^fO- ♦ o « o * .\.' / I ■: IN REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. 45 beau's auxiliary army, also lodged at the CromwelVs Head when he was in Boston in 1782. He met there the renowned Paul Jones, whose excessive vanity led him to read to the company in the coffee-room some verses composed in his own honor, it is said, by Lady Craven. From the tavern of the gentry we pass on to the tavern of the mechanics, and of the class which Abra- ham Lincoln has forever distinguished by the title of the common people. Among such houses the Salutation, which stood at the junction of Salutation with North Street, is deserv- ing of a conspicuous place. Its vicinity to the ship- yards secured for it the custom of the sturdy North End shipwrights, caulkers, gravers, sparmakers, and the like, — a numerous body, who, while patriots to the backbone, were also quite clannish and independent in their feelings and views, and consequently had to be managed with due regard to their class prejudices, as in politics they always went in a body. Shrewd poli- ticians, like Samuel Adams, understood this. Governor Phips owed his elevation to it. As a body, therefore, these mechanics were extremely formidable, whether at the polls or in carrying out the plans of their leaders. To their meetings the origin of the word caucus is usually referred, the w^ord itself undoubtedly having come into familiar use as a short way of saying caulkers' meetings. The Salutation became the point of fusion between 46 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. leading Whig politicians and the shipwrights. More than sixty influential mechanics attended the first meet- ing, called in 1772, at which Dr. Warren drew up a code of by-laws. Some leading mechanic, however, was always chosen to be the moderator. The "caucus," as it began to be called, continued to meet in this place until after the destruction of the tea, when, for greater secrecy, it became advisable to transfer the sittings to another place, and then the Green Dragon, in Union Street, was selected. The Salutation had a sign of the sort that is said to tickle the popular fancy for what is quaint or humorous. It represented two citizens, with hands extended, bow- ing and scraping to each other in the most approved fashion. So the North-Enders nicknamed it "The Two Palaverers," by which name it was most commonly known. This house, also, was a reminiscence of the Salutation in Newgate Street, London, which was the favorite haunt of Lamb and Coleridge. The Green Dragon will probably outlive all its con- temporaries in the popular estimation. In the first place a mural tablet, with a dragon sculptured in relief, has been set in the wall of the building that now stands upon some part of the old tavern site. It is the only one of the old inns to be so distinguished. Its sign was the fabled dragon, in hammered metal, projecting out above the door, and was probably the counterpart of the Green Dragon in Bishopsgate Street, London. As a public house this one goes back to 1712, when isili^^ liiiiiiicniiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiHiiJ'i IN REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. 47 THE GREEN DRAGON. Eichard Pullen kept it; and we also find it noticed, in 1715, as a place for entering horses to be run for a piece of plate of the value of twenty-five pounds. In passing, we may as well mention the fact that Eevere Beach was the favorite race-ground of that day. The house was well situated for intercepting travel to and from the northern counties. To resume the historical connection between the Salu- tation and Green Dragon, its worthy successor, it appears that Dr. Warren continued to be the commanding figure after the change of location; and, if he was not already the popular idol, he certainly came little short of it, for everything pointed to him as the coming leader whom the exigency should raise up. Samuel Adams was popular in a different way. He was cool, far-sighted, and persistent, but he certainly lacked the magnetic quality. Warren was much younger, far more impetu- ous and aggressive, — in short, he possessed all the more brilliant qualities for leadership which Adams lacked. Moreover, he was a fluent and effective speaker, of 48 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. graceful person, handsome, affable, with frank and win- ning manners, all of which added no little to his popu- larity. Adams inspired respect, Warren confidence. As Adams himself said, he belonged to the "cabinet," while Warren's whole make-up as clearly marked him for the field. In all the local events preliminary to our revolu- tionary struggle, this Green Dragon section or junto constituted an active and positive force. It represented the muscle of the Kevolution. Every member was sworn to secrecy, and of them all one only proved recreant to his oath. These were the men who gave the alarm on the eve of the battle of Lexington, who spirited away cannon under General Gage's nose, and who in so many in- stances gallantly fought in the ranks of the republican army. Wanting a man whom he could fully trust, Warren early singled out Paul Eevere for the most important services. He found him as true as steel. A peculiar kind of friendship seems to have sprung up between the two, owing, perhaps, to the same daring spirit common to both. So when Warren sent word to Revere that he must instantly ride to Lexington or all would be lost, he knew that, if it lay in the power of man to do it, the thing would be done. Besides the more noted of the tavern clubs there were numerous private coteries, some exclusively composed of politicians, others more resembling our modern debat- ing societies than anything else. These clubs usually IN REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. 49 met at the houses of the members themselves, so ex- erting a silent influence on the body politic. The non- importation agreement originated at a private club in 1773. But all were not on the patriot side. The crown had equally zealous supporters, who met and talked the situation over without any of the secrecy which prudence counselled the other side to use in regard to their proceedings. Some associations endeavored to hold the balance between the factions by standing neutral. They deprecated the encroachments of the mother- country, but favored passive obedience. Dryden has described them: "Not Whigs nor Tories they, nor this nor that, Nor birds nor beasts, but just a kind of bat, — A twilight animal, true to neither cause, With Tory wings but Whiggish teeth and claws." It should be mentioned that Gridley, the father of the Boston Bar, undertook, in 1765, to organize a law club, with the purpose of making head against Otis, Thatcher, and Auchmuty. John Adams and Fitch were Gridley's best men. They met first at Ballard's, and subsequently at each other's chambers; their "sodality," as they called it, being for professional study and ad- vancement. Gridley, it appears, was a little jealous of his old pupil, Otis, who had beaten him in the famous argument on the Writs of Assistance. Mention is also made of a club of which Daniel Leonard (Massachu- settensis), John Lowell, Elisha Hutchinson, Frank Dana, 60 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. and Josiah Quincy were members. Similar clubs also existed in most of the principal towns in New Eng- land. The Sons of Liberty adopted the name given by Colonel Barre to the enemies of passive obedience in America. They met in the counting-room of Chase and Speakman's distillery, near Liberty Tree.^ Mackin- tosh, the man who led the mob in the Stamp Act riots, is doubtless the same person who assisted in throwing the tea overboard. We hear no more of him after this. The " Sons " were an eminently democratic organization, as few except mechanics were members. Among them were men like Avery, Crafts, and Edes the printer. All attained more or less prominence. Edes continued to print the Boston Gazette long after the Eevolution. During Bernard's administration he was offered the whole of the government printing, if he would stop his opposition to the measures of the crown. He refused the bribe, and his paper was the only one printed in America without a stamp, in direct violation of an Act of Parliament. The " Sons " pursued their measures with such vigor as to create much alarm among the loyalists, on whom the Stamp Act riots had made a lasting im- pression. Samuel Adams is thought to have influenced their proceedings more than any other of the leaders. It was by no means a league of ascetics, who had re- solved to mortify the flesh, as punch and tobacco were liberally used to stimulate the deliberations. 1 Liberty Tree grew where Liberty Tree Block now stands, corner of Essex and Washington Streets. iiifiifi IN REVOLUTIONARY TIMES. 51 No important political association outlived the be- ginning of hostilities. All the leaders were engaged in the military or civil service on one or the other side. Of the circle that met at the Merchants' three were members of the Philadelphia Congress of 1774, one was president of the Provincial Congress of Massachu- setts, the career of two was closed by death, and that of Otis by insanity. IV. SIGNBOARD HUMOR. NOTHER tavern sign, though of later date, was that of the Good Woman, at the North End. This Good Woman was painted without a head. 1 The Good WohmI Still another board had painted on it a bird, a tree, a ship, and a foaming can, with the legend, — " This is the bird that never flew, This is the tree which never grew, This is the ship which never sails, This is the can which never fails." SIGNBOARD HUMOR. 53 The Dog and Pot, Turk's Head, Tun and Bacchus, were also old and favorite emblems. Some of the houses DOG AND POT. which swung these signs were very quaint specimens of our early achitecture. So, also, the signs themselves were not unfrequently the work of good artists. Smi- bert or Copley may have painted some of them. West once offered five hundred dollars for a red lion he had painted for a tavern sign. Not a few boards displayed a good deal of ingenuity and mother -wit, which was not without its effect, espe- cially upon thirsty Jack, who could hardly be expected to resist such an appeal as this one of the Ship in Distress : "With sorrows I am compass'd round; Pray lend a hand, my ship's aground." We hear of another signboard hanging out at the extreme South End of the town, on which was depicted a globe with a man breaking through the crust, like a 54 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. chicken from its shell. The man's nakedness was sup posed to betoken extreme poverty. So much for the sign itself. The story goes that early one morning a continental regiment was halted in front of the tavern, after having just made a forced march from Providence. The men were broken down with fatigue, bespattered with mud, famishing from hun- ger. One of these veterans doubtless echoed the senti- "HOW SHALL I GET THROUGH THIS WORLD?" ments of all the rest when he shouted out to the man on the sign, " 'List, darn ye ! 'List, and you'll get through this world fast enough ! " In time of war the taverns were favorite recruiting ren- dezvous. Those at the waterside were conveniently sit- uated for picking up men from among the idlers who frequented the tap-rooms. Under date of 1745, when we were at war with France, bills were posted in the town giving notice to all concerned that, " All gentlemen sailors and others, who are minded to go on a cruise off of SIGNBOARD HUMOB. 55 Cape Breton, on board the brigantine RawJc, Captain Philip Bass commander, mounting fourteen carriage, and twenty swivel guns, going in consort with the brigan- tine Banger, Captain Edward Fryer commander, of the like force, to intercept the East India, South Sea, and other ships bound to Cape Breton, let them repair to the Widow Gray's at the Crown Tavern, at the head of Clark's Wharf, to go with Captain Bass, or to the Vernon's Head, Kichard Smith's, in King Street, to go in the Banger. "Gentlemen sailors" is a novel sea-term that must have tickled an old salt's fancy amazingly. The following notice, given at the same date in the most public manner, is now curious reading. "To be sold, a likely negro or mulatto boy, about eleven years of age." This was in Boston. The Eevolution wrought swift and significant change in many of the old, favorite signboards. Though the idea remained the same, their symbolism was now put to a different use. Down came the king's and up went the people's arms. The crowns and sceptres, the lions and unicorns, furnished fuel for patriotic bonfires or were painted out forever. With them disappeared the last tokens of the monarchy. The crown was knocked into a cocked-hat, the sceptre fell at the un- sheathing of the sword. The heads of Washington and Hancock, Putnam and Lee, Jones and Hopkins, now fired the martial heart instead of Vernon, Hawk, or Wolfe. Allegiance to old and cherished traditions was swept away as ruthlessly as if it were in truth but the 56 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. reflection of that loyalty which the colonists had now thrown off forever. They had accepted the maxim, that, when a subject draws his sword against his king, he should throw away the scabbard. Such acts are not to be referred to the fickleness of popular favor which Horace Walpole has moralized upon, or which the poet satirizes in the lines, — "Vernon, the Butcher Cumberland, Wolfe, Hawke, Prince Ferdinand, Granby, Burgoyne, Keppell, Howe, Evil and good have had their tithe of talk. And filled their sign-post then like Wellesly now." Kather should we credit it to that genuine and impas- sioned outburst of patriotic feeling which, having turned royalty out of doors, indignantly tossed its worthless trappings into the street after it. Not a single specimen of the old-time hostelries now remains in Boston. All is changed. The demon demo- lition is everywhere. Does not this very want of perma- nence suggest, with much force, the need of perpetuating a noted house or site by some appropriate memorial? It is true that a beginning has been made in this direc- tion, but much more remains to be done. In this way, a great deal