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(Bureau of Mines information circular; 9138) Bibliography: p. 30. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 9138. 1. Filters and filtration. 2. Magnesia. 3. Mineral industries— Water-supply. 4. Water— Purification— Filtration. 5. Mine drainage. I. Pahlman, J. E. (John E.). II. Title. III. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9138. IM295JJ4-^ [TN535] 622 s [622'.5] 87-600009 CONTENTS Page Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Background 2 Filtration mechanisms 2 Transient behavior 4 Filtration indices 5 Contact filtration of asbestos fibers 6 Granular bed filtration 7 Synthetic suspensions 8 Filtration of kaolin 8 Filtration of milled sand 10 Use of polymer f locculants. 10 Kaolin filtration 10 Filtration of metal precipitates 12 Filtration with mixed MgO-sand beds 13 Applications 13 Steel mill cooling water 13 Process water from magneite benef iciation 14 Process water from flotation of iron ore 15 Mississippi River water 15 Process water for cutting granite 15 Engineering aspects 17 Backwashing of MgO filters 17 Attrition of MgO filters during backwashing 21 Poisoning of MgO filters by heavy metals 23 Filtration parameters 24 Effect of surface charge and particle shape on filtration 24 Removal and head loss coefficients 25 pH and chemical effects 27 Scale formation and mudballing 28 Summary and conclusions 29 References 30 Appendix. — Nomenclature 31 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Transient behavior typical of granular bed filtration 4 2. Filtration of amphibole asbestos by granular MgO and sand filters with and without alum pretreatment 8 3. Filtration with mixed MgO-sand filters 13 4. Filtration of granite-cutting process water 16 5. Bed expansion of MgO versus flow velocity 19 6. Optimum bed porosities calculated from optium Reynolds number 21 7. Binding of MgO filters 22 8. Effects of dissolved heavy metals on MgO filtration 23 9. Cemented MgO chunks containing anthracite grains 28 TABLES 1. Dimensionless filtration parameters 3 2. Contact filtration of asbestos 7 3. Filtration of synthetic suspensions 9 ii TABLES — Continued Page 4. Filtration with polymer f locculants 5. Filtration of steel mill cooling water 6. Filtration of iron ore processing water , 7 . Chemical analysis of process water 8. Fluidization results , 9. Durability study 10. Effects of filter medium surface charge and particle shape on kaolin removal 11. Head loss and removal coefficients of MgO and sand filters for the filtration of kaolin 12. Effect of influent pH on filtration of kaolin suspension flocculated with Al 3+ and Fe 3+ salts 11 14 15 17 20 21 25 26 27 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT °c degree Celsius L/s liter per second cal/(mol deg) calorie per mol per degree m meter mg/L milligram per cm centimeter liter cm 3 cubic centimeter min minute cm H 2 centimeter water (pressure) mm millimeter y m micrometer cm 3 /g cubic centimeter per gram ymho micromho cm/s centimeter per m/s 2 meter per second second per second eV electron volt m 2 /s square meter per second g gram mV millivolt g/cm 3 gram per cubic centimeter NTU nephelometric turbidity unit h hour pet percent K kelvin ppm part per million kg/m 3 kilogram per cubic meter r/min revolutions per minute kg/(m*s) kilogram per meter per second s second L liter vol pet volume percent L/cm 2 liter per square centimeter wt pet weight percent yr year L/min liter per minute MgO FILTRATION RESEARCH By D. N. Tallman 1 and J. E. Pahlman 2 ABSTRACT The Bureau of Mines has completed 4 yr of deep-bed filtration research comparing the efficiencies of granular magnesium oxide (MgO) and conven- tional filter sand in single- and dual-medium filters when filtering mineral-processing and mine waters. Bench and field evaluation tests were conducted using water types ranging from synthetic suspensions of asbestos, kaolin, metal hydroxides, and milled sand to process waters from magnetite benef iciation, iron ore flotation, granite cutting, and a steel mill. Even though the turbidity reductions were similiar, MgO filters were found to be advantageous when filtering water pretreated with alum because the volume throughput before breakthrough (turbidity > 1 NTU unit) was much more for the MgO filter than for the sand filter. Reduced head loss owing to the greater porosity of the MgO filter beds is potentially the most beneficial advantage in employing MgO as the filter medium, especially when filtering water pretreated with polymer flocculants. Granular MgO (periclase) is durable and can be backwashed like sand. It is compatible with anthracite in a dual-medium filter and apparently is not poisoned by dissolved metals in the process water. No single solid-removal mechanism could be identified for the improved fil- tration observed with granular MgO. 1 Research chemist, Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Minneapolis, MN (now with Econ Laboratories, Eagan, MN). ^Supervisory physical scientist, Twin Cities Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Min- neapolis, MN. INTRODUCTION Suspended solids are a common impurity in mine water. Mines rely mainly on flocculation and settling for solid re- moval, but this can be unreliable owing to seasonal variation in water tempera- ture, runoff, and changes in the charac- ter of ores being mined. Filtration is often needed to provide sufficiently pure water to meet mineral processing require- ments and/or statutory effluent limits. Although recyling decreases the volume of discharge needing treatment, it can ad- versely affect plant performance unless the return water is treated to keep con- taminants from reaching unacceptable levels of concentration. The Bureau of Mines has completed 4 yr of research on improving filtration of mine and mineral-processing water using MgO as the filter medium in contact and deep-bed filters. The initial phase of work resulted from a previous study of the surface charge of asbestos fibers in water CO* 3 Numerous candidate materials (sand, calcite, diatomaceous earth, ac- idic alumina, basic alumina, microcrys- talline cellulose, magnesium carbonate, and activated carbon) were tested for re- moving asbestos fibers from water by con- tact filtration, a process that required no pretreatment of the water and that used shallow beds of fine filter media. MgO filter media gave the best removal. The superior performance of MgO was at- tributed to its positive surface charge (2^). The next phase of research was the application of MgO to filtration of other suspended solids occurring in natural waters. Bench-filtration tests that compared MgO and filter sand were per- formed on synthetic suspensions and on mine-water samples (_2-3)« In these tests granular materials were used for practi- cal reasons such as achieving adequate solid-loading capacity and reducing pres- sure drop through the filters. Floccula- tion with alum improved filtration with the granular media, and MgO generally outperformed sand. Field tests were run to validate bench-scale tests on mine water (4^« The remaining phase of research dealt with practical engineering aspects of us- ing MgO filters, such as f luidization, backwashing, and durability. Attempts to derive a model for MgO bed expansion were unsuccessful because there appears to be a transition in the expansion behavior of the MgO for particles between 0.5 and 1.0 mm. MgO was found to be compatible with anthracite but not with sand in dual-medium filters as the anthracite and MgO were easily restratified by backwash- ing. Granular MgO possesses the neces- sary durability to be a filter medium and was apparently not poisoned by dissolved metals in the process water. The MgO filters were tolerent to moderate levels of calcium hardness and carbonate alka- linity, provided adequate backwashing with air scour was available. Cementa- tion of MgO grains with each other or with anthracite grains was observed with scale formation in the filters. Descrip- tions of each phase of research and dis- cussion of pertinent results are pre- sented in this report. BACKGROUND FILTRATION MECHANISMS A detailed theoretical discussion of filtration mechanisms as they pertain to MgO filtration is beyond the scope of this paper. Reviews of the theory of deep-bed filtration are available in the 3 Underlined numbers in parentheses re- fer to items in the list of references preceding the appendix. literature (_5-7)« A brief examination of relevant filtration mechanisms, however, is helpful for understanding the filtra- tion results presented herein. In deep-bed filtration, filter pores are usually large compared with the size of the particles being filtered. Clear- ly, forces other than straining must ac- count for particle retention (_5). Trans- port and attachment steps are both important in the capture of small suspended particles. Flow is usually laminar, so forces must act on a particle to move it across streamlines into close proximity with the surface of the filter medium where attachment forces operate. The main forces considered in particle transport are gravitational, diffusional, hydrodynamic, and inertial forces (4~5)« Surface forces that affect attachment are of mainly two kinds, the molecular dis- persion force (London van-der-Waals force) and the double-ionic-layer force, which is mainly due to surface charge (6_). Particle interception is really neither a transport mechanism nor an at- tractive force, but it is the final step in particle capture in any case. The net effect of all these forces will determine the overall removal efficiency of the filter. Contributions to particle col- lection by each type of force can be estimated using the dimensionless param- eters given in table 1. In general, it can be seen that the size of the particle to be captured is the single most impor- tant variable; increasing the parti- cle size will enhance all collection mechanisms except diffusion and London van-der-Waals forces. For particles smaller than 1 ym, surface charge, ionic strength, and diffusion are dominant cap- ture mechanisms, while interception and/or straining becomes dominant above 10 to 100 ym. For particles with sizes between 1 and 10 ym, mixed capture mecha- nisms are observed. Overall collector efficiency is at a minimum for particles of about 1-ym diam; increasing particle size by flocculation results in better collection. Flocculation also acts to decrease surface charge on the particle so that surface charge effects are re- duced. At high ionic strength, the ionic-double-layer thickness (l/<) is minimal. This also reduces surface- charge effects. Particle detachment is especially im- portant in cleaning filters, but also TABLE 1. - Dimensionless filtration parameters Parameter Typical range Formula Comments ATTACHMENT MECHANISMS n dl 10°-10 5 CD or TIME (t) FIGURE 1.