a:^ Book_/ mmmm 'W SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION C^ AND THE WAR OF 1812 v ^ BuRiSD In McLban County, Ilunois. (4^ ^ MiLO CXJSTER. ■♦}•, ^ B1.00MINGTON , Illinois. f^' ^*^^ m m m m m s s X ^ ^ "^ ^ ''♦^^ 7 <^ MSM:^^S^MSS^^:^SS:^>KS^ 'MM SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION AND THE WAR OF 1812 BURIED IN iMcLEAN COUNTY, ILLINOIS. MII^O CUSTER BLOO^IINCTON , ILLINOIS, 1912. 'V) 5? ifiT SS" "S? 5? vv' 5? ^? ^' 'S? 'S? ^S" iJ» ^i» ^^ «?• ■ i*? "5? ^jJ ^ F . U n f N9 \ 0:3 BEHOLD THE RUGGED FACES OF A FEW EARLIEST PIONEERS OF OLD MCLEAN ^VHO FOUGHT GREAT BRITAIN IN OUR SECOND WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. ^.^ut^^^^^-^^ REVOLUTIONARY SIGNATURES. ( Samuel Beeler, David Haggard and Wife, and Jacob WiL,UAMvSrx.) From the Estate Files of McLean County, III. u O GO r u o 9 I u © e^ u u u CO u < Ck. u E H as a ea o u SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION BuBiBo In McLkan County, Ili^inok. ( Mjxjo Custer. ) Abbreviations, b. - born, cb. - cbildrea, d. - died. Etc. BARN^, Kbbnezkr, b- County, Massachusetts, , 17... [Military History in Pension Commissioner's Office, Washington, D. C] Settled at Barnes' Grove, (Named for him) Sec. 33, in what is now Dan vers Township, Mcl^ean Coimty, 111. about 1830, d. Barnes Grove (?) May 17, 1836. Buried in Stouts Grove Cemetery, (?) Sec. 16, Dan vers TouT^ship, McLean County, 111. ( See Book A. Pages 24 and 47, County Commissioners Court Records, and Box i. Case 53, Estate Files, McLean Coimty, 111. also Duis' Good Old Times" 1874, Page 440, Information also from Charles Barnes, Grandson, Mound City, Kansas, 191 2.) Wife, Ruth ( ) Barnes, Sons, Harrison Barnes, Ebenezer Barnes, Jr. [Other ch.?] BARTHOLOMEW, Joseph, b County, New Jersey, March 15, 1766. [Private, Captain Jonathan Rowland's Company, - "Tracy ffren Company" - Pennsylvania Militia, 1780, ? ] Settled on Sec. 13, in what is now Money Creek Township, McLean County, 111. 1830, d. near Clarksville, 111. Nov. 2, 1840. Buried in Clarksville Cemetery, Sec. 3, Money Creek Township, McLean Couunty, 111. (See "War Record of McLean County, 111." 1899, Page 312, and Box 4, Case 153, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. also Pennsylvania Archives, 5th Series, Vol. V, Page 619.) ist Wife, Christiana (Pickenpaugh) Bartholomew, ch. Sarah (Bartholomew) Espey , Catharine ( Bartholomew ) McNaught , Amelia ( Bartholomew ) Hopkins, Mary (Bartholomew) Hopkins, Martha (Bartholomew) Vail, Elizabeth (Bartholomew) Epler , Christiana (Bartholomew) Epler, Marston C. Bartholomew, James C. Bartholomew, John Bartholomew. 2nd Wife, Elizabeth (McNaught) Bartholomew, ch. Nancy (Bartholomew) Bradley , Angela ( Bartholomew ) Merryman , George M. Bartholomew, WilUam M. Bartholomew. BSHLER, Samuel, b County, Virginia, (?) about 1760. [Captain, Samuel Eeeler's Company , Virginia Militia , War of the Revolution. ] Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1830, d. near Twin Grove, Jan. 14, 1840. [Date of death on Gravestone not correct.] Buried in East Twin Grove Cemetery, Sec. 35, Dry Grove Township, McLean County, 111. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874 , Page 425, also 8th Annual Report, Virginia State Library, 1910-'! i. Page 41 , and Box 4, Case 139, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. Information also from G. W. Henry, Grandson, Bloomington, 111. 191 2.) Wife, Mary (Graves) Beeler, ch. Samuel Beeler, Jr. (18 12.) William Beeler, Mary ["Polly"] (Beeler) Henry, Elizabeth (Beeler) Rockhold, George Beeler, AmeUa (Beeler) Kelly, Nancy (Beeler) Hill, Emmeline ? ( Beeler ) Dollauhan , Isabella ( Beeler ) Rockhold , Lavuia ( Beeler ) Rynearson. CR03K, PHII.IP, Sr. b County, Pennsylvania, (?) about 1753. [ Military History probably in Pension Commissioners Office, Washington , D. C] Served from about Jvme i, to Dec. 31, 17S3. Settled at Randolph's Grove, Mclvean County, 111. about 1837, d. Randolph's Grove, July 4, 1848. Btu-ied in Miller or Randolph Township Cemetery, Sec. 26, Randolph Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 720, and Box 11, Case 339, Estate Files, McLean County, Illinois. Information also from Mrs. Barbara Fisher, Greatgranddaughter, Randolph 111. 1912, Mrs. Sarah Crose, Saybrook, 111. and J. T. Martin, Heyworth, 111. Wife, Priscilla (Becks) Crose, ch. Solomon Crose, Michael Crose, John Crose, Henry Crose, Philip Crose, Jr. William Crose, Barbara (Crose) Hand, Mary (Crose) Alkire , Jane (Crose) Miles, Rebecca (Crose) Brock. HAGGARD, David, b. Albemarle County, Virginia, 1762. [No Official Record of Military Service Found.] Served in the Virginia Militia , about 1779 to 1783. In Battle of Yorktown, Virginia, Oct. 14, 1781, snd at the S'orrender of CornwalHs, Oct. 19, 1781. Settled at Bloomington, 111. 1836, d. Eloomington, 111. April 15, 1843. [Date of death on Gravestone not correct.] Buried on Lot ..., Sec. ..., Evergreen Cemetery, Eloomington, 111. ( See Haggard Genealogy, and Box 6, Case 190, Estate Files, McLean County, lU.) Wife , Nancy ( Dawson ) Haggard , ch . Elizabeth ( Haggard ) Lander , Martha (Haggard) Routt -Newton, Sally (Haggard) Lander, Melvina ( Haggard ) Rucker , Cynthia ( Haggard ) Babbitt , Mahala ( Haggard ) McCaughan, Louesa (Haggard) Blakely, Louisa (Haggard) Thompson , Dawson Haggard, John Haggard. HOUGHAM, Moses, Sr. b County, Maryland, (?) about 1744, (?) Served from Virginia (?) in the War of the Revolution. Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1830, d. Harley's Grove, about 1845, "aged loi years" Buried in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bloomington Township, McLean 111. (See 8th Annual Report, Virginia State Library, igio-'ii, Page 230, * ' Moses Huffman ' . Information also from Ira Hougham , Grandson , He3^vvoi'th, 111. 1 91 2.) Wife, Catharine ( ) Hougham, ch. William Hougham, Isaac Hougham, Runyon Hougham, Sr. Moses Hougham, Jr. (1812) Catharine (Hougham) Ellington. K.\RR, John C. b. Tinicum, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1758. Captain, John C. Karr s Company, 2nd Battalion, Somerset County, New Jersey Militia, War of the Revolution. Settled in McLean County, Illinois, 1S39, d. near Leroy, 111. Dec. 16, 1840. Buried in Heyworth Cemetery, Heyworth, 111. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 814, Heitman s Historical Register, U. S. Pension List, 1840, D. A. R. Lineage Book, Vol . XX [, Page 180, and Box 4, Case 159, Estate Files, McLean County, 111.) [Name spelled "Kerr"' in many instances.] Wife, Mercy (Lee) Karr, ch. Walter Karr, Eleanor (Karr) Crivling, Joseph Karr, John Karr, Jr. Dr. Thomas Karr, (181 2.) Nancy (Karr) Noble , Rebecca ( Karr ) Noble , Mercy ( Karr ) Buck , Jacob Karr . [See Next Page.] KARR, (Continued,) Extracts From The Will Of Capt. John C. Karr; ( Dated April 7, 1840. Box 4, Case 159, Estate Files, McLean County, 111.) [Directs the erection of] ' 'a gravestone corresponding with my wifes [with inscription] in manner and form following, 'Sacred to the Memor}' of John Karr, a Soldier of the Revolution in 1776." x x x [also] x x x "My said executors will bury me with the honors of War, and invite Capt, Moses Baldwin with 7 Men for the first Salute & Capt. George Martin with 6 men for the second Salute, it being in honor of mj' defence of the 13 States". McCUIvLOUGH, WiLLLlM, I, b. Baltimore, Maryland, , 1756. Private, Capt. Alexander Lawson Smith's Company, Col. Moses Rawling' s Maryland Regiment, Continental Line, Aug. 6, 1776 to Aug. .,., 1778. (Received a Pension.) Settled in McLean County, 111. aboiit 1830, d. Twin Grove, Nov. 23, 1832. Buried in McCullough Family Cemetery, (abandoned) on Elkins Farm, Sec. 28, Dry Grove Township, McLean County, 111. (See D. A. R. Lineage Book, Vol. XXVII, Page 275.) Wife, Mary ( ) McCullough, Son, Peter McCullough. [Other ch.?] McGHEE, WiLLL^M, b County, Xorth Carolina, Oct , 1756. [ Military History in Pension Commissioners Office, Washington, D. C] Settled in what is now McLean County, 111. 1S28, d. Diamond Grove, Oct. 6, 1843 . Buried in Diamond Grove Cemetery, Sec. 7, Downs Township, McLean County, 111. (See U. S. Pension List, 1840, and Gravestone. Information also from G. W. Downs, Bloomington, 111. 1912.) W^ife, Rebecca (Satterfield) Downs-McGhee, Dau. Mary (McGhee) Tovrea TOLIDAY, John, b. Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, (?) , 17... [ .Military History in Pension Commissioners Office, Washington, D. C] Settled in what is now Mount Hope Township, McLean County, 111. atout 1S30, d. Leroy, 111. about 1S49. Buried in Oak Grove Cemeter3% (old part) near Leroy, 111. (See Book A, Page 51, County Commissioners Court Records, McLean County, 111. Information also from Mrs. James Smith, Bloomington, 111. and Thomas L. Buck, LeRoj^ 111. 191 2.) Wife, ( ) Toliday, ch. Lydia (Toliday) V/illiam Toliday, P'leming Toliday, John Toliday, Jr. WILLIAMSON, Jacob, b County, New Jersey, (?) 17... [Private,? New Jei-sey Militia, (?) War of the Revolution. Settled at Hittle's Grove, Tazewell County, 111. about 1826, d. Sec. 17 in what is now Danvers Twp. McLean County, 111. June ... 1838. Buried in Stout's Grove Cemetery, (?) Sec. 16, Danvers Towmship, McLean County, 111. ( Information from Wm. Hieronyraus, Jr. Minier, 111. R. F. D. 191 2, and Winton Carlock, Carlock, 111, 1913. See also Box 2, Case 70, Estate Files, McLean Count}', 111.) Wife, Martha ( ) Williamson, ch. Margaret (Williamson) , Sarah ( Willilmson ) , Catharine B . ( Williamson ) Goodenough, Martha (Williamson) Lindse3^ Jane (Williamson) Jackson, (?). Esther Ann (Williamson) Perkins, Josephine (Williamson) Mitchell, Jacob L. D. Williamson , Solomon Williamson , Chapman W^ilhamson . UNCERTAIN, BELL, Nathaniel, Said to have died in McLean County, 111. Jan. 17, 1835, TO THE DESCENDANTS OP TH« S0I1 BUCKLES. B:r.\n.