of curious and valuable information may be picked up in the streets, as all who run may read. It has been noticed that very few pass by such memorials without stopping to read the inscriptions. Certainly, no more popular method of teaching history could well be devised. This being done, on a liberal scale, the SIGNBOARD HUMOR 57 city would still hold its antique flavor through the records everywhere displayed on the walls of its build- ings, and we should have a home application of the couplet : "Oh, but a wit can study in the streets, And raise his mind above the mob he meets." APPENDIX. «^3U^^ APPENDIX. BOSTON tay:er:n^s to the year isoo. HE Anchor, or Blue Anchor. Robert Turner, vintner, came into possession of the estate (Ricli- ard Fairbanks's) in 1652, died in 1664, and was succeeded in the business by his son John, who continued it till his own death in 1681 ; Turner's widow married George Monck, or Monk, who kept the Anchor until his de- cease in 1698 ; his widow carried on the business till 1703, when the estate probably ceased to be a tavern. The house was destroyed in the great fire of 1711. The old and new Globe buildings stand on the site. [See communication of William R. Bagnall in Boston Daily Globe of April 2, 1885.] Committees of the General Court used to meet here. (Hutchinson Coll., 345, 347.) Admiral Vernon, or Vernon's Head, corner of State Street and Merchants' Row. In 1743, Peter Faneuil's warehouse was opposite. Richard Smith kept it in 1745, Mary Bean in 1775 ; its sign was a portrait of the admiral. American Coffee-House. See British Coffee-House. Black Horse, in Prince Street, formerly Black Horse Lane, so named from the tavern as early as 1698. Brazen-Head. In Old Cornhill. Though not a tav- ern, memorable as the place where the Great Fire of 1760 originated. Bull, lower end of Summer Street, north side ; demol- ished 1833 to make room " for the new street from Sea to 61 62 APPENDIX. Broad," formerly Flounder Lane, now Atlantic Avenue. It was then a very old building. Bull's Wharf and Lane named for it. British Coffee-House, mentioned in 1762. John Bal- lard kept it. Cord Cordis, in 1771. Bunch of Grapes. Kept by Francis Holmes, 1712; William Coffin, 1731-33; Edward Lutwych, 1733; Joshua Barker, 1749 ; William Wetherhead, 1750 ; Rebecca Coffin, 1760 ; Joseph Ingersoll, 1764 - 72. [In 1768 IngersoU also had a wine-cellar next door.] Captain John Marston was landlord 1775-78; William Foster, 1782; Colonel Dudley Colman, 1783; James Vila, 1789, in which year he re- moved to Concert Hall; Thomas Lobdell, 1789. Trinity Church was organized in this house. It was often de- scribed as being at the head of Long Wharf. Castle Tavern, afterward the George Tavern. North- east by Wing's Lane (Elm Street), front or southeast by Dock Square. For an account of Hudson's marital troubles, see Winthrop's New England, II. 249. Another house of the same name is mentioned in 1675 and 1693. A still earlier name was the "Blew Bell," 1673. It was in Mackerel Lane (Kilby Street), corner of Liberty Square. Cole's Inn. See the referred-to deed in Proc. Am. Ant. Soc, VII. p. 51. For the episode of Lord Leigh consult Old Landmarks of Boston, p. 109. Cromwell's Head, by Anthony Brackett, 1760 ; by his widow, 1764-68; later by Joshua Brackett. A two-story wooden house advertised to be sold, 1802. Crown Coffee-House. First house on Long Wharf. Thomas Selby kept it 1718-24; Widow Anna Swords, 1749 ; then the property of Governor Belcher ; Belcher sold to Richard Smith, innholder, who in 1751 sold to Eobert Sherlock. Crown Tavern. Widow Day's, head of Clark's Wharf ; rendezvous for privateersmen in 1745. THE GROWN COFFEE HOUSE (Site of Fidelity Trust Building) BOSTON TAVERNS TO THE YEAR 1800. 63 Cross Tavern, corner of Cross and Ann Streets, 1732; Samuel Mattocks advertises, 1729, two young bears "very- tame" for sale at the Sign of the Cross. Cross Street takes its name from the tavern. Perhaps the same as the Red Cross, in Ann Street, mentioned in 1746, and then kept by John Osborn. Men who had enlisted for the Canada expedition were ordered to report there. Dog and Pot, at the head of Bartlett's Wharf in Ann (North) Street, or, as then described, Fish Street. Bart- lett's Wharf was in 1722 next northeast of Lee's shipyard. Concert Hall was not at first a public house, but was built for, and mostly used as, a place for giving musical entertainments, balls, parties, etc., though refreshments were probably served in it by the lessee. A "concert of musick " was advertised to be given there as early as 1755. (See Landmarks of Boston.) Thomas Turner had a danc- ing and fencing academy there in 1776. As has been mentioned, James Vila took charge of Concert Hall in 1789. The old hall, which formed the second story, was high enough to be divided into two stories when the building was altered by later owners. It was of brick, and had two ornamental scrolls on the front, which were removed when the alterations were made. Great Britain Coffee-House, Ann Street, 1715. The house of Mr. Daniel Stevens, Ann Street, near the draw- bridge. There was another house of the same name in Queen (Court) Street, near the Exchange, in 1713, where "superfine bohea, and green tea, chocolate, coffee-powder, etc.," were advertised. George, or St. George, Tavern, on the Neck, near Eoxbury line. (See Landmarks of Boston.) Noted as early as 1721. Simon Rogers kept it 1730-34. In 1769 Edward Bardin took it and changed the name to the King's Arms. Thomas Brackett was landlord in 1770. 64 APPENDIX, Samuel Mears, later. During the siege of 1775 the tavern was burnt by the British, as it covered our advanced line. It was known at that time by its old name of the George. Golden Ball. Loring's Tavern, Merchants' Row, corner of Corn Court, 1777. Kept by Mrs. Loring in 1789. General Wolfe, Town Dock, north side of Faneuil Hall, 1768. Elizabeth Coleman offers for sale utensils of Brew-House, etc., 1773. Green Dragon, also Freemason^s Arms. By Eichard Pullin, 1712 ; by Mr. Pattoun, 1715 ; Joseph Kilder, 1734, who came from the Three Cranes, Charlestown. John Cary was licensed to keep it in 1769 ; Benjamin Burdick, 1771, when it became the place of meeting of the Revolu- tionary Club. St. Andrews Lodge of Freemasons bought the building before the Revolution, and continued to own it for more than a century. See p. 46. Hancock House, Corn Court; sign has Governor Han- cock's portrait, — a wretched daub ; said to have been the house in which Louis Philippe lodged during his short stay in Boston. Hat and Helmet, by Daniel Jones ; less than a quarter of a mile south of the Town-House. Indian Queen, Blue Bell, and stood on the site of the Parker Block, Washington Street, formerly Marl- borough Street. Nathaniel Bishop kept it in 1673. After stages begun running into the country, this house, then kept by Zadock Pomeroy, was a regular starting-place for the Concord, Groton, and Leominster stages. It was suc- ceeded by the Washington Coffee-HouseJ The Indian Queen, in Bromfield Street, was another noted stage-house, though not of so early date. Isaac Trask, Kabby, his widow, Simeon Boyden, and Preston Shepard kept it. The Brom- field House succeeded it, on the Methodist Book Concern site. D^nkl yones of Eoftony Hereby infonns his Cuftomers and others that he lias Opened a TAVERN in ^^ewbury-Street, at the Sign of the HAT and HELMET, which is leis than a garter of a Mile South of Lhe Towa-Houfe : Whefe Gehtlelnen Travellers .and others will be kind- ly er:«5itainedr and good Care taken' of their Horfes. g:^* He-hath Accommodation for private/ an,d Fire- CJubis, and will engage to fiirnifh with good Liquors and Attendance ; Coffee to be had when called 'for, &c. The Houfe to i>c fupplied witii the News -Papers for the Amuferaent of bis Cuftomers. N. B. Knapp'd and ptajn Bever arid Beveret Hats, in the neweft Tafte, made and. fold by faid JONES. ' BOSTON NEWS-LETTER, FEB. 15, 17701 'STAGE6. *J*HE pnbiic are. informed, that the Of- fice of the New»York Mail, anslOld Line StageSj if re- OVed from Sute-ftreet, to Ndjor K.i n 6*8 tavern near the Market, which ihey will Icjve at S o'clock. A. M.-every 4aX;,;("'uniayicxcei>;ed). Alio. Allwny St^ge Oifice iskept at tile fame place. The^ Stige w 11 leave It cycrj Monday andThuffda5[|g.at 8 o'clock, A ^M. The aparift^nt m State-ilreet, Iai'e!y_occupiedfof the ^boVt'^ipo'e, IS to be Jet. Apply toM jor Kikc. D^embei- li *- COLUMBIAN CENTINEL. DEC. 11, 1799 WcmSork and Providmce Mail STAGES, LEAVE Slajor Hatches, Royal Ex- change Coffee floufe, ii^ State ttreet, every moruingi »( S o'c^k» arrive H frovider.ce at 6 ihe fame o'ay ; leave rrovidenee at 4 oVlock, fcr K^jw-York, Tudd^iys, Thurf- day* isid Saturdays. Stajjc Bir>k kept; at the bar for the en- ftrioce ofthttii«me». Exprflstsfoiwaried io,an,ypatt of th* Cdntineniai the IK orient no tic?, on ire ^fdriable terms ; horlVis. fctpt- ready for ih4t porpofe only.- A*' -^ivors gtjtetully ac- •00 w'l edged >l»y the Public'imoii hiKT»c«k-ferv'i'iit, 7^i«v t. ^ S7 BPH EN. KULLKll^ ym. COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, JAN. 1, 1800 BOSTON TAVERNS TO THE YEAR 1800. 65 JULIEN HOUSE. Julien's Restorator, corner of Congress and Milk streets. One of the most ancient buildings in Boston, when taken down in 1824, it having escaped the great fire of 1759. It stood in a grass-plot, fenced in from the street. It was a private dwelling until 1794. Then Jean Baptiste Julien opened in it the first public eating-house to be estab- lished in Boston, with the distinctive title of "Eestora- tor," — a crude attempt to turn the French word restaurant into English. Before this time such places had always been called cook-shops. Julien was a Frenchman, who, like many of his countrymen, took refuge in America during the Reign of Terror. His soups soon became famous among the gourmands of the town, while the novelty of his cuisine attracted custom. He was famil- iarly nicknamed the "Prince of Soups.'' At Julien's 66 APPENDIX. death, in 1805, his widow succeeded him in the business^ she carrying it on successfully for ten years. The fol- lowing lines were addressed to her successor, rredericV Eouillard : JXJLIEN'S RESTORATOR. I knew by the glow that so rosily shone Upon Frederick's cheeks, that he lived on good cheer; And I said, "If there's steaks to be had in the town, The man who loves venison should look for them here.'' 'Twas two ; and the dinners were smoking around, The cits hastened home at the savory smell. And so still was the street that I heard not a sound But the barkeeper ringing the Coffee-House bell. " And here in the cosy Old Club" ^ I exclaimed, "With a steak that was tender, and Frederick's best wine, While under my platter a spirit-blaze flamed, How long could I sit, and how well could I dine 1 "By the side of my venison a tumbler of beer Or a bottle of sherry how pleasant to see. And to know that I dined on the best of the deer, That never was dearer to any than me!" King's Head, by Scarlet's Wharf (northwest corner Fleet and North streets) ; burnt 1691, and rebuilt. Fleet Street was formerly Scarlet's Wharf Lane. Kept by James Davenport, 1755, and probably, also, by his widow. " A maiden dwarf, fifty-two years old," and only twenty- two inches high, was "to be seen at Widow Bignall's, next door to the King's Head, in August, 1771. The old King^s Heady in Chancery Lane, London, was the ren- 1 The name of a room at Julian's. BOSTON TAVERNS TO THE YEAR 1800. 67 dezvous of Titus Gates' party. Cowley the poet was born in it. Lamb. The sign is mentioned as early as 1746. Col- onel Doty kept it in 1760. The first stage-coach to Provi- dence put up at this house. The Adams House is on the same site, named for Laban Adams, who had kept the LaTYib. Lion, formerly Grand Turk. In Newbury, now Wash- ington, Street. (See Landmarks of Boston.) Kept by Israel Hatch in 1789. Light-House and Anchor, at the North End, in 1763. Kobert Whatley then kept it. A Light-house tavern is noted in King Street, opposite the Town-House, 1718. Orange Tree, head of Hanover Street, 1708. Jonathan Wardwell kept it in 1712; Mrs. Wardwell in 1724; still a tavern in 1785. Wardwell set up here the first hackney- coach stand in Boston. Philadelphia, or North End Coffee-House, opposite the head of Hancock's Wharf. Kept by David Porter, father of the old Commodore and grandfather of the present Admiral. "Lodges, clubs, societies, etc., may be provided with dinners and suppers, — small and retired rooms for small company, — oyster suppers in the nicest manner." Formerly kept by Bennet. Occupied, 1789, by Kobert Wyre, distiller. Punch Bowl, Dock Square, kept by Mrs. Baker, 1789. Queen's Head. In 1732 Joshua Pierce, innholder, is allowed to remove his license from the sign of the Log- wood Tree, in Lynn Street, to the Queen's Head, near Scarlet's Wharf, where Anthony Young last dwelt. Koehuck, north side of Town Dock (North Market Street). A house of bad repute, in which Henry Phillips killed Gaspard Dennegri, and was hanged for it in 1817. Roebuck passage, the alley-way through to Ann Street, 68 APPENDIX. took its name from the tavern. It is now included in the extension northward of Merchants' Row. Rose and Crown, near the fortification at Boston Neck. To be let January 25, 1728 : " enquire of Gillam Phillips." This may be the house represented on Bonner's map of 1722. Red Lion, North Street, corner of Eichmond. Noticed as early as 1654 and as late as 1766. John Buchanan, baker, kept near it in 1712. Royal Exchange, State Street, corner Exchange. An antique two-story brick building. Noticed under this name,' 1711, then kept by Benjamin Johns ; in 1727, and also, in 1747, by Luke Vardy. Stone kept it in 1768. Mrs. Mary Clapham boarded many British officers, and had several pretty daughters, one of whom eloped with an officer. The site of the Boston Massacre has been marked by a bronze tablet placed on the wall of the Merchants' Bank, opposite a wheel-line arrangement of the paving, denoting where the first blood of the Eevolution was shed. It was the custom to exhibit transparencies on every anniversary of the Massacre from the front of this house. The first stage- coach ever run on the road from Boston to New York was started September 7, 1772, by Nicholas Brown, from this house, "to go once in every fourteen days." Israel Hatch kept it in 1800, as a regular stopping-place for the Provi- dence stages, of which he was proprietor ; but upon the completion of the turnpike he removed to Attleborough. Salutation, North Street, corner Salutation. See p. 45. Noticed in 1708 ; Samuel Green kept it in 1731 ; William Campbell, who died suddenly in a fit, January 18, 1773. Seven Stars, in Summer Street, gave the name of Seven Star Lane to that street. Said to have stood on part of the old Trinity Church lot. "Near the Haymarket" 1771. then kept by Jonathan Patten. THE SUN TAVERN (Dock Square) BOSTON TAVERNS TO THE YEAR 1800. 