E 380 Book_-JIl-3_il. THE / STRIKIJVG S131IL1TI Di: r.Kiur.KM THE KEIGN OF TERROR, OF THE ELDER ADAMS, AND THE REIGjY of C0RRUPTI0^\ OF THE YOUNGER ADAMS. AN ADDRESS ADOPTED BY THE AI.BANY REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION: OGETHER WITH RESOLUTIONS EXPRESSING THEIR SENTIMENTS ON THE PRE- SIDENTIAL QUESTION, AND NOMINATING THE HON. JOHN TAYLER FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTOR. N € w ) cr'k^X^^t a - Piinted for the Albany Argtis, BY p. m'glashan. 18^8. \ / E 3 9o RESOLUTIONS OF THE ALBANY TOl NTV REPUBLICAN COIWEJVTION. The Committee appointed for that purpose, roporled (he lullnw jntr llp^f^Iulions jiikJ A(ld»oss, which were unanimously approved of : Resolved, Th:it it is the privilege and the gieat liity of repiiblioii citizens, to watch tlie move- nents and si-iiititir/.o thecoiiduit of tlioir lulers, and to detect tlie U' — and becuisc ill its [iroiligd expendiuiies its niiiltiplica- tion of agents, its wasic of the public tre.isure, its misapplic.ilion of the contii.geni fmuis, iis nume- rous outfits, its illegal and piol'use iowaiassiiig days of (a- rights careliil of their honour, tenacious o putation ot their defenders, and regaidfi' national interests and welfare. Jiesiilr(d, Tlr}t w e appro\'e of the nc A N D RE W .1 A CKSON , of Tennessee. lican candi late for president; and th;' iigue and sleepless nights in preparing fur the g.d- i lilt resistani e which the invader afierw.nds met ■■■\ ilh at his hands and the hands of his undaunted compatriots, and appearing in that hour of peril in the midst of the conflict, holding to all the in- Iiim, in the langu.tge of the vencrateu Jefferson, a citizen " wlioha-^ tilled the measure of his country's glory;" wlio " iias iiinre of the Koin.m in him than any iDan now hviiig;" and whom Providence seems to have fitted, in a peculiar matintr, by the magnitude of his sTvices, his sound piinciplee, his jirarticdl lepublir-jnism, and his unostentatious life, to st?y tlK- march of corrupiioii and prodigality, and to biin!£ back- tlie government to the purily and simpliriiy of the democratic days of the republic. Resolved, That our confidence in the accom- plishment of thtse threat and salutary ends certain- ly is not diminished, by the circumstance that he -will .ome to his high office direcllt^from the peo- 2>le, unaiiled by tiic " line of safe precedents," by cabinet intrigues, or the abuse of the contingent funds. Rusoloed, That we approve of the nomination of JOH\ C CALHOUN, for the office of vice presi- dent, as a citizep in w horn superior talent and ex- peiience eminently qualify for that station, and Avhose efficient services in the cause of his country constitute strong claims upon the support of the people. Risolvcd, That in our estimation, calumny and detr iction are not the weapons of a good cause, or the means of attaining right ends; and that we can rcgaid the tmexampled abuse of the Firmer of Ten- nessee, the foul charges brought ajainst him by men in high places, the invasion of his domestic rela- tions, and the assaults upon the reputation of the ■wife of his bosom, as the acts of men, grown des- pt'.ate under the censures of the people, and in view of the dep.uture of power, corruptly acquired and madly exercised. Bcsolucd, That the recent nomination, hy a fede- ral coiiventii't) favorable to the general administra- tion, of a liigh judicial otlicer of that administration as a candidate for governor of this state, is »veH calculated, unless resisted by the people, to fill the minds of all who love theircountry, with just alarm for the perpetuity of our institutions. If the gene- ral government can send its cabinet officers into the several states, to presile over them, and exercise in them the executive, judicial or legislative authori- ty— if the states must look to the national adminis- tration for their local officers — they have become little else than colonial dependencies of their ru- lers at Washington ; their boasted sovereignty is no more than a name; and we may look, at no distant day, for the subversion of the state govern- ments, and for the erection on their ruins, of that splendid piece of royal mimickry, so ardently desi- red by the elder Adams,— a consolidated government and a hereditary chief masistrale. Resolved, That in the judsmfnt of this conven- tion, a nomination of a high judicial functionary ot the national government, to a local office under' the state