\man, (Continued) Settled in McLean County, 111. Sept. 1836. d. in what is now Dawson Township , McLean County , 111. Aug. 28 , 1 846. Buried in Frankeberger Cemetery, Sec. 27, Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. (His Company was also known as Lieut. Samuel Crawford's. He enlisted from Augusta City, Va. and was discharged at Camp Cross Roads.) See Book 209, Page 126, Deed Records, ( Warrant No. 49854 ) and Box 9, Case 275, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. Information also from H. E. Millay, Grandson, Ellsworth, in. 1913. "Wife , Mary (Halderman) Branaman , ch. John H. Branaman, David R. Branaman, Mary J. (Branaman) Gilmore, Elizabeth (Branaman) Jackson, Sarah F. (Branaman) Neal, Caroline C. Branaman, Addison P. Branaman Henry F. Branaman, Augustus B. Branaman, Martha E. (Branaman) Millay, Hester P. (Branaman) Spencen BsooKS, Miles, (i) b County, Virginia, Dec. i, 1781. Private (?) Capt 's Company Regt ( Not in active service. ) Settled at Brooks ' Grove, ( Named for him ) in what is now McLean County, 111. March 14, 1830, d. Brooks' Grove, Dec. 24, 1840. Buried in Brooks' Grove Cemetery, Sec. 32, Allin Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 125.) Wife, Lucy (Pulliam) Brooks, ch. America (Brooks) Williamson, Betsey (Brooks) Decker, Shurilda (Brooks) Henline, Sarepta (Brooks) Darnell- Higgins, MiUie (Brooks) Owen, Martha (Brooks) Stroud-Harding, Lucy M. (Brooks) Howell- Rathbone, Elza Brooks, Benjamin Brooks, Presley T. Brooks. Brown, Jacob, b County, New Jersey, Dec. 14, 1796. [Private, Capt. John Bartholomew's Company, Col. John Williamson's Regt. Ohio Militia, July 31, 1812, to Sept. 7, 1812. Enlisted from Adams County, O.] Served as a Farrier. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1844, d. Selma, 111. March 30, 1891. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, McLean County, lU. (See History of McLean Coimty, IlL 1879, Page 497. Information also from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, 111. and Western Reserve Historical Soc Cleveland, Ohio.) Wife, Margaret (Moore) Brown, ch. Henry Brown, John Brown, William Brown, Robert Brown, Alice (?) Brown. Buckles, Abram, ( Son of John Buckles, i.) b. Hoist on County, Virginia, Jime 28, 1800. (Not enlisted. Helped build a stockade fort in White CUjiuity, Illinois, about 18 14.) -Settled at Buckles' Grove, near Leroy, 111. 1832, d. Empire Township, McLean County, IlL May 17, 1878. Buried in GUmore Cemetery , Sec. 30 , Empire Township , McLean County , 111. (See Duis* "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 564.) Wife, Mary (Williams) Buckles, ch. John Buckles, 2, Maranda (Buckles) Collins , Aaron Buckles, Tabitha (Buckles) Dickerson, Mary (Buckles) Alstine, Mahala (Buckles) Rutledge, Roland Buckles, Emeline (Buckles) Kershaw, Larkin Buckles, William H. Buckles. Buckles, John, (i) b. Holston (?) County, Virginia, May 13, 1774. Private, Capt . Daniel Boultinghouse's Company, Mounted Volunteers, Illinois [Territorial] Miiitia, (Rangers) Sept. 8, 18 14 to Dec. 8, 18 14. (Enlisted from White County, 111.) Settled at Buckles' Grove, (Named for him.) in what is now Empire Township, McLean County, 111. 1828, d. neat Leroy, 111. Feb. 20, 1844. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, (old part) near Leroy, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Pages 529 & 533, also Adjutant - Generals Report, State of Illinois, 1882, "Black Hawk and Mexican Wars" Appendix, 1810-1815, Page 342.) Wife, ( ) Buckles, ch. Abram Buckles, Peter Buckles, WilUara Buckles. [Others?] Bull, William, b. Accomack (?) County, Virginia, Oct. 10, 1779. Private, Capt. William P. Custis' Company, 2nd (Eayley s) Regt. Virginia Militia, War of 181 2. (Served i month, 6 days. Dates of service not found.) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1841, d. Selma, 111. Jan. 25, 1852. Buried in Sehna Cemetery , Selma, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. (Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 133. See Virginia Pay Rolls, War of 1812, Page 310.) Wife , Esther ( Fowler ) Goodwin - Bull , ch. Eleanor C. (Bull) Arnold, Caroline (Bull) Haner, Eliza (Bull) McMasters, Washington Bull, Milton Bull, JuUa A. (Bull) Myres, Mahala (Bull) Moore, Margaret (Bull) Reed. BuRTis, Capt. Jacob H. b. Queens County, Long Island, New York, Nov. 18, 1796. Captain, Jacob H. Burtis' Company, 75th (?) Regt. New York Militia, about 18 15. ( Enlisted in New York City. Not in active service.) Settled in McLean County, 111. Dec. i, 1836, d. Hudson, 111. June 16, 1873. Buried in Havens Grove Cemetery, near Hudson, 111, (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 656.) ist Wife, Eliza (Carman) Burtis, ch. Edwm E. Burtis, Phoebe E. (Burtis) Weeks, Jacob H. Biulis, Jr. Hannah A. (Burtis) Carl. 2nd Wife, Mary (Weeks) Biurtis, ch. Alfred S. Burtis, Catherine A. (Burtis) Collins, Rachel R. (Burtis) Johnston, James H. Burtis . CarneLL, Daniel, b County, Maryland, Oct. 13, 1792. Sergeant, Capt. Samuel Cockerell s Company, 7th Regt. Virginia Militia, July 29, i8i4to Feb. 22, 1815. Settled in McLean County, III. March 22, 1854. d. Arrowsmith Township, May 21, 1863. Buried in Stipp Cemetery, Sec. 20, Arrowsmith Township, McLean County, 111. (See Lock 242, Page 561, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. Warrant No. 21067. Information also from Mrs. Mary R. Ross, Daughter, Bloomington, 111. 191 2.) Wife, Elizabeth (Parker) Carnell, ch. Susan (Camell) Pancake, Isaac P. Carnell, Sarah C. (Camell) Cay lor, Luke Carnell, Benjamin Can. ell, Margaret A. (Carnell) Owens - Muxlow , William H. Cariiell, Eliza E. (Camell) Rinehart, Mary R, (Carnell) Ross. Chandler, Alfred, b. County, , , 17 . Private, Capt. John Duvall's Company, loth (Boswell's) Kegt. Kentui ky Detached Mihtia, March 4, 1813 to Sept. 28, 1813. ( See Next Page.) Chandler, (Continued), Settled near Leroy, 111. 185.. d. Empire Township, McL/ean County, 111. Dec. 20, 1865. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery , (?) old part, near Leroy, 111. (?). See Book 58, Page 625, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. also Box 32, C^se 907, Estate Files, and Circuit Court Records, Sept. Term, 1866, McLean County, 111. (Information also from the Adjutant - General, State of Kentucky, 191 2.) Wife, Cynthia A. ( ) Chandler- Land, ch. Elizabeth (Chandler) Marsh, William D. Chandler, (?) Martha A. (Chandler) Knight, John Chandler. Cheney, Jonathan, b. Freemans Fort, Virginia, Sept. 13, 1785. 4th Sergeant, Capt. Luther Shepard's Company, Ohio Militia, April 16, 1814 to July 16, 1 8 14. (Helped guard prisoners at Camp Scioto, Ohio.) Settled at Cheneys Grove, ( Named for him ) in what is now McLean County, 111. Nov. 4, 1825. d. Saybrook, lU. March 21, 1862. Buried in Saybrook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 383. Information also from the Adjutant - General, State of Ohio 191 2.) Wife, Catherine (Owen) Cheney, ch. Mary (Cheney) Stansbury, Thomas Cheney, Owen Cheney, Keturah Cheney, Emilia (Cheney) Horr, George Cheney, Hon. Wm. Haines Cheney, Catherine (Cheney) Prothero, R. J. Cheney, Rebecca (Cheney) Prothero . Cline, George, b County, Virginia, '7^9- Private, Capt. George Shrum's Company of Riflemen, 13th ( Col. Boyd's? ) Regt. Virginia Militia, Aug. 29, 1814 to March 13, 1815. (At Fort Powhattan.) Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1839, d. Saybrook, 111. March 28, 1877. Buried in Saybrook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. (See Biographical Album, McLean County, 111. 1887, Page 613, also Virginia Muster Rolls, War of 1812. ) Wife, Catherine (Miller) Cline, ch. John Cline, Susan (Cline) Owens , Mary (Cline) Means, Harrison Cline , Rebecca (Cline) Means, Catherine (Cline) Owens, M. V. Cline, Christina (Cline) Reed, George D. Cline. Crookshank , William, b. Argyle, New York, July 6, 1784. Private, Capt, John Straight's Company, 7th (Green's) Regt. New York Militia, July 7, 1S12 to Nov. 30, 181 2, also Private, Capt. Hiram Pratt's Company , 7th, (Green's) Regt. New York Militia, Dec. i, i8i2toDec. 28, 1812, also Private , Lieut. Amos Wiswell's Company, 7th, ( Green s and Adams ) Regt. New York Militia, Sept, 11. 18 14 to Sept. 22, 1814. (In Battle of Lvmdy's Lane, July 25, 1814) Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1858, Killed by a railway train near Hey worth, 111. May 22, 1862. Buried in Hey worth Cemetery, Hey worth, 111. (Information from J. A. Cruikshauk, Grandson, Randolph, 111. 19 13.) I St Wife. Elizabeth (Hathaway) Crookshank, ch. Charles Crookshank, Maria (Crookshank) Haden , Jane (Crookshank) Marmon-Noble, George J. Crookshank, Minerv^a Crookshank , William C. Crookshank, Adaline (Crookshank) George, John A. Crookshank, i. [See Next Page.] Crookshank, (Continued) 2nd Wife, ( ) Cook-Miller - Crookshank , ch . McKinley Crookshank , lyucy ( Crookshank ) Dibble , Mary E. (Crookshank) L,awrence, James Crookshank, Margaret (Crook - - shank ) Crose , lyUtitia ( Crookshank ) Iseminger - Tull . Crumbaugh, Daniel, b. Frederick County, Maryland, Dec. 9, 1791. Privfite, Capt Bamim's Company, Col. Richard M. Johnson's Regt. 2nd Battalion , Kentucky Volunteers , War of 1 8 1 2 . ( Er.hsted from Scott County, Ky . In Battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 18 13.) Settled at Buckles' Grove, McLean County, 111. 1830. d. Leroy, 111. May 19, 1874. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, (new part) near Lero5^ III. (See look 185, Page 118, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - WaiTant No, 14497 - also Duis "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 550.) ist Wife, Susan (Winters) Crumbaugh, ch. William H. Crumbaugh, John J. Crumbaugh, Ann M. (Crumbaugh) Wiley. 2nd Wife, Martha M. (Robbins) Crumbaugh, ch. Sarah E. (Crumbaugh) Craig, Mary C. (Crumbaugh) Cope, Leonard A. Crumbaugh, James T. Crumbaugh, Daniel T. Crumbaugh, Emily M. (Crumbaugh) Reese, Francis M. Crumbaugh, Caroline T. (Crumbaugh) Rogers, Martha ( Crumbaugh ) Bartlett, Nancy T. ( Crumbaugh ) McConnell - Hamilton, Sinah G. (Crumbaugh) Bartlett. Cunningham, Robert, b County, North Carolina, Jwne 3, 1780, Private , Capt . John Norris's Company of Infantry, Lieut. - Col. Joseph Bartholomew's Battalion, Indiana Militia, Sept. 11, 181 1 to Nov. 24, 181 1. (In Battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 181 1. ) Settled at Cheney's Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1829, d. Saybrook. 111. Sept. 28, 1858. Buried in Saybrook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. (See Duis' 'Good Old Times' 1874, Page 394; History of McLean County. 111. 