69 Shakespeare, Water Street, second house below Devon- shire ; kept by Mrs. Baker. Ship, corner Clark and North streets ; kept by John Vyall, 1666-67; frequently called Noah's Ark. Ship in Distress, vicinity of North Square. Star, in Hanover Street, corner Link Alley, 1704. Link Alley was the name given to that part of Union Street west of Hanover. Stephen North kept it in 1712 - 14. It belonged to Lieutenant-Governor Stoughton. State's Arms, also King's Arms. Colonel Henry Shrimpton bequeathed it to his daughter Sarah, 1666. Hugh Gunnison sold it to Shrimpton in 1651, the tavern being then the King's Arms. Sun. This seems to have been a favorite emblem, as there were several houses of the name. The Sun in Bat- terymarch Street was the residence of Benjamin Hallowell, a loyalist, before it became a tavern. The estate was con- fiscated. General Henry Dearborn occupied it at one time. The sign bore a gilded sun, with rays, with this inscrip- tion: "The best Ale and Porter Under the Sun." Upon the conversion of the inn into a store the sign of the sun was transferred to a house in 3Ioon Street. The Sun in Dock Square, corner of Corn Court, was earlier, going back to 1724, kept by Samuel Mears, who was "lately deceased" in 1727. It was finally turned into a grocery store, kept first by George Murdock, and then by his successor, Wellington. A third house of this name was in Cornhill (Washington Street), in 1755. Captain James Day kept it. There was still another Sun, near Boston Stone, kept by Joseph Jackson in 1785. 70 APPENDIX. Swan, in Pish, now North Street, " by Scarlett's Wharf," 1708. There was another at the South End, " nearly oppo- site Arnold Welles'," in 1784. Three Horse-Shoes, "in the street leading up to the Common," probably Tremont Street. Kept by Mrs. Glover, who died about 1744. William Clears kept it in 1775. White Horse, a few rods south of the Lamb. It had a white horse painted on the signboard. Kept by Joseph Morton, 1760, who was still landlord in 1772. Israel Hatch, the ubiquitous, took it in 1787, on his arrival from Attleborough. His announcement is unique. (See Land- marks of Boston, pp. 392, 393.) I Jolley Allen, | "^ Adveaifes all his good old Priends, v^ ^ Cuftomers and others^ ^ At/, That he has again opened Shop, oppofiteto the ^ ^ iThrce Doves in Marlborough-Street, Bofton : ^ W And has for Sale, at the lowed Prices, thefol- ^ ^ lowing Articles j ^ ^MufcoradoSugars of various Sorcs^ ;j^ and Prices, fingle, middle and double refined ^ Nu, Englifh Loaf Sus;ars, lately imported, Pepper, ^ ^ iBohea Tea, CofFcre, Spices of all Sorts, Indigo, vR* ^ Raifins, Currants, Starch, Ginger, Copperas?, ^ ^ Allum, Pipes of all Sorts, beft Durham Flour ^ ^ of Maltird, and moft other Kinds of Groceries ^ ^ too many to enumerate, which he will fell from ^ ^ the largeft to the fmal'lelt Quantities.— Likewife ^ ^ a very large and compleat AiTortment of Liver- .^ "^ pool and Staffjrdfliire Ware, w^iich he will ^ W engage to fell by the Crate, or fingle Piece, as ^ ^ low as at any Store in Town.— 'Playing Cards, ^ 1^ Wool Cards, Seive Bottoms, a few Pieces of ^ ^ Oznabrigsand Ticklenburgs,N°.4and N°.i2. ^ ^ Pins, afewPiecesof Soofes, Damalks, Sterrets, ^ .^ Loretto's, Burdetts,. Brunfwicks, Mozsens, ^ ^ for Summer Waiftcoats, &c. Sec. &c. ^ ^ Alfo, at faid AUen's may be had, genteel ^ ^ Boarding and Lodging for fix or eight Perfons ^ yj^ iffliould be waatedjforalongerorftiortcrSeafon, ^ \^ likewif; good Stabling for ten Horfes and Car- ^ ^ riagesw ^ ^ N. B. ,If any Perfon inclines to hire the above ^ '^ Stable, and Place for Carriages, they may have ^ ^ a Leafe of the fame for 19 Years or lefs Time ^ ^ from the faid Allen, and if wanted, on the fame ^ ^ Piemiles can ba fpared. Room for forty or lilty ^ ^ Horfcs and Carriages : It is as' good aPlace for ^ ^ Horfe and Chaife Letting as any in Bofton. ^ BOSTON NEWS-LETTER, MAY 27, 1773 COLE'S INN THE BAKERS' ARMS THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN BY WALTER K. WATKINS AND THE HANCOCK TAVERN BY E. W. McGLENEN VI. SAMUEL COLE'S INN. Samuel Cole came to Boston in the fleet with Governor Winthrop, and he with his wife Ann were the fortieth and forty -first on the list of original mem- bers of the First Church. He requested to become a freeman October 19, 1630, and was sworn May 18, 1631. He was the ninth to sign the roll of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1637 and in the same year was disarmed for his religious views. In 1636 he contributed to the maintenance of a free school and in 1656 to the building of the town house. In 1652 he was one of those chosen to receive monies for Harvard College. In 1634 he opened the first ordinary, or inn. It was situated on Washington Street, nearly opposite the head of Water Street. Here, in 1636, Sir Henry Vane, the governor, enter- tained Miantonomo and two of Canonicus's sons, with other chiefs. While the four sachems dined at the Governor's house, which stood near the entrance to Pemberton Square, the chiefs, some twenty in all, dined at Cole's Inn. At this time a treaty of peace was concluded here between the English and the Nar- ragansetts. 73 74 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. In 1637, in the month of June, there sailed into Bos- ton Harbor the ship Hector^ from London, with the Rev. John Davenport and two London merchants, Theophilus Eaton and Edward Hopkins, his son-in-law, two future governors of Connecticut. On the same vessel was a young man, a ward of King Charles I., James, Lord Ley, a son of the Earl of Marlborough (who had just died). He was also to hold high posi- tions in the future and attain fame as a mathematician and navigator. The Earl of Marlborough, while in Boston, was at Cole's Inn^ and while he was here was of sober carriage and observant of the country which he came to view. He consorted frequently with Sir Henry Vane, visiting with him Maverick, at Noddle's Island, and returning to England with Vane in August, 1637. His estate in England was a small one in Teffont Evias, or Ewyas, Wilts, near Hinton Station, and in the church there may still be seen the tombs of the Leys. He also had a reversion to lands in Heywood, Wilts. In 1649 he compounded with Parliament for his lands and giving bond was allowed to depart from England to the plantations in America. On the restoration of Charles II. in 1661, the Earl returned to England and in the next year was assisted by the King to fit out an expedition to the West Indies. In 1665 he commanded '^ that huge ship," the Old James, and in the great victorious sea fight of June 3 with the Dutch was slain, with Rear Admiral Sansum, Lords Portland, Muskerry, and others. COLE'S INN. 75 He died without issue and the title went to his uncle, in whom the title became extinct, to be revived later in the more celebrated Duke, of the Churchill family. It was shortly after the Earl's departure that Cole was disarmed for his sympathy for his neighbor on the south, Mrs. Ann Hutchinson, and he was also fined at the same time for disorders at his house. In the fol- lowing spring he was given permission to sell his house, to which he had just built an addition, and he disposed of it to Capt. Robert Sedgwick in February, 1638. Cole then removed to a house erroneously noted by some as the first inn, situated next his son-in-law, Ed- mund Grosse, near the shore on North Street. This he sold in 1645 to George Halsall and bought other land of Valentine Hill. THE BAKERS' ARMS VII. THE BAKERS' ARMS. Predecessor of the Green Dragon. Thomas Hawkins, biscuit baker, and a brother of James Hawkins, bricklayer, was born in England in 1608. He was a proprietor in Boston in 1636; his wife Hannah was admitted to the church there in 1641, and that year his son Abraham, born in 1637, was baptized. His home lot was on the west side of Washington Street, the second north of Court Street. He also had one quarter of an acre near the Mill Cove, and a house bought in 1645 from John Trotman. In 1662 James Johnson, glover, sold three quarters of an acre of marsh and upland, bounded on the north and east by the Mill Cove, to Hawkins. The latter was living by the Mill Cove by this time in a house built in 1649, and beside keeping his bake house he kept a cook shop, and also entertained with refresh- ments his customers by serving beer. A mortgage of the property, in 1663, to Simon Lynde discloses, besides the dwelling and bake house, a stable, brew house, out- houses, and three garden plots on the upland. In 1667 Hawkins was furnished <£200 by the Rev. Thomas Thacher to cancel this mortgage. The property ex- tended from the Mill Pond to Hanover Street, and was 76 THE BAKERS' ARMS. 77 bounded north by Union Street, and was 280 feet by 104 feet — about two thirds of an acre in area. Thacher had married Margaret, widow of Jacob Sheafe and daughter of Henry Webb, a wealthy mer- chant. Mrs. Sheafe had a daughter, Mehitabel, who married her cousin, Sampson Sheafe. Mr. Thacher assigned the mortgage to Sampson Sheafe, and on 31 October, 1670, the time of payment having expired, Sheafe obtained judgment for possession of the property, which had become known as the '' Bakers' Arms," which Hawkins had kept since 1665 as a house of entertainment. Hawkins had married a second wife, and in January, 1671, Rebecca Hawkins deeded her rights in the prop- erty to Sheafe. 15 May, 1672, Hawkins petitioned the General Court, and complained that he had been turned out of doors and his household property seized by Sheafe; that his houses and land were worth X800, and that Sheafe had only advanced X 175. He asked for an appraisement, and the prayer of the petitioner was allowed. In 1673 Hawkins sued Sheafe in the County Court for selling some brewing utensils, a pump, sign, ladder, cooler and mash fat (wooden vessel containing eight bushels) taken from the brew house. He also objected to items in Sheafe's account against him, such as " Goodman Drury's shingling the house and Goodman Cooper whitening it." At this time we find two dwell- ing houses on the lot. The easterly house Sheafe sold in May, 1673, to John Howlet, and this became known as the Star Tavern. 78 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. On 10 April, 1673, Sampson Sheafe sold to William Stoughton the west portion of the Hawkins property. In 1678 Mrs. Hawkins petitioned the General Court in the matter, and also the town to sell wine and strong water, on account of the weak condition of her husband and his necessity. 11 June, 1680, the General Court allowed her eleven pounds in clear of all claims and in- cumbrances. Hawkins having died, she had married, 4 June, 1680, John Stebbins, a baker. Stebbins died 4 December, 1681, aged 70, and the widow Rebecca Stebbins was licensed as an innkeeper in 1690. In 1699 the widow Stebbins, then 77 years old, testi- fied as to her husband Thomas Hawkins having the south-east corner or sea end of half a warehouse at the Draw Bridge foot, which he purchased from Joshua Scotto and which Hawkins sold in 1657 to Edward Tyng. That Hawkins had used it for the landing and housing of corn for his trade as a baker. That he had bought the sea end for the convenience of vessels to land. It is probable the portion sold to Stoughton had but a frontage of two hundred and four feet on Union Street. Sheafe had torn down part of the build- ing and made repairs, and had as tenant of the " Bakers' Arms" Nicholas Wilmot. Wilmot came to Boston about 1650. In 1674 he was allowed by the town to sell beer and give entertainment, and in 1682 he was licensed as an innholder. By his wife Mary he had Elizabeth, who married (1) Caleb Rawlins, an innkeeper, who died in 1693, and (2) Richard Newland ; Abigail, who married Abra- ham Adams, an innkeeper ; Hannah, who married THE BAKERS' ARMS. 79 Nathaniel Adams of Charlestown, blockmaker ; Mary, who married John Alger ; and Ann, the youngest, who married Joseph Allen. There were also two sons, Samuel and John Wilmot. Nicholas Wilmot died in 1684, and his widow in a very short time married Abra- ham Smith, to assist in carrying on the tavern. The tavern, even at this time, was of some size, and additions had perhaps been built by Stoughton. The rooms were designated by names, as in the taverns of Old England. In the chamber called the "Cross Keys" met the Scots Charitable Society, a benefit society for the residents of Scottish birth and sojourners from Scotland, two of the officers keeping each a key of the money box. The most noted of the chambers was that of the " Green Dragon," which at about this time gave the name of "Green Dragon" to the tavern. There were also the " Anchor," the " Castle," the " Sun," and the " Rose " chambers, which were also the names of other taverns in the town at that period. One cold December night in 1690, just after midnight, a fire occurred in the " Green Dragon," and it was burnt to the ground and very little of its contents saved. Snow on the houses in the vicinity was the means of prevent- ing the spread of the flames, with the fact that there was no wind at the time. Within a year or two the tavern was rebuilt by Stoughton and again occupied by Abraham Smith, who died in 1696, leaving an estate of £ 273 : 19 : 5. His widow, Mary Smith, died shortly after her husband. In her will she freed her negro women Sue and Maria, and the deeds of manumission are recorded in the Suffolk Deeds. VIII. THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN. In the manuscript collections of the Bostonian Soci- ety is a plan showing the earliest owners of the land bordering on the Corn