government, is an infraction of the spirit of our const tj'ion, which carefully excludes our own judicial officers from other civil appointments; and that the recent attempt to encroach upon our state rights and constitutional enactments — to render the highest judicial tribunal of the country subservi- ent to the ends of party — to send, at the heck of the Cabinet, the ministers of the national court:^ mto the arena of our local politics — to weaken the con- fidence of the people of the union in the decisions of lite only umpire between the states, which, un- polluted and unimpaired, constitutes one of the strongest links in the chain of our union, and which more than any other should be preserved free from party collision and bias — is anti-republican and un- constitutional, and will be resi.-»'ed at the ballot- boxes by a people, proud of tlieir ijative state, and watchful of every design upon its hberties. ADDRESS Unanimously adopted by the Albany Ropublican Convention, held at Bethlehem oe the 31st July, 1828, at which Resnltitions werf also adopted, concurring in the nomination of ANDREW JACKSON and JOHN C. CALHOUN, and otTeriug John Tayler as the Republican Candidate for Presidential Elector for this di^>- trict. To the Republicans of the County of Albany : .\r,v-iNC with flic nomination ofa candidate for an elec- tor of this district, we have thought itpicper to sub- mit to you some remarks on tlu; presidential election- The contest iii its commencement aiipeared to indi- f ate, and in its progress has, in fact, assumed, a strik- ing similarity to that of ISOO. There can be, we think, but little doabt in the minds of those who Iiave atten- tively observed the passing events, that the men who )iow wield the destiny of this great republic, entertain sentiments as hostile to the vightsof the people, as those manifested by our rulers in 1798. The administration ol the Son has improved upon the wrong principles of 'h' Father. ■* hn Adams' administration was brought in by the e#jf the people; it soon forfeited their confidence irsuing measures incompatible with popular rights ipted to sustain itself by the exercise of pow- ■legated by the constitution, and thereby just- ly acquired for itself the appellatirn of'THEREIGX Of terror." The administration of John Q. Ad- ams was brought in, as multiplying proofs have abun- dantly established, bv intrigue and bargain, in viola- tion of the public will— it is seeking to perpetuate it- self in defiance of this will, not only by the assumption of miconstitmional powers, but by an unauthorised and profligate expenditure of the public treasure, and it has thereby acquired for itself the justly merited designa- tion of" THE REIGN OF CORRUPTION." Inasmuch as public liberty has oftener been swept away by corruption, than it has been cloAen down by the violence of usurped power, the reign of the young- er Adams is more dangerous to our free institutions than was that of his father, and the efforts of the peo- ple to piU an end to it should emulate the deeds oi the patriots of 'OS. To prove to the satisfaction of those who aie not blinded by prejudice to the most obvious \ 6 Oi.4inf Jioiii;, tliaf (he |)ii'spii( ccmtist is iJentical in clKiracter to that v.liicli tciminatc.J tlio iii^ii .it tin- d- dtr Adams, and that it is llic stiii^'Jc vi the reoplc a- •^aiiist the Aiislocracy, wc will luiiliy reler y'>u to the known principles of "the men who have arrayed them- selves in each contest en the side .f power, and the measures tliev adopted for its perpitnaliuii. 'I'he defamatory assaults upon thu rtpublican candi- ,l;itcs— upon JefVe'rMin in 1800, and upon Jackson now, — have characters ol strong rt semblai.c.-. '1 hey are found on strict examination to he devoid of truth and lull ol malignity. In the case of Jefferson, the samtnury of private life -was rudely violated, and di>.c;ustinf; iinrno- raUty imputed to a ruan of the most blameless domestic conduct. Gen. Jackson has shared a late every way simihr. Jefferson was represented lo he a visionary philosopher, destitute of that practical good scnj>e which ii iiidispensal'ly necessary for a chief ma-is- tiafr. Jacks-'U is >aid"lo he so illiterate as to make it i)rcsumptiou in the people to urge his chums to that high station, which in the opinion of 'he aristocrats ot the present day. is an hon(-r alone " apinopnate and peculiar to polished iiiUUixt." Jclfcrs(.n was reviled .IS the friend and disciple of the