The Swedish Colonial Society 1908-1917 (■|ciss_^.Xil4: i:si:.\iN:li hi Book. "0 2--^ St The Swedish Colonial Society Constitution, By-Laws, Meetings, and Publications With a List of Officers, Members, and Associates Philadelphia 1917 mt u Constitution, By-Laws, Meetings, and Publications CONSTITUTION. Akticle I. This Association shall be called "The Sw-edish Colonial Society. ' ' Akticle II. The object of the Society shall be to collect, preserve, and publish records, documents, and other material, printed or in manuscript, and to commemorate events relating to the history of Swedes in America. Article III. Any male person over twenty-one years of age, of good character, shall be eligible to membership. All members shall be elected by the Council, who shall have i^ower to suspend or expel any member who in their judgment may have conducted himself in an improper manner. Abticle IV. The entire management of the affairs of the Society, in- cluding the selection of its officers and the adoption of By- Laws, shall be committed to the Council. The Council shall consist of twenty-five Councillors. Officers of the Society who may not be Councillors shall be ex-officio members of the Council. The Councillors shall be elected by the Society at its Annual Meeting for a term of five years, five each year, except that at the first Annual Meeting five shall be elected for one year, five for two years, five for three years, five for four years, and five for five years. The Founders of the Society shall constitute the Council until the first Annual The Swedish Colonial, Society. Meeting of the Society. In case of a vacancy in the Council from any cause, it may be filled by the Council until the next Annual Meeting of the Society. Five members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Abticle V. Amendments to this Constitution may be made at the Annual Meeting of the Society, provided such proposed amendments be produced in writing, signed by at least ten members of the Society, and notice of the same be filed with the Secretary, and mailed to the members thirty days prior to said meeting. A three-quarters vote of the members pres- ent at the meeting shall be required for the adoption of all amendments. The Swedish Colonial Society. BY-LAWS. I. The Members of the Society shall consist of two classes, Active and Honorary. (1) Active Members shall alone have the right to vote at the meetings of the Society, and no other persons shall have any interest or ownership in the property of the Society, real or personal. They shall be elected by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of the Council on recommendation of the Committee on Election of Members after nomination in writing by an Active Member of the So- ciety in good standing. The annual dues of such members shall be five dollars payable on election, and thereafter on the first day of January of each year in advance, members elected after the first day of September, in any year, not to be liable for the dues of that year. Any such member, by paying at one time the sum of fifty dollars in lieu of annual dues, may become a member for life. If any person elected an Active Member shall fail to pay the annual dues within sis months after notification of election, such election shall become null and void. If any Active Member shall allow the annual dues to become more than two years in arrears, his membership shall thereupon cease. In either of the said cases the name of such person may, upon payment of the dues, be there- after placed upon or restored to the roll of membership by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council present at any meeting thereof. Active Members, who are Honor- ary Officers of the Society, shall be exempt from payment of dues. (2) Honorary Members shall be elected by an unanimous vote of the members present at any meeting of the Council on nomination at a preceding meeting by a member of that The Swedish Colonial Society. body. They shall not be liable for the payment of annual dues. (3) "Women, who shall agree to make an annual payment of three dollars to the Society, may be elected Associates of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any meeting of the Council on recommendation of any mem- ber thereof. If an Associate shall allow the annual dues to become more than two years in arrears, her Associateship shall thereupon cease. (4) Both Members and Associates shall be entitled to re- ceive copies of all publications of the Society issued during their connection with it. n. The Annual Meeting of the Society shall be held on the eighth day of April (the twenty-ninth of March, Old Style, date of the first purchase by the Swedes from the