Market. On the site now the south corner of Faneuil Hall Square and Merchants' Row is noted the possession of Edward Tyng. Another manuscript of the Society, equally unique, is an apprentice indenture of Robert Orchard in 1662. In the account of Orchard, printed in the Publications of the Society^ Vol. IV, is given the continued history of Tyng's land after it came into the possession of Theodore Atkinson. In the history of the sign of the Golden Ball Tavern we continue the story of the same plot of land. Originally owned by Edward Tyng, and later by Theodore Atkinson, and then by the purchase of the property by Henry Deering, who married the widow of Atkinson's son Theodore. All this was told in the Orchard article. It was about 1700 that Henry Deering erected on his land on the north side of a passage leading from Merchants' Row, on its west side, a building which was soon occupied as a tavern. Samuel Tyley, who had kept the Star in 1699, the Greeyi Dragon in 1701, and 80 SIGN OP THE BUNCH OF GRAPES No-w in the Masonic Temple SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BALL Now in the possession of the Bostonian Society THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN, 81 later the Salutation at the North End, left this last tavern in 1711 to take Mr. Deering's house in Mer- chants' Row, the Giolden Ball. Henry Deering died in 1717, and was buried with his wife on the same day. He had been a man greatly interested in public affairs. In 1707 he had proposed the erection of a building for the custody of the town's records ; at the same time he proposed a wharf at the foot of the street, now State Street, then extending only as far as Merchants' Row. This was soon built as "Boston Pier" or "Long Wharf." He also pre- sented a memorial for the '' Preventing Disolation by Fire " in the town. In the division of Deering's estate in 1720 the dwell- ing house in the occupation of Samuel Tyley, known by the name of the Golden Ball^ with privilege in the passage on the south and in the well, was given his daughter Mary, the wife of William Wilson. Mrs. Wil- son, in her will drawn up in 1729, then a widow, devised the house to her namesake and niece, Mary, daughter of her brother, Capt. Henry Deering. At the time of Mrs. Wilson's death in 1753 her niece was the wife of John Gooch, whom she married in 1736. Samuel Tyley died in 1722, while still the landlord of the G-olden Ball. The next landlord of whom we have knowledge was William Patten, who had taken the Green Dragon in 1714. In 1733 he was host at the Golden Ball, where he stayed till 1736, when he took the inn on West Street, opposite the schoolhouse, and next to the estate later known as the Washington Gardens. 82 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS, He was succeeded by Humphrey Scarlett, who died January 4, 1739-40, aged forty-six, and is buried on Copp's Hill with his first wife Mehitable (Pierce) Scar- lett. He married as a second wife Mary Wentworth. By the first wife he had a daughter Mary (b. 1719), who married Jedediah Lincoln, Jr., and by the second wife a son named Humphrey. When the son was a year old, in 1735, two negro servants of Scarlett, by name Yaw and Caesar, were indicted for attempting to poison the family one morning at breakfast, by putting rats- bane or arsenic in the chocolate. Four months after Scarlett's death his widow married William Ireland. Richard Gridley, born in Boston in 1710, was ap- prenticed to Theodore Atkinson, merchant, and later became a ganger. In 1735 he kept a tavern on Com- mon Street, now Tremont Street. Here by order of the General Court he entertained four Indians, chiefs of the Pigwacket tribe, at an expense of X40 "for drinks, tobacco, victuals, and dressing." Five pounds of this was for extra trouble. The Committee thought the charges extravagant and cut him down to £33 for their entertainment from June 28 to July 9. In 1738 he took the G-olden Ball. His fame in later years, at Louisburg and elsewhere, as an engineer and artillery officer is well known. Gridley was followed as landlord in 1740 by Increase Blake. He was born in Dorchester in 1699 and mar- ried Anne, daughter of Edward and Susanna (Harri- son) Gray. Her parents are noted in Boston history for their ownership of the rope-walks at Fort Hill. Blake, a tinplate worker, held the office of sealer of THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN. 83 weights and measures, and in 1737 leased a shop of the town at the head of the Town Dock. He later lived near Battery March, and was burned out in the fire of 1760. In 1715 there was born in Salem John Marston. He married in 1740 Hannah Welland, and by her had three daughters. In 1745, at the first siege of Louis- burg, he was a first lieutenant in the fifth company, commanded by Capt. Charles King, in Colonel Jere- miah Moulton's regiment. His wife having died, he married her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth (Welland) Blake. His second wife died, and he married in 1755 Elizabeth Greenwood. He was landlord at the Golden Ball as early as 1757. In 1760 he purchased a house on the southwest corner of Hanover and Cross streets, and later other property on Copp's Hill. He is said to have been a member of the "Boston Tea Party." During the Revolution he was known as " Captain " Marston, and attended to military matters in Boston, supplying muskets to the townspeople as a committee- man of the town. He continued to keep a house of entertainment and went to the Bunch of G-rapes in 1775. There he was cautioned in 1778 for allowing gaming in his house, such as playing backgammon. He died in August, 1786, while keeping the Bunch of Grapes on King, now State Street, and there he was succeeded by his widow in retailing liquors. He left an estate valued at £2000. Benjamin Loring, born in Hingham in 1736, married Sarah Smith in Boston in 1771. During the Revolu- tion he kept the Golden Ball, He died in the spring of 84 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. 1782, and his widow succeeded him and kept the tavern till her death in 1790. From the inventory of her estate it appears that the house consisted, on the ground floor, of a large front room and small front room, the bar and kit- chen, and closets in the entry. A front and a back chamber, front upper chamber, and another upper chamber and garret completed the list of rooms. On the shelves of the bar rested large and small china bowls for punch, decanters for wine, tumblers, wine glasses, and case bottles. There also was found a small sieve and lemon squeezer, with a Bible, Psalm, and Prayer Books. On the wall of the front chamber hung an old Highland sword. The cash on hand at the widow's death consisted of 4 English shillings, 20 New England shillings, 10 Eng- lish sixpences, a French crown, a piece of Spanish money, half a guinea, and bank notes to the value of £4:1 10. In one of the chambers was 1483 Continental paper money, of no appraised value. Benjamin Loring, at his death, left his share of one half a house in Hingham to be improved for his wife during her life, then to his sisters, Abigail and Eliza- beth, and ultimately to go to Benjamin, the son of his brother Joseph Loring of Hingham. The younger Benjamin became a citizen of Boston, a captain of the " Ancients," and a colonel in the militia. He started in business as a bookbinder and later was a stationer and a manufacturer of blank books, leaving quite a fortune at his death in 1859. His portrait is displayed in the Armory of the Artillery Company. A portrait THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN, 85 of the elder Loring (the landlord of the Golden Ball) shows him with a comely face and wearing a tie-wig. The Columbian Centinel of December 3, 1794, had the following advertisement : For sale, if applied for immediately, The Noted Tavern in the Street leading from the Market to State street known by the name of the Golden Ball. It has been improved as a tavern for a number of years, and is an excellent stand for a store. Inquire of Ebenezer Storer, in Sudbury Street. Mr. Storer acted as the agent of Mary, wife of the Rev. Benjamin Gerrish Gray, of Windsor, N. S., who was the heiress of Mary Gooch, who resided at Marsh- field, Mass., at the time of her death. Mr. Gray was a son of Joseph Gray of Boston and Halifax, N. S., a loyalist. Mary, the heiress, was a daughter of Nathaniel Ray Thomas, a loyalist of Marshfield, who had married Sally Deering, a sister of Mary Gooch of Marshfield. The property was sold by Mrs. Gray, June 9, 1795, to James Tisdale, a merchant, who bought also adjoin- ing lots. It was at this time that the Crolden Ball disappeared from Merchants' Row, where it had hung as a landmark for about a century. Tisdale soon sold his lots to Joseph Blake, a merchant, who erected ware- houses on the site. There was still an attraction in the Golden Ball^ however, and in 1799 we find it swinging in Wing's Lane, now Elm Street, for Nathan Winship. He was the son of Jonathan, and born in Cambridge. In 1790 he was living in Roxbury. He died in 1818, leaving a daughter Lucy. He had parted with the Golden Ball long before his death. 86 OLD BOSTON TAVEBN3. In 1805 there was erected in South Boston a build- ing by one Garrett Murphy. It stood on Fourth Street, between Dorchester Avenue and A Street, and here he displayed the G-olden Ball for five years, as his hotel sign. Just a century ago, in 1810, for want of patronage, it became a private residence. About 1840 the hotel was reopened as the South Boston Hotel. From South Boston the G-olden Ball rolled back to Elm Street, and in 1811 hung at the entrance of Joseph Bradley's Tavern. From this Grolden Ball started the stages for Quebec on Mondays at four in the morning. They arrived at Concord, N. H., at seven in the evening. Leaving there at four Tuesday morn- ing, they reached Hanover, N.H., at two in the after- noon, and continuing on arrived at Haverhill, N. H., near Woodsville, at nine Wednesday evening. The next appearance of the Golden Ball was on Con- gress Street, where at No. 13 was the new tavern of Thomas Murphy in 1816. Henry Cabot, born 1812, was a painter, and first be- gan business at 2 Scollay's Building in 1833. He removed to Blackstone Street in 1835, where he was located at various numbers till 1858, when he went to North Street. He resided in Chelsea from 1846 till his death in 1875. The occupation of this owner of the Golden Ball was that of an ornamental sign and standard painter. His choice of a sign was not accord- ing to the traditions of his trade, and did not conform with the painters' arms of the London Guild Company, which were placed on the building in Hanover Street by an earlier member of that craft. It was no worse THE GOLDEN BALL TAVERN. 87 choice, however, than a sign which some of us may recall as swinging on Washington Street, near Dock Square, fifty years ago, " The Sign of the Dying War- rior, N. M. Phillips, Sign Painter." The Grolden Ball was the sign anciently hung out in London by the silk mercers, and was used by them to the end of the eighteenth century. Mr. Cabot's choice of a location to start his business life was more appro- priate than his sign, as in the block of shops, owned by the town, connecting on the west side of the Scollay's Building, had been the paint shop of Samuel, brother of Christopher Gore. COFFEE URN USED IN THE GREEN DRAGON. This interesting relic was given to the Bostonian Society during 1915. It is a coffee urn of Sheffield ware, formerly in the Green Dragon Tavern^ which stood on Union Street from 1697 to 1832, and was a famous meeting place of the Patriots of the Revolution. It is globular in form and rests on a base, and inside is still to be seen the cylindrical piece of iron which, when heated, kept the delectable liquid contents of the urn hot until imbibed by the frequenters of the tavern. The G-reen Dragon Tavern site, now occupied by a business structure, is owned by the St. Andrew's Lodge of Free Masons of Boston, and at a recent gathering of the Lodge on St. Andrew's Day the urn was exhibited to the assembled brethren. When the contents of the tavern were sold, the urn was bought by Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington, who then kept a famous boarding house on Pearl Street, in a building owned by the Quincy family. In 1847 the house was razed and replaced by the Quincy Block, and Mrs. Harrington removed to High Street and from there to Chauncey Place. Some of the prominent men of Boston boarded with her for many years. At her death the urn was given to her daughter, Mrs. John R. Bradford, and it has now been presented to the Society by Miss Phebe C. Bradford of Boston, granddaughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Harrington. 