bloody re-icides of France, and his elevation, as it \\as predicted, l)odtd for this country all the violence, the factions and cru- elties of the French revointion. (icneral Jackson is shamefully reviled as a traitor who lent his counte- nance to a plot for the dismemhenuent of the Union. ^Ir. Jefferson was stigmatised as an infidel, under whose administration the moral elements of society would be dissolved, re.ligion acridcd, our bibles burn- ed, and nnr temples of worship demolished. General Jackson is characterised as a '• mi!itu7-y chitjtain," whose administration will inflict ui)oii our country the direst calamities— calamities instead of which Mr. Clay has irreverently implored the God of mercy to substitute wvk, pestilence and famine. Every prediction of the enemies of JNIr. Jefferson was falsified. His administration was as fortunate and hap- j\v as any that this country was ever blessed with- It sanctioned few or no deviations in its measures from the theoretic principles of our government, and it is now pointed to as a model for imitation. The slanders against gen. Jackson are not fewer in number, nor less false and malignant in character, than those with which JNIr. JeffersonVas assailed; and we trust his adminis- tration will also falsify the forebodings of mischief- will he happy for the people, and long looked back to, like that ofJefffcison, as a proper model (or imitation- 'I he aspersions upon the character of general Jack- son have been so many and so diversified, that the li- mits of an address do not allow of a particular notice of them. We believe, however, that there is no charge without its answer; refutation has closely followed the lootsteps of the acciirsing spirit of falsehood and de- molished all its nefarious works- Those who still tliink general Jackson a bad man, must have wilfully tuined'away from a flood ol li£,ht V. bieh his ample vindication has sent abroad. W'e shall not here enlarge upon what has been said in dero- gation of the republican candidate, but shall only re- commend to those who are willi.ng to be informed and still doubt of his qualifications, to peruse the able .ind ample refutations, by which every accusation against him has been met, and to reflect upon the (ollowmgde- iiberate opinions of yi-:#(rso)(, Madison and Monroe— great patriots and pn re republicans— of ./o/ui ^. Adams and Henry Clmj—h'Mev opponents, for whom or by whom all the engines of slander have been put m mo- tion against him. " General Jackson is a clear-headed, strong-minded man. and has more of the Roman in him than any man nmolwing" Thomas Jeffkkso.v. " The recollection of the public relations in which I stood to general Jackson, while President, ana the propfn ^iven to him of the high estimation in ivhidi he vas held by me, Si.c" " [n Andrew Jacksox, commander-in-chief of the division of the south, the president found a man fit for apy emergen' V— a ^tatf.'mav, cool and di^p'-ssjonr.te, —a soi.nii;ii, teriihlo in batth- and mihl in victor*,— a PATiuoT, whose, bo.ioinswelleil witli .he love of \iis conntry:— in (ino a man, ' whose like we shall ucacu: loiikupon agaiii.'" Jamf.s IMo.nkoe._ " Who (Jat-kson) has shed ro much lustre on his country', who.se renown conslilutes so great a portion of its moral properly, I never had, ynri'/rcdii hare, any Other feelings th.-in those of tUe nioat i>rofouiid rcspict, and of the utmost kinuneas." Hevhv Ci.av. "\Vhose (General Jackson's) services to the nation entitle Uiiiiloih>'ir highest rcitvird, .ii-.d whose whole ca- riser has hern signalized \'y ihii jnirext iiitrntious .\nd the most rhrated jnirposcs." John Q. Aua.ms. We cannot but believe that such testimony as tlii* of his eminent services and exalted aorth, coming, as it does, from sages the be st ipsalified to judge, and from oppomiits the most willing to depreciate, will be with the pi 01. If, as it ought fo'be, a shield of protection a- g-rfinst the envenomed sh.ifts of slander. We helieve that there Isno man at this day. who will not acknowledge, it he is not deluded, or does not wi^h to delude others, that there is an essential difference in principle, between those who seek the eleetion <'f general Jackson, and those who arc dev.ited to the Co- alition. Tin: contest between them is not merely fi r power— it has higher and worthier obj«cts— it is h r principles AVe arc solemnly impressed with the c<)i;- victioii that John Q. Ad:,ms has covertly introduced in- to his administration the objectionable principles (1 that of his father; and has thereby secured the appro- bation and the active support of all those who are iii- clined to aristocracj'. An allusion to the distinctive measures of the two admiiiistraticus, will substantiate this assertion. The assumption of power by construction has been as great and alarming by the Son as it was by the Fa- thir. 