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Veterinavy Surgeon to his Majesty Geo. IV., and Member of
the Royal College of Surgeons.
A co^rpARISo^^ between the English and French me-
To which are added,
Miss M O. Codman
Ma roil 1014
The Editor of this abridgment, has no
other object in its publication, than to me-
liorate the condition of that very useful
animal, the Horse, by presenting to the
American public Mr. Goodwin's New Sys-
tem of shoeing. Mr. G.'s original work
upon this subject is expensive ; and if re-
published in this country, probably would
not be generally read by those who might
be most benefited by it. It has therefore
been thought advisable to abridge it. In
this abridgment the editor has been care-
ful to select every thing, necessary to give
to the mechanic, a full and practical know-
ledge of Mr. Goodwin's principles and
method of shoeing, and it is believed, that
it contains information, which will com-
pensate any one who feels an interest in
the horse, for a careful and attentive pe-
A circumstance very favourable to the
adoption of this new system of Shoeing, is
that there can be no danger of injury to
the foot, from the change, if the shoe be
properly put on, however long the horse
may have been shod according to the
method usually adopted in this country.
The principal alteration necessary to be
made in the form of the hoof is, at the
toe, which is usually thick, and not very
likely to be injured by any one tolerably
acquainted with the anatomy of the parts.
A bad workman may bring disgrace upon
any system of shoeing, or any other me-
chanical operation, however good it may
be in itself, when properly executed.
The editor of this abridgment does
not take upon himself the responsibility of
recommending Mr. Goodwin's system of
shoeing horses, nor will he feel himself in
any degree implicated in its success. He
presents it to the public, as it is, and the
public will judge and determine whether it
be an improvement upon our present meth-
od of shoeing, or not. If no attempt be made
to improve, certainly no improvement can
be expected. Whatever the opinion of the
reader may be with regard to the particu-
lar method of shoeing recommended by
the author, it is believed that he will find
the work itself to contain much useful
information, relative to the subject on
which it treats ; and it is hoped that its
pubiication, here, will serve a useful pur-
Chap, i Of Contraction 1
Chap, ii Of Thrush 11
Chap, in Of Corns 16
Chap, iv Of Sand Cracks 21
Chap, v Of Pumiced Feet or Convex Soles .... 24
Chap, vi Of Soles Unnaturally Concave 33
Chap. vii....Of Founder 36
( Ihap. viii...On the Nerve Operation 40
Chap, ix Of the French System 50
Chap, x Mr. Goodwin's System 56
Chap. xi..r..On Bar Shoes 69
Chap. xir....On the Patten Shoe 74
Ghap. xiii...On Screw Shoes 77
Chap. xiv...On Fullering 82
Chap. xv....On Punching 84
Chap. xvi...On Frosting 88
Chap. xvii..Of Nails 92
Chap. xviii.On Nailing 97
Chap. xix.. Observations on Blood-Letting 107
Chap, xx A Concise View of the Anatomy of the Foot . 132
Explanation of the Plates I37
As the hoofs of horses are elastic, it is manifest
they must be susceptible of changes. Contraction
is every where to be observed among horses in this
country, and it is a rare occurrence to meet with
feet, that have not partaken more or less of this
prevailing disease.
The state of the foot is observed in a variety of
forms ; sometimes, it is perceived that both heels
are approaching near together, and that the space
appropriated for the frog, and the frog itself, is
diminishing in its diameter ; the frog also becomes
ragged, dwindles away, and has little or no horn ;
the quarters and heels at the same time lose their
shape, and finally, the foot becomes larger round the
coronet than at the base. In some cases it is seen
that one heel is inclined to contract more than the
other, and this happens more frequently with the
inner quarter and heel than with the outer.
In other cases contraction begins at the coronet,
and as the hoofs grow down, there appear many
deep grooves round the foot ; the soles are gene-
rally thick, and the quarters and heels high ; — the
term, high, is rather an improper one, but it origi-
nates in the horse being raised in consequence of
the descent of the heels below the frog.
As the sides or quarters come nearer together,
the foot increases in length at the toe, and frequently
assumes the appearance of a mule's foot. — Con-
tracted hoofs are generally dry and hot, which may
be ascertained by comparing with the hand the heat
of a contracted hoof with the heat of a perfect one.
Let a contracted hoof be immersed in water, and
also another which is not contracted ; it will then be
seen that the contracted foot dries much sooner
than the other.
Horses that have an abundance of horn are more
prone to this disease than those where horn is in a
less proportion ; but it occasionally affects all deno-
minations of hoofs.
On the first appearance of this disease, a horse is
continually changing the position of his feet in the
stable ; thus evincing more or less internal inflam-
mation, and on pressing the soles with pincers he
flinches. He first advances one leg and then the
other, if the disease be in both feet ; but if one only
be affected, it is invariably that which is stretched
When required to work, he sweats much sooner
than a sound horse, he goes near the ground, is
afraid to lift his feet up, appears foot-sore, tender,
and goes very unsafely ; he frequently trips, blun-
ders, and ultimately falls. In this manner the dis-
ease goes on till the horse becomes permanently
If the contraction be in one foot, that soon be-
comes smaller than the other ; and if in both, they
both diminish in size.
It is distressing to witness the action of horses in
this state ; the pain they endure induces them to
throw as much weight on their haunches as they
can in order to reUeve their fore-feet ; they conse-
quently stretch out their fore legs, bend their hocks^
and lower their croups nearer to the ground. When
in the stable they continually lie down, and will
scarcely get up to feed ; in this deplorable state,
and it is lamentable to know that it is frequent, the
animal is doomed to the slaughter-house.
In the early stage of this disease, various attempts
have been made to relieve it, as drawing the soles,
which is a cruel and barbarous operation, and often
has a tendency to aggravate instead of to mitigate
the symptoms ; blistering and firing round the coro-
net, removing the contracted parts, grooving with
a drawing-knife in various directions, and turning
out into marshy places until the hoofs are grown
down again, and a variety of other expedients. In
some instances, when taken up from grass, the feet
appear better, and the horse again returns to work ;
but in most cases this is of short duration, and then,
if in the country, he is sold for a stage-coach, or
for post work ; or if in London he is sent to a
repository, where he is sold for a stage or a hackney
coach, and in this way he lingers out a life of pain.
