: 199 P49 1 :opy 1 A List of Additional Manuscripts of the French and Indian War mericatt J^nitquattan ^ixtxtfti A LIST OF additio:n^al MAJSTUSCRIPTS OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SOCIETY PREPARED FROM THE ORIGINALS UNDER DIRECTION OF THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE BY CHARLES HENRY LINCOLN Worcester, Massachusetts Published by the Society 1908. THE DAVIS PRESS Worcester Massachusetts Reprinted from the Proceedings of The«4«ierican Antiquarian Society, October. 1908 PREFATORY ISTOTE. In the last two numbers of its proceedings this society has pubUshed calendars of two groups of manuscripts relating in large part to the last war between the British and French colonies in America. Primarily devoted to the personalities of Sir William Johnson and Col. John Bradstreet the period of time covered by each list has extended beyond 1763 nearly to the American Revolution. The calendar here presented lists such additional manu- scripts in the library of the society as relate to the period of the French and Indian war from 1754 to 1763 and that alone. This record therefore does not exhaust the sources here available regarding such men as John Burk or WiUiam Henshaw but with the earlier publications which may be profitably used in connection with this issue it covers the last war in which Great Britain and her American colonies fought side by side. As in former issues, whenever prac- ticable, entries for manuscripts have been combined and the size of the list thereby reduced. Crown Point was not taken from the French until the fall of Ticonderoga necessitated its surrender and the expeditions against this fortress in 1755 and 1759 are the centers about which some of the more noteworthy manu- scripts in this collection gather. The efforts to obtain forces and stores for the first attack furnish the theme for the early correspondence between Governor Shirley, Robert Hale and the Colonial Assemblies. A little later the Burk letters and muster rolls as well as other orderly books and diaries and the military papers of -William Hen- shaw lighten a broader field but Crown Point is again the center of action. Some manuscripts, notably the Chron- icles of Robert Hale cover the entire period and field of warfare and these furnish a better sense of proportion than do manuscripts dealing with a single campaign or battle. 4 American Antiquarian Society. Aside from the above mentioned men of note there are manuscripts of Jonathan Bagley, Ephraim and Israel Williams, Timothy Ruggles, John Tyng, John Winslow and Timothy Woodbridge and a careful examination of muster rolls, bounty lists and the like will bring to light the names of many less prominent soldiers contributed by the British colonies to the war. Certain letters deserve more than summary treatment. Such are the Keppel letters of July 1755, giving an account of the battle upon the banks of the Monongahela July 9 when in the midst of Braddock's defeat George Washington showed his military ability and the value of Colonial soldiers and Colonial methods of warfare became deservedly recog- nized. These letters are printed in full in an appendix, and the identity of the British and Colonial officers taking part in the engagement has been shown more fully than in the original text. WALDO LINCOLN, FRANKLIN P. RICE, NATHANIEL PAINE, Library Committee. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Prefatory note ...... 3 Abbreviations used ..... 5 Calendar of Manuscripts ..... 7 The Keppel Manuscripts in full . . . .43 ABBREVIATIONS USED, A. D. — Autograph Document. . D. S. — Autograph Document Signed. D. S. — Document Signed. A. L. — Autograph Letter. L. S. — Autograph Letter Signed. L. S. — Letter Signed. [ ]— Information suppHed. [ ? ] — Doubtful reading or information. *** — Omissions. '^^^^v^■4. French and Indian War Manuscripts. ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 1754. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. Commission to John Sept. 10. Burk as Ensign in the Militia Regiment of Col. Israel Williams. Countersigned J[oseph] Willard. D. S. Ip. 1754. WilUams, Israel. [Hatfield?] Letter to [John] Sept. 10. Burk. Directions as to guarding Greenfield, Colrain and Fall Town; scouts to be maintained and information forwarded. A. L. S. Ip. The name Fall Town or Falltown was changed to Ber- nardstown or Bernardston, Mar. 6, 1762. The name Burk seems to have been changed to Burke by some members of the family after the close of the French war in 1763. The signature appears originally as John Burk and is so retained in this calendar. 1755. Shirley, W[iniam]. Council Chamber. [Boston]. Feb. 13. Message to the Council and House of Repre- sentatives of Massachusetts. Considers the times favorable for an expedition against Crown Point; attention of French divided between Nova Scotia and Ohio country; advantage to New England and New York of holding Crown Point; calls upon the two houses for a generous effort; promises his own regiment and all that he can do as chief executive of colony; suggests a feint attack by the Kennebec or Chaudiere river as likely to divide the French yet further. Cont. Copy in ms. of and attested by Thomas Clarke, Dpty. Secy. 3pp. Enclosed: Shirley, William. Instructions to Robert Hale, Feb. 22, 1755. Printed under date of Feb. 12 and 8 American Antiquarian Society. with other slight variations: N. H. Pro v. Papers, Manchester . 1872, VI, 358; Penna. Col. Records, Harrisburg, 1851,VI, 314. 1755. Massachusetts, General Court. [Boston]. Com- Feb. 18. mittee report on Messages of Gov. William Shirley with action of General Court thereon. Approve plan in messages of Feb. 13 and 15 for erecting fortress near Crown Point; consider an army of 5000 necessary for expedition; recommend that Governor request aid from other colonies in following proportion: New Hampshire 400, Connecticut 1000, Rhode Island 400 and New York 800 men; request employment of regiments of Shirley and [Sir WiUiam] Pepper- rell; provisions for enlistment and pay for 1200 men from Massachusetts; application to be made to New Jersey for men; Gov. Shirley to appoint commander-in-chief and to notify British Government. "By Order J[ohn] Os- borne." Report approved by House of Rep- resentatives, "T[homas] Hubbard, Spkr." and by Council, "Thomas Clarke Dpty. Secy." Cont. Copy in ms. of and attested by Clarke. 3pp. Enclosed: Shirley, WilUam. Instructions to Robert Hale Feb. 22, 1755. Printed with slight changes N. H. Prov. Papers, Manchester 1872, VI, 359. Pa. Col. Records, Harrisburg 1851, VI, 316. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston, Mass. To Robert Feb. 22. Hale. Commissions Hale in the name of Mass- achusetts to apply to the Government of New Hampshire for aid in promoting the expedition [against Crown Point] approved by the Council and House of Representatives; will give more explicit instructions as to method of procedure. "By His Excellency's Command. J[osiah] Willard." Seal. D. S. Ip. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. To Robert Hale. Feb. 22. "Instructions for soliciting" the Government of French and Indian War Manuscripts. 9 New Hampshire to unite with Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut in an expedition against Crown Point: Is to present Shirley's message to Mass. Assembly [Feb. 13] and reply of that body [Feb. 18] to authorities of New Hampshire and urge cooperation; if colony will not agree to terms set forth in above documents Hale is to ascertain how much it will do and reasons for non agreement with plans as made; [Feb. 27,] report to be made at Boston. P. S. Encloses vote of [Mass.] Assembly of Feb. 27 to be used if a larger number of men can be obtained thereby. L. S. with autograph postscript. 2pp. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. Letter to Gov. [Ben- Feb. 25. ning Wentworth] of New Hampshire. Attitude of the French toward the English colonies in America; measures of retaliation authorized by the London government; proposed movements outlined in writer's message to the Massachu- setts Assembly and reply received; encloses copies of these documents and Robert Hale will give further explanations if desired. L. S. 6pp. In Sir William Johnson Mss. See also Message of Shirley of Feb. 13 and action on same Feb. 18 ante. 1755. Massachusetts, General Court. [Boston]. Vote Feb. 27. regarding Crown Point Expedition. In case Governments of New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut consent to proposed expedition against Crown Point desire Gov. [William Shirley] to issue proclamation for raising 4000 men as quota of Massachusetts; New York to be relied on for 800 men or proportionate share of provisions and other war stores in default of men; upon issuance of proclamation oath of secrecy removed from members of Assembly. "T[homas] Hubbard Spkr." "In Council read and concurred Thomas Clarke Dpty. Secy. ]0 American Antiquarian Society. Consented to W[illiam] Shirley." Cont. Copy in ms. of and attested by Clarke. Ip. Enclosed in Shirley, William to Robert Hale Feb. 22-27, 1755. 