delight confifteth in being with the Children of men.^'^ So fhould the fortitude of thy mind be daily augmented, and the true fweetnefs of thy foul continually increafed. But this truft in me can never be without a diftruft in thyfelf, and both thefe graces are only obtained by poverty WProv. viii. 31. To the Faithful Sotcl. 9 of fpirit, Avhich is a most precious jewel. But I know well enough what doth with- hold thee from attaining to this virtue ; thy heart is overlaid with the love of this world, and by that means infefted with fuch an extreme coldnefs, as it maketh thee to loathe and abhor the Word of God, which is the food of thy foul. But if thou defire to increafe in virtue, and to ftrengthen thy mund w^ith the following of that courfe, thou muft receive the Word of God greedily, digeft it perfeftly, and ftill retain the nourifhment of that within thee. 9. The reafon, therefore, that thou canft not thirft after my juflice is, becaufe thou art already filled with the cold meats of worldly converfation and vanity, and that is the caufe alfo w^hy thefe things do delight thee, which favour neither of piety nor devotion. Simplicity of heart is loathfome unto thee, and the exercife of holy meditations, thou accounteft as time loft. Thy mind being laden with the cares of this world, cannot afcend up unto me. For although thou raifeft it by force for a lo An Epijlle of ye/us Chrijl while, yet it prefently falleth down again into her earthly cogitations ; fo as thy foul being diftrafted, thy heart inconftant, thy mind wavering, and thy defires enfnared with the love of worldly pleafure : thou art troubled when thou art awake, and not quiet when thou art afleep. 10. And when thou Heft in this mifery, O unwife Daughter, then thou complaineft that thou art dry and barren, without my confolations. If this did happen unto thee, by the means of my Providence, (as it hath to many other of my friends) and not by thine own negligence, there were no reafon why the wanting of this fenfible grace of mine fhould molefh thy foul. But feeing thy own floth and negli- gence is the caufe that thou lieft languifh- ing in this barren drynefs, — if thou defire ,my confolation, — if thou wisheft for my coming, — if thou doft long to be united unto me, thou muft forfake all thofe vanities, that do pleafe thee without m.e, and only ftudy to ferve me, endeavouring continually to perform thofe things which agree beft with m.y liking, and are moft pleafmg unto To the Faithful SotcL 1 1 me. And making this thy chiefeft care, thou muft labour with all thy force and might to fee my will, as near as thou canft, in all creatures fulfilled. Moreover, in doing hereof, let thy whole ftudy be to content me, and to rely only upon me. So fhalt thou find my prefence more often with thee, and by it thy fpirit fhall be, as it were, made drunk with joy ; thy con- fcience fhall be comforted ; thy heart quieted ; and thou fhalt then poffefs the perfeft reft of moft fweet contemplation. II. Oh, if thou hadft once come into that wine-cellar, out of doubt thou wouldft even with a certain thirftinefs, more ear- neftly defire to be there and more often. But no man can enter into it, faving fuch as defire me above all things, love me above all things, efteem me above all things, and make account of me as all in all. For he that findeth no other confola- tion but in me, he that thinketh himfelf unworthy to receive any confolation from me, nay, he that defireth affli6lion fo much in this w^orld that he taketh himfelf to be wronged, when I fend him any confolation 12 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl at all, and doth as willingly accept it at my hands, when I leave his foul barren without any comfort, as when I replenifli it with my confolation, to whom all joy without me is a torment, having his mind wholly fixed upon me, and his defire only bent to ferve me. Such men as thefe are, I fay, my fpecial friends, at whofe door I do freely knock, and willingly enter ; thefe are the men to whom I gladly offer myfelf, and impart my fecrets. Thefe men I am wont to vifit in fundry v/ays, as feemeth fittefb in my judgment, by fhirring them up in fuch manner as is meet and agreeable for the devotion and love which they bear me. 12. Sometimes I prefent myfelf to the eyes of their fouls, wounded, naked, and tormented in all my members, and that they may find greater comfort in the love they bear me, I fliew them my wounds, to the end that they may touch them, bathe them, cleanfe them, kifs them, and embrace them. And although their devotion in this behalf may feem to worldly men ridiculous, becaufe they know not what it meaneth. To the Faithful SotiL 13 yet it is moft acceptable to me, and moft profitable to them. For then I begin to forget all the pains which I have fuffered, and alfo all the faults which fuch a fpoufe of mine hath committed againft me, and do wholly bend myfelf to comfort her with my fpirit and to lighten her with my grace. 13. And although I fband not in need of anything, yet I make account I have gained much, when I find fo great fidelity in my fpoufe, as fhe loveth me better than either herfelf, or all the world besides. But un- thankfulnefs doth offend me, as much as fidelity doth content me, and is of all things moft grievous unto me, becaufe by it they feek to renew (as much as lieth in them) the griefs of my Paffion, and vexations of my mind ; feeing, I perceive, that all is loft, which I did with an unfpeakable charity endure for them. Therefore, whe- ther outward affliftion of thy body, or in- ward afifliftion of thy mind, happen unto thee, feek not for external comforts, which are nothing worth, but in all thy diftrefs fly unto me, and make no complaint of thy grief unto any man, but to me only. 14 An Epiftle of Jefus Chrijl For what greater help can men yield thee than in giving thee fair words ? If thou haft a Ghoftly Father or Confeffor, I for- bid thee not to difclofe it unto him, but I exhort thee to lay open before him the fecrets of thy heart, and to direct thyfelf in all refpefts according to his counfel, without yielding any way to fatisfy the fury of thy paffion, or labouring for fome external comfort, or boafting before others of thofe vexations which thou doft fufter. 14. Declare to me in fecret that which thou wouldft complain of before men, com- mitting thyfelf and all things to my Pro- vidence, being quiet without any care or perturbation of thy mind. Thou fhalt find, believe me, a happy peace in thy foul, and great confolation by this courfe at my hands, although not fuch, peradventure, at all times as thou doft imagine or wifh for, yet fuch as may moft of all conform thee to my will and pleafure. 15, Oh! if thou wert taught and accuf- tomed by thine own experience in all worldly things which trouble thee to have thine eye only fixed upon me, to fiy unto To the Faithfzd Soitl. 15 me for refuge, to hope in my mercy with a patient expefting of the fame, to rely upon me, and withal, to conceive with how fatherly and loving a mind I fend thee ad- verfity for thy benefit ; there fhould be no tribulation fo great that thou w^ouldft not with all gladnefs and willingnefs accept ; yea, and prefer it before all joy or confola- tion whatfoever. For albeit thou fhouldft receive no other commodity by it, yet this were fufficient to comfort and rejoice thy mind that it is a fulfilling of my will. If my will be done, it doth always pleafe the faithful foul, more than the receiving of any other benefit, although in truth my will be never but to do that which may be moft for her intereft. 16. It will alfo help thee very much for retaining a quiet mind in all adverfity, to lay before thy eyes the a6ls and miferies of my life, and evermore to carry within thee a lively reprefentation thereof. For if thou do imprint this in thy mind, it will make thee think all bitter things fweet. Meditate, therefore, at all times upon my torments, and defire at my hands continu- i6 An Epijlle of Jefits Chriji ally, with fighs and tears, that I may vouchfafe to make a fhrong and an effe6lual impreiTion in thy heart of my wounds and paffion, that thou mayeft fee me crucified at all times, and in all places, with a heart that doth even fufifer with m.e ; and let the lively reprefentation hereof banifh from thy foul all other imaginations whatfoever. If thou return in this fort from all outward to inward things, and fhalt dwell within thine own felf ; if thou behold in thy heart my grievous torments, and myfelf crucified ; if thou hear me cry, when I Avas replenifhed with all forrow and bitternefs, and not re- lieved with any confolation from my father: My Gody my God, why haji thou forfaken "ine : thou fhalt (being inflamed with the virtue of my paffion) have a defire to imi- tate me, to fufifer for me, and to ferve me without any comfort at all, in contempt and refignation of thyfelf. 1 7. They that ferve me with this mind, and are united unto me for mere love only, and continue faithful unto me without any other refpeft but to pleafe me, and to have my will wholly fulfilled in them, thefe To the Faithful Soul. 33 thou hadfl forgotten all other things what- foever, and wert out of this world ; in quiet- nefs and filence fpeak to me only, and hearken unto me wholly. 6. Never ftrive with any man in words, neither feek ftiffly to maintain thy own mind or opinion ; fuffer every man to have his faying, if thou canft not diffuade him by gentle words or do him good by fome mild exhortation. And, to conclude, re- folve thyfelf neither to difpute in words, neither yet reafon in thine own thoughts againft him, but refer all things unto me, and live thou in all filence of thy tongue, and in all quietnefs of thy heart. Chap. IV. Of the Contemplative Life which is wholly withdrawn from the Cares and Affairs of this Prefent World, jLY the fociety and familiarity of men, and when thou art not otherwife enforced by neceffity for my honour, or for thy neigh- bour's falvation, be always alone, for when D 34 ^^ Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl thou art alone then will I reveal myfelf unto thee. Solitarinefs, filence, purity, and fim- pHcity of heart, do prepare a place for me to dwell in. Keep thyfelf, therefore, withdrawn from all creatures, in filence and quietnefs of heart. Neither vouchfafing to confent, nor yet to hearken to the unlawful appe- tites of thy will, the wandering cogitations of thy mind, or the vain defires of thy heart. For thy nature (I know) is ever in- clined to delight in confolation, and is always occupied, fometimes with outward labour in thy body, and fometimes with inward care in thy mind, feeking confola- tion in my creatures, whereby thou comeft to be many and fundry ways diftrafted. 2. Remember thou, therefore, to ftrive with all thy force againft all thy fenfual and carnal inclinations, and keep thyfelf alone, being withdrawn from all creatures, and remaining ever, both in outward folita- rinefs of thy body and inward contempla- tion of thy mind, as far as difcretion, which muft be thy guide, obedience to thy fupe- riors, and charity to thy neighbours, will permit thee. Take care, alfo, as much as To the Faithful Soul. 35 conveniently thou mayeft, not to give others, by thy example, any occafion of often meet- ing, or common familiarity, becaufe it doth very much hinder the fpiritual courfe of life, which is never fo free from any impe- diment, nor fo apt to profit itfelf, as when it is feparated from all forts of men, and all kind of bufinefs. Yet, howfoever thou fhalt chance to be, either living amongft men, or fequeftered from the fociety of men, remain with me always alone, recol- lefted within thy own foul, and withdrawn not only from all other creatures, but even from thine own felf; that is, from all liking to procure thine own pleafure, from all care to feek thine own com- modity, and from all defire to ferve thy own appetite. 3. Perfuade thyfelf that thou art left alone in this world, and haft nothing to care for but me, and, therefore, think of no other matter, and deal with no other creature but with me only. Examine not other men's aflions, and trouble not thyfelf with other men's affairs. If thou feeft that which is good, embrace it, and let it edify 36 An Epiftle of ye/us Chrijl thee ; if thou feeft that which is evil, leave it, but give no judgment of it. 4. Beware of obferving, marking, examin- ing, or judging of fuch men's fpeeches, aftions, and manners, as cannot by their holy and good example edify thee. Nay, be fo far from doing this, as defire never to hear or underfland them, but rather feek by all means not to know them at all. And if thou fhalt happen by any chance to hear them, root them out of thy heart, and en- deavour to forget them as foon as thou canft, efpecially if thou ftandeft in danger, by that means, to offend in the breach of charity, or to conceive a worfe opinion of •thofe parties. Chap. V. How we ought to Judge no Man, [HINK ill of no man, and although he feemeth to thee to be wicked, yet believe that he hath been fuf- fered to fall by fome fecret and hidden providence of mine, for the attaining To the Faithful Soul. 37 of greater humility in himfelf, and procur- ing of greater profit to his foul. And thou oughteft neither to judge nor yet defpife him, but lament rather thy own ingratitude towards me, becaufe my grace only doth uphold thee, as it were, violently againft thy will ; and think that without it thou shouldft fall into greater and more heinous fms than any other. Therefore, fay unto thyfelf : If this man had received fo much grace as I have done, he would have ferved God a great deal more devoutly, and been more thankful unto him, than I have been. 2. Believe alfo, that as foon as I look upon him with the eyes of my mercy, he will prefently repent and amend ; or elfe, that he is already reformed and made more holy than thofe that defpife him. Where- fore, afcribe thy ill-conceit of him to thine own fault and rafh judgment, and reprehend thyfelf fharply becaufe thou haft thought amifs of thy neighbour, and done him wrong. Rancour, hatred, bitternefs, and envy, do many times hide themfelves under the colour of zeal, which do make men think, not only every defeft and light fault of their 38 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl neighbour to be grievous, but alfo to judge their virtues to be vices, their fights being dimmed with the foggy mifb of maHce and 3. Take fpecial heed, therefore, that thou neither reprehend nor accufe any man, nor yet either fpeak or hear of any man's faults when thou art angry. Beware alfo that thou doft not at that time feek to gall him, gainfay him, or grieve him with any word or fhow of thine ; neither yet by chiding to procure humility and fhame in him ; or to declare that thou haft taken him in a fault worthy of reprehenfion, and meet to be fpoken of And chiefly abftain from doing of this, as long as difpleafure, bitter- nefs, or any troubled and unquiet paffion doth remain in thy heart againft him, and as long as thou doft defire to make others note him for his faults and offences, becaufe thou haft neither zeal of charity, nor a fm- cere intention in thee at that time. For if thou hadft, thou wouldft rather be forrow- ful, and lament with him for his fms, and feek as much as thou couldft to excufe and cover before others thy brother's or fifter's To the Faithful SouL 39 offence. And if they had made a great fault thou wouldft then rebuke them in fecret, not without grief in thy own foul, and wouldft pray earneftly unto me for them, with a heart that did even fuffer with them for their offences, and were moft lovingly and humbly affefted towards them. 4. O, my daughter, be diligent to know what thou wanteft, and what is fit for my fpoufe. And as for other men's faults, be deaf to hear them, dumb to utter them, and blind to fee them. Tell me (my daughter) how great regard would a bafhful virgin have of her behaviour, if fhe ftood in a king's prefence, and faw his eyes continually fixed upon her } After the fame fort, think how that I am in all places prefent with thee, and that thou ftandeft always in my fight. Confider how great modefly there ought ever to be in thee, how great inno- cency of life, and, to be fhort, how great reverence thou oughteft to carry towards me, who do always behold, and look with my piercing eyes into the depth of all thy a£ls, thoughts, paffions, words, motions, 40 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl intentions, and even the very fecrets of thy heart ! 5. Prefume not, therefore, to do anything in my fight which thou dareft not offer to do in the fight of one of my fervants that were a very devout man, and fo generally accounted, and of all men greatly efteemed; for thou oughteft ever to fear the dreadful prefence of my almighty power and infinite Majefty, and to have it at all times, botfi laid before thy eyes and imprinted in thy heart, that by it thou may eft be ftirred up to love and reverence me ; and be careful in all things to pleafe me, fince thou art continually in my fight. 6. Thou fhouldft not have the peace of thy foul, which thou doft in all places defire, to depend upon men's mouths ; that is, to be quiet when no man doth gainfay thee, but to reft upon me and a good confcience. Moreover, thou oughteft to mortify that appetite in thyfelf which doth provoke thee, with an earneft defire and delight, to be beloved and commended of men. Suffer men to be men ftill, and apply thyfelf only to love me, that thou mayeft be worthy to To the Faithful Soul. 41 ftand highly in my favour. Live uprightly with thy neighbour and love him for my fake, neither care thou whether he love thee again or not, but leave it to me, and fly the familiarity both of men and women, but efpecially of thofe that be not of thine own fex. 7. If thou hadft as great a care, or, at the leaft, no lefs refpe6l to pleafe me than thou haft not to difpleafe men, thou fhouldft obtain by it greater confolation in thy foul than if all the world did feek for thy favour. Chap. VL How we ought to Fight agahijl Vice, |E ftout and circumfpe6l, to van- quifli and purge thy foul of any imperfe6lion, although it be never fo little, for the leaft fm that ofifendeth me ought not to feem fmall in thy eyes, if thou doft perfe6lly love me. Call to mind the love that thou didft carry to- wards me heretofore, which made thee to 42 An Epijlle of yefits Chrijl contemn and forfake, for the love of me, thy parents, thy brethren, thy fifters, thy riches, thy honour, and whatfoever elfe that feemeth dehghtful in this prefent world ; and to conclude even thyfelf, that is, thy flourifhing youth, and pleafantefi; years ; how cometh it, then, now to pafs that thou art vanquifhed with a moft light temptation, and a vile notion of concupifcence ? 2. Thou knoweft beft thyfelf how weak and negligent thou art for the moft part, and how hardly thou art drawn to over- come vice, to beware of thofe fnares which may endanger thy foul, to fly the occafions and provocations of fm, to renounce thy own will, and to amend the imperfeftions of thy heart. Renew, therefore, thy con- ftant and former determination, refolving to perfecute all vice in thyfelf, and not to fufifer anything to remain within thee that is contrary to my will, for any worldly gain whatfoever. Neglefl not to do all thofe things which pleafe me, and follow that courfe of life which I require at thy hands, and is fit for thy vocation, with all care and diligence. Be careful not to To the Faithful Sotd. 43 delay, neither leave thofe things undone which is thy duty to perform, and my right to receive, but do them with courage, floutly, willingly, carefully, faithfully, and devoutly. 3. Whenfoever thou findeft in thyfelf the motions of anger, concupifcence, wantonnefs, pride, and fuch like motions of vices, be- ware that thou doft not fuffer them violently to break out of thee by any word or fhew ; but feek, by bridling and refifting them, to fupprefs and extinguifli them. The beft and moft prefent remedy againft all kinds of vice, is to caft thyfelf when thou art tempted proftrate at my feet, with all hu- mility, to confider how thou wert made of nothing, and art nothing but by my grace ; to turn unto me wholly, to repofe all thy confidence in me, to call upon me by con- tinual prayer, and perfeftly to know that thou canft receive no fuccour nor remedy in this thy diftrefs but from me only. 4. Seek to ftrengthen thine own infirmity in this fort every hour, and renew thy good purpofe, ever perfuading thyfelf that the prefent inftant wherein thou liveft, is the 44 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl firft time of thy beginning to do well. When it fhall feem loathfome to thy nature, or go againft thy fenfual appetite, to take thefe labours, to enter into thefe combats and conflicts, and to do many other things which may feem contrary and grievous to thy mind in this exercife of virtue, ever the more that thine own flothful humour fhall re- pine at them, the more earneftly endeavour thou to overcome and mortify thefe paffions. 5. Be not wearied with fo holy a labour, neither ceafe thou to proceed in fo good a courfe, left it move me alfo to ftay from pouring the influence of my grace into thee. Be afraid left that, if thou yield thy- felf vanquifhed, or feemeft tired by reafon of thy floth, my grace fhall forfake thee, and that I will leave thee to follow thy own inventions, and with a dangerous kind of fecurity to fatisfy thy own defires, ; for it is a manifeft argument that I have then> for thy own deferts, both juftly and clearly rejefted thee, when thou feeleft no worm of confcience gnawing within thee, no re- morfe for thy fins, nor any fear of my dreadful judgment. To the Faithful Soul. 45 6. Such as are in this ftate are in a moft perilous cafe, for when they think peace neareft unto them, then cometh deftru6lion moft fudden upon them. Wherefore, fight thou manfully, and violently reprefs thine affe6lions. Wifh in this fmall confli6l or afifliftion, how little foever it be, to yield me fome recompenfe, as far as lieth in thy power, for thofe pains and torments which, both living and dying, I endured for thy fake. 7. Be never wearied, therefore, with fighting againft many temptations, give not place, wax not faint, neither fufifer thou thyfelf to be overcome with weaknefs in thy heart, nor defperation in thy mind, but perfecute all vice with a continual and mortal hatred, and as often as thou begin- neft to faint, or to decline from thy former determination, fo often rife again and make a new refolution. 8. One thing I muft needs warn thee of, which hurteth thyfelf and ofifendeth me, which is, that thou art become fometimes fo faint-hearted with thy faults and over- fights, as that they move thee to waver 4-6 An Epijlle of Jefits Chrift in following of the good courfe that thou haft begun, and almoft induce thee to defpair. This is the caufe that doth make thee fit folitary, pining, and confuming for very grief, and not to return unto me that thou mayeft rife again, but even with a kind of defpair to imagine that all thou haft done before is utterly loft and for- gotten. And thou fheweft thyfelf by this kind of dealing to be proud, becaufe when thou didft feem to ftand, thou didft truft too much in thy own force and ability, and that maketh thee now to be fo greatly troubled and perplexed in thy mind, becaufe thy hope did fail thee, and it fell out other- wife than thou didft expe6t or look for. 9. My will is, that thou fhouldft not ufe the help of thy own force and endeavour, but utterly to diftruft both in them and thyfelf, and to truft in me only, for, as long as thou thinkeft otherwife, thou art like every hour to come to ruin, until thou learneft this leffon, that when thou relieft upon thyfelf, thine own flrength is no greater help unto thee to make thee ftand upright than if thou wert under-propped To the Faithful Soul, 47 with a broken reed. But defpair not in me, repofing a moft firm hope, and affured confidence in my mercy. 10. And touching thyfelf, I would have thee to defpair after this fort : not to refufe thy own counfel, thy own induftry, thy own travail, and other things of fuch like kind which proceed from thyfelf, but I would have thee continually to ufe them, and yet not to rely upon them, confidently to truft or delight in them, neither yet would I have thee attribute any good thou receiveft to thyfelf, or to thine own dili- gence ; for both thyfelf, and all thefe abili- ties which thou haft, have not power to make thee withftand the fmalleft fin, ex- cept thou be affifted with my grace and mercy. Neither think thou that I will pre- fently pour into thee, for one earneft prayer, a few tears, or one only conflift againft the temptation of fin, all graces, all virtues, and all good gifts ; or that I will for this, fend thee any fudden or extraordinary profit in thy fpiritual courfe of life, or that thou fhalt immediately come to attain to all piety and holinefs. 48 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl 11. I require at thy hands daily pains, unfeigned humbling of thyfelf, and a con- tinual fidelity towards me, in fighting againft vice. I look for alfo a firm hope, and an affured trufl in my mercy, and a conftancy in thee, that will neither be overcome with any affault, nor yet wearied with any travail. And when thou fhalt find in thyfelf all thefe things which I have named, let there not want a moft profound humility, whereby thou mayeft be brought perfe6lly to know thyfelf, and to confefs that, as thou w^ert made of nothing by my mercy, fo thou art nothing but by my grace, attributing nothing to thy own labour and travail, and acknow- ledging that thou haft deferved nothing, but afcribing thy thirft after juftice, and all other good things which thou doeft, to me only. 12. Except thou knoweft thefe things thou canft not but err, and muft of neceffity fall often, until thou come to learn what thou art of thyfelf, and what thou art by my grace. I forbid thee not, but exhort thee to labour as much as thou canft, and to ftrive for virtue as much as thou art able ; To the Faithful SduI. i^j men, I fay, are my moft faithful and moft fpecial friends. And in what drynefs or defolation foever they may feem to be, and with what temptations foever they may feem to be overwhelmed, and, as it were, caft off and forfaken by me, yet in truth they are ftill mine, becaufe they fight man- fully, at their own charge, for my caufe againft the whole army of wicked tempta- tions, which do continually affault men in the warfare of this prefent world ; and will not revolt from my camp, although I fometimes ftrike and punifh them. 1 8. But I do not altogether leave them ; for feeing they have conquered all their paffions, and renounced all their own appe- tites to pleafe me, and for my fake ; yea, and have even altogether forfaken them- felves, and given themfelves only to me, in being fubje6l only to my will ; I cannot hold, but I muft alfo pour myfelf into them, and both fill, nourifh, and poffefs their fouls with my comfort, which is a hundred times better, purer, and fweeter, than the worldly pleafure which they have forfaken. They cannot receive this (as I C 1 8 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl have often told thee, and will not ceafe to beat into thy mind) who do feek or accept of any foreign comfort that proceedeth not from me, or is not in me. For my confola- tion is wonderfully fweet, and beftowed only upon fuch as will admit me, and no other. It is alfo moft pure, and therefore cannot be mixed with any confolation that is derived from my creatures. But why do I fo often repeat thefe things unto thee } Truly I do it to make thee more wife, watchful, and circumfpeft, and to the end that thou fhouldft not be fnared with thefe corrupt and earthly delights, nor yet be brought by them to forget me, feeing I can never forget thee, although thy falvation only dependeth upon my Providence, and not mine upon thee in any fort. 19. I wifh alfo that thou fhouldft be continually with me, and by being with me enjoy all perfect felicity. But why do not I fulfil this .'* Marry, even for thy good, that thou mayeft increafe in virtue and merits, to the great profit of thy foul, and thy greater glory. For thou mayeft by my grace daily increafe in goodnefs and be To the Faithful Soul. 19 made every moment more rich in merit. Wherefore feeing this is fo, how foolijfh doft thou think them to be, and how much to be lamented, who do fpend the moft pre- cious time of grace that I have allotted unto them, not only not to my honour and their own profit, but to the heavier aggra- vating of their damnation by a wicked life ? Oh, that thou kneweft how much thou mightefh increafe in the virtues of thy foul, and in merit, by my grace every hour, and alfo how dear a jewel time is, and how damnable the lofs thereof. For thou wouldfl then out of doubt take care with more dili- gence that the fmalleft moment fhould not pafs thee vainly, nor yet flip away without reaping fome benefit to thy foul. With the fun rifing every day, there fhould then arife a new joy in thy mind, that I had granted thee the commodity of that day, and by it fo much longer fpace to honour and ferve me. Think, therefore, and fay every hour unto thyfelf: Our Lord which loveth me hath vouchfafed to give me this hour, this moment, and hath prolonged the courfe of my life hitherto, that I fhould C 2 20 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl even now begin to turn unto him, and en- deavour myfelf to pleafe him. 20. O my daughter, ever above all things carry this opinion, that the prefent moment wherein thou liveft, is the firft time wherein thou beginneft to do well, and contemn all that thou haft done before as nothing worth. What occafion foever, what bufi- nefs foever, what idle time foever, or what other things foever, either may or fhall happen unto thee, ufe them in fuch fort as thou employ them to my glory, and con- vert them to fome benefit of thy own foul. But this, in this behalf, is fufficient. For I have hitherto ftirred thee up, and excited thee to depart from all vanities, with fhut- ting the gates of thy fenfes againft them, and to return unto me with a recolle6led and quiet mind. 21. It remaineth now that I add unto this, as it were, a rule to teach thee how to live godly, which I have heard thee, by the infpiration of my grace, defire often at my hands. For there remaineth as yet baftiful- nefs in thee (which I like well) and which maketh thee afhamed in the opening of thy To the Faithful Soul. 21 infirmities, faults, errors, and negligences ; and alfo grieved that thou haft this long time heretofore, and doft even at this prefent, fo unworthily ufurp the nameof my fpoufe. But feeing thou defireft to return into my grace, there is nothing that I likewife do more affe6l or defire. For what other joy have I in being among you, than to receive every fmner into my favour? How much more then do I defire, or rather long (as may in reafon be juftly thought), to bring my fpoufe home unto me, when fhe goeth aftray, amongft the briers and thorns of worldly vanities ; nay, I am fo defirous to recall thee, as I will prefcribe thee a plain path, wherein (if thou walkeft) thou fhalt be fure to fol- low my fteps, and never wander again out of thy way. Come, therefore, unto me, and by thy return procure me a new joy, fuch as I delight in moft, and defire ever to poffefs. 2 2 An Epijlle of Jefus Chriji Chap. L A Rule for Spiritual Life. ARK well, my daughter, for fince I fee thee give better care, and apply thy mind with more dili- gence to carry away my fpeeches, I will proceed in declaring thofe things unto thee, which I require at thy hands. Con- tinue, therefore, attentive, and return now wholly unto me, being ready in all things to obey me. Put on a new mind, and hear what I expe6l that thou fhouldft do, and what thou art not able of thyfelf to do, let prayer affift thee to fulfil. 2. Seek to obtain by prayer whatfoever is neceffary for thee, faying : Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord ; I fly unto thee for fuccour ; teach me to do thy will, be- caufe thou art my God. Leave me not, O Lord my God, and depart not from me ; neither yet defpife me, who art the God of my falvation. Incline thyfelf to help me, O Lord, the God of my fafety. Behold I To the Faithful Soul, 23 defire to return unto thee, draw me after thee, and never fuffer me again to be fepa- rated or withdrawn from thee. O my daughter, hearken now to that which I gave in commandment to one of my fervants long ago, and endeavour thou alfo to fulfil it. I faid unto him : Ufe ever fdence i7t thy tongue^ And have co7npun6lion in thy mindj Be humble^ courteous^ meek^ and mild^ If thou in me wilt comfort find, 3. The fame words in the fame form do I fpeak unto thee, having made it in the true meafure of a verfe, although thou fhalt have lefs need of a meafure to dire6l thee when thou art come to this perfe6lion. But I do not now deliver it unto thee, as framed in meafure to pleafe thy ears, but as a fovereign medicine to cure thy foul. I have comprehended all thofe things, which are neceffary for thee, briefly in this verfe, that thou mayeft more eafily retain them in thy memory, and more often meditate upon them in thy mind. For my will is, that thou fhouldft altogether apply thy endea- 24 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl vour to have a holy compun6lion for thy fins, and that leaving all other bufinefs afide, thou fhouldft only attend to a con- tinual and internal converfation, and re- maining weaned from all other pleafures, to be recoUefted into thine own felf, and fo to continue always free from any diftra6lion or perturbation whatfoever. Be filent in thy tongue, and pure from all filthinefs in thy heart. Be humble and meek, and re- member to fhow thyfelf both courteous and gentle in all thy behaviour towards all forts of men. 4. Firft of all, diligently examine thyfelf, and look moft nearly and narrowly into thyfelf, that thou mayeft know what is in thee, which is an impediment to thee, for the receiving of my grace, that is to fay, Avhat is in thee which doth difpleafe me, that thou mayeft corre6t and amend it. Confider to what things, and by what means, thou art tempted, and where thou feeft thyfelf moft fharply and ofteneft tempted, there feek to refift them with greateft diligence, and moft earneft en- deavour. Whej'e thou findeft thyfelf weaker. To the Faithful Sotcl. 2$ there apply more forcible remedies quickly to vanquifh them. Where thou perceiveft any occafion which moveth thee to fin, or not to profit in this fpiritual courfe, there cut off* that fcandal and impediment from thee. 5. Have fpecial care to prefent unto me a pure heart ; free from all uncleannefs, and neither infefted with any inordinate love to my creatures, nor occupied with any unneceffary bufinefs in this world, and labour evermore with all that thou art able wholly to cleave unto me, and ftill to rely upon me. The caufe why I do exhort thee to a continual exercife of compunction is that by it thou mayeft keep thyfelf free from foreign or wandering thoughts, which thou canft never attain unto, except thou be recollefted in thy mind. Neither canft thou come to be thus recolle6led, except thou lead an internal and folitary life, private to thyfelf and withdrawn from all worldly affairs. Wherefore mark with a watchful eye thofe vices, concupifcences, and wicked inclinations which reign in thee, that thou mayeft never ceafe with all 26 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl thy might to perfecute them, and wilHngly to mortify in thyfelf all inordinate affections. 