'bV' "^^0^ :<^ ■V''r^\*«-'^ 'o^.'^-'ao' v*'^*,***^ %,' i\ %/ 'kM^\ %/ /Jfe"'- %<<>* •••^^^•' *^ .4> * V >^ . * • • • * '^^-^ ^•^' K^ •••' *« ...X v^\/ ^'^'-y **^'^^\«*' 'iv •- "'^..'!>* .-^jeA'- ^-..<,^ : 'A"' UBP Vols. Gold St"" OTDICOTT LTTH.KnmK. ©©¥. (JJOmif UMIDKSvD'lP^, LilJi for Moores AinericoJi, (iovei-iiors. LIVES GOVERNORS OF NEW PLYMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS BAY; FROM THE LANDING OF THE PILGRIMS AT PLYMOUTH IN Mi TO THE UNION OF THE TWO COLONIES IN 1692. BY JACOB BAILEY MOORE. BOSTON: C. D. STRONG, NO. 1 CORNHILL 1851. PREFACE. The writer of these pages has formed the design of preparing for publication^ Memoirs of American Governors — embracing those who have successively held the high office of Chief Magistrate, in the sever- al Colonies, which now form the United States; to to be followed by Memoirs of the Governors of the sev- eral States. The intelligent reader has perhaps felt the want of such a work. Our best Biographical Dictiona- ries contain but meagre sketches of a few of those pub- lic men, who have been distinguished as Governors ; while of others, who were renowned in their day, and exercised an important influence upon the times in which they lived, no account whatever is to be found. To supply an obvious want, as far as it may be practi- cable now to do, is the object of the present undertaking. The task is a very laborious and difficult one, but with proper diligence, and public encouragement, it may be accomplished. It has been the aim of the author to make his work full in details, precise in facts, and, as far as possible, accurate and reliable as a book of reference. Authorities have been carefully scanned; and, to avoid the errors of copyists, as well as to reconcile conflicting dates, originals have been consulted, whenever they IV PREFACE. could be found. References to printed authorities, where not otherwise specified; are generally to original editions. Anachronisms are believed to be best avoided, in history, by adhering to dates as originally written; and this course has been adopted in the present work. Every in- telligent reader understands the difference between the Julian and the Gregorian year, or the Old and New Style, and can readily make his own computation. The general plan of the work will be seen at a glance. In order that each volume may be complete in itself, — ' embracing the Governors of two or more of the Colo- nies, or States, in regular succession, — a chronological arrangement has been adopted; and for the conven- ience of the reader, a full and particular Index to all the names, places and events, mentioned in the work, is added. The author has been kindly and even liberally assisted by numerous individuals, to whom he has applied for in- formation. Years ago, when he first commenced the col- lection of materials for this work, the rich stores preserved in the archives at Plymouth, Boston, and Worcester, were freely opened to him. He has since derived much assistance from an examination of the books and manu-^ scripts of the New York Historical Society, of the Con- gress Library, and in particular of the valuable library of Peter Force, Esq., of Washington City, whose col- lection of manuscripts and books, in the department of American History, is unsurpassed in this country, Sepleniber, 184G. CONTENTS. PART I. Governors of New Plymouth, from the Landing OF THE Pilgrims, in 1620, to the Union of the Colony with Massachusetts Bay, in 1692: I. * JOHN CARVER, First chosen in 1620, Page 11 II. *WILLIAM BRADFORD, 1621, 49 III. *EDWARD WINSLOW, 1633, 93 IV. THOMAS PRENCE, 1634, 139 V. JOSIAS WINSLOW, 1673, 175 VI. THOMAS HINCKLEY, 1680, 201 PART II. Governors of Massachusetts Bay, from the first settlement of the colony, in 1630, to the ex- PULSION OF Andros, in 1689 : I. *J0HN WINTHROP, . . . First chosen in 1630, Page 237 II. THOMAS DUDLEY, 1634, 273 III. JOHN HAYNES, 1635, 297 IV. HENRY VANE, 1636, 313 V. RICHARD BELLINGHAM, 1641, 335 VI. JOHN ENDECOTT, 1644, 347 VII. JOHN LEVERETT, 1673, 367 VIII. SIMON BRADSTREET, 1679, 377 IX. JOSEPH DUDLEY, appointed in 1686, 390 X. EDMUND ANDROS, 1687, 403 ♦ From Original Sketches by Dr. Belknap, with additions and corrections. ISoccEssioN OP Governors of the Colokies of New Plymouth and Mas- sachusetts Bay, from 1620 to 1692. A. D. Reigns. New Plymouth. Massachusetts Bay. 1620 James I. John Carver. 1C-!1 (1 William Bradford. 1625 Charles I. " 1630 " " Jolin Winthrop. 1633 (( Edward Winslow. (t 1634 (1 Thomas Prence. Thomas Dudley. 1635 (( William Bradford. John Haynes. 1636 (C Edward Winslow. Henry Vane. 1637 (C William Bradford. John "Winthrop. 1638 (( Thomas Prence. a 1639 (( William Bradford. a 1640 (( (( Thomas Dudley. 1641 (( If Richard Bellingham. 1642 (( ♦ (( John Winthrop. 1644 " Edward Winslow. John Endecott. 1645 a William Bradford. Thomas Dudley. 1646 ti (C John Winthrop. 1648 (£ (< a 1649 Commonwealth. " John Endecott. 1650 (( " Thomas Dudley. 1651 (( " John Endecott. 1653 Oliver Cromwell. <( '< 1654 u (( Richard Bellingham. 1655 a (' John Endecott. 1657 (( Thomas Prence. " 1658 Richard Cromwell. '< (< 1660 Charles II. (( <( 1665 K li Richard Bellingham. 1673 (( Josias Winslow. John Leverett. 1679 (( « Simon Bradstreet. 1680 (f Thomas Hinckley. (< 1685 Jeimes II. (( « 1686 (( (< Joseph Dudley. 1687 i( Edmund Andros. Edmund Andros. 1688 (C it (( 1689 William IIL Thomas Hinckley. Simon Bradstreet. 1690 (f (( (( 1691 (C (( ^ , 1692 New Plymouth united with Massachusetts Bay. PART I GOVERNORS OF NEW PLYMOUTH 1620—1692. INTRODUCTOHY NOTE. At the time of the death of Q,ueen Ehzabeth, in 1603, one hun- dred and ten 3^eais after the discovery of America by Columbus, no nation except the Spanish had effected a settlement in the New World ; and in all the continent north of Mexico, not a single European family was to be found. The French, in 1600, began to make settlements in Canada and Acadie, and Spanish soldiers were stationed at several posts in Florida. Twenty years had elapsed since the first fruitless attempt of Sir Walter Raleigh to establish a colony in Virginia, and not an Englishman was now to be found in that country, and the grant to Raleigh had become void, in consequence of his attainder. In 1606, King James I., by an ordinance dated the 10th of April, divided all that portion of North America, which is embrac- ed within the 34th and 45th degrees of latitude, into two districts. The Southern, called the First Colony, he granted to the London Company; and the Northern, or Second Colony, he granted to the Plymouth Company. The general superintendence of the Colonies was vested in a Council, resident in England, named by the King, and subject to all orders and decrees under his sign manual; and the local jurisdiction was entrusted to a Council, also named by the King, and subject to his instructions, which was to reside in the colonies. Under these auspices commenced, in 1607, the first permanent settlement of Virginia. On the third of November, 1620, forty noblemen, knights, and gendemen of England, were incorporated by King James, under the name and style of " The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling and governing New England in America." At the head of this corporation was the 2 10 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Earl of Warwick. The territory subjected to its jurisdiction, ex- tended in breadth from the 40th to the 48tii degree of north lati- tude, and in length from sea to sea — comprising all the present inhabited British possessions north of the United States, all New England and New York, half of New Jersey, nearly the whole of Pennsylvania, and the whole of the country west of these states to the Pacific ocean. Absolute property in this vast domain was con- ferred upon the corporation, and full powers of government were conceded, subject to the royal will. This patent is the basis of all the subsequent grants in New England. Before this charter had passed the seals, the Pilgrims were on their way to America. They had obtained permission from the London Company to settle within their limits. Their intention was to found their settlement upon the banks of the Hudson, but, after a perilous voyage, they arrived at Cape Cod, in the 42d de- gree of north latitude, beyond the limits of the grant to the Lon- don Company. It was too late in the season to retrace their steps, and they resolved, therefore, as they were without authority from the Plymouth Company, to establish for themselves a form of government, which was done by a written instrument subscribed on the 11th November, 1620, in the cabin of the Mayflower. Such was the beginning of the Colony of New Plymouth. Of the persecutions which drove the Puritans from England, and led them afterwards to seek an asylum in the New World, and of the perils which they encountered, upon the ocean and upon the land, ample accounts are given in the sketches which follow. GOVERNOHS OF NEW PLYMOUTH. I. JOHN CARVER. The first effectual settlements of the English in New England, were made by those, who, after the Reforma- tion, dissented from the Established Episcopal Churchy who were persecuted on account of their dissent, and sought an asylum from their sufferings. Uniformity was insisted on with a rigor that disgusted many conscientious ministers and people of the Church of England, and caused that separation, which has ever since existed. Religious persons, who could not conform to the estab- lishment, but taught the necessity of a more complete and personal reformation, were at first distinguished by the name of Puritans — a name which they never dis- owned, though it was given in derision. Among these, the most rigid were the Brovmists, so called from Robert Brown, "a fiery young clergyman," who in 1580-1586, headed a zealous party, and was vehement for a total separation. But his zeal, though violent, as is often the case with zealots, was not of a temper to resist persecu- tion, and in advanced life, he accepted a living offered by the Church he had reviled ; while others, who more deliberately withdrew, retained their separation, though they became more candid and moderate in their princi- ples.* Of these people, a congregation was formed *NearsN. E. i. 58, 64. 12 JOHN CARVER. about the year 1602, near the confines of the counties of York, Nottingham, and Lincohi, in England, wlio chose for their ministers, Richard Clifton and John Robinson.* The reigning prince at that time was James the First, than whom a more contemptible character never sat on the British throne. Educated in the principles of Pres- byterianism in Scotland, he forgot them all on his ad- vancement to the throne of the three kingdoms. Flat- tered by the bishops, he gave all ecclesiastical power into their hands, and entrusted sycophants with the manage- ment of the state, while he indolently resigned himself to literary and sensual indulgences ; in the former of which he was a pedant, in the latter an epicure. The prosecution of the Puritans was conducted with unre- lenting severity in the former part of his reign, when Bancroft was Archbishop of Canterbury. Abbot, who succeeded him, was more favorable to them ; but when Laud came into power, they were treated with every mark of insult and cruelty. Robinson's little congrega- tion did not escape persecution, by quietly separating from the establishment, and forming an independent church. They were still exposed to the penalties of the ecclesiastical law. They were harrassed Mdth every species of intolerance ; some were thrown into prison ; some were confined to their own houses ; and others were obliged to leave their farms, and suspend their usual occupations.! Such was their distress and per- plexity, that an emigration to some foreign country, seemed at length the only means of personal safety. Their first views were directed to Holland, where the * Prince, i. 4, 20. 1 See the history of Puritan sufferings in Neal, and autho- rities there cited, or the graphic account in Bancroft, i. 288 — 290. JOHN CARVER. 13 spirit of commerce had dictated a free toleration of reli- ii;ious opinions ; a blessing which neither the wisdom of politicians nor the charity of clergymen had admitted into any other of the European states. Mr. Ro])inson, and as many of his congregation as found it in their power, accordingly left England in the years 1607 and 1608, and settled in Amsterdam; whence, in 1609, they removed to Leyden. JoHX Carver, one of the most grave and honored of the Pilgrims, and first governor of the colony of New Plymouth, is supposed to have been a native of Lincoln- shire, England, where families of the name were known to exist ; and he is represented to have been one of the deacons of the English Congregational Church at Ley- den. Of his family, or personal history, prior to his connection with the Pilgrims, little is known. The record of the time and place of his birth, is nowhere found. The earhest account of him know n to exist, refers to his appointment as one of the agents of the Leyden Church. At that time, he was in high esteem as a grave, pious, prudent and judicious man. The correspondence, be- tween Sir Edwin Sandys, Treasurer of the Virginia Company, and the Rev. John Robinson, pastor of the Pilgrim Church, and a letter from the latter to Mr. Carver, preserved in Governor Bradford's History, shew that he was a person of consideration and character as a philanthropist and christian. " I hope," said Mr. Robin- son, in his parting address to Carver, "that you, having always been able so plentifully to administer comfort unto others in their trials, are so well furnished for yourself, as that far greater difficulties than you have yet under- gone (though I conceive them to be great enough) cannot 14 JOHN CARVER. oppress yoii^ though they press you, as the Apostle speaketh. '^The spirit of a man (sustained by the Spirit of God) will sustain his infirmity.' I doubt not so will yours ; and the better much^ when you shall enjoy the presence and help of so many goodly and wise brethren^ for the bearing of part of your burden ; who also will not admit into their hearts the least thoughts of suspicion of any the least negligence, at least presumption to have been in you, whatever they think in others." Carver was one of the oldest of the Pilgrims, and the circum- stance that he was selected by Robinson as the individual to whom to address his parting letter, shows that he was a leading and trusted man.* After residing several years in Leyden, various causes influenced the congregation to entertain serious thoughts of a removal to America. These causes were the un- healthiness of the low country where they hved; the hard labor to which they were subjected; the dissipated manners of the Hollanders ; especially the lax observance of the Lord's Day;f the apprehension of a war at the conclusion of the truce between Spain and Holland, which was then near its close ; the fear, lest their young men would enter into the military and naval service; the ten- dency of their little community to become absorbed and lost in a foreign nation ; their desire to live under the protection of England, and to retain the language and the name of Englishmen; their inability to give * Young's Chronicles, 90. t Sir Dudley Carleton, writing from the Hague, July 22, 1619, says, " It falls out in these towns of Holland, that Sunday, which is elsewhere the day of rest, proves the day of labour, for they never knew yet how to observe the Sabbath." This violation of the Sabbath attracted the attention of the Synod of Dort, which assembled in 1618. JOHN CARVER. 15 their children such an education as they had themselves received ; the natural and pious desire of perpetuating a churchj which they believed to be constituted after the simple and pure model of the primitive church of Christ; and a commendable zeal to propagate the gospel in the regions of the New World. In 1617^ having concluded to go to Virginia, and settle in a distinct body under the general government of that colony, they sent Mr. Robert Cushman, and Mr. John Carver, to England, to treat with the Virginia Com- pany, and ascertain whether the King w^ould grant them liberty of conscience in that distant country. Though these agents found the Virginia Company very desirous of the projected settlement in their American territory, and willing to grant them a patent, with as ample priv- ileges as they had power to convey; yet they could prevail with the King no farther, than to engage that he would connive at them, and not molest them, provided tliey would conduct peaceably. Toleration in religious liberty by public authority, under his seal,' was denied. * The business of the agency was for a long time de- layed, by discontents and factions in the company of Virginia, by the removal of their former treasurer. Sir Thomas Smith, and the enmity between him and Sir Edwin Sandys, his successor-! At length a patent was * Holmes, Am. Ann. i. 158. t Sir Edwin Sandys was the son of Archbishop Sandys, and the pupil of Hooker. Hume says that in Parliament he was "a member of great authority ;" and, for taking the popular side in 1G14, was committed to the Tower. He suc- ceeded Sir Thomas Smith, as Treasurer of the Virginia Company, on the 28th of April, 1619. His election was brought about by the Earl of Warwick's hos. tility to Smith. The historians of Virginia say that he was a person of excel- lent endowments, great vigor and resolution. King James disliked him, on account of his liberal principles, and when tlie year came round, he objected to 16 JOHN CARVER. obtained under the company's seal ; but^ by the advice of some friends^ it was taken in the name of John Wincob, a rehgious gentleman belonging to the family of the Countess of Lincoln^ who intended to accompany the ad- venturers to America.* This patent, and the proposals of Thomas Weston, of London, merchant, and other per- sons who appeared friendly to the design, were carried to Leyden, in the autumn of 1619, for the consideration of the people. At the same time, there was a plan forming for a new council in the west of England, to superintend the plantation and fishery of North Virginia, the name of which was changed to JYew England. To this expected establishment Weston and the other mer- chants began to incline, chiefly from the hope of present gain by the fishery. This caused some embarrassment, and a variety of opinions ; but, considering that the coun- cil for New England was not yet incorporated, and that, if they should wait for that event, they might be detained another year, before which time the war between the Dutch and the Spaniards might be renewed,! the ma- jority concluded to take the patent, which had been ob- tained from the company of South Virginia, and emigrate to some place near Hudson's River, which was within their territory. his re-appointment as Treasurer. " Choose the devil, if you will, (said he) but not Sir Edwin Sandys." * Wincob never came to America ; and all that is known of him is that he was never of the least service to those who had obtained the patent at such toil and cost. Bancroft, i. 305. The precise date of the patent is nowhere men- tioned. Young, in his Chronicles, 75, gives the probable reason why the patent was taken in the name of Wincob, that the Leyden people being out of the realm, the patent would not be granted in any of their names. 1 The truce, which, after a war of above thirty years, was concluded between Spain and the United Netherlands in 1G0!,>, was to expire by its own limitation in 1621. JOHN CARVER. 17 The next spring, ( 1 620, ) Weston himself went over to Leyden, where the people entered into articles of agree- ment with him, both for shipping and money, to assist in their transportation. Carver and Cushman were again sent to London, to receive the money and provide for the voyage. When they came there, they found the other merchants so very penurious and severe, that they were obliged to consent to some alteration in the articles, which, though not relished by their constituents, yet were so strongly insisted on, that without them the whole adven- ture must have been frustrated. The articles, with their amendments, were these :* " 1 . The adventurers and planters do agree that every person that goeth, being sixteen years old and upward^ be rated at ten pounds, and that ten pounds be accounted a single share."' " 2. That he that goeth in person, and furnisheth him- self out with ten pounds, either in money or other pro- visions, be accounted as having twenty pounds in stock, and in the division shall receive a double share." ^^ 3. The persons transported and the adventurers shall continue their joint stock and partnership the space of seven years, except some unexpected impediments do cause the whole company to agree otherwise, during which time all profits and benefits that are gotten by trade, traffic, trucking, working, fishing, or any other means, of any other person or persons, shall remain still in the common stock, until the division." " 4. That at their coming there they shall choose out such a number of fit persons as may furnish their ships and boats for fishing upon the sea, employing the * Hubbard's N. E. 48.— Hazard's Hist. Coll. y. 87. 3 18 JOHN CARVER. rest in their several faculties upon the land^ as building houseSj tilling and planting the land^ and making such commodities as shall be most useful for the colony." '^ 5. That at the end of the seven years the capital and profits, viz. J the houses, lands, goods, and chattels, be equally divided among the adventurers ; if any debt or detriment concerning this adventure" * " 6. Whosoever cometh to the colony hereafter, or putteth any thing into the stock, shall at the end of the seven years be allowed proportionally to the time of his so doing." " 7. He that shall carry his wife, or children, or servants, shall be allowed for every person now aged six- teen years and upwards, a single share in the division ; or, if he provide them necessaries, a double share; or, if they be between ten years old and sixteen, then two of them to be reckoned for a person, both in transportation and division." " 8. That such children as now go, and are under ten years of age, have no other share in the division than fifty acres of unmanured land." '^9. That such persons as die before the seven years be expired, their executors to have their parts or shares at the division, proportionally to the time of their life in the colony." " 10. That all such persons as are of the colony are to have meat, drink, and apparel out of the common stock and goods of the said colony." The difference between the articles as first agreed upon, and as finally concluded, was in these two points : 1. In the former, it was provided that ^^the houses * Here something seems to be wanting, which cannot now be supplied. JOHN CARVER. 19 and lands improved, especially gardens and home-fields, should remain undivided wholly to the planters at the end of the seven years/' but in the latter, the houses and lands were to be equally divided. 2. In the former, the planters were " allowed two days in the week for their own private employment, for the comfort of themselves and families, especially such as had them to take care for." In the latter, this article was wholly omitted. On these hard conditions, and with this small encour- agement, the pilgrims of Ley den, supported by a pious confidence in the Supreme Disposer, and animated by a fortitude resulting from the steady principles of the reli- gion which they professed, determined to cast themselves on the care of Divine Providence, and embark for Amer- ica. With the proceeds of their own estates, now put into a common stock, and the assistance of the merchants, to whom they had mortgaged their labour and trade for seven years, two vessels were provided. One, in Hol- land, of sixty tons, called the Speedwell, commanded by a Captain Reynolds, which was intended to transport some of them to America, and there to remain in their service one year, for fishing and other uses. Another, of one hundred and eighty tons, called the Mayflower, was chartered by Mr. Cushman, in London, and sent round to Southampton, in Hampshire, whither Mr. Car- ver went to superintend her equipment. This vessel was commanded by a Captain Jones, and, after discharg- ing her passengers in America, w as to return to Eng- land. Seven hundred pounds sterhng were expended in provisions and stores, .and other necessary prepara- tions, and the value of the trading venture which they car- 20 JOHN CARVER. ried was seventeen hundred pounds. Mr. Weston came from London to Southampton, to see them despatched.* The Speedwell, with the passengers, having arrived there from Leyden, and the necessary officers being chosen to govern the people and take care of the provi- sions and stores on the voyage, both ships, carrying one hundred and twenty passengers, sailed from Southamp- ton on the fifth day of August, 1620.t They had not sailed many leagues down the channel before Reynolds, master of the Speedwell, complained that his vessel was too leaky to proceed. J Both ships then put in at Dartmouth, where the Speedwell was searched and repaired; and the workmen judged her sufficient for the voyage. On the twenty first of August, * Weston continued to be an active promoter of the New Plymoutli settlement until 1622. He then procured a patent, and commenced a plantation of his own at a place called Wessagussett, (Weymouth,) in Massachusetts. Winslow says, Weston "formerly deserved well of us;" and Bradford, in 1623, says he " has become our enemy on all occasions." Weston was at New Plymouth, in 1623, where he was liberally assisted ; visited that place again in 1624, and from thence went to Virginia. He died at Bristol, England, during the civil wars. Prince, 135, 144. t At the quay at Delfthaven, a multitude of people assembled, to witness the errjbarkation of the first company destined to people the New World, and to unite their sympathies and prayers for the safety and prosperity of the little band. At the moment of their going on board, Mr. Robinson fell on his knees, and with eyes overflowing with tears, in a most fervent and solemn prayer, committed them to their Divine Protector. " The winds and waves are roaring : The Pilgrims meet for prayer ; And here, their God adoring, They kneel in open air." Mr. Robinson never came to New England. He remained at Leyden until his death, which took place on the first of March, 1625, in the 56th year of his age. His widow and children afterwards came to New Plymouth, where his descendants are still found. At his death, the church over which he presided, and which his talents contributed to illustrate, was dissolved, some of its mem- bers remaining in Holland, others removing to America. Thacher, 15. — Bayr lies, i. 24. t Prince, 71.— Morton, 10. JOHN CARVER. 21 ihey put to sea again, and, having sailed in company about one hundred leagues, Reynolds renewed his com- plaints against his ship, declaring that, by constant pump- ing, he could scarcely keep her above water, on which both ships again put back to Plymouth. Another search was made, and, no defect appearing, the leaky condi- tion of the ship was judged to be owing to her general weakness, and she was pronounced unfit for the voyage- About twenty of the passengers went on shore. The others, with their provisions, were received on board the Mayflower, and on the sixth of Septeijiber, the company, consisting of one hundred and one passengers, (besides the ship's officers and crew,) took their last leave of England, having consumed a whole month in these vexa- tious and expensive delays. The true causes of these mis-adventures did not then appear. One was, that the Speedwell w^as overmasted, which error being remedied, the vessel afterward made several safe and profitable voyages. But the principal cause was the deceit of the master and crew, who, having engaged to remain a whole year in the service of the colony, and apprehending hard fare in that employment, were glad of any excuse to rid themselves of the service. The Mayflower, Jones, proceeded w^ith fair winds in the former part of her voyage, and then met with bad weather and contrary winds, so that for several days no sail could be carried. The ship labored so much in the sea that one of tha main beams sprung, which renewed the fears and distresses of the passengers. They had then made about one half of their voyage, and the chief of the company began a consultation with the comman- der of the ship whether it were better to proceed or re- 22 JOHN CARVER. turn. But one of the passengers having on board a large iron screWj it was appHed to the beam, and forced it into its place. This successful effort determined them to proceed. No other particulars of this long and tedious voyage are preserved, but that the ship being leaky, and the people closely stowed, were continually wet; that one young man, a servant of Samuel Fuller, died at sea; and that one child was born, and called Oceamis — a son of Stephen Hopkins. On the ninth of November, at break of day, they made land, which proved to be the white sandy cliffs of Cape Cod.* This landfall being farther northward than they intended, they immediately put about the ship to the southward, and before noon found themselves among shoals and breakers. f Had they pursued their southern course, as the weather was fine, they might in a few hours more, have found an opening, and passed safely to the westward, agreeably to their original design, \^hich was to go to Hudson's River. But, having been so long at sea, the sight of any land was welcome to women and * Cape Cod was discovered, 15th May, 1602, by Bartholomew Gosnold, an English navigator, who gave it the name, on account of the abundance of cod, which he caught in the neighborhood. It was afterwards called Cape James, by Smith. John Brereton, who was one of the companions of Gosnold, and wrote a journal of the voyage, says, " they first made land May 14, in lat. 40 degrees" — and " about three of the clock the same day in the afternoon, we weighed, and standing southerly off into the sea the rest of that day and the night following, with a fresh gale of wind, in the morning we found ourselves embayed with a mighty headland. At length we perceived this headland to be a parcel of the main. In five or six hours we pestered our ship so with codfish, that we threw numbers of them over again. The places where we took these cods, (and might in a few days laden our ship,) were but in seven fathoms wa- ter."— Brereton's Account of Gosnold's Voyage, III Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 86. t These shoals lie to the southeast extremity of the Cape, which was called by Gosnold Point Care, by the Dutch and French Malebarrc, and is now known by the name of Sandy Point. JOHN CARVER. 23 children; the new danger was formidable ; and the ea- gerness of the passengers to be set on shore was irresis- tible. These circumstanceSj coinciding with the secret views of the master, who had been promised a reward by some agents of the Dutch West India Company if he would not carry them to Hudson's River, induced him to put about to the northward.* Before night the ship was clear of the danger. The next day they doubled the northern extremity of the-cape, (Race Point,) and, a storm coming on, the ship w^as brought to anchor tin Cape Cod harbour, where she lay perfectly secure from winds and shoals. This harbour, being in the forty second degree of north latitude, was without the territory of the South Virginia Company. The charter which these emigrants had brought with them of course became useless. Some symptoms of faction, at the same time, appearing among * Of this plot between Jones and the Dntcli, Secret. 44 JOHN CARVER. nounce his coming, and bring some skins as a present. In about an hour the sachem, with his brother Qua-de- qui-7iah, and his whole force of sixty men, appeared on the hill over against them. Squanto was sent to know his pleasure, and returned with the sachem's request that one of the company should come to him. Edward Winslow immediately went alone, carrying a present in his hand, with the governor's compliments, desiring to see the sachem, and enter on a friendly treaty. Massa- soit left Wmslow in the custody of his brother, to whom another present was made, and, taking twenty of his men, unarmed, descended the hill towards the brook, over which lay a log bridge. Captain Miles Standish, at the head of six men, met him at the brook, and escorted him and his train to one of the best houses, where three or four cushions were placed on a green rug spread over the floor. The governor came in, preceded by a drum and trumpet, which greatly delighted the Indians. After mutual salutations,* he entered into conversation with the sachem, which issued in a treaty. The articles were, " 1. That neither he nor his should injure any of ours. 2. That if they did, he should send the offender, that we might punish him. 3. That if our tools were taken away, he should restore them. 4. That if any unjustly warred against him, we would aid him; and if any warred against us, he should aid us. 5. That he should certify his * " Our govemoiir kissing his hand, the king kissed him, and so they sat down." Mourt, in I Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 229. On page 230 of the same, Massasoit is thus described : " In his person he is a very lusty man, in his best years, an able body, grave of countenance, and sparing of speech ; in attire little or nothing differing from the rest of his followers, only in a great chain of white bone beads about his neck, and at it behind his neck hangs a little bag of tobacco, which he drank (smoked) and gave us to drink. His face was paint- ed with a sad red-like murrey, and oiled both head and face, that he looked greasily. The king had in his bosom, hanging by a string, a great long knife." JOHN CARVER. 45 neighbour confederates of this, that they might not wrong us, but be comprised in the conditions of peace. 6. That when their men came to us, they should leave their bows and arrows behind them, as we should leave our pieces, when we came to them. 7. That in doing thus. King James would esteem him as his friend and ally." All which Massasoit cheerfully assented to, and at at the same time "acknowledged himself content to become the subject of our sovereign lord the king afore- said, his heirs and successors ; and gave unto them all the lands adjacent, to them and their heirs forever."* The conference being ended, and the company hav- ing been entertained with such refreshments as the place afforded, the sachem returned to his camp. This treaty, the work of one day, being honestly intended on both sides, was kept with fidelity as long as Massasoit lived, but was afterwards broken by Philip, his successor. The next day, Massasoit sent for some of the English to visit him. Captain Standish and Isaac Allerton went, were kindly received, and treated with groundnuts and tobacco. The sachem then returned to his headquarters, distant about forty miles ; but Squantum and Samoset remain- ed at Plymouth, and instructed the people how to plant * " Tlie New Plymouth associates, by the favor of the Almighty, began the colony in New England, at a place called by the natives Apaum, alias Patuxet ; all the lands being void of inhabitants, we, the said John Carver, William Bradford, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, Isaac Allerton, and the rest of our associates, entering into a league of peace with Massasoit, since called Woosamequen, Prince, or Sachem of those parts, he the said Massasoit freely gave them all the land adjacent to them and their heirs forever." See, in the Preface to the Laws of New Plymouth, 1685, "The Warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the first Associates of New Plimouth, in their laying the first Foundation of this Government." 46 JOHN CARVER. their corn, and dress it with herrings, of which an im- mense quantity came into the brooks. The ground which they planted with corn was twenty acres. They sowed six acres with barley and pease ; the former yielded an indifferent crop, but the latter were parched with the heat, and came to nothing. While they were engaged in this labour, in which all were alike employed, on the 5th of April, (the day on which the Mayflower sailed for England,) Governor Car- ver came out of the field at noon, complaining of a pain in his head, caused by the heat of the sun.* It soon deprived him of his senses, and on the 6th of April, 1621, put an end to his life, to the great grief of this infant plantation. f He was buried with all the honors which could be shown to the memory of a good man by a grateful people. The men were under arms, and fired several volleys over his grave. Jasper, a son of Governor Carver, had died on the 6th of December preceding, and his affectionate wife, overcome with grief for the loss of her husband and son, soon followed them to the grave. Elizabeth, a daughter, married John Rowland ;| and * Baylies observes, " it is not a little remarkable that such an effect should have been produced in this climate in the month of April." ] At a general meeting, March 23d, sundry laws were enacted, and Mr. Carver was " chosen, or rather confirmed," governor for the ensuing year. He sustained the office four months and twenty days only. The whole number of survivors in the colony at the time of his death was fifty-five only. X John Howland, the thirteenth signer of the compact, is counted as belong- ing to Carver's family, whose daughter he married. The Plymouth colony records speak of him as " an ancient professor of the ways of Christ; one of the first comers, and proved a useful instrument of good, and was [one of] the last of the male survivors of those who came over in the Mayflower in 1620, and whose place of abode was Plymouth." John Alden of Duxbury, outlived him fifteen years. The last survivor of tlie Mayflower was Mary Cushman, daughter of Isaac Allerton. Howland died 23d February 1672, at Rocky Nook in Kingston, aged 80. He had four sons and six daughters, some of whose JOHN CARVER. 47 there were other children remaining, but their names are nowhere mentioned ; neither do they appear at any subsequent time in the annals of the colony ; they attain- ed no civil honors; they rose to no distinction; but less fortunate than the children of other governors, they remained in obscurity, and were unnoticed by the people. The name of Carver does not appear in the assignment of lands in 1623, nor in the division of cattle in 1627. William, a grandson of Governor Carver, who lived at Marshfield, acquired some notoriety on account of his extreme age, having lived until he was one hundred and two years old. This grandson, when ninety-six years old, was seen labouring in the same field with his son, grand- son, and great-grandson, w hile an infant of the fifth gener- ation was in his house. He died 2d October, 1760. It has been said that Jonathan Carver, the traveller, who died in London, 31 Jan. 1780, was a descendant of the governor.* Governor Carver is represented as a man of great prudence, integrity, and firmness of mind. He had a good estate in England, which he spent in the emigra- tion to Holland and America. He was one of the fore- most in action, and bore a large share of sufferings in the service of the colony, who confided in him as their friend and father. Piety, humility, and benevolence were emi- nent traits in his character, and it is particularly remarked that in the time of general sickness which befel the colony, and with which he was affected, after he had descendants are still living in the Old Colony, and in Rhode Island. A gene- alogy of the family, written by one of them, the venerable John Rowland, President of the Rhode Island Historical Society, is inserted in Thacher's Ply- mouth, p. 129. * Edinb. Encyclopedia, (Amer. edit.) v. 467, 48 JOHN CARVER. himself recovered, he was assiduous, in attending the sick, and performing the most humihating services for them, without any distinction of persons or characters. In the records of the Church at Plymouth, due men- tion is made of the sad loss sustained by the church and colony in the death of Governor Carver. ^^ This worthy gendeman was one of singular piety, and rare for humil- ity, which appeared, as otherwise, so by his great con- descendency, when as this miserable people were in great sickness, he shunned not to do very mean services for them, yea, the meanest of them. He bare a share like- wise of their labours in his own person, according as their great necessity required. Who being one also of con- siderable estate, spent the main part of it in this enterprise, and from first to last approved himself not only as their agent in the first transaction of things, but also along to the period of his life, to be a pious, faithful, and very beneficial instrument."* The memory of Governor Carver is still held in esteem ; and a broadsword, and other relics, which be- longed to him, are preserved at Pilgrim Hall in Ply- mouth, or in the cabinet of the Historical Society at Boston, as precious memorials of the first chief magistrate of the Old Colony. * MS. Records Plymouth Church, i. 27. 49 II. WILLIAM BRADFORD. When, at the commencement of the seventeenth century, the little band of English Puritans gathered together, and formed their congregation, near the con- fines of the counties of York, Nottingham and Lincoln, — choosing for their ministers, Richard Clifton and John Robinson, — a sedate youth, then scarcely twelve years of age, of grave countenance and earnest manner, was observed to be a constant attendant upon their meetings. That youth was William Bradford, an orphan. He was born in the year 1588, at Austerfield, an obscure village in Yorkshire. His parents dying while he was a child, his education was provided for by his grand parents and uncles ; but was hmited almost exclusively to those branches of knowledge deemed necessary to an agri- cultural life, and such as generally falls to the share of the children of English husbandmen. Deprived of other sources of information, his love of reading naturally sought gratification in the Bible, and he drank deep of the foun- tain of truth in the sacred volume. He thus acquired those deep impressions of piety, and that inflexible love for, and disposition to maintain what he believed to be the truth, for which he was afterwards distinguished. His attendance upon the ministrations of Clifton, deeply offended his relatives. They were hostile to the n^w sect, and their hostility was not likely to be softened by the reflection, that one of their family, dependent in some degree upon their friendship, had presumed, in opposition to their remonstrances, to embrace the faith of the puritans. Young Bradford was therefore exposed 7 50 WILLIAM BRADFORD. to their resentment, as well as to the jeers and scoffs of his juvenile companions. But he had deliberately made up his mind, in the full belief that his course was right — and no persuasion nor menaces could induce him to abandon the faith which he had thus adopted. When he was eighteen years old, in the autumn of 1607, Mr. Bradford became one of the company who resolved upon an early removal to Holland, as the only means of escape from persecution. The narrative of their two first attempts, is best recited in the words of Bradford himself, as follows : ^^ There was a large company of them proposed to get passage at Boston, in Lincolnshire, and for that end had hired a ship wholly to themselves, and made agree- ment with the master to be ready at a certain day, and take them and their goods in at a convenient place, where accordingly they would all attend in readiness. So af- ter Long waiting and large expense, though he kept not day with them, yet he came at length and took them in, in the night. But when he had them and their goods aboard, he betrayed them, having beforehand complotted with the searchers and other officers so to do, who took them and put them into open boats, and then rifled and ransacked them, searching them to their shirts for money, yea, even the women, further than became modesty, and then carried them back into the town, and made them a spectacle and wonder to the multitude, which came flocking on all sides to behold them. Being thus, first by the catch-poles, rifled and stript of their money, books, and much other goods, they were presented to the magis- trates, and messengers sent to inform the lords of the council of them, and so they were committed to ward. Indeed, the magistrates used them courteously, and shew- WILLIAM BRADFORD. 51 rd lluMii wliat favor they could, but could not deliver llu;m till order came from the council table; but the issue was, that after a month's imprisonment, the greatest ]xu'{ were dismissed and sent to the places from whence they came, but seven of the principal men were still kept in prison, and bound over to the assizes.* " The next spring after, there was another attempt made, by some of these and others, to get over at another place. And so it fell out that they light of a Dutchman at Hull, having a ship of his own belonging to Zealand. They made agreement with him and acquainted him with their condition, hoping to find more faithfulness in him than in the former of their own nation. He bade them not fear, for he would do well enough. He was by appoint- ment to take them in between Grimsby and Hull, where was a large common a good way distant from any town. Now against the prefixed time, the women and children, with the goods, were sent to the place in a small bark, which they had hired for that end, and the men were to meet them by land ; but it so fell out that they were there a day before the ship came, and the sea being rough, and the women very sick, prevailed with the seamen to put into a creek hard by, where they lay on ground at low water. The next morning the ship came, but they were fast and could not stir till about noon. In the meantime the shipmaster, perceiving how the matter was, sent his boat to get the men aboard whom he saw ready, A^alking about the shore, but after the first boat- full was got aboard, and she was ready to go for more, the master espied a great company both horse and foot, with bills, and guns, and other weapons, for the country was raised to take them. The Dutchman seeing that, * Bradford was among the number arrested upon this occasion, and was re- leased in consideration of his youth. 52 WILLIAM BRADFORD. swore his country oath ^ sacramente/ and having the wind fair, weighed anchor, hoisted sails, and away. After enduring a fearful storm at sea for fourteen days or more, seven whereof they never saw sun, moon nor stars, and being driven near the coast of Norway, they arrived at their desired haven, where the people came flocking, admiring their deliverance, the storm having been so long and sore, in which much hurt had been done, as the master's friends related to him in their congratulations. The rest of the men that were in greatest danger, made a shift to escape away before the troop could surprise them, those only staying that best might be assisting unto the women. But pitiful it was to see the heavy case of these poor women in distress ; what weeping and crying on every side, some for their husbands that were carried away in the ship, others not knowing what should become of them and their little ones, crying for fear, and quaking with cold. Being appre- hended, they were hurried from one place to another till in the end they knew not what to do with them ; for, to imprison so many women with their innocent children, for no other cause, many of them, but that they would go with their husbands, seemed to be unreasonable, and all would cry out of them ; and to send them home again was as difficult, for they alleged, as the truth was, they had no homes to go to, for they had either sold or other- wise disposed of their houses and livings. To be short, after they had been thus turmoiled a good while, and conveyed from one constable to another, they were glad to be rid of them in the end upon any terms, though, in the meantime, they, poor souls, endured misery enough."* * See Appendix, No. I, Hutchinson's History of the Province of Massachu- setts Bay, p. 449; or Bradford's Hist, in Young's Chronicles, 26. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 53 After some time, Mr. Bradford succeeded in going over to Zealand J though he encountered many dillicul- ties. He had no sooner sat his foot upon the shore, than a malicious person, who had come as passenger in the same vessel, accused him before the Dutch magistrates, as a fugitive from England. But the magistrates were not disposed to heed the tale of the slanderer, and when upon inquiry they came to understand the cause and cir- cumstances of Bradford's emigration, instead of putting him to further inconvenience, they gave him their pro- tection, and permission to join his friends at Amsterdam. Finding it impossible successfully to prosecute agri- culture in Holland, he was obliged to betake himself to some other occupation ; and, being then under age, he put himself as an apprentice to a French Protestant, who taught him the art of silk-dyeing. As soon as he at- tained the years of manhood, he sold his paternal estate in England, and entered on a commercial life, in which it appears that he was not successful. When the Church of Leyden contemplated a remo- val to America, Bradford zealously engaged in the undertaking, and came with the first company of emi- grants in 1620, to Cape Cod. While the ship lay in that harbour, he was one of the foremost in the several hazardous attempts to find a proper place for the seat of the colony, in one of which he, with others of the principal persons, narrowly escaped the destruction which threatened their shallop.* On his return from this excursion to the ship, with the joyful news of having found a safe harbour and a place for settlement, he was met by the unwelcome intelligence, that, during his * Prince, 7G. See account in Life of Carver, pp. 33-35, of this volume. 54 WILLIAM BRADFORD. absence, his wife had accidentally fallen into the sea and was drowned.* After the sudden death of Governor Carver, in April, 1621, the eyes of the infant colony were turned to Mr. Bradford, as the proper person to succeed him; but, being so very ill at that time that his life was despaired of, they waited for his recovery, and then invested him with the chief magistracy. He was at this time in the thirty-third year of his age ; his wisdom, piety, fortitude, and goodness of heart, were so conspicuous as to merit the sincere esteem of the people. While Carver lived, he was the sole executive officer. No oath of office was required, and he entered upon his official duties without ceremony or parade. The legisla- tive and judicial power was in the whole body of the people, who had the most entire confidence, that he would not adventure on any matter of moment without their consent, or the advice of the wisest among them. When Mr. Bradford came to be governor, he requested that an assistant or deputy governor should be appointed, and the choice fell upon Isaac Allerton.f This measure * Mrs. B. was drowned on the 7th of December. Prince, 76. Of this lady, we learn from Prince, that her baptismal name was Dorothy ; and from a letter written at Leyden, by Roger White, addressed to Governor Bradford, it appears that her maiden name was May. I Mass. Hist. Coll. iii. 43. t Isaac AUerton came over in the Mayflower, with his wife and four chil- dren. His wife, Mary, died 25th February, 1621, and a few years afterwards he married Fear Brewster, daughter of Elder William Brewster. In point of property, he ranked first in the colony, and was a man of consideration in other respects. He was sent to England in the fall of 1626, to complete a negotiation which Standisb had commenced with the adventurers there, but had been obliged to abandon on account of the plague then raging in London. Prince, 156, 162. He returned in the spring of 1627, having conditionally purchased for his asso- ciates the rights of the adventurers for the sum of £1800, to be paid in seven years. He also borrowed £200 at 30 per cent, interest, " to the great content of the plantation." Prince, 165. He took a second voyage as agent in 1627, during which he procured a patent for a trading place on the Kennebeck. He made two voyages to England in 1629, to procure a new and enlarged patent for the WILLIAM BRADFORD. 55 was deemed advisable from the precarious health of Governor Bradford^ and also to avoid any interregnum in the government, in case of his death before his term of oflice expired, as had happened in the case of Gover- nor Carver.* They appointed but one assistant to the governor, because they were so reduced in number, that to have made a greater disproportion between rulers and people, would have been absurd, and they knew that it would be in their power to increase the number when- ever the circumstances of the colony should require it. Their voluntary combination was probably at this time considered only as a temporary expedient, until they should obtain a charter under the authority of the king. One of the first acts of Bradford's administration was, by advice of the company, to send Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins to Massasoit, Math Squanto, for their guide. The design of this embassy was to explore the country ; to confirm the league with that sachem ; to learn the situation and strength of their new friend ; to carry him some presents ; to apologize for some misbe- haviour on the part of the settlers ; to regulate the inter- course between them and the Indians, and to procure seed-corn for the next planting season. These gentlemen found the sachem at Pokanoket,f colony. But ho met with many difficulties; "many locks (says Shirley) mubt be opened with the silver, nay, with the golden key." I Mass. Hist. Coll. iir. 70. He gave "great and just offence (says Prince) in bringing over Morton," the unruly leader at Merry Mount. But he was in the end successful in his difficult undertaking for the colony, although the expenses and misunderstand- ings growing out of the transaction, appear to have occasioned his final separa- tion from the colonists. He returned to England in 1G31, arid was " no more employed by the plantation." He became an enterprising trader at Penobscot, and elsewhere, and afterwards removed to New-Haven, where he died in 1G5D. » Hubbard's Hist. N. E. Gl. t This was a general name for the northern shore of the Narragansett Bay\ between Providence and Taunton Rivers, and comprehending the present tuwn/- 56 WILLIAM BRADFORD. distance about forty miles from Plymouth. They deliv- ered the presents, renewed the friendship, and satisfied themselves respecting the strength, of the natives, which did not appear to be formidable, nor was the entertain- ment which they received either liberal or splendid. The marks of desolation and death, by reason of the late pestilence, were very conspicuous in all the country through which they passed ; but they were informed that the Narragansetts, who resided on the western shore of the bay of that name, were very numerous, and that the pestilence had not reached them. After the return of this embassy, another was sent to Nauset,* to recover a boy who had strayed away from New Plymouth, and had been taken up by some of the Indians of that place. They were so fortunate as to re- cover the boy, and make peace with Aspinet, the sachem, whom they paid for the seed corn which they had taken out of the ground at Paomet, in the preceding autumn.f During this expedition, an old woman, who had never before seen any white people, burst into tears of grief and rage at the sight of them. She had lost three sons, by the perfidy of Thomas Hunt, who decoyed them, with others, on board his ship, and sold them for slaves. ships of Bristol, Warren, and Barrington, in the State of Rhode Island, and Swansey in Massachusetts. Its northern extent is unknown. The principal seats of the sachem were at Sowams and Keekamuit. The former is a neck of land, formed by the confluence of Barrington and Palmer's Rivers; the latter is Mount Hope. See Callender's Century Discourse, pp. 30, 73. * Now Eastham, Mass. t Mourt's Relation, in Purchas, iv. 1853. " We sent Tisquantum to tell Aspinet, the sachem of Nauset, wherefore we came. After sunset, Aspinet came with a great train, and brought the boy with him, one bearing him through the water. He had not less than an hundred with him; the half whereof came to the shallop side, unarmed with him ; the other stood aloof with their bows and arrows. There he delivered us the boy, behung with beads, and made peace with us, we bestowing a knife on him, and likewise on another that first entertained the boy and brought him thither. So they departed from us." WILLIAM BRADFORD. 57 Sqiiaiito, who was present^ told her that he had been carried away at the same time ; that Hunt was a bad man ; that his countrymen disapproved of his conduct, and that the En<^Hsh at Plymouth would not offer them any injury. This declaration, accompanied by a small present, appeased her anger, though it was impossible to remove the cause of her grief. It was fortunate for the colonists, that they had secured the friendship of Massasoit, for his influence was found to be very great among all the surrounding tribes. He was regarded and reverenced by all the natives, from the Bay of Narragansett to that of Massachusetts. T hough some of the petty sachems were disposed to be jealous of the new colony, and to disturb its peace, yet their mutual con- nection with and reliance upon the advice of Massasoit, proved the means of its preservation ; as a proof of which, nine of these sachems voluntarily came to Plymouth, and there subscribed an instrument of submission, in the following terms, viz : " September 13, Anno Dom. 1621. Know all men by these Presents, that we, whose Names are under written, do acknowledge ourselves to be the Loyal Subjects of King James, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, De- fender of the Faith, Slc. In witness whereof, and as a Testimonial of the same, we have Subscribed our Names, or Marks, as followeth : Ohquamehud, Chikkatabak, Cawnacome, Quadaquina, Obbatinnua, Huttamoiden, Nattawahunt, Apanjvow."