— Transient behavior typical of granular bed filtration. where C = concentration, H = increase in head loss, v = filtration rate or approach velocity, t = time, t = filtrate turbidity, V = filtrate volume per unit area at time t (V = vt), and C = influent concentration, t = influent turbidity. The f ilterability index is the product of two dimensionless parameters that can be represented by residual turbidity and head-loss rate. Low values of F indicate efficient filtration; effective solid re- moval and/or small head loss could con- tribute to a low value for F. F could be used, for example, by a plant operator who needs to adjust plant-water treatment to seasonal variations of influent-solid loading. Several options such as floccu- lant dosage and flow-rate changes would be tested on several small-scale filters run in parallel. The parameters that re- sult in the minimum value of F and still meet quality goals can then be tried full scale. Comparisons of filter media can also be made with F; the filter giving the lowest value of F is the best choice for a given influent. Other indices are available that are similar to F but take into account operating limitations on head loss and filtrate quality for a par- ticular plant (8). Higher solids concentrations will in- crease H/V, but this is not accounted for by F. Comparisons of tests run with different solids concentrations require a different index that will normalize the effect of concentration. The solid cap- ture index (SC) measures the amount of solid trapped in the filter per unit area per unit head loss and is expressed in units of concentration (g/cm 3 ). This type of index was used by Bauman and Cleasby (8) to compare waste water fil- tration results at various treatment plants and is defined by the following equation: SC = C (1-C/C )(V/H) = C (1-t/t )(V/H). (2) Large values of SC are desirable. One disadvantage of using filtration indices is that different values of H, V, and t could give the same value for F or SC. For the large number of tests per- formed in this study, filtration indices provide the only practical means of ana- lyzing experimental data. Aside from a few figures used to illustrate special cases, the f ilterability index, F, and solid capture index, SC, have been used throughout this review. To offset the ambiguity that results from relying on filtration indices, the values of t/t and V/H are given so that the contribu- tion of each parameter can be assessed. This is especially important when values of either F or SC for two filters are al- most equal. The values of V and v are also listed for further evaluation of results. Gen- erally, values of F were calculated for the portion of a test preceding break- through. After breakthrough, F values may actually improve because often there is a reduction in head loss that is dis- proportionate to average turbidity in- crease. Comparison between a filter that has broken through and one that has not broken through is invalid because the former no longer meets quality require- ments. Excellent values of F (due to low head loss) may be obtained for a filter, but breakthrough may be reached so quick- ly that it would be impractical to use that filter. A ratio of V/v greater than 21.6 (run length equal to 6 h) should be achieved for practical purposes; net pro- duction of filtered water declines rapid- ly with further decreases in run length because more frequent backwashing becomes necessary (_9)» In some cases, filtrate quality never reaches satisfactory levels or may be declining when a run is termi- nated because of excessive head loss on one of the filters. For these tests, F values are based on the entire run, and values of V for the two media being com- pared should be approximately equal. CONTACT FILTRATION OF ASBESTOS FIBERS Contact-filtration experiments were performed using a number of natural and synthetic filter materials. The filters were typically a 0.5- to 2.0-cm layer of 0.10-mm (minus 100- plus 200-mesh) Baker 4 reagent-grade material supported by a layer of coarse sand and cotton. MgO, sand, magnesium carbonate, acidic and basic alumina, calcite, diatomaceous earth, microcrystalline cellulose, and activated carbon were all tested against suspensions of amosite and crocidolite asbestos in distilled water. Amphibole and chrysotile asbestos samples were ob- tained from the International Union ^Reference to specific products does not imply endorsement by the Bureau of Mines. Against Cancer (UICC). Ultrasonic and mechanical agitation were used to dis- perse the asbestos fibers in water. The beds were washed with 50 cm 3 of distilled water, 15 cm 3 of 1- to 10-ppm suspension was added to the next 50-cm 3 aliquot passing through the filter, and finally the filter was washed with an additional 50 cm 3 of water. Flow velocities were 0.07 to 0.15 cm/s under 10- to 20-cm gravity head. The entire volume of fil- trate was then passed through a 0.45- pm-pore-size membrane filter. Fiber counts were made on sections of filter membrane using a scanning electron micro- scope at magnifications of x 1,000 to x 5,000. Results for the contact filtration ex- periments are summarized in table 2. MgO TABLE 2. - Contact filtration of asbestos, percent removed Solid filter medium Sand ■ Calcite Diatomaceous earth . Microcrystalline cellulose. Alumina, acidic Alumina, basic MgO Carbon Amp hi bole Chrysotile 10 60 60 10 20 20 99 50 50 80 100 99 85 65 Source: Schiller and Khalafalla (2). and acidic alumina were both efficient for filtering amphibole asbestos, but only MgO could effectively remove both amphibole and chrysotile asbestos. These results can be explained on the basis of surface charge and pH. Surface charge on particles in water is pH dependent. Charge is acquired owing to selective dissolution-adsorption of ions at the liquid-solid interface. Amphibole asbes- tos and most naturally occurring particu- lates are negatively charged in water. Adsorption of H + and OH" account for the pH dependence; particles generally become more negative at higher pH. The isoelec- tric point for amphibole asbestos is pH 3 to 3.5, and that of chrysotile is approximately pH 11. Amphibole asbestos has a negative zeta potential of -25 to -45 mV in neutral and slightly basic wa- ter. Chrysotile has a positive zeta po- tential but flocculates in water at high pH. MgO is basic and has a positive sur- face charge below pH 12, so it is able to remove the amphibole asbestos fibers by electrokinetic attraction and still re- move positively charged chrysotile by causing it to flocculate. Acidic alumina is also positively charged, but not basic, so it collected amphibole asbestos but passed the chrysotile because the pH of the suspension was not increased enough to cause f locculation. GRANULAR BED FILTRATION The contact filters restricted flow ex- cessively and collected too few particles to be directly applicable for treating water. For practical reasons such as solid loading, filtration rate, and backwashing (filter regeneration), granu- lar filters are used to filter waste water. The purpose of this phase of work was to compare red flint sand and MgO as granular filters for removal of asbestos and other naturally occurring particu- lates. Granular MgO was purchased as crushed periclase from Basic Chemical and Kaiser. The periclase is made by roast- ing MgO (calcining) at a high enough tem- perature so that it fuses and becomes in- ert ("dead burning"). This product was chosen because it was less friable than pellets of a more active MgO material. Active magnesia such as was used in the contact filtration studies is calcined at lower temperatures so that much of its internal porosity is retained. Conse- quently, in changing to a durable granu- lar material substantially more surface area was lost than would be predicted on the basis of gross-particle size. Filtrate quality is often measured by turbidity (light scattering) rather than particle counting because this allows real-time monitoring and better control of the filtration process. Filtrate tur- bidity was therefore used as a measure of filtering efficiency in almost all of the granular-bed-filtration tests. Initial- ly, a comparison was made between parti- cle counting with the scanning electron microscope and turbidity measurement (nephelometric), and the two methods were found to agree within experimental error of the former. Pressure and turbidity were measured at 15-min intervals over runs lasting several hours or more. It became apparent that granular MgO was not nearly as effective for removal of asbestos as was the more active MgO used in contact filtration. Adequate re- moval could be achieved only by adding flocculant to the influent. Figure 2 il- lustrates how removal rates of both sand and MgO filters are improved by the addi- tion of 1 ppm of alum (potassium aluminum sulfate heptahydrate) to the suspension 15 min before filtration. Flow velocity was 0.5 cm/s. These results indicate that forces other than surface charge op- erate in these filters. Although the MgO gives better removal than sand in the ab- sence of alum, both filters benefit by the increase in particle size due to f locculation. For the 0.71-mm sand and MgO used in this test, bed porosities are 38 and 50 pet, respectively. With f loc- culation the sand actually becomes the more efficient filter by a small margin, i i / 1 1 1 1 - 1.00 / ^? ■ .7b KEY - .50 / Sand 2 MgO - rl ^^^~<^ 3 MgO with alum .2b 11 4 1 1 4 Sand with alum i I i i 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 TIME, h 2.5 3.0 3.5 FIGURE 2.