Indians A. D. 1638 of land on the river Delaware) or as near that date as convenient, as Council shall elect. Special meetings may be called by the President, or, in his absence, by one of the Vice-Presidents. Ten Active Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Society. III. The Officers of the Society shall be an Honorary President, a President, six Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected annually by the Coun- cil to serve for one year at its first meeting succeeding the Annual Meeting of the Society. The President and Secre- tary of the Society shall also be President and Secretary of the Council. (1) The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Society. It shall be his duty, unless unavoidably pre- vented, to preside at the meetings of the Society and Coun- cil, preserve order thereat, appoint all committees when ap- pointments are not otherwise provided for by special resolu- tion, and perform the usual duties appertaining to his office. The Swedish Colonial Society. It shall further be his duty to exercise and maintain a gen- eral supervision over the affairs of the Society and the eon- duct of its employees, and to see that its objects, as l^rescribed by the Constitution and By-laws, and its instruc- tions and those of the Council are duly carried out. (2) The Vice-Presidents, according to their rank, shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and functions of that officer. (3) The Secretary shall make all preliminary arrange- ments for and attend the meetings of the Society and Coun- cil, and shall keep accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof. He shall be the sole custodian of the seal of the Society, and shall attach the same to such papers as the Society or the Council may direct. He shall have charge of the correspondence of the Society and the Council, other than that appertaining to the other officers and to com- mittees. (4) The Treasurer shall have charge of the funds of the Society. He shall pay all such claims as shall be ordered or ai)i3roved by the Council and keep proper books of account, which shall be subject, at all times, to the inspection and direction of the Council. All moneys payable to the Society shall be received only by persons specially appointed by the Treasurer for this purpose. He shall, from time to time, as the Council may request it, make a report of the condition of the Treasury, and at the close of each calendar year make an annual report, which shall be laid before the So- ciety at its Annual Meeting. rV. Stated Meetings of the Council shall be held the first Wednesday of each month, except during July and August, and in January when the first Wednesday falls upon the first day of the month, when the meeting shall be held the following day. Special meetings may be called by the Presi- dent or Secretary, provided the object of the meeting be The Swedish Colonial Society, stated in the notices of it, and no other business be trans- acted at said meeting. V. The Standing Committees of the Society shall be an- nually appointed by the President immediately after the first meeting of the Council after the Annual Meeting of the Society to serve for the ensuing year, continuing to serve until their successors shall have been appointed. The Presi- dent shall be ex-officio member of all Standing Committees. They shall consist of three members each, and be four in number, as follows: (1) The Connnittee on Election of Members. (2) The Committee on Finance. (3) The Committee on Library, Collections, and Publica- tions. (4) The Committee on Monuments and Memorials. "VT. The Committee on Election of Members shall recom- mend persons to be admitted to Active Membership in the Society on nomination of such persons in writing by an Active Member of the Society in good standing. VII. The Committee on Finance shall have supervision of the financial affairs of the Society, and shall in consultation with its Treasurer invest and keep invested the funds of the Society, reporting its action in. this regard to the Council at its next meeting. VIII. The Committee on Library, Collections, and Pub- lications shall have the care and preservation of all books, pamphlets, manuscripts, pictures, and other articles com- posing the library and collections of the Society, and shall have supervision of all publications issued in the name of the Society. IX. The Committee on Monuments and Memorials shall have charge of the erection of monuments and memorials under the direction of the Council. The Swedish Colonial Society. X. All the property, real and personal, belonging to the Society not held by special trustees or trustees for special purposes, shall be under the charge, control, and manage- ment of the Council. All donations and bequests of money to the Society, the disposition of which is not otherwise di- rected by the donors or testators, and all moneys received in lieu of annual dues as hereinbefore provided, shall be' invested under the direction of the Council, the income only to be applied to the support of the Society and the carrying out of the purposes for which it has been established. Such investments shall be known as "The Endowment Fimd," and shall not be converted into money except for reinvest- ment. XL The following events shall be commemorated in such manner as the Council may direct. 