* Caunbatant, * Obbatinnua, or Obbatinowat, was one of the MassachuseUs saclicms; his 8 58 WILLIAM BRADFORD. Hobbamockj* another of these subordinate chiefs^ came and took up his residence at Plymouth^ where he continued as a faithful guide and interpreter as long as he lived. The Indians of the Island of Capawock, which had now obtained the name of Martha's or Martin's Vine- yard^ also sent messengers of peace. residence was on or near tlie Peninsula of Shawmut, (Boston.) Chikkatabak, or Chicketawbut, was the sagamore of Neponset, (Dorchester,) and is frequently mentioned in the History of Massachusetts. [See especially the early part of Winthrop's Journal.] He died of the small pox in November, 1633. These Massachusetts sachems were not completely independent, but acknowledged a degree of subjection to Massasoit. Caunbatant, or Corbitant j his residence was at Mattapuyst, a neck of land in the township of Swansey. Mr. Winglow, who had frequent conferences with him at his wigwam and other places, represents him as a liollow-hearted friend to the Plymouth planters, 'a notable politician, yet full of merry jests and squibs, and never better pleased than when the like are returned again upon him.' Quadaquina, or Quindaquina, was a brother of Massasoit. Of the live other sachems, who signed the instrument of submission, no satisfactory account can be given. Davis' note, Morton's Mem. 67. Cawnacome, or Caunacum, was sachem of Manomet, (Sandwich,) and died, it is said, in 1623. Prince, 126, 133. The name Apannow has a singular resem- blance to Epenow, who was a native of the southern part of Cape Cod, sup- posed to have been carried to England by Captain Harlow, in 1611, and who returned from England with Captain Ilarley, in 1614. Prince, 41. "In Mourt's Relation, quoted by Prince (p. Ill,) it is said, 'Yea, Massasoit, in wri- ting, under his hand to Captain Standisli, has owned the King of England to be his master, both he and many other kings under him, as of Pamet, [part of Truro,] Nauset, [part of Eastham,] Cuuimaquid, [Barnstable north liarbor,] Namasket, [part of Middleborough,] with divers others, who dwell about tlie bays of Fatuxet and Massachusetts; and all this by friendly usage, love and peace, just and honest carriage, good counsel," &c. * Now commonly written Hobomok. This true friend to the English de- serves a lasting remembrance. He was attaclied to them from the beginning, and no threats or danger, or enticements could seduce him from his faithful- ness. They were often indebted for much of their advantage and safety to the sagacity of his observation and of his counsels. Ho served them in every way, as guide, companion, counsellor, and friend, unmoved by the ridicule and scorn of those whom he had abandoned, and unawed by the sworn hatred of the savage and wily Corbitant. His services were acknowledged by a grant of lands in the colony. Grentle and guileless in his temper, he was easily won by the pure and simple truths of religion, and, spite of all temptation, professed himself a Christian. We are not informed of the date of his death, but we are told in a work published in 1642, ("New England's First Fruits,") that "he died among.st them, (the English,) leaving some good hopes in their hearts that bis soul went to rest" Note to Davis' Morton, 212. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 59 Having heard miicli of the Bay of Massachusetts, both from the Indians and the Enghsh fishermen, Gover- nor Bradford appointed ten men, with Squanto, and two other Indians, to visit the place and trade with the natives. On the 18th of September, they sailed in a shallop, and the next day got to the bottom of the bay, where they landed under a cliff,* and were kindly received by Obbatinnua, the sachem who had subscribed the submis- sion at Plymouth a few days before. He renewed his submission, and received a promise of assistance and de- fence against the squaw sachem of Massachusetts, and other of his enemies. The appearance of the bay was pleasing. They saw the mouths of two rivers which emptied into it. The islands were cleared of wood, and had been planted, but most of the people who had inhabited them, were either dead or had removed. Those who remained were con- tinually in fear of the Tarratines, who frequently came from the eastward in a hostile manner, and robbed them of their corn. In one of these predatory invasions, Nanepashamet, a sachem, had been slain ; his body lay buried under a frame, surrounded by an intrenchment and palisade. A monument on the top of a hill desig- nated the place where he was killed. f Having explored the bay, and collected some beaver, the shallop returned to Plymouth, and brought so good a report of the place, that the people wished they had been seated there. But, having planted corn and built * Supposed to bo Copp's Hill, in tlic town of Boston. i Sliattuck, in tlie History of Concord, says this " was in Modford, near Mystic Pond." Lewis, in his History of Lynn, says Nanepasliamct was killed about the year IGIO, and that his widow, (the Scjuaw Sacliem referred to by Obbatinnua,) continued the government. GO WILLIAM BRADFORD. huts at Ply mouth J and being there in security from the natives, they judged the motives for continuance to be stronger than for a removal. Most of their posterity have judged otherwise. In November, 1621, a ship arrived from England, with thirty-five passengers, to augm.ent the colony,* Unhappily they were so short of provisions, that the people of Plymouth were obliged to victual the ship home, and then put themselves and the new-comers upon half allowance. Before the next spring, ( 1 622, ) the colony began to feel the rigors of famine. The Indians had in some way become apprised of their situation, and in the height of their distress, the governor received from Canonicus, sachem of the Narragansetts, a threat- ening message, in the emblematic style of the ancient Scythians — a bundle of arrows, bound up with the skin of a serpent. The governor sent an answer, in the same style — the skin of the serpent, filled with powder and ball. The Narragansetts, afraid of its contents, sent it back unopened, and here the correspondence ended. It was now judged proper to fortify the town. Ac- cordingly, it was surrounded with a stockade and four flankarts; a guard was kept by day and by night, the company being divided for that purpose into four squad- rons. A select number were appointed, in case of acci- dental fire, to mount guard with their backs to the fire, so as to prevent a surprise from the Indians. Within the stockade was enclosed the top of the hill, under which the town was built, and a sufficiency of land for a garden assigned to each family. The works were begun in February, and finished in March. * This ship was the Fortune, of fifty-five tons. She arrived November 9th. Prince, 114. WILLIAM BRADFORD. Gl At this time, tho famine was beginning to be severe. Fish and spring-water were the only food upon which (lie people subsisted. The want- of bread reduced their flesh ; yet they had so much health and spirit, that, on hearing of the massacre in Virginia, they erected an additional fort on the top of the hill, with a flat roof, on which their guns were mounted ; the lower story being used as a place of worship. Such was the character of these times and of these men. The temple of the Lord was defended by cannon, and his worshippers were armed men.* Sixty acres of ground were this year planted with corn ; and their gardens were sown with the seeds of other esculent vegetables in great plenty. The arrival of two shipsf in midsummer, with a new colonists, sent out by Thomas Weston, but without provis- ions, was an additional misfortune. Some of these peo- ple, being sick, were lodged in the hospital at New Ply- mouth, until they were so far recovered as to join their companions, who seated themselves at Wessagusset, since called Weymouth. The first supply of provisions was obtained from the fishing vessels, of which thirty-five came this spring from England to the coast. In August, two ships, arrived with trading goods, which the planters bought at a great disadvantage, giving beaver in exchange. | The sum- * Baylies, i. 93. f The Charity, of one hundred tons, and the Swan, of thirty. The Cliarity, having gone on to Virginia, returned to Weymouth, and thence to England, about the end of September, IG'i^. The Swan remained at Weymouth, for the use of the colonists. Prince, 122. t The Sparrow, (Weston'n,) which had returned from a fishing voyage on the coast of Maine, and the Discovery, commanded by Jones, tlie former com- mander of the Mayflower. " Tliis ship," says Morton, (p. 3!*,) speaking of the latter, " had store of English beads (which were then good trade) and some 62 WILLIAM BRADFORD. mer being dry, and the harvest short, it became necessary to make excursions among the natives to procure corn and beans, with the goods purchased from the ships. Captain Standish was to have commanded this expedition, but being driven back twice by violent winds, and falHng ill of a fever. Governor Bradford took the command himself, and after encountering some hazard from the shoals, he made for a harbour at a place called Mannamoyck, [Chat- ham,] and, after sounding through a narrow and intricate channel, anchored. The governor, attended by Squanto^ went on shore, but the natives were shy of intercourse for some time ; at length, understanding his intentions, they threw off their reserve, and welcomed him with much apparent joy, feasting him and his company on venison and other food, — yet so jealous were they, when they ascertained that the governor intended to remain on shore during the night, that they carefully removed their property from their habitations. Squanto having succeeded in persuading them that the intentions of the English were good, they were at length induced to sell them eight hogsheads of corn and beans. They intended to have proceeded farther down the Cape, being assured both by Squanto and the Indians of Mannamoyck that there was a safe passage, but their design was frustrated by the sudden sickness of Squanto, who was seized with a fever so violent, that it soon oc- casioned his death, to the great grief of the Governor. Although Squanto had discovered some traits of du- knives, but would sell none but at dear rates, and also a good quantity together ; yet they (the planters) were glad of the occasion, and fain to buy at any rate ; they were fain to give afler the rate of cent, per cent., if not more, and yet pay away coat beaver at three shillings per pound," " which, (says Prince,) a few years after, yields twenty shillings a pound." WILLIAM BRADFORD. 63 plicityj yet his loss was justly deemed a public niislbr- tunc, as he had rendered the English much service. A short time previous to his death, he requested the gov- ernor to ^ pray that he might go to the Englishman's God in heaven/ and he bequeathed his litUe property to his English friends, as remembrances of his love. In these excursions, Mr. Bradford was treated by the natives with great respect, and the trade was conducted on both sides with justice and confidence. At Nauset, the shallop being stranded, it was necessary to put the corn which had been purchased in stack, and to leave it, covered w^ith mats and sedge, in the care of the Indians. This was in November, and it remained there until Janu- ary, when another shallop was sent round, and it was found in perfect safety, and the stranded shallop was recovered.* Governor Bradford, having procured a guide, when his shallop w^as stranded, with his party, re- turned home through the wilderness fifty miles on foot. At Namasket, [Middleborough,] an inland place, he bought another quantity, which was brought home, partly by the people of the colony, and partly by the Indian women, their men disdaining to bear burdens. At Manomet, [Sandwich,] he bargained for more, which he w^as obliged to leave till March, when Captain Standish went and fetched it home, the Indian women bringing it down to the shallop. The whole quantity thus purchased, amounted to twenty-eight hogsheads of corn and beans, of which Weston's people had a share, as they had joined in the purchase. In the spring of 1623, the governor received a mes- sage from Massasoit, that he was sick, on which occasion it * Winslow, in Purchas, iv. 1^58. 64 WILLIAM BRADFORD. is usual for all the friends of the Indians to visit them, or send them presents. Mr. Winslow again went to visit the sachem, accompanied by Mr. John Hampden,* and they had Hobbamock for their guide and interpreter. The visit was very consolatory to their sick friend, and the more so as Winslow carried him some cordials, and made him broth after the English mode, which contributed to his recovery. In return for this friendly attention, Massasoit communicated to Hobbamock, intelligence of a dangerous conspiracy, then in agitation among the In- dians, in which he had been solicited to join. Its object was nothing less than the total extirpation of the English, and it was occasioned by the imprudent conduct of Wes- ton's people in the Bay of Massachusetts. The Indians had in contemplation to make them the first victims, and then to fall on the people of Plymouth. Massasoit's advice was, that the English should seize and put to death the chief conspirators, whom he named, and said that this would prevent the execution of the plot. Hob- bamock communicated this secret to Winslow, as they were returning home, and it was reported to the governor. On this alarming occasion, the whole company were * In Winslow's Journal, Mr. Hampden is said to be " a gentleman of Lon- don, who then wintered with us, and desired much to see the country." Bel- knap supposed this person to be the same who distinguished himself by his opposition to the illegal and arbitrary demands of King Charles the First; and refers to the tradition that Hampden and Cromwell attempted to embark for New England, in 1638. But the evidence seems to be conclusive, that the great English patriot never was in America. Bancroft (i. 412,) thus disposes of the question : " A person who bore the same or nearly the same name, was undoubtedly there ; but the greatest patriot-statesman of his times, the man whom Charles I. would gladly have seen drawn and quartered, whom Claren- don paints as possessing beyond all his contemporaries, "a head to conceive, a tongue to persuade, and a hand to execute," and whom the fervent Baxter re- vered as able, by his presence and conversation, to give a new charm to the rest of the Saints in heaven, was never in America; nor did he ever embark for America." WILLIAM BRADFORD. 65 ussLMiibled in courts and the news was imparted to them. Such was their confidence in Governor Bradford^ that they unanimously requested him^, with Allerton, his as- sistant, to concert the best measures for their safety. The result waSj a determination to strengthen the fortificationSj to be vigilant at home, and to send such a force to the Bay of Massachusetts, under Captain Standish, as he should judge sufficient to crush the conspiracy. The people whom Weston had sent to plant his colony at Wessagussett, were so disorderly and imprudent, that the Indians were not only disgusted with them, but des- pised them, and intended to make them their first victims. One of the settlers came to Plymouth with a lamentable account of their weak condition. He accidentally lost his way on the journey, and thus escaped the tomahawk of an Indian, who followed him. The Indian pursued him to Plymouth, where, being suspected as a spy, he was conlined in irons. Standish, with eight chosen men, and the faithful Hobbamock, went in the shallop to Wes- ton's plantation, taking goods with him, as usual, to trade with the Indians. Here he met the persons who had been pointed out to him as the conspirators; who per- sonally insulted and threatened him. A quarrel ensued, in which seven of the Indians were killed. The others were so struck with terror, that they forsook their houses and retreated to the swamps, where many of them died with cold and hunger. The survivors would have sued for peace, but were afraid to go to Plymouth. Weston's people were so a})prehensive of the consequences of this affair, that they abandoned their plantation; and the peo- ple of Plymouth, who offered them protection, which they would not accept, were glad to be rid of such trou- 9 66 WILLIAM BRADFORD. blesome neighbors. Weston did not come in person to America, till after the dispersion of his people, some of whom he found among the eastern fishermen, and from them he first heard of the ruin of his enterprise. In a storm, he was cast away between the rivers Merrimack and Pascataqua, and was robbed by the natives of all he had saved from the wreck. Having borrowed a suit of clothes from some of the people at Pascataqua, he came to Plymouth, where, in consideration of his necessity, the government lent him two hundred weight of beaver, with which he sailed to the eastward, with such of his own people as were disposed to accompany him. It is ob- served, that he never repaid the debt but with enmity and reproach.* Thus, by the spirited conduct of a handful of brave men, in conformity to the advice of the friendly Mas- sasoit, a dangerous conspiracy was annihilated. But, when the report of this transaction was carried to their brethren in Holland, Mr. Robinson, in his next letter to the governor, lamented with great concern and tender- ness, " O that you had converted some, before you had killed any."t Much obloquy has been thrown on the character of the Pilgrims, for this attack upon the Indians. The ex- istence of the conspiracy is said to have been ideal, and it is confidently asserted in modern times, that the In- dians were disposed to friendship when they were as- sailed by Standish, and that the conspiracy was a mere pretence on the part of the English to rid themselves of troublesome neighbors, and to acquire their country ; but any one who examines the proofs with impartiality, will * Prince, 135. See note, on page 20. f Prince, 146. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 67 be convinced of its existence, and that the colonists were actuated neither by interest nor revenge, but only endea- voured to secure their own safety by attacking those, who, when their projects were matured, would have destroyed them.* In the autumn of 1623, Captain Standish proceeded to the litde settlement, which had been commenced by David Thompson on the banks of the Pascataqua, where the settlers readily supplied him with such provisions as they could spare. The scarcity which the colonists had hitherto expe- rienced was partly owing to the increase of their num- bers, and the scantiness of their supplies from Europe ; but principally to their mode of laboring in common, and putting the fruits of their labor into the public store ; an error which had the same effect here as in Virginia. It will be remembered that the Fortune, which arrived from England, in November, 1621, brought thirty-five new settlers, and no supply of provisions. A thrilling narrative of the sufferings of the people at this period, may be gathered from Winslow and Bradford. '' They never had any supply to any purpose after this time, but what the Lord helped them to raise by their own industry among themselves ; for all that came afterward was too short for the passengers that came with ' it."f *^ About the end of May, (1622,) our store of victuals was wholly spent, having lived long before with a bare and short allowance ; and, indeed, had we not been in a place where divers sorts of shellfish are, that may be taken with the hand, we must have perished, unless God had raised up some unknown or extraordinary * Baylies, i. 106. f Morton, 35. 68 WILLIAM BRADFORD. means for our preservation."* Winslow was sent to the fishing vessels at Monhiggon, on the coast of Maine, to seek supplies^ and procure enough to give each per- son a quarter of a pound of bread a day till the har- vest. They had planted this year nearly sixty acres of corn, but the harvest proved a scanty year's supply for the colony, " partly by reason they were not yet well acquainted with the manner of the husbandry of Indian corn .... but chiefly their weakness for want of food."f In 1623, Governor Bradford says, J ^^ By the time our corn is planted, our victuals are spent ; not knowing at night where to have a bit in the morning, and have neither bread nor corn for three or four months together, yet bear our wants with cheerfulness, and rest on Providence." Brewster, the ruling elder, lived for many months to- gether without bread, and frequently on fish alone. With nothing but oysters and clams before him, he, with his family, would give thanks that they could " suck of the abundance of the seas, and of the treasures hidden in the sands." It is said that they were once reduced to a pint of corn, which being equally divided, gave to each a proportion of five kernels, which was parched and eaten. § To remedy as far as possible the evils of scarcity, though it might not be in exact accordance with their engage- * Winslow's Relation, I Mass. Hist. Coll., viii. 245, 246. t Morton, 39. t Prince, 135. § At the centennial feast, Dec. 22, 1820, much of the beauty, fashion, wealth, and talent of Massachusetts had congregated at Plymouth. Orators spoke, and poets sang, the praises of their pilgrim fathers. The richest viands gratified the most fastidious epicure to satiety. Beside each plate, five grains of parched corn were placed, a simple but interesting and affecting memorial of the dis- tresses of those heroic and pious men who won this fair land of plenty, freedom and happiness, and yet, at times, were literally in want of a morsel of bread. Baylies, i. 121. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 69 mcnls,*" it was aajrecd , in (ho spring of 1623, that every fkmily should i)l;int lor themselves, on such ground as should be assigned to them by lot, without any division for inheritance ;t and that, in time of harvest, a competent portion should be brought into the common store, for the maintenance of the public olFicers, fishermen, and such other persons as could not be employed in agriculture. This regulation at once gave a spring to industry ; the women and children cheerfully went to work with the men in the fields, and much more corn was planted than ever before. Having but one boat, the men were divided into parties of six or seven, who took their turns to catch fish; the shore afforded them shellfish, and groundnuts served them for bread. Whenever a deer was killed, the flesh was divided among the whole colony. Water-fowl came in plenty, at the proper season, but the want of boats prevented them from being taken in great numbers. Thus they subsisted through the third sum- mer, in the latter end of which two vessels arrived with sixty more passengers. | But the harvest was plentiful, and, after this time, the people had no general want of food, because they had learned to depend on their own exertions, rather than on foreign supplies. The combination which they had made before their landing at Cape Cod, was the first foundation of their government; but as they were driven to this expedient by necessity, it was intended to subsist no longer than * By their agreement with the adventurers in England, they were compelled to put the produce of tlieir labors into a common stock. See page 17, ante. t Prince, 133. Purchas, iv. 1866. t "The best dish we could present them with, is a lobster or piece of fish, without bread or anything else but a cup of fair spring water." Bradford, in Prince, 140. 70 WILLIAM BRADFORD. until they could obtain legal authority from their sove- reign. As soon as they knew of the establishment of the Council of New England/ they applied for a patent, which was taken in the names of John Pierce and others, in trust for the colony.f When Pierce saw that the colonists were well seated, and that there was a prospect of success to their undertaking, he went, without their knowledge, but in their names, and solicited the Council for another patent of greater extent, intending to keep it to himself, and to allow them no more than he pleased, holding them as his tenants, to sue and be sued at his courts. In pursuance of this design, having obtained the patent, he bought a ship, which he named the Para- gon, loaded her with goods, took on board upwards of sixty passengers, and sailed from London for the colony of New Plymouth. In the Downs, he was overtaken by a tempest, which so damaged the ship, that he was obliged to put her into dock, where she lay seven weeks, and her repairs cost him one hundred pounds. In December, * Established by James the First, November 3, 1620, while the Pilgrims were on their passage ; and styled " The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ordering, and governing of New England in America." Hazard, i. 103 — 118. t This patent, which Judge Davis supposes to have been sent over in the Fortune, in November, 1621, was some years since found among the old papers in the Land Office at Boston. It is dated 1st June, 1621, and bears the seals and signatures of the Duke of Lenox, the Marquis of Hamilton, the Earl of Warwick, and of Sir Ferdinando Gorges. There is another signature so ob- scurely written as to be illegible. It gave to the patentee and his associates one hundred acres of land each, and one hundred for each person settled in the proposed colony, to be taken in any place not inhabited by the English, and subject to a rent to the council of two shillings for every hundred acres; a free fishery also was given, freedom of trade with England and the Indians, and authority to defend them by force of arms against all intruders. It does not appear what use was made of this patent by the Plymouth planters; it was not long afterwards superseded by the second patent surreptitiously obtained by Pierce, Davis' Morton, 73, 363. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 71 1622j he sailed a second timej having on board one hun- dred and nine persons; but a series of tempestuous weather, which continued fourteen days, disabled his ship, and forced him back to Portsmouth. These re- peated disappointments proved so discouraging to Pierce, that he was easily prevailed upon by the company of adventurers to assign his patent to them for five hundred pounds. The passengers came over in other ships. Of Pierce, little is known, other than that he was one whose avarice and ambition made him false to others. An overruling Providence, however, which sooner or later stamps disaster upon every scheme of iniquity, over- whelmed this adventurer in calamities. For several years after this time, the settlers at New Plymouth were subjected to new difficulties, which threatened the overthrow of the colony. The company in England with which they were connected, did not supply them in plenty. Losses had been sustained at sea; the returns were not adequate to their expectations ; they became discouraged, threw many reflections on the planters, and finally refused them any farther supplies ;* but still demanded the debt due from them, and would not permit them to connect themselves in trade with any other persons. The planters complained to the Council of New England, but they could obtain no redress. In 1626, they sent Isaac Allerton to England, Governor Bradford and others of the principal men executing to him a power of attorney, to bind them in any contract he might deem it proper to make with the adventurers, on their behalf. He succeeded in obtaining an agree- ment from the forty-two share-holders in England, to * Bradford's Letter Book, I Mass. Hist. Coll., iii. 29, 36, 60. 72 WILLIAM BRADFORD. relinquish all their rights in the colony for the sum of .£1800 sterling. For the payment of this sum, eight of the principal persons in the colony, with four of their friends in London, became bound in the following year.* To indemnify them against pecuniary loss, the settlers in 1628, executed to the undertakers, a release of the entire trade of the colony for six years. " We thought it our safest and best course, (says Governor Bradford,) to come to some agreement with the people, to have the whole trade consigned to us for some years, and so in that time to take upon us to pay all the debts and set them free.^f These men were obliged to take up money at an ex- orbitant interest, and to go deeply into trade at Kennebeck, Penobscot, and Connecticut; by which means, and their own great industry and economy, they were in due time enabled to discharge the debt, and pay for the transpor- tation of thirty -five families of their friends from Leyden, who arrived in 1629. J In 1629, another patent, of larger extent than that which had been issued to Pierce in behalf of the colony, was solicited by Isaac Allerton, and taken out in the name of " William Bradford, his heirs, associates, and assigns. "§ This patent confirmed their title (as far as * The names of the undertakers were William Bradford, Miles Standish, Isaac Allerton, Edward Winslow, William Brewster, John Howland, John Alden, and Thomas Prence, of JVcw Plymouth, and James Shirley, John Beau- champ, Richard Andrews, and Timothy Hatherly, of London. ] Bradford's Letter Book, in I Mass. Hist. Coll., iii. 59. t These thirty-five families, says Governor Bradford, " we were fain to keep eighteen months at our charge, ere they could reap any harvest to live upon; all which together fell heavy upon us." I Mass. Hist. Coll., iii. 58, 74. § Hazard, i. 298—303. Prince, 196. This patent was dated January 13th, 1629. Besides confirming their title to their lands, this charter conferred on them liberty to fish, to trade with the natives, to make laws not contrary to those of England, and to " seize and make prize of all who attempt to inhabit WILLIAM BRADFORD. 73 the crown of England coultl confirm it) to a tract of land bounded on the cast and south by the Atlantic Ocean, and by lines drawn west from the Rivulet of Conohasset, and north from the River of Narragansett, which lines meet in a point, comprehending all the country called Pokanoket. To this tract they supposed they had a prior title, from the depopulation of a great part of it by a pestilence, from the gift of Massasoit, his voluntary subjection to the crown of England, and his having taken protection of them. In a declaration, published by them in 1636, they asserted their ^^awful right in respect of vacancy, donation, and purchase of the natives,"* which together with their patent from the crown, through the Council of New England, formed " the warrantable ground and foundation of their gov- ernment, of making laws and disposing of lands. "f In the same patent, was granted a large tract border- ing on the River Kennebeck, where they had carried on or trade with the natives within the limits of their plantation, or attempt their detriment or annoyance." The original patent, signed by the Earl of War- wick, as President of the Council, is preserved in the office of the Recorder at Plymouth. It is written upon parchment, and has appended the Seal of the Plymouth Company. * Hazard, i. 404. t In 1639, after the termination of tiio Poquot war, Massasoit, who iiad then changed his name to Woosamequen, brought his son Mooanam to Plymouth, and desired that the league which he had formerly made might be renewed and made inviolable. The saclicm and his son voluntarily promised, "for them- selves, and their successors, that they would not needlessly' nor unjustly raise any quarrels or do any wrong to other natives to provoke them to war against the colony ; and that they would not give, sell, or convey any of their lands, territories, or possessions whatever, to any person or persons whomsoever, without the privity or consent of the government of Plymouth, other than to such as the said government should send or appoint. The whole court did then ratify and confirm the aforesaid league, and promise to the said Woosame- quen, his son and successors, that they would defend them against all such as should unjustly rise up against them, to wrong or oppress them." Morton, 112, 113. 10 74 WILLIAM BRADFORD. a traffic with the natives for furs, as they did also at Con- necticut River, which was not equally beneficial, be- cause they there had the Dutch for rivals.* The fur trade was found to be much more advantageous than the fishery. Sometimes they exchanged corn of their own growth for furs; but European coarse cloths, hardware, and ornaments, were good articles of trade, when they could command them. The patent had been taken in the name of Mr. Brad- ford, in trust for the colony ; and the event proved that their confidence was not misplaced. When the num- ber of people was increased, and new townships were erected, the General Court, in 1640, requested that he would surrender the patent into their hands. To this he readily consented ; and, by a written instrument, under his hand and seal, surrendered it to them, reserving for himself no more than his proportion, by previous agree- ment. This was done in open court, on the 2d March, 1640, and the patent was immediately replaced in his hands for safe keeping.f While they were few in number, the whole body of associates or freemen assembled together for legislative, executive, and judicial business. In 1634, the governor * The patent gave to the colonists at Plymouth, a tract of fifteen miles on each side of the Kennebeck. About the same time Mr. Shirley and others took out a patent for lands on the Penobscot, and sent out Edward Ashley, one of their number, to superintend their operations there. In this enterprise, those of Plymouth were induced, though reluctantly, to join, and a trading house was built. I Mass. Hist. Coll., iii. 70—74. Winthrop, i. 166. This establish- ment was soon after taken by the French, who retained it, in spite of all efforts to dislodge them, till 1654. The trade to the Kennebeck seems to have been quite profitable. "Our neighbors of Plymouth," says Governor Winthrop, (Journal, i. 138,) " had great trade this year (1634) at Kennebeck, so as Mr. Winslow carried with him to England about twenty hogsheads of beaver." t Hazard, i. 468. . WILLIAM BRADFORD. 75 and assistants were constituted a Judicial Court, and after- wards the Supreme Judiciary of the Colony.* Petty offences, and actions of debt, trespass, and damage, not exceeding forty shillings, were tried by the selectmen of each town, with liberty of appeal to the next Court of Assistants. The first Assembly of Representatives was held in 1639, when four deputies were sent from Ply- mouth, and two from each of the other towns. In 1649, Plymouth was restricted to the same num- ber with the other towns. These deputies were chosen by the freemen ; and none were admitted to the privilege of freemen but such as were twenty-one years of age, of sober and peaceable conversation, orthodox in the fun- damentals of religion, and possessed of twenty pounds rateable estate. By the former patent, the colony of Plymouth was empowered " to enact such laws as should most befit a state in its nonage, not rejecting or omitting to observe such of the laws of their native country as would conduce to their good."f In the second patent, the power of government was granted to William Bradford and his associates in the following terms. J " To frame and make orders, ordinances, and constitutions, as well for the better government of their affairs here [in England,] and the receiving or admitting any to his or their society, as also for the better government of his or their people at sea, in going thither or returning from thence ; and the same to be put in execution by such officers and minis- ters as he or they shall authorize and depute ; provided that the said laws be not repugnant to the laws of Eng- * Plj) mouth Laws, t Preface to Plymouth Laws, by Secretary Morton. t Hazard, i. 302. 76 WILLIAM BRADFORD. landj or the frame of government by the said president and council liereafter to be established." From the first planting of the colonies^ a general gov- ernment over the whole territory of New-England, had been a favourite object with the council which granted these several patents ; but, after several attempts, it finally miscarried, to the no small joy of the planters, who were then at liberty to govern themselves.* In June, 1635, the Council of Plymouth surrendered the Great Charter of New England to King Charles. The cry of monopoly had been raised in parliament against the council, and the high church party inflamed the growing prejudice, because the council had encouraged the settlement of those who had fled from persecution. This event created great apprehension in the colony, and we accordingly find, soon afterwards, that the people of New Plymouth met in a body, and drew up a Declara- tion of Rights, styled " The General Fundamentals," which was adopted on the 15th November, 1636. This Declaration was accompanied by a statement drawn up with signal ability, entitled " The Warrantable Grounds * The first essay for tlie establishment of a general government was in 1623, when a ship commanded by Captain Francis West came to New Plymouth. West " had a commission to be Admiral of New England, to restrain interlopers, and such fishing ships as came to fish and trade without license"; but, finding the fishermen "stubborn fellows," he sailed away to Virginia. Prince, 137. These "stubborn fellows" complained to Parliament of this attempt to extort money from them, and finally procured an order that fishing should be free. Morton, 47. In September, 1623, a second attempt was made to establish a government over all the New England settlements. Capt. Robert Gorges, son of Sir Ferdinando, arrived with a commission to be " Governor-general of the country." Admiral West, Christopher Levit, and others, were of his Council. But, "finding the state of things not to answer to his quality and condition," he abandoned the enterprise, and early in 1624, returned to England. Morton, 52. Baylies, i. 125. Sir F. Gorges was appointed in 1637, governor-general of New England, but never entered upon the government. See Life of Gorges, in Belknap'8 Biog. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 77 aiul Proceedings of the first Associates of New Plymouth, ill their laying the first Foundation of this Govern- ment," which prefaces the printed Laws. In the formation of the laws of New Plymouth, regard was had, ^' primarily and principally, to the ancient platform of God's law." For, though some parts of that system were peculiar to the circumstances of the sons of Jacob, yet, " the whole being grounded on principles of moral equity," it was the opinion of the first planters, not at Plymouth only, but in Massachusetts, New Haven, and Connecticut, that ^^ all men, especially Christians, ought to have an eye to it in the framing of their politi- cal constitutions."* A secondary regard was had to the liberties granted to them by their sovereign, and the laws of England, which they supposed " any impartial person might discern, in the perusal of the book of the laws of the colony." At first they had some doubt concerning their right to inflict capital punishment. A murder which happened in 1630, made it necessary to decide this question. It was decided by the divine law against shedding human blood, which was deemed indispensable. In 1636, their Code of Laws was revised, and capital crimes were enu- merated and defined. In 1671, it was again revised, and the next year printed, with this title : " The Book of the General Laws of the Inhabitants of the Jurisdiction of New Plymouth ;" a title very similar to the codes of Massachusetts and Connecticut, which were printed at the same time, by Samuel Green, at Cambridge. The piety, wisdom, and integrity of Mr. Bradford were such prominent features in his character, that he * Preface to Plymouth Laws. 78 WILLIAM BRADFORD. was annually chosen governor as long as he lived^ except during three years, when Mr. Winslow, and two years, when Mr. Prence, was chosen to that office ; and even then Mr. Bradford was appointed the first or senior as- sistant, which gave him the rank of deputy-governor. In the year 1624, the number of assistants was in- creased to five, and in 1633 to seven, the governor having a double vote. These augmentations were made at the earnest request of Governor Bradford, who also earnestly recommended a more frequent rotation in the office of governor. He repeatedly sought to be relieved from the office, but could obtain a release for no more than five in a period of thirty-five years, and never for more than two years in succession. His argument was, ^* that if it were any honor or benefit, others beside himself should par- take of it; if it were a burden, others beside himself should help to bear it."* Notwithstanding the reasona- bleness and equity of his plea, the people had such a strong attachment to him, and confidence in him, that they could not be persuaded to leave him out of the government. For the last twelve years of his fife, Mr. Bradford was annually chosen without interruption, and served in the office of governor. His health continued good until the autumn of the year 1656, when it began to decline, and as the next spring advanced, he became weaker, but felt not any acute illness until the beginning of May. On the 8th of that month, after great suffering at its close, he became so elevated with the idea of futurity, that * Morton, p. 53. In 1632, a law was passed, imposing a penalty of £20, on any person who should refuse the office of governor, unless chosen two years in succession, and £10 upon any person who refused to serve as a magistrate or counsellor. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 79 he exclaimed to his friends, in the following morning, " God has given me a pledge of my happiness in another world, and the first fruits of eternal glory !" The next day, being the ninth of May, 1657, he was removed from this world by death, in the sixty-ninth year of his age, to the great loss and grief of the people, not only of Ply- mouth, but the neighboring colonies, four of which he lived to see established, beside that of which he was one of the principal founders.* In addition to what has been said of Governor Brad- ford's character, it may be observed that he was emi- nently a practical man, of a strong mind, a sound judg- ment, and a good memory. Though not favoured with a liberal education, he was much inclined to study and investigation. The French and Dutch languages were familiar to him, and he obtained a considerable knowledge of the Latin and Greek ; but he more assiduously studied the Hebrew, " because," he said, ^^ he would see with his own eyes the ancient oracles of God in their native beauty."! He had read much of history and philosophy, but theology was his favorite study. He was able to man- age the polemic part of it with much dexterity, and was particularly vigilant against the sectaries which infested the colonies, though by no means severe or intolerant, as long as they continued peaceable; wishing rather to foil them by argument, and guard the people against receiv- ing their tenets, than to suppress them by violence, or cut them off by the sword of the magistracy. Mr. Hub- * These four colonica were Masaachusetts, Connecticut, New Haven and Rhode Island. t Mather's Magoalia, b. ii. c. 1. 80 WILLIAM BRADFORD. bard's character of him is, that he was '^ a person of great gravity and prudence, of sober principles, and, for one of that persuasion, (Brownists,) very phable, gentle, and condescending." Governor Bradford wrote ^^ A History of Plymouth People and Colony," beginning with the first formation of the church in 1602, and ending in 1646. It was con- tained in a folio volume of 270 pages. Morton's Me- morial is an abridgment of it. Prince and Hutchinson had the use of it, and the manuscript was carefully de- posited, with Mr. Prince's valuable Collection of Papers,, in the library of the Old South Church in Boston, which fell a sacrifice to the fury of the British army in the year 1775.* He also had a large book of copies of letters relative to the affairs of the colony, a fragment of which was, a few years ago, recovered by accident, f and pub- lished by the Historical Society of Massachusetts.J To this fragment is subjoined another, being a ^^ Descriptive and Historical Account of New England," written in verse, which, if it be not graced with the charms of poetry, yet is a just and affecting narrative, intermixed with pious and useful reflections. * " The most important part of this lost History, I have had the good for- tune to recover. On a visit to Plymouth a few years since, I found in the Re- cords of the First Church, a narrative, in the handwriting of Secretary Morton, which, on comparing it with the large extracts in Hutchinson and Prince, I recognized as the identical History of Governor Bradford ; a fact put beyond all doubt by a marginal note of Morton, in which he says " This was originally penned by Mr. William Bradford^ governor of Neio Plymouth." This fact of the real authorship of the document seems to have escaped the observation of all who had preceded me in examining the records." Rev. A. Young, Pref. to Chronicles of the Pilgrims, published in 1841. t This Letter Book was accidentally seen in a grocer's shop at Halifax, Nova Scotia, by James Clark, Esq., a corresponding member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and by him transmitted to Boston. U Mass. Hist. Coll., iii. 27— 76. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 81 In Morton's Memorial^ 144, are preserved " Certain Verses, left by Governor Bradford, declaring the gracious dispensation of God's Providence towards him in the time of his Life, and his preparation and fittcdness for Death." They may be of interest to the curious in such matters : " From my yeurs young in dayes of Youth, God did maiic known to nic liis Truth, And call'd me from my Native place For to enjoy tlie Means of Grace. In Wilderness he did me guide, And in strange Lands for me provide. In Fears and Wants, through Weal and Woe, As Pilgrim pass'd I to and fro ; Oft left of them whom I did trust — How vain it is to rest on Dust ! A Man of Sorrows I have been. And many Changes I have seen. Wars, Wants, Peace, Plenty, have I known ; And some advanc'd, others thrown down. The humble, poor, cheerful, and glad. Rich, discontent, sower and sad : When Fears with Sorrows have been mixt. Consolations came betwixt. Faint not, poor Soul, in God still trust, Fear not the things thou suffer must} For whom he loves, he doth chastise. And then all Tears wipes from tlieir eyes. Farewell, dear Children, whom I love. Your better Father is above : When I am gone, he can supply ; To him I leave you when I dye. Fear him in Truth, walk in his Wayes, And he will bless you all your dayes. My days are spent, Old Age is come. My Strength it fails, my Glass near run ; Now I will wait, when work is done, Until my happy Change shall come, Wlien from my labors I shall rest Witli Clirist above, for to be blest." Of a like strain are the lines referred to in the follow- ing extract from Gov. Bradford's will : "I commend unto your wisdom and discretion, some small bookes written by 11 82 WILLIAM BRADFORD. my own hand, to be improved as you shall see meet. In special, I commend to you a httle booke with a blacke cover, wherein there is A Word to Plymouth, A Word to Boston, and a Word to New England, with sundry useful verses."* Besides these, he wrote, as Dr. Mather says, "some significant things, for the confutation of the errors of the time, by which it appears that he was a person of a good temper, and free from that rigid spirit of separation which broke the Separatists to pieces." Young, in his Chronicles of the Pilgrims, supposes that the invaluable historical work, usually cited as Mourt's Relation, printed in 1622, and containing a mi- nute diary of events from the arrival of the Mayflower at Cape Cod, Nov. 9, 1620, to the return of the Fortune, Dec. 11, 1621 — was in fact the production of Bradford and Winslow, chiefly of the former. Young has also published in his Chronicles, copied from the Plymouth Church Records, into which it was transcribed by Secre- tary Morton, "A Dialogue, or the Sum of a Conference between some Young Men, born in New England, and sundry Ancient Men, that came out of Holland and Old England, anno domini, 1648." It is an interesting docu- ment, and is probably one of those ^^ significant" papers above referred to by Cotton Mather. f In his executive office, Governor Bradford was pru- dent, temperate, and firm. He would suffer no person to trample on the laws, or disturb the peace. During his administration, there were frequent accessions of * These verses, published from the original MS., may be found in III Mass. Hist. Coll., vii. 37. t See Young's Chronicles of the Pilgrims, 7, 113,, 115^409. WILLIAM BRADFORD. 83 new inhabitants^ some of whom were at first refractory, but his wisdom and fortitude obhged them to pay a decent respect to the laws and customs of the country. One particular instance is mentioned. A company of young men, newly arrivedj were very unwilling to comply with the governor's order for working on the public account. On a Christmas day, they excused themselves under the pretence, " that it was against their consciences to work." The governor gave them no other answer_, than that he would let them alone till they should be better informed. In the course of the day, he found them at play in the street, and, commanding the instru- ments of their game to be taken from them, he told them that it was against his conscience to suffer them to play, while others were at work, and that, if they had any religious regard for the day, they should show it in the exercise of devotion at home. This gentle reproof had the desired effect, and prevented the necessity of a repe- tition. The first offence punished in the colony, was that of John Billington, who was charged with contempt of the captain's lawful commands, while on board the Mayflower. He was tried by the whole company, and was sentenced to have his neck and heels tied together; but on hum- bling himself, and craving pardon, he was released. This same Billington, however, in 1630, waylaid and murdered one John Newcomen, for some affront, and was tried and executed in October of that year. Gover- nor Bradford says — " We took all due means about his trial; he was found guilty, both by grand and petit jury; and we took advice of Mr. Winthrop and others, the ablest gentlemen in the Massachusetts Bay, who all con- 84 WILLIAM BRADFORD. curred with us, that he ought to die, and the land be purged from blood."* * A prior execution for felony, took place at Wessagusset, (Weymouth,) in 1622. This rival settlement, which was commenced at that place under the auspices of Thomas Weston, a London merchant, was composed in part of out- casts and profligates, who being soon reduced to a state of starvation, com- menced thieving among the Indians. The natives complained to the governor of Plymouth, and at length became so exasperated by repeated outratres, that the authorities were obliged to interfere in earnest, to appease the Indians ; and one of the most notorious offenders was arrested and hung. A waggish report became current soon after, that the real offender was spared, and that a poor decrcpid old man, who could no longer be of service to the colony, was hung in his stead ! "Upon this story," says Hubbard, "the merry gentleman that wrote the poem called Hudibras, did, in his poetical fancy, make so much sport." 'Though nice and dark the point appear, (Quoth Ralph,) it may hold up, and clear. That Sinners may supply tlie place Of suffering Saints, is a plain Case. Justice gives Sentence, many times, On one Man for another's crimes. Our Brethren of New-England use Choice Malefiictors to excuse, And kaniT tlie Guiltless in their stead, Of whom the Churches have loss need : As lately 't happened : In a town There lived a Cobbler, and hut one, That out of Doctrine could cut, Use, And mend Men's Li^JCs, as well as Shoes. Tliis precious Brother having slain In time of Peace, an Indian, (Not out of Malice, but more Zeal, Because he was an infidel,) The mighty Tottipottijmoy Sent to our Elders an Envoy, Complaining sorely of the Broach Of League, held forth by brother Patch, Against the Articles in force. Between both cliurches, his and ours; For which ho craved the Saints to render Into liis Hands, or hang th' Offender : But they, maturely having weigh'd, Tliey had no more but him o' th' trade j (A Man that served them in a double Capacity, to Teach and Cobble,) Resolv'd to spare him; yet to do The Indian Hoe chosen the universal Ideot of the World." — See "The Simple Cobler," in Force's Tracts, Vol. Ill, No. 8. 23 178 JOSIAS WINSLOW. and capacity necessary to enable them to stem the tor- rent of a general pubhc delusion. This independence of the popular sentiment, under the preceding adminis- tration of Governor Prence, had caused General Cud- worthj Isaac Robinson, and other excellent men to be proscribed, and driven from public employment; but Mr. Winslow's popularity was such, that he was enabled to sustain himself in the attitude he had assumed. He was in advance of the times ; and the people soon began to see it; so that in the end, when the popular delusion had passed away, he was the more admired, and his influence became' the stronger, for his firmness in maintaining his opinions. Governor Prence died in the spring of 1673, and at the next general court, which was held in June, Mr. Winslow was chosen his successor. He had now an op- portunity to make a further exhibition of his tolerant principles. We accordingly find that he immediately determined upon the restoration of a most valuable citi- zen, then in retirement, to his rights as a freeman, in order that he might avail himself of the benefit of his abilities and integrity in the public service. This per- son was General James Cudworth, an assistant from Scituate, in 1657, who had been left out of office, and disfranchised, under the administration of Governor Prence, in consequence of his opposition to the harsh proceedings against the Quakers.* Other persons, also proscribed for their opposition to the persecution of that sect, were soon after restored to their rights as freemen by Governor Winslow. One of these was Isaac Robin- son, son of the venerable puritan founder, John Robin- * See pp. 154, of this volume. JOSIAS WINSLOW. 179 son, who seems to have inherited the Hberal and tolerant spirit of his father. For some years previous to 1675, the people of the colony had lived in general harmony with their Indian neighbors. The treaty of 1621 with Massasoithad been scrupulously observed, and while he lived, the Indians were faithful to his promises. After his death, his son and successor, Alexander, who was understood to be conspiring with the Narragansetts against the English, was summoned before the governor and council at Ply- mouth, to answer to the charge. Hesitating about a com- pliance with this abrupt summons, he was surprised by a party under the command of Major Winslow, and finally persuaded by one of his own counsellors to go to the house of the governor at Plymouth. His indigna- tion was so great at his surprisal, that it threw him into a fever. He had leave to depart, on leaving his son as a hostage, but he died before reaching home.* Metacomet, of Pokanoket, better known as King Philip, succeeded his brother Alexander. He affected to renew the treaty of peace, but he was at the same time secretly meditating the overthrow of the English. Far more intelligent than most of his race, he beheld with dismay the tokens which announced the falling for- tunes of his country. He saw Jiis people wasting away, and that they must ultimately become extinct. He had also family wrongs to redress, and personal enmities to avenge. He had been subjected to ignominious treaties. The expressions of reverence and respect which he had * See particulars in relation to the surprisal and death of the sachem Alex- ander, pp. 163 — 166, ante. Compare also accounts in Drake's Book of the In- dians, b. iii. and authorities there cited. 180 JOSIAS WINSLOW. Uttered for the British monarch, had been construed into submission, and an acknowledgment of fealty. When summoned on some occasion to renew his treaty with the English, he replied, ^^ Your Governor is but a sub- ject of King Charles of England. I shall not treat with a subject. I shall treat of peace only with the King, my brother. When he comes, I am ready!" Such was the lofty spirit of the last monarch of the Wampanoags. But he could not maintain it, nor withstand the rapidly advancing power of the whites. They repeatedly sum- moned him to appear before the English courts at Ply- mouth and at Boston, sometimes upon frivolous charges, and he was compelled to answer the summons. He was charged with perfidy, for breaking promises made while under restraint, and with impiety, for adhering to the re- ligion of his ancestors, incompliance with the injunctions of his father.* And he was finally required to deliver into the hands of his enemies, all his weapons of defence. Such were his supposed wrongs. His vengeance could be glutted only by the blood of his enemies. His scheme to accomplish that vengeance, was one of the most ex- traordinary ever conceived by the mind of a savage. He visited all the tribes dwelling within the limits of New England, for the purpose of organizing a combination to exterminate the whites. The plot seems to have been well and carefully laid, and was ripening apace. Of this confederacy he was to be the chief. Though the sachem of a petty tribe, he soon raised himself to a prouder eminence than was ever before attained by the red man of North America. The Narragansetts had engaged to join him with their whole strength, so that he could • Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 276. JOSIAS WINSLOW. 181 brinof into service between three and four thousand war- riors. The spring of 1676, was the period fixed for commencing this great enterprise. The attack was to have been simuhaneous from the Cocheco to the Narra- gansett. But the plot was prematurely developed, and Philip was forced to commence the struggle before he was prepared, and under many disadvantages. The war commenced in June, 1675, in the following manner. John Sausaman, a praying, or Christian Indian, friendly to the English, gave them notice of the hostile intentions of Philip and his allies. The information he gave, cost him his life. He was met soon afterwards by three or four of Philip's Indians, on a frozen pond, when they knocked him down, and put him under the ice, leaving his gun and hat upon the ice, to make the English believe that he accidentally fell in and was drowned. When the body was found, the wounds upon his head, and the testimony of an Indian, who, from a hill over- looking the spot, saw the murder committed, were suffi- cient proofs against the murderers. They were there- upon arrested, tried at Plymouth in June, 1675, con- demned, and executed. Governor Winslow, in a letter to the governor of Massachusetts, dated 4 July, 1675, says, "I do solemnly profess we know not anything from us that might put Philip upon these motions, nor have we heard that he pretends to have suffered any wrong from us, save only that we had killed some Indians, and intended to send for himself, for the murder of John Sausaman. The last that was executed this week, con- fessed that he saw the other two do the murder. Neither had we any thoughts to command him in about it." Among the Indians, a murderer was left to the revenge 182 JOSIAS WINSLOW. of relatives and friends of the victim; but the renegade and traitor, was to be slain by any of the tribe who should be able to reach him. Philip regarded Sausaman as a traitor. Enraged to see the immediate actors brought to punishment by the English laws, and expecting that it would be his own turn next, being conscious that the murderers were employed by him, he took no pains to exculpate himself; but gathered what strangers he could, and together with his own men, marched them up and down the country in arms. Governor Winslow ordered a military watch to be kept up in every town, but took no other notice of the conduct of the Indians, hoping that when Philip saw that measures were used for apprehending him, the threatened storm would blow over, as it had done sever- al times before. But the Indians coming in to him from several quarters, gave him fresh courage, and he behaved with insolence, first threatening the English at Swansey, then killing some of their cattle, and at length rifling their houses. An Englishman, at Swansey, was at length so provoked, that he fired upon an Indian, and wounded him. This was an act that Philip desired, as among his people there was a superstitious belief, that the party which first shed blood in the struggle, would finally be conquered. He now commenced an active war; and believing, that nothing short of the destruction of the English would secure the Indians from total ruin, he exerted his utmost energies in prosecuting a war of ex- termination. Murder, fire and desolation marked his course. There was scarcely an English family that did not suifer in the loss of relatives, or the destruction of JOSIAS WINSLOW. 