1879, Page 538 : Filson Club Publication, No. 18, Page 116, and Estate Files, McLean County, 111. Box 21, Case 381, Etc.) Wife , Apphia ( Cleveland ) Cunningham , ch . Sarah ( Cunningham ) Matthews , Apphia (Cunningham) Stine , Phoebe (Cunningham) Cates , Anna (Cunningham) Ball - Bj^ers, (?) Mary (Cunningham) Cunningham, Thomas Cunningham, James Cunningham, Abigail (Cunningham) Spence, Feraby (Cunningham) Henline, King S. Cunningham, Sardeha (Cunning- - ham) , (?) Emeline (Cunnmgham) Adams - Cary , WiUiam C. Cunningham , Rezalda ( Cunningham ) Devore , Jeremiah Cunningham, Jesse Cunningham, Robert Cunningham, Jr. CuSEV, Job, b. near Ellicott's Mills, Maryland, May 31, 1794. [Not Enlisted. ] Served as a Teamster (from Maryland) during the War of 181 2. Settled in Old Town Timber, McLean County, 111. 1836, d. McLean County, 111. July 4, 1849. Buried in Rodman (or Pleasant Grove) Cemetery, Sec. 27, Old Town Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' 'Good Old Times' 1874, Page 505, and Book I Page 285, Supervisors Record, McLean County, 111.) Wife, Sarah (Ford) Cusey , ch . [See Next Page.] JONATHAN CHENEY. GEORGE CLINE. WILLIAM CROOKSHANK. DANIEL CRUWBAUGH. CuSEY , (Continued) ch. Hon. John Cusey, Elenor (Cusey) Hand, James C. Cusey , Henry C. Cusey, William Cusey, Ford Cusey, Anna ( Cusey ) Foster , McDould Cusey , I^Ialinda (Cusey) Maxwell, Rebecca (Cusey) Forbes, Jennie (Cusey) Barnes, Kzekial Cusey. Dawson, James R. b. Bourbon County, Kentucky, Oct. lo, 1794. Private, Capt. John R. Lemons Company, Ohio Militia, Nov. 12, 1812 to Dec. 12, 1812 , (At Zane's Block House,) also Private, Captain Philip Kiser's Company , Ohio Militia , Aug . 12, 1 8 1 3 to Sept . 21, 1 8 1 3 . Settled in what is now Money Creek Township, McLean Couiity, 111. Sept. 26, 1832. d. Money Creek Township, April 11, 1848. Luried in Dawson Cemetery, Sec. 13, Money Creek Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 684, also Adjutant -Generals Records, State of Ohio. Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 163.) ist Wife, Mary (Ogden) Dawson, ch. Albert Dawson, John Dawson (Of Lexington, 111.) Croghan Dawson, Samuel Dawson, Cynthia (Dawson) Kemp, Margaret (Dawson) Roe, Washington Dawson, James M. Dawson. 2nd Wife , Sarah ( ) Robbins- Dawson, ch. Lafayette Dawson , Philander Dawson, Mary (Dawson) Underwood. DrCKERSON, Michael, b County, N. C. (?) July 10, 1797. Private, Capt 's Company Regt. Tennessee Militia, (?) War of 18 12. Settled at Randolphs Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111, 1826. d. Leroy, 111. Feb. 10, 1836. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, (old part) near Leroy, 111. (See "Biographical Album" of McLean County, 111. 1887, Page 1057, 3lso Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 533. Wife , Jane (Rutledge) Dickerson, ch. James W. Dickerson, Sarah Ann (Dickerson) Williams, Robert F. Dickerson, Henry C. Dickerson , Caleb P. Dickerson , Matilda (Dickerson) Downing, Wesley M. Dickerson. DiMMiCK, Adolphus, b. Tolland County, Connecticut, Jan. 13, 1791. [Military Record Not Found.] Settled at Old Town Timber, McLean County, IlL Nov. 25, 1832 , d. McLean County, 111. Dec. 25, 1845. Buried in Dawson Cemetery, Sec. 26, Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 749.) Wife , Esther ( Livingston ) Dimmick - Ireland . [ No ch . who lived to maturity.] Downey, Alexander, b. Frederick (?) Comity, Maryland, (?) , 17... Settled in what is now Mcl^ean County, 111. 1828. d. near Lexington, 111. 18... Buried in Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. ( Information from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, 111. 1913. See also Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 672.) Wife, Mary (Tucker) Downey, ch. Benjamin Downey, William Downey, Henson B. Downey. [Others?] DuNKLE, George, b County, Virginia, April 26, 1784, Private, Capt. Samuel Cockerell's Company, 7th, (Col. Saunder's) Regt. Virginia Militia, July 29, 1814 to Feb. 22, 1814. Settled in McLean County, 111. 18... d. ^Lexington, 111. Oct. 10, 1851. Buried in Scroggin's Cemetery, Lexington. 111. (Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 130.) Wife ( ) Dunkle , ch . Cyrus Dunkle , Sarah (Dunkle) Janes, Eliza (Dunkle) Anna (Dunkle) Flesher, Henry, b. Highland County, Virginia, Sept. 2, 1784. Private, ? Capt. 's Company, ^^SX- Virginia Militia, War of 18 12. Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1830, d. near Lexington, 111. Oct. i, 1850. Buried in Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, 111. 191 1. See also History of McLean County, 111, 1879, Page 480.) Wife, Susan (Popejoy) Flesher, ch. Harrison Flesher , Perry Flesher, WilUam Flesher, Henry Flesher (3), Caroline (Flesher) Flesher, Ehza- -beth (Flesher) Hefner, Sarah A. (Flesher) Flesher, Catharine (Flesher) Paul, Mary (Flesher) Popejoy. Flesher, John, b. Highland County, Virginia, Feb. 16, 1792. Lieutenant, Capt. Jesse Henkle's Company, 5th Regt. Virginia Militia, July 21, 1814 to Dec. 16, 1815. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1841. d. near Lexington, 111. April 29, 1868. Buried in Scroggin's Cemetery, Lexington, III. (Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 164.) Wife, Mary (Seibert) Flesher, ch. Jesse Flesher, Peter Flesher, George Flesher, Catharine (Flesher) Turnipseed- Vandeventer, John Flesher, Jr. Mary (Flesher) Jones , Alcinda (Flesher) Flesher , Elizabeth ( Flesher ) Blake, Andrew Flesher, WiUiam M. Flesher. Fling, Richard, b. Halifax (?) County, Virginia, May 25, 1783. Private, Capt. Joseph Sandford's Company, 69th Regt. Virginia Militia, (Halifax County.) June 27, 1813 to Aug. 19, 1813, also Private, Capt. John A. Burd's Company, Col. Laval's Regt. U. S. Light Dragoons, War of 1812. (In Battle of North Point, Sept. 14, 1814, Wounded. Discharged May i, 181 5. Received a Pension.) Settled at Bloomington, 111. about 1836, d. Bloomington, 111. Sept. 28, 1855. Buried in old City Cemetery, Blooming - -ton. 111. (Information from Mrs. C. M. Heller, Daughter, Towanda, 111. 1912. See also Virginia Muster Rolls, War of 181 2.) Wife, Elizabeth (Wilkinson) Fling, ch. Richard Fhng, Jr. Owen Fling, Thomas Fling, Ann E. (Fling) Williams, Angeline A. (Fling) Heller. FoRDiCE, Stanton, Sr. b County, Nova Scotia, ? April 9, 1777. Private , Capt. James Flagg's Company , Major Samuel Connell's Regt. Ohio Militia, Oct. 20, 1812 to Jan. 11, 1813. Settled in McLean Coimty, IlL about 1830, d. near Bloomington, 111. July 10, 1840. Buried in Scogins Cemetery , Sec. 18, Bloomington Township, McLean County, 111. ( See Book 125, Page 262, Deed Records, -Warrant No. 46224. - ; Box 5, Case, 148, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. and Fordice Famil}' Records, also Adjutant -Generals Records, State of Ohio.) [ See Next Page. J FoxDiCK ,_( Continued ) , Wife, Susannah (Marsh) Fordice, ch . Stanton Fordice , Jr . Daniel Fordice , Lucy ( Fordice ) Dean , John Fordice , Sophronia (Fordice) Dean, James M. Fordice, Sr. Henry Fordice, Robert Fordice, David Fcardice, Eliza Fordice. Fkanebbbrgbr, Rev. Jesse, (M. E. Minister,) b. County, Pennsyl- - vania, (?) May i6, 1791. 3rd Sergeant, Capt. Abner Barrett's Company, ist Regt. 2nd Battalion, Ohio Militia, Aug. 21, 181 2 to Nov. 3, 181 2. ( Enlisted at Sandusky, Ohio. ) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1829, d. Bloomington. lU. Jan. 10, 1870. Buried in Frankeberger Cemetery, Sec. 27 , Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. ( See Book 72, Page 369, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - Warrant No. 4754 , - and Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio. Information also from Mrs. Jane Heudryx, Daughter, Bloomington, 111. 1912.) ist Wife, Rachel (Cheney) Frankeberger, ch. Emily (Frankeberger) Gibbs, Sarah A. (Frankeberger) Niched. 2nd Wife, Rosannah (Rinehart) Frankeberger, ch. Jane (Frankeberger) Heudryx , Sophia ( Frankeberger ) Rathbun, Benjamin Frankeberger, David Frankeberger. 3rd Wife , Eliza A. (Sheeley) Frankeberger , ch. Alfred Frankeberger, Joel Frankeberger , Lucinda ( Frankeberger ) Van Gundy , Mary E . (Frankeberger) McCune, Jason T. Frankeberger, Matilda (Frankeberger) Hubbart, Jesse Frankeberger, Jr. Fulton, William, b. Westmoreland (?) Cotmty, Pennsylvania, Dec. 24, 1792. Private , Capt. John Loughry's Company of Riflemen, 30th Regt. 2nd Brigade, 15th Division, Pennsylvania Militia, 1812- 1813. Settled near Bloomington, 111. 1851, d. Bloomington, 111. Feb. 18, 1871. Buried on Lot 36, Section A, Evergreen Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. (See Biographical Albtun of McLean County, Illinois, 1887, Page 1094, and Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. VII, Page 780. Information also from Albert Fulton, Grandson, Heyworth, 111. 191 2.) ist Wife, Leah (Thompson) Fulton, Son, Thompson Fulton. 2nd Wife Mary ( Moore ) Fulton , ch . William Fulton , Jr . James Fulton , Sarah (Fulton) Boyd, Robert Fulton. Funk, John, Sr. b. Clark Coimty, Kentucky, ^.79.'- Private, Capt. Robert McElwaine's Company, [Col. Trimble's Regt.] Ohio MiUtia, Sept 28, 1 81 2 to Oct. 25, 18 1 2, also 3rd Sergeant in same Company, April 20, 1813 to July 16, 1813. Settled in McLean County, 111. 183.., d. Funk's Grove, Feb. .., 1855, Buried in Fimk's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 17, Funk's Grove Township, McLean Coimty, 111. ( Information from M. C. Funk, Son, Covel, HL 191 2, and Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio.) Wife, Margaret (Carr; Funk, ch. Nancy (Funk) Ross, Tabitha (Funk) Carlin, John Funk, Jr, James Funk, Elizabeth (Funk) Carson, Sarah (Fimk) Jones, Absalom Funk, (2) Julia Ann (Funk) Beard, Merritt C. Funk. Gates, Timotliy M, Jr. b. Bridgetown, Maine, Sept. i, 1777. Private, Crpt. Tiaiothy Bull's Company, Ohio Militia, Aug. i, 18 13 to Sept. 7, 18 13. Settled at Bloomington, 111. 1828, d. Bloomington, 111. April 20, 1844. Buried in old City Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. ( See Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 84. Inform - -ation also from Mrs. James B. Kelly, Great-granddaughter, Bloomingto 1 111. 1913-) Wife, Margaret (Hughes) Gates, ch. Melinda (Gates) Whipple, Steplicn F. Gates, Mary M. (Gates) Baker. Elizabeth E. Gates, Emily G. (Gates) McKisson, Charles C. Gates, Horatio Gates, Hannah (Gates) Powell, James Myrick Gates. Gist, Thomas, b County, Virginia, (?) 