'J he right to make this assumption has been more boldly avowed, and i\w power when i surpcd has been more objectionably exercised, by the rulers of Iho pre- sent day, than by those of '98- The rights of the state governments were never more ill danger than at this tim'^c, of being swallowed u]) by cimnorant construction, and their consequence sunk in the vortex of c(msolidation. The assertion of '• the comdit'dtional competence of the cjcecutivk'' to send am- bassadors, w'thout authority from the national legi-la- tiire and without the advice of the senate, to a con- gress of independent nations, a sort of holy alliance, and the avowal by the president of a rule of otUcial con- duct higher than the constitution, fnmi which, accord- ing to the true theory of republican government, all the power of the chief magistrate is derived, are principles more alarming than any that were ever advanced by the elder Adams- The ridiculous devico of the blndi cockade, is rivalled in ridiculousness by the grave epistle of yo/i7i fj). Ad- ams upon etiquette', and his formal regulations lor the costumes of ambassadors. Aspirants to illegal power, though they aim at the same object, seldfjui tread precisely in the footsteps of their unsuccessful predecessors- Casar did not imi- tate Catcii.ic in his attempt upon the liberties ol the Roman people; bat the younger Adams, as if he inten- ded there should be no excuse for mistaking the cl'.a- lacter of his administration, has pursued, in servile im- itation of \v.>fdhcr, the same objects, and by iicaiiy the same mtans. The press in 179S was the object of dread and attack. The free expression ol public sentiment through tin- medium of republican journals was ntfempted to be cf)ntrouled or ovei.twed by the sedition law. The present ailministr.iii'-n have" endeavoured to produce a similar result witl'outthe aid of such a law, by the use and abuse of patronage : —to intimidate by tin- menace of withdrawing it— to j.urehase by its bestowment. la pursuance of this policy, we have seen the leading re- publican journals in Ivcntuckj-, New-Hampshire and Slaine, and others in various other parts of the Unit" ' States, — allof them assiduous in the dissL-minati' republican dcctfincs asinculc;acd by Jefferson,— jxidoi oSiioi-.ii iniliotiaprc, fur the merewaiitoi personal isuPserviency to the secretary of state- In the National Intelligencer we have seen the ope- ration of cause and cifect — an immense patronage re- tained, and a sudden change of opinion, from ho.cs, from our farms, from our coart.-, and even from tlie pulpit. TJiis woiiid be earryiiij;; hoslilily and perseculiou of those who had fled to tlus couiitrv, 'Mhe boasted asy- lum from oj)pres>ion,''' and made it their home, far be- yond the rigor of the old alien law- Why arc foreigners, and particularly those who have acnuired full rights of citizcn^l»ip undcrour laws, deem- ed by the Coalition unworthy to limit upon an Amcri- Ciii bottom ? Are they, as the N. Y. American, a leatl- ing administration journal, characterizes them, " loose, floatin;;, mialtached adventurers, who lake ;my service and fight for any tlajr that pays them highest"! \Vc believe this ungeneii'Us conduct of our government, and these disgraceful reproaches from the friends of the Coalition, are wholly uimierited I'.ave those for- eigners who have enlisted in our army or navy, ever disgraced our flag by cowardice! lias any victory ever crowned our arms, wliith has not been |)urchased by the commingled blood of oumaturidized and nalnc citizens'? Having cst.iblished, as we think, in a satisfactory manner, that the principles of the present adminisini- tion of the general government, and the conduct nf its partizaus, are in many instances identical, a'Jii in all others very sirailar,to the federal administration (f 1798, it is reasonable to expect that those who were the supporters of the first Adams, anu whose princi- ciples have suffered no change, should now be the sup- porters of the sfconr/ Adtmx; and that those who op- posed the" Reig}i o/ Ttrror/'and whose