1755. Wentworth, [Benning]. Portsmouth. Letter to Feb. 28. Gov. William Shirley. Acknowledges letters received giving plans against the French; agrees in the main with Shirley's proposals; asks advice as to best method of raising desired amount of money. Cont. Copy inclosed in Shirley to Robert Hale Mar. 4. 2pp. In Sir William Johnson Mss. 1755. S[hirley], W[illiam]. Boston. Letter to Gov. Mar. 4. [Benning Wentworth]. Is gratified at Went- worth's approval of plans against Crown Point; outlines further plans against the French and Indians; hopes all the colonies involved may act in unison; united colonial troops to be under Sir William Johnson ; [Maj .] General [Edward] Brad- dock to command British forces. Cont. Copy en- closed in Shirley to Robert Hale of equal date. 3pp. In Sir William Johnson Mss. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. Letter to .Col. Mar. 4. [Robert] Hale. Considers it advantageous for Hale to have copies of Gov. [Benning] Went- worth's letter [of Feb. 28] and his [Shirley's] reply [of Mar. 4] so encloses same; has "taken care of your friend Capt. [Jonathan] Bagley"; Commissioners for Rhode Island, [Thomas] Hutchinson, for New York and New Jersey [Thomas Pownall] and for Pennsylvania [Josiah Quincy] have gone to obtain aid from those colonies; thinks Gov. [Benning] Wentworth will be ready to see him [Hale] by the time the latter reaches Portsmouth and hopes visit will be a profitable one. A. L. S. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 1 1 1755. Welles, Samuel and John Choat. [Hartford, Conn.] Mar. 14. Letter to [Josiah] Willard, Secy, of Massachu- setts. On Mar. 13 presented to Gov. [Thomas Fitch] and both branches of Assembly of Con- necticut the plan proposed by Massachusetts for the expedition against Crown Point; having received from [Thomas] Hutchinson news of the favorable actions of Rhode Island presented that among other arguments for action by Connecticut but did not show the Rhode Island act; expect to obtain full quota and possibty more from the Assembly. Cont. Copy in ms. of and attested by Thomas Clarke Dpty. Secy. P. S. Auto. Note of Gov. William Shirley, by whom this copy is forwarded to Robert Hale, stating what portion of letter had been for- warded to Gov. Wentworth of N. H. 2pp. Welles and Choate had been sent to Connecticut by the Massachusetts General Court as commissioners to advance the cause of the expedition mentioned. For names of Commissioners to other colonies see preceding entry. The spelling Choat is that of the manuscript and has been followed in title. 1755. [Hale, Robert]. Portsmouth. Letter to [Gov. Mar. 14. William Shirley]. Upon receipt of Shirley's letter [of Mar. 4] Hale started for Portsmouth Mar. 8 and arrived Mar. 9; [Gov. Penning] Wentworth unwilling that he see any legislators except the Secy. [Theodore Atkinson] until the Assembly met [Mar. 12]; reports progress made as to raising troops for service; in 1745 New Hampshire had but 7000 rateable polls and the state considers herself on the same footing as Rhode Island; no disposition to make allowance for what "we" [Massachusetts] did in 1754; thinks New Hampshire will provide 300 troops if kept in garrison; pleased that R. I. has come up to her quota; difficulties caused by counter- feit colonial paper; fears that much other aid 12 American Antiquarian Society. is not to be obtained from N. H.; reasons for hoping that [John] Titcomb will be given post of Lt. Col. A. L. 2pp. Incomplete. 1755. H[ale], R[obert]. Portsmouth. Letter [to Gov. Mar. 15. William Shirley]. Acknowledges letters of Shirley dated Mar. 14; laid enclosures before Gov. [Benning] Wentworth and his secretary; effect of Shirley's message upon the legislature; Hale's personal efforts with [Peter] Gilman, [Theodore] Atkinson and others; expects a report on 17th favoring 600 men with subsistence to point of rendezvous; will move for more men conditional on New York furnishing subsistence; many think New Hampshire should not be asked for half so many men as Massachusetts; doubts if so many can be secured with popula- tion but one-sixth as large; all wonder why the General Court of Massachusetts considered itself warranted in fixing the quota each colony should raise. A. L. S. 3pp. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. Letter to Col. [Robert] Mar. 16. Hale. Acknowledges letters of 14th from Hale and from Gov. [Benning] Wentworth; encloses copy of answer to latter; opinion on proposed feint along the Chaudiere; hints regarding boundary dispute between Massachusetts and New Hampshire; thinks latter colony more interested in solution of troubles with French than is Rhode Island so her quota for Crown Point expedition placed at a larger number; has perfect confidence in Hale's judgment; desires that copies of letters forwarded him be returned as originals have been mislaid. A. L. S. 3pp. [1755]. H[ale]. R[obert. Portsmouth]. Letter [to Gov. [Mar. 18]. W^illiam Shirley.] From conversation with Col. [Timothy] Ruggles and Capt. [Jonathan] Bagley French and Indian War Manuscripts. 13 has concluded that salaries paid colonial army officers are much too small ; bad results of policy ; more attention must be paid to forwarding ammunition and supplies; hopes Shirley will look into matters himself; lack of supplies noted by Capt. [John] Osborne; no cannon at Albany until Aug. 2; welcomes [Maj. Genl. John] Wins- low as commander [of Massachusetts troops]; praises appointments of Col. [John] Plaisted and Col. [Richard] Gridley; desires no command for himself and asks that his nephew R[obert] H. Chipman may not be compelled to serve as he is in poor health; recommends Capt. John Lee jr. of Manchester. Auto. Draft Signed. 3pp. Incomplete. 1755. Shirley, William. Boston. Letter to Col. [Robert] Mar. 19. Hale. Regrets difficulty with Col. [Peter] Gil- man mentioned in letter of 14th [15th]; knows nothing of Lt. [Richard] Emery but thinks he "may be an officer of Sir William Pepperrell's Regiment"; hopes that obstacles will be removed [as regards raising men for campaign] ; will give up such men as [Joseph] Malcolm has obtained ; has directed [Ephraim] Berry to adjourn Inferior Court as requested. A. L. S. Ip. 1755. Hale, Robert. Portsmouth. Letter to [Gov. Mar. 21. William Shirley]. Assembly passed report of committee on raising men [for campaign against Crown Point] but agreed to 400 troops only; difficulties as to procuring appropriation for expenses of expedition; personal efforts with officials raised the number to 500; encloses copy of resolution to that effect just signed by Gov. [Penning Wentworth]; is gratified that so many were secured when length of boundary of New Hampshire is considered and when compared with contribution of Connecticut. A. L. S. 2pp. 14 American Antiquarian Society. 1755. New York, Assembly. New York. Committee Mar. 27. report on message of Lt. Gov. [James DeLancey] with action of Assembly thereon. Matter con- sidered is expedition against Crown Point; report made by [William] Nicoll[s] chairman of Committee; Committee united with Committee of Council in consideration of message of Mar. 26; approve plan proposed by Gov. [William] Shirley of Mass. and explained by Lt. Gov. [De Lancey] and Thomas Pownall; recommend that colony supply 800 men if British Com- mander in Chief [Sir William Johnson] approve and if Mass. raise and subsist 1400 men or 1200 for Crown Point and 200 for a diversion up the Kennebec; Assembly agreed unanimously as did the Council and joint committee appointed to report to Lt. Gov. DeLancey. "By Abrm. Lott jr. Clk. Assem. " Copy in ms. of and attested by Thomas Clarke. 2pp. It is possible that by "British Commander in Chief" Maj. Genl. Edward Braddock is meant. See: Shirley to Wentworth, Mar. 4, 1755. Ante p. 10. 1755. Massachusetts, General Court. [Boston]. Action Mar. 29. regarding Crown Point Expedition. In Council : Committee of War authorized to appoint one or more delegates to meet in conference with delegates from other colonies interested; con- ference to apportion stores necessary for expedi- tion against Crown Point among several Col- onies; "sent down for Concurrence T[homas] Clarke, Dpty. Secry. " In the House of Repre- sentatives: "Read and Concur'd T[homas] Hub- bard Spkr. " " Consented to, W[illiam] Shirley. " Copy signed and attested by Clarke. Ip. 1755. Shirley, W[illiam]. Boston. To John Burk. Mar. 29. Commission as Capt-Lieut. in regiment of Col. Ephraim Williams. Countersigned J[oseph] Willard. D. S. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 15 1755. Massachusetts, General Court, Committee. Boston. Apr. 10. To [Robert] Hale. Consider it necessary for Hale to go to Portsmouth at once; is to inform New Hampshire Assembly that by reason of encourage- ment given by that body, Massachusetts and other governments have engaged for the expedi- tion against Crown Point ; Massachusetts has voted to raise 1500 men in place of the 1200 at first proposed and Committee hope New Hampshire will exert herself correspondingly. L. S. ''J[ohn] Osborne In the Name of the Committee. " Ip. 1755. Williams, Ephraim. Deerfield. Letter to John Apr. 11. Burk. Offers Burk position of Capt-Lieut. in his regiment for expedition against Crown Point ; desires that only good men be enlisted; Simeon Wells to be sergeant of company; conditions of enlistment for privates; wishes early reply and names of men going to join Col. [Israel] Williams at Hatfield. A. L. S. Ip. The important officers of this regiment were Col. Eph- raim WiUiams, Lt. Col. Seth'Pomeroj^ Maj. Noah Ashley, Surg. Thomas Williams, Surg, mate Perez Marsh, Chaplain Stephen WiUiams, Commissary Eleazer Burt, Adjutant Philip Richardson, Armorer John P. Bull. 1755. WiUiams, Israel. [Hatfield.] Letter to John Burk. May 1. Consents to dismissal of Sergt. [William] Patrick from service and suggests that [Ebenezer] Sheldon succeed him; present rank of latter can be no higher than Corporal; outlines conduct expected in the office. A. L. S. Ip. 1755. Williams, Elijah. [Stockbridge, Mass.] To Col- Jun. 17. ony of Massachusetts. Account for expenses in building Fort Williams Sep. 1754-Apr. 1755. Account amounts to £11. 14s. Ifd. and is attested before Joseph Dwight, Justice of Peace of Hampshire Co. It is addressed to Lt. Samuel Brown or Col. Joseph Dwight. A. D. S. Ip. 16 American Antiquarian Society. 1755. [Williams, Israel.] To Moses Emerson. Receipt Jul. 15. for powder and supplies received Jul. 1-15 at the hands of John Burk. A. D. Ip. 1755. Orme, [Robert]. [Fort Cumberland.] To Com- Jul. 18. modore Augustus Keppel. Account of the battle on the Monongahela Jul. 9. Account describes behavior of officers and soldiers on English side and gives estimates of losses. In ms. of KeppeFs secretary. 4pp. Enclosed: Keppel to Gov. Charles Lawrence, Jul. 26, 1755. [1755.] [Shirley, William. Fort Cumberland. To Com- [Jul. 18.] modore Augustus Keppel.] "A List of the Officers who were present and of those killed and wounded in the action on the banks of the Monongahela." List contains 86 names headed by that of "His Excelency Edwd. Braddock — Died of his wounds." Of the officers 63 are noted as killed or wounded and this is followed by the statement: "About 600 men killed and wounded." Cont. Copy in hand of James Bradford Secy, to Shirley. 3pp. Enclosed: Keppel to Gov. Charles Lawrence Jul. 26, 1755. Contemporary lists differing however in the spelling of names are found in the Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania for Jul. 24, 1755, the Pennsylvania Gazette of Jul. 31 and elsewhere. In none are full names given. 1755, Keppel, A[ugustus]. Sea Horse at Sea. To Gov. Jul. 26. [Charles] Lawrence of Nova Scotia. Acknowl- edges letters received; is kept from visiting him by defeat of [Maj. Genl. Edward] Braddock; encloses letters giving details; loss of prestige to British arms; other comment; congratulates Lawrence on his success in expedition across the bay. A. L. S. 2pp. This letter and its enclosures are printed in full on p. 43 ff . , -where are supplied the full names of officers men- tioned in Shirley's list. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 17 1755. Stebbings, John. Lake George. Receipt for mil- Sep. 22. itary outfit belonging to late Robert Royan, with enumeration of goods received. D. S. Ip.' 1755. Massachusetts, House of Representatives. Order Dec. 11. naming a committee of five to which the Council may join others to consider the affairs of the French inhabitants of Nova Scotia who have been brought into this Government. On verso is oath required from inhabitants in 1761. Cont. ms. Ip. 1756. Sinclair, Sir John. New York. Receipt Book Mar. 16-24. giving an account of the men employed in the batteau service in America. The volume contains hsts of 24 companies and signed receipts of 1039 officers and men; these persons "acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted for the transporting of provisions for His Majesty's service in bat- toes according to the advertisement published by [Maj.] Genl. [William] Shirley dated Jan. 19, 1756" and they further acknowledge "to have received from Sir John St. Clair [Sinclair] Dep. Q. M. Genl. twenty days pay— the Captains at eight shillings, the Assistants at six and the Battoe men at four shillings a day." 1039 signatures: 24 and 30pp., 1 vol. The names of the captains of the companies follow in the order of their signatures: Daniel De Normandie, Daniel Sutton, Jonathan Woodroff, James Cusick, Abra- ham Van Duerson, William Line, Peter Jaquet, John Salmon, John McDougall, John Ten Broek, John Lawrence, Thomas Deare, Samuel Neilson, Samuel Askwith, Jacobus Wyncoop, George Knaggs, fcaiah Valleau, Joseph Riggs, John Egan, Hendrick Seydam, John Brown, John Emott[ and John Atkins. 1756. White, Jonathan; Richardson, Phihp and John May 6. Stebbings. Boston. "Bond to Massachusetts Colony. Amount of warrants received by each from the treasurer of the province "to subsist 18 American Antiquarian Society. our respective companies to Albany"; agree to return to Committee of War list of names of men in respective companies and surplus of money if number is not equal to that stated. A. D. S. of White. D. S. of others. 2pp. The signers were Captains in the regiment of Col. Timothy Ruggles. 1756. Winslow, J[ohn.] Camp at Half Moon. [Albany.] Jun. 5. Eeturn of troops. A return of the Provincial troops raised by the Governments of Massachu- setts Bay, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island with the numbers stationed at certain named posts. The troops were raised for the reduction of Crown Point and the posts given are Fort William Henry, Fort Edward, Upper Saratoga, Lower Saratoga, Stillwater and Half Moon; reports other men under Lt. Col. [Jona- than?] Hoar and Maj. [Jonathan] Star as yet on the road. The total is 4170 with artillerv. D. S. Ip. 1756. Gridley, Isaac. [Fall Town.] To Jolin Burk. Jun. 22. Account of clothing furnished Burk's Company. Account amounts to £ 51. 17 s. 2 d. On verso in ms. of Burk are notes of various additions and deductions to account of Commissary Gridley. A. D. S. Ip. 1755-6. Crown Point Expedition. [Boston.] Two Tables for computing the wages of the officers and soldiers [from Massachusetts] in the Crown Point expedition. With these tables are two manuscripts classifying the number of officers and men [from Massachusetts] taking part in the Crown Point Expedition with pay of each group. 5pp. with attached slips. 1757. Massachusetts, General Court. To the Committee Jan. 14. on the Muster rolls. Resolution of the House French and Indian War Manuscripts. 19 of Representatives providing method for com- puting wages of officers and soldiers who enhsted for the expedition [of 1755] against Crown Point sent up for concurrence of Council. T[homas] Jan. 17. Hubbard Spkr. In Council: Read and con- curred. Thos. Clarke Dpty. Secy. Consented to S[pencer] Phips. Copy examined, A[ndrew] Oliver, Secy. 2pp. 1757, Burk, John. Boston, [Mass.] Muster roll of com- Feb. 23. pany under command of. 36 names on roll, among them 3 deserters and 4 Indians. The ' list appears to include but a section of Burk's full company and as frequently is the case in these early rolls the word deserter has not the full significance of later days often meaning no more than absent at time of roll call. Cont. Copy. Ip. 1757. Partridge, OHver. Hatfield. Letter to John Burk. Mar. 30. Has received commission of Captain in [Massa- chusetts] service for Burk and of Lieutenant for Selah Barnard; requests Burk to notify latter and both to repair to Hatfield [to take oath of service]. A. L. S. Ip. 1757. [Burk, Jolm. Fall Town?] List of men to form Mar. portion of Command of. A list of the names of men raised from the northern regiment in the county of Hampshire for his majesty's service under the command of the Earl of Loudon; 70 names with place of residence. Cont. Copy. Ip. 1757. Denny, William. Philadelphia. To Archibald Aug. 13. Kennedy. Acknowledges receipt of two letters, latter informing him of surrender of Fort William Henry and attack on Fort Edward; Pennsyl- vania has no militia but will recommend to the Assembly that assistance be given him. Cont. Copy. Ip. 20 American Antiquarian Society. 