It is not unfrequently seen, that this disease takes
place at an early age, and produces lameness ; on
the other hand we occasionally observe an old
horse with his feet contracted, and otherwise out of
shape, who is nevertheless very sound, but in the
majority of cases, lameness takes place at the com-
mencement of the disease.
This disease is commonly known by the term
groggy, founder, &,c., and when the hoofs ai'e not
much deformed, it is called chest founder, and it is
generally considered to be seated in the chest.
The hind-feet of horses are not liable to this
disease, or, perhaps, speaking more properly, they
do not sufifer from the effects of it : we occasionally
see the hind-feet of a bad form, but I never yet
saw a horse labour under any permanent lameness
in the hind-feet, similar to what has been described
respecting the fore-feet.
There are several causes which contribute to
bring on contraction ; but there is no one which has
come within my observation that is so clearly manifest
as the mechanical effects of the present modes of
If we consider that the hoofs of horses are elastic
and yielding, and that iron is a solid unyielding body,
we may readily conceive when an elastic body is
bound on, or nailed to an inelastic one, if there be
much action or motion, or much weight to support,
that the yielding body will give way, and conse-
1 *
quently that the horn of the foot must be continually
undergoing a change in its form, which I contend is
occasioned by the shape of the English shoe now in
common use. Having stated that the foot surface
of the shoe is invariably a plane inclining from the
outer to the inner edge, and that the ground surface
is convex, and also that a piece of solid iron of the
form described is nailed on to the hoof, it necessarily
follows, as the horse treads on the shoe which is
convex on the ground surface, that the whole weight
must be supported on an edge, and by the nails and
clinches. Thus the weight of the animal is conti-
nually squeezing the sides of the hoofs together ;
and all the horn, at the quarters and heels behind
the last nails, has no power to prevent the weight
above from pressing them down the inclined plane.
To exemphfy this idea, suppose a horse's foot to
be put into the mouth of an iron box the size of the
foot, and of a conical shape, and that it is pressed
by a heavy weight ; the iron box being of an
unyielding substance, and the hoof elastic, it must,
by degrees, assume the form of a cone. Now this
is precisely the principle of English shoeing, and it
is evident that the base, or bottom of the foot, is
gradually made less and less, and becomes variously
distorted in its form.
Some are of opinion, that if horses were shod by
the worst of smiths, and were not allowed to come
into a stable, but were kept at grass, that their feet
would not contract or undergo any change in form,
but would remain sound. Unless these horses were
kept at regular work on pavements or turnpike
roads, no fair conclusion could be made from such
an experiment ; it is probable, however, that lame-
ness might thus be diminished in the same proportion
as the feet are injured by confinement in the stable ;
but still the animal would be subject to all the bad
effects of an ill-formed shoe.
Another cause of contraction is found in the heat
of stables, and more particularly in the litter being
allowed to remain too long in the stalls. The ordi-
nary custom of stablemen is to remove the wet and
heated part of the litter from the stalls twice a week,
but in many instances only once, which, being soaked
in urine and dung, soon ferments and forms a com-
plete hot-bed. This has a powerful effect on the
hoofs of horses ; and the contrast of a state of nature,
and of a bed so heated, must be very obvious.
There is also another cause which materially
contributes to the production of this disease, which
is the bad mode of pavmg the stalls of stables so
much higher before than behind. When stables j
are constructed, this circumstance is too frequently i
left to the discretion of architects. It must be !
evident, that in stalls paved in this usual manner, J
the weight of the animal is thrown very unequally ;
on the fore legs and feet, with the toes up much \
above the heels ; the horse being compelled to stand '
in this strained position, his weight is irregularly i
distributed, and the bad effects are soon discovered, ;
not only in the tendons and ligaments, but even in |
the feet themselves. i
Much has been said about paring the frogs and
cutting out the bars of the hoof, as having a power-
ful eflfect in producing contraction, and strong injunc-
tions have been given, that they should not be touch- I
ed by any instrument. It has not, however, come !
within my observation, that if the frogs and bars are
pared with discretion, that any tendency to produce '
con'raction is occasioned by it ; on the contrary, I |
cons.der it to be necessary.
Contraction appears to me, in some instances, to
be a cause of inflammation, and in others to be an I
effect. In the first instance this is demonstrated by a |
manifest alteration in the form of the foot previous j
to lameness ; in the latter instance, lameness pre-
cedes, for some time, any change in the form or ap-
pearance in the hoof
Another cause of contraction may be added,
which is the great concussion the feet receive when
going fast over pavement or gravelled roads ; this
inclines them to inflammation ; and contraction, in
these cases, must be one of the consequences.
Contracted feet, when dissected, exhibit a variety
of diseased appearances: in some instances conside-
rable ossifications and anchylosis of the joints ; and
in others, the bones within the hoofs have lost their
solidity, and have become spongy from the absorp-
tion occasioned by the great pressure from the con-
tracted horn.
I have before observed, that various expedients
have been resorted to for the relief of contraction
and its effects ; but I consider it of much greater mo-
ment to suggest a method of shoemg calculated to
counteract so prevailing and so destructive a disease ;
and I trust I shall not be considered too sanguine in
conceiving, that after a long perseverance I have
arrived at something like such a result.
With regard to the treatment of this disease, on
the first appearance of contraction, bleeding both
generally and locally to counteract inflammation
ought to be employed, and the veins which ramify
over the cartilages of the coffin-bone will afford a
plentiful local evacuation ; purging, spare feeding,
the abstraction of heat by the application of mois-
ture, and the plan of shoeing subsequently recom-
mended, appear to me calculated in some instances
to cure this disease, and in most cases to relieve and
to mitigate the symptoms.
Note. — Sorre smiths are in the habit of opening the heels,
in cases of contraction, by notching the bars and crust. This is a
jockey's trick. It gives to the foot an open appearance, ap-
proaching towards a natural form, but the effect is merely
temporary. As soon as the horn grows down, the hoof will
assume its contracted shape. — Americas Editor.
I HE Thrush, a very common disease, makes
its appearance in the cleft or centre of the frog.
A sound frog is full of horn, and is firmly unit-
ed in all its parts; but on the appearance of a
thrush it is separated in the cleft, making a com-
plete division of the horn, and penetrating through
its whole substance to the sensible frog (which
is the seat of this disease), where its depth
is terminated. Inflammation and suppuration take
place in the sensible frog, and a discharge of foetid
matter, more or less, according to the state of the
disease, issues through the division of the horn in
the frog. This division often extends as far back as
the hair of the heels, but seldom further forwards
than the cleft of the frog.