principles have also undergone no change, should be now the oj)posers of the " Reign of Corruption." Facts, we believe, cor- respond with this reasonalile expectation- There have been, liowever, both backsliders from, and proselytes to, the republican cause. Those who have left the re- publican party and united their political destinies with the old federal party, did not carry with thera republi- can principles, and have not therefore obliterated in the smallest degree, the distinction between these two jiarties- All that were federalists have not remained so- The reasonableness and the excellence of the political doctrines of the school of Jfffirson, made many con- verts, before they were reduced to practice under the administration of this republican patriarch and his two immediate successors. During these administrations, converts were still more n\mierniis,but these conversions did not in the least change or confound the distinctive diaracter of the old p.irties. There are a few cases, and some of them of no ordinary importance, where the professed converts to the republican cause did not renounce, but temporarily disguised, their old faith. The cause that was espoused by them was betrayed, and that which was abandoned h.as been advanced- This hypocrisy has been tl.e occasion of some confu- sion, and made it necessaiy to look beyond mere names and professions, and have regard to'the principles of certain politicians, in order to ascertain the party to which they belong. Those who approved the meas- ures of the elder Aduim were federalists, and were proud of tliatapjiellation, and 'hose who approve simi- lar measures under the younger Adams are certainly not the less federalists because they wish to assume the honored name, while they war against the princi- ples, of republicans. An immense body of facts might be .adduced to show the identity of the views and principles of the support- ej-g oiJohn Adams and the supporters oihis son. In- deed in many thousand instances, they are the same unchanged and unchangeable individuals. Every me.m- EER OF THE ILvRTFORD CONVENTION WAS \ SVPPOUT- ER OF THE ADMINISTRATIO.V OF Joil.V AD.\>iS, AND EVERY MEMBER OF THAT BODY NOW ALIVE IS A DE- VOTED PARTISAN OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF HIS BON John QuiNcv Adams. It is also a fact, we believe, which is equally remarkable and equally indicative of the anti-republican character of the present adminis- tration, that it lias for its supporters eveuy member OF OUR ST.\TE CONVENTION, WHO VOTED FOR THE FREEHOLD Hl'-VLIFICATION OF SENATORIAL VOTEHS — a pniposilion so monstrously aristocratic, that its adup- tion would have )iarlially disfranchised nearly nr,>. iii.'NDiiEi) TiioiKANK lUEKMLN in this stutc. What claims to a republican character can that admin- istialion have whose iiicaMires have c> mmandcd the ;(ppi()liati(in and secured the fUjipoit of the whole body o| llarllord Conventionisth ! \Vhat iireten- tioiis can it lune to be the guardian of the free piinci- ples of our constilutiun, while it [.ursucs a policy en- tirely congenial «ith ihe sentiiiieiils of those proud ar- i.xlocrats, who l.oldly demand u monopoly of legislation because they have btrii blessed with more wcaJth than falls to the couimon lot of men ! Nothing jterhaps could Dmre clearly illustrate to the citizens oi this county the distinctive orineiplts of the two parties, than the candidates they have respective- ly imininatcd for their elector — the late Lieut. Gov. John 'JAYI.KH and the honourable AKRAUAM V.\N VPXJHTKX. They arc vencraljle men, of great purity of character, and most eminent moral worth. The electors o( this county can have no other ground of choice between them, than what arises from the diflerence in their po- litical principles. This dillerence is too well known to be denied and too broad to be confounded. Mr. Van Vechteu was a federalist of the old school, and he has remained so. unchanged in name and faith, to the present day. While many of his associates, in the days of the adverse fortune of their i)arty, sought to disguise their true political character by the assumj)- tioii of popular names, he has despised these mean arti- fices, gloried in the appellation oi a federalist, and fear« lessly maintained his ancient principles. Mr. Van Vcchten was a chamiiion of the admilli^t^^tion of old John Adams, and in siii)port of it, he arrayed hinisell against governor George Clinton, general