1757. Winslow, John. [Boston.] Letter to Maj. Elipha- Aug. 17. let Pond. Orders Pond to march with his detachment to Springfield where he is to place himself under the direction of Sir William Pepperell; postscript directs Pond to halt at Worcester for camp on evening of August 18. L. S. with autograph postscript. Ip. 1757. Pownall, Thomas. Boston. To Benjamin Hallo- Aug. 27. well jr. Commission as Captain of His Majesty's ship King George. D. S. of Pownall certified by Thomas Clarke, Dep. Secy. Ip. 1757. Newhall, Jonathan. Stockbridge, [Mass.] Certifi- Sep. 5. cate that 31 men have been billeted on inhabi- tants of Stockbridge, for three weeks; men were from the regiment of Col. John Chandler jr. D. S. Ip. 1757. Hale, Robert. Chronicle of the War against the Oct. 30. French and Indians. This chronicle is stated as beginning Jul. 1, 1755 but rough notes of occurrences as early as Oct. 18, 1748 are given. Important events of the war against the French and Indians are noted as also summaries of legislative proceedings and popular feeling; occurrences in New England and the North are followed with more detail than corresponding movements in the South and West. The Chron- icle continues until Oct. 30, 1757 and is con- tinued by a second part Nov. 1, 1757 — ^April 30, 1761, and a third covering May 1, 1761 — Oct. 30, 1762. See entry under later of given dates for each volume. A. D. 56 pp.; 1 vol. 1757. Woodbridge, Timothy. [Worcester.] To the pro- Nov. 7. vince [of Massachusetts]. Amounts due to 13 named persons; expenses for billeting soldiers under command of Capt. [Jonathan] Newhall French and Indian War Manuscripts. 21 until troops were ordered by Sir William Pep- per[r]ell; total is £ 18. 12 s. D. S. Ip. [1757]. [Burk, John. Boston.] Muster roll of Company [Nov. 17.] under command of. 23 names on roll, among whom are noted the men who have been enrolled since Feb. 12, two who never joined and five deserters. The list appears to include but a section of Burk's company. Cont. Copy. Ip. 1757. Lane, Edmund. [Fort Cumberland.] Court Mar- Dec. 26. tial of. Record of Court Martial proceedings in case of Edmund Lane of Capt. [Benoni] Danks company of rangers in regiment of Lt. Col. Hunt Walsh. Court of six members, Capt. Theodore Augustus Spann, President; Lane found guilty of fighting and making a disturb- ance, and sentenced to 100 lashes. Sentence confirmed by "Hunt Walsh Lieut. Col." D. S. of Spann Ip. 1757. [Massachusetts.] Clothing supplied for provincial troops. List of coats, blankets etc. sent to Worcester by various persons to provide for troops at that place. Cont. ms. Ip. [1757?] Worthington, [John.] List of certain men in regiment of. '*A List of those absent, sick, deserted, absent by leave etc. raised in Col. Worthington's regiment. " 32 names. Endorsed : List of soldiers left behind. Cont. ms. Ip. 1758. Danks, Benoni. Fort Cumberland. Roll of Com- Aug. 4. pany of. Roll contains names of 57 men of whom 42 are privates. See: Danks, Benoni, Roll Feb. 20, 1761. Cont. ms. Ip. Mutilated. 1758. Bagley, Jonathan. Orderly Book of the Massachu- Aug. 20- setts regiment commanded by Col. Bagley when Sep. 11. in provincial camp at Lake George. 34pp. 1 vol. 22 American Antiquarian Society. 1758. Herres, William. Holden, [Mass.] Certificate of Sep. 15. service of son. Certifies that his son Valentine Herres enlisted in Capt. [John] Patton's Com- pany of Gov. [William] Shirley's regiment and was captured at Oswego. A. D. S. Ip. 1758. Williams, Israel. Hatfield. Letter to John Burk. Sep. 29. Death of [John] Catlin makes Capt. Burk the senior captain on the frontier service [in regi- ment]; directs him to repair to Colrain and other frontier posts to see that service is main- tained; other directions. A. L. S. Ip. 1758. Fort William Henry, Diary of a soldier stationed Sep. 15- at. The record begins with an account of life Nov. 15. at the fort; describes such incidents of the war as the arrival and departure of troops, actions between opposing forces and rumors of move- ments by the French or Indians. The volume contains descriptions of Courts-martial, notes of frontier life and closes with the record of a march from Fort William Henry to Albany by way of Fort Edward, Saratoga, StiUwater and Half Moon. 12pp. Bound with a Diary of an Expedition to Louisburgh etc. May 15, 1759- Sep. 24, 1760. See entry under latter date post p. 32. 1758. Pynchon, Joseph. Deerfield. Letter to John Burk. Nov. 26. Requests names of men on Burk's roD that com- missary's account may be prepared. A. L. S. Ip. 1759. Hutchinson, Israel. [Boston?] To Gov. Thomas Mar. 1. Pownall and the General Court of Massachusetts. Petitioner was a Lieut, in company of Capt. Andrew Fuller and regiment of Col. Jonathan Bagley in expedition of 1758 against Canada; mishaps suffered at "Ticondaroga" form basis of petition for relief; certificates offered to support claim. A. D. S. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 23 [1759]. Fellows, [John] and others. "A List of the men Feb. 23- enhsted above the Green Woods" by Capt. Mar. 6. Fellows, [Paul] Dewey, [William] King and [Josiah] Church. 70 names are given and men- tion is made of one deserter. Cont. ms. Ip. 1759. Ruggles, Timothy. [Boston.] Letter to Capt. Mar. 27. John Burk. Has appointed Burk Captain in his own regiment; directs him to apply to Col. Israel Williams of the militia for 90 men; latter will raise this number and turn them over to Burk who will be accountable for them thereafter. L. S. Ip. On verso in the manuscript of Burk is a Table giving expenses of travel from Springfield to Boston May 17-21, with notes of stopping places on way. 1759. Pownall, T[homas]. Boston. Commissions to Mar. 31. Cornelius Stowell and William Henshaw as 1st and 2d Lieutenants respectively in companies of Capts. William Paige and Jeduthan Baldwin of regiment commanded by Brig. Genl. Timothy Ruggles. Ds. S. Certified by A[ndrew] OHver, Secy. Ip. each. 1759. Pierce, Benjamin. Hampshire County. Enlist- Apr. 2. ment papers. Acknowledgment of enlistment in service for invasion of Canada. Counter- signed by Joseph Hawley, Justice of Peace of County of Hampshire. D. S. Ip. [1759.] IngersoU, Joseph. Boston. Letter to William Apr. [10.] Henshaw. Notifies him that he has been appointed a Lieutenant under Brig. Genl. [Timothy] Ruggles for the campaign against Canada, and directs him to repair to Worcester for orders. A. L. S. Ip. 1759. Waldo, Samuel jr. Fahnouth. [Portland Me.] Apr. 13. Letter to William Brattle. Encloses regimental 24 American Antiquarian Society. return; 50 men for Canada of whom four are in navy; expects 150 are with the Penobscot expedition. A. L. S. Ip. 1759. Henshaw, Jonathan. [Leicester.] To William Apr. 14. Henshaw. Account for military equipment to sum of £ 14. 12 s. 4 d. for which a note has been received. In ms. of William Henshaw. Ip. 1759. [Burk, John. Deerfield, Mass.] Billeting roll of May 1. company under command of. 29 names [con- stituting the last division of company by alpha- betical arrangement] with cost of billeting from date of enlistment to Apr. 30, 1759; date of enlist- ment varies in different cases. Cont. Copy. Ip. 1759. Pownall, T[homas]. Boston. To Jonathan Hoi- May 11. man. Commission as 1st Lieutenant in com- pany of Jeremiah Learnard of regiment com- manded by Col. Abijah Willard. D. S. of Pownall, certified by A[ndrew] Oliver. In absence May 18. of Gov. Pownall Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson certifies that Holman took the oaths required by Parliamentary and Provincial law. A. N. S. Ip. [1759.] Burk, John. [Deerfield, Mass.] Billeting roll of May 13. company under command of. 102 names with amount due for billeting each from date of enlistment to May 13. See Ruggles to Burk Jun. 1. Mar. 27, 1759. A similar roll compiled Jun. 1 follows giving amounts due to May 26 and containing many signatures apparently as receipts for sums named. A. Ds. S. 3pp. and Ip. 1759. Whiting, Leonard. Detachment at Fort Edward. Jun. 13. List of men detached from regiment of Brig. Genl. Timothy Ruggles on garrison duty at Fort Edward. 91 names. In ms. of William Henshaw. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 25 1759. Henshaw, Daniel. Leicester. Letter to William Jun. 23. Henshaw. Acknowledges letter of Jun. 13 and is pleased to know of his continued good health; war news that has reached Leicester; capture of French Man of War. A. L. S. Ip. 1759. Whiting, Leonard. Fort Edward. Proceedings of Jul. 10. a garrison Court Martial consisting of Capt. Whiting and four others in the cases of Donald Curry, Thomas Muffett and Jacob Jones. Cont. Copy by William Henshaw. 2pp. 1759. Kenfield, George and others. Camp at Lake Jul. 11. George. To John Burk. Receipt for one King's arm to each person. D. S. George Kenfield, Aaron Petty, Epliraim Smith. Ip. 1759. Burk, John. Lake George. To Josiah Brewer. Jul. 12. Order on Brewer for goods to value of three shillings in favor of Joshua Gibbs. Similar orders of Jul. 28 and 31 are drawn by Burk on Brewer in favor of William Gray and John Pv ugg respectively. A. Ds. S. Ip. each. 1759. Baldwin, Jeduthan. [Fort Edward.] Troops com- [July.] manded by. A List of officers and privates under Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin enlisted in the first battalion of [Brig.] Genl. [Timothy] Ruggles of which battalion Lt. Col. Joseph Ingersoll was commander. Names of three additional commissioned officers and 58 non commissioned officers and privates are given. Cont. Copy. Ip. 1759. Elmer, Samuel. Fort Edward. To John Burk. Aug. 3. Order upon Burk to amount of £ 1. 