6. Many complain that they are unapt for contemplation and fpiritual life, but their own negligence and floth is the caufe ; for that they will ftrain themfelves no with to conquer their old man, that they may mortify all lufts and concupifcences, but do nourifh, cherifh, and favour them which they ought to perfecute and root out of their minds. Therefore they carry always about with them a heavy burden of unquiet thoughts, filled with labour and vexation ; but if thou defire to enjoy me have no peace at all with any vice. Banifh from thee all unprofitable difcourfes, cares, and bufineffes which yield no benefit at all to thy foul. And never apply thy mind to the thinking of any other matter, nor trouble thyfelf with any other affairs, but fuch as tend to my honour, the falvation of thy own foul, or the com- modity of thy neighbour, that thou being thus alone, and in this fort retired within thyfelf, mayeft be poffeffed with me, who will never be matched with any other com- panion. To the Faithful Soul. 27 Chap. II. How we mujl Mortify all Unlawful Defires and Wicked Inclinations, ilOUCHSAFE not to hear, much lefs to read, any news, tidings, or pleafant hiftories, which ferve not to procure a com- punftion in thy heart, but to dehght a curious mind, and afterwards to leave thy foul corrupted and infefted with fundry imaginations and vain defires. Fly any fpecial familiarity, liking, or converfation with worldly men, that is to fay, with thofe that love thefe earthly pleafures ; yea, enter not into any league of familiarity, good- and fpecial converfation with any fuch men, whofe words and deeds do not edify thee in this virtuous courfe, but avoid his com- pany; and mortify all fenfual love in thyfelf towards any of my creatures. 2. Have fuch a command over thy belly, as that thou allow it only neceffary things, 28 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl and that alfo not for the pleafing of thy tafte, but for the fuftaining of nature, and for my fake, that by this means thou mayeft not decay, but increafe in ability to ferve me. Moreover, never receive anything to dehght thy tafte which is not neceffary and . profitable for thy body, and efpecially when thou mayeft obferve this without the breach of brotherly charity. Root out alfo from thy mind after this fort, and fail not both to fly and abhor all pleafant things, all voluptuous things, and all fuch things as feem fweet to thy carnal appetite, as far as difcretion will permit thee, which doth qualify all extremity, ever having a refpe6l to charity, to infirmity, to the neceflity of nature, and to every other thing that is convenient ; and evermore take a fpecial care that in this government of thyfelf thou doft perfecute concupifcence, but not deftroy nature. 3. And as touching thofe things which are neceffary, and yet cannot be received without fome delight, it is fufficient for thee if thou doft not feek that delight but in refpefl of me, that is to obey me, who To the Faithful Soul, 29 have committed the care of thy body to thyfelf to refrefh the infirmity of thy nature, fo as thou takeft this dehght not as a thing which thou wilheft for, but as a thing that cannot be feparated from that which is neceffary for man's ufe, admitting it only for neceffity, and not defiring it for pleafure. Therefore, to be fhort, have fuch a care and watch over all thy fenfes, as they may not move or turn themfelves to any vain or unprofitable things. See nothing, touch nothing, know nothing, but that which may be profitable for thy foul and my glory. 4. Whereinfoever a man doth follow his own appetite, feeking to fatisfy it of a proper and felfwill, that is to fay, becaufe he will have it fo, or becaufe he hath a defire thereunto, he muft needs offend, for he that defireth anything in this fort, whether it be in meat, drink, or any other thing to refrefh nature, or elfe in feeking the delight of fome fpiritual confolation, it cannot be done without fin, becaufe there is in it a particular care to pleafe his own fancy, which doth divide and feparate 30 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl him clean from me. Suffer nothing, there- fore, to grow in thee, or to be nourifhed by thee, which carrieth any refpe6l to fatisfy thy own Hking or to content thy own will, although it may feem to have an appearance of goodnefs. But thou muft die to all love of thyfelf, and all defire of following thy own appetite, that a naked, a fimple, and a pure charity, without mix- ture of any other thing whatfoever, and a chafte intention to pleafe me, may ftir, move, and procure thee to all the thoughts thou thinkeft, to all the words thou fpeakeft, and to all the works thou doeft. Chap. III. How a Man ought to Govern his Toftgue. JAVE as watchful a care as thou canft over thy tongue, and re- flrain it from all liberty, fuffer it to utter nothing but that which is neceffary and well thought of before, and in as few words as it is poffible for thee to To the Faithful Soul, 31 comprehend the fame, with all modefty and meeknefs, and without any great noife or loud fpeaking, flying and cutting off, by all the means thou art able, anything that may either occafion or procure thee to fpeak. 2. Abftain from all words that are any way hurtful, backbiting, grudging, unclean, or contentious, as from a mortal fin. Hav- ing a fpecial regard to keep thyfelf from all jefting, lightnefs, immoderate laughter, and idle words, and be fo careful in this behalf, as neither thou ufeft them thyfelf, nor yet hear them of any other, as far as it lieth in thy power to avoid it. 3. And to the end thou mayeft be free from that great vice of backbiting, refolve thou in thine own heart never to fpeak any- thing of thofe who are abfent, but fuch things as thou art fure do tend to the edi- fying of men's fouls. Ever have fome means ready at hand to break off that talk (if there be any fpeech offered of thofe that be abfent) by bringing aptly in a dif- courfe of fome other matter, before there be any word uttered either in the back- biting or difpraifing of them. 32 An Epiftle of Jefus Ckrijl 4. Take a moft diligent and heedful care that thou fpeakeft not thyfelf, nor fuf- fereft any other to fpeak, of thofe who have offended thee, or towards whom thou find- eft in thy heart no perfect charity, becaufe men may eafily fall by that means into the vice of backbiting, while they fpeak to pleafe thy humour by flattering of thee, and reproaching of thofe that thou doft miflike. Therefore, never hearken to any accufa- tion that is made of them which are thine enemies, or fuch as thou doft not love. 5. Endeavour as much as thou canft to remain always in filence (I mean not only the filence of thy tongue, but efpecially the filence of thy heart), fo as there may not be heard within thy foul any found of unlaw- ful concupifcence, any noife of unquiet paffions, or any troublefome ftir of wicked affe6lions and inordinate inclinations. Nei- ther fufifer thou unprofitable difcourfes to arife in thine own heart, with any vain fancies, fond imaginations, or the deceitful forms of fuch things as thou fhalt have there reprefented unto thee ; but even as if To the Faithful Soul, 49 and when thou haft done all, truft not in any remedy, nor in any induftry of thy own, that is without me, but hope of this, pray for this, and believe this certainly, that I will never fail to affift thee in all thy diligent and virtuous labours, not in refpe6l of thine own deferts, but in refpe6l of the love and charity which I bear thee. For feeing that I have given thee a will, a defire, and an inclination to fight, I will alfo grant thee for thy labour in fight (if thou perfevereft to the end) a crown of glory, a triumph of vi6lory, and a moft happy end of thy combat. 13. Wherefore, whether thou art in war or at peace with thyfelf, whatfoever thou doft determine, whatfoever thou beginneft, or whatfoever enterprife thou doft under- take, crave without ceafing my affiftance by prayer, and wait before the gates of my mercy. Thy prayers ftiall never return from me void and fruitlefs, although thou think thou haft received nothing ; for it is often more profitable for thee to pray humbly and earneftly than to receive and obtain benefits. It is often more gainful E 50 An Epijile of Jefus Chriji for thee to truft in me, and expe6l my leifure, than fenfibly to feel or poffefs my confolation. Wherefore be thou patient, and long-fufifering, and increafe in all good exercifes, and in the love of all that is good ; between falling and rifmg, ever expeft thou my grace and proteftion. Neither feek to fly or to run away from the battle, until all the fight be fully ended, and the time be come for thee to receive a glorious reward for thy painful travail. 14. And becaufe thou mayeft be the rather encouraged to proceed in this labour, affure thyfelf that, even in this life, thy enemies fhall be daily diminifhed, and their forces that affault thee continually weakened, and thyfelf by my grace, and ufe of fighting, wonderfully ftrengthened ; infomuch as that which at the firft thou couldft fcarcely fcrape out with a file of iron, thou flialt come in time to drive away with a blaft of wind. 15. Moreover, whenfoever thou chanceft to fall, take this for a general rule, though thou falleft never fo often, and offendefl never fo greatly, yet prefently without any To the Faithful Soul, 51 delay come unto me, lamenting thy fault and bewail it with me, lying proftrate at my feet, and rife again with me, leaning thyfelf upon me ; that is, repofe thy confi- dence in my power, refolving firmly to amend, and never to offend in it again. I know man's weaknefs in general, I know alfo thine in particular, and how apt man is of his own frailty to fall, and how it pro- ceedeth from the malice of the devil for a man to be unwilling to ftand, or unwilling to rife again after he is fallen. Which thing cannot only be by no means excufed, but alfo receiveth without my mercy a heavier damnation. I require nothing of thee but a good will, and nothing is in my eyes more precious than the fame. 16. Wherefore, if thou wanteft force, ability, or time to do good works, be not difmayed, for thy good will doth fully con- tent me. Retain ever within thyfelf a good will, for by it thou mayefh fatisfy for all thy defefts, and repair all thy faults, al- though thou art able to do nothing befides. When thou thinkeft me fartheft from thee, then am I neareft unto thee. Therefore, 52 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl my Daughter, as foon as thou fhalt find that thou haft offended, condemn thyfelf, and prefently running unto me, confefs thyfelf guilty, and make complaint againft thyfelf unto me. Thou canft not no fooner be repentant, than I have granted thee my pardon ; neither canft thou fooner afk for- givenefs, than I have quite remitted and forgiven all. 17. Wherefore, then, O my Spoufe, doft thou ftay from returning unto me 1 Thy fafety is not procured in flying from me, but in flying unto me. In whatfoever thou feeft that thou haft moft offended, where thou findeft that thou haft ofteneft fallen, to conclude, where thou perceiveft that thou haft moft declined from virtue, there cry ofteneft unto me, there figh unto me with more frequent groans, and defire, with all fervency at my hands, both pardon for thy fins and the proteftion of my grace. 18. Be not wearied with temptations, but always refift them as much as thou canft ; neither yield thyfelf as vanquiftied by them, or as a prifoner unto them. As long as thou refifteft thou art never overcome. For To the Faithful Soul. 53 whatfoever thou feeleft, and art enforced to fuffer (as long as thou fufifereft it againft thy will, and refifting it as I told thee before), I will never impute it to thee as a fault, becaufe I require not an account at thy hands of that thou feeleft, but of that to which thou confenteft. To feel motions of fin is ingrafted, as it were, in thy flefh ; but to confent unto it refteth in thy own choice. There may be a certain kind of violence offered to the flefh and fenfes, but the will can never be compelled. 19. There are two things in tempta- tion : one, the matter whereunto thou art tempted, and that is a fin, and im- perfeftions ; thefe thou muft never confent unto, neither yet yield thyfelf in any fort unto them, but refift them with all thy might. The other is, that labour and diftrefs which thou doft endure in re- fifting them ; and this thou muft patiently abide and yield unto, as long as it is my pleafure that thou fhalt be tem.pted. For thou oughteft not to refift me, but to fub- je6l thyfelf wholly unto my will, and to refift thofe motions which thou art ftirred 54 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl unto by the means of temptation, that thou mayeft continue ftill in my favour, receive my grace, and be partaker of my confola- tion. 20. But I know what thou wilt fay, for I am not ignorant of thofe things which thou doft fuffer, and wherewith thy heart is affli6led. I will tell thee them, therefore, fmce thou art afhamed to tell them thyfelf, that by it thou mayeft be the better affured to receive remedy and confolation for them at my hands. The temptation of thy flefh doth affault thee, not only every day, but every moment. To refift this continually is troublefome and grievous, and to efcape it without fighting is impoffible. To fight long, and not to be wounded, is, in thy judgment, not only hard but miraculous. He that is thy enemy is very familiar with thee ; thou carrieft him about with thee in every place ; thou art not permitted to deftroy him, but thou art enforced to nourifh him. His weapons are many, his manner of fight divers, and his affaults very violent, as the fiery heats, the fervent motions, the delightful allurements, the To the Faithful Soul. 55 terrible perturbations, the cruel onfets, the fweet pleafures of all kinds of luft and con- cupifcence, and many fuch other which fome men do feel raging in their flefh like certain furies of hell. Now the ftrong impreffions and delegations of them being in a man- ner violent, and joined with thefe fancies, are almoft sufficient to vanquifh all thy fenfes. 21. Moreover, the inftability and incon- ftancy of fome men's hearts are fo great, that even in the very moment wherein they pre- pare themfelves to refift thefe temptations, they are prefently, as it were, fallen befide themfelves, and clean forgetting that which they had determined, they begin to think of that which they did refufe to think of before. Now, who amongft thefe dangers (fayeft thou) can efcape fafe ? Who can fly away from fin unwounded ? Only a good and humble will, for to it there can no violence be offered. For whatfoever thou thinkeft, chaftity is not polluted with it, but with the confent of thy mind ; that is, what- foever thou feeleft in thy flefh fhall not be imputed to thee for fin, if thy mind confent 56 An Epijile of Jefiis Ckriji not thereunto ; for whatfoever is fin, muft be voluntary, and as long as it is not volun- tary, it is not fin. 22. Therefore, with how great tempta- tions foever thou art oppreffed — nay, though thy flefh do feem to be overwhelmed with them, and thy fenfes as prifoners unto them, yet whatfoever thou feeleft delight- ful to thy flefh, keep thy mind free (that is, thy reafonable will), and then nothing can hurt thee. Cry out with the deteftation of thy foul againft them, and with a voice that doth abhor them, Fye, fye, I will not, I will not. Turn unto me with all the force thou art able, and repeat often this fhort fentence: O, my God, help me; Oy merciful Jefus, I will not yield unto them, help 7ne. 23, Moreover, though moft loathfome and horrible temptations do creep into thy mind, yet for all that be thou not dif- mayed ; as they creeped in fo let them creep out, and by that gate wherein they did enter let them depart ; and let them not only out themfelves, but carry out with them anything that is naught and unclean within thee, that they may leave thy houfe To the Faithfttl Soul, 57 fwept and cleanfed. And this thou mayeft eafily do, if thou wilt enter into a deep confideration to know thyfelf, and call upon me only with a firm confidence, and with a great humility ; neither feeking to fpare thyfelf, nor ceafing to perfecute thine enemies. For it is a moft prefent remedy againft all inclinations, to remember as foon as ever thou fhalt find an evil inclina- tion in thy mind how thou art nothing, and haft nothing of thyfelf but by my grace only, and how impoffible it is for thee, with any ability of thine own, to refift thefe motions. Therefore, presently fly unto me with all thy heart, and feek aid and proteftion from my wounds which I fuf- fered for thy fake, at the fight whereof the ancient enemy of mankind doth yet quake and tremble. 24. Believe me (my Daughter) although thou be haunted as much as is poffible for thee with carnal thoughts, fenfual motions, violent cogitations, and imaginations, and although thou feel in this behalf as much as may be devifed, yet as long as reafon hath the upper-hand, and doth gainfay 58 A 71 Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl them, and as long as thy reafonable and dehberate will doth not make choice of them, thou haft neither loft charity nor my grace. This diftrefs which thou doft fuf- tain, and thefe ftraits, whereinto thy heart is driven by the means of this con- flift, may be a plain argument unto thee, that thou haft not confented unto them, and fo confequently a great comfort to thy mind. For if thou hadft confented unto them, that is, if thou hadft willingly felt thofe things which thou didft feel, if thou hadft willingly retained thofe cogitations which did enter into thy mind, thou fhouldft not then have felt this diftrefs, this combat, and fharp conflift, but rather all peace and tranquillity in thy foul. 25. Receive a fimilitude (O my Daugh- ter) at my hands for thy comfort. If any man in fight hand to hand be overcome, vanquifhed, bound, yea, and beaten, and although he be fo ftraitly holden, as he hath not ability to ufe his own limbs ; yet, if he yield not himfelf as a prifoner and vanquifhed, but refifteth with as much force as he is able, and confenteth not to this his To the Faithftil Soul. 59 captivity, he can never be faid to be con- quered or overcome. In like manner, thou fhalt never be judged of me to be over- come, whether thou be tempted of the flefh or the devil, except thou confent with thy mind, and ceafeft to refift them. Thou muft feel many things, which thou ought- eft not to confent unto, that is, which thou oughteft not to feel with thy good will, and with a certain delight. 26. But thou wilt fay, it is very painful to be in continual fight; it is painful to re- nounce thofe things which thou coveteft; it is painful not to think of thofe things wherein thou delighteft ; it is painful to per- fecute thofe things which thou loveft. O my Daughter, thou doft confifb of two parts, that is, of the flefh, and of the fpirit, and therefore thy defires are divers ; and thofe things which delight the flefh are painful to the fpirit. If it feem painful to the flefh to ofl'er violence to itfelf, if it cannot hate itfelf, let the fpirit reign, let the fpirit have the royal fovereignty and imperial authority in thee, and fhe will not think it any pain to bring her enemy, that 6o All Epijile of Jefits Chrijl is, the flefh, under her yoke and fubje6lion. That which feemeth at the firft heavy, and almoft intolerable, by continual ufe of fight- ing Cometh to be light, and may well be endured ; for the oftener that thou refifteft thy enemy, thou art the ftronger, and he the weaker. For doft thou not know that the kingdom of heaven fuffereth vio- lence, and that the violent bear it away ? Fight, therefore, manfully : the oftener and the more ftoutly that thou doft do it, the more eafy fhalt thou ever find it. 27. Remember alfo that, as the tempta- tions fhall end fo the fight fhall not always continue, and that an eternal crown of glory, which is due to the conqueror, doth remain for thee. The fharper thy fight is, the more glorious thy crown of viftory ihall be. And, therefore, if thou overcomeft, being tempted, thou fhalt have a double reward ; whereas, if thou hadft never been tempted, thou fhouldft have received but a fmgle. Moreover, the fiercer that thou art affaulted with the temptation of fm, the clearer fhalt thou be purged from thy fms, if thou doft not confent unto it. And To the Faithful Soul. 6i although in this conflift, efpecially when a heavy temptation doth furioufly rage in thy flefh, there are many venial fins wont to be committed (which are given as light wounds to thofe that fight), yet notwith- ftanding, that pain which is endured by continuing ftill in fight, and by refifting of mortal fins, doth on the contrary part take away all that pain, which the venial fins do deferve. 28. Befides, that charity wherewith thou, fighting for my fake, doft avoid mortal wounds, and takeft great pain in ftriving for virtue, doth not only heal thy leffer wounds, but alfo doth turn them to thy greater glory and reward, if thou fhalt per- fectly overcome thefe temptations as the fears of a foldier's wounds, which he re- ceived by fighting manfully in a mofh fierce battle, are fhewed after the viftory to his great honour ; and the fharper the battle was, the greater is his glory. Fear not, therefore, my Daughter, if thou art to fight long, or if thy temptation do continue ftrong, if thou canft not prevail fo far over thy fenfuality as to make it in all things 62 An Epijlle of yefits Chrijl fubje6l to thy reafon, yet always refift it, never give it place, never grant it peace nor quietnefs. Thy battle againft it, the confli6l which thou didft endure in refifting of it, I will efteem as a viftory and con- queft over it. 29. For it is not only good to overcome evil, but with all thy might to refift evil ; yea, it is fometimes more honourable and profitable for thee, by continuing in fight, to fuftain longer the affaults of thine ene- my and the labour of the conflift, than quickly to have vanquifhed him, efpecially when it is done by my providence (which difpofeth of all, ever for the beft, towards thofe that love me), and not by thy own floth or negligence. For I, who am a moft upright and wife judge, do mark the tra- vail and force of every one of my foldiers, and do more efteem in them their will than their ability ; becaufe to be able to conquer proceedeth of my gift, but to be willing to conquer refteth in their own choice ; and yet not that neither without my grace. 30. Wherefore, although my grace muft of To the Faithful Soul. 6 o neceffity affist you in both, yet itrefteth more in your own choice to be willing to do well than to be able to do well ; which I con- fidering (O my Daughter) do better allow in thee a will to do much than ability to perform much. It is alfo both meet, and agreeth with juftice, that the longer thou fightefl, and the more pain thou takeft, thou fhouldft receive the larger reward ; and not only a reward in the life to come, but even here grace for grace ; that is, for every good work which you do by my grace, you fhall receive a reward, and fome benefit or other by my gracious favour in this prefent world. Chap. VII. How we mujl Fly the Occajions of Temptation. AKE a fpecial care that thou art not an occafion of thine own temptation or deftru6lion, in giving thine enemy, by thine own fault, opportunity to affault thee, and 64 An Epijile of yefiis Chrijl ability to overthrow thee. For avoiding whereof, fly provocations of temptation, re- ftrain thy fenfes from wandering, fhew the famiharity and private friendfhip both of men and women, whereby fometimes the devil doth find an opportunity to tempt thee under the colour of devotion or fpi- ritual love. For thefe things, for the moft part, do leave behind them grievous temp- tations, of doubtful fufpicions, perturba- tions, diftraftions, or elfe fome fcandals of violent love and afifeftion. 2. If thy enemy which fought to take thy life flood at thy door, wouldft thou fufifer him to come in 1 How quickly and care- fully wouldft thou fhut and bar the gates againft him ! Now, thefe carnal and vicious imaginations, cogitations, and affe£lions do feek by all means to enter thy heart, and to deftroy the life of thy foul — wilt thou then let them come in } Do not fufifer them to enter ; drive me not away, but keep them out of thy houfe by force, and with a horrible deteftation of them. Turn thy heart unto me, and, if thou feel anything in thy flefh, turn thy heart away from it. To the Faithful Soul. 65 3. Punifh thy flefh when it waxeth proud or wanton, with abftinence and temperance, both in meat and drink. Cut off all accefs of perfons, all haunting of places, and all taking of any occafions whereby thou perceiveft thyfelf to be tempted. And beware, above all things, that thou yield not thine own members fo far to iniquity, as that the devil do make them inftruments of iniquity, and fo by thy negligence take opportunity to wound thee with thine own weapons. And therefore corre6l the pride of thy flefh with fuch ffcrait difcipline, and bridle it with fo great modefty and baflifulnefs, that even for very fervent love of fhame and chaftity, thou mayeft fcarce prefume to fee or touch any naked part of thy hands or feet. 4. And for all unclean cogitation, which fhall chance to be ftill importunate upon thee, drive them out, as it were one nail with another, by fome godly meditation, and imprinting in thy mind fome holy im- preffion of my life and paffion.. For, to think of my wounds and paffion doth ever yield, without all doubt, a continual and F 66 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl wonderful increafe of virtue. For if I have infufed into herbs, ftones, and roots, rare virtues to expel many difeafes of the body, how unfpeakable and how effe6lual is the virtue I have given to my wounds and paffion for expelling of fpiritual difeafes, and both curing and fanftifying of the foul. Chap. VIII. When Spiritual Temptations are to be Conquei'ed, |F filthy and unclean thoughts, as it often happeneth, do at fome time enter into thy mind againft me and my faints ; or elfe that thou be tempted with blafphemy and rebellious cogitations ; let it never henceforth trouble thee, nor yet make thee faint-hearted ; neither be thou perplexed in thy mind with thinking how to make thy confeffion of any fuch matter, as long as thou doft not with advifed and deliberate confent yield unto them. For they carry with them more grief than delight, and thou rather fufifereft. To the Faithful Soul, 67 than doeft thofe things, being for that time altogether in paffion and nothing in aftion. 2. Wherefore, he that carrieth a pure mind need not either to fear them or confefs them. For although a godly mind may feem to be by this means a little polluted, yet is it not defiled by her own fault and negligence. And, therefore, fuch things as thefe, which procure great heavinefs to a devout heart, and my Spoufe (becaufe fhe is enforced to feel within herfelf, and to be turmoiled with fuch filthy imaginations and cogitations againft me, as thofe who are the greatefl: finners do abhor) are rather an affliftion and purgation unto her, than any defiling or pollution of her. For the Devil, whilft he feeth thee withdrawn from all other things whatfoever, and only to thirft after me, doth endeavour to trouble this quiet peace of thine, and to hinder and to keep thee from being united unto me, by thefe fancies which feem both odious and horrible. 3. Wherefore the more holy that the day is, the more earneftly thou doft bend thy- felf to the exercife of divine a6lions, the more thou doft feek to lift up thy heart, and 68 An Epijtle of Jefus Chriji the more vehemently that thou doft ftrive to unite thyfelf wholly unto me ; the more violently, wickedly and importunately do thefe imaginations affault thee, being ftirred up either by the Devil or by fome timorous fearfulnefs of thy own ; becaufe as foon as thy foul doth begin to abhor and fear a thing, fhe doth prefently feel and find the fame which fhe feareth, or for which fhe is afraid. For fear and faint-heartednefs do quicklieft thruft into a man's mind that imagination which is feared. And the Devil alfo doth raife thefe perturbations and motions within thy foul, that whilft thou art bufied in feeking to refift them, thou mayefl: be withholden from feeling the fweet tafle of my charity ; or elfe, being too much difmayed with them, thou mayeft be afraid, and not prefume to approach unto me. 4. The Devil doth this becaufe he de- lighteth to entangle thy mind with fcruples and perturbations, and by them to hinder the fabbath of thy quiet reft. But do not regard them, do not fear them, do not anfwer them, do not refifl them, do not ob- To the Faithftcl Soul. 69 ferve them, but go forward in thy godly devotion and holy exercife, as though thou felt nothing, and as though thy mind were troubled with nothing ; and pafs over all thefe filthy cogitations, as the barking of a cur, or the hiffing of a goofe, to which a man will difdain to make an anfwer, and will not flay either to contend or ftrive with them, but only pafs by them, and laugh at them. In doing thus, thou fhalt eafily avoid and quickly forget them. But if thou feekeft to refift them, to difpute with them, to fear them, to regard them, to hearken unto them, and to remove them; thou fhalt ftill the more deeply imprint them in thy mind, and the more danger- oufly entangle thyfelf with great pertur- bation. For thefe temptations are not van- quifhed by fighting with them, but by con- temning of them. 5. Take heed alfo, that no temptation overcome thee by importunity, and by making thee weary to refift it, for this is an ufual pra6lice of the Devil to vex fome with fo long and troublefome a temptation, that he overcometh thofe by trying them with 70 An Epiftle of^ J ejus Chriji that wicked device of his, whom he could neither deceive by fubtlety, nor entice by pleafure. Wherefore thou haft need to be long-fuffering, conftant, and patient ; and as thou oughteft to deteft thofe wicked cogitations, which are thrown into thy mind by the craft of the Devil againft my honour, and are brought in of purpofe to feduce thee; fo thou mayeft in no fort either miflike or feek to fhun that affliction which I fefid unto thee, nor thofe heavy and troublefome burthens which thou feeleft by my will and providence laid upon thee ; nor yet that pain which thou takeft in any conflict, when thou ftrivefl to refift vice and iniquity, but thou oughteft for my fake to bear them patiently, and without any grudging. 6. Of this alfo I am to warn thee, that if thou be tempted with any carnal vices, as gluttony and concupifcence, thou mayeft more eafily vanquifh them by flying them, than by fighting with them ; but on the contrary part, all fpiritual vices are ever overcome, not by flightly paffing over them, but by ftaying with good confidera- tion upon them, and doing the contrary of To the Faithful SouL 71 that to which they allure thee. For the temptation of pride is neither any whit diminifhed, nor yet vanquifhed, by flying all occafions that may any way move thee to humble thyfelf, that is, by flying all the means that may procure humility in thee, in hope by that courfe to abate the force, and avoid the motions of that temptation. But if thou wilt overcome it, ftay advifedly upon it, and enforce thyfelf to do thofe things that may humble thee. 7. Thou fhalt after the fame fort overcome envy, if prefently and violently, as it were in fpite of her, thou doft thofe things from which fhe diffuadeth thee ; that is, if thou fpeakeft to thy brother, if thou feekeft to do him fervice, if thou doft humble thyfelf unto him. In like manner alfo, thou fhalt never conquer flothfulnefs flying all tra- vail, or by neglefting the divine honouring and ferving of me, and by feeking to with- draw thyfelf, that thou mighteft not be commanded to labour, and take pains ; but by enforcing thyfelf with all thy might, and by applying wholly of thy mind to praftife and perform devout and virtuous exercifes. 72 All Epijlle of Jefics Chrijl Chap. IX. How we ought to take heed of Envy, ^^^^EWARE of envy as much as i ^^J poffibly thou canft, that by it 9 ^^^ ^hou be not brought to miflike ^^ ' with any man, to fpeak in de- rogation of him, to prefer thyfelf before him, to moleft and vex him, and to be alfo thyfelf vexed (if he be preferred before thee) with his virtue, with his honour, with his commendation, or with his fpiritual profit. 2. To overcome this temptation, be more courteous and lowly unto him, my daughter, than to another ; fpeak nothing of him thy- felf, nor hear him fpoken of in his abfence ; neither yet let anything proceed from thee in word, deed, or fhow, that may feem to favour of envy, or to fpring from that venomous root. To the Faithful Soul, J2> Chap. X. How we imijl fiy Smgularity, jHEW not in thy converfation with others any fad or unquiet countenance, but a courteous kind of behaviour, left thy con- verfation feem troublefome or unpleafant unto them. 2. Beware of being fingular, and ufing any particular fafhion by thyfelf, different from the reft, in any unneceffary ceremony, aft, or fhew of devotion, when thou art in other men's company ; and as for thofe points which are profitable for thy foul, which thy calling and Chriftian profeffion requireth at thy hands, and which are ne- ceffary, either for obtaining of virtue or avoiding of fms, fear not to be fingular in them ; conform not thyfelf in thofe to other men's fancies, if they be carelefs of their own falvation ; but rather refolve for the benefit of thine own foul, the obtaining 74 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl of virtue, and the fulfilling of my good pleafure, conftantly, humbly, and patiently to bear all their derifions, and perfecutions for the fame. Chap. XI. Of the Honour^ Reverence^ and Worjhip which we ought to exhibit tmto the Mother of God. |ALUTE my Mother often and zealoufly, with thy fervent pray- ers ; and honour her ever with all reverence and a principal devotion, by feeking diligently to imitate both her life and her virtue. For I gave her to this world as a perfe6l example of fan6lity, innocency, and purity, as a fmgu- lar patronefs, and moft fafe refuge for all my fervants, and as a fanftuary of fo great freedom to all thofe which are in mifery and tribulation; as no man might have caufe to millike it, no man might fear to take it, nor yet be in doubt to approach unto it. To the Faithful SoicL 75 2. And to that end I made her fo meek, fo virtuous, fo merciful, fo gentle, and fo gracious, as fhe might defpife no man, deny her aid to no man, but ever lay open her bofom of pity before all men, and not to fuffer any man to depart from her fad, nor without confolation. I made her alfo gra- cious, amiable, worthy to be beloved, and after a wonderful fort moft fweet and de- lightful to thofe who otherwife were def- perate and obftinate fmners, that fhe might be a meet bait for my hook to catch all fouls, but fpecially fuch as could by no other means be taken. For thofe heinous fmners who break out of all other nets, and for whom I cannot find an apt courfe by any other way to draw them unto me, I ufe to catch by her means ; that is, by the veneration of her, and their devotion to- wards her, whom I make to tafte moft fweet in their hearts, and excite thofe who are hard-hearted towards me, to perform good works unto her, — that is, a6ls of vene- ration, devotion, confidence, and invocation, and by this means I make them veffels fitter and worthier to receive my grace, and 76 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl greater illumination from me, until they attain to a more reformed and, for the moft part, a moft holy courfe of life. 3. Recommend thyfelf daily, therefore, unto her proteftion, that by her help thou mayeft receive greater grace and favour at my hands. For I committed unto her cuftody the whole treafure of my grace and mercy, to be diftributed and beftowed, when I recommended unto her all' my fons, in the person of John^ as her fons, but fpe- cially fmners, for whom I did at that pre- fent fufifer. This fhe knoweth very well, and therefore is fo careful and diligent to dif- charge the office fhe received from me, as fhe fuffereth none of thofe (as far as lieth in her power) which were committed unto her, and principally fuch as call upon her, to perifh, but refereth them unto me, both with her earneft prayers and by all the other means fhe is able, that they may be reconciled unto me, and received again into my favour. 