88 SCHOOU (ZoJ<^'^^^) ST ^2 8 ffoJU^h^ Scale, /oo fe&t to cxrx, in^'K . CoTTLpil&dL by 0eor^e.Lcurzb, IX. THE HANCOCK TAVERN. " As an old landmark the Hancock Tavern is a failure. There was not an old window in the house ; the nails were Bridgewater nails, the timbers were mill-sawed, and the front of it was of face brick, which were not made even in 1800. At the time of the Revolution it was merely a four-room dwelling house of twelve win- dows, and the first license ever given to it as an inn was in 1790. The building recently demolished was erected during the years 1807 to 1812. With the above words, Edward W. McGlenen, city registrar, effectually settled the question June 3, 1903, at a meeting of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, as to the widely credited report that it was in the Hancock Tavern^ which for many years stood on Corn Court, the members of the Boston Tea Party met, disguised themselves as Indians, and from there journeyed to Griffin's Wharf, where they threw over- board the obnoxious tea. It was a special meeting of the society called to hear the report of a special committee appointed "to con- sider the question of the circumstances attending the formation and execution of the plans for what is known as the Boston Tea Party. This . committee was made 90 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. up of men who for years had been students of that very subject, and the result of their researches is inter- esting and conclusive. William C. Bates was chair- man, and his associates were Edward W. McGlenen, the Rev. Anson Titus, William T. Eustis, and Herbert G. Briggs. The members of the society were present in large numbers, and Marshall P. Wilder Hall was well filled. William C. Bates, as chairman of the special com- mittee, spoke of the endeavors of himself and colleagues to avoid ground covered by historians. He said that places of rendezvous for the* " Mohawks " are to some extent known, for over half a dozen of the members have left to their descendants the story of where they met and costumed themselves. The four Bradlees met at their sister's house, corner of HoUis and Tremont streets ; Joseph Brewer and others at the foot of Summer Street ; John Crane in a carpenter shop on Tremont Street opposite Hollis ; Joseph Shedd and a small party in his house on Milk Street, where the Equitable Building now stands ; and James Swan in his boarding house on Hanover Street. In the testimony of the descendants, down to 1850 at least, there was no mention of the Hancock Tavern. The place of ori- gin of the Tea Party and who first proposed it are matters of considerable discussion. Many of the party were members of St. Andrew's Lodge of Masons, which owned the Green Dragon Inn., and the lodge records state that the meeting held on the night of the Tea Party had to be adjourned for lack of attendance, "public matters being of greater importance." SHEFFIELD PLATE URN Used in the Green Dragon Tavern, now in possession of the Bostonian Society THE HANCOCK TAVERN, 91 It is not surprising that so much secrecy has been maintained, because of the danger of lawsuits by the East Indian Company and others. The members of the St. Andrew's Lodge were all young, many under twenty, the majority under thirty. Mr. McGlenen's report as to his investigations was especially interesting, settling, as it did, three distinct questions which had been undecided for many years — the location of the inn of Samuel Cole, the location of his residence, and the much mooted point as to whether the "Mohawks" met at the Hancock Tavern for the preparatory steps toward the Boston Tea Party. All three questions were based on a statement printed in the souvenir of the Hancock Tavern, reading as follows : On the south side of Faneuil Hall is a passageway through which one may pass into Merchants' row. It is Corn court, a name known to few of the present day, but in the days gone by as familiar as the Corn market, with which it was connected. In the center of this court stands the oldest tavern in New England. It was opened March 4, 1634, by Samuel Cole. It was surrounded by spacious grounds, which commanded a view of the harbor and its shipping, for at that time the tide covered the spot where Faneuil Hall now stands. It was a popular resort from the beginning, and was frequented by many foreigners of note. The seeming authority for these statements and others, connecting it with pre-revolutionary events, said Mr. McGlenen, appears in Rambles in Old Boston by the Rev. E. G. Porter, pages 67 and 68, evi- dently based on a newspaper article written by William Brazier Duggan, M.D., in the Quincy Patriot for August 92 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. 28, 1852, and to a novel entitled The Brigantine bj one Ingraham, referring to legendary lore. None of these statements can be confirmed. The confusion has been caused by the statement made many years ago and reprinted as a note in the Book of Possessions, Vol. II, Boston Town Records, that somewhere near the water front Samuel Cole kept an inn ; but Letchford's Note Book, the Town Records, and the Suffolk Deeds prove to the contrary. Samuel Cole's Inn was kept by him from 1634 to 1638, when he sold out by order of the Colony Court. He purchased a residence near the town dock seven years later. It adjoined the Hancock Tavern lot, and was bounded on the west by the lot originally in the ownership of Isaac Gross, whose son Clement kept the Three Mariners, an ale house which stood west of Pierse's Alley (Change Avenue) and east of the Sun Tavern. It is impossible to connect the Hancock Tavern with any pre-Revolutionary event. It was a small house, as described in the Direct Tax of 1798, of two stories, of two rooms each, built of wood, with twelve windows, value il200. It was first licensed in 1790, and the. earliest reference found in print is in the advertise- ment for the sale of lemons by John Duggan, in the Columbian Centinel in 1794. As to Cole's Inn, from the records of the Massachu- setts Bay Colony Court, it appears that Samuel Cole kept the first inn or ordinary within the town of Boston. In 1638 the court gave him liberty to sell his house for an inn. This he did, disposing of it to THE BAN COCK TAVERN, 93 Robert Sedgwick of Charlestown, as shown in Letch- ford's Note Booh, The town records show that in 1638 Edward Hutchinson, Samuel Cole, Robert Turner, Richard Hutchinson, William Parker, and Richard Brackett were ordered to make a cartway near Mr. Hutchinson's house, which definitely locates Samuel Cole on the old highway leading to Roxbury, i.e. Washington Street (Town Records., Vol. II, Rec. Com. Report, p. 38). The Booh of Possessions shows in the same report that Valentine Hill had one house and garden bounded with the street on the east, meeting house and Richard Truesdale on the north, Capt. Robert Sedgwick on the south, and the prison yard west. Major Robert Sedgwick's house and garden bounded with Thomas Clarke, Robert Turner and the street on the east, Mr. Hutchinson on the south, Valentine Hill on the north, and Henry Messinger west. Valentine Hill granted, March 20, 1645, to William Da vies, his house and garden bounded on the south with the ordinary now in the possession of James Pen (Suffolk Deeds., Vol. I, p. 60). This presumably is Cole's Inn., then in the possesssion of Robert Sedgwick, and occupied by James Pen. The question of Cole's residence was easily settled by Mr. McGlenen, when he read from deeds showing that in 1645 Valentine Hill sold to Samuel Cole a lot of land near the town dock. Samuel Cole died in 1666, and in his will left his house and lot to his daughter Elizabeth and son John. This property is on the corner of Change Avenue and Faneuil Hall Square, 94 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS, and is now occupied by W. W. Rawson as a seed store. The Hancock Tavern is a distinct piece of property. Mr. McGlenen read from deeds which proved that the land was first owned by John Kenerick of Boston, yeo- man, and was first sold to Robert Brecke of Dorchester, merchant, on January 8, 1652. It was again sold to Thomas Watkins of Boston, tobacco maker, in 1653 ; by him in 1679 to James Green of Boston, cooper ; by him to Samuel Green of Boston, cooper, in 1712 ; and by him willed to his sons and daughter in 1750. The eastern portion of the original lot (that situated east of the one on which the Hancock Tavern^ just de- molished, was located) was sold by Samuel Green's heirs to Thomas Handasyd Peck in 1759. The Han- cock Tavern lot itself was then sold to Thomas Brom- field, merchant, in February, 1760. The deed says : " A certain dwelling house, with the land whereon the same doth stand." Bromfield in 1763 sold it to Joseph Jackson of Boston, who owned it at the time of the Revolution, and disposed of it on August 19, 1779, to Morris Keith, a Boston trader. Morris Keith, or Keefe, died in April, 1783, aged 62, leaving a widow and two children, Thomas and Mary. The son died in 1784, the widow in 1785, leaving the daughter Mary to inherit the property. The inventory describes Morris Keefe as a lemon dealer, and the house and land in Corn Court as worth X260. Mary Keefe married John Duggan, May 24, 1789, and in 1790 John Duggan Avas granted a license to retail liquor at his house in Corn Court. This is the THE HANCOCK TAVERN. 95 earliest record of a license being granted to the Man- cock Tavern, so called. Mary Duggan deeded the property to her husband in January, 1795, a few weeks before her death. In 1796 John Duggan married Mary Hopkins. He died April 21, 1802, leaving three chil- dren—Michael, born 1797; William, born 1799, and John Adams, born 1802. Mary (Hopkins) Duggan then married William Brazier in 1803. He died ten years later. The record commissioners' reports, No. 22, page 290, show the following inventory for 1798 : John Duggan, owner and occupier ; wooden dwelling ; west on Corn Court ; south on Moses Gill ; north on James Tisdale. Land 1024 square feet ; house 448 square feet ; 2 stories, 12 windows ; value $1200 Duggan's advertisement in the Columbian Centinel of October 11, 1794, reads : Latest imported lemons — In excellent order, for sale, by John Duggan, at his house, at the sign of Gov. Hancock outside the market. His address in the Boston Directory for 1796 is : " John Duggan, lemon dealer, Corn court, S. side market." In 1795, Duggan, who is described as an innholder, and his wife deeded this property to Daniel English, who, on the same day, deeded it back to John, in order that he might have a clear title. " From these investigations," said Mr. McGlenen, ^ I think it is clear that as an old landmark the Hancock Tavern is a failure." 96 OLD BOSTON TAVERNS. The Rev. Anson Titus then made his report of per- sonal investigations relating to the Tea Party itself. He said that the only sure thing is this — that some- thing happened in Boston on the evening of Decem- ber 16, 1773. Beyond this to make statements is dangerous. Details of the affair were not subject of public conversation, because of the danger of prosecu- tion and legal action. It was at the very edge of treason to the King. It is certain that there were a great crowd of visitors in Boston that night from the country towns who had been informed of what to expect and had come for a purpose. Secrecy was the word and obedience was the command. Mr. Titus quoted from the Boston papers of that time and from Gov. Hutchinson's letters, but declared that it was impossible to learn of the names of the actual members of the party. He said that the " Mohawks were men familiar with the vessels and the wharves. It is generally recognized that they were Masons." " In conclusion, as we began," he said, " in 1903, as in 1822, very little is known concerning the real par- ticipants of the Boston Tea Party. The lifelong silence on the part of those knowing most of the party is most commendable and patriotic. It was a hazardous under- taking, even treason, and long after American inde- pendence was gained, if proof which would have had the least weight in court had been found, there would have been claims for damages by the East India Com- pany or the Crown against our young republic, which would have been obliged to meet them. The affair was TEE HANCOCK TAVERN. 97 a turning point in the history of American liberty, and glad ought we all to be that there is no evidence existing connecting scarcely an individual, the town of Boston, or the province with the Boston Tea Party." LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. This list is taken from Miss Thwing's work on the Inhabitants and Estates of the Town of Boston^ 1630-1800^ in possession of the Massachusetts His- torical Society. There also may be found the author- ity for each statement and further details. It does not include many inns mentioned in advertisements in the papers of the eighteenth century, nor the names of many licensed innkeepers whose hostelry had no sign. The Colony records state that in 1682 persons annu- ally licensed in Boston to keep taverns and sell beer shall not exceed six wine taverns, ten innholders, and eight retailers for wine and strong liquors out of doors. In 1684, as this was not enough for the accommodation of the inhabitants, the county court licensed five or six more public houses. In 1687 all licenses for public houses to be granted only to those persons of good repute, and have convenient houses and at least two beds to entertain strangers and travellers. In Boston the approbation of the Treasurer must be secured. The regulations of inns are given in detail in the records. 