12 s. 5 d. to be stopped from Elmer's wages in favor of Josiah Brewer and in payment of enclosed note to Brewer for above amount. Benjamin Edgell is witness to both note and order. Ds. S. Ip. each. 26 American Antiquarian Society. 1759. Burk, John. Crown Point. To Josiah Brewer. Aug. 10. Order upon Brewer for goods to value of twelve shillings in favor of John Rugg. A. D. S. of Ebenezer Bardwell "in behalf of Capt. John Burk." Ip. 1759. Partridge, Oliver. Hatfield. Letter to John Burkr. Aug. 10. Congratulates Burk on successes thus far obtained; requests forwarding of news; men- tions reduction of Niagara, progress of [James] Wolfe, affairs in Virginia and visit from Lt. [Ebenezer] Sheldon. A. L. S. Ip. 1759. Williams, Israel. Hatfield. Letter to John Burk. Aug. 13. Acknowledges letters and congratulates Burk on success at Crown Point; "this may be the day of vengeance upon our enemies;" no news from [Maj.] Genl. [Daniel] Webb; fragments of news from Europe; troops leaving No. 4 [Charlestown, N. H.] presumably for Burk's support; hopes there will be no trouble between reenforcements and former men. A. L. S. 2pp. 1759. Wyer, David. Annapolis Royal. Letter to Sam- Aug. 29. uel Curwen. Account of skirmishing and con- flicts in and near Annapolis. A. L. S. 2pp. 1759. Whiting, Leonard. Fort Edward. Proceedings of Sep. 2. a garrison Court Martial consisting of Capt. Whiting and four others in case of John Munn. Cont. Copy by William Henshaw. Ip. [1759.] Henshaw, William. [Fort Edward.] Return of Sep. [20]. 49 men under command of Lieut, Henshaw with names and limited description of persons in company. A. D. S. Ip. Mutilated. 1759. Curtis, Zacheus. Plymouth. To Gov. Thomas Oct. 3. Pownall and the General Court of Massachusetts. Petitions for remuneration for loss of his appren- French and Indian War Manuscripts. 27 tice Francis Finney for two years; Finney enlisted in company of Capt. Samuel Nicols Nelson for expedition against Crown Point; was captured at Fort William Henry and kidnapped by Indians; broke away in 1759; came to Ticonder- oga and on capture of that post was allowed by Sir [Jeffery] Amherst to return to Plymouth; result is loss of two years' service and other extra expense. A. D. S. Finney's oath to truth of statement is attested before Thomas Foster, Justice of Peace. A. N. S. of Foster. Ip. 1759. [Henshaw, William.] Fort Edward. Return of Oct. 24. garrison at Fort Edward. A monthly return of the state of the Garrison at Fort Edward; portions of eight regiments given making 344 men of all classes in the Garrison. A. D. ; Ip. 1759. Whiting, Leonard. Fort Edward. Proceedings of Oct. 30. a garrison Court Martial consisting of Capt. Whiting and four others in cases of Thomas Moffett and Mathias Duyce. Cont. Copy by William Henshaw. Ip. 1759. Lawrence, Sir Charles. Hahfax. ToCapt-Lieut. John Nov. 15. Walker. Directs Walker to proceed with Capt, [Benoni] Bank's company of rangers and relieve Capt. [Jotham] Gay with his provincials at Fort Edward; is to obtain from Capt. Gay account of stores etc. belonging to garrison and give receipt therefor; one-third of company to be on duty each day; further directions. Countersigned Archd. Hinshelwood Secy. D. S. 2pp. 1759. Henshaw, William. Orderly Book for the expedi- May 9- tion to Fort Edward with later notes. The Nov. 28. volume has a list of the officers and men of Capt. Jeduthan Baldwin's Company in which Henshaw served as 2d Lieut., begins with the 28 American Antiquarian Society. regimental orders at Worcester May 9, and follows the march until the arrival at Fort Edward Jun. 5, 1759. After this date are found orders as issued at Fort Edward [N. Y.] until Nov. 9, together with many of Henshaw's pri- vate notes. During November the location of camp varies as the expedition against Crown Point is assumed, and the final entry of the war is dated at Rutland, Mass., Nov. 28, when the company broke ranks. Later notes to 1773 are of a miscellaneous character. A. D. 174 and 42pp. 1 vol. A facsimile reproduction of a portion of this orderly book faces p. 7. 1759. Crown Point, Diary of a soldier stationed at. May 16- The record begins with an account of conditions Nov. 28. at Albany and notes of the march from Springfield thither; this is followed by notes of march to Saratoga and description of local events about Crown Point; the most common entry until November being "noth- ing extraordinary." Appended to the diary proper are various orders for the first battalion of Brig. Genl. [Timothy] Ruggles's regiment by [Cornelius Stowell and] Joseph Ingersoll; other entries of a later date and disconnected with the Crown Point campaign follow. 43pp. 1 vol. 1759. Massachusetts, "Book of Balances". This volume [Dec] contains the names of soldiers representing the colony of Massachusetts in the French and Indian war during 1759 and to whom there is money yet due. In some cases the individual names of privates are omitted but total company numbers are given. The volume contains also receipts from officers and from many privates for monies received. 25pp. 1 vol. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 29 [1759]. [Burk, John. Crown Point?] A List of men that came in Maj. [Jolin] Hawks detachment. This list gives the names of 27 men belonging to Brig. Genl. Timothy Ruggles's regiment who accompanied Hawks by the road to No. 4 with accounts of billeting, etc. On verso is receipt of William Jennison to John Burk for money received for Thomas Haywood [Heywood.] A. D. Ip. [1759.] Burk, John. [Fall Town.] Roll of company under command of. This roll gives the names of 101 men including officers, with date of enlistment and occasional notes as to the 97 privates. Cont. mss. 4pp. [1759.] [Burk, John. Fall Town.] Account of money disbursed. ''Account of the 2d billeting money which I have paid out & to whome." 9 officers mentioned as receiving money and goods with amount given each. Auto. ms. Ip. [1759.] Hawks, G[ershom. Fort Charlemont.] List of soldiers at Fort Charlemont under command of. List comprises names of 11 men under Hawks and 10 men of ''Taylor's garrison" under com- mand of Sergt. Otliniel Taylor. Cont. ms. Ip. 1760. WiUard, Nahum. Worcester. To the Colony of Jan. 29. Massachusetts. Bill for services as physician and surgeon to Colonial troops Dec. 25, 1758 to Aug. 10, 1759, 119 cases. Sworn to before Jacob Wendell, Boston, Jan 31, 1760. A. D. S. of Willard with A. N. S. of WendeU. 11pp. 1760. Dimuck, Gideon. [Springfield.] Enlistment papers. Feb. 19. Acknowledgment of enlistment in provincial service and receipt of bounty money from Capt. Trastrum [Tristram] Davis with signed 30 American Antiquarian Society. attestation of John Worthington dated Mar. 5 D. S. Ip. Similar enlistment papers for Luke Day, Benjamin Knight, George Larkin, Edmond Murphy and Josiah Ward jr. are in this collection. All are attested by Worth- ington. 1760. Warner, Ichabod. [Fall Town?] Enlistment papers. Feb. 24. Acknowledgment of enlistment in provincial service and receipt of bounty money from John Burk with signed attestation of Israel Williams dated Mar. 5. D. S. Ip. Similar enlistment papers for Thomas Elgar and Thomas Stanley are in this collection. Both are attested by Williams. 1760. Ruggles, Timothy. [Springfield.] Proclamation. Mar, 13. Notifies any person having money received by ^ Maj. [Francis] Ball for enlistments to pay same to Maj. John Burk. A. D. S. Ip. 1760. Ruggles, Timothy. Boston. Letter to John Burk. Mar. 31. All men enlisted in Hampshire County to hold themselves ready to march at shortest notice to rendezvous selected; that provision for com- missions and supplies may be made, return of numbers enlisted by various officers and account of previous service to be forwarded at once ; time for enlistment extended to Apr. 15.- L. S. Ip. 1760. Ruggles, Timothy. Boston. Letter to John Burk. Apr. 2. Exhaustion of bounty money by supplying recruiting officers; directs Burk to call upon such of their number as have funds remaining in case of enlistment of additional new recruits. L. S. Ip. 1760. Harris, John. [Springfield.] Enlistment papers. Apr. 15. Acknowledgment of enlistment in provincial service and receipt of bounty money from Lieut. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 31 Joseph Thompson, with signed attestation of John Worthington dated Apr. 24, D. S. Ip. 1760. Goffe, John. Camp. [N. H.] Letter to Lt. John [Apr.] 23. Parker. Need of provisions as movements are extended away from the [Connecticut] river; urges that wagons loaded with both flour and meat be hurried on from Number 4 [Charlestown, N. H.] and that nothing but king's stores be allowed on the wagons; Lt. [Othniel] Taylor should be allowed ten days provisions; is to communicate instructions to Lt. Timothy Bedloe. A. L. S. Ip. 1760. Paine, Timothy. Worcester. To [John] Burk. Apr. 29. Sends blankets etc. by [Benjamin] Peirce and [Asa] Flagg; receipt to be signed and returned; additional stores to be obtained from Capt. [Luke] Bliss [jr.] of Springfield or from Capt. [Moses] Marsh of Hadley. Copy. Ip. 1760. Gray, Harrison, jr. Worcester. Letter to John Apr. 30. Burk. Is unable to leave Worcester himself but sends £ 112 sterling for equipment of troops etc. ; asks to be informed if more is needed. A. L. S. Ip. 1760. WiUiams, [Israel]. [Hatfield.] Roll of regiment Feb. 21- under command of. Roll gives names of 113 May 12. men with dates of enlistment and muster; names are arranged under names of officers by whom men were enlisted. Auto, draft. 