4. Doft thou think then, my daughter, that I could have chofen any more fit and more meet for this bufinefs } Could I To the Faithful Soul. 77 have found any that had been fo apt and able every way to have difcharged this office ? Doft thou think that fuch as are forrowful, defolate, and overwhelmed with their fins, will defire any other mediator for them unto me, who may fue more faithfully in their behalf, and be more gracioufly inclined to receive them, and more ready to bring them unto me, than this woman, this moft humble, mofl pitiful, moft meek, and moft loving Virgin, abound- ing with all fweetnefs and mercy, being moft mighty of herfelf to relieve fmners, and moft acceptable unto me becaufe ftie is my mother, yea, even his mother whofe wrath is to be pacified and appeafed towards them? 5. Alas, how far do they err ; how great a burthen of wilful obftinacy and perdition do they heap upon their own backs, who do mutter and murmur againft this holy Virgin, who hath the cuftody and beftow- ing of my graces, and will not acknowledge her for an advocate unto me as I am to my Father? Doft thou think that they can by any means throw themfelves more head- 78 An Epijlle of Jefiis Chrijl long into the bottomlefs pit of hell, than by making her their enemy (for whofe fake I have fo often fpared the world, and fo often forborne to pour my wrath upon men), that when there is none to be a media- tor for them, or to withhold my hand which is ready bent to punifh them, I may, with- out any let or impediment, ftrike them as often and as much as I will ? But what greater pain or punifhment can I lay upon thefe men, than not to chaften them tempo- rally here as children, but to deliver them over as my enemies into a reprobate fenfe, that they being blind may not fee into what danger they run, until they find them- felves drowned in perpetual darknefs, and overwhelmed with eternal deftruftion? 6. I do ufe thefe exhortations unto thee, as unto my Spoufe, of mere love and good-will, that being inftrufled by my fpirit, thou mayeft not decline either in this or in any other matter whatfoever, be it never fo fmall, from the decrees and refolu- tion of doflrine, which my holy Catholic Church hath determined and refolved upon ; nor yet fuffer thyfelf to be deceived To the Faithftd SouL 79 by that wicked and malignant fpirit of theirs, which pretend in fhow to be followers of the Gofpel, and are in truth nothing less. Chap. XII. Of Senjible Devotion. iF thou findeft not fenfible devo- tion, be not therefore grieved nor deje6led in thy foul, but do with a ftout and conftant mind (although thou feeleft it dry and barren) whatfoever thou knoweft to be for my honour, and as much as thou art able to perform in that behalf. There are many who, fhedding tears, do feem to have fome fpiritual devotion and fweet tafte in their foul, and yet their life is never a whit the holier, nor themfelves at that time free from mortal fm, but it proceedeth from a certain tendernefs of their heart, as is often feen in women, and alfo in men, that are by nature paffionate and full of compaflion. Have no confidence, therefore, in that devo- 8o An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl tion which doth not better and amend thy life. 2. Thou {halt fee fome weep often, and be forrowful for the death of a valiant captain, whofe worthy and famous a6ls they have only read, though he were a Gentile or a Pagan. They will weep alfo fometimes if they read of a heavy parting or a pitiful death of two conftant lovers. What wonder is it, then, if they weep at my moft holy and devout fervice, by feeing many pathetical things done in the wor- fhipping of me, or by taking compaffion of thofe things which I did fuffer for them, or by rejoicing at that honour which is done unto me, and yet thefe tears proceed from a natural paffion of their heart, without any virtuous intention or profitable fruit to their fouls, as long as they do not my will, and fulfil my commandment } If, therefore, thou findeft thy heart hardened and barren, without fuch devotion, endeavour thou to have another kind of devotion, which is a true, perfe6l, and ready will, with a deter- mined refolution to do all thofe things which may honour and pleafe me. To the Faithful Soul. 8i 3. Moreover, for the want of the other, that is, fenfible devotion, feek out the true caufe and reafon, left perhaps thou haft loft that fweet tafte in thy foul, by fome diffo- lute motion, by lightnefs, by inordinate love, or unmeafureable joy, or left thou haft been too much bufied with earthly cogita- tions, or elfe, left thou haft polluted thy foul with the fpots of pride, or haft fought to pleafe thine own fancy, or for fome fuch other vice and offence. In which cafe thou oughteft to be rather grieved for the caufe of this barrennefs of thy foul, that is, thou oughteft to be more forry for the fault which thou haft committed, than for the devotion which thou haft loft. Endeavour to cleave unto me, with a good and pure will, fevered from earthly affeftions, and with a naked and fimple underftanding, far from conceiv- ing of needlefs or unprofitable matters, and omit to do no good thing that either thou wert accuftomed to ufe before, or that may tend to my honour, but remain patient with renouncing of thine own appetite, and expe6l my pleafure, with refigning of thy- felf wholly unto the fame. G 82 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl 4. And although fomewhat,atfome times, do fuddenly break out of thy fenfual dif- pofition and outward man, or remain boihng in thy mind, which is not convenient for thy profeffion, or elfe, if there arife any per- turbations in thee, if thou fuffereft any diftrefs, if thou be oppreffed with the temptations of heavinefs in thy foul, refift- ing or murmuring, take fpecial care, that at the leaft thy inward and reafonable man, being fubje6l unto me, continue fettled in all tranquillity, in loving of my command- ments, and in labouring to fulfil them. Chap. XIII. Hozv we inujl Prepare Our/elves when we come to Receive the Blejfed Sacrament, |0 fpeak fomewhat by the way of that preparation which thou oughteft to make when thou comeft to receive the Bleffed Sacrament of my precious body, I am firft to admonifh thee that thou fhouldfb not be To the Faithful Soul, 8 o difcouraged, although thou doft not fenfibly feel devotion in thee, yea, although thou findeft thyfelf troubled with horrible temp- tations, and affaulted with fome odious imaginations, which do invade thy mind. For this fenfible devotion of thy foul is not fo neceffary, but rather that reafonable de- votion of thy will, whereby thou doft believe well of my Sacrament, and whereby (not- withftanding thefe blafphemous thoughts which do affail and almoft overwhelm thee) thou mayeft be moved to do all honour and reverence to my Sacrament, although it be againft thine appetite, contrary to thy liking, and repugnant to the fenfe or opinion of thine own heart. 2. And laftly, that thou mayeft by this enforcing of thyfelf againft thy carnal de- fire, find thy will ready, and prepared with all obedience to honour me, to give me thanks, to refign thyfelf wholly unto me, and to fubjeft thy mind fo far to my liking, as that it may be beft contented with that which agreeth moft with my pleafure. If thou haft this devotion, my Daughter, which thy reafonable will may eafily command 84 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl and procure in thee, that is, if thou be forry that thou haft ever offended me, and deter- mined never to offend me again, but to endeavour as much as poffibly thou canft in all things to obey my will, thou mayeft come boldly unto this Sacrament, thou mayeft enter fecurely into my prefence ; for neither reafonable nor fenfible devotion, neither virtue, nor yet my grace is obtained by flying from me, but by approaching near unto me. 3. Therefore, the fadder and the more defolate that thou findeft thyfelf, yea, al- though it be at that time when thou art going to confeffion, or to receive my Bleffed Body, the more earneftly and vehemently excite and enforce thyfelf to proceed in thy good purpofe, that thou mayeft be made ftronger in grace, more conftant in goodnefs, and more fervent in love towards me. Pro- vided always, that thou carrieft with thee a pure intention and a good will, as I faid before. 4. Neither let it trouble thee if, even in coming to receive this Bleffed Sacrament, there doth enter fome horror and terror into To the Faithful SouL 85 thy foul, or if thou be fcarce able prefently to take and fwallow the Bleffed Hoft, or if thou find fome gallifh kind of bitternefs in thy tafte, for thefe are not certain figns that thou cameft unworthily to it ; but thou haft rather caufe to miftruft that fear, faint- heartednefs, and continual cuftom of trem- bling, have procured this imagination in thee, which is ftrongeft of all in women, and maketh thee to think that thou feeleft thofe things indeed, which either thou dreadeft to feel hereafter, or thou doft imagine that thou feeleft at that prefent. But if thou couldft clean remove this faint-heartednefs, and fearful imaginations of thine, thou fhouldft with it alfo clean expel this diffi- culty and diftrefs which thou findeft in thy mind. For albeit I could deliver thee from all thefe perturbations, yet do I permit fome fuch diftrefs as thefe to affault thee and other of my fervants, becaufe I know it is the beft means either to keep all of you humble, or, by humbling of you, to deliver you from the fm of pride, which is in woman moft ufual. 5. Be therefore ftout, and carry a refolute 86 An Epijile of defies Chri/l mind, that, fhaking off all womanifh fear or faint-heartednefs, and purging it from thofe filthy cogitations which do enter into thee, by contemning of them and their perfuafions, thou mayeft with a quiet mind, and a pure confcience, wholly dedicated to my fervice, defire me, feek me, and receive me in the Bleffed Sacrament, who am and will always remain unto thee (if the fault be not in thyfelf) a moft gracious lover, a moft gentle proteftor, a moft mer- ciful Redeemer, a moft loving preferver, and a moft faithful Saviour. But becaufe thou mayeft be inflamed with a greater reverence, love, and defire, towards this Bleffed Sacra- ment, I affure thee that, without all doubt, my body is there facramentally delivered unto thee, to be received under the form of bread. 6. Wherefore, feeing it is the fame body, which I now carry glorified in heaven ; fee- ing it is no other, nor any like unto it, but even the very fame ; and feeing I carry not a body which is dead nor without blood, it foUoweth of neceffity that, together in the fame body, there muft be alfo contained To the Faithful Soul, 87 my foul, my blood, my graces, and my virtues ; to all which, fmce the Word is united — that is, one perfon in Trinity — the two other perfons cannot be divided, but are infeparably united, it muft alfo follow, that the whole Trinity is prefent in this Sacrament, as truly and as verily as they are in heaven, though in another kind, that is, under a facramental form. The fame opinion thou mufl in like fort have of the Chalice, the new Teftament in my Blood ; confider, therefore, now with thyfelf with how great willingnefs and defire thou oughteft to come unto this Sacrament, fee- ing that thou haft in it true falvation, and that thou haft me really and perfe6liy there, who am the author of all thy happi- nefs. 7. And becaufe I would not have thee drawn from it with too much timoroufnefs of thy confcience, or with too great a fear of the reverence and majefty thereof, I have commanded thee to come unto it, and to receive it for a commemoration of me, affuring thee that my delight is to be with the children of men, and that I do much 88 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl rejoice when I may do any of you good, and to knock at the gate of your hearts, that being entered in, 1 may fup with you, and both feed and refrefh your hungry fpirit with myfelf And to what other end do I all thefe things, but only to procure you to have a hope and confidence in me, with a love and defire to come unto me, and not to withdraw yourfelves from fo profitable and neceffary a Sacrament, or to deprive your fouls of that infinite and inef- timable fruit, which you fhall receive there- by, for fear of being made unworthy by thefe temptations which you feel againft your will, and therefore are not by them polluted with any fin. Chap. XIV. Of Difcretion, |S humility mufl be the guide of all thy exercifes, fo let difcretion rule and moderate them, left they hurt thee, or make thee unable to do thy duty, or left the greater benefits and better exercifes of thy foul be To the Faithful Soul. 89 hindered by the outward exercifes of thy body, which are not fo good, nor fo profit- able ; and to conclude, left by exercifing of any virtuous a6l thou doft fomewhat offend in breach of charity. 2. Have confideration alfo of the infir- mity of thy body, and take care that thou confume not thy ftrength, if thou be weak, and govern all thy intents, ftudies, and exer- cifes by the dire6lion of fuch as fear me, or are thy fuperiors, leaving or leffening them, increafing or moderating them, according to their will and counfel. Wherefore, if thy fuperior, who hath the charge of thy foul, as being my deputy, and difcharging of that office in my ftead towards thee, forbid thee to faft, or any other thing that is not in itfelf fin, obey him, believing that he, know- ing thy ability every way, doth advife and command thee to that which may be fitteft and moft neceffary for thy falvation. 3. And therefore, my Daughter, if thou art bidden to eat eight times in a day, thou fhalt not in obeying it offend me. Never- thelefs, retain ftill a will to faft, when thou haft liberty to ufe thine own difcretion. 90 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl But if for obedience' fake thou eat, thou fhalt by eating receive of me a double re- ward, whereas otherwife by fafting thou fhouldft have had but only a fingle. For thy good will to faft, and the fruit of thy good will is not loft, if thou eateft to fhew only thy obedience ; but being done for obedience' fake, it is, together with obe- dience, crowned and rewarded in thee. In like fort it is in all other things which thou defireft of thine own will to do, and art enforced to omit only to fhew thy obe- dience. 4. Seek daily, defire earneftly, fbudy con- tinually, to fet forth and advance my glory as much as thou art able, and wherefoever thou canft, and to fulfil my will both in thyfelf and in all others. Negle6l to do no good work that thou haft ability to perform, but go forward in goodnefs every day, and ftrive always to increafe in virtue ; but neither glory nor rejoice in thyfelf for all the travail, ftudy, and exercife which thou ufeft in doing of good works ; neither be thou comforted with it, as though thou hadft anything, wert anything, or able to To the Faithful Soul. 91 do anything of thyfelf, but fix thine eyes ever upon thine own bafenefs and imbecility, remembering that thou art merely nothing but of my grace, and therefore afcribe all the good thou doft to me only. 5. There are fome who are not contented with that correftion of their flefh which I do lay upon them, but do torment their bodies with indifcreet abftinence and immo- derate affliftions, and make themfelves by that means not only unapt and unable to obey me, to follow my fteps, and to endure the confli6ls of this fpiritual battle ; but alfo being tired and confumed in their natural ftrength by this indifcreet dealing, are en- forced to leave thofe exercifes which they were wont to ufe before, and to take more care of their flefh than is requifite or con- venient, for repairing of that which was decayed by their own folly. Wherefore, moderate thou thy exercifes and labours, according to the proportion of thy force and ability, left thou doft furcharge and overthrow thyfelf; and fail not by good means to nourifti thy body : it is my will that thou fhouldft comfort nature, and re- 92 An Epiflle of J ejus Chnjl pair from time to time thine infirmity ; not with an extraordinary care or delight, but for the refreftiing of nature, as I faid before. 6. And for the better enabling of thy body to do me fervice, to yield thyfelf a fit inftrument of my grace, to fulfil my will, to follow my commandment, and to do thofe works which are moft acceptable in my fight ; being always as ready, if it be my pleafure, to fuffer poverty, as to enjoy riches, and as willing to be fick as to be whole. But when thou fhalt not be com- pelled by difcretion to nourifh thy body for infirmity of nature, take heed left by im- patience or want of devotion, or of an infa- tiable defire to pleafe thine own appetite, thou feekeft evafions to efcape, and deliver thyfelf from thofe adverfities or troubles which I fend thee. But remember to receive fuch croffes as are of my fending gladly, fuftain them patiently, complain of them to nobody, bear them with long-fufiering, and flay with all meeknefs, expefting of my pleafure. 7. Suffer me to deal with thee as I think fit, that by that tribulation which falleth To the Faithful SouL 93 upon thee, my grace may work fome good effe6l in thee. This is much better and more profitable for thee, than that which of thine own head thou layeft upon thyfelf. For I would have thee to be fully perfua- ded, my Daughter, that I never permit thee to fufifer any tribulation but that it is for thy good, and for the purging and repairing of thy foul, which is weakened or impaired by fin, if thou wouldft believe me, and refer thyfelf wholly unto me, by bearing it with filence, and wait my leifure by patient fuf- fering thereof. For I will come at the laft, who am never abfent from thee, but am always ready in all places to affift thee. 8. Beware, therefore, that thou deft not defpife thofe affliftions which I do fend and lay upon thee, for I will guide thee in them ; rely upon me, trufting in my providence and love towards thee, and not in thine own will and ability. Be content that I and other men do afili6l thee : in the meantime, do not thou perfecute thy flefh, but thy faults, and endure with patience whatfoever fhall happen unto thee. 94 A^^ Epijlle of Jefits Chrijl Chap. XV. How we ought in all Things to Conform Ourf elves unto Chrijl. FAITHFUL Spoufe ought to be fo loving to her husband, as fhe fliould defire with all her heart ever to be with him, never with- out him, and at no time from him ; fhe fhould wifli to conform herfelf in all things unto her husband's mind, and be glad when fhe is in anything like unto him. After the fame manner thou mufh behave thyfelf. Confider my life, my aftions, and my vir- tues, whereby thou may eft learn what I love, and what doth pleafe me in thee. 2. Now if thou wilt be a faithful fpoufe, O foul, thou oughteft to defire nothing fo much as to pleafe me, and to frame thyfelf in all things agreeable to my will. Where- foever, therefore, that I go, defire to accom- pany me ; whatfoever I do, ftudy to imitate me ; whatfoever I fufifer, be ready to fuffer with me ; and if by any occafion thou feel- eft tribulation, rejoice in it, becaufe by it thou art made like unto me. To the Faithful Soul, 95 3. Confider and recount with thyfelf every one of my virtues, or at leaft the prin- cipal, whereby thou mayeft ftir up a defire in thy mind to imitate and follow me. It fhall be an eafier labour for thee than to cut off, mortify, and rafe out all thofe things which are contrary and unlike to my courfe of life ; that is, thy vices, thy wicked incli- nations, and corrupt affe6lions. And as I faid before, thou fhalt attain to fuch a habit of well-doing in time, by a ftudious will, a watchful care, and continual travail, that thou mayeft come hereafter to drive away that (as it were) with one blaft of wind, which thou canft now fcarce fcrape away with a file of iron. Chap. XVI. Of Poverty, EHOLD, therefore, firft my po- verty, who when I was rich made myfelf poor for thy fake ; how I came to mine own, and mine did not receive me ; how I was very poor, and 96 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl as a ftranger and fojourner in a foreign land ; how my mother being lodged in an inn, as a gueft in a ftrange place, I was born in a ftable before the mouths of beafts, which, by the heat of their breath, might defend me from the bitter cold, being laid upon hay in a manger ; how I was re- deemed with the facrifice of poor innocents ; how, being an infant, I was driven into banifhment, brought up by the labour of my mother, and fed by alms at other folks' coft, having neither houfe nor lodging of mine own ; how I watched often in the mountains ; how I was defpoiled of all my garments at the time of my paffion, and died naked upon the Crofs ; being in fo great want of all things, as I could not have a drop of water in my moft extreme thirft, to refrefh my dried tongue ; laftly, how, after my death, I was buried in the grave that was made for another. 2. Moreover, how often doft thou think that I fufifered in the whole courfe of my life, hunger, cold, thirft, and other vexations of my body ? And as for corporal confo- lation (which moft men do think very To the Faithful Soul. 97 neceffary) I refufed, and utterly rejefted it, patiently enduring penury and po- verty in all things. But thou, when thou haft everything ready at hand that thou canft defire, thou doft flatter thyfelf, and thinkeft that thou liveft in poverty, and doft repine if thou canft not have every other thing that thou wanteft, although it be merely fuperfluous, and more to pleafe thy envious mind, than to ferve thy neceffary ufe. 3. Look, therefore, upon my poverty, and leave off being fad, and ceafe to be offended if thou feeft any man preferred before thee, or endowed with greater abun- dance than thyfelf Why art thou not rather grieved like a good emulatrefs, if thou fee any one poorer than thyfelf, as S. Francis was ? If thou perceiveft any man (which opinion thou oughteft to carry of all men) more agreeable to my life and poverty than thyfelf, this Ihould be a good kind of emulation, not to be grieved with other men's happinefs, or that they are better than thou art, but to be heartily forry becaufe thou art not good thyfelf, H 98 A 71 Epijlle of Jefus ChHJl and that it proceedeth of thine own fault and negligence. 4. Rejoice, therefore, and receive it for a fpecial token of my grace, for an ex- ceeding benefit, if I make thee more agreeable to myfelf than other men, by fending thee fome grievous ficknefs, fome extreme poverty, mifery, misfortune, or contempt in this world. And if thou wanteft neceffary things, rejoice ; if they are taken away, be glad, and complain of it to no man, but embrace with me the crofs of poverty, being quiet and contented in thy mind, ufmg filence, and utterly renouncing of thine own felf. What doth it profit thee, my Daughter, if thou haft for my fake forfaken the world, her riches, her glory, and the comfort of thy friends, and art now troubled about a thing not worth a ftraw, or haft not yet abandoned all love for fuch vanities as are of no value, but art ready to fight, to be vexed, and to contend either for defire to attain them, or for fear to lofe them, and art not afraid in this behalf to break peace and charity with thy neighbour.'^ To the Faithful SouL 99 5. Determine, therefore, now, and make a firm refolution from the bottom of thy heart, to contemn all things for the love of me, and be unwilling to poffefs anything, but even fuch as of neceffity thou art en- forced to ufe, delighting in all poverty, contempt, and penury; that thou mayeft be worthy to enjoy me, who, as I am better and more profitable for thee than a thou- fand worlds, fo ought I to be more efteem- ed, and more dearly beloved of thee, than all earthly things whatfoever. Why ftayefh thou, my Daughter ? Be encouraged with my example, be enflamed with my love, and feek earneftly in everything that apper- taineth to thyfelf, to live in all want and poverty. 6. Moreover, think other men worthy of my confolation, becaufe they are my faith- ful fervants, being far better than thyfelf, and not fo unthankful as thou art. And, therefore, being moved with charity, and, as it were, enforced with compaffion, fuffer no man to want anything that thou mayeft fupply, but help all men with thy travail, thy fervice, thy friendfhip, and by all the lOO An Epijile of ye/us Chrijl ' other means that are within the compafs of thine ability. Whatfoever thou haft, think it to be other men's, that neither thou may eft love it when thou poffeffeft it, nor be grieved when thou lofeft it. What- foever thou doft enjoy, think it is given thee for other men's ufe, and to ferve their neceffity. Chap. XVII. Of Humility, ETEST and abhor with all thy heart the honour, glory, and favour of men, with all other flatteries and enticements of this deceitful world. Think no otherwife of thyfelf, but as a proud man, unthankful to me, fpiteful againft me, and, therefore (if I fhould reward thee according to thy deferts), worthy to be hated above all creatures, as one unworthy to be born by the earth, to receive breath by the air, or to be nourifhed and ferved by any of my creatures. Wherefore, afk always at To the Faithful Soul. loi my hands mercy and grace, not relying upon any work or merit of thine own, but trufting altogether in that only work of redemption which I finifhed for thee, and that unfpeakable mercy which I fhewed towards thee. Defire of me, with tears and fighs, perfe6l humility, that by it thou mayeft delight to lie hidden and un- known, to be contemned, and held in no eftimation. 2. Endeavour, as much as thou canft, to love thofe things which are moft vile, and fhew greateft humility. Choofe, likewife, both to do and to have thofe things which are moft abje6l, and which other men do moft defpife, thinking thyfelf more bafe, and lefs worthy, than thofe things that are moft vile. Seek not to fet forth in thyfelf anything that may favour of eftimation, or glory, or that may fhew, as' it were, any fmgular gift in thee, except thou be enforced to it by neceffity, or of mere charity for the glory of God. Glory in nothing, neither yet boaft thyfelf of any- thing that is in thee. And if any man do offend or contemn thee, take heed thou be T02 An Epijlle of ye/us Chrijl not angry with him for it, neither ufe him with worfe countenance in fhew, nor bear him lefs good will in thy heart. But rather marvel that every creature doth not perfe- cute thee, to be revenged of the injury thou doft to me, who am Creator both of thee and all them, and whom, notwithftanding, thou art nothing at all afraid to offend. Chap. XVIII. How Humility is to be Obtained. |0 obtain humility, confider and behold my Majefty, my omni- potency, my wifdom, and my goodnefs, who only am immortal* only infinite, paffmg all meafure, without all limitation or circumfcription, unfpeak- able, incomprehenfible, from whom all creatures receive their being, and who am able with a beck, both to bring all creatures and the whole world unto nothing, and again prefently to reftore all things to their former courfe and order. Therefore, feeing To the Faithful Soul, 103 I am every way of fo great power, you may eafily perceive that I created you, who are reafonable creatures, according to mine own image, not for neceiTity, or for any need that I had of you, but of my charity and goodnefs towards you, as per- fons upon whom I meant to beftow my benefits, and with whom I would impart my felicity. 2. From which grace, fmce you fell by fin, whereby you made yourfelves, not only unworthy of eternal life, but juftly deferved eternal fire, I being incarnate for your fakes fufifered three-and-thirty years' hun- ger, thirft, cold, heat, miferies, labours, perfecutions, contempts, reproaches, ftripes, blows, wounds, griefs, torments, and laftly the Crofs, and death itfelf ; that I might deliver you from eternal death, which you had incurred by your own deferts, I lived, my Daughter, in the world not as a God, not as a mighty perfon, nor in a glorious fhew, but as the pooreft, vileft, bafeft, and mofl contemptible of all others ; being fubje6l to many torments and fundry reproaches, until at the laft I was flain, I04 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl with a moft fhameful and ignominious death, which the world did think I had juftly deferved, for they judged both my Hfe and do6lrine to be fo deteftable, as they thought it fit to root them both out of all men's memory, and to make them end with my death, whereat a great multi- tude of people being prefent, did triumph and rejoice. 3. Yet went I as gladly to fufifer it as the hart doth to the fountains of water ; nay, being made drunk with my love towards thee, I ran unto it and was never well until I had endured it. I fpared not myfelf, neither fled I any labour, grief, pain, or torment whatfoever. I refufed to do nothing that might be for thy profit ; thou wert fo dear and precious in my fight, that I did even long with a defire to deliver myfelf for thy fake, to be wounded in all parts, with fundry kinds of torments, and for thy fake alfo, at the lafl, to end my life with a fhameful death. Moreover, becaufe I did vehemently thirft after thy falvation, I defired to fhed all my blood for thee, which I did in fuch plentiful fort, as I left To the Faithful Soul. 105 not one drop thereof remaining within my body. 4. But how doft thou, O my Daughter, requite me now for all this ? What doft thou render again unto me in recompenfe of fo great charity ? Is it not even thou who, being unthankful unto me fo many years, didft defpife me, didft not regard my words, didft loathe my fervice, and didft tranfgrefs my commandments ? And yet fhewing all reproach towards me, being moft unclean and vile in my fight ; being altogether polluted with fo many filthy abominations, thou doft baniflhi me from thee and thou doft reje6l my infpirations, thou committeft fornication with my crea- tures, thou abufeft my gifts. Why doft thou ftill contemn and forfake me, notwith- ftanding that I delivered thee out of moft heinous fins, and from eternal damnation itfelf, wherein thou hadft juftly lain burning many years fince, if my mercy had not prevented thee } 5. To be fhort, why wilt thou defpife me, feeing I have fo often preferved thee from committing of many offences, and alfo io6 An Epiftle of J ejus Chrijl raifed thee out of the bottomlefs gulf of fin and wickednefs ? What, doft thou not yet at length confider that thou art vile, miferable, and merely nothing, but by my grace ? And how then dareft thou lift up thy face to behold me, whom thou haft fo often offended, fo long time defpifed, in fo fundry ways contemned ? I fpeak thefe things, my Daughter, to the end that thou shouldft know thyfelf. 6. Confider how vile and filthy thou art in thy body, how much polluted in thy foul, and how impure in thy heart. And laftly, remember how unclean thou haft altogether made thyfelf with wicked works, with filthy cogitations, with corrupt and impure affec- tions, and yet, neverthelefs, how I ftill for- bear to punifti thee ; nay, notwithftanding all this, how I declare my love towards thee, with pouring my benefits daily upon thee ; but how long muft I do this ? Till what time muft I forbear with thee ? When wilt thou come to know thyfelf ? Hoav long wilt thou ftay to return unto me ? Why doft thou not humble thyfelf under my yoke ? Doft thou not fee that I am To the Faithful Soul. 107 not longer able to withhold my mercies from thee ? Doft thou not perceive how I have called thee ; in what place I have planted thee ? Where are thy fruits ? Doft thou not know how I wink at all thine iniquities, all thine abominations, all thine unthank- fulnefs ? 7. Yet I fpeak not thefe things, O my Daughter, to upbraid thee withthofe benefits which I have heaped upon thee, but, as it were, languifhing with love of thee ; and as it were, feeming to ftand in need of thee (though indeed I ftand in need of nothing) ; yea, being, as it were, not able to live without thee, I do invite thee to love me again for that unfpeakable goodnefs and charity which I have fhewed towards thee, that by loving me thou may eft perfeftly fee what I am, and what thou art ; how much I have done for thee, and how injurious, on the contrary, thou haft ftiewed thyfelf unto me for the fame. 8. Moreover, confider how many and innumerable fouls are in hell at this day, and how thou haft been far more wicked than they, and more juftly deferved that io8 An Epiftle of J ejus Chriji place, if thou hadft not been withholden from it by my grace. Imagine likewife, that if they had received as much grace from me as thou haft done, they would have fhewed themfelves much more thankful unto me than thou haft been. If thou confidereft all thefe things, that is, my Majefty, and thine own bafenefs, how proud thou art in thy bafenefs, and how humble I was in my Majefty ; how far for thy fake I abafed myfelf to all poverty and contempt, it would not feem fo great a matter to thee to humble thyfelf. 9. If, I fay, thou wouldft rightly ponder with thyfelf, in how much poverty, in how abjeft eftate, and in how great contempt, I, being fo mighty, fo rich, of fo high dignity — that is, exceeding all meafure in majefty, and infinite in goodnefs, and in- comprehenfible in them both — was content to ferve thee, fo bafe, and fo vile a creature, fcarce worthy the name of man — yea, and did it with fo great charity, fidelity and defire — there would, by the impreffion of thefe thoughts, be bred in thy heart fo great an obedience towards me, fo great a To the Faithful Soul. 109 reverence of me, and fo great a defire to ferve and adore my Majefty, as can neither be expreffed in words nor conceived in thought. It would procure, moreover, in thee an infatiable defire and moft burning thirft to honour me, to worfhip me, to exalt me, and to contemn, humble and defpife thyfelf, and for the love of me to throw thyfelf under the feet of all my creatures, and, befides, patiently to endure reproaches, contempt, and injury, at all their hands. 10. For though thou doft humble thyfelf never fo far, though thou beareft never fo much, yet thou fhouldft think that thou hadft endured nothing in refpe6l of the thirft and defire thou feeleft in thine own mind to abafe thyfelf, and exalt me ; info- much that thou fhouldft moft love thofe who did feek moft to opprefs and defpife thee, becaufe they did ferve in this behalf, to fatisfy thine earneft defire and thy humility, when they thought fo much to humble and abafe thee. If thou feeleft not, my Daughter, thefe things as yet in thyfelf, acknowledge how unthankful thou art, and how far from true humility, which is a no An Epijtle of Jefus Chrijl fincere and moft lowly fubmiffion of thy heart in the fight of my Divine Majefly. After which foUoweth ever a contempt of thine own felf ; and a will likewife not only to be defpifed of others, but even by them to be acknowledged moft vile. II. I exhort thee once again, my Daugh- ter, to look into my humility, and to take example by it, how thou fhouldft humble thyfelf. See how the world defpifed my life and doctrine, how they did falfely accufe and utterly reje6l me, how they back- bited me in all their fpeeches, how great reproaches, fcorns, contempts, and derifions I fuffered, even as a reprobate of moft vile perfons, and for moft vile and unthankful creatures. And being thus mocked and made moft abje6l as a fcorn of all men, yet I defpifed no man, neither did I excufe myfelf, nor any way fought in fpeech to refift or reprove them. Recount alfo with thyfelf, O unthankful creature, which art worthy to be defpifed, thine own obftinacy, negligence, fins, ingratitude, inconftancy, vilenefs ; and laftly, how thou art nothing of thyfelf, but by my grace only. Bewail, To the Faithful Soul, 1 1 1 lament, and excufe thyfelf of all thefe before me with continual tears. Whatfoever ftiall happen unto thee, turn it to thine own benefit, and ufe it as a means to make thee humble. Take heed that thou takeft not pleafure in thyfelf, but rather wonder how thou canft pleafe or delight any other, if they did rightly know thee. Ever fix the eyes of thy heart upon the confideration of thine own weaknefs, and difability in all refpe<5ls. 12, Confider how thou art nothing, and what thou oughteft to be and art not ; like- wife what thou haft not, and how unable thou art to do any good ; how many things thou wanteft ; and, to be fhort, how far thou art from true and perfeft charity, and from the perfeftion of a holy man's life. Call to mind alfo how unlike, and how little agreeable thou art unto me, and remember that merely thou haft no good thing at all of thyfelf, but receiveft all good things from me only, without any other means whatfoever. Moreover, make account that thou haft of thyfelf thefe things, and no other at all ; that is, an apt inclination to 112 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl fin, to offend, to rebel, to ftand in need of all good things, to be in neceffity and mifery, and by thine own fault both to lofe, and overthrow all thofe bleffings and graces which I beftow upon thee. For it is moft certain, that if I fhould leave the nature of man to her own liberty, and to do that whereunto fhe is moft inclined, fhe would do no good at all, but decline every day from worfe to worfe, feeing fhe runneth fo vehemently headlong now to commit wickednefs ; notwithftanding that I do fo earneftly forbid her, and in a manner vio- lently withhold her. For the nature of man is nothing, and hath nothing of herfelf, and laboureth after that which is nothing. If thou didfb continually meditate upon this, it would help thee very much for procuring of humility. 