1785- Lieutenant, Capt 's Company, 12th Regt. U. S. Infantry, War of 181 2. (Commissioned March 12, 181 2. Enhsted at Alexandria, Va. Stationed at Baltimore, Md. and along the Potomac River. } Settled in McEean Comity, 111. 18.., d. McEean Com:ty, 111. Feb. i6, 1S69. Buried in East Twin Grove Cemetery, Sec. 35, Dry Grove Township, McLean County , 111 . ( Information from Mrs . Francis Daiger , Granddaughter, Bloomington, lU. 191 3, and the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Md.) I St Wife, Mary ( ) Gist, ch. Jane (Gist) McCordle, Mary (Gist) , David Gist, Ratio Gist, Rachel Uist, (i) Joseph Gist, Margaret (Gist) Bogle. . : 2nd Wife, Sarah (McCordle) Gist, ch. Nancy .(Gist) Sutton, Rachael Gist, (2) Maria (Gist) Scott, Violet ( Gist ) Wyim, Susannah (Gist) Douglas, Thomas H. Gist. GooDHEART, William R. b. near Edenburg, Scotland, Dec. i, 1780. (Complete Military Record Not Found. Enhsted under Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison at Lancaster, Pa. about Oct. '..", 1813.) Settled at Bloomington, 111. 1830, d. Bloomington, 111. April 3, 1842. Buried in old City Cemeteiy, Bloomington 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 182. Information also from James Coodheart, Sr. Son, Bloomington, 111. 1913.) Wife, Sarah Ann (Clouse) Coodheart, ch. Jacob Goodlieart, Elizabeth C. (Goodheart) Rankin, Mary C. (Goodheart) Johnson, George W. Good- - heart, William R. Goodheart, Jr. Aim C. (Goodheart) Douglas, Sarah M (Goodheart) Livingston, John H. Goodheart, James Goodheart, Sr. Julia A. P. ((:iloodheart) Douglas. GreEnman, Jeremiah, (2) b. Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 8, 1794. Private, Capt. William Keys' Company, Col. Duncan Mc Arthur's ist Regt. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Ohio Militia, April 27, 1812 to June 30, 1812. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1831 , d. McLean County, 111. Oct. 16, 1843. Buried in Dawson Cemetery, Sec. 26, Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 746, and Adjutant Henerals Records, State of Ohio. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 131) Wife, Letitia (McCoy) Greenman, ch. Thomas M. Greeririian, Sarah A. (Greenman) Moran, Emaline (Greenman) Dimon, Henry C. Greenman, George W. Greenman, Elizabeth J. (Greenman) Grogg, Jeremiah Green- -man, (3) Mary L. (Greenman) Van Gundy. J***^'*^f%^ M>^ ^h,^^ <% fr- '■'' f!.""^^ ^tf'^''*^v!^^_ IHIlS^^^inSH^^^ ''^7 ^m^. - JESSE FRANKEBERCER. WILLIAM FULTON. ^^^ SA>R!EL HAR.8\V. JESSE HAVENS. Hains, Eenjamin, b. Ross County, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1777. Private. Capt. Samuel Hole's Company , Major George Danow's Odd Battalion , 4th Brigade, 4th Division, Ohio Militia, Aug. 22, 181 2 to Oct. 23, 181 2. Settled at Bloomington , 111. 1831 , d. Bloomington, 111. Feb. 28, 1849. Buried in old City Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. ( See Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio, Gravestone Inscription, and 'M. E. Biographies') Wife, Rebecca (Haman) Hains, cli. Delilah (Hains) Marshall, Margery ( Hains ) Bvum , Catharine ( Hains ) Thomas , Dr. Thomas H . Hams , Benjamin C. Hains. Halderman, John, b. Augusta County, Virginia, about 1794. Private, Capt. Alexander R. Given's Company, also known as Lieut. Samuel Crawford's Company, 5th (McDowell's) Regt. Virginia Militia, Aug. 30, 18 12 to Dec. 9, 1814. (Resided in Augusta City, Va. Discharged at Camp Cross Roads.) Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1835, d. McLean County, 111. Sept. .., 1836. Buried in Frankeberger Cemetery, Sec. 27, Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. (See Book 144, Page 8, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - Warrant No. 50089 - Information also from H. E. Millay, Ellsworth, 111. 1913.) [Note: John Halderman never married.] Hand, George C. b County, Virginia, 17S9. Private, Capt. John Wilson's Company, Renick's Mounted Regt. Ohio Volunteers, May 8, 1813 to May 29, 1813. Settled at Randolphs Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1825, d. Randolph's Grove, Sept. 25, 1845. Buried in Miller (or Randolph Township) Cemetery, Sec. 26, Randolph Township, McLean County, 111. ( His family received a land-warrant after his death. See Duis' "Good Old Times ' 1874, Page 775. Information also from Mrs. Barbara Fisher, Granddaughter, Randolph, 111. 1913.) Wife, Barbara (Crose) Hand, ch. Mary (Hand) Mabary, Elizabeth (Hand) Mabary , Nancy ( Hand ) Brock , Amelia ( Hand ) Stringfield , Delilah (Hand) Weedman, Luciuda (Hand) Adams, Susannah (Hand) Holloway, Philip Hand , G. W. Hand , Solomon Hai.d, W. Fletcher Hand, Cynthia Hand, Mehssa Hand. Haner, John, Sr. b. Fayette (?) County, Ohio, , 17... [Sergeant. Capt . William Kilgore's Company , Col . John McDonald's Regt . Ohio Militia, (Fayette County, Ohio,) July 28, 1S13 to Sept. 5, 1813.] Settled in McLean County, 111. about 1828, d. in what is now Lexington Township, Dec. 28, 1S46. Buried in Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Twp. McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 674, Box 7, Case 286, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. and Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio.) Wife, Mary ( ) Haner, ch. John Haner, Jr. Catherine (Haner) Brumliead , Jacob Haner , William Haiier , Mary ( Haner ) Flesher , Eli'-abeth (Hanerj Ashabran, Isaac Haner. Harbison, John, b County, Virginia, Jan. 6, 1795. Private, Capt. 's Company, 39th Regt. U. S. Infantry, War of 18 12. (Enlisted at Knoxville, Tennessee, Nov. 9, 18 13.) Settled in McLean County, 111. 18.., d. Lexington, 111. Oct. 6, 1885. Buried in Porteus Cemetery, near Lexington, 111. [See Next Page.] Hasbison, (Continued), Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 316. (See Tox 374, Case 3352, Estate Files, McLean Comity, 111.) Wife (* ") Harbison, Dau. Margaret Harbison. [Other ch.?] HAfiivBSS, Jacob, b. Cotmty , Virginia , ( ' 'near the Potomac River' ' April 3, 1785 , Capt 's Company, Regt, Kentucky Militia, (?) War of 1812. Settled in McLean Coimty, 111. 1836, d. near Lexington, 111. April 6, 1840. Buried in Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Township. McLean County, IlL ( See Bic^raphical Album of McLean Coui^y, 111. 1887, Page 1103, and Biographical Record of McLean County, IlL 1899, Page 189.) Wife , Christina (Smith) Harness, ch. Mahala (Harness) Busick, Sarah (Harness) Edwards, Alice (Harness) Chance, Isaac Harness. Hariott, Henry J. b. Cotmty, Maryland, (?) March 22, 1797. Served under Gen. John Strickler in Battle of North Point near Baltimore Md. Sept, 14, 1814. Smledin Bkwmington, 111. 18.., d. 809 W. Market St- Bloomington, HL April 22, 1870, Buried in St. Maiy's Cemetery, Eloomington, 111. (See Daily Pantagraph Files, April, 1870.) Wife, Catherine ( ) Harritt, ch. Andrew F. Harritt. Henry S. Harritt, Honora (Harritt) Murphy, (?) [Others?] Harry, Samuel, b. Rockingham County, Virginia, July 22, 1784. Private, Capt, Daniel Strickler *s Company of Infantry, 6th (Coleman's) Regiment, Virginia Militia, Sept i, i8i4toDec. 8, 18 14. (At Washington, D. C. IHscharged at Camp Cross Roads) Settled in McLean Cour.ty, IlL 1855, d. Dale Township, Dec 19, 1862. Biuied in West Twin Grove Cemetery, Sec. 3, Dale Townsliip, McLean County, 111. ( Information from S. T. Ktilow, Grandson, Bloomington, ILL R, F. D. 5, 191 2.) Wife, Mary R. (Thompson) Harry, ch. George W. Harry, John l\ T, Harry , Thomas S. Harry , Samuel T. Harry , Louisa F. (Harry) Knlow, CaroHne Harry, Lucinda Harry, Rebecca Harry, Malhida Harry. Harvey, Nehemiah K. b, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1789. Private, Capt. Samuel Dunn's Company, 5tli (Fenton's) Regiment, Penn- -sylvania Militia, March i, 18 14 to Aug. 31, 18 14. (Discharged at Albany N. Y.) Settled in McLean County, IIL 1855, d. Dale Township, Jan. 17, 1863. Buried in Soogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bkxjmington, Twp. McLean County, 111. ( Information from John M, Har\-ey, Son, Eloomington, IlL 191 2. Grave Marked, Society of 18 12, No. 525.) Wife, Harriet ( McVity ) Harvey, ch. Catharine A. (Harv^ey) Piper, £Hza C. ( Harvey ) Campbell , William T. Harvey , James B. Harv^ey , Edward M, Harvey, John M. Harvey, Martha H. (Harvey) McCnrdy , Maria J. (Harvey) Bittinger. Havsns, Jesse, b, "near mouth of Squawn River'' New Jersey, June 23, 1781 Served under Major Croghan, ( one of 160 men ) at the Defense of Fort Stephenson, Ohio, Aug. i and 2, 181 3. (Enlisted from Newark, Oliio.) Settled at Havens* Grove, (Named for him) McLean County, 111. 1829. d. Iowa, Dec 2, 1862- [See Next Page.} Havens, (Continued) Buried iu Havens Grove Cemetery, near Hudson, 111 . (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 630.) Wife, Rebecca (Hinthorn) Havens, ch. Elizabeth (Havens) Piatt, Anna (Havens) Smith, Dorcas (Havens) Wheeler, Margaret (Havens) Trimmer John Havens, Hiram Havens, Jesse D. Havens, Rev. James Havens, Rev. Enoch S. Havens, Irod M, Havens, Wilham M. Plavens. Heafer, John, b , England, (?) 1769. [Definite ident - - ification of Service impossible . Several men of this name served in the Pennsylvania and Virginia MiUtia, War of 18 12.] Settled at Blooniingtcn, IU. 185.., d. Bloomington, 111. Nov. 7, 1862. Buried in old City Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. ( Information from E. M. Heafer, Grandson, 206 South Clinton Street, Bloomington, 111. 1913.) \Vife, ( ) Heafer, ch. Richard Heafer, Napoleon B. Heafer, Nathan Heafer, John Heafer, Jr. Carohne (Heafer) Harrover. Henry, Wilham, b , England, Dec. 25, 1794. Privateersman, on Ship "Joseph and Mary" from Baltimore, Maryland, (Capt. N. Wescott.) War of 1812. Taken prisoner when his ship was captured by the British, near Baltimore, Md. Nov. 25, 1812, Sent to Jamaica, Escaped. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1832, d. Tw'in Grove, McLean County, 111. April 28, 1846. Buried in East Twin Grove Cemetery, Sec. 35, Dry Grove Township, l^IcLean County, 111. ( Information from G. W. Henry, Son, Bloomington, 111. R. F. D., 1912, also from Peabody Institute, Baltimore Md." 1913.) Wife, Polly M. (Eeeler) Henry, ch. Wilham Henry, Jr. Samuel Henry, G. W. Henry, Mary (Henry) Brown , Carohne (Henry) Hamilton, Juha C Henry) Graham, John W. Plenry, Hattie (Henry) Cushner. Houghton, Thomas, b. Montpelier, Vermont, (?) June 5, 1792. Private, Capt, Benjamin S. Edgerton's Company, Vermont Militia, Sept. 29, 181 2 to Feb. 12, 1813. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1866, d. Gridley, 111. Oct. 5, 1S86. Eiu-ied i!i Gridley Cemetery , Gridley , 111 . ( Information from Andrews, Great-grandson, Gridley, IU. 19 12, and Adjutant-General, State of Vermont, 19 13.) Wife, vSusan (Fowler) Houghton, Son, Thomas B. Houghton. [Otlier ch.?] Huston, Hugh, b County, Virginia, (?) May 16, 1794. Private, (?) Capt , . . 's Company, Regt. Kentucky Ivlilitia, (?) War of 181 2, Settled hi McLean County, 111. 18.., d. Selma, IU. May 2, 1861. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. ( Information from A. - V. Pierson, Lexington, IU. 191 2. See also Box 35, Case 548, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. and Gravestone Inscription.) Wife, Catharine ( ) Huston, ch. Juhet A. (Huston) McCitterick, Rachel (Huston) Mitchell, Eliza J. (Huston) Bishop, Rev. John Huston, Maria (Huston) Ashbaugh, James Huston, Phoebe (Huston) Price, Sarah (Huston) MitcheU. Hutchison, Lemuel, b Coimty, Massachusetts, June 18, 1800. Served in the Defense of Plattsburg, N. Y. Sept. 11, 1814. vSettled in McLean County, 111. 1861, [See Next Page.] Hutchison, (Continued) d. Randolph Township, March 14, 1874. Buried in Pa^waters Cemetery, Sec 27, Randolph Township, McLean County, 111. ( Information from Mrs. C. L. Hutchison, Daughter-in-law, 506 E. Jackson Street, Bloomington, UL 1912.) Wife, Lavina? ( ) Hutchison, ch. Clayton L. Hutchison, Lewis Hutchison, George Hutchison, Zenas Hutchison, Nathan (?) Hutchison, Elizabeth (Hutchison) Durgy, Sarah A. (Hutchison) Parker, Elvira (Hutchison) Lash, Philura (Hutchison) Ellis- Wheeler, Adaline Hutchison Jackson, William, b. , ., County, Virginia, 1777. [Private, Capt. Richard Corbin's Company, Lieut. - Col. F. M. Boykin's Regiment, Virginia Militia, Feb. 13, 1813 to March 3, 1813, ? Definite identification of Service impossible ; Several men of this name served in the Virginia Militia, "VC'ar of 181 2.] Settied near Leroy, UL 1841, dL Leroy, 111 1849. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, (old part) near Leroy, 111. (See Biographical Album of McLean County, HI. 1887, Page 548. Information also from AL Jackson, Grandson, Hlsworth, 111. 191 3.) Wife , Elizabeth (Bishop) Jackson , ch . Margaret (Jackson) Penquite , Daniel Jackson , Amy (Jackson) Glasscock , Lydia (Jackson) Rutyan, Elizabeth (Jackson) Yost-Yoimg, William Jackson, Jr. Sarah (Jackson) Cody, James H. Jackson, Isaac B. Jackson, George W. Jackson, Susan L. (Jackscm) CampbelL Janes, Edward, b. Pendleton Cotmty, Virginia, Feb. 10, 1783. Ensign, Capt. James Hinkle's Company, 46th Regt. (attached to the 5th Regt.) Virginia Militia , July 21, 1814 to March 5, 1815. Settled in McLean County, lU. 1 85 1, d. Money Creek Township, April 11, 1861. Buried in Scroggin's Cemetery, near Lexington, IlL (Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 315. See Biographical Album of Ford Cotmty, 111. 1872, Page 424. Information also from J. J. McMullen, Great-grandson, Lexington, 111. 1913.) Wife, Elizabeth (Flesher) Janes, ch. Henry Janes, (Foimder of Janesville Wis. ) William Janes, Edward Janes, Jr. John S. Janes, Joseph B. Janes, Margaret (.Janes) Eastman, Ann (Janes) Arbogast, Elizabeth (Janes) McMullen . Jones, Abraham R. b. Cayuga County, New York, Oct. 17, 1791. [Private, Capt. William Foulk's Company, Lieut. - CoL John Hindman's 2nd Regt. Ohio Militia, Aug. 25, i8i2toNov. 30, 18 12, ? also Private, Capt. William Foulk's Company, ist Regt. 2nd Brigade, Ohio Militia, Dec. i, 181 2 to Feb. 28, 1813, ? ] Settled in McLean County, IlL 1856, d. Towanda Twp. Feb. 13, 1865. Buried in Smith's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 23, Towanda Twp. McLean County, lU. ( See Biographical Record of McLean County, 111. 1899, Page 218, and Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio.) Wife, Matilda (Noel) Jones, ch. John Jones, Levi Jones, William Jones, Eliza A. Jones, Cyrus Jones, Abraham Jones, Jr. Nelson Jones, Phoebe (Jones) Arthur, Francis M. Jones. Jones, John, b County, Pennsylvania, (?) Jan. 9, 1773. Lieutenant, Capt, Joseph Kleckner's Company, 131st (Piper's) Regt. Pennsylvania Militia, Sept. 25, 1812 to Nov. 24, 1812. [See Next Page.] THO>IAS HOUGHTON. LEIMUEL HUTCHISON. ABRAHA>I R. JONES. Dr. THOIMAS KARR. Jones, (Continued) Settled in Mclycan County, III. i8.., d. McLean County, 111. Nov. 22, 1855. Buried in Barnes' Cemetery, Sec. 36, Dawson Twp. Mclvcan County, 111. (See Book 231, Page 417, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - Warrant No. 43699, - also Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. VII, Page 651. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 132.) Wife, ( ) Jones, ch. (?) Karr , Capt. John C. (Also a Revolutionary Soldier.) b. Tinicum , Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1758. Captain, John C. Karr's Company, Ohio Alilitia, War of 1812. Settled at Randolph's Grove, McLean County, 111. about 1835, d. nearLeroy, 111. (?) Dec. 16, 1840. Buried in Heyworth Cemetery , Heyworth, 111. ( See Biographical Record of McLean County, 111. 1899, Page 62, also Book 154 , Page 152, Deed Records, McLean County, lU.) [For names of Wife and Children see Revolutionary List in this Pamphlet.] Karr, Dr. Thomas, (Son of Capt. John C. Karr.) b. Bucks County, Pennsyl- - vania, April 23, 1793. Private, Capt. Asa Hutchin's Company, Lieut. -Col. Hay's Regt. Ohio Militia, Aug. 24, 1812 to Nov. 11, 1812. Settled at Randolph's Grove, McLean County, 111. Oct. 31, 1835, d. Randolph's Grove, McLean County, 111. Sept. 10, 1878. Buried in Heyworth, Cemetery Heyworth. 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 814, and Adjutant - Generals Records, State of Ohio, ) ist Wife, Elizabeth (Edwards) Kitchell-Karr, ch. Eleanor (Karr) Hopping, Martha A. (Karr) Hodson, Thomas J. Karr, William Karr, Elizabeth (Karr) Scogin. 2nd Wife, Martha (Edwards) Evans -Karr, (No ch.) KiMLER, Moses, b County, Virginia, (?) Nov. 23, 1785. Private, Capt. Robert Brown's Company , 89th Regt. Virginia Militia, Aug. 30, 1814 to Sept. 8, 1814. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1832, d. Leroy, lU. Feb. 25, 1851. Bin-ied in Oak Grove Cemetery, (old part) near Leroy, 111. ( Information from Franklin Kimler, Son, Leroy, 111. 191 2, and Mrs. Mary J. Graham, Grand - daughter, Bloomington, 111. 1913.) Wife, Mary (Akers) Kimler, ch. Richard Kimler, James Kimler, John Kimler , William Kimler , Jefferson Kimler, Benjamin Kimler, Franklin Kimler, Elizabeth (Kimler) Buckles. LOiXGWORTH, Robert, Sr. b , England, Nov. 25, 1776. Sentinel, along Muskingum River, Ohio, War of 181 2. Settled at Johnson's Grove, McLean County, 111. 1835, d. Johnson's Grove, Sept. 20, 1845. Buried in Long- - worth Family Cemetery, (abandoned) Sec. 32, Mount Hope Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 736. Information also from Mrs. Marion McCormick, Grand-daughter, McLean 111. 1912.) Wife, Nancy (Whitehead) Reilly-Longworth, ch. Robert Longworth, Jr. John Longworth, Wilham Longworth , Betsey ( Longworth ) Edwards, Belinda (Longworth) Conkling, Mary (Longworth) Proctor. Martin, Archer, b. Richmond, Virginia, Oct. 10, 1789. Private, Captain Archibald Stuarts Company, Virginia Militia, March 26, 1813 to April 26, 1813. [See Next Page.] Martin, (Continued) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1834, d, Dawson Towji- -ship, July 28, 1868. Buried in Dawson Cemetery, Sec. 26, Dawson Twp. McLean County, 111. ( See Adjutsint - Generals Records, State of Ohio. Grave Marked, Society of 18 12, No. 321.) Wife, Jane (Lewellen) Martin, ch. Sarah A. (Martin) Beatty, John Martin, George W. Martin, Emmeline (Martin) Horr, James H. Martin, Martha J. (Martin) Arrowsmith, Willet L. Martin. Mason, Truman, b. Erie (or Niagara?) County, New York, Aug. 15, 1791. Private, Capt. Moses Wisner's Company, ist (Bloom's) Regt. New York Militia, Sept. 11, i8i3toDec. 17, 1813, also Private, Capt. Seth Swan's Company, 2nd (Dobbin's) Regft. New York Militia, Jan. 12, 18 14 to April 16, 1814, also Private, Capt. Roger Sutherland's Company, McMahon's Regt. New York Militia, Aug. 25, 1814 to Nov. 8, 18 14. (Received Land- Warrant No. 60016.) Settled in McLean Coimty , 111. 1834, d. McLean County, 111. June 15, 1855. Biu^ied in Longworth Cemetery, (abandoned) Sec. 32, Mount Hope Township, McLean County, 111. ( Infonnation from T. J. Mason, Grandson, Armington, 111. and Mrs. Lydia Schernier, Dau. Blooming^on, 111. 191 2.) ist Wife, Lydia Qohnson) Mason, Son, Oliver Mason. 2nd Wife, Maria (Johnson) Mason, ch. Sarah (Mason) Morgan, Hiram Mason, Huldah Mason, Lucinda Mason, Lydia (Mason) Schermer. 3rd Wife, Mary (Albin) Mason, (Noch.) 4th Wife, Hannah (Ferguson) Mason, Son, Daniel Mason. 'McCafferty, James, b County, Kentucky, Nov. 24, 1779. Private, Capt. Samuel Myers' Company, 3rd Regt. Ohio Militia, July 26, 18 13 to Aug. II, 181 3, also Private, Capt. Conrad Flesher's Company, 3rd Regt. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Ohio Militia, Aug. 11, 1813 to Sept. 5, 1813. ( In Relief of Fort Meigs.) Settled in McLean County, 111. Dec. 1832, d. in what is now Money Creek Township, Nov. 30, 1853. Buried in Peimell Cemetery, Sec. 33, Money Creek Township, McLean County, III. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 710, and Adjutant-Generals Records State of Ohio. Grave Marked, Society of 18 12, No. 523.) Wife, EHzabeth (Richardson) McCafferty, ch. John McCafferty, James Mc Cafferty, Sarah McCafferty, Dr. Ethan McCafferty, Jonathan McCafferty. McClun, Absalom, (Brother of Hon. John E. McClun.) b. Frederick County, (?) Virginia, Nov. lo, 1793. Private, (?) Capt 's Company Regt. Maryland Militia, (?) War of 181 2. (At Bombardment of Fort McHenry , Sept. 12, 1814. ) Settled near Bloomington, 111. about 1839, d. Bloomington, IlL Aug. 7, 1861. Buried on McClun Lot , Evergreen Cemetery , Bloomington, 111. ( Information from Mrs. Dr. Fulwiler, Grand-neice, Bloomington, lU. 191 2.) 