The thrush is found in all horses : sometimes in
one foot only, on other occasions in both fore feet ;
though the disease is more frequent in the hind than
in the fore feet. If it be allowed to continue long,
the frog begins to diminish in size ; it grows ragged
and uneven on its surface ; it loses the tough and
elastic property of the sound frog, and becomes dry,
hard, and brittle ; eventually little or no horn is pro-
duced, and the whole frog is a mass of filth and dis-
ease. As the disease advances, the heels and quar-
ters close in nearer and nearer together, and the
space which nature appropriated for the frog be-
comes nearly obliterated.
Thrushes appear principally to arise from two
causes, viz. the effects of the present mode of shoe-
ing, or continued exposure to moisture.
In some cases a thrush produces lameness, but
most frequently it is unaccompanied by it. This
circumstance has produced a great variety of opi-
nions as to the soundness of horses in this disease ;
and it has long been disputed, whether the horse is
to be considered sound or unsound. There are
certainly a great number of horses with thrushes.
where the hoofs have not undergone any material
change in their form, that 1 should not hesitate to
pronounce sound ; but if a thrush be accompanied
by a change in the form of the foot, I should pro-
nounce the horse to be unsound.
Any plan of shoeing which is calculated to bring
on contraction, is the most likely to cause thrushes.
It has been insisted upon by modern authors, that a
principal cause of thrush is the constant practice that
smiths adopt of paring the frogs previously to shoe-
ing. This, like most things carried to an extreme,
is, no doubt, injurious ; but if it be done with judg-
ment and discretion, I consider it a necessary and
useful practice. For as the foot is continually grow-
ing, the exterior parts, in time, become dead, and
separate from the horn growing underneath ; if,
therefore, these exuberant and extraneous parts be
not occasionally removed, a collection of dirt and
filth is found between the growing and the dead
horn, which, if suffered to continue, frequently ter-
minates in a thrush. But if these extraneous parts
are removed with judgment, I have always found
that the practice is beneficial.
There is one unerring criterion for the smith's di-
rection in the performance of this operation. When
the dead horn is removed from the frog, he will ia-
variably find a whitish, mealy, and crumbly appear- •
ance, where the growing horn separates from that
which is dead ; all, therefore, that the smith has to
attend to is to pass through this crumbly or mealy
appearance, and to show the face of the growing
horn ; biit on no occasion to remove it.
The cleft of frogs, or the seat of thrushes requires
this attention perhaps more than any other part of
it : the operation cannot be effected with any accu-
racy with the smith's sole-knife ; it requires a small-
er one, with a larger turn, which is better adapted
to clear out the cleft and the sides of the frog. .
If there is much discharge, a few dressings in the
cleft with a little ^gyptiacum, or tincture of myrrh,
and a small proportion of vitriolic acid will be use-
ful. Afterwards a piece of tow saturated with a
dressing of equal quantities of tar and hog's lard may
be put into the cleft daily.
When horses have been long at grass, or kept in
wet places without due attention to their feet, thrush-
es are often the consequence. In these cases it will
be necessary to remove all the ragged parts of the
frog, and to apply the dressing before mentioned,
which in most instances will succeed. In all cases
great attention to cleanliness is necessary.
The cause of thrushes, in the hind-feet of horses
which are kept in stables, is the continued appUca-
tion of moisture from dung and urine.
It is a general observation, that it is hazardous to
stop a thrush ; for by so doing it will affect the eyes.
If the disease has existed long, it may be advisable
to bleed and physic, as a continued drain from any
source requires some precaution when stopped.
Neglected thrushes sometimes terminate in can-
ker ; but that is a disease which I do not consider as
strictly connected with those which are occasioned
by the present system of shoeing.
i^oRNs are a very frequent disease, and common to
all horses ; but those accustomed to slow work are
less liable to it than any other class. The hind-feet
are not subjects to this disease, though on some oc-
casions, a very trifling appearance of a corn shows
itself in them ; but cases of this kind are very rare,
and I have never seen the bad effects produced by
corns in the hind-feet, which usually attend that
disease in the fore-feet.
Corns generally appear in the inner heels of the
fore-feet, at the angle between the bars and the
crust ; and they seldom occur on the outside heels.
On removing- the superfluous horn, corns show
themselves by a reddish appearance of the horn in
the part before named, and if a little more horn be
taken away, they will be seen more distinctly, re-
sembling a part bruised and full of blood, which has
made its way into the pores of the horn. This ap-
pearance sometimes predominates in the direction
of the bars, and sometimes between the crust and
the sole, taking the direction of the laminae.
Corns, like thrashes, are not always accompanied
by lameness, though that is a very frequent and
troublesome consequence of them.
It is alsp in this disease a disputed point, whether
a horse is to be considered sound or unsound. Corns
frequently appear at a very early age, and in some
instances before the animal has been shod ; if, there-
fore, every horse was deemed unsound that has an
appearance of a corn, there would be very few that
could be called sound. I consider this in a similar
light to thrushes ; if there be only the appearance of
a corn, without any material change in the form of
the hoof, or previous lameness, 1 should not hesitate
to pronounce him to be sound ; but on the contrary,
if there be a difference in the form of the foot, and
if he expresses soreness when pressed by a pair of
pincers, I should then consider him to be unsound.
It may be opposed to this, that when a disease has
shown itself, the horse is no longer to be considered
sound ; but I think a necessary distinction may be
made where there is only a trifling' appearance of
disease, without any ill effects, and when this appear-
ance often gradually disappears.
When lameness proceeds from corns, it on some
occasions comes on suddenly, but generally by de-
grees. When a horse is lame, and there is no rea-
son to suspect it to be in any part above the foot, on
the shoe being removed, it is often found to be occa-
sioned by corns, and this the drawing knife and pin-
cers soon ascertain.
Corns appear to be the effect produced either by
the shoe, or by the horn taking a wrong direction in
its growth. The consequence in both cases is the
same ; but the proportion of those which arise from
the former cause, are infinitely more numerous than
the latter, viz. an increased pressure from the shoe
on the internal sensible heel, which causes an ex-
travasation of blood into the pores of the horn ; and
if the pressure is continued, and there is more blood
extravasated than can be readily taken into the cir-
culation again by the absorbent vessels, inflammation
and suppuration generally succeed.
