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A Description of the Face of the Country, the Climate, the Seasons, and the Soil, the facts being taken from the Author's daily notes during a whole year.— IL An Account of the Author's agricultural experiments in the Cultivation of the Uuta Baga, or Russia, or Swedish Turnip, which afford proof of what the climate and soil are. LONDON: N PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES, PATEKNOSTER-ROW. 1819. [CntereU at g^tattoners' ^alL] John M'Creery, Printer, Black-IIorbe-Coui't, Londoit. \ ' CONTENTS OF PART I. Page General Preface to the Three Parts i Chap. i. Description of the Situation and Extent of Long Island, and also of the Face of the Country, and an Account of the Climate, Seasons, and Soil .... 9 Chap. II. Ruta Baga. Culture, Mode of preserv- ing, and Uses of the Ruta Baga, some- times called the Russia, and sometimes the Swedish, Turnip 98 GENERAL PREFACE TO THB THREE PARTS. 1. Throughout the whole of this work it is. my intention to number the paragraphs, from one end to the other of each Part. This renders the business of reference more easy than it can be rendered by any mode in my power to find out -, and, easy reference saves a great deal of paper and print, and also, which ought to be more valuable, a great deal of timey of which an in- dustrious man has never any to spare. To de- sire the reader to look at paragraph such a num- ber of such a part, will frequently, as he will find, save him both money and labour; for, without this power of reference, the paragraph, or the substance of it, would demand being re- peated in the place where the reference would be pointed out to him. B ii GENERAL PREFACE. 2. Amongst all the publications, which I have yet seen, on the subject of the United States, as a country to live in, and especially to farm in, I have never yet observed one that conveyed to Englishmen any thing like a cor- rect notion of the matter. Some writers of Ti'avels in these States have jolted along in the stages from place to place, have lounged away their time with the idle part of their own countrymen, and, taking every thing different from what they left at home for the effect of ignorance, and every thing not servile to be the effect of insolence, have described tbe country as unfit for a civilized being to reside in. Others, coming with a resolution to find everi^ thing better than at home, and weakly deeming them- selves pledged to find climate, soil, and all blessed by the effects of freedom, have painted the country as a perfect paradise; they have seen nothing but blooming orchards and smil- ing faces. 3. The account, which I shall give, shall be that of actual experience. I will say what I know and what I have seen and what I have done. I mean to give an account of a YEAR'S GENERAL PREFACE. iii Residence, ten months in this Island and two months in Pennsylvania, in which I went back to the first ridge of mountains. In the course of the three parts, of which this work will consist, each part making a small volume, every thing which appears to me useful to persons intending to come to this country shall be com- municated; but, more especially 'that which may be useful to farmers j because, as to such matters, I have ample experience. Indeed, this is the main tlwig ; for this is really and truly a country of farmers. Here, Governors, Legis- lators, Presidents, all are farmers. A farmer here is not the poor dependent wretch that a Yeomanry- Cavalry man is, or that a Treason- Jury man is. A farmer here depends on nobody but himself ?t.\\di on his own proper means; and, if he be not at his ease, and even rich, it must be his own fault. 4. To make men clearly see what they may do in any situation of life, one of the best modes, if not the very best, is to give them, in detail, an account of what one has done oneself in that same situation, and how and when and where one has done it. This, as far as relates to B 2 IV GENERAL PREFACE. farming and house-keeping in the country, is the i)K)de that I shall pursue. I shall give an account of what I have done 5 and, while this will convince any good farmer, or any man of tolerable means, that he may, if he will, do the same, it will give him an idea of the climate, soil, crops, &c. a thousand times more neat and correct,, than could be conveyed to his mind by anj' general description, unaccompanied with actual experimental accounts. 5. As the expressing of this intention may, perhaps, suggest to the reader to ask, how it is that much can be known on the subject of Farming by a man, who, for thirty-six out of fjly-lwo years of his life has been a Soldier or a Political Writer, and who, of course, has spent so large a part of his time in garrisons and in great cities, I will beg leave to satisfy tliis natural curiosity before-hand. 6. Early habits and affections seldom quit us while we have vigour of mind left. I was brought up under a father, whose talk was chiefly about his garden and his iields, with regard to wiiich he was famed for his skill and his exemplary neatness. From my very infancy. GENERAL PREFACE. V from the age of six years, when I climhed up the side of a steep sand-rock, and there scooped me out a plot four feet square to make me a garden, and the soil for which I carried up in the bosom of my little blue smock-frock (or hunting-shirt), I have never lost one particle of my passion for these healthy and rational and heart-cheering pursuits, in which everyday pre- sents something new, in which the spirits are never suffered to flag, and in which industry, skill, and care are sure to meet with their due reward. I have never, for any eight months together, during my whole life, been without a garden. So sure are we to overcome difficulties where the heart and mind are bent on the thing to be obtained I 7. The beautiful plantation of American Trees round my house at Botley, the seeds of which were sent me, at my request, from Penn sylvania, in I8O6, and some of which are now nearly forty feet high, all sown and planted by myself, will, I hope, long remain as a specimen of my perseverance in this way. During my whole life I have been a gardener. There is no part of the business, which, first or last, I have VI GENERAL PREFACE. not performed with my own hands. And, as to it, I owe very little to books, except that of TULL3 for I never read a good one in my life, except a French book, called the Manuel dii Jardinier. 8. As to farmings I was bred at the plough- tail, and in the Hop-Gardens of Farnham in Surrey, my native place, and which spot, as it so happened, is the neatest in England, and, I believe, in the whole world. All there is a garden. The neat culture of the hop extends its influence to the fields round about. Hedges cut with shears and every other mark of skill and care strike the eye at Farnham, and be- come fainter and fainter as you go from it in every direction. I have had, besides, great ex- perience in farming for several years of late; for, one man will gain more knowledge in a year than another will in a life. It is the tasfe for the thing that really gives the knowledge. 9. To this taste, produced in me by a desire to imitate a father whom I ardently loved, and to whose very word I listened with admiration, I owe no small part of my happiness, for a greater proportion of which very iew men ever GENERAL PREFACE. Vll had to be grateful to God. These pursuits, in- nocent in themselves, instructive in their very nature, and always tending to preserve health, have a constant, a never-failing source, of recre- ation to me J and, which I count amongst the greatest of their benefits and blessings, they have always, in my house, supplied the place of the card-table, the dice-box, the chess-board and the lounging bottle. Time never hangs on the hands of him, who delights in these pursuits, and who has books on the subject to read. Even when shut up within the walls of a prison, for having complained that Englishmei\ had been flogged in the heart of England under a guard of German Bayonets and Sabres ; even then, I found in these pursuits a source of plea- sure inexhaustible. To that of the whole of our English books on these matters, I then added the reading of all the valuable French books ; and I then, for the first time, read that Book of all Books on husbandry, the work of Jethro TuLL, to the principles of whom I owe more than to all my other reading and all my experience, and of which principles I hope to find time to give a sketch, at least, in some future Part of this work. VI 11 GENERAL PREFACE. 10. I wish it to be observed, that, in any thing which I may say, during the course of this work, though truth will compel me to state facts, which will, doubtless, tend to induce farmers to leave England for America, I advise no one so to do. I shall set down in writing no- thing but what is strictly true. I myself am bound to England for life. My notions of alle- giance to country J my great and anxious desire to assist in the restoration of her freedom and happiness; my opinion that I possess, in some small degree, at any rate, the power to render such assistance ; and, above all the other consi- derations, my unchangeable attachment to the people of England, and especially those who have so bravely struggled for our rights ; these bind me to England ; but, I shall leave others to judge and to act for themselves. Wm. cobbett. North Hempsted, Long Island, 2\st April, 181S. YEAR'S RESIDENCE, CHAP. I. Description of the Situation and Extent of Long Island, and also of the Face of the Country, and an Account of the Climate, Seasons, and Soil. 11. Long Island is situated in what may be called the middle climate of that part of the United States, which, coastwise, extends from Boston to the Bay of Chesapeake. Farther to the South, the cultivation is chiefly by negroes, and farther to the North than Boston is too cold and arid to be worth much notice, though, doubtless, there are to be found in those parts good spots of land and good farmers. Boston is about 200 miles to the North of me, and the Bay of Chesapeake about the same distance to the South. In speaking of the climate and seasons, therefore, an allowance must be made, of hotter or colder, earlier or later, in a degree proportioned to those distances; because I can speak positively only of the very spot, at which I have resided. But this is a matter of very lO CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. little consequence; seeing that every part has its seasons first or last. All the difference is, that, in some parts of the immense space of which I have spoken, there is a little more sum- mer than in other parts. The same crops will, I believe, grow in them all. 12. The situation of Long Island is this : It is about 130 miles long, and, on an average, about 8 miles broad. It extends in length from the Ray of the City of New York to within a short distance of the State of Rhode Island. One side of it is against the sea, the other side looks across an arm of the sea into a part of the State of New York (to which Long Island belongs) and into a part of the State of Con- necticut. At the end nearest the city of New York it is separated from the scite of that city, by a channel so narrow as to be crossed by a Steam-Boat in a few minutes j and this boat, with another near it, impelled by a team of horses, which works in the boat, form the mode of con- veyance from the Island to the city, for horses, waggons, and every thing else. IS. The Island is divided into three counties ; King's county, Queen's county, and the county of Suffolk. King's county takes off the end next New York city, for about 13 miles up the Island ; Queen's county cuts off another slice about thirty miles further up; and all the rest is the county of Suffolk. These counties are CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 11 divided into townships. And, the municipal government of Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, &c. is in nearly the English way, with such differences as I shall notice in the second part of this work. 14. There is a ridge of hills, which runs from one end of the Island to the other. The two sides are flats, or, rather, very easy and imper- ceptible slopes towards the sea. There are no rivers, or rivulets except here and there a little run into a bottom which lets in the sea-water for a mile or two as it were to meet the springs. Dryness is, therefore, a great characteristic of this Island. At the place where I live, which is in Queen's county, and very nearly the middle of the Island, crosswise, we have no water, except in a well seventy feet deep, and from the clouds; yet, we never experience a want of water, A large rain-water cistern to take the run from the house, and a duck-pond to take that from the barn, afford an ample supply ; and 1 can truly say, that as to the arti- cle of water, I never was situated to please me so well in my life before. The rains come about once in fifteen days; they come in abundance for about twenty-four hours : and then all is fair and all is dry again immediately : yet here and there, especially on the hills, there are po?ids, as they call them here ; but in England, they would be called lakes, from their extent as well 12 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. as from their depth. These, with the various trees which surround them, are very beautiful indeed. 15. The farms are so many plots originally scooped out of woods ; though in King's and Queen's counties the land is generally pretty much deprived of the woods, which, as in every other part of America that I have seen, are beautiful beyond all description. The Walnut of two or three sorts, the Plane, the Hickory, Chesnut, Tulip Tree, Cedar, Sassafras, Wild Cherry (sometimes 60 feet high) ; more than fifty sorts of Oaks; and many other trees, but especially the Flowering Locugt, or Acacia, which, in my opinion, surpasses all other trees, and some of which, in this Island, are of a very great height and girt. The Orchards constitute a feature of great beauty. Every farm has its orchard, and, in general, of cherries as well as of apples and pears. Of the cultivation and crops of these, I shall speak in another Part of the work. 16. There is one great draw-back to all these beauties, namely, the fences; and, indeed, there is another with us South-of-England people ; namely, the general (for there are many exceptions) slovenliness about the homesteads, and particularly about the dwellings of labourers. Mr. BlRKBECK complains of this; and, indeed, what a contrast with the homesteads and cot- CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. \^ tages, which he left behind him near that ex- emplary spot, Guildford in Surrey ! Both blots are, however, easily accounted for. 17. The fences are oi post and rail. This arose, in the first place, from the abundance of timber that men knew not how to dispose of. It is now become an afTair of great expense, in the populous parts of the country ; and, that it might, with great advantage and perfect ease, be got rid of, I shall clearly show in another part of my work. 18. The dwellings and gardens y and little out- houses of labourers, which form so striking a feature of beauty in England, and especially in Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire, and which constitute a sort of fairy-land, when com- pared with those of the labourers in France, are what I, for my part, most feel the want of seeing upon Long Island. Instead of the neat and warm little cottage, the yard, cow-stable, pig-sty, hen-house, all in miniature, and the garden, nicely laid out and the paths bordered with flowers, while the cottage door is crowned with a garland of roses or honey-suckle j in- stead of these, we here see the labourer content with a shell of boards, while all around him is as barren as the sea-beach ; though the natural earth would send melons, the finest in the world, creeping round his door, and though there is no English shrub, or flower, which will not 14 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. grow and flourish here. This want of attention in such cases is hereditary from the first settlers. They found land so plenty, that they treated small spots with contempt. Besides, the example of neatness was wanting. There were no gen- tlemen's gardens, kept as clean as drawing- rooms, with grass as even as a carpet. From endeavouring to imitate perfection men arrive at mediocrity ; and, those who never have seen, or heard of perfection, in these matters, will natu- rally be slovens. 19. Yet, notwithstanding these blots^ as I deem them, the face of the country, in summer, is very fine. From December to May, there is not a speck of green. No green-grass and tur- nips, and wheat, and rye, and rape, as in Eng- land. The frost comes and sweeps all vegeta- tion and verdant existence from the face of the earth. The wheat and rye live ; but, they lose all their verdure. Yet the state of things in June^ is, as to crops, and fruits, much about what it is in England; for, when things do begin to grow, they grow indeed ; and the ge- neral harvest for grain (what we call corn) is a full month earlier than in the South of Eng- land ! 20. Having now given a sketch of the face of the country, it only remains for me to speak in this place of the Climate and Seasons, because I shall sufficiently describe the Soil, when I CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 15 come to treat of my own actual experience of it. I do not like, in these cases, general descrip- tions. Indeed, they must be very imperfect j and, therefore, I will just give a copy of a jour- nal, kept by myself, from the 5th of May, 1817, to the 20th of April, 1818. This, it appears to me, is the best way of proceeding; for, then, there can be no deception -, and, therefore, I in- sert it as follows. 1817. May 5. Landed at New York. 6. Went over to Long Island. Very line day, warm as May in England. The Peach-trees going out of bloom. Plum trees in full bloom. 7. Cold, sharp. East wind, just like that which makes the old de- bauchees in London shiver and shake. 8. A little frost in the night, and a warm day. 9. Cold in the shade and hot in the sun. 10. The weather has been dry for some time. The grass is only beginning to grow a little. 11. Heavy thunder and rain in the night, and all this day. 12. Rain till noon. Then warm and beautiful. 16 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. [PART I. 1817. May 13. Warm, fine day. Saw, in the garden, lettuces, onion?, carrots, and pars- nips, just come up out of the ground. 14. Sharp, drying wind. People travel with great coats, to be guarded against the morning and evening air. 15. Warm and fair. The farmers are be- ginning to plant their Indian Corn. 16. Dry wind, warm in the sun. Cherry trees begin to come out in bloom. The Oaks sRow no green yet. The Sassafras in flower, or, whatever else it is called. It resembles the Elder flower a good deal. 17. Dry wind. Warmer than yesterday. An English April morning, that is to say, a sharp April morning, and a June day. 18. Warm and fine. Grass pushes on. Saw some Lucerne in a warm spot, 8 inches high. 19. Rain all day. Grass grows apace. People plant potatoes. 20. Fine and warm. A good cow sells, with a calf by her side, for 45 dol- lars. A steer, two years old, 20 dol- lars. A working ox, five years old, 40 dollars. 21. Fine and warm day j but the morn- CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 1? 1817. May 21. ing and evening coldish. The cherry-trees in full bloom, and the pear-trees nearly the same. Oats, sown in April, up, and look ex- tremely fine. 22. Fine and warm. — Apple-trees fast coming into bloom. Oak buds breaking. 23. Fine and warm. — Things grow away. Saw kidney-beans up and looking pretty well. Saw some beets coming up. Not a sprig of parsley to be had for love or money. What improvidence! Saw some cab- bage plants up and in the fourth leaf. 24. Rain at night and all day to day. Apple-trees in full bloom, and cherry- bloom falling off. 25. Fine and warm. 26. Dry coldish wind, but hot sun. The grass has pushed on most furiously. 27. Dry wind. Spaded up a corner of ground and sowed (in the natural earth) cucumhei^s and melons. Just the time, they tell me. 28. Warm and fair. 29. Cold wind ; but, the sun warm. C 18 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. May 29. No fires in parlours now, except now-and-then in the mornings, and evenings. 30. Fine and warm.' — Apples have drop- ped their blossoms. And now the grass, the wheat, the rye, and every thing, which has stood the year, or winter through, aj)pear to have over- taken their hke in Old England. 31. Coldish morning and evening. June 1. Fine warm day; but, saw a man, in the evening, covering something in a garden. It was kidney -beans, and he feared ?i frost ! To be sure, they are very tender things. I have had them nearly killed in England, by June frosts. 2. Rain and warm, — The oaks and all the trees, except the Flowering Lo- custs begin to look greenish. .*?. Fine and warm. — The Indian Corn is generally come up ; but looks yellow in consequence of the cold nights and litile frosts. — N. B. I ought here to describe to my English readers what this same Indian Corn is. The Americans call it Corn^ by way of eminence, and wheat, rye, barley and oats, which we confound CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 19 1817. June 3. under the name of com, they con- found under the name of grai?i. The Indian Corn in its ripe seed state, consists of an ear, which is in the shape of a spruce-Jir apple. The grains, each of which is about the bulk of the largest marrow-fat pea, are placed all round the stalk, which goes up the middle, and this little stalk, to which the seeds adhere, is called the Corn Cob. Some of these ears (of which from 1 to 4 grow upon a plant) are more than a foot long; and I have seen many, each of which weighed more than eighteen ounces, avoirdupois weight. They are long or short, heavy or light, ac- cording to the land and the culture. I was at a Tavern, in the village of North Hempstead, last fall (of 1817) when I had just read, in the Courier English news-paper, of a Noble Lord who had been sent on his travels to France at ten 3'^ears of age, and who, from his high-blooded ignorance of vulgar things, I suppose, had swaU lotved a whole ear of corn, which, as the newspaper told us, had well- nigh choaked the Noble Lord. The C 2! 20 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. June 3. Landlord had just bpen showing me some of his fine ears of Corn ; and I took the paper out of my pocket and read the paragraph : " What !" said he, *' swallow a ivhole " ear of corn at once ! No wonder " that they have swallowed up poor " Old John Bull's substance." After a hearty laugh, we explained to him, that it must have been wheat ov barley. Then he said, and very justly, that the Lord must have been a much greater fool than a hog is. — The plant of the Indian corn grows, upon an average, to about 8 feet high, and sends forth the most beau- tiful leaves, resembling the broad leaf of the water-flag. It is planted in hills or rows, so that the plough can go between the standing crop. Its stalks and leaves are the best of fodder, if carefully stacked ; and its grain is good for every thing. It is eaten by man and beast in all the various shapes of whole corn, meal, cracked, and every other way that can be imagined. It is tossed down to hogs, sheep, cattle, in the whole ear. The two former thresh for CHAP.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 21 1817. June 3. themselves, and the latter eat cob and all. It is eaten, and is a very delicious thing, in its half-ripe, or mil/iy state; and these were the " ears of corn'* which the Pljarisees complained of the Disciples for plucking off to eat on the Sabbath Day; for, how were they to eat wheat ears, unless after the manner of the " Noble Lord" above men- tioned ? Besides, the Indian Corn is a native of Palestine. The French, who, doubtless, brought it originally from the Levant, call it Turkish Corn. The Locusts y that John the Baptist lived on, were not (as I used to wonder at when a boy) the noxious vermin that devoured the land of Egypt ; but the bean, which comes in the long pods borne by the three- thorned Locust-tree, and of which I have an abundance here. The wild honey was the honey of wild bees; and the hollow trees here contain swarms of them. The trees are cut, sometimes, in winter, and the part containing the swarm, brought and placed near the house, I saw this lately in Pennsylvania. 22 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. June 4. Fine rain. Began about ten o'clock. 5. Rain nearly all day. 6. Fine and warm. Things grow sur- prizingly. 7. Fine and warm. Rather cold at night. 8. Hot. 9. Rain all day. The wood green, and so beautiful ! The leaves look so fresh and delicate ! But, the Flow- ering Locust only begins to show leaf. It will, by and by, make up, by its beauty, for its shyness at present. 10. Fine warm day. The cattle are up to their eyes in grass. 11. Fine warm day. Like the very, very finest in England in June. 12. Fine day. And, when I say fine, I mean really fine, ^ot a cloud in the sky. IS. Fine and hot. About as hot as the hottest of our English July weather in common years. Lucerne, 2| feet high. 14. Fine and hot ; but, we have always a breeze when it is hot, which I did not formerly find in Pennsylvania. This arises, I suppose, from our • nearness to the sea. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 2S 1817. June 15. Rain all day. 16. Fine, beautiful day. Never saw such fine weather. Not a morsel of dirt. The ground sucks up all. I walk about and work in the land in shoes made of deer-skin. They are dressed whiter like breeches- leather. I began to leave off my coat to day, and do not expect to put it on again till October. - My hat is a white chip, with broad brims. Never better health. 17. Fine day. The partridges (miscalled quails) begin to sit. The orchard full of birds' nests ; and, amongst others, a dove is sitting on her eggs in an apple tree. 18. Fine day. Green peas fit to gather in pretty early gardens, though only of the common hotspur sort. May- duke cherries begin to be ripe. 19. Fine day. But, now comes my , alarm ! The musquitoes^ and, still worse, the common house-Jiy, v/hich used to plague us so in Pennsylvania, and which were tlieonly things lever disliked belonging to the climate of America. Musquitoes are bred in stagnant water iO'iw\i\ch. here is none. 24 CLIMA rE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. June 19. FJies are bred in Jilth, of which none shall be* near me as long as I can use a shovel and a broom. They will ioWow fresh meat and Jish. Have neither, or be very careful, I have this day put all these precautions in practice J and, now let us see the result. 20. Fine day. Carrots and parsnips, S0ZV71 on the 3d and ^th instant^ all up, and in rough leaf! Onions up. The whole garden green in 18 days from the sowins:. 21. Very hot. Thunder and heavy rain at night. 22. Fine day. May-duke cherries ripe. 23. Hot and close. Distant thunder. 24. Fine day. 25. Fine day. White-heart and black- heart cherries getting ripe. 26. Rain. Planted out cucumbers and melons. I find I am rather late. 27- Fine day. 28. Fine day. Gathered cherries for drying for winter use. 29. Fine day. 30. Rain all night. People are planting out their cabbages for the winter crop. CHAP I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 25 1817. July 1. Fine day. Bought 20 bushels of English salt for half a dollar a bushel. 2. Fine day. 3. Fine day. 4. Fine day. Carrots, sown 3d June, 3 inches high. ; . :,; 5. Very hot day. Nojliesyet, 6. Fine hot day. Currants ripe. Oats in haw. Rye nearly ripe. Indian corn two feet high. Hay-making nearly done. 7. Rain and thunder early in the morn- ing. 8. Fine hot day. Wear no waistcoat now, except in the morning and evening. 9. Fine hot day. Apples to make pud- dings and pies ; but our housekeeper does not know how to make an apple- pudding. She puts the pieces of apple amongst the batter ! She has not read Peter Pindar. 10. Fine hot day. I work in the land morning and evening, and write in the day in a north room. The dress is now become a very convenient, or, rather, a very little inconvenient 26 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. July 10. affair. Shoes, trowsers, shirt and hat. No plague of dressing and un- dressing ! 11. Fine hot day in the morning, but began to grow dark in the afternoon. A sort of haze canne over. 12. Very hot day. The common black cherries, the little red honey cherries, all ripe now, and falling and rotting by the thousands of pounds weight. But, this place which I rent is re- markable for abundance of cherries. Some early peas, sown in the second week in June, fit for the table. This is thirty days from the time of sow- ing. No files yet I No musquitoes I IS. Hot and heavy, like the pleading of a quarter-sessions lawyer. No breeze to-day, which is rarely the case. 14. Fine day. The Indian corn four feet high. 15. Fine day. We eat turnips sown on the second of June. Early cabbages (a gift) sown in May. 16. Fine hot day. Fine young onions, sown on the 8th of June. 17. Fine hot day. Harvest of wheat. CHAP. L] climate, seasons, &C. ^1 1817. July 17. rye, oats and barley, half done. But, indeed, what is it to do when the weather does so much ! 18. Fine hot day. 19. Rain all day. 20. Fine hot day, and some wind. All dry again as completely as if it had not rained for a year. 21. Fine hot day; but heavy rain at night. Flies, a few. Not more than in England. My son John, who has just returned from Pennsyl- vania, says they are as great tor- ments there as ever. At a friend's house (a farm house) there, two quarts of flies were caught in one window in one day ! I do not be- lieve that there are two quarts in all my premises. But, then, I cause all wash and slops to be carried forty yards from the house. I suffer no peelings or greens, or any rubbish, to lie near the house. I suffer iio fresh meat to remain more than one day fresh in the house. I proscribe all fish. Do not suffer a dog to enter the house. Keep all pigs at a distance of sixty yards. And 28 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. July 21. sweep all round about once every week at least. 22. Fine hot day. 23. Fine hot day. Sowed Buck-wheat in a piece of very poor ground. 24. Fine hot day. Harvest (for grain) nearly over. The main part of the wheaty &c. is put into Bajvis, which are very large and commodious. Some they put into small ricks, or stacks, out in the fields, and there they stand, without any thatching, till they are wanted to be taken in during the winter, and, sometimes they remain out for a whole year. Nothing can prove more clearly than this fact, the great difference between this climate and that of England, where, as every body knows, such stacks would be mere heaps of muck by January, if they were not, long and long before that time, carried clean off the farm by the wind. The crop is sometimes threshed out in the field by the feet of horses, as in the South of France. It is sometimes cj^rried into the barn's floor, wbere three or four CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. 29 1817. July 24. horses, or oxen, going abreast, tram- ple out the grain as the sheaves, or swarths, are brought in. And this explains to us the humane precept of Moses, " not to muzzle the ox " as he treadeth out the graiuy* which we country people in Eng- land cannot make out. 1 used to be puzzled, too, in the story of RUTH, to imagine how BOAZ could be busy amongst his threshers in the height of harvest. — The weather is so fine, and the grain so dry, that, when the w^heat and rye are threshed by the flail, the sheaves are barely untied, laid upon the floor, receive a few raps, and are then tied up, clean threshed for straw, without the or- der of the straws being in the least changed ! The ears and butts retain their places in the sheaf, and the • band that tied the sheaf before ties it again. The straw is as bright as burnished gold. Not a speck in it. These facts will speak volumes to an English farmer, who will see with what ease work must be done in such a country. 50 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. July 25. Fine hot day. Early pea, men- tioned before, harvested, in forty days from the sowing. Not more files than in Engla?id. 26. Fine broiling day. The Indian Corn grows away now, and has, each plant, at least a tumbler full of water standing in the sockets of its leaves, while the sun seems as if it would actually burn one. Yet we have a breeze i and, under these fine shady Walnuts and Locusts and Oaks, and on the fine grass beneath, it is very pleasant. Woodcocks begin to come very thick about. 27. Fine broiler again. Some friends from England here to-day. We spent a pleasant day; drank success to the Debt, and destruction to the Borough- mongers, in gallons of milk and wa- ter. — Not more files than in England. 28. Very, very hot. The Thermometer 9^5 degrees in the shade; but a breeze. Never slept better in all my life. No covering. A sheet un- der me, and a straw bed. And then, so happy to have no clothes to put on but shoes and trowsers ! My CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 31 1817. July 28. window looks to the East. The moment the Aurora appears, I am in the Orchard. It is impossible for any human being to lead a pleasanter life than this. How I pity those, who are compelled to endure the stench of cities ; but, for those who remain there without being com- pelled, I have no pity. 29. Still the same degree of heat. I measured a water-melon runner, which grew eighteen inches in the last 48 hours. The deivs now are equal to showers; I frequently, in the morning, wash hands and face, feet and legs, in the dew on the high grass. The Indian Corn shoots up now so beautifully ! 30. Still melting hot. 31. Same weather. August 1. Same weather. I takeoff two shirts iw' a day wringing wet, I have a clothes- horse to hang them on to dry. Drink about 20 good tumblers of milk and water every day. No ailments. Head always clear. Go to bed by day- light very often. Just after the hens go to roost, and rise again with them. August 2. Hotter and hotter, I think j but, in 32 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. [PART I. 1817. August 2, this weather we always have our friendly breeze. — Not a single mus- qidto yet. 3. Cloudy and a little shattering of rain ; but not enough to lay the dust. 4. Fine hot day. 5. A very little rain. Dried up in a minute. Planted cabbages with dust running into the holes. 6. Fine hot day. 7» Appearances forebode rain. — I have observed that, when rain is approach- ing, the stones (which are the rock stone of the country), with which a piazza adjoining the house is paved, get wet. This wet appears, at first, at the top of each round stone, and, then, by degrees, goes all over it. Rain is sure to follow. It has never missed ; and, which is very curious, the rain lasts exactly as long as the stones take to get all over wet before it comes ! The stones dry again before the rain ceases. However, this foreknowledge of rain is of little use here; for, when it comes, it is sure to be soon gone ; and to be succeeded by a sun, which restores all to rights. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 33 1817. August 7. I wondered, at first, why I never saw any barometers in people's houses, as almost every farmer has them in England. But, I soon found, that they would be, if perfectly true, of no use. Eaiiy pears ripe. 8. Fine Rain. It comes pouring down. 9. Rain still, which has now lasted 60 hours. — Killed a lamb, and, in order to keep it fresh, sunk it down into the well. — The wind makes the In- dian Corn bend. 10. Fine clear hot day. The grass, which wa^ brown the day before yesterday, is already beautifully green. In one place, where there appeared no signs of vegetation, the grass is tzco inches high. 11. Heavy rains at night. 12. Hot and close. 13. Hot and close. 14. Hot and close. No breezes these three days. 15. Very hot indeed. 80 degrees in a North aspect at 9 in the evening. Three wet shirts to day. Obliged to put on a dry shirt to go to bed in. 16. Very hot indeed. 85 degrees; the thermometer hanging under the Lo- D 34 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Aug. 16. cust trees and swinging about with the breeze. The dews are now like heavy showers. 17. Fine hot clay. Very hot. I fight the Borough-villains, stripped to my shirt, and with nothing on besides, but shoes and trowsers. Never ill ; no head- aches ; no rauddled brains. The milk and xvaicr is a great cause of this. I live on salads, other gar- den vegetables, apple-puddings and pies, butter, cheese {yery good from Rhode Island), eggs, and bacon. Resolved to have no more fresh meat, 'till cooler weather comes. Those who have a mind to swallow, or be swallowed by, jiies, may eat fresh meat for me. 18. Fine and hot. 19. Very hot. 20. Very hot; but a breeze every day and night. — Buckwheat, sown 23rd July, 9 inches high, and, poor as the ground was, looks very well. 21. Fine hot day. 22. Fine hot day. 23. Fine hot day. I have now got an English woman servant, and she makes us famous apple-puddings. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 35 1817. Aug. 23. She says she has never read Peter Pindar's account of the dialogue be- tween the King and the Cottage- woman ; and yet she knows very well how to get the apples within side of the paste. N. B. No man ought to come here, whose wife and daughters cannot make puddings and pies. 24. Fine hot dav. 25. Fine hot day. 26. Fine hot day. 27. Fine hot day. Have not seen a cloud for many days. 28. Windy and rather coldish. Put on cotton stockings and a waistcoat with sleeves. Do not like this wea- ther. 29. Same weather. Do not like it. SO. Fine and hot again. Give a great many apples to hogs. Get some hazle-nuts in the wild grounds. Larger than the English : and much about the same taste. 31. Fine hot day. Frod'ig'ious dews. . Sept. 1. Fine and hot. 2. Fine and hot. 3. Famously hot. Fine breezes. Be- gan imitating the Disciples, at least D 2 36 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Sept. 3. in their diet ; for, to day, we began "plucking the ears of coriiH'' in a patch planted in the garden on the second of June. But, we, in imita- tion of Pindar's pilgrim, take the li- berty to boil our Corn. We shall not starve now. 4. Fine and hot. 83 degrees under the Locust-trees. 5. Very hot indeed, but fair, with our old breeze. 6. Same weather. 7. Same weather. 8. Same weather. 9. Rather hotter. We, amongst seven of us, eat about 25 ears of Corn a day. With me it wholly supplies the place of bread. It is the choicest gift of God to man, in the way of food. I remember, that Arthur Young observes, that the proof of a good climate is, that Indian Corn comes to perfection in it. Our Corn is very fine. I believe, that a wine- glass full of milk might be squeezed out of one ear. No wonder the Dis- ciples were- tempted to pluck it when they were hungry, though it was on the Sabbath day ! CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 37 1817. Sept. 10. Appearances for rain J and, it is time j for my neighbours begin to cry out, and our rain-water cistern begins to shrink. The well \s there, to be sure; but, to pull up water from 70 feet is no joke, while it requires nearly as much sweat to get it up, as we get water. 1 1. No rain ; but cloudy. 83 degrees in the shade. 12. Rain and very hot in the morning. Thunder and heavy rain at night. 13. Cloudy and cool. Only 55 degrees in shade. 14. Cloudy and cool. 15. Fair and cool. Made a Jive to write by. Don't like this weather. 16. Rain, warm. 17. Beautiful day. Not very hot. Just like a fine day in July in England after a rain. 18. Same weather. Wear stockings now and a waistcoat and neck-handker- chief. 19. Same weather. Finished our Indian Corn, which, on less than 4 rods, or perches, of ground, produced 447 ears. It was singularly well culti- vated. It was the long yellow Corn. 38 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Sept. 19. Seed given me by my excellent neigh- bour, Mr. John Tredvvell. 20. Same weather. 21. Same weather. 22. Same weather. 23. Cloiuly and hotter. 24. Fine rain all last night and until ten o'clock to-day. 25. Beautiful day. 26. Same weather. 70 degrees in shade. Hot as the hot days in August in England. 27. Rain all last night. 28. Very fine and warm. Left off the stockings again. 29. Very fine, 70 degrees in shade. SO. Same weather. October 1. Same weather. Fresh meat keeps pretty well now. 2. Very fine ; but, there was a little frost this morning, which did not, however, affect the late sown Kid- ney BeanSf which are as tender as the cucumber plant. 3. Cloudy and warm. 4. Very fine and warm, 70 degrees in shade. The apples are very fine. We are now cutting them and quinces, to dry for winter use. My CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 39 1817. Oct. 4. neighbours give me quinces. We are also cutting up and drying peaches. 5. Very fine and warm. Dwarf Kidney beans very fine. 6. Very fine and warm. CtUti7ig Buck- wheat. ' ' 7. Very fine and warm. ^5 degrees in shade at 7 o'clock this morning. — Windy in the afternoon. The wind is knocking down the fall-pipins for us. One picked up to-day weighed 121 ounces avoirdupois weight. The average weight is c, about 9 ounces, or, perhaps, 10 ounces. This is the finest of all apples. Hardly any core. Some none at all. The richness of the pine-apple without the roughness. If the King could have seen one of these in a dumpling ! This is not the Newtown Pipin, which is sent to England in such quantities. That is a winter apple. Very fine at Christmas j but far inferior to this fall-pipin, taking them both in their state of perfection. It is useless to send the trees to England, unless the heat of the sun and the rains 40 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. [PART I. 1817. Oct. 7. and the dews could be sent along with the trees. 8. Very fine, 68 in shade. 9. Same weather. 10. Same weather, 59 degrees in shade. A little white frost this morning. It just touched the lips of the kidney bean leaves; but, not those of the cucumbers or melons, which are near fences. 11. Beautiful day. 61 degrees in shade. Have not put on a coat yet. Wear thin stockings, or socks, waistcoat with sleeves, and neckcloth. In New York Market, Kidney Beans and Green peas. 12. Beautiful day. 70 degrees in shade. 13. Same weather. 14. Rain. 50 degrees in shade. Like a fine, warm, June rain in England. 15. Beautiful day. 6& degrees in shade. Here is a motith of October ! 16. Same weather. 51 degrees in shade. 17. Same weather, but a little warmer in the day. A smart frost this morn- ing. The kidney beans, cucumber and melon plants, pretty much cut by it. 18. A little rain in the night. A most CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 41 1817. Oct. 18. beautiful day. 54 degrees in shade. A June day for England. 19. A very white frost this morning. Kidney beans, cucumbers, melons, all demolished; but a beautiful day. 56 degrees in shade. 20. Another frost, and just such ano- ther day. Threshing Buckzvheai in Jield. 21. No frost. 58 degrees in shade. 22. Finest of English June days. 67 degrees in shade. 23. Beautiful day. 70 degrees in shade. Very iew summers in England that have a day hotter than this. It is this fine sun that makes the fine apples ! 24. Same weather precisely. Finished Buckwheat threshing and winnow- ing. The men have been away at a horse-race ; so that it has laid out in the field, partly threshed and partly not, for five days. If rain had come, it would have been of no consequence. All would have been dry again directly afterwards. What a stew a man would be in, in Eng- land, if he had his grain lying about out of doors in this way ! 42 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Oct. 24. The cost of threshing and winnow- ing 60 bushels was 7 dollars, 1/. ll.v. Qd. English money, that is to say, h-s. a quarter, or eight Winchester bushels. But, then, the carting was next to nothing. Therefore, though the labourers had a dollar a day eachi the expense, upon the whole, was not so great as it would have been in England. So much does the climate do ! 2^. Rain. A warm rain, like a fine June rain in England. 57 degrees in shade. The late frosts have killed, or, at least, pinched the leaves of the trees y and they are now red, yellow, russet, brown, or of a dying green. Never was any thing so beautiful as the bright sun, shining through these fine lofty trees upon the gay verdure beneath. 26. Rain. Warm. 58 degrees in shade. This is the general Indian Corn harvest. 27. Rain. Warm. 58 degrees in shade. Put on coat, black hat and black shoes. *ii8. Fine day. 5Q degrees in shade. Pulled up a Radish that weighed CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 43 1817. Oct. 28. 12 pounds I I say twelve, and mea- sured 2 feet 5 inches round. From common English seed. 29. Very fine indeed. 30. Ver}'^ fine and warm. 31. Very fine. 54 degrees in shade. Gathered our last lot of winter ap- ples. Nov. 1. R^in all the last night and all this day. 2. Rain still. 54 degrees in shade. Warm. Things grow well. The grass very, fine and luxuriant. 3. Very fine indeed. 5Q in shade. Were it not for the colour of the leaves of the trees, all would look like June in England. 4. Very, very fine. Never saw such pleasant weather. Digging Po- tatoes. 5. Same weather precisely. 6. A little cloudy, but warm. 7. Most beautiful weather ! 63 degrees in shade. N. B. This is November. 8. A little cloudy at night fall. 6S degrees in shade ; that is to say, English Summer heat all but 7 de- grees. 9. Very fine. 44 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Nov. 10. Very fine. 11. Very fine. When I got up this morning, I found the thermometer hanging on the Locust trees, drip- ping with dew, at C2 degrees. Left off m\) coat again. 12. Same weather. 69 degrees in shade. 13. Beautiful day, but cooler. 14. Same weather. 50 degrees in shade. The high-ways and paths as clean as a boarded floor ; that is to say, from dirt or mud. 15. Gentle rain. 53 in shade. Like a gentle rain in May in England. 16. Gentle rain. AVarm. 5^ in shade. What a November" for an English- man to see I My white turnips have grown almost the whole of their growth in this month. The Swedish, planted late, grow surprisingly now, and have a luxuriancy of appear- ance exceeding any thing of the kind I ever saw. We have fine loaved lettuces ; endive, young onions, young radishes, cauliflowers with heads five inches over. The rye fields grow beautifully. They have been food for cattle for a month, or six weeks, past. CHAP. T.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. 45 1817. Nov. 17. Cloudy. Warm. 18. Same weather. 55 degrees in shade. 19. Frost, and the ground pretty hard. 20. Very fine indeed. Warm. 55 de- grees in shade. 21. Same weather. 22. Cold, damp air, and cloudy. ^ 23. Smart frost at night. 24. 25 I 1 • * VSame. Warm in the day time. 27. 28. 7 QQ >Same; but more warm m the day. SO. Fine warm and beautiful day; no frost at night. 57 degrees in shade. Dec. 1. Same weather precisely; but, we begin to fear the setting-in of winter, and I am very busy in covering up cabbages, mangle wurzle, turnips, beets, carrots, parsnips, parsley, &c. the mode of doing which (not less useful in England than here, though not so indispensably necessary) shall be described when I come to speak of the management of these several plants. 2. Fine warm rain. 5Q in shade. 46 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Dec. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Very fair and pleasant, but frost sufficiently hard to put a stop to our getting up and stacking tur- nips. Still, however, the cattle and sheep do pretty well upon the grass which is long and dead. ( Fatting oxen we feed with the greens of Ruta Baga, with some corn (Indian, mind) tossed dowr> to them in the ear. Sheep (ewes that had lambs in spring) we kill veri/ fat from the grass. No dirt. ^JWhat a clean and convenient soil ! 9. Thaw. No rain. We get on with our work again. 10. Open mild weather. 11. Same weather. Very pleasant. 12. Rain began last night. 13. Rain all day. 14. Rain all day. The old Indian re- mark is, that the winter does not set in till the ponds be full. It is coming, then. Rain till 2 o'clock. We kill mutton now. Ewes brought from Connec- ticut, and sold to me here at 2 dol- lars each in July, just after shearing. I sell them now alive at 3 dollars o. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 4? 1817. Dec. 15. each from the grass. Killed and sent to market, they leave me the loose fat for candles, and fetch about 3 dollars and a quarter besides. 16. Sharp North West wind. This is the cold American Wind. " A North Wester'^ means all that can be ima- gined of clear in summer and cold in winter. I remember hearing from that venerable and excellent man, Mr. Baron Maseres, a very ele- gant eulogium on the Summer North AVester, in England. This is the only public servant that I ever heard of, who refused a proffered augmen- tation of salary ! 17. A hardish frost. 18. Open weather again. 19. Fine mild dayj but began freezing at night-fall. 20. Hard frost. 21. Very sharp indeed. Thermometer down to 10 degrees ; that is to say, 22 degrees colder than barely freezing. 22. Same weather. Makes us riuiy where we used to walk in the fall, and to saunter in the summer. It is no new thing to me ; but it makes 48 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1817. Dec. 22. our other English people shrug up their shoulders. 23. Frost greatly abated. Stones show for wet. It will come, in spite of all the fine serene sky, which we now see. 24. A thaw. — Servants made a lot of candles from mutton and beef fat, reserving the coarser parts to make soap. 25. Rain. Had some English friends. Sirloin of own beef Spent the evening in light of own candles, as handsome as I ever saw, and, I think, the very best I ever saw. The reason is, that the tallow is freshf and that it is unmixed with grease, which, and staleness, is the cause, I believe, of candles running, and plaguing us while we are using them. What an injury is it to the farmers in England, that they dare not, in this way, use their own pro- duce ; Is it not a mockery to call a man free, who no more dares turn out his tallow into candles for his own use, than he dares rob upon the highway ? Yet, it is only by means of tyranny and extortion like CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 49 1817. Dec. 25. this, that the hellish system of fund- ing and of Seat-selling can be up- held. * 26. Fine warm day. 52 degrees in shade. 27. Cold, but little frost. 28. Same weather. Fair and pleasant. The late sharp frost has changed to a complete yellow every leaf of some Swedish Turnips (Ruta Baga), left to take their chance. It is a poor chance, I believe ! 29. Same weather. 30. Rain all day. 31. Mild and clear. No frost. * 1818. Jan. 1. Same weather. 2. Same weather. 3. Heavy rain. 4. A frost that makes us jump and skip about like larks. Very sea- sonable for a sluggish fellow. Pre- pared for winter. Patched up a boarded building, which was for- merly a coach-house; but, which is not so necessary to me, in that ca- pacity, as in that of a fowl-house. The neighbours tell me, that the poultry will roost out on the trees E 30 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. [PART 1. 1818. Jan. 4. all the winter, which, the weather being so dry in winter, is very likely j and, indeed, they must, if they have no housCy which is almost universally the case. However, 1 mean to give the poor things a choice. I have lined the said coach-house with corn- stalks and leaves of trees, and have tacked up cedar-boughs to hold the lining to the boards, and have laid a bed of leaves a foot thick all over the floor. I have secured all against dogs, and have made ladders for the fowls to go in at holes six feet from the ground. I have made pig-styes, lined round with cedar-boughs and well covered. A sheep-yard, for a score of ewes to have lambs in spring, surrounded with a hedge of cedar- boughs, and with a shed for the ewes to lie under, if they like. The oxen and cows are tied up in a stall. The dogs have a place, well covered, and lined with corn-stalks and leaves. And now, I can, without anxiety, sit by the fire, or lie in bed, and hear the North-Wester whistle. 5. Frost. Like what we call " a hard ** frost " in England. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 51 1818. Jan. 6. Such another frost at night, but a thaw in the middle of the day. 7. Little frost. Fine warm day. The sun seems loth to quit us. 8. Same weather. 9. A harder frost, and snow at night. The fowls, which have been peeping at my ladders for two or three even- ings, and partially roosting in their house, made their general entry this evening I They are the best judges of what is best for them. The tur- keys boldly set the weather at de- fiance, and still roost on the top, the ridge, of the roof, of the house. Their feathers prevent their legs from being frozen, and so it is with all poultry ; but, still, a house must, one •would think, be better than the open air at this season. ' 10. Snow, but sloppy. I am now at New York on my way to Pennsylva- nia. N. B. This journey into Penn- sylvania had, for its principal ob- ject, an appeal to the justice of the Legislature of that State for redress for great loss and injury sustained by me, nearly twenty years ago, in consequence of the tyranny of one E2 5^2 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Jan. 10. McKean, who was then the Chief Justice of that State. The appeal has not yet been successful ; but, as I confidently expect, that it finally will, I shall not, at present, say any thing more on the subject. — My journey was productive of much and various observation, and, I trust, of useful knowledge. But, in this place, I shall do little more than give an account of the weather; reserving for the Second Part, accounts o( prices of land, &c. which will there come under their proper heads. 11. Frost but not hard. Now at New York. 12. Very sharp frost. Set off for Phila- delphia. Broke down on the road in New Jersey. 13. Very hard frost still. Found the Delaware, which divides New Jer- sey from Pennsylvania, frozen over. Good roads now. Arrive at Phila- delphia in the evening. 14. Same weather. 15. Same weather. The question ea- gerly put to me by every one in Philadelphia, is " Don't you think CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 53 1818. Jan. 15. " the city greath/ improved?** They seem to me to confound augmentation with improvement. It always was a fine city, since I first knew it ; and it is very greatly augmented. It has, I beheve, nearly doubled its extent and number of houses since the year 1799. But, after being, for so long a time, familiar with London, every other place appears little. After living within a few hundreds of yards of Westminster Hall and the Abbey Church and the Bridge, and looking from my own windows into St. James's Park, all other buildings and spots appear mean and insignificant. I went to day to see the house I formerly oc- cupied. How small ! It is always thus: the words large and small are carried about with us in our minds, and we forget real dimensions. The idea, such as it was received^ remains during our absence from the object. When I returned to England, in 1800, after an absence from the country parts of it, of sixteen years, the trees, the hedges, even the parks and woods, seemed so small I 54 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. i Jan. 15. It made me laugh to hear little gutters, that I could jump over, called Rivers ! The Thames was but a " Creek ! " But, when, in about a month after my arrival in London, I went to Farjiham, the place of my birth, what was my surprise ! Every thing was become so pitifully small ! I had to cross, in my post-chaise, the long and dreary heath of Bagshot. Then, at the end of it, to mount a hill, called Hungry Hill ; and from that hill I / knew that I should look down into the beautiful and fertile vale of Farn- ham. My heart fluttered with im- patience mixed with a sort of fear, to see all the scenes of my child- hood ; for I had learnt before, the death of my father and mother. There is a hill, not far from the town, called Crookshury Hill, which rises up out of a flat, in the form of a cone, and is planted with Scotch fir trees. Here I used to take the eggs and young ones of crows and magpies. This hill was a famous object in the neighbourhood. It served as the superlative degree of CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 55 1818. Jan. 15. height. " As high as Crookshiiry " HilV meant, with us, the utmost degree of height. Therefore, the iirst object that my eyes sought was this hill. / could not believe my eyes ! Literally speaking, I for a moment, thought the famous hill re- moved, and a little heap put in its stead ; for I had seen in New Bruns- wick, a single rock, or hill of solid rock, ten times as big, and four or five times as high 1 The post-boy, going down hill, and not a bad road, whisked me, in a few minutes to the Bush Inn, from the garden of which I could see the prodigious sand hill, where I had begun my gardening works. What a nothing ! But now came rushing into my mind, all at once, my pretty little garden, my little blue smock-frock, my little nailed shoes, my pretty pigeons that I used to feed out of my hands, the last kind words and tears of my gentle and tender-hearted and affec- tionate mother ! I hastened back into the room. If I had looked a moment longer, I should have dropped. When I came to reflect. 56 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART 1. 1818. Jan. 15. zchat a change ! I looked down at my dress. What a change ! What scenes I had gone through ! How altered my state ! I had dined the day before at a secretary of state's in company with Mr. Pitt, and had been waited upon by men in gaudy liveries ! I had had nobody to assist me in the world. No teachers of any sort. Nobody to shelter me from the consequence of bad, and no one to counsel me to good, behaviour. I felt proud. The distinctions of rank, birth, and wealth, all became no- thing in my eyesj and from that moment (less than a month after my arrival in England) I resolved never to bend before them. 16. Same weather. Went to see my old Quaker-friends at Bustleton, and particularly my beloved friend James Paul, who is very ill. 17. Returned to Philadelphia. Little frost and a little snow. Moderate frost. Fine clear sky. The Philadelphians are cleanly^ a quality which they owe chiefly to the Quakers. But, after being long and recently familiar with the towns CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 57 1818. Jan. 21. in Surrey and Hampshire, and espe- cially with Guildford, Alton, and Southampton, no other towns appear clean and neat, not even Bath or Salisbury, which last is much about upon a par, in point of cleanliness, with Philadelphia ; and, Salisbury is deemed a very cleanly place. Bland- ford and Dorchester are clean ; but, I have never yet seen any thing like the towns in Surrey and Hamp- shire. If a Frenchman, born and bred, could be taken up and car- ried blindfold to Guildford, I wonder what his sensations would be, when he came to have the use of his sight ! Every thing near Guildford seems to have received an influence from the town. Hedges, gates, stiles, gardens, houses inside and out, and the dresses of the people. The market day at Guildford is a perfect show of cleanliness. Not even a carter without a clean smock-frock and closely-shaven and clean-washed face. Well may Mr. Birkbeck, who came from this very spot, think the people dirty in the western country ! I'll engage he finds more dirt upon 58 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Jan. 21. the necks and faces of one family of his present neighbours, than he left behind him upon the skms of all the people in the three parishes of Guildford. However, he would not have found this to be the case in Pennsylvania, and especially in those parts where the Quakers abound ; and, I am told, that, in the New England States, the peo- ple are as cleanly and as neat as they are in England. The sweetest flowers, when they become putrid, stink the most; and, a nasty wo- man is the nastiest thing in na- ture. 22. Hard frost. My business in Penn- sylvania is with the legislature. It is sitting at Harrisburgh. Set off to-day by stage. Fine country j fine barns ; fine farms. Must speak par- ticularly of these in another place. Got to Lancaster. The largest zw- land town in the United States. A very clean and good town. No beggarly houses. All looks like ease and plenty. 23. Harder frost, but not very severe. Almost as cold as the weather was CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 59 1818. Jan. 23. during the six weeks continuance of the snow, in 1814, in England. 24. The same weather continues. 25. A sort of half thaw. Sun warm. Harrisburgh is a new town, close on the left bank of the river Sus- QUEHANNAH, which is not frozen over, but has large quantities of ice floating on its waters. All vegeta- tion, and all appearance of green, gone away. 26. Mild weather. Hardly any frost. 27. Thaws. Warm. Tired to death of the tavern at HarrisbuRGH, though a very good one. The cloth spread three times a day. Fish, fowl, meat, cakes, eggs, sausages j all sorts of things in abundance. Board, lodg- ing, civil but not servile waiting on, beer, tea, coffee, chocolate. Price, a dollar and a quarter a day. Here we meet altogether: senators, judges, lawyers, tradesmen, farmers, and all. I am weary of the everlasting loads of meat. Weary of being idle. How few such days have I spent in my whole life ! 28. Thaw and rain. My business not coming on, I went to a country ta- 60 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Jan. 28. vern, hoping there to get a room to myself, in which to read my English papers, and sit down to writing. I am now at McAllister's tavern, situated at the foot of the first ridge of mountains; or rather, upon a little nook of land, close to the river, where the river has found a way through a break in the chain of mountains. Great enjoyment here. Sit and read and write. My mind is again in England. Mrs. M*AL- LISTER just suits me. Does not pester me with questions. Does not cram me with meat. Lets me eat and drink what I like, and when I like, and gives mugs of nice milk. I find, here, a very agreeable and instructive occasional companion, in Mr. McAllister the elder. But, of the various useful information, that I received from him, I must speak in the second part of this work. 29. Very hard frost this morning. Change very sudden. All about the house a glare of ice. SO. Not so hard. Icicles on the trees on the neighbouring mountains like CHAP, l] climate, seasons, &C. 61 1818. Jan. 30. so many millions of sparkling stones, when the sun shines, which is all the day. 31. Same weather. Two farmers of Lycoming county had heard that William Cobbett was here. They modestly introduced themselves. What a contrast with the "yeo- manry cavalry /" Feb. 1. Same weather. About the same as a " hardfrosC in England. 2. Same weather. 3. Snow. 4. Little snow. Not much frost. This day, thirty-three years ago, I enlist- ed as a soldier. I always keep the day in recollection. 5. Having been to Harrisburgh on the second, returned to M*Allister*s to-day in a sleigh. The River be- gins to be frozen over. It is about a mile wide. 6. Little snow again, and hardish frost. 7. Now and then a little snow. — Talk with some hop-growers. Prodigious crops in this neighbourhood; but, of them in the Second Part. What would a Farnham man think of thirty hundred weight of hops upon 62 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Feb. 7. four hundred hills, ploughed between, and the ground vines /cof ^jf^y ^^ic^pf This is a very curious and interest- ing matter. 8. A real Frost. 9. Sharper. They say, that the ther- mometer is down to 10 degrees be- low nought, 10. A little milder; but very cold in- deed. The River completely frozen over, and sleighs and foot-passengers crossing in all directions. 11. Went back again to Harrisburgh. Mild frost. 12. Not being able to bear the idea of dancing attendance, came to Lan- castery in order to see more of this pretty town. A very fine Tavern (Slaymaker's) ; room to myself; ex- cellent accommodations. Warm fires. Good and clean beds. Civil but not servile, landlord. The eat- ing still more overdone than at Har- risburgh. Never saw such profu- sion. I have made a bargain with the landlord : he is to give me a dish of chocolate a day, instead of dinner. Frost, but mild. IS. Rain. — A real rain, but rather cold. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 63 1818. Feb. 14. A complete day of rain. 15. A hard frost; much about like a hard frost in the naked parts of Wiltshire. — Mr. Hulme joined me on his way to Philadelphia from the city of Washington. 16. A hard frost. — Lancaster is a pretty place. No Jine buildings ; but no mean ones. Nothing splendid and nothing beggarly. The people of this town seem to have had the prayer of Hagar granted them : " Give me, O Lord, Xieither poverty " nor riches.*^ Here are none of those poor, wretched habitations, which sicken the sight at the out- skirts of cities and towns in Eng- land ; those abodes of the poor crea- tures, who have been reduced to beggary by the cruel extortions of the rich and powerful. And, this remark applies to all the towns of America that I have ever seen. This is a fine part of America. Big Barns, and modest dwelling houses. Barns of stone, a hundred feet long and forty zvide, with two floors, and raised roads to go into them, so that the waggons go into the 4a climate, seasons, &c. [part r. 1818. Feb. 16. Jirsf floor upstairs. Below are sta- bles, stalls, pens, and all sorts of conveniences. Up-stairs are rooms for threshed corn and grain ; for tackle, for meal, for all sorts of things. In the front (South) of the barn is the cattle yard. These are very fine buildings. And, then, all about them looks so comfortable, and gives such manifest proofs of ease, plenty, and happiness ! Such is the country of WiLLlAM Pekn's settling ! It is a curious thing to observe the farm-houses in this coun- try. They consist, almost without exception, of a considerably large and a very neat house, with sash win- dows, and of a small housCy which seems to have been tacked on to the large one ; and, the proportion they bear to each other, in point of di- mensions, is, as nearly as possi- ble, the proportion of size between a Cow and her Calf, the latter a month old. But, as to the cause, the process has been the opposite of this instance of the works of na- ture, for, it is the large house which has grown out of the small one. The CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &G. 65 1818. Feb. 16. father, or grandfather, while he was toiling for his children, lived in the small house, constructed chiefly by himself, and consisting of rude ma- terials. The means, accumulated in the small house, enabled a son to rear the large one ; and, though, when pride enters the door, the small house is sometimes demolish- ed, few sons in America have the folly or want of feeling to commit such acts of filial ingratitude, and of real self-abasement. For, what inheritance so valuable and so ho- nourable can a son enjoy as the proofs of his father's industry and virtue ? The progress of wealth and ease and enjoyment, evinced by this regular increase of the size of the farmers' dwellings, is a spectacle, at once pleasing, in a very high degree, in itself; and, in the same degree, it speaks the praise of the system of government, under which it has taken place. What a contrast with the farm-houses in England ! There the little farm-houses are falling in- to ruins, or, are actually become cattle-sheds, or, at best, cottages^ F 66 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Feb. 16. as they are called, to contain a mi- serable labourer, who ought to have been a farmer, as his grandfather was. Five or six farms are there now levelled into one, in defiance of the law J for, there is a law to pre- vent it. The farmer has, indeed, a jftne houses but, what a life do his labourers lead ! The cause of this sad change is to be found in the crushing taxes ; and the cause of them, in the Borough usurpation, which has robbed the people of their best right, and, indeed, without which right, they can enjoy no other. They talk of the augmented popula- tion of England ; and, when it suits the purposes of the tyrants, they boast of this fact, as they are pleased to call it, as a proof of the fostering nature of their go- vernment ; though, just now, they are preaching up the vile and foolish doctrine of PaRSON MalTIIUS, who thinks, that there are too many peo- ple, and that they ought (those who labour, at least) to be restrained from breeding so fast. But, as to the fact, I do not believe it. There CHAT. L] CLIJIATE, SEASONS, &C. •? 1818. • . : Feb. 16. can be nothing in the shape of /)roo/"; for no actnal enumeration was ever taken till the year 1800. We know well, that London, Manchester, Bir- mingham, Bath, Portsmouth, Ply- mouth, and all Lancashire and York- shire, and some other counties, have got a vast increase of miserable be- ings huddled together. But, look at Devonshire, Somersetshire, Dor- setshire, "Wiltshire, Hampshire, and other counties. You will there see hundreds of thousands of acres of land, where the old marks of the plough are visible, but which have not been cultivated for, perhaps, half a century. You will there see places, that were once considerable towns and villages, now having, within their ancient limits, nothing but a few cottages, the Parsonage and a single Farm-house. It is a curious and a melancholy sight, where an ancient church, with its lofty spire or tower, the church suf- ficient to contain a thousand or two or three thousand of people conve- niently, now stands surrounded by a score or half a score of miserable F 2 68 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Feb. 16. mud-houses, with floors of earth, and covered with thatch j and this sight strikes your eye in all parts of the five Western counties of Eng- land. Surely these cliurches were not built without the existence of a population somewhat proportionate to their size 1 Certainly not ; for the churches are of various sizes, and, we sometimes see them very small indeed. Let any man look at the sides of the hills in these coun- ties, and also in Hampshire, where dowjiSy or open lands, prevail. He will there see, not only that those hills were formerly cultivated ; but, that hanks, from distance to dis- tance, were made by the spade, in order to form little flats for the plough to go, without tumbling the earth down the hill ; so that the side of a hill looks, in some sort, like (he steps of a stairs. Was this done without handsy and without mouths to consume the grain raised on the sides of these hills ? The Funding and Manufacturing and Commercial and Taxing System has, by drawing wealth into great masses, drawn CHAP. T.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 69 1818. Feb. 16. men also into great masses. London, the manufacturing places, Bath, and other places of dissipation, have, indeed, wonderfully increased in population. Country seats. Parks, Pleasure-gardens, have, in like de- gree, increased in number and ex- tent. And, in just the same pro- portion has been the increase of Poor-houses, Mad-houses, and Jails. But, the people of England^ such as FORTESCUE described them, have been szvept away by the ruthless hand of the Aristocracy, who, making their approaches by slow degrees, have, at last, got into their grasp the substance of the whole country. 17. Frost, not very hard. Went back to Harrisburgh. 18. Same weather. Very fine. Warm in the middle of the day. 19. Same weather. — Quitted Harris- burg, very much displeased; but, on this subject, I shall, if possible, keep silence, till next year, and until the People of Pennsylvania have had time to reflect j to clearly understand my affair ; and when they do understand it, I am not at all afraid 70 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Feb, 19. of receiving justice at their hands, whether I am present or absent. Slept at Lancaster. One night more in this very excellent Tavern. 20. Frost still. Arrived at Philadel- phia along with my friend HULME. They are roasting an ox on the Delaware. The fooleries of Eng- land are copied here, and every where in this country, with wonder- ful avidity ; and, I wish I could say, that some of the vices of our " higher orders,'* as they have the impudence to call themselves, were not also imitated. However, I look principally at the mass of farmers; the sensible and happy farmers of America. 21. Thaiv and Rain. — The severe wea- ther is over for this year. 22. Thaw and Rain. A solid day of rain. 23. Little frost at night. Fine market. Fine meat of all sorts. As fat mut- ton as I ever saw. How mistaken Mr. Birkbeck is about American mutton ! S4. Same weather. Very fair days now. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 71 1818. Feb. S5. Went to Bustleton with my old friend, Mr. John Morgan. 26. Returned to Philadelphia. Roads very dirty and heavy. 27. Complete thaio ; but it will be long before the frost be out of the ground. 28. Same weather. Very warm. I hate this weather. Hot upon my back, and melting ice under my feet. The people (those who have been lazy) are chopping away with axes the ice, which has grown out of the snows and rains, before their doors, during the winter. The hogs (best of scavengers) are very busy in the streets, seeking out the bones and bits of meat, which have been flung out and frozen down amidst water and snow, during the two foregoing months. I mean including the pre- sent month. At New York (and, I think, at Philadelphia also) they have corporation laws to prevent hogs from being in the streets. For what reason^ I know not, except putrid meat be pleasant to the smell of the inhabitants. But, Corpora- tions are seldom the wisest of law- 72 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. Feb. 28. makers. It is argued, that, if there were no hogs in the streets, people would not throw out their orts of flesh and vegetables. Indeed ! What would they do with those orts, then ? Make their hired servants eat them ? The very proposition would leave them to cook and wash for them- selves. Where, then, are they to fling these effects of superabun- dance ? Just before I left New York for Philadelphia, I saw a sow very comfortably dining upon a full quar- ter part of what appeared to have been a fine leg of mutton. How many a family in England would, if within reach, have seized this meat from the sow ! And, are the tyrants, who have brought my industrious countrymen to that horrid state of misery, never to be called to account ? Are they always to carry it as they now do ? Every object almost, that strikes my view, sends my mind and heart back to England. In viewing the ease and happiness of this people, the contrast fills my soul with in- dignation, and makes it more and more the object of my life to assist CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. . 7S 1818. Feb. 28. in the destruction of the diabolical usurpation, which has trampled on king as well as people. March 1. Rain. Dined with my old friend SevernE, an honest Norfolk man, who used to carry his milk about the streets, when I first knew him, but, who is now a man of consider- able property, and, like a wise man, lives in the same modest house where he formerly lived. Excellent roast beef and plum pudding. At his house I found an Englishman, and, from Botley too ! 1 had been told of such a man being in Phila- delphia, and that the man said, that he had heard of me, " heard of such a gentleman^ but did, not know much of him.'' This was odd ! I was desirous of seeing this man. Mr. Severne got him to his house. His name is Vere. I knew him the moment 1 saw him ; and, I won- dered zvhj/ it was that he knezv so little of me. I found, that he wanted^ work, and that he had been assisted by some society in Philadelphia. He said he was lame, and he might be a little, perhaps. / offered him 74 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818 March 1 . zvork at once. No : he wanted to have the care of a farm ! " Go," said I, " for shame, and ask some " farmers for work. You will find " it iinmediately^ and with good " wages. What should the people " in this country see in your face to " induce them to keep you in idle- " ness ? They did not send for you. " You are a young man, and you " come from a country of able " labourers. You may be rich if " you will work. This gentleman ** who is now about to cram you " with roast beef and plum pudding ** came to this city nearly as poor " as you are ; and, I first came to " this country in no better plight. ** Work, and I wish you well -, be " idle, and you ought to starve." He told me, then, that he was a hoop-maker; and yet, observe, he wanted to have the care of a farm. N. B. If this l)ook should ever reach the hands of Mr. Richard Hinxman, my excellent good friend of Chilling, I beg him to show this note to Mr. Nicholas Freemantle of Botley. He will know well all about this CHAP, I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 75 1818. March 1. Vere. Tell Mr. FreemaNTLE, that the Spaniels are beautiful, that Wood- cocks breed here in abundance; and tell him, above all, that I fre- quently think of him as a pattern of industry in business, of skill and perseverance and good humour as a , sportsman, and of honesty and kind- ness as a neighbour. Indeed, I have pleasure in thinking of all my Botley neighbours, except the Parson, who for their sakes, I w^ish, however, was my neighbour now ; for here he might pursue his calling very quietly. 2. Open weatl^er. Went to Bustleton, after having seen Messrs. STEVENS and Pendrill, and advised them to forward to me affidavits of what they knew about Oliver, the spy of the Boroughmongers. 3. Frost in the morning. Thaw in the day. 4. Same weather in the night. Rain all day. 5. Hard frost. Snow 3 inches deep. 6. Hard frost. About as cold as a hard frost in January in England. 7. Same weather. 8. Thaw. Drv and fine. 76 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. March 9. Same weather. Took leave, I fear for ever, of my old and kind friend, James Paul. His brother and son promise to come and see me here. I have pledged myself to tra^isplant 10 acres of Indian Corn ; and, if I write, in August, and say that it is good, Thomas Paul has pro- mised that he will come ; for, he thinks that the scheme is a mad one. 10. Same weather. — Mr. Varee, a son- in-law of Mr. Ji\MES Paul, brought me yesterday to another son-in-law's, Mr. Ezra Townshend at Bibery. Here I am amongst the thick of the Quakers, whose houses and families pleased me so much formerly, and which pleasure is all now revived. Here all is ease, plenty, and cheer- fulness. These people are never giggling y and never in low-spirits. Their minds, like their dress, are simple and strong. Their kindness is shown more in acts than in words. Let others say what they will, I have uniformly found those whom I have intimately known of this sect, sincere and upright men; and I CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 77 1818. March 10. verily believe, that all those charges of hypocrisy and craft, that we hear against Quakers, arise from a feeling of e7ivy ; envy inspired by seeing them possessed of such abundance of all those things, which are the fair fruits of care, industry, economy, sobriety, and order, and which are justly forbidden to the drunkard, the glutton, the prodigal, and the lazy. As the day of my coming to Mr. Townshend's had been announced beforehand, several of the young men, who were babies when I used to be there formerly, came to see " Billy Cobbett," of whom they had heard and read so much. When I saw them and heard them, " What " a contrast" said I to myself, " with the senseless, gaudy, up- " start, hectoring, insolent, and cruel " Yeomanry Cavalry in England, " who, while they grind their la- " bourers into the revolt of starva- " tion, gallantly sally forth with " their sabres, to chop them down " at the command of a Secretary of " State 3 and, who, the next mo- " ment, creep and fawn like spaniels 78 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART 1. 1818. March 10. '* before their Boroughmonger Land- *• lords!" At Mr. ToWNSH end's I saw a man, in his service, lately from Yorkshire, hut an Irishman by birth. He wished to have an oppor- tunity to see me. He had read many of my " little books." I shook him by the hand, told him he had now got a good house over his head and a kind employer, and advised him not to move for one year, and to save his wages during that year. 11. Same open weather. — I am now at Trenton^ in New Jersey, waiting for something to carry me on towards New York. — Yesterday, Mr. Towns- HEND sent me on, under an escort of Quakers, to Mr. ANTHONY Tay- lor's. He was formerly a merchant in Philadelphia, and now lives in his very pretty country-house, on a very beautiful farm. He has some as fine and fat oxen as we generally see at Smithfield market in London. I think they will weigh sixty score each. Fine farm yard. Every thing belonging to the farm good, but what a neglectful gardener ! Saw some white thorns here (brought from CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 79 1818. March 11. England) which, if I had wanted any proof, would have clearly proved to me, that they would, with less care, make as good hedges here as they do at Farnham in Surrey. But, in another Part, I shall give full in- formation upon this head. Here my escort quitted me j but, luckily, Mr. Newbold, who lives about ten miles nearer Trenton than Mr. Taylor does, brought me on to his house. He is a much better gardener, or, ra- ther, to speak the truth, has suc- ceeded a better, whose example he has followed in part. But, his farm yard and buildings ! This was a sight indeed ! Forty head of horn- cattle in a yard, enclosed with a stone wall J and five hundred merino ewes, besides young Iambs, in the fmest, most spacious, best contrived, and most substantially built sheds I ever saw. The barn surpassed all that I had seen before. His house, (large, commodious, and handsome) stands about two hundred yards from the turnpike road, leading from Philadelphia to New York, and looks on and over the Delaware 80 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PARt I. 1818. March 11. which runs parallel with the road, and has, surrounding it, and at the back of it, five hundred acres of land, level as a lawn, and two feet deep in loom, that never requires a water furrow. This was the finest sight that I ever saw as to farm- buildings and land. I forgot to ob- serve, that I saw in Mr. Taylor's service, another man recently ar- rived from Enojland. A Yorkshire man. He, too, wished to see me. He had got some of my " little ** booksy*' which he had preserved, and brought out with him. Mr. Taylor was much pleased with him. An active, smart man ; and, if he follow my advice, to remain a year under one roof, and save his wages, he will, in a few years, be a rich man. These men must be brutes indeed not to be sensible of the great kindness and gentleness and liberality, with which they are treated. Mr. TayLOR came, this morning, to Mr. Newbold's, and brought me on to Trenton. I am at the stage-tavern, where I have just dined upon cold ham, cold veal, but- ter and cheese, and a peach-pyes CHAP I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. SI' 1818. March 11. nice clean room, well furnished, waiter clean and attentive, plenty of milk ; and charge, a quarter of a dollar ! I thought, that Mrs. JOSLIN at Princestown (as I went on to Philadelphia), Mrs. Benler at Har- risburgh, Mr. SlaymakER at Lan- caster, and Mrs. MCALLISTER, were low enough in all conscience; but, really, this charge of Mrs. ANDER- SON beats all. I had not the face to pay the waiter a quarter of a dollar ; but gave him half a dollar, and told him to keep the change. He is a black man. He thanked me. But, they never ask for any thing. But, my vehicle is come, and now I bid adieu to Trenton, which I should have liked better, if I had not seen so many young fellows lounging about the streets, and leaning against door-posts, with quids of tobacco in their mouths, or segars stuck between their lips, and with dirty hands and faces. Mr. Birkbeck's complaint, on this score, is perfectly just. Brimszvicky Nezo Jersey. Here I am, after a ride of about 30 miles, G 82 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. March 11. since two o'clock, in what is called a Jersey-waggon, through such mud as I never saw before. Up to the stock of the wheel j and yet a pair of very little horses have dragged us through it in the space of ^ve hours. The best horses and driver, and the worst roads I ever set my eyes on. This part of Jersey is a sad spectacle, after leaving the brightest of all the bright parts of Pennsylvania. My driver, who is a tavern-keeper himself, would have been a very pleasant companion, if he had not drunk so much spirits on the road. This is the girat mis- fortune of America ! As we were going up a hill very slowly, I could perceive him looking very hard at my cheek for some time. At last, he said : " I am wondering, Sir, to '* see you look so fresk and so youngs *' considering what you have gone " through in the world j" though I cannot imagine how he had learnt who I was. " I'll tell you," said I, " how I have contrived the thing. " I rise early, go to bed early, eat " sparingly, never drink any thing CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. S3 1818. March II. " stronger than small beer, shave " once a day, and wash my hands " and face clean three times a day, " at the very least." He said, that was too much to think of doing. 12. Warm and fair. Like an English Jij'st of May in point of warmth. I got to Elizabeth Town Point through beds of mud. Twenty minutes too late for the steam-boat. Have to wait here at the tavern till to-mor- row. Great mortification. Supped with a Connecticut farmer, who was taking on his daughter to Little York in Pennsylvania. The rest of his family he took on in the fall. He has migrated. His reasons were these: he has ^r^ sons, the eldest 19 years of age, and several daugh- ters. Connecticut is thickly settled. He has not the means to buy farms for the sons there. He, therefore, goes and gets cheap land in Penn- sylvania; his sons will assist him to clear it; and, thus, they will have a farm each. To a man in such cir- cumstances, and " born with an " axe in one hand, aud a gun in the " other," the western countries are G 2 84 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART L 1818. March 12. desirable; but not to English far- mers, who have great skill in fine cultivation, and who can purchase near New York or Philadelphia. This Yankee (the inhabitants of Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massa- chusetts and New Hampshire, only, are called Yaiikees) was about the age of Sir Francis Burdett, and, if he had been dressed in the usual clothes of Sir Francis, would have passed for him. Features, hair, eyes, height, make, manner, look, hasty utterance at times, musical voice, frank deportment, pleasant smile. All the very fac-simile of him. I had some early York cabbage seed and some cauliflower seed in my pocket, which had been sent me from London, in a letter, and which had reached me at Harrisburgh. I could not help giving him a little of each. 13. Same weather. A fine open day. Rather a cold May-day for Eng- land. Came to New York by the steam-boat. Over to this island by another, took a little light waggon, that zvhisked me home over roads as CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 85 1818. March 13. dry and as smooth as gravel walks in an English bishop's garden in the month of July. Great contrast with the bottomless muds of New Jersey ! As I came along, saw those fields of rye, which were so green in December, now ivhite. Not a single sprig of green on the face of the earth. Found that my man had ploughed ten acres of ground. The frost not quite clean out of the ground. It has penetrated (zvo feet eight inches. The weather here has been nearly about the same as in Pennsylvania J only less snow, and less rain, 14. Open weather. Very fme. Not quite so warm. 15. Same weather. Young chickens. I hear of no other in the neighbour- hood. This is the effect of my warm fowl-house ! The house has been sup- plied with eggs all the winter, with- out any interruption. I am told^ that this has been the case at no other house hereabouts. We have now an abundance of eggs. More than a large family can consume. We send spme to market. The 86 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. March 15. fowls, I find, have wanted no feed- ing except during the snow, or, in the very, very cold days, when they did not come out of their house all the day, A certain proof that they like the warmth. 16. Little frost in the morning. Very fine day. 17- Precisely same weather. 18. Same weather. 19. Same weather. 20. Same weather. Opened several pits, in which I had preserved all sorts of garden plants and roots, and apples. Valuable experiments. As useful in England as here, though not so absolutely necessary. I shall communicate these in another part of my work, under the head of gardening. 21. Same weather. The day like a fine May-day in England. I am writ- ing without fire, and in my waist- coat without coat. 22. Rain all last night, and all this day. 23. Mild and fine. A sow had a litter of pigs in the leaves under the trees. Judge of the weather by this. The CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 87 1818. March 23. wind blows cold ; but, she has drawn together great heaps of leaves, and protects her young ones with surprising sagacity and exemplary care and fondness. 24. Same weather. 25. Still mild and fair. 26. Very cold wind. We try to get the sow and pigs into the buildings. But the pigs do not follow, and we cannot, with all our temptations of corn and all our caresses, get the sow to move without them by her side. She must remain 'till they choose to travel. How does nature, through the conduct of this animal, reproach those mothers, who cast off their new-born infants to depend on a hireling's breast ! Let every young man, before he marry, read, upon this subject, the pretty poem of Mr. ROSCOE, called "the NURSEj" and, let him also read, on the same subject, the eloquent, beautiful, and soul-affecting passage, in Rousseau's « Emikr 27. Fine warm day. Then high wind, rain, snow, and hard frost before morning. 88 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. March 28. Hard frost. Snow 3 inches deep. 29. Frost in the night ;. but, all thawed in the day, and very warm. 30. Frost in night. Fine warm day. 31. Fine warm day. — As the winter is now gone, let us take a look back at its inconveiiiences compared with those of an English Winter. — We have had three months of it ; for, if we had a few sharp days in De- cember, we have had many very fine and without jire in March. In England winter really begins in No- vember, and does not end 'till Mid- March. Here we have ^ reader co/^i there four times as much wet. I have had my great coat on only twice, except when sitting in a stagey tra- velling. I have had gloves on no oftener; for, I do not, like the Clerks of the Houses of Boroughmongers, write in gloves. I seldom meet a waggoner with gloves or great coat on. It is generally so dry. This is the great friend of man and beast. Last summer / ivrote home for nails to nail my shoes for winter. I could find none here. What a foolish people, not to have shoe-nails! I CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 89 1818. March 31. forgot, that it was likely, that the absence of shoe-nails argued an ab- sence of the want of them. The nails are not come ; and I have not wanted them. There is no dirt, except for about teii days at the bi^eaking up of the frost. The dress of a labourer does not cost half so much as in England. This dryness is singularly favourable to all ani- mals. They are hurt far less by dry cold, than by warm drip, drip, drip, as it is in England. — There has been nothing green in the gar- den, that is to say, above ground, since December j but, we have had, all winter, and have now, white cabbages, green savoys, parsnips, carrots, beets, young onions, radishes, zvhite turnips, Szvedish turnips, and potatoes; and all these in abun- dance (except radishes, which were a few to try), and always at hand at a minute's warning. The modes of preserving will be given in ano- ther part of the work. What can any body want more than these things in the garden way ? However 90 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. [PART I. 1818. March 31. it would be very easy to add to the catalogue. Apples, quinces, cher- ries, currants, peaches, dried in the summery and excellent for tarts and pies. Apples in their raw state, as many as we please. My own stock being gone, I have trucked turnips for apples j and shall thus have them, if I please, 'till apples come again on the trees. I give two bushels and a half of Swedish turnips for one of apples; and, mind, this is on the last day of March. — I have here sidiXed facts y whereby to judge of the winter; and I leave the English reader to judge for himself, I my- self decidedly preferring the Ame- rican winter. April 1. Very fine and warm. 2. Same weather. 3. Same weather. 4. Rain all day. 5. Rain all day. Our cistern and pool full. 6. Warm, but no sun. — Turkeys begin to lav. 7. Same weather. My first spring operations in gardening are now go- CHAP. I,] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 91 1818. April 7. ing on ; but I must reserve an ac- - count of them for another Part of my work. 8. Warm and fair. 9. Rain and rather cold. 10. Fair but cold. It rained but yes- terday, and we are to-day, feeding sheep and lambs with grain of corn, and with oats, upon the ground in the orchard. Judge, then, of the cleanness and convenience of this soil I 11. Fine and warm. 12. Warm and fair. 13. Warm and fair. 14. Drying wind and miserably cold. Fires again in day-time, which I have not had for some dayiS past. 15. Warm, like a fine May-day in Eng- land. We are planting out selected roots for seed. 16. Rain all last night. — Warm. Very fine indeed. 17. Fine warm day. Heavy thunder and rain at night. The Martins (not swallows) are come into the barn and are looking out scites for f iT.Vf the habitations of their future young ones. 92 CLIMATEj SEASONS, &C. [PART I. 1818. April. 18. Cold and raw. Damp, too, which is extremely rare. The worst day 1 have yet seen during the year. Stops the grass, stops the swelling of the buds. The young chickens hardly peep out from under the wings of the hens. The lambs don't play, but stand knit up. The pigs growl and squeak ; and the birds are gone away to the woods again. 19. Same weather with an Easterly wind. Just such a wind as that, which, in March, brushes round the corners of the streets of London, and makes the old, muffled-up de- bauchees hurry home with aching joints. Some hail to day. 20. Same weather. Just the weather to give drunkards the " blue de- vils." 21. Frost this morning. Ice as thick as a dollar. — Snow three times. Once to cover the ground. Went off again directly. ^2. Frost and ice in the morning, A very fine day, but not warm. Dan- delions blow. S3. Sharp white frost in morning. Warm and fine day. CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 9$ 1818. April 24. Warm night, warm and fair day. And here I close my Journal ; for, I am in haste to get my manuscript away 5 and there now wants only ten days to complete the year. — I re- sume, now, the Numbering of my Pa- ragraphs, having begun my Journal at the close of Paragraph No. 20. 21. Let us, now, take a survey, or rather glance, at the face, which nature now wears. The grass begins to afford a good deal for sheep and for my grazing English pigs, and the cows and oxen get a little food from it. The pears, apples, and other fruit trees, have not made much progress in the swelling or bursting of their buds. The buds of the weeping-willow have hursted (for, in spite of that conceited ass, Mr. James Perry, to hirst is a regidar verb, and vulgar pedants only make it irregular), and those of a Lilac, in a warm place, are almost hursted, which is a great deal better than to say, " almost burst." Oh, the coxcomb ! As if an absolute pedagogue like him could injure me by his criticisms ! And, as if an error like this, even if it had been one, could have any thing to do with my capacity for developing principles, and for simplifying things, which, in their nature, are of great complexity ! — The oaks, which, in England, have now their sap in fidl floiv, are 94 CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. here quite unmoved as yet. In the gardens in general there is notJmig green, while, in England, they have broccoli to eat, early cabbages planted out, coleworts to eat, peas four or five inches high. Yet, we shall have green peas and loaved cabbages as soon as they will. We have sprouts from the cabbage stems preserved under cover ; the Swedish turnip is giving me greens from bulbs planted out in March ; and I have some broccoli too, just coming on for use. How I have got this broccoli I must explain in my Gardener's Guide; for write one I must. I never can leave this country without an at- tempt to make every farmer a gardener. — In the meat way, we have beef, mutton, bacon, fowls, a calf to kill in a fortnight's time, suck- ing pigs when we choose, lamb nearly fit to kill ; and all of our own breeding, or our own feeding. We kill an ox, send three quarters and the hide to market and keep one quarter. Then a sheep, which we use in the same way. The bacon is always ready. Some fowls always fatting. Young ducks are just coming out to meet the green peas. Chickens (the earliest) as big as American Partridges (misnamed quails), and ready for the asparagus, which is just com- ing out of the ground. Eggs at all times more than we can consume. And, if there be any one, who wants better fare than this, let the grumbling glutton come to that poverty, which CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. 95 Solomon has said shall be his lot. And, the great thing of all, is, that here, every man, even every labourer, may live as well as this, if he will be sober and industrious. 22. There are tzvo things, which I have not yet mentioned, and which are almost wholly wanting here, while they are so amply enjoyed in England. The singi?ig birds and the fiowers. Here are many birds in summer, and some of very beautiful plumage. There are some wild flowers, and some English flowers in the best gardens. But, generally speaking, they are birds without song, and flowers without smell. The linnet (more than a thousand of which I have heard warbling upon one scrubbed oak on the sand hills in Surrey), the sky-lark, the goldfinch, the wood-lark, the nightingale, the bull- finch, the black-bird, the thrush, and all the rest of the singing tribe are wanting in these beautiful woods and orchards of garlands. — When these latter have dropped their bloom, alt is gone in the flowery way. No shepherd's rose, no honey-suckle, none of that endless variety of beauties that decorate the hedges and the mea- dows in England. No daisies, no primroses, no cowslips, no blue- bells, no daffodils, which, as if it were not enough for them to charm the sight and the smell, must have names, too, to delight the ear. All these are wanting in America. Here are, indeed, birds, which bear the name of 9fl CLIMATE, SEASONS, &C. [PART I. robin, blackbird, thrush, and goldfinch; but, alas ! the thing at Westminster has, in like manner, the name of parliament, and speaks the voice of the people, whom it pretends to repre- sent, in much about the same degree that the black-bird here speaks the voice of its name- sake in England. 23. Of healthy I have not yet spoken, and, though it will be a subject of remark in another part of my work, it is a matter of too deep inte- rest to be wholly passed over here. In the first place, as to viyself, I have always had excellent health ; but, during a year, in England, 1 used to have a cold or two ; a trifling sore throat ; or something in that wa3^ Here, I have neither, though I was more than two months of the winter travelling about, and sleeping in different beds. My family have been more healthy than in England, though, indeed, there has seldom been any serious illness in it. We have had but one visit from any Doctor. Thus much, for the present, on this subject. I said, in the second Register I sent home, that this climate was not so good as that of England. Experi- ence, observation, a careful attention to real facts, have convinced me that it is, upon the wholcy a better climate; though I tremble lest the tools of the Boroughmongers should cite this as a new and most flagrant instance of inco?i' sistency. England is my country, and to Eng- CHAP. I.] CLIMATE, SEASONS, &c. 97 land I shall return. I like it best, and shall always like it best; but, then, in the word Eng- land, many things are included besides climate and soil and seasons, and eating and drinking. 24. In the Second Part of this work, which will follow the first Part in the course of two months, J shall take particular pains to detail all that is within my knowledge, which I think likely to be useful to persons who intend coming to this country from England. I shall take every particular of the expence of supporting a family, and show what are the means to be ob- tained for that purpose, and how they are to be obtained. My intending to return to England ought to deter no one from coming hither j be- cause, I was resolved, if I had life, to return, and I expressed that resolution before I came away. But if there are good and virtuous men, who can do no good there, and who, by coming hither can withdraw the fruits of their honest labour from the grasp of the Borough tyrants, I am bound, if I speak of this country at all, to tell them the real truth ; and this, as far as I have gone, 1 have now done. H 98 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. CHAP. II. RUTA BAGA. Culture, Mode of preserving, and uses of THE RuTA Baga, sometimes CALLED the Rus- sia, AND SOMETIMES THE SWEDISH TURNIP. Description of the Plant. 25. It is my intention, as notified in the public papers, to put into print an account of all the experiments, which I have made, and shall make in Farming and in Gardening upon this Island. I, several years ago, long before tyranny showed its present horrid front in England, formed the design of sending out, to be pub- lished in this country, a treatise on the culti- vation of the root and green crops, as cattle, sheep, and hog food. This design was sug- gested by the reading of the following passage in Mr. Chancellor Livingston's Essay on Sheep, which I received in 1812. After having stated the most proper means to be employed CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 9^ m order to keep sheep and Iambs during the winter months, he adds: " Having brought our " flocks through the winter, we come now to the " most critical season, that is, the latter end of " March and the month of April. At this time " the ground being bare, the sheep will refuse " to eat their hay, while the scanty picking of " grass, and its purgative quality, will disable " them from taking the nourishment that is ne- " cessary to keep them up. If they fall away " their wool will be injured, and the growth of " their lambs will be stopped, and even many of ** the old sheep will be carried off by the " dysentery. To provide food for this season is " very difficult. Turnips and Cabbages will roty " and bran they will not eat, after having been " fed on it all the winter. Potatoes, however, " and the Swedish Turnip, called Ruta Baga, *' may be usefully applied at this time, and so, " I think, might Parsnips and Carrots. But, as " few of us are in the habit of cultivating these " plants to the extent which is necessary for the " support of a large flock, we must seek resources " more within our reach.'* And then the Chan- cellor proceeds to recommend the leaving the second growth of clover uncut, in order to pro- duce early shoots from sheltered buds for the sheep to eat until the coming of the natural grass and the general pasturage. H 2 100 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART 1. 26. I was much surprised at read in or this passage; having observed, when Hived in Penn- sylvania, how prodigiously the root crops of every kind flourished and succeeded with only common skill and carej and, in 1815, having by that time had many crops of Ruta Baga ex- ceeding thirty totis, or, about o?ie thousand five hundred heaped bushels to the acre, at Botley, I formed the design of sending out to America a treatise on the culture and uses of that root, which, I was perfectly well convinced, could be raised with more ease here than in England, and, that it might be easily preserved during the whole year, if necessary, I had proved in many cases. 27. If Mr. Chancellor Livingston, whose public-spirit is manifested fully in his excellent little work, which he modestly calls an Essay, could see my ewes and lambs, and hogs and cat- tle, at this " critical season*' (I write on the 27th of March), with more Ruta Baga at their com- mand than they have mouths to employ on it ; if he could see me, who am on a poor exhausted piece of land, and who found it covered with weeds and brambles in the month of June last, who found no manure, and who have brought none; if he could see me overstocked, not with mouths, but with food, owing to a little care in the cultivation of this invaluable root, he would. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 101 I am sure, have reason to be convinced, that, if any farmer in the United States is in Vi^ant of food at this pinching season of the year, the fault is neither in the soil nor in the climate. 28. It is, therefore, of my mode of cultivating this root on this Island that I mean, at present, to treat J to which matter I shall add, in another Part of my work, an account of my experi- ments as to the Mangel Wurzel, or SCARCITY ROOT ; though, as will be seen, I deem that root, except in particular cases, of very inferior im- portance. The parsnip, the carrot, the cabbage, are all excellent in their kind and in their uses ; but, as to these, I have not yet made, upon a scale sufficiently large here, such experiments as would warrant me in speaking with any degree of confidence. Of these, and other matters, I propose to treat in a future Part, which I shall, probably, publish towards the latter end of this present year. 29. The Ruta Baga is a sort of turnip well known in the State of New York, where, under the name of Russia turnip, it is used for the Table from February to July. But, as it may be more of a stranger in other parts of the coun- try, it seems necessary to give it enough of de- scription to enable every reader to distinguish it from every other sort of turnip. 30. The leaf of every other sort of turnip is ^f a yelloxvish green, while the leaf of the Ruta 102 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART T. Baga is of a hlueish green, like the green of peas, when of nearly their full size, or like the green of a young and thrifty early Yorkshire cabbage. Hence it is, I suppose, that some persons have called it the Cabbage-turnip. But the charac- teristics the most decidedly distinctive are these : that the outside of the bulb of the Ruta Baga is of a greenish hue, mixed, towards the top, with a colour bordering on a red; and, that the inside of the bulb, if the sort be true and pure, is of a deep yellow^ nearly as deep as that of gold. Mode of saving and of preserving the Seed. 31. This is rather a nice business, and should be, by no means, executed in a negligent man- ner. For, on the well attending to this, much of the seed depends: and, it is quite surprizing how great losses are, in the end, frequently sustained by the saving in this part of the busi- ness, of an hour's labour or attention. I one year, lost more than half of what would have been an immense crop, by a mere piece of negli- gence in my bailiff as to the seed ; and I caused a similar loss to a gentleman in Berkshire, who had his seed out of the same parcel that mine was taken from, and who had sent many miles for it, in order to have the best in the world. 32. The Ruta Baga is apt to degenerate, if the seed be not saved with care. We, in England, CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 103 select the plants to be saved for seed. We exa- mine well to find out those that run least into neck and green. We reject all such as approach at all towards a whitish colour, or which are even of a greenish colour toxvards the 7ieck, where there ought to be a little reddish cast. 33. Having selected the plants with great care, we take them up out of the place where they have grown, and plant them in a plot distant from every thing of the turnip or cabbage kind which is to bear seed. In this Island, I am now, at this time, planting mine for seed (27th March), taking all our English pre- cautions. It is probable, that they would do very well, if taken out of a heap to be trans- planted, if well selected ; but, lest this should , not do well, I have kept my selected plants all the winter in the ground in my garden, well covered with corn-stalks and leaves from the trees j and, indeed, this is so very little a matter to do, that it would be monstrous to suppose, that any farmer would neglect it on account of the labour and trouble j especially when we con- sider, that the seed of two or three turnips is more than sufficient to sow an acre of land. I, on one occasion, planted twenty turnips for seed, and the produce, besides what the little birds took as their share for having kept down the caterpillars, was twenty-two and a half pounds of dean seed. 104 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. 34. The sun is so ardent and the weather so fair here, compared with the drippy and chilly climate of England, while the birds here never touch this sort of seed, that a small plot of ground would, if well managed, produce a great quantity of seed. Whether it would degenerate is a matter that I have not yet ascertained ; but which I am about to ascertain this year. 35. That all these precautions of selecting the plants and transplanting them are necessary, I know by experience. I, on one occasion, had sown all my own seed, and the plants had been carried off by the Jly^ of which I shall have to speak presently. I sent to a person who had raised some seed, which I afterwards found to have come from turnips, left promiscuously to go to seed in a part of a field where they had been sown. The consequence was, that a good third part of my crop had no bidbs ; but con- sisted of a sort of rape^ all leaves, and stalks growing very high. While even the rest of the crop bore no resemblance, either in point of size or of quality, to turnips, in the same field, from seed saved in a proper manner, though this latter was sown at a later period. 36. As to the preserving of the seed, it is an invariable rule applicable to all seeds, that seed, kept in the pod to the very time of sowing, will vegetate more quickly and more vigorously than CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 105 seed which has been some time threshed out. But, turnip seed will do very well, if threshed out as soon as ripe, and kept in a dry place y and not too much exposed to the air. A bag, hung up in a dry room, is the depository that I use. But, before being threshed out, the seed should be quite ripe, and, if cut off, or pulled up, which latter is the best way, before the pods are quite dead, the whole should be suffered to lie in the sun till the pods are perfectly dead, in order that the seed may imbibe its full nourishment, and come to complete perfection ; otherwise the seed will zvithery much of it will not grow at all, and that which does grow will produce plants inferior to those proceeding from well-ripened seed. Time of Sowing. 3*7. Our time of sozving in England is from the first to the twentieth of June, though some persons sow in May, which is still better. This was one of the matters of the most deep interest with me, when I came to Hyde Park. I could not begin before the month of June j for I had no ground ready. But, then, I began with great care, on the second of June, sowing, in small plots, once every week, till the 30th of July. In every case the seed took well and the plants grew well; but, having looked at the 106 RUTA BAGA culture. [PART I. growth of the plots first sown, and calculated upon the probable advancement of them, I fixed upon the 26^A of June for the sowing of my prin- cipal crop. 38. I was particularly anxious to know, whe- ther this country were cursed with the Turnip Fli/y which is so destructive in England. It is a little insect about the size of a bed jiea^ and jumps away from all approaches exactly like that insect. It abounds sometimes, in quan- tities, so great as to eat up all the young plants, on hundreds and thousands of acres, in a single day. It makes its attack when the plants are in the seed-leaf ; and, it is so very generally preva- lent, that it is always an even chance, at least, that every field that is sown will be thus wholly destroyed. There is no remedy but that of ploughing and sowing again; and this is fre- quently repeated three timeSy and even then there is no crop. Volumes upon volumes have been written on the means of preventing, or mi- tigating, this calamity ; but nothing effectual has ever been discovered ; and, at last, the only means of insuring a crop of Ruta Baga in Eng- land, is, to raise the plants in small plots, sown at many different times, in the same manner as cabbages are sown, and, like cabbages, trans- plant them; of which mode of culture I shall speak by and by. It is very singular, that a CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 107 field sown one day^ wholly escapes, while a field sown the next day^ is wholly destroyed. Nay, a part of the same field, sown in the morning, will sometimes escape, while the part, sown in the afternoon, will be destroyed j and, sometimes the afternoon sowing is the part that is spared. To find a remedy for this evil has posed all the heads of all the naturalists and chemists of Eng- land. As an evil, the smut in wheat ; the wire- worm ; the grubs above-ground and under- ground ; the caterpillars, green and black j the slug, red, black, and grey : though each a great tormentor, are nothing. Against all these there is some remedy, though expensive and plaguing; or, at any rate, their ravages are comparatively slow, and their causes are known. But, the Tur- nip Fly is the English farmer's evil genius. To discover a remedy for, or the cause of, this plague, has been the object of inquiries, experi- ments, analyses, innumerable. Premium upon premium offered, has only produced pretended remedies, which have led to disappointment and mortification ; and, I have no hesitation to say, that, if any man could find out a real remedy, and could communicate the means of cure, while he kept the nature of the means a secret, he would be much richer than he who should dis- cover the longitude; for about Jifty thousand farmers would very cheerfully pay him ten guineas a year each. 108 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. 39. The reader will easily judge, then, of my anxiety to know, whether this mortal enemy of the farmer existed in Long Island. This was the first question which I put to every one of my neighbours, and I augured good from their not appearing to understand what I meant. However, as my little plots of turnips came up successively, I watched them as our farmers do their fields in England. To my infinite satis- faction, I found that my alarms had been ground- less. This circumstance, besides others that I have to mention by and by, gives to the stock- farmer in America so great an advantage over the farmer in England, or in any part of the middle and northern parts of Europe, that it is truly wonderful that the culture of this root has not, long ago, become general in this country. 40. The time of sowing, then, may be, as cir- cumstances may require, from the %5th of June, to about the lOth of July, as the result of my experiments will now show. The plants sown during the first fifteen days of June grew well, and attained great size and weight ; but, though they did not actually go off to seed, they were very little short of so doing. They rose into large and long necks, and sent out sprouts from the upper part of the bulb ; and, then, the bulb itself (which is the thing sought after) swelled no more. The substance of the bulb became hard and stringy i and the turnips, upon the whole. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 109 were smaller and of greatly inferior quality, com- pared with those, which were sown at the proper time. 41. The turnips sown between the 15th and 26th of June, had all these appearances and quality, only in a less degree. But, those which were sown on the 26th of June, were perfect in shape, size, and quality j and, though I have grown them larger in England, it was not done without more manure upon half an acre than I scratched together to put upon seven acres at Hyde Park ; but of this I shall speak more particularly when I come to the quantity of crop. 42. The sowings which were made after the 26th of June, and before the 10th of July, did very well ; and, one particular sowing on the 9th of July, on 12 rods, or perches, of ground, sixteen and a half feet to the rod, yielded 62 bushels, leaves and roots cut off, which is after the rate of 992 bushels to an acre. But this sowing was on ground extremely well prepared and sufficiently manured with ashes from burnt earth ; a mode of raising manure of which 1 shall fully treat in a future chapter. 43. Though this crop was so large, sown on the 9th of July, I would by no means recom- mend any farmer, who can sow sooner, to de- fer the business to that time; for, I am of opi- no RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. nion, with the old folk in the West of England, that God is almost always on the side of early farmers. Besides, one delay too often produces another delay ; and he who puts off to the 9th may put off to the 19th. 44. The crops, in small plots, which I sowed after the 9th of July to the 30th of that month, grew very well ; but they regularly succeeded each other in diminution of size j and, which is a great matter, the cold weather overtook them before they were ripe ; and ripeness is full as ne- cessary in the case of roots as in the case of ap- ples or of peaches. ^ualily and Preparation of the Seed. 45. As a fine, rich, loose garden mould, of great depth, and having a porous stratum under it, is best for every thing that vegetates, except plants that live best in water, so it is best for the lluta Baga. But, I know of no soil in the United States, in which this root may not be cultivated with the greatest facility. A pure sa?id, or a very stiff clay^ would not do well, certainly 3 but I have never seen any of either in America. The soil that I cultivate is poor almost proverbially ; but, what it really is, is this: it is a light loam, approaching towards the sandy. It is of a brownish colour about eight inches deep ; then becomes more of a red CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. Ill for about another eight inches ; and then comes a mixture of yellowish sand and of pebbles, which continues down to the depth of many feet. 46. So much for the nature of the land. As to its staie^ it was that of as complete poverty as can well be imagined. My main crop of Ruta Baga was sown upon two different pieces. One, of about three acres, had borne, in 1816, some Indian corn stalksy together with immense quan- tities of brambles, grass, and weeds, of all de- scriptions. The other, of about four acres, had, when I took to it, rye growing on it ; but, this rye was so poor, that my neighbour assured me, that it could produce nothing, and he advised me to let the cattle and sheep take it for their trouble of walking over the ground, which advice I rea- dily followed ; but, when he heard me say, that I intended to sow Russia turnips on the same ground, he very kindly told me his opinion of the matter, which was, that I should certainly throw my labour wholly away. 47. With these two pieces of ground I went to work early in June. I ploughed them very shaltozVy thinking to drag the grassy clods up with the harrow, to put them in heaps and burn them, in which case I would (barring the Jly fj, have pledged my life for a crop of Ruta Baga. It adversely happened to rain, when my clodg 112 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART L should have been burnt, and the furrows were so solidly fixed down by the rain, that I could not tear them up with the harrow; and, besides, my time of sowing came on apace. Thus situated, and having no faith in what I was told about the dangers of deep ploughing, I fixed four oxen to a strong plough, and turned up soil that had not seen the sun for many, many long years. Another soaking rain came very soon after, and went, at once, to the bottom of my ploughing, instead of being carried away instantly by eva- poration. I then harrowed the ground down level, in order to keep it moist as long as I could ; for the sun now began to be the thing most dreaded. 48. In the meanwhile I was preparing my manure. There was nothing of the kind visible upon the place. But, I had the good luck to follow a person, who appears not to have known much of the use of brooms. By means of sweeping and raking and scratching in and round the house, the barn, the stables, the hen- roost, and the court and yard, I got together ^oni four hundred bushels of not very bad turnip manure. This was not quite 60 bushels to an acre for my seven acres; or, three gallons to every square rod. 49. However, though I made use of these beggarly means, I would not be understood to CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 113 recommend the use of such means to others. On the contrary, I should have preferred good and clean land, and plenty of manure ; Uiit of this I shall speak again, when I have given an account of the manner of sowing and trans- planting. Manner of Solving. 50. Thus fitted out with land and manure, I set to the work of sowing, which was performed, with the help of two ploughs and two pair of oxen, on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of June. The ploughmen put the ground up into little ridges having two furrows on each side of the ridge : so that every ridge consisted of four furrows, or turnings over of the plough ; and the tops of the ridges were ahoui four feet from each other; and, as the ploughing was performed to a great depth, there was, of course, a very deep gutter between every two ridges. 51. I took care to have the manure placed so as to be under the middle of each ridge; that is to say, just beneath where my seed was to come. I had but a very small quantity of seed as well as of manure. This seed I had, however, brought from home, where it was raised by a neighbour, on whom I could rely, and I had no faith in any other. So that I was compelled to bestow it on the ridges with a very parsimonious hand ; not having, I be- I 114 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. lieve, more than four pounds to sow on the seven acres. It was sown principally in this manner; a man went along by the side of each ridge, and put down two or three seeds in places at about teii inches from each other, just draw- ing a little earth over, and pressing it on the seedy in order to make it vegetate quickly before the earth became too dry. This is always a good thing to be done, and especially in dry weather, and under a hot sun. Seeds are very small things J and though, when we see them covered over with earth, we conclude that the earth must touch them closely y we should re- member, that a very small cavity is sufficient to keep them untouched nearly all round, in which case, under a hot sun, and near the surface, they are sure to perish, or, at least, to lie long, and until rain come, before they start. 52. I remember a remarkable instance of this in saving some turnips to transplant at Botley. The whole of a piece of ground was sown broad-cast. My gardener had been told to sow in hedsy that we might go in to weed the plants ; and, having forgotten this till after sowing, he clapped down his line, and divided the plot into beds by treading very hard a little path at the distance of every four feet. The weather was very dry and the wind very keen. It continued so for three weeks -, and, at the end of that time, we had scarcely a turnip in the beds, where the CHAP, ir.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 1 15 ground had been left raked over; but, in the paths we had an abundance, which grew to be very fine, and which, when transplanted, made part of a field which bore thirty-three tons to the acre, and which, as a whole field, was the finest I ever saw in my life. 53. I cannot help endeavouring to press this fact upon the reader. Squeezing down the earth makes it touch the seed in all its parts, and then it will soon vegetate. It is for this reason, that barley and oat fields should be rolled, if the weather be dry ; and, indeed, that all seeds should be pressed down, if the state of the earth will admit of it. 54. This mode of sowing is neither tedious nor expensive^. Two men sowed the whole of my seven acres in the three days, which, when we consider the value of the crop, and the saving in the after-culture, is really not worth mentioning. I do not think, that any sowing by drill is so good, or, in the end, so cheap as this. Drills miss very often in the sowings of such small seeds. However, the thing may be done by hand in a less precise manner. One man would have sown the seven acres in a day, by just scattering the seeds along on the top of the ridge, where they might have been buried with the rake, and pressed down by a spade or shovel or some other flat instrument. A slight roller to take two ridges at once, the horse I 2 116 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I- walking in the gutter between, is what I used to make use of when I sowed on ridges ; and, who can want such a roller in America, as long as he has an axe and an auger in his house? Indeed, this whole matter is such a trifle, when compared with the importance of the object, that it is not to be believed, that any man will think it worth the smallest notice as counted amongst the means of obtaining that object. 55. Broad cast sowing will, however, pro- bably, be, in most cases, preferred ; and, this mode of sowing is pretty well understood from general experience. What is required here, is, that the ground be well ploughed, finely har- rowed, and the seeds thinly and evenly sown over it, to the amount of about two pounds of seed to an acre ! but, then, if the weather be dry, the seed should, by all means be rolled down. When I have spoken of the after-cid- turCy I shall compare the two methods of sow- ing, the ridge and the broad-cast^ in order that the reader may be the better able to say, which of the two is entitled to the preference. After -culture. 5^. In relating what I did in this respect, I shall take it for granted, that the reader will understand me as describing what I think ought to be done. 57. When my ridges were laid up, and my CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. H? seed was sown, my neighbours thought, that there was an end of the process ; for, they all said, that, if the seed ever came up, being upon those high ridges, the plants never could live under the scorching of the sun. I knew that this was an erroneous notion ; but I had not much confidence in the powers of the soil, it being so evidently poor, and my supply of ma- nure so scanty. 