— Filtration of amphibole asbestos by granular MgO and sand filters with and without alum pretreatment. owing to enhanced particle interception or mechanical straining. However, the increase in pressure drop (head loss) across the sand filter occurs from two to five times faster than that for the MgO filter. In virtually all remaining tests flocculant was added before filtration. SYNTHETIC SUSPENSIONS Standard suspensions of kaolin and milled sand were used in many filtration tests to achieve maximum reproducibility of solution turbidity. Mine water sam- ples, in contrast to standard suspen- sions, are often complex mixtures of var- ious dissolved chemicals and particulates that may vary considerably between sam- pling and testing. With consistent prep- aration procedures, synthetic suspensions of known concentrations and reproducible turbidities were made. In-mine-water sample turbidity was assumed to be pro- portional to suspended-solid concentra- tion, and actual suspended-solid concen- trations were not measured for every test. For the synthetic suspensions, it was possible to calculate both filter- ability (F) and solid-capture (SC) in- dexes because suspended-solid concentra- tions were known. Only F was determined for mine-water samples, but the effect of altered influent-solid loadings can be estimated from head-sample turbidities. The mass of flocculant was not included in the calculation of SC, even though al- uminum hydroxides could contribute to solid loading as a result of using alum for f locculation. FILTRATION OF KAOLIN Results for the filtration of kaolin suspensions by 30-cm-deep beds of MgO and sand are listed in table 3. Single- medium MgO filters are better than sand filters by a substantial margin; the val- ue of F is about eight to nine times smaller and that of SC is about four times larger for MgO than for sand. Com- parison of tests 1 and 2 demonstrates how the effect of suspended-solid concentra- tion is minimized by using SC rather than F. The higher suspended-solid concentra- tion causes a larger rate of head loss and consequently increased the value of F, but this effect is factored out in SC. Using finer sized MgO decreases the ef- ficiency of the filter; filtrate quality is no better with 0.42-mm MgO, and head loss rate is approximately doubled. Since shear rates are considerably higher In the 0.42-mm MgO, run length was short- ened by earlier breakthrough. Dual-medium filters were made with a 15-cm layer of 0.71-mm sand over 30 cm of either 0.42-mm MgO or 0.42-mm garnet sand. Garnet sand is sometimes used as a second or even third layer in CO o •H CO c S o o C/3 -^ W En ITl O CM a » o T3 bt oi a H co o CO 4J c CO iH .J 3 "^ o iH E o en © o o —i -sfvocNrommcTieMON^-m cn —t H H N 00 N cr> cm • • ON0>NN\0C^lsff\OO -3-00 CM m CO CN — I coo r>»ooosor^cr»0\or-»»d- ^-ivJ-00vOOOI^vO-h<1-<" i— I <■ CN i—i i— I CN i— I cMv£>ovOv£>inincn»d-mcn e-go-^sr-^cncncncncMCM cn or~.stcncNmmcNcn\ocn c CO O • CO a a f f HNtnooo> 00 ^H ^H vO v£> m ■— I i— I CM i— I i— I -3-<-«3--d--vf> iH O Cu 4-1 •H c o •H 4-t S-i u <-i •H W pa H Pn O ■—I x > S o OH H 23 O CO I PU bd<3 E fc O CN O O O O CN CO CN •— I in i— I cn in cn .— ( •<*• oo co — I O CN vO CN CN -3- in cn •— i ■— i cn cn cn in in in in CO vO - i~^ CN CN CN CN CN CN o o o o o o o o o o o o o c u bo rt CD S CO o u a a bo to a a s oo r r a a f f CN CN o o • • o o c o to bO co S a a t f co ro CD 0) 4J 4-1 •H -H o o CO CO u u & J= 4-1 4-1 c c CO to a a F f s is ro n en ro id tj C C tO to co co § 1 f f CD CD 4-1 4-» o o CO CO J-i S-l .G X 4-> 4-1 c c CO CO a a f f O O i— i ■— i •— i •— i O •— i cn cn -m<-H cnmcNcNcn-— ir^mmmcNCNmcnoaNcn CN o en m CN cn cn cn cn m cn 12 the filterability of the MgO. Filtration indexes for the sand-garnet filter are about the same whether polymer or only alum was used to flocculate the kaolin. Head loss through the sand-MgO filter was greatly increased; this occurred almost entirely in the MgO (lower) layer. Usu- ally the upper layer collects the greater share of solids and constricts flow more than the lower (finer) layer, and the sand and garnet contribute little to the observed head loss when they comprise the lower layer. The filterability index F(xl0 5 ) for MgO was increased from 9.2 with alum flocculation (table 3, test 9) to 220 by using anionic polymer (table 4, test 20). Solid capture of the sand-MgO filters decreased by a factor of 21. Un- der these conditions, MgO did not offer any significant advantage over conven- tional media. Filtration of Metal Precipitates Fe 3+ and other base-metal ions are com- monly found in mine water. Precipitates of these ions as hydrous metal oxides present difficult filtration problems be- cause of their fragility; they are easily disrupted by the shear forces encountered in conventional granular-bed filters. These precipitates also settle slowly, and the voluminous toxic sludge produced by settling presents a serious disposal problem. Polymer is often added to im- prove settling and to aid in dewatering. A series of tests were performed to see if MgO offered any advantage over conven- tional filter media for postsettling fil- tration of metal hydroxides. Sand and MgO filters were first tested on Fe(0H) 3 precipitates, produced by bringing a 100-ppm-FeCl 3 solution to pH 8.7. A second test suspension was prepared that had 78 ppm Fe 3+ and 10 ppm Mn 2+ as sul- fate salts and 37 ppm Mn 7+ as permanga- nate at pH 8.0 to 9.0. The Mn 7+ was present at about 20 pet excess for oxi- dizing the Fe 2+ and Mn 2+ , so the predomi- nant species under these conditions were Mn0 2 and Fe(0H)3. A similar suspension was made by simply oxidizing 11 ppm Fe 2+ with 1.7 ppm Mn(VII) at pH 7.5 to 8.5. Separan AP-30, an anionic polymer, was used to flocculate the precipitates in most of the tests. These suspensions were made to simulate waste water from a western metal mine that contained Mn and Fe at approximately these levels. Field tests were later run on the actual mine effluent. In the mine water treatment plant, polymer was used to aid clarifica- tion and also for sludge dewatering; no additional polymer was added to the water being pumped through the small test fil- ters, since none was being added to that entering the sand filters in service at the plant. Results for both laboratory and field tests are summarized in table 4. Bed depths for all tests were 30 cm. Neither medium could filter prepared suspensions of metal oxides effectively without the use of polymer. Field tests and labora- tory tests with flocculant were in rea- sonable agreement, especially if the re- duced head-sample turbidity in the field tests is taken into account. During the field tests plant water was cleaner than normal because the mill operation had been suspended and the water being treated was diluted by spring runoff. Reduced solid loading would result in F being lower than predicted from laborato- ry tests. The most efficient filtration (minimum F) is with 1.7- and 1.8-mm me- dia, and the MgO is slightly better than equivalently sized sand. In general, sand gives slightly better removal rates and the MgO has smaller head losses, probably owing to the larger porosity of the MgO. Surface-charge forces would be expected to diminish in importance when the filter media and the suspended- particle size are large, and because flocculation has also essentially neu- tralized particle surface charge. The stronger and larger floes produced by the polymer are retained in the filter mainly by gravity or hydrodynamic forces, so the two media are essentially equally effec- tive. Floes were able to penetrate well into both filters, so straining was not the dominant removal mechanism. Filter- ing of the base metal hydroxides or hy- drous oxides, even with the use of pol- mer, is fairly inefficient compared with filtering particulates such as kaolin. 13 - 2 Q OD or Ld < CC 1 1 1 1 1 1 KEY i I 9 o Sar id - / • % sand, > MgO a # y a '/ 3 sand, % MgO rw / / / a Fill II Mg 1 l l 3 4 5 6 TIME, h FIGURE 3.— Filtration with mixed MgO-sand filters. Efficiency might be improved by using higher filtration rates and deeper beds of coarser media. Filtration With Mixed MgO-Sand Beds A brief investigation of the possibil- ity of using mixed MgO-sand beds was un- dertaken. However, as shown in figure 3, this does not appear to be feasible be- cause of rapid breakthrough with mixed beds. The filters were 30-cm beds of 0.71-mm MgO and/or sand, and the filtration velocity was 0.21 cm/s. Be- cause of the poor retention of solids, head loss decreased with decreasing MgO fraction. Values of SC were 4.8, 5.2, 8.3, and 9.6 g/cm 3 in order of increasing sand content, but in this case the use of indexes is misleading. The most likely reason for the poor retention of kaolin by the mixed beds is the reduction in po- rosity that results from mixing spherical (sand) and angular (MgO) particles. APPLICATIONS MgO and sand filters were compared in field tests at four mines and two mineral-processing sites. In addition to mine water, MgO was tested on river water for its application to municipal-water treatment. STEEL MILL COOLING WATER Large volumes of process water are used in secondary production of steel. Much of this water is used in the direct-spray quenching of billet and becomes contami- nated mainly by mill scale and tramp oils. The mill scale is removed by set- tling primary and secondary scale pits, but residual suspended solids clog spray- er nozzles and increase abrasion of plant piping. Tramp oils are treated by skim- ming and emulsif iction with surfactants. The treated water passes through a cool- ing tower before returning to the plant. Several samples of return water were filtered in laboratory tests before field testing began. Results for both field and laboratory tests are shown in table 5. The process water had high levels of dissolved solids, and suspended particles had weakly negative zeta potentials, but these could not be measured accurately owing to the high conductivity of the wa- ter. Jar tests showed that 30 ppm alum gave optimum settling. Results of the bench tests indicated that the dual- medium filters were not significantly better than single-medium filters, and that the MgO and anthracite-MgO filters were able to filter two to three times more water before breakthrough than the sand or anthracite-garnet filters. 14 TABLE 5. - Filtration of steel mill cooling water Test Filter medium (d m ) NTU t/t V, L/cm 2 v, cm/s V/H F (xlO 5 ) LABORATORY TESTS 1. 1. 38 0. 0. 0. 3-mm anthracite, 0.71-mm 3-mm anthracite, 0.71-mm 7 1— mm MgO 7 1-mm sand 7 1 -mm MgO sand* • • MgO .... 13.3 19.3 24 27 22 0.038 .018 .015 .030 .011 3.4 6.7 7.4 2.4 6.2 0.34 .34 .34 .34 .34 106 91 106 57 31 36 20 14 53 35 FIELD TESTS 41, 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 0.71-mm MgO 0. 