183 property. The approach of the enemy was noiseless, like ^"^the pestilence that walketli in darkness;" and a dwelling wrapt in flames^, or a family barbarously mur- dered and scalpedj were often the first intimations of their appearance.* Under the new articles of confederation, the regular triennial meeting of the Commissioners of the United Colonies was holden at Boston, in September of this year, (1675.) Governor Winslow and Thomas Hinck- ley, the two Commissioners from Plymouth/ presented to that body "^^A brief narrative of the beginning and progress of the })resent trouble between us and the In- dians, taking its rise in the colony of New Plymouth, A. D., 1675." This paper, probably drawn up by Gov- ernor Winslow, recited the circumstances which went to shew the undoubted hostile intent of Philip, from 1671 to the massacre at Swansey, on the 25th of June, 1675. The United Colonies at once declared the war to be a common cause, and ordered the raising of a thousand men. At the close of the year, the colonies became aware of the necessity of prosecuting an active campaign in the midst of winter. It was no longer doubted that the Narragansett Indians were in secret alliance with Philip. A declaration of war against the Narragansetts was ac- cordingly published in November, by the Commissioners of the United Colonies. Governor Winslow, one of their body, was appointed commander-in-chief of all the the forces. He was well qualified for this important trust, by bravery and ability, tempered with prudence and discretion. * Willard, in Farmer and Moore's Hist. Coll. iii. 106. 184 JOSIAS WINSLOW. It has been said that Governor Winslow was an object of the mortal hatred of the Wampanoags^ on ac- count of his agency in the capture of Alexander. Philip made no secret of his purpose to avenge the affront; and the governor found it necessary to put his house in a complete state of defence. He deemed it prudent, also, while the war lasted, to place his family out of the reach of the tomahawk, and he accordingly sent his wife and children to Salem.* The Commissioners, deeming it of the highest im- portance to anticipate their enemies, and frustrate their plans, ordered that the army under General Winslow, should prepare for active service by the 10th December. Instructions were drawn up in form for the conduct of the campaign, addressed to General Winslow ; a portion of which, was as follows : — " You are, at the time appointed, to march with all convenient speed, with the forces under your command, to the Narriganset country, or to the place where the head quarters or chief rendezvous of the enemy is known to be. And having acquainted your officers and soldiers of your commission and power, you shall require their obedience thereunto; and see that they be governed ac- * " My person, T hear, has been much threatened. I have about twenty men at my house ; have sent away my wife and children to Salem, that I may be less encumbered ; have flankered my house, and resolve to maintain it, as long as a mm will stand by me." Gov. Winsloin to Got. Levcrett, 4th July, 1675. The following order, transcribed from the Old Colony Records, may serve to show the extent of the dangers, which at this time menaced the existence of the colony : " Ordcful btj the Court, that during the time of puolic dangf r, th:it every one tliat comes to the meeting on the Lord's day, bring his arms with him, and furnished with at least five chargi'S of powder and shot, until further order shall be given, under penally of 2s. for every such default." At the same time an order was passed, prohibiting the waste of ammunition by firing at any thing, "except at an Indian, or a wolf," under a further penalty of 05. for every offence. JOSIAS WINSLOW. 185 cording to rules military, that all profaneness and dis- order in your camp and quarters be avoided as much as in you lieth, and that you impartially punish the break- ing forth thereof in any. '' You are to see that the worship of God be kept up, and duly attended in the army, by daily prayer and invocation of His name, and preaching of His word as you have opportunity, and the Sabbath be not profaned, but that, as much as in you lies, and the emergency of your service will admit, you take care it be duly sanc- tified, and your ministers respect it. "And that you endeavour as silently and suddenly to surprise the enemy as you can, and if possibl ; draw or force them to an engagement, and therein to do valiantly for the honour of God and of our nation, and the in- terest of the country; and that you encourage valour in any, and severely punish cowardice."* The army under the command of Winslow consisted of from fifteen hundred to two thousand men, including volunteers and Indians, and a troop of horse, under com- mand of Captain Thomas Prentice. The Massachusetts forces were divided into six companies, commanded by Captains Mosely, Gardiner, Davenport, Oliver and John- son, under Major Appleton. Those of Connecticut were commanded by Major Treat, who had under him Captains Seily, Mason, Gallop, Watts, and Marshall. The Plymouth forces were commanded by Major Wil- liam Bradford, son of Governor Bradford, and Captain John Gorham. It was unfortunate that Captain Church,. in consequence of some previous misunderstanding with * The Instructions to General Winslow, are published in III Mass, Hist, Coll., i. 66. 24 186 JOSIAS WINSLOW. the government, was prevented having a command on this occasion ; but, at the particular desire of the com- mander-in-chief, he took part in the campaign as a volun- teer. The Narragansett country, in which were to be the war operations, was almost an entire w^ilderness. Philip's fort was located in South Kingston, Rhode Island, in an immense swamp, in the centre of which was a piece of high ground, comprising about five or six acres. The fortification was formed by high pallisades, encircling the w^hole of the elevated land. The palH- sades were encompassed by a thick and almost impenetra- ble hedge of fallen trees, with their branches pointing outward, of almost a rod in width. At one corner there was an opening, where a large fallen tree was placed, rising four or five feet from the ground, but this entrance was defended by a sort of block-house, and by flankers at the sides. The common entrance into this fort, was by passing along the body of a tree, which had been thrown over a body of deep water between the fort and the main land, which could be done only in single file. Within this strong enclosure, the Indians had erected about five hundred wigwams of superior construction, intended for the winter quarters of their whole people, men, women and children. Here they had deposited a large quantity of provisions, and baskets and tubs of corn were so piled one upon another, as to afford additional defence against the English bullets. It is estimated that not less than three thousand people had collected here, as their safe retreats. The warriors were armed with bows and arrows, muskets and tomahawks. On the 18th December, 1675, General Winslow's army marched to attack Philip and his Narragansett al-^ JOSIAS WINSLOW. 187 liesj in their strong fort ; the weather was cold and stormy, and the snow more than ankle deep on the ground. The houses on their route, in which they ex- pected to quarter that night, had been burnt down by the Indians, before their arrival, and they were destitute of shelter during the night. At the dawn of the follow- ing day, they resumed their march of fifteen miles, and at one o'clock, reached the margin of the swamp, where, having no shelter from the inclemency of the weather, and being short of provisions, they resolved to make an im- mediate attack. Not an Englishman was acquainted with the situation of the Indian fort ; but it was fortunate for them, that, a few days before, some thirty-five of Philip's men had been made prisoners by Captain Mosely, among whom was one named Peter , who turned traitor to his countrymen, and undertook to guide the army through the intricate paths of the forest to the seat of his Sachem. The assault was now commenced; the Indians at the margin of the swamp were driven to their strong hold, and the troops, without any regular order, rushed im- petuously up to the barriers of the fort; the officers and men were intermixed, but they faced death with boldness and courage. The gallant Captains, Johnson and Daven- port, with a number of their men, were soon seen to fall, and as one after another was swept off at the narrow passage, by the enemy's fire, others supplied the places of the slain. Overwhelmed by the deadly fire of the Indians, there was a momentary recoil, and the troops throwing themselves down with their faces to the ground, the bullets passed over them. Two other companies ad- vancing, were also compelled to retreat; but, animated by the exhortations and exertions of General Winslow 188 JOSIAS WINSLOW. and Major Appleton, the soldiers were rallied, and again resumed the conflict. A few officers and men had now forced their way into the fort, and here commenced a personal combat, hand to hand. At this moment, a voice was heard, "they run! tJieyrun!^^ This operated like enchantment upon the English, and a general rush through the barriers ensued; the Indians were driven from their posts at every point, and from wigwam to wigwam in great confusion. An immense slaughter took place; neither men, M^omen nor children were spared; all were hewn down, and the ground was liter- ally encumbered with hea )s of the slain. In the midst of this awful fight, fire was communicated to their wig- wams, when the bowlings and yells of the savages were mingled with the roar of musketry, the raging of the consuming fire, and the screams of the women and chil- dren ; altogether forming a scene inconceivably appalling to humanity. The battle continued for three hours with unexam- pled ferocity and obstinacy ; quarters were neither asked nor r -ceived, but carnage and death w^ere on every side. The whole army, officers and men, fought with undaunt- ed courage; the captains led their men to the conflict, and continued at their head till they received the fatal bullet. Captain Church, always brave, and never in- active, by permission led the second party that entered the fort, and while within, he was struck at the same in- stant with three bullets from a party of the enemy. He received a severe wound in his thigh, and another slight wound, but the third bullet struck against a thick pair of woollen mittens, which was doubled in his pocket, which jS&ved him from a fatal wound. For some time after the JOSIAS WINSLOW. 189 fort was in possession of tlic English, the combatants in various parts of the swamp, continued the work of slaughter. The English being masters of the fort, it became a question whether to hold possession of it for the present, or to abandon it immediately. General Winslow and ■Captain Church were decidedly in favor of holding pos- session. As the darkness of night was apj)roaching, the troops might find shelter in the wigwams that were not burnt, and avail themselves of the Indians' provisions, which they greatly needed. But this measure was vio- lently and very improperly opposed by one of the Cap- tains and a surgeon, probably from the apprehension that the Indians might rally their forces, and drive them from the fort in their turn. The surgeon asserted that un- less the wounded were removed that night, it could not be effected the next day, when their wounds would be inflamed and painful; and turning to Captain Church, whose blood was then flowing from his wounds, impu- dently said to him, ' that if he gave such advice, he should bleed to death like a dog, before he would endeavor to staunch his wound.' It was now decided to quit the ground, which was done with some precipitation, leav- ing eight of their dead in the fort. It was indeed a cruel dilemma, after fighting three hours, to be compelled to march fifteen miles through the snow, and in a most boisterous night, before they could halt, and the wounded could be dressed ; and it is not strange that many of the wounded died before they could reach their destined quarters. Drake has well said, that the sufferings of the English after this fight, are almost without a parallel in history. The horrors of Moscow will not longer be re- 190 JOSIAS WINSLOW. membered. The myriads of modern Europe assembled there, bear but a small proportion to the number of their countrymen, compared with that of the army of New England and theirs, in the fight at Narragansett.* Thus ended this memorable engagement, and the vic- tory on the side of the English was purchased at the high price of eighty men killed, and one hundred and fifty wounded. Six brave captains were killed, viz : Daven- port, Gardiner, Johnson, Gallop, Seily, and Marshall. Lieutenant Upham was mortally wounded, and Captain John Gorham, of Barnstable, died of a fever on the ex- pedition. The number of Indians slain is uncertain; but Hubbard says it was confessed by Potock, a great coun- sellor amongst them, who was taken and executed, that seven hundred fighting men were slain, and three hun- dred wounded, the most of whom died. The number of old men, women and children, who were burnt in their wigwams, and who died from hunger and cold, must have been immense. Such was the result of the great Narragansett-Swamp Fiffht. The suddenness of the retreat rendered the honors of the victory equivocal, but the consequences of victory followed ; the Narragansetts never recovered from the effects of this terrible disaster. If treachery was ac- tually designed, the crime was sufficiently expiated by this horrible infliction. When General Winslow arrived at his quarters at Wickford, four hundred of his soldiers, besides the wounded, were rendered unfit for duty, and many of * Book of the Indians, b. iii. c. 2. See accounts of the Narragansett war, as given by Church, Hubbard, Mather, Hutchinson, Trumbull, Baylies, &c. Drake's invaluable book embodies all that is necessary to be known of the Indians of New England. JOSIAS WINSLOW. 191 them were frost-bitten. The snow that fell during the night rendered travelling almost impracticable. After some ineffectual attempts to renew the peace, General Winslow, in January, 1676, marched for the swamp, where the diminished forces of the Narragan- setts were posted. As the English approached, the In- dians lied, and when overtaken, dispersed singly into the swamps, where it became a vain effort to pursue them. The war however was prosecuted with unabated vigor, in the following year, until the death of Philip, in Au- gust, 1676, put a period to the contest. The Indians in all- the surrounding country, after the fall of their great leader, generally submitted to the English, or fled and became incorporated with distant tribes. In this distressing war, more than six hundred of the colonists were slain, twelve or thirteen towns were laid waste, and about six hundred buildings, chiefly dwell- ings, were destroyed by the Indians. The colonists con- soled themselves with the reflection, that they had not made a war of aggression, and that it was on their part unprovoked. In a letter dated 1 Ma}^, 1676, Governor Winslow remarked : " I think I can clearly say, that, before these present troubles broke out, the English did not possess one foot of land in this colony which was not fairly obtained, by honest purchase from the Indian pro- prietors." The fall of Philip was then considered as the extinc- tion of a virulent and implacable enemy. It is now viewed as the fall of a great warrior, a penetrating states- man, and a mighty prince. It then excited universal joy and congratulation, as a prelude to the close of a merci- less war. It now awakens sober reflections, on the ia- 192 JOSIAS WINSLOW. stability of empire, the peculiar destiny of the aboriginal race, and the inscrutable decrees of Heaven. The patri- otism of the man was then overlooked, in the cruelty of the savage ; and httle allowance was made for the natu- ral jealousy of the sovereign, on account of the barbari- ties of the warrior. Philip, in the progress of the En- glish settlements, foresaw the loss of his territory, and the extinction of his tribe; and made one mighty effort to prevent these calamities. He fell, and his fall contribu- ted to the rise of the United States.* The enterprising spirit of Governor Winslow was too great for his feeble frame, and at the beginning of Febru- ary, 1676, he was compelled to retire from a command, which required a considerable degree of physical hardi- hood no less than military skill. The commissioners of the United Colonies voted him a gratuity of one hundred pounds, and a grant was also made to him by the Ply- mouth Colony, in testimonial of the high sense enter- tained by the people of his eminent services in the pre- ceding campaign. After the Indian war had terminated, the attention of the government was directed to the great object of obtaining ft\-m the King, the long promised charter for the colony. Connecticut had received her charter, and the royal favor had been promised in express terms to the people of Plymouth. Governor Winslow, well aware of the perverse policy prevailing in the mother country, and of the efforts making by Massachusetts to obtain a grant of the lands of Mount Hope, conquered from the Indians, deemed it ex edient to enlist the aid of Edmund Randolph, sometimes called the ''evil genius * Ramsay's Univ. Hist., i. 286* JOSIAS WINSLOW. 193 of New England," who had just been appointed to the collectorship of Boston, and possessed some influence at court. Mount Hope was claimed by Rhode Island, and also by John Crown, a favorite at court, who urged his suit upon the ground of losses sustained by his ffilher in the surrender of Nova Scotia to the French, by the treaty of Breda. The necessity of sending an agent to London now became apparent, and Governor Winslow was soHcited to undertake the mission. Randolph, in a letter to him, dated 29 Jan. 1680, says — "The inclosed, from Crown, came to my hands at Piscataqua : by that you will easily see a necessity of speeding for court. I did not forget to signify your grateful receipt of his Majesty's letters ; and being indisposed, you desired that nothing might be done about Mount Hope, till somebody did appear from your colony. Sir, be assured Mr. Crown will be doing, and his interest at court is not small ; and considering the necessity there is of renew^ing your charter, you can never do your colony greater service, than to appear yourself at Whitehall, where 3'ou will very well stem his designs. I know not yet but I may wait upon you to England, in- tending to be where I may be most serviceable to his majesty's affairs, and assistant to the people of this coun- try."* Governor Winslow's declining health, however, put it out of his power to gratify the wishes of the peo- ple. It might have been fortunate for the colony, had it been otherwise; as the reputation which Governor Winslow enjoyed at home and in England, aided by his own address and accomplishments as a statesman and * I Mass. Hist. Coll., vi. 02. 25 194 JOSIAS WINSLOW. gentleman, might have secured a charter, and perhaps prolonged the separate existence of the Old Colony. If it can be said that any one is fortunate, it may be truly said of the second Governor Winslow. His whole life was passed during the existence of the colony of which he was a native. He 'knew no other country. He died while it was independent, and before the extinc- tion of its independence was anticipated or seriously ap- prehended. The early colonists, when they looked into their sit- uation, must always have felt a deep apprehension of possible evils — a sense of insecurity ; an anticipation of the desolation and bloodshed of an Indian war. At the time of his death, the question was settled; the abori- ginals were conquered ; and such as remained in the vi- cinity of the English, were beginning to be objects of commiseration, rather than of terror. In the accomplishment of this great work. Governor Winslow had been a principal and triumphant actor. In his native colony, he had stood upon the uppermost heights of society. Civic honors awaited him in his ear- liest youth ; he reached every elevation which could be obtained, and there M^as nothing left for ambition to covet^ because all had been gained. The governor acquired the highest military rank, and had been engaged in active and successful warfare, with the highest command then known in New England. He presided over the legisla- tive, executive, and judicial departments of the govern- ment. Governor Winslow lived on his ample paternal do- main, and his hospitality was not only generous, but (according to the notions of the age) magnificent. In JOSIAS WINSLOW. 195 addition to his military and civic distinctions^ he had ac- quired that of being the most accomplished gentleman, and the most delightful companion in the colony ; and the attractions of the festive and social board at Careswell, were not a little heightened by the charms of his beauti- ful wife. Mild and tolerant himself, he witnessed with regret the movements of that fierce spirit which would not tole- rate the liberality, and was blind to the wisdom of Cud- worth, Robinson, and others ; and he had the address to restore them to the confidence of the people, at a period when the curse of the age, the spirit of religious bigotry, was maddened by opposition, and armed with conscious power. Persevering, frank, bold, and resolute, he encoun- tered the hazards of popular displeasure, with the same fearlessness that he did the ambushes and bullets of the savages — and he was successful. Such was the heart, and such the spirit which ani- mated the feeble frame of Josias Winslow. His health, never good, was much impaired by fatigues and exposure in the Narragansett campaign ; after the war was over it rapidly declined, and he sunk into his grave at the age of fifty-one, in the fullness of his honors, and with his mental faculties unsubdued by disease, and unimpaired by age. This bright picture of his character has its shades ; his courage bordered on rashness, and his easy temper sometimes exposed him to the machinations of the unworthy.* Governor Winslow died on the 18th December, 1680, in the fifty second year of his age. The expenses of his * Baylies' History of New Plymouth, Part IV. 8—10. Thachcr, 139. 196 JOSIAS WINSLOW. funeral were directed to be paid from the public treasu- ry, " in testimony of the colony's endeared love and af- fection to him."* Governor Winslow married Penelope, daughter of Herbert Pelham, Esq. of Boston, an assistant in the gov- ernment of Massachusetts, a gentleman of ancient family, connected with the ducal house of New Castle. Mr. Pelham took an early interest in the settlement of New England, and came to Boston in 1645. He was an as- sistant in Massachusetts, from 1646 to 1649, when he * Tradition furnishes the following anecdote; At the funeral of Governor Winslow, Ilev. Mr. Witherell, of Scituate, prayed "that the Governor's son might be made half equal to his father." The Rev. Dr. Gad Hitchcock, on the same occasion, ohserved, "thattiie prayer was so very reasonable, that it might be lioped that God would grant it, but he did not." An elegy on the death of Governor Winslow, written by Elder William Witherell, of Scituate, when eighty years old, has been preserved. The fol- lowing extracts mark the character of the poem, the whole of which may be found in Deane's History of Scituate, 395. "How many dangers hath this gentleman, In's life escaped, both by sea and land ! Fort fights, Shoals, Quicksands, Quagmires. Boggs and Sloughs, Enough to plunge an hundred strong teamed Ploughs, Yet he brake througli ; but now we see him have Mir'd and stuck fast in a dry upland grave. The Pitcher that went oft whole to the well, Comes home at last, crack'd like a broken shell. Our Court of Justice sits in widowhood ; The Judge arrested — Bnilo will do no good. Judges are stayes of States, when such staycs fall. It bodes the weak'ning of the Judgment Hall. Isaiah Hi. 2. Somewhat above thrice compleat seven years since, Plymouth liatli lost l>lest Bradford, Winslow, Prince, > Three skilful Pilots through tliis Wilderness, To conduct Pilgrims ; all three called t'undress Upon the top of Pisgab ; while we here Dcu. xxxiv, 4, 5, 6, Left Pilotless, do witliout compass steer. Thrice honored Rulers, Elders, People all, Come and lament this stately Cedar's fall. Cut down at's height, full noontide blest with shine Of Royal favour, and (no doubt) Divine ; Freighted with tunns of honour. Every man At's best estate is altogether vain. Psalm xxxix. 5." Judge Davis, in a note to Morton, remarks, that "this performance cannot but bo regarded with tenderness, when we look at the signature, " Mcestus posuit, William Witherell, Octogenarius." JOSIAS WINSLOW. 197 returned to En,!J:;laml. Jfc was of the same family with Thomas, Lord Pelham, who on the death of Joliii llolhs, Duke of New Castle, 15 July, 1711, succeeded that no- bleman in his titles aiul estates. Penelope Pelham, a sister of Herbert Pelham, was the wife of Governor ]5el- lingham of Massachusetts. In the will of Herbert Pel- ham, dated at London, January 1, 1673, proved March 13, 1677, he is called of Ferrers, in Bewers Hamlet, in the county of Essex. His lands in Cambridge, Water- town, Sudbury, and elsewhere in New England, were given to his son Edward Pelham ; and his personal pro- perty, in this country, to that son and his daughter Pene- lope Winslow, who survived her husband.* Isaac Winslow, the only son of Governor Winslow, born in 1671, was eminently distinguished, having sus- tained the chief places of power and honor in the colony, as chief military commander under the governor, and for several years Chief Justice of the Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas, Judge of Probate of Wills, and one of his Majesty's Council for the Province of Massachusetts Bay, for more than twenty years, and for several years Presi- dent of that body. This gentleman possessed a truly noble spirit, was much given to hospitality, and univer- *.She died, in 1703, aged 73. A late tourist into the Old Colony, describes his visit to the seat of Mr. Winslow's family, in Marshfield, and to other mem- orable places, in that vicinity, in a manner that is credital)]e to his taste and feeling. Speaking of the family portraits, that of Josias Winslow, he says, is "evidently by the hand of a master, and his beautiful bride makes one of the group. She appears about twenty, and her costume is more modern than that given to other females of that period, of greater age. Iler head-dress is of great simplicity. The hair parted on the top, and falling in ringlets on each side of her temples and neck; the countenance bespeaks gentleness and intel- ligence." [Alden Bradford, in Boston Commercial Gazette, 9th November, 1826.] The Winslow portraits are now in the cabinet of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 198 JOSIAS WINSLOW. sally beloved. He died at his seat in Marshfield, De- cember^ 1738^ in the 68th year of his age. His eldest son^ a young gentleman of great promise^ by the name of Josiah^ engaged in military service, re- ceived a captain's commission, and was killed in battle, with thirteen of his company, after a most gallant resist- ance against a superior force of French and Indians, in the war of 1724. General John Winslow, the eldest of the surviving sons of Isaac, was a distinguished and successful com- mander. In 1740, he commanded a company in the ex- pedition against Cuba, and afterwards rose to the rank of Major General in the British service. In 1755, an expedition against Nova Scotia was un- dertaken by the British Government. The boundaries were unsetded — the English claiming to the St. Lawrence, the French restricting them to the peninsula of Acadia. The French were in the occupancy of the disputed ter- ritory, and had erected forts to defend it. To dispossess them, was the object of the expedition, which was placed under the command of Colonel Monckton. The troops, which were mostly drawn from Massachusetts, were placed under the immediate command of Lieutenant Col- onel John Winslow, through whose personal influence and exertions nearly two thousand men had been raised for the expedition. He conducted the campaign with great skill. The two French forts were captured, with scarcely any loss on the part of the conquerors, and the whole Province completely reduced, chiefly through the enterprise and good conduct of Colonel Winslow. To him was also entrusted the diflficult and ungrateful task of removing the French neutrals, who were all expelled JOSIAS WINSLOW. 199 from Nova Scotia. Previous to commencing the cam- paign of 1756, against Crown Point, General Abercrom- bie sent for General Winslow, and to him was to have been entrusted an attack on Ticonderoga, which was sus- pended by orders from Lord Loudon, in consequence of the disaster at Oswego. Li 1756, he commanded at Fort William Henry, on Lake George. He was also a coun- sellor of the Province. He died at Marshfield in 1774, at the age of 73.* General John Winslow left two sons, Pelham and Isaac. Pelham was an attorney at law and a leading citizen in Plymouth, but being a loyalist, became obnox- ious to popular resentment, and found it necessary to resort for safety to the British camp. He joined the Brit- ish army soon after the battle of Lexington, received a major's commission, was soon after appointed a commis- sary, and after continuing some years with the troops in New York, died at Flushing, Long Island, in 1783. His w^dow, originally Joanna White of Marshfield, returned to and died at Plymouth, May 1, 1829, aged 84, Isaac was of the medical profession, and resided on the paternal estate at Marshfield, where he died in 1819, aged 81 years. He married the daughter of Dr. Stock- bridge of Scituate. His only son John, an eminent law- ^ Gen. Winslow was remarkable for his skill in horsemanship. He im- ported a valuable horse from England, and it was among- his greatest delights to be mounted on his favorite animal. On a certain occasion, a number of gen- tlemen of Plymouth formed a party with Gen. Winslow, for a pleasure excur- sion to Saquish, in Plymouth harbor, and to return to dine in town. While there, Winslow fell asleep; the other gentlemen silently withdrew, and pur- sued their journey. When he awoke and found himself deserted, he mounted, and daringly phinged his steed into the channel, swam him across, more than half a mile, from whence he rode into town, making the whole distance but six miles, while his companions were riding fourteen miles. On their arrival, they were astonished to find the General seated in the tavern, prepared to greet them with a bowl of nunch. Thacher, 142. 200 JOSIAS WINSLOW. yer, died at Natches, Mississippi, in 1820, where he had removed on account of his health. Edward, the younger brother of General John Wins- low, was an accomplished scholar, and a gentleman of fine taste. He resided in Plymouth, and together with his son, filled the offices of clerk of the court. Register of Probate and collector of the port. Being a professed royalist, he removed to Halifax with his family, soon after the commencement of hostilities, where he died, June 8^ 1784, aged 72 years. The ceremonies at his funeral were in a style to confer the highest honor and respect on his memory. In consequence of his removal, his estate in his native town was confiscated, but every branch of his family was by the British Government amply pro- vided for during the remainder of their lives. His son^ Edward Winslow, Jr., was also an intelligent and accom- plished gentleman; he graduated at Harvard College in 1765. He was one of the founders and most active members of the Old Colony Club, and his address on the 22d of December, 1770, was the first ever delivered on the Pilgrim anniversary. Being friendly to the royal cause, he joined the British at Boston before the war commenced, and was afterwards appointed a Colonel in their service. He subsequently filled the offices of King's Counsellor, and Justice of the Supreme Court in New Brunswick, and' died at Frederickton, in May, 1815, aged 70.* * There are yet in existence some relics belonging to the Winslow family, A sitting chair which was screwed to the floor of the cabin of the Mayflower ; for the convenience of a lady : it is known to have been in the possession of Penelope Winslow, who married James Warren. This chair is now in posses- sion of a direct descendant from Peregrine White. A watch purse, composed of small beads, which was made by Penelope Pelham, while on her voyage to America. A curious ring, which contains the hair of governor Winslow ; and a pearl spoon. Thacher, 144. 201 VI. THOMAS HINCKLEY. The family of Hinckley was originally from the county of Kent, in England. At a small parish in that county, called Egerton, John Lothrop, the pastor of the church, had embraced the faith of the puritans, and in 1623, renounced his orders in the church of England, and removed to London. He was followed by some of his parishioners, amongst whom was Samuel Hinckley, the father of Governor Hinckley. Mr. Lothrop, in 1624, became the second pastor of the first congregational church gathered in London, on the plan of that of Mr. Robinson, at Leyden. The church held their meetings privately, and escaped the vigilance of their persecutors for some time; but at length, in April, 1632, they were discovered by the pursuivant of the Archbishop, holding a meeting for religious worship at a house in Blackfriars. Forty-two of them were apprehended, and eighteen only escaped. Mr. Lothrop, with twenty-four others of his congregation, were imprisoned for about two years, when all but himself were released upon bail. Arch- bishop Laud obstinately refusing to pay any attention to his requests, Mr. Lothrop petitioned King Charles I., and was set at liberty, in April, 1634, on the condition offered, which he readily embraced, of departing from the kingdom. He now embarked for Boston, with about thirty of his church and people, where he arrived September 18, 1634, in the ship Griffin. On the 27th of the same month, he proceeded, with his friends, to Scituate, where a considerable settlement had already 26 202 THOMAS HINCKLEY. been made by " the men of Kent/' who gladly received Mr. Lothrop as a former acquaintance.* Mr. Hinckley was one of those who accompanied Mr. Lothrop to ^oston, and setded at Scituate. He was admitted a freeman in 1637^ and in 1639 removed to Barnstable. Some of the first settlers of Scituate and Barnstable^ were men of education and easy fortune, who had left homes altogether enviable, save in the single cir- cumstance of the abridgment of their religious liberty. The '^men of Kent," are duly celebrated in English his- tory, as men of gallantry, loyalty and courtly manners. Vassall, Hatherly, Cudworth, Tilden, Hinckley, and oth- ers had been accustomed to the elegances of life in Eng- land. They were men eminently qualified for transact- ing not only the municipal concerns of their settlements, but for taking an active and leading part in the govern- ment of the colony. Thomas Hinckley was born in 1621, and came to New England soon after his father had made a settle- ment at Barnstable. The mere recital of the various public duties he was called upon to perform, some of which were the most arduous and responsible, as well as the highest in the government, is sufficient to shew that he was a man of more than ordinary ability and influence. * Mr. Lothrop v/as educated at Oxford, as appears from Wood's AthensB Oxonienses. Morton says, "he was a man of a humble spirit, lively in dispen- sation of the word of God, studious of peace, willing to spend and be spent for the cause and church of Christ." He was twice married. Four sons came with him from England : Thomas, who settled at Eastham, where his son Thomas was born in 1640, then at Barnstable; Samuel, at Norwich, or New London, Conn.; Joseph, at Barnstable; and Benjamin at Charlestown, Mass. Barna- bas, and John, were born in this country, and settled at Barnstable. The Rev. Mr. Lothrop died in Barnstable, 8 Nov., 1653. His descendants are numerous. Mr. John Lothrop, of Boston, who wrote the memoir of the minister of Barn- stable, published in H Mass. Hist. Coll., i. 163, was a descendant. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 203 In 1645, he was first elected a deputy from Barn- stable, and he was again elected in 1648, and at several subsequent periods. In 1658, when Mr. Cudworth, and Mr. Hatherly, two of the most excellent men in the colony, were proscribed and driven from office, on ac- count of their opposition to the rash measures against the Quakers, Mr. Hinckley, falling into the popular cur- rent, was chosen one of the assistants, and continued in that office by successive re-elections until the year 1681. At the election in 1680, Mr. Hinckley was specially designated as deputy governor, in consequence of the ill health of governor Winslow, whose death was appre- hended, and the extreme age of Mr. Alden,* who, as first assistant, would have succeeded to the chair, when vacant. In June, 1681, following the death of Josias Winslow, Mr. Hinckley was chosen governor, in which office (excepting for the short period of the rule of An- dros, when he was a counsellor,) he was continued until the separate existence of the colony of New Plymouth was terminated by its incorporation with Massachusetts, under the charter of 1692. Upon that event, he was named one of the counsellors of the province of Massa- chusetts Bay, under the new charter. The people of New Plymouth had for many years been anxious on the subject of obtaining a charter from the crown, similar to that of Connecticut. They held only under their patent from the Council of Plymouth^ * John Alden was one of the pilgrims of the Mayflower; settled at Dux- bury in 1640; was representative, 1641 to 1649; an assistant of the colony under every administration, except that of Governor Carver — in all, 42 years. lie married Priscilla, daughter of William Mullins, by whom he had eight chil- dren. He died 12 September, 16S7, aged 89. A memoir, written by President Alden, one of his descendants, is contained in Alden's American Epitaphs, iii. 2G4. 204 THOMAS HINCKLEY. which had no powers of sovereignty^ and which had long since ceased to exist. They had all along felt that they were at the mercy of the King, who mighty at any time, justify the dissolution of their charter, under the forms of his prerogative. They had consequently adopted a course of policy, which was designed to propitiate, as far as possible, the royal favor, and had received frequent assurances from Charles the Second, that a charter should be granted. The perils of the Indian war had been scarcely passed through, leaving the colony comparatively weak, when dangers of another character began to menace its existence. Massachusetts on the one hand, and New York on the other, were intriguing for the appropriation of New Plymouth to themselves. The former colony had on more than one occasion shown a disposition to extend her borders. The conquered country of Mount Hope, was originally included within the limits of the Plymouth jurisdiction ; and notwithstanding its complete separation from Massachusetts and contiguity to Ply- mouth ; notwithstanding it had been conquered princi- pally by the prowess of the people of this little colony, the government of Massachusetts endeavoured to wrest it from them, and to obtain a grant of its lands from the King. Rhode Island, too, which had not even participa- ted in the war, preferred a claim to the lands ; and John Crown, of Nova Scotia, alledging an obsolete claim of his father on the bounty of the King, nearly succeeded in obtaining the patent ; but the monarch finally granted the lands to Plymouth. This was the only royal grant made in New England of lands conquered from the Indians, and was made in consequence of these conflicting claims. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 205 In the controversy ii])oi]t Mount Hope, Governor WinsloWj at the close of his administration, had found it expedient to cultivate the friendship of Edward Ran- dolph, afterwards so odious throughout New England as the tool of Andros, and who had already obtained an un- enviable notoriety in Massachusetts.* Governor Hinck- ley, well aware of the tortuous paths which marked all approaches to the royal ear, also kept up a good under- standing with Randolph, who engaged to do every thing in his power to obtain the charter. In September, 1681, General Cudw^orth was sent to England, as the agent for the colony. But dying not long after his arrival, he effected nothing, and his papers were lost. The ro^'al displeasure was now manifested against Massachusetts ; the quo warranto had issued against that colony; and the people of Plymouth were more than ever in suspense between their hopes and fears. They had already incurred the displeasure of the people of Massachusetts, by what w^as looked upon as a timid and time-serving policy ; and now, they were threatened with the mortification of finding all their professions of loyalty disregarded by the King, whose favor they had been so anxious to secure. Mr. Blaithwait, of the Plantation Office in London, on the 27th September, 1683, address- * Randolph, in a letter dated 29 Jan., 1680, to Governor Winslow, says — " I am received at Boston more like a spy, than one of his majesty's servants. They kept a day of thanks for the return of their agents; but have prepared a welcome for me, by a paper of scandalous verses, all persons taking liberty to abuse me in their discourses, of which I take the more notice, because it so much reflects upon my master, who will not forget it." The "scandalous ver- ses," to wiiicii Randolph alludes, are to be found in Farmer and Moore's Hist. Coll., iii. 30. Randolpli was the most inveterate and indefatigable of those in- triguing men wiio found access to the royal ear of Charles II., with complaints against the colonies. On this mischievous business, lie made no less than eigiit voyages in nine years across the Atlantic. He died in the West Indies. 206 THOMAS HINCKLEY. ed Governor Hinckley, as follows : " I must deal plainly with you. It is not probable anything will be determined in that behalf until his majesty do see an issue of pro- ceeding in relation to the Massachusetts colony, and that upon regulating their charter, that colony be brought under such actual dependence upon the crown as becomes his majesty's subjects. From hence it will be, that your patent will receive its model ; and although you may be assured of all you desire, yet it will be expected that, in acknowledgment of so great favors, such provisions may be inserted as are necessary for the maintenance of his majesty's authority." Anxious, if possible, to keep alive an interest in the royal bosom, the general court, in November, 1683, for- warded another address, wherein they congratulated his Majesty upon his deliverance, in answer to their prayers they hoped, from the late horrid conspiracy ; and they had appointed the fifteenth instant for a day of solemn thanksgiving, for the salvation of his Majesty's royal per- son from that and other hellish conspiracies.* They go on to pray his Majesty's favor in granting them a char- ter, having sent over a true copy of their patent from the council of Plymouth. Randolph writes to the governor of Plymouth, the fourth of March following, that he had presented the address with the necessary amendments, to his Majesty in council, that it would be printed, was gra- ciously received, and that they would find the benefit of it, in the settlement of their affairs. Upon the death of Charles II., they were distinguished by James II., from " Reference is here made, probably, to the attempt to assassinate Cliarles II., at the Rye House Farm, near Hoddesdon, in Hertfordshire, on his way from Newmarket, called the Rye House Plot, THOMAS HINCIfLEY. 207 the other colonics, by a letter under his sign manual, (26 June, 16S5,) acquainting them with his accession to the tlirone, the great things the parliament had done, the de- feat of Argyle, and the landing at Monmouth, and the care taken to prevent his success ; all to prevent any false and malicious rumors that might be spread among his Majes- ty's subjects at that distance. An address was sent to the King, upon his accession, taking notice of the assur- ances they had received from his royal brother, and praying that his Majesty might fulfd them. This was their last effort,* prior to the revolution of 1689. Governor Hinckley took a deep interest in the efforts of the Society for propagating the Gospel among the In- dians. The labors of Eliot and the Mayhews had pro- duced good fruits, and it appears from a statement drawn up in 1685, by Governor Hinckley, that the number of christianized Indians in the colony had increased.! The duties which this new relation of christian amity between the natives and the English, imposed upon the govern- ment, were sometimes onerous. Governor Hinckley, in the statement above referred to, says — " Their manner is not to accept any to be praying Indians or Christians, but such as do, before some of their magistrates or civil rulers, renounce their former heathenish manners, and give up themselves to be praying Indians; neither do they choose any other than such to bear any ofiice among them. They keep their courts in several places, living so far distant one from another. Especially the * Hutchinson's Colony of Massachusetts Bay, 344. t According to the statement forwarded by Governor Hinckley to tlie cor- poration in England, there were at this time in the colony 1439 praying or christian Indians, besides boys and girls, under twelve years of age, which were supposed to be more than three times that number. 208 THOIM^S HINCKLEY. four chief places often desire my help amongst them, at their courts, and often do appeal from the sentence of the Indian Judges to my determinationj in which they quiedy rest, whereby I have much trouble and expense of time among them, but if God please to bless my endea- vours to bring them to more civility and Christianity, I shall account my time and pains well spent. A great obstruction whereunto is the great appetite many of the young generation have after strong liquors, and the cov- etous evil humor of sundry of our English, in furnishing them therewith, notwithstanding all the court orders and means used to prohibit the same."* Governor Hinckley, in his religious views, more close- ly resembled the rigid Governor Prence, than the tolerant Winslow.f While a deputy, a law was passed, at his instance, and for that reason sometimes called " Hinck- ley's law," which provided, " that if any neglect the wor- ship of God in the place where he lives, and set up a worship contrary to God, and the allowances of this Gov- ernment, to the publick profanation of God's Holy Day, and ordinances, he shall pay 10 shillings." When the Quakers made their appearance in New Plymouth, it was attempted to enforce the penalty of this law ; but the attempt failed, " because the offender must do all things therein named, or else break not the law." General Cud- worth states the curious fact, that in March, 1658, a court of deputies was called, when, after passing sundry acts touching the Quakers, they contrived to make this * Hinckley Papers, Lib. Mass. Hist. Soc. In Davis' Morton, 407—415, is an interesting memoir of the situation and number of the Christian Indians, at that period in Massachusetts and New Plymouth colonies. i Randolph, in a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, dated 27 October, 1686, characterises Governor Hinckley as "a rigid independent." THOMAS HINCKIiEY. 209 act serviceable, by erasing the word "and" in^ the act, and inserting the word "or/' which, being disjunctive, made every branch a law. The alteration, (says Cud- worth,) though made in 1658, stands upon the record as the act of 1651, and was enforced to the letter against the Quakers.* When Mv. Hinckley came to the government of the colony, he endeavored to carry out the policy of sus- taining and extending a system of free schools, which he had advocated in the council of assistants, as well as to secure a competent support for the ministers of religion, then much neglected. When the first school was estab- lished by law in Plymouth in 1672, Mr. Hinckley had been appointed steward of the income set apart for its support, and had remaiiled its faithful and consistent champion. Prior to the year 1677, there was no law compelling the people to contribute for the support of public wor- ship. There had been no occasion for one. The people were as much devoted to religion as their ministers ; but as the ministers in a manner monopolized the learning of the colony, much of their time was employed in sec- ular affairs, and they were possessed of a leading influ- ence in the colony, and had sometimes consented to act as public oliicers. Whatever was bestowed upon them was by volunta- ry donation ; but as the colony increased in population, and new avocations engaged th.e attention of the people, they neglected the support of their teachers. New plan- tations also had been commenced, in which the poverty of the people afforded a plausible excuse for this neglect. * Sec Cudworths Letter, in Deane's Scituale, 247. 27 210 THOMAS HINCKLEY. Many came into the settlement^ who voted in all secular affairs^ and who felt but little interest in supporting pub- lic worship. The government of New Plymouth now saw or ima- gined, a necessity for .enforcing the support of religion by law. Mr. Hinckley was an earnest and influential ad- vocate of this policy. An act was passed in 1677, pro- viding for a tax upon the people for the support of their ordained ministers, and in the following year another act was passed, requiring each town and village in the colo- ny, to erect, finish, and keep in repair a house for pub- lic worship. The law required that all taxable persons, irrespective of their particular faith or belief, should contribute to the support of the regular cong^egational ministry; and though it was much complained of. Governor Hinckley insisted on the enforcement of its provisions against the Quakers, who were the most numerous and wealthy of the dissenting sects. After Dudley's short rule com- menced in 1686, the Quakers complained of the ex- action, as contrary to the King's design of universal toleration. Dudley's commission did not include New Plymouth, but Randolph, in a letter to Governor Hinck- ley, dated 22 June, 1686, undertakes to admonish the latter in the following terms : — ^^ Perhaps it will be as reasonable to move that your colony should be rated to pay our minister of the church of England, who now preaches in Boston, and you hear him not, as to make the Quakers pay in your colony."* Governor Hinckley complained of this as a great grievance, and contended that if the government was refused the right * Hutchinson's Hist. Colony of Mass. 357. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 211 to lay taxes, lor the support of the ministry, the people would sink into barbarism. He knew that the puritans had now nothing to hope, but much to fear from the im- position of new laws by King James. He believed, as did most of the people of New Plymouth, that though it was pretended that the King was about to allow a uni- versal toleration, it was only the prelude to the introduc- tion of popery, and the imposition of grievous burthens upon the protestants. He continued, as heretofore, to enforce the collection of the tax for the clergy, until An- dros, in March, 1687, sent him the following instruc- tions: — "I am very much surprised you should issue forth so extraordinary a warrant as is now brought to me, under your hand and seal, dated the 12th of De- cember past, so much mistaken and assuming (for pay- ment of your minister) extrajudicially to command dis- tress to be made on tke goods of his Majesty's subjects. Out of respect to you, I have put a stop to the execution thereof, that neither the constable nor you may be ex- posed. Hoping you will be mindful of the station you are in, for his Majesty's service and the quiet of his sub- jects, that they be not amused nor troubled by mistaken notions, or clandestine illegal practices," &c. The despotic rule of Andros had now commenced. Plymouth had no charter to surrender, but the govern- ment was changed, and the colony was allowed no other voice in public affairs, than the votes of the seven men whom Andros had selected to be of his council. Gov- ernor Hinckley, although he had experienced rude treat- ment from Andros, accepted a seat in his council. King James the Second came to the throne in Febru- rary, 1685, and was proclaimed at Plymouth in April. 212 THOMAS HINCKLEY. He determined to consolidate the governments in New England into one. Dudley, while the scheme was per- fecting, was commissioned temporarily as president of New England. But the royal grasp did not at first take in all of the colonies. New Plymouth and Connecticut were left out of the commission, until the appointment of Andros, in June, 1686, whose commission included all New England, excepting Connecticut, and of their char- ter he was subsequently authorized to receive the sur- render. Being without a charter, the government of Ply- mouth, having distinguished itself for loyalty, could now offer no resistance, and at once acknowledged and endea- vored to make the best of the rule of Andros. Seven . persons were selected from the colony of New Ply- mouth to be of the council of Andros, Governor Hinckley being the first named upon the «iist. For a time, Mr. Hinckley, acted as a judge of the prerogative court in Plymouth, established by Andros; but the governor as far as possible exercised the supreme power, civil and judicial, and tolerated no man in office, who was not his ready and willing instrument. Some writers have considered it a stain upon the character of Governor Hinckley, that he consented to accept office under Andros. Baylies says, " the reader who reflects upon the transactions of that day in the pilgrim colony, cannot but think that when Governor Hinckley consented to act as a counsellor to Andros, he fell from his elevation, and the brightness of his charac- ter was dimmed. When the government of any country is thrown into such hands, it is the wisest and best pohcy to retire to that station which then emphatically THOMAS HINCKLEY. 213 becomes the post of honor. It is true that Governor Hinckley went far to redeem his character eventually, by his manly resistance to the tyranny of Andros, but it would have been better, both for his own reputation and the public good, had he never consented, by acting as his counsellor, to have swelled the vanity of a petty despot, and to have lent for a time the sanction of his high char- acter to lessen the odium of measures which soon be- came intolerable." "We tegret to find, (says Judge Davis,) that Governor Hinckley accepted a seat in the council, which suspended the ancient authorities of the country, and authorized or countenanced a course of arbitrary, vexatious, and oppressive proceedings. — It should be observed, however, that many of this council w^ere sincere well wishers to their country, and accepted a seat at the board, with a view of preventing injurious measures." If the subsequent acts of Mr. Hinckley, while of the council of Andros, are closely scanned, they will sustain the most favorable construction which has been placed upon his conduct. The colony possessed no charter; their affairs had been conducted under a constitution of their own, democratic in its forms and administration ; the people professing loyalty to the crown which had suffered them to enjoy their privileges. But they now saw that they were at the mercy of one of the most des- potic monarchs who ever filled the British throne — and it may well be conceived, that the object of Governor Hinckley might have been to watch over the interests of the colony, as far as it was possible for him to do. He did not consent to the measures of Andros, and very seldom attended the meetings of the council, after the 214 THOMAS HINCKLEY. first. This was also the case with William Bradford, Barnabas Lothrop, and John Walley, who were coun- sellors with him from Plymouth Colony.* They never attended more than one or two of the meetings. Most of the counsellors of Massachusetts also absented them- selves, as they did not approve of the conduct of Gover- nor Andros. It appears from documents which remain, that Governor Hinckley was decidedly opposed to the exceptionable proceedings of Andros and his adherents. In his letter to Mr. Blaithwait of the Plantation office, dated June 28, 1687, there is a full and free expression of the many grievances which the colony suffered under Sir Edmund Andros' administration. A petition to the King, on the same subject, in October of that year, is more minute and emphatic. It is signed, ^^ Thomas Hinckley, in behalf of your Majesty's most ancient and loyal Colony of New Plymouth in New England." — In reference to the new patents and grants, which they were compelled to take for their lands, fairly acquired, and so long peaceably possessed, it is observed, that all the money left in the colony, would scarcely suffice ^^ to pay one half the charge for warrants, surveying and patents, if every one must be forced thereto." The whole course * Of Deputy Governor Bradford, a notice has already been given, in page 88 of this volume. Barnabas Lothrop was son of the Rev^ John Lothrop, set- tled at Barnstable, was a deputy six years, and an assistant in 1681. He died in 1715, aged 79. John Walley was of Boston in 1671, was several times com- mander of the Anc. & Hon. Artillery, and colonel of the Boston regiment. Re. moving to New Plymouth, he was six years an assistant, one of the council under Andros in 1687, and with Bradford and Lothrop, counsellors under the charter of William and Mary, in 1692. He was judge of the supreme court of Massachusetts from 1700 to 1712, when he died at Boston, 11 January, aged 69. He commanded the expedition against Canada, in 1690, and his journal is pub- lished in the Appendix to Hutchinson's History of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay, 554 — 566. THOMAS HINCKLEV. 