58. The plants, however, made their appear- ance with great regularity; no fly came to annoy them. The moment they were fairly up, we went with a very small hoe, and took all but one in each ten or eleven or twelve inches, and thus left them singly placed. This is a great point; for they begin to rob one another at a very early age, and, if left two or three weeks to rob each other, before they are set out singly, the crop will be diminished one- half To set the plants out in this way was a very easy and quickly-performed business; but, it is a business to be left to no one but a careful man. Boys can never safely be trusted with the deciding, at discretion, whether you shall have a large crop or a small one. 59. But now, something else began to appear as well as turnip- plants; for, all the long grass and weeds having dropped their seeds the sum- mer before, and, probably, for many summers, they now came forth to demand their share of 118 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PARTI. that nourishment, produced by the fermenta* tion, the dews, and particularly the sim, which shines on all alike. I never saw a fiftieth part so many weeds in my life upon a like space of ground. Their little seed leaves, of various hues, formed a perfect mat on the ground. And now it was, that my wide ridges, which had appeared to my neighbours to be so very singular and so unnecessary, were absolutely necessary. First we went with a hoe, and hoed the tops of the ridges, about six inches wide. There were all the plants, then, clear and clean at once, with an expense of about half a day's work to an acre. Then we came, in our Botley fashion, with a single horse-plough, took a fur- row from the side of one ridge going up the field, a furrow from the other ridge coming down, then another furrow from the same side of the first ridge going up, and another from the same side of the other ridge coming down, Ix^ the taking away of the last two furrows, we went within three inches of the turnip-plants. Thus there was a ridge over the original gutter. Then we turned these furrows back again to the turnips. And, having gone, in this manner, over the whole piece, there it was with not a weed alive in it. All killed by the sun, and the field as clean and as fine as any garden that ever was seen. 60. Those who know the effect of tillage be- CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE, 119 tween growing plants, and especially if the earth be moved deep (and, indeed, what American does not know what such effect is, seeing that, without it, there would be no Indian Corn ?) ; those that reflect on this effect, may guess at the effect on my Ruta Baga plants, which soon gave me, by their appearance, a decided proof, that TuLL's principles are always true, in whatever soil or climate applied. 61. It was now a very beautiful thing to see a regular, unbroken line of fine, fresh-looking plants upon the tops of those wide ridges, which had been thought to be so very whimsical and unnecessary. But, why have the ridges so very wide ? This question was not new to me, who had to answer it a thousand times in Eng- land. It is because you cannot plough deep and clean in a narrower space than four feet ; and, it is the deep and clean ploughing that I regard as the surest means of a large crop, especially in poor, or indifferent ground. It is a great error to suppose, that there is any ground lost by these wide intervals. My crop f^i thirty-three tons, or thirteen hundred and twenty bushels^ to the acre, taking a whole field together, had the same sort of intervals; while my neighbour's, with two feet intervals, never arrived at two- thirds of the weight of that crop. There is no ground lost , for, any one, who has a miijd to do it, may satisfy himself, that the lateral roots 120 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART L of any fine large turnip will extend more than six feet from the bulb of the plant. The inter- vals are full of these roots, the breaking of which and the moving of which, as in the case of Indian Corn, gives new food and new roots, and produces wonderful effects on the plants. Wide as my intervals were, the leaves of some of the plants very nearly touched those of the plants on the adjoining ridge, before the end of their growth ; and I have had them frequently meet in this way in England. They would always do it here, if the ground were rich and the tillage proper. How then, can the inter- vals be too wide, if the plants occupy the in- terval ? And how can any ground be lost if every inch be full of roots and shaded by leaves ? 62. After the last-mentioned operation my plants remained till the weeds had again made their appearance; or, rather, till a new brood had started up. When this was the case, we went with the hoe again, and cleaned the tops of the ridges as before. The weeds under this all- powerful sun, instantly perish. Then we re- peated the former operation with the one-horse plough. After this nothing was done but to pull up now and then a weed, which had escaped the hoe ; for, as to the plough-share, no- thing escapes that. 63. Now, I think, no farmer can discover in CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 121 this process any thing more difficult, more trou- blesome, more expensive, than in the process ab- solutely necessary to the obtaining of a crop of Indian Corn. And yet, I will venture to say, that in any land, capable of bearing ffty bushels of corn upon an acre, more than a thousand bushels of Ruta Baga may, in the above described manner, be raised. 64. In the broad-cast method the after-culture must, of course, be confined to hoeing, or, as TuLL calls it, scratching. In England, the hoer goes in when the plants are about four inches high, and hoes all the ground, setting out the plants to about eighteen inches apart ; and, if the ground be at all foul, he is obliged to go in in about a month afterwards, to hoe the ground again. This is all that is done ; and a very poor all it is, as the crops, on the very best ground, compared with the ridged crops, inva- riably show. Transplanting. ^5. This is a third mode of cultivating the Ruta Baga ; and, in certain cases, far prefer- able to either of the other two. My large crops at Botley were from roots transplanted. I re- sorted to this mode in order to insure a crop in spite of \hejiy ; but, I am of opinion, that it is, in all cases, the best mode, provided hands can be obtained in sufficient number, just for a few V2'i RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. days, or weeks, as the quantity may be, when the land and the plants are ready. 66. Much light is thrown on matters of this sort by describing what one has dojie one's self relating to them. This is practice at once ; or, at least, it comes much nearer to it than any in- structions possibly can. 67- It was an accident that led me to the practice. In the summer of 1812,1 had a piece of Ruta Baga in the middle of a field, or, rather, the piece occupied a part of the field, having a crop of carrots on one side, and a crop of Man- gel Wurzel on the other side. On the 20th of July the turnips, or rather, those of them which had escaped the fly, began to grow pretty well. They had been sown in drills; and I was anxious to fill up the spaces, which had been occasioned by the ravages of the Jly. I, therefore, took the supernumerary plants, which I found in the un-attacked places, and filled up the rows by transplantation, which I did also in two other fields. 68. The turnips, thus transplanted, greWy and, in fact, were pretty good ; but, they were very far inferior to those which had retained their original places. But, it happened, that on one side of the above-mentioned piece of turnips, there was a vacant space of about a yard in breadth. When the ploughman had finished ploughing between the rows of turnips, I made CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 123 him plough up that spare ground very deep, and upon it I made my gardener go and plant two rows of turnips. These became the largest and finest of the whole piece, though trans- planted two days later than those which had been transplanted in the rows throughout the piece. The cause of this remarkable difference, I at once saw, was, that these had been put into newly 'ploughed ground ; for, though I had not read much of TuLL at the time here referred to, I knew, from the experience of my whole life, that plants as well as seeds ought always to go into ground as recently moved as possible ; because at every moving of the earth, and par- ticularly at every turning of it, a new process of fermentation takes place, fresh exhalations arise, and a supply of the food of plants is thus pre- pared for the newly arrived guests. Mr. CuR- WEN, the Member of Parliament, though a poor thing as to public matters, has published not a bad book on agriculture. It is not bad, , because it contains many authentic accounts of experiments made by himself; though I never can think of his book without thinking, at the same time, of the gross and scandalous plagia- risms, which he has committed upon TuLL. Without mentioning particulars, the " Honour^ " able Member" will, I am sure, know what I mean, if this page should ever have the honour to fall under his eye j and he will, I hope. 124 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. repent, and give proof of his repentance, by a restoration of the property to the right owner. 69. However, Mr. CURWEN, in his book, gives an account of the wonderful effects of moving the ground between plants in rows ; and he tells us of an experiment, which he made, and which proved, that from ground just ploughed, in a very dry time, an exhalation of many tons weight, per acre, took place, during the first twenty- four hours after ploughing, and of a less and less number of tons, during the three or four suc- ceeding twenty-four hours; that, in the course of about a week, the exhalation ceased; and that, during the whole period, the ground, though in the same afield, which had iiot been ploughed when the other ground was, exhaled 7iot an ounce I When I read this in Mr. CuR- WEN's book, which was before I had read TULL, I called to mind, that, having once dug the ground between some rows of part of a plot of cabbages in my garden, in order to plant some late peas, I perceived (it was in a dry time) the , cabbages, the next morning, in the part re- cently dug, with big drops of dew hanging on the edges of the leaves, and in the other, or undug part of the plot, no drops at all. I had forgotten the fact till I read Mr. CURWEN, and I never knew the cause till I read the real Father of English Husbandry. 70. From this digression I return to the his- CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 125 tory, first of my English transplanting. I saw, at once, that the only way to ensure a crop of turnips was by transplantation. The next year, therefore, I prepared a field of five acres, and another of twelve. I made ridges, in the man- ner described, for sowing; and, on the 7th of June in the first field, and on the 20th of July in the second field, I planted my plants. I as- certained to an exactness, that there were thirty- three tons to an acre, throughout the whole seventeen acres. After this, I never used any other method. I never sazv above half as great a crop in any other person's land ; and, though we read of much greater in agricultural prize reports, they must have been of the extent of a single acre, or something in that way. In my usual order, the ridges four feet asunder, and the plants afoot asunder on the ridge, there were ten thousand eight hundred aiid thirty turnips on the acre of ground -, and, therefore, for an acre to weigh thirty-three tons, each turnip must weigh very nearly seven pounds. After the time here spoken of, I had an acre or two at the end of a large field, transplanted on the 13th of July, which, probably, weighed fifty tons an acre. I delayed to have them weighed till a fire hap- pened in some of my farm buildings, which pro- duced a further delay, and so the thing was not done at allj but, I weighed one waggon load, the turnips of which averaged eleven pounds 126 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART t. each J and several weighed fourteen pounds each. My very largest upon Long Island vi^eighed iwelve pounds and a half. In all these cases, as well here as in England, the produce was from transplanted plants; though at Hyde Park, I have many turnips of more than ten pounds weight each from soxvn plants, some of which, on account of the great perfection in their qualities, I have selected, and am now planting out, for seed. 71. I will now give a full account of my trans- planting at Hyde Park. In a part of the ground which was put into ridges and sown, I scat- tered the seed along very thinly upon the top of the ridge. But, however thinly you may at- tempt to scatter such small seeds,^ there will always be too many plants, if the tillage be good and the seed good also. I suffered these plants to stand as they came upj and, they stood much too long, on account of my want of hands, or, rather, my want of time to attend to give my directions in the transplanting ; and, indeed, my example too -, for, I met not with a man who knew how iofix a plant in the ground j and, strange as it may appear, more than half the bulk of crop depends on a little, trifling, contemptible twist of the settiiig- sticky or dibble ; a thing very well known to all gardeners in the case of cabbages, and about which, therefore, I will give, by and by, very plain instructions. GHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 12? 72. Thus puzzled, and not being able to spare time to do the job myself, I was one day looking at my poor plants, which w^ere daily suffering for want of removal, and was thinking how glad I should be of one of the ChurCHERS at Botley, who, I thought to myself, would soon clap me out my turnip patch. At this very time, and into the field itself, came a cousin of one of these Churchers, who had lately arrived from England ! It was very strange, but literally the fact. 73. To work Churcher and I went, and, with the aid of persons to pull up the plants and bring them to us, we planted out about two acres, in the mornings and evenings of six days ; for the weather was too hot for us to keep out after breakfasty until about two hours before sun-set. There was a friend staying with me, who helped us to plant, and who did, indeed, as much of the work as either Churcher or I. 74. The time when this was done was from the 21st to the 28th of August y one Sunday and one day of no planting, having intervened. Every body knows, that this is the very hottest season of the year; and, as it happened, this was, last summer, the very driest also. The weather had been hot and dry from the \Oth of August i and so it continued to the l^th of Sep- tember. Any gentleman who has kept a journal of last year, upon Long Island, will 1^ RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART 1, know this to be correct. Who would have thought to see these plants thrive j who would have thought to see them live P The next day after being planted, their leaves crumbled between our fingers, like the old leaves of trees. In two days there was no more appearance of a crop upon the ground than there was of a crop on the Turnpike-road. But, on the 2nd of Septem- ber, as I have it in my memorandum book, the plants began to show life; and, before the rain came, on the 12th, the piece began to have an air of verdure, and, indeed, to grow and to pro- mise a good crop. 75. I will speak of the bulk of this crop by and by ; but, I must here mention another transplantation that I made in the latter end of full/. A plot of ground, occupied by one of my earliest sowings, had the turnips standing in it in rows at eighteen inches asunder, and at a foot asunder in the rows. Towards the middle of July I found, that one half of the rows must be taken away, or that the whole would be of little value. Having pulled up the plants, I intended to translate them (as they say of Bishops) from the garden to the field ; but, I had no ground ready. However, I did not like to throw away these plants, which had already bulbs as large as hens' eggs. They were carried into the cellar, where they lay in a heap, till (which would soon happen in such hot weather) CHAP. 11.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 1Q9 they began to ferment. This made the most of their leaves turn white. Unwilling, still, to throw them away, I next laid them on the grass in the front of the house, where they got the dews in the night, and they were covered with a mat during the day, except two days, when they were overlooked, or, rather, neglected. The heat was very great, and, at last, supposing these plants deady I did not cover them any more. There they lay abandoned till the 24th of July, on which day I began planting Cabbages in my field. I then thought, that 1 would tri/ the hardiness of a Ruta Baga plant. I took these same abandoned plants, without a morsel of gree7i left about them j planted them in part of a row of the piece of cabbages ; and they, a hundred and six in number, weighed, when they were taken up, in December, 7iine hundred and one pounds. One of these turnips weighed twelve pounds and a half. 76. But, it ought to be observed, that this was in ground which had been got up in my best manner; that it had some of the best of my manure ; and, that uncommon pains were taken by myself in the putting in of the plants. This experiment shows, what a hardy plant this is ; but, I must caution the reader against a belief, that it is either desirable or prudent to put this quality to so severe a test. There is no necessity for it, in general; and, indeed, the K 130 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. rule is, that the shorter time the plants are out of the ground the better. 77. But, as to the business of transplanting, there is one very material observation to make. The ground ought to be as fresh j that is to say, as recently moved by the plough, as possible; and that for the reasons before stated. The way I go on is this : my land is put up into ridges, as described under the head oi manner of sowing. This is done before-hand, several days; or, it may be, a week or more. When we have our plants and hands all ready, the ploughman begins, and turns in the ridges ; that is to say, ploughs the ground back again, so that the top of the new ploughed ridge stands over the place where the channel, or gutter, or deep furrow, was, before he began. As soon as he has finished the first ridge, the planters plant it, while he is ploughing the second : and so on throughout the field. That this is not a very tedious pro- cess the reader needs only to be told, that, in 1816, I \\2idL fifty 'two acres of Ruta Baga planted in this way ; and I think I had more than fifty thousand bushels. A smart hand will plant half an acre a day, with a girl or a boy to drop the plants for him. I had a man, who planted an acre a day many a time. But, supposing that a quarter of an acre is a day's work, what are four days* work, when put in competition with the value of an acre of this invaluable root? .CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 131 And what farmer is there, who has common industry, who would grudge to bend his ozvn back eight or twelve days, for the sake of keepr ing all his stock through the Spring months, when dry food is loathsome to them, and when grass is by nature denied ? 78. Observing well what has been said about earth perfectly fresh, and never forgetting this, let us now talk about the act of planting; the mere mechanical operation of putting the plant into the ground. We have a setting-stick which should be the top of a spade-handle cut oft*, about ten inches below the eye. It must be pointed smoothly ; and, if it be shod with thin iron -, that is to say, covered with an iron . sheath, it will work more smoothly, and do its business the better. At any rate the point should be nicely smoothed, and so should the -whole of the tool. The planting is performed like that of cabbage-plants ; but, as I have met , with very ievf persons, out of the market gar- dens, and gentlemen's gardens in England, who , knew how to plant a cabbage-plant, so I am led , to suppose, that very iew, comparatively speak- ' ing, know how to plant a turnip-plant. 79. You constantly hear people say, that they wait for a showery in order to put out their cab- . bage-plants. Never was there an error more .general or more complete in all its parts. In- stead of rainy weather being the best time, it is K 2 132 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. the very worst time, for this business of trans- plantation, whether of cabbages or of any thing else, from a lettuce-plant to an apple-tree. I have proved the fact, in scores upon scores of instances. The first time that I had any expe- rience of the matter was in the planting out of a plot of cabbages in my garden at Wilmington in Delaware. I planted in dry weather, and, as I had always done, in such cases, I zvatered the plants heavily ; but, being called away for some purpose, I left one row unwatered, and it happened, that it so continued without my ob- serving it till the next day. The sun had so completely scorched it by the next night, that when I repeated my watering of the rest, I left it, as being unworthy of my care, intending to plant some other thing in the ground occupied by this dead row. But, in a few days, I saw, that it was not dead. It grew soon afterwards ; and, in the end, the cabbages of my dead row were not only larger, but earlier in loaving, than any of the rest of the plot. 80. The reason is this : if plants are put into loet earth, the setting-stick squeezes the earth up against the tender fibres in a mortar-like state. The sun comes and bakes this mortar into a sort of glazed clod. The hole made by the stick is also a smooth sided hole, which re- tains its form, and presents, on every side, an impenetrable substance to the fibres. In short. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 135 such as the hole is made, such it, in a great mea- sure, remains, and the roots are cooped up in this sort Orwell, instead of having a free course left them to seek their food on every side. Be- sides this, the fibres get, from being wet when planted, into a small compass. They all cling about the tap root, and are stuck on to it by the wet dirt J in which state, if a hot sun follow, they are all baked together in a lump, and cannot stir. On the contrary, when put into ground unwet, the reverse of all this takes place ; and the fresh earth will, under any sun, supply mois- ture in quantity sufficient. 81. Yet, in July and August, both in Eng* land and America, how many thousands and thousands are waiting for a shower to put out their plants ! And then, when the long-wished- for shower comes, they must plant upon stale ground, for they have it dug ready, as it were, for the purpose of keeping them company in waiting for the shower. Thus all the fermen- tations which took place upon the digging, is gone; and, when the planting has once taken place, farewell to the spade ! For, it appears to be a privilege of the Indian corn to receive something like good usage after being planted. It is very strange that it should have been thus, for what reason is there for other plants not en- joying a similar benefit? The reason is, that they will produce something without it; and 134 ftUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART L the Indian corn will positively produce notliing > for which the Indian corn is very much to be commended. As an instance of this effect of deeply moving the earth between growing crops, I will mention, that, in the month of June, and on the 26th of that month, a very kind neigh- bour of mine, in whose garden I was, showed me a plot of Green Savoy Cabbages, which he had planted in some ground as rich as ground could be. He had planted them about three weeks before ; and they appeared very fine in-, deed. In the seed bed, from which he had taken his plants, there remained about a hun- dred i but, as they had been left as of no use, they had drawn each other up, in company with the weeds, till they were about eighteen inches high, having only a starved leaf or two upon the top of each. I asked my neighbour to give jme these plants, which be readily did ; but begged me not to plant them, for, he assured me, that they would come to nothing. Indeed, they were a ragged lot; but, I had no plants •of my own sowing more than two inches high. I, therefore, took these plants and dug some ground for them between some rows of scarlet blossomed beans, which mount upon poles. I cut a stick on purpose, and put the plants very deep into the ground. My beans came off in August, and then the ground was well dug between the rows of cabbages. In September, CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 135 mine had far surpassed the prime plants of my neighbour. And, in the end I believe, that ten of my cabbages would have weighed a hundred of his, leaving out the stems in both cases. But, his had remained uncultivated after planting. The ground, battered down by successive rains, had become hard as a brick. All the stores of food had been locked up, and lay in a dor- mant state. There had been no renewed fermen- tations, and no exhalations. 82. Having now said what, I would fain hope, will convince every reader of the folly of waiting for a shower in order to transplant plants of any sort, I will now speak of the mere act of planting, more particularly than I have hitherto spoken. 83. The hole is made sufficiently deep ; deeper than the length of the root does really require ; but, the root should not be bent at the point, if it can be avoided. Then, while one hand holds the plant, with its root in the hole, the other hand applies the setting-stick to the earth on one side of the hole, the stick being held in such a way as to form a sharp triangle with the plant. Then pushing the stick down, so that its point goes a little deeper than the point of the rooty and giving it a little twist, it presses the earth against the pointy or bottom of the root. And thus all is safe, and the plant is sure to grow. 136 jlUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. 84. The general, and almost universal fault, is, that the planter, when he has put the root into the hole, draws the earth up against the upper part of the root, or stem, and, if he presses pretty well there, he thinks that the planting is well done. But, it is the point of the root, against which the earth ought to be pressed, for there i\ie fibres arej and, if they do not touch the earth closely, the plant will not thrive. The reasons have been given in paragraphs 51 and 52, in speaking of the sowing of seeds. It is the same in all cases of transplanting or planting. Trees, for instance, will be sure to grow, if you sift the earth, or pulverize it very finely, and place it carefully and closely about the roots. When we plant a tree, we see all covered by tumbling in the earth ; and, it appears whimsi- cal to suppose, that the earth does not touch all the roots. But, the fact is, that unless great pains be taken, there will be many cavities in the hole where the tree is planted ; and, in whatever places the earth does not closely touch the root, the root will mould, become cankered, and will lead to the producing of a poor tree. 85. When I began transplanting in fields in England, I had infinite difficulty in making my planters attend to the directions, which I have here given. " The point of the stick to the point of the root /" was my constant cry. As CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 137 I could not be much with my work-people, I used, in order to try whether they had planted properly, to go after them, and now-and-then take the tip of a leaf between my finger and thumb. If the plant resisted the pull, so as for the bit of leaf to come away, I was sure that the plant was well fixed; but, if the pull brought up the plant out of the ground ; then I was sure, that the planting was not well done. After the first field or two, I had no trouble. My work was as well done, as if the whole had been done by myself- My planting was done chiefly by young womeriy each of whom would plant half an acre a day, and their pay was ten pence sterling a day. What a shame, then, for any man to shrink at the trouble and labour of such a matter ! Nor, let it be imagined, that these young women were poor, miserable, rag- ged, squalid creatures. They were just the contrary. On a Sunday they appeared in their white dresses, and with silk umbrellas over their heads. Their constant labour afforded the means of dressing well, their early rising and exercise gave them health, their habitual clean- liness and neatness, for which the women of the South of England are so justly famed, served to aid in the completing of their appearance, which was that of fine rosy-cheeked country- girls, fit to be the helpmates, and not the burdens, of their future husbands. 138 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. 86. But, at any rate, what can be said for a man that thinks too much of such a piece of labour ? The earth is always grateful ; but it must and will have something to be grateful for. As far as my little experience has enabled me to speak, I find no want of willingness to learn in any of the American workmen. Ours, in England, are apt to be very obstinate, espe- cially if getting a little old. They do not like to be taught any thing. They say, and they think, that what their fathers did was best. To tell them, that it was your affair, and not theirs, is nothing. To tell them, that the loss, if any, will fall upon yoUy and not upon them, has very little weight. They argue, that, they being the real doers, ought to be the best judges of the viode of doing. And, indeed, in most cases, they are, and go about this work with wonderful skill and judgment. But, then, it is so difficult to induce them cordially to do any thing 7iew, or any old thing in a 7iew way ; and the abler they are as workmen, the more untractable they are, and the more difficult to be persuaded that any one knows any thing, relating to farm- ing affairs, better than they do. It was this difficulty that made me resort to the employ- ment of young women in the most important part of my farming, the providing of immense quantities of cattle-food. But, I do not find this difficulty here, where no workmen are ob- CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 139, stinate, and where, too, all one's neighbours rejoice at one's success, which is by no means the case amongst the farmers in England. 87' Having now given instructions relative to the business of transplanting of the Ruta Baga, let us see, whether it be not preferable to either the ridge-sowing method, or the broad- cast method. 88. In the first place, when the seed is sown on the ground where the plants are to come to perfection, the ground, as we have seen in pa- ragraph 40 and paragraph 47, must be prepared early in June, at the latest; but, in the trans- planting method, this work may be put off, if need be, till early in August, as we have seen in paragraphs 74 and 15. However, the best time for transplanting is about the 26th of July, and this gives a month for preparation of land, more than is allowed in the sowing methods. This,^ of itself, is a great matter; but, there are others of far greater importance. 89. This transplanted crop may follow another crop on the same land. Early cabbages will loave and be away ; early peas will be ripe and off; nay, even wheat, and all grain, except buck- wheat, may be succeeded by Ruta Baga trans- planted. I had crops to succeed Potatoes, Kidney Beans, White Peas, Onions, and even Indian Corn, gathered to eat green ; and, the reader will please to bear in mind, that I did 140 RUTA BACA CULTURE. [PART I. not sow, or plant, any of my first crops, just mentioned, till the month of June. What might a man do, then, who is in a state to begin with his first crops as soon as he pleases ? Who has his land all in order, and his manure ready to be applied. 90. Another great advantage of the trans- planting method is, that it saves almost the whole of the after- culture. There is no hoeing ; no thijijiing of the plants; and not more than one ploughing between the ridges. This is a great consideration, and should always be thought of, when we are talking of the trouble of transplanting. The turnips which I have mentioned in paragraphs 72 and 73 had 7io after-culture of any sort ; for they soon spread the ground over with their leaves; and, indeed, after July, very few weeds made their appear- ance. The season for their coming up is passed; and, as every farmer well knows, if there be no weeds up at the end of July, very few will come that summer, 91. Another advantage of the transplanting method is, that you are sure that you have your right number of plants, and those regularly placed. For, in spite of all you can do in sowing, there will be deficiencies and irregu- rities. The seed may not come up, in some places. The plants may, in some places, be destroyed in their infant state. They may, now CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 141 and then, be cut off with the hoe. The best plants may sometimes be cut up, and the infe- rior plants left to grow. And, in the broad- cast method, the irregularity and uncertainty must be obvious to every one. None of these injurious consequences can arise in the trans- planting method. Here, when the work is once well done, the crop is certain, and all cares are at an end. 92. In taking my leave of this part of my treatise, I must observe, that it is useless, and, indeed, unjust, for any man to expect success, unless he attend to the thing himself, at leasts till he has made the matter perfectly familiar to his work-people. To neglect any part of the business is, in fact, to neglect the whole; just as much as neglecting to put up one of the sides of a building, is to neglect the whole building. Were it a matter of trifling moment, personal attention might be dispensed withj but, as I shall, I think, clearly show, this is a matter of very great moment to every farmer. The object is, not merely to get roots, but to get them of a large size; for, as I shall show, there is an amazing difference in this. And, large roots are not to be gotten without care^ which, by the by, costs nothing. Besides, the care bestowed in obtaining this crop, removes all the million of cares and vexations of the Spring months, when bleatings everlasting din 142 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. the farmer almost out of his senses, and make him ready to knock the brains out of the cla- mourous flock, when he ought to feel pleasure in the filling of their bellies. 93. Having now done with the different modes of cropping the ground with Ruta Baga, I will, as I proposed in paragraph 49, speak about the preparation of the land gejierally ; and in doing this, I shall suppose the land to have borne a good crop of wheat the preceding year, and, of course, to be in good heart, as we call it in England. 94. I would plough this ground in the fall into ridges four feet asunder. The ploughing should be very deep, and the ridges well laid up. In this situation it would, by the suc- cessive frosts and thaws, be shaken and broken fine as powder by March or April. In April, it should be turned backj always ploughing deep. A crop of weeds would be well set upon it by the first of June, when they should be smothered by another turning back. Then, about the third zoeek in June, I would carry in my manure, and fling it along on the trenches or furrows. After this I would follow the turn- ing back for the sowing, as is directed in para- graph 50. ^ow, here are four ploughings. And what is the cost of these ploughings ? My man, a black man, a native of this Island, ploughs, with his pair of oxen and no driver, a?i acre and CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 143 a half a day^ and his oxen keep their flesh ex- tremely well upon the refuse of the Ruta Baga which I send to market. What is the cost then ? And, what a fine state the grass is thus brought into ! A very different thing indeed is it to plough hard ground, from what it is to plough ground in this fine, broken state. Besides, every previous ploughing, especially deep ploughing, is equal to a seventh part of an ordinary coat of manure. 95. In the broad-cast method I would give the same number of previous ploughings, and at the same seasons of the year. I would spread the manure over the ground just before I ploughed it for sowing. Then, when I ploughed for the sowing, I would, if I had only one pair of oxen, plough about half an acre, harrow the ground, sow it immediately y and roll it with a light roller, which a little horse might draw, in order to press the earth about the seeds, and cover them too. There need be no harrowing after sowing. We never do it in England. The roller does all very completely, and the sowing upon the fresh earth will, under any sun, fur- nish the moisture sufficient. I once sowed, on ridges, with a Bennett's drill, and neither har- rowed nor rolled nor used any means at all of covering the seeds 3 and yet I had plenty of plants and a very fine crop of turnips. I sowed a piece of white turnips, broad-cast, at Hyde Park, 144 RUTA BAG A CULTURE. [PART I. last summer, on the eleventh of August, which did very well, though neither harrowed nor rolled after being sown. But, in both these cases, there came rain directly after the sowing, which battered down the seeds ; and which rain, indeed, it was, which prevented the rolling; for, that cannot take place when the ground is wet ; because, then, the earth will adhere to the roller, which will go on growing in size like a rolling snow-ball. To harrow after the sowing is sure to do mischief. We always bury seeds too deip ; and, in the operation of harrowing, more than half the seeds of turnips must be destroyed, or rendered useless. If a seed lies beyond the proper depth, it will either remain in a quiescent state, until some movement of the earth bring it up to the distance from the surface, which will make it vegetate, or, it will vegetate, and come up later than the rest of the plants. It will be feebler also ; and it will never be equal to a plant, which has come from a seed near the surface. 96. Before I proceed further, it may not be amiss to say something more respecting the burying of seed, though it may here be rather out of place. Seeds buried below their proper depth, do not come up ; but, many of them are near enough to the surface, sometimes, to vege- tatCy without coming up; and then they die. This is the case, in many instances, with more than CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 145 one half of the seed that is sown. But, if seeds be buried so deep, that they do not even vegetate, then they do not die; and this is one cause, though not the only cause, of our wondering to see weeds conoe up, where we are sure that no seeds have fallen for many years. At every digging, or every ploughing, more or less of the seeds, that have formerly been buried, come up near the surface j and then they vegetate. I have seen many instances in proof of this fact ; but, the particular instance, on which I found the positiveness of my assertion, was in Parsnip seed. It is a very delicate seed. It will, if beat out, keep only one year. I had a row of fine seed parsnips in my garden, many of the seeds of which fell in the gathering. The ground was dug in the fall ; and, when I saw it full of parsnips in the Spring, I only regarded this as a proof, that parsnips might be sown in the fall, though I have since proved, that it is a very bad practice. The ground was dug again, and again for several successive years ; and there was always a crop of parsnips, without a grain of seed ever having been sown on it. But lest any one should take it into his head, that this is a most delightful way of saving the trouble of sowing, I ought to state, that the parsnips coming thus at random, gave me a great deal more labour, than the same crop would have given me in the regular way of sowing. Besides, L 146 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. the fall is not the time to sow, as my big and white parsnips, now selling in New York mar- ket, may clearly show; seeing that they were sown in June ! And yet, people are flocking to the Western Countries in search of rich land, while thousands of acres of such land as I oc- cupy are lying waste in Long Island, within three hours drive of the all-consuming and in- cessantly increasing city of New York ! 97. 1 have now spoken of the preparation of the land for the reception of seeds. As to the preparation in the case of transplantation, it might be just the same as for the sowing on ridges. But here might, in this case, be one more previous ploughing y always taking care to plough in dry weather, which is an observation I ought to have made before. 98. But, why should not the plants, in this case, succeed some other good crop, as men- tioned before ? I sowed some early peas (brought from England) on the 2nd of June. I haj^vested them, quite ripe and hard, on the 31st of July ; and I had very fine Ruta Baga, some weighing six pounds each, after the peas. How little is known of the powers of this soil and climate ! My potatoes were of the kidney sort, which, as every one knows, is not an early sort. They were planted oil the 2nd of June ; and they were succeeded by a most abundant crop of Ruta Baga. And, the manure for the peas and CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. U? potatoes served for the Ruta Baga also. In surveying my crops and feeling grateful to the kind earth and the glorious sun that produce these, to me, most delightful objects, how often have I turned, with an aching heart, towards the ill-treated Englishmen, shut up in dungeons by remorseless tyrants, while not a word had been uttered in their defence by, and while they were receiving not one cheering visit, or com- forting word frojm, SiR FRANCIS BURDETT, who had been the great immediate cause of their in- carceration ! 99. As to the quantity and sort of manure to be used in general, it may be the same as for a sowing of rye, or of wheat. I should prefer ashes ; but, my large crops in England were on yard-dung, first thrown into a heap, and after- wards turned once or twice, in the usual manner as practised in England. At Hyde Park I had nothing but rakings'up about the yard, barn, &c. as described before. What I should do, and what I shall do this year, is, to make ashes out of dirty or earth, of any sort, not very stony. Nothing is so easy as this, especially in this fine climate. I see people go with their waggons five miles for soaper's ashes; that is to say, spent ashes, which they purchase at the landing place (for they come to the island in vessels) at the rate of about five dollars for forty bushels. Add the expense of land-carriage, and the forty L 2 148 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART 1. bushels do not cost less than ten dollars. I am of opinion, that, by the burning of earth, as much manure may be got upon the land for half a dollar. I made an experiment last sum- mer, which convinces me, that, if the spent ashes be received as a gift at three miles distance of land-carriage, they are not a gift worth ac- cepting. But, this experiment was upon a small scale 5 and, therefore, I will not now speak posi- tively on the subject. 100. I am now preparing to make a perfect trial of these ashes. I have just ploughed up a piece of ground, in which, a few years ago, Indian Corn was planted, and produced, as I am assured, only stalks, and those not more than two feet high. The ground has, every year since, borne a crop of weeds, rough grass, and briars, or brambles. The piece is about ten acres. I intend to have Indian corn on it 5 and, my manure shall be made on the spot, and con- sist of nothing but burnt earth. If I have a de- cent crop of Indian corn on this land so ma- nured, it will, I think, puzzle my good neigh- bours to give a good reason for their going Jive miles for spent ashes. 101. Whether I succeed, or not, I will give an account of my experiment. This I know, that I, in the year 1815, burnt ashes, in one heap, to the amount of about tioo hundred English cart-loads, each load holding about CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 149 forty bushels. I should not suppose, that the burning cost me more than jive dollars ; and there they were upon the spot, in the very field, where they were used. As to their effect, I used them for the transplanted Ruta Baga and Mangel Wurzel, and they produced full as great an effect as the yard-dung used on the same land. This process of burning earth into ashes, zmthout siiffering the smoke to escape, dur- ing any part of the process, is a discovery of Irish origin. It was pointed out to me by- Mr. William Gauntlett of Winchester, late a Commissary with the army in Spain. To this gentleman I also owe, England owes, and I hope America will owe, the best sort of hogs, that are, I believe, in the world. I was wholly unacquainted with Mr. Gauntlett, till the summer of 1815, when, happening to pass by my farm, he saw my hogs, cows, &c. and, when he came to my hou.se he called, and told me, that he had observed, that I wanted only a good sort of hogs, to make my stock complete. I thought, that I already had the finest in Eng- land 5 and I certainly had a very fine breed, the father of which, with legs not more than about six inches long, weighed, when he was killed, twenty-seven score, according to our Hampshire mode of stating hog-meat weight ; or. Jive him- dred and forty pounds. This breed has been fashioned by Mr. WOODS of Woodmancut in 150 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. Sussex, who has been, I believe, more than twenty years about it. I thought it perfection itself J but, I was obliged to confess, that Mr. Gauntlett's surpassed it. 102. Of the earth burning I will give an ac- count in my next Part of this work. Nothing is easier of performance ; and the materials are every where to be found. 103. I think, that I have now pretty clearly given an account of the modes of sowing, and planting, and cultivating the Ruta Baga, and of the preparation of the land. It remains for me to speak of the time and manner of harvestingy the quantity of the crop, and of the uses of, and the mode of applying the crop. Time and Manner of Harvesting. 104. This must depend, in some measure, upon the age of the turnip ; for, some will have their full growth earlier than others ; that is to say, those, which are sown first, or 'transplanted first, will be ripe before those which are sown, or transplanted latest. I have made ample ex- periments as to this matter; and I will, as in former cases, first relate what I did ; and then give my opinion as to what ought to be done. 105. This was a concern in which I could have no knowledge last fall, never having seen any turnips harvested in America, and know- ing, that, as to American frosts, English expe- CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 151 rieiice was only likely to mislead; for, in Eng- land, we leave the roots standing in the ground all the winter, where we feed them off with sheep, which scoop them out to the very bot- tom ; or we pull them as we want them, and bring them in to give to fatting oxen, to cows, or hogs. I had a fl:reat opinion of the hardiness of the Ruta Baga, and was resolved to try it here, and I did try it upon too large a scale. 106. I began with the piece, the first men- tioned in paragraph 46 : a part of them were taken up on the \Sth of December, after we had had some pretty hard frosts. The manner of doing the work was this. We took up the turnips merely by pulling them. The greens had been cut off and given to cattle before. It required a spade, however, just to loosen them along the ridges, into which their tap-roots had descended very deeply. We dug holes at con- venient distances, of a square form, and about a foot deep. We put into each hole about fifty bushels of turnips, piling them up above the level of the surface of the land, in a sort of pyramidical form. When the heap was made, we scattered over it about a truss of rye-straw, and threw earth over the whole to a thickness of about a foot, taking care to point the cover- ing at top, in order to keep out wet. 107. Thus was a small part of the piece put up. The 14th of December was a Sunday, a 152 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART k day that I can find no Gospel precept for de- voting to the throwing away of the fruit of one's labours, and a day which I never will so devote again. However, I ought to have been earlier. On the Monday it rained. On the Monday night came a sharp North-Wester with its usual companion, at this season; that is to say, a sharp frost. Resolved to finish this piece on that day, I borrowed hands from my neigh- bours, who are always ready to assist one an- other. We had about two acres and a half to do; and it was necessary to employ about one half of the hands to go before the pullers and loosen the turnips with a spade in the frosty ground. About ten o'clock, I saw, that we should not finish, and there was every appear- ance of a hard frost at night. In order, there- fore, to expedite the work, I called in the aid of those efficient fellow-labourers, a pair of oxen, which, with a good strong plough, going up o?ie side of each row of turnips, took away the earth close to the bulbs, left them bare on one side, and thus made it extremely easy to pull them up. We wanted spades no longer; all our hands were employed taking up the turnips j and our job, instead of being half done that day, was completed by about tzvo o^clock. Well and justly did MoSES order, that the ox should not be muzzled while he was treading out the corn; for, surely, no animals are so useful. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 153 so docile, so gentle as these, while they require at our hands so little care and labour in re- turn ! 108. Now, it will be observed, that the tur- nips here spoken of, were put up when the ground and the turnips were frozen. Yet they have kept perfectly sound and good j and I am preparing to plant some of them for seed. I am now writing on the 10//^ of April. I send off these turnips to market every week. The tops and tails and offal I give to the pigs, to the ewes and Iambs, and to a cow, and to working oxen, which all feed together upon this offal flung out about the barn-yard, or on the grass ground in the orchard. Before they have done, they leave not a morsel. But, oi feeding I shall speak by and by. 109. The other crop of turnips, I mean those which were transplanted, as mentioned in para- graphs 72 and 73, and which, owing to their being planted so late in the summer, kept on groxmng most luxuriantly till the very hard frosts came. 110. We were now got on to the I7th of December ; and I had cabbages to put up. Sa- turday, Sunday, and Monday, the 21st and 22nd and 23rd, we had a very hard frost, as the reader, if he live on this island, will well re- member. There came a thaw afterwardsy and the transplanted turnips were put up like the 154 RUTA EAGA CULTURE. [PART I. Others j but this hard frost had pierced them too deeply, especially as they were in so tender and luxuriant a state. Many of these we find rotted near the neck ; and, upon the whole, they have suffered a loss of about one half. An acre, left to take their chance in the fields turned out, like most of the games of hazard, a total loss. They were all rotted. 111. This loss arose wholly from uiy want of sufficient experience. I was anxious to neg- lect no necessary precaution ; and I was fully impressed, as I always am, with the advantages of being early. But, early in December, I lost a week at New York ; and, though I worried my neighbours half to death to get at a know- ledge of the time of the hard weather setting in, I could obtain no knowledge, on which I could rely, the several accounts being so diffe- rent from each other. The general account was, that there would be no very hard weather till after Christmas. I shall know better another time! Major Cartwright says, in speaking of the tricks of English Boroughmongers, at the *' Glorious Revolution," that they will never be able to play the same tricks again j for that na- tions, like rational individuals, are not deceived twice in the same way. 112. Thus have I spoken of the time and man- ner of harvestings as they took place with me. And, surely, the expense is a mere trifle. Two CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 155 oxen and four men would harvest two acres in any clear day in the latter end of November; and thus is this immense crop harvested, and covered completely, for about two dollars and a half an acre. It is astonishing, that this is never done in England ! For, though it is generally said, that the Ruta Baga will stand any weather; I know, by experience, that it will not stand any weather. The winter of the year 1814, that is to say, the months of January and February, were very cold, and a great deal of snow fell ; and, in a piece of twelve acres, I had, in the month of March, two thirds of the tur- nips completely rotten s and these were amongst the finest that I ever grew, many of them weigh- ing twelve pounds each. Besides, when taken up in dry weather^ before the freezings and thawings begin, the dirt all falls off; and the bulbs are clean and nice to be given to cattle or sheep in the stalls or yards. For, though we in general feed off these roots upon the land with sheep, we cannot, in deep land, always do it. The land is too zoetj and particularly for ewes and lambs, which are, in such cases, brought into a piece of pasture land, or into a fold-yard, where the turnips are flung down to them in a dirty state, just carted from the field. And, again, the land is very much injured, and the labour augmented, by carting when the ground is a sort of mud-heap, or rather, pool. All these 156 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. inconveniences and injuries would be avoided by harvesting in a dry day in November, if such a day should, by an accident, be found in Eng- land ; but, why not do the work in October, and sow wheat, at once, in the land ? More on this after-cropping, another time. 113. In Long Island, and throughout the United States, where the weather is so fine in the fall J where every day, from the middle of October to the end of November (except a rainy day about once in 16 days), is as fair as the fairest May-day in England, and where such a thing as a ivater-furroto in a field was never heard of; in such a soil as this, and under such a climate as this, there never can arise any dif- ficulty in the way of the harvesting of turnips in proper time. I should certainly do it in No- vanber ; for, as we bave seen, a Hide frost does not affect the bulbs at all. I would put them in when perfectly drj/ ; make my heaps of about fifty bushels; and, when the frosts approached, I mean the ha?^d frosts, I would cover with corn-stalks, or straw, or cedar boughs, as many of the heaps as I thought I should want in January and February ; for, these coverings would so break the frost, as to enable me to open the heaps in those severe months. It is useless and inconvenient to take into barns, or out-houses, a very large quantity at a time. Besides, if left wicovered, the very hard frosts CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 15? will do them harm. To be sure, this is easily prevented, in the barn, by throwing a little straw over the heap ; but, being, by the means that I have pointed out, always kept ready in the field, to bring in a larger quantity than is used in a week, or thereabouts, would be wholly unneces- sary, besides being troublesome from the great space, which would thus be occupied. 114. It is a great advantage in the cultivation of this crop, that the sozvifig, or transplanting time, comes afte?^ all the spring grain and the Indian Corn are safe in the ground, and before the harvest of grain begins ; and then again, in the fall, the taking up of the roots comes after the grain and corn, and buck-wheat harvests, and even after the sowing of the winter grain. In short, it seems to me, that the cultivation of this crop, in this country, comes, as it were ex- pressly, to fill up the unemployed spaces of the farmer's time ; but, if he prefer standing with arms folded, during these spaces of time, and hearing his flock bleat themselves half to death in March and April, or have no flock, and scarcely any cattle or hogs, raise a few loads of yard-dung, and travel five miles for ashes, and buy them dear at the end of the five miles; if he prefer these, then, certainly, I shall have written on this subject in vain. 158 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. Quantity of the Crop. 115. It is impossible for me to say, at present, what quantity of Ruta Baga may be grown on an acre of land in this Island. My three acres of ridged turnips, sown on the a6th of June, were very unequal, but, upon one of the acres, there were six hundred and forty bushels s I mean heaped bushels ; that is to say, an English statute bushel heaped as long as the commodity will lie on. The transplanted turnips yielded about four hundred bushels to the acre -, but then, observe, they were put in a full month too late. This year, I shall make a fair trial. 116. I have given an account of my raising, upon five acres in one field, and twelve acres in another field, one thousand three hundred and twenty bushels to an acre, throughout the seven- teen acres. I have no doubt of equalling that quantity on this Island, and that, too, upon some of its poorest and most exhausted land. They tell me, indeed, that the last summer was a remarkably fine summer j so they said at Botley, when I had my first prodigious crop of Ruta Baga. This is the case in all the pursuits of life. The moment a man excels those, who ought to be able and willing to do as well as he; that moment, others set to work to dis- cover causes for his success, other than those proceeding from himself. But, as I used to tell CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 159 my neighbours at Botley, they have had the same seasons that I have had. Nothing is so impartial as w^eather. As long as this sort of observation, or inquiry, proceeds from a spirit of emulatmi, it may be treated with great indulgence ; but, when it discovers a spirit of e?wi/y it becomes detestable, and especially in affairs of agriculture, where the appeal is made to our common parent, and where no man's success can be injurious to his neighbour, while it 7?uist be a benefit to his country, or the osun- try in which the success takes place. I must^ however, say, and I say it with feelings of great pleasure, as well as from a sense of justice, that I have observed in the American farmers no envy of the kind alluded to ; but, on the con- trary, the greatest satisfactiouy at my success j and not the least backwardness, but great for- wardness, to applaud and admire my mode of cultivating these crops. Not so, in England, where the farmers (generally the most stupid as well as most slavish and most churlish part of the nation) envy all who excel them, while they are too obstinate to profit from the example of those whom they envy. I say generally ; for there are many most honourable exceptions ; and, it is amongst that class of men that I have my dearest and most esteemed friends ; men of knowledge, of experience, of integrity, and of public-spint, equal to that of the best of English- 160 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. men in the worst times of oppression. I would not exchange the friendship of one of these men for that of all the Lords that ever were created, though there are some of them very able and upright men, too. 117. Then, if I maybe suffered to digress a little further here, there exists, in England, an institution, which has caused a sort of identity of agriculture zvitk politics. The Board of Agri- culture, established by Pitt for the purpose of sending spies about the country, under the guise of agricultural surveyors, in order to learn the cast of men's politics as well as the tax- able capacities of their farms and property ; this Board gives no premium or praise to any but " loyal farmers 3*' who are generally the greatest fools. I, for my part, have never had any com- munication with it. It was always an object of ridicule and contempt with me ; but, I know this to be the rule of that body, which is, in fact, only a little twig of the vast tree of corruption, which stunts, and blights, and blasts, all that approaches its poisoned purlieu. This Board has for its Secretary, Mr. ARTHUR YoUNG, a man of great talents, bribed from his good prin- ciples by this place of five hundred pounds a year. But Mr. YoUNG, though a most able man, is not always to be trusted. He is a bold asserterj and very few of his statements proceed upon actual experiments. And, as to what this CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 161 Board has published, at the public expense, un- der the name of Communications, I defy the world to match it as a mass of illiterate, unin- telligible, useless trash. The only paper, pub- lished by this Board, that I ever thought worth keeping, was an account of the produce from a single cozv, communicated by Mr. Cramp, the jail-keeper of the County of Sussex; which con- tained very interesting and wonderful facts, pro- perly authenticated, and stated in a clear man- ner. 118. Arthur Young is blind, and never attends the Board. Indeed, sorrowful to relate, he is become a religious fanatic, and this in so desperate a degree as to leave no hope of any possible cure. In the pride of our health and strength, of mind as well as of body, we little dream of the chances and changes of old age. Who can read the " Travels in France, Spain, " and Italy,'' and reflect on the present state of the admirable writer's mind, without feeling some diffidence as to what may happen to him- self! 119. Lord Hardwicke, who is now the Pre- sident of the Board, is a man, not exceeding my negro, either in experience or natural abili- ties. A parcel of court-sycophants are the Vice- Presidents. Their committees and correspond- ents are a set of justices of the peace, nabobs become country-gentlemen, and parsons of the M 162 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. worst description. And thus is this a mere pohtical job; a channel for the squandering of some thousands a year of the people's money upon worthless men, who ought to be working in the fields, or mending " His Majesty's High- " ways." 120. Happily, politics, in this country, have nothing to do with agriculture; and here, there- iore, I think I have a chance to be fairly heard I should, indeed, have been heard in England; but, I really could never bring myself to do any thing tending to improve the estates of the op- pressors of my country ; and the same considera- tion now restrains me from communicating in- formation, on the subject of timber trees, which would be of immense benefit to England; and which information I shall reserve, till the ty- ranny shall be at an end. Castlereagh, in the fulness of his stupidity, proposed, that, in order to find employment for " the population,'* as he insolently called the people of England, he would set them to dig holes one day and fill them up the next. I could tell him what to pla7it in the holes, so as to benefit the country in an immense degree ; but, like the human body in some complaints, the nation would now be really in- jured by the communications of what, if it were in a healthy state, would do it good, add to its strength, and to all its means of exertion. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 163 121. To return from this digression, I am afraid of 7io bad seasons. The droughty which is the great enemy to be dreaded in this country, I am quite prepared for. Give me ground that I can plough ten or twelve inches deep, and give nie Indian corn spaces to plough in, and no sun can burn me up. I have mentioned Mr. CuR- WEN's experiment before ; or, rather TULt's ; for he it is, who made all the discoveries of this kind. Let any man, just to try, leave half a rod of ground undug from the month of May to that of October 5 and another half rod let him dig and break Jine every ten or fifteen days. Then, whenever there has been fifteen days of good scorching sun, let him go and dig a hole in each. If he does not find the hard ground dry as dust, and the other moist s then let him say, that I know nothing about these matters. So erroneous is the common notion, that plough- ing in dry weather lets in the drought ! 122. Of course, proceeding upon this fact, which 1 state as the result of numerous experi- ments, I should, if visited with long droughts, give one or two additional ploughings between the crops when growing. That is all ; and, with this, in Long Island, I defy all droughts. 