In some instances where corns have not been
suspected to exist, and the horse has been lame for
some time, it is found that matter has formed under
the horn, pervading' the sole and frog. Ths matter
often makes its way up the laminae, and ultimately
breaks out between the hair and hoof, and termi-
nates in an unhealthy sinus, or in what is termed
a quittor.
It has been contended, that the only cause of corns,
is from the heel of the shoe lying in close contact
with that part of the sole which is between the bar
and the crust ; and that if a necessary portion of
horn was removed at every shoeing, no such effect
could occur; but, however cautiously this operation
may be performed, if the shoe itself is of such a
form as may produce a morbid change in the form of
the hoof, it will be found that corns, with all their
troublesome consequences, will continually take
place. And I have no doubt, if a plan of shoeing can
be suggested which is calculated not to bring on this
disease, that it will be considered of far greater im-
portance than any remedy which may be suggested
for its cure.
To remove any urgent symptoms, if-the horse is
very lame, most likely suppuration will have taken
place, and it will be proper to pare the horn as
closely as the sensible parts will allow, that the mat-
ter may escape. Fomentations and poultices will be
necessary, with bleeding and physic, and a spare
diet ; and as the inflammation abates, and the new
horn grows up, any simple dressing may be applied.
It is sometimes a practice on the appearance of a
corn, to apply caustic applications, and even the
actual cautery ; but it is obvious, that such a mode
can only tend to aggravate instead of to alleviate
the symptoms. If it has been necessary to remove
much horn, the animal should be at rest, either in a
loose place, or be turned out to grass, till the horn
be regenerated. But, on some occasions, where
horses are required to work before the new horn is .
grown down again, bar shoes will be of great use.
There are a number of cases where the inflamma-
tion does not terminate in suppuration, and where it
has not been requisite to remove much of the crust :
these symptoms are in general removeable by the
ordinary treatment of inflammation, both general and
In all cases of lameness rest in a loose place is
X HE Sand Crack is a longitudinal slit, or division of
the fibres of the crust, which commences at the coro-
net, and extends more or less down the foot in the
direction of the fibres, according to the previous
state of the hoof; on its first appearance, it is seldom
lower than the middle of the foot, and it is gen-
erally accompanied by a trifling discharge of blood,
which may be perceived oozing through the crack.
The inside quarters of the fore-feet are most fre-
quently the seat of this disease : it is seldom found on
the outside quarters, and is rarely to be met with in
the hind-feet.
All horses are liable to this disease, though some
are more so than others. Those of the heavy
kind, employed in slow work, are least liable ; and
the same reasons will apply here, as in contraction ;
for as this class of horses is generally used in slow
draught, the heels are but little used ; neither are
they subject to a high temperature in the stable,
nor accustomed to stand on hot litter.
This disease also is not always, though it is fre-
quently, attended by lameness.
The cause generally arises from an improper
method of shoeing ; for that mode, which alters the
natural form of the hoof, combined with the absence
of moisture and the heat of the stable and litter, by
destroying the tough elastic property of the hoof,
renders it consequently more liable to this disease.
But it sometimes occurs among those that are nev-
er shod ; for I have observed it among brood-mares
without shoes ; with them it generally happens in dry
summer months.
If this disease be not radically removed, the horn
will not re-unite ; but will continue to grow down
with the split still existing. The part separated is
called a false quarter.
To effect a cure it will be necessary to cauterize
the hoof at the coronet with a common firing iron,
in a transverse direction, makin": a hne across the
crack of two inches in length, about an inch below the
termination of the skin, the edge of the iron should
pass through the horn to the sensible parts, and the
surface of the coronary ring should be lightly cau-
terized with the flat side of the iron, to cause in-
flammation. The iron should also be applied at the
lower end of the crack to prevent it extending fur-
ther down.
A bar shoe should be employed, that the quarter
and heel may not come in contact with the shoe, and
to leave the diseased parts at rest.
This operation will of course produce considerable
inflammation ; the usual remedies of bleeding, physic,
fomentations, poultices and a spare diet will then
be necessary. When the inflammation is abated, the
new horn, connected in its fibres, will be seen grow-
ing from the coronet, and the hoof will gradually be-
come sound ; a run at grass, or a loose place, will be
beneficial until the new horn is completely grown ;
and when the horse is again shod for work, a differ-
ent plan of shoeing, and keeping the foot cool and
moist, are remedies which will naturally suggest
themselves to prevent a recurrence of the disease.
[plate II. FIG. III.]
A PUMICED foot is that in which the sole descends
below the crust ; if the horse stands without shoes,
the sole is the part which will come in contact with
the ground instead of the crust.
This disease is invariably accompanied with a de-
formity of the crust in the front of the foot ; it loses
the full and prominent appearance observable in a
sound hoof, becomes hollow and wrinkled, and turns
up at the toe. It is a very common disease, and all
horses are liable to it; but it prevails principally
among those which have flat, circular, broad feet.
or PUMICED FEET, fee. 25
There are, however, cases of this disease in feet,
where there is an abundance of horn.
As the disease goes oa, the soia sinks lower and
lower, the wrinkled hollow appearance in the front
increases, and the toe curls more op, till at last the
whole hoof becomes completely d.storted.
This disease, like some others, is not always ac-
companied by lameness. Horses with (his sort of
feet, when in action throw the greater part of their
weight on the heels, consequently they seldom or
ever trip, but are continually dropping and blunder-
The principal cause of this disease is a defective
production of horn in the sole, crust, and laminae ;
the frog and heels, generally are much stronger than
the other parts ; it rarely occurs until the horse has
been shod some time, and I think it is much accele-
rated by the mode of shoeing now in practice.*
In horses where the secretion of horn is insuffi-
cient to meet all the purposes required, (and my ob-
servations lead me to estimate their number at about
one half,) it is found, even at an early age, after
* Mr. G. alludes here to a mode of shoeing, similar to the
one now practiced in this part of the United States. — A, Ed.
having been shod a few times only ; for as the crust
and laminae are thin and weak, they are unf^qual to
support the weight, which nature intended stiould,
from the peculiar structure of the horny and sensi-
ble laminae, be chiefly borne by them. This does
not wholly arise from a defect of nature, for nature
did not intend that the animal should be shod, kept
in hot stables, or go a great pace upon hard roads.