13. There muft be alfo, notwithftanding, joined unto this, another kind of humili- ation, for thy hidden and unknown imper- feftions, which for the moft part are very grievous, although thou being purblind doft not perceive them. Fall, therefore, proftrate for thefe before the feet of my To the Faithful Soul. 113 mercy, and bewail from thy heart thy in- curable aptnefs and infirmity to commit fm, neither think ever otherwife of thyfelf than of one that is guilty of many faults, blind in many things, and moft unthankful of all creatures. Chap. XIX. How we Ought not to Care for Men's Judgments, |ROUBLE not thy mind with im- agining what men think of thee, nor what cenfure they give of thee, neither yet fear their judg- ment, fo long as thou doft not wittingly (as far as lieth in thy power) give them any fcandal or occafion juftly to reprehend or backbite thee. For thou art neither the better if they commend thee, nor the worfe if they difpraife thee. But thou art in truth as I account thee, and as thou fheweft to be in my fight. Therefore, let not the com- mendation of any other rejoice thee, nor yet their difpraifes grieve thee. For what I 114 ^^ Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl doft thou gain by the commendation of others ? Nothing, truly ; but it doth rather many times greatly hurt thee, becaufe it deceiveth thee, and puffeth thee up with pride and vanity. And, on the contrary part, what can the contempt, reprehenfion, abafmg, backbiting, condemnation, and perfecution of men hurt thee ? Truly, no- thing at all ; but rather they profit thee much, for they bring thee to know thyfelf, and help thee not a little to obtain humility of life and amendment of thy manners. For by it thou fhalt be made more wary and wife in thy converfation with men, and not to truft in them, but to put all thy con- fidence in me. 2. The judgment of men, therefore, is not much to be cared for, whether they fpeak good or evil of thee. Let them think what they will, in the meantime lift thou up thy heart unto me, and if by fearching every fecret corner of thy heart, thou findeft nothing in it that may offend me, fear nothing ; but if by this examination thou findeft fomewhat wherein thou haft offended me, bewail thy fault, not becaufe men do To the Faithful Soul. 1 1 5 defpife thee, for thou oughteft then juftly both to fufifer and defire that, but becaufe thou haft ofifended me, and alfo given other men by thine example occafion to fin. But if anything be commended or difpraifed in thee which is not fin, be not otherwife, or more moved therewith, than if fome other man were commended or difpraifed. 3. If men praife thee, afcribe it to their error and good-will towards thee; if they reprove thee, or condemn thee, marvel not at it. For what marvel is it, if men re- prove, defpife, and condemn thy life, feeing they alfo reproved my life, and condemn all my do6lrine, which was moft innocent, void of all fpot, and w^hich could by no means be juftly reprehended. Rejoice rather that thou art come to walk in thofe fteps which I had trodden before, that is, if being humbled and accounted as a caft- away of all men, and be glad that thou fuffereft thefe perfecutions of men. Let others imagine mifchief againft thee, I will turn their mifchiefs to thy benefit ; only endure thou all patiently, and be filent. 4. Study in all things to pleafe me, and ii6 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl not men; and yet if thou chanceft to pleafe men, think that they are deceived in their opinion of thee, becaufe they know thee not as well as I do, but do judge thee through their own fimplicity, according to that appearance of goodnefs which they fee in thy outward fhow. But if thou doft dif- pleafe them, impute it to thine own deferts, and let it make thee more humble; for if they do defpife thee for fo little faults as they are able to fee in thee, what would they do if they faw as perfe6lly as I all thy fms and offences ? Delight, therefore, to be ac- counted vile and contemptible, and though thou be defpifed never fo much, yet think that thou deferveft to be a great deal more defpifed than thou art. 5. Thou oughteft to account thyfelf mofl miferable, moft unworthy, moft unthankful, and moft needing of my grace and mercy, of all other creatures ; remembering always, that of thyfelf thou art merely nothing, and that all thy works which are without me neither favour anything of virtue nor yet are any thing worth. Whofoever is moft wicked, think him better and more worthy To the Faithful Soul. 117 of heaven than thyfelf. Believe that other men do merit, and think that thou art tole- rated here by my mercy only. Prefume not, therefore, in thefe refpefts, to compare thyfelf with any man, but imagine that thou haft offended me more than all men, and that thou art more vile and unthankful to me than any creature that liveth ; be- caufe whatfoever is of thyfelf, either is nothing at all, or elfe is fin. Wherefore, to extol or magnify thyfelf, by the means of thofe gifts which thou haft wholly received from me, is intolerable, and a point of moft arrogant pride. For the pre- venting whereof, and for thy greater profit, I do often withdraw from thee my fenfible bleffings, becaufe thou knoweft not how to ufe them, but abufeft them, in turning them only to the magnifying of thyfelf, whereas in truth thou oughteft to challenge or afcribe nothing to thyfelf, but wholly attri- bute all unto me. 6. Take heed, therefore, that in the peti- tions which thou makeft unto me thou haft no refpeft to thyfelf, but to me only, left thou fhew thyfelf unthankful towards me ii8 An Epijlle of Jefus Chriji by pride, or deteftable in my fight by thine own negligence. Remember how thou art nothing of thyfelf, how quickly thou art vanquifhed when I do not prote6l thee ; and confider how thou art not able to en- dure the fmallefh adverfity, or overcome the weakeft temptation, when I fight not for thee. For of thine own ability thou haft no other power in the world, but only to corrupt and pollute what good thing fo- ever I beftow upon thee. 7. Thou art too apt, my Daughter, to dif- praife other men, which is a token, w^ithout doubt, of great arrogancy, as though thou wert worthy to be preferred before thofe which thou fo difcommendeft, becaufe thou perhaps wanteft that vice whereof thou accufefh them, and yet are subje6l to many others. If thou wert not blind, thou mighteft perceive that thou deferveft not by this kind of dealing, in any fort to be preferred before them ; but rather thine own tongue maketh thee more deteftable than they, becaufe it difcovereth openly thine arro- gancy or envy. My friends are wont to reproach and accufe themfelves of their To the Faithful Soul. 119 own vices, and not to find fault with others ; for they fufpe6l both their works and them- felves, neither will they truft themfelves in any thing, becaufe they have been by that means fo often deceived. For they fear always that they feek not me with fuch fin- cerity as they ought. Befides, they wonder at and commend other men's works, for they will not be brought to fufpeft any evil of their neighbours. Therefore, do thou always either praife or excufe others, or elfe fay nothing at all, having ever before thine eyes only thine own vilenefs and unthankfulnefs, and wondering that all men do not reprove and deteft thee. 8. Thou canft not, my Daughter, obtain humility, except thou love to be humbled, for it is of neceffity that a mind difpofed to be humbled muft ever go before humility. Receive, therefore, all things which I fend unto thee, as means to humble thee. De- light alfo to be humbled and contemned of others ; fuffer thy good name to be flan- dered ; hold thou thy peace, and refer thy caufe unto me ; I know better than thou doft how to defend thy good name. But I20 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl if thou fighteft for thyfelf, thou needefh not my proteftion. If thou doft with humihty and patience bear all, and be filent, I will choofe a time wherein I will anfwer for thee. Do not thou, by defending of thyfelf, prevent my gracious determination towards thee. I will fight for thee, and will have thee to be patient and filent. Chap. XX. Of Obedience. jBEDIENCE is a moft excellent virtue, and moft acceptable unto me ; that work which in itfelf is vileft, and leaft of all others, if it be done merely for obedience only, it is better accepted of me, and more profitable and meritorious unto him that doth it, than infinite others which men do volun- tary, and to pleafe their own appetite. Neither canft thou offer unto me, believe me, my Daughter, a more noble and worthy facrifice, than to prefent me with a humble heart, obedient and ready to do all things To the Faithful Soul. 121 that I fhall command. For it may fo fall out, as a man by obedience only may clean leave and forfake himfelf for my fake, and fo profit more by denying of his own will, and be more inwardly united unto me, than if he had beftowed much time in other moft noble exercifes. 2. Wherefore thou oughteft, my Daugh- ter, to be always as obedient unto me as if I were ever prefent with thee in a cor- poral form, and that thou didft as contin- ually enjoy my prefence as a wife doth her husband, with whom fhe dwelleth. When any man fhall call thee from me, to do fome aft of obedience, thou oughteft to leave me and obey him. For this is not a forfaking of me, but a forfaking of thyfelf ; becaufe thou preferreft my honour and my will before thine own convenience and con- folation, in that thou doft according to my commandments deny thyfelf, and feekeft not thine own convenience, but the benefit of others. In this fort fhouldft thou relin- quifh thyfelf, and all care to pleafe thyfelf, or to feek thine own convenience. For fo fhouldft thou not leave me, but find that 122 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl which is a hundred times more worthy and profitable for thee than thofe things which thou forfakeft. 3. Learn therefore to leave thyfelf for my fake, that is, by denying of thine own will, to want that fruit, that confolation, and that profit which thou defireft to reap ; for by doing thy duty in this fort, both thou honoureft me, and not only lofeft nothing in thy profit, but alfo obtaineft things, although it be by another means, that are a hundred times better. Wherefore efteem nothing fo precious, neither account thou anything fo profitable, as that thou wilt not be drawn from it willingly, for obedience' fake, with a mind wholly refigned to my pleafure. For whatfoever the thing be, that for the love of it, either thou refufeft to perform thine obedience, or comeft to do it grudgingly or unwillingly, it is the idol of thine own appetite : more pernicious to thee than can be expreffed. If thou be in a place where thou haft no fuperior, or where thyfelf is fuperior, make all men thy fuperiors, obeying their will, and forfaking thine own. Marry, do it not of flothfulnefs, To the Faithful Soul. 123 but wherefoever thou mayeft even of thine own defire and of purpofe to renounce thy- felf for my fake. 4. Love the virtue of obedience from the bottom of thy heart, and leave it not as long as thou liveft, not only to thy fuperiors, but alfo yield, obey, and fubje6l thyfelf, (whenfoever thou art not reftrained by my will) in all things, and to all men for my fake, and that without being grieved with it, repining at it, or difputing about it. And becaufe thou mayeft do this the more frankly, refpe6l not the man who by my ordinance is thy fuperior, whether he be learned or meet for the office ; neither feek to mark or confider whether he be learned or unlearned, an excellent man or a bafe perfon. But have regard to this only, that he is by my providence made thy fuperior, by whom I will govern thee, and in whom thou oughteft to hear me, afk counfel of me, and obey me. 5. Therefore refift not, but yield to this my providence, feeing if I appoint fuch a man, I have as much care to rule thee, and to make thee fubjedl unto me by the means of fo fimple a perfon, as by him that is 124 An Epijlle of J ejus Ckrijl learned. Yea, I have the like regard of thy well-doing, by any whomfoever it fhall be my pleafure to appoint over thee. Where- fore I would have thee fubje6l thyfelf unto him, without any fervile fear, or fcruple of thy confcience, and defpifmg thine own counfel and wifdom, fubmit thyfelf to be governed by his judgment and opinion. Whatfoever he fhall determine or appoint thee, accept it from his mouth as from mine own. For I place fuch fuperiors over my fervants fometimes, as have small learning, and are little praftifed in thofe exercifes, to the end that they fhould not regard man's wifdom, or refpe6l in the man him- felf ; but rather me in the man, that am their God, and as well able to anfwer them by a fimple man (if they can have faith and confidence in me) as by a learned. 6. And therefore, whatfoever they fhall be anfwered, or howfoever they fhall be counfelled at his hand, let them receive it, not as from a man, but as from myfelf, attributing all to me and my direction, and afcribing nothing to the man, whether he be wife or fimple. If thou wouldft not, To the Faithful Soul. 125 therefore, go aftray, walk in the path of obedience, and do nothing at all without the counfel of thy Paftor, or Ghoftly Father, or fuperior. Live always in fimplicity and poverty of fpirit, renouncing quite thine own judgment, thine own counfel, thine own fenfe, and thine own opinion ; neither take any occafion at any time to complain or murmur, efteeming that always beft which thy fuperior, or (if thou haft none) what other fhall think fitteft, as long as it is not manifeft and apparent fm. And, therefore, fully to mortify and kill in thy- felf thine own will, thou fhouldft not only be obedient unto men, but alfo fubje6l thy- felf unto all my creatures for my fake. 7. For thou oughteft fo much to hate thine own will, and thou fhouldft fo much defire to extinguifti it, that thou ftiouldft live amongft men, wherefoever thou art, even as if thou wert clean without any will of thine own; that is, as if thou madeft no election or choice of any one thing more than another, but accepted of all things in- differently that chanced unto thee, ex- cepting this only, that another man's will 126 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl (if thou knoweft it) muft ever pleafe thee better than thine own, fo that it be without fin, and that honefty and difcretion be ob- ferved in it. Yield, therefore, unto all men in thofe things which are thine ; that is, in thofe things which do properly and only belong unto thyfelf, in fuch fort, as if thou hadft profeffed obedience to them all. Nay, whenfoever thou fhalt be alone, do not thine own will, but difpofe of thyfelf fo as thy whole courfe of life, and all thy exer- cifes, may tend to the renouncing of thyfelf For this fhall be better and more profitable unto thee than the joys of Paradife. 8. And whenfoever that my will fhall be made known unto thee, whether" it be by inward infpiration, or by the Scripture, or by thy fuperior, or by fome other creature of mine, or by any other means; whenfoever, alfo, that thou flialt be in- wardly admonifhed by me, ftraight defpife all that thou haft of thyfelf, as thine own counfel, thine own judgment, thine own appetite, thine own opinion, thine own liking, or thine own inclination, and follow my will. But thou muft have a fpecial To the Faithful Soul. 127 care wifely to learn what my will is, left thou mayeft think that thou art governed by my fpirit, when in truth thou art di- re6led by thine own, or elfe by the fpirit of error or deceit. To avoid this, there- fore, do all things according to the counfel of thy fuperior, and fubmit thyfelf wholly to his will and direftion. Chap. XXL How we miiji Mortify oicr own Will a7td Dejire. lOTHING can do thee mifchief, O Daughter, but thine own wilL which, if thou haft once morti- fied, no other creature can hurt thee ; for what creature can hurt thee if thou art dead to thyfelf, and haft mortified thine own defire.^ That is, if thefe words, or rather the afifeftion of thefe words, be mor- tified in thee, to wit, I, and me, and to me, and mine, which is as much as to fay, as if there be no refpe6l in the world in thee, to pleafe thyfelf, or to ferve thine own appe- tite; who could hurt thee when I live in 128 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrift thee, and thou in me, whom no creature can refill, but is enforced to ferve ? Marry, if thou wilt follow or retain ftill within thee thine own will, all things will refift thee, all things will fight againft thee, and in defpite of thy teeth, whether thou wilt or no, thou muft yield in the end, and canft no way efcape my providence, although it will be then as a crofs to torment thee, and not as a confolation to rejoice thee. 2. But if thou renounceft quite thine own will, thou fhalt tafte an inward peace and joy, which that fenfual appetite of thine neither knoweth nor is able to conceive ; for nothing troubleth the world, but every- body feeking to pleafe their own appetite. Therefore I faid to my difciples : — In the world, that is, in thofe things which are of the world, to wit, your own defires, which the world feeketh to fatisfy, you fhall have diftrefs; but have confidence, for I have overcome the world, that both you may overcome in me, and have peace in me alfo. Begin, therefore, thou alfo, and tak- ing out this leffon, both mortify and pluck up by the very roots all the defires of the To the Faithful Soul, 129 world and all felf-love out of thy heart, Otherwife, how canft thou overcome the world or the devil, if they have their army within thee ? — that is, if they have vices lodged within thy foul ? Throw out quickly whatfoever is in thee contrary to my will, and whatfoever fighteth againfb thee in thy fpiritual warfare. For neither the world nor the devil can ever come to vanquifh thee, or in a manner to refift thee, but by the help of thofe things which they poffefs in thee. 3. Wherefore they which do perfecute thy vices, which do opprefs thee, which fhew unto thee, and lay before thine eyes, thine own weaknefs ; to be fhort, which of- fend thee, that is, v/hich offend thine own will in thee, and confequently thyfelf, be- caufe thine own will and felf-love reigneth in thee. (For otherwife they could not of- fend thee, for that thefe things, to wit, thy felf-will and thy felf-love, are only hurt and offended) ; they, therefore, as I faid, which do thus offend thine own will in thee, which fhew thee how thou haft not mor- tified thine own appetite, are thy fpecial friends and benefaftors. Thefe thou K 130 An Epiftle of Jefus Chrijl oughteft to love, and withal to be glad, becaufe they do perfecute thine own appe- tite, which is thy worft adverfary, and only dangerous enemy. Therefore, if thou wilt wifely ufe and take the benefit of this occa- fion, the more that thine own will is re- preffed in thee, the ftronger thou ihalt grow, and the greater force thou fhalt have. 4. The lefs rule that thine own appetite hath over thee, the more intereft have I ftill in thee, and the further that it is ban- ifhed from thee, the more fully do I pof- fefs thee ; becaufe following of thine own will, if it do thee no other hurt, yet it doth ever certainly bring this mifchief upon thee, that it fufifereth not me to have operation and poffeffion in thee. Wherefore it de- priveth thee of me, which am infinite good- nefs itfelf. For though thou labour never fo much, and devife never fo many means, thou fhalt never find any other way to come unto me than this, which I have taught my difciples, faying : — He that will come after me, let him deny himfelf, that is, let him leave, mortify, and quite forfake his own will, take up his crofs and follow To the Faithful Soul. 131 me. Begin, therefore, with this, for this of neceffity thou mufl do ; whatfoever thou forfakeft, if thou forfakeft not thyfelf, thou haft forfaken nothing. And contrariwife, if thou poffeffefb not thyfelf, but leaveft thyfelf to be poffeffed by me, thou haft for- faken all things for my fake, although thou liveft in all abundance of wealth and hon- our. The more that thou goeft out of thyfelf, the farther do I enter into thee, and as much as thou doft die unto thyfelf, fo much do I live in thee. If thou difplea- feft thyfelf, I will be the fweeter unto thee. 5. Forfake, therefore, all things, that thou mayeft find all things ; that is, forfake thy- felf, that thou mayeft find me. How long wilt thou ftay, my Daughter } How long wilt thou ftand ftill amazed } All thy diftrefs proceedeth only of that extreme felf-love which poffeffeth thy heart, and of the fmall confidence which thou haft in me. For- fake, therefore, thyfelf, and believe me. Doft thou think that I can deceive thee } Why doft thou not commit thyfelf to me } Why doft thou not truft in my good- nefs } What art thou able to profit thyfelf, 132 An Epijlle of Jefiis Chrijl or what good canft thou do to thyfelf ? What art thou without me ? Art thou in any danger if, committing thyfelf to me, thou renounceft thine own will ? See to whom thou commit thyfelf ! To me, verily, without whom thou fhouldft have no being at all, or be anyways able to ftand, much lefs than to be fafe or well. Wilt thou, then, commit thyfelf unto me, with whom thou canft never be ill ? Wilt thou, then, commit thyfelf unto me, who cannot reje6l thee, who cannot forfake thee, who cannot deceive thee, who cannot but love thee? Throw thyfelf into my arms, I pray thee, and rely thyfelf wholly upon me, with con- fidence, and without delay I will receive thee, I will preferve thee. Without me thou art as though thou wert not at all ; therefore if thou loveft thyfelf, reje6l thy- felf and embrace me, that I may alfo em- brace thee, and unite thee fo clofe unto me, as no man fhall be able to hurt or touch thee, but that he muft firfb of neceffity hurt and touch me. 6. Wherefore, leave thyfelf with a glad and willing mind, that thou mayeft neither To the Faithful SotiL 133 feek, wifh, or choofe this or that, of any re- fpe6l, love, or inclination, which thou car- rieft to thyfelf, but let all things be indif- ferent to thee, only thou fhouldft for my fake efteem that deareft, and defire that moft, which thou knoweft is moft accept- able unto me. For thou oughteft to meditate of that prayer always in thy heart, which I offered unto my Father in the garden, when I was going to my paffion, faying : — O Lord, thy will be done. Like- wife, — Not mine, but thy will be done. And this alfo, — Teach me to do thy will, becaufe thou art my God. Or elfe this, — Let it be done unto me according to thy good pleafure. 7. But wilt thou know how much thou hafb forfaken thyfelf, or how much thou haft mortified thine own will .'^ See, when lofs of anything, when reproaches, when injuries do happen unto thee, whether thou art troubled with them, and whether thou art more troubled when they happen to thee than when they happen to other men. By this thou fhalt find the love which thou beareft to creatures ; yea, thou 134 ^^ Epijlle of Jefiis Chrijl fhalt perceive the affeflion which thou carrieft to thyfelf. For thou doirt:, there- fore, love temporal goods ; thou doft, therefore, love honour ; thou doft, there- fore, love quiet ; and thou doft, therefore, love fuch miferable and tranfitory things, becaufe thou loveft thyfelf. For thou wifh- eft to enjoy thefe things, whereas, if thou didft love me, thou fhouldft rather banifh all thefe things quite from thy heart for my fake, and take all adverfity as will- ingly as thou wouldft poffefs happinefs. To be fhort, thou fhouldft not be more, but rather much lefs, troubled when adver- fity happeneth to thyfelf than when it hap- peneth to others. For thou fhouldft never be grieved with any accident in this world, but only when thou fheweft thyfelf irreve- rent or contemptuous towards me. 8. Therefore, he that will forfake him- felf, my Daughter, his only labour, exercife, and the whole fcope of his defire, muft tend not partly, but altogether, to mortify his own appetite, to renounce his own will, to be transformed into a new fhape, and to be in all fort free, and delivered from any To the Faithful Soul. 135 impediment whatfoever which lyeth in the way, and maketh a divifion betwixt him and me. The leaft impediments are cogi- tations and forms of creatures which men frame in their mind ; the greateft is a man's own will, which the ftronger it is, and the larger place that it occupieth and poffeffeth in a man, the lefs I am prefent there, and fo confequently the lefs do I poffefs in his foul. As long, therefore, as thou findeft an inclination or natural defire to one thing more than another, thou art not yet per- feftly mortified, but thou haft fomewhat remaining in thee, which thou muft mortify and extinguifh. 9. What motion foever thou feeleft in thyfelf, that proceedeth not from me ; what thing foever goeth about to bufy, alter, or poffefs thy mind ; what likenefs foever of anything doth labour to imprint itfelf within thy heart ; whatfoever feeketh to draw thy liking to it, or to grieve or ovenyhelm thee ; endeavour thou with a recollefled mind, clofe fhut within itfelf, and lifted up to me, lightly to pafs over, and careleffly to defpife all hope and fear, 1^6 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrift gain and lofs, quiet and labour, joy and grief, mirth and fadnefs, and all fuch things as may feek to poffefs thy heart with all afifeftion that thou mayeft carry towards them. For if thou fix thy mind upon me, thou fhalt eafily tread all thefe things under thy feet. But if thou loveft thyfelf, if thou haft not wholly renounced thine own felf, thou fhalt always feel, by following of thine own appetite, joy and grief, anger and fear, care, and infinite other paffions. lo. Wherefore thou canft never be quiet, except thou haft clean mortified thyfelf, and forgotten thine own felf wholly. Thou mufl quite abandon thyfelf, that thou mayeft live in me only, and bend thyfelf to be wife in me only, and be fenfible to feel nothing but me only. Thou fhalt want nothing, if thou be content in this fort to want thyfelf Thou fhalt want nothing as long as thou art with me ; I will have care of thee, I will proteft thee ; thou canft lofe nothing in lofing of thyfelf after this fort, for thou fhalt find in me that which is a hundred times better than To the Faithftil Soul. 137 the things which thou haft loft for my fake. II. Caft, therefore, all thy care, all thy trouble, all thy fear, and even thyfelf alfo upon me, and commit thyfelf to me. Hope and truft in me ; thy hope cannot deceive thee, neither can it poffibly be too great, if thou leadeft a good and penitent life. Whatfoever thou wouldft complain of to a man that is thy friend, reveal the fame unto me. I will take care of thee, I will maintain thee, I will defend thee. Where- fore fee that thou regard me only, being quite banifhed from thyfelf within thee ; that thou mayeft mortify and extinguifh thyfelf, that is, by rooting out thy defires, thy felf-love, thy fenfual appetites, and by renouncing all thofe delights of thine, which thou didft defire before, and for which unlawful defires I was not thy GOD, nor thou my fervant. O, my Daughter, thou oughteft to labour with all thy force, that thou mayeft attain to this obedience, this forfaking of thine own will for my fake, and thou oughteft to refign thyfelf fo wholly unto me, and fo far to fubjeft i^S An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl thyfelf to my will, as thou fhouldft have no other {vill at all in thyfelf, but only that which is my will and pleafure. Chap. XXII. Of the Conjideration of God's Providence, IS long as there remaineth any choice, election, or inclination in thee, that moveth thee to take more pleafure, to be better contented, and to receive greater confola- tion by one thing than by another, there refteth fomething of thine own in thee, and thou haft not yet fully renounced thyfelf. For thou oughteft to take all things indifferently and equally, without either more joy or more grief at one time than another, and only to depend and rely upon my providence. For this courfe would procure thee the greatefb liberty, the greateft peace, and the greateft quiet- nefs to thy foul. 2. Stand not, therefore, upon thyfelf, be- lieve not thine own wit or thine own force, truft not in thine own ability, promife To the Faithful Soul. 139 thyfelf nothing upon thine own warrant, build nothing upon thine own imagina- tion, and do nothing of thine own head ; neither have confidence in thine own pro- fiting, or in thine own will, although it be indeed good. But forfaking in all forts thine own felf, go out of thyfelf, and re- nouncing quite all the property which thou haft in thyfelf, reft and repofe thyfelf in me only, truft in my goodnefs, rely upon my grace, and upon my providence. Be ready at all times without any choice, without any difference and without any murmuring in thy heart, to receive for the fulfilling of my pleafure, adverfity as willingly as profperity, both temporally and eternally, defiring always this only thing, that thou mayeft ever be in all re- fpe6ls according to my will. 3. And, therefore, regard not how much or how little thou profiteft, how near or how far thou art from me, how great or how fmall gifts thou haft of me ; nor yet, whether thou fhalt be in Purgatory or no, how long or when thou fhalt fufifer thofe pains, but refer thyfelf wholly to my pro- 140 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl vidence, and defire nothing but that thou mayeft ever be found beft contented with that which agreeth moft with my pleafure, and wifh not for any greater good, neither think that greater can poffibly happen unto thee, than that my firft, laft, and moft laudable will be fulfilled in thee. Where- fore feek to pleafe me in all fuch fort as is moft agreeable to my will ; let my will be both thy perfeftion and the meafure of thy perfeftion. 4. Trouble not thy heart with any quef- tion or imagination of future things ; take no care for thofe things that are uncertain, and may happen, but leave all thefe things to me, who governeth all, for it may fo fall out, as that evil which is expe6led or feared may not happen ; or if it do happen, when it is prefent, fufficient for the day is the evil thereof For howfo- ever, and whatfoever doth by my per- miffion chance unto thee, my providence ought to pleafe thee above all things, and thou oughteft to praife me for it, and to hold this as an undoubted truth, that that is ever beft for thee which doth fo happen To the Faithful SotcL 141 unto thee, and that it was forefeen and appointed by my gracious hand, to fall upon thee for thy commodity ; as thou doft with a full confidence wholly depend upon my goodnefs. To conceive well of me, to truft firmly in me, to commit them- felves altogether unto me, thefe things, I fay, are, as it were, trumpets, whereby men do found out my goodnefs. And, there- fore, when I find thefe things in any man, they pleafe me fo much, as I can never forfake him, nor fufifer any evil or dan- gerous thing to happen unto him, who hath thus fettled his hope in me. 5. The greater hope and truft, therefore, that thou haft in me, the more fully and perfe6lly thou fhalt obtain thy defire. And whatfoever fhall happen unto thee, if thou believeft that I am fo good and gracious as I will turn all thy adverfities, and all things that perfecute thee, or are thine enemies, to thy good, that is, to thy benefit, I will not deceive thee, but do it indeed. And if, at the leaft, thou canft but frame thyfelf to accept all things in this fort, it fhall fo come to pafs out of all doubt, 142 An Epijlle of ye/us Chrijl as I have faid. Yet my devout friends are wont to pray that I may dehver them from Purgatory, and it is no ill petition. 6. But when thou art come to perfeftion, and prayeft, lying profhrate at the feet of my Majefty, thou fhalt defire to fatisfy my juftice with that fmall ability which refteth in thee, and fhalt offer thyfelf for my glory unto Purgatory, and to fuffer for the fulfilling of my will, whatfoever it fhall be my will to lay upon thee, and the fulfilling of my will fhall pleafe thee more than the efcaping of Purgatory. There- fore, if thou fhalt overcome by my grace that inordinate love and zeal which thou carrieft toward thyfelf, and for thyfelf, to pleafe thy fenfes and thine own will, and perfe6lly with a full confidence wouldft commit thyfelf unto me, and rely upon me only, thou fhouldft find that my grace would work wonders in thee. Study, there- fore, to pleafe me, my Daughter, and with thinking of me clean forget thyfelf, and I will fo continually think of thee, and be always fuch an affiftant unto thee as I will never forfake thee. To the Faithful Soul. 143 7. Once again I fay unto thee, accept all things which happen unto thee, as fent purely, fimply, and immediately from my hand, and not from any creature, admiring, praifmg, and accepting in all things of my providence, with joy and gladnefs, and with love and thankfgiving to me for my good- nefs. For in all thofe things which happen unto thee, I do intend and work thy falva- tion ; and with a fmgular affe6lion, being mindful of thee, I fend and appoint thefe things for thee, to the end that thou mayeft either do or fufifer fuch things as may move me to have mercy upon thee. 8. Endeavour thou, therefore, to draw out of all things which thou feeft and feeleft, and out of all things which do happen unto thee, an occafion to praife and honour me, that thou mayeft be worthy to underftand the true caufe why I permitted them, that is, with how great charity I fent them unto thee, and how thou oughtefb to refer all thefe things unto my pleafure, to truft in me, and withal to offer thyfelf for my glory, even unto the fountain from whence they flowed, that is, unto my good- 144 ^^^ Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl nefs. If thou wert perfectly acquainted with this exjercife, whereby thou fhouldft as willingly accept forrow as comfort at my hand, and fhouldft alfo know how to find me in every one of my creatures, no- thing could then feem fo contrary and overthwart unto thee, that thou wouldft not contemn and defpife ; yea, nothing could be fo contrary unto my nature and Majefty, but that it would put thee in mind to offer facrifice unto me, for I am in every creature, and without me no creature can have any being. 9. Wherefore no creature is fo near to himfelf as I, who am moft near, and in- ward with them all. Wherefore thou oughteft to be fo poor in fpirit, as there fhould be nothing that thou didft either love or miflike, feek or fly, fear or defire, for any refpefl to thyfelf ; but only for the fulfilling of my will, which at all times, and in all places, thou fhalt come wonderfully to underftand, by thofe things which I ordain and permit, if thou feekeft me with a pure mind, and haft regard to confider of my providence. To the Faithful Soul. 145 Chap. XXIII. How we muji bear Adverjity. |ECEIVE all adverfity and tribu- lation as a meffenger and token of my grace, which approacheth towards thee. And, therefore, whenfoever thou findeft thyfelf oppreffed with any trouble or adverfity, rejoice, knowing that thou haft deferved it, and impute not that which thou fuffereft to any- body, but to thine own fms ; and withal give me thanks that, looking upon thee with the eyes of my mercy, I have vouch- fafed to beftow fo much favour on thee, as to vifit, prove, and corre6l thee here with a rod like my child, and have not utterly re- je6led thee, as thou didft deferve. For as long as I chaften thee, as long as I fcourge thee, it is a fign that I defire thou fhouldft amend. But if I withdraw my corre6lion, leaving thee wholly to thyfelf, thou fhalt feem then to have reft and be quiet, but thou art moft unhappy, when I have with- L 146 A?i Epijlle of Jefus Chriji drawn from thee that care and regard which I had of thee, and that thou art no longer in my cuftody. 