7 1-mm sand 0.71-mm MgO 0. 7 1-mm sand 0.71-mm MgO 0. 7 1-mm sand 0.71-mm MgO 0. 7 1-mm sand 0.71-mm MgO 0. 7 1-mm sand 1.3-mm anthracite, 1.3-mm anthracite, 0. 7 1-mm 0. 7 1-mm MgO .... sand. • • 0.35 13 .34 3.1 .33 18 .33 8.7 .21 38 .21 42 .18 >59 .15 33 .23 30 .23 31 .24 41 .24 39 120 1,800 130 620 47 53 <42 76 63 57 52 63 Values of F(xl0 5 ) are 14 and 35 for MgO and 53 for sand, while differences be- tween the dual-medium filters are less pronounced. In the field mainly single-medium fil- ters were tested, and flow rate was the only variable that was manipulated. In general, the field and laboratory tests are in agreement. Filtration velocities had to be reduced from 0.34 to 0.21 cm/s to get F values roughly equivalent to those from bench tests, but this appears to be mainly due to differences in head loss. Higher suspended-solid loading, entrained air (possibly enhanced by use of surfactant for oil breaking), and other factors could be responsible. Field tests were usually controlled to a lesser degree and generally gave slightly poorer results than laboratory tests. Filtrate volume at breakthrough for the MgO filter often doubled that for the sand filter, and F values were lower ex- cept for one test. Differences between dual-medium filters probably were not statistically significant, and run lengths were shortened considerably by early breakthrough. Although the field test results were for the most part not quite so good (higher F) as results from laboratory tests, the trends in the data are remarkably similar, and MgO is sub- stantially more effective than sand in this application. PROCESS WATER FROM MAGNETITE BENEFICIATION Process water used in the beneficia- tion of magnetite becomes laden with mod- erate levels of suspended hematite. Water is recycled and is treated only by settling before returning to the grinding circuit. As can be seen from the results of bench tests given in table 6, this water is easily filtered when 15 ppm alum is added for f locculation. MgO filters give slightly higher F values but more than double the filtrate volume of sand at breakthrough. Dual-medium anthracite- garnet and anthracite-MgO filters are nearly equivalent. Three field tests were run with single-medium MgO and sand filters, and the differences were even more pronounced than in the laboratory tests; breakthrough occurred so rapidly in the sand filters that quantitative comparisons were meaningless. Results for the MgO filters were comparable with those from bench tests. TABLE 6. - Filtration of iron ore processing water 15 Test Filter medium (d m ) T o» NTU t/t V, L/cm 2 v, cm/s V/H F (xlO 5 ) 49 50 1.3-mm anthracite, 0.71-mm MgO.... 1.3-mm anthracite, 0.71-mm garnet. 1.3-mm anthracite, 0.42-mm MgO.... 49.5 46.0 54.5 55.0 56.0 0.005 .003 .003 .003 .002 4.0 4.3 8.3 4.3 11.2 0.34 .34 .33 .34 .34 220 120 990 51 21 2.4 2.2 .26 5.0 51 0. 7 1-mm MgO 9.3 PROCESS WATER FROM FLOTATION OF IRON ORE Process water from this flotation oper- ation had almost 250 ppm of very fine iron oxide and silicate particles, 11 ppm Ca hardness, 110 ppm dissolved Si0 2 , 115 ppm P alkalinity, and 610 ppm M alka- linity (as milligrams of CaC0 3 ). This water is first settled in a large sedi- mentation basin and then clarified with alum flocculation before discharge. In these tests overflow from the sedimenta- tion basin was used to test the MgO and sand filters. Filteration results were extremely sensitive to flocculant dosage (Separan AP-30 anionic polymer), which was varied between 0.62 and 2.5 ppm. In general, sand outperformed MgO in field tests, giving F values that were 2.5 to 5 times lower than those for MgO. F(xl0 5 ) ranged from 470 to 1,300 for MgO and from 200 to 290 for sand. These values are too high (high rate of head loss) to be a practical application for either filter medium. The results are consistent with other tests in which MgO filters became plugged easily when polymer flocculants were used. This type of process water needs to be softened and clarified before attempting filtration. MISSISSIPPI RIVER WATER Mississippi River water is used to sup- ply potable water to a large segment of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Municipal-water treatment involves lime-softening, settling, and filtration followed by disinfection. A series of filtration tests were run on Mississippi River water treated in a manner similar to that used at the municipal water treatment plant. River water was first softened with 150 ppm CaO and then flocculated with 2.0 ppm alum. The decant after 15 to 30 min settling was at pH 8.0±0.5 and had turbidity of 35±2 NTU. More alum was mixed with the decant so that final alum concentration in the fil- ter influent was 26 ppm. Thirty- centimeter beds of sand and MgO were tested in parallel at a filtration veloc- ity of 0.21 cm/s. Three bench-scale tests were run under these conditions, and in two of the three tests run lengths were extended enough to reach breakthrough. Values of F(xl0 5 ) averaged 13±4 for the MgO and 22±12 for the sand. The main difference appears to be in the lower rate of head loss for the MgO, which averaged 1.7 times lower than for sand. The MgO filtered about 28 pet more water at breakthrough, based on the average of two tests. Since the minimum run length was al- ready about 11 h, both filters would operate at >95 pet availability, so the extra filtrate volume per cycle is proba- bly not too significant. The reduced head loss rate is an important advantage, however. PROCESS WATER FOR CUTTING GRANITE The final field tests were conducted on water used in cutting granite. Particulate-laden water is collected from all cutting and grinding stations and settled in a clarifier. Polymer is used to aid flocculation, but clarification is poor owing to inadequate control of floc- culant dosage, inadequate mixing, and convection due to evolution of gases caused by microbial activity. On occa- sion phosphoric acid (H3PO4 ) is also added to the system when a special kind of finish is being applied to the gran- ite. The process water is recycled with minimal makeup water; consequently, 16 hardness and conductivity are increased and calcite scaling and corrosion are serious operating problems. Zeta poten- tials of the suspended particles were found to be weakly negative, with values ranging from -1.4 to -23 mV with a mean value of -11±6 mV. The specific conduc- tivity was 1,300 ymho. These tests were intended to measure the filtering capability of the MgO over an extended period of time. Media attri- tion and scaling effects were to be ob- served directly, and their impact on fil- ter performance evaluated. Laboratory tests on process water samples indicated that MgO, sand, and anthracite were ap- proximately equal in their ability to filter this water. Both alum floccula- tion and softening the water by elevating pH were more effective than using poly- meric flocculants. In the field tests the water was treated first by softening with 6 pet NaOH and settling, and then by filtration through 55-cm beds of either 0. 71-mm MgO or sand. The NaOH solution was metered into raw process water entering a 570-L settler, and the overflow was kept at pH 9.0 to 9.8. Total flow through the system was 11.4 L/min (0.19 L/s), and the filtration velocity was 0.31 cm/s. Dual- medium filters were also tested with 1.3- mm anthracite replacing the upper 25 to 30 pet of the beds. Laboratory tests varied considerably but generally indicated that F(xl0 5 ) values of around 30 could be expected in the field tests. Unfortunately, field test results varied even more than the laboratory tests. In some cases tur- bidity removal was excellent for both filters, and in other tests neither filter would perform efficiently. No trend could be discerned that would in- dicate that attrition was impairing MgO performance or that either sand or MgO was the better filter. Figure 4 illus- trates the wide variations in filtrate quality for tests with dual-medium filters. Curve 3 is a fairly typical plot for a good filtration run, in this case with the anthracite-MgO filter. Filtrate turbidity decreases below 1.0 NTU within 1 h and remains low for a reasonable length of time. The anthra- cite-sand filter (curve 4) also achieved 100.00 CD => I- .10 .01 1 i 1 i i i i i ~ //^--^SP^o. \^L / KEY d Anthracite-MgO Anthracite-sand — * Samples taken - \. -^ t:> __ T3 __ a __ D J 1 i i i i i i 4 TIME, h FIGURE 4.— Filtration of granite-cutting process water. excellent turbidity removal after a longer delay. The arrows in figure 4 correspond to sampling for chemical analysis at the times shown. From the results given in table 7, it appears that good filtration resulted when P (probably as orthophos- phate) and Fe both were present in the process water. On the day that test 1 was run both P and Fe levels were low and the anthracite-sand filtrate was turbid. After 5 h flow was switched to the anthracite-MgO filter, and turbidity re- moval was poor in the initial stages. Toward the end of the run, filtrate re- moval was improved and P and Fe were again both present at measurable levels. It is noteworthy that the MgO removes P and the sand does not. The MgO also adds small but significant amounts of Ca and Mg to that in the influent. (CaO is 17 an impurity in the periclase, present at 1 to 3 wt pet. ) TABLE 7. - Chemical analysis of process water Stream pH Concentration, rc ig/L Ca Mg S P Fe Test 1: Influent. . 9.3 77 57 54 <1.0 1.7 Filtrate. . 9.3 68 55 56 <1.0 <.2 Test 2: Influent. . 9.3 71 55 60 1.6 3.0 Filtrate. . 9.4 79 66 60 <1.0 <.2 Test 3: Influent. . 9.4 64 64 69 1.3 2.3 Filtrate.. 9.5 70 71 65 <1.0 <.2 Test 4: Influent. . 9.3 69 63 66 1.7 .24 Filtrate.. 