123. But, why need I insist upon this effect of ploughing in dry weather ? Why need I in- sist on it in an Indian corn country ? Who has not seen fields of Indian corn looking, to-day, M 2 164 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. yellow and sickly, and, in four days hence (the weather being dry all the while), looking green and flourishing; and this wonderful effect pro- duced merely by the plough ? Why, then, should not the same effect always proceed from the same cause? The deeper you plough, the greater the effect, however ; for there is a greater body of earth to exhale from, and to receive back the tribute of the atmosphere, Mr. CUR- WEN tells us of a piece of cattle-cabbages. In a vevy dry time in July, they looked so yellow and blue, that he almost despaired of them. He sent in his ploughs; and a gentleman, who had seen them when the ploughs went in on the Monday, could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw them on the next Saturday, though it had continued dry all the week. 124. To perform these summer ploughings, in this island, is really uothing. The earth is so light and in such fine order, and so easily dis- placed and replaced. I used one horse for the purpose, last summer, and a very slight horse indeed. An ox is, however, better for this work ; and this may be accomplished by the use of a collar and two traces, or by a single yoke and two traces. TuLL recommends the latter; and I shall try it for Indian corn as well as for turnips.* ♦ Since the above paragraph was written, 1 have made a single- ox-yoke ; and, I find it answer excellently well. Now, Hiy work is much shortened ; for, in forming ridges, two oxen CHAP. II. J RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 165 Horses, if they are strong enough, are not so steady as oxen, which are more patient also, and with which you may send the plough-share doivn are awkward. They occupy a wide space, and one of them is obliged to walk upon the ploughed land, which, besides making the ridge uneven at top, presses the ground, which is injurious. For ploughing between the rows of turnips and Indian corn also, what a great convenience this will be I An ox goes steadier than a horse, and will plough deeper^ without fretting and without tearing ; and he wants neither harness-maker nor groom. The plan of ray yoke I took from Tull. I showed it to my workman, who chopped off the limb of a tree, and made the yoke in an hour. It is a piece of wood, with two holes to receive two ropes, about three quarters of an inch in diameter. These traces are fastened into the yoke merely by a knot, whith prevents the ends from passing through the holes, while the other ends are fastened to the two ends of a Wiffle-tree^ as it is called in Long Island, of a JVipple-lree as it is called in Kent, and of a JVippance^ as it is called in Hampshire. I am but a poor draftsman; but, if the printer can find any thing to make the representation with, the following draft will clearly show what I have meant to describe in words — Saj . When the corn (Indian) and turnips get to a size, sufficient to attract the appetite of the ox, you have only to put on a muzzle. This is what Mr. Tull did; for, though we ought not to muzzle the ox " as he treadeth out the corn," we may do it, even for his own sake, amongst other considerations, when he is assisting us to bring the crop to perfection. 166 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART 1. without any of the fretting and unequal pulling, or jerking, that you have to encounter with horses. And, as to the slow pace of the ox, it is the old story of the tortoise and the hare. If I had known, in England, of the use of oxen, what I have been taught upon Long Island, I might have saved myself some hundreds of pounds a year. I ought to have followed TULL in this as in all other parts of his manner of cul- tivating land. But, in our country, it is difficult to get a ploughman to look at an ox. In this Island the thing is done so completely and so easily, that it was, to me, quite wonderful to be- hold. To see one of these Long-Islanders going into the field, or orchard, at sun-rise, with his yoke in his hand, call his oxen by name to come and put their necks under the yoke, drive them before him to the plough, just hitch a hook on to the ring of the yoke, and then, without any thing except a single chain and the yoke, with no reins, no halter, no traces, no bridle, no driver, set to plough, and plough a good acre and a half in the day. To see this would make an English farmer stare ; and well it might, when he looked back to the ceremonious and expensive business of keeping and managing a plough-team in England. 125. These are the means, which I would, and which I shall use, to protect my crops against the effects of a dry season. So that, as CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 167 every one has the same means at his command, no one need be afraid of drought. It is a bright plough-share that is always wanted much more than the showers. With this culture there is no fear of a crop ; and though it amount to only five hundred bushels on an acre, what crop is half so valuable. 1^6. The bulk of crop, however, in the broad- cast, or random method, may be materially af- fected by drought; for in that case, the plough cannot come to supply the place of showers. The ground there will be dry, and keep dry in a dry time ; as in the case of the supposed half rod of undug ground in the garden. The weeds, too, will come and help by their roots, to suck the moisture out of the ground. As to the ha?id- hoeingSy they may keep down weeds to be sure, and they raise a trifling portion of exhalation ; but, it is trifling indeed. Dry weather, if of long continuation, makes the leaves become of a bluish colour ; and, when this is once the case, all the rain and all the fine weather in the world will never make the crop a good one ; because the plough cannot move amidst this scene of endless irregularity. This is one of the chief reasons why the ridge method is best. Uses of, and Mode of applying, the Crop. 127. It is harder to say what uses this root may not be put to, than what uses it may be 168 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. put to, in the feeding of animals. It is eaten greedily by sheep, horn-cattle, and hogs, in its raw state. Boiled, or steamed (which is better), no dog that I ever saw will refuse it. Poultry of all sorts will live upon it in its cooked state. Some dogs will even eat it raw; a fact that 1 first became acquainted with by perceiving my Shepherd's dog eating in the field along with the sheep. I have two Spa?iiels that come into the barn and eat it now ; and yet they are both in fine condition. Some horses will nearly live upon it in the raw state; others are not so fond of it. 128. Let me give an account of what I am doing now (in the month of April) with my crop. 129. It is not pretended, that this root, mea- sure for measure, is equal to Indian corn in the ear. Therefore, as I can get Indian corn in the ear for half a dollar a bushel, and, as I sell my Ruta Baga for half a dollar a bushel at New York, I am very sparing of the use of the latter for animals. Indeed, I use none at home, ex- cept such as have been injured, as above-men- tioned, by the delay in the harvesting. These damaged roots I apply in the following manner. 130. Twice a day I take about two bushels, and scatter them about upon the grass for fifteen ewes with their lambs, and a few wether sheep, and for seven stout store pigs, which eat with CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. l69 them. Once a day I fling out a parcel of the refuse that have been cut from the roots sent to market, along with cabbage leaves and stems, parsnips, fibres, and the like. Here the working oxen, hogs, cows, sheep, and fowls, all feed as they please. All these animals are in excellent condition. The cow has no other' foodj the working oxen a lock of hay twice a day; the ewes an ear of Indian corn each ; the pigs no- thing but the roots; the fowls and ducks and turkeys are never fed in any other way, though they know how to feed themselves whenever there is any thing good to be found above ground. 131. I am zvea7iing some ip\gSf which, as every one knows, is an affair of milk and meal. I have neither. I give about three buckets of boiled Rata Baga to seven pigs every day, not having any convenience for steaming ; two baits of Indian corn in the ear. And, with this diet, increasing the quantity with the growth of the pigs, I expect to turn them out of the sty fatter (if that be possible) than they entered it. Now, if this be sOy every farmer will say, that this is what never was done before in x4merica. We all know how important a thing it is to zvean a pig icell. Any body can wean them without milk and meal ; but, then, the pigs are good for nothing. They remain three months afterwatds and never grow an inch 3 and they (17iO . RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. are, indeed, not worth having. To have milk, you must have cowsy and cows are vast con- sumers ! To have cows, you must have female labour, which, in America, is a very precious commodity. You cannot have 7neal without sharing in kind pretty liberally with the miller, besides bestowing labour, however busy you may be, to carry the corn to mill and bring the meal back. I am, however, speaking here of the pigs from my English breed; though I am far from supposing that the common pigs might not be weaned in the same way. 132. Sows loith young pigs I feed thus : boiled Ruta Baga twice a day. About three ears of Indian corn a piece twice a day. As much offal Ruta Baga raw as they will eat. Amongst this boiled Ruta Baga, the pot-liquor of the house goes, of course ; but, then, the dogs, I dare say, take care that the best shall fall to their lot; and as there are four of them pretty fat, their share cannot be very small. Every one knows what good food, how much meal and milk are necessary to sows which have pigs. I have no milk, for my cow has not yet calved. And, then, what a chance concern this is ; for, the sows may perversely have pigs at the time when the cows do not please to give milk j or, ra- ther, when they, poor things, without any fault of theirs, are permitted to go dry, which never need be, and never ought to be the case. I had CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 171 a COW once that made more than two pounds of butter during the week, and had a calf on the Saturday night. Cows always ought to be milked to the very day of their calving, and during the whole time of their suckling their calves. But, " sufficient unto the day is the " evil thereof." Let us leave this matter till another time. Having, however, accidentally mentioned cows, I will just observe, that in the little publication of Mr. Cramp, mentioned above, as having been printed by the Board of Agriculture, it was stated and the proof given, that his single cow gave him, clear profit, for several successive years, more than fifty pounds sterling a year, or upwards of two hundred and twenty dollars. This was clear profit ; reckoning the food and labour, and taking credit for the calf, the butter, and for the skim-milk at a penny a quart only. Mr. Cramp's was a Sussex cow. Mine were of the Alderney breed. Little small-boned things ; but, two of my cows, fed upon three quarters of an acre of grass ground, in the middle of my shrubbery, and fastened to pins in the ground, which were shifted twice a day, made three hundred pounds of butter from the 28th of March to the S7th of June. This is a finer country for cattle than England ; and yet, what do 1 see ! 133. This difficulty about feeding sows with young pigs and weaning pigs, is one of the 17S ^ RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. greatest hindrances to improvement j for, after all, what animal produces flesh meat like the hog ? Applicable to all uses, either fresh or salted, is the meat. Good in all its various shapes. The animal killable at all ages. Quickly fatted. Good if half fat. Capable of supporting an immense burden of fat. Demand- ing but little space for its accommodation ; and yet, if grain and corn and milk are to be their principal food, during their lives, they cannot multiply very fastj because many upon a farm cannot be kept to much profit. But, if, by pro- viding a sufficiency of Ruta Baga, a hundred pigs could be raised upon a farm in a year, and carried on till fatting time, they would be worth, when ready to go into the fatting sty, fifteen dollars each. This would be something worth attending to ; and the farm must become rich from the manure. The Ruta Baga, taken out of the heaps early in April, will keep well and .sound all the summer; and with a run in an orchard, or in a grassy place, it will keep a good sort of hog always in a very thriving, and even fleshy state. 134. This root, being called a turnip, is re- garded as a turnipy as a common turnip, than which nothing can be much less resembling it. The common turnip is a very poor thing. The poorest of all the roots of the bulb kind, cul- tivated in the fields 3 and the Ruta Baga, all CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. i?^ taken together, is, perhaps, the very best. It loses none of its good qualities by being long kept, though dry all the while. A neighbour of mine in Hampshire, having saved a large piece of Ruta Baga for seed, and having, after harvesting the seed, accidentally thrown some of the roots into his yard, saw his hogs eat these old roots, which had borne the seed. He gave them some more, and saw that they ate them greedily. He, therefore, went and bought a whole drove, in number about forty, of lean pigs, of a good large size, brought them into his yard, carted in the roots of his seed Ruta Baga, and, without having given the pigs a handful of any other sort of food, sold out his pigs as fat porkers. And, indeed, it is a fact well known, that sheep and cattle, as well as hogs, will thrive upon this root after it has borne seed, which is what, I believe, can be said of no other root or plant. 135. When we feed off our Ruta Baga in the fields, in England, by sheep, there are small parts left by the sheep : the shells which they have left after scooping out the pulp of the bulb; the tap-root; and other little bits. These are picked out of the ground , and when washed by the rain, other sheep follow and live upon them. Or, in default of other sheep, hogs or cattle are turned in in dry weather, and they leave not a morsel. 174 RUTA B-IGA CULTURE. [PART I. 136. Nor are the greens to be forgotten. In England, they are generally eaten by the sheep, when they are turned in upon them. When the roots are taken up for uses at the home-stead, the greens are given to store-pigs and lean cattle. I cut mine off, while the roots were in the ground, and gave them to fatting cattle upon grass land, alternately with Indian corn in the ear ; and, in this way, they ,are easily and most profitably applied, and they come, too, just after the grass is gone from the pastures. An acre produces about four good waggon loads of greens ; and they are taken off fresh and fresh as they are wanted, and, at the same time, the roots are thus made ready for going at once, into the heaps. Pigs, sheep, cattle ; all like the greens as well as they do the roots. Try any of them with the greens of zvhite turnips ^ and, if they touch them, they will have changed their natures, or, at least, their tastes. 137. The Mangel Wurzel, the cabbage, the carrot, and the parsnip, are all useful ; and the latter, that is to say, the parsnip, very valu- able indeed ; but the main cattle-crop is the Ruta Baga. Even the white turnip, if well cul- tivated, may be of great use ; and, as it admits of being sown later, it may often be very de- sirable to raise it. But, reserving myself to speak fully, in a future part of my work, of my experiments as to these crops, I shall now make CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 175 a short inquiry as to the value of a crop of Ruta Baga, compared with the value of any other crop. I will just observe, in this place, however, that I have grown finer carrots, par- snips, and Mangel Wurzel, and even finer cab- bages, than I ever grew upon the richest land in Hampshire, though not a seed of any of them was put into the ground till the month of June. 138. A good mode, it appears to me, of mak- ing my proposed comparative estimate, will be to say, how I zvould proceed^ supposing me to have a farm of my own in this island, of only one hundred acres. If there were not twelve acres of orchard near the house, I would throw as much grass land to the orchard as would make up the twelve acres, which I could fence in an effectual manner against small pigs as well as large oxen. 139. Having done this, I would take care to have fifteen acres of good Indian corn, well planted, well suckered, and well tilled in all respects. Good, deep ploughing between the plants would give me forty bushels of shelled corn to an acre; and a ton to the acre of fod- der for my four working oxen and three cows, and my sheep and hogs, of which 1 shall speak presently. 140. I would have twelve acres of Ruta Baga, three acres of early cabbages, an acre of Mangel 176 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. Wurzel, an acre of carrots and parsnips, and as many white turnips as would grow between my rows of Indian corn after my last ploughing of that crop. 141. With these crops, which would occupy thirty-two acres of ground, I should not fear being able to keep a good house in all sorts of meat, together with butter and milk, and to send to market nine quarters of beef and three hides, a hundred early fat lambs, a hundred hogs, weighing twelve score, as we call it in Hampshire, or, two hundred and forty pounds each, and a hundred fat ewes. These, altoge- ther, would amount to about three thousand dollars, exclusive of the cost of a hundred ewes and of three oxen ; I should hope, that the pro- duce of my trees in the orchard and of the other fifty-six acres of my farm would pay the rent and the labour ; for, as to taxes, the amount is not worth naming, especially after the sublime spectacle of that sort, which the world beholds in England. 142. I am, you will perceive, not making any account of the price of Ruta Baga, cabbages, carrots, parsnips, and white turnips at Nezv York, or any other market. I ?wzvy indeed, sell carrots and parsnips at three quarters of a dollar the hundred J by tale ; cabbages (of last fall) at about three dollars a hundred, and white turnips at a quarter of a dollar a bushel. When this can CHAP. 11.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 177 be done, and the distance is within twenty or thirty miles on the best road in the world, it will, of course, be done; but, my calculations are built upon a supposed consumption of the whole upon the farm by animals of one sort or another. 14y. My feeding would be nearly as follows. I will begin with February ; for, until then, the Ruta Baga does not come to its sweetest taste. It is like an apple, that must have time to ripen; but, then, it retains its goodness much longer. I have proved, and especially in the feeding of hogs, that the Ruta Baga is never so good, till it arrives at a mature state. In February, and about the first of that month, I should begin bringing in my Ruta Baga, in the manner be- fore described. My three oxen, which would have been brought forward by other food, to be spoken of by and by, would be tied up in a stall looking into one of those fine commodious barn's floors which we have upon this island. Their stall should be warm, and they should be kept well littered, and cleaned out frequently. The Ruta Baga just chopped into large pieces with a spade or shovel, and tossed into the man- ger to the oxen at the rate of about two bushels a day to each ox, would make them completely fat, without the aid of corn, hay, or any other thing. I should, probably, kill one ox at Christ- mas, and, in that case, he must have had a N 178 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. longer time than the others upon other food. If 1 killed one of the two remaining oxen in the middle of March, and the other on the first of May, they would consume 9,6(> bushels of Ruta Baga. 144. My hundred ewes would begin upon Ruta Baga at the same time, and, as my grass ground would be only twelve acres until after hay-time, I shall suppose them to be fed on this root till July, and they will always eat it and thrive upon it. They will eat about eight pounds each, a day ; so that, for 150 days it would re- quire a hundred and twenty thousand pounds weight, or two thousand four hundred bushels. 145. Fourteen breeding sows to be kept all the year round, would bring a hundred pigs in the Spring, and they and their pigs would, during the same 150 days, consume much about the same quantity ; for, though the pigs would be small during these 150 days, yet they eat a great deal more than sheep in proportion to their size, or rather bulk. However, as they would eat very little during the first 60 days of their age, I have rather over- rated their con- sumption. 146. Three cows and four working oxen would, during the 150 days, consume about one thousand bushels, which, indeed, would be more than sufficient, because, during a great part of the time, they would more than half live upon CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 179 corn-stalks J and, indeed, this, to a certain ex- tent, would be the case with the sheep. How- ever, as I mean that every thing should be of a good size, and live ivell, I make ample pro- vision. 14,7. I should want, then, to vdSsefive hundred bushels of Ruta Baga upon each of my twelve acres J and why should 1 not do it, seeing that I have this year raised six hundred and forty bushels upon an acre, under circumstances such as I have stated them ? I lay it down, therefore, that, with a culture as good as that of Indian corn, any man may, on this island (where corn will grow) have 500 bushels to the acre. 148. I am now come to the first of July. My oxen are fatted and disposed of. My lambs are gone to market, the last of them a month ago. My pigs are weaned and of a good size. And now my Ruta Baga is gone. But my ewes, kept well through the winter, will soon be fat upon the 12 acres of orchard and the hay- ground, aided by my three acres of early cab- bages, which are now fit to begin cutting, or, rather, pulling up. The weight of this crop may be made very great indeed. Ten thousand plants will stand upon an acre, \x\ four feet ridges , and every plant ought to weigh three pounds at least. I have shown before how advantageously Ruta Baga transplanted would follow these cab- bages, all through the months of July and 180 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. August. But what a crop of Buck-wheat would follow such of the cabbages as came off in July / My cabbages, together with my hay-fields and grain-fields after harvest, and about forty or fifty waggon -loads of Ruta Baga greens, would carry me along well till December (the cabbages being planted at different times) ; for, my ewes would be sold fat in July, and my pigs would be only increasing in demand for food; and the new hundred ewes need not, and ought not, to be kept so well as if they were fatting, or had lambs by their side. 149. From the first of December to the first of February, Mangel Wurzel and white turnips would keep the sheep and cattle and breeding sows plentifully ; for the latter will live well upon Mangel Wurzel; and my hundred hogs, in- tended for fatting, would be much more than halfidX upon the carrots and parsnips. I should, however, more probably keep m}'^ parsnips till Spring, and mix the feeding with carrots with the feeding with corn, for the first month or fif- teen days, with regard to the fatting hogs. None of these hogs would require more than three bushels of corn each to finish them completely. My other three hundred bushels would be for sows giving suck; the ewes, now and then in wet weather ; and for other occasional purposes, 150. Thus all my hay and oats^ and zvheat and rye might be sold, leaving me the straw for lit- CHAP. II.J RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 181 ter. These, surely, would pay the rent and the labour; and, if I am told, that I have taken no account of the mutton, and lamb, and pork, that my house would demand, neither have I taken any account of a hundred summer pigs, which the fourteen sows would have, and which would hardly fail to bring two hundred dollars. Poul- try demand some food; but three parts of their raising consists of care ; and, if 1 had nobody in my house to bestow this care, I should, of course, have the less number of mouths to feed. 151. But, my horses ! Will not they swallow my hay and my oats? No: for I want no horses. But, am I never to take a ride then ? Aye, but, if I do, I have no right to lay the ex- pence of it to the account of the farm. I am speaking of how a man may live by and upon a farm. If a merchant spend a thousand a year, and gain a thousand, does he say, that his traffic has gained him nothing.^ When men lose money by farmings as they call it, they forget, that it is not the farming, but other expences that take away their money. It is, in fact, they that rob the farm, and not the farm them. Horses may be kept for the purposes of going to church, or to meeting, or to pay visits. In many cases this may be not only convenient, but necessary, to a family ; but, upon this 182 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. Island, I am very sure, that it is neither conve- nient nor necessary to a farm. " What!" the ladies will say, " would you have us to be shut " up at home all our lives j or be dragged about " by oxen ?" By no means j not I ! I should be very sorry to be thought the author of any such advice. 1 have no sort of objection to the keeping of horses upon a farm ; but, I do insist upon it, that all the food and manual labour required by such horses, ought to be considered as so much taken from the clear profits of the farm. 152. I have made sheep, and particularly lambsy B. part of my supposed stock ; but, I do not know, that I should keep any beyond what might be useful for my house. Hogs are the most profitable stock, if you have a large quan- tity of the food that they will t/uive on. They are /oi^/ feeders ; but, they will eat nothing that is poor in its nature j that is to say, they will not thrive on it. They are the most able tasters in all the creation; and, that which they like best, you may be quite sure has the greatest proportion of nutritious matter in it, from a white turnip to a piece of beef. They will pre- fer meat to corn, and cooked meat to raw ; they will leave parsnips for corn or grain ; they will leave carrots for parsnips ; they will leave Ruta Baga for carrots; they will leave cabbages for CHAP, ir.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 183 Ruta Baga; they will leave Mangel Wurzel for cabbages ; they will leave potatoes (both being raw) for Mangel Wurzel. A white turnip they will not touch, unless they be on the point of starving. They are the best of triers. What- ever they prefer is sure to be the richest thing within their reach. The parsnip is, by many degrees, the richest root; but, the seed lies long in the ground ; the sowing and after-culture are works of great niceness. The crop is large with good cultivation ; but, as a main crop, I prefer the Ruta Baga, of which the crop is immense, and the harvesting, and preserving, and applica- tion of which, are so easy. 153. The farm I suppose to be in fair condi- tion to start with ; the usual grass-seeds sown, and so forth ; and every farmer will see, that, under my system, it must soon become rich as any garden need to be, without my sending men and horses to the water-side to fetch ashes, which have been brought from Boston or Charles- ton, an average distance of seven hundred miles ! In short, my stock would give me, in one shape or another, manure to the amount, in utility, of more than a thousand tons weight a year of common yard manure. This would be ten tons to an acre every year. The farm would, in this way, become more and more productive; and, as to its being too rich, I see 184 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. no danger of that ; for a broad-cast crop of wheat will, at any time, tame it pretty sufficiently. 154. Very much, in my opinion, do those mistake the matter, who strive to get a great breadth of land, with the idea, that, when they have tried one field, they can let it lie, and go to another. It is better to have one acre of good crop, than two of bad or indifferent. If the one acre can by double the manure and double the labour in tillage, be made to produce as much as two other acres, the one acre is pre- ferable, because it requires only half as much fencing, and little more than half as much har- vesting, as two acres. There is many a ten acres of land near London, that produces more than any common farm of two hundred acres. My garden of three quarters of an acre^ pro- duced more, in value, last Summer, from June to December, than any ten acres of oat land upon Long Island, though I there saw as fine fields of oats as I ever saw in my life. A heavy crop upon all the ground that I put a plough into is what I should seek, rather than to have a great quantity of land. 155. The business of carting manure from a distance can, in very iew, if any cases, answer a profitable purpose. If any man would give me even horse-dung at the stable-door, four miles from my land, I would not accept of it. CHAP. II.] RUTA BAGA CULTURE. 185 on condition of fetching it. I say the same of spent ashes. To manure a field of ten acres, in this way, a man and two horses must be em- ployed twenty days at least, with twenty days' wear and tear of waggon and tackle. Two oxen and two men do the business in two days, if the manure be on the spot. 156. In concluding my remarks on the sub- ject of Ruta Baga, I have to apologize for the desultory manner in which I have treated the matter ; but, 1 have put the thoughts down as they occurred to me, without much time for arrangement, wishing very much to get this first Part into the hands of the public before the arrival of the time for sowing Ruta Baga this present year. In the succeeding Parts of the work, I propose to treat of the culture of every other plant that I have found to be of use upon a farm ; and also to speak fully of the sorts of cattle, sheep, and hogs, particularly the latter. My experiments are now going on ; and, I shall only have to communicate the result, which I shall do very faithfully, and with as much clear- ness as I am able. In the mean while, I shall be glad to afford any opportunity, to any per- sons who may think it worth while to come to Hyde Park, of seeing how I proceed. I have just now (17th April) planted out my Ruta Baga, Cabbages, Mangel Wurzel, Onions, Par- snips, &c. for seed. 1 shall begin my earth- O 186 RUTA BAGA CULTURE. [PART I. burfiwg in about fifteen days. In short, being convinced, that I am able to communicate very valuable improvements ; and not knowing how short, or how long, my stay in America may be, I wish very much to leave behind me whatever of good I am able, in return for the protection, which America has afforded me against the fangs of the Boroughmongers of England ; to which country, however, I always bear affection, which I cannot feel towards any other in the same de- gree, and the prosperity and honour of which I shall, I hope, never cease to prefer before the gratification of all private pleasures and emolu- ments. END Of the Treatise on Rula Baga, AND OF PART I. John M'Creery, Printer, Slack Horse-Court, Fleet-Street. YEAR'S RESIDENCE, IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Treating of the Face of the Country, the Climate, the Soil, the Products, the Mode of Cultivating the Land, the Prices of Land, of Labour, of Food, of Raiment ; of the Expenses of Housekeeping, and of the usual manner of Living ; of the Manners, Customs, and Character of the People ; and of the Government, Laws, and Religion. IN THREE PARTS. By WILLIAM COBBETT. PART II. Containing, — HL Experiments as to Cabbages. — IV. Earth- burning. — V. Transplanting Indian Corn. — "VI. Swedish Turnips. — VII. Potatoes. — VIII. Cows, Sheep, Hogs, and Poultry. — IX. Prices of Land, Labour, Working Cattle, Husbandry Implements. — X. Expenses of Housekeeping. — XI. Manners, Customs, and Character of the People. — XII. Rural Sports. — XIII. Paupers and Beggars. — XIV. Government, Laws, and Religion. LONDON: PRINTED FOR SHERWOOD, NEELY AND JONES, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1819. [Cnteteu at g^tationets' ©all; Jolin M'Creery, Printer, Black-IIorse-Ck)urt, Loodon. CONTENTS OF PART IT. Page Dedication . . . ; 193 Preface I95 Chap, III. Experiments as to Cabbages . . , . . 203 IV. Earth-burning 230 V. Transplanting Indian Corn ...... 242 VI. Swedish Turnips 252 VII. Potatoes 375 VIII. Cows, Sheep, Hogs, and Poultry . . . 303 IX. Prices of Land, Labour, Working Cattle, Husbandry Implements 318 Chap. X. Expences of Housekeeping 329 XL Manners, Customs, and Character of the People 344 Chap. XII. Rural Sports 354 XIII, Paupers and Beggars 377 XIV. Government, Laws, and Religion . . .388 DEDICATION Mr! RICHARD HINXMAN OF CHILLING IN HAMPSHIRE. North Heinpstead, Long Island, \5th Nov. 1818. MY DEAR SIR, The following little volume will give you some account of my agricultural proceedings in this fine and well-governed country; and, it will also enable you to see clearly how favourable an absence of grinding taxation and tithes is to the farmer. You have already paid to Fund- holders, Standing Armies, and Priests, more money than would make a decent fortune for two children; and, if the present system were to continue to the end of your natural life, you would pay more to support the idle and the worthless, than would maintain, during the same space of time, ten labourers and their families. The profits of your capital, care , and skill are pawned by the Boroughmongers to Q 192 DEDICATION. pay the interest of a Debt, which they have contracted for their own purposes ; a Debt, which never can, by ages of toil and of suffer- ings, on the part of the people, be either paid off or diminished. But, 1 trust, that deliver- ance from this worse than Egyptian bondage is now near at hand. The atrocious tyranny does but stagger along. At every step it discovers fresh proofs of impotence. It must come down ; and when it is down, we shall not have to envy the farmers of America, or of any country in the ^vorld. When you reflect on the blackguard conduct of the Parsons at Winchester, on the day w^ien 1 last had the pleasure to see you and our ex- cellent friend Goldsmith, you will rejoice to find, that, throughout the whole of this exten- sive country, there exists not one single animal of that description ; so that we can here keep as many cows, sows, ewes and hens as we please, with the certainty, that no prying, greedy Parson will come to eat up a part of the young ones. How long shall we English- men suffer our cow-stalls, our styes, our folds and our hen-roosts to be the prey of this prowl- ing pest? In many parts of the following pages you will trace the remarks and opinions back to conversations that have passed between us, many times in Hampshire. In the making of DEDICATION. 193 them my mind has been brought back to the feelings of those days. The certainty, that I shall always be beloved by you constitutes one of the greatest pleasures of my life ; and I am sure, that you want nothing to convince you, that I am unchangeably Your faithful and affectionate friend, Wm. cobbett q2 PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. 157. In the First Part I adopted the mode of numbering the paragraphs, a mode which I shall pursue to the end of the work; and, as the whole work may, at the choice of the pur- chaser, be bound up in one volume, or remain in two volumes, I have thought it best to re- sume the numbering at the point where I stopped at the close of the First Part. The last paragraph of that Part was 156: I, there- fore, now begin with 157. For the same reason I have, in the Second Part, resumed the paging at the point where 1 stopped in the First Part. I left off at page 186; find, I begin with 187. I have, in like manner, resumed the chaptering: so that, when the two volumes are put toge- ther, they will, as to these matters, form but one ; and those, who may have purchased the volumes separately, will possess the same book, in all respects, as those, who shall purchase the Three Parts in one Volume. 196 PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. 158. Paragraph 1. (Part I.) contains my rea- sons for numbering the paragraphs, but, be- sides the reasons there stated, there is one, which did not then occur to me, and which was left to be suggested by experience, of a description which I did not then anticipate; namely, that, in the case of more than one edition, the paging may, and generally does, differ in such manner as to bring the matter, which, in one edition, is under any given page, under a different page in another edition. This renders the work of reference very laborious at best, and, in many cases, it defeats its object. If the paragraphs of Blackstone's Commen- taries had been numbered, how much valu- able time it would have saved. I am now about to send a second edition of the First Part of this work to the press. I am quite careless about the paging: that is to say, so that the whole be comprized within the 134 pages, it is of no consequence whether the mat- ter take, with respect to the pages, precisely the same situation that it took before; and, if the paging were not intended to join on to that of the present volume, it would be no matter what were the number of pages upon the whole. I hope, that these reasons will be suf- ficient to convince the reader that I have not, in this case, been actuated by a love of sin- PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. 197 gularity. We live to learn, and to make im- provements, and every improvement must, at first, be a singularity. 159. The utility, which I thought would arise from the hastenmg out of the First Part, in June last, previous to the time for sowing Swedish Turnips, induced me to make an ugly breach in the order of my little work ; and, as it generally happens, that when disorder is once begun, it is very difficult to restore order ; so, in this case, I have been exceedingly puzzled to give to the matter of these two last Parts such an arrangement as should be worthy of a work, which, whatever may be the character of its execution, treats of subjects of great public interest. However, with the help of the Index, which I shall subjoin to the Third Part, and which will comprise a reference to the divers matters in all the three parts, and in the making of which Index an additional proof of the ad- vantage of numbering the paragraphs has ap- peared ; with the help of this Index the reader will, I am in hopes, be enabled to overcome, with- out any very great trouble, the inconveniences naturally arising from a want of a perfectly good arrangement of the subjects of the work. 160. As the First Part closes with a pro- mise to communicate the result of my experi- ments of this present year, T begin the Secqnd 108 PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. Pari with a fulfilment of that promise, parti- cularly with regard to i\\e procuring of manure hy the hurning of earth into ashes. 161. I then proceed with the other matters named in the title ; and the Third Part I shall make to consist of an account of the Westerti CoMw^ne*, furnished in the Notes of Mr. Hulme, together with a view of the advantages and disadvantages of preferring, as a place to farm in, those Countries to the Countries bordering on the Atlantic; in which view I shall include such remarks as appear to me likely to be useful to those English Farmers, who can no longer bear the lash of Boroughmongering op- pression and insolence. 162. Multifariousness is a great fault in a written work of any kind. I feel the consci- ousness of this fault upon this occasion. The facts and opinions relative to Swedish Turnips and Cabbages will be very apt to be enfeebled in their effect by those relating to manners, laws and religion. Matters so heterogeneous, the one class treated of in the detail and the other in the great, ought not to be squeezed to- gether between the boards of the same small volume. But, the fault is committed and it is too late to repine. There are, however, two subjects which I will treat of distinctly hereaf- teT.- Tlie first is that of Fencing, a subject PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. 199 which presses itself upon the attention of the American Farmer, but from which he turns with feelings like those, with which a losing tradesman turns from an examination of his books. But, attend to it he must before it be long ; or, his fields, in the populous parts of this Island at least, must lay waste, and his fuel must be brought him from Virginia or from England. Sometime before March next I shall publish an Essay on Feiicing. The form shall correspond with that of this work, in order that it may be bound up with it, if that should be thought desirable. The other subject is that of Gardening. This 1 propose to treat of in a small distinct volume, under some appro- priate title ; and, in this volume, to give alpha- helically, a description of all the plants, culti- vated for the use of the table and also of those cultivated as cattle food. To this description I shall add an account of their properties, and instructions for the cultivation of them in the best manner. It is not my intention to go beyond what is aptly enough called the Kitchen Garden ; but, as a hot-bed may be of such great use even to the farmer; and as ample materials for making beds of this sort are always at Ms command without any €a> pence, I shall endeavour to give plain direc- tions for the making and managing of a hot- 200 PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. bed. A bed of this sort, fifteen feet long, has given me, this year, the better part of an acre of fine cabbages to «iie to hogs in the parching month of Jult/. This is so very simple a mat- ter ; it is so very easy to learn ; that there is scarcely a farmer in America, who would not put the thing in practice, at once, with com- plete success. 163. Let not my countrymen, who may ha[> pen to read this suppose, that these, or any other, pursuits will withdraw my attention from, or slacken my zeal in, that cause, which is common to us all. That cause claims, and has, my first attention and best exertion ; that is the business of my life: these other pursuits are my recreaiion. King Alfred allowed eight hours for recreation, in the twenty-four, eight for sleep, and eight for business. I do not take my allowance of the two former. 164. Upon looking into the First Part, I see, that I expressed a hope to be able to give, in some part of this work, a sketch of the work of Mr. TuLL. 1 have looked at Tull, and I cannot bring my mind up to the commission of so horrid an act as that of garbling such a work. It was, perhaps, a feeling, such as that which I experience at this moment, which re- strained Mr. Cur WEN from even naming Tull, when he gave one of Tull's experiments to the PREFACE TO THE SECOND PART. 201 world as a discovery of his own. Unable to screw himself up to commit a murder, he con- tented himself with a robbery ; an instance, he may, indeed, say, of singular moderation and self-denial ; especially when we consider of what an assembly he has, with little intermis- sion, been an " Honourable Member" for the last thirty years of his life. Wm. cobbett. North Hempstead, Long Island, I5th November, 1818. YEAR'S RESIDENCE, CHAP. HI. EXPERIMENTS, IN 1818, AS TO CABBAGES. Preliminary Remarks. 165. At the time when I was writhig the First Part, I expected to be able to devote more time to my farming, during the summer, than I afterwards found that I could so de- vote without neglecting matters which I deem of greater importance. I was, indeed, obliged to leave the greater part of my out-door's busi- ness wholly to my men, merely telling them what to do. However, J attended to the things which I thought to be of the most importance. The field-culture of Carrots, Parsnips and Mangle Wurzle 1 did not attempt. I contented myself with a crop of Cabbages and of Ruta Baga and with experiments as to Earth-burn- ing and Transplanting Indian Corn. The sum- mer, and the fall also, have been remarkablij dry in Long Island^ much more dry than is usual. 204 CABBAGES. [PART II. The grass has been very short indeed. A sort of Grass-hopper, or cricket, has eaten up a con- siderable part of tlie grass and of all vege- tables, the leaves of which have come since the month of June. I am glad, that this has been the case ; for I now know what a farmer may do in the worst of years; and, when 1 consider what the suuinjer has been, 1 look at my Cab- bages and Ruta Baga with surprize as well as with satisfaction. Cabbages. 166. I had some hogs to keep, and, as my Swedish Turnips (Ruta Baga) would be gone by July, or before, 1 wished them to be suc- ceeded by cabbages. I made a hot-bed on the 20^/* of March, which ought to have been made more than a month earlier; but, I had been in Pennsylvania, and did not return home till the \3th of March. Jt requires a little time to mix and turn the dung in order to prepare it for a hot-bed ; so that mine was not a very good one ; and then my frame was hastily patched up, and its covering consisted of some old broken sashes of windows. A very shabby concern ; but, in this bed I sowed cabbages and caulifloivers. The seed came up, and the plants, though standing too thick, CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 205 grew pretty well. From this bed, they would, if I had had time, been transplanted into ano- ther, at about two and a half or three inches apart. But, such as they were, very much drawn up, I began planting them out as soon as they were about four inches high. 167. It was the \2th of May before they at- tained this height, and 1 then began planting them out in a piece of ground, pretty good, and deeply ploughed by oxen. My cauli- flowers, of which there were about three thou- sand, were too late to flower, which they never will do, unless the flower have begun to shew itself before the great heat comes. However, these plants grew very large, and afforded a great quantity of food for pigs. The outside leaves and stems were eaten by sows, store- pigs, a cow, and some oxen ; the hearts, which were very tender and nearly of the Cauliflower- taste, were boiled in a large cast-iron cal- dron, and, mixed with a little rye-meal, given to sows and young pigs. I should suppose, that these three thousand plants weighed twelve hundred pounds, and thej'^ stood upon about half an acre of land. I gave these to the animals early in July. J 68. The Cabbages, sown in the bed, con- sisted partly of Early Yorks, the seed of which had been sent me along with the Cauli- 206 CABBAGES. [part II. flower seed, from England, and had reached me at Harrisburgh in Pennsylvania ; and partly of plants, the seed of which had been given me by Mr. James Paul, Senior, of Bustleton, as I was on my return home. And this gave me a pretty good opportunity of ascertaining-, the fact as to the degenerating of cabbage seed. Mr. Paul, who attended very minutely to all such matters ; who took great delight in his garden ; who was a reading as well as a praC' tical farmer, told me, when he gave me the seed, that it would not produce loaved cab- ' bages so early as my own seed would ; for, that, though he had always selected the earliest heads for seed, the seed degenerated, and the cabbages regularly came to perfection later and later. He said, that he never should save cab- bage seed himself; but, that it was such chance-work to buy of seedsmen, that he thought it best to save some at any rate. In this case, all the plants from the English seed produced solid loaves by the 24th of June, while, from the plants of the Pennsylvania seed, we had not a single solid loaf till the 28th of July, and, from the chief part of them, not till mid-August. 169. This is a great matter. Not only have you the food earlier, and so much earlier, from the genuine seed, but your ground is occupied CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 207 SO much less time by the plants. The plants very soon shewed, by their appearance, what would be the result ; for, on the 2nd of June, Miss Sarah Paul, a daughter of Mr. James Paul, saw the plants, and while those from the English seed were even then beginning to loave, those from her father's seed were nothing more than bunches of wide spreading leaves, having no appearance of forming a head. However, they succeeded the plants from the English seed ; and, the whole, besides what were used in the House, were given to the animals. As many of the ivhile loaves as were wanted for the purpose were boiled for sows and small pigs, and the rest were given to lean pigs and the horn-cattle : and a fine resource they were ; for, so dry was the weather, and the devasta- tions of the grass-hoppers so great, that we had scarcely any grass in any part of the land ; and, if I had not had these cabbages, 1 must have resorted to Indian Corn, or Grain of some sort. 170. But, these spring-cabbage plants were to be succeeded by others, to be eaten in Sep- tember and onwards to January. Therefore, on the 27th of May, I sowed in the natural ground eleven sorts of cabbages, some of the seed from England and some got from my friend, Mr. Paul. I have noticed the extreme R 208 CABBAGES. [PART II. drought of the season. Nevertheless, I have now about two acres of cabbages of the follow- ing description. Half an acre of the Early Salisbury (earliest of all cabbages) and Early York; about 3 quarters of an acre of the Drum-head and other late cabbages; and about the same quantity of Green Savoys. The first class are fully loaved, and bursting : with these 1 now feed my animals. These will be finished by the time that I cut off my Swedish Turnip Greens, as mentioned in Part 1. Paragraph 136. Then, about mid-December, I shall feed with the second class, the Drum-heads and other late Cabbages. Then, those which are not used before the hard frosts set in, T shall put up for use through the month of January. 171. Aye! Put them up; but how? No scheme that industry or necessity ever sought after, or that experience ever suggested, with regard to the preserving of cabbages, did I leave untried last year ; and, in every scheme but one I found some inconvenience. Taking them up and replanting them closely in a slop- ing manner and covering them with straw ; putting them in pits; hanging them up in a barn; turning their heads downwards and covering them with earth, leaving the roots sticking up in the air : in short every scheme, except one, was attended with great labour, CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 209 and some of them forbade the hope of bemg able to preserve any considerable quantity ; and this one was as follows : I made a sort of la7id with the plough, and made it pretty level at top. Upon this land I laid some straw. 1 then took the cabbages, turned them upside down, and placed them (first taking off all decayed leaves) about six abreast upon the straw. Then covered them, not very thick- ly, with leaves raked up in the woods, fling- ing now and then a little dirt (boughs of any sort would be better) to prevent the leaves from being carried off by the wind. So that, when the work was done, the thing was a bed of leaves with cabbage-roots sticking up through it. I only put on enough leaves to hide all the green. If the frost came and pre- vented the taking up of the cabbages, roots and all, they might be cut off close to the ground. The root, I dare say, is of no use in the preservation. In the months of April and May, I took cabbages of all sorts from this larid perfectly good and fresh. The quantity, preserved thus, was small. It might amount to 200 cabbages. But, it was quite sufficient for the purpose. Not only did the cabbages keep better in this, than in any other way, but there they were, at all times, ready. The frost had locked up all those which were covered r2 210 CABBAGES. [PART II. with eartli, and those which lay with heads up- wards and their roots in the ground ivere rot- tmg. But, to this land I could have gone at any time, and have brought away, if the quan- tity had been large, a waggon load in ten mi- nutes. If they had been covered ivith snotv (no matter how deep) by uncovering twenty feet in length (a work of little labour) half a ton of cabbages would have been got at. This year, thinking that my Savoys, which are, at once, the best in quality and best to keep, of all winter cabbages, may be of use to send to New York, I have planted them between rows of JBrooyn-Corfi. The Broom-Corn is in roivs, eight feet apart. This enabled us to plough deep between the Broom-Corn, which, though in poor land, has been very fine. The heads are cut off; and now the stalks remain to be used as follows : I shall make lands up the piece, cut off the stalks and lay them, first a layer longways and then a layer crossways, upon the lands. Upon these I shall put my Savoys turned upside down ; and, as the stalks will be more than sufficient for this purpose, I shall lay some of them over, instead of dirt or boughs, as mentioned before. Perhai)S the leaves of the Broom-Corn, which are lying about in great quantities, may suffice for cover- ing. And, thus, all the materials for the work are upon the spot. CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 211 17-2. In quitting this matter, I may observe, that, to cover cabbages thus, in gardens as well as fields, would, in many cases, be of great use in Engla7id, and of sti41 more use in Scotland. Sometimes, a quick succession of frost, snow and thaw will completely rot every loaved cab- bage even in the South of England. Indeed no reliance is placed upon cabbages for use, as cattle-food, later than the month of December. The bulk is so large that a protection by houses of any sort cannot be thought of. Besides, the cabbages, put together in large masses would. heat and quickly rot. In gentlemen^ gardens, indeed, cabbages are put into houses, where they are hung up by the heads. But, they wither in this state, or they soon putrefy even here. By adopting the mode of preserving, which I have described above, all these incon- veniences would be avoided. Any quantity might be preserved either in fields or in gardens at a very trifling expence, compared with the bulk of the crop. 173. As to the application of my Savoys, and part of the Drum-heads, too, indeed, if I find cabbages very dear, at New York, in winter, I shall send them ; if not, there they are for my cattle and pigs. The weight of them will not be less, I should think, than ten tons. The plants were put out by tivo men in 212 CABBAGES. [PART II. one day ; and I shall think it very hard if two men do not put the whole completely up in a week. Tlie Savoys are very fine. A little too late planted out ; but still very fine ; and they were planted out under a burning sun and without a drop of rain for weeks afterwards. So far from taking any particular pains about these Savoys, I did not see them planted, and 1 never saw them for 7nore than two months after they were planted. The ground for them was prepared thus : the ground, in each inter- val between the Broom-Corn, had been, some little time before, ploughed to the rows. This left a deep furrow in the middle of the interval. Into this furrow I put the manure. It was a mixture of good mould and dung from pig- styes. The waggon went up the interval, and the manure was drawn out and tumbled into the furrow. Then the plough went twice on each side of the furrow, and turned the earth over the manure. This made a ridge, and upon this ridge the plants were planted as quickly after the plough as possible. 174. Now, then, what is the trouble; what is the expence, of all this? The seed was ex- cellent. I do not recollect ever having seen so large a piece of the cabbage kind with so few spurious plants. But, though good cabbage seed is of high pricey I should suppose, that CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 213 the seed did not cost me a quarter of a dollar. Suppose, however, it had cost ten quarters of a dollar; what would that have been, compared to the worth of the crop? For, what is the worth of ten ions of green, or moist food, in the month of March or April ? 175. The Swedish Turnip is, indeed, still more conveniently preserved, and is a richer food ; but, there are some reasons for making part of the year's provision to consist of cab- bages. As far as a thing may depend on chance, two chances are better than one. In the summer and fall, cabbages get ripe, and, as 1 have observed, in Part I. Paragraph 143, the Ruta Baga (which we will call Swedish Turnip for the future) is not so good 'till it be ripe; and is a great deal better when kept 'till Fe- bruary, than when used in December. This matter of ripeness is worthy of attention. Let any one eat a piece of white cabbage; and then eat a piece of the same sort of cabbage young and gi-een. The first he will find siveet, the latter bitter. It is the same with Turnips, and with all roots. There are some apples, wholly uneatable 'till kept a while, and then delicious* This is the case with the Swedish Turnip. Hogs will, indeed^ always eat it, young or old ; but, it is not nearly so good early, as it is when kept 'till February. However, in default of other things, I would feed with it even in November. 214 CABBAGES. [PART II. 176. For these reasons I would have my due proportion of cabbages^ and i would always, if possible, have some Green Savoys; for, it is, with cabbages, too, not only quantity which we ought to think of. The Drum-head, and some others, are called cattle-cabbage ; and hence, in England, there is an idea, that the more delicate kinds of cabbage are 7iot so good for cattle. But, the fact is, that they are as much belter for cattle, than the coarse cabbages are, as they are better for us. It would be strange indeed, that, reversing the principle of our gene- ral conduct, we should give cabbage of the best quality to cattle, and keep that of the worst quality for ourselves. In London, where taxa- tion has kept the streets as clear of bits of meat left on bones as the hogs endeavour to keep the streets of New York, there are people who go about selling '' dogs meat.'' This consists of boiled garbage. But, it is not pretended, I suppose, that dogs will not eat roast-beef; nor, is it, I suppose, imagined, that they would not prefer the roast-beef, if they had their choice ? Some j)eople pretend, that garbage and carrion are belter for dogs than beef and mutton are. That is to say, it is better for us, that they should live upon things, which we ourselves loath, than that they should share with us. Self-interest is, but too frequently, a miserable loiirician. CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 215 177. However, with regard to cattle, sheep, and pigs, as we intend to eat them, their claim to our kindness is generally more particularly and impartially listened to than that of the poor dogs ; though that of the latter, founded, as it is, on their sagacity, their fidelity, their real utility, as the guardians of our folds, our home-steads and our houses, and as the companions, or, ra- ther, the givers, of our healthful sports, is ten thousand times more strong, than that of ani- mals which live to eat, sleep, and grow fat. But, to return to the cabbages, the fact is, that all sorts of animals, which will eat them at all, like the most delicate kinds best; and, as some of these are also the earliest kinds, they ought to be cultivated for cattle. Some of the larger kinds may be cultivated too; but, they cannot be got ripe till the fall of the year. Nor is the difference in the weight of the crop so great as may be imagined. On the same land, that will bear a Drum-head of tiventy pounds, an Early York, or Early Battersea will weigh four pounds ; and these may be fifteen inches asun- der in the row, while the Drum-head requires four feet. Mind, I always suppose the roivs to he four feet apart, as stated in the First Part of this work, and for the reasons there stated. Besides the advantages of having some cab- bages early, the early ones remain so little a 216 CABBAGES. [PART 1!. time upon the ground. Transplanted Swedish Turnips, or Buckwheat, or late Cabbages, especially Savoys, may always follow them the same year upon the same land. My early cab- bages, this year, have been followed by a Second crop of the same, and now (mid-No- vember) they are hard and white and we are giving them to the animals. 178. There is a convenience attending cab- bages, which attends no other of the cattle- plants, namely, that of raising the plants with very little trouble and upon a small bit of ground. A little bed will give plants for an acre or two. The expence of seed, even of the dearest kinds, is a mere trifle, not worth any man's notice. 179. For these reasons I adhere to cabbages as the companion crop of Swedish Turnips. The Mangel Wurzel is long in the ground. In seasons of great drought, it comes up unevenly. The weeds get the start of it. Its tillage must begin before it hardly shews itself It is of the nature of the Beet, and it requires the care which the Beet requires. The same may be said of Carrots and Parsnips. The cabbage, until it be fit to plant out, occupies hardly any ground. An hours work cleans the bed of weeds ; and there the plants are always ready, when the land is made ready. The Mangel CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 217 , Wurzel root, if quite ripe, is richer than a white loaved cabhage; but, it is not more easily pre- served, and will not produce a larger crop. Cattle will eat the leaves, but hogs will not, when they can get the leaves of cabbages. Ne- vertheless, some of this root may be cultivated. It will fat an ox well ; and it will fat sheep well. Hogs will do well on it in winter. I would, if 1 were a settled farmer, have some of it ; but, it is not a thing upon which I would place my dependence. 180. As to the time of sowing cabbages, the first sowing should be in a hot-bed, so as to have the plants a month old when the frost leaves the ground. The second sowing should be when the natural ground has become warm enough to make the zveeds begin to come up freely. But, seed-beds of cabbages, and, in- deed, of every thing, should be in the open: not under a fence, whatever may be the aspect. The plants are sure to be weak, if sown in such situations. They should have the air coming freely to them in every direction. In a hot-bed, the seed should be sown in rows, three inches apart, and the plants might be thinned out to one in a quarter of an inch. This would give about ten thousand plants in a bed ten feet long, and five ivide. They will stand thus to get to a tolerable size without injuring each 218 CABBAGES. [PART II. other, if the bed be well managed as to heat and air. In the open ground, where room is plenty, the rows may be a foot apart, and the plants two inches apart in the rows. This will allow of hoeing, and here the plants will grow very finely. Mind, a large cabbage plant, as well as a large turnip plant, is better than a small one. All will grow, if well planted; but the large plant will grow best, and will, in the end, be the finest cabbage. 181. We have a way, in England, of greatly improving the plants ; but, I am almost afraid to mention it, lest the American reader should he frightened at the bare thought of the trouble. When the plants, in the seed-bed, have got leaves about an inch broad, we take them up, and transplant them in fresh ground, at about four inches apart each ivay. Here they get stout and straight; and, in about three weeks time, we transplant them again into the ground where they are to come to perfection. This is called pricking out. When the plant is re- moved the second time, it is found to be fur- nished with new roots, which have shot out of the butts of the long tap, or forked roots, which proceeded from the seed. It, therefore, takes again more readily to the ground, aild has some earth adhere to it in its passage. One hundred of pricked-out plants are always look- CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 2J9 ed upon as worth three hundred from the seed- bed. In short, no man, in England, unless he be extremely negligent, ever plants out from the seed-bed. Let any farmer try this method with only a score of plants. lie may do it with three minutes labour. Surely, he may spare three minutes, and 1 will engage, that, if he treat these plants afterwards as he does the rest, and, if all be treated well, and the crop a fair one, the three minutes will give him fifty pounds weight of any of the larger sorts of cabbages. Plants are thus raised, then taken up and tied neatly in bundles, and then brought out of Dorsetshire and Wiltshire, and sold in Hampshire for three-pence (about six cents) a hundred. So that it cannot require the heart of a lion to encounter the labour attend- ing the raising of a few thousands of plants. 