F &(0 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 647 907 8 • IF YOU WANT A LASTING p4n S ouveni r OF THF (entennial Year. GO lO ARKANSAS MISSOURI, BEinORE THE CLOSE iOE IJ^TO. AND SECURE A BCOIMIE^, Where the Climate is Mild, the La and Productive, ON THE LINE OF THE St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Soutliern THOS, ESSEX, Land Commissioner, LITTLE BOCK, J\.KK. X TOU have your choice of 2,000,000 Acres, \ comprising every variety of soil and location, -^ suitable for Agriculture, Stock- Raising, Fruit- Growing, or Manufacturing. You can choose a home among the hills, where apples, pears, peaches, and grapes will thrive, and make the luxuries as common as the nec- essaries of life. You can cover the uplands with fields of Wheat, Oats, Rye, or Barley, and get crops that you will not be ashamed to show in any market; or you can make the rich bottoms beautiful with fleecy cotton and tall corn that will bring ready money in convenient markets. In the crowded city you are compelled to struggle on, from year to year, to keep your family fed and clothed, and at the end find yourself just where you were in the beginning, while the rent you have to pay for your house, would buy a good farm in the Southwest, where there are no long winters to eat up the savings of the summer; where the same exertions you are making now will not only give you an abundant living, but will enable you to leave a comfortable home for your children after you. COME AMD LOOK AT THE LANDS. ROUND TRIP TICKETS, with privilege of stopping off at any Station, both ways, will be sold at re- duced rates. Apply to R. COUCH, E. A. FORD, Pana, 111. St. Louis. OR TO D. AXTELL, Cairo, 111. Ass't Land Commissioner, N. W. Cor. Tourth and Market Sts., St. Louis, Mo. ^ ^E.icj^nsrs^s. THE ST. LOUIS, IRON MOUNTAIN and SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY has a grant of lands from the United States of nearly two million acres, embracing all varieties of soil and timber, and adapted to farming, fruit-growing, and grazing purposes. The grant was made more than twenty years ago, and the lands have been withheld from market since then. In the meantime, the adjoining alternate sections have been taken up and the country settled. Peace, good order and good feeling pre- vail throughout the State. Its Constitution is liberal in all its provisions. It guarantees equal rights and privileges to all per- sons. Taxation for State purposes cannot be made to exceed one per centum of the assessed value of the property. The support and maintenance of free schools is made obligatory. The State has a climate not surpassed by any in the Union. Its soil is fertile and of varied productions. Cotton, Corn, Wheat, Oats, Fruits of all kinds, can be grown with certainty. The State has never been afflicted with " grasshoppers," " cotton- worms," or other destructive insects. I'eople from all sections of the country who desire to better their condition, are cordially invited to come to Arkansas and secure cheap homes. Personal property of each head of a family, to the extent of five hundred dollars in value, and not including wearing apparel, is also exempt. Thus it will be seen that by the liberal provisions of the laws of the United States, and of the State, a home- stead is guaranteed to each citizen. Railroads Lands are offered at low prices and on easy terms of payment, from $2.50 upward, with a general average of from $3 to $5 per acre for good farming land. Address THOIMI/LS ESSEX, Land Commissioner St. L., I. M. & S. R'y- \ LITTLE ROCK, ARK. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 647 907 8 _ NORTH, EA.ST J\.N Ti IVEST, FOR ALL POINTS IN ARKANSAS and TEXAS, CONNECTS AT /-ST. LOUIS- With Express Trains of the SAINT LOUIS. IRON MOUN- TAIN and SOUTHERN RAILWAY, which passes directly through the States of MISSOURI and ARKANSAS from the North-east to the South-west Border, and and by its connection with the railway lines of TEXAS forms the SHORT AND QUICK ROUTE To all the prominent and rapidly growing towns and cities of those GREAT STATES This is the only Eoute to the Celebrated HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS. W. R. ALLEN, Gen I Pass. Ag't, ST. LOUIS, MO. 014 647 907 8 •