W^abttt ^tmton Ahama Itilttarg (^thn of tl)e ffiogal >ou of tl)e Initeb States (Jummanlierii of tlie 0tate af Miniteaata Su Ulemnciam QJompanlon Snberl Nemtan A6ama Sum at ^t. Paul. Minneaota Harclj 24. 1914 Qitt AUG 5 1914 Robert N. Adams was born on a farm in Fay- ette County, Ohio, September 15th, 1835, and died at his home in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, Marcli 24th, 1914, in his seventy-ninth year. He was the son of Albert and Nancy Coffey Adams and through them inherited that traditional firmness of purpose and uprightness of character inherent in the old Scotch Presbyterian stock. Until his twentieth year he resided with his parents as- sisting them in the care of the farm. During the winter months he attended the district school located near the old home. From 1856 to 1858 he attended the Greenfield Academy located at Greenfield, Ohio. In the fall of 1858 he entered the freshman class at Miami Uni- versity, Oxford, Ohio, and at the close of his junior year was transformed in the twinkling of an eye from a student to a soldier. At the outbreak of the war Oxford was pre- eminently an educational town, there being located there the Miami University and three female semi- naries having in all an attendance of one thousand students. When the call to arms was sounded Rob- ern N. Adams was among the first to respond. With a number of his fellow students he joined the Uni- versity Rifles. This organization became Company B of the 20th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which company Adams served as a private from April 18th until mustered out August 18th, 1861. On the 30th of August, 1861, he was commissioned captain of Company C, 81st Ohio Volunteer Infantry with which regiment his military services were closely identified until the close of the war. From September 1861 to March 1862, the Regi- ment served in the Department of Missouri under General Fremont and was transferred to the Army of the Tennessee in time to participate in the Battle of Shiloh, April 6th and 7th, 1862. The principal battles and operations in which General Adams participated were Shiloh, Corinth, Bear Creek, Ringold, Buzzard Roost Gap, Dalton, Lays Ferry, Resaca, Mariette, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Ezra Chapel, Jonesboro, — where he was wounded and his horse shot,^ — Love Joy Station, the March to the Sea, Siege of Savanah, Campaign of the Carolinas, Bentonville, Occupation of Golds- boro, Advance on Raleigh, March to Washington via Richmond, and the Grand Review. He was mustered out July 13, 1865, having served as private, captain, major, — but not mus- tered, — lieutenant-colonel, colonel and brevet Briga- dier-General for a period of four years and three months. At the Battle of Shiloh Captain Adams behaved with conspicuous gallantry, being in command of the regiment a part of the time fighting on three parts of the field and capturing a Confederate bat- tery where now stands a monument to the valor of his regiment. In the month of May following he was promoted to Major and Lieutenant-Colonel, both commissions dating from December 1st, 1861. August 8th, 1864, he was commissioned Colonel of his regiment and on the 13th of March 1865 was breveted Brigadier-General for "meritorious service during the war." On the March to the Sea he commanded the Second Brigade 4th Division, 15th Army Corps, and for some time prior thereto commanded the Second Brigade, 2nd Division, 16th Army Corps. His military career was one of unbroken honor and distinction. At the time he entered the army he was in the prime of his young manhood. He was of fine appearance and soldierly carriage and was able, without serious interruption, to endure the hardsliips of active service for more than four >^ars. His moral character was a fitting comple- nient to his towering form and it is not probable that he had his superior in either army as to purity of purpose and devotion to duty. His courage stood the severest tests. It was not periodical or of the blustering type, but steadfast and securely anchored in a soul that trusted alike in the living God whether in the storm of battle or in the quiet of the sanc- tuary. At the close of the war General Adams entered upon the study of theology, a design which he had cherished before entering the war, and in 1869 graduated from the Western Theological Seminary at Alleghany, Pa. For forty-five years he was a minister and home missionary in the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America. His ac- quaintance extended to all parts of the country, north, south, east and west. His pastorates were as follows : McArthur, Ohio, 1869-1872 Ottawa, Kansas, 1872-1875 Waverly, Ohio, 1876-1880 F'ergus Falls, Minn. 1880-1886 In 1886 he was appointed Superintendent of Home Missions work in connection with the Pres- byterian Churcli, which position he held for twenty 3'ears. In 1906 he was promoted to Field Secretary un- der the Home Mission Board, and assigned to the Northwestern district, comprising a number of the northwestern states including Minnesota. After five years service he w^as compelled by reason of illness and advanced age to resign this important office. He was, however, continued as Field Secretary Emeritus, and continued to render such services as his health and strength would per- mit. On the day of his death he was at his office as usual busily engaged in the preparation of an im- portant report connected with the work of the church, so he died in the harness, the summons coming without a moment's warning. To him, how- ever, no notice was necessary for whether in war or in peace he was always at his post of duty, pre- pared to Kve or die. No figure in the Presbyterian Church could bet- ter represent the idea of militant Christianity than Rev. Robert N. Adams, D. D., for during his long service as a leader of the Presbyterian Home Mis- sion forces in the Northwest he continued an un- ceasing campaign against all sorts of social evils and material discouragements. His promotion to Field Secretary by the Board of Home Missions after he had reached the age of seventy, to supervise the work in the Dakotas and Nebraska, as well as in his own state, was a de- served promotion on the field for gallantrj', and was riot less a merit- won honor than his promotions for gallantry as a soldier General Adams became a member of the Minne- sota Commandery of the Loyal Legion April 12th, 1893. He held the office of Chaplain for 16 years, and was Commander from May 11th, 1897 to May 10th, 1898. His entire official services as an officer in this Commandery covered a period of 17 years, which has never been equalled by any other member of the Commandery. He was a member of John \. Rawlins Post, Department of Minnesota, Grand Army of the Republic. He was married December 27th, 1866, at Athens, Ohio, to NelHe W. Whipple, who died in 1900. March 3rd, 1903, he married Mary C. Compton, a sister of the late Captain James Compton of the Commandery, who served on the staff of General Adams as Brigade Inspector. She survives him. Of the first marriage two daughters were born, Mrs. Mabel A. Ankeny and Mrs. Maude Waterman, who survive him; also a grandson, Adams Ankeny. This Commandery has numbered among its members many noble spirits, but none of finer mold and grain than General Robert N. Adams, and it is with a feeling of deep regret and profound personal sorrow that we pay this last tribute of love and re- spect to his memory. Your Committee respectfully asks that this me- morial be placed upon tlie records of this Command- ery and that a copy thereof, duly certified, be sent to the widow of our deceased companion, with as- surances of our deep sympathy for her and the sur- viving children in the sad bereavement that has come to them and to us. ELL TORRANCE, LEWIS A. GRANT, JAMES H. DAVIDSON, Committee. A true copy of the Original Memorial, adopted by a rising vote of the Commandery of the State of Minnesota Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, at a stated meeting held April 14, 1914, at the Ryan Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. ORTIN S. CLARK, Recorder. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 196 562 8