90 100 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVEllN OWNERS. Admiral Vernon, see Vemoii^s Head. American Coflfee-House, see British Coffee-House. Anchor, also called Blue Anchor, east side of Wash- ington Street, between State and Water streets (site of the Globe Building). In the Book of Possessions Eichard Fairbanks (innkeeper) had house and garden here. In 1646 he was licensed to keep a house of entertainment, and in 1652 sold his estate to Eobert Turner, who was licensed in 1659, and his widow Penelope in 1666. His son John Turner inherited, and was licensed in 1667. In 1680 George Monk on his marriage with Lucy, widow of Turner, succeeded. Monk married a second wife, Elizabeth Wood- mancy, who succeeded him in 1691, and kept the inn until 1703, when she sold the estate to James Pitts. In 1708 a neighboring estate bounded on the house "formerly the Anchor Tavern." From James Pitts the owners were Ben- jamin Bagnal, in 1724-25 ; William Speakman, 1745 ; 1746 Alice Quick, who bequeathed to her nephew Thomas Knight in 1761 ; and Mary Knight was the owner in 1798. Balr, Washington Street, between Dock Square and Milk Street. In 1722 Elizabeth Davis was licensed at the Bair in Cornhill. As she was the owner of the Bear at the Dock this may have been a mistake. Bear, see Three Mariners. Baker's Arms, in 1673 the house of John Gill was on the southwest corner of Hanover and Union streets, " near the Baker's Arms." This was possibly then the name of the Star Tavern or the Green Dragon. Baulston. William Baulston had a grant of land in 1636-37 on the west side of Washington Street, between Dock Square and Court Street. In June, 1637, he was licensed to keep a house of entertainment. In 1638 he sold to Thomas Cornewell, who was licensed to keep an inn in room of William Baulston. In 1639-40 the property was bought by Edward Tyng. LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 101 Bite, see Three Mariners. Black Horse, Prince Street. It is commonly asserted that the early name of Prince Street came from a tavern of that name, but thus far no such tavern has been found on the records. Black Horse Lane was first mentioned in 1684. Black and White Horse, locality not stated. In 1767 Robert Sylvester was licensed. Blue Anchor, Washington Street, see Anchor. Blue Anchor, in 1760, " land where the Blue Anchor was before the fire near Oliver's Dock." Blue Anchor, locality not stated. In 1767 a man lodged at the Blue Anchor. Blue Bell, west side of Union Street, between Hanover and North streets. In 1663 John Button conveys to Edmund Jacklin his house, known as the Blue Bell. Blue Bell, southwest corner of Battery March and Water streets. The land on which this tavern stood was originally a marsh which the town let to Capt. James Johnson in 1656, he to pay an annual amount to the school of Boston. Part of this land was conveyed by Johnson to Thomas Hull. This deed is not recorded, but in 1674 in the deed of Richard Woodde to John Dafforne the west bounds were in part on land now of Deacon Allen and Hugh Drury, formerly of Thomas Hull, the house called the Blew Bell. In 1673 the house was let to Nathaniel Bishop. In the inventory of the estate of Hugh Drury in 1689 his part is described as one half of that house Mr. Wheeler lives in and cooper's shop. In the partition of his estate in 1692 there was set off to his grandson Thomas Drury one half of house and land commonly called the Castle Tavern, the said house and land being in partnership with Henry Allen. In the division of Allen's estate in 1703, the house and land is set off to his widow Judith. In 1707 Judith Allen and 102 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Thomas Drury make a division, the west half being as- signed to Judith Allen and the east half to Drury. Judith Allen died in 1722, and in 1723 her son Henry conveyed to Eobert Williams the westerly part of the estate, consisting of dwelling house, land, and cooper's shop. Williams deeds to his son Eobert Williams, and the estate was in the family many years. Brazen Head, east side of Washington Street, between State and Water streets. Jan. 2, 1757, a soldier was taken with the smallpox at widow Jackson's at the Brazen Head. March 20, 1760, the great fire broke out here. Mrs. Jackson was not a property owner, but leased the premises. Brewers' Arms, east side of Washington Street, be- tween Bedford and Essex streets. In 1696 Sarah, widow of Samuel Walker, mortgages the house called the Brewers' Arms in tenure of Daniel Elton (innholder). British Coffee-House, north side of State Street, be- tween Change Avenue and Merchants' Eow. In the Book of Possessions James Oliver was the owner of this estate. Elisha Cooke recovers judgment against Oliver, and sells to Nicholas Moorcock in 1699. Moorcock conveys to Charles Burnham in 1717, whose heirs convey to Jonathan Badger in 1773. Badger deeds to Hannah Cordis in 1775 " The British Coffee-House." In 1780 the heirs of Badger con- firm to Joseph Cordis " The American Coffee-House," and Cordis sells to the Massachusetts Bank in 1792. Cord Cordis was the innkeeper in 1771 and John Bryant was licensed in 1790. In 1798 this was a brick building, three stories, twenty-six windows, value $12,000. Bromfield House, Bromfield Street, see Indian Queen. Bull, foot of Summer Street. In the Book of Possessions Nicholas Baxter had house and garden here. In 1668 he conveyed this to John Bull and wife Mary, the daughter of 'i^^' BROMFiELD HOUSE ON THE SITE OF THE "INDIAN QUEEN 36-38 Bromfield Street LIST OF T A VEENS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 103 his wife Margaret. Baxter died in 1692, and in his will recites this deed and divides his personal property between his daughter Mary, wife of John Swett, and John and Mary Bull. In 1694 and 1704 Mary Swett attempted to regain the estate, but Bull gained his case each time. John Bull died in 1723, and in 1724 his son Jonathan buys the shares of other heirs. Jonathan died while on a visit to England in 1727 or 1728, and his will, probated in 1728-29, gives one third of his estate to his wife, and two thirds to his children, Elizabeth, John, and Samuel. Both sons died before coming of age, and Elizabeth inherited their shares. She married Bev. Koger Price, and they went to England. She died in 1780, and in 1783 her eldest son and daughter returned to Boston to recover the property which Barret Dyer, who had married Elizabeth, widow of John Bull, had attempted to regain. John Bull was licensed as innkeeper from 1689 to 1713, when his widow Mary succeeded. In 1757 Mr. Bean was the landlord, and in 1766 the house was let to Benjamin Bigelow. In 1798 William Price was the owner and Bethia Page the occupier. A wooden house of two stories, thirty-one windows, value S2000. The site is now covered by the South Station. Bunch of Grapes, southeast corner of State and Kilby streets. The early possession of William Davis, who sold to William Ingram in 1658. Ingram conveyed " The Bunch of Grapes " to John Holbrook in 1680 ; Adm. of Holbrook to Thomas Waite in 1731 ; Waite to Simon Eliot in 1760 ; Eliot to Leonard Jarvis in 1769 ; Jarvis to Joseph Botch, Jr., in 1772; Francis Botch to Elisha Doane, 1773; his heirs to Isaiah Doane, 1786. In 1798 it was a brick store. June 7, 1709, Francis Holmes was the keeper and was to billet five soldiers at his house of public entertainment. In 1750 kept by Weatherhead, being noted, said Goelet, as the best punch house in Boston. In 1757 one captain and one pri- 104 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. vate soldier to be billeted at Weatherhead's. 1764 to 1772 Joseph Ingersol licensed. In 1790 Dudley Colman licensed. In 1790 James Bowdoin bequeathes house called "The Bunch of Grapes " to his wife. This was on the west corner of Kilby and State streets. Castle, west corner of Dock Square and Elm Street. In the Book of Possessions William Hudson, Jr., had house and garden here. May 20, 1654, a street leading from the Castle Tavern is mentioned (Elm Street). Hudson sold off parts of his estate and in 1674 he conveyed to John Wing house, buildings, etc., commonly called Castle Tavern. In 1677 Wing mortgages to William Brown of Salem " all his new built dwelling house, being part of that building formerly known as the Castle Tavern." The estate was for- feited, and in 1694 Brown conveys to Benjamin Pemberton mansion heretofore called the Castle Tavern, since the George Tavern, subject to Wing's right of redemption. In his will of 1701-02 John Wing devises to his son John Wing the housing and land lying near the head of the town dock which he purchased of Capt. William Hudson, to- gether with the brick messuage, formerly known by the name of the George Tavern, which has an encumbrance of 1000 pounds, due William Browne, now in possession of Benjamin Pemberton. In 1708 Wing releases the estate to Pemberton. In 1710 the heirs of Pemberton convey to Jonathan Waldo, and the succeeding owners were : Thomas Flucker, 1760 ; in the same year it passes to Isaac Winslow and Moses Gill; Gill to Caleb Loring, 1768; Nathaniel Erazier, 1771 ; David Sears, 1787 ; William Burgess, 1790 ; Nathaniel Erazier, 1792 ; John and Jonathan Amory, 1793. In 1798 Colonel Brewer was the occupier. A brick house, two stories, twelve windows, value $4000. Castle, Battery March and Water streets, see Blue Bell. Castle, northeast corner of North and Elect streets. LIST OFTAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 105 The early possession of Thomas Savage, John Crabtree acquires, and in 1654 conveys to Bartholomew Barnard. Barnard sells to Edward Cock in 1672-73 ; Cock to Marga- ret Thatcher, who conveys to William Colman in 1679. Colman to William Everden in 1694-95, who mortgages to Francis Holmes. Holmes conveys to John Wentworth in 1708. In 1717 John Wentworth conveys to Thomas Lee house known as the " Castle Tavern, occupied by Sarah Hunt." In 1768 Thomas Love and wife Deborah (Lee) deed to Andrew Newell, the " Castle Tavern," and the same year Newell to Joseph Lee. In 1785 Joseph Lee conveys to Joseph Austin the "King's Head Tavern." In 1798 owned and occupied by Austin. House of three and two stories, twenty-five windows, value $3000. Castle, locality not stated. In 1721 Adrian, widow of John Cunningham, was licensed at the Castle, and in 1722 Mary English. Cole, Samuel Cole's inn, west side of Washington Street, corner of Williams Court, site of Thompson's Spa. In 1633-34 Samuel Cole set up the first house of common entertainment. In 1635 he was licensed to keep an ordi- nary, and in 1637-38 had leave to sell his house for an inn to Eobert Sedgwick. In 1646 James Penn was licensed here. Lt. William Phillips acquired the property, and in 1656-57 mortgages " The Ship Tavern." He con- veys it to Capt. Thomas Savage in 1660. The later owners were Ephraim Savage, 1677-78 ; Zachariah Trescott, 1712 ; Nicholas Bouve, 1715 ; John Comrin, 1742 ; Jonathan Mason, 1742; James Lloyd, 1763, in whose family it re- mained many years. Concert Hall, south corner of Hanover and Court streets. In the Book of Possessions Jeremiah Houchin had house and garden here. His widow sold to Thomas Snawsell in 1670, and Snawsell to John Eussell in 1671 ; 106 LIST OF TAVEBNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Eleazar Eussell to John Gardner and Priscilla Hunt in 1689-90 ; the heirs of Gardner to Gilbert and Lewis Deblois in 1749; Deblois to Stephen Deblois in 1754, and he to AVilliam Turner in 1769 ; Turner conveyed to John and Jonathan Amory in 1789. In 1798 John Amory was the owner and James Villa the occupier. A brick house, three stories, thirty windows, value $3000. Villa had been a tenant, and was licensed as an innkeeper for some years. Before it became a tavern the hall was used for various purposes — for meetings, musical concerts, and by the Grand Masons. Cromwell's Head or Sign of Oliver Cromwell, north side of School Street. . In the Book of Possessions Richard Hutchinson was the owner of land here. Abraham Brown acquired before 1658 ; Sarah (Brown) Eogers inherits in 1689-90, and in 1692 Gamaliel Rogers conveyed to Duncan McFarland ; Mary (McFarland) Perkins inherits, and John Perkins deeds to Joseph Maylem in 1714; John Maylem inherits in 1733, and the next owner is Elizabeth (Maylem) Bracket, wife of Anthony Bracket. In 1764 Elizabeth Bracket was licensed at her house in School Street, and Joshua Bracket was licensed in 1768. In 1796 Abigail Bracket conveyed to John Warren, who was the owner in 1798, and Henry Vose the occupier. A wooden house, three stories, thirty windows, value $6000. Crown Coffee-House, north side of State Street, the first house on Long wharf (site of the Fidelity Trust Co. building). Jonathan Belcher was a proprietor of Long Wharf, which was extended from State Street in 1710. In 1749 his son Andrew Belcher conveyed to Richard Smith " The Crown Coffee-House," Smith to Robert Shellcock in 1751, and the administrator of Shellcock to Benjamin Brown in 1788. In 1798 stores covered the site. In 1714 Thomas Selby was licensed as an innholder at the Crown /'■ J///A//r.s /-*/ ■ vv/A LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 107 Coffee-House, and lie died here in 1727. In 1729 William Burgess was licensed, and in 1730 and 1733 Edward Lutwych ; 1762 Rebecca Coffin ; 1766 Kichard Bradford ; and in 1772 Rebecca Coffin. Dolphin, east side of North Street, at the foot of Rich- mond Street. Nicholas Upshall was the owner of the land in 1644. He deeds to his son-in-law William Greenough in 1660. Henry Gibbs and wife Mercy (Greenough) inherit in 1694-95. In 1726-27 Henry Gibbs conveys to Noah Champney " The Dolphin Tavern." John Lowell and wife Sarah (Champney) inherit, and deed to Neil Mclntire in 1753, Mclntire to Neil Mclntire of Portsmouth in 1784, and he to William Welsh in 1785, Welsh to Prince Snow in 1798. In 1798 it was a wooden house of two stories and eleven windows, value S600. The Dolphin Tavern is men- tioned by Sewall in 1718. In 1726-27 Mercy Gibbs was licensed ; in 1736 Alice Norwood, and 1740 James Stevens. Dove, Sign of the, northeast corner of Boylston and Tremont streets. In the Book of Possessions Thomas Snow was the owner, and in 1667 he mortgages his old house to which the Sign of the Dove is fastened. William Wright and wife Milcha (Snow) inherit and in 1683 convey to Samuel Shrimpton, the heirs of Shrimpton to Adam Colson in 1781, Colson to William Cunningham in 1787, Cunning- ham to Francis Amory in 1793, Amory to Joseph Head in 1795. Drum, Sign of the, locality not stated. In 1761 and 1776 mentioned in the Town Records. Exchange, northwest corner of State and Exchange streets. In 1646 Anthony Stoddard and John Leverett deed to Henry Shrimpton house and land. His son Samuel inherits in 1666, and in 1697-98 Samuel Shrimpton, Jr., inherits " the Exchange Tavern." He mortgages to Nicho- las Roberts in 1703, and the administrators of Roberts con- 108 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS, vey to Robert Stone in 1754 " the Eoyal Exchange Tavern." In 1784 Daniel Parker and wife Sally (Stone) convey to Benjamin Hitchbone. In 1798 Israel Hatch was the occu- pier. A brick house, four stories, thirty windows, value $12,000. In 1690-91 the Exchange Tavern is mentioned by Judge Sewall. In 1714 Rowland Dike petitioned for a license. In 1764 Seth Blodgett was licensed, 1770 Mr. Stone, 1772 Daniel Jones, 1776 Benjamin Loring, 1788 John Bowers, 1798 Israel Hatch. Exchange Cof fee-House, southeast corner of State and Devonshire streets. In the Book of Possessions the land was owned by Robert Scott. The house was built in 1804/ and burnt in 1818 ; rebuilt in 1822 and closed as a tavern in 1854. Flower de Luce, west side of North Street, between Union and Cross streets. In 1675 Elizabeth, widow of Edmund Jackson, mortgages her house, known by the name of Flower de Luce, in tenure of Christopher Crow. George, west side of Washington Street, near the Rox- bury line. The land was a grant of the town to James Perm in 1644. In 1652 he deeds, as a gift, five acres to Margery, widow of Jacob Eliot, for the use of her children. In 1701 Eliezer Holyoke and wife Mary (Eliot) convey to Stephen Minot. In 1701-02 Minot petitions for a license to keep an inn or tavern at his house, nigh Roxbury gate. This is disapproved. In 1707 the George Tavern is