9.3 65 62 56 1.3 3.1 ENGINEERING ASPECTS BACKWASHING OF MgO FILTERS Filters are cleaned by backwashing with an upward flow of water, which fluidizes the bed and removes deposited solids mainly by hydraulic shearing forces. Of- ten air scouring is used to increase the backwash efficiency and reduce both the flow rate and flow volume required to clean the filter. The air bubbles in- crease abrasion between filter grains and give high shear rates owing to the in- creased turbulence in the bed. After dual-medium filters are backwashed with air scouring, a high-rate backwash is re- quired to restratify the media mixed by the vigorous cleaning action. Under- standing and being able to predict bed expansion are important for both the de- sign and operation of deep-bed filters. Ideally, it would be possible to calcu- late bed expansion for any flow velocity knowing only the basic properties of the filter medium and the fluid. In practice bed expansion can only be predicted from correlations derived from experimental data. It is also important to predict optimal backwash rates and to determine whether a desired combination of filter materials can be restratified by back- washing when used together in dual-medium filters. A filter bed becomes fluidized when the flow velocity is increased to the point where the head loss across the medium is equal to the weight of the grains in wa- ter. Further increases in flow velocity do not increase head loss across the bed; the bed expands and the increase in po- rosity offsets the higher velocity. A mass balance on the medium requires that h b (l- e ) = hb (l-e ), (3) where h b = bed depth, e = porosity, h bo = unfluidized bed depth, and e = unfluidized bed porosity. Bed porosity is observed to increase log- arithmically as a function of flow velo- city. In dimensionless form this is expressed as log Re = n log e + log Re| , (4) 18 where Re = Reynolds number, Re = (v d m /v), v = the fluid velocity, d m = the filter medium grain size, v = the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, and Re | = the Reynolds number corre- sponding to the unhindered settling velocity of the filter grains. As this velocity is approached, the me- dium is entrained in the fluid and the porosity becomes unity. Maximum shear rates occur at porosities between 0.68 and 0.71 O0). The parameters n and Re | are obtained by measuring the initial-bed porosity or bulk density; for an arbitrarily chosen starting depth of medium, expanded bed height is measured at several flow veloc- ities. Expanded-bed porosity is calcu- lated from equation 3, and linear regres- sion or graphical methods are used to find the slope and intercept of plots of log e versus log v. This is repeated for various sizes of each medium. Both n and Re| are dependent on the fundamental dimensionless group known as the Archimedes or Galileo number: Ar = g d m 5 [(S.G.) m ( S ' G -)f 1 , ( 5 ) where Ar = ratio of buoyant to viscous drag forces acting on a particle, (S.G.) f (S.G.) m g " d m = specific gravity of the fluid, specific gravity of the medium, the acceleration owing to gravity (9.8 m/s 2 ), the diameter of the grains of medium, and v = the kinematic velocity (m 2 /s). Ar incorporates only properties intrinsic to the medium and fluid. Values of Ar range from 10 2 to 10 5 for conventional deep-bed filters. Normal backwashing spans a transition region between laminar and turbulent flow, with Rej ranging from less than 10 to approximately 500. One approach to modeling bed expansion is to use power- log correlations between n, Re] , and Ar for each medium: log n = ailog Re ( + bj (a^ <0) (6) log Rej = a2log Ar + b2« (7) This is successful if done within suffi- ciently narrow limits of Ar. For laminar or Stokes settling (Re <1), this simpli- fies to Re I = (const)Ar, (8) and for fully turbulent flow (Re >100), a] becomes very small and n approaches a constant value. Although accurate models can be obtained in this manner for a specific filter medium, attempts to make a more general model fail because there is no meaningful measure of particle shape and its effect on drag coefficient OO-n). A simple correlation was given by Bohm (12) for predicting the flow rate corre- sponding to maximum mass transfer rate in a fluidized bed: Re op+ = 0.072 Ar - 614 . (9) High shear rates enhance mass transfer by reducing the boundary layer thickness around the particles. Because large shear rates are also needed for cleaning deep-bed filters, this correlation may be useful for predicting optimum backwashing velocities. Fluidization curves for six sizes of MgO are shown in figure 5. Similar curves were obtained for sand and 19 10.00 FIGURE 5 0.60 0.70 POROSITY U) —Bed expansion of MgO versus flow velocity. 0.80 olivine. Values of n and Re | were deter- mined by linear regression of the log e versus log v plots. Literature values for the viscosity and density of water were used to calculate Ar and Re at the temperatures measured during each test. Test results are summarized in table 8. Also included are values given by Gun- asingham (10) for anthracite, ballotini, polystyrene, and sand. ^ e pt was calcu- lated from equation 9 and then substi- tuted for Re in equation 4 to get E op -(-. Attempts to derive a specific model for the expansion of MgO were unsuccessful owing to the nonlinearity of plots of log n versus log Re j and log Re| versus log Ar. At grain sizes of 1 mm and greater, n varies much less than at the smaller sizes. Apparently there is a transition in the expansion behavior of MgO parti- cles between 0.5 and 1.0 mm. Data for sand also displayed nonlinear character- istics, but values for n agree fairly well with those of Gunasingham (10), con- sidering probable differences in particle shape and size distribution not taken in- to account. Because of these uncertain- ties, this type of correlation seems of limited value for design purposes. Calculated optimum bed porosities fall between 0.56 and 0.68 for particle sizes greater than 0.5 mm (fig. 6). Neglecting the lower e op ^ porosity values for ballo- tini and sand, the values for MgO, poly- styrene, and anthracite are between 0.65 and 0.68, which is in good agreement with the predicted porosity range needed to produce maximum hydraulic shear (10). Ballotini and sand have smaller optimum porosities because they are more spheri- cal and have smaller initial porosities than MgO, anthracite, and polystyrene. Below 0. 5-mm grain size the optimum bed porosity is substantially greater than the predicted range for maximum shear. This is consistent with the data given by Bohm (12), which showed that, for Ar <10 3 , Re opt values begin to lie well below the correlation given by equation 9. For nonspherical particles larger than 0.5 mm, the simpler correlation suc- cessfully predicts the optimum backwash velocity needed to achieve maximum shear rates. Determining the compatability of var- ious media for use in multimedium filters can be complicated. Intuitively it may be obvious that a separation will be 20 TABLE 8. - Fluidization results Sand: 1. 54-mm 1.00-mm . 71— mm .50-mm MgO: 1. 54-mm 1.30-mm 1.00-mm .50-mm . 42-mm . 25-mm Olivine: 0. 50-mm •35-mm . 25-mm Sand 00): 0. 84-mm .65-mm . 42-mm Ballotini (10): 2. 38-mm 1. 30-mm . 92-mm • 78-mm Anthracite (10): 2. 59-mm 2. 38-mm 1. 84-mm , 1. 30-mm Polystyrene (10) 3. 67-mm 3.08-mm 2. 59-mm , 2. 18-mm Ar 53,530 15,497 5,486 4,727 98,460 58,690 25,816 3,218 1,908 402.5 4,727 1,667 562 7,935 4,524 1,184 111,332 25,659 7,313 5,221 35,414 21,418 14,771 4,948 18,920 14,724 10,483 7,409 Re 306 178 79.4 50.4 457 332 210 77.7 38.2 11.0 72.5 38.7 16.7 95.7 63.4 27.1 288 134 69.9 56.1 174.4 133.7 107.6 60.2 116.8 102.9 84.5 69.1 Re opt 57.6 26.9 14.2 13.0 83.4 61.0 36.8 10.3 7.44 2.86 13.0 6.85 3.50 17.9 12.6 5.55 90.4 36.7 17.0 13.8 44.7 32.8 26.1 13.4 30.4 26.1 21.2 17.1 : opt 0.56 .56 .57 .69 .65 .65 .65 .67 .74 .79 .74 .82 .83 .65 .67 .68 .59 .59 .58 .58 .66 .66 .68 .67 .65 .65 .66 .66 2.885 3.220 3.051 3.607 3.899 3.875 4.030 5.057 5.421 5.645 5.676 8.098 8.751 3.873 4.041 4.162 2.230 2.429 2.596 2.611 3.242 3.417 3.719 3.795 3.117 3.180 3.301 3.420 possible only if Re | of the upper medium is smaller than that of the lower layer. Re | also increases as a function of Ar, so it should be possible to predict sep- aration based on the size of Ar. In practice, however, this becomes compli- cated by differences in particle shapes and the fact that some intermixing of layers may be desirable. For convention- al filtration systems that operate with a downward flow, it is desirable to have the coarsest medium in the uppermost layer to achieve any benefit over single-medium filters. From this stand- point, a combination of MgO and sand is not a practical dual-medium filter. Attempts to backwash a filter with the upper layer of 0.71-mm sand and the lower layer of 0.5-mm MgO resulted in almost total intermixing of both layers. The corresponding values of Ar and Rej are very close (table 8). To get adequate differences in Re| would require either substantially finer MgO or at best equiv- alently sized sand as the upper layer, neither of which is desirable. MgO worked well with anthracite. Dual- medium filters of 0.71-mm MgO and 1.3-mm anthracite were easily restratified by backwashing. A sharp interface was pro- duced between the two media after 15 min of backwashing at flow velocities of 21 1.0 .9 - .8 - 00 o JE .7 o 0_ .6 - - T ▼ • • T 1 1 Elements 1 KEY Bureau of Mines Literature - MgO Sand Olivine Ballotini Polystyrene Anthracite • A ▼ NA NA NA NA NA a O - ▲ - - • A D O 1 5 " • □ • ▲ I o o a - I 2 3 FILTER GRAIN SIZE, mm FIGURE 6.