2pp. 1760. Ruggles, Timothy. Boston. To Abijah Willard. May 19. Urges that provincial troops be hurried to Albany; is to forward letter or copy to John Burk. Copy by Willard on page with following letter. [1760.] Willard, Abijah. [Worcester.] Letter to John [May 21.] Burk. Has sent bounty notes by Lt. John 32 American Antiquarian Society. Bailey and will send more if needed; [Harrison] Gray [jr.] will send money requested by first opportunity. A. L. S. Ip. 1760. Gray, Harrison, jr. Worcester. Letter to John May 22. Burk. Sends him £31. 41s. 8 d. as desired; asks if money sent earlier has been received. A. L. S. Ip. See Gray's letter of Apr. 30 ante. 1760. Torrence, Thomas. Leicester. To WilHam Hen- Jun. 7. shaw. Receipt to Henshaw for money in full for services of John Cannon and one other [in the campaign of 1759.] D, S. Ip. 1760. Pitt, William. Whitehall. To Gov. [Stephen Hop- Aug. 23, kins] and the Company of Rhode Island. Has heard through British officers in America of illegal commerce between the King's subjects and the French settlements on the continent and islands; this commerce alone enables the French to continue the war in America especially by means of the money paid for French products ; strict inquiry to be made and punishment meted out' to all persons guilty of maintaining these trade relations. Cont. Copy. 2pp. This letter was a circular one addressed to the various Governors in America. See N. J. Archives, ser. I, vol. 9, p. 240; Newark 1885; where is given the reply of Gov. Thomas Boone. 1759- Louisburgh. Diary of an expedition to Louisburgh 1760. with account of life on the coast of Cape Breton. May 15- The record begins with the departure from Sep. 24. Nantasket for Louisburgh [in the Oliver], and the author is the same as that of the diary Sep. 15- Nov. 15. 1758 (ante p. 22) with which this record is bound. Reaching Louisburgh May 24 the author mounts guard for the first time Jun. 10; on Jul. 9 sail is made on the Oliver for Spanish River [Cape Breton's Island]; account of events French and Indian War Manuscripts. 33 follows detailing movements of troops as well as of vessels; the volume closes with scattered orders after Jun. 1, 1760 and the announcement on Sep. 24 of the surrender on Sep. 8 of Montreal with all Canada to Genl. Amherst. 38pp. 1 vol. 1760. Saturday, Jacob. Half Moon. To Jesse Bellows. Order Nov. 10. upon Bellows for sum of wages due to date. D.S. Ip. 1759- Henshaw, William. Account Book. Accounts at 1760. Fort Edward and at Leicester for various articles May 26- purchased from individuals named. There are Dec. 4. also occasional notes of money borrowed or loaned and events occurring within the writer's knowledge bearing upon the progress of the war. A. D. 14pp. 1 vol. In addition to this volxime there are in the collection many notes and accounts of Henshaw during the war for which no entries have been included in this calendar. Some are but fuller statements of items given in this Account Book and others refer to matters covered by the Henshaw Orderly Book Usted on p. 27. 1760. Willard, Nahum. Worcester. To the Colony of* Dec. 22. Massachusetts. Bill for services as physician and surgeon to Colonial troops, Jan. 21, 1760 to Dec. 1, 1760; 103 cases. A. D. S. 8pp. 1761. Leake, Robert. Albany. To Samuel Mather. Jan. 11. Need of a deputy commissary at Fort Detroit; duties and salary of the position; offers it to Mather; if accepted latter is to meet writer in ' New York to receive further detailed instructions proceeding thence to post via Philadelphia and Pittsburg. A. L. S. 2pp. 1761. Danks, Benoni. Fort Cumberland. Roll of Com- Feb. 20. pany of. List of men in company of Capt. Benoni Danks; roll contains the names of 7 officers and 93 privates. Cont. ms. Ip. 34 American Antiquarian Society. 1761. Stiles, Jacob. Leicester. To William Henshaw. Apr. 25. Receipt to Henshaw for money in full for services of Ephraim Gibson and one other [in the cam- paign of 1759]. D. S. Ip. 1761. Hale, Robert. Chronicle of the War against the Apr. 30. French and Indians. This volume continues the chronicle begun in vol. I (Jul. 1, 1755-Oct. 30, 1757) and contains similar notes to Apr. 30, 1761. It is followed by a third continuing the record from May 1, 1761 to Oct. 30, 1762. See entries under date Oct. 30, 1757 and Oct. 30, 1762. A. D. 66pp. 1 vol. 1761. Bernard, Francis. Boston. To Benjamin Hallo- May 26. well jr. Commission as Captain of His Majesty's ship King George. D. S. of Bernard. Certified by A[ndrew] Oliver Secy. Ip. 1761. Wethered, Samuel. Fort Cumberland, To John Jun. 8. Walker. Receipt for £ 15. 11 d. Nova Scotia currency in full of account to date; account is in large part for war stores of various kinds, A. D. S. Ip. 1761. Scott, Jolm; Barritt, William and Levi Fletcher. Jun. 30. [Dunstable, Mass.] To John Tyng. Order upon Tyng in favor of Thomas Farrington for £ 3. 14 s. 8 d. each, this sum being the amount remaining due to each from the Colony of Massachusetts as bounty money for enlistment in the French war. On verso is Farrington' s receipt of even date to John Tjmg for payment of several amounts above stated, D. S. Ip. 1761. Cheever, Ezekiel and five others, Westford, [Mass,] Jul. 1, To John Tyng. Order upon Tyng in favor of Leonard Whiting for £ 3, 14 s, 8 d, each, this sum being the amount remaining due each from the Colony as bounty money. Signed: French and Indian War Manuscripts. 35 Ezekiel Cheever, Amborry [Ambrose?] Emery, Thomas Green, Nathaniel Emery, William Belk- nap, Nathenel Harmen [Nathaniel Harriman?]. On verso is Whiting's receipt of Jul. 2 to John Tyng for payment of several amounts above stated. D. S. 2pp. A like order upon Tyng in favor of Capt. Whiting signed by William Hunt and receipted by Whiting follows in the collection. 1761. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Return of Enlist- [Jul. 2.] ments in Massachusetts Provincial Service. Return of men enlisted for His Majesty's service for the protection and security of His Majesty's dominions and conquests in North America. Roll contains names of 44 persons enlisted by Capts. William Barron, Thomas Farrington, Moses Parker, Leonard Whiting and Samuel Berry with time of enlistment and various details regarding same. On verso are receipts to John Tyng for provincial bounty received by men enlisting. In ms, of John Tyng. 44 signatures. 2pp. 1761. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Return of Enlistments [Jul. 4.] in Massachusetts Provincial Service. Return of men enlisted for His Majesty's service for the protection and security of His Majesty's domin- ions and conquests in North America. Roll contains names of three persons enlisted by Capt. Thomas Farrington with time of enlist- ment and various details regarding same. On verso are receipts to John Tyng witnessed by Jacob McDaniel for provincial bounty received by men enlisting. In ms. of John Tyng. 3 signatures. 2pp. 1761. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Notes of Money on Jul. 4. hand. Rough notes as to money of province on hand [and due various persons as bounty 36 American Antiquarian Society. money for enlistment in Massachusetts provincial service.] A. D. Ip. 1761. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Note of men enlisted [Jul. 4.] in companies of Capts. Moses Parker, May 1 and 5, and Leonard Whiting, Apr. 29 [to whom bounty money is due.] A. D. Ip. 1761. Goldthwait, Thomas. Boston. Receipt for enlist- Jul. 8. ments. Receipt for enlistments of men in com- panies of Capts. [Thomas] Farrington, [Leonard] Whiting and [Oliver] Barrons. A. D. S. Ip. 1761. Whiting, [Leonard]. List of men under command Jul. 2-14. of. List of 18 men under Capt. [Leonard] Whiting with amounts of money paid various individuals. In ms. of John Tyng. 2pp. 1761. Berry, Samuel. Dunstable. To John Tyng, Jul. 14. Receipt for £ 3. 14 s. 8 d. due to Zechariah Flagg jr., Samuel Farley jr. and Benjamin Cory, being the amount due each as bounty money from the Colony. Individual receipts signed by each of the above men are in the collection. These are dated Jul. 11, are witnessed by Samuel Berry and Hugh Floyd and were delivered to Berry. A. D. S. Ip. 1761. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Note of money paid. Jul. 14. Note of £11. 4s. paid Samuel Berry in satisfac- tion of claim of Zechariah Flagg [jr.], Samuel Farley [jr.] and Benjamin Cory for remainder of bounty money due each. A. D. Ip. See preceding entry. 