1. The publication at Gottenburg, Sweden, November 20, 1624 (November 10, 1624, Old Style), by Willem Usselinx, of "Manifest und Vertragsbrietf der Australischen Com- paney im Konigreich Schweden auffgerichtet. ' ' A Warrant authorizing Willem Usselinx to organize such a General Trading Company from Sweden to Asia, Africa, America and Magellanica was signed by Gustavnis II, Adolphus King of Sweden, December 31, 1624 (December 21, 1624, Old Style). 2. The signing June 24, 1626 (June 14, 1626, Old Style), by Gustavus II, Adolphus King of Sweden, of the Charter of the Swedish South Company. 3. The ofifer June 25, 1636 (June 15, 1636, Old Style), by Peter Minuit of his services to found the colony of New Sweden. 4. The purchase April 8, 1638 (March 29, 1638, Old Style), by Peter Minuit from the Indians of land on the west side of the river Delaware extending from Bombay Hook as far north, probably, as the river Schuylkill. The Swedish Coloxial Society. 5. The Arrival in New Sweden February 25, 1643 (Feb- ruary 15, 1643, Old Style), of Governor Johan Printz, who established the seat of government of the colony on Tinicum Island, within the contines of the present Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 6. The arrival at Christina in New Sweden June 1, 1654 (May 22, 1654, Old Style), of Director Johan Classon Eis- ing, the last Governor of New Sweden. XII. Amendments to the By-Laws may be made at any stated meeting of the Council or at any special meeting called for the purpose, provided notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at a preceding stated meeting of the same. A two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting shall be required for the adoption of all amendments. The Swedish CoLoyiAL Societt. MEETINGS. Since the organization of the Society in 1908 and 1909 eight Annual Meetings have been held, the first seven in the Hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and the eighth at the Penn Club, Philadelphia, at which Councillors were elected, reports of officers and committees were sub- mitted, and other business was transacted. The First Annual Meeting was held .June 1, 1910. at which a portrait of .Johan Printz, Governor of New Sweden, was presented to the Society by the President on behalf of His Majesty Gustaf V., King of Sweden. The Second Annual Meeting was held March 15, 1911, at wliich His Excellency Count J. J. A. Ehrensvard, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the United States, Honorary President of the Society, de- livered an address. The Third Annual Meeting was held April 9, 1912. at which it was announced that the first publication of the So- ciety, entitled "The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware," by Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., Secretary of the Society, had been printed and distributed to the members and associates of the Society, and numerous conmiunications commending the work were read. The Fourth Annual Meeting was held April 8, 1913, at which the Secretary made an address on ''The Life and ActiWties of Peter Minuit. the Founder and First Director of the Swedish Colony on the Delaware." The Fifth Annual Meeting was held April 15. 1914. at which an address was delivered by Professor Marion D. Learned, Ph.D., L.H.D.. on "The Scandinavian Influences on American Life and Civilization." and another by Pro- fessor Siren, the distinguished Scandinavian critic of Art. The Swedish Colonial Society. The Sixth Annual Meeting was held April 6, 1915, at which an address was delivered by the Secretary on " Johan Classon Rising, the last Governor of New Sweden." The Seventh Annual Meeting was held April 29, 1916, at which an address was delivered by Henry Goddard Leach, Ph.D., on "Kiruna and the Lapps," illustrated with lantern slides. The Eighth Annual Meeting was held April 21, 1917, at which an address was delivered by the Secretary on "The Later History of the Swedish Settlers on the Delaware." A Special Meeting of the Society was held in the Hall