men- tioned. In 1708-09 Samuel Meeres petitions to sell strong drink as an innholder at the house of Stephen Minot, in the room of John Gibbs, who is about to quit his license, and in 1722-23 he was still an innholder there. In 1726 Simon Rogers was licensed. In 1733- Stephen Minot, Jr., inherits the George Tavern, now in occupation of Simon Rogers. In 1734-35 occupied by Andrew Haliburton. In 1768 Gideon Gardner was licensed. Stephen Minot, Jr., conveys to LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 109 Samuel and William Brown in 1738 ; William Brown to Aaron Willard in 1792. In 1770 Thomas Bracket was ap- proved as a taverner in the house on the Neck called the King's Arms, formerly the George Tavern, lately kept by Mrs. Bowdine. Aug, 1, 1775, the George Tavern was burnt by the Regulars, writes Timothy Newell in his diary. George, corner Dock Square and Elm Street, see Castle. Globe, northeast corner of Commercial and Hanover streets. In the Book of Possessioyis the estate of William Douglass. Eliphalet Hett and wife Ann (Douglass) inherit ; Nathaniel Parkman and wife Hannah (Hett) inherit. In 1702 Hannah Parkman conveys to Edward Budd ; Budd to James Barnard in 1708. Barnard to John Greenough in 1711. In the division of the Greenough estate this was set off to William and Newman Greenough. Greenough to Joseph Oliver in 1779. Oliver to Henry H. Williams in 1788. In 1741 and 1787 the Globe Tavern is mentioned in the Toion Records. Goat, locality not stated ; in 1737 mentioned in the inventory of Elisha Cooke. Golden Ball, northwest corner of Merchants' Row and Corn Court. Edward Tyng was the first owner of the land, Theodore Atkinson acquired before 1662, and conveys to Henry Deering in 1690. In 1731 part of Deering's estate was the house known as the " Golden ' Ball," now occupied by Samuel Tyley. Mary (Deering) Wilson inherits and bequeathes to her niece Mary (Deering), wife of John Gooch. In 1795 Benjamin Gerrish Gray and wife Mary (Gooch) convey to James Tisdale house known by the name of the Golden Ball Tavern. In 1798 stores covered the site. In 1711 Samuel Tyley petitions for renewal of his license upon his removal from the Salutation to Mr. Deer- ing's house in Merchants' Bow. In 1757 it was kept by John Marston. 110 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Grand Turk, Sign of, Washington Street, between Winter and Boylston. In 1789 Israel Hatch (inn- holder). Green Drag-on, west side of Union Street, north of Hanover. In the Book of Possessions James Johnson owned three fourths of an acre on the mill pond. The next estate that separated him from Hanover Street was owned by John Davis. In 1646 Johnson deeds to Thomas Mar- shall, and Marshall to Thomas Hawkins. In 1645 John Davis deeds to John Trotman, whose wife Katherine on the same day conveys to Thomas Hawkins. In 1671 Hawkins mortgages to Samson Sheafe, and January, 1671-02-, the property is delivered to Sheafe. In 1672-03 Sheafe deeds part to John Howlett (see Star Tavern), bounded northwest by William Stoughton. No deed is recorded to Stoughton. Stoughton died in 1701, and this estate fell to his granddaughter Mehitable, wife of Capt. Thomas Cooper. She later married Peter Sargent and Simeon Stoddard. In 1743 her son Rev. William Cooper conveys the brick dwelling called the Green Dragon Tavern to Dr. William Douglass. On the division of the estate of Douglass this fell to his sister Catherine Kerr, who in 1765 deeds to St. Andrews Lodge of Free Masons. In 1798 it is described as a brick dwelling, three stories, thirty-nine windows, with stable, value $3000. In 1714 William Patten, late of Charlestown, petitions to sell strong drink as an innholder at the Green Dragon in the room of Richard Pullen, who hath quitted his license there. Gutteridg-e Coffee-House, north side of State Street, between Washington and Exchange streets. Robert Gut- teridge was a tenant of Hezekiah Usher in 1688, and was licensed in 1691. In 1718 Mary Gutteridge petitions for the renewal of her late husband's license to keep a public coffee-house. EXCHANGE COFFEE-HOUSE, 1848 From State Street, looking south down Congress Square LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Ill Half Moon, southwest side of Portland Street. Henry Pease was the owner of the land in the Book of Possessions. He conveys to Thomas Matson in 1648, and Joshua Matson to Edward Cricke in 1685. In 1705 his widow Deborah Cricke conveys to Thomas Gwin house commonly called '' The Half Moon." In 1713 Gwin sells to William Clarke. The children of Sarah (Clarke) Kilby inherit and deed to John Bradford in 1760. His heirs were owners in 1798. A brick house, two stories, thirty-nine windows, value $4000. Hancock, Corn Court. This property was acquired by John Kendric, who sells to Eobert Breck in 1652-53. Later owners, Thomas Watkins 1653, James Green 1659, Samuel Green 1712, Thomas Bromfield 1760, Joseph Jackson 1763. Jackson deeds to Morris Keefe in 1779, whose daughter Mary, wife of John Duggan, inherits in 1795. In 1798 it was a wooden house, two stories, twelve windows, value $1200. Hatch, east side Tremont Street, between West and Boylston streets. The land was a grant of the town to Eichard Bellingham in 1665. Martin Sanders acquires and deeds to ^neas Salter, and Salter to Sampson Sheaf in 1677. Jacob Sheaf to Abiah Holbrook in 1753. Adm. of Eebecca Holbrook to Israel Hatch in 1794. 1796 Israel Hatch (innkeeper). Hawk, Summer Street. In 1740 mentioned in the Tow7i Records. Horse Shoe, east side of Tremont Street, between School and Bromfield streets. In the Book of Possessions this was part of the land of Zaccheus Bosworth. His daughter Elizabeth and her husband John Morse convey to John Evered, alias Webb, in 1660 ; Webb to William Pollard in 1663. John Pollard deeds to Jonathan Pollard in 1722 the " Horse Shoe Tavern." In 1782 the heirs of Pollard con- 112 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. vey to George Hamblin, who occupied it in 1798. A wooden house, two stories, eleven windows, value $1500. In 1738 Alex Cochran was licensed here. Indian Queen, later Bromfield House, south side of Bromfield Street. The possession of William Aspinwall, who deeds the land to John Angier in 1652, and in the same year it passes to Sampson Shore and Theodore Atkin- son ; Atkinson to Edward Eawson in 1653-54 ; Eawson to Eobert Noaxe, 1672 ; ]S"oaxe to Joseph Whitney, 1675 ; Whitney to Edward Bromfield, 1684; Edward Bromfield, Jr., to Benjamin Kent, 1748 ; Ex. of Kent to Henry New- man, 1760 ; Newman to John Ballard, 1782. In 1798 it was occupied by Abel Wheelock, Trask, and Brown. A brick and wooden house, two stories, thirty-four windows, value $4500, with a stable. Julien Restorator, northwest corner of Milk and Con- gress streets. In the Book of Possessions John Spoor had a house and one acre here, which he mortgaged to Nicholas Willis in 1648. In 1648-49 Henry Bridgham sold a house on Washington Street to John Spoore, so it may be possible that they exchanged lots. In 1655 Bridgham was the owner. He died in 1681, and his widow in 1672. In 1680 his estate was divided among his three sons. John, the eldest, settled in Ipswich, inherited the new house, and that in- cluded the west portion. In 1719 he deeds his share to his nephew Joseph Bridgham, who in 1734-35 conveys to Francis Borland, then measuring 106 ft. on Milk Street. Borland also bought a strip of James Dalton in 1763, which addition reached the whole length of the lot, which has been abridged by the laying out of Dalton's Lane (Congress Street). Francis Borland died in 1763, and left the Milk Street estate to his son Francis Lindall Borland, who was absent and feared to be dead. Jane Borland married John Still Winthrop, and in 1765 the estate was divided among LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 113 the Winthrop children. These heirs conveyed the Congress Street corner to Thomas Clement in 1787, and in 1794 he sold it to Jean Baptiste Gilbert Payplat dis Julien (res- torator). Julien died in 1806, and his heirs conveyed it in 1823 to the Commercial Co. The house was taken down in 1824. In 1798 it was a wooden dwelling, three stories, eighteen windows, value $6000. King's Arms, west side of Washington Street, between Brattle and Court streets. Nearly all of the original lot was taken for the extension of Washington Street, and the exact location obliterated. It was one of the estates at the head of the Dock. In the Book of Possessions, owned by Hugh Gunnison, who in 1646 was licensed to keep a house of entertainment. Oct. 28, 1650, he mortgages the estate called the King's Arms, and in 1651 conveys it to John Samson, Henry Shrimpton, and William Brenton (see Suff. Deeds, Lib. 1, fol. 135, where there is an interesting and complete inventory). Henry Shrimpton gets possession of the whole, and in his will, 1666, bequeathes to his daughter Sarah Shrimpton " the house formerly called the States Arms." In 1668-69 Eliakim Hutchinson, on his marriage with Sarah Shrimpton, puts the estate in trust for his wife, "heretofore called the King's Arms." He also enlarged the estate by buying adjoining land of the Wil- liam Tyng and Thomas Brattle estates. By the will of Eliakim Hutchinson in 1718, and that of his wife in 1720, the whole estate went to their son William Hutchinson, who in 1721 devised to his son Eliakim Hutchinson. Eliakim still further enlarged the estate. He was a Loyal- ist, and his estate was confiscated. In 1782 the govern- ment conveyed part of it to Thomas Green and the re- mainder to John Lucas and Edward Tuckerman. King's Arms, west side of North Street, between Sun Court and Fleet Street. The lot of Thomas Clarke in the 114 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Book of Possessions, which, he sold to Launcelot Baker in 1648, and Baker to George Halsey in 1648, the trustees of Halsey to Evan Thomas in 1656, "The King's Arms." In 1680 his widow Alice Thomas mortgages the house formerly known as King's Arms, and she sells it in 1698 to Joseph Bill. King's Arms, on the Neck, see George. King's Head, northeast corner of North and Fleet streets, see Castle. Lamb and White Lamb, west side of Washington Street, between West and Boylston streets, on the site of the Adams House, the original lot of Eichard Brocket, which he deeds to Jacob Leger in 1638 ; and'Ann Leger, widow, to John Blake in 1664 ; Blake to Edward Durant in 1694; Durant to Jonathan Waldo the southern part in 1713-14 ; Jonathan Waldo, Jr., to Samuel Cookson in 1780 ; Cookson to Joel Crosby in 1795. In 1798 Joel Crosby was the owner and occupier of the Lamb Tavern. A wooden building of two stories, twenty-four windows, value $4200. In 1738 it was mentioned in the Town Records, and in 1782 Augustus Moor was licensed there. Lighthouse, 1766, mentioned in the Town Records. It was not far from the Old North Meeting House. Lion, Sign of, Washington Street, between Winter and Boylston streets. 1796 Henry Vose (innholder). Logwood Tree, Sign of, south side of Commercial Street, between Hanover and North streets. The lot of John Seabury in the Book of Possessions, which he deeds to Alex Adams in 1645, Adams to Nathaniel Fryer in 1653-54, and Fryer to John Scarlet in 1671. Scarlet to Joseph Par- minter in 1671-72. In 1734-35 Hannah Emmes, sister of Parminter, conveys to John Read the house known as the " Sign of the Logwood Tree " ; Read to Thomas Bently in 1744, and Bently to Joshua Bently 1756. In 1798 it was LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 115 occupied by Captain Caswell. A wooden house, two stories, fourteen windows, value $1000. In 1732 mentioned in the Town Records. See also Queen's Head. Marlborough Arms and Marlboroug-h Head, south side of State Street, east of Kilby Street. In 1640 William Hudson was allowed to keep an ordinary. His son conveys this in 1648 to Francis Smith, and Smith to John Holland. Judith Holland conveys to Thomas Peck in 1656 ; Thomas Peck, Jr., to James Gibson, 1711. In 1722 Mary Gibson deeds to her children " house named Marlborough next the Grapes." James Gibson to Roger Passmore, 1741 ; Pass- more to Simon Eliot, 1759 ; Eliot to Leonard, 1760 ; Jarvis to Benjamin Parker, 1766 ; John Erving acquires and deeds to William Stackpole, 1784. In 1798 it had been converted into a brick store. Elisha Odling was licensed in 1720, Sarah Wormal in 1721, and Elizabeth Smith 1722. Mitre, east side of North Street, at the head of Hancock Wharf (Lewis Wharf), between Sun Court and Fleet Street. The lot of Samuel Cole in the Book of Possessions, which he conveys to George Halsey in 1645 ; Halsey to Nathaniel Patten, 1654 ; Patten to Robert Cox, 1681 ; Cox to John Kind, 1683-84; Jane Kind to Thomas Clarke (pewterer), 1705-06 ; Clarke to John Jeffries, 1730. His nephew David Jeffries inherits in 1778, from whom it went to Joseph Eckley and wife Sarah (Jeffries). In 1782 heirs of John Jeffries owned house " formerly the Mitre Tavern." In 1798 the house had been taken down. Noah's Ark, southwest corner North and Clarke streets. The early possession of Capt. Thomas Hawkins. He was lost at sea, and his widow married (2) John Fenn and (3) Henry Shrimpton. In 1657 William Phillips conveys to Mary Fenn the house called Noah's Ark, the property of her first husband Thomas Hawkins, and which her son-in- law John Aylett had mortgaged to William Hudson, by 116 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. whom it was sold to William Phillips. In 1657 Mary Fenn conveys to George Mount joy, and in 1663 Mount joy to John Vial. In 1695 Vial deeds to Thomas Hutchinson. In 1713 the house was known as Ship Tavern, heretofore Noah's Ark, in part above and in part below the street called Ship Street. North Coffee-House, North Street. Dec. 12, 1702, Edward Morrell was licensed. North End Coffee-House, northwest side of North Street, between Sun Court and Fleet Street. The land of Capt. Thomas Clarke in the Book of Possessions. Elisha Hutchinson and wife Elizabeth (Clarke) inherit. Edward Hutchinson conveys to Thomas Savage in 1758. John Savage inherits, and deeds to Joseph Tahon in 1781, Tahon to Bobert Wier in 1786, Wier to John May in 1795 the "North End Coffee-House." In 1782 Capt. David Porter was licensed to keep a tavern at the North End Coffee- House. In 1798 John May was owner and occupier. A brick house, three stories, forty-five windows, value $4500. Orange Tree, northeast corner of Hanover and Court streets. Land first granted to Edmund Jackson, Thomas Leader acquires before 1651, and his heirs deed to Bozoon Allen in 1678. Allen conveys in 1700 to Francis Cook " the Orange Tree Inn." Benjamin Morse and wife Frances (Cook) inherit. John Tyng and wife Mary (Morse), daugh- ter of Benjamin, inherit. John Marshall and other heirs ot Tyng owners in 1785 and 1798, when it was unoccupied. A wooden house, three stories, fifty-three windows, value $4000. In 1712 Jonathan Wardell, who had married Frances (Cook), widow of Benjamin Morse, was licensed, and from 1724 to 1746 Mrs. Wardell was licensed. Peacock, west side of North Street, between Board Alley and Cross Street, on the original estate of Sampson Shore, who conveyed to Edwin Goodwin in 1648, and he to LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 117 Nathaniel Adams. In 1707-08 Joseph and other children of Nathaniel Adams deed to Thomas Harris house and land near the Turkey or Peacock. In 1705 Elihu Warden owns a shop over against the Peacock Tavern. Sept. 26, 1709, Thomas Lee petitions to keep a victualling house at a hired house which formerly was the Sign of the Turkic Cock. Peggy Moore's Boarding House, southwest corner of Washington and Boylston streets. On the original estate of Jacob Eliot. His daughter Hannah Frary inherits, Abigail (Prary) Arnold inherits, and then Hannah (Arnold), wife of Samuel Welles. In 1798 Samuel Welles owner, and he with Mrs. Brown and Peggy Moore occupiers. A wooden house, two stories, and seventy-one windows, value $10,000. Pine Tree, Dock Square. In 1785 Capt. Benjamin Gor- ham was licensed on Dock Square, at the house known by the name of the Pine Tree Tavern. Gorham bought a house in 1782 of John Steel Tyler and wife Mary (Whitman), situ- ated on northwest side of North Street, between Cross Street and Scott Alley, which he sold in 1786- to John Hinckley. Punch Bowl, Sign of the. Dock Square. 