215 of Governor Hinckley, during this period of difficulty, seems to have been such, as to preserve the confidence of the people ; for immediately after the deposition and imprisonment of Andros, in 16S9, the ancient privileges of the colony of New Plymouth were resumed, and Gov- ernor Hinckley was again called to the chief magistracy. At this period of general despondency, the late gov- ernor of Plymouth, Mr. Hinckley, had the courage to lay at the foot of the throne, the complaints of the people. In their behalf, acting for the Plymouth colony, he pre- ferred a petition, in which the King was asked — ^ That his majesty's subjects in New England might be quieted in possession of all property, both in houses and lands, as they enjoyed them before the government was changed on the 24th of May, 1686; and that the ancient records then settled for tides of lands, might be confirmed. ' That there be liberty of conscience in matters of re- ligion ; that their former methods of swearing in giving evidence may be allowed ; and that all their meeting- houses might be left free to them, according to the inten- tion of the builders thereof. ^ That no laws may be made nor moneys raised there, without the consent of a General Assembly, as it is in the other plantations. ^ That all townships may have hberty to assemble and manage the business of their several precincts as under the former government, and have power to reserve and dispose of all voluntary contributions. ^That the college at Cambridge in New England, and the revenues thereunto belonging, be confirmed in the hands of a president and fellows, as formerly.' 216 THOMAS HINCKLEY. This petition^ and all others, were unheeded by the King, who seemed to be influenced by a blind infatuation, which, as it rendered him insensible to the perils by which he was immediately surrounded, could scarcely have been expected to have permitted him to become sensible of those which were more remote. But a period to the reign of misrule was at hand. Goaded to resist- ance by the conduct of Andros, the people rose in a body, and deposed him in April, 1689, and the news of the revolution in England immediately followed. It was hailed with joy in New Plymouth. Of the seven counsellors from Plymouth, Nathaniel Clark was the only one, who yielded a ready and servile compliance to the wishes of Andros. He of course be- came obnoxious to the people. The governor rewarded him with the grant of Clark's Island, in Plymouth har- bor.* As soon as the news of the imprisonment of An- dros was received, the people of Plymouth declared their detestation of Counsellor Clark, by a spirited mani- festo, which bears date April 22, 1689, setting forth his oppressions and his crimes, and declaring that they seized upon his person, resolving to secure him, for the hands of justice to deal with him according to his demer- * This island, which contains a little more than 80 acres of fertile land, was the earliest resting place of the Pilgrims from amidst the storm which they en- countered on the night of the 8th December, 1620, while coasting along the bay before their final landing. These circumstances probably led the people to at- tach a particular reverence to the spot. It was never sold, but reserved for the benefit of the poor of the town. When the people heard that Clark had ob- tained the grant, they met in town meeting, and determined at all hazards to reclaim the Island. Their town clerk and committee, together with the minis- ter of Duxbury, were thereupon arrested by order of Andros, and bound over for trial at Boston ; and Clark was already exulting in anticipation of the enr joyment of his acquisition, when the fall of Andros restored the Island to its- original proprietors. Thacher, 153. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 217 its. He was accordingly imprisoned and put in irons, and the next year sent with Andros, his master, in the same ship to England. The members of the general court of New Plymouth, which was in existence in 1686, when the government of Andros commenced, were now summoned together. They assembled on the first Tuesday of June, 1689, and reinstated the former government, at the same time issu- ing the following declaration : " Whereas, through the great changes Divine Providence hath ordered out, both in England and in this country, we, the loyal subjects of the Crown of England, are left in an unsettled state, destitute of government, and exposed to the ill consequences there- of, and having heretofore enjoyed a quiet settlement of government, in this their Majesties' Colony of New Ply- mouth for more than three score and six years, without any interruption ; having also been, by the late Kings of England, by their royal letters, graciously owned and acknowledged therein ; whereby, notwithstanding our late unjust interruption, and suspension therefrom, by the illegal, arbitrary power of Sir Edmund Andros (now ceased) the general court held here, in the name of their present Majesties, William and Mary, King and Queen of England, S^c, together with the encouragement given by their said Majesties' gracious declarations, and in humble confidence of their said Majesties' good liking, do there- fore, hereby re-assume, and declare their re-assuming of their said former way of government, according to such wholesome constitutions, rules and orders, as were here in force, in June, 1686, our title thereto being warranted by prescription and otherwise as aforesaid, and expects a ready submission thereunto, by all their Majesties good 28 218 THOMAS HINCKLEY. subjects of this Colony, until their Majesties or this Court shall otherwise order, and that all our Courts be hereafter held and all warrants directed, and officers sworn, in the name of their Majesties, William and Mary, King and Queen of England." On the 6th of June, Governor Hinckley WTote to Sir Henry Ashurst, whom he styles "New England's friend," enclosing an address, from the Colony, to King WilUam and Queen Mary. Governor Hinckley had been requested to prepare it, and it was to include a prayer " for the re-establishment of their former liberties and privileges, both sacred and civil." " You will see," says he, " representations of our present estate, perhaps a little more particular than were proper in such an appli- cation!" This letter is acknowledged August 13, 1689 : " I do not make use of the liberty you gave me," says Sir H. Ashurst, "to alter or add any thing to your address, it being all of a piece, a grave, a seasonable and hand- some representation of your aifairs, which I delivered to the King, after I had read it to him. He returned a very gracious answer, that he would take care of the good of his Colonies in New England." Amongst the evils bequeathed by Andros to New England, was a harassing and destructive war with the Eastern Indians, known as King William's war, which commenced in 1689. Governor Hinckley, as one of the Commissioners of the Colonies, and of the council of war in New Plymouth, appears to have labored with zeal and promptitude in the necessary measures to prosecute the war. Major Benjamin Church, who had so distin- guished himself in the Narragansett war, was singled out for the command of the Plymouth forces by Governor THOMAS HINCKLEY. 219 Hinckley, and was also invested with the command of the troops raised by Massachusetts. The war had not terminated, when the Colony of New Plymouth ceased to exist. Soon after the re-establishment of the former govern- ment, the people of Plymouth again turned their attention to the question of obtaining a charter. They were aware that their more powerful neighbors of Massachusetts, and the agents of New York, were each desirous of extend- ing their jurisdiction over the territory of New Ply- mouth. Amongst their own citizens, there were also some, who were beginning to favor the idea of annexa- tion to Massachusetts. It appears from the letters of Governor Hinckley, that while laboring to forward the measures necessary to ob- tain the charter, he was greatly discouraged at the diffi- culty of providing the means. He well understood the condition of the people. The debts of the colony were at this time not less than ^27,000. The general court had voted a tax for the gradual reimbursement of the debt; but the pecuniary distresses of the people were great; angry dissensions distracted the colony, and violent parties had been formed ; some refused to pay any taxes, particularly taxes imposed for the support of the ministers ; the people had become suspicious and irrita- ble; the authority of the government was not only doubted, but openly denied by those who disliked their proceedings. In this state of things, it was not wonderful that the sum necessary to defray the expenses of obtaining the charter could not be raised. Some of the towns sub- scribed their proportions, on condition that other towns 220 THOMAS HINCKLEY. should do the same ; but others refusing, the subscription failed, as a matter of course. In February, 1690, the Rev. Ichabod Wiswall, the minister of Duxbury, went to England, in company with Messrs. Elisha Cooke, and Thomas Oakes, who were ap- pointed agents of Massachusetts fer procuring the con- firmation of the ancient charter of that colony. Soon after his departure, he was chosen an agent by Plymouth, to obtain the confirmation of their's; and subsequently, Increase Mather and Sir Henry Ashurst were appointed to act conjointly with him. Mather had previously fled from Massachusetts in disguise, during the administration of Andros, and embarked for England, in order to lay the complaints of that colony at the foot of the throne. The agents were faithful to their trust, but the desir- ed object could not be accomplished. In January, 1691, Cotton Mather thus writes to Governor Hinckley, refer- ring to letters received from his father — "I perceive, that about the middle of last November, God had so blessed his applications, as when all other means of resto- ration to our ancient liberties failed us, he had obtained of the King an order to the Judges, Holt and Pollexfen, and the Attorney and Solicitor-General, to draw up a new charter for us, which was done, but just as the ves- sel came away, and waited for the broad seal. Gover- nor Sclater (Sloughter) of New York, had Plymouth put into his commission, but purely through my father's industry and discretion, he procured the dropping of it. Our friends at Whitehall assured him, that if he had pe- titioned for a charter to be bestowed upon Plymouth, by itself, there had none been obtained for you, nor for us neither ; wherefore he procured Plymouth to be inserted THOMAS HINCKLEY. 221 in our grant. 13ut wlicn Mr. Wiswall understood it^ he came and told my father your Colony would all curse him for itj at which the Solicitor-General, being extreme- ly moved, presently dashed it out, so that you are now again like to be annexed unto the government of New York, and if you find yourselves thereby plunged into manifold miseries, you have none to thank for it but one of your own." This intelligence excited much uneasiness and alarm in Plymouth Colony. The Rev. Mr. Cotton in a letter to Governor Hinckley, Feb. 6, 1691, urges him to re- pair to England, and to use his best endeavors to pre- vent the meditated arrangement. He assures the Gover- nor that this is the opinion of many men of " wisdom, prudence, and piety," with whom he had consulted. " I believe none amongst us," he adds, " will be free to trust any but yourself; and as for the many hundreds of pounds, that must be collected to defray the charge of such an undertaking, I find, amongst us, great readiness, maugre all our great charges, to contribute liberally there- to." Mr. Cotton appears to have overrated the ability or disposition of the people, to make the necessary con- tributions. The Court met in March, and with " hearty thanks," expressed to Sir Henry Ashurst, Rev. Mr. Mather, and Rev. Mr. Wiswall, besides a grant to Sir Henry Ashurst of fifty guineas, and to the other two gentlemen of twen- ty-five guineas each, voted to raise j6200 more, to be re- mitted "toward the charge of procuring a charter." Sir Henry Ashurst was appointed sole agent, but was request- ed to advise with I\Ir. Mather and Mr. Wiswall. The amount voted, was not in the treasury, and a subscrip- 222 THOMAS HINCKLEY. tion was openedj to raise the requisite sum, in the several towns^ under the direction of the deputies. It appears by subsequent letters^ from Governor Hinckley to Messrs. Wiswall and Mather^ that the whole sum was not raised, and what was collected was returned to the subscribers. In a letter to Mr. Mather, dated 16 October, 1691, Governor Hinckley says — " Your service in keeping us from New York, and all other intimations for the good of this colony, is thankfully received, and it would have been well pleasing to myself and sundry others of the most thinking men, who are desirous of supporting the minis- try and schools of learning, to have been annexed to Boston, yet the greater part of the people, and of our deputies, are most desirous of obtaining a charter for themselves, if possible to be procured, though so far as I can discern, they had much rather be annexed to the Massachusetts than New York, yet are not wilhng to ha^ve it mentioned, lest it should divert any endeavours for obtaining a distinct charter for themselves. It was voted that two hundred pounds should be raised by a voluntary contribution. On trial made, though some particular men and towns did contribute liberally, yet others, by reason of the great charge of the war, and partly being discouraged by some leading men telling them that they would but throw away their money, that they never would be like to obtain a charter, nor you neither for the Mas- sachusetts, thereby the sum proposed fell considerably short, and by the court's order, the whole sum not being raised, none was to be sent. Not being in a capacity to make rates for any equal defraying the charge, I see little or no likelihood of obtaining a charter for us, unless their THOMAS HINCKLEY. 223 majesties, out of their royal bounty and clemency^ gra- ciously please to grant it, siih forma jmupcris, to their poor and loyal subjects of this colony." The letter to Mr. Wiswall is in the same strain, with the additional commu- nication of some turbulent proceedings, in contempt of the authority of the Colony, particularly in the county of Bristol, in regard to taxes for operations against the French, in whicli he says, the people about Dartmouth and Litde-Compton, were supported by Governor Sloughter, who arrived in New York in March, 1691. Before these letters were w^ritten,. however, the bus- iness was completed in England. The charter granted to Massachusetts, in which Plymouth was included, bears date October 7th, 1691. Mr. Wiswall could not be reconciled to this arrangement, and strongly expressed his feelings on the occasion, in a letter to Mr. Hinckley, dated the 5th of November following : ^^ I do believe Ply- mouth's silence, Hampshire's neglect, and the rashness and impudence of one, at least, who went from New England in disguise by night, hath not a little contributed to our general disappointment. Plymouth, the JMassa- chusetts, as far west as the Narragansett country, and northward three miles beyond Merrimack river, the province of Maine, and the lands from Sagadehoc east- ward as far as the easternmost extent of Acadia or Nova Scotia, are clapt into one province, under such restrictions as I believe will not be very acceptable to those inhabi- tants who must lose their ancient names. There are in the new charter 28 counsellors (of which 4 for Pli- mouth) a governor and a deputy, all nominated by one who acts as if he were a sole plenipotentiary. The gov- ernor, deputy and secretary are to be nominated and con- 224 THOMAS HINCKLEY. tinued only durante bene placito. Sir W. P. hath one that hiboiirs hard for his advancement.* I only reflect on New England's condition under this juncture of Provi- dence, much like that of the Jews under Cyrus ascending the throne of their oppressor. At his first appearance^ they were in hope to rebuild their city and sanctuary, but were deprived of their expected privileges all his days by ill minded counsellors. All the frame of heaven moves on one axis, and the whole of New England's in- terest seems designed to be loaden on one bottom, and her particular motions to be concentric to the Massachu- setts tropic. You know who are wont to trot after the bay-horse ; your distance is your advantage, by which you may observe their motions. Yet let me remind you of that great statesman, Ecclesiastes, viii. 14. Few wise men rejoice at their chains. Doubtless it would be ac- counted hypocrisy before God, and ground of despair among men, to see any person receive and entertain the present and undeniable evidences of his disappointment, with the usual testimonies and comphments attending the desire accomplished." Mr. Wiswall in this, and in other letters, indulges in severe remarks on Mr. Mather, as if it were by his man- agement, that the union of Plymouth with Massachusetts was effected ; but there is reason to believe that his jeal- ousies, on this subject, were unfounded. Mr. Mather * The Rev. Mr. Wiswall here refers to Sir William Phips, upon whose ap- pointment as governor in 1692, Cotton Mather exultingly exclaims — " The time has come ! the set time has come ! I am now to receive an answer to so many prayers. All of the Counsellors of the Province are of my own father's nomi- nation, and my father-in-law, with several related tome, and several brethren of my own church, are among them. The Governor of the Province is not my enemy, but one I baptized ; namely. Sir William Phips, one of my own flock, and one of my dearest friends." — Diary of Cottpn Mather. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 225 undoubtedly exerted himself to prevent the annexation of Plymouth to New York; and from an attentive ex- amination of all accessible documents, on the subject, there appears no reason to doubt his fidelity and sincerity, in regard to Plymouth, as well as Massachusetts.* All his influence and that of his friends, and of the country's friends in England, which w^as very considerable, could not, probably, however exerted, have prevented the an- nexation of Plymouth, either to New York or to Massa- chusetts. There appears no evidence of discontent on the part of Plymouth to this measure, after it was adopted. Gov- ernor Hinckley, in the letter already quoted, says to Dr. Mather, ^*^ that it would be well pleasing to himself and sundry other of the most thinking men, who are desirous of supporting the ministry and schools of learning,'' to be annexed to Massachusetts. Plymouth Colony had done worthily, during its separate existence. This was then acknowledged, and will be acknowledged in all future time ; but there has, probably, been no period since the union, in which that transaction has been regretted by the people inhabiting the territory. The similarity of charac- ter, and identity of interests of every description, ren- * Dr. Mather opposed the proceedings of Andros, in Massaclinsotts, with such boldness and energy, that he was obliged to leave the province to escape his tyranny. He was in England at the time of the revolution of IGS3, and acquired great influence with the new government. Being considered the head and representative of the clergy of Massachusetts, the ministers of the Crown were desirous to conciliate him; well knowing that in fact the ecclesiastical was the predominating estate of the Colonial realm. To this end they gave him the nomination of the governor, counsellors, and all the officers appointed under the new charter. Quincy's Harv. Univ., i. 59. A knowledge of these facts probably led the honest minded Mr. Wiswall to believe that Dr. Mather possessed sufficient influence to have preserved the independence of New Dy- mouth, had he chosen to exert it. 29 226 THOaiAS HINCKLEY. dered such a union rational and desirable^ and it is ob- servable that the people of New Hampshire^ as Dr. Bel- knap informs us^ would gladly have been annexed to the same government, and indeed, petitioned for such a union by a convention of deputies assembled for that purpose. The measure was defeated only by the influence of the heirs or assignees of some great proprietors.* It is to the honor of Massachusetts, that none have had reason ta regret a comprehension with her jurisdiction, and that her history, in every stage of her progress, exhibits mul- tiplied instances of magnanimity, public spirit, and regard to the best interests of man. By the new charter of 1691, four, at least, of the twenty-eight counsellors, were to be from the territory, ^' formerly called New-Plymouth." The four gentlemen named for this purpose in the charter, were Thomas Hinckley, William Bradford, John Walley, and Barna- bas Lothrop.f Governor Sloughter having arrived at New York, previous to the arrival of Sir William Phips with the new charter of Massachusetts, attempted to exercise his authority in the jurisdiction of New Plymouth, and issued his orders as though it was a part of the province of New York ; but the arrival of Phips at Boston, with the char- ter, 14th May, 1692, occasioned their immediate suspen- sion. A court having been summoned by the new gov- ernor, on the 8th of June following, the province of Massachusetts Bay proceeded to exercise her newly ac- quired authority without interruption. She had emerged from her colonial state, to be a province of the empire ; * See Belknap's Hist, of New-Hampshire, (Farmers edit.) 123. ) Davis' note, Morton's Memorial, 473—477. THOMAS FIINCKLEY. 227 she had become sufficiently powerful to attract the notice of the monarch ; and her democratic tendencies were henceforth to be more carefully watched by the ministers of the crown. New Plymouth quietly submitted to her younger sister, and the amalgamation of the two colonies was soon perfected. The last general court of the colony was summoned, and met at Plymouth on the first Tuesday of July — and the last exercise of power by that body was the appoint- ment of a day of solemn fasting and humiliation. The days of the colony of New Plymouth were numbered ! The population of the colony at this period was about thirteen thousand. There was little trade, and a heavy debt impended over them. The whole personal prop- erty of individuals was but litde more than sufficient to discharge the general debt, which had grown out of the great Indian war. Yet there were here the elements and seeds of that wealth, which in the next century was developed, by the patience, honesty, industry, and ener- gy of the people. During the whole period of the independent exist- ence of this colony, the government, almost self-constitut- ed, had been respected and obeyed. It was found fully equal to the exigences of peace and war ; and to the ac- complishment of the great end of all governments, the security of the rights of persons, and of property ; and by a firm and steady course of action, it was able to produce a universal consciousness of that security. The question may very naturally be asked, how it happened that a population of adventurers, without mili- tary force, and with little wealth, which is unquestiona- bly a formidable element of power, and by which men 228 THOMAS HINCKLEY. often make their rule acceptable ; and with an equality as general as was possible in any country which had a government ; could, without the sanction of a royal char- ter, and without the interference of the metropolis, which in infant colonies is generally imperative and absolute, sus- tain themselves so long, and without tumults and com- motions, do every thing essential to the well being of the community ? This question finds its solution in the re- ligious character of the people. Worldly objects were with them secondary, and that curse of all small and independent communities, political ambition, found no place amongst them. The highest offices were not sought, but the services of such as were fit to sustain them were demanded as the right of the people, and they were ac- cepted, not for the sake of distinction, emolument or pleas- ure, but from a sense of duty. Fearful of the loss of rep- utation, men underwent the severe and painful duties which such offices required. Where there was no strife for power, no temptation in the shape of emolument, and no passion for official dis- tinctions, small was the danger of feuds and factions. The junction of Plymouth with Massachusetts des- troyed all the political consequence of the former. The people of Plymouth shared but few of the favors which the new government had to bestow, and it was sel- dom indeed, that any resident in what was termed ^ the old colony' obtained any office or distinction in the provincial government, or acquired any influence in its councils. Plymouth, however, may well be proud of the high distinction which has been acquired by many of her native sons, when placed in a more genial clime. THOMAS HINCKLEY. 229 She has rurnished hvv lull proportion of talent^ genius, learning and enterprise, in almost every depart- ment of life; and in other lands the merits of the pos- terity of the pilgrims have been acknowledged. They may be found wherever the sway of the American repub- lic is acknowledged, and even in the armies and navies, and in the councils of our ^^ father land," they have won their way to eminence, not by the aid of birth or family connections, but by the force of superior merit and trans- cendent ability. Among the proudest names in the British navy, may be found the descendant of the origi- nal purchaser of IMattapoisett in Swansey,* and attached to the tide of one of the most distinguished of the Eng- lish peerage, is the name of one of the early settlers of Scituate.f In one respect, the people of the Old Colony pre- sent a remarkable exception to the rest of America. They are perhaps the purest English race in the world; there is scarcely an intermixture even w^ith the Scotch or Irish, and none with the aboriginals. Almost all the present population are descended from the origi- nal English settlers. Many of them still own the lands which their early ancestors rescued from the wilder- ness, and although they have spread themselves in every * Mattapoisett Neck, in Swansey, was purchased by William Brenton, governor of Rhode Island, of Philip, the sachem of Mount Hope, by deed dated 23 June, 1G64. Jahleel Brenton, grandson of Governor Brenton, had twenty-two children. His fourth son, Jahleel, born 22 Oct. 1720, entered the British navy when a 3'outh, distinguished himself in service, and rose to the rank of admiral. He died in 1802. His son, Jahleel, was bred to the sea, rose to be an admiral, and was knighted in 1810. f Thomas Richard, the third Lord Holland, married an heiress of the name of Vassall, and his son, Henry Richard Fox V^assall, is the present Lord Hol- land, Baron Holland in Lincolnshire, and Foxley in W^ilts. Playfair's British Family Antiquities, ii. 182. 230 THOMAS HINCKLEY. direction through this wide continent^ from the penin- sula of Nova Scotia to the gulf of Mexico^ some one of the family has generally remained to cultivate the soil which was owned by his ancestors. The fishermen and navigators of Maine, the children of Plymouth, still con- tinue the industrious and bold pursuits of their forefath- ers. In that fine country, beginning at Utica in the State of New York, and stretching to Lake Erie, this race may be found on every hill and in every valley, on the rivers and on the lakes. The emigrant from the sand banks of Cape Cod, revels in the profusion of the agricultural op- ulence of Ohio. In all the southern and southwestern states, the natives of the ^ old colony,' like the Armenians of Asia, may be found in every place where commerce and traffic offer any lure to enterprise; and in the heart of the gigantic peninsula of Michigan, like their ances- tors, they have commenced the cultivation of the wilder- ness, like them, originally surrounded with savage beasts and savage men, and like them, patient in suffering, des- pising danger, and animated with hope.* * Baylies, in conclusion of his Hist, of New Plymouth. The following re- marks of President Dwight, when contemplating the history of New Plymouth, may be appropriately added : "The institutions, civil, literary and religious, by which New England is distinguished on this side the Atlantic, began here. Here the manner of holding lands in free soccage, now universal in this coun- try, commenced. Here the right of suffrage was imparted to every citizen, to every inhabitant not disqualified by poverty or vice. Here was formed the first establishment of towns, of the local legislature, which is called a town meeting, and of the peculiar town executive, styled the selectmen. Here the first paro- chial school was set up, and the system originated for communicating to every child in the community the knowledge of reading, writing, and arithmetic. Here, also, the first building was erected for the worship of God ; the first re- ligious assembly gathered ; and the first minister called and settled, by the voice of the church and congregation. On these simple foundations has since been erected a structure of good order, peace, liberty, knowledge, morals and reli- gion, with which nothing on this side the Atlantic can bear a remote compari- son." THOMAS HINCKLEY. 231 Governor Hinckley died at Barnstable^ in 1706, and the following inscription is placed upon his tombstone : " Beneath this stone, erected A. D. 1829, are deposited the mortal remains of Thomas Hinckley. He died A. D. 1706, aged 85 years. History bears witness to his piety, usefulness, and agency in the public transactions of his time. The important offices he was called to fill, evidence the esteem in which he was held by the people. He was successively elected an assistant in the govern- ment of Plymouth colony, from 1658 to 1681, and gov- ernor, except during the interruption of Sir Edmund Andros, from 1681 to the junction of Plymouth colony with Massachusetts." Governor Hinckley's first ^vife was Mary Richards, whom he married in 1641, and his sons by this marriage were Samuel, born in 1652, and Thomas, in 1654. She died soon after, and in 1659, he married Mary, the widow of Nathaniel Glover, son of the Hon. John Glover of Dorchester. She was the daughter of Lau- rence Smith, called Quarter-Master Smith, who came from England in 1635, with his family, and settled at Dorchester, Massachusetts. Governor Hinckley's chil- dren, by his second marriage, were one son, Ebenezer, and five daughters, one of whom married the Rev. Ex- perience Mayhew, father of the celebrated Dr. Jonathan Mayhew. Another daughter, Mercy, in 1686, married Samuel Prince of Sandwich, the father of the Rev. Thomas Prince, the chronologist. Mr. Prince speaks in the following terms of the second Mrs. Hinckley : " She, to the day of her death, appeared and shone, in the eyes of all, as the loveliest and brightest woman for 232 THOMAS HINCKLEY. beauty, knowledge, wisdom, majesty, accomplishments and graces, throughout the colony." Descendants of Governor Hinckley, of great re- spectability, are found in Massachusetts, New York, and in the southern states. Hon. Samuel Hinckley, of North- ampton, Massachusetts, who died 15 June, 1840, was a descendant of Governor Hinckley. Judge Hinckley was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and was wounded in an engagement near the Hudson. He was a classmate in college with Governor Griswold, Judge Baldwin, and Chancellor Kent. He was greatly esteemed for the purity of his character, his extensive liberality, and de- voted patriotism. Among the manuscripts in the library of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society, are 3 vols, folio, of papers collected by Governor Hinckley. They contain a mass of valuable information relating to the early history of the Old Colony. PART II. GOVEENORS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. 1630—1689. 30 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. The Council of Plymouth for New England, established by James I. in November, 1620, instead of engaging in the work of planting colonics, contented itself with the revenues it. could com- mand from the sale of patents. The Pilgrims had crossed the ocean to New Plymouth, and before the returning ships had brought in- telligence of their success, Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason, who were active members of the Council, had each made application for giants of territory in New England. On the 9th of March, 1621, a ])atent was issued to Mason, granting all the lands from Salem river, round Cape Anne, to the river Merrimack, and up each of these rivers to their sources, and across from the head of one to the. other. This district was called Mariana. On the 10th of August following, a grant was made to Gorges and Mason, of the whole country between the sea, the St. Law- rence, the Merrimack, and the Kennebeck. And to this they gave the name of Laconia. A third patent was issued, lOlh September, 1621, to Sir Wil- liam Alexander, granting all the territory east of the river St. Croix, and south of the St. Lav/rence, already known as the Acadie of the French, and since called Nova Scotia. A fourth patent, granting a tract of ten miles on the Massachu- setts Bay, and extending thirty miles into the interior, was issued on the 13th December, 1622, to Robert Gorges, son of Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges. The fame of the plantation at New Plymouth had spread throughout England ; but few settlements were made prior to the year 1629. Weymouth, the ancient Wessagusset, is the oldest set- 236 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. tlement in what was the colony of Massachusetts Bay, being settled by a company under Thomas Weston in 1622. In 1625, a plantation v;as commenced at Braintree. About the year 1626, William Blackstone settled on the peninsula of Boston, and in the autumn of the same year, the settlement which had been commenced at Cape Anne in 1625, under the auspices of the Rev, Mr. White, of Dorchester, in England, was removed to Salem. A solitary pioneer had pitched his tent upon the heights of Charlestown in 1627, and was joined by a few persons from Salem in the following year. On the 19th of March, 1628, the Council for New England sold to Sir Henry Roswell and others, a belt of land, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, extending three miles south of the River Charles and the Massachusetts Bay, and three miles north of the Merrimack. Through the instrumentality of Mr. White, other persons of wealth and character became associated with them, and afterwards purchased rights in the patent. Among these were John Winthrop, Isaac Johnson, Matthew Cradock, Thomas Goffe, and Sir Richard Saltonstall. The company soon after chose Mat- thew Cradock their governor, and sent over a few people under Capt. John Endecott to prepare for the settlement of a colony. On the fourth of March, 1629, Charles I. granted a patent to these colonists, under the name of " The Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England," and the grantees im- mediately settled a form of government for the new Colony. But on the 29th of August, 1629, the company, after much discussion, decided that the government and patent of the plantation should be transferred from London to the Massachusetts Bay, and that their corporate powers should be executed there. From this period dates the foundation and permanent settlement of the colony. Early in the spring of 1630, the fleet which conveyed Governor Winthrop and his company to America sailed from the shores of England. Further particulars of the history of some of these men, will appear in the following pages. GOVERNOHS OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. I. JOHN WINTHROP. JoHx WiNTHROP, the first governor of Massachusetts, was descended from a family remarkable for its attachment to the reformed religion, from the earliest period of the Reformation. His grandfather, Adam Winthrop, was an eminent lawyer and lover of the Gospel in the reign of Henry VHI., and brother to a memorable friend of the Reformation in the reign of Mary I., in whose hands the martyr Philpot left his papers, which make a considera- ble part of the history of the Martyrs. His father, Adam Winthrop, was a gentleman of the same profession and character.* Governor Winthrop was born at the family-seat at Groton, in Suffolk, January 12, 1588,f and was bred to the law, though he had a very strong inclination to theo- logical studies. At the age of eighteen, he was made a justice of the peace, and his virtues became conspicuous. He was exemplary in his profession, as an upright and impartial magistrate, and in his private character, as a christian. He had wisdom to discern, and fortitude to * Adam Winthrop, the elder, was buried the 12 Nov., 15G2. — Parish Regis- ter of Groton. No doubt this was the grandfather of Gov. Winthrop; and probably to him was made the grant of the manor of Groton from Henry VIII. after the suppression of the religious houses. Savage, in III Mass. Hist. Coll., viii. 297. i Dr. Belknap, copying from Mather, places his birth in 1587, but from Sa- vage's notes to Winthrop's Journal, i. 63, and ii. 338, it appears that he was born January 12th, 15S8. 238 JOHN WINTHROP. do right in the execution of his office ; and as a gentle- man was remarkable for liberality and hospitality. These qualities rendered him dear to men of sobriety and reli- gion^ and fitted him to engage in the great and difficult work of founding a colony. After our fathers at New Plymoiithj through many difficulties^ had prepared the way^ and the fame of their successful enterprise had spread over England, many of those who disliked the corruptions and oppressions of the English Churchy made preparations for a removal to America. The Rev. John White, a zealous puritan, of Dorchester in England, succeeded in persuading a number of wealthy men to commence a settlement at Cape Anne, under the guidance of Roger Conant, who had previously been at Plymouth and Nantasket. The little company had gathered at Cape Anne in 1625, but in 1626, found a more convenient refuge at Salem, where '^they resolved to remain as the sentinels of puri- tanism in the Bay of Massachusetts."* At this time, liberty of conscience could not be en- joyed in England. Many were so harassed for their non-conformity, that they determined rather to make settlements in a dreary wilderness, at the distance of three thousand miles from their native country, than endure the persecution to which they were constantly exposed. They emigrated, not for the advantages of trade, but for religion,'' and the enjoyment of liberty of conscience. They wished to transmit the blessings of civil and reli- gious liberty, to their posterity.! The Council for New England, on the 19th of March, 1628, sold to Sir Henry Roswell, Sir John Young, * Bancroft, i. 339. t Ramsay's Univ. Hist., i. 79. JOHN WINTHUOP. 239 John Humphrey, John Endecott, Simon Whetcomb and Thomas Southcoat, all from the vicinity of Dorchester, a patent for all that part of New England lying between three miles to the southward of Charles river and three miles to the northward of Merrimack river, and in length within the prescribed breadth, from the Atlantic ocean to the South Sea, or Pacific* The Rev. Mr. White of Dorchester, who was at this time zealously engaged in projecting an asylum for the persecuted non-conformists, soon interested other and powerful friends to become as- sociates in the enterprise.! These associates were John Winthrop, Isaac Johnson, Matthew Cradock, Thomas Goffe, and Sir Richard Saltonstall, who afterwards pur- chased rights in the patent. Three of the original pur- chasers parted with all their rights; but Humphrey, En- decott, and Whetcomb retained an equal interest with the new parties.! The company soon after chose Matthew Cradock governor, and Thomas Goffe, deputy governor, with * Chalmers, 135. t Rev. John White, A. M. was a native of Stanton St. John in Oxfordshire, where lie was born in 1576, graduated at Oxford, and in 1606, became the rec- tor of Trinity church in Dorchester, where he continued with little interruption above forty years. He was one of the earliest friends of the projected colony in Massachusetts, his object being to provide an asylum for the persecuted non conformists. He met with numerous discouragements, and it is said that the undertaking was about to be relinquished, and those who had settled in the new plantation were about returning home, when they received letters from Mr. White assuring them, that if they would endure their painful conflict a little longer, he would procure for them a patent, and all the necessary supplies for the new settlement. They waited the event, and he made his pi m ood. He was one of the committee on religion appointed in 1640, by the House of Lords, and one of the assembly of divines in 1643. He died at Dorchester, Ertg. 21 July, 1643, aged 72. He was usually called " the patriarch of Dorches- ter," and Wood says, the puritans "had more respect for him than even for their diocesan." Mr. John White, the ejected non-conformist, was his son. Brooke's Lives of the Puritans, iii. 88. t Prince, 171. Mass. Colony Records. 240 JOHN WINTHROP. eighteen assistants ; and sent over a few people under the government of John Endecott^ to carry on the plantation at Naumkeakjand prepare for "settling a colony. Ende- cottj on his arrival^ laid the foundations of Salem, the first permanent town in Massachusetts. When the news reached London, of the safe arrival of the emigrants, the number of the adventurers had been much enlarged. Interest was made to obtain a royal charter, with the aid of Richard Bellingham, and of White, an eminent lawyer, who advocated the design. The earl of Warwick had always been the friend of the company ; Gorges had seemed to favor its advancement, and Lord Dorchester, then one of the secretaries of state, is said to have exerted a powerful influence in its behalf.* At last, on the fourth of March, 1629, the royal pa- tent passed the seals, incorporating the associates as a body politic, by the name of " The Governor and Com- pany of the Massachusetts Bay in New England,'' with as full powers as any other corporation in the realm of England.! The company was empowered to elect for- ever, out of the freemen of said company, a governor, deputy governor, and eighteen assistants, to be newly chosen on the last Wednesday in Easter term yearly, by the greater part of the company ; and to make laws not repugnant to the laws of England. Matthew Cradock * Bancroft, i. 342. t See charter in Hazard, i. 239 — 255. The grantees named in this patent are — Sir Henry Roswell, Sir John Young, Sir Richard Saltonstall, Thomas Southcoat, John Humphrey, John Endccott, Simon JVhetcomb, Isaac Johnson, Samuel Aldersley, John Yen, Matthew Cradock, George Harwood, Increase Nowell, Richard Perry, Richard Bellingham, Nathaniel Wright, Samuel Vassal], Theophilus Eaton, Thomas GofFe, Thomas Adams, John Browne, Samuel Browne, Thomas Hutchins, William Vassall, William Pinchion, George Fox- croft. [The names in italics, are of the original purchasers.] JOHN WIXTHROP. 241 was constituted the first governor, and Thomas GofTe the deputy governor. Sir Richard Saltonstall, and 17 other persons were constituted assistants. A court of the Massachusetts company was soon after holden at London, and settled a form of government for the new colony. It ordained, that thirteen persons, such as should be reputed the most wise, honest, expert, and discreet, resident on the colonial plantation, should, from time to time, have the sole management of the gov- ernment and affairs of the colony; and they, to the best of their judgment were " to endeavour to so settle the same," as might "make most to the glory of God, the furtherance and advancement of this hopeful plantation, the comfort, encouragement, and future benefit of the company, and of others, concerned in the commencement or prosecution of the work. The persons thus appoint- ed, were to be entitled "The Governor and Council of London's Plantation in Massachusetts Bay, in New Eng- land.''* Several persons, of considerable importance in the English nation, were now enlisted among the adventur- ers, who, for the unmolested enjoyment of their religion, were resolved to remove into Massachusetts. Foresee- ing, however, and dreading the inconvenience of being governed by laws made for them without their own con- sent, they judged it more reasonable, that the colony should be ruled by men residing in the plantation, than by those dwelling at a distance of three thousand miles, and over whom they should have no control. At a meet- ing of the company on the 28th of July, Matthew Cra- dock, the governor, proposed that the charter should be - Hazard, i. 263—271 . 31 242 JOHN WINTHROP. transferred to those of the freemen who should become inhabitants of the colony, and the powers conferred by it, be executed for the future in New England. An agreement was accordingly made at Cambridge, in Eng- land, on the 26th of August, between Sir Richard Salton- stall, Thomas Dudley, Isaac Johnson, John Winthrop, and a few others, that, on those conditions they would be ready the ensuing March, with their persons and fam- ilies, to embark for New England, for the purpose of settling in the country.* The governor and company, entirely disposed to promote the measure, called a gener- al court; at which the deputy governor stated, that sev- eral gentlemen, intending to go to New England, were desirous to know whether the chief government with the patent would be settled in Old or New England. This question caused a serious debate. The court was ad- journed to the next day, when it was decreed that the government and the patent of the plantation should be transferred from London to Massachusetts Bay. An or- der was drawn up for that purpose, in pursuance of which, a court was holden on the 20th of October, for a new election of officers, who would be willing to remove with their families ; and ''^ the court having received ex- traordinary great commendation of Mr. John Winthrop, both for his integrity and sufficiency, as being one very well fitted for the place, with a full consent chose him governor for the year ensuing." It is evident from the charter, that the original design of it was to constitute a corporation in England, like to that of the East India and other great companies, with * See, in Hutch. Coll. 25, 26, " The true coppie of the agreements at Cam- bridge, August 26, 1629." JOHN WIXTIIROP. 243 power to settle plantations within the limits of the ter- ritory, under such forms of government and magistracy as should be fit and necessary. The first step in sending out Mr. Endecott, appointing him a council, giving him a commission, instructions, &lc, was agreeable to this construction of the charter.* The emigrants to Massachusetts had no special war- rant of toleration; they had not even the promise of connivance, which the pilgrims ten years before had ex- torted from James I. The charter does not once men- tion liberty of conscience or toleration ; though one his- torian! has inadvertently stated, that " free liberty of conscience was likewise granted to all w^ho should settle in the Massachusetts Bay, to worship God in their own way ;" and anotherj that ^' the charter granted toleration to all christians except papists." At the distance of three thousand miles, however, across the ocean, they felt themselves safe, beyond the reach of the archbishop and high commission courts. Preparations were now made for the removal of a large number of colonists, and in the spring of 1630, a fleet of fourteen sail was got ready. Mr. Winthrop having by the consent of all been chosen for their leader, imme- diately set about making preparations for his departure. He converted a fine estate of six or seven hundred pounds per annum into money, and in March embarked on board the Arbella, one of the principal ships. Before leaving Yarmouth, an address to their fathers and brethren remaining in England, was drawn up, and * Hutchinson's Hist. Colony Mass. Bay, 13. t Neal's Hist, of the Puritans, 4to. i. 544. t Hutchinson. 244 JOHN WINTHROP. subscribed on the 7th April, by Governor Winthrop and others^ breathing an affectionate farewell to the church of England; and their native land. "Wee are not of those that dream of perfection in this world; yet wee desire you would be pleased to take notice of the princi- pals and body of our company, as those who esteem it our honor to call the Church of England, whence wee rise, our deare Mother, and cannot part from our native Countrie, wdiere she especially resideth, without much sadness of heart, and many tears in our eyes, ever acknowl- edging that such hope and part as we here obtain in the common salvation, wee have received in her bosome, and suckt it from her breast: wee leave it not therefore, as loathing that milk wherewith wee were nourished there, but blessing God for the parentage and education, as members of the same body, shall alw^ays rejoice in her good, and unfainedly grieve for any sorrow that shall ever betide her."* In the same ship with Governor Winthrop, came Thomas Dudley, who had been chosen deputy governor after the embarkation,! and several other gentlemen of wealth and quality; the fleet containing about 840 pas- sengers, of various occupations, some of whom were from the west of England, but most from the neighbor- hood of London. — The fleet sailed early in April; and the Arbella arrived off Cape Anne, on Friday, the 11th June, and on the following day entered the harbor of Salem. " See App. No. I, Hutch. Colony Mass. Bay, 487. i Dudley was chosen at a meeting held on board the Arbella, on the 23d March, in place of Humphrey who remained in England. Prince says this election " is the last record of the Massachusetts Company in England." JOHN WINTHROP. 245 A lew days after their arrival, the i^ovcrnorj ami several of the principal persons of the colony, made an excursion some twenty miles along the bay, lor the pur- pose of selecting a convenient site for a town. They finally pitched down on the north side of Charles river, (Charlestown,) and took lodgings in the great house built there the preceding year; the rest of the company erected cottages, booths and tents for present accommoda- tion, about the town hill. Their place of assembling for divine service, was under a spreading tree. On the 8ih of July, a day of thanksgiving was kept for the safe ar- rival of the fleet. On the 30th of the same month, after a day of solemn prayer and fasting, the foundation of a church was laid at Charlestown, afterwards the first church of Boston, and Governor Winthrop, Deputy Governor Dudley, and the Rev. Mr. Wilson, entered into church covenant. The first court of assistants was held at Charlestown, on the 23d of August, and the first question proposed, was a suitable provision for the sup- port of the gospel. Towards the close of autumn, Governor Winthrop and most of the assistants removed to the peninsula of Shawmut, (Boston,) and lived there the first winter, in- tending in the spring to build a fortified town, but unde- termined as to its situation. On the sixth of December, they resolved to fortify the isthmus of that peninsula ; but, changing their minds before the month expired, they agreed upon a place about three miles above Charles- town, which they called first Newtown, and afterwards Cambridge, where they engaged to build houses the en- suing spring. The rest of the Minter they suffered much by the severity of the season, and were obliged to 246 JOHN WINTHROP. live upon acornSj groundnuts^ and shellfish. One of the poorer sort, coming to the governor to complain, was told that the last batch was in the oven ; but of this he had his share.* They had appointed the 6th of Febru- ry for a fast, in consequence of their alarm for the safety of a ship which had been sent to Ireland for provisions ; but fortunately the vessel arrived on the 5th, and they ordered a public thanksgiving instead thereof, to be kept on the 22d of the same month. In the spring of 1631, in pursuance of the intended plan, the governor set up the frame of a house at New- town ; the deputy governor also erected one there, and removed with his family. The town was taken under the patronage of the government, and deemed a fit place to be fortified. But about this time, Chickatabot,f the chief of the neighboring Indians of Neponset, made a visit to the governor, with voluntary professions of friendship. Gov- ernor Winthrop thus describes his first interview with this chief, under the date of March 23, 1631; — " Chickatabot came with his sannups (chiefs) and squaws, and presented the governor with a hogshead of Indian corn. After they had all dined, and had each a small cup of sack and beer, and the men tobacco, he sent away all his men and women (though the governor would have * " And when people's wants were great, not only in one town but in divers towns, such was the godly wisdom, care and prudence (not selfishness but self- denial,) of oar Governor Winthrop and his assistants, that when a ship came laden with provisions, they order that the whole cargo should be bought for a general stock ; and so accordingly it was, and distribution was made to every town, and to every person in each town, as every man had need." — Me- moirs of Capt. Roger Clap, p. 15. t See note respecting this savage, in Life of Bradford, p. 58. Chikkatabak was one of the nine sachems who signed an instrument of submission to the English at New Plymouth, 13 Sept., 1621. Drake writes his name Chicka- taubut; Winthrop, Chickatabot, as in the text. JOHN WINTHROP. 247 Stayed them in regard of the rain and thunder.) Himself and one squaw and one sannup stayed all night ; and be- ing in English clothes, the governor set him at his own table, where he behaved himself as soberly, &l.c., as an Englishman. The next day after dinner he returned home, the governor giving him cheese, and pease, and a mug, and other small things."* The apprehension of danger from the Indians abated, and the scheme of a forti^ed town was gradually laid aside; though, if it had been retained, the peninsula would have been a situation far preferable to Newtown. The governor took down his frame, and in October, 1631, removed it to Shawmut, which was finally deter- mined upon for the metropolis, and named Boston. The three following years he was continued, by annual election, at the head o^ the government, for Avhich office he was eminently qualified, and in which he shone with a lustre that would have done him honor in a larger sphere and a more elevated situation. He was the father, as well as governor, of the plantation. His time, his study, his exertions, his influence, and his in- terest, were all employed in the public service. His wis- dom, patience and magnanimity were conspicuous in the most severe trials, and his exemplary behavior as a chris- tian, added a splendor to all his rare qualifications. He maintained the dignity of a governor, with the obliging condescension of a gentleman, and was so deservedly re- spected and beloved, that when Archbishop Laud, heark- ening to some calumnies raised against the country, on account of their Puritan principles, summoned one Mr. Cleaves before King Charles I., in hopes of getting some * Winthrop's Journal, i. 48. 248 JOHN WINTHROP. accusation against the governor^ he gave such an account of his laudable deportment in his station^ and withal, of the devotion with which prayers were made, both in private and public, for the King, that Charles expressed his concern that so worthy a gentleman as Mr. Winthrop should be no better accommodated, than in an American wilderness. He was an example to the people, of that frugality, decency, and temperance, which were necessary in their circumstances, and even denied himself many of the ele- gances and superfluities of life, which his rank and for- tune gave him a just title to enjoy, both that he might set them a proper example, and be the better enabled to exercise that liberality in which he delighted, even, in the end, to the actual impoverishment of himself and his family. An instance is recorded in his Journal :* "The governor, upon consideration of the inconveniences which had grown in England by drinking one to another, re- strained it at his own table, and wished others to do the like, so as it grew, by little and little, to disuse." The following anecdote, related in his Journal, under date of the 11 Oct. 1631, will serve to show the accom- modations which were sometimes found in the wilder- ness : '^ The governor, being at his farm-house at Mis- tick, (Medford,) walked out after supper, and took a piece in his hand, supposing he might see a wolf, (for they came daily about the house, and killed swine, calves, &c.) and, being about half a mile off, it grew suddenly dark, so as in coming home, he mistook his path, and went till he came to a little house of Sagamore John, which stood empty ; there he stayed, and having t Savage's Winthrop, i. 37. JOHN WINTHROP. 249 a match in his pocketj (for he always carried about his match and compass,) he made a good fire and warmed the house, and hiy down upon some old mats he found there and so spent the night, sometimes walking by the fire, sometimes singing psalms, and sometimes getting wood, but could not sleep. It was a warm night; but a little before day it began to rain, and, having no cloak, he made shift by a long pole to climb up into the house. In the morning there came thither an Indian squaw; but, perceiving her before she had opened the door, he barred her out ; yet she stayed there a great while, essaying to get in, and at last she went away, and he returned safe home, his servant having been much per- plexed for him, and having walked about, and shot off pieces, and hallooed in the night, but he heard them not."* Governor Winthrop would often send his ser- vants on some errand, at meal-times, to the houses of his neighbors, to see how they were provided with food ; and if there was a deficiency, would supply them from his own table. The following singular instance of his charity, mixed with humor, will give us an idea of the man. In a very severe winter, when wood began to be scarce in Boston, he received private information, that a neigh- bor was wont to help himself from the pile at his door. ^^ Does he.'^" said the Governor; ^^call him to me, and I will take a course with him that shall cure him of steal- ing." The man appeared, and the Governor addressed him thus : " Friend, it is a cold winter, and I hear you are meanly provided with wood ; you are welcome to help yourself at my pile till the winter is over;" and " Savage's Winthrop, i. 62. 