— Optimum bed porosities calculated from optimum Reynolds number. NA = Not available. around 4 cm/s. Decreasing the velocity or duration of the backwash resulted in more intermixing of the two layers. An equivalently sized sand-anthracite filter was adequately but not so cleanly sepa- rated as the MgO-anthracite filter. ATTRITION OF MgO FILTERS DURING BACKWASHING Backwashing with air scour creates a significant amount of interparticle abra- sion in the filter medium. Although this is an effective backwashing technique, it does increase attrition of the filter me- dium. The rubbing action of the grains of filter medium produces fines that can clog the bed in subsequent filtrations and also reduce the effective size of the medium. High attrition rates can result in noticeable changes in filter perfor- mance; head-loss rates can increase enough to drastically reduce production of filtered water. Angular particles such as anthracite or MgO would be ex- pected to experience greater attrition than a spherical filter medium like sand. Forty-eight filtration cycles were made on a 61-cm bed of 0.71-mm MgO to test the resistance of the MgO filter grains to attrition. A standard suspension of 25 ppm kaolin and 25 ppm milled sand, floc- culated with 10 ppm alum, and a filtra- tion velocity of 0.21 cm/s were used throughout. Each cycle consisted of a 6-h filtration run followed by 1 h of backwashing. The backwashing proce- dure consisted of a few minutes of fluid- ization, followed by about 30 min of air- water scouring and then by 30 min of high-rate backwashing at 50-pct bed ex- pansion. This latter step was employed to remove fines and dislodge air bubbles. This backwashing procedure was actually more intense and longer in duration than that normally used in commercial prac- tice, since an air scour lasting 3 to 5 min and a 10- to 15-min fluidization at 20- to 50-pct bed expansion is usually sufficient to clean the bed (_9)» Total elapsed time for the 48 cycles to be com- pleted was about 6 months. The MgO fil- ter grains were kept under water in the filter column between cycles. Data from the initial, final, and every fifth intermediate run are listed in table 9. Cycle 39 was used in place of TABLE 9. - Durability study Cycle t/t q V/H F(xl0 5 ) SC, g/cm 3 0.048 190 26 9.0 .081 440 19 20 .081 590 13 27 15 .042 640 6.5 31 20 .038 440 8.8 21 .046 440 11 21 .042 341 12 16 35 .042 296 13 14 .042 281 15 13 .040 326 12 16 48 .031 297 11 14 22 cycle 40 because the latter had an unusu- ally large increase in head loss owing to air blinding of the filter. Variations in head loss rate account for most of the variation in the values of the filtration indexes. The solid-capture index, SC, is plotted versus the number of cycles in figure 7. Filter performance initially improves, then decreases gradually until a fairly stable value of SC is reached in the vi- cinity of the 40th cycle. Experimental uncertainty exists because low pressures and small pressure differences are dif- ficult to measure. Small pressure drops (head loss) for a bed result in high val- ues of SC. The uncertainity in measuring these small pressure drops leads to the large error brackets for SC values. In spite of the large uncertainty bracketing each point, the trend shown in figure 7 appears to have statistical significance, and the value of SC near the end of the test has stabilized around 12 to 15 g/cm 5 . The behavior of the filter- ability index [F(xl0 5 )] essentially mir- rors that of SC, and a stable level be- tween 10 and 15 is reached about halfway into the test. Values for F and SC com- pare quite favorably with those given in table 3 for filtration of kaolin and milled sand. Forty-eight backwash cycles is equiva- lent to a few weeks to several months of 20 30 FILTRATION CYCLES FIGURE 7.— Binding of MgO filters. operation, depending on the application. The intensity and duration of the air scour, which is largely responsible for filter grain attrition, is equivalent to a period of normal commercial operation perhaps 6 to 10 times longer. Since fil- tration performance of the MgO has stabi- lized at an acceptable value during these tests, attrition of MgO does not seem to be a significant problem. Media losses to attrition and entrainment in conven- tional media can be as high as 5 to 15 wt pet in the first year of service (lower value for sand and higher value for anthracite). MgO losses are within this range; no significant decrease in bed depth was evident at the end of this test. MgO durability was also evaluated by a standard friability test used to evaluate filter media (13). Friability is deter- mined by calculating the fraction of sam- ple by weight that remains larger than the effective grain diameter (d e ff) after milling. Samples are milled by steel balls in a metal cylinder which is tum- bled end over end at 25 r/min for 15- and 30-min intervals. The milled samples are sieved, and the weight in each size frac- tion is compared to initial weights in those size fractions. Losses of 6 to 10 wt pet or less at 15-min milling and 15 to 20 wt pet or less at 30-min milling of the filter material larger than d e ff indicate that the filter material has good durability. Attrition losses of 10 to 15 wt pet and 15 to 25 wt pet for the two time intervals are tolerable for con- ventional filter media. A candidate fil- ter material is rejected if losses are >20 wt pet or >35 wt pet, respectively, for the two time intervals (13). MgO passed the standard friability test easily. A sample with an original d eff of 0.61 mm had losses of 4.0 wt pet and 4.5 wt pet for the 15- and 30-min mill- ing. A second sample with d eff equal to 0.47 mm showed losses of 5.5 and 7.0 wt pet for the two intervals. Both tests demonstrated very good durability for MgO. 23 POISONING OF MgO FILTERS BY HEAVY METALS Dissolved heavy metals present in the influent will encounter an increase in pH and may precipitate as they pass through an MgO filter. Previous experience in- dicated that these precipitates adhere quite strongly to MgO granules. This could spoil the desirable surface proper- ties of the MgO if the metal deposits are not removed by routine backwashing. If this were the case, it would become nec- essary to chemically strip the metals, most likely by adding either dilute acids or chelating agents at some stage in the backwashing. In this study a 46-cm bed of 0.5-mm MgO was tested using 25 ppm suspensions of kaolin, both with and without dissolved heavy metals being present. Influent pH was adjusted to 7.0±0.1 for all tests. The filter was put through a series of tests in which alternate filtrations were spiked with 5.0 ppm each of Cd 2+ , Mn 2 + , Ni 2 + and Zn 2 \ all of which are soluble at neutral pH at this level of concentration. Between tests the filter was backwashed with air-water scouring, followed by fluidization at high flow velocity. Filtration velocity was 0.34 cm/s. Plots of filtrate turbidity, pH, and pressure for these tests are plotted versus time in figure 8. In the first test cycle no metals were added and fil- trate pH remained fairly constant at 10.2 to 10.3 for the 6-h test cycle. Head loss was small, and an average of 90 pet of the turbidity was removed. In the second test cycle heavy metals were in the influent. Turbidity was decreased by 99 pet, but head loss increased dramati- cally. Coating of the MgO with precipi- tated metal hydroxides is indicated dur- ing this cycle by the steadily declining filtrate pH. Subsequent filtration with- out metals in the third test cycle showed a slight increase in the removal of tur- bidity and slightly lower filtrate pH than in the first test cycle. In the o 4 2 E >- V) - o ° Q _J ^ UJ ■Cycle f\ \ \ \ \ V ■Cycle 2- f^ -Cycle 3- KEY — pH Head loss Turbidity A \ \ \ < Cycle 5- _L 10 5 10 15 20 25 TIME, h FIGURE 8.— Effects of dissolved heavy metals on MgO filtration. i Q. UJ 1- < or 30 24 fourth test cycle the dissolved metals were passed through the filter without the presence of kaolin. In this cycle the pH declined until it was only one unit higher than that of the influent, indicating that the reactive surface area of the MgO was virtually saturated with deposited precipitates of metal hydrox- ides. Head loss was large in this cycle, indicating that the precipitated metal hydroxides rather than flocculation of the kaolin were responsible for the in- creased resistance to flow observed in the second test cycle. In previous tests, flocculation was not observed in the reservoir containing the dissolved metals and kaolin suspension. In the fifth test cycle solid capture was again improved over that in the initial test; in fact, performance as measured by filtration indexes actually improved steadily with increased exposure to heavy metals. Values of F(xl0 5 ) for the first, third, and fifth runs were 28, 14, and 3.0, and corresponding values for SC were 7.8, 12, and 24 g/cm 3 . For the second test cycle, which had both metals and ka- olin present, F(xl0 5 ) was 60 and SC was 3.5 g/cm 3 . It is concluded that heavy metals present in water to be filtered will be precipitated as hydroxides and will be bound to the MgO filter grains. These precipitated hydroxides are only partially removed by backwashing; how- ever, their presence on the MgO filter grains does not reduce the f ilterability of the MgO. Too high a level of heavy metals in the turbid water to be filtered will result in accelerated increases in head loss. FILTRATION PARAMETERS EFFECT OF SURFACE CHARGE AND PARTICLE SHAPE ON FILTRATION It has never been fully demonstrated to what effect the positive surface charge of the MgO contributes to its ability to remove particulate, although this has been previously suggested as a primary factor (_2~\3)« In early contact filtra- tion test studies, which used fine-mesh active MgO, surface charge interactions undoubtedly contributed greatly to the filtration of unf locculated asbestos fi- bers. But in applying this concept to practical deep-bed filtration, both sur- face area and activity were greatly re- duced in the transition. Deeper beds of coarse, dead-burned (fused) periclase were used instead of active (porous) MgO; furthermore, flocculation with aluminum salts was necessary to achieve efficient particulate removal. This would all tend to minimize any surface charge effect. The ultimate removal efficiency of a sand filter is equal to and sometimes slightly better than that of MgO, but the amount of material that can be collected (run length) of the MgO is often double that of sand. This can be partially ex- plained by the greater porosity of the MgO; more material can be deposited be- fore critical shear stresses are reached. Increased porosity means increased aver- age pore diameter, as would be the case in using a coarser filter medium. Cap- ture efficiency, however, usually de- creases as pore diameter increases. Some extra compensating mechanism allows the MgO to achieve removal rates nearly equivalent to those for sand. Surface charge and particle shape (altered hydro- dynamics) are two possible mechanisms. A factorial study was performed to qualitatively evaluate the effect of sur- face charge and grain shape on particle removal. Four combinations of medium shape and charge were tested using a standard pH 7.0 suspension of 50 ppm ka- olin with no flocculant. Shallow beds (15.2 cm) of 0.5-mm filter media were tested during 2-h runs. The size of the media tested is toward the small end of the sizes used in deep-bed filters. The four filter media were MgO (+, an- gular), sand (-, spherical), quartzite (-, angular), and MgO-coated sand (+, spherical). Zeta potentials were de- termined for crushed samples of media suspended in distilled water. The zeta potential of kaolin in distilled water was also measured and found to be -27±5 mV. First-order removal coefficients were calculated from the ratio of influ- ent and filtrate turbidities: 25 TABLE 10. - Effects of filter medium surface charge and particle shape on kaolin removal Medium Zeta potential, mV No. of trials Removal coefficient, m" 1 Xo Xf Angular shape: MgO Quartzite Spherical shape: MgO-coated sand 20±7 -28±3 (+) -15±6 4 3 ! 