2. Whatfoever, therefore, that thou fuf- fereft, fay unto thyfelf, I have deferved more grievous punifhment ; but although thou hadft deferved none, yet thou fhouldft bear all thofe adverfities which I lay upon thee, for the love of me, and for my fake, left that otherwife my good pleafure fhould not be fulfilled, even gladly with a moft patient and loving mind towards me, confidering that I fuffered fo many grievous torments for thy falvation. And yet although I had fuffered nothing, do not I deferve that thou fhouldft fuffer fomewhat for my fake, in refpe6l of thofe infinite benefits which I daily pour upon thee, feeing all that thou haft, thou receiveft from me only? 3. Laftly, fuppofe that there were none of thefe reafons to move thee, yet oughteft thou to remember that thou art mine, created and made by me, and no lefs in my power, to be framed every way accord- ing to my will, than earth is when it is in the hand of the potter. And that it is, To the Faithful SouL 147 therefore, in my power, and a part of my juftice, to do with thee whatfoever I will, and it is no more lawful for thee to gainfay me, than for the earth to gainfay the potter. For what haft thou to fay againft me, who am thy Creator, whether I fend thee comfort or forrow? But knowing that thou haft committed fo much wickednefs as thou haft done, why doft thou not rather defire that the contempt wherewith thou haft defpifed m.y goodnefs fhould be punifhed in thee, and thy proud and arrogant mind humbled ? 4. But there is, the rather, yet another reafon to move thee hereunto ; that is, be- caufe I am one which do love thee moft faithfully, and do provide all things that are beft and moft wholefome for thee. And fee- ing it was my will before I created thee, that thou fhouldft fufifer at this hour, and at this moment, thofe fame things which thou doft fuffer, thou oughteft to defire above all things that this, my moft loving will, being full of all fidelity and charity towards thee, may be fulfilled in thee, fo as thou fhouldft endure all thofe things which thou doft 148 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl fuffer, with gladnefs, with a fweet kind of patience, with thankfgiving, with meeknefs, and with devotion in thy heart, having no wrath nor bitter thought againft thofe who feek to lay thofe adverfities and vexations upon thee ; but rather thou Ihouldft take them as my minifters in this behalf, ap- pointed and commanded by me to this purpofe, and thou fhouldfh confider, having thine eyes fixed upon me only, with how loving, how kind, and how faithful a heart towards thee, I have fent thee thefe troubles for thy benefit. 5. Receive, therefore, all afHi6lion, what- foever falleth upon thee, as fent from my hand only, without any other means ; and take it as fent by me of love towards thee for thy commodity ; accept it as gladly as I do fend it lovingly. And when thou fuffereft no adverfity, think that my goodwill is alienated from thee, and that I am offended with thee, becaufe I withdraw affli6lions and tribulations from thee, which is the nobleft gift and ornament wherewith I am wont to honour and beautify my friends. To the Faithful Soul, 149 6. Recount with thyfelf how great vexa- tions, how great perfecutions, how great contradictions, how great torments, how great and wearifome toils I fuffered ; how great my moft dear Mother endured ; and to be fhort, how great all my friends walk- ing in my fteps have fuftained. Remem- ber alfo that no man attaineth to eternal glory but by the Crofs and cup of affli6lion, and that there is no other way but this highway to the heavenly country, which way of neceffity thou muft pafs through, if thou defireft to enjoy our company in eter- nal happinefs. Laftly, confider that there is nothing fo fmall or fo little worth, which either thou doeft or fufifereft for my fake, but that thou fhalt receive a very great and glorious reward of me for it. And yet, notwithftanding, I will not have thee to ferve me, or to fuffer thefe things, in hope of reward, but only of mere love towards me. I know what reward I will give thee. I fay I will, becaufe I do not owe it thee in any other fort, than for that it is my will to beftow it upon thee. For all my gifts are of free grace. 150 An Epijlle of Jefus ChHJl 7. Think not thou, therefore, of any re- ward, be not fo bafe-minded, but think of me with a more noble, loving, and faithful heart, and fubmit thyfelf unto me, even of mere love for mine own fake, to endure whatfoever my will is to lay upon thee. If thou knoweft, my Daughter, what great fruit is reaped by tribulations, thou wouldft efteem it as a great happinefs to glory in croffes and afifliftions. The greater ad- verfities, therefore, that do happen unto thee, and the more contrary that they are to thy defires, yea, although they repugn fuch defires of thine as are to pleafe me, the more earneftly thou fhouldft endeavour patiently to fuffer them, and the more wholly thou fhouldft refign thyfelf unto me. For it is done by my will and providence, that thy will fometimes be hindered ; yea, even when it is good, that by this means, for one virtue thou mayeft obtain two, and withal mayeft receive the reward of a good work for thy good will (although thou be not permitted to put it in execution) and for the adverfity which did hinder thy will thou fhalt receive a crown of patience. To the Faithful Soul. 151 8. Thou mayeft add to all thefe, for thy further encouragement, this one reafon alfo ; that the more thy good will is tempted by adverfity, and the more faith- ful it is found, and the more patient it is in bearing of croffes, and fuch things as refift it, the more glorious the crown is which I have laid up to reward it. Therefore, be- caufe I love thee, I will have thee to be wholly and purely a faithful Spoufe unto me. I will have thee to ferve me with re- nouncing all intereft in thyfelf, and to go, not whither thou wilt, but whither I fend or lead thee. Neither muft thou feek withal to ferve thine own appetite, when thou laboureft in thefe things to pleafe me; but rather as a faithful, devout, and obedient handmaid, which hath no will to do anything but that which is agreeable to the will of her mifhrefs. Thou mufl feek in nothing to pleafe thyfelf, but me only, with all fmcerity and purity in thy intention, and that muft be always moft acceptable unto thee which I lay upon thee to fuffer, whether it be by the hands of men, or any other means whatfoever. 152 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl 9. Refpe6l not, therefore, men ; neither impute it to men, if thou fuftaineft any ad- verfity. What blame doth the rod deferve if the father, feeking to corre6l his fon, doth ufe it ? Why then art thou angry with men, which, being my inftruments, ferve as a fcourge to correfl thee ? Seek not, there- fore, to refift them, or to argue againft them, but have a fpecial care that thine own impatience do not hurt thyfelf, and left thou lofe that benefit by repining, which thou Ihouldft have gained by pa- tient fuffering. Be, therefore, courteous and gentle towards all men, in taking pa- tiently whatfoever fhall happen. Carry a mild countenance, and ufe a humble be- haviour, that no anger, nor exclaiming, no deje6lion of thy mind, nor forrow appear in thee, nor yet that anything may be found in thee which may make men to think that thou endureft fome afflidlion, or art oppreffed with fome trouble. 10. If any man reprove or reproach thee, fhew him a mild and gentle countenance, holding thy peace, and fmile with a certain kind of bafhfulnefs and modefty, in token To the Faithful Soul. 153 of thy charity, which accepteth it in good part, and which taketh all things well, without either thinking of revenge, or re- membering of an injury. Beware that thou fpeakeft not at that time above two or three words, and that with great temper- ance. And by this means thou fhalt fhew thyfelf fo humble and meek, as every man may prefume to reprove thee, and no man be afraid to difpleafe thee, or to ufe any reproach towards thee. Learn in all ad- verfity, whenfoever any man doth chide thee, reproach thee, or injure thee, to ufe filence, to bear it patiently, and to be quiet, and thou fhalt affuredly find my grace, which thou canft never attain unto by any other means, than by being quiet, and fuf- fering patiently whatfoever I fhall lay upon thee, being as willing, if it ftand with my pleafure, to receive adverfity as to enjoy profperity. II. Thou haft, my Daughter and Spoufe, my life as a perfe6l example of patience and meeknefs ; neither did I fpeak it with- out great reafon, when I faid. Learn of me becaufe I am meek and humble of heart, 154 -^^ Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl feeing that my life was a lively pattern of patience, humility, and meeknefs. For in the middle of all my pains and torments, of all the derifions and blafphemies, which mine enemies ufed towards me, of all their cruel threatenings, of their moft wicked and defpiteful countenances againft me, what complaint or fhow of repining at this deal- ing of theirs proceeded from me ? Which of my enemies did I curfe ? To which of them did I fpeak fharply ? Which of them did I anfwer ? To which of them did I wifh any harm ? Nay, rather, was I not forry for them, when I did pray for them all ? Follow thou, therefore, my example, and have patience ftill joined with quietnefs and tranquillity of thy foul, and be meek with- out murmuring or complaining. Fight not for thyfelf ; anfwer not for thyfelf ; depend not, neither yet excufe thou thyfelf ; hold thou thy peace, and commit both thyfelf and thy caufe to my proteftion; I will fight for thee. 12. Cleave, therefore, in the meantime wholly unto me, in all quietnefs, without any perturbation or motion in thy foul, To the Faithful Soul. 155 being ready, with all gladnefs, rather to fuffer any confufton for my fake than either inwardly in thy mind, or outwardly in thy fhow, to ufe the leaft murmuring in the world againft me. As long as thou thinkeft that thou art wronged ; as long as thou believeft, my Daughter, that thou fuffereft unjuftly, or haft not deferved thofe things which thou fuffereft, thou art neither come to true patience, nor yet to a perfect know- ledge of thyfelf. 13. Wherefore, I would wifh thee to be always ready with a joyful and devout heart to run and meet any adverfity that fhall light upon thee ; and offer thyfelf unto me, as one that is willing to fuffer tribulations, to want all things that thou defireft, and both to take and travail, and to bear any mifery in what fort foever it fhall be my pleafure to appoint. Think that day loft wherein thou haft not received fome notable crofs. If thou kneweft what great commodity is reaped by patience, thou wouldft do great honour, and fhew great thankfulnefs to thofe that affli6l thee. Confider how I, as an innocent Lamb, did 156 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl carry a mofl meek and quiet mind, void of all bitternefs towards thofe which did fpit upon me, fcourge me, and crucify me, and how I excufed them, and prayed for them. In like fort muft thou do, and not count anything injury that is done unto thee; nor yet believe that injuries can be offered thee, but regard me only, refpe6l me wholly, and thou fhalt come to learn that I, and no other, have done all thefe things merely of love towards thee. 14. By doing thus, my Daughter, there is nothing in any creature which will not be a means and an occafion for thee to obtain my grace more abundantly, becaufe thou fhalt find me in every one of them ; fo that thou doft contemplate upon the creature, not as a creature, but upon me in the creature, as thou oughteft to do. And if thou doft in this behalf as thou oughteft, thou fhalt receive me, thou fhalt hear me, thou fhalt feel me in every one of my creatures ; for I do fpeak unto thee in them all. Hearken, therefore, unto me and learn by everything that happeneth unto thee what I would have thee do, and To the Faithful Soul, 157 when thou knoweft my will, be ever moft ready to perform it. If thou didft give care unto me after this manner, the world, and all things contained therein, fhould be a book of inftru6lions for thee to direft thee in that courfe which agreeth moft with my pleafure. Chap. XXIV. Of Wanting of Confolation, HE highway, and alfo that moft excellent way, wherein all my ^ perfe6l friends have walked, and wherein thou muft alfo walk, is, to want all kind of confolation, when thou art compaffed in on every fide with adverfity and diftrefs, and to be fo poor, as there may be nothing left to which thou mayeft turn thyfelf for fuccour, to which thou mayeft fly unto for refuge, or in which thou mayeft truft ; nor yet, that there be any man whom thou mayeft feek counfel of, or in whom thou mayeft have confidence but in me only, that by this means thou mayeft have no other thing to 158 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl remain for thee to do, but only that all thy care and cogitations may tend to devife how thou mayeft profit and fet forth my glory, in fuftaining of thefe affliftions, both inwardly in thy mind, by having a defire to offer thyfelf unto them, and out- wardly in thy behaviour, by ferving of all creatures, and fubjefting thyfelf unto them all, in fuch fort as if it were lawful for them, without committing any offence or doing thee any injury, to afflift thee, and tread thee under their feet ; yea, as if they did in this no more than I charged and com- manded them. 2. In doing thus, thou fhouldft be free from all complaining, from all difputing, from all grudging, and from all malice againft thy neighbour. And by this account thou fhouldft love thofe beft which did opprefs thee moft. Becaufe they did open the way unto thee, whereby thou mayeft come to renounce thyfelf, and gave thee an opportunity both to pleafe me, and fhew thyfelf thankful towards me. More- over, thou fhouldft rejoice that they offered thee a good occafion to exercife virtue, To the Faithful Soul. 159 and to try thy love towards me ; and thou wouldft defire this above all things, if thou didft indeed perfeftly love me. 3. There is yet another perfeftion greater than this, and in a higher degree, that is, to be deftitute both of all earthly and heavenly confolation, being loaded with temptations, diftreffes, vexations, doubts, fears, perplexities, and adverfities, and to be, as it were, utterly rejefted from me and quite forgotten by me, and yet not- withftanding all this, not to fly from me and go to my creatures, nor to depart from me and feek worldly help, nor yet to defire that confolations and revelations fhould be imparted unto them. But ftill to trufl in me, to expe6l patiently my pleafure, to cleave unto me with a pure faith and perfe6l charity, and to be ready to continue in this flate as long as it fhall be my will to permit it. Nay, which is more, to refer themfelves wholly unto me, and to offer themfelves to fufferboth thefe, and by any other thing whatfoever, for the fulfilling of my will, and fetting forth of my glory, and to praife me in all thefe i6o An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl diftreffes, in fuch fort as they are able, although it be but with a dry and barren heart. Chap. XXV. Of Inward Peace and Meeknefs of Heart, |HOU haft underftood fufficiently^ my Spoufe, how thou oughteft to be patient, and in patience meek ; that is, how thou oughteft to bear all things with fo indifferent, peace- able, and quiet a mind (for meeknefs is no other thing than perfe6l tranquillity in true patience), as nothing ftiould be able to make thee fad, or to vex or trouble thee, whatfoever did happen unto thee, that proceeded not from me in my wrath and difpleafure, whether it were for a time or for eternity, excepting this only, which thou muft always carry for a firm refolu- tion, that thou wilt never be excluded from my grace and charity, nor yet in thine own will be withdrawn or divided from me. For this thou muft not negleft, To the Faithful Soul. i6i but take care of above all things, that thou mayeft always be united unto me in perfe6l charity. 2. Thou muft alfo remember, in what place foever thou art, what pain or confo- lation foever thou feeleft (if the fame be for the fetting forth of my glory, and by my fpecial pleafure) that thou rejoice in it, becaufe by it thou obeyefb my will, being ready in every fort to be according as it fhall beft agree with my will, either comforted or afflicted. And when thou art fettled in this refolution, no lofs of any external thing that happeneth unto thee in this world can grieve thee. For nothing can chance that is contrary to thy liking, as long as my will is always thy will, and that thou haft no other will in thee but that which is my pleafure. Therefore then, as I faid, let my will be always fulfilled in all things. And it fhould be the greateft joy that thou couldft have, when my will is performed in thee. For thou art then fully fettled in thine inward man, in all peace and tranquillity, although thou findeft in thine own outward man, M 1 62 An Epiftle of J ejus Chriji diftrefs and defolation, which notwith- ftanding thou doft patiently take without any perturbation, becaufe thy will is in all things agreeable to mine. 3. Be quiet in this manner, my Daughter, providing fo as all fury, and all kind of re- pining be altogether extinguifhed in thee, and that thine irafcible power or faculty be even fo fully mortified in thee, as it be im- movable, and not to be ftirred by any acci- dent Let thy concupifcible power alfo be fo eftablifhed in virtue, as it may be wholly lifted up unto me. And let thy reafonable power, taking part of their joys, accord with them, fo as thy confcience, enjoying peace and quietnefs within itfelf, thy whole foul may be in perfe6l tranquillity. To the Faithful SouL 163 Chap. XXVI. Of the Love which we Jhould bear towards our Neighbour, |ET thy heart towards thy neigh- bour, my Daughter, be full of compaffion, and a chafte kind of love. I call that a chafte love which defileth not the heart with concupifcence, nor doth bufy it with too much familiarity, or too often keeping of company, nor doth ftain it with any inor- dinate affeftion, nor doth difquiet it with thoughts that procure diftraftion in thy foul, nor doth trouble it with importunity of vain defires, nor doth occupy thy imagination with multitude of fancies, or impreffions of divers things ; but without choice of perfons, or regard of fex, doth embrace all forts of men and women for my fake, with abundance of charity, and for it only, without any other refpeft at all. 2. Therefore, being full of a devout kind of goodwill and pure charity, rejoice with 164 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl every one in all the benefits and commodi- ties which they receive, whether it be touching their foul or body, and ever flow- ing with a kind of compaffion, which can never ceafe running. Lament with every one in their neceffities and tribulations, pouring out the ftreams of thy courtefy, affability, mercy, and pity to all men. And fee that thou art inflamed with a ready de- fire and willing mind to comfort them, to ferve them, to fuccour them, and to help them to bear the burden of their troubles, efteeming their corporal or fpiritual afflic- tions thine own, and carrying the unfpeak- able affeflion of a moft tender mother to- wards all men whatfoever. Endeavour, therefore, to excufe every man, and to do them good by thy prayers, benefits, and all the pleafures that lieth in thy power. And upon fuch as thou canfb beftow no other benefit, feek to mitigate their forrow with thy courteous behaviour, thy fweet fpeech, or any other means that thou art able. 3. Take fpecial heed that thou neither judgeft nor defpifeft any man, becaufe it both harmeth thy foul and, befides, dif- To the Faithful Soul. 165 pleafeth me wonderfully. And therefore exclude, by all the means thou mayeft, fufpicions, and ill-conceits of other men, from thee; excufe alfo all thofe who fall and offend. When thou feeft one to fm, fay within thyfelf that he was permitted to fall for his greater amendment ; that he had a good intention, and was deceived either by ignorance or error; that his infirmity being too ftrongly affaulted with tempta- tion, was enforced to yield. Say and fpeak it unfeignedly from thy heart, that thou hadft fallen much more heinoufly than he did if this temptation had affaulted thee. Thou oughteft not with one and the felf- fame but with other eyes to look upon thine own and thy neighbour s a6ls. For thou fhouldft judge of thine own with a fevere eye, aggravating thine imperfe6lions, and not efteeming or feeking to leffen thy virtues. 4. And on the contrary part, thou fhouldft make reckoning of thy neigh- bour's imperfeftions as very fmall, and of his virtues as very great. Wherefore take care always neither to fpeak nor hear ill of 1 66 An Epifile of J ejus Chriji others. Never reprove thy neighbour in anger, though he deferve to be blamed. For what doth it profit thee if thou cureft him, and woundeft thyfelf .^ Or what doth the me- dicine avail, if by it thou goeft about to heal one wound, and in the meantime makefb ten others } Expe6l thou a time wherein thou mayeft have fit opportunity to reprove him, and then reprove him with the fpirit of lenity and fweetnefs, rather by entreating him, and exhorting him, than by handling him fharply or roughly, making thy hearty prayers unto me, with forrowful groans, that this reproving of thine may be effec- tual, and work his falvation. 5. Take heed that thou art not the caufe of breeding diffenfion, difcord, or hatred amongft men, but let all thy fpeech in all places tend to peace, being mindful that I faid : "Bleffed are the peace-makers, for they fhall be called the children of God." If any man offend thee, if any man perfe- cute thee with malice, requite his wrongs with benefits, his hard and four counten- ance with a fweet and meek behaviour, his fharp and reproachful words with mild and To the Faithful Soul. 167 gentle anfwers, and by this means thou fhalt more eafily bring him to the know- ledge of his own fault 6. Let all the labours, miferies, poverty, contempt, and forrows, which thou feeft men endure, put thee in mind of thofe labours, affli6lions,contemxpts, pains, and many other fharp and grievous miferies, which I fuf- fered for thy fake, that thou mayeft by this means behold me, find me, perceive me, perfeftly love me, daily fuffer with me, and continually be transformed into me, by every thing which thou feeft in every man. Chap. XXVIL Of the Purity of the Heart. jNDEAVOUR to have fuch purity in thy heart as, being with- drawn from all earthly cogita- tions, thou mayeft not addi6l thyfelf to any delight, nay, that thou mayeft feek no delight, or take delight in any thing, or content thyfelf with the defire of any delight whatfoever. Cut off alfo, not 1 68 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl only unlawful thoughts, but all fuch as are idle and unprofitable, fuffering none of them wittingly to enter into thee. Let thy firm refolution be to think nothing but either of me, or for my fake. 2. Receive not into thy heart, as near as thou canft, the fimilitude and forms of earthly things ; but thruft out all fuch im- preffions and fancies, as foon as ever they begin to appear. Caft all thy cares and troubles upon me ; be not difquieted with any thing whatfoever fhall happen. Keep ever a watchful guard over thy heart, that no inordinate affeftion to man, woman, or any other creature ; no fenfual defire, no vicious paffion, no concupifcence, no ill in- clination, or wicked intention may reft in thee. 3. Never give thy confent that any fepa- ration, although it be never fo little, remain between me and thee, and fee that thou doft in nothing either feek or refpe£t thy- felf, but me only, purely, fimply, and wholly. Lift up thy heart in every place unto me, and keep it ftill raifed from all earthly cogitations, that whatfoever thou To the Faithful SouL 169 haft to fpeak, to deal in, or to think of, thou do firft deal with me in it by prayer, and by the internal difcourfe of thy foirit. Let every aftion and external bufmefs give thee matter and occafion to pray, yea, let the very occupation and bufmefs of thy heart be no other thing but a continual and daily prayer. 4. See nothing, though it be never fo far from the nature of prayer, fo deformed or fo contrary to all goodnefs, but drav/ thou prefently out of it fome occafion to pray unto me, and to praife my name. Let all things be means for thee to lift up thy heart, and to raife thy affe£lion unto me. What fair thing foever thou feeft, what pleafant or delightful thing foever thou feeleft, acknowledge it to proceed from me, and let it put thee in mind of my beauty and glory, that I only may be thy whole delight and confolation. Let all things edify thee, and whatfoever happeneth unto thee, take opportunity by it to meditate upon fomething that may be profitable for thy foul. 170 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl Chap. XXVIII. How we ought to refer all the Good Things we receive to the Goodnefs of God, |HALLENGE nothing to thyfelf by any of my works, or by the means of thofe gifts which I beftow upon thee. Thou ought- eft to acknowledge my gifts to my honour, and to wonder at my hberality and charity beftowed upon thee, without any defert of thine own, and my moft gracious bounty. And withal thou muft ever have prefented before thine eyes thine own bafenefs, and how thou art of thyfelf merely nothing, that by this confideration thou mayeft not afcribe or challenge anything to thyfelf out of thofe gifts which I beftowed upon thee, neither yet be rejoiced or delighted with any thing that thou receiveft from me, or for that I have wrought any good thing in thee. 2. Thou oughteft not, I fay, for any of thefe, to rejoice in thyfelf, or be glad for thine own fake, that is, becaufe thou haft To the Faithful Soul. 171 attained to fome goodnefs, for that fhould be a rejoicing altogether in thyfelf. But thou fhouldft rejoice in me, and for my gracious bounty that I have been fo good, fo liberal, fo gentle, and fo merciful to a moft unworthy and unthankful creature. Which goodnefs of mine, the viler that thou art, doth the more manifeftly appear in thee. 3. Rejoice, therefore, in my gifts, not attributing any praife thereby to thyfelf, but afcribing the whole glory unto me. And behave thyfelf fo difcreetly in receiv- ing any of my gifts (excepting thankfulnefs and humility, which muft ever increafe in thee) as if nothing had been given thee, nothing had been wrought in"" thee, and that thou didft feel no good at all ; direct- ing thine eyes to thine own unworthinefs, which art of thyfelf merely nothing ; and to thine own difability, which art able to do nothing ; and to thine own imperfe6lion, which cannot attain to the fmalleft good- nefs without my grace ; that by this means thou mayeft not be extolled in thine own conceit, or rejoice in thine own ability, or 172 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl flatter thyfelf with thine own power, but attribute all unto me only. 4 If thou feeleft, therefore, any fweet infpiration, * or any lightening of my grace within thee, or that by my mercy thou art enabled to do another man a benefit or good turn, thou may eft rejoice in the good which I did by thee as my inftrument, but in no fort to rejoice in thyfelf: that is, not to flatter or pleafe thine own appetite (for in it lyeth hidden felf-love), nor to think that it was done by thine own power, but rather turn away thy heart from that which was done, and from thyfelf alfo, that thou may eft never join together thefe two cogi- tations, which is thyfelf and my benefit, except it be (as I faid) when thou com- pareft my infinite goodnefs with thy un- fpeakable bafenefs. Suff'er it to pafs over for that time, as though it had not been done at all, and as though thou underftood no fuch matter : and fix all thy cogitations in the mean feafon upon me, and not upon the gift which thou haft received from me. 5. Look never, therefore, into the gift itfelf, neither fettle thy mind in that con- To the Faithful Soul. 173 fideration, nor rejoice in it, nor yet be con- tented to reft there ; neither ftay, if thou feeleft any motion in examining and fearch- ing curioufly within thyfelf, what thou feeleft, or what thou doeft, or whether the motion proceed from me, or from fome other caufe (for this doth ever make a divi- fion between thee and me, and doth ftay thee longer from coming unto me), but rather pafs quickly through all thefe cogi- tations, and remove them clean from thee, and endeavour to unite thyfelf more nearly and firmly unto me. Choofe rather not to know the things which after this fort do bufy the mind, than with a curious fearch to hinder my grace, and to procure thereby danger to thyfelf, either of being puffed up with pride, or of pleafmg thyfelf, or of re- joicing by the provocation of felf-love in thine own ability, or for thine own glory. But refer thefe, as all other things, unto me, only hold this with a refolute and affured mind, for an infallible principle, that if I do grant thee any good gift, it is given merely without defert, to an unthankful and an unworthy creature. 174 ^^ Epijlle of J ejus Ckrijl 6. This kind of humility doth wonder- fully pleafe me, that thou fhouldft be afraid and troubled in refpe6l of thine own bafenefs, unworthinefs and unthankfulnefs, and be timorous with the confi deration of thefe things, and feel a fhamefacednefs and difquiet thereby, and rather think that thou feeleft no good thing at all, or that the motion proceedeth not from me, than to ftay upon the confideration thereof and re- joice therein. Remember alfo that I forbade my Apoftles to rejoice in thofe miracles which they wrought, or to take any glory becaufe unclean fpirits did fubmit them- felves unto them and obeyed them, although they were not ignorant, but did affuredly know that this gift proceeded from me. 7. In like fort, therefore, my Daughter, glor>^ not thou in thyfelf, neither rejoice without me, for any confolation or gift which thou receiveft ; that is, rejoice no otherwife in it than may tend to the mag- nifying of my name, neither ftay in con- fideration of the thing itfelf (for therein doth ever fome felf-love lie lurking, which To the Faithful Soul. 175 doth eafily beguile thofe that be not heed- ful) but rejoice in me only, that is, rejoice becaufe I have fhewed my glory, and ful- filled my will in thee. Seek no glory to thyfelf by my gifts, neither covet to ufurp or challenge to thyfelf any praife thereby, neither yet afcribe any thing to thine own ability. Afcribe nothing at all, I fay, to thyfelf or thine own power, neither fuffer any other man to attribute any thing to thine own worthinefs, nor rejoice in it, as if it were thine own aft, but refer all unto me, and keep thyfelf from all manner of pro- priety in thyfelf, from attributing any thing to thine own worthinefs, from defiring any- thing for thine own pleafure, or rejoicing in any thing for thine own delight. Live without following thine own counfel, thine own judgment, thine own opinion. 8. If thou defireft, my Daughter, to be my Spoufe, keep thy heart chafte and pure, free and quite alienated from any other love but mine only, and from being poffeffed by any of my creatures, that it may be left whole for me to dwell in, which am thy Creator. As often as thou findeft any 176 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl fenfual or natural love in thy mind to man, woman, or any other creature whatfoever ; fo often remember with forrowful groans to lift up thy foul unto me, earneftly defiring my grace and my favour only, which is a moft fafe refuge, a moft happy haven for thee, and that not for a time, but endlefs and eternal. 9. Whatfoever, therefore, doth bufy thy fenfes with any cogitations towards any of my creatures, is neither pure nor without danger to thy foul. Whenfoever, alfo, thy natural appetite receiveth any recreation, comfort or delight (if thou feekeft to attain to a perfefl purity), thou muft of neceffity renounce that pleafure, whether it be in words or any other earthly thing. Thou muft pafs over all things with a free mind, in no fort fubject or in bondage unto them, nor adhering to any but me only. Take this alfo with thee for a certain rule, that nothing maketh a man fo free from the love of himfelf or any other creature, and fo far from being entangled with any earthly cogitation, as to defpife himfelf and all creatures, and to account of me in his To the Faithful Soul, 177 heart, as his only precious jewel, efteeming all other things (as they are indeed) as filthy dung. 10. Make a diligent fearch in all thy aftions, ftudies, and defires, what moveth thee unto them, and whether thou fpeakeft or holdeft thy peace, whether thou doeft fomewhat, or art at reft, look narrowly into the innermoft corners of thy foul, that is, into the very marrow of thy cogitations and intentions, and thou fhalt often find that the very original root and feed where- of this groweth, and from whence this doth fpring, which thou thinkeft divine, is merely human, impure, and a lewd feeking to pleafe thine own appetite. 11. Take heed, therefore, that no vicious thought enter into thee, nor any inordinate luft remain in thee. Oh, if thou hadft thy heart clearly delivered from the love of every creature, — Oh, if being wholly converted unto me, thou didft defire me only, I would with as great a defire run to meet thee, and enter of mine own accord with as great affeftion into thy heart, as if I could not live without thee, or that without being with N 178 An Epijile of Jefits Chrijl thee I could not enjoy perfe6l happinefs and contentment. 12. This courfe I know will feem grievous unto thee at the beginning, and it cannot be without fome trouble thus ftraitly to note and obferve in all things what thou feekeft, what thoughts poffefs thy heart, and whenfoever thou findeft any cogitation that is not of me, or for my fake, prefently to root it out of thy mind. This, I fay, will procure thee great labour and affli6lion of thy fpirit. For thou fhalt find both thy- felf and thine own appetite lie lurking in many things, wherein thou muft of neceffity forfake both, and prefently mortify any defire that is unlawful and inordinate in thee. For if thou feekeft to overcome thine own nature, it followeth of neceffity that thou muft do it by violence and for- cible means. And therefore thou fhalt find as many croffes as thou haft wicked or impure inclinations, which muft be mor- tified in thee. 13. But by this means, my Daughter, thou fhalt firft come to know thyfelf, for by feeing thine own difability and weak- To the Faithful Soul. 179 nefs in that thou canft not overcome thy- felf, thou fhalt be humbled. And whereas before thou thoughteft thyfelf to be fome- what, thou fhalt then plainly find that thou art nothing. And if thou perfifteft in this courfe with continual and inceffant labour, that which at the firft was painful thou fhalt quickly find to be very eafy. For this diligent and daily looking into thyfelf, and examining of all thy thoughts, doth work many things in thee very profitable for thy falvation. It will fhew thee thine infirmity and imperfe6lions, it will breed in thee forrow for thofe fins which thou findeft in thyfelf, and an earneft defire to be delivered of them. It will alfo make thee very careful to beware of many offences, and to avoid many dangers^ into which otherwife • thou wouldft have fallen. 14. To conclude, the labour and diftrefs which thou fuftaineft, and the toil which thou takeft to be clearly rid of thefe imperfeftions, and the tears which thou fheddeft (becaufe thou canft not overcome thyfelf, and clean be without thofe things i8o An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl which thou wouldft altogether forfake) fhall be a baptifm unto thee for the purging of thy foul, and for expiation of thine offences. Faint not, therefore, in thy courage, for thou fhalt overcome all things by fettling thy whole trufb in my mercy. Have confidence in me, and thou fhalt find that I will make thefe croffes light for thee, and help thee myfelf to bear part of the burthen. Chap. XXIX. How Divine Infpirations ought to be Obfervedy and the Grace of God not negle6led. |AVE care, my Daughter, to abound always with virtuous cuftoms, and to fpend thy time in good exercifes, that thou mayefb ufe the fame as a means to lift up thy heart unto me, when thou feeleft no other great or fenfible motions of my grace within thee. But thou fhouldft never addi6l thyfelf fo much to thy exer- To the Faithful Soul. i8i cife, as to prefer thine own conceits before my infpirations. For whenfoever thou haft learned to know my will (whether it be by the manifeftation of the will of thy fuperior, or by my providence, by which, of doubt- ful events, I do fometimes fet down a cer- tain judgment) follow that ftraightway, and forfake thine own appetite. 