As the disease increases, the coffin bone and the in-
ternal contents of the hoof, sink and bear down upon
the horny sole, which, being also thin and weak,
gives way, soon losing its concave appearance, and
becomes convex. It is not unfrequent also, to ob-
serve a considerable separation between the sole
and the crust, which in some cases extends upward,
towards the coronet ; the heels also take an oblique,
shelving direction forward.
When a horse is in a state of nature, and on a
yielding soil, the crust penetrates the earth, and a
considerable portion of weight is consequently borne
on tho frog and sole, which shows that the crust and
laminae in this state have not so much to support as
when the animal is shod. There is consequently,
when shod, a double task imposed upon the crust
and laminae ; when this is considered, together with
the weak state of the horn, we are not much at a
loss to account for the numerous feet we observe
unequal to support the animal, and the deplorable
effects arising from such a state of disease.
In the early stage, the crust which is in contact
with the shoe is unequal to support the weight of
the animal, it gives way, bends, and generally curls
inwards at the quarters and heels, and not unfre-
quently rests on the sole, thereby causing lameness.
When the feet are not properly pared, but are
allowed to spread (which they are generally dispos-
ed to do,) they become large, broad and flat at the
bottom ; and unwieldy and clumsy when in action.
Horses of this description, if going over pave-
ment, may generally be distinguished by the hollow
clattering noise produced by the broad heavy shoes
they generally wear.
1 cannot omit this opportunity to mention the ab-
surd instructions which on many occasions I have
heard given to smiths, not to remove a particle of
horn from the foot, because, it is said, nature
never made any thing in vain. Those who give
these orders must forget, that as the foot is covered
with iron, and is continually growing, that no horn
is removed, except by the smith, and that if it
were allowed to remain, it would soon grow into a
variety of distorted forms.
Another cause, which sometimes produces this
disease, and sometimes occurs in the hind feet also,
is '• fever in the feet." This is by no means so com-
mon a cause as those before described, but it is not
an un frequent one.
Wiien the disease takes place from this cause, it
produces ihe most distressing effects, and in some
instances it proceeds till the hoofs separate from the
sensible parts and come off. On inspection after
death, ttie horny and sensible laminae, the coffin
bone, and all the contiguous parts are found to be
in a high stafe of disease.
To relijvt- pnrniced feet, the first thing necessa-'
ry, 'f it proceeds from a weak, feeble state of the
horn, IS to assist the crust and laminae in supporting
the superincumbent weight by taking off the shoes
and allowing the sole and frog to come in contact
with the ground ; thus in a great measure the
weight will be taken off the crust and laminae, and
they will be in a comparative state of rest. All the
superfluous horn should be removed, and if the case
be severe, it is probable that the foot will be too
sore and tender at first for the animal to stand on »
hard flat surface without shoes ; he should therefore
have a plentiful litter of straw in a loose place, and
the whole surface of the foot should be rubbed daily
with tar and lard ointment.
If this plan of treatment be adopted, it will soon
be observed that the prominent parts lessen in con-
vexity, and an increased growth of horn at the coro-
net takes place. The crust and sole should be kept
pared, so as to allow the foot to bear on the convex
parts, thereby easing the laminae; and crust, and
affording them sufficient rest to regain their usual
As the bottom of the foot approaches to flatness,
the horse will be able by degrees to bear the stand-
ing on a hard level surface several hours in the day.
But as a level hard surface is not always to be ob-
tained, a pair of foot boots will be very useful, and
they can be used with very great advantage, as the
bottom surface of the boot can be easily regulated.
In the first instance, a piece of tow saturated in tar
and lard ointment may be put into the bottom of the
boot, which should be repeated daily, reducing by
degrees the quantity of tow till a hard level surface
is finally obtained, which is most congenial to the
feet when they are able to bear it.
The crust should be rasped down level with the
sole, and the toes shortened every fortnight. Pro-
ceeding in this way, a tolerable foot may be obtain-
ed in time.
When horses are not worth much expense, the
best course to be pursued is to turn them out for a
few months, observing the directions to rasp the
crust and shorten the toes.
If the disease is not too far advanced, the convex-
ity may sometimes be entirely subdued, and the sole
will even assume the natural concave form, though
in most cases it inclines to flatness ; nevertheless,
horses of this description, if properly shod, will
work well and be effective. They in common re-
quire to be shod with a bar shoe, in consequence of •
the crust, irom its weakness, bending and curling in
different directions. If it curl inward it will gene-
rally press upon the sole, and if it bend outward, it
is liable to break, and leave a breach in the crust.
With a bar shoe, the weight of the animal is borne
more equally on the whole surface of the foot, and
the bottom of it is also greatly defended.
There are many instances where horses have
done their work well for years with bar shoes, and
on trying if they would work in plain shoes, the re-
sult has invariably terminated in re-applying the bar
shoes ; much, however, depends on the manner in
which bar shoes are put on, and I refer the reader to
the chapter on that subject.
As many horses are compelled to work when this
disease has made considerable progress, a broad
heavy hollow shoe is applied, and some smiths, who
perhaps work better than others, put on what they
term a boxed shoe, which has a bar, and on the foot
side a seat place for the crust to rest on ; on the
ground surface the nail holes are set down below
the raised or hollow part of the shoe ; by this means
the convex sole is covered and protected from
blows, or the pressure of stones and gravel, &c. and
if horses are shod when in this state, this is certainly
the best plan ; but when the soles become so con-
vex as to require expedients of this kind, a still bet-
ter mode is to put the horse out of work for a time,
and to employ the treatment here recommended, till
he is able to wear flat shoes.
The application of a very narrow and thick shoe,
for feet of this description, has been recommended
by Mr. White of Exeter j but I think few persons
would venture to ride a horse with thin soles, if shod
in this way, on a road exposed to flints and stones ;
perhaps over pavement a horse with such a shoe
might go better, make less noise, and be more secure
on his legs, as he would not be so liable to slip or
slide as he would be with the large flat shoe.
As the perfect hoof has a concave sole, I here re-
fer only to those cases where the concavity is such
as to be considered a disease. Instances of this kind
are by no means so numerous as those where the
feet are too convex, at the same time it is not an
unfrequent disease.