of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, February 14, 1912, in commemoration of the two hundred and sixty-ninth an- niversary of the arrival of Governor Johan Printz in New Sweden, at which an address was delivered by the Secretary on ' ' The Career of Governor Printz. ' ' A Special Meeting of the Society was held in the same place, December 3, 1914, in commemoration of the publica- tion at Gottenburg, Sweden, November 20, 1624, by Willem Usselinx, of the prospectus of the Australian Company or- ganized in Sweden, at which an address was delivered by the Secretary on "Willem Usselinx, the Trust-maker of the Seventeenth Century." The Swedish Colonial Society. PUBLICATIONS. The Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 1638-1664, by Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., Philadelphia, 1911, 2 vols. 8vo, XX and 879 pp., with 167 illustrations and 6 maps. The Descendants of Joran Kyn of New Sweden, by- Gregory B. Keen, LL.D., Philadelphia, 1913, 8vo, 318 pp., with 1 map. Johan Classon Eising, the Last Governor of New Sweden, by Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., Philadelphia, 1915, 8vo, 16 pp., with 1 illustration. The Swedes on the Delaware, 1638-1664, by Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., Philadelphia, 1915, 8vo, 391 pp., with 34 illustrations. Besides issuing the above publications the Society pur- chased, bound and distributed in Januaiy, 1917, to Members and Associates copies of The Records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wil- mington, Delaware. Published by The Historical Society of Delaware, 1890. 8vo, 772 pp., with 1 illustration. officers, Members, and Associates The Swedish Colonial Society. High Patron, His Majesty Gustaf V., King of Sweden. Honorary President, His Excellency Wilhelm August Ferdinand Ekengren, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the United States. Former Honorary Presidents, His Excellency Herman Ludvig Fabian de Lagercrantz, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the United States, 1909-1911, His Excellency Count Johan Jakob Albert Ehrensvard, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Sweden to the United States, 1911-1912. President, COMMANDEUR MaRCEL A. VlTI, EOY'AL ViCE-CONSUL OF SwEDEN AT PHILADELPHIA. First Vice-President and Treasurer Gregory B. Keen, LL.D. Second Vice-President Axel Petre. Third Vice-President John W. Jordan, LL.D. Fourth Vice-President Baltzar E. L. de Mare. Fifth Vice-President Hon, Henry A. du Pont. Sixth Vice-President Eichaed M. Cadwalader. Secretary Amandus Johnson, Ph.D. The Swedish Colonial Society. Councillors: Peof. Arthur Adams, B.D., Ph.D. Henry Graham Ash mead, Thomas Willing Balch, Thomas Francis Bayard, Richard M. Cadwalader, Hon. Magnus Clarholm, Baltzar E. L. de Mare, Hon. Henry A. du Pont, Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., William Macpherson Hornor, Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., John W. Jordan, LL.D., Gregory B. Keen, LL.D., Prof. John Bach McMaster, Litt.D., LL.D., Thomas L. Montgomery, Litt.D,, William A. Peterson, Ormond Rambo, Hon. Bieger Gustaf Adolf Rosentwist, Francis J. Roth, Ph.G., D.D.S., Charles Sinnickson, Hon. Charles Axel Smith, EwiNG Stille, Commandeur Marcel A. Viti, Andrew Wheeler, Prof. Albert Duncan Yocum, Ph.D. Former Councillors: Henry Darrach, 1909-1911, Hon. W. a. F. Ekengeen, 1909-1912, Captain Alfred J. Erikson, U. S. A., 1909-1913, Wn^LiAM W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., Ph.D. (Uppsal.), 1909- 1910, The Swedish Colonial Society. Prof. Marion D. Learned, Ph.D., L.H.D., 1909-1913, Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, LL.D., 1909-1916, Axel Petre, 1909-1915, David Myhrman, Ph.D., 1910-1911, Edwin Jaquett Sellers, 1911-1912, William M. Mervine, 1913-1914. Honorary Members. His Excellency Herman Ludvig Fabian de Lagercrantz, Stockholm, Sweden. His Excellency Count Joban Jakob Albert Ebrensvard, Stockliolm, Sweden. Professor Gustaf Oscar Augustin Montelius, Eoyal An- tiquary of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden. Carl K. S. Sprinchorn, Ph.D., Malmo, Sweden. Professor Doctor Harald Hjjirue, Uppsala, Sweden. Professor Marion D. Learned, Ph.D., L.H.