182. However, my plants, this year, have all gone into the field from the seed-bed ; and, in so fine a climate, it may do very well; only great care is necessary to be taken to see that they be not too thick in the seed-bed. 183. As to the preparation of the land, as to the manuring, as to the distance of the rows from each other, as to the act of planting, and as to the after culture, all are the same as in the case of transplanted Swedish Turnips ; and, therefore, as to these matters, the reader has 220 CABBAGES. [PART II. seen enough in Part I. There is one observa- tion to make, as to the depth to which the plant ghoLiId be put into the ground. It shoukl be placed so deep, that the stems of the outside leaves be just clear of the ground; for, if you put the plant deeper, the rain will wash the loose earth in amongst the stems of the leaves, which will make an open poor cabbage ; and, if the plant be placed so low as for the heart to he covered with dirty the plant, though it will live, will come to nothing. Great care must, therefore, be taken as to this matter. If the stems of the plants be long, roots will burst out nearly all the way up to the surface of the earth. 184. The distances at which cabbages ought to stand in the roivs must depend on the sorts. The following is nearly about the mark. Early Salisbury afoot; Early York Jif teen inches; Early Battersea twenty inches; Sugar Loaf two feet; Savoys two ieei and a half; and the Drum-head, Thousand-headed, J^arge Hollow, Ox cabbage, ?i\\fo%irfeet. 185. With regard to the time of solving some more ought to be said ; for, we are not here, as in England, confined within four or five de- grees of latitude. Here some of us are living in fine, warm weather, while others of us are living amidst snows. It will be better, there- CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 221 fore, in giving opinions about times, to speak of seasons, and not of months and days. The country people, in England, go, to this day, many of them, at least, by the tides; and, what is supremely ridiculous, they go, in some cases, by the moveable tides. My gardener, at Botley, very reluctantly obeyed me, one year, in sow- ing green Kale when I ordered him to do it, because Whitsuntide was not come, and that, he said, was the proper season. " But," said I, *• Robinson, Whitsuntide comes later this year " than it did last year." " Later, Sir," said he, " how can that be?" ** Because," said I, " it " depends upon the moon when Whitsuntide "shall come." " The moonT said he: "what " sense can there be in that?" " Nay," said J, " I am sure 1 cannot tell. That is a matter " far beyond my learning. Go and ask Mr. " Baker, the Parson, He ought to be able to " tell us ; for he has a tenth part of our gar- " den stuff and fruit." The Quakers here cast all this rubbish away; and, one wonders how it can possibly be still cherished by any portion of an enlightened people. But, the truth is, that men do not think for themselves about these matters. Each succeeding gene- ration tread in the steps of their fathers, whom they loved, honoured and obeyed. They take uU upon trust. Gladly save themselves the 222 CABBAGES. [PART II. trouble of thinking about things of not imme- diate interest. A desire to avoid the reproach of being irrehgious induces them to practise an outward conformity. And thus have priest- craft with all its fiauds, extortions, and im- moralities, lived and flourished in defiance of reason and of nature. 186. However, as there are no farmers in America quite foolish enough to be ruled by the tides in sowing and reaping, 1 hurry back from this digression to say, that I cannot be ex- pected to speak of precise times for doing any work, excejit as relates to the latitude in which I live, and in which my experiments have been made. I have cultivated a garden at Fre- derickton in the Province of Neiv Srunswick, which is in latitude dhoxxi forty-eight ; and at Wilmington in Delaware State, which is in lati- tude about thirty-nine. In both these places I had as fine cabbages, turnips, and garden things of all the hardy sorts, as any man need wish to see. Indian Corn grew and ripened well in fields at Frederickton. And, of course, the summer was sufficient for the perfecting of all plants for cattle-food. And, how necessary is this food in Northern Climates ! More to the Southward than Delaware State 1 have not been; but, in those countries the farmers have to pick and choose. They have two Long CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 223 Island summers and falls, and three English, in every year. 187. According to these various circum- stances men must form their judgment; but, it may be of some use to state the length of time, which is required to bring each sort of cabbage to perfection. The following sorts are, it ap- pears to me, all that can, in any case, be neces- sary. I have put against each nearly the time, that it will require to bring it to 'perfection^ from the time of "planting out in the places where the plants are to stand to come to per- fection. The plants are supposed to be of a good size when put out, to have stood suffi- ciently thin in the seed-bed, and to have been kept clear from weeds in that bed. They are also supposed to go into ground well prepared. Early Salisbury Early York . . Early Battersea Sugar Loaf . . . Late Battersea . Red Kentish . . Drum-head . . . Thousand-headed Large hollow . . Ox cabbage . . . Savoy Six weeks. Eight weeks. Ten weeks. Eleven weeks. Sixteen weeks. Sixteen weeks. -Five months. 224 CABBAGES. [PART II. 188. It should be observed, that Savoys, which are so very rich in winter, are not so good, till they have been pinched hy front. I have put red cabbage down as a sort to be cul- tivated, because they are as good as the white of the same size, and because it may be conve- nient, in the farmer's family, to have some of them. The thousand-headed is of prodigious produce. You pull oft' the heads, of which it bears a great number at first, and others come; and so on for months, if the weather permit; so that this sort does not take five months to bring its Jirst heads to perfection. When I say perJectio?i, I mean quite hard; quite i^pe. However, this is a coarse cabbage, and requires great room. The Ox-cahhage is coarser than the Drum-head. The Large hollow is a very fine cabbage ; but it requires very good land. Some of all the sorts would be best; but, 1 hope, 1 have now given information enough to enable any one to form a judgment correct enough to begin with. Experience will be the best guide for the future. An ounce of each sort of seed would, perhaps, be enough ; and the cost is, when compared with the object, too trifling to be thought of 189. Notwithstanding all that I have said, or can say, upon the subject of cabbages, I am very well aware, that the extension of the cul- CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 225 tivation of them, in America, will be a work of time. A proposition to do any thing new, in so common a calling as agriculture, is looked at with suspicion ; and, by some, with feelings not of the kindest description ; because it seems to imply an imputation of ignorance in those to whom the proposition is made. A little reflection will, however, suppress this feeling in men of sense; and, those who still entertain it may console themselves with the assurance, that no one will desire to compel them to have stores of green, or moist, cattle- food in winter. To be ashamed to be taught is one of the greatest of human follies ; but, I must say, that it is a folly less prevalent in America than in any other country with which I am acquainted. 190. Besides the disposition to reject novel- ties, this proposition of mine has hooks to con- tend against. I read, last fall, in an Ameri- can Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, " greatly enlarged and improved,^^ some obser- vations on the culture of cabbages as cattle- food, which were well calculated to deter a reader of that book from attempting the cul- ture. I do not recollect the words; but, the substance was, that this plant could not be cul- tivated to advantage hy the farmer in America. This was the more provoking to me, as I had, s 2 226 CABBAGES. [part II. at that moment, so flue a piece of cabbages in Long Idimd. If the American Editor of this work had given his readers the bare, unim- proved, Scotch Edition, the reader would have there seen, that, in England and Scotland, they raise sixty-eight tons of cabbages (tons mind) upon an acre; and that the whole expence of an acre, exclusive of rent, is one pound, four- teen shillings and a penny ; or seven dollars and seventy-five cents. Say that the expence in America is double and the crop one half, or one fourth, if you like. Where are seventeen tons of green food in winter, or even in sum- mer, to be got for sixteen dollars ; Nay, where is that quantity, of such a quality, to be got for fifty dollars? The Scotch Edition gives an account of fifty-four tons raised on an acre where the land was worth only twelve shillings (less than three dollars) an acre. In fairness, then, the American Editor should have given to his agricultural readers what the Scotchman had said upon the subject. And, if he still thought it right to advise the American far- mers not to think of cabbages, he should, I think, have offered them some, at least, of the reasons for his believing, that that which was obtained in such abundance in England and Scotland, was not to be obtained to any profit at al here. What! will not this immense CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 227 region furnish a climate, for this purpose, equal even to Scotland, where an oat will hardly ripen; and where the crop of that miserable grain is sometimes harvested amidst ice and snow ! The proposition is, upon the face of it, an absurdity ; and my experience proves it to be false. 191. This book says, if I recollect rightly, that the culture has been tried, and has failed. Tried ? How tried ? That cabbages, and most beautiful cabbages will grow, in all parts of America, every farmer knows ; for he has them in his garden, or sees them, every year, in the gardens of others. And, if they will grow in gardens, why not in fields ? Js there common sense in supposiing, that they will not grow in a piece of laud, because it is not called a gar- den? The Encyclopaedia Britannica gives an account of twelve acres of cabbages, which would keep ^^ forty five oxen and sixty sheep *' for three months ; improving them as much as *' the grass in the best months in the year (in " England) May, June, and July." Of these large cabbages, being at four feet apart in the rows, one man will easily plant out an acre in a day. As to the seed-bed, the labour of that is nothing, as we have seen. Why, then, are men frightened at the labour? All but the mere act of planting is performed by oxen or 228 CABBAGES. [PART II. horses ; and they never complain of " the labour.' The labour of an acre of cabbages is not half so much as that of an acre of Indian Corn. The bringing in of the crop and apply- ing it are not more expensive than those of the corn. And will any man pretend, that an acre of good cabbages is not worth three times as much as a crop of good corn? Besides, if early cabbages, they are off and leave the land for transplanted Swedish Turnips, for Late Cabbages, or for Buckwheat; and, if late cab- bages, they come after early ones, after wheat, rye, oats, or barley. This is what takes place even in England, where the fall is so much shorter, as to growing weather, than it is in Long Island, and, of course, all the way to Georgia. More to the North, in the latitude of Boston, for instance, two crops of early cab- bages will come upon the same ground ; or a crop of early cabbages will follow any sort of grain, except Buckwheat. 192. In concluding this Chapter I cannot help strongly recommending farmers who may be disposed to try this culture, to try it fairly. That is to say, to employ true seed, good land, and due care; for, as " men do not gather *' grapes from thorns, nor figs from thistles," so they do not harvest cabbages from stems of rape. Then, as to the land, it must be made CHAP. III.] CABBAGES. 229 good and rich, if it be not in that state already; for a cabbage will not be fine, where a white Turnip will ; but as the quantity of land, wanted for this purpose, is comparatively very small, the land may easily be made rich. The after culture of cabbages is trifling. No weeds to plague us with Aa/irf-work. Two good ploughings, at most, will suffice. But ploughing after planting out is necessary ; and, besides, it leaves the ground in so fine a state. The trial may be on a small scale, if the farmer please. Perhaps it were best to be such. But, on whatever scale, let the trial be 2ifair trial. 193. I shall speak again of the use of cabr bages, when I come to speak of Hogs and Coivs. 230 CABBAGES. [PART II. CHAP. IV. EARTH-BURNING, 1818. 194. In paragraphs 99, 100, and 101, J spoke of a mode of procuring manure by the burning of earth, and I proposed to try it this present year. This I have now done, and I proceed to give an account of the result. 195. I have tried the efficacy of this manure on Cabbages, Swedish Turnips, Indian Corn, and Buckwheat. In the three former cases the Ashes were put into the furrow and the earth was turned over them, in the same way that I have described, in Paragraph 177, with regard to the manure for Savoys. [ put at the rate of about twenty tons weight to an acre. In the case of the Buckwheat, the Ashes were spread out of the waggon upon a little strip of land on the out-side of the piece. They were thickly spread ; and it might be, that the proportion ex- ceeded even thirty tons to the. acre. But, upon the part where the ashes were spread, the Buck- wheat was three or four times as good as upon the land adjoining. The land was very poor. It bore Buckwheat last year, without any manure. CHAP. IV.] CABBAGES. 231 It had two good ploughings then, and it had two good ploughings again this year, but had no manure, except the part above-mentioned and one other part at a great distance from it. So that the trial was very fair indeed. 196. In every instance the ashes produced great effect ; and I am now quite certain, that any crop may be raised with the help of this manure ; that is to say, any sort of crop ; for, of dung, wood-ashes, and earth-ashes, when all are ready upon the spot, without purchase or carting from a distance, the two former are certainly to be employed in preference to the latter, because a smaller quantity of them will produce the same effect, and, of course, the ap- plication of them is less expensive. But, in taking to a farm unprovided with the two former ; or under circumstances which make it profitable to add to the land under cultivation, what can be so convenient, what so cheap, as ashes procured in this way ? 197. A near neighbour of mine, Mr. Dayrea, sowed a piece of Swedish Turnips, broad-cast, in June, this year. The piece was near a wood, and there was a great quantity of clods of a grassy description. These he burnt into ashes, which ashes he spread over one half of the piece, while he put soaper's ashes over the other part of the piece. I saw the turnips in 232 CABBAGE!5. [part II. October ; and there was no visible diflference in the two parts, whether as to the vigourousness of the plants or the bulk of the turnips. They were sown broad-cast, and stood unevenly upon the ground. They were harvested a month ago (it is now 20 No* ember), which was amontli too early. They would have been a tliird, at least, more in bulk, and much better in quality, if they had remained in the ground until now. The piece was 70 paces long and 7 paces wide; and, the reader will find, that, as the piece produced forty bushels, this was at th^ rate oi Jour hundred bushels to the acre. 198. What quantity of earth ashes were spread on this piece it is impossible to ascer- tain with precision; but, I shall suppose the quantity to have been very large indeed in pro- portion to the surface of the land. Let it be four times the quantity of tlie soaper's ashes. Still, the one was made upon the spot, at, perhaps, a tenth part of the cost of the other; and, as such ashes can be made upon any farm, there can be no reason for not trying the thing, at any rate, and which trying may be effected upon so small a scale as not to exceed in expence a half of a dollar. I presume, that many farmers will try this method of obtaining manure ; and, therefore, I will describe how the burning is effected. CHAP. IV.] CABBAGES. 233 199. There are two ways of producing ashes from earth : the one in heaps upon the ground, and the other within walls of turf, or earth. The first, indeed, is the burning of turf, or peat. But, let us see how it is done. 200. The surface of the land is taken off to a depth of two or three inches, and turned the earth side uppermost to dry. The land, of course, is covered with grass, or heath, or something the roots of which hold it together, and which makes the part taken off take the name of turf. In England, this operation is performed with a turf cutler, and by hand. The turfs are then taken, or a part of them, at least, and placed on their edges, leaning against each other, like the two sides of the roof of a house. In this state they remain, 'till they are dry enough to burn. Then the burning is begun in this way. A little straw and some dry sticks, or any thing that will make a trifling fire, is lighted. Some little bits of the turf are put to this. When the turf is on fire, more bits are carefully put round against the open- ings whence the smoke issues. In the course of a day or two the heap grows large. The burn- ing keeps working on the inside, though there never appears any blaze. Thus the field is studded with heaps. After the first fire is got to be of considerable bulk, no straw i^ wanted 234 CAfiBAGES. [part II. for other heaps, because a good shovel full of fire can be carried to light other heaps ; and so, until all the heaps are lighted, ^i'hen the workman goes from heap to heap, and carries the turf to all, by degrees, putting some to each heap every day or two, until all the field be burnt. He takes care to keep in the smoke as much as possible. When all the turf is put on, the field is left ; and, in a week or two, whether it rain oj" not, the heaps are ashes instead of earth. The ashes are afterwards spread upon the ground ; the ground is plrpghed and sowed ; and this is regarded as the- very best preparation for a crop of turnips. 201. This is called '■'■paring and hnrning.'' It was introduced into England by the Ro- mans, and it is strongly recommended in the First Oeorgic of Virgil, in, as Mr. Tuli- shows, very tine poetry, very bad philosophy, and still worse logic. It gives three or four crops upon even poor land ; but, it 7'uins the land for an age. Hence it is, that tenants, in England, are, in many cases, restrairied from paring and burnmg, especially towards the close of their leases. It is the Roman husbandry, which has always been followed, until within a cen- tury, by the French and English. It is im- plicitly followed in France to this day ; as it is by the great mass of common farmers in CHAP. IV."] CABBAGES. 235 England. All the foolish country sayings about Triday being an unlucky day to begin any thing fresh upon ; about the noise of Geese foreboding bad weather ; about the signs of the stars; about the inlluence of the moon on animals : these, and scores of others, equally ridiculous and equally injurious to true philo- sophy and religion, came from the Romans, and are inculcated in those books, which pedants call " classical,'' and which are taught to *' young gentlemen' at the universities and in academies. Hence, too, the foolish notions of sailors about Friday, which notions very often retard the operations of commerce. I have known many a farmer, when his wheat was dead ripe, put off the beginning of harvest from Thursday to Saturday, in order to avoid Fri- day. The stars save hundreds of thousands of lambs and pigs from sexual degradation at so early an age as the operation would otherwise be performed upon them. These heathen notions still prevail even in America as far as relates to this matter. A neighbour of mine in Long Island, who was to operate on some pigs and lambs for me, begged me to put the thing off for a while ; for, that the Almanac told him, that the signs were, just then, as unfavourable as possible. I begged him to proceed, for that X set all stars at defiance. He very kindly 236 CABBAGES. [pART II. complied, and had the pleasure to see, that every pig and lamb did well. He was sur- prized when 1 told him, that this mysterious matter was not only a bit oi priest-craft, but of heathen priest-craft, cherished by priests of a more modern date, because it tended to be- wilder the senses and to keep the human mind in subjection. '' What a thing it is, Mr. " Wiggins," said I, " that a cheat practised upon "the pagans of Italy, two or three thousand *' years ago, should, by almanac-makers, be *' practised on a sensible farmer in America !" If i3riests, instead of preaching so much about mysteries, were to explain to their hearers the origin of cheats like this, one might be ready to allow, that the wages paid to them were not wholly thrown away. 202. 1 make no apology for this digression ; for, if it have a tendency to set the minds of only a few persons on the track of detecting the cheatery of priests, the room which it oc- cupies will have been well bestowed. 203. To return to paring and burning ; the reader will see with what ease it might be done in America, where the sun would do more than half the work. Besides the /?arm^' might be done with the plough. A sharp shear, going shallow, could do the thing per- fectly well. Cutting across would make the sward into turfs. CHAP. IV.] CABBAGES. 237 204. So much for paring and burning. But, what I recommend is, not to burn the land which is to be cultivated, but other earth, for the purpose of getting ashes to be brought on the land. And this operation, I perform thus: I make a circle, or an oblong square. 1 cut sods and buihl a wall all round, three feet thick and four feet high. I then light a fire in the middle with straw, dry sticks, boughs, or such like matter. I go on making this fire larger and larger till it extends over the whole of the bottom of the pit, or kiln. J put on roots of trees or any rubbish wood, till there be a good thickness of strong coals. J then put on the driest of the clods that I have ploughed up round abOut so as to cover all the fire over. The earth thus put in will burn. You will see the smoke coming out at little places here and there. Put more clods wherever the smoke appears. Keep on thus for a day or two. By this time a great mass of fire will be in the inside. And now you may dig out the clay, or earth, any where round the kiln, and fling it on without ceremony, always taking care to keep in the smoke; for, if you sufliier that to continue coming out at any one place, a hole will soon be made ; the main force of the fire will draw to that hole ; a blaze, like that of a volcano will come out, and the fire will be ex- tinguished. 238 CABBAGES. [PART II. 205. A very good way, is, to put your finger into the top of the heap here and there ; and if you find the fire very 7i€ar, throw on more earth. Not too jnuch at a time; for that weighs too heavily on the fire, and keeps it back ; and, at Jirst, will put it partially out. You keep on thus augmenting the kiln, till you get to the top of the walls, and then you may, if you like, raise the walls, and still go on. No rain will aflect the fire when once it is become strong. 206. The principle is to keep out air, whether at the top or the sides, and this you are sure to do, if you keep in the smoke. I burnt, this last summer, about thirty waggon loads in one round kiln, and never saw the smoke at all after the first four days. I put in my finger to try whether the fire was near the top ; and when I found it approaching, I put on more earth. Never was a kiln more com- pletely burnt. 207. Now, this may be done on the skirt of any wood, where the matters are all at hand. This mode is far preferable to the above-ground burning in heaps. Because, in the first place, there the materials must be turf, and dry turf; and, in the next place, the smoke escapes there, which is the finest part of burnt matter. Soot, \ye know well, is more powerful than ashes ; CHAP. IV.] CABBAGES. 239 and, soot is composed of the grossest part of the smoke. That which flies out of the chimney is the best part of all. 208. In case of a want of t«;ooress, I will give some ac- count of the result of his labours. 237. This year has shown me, that America is not wholly exempt from that mortal enemy of turnips, the Jfy, which mawled some of mine, and which carried off a M'hole piece for Mr, Judge Lawrence at Bay-side. Mr. Byrd says, CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 2(31 that he thinks, that to soak the seed m fish-oil is of use as a protection. It is very easy to trif it ; but, the best security is, pretty early sowing thick, and transplanting. However, this has been a singular year ; and, even this year, the ravages of the fly have been, generally speaking, but trifling. 238. Another enemy has, too, made his ap- pearance : the caterpillar ; which came about the tenth of October. These eat the leaves ; and, sometimes, they will, as in England, eat all up, if left alone. In Mr. Byrd's field, they were proceeding on pretty rapidly, and, therefore he took up his turnips earlier than he would have done. Wide rows are a great protection against these sinecure gentry of the fields. They at- tacked me on the outside of a piece joining some buck-wheat, where they had been bred. When the buckwheat was cut, they sallied out upon the turnips, and, like the spawn of real Borough mongers, they, after eating all the leaves of the first row, went on to the second, and were thus proceeding to devour the whole. I went with my plough, ploughed a deep fur- row yi-om the rows of turnips, as far as the cater- pillars had gone. Just shook the plants and gave the top of the ridge a bit of a sweep with a little broom. Then hurried them alive, by turning the furrows back. Oh ! that tlie people of 262 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [PART it. England could treat the Borough-villains and their swarms in the same way ! Then might they hear without envy of the easy and happy lives of American farmers ! 239. A good sharp frost is the only complete doctor for this complaint; but, wide rows and ploughing will do much, where the attack is made in line, as in my case. Sometimes, how- ever, the enemy starts up, here and there, all over the field; and then you must plough the whole field, or be content with turnips without greens, and with a diminished crop of turnips into the bargain. Mr. Byrd told me, that the caterpillars did 7iot attack the part of the field which he ploughed after the 2\st of September with nearly so much fury as they attacked the rest of the field ! To be sure ; for, the turnip leaves there, having received fresh vigour from tlie ploughing, were of a taste more acrid ; and, you always see, that insects and reptiles, that feed on leaves and bark, choose the most sickly or feeble plants to begin upon, because the juices in them are sweeter. So that here is another reason, and not a weak one, for deep and late ploughing. 240. I shall speak again of Swedish turnips when 1 come to treat of hogs; but, I will here add a few remarks on the subject of preserving the roots. In paragraph 106, I described the CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 263 manner in which 1 stacked my turnips last year. That did very well. But, I will not, this year, make any hole in the ground, I will pile up about thirty bushels upon the level ground, in a pyra- midical form, and then, to keep the earth from running amongst them, put over a little straw, or leaves of trees, and about four or five inches of earth over the whole. For, mind, the object is not to prevent freezing. The turnips will freeze as hard as stones. But, so that they do not see the siin, or the light, till they are thavjed, it is no matter. This is the case even with apples. J preserved ivhite turnips this w^ay last year. Keep the light out, and all will be safe with every root that 1 know any thing of, except that miserable thing, the potatoe, which, consisting of earth, of a small portion of flour, and of water unmixed ivith sugar, will freeze to per- dition, if it freeze at all. Mind, it is no matter to the animals, whether the Swedish turnip, the white turnip, or the cabbage, be frozen, or not, at the time when they eat them. They are just as good ; and are as greedily eaten. Other- wise, how would our sheep in England fatten on turnips (even white turnips) in the open fields and amidst snows and hard frosts? But, a potatoe, let the frost once touch it, and it is wet dirt. 241. I am of opinion, that if there were no 264 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [PART II. earth put over the turnip heaps, or stacks, it M^ould be better; and, it would be much more convenient. I shall venture it for a part of my crop ; and I would recommend others to try it. The Northern Winter is, therefore, no objection to the raising of any of these crops ; and, indeed, the crops are far more necessary there than to the Southward, because the Northern Winter is so much longer than the Southern. Let the snows (even the Nova Scotia snows) come. There are the crops safe. Ten minutes brings in a waggon load at any time in winter, and the rest remain safe till spring. 242. I have been asked how I would manage the Swedish turnips, so as to keep them 'till June or July. In April (for Long Island) ; that is to say, when the roots begin to shoot out greens, or, as they will be, yellows, when hidden from the light. — Let me stop here a moment, to make a remark which this circum- stance has suggested. I have said before, that if you keep the bulbs from the light, they will freeze and thaw without the least injury. I was able to give no reason for this ; and who can give a reason for leaves being yellow if they grow in the dark, and green, if they grow in the light ? It is not the sun (except as the source of light) that makes the. green; for any plant that grows in constant shade will be green ; while CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 2(J5 one that grows in the dark will be yellow. When my sou, James, was about three years old, Lord Cochrane, lying against a green bank in the garden with him, had asked him many questions about the sky, and the river, and the sun and the moon, in order to learn what were the notions, as to those objects, in the mind of a child. James grew tired, for, as Rousseau, in his admirable exposure of the folly of teaching hy question mid answer^ observes, nobody likes to be questioned, B.nd especially children. "Well," said James, *' now you tell me something : what '" is it that makes the grass green" His Lord- ship told him it was the smi. " Why," said James, pulling up some grass, " you see it is *' ivhite dotvn hei-e." " Aye," replied my Lord, " but that is because the sun cannot get at it." " How get at it ?" said James : " The sun makes " it hot all the way down." Lord Cochrane came in to me, very much delighted : " Here," said he, " little Jemmy has started a fine sub- " ject of dispute for all the philosophers." if this page should have the honour to meet the eye of Lord Cochrane, it will remind him of one of the many happy hours that we have passed together, and I beg him to regard any mention of the incident as a mark of that love and re- spect which I bear towards him, and of the 2tl6 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [pART II. ardent desire I constantly lipvc to see him avenged on all vile, cov^ardly, perjured and in- famous )3ersecutors. 243. When any one has told me, what it is that makes " grass green," T shall be able to tell him what it is that makes darkness preserve turnips; and, in the meanwhile, lam quite con. tent with a perfect knowledge of the effects. 244. So far for the preservation ^rhile winter lasts; but, then, how to manage the roots when spring comes? Take the turnips out of the heaps ; spread them upon the ground round about, or any where else in the sun. Let them get perfectly dry. If they lie a month in sun and rain alternately, it does not signify. They will take no injury. Throw them on a barns Jloor ; throw them into a shed; put them any where out of the way ; only do not put them in thick heaps '., for then they will heat, perhaps, and grow a little. I believe they may be kept the ivhole year perfectly sound and good ; but, at any rate, I kept them thus, last year, Hill, July. 245. Of saving seed I have some little to say. I saved some, in order to see whether it degene- rated ; but, having, before the seed was ripe, had such complete proof of the degeneracy of cabbage seed; having been assured by Mr. William Smith, of Great Neck, that the CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 267 Swedish turnip seed had degenerated with him to a long whitish root ; and, having, besides, seen the long, pale looking things in New York Market in June ; I took no care of what 1 had growing, being sure of the real sort from Eng- land. However, Mr. Byrd's were from his own seed, which he has saved for several years. They differ from mine. They are longer in proportion to their circumference. The leaf is rather more pointed, and tlie inside of the bulb is not of so deep a yellow. Some of Mr, Byrd's have a little hole towards the crown, and the flesh is spotted with white where the green is cut off. He ascribes these defects to the season ; and it may be so ; but, I perceive them in none of my turnips, which are as clear and as sound, though not so large, as they were last year. 246. Seed is a great matter. Perhaps the best way, for farmers in general, would be always to save some, culling the plants care- fully, as mentioned in paragraph 32. This might be sown, and also some English seed, the expense being so very trifling compared with the value of the object. At any rate, by saving some seed, a man has something to sow ; and he has it always ready. He might change his seed once in three or four years. But, never forgetting carefully to select the plants, from which the seed is to be raised. 268 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [pART II. POSTSCRIPT TO THE CHAPTER ON SWEDISH TURNIPS. 247. Since writing the above, I have seeii Mr. Judge Mitchell, and having requested him to favour me with a written account of his experiment, he has obhgingly complied with my request in a letter, which I here insert, together with my answer. Ploudome, 7 Dec. 1818. Dear Sir, 248. About the first of June last, I received the First Part of your Years Residence in the United States, which I was much pleased with, and particularly the latter part of the book, which contains a treatise on the culture of the Ruta Baga. This mode of culture was new to me, and I thought it almost impossible that a thousand bushels should be raised from one acre of ground. However, I felt very anxious to try the experiment in a small way. 24i). Accordingly, on the 6th day of June, I ploughed up a small piece of ground, joining my salt meadow, containing sixty-Jive rods, that had not been ploughed for nearly thirty years. I ploughed the ground deep, and spread on it CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 269 about ten waggon loads of composiiion manure ; that is to say, rich earth and yard manure mixed in a heap, a layer of each alternately. I then harrowed the ground with an iron-toothed harrow, until the surface was mellow, and the manure well mixed with the earth. 250. On the first of July 1 harrowed the ground over several times, and got the surface in good order ; but, in consequence of such late ploughing, I dared not venture to cross-plough, for fear of tearing up the sods, which were not yet rotten. On the 7th of July I ridged the ground, throwing four furrows together, and leaving the tops of the ridges four feet asunder, and without putting in any manure. I went very shoal with the plough, because deep ploughing would have turned up the sods. 251. On the eighth of July I sowed the seed, in single rows on the tops of the ridges, on all the ridges except about eighteen. On eight of these I sowed the seed on the 1 9th of July, when the first sowing was up, and very severely attacked by the Jlea ; and I was fearful of losing the whole of the crop by that insect. About the last of July there came a shower, which gave the turnips a start ; and, on the eighth day of August I transplanted eight of the remaining rows, early in the morning. The weather was now very dry^ and the turnips sown on the 19th 270 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [PART II. of July were just coming up. On tlie 10th of August I transplanted the two other rows at mid-day, and, in consequence of such dry wea- ther, the tops all died: but, in a few days, began to look green. And, in a few weeks, those that had been transplanted looked as thrifty as those that had been sown. 252. On the 10th of August I regulated the sown rows, and left the plants standing from six to twelve inches apart. 253. A part of the seed I received from you, and a part I had from France a few years ago. When I gathered the crop, the transplanted turnips were nearly as large as those that stood where they were sown. 254. The following is the produce: Two hundred and two bushels on sixty-Jive rod of ground; a crop arising from a mode of cultiva- tion for which, Sir, T feel very much indebted to you. This crop, as you will perceive, wants but two bushels and a fraction osi five hundred bushels to the acre; and I verily believe, that, on this mode of cultivation, an acre of land, which will bring ahundred bushels oi corn ears, will produce from seve7i to eight hundred bushels of the Ruta Baga Turnip. 255. Great numbers of my turnips weigh six pounds each. The greens were almost wholly destroyed by a caterjjillar, which 1 never before CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 271 saw ; so that 1 had no opportunity of trying the use of them as cattle-food; but, as to the root^ cattle and hogs eat it greedily, and cattle as well as hogs eat up the little bits that remain attached to the fibres, when these are cut from the bulbs. 256. I am now selling these turnips at half a dollar a bushel. 257. With begging you to accept of my thanks for the useful information, which, in common with many others, 1 have received from your Treatise on this valuable plant, 1 remain, Dear Sir, Your most obedient servant. Singleton Mitchell. To Mr, William Cobhett, Hyde Park. 258. P. S. I am very anxious to see the Second Part of your Years Residence. When will it be published.'' ANSWER. Hyde Park, 9th Dec. 1818. Dear Sir, 259. Your letter has given me very great pleasure. You have really tried the thing: X '272 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [PART II. you have given it a/air trial. Mr. Tull, when people said of his horse-hoing system, thai they had tried zV, and found it not to answer, used to reply: " What have they tried? all lies in " the little word IT." 260. You have really tried it; and very in- teresting your account is. It is a complete answer to all those, who talk about loss of ground from four-feet ridges ; and especially when we compare your crop with that of Mr. James Byrd, of Flushing; whose ground was prepared at an early season ; who manured richly ; who kept his land like a neat garden ; and, in short, whose field was one of the most beautiful objects of which one can form an idea ; but, whose ridges were about two feet and a half apart, instead of four feety and who had three hundred and Jifty bushels to the acre, while you, with all your disadvantages of late ploughing and sods beneath, had at the rate oifive hundred bushels, 261. From so excellent a judge as you are, to hear commendation of my little Treatise, must naturally be very pleasing to me, as it is a proof that I have not enjoyed the protection of America without doing something for it in return. Your example will be followed by thousands ; a new and copious source of human sustenance will be opened to a race of free and CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 273 happy people; and to have been, though in the smallest degree, instrumental in the creating of this source, will always be a subject of great satisfaction, to, Dear Sir, Your most obedient. And most humble servant, Wm. Cobbett. 262. P. S. I shall to-morrow send the Second Part of my Years Residence to the press. 1 dare say it will be ready in three weeks. 263. I conclude this chapter by observingy that a boroughmonger hirehng, who was actu- ally fed with pap, purchased by money paid to his father by the minister Pitt, ybr writing and puhlishing lies against the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, the acknowledgment of the facts relating to which transaction, Isaiv in the father's own hand-writing; this hireling, when he heard of my arrival on Long Island, called it my Lemnos, which allusion will, I hope, prove not to have been wholly inapt; for, though my life is precisely the reverse of that of the unhappy Philoctetes, and though I do not hold the arrows of Hercules, 1 do possess arrows; 1 make them felt too at a great dis- tance, and, I am not certain, that my arrows X 2 274 SWEDISH TURNIPS. [PART II. are not destined to be the only means of de- stroying the Trojan Boroughmongers. 264. Having introduced a Judge here by name, it may not be amiss to say, for the in- formation of my English readers, what sort of persons these Long-Island Judges are. They are, some of them, Resident Judges, and others Circuit Judges. They are all gentlemen of known independerit fortune^ and of known ex- cellent characters and understanding. They re- ceive a mere acknowledgment for their services ; and they are, in all respects, liberal gentlemen. Those with whom I have the honour to be ac- quainted have fine and most beautiful estates ; and I am very sure, that what each actually expends in acts of hospitality and benevolence surpasses what such a man as Surrough, or Richards, or Railey, or Gibbs, or, indeed, any of the set, expends upon every thing, except taxes. Mr. Judge Laurence, who came to invite me to his house as soon as he heard of my landing on the Island, keeps a house such as I never either saw or heard of before. My -son James went with a message to him a little while ago, and, as he shot his way along, he was in his shooting dress. He found a whole house full of company, amongst whom were the cele- brated Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Clinton, the CHAP. VI.] SWEDISH TURNIPS. 275 Governor of this state ; but, they made him stay and dine. Here was he, a boy, with his rough, shooting dress on, dining with Judges, Sheriffs, and Generals, and with the Chief Magistrate of a Commonwealth more extensive, more popu- lous, and forty times as rich as Scotland ; a Chief Magistrate of very great talents, but in whom empty pride forms no ingredient. Big wigs and long robes and supercilious airs, are necessary only when the object is to deceive and overawe the people. I'll engage that to supply Judge Laurence's house that one week required a greater sacrifice of animal life than merciful Gibbs's kitchen demands in a year: but, then, our hearty and liberal neighbour never deals in human sacrifices. 376 roTATOEs. [part II. CHAP. VII. POTATOES. 265. I HAVE made no experiments as to this root, and I am now about to offer my opinions as to the mode of cultivating it. But, so much has been said and wntten againsf; me on account of my scouting the idea of this root being pro- per asj'oodfor man, I will, out of respect for public opinion, here state my reasons for think- ing that the Potafoe is a root, worse thaii use- less. 266. When I published some articles upon this subject, in England, I was attacked by the Irish writers with as much fury as the New- foundlanders attack people who speak against the Pope ; and with a great deal less reason ; for, to attack a system, which teaches people to fill their bellies with fish for the good of their souls, might appear to be dictated by malice against the sellers of the fish ; whereas, my at- tack upon Potatoes, was no attack upon the sons of St. Patrick, to whom, on the contrary, I wished a better sort of diet to be afforded. Nevertheless, I was told, in the Irish papers. CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 277 not that 1 was a fool: that might have been rational; but, when 1 was, by these zealous Hibernians, called a liai', a slanderer, a viper, and was reminded of all my political sins, T could not help thinking, that, to use an Irish Peeress's expression with regard to her Lord, there was a little of the Potatoe sprouting out of their head. 267. These rude attacks upon me even were all nameless, however ; and, with nameless ad- versaries I do not like to join battle. Of one thing J am very glad ; and that is, that the Irish do not like to live upon what their accom- plished countryman Doctor Drennan, calls '' Ireland's laz^ root'' There is more sound political philosophy in that poem than in all the enormous piles of Plowden and Musgrave. When I called it a lazi/ root ; when I satyrized the use of it ; the Irish seemed to think, that their national honour was touched. But, I am happy to find, that it is not taste, hwinecessity^ which makes them mess-mates with the pig ; for when they come to this country ; they in- variably prefer to their '-^favourite root," not only fowls, geese, ducks and turkeys, but even the flesh of oxen, pigs and sheep ! 268. In 1815, I wrote an article, which I will here insert, because it contains my opinions upon this subject. And when I have done 278 POTATOES. [part II. that, I will add some calculations as to the couiparative value of an acre of wheat and an acre of potatoes. The article was a letter to the Editor of the Agricultural Magazine ; and was in the following words. To THE Editor of the Agricultural Ma- gazine. Sir, 269. In an article of your Magazine for the month of September last, on the subject of my Letters to Lord Sheffield, an article with which, upon the whole, I have reason to be very proud, you express your dissent with me upon some matters, and particularly relative to potatoes. The passage to which I allude, is in these words : " As to a former diatribe of his " on Potatoes, we regarded it as a pleasant ex- *' ample of argument for argument's sake ; as " an agreeable jumble of truth and of mental " rambling." 270. Now, Sir, 1 do assure you, that I never was more serious in my life, than when I wrote the essay, or, rather, casually made the ob- servations against the cultivation and use of this lu or se than useless root. If it was argument for argument's sake, no one, that 1 can recollect, ever did me the honour to sIf^ow that the argu- CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 279 ment was fallacious. I think it a subject of great importance ; I regard the praises of this root and the preference given to it before corn, and even some other roots, to have arisen from a sort of monkey-like imitation. It has become, of late years, the fashion to extol the virtues of potatoes, as it has been to admire the writings of Milton and Shakespear. God, almighty and all fore-seeing, first permitting his chief angel to be disposed to rebel against him ; his per- mitting him to enlist whole squadrons of angels under his banners ; his permitting this host to come and dispute with him the throne of heaven ; his permitting the contest to be long, and, at one time, doubtful ; his permitting the devils to bring cannon into this battle in the clouds ; his permitting one devil or angel, I forget which, to be split down the middle, from crown to crotch, as we split a pig ; his per- mitting the two halves, intestines and all, to go slap, up together again, and become a perfect body ; his, then, causing all the devil host to be tumbled head-long down into a place called Hell, of the local situation of which no man can have an idea ; his causing gates (iron gates too) to be erected to keep the devil in ; his per- mitting him to get out, nevertheless, and to come and destroy the peace and happiness of his new creation ; his causing his son to take a 280 POTATOKS. [part 1 1. pair of compasses out of a drawer, to trace the form of the earth : all this, and, indeed, the whole of Milton's poem, is such barbarous trash, so outrageously offensive to reason and to common sense, that one is naturally led to wonder how it can have been tolerated by a people, amongst whom astronomy, navigation, and chemistry are understood. But, it is the fashion to turn up the eyes, when Paradise Lost is mentioned ; and, if you fail herein you want taste; you yvixwi judgment even, if you do not admire this absurd and ridiculous stuff, when, if one of your relations were to write a letter in the same strain, you would send him to a mad-house and take his estate. It is the sacrificing of reason to fashion. And as to the other " Divine Bard," the case is still more pro- voking. After his ghosts, witches, sorcerers, fairies, and monsters ; after his bombast and puns and smut, which appear to have been not much relished by his comparatively rude con- temporaries, had had their full swing ; after hundreds of thousands of pounds had been ex- pended upon embellishing his works ; after numerous commentators and engravers and painters and booksellers had got fat upon the trade ; ?SteY jubilees had been held in honour of his memory ; at a time when there were men, otherwise of apparently good sense, who were CHAP VII.] POTATOES. 1IS\ what was aptly enough termed Shakespear-mad. At this very moment an occurrence took place, which must have put an end, for ever, to this national folly, had it not been kept up by infatuation and obstinacy without parallel. Young Ireland, I think his name was Wil- liam, no matter from what motive, though I never could see any harm in his motive, and have always thought him a man most unjustly and brutally used. No matter, however, what were the inducing circumstances, or the motives, he did write, and bring forth, as being Shakes- pear's, some plays, a prayer, aud a love-letter. The learned men of England, Ireland and Scot- land met to examine these performances. Some doubted, a few denied; but, the far greater part, amongst whom were Dr. Parr, Dr. Wharton, and Mr. George Chalmers, declared, in the most positive terms, that no man but Shakespear could have written those things. There was a division ; but this division arose more fi'om a suspicion of some trick, than from any thing to be urged against the merit of the writings. The plays went so far as to be ACTED. Long lists of subscribers appeared to the work. And, in short, it was decided, in the most unequivocal manner, that this young man of sixteen years of age had written so nearly like Shakespear, that a majority of the learned and 282 POTATOES. [part II. critical classes of the nation most firmly believ- ed the writings to be Shakespear's ; and, there cannot be a doubt, that, if Mr. Ireland had been able to keep his secret, they would have passed for Shakespear's 'till the time shall come when the whole heap of trash will, by the na- tural good sense of the nation, be consigned to everlasting oblivion ; and, indeed, as folly ever doats on a darling, it is very likely, that these last found productions of " our immortal hard" would have been regarded as his best. Yet, in spite of all this ; in spite of what one would have thought was sufficient to make blind people see, the fashion has been kept up ; and, what excites something more than ridicule and contempt, Mr. Ireland, whose writings had been taken for Shakespear's, was, when he made the discovery y treated as an impostor and a cheats and hunted down with as much ran- cour as if he had written against the buying and selling of seats in Parliament. The learned men ; the sage critics ; the Shakespear-mad folks ; were all so ashamed^ that they endeavoured to draw the public attention from themselves to the young man. It was of his impositions that they now talked, and not of their own folly. When the witty clown, mentioned in Don Quixote, put the nuncio's audience to shame by pulling the real pig out from under his CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 283 cloak, we do not find that that audience were, like our learned men, so unjust as to pursue him with reproaches and with every act that a vindictive mind can suggest. They perceived how foolish they had been, they hung down their heads in silence, and, I dare say, would not easily be led to admire the mountebank again. 271. It is fashion, Sir, to which in these most striking instances, sense and reason have yielded ; and it is to fashion that the potatoe owes its general cultivation and use. If you ask me whether fashion can possibly make a nation prefer one sort of diet to another, I ask you what it is that can make a nation admire Shakespear ? What is it that can make them call him a " Divine Bard," nine-tenths of whose works are made up of such trash as no decent man, now-a-days, would not be ashamed, and even afraid, to put his name to? What can make an audience in London sit and hear, and even applaud, under the name of Shakespear, what they would hoot off the stage in a moment, if it came forth under any other name ? When folly has once given the fashion she is a very persevering dame. An American writer, whose name is George Dorsey, I believe, and who has recently published a pamphlet, called, "The " United States and England, &c." being a 284 POTATOES. [part II, reply to an attack on the morals and govern- ment and learning of the Americans, in the •' Qnarterly Review," states, as matter of jus- tification, that the People of America sigh with delight to see the plays of Shakespear, whom they claim as their countryman; an ho- nour, if it be disputed, of which I will make any of them a voluntary surrender of my share. Now, Sir, what can induce the American to sit and hear with delight the dialogues of Falstaff and Poins, and Dame Quickely and Doll Tear- sheet? What can restrain them from pelting Parson Hugh, Justice Shallow, Bardolph, and the whole crew off the stage? What can make them endure a ghost cap-a-pie, a prince, who, ioY justice sake, pursues his uncle and his mo- ther, and who stabs an old gentleman in sport, and cries out " dead for a ducat ! dead !" What can they find to " delight" them in punning clowns, in ranting heroes, in sorcerers, ghosts, witches, fairies, monsters, sooth-sayers, dream- ers ; in incidents out of nature, in scenes most unnecessarily bloody. How they must be de- lighted at the story of Lear putting the ques- tion to his daughters of vjhich loved him most, and then dividing his kingdom among them, according to their professions of love; how de- lighted to see the fantastical disguise of Edgar, the treading out Gloucester s eyes, and the trick CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 283 by which it is pretended he was made to be- lieve, that he had actually fallen from the top of the cliff! How they must be delighted to see the stage filled with green boughs, like a coppice, as in Macbeth, or streaming like a slaughter-house, as in Titus Andronicus ! How the young girls in America must be tickled with delight at the dialogues in Troilus and Cressida, and more especially at the pretty ob- servations of the Nurse, 1 think it is, in Romeo and Juliet! But, it is the same all through the work. I know of one other, and onl^ one othei\ book, so obscene as this ; and, if I were to judge from the high favour in which these two books seem to stand, [ should conclude, that wild and improbable fiction, bad principles of morality and politicks, obscurity in meaning, bombas- tical language, forced jokes, puns, and smut, were fitted to the minds of the people. But I do not thus judge. It is Jashion. These books are in fashion. Every one is ashamed not to be in the fashion. It is the fashion to extol potatoes, and to eat potatoes. Every one joins in extolling potatoes, and all the world like potatoes, or pretend to like them, which is the same thing in effect. 272. [n those memorable years of wisdom, 1800 and 1801, you can remember, [ dare say, the grave discussions in Parliament about pota- "286 POTATOES. [part II. toes. It was proposed by some one to make a laiv to encourage the growth of them; and, if the Bill did not pass, it was, I believe, owing to the ridicule which Mr. Home Tooke threw upon that whole system of petty legislation. Will it be believed, in another century, that the law-givers of a great nation actually passed a law to compel people to eat pollard in their bread, and that, too, not for the purpose of degrading or punishing, but for the purpose of doing the said people good by adding to the quantitt/ of bread in a time of scarcity ? Will this be believed? In every bushel of wheat there is a certain proportion oi flour, suited to the appetite and the stomach of man ; and a certain proportion of pollard and hran, suited to the appetite and stomach of pigs, cows, and sheep. But the parliament of the years of wis- dom wished to cram the ivhole down the throat of man, together with the flour of other grain. And what was to become of the pigs, cows, and sheep? Whence were the pork, butter, and mutton to come? And were not these articles of human food as well as bread ? The truth is, that pollard, bran, and the coarser kinds of grain, when given tO cattle, make these cattle fat ; but when eaten by man make him lean and weak. And yet this bill actually became a law! CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 287 273. That period of wisdom was also the period of the potatoe-inania. Bulk was the only thing sought after ; and, it is a real fact, that Pitt did suggest the making of beer out of straw. Bulk was all that was looked after. If the scarcity had continued a year longer, I should not have been at all surprized, if it had been proposed to feed the people at rack and manger. But, the Potatoe! Oh! What a blessing to man ! Lord Grenville, at a birth- day dinner given to the foreign ambassadors, used not a morsel of bread, but, instead of it, \iii\e potatoe cakes^ though he had, I dare say, a plenty of lamb, poultry, pig, &c. All of which had been fatted upon corn or meal, in whole or in part. Yes, Sir, potatoes will do very well along with plenty of animal food, which has heen fatted on something better than potatoes. But, when you and I talk of the use of them, we must consider them in a very dif- ferent light. 274. The notion is, that potatoes are cheaper than wheat^ot^r. This word cheap is not quite expressive enough, but it will do for oi;ir pre- sent purpose. I shall consider the . cost of potatoes, in a family, compared with that of flour. It will be best to take the simple case of the labouring man. 288 POTATOES. [part II. 275. The price of a bushel of fine flour, at Botley, is, at this time, 10*. The weight is 36 lbs. The price of a bushel of potatoes is 2s. 6d. They are just now dug up, and are at the cheapest. A bushel of potatoes which are mea- sured by a large bushel, weighs about 60 lbs. dirt and all, for they are sold unwashed. Allow 4 lbs. for dirt, and the weights are equal. Well, then, here is toiling Dick with his four bushels of potatoes, and John with his bushel of flour. But, to be fair, I must allow, that the relative price is not always so much in favour of flour. Yet, I think you will agree with me, that upon an average, five bushels of potatoes do cost aft much as one bushel of flour. You know very well, that potatoes in London, sell for Id. and sometimes for 2d, a pound; that is to say, sometimes for 1/. 7*. 6d. and sometimes for 21. \5s. the five bushels. This is notorious. Every reader knows it. And did you ever hear of a bushel of flour selling for 21. I5s. Monstrous to think of! And yet the trades- man's wife, looking narrowly to every halfpenny, trudges away to the potatoe shop to get five or six pounds of this wretched root for the pur- pose of saving flour ! She goes and gives \0d. for ten pounds of potatoes, when she might buy five pounds of flour with the same money I CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 289 Before her potatoes come to the table, they are, even in bulk, less than 5 lbs. or even 3 lbs. of flour made into a pudding. Try the experiment yourself Sir, and you will soon be able to ap- preciate the economy of this dame. 276. But, to return to Dick and John ; the former has got his five bushels of potatoes, and the latter his bushel of flour. I shall, by and by, have to observe upon the stock that Dick must lay in, and upon the stowage that he must have ; but, at present, we will trace these two com- modities in their way to the mouth and in their effects upon those who eat them. Dick has got five bushels at once, because he could have them a little cheaper. John may have his Peck or Gallon of flour : for that has a fixed and in- discriminating price. It requires no trick in dealing, no judgment, as in the case of th^ roots, which may be wet, or hollow, or hot; flour may be sent for by any child able to carry the quantity wanted. However, reckoning Dick's trouble and time nothing in getting home his five bushels of potatoes, and supposing him to have got the right sort, a ^^Jine sort," which he can hardly fail of, indeed, since the whole nation i» now full of *' fine sort," let us now see how he goes to work to consume them. He has a piece of bacon upon the rack, but he mugt have some potatoes too. On goes the pot, but y2 290 POTATOES. [part II. there it may as well hang, for we shall find it in continual requisition. For this time the meat and roots boil together. But, what is Dick to have for supper? Bread ? No. He shall not have bread, unless he will have bread for dinner. Put on the Pot again for supper. Up an hour before day light and on with the pot. Fill your luncheon-bag, Dick: nothing is so relishing and so strengthening out in the harvest-field, or ploughing on a bleak hill in winter, as a cold potatoe. But, be sure, Dick, to wrap your bag well up in your clothes, during winter, or, when you come to lunch, you may, to your great surprise, find your food transformed into pebbles. Home goes merry Dick, and on goes the pot again. Thus 1095 times in the year Dick's pot must boil. This is, at least, a thou- sand times oftener than with a bread and meat diet. Once a week baking and once a week boiling, is as much as a farm house used to re- quire. There must be some fuel consumed in winter for warmth. But here are, at the least, 500 fires to be made for the sake of these pota- toes, and, at a penny a fire, the amount is more than would purchase four bushels of flour, which would make 288 lbs. of bread, which at 7 lbs. of bread a day, would keep John's family m bread for 41 days out of the 365. This J state as a fact challenging contradiction, that, ex- CHAP. VII.] POTATOES^. 