2. Whenfoever alfo thou findeft a fen- fible and plain motion of me with thee, prefently leave thyfelf and obey me, by following of mine infpirations. For I hold not myfelf fatisfied though thou dofb ferve me, feek me, and bend thyfelf, to pleafe me ; but I will have thee to ferve me in fuch fort as my will is to be ferved, that is, I will have thee clean to forfake thine own will, yea, although it be in a thing which is virtuous and commendable, to follow my will in another thing which is not half fo good, but feemeth to be vile and of no value. For the fame thing in refpeft of my will, — that is, becaufe it is my pleafure, my ordinance, and my appointment to have it fo, — is not only not vile, and of no value, but very good, yea, and much better alfo 1 82 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl than the other. Thou muft, therefore, often omit and alter thine exercifes in this fort, not of neghgence, not of floth, not of any inconftancy of thy heart, but of a pure and mere renouncing of thyfelf, that thou mayeft not, in any place or in anything, ftand upon thyfelf, but rely wholly upon me, with a firm and full confidence in me. 3. Oh, if thou kneweft what great danger and what great lofs of fpiritual profit is incurred by not receiving of mine infpira- tions when I fend them, and how damnable it is to refift my divine motions, thy heart would even confume for grief and very fear of my juftice. Wherefore, my Daughter, ftand always in fear of thine own aftions, and fufpeft thyfelf ever of unthankfulnefs towards me. Be ever in doubt that it may fo happen unto thee for thy deferts, as it hath happened to many others, that thou mayeft for thy pride and ingratitude be juftly forfaken of me, and defervedly fall from my grace. Be humble, therefore, always having no confidence in thyfelf, but in me. Pray continually for my grace, and obferve my infpirations with great heed, To the Faithful SoicL 183 that thou mayefl know what I require of thee ; and it is not only fufficient for thee to know my will, but to do it whenfoever thou fhalt come to know it, and defpifmg all other things whatfoever, to prefer it before any delight or contentation of thine own. And whereas I warned thee that thou fhouldft be afraid for lofmg of my grace, and for being forfaken of me by thine own negligence and ingratitude, thou muft have a fpecial care that this fear pro- ceed not of defperation or of a weak faith, but of humility, which is ever of fear, full of hope and confidence in me. 4. If thou art not able to imitate the exercifes of other men, be not therefore difcouraged, or dejefted in thine own mind. For thou ftiouldft not fo much refpe6l other men's exercifes or their virtues, fee- ing that I do diftribute my gifts to every man according to his conftitution by nature, and that particular vocation whereunto I call him, and agreeable to that fcope and certain end whereunto I appoint him. I furnifh him alfo with divers exercifes, fit for him, which are unfit for many others, 184 An Epiftle of J ejus Chriji and not meet for everybody, becaufe the nature or vocation of particular men, to the which my grace for the moft part is accommodated and made agreeable, is dif- ferent, and many times very contrary. If, therefore, thou canft not follow other men's exercifes of virtue, yet thou mayeft imitate their virtues, for they are not different, but one and the fame in all. As for example, thou mayeft be humble, thou mayeft be merciful, thou mayeft be patient, and thou mayeft refemble other men in the very fame virtues, though thou canft not imitate them in the very fame exercifes. For there is but one way to pleafe me, which hath been to all my holy fervants ever one, uni- form and the fame. 5. This is the way of charity, which hath many and fundry exercifes of my holy fer- vants, direfted to one end, and which thou muft walk, by whatfoever means I fhall appoint unto thee. If thou walkeft in this way of charity, that is, if thou follow me, by receiving of all things as from me, by committing of all things unto me, by hum- bling thyfelf under my mighty hand, by To the Faithful Sotcl. 185 yielding thyfelf unto me, by refpe6ling me only, and feeking my glory in all things that either thou doft or fpeakeft, I will not fuffer thee to go aftray, though thou walkeft in never so great darknefs or ignorance, though thou art vexed with never fo great temptation or diftrefs, and though thou thinkeft thyfelf never- fo quite forfaken or reje6led by me. 6. Have thou, therefore, confideration al- ways of thy vocation or calling, and ufe exercifes agreeable to the fame, being ever ready to leave them, change them, difcon- tinue them, and refume them, according as thou fhalt be dire6led by my infpiration, providence, and good pleafure. For thou fhouldfb not meafure thy perfe6lions by this or that man's account, nor by thine own eftimation. But thou oughteft to meafure it by my good pleafure, refigning thyfelf wholly thereunto, that thou mayeft not feek to attain to this or that man's perfeftion, or to fuch as thou defireft thy- felf, but to fuch as my will is to appoint thee. 7. Let that perfe6lion, therefore, which 1 86 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl thou defireft confift either in abundance or fcarcity, according to my will and good pleafure. Wifh and pray that thou mayeft be fuch an one in my fight, as my fpecial will is to have thee. Obferve diligently, and learn both to know and follow the in- fpiration of my grace. If thou neither feekeft to pleafe thyfelf in thy natural in- clinations, nor in thy fpiritual exercifes, but refpe6l me only with a pure intention, thou fhalt quickly find the way wherein I would have thee to walk, and the courfe which my defire is thou fhouldft always hold. Chap. XXX. How we inuji employ the Gifts of God which we receive to the Benefit of Others, WILL not have thee, my Daugh- ter, to negleft thofe graces and gifts which I befbow upon thee. But take heed alfo that thou doft not feek thine own commendation in thefe graces of mine, that thou doft not To the Faithful Soid. 187 by them afcribe anything to thine own worthinefs, that thou art not puffed up with pride, that thou doft not boaft of them, glory in them, or defire to pleafe thine own felf by them, but employ them all wholly to my glory ; remembering ever efpecially above all things, that of thyfelf thou art nothing, haft nothing, and art able to do nothing. And that whatfoever thou haft, thou haft received from me only. 2. And that I love not to have my gifts return unto me fruitlefs, and without doing of any good, but with gain and ufury, as I forewarned all men in the parable of talents, which I fpake of in the Gofpel. For as thine eye in thy body is not an eye only for itfelf, nor is placed there only for the ufe and benefit of itfelf, but to the end that it may help all the reft of the members to fee, fo what talents or gifts foever I have beftowed upon thee, I have not given them for thine own felf only, that thou fhouldft reap the whole fruit and benefit of them to thine own ufe, but I have placed thefe gifts or good things in thee, for the benefit of other members of my myftical body ; that 1 88 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrift by them thou mayeft ferve others, help others, and both gain and draw thy neigh- bours to the knowledge of my will, and the doing of my commandments. For perad- venture I gave not them thofe things which I gave thee, becaufe in thee I provided both for them and thyfelf alfo ; as on the contrary part, I have to the fame end with- holden many graces from thee which I beftowed upon them. For in thefe things which I beftowed upon others, I had refpeft unto thee, and gave them not for them- felves only, but for thee in them, becaufe I beftowed thofe graces upon them for thy benefit. 2. I require, therefore, at thy hands, that thou employ my gifts to other men's wel- fare, and helpeft other men moft willingly, by them, as much as lieth in thy.power. If thou canft do fomewhat which they can not, that fo by this means one kind of charity remaining in you all, may make of many of you one body. And whatfoever this body hath, in one member, let him em- ploy it to the benefit of the reft. For every member ought to make one another To the Faithful Soul. 189 partaker of the gifts which every one of them receiveth, by reafon of the union of the body and communion of charity which is amongft them. 3. Let this confideration of my will make thee, my Daughter, cheerful to ferve thy neighbours, glad to bear their burdens, meek to fufifer with them, gentle to comfort them, ready to fuccour them, and willing to rejoice with them, that no envy at all, no contention, no emulation, no feeking to pleafe thine own appetite, be found in thee, nor yet that any of thefe things may ap- pear in thy fellows, but that there may remain between you perfe6l charity, and the communicating of my gifts one with another, as between the members of one body. For thou haft nothing that is thine own. For what hast thou that thou haft not received t Wherefore, thou haft nothing, as I have faid, that is not mine, thou haft nothing that is given to thyfelf alone ; that is, thou haft nothing that is given thee for thyfelf only, but all things whatfoever thou haft received are committed to thy cuftody, to be altogether employed for the benefit IQO An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl of the whole body of my Church, and look unto it, for I will require an account at thy hands, how thou haft beftowed the fame. 4. Take heed, therefore, that thou be never carried away with fo profound a con- templation, or think thyfelf fo well and fo perfeftly contented in being with me, but that (if either the corporal or fpiritual neceffity of thy neighbour do call thee away from it) thou be ready to forfake thine own confolation, the pleafure of thine own devotion, yea, and the fweet exercife or matter wherewith the confolation itfelf is nourifhed, and neglefting wholly to pleafe thyfelf, be willing to run in hafte to help thy neighbour for my fake. For this is perfe6l charity, not to feek thine own, but thy neighbour's benefit. And this charity is more acceptable unto me, and more pro- fitable for thyfelf, than all the contempla- tion or devotion that thou canft ufe of thine own. 5. Moreover, remember always that in all thy a6lions, in all thy aff"e6lions, and in all thofe things which either thou doft or makeft choice of, or fuffereft or feekeft to To the Faithfid SotiL 191 avoid, I may be thy beginning, thy middle, and thy end. That whatfoever thou doeft or leaveft undone may be for my fake, and that in the following of this courfe thou feekeft no other thing, but only my glory, and the fulfilling of my pleafure. For the deed is not fo acceptable to me, in refpedl of itfelf, when thou doft fuccour or takeft compaffion upon thy neighbour ; but thou art in doing hereof moft acceptable in my fight becaufe thou doft, for my fake, leave thyfelf; that is, becaufe thou forfakeft thine own welfare, and feekeft to relieve thy neighbour's neceffity. For if thou doft any thing for any other refpe6l, whether it be for favour, friendftiip, or any fpecial bond of kindred or familiarity, or for any gain or recompenfe which thou lookeft to receive, I accept not of it, but reje6l it, although it be never fo great and worthy an aft. For I accept of no facrifice that is offered up unto me, if it be not offered for my fake, only and wholly. 192 An Epiftle of J ejus Chrijl Chap. XXXI. Of Poverty in Spirit, \0 with all zeal and earneftnefs as many good works as thou art able, hungering and thirfting after juftice. And let no man feem unto thee more weak and imperfe6l, more void of all virtues, and more un- worthy of my grace than thyfelf. Fix thine eyes always upon thine own defefts, bewailing and lamenting that thou haft fo many imperfeftions, and wanteft fo many virtues. But remember withal that it is not thy duty to think and look into other men's manners, what virtues they have, what ways they walk, and how they be- have themfelves towards me. 2. I know what I have given everybody; I know alfo what account is fit for me to require at everybody's hand. Imagine thy- felf in thine own eyes the bafeft, vileft, and wickedeft of all men, and as it were merely nothing. Be afhamed in my prefence, if thou heareft any man praife thee, or fhew To the Faithful Soul. 193 a good conceit of thee, and be forry for it, becaufe by it they do me injury, in that they think well of thee, which art fo vile a foul, fo unclean, fo unthankful, and fo full of ofifences againft me. 3. Think thyfelf fo vile, as that every man may lawfully and with juft caufe con- temn and defpife thee, and that thou mayeft not think thyfelf injured, or elfe wronged at any time whenfoever any feek to lay reproaches or affli6lions upon thee. For thou oughteft to receive commenda- tions or reproaches with an equal con- tentment in thy mind, and without any difference, but only in accounting thy- felf altogether unworthy of commendation, and moft worthy of reproach. For as long as thou thinkeft thyfelf to be wronged, as long as thou complaineft, and doft believe that thou haft received any injury, thou art not clearly purged of felf-love. For thou fhouldft not, in truth, take anything for an injury, but that wrong which is done unto me. 4. Submit thyfelf, therefore, fo wholly to my will and pleafure, as thou mayeft be as O 194 ^^ Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl well content with evil as with good, with grief as with joy, which by an external ac- cident doth happen to thee in this world, remaining always poor internally in thy fpirit, hungering and thirfting (as I faid) after juftice, and having a heart free from all earthly cogitations, and ready with all zeal and earneftnefs ever to do thofe things which agree beft with my good pleafure. Chap. XXXIL Of the Love of God, MY Daughter, even as the hart defireth to come unto the foun- tains of water, fo let thy foul have a defire to come unto me, and thy mind be inflamed with the love and defire of me. He that is oppreffed with a vehement thirft, can think of no- thing but of drink only ; for whatfoever he doth, his burning thirft never forfaketh him, but fbill provoketh him with earneft cogita- tions and continual defires to have fome drink To the Faithful Sotil. 195 2. In like fort if thou didft love me per- fectly, if thou didft long for me vehemently thou couldft think of nothing elfe but how thou mighteft come unto me, how thou mighteft be united unto me. There would always remain in thee fuch a hunger and thirft after juftice, that thou wouldft never be fatisfied or contented with that which thou haft done to mine honour, how great foever it were, but ever grieved and per- plexed in thy mind, with thinking that the fame which thou haft done already for my honour was nothing at all. Thou wouldft always endeavour thyfelf to do better, thou wouldft always thirft to be more perfeft, thy heart would ever burn with defire to be more nearly united unto me, to honour me more, and more fully to fulfil my will and good pleafure. 3. They which are inflamed with an ex- ceeding and an unmeafurable love towards any man or woman, do loathe meat, drink, and all other things which feem either for delights to pleafe them or for neceffary ufe to fuftain their body, and pine away and grow fickly if they cannot enjoy their de- 196 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl fire, or if they find and perceive that they are not loved again. For they languifh with mere love, and that maketh them that they can neither take any joy, nor receive any comfort, nor find any reft, except they may obtain that which they love. 4. Oh, my Daughter, thou oughteft to love me in this fort, that thou mighteft find in me only joy and confolation, and without me in all places nothing but forrow and affliftion. If thou didft rightly love me as thou fhouldft do, thou couldft not be in reft until thou didft poffefs me. For there would be a continual thirft, hunger, and defire burn within thy foul, not permitting thee to enjoy any quiet at all. Oh, that thou didft languifh with fuch a kind of love towards me, or that, hating all other things, thou didft defire me only. 5. Oh, that thou didft prefent thy heart unto me quite weaned, and clearly de- livered from all other love whatfoever, that I may ftill draw it after me, and both pierce it through and wound it to the bottom with my love. Oh, how happy ftiouldft To the Faithful Soul. 197 thou be if, being made quite befides thy- felf, and drunk with extremity of love to- wards me, thou didfb defpife all things elfe, thou didft loathe all my creatures, and didfh run only after me, crying unto me, I am wounded with thy charity. Thou oughteft, my Daughter, to be inflamed with fo fervent an afifeftion towards me, as who- foever did come near unto thee, might per- ceive no other thing elfe, but only the heat of thine affeftion towards me, breathing out of thee ; and whofoever did talk with thee might depart edified from thee, and warmed with the flames of that affeftion towards me which he found kindled in thy foul. 6. If, therefore, thou defireft to love me, thou muft love me with thy whole heart. I will not allow that thou fhouldft love me, and join with me anything elfe befides me, that is, that thou fhouldft not love any thing for any other refpe6l but for my fake only. I look to be loved purely, and that thou canfb never do but when thou loveft me for my own felf; that I only, and no other refpeft whatfoever, be the caufe why thou 198 An Epijlle of Jefiis Chriji loveft me. I will alfo be loved with an infinite love, and with an unmeafurable de- fire ; for thou fhouldft never find in thy foul any end or meafure in loving me, but although thou didft love me never fo much, thou fhouldft always defire to love me more. For my love is not reftrained within any limits, but it is infinite, and without any bounds. It never thinketh itfelf fatif- fied, it can never be filled or contented with any quantity, though it be never fo exceeding great, it will every day grow and increafe to be more. For charity doth always increafe, and what is charity but a good will } 7. As, therefore, a good will cannot be reftrained within any limit, and as it is without all end, fo is charity likewife. I know that thou haft a will to love me with all thy heart, and that thou defireft to love me as much thyfelf alone, as all my holy fervants do, joining all their love together. This defire is good, if it proceed not from an appetite of defiring, in refpe6l that thou wouldft be more excellent than they, and fingular above them all, as though thou To the Faithftil Soul. 199 only couldft love me as much as all they when all their love were put together. It is a good defire, I fay, if it fpringeth from pure and perfe6l charity only, and that thou doft for my own fake, without any other refpe6l, defire me, love me, and wifh ftill to increafe in the love of me, and feek to love me as much alone, as it is poffible for all other beings joined together. Have care, therefore, that this defire of thine pro- ceed not of any appetite to be preferred before others, but only becaufe charity can never be fatisfied or filled, and that the greatnefs thereof maketh thee to think that how much foever thou loveft me, is much inferior in thine eyes to that afife6lion which thou doft defire to carry towards me, and in no fort either anfwerable or agreeable to thy defire. 8. My love is no idle love, but it worketh great things where it is indeed. And where there is no defire, but an unaptnefs and unwillingnefs to do good works, there is no love without all doubt. And yet, notwith- ftanding this, if thou wanteft ability to do good works, be not therefore difcouraged, 200 AnEpiJlle of J ejus Chrijl my Daughter, or dejefled in thy mind, for thy goodwill pleafeth me as much as if the work were done, and is as acceptable in my fight. I will not require an account of thee for that I have not beftowed upon thee. For it is not the multitude of works, but the greatnefs of love which delighteth me. Many good works, if they be prefented unto me without charity, do pacify me no whit at all. For what is chaff to me with- out wheat } To whomfoever thou doft offer wheat, which is love, offer him alfo chaff, which is works. 9. For although I regard not works with- out love, yet I will have good regard of thy love without works, fo as thou be hindered by difability, neceffity, obedience, or any other lawful impediment, in fuch fort, as thou art not able to do good works. For then, as I have faid, I accept of thy good will. But where power wanteth not, if love remain, it doth extend itfelf, and exercife itfelf towards me, and for my fake towards her neighbour. For I have placed him as a companion with thee in my ftead, that whatfoever thou wouldft beftow upon To the Faithful Soul. 201 me, and cannot, thou mayeft beftow upon him. And that thou mayeft do it the more willingly, I have promifed that I will accept as well at thy hands, and reward as largely, any thing that thou doft towards thy neigh- bour as if thou hadft done it to myfelf. For if thou haft charity, it worketh fo in thee, as thou loveft him for my fake, thou beholdeft me in him, thou ferveft me in him, thou doeft me benefits in him, thou doft bear and fuffer with me in him, and if he offend thee, thou doft forgive him for my fake. 10. And for this caufe I gave him unto thee in my ftead, that thou mayeft beftow thefe good turns upon him, as time and place ferveth, and as thou haft opportunity offered by me to do the fame. For thou muft not forget that which I repeated be- fore, how charity is not to be meafured or efteemed by the multitude of works, but by the greatnefs and fincerity of thy afife6lion, that is, by the inward devotion of thy mind, joined with a pure, chafte, and internal dif- pofition, inclination, and intention of thy will, which, the more ready, prompt, fervent, 202 An Epifile of J ejus Chrijl and defirous it is to obey me, honour me, and pleafe me, and the more that fhe re- nounceth her own felf, in feeking to pleafe me purely, without any other refpe6l, and to prefer me before all other creatures, the more fhe is drawn to love me, and the brighter fhe doth fliine in all good works. II. Oh, if the children of men did know how much it pleafeth me to dwell in fuch a foul, how gladly I do offer myfelf unto her which defireth me only, how bountifully I do pour myfelf into fuch a heart as doth feek me only with a pure intention, being withdrawn and free both from the love of herfelf and of any other creature befides, defiring me fervently, refpe6ling me wholly, ftaying for me patiently, and refufmg to be comforted with any other thing but with me only. Nay, fuch a heart as I fpeak of will not defire to be comforted by me, becaufe fhe thinketh herfelf unworthy to receive any confolation from me, but defireth only to be fatisfied with having my good will and pleafure fulfilled in her. For fhe only defireth to do, to fuffer, and to be in no other fort than agreeth with my pleafure ; To the Faithful SotiL 203 and then, although fuch a heart neither de- fireth comfort, nor any thing elfe, which is without me, yet I do reward and enrich her with all bleffings and benefits. 12. For there can be nothing wanting in any creature, neither can there be any thing forfaken for the love of me, that is fo good but that there fhall be found in me things inftead of them, a hundred times better, purer, fweeter, pleafanter, and more de- lightful than they were. For whether it be beauty, fweetnefs, pleafantnefs, delight, love, truth, confolation, the continual enjoying of fuch things as men do like, riches, glory, power, and innumerable other things of the fame fort, which either may bring delights to them or procure defire to them ; all thefe things are after an infinite manner more excellent, and more perfe6l in me, than in any creature whatfoever. 1 3. Oh, my Daughter, the fmalleft confo- lation which thou feeleft by the prefence of my goodnefs in thy foul doth furmount all the delights of the world, and the pleafure that can be taken in any creature whatfo- ever. Yea, all other delights being com- 204 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl pared with it, do feem bitter and unpleafant Wherefore, if things were meafured by a true and juft account, it could not be but that men would love me better than them- felves, or any other creature. But now (it is a lamentable thing to be fpoken) men do leave me, who am their greateft good ; they defpife my goodnefs. Nay, which is more, they forfake their own true and only happi- nefs, and fall to love themfelves, to delight in the world, from whence all difquietnefs of mind and all other mifchiefs do proceed. 14. Alas! why are miferable men so far deceived ? If they delight in love, why love they not me, whofe love is chafte, pure, holy, and fimple; who am an objeft always offered to their eyes, of infinite amiablenefs, being effentially good in myfelf, being a pure good, unmixed, being the chiefeft and fovereign good, where the reward of love alfo is unfpeakable delight, and moft bleffed eternity ? Whereas the love of the world, on the contrary part, doth breed nothing in thy foul but unquietnefs, bitternefs, diftrac- tion, repentance, and heavinefs. Leave thou, therefore, and contemn all worldly To the Faithful Sotd. 205 things, and defire me only, being united unto me with all thy foul, with all thy heart, and with all thy will. For as long as thou doft addi6l thyfelf to the love of creatures, thou fhalt find that which is in creatures ; that is, thou fhalt be defiled and difquieted with corrupt and unclean de- lights, and yet, befides that, be never fatif- fied or contented. And thou fhalt alfo be polluted with impure imaginations, and be diftrafted with fundry cogitations, that are lewd and wicked. But I do recolle6l that heart, which feeketh to be joined with me, and I unite it faft unto me, procuring in it by my means all peace, quietnefs, and all tranquillity of confcience. 15. Thou oughteft continually to entreat me, and without ceafing to pray unto me, that thou mayeft after this fort forfake the world, renounce the love of all my crea- tures, and be wholly converted unto me, and inwardly dedicated in thy foul to my fervice. For no man can beftow this grace on thee, neither canft thou obtain it by any other means but by me only. Wherefore thou muft always with great regard obferve 2o6 An Epijlle of Jefiis Chrijl the internal infpirations of my grace, thou muft follow my counfel, obey my exhorta- tions, and commit thyfelf altogether to my providence. My infpirations do never dif- agree from the holy Scripture, nor from the obedience which thou mufh carry to thy Superiors. Therefore, if thou fubmitteft thyfelf unto them, and relieft in no refpeft upon thine own felf, thou art fure to walk in all fimplicity and purity of heart. 1 6. Love is an incomparable treafure, and therefore I fhould be the ftore-houfe of the fame, and it fhould never be laid up but in me only. Oh, my Daughter, where thy treafure is, there is thy heart alfo. If, then, thou wilt know what thou loveft, mark what thou doft ofteneft think upon, what thou doft with greateft delight and willing- nefs hearken unto, what thou doft moft fervently defire, what thou doft inwardly in thine own appetite moft feek, and bend thyfelf unto ; for that is, without all doubt, thy treafure, and therein thou findeft fweet- eft reft, moft quiet, and greateft content- ment. And both of them is thy treafure, both the thing which thou loveft and the To the Faithful Soul. 207 love wherewith thou loveft the fame. But fee into how great mifery, how great un- thankfulnefs, and how great infelicity men do fall by this means ; for they do purchafe to themfelves hell fire, w^th the expenfe of incomparable treafure, which is love. For if men contemning me, fall to love cor- rupt, unclean, and frail things, fuch as will quickly perish ; they do with the fame love which they beftow upon them procure unto themfelves eternal torment. Let all my friends, therefore, bewail and lament this ftrange and unnatural kind of dealing, that I am clean thruft out of the heart of man, for whom I ofifered up myfelf in facri- fice, and whofe falvation I did buy with my precious blood ; and that another which is mine enemy, doth poffefs it, and doth pof- fefs it only to this end, that he may draw them with him into eternal deftruftion, into endlefs mifery, and into unquenchable fire. 2o8 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrifl Chap. XXXIII. Of the Praife of God, |E always inflamed, my Daughter, with a defire to praife me, to love me, to honour me, and to pleafe me from the bottom of thy heart altogether, and by all the means that thou art able, and in fuch mofl perfe6l fort as I require at thy hands. Carry always in thy heart fo great a reverence, fo great a fear, fo great a care, fo great a love and afifeftion towards me, and for me, as thou mayeft never do any thing to difpleafe or of- fend me. And although it ought to be thy greateft care, thy chiefeft fear, and thy fpe- cial labour, not to do any thing thyfelf, or to give any occafion by thine own negligence, that any thing fhould be done to offend me ; yet, neverthelefs, thou oughteft alfo to take as much care as lieth in thee for others, that I be not by them difhonoured or offended, or that they do break my will and command- ment. And thou oughteft to do this with a pure intention of mere charity, for my fake, without any other refpedl. To the Faithful Soul, 209 2. For there fhould ever abound in thy heart a moft faithful, fervent, and devout love of me, which fhould continually flow with forcible flreams every day nearer and nearer tow^ards me, and it fhould carry thee with fo great violence, and run over in fuch exceeding abundance, as it fhould make thee moft ready and deflrous to do all things that may be for my glory, and for the ful- filling of my pleafure ; and it fhould poffefs thee in fuch fort as thou Ihouldft defire nothing fo much as to be clearly delivered, quite difcharged, and altogether weaned from all love, refpe6l, defire, or inclination towards thyfelf, or any of my creatures, and to keep thyfelf in the fame ftate, pure, clean, chafte, and unfpotted to me only, defiring me with a pure intention, and no other thing ; that by this means I may have my will, without any impediment, freely and wholly fulfilled in thee, and by thee, and. that I only may poffefs thee, and that there may be no fpace or divifion between thee and me, but that thou mayeft be clofe united unto me, having renounced and forfaken all love, both of thyfelf and any other creature. P 2IO An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl 3. Defire likewife that my will may be done in all things, and with all men, and that all men may know me, love me, honour me, worfhip me, and ferve me. Thou wouldft rather choofe to fuffer ten deaths (if thou wert a faithful fpoufe unto me) than once to confent to any fin, al- though it were but venial. For albeit it is not likely that thou canft long ftand in per- fe6lion without venial fin, yet thou muft not in any wife, willingly or of fet purpofe, yield to any venial fin, but thou muft ever be fully refolved in thine own will never to fin again. And thou muft fix and fettle this will of thine, in the hope of my grace, and not upon any confidence in thine own ability. 4. I do ever pleafe and delight him that loveth me, and all my works and judgments feem fweet and pleafant to him, and he never ceafeth to praife me for them. He that loveth me need not ftudy to find fomewhat for which he might praife me, for the love which he beareth me will fhew unto him what may or ought to be praifed in me. And to praife me is no other thing To the Faithful Soul. 211 but, by loving me, to think upon me ; and by honouring of me, to wonder at my works ; and by wondering at my works, to defire that all men fhould extol, magnify, and love me. My praife doth lighten his heart which loveth me with a pure affe6lion, it doth rejoice his fpirit, it driveth away all heavinefs from him, and withal it is a fafe proteftion for him, both in profperity and adverfity. 5. Whofoever fpendeth his time in praif- ing of me, it maketh him with all fortitude of mind to contemn all the mifchief that the fubtlety of man or the devil can praftife againft him. Oh, how delightful a thing is it to my angels to hear the fweet fongs of them which do continually praife me (although it be much more delightful unto them to affift their pure hearts, and to help them in fetting forth of my praife) for they fee men upon earth do imitate by this means the order of the celeftial companies in heaven, as though they had received here the earneft-penny, or elfe fome fen- fible feeling of eternal happinefs, which is only a continual praifmg and magnifying 212 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl of my name. For there is nothing that doth fo Hvely refemble the ftate of the bleffed happinefs in the world to come, as the cheerful and delightful voice of thofe which do praife my name. 6. And touching myfelf, I am of fo great majefty and omnipotency, as I ftand in need of no praife, and no praife can make me more glorious than I am already, neither is any creature able to praife and magnify me as I do deferve. Wherefore thou oughteft to think thyfelf moft un- worthy to praife me ; neverthelefs, defire yet to praife me, that thou mayeft know, and it may appear manifefh unto thee, how that all human praife is nothing in refpe6t of my worthinefs, and how I am far greater than all the praife that can be given me, and how all creatures, when they have praifed me as much as they are able, have done it much inferior to that I am worthy of, and therefore mufl: yield that they are altogether infufficient to praife me. And although that I declare unto thee how that every creature muft give this praife to me, yet I would have thee efpecially to imprint To the Faithful Soul. 213 this leffon in thy mind, that although thou doft endeavour never fo much to praife me (which thou oughteft at all times to do with all thy force) yet thou fhouldft think that thou hadft done nothing at all. 7. I will tell thee, my Daughter, what kind of praife doth pleafe me — vocal praife. Although I would have thee always to ufe it, and with thy voice to perform it, when- foever thou art commanded by the precept of my Church to fay or fmg anything, yet I muft needs tell thee that it doth not pleafe me fo much as that internal praife which confifteth in the fpirit. A profound contemplation and perfe6l knowledge of thine own bafenefs, a confideration of thine own weaknefs, how thou art of thyfelf merely nothing, and a modeft fhame pro- cured by the means of thy unworthinefs before my Majefty, is a moft fweet fmelling facrifice, and a moft delightful praife unto me. Becaufe thou fhalt be brought by it, with a fhame-faced kind of modefly, con- tinually to look into and to defpife, in my glorious prefence, thine own vilenefs, de- formednefs, unthankfulnefs, wretchednefs 2 14 ^^ Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl and mifery, and be alfo moved to acknow- ledge how thou art of thyfelf merely nothing, and therefore be defirous to humble and fubje6l thyfelf before me and every one of my creatures, and to be willing, or rather to wifh to be in refpe6l of thine own bafenefs, contemned, and trod- den under them all. Such a contrite and humbled heart I can never defpife ; yea, the forrowful groans of fuch a heart, are a much fweeter and worthier facrifice unto me than a huge heap of many words and a tedious multitude of vocal prayers only. 8. Moreover, thou doft then likewife truly and rightly praife me when I am as acceptable unto thee for fending adverfity as profperity, and when thou giveft me as many thanks, and remainefb as devoutly and zealoufly affefted towards me in thine own will, for the one as for the other. It is not alfo the leaft praife that thou mayeft yield me to beware of fin, to take great pains in feeking after virtue, to thirft for the honouring and extolling of my name, and to feek only for the fulfilling of my pleafure and the fetting forth of my glory. To the Faithftcl SouL 215 Befides this, it is a much purer kind of praife, and more acceptable unto me than any vocal praife, to keep thy heart unde- filed, pure, and free from all vicious affec- tions, from all flothful humours, from all heavinefs, unwillingnefs, and frowardnefs in thy foul, and to cleave unto me only in all peace, tranquillity, and filence of thy fpirit. 