32 250 JOHN WINTHROP. then he merrily asked his friend whether he had not put a stop to the man's stealing. In the administration of justice, he was for temper- ing the severity of law with the exercise of mercy. He judged that in the infancy of a plantation^ justice should be administered with more lenity than in a settled state. Complaints of the liberal spirit of Governor Winthrop were made at a meeting of some of the leading men of the colony, in January, 1636 ; when Mr. Haynes, then governor, charged that Mr. Winthrop, while in office, had ^^ dealt too remissly in point of justice." Winthrop replied, that his conduct had been in part misunderstood, but "that it was his judgment, that in the infancy of plantations, justice should be administered with more lenity than in a settled state, because people were then more apt to transgress, partly of ignorance of new laws and orders, partly through oppression of business, and other straits." He professed himself ready, however, on being convinced of error, to take up a stricter course. The ministers were then called on for advice in the case, who all decided " that strict discipline, both in criminal offences and martial affairs, was more needful in plantations than in a settled state, as tending to the honor and safety of the gospel," Whereupon Mr. Winthrop acknowledged that he was convinced that he had failed in over much leni- ty, and submitted to their judgment, strictly adhering thereafter to the proposals which were made to support the dignity of government, by an appearance of union and firmness, and a concealment of differences and dis- sensions among the public officers. Dr. Savage, remark- ing upon this passage in the life of Governor Winthrop, says — " When the administration of Winthrop was im- JOHN AVINTHROP. 251 peached by Governor llaynes, for too great lenity, it seems natural, that such severe tempers as Dudley, and Vane, and Peter, should unite in the attack ; and as the rest of the clergy probably agreed with their ardent brother Peter, the maxims of the first governor of the col- ony would be overruled ; but when their united influences were strong enough to compel him to acknowledge his remissness in discipline, we are bound, as in our early history we often are, to lament the undue dictation of the church."* His delicacy w^as so great, that though he could not, without incivility, decline accepting gratuities from divers towns, as well as particular persons, for his public ser- vices, yet he took occasion, in a public speech at his third election, in 1632, to declare that "he received them with a trembling heart in regard of God's rule and the consciousness of his own infirmity," and desired them that for the future they would not be offended, if he should wholly refuse such presents. "To which no answer was made, but he was told after, that many good people were much grieved at it, for that he never had any allowance towards the charge of his place."f In the year 1634, and the two years following, he was left out of the magistracy. | Though his conduct, from his first engaging in the service of the colony, had been irreproachable, yet the envy of some raised a suspicion of his fidelity, and gave him a small taste of what, in other popular governments, their greatest benefactors have had a large share of. An inquiry having been made of * Savage's Winthrop, i. 179, note. i Savage's Winthrop, i. 77. t In 1634, Thomas Dudley was chosen governor; in 1635, John Haynes; and in 1636, Henry Vane. 252 JOHN WINTHROP. his receipts and disbursements of the public money during his past administration, though it was conducted in a manner too harsh for his dehcate sensibihty, yet he pa- tiently submitted to the examination of his accounts, which ended to his honor. Upon which occasion he made a declaration, which concluded in these words : " In all these things which I offer, I refer myself to the wisdom and justice of the court, with this protestation, that it repenteth me not of my cost and labour bestowed in the service of this commonwealth ; but I do heartily bless the Lord our God, that he hath been pleased to honor me so far as to call for any thing he hath bestow- ed upon me, for the service of his Church and people here ; the prosperity whereof, and his gracious accept- ance, shall be an abundant recompense to me." In a spirit of innocence and in the pride of just self-respect, he adds the particular request, that ^^as it stands upon record that upon the discharge of my office I was called to account, so this my declaration may be recorded also, lest hereafter, when I shall be forgotten, some blemish may lie upon my posterity, when there be nothing to clear it."* The same rare humility and steady equality of mind were conspicuous in his behavior, when a pretence was raised to get him left out of the government, lest, by the too frequent choice of one man, the office should cease to be elective, and seem to be his by prescription. This pretence was advanced even in the election sermons, and when he was in fact reduced to a lower station in the government, and endeavored to serve the people as faith- fully as in the highest ; nor would he suffer any notice to * Hutchinson's Coll. Mass. Bay, 41. JOHN WINTHROP. 23S be taken of some undue methods whicli Vere used to have him left out of the choice.* An instance of this rare temper, and the happy fruit of it, deserve remembrance. There was a time when he received a very angry letter from a member of the Court, which having read, he dehvered back to the mes- senger, with this answer: '^I am not wilHng to keep such an occasion of provocation by me." Shortly after, the writer of this letter, (Thomas Dudley,) was compel- led, by the scarcity of provision, to send to buy one of the governor's fat hogs. He begged him to accept it as a gift, in token of his good v, ill. On which the gentle- man came to him with this acknowledgment : '^ Sir, your overcoming yourself, hath overcome me." The deputy governor Dudley was of a choleric temper, and frequently got into controversy with Governor Winthrop ; but the latter, using the weapons most effectual with passionate men, generally conquered with kindness. But though condescending and gentle on every occa- sion of personal ill treatment, yet, where the honor of government or religion, and the interest of the people, were concerned, he was equally firm and intrepid, stand- ing foremost in opposition to those whom he judged to be really public enemies, though in the disguise of warm and zealous friends. Of this number was the famous Anne Hutchinson, a woman of masculine understanding and consummate art, who held private lectures to the women at her house, * This probably refers to tlie election of Eellingham in 1C41. He had six more votes than the other candidates, " but some votes were refused by the magistrates because they had not given them in at the doors. But others," says Winthrop (ii., 35,) "thought it was an injury, yet were silent, because it concerned themselves." 254 JOHN WINTHROP. in which she" advanced these doctrines^ viz. : " that the Holy Ghost dwells personalhj in a justified person^ and that sanctification does not evidence justification." Those who held with her, were said to be " under a covenant of grace/' and those who opposed her, " under a cove- nant of works."* Into these two denominations, the whole colony be- gan to be divided. Her adherents prevailed in 1636 to choose for governor Henry Vanejf a young gentleman of an apparently grave and serious deportment, who had just arrived from England, and who paid great attention to this woman, and seemed zealously attached to her dis- tinguishing tenets. Winthrop, then deputy-governor, not only differed in sentiment, but saw the pernicious in- fluence of this controversy with regret, and feared that, * Neal gives the origin of the controversy in the following words; "The members of the church at Boston, used to meet once a week, to repeat the ser- mons they heard on the Lord's Day, and to debate on the doctrines contained in them. Those meetings being peculiar to the men, some of the zealous women thought it might be useful to them. One Mrs. Hutchinson, a gentlewoman of a bold and masculine spirit, and a great admirer of Mr. Cotton, set up one at her house. She taught that believers in Christ are personally united to the Spirit of God ; that commands to work out our salvation with fear and trem- bling, belong to none but such as are under the covenant of works ; that sanc- tification is not good evidence of a good estate. She likewise set up immedi- ate revelation about future events, to be believed as equally infallible with the Scriptures ; and a great many other opinions and fancies, which, under a pre- tence of exalting the free grace of God, destroyed the practical part of reli- gion." Neal's Hist., c. 5. p. 166. t This person, so well known afterward in England, is thus characterized by Lord Clarendon : "A man of great natural parts and of very profound dissimulation, of a quick conception, and ready, sharp, and weighty expression. He had an unu- sual aspect, a vultum clausum, that, though no man could make a guess of what he intended, yet made men think there was something in him extraordinary, and his whole life made good that imagination. There need no more be said of his ability than he was chosen to cozen and deceive a whole nation [the Scots] which was thought to excel in craft and cunning, which" he did with a notable pregnancy and dexterity." JOHN WINTHROP. 255 it" it were suffered to prevailj it would endanger the ex- istence of the colony. In the heat of the controversy, Wheelwright, a zealous sectarian, preached a sermon, which not only carried these points to their utmost length, but contained some expressions which the court laid hold of as tending to sedition, for which he was ex- amined ; but a more full inquiry was deferred for that time. Some warm brethren, of Boston, petitioned the couit in Wheelwright's favor, reflecting on their pro- ceedings, which raised such a resentment in the court against the town, that a motion was made for the next election to be made at Cambridge. Vane, the governor, having no negative voice, could only show his dislike by refusing to put the question. Winthrop, the deputy- governor, declined it, as being an inhabitant of Boston ; the question was then put by Endecott of Salem, and carried for the removal. At the opening of the election, (May 17, 1637,) a petition was again presented by many inhabitants of Boston, which Vane would have read previous to the choice. Winthrop, who clearly saw that this- was a con- trivance to throw all into confusion, and spend the day in debate, that the election might be prevented for that time, opposed the reading of the petition until the elec- tion should be over. Vane and his party were strenuous, but Winthrop called to the people to divide, and the ma- jority appeared for the election. Vane still refused, till Winthrop said they would proceed without him, which obliged him to submit. The election was carried in fa- vor of Winthrop and his friends. The sergeants, who had waited on Vane to the place of election, threw down their halberds, and refused to attend the newly-elected 256 JOHN WINTHROP. governor : he took no other notice of the affront than to order his own servants to bear them before him; and when the people expressed their resentment^ he begged them to overlook the matter.* The town of Boston being generally in favor of the new opinions^ the governor grew unpopular there, and a law which was passed in this year of his restoration to office, increased their dislike. Many persons who were supposed to favor these opinions were expected from England, to prevent whose settlement in the country the court laid a penalty on all w^ho should entertain any stran- gers, or allow them the use of any house or lot above three weeks, without liberty first granted. This severe order was so ill received in Boston, that, on the gover- nor's return from the court at Cambridge, they all re- fused to go out to meet him, or show him any token of respect. The other towns on this occasion increased their respect towards him, and the same summer, in a journey to Ipswich, he was guarded from tow^n to town with more ceremony than he desired. The same year a synod was called (30 August, 1637,) to determine on the controverted points, in which assem- bly, Winthrop, though he did not preside, yet, as head of the civil magistracy, was obliged often to interpose his authority, which he did with wisdom and gravity, silenc- ing passionate and impertinent speakers, desiring that * Hutchinson tells the anecdote, that Rev. Mr. Wil.son, the minister, in his zeal, upon this occasion, got upon the bough of a tree, (it being hot weather, and the election like that of parliament-men being carried on in the field,) and there made a speech, advising the people to look to their charter, and to consi- der the present work of the day, which was designed for the choosing the gov- ernor, deputy governor, and the rest of the assistants for the government of the commonwealth. His speech was well received by the people, who cried out "election ! election ! " which turned the scale. JOHN WINTHROP. 257 the Divine Oracles might be allowed to express their own meaning, and be appealed to for a decision of the controversy ; and when he saw heat and passion prevail in the assemblvj he would adjourn it, that lime might be allowed for cool consideration, by which prudent manage- ment the synod, after a session of three weeks, came to an amicable agreement in condemning the errors of the day. Eighty-two opinions, imputed to the followers of Cotton and Wheelwright, were condemned as erro- neous.* But the work was not wholly done until the erroneous persons were themselves banished the colony. Wheelwright, Aspinwall, Anne Hutchinson and others were accordingly banished — this act of severity being" deemed necessary to preserve the peace of the common- w^ealth. Toleration had not then been introduced into any of the protestant countries, and the wisest and best men were afraid of it, as the parent of error and mischief. Some of the zealous opinionists in the Church of Bos- ton, would have had the elders proceed against the gov- ernor in the way of ecclesiastical discipline, for his activ- ity in procuring the sentence of banishment on their brethren. Upon this occasion, to excuse himself, and ^^ prevent such a public disorder," in a well-judged speech to the congregation, he told them that, though in his private capacity it was his duty to submit to the censure of his brethren, yet he was not amenable to them for his conduct as a magistrate, even though it were unjust. That in the present case he had acted according to his con- * Those who have the curiosity to look at the jargon of opinions deemed by our fathers to be heretical, are referred to Welde's " Short Story of the Rise, Reiffn and Ruin of Antinomians, Familists, and Libertines, that infested the Churches of New England," published in London, 1644. 33 258 JOHN WINTHROP. science and his oath, and by the advice of the elders of the Churchy and was fully satisfied that it would not have been consistent with the public peace to have done oth- erwise. These reasons satisfied the uneasy brethren; and his general condescending and obliging deportment so restored him to their affections, that he was held in greater esteem than before ; as a proof of this, some years afterwards, upon occasion of a loss which he had sustain- ed in his temporal estate, they made him a present amounting to several hundred pounds. A warm dispute having arisen in the General Court, concerning the negative voice of the Upper House, the governor published his sentiments in writing, some pas- sages of which giving great offence, he took occasion at the next meeting of the court, in a public speech, to tell them " that, as to the matter of his writing, it was accord- ing to his judgment, which was not at his own dispo- sal, and that, having examined it by the rules of reason, religion, and custom, he saw no cause to retract it ; but as for the manner, which was w^holly his own, he was ready to acknowledge whatever was blameable. He said that, though what he wrote was on great provocation, and to vindicate himself and others from unjust aspersion, yet he ought not to have allowed a distemper of spirit^ nor to have been so free with the reputation of his breth- ren ; that he might have maintained his cause without casting any reflections on them, and that he perceived an unbecoming pride and arrogancy in some of his expres- sions, for which he desired forgiveness of God and man." By this condescending spirit, he greatly endeared himself to his friends, and his enemies were ashamed of their opposition. JOHX WINTHROP. 259 He had nat so high an opinion of a democratic gov- ernment as some other gentlemen of equal wisdom and goodness, but " plainly perceived a danger in referring matters of council and judicature to the body of the peo- ple ;" and when those who had removed to Connecticut were about forming their government, he warned them of this danger in a friendly and faithful letter, wherein are these expressions : " The best part of a community is always the least, and of that best part, the wiser is al- ways the lesser ; wherefore the old law was, choose ye out judges, &,c., and thou shalt bring the matter to the judge." Governor Winthrop w^as one of the original found- ers of Harvard College, and his name and influence were always given in its support. There is no one, (says President Quincy,) to whose patronage the college was more indebted, during the period of its infancy, and con- sequent weakness and dependence.* In 1645, w^hen he was deputy-governor, a great dis- turbance grew out of some transactions at Hingham. It was briefly this : A disagreement had fallen out in a mili- tary company at Hingham, touching an election of offi- cers, which led to some mutinous and disorderly practices there; and the offenders being required to find bail for their appearance at court, Winthrop, as a magistrate, on the refusal of some of them, ordered them to be com- mitted. As there existed at that time great jealousy of the authority of the magistrates, and as this business ex- cited much feeling in Hingham, a petition, numerously signed, was presented to the deputies, asking that the case might be examined by the General Court. Win- * Quincy's Hist. Harv. Univ., i. 163 260 JOHN WINTHROP. throp was put on trial, and, after a prolonged examination of six weeks, was fully acquitted, and the mutineers and petitioners were fined in various sums, from <£l to =£20-, for the costs of the court. Governor Winthrop now took occasion publicly to declare his sentiments on the ques- tions touching the authority of the magistrates, and the liberty of the people. ^^It is yourselves (said he) who have called us to this office, and being called by you, we have our authority from God, in way of an ordinance, such as hath the image of God eminently stamped upon it, the contempt and violation whereof has been vin- dicated with examples of divine vengeance. I entreat you to consider, that when you choose magistrates, you take them from among yourselves, men subject to like passions as you are. Therefore, when you see in- firmities in us, you should reflect upon your own, and that would make you bear the more with us, and not be severe censurers of the faihngs of your magistrates, when you have continued experience of the like in- firmities in yourselves and others. We account him a good servant, who breaks not his covenant. The cove- nant between you and us, is the oath you have taken of us, which is to this purpose, that we shall govern you and judge your causes by the rules of God's laws and our own,* according to our best skill. When you call one to be a magistrate, he doth not profess to nor under- take sufficient skill for that office, nor can you furnish him with gifts, &.C.; therefore you must run the hazard of his skill and ability. But if he fail in faithfulness, which by his oath he is bound unto, that he must answer for. * It must be observed, that the Mosaic law was at this time considered the general standard, and most of the laws of the colony were founded on it. JOHN WIXTHROP. 261 " For the other point, concerning liberty, I observe a great mistake in the country about that. There is a two- fold liberty, natural, (I mean as oiir nature is now cor- rupt,) and civil or federal. The first is common to man with beasts and other creatures. By this, man, as he stands in relation to man simply, hath liberty to do what he lists ; it is a liberty to evil, as well as to good. This liber- ty is incompatible with authority, and cannot endure the least restraint of the most just authority The other kind of liberty I call civil or federal; it may also be termed moral, in reference to the covenant between God and man, in the moral law, and the politic covenants and constitutions amongst men themselves. This liberty is the proper end and object of authority, and cannot sub- • sist without it: and it is a liberty to that only which is good, just and honest. This liberty you are to stand for, with the hazard not only of your goods, but of your lives, if need be."* In the following year, a great excitement grew out of the petitions of such as were non-freemen, who com- plained that the fundamental laws of England were not owned in the colony as the basis of government; that, civil privileges were denied to men merely for not being members of the churches ; and that they could not enjoy Divine ordinances, because they belonged to the Church of England. With these complaints, they petitioned for liberty of conscience; or, if that could not be granted, * From Mather's mutilated transcript of Governor Winthrop's speech on this occasion, the authors of the Modern Universal History, condensed and adorned, in vol. xxxix. 291,2, their report, as if delivered in St. Stephen's chapel, of " the following speech, which is equal to any thing of antiquity, whether we consider it as coming from a philosopher or a magistrate." Savage remarks, that the original from Winthrop's own pen is far superior to their copy. See Savage's Winthrop, i. 5, and ii. 221—230. 262 JOHN WINTHROP. for freedom from taxes and military services : the peti- tion concluded with a menace, that^ in case of a refusal, complaint would be made to the Parliament of England. From the foundation of the colony, all persons residing within its limits, who were not church members, were subject to several important disabilities. They were ex- cluded from all the offices and honors of the state ; they were not allowed to vote in elections or on laws, even for town-laws and officers, saving only those of military companies. They were, moreover, we can hardly doubt, looked upon by the church members, not only with pity as lost men, but with somewhat of indignation as rebels against the Divine law, and treated sometimes with the indifference or disregard which is often all that the more privileged bestow upon the less. Among those who were not members of a church, and so but half members of the state, there were not a few persons eminent for learning and talent, on whom these disabilities bore griev- ously. Hence arose, and gradually increased, a dislike of the government, and a purpose to get rid of the odious restrictions^ which at length gave rise to the petition referred to. William Vassall, of Scituate, a man of learn- ing, wit, and address, w^as one of the leading fomenters of this movement ; and Dr. Robert Child, of Hingham, whom Winthrop calls ^^ a gentleman and a scholar," ably seconded his efforts. The court refused to entertain the petition, and an appeal was claimed to the commissioners in Parliament. Some of the petitioners were stopped on the eve of their sailing for England, and held to bail. On their examination they justified their petition, and were fined in various sums from £4 to £50. Persisting in their opposition, and while preparing to prosecute JOHN WINTHROP. 263 their appeal, Child and others were arrested and impris- oned. He afterwards went to England, where Vassal] was already, and attempted to excite an odium against the colony, but was successfully resisted by Edward Winslow, their agent.* This kind of argument was frequently urged by the fathers of New England, in justification of their severity towards those who dissented from ihem : they main- tained that all men had liberty to do right, but no liberty to do lorong. However true this principle may be in point of morality, yet in matters of opinion, in modes of faith, worship, and ecclesiastical order, the question is, who shall be the judge of right and wrong.? and it is too evident, from their conduct, that they supposed the power of judging to be in those who were vested with authority ; a principle destructive of liberty of conscience and the right of private judgment, and big with all the horrors of persecution. The exercise of such authority they condemned in the High Church party, who had oppressed them in England ; and yet, such is the frailty of human nature, they held the same principles and practised the same oppressions on those who dissented from them here. Winthrop, before he left England, was of a more catholic spirit than some of his brethren ; after he had come to America, he fell in with the reigning principle of intolerance, which almost all the Reformers unhappily retained, as a relic of the persecuting Church from which they had separated ; but as he advanced in life, he re- sumed his former moderation ; and in the time of his last sickness, when Dudley, the deputy-governor, pressed * See Life of Edward Winslow, pp. 124—128. 264 JOHN WINTHROP. him to sign an order for the banishment of a person who was deemed heterodox, he refused, saying that " he had done too much of that work already." Having devoted the greatest part of his interest to the service of the pubhc, and suffered many losses by ac- cidents, and by leaving the management of his private affairs to unfaithful servants, while his whole time and attention were employed in the public business, his for- tune was so much impaired, that, some years before his death, he was obliged to sell the most of his estate for the payment of an accumulated debt. Not only his time, but much of his estate also, was given to the public. In 1632, he tells us, "For want of a common stock, he had to disburse all common charges out of his estate."* In 1633, the court ordered to be paid him <£150 salary for the year, and the money he had paid from his own purse in the public service, being between £200 and <£300 more.f He informs us that when in office, his expenses hardly fell short of £500 a year, £200 of which would have supported his family in a private condition. In 1640, his estate had become so reduced, partly by the misconduct of his steward, who had contracted large obhgations (£2500) for him without his knowledge, that several hundred pounds (less than 500) were given him by voluntary contribution in the colony ; and the court, the treasury being, as it often was, empty, granted to his wife 3000 acres of land : a strong proof of the high esteem in which he was held, as well as of sympathy for his misfor- tunes. J — In his will, made June, 1641, (afterward re- voked,) he mentions that he owned a farm at Medford, then as now called " the Ten-hills," an island called still * Journal, i. 86. f Ibid, i. 105. { Ibid, ii. 1, 2. JOHN WINTHROP. 265 Governor's, in Boston Harbor, Prudence Island in Nar- ragansett Bay, a lot at Concord, and another of 1200 acres on the Concord River, and 2000 acres still due him from the country.* He also met with much affliction in his family, hav- ing buried three wives and six children; These trou- bles, joined to the opposition and ill treatment which he frequently met with from some of the people, so preyed upon his nature, already much worn by the toils and hardships of planting a colony in a wilderness, that he perceived a decay of his faculties seven years before he reached his grand climacteric, and often spoke of his approaching dissolution, with a calm resignation to the will of Heaven. At length, when he had entered the sixty-second year of his age, a fever occasioned by a cold, after one menth's confinement, put an end to his life, on the 26th of March, 1649. He was buried in the Chapel burial ground in Boston, where his monument may yet be seen. Upon the occasion of the last sickness of Governor Winthrop, the whole church fasted as well as prayed for him ; and in that fast, the venerable Cotton preached on Psalms XXXV. 13, 14; making this application — '^Upon this occasion we are now to attend this duty for a gover- nour, who has been to us as a friend in his counsel for all things, and help for our bodies by physick, for our estates by law, and of whom there was no fear of his be- coming an enemy, like the friends of David: a gover- nour who has been to us as a brother: not usurping au- thority over the church ; often speaking his advice, and often contradicted, even by young men, and some of low * Journal, ii. 360. 34 266 JOHN WINTHROP. degree; yet not replying, but offering satisfaction also when any supposed offences have arisen ; a governour^ who has been to us as a mother, parent-like distributing his goods to brethren and neighbors at his first coming ; and gently bearing our infirmities without taking notice of them."* A fine portrait of Governor Winthrop is preserved in the Senate Chamber of Massachusetts, with those of other ancient governors. The house in which he lived re- mained until 1775, when with many other old wooden buildings, it was torn down by the British troops and used for fuel. He lived on the lot at the corner of Milk street, Boston, part of which was afterwards taken for the Old South Church, and in the house subsequently oc- cupied by Prince, the chronologist. Governor Winthrop kept an exact journal of the occurrences and transactions in the colony, during his residence in it; entitled " The History of JYew England, from 1630 to 1649." It affords a more exact and cir- cumstantial detail of events within that period than any compilation which has been or can be made from it ; the principles and conduct of this truly great and good man therein appear in the light in which he himself viewed them; while his abilities for the arduous station which he held, the difficulties which he had to encounter, and his fidelity in business, are displayed with that truth and justice in which they ought to appear. The Journal was originally written in three separate books. The two first remained, unpublished and un- copied, in possession of the elder branch of the Winthrop family, until the revolutionary war, when Gov. Trum- * Mather's Magnalia, b. 2. c. 4. JOHN WINTHROP. 267 bull of Connecticut procured the MS., and, with the assistance of liis secretary, copied a considerable part of it. After Governor Trumbull's death, Noah Webster, Esq. by consent of the descendants of Governor Win- throp, published the MS. believing it to be the entire work. It was printed at Hartford, in 1790, in an octavo volume of 370 pages : and brought down the Journal to the 26th October, 1G44. In 1816, the third book of the original MS. was found among the collections of the Rev. ]\Ir. Prince, in the dormitory of the Old South Church, where for sixty years it had remained unnoticed. It commences where the second volume closed, and con- tinues the Journal to January 1 1, 1649, which was within about ten weeks of the author's death. The whole work was evidently in the hands of Mr. Prince in 1755,* as it must have been previously in those of Mather and Hubbard. The fortunate preservation and recovery of the third volume of the MS. Journal of Winthrop, as above stat- ed, induced the indefatigable New England antiquary, Hon. James Savage, to undertake the preparation of a new edition, by whom the task was accomplished in 1825. Dr. Savage carefully revised the text, and added a large body of illustrative notes, which are unrivalled for historical accuracy, sagacity, and learning. There is in the Library of the New York Historical Society, a MS. entitled '^ J Modell of Christian Charity. Written on board the Arbella, on the Atlantic Ocean. By the Hon. John Winthrop, Esqr. in his passage (with a great company of Religious people, of which Christian * See Prince's Advertisement, prefacing Continuation of his Annals, II Mass. Hist. Coll., vii. 100. 268 JOHW WINTHROP. tribes he was the Brave leader and famous Governor : ) from the Island of Great Brittaine to New England in the North America. Anno 1630." It is an interesting paper, and has been reprinted in III Mass. Hist. Coll. viii. 31—48. Governor Winthrop was four times married, and had thirteen children. His first wife was Mary, daughter of John Forth, Esq. of Great Stanbridge in Essex, to whom he was married on the 16th April, 1605. She was buried on the 26 June, 1615. His second wife was Thomasin, daughter of William Clopton, who appears to have survived but a short time the period of her marriage, as her burial is mentioned as having taken place on the 1 1 December, 1616. The third wife of Governor Winthrop was Mar- garet, daughter of Sir John Tindal, Knt.* to whom he was married on the 29th April, 1618. She died at Bos- ton, 14 June, 1647, being, says the brief record in Win- throp's Journal, "about fifty-six years of age: a woman of singular virtue, prudence, modesty and piety, and es- pecially beloved and honored of all the country." Gov- ernor Winthrop afterwards, in 1648, married Martha, the widow of Thomas Coytmore, of Charlestown, who died on the coast of Wales, in 1645. She was the sis- ter of Increase Nowell. She survived Governor Win- throp, and on the 10 th March, 1651, was married to John Coggan, a successful merchant of Boston, who was her third husband. The children of Governor Win- throp, were — * This gentleman, who was a Master in Chancery, was assassinated 12 Nov., 1616, for making a report against a suitor in a cause of comparatively small amount. The murderer was examined 16 Nov., and next day hanged himself in prison. JOHN WINTHROP. 269 1. John, who was born atGroton, England, 12 Feb. 1606. After completing his education in the University of CambridgCj and in Trinity College, Dublin, he trav- elled into France, Holland, Flanders, Italy, Germany, and Turkey, and united the accomplishments of a gen- tleman with the erudition of a scholar. In 1631, he came with his father's family to New England, and was chosen a magistrate of the colony of which his father was governor. In 1633, he began the plantation of Ipswich. In 1634, he went to England, and in 1635 returned with powers from lords Say and Seal, and Brook, to settle a plantation at the mouth of Connecticut river. He was afterwards chosen governor of the colony of Connecti- cut. — At the restoration of Charles II. he went to Eng- land, and obtained a charter incorporating New Haven and Connecticut into one colony, "with a grant of priv- ileges and powers of government, superior to any plan- tation which had been settled in America." From this time he was elected governor of Connecticut fourteen years successively till his death. He was one of the most distinguished philosophers of his age. His name appears among the founders of the Royal Society of London. Several of his essays are inserted in the Transactions. In the height of the Indian war, while he was attending to his official duty in Boston, as one of the Commission- ers of the United Colonies, he fell sick of a fever, and died April 7, 1676, and was buried in the same tomb with his father.* 2. Henry, born in Groton, in Jan. 1607. He was accidentally drowned at Salem, 2 July 1630, the day * Further particulars respecting the second Governor Winthrop, and his de- scendants, will appear in the Lives of the Governors of Connecticut, in a future volume of this work. 270 JOHN WINTHROP. after his arrival. He had married a lady by the name of Fones, and left issue a daughter. 3. Forth, who died in England a short time after his father sailed. 4. Anna, baptized 8 August, 1614, and buried the 26th of the same month. 5. Anna, baptized 26 June, 1615, and buried the 29th of that month. 6. Mary, who is mentioned in the will of her fatherj dated 17 May, 1620. She was married about 1633, to Rev. Samuel Dudley, son of Governor Thomas Dudley, who resided at Cambridge, Boston, and Salisbury, and finally settled at Exeter, N. H., as the minister of that town. She died at Salisbury, 12 April, 1643. 7. Stephen, born in March, 1619; was. representa- tive from Pascataqua, N. H. in 1644; went to England in 1645 or 1646, with Rainsburrow, his brother-in-law, lived in the parish of St. Margaret, in Westminster, com- manded a regiment in Cromwell's time, and became a member of parliament. He was much trusted by the Protector. He succeeded General Harrison, the exqui- site enthusiast, who troubled Cromwell so much with his anticipation of a kingdom of saints.* He died prior to 1659. 8. Adam, born 7 April, 1620, admitted freeman in 1641, and died 24 Aug., 1652. His wife was Elizabeth Glover.f His son Adam, graduate at Harvard College, 1668, commanded one of the three militia companies of * See note in Savage's Winthrop, i. 126. t Dr. Farmer, in his Genealogy, following earlier authorities, makes Adam the eldest son of Winthrop by his third wife ; but the Parish Register of Gro- ton, in Suffolk, extracts from which are furnished in Savage's " Gleanings for New England History," (HI Mass. Hist. Coll. viii.) makes Stephen the elder son by this marriage. JOHN VVINTHROP. 271 Bostoiij which assembled on the deposition of Andros, was representative for several years, a counsellor under the charter of 1691, and a judge of the superior court, and died 30th August, 1700, aged 52. His son Adam, graduated at Harvard College, 1694, was representative and counsellor, and commanded the Boston regiment. He died 2d October, 1743. His son John, gi-aduated at Harvard College, 1732, was in 1738, appointed Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, in Harvard College, and was one of the most learned men of the age. He died 3d May, 1779, aged 64."* 9. Deane. He was born March 16, 1623, was mem- ber of the artillery company, 1644, freeman, 1665, was concerned in the settlement of Groton, which was pro- bably so named, in honor of his father's native place. He died at Pulling Point, March 16, 1704, aged 81. 10. Samuel, born in August, 1627. In 1647, he was in the West Indies. In 1647, his father writes to John Winthrop, Jr., that Samuel was married in Holland to a Dutch woman, and was intending to visit Boston on his way to Barbadoes. 11. Anne. This daughter was born in April, 1630, after her father had left England. She died on the pas- sage to this country, when eighteen months old. 12. William, born 14th August, 1632. He proba- bly died young, as the records do not mention his birth. 13. Joshua, born 12th December, 1648, the only child by his last wife. After the death of Governor Win- throp, the General Court gave £200 to his infant Joshua ; and in case he died before attaining the age of twenty- * See notice of Professor Winthrop, in Quincy's History Harvard Univer- sity, ii. 207—224. 272 JOHN WINTHROP. one years, one-third of the sum was to go to the widow, one-third to Deane Winthrop, and the remaining third to Samuel Winthrop. The paternal regard of the colo- ny was, however, ineffectual, as the Boston records show that " Joshua Winthrop, youngest son of the late Mr. John Winthrop, Esquire, died 11th January, 1651.'' Governor Winthrop had five sons living at the time of his decease, all of whom, notwithstanding the reduction of his fortune, acquired and possessed large property, and were persons of eminence. The high reputation of the first Governor of Massachusetts, has been well sus- tained by succeeding generations of his family ; and no name, perhaps, in the history of New England has been more richly adorned by exalted public and private char- acter, or more generally respected, than t^iat of Win- throp.* * Additional genealogical notes, and sketches of the distinguished descend- ants of Governor Winthrop, will be given in the Memoirs of the Governors of Connecticut. i 273 II. THOMAS DUDLEY. Thomas Dudley, one of the most distinguished of the Puritan settlers of New England, and second gover- nor of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, was born at Northampton, in the neighborhood of the residence of the Earl of Northampton, in the year 1576. There is a tradition among the descendants of Governor Dudley, in the eldest branch of the family, that he was descended from John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, who was beheaded 22 February, 1 553, and some of the name have been anxious to trace their descent to that ambitious courtier; but whoever will take the pains to consult Dug- dale's Antiquities of Warwickshire, will be satisfied that our honest old Puritan could not have descended from the Dudleys, who figure so much in English history. His descent, however, was probably quite as honorable ; as Dugdale produces evidence to show that Edmund Dud- ley, the privy counsellor of Plenry VII., was the son, or grandson of John Dudley, a carpenter, and of very hum- ble origin — and not descended from the family of Sutton, Baron of Dudley, in Staffordshire, as was pretended by the Duke. It was the marriage of Edmund Dudley with Elizabeth, the daughter and heiress of Sir Edward Grey, Viscount Lisle, that gave to him his family distinc- tion, and his talents gave him his influence and power. He was born in 1462, became a lawyer and privy coun- sellor to Henry VIL, and speaker of the House of Com- mons in 1505. He retained the favor of this monarch, who bestowed upon him great wealth. Henry VIII., 35 274 THOMAS DUDLEY. inherited his father's treasures, but not his friendships ; and Dudley was beheaded on Tower Hill, 22 Aug. 1510,^ John Dudley, the son of Edmund, was born in 1502, and after the accession cf Edward VI., was made Earl of Warwick, and in 1551, Duke of Northumberland-r He fell in the vain attempt to raise his daughter-in-law, the Lady Jane Grey, wife of Lord Guilford Dudley, to the throne, as successor of Edward, and was beheaded by order of Queen Mary, 22 Feb. 1553. Sir Robert Dudley, son of the Duke of Northumberland, born 1532, was a favorite of Queen Ehzabeth, by whom, in 1564^ he was made Baron of Denbigh and Earl of Leicester, He died 4 Sept. 1588. Ambrose Dudley, brother to the Earl of Leicester, who died at Bedford House, near Lon- don, 21 Feb. 1589, was "deservedly called the good Earl of Warwick."* The Duke of Northumberland had eight sons and five daughters, and from one of these sons, the Rev. Samuel Dudley, son of Governor Thomas,, supposed his family to have been derived. A late writer, speaking of Robert Dudley, son of the Duke, who became the favorite of Queen Ehzabeth, and was made Earl of Leicester, says the disputes about his descent, go back to his great grandfather, who is describ- ed by one party as a carpenter, and by the other as a nobleman ; while a third, acting as umpire, proposes to reconcile both theories by making him a "' noble timber- merchant." However the dispute may be decided, the jest, founded on the first theory^ is too good to be lost ; it was said, that " he was the son of a duke, the brother of a king, the grandson of an esquire, and the great * Dugdale's Antiquities of Warwickshire. Kippis' Biographia Brittanica, vol. V. art. Dudley. THOMAS DUDLEY. 275 grandson of a carpenter; that the carpenter was the only honest man in the family, and the only one who died in his bed." It does not appear that Governor Dudley ever claim- ed descent either from the family of Warwick or of Northumberland; and there have been those of the name, who would not exchange the tide and privileges of an iJLmerican citizen, for the brightest coronet that glitters in Europe. Thomas Dudley was the only son of Captain Roger Dudley, who was slain in battle. Being left an orphan, he was taken into the family of the Earl of Northampton, where he remained for several years. He next entered the office of a judge of the name of Nicholls, in the ca- pacity of a clerk, in which situation, the judge being a kinsman of his mother, he was allowed many favorable opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge. These advantages he faithfully improved, and became distin- guished among the young men of his age, for intelligence, courage and conduct. Inheriting from his father, a taste for military adventure, and the most direct path to pub- lic honors during the reign of Elizabeth being the pro- fession of arms, when the Queen ordered levies for the French service, he was appointed to the command of a company, marched into the field, and was at the siege of Amiens, under Henry IV. On the conclusion of a treaty of peace. Captain Dudley returned to England, and^set- tled in the neighborhood of Northampton. Here he married "a gentlewoman whose extracUon and estate were considerable;" which circumstance introduced him to an acquaintance with several eminent and pious dis- senting clergymen. He attended their ministrations with 376 JOHN LEVERETT. graduated in 1680, was afterwards a tutor, became a mem- ber of the legislature, speaker of the assembly, counsellor, judge of the superior court, and of the court of probate. He was one of the founders of Brattle street church in Boston. In 1708, he was chosen President of Harvard College, in which station he continued until his death, which was sudden, 3d May, 1724. He was endowed with great powers of mind, and was conspicuous for his learning. His talents were eminently practical. He knew better than most men what course to shape in diffi- cult times, and how political and religious factions were to be managed or controlled. To these characteristics the College owed much of the prosperity it enjoyed at that period ; and these conferred the reputation for suc- cess, which has ever since rested upon his administration. In all his official relations, his industry, vigor, and fideli- ty were conspicuous and exemplary. Flynt's Funeral Oration ascribes to him Aristotle's words to Plato — ''Hie jacet homo, quern non licet, non decet, impiis vel ignoran- tibus laudareJ^ His literary merits procured him honors from abroad, particularly a membership in the Royal So- ciety of London.* * Quincy's Hist, of Harvard University, i. 323. Whitman's Hist. Anc. and Hon. Art. Co. 249. 37: VIII. SIMON BIIADSTREET. Simon Bradstreet was a native of Horbling, a small village near Folkingham^ in Lincolnshire, England, where he was born in March, 1603. His father, born of a wealthy Himily in Suffolk, was one of the first fel- lows of Emanuel College, and highly esteemed by per- sons distinguished for learning. In the year 1603, he appears to have been minister at Horbling, in Lincoln- shire, but was always a nonconformist to the church of England. He was afterwards preacher to the English congregation at Middleburg, where he was most proba- bly driven by the severity of persecution. He was liv- ing about the year 1630. The first planters of New England had the highest respect for him, and used to style him '' The venerable Mordecai of his country."* The son was entered at the grammar school, where, after spending some time, he was taken into the family of the Earl of Lincoln, in which he remained about eight years, under the direction of Thomas Dudley, holding several offices at different periods in the household of the Earl. His capacity, and the desire which his father expressed to give his son an education, induced Dr. Preston, an intimate friend of the elder Bradstreet, to interest himself in behalf of the son. He was thereupon entered at Emanuel College, Cambridge, in the capacity of governor to the young Lord Rich, son of the Earl of Warwick. This young nobleman, however, did not come to the university ; and a brother of the Earl of * Brooke's Lives of the Puritans, iii, 519. 48 278 THOMAS DUDLEY. New England, and the planting of the gospel there ; and after some deliberation, we imparted our reasons by let- ters and messages, to some in London and the west country, where it w^as likewise dehberately thought upon, and at length with often negotiation so ripened, that in the year 1628, we procured a patent from His Majesty, for our planting between the Massachusetts Bay, and Charles river on the south, and the river of Merrimack on the north, and three miles on either side of those riv- ers and bay, as also for the government of those who did or should inhabit within that compass, and the same year we sent Mr. John Endecott and some with him, to begin a plantation and to strengthen such as he should find there, which we sent thither, from Dorchester and some places adjoining ; from whom, the same year, receiving hopeful news. The next year, 1629, we sent divers ships over, with about three hundred people, and some cows, goats, and horses, many of which, arrived safely. These by their too large commendations of the country, and the commodities thereof, invited us so strongly to go on, that Mr. Winthrop of Suffolk, (who was well known in his own country and well approved here for his piety, liberahty, wisdom, and gravity,) coming into us, we came to such resolution, that in April, 1630, we set sail from old England, with four good ships.* And in May following, eight more followed, two having gone before, in February and March, and two more following in June and August, besides another sent out by a private mer- chant. These seventeen ships arrived all safe in New Ei^gland, for the increase of the plantation here, this year, 1630, but made a long, troublesome, and a costly * The Arbella, Jewell, Ambrose, and Talbot. THOMAS DUDLEY. 279 voyage, being all wind boundj long in England, and hindered with contrary winds after they set sail, and so scattered with mists and tempests, that few of them ar- rived together. Our four ships which set out in April, arrived here in June and July, where we found the colo- ny in a sad and unexpected condition ; above eighty of them being dead the winter before, and many of those alive, weak and sick ; all the corn and bread amongst them all, hardly sufficient to feed them a fortnight, inso- much, that the remainder of one hundred and eighty ser- vants we had the two years before sent over, coming to us for victuals to sustain them, we found ourselves wholly unable to feed them, by reason that the provisions ship- ped for them, were taken out of the ship they were put in, and they who were trusted to ship them in another, failed us, and left them behind ; whereupon, necessity enforced us, to our extreme loss, to give them full liberty^ who had cost us about sixteen or twenty pounds a per- son, furnishing and sending over. But bearing these things as we might, we began to consult>of the place of our sitting down, for Salem, where we landed, pleased us not. And to that purpose, some were sent to the bay to search up the rivers for a convenient place ; who upon their return, reported to have found a good place upon Mistick ; but some other of us seconding these to approve or dislike of their judgment, we found a place liked us bet- ter, three leagues up Charles river, and thereupon, un- shipped our goods into other vessels, and whh much cost and labor, brought them in July, to Charlestown ; • but there receiving advertisements by some of the late arrived ships from London and Amsterdam, of some French pre- parations against us, (many of our people brought with 280 THOMAS DUDLEY. uSj being sick of fevers and scurvy, and we thereby un- able to carry up our ordnance and baggage so far) we were forced to change counsel, and for our present shel- ter, to plant dispersedly, some at Charlestown, which stands on the north side of the mouth of Charles river ; some on the south side thereof, which place we named Boston (as we intended to have done the place we first resolved on ;) some of us upon Mistick, which we named Medford ; some of us westward on Charles river, four miles from Charlestown, which place we named Water- town ; others of us, two miles from Boston, in a place we named Rocksbury ; others upon the river of Sawgus, between Salem and Charlestown; and the western men, four miles south from Boston, at a place we named Dor- chester. This dispersion troubled some of us, but help it, we could not, wanting ability to remove to any place fit to build a town upon, and the time too short to delibe- rate any longer, least the winter should surprise us be- fore we had built our houses. The best counsel we could find out, was to build a fort to retire to, in some conve- nient place, if any enemy pressed thereunto, after we should have fortified ourselves against the injuries of wet and cold. So ceasing to consult further for that time, they who had health to labor, fell to building, wherein many were interrupted with sickness, and many died weekly, yea almost daily." ^"^And of the people who came over with us, from the time of their setting sail from England, in April, 1630, until December following, there died, by estima- tion, about two hundred at the least — so low hath the Lord brought us ! Well, yet they who survived, were not discouraged, but bearing God's corrections with hu- THOMAS DUDLEY. 281 mility and trusting in his mercies, and considering how, after a great ebb, He had raised our neighbors at Ply- mouth, we began again, in December, to consult about a fit place to build a town upon, leaving all thoughts of a fort, because upon any invasion we were necessarily to lose our houses when we should retire thereunto; sa after divers meetings at Boston, llocksbury and Water- town, on the 28th of December, we grew to this resolution to bind all the Assistants (Mr. Endecott and Mr. Sharpe excepted, which last purposeth to return by the next ships into England,) to build houses at a place, a mile east from Watertown, near Charles river, the next spring, and to winter there the next year, that so, by our exam- ples, and by removing the ordnance and munitions thither,^ and such as shall come to us hereafter to their advan- tage be compelled so to do ; and so, if God would, a for- tified town might there grow up, the place fitting rea- sonably well thereto."* In the same letter to the Countess of Lincoln, Mr. Dudley gave the following advice to those who were: hoping to better their worldly condition by emigration. It reminds us of similar judicious counsels given six years before by Governor Winslow : " But now having some leisure to discourse of the motives for other men coming to this place, or their ab- staining from it, after my brief manner I say this — that if any come hither to plant for worldly ends that can live well at home, he commits an error of which he will soon repent him. But if for spiritual, and that no par- ticular obstacle hinder his removal, he may find here • The whole of this letter may be found in Coll. N. H. Hist. See , iv. 224^ 249; and in Force's Historical Tracts, vol. 2, No. 4. 36 282 THOMAS DUDLEY. what may well content him^ viz : materials to build; fuel to burn; ground to plant^ seas and rivers to fish in^ a pure air to breath in^ good water to drink till wine and beer can be made^, which, together with the cows, hogs and goats brought hither already, may suffice for food, for as for fowl and venison, they are dainties here as well as in England. For clothes and bedding, they must bring them with them till time and industry produce them here. In a word, we yet enjoy little to be envied, but endure much to be pitied in the sickness and mor- tality of our people. And I do the more wiHingly use this open and plain dealing, lest other men should fall short of their expectations when they come hither, as we to our great prejudice did, by means of letters sent us from hence into England, wherein honest men, out of a desire to draw over others to them, wrote somewhat hyperbolically of many things here. If any godly men, out of religious ends, will come over to help us in the good work we are about, I think they cannot dispose of themselves nor of their estates more to God's glory and the furtherance of their own reckoning, but they must not be of the poorer sort yet for divers years. For we have found by experience that they have hindered, not furthered the work — and for profane and debauched per- sons, their oversight in coming hither is wondered at, where they shall find nothing to content them. If there be any imbued with grace, and furnished with means to feed themselves and theirs for eighteen months, and to build and plant, let them come into our Macedonia and help us, and not spend themselves and their estates in a less profitable employment : for others, I conceive they are not yet fitted for this business." THOMAS DUDLEY. 283 Mr. Dudleyj as has already been stated, was in favor of making Newtown, now CambridgCj the metropohs of the colony; and after consuUation, Governor Winthrop, and the assistants, agreed to settle there, and streets and squares, and market places, were duly surveyed and laid out. In the spring of 1631, Mr. Dudley and others commenced building. Governor Winthrop had set up the frame of a house, but soon after changed his mind, and removed it to Boston. Mr. Dudley finished his house, and moved into it with his family. The first houses were rude structures, the roofs covered with thatch, the fire-places generally made of rough stones, and the chimneys of boards, plastered with clay. The settlers were publicly enjoined to avoid all superfluous expense, in order that their money might be reserved for any un- foreseen necessities. Mr. Dudley having finished his house with a little more regard to domestic comfort, exposed himself to public censure, xlt a meeting of the governor and assistants, he was told, that " he did not well to bestow such cost about wainscoting and adorning his house, in the beginning of a plantation, both in regard to the expense, and the example." Dudley's answer was, that it was for the warmth of his house, and the charge was little, " being but clapboards nailed to the wall in the form of wain scot, ' ^ The removal of Winthrop to Boston, in violation of his first understanding with Dudley, Bradstreet and others, was a source of mutual uneasiness ; and the mis- understanding, on that and other matters, led Dudley, in April, 1632, to resign his ofl^ices of deputy governor and assistant of the colony. He even meditated for a time an abandonment of the colony, and a return to 284 THOMAS DUDLEY. England. But the ministers and the magistrates saw the evil of this dispute between the two foremost men of the plantation, and after repeated and earnest meetings, succeeded in bringing about a reconciliation. Dudley's resignation was adjudged by the court of assistants to be a nullity, and he again entered upon the duties of his sta- tion.