291 elusive of the extra labour^ occasioned by the cookery of potatoes, thie fuel required, in a year, for a bread diet, would cost, in any part of the kingdom, more than would keep a family, even in baker's bread for 41 days in the year, at the rate of 71 lbs. of bread a day. 277. John, on the contrary, lies and sleeps on Sunday morning 'till about 7 o'clock. He then gets a bit of bread and meat, or cheese, if he has either. The mill gives him his bushel of flour in a few minutes. His wife has baked during the week. He has a pudding on Sun- day, and another batch of bread, before the next Sunday. The moment he is up, he is off to his stable, or the field, or the coppice. His breakfast and luncheon are in his bag. In spite of frost he finds them safe and sound. They give him heart, and enable him to go through the day. His 56 lbs. of flour, with the aid of 26?. in yeast, bring him 72 lbs. of bread ; while, after the dirt and peelings and waste are de- ducted, it is very doubtful whether Dick's 300 lbs. of potatoes bring 200 lbs, of even this watery diet to his lips. It is notorious, that in a pound of clean potatoes there are 11 ounces of water, half an ounce of earthy matter, an ounce oi Jihrous and strawey stuff, and I know not what besides. The ivater can do Dick no good, but he must swallow these 11 ounces of 292 POTATOES. [part II. water in every pound of potatoes. How far earth and straw may tend to fatten or strengthen cunning Dick, I do not know; but, at any rate, it is certain, that, while he is eating as much of potatoe as is equal in nutriment to lib. of bread, he must swallow about 14 oz. of water, earth, straw, &c. for, down they must go altogether, like the Parliament's bread in the years of wisdom, 1800 and 1801. But, suppose every pound of potatoes to bring into Dick's stomach a 6th part in nutritious matter, including in the gross pound all the dirt, eyes, peeling, and other inevitable waste. Divide his gross 300 lbs. by 6, and you will find him with 50 lbs. of nu- tritious matter for the same sum that John has laid out in 72 lbs. of nutritious matter, besides the price of 288 lbs. of bread in a year, which Dick lays out in extra fuel for the eternal boil- ings of his pot. Is it any wonder that his cheeks are like two bits of loose leather, while he is pot-bellied, and weak as a cat ? In order to ^ei half a pound of nutritious matter into him, he must swallow about 50 ounces of water, earth, and straw. Without ruminating faculties how is he to bear this cramming? 278. But, Dick's disadvantages do not stop here. He must lay in his store at the beginning of winter^ or he must buy through the nose. And, where is he to find stowage? He has no CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 29S caves. He may pie them in the garden, if he has none; but, he must not open the pie in frosty weather. It is a fact not to be disputed, that a full tenth of the potatoe crop is destroyed, upon an average of years, by the frost. His wife, or stout daughter, cannot go out to work to help to earn the means of buying potatoes. She must stay at home to boil the pot, the ever- lasting pot ! There is no such thing as a cold dinner. No such thing as women sitting down on. a hay-cock, or a shock of wheat, to their dinner,, ready to jump up at the approach of the shower. Home they must tramp, if it be three miles, to the fire that ceaseth not, and the pot as black, as Satan. No wonder, that in the brightest and busiest seasons of the year, you see from every cottage door, staring out at you, as you pass, a smoky-capped, greasy-heeled woman. The pot, which keeps her at home, also gives her the colour of the chimney, while long inac- tivity swells her heels. 279. Now, Sir, I am quite serious in these my reasons against the use of this root, as food for man. As food for other animals, in pro- portion to its cost, 1 know it to be the worst of all roots that I know any thing of; but, that is another question. I have here been speaking of it as food for man ; and, if it be more expen^ sive than flour to th« labourer in the cowitry. 294 POTATOES. [part n. who, at any rate, can stow it in pies, what must it be to tradesman's and artizan's families in towns, who can lay in no store, and who must buy by the ten pound or quarter of a hundred at a time? When broad-faced Mrs. Wilkins tells Mrs. Tomkins, that, so that she has " a *^ potatoe" for her dinner, she does not care a far- thing for bread, 1 only laugh, knowing that she will twist doM^n a half pound of beef with her " potatoe," and has twisted down half a pound of buttered toast in the morning, and means to do the same at tea time without prejudice to her supper and grog. But when Mrs. Tomkins gravely answers, "yes. Ma'am, there is nothing ** like a potatoe; it is such 2i saving in a family," I really should not be very much out of humour to see the tete-a-tete broken up by the appli- cation of a broom-stick. 280. However, Sir, I am talking to you now, and, as I am not aware that there can be any impropriety in it, 1 now call upon you to show, that 1 am really wrong in my notions upon this subject; and this, J think you are, in some sort bound to do, seeing that you have, in a public manner, condemned them. 281. But, there remains a very important part of the subject yet undiscussed. For, though you should be satisfied, that 300 lbs. of potatoes are not, taking every thing into consi- CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 295 deration, more than equal to about 30 lbs. of flour, you may be of opinion, that the dispro- portion in the bulk of the crops is, in favour of potatoes, more than sufficient to compensate for this. I think this is already clearly enough settled by the relative prices of the contending commodities; for, if the quantity of produce was on the side of potatoes, their price would be in proportion. 282. I have heard of enormous crops of po- tatoes; as high, I believe, as 10 tons grow upon an acre. 1 have heard of 14 sacks of wheat upon an acre. I never saw above 10 grow upon an acre. The average crop of wheat is about 24 bushels, in this part of England, and the average crop of potatoes about 6 tons. The weight of the wheat 1,440 lbs. and that of the potatoes 13,440 lbs. Now, then, if I am right in what has been said above, this hulk of potatoes barely keeps place with that of the wheat; for, if a bushel of wheat does not make 56 lbs. oi flour, it weighs 60 lbs. and leaves pollard and bran to make up the deficiency. Then, as to the cost: the ground must be equally good. The seed is equally expensive. But the potatoes must be cultivated during their growth. The expense of digging and cartage and stowage is not less than 11. an acre at present prices. The expense of reaping, •290 POTATOES. [part II. housing, and threshing is, at present prices, IO5. less. The potatoes leave no straw, the wheat leaves straw, stubble, and gleanings for pigs. The straw is worth, at least, 3/. an acre, at pre- sent prices. It is, besides, absolutely necessary. It litters, in conjunction with other straw, all sorts of cattle; it sometimes helps to feed them; it covers half the buildings in the kingdom; and makes no small part of the people's beds. The potatoe is a robber in all manner of ways. It largely takes from the farm-yard, and returns little, or nothing to it ; it robs the land more than any other plant or root, it robs the eaters of their time, their fuel, and their health ; and, I agree fully with Monsieur Tissot, that it robs them of their mental powers. 283. I do not deny, that it is a pleasant enough thing to assist in sending down lusty Mrs. Wilkins's good half-pound of fat roast- beef. Two or three ounces of water, earth, and straw, can do her no harm ; but, when I see a poor, little, pale-faced, life-less, pot-bellied boy peeping out at a cottage door, where 1 ought to meet with health and vigour, I cannot help cursing the fashion, which has given such ge- neral use to this root, as food for man. How- ever, I must say, that the chief ground of my antipathy to this root is, that it tends to debase the common people, as every thing does, which CHAP. VII.j POTATOES. 297 brings their mode of living to be nearer that of cattle. The man and his pig, in the potatoe system, live pretty much upon the same diet, and eat nearly in the same manner, and out of nearly the same utensil. The same eternally- boiling pot cooks their common mess. Man, being master, sits at the first table ; but, if his fellow-feeder comes after him, he will wot fatten^ though he will live upon the same diet. Mr. Cur WEN found potatoes to supply the place of hay^ being first w^// cooked; but, they did not supply the place of oats ; and yet fashion has made people believe, that they are capable of supplying the place of bread! It is notorious, that nothing ^'\\\ fatten on potatoes alone. Car- rots, parsnips, cabbages, will, in time, fatten sheep and oxen, and, some of them, pigs ; but, upon potatoes alone, no animal that 1 ever heard of will fatten. And yet, the gi*eater part, and, indeed, all the other roots and plants here mentioned, will yield, upon ground of the same quality, three or four times as heavy a crop as potatoes, and will, too, for a long while, set the frosts at defiance. 284. If, Sir, you do me the honour to read this letter, 1 shall have taken up a good deal of your time ; but the subject is one of much im- portance in rural economy, and therefore, can- 298 POTATOES. [part II. not be wholly uninteresting to you. I will not assume the sham modesty to suppose, that my manner of treating it makes me unworthy of an answer; and, I must confess, that I shall be disappointed unless you make a serious attempt to prove to me, that [ am in error. 1 am, Sir, Your most obedient. And most humble Servant, Wm. Cobbett. 285. Now, observe, 1 never received any answer to this. Much abuse. New torrents of abuse; and, in language still more venomous than the former; iovnow the Milton and Shake- spear men, the critical ParsonSy took up the pen ; and, when you have an angry Priest for adversary, it is not the common viper, but the rattle-snake that you have to guard against. However, as no one put his name to what he wrote, my remarks went on producing their effect; and a very considerable effect they had. 286. About the same time Mr. Timothy Brown of Peckham Lodge, who is one of the most U7idersta7iding and most worthy men I ever had the honour to be acquainted with, furnished me with the following comparative estimate re- lative to wheat and potatoes. CHAP. VII.] POTATOES. 299 PRODUCE OF AN ACRE OF WHEAT. 287. Forty bushels is 3. good crop; but from fifty to sixty may be grown. Pounds of Wheat. 40 bushels 60 pounds a bushel . . 2,400 45| pounds of flour to each bushel of wheat . . . . 1820 13 pounds of offal to each bushel ....... 520 Waste 60 2,400 The worth of offal is about that of one bushel of flour ; and the worth of straw, 2 tons, each worth 21. is equal to six bushels of flour ....... 318i Pounds of Flour. So that the total yield, in flour, is . 2,139 Pounds of Breaa. Which will make of bread, at the rate of 9 pounds of bread from 7 pounds of flour 2,739| 300 POTATOES. [part H. PRODUCE OF AN ACRE OP POTATOES. 288. Seven tons, or 350 bushels, is a good crop ; but ten tons, or 500 bushels may be grown. Pcnmds of Potatoes, Ten tons, or 22,400 Pound* of Flour. Ten pounds of Potatoes contain one pound of flour 2,240 Pounds of Bread. Which would, if it were possible to extract the flour and get it in a dry state, make of bread . . 2,880 289. Thus, then, the nul/ritious contents of the Potatoes surpasses that of the wheat but by a few pounds ; but to get at those contents, unaccompanied with nine times their weight in earth, straw, and water, is impossible. Nine pounds of earth, straw and water must, then, be swallowed, in order to get at the one pound pf flour ! 290. I beg to be understood ?is saying no- thing against the cultivation of potatoes in any place, or near any place where there are people willing to consume them at half a dollar CHAP. Vil.] POTATOES. 301 a bushel, when wheat is two dollars a bushel. H any one will buy dh't to eat, and if one can get dirt to him with more profit than one can get wheat to him, let us supply him with dirt by all means. It is his taste to eat dirt; and, if his taste have nothing immoral in it, let him, in the name of all that is ridiculous, follow his taste. I know a prime Minister, who picks his nose and regales himself with the contents. I solemnly declare this to be true. 1 have witnessed the worse than beastly act scores of times; and yet I do not know, that he is much more of a beast than the greater part of his associates. Yet, if this were all ; if he were chargeable with no- thing but this ; if he would confine his swallow to this, I do not know that the nation would have any right to interfere between his nostrils and his gullet. 291. Nor do I say, that it is filthy to eat potatoes. T do not ridicule the using of them as sauce. What I laugh at is, the idea of the use of them being a saving ; of their going fur- ther than bread ; of the cultivation of them in lieu of wheat adding to the human sustenance of a country. This is what I laugh at; and laugh I must as long as 1 have the above estimate before me. 292. As food for cattle, sheep or hogs, this 302 POTATOES. [part II. is the worst of all the green and root crops; but, of this 1 have said enough before; and, therefore, 1 now dismiss the Potatoe with the hope, that 1 shall never again have to v^rrite the word, or to see the thin^. CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 303 CHAP. Vlll. cows, SHEEP, HOGS, AND POULTRY. 293 Cows. — With respect to cows, need we any other facts than those of Mr. Byrd to prove how advantageous the Swedish turnip culture must be to those who keep cows in order to make butter and cheese. The greens come to supply the place of grass, and to add a month to the feeding on green food. They come just at the time when cows, in this coun- try, are /^^ go dry. It is too hard work to squeeze butter out of straw and corn stalks; and, if you could get it out, it would not, pound for pound, be nearly so good as lard, though it would be full as white. To give cows Jine hay no man thinks of; and, there- fore, dry they must be from November qntil March, though a good piece of cabbages adc^ed to the turnip greens would keep them on in milk to their calving time; or, 'till within a month of it at any rate. The bulbs of Swedish turnips are too valuable td give to cows ; but the cabbages, which are so easily raised, may be made subservient to their use. z 304 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART IT. 294. Sheep. — In the First Part I have said how I fed my sheep upon Swedish turnips. I have now only to add, that, in the case of early lambs for market, cabbages, and especially savoi/s, in February and March, would be ex- cellent for the ewes. Sheep love green. In a turnip field, they never touch the bulb, till every bit of green is eaten. I would, therefore, for this purpose, have some cabbages, and, if possible, of the savoy kind. 295. Hogs. — This is the main object, when we talk of raising green and root crops, no matter how near to or how far from the spot where the produce of the farm is to be con- sumed. For, pound for pound, the hog is the most valuable animal; and, whether fresh or salted, is the most easily conveyed. Swedish turnips or cabbages or Mangel Wurzel will fatten an ox; but, that which would, in four or five months fatten the ox, would keep fifteen August Pigs from the grass going to the grass coming, on Long Island. Look at their worth in June, and compare it with the few dollars that you have got by fatting the ox ; and look also at the manure in the two cases. A farmer, on this Island fatted two oxen last winter upon corn. He told me, after he had sold them, that, if he had given the oxen away, and sold the corn, he should have had more money CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 305 in his pocket. But, if he had kept, through the winter, four or five summer pigs upon this corn, would they have eaten all his corn to no purpose? l am aware, that pigs get something at an ox-stable door; but, what a process is this ! 296. My hogs are now living wholly upon Swedish turnip greens^ and, though I have taken no particular pains about the matter, they look very well, and, for store hogs and sows, are as fat as I wish them to be. My English hogs are sleek, and fit ior fresh pork; and all the hogs not only eat the greens but do w ell upon them. But, observe, 1 give them plenty three times a day. In the forenoon we get a good waggon load, and that is for three meals. This is a main thing, this plenty; and, the farmer must see to it with his OWN EYES ; for, workmen are all starvers, except of themselves. 1 never had a man in my life, who would not starve a hog, if I would let him ; that is to say, if the food was to be got by some labour. You must, therefore, see to this; or, you do not try the thing at all. 297. Turnip greens are, however, by no means equal to cabbages, or even to cabbage leaves. The cabbage, and even the leaf, is the fruit of the plant ; which is not tl^ case with the Turnip green. Therefore the latter must, z 2 306 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART II. especially when they follow summer cab- bages, be given in greater proportionate quan- tities. 298. As to the hulb of the Swedish turnip,! have said enough, in the First Part, as food for hogs ; and I should not have mentioned the matter again, had I not been visited by two gentlemen, who came on purpose (from a great distance) to see, whether hogs realli/ would eat Swedish turnips ! Let not the English farmers laugh at this ; let them not imagine, that the American farmers are a set of simpletons on this account : for, only about thirty years ago, the English farmers would, not, indeed, have gone a great distance to ascertain the fact, but would have said at once, that the thing was false. It is not more than about four hundred years since the Londoners were wholly supplied with cab- bages, spinage, turnips, carrots, and all sorts of garden stuff ^rom Flanders. And now, I suppose, that one single parish in Kent grows more garden stuff than all Flanders. The first settlers came to America long and long before even the tvhite turnip made its appearance in \\\Q fields m England. The successors of the first settlers trod in the foot-steps of their fa- thers. The communication with England did not bi-ing out good English farmers. Books made little impression unaccompanied with ac- CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 307 tual experiments on the spot. It was reserved for the Boroughmongers, armed with gags, halters, and axes, to drive from England expe- rience and public spirit sufficient to introduce the culture of the green and root crops to the fields of America. 299. The first gentleman, who came to see whe- ther hogs would eat Swedish turnips saw some turnips tossed down on the grass to the hogs, which were eating sweet little loaved cabbages. However, they eat the turnips too before they left off. The second, who came on the after- noon of the same day, saw the hogs eat some bulbs chopped up. The hogs were pretty hungry, and the quantity of turnips small, and there was such a shoving and pushing about amongst the hogs to snap up the bits, that the gentleman observed, that they *' liked them as " well as cornr 300. In paragraph 134 I related a fact of a neighbour of mine in Hampshire having given his Swedish turnips, after they hadhorne seed, to some lean pigs, and had, with that food, made them fit ior fresh pork, and sold them as such. A gentleman from South Carolina was here in July last, and I brought some of mine which had then home seed. They were perfectly sound. The hogs ate them as well as if they had not borne seed. We boiled some in the kitchen for 308 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART II. dinner ; and they appeared as good as those eaten in the winter. This shews clearly how well this root keeps. 30 1 . Now, these facts being, I hope, undoubted, is it not surprising, that, in many parts of this fine country, it is the rule to keep only one pig for every cow ! The cow seems as necessary to the pig as the pig's mouth is necessary to his carcass. There are, for instance, six cows ; therefore, when they begin to give milk in the spring, six pigs are set on upon the milk, which is given them with a suitable proportion of pot liquor (a meat pot) and of rye, or Indian, meal, making a diet far superior to that of the fami- lies of labouring men in England. Thus the pigs go on 'till the time when the cows (for want of moist food) become dry. Then the pigs are shut up, and have the new sweet Indian corn heaped into their stye till they are quite fat, being half fat, mind, all the summer long, as they run barking and capering about. Some- times they turn sulky, however, and will not eat enough of the corn ; and well they may, seeing that they are deprived of their viilk. Take a child from its pap all at once, and you will find, that it will not, for a long while, relish its new diet. What a system ! but if it must be per- severed in, there might, it appears to me, be a great improvement made even in it; for, the CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 309 labour of milking and of the subsequent opera- tions, all being performed by women, is of great inconvenience. Better let each pig suck its adopted mother at once, which would save a monstrous deal of labour, and prevent all pos- sibility of waste. There would be no slopping about ; and, which is a prime consideration in a dairy system, there would be clean milkhig ; for, it has been proved by Doctor Anderson, that the last drop is fourteen times as good as the first drop; and, I will engage, that the grunting child of the lowing mother would have that last drop twenty times a day, or would pull the udder from her body. I can imagine but one difficulty that can present itself to the mind of any one disposed to adopt this improve- ment ; and that is, the teaching of the pig to suck the cow. This will appear a difficulty to those only who think unjustly of the under- standings of pigs : and, for their encourage- ment, I beg leave to refer them to Daniel's Rural Sports, where they will find, that, in Hampshire, Sir John Mildmay's gamekeeper, Toomer, taught a sow to point at partridges and other game; to quarter her ground like a pointer, to back the pointers, when she hunted with them, and to be, in all respects, the most docile pointer of the finest nose. This fact is true beyond all doubt. It is known to many 310 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART U, men now alive. Judge, then, how easily a pig might be taught to milk a cow, and what a " saving of labour'' this would produce ! 302, It is strange what comfort men derive even from the deceptions which they practice upon themselves. The milk and fat pot-liquor and meal are, when put together, called, in Long Island, stvill. The word comes from the farm- houses in England, but it has a new meaning attached to it. There it means the mere wash; the mere drink given to store hogs. But, here it means rich Jailing food. " There, friend " Cobbett," said a gentleman to me, as we looked at his pigs, in September last, " do thy English "pigs look better than these?" "No," said I, " but what do these live on?" He said he had given them all summer, " nothing but " stviir "Aye," said I, ''hnt what is swill?" It was, for six pigs, nothing at all, except the milk of six very fine coivs, with a bin of shorts and meal always in requisition, and with the daily supply of liquor from a pot and a spit, that boils and turns without counting the cost. 303. This is very well for those who do not care a straw, whether their pork cost them seven cents a pound or half a dollar a pound ; and, I like to see even the waste; because it is a proof of the easy and happy life of the farmer. JBut, when we are talking o^ profitable agricul- CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 311 ture, we must examine this swill tub, and see what it contains. To keep pigs to a profit, you must carry them on to their fatting time at little expence. Milk comes from all the grass you grow and almost the whole of the dry fodder. Five or six cows will sweep a pretty good farm as clean as the turnpike road. Pigs, till well weaned must be kept upon good food. My pigs will always be fit to go out of the weaning stye at three months old. The common pigs require four months. Then out they go never to be fed again, except on grass, greens, or roots, till they arrive at the age to be fattened. If they will not keep themselves in growing order upon this food, it is better to shoot them at once. But, I never yet saw a hog that would not. The difference between the good sort and the bad sort, is, that the former will always be fat enough for fresh pork, and the latter will not ; and that, in the fatting, the former will not re- quire (weight for weight of animal) more than half the: food that the latter will to make them equally fat. 304. Out of the milk and meal system another monstrous evil arises. It is seldom that the hogs come to a proper age before they are killed. A hog has not got his growth till he is full two years old. But, who will, or can, have the patience to see a hog eating Long-Island 312 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART II. swill for two years? When a hog is only 15 or 16 months old, he will lay on two pounds of fat for every one pound that will, out of the same quantity of food, be laid on by an eight or ten months' pig. Is it not thus with every ani- mal ? A stout boy will be like a herring upon the very food that would make his father fat, or kill him. However, this fact is too notorious to be insisted on. 305. Then, the young meat is not so nutri- tious as the old. Steer-beef is not nearly so good as ox-beef. Young wether mutton bears the same proportion of inferiority to old wether mutton. And, what reason is there, that the principle should not hold good as to hog-meat ? In Westphalia, where the fme hams are made, the hogs are never killed under three years old. In France, where I saw the fattest pork I ever saw, they keep their fatting hogs to the same age. In France and Germany, the people do not eat the hog, as hog : they use the hog to put fat into other sorts of meat. They make holes in beef, mutton, veal, turkeys and fowls, an(ceed- CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 313 ingly good. Hence it is, that they are induced to keep their hogs till they have quite done groiuing; and, though their sort of hogs is the very ivorst I ever saw, their hog meat was the very fattest. The common weight in Normandy and Brittany is from six to eight hutidred jjounds. But, the poor fellows there do not slaughter away as the farmers do here, ten or a dozen hogs at a time, so that the sight makes one wonder whence are to come the mouths to eat the meat. In France dv, lard is a thing to smell to, not to eat. 1 like the eating far better than the smelling system; but when we are talking about farming for gain, we ought to in- quire how any given weight of meat can he ob- tained at the cheapest rate. A hog in his third year, would, on the American plan, suck half a dairy of cows perhaps ; but, then, mind, he would, upon a third part of the jatting food, weigh down four Long Island " shuts,'^ the average weight of which is about one hundred and fifty pounds. 306. A hog, upon rich food, will be much bigger at the end of a year, than a hog upon good growing diet; but, he will not be biioger at the end of two years, and especially at the end of three years. His size is not to be forced on, any more than- that of a child, beyond a certain point. 314 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART II. 307. For these reasons, if I were settled as a farmer, I would let my hogs have tvne to come to their size. Some sorts come to it at an earlier period, and this is amongst the good qualities of my English hogs; but, to do the thing well, even they ought to have two years to grow in. 308. The reader will think, that I shall never cease talking about hogs; but, I have now done, only 1 will add, that, in keeping hogs in a grow- ing state, we must never forget their lodging / A few boards, flung carelessly over a couple of rails, and no litter beneath, is not the sort of bed for a hog. A place of suitable size, large rather than small, well sheltered on every side, covered with a roof that lets in no wet or snow. No opening, except a door-way big enough for a hog to go in ; and the floor constantly well bedded with leaves of trees, dry, or, which is the best thing, and what a hog deserves, plenty of clean straw. When I make up my hogs lodging place for winter, I look well at it, and consider, whether, upon a pinch, I could, for once and away, make shift to lodge in it myself. U I skiver at the thought, the place is not good enough for my hogs. It is not in the nature of a hog to sleep in the cold. Look at them. You will see them, if they have the means, cover themselves over for the night. '^Thxfi is what is CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 315 done by neither horse, cow, sheep, dog nor cat. And this should admonish us to provide hogs with warm and comfortable lodging. Their sagacity in providing against cold in the night, when they have it in their power to make such provision, is quite wonderful. You see them looking about for the warmest spot : then they go to work, raking up the litter so as to break the wind off; and when they have done their best, they lie down. I had a sow that had some pigs running about with her in April last. There was a place open to her on each side of the barn. One faced the east and the other the west ; and, 1 observed, that she sometimes took to one side and sometimes to the other. One evening her pigs had gone to bed on the east side. She was out eating till it began to grow dusk. I saw her go into her pigs, and was surprised to see her come out again; and there- fore, looked a little to see what she was after. There was a high heap of dung in the front of the barn to the south. She walked up to the top of it, raised her nose, turned it very slowly, two or three times, from the north-east to the north-west, and back again, and at last, it settled at about south-east, for a little bit. She then came back, marched away very hastily to her pigs, roused them up in a great bustle, and 310 cows, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. [PART II. away slv. trampled with them at her heels to the p!:^ce on the west side of the barn. There was so little wind, that I conld not tell which way it blew, till 1 took up some leaves, and tossed them in the air. I then found, that it came from the precise point which her nose had settled at. And thus was I convinced, that she had con»e out to ascertain which way the wind came, and, finding it likely to make her young- ones cold in the night, she had gone and called them up, though it was nearly dark, and taken tliem off to a more comfortable birth. Was this an instinctive, or was it a reasoning proceeding? At any rate, let us^ not treat such animals as if they were stocks and stones. 309. Poultry. — I merely mean to observe, as to poultry, that they must be kept away from turnips and cabbages, especially in the early part of the growth of these plants. When turnips are an inch or two high a good large flock of turkeys will destroy an acre in half a day, in four feet rows. Ducks and geese will do the same. Fowls will do great mischief. If these things cannot be kept out of the field, the crop must be abandoned, or the poultry killed. It is true, indeed, that it is only near the house that poultry plague CHAP. VIII.] COWS, SHEEP, HOGS, &C. 317 you much: but, it is equally true, that the best and richest land is precisely that which is near the house, and this, on every account, whether of produce or application, is the very land where you ought to have these crops. 318 PRICES OP LAND, LABOUR, [PART 11. CHAP. IX. PRICES OF LAND, LABOUR, FOOD AND RAIMENT, 3 JO. Lakd is of various prices, of course. But, as I am, in tliis Chapter, addressing my- self to English Farmers, J am not speaking of the price either of land in the wildernesses, or of land in the immediate vicinage of great cities. The wilderness price is two or three dollars an acre : the city price four or five hundred. The land at the same distance from New York that Chelsea is from London, is of higher price than the land at Chelsea. The surprizing growth of these cities, and the brilliant prospect before them, give value to every thing that is situated in or near them. 311. It is my intention, however, to speak only oi farming land. This, too, is, of course, affected in its value by the circumstance of distance from market; but, the reader will make his own calculations as to this matter. A farm, then, on this Island, any where not nearer than thirty miles of, and not more distant than sixty miles from. New York, with a good farm-house, bam, stables, sheds, and styes; the land fenced CHAP. IX.] FOOD AND RAIMENT. 3l9 into fields with posts and rails, the wood-land being in the proportion of one to ten of the ara- ble land, and there behig on the farm a pretty good orchard ; such a farm, if the land be in a good state, and of an average quality, is worth sixty dollars an acre, or thirteen pounds sterling; of course, a farm of a hundred acres would cost one thousand three hundred pounds. The rich lands on the necks and hays, where there are meadows and surprizingly productive orchards, and where there is water carriage, are worth, in some cases, three times this price. But, what I have said will be sufficient to enable the reader to form a pretty correct judgment on the subject. In New Jersey, in Pennsylvania, every where the price differs with the circum- «tances of water carriage, quality of land, and distance from market. 312. When I say a good farm-house, I mean a house a great deal better than the general run of farm-houses in England. More neatly finished on the inside. More in a parlour sort of style ; though round about the house, things do not look so neat and tight as in England. Even in Pennsylvania, and amongst the Qua- kers too, there is a sort of out-of-doors sloven- liness, which is never hardly seen in England. You see bits of wood, timber, boards, chips, lying about, here and there, and pigs and cattle 2 A 520 PRICES OF LAND, LABOUR, [PART II. trampling about in a sort of confusion, which would make an English farmer fret himself to death ; but which is here seen with great pla* cidness. The out-buildings, except the barns, and except in the finest counties of Pennsyl- vania, are not so numerous, or so capacious, as in England, in proportion to the size of the farms. The reason is, that the weather is so dry. Cattle need not covering a twr nJi. in part so much as in England, except hogs, whr. must be warm as well as dry. However, these share with the rest, and very little covering they get. 313. Ztabour is the great article of expence upon a farm ; yet it is not nearly so great as in England, in proportion to the amount of the produce of a farm, especially if the poor- rates be, in both cases, included. However, speaking of the positive wages, a good farm- labourer has twenty-jive pounds sterling a year and his board and lodging; and a good day- labourer has, upon an average, a dollar a day. A woman servant, in a farm-house, has from forty to fifty dollars a year, or eleven pounds sterling. These are the average of the wages throughout the country. But, then, mind, the farmer has nothing (foi-, really, it is not worth mentioning) to pay in poor-rates; which in England, must always be added to the wages CHAP. IX.] FOOD AND RAIMENT. 321 that a farmer pays; and, sometimes, they far exceed the wages. 314. It is, too, of importance to know, what sort of labourers these Americans are ; for, though a labourer is a labourer, still there is some difference in them ; and, these Americans are the best that I ever saw. They mow four acres, oi oats, ivheat, rye, or barley in a day, and, with a cradle, lay it so smooth in the swarths, that it is tied up in sheaves with the greatest neatness and ease. They mow tivo acres and a half of grass in a day, and they do the work well. And the crops, upon an average, are all, except the wheat, as heavy as in England. The English farmer will want nothing more than these facts to convince him, that the la- bour, after all, is not so veiy dear. 3 1 5. The causes of these performances, so far beyond those in England, is first, the men are tall and well built ; they are hony rather than fleshy ; and they live, as to food, as well as man can live. And, secondly, they have been edu- cated to do much in a day. The farmer here generally is at the head of his " boys^' as they, in the kind language of the country, are called. Here is the best of examples. My old and be- loved friend, Mr. James Paul, used, at the age of nearly sixty to go at the head of his mowers, though his fine farm was his own, and 2a 2 32-2 PRICES OF LAND, LABOUR, [pART IT. though he might, in other respects, be called a rich man ; and, I have heard, that Mr. Elias Hicks, the famous Quaker Preacher, who lives about nine miles from this spot, has this year, at seventy years of age, cradled down four acres of rye in a day. I wish some of the preachers of other descriptions, especially our fat parsons in England, would think a little of this, and would betake themselves to *' work with their " hands the things which be good, that they *' may have to give to him who needeth," and not go on any longer gormandizing and swilling upon the labour of those who need. 316. Besides the great quantity of work per- formed by the American labourer, his skilly the versatility of his talent, is a great thing. Every man can use an «.r, a saiv, and a hammer. Scarcely one who cannot do any job at rough carpentering, and mend a plough or a waggon. Very few indeed, who cannot kill and dress pigs and sheep, and many of them Oxen and Calves. Every farmer is a neat butcher ; a butcher for 7narJtet ; and, of course, " the boys'* must learn. This is a great convenience. It makes you so independent as to a main part of the means of housekeeping. AW are ploughmen. In short, a good labourer here, can do any thing' that is to be done u])on a farm. 3 J 7. The operations necessary in miniature CHAP. IX.] POOD AND RAIMENT. 323 cultivation they are very awkward at. The gardens are ^ploughed in general. An American labourer uses a spade in a very awkward man- ner. They poke the earth about as if they had no eyes ; and toil and muck themselves half to death to dig as much ground in a day as a Surrey man would dig in about an hour of hard work. JBanking^ hedging, they know nothing about. They have no idea of the use of a hill' hook, which is so adroitly used in the coppices of Hampshire and Sussex. An ax is their tool, and with that tool, at cutting down trees oi" cutting them up, they will do ten times as much in a day as any other men that I ever saw. Set one of these men on upon a wood of timber trees, and his slaughter will astonish you. A neigh- bour of mine tells a story of an Irishman, who promised he could do any thing, and whom, there- fore, to begin with, the employer sent into the wood to cut down a load of wood to burn. He gtaid a long while away with the team, and the farmer went to him fearing some accident had happened. " What are you about all this time ?" said the farmer. The man was hacking away at a hickory tree, but had not got it half down ; and that was all he had done. An American, black or white, would have had half a dozen trees cut down, cut up into lengths, put upon* the carriage, and brought home, in the time. 324 PRICES OF LAND, LABOUR, [PART II. 318. So that our men, who come from Eng- land, must not expect, that, in these common labours of the country, they are to surpass, or even equal, these " Yankees,"" who, of all men that I ever saw, are the most active and the mos^ hardy. They skip over a fence like a greyhound. They will catch you a pig in an open field by racing him down ; and they are afraid of nothing. This was the sort of stuff that filled the frigates of Decatur, Hull, and B^AiNBRiDGE. No wondcr that they triumphed when opposed to poor pressed creatures, worn out by length of service and ill-usage, and en- couraged by no hope of fair-play. My Lord Cochrane said, in his place in parliament, that it would be so ; and so it was. Poor Cashman, that brave Irishman, with his dying breath, ac- cused the government and the merchants of England of withholding from him his pittance ©f prize money ! Ought not such a vile, robbing, murderous system to be destroyed ? 319. Of the same active, hardy, and brave stuff, too, was composed the army of Jackson, who drove the invaders into the Gulph of Mexico, and who would have driven into the same Gulph the army of Waterloo, and the heroic gentleman, too, who lent his hand to the murder of Marshal Ney. This is the stuff that stands between the rascals, called the Holy CHAP. IX.] FOOD AND RAIMENt. 325 Alliance, and the slavery of the whole civilized world. This is the stuff that gives us English- men an asylum ; that gives us time to breathe; that enables us to deal our tyrants blows, which, without the existence of this stuff, they never would receive. This America, this scene of happiness under a free government, is the beam in the eye, the thorn in the side, the worm in the vitals, of every despot upon the face of the earth. 320. An American labourer is not regulated, as to time, by clocks and ivatches. The sun, who seldom hides his face, tells him when to begin in the morning and when to leave off at night. He has a dollar, a whole dollar for his work ; but then it is the work of a ivhole day* Here is no dispute about hours. " Hours were " made for slaves/' is an old saying; and, really, they seem here to act upon it as a practical maxim. This is a great thing in agricultural affairs. It prevents so many disputes. It re- moves so great a cause of disagreement. The American labourers, like the tavern-keepers, are never servile, but always civil. Neither boohishness nor meanness mark their character. They never creep 2iud fawn, and are never rude. / Employed about your house as day-labourers, they never come to interlope for victuals or drink. They have Jio idea of such a thing: 326 PRICES OF LAND, LABOUR, [PART II. Their pride would restrain them if their plenty did not; and, thus would it be with all la- bourers, in all countries, were they left to enjoy the fair produce of their labour. Full pocket or empty pocket, these American labourers are always the scmie ynen : no saucy cunning in the one case, and no base crawling in the other. This, too, arises from the free institutions of government. A man has a voice because he is a man, and not because he is the possessor of money. And, shall I 7iever see our English labourers in this happy state? 32 1 . Let those English farmers, who love to sec a poor wretched labourer stand trembling before them with his hat off, and who think no more of him than of a dog, remain where they are ; or, go off, on the cavalry horses, to the devil at once, if they wish to avoid the tax-gatherer; for, they would, here, meet with so many mor- tifications, that they would, to a certainty, hang themselves in a month. 322. There are some, and even many, farmers, ■who do not work themselves in the fields. But, they all attend to the thing, and are all equally civil to their working people. They manage their, affairs very judiciously. Little talking. Orders plainly given in few words, and in a decided tone. This is their only secret. 323. The cattle and implements used in hus- CHAP. IX.] FOOD AND RAIMENT. 327 ban dry are cheaper than in England ; that is to say, lower priced. The wear and tear not nearly half so much as upon a farm in England of the same size. The climate, the soil, the gentleness and docility of the horses and oxen, the light- ness of the waggons and carts, the lightness and toughness of the 2f;oo^ of which husbandry imple- ments are made, the simplicity of the harness, and, above all, the ingenuity and handiness of the workmen in repairing, and in making shift ; all these make the implements a matter of very little note. Where horses are kept, the shoing of them is the most serious kind of expence. 324. The first business of a farmer is, here, and ought to be every where, to live well: to live in ease and plenty ; to " keep hospitality ^^ as the old English saying was. To save money is a secondary consideration ; but, any English farmer, who is a good farmer there, may, if he will bring his industry and care with him, and be sure to leave his pride and insolence (if he have any) along with his anxiety, behind him, live in ease and plenty here, and keep hospi- tality, and save a great parcel of money too. Jf he have the Jack-Daw taste for heaping lit- tle round things together in a hole, or chest, he may follow his taste. I have often thought of my good neighbour, John Gater, who, if he were here, with his pretty clipped hedges, 328 PRICES OP LAND, LABOUR, &C. [PART Hi his garden-looking fields, and his neat home- steads, would have visitors from far and near ; and, while every one would admire and praise, no soul would envy him his possessions. Mr. Gater would soon have all these things. The hedges only want planting ; and he would feel so comfortably to know that the Botley Parson could never again poke his nose into his sheep- fold or his pig-stye. However, let me hope, rather, that the destruction of the Borough- tyranny, will soon make England a country, fit for an honest and industrious man to live in* Let me hope, that a relief from grinding taxa- tion will soon relieve men of their fears of dying in poverty, and will, thereby, restore to Eng- land the " hospitality,'' for which she was once famed, but which now really exists no where but in America. CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 329 CHAP. X. EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 3*25. It must be obvious, that these must be in proportion to the number in family, and to the style of living. Therefore, every one know- ing how he stands in these two respects, the best thing for me to do is to give an account of the prices of house-rent, food, raiment, and servants ; or, as they are called here, helpers. 326. In the great cities and towns house-rent is very high-priced ; but, then, nobody but mad people live there except they have business there, and, then, they are paid back their rent in the profits of that business. This is so plain a matter, that no argument is necessary. It is unnecessary to speak about the expences of a farm-house ; because, the farmer eats, and very frequently wears, his own produce. If these be high-priced, so is that part which he sells. Thus both ends meet with him. 327. I am, therefore, supposing the case of a man, who follows no business, and who lives upon what he has got. In England he cannot eat and drink and wear the interest of his money ; 330 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART II. for the Boroughniongers have pawned half his income, and they will have it, or his blood. He wishes to escape from this alternative. He wishes to keep his blood, and enjoy his money too. He would come to America; but he does not know, whether prices here will not make up for the robbery of the Borough-villains ; and he wishes to know, too, lohat sort of so- ciety he is going into. Of the latter I will speak in the next chapter. 328. The price of house-rent and fuel is, when at more than three miles from New York, as low as it is at the same distance from any great city or town in England. The price of wheaten bread is a third lower than it is in any part of England. The price of heef mutton, lamb, veal, small pork, hog-meat, poultry, is one half the London price ; the first as good, the two next very nearly as good, and all the rest far, very far, better than in London. The sheep and lambs that T now kill for my house are as fat as any that I ever saw in all my life ; and they have been running in ivild ground, wholly uncultivated for many years, all the summer. A lamb, killed the week before last, weighing in the whole, thirty-eight pounds, had five pounds of loose fai and three pounds and ten ounces of suet. We cut a pound of solid fat from each breaat; aud, after that it was too CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING 331 fat to be pleasant to eat. My flock being small, forty, or thereabouts, of some neighbours join- ed them; and they have all got fat together. I have missed the interlopers lately : I suppose the *' Yorkers" have eaten them up by this time. What they have fattened on except brambles and cedars^ 1 am sure I do not know. If any Englishman should be afraid that he will find no roast-beef here, it may be sufficient to tell him, that an ox was killed, last winter, at Philadelphia, the quarters of which weighed tivo thousand, two hundred, and some odd pounds, and he was sold TO THE BUTCHER for one thousand three hundred dollars. This is proof enough of the spirit of enterprize, and of the disposition in the public to encourage it. I believe this to have been the fattest ox that ever was killed in the world. Three times as much money, or, perhaps, ten times as much, might have been made, if the ox had been shown for money. But, this the owner would not per- mit; and he sold the ox in that condition. I need hardly say that the owner was a Quaker. New Jersey had the honour of producing this ox, and the owner's name was JOB TYLER. 329. That there must be good bread in Ame- rica is pretty evident from the well known fact, that hundreds of thousands of barrels of flour are, most years sent to England, finer than any 332 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART II, that England can produce. And, having now provided the two principal articles, I will sup- pose, as a matter of course, that a gentleman will have a garden, an orchard, and a cow or two ; but, if he should be able (no easy matter) to find a genteel country-house without these conveniences, he may buy butter, cheaper, and, upon an average, better than in England. The garden stuff, if he send to New York for it, he must buy pretty dear; and, faith, he ought to buy it dear, if he will not have some planted and preserved. 330. Cheese, of the North River produce, I have bought as good of Mr. Stickler of New York as I ever tasted in all my life ; and, in- deed, no better cheese need be wished for than what is now made in this country. The ave- rage price is about seven -pence a pound (English money), which is much lower than even mid- dling cheese is in England. Perhaps, generally speaking, the cheese here is not so good as the better kinds in England; but, there is none here so poor as the poorest in England. Indeed the people ivould not eat it, which is the best security against its being made. Mind, I state distinctly, that as good cheese as I ever tasted, if not the best, was of American produce. I know the article well. Bread and cheese din- ners have been the dinners of a good fourth of CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 333 my life. I know the Cheshire, Gloucester, Wiltshire, Stilton, and the Parmasan; and I never tasted better than American cheese, bought of Mr. Stickler, in Broad Street, New York. And this cheese Mr. Stickler informs me is nothing uncommon in the county of Che- shire in Massachusetts; he knows at least a hundred persons himself that make it equally good. And, indeed, why should it not be thus in a country where the pasture is so rich; where the sun warms every thing into sweet- ness ; where the cattle eat the grass close under the shade of the thickest trees ; which we know well they will not do in England. Take any fruit which has grown in the shade in England, and you will find that it has not half the sweet- ness in it, that there is in fruit of the same bulk, grown in the sun. But, here the sun sends his heat down through all the boughs and leaves. The jnanufacturing of cheese is not yet gene- rally/ brought, in this country, to the English perfection ; but, here are all the materials, and the rest will soon follow. 331. Groceries, as they are called, are, upon an average, at far less than half the English price. Tea, sugar, coffee, spices, chocolate, cocoa, salt, sweet oil ; all free of the Borough- mongers' taxes and their paiV7i, are so cheap as to be within the reach of every one. Chocolate, 334 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART IL which is a treat to the rich^ in England, is here used even by the negroes. Sweet oil, raisins, currants ; all the things from the Levant, are at 3. fourth ox fifth of the English price. The English people, who pay enormously to keep possession of the East and West Indies, pur- chase the produce even of the English posses- sions at a price double of that which the Ame- ricans giveybr that very produce! What a hel- lish oppression must that people live under! Candles and soap (quality for quality) are half the English price. Wax candles (beautiful) are at a third of the English price. It is no very great piece of extravagance to burn wax can- dles constantly here, and it is frequently done by genteel people, who do not make their own candles. 332. Fish I have not mentioned, because fish is not every where to be had in abundance. But, any where near the coast it is ; and, it is so cheap, that one wonders how it can be brought to market for the money. Fine Black- Kock, as good, at least, as codfish, I have seen sold, and in cold weather too, at an English farthing a pound. They now bring us fine fish round the country to our doors, at an English three pence a pound. I believe they count fifty or sixty sorts of fish in New York market, as the average. Oysters, other shell-fish, called CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 335 clams. In short, the variety and abundance are such that [ cannot describe them. 333. An idea of the state of -plenty may be formed from these facts : nobody but the free negroes who have famiUes ever think of eating a sheep s head and pluck. It is seldom that oxens heads are used at home, or sold, and never in the country. In the course of the year hun- dreds of calves' heads, large bits smd whole joints of meat, are left on the shambles, at New York, for any body to take aivay that will. They generally fall to the share of the street hogs, a thousand or two of which are QonstdiWiXY fatting in New York on the meat and fish flung out of the houses. 1 shall be told, that it is only in hot weather, that the shambles are left thus gar- nished. Very true; but, are the shambles of any other country thus garnished in hot iveather? Oh ! no ! If it were not for the superabundance, all the food would be sold at some price or other. 334. After bread, flesh, fish, fowl, butter, cheese and groceries, comes fruit. Apples, pears, cherries, peaches at a tenth part of the English price. The other day I met a man going to market with a waggon load of winter pears. He had high boards on the sides of the waggon, and his waggon held about 40 oi; 5o bushels. I have bought very good apples this 2 B 336 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART II. year (oy four pence halfpenny (English) a bushel, to boil for little pigs. Besides these, strawber- ries grow wild in abundance; but no one will take the trouble to get them. Huckle-berries in the woods in great abundance, chesnuts all over the country. Four pence half-penny (Eng- lish) a quart for these latter. Cranberries, the finest fruit for tarts that ever grew, are bought for about a dollar a bushel, and they will keep, flung down in the corner of a room, for five months in the year. Asa sauce to venison or mutton, they are as good as currant jelly. Pine apples in abundance, for several months in the year, at an average of an English shilling each. Melons at an average of an English eight pence. In short, what is there not in the way of fruit? All excellent of their kinds and all for a mere trifle, compared to what they cost in England. 335. 1 am afraid to speak of drink, lest 1 should be supposed to countenance the common use of it. But, protesting most decidedly against this conclusion, 1 proceed to inform those, who are not content with the cow for vintner and brewer, that all the materials for making people drunk, or muddle beaded, are much cheaper here than in England. Beer, good ale, I mean, a great deal better than the common public- house beer in England ; in short, good, strong, clear ale, is, at New York, eight dollars a bar- CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 337 rel ; that is, about fourteen English pence a gallon. Brew yourself, in the country, and it is about seven English pence a gallon ; that is to say, less than tiuo pence a quart. No Borough- mongers' tax on malt, hops, or beer ! Portugal wine is about half the price that it is in Eng- land. French wine a sixth part of the English price. Brandy and Rum about the same in proportion ; and the common spirits of the country are about three shillings and sixpence (English) a gallon. Come on, then, if you love toping; for here you may drink yourselves blind at the price of sixpence. 336. Wearing apparel comes chiefly from England, and all the materials of dress are as cheap as they are there ; for, though there is a duty laid on the importation, the absence of taxes, and the cheap food and drink, enable the retailer to sell as low here as there. Shoes are cheaper than in England ; for, though shoe- makers are well paid for their labour, there is no Borough-villain to tax the leather. All the India and French goods are at half the English price. Here no ruffian can seize you by the throat and tear off your suspected handkerchief. Here Signor Waithman, or any body in that line, might have sold French gloves and shawls without being tempted to quit the field of poli- tics as a compromise with the government ; and 2 b2 338 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPlNG. [PART II. without any breach of covenants, after being suffered to escape with only a gentle squeeze. 337. Household Furniture, all cheaper than in England. Mahogany timber a third part of the English price. The distance shorter to bring it, and the tax next to nothing on impor- tation. The ivoods here, the pine, the ash, the white-oak, the walnut, the tulip-tree, and many others, all excellent. The workman paid high wages, but no tax. No Borough-villains to share in the amount of the price. 338. Horses, carriages, harness, all as good, ^s gay, and cheaper than in England. I hardly ever saw a rip in this country. The hackney coach horses and the coaches themselves, at New York, bear no resemblance to things of the same name in London. The former are all good, sound, clean, and handsome. What the latter are I need describe in no other way than to say, that tlie coaches seem fit for nothing but the fire and the horses for the dogs. 339. Domestic servants ! This is a weighty article : not in the cost, however, so much as in the plague. A good man servant is worth thirty pounds sterling a year ; and 3, good ivoman servant, twenty pounds sterling a year. But, this is not all ; for, in the first place, they will hire only by the month. This is what they, in fact, do in England ; for, there they can quit CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 339 at a month's ivaining. The man will not wear a liver?/, any more than he will wear a halter round his neck. This is no great matter; for, as your neighbours' men are of the same taste, you expose yourself to no humiliation on this score. Neither men nor women will allow you to call them servants, and they will take especial care not to call themselves by that name. This seems something very capricious, at the least ; and, as people in such situations of life, really are servants, according to even the sense which Moses gives to the word, when he forbids the working of the man servant and the maid ser- vant, the objection, the rooted aversion, to the name, seems to bespeak a xmxinveoi false pride and of iiisolence, neither of which belong to the American character, even in the lowest walks of life. 1 will, therefore, explain the cause of this dislike to the name of servant. When this country was first settled, there were no people that laboured for other people; but, as man is always trying to throw the working part off his own shoulders, as we see by the conduct of priests in all ages, negroes were soon introduced. Englishmen, who had ^edfrom tyranny at home, were naturally shy of calling other men their slaves; and, therefore, ^* for more grace,'' as Master Matthew says in the play, they called their slaves servants. But, though I doubt not 340 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART II. that this device was quite efficient in quieting their own consciences, it gave rise to the notion, that slave and servant meant one and the same thing, a conclusion perfectly natural and di- rectly deducible from the premises. Hence every free man and woman have rejected with just disdain the appellation of servant. One would think, however, that they might be re- conciled to it by the conduct of some of their superiors in life, who, without the smallest ap- parent reluctance, call themselves " Public Servants,'' in imitation, 1 suppose, of English Ministers, and his Holiness, the Pope, who, in the excess of his humility, calls himself, " the " Servant of the Servants of the Lord'' But, perhaps, the American Domestics have observ- ed, that " Public Servant" really me2ins master. Be the cause what it may, however, they con- tinue most obstinately to scout the name of servant; and, though they still keep a civil tongue in their head, there is not one of them that will not resent the affront with more bit- terness than any other that you can oflTer. The man, therefore, who would deliberately offer such an affront must be a fool. But, there is an incon- venience far greater than this. People in gene- ral are so comfortably situated, that very few, and then only of those who are pushed hard, will become domestics to any body. So that, gene- CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 341 rally speaking, Domestics of both sexes are far from good. They are honest; but they are not obedient. They are careless. Wanting fre- quently in the greater part of those qualities, which make their services conducive to the neatness of houses and comfort of families. What a difference would it make in this coun- try, if it could be supplied with nice, clean, dutiful English maid servants ! As to the mew, it does not much signify ; but, for the want of the maids, nothing but the absence of grinding taxa- tion can compensate. As to bringing them with you^ it is as wild a project as it would be to try to carry the sunbeams to England. They will begin to change before the ship gets on soundings ; and, before they have been here a month, you must turn them out of doors, or they will you. If, by any chance, joujind them here, it may do ; but bring them out and keep them you cannot. The best way is to put on your philosophy; never to look at this evil without, at the same time, looking at the many good things that you find here. Make the best selection you can. Give good wages, not too much work, and resolve, at all events, to treat them with civility. 340. However, what is this plague, compared with that of the tax gatherer ? What is this plague compared with the constant sight of 342 EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. [PART II. beggars and paupers, and the constant dread of becoming a pauper or beggar yourself? If your commands are not obeyed with such alacrity as in England, you have, at any rate, nobody to command you. You are not ordered to " stand and deliver' twenty or thirty times in the year by the insolent agent of Boroughmon- gers. No one comes to forbid you to open or shut up a window. No insolent set of Com- missioners send their order for you to dance attendance on them, to shetv cause why they should not double-tax you; and, when you have shown cause, even on your oath, make you pay the tax, laugh in your face, and leave you an appeal from themselves to another set, deriving their authority from the same source, and hav- ing a similar interest in oppressing you, and thus laying your property prostrate beneath the hoof of an insolent and remorseless tyranny. Free, wholly free, from this tantalizing, this grinding, this odious curse, what need you care about the petty plagues of Domestic Ser- vants? 341. However, as there are some men and some women, who can never be at heart's ease, unless they have the power of domineering over somebody or other, and who will rather be slaves themselves than not have it in their power to treat others as slaves, it becomes a. man of CHAP. X.] EXPENCES OF HOUSE-KEEPING. 