1761. Cobb, Silvanus. Halifax. Receipt for various Sep. 16. supplies. Supplies and stores received on board sloop York & Halifax and to be delivered to Capt. Walmough at Fort Frederick, St. Johns river. "John Merserum, Witness." D. S. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 37 1762. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Return of Enlistments [Mar. 22.] in Massachusetts Provincial Service. Return of men enlisted for His Majesty's service for the protection and security of His Majesty's dominions and conquests in North America. Roll contains names of 41 soldiers enlisted by Capt. [William] Barron, Lt. [Ezekiel] Brown, and Lt. [Benjamin] Byram with time of enlist- ment and various details regarding the men enlisting. A. D. Ip. 1762. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Return of Enlistments [Mar. 27.] in Massachusetts Provincial Service. Return of men enlisted for His Majesty's service for the protection and security of His Majesty's dominions and conquests in North America. Roll contains names of 44 soldiers enlisted by Capt. Benjamin Edwards, Lts. Benjamin Byram, [Thomas] Maxwell and Ensign Leo Butterfield with time of enlistment and various details regarding men enlisting. A. D. Ip. 1762. Dixson, Thomas. Fort Cumberland. Letter to Apr. 9. John Walker. Acknowledges letters of Jan. 4 by Capt. [David] Dickey; family matters; rumor of troops at Fort Cumberland about to be sent to the West Indies or to the Mississippi; refers him to Capt. [Benoni] Danks for further information; severity of previous winter and poor prospects for crops of present year. A L. S. 2pp. 1762. Walker, John. Fort Frederick. To Col. [William] Apr. Forster. Encloses monthly returns of garrison for February and March; sent those for Novem- ber, December and January by a French courier to Fort Cumberland and hopes Forster has received them; reports as to accidents and desertions from fort; gives names of seven deserters and account of their capture; asks 38 American Antiquarian Society. instructions as to their treatment; plenty of guns and ammunition at fort but small supply of flints. Auto. Copy Signed. 2pp. 1762. [Tyng, John. Dunstable.] Return of Enlistments [May 15]. in Massachusetts Provincial Service. Return of men enlisted for His Majesty's service for the protection and security of His Majesty's dominions and conquests in North America. Roll contains names of 40 soldiers enlisted by Capts. Benjamin Edwards and Thomas Farring- ton, Lts. Ezekiel Brown, Benjamin Byram, [Thomas] Maxwell and Henry Woods, with time of enlistment and various details regarding men enlisting. A. D. Ip. 1762. Hale, Robert. Chronicle of the War against the Oct. 30. French and Indians. This volume concludes the chronicle begun in Vol I, (Jul. 1, 1755-Oct. 30, 1757) and continued in Vol. II, (Nov. 1, 1757-Apr. 30, 1761) carrying it from May 1, 1761 to Oct. 30, 1762. It is of the same charac- ter as the preceding volumes already described, giving outlines of important legislative and military happenings during the period covered although especial emphasis is given to the northern and eastern fields. See entries under dates Oct. 30, 1757 and Apr. 30, 1761. A. D. 32pp. 1 vol. 1763. [Bernard, Francis.] Boston. To Tarrant Putnam. Mar. 1. Commission as Capt. of 3d military company from Sutton. D. S. John Cotton, Depy. Secy. On verso is signature of John Chandler and Edward Davis attesting to oath taken by Putnam. Ip. 1763. Stone, Joseph. Leicester. To William Henshaw. Oct. Receipt in full to Henshaw for money due for ser- vices at Fort Edward in 1759. D. S. bymark. Ip. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 39 1766- Rogers, Robert. Journal of Proceedings with the 1767. Indians. This manuscript furnishes an account Sep. 21- of the proceedings of Maj. Rogers with the Feb. 1. Indians in the district of " Michilhmackinac " during the period immediately following the French and Indian war. The events here chronicled are a result of that war and should not be separated from it. 28 and 30pp. THE KEPPEL MANUSCRIPTS DESCRIPTIVE OF THE DEFEAT OF MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD BRADDOCK. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 43 Commodore Augustus Keppel to Gov. Sir Charles Lawrence. Sir: Sea Horse at Sea July 26th, 1755. I have received the favour of several different letters from you upon his Majesties service & was upon the point of sailing to your port, but first the melanchoUy report of the defeat of the Kings troops under General Braddock stop't me and imediatly after receiving Admiral Boscawen's orders, I am prevented having the pleasure of seeing you, but I must give you joy of your being so much more effectually guarded. Between the first report of the General's death & any con- firmation of the story, there was a space of ten days which gave me flattering hopes that it was only report, but the day before yesterday, I received a confirmation of it by express from Wills creek, I imagine altho' its a melancholly subject you wou'd be glad of the particulars & have inclosed you a list of the killed and wounded, a copy of a letter from Mr. Orme, General Braddocks Aid de Camp, to me and a copy of Mr. Washingtons (who was likewise the General's Aid de Camp) to Governor Dinwiddle. Great blame & shame is laid to the charge of the private men of poor Sir Peter Halkett, & Col. Dunbars regiment that was upon the spot. The loss of the artillery is irretrievable as it enables the French to fortify themselves so strongly, and I fear very much the Credit of the British Arms among the Indians will now be lost. A number of unhappy circumstances will attend this defeat. It may effect Govr. Shirley in his attack against Niagara, as well as many other operations that were proposed. I give you joy that your expedition up the Bay has suc- ceeded so well & I wish Sir you may always be as successful. I am to far off to receive your comands for England & Am Sir Your most Obed. & most humble Servant, To Gov. Lawrence. A. Keppel. Endorsed: Commodore Keppel, Sea Horse at Sea July 26, 1755, enclosing copys of Capt. Orme's letter to Mr. Keppel, Majr. Washington's to Mr. Dinwidee & a list of officers at the action under Gen. Braddock on the Monongahela. reed, by Capt. Barrington, Aug. 11. See note on p. 49. Ofjicers present at the Battle of Fort DuQuesne. A List of the Officers who were present and of those Killed & Wounded in the Action on the Banks of the Monongahela the 9th July 1755. Staff. His Excelency Edwd. Braddock Esq. Genl and Commander in Chief of his Maj^ Forces in North America, Died of jjig Wounds. 44 American Antiquarian Society. Robert Orme ) ) tjtt ,, Roger Morris \- Esqs. Aids de Camp j ^ ounaea. \/Geo. Washington ) Willm. Shirley Esqr. Secretary Killed. Sir Jno. St. Clair Deputy Quar. Master General. .Wounded. Mattw. Lessley Gentn., [Lieut, serving as] Assistant to the Quart. Mastr. Genl Wounded \/Francis Halket Esqr. Major of Brigade 44th Regiment. Sir Peter Halket Colonel Killed. Lieut. Col. [Thomas] Gage Slightly Wounded. Captn. [Charles] Tatton Killed. \/[Samuel] Hobson \/[John] Beckworth^ [Capt.-Lieut. Richard] Gethins Killed. f VLieut. [Thomas] Faulkner'^ [William] Litteler^ Wounded. \/[Richard] Baylie* [William] Dunbar Wounded. \/[James] Potinger* [James] Halket Killed. [John] Treby Wounded. [James] Allen^ Killed. [Andrew] Simpson^. . . [Robert] Lock« [Ensign Daniel] Disney [Quinton] Kennedy'. . [Robert] Townsend Killed. \/[William] Preston [Francis] Nartlow^ Killed. [George] Penington* Wounded. * The name of this ofiicer is usually given as Capt. John Beckwith, but 1 follow the text. Similar inaccuracies in spelling show that this list was made from no official report but from memory or from other than official information. '^ Faulkner's name is often given as Falconer. He ■v\'as promoted to a company Nov. 5, 1755. ' More correctly spelled Littler. * This officer is sometimes confused with Alexander Baillie but is more probably the Richard Bailey who obtained his Lieutenancy Apr. 3, 1750. ^ More accurately Pottinger. * Lt. Simpson had been promoted from the rank of Ensign Jun. 26, 1755, and Lock on the 27th. Allen is here given as killed, but a James Allen was commissioned Lt. of the 44th on Nov. 9, 1755, and it is probable that he was but wounded at this time. ' Winthrop Sargent in his History of Braddock's Expedition, Philadelphia, 1865, gives this officer as Primrose Kennedy. * Unless this be Francis Nartloo, later Ensign and Lieutenant of the 55th Foot, I have been unable to identify him. The name Nartlow or Nortlow does not appear among the officers of the 44th in the Army List of 1755. The later lists do not contain his name, nor would they owing to his death, but he would have been com- missioned probably as early as Penington, who dated from Jun. 6, 1755. Subalterns. -^ >■ Wounded. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 45 48th Regiment. Lieut. Col. [Ralph] Burton* Wounded. Major [William] Sparks Slightly Wounded. ■x/Captn. [Robert] Dobson [Robert] Chulmley .Killed. [Richard] Bowyer ) -nr,- , , [Robert] Ross | Wounded. Capt. Lieut. [William] Morris [Lieut. Theodore] Barbut ) -nrr , , [John] Walsham } Wounded. [Waterhouse] Crimble ) [William] Wideman^" [- Killed. [John] Hansard ) [Henry] Gladwin Wounded. \/[John] Hathorn [William] Edmiston Wounded. \/[John] Cope [Percival] Brereton" ) t^.,, , [John]Hirt \ ^"^^- [John] Montreseur Wounded. \/[John] Dunbar VLEnsign Thomas] Harrison^^ \/[ Joseph] Cowhart [Cowart] [Alexander] McMulen [McMullen] ^ [Richard] Crow >- Wounded. [Robert] Sterling ) Aetillery. \/Captn. [Thomas] Orde Captn. Lieutn. [Robert] Smith Killed. Lieut. [Francis James] Buckhanon. [William] McCloud [McLeod] }■ Wounded. [Patrick] McCuller Engineers. Peter McKeller . . . Robt. Gordon S- Esqrs V Wounded. [Adam] Williamson ' The Army List for 1755 gives the name Robert Burton but this is an error. ^^ In several cases spelling of names differs. Thus Wideman is better Widman, Hansard should be Handsard; Edmiston should be Edmondston, etc. **Brereton and Hart are given as Ensigns in the Army List for 1755, and their death prevents further mention. Dunbar and Montresor were commissioned Lieu- tenants on July 3 and 4 respectively. " Thomas Harrison appears to have been transferred from the 36th Regt. of Foot shortly before this campaign. 46 American Antiquarian Society. Detachment of Sailors. Lieutn. Spendelow Killed- ^r. ^Xr \ Midshipmen. ; ; ; ; ■ • ■ ; • ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; j^,„,; Captn. [William] Stone of Gen. [Peregrine] Lascells Regement Killed. [Scot] Floyer of [Maj.]Gen. [Hugh] Warbur- tons Regement '. Wounded. Independent Companies of New York. Captn. [Horatio] Gates Wounded. Lieutn. [Simon] Sumain Killed. V'[Richard] Miller Howarthof Capt.DemarisIndept.Compy. ) -yvQ^nfjg^j [Robert] Gray, of the same Company . . \ Virginia Troops. Capt. [Adam] Stevens Wounded. VfJohn] Wagoner^* [William] Poulson ) j^jig^j Peronie [Peyroney] ) \/[Robert] Stewart [John] Hamilton Killed. \/[Henry] Woodward x/[John] Wright [Carolus Gustavus de] Splitdorff Killed. [Walter] Stewart Wounded. [Edmond] Wagoner Killed. \/[John] McNeal According to the most exact return we can as yet get about 600 men killed and wounded. Those marked Vagainst their names received no hurt. Capt. Robert Orme to Commodore Augustus Keppel. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Orme (Aid de Camp to his late Excellency Genl. Braddock) to the Honble. Augustus Keppel dated at Fort Cumberland the 18th July 1755. At the Little Meadows a place about Twenty Miles from this, we found it unavoidable to alter our disposition of march, it being impossible to proceed with such a Train of Carriages. A detachment was therefore made of twelve hundred men, ten pieces of ordnance, ammunition and provisions calculated *'The spellings in this Virginia list are defective. Wagoner should be Waggoner in each case; Poulson is probably Poison and McNeal should be McNeill; possibly Hector in place of John. French and Indian War Manuscripts. 47 for reducing the Fort and our subsistance. With this we proceeded very fast and in great spirits till about one o'clock on the 9th Instant. The French with some Indians, the number of both unknown, had taken a very strong post about half a mile from the Banks of Monongahela; our advanced party, consisting of 300 men began a very irregular & confused attack; they were ill sustained by 200 in their rear, and the whole fell back upon the van of [the] main body, commanded by the General, whilst he was moving forward to their assist- ance. From this time all was anarchy, no order, no discipline, no subordination; the General with the Officers endeavored to bring the men back to a sense of their duty, but all efforts were vain. This Confusion lasted about two hours and a half, and then the whole ran off crying the devil take the hindmost. Our guns, ammunition provisions and baggage remained in the hands of the enemy, and the General was with the greatest difficulty brought off being so much wounded as to be quite helpless. The General had five horses shot under him and at last received a shot through his lungs of which he died the 13th Instant at night. His Family were prettily pickled, Shirley killed in the field, Morris and myself much wounded, Washington alone escaped tho' no man deserved a wound better, his whole Behavior being extremely gallant. Burton sends his compliments and is now lying by me, with an extreme bad wound in his hip, but it is hoped he will recover. Never did Officers behave so well. They got themselves murder'd by distinguishing themselves in leading their men on. 28 Officers are dead, 35 wounded, many of which will not recover, and about 600 Men Killed & Wounded according to the best accounts we have yet been able to get. Your Guard behaved very well. Spendelow & Talbot are no more, and if you should see Pallisser, tell him his nephew behaved par- ticularly well, advancing with the colours and innocently asking if the men would not go along with him. I could talk to you an hour in this manner, but I am too weak to continue it long, but as my strength increases, I will write frequent and long letters. As soon as I am able, I shall go to Philadelphia and from thence to England. George Washington to Gov. Robert Dinwiddie. Fort Cumberland, July 18, 1755. Honbl. Sir: As I am favored with an opportunity, I should think myself inexcusable was I to omit giving you some account of our late Engagement with the French on the Monongahela, the 9th instant. 48 American Antiquarian Society. We continued our March from Fort Cumberland to Frazier's (which is within 7 miles of Duquesne) without meeting any extraordinary event, having only a straggler or two picked up by the French Indians. When we came to this place, we were attacked (very unexpectedly) by about three hundred French and Indians. Our numbers consisted of about thirteen hundred well armed men, chiefly Regulars, who were immedi- ately struck with such an inconceivable panick, that nothing but confusion and disobedience of orders prevailed among them. The officers in general, behaved with incomparable bravery, for which they greatly suffered, there being near 60 killed and wounded — a large proportion, out of the number we had! The Virginia companies behaved like men and died like soldiers; for I believe out of three companies that were on the ground that day scarce thirty were left alive. Capt. Peyroney and all his officers down to a corporal, were killed; Captn. Poison had almost as hard a fate, for only one of his escaped. In short, the dastardly behaviour of the Regular troops (so- called) exposed those who were inclined to do their duty to almost certain death; and, at length, in despite of every effort to the contrary, broke and ran as sheep before hounds, leaving the artillery, ammunition, provisions, baggage, and, in short, everything a prey to the enemy. And when we endeavoured to rally them, in hopes of regaining the ground and what we had left upon it. it was with as little success as if we had attempt- ed to have stopped the wild bears of the mountains, or rivulets with our feet; for they would break by, in despite of every effort that could be made to prevent it. The General [Edward Braddock] was wounded in the shoulder andj breast, of which he died three days after; his two aids-de- camp were both wounded, but are in a fair way of recovery; Colo. [Ralph] Burton and Sr John St. Clair [Sinclair] are also wounded, and I hope will get over it; Sir Peter Halket, with many other brave officers, were killed in the field. It is sup- posed that we had three hundred or more killed; about that number we brought off wounded, and it is conjectured (I believe with much truth) that two-thirds of both received their shot from our own cowardly Regulars, who gathered themselves into a body, contrary to orders, ten or twelve deep, would then level, fire and shoot down the men before them. I tremble at the consequences that this defeat may have upon our back settlers, who, I suppose, will all leave their habitations unless there are proper measures taken for their security. « Colo. [Thomas] Dunbar, who commands at present, intends, as soon as his men are recruited at this place, to continue his French and Indian War Manuscripts. 49 march to Philadelphia for winter quarters; consequently there will be no men left here, unless it is the shattered remains of the Virginia troops, who are totally inadequate to the pro- tection of the frontiers.*** The copy of Washington's letter mentioned as an enclosure by Keppel is not with the letter of that ofl&cer in the collections of this Society but there is a contemporary copy in the I^ibrary of Congress at Wash- ington. The copy printed above is from Ford: Writings of Washington I, 173. New York, 1889. 1 TRRARV OF CONGRESS ifl! 011 696 920 8 ^