* " Ever after (says Winthrop) they kept peace and good correspondency together in love and friendship." Mr. Wilson, the first minister, having left Boston, in March, 1631, on a visit to England, the religious ser- vices of the church were performed alternately by Gov- ernor Winthrop, the deputy-governor Dudley, and Mr. Nowell, the ruling elder, until November of that year, when Mr. John Eliot arrived, and preached with them until his settlement at Roxbury. Hubbard says these men, in the absence of their pastor, accepted the charge, ^'^ knowing well that the princes of Judah, in King He- zekiah's reign, were appointed to teach the people out of the law of God." In 1632, there being frequent alarms from the In- dians, a palisade was commenced about Newtown. Mr. Dudley '^^ impaled above a thousand acres," and the court of assistants ordered a tax of =£60 to be raised for the purpose of enclosing Newtown with the palisade. Each town made choice of two men to advise with the gov- ernor about raising a public stock. In 1634, at the meeting of the general court in May, Mr. Dudley was chosen governor. This was the begin- ning of a new era in the history of the colony. It was the first legislature in which the representative principle was recognized. Three delegates from each of the * Savage's Winthrop, i. 72—78, 82—89. THOMAS DUDLEY. 285 towns were in attendance — the session was continued during three days — and Winthrop remarks, as if glad to escape from doubt, that " all things were carried very peaceably, notwithstanding that some of the assistants icere questioned by the freemen for some errors in govern- ment,^^ &c. The powers of the general court were now defined, the trial by jury was ordained, and orders were made regulating the future elections of the representa- tive body. It w^as decided that there should be four general courts every year, the whole body of freemen hereafter assembling only at the court of election; the other courts to be held by the deputies. Each town was authorized to choose two or three deputies to represent them in the general court. This was the second house of representatives, in the American colonies. The origin of the representative body, is an impor- tant event in our history, well worth a more deliberate scrutiny than has been freely bestowed upon matters of more trifling interest. Hutchinson says, it seems to have been agreed upon or fallen into by a general consent of the towns, and that it was a thing of necessity. Savage conjectures that the " assistants were become weary of the exercise of all the powers of government, and desired others to participate in the responsibility."* But a consid- eration of the tendencies of the age may well lead to the conclusion, that it was not so much that the assistants were tired of governing, as that an ardent desire existed and was increasing among the people for a more efficient share in the responsibility of government — a desire which has been conspicuous among their descendants. The towns were allowed two or three deputies each, and it * Savage's Winthrop, i. 128. 286 THOMAS DUDLEY. appears that they accepted the grant with eagerness, and almost invariably chose the larger number. The true origin, after all, may be traced, perhaps, to the commit- tees of two from each town, chosen in 1632, to agree upon the method of providing a public stock. The mat- ter of taxation, has always been a topic of interest with the people, as connected with representation ; and the ex- penses of the proposed fortification of Newtown, proba- bly, had its effect — in other words, Governor Dudley's old ditch around the college, the remains of which were visible not many years since, may have been the im- mediate cause of the establishment of the first house of representatives in New England ! The general court at this session also established a military commission, vested with the most unlimited au- thority. At the head of this commission Governor Dud- ley was placed, having Winthrop, Humphrey, Haynes, Endecott, Coddington, Pynchon, Nowell, Bellingham and Bradstreet for his associates. They were deputed, in the words of the record,* "to dispose of all military affairs whatsoever ; shall have full power and authority to see all former laws concerning all military men and munitions executed; and also shall have full powder to ordain or remove all military officers, and to make and tender to them an oath suitable to their places ; to dispose of all companies, to make orders for them, and to make and tender to them a suitable oath, and to see that strict dis- cipline and trainings be observed, and to command them forth upon any occasion they think meet ; to make either offensive or defensive war; as also to do whatsoever may be further behooveful for the good of this plantation * I Col. Records, p. 139. THOMAS DUDLEY. 287 in case of any war that may befiil us; and also that the aforesaid commissionerSj or a major part of them^ shall have power to imprison or confine any that they shall judge to be enemies to the commonwealth ; and such as will not come under command or restraint, as they shall be required, it shall be lawful for the said com- missioners to put such persons to death." This was a formidable power to be intrusted to any man, or body of men, but it seems never to have been exerted to the injury or discontent of the people. In the following year, Governor Dudley was super- seded by John Haynes, afterwards Governor of Connec- ticut. He was chosen assistant in 1635, and in the fol- lowing year, when Sir Henry Vane was governor. For the years 1637, 8, and 9, he was deputy governor. At a general court in 1636, it was ordered that a certain number of the magistrates be chosen for life — and Gov- ernors Winthrop and Dudley were raised to this new dignity. " Only three years (says Savage,) did this council for life subsist." The object of the change was to tempt oyer some of the nobility and other leading men of England, who were ambitious of titles, by assuring them of a similar tenure of power in this new country. It was a weak device, which met no favor among the people, and was soon abandoned. In 1636, Anne Hutchinson, a woman of famihstic prin- ciples, and an ardent enthusiast, held meetings and gave lectures for the propagation of her peculiar sentiments. Her zeal and eloquence attracted numerous hearers, and her adherents rapidly increased. The whole colony was soon divided into two parties, the one called Antino- mians, and the other Legahsts. Governor Dudley^ al- 288 THOMAS DUDLEY. ways foremost in what he beheved to be his duty, op- posed the new heresy with great zeal, and with Winthrop, Wilson, and others, maintained the principles and {Prac- tices of the churches as they stood before this woman came into the country. With them in sentiment and feeling were the ministers and people of the other con- gregations; but Mr. Vane, the governor, and the Rev, Mr. Cotton, countenanced the opinions of Mrs. Hutch- inson — her party became strong — the church was divided in twain — mutual censures passed between the brethren, and every thing in ecclesiastical affairs wore the aspect of disunion and change. The civil power of the colony was at last brought in to crush the heresy, and proved effectual for the time. Mrs. Hutchinson was banished, as was Wheelwright, her brother — all the principal men in the colony who had favored their preaching, were dis- armed — and many, to escape banishment, became volun- tary exiles from the colony.* The trial of Mrs. Hutchin- son is a precious document for those who would under- stand the manners, customs, and principles of our fathers. It is preserved by Governor Hutchinson, in the Appen- dix to his History of Massachusetts.! * Rev. John Wheelwright came from Lincolnshire to New England in 1636. He is said to have been at the University with Cromwell, who when Wheelwright waited upon him in England, after he was Protector, remarked to the gentlemen about him "that he could remember the .time when he had been more afraid of meeting Wheelwright at fuot-ball, than of meeting any army since in the field, for he was infallibly sure of being tript 2ip by him." Mather, in A pp. to Belknapi, iii. 22.5. Wheelwright, after his banishment, went to Exeter, New Hampshire, from thence to Wells, in Maine, afterwards to Hamp- ton, and finally settled in Salisbury, Massachusetts, having been released from his sentence of banishment. He died at Salisbury, 15 Nov. 1679, at an ad- vanced age. t See further particulars in relation to Mrs. Anne Hutchinson, in Memoirs: of Winthrop and Vane, in the present volume. THOMAS DUDLEY. 289 In 1640, Mr. Dudley was again chosen governor, taking the place of Winthrop. The latter thus modestly notices the event. " Some trouble there had been in making way for his election, and it was obtained with some difficulty ; for many of the elders labored much in it, fearing lest the long continuance of one man in the place should bring it to be for life, and, in time, heredi- tary. Besides, this gentleman was a man of approved wisdom and godliness, and of much good service to the country, and therefore it was his due to share in such honor and benefit as the country had to bestow." Richard Bcllingham succeeded Governor Dudley in 1641, and Winthrop was governor in 1642. Although uniformly chosen one of the assistants, when not in a higher station, Dudley refused to accept that place in the latter year, unless the general court would give him lib- erty to remove from their jurisdiction whenever it might suit his convenience, without being bound in any existing oath or regulation, either as an officer, counsellor, or as- sistant. To these conditions the general court readily assented. About this period, there was something like a strug- gle between the magistrates and ministers for power and influence. Mr. Cotton preached the doctrine, that the priesthood ought to be consulted by the magistrates, not only before they went to war, but in all civil affairs of the Commonwealth, and Mr. Rogers, another minister, told the people, that no governor ought to be contin- ued in office for more than a year. These opinions met the indignant opposition of Governor Dudley, and even the milder spirit of Winthrop was roused against them. But however the ministers and magistrates might disa- 37 290 THOMAS DUDLEY. gree as to their separate powers^ they were sufficiently united to preserve for many years^ through their regula- tions as to the quahfications of freemen^* the closest union of church and state. - In 1644^ there being twenty-six training bands and a troop of horse in the colony^ it was ordained that there should be one general officer in time of peace, whose title should be Sergeant-Major General. Governor Dud- ley, although sixty-eight years of age, was chosen to this office. In 1645, Mr. Dudley was again chosen governor, and he was deputy governor from 1646 to 1649. In 1650, he was for the fourth time elected governor; was deputy governor in the two following years ; and assist- ant in 1653, in which office he died. * By the old colony laws, no man could have a share in the administration of civil government, or give his voice in any election, unless he was a member of one of the churches. A citizen was required to become a member of the church, before he could be a freeman, until 1664, when the general court re- pealed the law relating to the admission of freemen, but passed another law allowing English subjects, being freeholders to a certain value, who were cer- tified by the minister of the place to be orthodox, and not vicious in their lives, to be made freemen, although not members of the churches. The following is the form of the Freeman's Oath. — "I, A. B., being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman within the jurisdiction of this commonwealth, do freely acknowl- edge myself to be subject to the government thereof, and therefore do here swear by the great and dreadful name of the ever living God, that I will be true and faithful to the same, and will accordingly yield assistance and support thereunto, with my person and estate, as in equity I am bound, and will also truly endeavor to maintain and preserve all the liberties and privileges thereof, submitting myself to the wholesome laws and orders, made and established by the same; and further that I will not plot nor practice any evil against it, nor consent to any that shall so do, but will timely discover and reveal the same to lawful authority, now here established, for the speedy preventing thereof; more- over I do solemnly bind myself in the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any such matter of this state wherein freemen are to deal, I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce and tend to public weal of the body, without respect of per- sons, or favor of any man. So help me God, in the Lord Jesus Christ." , THOMAS DUDLEY. 291 Governor Dudley, shortly after the removal of the Rev. Mr. Hooker and his associates from Newtown (Cam- bridge) to Hartford, in 1636, himself removed to Ispwich ; but his public engagements rendering it inconvenient for him to be so far from the seat of government, he es- tablished himself at Iloxbury, where he died on the 31st July, 1653, in the seventy -seventh year of his age. He was a man of sound judgment, the most inflexible integ- rity, of great public spirit, and exemplary piety. With strong passions, he was still placable and generous in dis- position. He was intolerant towards religious sectaries; and his zeal against heretics did not content itself with arguments addressed to the understanding, or reproofs for the conscience. He was shocked at the heresy of Roger Williams, who preached liberty of conscience, and voted for his banishment. Even more alarmed was he at what he believed to be the progress of error, when the famous Antinomian controversy a short time after shook the foundations of the churches; and with proportionate zeal did he exert himself to procure the banishment of Wheelwright, Anne Hutchinson, and others, as opposers of God's word, and enemies of the state. Through the whole of his life. Governor Dudley opposed and denoun- ced what he deemed to be heresy, with an honest zeal, which, in these days of universal toleration, is sometimes referred to as a blot upon his fame. But the candid and judicious, who are acquainted with the history of the Pu- ritans, and the circumstances under which ^'they came into a corner of the new world, and, with an immense toil and charge, made a wilderness habitable, on purpose there to be undisturbed in the exercise of their worship,'' will never be found censuring and railing at their errors. 292 THOMAS DUDLEY. They will rather wonder at the wisdom of the views, the disinterested nobleness of principle, and self-sacri- ficing heroism displayed by these wonderful men, to whom the world is indebted for the most perfect insti- tutions of civil and religious freedom known among men. Morton thus speaks of the merits of Governor Dud- ley : — ^'His love to justice appeared at all times, and in special upon the judgment seat, without respect of per- sons in judgment, and in his own particular transactions with all men, he was exact and exemplary. His zeal to order appeared in contriving good laws, and faithfully executing them upon criminal offenders, heretics, and underminers of true religion. He had a piercing judg- ment to discover the wolf, though clothed with a sheep- skin. His love to the people was evident in serving them in a public capacity many years, at his own cost, and that as a nursing father to the churches of Christ. He loved the true Christian religion, and the pure worship of God, and cherished, as in his bosom, all godly minis- ters and Christians. He was exact in the practice of piety, in his person and family, all his life. In a word, he lived desi^red, and died lamented by all good men."*" A less favorable estimate is placed upon his character by Dr. Savage, who says, " A hardness in public, and rigidity in private life, are too observable in his charac- ter, and even an eagerness for pecuniary gain, which might not have been expected in a soldier and a states- man." Hutchinson says " he was zealous beyond meas- ure against all sorts of heretics." Of him Roger Wil- "* Morton's Memorial, 139. See also Johnson's estimate, in Wonder- Vyork.- ing Providence, p. 52. THOMAS DUDLEY. 293 liams spoke, when he said, " it is known who hindered, who never promoted the hberty of other men's con- sciences." The following lines were found in his pocket, after his death, written apparently a short time before he died : " Dim eyes, deaf ears, cold stomach, shew My dissolution is in view. Eleven times seven near lived have I, And now God calls, I willing die. My shuttle's shot, my race is run. My sun is set, my deed is done. My span is measur'd, tale is told, My flower is faded, and grown old. My dream is vanish'd, shadows fled. My soul with Christ, my body dead. Farewell, dear wife, children, and friends ! Hate EiERESY ; make blessed ends ; Bear poverty ; live with good men ; So shall we meet with joy again. Let men of God in courts and churches watch. O'er such as do a toleuation hatch ; Lest that ill egg bring forth a cockatrice, To poison all with heresy and vice. If men be left, and otherwise combine, My Epitaph's, I died no Libertine." Governor Dudley had an anagram sent to him in 1645, by an unknown hand, which is yet preserved in the files of the first Church in Roxbury. " Thomas Dudley. Ah ! old must dye. A death's head on your hand you neede not weare ; A dying head you on your shoulders beare ; You neede not one to mind you, you must dye, You in your name may spell mortalitye. Young men may dye, but old men, these dye must ; 'Twill not be long before you turn to dust. Before you turn to dust '. ah ! must ! old ! dye ! What shall young doe, when old in dust do lye ? When old in dust lye, what New England doe .' When old in dust do lye, it's best dye too." Dudley, however, survived this solemn warning sev- eral years. The amusement of anagramatising the names 294 THOMAS DUDLEY. of men;, was much indulged in by our forefathers^ and was in practice, says Mather, " as long ago as the days of old Lycophron." Camden, in his " Remaines," has a chapter upon anagrams, and cites numerous instances in various languages. The acrostic is another species of false wit nearly allied to the anagram. Numerous ex- amples may be found in our early books. " The rude rhymes of the Pilgrims, (says Judge Davis,) will find a ready apology with all who consider their circumstances and the literature of the age. Ample compensation for any literary defects will be found in the history of their lives." "Hitherto, (says Camden,) will our sparkefied youth laugh at their great-grandfather's English, who had more care to do well, than to speak minion-like; and left more glory to us by their exployting of great acts, than we shall do by forging of new words, and uncouth phrases."* Governor Dudley, as has l^efore been mentioned, married his first wife in lEndand. She died 27th Sep- tember, 1643. In the following year^ he married Mrs. Catherine Hackburne, widow of Samuel Hackburne. This lady survived Governor D^udley, and was married to Rev. John Allin of Dedham, 8th November, 1653, a little more than three months after the governor's death. The children of Governor Dudley, by both marriages, were, 1. Samuel, born in England, about 1606, came to this country with his father, was educated for the minis- try, married Mary, daughter of Governor Winthrop in 1633, resided at Cambridge, Boston, and Salisbury, and finally setded at Exeter, as the minister of that town, in ^ * Camden's Remaines of a Greater Worke, p. 18. THOMAS DUDLEY. 295 1650, where he died early in 1683, aged 77. He was a representative in 1644, from SaHsbury. His wife died at Salisbury, 12th April, 1643; and he afterwards mar- ried a second and third wife. The descendants of Rev. Samuel Dudley are very numerous in New Hampshire.* 2. Anne, born in England, in 1612. At the age of sixteen she married Simon Bradstreet, afterwards gover- nor of Massachusetts, and accompanied him to New England in 1630. She was a woman of rare accomplish- ments, and wrote a volume of poems, probably the ear- nest in America, a second edition of which was published in 1678. f She died 16th September, 1672. 3. Patience, who married major-general Daniel Den- nison, distinguished in the early annals of the colony.J * See Farmer and Moore's Collections, i. 155, and ii. 237. t Savage says " it does credit to her education, and is a real curiosity, though no reader, free from partiality of friendship, might coincide in the commenda- tion of the funeral eiogy by John Norton : " Could Maro's Muse but hoar her lively strain, He would condemn his works to fire again. ****** Her breast was a brave palace, a broad street, Where all heroic ample thoughts did meet, Where nature such a tenement had ta'en, That other souls, to hers, dwelt in a lane." I General Dennison was born in England in 1613, was of Cambridge in 1633, removed to Ipswich before 163."), was a deputy eight years, speaker in 1649 and 16j1, major general in 1653, and an assistant twenty-nine years. He died 20th September, 1662, aged 70. He is spoken of by high authority as one of the few " popular and well principled men in the magistracy." Savage says ; «' The moderate spirit by which he was usually actuated, had not a general spread, yet the continuance of his election to the same rank for many years, where his sympathy was not, in relation to the controversy with the Crown, in unison with that of the people, is evidence of the strong hold his virtues and public labors had acquired." T7ie " Irenicon or Salve for Xew England's Sore," of which he was the author, displays his accomplishments as a scholar. John- son observes, he was a" godly faithful man, which is the fountain of true vali- dity — a good soldier, of a quick capacity, not inferior to any of the chief offi- cers ; — his own company arc well instructed in feats of warlike activity," Whitman's Hist. Anc. and Hon. Artill. 170. 296 THOMAS DUDLEY. 4 Mercy, born 27th September, 1621, who married Rev. John Woodbridge, the first minister of Andover, Massachusetts. She died 1st July, 1691.* 5. , who married Major Benjamin Keayne, of Boston, the only son of Capt. Robert Keayne, founder of the "Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company" of Boston. The father alludes to this in his will as " ki unhappy and uncomfortable match." He went to Eng- land, where he repudiated his wife, and died about 1668. 6. Deborah, born 27th February, 1645. 7. Joseph, born 23d July, 1647: The second Gov- ernor Dudley; of whom, see memoirs in subsequent pages of this volume. 8. Paul, born at Roxbury, 8th September, 1650, when his father, the venerable Governor Thomas, was 73 years old. He married Mary, a daughter of Gover- nor Leverett, was Register of Probate for several years, and died in 1681. * Mr. Woodbridge was born at Stanton, in Wiltshire, in 1613, was educated in part at Oxford, came to New England in 1634, and settled at Newbury as a planter, but becoming a preacher, was ordained at Andover in 1645. He went to England in 1647, returned in 1663, and again settled at Newbury ; was chosen an assistant in 1683 and 1684, and died 17 March, 1695. His brother, Benjamin Woodbridge, D. D., was the first graduate of Harvard College. 297 III. JOHN HAYNES. John- Haynes, the third governor of Massachusetts Bay, was a native of the county of Essex, in England, where he possessed an elegant seat, called Copford Hall, with which he inherited an income of a thousand pounds a year. A gentleman of easy fortune, surrounded by all the comforts of Hfe, he had no motive of a pecuniary na- ture urging him to exchange his native land for another. He had, however, attached himself to the puritan inter- est, and watched with eagerness the progress of the emi- gration to America. The hopes of the pilgrims were beginning to be realized. The difficulties and dangers of the original settlements, had been surmounted. New Plymouth had become a prosperous colony, and the foundations of Boston, Dorchester, Roxbury, Watertown, and Cambridge had been laid. The decrees of the En- glish Star Chamber, and the persecutions of Archbishop Laud, were ^^ sifting the wheat of the three kingdoms," and furnishing abundant seed to plant the deserts of New Eng- land with men of resolute and unbending hearts. Won by the invitations of Governor Winthrop and others, Mr. Haynes, in 1633, determined to remove to New England. Two long months were occupied in the voyage, during which three sermons a day beguiled the weariness of the passengers, of whom there were two hundred on board the ship. The vessel, which was cal- led the Griffin, arrived at Boston on the 4th September, bringing, in addition to Mr. Haynes, three of the most eminent fathers of the New England church: Cotton, 38 • 298 JOHN HAYNES. Hooker, and Stone, the first of whom settled at Boston, and the others at Cambridge, then called Newtown. A man like Mr. Haynes, '^ possessing a large estate, and larger affections ; of a heavenly mind, and spotless life; of rare sagacity, and accurate but unassuming judg- ment ; by nature tolerant, ever a friend to freedom, and ever conciliating peace" — for such is the modern estimate of his character* — w^ould not long remain unnoticed in any community. We accordingly find that at the next election, in 1634, he was chosen one of the assistants of the colony. In the same year, he was placed on the ex- traordinary commission, consisting of seven persons, to whom was deputed the disposition of all military affairs whatsoever," with power to levy w^ar offensive and de- fensive, and to imprison, or put to death, any whom they should judge to be enemies to the commonwealth.! In 1635, Mr. Haynes succeeded Governor Dudley in the chief magistracy of the colony. " The reason was, partly, because the people would exercise their absolute power, and partly upon some speeches of the deputy."J Roger Ludlow was the deputy referred to, and aspired to be governor at this election. § When the vote was declared in favor of Mr. Haynes, he protested against the election as void, because the deputies of the several towns had agreed upon the election before they came ; * See Bancroft's Hist. i. 362. f See p. 286, of this volume. t Savage's Winthrop, i. 158. § Ludlow was one of the founders of Dorchester, and one of the first assist- ants of the colony. Immediately after the occurrences in 1635, when he thought his claims neglected, he left the colony, and became an active and influential man in Connecticut, where he was a magistrate, deputy governor, and Commis- sioner of the United Colonies. In 1654, he removed to Virginia, and the time of his death is unknown. Hubbard says he was the brother-in-law of Endecott. He compiled the first code of laws in Connecticut. JOHX HAYNES. 299 whereupon the general court dropped him from the Hst of magistrates. In the infancy of the plantation, the expenses of government bore somewhat heavily upon the people, and Governor Haynes took occasion to in- form them, in his address upon taking the chair, " that he should spare the usual charge towards his allowance, partly In respect of their love showed towards him, and partly for that he observed how much the people had been pressed lately with public charges.''* Soon after Governor Haynes was installed in office, information was received that the Dutch authorities at Manhattan, contemplated a settlement on the Connecti- cut river, whereupon he sent a barque round the cape to the Dutch governor, to acquaint him that the King had granted the river and country of Connecticut to English subjects, and desired him to forbear building any where thereabouts. A war of words ensued between the two colonies, but hostilities were averted. Governor Haynes was superseded in the following year, by Henry Vane. Hutchinson says, that " Mr. Haynes being no longer a rival to Mr. Winthrop, he would have been the most popular man, if Mr. Vane's solemn deportment, although he Avas not then more than 24 or 25 years of age, had not engaged almost the whole colony in his favor." Savage says of Mr. Haynes, that he was " fortunate in being governor of Massachusetts, and more fortunate in removing after his first year in office, thereby avoiding our bitter Qontentions, to become the father of the new colony of Connecticut." As early as 1634, measures had been taken by Mr. Haynes and others, to ascertain the feasibility of com- " Savage's Winthrop, i. 150. 300 JOHN HAYNES. mencing a new settlement on the Connecticut river. Straitened for room at Newtown^ tbey applied to the general court for leave to remove^ and the question was for sometime debated, and permission finally refused. But the number of proposed emigrants increasing, the general court afterwards consented. In October, 1635, a company of sixty removed, and settlements were com- menced at Windsor and Wethersfield; and John Win- throp, jr., returning from England with a commission from Lord Say and Seal, commenced a plantation at Say- brook. The succeeding winter proved so severe, that famine began to be apprehended; the settlements were partially abandoned, and many of the emigrants were obliged to return to Massachusetts. Their sufferings were extreme, and the few that remained, had to subsist upon acorns, malt, and grain. In the spring of 1636, preparations were made for a more effectual settlement upon the Connecticut, and af- ter due deliberation, the whole body of Mr. Hooker's church and congregation, came to the determination to remove. They commenced their journey in the month of June. It was to be through a dreary and trackless wilderness, of more than a hundred miles. They had no guide but their compass ; no covering but the heav- ens. There were about one hundred persons, men, wo- men, and children — at the head of whom, were the Rev. Mr. Hooker, Mr. Samuel Stone, and others, who were active leaders of the colgny. They drove along with them, a hundred and sixty head of cattle, and subsisted on their march through the wilderness, upon the wild fruits which they found, and the milk of their cows. Fish and fowl were plenty ; and, as they usually tarried a short JOHN HAYNES. 301 time on the banks of the little lakes that lay embosomed in the wilderness, their young men, on such occasions, busied themselves in taking game. Occasionally, a huge bear would cross their path in advance, and hurry off affrighted by the formidable array. The deer, which were plenty in those days, would snuff up the breeze which told of the advancing column, and fly far oft' into the deep forests. Now a w^olf or panther, more bold than the other inhabitants of the wild, would loiter by the wayside, as if to dispute the passage of the adven- turers, until the noise of the herd, or the shouts of the herdsmen, or the ominous crack of firearms, admonished them to retire. The females who were ill, or too feeble to endure the journey on foot, which was through a perfect wilderness for more than a hundred miles, were borne in litters upon the shoulders of the young athletic men. In the evening, as they came together, and set their watch to keep off the beasts of prey, or prepare to guard against any incursions of the In- dians, the prayers of that little congregation went up into the arches of heaven to the Almighty's footstool ; and when the first ray of morning light tipped the tall pines, the thanksgivings of humble and contrite hearts were offered to the throne of mercy. The whole journey occupied nearly a fortnight, and during their march they had no shelter but the broad canopy above, or such as the branches and boughs of the trees afforded. Yet they accomplished their journey with perfect safety, and arrived with joy at their future residence, pleased to behold the beauties of the noble valley which skirted the broad and beautiful Connecticut. The Indian name of the new setdement was Suck- 302 JOHN HAYNES. iaug. The territory was now purchased of Sunckquas- son, the Indian sachem of the neighborhood^ and a good understanding kept up with the tribe for several years. The town soon began to prosper ; the settlers multiplied in numbers, and increased in wealth; and many of the existing families of the present opulent city, trace their descent from the little Newtown colony, to whose exodus we have adverted. In the spring of 1637, Mr. Haynes removed his fam- ily to Connecticut, and settled at Hartford. It wa^ a pe- riod of intense gloom in the little colony. The Pequots, then the most warlike tribe in New England, were jeal- ous of the new settlements, and plotting their ruin. Many persons had been killed, or taken, and cruelly tor- tured. The court of assistants determined on offensive operations, as the only means of conquering the enemy, and the colonies of New Plymouth and Massachusetts agreed to aid them in the struggle. The army com- manded by Captain John Mason,* and consisting of seventy-seven Englflhmen, sixty Moheagan and river Indians, and about two hundred Narragansetts, marched on the 24th of May to Nihantick, a frontier to the Pe- quots, and the seat of one of the Narragansett sachems. The next morning a considerable number of Miantoni- * Capt. John Mason, the distinguished Pequot warrior, was born about 1600, and bred to arms in the Netherlands, under Sir Thomas Fairfax. He came to this country about 1632, was admitted freeman in 1635, having been one of the first settlers of Dorchester, which he represented in 1635 and 1636. In the lat- ter year he removed to Windsor, Connecticut, was of Saybrook in 1647, and of Norwich in 1659. He was a magistrate from 1642 to 1659, deputy governor, 1660, and nine succeeding years, and major general of Connecticut. He died at Norwich, 1672. His son, John, a captain, was wounded in the great battle with the Narragansetts, 19 Dec. 1675, and died in September following. De- scendants of this energetic warrior are found in New England, one of whom is the Hon. Jeremiah Mason, LL. D., of Boston. JOHN HAYNES. 303 moh's men, and of the Nihanticks. joined the Enghsh, who renewed their march, with nearly five hundred In- dians. After marching twelve miles to a ford in Pawca- tuck river. Mason halted, and refreshed his troops, faint- ing through heat and scanty provisions. Here many of the Narragansetts, astonished to find it his intention to attack the Pequots in their forts,* withdrew, and returned home. Under the guidance of Wequash, a revolted Pequot, the army proceeded in its march toward Mistic river, where was one of the Pequot forts, and, Avhen evening approached, pitched their camp by two large rocks. t Two hours before day, the troops were roused to the eventful action, the issue of which was in fear- ful suspense. After a march of about two miles, they came to the foot of the hill, on the summit of which stood the hostile fort. The day was nearly dawning, and no time was to be lost. Mason, throwing the troops into two divisions, pressed forward with one to the eas- tern, and Underbill with the other, to the western en- trance. When Mason drew nigh the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian instantly called out, Owanux ! Owanux ! [Englishmen ! Englishmen !] The troops pressed on, and, having poured a full discharge of their muskets through the palisades upon the astonished enemy, entered the fort, sword in hand. A severe conflict ensued. Many of the Indians were slain. Some of the Enghsh were killed, others wounded ; and the issue of battle was yet dubious. At this critical moment. Mason cried out to * The Pequots ha'l two forts, one at Mistic river; another several miles dis- tant, which was the fort of Sassacus, their great sachem, whose very name filled the Indians with terror. " Sassacus," said the Narragansetts, " is all one God; no man can kill him." I Mass. Hist. Coll., ix. 84. \ In Groton, Connecticut, now called Porter's rocks. Trumbull, i. 83. 304 JOHN HAYNES. his men. " We must burn them." Entering a wigwam at the same instant^ he seized a fire brandy and put it into the mats with which the wigwams were covered } and the combustible habitations were soon wrapped in flames. The English, retiring without the fort, formed a circle around it; and Uncas with his Indians formed another circle in their rear. The devouring fire, and the English weapons, made rapid and awful devastation. In little more than the space of one hour, seventy wig- wams were burnt ; and, either by the sword or the flames, five hundred or six hundred Indians perished. Of the English, two men were killed, and sixteen wounded. The Governor and council of Massachusetts, on receiving intelligence of the success of the Connecticut troops, judged it needful to send forward but one hundred and twenty men. These troops, under the command of Captain Stoughton, arriving at Pequot harbor in June, and receiving assistance from the Narragansett Indians, surrounded a large body of Pequots in a swamp, and took eighty captives. The men, thirty in number, were killed, but the women and children were saved. Forty men, raised by Connecticut, and put under the command of the heroic Mason, joined Stoughton's company at Pequot.* While the vessels sailed along the shore, these allied troops pursued the fugitive Indians by land, to Quinnipiack,f and found some scattering Pequots on their march. Receiving information at Quinnipiack, that the enemy w^ere at a considerable distance westward, in a great swamp, they marched in that direction, with all * New London was originally called Pequot; and was occupied by the Pe- quot tribe. See page 148, of this volume, t The Indian name of New Haven. JOHN HAYNES. 305 possible despatch, about 'twenty miles, and came to the swamp, where were eighty or one hundred warriors, and nearly two hundred other Indians. Some of the English rushing eagerly forward, were badly wounded ; and others, sinking into the mire, w^ere rescued by a few of their brave companions, who sprang forward to their relief with drawn swords. Some Indians were slain; others, finding the whole sw\amp surrounded, desired a parley; and, on the offer of life, about two hundred old men, women, and children, among whom was the sachem of the place, gradually came out, and submitted to the English. The Pequot warriors, indignantly spurning submission, renewed the action, which, as far as it was practicable, was kept up through the night. A thick fog, the next morning, favoring the escape of the enemy, ma- ny of them, among whom were sixty or seventy warriors, broke through the surrounding troops. About twenty were killed, and one hundred and eighty taken prisoners. The captives were divided between Connecticut and Massachusetts, which distributed them among the Mo- heagans and Narragansetts. Sassacus, the chief sachem, fled with about twenty of his best men to the Mohawks, who, at the request of the Narragansetts, cut off his head; and his country now became a province of the English. However just the occasion of this war, (says Holmes,) humanity demands a tear on the extinction of a valiant tribe, which preferred death to dependence.* In addition to the embarrassments occasioned by the struggle with the Pequots, the settlers of Connecticut, as the winter approached, were menaced with starvation. • Morton, 99. Hubbard's Indian Wars, 36—54. Trumbull, i. 69—77. • 39 306 JOHN HAYNES. The snows^ which came frequent^ were four feet deep from the 4th of November, 1637, until the 23rd of March following, and the cold was severe. In this emergencyj through the agency of a few persons sent among the In- dians, now at peace, supplies of corn were procured, and the danger of famine averted. Governor Haynes accompanied Uncas, the Moheagan sachem to Boston, in 1638, when the latter, who had given offence to Massachusetts by entertaining some of the hos- tile Pequots, sought a reconciliation. " This heart," said the sachem, laying his hand upon his breast, as he ad- dressed the governor, '^ is not mine, but yours; I have no men ; they are all yours ; command me any difficult thing, I will do it ; I will not believe any Indians' words against the English ; if any man shall kill an Englishman, I will put him to death, were he never so dear to me."^ The presents and promises of Uncas were accepted, and he was ever afterwards faithful to the whites. For a period of nearly three years after the settle- ment of Connecticut, all the powers of government were exercised by the magistrates. They had a genial su- perintendence of all the affairs of the plantation, without any direct assistance from the body of freemen. But in 1639, the people determined to establish a constitution for themselves. All the free planters of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield accordingly assem- bled at Hartford, on the 14th January, and adopted a constitution, based on the broad foundations of hberty and religion, which has been admired as the model of a republican system, and continued for a century and a * Savage's Winthrop, i. 266. See also Records of United Colonies, quoted in Hutchinson's Colony Mass. Bay, 142. JOHN HAYNES. 307 half to be the basis of the civil government of Connec- ticut. This constitution ordained that there should be annu- ally two general courts, or legislative assemblieSj one in April, and the other in September ; that in the first, all public oilicers should be chosen ; that a governor should be annually appointed ; that no one should be chosen to this office unless he had been a magistrate, and also a member of some church; that the choice of officers should be by ballot, and by the whole body of freemen ; and that every man was to be considered a freeman, who had been received as a member by any of the towns, and had taken the oath of fidelity to the commonwealth; that each of the three towns should send four deputies to the general court ; and that when there was an equal division of votes on any question, the governor should have the casting vote.* The first election under this constitution was held in the April following, when John Haynes was chosen the first governor of Connecticut. His distinguished character, and the important part he had taken in the early settlement of the colony, naturally pointed him out for this station. One of his earliest acts, was to press upon the assembly the necessity of establishing a code of laws ; and that body proceeded as occasion required to discharge that duty. The laws at first were few, and time was taken to consider and digest them. The first statute in the Connecticut code is a kind of declaration, or bill of rights. It ordains, that no man's life shall be taken away ; no man's honor or good name * Hazard, i. 437 — 441, where the Constitution is inserted. Trumbull, i. App. No. 3. 308 JOHN HAYNES. be stained; no man's person shall be arrested, restrained, banished, dismembered, nor any wise punished ; that no man shall be deprived of his wife or children; no man's estate or goods shall be taken away from him, nor any wise endamaged, under color of law, or coun- tenance of authority, unless it should be by the virtue of some express law of the colony warranting the same, established by the general court, and sufficiently pub- lished ; or in case of the defect of such law, in any particular case, by some clear and plain rule of the w^ord of God, in which the whole court shall concur. It was also ordained, that all persons in the colony, whether in- habitants or not, should enjoy the same law and justice without partiality or delay.* Under the constitution of Connecticut, no person could be chosen governor oftener than once in two years. Edward Hopkins was accordingly chosen to that office in 1640. Governor Haynes was again chosen in- 1641 ; but in 1642, from some disagreement among the freemen, both Mr. Haynes and Mr. Hopkins were dropped in the election, and George Wyllys was appointed governor. In 1643, Gov. Haynes was re-instated in office. In the same year, four of the New England colonies united in a confederation for mutual protection and defence. This union was proposed by the colonies of Connecti- cut and New Haven, as early as 1638, but was not final- ly completed until 1643.t Gov. Haynes was one of the most active agents in ac- complishing this important measure, and spent several weeks in Massachusetts in bringing the matter to a con- clusion. He was for several years one of the commis- • Old code of Connecticut. t See pp. 119—122, of this volume JOHN HAYNES. 309 sioners of the United Colonies from Connecticut under this confederation. In the autumn of 1646, Governor Haynes, being on his way from Connecticut to Boston, was overtal. 352 JOHN ENDECOTT. \ Roger Williams, the apostle of religions toleration, arrived in Salem in 1631, and his inlluence Avas soon apparent in the little community. Before his arrival, Endecott had embraced the doctrine of veils for the wo- men in the church ; and if he worshipped in the beauty of holiness, he was determined that human beauty should form no part of his pleasure. A uniformity of dress might be favorable to uniformity of manners, but though encouraged, could not be enforced. The veils might produce the best effects on the public solemnities, and be liable to no serious objections. Endecott's heart was upon the practice, and having the assent of the ministers, he did not lack the zeal to enforce the injunction.* The settlers of new countries, in addition to other obstacles, rarely fail to meet with difficulties of a person- al nature among themselves. An incident is recorded by the historians, which goes to illustrate the temper of Mr. Endecott. In 1631, a quarrel had arisen between him and Thomas Dexter, who had settled at Lynn, in which the Salem magistrate so far forgot his dignity as to strike Mr. Dexter. The offence, of course, was grave enough in such a community, to attract general notice, and was brought before the court at Boston. En- decott, who was detained by accident from the trial, wrote Governor Winthrop, as follows: '^I desired the rather to have been at court, because I hear I am much complained of by goodman Dexter for striking him ; un- derstanding since it is not lawful for a justice of peace to strike. But if you had seen the manner of his carriage, with such daring of me, with his arms akimbo, it would have provoked a very patient man. He hath given out, * Bcntlcy, in I Mass. Hist. Coll. vi. 246. JOHN ENDECOTT. 353 if I had a purse, he would make me empty it, and if he cannot have justice here, he will do wonders in England; and if he cannot prevail there, he will try it out with me here at blows. If it were lawful for me to try it at blows, and he a fit man for me to deal with, you should not hear me complain." The court adjudged the mag- istrate to have broken the peace, and fined him <£10, although Dexter was doubtless the greater bully of the two. In 1634, Mr. Endecott was chosen one of the board of military commissioners for the colony, seven in num- ber, who were vested with the extraordinary and sum- mary power of levying war, and of arresting, imprison- ing, or executing persons deemed to be enemies of the state.* The zeal of Endecott, warmed by the influence of Roger Williams, prompted him, in 1634, to another act of imprudence, for which he received the public censure. The banner used by the train band at Salem, had the cross of Saint George worked upon its folds. In his impetuous resolution to put down every remnant of what he deemed to be popish or heathenish super- stition, he cut the cross from the standard. The people deemed the act to be a rash one, and were apprehensive the government in England would consider it an insult to the national flag. The matter was accordingly brought before the general court at Boston, and after due investi- gation, they "adjudged him worthy admonition, and to be disabled for one year from bearing any public office; declining any heavier sentence, because they were per- suaded he did it out of tenderness of conscience and * See p. 286, of this volume. 45 ^ 354 JOHN ENDECOTT. not of any evil intent."* The indomitable spirit of the Salem magistrate was not daunted by this censure^ and in Roger WilliamSj then the beloved minister of Salem^ he had a faithful co-operator against heresy and sin in the lit- tle world around them. The bold preaching of Williams became distasteful to the rulers of the colony, and an attempt was made to silence him, before proceeding to the act of banishment, which not long after followed. The people of Salem defended their preacher, and Endecott justified their defence, in terms which were offensive to the magistrates and deputies, whereupon they committed him. Finding it useless to resist, he finally made the acknowledgment required, and was released. f From this period, Mr. Endecott seems to have acted in full harmony with the other leaders of the colony, and to have regained the esteem, which his imprudent zeal in the outset had jeoparded. In 1636, he was placed in command of an expedition from Massachusetts against the Pequot Indians. John Oldham, of Cape Ann, had been murdered by a party of the natives, who fled to the Pequots, and were protected by them. Con- sidering them abettors of the murder, the Massachusetts government decided to send a military force under com- mand of Endecott, with a commission to offer the Pe- * Savage's Winthrop, i, 158. It is a fact worthy of note, that, in the very next year, after solemn consultation, only two of the council would consent to spread the King's colors even in the fort, on account of the Cross in them. (See p. 318, of this volume.) Hence, it has been observed, that Endecott's assent to Roger Williams' heresy may have had some influence in subjecting him to the censure above mentioned. Felt, than whom no one has more carefully studied the character of the first settlers of Massachusetts, in his Annals of Salem, says most of the principal men of the colony thought as Endecott did on the subject of the cross. " The difference between them was, that he manifested his opinion in deed, and they retained theirs in secret." Annals of Salem, 77. ) Savage's Winthrop, i. 166. JOHN ENDECOTT. 355 quols terms of peace^ on condition of their surrendering the murderers and forbearing further acts of hostility, or else war. When the military force arrived, the Pequots fled where pursuit became impracticable, and little was effected by the expedition. Winter was approaching, and Capt. Endecott deemed it prudent to return. He did not escape censure for the ill success of his expedition. The enemy was indeed emboldened by the result — and in the following year committed further aggressions, which were finally avenged, by the extinction of their tribe by the English under the warlike Captain Mason, aided by the friendly Narragansetts.* In 1644, Mr, Endecott was chosen governor of Mas- sachusetts. He was again elected to that office in 1649, and also from 1651 to 1653, and from 1655 to 1664, in the whole fifteen years — being at the head of the administra- tion of the colony for a longer period than any other governor under the old charter. His administration was of course marked by the en- ergy, as well as by the faults, of his character. A stern magistrate, fired by an intense zeal against all heresy, he was ready to apply the sword of the civil power for its extinction. When the enthusiast, Anne Hutchinson, be- gan to disturb the churches by her preaching, Endecott was found by the side of Dudley and the fiery Hugh Peters in opposition to her heresy. The elders and ma- gistrates were shocked by the boldness of her teachings, and alarmed at the progress of her doctrines among the people of Boston. Endecott assumed a high preroga- tive against all dissenting sects, and history records that as a magistrate he did not bear the sword in vain. iVIrs. * See pp. 143 and 302, of this volume. 356 JOHN ENDECOTT. Hutchinsoiij after a formal trial, was banished, and the most conspicuous of her adherents, or rather those who were opposed to her persecution, were disarmed. Sever- al persons at Salem were disgraced, or excommunicated. Others, suspected of being friendly to the anabaptists, were deprived of personal liberty, or restricted to pre- scribed bounds; and in 1644, banishment was decreed against the whole sect. The spirit of this law was re- tained in the act of 1646, against heresy — and ten years after, when the Quakers made their appearance in Mas- sachusetts, an act of banishment was passed upon the entire sect, with the penalty of death, if disregarded. The rumor of the coming of the Quakers, filled the colonists with alarm. A fast was ordered on account of it in June, 1656. In October, the hated sect had made their appearance. The Court of Assistants thereupon pass an order, forbidding masters of vessels bringing them over, under a penalty of <£100. They next order that if any Quaker comes into Massachusetts, he shall be con- fined, whipped, kept at work, and not suffered to speak. Any person bringing a Quaker book into the colony, was to be fined £5 for every book ; any one defending their doctrines, 40*. for the first offence, £4 for the second, and if persisting, then to be imprisoned and banished. 1657. October. The Court order a fine for every hour's entertainment or concealment of a Quaker, of 40s. They further order that if any male of that sect return after banishment, he shall have one of his ears cut off"; and for a second return, shall have the other ear cut off", and be kept at the house of correction. Any female so doing, to be whipped, and kept at the house of correction. If any of either sex come back a third JOHN ENDECOTT. 357 time^ they were to have their tongues bored through with a hot iron. And any colonists siding with them were to be treated with equal severity. 1658. May. The Court order that any person at- tending a Quaker meeting shall pay lOs., and £5 for speaking where it may be held. In October of this year, the Quakers increasing, notwithstanding their persecu- tions, the Court order them to be banished on pain of death. 1661. May. The Court order that Quakers w^hen discovered, shall be made bare from the middle upwards, tied to a cart, and whipped through the town to the boundary of the colony, and if returning a second time, to be similarly punished and branded on the shoulder, if a third time, to be banished on pain of death. On the 27th November, 1661, the General Court assembled to consider the order of the King, forbidding the further persecution of the Quakers, and voted to comply with the order. Sanguinary as these laws were, they were executed in many cases, and in all the forms enumerated, except- ing those of boring the tongue and cutting off the ears. Heavy fines were imposed, and imprisonment and stripes, chains and the dungeon, and even death were inflicted. In all these rigorous measures. Governor Endecott con- curred, with the hearty zeal of an honest but misguided man. In 1659, two men and one woman, (Quakers,*) were tried before the general court of Massachusetts, and sen- tenced to death. The two men were executed, but the * Their names were WiUiam Robinson, Marraaduke Stephenson, and Mary Dyer. Another, William Leddra, was executed, in March, 1G60. 358 JOHN ENDECOTT. woman was reprievedj on condition of her departure from the jurisdiction in forty-eight hours; and if she re- turned, to suffer the sentence. She was carried, how- ever, to the gallows, and stood with a rope about her neck until the others were executed. " The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church" — and many of these enthusiastic people actually courted persecution. The infatuated woman above mentioned returned, and was executed in 1660. Charles II. was restored in 1660, and in the following year issued a mandamus forbidding the further persecution of the Quakers.* The bloody laws were repealed, and the dawn of that glorious tolera- tion appeared, which has since redeemed and elevated the character of the country. Dr. Robertson styles Governor Endecott ^^ a deep en- thusiast," and it is certain that his energetic mind was not unfrequently directed to the rigorous enforcement of frivolous observances. Well might the historian Hutcli- * The Mandamus of King Charles is dated at Whitehall, the 9th day of September, 1661, and is directed "To our trusty and well-beloved John Ende- cott, esquire, and to all and every other the governor or governors of our plan- tations of Nevr-England, and of all the colonies thereunto belonging, that now are or hereafter shall be, and to all and every the ministers and officers of our plantations and colonies whatsoever within the continent of New-England." There is a copy of it in Hazard's Collections, ii. 595, in Sewell's History of the Quakers, i. 475, and in the Journal of George Fox, pp. 326, 327. Fox gives the following account of its being presented to the governor. It was brought over in 16G1, by Samuel Shattock, who had been banished by the government ot Massaciiasetts for being a Quaker. He and Ralph Goldsmith, the com- mander of the ship in which they came, " went through the town [of Boston] to the governor's, John Endecott's door, and knocked. He sent out a man to know their business. They sent him word their business was from the king of England, and they would deliver their message to none but the governor him- self. Thereupon they were admitted in, and the governor came to them ; and having received the deputation and the Mandamus, he put off his hat and looked upon them. Then going out, he bid the friends follow. He went to the deputy governor, and after a short consultation, came out to the friends, and said ' We shall obey his majesty's commands.' " George Fox, Journal, folio p. 326. JOHN E^7DEC0TT. 359 inson remark^ tliat the scrupulosity of the i2;ood people of the colony must have been at its height, when Gov- ernor Endecott, the most rigid of any of the magistrates^ joined in an association against the custom of wearing long hair.* It is observed by Mather, in the Magnalia, that after the death of Mr. Dudley, the notice and respect of the colony fell chieily on Mr. Endecott. He was at the head * Harvard College Records, under date of 3d mo. 10th day, 1G49, contain the following paper, drawn up by the governor and magistrates against the cus- tom of wearing long hair : " Forasmuch as the wearing of long hair, after the manner of Ruffians and Barbarous Indians, has begun to invade New England, contrary to the rule of God's word, which says it is a shaine to wear long hair, as also the com- mendable custom generally of all the godly of our nation, uniil within these few years : " We the magistrates, who have subscribed this paper, (for the shewing of our own innocency in this behalf,) do declare and manifest our dislike and de- testation against the wearing of such long hair, as against a thing uncivil and .unmanly, whereby men doe deforme themselves, and offend sober and modest men, and doe corrupt good manners. We doe therefore earnestly entreat all the elders of the jurisdiction (as often as they shall see cause) to manifest their zeal against it in their public administrations, and to take care that the mem- bers of their respective churches be not defiled therewith, that so such as shall prove obstinate and will not reform themselves, may have God and man to witness against them. The third month, fOth day, 1649. Jo. Ekdecott, governor. William Hibbins, Tho. Dudley, dep. gov. Thomas Flint, Rich. Bellingham, Rob. Bkidges, Richard Saltonstall, Simon Bkadstreet." Increase Nowell, A like absurdity in former days pricked the consciences of prelates, kings and courtiers. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, pronounced an anathema of excommunication on all who wore long hair. Serlo, a Norman bishop, ac- quired great honor by a sermon which he preached before Henry I. in 1104, against long curled hair, with which the king and his courtiers were so much affected, that they consented to resign their flowing ringlets, whereupon the prudent prelate, determining to give them no time to change their minds, pulled a pair of shears out of his sleeve, and performed the operation with his own hand. A canon is still extant, of the date of 1096, importing that such as wore long hair should be excluded from the chnrch whilst living, or being prayed for when dead. Now, the very curates rejoice in ringlets and macas- sar. — Black. Edin. Masr. Ivi. 460. 360 JOHN ENDECOTT. of the colony^ during the difficult and critical period of the great political dissensions and civil wars in Eng- land. Mr. Endecott's bias in that controversy was ap- parentj and corresponded with that of the country, but the public proceedings were temperate and wise. On the restoration of Charles II., the English statesmen could not fail to perceive that the spirit of liberty was every where prevalent in the colonies. The Earl of Clarendon, in framing his plan for their government by commissioners, remarked, that ^^ they were already har- dened into republics." In 1664, the royal commission was established, over-riding the existing charters, and in April of the following year, they began to execute their trust in Massachusetts. Governor Endecott was at this time in the chair, and when the commissioners pro- ceeded to sit in judgment upon the governor and gen- eral court of the colony, the spirit of the puritans was kindled, and the general court " published by sound of trumpet their disapprobation of this proceeding, and pro- hibited every one from abetting a conduct so inconsist- ent with their duty to their God, and allegiance to the King." The crest-fallen commissioners departed, threat- ening against the authorities of Massachusetts " the pun- ishment which many in England concerned in the late rebelHon had met with." Thus early appeared in the fathers of Massachusetts the unyielding spirit of liberty, which a century afterwards was found to be invincible in their descendants. The famous stamp act was passed just a century after this abortive essay of the royal com- missioners. The firmness of Governor Endecott in these pro- ceedings was noted in England, and instructions were JOHN ENDECOTT. 361 given to the end tliat another person more acceptable to the Kinsr should be chosen o:overnor at the next election. Governor Endecott died, however, before the effect of this recommendation could be ascertained. But as his integrity and firmness in the great agitations through which they had already passed, had gained the confi- dence of the people, there can be no doubt that the royal intimation to his prejudice would have been altogether disregarded. Governor Endecott, before his election to that office, removed from Salem to Boston, where he died in office on the 15th March, 1665, in the 77th year of his age. His will, dated at Boston, 2d May, 1659, mentions the house he lived in, which was on the lot formerly the re- sidence of Gardiner Greene. The house, a part of which was lately standing at the corner of Court and Church streets in Salem, occupied by Governor Ende- cott during his residence there, was first erected by the Dorchester company at Cape Ann, and removed from thence to Salem in 1628, by Walter Knight and others, for the Governor's use. The Rev. John Sparhawk oc- cupied this house in 1736, and Timothy Orne, Sen., afterwards. It was afterwards known as the " Ship Tavern." Governor Endecott w-as a larere landholder in different parts of the country. The first grant ever made in the interior of New Hampshire, was of 500 acres selected for Governor Endecott of the finest inter- val land on the Merrimack, in Concord. It was granted in 1657, and is now known as the Endecott, or Sewall farm. The farm cultivated by Governor Endecott near Salem, is said to remain in possession of a descendant. There is a good portrait of Endecott in one of the apart- 46 86!? JOHN ENDECOTT. ments of the State House at Boston ; and another, said to be an original, in possession of W. P. Endicott, Esq., of Salem.* Governor Endecott has not unfrequently been repre- sented as rude and uncultivated, inexperienced in the passions of men, and untouched by any of the finer feel- ings and sympathies of our nature. Stern, inflexible, and uncompromising, particularly towards those who differed from him in religious matters ; his great firm- ness and decision have often been construed into grovel- ling wilfulness and unbending obstinacy. That he was a man of good intellectual endowments, and mental cul- ture, and that he possessed a fearless and independent spirit, which well fitted him for the various duties he was called upon to perform, is very certain. But his highest claim to distinction rests upon the fact that he was a successful leader of the Pilgrims, and his name is so closely associated with the first settlement of the coun- try, and with whose early history his own is so closely interwoven, that the learned and Rev. Dr. Bentley, of Salem, in a letter to the elder Adams, says, "above all others, he deserves the name of the Father of New England." The principal charge against Governor Endecott is his want of liberality in religious matters. "But where was liberality to be found in the seventeenth century .'' Governor Endecott's integrity and firmness in all the po- litical questions which were agitated in his day with the mother country, merited the confidence and gratitude of his own. His was no temporizing policy. He was a •This gentleman is also said to possess the small sword used by Governor Endecott, and some of his Manuscripts. JOHN ENDECOTT. 363 faithful sentinel upon the watch-towers of his country's interests, ever jealous of her rights, and ever zealous ibr her welfare. He fultilled all the trusts committed to his care with an honesty of purpose, and a fidelity that knew no fear ; having Ibr his reward, far above all earthly distinctions, the approval of his own conscience in a life well and usefully spent." From Prince, we learn that Governor Endecott brought a wife from England, of whose death no ac- count is given. Her name was Anna Gover. His second wife was- Elizabeth Gibson, whom he married 18th August, 1630. She survived her husband.* Gov- ernor Endecott had two sons — John, the eldest, was born about the year 1632, re- moved with his father to Boston in 1644, was married, Nov. 9, 1653, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremy Hou- chin, of Boston, admitted freeman in 1665, and died in 1667, leaving no children. Zerubabel, the second son, was born in 1635, was a physician, and lived in Salem ; and from him have de- scended all the Endecotts who have lived in Salem and its immediate vicinity. He was father of six sons and seven daughters. Plis first wife was Mary , the mother of most, if not all, of his children. His second wife was Elizabeth, widow of Rev. Antipas Newman, of Wenham, and daughter of Governor John Winthrop, of Connecticut, to whom he was married some time sub- sequent to the year 1672. He was admitted a freeman in 1665, and died March 27, 1684. The names of his * The property of Governor Endectt's widow not being sufficient for her support, the general court, in 1671, granted her an annuity of £30 during her widowhood. This act was an indication of the public respect both for her and her deceased husband. Felt's Annals of Salem, 239. 364 JOHN ENDECOTT. children^ which are here mentioned in the order of their births, were Ehzabeth, Ehzabeth, Zerubabel, John, Samuel, Zeriibabel, Benjamin, Joseph, Mary, Sarah, (who married Nathaniel Gilbert of Boston,) Elizabeth, Hannah and Mehitable. The three first died in infancy, and the others survived their father. By his will, dated Nov. 23, 1683, he bequeathed to his two eldest surviv- ing sons, John and Samuel, the old homestead of his father in Salem, (now Danvers,) called the "Orchard." To Zerubabel, Benjamin and Joseph, he left a tract of land of 555 acres, granted by the General Court to the Governor, and bequeathed by the Governor to him, on the Ipswich river in Topsfield, (now Boxford,) to be equally divided between them, with a proviso that if either died without heirs, his part was to revert to the survivors. The five daughters inherited an island of about two acres near Marblehead, called Gotta Island, and other legacies. John, eldest son of Zerubabel, and grandson of the Governor, was born about 1662; was, like his father, a physician, and some time in London, England, complet- ing his education. He married Ann , had one son, Robert Edwards, who died without issue, and one daughter, Anna, who married her cousin Samuel, Dec. 20, 1711. He died at Salem, probably on the "Or- chard" farm, in May, 1700. Felt, in his Annals of Salem, says he was " active, useftd and respected." Samuel, second son of Zerubabel, was born about the year 1664, lived at the " Orchard " in Salem, married Hannah , and had two sons, John and Samuel. Until within a few years, the " Orchard farm " has been cultivated by, and has been the residence of, some one JOHN ENDECOTT. S65 of the descendants oi" Samuel^ many of whom have led peaceful and quiet lives, cultivating the soil for a liveli- hood, without entering public life, any further than oc- casionally representing the town in which they resided, either in the legislature or in municipal trusts; while some of the fifth and many of the sixth generation turned their attention to commerce, and w-ere successful mer- chants, fulfilling all their obligations with fidelity. There are one or two families living in Worcester county, Mas- sachusetts, but Salem and vicinity has been, and still is, their '• home.'' Some have been sea captains, generally in the China trade, and having " had enough of the sea," are now filling responsible and honorable stations in society. Zeriibabel, third son of Zerubabel, was born Feb. 14, 1664, married Grace , by whom he had one son, named Zerubabel, and five daughters, Grace, Mehita- ble, Elizabeth, Phebe and Hannah. In 1715, he was living on his inheritance in Topsfield, as a farmer, where he died. The son Zerubabel dying w^ithout heirs, sub- sequently to the father, the five sisters finally possessed the family estate. Benjamin, fourth son of Zerubabel, was born in 1667, and in 1715 w^as living on the Topsfield farm as a farmer, where he died in 1735, without heirs. Joseph, fifth son of Zerubabel, was born at Salem (the birthplace of all his father's children) in 1669, mar- ried Hannah , and left at his death, according to his will, recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, at Trenton, New Jersey, two sons, John and Joseph, and two daughters, Ann Gillam, and Elizabeth Delavane. A grandson, Joseph Bishop, is also mentioned. In a 366 JOHN ENDECOTT. deed executed by him, and recorded in what is now Bjxford, Massachusetts, he styles himsell" "Joseph En- dec'ott, of North Hampton, county of BurHngton, in West Jersey, in the government of New York, yeoman." He died in Miy, 1747, at North Hampton. Benjamin, son of John, and grandson of Joseph En- decott, of North Hampton, was a soldier of the Revolu- tion. John, his son, was lately living, at an advanced age, in Port Republic, New Jersey, where others of the family reside. About the year 1700, there were living in Boston three brothers, John, William and Gilbert Endecott, the elder of which appears to have been a man of some note, if owning lands and houses, and holding the office of church warden in King's Chapel would make him so. Where these brothers were born, or whence they came to Boston, is uncertain. John, the eldest, was father of about ten children, none of which survived him; Wil- liam, of about as many more, of which no account can be given, and Gilbert, of two only, whose descendants are numerous in Noi-folk county, Massachusetts, where he died, Oct. 18, 1716. The families of that name in Boston, are supposed to be derived from Governor En- decott, and those residing in New York are descended from Gilbert, of Boston. The Governor spelt his name Endecott, and this mode of spelling was retained as late as 1724, as the records show. Since that time, it has been variously written, Endicott, Tndecott, and Endicot, and few names have suf- fered more from distortion in spelling than this. 367 VII. JOHN LEVERETT. John Leverett was a native of England, and came over with his father, Elder Thomas Leverett, in compa- ny with the Rev. John Cotton and others, in 1633. Thomas Leverett lived at Boston, in Lincolnshire, Eng- land, where all his children, sixteen in number, were born and baptized, the youngest of which was baptized 12th April, 1632. Mr. Leverett, being disposed to aid the emigration of settlers to Massachusetts, advanced fifty pounds sterling, for the purpose of transporting poor families, building churches and fortifications, maintaining ministers, and other public charges of the plantation.* He came over in 1633, in company with the Rev. Mr. Cotton and others, became a member of the Boston church in October of that year, at which time his wife Anne also joined, and on the 5th November following, was admitted to the freeman's oath. Dr. Cotton Mather ascribes to the vigilance and discretion of Mr. Leverett, while in England, the defeat of many designs to molest his friend Mr. Cotton for non-conformity; and says, that "quickly after Mr. Cotton's ordination in Boston, the church called and settled Mr. Leverett as their ruling elder, which office he sustained till his death." * The general court of Massachusetts, 19 Oct. 16o'2, acknowledged the obli- gations of the colony to Elder Leverett, by the f)llowing vote : " Whereas the lather of Captain John Leverett, deceased, was an adventurer with the first into these parts, by adventuring money for the forwarding the plantation, who never had any allowance of land or otherwise for the same ; This Court doth hereby grant to Capt. John Leverett, his son, all those small Islands lying within the Bay between Allerton's Point, and Nebenot, not heretofore granted." Mass. Colony Records. 368 JOHN LEVERETT. John Leverett was born in July, 1616, and, notwith- standing the numerous family of his father, is said to have been his only son and heir at the time of Elder Leverett's decease.* He was admitted to the Boston church, 14th July, 1639, and made a freeman in 1640. Soon after his establishment in Boston, he engaged in extensive business as a merchant, and was concerned in hazardous commercial adventures with Edward Gibbons, by which he impaired his fortune. He also became a distinguished military officer, and in 1663, was chosen major general of the colony, and again in 1666. He was an active member of the Ancient and Honorable Artil- lery Company of Boston for more than thirty-two years; and, besides other offices in the company, was commander in 1652, 1663, and 1670. Mr. Leverett spent a considerable portion of his life in the service of the colony. In 1642, he was sent with Edward Hutchinson, on an embassy to Miantonomoh, the sachem of the Narragansetts, the object of which was to ascertain the truth of the current rumors, that the In- dians all over the country had combined to cut off the English settlements. It was a period of great alarm. A constant watch was kept in the several plantations from sunset to sunrise, and places of retreat provided for the women and children in case of attack. The Indians within the colony were disarmed ; but after all, there seems to have been no sufficient grounds for the general alarm. Mr. Leverett informed the sachem of the rea- sons of his coming, and that the governor required of him an explanation. * Sec Appendix to Waldo's Defence of the Title of John Leverett to the Muscongus Lands, &c., folio, 1736, p. 41. JOHN LEVERETT. 369 His reception by the great chief, is thus described by Winthrop : ^*^Miantonomoh carried them apart into the woods, taking only one of his chief men with him, and gave them very rational answers to all their propositions. He visited Boston according to his promise. Being cal- led in, and mutual salutations passed, he was set down at the lower end of the table over against the governor, and had only two or three of his counsellors, and two or three of;Our neighboring Indians, such as he desired, but would nbt speak of any business at any time, before some of his counsellors were present, that they might bear witness^with him at his return home of all his sayings. ^"^In ill his answers, he was very deliberate, and showed good understanding in the principles of justice and equity and ingenuity withal. He demanded to have his accu- sers produced. The English answered, the accusers were not in their power; that they did not intend to give any credit to their charges, until they had informed him of them, and given him an opportunity to deny them. He then asked, why they disarmed their Indians, if they had not credited these charges.'' They answered, they had done it for their own security, some of the Indians at Saco having robbed some of the whites; and with this answer he was satisfied. He gave many reasons why they should hold him free of any such conspiracy, al- ledging it to be a fabrication of his enemy, Uncas. Pie said that, being innocent, he trusted to the justice of the English, and that he would come to them any time they requested, if they would only send him some Indians he liked. The greater part of two days were spent in making arrangements, and all things were accommodated. Only some dilficulty we had to bring him to desert the 47 370 JOHN LEVERETT. Nyanticks, if we had just cause of war with them. They were, he said, his own flesh, being allied by continual intermarriages. But at last he agreed, if he could not bring them to make satisfaction, he would leave them to the English. When we should go to dinner, there was a table provided for the Indians to dine by themselves, and Miantonomoh was left to sit with them. This he was discontented at, and would eat nothing until the gov- ernor sent meat for him from his ow^n table. When he departed, we gave him and his counsellors, coats and to- bacco, and when he came to take leave of the governor, and such of the magistrates as were present, he returned and gave his hand to the governor, saying that was for the rest of the magistrates who were absent."* Mr. Leverett spent some time in England, in 1644-5, and while there, was appointed a captain in Rainsborrow's regiment, in the service of parliament, but soon after re- turned to Massachusetts. He was first chosen represen- tative from Boston, in 1651, and during a portion of the year was Speaker of the House. He was re-elected in 1652 and '3, and again in 1663, '4 and '5. In July, 1652, Mr. Leverett was one of the commis- sioners appointed to visit the settlements in Maine, and declare them to be under the jurisdiction of Massachu- setts. Soon after, a county called Yorkshire was estab- lished in Maine, and sent deputies to the general court at Boston. In 1653, the public mind having become impressed with the idea that a plot had been concerted by the Dutch Governor Stuy vesant and the Indians, for the destruction of the English colonies, Mr. Leverett was appointed one * Savage's Winthrop, ii. 81. JOHN LEVERETT. 371 of the commissioners of Massachusetts, to the Dutch gov- ernment of New York, and was made commander of the forces contemplated to be raised in case of war. In 1654, he had a military command under General Sedgwick, in expelling the French from Penobscot, an enterprise in which they succeeded with very little difficulty.* In 1655, Mr. Leverett again went to England, and was employed in the public service there for some time until his return in 1662. Immediately after his return he was re-elected to the assembly of the colony, and was chosen speaker in 1663 and in 1664. He went with Lusher and Danforth, in 1665, to Portsmouth and Dover, as one of the commissioners to enquire into the distur- bances there, which had been created by a faction head- ed by one Abraham Corbett, inimical to the government of Massachusetts. Corbett was in the end arrested, tak- en to Boston, and fined and otherwise punished for sedi- tious behavior. t He was one of the four persons, in 1664, to whom the patent or first charter was delivered by the general court, to be kept safe and secret, together with a dupli- cate, which they were directed to dispose of as might be most safe for the country. Governor Bellingham, Thomas Clark, and Edward Johnson were the others. | In 1665, Mr. Leverett was chosen an Assistant, and continued in that office until 1670. In 1671 and 1672, he was elected deputy governor. At the election in 1673, he was chosen governor to succeed Mr. Bellingham, and was annually re-elected without opposition until his death, in 1679. * All the country from the Penobscot to Port Roj'al was conquered with very little resistance. Hutchinson's Colony Mass. Bay, 183. t Farmer's Belknap, 60. ♦ See p. 341, of this volume. 372 JOHN LEVERETT. As has already been stated, the authority of Massa- chusetts had been extended over the settlements in Maine, and Governor Leverett had visited that territory in 1652, and several times afterwards, to arrange the terms of sub- mission. The inhabitants in some cases resisted the claim of Massachusetts, regarding it as a usurpation ;* and to put an end to the troublesome controversy, the gov- ernment of Massachusetts, in 1677, purchased of Gorges the province of Maine for the sum of .£1,250 sterling. f In February, 1680, the General Court of Massachusetts assumed the charter granted to Gorges, under their right of purchase, and proceeded to frame a civil administra- tion for the province. The delay of nearly three years after the purchase to assume the patent of Gorges, may be accounted for from the disagreeing opinions as to the best mode of governing the newly acquired territory, and from the known hostility of the King to the purchase by Massachusetts. Charles II. had intended, with the pro- vinces of Maine and New Hampshire, to make provision for his son, the Duke of Monmouth, and had been for some time in treaty with the proprietor of Maine, but was outwitted by the agents of Massachusetts. He was so deeply aflronted when he heard of the transfer, that he reprimanded the agents for their disloyal interference, and required them to assign their purchase to the crown, upon payment of the sum they had given. This they refused to do, and Massachusetts, with the usual resolute steadfastness which actuated her people whenever the royal prerogative bore hard upon them, determined to make the most of her purchase. * See Folsom, Hist. Saco and Biddeford, pp. 84 — DO. t Hutchinson's Hist. Col. Mass. Bay, 312. JOHN LEVERETT. 373 In 1678, Edwaril Randolph, wlio had been appointed collector ol" Boston, came over, bringing a commission, empowering certain persons to administer an oath (o the governor that he would faithfully execute the Jioyal Acts of Trade. The colony were determined to evade these acts, and Governor Leverett refused to take the oath required. The people considered the navigation acts as an invasion of their rights, as they were not repre- sented in parliament; and the controversy ended only with the subversion of their charter. Governor Leverett is described by Cotton Mather, as "one to whom the affections of the freemen were signal- ised his quick advances through the lesser stages of honor and office, unto the highest in the country ; and one whose courage had been as much recommended by martial actions abroad in his younger years, as his wis- dom and justice were now at home in his elder."* He received the order of knighthood from Charles II. in 1676 ; but he suppressed the title, or knowledge of it, during his life, probably on account of his republican employments, and the genius of the colonial government. He was in England at the time of the restoration, attend- ing to the interests of the colony, which brought the King acquainted with his talents and influence, and led to the bestowal of subsequent honors. "The Governor under the old charter," says Hutch- inson, "although he carried great port, yet his share in the administration was little more than any one of the Assistants. The weighty affairs of the war, and the agency, during his administration, conducted with pru- dence and steadiness, caused him to be greatly respect- . * Magnalia, b. 2. c. 5. 374 JOHN LEVERETT. ed."* ^^ Great military talents/' says Savage, " fitted him for the place of sergeant-major-generalj several years, and in the higher station of governor, in the most peril- ous period Massachusetts ever knew, Philip's war, they were fully exerted." In this great struggle, Massachu- setts furnished her full proportion of men and means; and many of her bravest sons fell, before the Indians were conquered. The command of the forces raised by the United Colonies devolved upon General Winslow, the governor of New Plymouth, and a summary of the events of that sanguinary war will be found in the memoir of Josias Winslow. I Governor Leverett died on 16th March, 1679. His funeral was made a pageant, not unlike that of royalty in England. § The disease of which Governor Leverett died was the gravel, as appears by Mather, and also an interleaved * The general court of Massachusetts, 7th May, 1662, " Ordered, that Ma- jor General John Leverett have granted to him 500 acres of land, referring to his services in the country, both in England and here; which 500 acres shall be laid out to him together, with 500 more, formerly granted to him in refer- ence to his father's adventure of the sum of £50 put into the public stock, in consideration whereof, Brewster's Islands were formerly granted to the said Major Jolin Leverett, but since adjudged by this court to belong to the town of Hull, whereupon the court granted the 500 acres last mentioned." Mass. Col. Records. 1 The first regular organization of militia in the country, was in 1644, when great exertions were made to render the militia efficient, and the eniulation of the people was excited to provide for emergencies that might happen. All males were enrolled at sixteen — none being exempt, except" timorous pr.rsons," and there were but few who would permit themselves to be thus classed The sol- diers were required to do duty eight days in a year under a penalty of 5s. a day — and a day's duty was the whole day spent in laborious drill, not a few hours of showy parade. The general court labored to avoid all high titles, and therefore ordered one general officer for the colony, whose title was Ser- geant Major General, to be chosen annually, t See pp. 179—192, of this volume. § See Whitman's Hist. Anc. and Hon. Art., p. 95. JOHN LEVERETT. 375 Almanack of 1679. His picture, in the military costume of that day, his sword, collar, and gloves, &c., are pre- served in the Essex Historical Rooms, at Salem. He wore long hair, but is the first colonial governor painted without a long beard. He is said to have laid it aside in Cromwell's court. Governor Leverett was married, in 1639, to Hannah Hudson, daughter of Ralph Hudson, deceased, who by his will had bequeathed to this daughter "iJlOO upon her marriage, and after his and his wife's decease, his new house in Boston with the yard adjoining, which then stood close to the market, on the south of the old Town House, and alsj his great lot of forty-six acres at Pullen Point." To match this respectable endowment. Elder Leverett at the same time settled upon his son various tracts of land and other property, and upon the decease 'of himself and wife, " his dwelling house in Boston, with the houses and gardens adjoining, and a hundred acres of land at Muddy River." The time of the death of the first w^ife of Governor Leverett is uncertain. The death of his second wife, Sarah, who survived him twenty-five years, is mentioned as having occurred at Boston, 2d January, 1705, when she was at the age of 74. Mary, daughter of Governor Leverett, married Paul Dudley, son of the first Governor Dudley. He died in 1681, at the age of 31. Hudson Leverett, only son of Governor Leverett, was born in 1640. Hutchinson says, he did not support the reputation of his father ; but John Leverett, his son, in the presidency of Harvard College, gave a character to that institution which it had never before attained. "* He * Savage's Wintlirop, ii. 245. 376 JOHN LEVERETT. graduated in 1680, was afterwards a tutor, became a mem- ber of the legislature, speaker of the assembly, counsellor, judge of the superior court, and of the court of probate. He was one of the founders of Brattle street church in Boston. In 1708, he was chosen President of Harvard College, in which station he continued until his death, which was sudden, 3d May, 1724. He was endowed with great powers of mind, and was conspicuous for his learning. His talents were eminently practical. He knew better than most men what course to shape in diffi- cult times, and how political and religious factions were to be managed or controlled. To these characteristics the College owed much of the prosperity it enjoyed at that period ; and these conferred the reputation for suc- cess, which has ever since rested upon his administration. In all his official relations, his industry, vigor, and fideli- ty were conspicuous and exemplary. Flynt's Funeral Oration ascribes to him Aristotle's words to Plato — ^'^Hic jacet homo, quern nan licet, nan decet, impiis vel ignoran- tibus laudare.^' His literary merits procured him honors from abroad, particularly a membership in the Royal So- ciety of London.* * Quincy's Hist, of Harvard University, i. 323. Whitman's Hist. Anc. and Hon. Art. Co. 249. 37' VIII. SIMON BIIADSTREET. Simon Bradstreet was a native of Horbling, a small village near Folkingham, in Lincolnshire, England, where he was born in March, 1603. His father, born of a wealthy family in Suffolk, was one of the first fel- lows of Emanuel College, and highly esteemed by per- sons distinguished for learning. In the year 1603, he appears to have been minister at Horbling, in Lincoln- shire, but was always a nonconformist to the church of England. He was afterwards preacher to the English congregation at Middleburg, where he was most proba- bly driven by the severity of persecution. He was liv- ing about the year 1630. The first planters of New England had the highest respect for him, and used to style him " The venerable Mordecai of his country."* The son was entered at the grammar school, where, after spending some time, he was taken into the family of the Earl of Lincoln, in which he remained about eight years, under the direction of Thomas Dudley, holding several offices at different periods in the household of the Earl. His capacity, and the desire which his father expressed to give his son an education, induced Dr. Preston, an intimate friend of the elder Bradstreet, to interest himself in behalf of the son. He was thereupon entered at Emanuel College, Cambridge, in the capacity of governor to the young Lord Rich, son of the Earl of Warwick. This young nobleman, however, did not come to the university ; and a brother of the Earl of * Brooke's Lives of the Puritans, iii. 519. 48 37S SIMON BRADSTREET. Lincoln^ of rather idle and dissipated habits, being then in collegej and claiming too much of the time and atten- tion of Bradstreet, he left the institution after about a year, and returned to the Earl of Lincoln. Mr. Dudley being about to remove to New England, his post of stew- ard in the household of the Earl was conferred on Brad- street. He was afterwards stew^ard to the aged Coun- tess of Warwick, and here became acquainted with Anne, daughter of Thomas Dudley, whom he married, in 1628. This connection induced him to join the company of Winthrop, Dudley, Saltonstall, Endecott, and others, who were then about to embark for New England. In March, 1630, he became associated with the company of colonists ; and, embarking with his family, arrived at Salem in June following. He was at the first court held at Charlestown, 23d August, 1630, and was there elected secretary of the colony, and remained in office until 1644. He is named as the seventh member who joined in forming the first congregational church of Charles- town and Boston. In the spring of 1631, Mr. Bradstreet removed to Cambridge, and was one of the earliest settlers of that town. He resided, with Dudley, Saltonstall, and others, for a time, at Ipswich, between 1635 and 1644, and af- terwards removed to Andover, where he became one of the first planters of that town, in 1648. Among those who were banished from Massachu- setts, on account of their antinomian principles, was Cap- tain John Underbill, who settled at Dover, New Hamp- shire, and, on the expulsion of Burdet, was chosen "governor" of that town. He was himself an enthu- siast of bad character, and introduced Hanserd Knollys, SIMON BRADSTREET. 379 an Antinomian Baptist, to the ministry there. Knollys busied himself in calumniating the Massachusetts settlers, and soon raised up a strong party in opposition. Thomas Larkham, a zealous churchman, from England, headed this new party. One party dealt out bulls and excom- munications; and the other imposed fines and penalties; until the little settlement became a theatre of riots, as- saults and general disorder. The government of Mas- sachusetts, which had always had an eye upon the east- ern settlements, now thought it time to interfere ; and Mr. Bradstreet, Hugh Peters, and Samuel Dalton, were appointed commissioners to inquire into the dilTiculties at Dover, and attempt a reconciliation. These peace makers travelled from Boston to Dover on foot, and hav- ing ascertained that both parties were in fault, succeeded in adjusting the feud, by persuading one party to remit its fines and penalties, and the other to annul its cen- sures and excommunications.* When, in the year 1643, the New England Colonies formed their memorable confederation, or union for mu- tual protection and defence, Mr. Bradstreet was one of the commissioners on the part of the Massachusetts colo- ny, and took an active part in the proceedings.! The records of that period, in all the public affairs of the col- ony, show how diligent and useful he was as a public officer, through all the changes of the infant common- * See Farmer's Belknap, 23-26, and Farmer and Moore's Collections, ii. 236. t Governor Winthrop, in noticing the selection made by the deputies for this important service, calls " the choosing one of the younger magistrates (Bradstreet) a great error," although he pronounces him to be " a very able man." The reason probably was, that Mr. Bradstreet was " an eastern man," being at that time a resident of Ipswich ; for he was one of the original assistants, and had been fourteen times re-elected to that ofSce, although he was now but forty years of age. 380 SIMON BRADSTREET. wealth. As one of the most active magistrateSj he was noted as rarely ever absent from his post ; and in his capa- city of secretary of the colony^ his papers bore the marks of a clerkly hand, and of a mind so well trained in matters of law, and legislation, that he is spoken of by the editor of Winthrop, as having been "bred to the bar." Mr. Bradstreet, although a strict Puritan in faith, and as decidedly opposed " to all heresy and schism," as his austere relative Dudley, was endowed with a differ- ent temper ; and for the sake of peace, or with the hope of reformation, could more readily excuse an offender. He seems to have been imbued with a spirit more gen- tle, and to have been influenced by a better idea of reli- gious freedom, than some of his associates in the colony. While the Antinomian controversy was pending, he seems to have been inclined to more moderate measures than the exasperated magistrates and elders. When Anne Hutchinson was arraigned, before Governor Win- throp, and during two days, in presence of the whole authority in church and state united, maintained her ground with a self-possession and ability that came near carrying some of the judges in her favour, as her argu- ments already had convinced a majority of the Boston church, — Mr. Bradstreet was for persuasion rather than force. He remarked to Mrs. Hutchinson, that she ought to forbear her meetings, because they gave offence; and when she interposed a plea of conscience, he replied that he was not against all women's meetings, and even con- sidered them to be lawful, but still thought they should be avoided, as matters disturbing the public peace.* * See Account of the Trial of Anne Hutchinson, in Appendix to Hutchin- json, vol. ii. SI3I0N BRADSTREJiT. 3S\ The rigorous discipline which the churches and mag- istrates enforced at this period, caused many to be pub- licly arraigned and punished, for oficnces, which would at this day be deemed trivial and insignificant. To speak evil of rulers, was an offence, and there were nu- merous instances in which this breach of order was pun- ished with severity. Mv. Bradstreet, on occasions of this description, frequently took ground in favor of freedom of speech, and voted, in opposition to the majority of magistrates, against presentments and lines ^Mbr words spoken in contempt of government." In the same spirit, which was in advance of the age, when the witchcraft delusion overspread the colony, he discountenanced the excesses into which the government was betrayed. Brattle, in his account of this delusion, makes honorable mention of " the few men of understand- ing, judgment and piety, inferior to few if any in New England, that do utterly condemn the proceedings, and do freely deliver their judgment that these methods will utterly ruin and undo poor New England." Among the first of these he names Mr, Bradstreet.* In 1650, Mr. Bradstreet was one of the commission- ers assembled at Hartford, to determine the long contro- verted boundary line between the Dutch Colony of New Amsterdam, (New York,) and the Enghsh Colony of New Haven. The settlements which had been made at York and Kittery, in Maine, under grants from Gorges, early at- tracted the notice of the government of Massachusetts. They claimed the territory on the Pascataqua, as contain- ed within the bounds of their charter. In 1651, avail- * I Mass. Hist. Coll. v. 75. 382 SIMON BRADSTREET. ing themselves of the advantages presented by the dis- sensions among the people of those settlements, the gov- ernment of Massachusetts appointed Mr. Bradstreet one of the commissioners to treat with the disaffected at York and Kittery, about coming under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. In the following year, matters had been so far matured, that on Mr. Bradstreet's again appearing at Kittery, and summoning the inhabitants to come in and acknowledge their subjection to Massachusetts, they resolved to surrender, and signed an instrument of sub- mission, which was soon after followed by a similar submission of the people of York, Saco, Wells, &c. In June, 1654, we find Mr. Bradstreet active in a meeting at Ipswich, on the subject of preparing a refuta- tion of certain calumnies, which had been forwarded to the Protector Cromwell, against the general court of Massachusetts. It was some months after the restoration of Charles II. became known, before he was proclaimed in Massa- chusetts; although a loyal address was voted and for- warded, in December, 1660. The colonists were alarmed as to the consequences of the great revolutions in the parent state; and sinister reports of evil for a time kept the people in a state of feverish anxiety. In May, 1661, the state of public affairs was brought before the general court, Mr. Bradstreet was placed at the head of a com- mittee " to consider and debate such matters touch- ing their patent rights, and privileges, and duty to his Majesty, as should to them seem proper." This com- mittee, after grave deliberation, embodied their report in an able state paper, drawn up by Mr. Bradstreet, and adopted by the general court in special session, 10th SIMON BRADSTREET. 383 June, 1C61. This report declares in emphatic terms the rights and liberties of the colony, under the charter, fol- lowed by a declaration of allegiance, loyalty and duty to the king. The Massachusetts address to the King met a favor- able reception, notwithstanding strong representations had been forwarded against the colony, growing out of the persecutions of the Quakers, and other rigorous measures. The royal mandamus soon after put an end to this persecution; and Massachusetts was summoned to answer complaints made against the government of the colony. In this emergency, Mr. Brad street and Mr. Norton were despatched to England. They met with a favorable reception at court, and in answer to the address and petition of Massachusetts, they were intrus- ted with a letter from the King, which promised a full pardon of- political offences, and a confirmation of the ancient privileges of the colony, but coupled with such conditions as created at once, in the midst of the general rejoicing at the prospect of peace, a deep gloom through- out the colony. The requisitions of the King, in this instance, were in the highest degree tolerant and ejilight- ened, far beyond the scope of most of the acts of his reign. Bradstreet and Norton understood the matter in this light, and so it was considered by the best friends of the colony in England. But the general court looked upon the King's letter as requiring a surrender of their rights, which they determined not hastily to assent to. The agents, who were supposed to have made unneces- sary concessions, were now loaded with reproaches, and evils which it could not have been in their power to avert, were laid to their charge. Mr. Norton, a feithful and 384 SIMON BRADSTREET. honest man, who went reluctantly upon the embassyj couki not bear up under the general reproach; but Mr. Bradstreet, conscious that he had in no way compromit- ted the honor or rights of the colony, steadily defended his course, and advocated a dutiful compliance with the requisitions of the King, as the best and only safe course. When the royal commissioners arrived in 1665, Mr. Bradstreet was one of the few who counselled a quiet compliance, and protested against the declaration of the general court drawn up in answer to the demands of the commissioners. The sturdy democracy of the Puritans, however, forbade their yielding an iota of what they conceived to be their chartered privileges; and they not only denounced the proceedings of the commissioners, but prohibited any one from abetting or aiding them. If the course advised by Mr. Bradstreet might have been under the circumstances, the more prudent and politic, that adopted by the colony was in fact more noble, and better becoming a community of freemen. In 1673, Mr. Bradstreet was chosen deputy governor, and continued in that office under repeated elections, until the death of Governor Leverett, in 1679. In May of that year, he was first chosen governor, at the age of seventy-six years, having previously been chosen an as- sistant for fifty years in succession. He was annually re- elected governor, until May, 1686, when the charter was dissolved, and Dudley commenced his administration as president of New England. Dudley's commission from James II. bore date the 8th October, 1685, and Mr. Bradstreet was the first of the seventeen counsellors named in the commission. The new president, on re- ceiving his commission, waited upon Mr. Bradstreet at St.MON BRADSTREEt. S85 his house, the 14th May, 1686; but Mr. Bradstreet de- cHned accepting the appointment, as did his son, Dudley Bradstreet, also named as counsellor.* The tyranny of Andros, which followed the short rule of Dudley, bringing with it the most gloomy fore- bodings as to the future, nerved the arms of the people and knit their hearts in unison for ultimate resistance. The venerable Bradstreet, though verging upon ninety years of age, was consulted by the people, and gave his advice as the Nestor of New England. In a letter w^hich Hutchinson has preserved, on the subject of the arbitrary seizure of lands, and contempt of title deeds, by Andros, Governor Bradstreet states with admirable clearness his opinion of the case.f When tUe people of Boston, on the 18th of April, 1689, rose in arms, and the inhabitants from the sur- rounding country flocked in to the assistance of their brethren of the capital, Mr. Bradstreet and fourteen of the magistrates of 1686, addressed a message to Andros, in the name of the people, demanding of him, an im- mediate surrender of the government and fortifications. J * Hutchinson's Hist. Colony of Mass. Bay, 351. t Hutchinson's Colony of Mass. Bay, 360, 361. t The following is the message referred to, which is copied from the origi- nal handbill, printed in black letter by Green, in 1669, in possession of Col. Petkr Force, of Washington, D. C "^5< the Town House in Boston: April 18lh, 1689. "Sir, — Ourselves as well as many others the Inhabitants of this town and places adjacent, being surprised with the People's sudden taking to Arms, in the first motion whereof we were wholly ignorant, are driven by the present Exi- gence and Necessity to acquaint your Excellency, that for the Quieting and Security of the People inhabiting this Countrey from the imminent Dangers they many wayes lie open and are exposed unto, and for your own Safety ; We judge it necessary that you forthwith Surrender, and Deliver up the Govern- ment and Fortifications to be preserved, to be Disposed according to Order and 49 386 SIMON BRADSTREET. The governor with his council resisted, and withdrew to the fort. "Just then, (says Bancroft,) the last governor of the colony, in office when the charter was abrogated, Simon Bradstreet, glorious with the dignity of fourscore years and seven, one of the early emigrants, a magistrate in 1630, whose experience connected the oldest genera- tion with the new, drew near the town-house, and was received by a great shout from the freemen. The old magistrates were reinstated, as a council of safety ; the whole town rose in arms, ^ with the most unanimous re- solution that ever inspired a people ;' and a declaration, read from the balcony, defended the insurrection, as a duty to God and the country. ^ We commit our enter- prise,' it is added, ^ to Him who hears the cry of the op- pressed, and advise all our neighbors, for whom we have thus ventured ourselves, to joyn with us in prayers and all just actions for the defence of the land.' On Charles- town side, a thousand soldiers crowded together; and the multitude would have been larger if needed. The governor, vainly attempting to escape to the frigate, was, with his creatures, compelled .to seek protection by sub- Direction from the Crown of England, which is suddenly expected may arrive. Promising all Security from violence to your Self, or any other of your Gen- tlemen and Souldiers in Person or Estate : or else we are assured they will endeavor the taking of the Fortifications by Storm, if any opposition be made. 'To Sr. Edmond Andross, Knight. * William Stoughton, Simon Bradstreet, Wait Winthrop, Thomas Danforth, John Richards, Samuel Shrimpton, Elisha Cook, William Brown, Isaac Addington, Barthol. Gedney, John Foster, Peter Sergeant, David Waterhouse, Adam Winthrop, John Nelson. "Boston. Printed by Samuel Green, 1689." SIMON BRADSTREET. 387 mission ; through the streets where he had first displayed his scarlet coat and arbitrary commission, he and his fellows were marched to the town-house, and thence to prison. All the cry was against Andros and Randolph. The castle was taken; the frigate was mastered; the fortifications occupied." The people voted to re-assume the old charter ; representatives were chosen ; and Mas- sachusetts again assembled in general court, calling Brad- street to the chair of state.* Mr. Bradstreet was annually re-elected Governor of Massachusetts, and of New Hampshire, under the union of those provinces, until the arrival of Sir William Phips, in May, 1692, with a charter, which deprived the people of the right of choosing their chief magis- trate. In this charter he was named as senior counsel- lor. But the venerable old man, after more than half a century of public service, now retired from office, and closed his eventful career at Salem, on the 27th March, 1697, in the 95th year of his age. His great age is at- tributed by Mather to his temperate habits of life. The inscription upon his tomb, in the ancient burial place at Salem, is as follows : SIMON BRADSTREET, Armigcr, ex ordine Senatoris, in colonia Maasachusettensi ab anno 1630, usque ad annum 1673. Deindo ad annum 1679, Vico-Guliernator. Denique ad annum 1G86, ejusdem colonial, conimuni et constanti populi suffragio, Gubcrnator. Vir, judicio Lynccario preditus : quern ncc nunima, nee honos allexit. Regis authoritatem, ct populi lihortatem, ai(|ua lance libravit. Religione cerdatus, vita innocuus, mundum et vicit, et deseruit, 27 die Martii, A. D. 1697. Annoq. Guliel. 3t ii. et JEt. 94. His epitaph, says Felt, gives a correct idea of his character: — "He w^as a man of deep discernment, whom neither wealth nor honor could allure from duty. He poised with an equal balance, the authority of the King, • Hutchinson, 373—382. Bancroft, ii. 447. 388 SIMON BRADSTREET- and the liberty of the people. Sincere in Religion^ and pure in his life^ he overcame and left the world." The assembly of the province being in session at the time of his death, ^^in consideration of the long and extraordi' nary service of Simon Bradstreet, late Governor, who is now deceased, voted £100 towards defraying the charges of his interment." The first wife of Governor Bradstreet, as has already been stated, was Anne, daughter of Governor Thomas Dudley, whom he married in England. She died 16th September, 1672, at the age of 60 years. ^^She is," says Savage, ^'^ the most distinguished of the early ma- trons of our land by her literary powers." A volume of her poems was published in 1678. It was dedicated to her father, in a copy of verses, dated 20 March, 1642, and is probably the earliest poetic volume written in America.* There is also in possession of one of her descendants, a manuscript volume, in the hand-writing of Mrs. Brad- street, dedicated to her " Dear Son Simon Bradstreet," and containing seventy seven ^^ Meditations, Divine and Moral," which she intended to continue through the volume, as we are told in a note written by her son, *^but was prevented by death." Extracts from these Meditations are given in the History of the First Church of Charlestown, Massachusetts.! After the death of his first wife. Governor Bradstreet, in 1680, married Ann, widow of Capt. Joseph Gardner, who was killed in the memorable Narragansett fight, 19 Dec. 1675. This lady was a daughter of Emanuel Dow- * See page 295, ante. \ By Rev. William I. Budington, published in 1845. SIMO.V URADSTREKT. .'^SD ning, distinguished lor her talents and accomplishments. She died 19 April, 1713, aged 79. Governor Bradstreet's children were^ four sons and four daughters, viz. Samuel, who was graduated at Harvard College in 1653, of which he was one of the fellows, was admitted freeman, 1G53, was representative for Andover, in 1G70, and died before 1683. Simon, graduated at Harvard College in 1667, wfis ordained as minister of New London, Connecticut, 5 Oct., 1670, and died in 1688. Dudley, who was born 1648, was representative for Andover, in 1677 and 1692, was colonel of militia, and one of the Council of Safety, appointed in 1689. John, born 31 July, 1652, and settled at Salem. Jinn, who in 1659, married Thomas Wiggin, of Exe- ter, New Hampshire. Dorothy, who married Rev. Seaborn Cotton of Hampton, New Hampshire, and died 26 Feb., 1671. Hannah, who married a Wiggin ; and Mercy, who in 1672, married Nathaniel Wade of Medford. The Rev. Simon Bradstreet, son of the minister of New London, and grandson of Gov. Bradstreet, was graduated at Harvard College in 1693, and settled at Charlestown, 26 October, 1698. He was a man of great learning, and lively imagination ; but in the latter part of his life, became so hypochondriacal, that he was afraid to preach in the pulpit, lest he should die there, and for some time delivered his sermons from the deacon's seat.* * The anecdote is told of him, that when Lieut. Gov. Tailor introduced him to Gov. Burnet, who was himself a scholar, he said " Here is a man, sir, who can whistle Greek." 390 IX. JOSEPH DUDLEY. Joseph Dudley, son of Governor Thomas Dudley, was born on the 23d of July, 1647, at Roxbury, Massa- chusetts. He was the son of the Governor's old age, being born after his father had attained the age of sev- enty years. During his childhood, he was under the care of his excellent mother, and the Rev. Mr. Allin of Dedham, to whom she was married after the death of Gov. Dudley. He was educated at the free school in Cambridge, under the famous Master Corlet, and at Harvard College, where he graduated in 1665, in the 18th year of his age. Hutchinson says, "he was edu- cated for the ministry, and if various dignities had been known in the New England churches, possibly he had lived and died a clergyman; but without this, nothing could be more dissonant from his genius. He soon turned his thoughts to civil affairs. Ambition was the ruling passion, and perhaps, like Caesar, he had rather be the first man in New England, than second in Old." He was admitted a freeman in 1672, and in 1673 he was first chosen a representative from his native town, Roxbury, and was re-elected for the two following years. In 1676, he was chosen one of the assistants, in which office he continued, (with the exception of one year,) until 1685, when he was appointed President of Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire. When the great Indian war broke out in 1675, Dud- ley was appointed one of the commissioners of Massa- chusetts, who, accompanying the military forces of the JOSEPH DUDLEY. 391 colony into the country of the Narragansetts, were ena- bled to dictate the terms of a treaty, with the chiefs of that tribe, by which they bound themselves to aid the English in the war against Philip.* Mr. Dudley was present at the great battle with the Narragansetts in December, 1675, and wrote to Governor Leverett an in- teresting account of the battle, which is published by Hutchinson. Mr. Dudley, with a keen perception of the future in political affairs, attached himself to the moderate party in 1680, inclining to the opinion that it was best to ac- quiesce in the surrender of the old charter, and wait for circumstances. This is supposed to have paved the way for his agency to England, to which, in conjunction with Major John Richards, he was appointed in 1682. He professed himself warmly in favor of the restoration of the charter, but his conduct in England proved him to have played the courtier, rather for his own advancement, than for the interests of his native land. His mission was unsuccessful, and he returned to Boston, 23 Octo- ber, 1683. His proceedings not proving satisfactory to the people, he lost his election as an assistant in 1684. During his visit to England, finding that he could not serve his country by obtaining a confirmation of the old charter, he determined to look well to his own in- terests ; and accordingly became a prominent candidate for the chief magistracy. Dudley was a finished cour- tier, as well as an adroit politician, and the idea of having a New England man, born and brought up among the * Hutchinson, i. 289 — 291 ; where the articles are inserted. The Narragan- setts, who were then very powerful, had promised Philip to rise, in the spring of 1676, with 4000 men. 392 JOSEPH DUDLEA'. inhabitants^ appointed governor, was a circumstance that gave him many friends — an advantage which a man of his address knew well how to use. He was successful in his application, and when the government of Massa- chusetts was changed, in 1686, to a President and Coun- cil, he was appointed to the presidency. The people had resisted as long as possible the surrender of their charter; and when the Rose frigate arrived in May, 1686, with Dudley's commission, the general court informed the new president and council, that they did not consid- er their assuming of the government as just; but if they considered themselves bound to obey the King, they might, and the court would endeavour to act legally.* King James II. was proclaimed with great ceremony, in the ^^High street in Boston," on the 20th April, 1686, and Mr. Dudley received his commission on the 15th May, and published it on the 26th, when the new Pres- ident first met the Council in form.f He was commis- sioned as President of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, and Rhode Island; and to assist him in the gov- ernment, fifteen mandamus counsellors were appointed by the crown. No house of deputies was recognized. To the President and Council, thus constituted, was com- mitted the power of managing and controlling all the * See Hutchinson's Colony Mass. Bay, 342. The town of Salem, in antici- pation of Dudley's appointment, gave the following instructions to their depu- ties in the general court : " In case Mr. Dudley, &c., said to be nominated and authorized by his majesty to edit another government here, do publish a loyal nullification of our Charter, and a commission from the King for their accept- ance of the government here, then our instruction to you is, that you give no countenance to any resistance, but peaceably withdraw yourselves, as represent- ing us no longer." Felt's Annals, 262. t Dudley's commission as President of New England, is dated 27 Sept. 1685. He acted from 25 May, 1686, until 20 Dec. 1686, when Andros arrived. JOSEPH DUDLEY. 393 public affairs. The new government went into opera- tion, 25 May, 1686. In general, all the existing legal usages were observed. But Dudley's administration was short, and, though unpopular with the people, seems not to have been a very grievous one. It lasted but four months and twenty-six days, when the next political rev- olution brought Andros upon the stage, as governor of New York and New England. This man arrived at Boston on the 20th December, and published his com- mission on the following day. Dudley was retained as one of his Council, of which he became president, and was also made one of the Justices of the Superior Court. In this capacity, he opposed some of the proceedings of Andros and the Council, in their attacks upon the titles of the people to their lands. In other matters, however, he generally went with the party of Andros, and so man- aged as to keep up a friendly understanding with him and with Randolph, his infamous agent and confidential adviser. Mr. Dudley, of course, became peculiarly the object of dislike among the people, who regarded him as little better than the betrayer of their liberties. And, when in April, 1689, they overturned the government of An- dros, Dudley, as one of the most obnoxious, was arrested and kept a close prisoner for a long time. On the 16th May, 1689, a ship arrived from England with advices of the proclaiming of William and Mary. This was most joyful news. The fears of the people, of any bad con- sequences, from their late revolutionary actions, were now over. '^On the 29th, the proclamation was pub- lished in Boston, with greater ceremony than had ever been known. Governor Bradstreet and his council, the 50 394 JOSEPH DUDLEY. civil and military officerSj merchants of the town^ and country, being on horseback, the regiment of the town, and many companies of horse and foot from the country, appearing in arms — a great entertainment was prepared in the town house, and wine was served out to the sol- diers." On the 5th of June, the representatives from several towns assembled at Boston. The council immediately proposed to them to consent to the liberation of the gentle- men seized by the people, upon security, but this was not agreed to ; and on the 27th, they resolved that they were not bailable, and sent up articles against them. Sir Edmund Andros, Col. Dudley,* and others, remained in close custody for upwards of twenty weeks. At last, an order was received from the King, approving the course pursued by the people, and old magistrates, and di- recting that Andros and the rest of the prisoners should be sent forthwith to England. This order arrived late in the year, and on the 16th Feb. 1690, Sir Edmund An- dros, Mr. Dudley, and several others, embarked for Eng- land. Lieut. Gov. Danforth, in a letter to Dr. I. Mather, speaking of the transactions of this period, says, " Mr. Dudley is in a peculiar manner the object of the people's displeasure, even throughout all the colonies, where he hath sat as judge; they deeply resent his correspondence with that wicked man Randolph, for overturning the gov- ernment. The Governor and Council, though they have done their utmost to procure his enlargement, yet cannot prevail, but the people will have him in the jail ; * Whitman supposes that Dudley obtained liis title of Colonel, by an appoint- ment in the British army while in England. JOSEPH DUDLEY. 