1789 Mrs. Baker (innholder). Queen's Head, Fleet Street. April 19, 1728, Anthony Young petitions to remove his license from the Salutation in Ship Street to the Sign of the Swan in Fleet Street, and set up the Sign of the Queen's Head there. Nov. 28, 1732, Joseph Pearse petitions to remove his license from the house where he lives, the Sign of the Logwood Tree in Lynn Street, to the house near Scarlett's Wharf at the Sign of the Queen's Head, where Anthony Young last dwelt. Red Cross, southwest corner of North and Cross streets. In 1746 John Osborn (ini.iliolder) bought land of Tolman Farr, to whom it had descended from Barnabas Fawer, who 118 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. bought it of Valentine Hill in 1646. The children of Osborn sold it in 1756 to Ichabod Jones, whose son John Coffin Jones inherited. Red !Lyon, northeast corner of North and Eichmond streets. Nicholas Upshall was the owner in 1644. Nov. 9, 1654, Francis Brown's house was near the Eed Lyon. Joseph Cock and wife Susannah (Upshall) inherit half in 1666, Edward Proctor and wife Elizabeth (Cock) inherit in 1693-94 half of the Eed Lyon Inn, John Proctor deeds to Edward Proctor in 1770, Proctor to Charles Eyan in 1790, Eyan to Thomas East in 1791, Kast to Eeuben Car- ver in 1794. In 1798 William T. Clapp was occupier. A brick and wooden dwelling, three and two stories, twenty- four windows, value $2500. In 1763 mentioned in the Totvn Records. Red Liyon, Washington Street, see Lion. 1798 James Clark (innholder). Rising Sun, Washington Street, between School and Winter streets. 1800 Luther Emes (innholder). Roebuck, east side of Merchants' Eow (Swing Bridge Lane) a grant of land to Leonard Buttles in 1648-49. He sold to Eichard Staines in 1655, whose widow Joyce Hall deeds to Thomas Winsor in 1691 ; Winsor mortgages to Giles Dyer in 1706, who deeds the same year to Thomas Loring ; Loring to John Barber in 1712 ; Barber to John Pim in 1715. Samuel Wright and wife Mary (Pim) inherit. Jane Moncrief acquires, and conveys to William Welch in 1793, Welch to William Wittington in 1794. In 1798 William Wittington, Jr., was the occupier. House of brick and wood, three stories, nineteen windows, value $2500. In 1776 Elizabeth Wittington was licensed as an innholder at the Eoebuck, Dock Square. In 1790 William Wittington at the Sign of the Eoebuck was next to John Sheppard. Roebuck, Battery March. July 29, 1702, house of LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 119 Widow Salter at the Sign of the Roebuck, nigh the South Battery. Kose and Crown, southwest corner of State and Devon- shire streets. Thomas Matson was an early owner of the land. He deeds to Henry Webb in 1638, Webb to Henry Phillips in 1656-57. His widow Mary deeds to her son Samuel " the Rose and Crown " in 1705-06, Gillum Phillips to Peter Faneuil in 1738, George Bethune and wife Mary (Faneuil) to Abiel Smith in 1787. In 1798 a brick house, three stories, forty-four windows, value $9000. Dec. 29, 1697, a lane leading from the Rose and Crown Tavern (Devonshire Street). Royal Exchange, State Street, see Exchange. Salutation, northeast corner of North and Salutation streets. James Smith acquired the land at an early date. He deeds to Christopher Lawson, and Lawson to William Winburne in 1664 ; Winburne to John Brookins in 1662 " the Salutation Inn.'' Elizabeth, widow of Brookins, mar- ried (2) Edward Grove, who died in 1686, and (3) William Green. In 1692 William Green and wife Elizabeth convey to William Phipps house called the Salutation. Spencer Phipps inherits in 1695, Phipps to John Langdon in 1705, the heirs of Langdon to Thomas Bradford in 1766, Brad- ford to Jacob Rhodes in 1784, house formerly "the Two Palaverers." In 1798 it was occupied by George Singleton and Charles Shelton. A wooden house, two stories, thirty- five windows, value $2500. In 1686 Edward Grove was licensed, Samuel Tyley in 1711, Elisha Odling 1712, John Langdon, Jr., 1714. In 1715 he lets to Elisha Odling, Arthur Young 1722, Samuel Green 1731, Edward Drinker 1736. In 1757 called Two Palaverers. AVilliam Campbell licensed 1764, Francis Wright 1767, Thomas Bradford 1782, Jacob Rhodes 1784. Schooner in Distress and Sign of the Schooner, 120 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. North Street, between Cross and Richmond streets. 1761 mentioned in the Town Records. Seven Stars, northwest corner of Summer and Hawley streets. The possession of John Palmer. His widow Audrey deeds to Henry Rust in 1652 ; Rust to his son Nathaniel, 1684-85 ; Nathaniel to Robert Earle, 1685 ; Earle to Thomas Banister, 1698, house being known by the name of Seven Stars ; Samuel Banister to Samuel Tilly, 1720 ; Tilly to William Speakman, 1727 ; Speakman to Leonard Vassal, 1728 ; Vassal to John Barnes and others for Trinity Church. Ship, North Street, see Noah's Ark. Ship, Washington Street, see Cole^s Inn. Ship, Sign of, west side of North Street, between Sun Court and Fleet Street. The original possession of Thomas Joy, who sold to Henry Eane, and Fane to Richard Way in 1659-60, Thomas Kellond 1777, Robert Bronsdon 1678-79, William Clarke 1707-08, Joseph Glidden 1728, and his heirs to John Ballard 1781. In 1789 John Ballard was innkeeper here. The Executor of Ballard conveys to John Page, and Page to George R. Cushing of Hingham in 1797. In 1798 it was a wooden building, three stories, twenty-nine windows, value $1850, and occupied by Ebenezer Knowlton, Ziba French, and John Daniels. Shippen's Crane, Dock Square. 1739 John Ballard licensed as retailer. Star, northwest corner of Hanover and Union streets. The lot of John Davis in the Book of Possessions. He deeds to John Trotman in 1645, whose wife Katherine deeds on the same day to Thomas Hawkins. In 1671 Hawkins mortgages to Sampson Sheafe, and in 1671-72 the property is delivered to Sheafe. 1672-73 Sheafe con- veys to John Howlet, and in 1676 Susannah, wife of Howlet, deeds to Andrew Neale. 1709-10 the heirs of LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 121 Neale deed to John Borland house by the name of " the Star," now occupied by Stephen North and Charles Salter. John Borland inherits 1727. Jonathan Simpson and wife Jane (Borland) convey to William Frobisher in 1787. In 1798 it was a wooden house, two stories, twenty-eight win- dows, value $3000. Frobisher and Thomas Dillaway were the occupiers. 1699 the fore street leading to Star Inn mentioned. 1700 house near the Star Ale House. In 1722 John Thing was licensed. 1737 house formerly the Star Tavern in Union Street. State's Arms, Washington Street. See Kmg^s Arms. Sun, Faneuil Hall Square. In the Book of Possessions Edward Bendall had house and garden here. He mort- gaged to Symon Lynde, who took possession in 1653. His son Samuel Lynde inherits in 1687, and his heirs make a division in 1736. Joseph Gooch and others convey to Joseph Jackson in 1769 the Sun Tavern. Jackson's widow Mary inherits in 1796 and occupied the house with others in 1798, when it was a brick house, three stories, twenty-two windows, value $8000. 1694-95 street running to the dock by the Sun Tavern. 1699-1700 now occupied by James Meeres. 1709 owned by Samuel Lynde, now in possession of Thomas Phillips. 1757 Capt. James Day was licensed. Sun, west side of Washington Street, between Brattle and Court streets. In 1782 Gillum Taylor deeds his estate to John Hinckley bounded south by the land in possession of Benjamin Edes, late the Sun Tavern. Swan, west side of Commercial Street, near the Ferry. In 1651 Thomas Eucke mortgages his house called The Swan, which he bought of Christopher Lawson in 1648, and he of Thomas Buttolph, who was the original owner. Swan, Sign of the, see Queen^s Head. In 1708 Fish Street (North Street) extends to the Sign of the Swan by Scarlett's Wharf. 122 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVEBN OWNERS. Swann, locality not stated. 1777 mentioned in Town Records. Three Crowns, North Street, between Cross and Eich- mond streets. 1718 Thomas Coppin licensed. 1735 men- tioned in the Toion Records. Three Horse Shoes, west side of Washington Street, between School and Bromfield streets. The original pos- session of William Aspinwall, who deeds land to John Angier in 1652. The heirs of Edmund Eangier to William Turner in 1697. Turner to George Sirce in 1713. William Gatcomb and wife Mary (Sirce) inherit. In 1744 Philip Gatcomb mortgages house known by the Sign of the Three Horse Shoes ; William Gatcomb to Gilbert Deblois, Jr., in 1784 ; Lewis Deblois to Christopher Gore, 1789 ; Gore to James Cutler and Jonathan Amory, 1793 ; Cutler to Jona- than Amory, Jr., 1797. Three Mariners, south side of Faneuil Hall Square. The original possession of Isaac Grosse. Thomas Grosse conveys to Joseph Pemberton in 1679, and Joseph to Ben- jamin Pemberton in 1701-02 " the Three Mariners." In 1701-02 occupied by Edward Bedford. In 1712 the execu- tor of Benjamin Pemberton deeds to Benjamin Davis the house known by the name of the " Three Mariners." In 1723 the house of Elizabeth, widow of Benjamin Davis, known as " Bear Tavern," conveyed to Henry Whitten, Whitten to John Hammock in 1734-35, Ebenezer Miller and wife Elizabeth (Hammock) to William Boyce in 1772, Boyce to William Stackpole in 1795 the house known as the " Bear Tavern." In 1798 it was a wooden house, three stories, fourteen windows, value $5000, and occupied by Peter Eichardson. In the nineteenth century it was known as the " Bite." Three Mariners, at the lower end of State Street. 1719 Thomas Einch licensed. LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. 123 Turkic Cock, see Peacock. Two Palaverers, see Scdutation. Union Flag, Battery March. 1731 William HallowelPs house, known by the name of Union Flag. Possibly not a tavern. Vernon's Head and Admiral Vernon, northeast cor- ner of State Street and Merchants' Kow. The early pos- session of Edward Tyng, who sold to James Everill 1651- 52, and he to John Evered alias Webb in 1657. Webb con- veyed to William Alford in 1664. Peter Butler and wife Mary (Alford) inherit, and deed to James Gooch in 1720. In 1760 John Gooch conveys to Tuthill Hubbard the " Ver- non's Head." In 1798 it was a brick store. In 1745 Richard Smith was licensed, Thomas Hubbard 1764. In 1766 Wil- liam Taunt, who has been at the Admiral Vernon several years, prays for a recommendation for keeping a tavern at the large house lately occupied by Potter and Gregory near by. Sarah Bean licensed 1774, Nicholas Lobdell 1776 and 1786, John Bryant 1790. White Bear, Sig'n of, location not stated. 1757 men- tioned in the Toion Records. White Horse, west side of Washington Street, between West and Boylston streets. Land owned by Elder William Colburne in the Book of Possessions. Moses Paine and wife Elizabeth (Colburne) inherit. Thomas Powell and wife Margaret (Paine) inherit. In 1700 Powell conveys to Thomas Brattle the inn known as the White Horse. Wil- liam Brattle mortgages to John Marshall in 1732, and Marshall deeds to Jonathan Dwight in 1740. William Bowdoin recovers judgment from Dwight and conveys to Joseph Morton in 1765 ; Morton to Perez Morton, 1791. In 1798 it was occupied by Aaron Emmes. A wooden house, two stories, twenty-six windows, value $9000. In 1717 Thomas Chamberlain was licensed, William Cleeres in 1718, 124 LIST OF TAVERNS AND TAVERN OWNERS. Mrs. Moulton 1764, Israel Hatch 1787, Joseph Morton 1789, Aaron Emmes 1798. White Horse, Sign of the, Cambridge Street, near Charles River Bridge. 1789 Moses Bradley (innkeeper). > y 3 ^ "^ Tlie'l'OW'Nof BO.S JON ^Bosto-a: x.K flillltiui \\\.\>om ifiso^ \J7,e C/JiUn-/, K011//.-7/A UVJja,,//, hll Y./UcfKn!,/.,,,./ WBr.ittlfji Iharl, nllnr //,„■//, \:ihf,j;,nl/, K '^rnirl, \.!rh„'irii,„/.- Ho,,/.. t/,(;,a,ru,r.i\l,.n-/ v.ir,it,„nJrJ„u./ . f. //■,;■(,% JW,. ^.U/„o ffoii/f S/,rel.> 4jJ},„At -il-; ///.■•/> Hfiir I 'J iiiKf pecplf . Croat I ii'es; Gen F,r/t .. ■"*:« Small Pox. .fr,in,l le-jff Fir/t ,f4C ri„i,i iO'jr> Second. ,CC.y Fourll, ,e,^ Thurl \'J]l Fifil, lliQO FouM v:,^: SvxU, ,0^, Fifth ,70. .S\ve„lh 170 J J,UfA 1 T Ji £,ffJ,. 1711 iii/t(f hy fr ^s/S^;^:5-i^-^.;-^fe^. ^0^ •*h V* ; Jp-^*. -P^r<« •^OV* ^•S -o . . • A . ;^^'^*x >'4.-i'^-- v^^^^