1st Wife ( ) McClun, ch. James McClun, Almyra (McClim) Montgomery, Cynthia (McClun) Neal. 2nd Wife, Margaret ( ) McClun, ch. Thomas McClun, Henry C. McClun, Leah (McClun) (?) Reuben McQun. McClhre, Robert, (Son of Thomas McCliire ) b. near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, June 24, 1792. Private, Capt. Walter Wilson's Company of Infantry, Indiana Militia, Sept. 11, 1811 to Nov, i8, i8ii. In Battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7; 181 1, also Lieutenant, Capt. Henry P. Lewis' Company, nth (Col. William Williams') Regt. Kentucky Militia, 1813. In Battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813 . Settled at Stout's Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1827, d. Stout's Grove, Aug. 8, 1835. Buried in Stout's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 16, Danvers Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 449, also Filson Club Publications No. 15, Page ..., and No. 18, Page 254.) Wife, Nancy D. (Warrick) McClure , (Daughter of Capt. Jacob Warrick, who was killed in Battle of Tippecanoe. ) ch. PermeHa (McClure) McClure, Jacob W. McClure, Charles J. McClure, Thomas B. McClure, Susan J. (McClure) McClm-e. McClure, Thomas, b. in what is now Rockingham County, Virginia, July 15, 1765. Served in the Kentucky Militia against hostile Indians, about 1781 - - 1795. Settled at Stouts Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1827, d. Stout's Grove, Jan. 3, 1847. Buried on Lot 32, 'Original Town' Stout's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 16, Danvers Twp. McLean County, 111. (See Duis' *Good Old Times' 1874, Page 447, and Stout's Grove Cemetery Records.) Wife, Susan (Hynes) McClure, ch. Robert McClure, (1812), James Mc - Clure, (.1812), Mary (McClure) Robb , John McClure , Samuel McClure, (181 2), Nancy (McClure) Buckner, Margaret (McClure) Danley, Eustatia J. McClure, Finis E. McClin-e, Benjamin H. McClure. McCoNNELL, Andrew, Sr. b. near Nicholasville, Kentucky, April 12, 1792. Private, Capt. Gustavus W. Bowers' Company, ist (Col. George Trotter's) Regt. Kentucky Militia, 1813. ( In Battle of the Thames, Oct. 5, 1813.) Settled at Bloo.nington , 111. 1851 , d. Bloomington , 111. May 28, 1854, Buried in old City Cemetery , Bloomington , Illinois. ( See Filson Club Publication, No. 18, Page 212, and Gravestone. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 516,) Wife, Nancy ( ) McConnell , Sons, James McConn ell, Andrew McConnell, Jr. McCracken , Eenjainin, b. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1785. Private, Capt. John Creigh's Company, Regt. 7th Division, Pennsyl - -vania Militia, ( Cumberland County ) , Sept. 4, 1814 to Oct. 17, 1814. Settled in McLean County, 111. 18.., d. Selma, 111. May 7, i860. Buried in Selma Cemetery , Selma , Lexington Township , McLean County , 111 . (Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 127. See Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. VII, Page 455.) Wife, Susan (Pence) McCracken, ch. Mills McCracken, Frederick Mc- Cracken, Harriet (McCracken) Windle, Rachel (McCracken) Powley, McNiTT, John, b. Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, Oct 1789. Private, Capt. George Record's Company, Col. Rees Hill's Regt. Pennsylvania Militia, May 5, 1 8 13 to Nov. 8, 1813. In Battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 181 3. [See Next Page.] McNiTT, (Continiied) Received a Medal from the Government of Pennsylvania and $214.89 prize money, for his Services in the Battle of Lake Erie. Settled in McLean Connty, IlL about 1852, d. near Shirley, III. Oct. 21, 1866. Btnied in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bloomington Township, Mc- -Lean Connty, IlL (Information from Mrs. J. G. McClellan, Bloomington, 111. R. F. D. 5, 1910. See Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series, Vol. VIII, Pages 106 & 1 10 , and Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, Vol. XX, No. 4, Page 447 . Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 524.) Wife, Ann (McNitt) McNitt, No ch. Foster Sons, James G. McClellan, Allen E. McCoy, John R. Gourley. MSANS, Robert, b County, Virginia, Aprils, 1785. Private, Capt. Joseph Logan's Company, i6th (Porter's) Regt. Kentucky Militia, Sept. 10, 1 8 14 to March 9, 181 5. (Resided in Mason County, Ky.) Settled at Cheney's Grove, McLean County, IlL March 9, 1830, d. Cheney's Grove, Aug. I, 1835. Buried in Saybrook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. ( Information f rom W. C. Means, Grandson, Bloomington, IlL 191 2, See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 395, and Book 78, Page 161, Deed Records, Mc- -Lean County, IlL - Warrant No. 45837.) Wife , Sarah (Rumsey) Means , ch. America P. (Means) Ball , Keturah (Means) McMackin, Jemima (Means) Stansbury, James R. Means, David D. Means, Joseph K. Means, Owen A. Means, Elizabeth (Means) Green, Margaret (Means) Vanscoyoc. Merrifield, Emanuel, b Coimty, Virginia, 17... Private, Capt. Abner Barrett's Company, ist Regt. 2nd Battalion, Ohio Militia, Aug. 21, 181 2 to Feb. 21, 1 8 13. Settled in McLean County, 111. 18.., d. near Leroy, 111. about 1849. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, old part, (?) near Leroy, IlL ( Information from F. M. Rutledge, Leroy, 111. 1912, and Pension Commissioner, Washington, D. C. 1913. See Book 114, Page 256, Deed Records, McLean County, lU. - Warrant No. 20072.) Wife, ( ) Merrifield, ch. William Merrifield, Samuel Merrifield, Abner Merrifield, Mary Merrifield. Messer, Rev. Isaac, ( U. B. Minister), b. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, May 2, 1781. Private, Capt. George M. Williams' Company, Renick's Regt. Ohio Militia, Aug. 26, 18 12 to Oct. 10, 181 2, also Private, Capt. Job Radchffe's Company, Ohio Mounted Volunteers, ( Renick's Mounted Regt.) July 26, 1813 to Aug. 26, 1813. (Enlisted from Franklin County, Ohio.) Settled near site of Lexington, 111. March ... , 1829, d. Money Creek Township, McLean Coimty, 111. Jan. 21, 1861. Buried in Messer Cemetery, about 5 miles northeast of Hudson, 111. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 607. Information also from W. H. Messer, Grandson, Hudson, IlL 19 13.) Wife, Sidney Ann (Forbes) Messer, ch. John B. Messer, Mary (Messer) Gildersleeve , Elizabeth ( Messer ) Spawr , Jane ( Messer ) Tumipseed, Sidney Ann ( Messer ) Young , Rebecca ( Messer ) Doughty , Joseph Messer, James K, Messer, Isaac Messer, Jr. TB£ JOHN 'qcJflTT .^EDAL. JAMES T. >iaLER* ARCJIER MARTIN- Mn^i^ER, James T. b. Rockingham County, Virginia, Aug. 3, 1795. Private, Capt. Thomas Hopkins Company, Virginia Militia, Aug. 14, 1814 to Dec. 8, 1814. Settled in Mcl^ean Coimty, 111. 1834, d. Bloomington Township, Nov. 3, 1874. Buried in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bloomington Town - -ship, McLean County, 111. (See Miller Genealog>^ Information also from U. S. Pension Commissioner, Washington, D. C. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 434.) Wife, Sarah (Loyd) Miller, ch. Robert Miller, James M. Miller, John W. Miller, Elizabeth Jane (Miller) Parker, [ Maternal Grandmother of Milo Custer] Samuel S. Miller, WilHam C. Miller, BeUfield Miller, Sarah Ann (Miller) Barnett , Mary (Miller) Ludlam, Thomas G. Miller, Martillous Miller, Cyrus C. Miller, Margaret B. (Miller) Thompson, Mildred A. (Miller) Peck, Alexander Miller. MiTCHEL, Rev. Peyton, ( Cumberland Presbyterian Minister. ) b County, Virginia, Aug. 26, 1791. Captain, Peyton Mitchel's Company, Kentucky Militia, War of 181 2. ( Not in Active Service ). [Also Private, Capt. Walter ly. Fontaines Company, 8th Regiment, 4th Brigade, Virginia Militia, Aug. 29, 1814 to Feb. 19, 1815. ?] Settled at vStout's Grove, in what is now McLean Coimtj'-, 111. March 3, 1825, d. vStont's Grove, April 4, 1853. Buried in Stout's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 16, Dan vers Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 438.) Wife , Elizabeth ( Eriggs ) Mitchel , ch. Ebenezer B . Mitchel , John E. Mitchel, William M. Mitchel, Samuel R. Mitchel, James M. C. Mitchel, Louisa A. (Mitchel) Vance, Mary J. (Mitchel) Parker, Phoebe Ellen (Mitchel; Brown, Dr. Robert Mitchel. Nelson, John O. b. near Boonesborough, Madison County, Kentucky, March 15, 1796. Private, Capt. Edward Whaley's Company, Lieut. -Col. Andrew Porter's Regiment, Kentucky Volunteers, Sept. 10, i8i4toOct. 10, 1814. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1856, d. near Shirley, 111. Nov. 9, 1879. Buried in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bloomington Township, McLean County, 111 . ( Information from Mrs. Amanda Nelson, Daughter-in-law, Bloomington, 111. 1913, & Adjutant-Generals Records, State of Kentucky.) Wife , Melinda (Bentley) Nelson, ch. Emily (Nelson) Wilkerson, William B. Nelson, Rufus Nelson, Elhanan Nelson, Pendleton Nelson, John W. Nelson, B. Franklin Nelson. Newcomb, Ethan, b. Downs, Cumberland County, New Jersey, May 7, 1789. Capt 's Company Regt. Ohio Militia, War of 181 2. Settled at Cheney's Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1828, d. Saybrook, 111. Jan. 9, 1869. Buried in Sayl^rook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. (See Weekly Pantagraph, Bloomington, 111. Jan. ,,,, 1869, and Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 415.) Vv/ife, Mary (Marsh) Woods-Newcomb, ch. Mary (Newcomb) Vanscoyoc, Joseph Newcomb, Rosanna (Newcomb) Smith, John Newcomb, Elizabeth (Newcomb) Arbogast. Palmer, Cornelius, b. Danby, Rutland County, Vermont, Feb. 22, 17S8. Sergeant, Capt. WilHs Foulk's Company, 22nd Regt. U. S. Infantry, June 23, 1813 to May 24, 1814. [See Next Page.] Palmer, (Continued), Enlisted at Oswego, N. Y. Discharged at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Settled in Mcl^ean County, 111. i8.., d. Selma, 111. Ju'y 15, 1863. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, Lexington Township, McLean County, III. (Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 162.) Wife, Deborah ( ) Palmer, ch . John Palmer, Amos Palmer, William Palmer, Joseph Palmer, Knos Palmer, Tacy Palmer. Parsons, Hazo, b. Eelchertown, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, 1790 , Capt 's Company, Regt Warof 1812. Settled at Bloomington, 111. 