7S. .B9H2 ii 't\i\'\m'.,: I. itJiu'cnn:: :i!i i«^ #- * » /■<>* '", »» " "^ «n£K^ AT 6f\AT GABLeS AND WALK5 7\L0NG THC 5MOF\e OF BVZZ7\F\D5 BAY WITM ILLVaTf\7=^TIONS FF\OM WT^TeFV COLOR& y SKeTCHeS BY LOV/15 KtlAPvLOW AND WITH 7^N MI5TOfMCAL T^ND DC- 5CF\lPTIVe ,5KeTCM OF E>VZZAf\D5 BRY AND POeM5 BY WeLL-KNOWN WP.ITeF\S ILL\JSTF\ATIVe OF Thie ^ & & ^ 3CeNeF\Y e> <5 <5 2> V New YOF\K R7=^Fl-|7^eL TV/CK 6 aON5 CO. LTD. MDCCCXCV COLORED ILLlSTRATIO^S. Cray Gables. fbe lV. BY THE SEA-SHORE. BY JOHN WHITE CHADIVICK. THE curved strand Of cool, gray sand Lies like a sickle by the sea ; The tide is low, But soft and slow [s creeping higher up the lea. Each higher wave Doth touch and lave A million pebbles smooth and bright ; Straightway they grow A beauteous show. With hues unknown before the sight. The beach-birds fleet. With twinkling feet. Hurry and scurry to and fro. And sip and chat Of this and tlmt Which vou and I niav never know. («3> High up the beach. Far out of reach Of common tides that ebb and flow. The drift-wood's heap Doth record keep Of storms that perished long ago. Nor storms alone : I bear the iiiotvi Of vokt'S chixked by dashing brine. When sunken rock Or tempest shock Crushed the good vessel's oaken spine. A calm more deep, As 'twere asleep, Lpon the icearv ocean falls : So loic if sighs. Its murmur dies. While shrill the boding cricket calls. Where ends the beach. The cliffs upreach Their lichen-wrinkled foreheads old ; And here I rest. While all the west Grows brighter with the sunset's gold. peace and rest ! Upon the breast Of God himself I seem to lean. No break, no bar Of sun or star : Just God and I. with naught between. Far out at sea The ships that flee Along the dim horiion's line Their sails unfold Like cloth of gold. Transfigured by that light divine. Oh. when some day In vain I pray For days like these to come again, I shall rejoice With heart and voice That one such day has ever been. (14) }3 u ■"•o-^r^ .r> '9 Headiuatcrs of Bn^i^ard's Bay. ON THE STRAND. From the German of Storm. HOMEWARD the gull is ping, And t-Lviligbt darkens fast Across the wet sea-margin Where sunlight lingers last. The shadowy wings flit over, And skim along the deep ; And veiled in cloud, and silent. Like dreams the islands sleep. I hear from pi ashy marshes A strange, mysterious cry ; A lonesome bird is calling: How like to that am I. And now the rain falls softly. And now the wood is still ; But words which ocean whispers Are open to my will. fi5) ROLL on, thou deep and dark blue ocean — roll ! Ten thousand Jlee/s s'un'p over I bee in vain ; Man niartii the earth with ruin ; bis control Stops iL'ith the shore ; upon the u-atery plain The ureclis are all thy deeds, nor doth remain A shadou' of man's ravages, save his oicn. When for a moment, like a drop of rain. He sinks into thy depths with bubbling groan Without a grave, unknelled, uncolfined. and unknown z*^^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS II III 006 774 246 1 ^