Gates, John 'I'ayler, Henry Rutgers, general James Clinton, general Floyd, and many other distinguished men of the revo- lution. When that administration had encroached up- ru the rights of the states and the people — when it had passed the alien and sedition laws— when it had filled our jails with the victims of its displeasure, it was still the object of Mr. Van Vcchtcn'swarm .itfachraent, ar.d commanded his vigorous support. He resisted all the eflbrtsofthe rcpublica.i party, with Jefferson at its head, and in the contest of 1800, we find him giving his vole for the electors favourable to John Adams aud a- gainst those fa\ourable to Thomas Jvffcr&on- Thus wc see that the administration of the elder Adams, odious as it was by its many acts against the principles of the republican parly, was still Ihe object of his parental fondness & solieitiule during the whole period of its ex- istence. "He sat by its cradle — he followed its hearse." Mr. Van Vcchten's zeal for the federal cause, .ind op- position to republicans, was ai'dent and untiring- In 1S08, we find him again in the legiilature voting for ihe federal electors, and against those of the republican party. From 1S08 to the la'e war — a period of unexampled commercial difPiculties — and during all that war, when the federalists were flattered witii the hope qf regain- ing lost power, he was active and unwareringinhisop- position to the republican administration of president Madison. The federalists had not in all th^'ir ranks a champion in whom they jilacod greater confidence, and from whom the}- received greater aid, and the rr- pul)licans had no opponent more powerful to contend with. As a member f.four legislature, he opposed ever\' expression of ccnddeiice by that body in the pitrioiism and jjurityof our public agents in the general govern- ment, or in the correctness of their policy and the wis- dom of their measures. These expressions of ccnfi- dence, eman.ating from so respectable a source as the legislature of the great and powerful state of New- York, were of vital importance to the country^ assailed by a foreign foe and rent by domestic faction. IVIr. Van Vechten's course in the convxntion for revi- sing our constitution, afTords the clearest evidence of his political principles, and no doubt can re^t upon the caiad of tho$e who examine it, that lii.-< predilections for tlic high toned doctrines of the old fcder:il school had increased ^Mfh his years. While the eii'oits of the rejmblican party have been to enlarge the rights and privilefres of the people, those of the federalists have ever been for restricting them. Mr. Van Vechten, tiue to the uriuciples of his party, opposed, while in the convention, the extension of tae eledive franchise. He voted against extending the right of suffrage to tho.sc who were assessed and performed labour on the highways. He voted against giving that right to those ttHo do miiitia duty. Deeply imbued with aristocracy laust that mind be, which can reconcile it to the eternal prii;- ciples of justice to withhold the full right of trecmen from those who bear burdens to support government; upon whom is cast the defence of our lives u'ld proper- ty when invaded by a foreign power, and tiie enl'orcc- meiiT. of the laws when resiflted by insurrection and rc- belJion; and who, in the peribrmance of these duties, are oitcn called upon to shed their blood and lay down their lives. Mr. "Van Veclittu gave Lis sanction fo a stii! more • objecti'.iiahle proposition — :i proposition to exclude all those who do not possess an unincumbered real estate wf-rth $250 fom voting for mcrnbers of he senate. It is admitted that the practical ojicration of the provision wouiJ have deprived, in our large ci- ties, more than two-thirds of the citizens — including among them some of the most respectable, and even the most wealth}- — from all pai-ticipaticnin the choice of an entire branch of t!ie legislature. In enforci.-g this proposition, so much at war wish equality oi rights — the basis of republic?') governments — he asserts'lhat " the atoners of p-cperly have rights, which «! relation to those who are destitute, arc sepai-aie undexchisivc-" Pro- ceeding upon this principle, Lhat the adventiticiis cir- cumstance of possessing property gives se]jardie and txchisive rights, it is no longer a matter of surprise that be should have been led"to enibiace all the aristo- cratic measures «.f the old federal partj-, and to defend with all the ability for which he is so much eulogised, all the assumptions of power which have been claimed under the administrations of the f.'oV.