It may readily be conceived that this disease will
prevail among those horses which have an abundance
of thick, strong, and firm horn. It never occurs in
the hind feet.
In contracted feet the soles generally become too
concave as the contraction increases, but that degree
of concavity belongs particularly to cases of contra*-
tion, and is quite a distinct disease from that which I
am about to describe.
It occurs in those feet, where, if a person had no
previous knowledge of the animal being lame, he
would think it, on a casual view, a perfect, strong,
and firm foot ; but on knowing the animal to be
lame, and observing no external cause, on a closer
inspection, and by paring the foot, the cause of the
lameness will soon be perceived to arise from an in-
creased concavity of the sole, which will be found to
be two or three times the thickness of an ordinary
sole, and when thinned to a moderate degree, the
bottom of the foot assumes the appearance of a hol-
low conical dish.
It not unfrequently occurs at an early age, as I
have seen many instances of it at four years old ;
and it most generally occurs in hoofs of a circu-
lar form.
The symptoms of lameness in this disease very
much resemble those of contraction ; and the same
expedients for the cure of it have often been re-
sorted to, with no better success. This is also
called groggy founder, &c. The immediate cause
of lameness arises from the horny sole losing its
elasticity, and pressing the sensible sole against the
coffin bone ; so that the highly sensible sole be-
comes pinched and squeezed between two hard bo-
dies, which produces great inflammation and pain
every time the horse sets the foot to the ground.
The predisposing causes are a superabundant pro-
duction of horn, and the too prevailing stable-prac-
tice of standing on hot litter in an ill paved stall
without any stopping. Thus the horn becomes dry,
hard, and unyielding ; and if an animal with this de-
scription of foot belongs to a gentleman, who directs
his smith not to remove any horn, the disease will
rapidly increase.
The most likely means to obtain relief are the
expedients used in inflammation, keeping the feet
cool and moist; and that these remedies may have a
better effect, the soles should be pared very thia
once a fortnight, and such shoes applied as are most
likely to keep the foot expanded. When the dis-
ease has not existed too long, 1 have seen many
cases cured altogether, but it is a troublesome dis-
ease to contend with, and the horses generally be-
come fit only for slow draught.
If the causes which have been named, were avoid-
ed when young horses first come into stables, I
am quite satisfied that the disease would rarely
r ouNDER is a term often made use of to express
different diseases of the foot, and is generally ap-
plied in those cases where the cause is not very evi-
dent. But there is one disease which more particu-
larly comes under this denomination than any hith-
erto described.
When a horse has been lame for some time with-
out any apparent cause, this disease is then generally
supposed to exist. It prevails among all horses, and
never occurs in the hind-feet.
I cannot give a better illustration of it than by re-
lating the following case, which occurred in a very
celebrated hunter. When I saw the horse, he had
then been lame two or three years, and it had been
supposed that he was merely tender or sore from
some slight inflammation ; but in spite of all the re-
medies that were adopted, the disease increased pro-
gressively until he became excessively lame, exhibit-
ing all the distressing symptoms observed in severe
cases of contraction. Various opinions had been
formed as to the seat of the disease ; as almost
every part of the fore-legs, shoulders, and feet, bore
the marks of a variety of operations which had
been performed ; firing, blistering, rowelling, &c.
After having minutely examined into the nature of
the case, my opinion led me to state that there was
no prospect of relief, and that, notwithstanding the
hoofs had every appearance of perfection, the cause
of lameness would be discovered, on dissection, to
exist in the foot.
The gentleman, to whom the horse belonged, im-
mediately directed that he might be destroyed, and
after death sent me the feet for dissection, l here
was no reason whatever to believe, that any change
of the form or structure of the horn was the cause of
the lameness ; but on prosecuting the dissection, I
found that a considerable degree of ossification had
taken place in the large flexor tendon, which passes
over the navicular bone ; adhesions also between the
bone and the tendon ; the articular cartilages very
much ulcerated, and that the body of the bone had
become carious. The disease in both feet was very
nearly similar.
As this disease occurs in feet where no change of
form has taken place to warrant any idea of its aris-
ing from such a cause, it can only be attributed to
the violent concussions which the feet are subject
to when in strong action, together with the heat of
stables and standing on hot litter. These in the
first instance produce inflammation, and as the
animal is still exposed to the same causes, the in-
flammation goes on, and sometimes terminates in a
complete anchylosis of the joints of the foot ; if the
inflammation be not soon arrested, its effects are
generally such as to render the animal almost use-
If this disease be suspected to exist, the animal
should be kept in a perfect state of rest, by turning
him into a loose place, taking his shoes off. Bleed-
ing, both general and local, purging, and keeping
the feet in water-boots, thinning the soles frequent-
ly, are remedies hkely to subdue the inflammation.
It is very manifest, that any plan of shoeing which
is calculated to counteract the effect of concussion
must be desirable ; and I am quite satisfied from much
experience, that the plan hereafter explained pos-
sesses this property in a great degree.
It may not be unworthy of remark, that much
credit has been given to Mr. Turner, of Croydon,
for having discovered the seat of this disease, which
has been called the ' Navicular disease.' Though
the case here mentioned was dissected before Mr.
Turner became a pupil at the Veterinary College,
much merit, nevertheless, is due to him for his assi-
duity and attention to this disease, and for having
pointed it out as the general cause of this kind of
lameness ; for although it might have been previous-
ly known to exist in particular cases, it was not un-
derstood to be the general cause before Mr. Turner
investigated the subject.
aIavixg treated on some of the most important
diseases of the feet of horses, which arise from the
various modes of shoeing now in use, as well as
from other causes, and having also pointed out the
most reasonable means of averting those diseases,
as well as for their rcUef, I shall hereafter describe
the different plans of shoeing which have produced
them. But as I have, in the preceding part of this
Avork, shown that there are numerous cases of
lameness where no rational hope can be entertained
of obtaining relief from any method of treatment
hitherto known or adopted, in this or any other
country, and a remedy having been discovered for
the relief of cases of this kind, it may, I think,
fairly be considered as an era in the Veterinary Art.
In cases of lameness, hitherto considered as admitting
of no relief, viz. all those permanent diseases of the
feet, which have been so frequently advei'ted to, it
has been proposed by Mr. Sewel of the Veterinary
College, to divide, or rather to amputate a part of
the nerves which go to the foot. This operation is,
on some occasions, performed below the fetlock
joint on both sides, and on other occasions above the
joint. The success, that has attended this novel
and great discovery, most decidedly claims, not only
the praise of every professional man, but of the
public at large.