9. What motion foever thou feeleft within thee, my Daughter, what outward accident foever doth happen unto thee, prefently repair unto me with thy heart wholly con- verted and fubmitted unto my will, and wifh that it may be turned by my grace to my greateft glory and higheft praife. By doing after this fort, all things that happen unto thee fhall be for the furtherance of thy falvation, and even nature itfelf by this virtuous cuftom fhall be changed into grace. Wherefore, if thou findeft within thyfelf any mifchievous attempts of the devil, any filthy temptations or horrible blafphemies, or doft fenfibly perceive in thy foul the motion of any odious temptation whatfoever, en- deavour thou to win fome profit or benefit to 2i6 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl thy foul by the fame means whereby thine enemy feeketh to do thee a mifchief, and account it a benefit for thy foul, if it may bring thee to praife and glorify me. lo. As foon, therefore, as thou feeleft any of thefe temptations, come prefently unto me, and fay : O Lord, my God, as often as I feel this temptation, as often as it cometh into my mind, fo often do I glorify Thee, with the praifes of the whole court of heaven, and fo often do I adore Thee, to the confufion of this wicked fpirit which affaulteth me, and to the honour and glory of Thy name. And in his place I offer unto Thee infinite praifes, which he is not able to do. If it be a grievous tempta- tion which thou feelefb, fay : O moft merci- ful God, although it be very troublefome which I fuffer, yet I will willingly endure it for the love of Thee only, and for Thy honour ; and if it may be to Thy greater honour that I fhould fuffer greater and more grievous temptations than this is, behold, I offer myfelf ready with all my heart to do it. Let nothing, O merciful God, feem fo troublefome unto me, but that I may To the Faithful Soul, 217 defire above all things to fuftain any thing that may be for the glory of Thy name. 11. If thou feeleft any cogitation in thy foul of beautiful, delightful, or precious things, fay : O, moft fweet God, this pro- ceedeth from Thee, which art moft goodly, moft beautiful, moft fweet, moft to be de- fired, and moft worthy to be embraced, becaufe Thou art the greateft good. If it be Thy pleafure, I will willingly want all Thy creatures, I will willingly forfake all confolation, that Thou only mayeft remain in my heart, and mayeft wholly poffefs me, which art moft beautiful, and far more beautiful than all the faireft things befides Thee ; which art moft fweet, and far more fweet than all the beft and fweeteft things befides Thee ; which art moft to be defired, and above all to be beloved, becaufe Thou art far more amiable and precious than all the moft precious and moft amiable things befides Thee. 12. Likewife, if thou either heareft or feeft any number affembled together, or as often as thou beholdeft any exceeding beautiful thing or great multitude of people, 2i8 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl id^y fo often in the day to thyfelf : O moft good and moft amiable Lord, O Almighty and eternal God, let thoufand thoufands of the armies of celeftial fpirits praife Thee out of me, and let ten thoufand hundred thou- fand of thofe that ftand before Thee extol and magnify Thy name out of me and for me, and let all the worthy fupplications of Thy Bleffed Saints make interceffion unto Thee for me, and let the beauty of every one of Thy creatures, and the fweet harmony of them altogether, glorify Thee out of me for ever, and world without end. Chap. XXXIV. Of the Exercife of the Love and Praife of God, SF thou doft defire to love and praife me with all thy heart, with all thy foul, with all thy force, and with all the ability that doth reft in thee, and defireft to per- fevere in the loving of me to the end, thou muft of neceffity have fome exercifes To the Faithful Soul. 219 of love, whereby thou mayeft nourifh it, kindle it, increafe and maintain it. And for this caufe keep thy mind free, with- drawn, weaned, and clearly delivered from the love of my creatures, and from all in- ternal occupation of thy mind or bufmefs about them, and from all care and trouble of this prefent world, by lifting it up unto me with continual, vehement, and fcalding fighs, and enflamed prayers, burning with all zeal, and by afpiring inceffantly with moft fervent defire to come unto me ; that is to fay, by defiring to love me moft ardently, moft perfe6lly, moft vehemently, moft faithfully, and withal continually, yea and thirfting alfo to pleafe me in all refpefts, to praife me with all zeal, with all fidelity, and with all the fufficiency that is in thy power, and to fulfil my will abfolutely and perfeftly in all things. 2. To conclude, thou muft always have a defire to fee me, who am moft beautiful ; to poffefs me, who am moft bleffed ; and to be with me, who only am able to grant thee happinefs, being the fountain from whom all felicity doth proceed, in whom all 2 20 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl fweetnefs doth confift, and by whom all goodnefs muft be granted. For I am of all things the fweeteft, the beft, and the happieft, yea, true happinefs itfelf. Cleave, therefore, always to me, and be never feparated from me. Have ever fomewhat in thy mind which thou mayeft meditate upon, and which may enflame thee with the love of me, whereby thou mayeft think of my fweetnefs and goodnefs, and, by won- dering at it, magnify and praife my name. Or elfe, on the contrary part, meditate upon fomewhat which may move thee to bewail, lament, accufe, and reprehend thyfelf for thy vilenefs, bafenefs, ^weaknefs, infirmity, inconftancy,. or unthankfulnefs, or elfe that may procure thee fufifering, even with forrow in thy foul^ from the bottom of thy heart, with thofe that be afBi6led and dead, to make fupplications unto me for them, and for my univerfal Church. Moreover, whatfoever thou art to do, or what thing foever thou haft to think or confider of, think of them firft with me, receive counfel touching them firft from me, and difcourfe of them firft with me, that thou To the Faithful Soul. 221 mayeft be brought by this cuftom always, and at all times (whether thou beeft alone or in the company of others), to talk with me, and to keep thy heart ftill lifted up unto me, either by prayer or elfe by praif- ing of my name. 3. Do whatfoever belongeth to my ho- nour ; whatfoever thou knoweft will content me or is my will, that thou fhouldft perform with an unfpeakable thirft to pleafe me ; and with an infatiable defire to honour me, and labour thus by all the means thou mayeft, and endeavour with thy help, with thy counfel, with thy travail, and by all the other means that do lie in thy power to ad- vance my glory, that my name may be praifed both by thyfelf and others, and that my will may be fulfilled in all my creatures. But in the meantime, notwith- ftanding, while thy outward man is thua occupied abroad, let thy inward man re- main quietly with me, for thou muft in no wife give thyfelf fo much to external bufi- nefs, as that thy mind fhould be diftra6led and run wandering after fundry cogitations, and that thou fhouldft draw by this means 222 An Epijlle of J ejus Chriji into thy foul many fond imaginations and vain fancies. But rather whilft thy outward man is bufied, be thou recolle6led in thy fpirit, and gathered clofe together in thy foul, that it being united unto me, thou mayefb ever internally remain with me. 4. And when thou haft learned this lef- fon, when thou haft accuftomed thyfelf to this courfe, no external bufmefs fhall hin- der thee no external aft fhall hurt or with- hold thee (efpecially if it be a good and modeft one) from the mental exercife of the love of me. But thou fhalt fpeak unto me, or rather be in thy foul peaceably united unto me, as well at that time as at any other, fo long as thou doft not (as I have faid) entangle thy mind with thinking of vain and tranfitory things, nor remaineft drowned in the cogitations of thofe exter- nal bufmeffes which thou pra6liceft in this world. For as long as thou haft a will to keep thy heart free from the love of all creatures, there is no creature that can win or withdraw thee from me (although in thy outward man thou be troubled with never fo many bufmeffes, nor occupied with never To the Faithful Soul. 22 o fo many a6lions), if thou imprinteft not the forms, the reprefentations, the love or de- light of thefe things internally in thy mind. 5. Wherefore, never complain that exter- nal good works are an impediment unto thee in thy loving of me, or in the exercife of thy love towards me. For thefe things do not hinder thee (as thou doft imagine, and conceive in thy mind), but thy inordi- nate afifeftion, thy want of difcretion, thy infirmity, and thy evil inclination, are thbfe things which do hinder thee, becaufe thou haft not as yet fully mortified them all, for thefe do make thee not only outwardly, but alfo inwardly, bufied and occupied with thinking of my creatures. Moreover, thy mind being more and more diftrafted, divided, and made more wandering by the multitude of thefe conceits, is far from being able to cleave unto me, nay, it cannot con- tinue conftant or quiet within itfelf. But be, notwithftanding, no whit difcouraged, if, in refpeft of brotherly charity, or of fhew- ing thine obedience, thou art enforced fome- times to be occupied and difquieted in thine inward man for my fake. For I can 2 24 ^^ Epijlle of J ejus Chriji quickly amend whereinfoever thou haft faulted for my fake, and repair it again, with fuch advantage and gain unto thee, that thou fhalt be afterwards fo much the nearer and with greater delight united unto me, as thou didft think thyfelf before far- ther eftranged from me. 6. But if thou find thy mind fo much diftrafted and alienated from me, as thou canft neither recolk6l it again nor yet re- turn and lift it up unto me, think not that it wandered thus in refpeft of that charity which thou didft fhew merely for my fake ; but that thine own wicked inclination hath polluted thee, and that there was fome- what hidden within thee which moved thee to this, whereof I was neither the Author nor occafion, neither yet was it any way procured by my means. Thou wert not belike circumfpefl and watchful enough, and therefore thou didft fuffer fome human infirmity. But remain not long eftranged or alienated from me, for I am always ready to receive thee again into my favour. 7. Let thy mind, therefore, be ever occu- pied in holy defires, that no moment may To the Faithful Soul. 225 pafs thee wherein thou doft not wound me and feek to pierce my heart with the fiery- darts of thy inflamed defires. Be affured, my Daughter, that thou canft defire nothing at my hands in vain. For if thou doft defire me thou fhalt find me, but if I do withdraw and hide myfelf from thee for a time, I do it for thy fake and thy benefit. For I cannot choofe but grant my prefence to thofe that call upon me and defire me. I do ftir up thefe defires in thee, I infpire thy heart with thefe motions, and therefore be fure that I will alfo hearken to thy peti- tions and hear thy prayers. For although it (hould fo fall out by the means of my providence, as thou fhouldfl remain un- heard by me to the hour of thy death, yet it is impoffible that I fhould not at all hear a devout prayer, but I will even at that in- ftant render thee an hundred fold for thy long forbearing. Thou fhalt then perceive that I will give thee for one petition a thou- fand ; thou fhalt then find that thou art heard at my hands, when thou canft never again lofe the benefit thereof. 8. But in all thy prayers let this be thy Q 2 26 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl chiefeft petition, to defire at my hands that thou mayeft poffefs me. For what is more holy, what is more for my glory, than to defire me above all things, and before all things ? Pray, therefore, always only for a naked, a pure, a mofh chafte, a moft perfe6l, a moft earneft, a moft watchful, and a moft faithful charity towards me, whereby both thyfelf and all other reafonable creatures may cleave unto me with a refolute mind and with fuch a firm intention, as no acci- dent whatfoever ftiall be ever able to with- draw you from me. Chap. XXXV. Of the Transformation of Man, JF thou wilt obtain me wholly, O Soul, thou muft of neceffity altogether forfake thyfelf, and altogether caft off thyfelf. Thou muft fubmit and refign over thyfelf to ex- treme poverty, and the want of all temporal commodities and confolations, for obtaining of me, who am the chiefeft and greateft To the Faithf^il Soid, 227 good. Comfort thyfelf, therefore, and be not difmayed, though thou be deprived of all human confolation, and though thou want all human friendfhip, favour, and fuc- cour whatfoever. 2. Confider how a ftout foldier, not re- garding his friends, his country, his wife, his children, his quiet reft, and his commo- dity at home, doth forfake them all, and being a ftranger in a foreign land, doth there daily offer his life to dangerous la- bours, to painful journeys, to continual watching, and to fundry miferies and perils, that he may obtain riches and win honour. In this fort muft thou, forfaking all things, be fpoiled and made poor, and deprived of all comfort, and of all my creatures what- foever, that nothing may remain in thee wherein thou mayeft find any quiet, or that thou mayeft poffefs but me only. Moreover, thou muft exclude and banifh from thyfelf the forms, impreffions, and memory of all things, and thou muft cleanfe and purge thy mind of them all, and carry about with thee the image of me only imprinted in thy heart, wherefoever thou becomeft, and 228 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrift howfoever thou art, either alone by thyfelf or in company of others. 3. Thou muft alfo, whether thou eateft or drinkeft, fleepeft or wakeft, fpeakeft or be filent, always look into me, as a pure glafs and moft perfe6l pattern for thee to imitate, that thou mayeft direft thy courfe of life and transform thyfelf according to the virtues and manner of my life. If thou eateft, dip every morfel in my wounds. If thou drinkeft, take the warm blood out of my wounds, which will breathe charity into thee. If thou fpeakeft, look upon me who heareth thy words, and beware that thou fpeakeft nothing that is uncomely or may difpleafe me. If thou holdeft thy peace, hearken unto me who do fpeak to thee, and fearch out with all diligence and care what is my perfeft will and good plea- fure. If thou fleepeft, lean and repofe thyfelf upon my heart, applying thy mouth to the gaping wound of my facred heart, and fuck my grace thereby into thy fpirit, and breathe again unto me, by fending a fweet fmelling facrifice out of it, the mar- row and precious treafure of thy heart. To the Faithful Soul. 229 4. To be fhort, wherefoever thou be, govern and direft thyfelf according to that moft notable, moft worthy, and moft per- fect pattern, which thou beholdeft in the courfe of my hfe. Look into and defire earneftly, with all zeal and affeflion, to imi- tate my moft modeft and moft lowly humility, my moft courteous affability, my moft fweet meeknefs, my moft enduring patience, my moft pure chaftity, my moft abundant piety, my moft faithful provi- dence, my moft merciful compaffion, and my moft fervent-burning, exceeding and incomprehenfible charity. Imprint the lively image of thefe things in thy foul, fill thy mind wholly with it, and by the means thereof banifti altogether from thy mind all the forms and imaginations of all other things w^hatfoever. I will not have thee to be without the impreffion or the reprefentation of fomething in thy heart, neither yet will I have thee feek before thy time to fly higher than this. 5. Wherefore reft thou quietly in the mean fpace, in beholding the image of my humanity and Paffion, until I do raife thee 230 Ail Epiftle of Jefus Chrijl up to a higher dignity, where thou fhalt not feel thefe motions, but be wholly and clearly delivered from any impreffion or imagination, and be free from all exercife and aftion, and remain in all peace and quietnefs, having clean forfaken thyfelf and thine own appetite. In the meantime, therefore, meditate how I am always pre- fent with thee, and how I do look and pierce into the clofeft corners of thy foul, and into the deepeft fecrets of thy heart, and do not only meditate upon it, but learn alfo to have a fenfible feeling of my prefence, whereby I do ahvays behold thee, always mark thee, always look into thee, and always both fully know thee and perfe6lly underftand thy greateft fecrets. 6. Learn to conceive how I am without all limitation, not poffible to be circum- fcribed within any bounds ; how I am an unchangeable, an eternal, an unfpeakable, and an incomprehenfible light ; how I am beft worthy to be beloved ; how I only de- ferve to be defired ; and how I am wholly pure and fmcere, not ftained with the leafb evil or fmalleft imperfection. Likewife, To the Faithfttl Soul. 231 how I am wholly good, in whom there is nothing but it is to be beloved, and able to delight all that feek me ; how I am wholly moft faithful, wholly moft merciful, and always ready moft abundantly to communi- cate myfelf with the children of men. To conclude, learn to know how I am a moft conftant and faithful lover, a moft fweet comforter, a moft mighty prote6lor, and a moft rich and bountiful rewarder of all thofe that bear me good will, of all thofe that love me, and of all thofe that hope in me, and how I am able to bring more de- light unto their fouls, than all other things that can be defired. For I never procure loathefomenefs in them, but I fatisfy all their defires, and by fatisfying them I daily more and more increafe their defires in them. Let this perfe6l image of me wholly poffefs thy mind, and imprint it fo deeply therein that thou mayeft not con- fent in thy will to the meditation of any other fancies, but prefently banifh them from thee as foon as they begin to enter into thee. 7. Take heed that thou do not receive 232 An Epijile of Jefus Ch7HJl them within thy foul, but being free from them, remain united to me only, in all in- ternal folitarinefs, in all internal quietnefs, and in all internal peace and tranquillity, waiting for me continually, moft defiroufly, and without ceafmg, that thou mayeft re- pofe thyfelf in all things upon me, that thou mayeft follow me, and that thou mayeft fubmit thyfelf unto any thing whatfoever that I will have thee either to do or fufifer, yea, unto whatfoever I will have done in thee, or with thee. Thou oughteft fo clearly to renounce thyfelf, that is, all love of thy- felf, and all proper inclination to follow thine own will, as that nothing may be able to move thy reafonable and intelleftual foul, being now, as it were, quite alienated and feparated from thy body. And that it may feem all one unto her, whether her ex- ternal or fenfible man be praifed or dif- commended, be affiifted or comforted, and that fhe may look upon him, as it were, afar off, being clean divided from him, and wholly united and joined unto me. 8. To obtain this feparation of thyfelf from the following of thine own appetite, To the Faithful Soul. 233 and the love of any creature, thou muft of neceffity, as I warned thee before, have great watch over thyfelf, and ftraightly obferve by what means thou mayeft foon- eft find out and difcern what Heth hidden in thy fecret thoughts, what moveth thee, what draweth thee, what entice th thee, what poffeffeth thee, what reigneth in thee ; to conclude, what thou loveft, or inclineft thyfelf unto, whether it be thyfelf, or any other creature, or me. And thou muft thruft prefently out of thy mind whatfoever thou findefl there, if it be not myfelf, or anything whereof I am not the caufe ; for thou art then become fubje6l to that thing which poffeffeth thee, when it hath gotten a full intereft and propriety in thee. 9. And I, for mine own part, will never confent to be beloved with a companion, but I look for thy whole love, and I defire to remain alone peaceably in thee. There- fore, except thou feekefl me only, thou fhalt never perfe6lly find me, and if thou wilt enjoy me, banifh all creatures from thee, fufifer no divifion, no impediment, no feparation to remain between thee and me. 2 34 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl Let all creatures be banifhed from thee, but only fuch as are for thy mere and neceffary ufe ; let them have no intereft or place in thee ; let them not poffefs thy heart, that thou mayeft keep thyfelf free and pure unto me from them all, and mayeft wholly fubmit thyfelf unto me, and be ready to be difpofed in all fuch forts as it fhall be my pleafure. 10. Whatfoever fhall happen, it is enough for thee that thou knoweft it, and findeft that it hath happened. Trouble thyfelf no farther with thinking of it, neither fuffer it to ftay within thee, or to leave any memory or impreffion thereof in thy foul. But rely upon me, and commit all thy cares unto me ; pafs and fly over the multitude, the variety, and the mutability of thefe cogita- tions, and never fix or fettle thy heart but in me only. Seek, therefore, me only, and no more but me in all things, which am one in all and all in all, and wait patiently with long-fuffering till thou findeft me, yea, be content to ftay and wait for me again and again, and never be weary of waiting till thou findeft me, repofing thyfelf upon my To the Faithful SotiL 235 goodnefs, and upon my moft wife provi- dence, full of all love towards thee, with a ftrong faith and an affured truft therein. When I ftay my coming, expe£l me pa- tiently, for I will come at the laft w^ithout doubt. Be free and altogether weaned in this fort, O Soul, from all thine own defire ; be feparated wholly from all love and de- lights in creatures ; be alienated from all fancies and imaginations, and cleave wholly unto me in fimplicity and nakednefs of heart. Offer thyfelf to be poffeffed by me, and forfake clean thine own will, that thou may eft rejoice with me in all eternity, where there are neither things paft nor things to come, but all things prefent. II. Afpire always, and earneftly defire to obtain this even now, and forfake both thyfelf and all other things, that is, thy body and fenfuality, and have thine eye fo fixed upon eternity in this prefent world as if thou w^ert quite feparated from it, and clearly delivered out of it, beholding all the things in this world afar off, as thofe things which thou haft wholly forfaken, and from which thou haft clearly weaned thyfelf. 236 An Epijlle of Jefics Chrijl Think that thou art alone with me, and that I am with thee, and as if there were no other creature prefent with thee. What- foever thou feeleft befides me, make no account of it, becaufe it is in truth nothing worth being without me, and no creature fhall hurt thee as long as thou receive not within thy heart the fancies and imagina- tions of any thing, nor yet feel any cares or affe6lions within thy foul. The Conclusion. DELIVER thefe exhortations unto thee, as to my Daughter and Spoufe, O Soul, and as a rule to instru6l thee how thou fhouldft put off the old man, and walk hereafter in newnefs of fpirit, and how thou fhouldft daily bend and endeavour thyfelf, with all thy force, to grow to more perfe6lion. Therefore, as often as, by read- ing over thefe things, thou findeft that thou haft not obferved all in fuch fort as I have To the Faithful SouL 237 commanded thee, or that thou haft faulted in fome little part thereof, fo often ftill re- new thy good intention, by ftirring up a new fervour of zeal in thee. And although I give thee thefe to read, yet I defire, not- withftanding, that the ears of thy heart fhould always be open to my infpirations, whereby thou mayeft not only outwardly read them, but inwardly hear thefe leffons from me. 13. And the reafon why I would have thefe my written infpirations laid before thine eyes, is becaufe thou art for the moft part delighted with vain letters and meffages from thy friends, which do pro- cure in thy heart nothing but diftraftion, an unfavoury kind of difquiet, and a perilous kind of darknefs. Therefore, when thou haft contemned thefe vanities, and forfaken them quite, I have given thee thefe wholefome inftru6lions, that thou mighteft have fome good thing for me to read, and to occupy thy mind withal. And that thou mighteft by the confideration of them, and for the love of me, defpife all other things which feek to pollute thy 238 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl heart. And the more that I, who am thy Spoufe, and gave thee thefe leffons, O Soul, ought to be beloved, the more acceptable ought this inftruftion to be unto thee, which proceeded from me, that am not only worthy to be beloved, but moft worthy of all things to be beloved, and deferve above all things moft to be defired, yea, and ought before all things moft to pleafe and delight thee. 14. I would have thee alfo the more faithfully to obferve thefe precepts, feeing all thefe things which I have delivered unto thee are not to delight a carnal and worldly heart but a fpiritual, and fuch an one as is devout towards me, and feeing they do not pleafe the ears with picked phrafes and trifling words, but they feed the loving foul with truth and wholefome counfel. It re- maineth only now to warn thee, that thou be watchful and diligent, for I ftand at the door of thy heart and knock. Open thy heart, therefore, unto me, O, my Sifter, O my Spoufe, give me thy heart, and defire me only, feeing I do fo much defire thee. But affure thyfelf of this one thing, thou canft To the Faithful Soul, 239 never receive me as long as thou loveft any thing befides me. Thou canft never have me as long as thou haft any thing of thy- felf without me. Thou canft never enjoy me as long as thou poffeffeft thyfelf. Go, therefore, out of thyfelf, and forfake thyfelf, that I only may poffefs thee, and that thou only mayeft poffefs me. This is a fhort time which is prefent, but that which fol- loweth is without all limitation of time and eternal, without any end. 15. Be watchful, therefore, my Daughter. I do once again exhort thee, receive me for thy husband, O Soul,0 Daughter, O Spoufe, and fhew thyfelf in all purity, without all hypocrify or diffimulation, a fpoufe worthy of me. Love me, who am thy Lord and Redeemer, think of me, take heed to thy- felf, have confideration of thine own eftate. Cleave unto me, and perfevere with me to the end. Live happily henceforth in me, and fo I bid thee farewell. 240 An Epiftle of Jefus Chrijl THE INSTRUCTIONS: That follow are very fit and profitable for all Men, Tliey are divided into two rules^ a7td may either be called Rules of Direc- tion for Ma^is Life, or elfe the Fraternity of the Difciples of Chrifi, that is to fay, of fuch as defere to imitate the life of Chrifi, a7id feek to live after the rule of the Gofpel, and do fiudy with all their endeavour to attain to the Perfe6lion of Charity, pESUS CHRIST, who was made man for your fakes, did preach unto the world in times paft, and did deliver them one rule of life by my Gofpel, for the falvation of them all ; he that believeth it can never err, and he that obferveth it can never perifh. For it only is fufficient alone for the falvation of man's foul, being well obferved, and it inftru6leth a man fully in all virtue and perfection. To the Faithful Soul. 241 2. Wherefore, if men did live after that rule, there were no need of the rules of Monks, there were no need of any fraterni- ties, or affociations, and companies of men that live under one rule and order, there were no need of any Canons whatfoever, feeing that they which did live purely and fmcerely, after the rules of my Gofpel, needed no other thing to inftruft them in all perfe6lion. But after that men forfook the rule of my Gofpel, and every man did only think upon his own proper commodity according to the nature of men, it came then to pafs, not without my counfel and the dire6lion of my fpirit, that many of my faints did devife fundry means whereby they might root out of men's minds the love of the world and of them- felves, which made them quite forfake me, and grow cold in the zeal of my Gofpel and my honour, and befides that they might reftore unto the world a perfe6l courfe of life, how to obferve my Gofpel and com- mandments. 3. Therefore, many of them have fet down certain rules how to keep under and R 242 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrift cut off thofe paffions whereby any occafion is taken to break the law of my Gofpel, and have commanded that thofe things fhould be ftraitly obferved which do ftir up, purify, and ftrengthen the fpirit in all virtue and goodnefs. For they know that the fpirit could never be ftrong, and have the upper hand of the flefh, but by punifh- ing it, and by flying all occafions of evil. For when the fpirit is ftrengthened there will be always in you a charter, a more fervent, and a more conftant love or devo- tion to keep my commandments. And it is evident that thefe holy fervants of mine, for this caufe had a will to appoint all things in fuch fort as might be for the furtherance of men in following the courfe of my Gofpel, and would not permit the fmalleft tittle that might be againft the rule thereof. 4. It appeareth manifeftly alfo that fome ^ which lived after them added new conftitu- tions and many ceremonies to thefe rules, and do more feverely and fharply punifh men for their tranfgreffion of thefe cere- monies than of my Gofpel, which is a very prepofterous courfe, and contrary to all To the Faithful Soul. 243 good order. For a man is reprehended and puniflied if he fpeak out of time, if he fmg out of tune, or if he offend in any of thefe ceremonies. But I had rather (although I allow of thefe) that there fhould not be fmaller but much greater care had of Evangelical precepts than of thefe ceremonies, and that there fhould be a fharper cenfure againft thofe that break my commandment than againft fuch as offend in thefe ceremonies. As for example, I would not have them go unpunifhed which fwear by my name, which backbite any body, which hate their neighbours, or do any fuch thing as my Gofpel doth forbid. For there muft needs be appointed fharper difcipline, and there muft always be feverer laws ordained and appointed to punifh thofe which do break my commandments ; and for the obfervation whereof, the ancient fathers in times heretofore did prefcribe fundry rules. But what fhall I fay ? I fee that you in thefe days do neither obferve my Gofpel nor yet the rules of the ancient fathers. You boaft of my words in your mouth, and of my Gofpel in your common 244 ^^ Epijile of J ejus Chrijl talk, but it appeareth manifeftly how far I am from your heart, feeing you do not love me nor my commandments. 5. Return you, therefore, now (although it be late) who have walked fo long in crooked paths with your hearts unto me ; do penance, and believe in my Gofpel, and do not only believe whatfoever my Gofpel teacheth, but by believing it, and loving it, do whatfoever it commandeth. If you will be Chriftians, if you will be my Difciples, imitate me, learn of me, becaufe I am weak and humble of heart ; walk ye as I have walked. Moreover, if you will be Monks, if you will be Priefts, or if you will be Religious men, do thofe things which are of the fpirit, and mortify by the fpirit the Avorks of the flefh. If you be (as you fay) Evangelical, and followers of my Gofpel, do thofe things which my Gofpel doth com- mand you ; how long will you fay unto me, Lord, Lord, and will not do thofe things which I fay ? Do thofe things which I command you, and fhew yourfelves to be my friends, not in words only, but in deed and in truth, for he that heareth To the Faithful Soul. 245 my words, he that hath my commandments and doeth them, this is he that loveth me. 6. And for ftirring up again that fervent zeal which hath been heretofore in men's minds, and for renewing the obfervance of my Gofpel, which is almoft worn out of ufe, I deHver now unto thofe who are my friends, and devoutly afifefted towards me, two very ihort rules. Whereof the one is very fit for fuch as be lefs perfe6l, and but new beginners in following of my fervice ; and the other for fuch as are more perfeft, and defire with all earneftnefs to attain to a moft chafte love of me. Wherein there is taught no heap of ceremonies, or multitude of prayers, but a reformation of the con- fcience and inward man, and a devotion of the mind. There is nothing entreated of touching the colour or fafhion of garments, but the defires and endeavours of men are ftirred up to the honouring and following of Evangelical obedience. And there is one kind of fraternity made and fet down in this place, whereby the minds of many may be united in one, and the intents of all fuch agree in one, as do love and ferve me. 246 An Epijile of J ejus Chrijl No man is here of neceffity bound to vow the obfervance of thofe things (although that avow doth very much adorn, ftrengthen, and enrich a good will), neither yet doth it make a man, if men offend therein, farther guilty of a fault than the tranfgreffion of my law doth pronounce him. 7. But I do give a Law to all thofe that defire to ferve me, agreeable to every man's ability, and I do temper it in fuch fort as every man, being affifted by my grace, may keep and fulfil it. For my will is that all men fhould be faved, and I have furthered them by my help unto it, fo far as it was my good will and pleafure. And in this refpefl I do often forbear fmners, and wink at their infirmities that are weak, left I fhould break afunder a broken reed, or fhould extinguifh or altogether put out fmoking wood. And therefore, being de- firous to gather together unto me all thofe that ferve me, I have divided them into two kinds. In the firft, I place thofe that be weak and new beginners ; and in the fecond, thofe that be more perfe6l and long-prac- tifed in my fervice ; and I have fet down To the Faithful SouL 247 fuch precepts for them both as I have chofen out of my Gofpel, and are moft agreeable to their ftate and vocation. An Instruction or Rule for fuck as be Weak and Imperfe£ly and but New Beginners in my Service, fHOSOEVER will vow himfelf to be one of my foldiers, and to fight in my warfare, and give me his promife in that behalf, if he cannot at the beginning beware of all fins, yet let him fpecially beware of mortal fins. If thou, therefore, defirefl to be ac- counted in the number of my faithful fer- vants, beware of fin, and cut off and fly all occafions of finning. Efchew evil, and do good, for I will never enter into a wicked and malicious foul, neither will I dwell in a body fubje6l to fin. 2. Never fpare thy life or temporal goods, if it may either deliver or preferve thy neighbour's foul from mortal fin. For thou oughteft to efteem more any foul 248 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl whatfoever (for the falvation whereof I gave my life) than thy body or temporal goods, and I ought to be more precious in thine eyes, for whofe honour thou doeft it, than thy corporal or temporal life. Never give thy confent, therefore, to any fm, but fpecially to mortal fm, whether it be in thyfelf or another. Whatfoever thou wouldft not have done unto thyfelf do not unto another. Ufe no fraud, pra6life no de- ceit, do no injury. And if thefe things be offered thee, bear them with filence for my fake, or at the leaft, complain no otherwife of them than juftly, and after a juft and right- ful manner. For I have commanded my fer- vants to profecute that juftly which is juft. 3. Never requite evil with evil, nor re- proach with reproach, never repay wrong with wrong, but fuffer all for the love of me, who, when I was railed on, did not rail again ; when I fufifered, did not threaten mine enemies, but did willingly fubmit my- felf to an unjuft fentence. Do thou, there- fore, in like fort, if thine enemy hunger, feed him ; if he thirft, give him to drink. Thou oughteft to love thine enemy, and to To the Faithful Soul. 249 do good to thofe that hate thee, that thou mayeft be the fon of the Father that is in heaven, who doeth good not only to thofe who are good, but to the evil alfo. Be merciful as thy Father in heaven is merci- ful ; give alms to thy neighbour, if thou haft ability, or beftow daily at the leaft one benefit or other upon him, or fome good turn, or fome fervice, or fome work of mercy, or fome deed of charity. 