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Active Members. This list and the folloiving inchide the names of all persons ivho have become Active Members or Associates of the Society from its foundation in 1909 to June, 1917. De- scendants of early Sivedish settlers on the river Delaware and in its vicinity are designated by an asterisk. *Edward O'C. Acker, Bethlehem, Pa. *Eev. Prof. Arthur Adams, B.D., Ph.D., Hartford, Conn. * Henry Eckert Alexander, Trenton, N. J. Hon. Carl G. G. Anderberg, Mexico City, Mexico. ♦Joseph Ashbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. *Louis Ashbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. *Frank M. Ashmead, Buffalo, N. Y. The Swedish Colonial, Society. Henry Graham Aslimead, *Tliomas G. Ashton, M.D., *William E. Ashton, M.D., *Thomas Willing Balch, John Bancroft, William P. Bancroft, *Lloyd Bankson, U.S.N., *John Sellers Barnes, Hon. Norris S. Barratt, LL.D., *Thomas Francis Bayard, Alden R. Benson, *Edwin N. Benson, Jr., *Hugh Stoekdell Bird, *Jolin B. Bird, *Eobert Montgomery Bird, *Samuel Ashton Bonnaffon, M.D., *Jasper Yeates Brinton, Hon. William B. Broomall, *Rev. Edwin Brown, *John Douglass Brown, J. E. Burnett Buckenham, M.D., *Edward S. Buckley, Jr., *John Bird Burnham, John Cadwalader, LL.D., *Richard M. Cadwalader, James A. G. Camj^bell, Hon. Hampton L. Carson, LL.D., * Thomas Stryker Chambers, Hon. Magnus Clarholm, *John L. Clawson, James Harwood Closson, M.D., T. Edward Clyde, C. Howard Colket (Life Member), Hon. Henry C. Conrad, Porter Farquharson Cope, Hon. Alexander Peterson Corbit, Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Dover, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Williamsburg, Va. Wilmington, Del. Bethlehem, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Frederick, Oklahoma. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Essex, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Trenton, N. J. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Georgetown, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Odessa, Del. The Swedish Coloijiai, Society. *Justice Cox, Jr., *Edmund J. D. Coxe, George Linden Cutler, Henry Darrach, *Brig.-Gen. Charles L. Davis, U.S.A. (Retired), *John Morton Davis, *H. Kent Day, Baltzar E. L. de Mare, Count J. Adam C. L. de Trampe, Hon. Oliver B. Dickinson, William Dunlop Disston, Alexis I. du Pont, *Hon. Henry A. du Pont, Pierre S. du Pont, T. Coleman du Pont, William Ashmead Dyer, Howard Edwards, Hon. W. A. F. Ekengren, *Alfred Stidliam Elliott, *George A. Elliott, *Jolm Watson EUmaker, *Douglas R. Faith, *George Harrison Fisher, *Henry M. Fisher, M.D., John G. Forstburg, *Robert Frazer, Jr., *William McLain Freeman, *John Morton Fultz, *Theodore L. Gamble, *Hon. John W. Garrett, *Samuel Garrett, *Harry T. Gause, *Albert Pepper Gerhard, *George S. Gerhard, M.D., George C. Gillespie, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Schenectady, N. Y. Salem, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa/ Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Lancaster, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Malaga, Spain. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Cai-acas, Venezuela. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Overbrook, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Moorestown, N. J. The Swedish Colonial Society. * Theodore Glentworth, 3d, AVilliam Goodrich, *Foster C. Griffith, William Penn-Gaskell Hall, Charles Hallberg, Johan Hallgren, Samuel Hammond, * Henry J. Hand, *William Henry Harper, 'William Hall Harris, *Prof. Albert Bushnell Hart, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., Le Roy Harvey, * Benjamin C. Hatfield, Hon. Henry S. Henschen, *W. Horace Hepburn, Jr., T. Allen Hilles, William S. Hilles, *Arthur Hillman, C. H. Hjelm, *George M. Holstein, *William Macpherson Hornor (Life Member), *Hon. James H. Huling, *Hon. Willis J. Hulings, *Francis Nash Iglehart, *Rev. Melancthon W. Jacobus, D.D., Amandus Johnson, Ph.D., Hon. David Marshall Johnson, Sven P. Johnson, *George M. Jones, 'Augustus W. Jordan, *Ewing Jordan, M.D., *John W. Jordan, LL.D., *Bev. Walter Jordan, Abington, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Trenton, N. J. WajTie, Pa. Ottumwa, Iowa. Chester, Pa. Boston, Mass. Wayne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Cambridge, Mass. Wilmington, Del. Lancaster, Pa. Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Gothenburg, Sweden. New York, N. Y. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Charleston, W. Va. Oil City, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Hartford, Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Reading, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. The Swedish Colonial Society. *Alfred E. Justice, *Barton L. Keen, *Benjamin Williamson Keen, *Charles Barton Keen, *Edwin F. Keen, *Frank H. Keen, *Frederiek L. Keen, *Gregory B. Keen, LL.D., *Harold Perot Keen, *Harry Highlands Keen, *Harry R. Keen, *James Watt Keen, M.D., *Jolm F. G. Keen, *Joseph B. Keen, * Joseph S. Keen, *Joseph S. Keen, Jr., *Kennard G. Keen, *Walter L. Keen, *William W. Keen, M.D., LL.D., Ph.D. (Uppsal.), *Edward W. Keene, *George Frederick Keene, Charles P. Keith, Charles Albert Kindberg, A. Lanquist, *B. Brentnall Lathbury, *Ernest Law, Henry Goddard Leach, J. Granville Leach, Prof. Marion D. Learned, Ph.D. L.H.D., *George M. Lelunan, Charles Ramsay Long, *James Barton Longacre, Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Newark, N. J. Strafford, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Greenwich, Conn. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Kynllyn, Bellevue, Del. Ridley Park, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadeli^hia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. KjTillyn, Bellevue, Del. Ardmore, Pa. Syracuse, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadeljihia, Pa. Philadeli:»hia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago, III. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Davids, Pa. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. The Swedish Colonial Society. *John M. Longacre, Henrik V. von Zernicow Loss, ♦Andrew H. MeClintock, *Jacob Y. McConnell, Prof. John Bach McMaster, Litt.D., LL.D., Josiah Marvel, Philip Manuel, M.D., *E. Thomas Massey, *Frank H. Mattson, W. Nelson Mayhew, * Dudley Tyng Mervine, Caleb J. Milne, Jr., David Milne (Life Member), *Henry Eglinton Montgomery, *Thomas L. Montgomeiy, Litt.D., *John Benjamin Morton, *Joseph Bispham Myers, David W. Myhrman, Ph.D., *Arthur E. Newbold, *Clement B. Newbold, * Thomas Earp Newbold, *Hugh M. North, Jr., Josef B. Nylin, M.D., Hon. Harry Olson, Count Gustaf Oxenstierna, S. Davis Page, *David W. Patterson, *Henry D. Paxson, Garnett Pendleton, *Charles Penrose Perkins, *Penrose E. Perkins, *Artliur Peterson, * George Peterson, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. \Yilkes-Barre, Pa. Darby, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Atlantic City, N. J. Massey, Md. St. Davids, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, m. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Harrisburg, Pa. Merchant\nlle, N. J, Swarthmore, Pa. Uppsala, Sweden. Philadelphia, Pa. Jenkintown, Pa. "Brookdale," Ches- terfield Tp., Bur- lington Co., N. J. Columbia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Charleston, W. Va. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Overbrook, Pa. Ardmore, Pa. The Swedish Colonial, Society. William A. Peterson, Axel Petre, Hon. William Potter, S. H. Pousette, *G. Colesberry Purves, *Cliarles N. Eambo, *Ormond Eambo, *Wa5Tie P. Eambo, John Eeilly, Jr., *Albert L. Eiehardson, Hon. Harry A. Eiehardson, Joseph G. Eosengarten, LL.D., Hon. Birger G. A. Eosentwist, Francis J. Eoth, Ph.G., D.D.S., *Henry P. Eumford, *Henry Martyn Eumsey, Julius F. Saehse, Litt.D., Edward S. Sayres, William I. Schaffer, C. L. Seaquest, *Edwin Jaquett Sellers, *Howard Sellers, *John Henry Sinex, *Justns Sinexon, M.D., *Charles Sinnickson, *Hon. Clement Hall Sinnickson, *George R. Sinnickson, Alfred Percival Smith, Benjamin H. Smith, Hon. Charles Axel Smith, Hon. Josiah Smith, *Edmund A. Souder, *Ra]ph Souder, *Willard Springer, M.D., Chicago, 111. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Brussels, Belgium. Philadelphia, Pa. Norristown, Pa. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y, Baltimore, Md. Dover, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Salem, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Portland, Oregon. Philadelphia, Pa. Millbourne, Pa. Edgewater Park, N.J. Philadelphia, Pa. Eosemont, Pa. Salem, N. J. Williamsport, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelijhia, Pa. Berkeley, Cal. Kynvatten Manor, Chester, Pa. Philadeli^hia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. The Swedish Colonial Society. Hon. William C. Sproul, *William Corbit Spruance, Jr., Hon. William H. Staake, George Steinman, •Joseph A. Steinmetz, *Ewing Stille, Rev. Percy R. Stockman, Edward A. Stockton, *Thomas P. Stokes, Adam J. Strohm, * Samuel S. Stryker, M.D., *Adam A. Stull, Frank Gould Sweeney, Emil Swensson, *Josepli Swift, *William Henry Swift, *William H. Taylor, *Hon. Douglas H. Thomas, *Frederic A. Thomas, Hon. Charlemagne Tower, LL.D. Rev. C. H. B. Turner, *William Fitzhugh Turner, Elwood Tyson, Count Ludvig af Ugglas, Alexander Van Rensselaer, Charles Harrod Vinton, M.D. (Life Member), Commandeur Marcel A. Viti, *Francis King Wainwright, Eben Boyd Weitzel, William R. Wenstrom, ♦Richard Wetherill, *Andrew "Wheeler, *Arthur L. Wheeler, * Charles Wheeler, Chester, Pa. Wilmington, Del, Philadelphia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Penllyn, Pa. Trenton, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. Somerville, N. J. Baltimore, Md. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Lewes, Del. Stockton, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Yxtaholm, Flen, Sweden. Philadelphia, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Ridley Park, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. The Swedish Colonial. Society. *Walter S. '\Mieeler, * Kingston G. Wlielen, *Williain Baker Wlielen, Rev. Hans Luther Wilson, *Howard Sellers Worrell, *Goodloe H. Yancey, *Prof. Albert Duncan Yocum, Ph.D., *Howard H. Yoeuin, *Isaac C. Yocum, *Walter M. L. Ziegler, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Devon, Pa, Iowa City, Iowa. Ardmore, Pa. Atlanta, Ga. Eidley Park, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Swarthmore, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Associates. (Associateship is now restricted to women.) *Clara Augusta Alexander, Cecelia E. Anderson, *Margaret Ross Bell, *Ellen D. C. Bennett, *Adaline Chandler Carpenter, *Anna Dorothea Finney Chace, *Mary J. B. Chew, Martha B. Clark, Anne H. Cresson, Mary McCalla Evans, *Julia V. Finney, Annette W. Griffith, *Daisy Elizabeth Brooke Grubb, Samuel Hammond, *Ethel Hand, *Lillie Du Puy Van Culen Harper, * Maude F. Hersperger, * Caleb Wright Hornor, *James Crawford Hornor, *Peter Townsend Hornor, *William Macpherson Hornor, Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Goldfield. Nevada. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Buffalo, N. Y. Pliiladelphia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Caldwell, Idaho. Philadelphia, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Boston, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Sewickley, Pa. Biyn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Biyn Mawr, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. The Swedish Colonial Society. *Lucy K. Johnston, *Josepli B. Keen, *Caroline Tyler Lea, *Mary Elizabeth Libbey, *Mary Elizabeth Libby, Frances S. Locke, *Mary C. Marts, Clementine Gould Newbold, *Harriet Hendrickson O'Brien, *Ella Parsons, *Mary Yancey Phinizy, *Mildred Sellers Almy Piatt, *Hester Dorsey Richardson, *Frances K. Roach, C. L. Seaquest, *Saida Bird Smith, *Mary V. Hawthorne Steinmetz, *Frances Matilda Stevenson, *Sara Yorke Stevenson, Sc.D., •Virginia M. Struthers, *Sara Burnside Valentine, •Henrietta Anna Watkins, Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelijhia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Princeton, N. J. Summit, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. "Brookdale," Ches- terfield Tp., Bur- lington Co., N. J. Clarksboro, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Augusta, Ga. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Evansville, Ind. Portland, Oregon. Baltimore, Md. Lancaster, Pa. Santa Barbara, Cal. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Lansdowne, Pa. The Swedish Colonial, Society. Deceased Members and Associates. Louis S. Amonson, Samuel Bancroft, Jr., *Jolin P. Bankson, *Edward S. Buckley, *Philip S. P. Connor (Life Member), Charles A. Converse, Alfred 0. Deshong, Capt. Alfred J. Erikson, U. S. A., Stephen B. Fotterall, *John Sergeant Gerhard, *William Gerhard, *Edward Burd Grubb, Barker Gummere, *Joseph Gregg Hendrickson, *George Wolf Holstein, *Julia Maria Washington Hornor, Charles Henry Jones, *James Stiles Keen, *Hon. Oscar Keen, William H. Lambert, *J. Gibson McCall, *Levi Mattson, *William M. Mervine, Caleb J. Milne (Life Member), •Josephine de Teisseire Monges, Israel W. Morris, John T. Morris (Life Member), William Nelson, Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Eowlandsville, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. Chester, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Overbrook, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Edgewater Park, N.J. Trenton, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Newark, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Paterson, N. J. The Swedish Colonial Society. *Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, LL.D., Howard Pyle, *Nathan Eambo, William Brooke Eawle (Life Member), Eev. Snyder B. Simes, A. Lewis Smith, *S. Ashton Souder, •Joseph H. Springer, James M. Swank, Ph.D., LL.D., Joseph Bushnell Vandergrift, Hon. J. X. Wallem, John Warner, *S. Bowman Wheeler, •Charles S. Whelen, Lothrop Withington, *Thomas Jones Yorke, Jr., *Jacob Stanley Ziegler, *Thomas Marshall Ziegler, Pennypacker 's Mills, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Bridgeport, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Media, Pa. Overbrook, Pa, Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. Wilmington, Del. Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. Salem, N. J. Washington, D. C. Kichmond, Va. PATTEESOS & WHITE CO. PHILADELPHIA 011641 759 5