3 4 7.5±0.6 5.4±1.1 7.9±1.8 3.0± .6 6.5±0.4 11 ±1.5 9.211.9 8.4±1.3 'The last trial was deleted because MgO coating was being lost. Values for X were much lower than for the other 3 trials. . _ In (t/tq) X " 1 (10) Results are given in table 10. The clean-bed coefficient (X ) is based on the filtrate turbidities taken at 1 and 15 min into the test, while the final turbidity (2 h) is used to calculate Xf . In the initial stages of filtration there was little deposited particulate, so particle-to-medium interactions should be at their maximum. Here MgO, whether as a spherical or an angular grain, is the most efficient filter by a substan- tial margin. The negatively charged media, whether angular or spherical, had lower removal efficiencies, but the mag- nitude of the (-) zeta potentials makes less difference than the shape of the medium; the more negative and angular quartzite is more effective than spheri- cal sand. The negative media exhibited increasing filtration efficiency with time; values of Xf are approximately double those of X . The MgO efficiency declines very slightly in this time; the MgO-coated sand efficiency increases, but with less than experimental uncertainty. Negatively charged media actually become the more efficient filters as deposits form in the filter owing to enhanced hy- drodynamic and mechanical interception mechanisms. Surface charge interactions were more important than shape for en- hancing clean-bed-particle collection. It is also of interest that head loss rates were lower for the positively charged media, averaging 3.5, 0, 5.3, and 8.4 cm H 2 for the MgO, MgO-sand, sand, and quartzite, respectively. Unfortu- nately, the experimental uncertainty in pressure readings is at least 3.5 cm H 2 0, but it would seem that particle shape (hence bed porosity) alone is not totally responsible for observed head loss be- havior. It may be that different modes of particle deposition can significantly alter the development of head loss. Most deep-bed filters have coarser media, and flocculant is used to neutralize particle charge and increase particle size, so the surface charge of the medium is probably of little practical importance in operat- ing conventional deep-bed filters. REMOVAL AND HEAD LOSS COEFFICIENTS Empirical models have been used to de- scribe the head loss and filtrate quality as functions of time and filter-bed depth. The clean bed head loss can be calculated from the Kozeny-Carmen equa- tion (5): 6H 61 5vV(l-e) 2 /6_\ 2 ge (11) where H = head loss, 1 = the filter depth, v = the kinetic viscosity, g = the gravitational acceleration, e = the bed porosity, v = the filtration velocity, 26 and d m = the grain size of the filter bed. A good filtration run exhibits a nearly linear increase in head loss with respect to time, which is closely approximated by H = H, + k H vC t, (12) where H = head loss, Hj = initial head loss, C Q = the influent concentration of suspended solids, t = the elapsed time, and kn = the head loss coefficient (cm 3 /g). This assumes particle removal rates of >99 pet. The head-loss coefficient is very similar to the SC index of equation 2. The concentration profile with re- spect to depth has been modeled as a first-order process: $£- -AC 61 XL > (13) where X is the removal coefficient (_5)» Concentration decreases logarithmically with depth as given in equation 10. A variety of other more complicated models are available for detailed analysis of deep-bed filters (6~_7)» To date, it has not been possible to predict these engi- neering parameters, which are useful in filter design, and thus they must be ob- tained, at least in part, by experiment (5-6). Beds of 0.5-mm sand and MgO were tested against 12.5-ppm kaolin suspensions at pH 7.0±0.5. Flocculant was not used. Bed depths were varied between approximately 5 and 50 cm. A water manometer was used rather than the usual pressure gauges to improve sensitivity and accuracy. (Pres- sure could be measured to ±2 mm H2O. ) For shallow beds, a known weight of fil- ter medium was used rather than attempt- ing to fill filter columns to a particu- lar depth, since variations in packing lead to relatively large changes in bed depth. Turbidity was used to calculate removal rate, and clean-bed-filter coef- ficients were calculated from the first two turbidity readings. Results are pre- sented in table 11. Attemtps to fit In (t/t ) as a linear function of depth were unsuccessful; al- though removal decreased with increasing depth, there was considerable random scatter around any type of linear plot. For this reason, values of X Q were merely tabulated and an average value given. Since turbidity removal was less than 99 pet, SC was calculated rather than kg for head loss rate data. In general, the MgO filter gave slight- ly better removal rates and slightly low- er head loss rates than the sand filter. Results varied widely; the standard devi- ation of duplicate tests is 20 to 50 pet of mean values. It appears that SC val- ues improve for sand with increased bed depth, while values for MgO fluctuate randomly. Measurement uncertainties for turbidity and pressure are much smaller than the variation in results. Prepara- tion of suspensions is also carefully controlled, so it would seem that a fair amount of randomness is intrinsic to the process of deep-bed filtration. Packing irregularities may also be partially re- sponsible for the variability of results. Although these results are not quantita- tively precise, it can be seen that MgO does perform slightly better than sand without the intervening variable of TABLE 11. - Head loss and removal co- efficients of MgO and sand filters for the filtration of kaolin Bed depth A > F SC, cm" ' (xlO 5 ) g/cm 3 MgO: 9.2 cm. 0.003 44 6.3 18 cm. . .048 18 18 36 cm. • 1 .024 134 1 9.1 46 cm. . .035 29 7.8 Mean. . .03510.18 36110.5 9.414.6 Sand: 10 cm. . .017 50 3.3 20 cm. . '.014 1 56 U.4 40 cm. . .028 34 7.5 Mean. . .01810.005 491 8.3 4.911.5 'Average of 2 test values. 27 f locculation. These results are in qual- itative agreement with the bulk of the experimental data presented in this paper. pH AND CHEMICAL EFFECTS The major filtration characteristic of MgO, other than its positive surface charge, is its basicity. Unbuffered water passing over a bed of MgO will ex- perience an increase in pH of several un- its. At filtration velocities of 0.2 to 0.3 cm/s, water entering a typical bed of periclase (inert MgO) at neutral pH will exit at pH 10 to 10.5. Salts of Al 3+ and Fe 3+ are amphoteric; consequently, a shift in pH could be expected to signifi- cantly alter their solubility. Both Al 3 + and Fe 3+ salts are common coagulants and/or flocculants used in water treat- ment to destabilize colloidal dispersions by neutralizing surface charge. Often relatively large quantities of Al 3 + or Fe 3+ are added to produce A1(0H) 3 or Fe(0H)3 floes that further clarify water by enmeshing particulates. Alum f loccu- lation was used in the majority of the filtration tests, and while this would tend to decrease favorable surface-charge interactions between particulates and MgO, the effect of pH could conceivably be important. Effects of pH generally were not investigated during previous filtration tests. A series of tests were run with 24-ppm kaolin suspensions in the presence of either 15 ppm Al 3+ as alum or 30 ppm Fe 3 + as FeCl3. This concentration of Al 3 + is about 5 to 20 times greater than those used in previous tests. (Concentrations were previously reported as ppm alum; formula weight is 474. ) Influent pH was varied between 4.5 and 7.0, and filtra- tion velocities were 0.33 to 0.35 cm/s. Results are given in table 12. A strong pH effect is evident for the Al 3+ -treated suspension, as turbidity removal is ob- served to be much poorer at higher in- fluent pH. At pH 6.9, removal is so poor that head loss is almost negligible; hence value of F is low. Fe 3+ removal is poor regardless of pH. Filtrate pH de- creases considerably throughout the test if alum is present, but changes very lit- tle with FeCl 3 . The differences in filtration results are probably due to the differences in solubility of the two salts. Al 3+ read- ily forms soluble hydroxy complexes, and the region of minimum solubility where A1(0H)3 formation predominates spans a fairly narrow pH range of 2 pH units cen- tered around pH 5. The solubility dia- gram of Fe 3+ is somewhat similar, though Fe(0H) 3 remains more insoluble over a much wider pH range; soluble hydroxy com- plexes are not formed appreciably between pH 3.5 and 13. Typical applications in water treatment use Al 3+ at pH 5 to 9 and Fe 3+ at pH 3 to 8 (L4). Apparently, efficient removal of the kaolin-Al suspension requires a certain amount of soluble Al to interact with the MgO surface. Sufficient soluble Fe is not available at these pH levels; conse- quently, bonding is poor and little kaolin-Fe suspension is retained. MgO is not likely to be used to collect Fe 3+ - flocculated suspensions in practice because dissolution of the MgO will TABLE 12. - Effect of influent pH on filtration of kaolin suspension flocculated with Al 3+ and Fe 3+ salts to. NTU t/t v, cm/s V, L/cm 2 V/H F (xlO 5 ) Influent pH WITH 15 ppm Al 35 0.043 .347 .180 .012 0.340 .347 .330 .349 3.67 2.50 4.75 5.02 32.6 1,010 25.5 14.9 130 34 700 82 4.5 23 6.9 27 5.6 4.5 WITH 30 ppm Fe 25 0.221 .370 0.353 .350 1.27 1.26 36 60 610 620 6.7 4.6 28 probably be excessive at pH levels much below 5.0. The mechanisms of these interactions are complex and further complicated by the fact that pH levels at the MgO sur- face are likely to be considerably higher than those of the bulk solution. The effect of pH on particle- and medium-sur- face charge would also have to be con- sidered. What effect pH had on filtra- tion tests with much smaller amounts of the Al is unclear, but it is probably at least as important as surface charge effects. SCALE FORMATION AND MUDBALLING scale-forming tendencies in the process water is recommended. Another type of cementation was ob- served in later