4. And thou oughteft faithfully to exer- cife thyfelf in this exercife, in taking of compaffion, or fuccouring of thy neighbour. For whofoever is merciful towards another fhall obtain mercy at my hands, and who- foever fhall do anything to the leafh of my fervants, whether it be good or evil, I will account it as done unto myfelf If thou liveft according to the flefh thou fhalt die, but if thou dofb mortify the works of the flefh with the fpirit thou fhalt live. Mortify, therefore, thy defires, thy fenfes, and thy members here upon earth, that thou mayefl not do whatfoever thy carnal appetite doth provoke thee unto. Thou fhouldft every day, at the leaft, no lefs than once withdraw, 250 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl reftrain, and deny thy confent for my fake, to fomething which thou defireft or Avherein thou dehghteft. And if there hap- pen nothing that day wherein thou mayeft bridle thine affe6lion in this fort, yet do it for the love of me as occafion is offered, in barring thyfelf from having, feeling, feeing, or hearing fomewhat which thou much de- fireft, or to which thy concupifcence and the curiofity of thy nature doth move thee. And although there is no other fruit to be reaped by it, yet deny thine own will in this point, and kill this defire in thee for the love of me. Thou mufl never fwear, but being enforced by lawful authority for a matter of truth before a Judge ; thou muft never fpeak of my name in vain, or unpro- fitably, or make a lie at any time. 5. Either read or hear Mafs every day if thy ftate or office will permit thee, and do it in the memory and honour of my charity, and of all my benefits which I have heretofore moft abundantly and willingly poured upon men, and do daily from time to time beftow upon them. But if thou canft not hear Mafs, fay with the fame intention To the Faithful Soul. 251 the prayer which I taught my Difciples, and the falutation of the Angel to my blef- fed Mother, and offer me up to my Father in thy heart, and with me all thofe good works which I and my fervants either do or have done for thee, and the univerfal Church. 6. Thou oughteft every month once at the leaft facramentally to confefs thy fms, and to receive the Sacrament of my bleffed Body, at the feaft of my Nativity, and Refurre6lion, at Pentecoft alfo, and at the Affumption of my Mother, and at the feaft of All-Saints, except living under fome vow or in fome Monaftery, thou be reftrained there by the rule of thy life to do the fame. Thou oughteft to adore me every day early in the morning, being One God in Trinity of Perfons, and to recommend thyfelf to my proteftion, and to pray that I would defend thee, and all the world from fm. He that is fo fimple as he cannot perform this, let him read with a devout intention a Pater nojler and an Ave Maria, 7. When thou haft no better mental ex- ercifes, by internal meditation and by fome- 252 An Epiftle of ye/us Chrijl what that may kindle a more fervent zeal in thee, fay every day in the honour of my Paf- fion and my Wounds, five Pater nojlers and fo many Ave Marias. Moreover, fay every week in the veneration and honour of my Mother a hundred and fifty Ave M arias y that is, three Rofaries, every Rofary con- taining in itfelf fifty. 8. Make alfo every day in the veneration and honour of the Sacrament of my bleffed Body, two low curtfies, reverences, or adora- tions. One to give me thanks for that charity and benefits which I fhewed towards thee in my Incarnation, Death and Paffion, and in the inftitution of this Bleffed Sacrament. Another to give me as much honour as lieth in thee, in recompenfe of that re- proach which I fufifered at their hands that receive my precious Body unworthily, and do handle it impurely. Thou muft every day make two other adorations or curtfies, one to obtain the fruit which I, dying, pro- cured for all men by my Paffion, and by the eff"ufion of my blood and lofs of my life, and which I have a will that all men fhould be partakers of. To the Faithful SotiL 253 9. Thou muft in this alfo pray that I may pour my grace fo into the heart of every man, as they may receive the fame virtue, efficacy, and fruit of my Paffion, which, being upon the Crofs and fufifering there, I wrought for them, and in fuch abundant fort as I by my death did offer it unto them. Thou muft make another kind of curtfey, or fome kind of humiHation of thyfelf in my prefence, to praife me and give me thanks for the effufion of my Blood, and for all my mercies which I have at any time poured out, both upon the good and bad ; and thou muft pray for their con- verfion who are in damnable fins, and for the reformation of the Church ; they that cannot conceive thus much, let them fay with a devout intention, two Pater nojlers and two Ave Marias. 10. Thou muft faft every Friday, if in- firmity, weaknefs, labour, neceffity, travail, age, or fome other reafonable occafion do not let or hinder thee. Or if it like thee better, thou mayeft eat twice that' day, fo that it be temperately and very fparingly, and that thou ufeft no fodden meat at fup- 2 54 ^^^ Epijlle of JefiLS Chriji per, whereby thou mayeft punifh thy flefh, at the leaft a little, and bring thyfelf to bewail the bitternefs of my Death and Paf- fion. Learn diligently to know the com- mandments of my Gofpe land the precepts of my Church, and when thou haft learned them do not break them, for the love of any earthly thing whatfoever. Another Instruction Or Rule for fuch as, with a more fervent Zeal and Spirit, do earnejlly Labour to attain to Perfection, HAVE placed thofe in this fecond divifion which, forget- ting clean all things that are paft, defire ever to come to a better and more perfe6l courfe ; and there- fore this rule fhall be for fuch as, feeking to attain to true perfection, do covet with a longing mind to be made one with me, and wholly united unto me. 2. Wherefore, whofoever thou be that defireft to ferve me with thy whole heart, To the Faithful Soul, 255 and to pleafe me in all things, thou muft not with thy certain knowledge and de- liberate judgment offend in any fm, al- though it be but venial ; and thou muft defire inftantly at my hands, with moft humble and devout prayers, that I may keep and preferve thee from all kind of fm. Thou muft be holy as I am holy ; thou muft be perfe6l as I am perfe6l ; thou muft be holy, I fay, in my fight, and when thou art fo, thou muft remember that it is not of thyfelf but it proceedeth from me. Thou muft not think otherwife of thyfelf than of a moft wicked fmner, that had infinite times deferved eternal damnation, if my moft benevolent and ever moft ready mercy had not been always at hand to preferve and deliver thee from it. 3. Walk in that vocation whereunto thou art called, and live according to the ftate and rule of thy vocation. Obferve dili- gently and perform faithfully whatfoever my holy Scripture commandeth thee, and whatfoever thou promifeft with thy mouth unto me. It is alfo thy duty, not only to enquire after my commandments, but to 256 An Epijlle of Jefits Chrijl feek to know my pleafure in all things, and to afk my counfel, and even with a certain earneft defire to follow and fulfil them both. 4. Lead a folitary life, being feparated from all unneceffary bufmeffes, from fami- liarity, and difcourfes with men, and give thyfelf to filence, folitarinefs, and prayer, as much as thy ftate will permit thee. My Apoftle faith that the fervant of God ought not to be contentious ; contend thou not therefore in words. Abftain alfo from every idle word, but chiefly from all carnal and back-biting fpeeches ; never fpeak any- thing, nor yet hear any thing, of thofe which be abfent but that which is good. And although that it may fometime be done with a good intention to fpeak evil of him that is abfent, yet never confent to fpeak or to hear evil of- him, except the matter which is fpoken of be moft certain and apparent. And yet, if thou doft exceed in this, thou mufl not go away unpunifhed, but thou muft enjoin fome penance and punifhment to thyfelf for thine offence. 5. Obferve fobriety in meat and drink, To the Faithfitl Soul. 257 and ufe all my creatures with temperance, that thou mayeft be made poor in fpirit with the love of me, delighting in no worldly thing whatfoever, but as a ftranger and wayfaring man. Look upon all things in this world with a pure and free heart, not fubje6l any way unto them, but as it were paffmg lightly by them, not having any defire to remain with them. 6. Accuftom thyfelf to fhew all humility, meeknefs, benignity, and piety towards thy neighbours, remembering and behold- ing me in every man, and frame thyfelf to deal fo with them, as thou wouldft deal with me. For in truth I take any thing whatfoever thou doft to thy neighbour as done unto myfelf 7. Thou oughteft to judge no man, nor yet intrude thyfelf to difpute, or to give thy judgment of other men's matters and confciences, whatfoever they be ; except thou art appointed a judge by me, and fo by the virtue of thine office art to give thy judgment therein. And yet, notwithftand- ing, if thou fhalt fee any man offend, and doft hope to do him fome good by thine S 258 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijt admonition (or at the leaft haft no miftruft to make him commit more grievous fms by thy reprehenfion) thou mayeft courteoufly admonifh him who doth fin, earneftly and gently entreating him, that he would be mindful of his own falvation and amend his fault. But if he feek to defend himfelf, and obftinately contend with thee in maintain- ing of his doing, do not thou difpute with him, except thou have hope by little and little to bring him to a better courfe ; neither yet labour to defend thine own fpeech when it is to no purpofe, but give him place humbly, without any anger and with all meeknefs and quietnefs. 8. Likewife, if thou art reprehended at any time without a caufe, thou mayeft, if thou wilt, gently and mildly give an ac- count of thy dealing, but thou fhalt do better (except any fcandal might arife thereby) if thou doft humbly afk pardon, and without any excufing of thyfelf pro- mife amendment (as far as thou mayeft law- fully do without offending of me) and withal thou mayeft give him thanks to fhew thy charity who did in this fort admonifh thee. To the Faithful Soul. 259 9. I have heretofore warned men in my Gofpel, that if any man will come after me he mufb deny himfelf For as in the deny- ing of a man's felf the whole perfe6lion of a man's life confifteth, fo by the love of a man's felf he cometh ever to ruin and de- ftru6lion. Labour, therefore, by all the means that thou mayeft, for the utter deny- ing of thyfelf, and let it be thy principal ftudy how to mortify thine own will in thee. Thou muft fo difpofe of all thine own matters as thou mayeft be ready either to do or omit things, in fuch fort as thou fhalt be counfelled and advifed by fome good man, or one that feareth God, if thou haft not a fpiritual governor. 10. Truft not thine own judgment in any thing. Do nothing of thine own head, chiefly in doubtful things where there may be danger. And therefore thou muft not procure for thyfelf any thing in feeking to pleafe thine own appetite (except fuch things only as do manifeftly appear with- out all doubt to be acceptable unto me), but thou muft rather refpeft the profit of many, and thou muft ever prefer before all things 26o An Epiftle of Jefus Chrijl my honour, and commit thyfelf wholly to my Providence. I will take care of thee, I will take the charge upon myfelf to pro- vide for thee ; and let this be thine only fhudy, to behave thyfelf in fuch fort as thou do nothing to the derogation of my honour, and the refifting of my good pleafure. II. But to the end that thy work maybe more pleafmg unto me, by the denying of thyfelf (if thou liveft not in the monaftic courfe of life) thou mayeft for the under- taking and performance of this courfe pro- mife thy obedience herein to a Prieft or fome other man that feareth me ; neither ought the infelicity of this prefent age, nor the impiety of wicked men, which do flander and impugn vows and promifes made unto God, yea even fuch as are moft profitable for man's falvation, either move or dif- courage thee any whit. But thou oughteft to be the rather induced by this to rely thyfelf upon my mercy, and firmly to be- lieve that I, who have given thee an afpira- tion to have a will to do well, and to make a holy vow, will alfo give thee power and To the Faithful Soul. 261 ability to fulfil it. For neither of them proceed from thyfelf, but it cometh from my grace both to have a will to do well, and to do well indeed, and both to promife and perform thofe things which are profit- able for thy falvation. 12. Choofe a place that is fecret, and defire to live hid and unknown, and difclofe not thy counfels to every body, but to him only who is the direftor and guide of thy confcience. Be not careful or defirous to pleafe men, feek not for their commenda- tion, or to have a name amongft them, neither yet ftudy to do any thing whereby thou mayeft obtain a great opinion, praife, or admiration amongft them, feeing that all things are proper to me only, to which any praife or commendation is due. But en- deavour rather fo to bridle thine affeftions as that thou mayeft, in all fimplicity and purity of heart, think worfe and more bafely of thyfelf than of any other, and be defirous that other men fhould conceive the like opinion of thee. So as whatfoever thou doft, whether it be a thing worthy of commendation, or elfe fuch a thing as 262 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl may make thee to be contemned and re- proached of others, be no more moved with it (if it be not fm) either inwardly in thy mind, or outwardly in thy fhew, by entering into any paffion, than thou wouldfb be if any other man had done the fame. 13. Boaft nothing- of thyfelf, glory nothing in thyfelf, challenge and afcribe nothing to thyfelf, by the means of my gifts, attribute no more to thyfelf for any virtue that is in thee, or for any good works that are done by thy means, than thou wouldft do to a hatchet or any other inftru- ment, which is nothing at all in itfelf, and is able to do nothing by itfelf, but if any thing be done by it, it is by the will of the Artificer who worketh with it, and who could do the fame by another inftrument if it pleafed him. For in that it is come to be an inftrument, and that it hath any thing in itfelf whereby it may now be em- ployed to fome ufe, it hath not this ability of itfelf, nor from any other, but from the Artificer, who did frame it in fuch fort as it may work and do fomewhat. But with- To the Faithful Soul. 263 out an Artificer, or one to work with it, it lieth ftill unprofitable, and ferveth to no purpofe. 14. In like fort muft he think of himfelf who defireth to be my fon and to imitate my humility, and will undertake to follow this rule of life ; he muft confider of his own eftate, how full he is of miferies, defefts, fins, and infirmities. Moreover, he ought to look into every man, and refpeft thofe things only in them wherein I have adorned them with any grace and virtue, that he may be brought by this confidera- tion to acknowledge himfelf always in- ferior unto them all. And let him not challenge or afcribe any thing unto himfelf for thofe virtues, operations, and good gifts, which I beftow upon him ; but let him make no other account of them than if they were in another, and let him give the praife and glory of them all unto me wholly, without challenging of any thing to himfelf thereby. 15. And therefore thou which defireft to be a follower of this rule muft have great care of thyfelf, and thou muft fo diligently 264 An Epijile of yefiis Chriji look into thine own behaviour, and be fo watchful in all thy a6lions, as thou neither mayeft feek any thing, nor bend thyfelf to defire or follow any thing befides me ; that is, thou muft defire nothing but my glory, and the fulfilling of my pleafure only. Wherefore, in what thing foever thou findeft thyfelf to bear rule, that is, in what thing foever thou feekeft to pleafe thyfelf, or findeft felf-love to reign in thee, there thou muft renounce thyfelf, and omit wholly the doing of that thing (if thou haft no lawful impediment to the contrary) feeing by it thou didft not feek to pleafe me w^ith a pure intention. 16. Thou muft complain to no man of thofe croffes which thou fuffereft, except it . be to have counfel at their hands ; for thou oughteft to receive all things thankfully which I fend thee, and to refer all things unto me. Therefore, howfoever the ftorms of affliftion fhall violently affail thee, or in what fort foever adverfity fhall chance to overwhelm thee, have thou a mind ever ready to endure all patiently, being wholly fubjefl to me, and for me to all creatures. To the Faithful Soul. 265 Endeavour with violence to reprefs thefe motions which rife up againft thee, and labour clean to forfake thyfelf, and be not moved with any paffion againft men, neither yet contend, difpute, or refift them. 17. Seek not, moreover, means to avoid affliftions, nor to deliver thyfelf from them, but be content to receive all things with filence, in peace and tranquillity, and with an indifferent mind, as willing to receive adverfity as profperity at my hands. And be content to bear them with all quietnefs in thy foul, as long as it fhall be my plea- fure. And when thou art in adverfity, do not feek with a deliberate intention, that is, of fet purpofe, for any confolation, though it be never fo little, but commit all things unto me, and patiently expe6l the event, and end of all things from my hands. 18. Thou muft confefs thy fms facra- mentally to a Prieft every week no lefs than once, but thou muft do it to me every day in prayer, and that very often, with the forrow of thy heart, and with an humble accufation of thyfelf for thy manifold offences ; and thou muft offer thyfelf unto 266 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl me ready in all things to fet forth my glory, and to fulfil my pleafure. 19. Thou muft receive alfo the Sacra- ment of my Bleffed Body every month, once at the leaft, if thou canfb not every week once or twice, and thou muft not omit to make thofe curtfies which I fet down in the former rule in the veneration of my glorious Sacrament, and in the memory of my death. If thou fhalt fail in any of thefe things heretofore recited, thou fhalt not thereby be guilty of a new fault by undertaking the performance of this rule, neither ftialt thou offend more by the means of it, than another which liveth without this rule and fraternity ; but for every tranfgreffion which thou makeft by being overcome with thine own inconftancy, do not ceafe altogether from following this good purpofe of thine, but enjoin thyfelf for thy penance and punifhment to fay one Ave MariUy or fome greater penance, as thou ftialt think convenient. Thou muft fay every night, notwithftanding, three Ave Marias before my moft holy and glorious Mother. One for thofe negligences which To the Faithful Soul. 267 thou haft ignorantly committed, and which thou doft not remember. Another, to en- treat me by her interceffion for the amend- ment of thy Hfe, perfeverance in virtue, and obtaining of my grace. The third, that the worfhipping and honouring of me may be daily amphfied, enlarged, augmented, and increafed, either by this rule or by what other means foever that fliall feem beft unto me. 20. Ufe fuch fpiritual exercifes as are moft agreeable to thy devotion, ftate, and nature, wherein thou mayeft fpend thy time profitably, and be lifted by them in thy heart unto me, increafing daily in goodnefs, and enforcing thyfelf from time to time to do better and better. He that will under- take to follow this fraternity or rule, and govern himfelf according to the prefcript order thereof, let him kneel before the image of me crucified, if he be alone or had rather be fecret by himfelf, and let him earneftly entreat me that I will vouchfafe to receive him for my difciple, that I will pour my grace upon him, and both ftrengthen and confirm this good will in 268 An Epijlle of J ejus Chrijl him fo fully, as he may refolve conftantly, and unremovably, to live according to thefe rules and direftions. Let him alfo teach others, and gain fouls unto me, and bring them unto my fervice. But if there be many that undertake to follow thefe rules, they may exhort one another in me, and may be united in brotherly charity, by the means of the likenefs and unity they have in their courfe of life, in that they all do follow this fraternity. And let them not receive every rnan at all adventures into their fociety, efpecially fuch as there is no hope of the conftancy of their mind, and perfeverance of devotion, left that their lightnefs and inftability, which do not en- deavour to attain to the perfe6lion of that courfe they have undertaken, may difcou- rage others in their good purpofe, and make them give over their holy intention. To the Faithful SouL 269 Verses for Helping A Man's Memory, wherein are expreffed the Principal and Mojl Special Points of thofe Good Leffons which are compre- hended in thefe Rules, Have fpecial care to rule thy tongue ; Forbear to pleafe thy carnal will ; Do good to all, while time thou haft, And what thou art remember ftill. Forfake thyfelf, it is not much, Chrift took for thee much greater pain ; Be meek in mind, that thou with Him In endlefs glory may'fb remain. Y the rule of thy tongue is un- derfhood, that thou muft refrain from all idle, back-biting, con- tentious and quarrelling words, and from all complaining fpeeches. By for- bearing to pleafe thy will, is meant that thou muft wean thyfelf from the defire of all vain pleafures, tranfitory things, and earthly delights, and that thou muft mortify all thy fenfes. By doing good to every man, thou art exhorted to perform all the 270 An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl works of mercy and charity towards thy neighbours. And in that thou art willed to remember what thou art, it is to make thee know thyfelf, and to humble thee, be- caufe if thou look into thine own ability, thou fhalt plainly find that thou art merely nothing of thyfelf, nor yet able by thyfelf to do anything at all. By forfaking of thyfelf is meant, that thou muft renounce thine own will, deny thine own felf, and feek to pleafe God only, and wholly with a pure intention. Laftly, thou art exhorted to be meek in mind, whereby is fignified that thou muft ufe all meeknefs, courtefy, and benignity towards thy neighbours, and thou muft ever retain all peace, quietnefs, and tranquillity in thy foul, patiently expefting the pleafure of Almighty God and accepting always in the beft part of His providence, whatfoever it Ihall be His will to fend thee. Christo Laudes et Sanct^ Matri Ejus Honor. Amen. To the Faithful Soul. 271 A VERY Short Exercise of Love TO God. The Father, God the Son, a7id God the Holy Ghojl, tlu Mojl Bleffed Trinity, and 07te true God, wherewith a Man ought once every day to offer himfelf with his whole Soul u7ito his Divine Majejly, and to give Hifn "jnojl humble Thanks for all the Bene- fits which he hath received at His moJl gracious Jtands, LORD, my God, who art infinite goodnefs itfelf, and both un- changeable and unfpotted ac- cording to all perfeftions which I can conceive of Thee, always remaining the very same that Thou wert from the be- ginning. Thou madeft every creature for Thy glory. Thou doft preferve and govern them with fuch wifdom that, being fo many, so great, and fo divers as they are, there is none which doth withdraw himfelf 272 An Epijlle of Jefus Chri/i from being under Thy fubjeftion, and yet thou doft neither dig nor labour, but al- ways remaineft in moft bleffed quiet. Thou haft created me according to Thine own image and likenefs, and doft preferve me in that being which I am. Thou haft re- deemed me of moft pure charity by the death of Thy moft Bleffed Son, and in moft painful and troublefome manner, that Thou mighteft fhew unto me the riches of Thy grace, the bounty of Thy mercy, and the exceedingnefs of Thy love towards me. Thou haft made me to come in a noble fort to the acknowledging of Thy moft holy name. Thou haft brought me to that moft Holy Religion, and Thou haft raifed me to fo high a dignity. Thou haft directed me always in Thine own prefence, and haft car- ried a fpecial regard towards me, and Thou haft made me to find favour in the eyes of Thy fervants, that they might take care of my falvation. 2. Thou haft delivered me alfo from many dangers and tribulations, both of body and foul, from infirmities, from fick- neffes, from beggary, from fallings head- To the Faithful Soul. 273 long, from fundry perils, from wicked men, from drowning, and from infinite other mifchiefs which might have happened to me as well as to others, if Thy love and mercy had not delivered me from them. Thou haft alfo moft often delivered me from fin, from falling into the gulf of fin- ners, from being devoured by them, and from eternal damnation. Thou haft, more- over, given me a firm confidence to believe that Thou haft chofen me to eternal happi- nefs, wherein Thou wilt manifeft Thine own felf unto me. Oh, I ftiall then plainly know and fee Thee, my Lord and God ; I fliall love Thee perfe6lly and moft purely ; I ftiall find moft bleffed peace in enjoying Thee only ; and I fhall always moft fincerely praife and glorify Thee with all Thy Saints. O merciful God, confirm this, and perform this quickly in me. O Lord, my God, for all the benefits that Thou haft wrought, and fhall work in me, and in every one of Thy creatures, be all honour, glory, thanks, duti- ful fervice, hearty afife6lion, chafte fear, and fincere love to Thy Divine Majefty, world without end, Amen, T 2 74 ^^ Epijile of J ejus Chriji 3. O merciful God, make me thankful, and pardon me, I befeech Thee moft gra- cioufly,for all thofe abominable ingratitudes, intolerable negligences, and innumerable fms, which I have committed againft Thee, (and if thou haft communicated thou mayeft add to this and fay,) for Thine own fake, and by the virtue of Thy Bleffed Sacrament which I have received, root out of my heart all malice, grant me an humble confeffion, a hearty forrow, a difcreet abhorring, a zea- lous forfaking and a neceffary deteftation of all my fms, and both true repentance and a perfeft amendment in this life. Grant, alfo, that I may never again offend Thee, for Thine unfpeakable mercy and infinite good- nefs, and make me to love with all the affeftion that it is poffible for me Thy moft fweet friendfhip, and Thy moft precious grace ; excite me mioft earneftly to defire it, and quickly to find it, with perfeverance therein even to the end. O merciful God, grant that I may not negleft this goodnefs and long-fuffering of Thine. Strengthen me always, both in foul and body, to do Thee fervice, and grant me Thy grace that I may To the Faithful Soul, 275 foberly ufe Thy creatures, to the glory and praife of Thy name. 4. I give Thee thanks, O Lord Jefu, and Thee, O Holy Ghoft, being equal with the eternal Father, which wert content, for my falvation, to be conceived of the fame Holy Ghoft, and to be born of the moft pure Virgin Mary, and to be made man. What do I owe Thee, and how much am I bound unto Thee, O Lord Jefu } O God, who wert man ; O man, who wert God ; O Meffias ; O Chrift, the anointed of our Lord ; O Emmanuel ; O God with us ; O Lord of exceeding Majefty, and moft con- ftant Lover of men, how wert Thou made a mortal man, fubje6l to a mortal life, to fheddings of Thy blood, to perfecutions, to forrow, to pains, and chiefly to the tor- ments of the Crofs, when Thou wert made poor and miferable, and moft vile and con- temptible in the fight of all men ! What fhall I render unto Thee, O fweet Lover, for that moft bitter death which Thou fuf- feredft for me, and for that unfpeakable charity which Thou fhewedft tow^ards me .^ 5. I befeech Thee, O Lord Jefus, by Thy 276 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl Incarnation, by Thy remaining in the Vir- gin's womb ; by the joy of Thy foul, at the grace of Thine union, when Thy divinity and humanity were joined in one; by Thy Nativity in winter-time, by the pain of Thy Circumcifion, by the veneration wherewith the Sages did adore Thee, by Thy prefenta- tion in the temple, by Thy flight into Egypty by Thy banifhment there, by Thy fearful return again into Thine own country ; by Thy fubje6lion, obedience, and moft virtuous life; by the penance which Thou didft for our fms ; by Thy baptifm, fafting, and temptation in the wildernefs ; by Thy penury, poverty, and neceffity which Thou enduredft in this mortal life; by all the troubles which Thou feltft; by Thy moft gracious virtues, and glorious life; by that ingratitude which Thou didfl endure at the Jews' hands, when they would have thrown Thee down headlong from the top of the hill ; when they fought traitoroufly to entrap Thee in Thy words and deeds, and when they did devife how to ftone Thee with their violent hands. 6. I befeech Thee, alfo, by Thy modefty, To the Faithful Soul. 277 humility, patience, meeknefs, and all the other virtues; by the humiliation of Thyfelf at Thy difciples' feet, when Thou wafhedft them ; by the inftitution of the moft Bleffed Sacrament of Thy precious Body, and by the moft delightful tafte and unfpeakable fweetnefs thereof; by Thy fadnefs, agony, and bloody fweat which Thou didft endure, when Thou prayedft in the garden ; by Thy being forfaken of Thy difciples and all men ; by Thy being betrayed by Thy own fervant; by the bands, reproaches, injuries, buffets, blows, fpitting upon, and blafphe- mies which Thou didfb fufifer ; by the falfe accufation and unjuft condemnation which Thou receivedft ; by Thy grief for wS. Peter's denying Thee, Judas betraying Thee, and the other difciples forfaking Thee ; by Thy being led unto divers Judges, to receive the fentence of death ; by the mockery, naked- nefs, fcourging of Thy body, crowning of Thy head, and vexing of Thy innocent foul ; by Thy being reje6led when Barabbas was accepted; by the unjuft fentence of the Judge ; by Thy being led with thieves ; by the carrying of Thy Crofs ; by the mockery 2"]"^ An Epijile of Jefus Chrijl of Thy adverfaries, and by the fhameful- nefs of Thy death; by the lamentation which devout perfons, but chiefly Thy Mo- ther, made for Thee ; by the toil and weari- nefs which Thou fuftained; by the bitter drink which Thou tafted ; by the plucking of Thy flefh, with the plucking of Thy garments, which Thou endured ; by Thy being ftretched out on the Crofs; by the nailing of Thee to the Crofs, and the tor- ments which Thou there received ; by thofe bleffed tears which Thou didft fhed; by thofe intolerable injuries which Thou didft patiently bear; by Thy moft holy prayer; by the commiferation which Thou tookeft of the thief that faid, '' Lord, remember me when Thou comejl into Thy kingdom!' 7. By the compaffion of Thy Mother, by Thy crying Thou wert forfaken, by Thy drinking of vinegar and gall, by Thy fay- ing all was finifhed, by Thy moft cruel death, by Thy unfpeakable charity where- with Thou fufiferedft it ; by the piercing of Thy fide. Thy Mother looking on; by Thy holy burial, by the heavinefs of Thy friends for Thy death, by Thy refurreftion, by Thy To the Faithful SouL 279 appearing to them again, by Thy afcenfion, by the fending of the Holy Ghoft, by the inftitution and foundation of Thy Church, by the affumption of Thy Mother, by the glorification of Thy Saints, by Thy laft judgment, and by the eternal falvation which Thou wilt grant to Thy fervants' fouls and bodies. Thou didfh rife again from death triumphantly, Thou didft ap- pear to Thy Difciples glorioufiy. Thou didft rejoice their hearts wonderfully, Thou didft afcend up into heaven in their fight mira- culoufly. Thou didft fend the Holy Ghoft to dire6l Thy Church, Thou didft gather up Thy fervants unto Thee, Thou didft affume Thy bleffed Mother to Thy eternal king- dom. Thou fhalt come to judge the quick and the dead. Thou fhalt reign with all Thy Saints world without end ; and let me remain with Thee, O fweet Jefu. 8. What fhall I render unto Thee, O gracious Lover, for that moft bitter death which Thou fufferedft for me, and for that unfpeakable charity which Thou fhewedft towards me ? O good Jefus, make me, I befeech Thee, partaker of all Thy merits 28o An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl and mercies, make me thankful for them, and in recompenfe of them to love Thee again who loved me fo much, and even to be ready to die for Thy love. Pardon me for all mine unworthinefs, all my vilenefs, all my undutifulness, and all my negli- gences, wherein I have offended Thee; teach me true wifdom, that Thou only mayeft be wifdom unto me, and all other things what- foever foolifhnefs. Grant that I may never ufe any kind of concupifcence. Grant me true knowledge, pure intentions, holy pur- pofes, and perfe6l difcretion in my con- fcience, and in Thy holy fervice. Make me ftout and forward to Ihew myfelf fuch an one in the fight of Thy glorious Majefty as becometh me. Encourage me and ftrengthen me againft all faintnefs of heart, errors, fcrupulofities, fancies, and fuch like. 9. Open myunderftanding in judging truly of the Scriptures, and conceiving rightly of Thy good pleafure, that I may know what is acceptable in Thy fight, and when I do know it, grant that I may both love and perform it. Deliver me from taking any care for other men's caufes, or bufying my- To the Faithful Soul. 281 felf with other men's matters, that by this means I may more wholly pleafe Thee, and more perfe6lly, fafely, and quickly come unto Thee. And if it fhall pleafe Thy moft excellent Majefty to work this in me, Thy will be done ; and help me, I befeech Thee, that I may be a profitable member in all Offices touching Thy Ser- vice, and negle6l nothing that may exprefs my duty towards Thee. Make me like unto Thee both in life and manners. Grant me modefty, humility, obedience, patience, and whatfoever elfe is neceffary for my vocation. 10. O moft gracious and loving Lord, quicken me and revive me with Thy grace, feparate me wholly from all evil, and con- vert me altogether unto Thyfelf, and grant that I may hate that which Thou hateft, and love that which Thou loveft. Pvlake me to increafe continually and abundantly in all virtues. Strengthen me and confirm me in Thy Catholic Faith, truly underftood. Increafe faith in me, fettle and fortify in me an affured hope, grant me always to conceive rightly of Thee, and to rely wholly 282 An Epijlle of Jefus Chrijl upon Thee. Give me a firm confidence in Thee and that I may worfhip Thee de- voutly, honour Thee chaftely, and love Thee perfe6lly with a fimple heart, a pure foul, a quiet mind, and a fafe confcience. Grant that Thou only mayeft content me, that Thou only mayeft delight me, and that Thou only mayeft poffefs me; and that I may defire Thee only, love Thee only, and ftudy how to pleafe Thee only. Make me that I may never be feparated from Thee, that I may labour earneftly to come unto Thee, find peace in Thee alone, and quickly come unto Thee. Let all inordinate love be clean mortified in me, and remove all other impediments from me that may hin- der me to come unto Thee, who art only to be defired, and only to be beloved. II. I do confefs Thee, O Lord my God, three perfons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft ; and I do adore and worfhip Thee, One true God, as Thou art in Thyfelf, fubmitting and fubjefting myfelf wholly and irrevocably to Thy moft glori- ous Majefty, as all creatures are bound to do, lying proftrate at Thy feet to yield To the Faitkfocl SotcL 28 o themfelves in everything unto Thee, readily with all good will, perfectly with all obe- dience, and truly with all fincerity. 12. Forgive me, O moft merciful God, that I have not carried that afife6lion to- wards thee which I ought, and grant me Thy grace, that I may worfhip Thee, reverence and love Thee in truth, and in fuch perfe6lion as I am bound. Chrijlo Laiides et Sanfta Matri Ejus Honor, Ame7i, THE END. LONDON : PRINTED BY J. OGDEN AND CO. 172, ST. JOHN STREET, E.G. L-