After a number of successful cases resulting from
this operation, there were persons that attempted to
take away the merit of the discovery from Mr.
Sewel, by stating that Mr. Moorcroft had performed
the operation twenty years ago. Admitting that as
fact, what does it shew ? That no beneficial result
originated from Mr. Moorcroft's attempt ; for if there
had, we should have heard of it either from him or
his successor. It therefore appears, that if Mr.
Sewel had not shown its utility, we should never
4 *
have heard of Mr. Moorcroft having
I have also heard Professor Colemai
performed the operation more than U
back ; but when he said so, he by no means ii. . ..
to lessen the credit due to Mr. Sewel ; on the
contrary, he imputed blame to himself for not
persevering in it. I have heard there are other
persons veho have attempted to insinuate a sort of
claim as being the suggestors of this operation.
They are, however, in my opinion, all without
any foundation in truth. I have considered it neces-
sary to make these remarks to oppose any insidious
attempts to rob Mr. Sewel of the fame he has so
justly acquired. Some evils certainly attend the
performance of this operation ; but 1 look at them as
I should on the explosion of a powder-mill, a steam-
engine, a gas apparatus, or any serious evil which
may occasionally attend any useful and important
invention ; and however such accidents may be
lamented, powder and gas will be made, and steam
applied as a mechanical power.
The fair way of balancing the account is, to put
the evils in one scale and the advantages in the
other, when it will appear which preponderates ;
and as far as my observation goes, and from all the
u.f< "mation I have, it is greatly in favour of the
hotter. The evils I allude to are the loss of hoofs,
consequently a loss of the animal. Two cases which
occurred at the Royal stud may serve to illustrate
others : a mare seven years lame, and another five,
were operated on for experiment. They both
became sound ; but about nine months after the
operation, there appeared in one case a trifling
separation between the horny and sensible sole at
the toe. This increased daily, notwithstanding all
my endeavours to subdue inflammation ; it then
extended to the coronet, and at this time there was
considerable inflammation and swelling of the leg :
the separation increased round the coronet, and in a
short time there was a separation between the horny
and sensible laminae. 1 should have rather said
insensible laminae, as there was not the least sensa-
tion in the foot at this time. In this state the
coffin-bone was let through the hoof, and was frac-
tured in many pieces. The other case was very
similar to this, and 1 have heard of other cases,
where the animals, as it were, walked or stepped
out of their hoofs. The progress and result of these
cases are very distressing ; but on any future occa-
sion, and where a similar fate appears inevitablcj
the slaughter-house is the only humane course for
adoption. 1 have heard of many similar cases in
different parts of the country ; but, on the other
hand, I see many tine and valuable horses at work,
that were of no use to the owner before the
operation, and have continued at severe work now
two years without any return of lameness ; and I
see no reason why they may not be as effective as
they now are many years to come. It therefore
becomes a question with the owners of lame horses,
where no other remedy offers to be of any advan-
tage, whether they will work them lame, sell them
for little or nothing, or risk the chances of the nerve
operation. A determination of these alternatives
will much depend on the kind of work a horse
under these circumstances may be required to per-
form. If a lameness is not severe, a horse may do
slow draught without having recourse to the opera-
tion ; but, on the other hand, if a horse is required
for quick draught or for riding, I conceive there are
few persons that would not risk the chances of the
operation. With stallions and brood-mares there
can be no necessity to risk it, except in extreme
cases of lameness. The two instances mentioned of
failure in brood-mares that had been some years
previously lame, but on becoming sound again never
performed any sort of work, proves the experiment
to have been made under every favourable circum-
stance : it however shows, that success much depends
on the state of the feet previous to the operation.
In lameness of very long standing, where a change
of structure has taken place to any considerable
extent, and more particularly on the state of the
joints within the foot, if the disease does not amount
to a destruction of a joint, but a secretion of the
synovia or joint oil has been stopped, and the carti-
laginous covering of the ends of the bones are in a
state of erosion, the animal is enabled, by the loss of
sensation in the foot, to bear a greater degree of
weight on these parts than they have been for a
long time accustomed to ; by which means are
brought on all the distressing symptoms previously
described. It therefore appears that the chance of
success depends much on the length of time the
disease may have existed previously to the operation.
With horses with thin flat feet and weak laminae,
the operation is not so likely to succeed as with
those where horn abounds. The structure of the
horse's foot is particularly favourable to the success
of this operation, as there are no muscles within the
Jiorny box ; therefore as the powers which put the
foot in motion are situated at a distance, a division of
the nerve going to the foot has no effect in paralyz-
ing any parts which are necessary to its motion ;
which might have been the case had it been other-
wise constructed. It has been imagined, that the
foot, after this operation, would become a mere
block, and that the animal would be rendered dan-
gerous to ride or to drive. On making close obser-
vations on this point, I am glad to find that it exists
only in the imagination, as horses that we have now
at work, who have undergone the operation nearly
two years, are considered quite as effective, in
every respect, as those which have not required it.
It has also been stated, that the hoof and foot waste
after the operation ; but 1 am glad to know that this
observation is imaginary also. 1 have observed in
hoofs where the operation has been performed, a
more plentiful production of horn than before, and a
greater disposition to grow in the natural form ;
and I think this is a consequence to be expected, as
the irritable state of the foot being destroyed by the
division of the nerve, the secretion is more likely to
go on freely. When the operation has been per-
formed before any considerable change of structure
has taken place, I have no doubt that the original
cause is in time removed altogether, by the animal
being enabled to bear the full proportion of weight
on the lame foot ; as 1 have shown, that if the foot,
from any cause, is long kept in a state of relaxation,
the horn soon contracts, and tightens on the internal
contents, and hence arises the utility of the patten
shoe being applied on the sound foot in cases of
I consider the nerve operation an important dis-
covery, and I have no doubt that it will stand the
test of ages. Some veterinarians exclaim against it,
who nevertheless continually perform it, and assign
as a reason, that they operate because it appears to
be the only remaining resource ; and that if they
declined, others would not. Others condemn it as
barbarous and cruel, and call it -earing out the nerve.