343 fortune, proposing to emigrate to America, to consider soberly, whether he, or his wife, be of this taste; and, if the result of his considera-' tion be in the affirmative, his best way will be to continue to live under the Boroughmongers, or, which I would rather recommend, hang himself at once. 344 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART IL CHAP. XL MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 342. All these are, generally speaking, the same as those of the people of England. The French call this people Les Ans^lo - Ameri- cains ; and, indeed, what are they else? Of the manners and customs somewhat peculiar to America I have said so much, here and there, in former Chapters, that I can hardly say any thing new here upon these matters. But, as society is naturally a great thing with a gentleman, who thinks of coming hither with his wife and child- ren, I will endeavour to describe the society that he will find here. To ^\\e general descrip- tions is not so satisfactory as it is to deal a little in particular instances ; to tell of what one has seen and experienced. This is what I shall do; and, in this Chapter I wish to be regarded as addressing myself to a most worthy and pub- lic-spirited gentleman of moderate fortune, in Lancashire, who, with a large family, now ba- lances whether he shall come, or stay. CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 345 343. Now, then, my dear Sir, this people contains very few persons very much raised in men's estimation, above the general mass ; for, though there are some men of immensejbrtunes, their wealth does very little indeed in the way of purchasing even the outward signs of respect ; and, as to adulation, it is not to be purchased with love or money. Men, be they what they may, are generally called by their two names^ without any thing prefixed or added. I am one of the greatest men in this country at present; for people in general call me " Cohbett,"' though the Quakers provokingly persevere in putting the William before it, and my old friends in Pennsylvania, use even the word 3illy, which, in the very sound of the letters, is an antidote to every thing like thirst for distinction. 344. Fielding, in one of his romances, ob- serves, that there are but few cases, in which a husband can be justified in availing himself of the right which the law gives him to bestow manual chastisement upon his wife, and that one of these, he thinks, is, when any preten- sions to superiority of blood make their ap- pearance in her language and conduct. They have a better cure for this malady here ; namely ; silent, but, ineffable contempt. 345. It is supposed, in England, that this equality of estimation must beget a general 346 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [pART II. coarseness and rudeness of behaviour. Never was there a greater mistake. No man likes to be treated with disrespect; and, when he finds that he can obtain respect only by treating others with respect, he will use that only means. When he finds that neither haughtiness nor wealth will bring him a civil word, he becomes civil himself; and, I repeat it again and again, this is a country oi universal civility. 346. The causes of hypocrisy are the fear of loss and the hope of gain. Men crawl to those, whom, in their hearts, they despise, because they fear the effects of their ill-will and hope to gain by their good-will. The circumstances of all ranks are so easy here, that there is no cause for hypocrisy ; and the thing is not of so fasci- nating a nature, that men should love it for its own sake. 347. The boasting of wealth, and the endea- vouring to disguise poverty, these two acts, so painful to contemplate, are almost total strangers in this country ; for, no man can gain adulation or respect by his wealth, and no man dreads the effects of poverty, because no man sees any dreadful effects arising from poverty. 348. That anxious eagerness to get on, which is seldom unaccompanied with some degree of envy of more successful neighbours, and which has its foundation first in a dread of future wanty CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 347 and next in a desire to obtain distinction hy means of wealth; this anxious eagerness, so un- amiable in itself, and so unpleasant an inmate of the breast, so great a sourer of the temper, is a stranger to America, where accidents and losses, which would drive an Englishman half mad, produce but very little agitation. 349. From the absence of so many causes of uneasiness, of envy, of jealousy, of rivalship, and of mutual dislike, society, that is to say, the intercourse between man and man, and family and family, becomes easy and pleasant ; while the universal plenty is the cause of univer- sal hospitality. I know, and have ever known, but little of the people in the cities and towns in America ; but, the difference between them and the people in the country can only be such as is found in all other countries. As to the man- ner of living in the country, I was, the other day, at a gentleman's house, and I asked the lady for her hill of fare for the year. I saw fourteen fat hogs, weighing about twenty score a piece, which were to come into the house the next Monday ; for here they slaughter them all in one day. This led me to ask, " Why, in " God's name, what do you eat in a year?" The Bill of fare was this, for this present year : about this same quantity of hog-meat; four beeves ; and forty-six fat sheep ! Besides the 348 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART II. Slicking pigs (of which we had then one on the table), besides lamhs, and besides the produce of seventy hen fowls, not to mention good parcels oi geese, ducks and turkeys, but, not to forget a garden of three quarters of an acre and the but- ter of ten cows, not one ounce of which is ever sold/ What do you think of that? Why, you will say, this must be some great overgrown fanner, that has swallowed up half the country ; or some nabob sort of merchant. Not at all. He has only one hundred and fifty four acres of land, (all he consumes is of the produce of this land), and he lives in the same house that his English-born grandfather lived in. 330. When the hogs are killed, the house is full of work. The sides are salted down as pork. The hams are smoked. The lean meats are made into sausages, of which, in this family, they make about two hundred iveight. These latter, with broiled fish, eggs, dried beef, dried mutton, slices of ham, tongue, bread, butter, cheese, short cakes, buckwheat cakes, sweet meats of various sorts, and many other things, make up the breakfast fare of the year, and, a dish of beef steakes is frequently added. 351. When one sees this sort of living, with the houses full of good beds, ready for the guests as well as the family to sleep in, w^e can- CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 349 not help perceiving, that this is that " English " Hospitality,'" of which we have read so much ; but, which Boroughmongers' taxes and pawns have long since driven out of England. This American way of life puts one in mind of Fortescue's fine description of the happy state of the English, produced by their good laws, which kept every man's property sacred, even from the grasp of the king. ** Every in- " habitant is at his Liberty fully to use and en- " joy whatever his Farm produceth, the Fruits " of the Earth, the Increase of his Flock, and *' the like: All the Improvements he makes, " whether by his own proper Industry, or of " those he retains in his Service, are his own to " use and enjoy without the Lett, Interruption, *' or Denial of any : If he be in any wise in- " jured, or oppressed, he shall have his Amends " and Satisfaction against the party offending : " Hence it is, that the Inhabitants are Rich in " Gold, Silver, and in all the JNecessaries and *' Conveniences of Life. They drink no Water, " unless at certain Times, upon a Religious " Score, and by Way of doing Penance. They " are fed, in great Abundance, with all sorts of " Flesh and Fish, of which they have Plenty •* every where; they are cloathed throughout " in good Woollens ; their Bedding and other " Furniture in their Houses are of Wool, and 350 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART H. " that in great Store: They are also well pro- " vided with all other Sorts of Household " Goods, and necessary Implements for Hus- ** bandry : Every one, according to his Rank, " hath all Things ivhich conduce to make Life " easy and happy. They are not sued at Law " but before the Ordinary Judges, where they " are treated with Mercy and Justice, accord- " ing to the Laws of the Land ; neither are " they impleaded in Point of Property, or ar- ''raigned for any Capital Crime, how heinous " soever, but before the King's Judges, and ac- '* cording to the Laws of the Land. These are " the Advantages consequent from that Politi- " cal Mixt Government which obtains in JSng- 'Uand " 352. This passage, which was first pointed out to me by Sir Francis Burdett, describes the state of England four hundred years ago ; and this, with the polish of modern times added, is now the state of the Americans. Their forefathers brought the " English Hospitality" with them ; for, when they left the country, the infernal Soroughmonger Funding system had not begun. The Stuarts were religious and prerogative tyrants; but they were not, like their successors, the Boroughmongers, taxing, plundering tyrants. Their quarrels with their subjects were about mere words: with the CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 351 Boroughmongers it is a question of purses and strong-boxes, of goods and chattels, lands and tenements. *' Confiscation' is their word ; and you must submit, be hanged, or flee. They take away men's property at their pleasure, without any appeal to any tribunal. They ap- point Commissioners to seize what they choose. There is, in fact, 710 law of property left. The Bishop-begotten and hell-born system of Fund- ing has stripped England of every vestige of what was her ancient character. Her hospi- tality along with her freedom have crossed the Atlantic ; and here they are to shame our ruf- fian tyrants, if they were sensible of shame, and to give shelter to those who may be disposed to deal them distant blows. 353. It is not with a little bit of dry toast, so neatly put in a rack ; a bit of butter so round and small ; a little milk pot so pretty and so empty ; an e^^ for you, the host and hostess not liking eggs. It is not with looks that seem to say, " don't eat too much, for the taxgatherer " is coming." It is not thus that you are re- ceived in America. You are not much askedy not much pressed, to eat and drink ; but, such an abundance is spread before you, and so hearty and so cordial is your reception, that you instantly lose all restraint, and are tempted 2g 352 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART II. to feast whether you be hung^iy or not. And, though tlie manner and style are widely different in different houses, the abundance every where prevails. This is the strength of the govern- ment: a happy people: and no government ought to have any other strength. 354. But, you may say, perhaps, that plenty, however great, is not all that is wanted. Very true: for the mind is of more account than the carcass. But, here is mind too.- These repasts, amongst people of any figure, come forth under the superintendance of industrious and accom- plished house-wifes, or their daughters, who all read a great deal, and in whom that gentle treatment from parents and husbands, which arises from an absence of racking anxiety, has created an habitual, and even an hereditary good humour. These ladies can converse with you upon almost any subject, and the ease and gracefulness of their behaviour are surpassed by those of none of even our best-tempered English women. They fade at an earlier age than ^n England ; but, till then, they are as beautiful as the women in Cormcall, which contains, to my thinking, the prettiest women in our country. However, young or old, bloom- ing or fading, well or ill, rich or poor, they still preserve their good hmnour. CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 353 *' But, since, alas ! frail beauty must decay, " Curl'd, or uncurl'd, since locks will turn to grey; " Since painted, or not painted, all shall fade, " And she who scorns a man must die a maid ; " What, then, remains, but well our pow'r to use, " And keep good humour still, vvhate'er we lose ? " And, trust me. Dear, good-humour can prevail, f " When flights and fits, and screams and scolding fail/* 355. This beautiful passage, from the most beautiful of poets, which ought to be fastened in large print upon every lady's dressing table, the American women, of all ranks, seem to have by heart. Even amongst the very lowest of the people, you seldom hear of that torment, which the old proverb makes the twin of a smoky house. 356. There are very few really ignorant men in America of native growth. Every farmer is more or less of a reader. There is no brogue^ no provincial dialect. No class like that which the French call peasantry, and which degrading appellation the miscreant spawn of the Funds have, of late years, applied to the whole mass of the most useful of the people in England, those who do the work and fight the battles. And, as to the men, who would naturally form your acquaintances, they, I know from experience, are as kind, frank, and sensible men as are, on the general run, to be found in England, even with the power of selection. They are all well- 2 (J 2 354 xMANNEKS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART II. informed ; modest without shyness ; always free to communicate what they know, and never ashamed to acknowledge that they have yet to learn. You never hear them boast of their pos- sessions, and you never hear them complaining of their wants. They have all been readers from their youth up ; and there are few subjects upon which they cannot converse with you, whether of a political or scientific nature. At any rate, they always hear with patience. \ do not know that I ever heard a native American interrupt another man while he was speaking. Their sedateness and coolness, the deliberate manner in which they say and do every thing, and the slowness and reserve with which they express their assent; these are very wrongly estimated, when they are taken for marks of a want of feeling. It must be a tale of woe in- deed, that will bring a tear from an American's eye; but any trumped up story will send his hand to his pocket, as the ambassadors from the beggars of France, Italy and Grermany can fully testify. ;357. However, you will not, for a long while, know what to do for want of the quick responses of the English tongue, and the decided tone of the English expression. The loud voice; the hard squeeze by the hand ; the instant assent or disseiit; i\\e clamorous joy ; the bitter wailing ; CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 355 the ardent friendship ; the deadly enmity; the love that makes people kill themselves ; the hatred that makes them kill others. All these belong to the characters of Englishmen, in whose minds and hearts every feeling exists in the extreme. To decide the question, which character is, upon the whole, best, the American or the Eng- lish, we must appeal to some third party. But, it is no matter : we cannot change our natures. For my part, who can, in nothing, think or act by halves, 1 must belie my very nature, if I said that I did not like the character of my own countrymen best. We all like our own parents and children better than other people's parents and children ; not because they are better, but because they are ours; because they belong to us and we to them, and because we must resemble each other. There are some Americans that 1 like full as well as I do any man in Eng- land ; but, if, nation against nation, 1 put the question home to my heart, it instantly decides in favour of my countrymen. 358. You must not be offended if you find people here take but little interest in the con- cerns of England. Why should they? Bolton F R cannot hire spies to entrap them. As matter of curiosity, they may contem- plate such works as those of Fletcher ; but, they cannot feel much upon the subject ; and 356 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART II. they are not insincere enough to expref^s much. 359. There is one thing in the Americans, which, though its proper place was further back, I have reserved, or rather kept hack, to the last moment. It has presented itself several times; but 1 have turned from the thought, as men do from thinking of any mortal disease that is at work in their frame. It is not cove- tousness ; it is not niggardliness; it is not in- sincerity ; it is not enviousness ; it is not cow- ardice, above all things: it is DRINKING. Aye, and that too, amongst but too many men, who, one would think, would loath it. You ran go into hardly any man's house, without being asked to drink wine, or spirits, even in the mo7imig. l^hey are quick at meals, are little eaters, seem to care little about what they eat, and never talk about it. This, which arises out of the universal abundance of good and even fine eatables, is very amiable. You are here disgusted with none of those eaters by re- putation that are found, especially amongst the Parsons, in England : fellows that unbutton at it. Nor do tlie Americans sit and tope much after dinner, and talk on till they get into non- sense and smut, which last is a sure mark of a silly and, pretty generally, even of a base mind. But, they tipple; and the infernal spirits they CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 357 tipple too! The scenes that 1 witnessed at Harrisburgh I shall never forget. I almost wished (God forgive me!) that there were Bo- roughmongers here to tax these drinkers: they would soon reduce them to a moderate dose. Any nation that feels itself uneasy with its ful- ness of good things, has only to resort to an application of Boroughmongers. These are by no means nice feeders or of contracted throat : they will suck down any thing from the poor man's pot of beer to the rich man's lands and tenements. ^QO. The Americans preserve their gravity and quietness and good-humour even in their drink ; and so much the worse. It were far better for them to be as noisy and quarrelsome as the English drunkards ; for then the odious- ness of the vice would be more visible, and the vice itself might become less frequent. Few vices want an apology, and drinking has not only its apologies but its praises; for, besides the appellation of " gevierous tvine" and the numer- ous songs, some in very elegant and witty lan- guage, from the pens of debauched men of talents, drinking is said to be necessary, in cer- tain cases at least, to raise the spirits, and to keep out cold. Never was any thing more false. Whatever intoxicates must enfeeble in the end. 358 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [pART II, and whatever enfeebles must chill. It is very "Well known, in the Northern countries, that, if the cold be such as to produce danger oi Jrost- hiting, you must take care not to drink strong liquors. 361. To see this beastly vice in young men is shocking. At one of the taverns at Harris- burgh there were several as fine young men as I ever saw. Well-dressed, well educated, po- lite, and every thing but sober. What a squalid, drooping, sickly set they looked in the morning ! 362. Even little boys at, or under, twelve years of age, go into stores, and tip off their drams ! I never struck a child, in anger, in my life, that I recollect; but, if I were so unfortu- nate as to have a son to do this, he having had an example to the contrary in me, I would, if all other means of reclaiming him failed, whip him like a dog, or, which would be better, make him an out-cast from my family. 363. However, I must not be understood as meaning, that this tippling is universal amongst gentlemen ; and, God be thanked, the women of any figure in life do by no means give into the practice; but, abhor it as much as well- bred women in England, who, in general, no more think of drinking strong liquors, than they flo of drinking poison. CHAP. XI.] CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE. 35^ 364. I shall be told, that men in the harvest field must have something to drink. To be sure, where perspiration almost instantly carries off the drink, the latter does not remain so long to burn the liver, or vs^hatever else it does burn. But, I much question the utility even here ; and I think, that, in the long run, a water-drinker would beat a spirit drinker at any thing, pro- vided both had plenty of good food. And, be- sides, heer, which does not burn, at any rate, is within every one's reach in America, if he will but take the trouble to brew it. 365. A man, at Botley, whom I was very se- verely reproaching for getting drunk and lying in the road, whose name was James Isaacs, and who was, by the by, one of the hardest workers I ever knew, said, in answer, " Why, " now. Sir, Noah and Lot were two very good " men, you know, and yet they loved a drop of " drink.'' " Yes, you drunken fool," replied I, " but you do not read that Isaac ever got " drunk and rolled about the road." I could not help thinking, however, that the Bible Societies, with the wise Emperor Alexander and the Holy Alliance at their head, might as well (to say nothing about the cant of the thing) leave the Bible to work its own way. I had seen Isaacs dead drunk, lying stretched out, 300 MANNERS, CUSTOMS, AND [PART II. by my front gate, against the public highway ; and, if lie had followed the example of Noah, he would not have endeavoured to excuse him- self in the modest manner that he did, but would have affixed an everlastin 25 Apples and Pears proportion ably cheaper ; some- times given away, in the country. 951. Prices are much about the same at Steubenville ; if any difference, rather lower. If bought in a quantity, some of the arti- cles enumerated might be had a good deal lower. Labour, no doubt, if a job of some length were offered, might be got somewhat cheaper, here. PART III.] JOURNAL. 509 952. July 26th. — Leave Zanesville for Pitts- burg, keeping to the United States road ; stop at Cambridge, 25 miles. Diiring the first eight miles we met 10 waggons, loaded with emi- grants. 953. July 26ih. — Stop at Mr. Broadshaw's, a very good house on the road, 25 miles from Cam- bridge. This general government road is by no means well laid out; it goes straight over the tops of the numerous little hills, up and down, up and down. It would have been a great deal nearer in point of time, if not in dis- tance (though I think it would that, too), if a view had been had to the labour of travelling over these everlasting unevennesses. 954. July 27th. — To Wheeling in Virginia, 31 miles. They have had tremendous rains in these parts, we hear as we pass along, lately; one of the creeks we came over has overflown so as to carry down a man's house with him- self and his whole family. A dreadful catas- trophe, but, certainly, one not out of the man's power to have foreseen and prevented ; it sur- prizes me that the people will stick up their houses so near the water's edge. Cross Wheel- ing Creek several times to-day; it is a rapid stream, and I hope it will not be long before it turns many water-wheels. See much good land, and some pretty good farming. 2o2 510 JOURNAL. [part III. 955. July 28^A.— Went with a Mr. Graham, a Quaker of this place, who treated us in the most friendly and hospitable manner, to see the new national road from Washington city to this town. It is covered with a very thick layer of nicely broken stones, or stone, rather, laid on with great exactness both as to depth and width, and then rolled down with an iron roller, which reduces all to one solid mass. This is a road made for ever ; not like the flint roads in England, rough, nor soft or dirty, like the gra- vel roads ; but, smooth and hard. When a road is made in America it is ivell made. An American always plots against labour, and, in this instance, betakes the most effectual course to circumvent it. Mr. Graham took us like- wise to see the fine coal mines near this place and the beds of limestone and freestone, none of which I had time to examine as we passed Wheeling in our ark. All these treasures lie very convenient to the river. The coals are principally in one long ridge, about 10 ieet wide ; much the same as they are at Pittsburgh, in point of quality and situation. They cost 3 cents per bushel to be got out from the mine. This price, as nearly as 1 can calculate, enables the Ameiican collier to earn, upon an average, louble the number of cents for the same labour that the collier in England can earn; so that, PART III.] JOURNAL. 511 as the American collier can, upon an average, buy his flour for one third of the price that the English collier pays for his flour, he receives six times the quantity/ of flour for the same la- hour. Here is a country for the ingenious pau- pers of England to come to ! They find food and materials, and nothing wanting but their mouths and hands to consume and work them. I should like to see the old toast of the Bo- roughmongers brought out again; when they were in the height of their impudence their myrmidons used to din in our ears, " Old Eng- " land for ever, and those that do not like her " let them leave her." Let them renew this swaggering toast, and I would very willingly for my part, give another to the same effect for the United States of America. But, no, no ! they know better now. They know that they would be taken at their word; and, like the tyrants of Egypt, having got their slaves fast, will (if they can) keep them so. Let them be- ware, lest something worse than the Red Sea overwhelm them ! Like Pharaoh and his Bo- roughmongers they will not yield to the voice of the people, and, surely, something like, or worse than, their fate shall befall them ! 956. They are building a steam-boat at Wheel- ing, which is to go, they say, 1800 miles up the Missouri river. The wheels are made to work 512 JOURNAL. [part 111. in the stern of the boat, so as not to come in contact with the floating trees, snaggs, planters,* &c., obstructions most likely very numerous in. that river. But, the placing the wheels behind only saves them ; it is no protection against the hoafs sinking in case of being pierced by a planter or sawyer.f Observing this, I will sug- gest a plan which has occurred to me, and which, J think, would provide against sinking, effectually ; but, at any rate, it is one which can be tried very easily and with very little expence. — I would make a partition of strong plank; put it in the broadest fore-part of the boat, right across, and put good iron bolts under the bot- tom of the boat, through these planks, and screw them on the top of the deck. Then put an upright post in the inside of the boat against the middle of the plank partition, and put a spur to the upright post. The partition should be water-tight. I would then load the fore- part of the boat, thus partitioned off, with lum- ber or such loading as is least liable to injury, and best calculated to stop the progress of a sawyer after it has gone through the boat. — By thus appropriating the fore-part of the boat to the reception of planters and sawyers, it ap- * Trees lunnbled head-long and fixed in the river, t The same as a planter, only waving up and down. PART III.] JOURNAL. 513 pears to me that the other part would be se- cured against all intrusion. 957. July Wth. — From Wheeling, through Charlston, changing sides of the river again to Steubenville. My eyes were delighted at Charls- ton to see the smoke of the coals ascending from the glass-works they have here. This smoke it is that must enrich America; she might save almost all her dollars if she would but bring her invaluable black diamonds into service. Talk of independence, indeed, without coats to wear or knives or plates to eat with ! 958. At Steubenville, became acquainted with Messrs. Wills, Ross, and company, who have an excellent and well-conducted woollen manufactory here. They make very good cloths, and at reasonable prices; 1 am sorry they do not retail them at Philadelphia ; I, for one, should be customer to them for all that my family wanted in the woollen-way. Here are likewise a Cotton-mill, a Grist-mill, a Paper- mill, an Iron-foundery and Tan -yards and Breweries. Had the pleasure to see Mr. Wil- son, the editor of the Steubenville Gazette, a very public-spirited man, and, I believe, very serviceable to this part of the country. If the policy he so powerfully advocates were adopted, the effects would be grand for America; it would save her dollars while it would help to 514 JOURNAL. [part III". draw tlie nails of the vile Borongliinongers. But, he has to labour against the inveterate effects of the thing the most difficult of all others to move — habit. 9»59. By what 1 have been able to observe of this part of the country, those who expect to find what is generally understood by society, pretty much the same that they have been ac- customed to it on the Atlantic side, or in Eng- land, will not be totally disappointed. It is here upon the basis of the same manners and customs as in the oldest settled districts, and it there differs from what it is in England, and here from what it is there, only according to circumstances. Few of the social amusements that are practicable at present, are scarce; dancing, the most rational for every reason, is the most common ; and, in an assemblage for this purpose, composed of the farmers' daugh- ters and sons from 20 miles round, an English- man (particularly if a young one) might very well think his travels to be all a dream, and that he was still in a Boroughmonger country. Al- most always the same tunes and dances, same manners, same dress. Ah, it is that same dress which is the great evil ! it may be a very pretty sight, but, to see the dollars thus danced out of the country into the hands of the Bo- roughmongers, to the tune of national airs, is a PART III.] JOURNAL. 515 thing which, if it do not warrant ridicule, will, if America do not, by one unanimous voice, soon put a stop to it. 960. Jtdi/oOth. — From Steubenville, crossing the Ohio for the last time, and travelling through a slip of Virginia and a handsome part of Penn- sylvania, to Pittsburgh. 961. August [St.— Sold my horse for 75 dollars, 60 dollars less than I gave for him. A horse changes masters no where so often as in this Western country, and no where so often rises and falls in value. Met a Mr. Gibbs, a native of Scotland, and an old neighbour of mine, having superintended some oil of vitriol works near to my bleach-works on Great Lever, near Bolton, in Lancashire. He now makes oil of vitriol, aquafortis, salts, soap, &c. at this place, and is, 1 believe, getting rich. Spent a pleasant evening with him. 962. August 2nd. — Spent most part of the day with Mr. Gibbs, and dined with him; as the feast was his, J recommended him to ob- serve the latter part of the good Quaker Lady's sermon which we heard at New Albany. 963. August Zrd. — Leave Pittsburgh, not without some regretat bidding adieu to so much activity and smoke, for I expect not to see it elsewhere. 1 like to contemplate the operation by which the greatest effect is produced in a 516 JOURNAL. [part III. country. Take the same route and the same stage as on sefcting out from Philadelphia. 964. August 4t/i, 5t/i, and 6th. — These three days traversing the romantic Allegany Moun- tains ; got overturned (a common accident here) onl^ once, and then received very little damage : myself none, some of my fellow travellers a few scratches. We scrambled out, and, with the help of some waggoners, set the vehicle on its wheels again, adjusted our *' plunder" (as some of the Western people call it), and drove on again without being detained more than five minutes. The fourth night slept at Chambers- burgh, the beginning of a fine country. 965. Auo-ust 1th. — Travelled over the fine lime- stone valley before mentioned, and through a very good country all the way, by Little York to Lancaster. Here ] met with a person from Philadelphia, who told me a long story about a Mr. Hulme, an Englishman, who had brought a large family and considerable property to America. His property, he told me, the said Mr. Hulme had got from the English Govern- ment, for the invention of some machine, and that now, having got rich under their patronage, he was going about this country doing the said Government all the mischief he could, and en- deavouring to promote the interests of this country. After letting him go o» till I was^ PART III.] JOURNAL. 517 quite satisfied that he depends mainly for his bread and butter upon the English Treasury, I said, " Well, do you know this Mr. Hulme?" " No, he had only heard of him." *' Then I " do, and 1 know that he never had any patent, " nor ever asked for one, from the English go- " vernraent ; ail he has got he has gained by " his own industry and economy, and, so far " from receiving a fortune from that vile go- " vernment, he had nothing to do with it but " to pay and obey, without being allowed to " give a vote for a Member of Parliament or " for any Government Officer. He is now, " thank God, in a country where he cannot be " taxed but by his own consent, and, if he " should succeed in contributing in any degree " to the downfall of the English Government, " and to the improvement of this country, he " will only succeed in doing his duty." This man could be no other than a dependent of that boroughmongering system which has its feelers probing every quarter and corner of the earth. 966. August Sth. — Return to Philadelphia, after a journey of 72 days. My expences for this journey, including every thing, not except- ing the loss sustained by the purchase and sale of my horse, amount to 270 dollars and 70 cents. 518 JOURNAL. [part III. 967. As it is now about a twelvemonth since I have been settled in Philadelphia, or set fool in it, rather, with my family, I will take a look at my books, and add to this Journal what have been the expences of my family for this one year, from the time of landing to this day, in- clusive. " Dolls. Cents. House-rent 600 Fuel 137 Schooling (at day-schools) for my children viz. ; for doi,,. Thomas, 14 years of age 40 Peter and John, ages of 12 and 10, 48 Sarah, 6 years of age, . 18 — 106 Boarding of all my family at Mrs. Anthony's Hotel for about a week, on our arrival ... 80 Expences of house-keeping (my family fourteen in number, in- cluding two servants) with every other out-going not enu- merated above, travelling, inci- dents, two newspapers a day, &C.&C 2076 66 Taxes, not a cent Priest, not a cent Total 2999 66 PART III.] JOUJINAL. ^^9 968. " What! nothing to the Parson!" some of my old neighbours will exclaim. No : not a single stiver. The Quakers manage their affairs without Parsons, and I believe they are as good and as happy a people as any religious denomi- nation who are aided and assisted by a Priest. I do not suppose that the Quakers will admit me into their Society; but, in this free country I can form a new society, if I choose, and, if 1 do, it certainly shall be a Society having a Chairman in place of a Parson, and the assemblage shall discuss the subject of their meeting themselves. Why should there not be as much knowledge and wisdom and common sense, in the heads of a whole congregation, as in the head of a Par- son ? Ah, but then there are the profits arising from the trade! Some of this holy Order in England receive upwards of 40,000 dollars per annum for preaching probably not more than five or six sermons during the whole year. Well may the Cossack Priests represent Old England as the bulwark of religion ! This is the sort of religion they so much dreaded the loss of during the French Revolution ; and this is the sort of religion they so zealously expected to establish in America, when they received the glad tidings of the restoration of the Bourbon!«: and the Pope. END OF THE JOURNAL. 520 LETTER TO [PART III. TO MORRIS BIRKBECK, Esq. OF ENGLISH PRAIRIE, ILLINOIS TERRITORY. North Hentpstead, Long Island, 10 Dec. 1818. My Dear Sir, 969. I HAVE read your two little books, namely, the " Notes on a Journey in America,' " and the Letters from the Illinois'' I opened the books, and I proceeded in the perusal, with fear and trembling; not because I supposed it possible for you to put forth an hitended im- position on the world ; but, because I had a sincere respect for the character and talents of the writer; and because I knew how enchanting and delusive are the prospects of enthusiastic minds, when bent on grand territorial acquisi- tions. 970. My apprehensions were, I am sorry to have it to say, but too well founded. Your books, written, I am sure, without any intention to deceive and decoy, and without any even the smallest tincture of base self-interest, are, in PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 521 my opinion, calculated to produce great disap- pointment, not to say misery and ruin, amongst our own country people (for I will, in spite of your disavowal, still claim the honour of having you for a countryman), and great injury ,to America by sending back to Europe accounts of that disappointment, misery, and ruin. 971. It is very true, that you decline advising any one to go to the Illinois, and it is also true, that your description of the hardships you encountered is very candid ; but still, there runs throughout the whole of your Notes such an account as to the prospect, that is to say, the ultimate effect, that the book is, without your either wishing or perceiving it, calculated to deceive and decoy. You do indeed describe difficulties and hardships : but, then, you over- come them all with so much ease and gaiety, that you make them disregarded by your Eng- lish readers, who, sitting by their fire-sides, and feeling nothing but the gripe of the Borough- mongers and the tax-gatherer, merely cast a glance at your hardships and fully participate in all your enthusiasm. You do indeed fairly describe the rugged roads, the dirty hovels, the fire in the woods to sleep by, the pathless ways through the wildernesses, the dangerous cross- ings of the rivers; but, there are the beautiful meadows and rich lands at last; there is the 522 LETTER TO [pART fll. Jine freehold domain at the end! There are the giants and the enchanters to encounter; the slashings and the rib-roastings to undergo ; but then, there is, at last, the lovely languishing damsel to repay the adventurer. 972. The whole of your writings relative to your undertaking, address themselves directly to English Farmers, who have property to the amount of two or three thousand pounds, or upwards. Persons of this description are, not by your express words, but by the natural ten- dency of your writings, invited, nay, strongly invited, to emigrate with their property to the Illinois Territory. Many have already acted upon the invitation. Many others are about to follow them. I am convinced, that their doing this is unwise, and greatly injurious, not only to them, but to the character of America as a country to emigrate to, and, as 1 have, in the first Part of this work, promised to give, as far as I am able, a true account of America, it is my duty to state the reasons on which this con- viction is founded ; and, I address the statement to you, in order, that, if you find it erroneous, you may, in the like public manner, show wherein I have committed error. 973. We are speaking, my dear Sir, of Eng- lish Farmers possessing each two or three thousand pounds sterling. And, before we PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 523 proceed to inquire, whether such persons ought to emigrate to the West or to the East, it may not be amiss to inquire a little, whether they ought to emigrate at all! Do not start, now! For, while I am very certain that the emigration oi such persons is not, in the end, calculated to produce benefit to America, as a nation, I greatly doubt of its being, generally speaking, of any benefit to the emigrants themselves, if we take into view the chances of their speedy relief at home. 974. Persons of advanced age, of settled habits, of deep rooted prejudices, of settled ac- quaintances, of contracted sphere of movement, do not, to use Mr. George Flower's expres- sion, " transplant well." Of all such persons, Farmers transplant worst ; and, of all Farmers, English Farmers are the worst to transplant. Of some of the tears, shed in the Illinois, an account reached me several months ago, through an eye-witness of perfect veracity, and a very sincere friend of freedom, and of you, and whose information was given me, unasked for, and in the presence of several Englishmen, every one of whom, as well as myself, most ar- dently wished you success. 975. It is nothing, my dear Sir, to say, as you do, in the Preface to the Letters from the Illi- nois, that, " as little would I encourage the 2p 524 LETTER TO [PART III. *' emigration of the tribe of grumblers, people " who are petulant and discontented under the " every-day evils of life. Life has its petty " miseries in all situations and climates, to be " mitigated or cured by the continual efforts of " an elastic spirit, or to be borne, if incurable, " with cheerful patience. But the peevish emi- " grant is perpetually comparing the comforts " he has quitted, but never could enjoy, with *' the privations of his new allotment. He over- " looks the present good, and broods over the *' evil with habitual perverseness; whilst in the " recollection of the past, he dwells on the *' good only. Such people are always bad as- *' sociates, but they are an especial nuisance in " an infant colony." 976. Give me leave to say, my dear Sir, that there is too much asperity in this language, con- sidering who were the objects of the censure. Nor do you appear to me to afford, in this in- stance, a very happy illustration of the absence of that peevishness, which you perceive in others, and for the yielding to which you call them a nuisance ; an appellation much too harsh for the object and for the occasion. If you, with all your elasticity of spirit, all your ardour of pursuit, all your compensations of fortune in prospect, and all your gratifications of fame in possession, cannot with patience hear the wail- PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 525 ings of some of your neighbours, into what source are they to dip for the waters of content and good-humour? 977. It is no " every-day evil" that they have to bear. For an English Farmer, and, more especially, an English Farmer's wife, after crossing the sea and travelling to the Illinois, with the consciousness of having expended a third of their substance, to purchase, as yet, nothing but sufferings ; for such persons to boil their pot in the gipsy-fashion, to have a mere board to eat on, to drink whisky or pure water, to sit and sleep under a shed far inferior to their English cow-pens, to have a mill at twenty miles distance, an apothecary's shop at a hun- dred, and a doctor no w^here: these, my dear Sir, are not, to such people^ *' every-day evils of " life." You, though in your little " cabin," have your books, you have your name circulat- ing in the world, you have it to be given, by and bye, to a city or a county ; and, if you fail of brilliant success, you have still a sufficiency of fortune to secure you a safe retreat. Almost the whole of your neighbours must be destitute of all these sources of comfort, hope, and con- solation. As they now are, their change is, and must be, for the worse; and, as to the future, besides the uncertainty attendant, every where, on that which is to come, they ought to be ex- 2 p2 526 LETTER TO [PART III. cused, if they, at their age, despair of seeing days as happy as those that they have seen. 978. It were much better for suck people not to emigrate at all ; for while they are sure to come into a state of some degree of suffering, they leave behind them the chance of happy days ; and, in my opinion, a certainty of such days. I think it next to impossible for any man of tolerable information to believe, that the pre- sent tyranny of the seat-owners can last another two years. As to what change will take place, it would, perhaps, be hard to say : but, that some great change will come is certain ; and, it is also certain, that the change must he for the better. Indeed, one of the motives for the emi- gration of many is said to be, that they think a convulsion inevitable. Why should such per- sons as I am speaking of fear a convulsion? Why should they suppose, that they will suffer by a convulsion ? What have they done to pro- voke the rage of the blanketteers ? Do they think that their countrymen, all but themselves, will be transformed into prowling wolves ? This is precisely what the Boroughmongers wish them to believe; and, believing it, they Jlee in- stead of remaining to assist to keep the people down, as the Boroughmongers wish them to do. 979. Being here, however, they, as you say, think only of the good they have left behind PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 527 them, and of the had they find here. This is no fault of theirs : it is the natural course of the human mind; and this you ought to have known. You yourself acknowledge, that Eng- land " was never so dear to you as it is notv in *' recollection: being no longer under its base *' oligarchy, I can think of my native country *' and her noble institutions, apart from her poli- *' tics" I may ask you, by the way, what noble institutions she has, which are not of a political nature ? Say the oppressions of her tyrants^ say that you can think of her and love her renown and her famous political institutions, apart from those oppressions, and then 1 go with you with all my heart ; but, so thinking, and so feeling, I cannot say with you, in your Notes, that England is to me " matter of history " nor with you, in your Letters from the Illinois, that " where liberty is, there is my country." 980. But, leaving this matter, for the present, if English Farmers must emigrate, why should they encowiitev unnecessary difficulties? Coming from a country like a garden, why should they not stop in another somewhat resembling that which they have lived in before? Why should they, at an expence amounting to a large part of what they possess, prowl two thousand miles at the hazard of their limbs and lives, take wo- men and children through scenes of hardship 528 LETTER TO [pART III. and distress not easily described, and that too, to live like gipsies at the end of their journey, for, at least, a year or two, and, as I think I shall show, without the smallest chance of their finally doing so well as they may do in these Atlantic States? Why should an English Farmer and his family, who have always been jogging about a snug home-stead, eating regular meals, and sleeping in warm rooms, push back to the Illinois, and encounter those hardships, which require all the habitual disregard of comfort of an American back-woods-man to overcome? Why should they do this? The undertaking is hardly reconcileable to reason in an Atlantic American Farmer who has half a dozen sons, all brought up to use the axe, the saw, the chisel and the hammer from their infancy, and every one of whom is ploughman, carpenter, wheelwright and butcher, and can work from sun-rise to sun-set, and sleep, if need be, upon the bare boards. What, then, must it be in an English Farmer and his family of helpless mor- tals? Helpless, I mean, in this scene of such novelty and such difficulty? And what is his wife to do ; she who has been torn from all her relations and neighbours, and from every thing that she liked in the world, and who, perhaps, has never, in all her life before, been ten miles from the cradle in which she was nursed? An PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 529 American farmer mends his plough, his wag- gon, his tackle of all sorts, his household goods, his shoes ; and, if need be, he makes them all. Can our people do all this, or any part of it? Can they live without bread for months ? Can they live without beer ? Can they be otherwise than miserable, cut off, as they must be, from all intercourse with, and hope of hearing of, their re- lations and friends? The truth is, that this is not transplanting, it is tearing up and flinging away. 981. Society I What society can these people have? 'Tis true they have nobody to envy, for nobody can have any thing to enjoy. But there may be, and there must be, mutual complain- ings and upbraidings; and every unhappiness will be traced directly to him who has been, however unintentionally, the cause of the unhappy per- son's removal. The very foundation of your plan necessarily contained the seeds of discon- tent and ill-will. A colony all from the same country was the very worst project that could have been fallen upon. You took upon your- self the charge of Moses without being invested with any part of his authority; and absolute as this was, he found the charge so heavy, that he called upon the Lord to share it with him, or to relieve him from it altogether. Soon after you went out, an Unitarian Priest, upon my asking 530 LETTER TO [PART III. what you were going to do in that wild coun- try, said, you were going to form a community, who would be *' content to worship one God.'' " I hope not," said I, " for he will have plagues " enough without adding a priest to the num- " ber." But, perhaps, 1 was wrong: for Aaron was of great assistance to the leader of the Is- raelites. .982. As if the inevitable effects of disappoint- ment and hardship were not sufficient, you had, too, a sort of partnership in the leaders. This is sure to produce feuds and bitterness in the long run. Partnership-sovereignties have furnished the world with numerous instances of poisonings and banishments and rottings in prison. It is as much as merchants, who post their books every Sunday, can do to get along without quarrelling. Of man and wife, though they are flesh of flesh and bone of bone, the harmony is not always quite perfect, except in France, where the husband is the servant, and in Germany and Prussia, where the wife is the slave. But, as for a partnership sovereignty without disagreement, there is but one single in- stance upon record ; that, I mean, was of the two kings of Brentford, whose cordiality was, you know, so perfect, that they both smelt to the same nosegay. This is, my dear Sir, no ban- tering. I am quite serious. It is impossible PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 531 that separations should not take place, and equally impossible that the neighbourhood should not be miserable. This is not the way to settle in America. The way is, to go and sit yourself dov'n amongst the natives. They are already settled. They can lend you what you want to borrow, and happy they are al- ways to do it. And, which is the great thing of all great things, you have their women for your women to commune with ! 983. Rapp, indeed, has done great things; but Rapp has the authority of Moses and that of Aaron united in his own person. Besides, Rapp's community observe in reality that celi- bacy, which Monks and Nuns pretend to, though I am not going to take my oath, mind, that none of the tricks of the Convent are ever played in the tabernacles of Harmony. At any rate, Rapp secures the effects of celibacy ; first, an absence of the expence attendmg the breed- ing and rearing of children, and, second, unre- mitted labour of woman as well as man. But, where, in all the world is the match of this to be found? Where else shall we look for a Society composed of persons willing and able to forego the gratification of the most powerful propensity of nature, for the sake of getting money together? Where else shall we look for a band of men and women who love money 532 LETTER TO [PART III. better than their own bodies? Better than their souls we find people enough to love mo- ney; but, who ever before heard of a set that preferred the love of money to that of their bodies ? Who, before, ever conceived the idea of putting a stop to the procreation of children, for the sake of saving the expence of bearing and breeding them ? This Society, which is a perfect j)rodigy and monster, ought to have the image of MAMMON in their place of worship ; for that is the object of their devotion, and not the God of nature. Yet the persons belonging to this unnatural association are your nearest neighbours. The masculine things here, called women, who have imposed barrenness on them- selves, out of a pure love of gain, are the nearest neighbours of the affectionate, tender-hearted wives and mothers and daughters, who are to inhabit your colony, and who are, let us thank God, the very reverse of the petticoated Ger- mans of Harmony. 984. In such a situation, with so many cir- cumstances to annoy, what happiness can an English family enjoy in that country, so far distant from all that resembles what they have left behind them? " The fair Enchantress, " Liberty^' of whom you speak with not too much rapture, they would have found in any of these States, and, in a garb, too, by which PART III.] MORRIS BTRKBECK, ESQ. 533 they would have recognised her. Where they now are, they are free indeed ; but their free- dom is that of the wild animals in your woods. It is not freedom, it is no government. The Gipsies, in England, are free ; and any one, who has a mind to live in a cave, or cabin, in some hidden recess of our Hampshire forests, may be free too. The English farmer, in the Illinois, is, indeed, beyond the reach of the Boroughmongers ; and so is the man that is in the grave. When it was first proposed, in the English Ministry, to drop quietly the title of King of France in the enumeration of our king's titles, and, when it was stated to be an expedient lihely to tend to a peace, Mr. Wind- ham, who was then a member of the Cabinet, said : " As this is a measure of safety, and as, " doubtless, we shall hear of others of the same " cast, what think you of going under ground " at once ?"" It was a remark enough to cut the liver out of the hearers ; but Pitt and his asso- ciates had no livers. I do not believe, that any twelve Journeymen, or Labourers, in England would have voted for the adoption of this mean and despicable measure. 985. If, indeed, the Illinois were the only place out of the reach of the Borough-grasp ; and, if men are resolved to get out of that reach ; then, 1 should say. Go to the Illinois, 534 LETTER TO [PART III. by all means. But, as there is a country, a settled country, a free country, full of kind neighbours, full of all that is good, and when this country is to be traversed in order to get at the acknowledged hardships of the Illinois, how can a sane mind lead an English Farmer into the expedition ? 986. It is the enchanting damsel that makes the knight encounter the hair-breadth scapes, the sleeping on the ground, the cooking with cross-sticks to hang the pot on. It is the PrairiCy that pretty French word, which means green grass bespangled with daisies and cow- slips ! Oh, God ! What delusion ! And that a man of sense; a man of superior understanding and talent ; a man of honesty, honour, huma- nity, and lofty sentiment, should be the cause of this delusion ; I, my dear Sir, have seen Prairies many years ago, in America, as fine as yours, as fertile as yours, though not so ex- tensive. I saw those Prairies settled on by American Loyalists, who were carried, with all their goods and tools to the spot, and who were furnished with four years' provisions, all at the expence of England; who had the lands given them; tools given them; and who were thus seated down on the borders of creeksy which gave them easy communication with the inhabited plains near the sea. The PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 535 settlers that I particularly knew were Connec- ticut men. Men with families of sons. Men able to do as much in a day at the works neces- sary in their situation as so many Englishmen would be able to do in a week. They began with a shed; then rose to a log-house; and next to 2i frame-house; all of their own building. I have seen them manure their land with Salmon caught in their creeks, and with pigeons caught on the land itself. It will be a long while be- fore you will see such beautiful Cornrfields as I saw there. Yet nothing but the danger and disgrace which attended their return to Con- necticut prevetited their returning, though there they must have begun the world anew. I saw them in their log-huts, and saw them in their frame-houses. They had overcome all their difficulties as settlers ; they were under a go- vernment which required neither tax nor service from them ; they were as happy as people could be as to ease and plenty ; but, still, they sighed for Connecticut; and especially the women, young as well as old, though we, gay fellows with worsted or silver lace upon our bright red coats, did our best to make them happy by telling them entertaining stories about Old England, while we drank their coffee and grog by gallons, and eat their fowls, pigs and sau- sages and sweet-meats, by wheel-barrow loads ; 536 LETTER TO [PARt III. for, though we were by no means shy, their hospitality far exceeded our appetites. I am an old hand at the work of settling in wilds. I have, more tlian once or twice, had to begin my nest and go in, like a bird, making it habitable by degrees ; and, if I, or, if such people as my old friends above-mentioned, with every thing found for them and brought to the spot, had difficulties to undergo, and sighed for home even after all the difficulties were over, what must be the lot of an English Far- mer's family in the Illinois ? 987. All this I told you, my dear sir, in London just before your departure. I begged of vou and Mr. Richard Flower both, not to think of the Wildernesses. I begged of you to go to within a day's ride of some of these great cities, where your ample capital and your great skill could not fail to place you upon a footing, at least, with the richest amongst the most happy and enlightened Yeomanry in the world ; where you would find every one to praise the improvements you would introduce, and no- body to envy you any thing that you might acquire. Where you would find society as good, in all respects, as that which you had left behind you. Where you would find neigh- bours ready prepared for you far more generous and hospitable than those in England can be. PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 537 loaded and pressed down as they are by the inexorable hand of the Borough-villains. 1 offered you a letter (which, I believe, I sent you), to my friends the Pauls. " But," said I, *' you want no letter. Go into Philadelphia, " or B*icks, or Chester, or Montgomery Coun- " ty ; tell any of the Quakers, or any body *' else, that you are an English Farmer, come " to settle amongst them ; and, I'll engage that *' you will instantly have friends and neigh- " hours as good and as cordial as those that " you leave in England." 988. At this very moment, if this plan had been pursued, you would have had a beautiful farm of two or three hundred acres. Fine stock upon it feeding on Swedish Turnips. A house overflowing with abundance; comfort, ease, and, if you chose, elegance, would have been your inmates ; libraries^ public and private within your reach ; and a communication with England much more quick and regular than that which you now have even with Pittsburgh. 989. You say, that " Philadelphians know " nothing of the Western Countries." Suffer me, then, to say, that you know nothing of the Atlantic States^ which, indeed, is the only apology for your saying, that the Americans have no mutton Jit to eat, and regard it onli/ as «t thing Jit for dogs. In this island every farmer 638 LETTER TO [PART III. has sheep. I kill fatter lamb than 1 ever saw in England, and the/attest mutton I ever saw, was in company with Mr. Harline, in Philadel- phia market last winter. At Brighton, near Boston, they produced, at a cattle shew this fall, an ox of two-thousand seven-hundred pounds weight, and sheep much finer, than you and I saw at the Smithfield Show in 1814. Mr. Judge Lawrence of this county, has kept, for seven years, an average of Jive hundred Merinos on his farm of one hundred andjifty acreSy besides raising twenty acres of Corn and his usual pretty large proportion of grain! Can your Western Farmers beat that? Yes, in extent, as the surface of five dollars beats that of a guinea. 990. 1 suppose that Mr. Judge Lawrence's farm, close by the side of a bay that gives him two hours of water carriage to New- York ; a farm with twenty acres of meadow, real prairie; a gentleman's house and garden ; barns, sheds, cider-house, stables, coach-house, corn-cribs, and orchards that may produce from four to eight thousand bushels of apples and pears : I suppose, that this farm is worth three hundred dollars an acre: that is, forty-five thousand dollars ; or about, tivelve or thirteen thousand pomids. 991. Now, then, let us take a look at your PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 539 estimate of the ex[)ences of sitting down in the prairies. Copy from my Memorandum 3ook. 992. Estimate of money required for the com- fortable establishment of my family on Bolting House, now English, prairie; on which the first instalment is paid. About 720 acres of wood- land, and 720 prairie — the latter to be chiefly grass: — Dollars. Second instalment, August, 1819, 720 Third ditto . . . August, 1820, 720 Fourth ditto . . August, 1821, 720 2,160 Dwelling-house and appurtenances . . 4,500 Other buildings 1,500 4680 rods of fencing, viz. 3400 on the prairie, and 1280 round the wood- land 1,170 Sundry wells, 200 dollars; gates, 100 dollars; cabins, 200 dollars ... 500 100 head of cattle, 900 dollars ; 20 sows, &c. 100 dollars; sheep, 1000 dollars . 2,000 Ploughs, waggons, &c. and sundry tools and implements 270 Housekeeping until the land supplies us 1,000 Carried over . . .13,100 2 Q 540 LETTER TO [PART III. Dollars. Brought over . . . .13,100 Shepherd one year's wages, herdsmen one year, and sundry other labourers 1,000 One cabinet-maker, one wheel-wright, one year, making furniture and imple- ments, 300 dollars each 600 Sundry articles of furniture, ironmon- gery, pottery, glass, &c 500 Sundries, fruit trees, &c 100 First instalment already paid .... 720 Five horses on hand, worth .... 300 Expence of freight and carriage of linen, bedding, books, clothing, &c . . . 1,000 Value of articles brought from England 4,500 Voyage and journey . 2,000 Doll. 23,820 23,820 dollars zz £5,359 sterling. Allow about 600 dollars more for seed and corn 141 ^5,500 993. So, here is more than one third of the amount of Mr. Judge Lawrence's farm. To be sure, there are only about 18,000 dollars expended on land, buildings, and getting- at them ; but, what a life is that which you are to lead for a thousand dollai^s a year, when two good domestic servants will cost four hundred PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 541 of the money ? Will you live like one of the Yeomen of your rank here ? Then, J assure you, that your domestics and groceries (the latter three times as dear as they are here) and crockery-ware (equally dear) will more than swallow up that pitiful sum. You allow six thousand dollars for buildings. Twice the sum would not put you, in this respect, upon a footing with Mr. Lawrence. His land is all completely fenced and his grain in the ground. His apple trees have six thousand bushels of apples in their buds, ready to come out in the spring ; and, a large part of these to be sold at a high price to go on ship-board. But, what is to give you his market? What is to make your pork, as soon as killed, sell for 9 or 10 dollars a hundred, and your cows at 45 or 50 dollars each, and your beef at 7 or 8 dollars a hundred, and your corn at a dollar, and wheat at two dollars a bushel ? 994. However, happiness is in the mind; and, if it be necessary to the gratification of your mind to inhabit a wilderness and be the owner of a large tract of land, you are right to seek and enjoy this gratification. But, for the plain, plodding English Farmer, who simply seeks safety for his little property, with some addition to it for his children ; for such a per- son to cross the Atlantic states in search of 2 Q 2 542 LETTER^ TO [PART III. safety, tranquillity and gain in the Illinois, i», to my mind, little short of madness. Yet, to this mad enterprize is he allured by your cap- tivating statements, and which statements be- come decisive in their effects upon his mind, when they are reduced to figures. This, my dear Sir, is the part of your writings, which has given me most pain. You have not meant to deceive ; but you have first practised a de- ceit upon yourself, and then upon others. All the disadvantages you state; but, then, you ac- company the statement by telling us how quick- ly and how easily they will be overcome. Salt, Mr. HuLME finds, even at Zanesville, at tivo dollars and a half a bushel ,• but, you tell us, that it soon will be at three quarters of a dollar. And thus it goes all through. 