-iind younger yld- ams. It is this principle of property confcring sepa- rate and exclusive rights, v/bicb in "feudal times made the distinction between the loi-d and bis vassals — in modern times makes tliat between the monarch and his subjects, giving absolute power to one, and im- posing passive obedience as a duty on the other. It has destroyed equal liberty in all ether republics but ours, and if the reign ai John Adams had continued, it would have destroyed it here. Without enlarging up- on its dangerous tendcnc}', we address this inquirj' to the thousands whose clearest nghfs have been menaced by its assertion; " Will you give your votes to those who would have deprived you of tlie very right of vo- ting, and against those who secured this right to you'? Wril j-ou give your support to an adminisuation which by its aristocratic principles has scctu'ed the atUich- ment of ^1 those who iu this land of freedom would have withheld from you the most valued right of free- men 1" Mr. Van Vechten steadily and perscveringly resisted the introduction of these free principles into the new constitution, and when they were placed there by re- >| publicans, he recorded his vote against that constitution, i Such are the principles of Mr. Van Vechten, the fed- eral elector nominated by the jiartisans of John Quin- cy Adams in Opposition to Gen. Jackson. While we feel a respect for the consistency of his political con- duct, we can not but lament his" erroneous principles. A^ e have freely questioned, as we have an undoubted right to do, while h.- stands before the people for their sulhages, the soundness of his political faith; but we have done this without intending to impeach the purity of his heart, or derogate from the respect due to him as a worthy citizei;. We now turn to one, whose great moral worth may- - fearlessly challenge a c'omjiarison with that of Mr- Van Vechten, and in v/hose political principles we find no- thing to condemn and much to admire. We allude fo JOHN TAYLER, late lieut. governor of this state, whoKi wcnoM' present to you as an elector in favom- ol Andrew Jacicson- John Tayler %vas a whig of the revolution; a ])atriot in 1798; and has ever been a firm and consistent repub- lican. Inl776,Jie was a delegate to the provincial congress- In 1777 a conspicuous member of the Committee of Safety, a body of fearless patriots, who at the risk of their lives exercised the executive powers wrested from the colonial government, until the ad( fidunt of Washington, — the firm and untiring supporter l| of the republican administraliins of Jefferson, Madison " and Monroe. No man saw more clearly, or lamented more sincerely, the errors of the administration of the elder Adams ; and we venture to say no man put forth a stronger arm for its prostration. Of his more recent efforts in the cause of the repub- lican party it is scarcely necessary to speak- They arc well known and highly appreciated bj- the grateful community in which he lives- The same love of lib- erty which led lieut- gov Tayler to embark early and zealouslj- in the revolution, and to stake life and for- tune upon its success — which made him condemn and oppose the mad misnile of the country by John Adams, — now induces him, descended as he is into the vale of yeai-s, to allow the reuublicaijs of this county the frc& use of his .name for a presidential elector in their pre- sent stmggle to prostrate the equally aristocratic and more corrupt misrule oi John Quincy Adams. W^e submit, fellow citizens, to your serious exami- nation the political chai-acter of the two presidential electors; and ask your choice between the man who has adopted and practised upon through life the high- toned aristocratic doctrines of the old federal school; and tlie whig of the revolntion and republican of '9.S — between the supporter of the administration of John Adams, with its alien and sedition laws, its multiplied diplomatic agencies and standing armies, its ridiculou.s pomp and wasteful profusion of the public treasiujcs;' and the supporter of the adrainisti'ation fil Jefferson^ with its scrupulous regard for the people's rights, its republican simplicit}', and rigid economy —Toelwcen the stern and consistent federalist, Aeilmiam Va.v Vechtex; and the lirm and inflexible republican.. JoiIX TAV!,Fr. %