.. .■ <■ ■ «» > .'. Author Title Class Boo /tJS/.7BRt Imprint 1921 :Sf:w^:^M^iMmim^ Rules and Regulations OF THE State Department of Education Governing Issuance and Renewal of Certificates to Teach in Public Schools in Missouri MAY 2, 1921 •%«.v. c'aOS^ •ti'^Vo ^Sccc- SAM. A. BAKER State Superintendent of Public Schools Jefferson City, Missouri Rules and Regulations OF THE State . Department of Education Governing Issuance and Renewal of Certificates to Teach in Public Schools in, Missouri MAY 2, 1921 iifr»%^. OcoSi'^ SAM. A. BAKER State Superintendent of Public Schools Jefferson City, Missouri f i^JJiiirifitrt --f r>»4J>MiNimM^#»»jt LIBRARY OF CONGRESS fVE' NQV30192I -"- -nn rriii>f A^aMaaCf Jttiii^ Law for Certificates. No teacher shall be employed in any school supported by the Public Funds, or any part thereof, until he has received a certificate of qualification therefor, signed by the County Superintendent of the county, the State Superintendent, or a cer- tificate or diploma issued by the State University or some State Teachers' Col- lege of this state entitling him to teach in * the Public Schools. Section 1. Credentials to be Filed. Important. All applicants who desire to obtain state certificates must comply with the following regulations: (1) Submit a statement from your superintendent of schools or board of ed- ucation that teaching position in Missouri has been secured. (2) Submit a statement regarding teaching ability. (3) All applicants must file in this office official transcripts of work properly signed by the school officials where this work was completed. RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 2. List of Certificates. The following certificates are issued by the State Department of Education: 1. Rural State Certificate. 2. Teacher-Training Certificate. 3. Special One-Year Certificate. 4. Junior College Certificate. 5. Senior College Certificate. 6. Five-Year Certificate. 7. Life Certificate. Section 3. Rural State Certificates. The requirements for the rural state certificate are as follows: 1. The following academic subjects will be required: English — 3 units. Mathematics — 2 units (including arith- metic, algegra and geometry). Agriculture — 1 unit. High School Science — 1 unit (including biology, physics or physical geography). History — 2 units (one of which must be American History and government). Industrial and Fine Arts — 1 unit. 2. The following professional work will be required: (a) Subject matter of the common school branches with emphasis on method- 1 unit. 4 STATE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION (b) Elementary psychology, one- third of 1 unit. Rural school problems, one-third of 1 unit. School management, one-third of 1 unit. (c) Methods and Observation, 1 unit. 3. In addition, three elective, among which farm accounts, bookkeeping, short- hand and typewriting, geography of com- merce, general science, chemistry, domestic science, domestic art and physical educa- tion, are recommended. 4. The rural certificate is not subject to renewal. Section 4. Teacher-Training Certificates. The State Department of Education will issue to the graduates of the teacher- training course of first class high schools, a certificate valid for two years in any county of the state. After thirty-two weeks of successful experience and one term's successful work in a State Teachers' Col- lege, in the State University, or in any standard college or university, ^ny person holding a teacher-training certificate issued under the provisions of the law shall re- ceive a first-grade county certificate. Further information regarding the teacher-training certificate may be obtained from the State Department of Education or from any county superintendent. RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 5. Special Certificates. Special certificates, valid for one year only, may be granted to applicants who have secured teaching positions in this state, provided the applicant has had at least two years of stand'ard college work. These certificates are not subject to re- newal but may be converted into a five- year state certificate, provided the appli- cant can submit at least a five-semester hour credit for one subject under each of the groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, and a fifteen- semester hour credit for subjects under group 5 as outlined under Plan II, Section 8. Should the applicant fail to submit sufficient credit to obtain this five-year certificate, he may complete the work by examination or by submitting approved summer school grades. (See Section 17.) Section 6. Junior College Certificates. A three-year certificate will be issued to graduates of standard Junior Colleges who have taken the regular work in edu- cation. After twenty-four months of suc- cessful teaching, sixteen months of which has been done in Missouri, this three-year certificate may be converted into a five- vear state certificate. STATE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION A minimum of twelve hours in educa- tion shall be required of all applicants for this certificate and shall consist of the following work: 1. General or elementary psychojogy. 2. Elementary school methods. 3. School management. 4. History of education. Section 7. Senior College Certificates. A three-year certificate will be granted to graduates of recognized Senior Colleges who have completed the work in education as outlined. After sixteen months of suc- cessful teaching in Missouri, this certificate may be converted into a life certificate. A minimum of eighteen hours in Edu- cation shall be required of all applicants for this certificate and shall consist of the following work: 1. General or elementary psychology. 2. Educational psychology. 3. Methods or principles of education. 4. Practice teaching. 5. History of Education. 6. Secondary education. 7. School administration. Section 8. Five-Year Certificates. A five-year state certificate will be issued to applicants under either of the two following conditions: 7 RULES AND REGULATIONS Plan I. Completion of a standard four-year college course together with twenty hours in educational subjects. Plan II. Successfully passing examinations in any one subject under each of the groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, and three subjects under group 5; provided the applicant has had at least two years of standard college work. I. History and Government. American History, European History, English History, Oriental History, Eco- nomics, Sociology, Missouri History and Government, Political Parties in the United States. II. Rhetoric and Literature. English Composition, Exposition and Argumentation, American Literature, Eng- lish Literature, College Rhetoric. III. Mathematics. CoUege Algebra, Trigonometry, Solid Geometry, Advanced Arithmetic, Analytic Geometry. IV. Sciences. Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Phys- iography, Botany, Advanced Agriculture. STATE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION V. Professional Subjects. • Educational Psychology, History of Education, Primary Teaching and Kinder- garten, Elementary Course of Study, Mis- souri School System, Supervision and Ad- ministration, High School Teaching, Theory and Methods of Teaching, Current Read- ing Circle Books, Principles of Education, Pedagogy. Section 9. Life Certificates. Applicants who have had at least two years of standard college work may receive a life certificate after forty months of suc- cessful teaching, after meeting present re- quirements for five-year certificates by passing an examination in five professional subjects, which were not used in securing the five-year certificate. Section 10. State Teachers* College Certificates. The State University and State Teach- ers' Colleges are also empowered by the General Assembly to issue certificates. In- quiries regarding such certificates should be addressed to these institutions. Section 11 County Certificates. County examinations are held in all Missouri counties the first Friday and fol- 9 RULES AND REGULATIONS lowing Saturday of March, June and Au- gust each year. All applicants for JSrst or second grade certificates must present evi- dence of having completed four years of high scliool work or its equivalent. Ad- ditional information regarding county cer- tificates can be obtained from any county superintendent in this state. County cer- tificates from other states are not endorsed in Missouri. Following are the requirements for county certificates: I. Third grade certificates are valid for one year in the county where they are issued and may be rene^ved once. To secure a third grade certificate, the appli- cant must pass examinations with a general average of 80 per cent in: Spelling, r-eading, penmanship, lan- guage lessons, geography, arithmetic (in- cluding business forms and rules), English grammar. United States history, civil gov- ernment (including the government of Missouri), physiology and hygiene with special reference to the effect of alcoholic drinks and stimulants and narcotics gen- erally upon the human system, agriculture and pedagogy. II. Second grade certificates'are valid for two years in the county where they are issued, can be renewed once, and may be endorsed in any county. To secure a second grade certificate, the applicant must 10 STATE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION pass examinations in algebra and literature in addition to the subjects required for a third grade certificate. A general average of 85 per cent is required. III. First grade certificates are valid in the state for three years, and may be renewed an unlimited number of times, provided the holder meets prescribed con- ditions. To secure a first grade certificate, the applicant must pass examination in one branch of history, either ancient, medieval and modern, or English, and one branch of science, either physical geography, physics, or elementary biology, in addition to the subjects required for second grade eertificates. First grade certificates are issued only to persons who have had eight months of successful teaching experience. A. general average of 90 per cent is re- c[uired. Section 12. College Graduates. Applicants who hold the A. B. degree Dr its equivalent from any standard col- ege may be granted a five-year state cer- tificate when at least twenty hours of work in educational subjects have been com- pleted. The work in education must include ihe work as outlined in section 7. 11 RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 13. Renewals. A five-year state certificate may be renewed by successfully passing three ex- aminations in subjects which are not already to the credit of the applicant, pro- vided the applicant has had at least two years of standard college work. These subjects may be selected by the applicant and will cover the work as outlined in the requirements for five-year certificates as listed in section 8. Section 14. Non-Renewable Certificates. All "special certificates" which are now in force covering the five-year special certificates in Music, Drawing, Stenog- raphy, etc., are not subject to renewal except under the conditions as specified in section 13. When these ''special certificates" expire, it will be necessary for the holders of same to secure regular certificates in the manner as above prescribed. Section 15. Papers From Other States. No certificates or diploma from any other state is endorsed in Missouri, but due consideration will be given such certifi- cate or diploma when accompanied by the 12 STATE DEPARTMENT EDUCATION official transcript of credit by which such certificate or diploma was obtained. Section 16. Correspondence Grades. No correspondence grades from any institution are accepted toward certificate credit by this department. Section 17. Approved Grades. Grades made in approved summer schools obtained under conditions conform- ing to the requirements prescribed by the State Board of Education shall be accepted by the State Superintendent in lieu of ex- aminations on the several subjects required for county certificates. Approved summer school grades will be accepted by the State Superintendent in lieu of examinations in meeting the re- quirements for certificates issued by the State Department of Education when the work submitted constitutes at least five semester hours in any subject. Section 18. Validity of Grades. All grades will be held valid for any applicant as long as the applicant is in the 13 RULES AND REGULATIONS teaching profession or is in attendance at some educational institution. It is there- fore unnecessary that an applicant take all the examinations at one time unless he so desires. No credit will be given to any ap- plicant for a subject which has been graded less than eighty per cent. Section 19. Examinations. Examinations for state certificates will be held in Jefferson City at the office of the Department of Education any time in the year, jjroviding the applicant gives due notice that an examination is desired. State examinations are also held on the day preceding the annual State Teach- ers' Association meeting in the city where the meeting wiU be called. Examinations for state certificates are also held at the close of the summer ses- sions of every State Teachers' College in this state, and at the University of Mis- souri, provided at least 10 applicants make a request to the State Department of Edu- cation, through the presidents of these in- stitutions, two weeks before the date of the examination. No examination fees are required. V 14