995. J am happy, however, that you have given us figures in your account of what an English farmer may do ivith two thousand j)ounds. It is alluring, it is fallacious, it tends to disappointment, misery, ruin and broken hearts ; but it is open and honest in intention, and it affords us the means of detecting and exposing the fallacy. Many and many a family have returned to New England after having emi- grated to the West in search oi fine estates. They, able workmen, exemplary livers, have re- turned to labour in their native States amongst PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 543 their relations and old neighbours; but, what are our poor ruined countrymen to do, when they become pennyless ? If I could root my coun- try from my heart, common humanity would urge me to make an humble attempt to dissi- pate the charming delusions, which have, with- out your perceiving it, gone forth from your sprightly and able pen, and which delusions are the more dangerous on account of your justly high and well-known character for un- derstanding and integrity. 996. The statement, to which I allude, stands as follows, in your tenth Letter from the Illi- nois. 997. A capital of 2000Z. sterling, (8,889 dol- lars,) may be invested on a section of such land^ in the following manner, viz. Dollars. Purchase of the land, 640 acres, at 2 dollars per acre 1280 House and buildings, exceedingly con- venient and comfortable, may be built for 1500 A rail fence round the woods, 1000 rods, at 25 cents per rod 250 About 1800 rods of ditch and bank, to divide the arable land into 10 fields . 600 Planting 1800 rods of live fence . . . 150 Carried over . , 3780 544 LETTER TO [PART III. Dollars. Brought over . . . 3780 Fruit trees for orchard, &c. .... 100 Horses and other live stock .... 1500 Iinplements and furniture 1000 Provision for one year, and sundry inci- dental charges 1000 Sundry articles of linen, books, apparel, implements, &c. brought from Eng- land 1000 Carriage of ditto, suppose 2000 lbs. at 10 dollars per cwt 200 Voyage and travelling expences of one person, suppose 309 8889 Note. — The first instalment on the land is 320 dollars, therefore 960 dol- lars of the purchase money remain in hand to be applied to the expences of cultivation, in addition to the sums above stated. Expenditure of first Year. Breaking up 100 acres, 2 dollars per acre 200 Indian corn for seed, 5 barrels, (a barrel is five bushels) 10 Planting ditto 25 Carried over . . . 235 PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 545 Dollars, Brought over . . . 235 Horse-hoeing ditto, one dollar per acre . 100 Harvesting ditto, li dollar per acre . . 150 Ploughing the same land for wheat, 1 dollar per acre 100 Seed wheat, sowing and harrowing . . 175 Incidental expences 240 Produce of first Year. 1000 100 acres of Indian corn, 50 bushels (or ]0 barrels) per acre, at 2 dollars per barrel 2000 Net produce 1000 Expenditure of second Year. Breaking up 100 acres for Indian corn, with expences on that crop .... 485 Harvesting and threshing wheat, 100 acres ...*... , ••. . . 350 Ploughing 100 acres for wheat, seed, &c. 275 Incidents . 290 Produce of second Year. 1400 100 acres Indian corn, 10 bar- rels per acre, 2 dollars per barrel 2000 100 acres wheat, 20 bushels per acre, 75 dollars per barrel . . 1500 — 3500 Net produce 2100 546 LETTER TO [PART III. Expenditure of third Year. Dollars. Breaking up 100 acres as before, with expences on crop of Indian corn . . 485 Ploughing J 00 acres of wheat stubble for Indian corn 100 Horse hoeing, harvesting, &c. ditto . . 285 Harvesting and threshing 1 00 acres wheat 350 Dung-carting 100 acres for wheat, after second crop of Indian corn .... 200 Ploughing 200 acres wheat, seed, &c. . 550 Incidents 330 2300 Produce of third Year. 200 acres of Indian corn, 10 bar- rels per acre, 2 dollars per bar- rel . 4000 100 acres wheat, 20 bushels per acre, 75 dollars per barrel . . 1500—5500 Net produce 3200 JEivpeuditure of fourth Year. As the third 2300 Harvesting and threshing 100 acres more wheat 350 Additional incidents 50 2700 PART in.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 547 Produce of fourth Year. Dollars. 200 acres Indian corn, as above . 4000 200 acres wheat 3000—7000 Net produce 4300 Summari/. EXPENCES. PRODUCE. First year Dollars. , . 1000 . Dollars. . 2000 Second . . . . 1400 . . 3500 Third . . . . . 2300 . . 5500 Fourth . . . . 2700 . . 7000 18000 House- keeping and other expences for four years . . . 4000 11,400 Net proceeds per annum . . . . . 1650 Increasing value of land by cultivation and settlements, half a dollar per ann. on 640 acres 320 Annual clear profit 1970 998. " Twenty more : kill 'em ! Twenty " more: kill them too!" No: I will not com- pare you to BoBADiL : for he was an intentional deceiver; and you are unintentionally deceiving others and yourself too. But, really, there is in this statement something so extravagant ; so perfectly wild; so ridiculously and staringly 548 LETTER TO [PART III. untrue, that it is not without a great deal of difficulty that all my respect for you personally can subdue in me the temptation to treat it with the contempt due to its intrinsic demerits. 999. I shall notice only a few of the items. A house, you say, '' exceedingli/ con\enient3.nd " comfortable, together with farm-buildings, " may be built for 1500 dollars." Your own intended house you estimate at 4500, and your out-buildings at 1500. So that, e/'this house of the farmer (an English farmer, mind) and his buildings, are to be ** exceedingly convenient " and comfortable" ioY 1500 dollars, your house and buildings must be on a scale, which, if not perfectly princely, must savour a good deal of aristocratical distinction. But, this if relieves us ; for even your house, built of pine timber and boards, and covered with cedar shingles, and finished only as a good plain farm-house ought to be, will, if it be thirty-six feet fronts thirty four feet deep, two rooms in front, kitchen, and wash-house behind, four rooms above, and a cellar beneath ; yes, this house alone, the bare empty house, with doors and windows suitable, will cost you more than six thousand dollars. I state this upon good authority. I have taken the estimate of a building carpenter. *' What " Carpenter?" you will say. Why, a Long Island carpenter, and the house to be built PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 549 within a mile of Brooklyn, or two miles of New York. Aud this is giving you all the advantage, for here the pine is cheaper than with you ; the shingles cheaper ; the lime and stone and brick as cheap or cheaper; the glass, iron, lead, brass and tin, all at half or a quarter of the Prairie price: and, as to labour, if it be not cheaper here than with vou, men would do well not to go so far in search of high wages! 1000. Let no simple Englishman imagine, that here, at and near New York, in this dear place^ we have to pay for the boards and timber brought from a distance; and that you, the happy people of the land of daisies and cow- slips, can cut down your men good and noble oak trees upon the spot, on your own estates, and turn them into houses without any carting. L,et no simple En2:lishman believe such idle stories as this. To dissipate all such notions, I have only to tell him, that the American farmers on this island, when they have buildings to make or repair, go and purchase the pine timber and boards, at the very same time that they cut down their own oak trees and cleave up and burn them as fire-wood! This is the universal prac- tice in all the parts of America that I have ever seen. What is the cause ? Pine wood is cheaper y though bought, than the oak is icithout buying. This fact, which nobody can deny, is a complete 550 LETTER TO [PART HI. proof that you gain no advantage from being in woods, as far as building is concerned. And the truth is, that the boards and plank, which have been used in the Prairie, have actually been brought from the Wabash, charged with ten miles rough land carriage: how far they may have come down the Wabash I cannot tell. 1001. Thus, then, the question is settled that building must be cheaper here than in the Illi- nois. If, therefore, a house, 36 by 34 feet, cost here 6000 dollars, what can a man get there for 1500 dollars? A miserable hole, and no more. But, here are to he farm-buildings and all, in the 1500 dollars' worth! A barn, 40 feet by 30, with floor, and with stables in the sides, cannot be built for 1500 dollars, leaving out waggon- house, corn-crib, cattle-hovels, yard fences, pig- sties, smoke house, and a great deal more ! And yet, you say, that all these, and a farm-house into the bargain, all " exceedingly comfortable ** and convenient," may be had for 1500 dollars! 1002. Now, you know, my dear Sir, that this is said in the face of all America. Farmers are my readers. They all understand these mat- ters. They are not only good, but impartial judges; and 1 call upon you to contradict, or even question, my statements, if you can. 1003. Do my eyes deceive me? Or do I really se^ one hundred a?id fifty dollars put down as PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 551 the ex pence of '* planting one thousand eight " hundred rod of live fence'? That is to say, 7iine cents, or four pence half-penny sterling, a rod! What plants ? Whence to come? Drawn out of the woods, or first sown in a nursery ? Is it seed to be sown ? Where are the seeds to come from? No levelling of the top of the bank ; no drill ; no sowing ; no keeping clean for a year or two : or, all these for nine cents a rod, when the same works cost half a dollar a rod in Eiigland ! 1004. Manure too ! And do you really want manure then? And, where, I pray you, are you to get manure for 100 acres? But, supposing you to have it, do you seriously mean to tell us that you will carry it on for two dollars an acre ? The carrying on, indeed, might perhaps be done for that, but, who pays for the filling and for the spreading? Ah! my dear Sir, I can well imagine your feelings at putting down the item of dung-carting, trifling as you make it appear upon paper. You now recollect my words when L last had the pleasure of seeing you, in Catherine Street, a few days before the departure of us both. I then dreaded the dung- cart, and recommended the Tullian System to you, by which you would have the same crops every year, without manure ; but, unfortunately for my advice, you sincerely believed your land 552 LETTER TO [PART III. would be already too rich, and that your main difficulty would be, not to cart on manure, but to cart off the produce! 1005. After this, it appears unnecessary for me to notice any other part of this Transalleganian romance, which I might leave to the admira- tion of the Edinburgh Reviewers, whose know- ledge of these matters is quite equal to what they have discovered as to the Funding System and Paper Money. But when I think of the flocks of poor English Farmers, who are tramp- ing away towards an imaginary, across a real land of milk and honey, [ cannot lay down the pen, till 1 have noticed an item or two of the produce. 1006. The farmer is to have 100 acres of Indian corn, the first year. The minds of you gentlemen who cross the Allegany seem to ex- pand, as it were, to correspond with the extent of the horizon that opens to your view ; but, 1 can assure you, that if you were to talk to a farmer on this side of the mountains of a field of Corn of a hundred acres during the first year of a settlement, with grassy land and hands scarce, you would frighten him into a third-day ague. In goes your Corn, however ! " Twenty " more : kill 'em !" Nothing but ploughing : no harrowing; no marking; and only a horse- hoeing, during the sumraei", at a dollar an acre. PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 553 The planting is to cost only a quarter of a dollar an acre. The planting will cost a dollar an acre. The horse-hoeing in your grassy land, two dollars. The hand-hoeing, which must be well done, or you will have no corn, two dollars; for, in spite of your teeth, your rampant natural grass will be up before your corn, and a man must go to a thousand hills to do half an acre a day. It will cost two dollars to harvest a hun- dred bushels oicorn ears. So that here are about 400 dollars of expences on the Corn alone, to be added. A trifley to be sure, when we are looking through the Transalleganian glass, which diminishes out-goings and magnifies in- comings. However, here are four hundred dollars. 1007. In goes the plough for wheat? "In ** him again ! Twenty more !" But, this is in Oc' tober, mind. Is the Corn off? It may be ; but, where are the/our hundred waggon loads of corn stalks J A prodigiously fine thing is this forest of fodder, as high and as thick as an English coppice. But, though it be of no use to you, who have the meadows without bounds, this coppice must be removed, if you please, before you plough for wheat! 1008. Let us pause here, then ; let us look at the battalion, who are at work; for, there must be little short of a Hessian Battalion. Twenty 554 LETTER TO [PART III. men and twenty horses may husk the Corn, cut and cart the stalks, plough and sow and harrow for the wheat; twenty two-legged and twenty four-legged animals may do the work in the pro- per time; but, if they do it, they must work well. Here is a goodly group to look at, for an English Farmer, without a penny in his pocket; for all his money is gone long ago, even accord- ing to your own estimate ; and, here, besides the expence of cattle and tackle, are 600 dollars, in bare wages, to be paid in a month ! You and I both have forgotten the shelling of the Corn, which, and putting it up, will come to 50 dol- lars more at the least, leaving the price of the barrel to be paid for by the purchaser of the Corn. 1009. But, what did I say? Shell the Corn ? It must go into the Cribs first. It cannot be shelled immediately. And it must not be thrown into heaps. It must be put into Cribs. I have had made out an estimate of the expence of the Cribs for ten thousand bushels of Corn Ears : that is the crop ; and the Cribs will cost 570 dollars! Though, mind, the farmer's house, barns, stables, waggon-house, and all, are to cost but 1500 dollars! But, the third year, our poor simpleton is to have 200 acres of corn ! " Twenty " more : kill 'em !" Another 570 dollars for Cribs! PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 555 J 010. However, crops now come tumbling on him so fast, that he must struggle hard not to be stifled with his own superabundance. He has now got 200 acres of corn and 100 acres of wheat, which latter he has, indeed, had one year before! Oh, madness ! But, to proceed. To get in these crops and to sow the wheat, first taking away 200 acres of English cop- pice in stalks, wilJ, with the dunging for the wheat, require, at \eeisi,jifty good men, a,nd forti/ good horses or oxen, for thirty days. Faith ! when farmer Simpleton sees all this (in his dreams I mean), he will think himself a farmer of the rank of Job, before Satan beset that ex- ample of patience, so worthy of imitation, and so seldom imitated. 1011. Well, but Simpleton must bustle to ^^^ in his wheat. In, indeed ! What can cover it, but the canopy of heaven? A barn! It will, at two English waggon loads of sheaves to an acre, require a barn a hundred feet long, fifty feet wide, and twenty-three feet high up to the eaves; and this barn, with two proper floors, will cost more than seven thousand dollars. He will put it in stacks ; let him add six men to his battalion then. He will thrash it in the field ; let him add ten more men ! Let him, at once, send and press the Harmonites into his service, and make Rapp march at their head, for, never 2r 556 LETTER TO [PART III. will he by any other means get in the crop; and, even then, if he pay fair wages, he will lose by it. 1012. After the crop is in and the seed sown, in the fall, what is to become of Simpleton's men till Corn ploughing and planting time in the spring ? And, then, when the planting is done, what is to become of them till harvest time? Is he, like Bayes, in the Rehearsal, to lay them down when he pleases, and when he pleases make them rise up again? To hear you talk about these crops, and, at other times to hear you ad- vising others to bring labourers from England, one would think you, for your own part, able, like Cadmus, to make men start up out df the earth. How would one ever have thought it possible for infatuation like this to seize hold of a mind like yours ? 1013. When I read in your Illinois Letters, that you had prepared horses, ploughs, and other things, for putting in a hundred acres of Corn in the Spiing, how I pitied you ! I saw all your plagues, if you could not see them. I saw the grass choking your plants ; the grubs eating them ; and you fretting and turning from the sight with all the pangs of sanguine baffled hope. I expected you to have ten bushels^ in- stead oi fifty, upon an acre. I saw your confu- sion, and participated in your mortification. PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBEGK, ESQ. 657 FrGin these feelings I was happily relieved by tbe Journal of our friend Hulme, who informs the world, and our countrymen in particular, that you had not, in July last, any Corn at all growing ! 1014. Thus it is to reckon one's chickens be- fore they are hatched : and thus the Transalle- ganian dream vanishes. You have been de- ceived. A warm heart, a lively imagination, and 1 know not what caprice about republi- canism, have led you into sanguine expectations and wrong conclusions. Come, now! Confess it like yourself; that is, like a man of sense and spirit: like an honest and fair-dealing John Bull. To err belongs to all men, great as well as little ; but, to be ashamed to confess error, belongs only to the latter. 1015. Great as is my confidence in your can- dour, I can, however, hardly hope wholly to escape your anger for having so decidedly con- demned your publications ; but, I do hope, that you will not be so unjust as to impute my con- duct to any base self interested motive. I have no private interest, I can have no such interest in endeavouring to check the mad torrent to- wards the West. I oivn nothing in these States, and never shall ; and whether English Farmers push on into misery and ruin, or stop here in happiness and prosperity, to me, as far as private "2 k 2 558 \ LETTER II. TO [PART III- interest goes, it must be the same. As to the difference in our feelings and notions about country, about allegiance, and about forms of government, this may exist without any, even the smallest degree of personal dislike. I was no hypocrite in England ; I had no views farther than those which I professed. I wanted nothing for myself but the fruit of my own industry and talent, and 1 wished nothing for my country but its liberties and laws, which say, that the people shall be fairly represented. England has been very happy and/ree; her greatness and renown have been surpassed by those of no nation in the world ; her wise, just, and merciful laws form the basis of that freedom which we here enjoy, she has been fertile beyond all rivalship in men of learn- ing and men devoted to the cause of freedom and humanity ; her people, though proud and domineering, yield to no people in the world in frankness, good faith, sincerity, and benevo- lence : and I cannot but know, that this state of things has existed, and that this people has been formed, under a government of king, lords, and commons. Having this powerful argument of experience before me, and seeing no reason why the thing should be otherwise, I have never wished for republican government in England; though, rather than that the present tyrannical oligarchy should continue to trample on king and PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 559 people, I would gladly see the whole fabric torn to atoms, and trust to chance for something bet- ter, being sure that nothing could be worse. But, if I am not a republican ; if 1 think my duty towards England indefeasible ; if I think that it becomes me to abstain from any act which shall seem to say I abandon her, and especially in this her hour of distress and oppres- sion ; and, if, in all these points, I differ from you, I trust that to this difference no part of the above strictures will be imputed, but that the motive will be fairly inferred from the act, and not the act imputed unfairly to any mo- tive. I am, my dear Sir, with great respect for your talents as well as character. Your most obedient And most humble servant, Wm. cobbett. 560 LETTER II. TO [PART 111. TO MORRIS BIRKBECK, Esq. OF ENGLISH PRAIRIE, ILLINOIS TERRITORY. LETTER II. North Hempstead, Long Island, 15th Dec. 1818. My dear Sir, 1016. Being, when I wrote my former Letter to you, in great haste to conclude, in order that my son William might take it to England with him, I left unnoticed many things, which I had observed in your " Letters from the Illinois;'' and which things merited pointed notice. Some of these I will notice; for, J wish to discharge all my duties towards my countrymen faith- fully; and, I know of no duty more sacred, than that of warning them against pecuniary ruin and mental misery. 1017. It has always been evident to me, that the Western Countries were not the countries for English farmers to settle in: no, nor for American farmers, unless under peculiar cir- PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 561 cumstances. The settlers, who have gone from the New England States, have, in general, been ahle men with families of stout sons. The con- tracted farm in New England sells for money enough to buy the land for five or six farms in the West, These farms are made by the labour of the owners. They hire nobody. They live any how for a while. 1 will engage that the labour performed by one stout New England family in one year, would cost an English farmer a thousand pounds in ivages. You will say, why cannot the English labour as hard as the Yan- kees? But, mind, 1 talk of ia. family of Yan- kee sons; and, besides, I have no scruple to say, that one of these will do as much work in the clearing mid fencing of a farm, and in the erec- Hon of buildings ^ 2iS four or five English of the same age and size. Yet, have many of the New England farmers returned. Even they have had cause to repent of their folly. What hope is there, then, that English farmers will succeed? 1018. It so happens, that I have seen new set- tlements formed. I have seen lands cleared. I have seen crowds of people coming and squat- ting down in woods or little islands, and by the sides of rivers. 1 have seen the log-hut raised ; the bark covering put on; I have heard the bold language of the adventurers ; and I have witnessed their subsequent miseries. They 5(52 LETTER II. TO [PART III. were just as free as you are; for, they, like you, saw no signs of the existence of any government, good or bad. 1019. New settlements, particularly at so great a distance from all the conveniences and sweeteners of life, must be begun by people who labour for themselves. Money is, in such a case, almost useless. It is impossible to be- lieve, that, after your statement about your in- tended hundred acres of Indian corw, you would not have had it, or, at least, a part of it, if you could; that is to say, li money would have got it. Yet you had not a single square rod. Mr. HuLME, (See Journal, 28th July) says, in the way of reason for your having no crops this year, that you conXd purchase ^'\ih more economy than you could grow ! Indeed ! what ; would the Indian Corn have cost, then, more than the price of the Corn? Untoward observation; hut perfectly true^ I am convinced. There is, it is my opinion, nobody that can raise Indian Corn or Grain at so great a distance from a market to any profit at all with Jiired labour. Nay, this is too plain a case to be matter of opinion. I may safely assume it as an indisputable fact. For, it being notorious, that labour is as high priced with you as with us, and your statement shew- ing that Corn is not much more than one third of our price, how monstrous, if you gain at all. PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 563 must be the Consumers' gains here ! The rent of the land here is a mere trifle more than it must be there, for the cultivated part must pay rent for the uncultivated part. The lahouVy in- deed, as all the world knows, is every thing. All the other expences are not worth speaking of. What, then, must be the gains of the Long [sland farmer, who sells his corn at a dollar a bushel, if you, with labour at the Long Island price, can gain by selling Corn at the rate of Jive bushels for two dollars ! If yours be a fine country for English farmers to migrate to, what must this he ? You want no manure. This can- not last long ; and, accordingly, I see, that you mean to dung for wheat after the second crop of Corn. This is another of the romantic stories exposed. In Letter IV you relate the romance oi manure being useless; but, in Letter X, you tell us, that you propose to use it. Land bear- ing crops without a manure, or, with new-cul- ture and constant ploughing, is a romance. This I told you in London ; and this you have found to be true. 1020. It is of little consequence what wild schemes are formed and executed by men who have property enough to 'carry them back ; but, to invite men to go to the Illinois with a few score of pounds in their pockets, and to tell them, that they can become farmers with those 664 LETTER II. TO [PART III. pounds, appears to me to admit of no other apology than an unequivocal acknowledgment, that the inviter is mad. Yet your Jijtcenth Let- ter from the Illinois really contains such an in- vitation. This letter is manifestly addressed to an imaginary person. It is clear that the cor- respondent is di feigned, or supposed, being. The letter is, 1 am sorry to say, I think, a mere trap to catch poor creatures with a few pounds in their pockets. 1 will here take the liberty to in- sert the whole of this letter; and will then en- deavour to show the misery which it is calcu- lated to produce, not only amongst English people, but amongst Americans who may chance to read it, and who are now living hap- pily in the Atlantic States. The letter is dated, 24th of February, 1818, and the following are its words : 1021. " Dear Sir, — When a man gives advice *' to his fi'iends, on affairs of great importance " to their interest, he takes on himself a load of " responsibility, from which I have always *' shrunk, and generally withdrawn. My ex- " ample is very much at their service, either for " imitation or warning, as the case may be. 1 ** must, however, in writing to you, step a little " over this line of caution, having more than ** once been instrumental in helping you, not " out of your difficulties, but from one scene of PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 565 " perplexity to another; I cannot help advising *' you to make an effort more, and extricate " yourself and family completely, by removing " into this country. — When 1 last saw you, *' twelve months ago, I did not think favourably " of your prospects: if things have turned out " better, 1 shall be rejoiced to hear it, and you ** will not need the advice 1 am preparing for ** you. But, if vexation and disappointments " have assailed you, as I feared, and you can " honourably make your escape, with the *' means of transmitting yourself hither, and " one hundred pounds sterling to spare — don't *' hesitate. In six months after I shall have " welcomed you, barring accidents, you shall ** discover that you are become rich, for you *' shall feel that you are independent : and I " think that will be the most delightful sensa- " tion you ever experienced ; for, you will re- " ceive it multiplied, as it were, by the number " of your family as your troubles now are. It *' is not, however, a sort of independence that " will excuse you from labour, or afford you ** many luxuries, that is, costly luxuries. I " will state to you what 1 have learned, from a " good deal of observation and inquiry, and a 'Mittle experience; then you will form your " own judgment. In the first place, the voyage. *' That will cost you, to Baltimore or Philadel- 566 LETTER II. TO [pART III. " phia, provided you take it, as no doubt you " would, in the cheapest way, twelve guineas *' each, for a birth, fire, and water, for yourself " and wife, and half price, or less, for your " children, besides provisions, which you will " furnish. Then the journey. Over the moun- " tains to Pittsburgh, down the Ohio to Shaw- " nee Town, and from thence to our settle- " ment, fifty miles north, will amount to five " pounds sterling per head. — If you arrive here *' as early as May, or even June, another five ** pounds per head will carry you on to that " point, where you may take your leave of de- *' pendence on any thing earthly but your own " exertions. — At this time I suppose you to have ** remaining one hundred pounds (borrowed " probably from English friends, who rely on " your integrity, and who may have directed " the interest to be paid to me on their behalf, " and the principal in due season.) — We will " now, if you please, turn it into dollars, and " consider how it may be disposed of. A " hundred pounds sterling will go a great way *' in dollars. With eighty dollars you will en- ** ter a quarter section of land ; that is, you '* will purchase at the land-office one hundred " and sixty acres, and pay one-fourth of the " purchase money, and looking to the land to " reward your pains with the means of dis- PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 567 " charging the other three-fourths as they be- " come due, in two, three, and four years. — " You will build a house with fifty dollars; " and you will find it extremely comfortable " and convenient, as it will be really and truly " yours. Two horses will cost, with harness ** and plough, one hundred. — Cows, and hogs, " and seed corn, and fencing, with other ex> •' penses, will require the remaining two hund- " red and ten dollars. — This beginning, humble " as it appears, is affluence and splendour, com- *' pared with the original outfit of settlers in " general. Yet no man remains in poverty, who *' possesses even moderate industry and eco- " nomy, and especially of time. — You would of ** course bring with you your sea-bedding and " store of blankets, for you will need them on *' the Ohio ; and you should leave £ngland " with a good stock of wearing apparel. Your ** luggage must be composed of light articles, *' on account of the costly land-carriage from " the Eastern port to Pittsburgh, which will " be from seven to ten dollars per 100 lbs. ** nearly sixpence sterling per pound. A few " simple medicines of good quality are indis- " pensable, such as calomel, bark in powder, "castor oil, calcined magnesia, laudanum; *' they may be of the greatest importance on " the voyage and journey, as well as after LETTER II. TO [PART III. " your arrival. — Change of climate and situa- " tion will produce temporary indisposition, " but with prompt and judicious treatment, " which is happily of the most simple kind, the " complaints to which new comers are liable are "seldom dangerous or difficult to overcome, *' provided due regard has been had to salubrity " in the choice of their settlement, and to diet " and accommodation after their arrival. '! sentence of iievei"»-ending slavery on all man- kind. Some Local Militia men; young fellows 592 LETTER II. TO [PART III. who had been compelled to become soldiers, and who had no knowledge of military disci- pline ; who had, by the Act of Parliament, been promised a guinea each before they marched ; who had refused to march because the guinea had not been wholly paid them; some of these young men, these mere boys, had, for this mu- tiny, as it was called, been flogged at Ely in Cambridgeshire, under a guard of German bayonets and sabres. At this I expressed my indignation in the strongest terms; and, for doing this, I was put for two years into a jail along with men convicted of unnatural crimes, rob- bery^ and under charge of murder, and where AsTLET was, who was under sentence of death. To this was added a fine of a thousand pounds sterling; and, when the two years should ex- pire, bonds for the peace and good behaviour for seven years I The seven years are not yet ex- pired. 1 will endeavour to be of " good be- " haviour'' for the short space that is to come; and, 1 am sure, I have behaved well for the past; for never were seven years of such efiH^ cient exertion seen in the life of any individual. 1047. The tyrants are hard pushed now. The Bank Notes are their only ground to stand en ; and that ground will be moved from under them in a little time. Strange changes since you left England, short as the time has been I PART III.] MORRIS BIRKBECK, ESQ. 593 I am fully of opinion, that my four years which I gave the system at my coming away, will see the end of it. There can be no more vmr car- ried on by them. I see they have had Baring, of Loan-notoriety at the Holy Alliance-Con- gress. He has been stipulating for a supply of paper-money. They should have got my con- sent to let the paper-money remain ; for, / can destroy it whenever I please. All sorts of pro- jects are on foot. " Illimitable Notes ;" paying in specie by weight of metal. Oh ! the wond- rous fools ! A sudden blow-up ; or, a blow-up somewhat slow, by ruin and starvation ; one of these must come; unless they speedily reduce the interest of the Debt; and even that will not save the seat-dealers. 1048. In the meanwhile let us enjoy ourselves here amongst this kind and hospitable people ; but, let us never forget, that England is our country, and that her freedom and renown ought to be as dear to us as the blood in our veins. God bless you, and give you health and happiness. Wm. cobbett. 594 POSTSCRIPT. RUTA BAGA; or, SWEDISH TURNIP. To the Editor of the New York Evening Post. Hyde Park, Long-Island, 3d Jan. 1S19. Sir, 1049. My publications of last year, on the amount of the crops of Rnta Baga, were, by many persons, considered romantic ; or, at best, a good deal strained. 1 am happy, therefore, to be able to communicate to the public, through your obliging columns, a letter from an American farmer on the subject. You may remember, if you did me the honour to read my Treatise on the cultivation of this root (in Part I. of the Year's Residence), that I carried the amount of my best Botley-crops r±o higher than one thousand three hundred bushels to the acre. The following interesting letter will, 1 think, convince every one, that [ kept, in all my state- ments, below the mark. Here we have an average weight of roots of six pounds and a half. PART III.] POSTSCRIPT. 595 1050. I beg Mr. TowNSEND to accept of my best thanks for his letter, wliich has given rne very great satisfaction, and which, wili^ I am sure, be of great use in promoting tlae; cultiva- tion of this valuable root. 1051. Many gentlemen have written to me with regard to the mode of preserving the Huta. Baga. I have, in the SECOND PART of my Yeai^'s Residence, which will be puljlished at New York, in a few days, given a very full ac- count of this matter. i^ ijj\ I am, Sir, your most humble .;,,(jo' And most obedient seryantjini Wm.COBB£T3!4 ■'.vnr {|{irriil nofnfiio::i New York, Dec. SO, 1818. Dear Sir, 1052. I TAKE the liberty of sending to ypu the following experiments upon the culture of your Ruta Baga, made by my uncle, Isaac, Townsend, Esq. of Orange county, in this state. The seeds were procured from your stock, and the experiments, 1 think, will tend to corroborate the sentiments which you have so laudably and so successfully inculcated on the subject of this interesting article of agriculture. tiYCHfrO. J 053. A piece of strong dry loam ten feet. square on the N. E. side of a mountain in Mp-r reau township, Orange county, was thoroughly . 696 POSTSCRIPT. [part III. cleared of stones, and dug up twelve inches deep, on the 10th of June last; it was then co- vered by a mixture of ten bushels of charcoal dust and twenty bushels of black swamp mould, which was well harrowed in. About the 9th of July it was sown with your Ruta Baga in drills of twenty inches apart, the turnips being ten inches distant from each other. They came up badly and were weeded out on the 10th of August. On the 15th of August a table-spoon- ful of ashes was put round every turnip, wliich operation was repeated on the 20th of Septem- ber. The ground was kept perfectly clean through the whole season. Six seeds of the common turnip were by accident dropped into the patch, and received the same attention as the rest. These common turnips weighed two pounds a piece. The whole yield of the Ruta Baga was three bushels, each turnip weighing from four to eight pounds. The roots pene- trated about twelve inches into the ground, al- though the season was remarkably dry. 1054. A piece of rich, moist, loamy land, containing four square rods, was ploughed twice in June, and the seeds of your Ruta Baga sown on the 4th of July in broad cast, and kept clean through the season. This patch pro- duced tiventy-Jive bushels of turnips, each turnip weighing from four to nine pounds. This, you PART III.] POSTSCRIPT. 597 perceive, is at the enormous rate of 1000 bushels an acre ! 1055. It is Mr. Townsend's opinion, that on some of the soils of Orange County your Ruta Baga may be made to yield 1500 bushels an acre. I remain, with much respect. Your obedient servant, P. S. TOWNSEND. William Cobbett, Esq. Hjfdt Park, Long Island. 598 f.iii in//! SECOND POSTSCRIPT FEAROIN'S FALSEHOODS. To the Editor of the National Advocate, Hj/de Park, Jan. 9th, 1819. Sir, 1056. Before I saw your paper of the day before yesterday, giving some extracts from a book published in England by one Fearon, I had written part of the following article, and had prepared to send it home as part of a Re- gister, of which J send one every week. Your paper enabled me to make an addition to the article ; and, in the few words below, 1 have this day sent the whole off to be published in London. If you think it worth inserting, I beg you to have the goodness to give it a place ; and I beg the same favour at the hands of all those editors who may have published Fearon's ac- count of what he calls his visit to me. I am. Sir, Your most obedient. And most humble servant, Wm. cobbett. PART III.] SECOND POSTSCRIPT. 599 1057. There is, I am told, one Fearon, who has gone home and written and published a book, abusing this country and its people in the grossest manner. I only hear of it by letter. I hear, also, that he speaks of me as if he knew me. I will tell you how far he knew me : I live at a country house 20 miles from New York. One morning, in the summer of 1817, a young man came into the hall, and introduced himself to me under the name of Fearon. The following I find about him in my journal: — " A Mr. Fearon came this morning and had " breakfast with us. Told us an odd story " about having slept in a black woman's hut " last night for sixpence, though there are excel- *' lent taverns at every two miles along the road. *' Told us a still odder story about his being an " envoy from a host of families in London, to *' look out for a place of settlement in America ; " but he took special care 7iot to name any one " of those families, though we asked him to do *' it. We took him, at first, for a sort of spy, " William thinks he is a shopkeeper's clerk; 1 " think he has been a tailor. I observed that he *' carried his elbow close to his sides, and his "arms, below the elbow, in a horizontal posi- " tion. It came out that he had been with " Buchanan, Castlereagh's consul at New " York ; but it is too ridiculous ;. such a thing (300 SECOND POSTSCRIPT. [PART III. *' as this cannot be a spy; he can get access no ** where but to taverns and boarding houses." 1058. This note now stands in my journal or diary of 22d August, 1817. I remember that he asked me some very silly questions about the prices of land, cattle, and other things, which 1 answered very shortly. He asked my advice about the families emigrating, and the very words I uttered in answer, were these: *' Every thing I can say, in such a case, is to " discourage the enterprize. If Englishmen " come here, let them come individually, and " sit down amongst the natives : no other plan " is rational." 1059. What I have heard of this man since, is, that he spent his time, or great part of it, in New York, amongst the idle and dissolute young Englishmen, whose laziness and extra- vagance had put them in a state to make them uneasy, and to make them unnoticed by re- spectable people. That country must be bad^ to be sure, which would not give them ease and abundance without labour or economy. 1060. Now, what can such a man know of America ? He has not kept house ; he has had no being* in any neighbourhood ; he has never had any circle of acquaintances amongst the people; he has never been a guest under any of their roofs ; he knows nothing of their manners PART III.] SECOND POSTSCRIPT. 601 or their characters ; and how can such a man be a judge of the effects of their institutions, civil, political, or religious? 1061. I have no doubt, however, that the re- vieivs and neivspapers, in the pay of the Borough- mongers, will do their best to propagate the falsehoods contained in this man's book. But what would you say of the people of America, if they were to affect to believe what the French General said of the people of England ? This man, in a book which he published in France, said, that all the English married women got drunk^ and swore like troopers; and that all the young women were strumpets, and that the greater part of them had bastards before they were married. Now, if the people of America were to affect to believe this^ what should we say of them? Yet, this is just as true as this Fearon's account of the people of America. 1062. As to the facts of this man's visit to wie, my son William, who is, by this time, in Lon- don, can and will vouch for their truth at any time, and, if necessary, to Fearon's face, if Fearon has a face which he dares show. 1063. Since writing the above, the New York papers have brought me a specimen of Mr. Fearon's performance. I shall notice only his account of his visit to me. It is in the follow- ing words : 602 SECOND POSTSCRIPT. [PART III» 1064. "A Visit to 3fr.CobbeU.—VponaYY'\\mg at Mr. Coljbett's gate, my feelings, in walking along the path which led to the residence of this celebrated man are difficult to describe. The idea of a person self-banished, leading an isolated life in a foreign land ; a path rarely Xvo^, fences in ruins, the gate broken, a house mouldering to decay, added to much awk- wardness of feeling on my part, calling upon an entire stranger, produced in my mind feel- ings of thoughtfulness and melancholy. I would fain almost have returned without en- tering the wooden mansion, imagining that its possessor would exclaim, ' What intruding fellow is here coming to break in upon my pursuits?' But these difficulties ceased almost with their existence. A female servant (an English woman) informed me that her master was from home, attending at the county court. Her language was natural enough for a per- son in her situation; she pressed me to walk in, being quite certain that I was her country- man ; and she was so delighted to see an Eoig- lishman, instead of those nasty guessing Yan- kees. Following my guide through the kitchen, (the floor of which, she asserted, was imbedded ivith ttvofeet of dirt when Mr. Cobbett came there — (it had been previously in the occupation of Americans) I was con- PART III.] SECOND POSTSCRIPT. 603 " ducted to a front parlour, which contained " but a single chair and several trunks of sea- " clothes. Mr. Cobbett's first question on " seeing me was, * Are you an American, sir?' " then, ' What were my objects in the United " States ? Was I acquainted with the friends " of liberty in London? How lonaj had I left?' " &c. He was immediately familiar. I was " pleasingly disappointed with the general tone " of his manners. Mr. Cobbett thinks meanly " of the American people, but spoke highly of " the economy of their government. — He does " not advise persons in respectable circum- " stances to emigrate, even in the present state " of England. In his opinion a family who ** can barely live upon their property, will *^ more consult their happiness by not removing " to the United States. He almost laughs at " Mr. Sirkheck's settling in the western coun- *' try. This being the first time I had seen this " well-known character, I viewed him with no " ordinary degree of interest. A print by Bar- *' tolozzi, executed in J801, conveys a correct " outline of his person. His eyes are small, " and pleasingly good natured. To a French " gentleman present, he was attentive ; with " his sons, familiar; to ids servants, easy; but " to all, in his tone and manner, resolute and " determined. He feels no hesitation in prais- 2u 604 SECOND POSTSCRIPT. [PART III. " ing himself, and evidently believes that he is " eventually destined to be the Atlas of the Bri- " tish nation. His faculty of rekititig anec- *' dotes is amusing. Instances when we meet. " My impressions of Mr. Cobbett are, that " those who know him would like him, if they " can be content to submit unconditionally to " his dictation. * Obey me, and I will treat you " kindly ; if you do not, I will trample on you,' " seemed visible in every word and feature. " He appears to feel, in its fullest force, the " sentiment, ' I have no brother, am like no brother: ' I am myself alone.' " 1065. It is unlucky for this blade, that the parties are alive. First — let the " English wo- " ma7i' speak for herself, which she does, in these words : 1066. I remember, that, about a week after 1 came to Hyde Park, in 1817, a man came to the house in the evening, when Mr. Cobbett was out, and that he came again the next morning. I never knew, or asked, what coun- tryman he was. He came to the back door. I first gave him a chair in a back-room ; but, as he was a slippery-looking young man, and as it was growing late, my husband thought it was best to bring him down into the kitchen, PART III.] SECOND POSTSCRIPT. 605 where he staid till he went away. I had no talk with him. 1 could not know what condi- tion Mr. Cobbett found the house in, for I did not come here 'till the middle of August. I never heard whether the gentleman that lived here before Mr. Cobbett, was an American, or not. I never in my life said a word against the people or the country : I am very glad I came to it ; I am doing very well in it ; and have found as good and kind friends amongst the Americans, as I ever had in all my life. Mary Ann Churcher. Hyde Park, Sth January, 1S19. 1067. Mrs. Churcher puts me in mind, that I asked her what sort of a looking man it was, and that she said he looked like an Exciseman, and that Churcher exclaimed : " Why, you ** fool, they don't have any Excisemen and such " fellows here !" — I never was at a county co2irt in America in my life. I was out shooting. As to the house, it is a better one than he ever entered, except as a lodger or a servant, or to cany home work. The path, so far from being trackless, was as beaten as the highway. — The gentleman who lived here before me was an Efiglishman, whose name was Crow. But only think o^ dirt, two feet deep, in a kitchen ! All is false. — The house was built by Judge Ludlow. 606 SECOND POSTSCRIPT. [PART III. It is large, and very sound and commodious. The avenues of trees before it the most beauti- ful that 1 ever saw. The orchard, the fine shade and fine grass all about the house ; the abundant garden, the beautiful turnip field ; the M^hole a subject worthy of admiration ; and not a single draw-back. A hearty, unostentatious welcome from me and my sons. A breakfast such, probably, as the fellow will never eat again. — I leave the public to guess, whether it be likely, that I should give a chap like this my opinions a.bout government or people! Just as if I did not know the people ! Just as if they were new to me ! The man was not in the house half an hour in the morning. Judge, then, what he could know of my manners and character. He was a long time afterwards at JNew York. Would he not have been here a second time, if I had been familiar enough to relate anecdotes to him ? Such blades are not backward in re- newing their visits whenever they get but a lit- tle encouragement. — He, in another part of the extracts that I have seen, complains of the re- serve of the American ladies. No ** social in- " tercottrse" he says, between the sexes. That is to say, he could find none ! I'll engage he could not; 3t.mongst the whites, at least. It is hardly possible for me to talk about the public affairs of England and not to talk of some of my PART III.] SECOND POSTSCRIPT. 607 own acts ; but is it not monstrous to suppose, that 1 should praise myself, and show that I be- lieved myself destined to be the Atlas of the British nation, in my conversation of a few mi- nutes with an utter stranger, and that, too, a blade whom I took for a decent tailor, my son William for a shop-keeper's clerk, and Mrs. Churcher, with less charity, for a slippery young man, or, at best, for an Exciseman ? — As I said before, such a man can know nothing of the people of America. He has no channel through which to get at them. And, indeed, why should he! Can he go into the families of people at home ! Not he, indeed, beyond his own low circle. Why should he do it here, then ? Did he think he was coming here to live at free quarter? The black woman's hut, indeed, he might force himself into with impunity ; six- pence would insure him a reception there ; but, it would be a shame, indeed, if such a man could be admitted to unreserved intercourse with American ladies. Slippery as he was, he could not slide into their good graces, and into the possession of their fathers' soul-subduing dollars ; and so he is gone home to curse the ** nasty guessing Americans'' Wm. cobbett. INDEX TO PART 1. Apples exchanged for turnips, March 31st. Fall-Pipin, description of, Oct. 7th, Buckwheat, time for sowing, July 23rd. — Time for cutting, Oct. 6th. Barns, very fine in Pennsylvania, Feb. 16th. Beans, kidney, green, in market, Oct. 11th. Board of Agriculture, par. 117. Birkbeck, Mr. par. 16, Jan. 2lst, Feb. 23rd, March llth. Burdett, Sir F. March 12th, par. 98. Candles, home made, remarks on, Dec. 25th. Climate, May 5th, 1817, to April 24th, 1818. Corporations, as law-givers, Feb. 28th. Curwen, Mr. par. 68, 69, 121, 123. Cartwright, Major, par. 111. Cramp, Mr. par. 117, 132. Castlereagh, par. 120. Disciples, ears of corn that they plucked, June 3rd. Dress whereby to judge of the weather, June 16tb, July 10th, Sept. 18th— 28th, Oct. llth— 22nd, Nov. llth, March 2lst. Dews, equal to showers, July 29th, Jan. 13th. England, neatness of its inhabitants, par. 18. — Wetness of the climate, July 24th. — Population of, shifted, and not aug- mented, by the Funding System, Feb. 16th. Fences on Long Island, par. 16. Flies and musquitoes, bred by filth, June 19th, July 14. Fowls ought to be kept warm, Jan. 4th, March 15th. Farms, description of, on Long Island, par. 22. houses in Pennsylvania, Feb. 16th. Fruits, dried, March 31st. Flowers, want of, in America, par. 22. Fortescue, Feb. 16th. Freemantle, Mr. Nicholas, March 1st. Gauntlet, Mr. W., his pigs, par. 101. Harvest earlier than in England, par. 19. — Description of, July 24th. INDEX. 609 Hops grows well in x^merica, Feb. 7th. Hedges not found in America, March 11th. HeaUh, par. 23. Hagar, prayer of, Feb. 16th. Harrisburg, description of, living at, Jan. 35th — 27th. Hulme, Mr., Feb. 15th— 20th. Hinxman, Mr. Richard, March 1st. Hardwicke, Lord, par. 119. Indian corn described, June 3rd. Locusts that John the Baptist lived on, June 3rd. Long Island, description of, par. 12 to 15. — Its nearness to the sea an advantage in summer, June 14th. Lancaster, description of, Jan. 22nd, Feb. 12th — 16th. Livingstone, Mr. Chancellor, par. 25, 27. Mangel Wurzel, an indifferent root, par. 28. Moses, July 24th. Maseres, Mr. Baron, Dec. 16th. M'Kean, Judge, Jan. 10th. M'AlUster, Mr., Jan. 28th. Malthus, Parson, Feb. 16tb. New Jersey, in comparison to Pennsylvania, March lltli. Newbold, Mr., March 11th. Oliver, the spy, March 2nd. Ploughing, principles of, par. 121 to 125. Peas, fit to gather June 18th. — Ripe in 40 days. — Green, in market, Oct. 11th. Puddings of apple, July 9th, August 23rd. Philadelphia, remarks on, Jan. 15th. --Thras,}-'»''-l«"', March 9.h. Penn, William, Feb. 16th. Pendrill, Mr., March 1st. Perry, Mr. James, par. 21. Pitt, par. 117. Quakers, hospitality of, March lOth. — Bad gardeners, March 11th. River Delaware, Jan. 13th, Feb. 20th. Susquehannah, Jan. 25th, Feb. 1st. Radish, very large, Oct. 28th. Ruta Baga, description of the plant, par. 25 to 30. — Mode of saving and of preserving the seed, par. 31 to 36. — Time of sowing, par. 37 to 44. — Quality and prepara- tion of the seed, par. 45 to 49. — Manner of sowing, par. 50 to 55. -^After-culture, par. 56 to 64. — Transplanting, par. 65 to 103. — Time and manner of harvesting, par, 104 to 114. — Quality of the crop, par. 115 to 156. 610 ' INDEX, Roscoe, Mr., March 26th. Rousseau, March 26lh. Stones, a barometer, August 7th. Singing-birds, none in America, par. 23. Shoes need never be nailed, March 31st. Scavengers substituted by hogs, Feb. 2Sth. Stock, prices of. May 20th, Dec. 15th. of provisions at breaking up of winter, par. 21. Severne, Mr., March 1st. Stevens, Mr., March 2nd. Steam 7 . , -_, Team \ ^•'^^^' P^""' ^^- Threshing, mode of, July 24th. Travelling, author's, March 11th to 13th. Trenton, laziness of the young men, March Uth. Taverns, Slaymaker's, living at, Feb. 12th. charges very reasonable, March 11th. Taylor, Mr. Antony, March 11th. Tull, par. 60, 68, 121, 124. Vegetation, how vigorous, July 29th. — Continues very late, Nov. 16th.— State of it in April, par. 21. Vere, March 1st. Woodcocks, time of coming, July 26th. Western countries, folly of going to, par. 96. — The people dirty, Jan. 2l8t. Winter of America preferable to that of England, Mar. 31st. - does not set in till the ponds are full. Dec. 14th. Woods of America, beautiful, par. 15. Woods, Mr., par. 101. Yankee family, migration of, March l2th. Yoke, single, for oxen, (plate of it), par. 124. Young, Arthur, Sept. 9th. par. 117, 118. Printed by J. M'Creery, Blaek-IIorse-Court, Fleet-Street, London. INDEX TO PART II. IJENTHAM, Jerry, par. 406. Byrd, Mr. James, par. 233. Brown, Mr. Timothy, par. 286. Burdett, Sir Francis, par. 409. Cabbages, experiments as to in 1818, par. 165. — Degene- rating of the seed, 168. — Mode of preserving during win- ter, 171. — Savoy-cabbages, pecuhar uses of, 173. — Pre- fei-able sorts, 176. — Time and manner of sowing and of planting, 180 to 187. Cauhflowers, nicety as to time of planting of, &c. par. 167. Cows, in their yield much depends upon the milking, 301. Connecticut, state of, her new constitution, par. 406. — Her law of libel, 421. Cobbett, William, answer to Mr. Judge Mitchell, 259. Christian, Mr. Professor, par. 400. Drennan, Doctor, par. 267. Earth-burning, as manure for buck-wheat, par. 195. — For Swedish turnips, 197. — Different modes of; paring and burning a bad one, 200. — Mode recommended ; directions for it, 204. Expences of house-keeping — House-rent, fuel, and meat, par. 328.— Bread, 329.— Cheese, 330.— Groceries, 331.— Fish, 332.— Fruit, 334.— Drink, 335.— Plenty in general, 333.— Wearing apparel, 336.— Household furniture, 339.— Horses, carriages and harness, 338. — Dumestic servants, 339 to 341. Fortescue, par. 251. Fencing, 1 Author's intention to treat upon these sub- Gardening, 3 jects, par. 162. Government, laws and religion — Sketch of the state govern- ments, par. 402. — Suffrage, or qualifications of electors, 404. — Laws; founded upon common law of England,412, — Law of libel, as it is in the state of New York, 418, and in that of Connecticut, 421. — Taxes and priests — compa- rison between America and England in this respect, 422 2 X 612 INDEX. to 448. — Same salt that is made in Hampshire, and costs there 195. is bought in America for 2s. 6d. ; same tobacco that costs 3 shillings in England costs only 3 cents at New York. No four-in-hand county collectors, no window- peepers, no Parson to peep into the hen-roost ; no penalty for having a hop-plant in the garden; no fine and impri- sonment for dipping rushes into grease ; no tenth egg ; no tenth pig, no tenth sheaf of corn to the priest. Improvements, prejudice against, amongst farmers, par. 189. Ireland, Young, whose plays were acted for Shakspeare's, par. 270. Judges, description of them as a class, in America, par. 264. Liberty of the press, the only guardian over private life, par. 418. Live-stock, as accompanied by the culture of roots — Cows and sheep, advantage of having roots and greens for them in winter, par. 293, 294. — Hogs ; best stock for root- feeding, 295. — Common way of keeping them, bad, 301. — Sagacity of the hog, 301. — Rearing, b'est method, 303. — Tenderness, as to cold, 308. — Poultry, mischievous to crops, 309. Lawrence, Mr. Judge, par. 264. Ley, Ben, par. 372. Mangel Wurzel, an inconvenient crop, par. 179. Manners, customs and character of the people, founded on the English, par. 342. — Respect not commanded by wealth, 343. — No hypocrisy, there being no cause for it, 346. — Living, in comparison with that now in England, 349 to 353. — Character and accomplishments of the women, 354. — Character of the people in general, 356. — The great and seemingly only evil, drinking, 359. Milton, the fashion to extol his writings, par. 270. Mitchell, Mr. Judge, his experiment in a letter to the Author, par. 248. New York, state of, law of libel in, par. 418. ■ — — , City of, described, par. 435. Potatoes, reasons why it is a root worse than useless, in a letter to the Editor of the Agricultural Magazine, par. 269. — Comparative yield of human sustenance from an acre of them and from one of wheat, 287. — As food for cattle, the worst of all crops, 292. Prices of land, par. 310 to 312— of labour, par. 313 to 322 — of cattle and implements, par. 323. Paupers and beggars, who and what they are in America, 389 to 399. Piiillips, Sir R. par. 372. INDEX. , 613 Rural sports — defended against the canters about cruelty and the Pythagoreans, par. 369, 372. — Description of the sports in America, and of the game, 377. — Game-laws, none, except as to the times of killing, 388. Swedish turnips, or Ruta Baga, additional experience in the mode of sowing, par. 226. — Care to be used in planting, 228.— Cultivation of now becoming general, 232.<— Effects of ploughing between, and use of the greens, as expe- rienced bv Mr. Byrd, 235.— Fly and caterpillar, modes of preventing them, 237 to 239.— Mode of keeping during winter, 240. Saving the seed, 245. — Experiment by Mr. Judge Mitchell, 248. Sobriety, excellent effects of it, par. 230. Shakespeare, the fashion to extol his writings, par. 270. Transplanting Indian corn. — Advantages of it, par. 213. — Manner and time of doing it, 215. — Quantity of crop, 219. — Comparative trouble between this and the common method, 221. Toomer, game-keeper to Sir John Mildmay, par. 301. Virginia, state of elective suffrage in, par. 409. Wakeford, Mr. Onslow, par. 398. INDEX TO PART III. AMtuicA, as an asylum for English emigrants in general, par. 860. — For English poor, in particular, 955. Broom corn, observations with regard to its uses, par. 1039. Birkbeck, Mr., situation and description of his settlement in Illinois, and account of his operations there, par. 907. — His mode of fencing, 910.— Letters to him, 869, 1014. Burdett, Sir F. par. 861. Berthoude, Mr., par. 896. Bosson, Mr., par. 888. Baring, par. 1045. Canada, Western States preferred to it, par. 934. Chillicothe described, par. 940. Charlston on the Ohio, par. 957. Charmouth in Dorsetshire, par. 1039. Cincinnati described, par. 889. Country, appearance of it between Philadelphia and Pittsburg, par. 873. — Around Cincinnati, 889.— In Indiana, 925. — In Kentucky, 934, 936.— In Ohio, 939, 940, 944. Climate at Vevay, par. 893. — At Harmony, 914. with regard to health, in Indiana, 927. — In Kentucky, 929, 932.- At West Union, 939.— At Chillicothe, 940. — with regard to weather, on the Ohio, 880. — In Ken- tucky, 933, 937, 938.— In Virginia, 954. Cartwright, Major, par. 861. Clay, Mr. and Mrs,, par. 931. Churcher, Mary Ann, par. 1066. Drake, Mr., par. 888. Dillon, Mr., par. 949. Emigration, in letters to Mr. Birkbeck — Question as td emigration in principle, par, 973. — Bad reasoning upon which England is deserted, 979. — Escape to the Illinois like an escape to one's grave, 984. — Writings of Mr. B. tend to deceive and decoy, 971, 1027.— Privations real and not INDEX. 6U imaginary in new countries, 977. — His plan of settling not wise, 981. — Success of the Harmoniles no example, 983. — Objections to English farmers as first settlers, 974, 1015. — Author's experience with regard to prairies, 986. — At- lantic States preferable to the Western, 988.— Mr. B.'s ignorance of the former, 989. — Comparison between thera in point of expences and profits of farming, 993. — Incor- rectness of Mr. Birkbeck's estimates with regard to build- ing expences, 997. — Fallacy of his speculations with re- gard to crops and farming operations, 1001. — Failing of Mr. Ti. with regard to some of his proposed operations, and his self-contradictions, 101 8. Fuel, sort and price of, at Cincinnati, par. 890. Fish, sorts, sizes and prices in the Ohio, par. 885, 938. Fencing, Mr. Birkbeck's mode recommended, par. 910. Ferry, ingenious one at Marietta, par. 883. Farming, state of in general, par. 910. — In Indiana, 925. — Mr. Clay's system, 931.— In Ohio, 939, 954. Fletcher of Bolton, par. 856, 945. Fearon, contradiction of his false statements, par. 1057 to 1068. House-keeping, expences of, in Philadelphia, par. 967. Horses, price of, par. 905, 961. Harmony in Indiana described, par. 914. — Habits of the people, 915. Harmonites, history and progress of the sect, par. 919 to 922. Hyde Park, Author's residence, 1068. Hulme, Mr., introduction to his journal, par. 853 to 871.— Birth and parentage — reasons for leaving England — views with regard to settling in America — observations on the journal. Johnstone, Mr., and his wife and family, par. 899. Land-Speculating, effects of it, par. 902, 925. Lexington, par. 9.S1 . Louisville on the Ohio, its situation, par. 893. Manners and habits, &c. of the back-woods' men, par. 902, 904.— Laziness in towns, 903, 923.— Dirtiness, 927.— Water-drinking, 937. — Society in general, 959. Manufactures and machinery recommended, par. 903, 924, 943, 947, 954, 957, 958. ' State of at Pittsburg, 875.— At Cincinnati, 889. —At Harmony, 917.— At Paris, 934.— At Zanesville, 946. —At Steubenville, 958. Mills, observations on, par. 1029. 6l6 INDEX. Maysville, on the Ohio, par. 937. Marietta, on the Ohio, par. 883. Mud-holes, in Indiana, par. 925. Morris, Colonel, par. 932. New Lancaster, brings to mind the cruelties at Old Lan- caster, 945. Netherton, Mr., par. 929. Ohio, river of, described, par. 879, 884.— Falls of, 893. Prices of provisions, &c. at Pittsburg, par. 876.— At Wheeling, 88L— At Princeton, 924.— At Paris, 935.— At Maysville, 938.— At Zanesvillc, 953. At Steubenville, 95L— Of land, in Indiana, 899. Pittsburg described, par. 874. Princeton, Indiana, par. 903, 924. Prairies in Illinois described, par. 906. Roads, in Pennsylvania, par. 872. — In Indiana, 906. — Ob- servations with regard to them, 930. — United States road in Ohio, 953.— At Wheehng, 955. Ruta Baga, Mr. Townsend's experiment with regard to soil and culture, 1053. — Produce, 1054. Rapp, George, pastor of the Harmonites, par. 915 to 920. Soil in Pennsylvania, par. 872.— At Cincinnati, 889. — In Indiana, 906, 912, 920.— On the bottom lands, 940.— Richness of, in Ohio, 943. Steam-boats on the Ohio, par. 900. — Observations with re- gard to building, 956. Sermon of a Quaker lady, par. 928. Speying of sows, not done, but wanted in America, par. 1039. Steubenville on the Ohio, par. 880. Shippingport, ditto, par. 895. Travelling, by stage, par. 872, 964. — Floating on the Ohio, 877, 880, 882, 891, 897.— By Steam-boat, 900.— On horseback, 906, 912, 930. — — — Accommodations in Pennsylvania, 87S. — In In- diana, 925, 997, 999. -In Keniucky, 930. — In Ohio, 939, 944. Expences, in floating, 882, 890.— By steam- boat, 900.— Of Mr. Hulme during his tour, 966. Taylor, Dr., par. 857. Townsend, Mr., par. 1052. Vevay, vineyards at, par. 892. United States, policy of increasing the empire of, par. 1027. INDEX. 617 Wild fowl and animals — Turkey buzzards and pigeons, par. 900. — Turkeys and pigs, 902. — Pigeons, 926. Wheeling, on the Ohio, par. 881, 955. Worthington, Governor, par. 942. Whittemore, Mr., par. 933. Wilson, Mr., par 958, Zanesville described, 946. J. M'Creery, Printer, Clack Horse Court, Loadoii. r ~n ^ ' ^ .^ ''4 0^°^. .r^ o J-' 1 • o- *^' .**.t5J;^.V tO*.C^,*°o .**.'^'.V cO' %.**