1841, d. Bloomington, 111. Nov. 30, 1873. Btu-ied in old City Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. (See Daily Pantagraph, Bloomington, 111, Dec. 2, 1873. Information also from Miss Martha Parsons, Daughter, McLean, 111. 1913.) Wife, Betsey (Whitman) Parsons, ch. John Parsons, Elizabeth (Parsons) McCarthy , Cordelia (Parsons) Allin , Martha Parsons, Harriet Parsons, Philo Parsons, Louisa (Parsons) Harrison. Passwaters, Purnell, Sr. b. Sussex County, Delaware, Feb. 22, 1782. Private, Capt 's Company, Regt. Virginia Militia, War of 18 1 2. (Enlisted from Monongahela County, Virginia. Not in Active Service.) Settled at Randolph's Grove, McLean County, 111. May 16, 1830, d. Randolph's Grove, Feb. 28, 1851. Buried in Passwaters Cemetery Sec. 27, Randolph Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 779.) Wife, Comfort (Short) Passwaters, ch. Lavina (Passwaters) Birdsell, Elizabeth Passwaters , Richard Passwaters , Ulias Passwaters , Purnell Passwaters, Jr. Enoch J. Passwaters, Clement Passwaters. [5 others.] Patton , John, ( Of near Selma, Illinois,) b. "on the Yadkin River" North Carolina, 1781. [Private, Capt. William Ewing's Company, Lieut. -Col. William Ewing's Regt. Kentucky MiHtia. Sept. 8, 181 2 to Oct. 30, 181 2, ? Definite Identification of Servdce Impossible, Several Men of This Name Served in the Kentuck}^ Militia, War of 1S12.] Settled at Mackinaw Timber in what is now McLean County, 111. 1828, d. near Selma, 111. Dec. ..., 1854. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, III. 1912, and Adjutant -Generals Records, State of Kentucky.) Wif6 , Margaret (Wiley) Patton, ch. Sarah (Patton) Foster, Cassandria (Patton) Wiley, Sussannah ( Patton ) Messer, John Patton, Jr. William Patton, Margaret (Patton) Henline, Benjamin W. Patton, Joseph Patton, Jemima (Patton) Adams, Aaron Patton, Moses Patton, Constantine Patton. POPEJOY, William, b. Rockingham County, Virginia, Jan. 12, 1793. Sergeant, Capt Mallow's Company, Ohio Militia, also Private, Capt. Lemuel Connelly's Company, ist (McDowell's) Regt. Ohio Militia, also Private, Capt. Thomas Robinson's Companj^ 3rd (Stewart's) Regt. Ohio Militia, War of 1S12. (Dates of Services Not Found.) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1834, d. Lexington Township, Aug. 29, 1863. Buried in Indian Field Cemetery, Sec. 20, Lexington Township, McLean County, Illinois. [See Next Page.] PoPEjOY, (Contiaued) , Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 12S. Wife, Nancy (Wiley) Popejoy, ch. Elizabeth (Popejoy) Baker, William Popejo}^ Jr., Margaret (Popejoy) Haner, John Popejoy, Henry Popejoy, Harrison Popejoy, Sarah (Popejoy) McMullen, George Popejoy, C. Perry Popejoy, Edward Popejoy . Reid, Thomas, Sr. b. County Ireland, 1778. Orderly Sergeant, Capt 's Company, Regt. Virginia, Militia, War of 181 2. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1868, d. Arrowsmith Towiiship, May 16, 1875. Buried in Stipp Cemetery, Sec. 13, Arrowsmith Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from B. N. Reid, Grandson, Arrowsmith 111. 1913.) Wife , Matilda (Dawson) Reid, ch. John Reid, William Reid, Charlotte ( Reid ) Partee , Elizabeth (Reid) Hood, Grafton Reid, Jeremiah Reid, George Reid, Jacob Reid, Margaret (Reid) Moss, Thomas Reid, Jr. Ross Reid, Anna (Reid) Hale. Rhodes, Rev. Ebenezer, ( New Light Baptist. ) b. Holland, May 21, 1780. Private, Capt. Philip Kiser's Company, Ohio Militia, Aug. 12, 1813 to Sept. 21, 1 81 3. Settled at Blooming Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1823. d. Blooming Grove, Dec. 6, 1842. Buried in Cox & Rhodes (now Woodlawn,) Cemetery, Sec. 22, Bloomington Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 173, and Adjutant-Generals Records , State of Ohio. ) Wife, Mary ( Hargis ) Starr - Rhodes, ch. John H. S. Rhodes, Samuel Rhodes , Rhoda (Rhodes) Stringfield , Naomi (Rhodes) Nigest, Jeremiah Rhodes , Aaron Rhodes , Ebenezer Rhodes, Jr. Rev. James S. Rhodes, Polly (Rhodes) Mitchell. Rowley, Capt. William J. b. Columbia County, New York, Oct. 12, 1795. Captain, William J. Rowley's Company, New York Militia, War of 181 2. d. Kdwardsville, 111. Sept. 27, 1884. Buried in Friends Cemetery, Sec. 6, Dawson Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from J. N. Rowley, Grandson, Bloomington, 111. 19 12.) Wife, Mary M. ( ) Rowley, ch. Sarah (Rowley) , Lydia M. Rowley, William Bowley, Charlotte T. ( Rowley ) Gassette, John D. Rowley, James J. Rowley, Katherine (.Rowley) Carroll, Martha (Rowley) Bingham, Harriet (Rowley) Munger, Mary Rowley, Edward O. Rowley, George A. Rowley, Gertrude (Rowley) Beaumont. Rust, William, b. Granville County, North Carohna, Feb. 23, 1794. Private, ? Capt 's Company, Pegt. Tennessee Militia, War of 18 1 2. (Enlisted from Maury County, Tennessee. In Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815.) Settled at Randolph's Grove, McLean County, lU. 1834. d. Randolph Township, Aug. 25, 1873. Buried in Passwaters Cemetery, Sec. 27, Randolph Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 805.) Wife, Nancy (McGhee) Rust, ch. James W. Rust, John F. Rust, George W. Rust, Martha A. (Rust) Lindley, Wilham M. Rust, Harvey J. Rust, Mary (Rust) Hougham, Ametta Rust, Nancy C. Rust. RUTLEDGE, Thomas, Sr. b. Charleston, South Carolina, Oct. 17, 1768. Served in the Kentucky Militia, (Rangers) War of 181 2, ( No Official Record of Service Found.) Settled at Randolph's Grove, in what is now McLean County, IlL 1828, d. Randolph's Grove, Aug. 20, 1830, Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, ( old part ) near Leroy, 111. ( See History of DeWitt County, 111. 18S2, Page 311, also Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Pag« 765, and Biographical Album of Mcl,ean County, 111. 1887, Pages 642-'3. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 486.) Wife , Sallie ( Smith ) Rutledge , ch . James Rutledge, Mark Rutledge, Robert H. Rutledge , Cynthia (Rutledge) Rutledge, Mary ( Rutledge ) Craig, William J. Rutledge, Elizabeth (Rutledge) Brittm, Sarah (Rutledge) Cline, Jane (Rutledge) Dickerson. Spawr, Valentine, b. Westmoreland County, (?) Pennsylvania, Sept. 17, 1769. Capt 's Company, U. S. Infantry, (?) Wayne's War, 1793-1795. (In Battle of the Maumee, Aug. 20, 1794. Wounded.) Settled in what is now McLean County, 111. 1827, d. near Selma, III. Feb. 5, 1855. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis* "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 665, and Biographical Album of McLean County, 111. 1887, Page 992. Information also from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, 111. 191 2.) Wife, Anna M. (Richer) Spawr, ch. Margaret (Spawr) Lucas, Catherine (Spawr) Guthrie , Susan (Spawr) McLean - Punchess , Mary (Spawr) Beers , Sarah (Spawr) Flesher, Jacob Spawr, George Spawr , Peter Spawr, John Spawr . Stansburv , Ezekiel , b. Greene County, Tennessee, , 1794. Private, Capt Cook's Company, Tennessee Militia, War of 1812, (In Battle of Horse Shoe Bend , March 27, 1814.) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1833, d. Saybrook, 111. April 15, 1857. Buried in Saybrook Cemetery, Saybrook, 111. (See Book 78, Page 12, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - Warrant No. 29728- , History of McLean County 111. 1879, Page 541, and Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 420. Information also from T. A. Stansbury, Nephew, Bloomington, 111. 1913.) Wife, Sarah (Graham) Stansbury, ch. Louisa (Stansbury) Myers, Charles W, Stansbury, Andrew Stansbury, Emily (Stansbury) Campbell, Isaac Stansbury, John Stansbury, Elizabeth (Stansbury) White, James Stans- - bury , Esther (Stansbury) Stine . Stubblefield, Robert, b, Halifax County, Virginia, Nov. 23, 1793. Private,, Capt. John C. Pryor's Troop of Cavalry, 21st Regt. Virginia Militia, April 24, 1813 to Feb. 22, 1815. (Generally) Settled at Funks Grove, in what is now McLean Coimty, 111. Dec. 1824, d. Funk's Grove, June 8, 1870. Buried in Funk's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 17, Funk's Grove Township, McLean County , 111. ( See Duis' "Good Old Times'* 1874, Page 596, and Virginia Muster Rolls, 1812-1815, Page 653.) ist Wife, Sarah ( Funk ) Stubblefield, ch. Absalom Stubblefield, Ann (Stubblefield) Lightner, Mary (Stubblefield) Groves, John Stubblefield . 2nd Wife, Dorothy (Funk) Stubblefield, ch. George M. Stubblefield, Jesse Stubblefield, Frances (Stubblefield) Murphy, Adam Stubblefield , Eve Stubblefield , Edward Stubblefield , Isaac Stubblefield, William R. C. Stubblefield, Frank Stubblefield, Charles W. Stubblefield. X O o o z o (/) < o o w w Vance, James, b. Todd (?) County, Kentucky, Feb. 12, 1788. [ ist Sergeant, Capt. Zachariah Terrell's Company , Major John Davis' Regt . Kentucky Militia , ? In Battle of New Orleans , Jan. 8, 1815. ? ] Settled in McLean County, 111. Nov. 5, 1835, d. Woodford County, III. Nov. i, i860. Euried in Stout's Grove Cemetery, Sec. 16, Danvers Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from F. M. Hall, Danvers, 111. 1912. See also Filson Club Publication No. 19, Page 201, and Biographical Record of McLean County, 111. 1899, Pages 466, 489, and 490.) ist Wife, Jane Bell (Hay) Vance, ch. Peter H. Vance, Andrew Vance, Elizabeth (Vance) Eoggs , Rachel (Vance) Mitchel. 2nd Wife, Mary F. (Hay) Vance, (No ch. ) VanDeventer , Jacob, b County, Tennessee, (?) Nov. 6, 1785. , Capt 's Company, Regt. Tennessee Militia, (?) War of 181 2. Settled at Buckles' Grove, McLean County, 111. 18..., d. Buckles' Grove, Oct. 24, 1833. Buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, ( old part ) near Leroy , 111 . ( Information from Stephen VanDeventer , Grandson, and F. M. Rutledge, Leroy, 111. 191 3.) Wife, Rachel ( ) VanDeventer, ch . Mary (VanDeventer) Rutledge , Mahala (VanDeventer) Story , James VanDeventer . Walker, William, b. Rutherford County, North Carolina, Oct. 17, 1781. Private, Capt. M. R. Alexander's Company, (nth Companj^ Detached from 3rd Rutherford Regiment,) 8th (Lieut. -Col. Nathan Horton's) Regt. -Merrit Burgin, ist Major, Samuel Davidson, 2nd Major,- North Cr.rohna Militia, War of 181 2. ( In Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815.) Settled at Blooming Grove, in what is now McLean County, 111. 1S24, d. Blooming Grove, Jan. 16, 1S61 , Buried in Blooming Grove Cemetery, Sec. 27, Bloomington Township , McLean County , 111 . ( Information from J. B. Orendorf f , Grandson , and Adjutant - Generals Records , State of North CaroUna. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 517.) W^ife, Nancy (Driskill) Walker, ch. Fanny P. (Walker) Little, Mary M. (Walker) Orendorff, Elizabeth M. (Walker) Cox, vSophronia J. (Walker) Cox, John Wesley Walker . Warlow, Benjamin, b. Taberg, Oneida County, New York, Feb. 3, 1785. Private, Capt. Elisha Strongs Company, Lieut. -Col. Longley's Regt. Massachusetts Militia, Sept. 13, 1814 to Nov. 7, 1814. Settled at Twin Grove, McLean County, 111. 1834, d. Dry Grove Township, Sept. 5, 1864. Buried in West Twin Grove Cemeterj^ Sec. 33, Dr>' Grove Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from Richard A. Warlow, Son, Stanford, 111. 191 2, and Miss Belle Warlow, Grand-daughter, Bloomington, 111. 1913. See also Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 478, and Biographical Record of McLean County, 111. 1899, Page 269.) Wife , Ehzabeth ( Bond ) Warlow, ch. Jonathan B. Warlow, William C. Warlow, Sarepta E. (Warlow) Baker, Richard A. Warlow, Lafayette Warlow, Bond W. Warlow. Welch, William, b County, Virginia, Feb. 5, 1790. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Widgeon's Company, 27th (Col. Major S. Pitts) Regt. Virginia Militia, (Northampton County,) Oct. 9, 1813 to Oct. 24, 1S13, and Aug. 28, 1S14 to Oct. 31, 1814. (?) [See Next Page.] Welch, (Continued,) Or Private, Capt. Alexander Taylor's Company, ist Regt. Virginia Militia, Sept. i, 1814 to Oct. 31, 1814, (?) Settled in what is now Lexington Township, McLean County, 111. about 1850, ? d. Selma, Illinois, July 20, 1865. Buried in Selma Cemetery, Selma, Lexington Twp. McLean County, 111 . ( Information from A. V. Pierson, Lexington, 111. 1912. See Virginia Muster and Pay Rolls, 1812-1815.) Wife, Mary? ( ) Welch, ch. Vine Welch, Hiram Welch, Rensellaer Welch, Mary (Welch) Kennedy. Wilcox, Edward, b County, Pennsylvania, Aug. 30, 1776. Private, Capt. Clement Twiford's Company, 3rd (Stewarts) Regt. Ohio Militia, July 26, 1813 to Aug. 10, 1813, also Private, Capt. Coonrod Flesher's Company, 3rd (Stewarts) Regt. Ohio Militia, Aug. 11, 1813 to Sept. 5, 1813. Settled in McLean County, 111. 1832, d. Money Creek Township, Nov. 20, 1849. Buried in Wilcox Cemetery, Sec. 5, Money Creek Township, McLean County, 111. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Pages 705-'6. Information also from Mrs. A. A. Stewart, Grand - daughter, Lexington, 111. 191 3.) Wife, Sarah (Richardson) Wilcox, ch. Mary (Wilcox) Thomas, Elizabeth ( Wilcox ) Owens, Wilham Wilcox. WiLHOiTE, Joshua, b. Versailles County, Kentucky, , 17..., Private, Capt. Peter Dudley's Company, Volunteer Light Infantry, loth (Powells) Regt. Kentucky Militia, March 29, 1813 to Sept. 22, 1813. (Volunteered at Frankfort, Ky. Discharged at Bass Island.) Settled in McLean County, 111. 1 851, d. ( of cholera,) in what is now Downs Township, July 27, 1855. Btu-ied in Wilhoite Family burial-ground, (abandoned,) on S. B. Mason Farm, Sec. 18, Downs Township, McLean County, 111. (Information from S. B. Mason, and Mrs. Amanda Nelson, Eloomington, 111. and Dr. W. F. Wilhoite, Grandson, Wichita, Kans. 1913.) Wife, Polly (Sparks) Wilhoite, ch. Dr. Willis C. Wilhoite, EHalT. Wilhoite James M. Wilhoite, Lucy ( Wilhoite ) Hancock, Alexander Wilhoite, Reuben Wilhoite. Williams, Robert M. b. County, , ^7?3- , Capt . 's Company , Regt. War of 1812. Settled in Bloomington, 111. 18..., d. 319 South Center St. Bloom - - ington. 111. Aug. 31, 1874. Buried on Lot 22, Sec. 2, Evergreen Cemetery Bloomington, 111. (See Pantagraph Files, Sept. 1874. Information also from Mrs. James B. Kelly, and Samuel Custer, Bloomington, 111. 191 2.) Wife, ( ) Williams, ch. D. Newton Williams, Daniel P. Williams, Robert Williams, Annie (Williams) Seeley, Fannie (Williams) , Ida (Williams) WiTHEROW, David, b. Franklin County, Pennsylvania , 1796. Private, Capt. William Alexander s Company , Findlay's Battalion, Pennsylvania Volunteers, War of 181 2. ( Dates of Service Not Found.) Settled in Dale Township, McLean County, 111. 1857, d. Dale Township, March ..., 1868. Buried in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 18, Bloomington Township, McLean County, 111. ( Information from John M. Harvey, Bloomington, 111. 1913. ) Wife, Elizabeth (Gaston) Witherow, ch. William G. Witherow, Lavina (W^itherow) Hefner, Martha J. (Witherow) Harvey, Joseph A. Witherow, Quincy A. W^itherow, Elizabeth Witherow, W^ ■ '!W^ fB it w m *^^H /^ - s ' '..>19^H l^^^^H r ■l dH^H d HH^ki^ WILLIAM WALKER. ROBERT STUBBLEFIELD. BENJAMIN WARLOW. JAMES VANCE. Young, William, b County, Virginia, atout 1785. L,ieutenant, Capt. Sawer's Company, 6th Regt. Virginia Militia, War of 18 12. Settled at the Mackinaw Timber, McLesn Cour.ty, 111. 1832, d. Money Creek Twp. Sept. ..., i860. Euried in CJarksville Cemetery, Sec. 3, Morey Creek Twp. McLean County, 111. (Information from A. V. Pierson, I^exington, 111. 1912. See also Duis' "Good Old Times" 1874, Page 715, and Book 112, Page 237, Deed Records, McLean County, 111. - Warrant No. 22154.) I St Wife, Mary (Smith) Young, ch. Anderson Young, Madison Young. 2nd Wife, Mary (Hughes) Young, ch. Christiana (Young) Winklepleck, Allen Young, John Young. ADDENDA No. 1. Benson, John, Sr. d. White Oak Township, McLean County, 111. ( Not Eureka, 111.) June 18, 1874. (See Estate Files, McLean County, 111.) Bishop, James, Enlisted from Clark County, Ohio. Brown, Jacob, Grave Marked, Society of 18 12, No. 518. BuCKi^ES , John, Had 13 ch. - 9 sons, 4 daughters. Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 515. Bull, William, Private, Capt. William P. Custis' Company, 2nd (Lieut. -Col. Thomas M. Bayley's) Regt. Virginia Militia, March 25 to March 28, May 22 to May 29, and Nov. 25 to Nov. 27, 1813. (See Virginia Muster Rolls, 1812 -1815.) Cheney, Jonathan, Also Private, Capt. Christopher Wood's (ist) Company of Spies, [Ohio Militia?] Sept. 4, 181 2 to Nov. 27, 181 2. Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 520. Crumbaugh , Daniel , Also Private , Capt. John W. Redding's Company of Infantry , Col. Richard M. Johnson's Regt. Kentucky Militia, May 20, 1 81 3 to Nov. 19, 18 1 3. Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 514, Fling, Richard, [Sr.] ist Wife, Rebecca (Wilkinson) Fling, ch. George W. Fling, Ann E. (Fling) Williams, Joseph W. Fling, Charies E. Fling. 2nd Wife , Elizabeth ( Wilkinson ) Please - Fling, ch. Richard Fling, Jr. Owen Fling, Angeline A. (Fling) Heller, Thomas W. Fling. Funk, John, Grave Marked, Society of 1812, No. 519. Harry, Samuel, Buried in West Twin Grove Cemetery, Sec. 33, Dry Grove Towmship, (Not Sec. 3, Dale Township,) McLean County, 111. Messer, Isaac, Grave Marked, Society of 181 2, No. 526. Newcomb , Ethan , Enlisted either from Clark or Trumbull County , Ohio . (Information from E. H. Newcomb, Grandson, Saybrook, 111. 19 13.) Patton, John, Under ? Lieut. -Col. Young Ewing, not Lieut. -Col. Wm. Ewirg. UNCERTAIN LIST . ( Men Buried in McLean County, 111. Who May Have Been Soldiers of 18 12. Names of Burial- Places, and States From Which They May Have Served.) John Deal, West Twin Grove, (Pa.) John S. Draper, Heyworth, (Ky.) Isaac Jones, Hinshaws, Danvers Twp. (Pa.) Samuel McClure, Stout s Grove, (lud.) Daniel Ruth, West Twin Grove, (Pa.) Archibald Thomp - -SON, Selma, (Ohio.) Abiathar Wheeler, Stout "s Grove, (Vt.) William Wiley, Indian Field Cem. (Ohio.) Addenda No. 2. Arrowsmith, Samuel, b. Rockingham Coimty, Virginia, Aug. 7, 1779. ( Enlisted from Ross County, Ohio, about Sept. 181 2. Discharged at Fort Recovery, Ohio.) Settled in McLean County, 111. Nov. 1840, d. in what is now Arrowsmith Twp. Jan. 3, 1843. Buried in Barnes Cemetery, Sec. 26, Dawson Townsliip, McLean County, 111. ( Information from David E. Arrowsmith, Grandson, 509 East Olive Street, Bloomington, 111. 19 13.) Wife, Elizabeth ( Ritter ) Arrowsmith, ch. John Arrowsmith, Hannah Arrowsmith , Ezekiel Arrowsmith , Henry R. Arrowsmith , [ Father of David E.] Eleanor (Arrowsmith} Jones, Margaret (Arrowsm.ith) Barr.es, Eliza (Arrowsmith) Thompson, Mary A. K. (Arrowsmith) Thompson . Bay, William, Sergeant, ist, Capt. Christopher Woods Company of Spies , Brigadier -General Edward W. Tupper's Brigade, Ohio Troops, Sept. 4, 18 1 2 to Jan. 27, 18 13. (Information from H. P. Ha/le , Grandson, Bloomington, 111. 19 13.) Benson, John, Sr. See Box 59, Case 1975, Estate Files, McLean County, 111. Jones, Lieut. John, Settled in McLean County, 111. 1852. ch. Andrew C. Jones, Julia (Jones) Gill, Sally (Jones) Fenstermaker. [Others?] Information from David E. Arrowsmith, Bloomington, 111. 1913. Merrifield , Kmanuel, Wife, Polly ( ) Merrifield, ch. Lucinda (Merrifield) Carr, Elizabeth (Merrifield) Merrifield, Rebecca (Merrifield) Cannady, Samuel Merrifield, Abner Merrifield. ( Information from William Merririe d. Nephew, Jameson, Mo. 191 3.) PoPEjOY, William, Private, Capt. Lemuel Connelly's Company, Ohio Militia, Aug. 10, 1S13 to Sept. 5, 1813. (See Adjutant-Generals Records, State of Ohio.) VanDeventer, Jacob, ch. Abraham VanDeventer. Martha (VanDeventer) Wilson, John VanDeventer, David VanDeventer, Mar>' (VanDeventer) Rutledge, Mahala (VanDeventer) Story, Marianna (VanDeventer) Mc- -Intorff,? James VanDeventer. (See History of DeWitt County, 111. 18S2, Page 308.) Note; Some of the readers of this pamphlet may wonder that it is not more complete , but few may appreciate the many difficulties encountered in its compilation. Much of the material was very difficult to obtain and some of it arrived very late. More cuts would have been included and better ones in some cases, could they have been obtained, but many of the soldiers whose records appear herein , never had any kind of likeness made, while others had only one, and frequently that one very poor, and very hard to copy. Amateur work will account for some other defects. M. C. July 16, 1913. >- DC CO < u u o u cc o c H Ai,L Cuts In This Pamphlet Were Made By The BROWN PRINTING COMPANY Corner Washington And Main Streets PEORIA, ILLINOIS. I RNns \ Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing Agent; Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: AUG 1998 aaKREEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberrv Township. PA 16066