tests at the same plant. Chunks of cemented MgO were again ob- served at the bottom of the filter bed. These were removed for inspection and are shown in figure 9. Their most interest- ing feature is the presence of grains of anthracite adhering to one side of the cemented chunks. Evidently these chunks formed at the MgO-anthracite interface and worked their way to the bottom of the filter during backwashing. These were probably formed as a result of com- pression of deposited solids at the Another consequence of the basicity of the MgO is scale formation. Water with appreciable calcium hardness and carbon- ate or phosphate alkalinity will form in- soluble calcium compounds due to the in- crease in pH. Cementation of MgO filters was observed in tests with several water samples. During backwashing, the medium tended to lift as a plug rather than fluidizing. Usually, air scour was enough to break up the scale and clean the filter. Formation of scale did not seem to seriously impair removal rates or cause excessively high head-loss rates during most filtration runs. Mudballing is one problem that can re- sult from scale formation in MgO filters. In conventional filter media, mudballing results from the compression of floccu- lated solids into a cake at the surface of the filter. The relatively large chunks of cake are not entrained in back- wash at practical fluidization rates. Depending on their size and density, these will either stay at the surface or sink to the bottom of the bed. In the field tests with the process water used for cutting granite, mudballing mani- fested itself differently. Cementation of the MgO was evident in the lower part of the filter, and although the bed was fluidized for the most part during back- washing, a rim of the cemented material remained along the outer edge at the bot- tom of the filter. This probably would be avoided if backwash air and water were better distributed at the bottom of the filter. However, control of FIGURE 9.— Cemented MgO chunks containing anthracite grains. 29 MgO-anthracite interface, but scale for- apparently mation may also be responsible. Sand tests, filters and sand-anthracite filters were not affected in these SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Under the right circumstances MgO fil- ters offer significant advantages over similar conventional sand filters. Bu- reau results suggests that 0.5- to 0.71- mm MgO will filter water pretreated with alum better than equivalently sized par- ticles of conventional filter sand. Par- ticulate removal was approximately equal for the two media under these conditions, but much more water could be passed through the MgO filters before break- through. The porosity of the MgO filter bed is about 1.3 times greater than that of the sand filter bed, which probably accounts for its smaller rate of head loss and large run lengths before breakthrough. Current trends in conventional water treatment include the use of coarser me- dia in conjunction with polymer floccu- lants to increase solid-loading capacity. The floes created by polymer addition are more resistant to higher shear rates than alum floes; consequently, higher filtra- tion velocities are used. Excessive head loss rather than high turbidity tends to limit run length. Under these conditions MgO apparently offers little advantage over sand other than a slight reduction in head loss rate. In tests of recycled process water, elevated levels of dissolved solids usu- ally were found. The MgO filters were tolerant to moderate levels of calcium hardness and carbonate alkalinity, pro- vided adequate backwashing with air scour was available. No single solid removal mechanism can be definitively identified as the one re- sponsible for the improved filtration ob- served with granular MgO. In contact filtration of asbestos fibers, surface charge effects were almost certainly pre- dominant, but in shifting to granular MgO filters the specific surface area was greatly reduced and alum flocculation was necessary to achieve efficient solid re- moval. Both factors tend to indicate decreased importance of surface charge effects in comparison with mechanical ef- fects. pH-chemical effects may also be important. Granular MgO (periclase) possesses the necessary durability to be a filter me- dium; no drastic attrition effects were noticed in field tests or in laboratory longevity studies. MgO is also compat- ible with anthracite as a dual-medium filter, whereas sand-MgO filters are not likely to stratify in a workable manner except possibly in upflow filters. Bed poisoning by dissolved metals apparently is not a problem. Filtration is just one step in the overall water-treatment process. Optimi- zation of the clarification process will most likely outweigh optimization of the filtration process, since the former re- moves by far the larger amount of solids. In instances where mine and mineral- processing water is only moderately con- taminated by suspended solids, direct filtration of the mine water without clarification may be an attractive alter- native. A filter that can effectively remove suspended solids without pretreat- ment would be desirable. Comparison of filtration tests where 0.5-mm MgO is used to filter untreated kaolin and 0.71-mm MgO is used to filter alum-treated kaolin are encouraging. Solid capture indexes (SC) and f ilterability indexes (F) were better by almost an order of magnitude when no flocculant was added. Flocculant evidently adds considerable bulk to the suspended solids and contributes heavily to head loss. Reduced head loss is po- tentially the most beneficial advantage in employing MgO filtration. Rather than concentrating on comparing MgO and other media as conventional water filters, fu- ture research could explore the use of novel materials in novel filtration meth- ods. Various grades of MgO with interme- diate activity and hardness should be evaluated as filter media to determine whether the surface properties of MgO can be better utilized. 30 REFERENCES 1. Schiller, J. E., and S. L. Payne. Surface Charge Measurements of Amphibole Cleavage Fragments and Fibers. BuMines RI 8483, 1980, 23 pp. 2. Schiller J. E., and S. E. Khala- falla. Filtration of Asbestos and Other Solids With Magnesium Oxide. Min. Eng. (Littleton, CO), v. 35, No. 3, 1983, p. 237. 3. Schiller, J. E., D. N. Tallman, and S. E. Khalafalla. Mineral Processing Water Treatment Using Magnesium Oxide. Environ. Progr. , v. 3, No. 2, 1984, pp. 136-141. 4. Tallman, D. N. , and J. E. Shiller. Field Evaluations of Magnesium Oxide in Deep-Bed Filtration. BuMines RI 8936, 1985, 11 pp. 5. Ives, K. J. Deep Bed Filtration: Theory and Practice. Filtr. and Sep. , v. 17, 1980, pp. 157-166. 6. Tien, C, and A. C. Payatakes. Advances in Deep Bed Filtration. AIChE J., v. 25, No. 5, 1979, pp. 737-757. 7. Rajagopulan, R. , and C. Tien. The Theory of Deep Bed Filtration. Ch. in Progress in Filtration and Separation, ed. by R. J. Wakeman. Elsevier, 1979, pp. 179-269. 8. Lekkas, T. D. A Modified Filter- ability Index for Granular Bed Water Filters. Filtr. and Sep., v. 18, 1981, pp 214-216. 9. Baumann, E. R. , and J. L. Cleasby. Waste Water Filtration Design Considera- tions. U.S. EPA Technol. Trans. Sem. Publ. EPA-624/4-74-007a, July 1974, 36 pp. 10. Gunasingham, K. , T. D. Lekkas, and T. J. Fox. Predicting the Expansion of Granular Filter Beds. Filtr. and Sep., v. 16, No. 6, 1983, pp. 619-623. 11. Wakeman, R. J. Backwashing of Granular Filters. Ch. in Filtration Post-treatment Processes. Elsevier, 1975, pp 138-145. 12. Bohm, U. Maximum Mass Transfer to the Wall or Immersed Objects in Liquid Fluidized Beds. Ind. and Eng. Chem. Pro- cess Des. and Dev. , v. 22, No. 2, 1983, pp. 339-341. 13. Degremont Co. Methods of Anal- ysis. Ch. in Wastewater Treatment Hand- book. Wiley, 5th ed. , 1979, pp. 940-944. 14. Johnson, P. N. , and A. Aminthara- jah. Ferric Chloride and Alum as Single and Dual Coagulants. J. Am. Water Works Assoc, v. 75, No. 5, 1983, pp. 232-239. 31 APPENDIX. —NOMENCLATURE SYMBOLS a p radius of suspended particle, mm A r ratio of buoyant to viscous drag forces acting on a particle, dimensionless C suspended solids concentration in filtrate, mg/L C Q influent suspended solids concentration, mg/L d ef f effective grain diameter, mm d m diameter of the filter medium granules, mm dp diameter of particulate being filtered, mm e charge on an electron, eV F filterability index, dimensionless f subscript denoting fluid g acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s 2 H head loss, cm H 2 h constant in London group, N l q5 dimensionless h b bed depth, m h bo bed depth of unfluidized bed, m Hj initial head loss, cm H2O k Boltzman's constant, cal/(mol*deg) k-H loss coefficient, cm 3 /g 1 filter depth, m M represents metal m medium property m. molality of jth ion N DL double-layer filtration parameter N E i electronic group 1 filtration parameter N E 2 electronic group 2 filtration parameter N L0 London group filtration parameter 250 87 &><* 32 Nr n g n P P e P R Re Re, Re opt SC S.G. T t V e opt Ed SYMBOLS — Continued relative size group filtration parameter gravity group filtration parameter parameter in Reynolds number determinations, dimensionless element symbol for phosphorus Pec let number particle property ideal gas law constant, 1.987 cal/(mol*deg) Reynolds number, dimensionless Reynolds number corresponding to unhindered settling of filter grains, dimensionless optimum Reynolds number, dimensionless solid capture index, g/cm 3 specific gravity, g/cm 3 absolute temperature, K time, h or s filtrate volume per unit area, L/cm 2 filtration velocity, cm/s valence of jth ion differential notation porosity, dimensionless porosity of unfluidized bed, dimensionless optimum porosity, dimensionless dielectric constant of fluid, dimensionless inverse double-layer thickness, GREEK LETTERS v ir Pf Pp m -1 To removal coefficient, cm -1 viscosity, kg/(m*s) kinematic viscosity, u/p or m 2 /s constant, 3.1416 density of fluid, kg/m 3 or g/cm 3 density of particulate, kg/m 3 or g/cm 3 turbidity, NTU initial turbidity, NTU surface potential of filter medium, mV surface potential of particulate, mV US GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1987 605017/60052 INT.-BU.OF MINES,PGH.,PA. 28502 U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Mines— Prod, and Distr. 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