395 and when he hatli been by order turned out^ by force and tumult they fetch him in." Dudley himself^, in a letter to Cotton Mather, dated 1st June, says, "I am told that this morning is the last opportunity for rolling away the stone from the mouth of this sepulchre, where I am buried alive," &c. And in a letter to his brother- in-law. Gov. Bradstreet, dated 12th Sept., he says, ^' After twenty weeks unaccountable imprisonment, and many barbarous usages offered me, I have now to com- plain that on Monday, the whole day, I could be allowed no victuals, till nine o'clock at night, when the keeper's wife offered to kindle her own fire and warm something for me, and the Corporal expressly commanded the lire to be put out. I may be easily oppressed to death. God will hear them that complain to him. I pray your direction for your oppressed kinsman, J. D." Gov. Dudley returned to his native country towards the close of the year 1690, having been much more suc- cessful in conciliating the favor of the crown, than he could hope to be of regaining the confidence of the peo- ple. He was now looking to another sphere of action for public honors. The supreme court of the colony of New York was established on the 6th of May, 1691, and on the 15th Mr. Dudley, who had previously been appointed a member of the council of New York, was appointed chief justice by Governor Sloughter. On the 11th Nov. 1692, after the arrival of Gov. Fletcher, he was removed from this station, on account of not being resident in the province. As a member of the council of New York, and senior in the board, he was entitled to preside in the administration of that province, on the death of Sloughter; but being absent in Massachusetts at 396 JOSEPH DUDLEY. the timCj the chief position was given to another, a pro- ceeding which Mr. Dudley did not think it worth while to contest. Mr. Dudley went the third time to England in 1693 ; where he remained until 1702. While there, he was eight years Deputy Governor of the Isle of Wight, un- der Lord Cutts, through whose interest he was also re- turned a member of the House of Commons, for the borough of Newton in Southampton. On the death of King William, he returned with a commission from Queen Anne, as governor of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, with which he arrived at Boston, 11 June, 1702, and was received, says the Boston News Letter of that day, ^^with great respect and affection."* He was sworn into office, 13th June, 1702. During his absence in England, he had managed to take advantage of the complaints transmitted from Massachusetts against Gov- ernor Phips, and after having caused him to be arrest- ed in London, and held to bail in i^20,000, found it an easy matter to supplant him. On meeting his first assembly, Dudley gave " instances of his remembering the old quarrel, and the people, on their parts, resolved never to forget it."f " All his in- genuity could not stem the current of their prejudice against him." A stated salary was demanded for the governor. " As to settling a salary for the governor," replied the House, ^^ it is altogether new to us ; nor can we think it agreeable to our present constitution ; but we shall be ready to do what may be proper for his support." * Sir Charles Hobby, a native of Boston, was a rival of Dudley for the office of governor. He died in London, in 1714. t Bancroft, iii. 99, 100. JOSEPH DUULEV. 397 Here began the controversy wliich nothing but indepen- dence could solve. In vain did Dudley endeavor to win from the legislature, concessions to the royal prerogative; and he, and for a season his son also, became the active opponents of the chartered liberties of New England, endeavoring to eflfect their overthrow, and the establish- ment of a general government, as in the days of Andros. In December, 1702, he wrote to the board of trade in England, that ^^ many of the council were Common- wealth's men, and that until the Queen should appoint a Council, nothing could be done." In December, 1703, he writes to the secretary of state, that he "had communi- cated the Queen's requisitions to the assembly relative to Pemaquid, and the settlement of salaries — but though he had used all possible methods, he found it impossible to move that sort of men, who love not the Crown and Gov- ernment of England to any manner of obedience." About this time, the copy of a letter written by Paul Dudley, son of the governor, who was then attorney general, was made public, in which he made the offen- sive declaration, that " this country will never be worth living in for lawyers and gentlemen, till the charter is taken away." Hutchinson says the governor had no rest for the first seven years.* At the general electiT)n in May, 1703, Governor Dud- ley negatived five of the newly elected counsellors — men of probity, influence and popularity — but whose course towards him, in the revolution of 1689, he could not so far overlook, as to admit them among his confidential ad- visers. Thomas Oakes, a representative from Boston, and a popular leader of the opposition, was this year * Hutchinson, ii. 140. 39S JOSEPH DUDLEY. chosen speaker of the house. The governor negatived the choice. He was then chosen to the council^ when Dudley negatived him there also. He was for many yearS; representative from Boston^ and in 1705^ was again chosen speaker. Dudley negatived the choice^ and ordered the house to choose another person, but they re- fused. These proceedings, of course, rendered the gov- ernor very unpopular with the people. The belief was also becoming somewhat general, encouraged by the scan- dals of his enemies, that he was secretly encouraging an illicit trade with the French possessions in North Ameri- ca — a charge which does not seem to have had any foun- dation. In July, 1702, Gov. Dudley visited all the eastern frontiers as far as Pemaquid, taking with him such gen- tlemen of the general court as he thought proper, where he met the delegates from the Indian tribes, and confirmed the treaties which had been formerly made. Queen Anne had already declared war against France, and the colonies soon became again involved in a French and Indian war. To keep the eastern Indians at peace. Governor Dudley in June, 1703, held another conference with the chiefs, who assured him that they had no thought of breaking the peace, which '"should continue as long as the sun and moon." In six weeks after, they attacked all the settlements from Casco to Wells, burning and destroying all before them. Governor Dudley, during this painful struggle, appears to have laboured with great earnest- ness to prosecute the war, and protect the people from their enemies. The war continued until the treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, was known in America, when the east- ern Indians proposed to treat of peace, and Governor JOSEPH Dl'DLEY. 399 Dudley finally concluded a treaty with them at Ports- mouthj on the 13th July.* From his first arrival as governor, Dudley had shown a fond regard for the interests of his Jllma Mater, and President Quincy, in his elaborate Plistory of Harvard University, classes Gov. Dudley among the greatest ben- efactors of the college. ^^ Of all the statesmen, who have been instrumental in promoting the interests of Harvard University, Joseph Dudley was most influential in giving its constitution a permanent character." When, howev- er, near the close of his career, the trustees of the col- lege refused to make a son of the governor their treasurer, the corporation incurred his resentment, and that of the family. The demise of Queen Anne occurred in 1714. This event rendered the tenure of Governor Dudley's office precarious — his influence declined, and he seems to have gathered his robes about him to quit the stage. He met the Assembly for the last time in May, 1715, but made no speech, as was his wont. He was superseded in No- vember, of that year, by Governor Shute. Gov. Dudley's administration was popular in New Hampshire. Beside his attention to the general interests of the province, and his care for its defence against the Indians, he had the particular merit of favoring the views of the people who were opposed to Allen's claim ; and they made him amends, by promoting in the assem- bly addresses to the Queen, defending his character when it was attacked, and praying for his continuance in office, when petitions were presented for his removal. A good harmony subsisted between the governor and " Penhallow's Indian Wnrs,72— 80. 400 JOSEPH DUDLEY. people, and between the two branches of the legislature of the province, during the whole of his administration.* 7^he general feeling in his favor was evinced in 1707, when a petition from Massachusetts to the Queen against the governor, was read before the general assembly in New Hampshire. The council and representatives in full assembly, nemine contradicente, voted that some of the charges were scandalous, unheard of, and false re- proaches ; and they drew up an address to the Queen, in which they justified his administration from all those ca- lumnies, and prayed his continuance in the government.! Governor Dudley, as one of the original grantees of the town of Oxford, Massachusetts, conceived the pro- ject of forming there a settlement of French Protestants, who were looking for safety by flight to other countries, on the revocation of the edict of Nantz.J A correspon- * John Usher, who was lieutenant governor of New Hampshire under Dud- ley, furnishes a key to the good understanding between the governor and the people of New Hampshire. In a letter written in January, 1704, to the Board of Trade and Plantations, he says that " Dudley, in consideration of £160 per annum, allotvs a Republican party to govern, and every one against a Crown sovernment, in places of trust." In a previous letter to the Board, dated Dec. 1703, Usher complains of the bad state of the government of New Hampshire— " which will not be happy unless a Governor is sent, who, without regard to money, will enforce the prerogative, and curb their anti-monarchical principles." Sampson Sheafe, then collector of the customs at New Castle, in Feb. 1704, wrote the Board of Trade, that " Usher had come to a ticklish government, as the people are of an ungovernable spirit, and, notwithstanding their pretensions, are against monarchical government." [From copies of Records in Plantation Office, London, in possession of Col. Peter Force, Washington, D. C.J t In June, 1706, a petition was presented to the Queen for the removal of Governor Dudley, on the charge of mal-administration of the government and of being secretly concerned with the smugglers. It appears that he had granted permits to some of those traders to carry contraband articles to Port Royal. This was the source of many suspicions against him. The general court of Massa- chusetts, however, passed a vote in Nov. 1707, expressing their belief that Mr. Dudley was innocent of the charge. Felt, 344. Hutchinson, ii. 145. t Henry IV. of France, on the 13 April, 1598, signed at Nantz, an edict, granting "perpetual and inviolable liberty of conscience to the Protestants.',' This edict was revoked by Louis XIV. on the 8 Oct. 1685 JOSEPH DUDLEY. 401 dencc look placo between some of the leading Protestants at Rochelle, and the })i'opriclors of Oxford, which resuU- ed in the settlement of that town in 168G, by thirty Huguenot families, who had escaped from France.* On leaving office, Governor Dudley retired to his estate in Roxbury, where he died on the 2d April, 1720, in the 73d year of his age. ^^He was buried, (says the Boston News-Letter, ) on the 8th, in the sepulchre of his father, with all the honors and respect his country was capable of doing him. He was a man of rare endow- ments and shining accomplishments, a singular honor to his country. He was early its darling, always its orna- ment, and in age its crown. The scholar, the divine, the philosopher, and the lawyer, all met in him." Hutchin- son says, "he applied himself w^ith the greatest diligence to the business of his station. The affairs of the war, and other parts of his administration, were conducted with good judgment. In economy, he excelled, both in pub- lic and private life." Such is the judgment of a contemporary, and of the early historian of Massachusetts, respecting the second Governor Dudley. Bancroft, with the added lights of his- torical investigation, comes to this stern estimate : " The character of Dudley was that of profound selfishness. He possessed prudence and the inferior virtues, and was as good a governor as one could be, who loved neither freedom nor his native land. His grave is among stran- gers; his memory has perished from among those whose interests he flattered, and is preserved only in the coun- try of his birth. Pie who loved himself more than free- * See an interesting memoir of the French Protestants of Massachusetts, by the late Dr. Holmes, in 2d vol. 3d scries Mass. Hist. Collections. 51 402 JOSEPH DUDLEY. dom or his country, is left without one to palHate his selfishness."* Governor Dudley married, in 1668, Rebecca, daugh- ter of major-general Edward Tyng, of Boston, afterwards of Dunstable. She survived the governor about two years, and died 21 Sept., 1722. Their children were, 1. Thomas y born 26 February, 1670, graduated at Harvard College in 1685. 2. Edwardy born 4 September, 1671, died in Janua- ry, 1683. 3. Paul, born 3 September, 1675, graduated at H. C. in 1690, and died at Roxbury, 21 January, 1751, aged 75. He finished his law studies at the Temple, London ; was appointed attorney general of the province, and afterwards chief justice. He was a learned and pious man, and founder of the Dudleian Lecture at Har- vard College. A member of the Royal Society of Lon- don, several valuable articles from his pen are found among their published transactions. 4. Samuel, born in September, 1677. 5. John, born 28 February, 1679. 6. Rebecca, born in 1681, married 15 Sept. 1702, to Samuel Sewall, son of Chief Justice Sewall, and propri- etor of a large estate in Brookline, where he died of pa- ralysis in 1751, aged 73. 7. Catharine, who died young. 8. Anne. 9. William,hoYn 20 Oct. 1686, graduated at H. C. in 1704, was a colonel of mihtia, and member of the council. 10. Daniel, born 4 February, 1689. 11. Catharine, 2d; and 12. Mary. ^ Bancroft, iii. 100. ^10,1 X. SIR EDMUND ANDROS. Sill Edmund Andros, " Seigneur of Sausmares/' as he styled himselfj* and '^3. poor Knight of Guernsey," as he is called by Oldmixon, was a native of Guernsey, where he was born in 1632. His family is represented to have been wealthy and respectable, and Edmund was secured a commission in the army, in which he after- wards obtained the rank of major. Circumstances had introduced him to the notice of the Duke of York, who took him under his protection ; and his connection with that prince, led to his subsequent employment in Amer- ica. The treaty of Westminster, of 9 February, 1674, restoring to England the possession of her American ter- ritories, the Duke of York obtained from Charles II. a renewal of his patent, for the same territory which had been conveyed to him in 1664. This patent was dated 29th June, and two days ^thereafter the Duke appoint- ed Major Andros, Governor of his territories in Ameri- ca. In May, 1674, Andros was empowered by a royal order to raise 100 soldiers in London, besides officers, and transport them to New York, to garrison the fort there, of which he was to have command. On the 31st October, 1674, Andros arrived at New York, received the surrender of the territory from the Dutch authorities, and re-established the former government of the Duke. * In a grant of land, or confirmation of a prior grant, to Ricliard Smitii, on Long Island, dated 2") March, IG77, Andros styles iiiniself, " Edmund Andros, Kaquirr, Seigneur of Saiismarea, Lt. & Gov. Genl."' &r.. 404 SIR EDMUND ANDROS. One of the first acts of his administration, was to arraign Captain Manning, who on the 28th July, 1673, treacherously surrendered the Enghsh fort at New York to the Dutch, whose invading fleet had come to anchor off Staten Island. Manning escaped the pun- ishment of death, but was publicly disgraced, — Andros in this case exhibiting almost the only act of lenity record- ed of him towards an offender, by using his influence with the court martial to avert the sentence of death. The territory conferred on the Duke, by his charter, comprehended not only New York, but the greater por- tion of the whole coast to the north.* The charter it- self went so far as to sanction whatever ordinance the Duke of York, or his agents, might establish, and in regard to justice and legislation, (says Bancroft,) An- dros, the governor, was left to his own conscience and his employer. He entered at once, upon the execution of all his powers. Not content with jurisdiction in civil and military af- fairs, Governor Andros extended his supervision over the moral and religious conduct of the people. Some * The grant, in terms, was as follows ; " All that part of the main land of New Eno-land, beginning at a certain place called or known by the name of St. Croix, next adjoining to New Scotland, in America, and from thence extending along the seacoast, unto a certain place called Pemaquie, or Pemequid, and so up the river thereof, to the furthest head of the same, as it tendeth northward ; ex- tending from thence to the river of Kimbequin, and so upwards, by the shortest course, to the river of Canada, northward ; and also all that island or islands com- monly called by the several name or names of Meitiwacks, or Long Island, situate and being towards the west of Cape Cod, and the narrow Higansetts, abutting upon the main land between the two rivers, then called and known by the sever- al names of Connecticut and Hudson's river, together also witli all the said river called Hudson's river, and all the land from the west side of Connecticut river to the cast side of Delaware bay, and also all those several islands called and "known by the names of Martin's vineyard, or Nantucks, or otherwise Nan- tucV.ct." SIR EDMUND AN DUOS. 405 shallow enthusiasts in that day, as somcthncs happens in the present, making loud professions of personal and exclusive righteousness, Andros, on the 15 Feb. 1675, issued a warrant for the arrest and imprisonment of one of them, named John Gerrits, " for pretending to extra- ordinary sanctity" — pretending that Christ abided in him, " and endeavouring to instil these notions into the minds of others, particularly some married women," &c. The next day, he issued a warrant to arrest another, named Peter Ellct, "for reporting that he had seen sights or visions over the city, or fort, to the great uneasiness of the public mind." He next interfered in a religious dispute, which had sprung up at Albany. A Catholic clergyman, who hadt. 58. Harlow, Capt. 58. Harrison, Gtneral, the enthusiast, 270. Hartford, settlement of, 301. Harvard College, 259,376. Harwood, George, 240. Hatherly, Timothy, 72, 153. Notice of, 154,202,203. Haynes, John, birth and education, 297. A man of fortune, 297. Arrives in the Griffin, with Rev. Mr. Cotton, and others, 297. Chosen governor of Mas- sachusetts the second year after he ar- rives, 287, 298. One of the military council, 286. Superseded Ijy Vane, 299. Complains of Wiiithrop, 250. Removes to Connecticut, 302. Ac- companies Uncas to Boston, 306. Chosen first governor of Connecticut, 307, and is often chosen afterwards, 308. Active in bringing about the confederation, 308. In danger of perishing in a storm, 309. Attempt to assassinate, 309. His religious views more tolerant after leaving Massachu- setts, 310. Death of, and character, 311, 312. Notices of his family, and descendants, 311, 312. Henry, L, anecdote of, 359. Henry IV., 275, 400. Henry, VII., 273. Henry, VIII., 237, 273, 313, 42L Herrings used as manure, 46. Hibbins, Anne, widow of Wm. H, ex- ecuted for witchcraft, 344. Hibbins, Wilham, 344, 359. Higginson, Rev. John, 412. Hilton, William, 139. Hinckley, Ebenezer, 231. Hinckley, Mercy, 231. Hinckley, Samuel, 201. Hinckley, Samuel, son of Gov. Hinck- ley, 231. Hinckley, Hon. Samuel, 232. Hinckley, Thomas, birth and education, 202. Arrives in the Griffin, 201. Set- tles at Barnstable, 202. Several years a deputy, 203. Chosen deputy gov- ernor, and governor, 203. Goes with the popular current, 203. Cultivates the favor of Randolph, 205. An active sujijiorter of the plan of extending the Gos])el among the Indians, 207. " His account of tlie Christian Indians, 207. Account of Narragansett difficulties, 430 INDEX. 183. Rigid in his religious views, 208. Earnest to prevent profanation of the Sabbath, and to provide for support of religiou.s worship, 208, 209. A friend to free schools, 209. Enforces laws, laying taxes for support of ministers, and is admonished therefor by Ran- dolph, 210, and by Andros, 211. Sub- mits to Andros, and accepts a seat in his council, 211. Disapproves his despotic measures, 214. Lays com- plaints before the King, 215. Re- assumes government, on overthrow of Andros, 217. Attempts to procure a charter, but is discouraged', 220, 222. Prefers union with Massachusetts to annexation to New York, 225. One of the first counsellors under the new charter, 226. Death of, and character, 2.31. Notices of his descendants, 232. His manuscripts, 232. " Hinckley's Law," 208. Hinckley Papers, 208, 232. Hingham, dispute at, 259. Citizens of, fined, 260. History of New England, Winthrop's, editions of, 266. Hitchcock, Rev. Gad, 196. Hobart, Rev. Peter, 89. Hobbamock, or Hobomok, takes up his residence at Plymouth, a true friend to the English, 58, 64, 65, 101. Hobby, Sir Charles, 396. Hocking, , killed at Kennebeck, 142. Holdrip, Richard, 130. Holland, Lord, a descendant of Vassall, 229. Holland. See Loiu Counlnes. Holies, Elizabeth, daughter of Earl of Clare, 334. Holies, Gilbert, Earl of Clare, 334. Hollis, John, Duke of Newcastle, 197, 315, 334. Holmes, Rev. John, 89. Holmes, Lieut. Wm. 114. Notice of, 148. Honeywood, Sir Robert, 315. Hooker, Rev. Thomas, 291, 298, 300. Hopkins, Edward, Governor of Con- necticut, 308, 309. Hopkins, Oceanus, born, 22. Hopkins, Stephen, son of, born at sea, 22, 26. Notice of, 28, 55, 85, 94, 140. Hopkins, Stephen, governor of R. I. 28. House lots laid out at Plymouth, 37. Houses, building of, at Plymouth, com- menced, 37. Howes, Jeremiah, 174. Howe, the miller, case of, 338. Houchin, Elizabeth, 363. Houchin, Jeremy, 363. Howlandj Artliur, 174. Howland, John, 26. Notice of, 46, 72. Hubbard, Rev. Wm., cited, 163, 267, 284, 345. Hudibras, Butler's, quotation from, 84. Hudson, Hannah, 375. Hudson, Ralph, 375. Hudson's River, pilgrims sail for, 22 ,23. Huguenots, in Massachusetts, 401. Humphrey, John, 240, 244,276, 277, 286. Hunt, Capt. Thomas, the kidnapper, 42, 43, 56. Hunt, Wm. 91. Hutchinson, Anne, 253, 254, 257, 287, 288, 291, 318. Banished, 356. Her belief, 319, 337, 380. Hutchinson, Edward, 368. Hutchinson, Gov. Thomas, cited, 80, . 110, 214, 243, 299, 373, 375, 390. Hutchins, Thomas, 240. Huttamoiden, submission of, 57. Independence, an object of the puritans, 24, 144. Indian Corn , first found, 29. Indian mode of storing, 29. Taken from the Indians, 30. Twenty acres planted, 46. Seed corn taken from the Indians paid for, 56. Sixty acres of, planted, 61. Pro- cured at Namasket and Manomet, 63. Indians, first sight of by pilgrims, 28. — Seen around a grampus, 33. Encoun- ter with, 34. Destroyed by pestilence, 40, Kidnapped by Hunt, 43. Taken by Weymouth, 43. Submission of to King James, 45. Embassy to, 55. Submission of ninesachems,57. Peace with Aspinet, 56. Seed corn taken from, paid for, 56. Conspiracy among, 64. Conspiracy crushed by Standish, 66. Namascheucks, 96. Hospitality of, 100. Pequots commence hostili- ties and are destroyed, 148, 303 — 305. Narragansetts refuse to join them, 148. Supposed plot with the Dutch, 370. Executed for murder of John Sausa- man, 181. Narragansetts make war, 182. War declared against by United Colonies, 183. Commissioners go with the army, 390. Number of Christian, in New Plymouth, 207. War with Eastern, 218. Order against furnish- ing arms to, 416. Lands of, regulation respecting purchase of, 168, 348. Instructions, to Gen. Winslow, 184. To Gov. Endecott, 348, 351. Ipswich, Agawam, 32, 412. J. James I., grant to Council of Plymouth, 9. Hostility to the Puritans, 12. Dis- INDEX. 431 likes Sir Edwin Sniitlys, IG. Refuses toleration, 243, 313. Indian Aliegiiuice to, 4r>, 57. James II., 1:2:3, 206. Proclaimed at New Plymouth, 211. Addressed by New Plymouth, 207, 211. Proclaimed in Boston, .392, 403, 408, 400. Jamaica, surrender of, 1.30. Johnson, Edward, cited, 33.'), 347, 371. Johnson, Isaac, 23C, 240, 242, 276. Johnson, Lady Arbeila,27G. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 136. Johnson, Captiiin Lsiuic, 185, 187, 190. Jones, Captain, of the Mayflower, 19. Plot ascribed to, 23, 29, 30, 39, 61. Jones, Maigaret, executed for witchcraft, 345. K. Keayne, Major Benjamin, 296. Keayne, Captain Robert, 296. Keekamuit, seat of Massasoit, 56. Kennebeck patent, 54. Pilo;rims trade at, 72, 111. Disturbances at, 142, 144. Governmentorganized,151. Pa- tent sold, 133. Kent, Chancellor, 232. King, EdM-ard, 133. King's Chapel, Boston, 414. Kingfisher, ship of war, 410. Kirke, Colonel, 410, 421. Knight, Walter, 361. Knollys, Hanserd, 378, 379. Laconia, grant of, 235. Lands of Indicms, regulations respect- ing purchase of, 168, 348. Larkham, Thomas, 379. Latham, Robt. 133. Laud, Archbishop, 12, 115. Winslow heard before, 116. Sends Winslow to prison, 117,201,247, 297, 313, 323, 412. Laws of New Plymouth, established and defined, 77, 118, 143. Revisions of, 147. Different editions of, 172. League ^\^th Scotland, 324. Leavitt, Christopher, 76. Le Baron, Dr. L. 92. Leddra, William, quaker, hung, 357. Legatists, party called, 287. Leicester, Earl of, 274. Leisler, Jacob, 405. Leister, Edward, 26. Punished for du- elling, 88. Lenox, Duke of, 70. Leverett, Anne, 367. Leverett, Hudson, 375. Leverett, John a native of Lincolnshire, 367. A merchant in Boston, 368.— Major General of the colony, .368. On an embassy to Mianlonomoh, 368, 370. Goes to Eni;land, and eng.iges in the service of parliament, 370. Returns, and is chosen Sjieaker of the House, 370. Commander of forces 371. In an ex- ]iedition against French, 371. Again visits England, 371. Returns and is chosen governor of MaFsacliusetts,371. Inquires into disputes at Dover, and Portsmouth, 371. His visits to Maine, 372. Refuses to enforce the royal acts of trade, 373. Knighted by Charles II., 373. Death of, 374. CharacteV, 373— 375. Grants to, 367, 374. Noticesof his family, 375, 376, 296. Leverett, Rev. John, notice of, 375. Leverett, Mary, 296, 375. Leverett, Sarah, 375. Leverett, Elder Thomas, notice of, 367, 375. Lewis, Alonzo, History of Lynn, cited, 59. Leyden, pilgrims at, 13, 93. Ley, Lord, 320. Liddell, Sir Thomas, 315. Lincoln, Countess of, Dudley's Letter to, 277, 377. Lincoln, Theophilus, Earl of, connection of his family with New England, 276. Lisle, Viscount, 273. , London Company. See Virginia Com- pany. Long hair, association against, 359. Long Island, sul)mission of, to Andros, 406. Allowed representation, 408. Loring, Commodore, 136. Lothrop, Barnabas, 202. Notice of, 214, 226. Lothrop, Benjamin, 202. Lothrop, Rev. John, 201. Notice of, 202. Lothrop, John, 202. Lothrop, Joseph, 202. Lothrop, Samuel, 202. Lothrop, Thomas, 202. Loudon, Lord, 199. Louis XIV., 400. Low Countries, reason for removing from, 14. Ludlow, General, Memoir of, cited, 330. Ludlow, Roger, notice of, 298. Lusher, Eleazar, 371. Lyford, John, 85, 86,. 87, 110. Lyon's Whelp, sliip, 351. M. Maine, settlements in, subjected to Mas- sachusetts, 370, 372. Purchase of, by- Massachusetts, 372, 381, 382. Mandamus of Charles IL, 162, 358. Manisses, Block Island, 88. 432 INDEX. Mannamoyck, Cliathani, G2. Manning, Captain, 404. Manomet, sachem of, 58. Margeson, Edmund, 26. Mariana, grant of, 23.'). Marlborough, Earl of, 320. Marriages, first in New Plymouth, 94. Solemnized in New Plymouth and Massachusetts by magistrates, 117. Marshall, Capt. 185, 190. Martin, Christopher, 26. Mary, aueen, 237, 274. Mason, Capt. John, grant to, 235. Mason,' Captain John, the warrior, 185. Notice of, 302. Mason, John, 302. Mason, Hon. Jeremiah, 302. Massachusetts Bay, grant of, 236. Oi'i- ginal purchasers of, 236. ' Explored by pilgrims, 59. Government of, transferred to New England, 236, 242. Patent of, 236, 349. Names of grantees, 240. Original design, 242, 349. Company in London, 241, 244. London's plantation in, 241,349. Tol- eration not granted, 243. Rejected, 257. Distress of settlers in, 248. Charter placed in safe keeping, 341. Spirit of people noticed in England,360. Q-uo warranto against, 205. Contro- versy of, with Gorton, 122. Complaint against by Dr. Child, 124. Purchases territory of Maine, 372. Militia first organized in, 374. Records of, des- troyed or carried away, 411. Massasoit, 43. Description and enter- tainment of, at New Plymouth, 44. Treaty with, 44. Acknowledges sub- jection, 45. Visit to, 55. Friendly "to the English, 57. Sick, 63. Visited by E. Winslow and John Hamp- den, 64, 101. With his son renews the league with Pilgrims, 73. Visited by Winslow and Hopkins, 94. His entertainment and speech, 98. Visit- ed by Standish and Allerton, treats them with groundnuts, 45. Wins- low's account of visit to, in sickness, 101. Reported death of, 102. Re- ception by, 104. Tended by Wins- low, 105. Recovers, 106. Anecdote of, 114. Death of, 162. Mather, Dr. Cotton, cited, 82, 220, 224, 261, 267, 345, 367, 373, 374, 395. Mather, Rev. L, cited, 163, i20, 224, 225, 394, 413. Mattapciset, in Swansey. See J\Iatta- puyst. Mattapuyst, in Swansey, residence of Caunbatant, 58, 229. May, Dorothy, 88. Mayflower, ship, 19, 21. Birth on board the, at sea, 22, 23. Peregrine White born on board the, 31. Sails for Eng- land, 46. Last survivor of, 46. Mayhew, Rev. Experience, 231. Mayhew, Rev. Dr. Jonathan, 128, 207. May, Mr. father of Dorothy, wife of Gov. Bradford, 54. Mayo, Nathaniel, 174. Medford, or Mystic, settled, 280. Meeting-houses, towns required to build, 210. Meitiwacks, Long Island, 404. Merchant adventurers, agreement with, 17. Interest of purchased, 54. Merrymeeting Bay, 151. Merry Mount, 55. Name of, changed by Endecott to Mount Dagon, 349. Metacomet, son of Massasoit. See Philip. Miantonomoh, sachem of the Narragan- setts, 303. Embassy to, 368. JDes- cription of, and his visit to Boston, 369. Military Commission, extraordinary powers of, 286, 336. Military rank in New Plymouth, 176. Militia, first organized, 374. Milton, John, his sonnet to Vane, 326. Monahiggon, or Monhegan, Winslow's visit to, for provisions, 100. Planta- tion at, broken up, 111. Monckton, Col. 198. Monk, General, 332. Monks of Malaga, liberate Indians, 43. Monmouth, Duke of, 372, 410. Montgomery, Gen. Richard, 134. Mooanam, son of Massasoit, 73. Moody, Hannah, 135. Moody, Rev. Joshua, 135. Mortality, of the Pilgrims, 39, 41. Morton, Nathaniel, cited, 23, 24. Me- morial, 81. Goiton's letter to, 123, 202, 292. Morton, Thomas, 84. Sent home a pris- oner, 87, 115. Charges of, against Winslow, 117. Mosely, Capt. Samuel, 185, 187. Mount Hope, residence of Massasoit, 56, 92. Granted to New Plymouth, 204. Claimed by Massachusetts, 192, 204. Claimed also by John Crown, and by Rhode Island, 193, 204. Mount Wollaston, 349. Mourt's Relation, authors of, 82. Mullins, Priscilla, 109, 203. Mullins, William, 26, 203. Murder, punished, 149. Muscongus lands, Leverett's title to, 366. N. Namascheucks, 96. Namasket, 58. Winslow and Hopkin.1 at, 95. Winslow and Hampden lodge at, 101. INDEX. 433 Namskeket Creek, 34. Nanepasliemet, ^rave of, 59. Naiitz, ediit of, 400. Narragansetts, cliallens^e from the, 60. Answered, iiO. Make war against the English, lS-2. Brief narrative of the war with, 183. Their forts taken by the Enghsh, 186. Betrayed by Peter, 187. Great numbers slaiti, 190. Trea- ty with, 391. Nfirrative de Alexandr9, 165. Natawanute, Windsor, Conn. 114. Naltawahunt, submission of, 57. Naumkeag, Salem, 347. Nauset, Eastham, 34, 41, 42, -56, 58, 150. Neal, Daniel, 243, 254. Nelson, John, 418. Neponset, JMilton, Sachem of, 58, 246. Newcastle, Duke of, 197, 315, 334. New England, patent for, 9. Grant to Plymouth colonists, 70. Scheme of general government in, 76, 115. Pro- ject fails, 116. Confederaiioii of colo- nies in, 119. Wintlirop's Hist. of,266. First Englishman born in, 31. Un- reasonable expectations respecting, 108, 281. Winslow's Narration ofGrounds of Planting, 124. Episcopacy in, 84, 351. Establislied in, 412. Seal of, un- der Andros, 410. New English Canaan, by Thomas Mor- ton, 84. Newcomen, John, 83. New Jersey, resistance of to Andros, 409. New London, 148. Newman, P^^ev. Antipas, 363. Newman, Widow Elizabeth, 363. New Plymouth, introductory note, 9. First settled, 37, 38. Pilgrims arrive at, 22. Rock and place of the landing at, 36. Conclusion of pilgrims to set- tle there, 37. Buildings commenced at, 37. Burial Hill fortified at, 61. Sa- moset at, 41. Weston's colony at, 61. Trading vessels at, 61. Settlers of, ap- ply for a patent, 70. Grant of, in the name of John Pierce, and others, 70. Colonists purchase rights held in Eng- lemd, 72. Colonists open trade at Kennebeck, Penobscot, Connecticut, 72. Grant of, and tract on the Kenne- beck, 72. Courts established at, 75. First assembly in, 75. Declaration of rights, 76, 144. Laws estab- lished in, 77, 118, 143. Records of first church in, 80, 173. First offence in, 83. Duel at, 85. Parlies punished, 85. Supplies obtained at eastward, 100. Condition of in 1624, 111. Plen- tiful hai-vests. 111. Invited by the Dutch and Indians to settle on the 55 Connecticut, 112. Colonists build trading house at Connecticut, 113. Opposed by the Dutch, 114. En- croachments on by French and Dutch, 115. Body of laws for, formed, 118. Colonists more tolerant than those of Massachusetts, 118. Sell landsonthe Kennebeck, 133. Lands jiurchased of Indians, 150. Proposal to remove ilie town, 151. Laws against Cluakers, 158, 159. New Charter sought for, 192, 203. Union of, with Massaclui- setts proposed, 204. Numberof Chris- tian Indians in, 207. James II. pro- claimed at, 211. Counsellors under Andros, 214. Q.uietly submits to An- dros, 212. Resumes its aiuuent privi- leges, 215 Petitions the King, 215. Declaration of the Gen. Court, 217. Condition of the colony of, 219. Re- newed efforts of, for charter, 219. Grants to agents, 221. Want of means to obtain charter, 222. United, with Massachusett.^:, 223. Last General Court of, 227. Condition of the colony of, when annexed, 227 — 230. Newtown, Cambridge, settled, 245, 247, 283, 285, 286. Settlers emigrate to Connecticut, 300. New York, surrender of, to the English, 403. Nianticks, or Nyantics, 302, 370. Nicholls, Judge, 275. Northampton, Earl of, 273, 275. Nortlmmberland, Duke of, 273, 274. Earl of, 320. Norton, Humphrey, 155. Abusive let- ter of, to Gov. Prence, 156. Norton, Rev. John, 383. Nova Scotia", expedition against, 198. Nowell, Increase, 240, 268, 284, 286, 359. o. Oakes, Thomas, 220, 397. Oaths, Winslow's opinion of, 130. Form of freeman's, 290. Obbatinnua, sachem of Shawmut, sub- ■mission of, 57, 59. Olfice, penalty for refusing, 78. Not sought after, 140. Ohquamehud, a Wampanoag, submis- sion of, 57. Old Colony Club, 92. Oldham, John, 85, 86, 87, 110. Oldmixon, 330, 403, 421. Old Plymouth, 38. Old South Church, Boston, 413. Oliver, Capt., 185. Original purchasers of Massachusetts, 347. Orne, Timothy, 361. Owsamet^uin. See Massasoit. 434 INDEX. P. Pamet, Truro, 58. Paomet Creek. See Cold Harbour. Parris, Arthur, 133. Pascataqua, 66. Settled by David Thompson, 67, 149. Patents, 16, 20, 54, 70, 72, 73, 74, 240, 404. Patents, of New England, 9, 10. See Pilgrims, AdWJ PlijmoiUh, and Massa- chusetts Bay. Pawtucket, 149. Patuxet, Plymouth, 38. Squanto, only surviving native of, 43. Pelhani, Edward, 197. Pelham, Herbert, notice of, 196, 339. Pelham, Penelope, wife of Gov. Bel- lingham, 339. Pelham, Penelope, 196, 197, 200. Pelham, Sir Thomas, 315. Pelham, Thomas, 197, 339. Pemaquid,397,404. Penn, Admiral, 130. Penobscot, 72. Patent, 74. Pepperell, Sir Wm., 90. Pequot, New London, 304. Pequots, 73, 88, 114. Expedition agamst, 147. Volunteers from Plymouth against, 148. Country of, 148. Des- truction of, 302. Perry, Richard, 240. Persecution, of the pilgrims, 12,50. Of the auakers, 153, f62, 177, 208. Of Anabaptists, 177,257,356. Of Epis- copalians, 351. Pestilence, among the Indians, 40. Peter, a Narragansett, betrays his coun- trymen, 187. Peters, Hugh, 251,379. Phihp, son of Massasoit, 162. Suc- ceeds Alexander, 165. Causes of war with, 165. Appears at Plymouth, 167. Refuses to treat except with the King, 180. Prepares for war, 180. War with commenced, 165, 181. His forts taken, 187. Death and character of, 191. Philpot, the martyr, 237. Phips, Sir William, 224. Arrives with new charter of Massachusetts, 226, 387. Arrested and supplanted by Dudley, 396. Pierce, John, 70, 71. Pilgrim Hall, ai Plymouth, 92. Pilgrims, persecuted in England, 11. Form separate church, 12. Resolve on flight to Holland, 12. Their lirst attempt prevented, 50. They are im- prisoned, 51. Second attempt, 51. Remove to Amsterdam and Leyden, 13. Contemplate removal to America, 14. Reasons J 14. Obtain a patent from the London Company, 16. Ar- rangements of, for leaving Holland, 17. Agreement of, with the merchant ad- venturers, 18. Hard conditions, 19. Embark at Delfthaven, 20. Ships of, put back, 20, 21. Speedwell dismissed, 21. Sail again, 21. ' Descry Cape Cod, 22. Stand for Hudson River, 22. Put back to Cape Cod harbour, 23. riot against, 23. Compact be- fore landing, 24. Objects of the com- .pact, 24. Subscribe the compact, 26. Examine the coast, 27. Choose John Carver governor, 25. Excursion of, under Miles Standish, 28. Their first $ight of the natives, 28. Their dis- coveries, 29. Second expedition of, 29. Indian graves, &c., discovered by, 31. Consult about place of set- tlement, 31. Third expedition of, 32. Are exposed to intense cold, 32. First encounter of, with Indians, 33. Sail along the shore, 34. In great danger, 35. Laud on Clark's Island, 35. At Plymouth, 36. Lay out house-lots and commence building, 37. Name their settlement Plymouth, 37. Store- house of, burnt, 38. Two of, lost in the woods, 39. Great mortality among the, -39. Receive Samoset, 41. And other Indians, 42. Secure the friend- ship of Massasoit, 57. Accessions to, by the Fortune, 60. Put on short allowance, 60. Menaced by the Nar- rag insetts, 60. Fortify the town, 60. Famine of, 61. Plant sixty acres of corn, 61. Supplied by Captain Jones, 61. Their sufferings described, 67. Pint of corn divided among, 68. Abandon their system of community of goods, and prosper, 69. See Mw Plymouth. Pinchion, William, 240, 286. Plaindealing, estate of, in Plymouth, 133, 152. Plymouth Church, 151, 173. Plymouth Colony. See JVezo Plymouth. Plymouth Company, 9. In Maine, 133. Plymouth Harbor explored, 23. Pil- grims arrive in, 22. Fish and fowl abound in, 27. Plymouth Rock, 36. Pocasset, squaw-sachem of, 162. Pokanoket, extent of, 55. Expedition to, 95. ' Pollard, Col. Benj., 136. Pope, the, and the duaker, anecdote of, 161. Population of New Plymouth in 1624, 110. Powows^ Indian, 40. Prence, Thomas, a native of Gloucester- shire, 139. One of the original under- IIS'DE,\, . 435 takers of New Plymoutli, 72. Comes over in the Fortune, 139. Cliosen Governor of New Plymouth, 141. Raises n company of vohinteers against the Pequots, 147. A second time gov- ernor, 118. Prompt punishment" of murderers, 149. Makes a settlement at Eastham, 150. Organizes govern- ment at Kennebeck, 151. Again chosen governor, and re-elected six- teen years. 78, 152. Removes to Ply- mouth, 133, 152. His place of resi- dence, 152. Rigid against sectaries, 153, 178, 208. Proscribes those who are tolerant, 154. Punishes the Qua- kers, 155. Is bitterly denounced by them, 156. Approves laws for their disfranchisement, 158. Apology for, 159. Guards against appreliended at- tacks of Indians, 162 — 167. Inter- course with the Ro3\^l Commissioners, 167. Secures their favorable report, and approbation of the King, 168. Is invited by Roger Williams to discuss the question of religious freedom, 169. Declines, 170. Introduces free schools into the colony, 170. His efforts to provide for support of ministry, 173. Noted for his integrity, 171. Death of, and character, 173. Notices of his descendants, 173, 174. Prentice, Capt. Thomas, 185. Priest, Degory, 26. Prince, Rev. John, 174. Prince, John, 174. Prince of Orange, declaration of, brought by John Winslow, 133. Prince, Samuel, 231. Prince, Rev. Thomas, 174. Prince, Thomas, cited, 24, 26, 80, 231, 266, 267. Providence Plantations, 122. Puritans, relics of, preserved, 92, 200. Puritans, the first settlers, 11. At Am- sterdam, 13. Of England, in power, 125. Their object independence, 24, 144. See Pilgrims. Q. Q,uadequina, brother of iVIassasoit, 44. Submission of, 57. Q.uakers, 153, 155. Laws against, in New Plymouth, 158. Character of first, 160. Anecdote o^the Pope and one of the, 161. Banished on pain of death, 162, 357. Persecution of, 15.3 — 162, 177, ~08. Persecution of ended by mandamus of Charles IJ., 162, 358, 3&3. They become peaceful citizens, 162. Toleration of, 342. Severe laws against, in JVIassachusetts, 356 — 357. Executed in Boston, 357. Q,ucen Anne, 396, 398, 399. dueen Elizabeth, death of, 9. Gluincy, Pres. J., cited, 225, 259, 376, 399. Q,uinnipiack, New Haven,*304. R. Raby Castle, 320. Rainsburrow, Col., 270, 370. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 9. Randolph, Edward, 192, 205,206,373, 387,393,394, 410, 411, 413, 419. Ranters, laws against, 158. Rattlesnake's skin, sent with arrows to the Plymouth settlers, 60. Records 'Plymouth Church, cited, 173. Representative body, origin of in Massa- chusetts, 285. Revolution in New England, 385, 393, 417. Reyner, Elizabeth, 89. Reyner, Rev. John, 89. Reynolds, captain of the Speedwell, 19. Puts back twice, and ship abandoned, 21. Rhode Island, 122. Excluded from the League, 125, 161. Tolerance in, 161. Requested by Commissioners of Uni- ted Colonies to expel duakers, 161. Answer of, and refusal, 161. Submits to Andros, 414. Richards, Alice, 89. Richards, Major John, 386, 391. Richards, Mary, 231. Rich, Lord, 3ll. Ridgdale, John, 26. Robertson, William, cited, 358. Robinson, Isaac, 178. Robinson, Rev. John, 12. Goes over to Holland, 13. His parting letter to Carver, 13. Present at embarcation of Pilgrims, 20. Remains at Leyden, notice of, 20, 49, 66, 87, 93, 109, ,178, 201. Robinson, Thomas, letter of respecting: Vane, 327. Robinson, William, quaker, executed, 357. Rock, Forefather's, account of, 36. Rogers, Rev. Mr., 289. Rogers, Thomas, 26. Rose, frigate, 382, 417, 418. Roswell, Sir Henry, 236, 238, 240. Rouse, John, 1.55. Roxbury, settlement of, 280, 281. Ruling eiders, 350, 367. Rump Parliament, 324. Russell, James, 312. Russell, N. 92. Russell, Sir William, 320, Ryehouse plot, 206. 436 INDEX. S. I Sabbath, first Christian in New England, 35. Regulations for observance of in Mass. 351. St. Clair, Gen. 134. _ j St. Domingo, Expedition against, 130. Salem, settlement of, 347. Church es- tablished at, 350. Military company formed, 348. Resolution of town of, 392. Salstonstall, Sir Richard, 236, 240, 241, 242,340,359,378. Samoset, description of, and reception at Plymouth, 41, and of his Indians, 42. Instructs the settlers how to plant corn, 45. Sandys, Sir Edwin, 13. Notice of, 15, 24. Saquish, in Plymouth Harbor, 35, 199. Sassacus, sachem of the Pequots, 303,305. Saugus, Lynn, 280. Sausaman, John, 164. Reveals hostile de- signs of, and is killed by Philip's In- dians, 181. Sausmares, Seigniory of, 422. Savage, Elizabeth, 135, 346. Savage, James, cited, 250, 261, editor of Wmthrop, 267,292, 299,374. Say and Sele, Lord, 142, 269, 276, 300. Seafowl abundant at Cape Cod, 27. Seal of New England under Andros, 410. Secretary of New Plymouth, 146. Sedgwick, Gen. Robert, 371. Seily, Capt. 185, 190. Sequassen, a sachem, 309. Sergeant, John, 380. Sergeant Major General, 290, 350. Serlo, Norman bishop, again.st long hair, 3.59. Settlements in Canada, &c.,9. Sewall, Chief Justice, 402, 413, 421. Sewall, Samuel, 402. Schools established in New Plymouth, 170, 209. Scituate, settlement of, 201, 2G2. Sharpe, Samuel, 281. Shattock, Samuel, 358. Shawmut, Boston, .sachem of, 58, 245. Sheafe, Sampson, 400. Shirley, James, 72, 74. Shirley, Gen. William, 90. Shrimpton, Samuel, 386. Shute, Gov. Samuel, 399. Sickness, Indian customs in, 101, 104. Slade's Ferry in Swansey, 102. Slanev, John, 43. Sloughter, Gov. of New York, 220, 223, 395. Smith, John, Capt., 28, names Plymouth, 37. History and map of New Eng- land, 38. betests Hunt, the kidnap- per, 43, Smith Laurence, 231. Smith, Richard, 403. Smith, Sir Thomas, 15, 16. Snow, Mark, 174. Soule, George, 26. Southampton, pilgrims leave, 20. Southcoat, Thomas. 2o9, 240. South Church, Loston, 412, 414. Southworth, Constant, 88, 89, 90. Southworth, Nathaniel, 133. Southworth, Thomas, 88 89, 151. Sowams seat of Massasoit, 56. Spain. See United Proxinces. Sparhawk, Rev. John, 137, 361. Sparrow, ship, 61. Speedwell, tonnage of the, 19. Puts back, 20. Dismissal, 21 . Squanto, or Squantum, history of, 43, 44, 45, 55, 56. Death of, 62, 95, 97. Squaw sachem of Massachusetts, 59. OfPocasset, 162. Standish, Capt. Miles, 26. Military commander at New Plymouth, 28, 176. Heads an excursion along Cape Cod, 28. Goes to meet Massasoit, 44, 45, 58, 62. Expedition against Indians at Weymouth. 65, 66. Visits Pascataqua, 67, 72. Attacked by Old- ham, 86, 140, 141, 148, 170. Standish, Miles, Jr., 1.33. Stephens, Major Gen. Ebenezer, 134. Stephenson, Marmaduke, quaker, hung, 357. Stockbridge, Dr. 199. Stone, Rev. Samuel, 298, 300. Stone, a West Indian, takes a Plymouth bark at Connecticut, which is retaken by Dutch sailors, 142. Stonington, 148. Storehouse at Plymouth, 37, 38. Stoughton, Capt. Israel, 304. Stoughton, William, 386. Straflfbrd, Earl of, 314, 322, 323, 330,333. Stuyvesant, Gov., supposed plot of, with Indians, 370. i^uckiaug, Hartford, 301. Sunckquasson, sachem, 302. Sunday in Holland, 14. Swamp Fight, Narragansett, 186. Swan, arrival of the, 61. Synod, at Cambridge, 256. T. Tailer, Lieut. Gov. William, 389. Tarratines, Eastern Indians, 59. Taunton river, pestilence on, 96. Tax for the support of the clergy, 210, For fortifying Newtown, 285. Taylor, Ann, 132, 135. Ten Hills Farm, 264. Thompson, David, 67, 111. Ticonderoga, 199, INDEX. 437 Tilden, Nathaiiifl, 202. Tilly, Edward, 26,28. TillV, John, 26. Tiiidul, Sir John, 268. Tindal, Margaret, 268. Tinker, Thomas, 26. Tisquantuni. See Squanto. Toleration, want of in En<:;Iand, l."), 243. In Holland, 13. In New Plymouth, 125 ; which Winslow laments, 126. Denounced, 177. Tracy, John, 174. Trade opened on the Kennebeck and Connecticut, 72, 74, 111, 112. Wins- low engaged in, 112. Treat, Major Robert, 185. Governor of Connecticut, 415. Treaty with Massasoit, 44. Trumbull, Rev. Benjamin, cited, 312. Trumbull, Gov. Jonathan, 267. Turner, John, 2G. Tyng, Edward, 402. Tyng, Rebecca, 402. u. Uncas. sachem of the ^^ohegans, assists English against Pequots", 304, 306, 309 Underbill, Captain John. 378. Undertakers, or first purchasers, names of, 72, 277. 347. Union of New Plymouth with Massa- chusetts Bay, 204, 223. United Provinces and Spain, truce be- tween, 16. Upham, Rev. Charles Wentworth, cited, 319,327,330. Upham, Lieut. Pliinehas, 190. Usher, John. 400, 418. Utrecht, treaty of, 398. Uxbridge, treaty of, 324. Vane, Sir Christopher, Lord Bernard, 334. Vane, Sir George, 314. Vane, Sir Henry, the elder, 313, 314. Notice of, 314, 315. Vane, Sir Henry, birth and descent, 313 — 315. Education, 315. Embraces the doctrines of the dissenters, 315. Emigrates to New England, 316. Is chosen governor of Massachusetts Bay, 254, 299, 316. Espouses the' cause of Anne Hutchinson, 288, 318. Is superseded by Winthrop, 319. Con- troversy with, 320. Returns to Eng- land, 320. Appointed Treasurer of the Navy, and elected to Parliament, i 320. Knighted by Charles I., 320. In Long Parliament, 321. One of Com- I mi.ssioncrs for Now England, 125. Opposes the King, 321. His tigency in the attiiinder and death of the Earl of Strafford, 322. Attends Assembly of Divines, '323. Arranges League with Scotland, 323. Is on commis- sions to treat with the King, at Ux- bridge, »fcc., 324. Withdraws from Parliament, and takes no part in trial and execution of Charles 1., 325. One of the Council of State, 325. Plans and dn-ects the brilliant naval enterprises of England, 326. Opposes conduct of Cromwell, and is imjjrisoned, 327. Again in Parliament, 327. His re- ported speech, said to have over- whelmed Richard Cromwell, 328— 330. The speech probably a fiction, 330. Active in Parliament, 331. President of Council of State, 331. Joins the army against the Parliament, 332. One of the Council of Officers, and of Committee of Safety, 332. Ordered by Parliament into custody, 332. Ex- cepted from pardon by Charles II., and sent to the Tower, 332. Executed on Tower Hill, 333. His character, and opinions, different accounts of, 321,333. His estates and honors res- tored to his family, 334. Notice, of his descendants, 334. Vane, Sir Henry, knight at Poictieurs, 313. Vane. Gilbert, 2d Lord Bernard, 334. Vane, Howell ap, 313- Vane. Sir Ralph, 313. Vane, William iiarry, Duke of Cleve^ land, 334. Vassall. Samuel. 210. Vassall. William. 124. Character of, 126. 202. 240, 262, 263. Lord Hol- land, a descendant of, 229. Veils, adopted for women in the church, 352. Venables, Gen., ISO. Ven, John, 240. Vermaes, Benjamin, 89. Vincent, Sir l'"ran''is, 315. Vines, Richard, 124 Virginia Company, 9, 15. Pilgrims ap- ply to, 15. Grant a patent, in name ofWincob, 16. Virginia, settlement of, 9. w. Wadsworth, William, 415. Waldo, Lucy, lo6. Waldo, Gen. Samuel, 1^6,368. Waliey.MajorJohn, notice of 214, 2£6. Wampanoags, 41. Hostile to Gov. J. Winslow, 184. SeeJ\Iuisasoit,Jll€xan- der, and Philip. 438^ I?fDEX. Wamsutta, son of Massasoit. See ^Alex- ander. Ward, Rev. Nathaniel, of Agawajm, 177. .Waranoke Indians, plots of, 309. Warren, James, 200. Warren, Joseph, 91. Wurren,Men:'V, 91. Warren, Richard, 26. Wanvick, Countess of, 378. Warwick, Dudley, Earl of, 274. Warwick, Earl of, 9, 70, 125, 240, 377. Waterhouse, David, 386. Waters, Asa, 89. Watertown, settlement of, 280, 281. Watts, Capt. 185. Welde, Rev. Thomas, 257. WentworUi, Sir Thomas, 322. See Earl of Strafford. Wequash, an Indian, betrays the Pequots 303. Wessagussett. See Weymouth. West, Francis, Admiral, 76. West Indies, failure of Cromwell's expe- dition against, 129. ' Westminster, treaty of, 403. Weston, Thomas, agreement with, 16, 17. Notice of, 20. His plantation at Wey- mouth, 61. Character of, 65, 84. His people dispersed, 66. Weymouth, Capt., 43. Weymouth, settlement of, by Weston's colony, 61, 235. Indian conspiracy against, 64. Settlers at, disorderly, 65. Abandoned, 66. Execution at, 84. Wheelwright, Rev. John, 255. Banished, 257. Notice of, 288, 291, 319. Whetcomb, Simon, 239, 240. White, Joanna, 199. White, Rev. John, 236, 238. Notice of, 239. Wliite, Peregrine, 31, 94, 200. White, Roger, 54. White, Susanna, 31, 94. White, William, 26, 31, 94. Whiting, Joseph, 309. Wight, Isle of, treaty of, 324. Willett, Francis, 166. Willett, Col. Marinus, 166. -Willett, Capt. Thomas, 163. Notice of, 166. William III., proclaimed, 393, 419. William Henry, fort, 199. Williams, Roger, asks satisfaction for the natives of Pawtucket, 149. Pro- poses public 4iiscussion of religious principles, 169. Declined by Gov. Prence, 170. 291, 292. Letter of, 310. Arrives in Salem, 352. Influence of, 353. Attempts to silence, 354. Ban- ished, 354. Williams, Thomas, 26. Wilson, Rev^. John, first minister of Bos- ton , 245. Electioneering for Winthrop, 256, 284. Wincob, John, patent in name of, 16. Windsor, Conn., settled, 300. Winslow, Edward, father of Gov. W., 93, 132. Winslow, Edward, his birth and educa- tion, 93. Travels on the continent, 93. Joins Robinson's Church, 93. Settles at Lej^den, and marries, 93. Removes to America with his family, 26, 93. One of the discoverers of Plymouth Harbour, 93. Death of his wife and second marriage, 31, 94. His visit to Massasoit, 44, 55, 95—100. His voy- age to Monahiggon, 68, 100. His second visit to Massasoit in the tiijie of his sickness, 64, 101—106. Sent to England as agent for the Colony of New Plymouth ,l06. Publishes "Good News from New England," or a nar- rative of the transactions of the colony, 107. Returns to Plymouth, and brings the first neat cattle brought to New England, 109. His second voyage to England, 109. Detects Lyford, and returns to Plymouth, 87, 110. Elected assistant, 87, 110. Voyage to Kenne- beck. 111. Narrow escape at, 112. Trades with the Dutch at New Net,h- erlands, 114. Reported death of, 115. Again sent as agent to England, 115. Application to the commissioners of the colonies, 116. duestioned by Archbishop Laud for celebrating mar- riages, 117. His defence, 117. Pro- nounced guilty of separation from the Church, 117. Committed to the Fleet Prison, 117. Petitions the board, and obtains a release, 117. Returns to New Plymouth, and chosen governor, 78, 118, 140. Chosen commissioner of the United Colonies, 119. Agent of Massachusetts to England to answer the complaint of Gorton, Child and others, 122. Conducts with ability and success, 125, 263. His publica- tions in London, 107, 124, 127, 128. Engaged in colonizing and converting the Indians, 128. One of the corpora- tion for that purpose, 128. A com- missioner vmder Danish treaty, 129. One of the commissioners sent by Cromwell on an expedition against the Spaniards, 130. Dies on the passage to Jamaica, 131. Buried with the honors of war, 131. His settlement at Marshfield, 1.31. Notices of his de- scendants, 131—138, 143, 175. Winslow, Rev. Edward, notice of, 136. Winslow, Elizabeth, 94, 131. Winslow, Gilbert, 26, 137, INDEX. 439 Winslow, Gen. Isaac,, son ")f Gov. Josias i W., notice of, and ol" liis descendants, 1 197—199. I Winslow, Isaac, 135, 136. I Winslow, John, brother of Gov. Ed- ward W., notice of, and of his descen- dants, 13-2—134. Winslow, Gen. John, son of Isaac W., notice of, 198, 199. Winslow, Gen. John, notice of, 134. Winslow, Joshua, 135. ■ Winslow, Josias, birth and education, 175. Early in public employment, 175. Succeeds Stand ish. as military chief, 176. Commissioner of the United Colonies, 176. Commander in chief of the forces, 176. His toler- ant pnnciples, 177, 208. Chosen Governor of New Plymouth, 178. Restores those who had been pro- scribed for their opinions, 178. Ar- rests the sachem Alexander, 163, 166. Commands in the war with Phili)i, 183, 374. AVampanoags seek his life, 184. Instructions to, from the com- missioners, 184. In the great Narra- gansett fight, 186—190. Health im- paired by the campaign, and resigns, 192 203. Grant to by the colonies, 192! Character of, 194, 195. Death of, 195. Notices of his descendants, 196—200.^ Winslow, Kenelm, brother of Gov. W., notice of, 137. Winslow'S publications — " Good Newes from New England," 107. " Rela- tion," &,c., 108. " Hypocrisie Un- masked," 124. " Briefe Narration," 124. "The Danger of Tolerating Levellers," 124. '• Glorious Progress of the Gospel among the Indiana," &c. 128. Winslow, Susanna, 94, 131. Winthrop, Adam, father of Gov. W., 237. Winthrop, Col. Adam, 271, 386. Winthrop, Hon. Adam, 270. Winthrop, Henry, 269. Winthrop, John, his birth and ancestry, 237. Educated for the law, 237. Lea- der of the settlement in Massachusetts, 243, 278, 378. First governor of the colony, 242. Farewell address to his friencls of the Church of England, 244. Settlement at Newtown, 245. Remo- val to Boston, 247, 283. Consulted by New Plymouth magistrates, 83, 149. His character, 247 — 250. Left out of the magistracy, 251. One of the coun- cil for life, 267. Examination of his accounts, and honourable result, 252. Complained of for too much lenity, 310. His humility, 252. His firm- ness and decision, 253. His ilitlicul- ties.wiih Aime Hutchinson and iter fol- lowers, 253 — 258, 288. Supersed- ed by Henry Vane, 254, 289. Elect- ed governor again, 255. Controversy with Vane, 320. Assists at a synod, 256. His firm and correct conduct with the Church at Boston, 257. His opinion of democracy, 259. Of mag- istracy and lilieriy,260, 261. His pe- cuniary embarrassments, 264. His aHliciions, 265. Grants to his family, 264. His death, 265. His picture preserved in the Senate Chamber of Massachusetts, 2G6. His History of New England, dilierent editions of, 266. His Model of Christian Chari- ty, 267. Notices of his descendants, 26S— 272. Winthrop, Gov. John, Jr., 269, 271, 300, 363. Winthrop, Prof. John, 271. Winthrop, Samuel, 271, 272, Winthrop, Col. Stephen, 270. Winthrop, Wait, 386. Winthrop, William, 271. Wise, Rev. John, 412. Wiswall, Rev. Ichabod, agent in Eng- land for New Plymouth, 220, 221, 223. Witchcraft, first executions for, in New England, 344, 345. Witherell, Rev. Mr. anecdote of, 196. Elegy of, on Gov. J. Winslow, 196. Wood, Anthony, cited, 202, 239, 321. Woodbridge, Rev. Benjamin, 296. Woodbridge, Rev. John, notice of, 296. Worsely, Lt. Col., drives out House of Commons, 327. Worship, public, in the army, 185. En- forced by law, 209, 210. Woosamequen." See J\IassasoU. Wooster, Gen. 134. Wray, Sir Christopher, 334. Wray, Frances, 334. Wright, Nathl., 240. Wyllys, George, 308. Wyllys, Samuel, 312. Yarborough,"Lord, 313. Young, Rev. Alexander, 80, 82, 92. Young, Sir John, 238, 240. T. Barnard, Irinter, Wiukington City. H.^. 100 89J " i^ . ■?.. "• * /wV ... v. •' .^o^ . -z.. '••' ,*" .. '-, •.^«;. /"% ••!a^':' „,* ■% "•: **.../ .' J(fe\ \/ .•^&". \,<^^ ^. .^'/;^^°- A»'\ co^^^,"-o , , / \ , ^m^' y\ ^^"^m' y-"-. '^^^' / \ '^? j^ ^^ -. . V ft " • - <«>^ .^•'^ ECKMAN ^DERY INC. s^ AUG 89 .K'