I rather suspect that this disapprobation originates in
the circumstance of the discovery not having been
made by those who thus oppose it. Opinions of this
kind from persons long in the profession may,
perhaps, conceal the usefulness of this operation
among their individual friends, but the important
benefit it has already produced is, I trust, too great
to be overlooked by the public. The term tearing
is also inappropriate, as in the operation, which is
momentary, the nerve is divided with a knife.
It is useful to know that where the nervous
influence has been restored, and lameness in some
cases has returned, a repetition of the operation has
been attended with the same advantages as in the
first instance.
The operation itself is very simple. Having- first
ascertained the course of the artery by the pulsation,
an incision is made through the skin, about an inch
and a half or two inches in length ; and on removing
the cellular substance, the artery, vein, and nerve
are all shown running together, the nerve on the
inside of the artery and close to it. A needle may
be readily passed under it, leaving a thread, which,
on pulling a little, enables the operator to separate
the nerve from the artery with ease, and to take
out as much as is considered necessary ; after
which, the skin should be closed with a stitch,
which sometimes heals by the first intention ; after
which bleeding and physic are useful.
Since writing the preceding remarks on this
useful operation, the subject of one of the cases I
have alluded to as having worked sound nearly two
years, has received a deep wound through the
point of the frog, in that foot which had been ope-
rated on above the fetlock joint. Considerable
inflammation came on, and the horse became very
lame ; however, through the means usually adopted
to subdue inflammation, he became sound again in a
few days. This at once establishes the fact of
sensation being again restored ; and I have no doubt
that this is one of those cases where the original
cause of lameness has been removed by the opera-
tion, and that now he is no longer liable to those
disastrous consequences, which on some occasions
attend the performance of this operation. When it
is performed below the fetlock joint, there is less
chance of the part operated on being struck by the
opposite leg, and sensation is more likely to be
restored sooner than when performed above, in
consequence of there remaining a small branch of
the nerve which goes undivided to the front of the
foot ; but in laying the nerve bare in this situation
there is more to cut through, which produces great
inflammation and much swelling, and is often long in
heaUng ; but if the operation is performed above the
fetlock, the inflammation and swelling is trifling in
comparison, when performed below the joint. I
therefore, on the whole, prefer to operate above the
J. HE French shoe is perhaps rather wider than the
common English shoe ; it is convex on the ground
side, and concave on the foot side, and equally thick
throughout. It has eight nail holes at equal distances
round the anterior part of the shoe ; but the last
bole on the inside quarter is generally at a greater
distance from the end of the shoe than the one on
the outer quarter ; the holes are punched with a
square countersunk head, deep into the shoe, and
at some distance from the outer rim, and they are
made obliquely, to give the point of the nail «
direction outward.
On the foot side of the shoe there is a much
greater space between the nail-holes and the outer
edge than in the English shoe ; and instead of the
shoe being straight from the toe to the heel, it is
considerably curved at the toe, which is called by
the French veterinarians " the adjusting balance.^''
It has been objected by some persons, that this
shape is unnatural, because it does not correspond
with the form of a foal's foot ; but this opinion,
I think, does not in any way prove it to be so,
because the coronet at that age is considerably
wider than the base of the foot ; hence, if such a
notion was correct, we might expect to see the base
smaller than the coronet at five years old, when the
foot is full grown.
The advantage of the French method of nailing
on the shoes, is so very superior to the English, and
the form of the shoe is so admirable, that I cannot
conceive, situated as we are so near to that country,
how so superior a system has not long before this
period been attempted among us, for we certainly
have not seen any plan of shoeing, which possesses
so decided a superiority.
The advantage of the manner in which the French
aail on the shoes will be noticed in the chapter upon
nailing. I shall, therefore, here mention only the
benefits of the shape of the shoe.
In the work of Monsieur Jauze lately published
on shoeing, the advantages of the French form are
pointed out, and contrasted with the English. His
remarks upon the consequences likely to follow the
tise of the common English shoe are certainly sub-
stantiated by the deplorable state of our horses' feet.
If we refer to the action of the fore-leg, it will
tend to explain some of the advantages of the curved
When a horse is about to move, the first indication
of motion in the fore-leg is a bend at the knee,
which necessarily raises the heels, and they become
more and more elevated, till the toe (which is the
last part that leaves the ground) is lifted for the
moment that the foot is suspended. The base of
the toot, just at its leaving the ground, is almost
perpendicular when the knee is bent to its fullest
extent ; the foot is then in the same position with
the hee's of the shoe pointing upwards. If we
consider this first part of the motion of the limb,
we find the movement of the foot very nearly
describes a semicircle ; and on vieAving- the form of
the jomts connected with action, the necessity of a
curve at the toe is clearly demonstrated : again, the
form of a shoe worn out at once shows that it must
be more suitable to put on a new one of that form,
rather than suffer the action of the leg to be opposed
until it is worn to that shape. In the second part of
the action, when the foot comes again to the ground,
the quarters and heels touch first, and they are the
only parts occupied in placing it on the ground again.
There may be deviations from this general rule, as
in those horses that have bad action ; also when
horses are drawing heavy weights, it must neces-
sarily differ. The fore-legs may be considered
simply as pillars of support, having no power of
themselves to propel the body forward, progression
being entirely performed by the hind parts. If it
were not so, the action would be different, as I have
before observed it to be in those horses that have
great weights to draw, and this may be more readily
observed in any draught horse going up hill.
I have offered these few remarks upon action, in
order to bring the reader's attention to the curve of
the French shoe at the toe. This form of shoe
certainly harmonises more with the motion of the
fore-foot than the English does ; it affords a greater
surface of bearing at the toe, than the projecting
ridge of the straight ordinary shoe, and is much more
calculated to allow of the motion of the leg and foot,
the labour of the muscles is also diminished, and the
limb being in its natural position, the ligaments have
less imposed upon them ; they are more at ease,
and consequently are not so liable to be strained.
It may not be inapplicable to remark the faciUty
with which the Indian people move in their wooden
shoes, which are considerably curved at the toe,
when compared to the difficulty of moving with those,
that have a straight unyielding sole.
The shape of the coffin-bone (see plate I, fig. 2.)
is also another proof of the French system being
more consistent with the principles of nature, than
the straight ordinary shoe.*
If we contrast the curved form of the French
shoe, with the straight line of the English, it is very
* If the coffin-bone of a fore-foot is placed upon a level
surface, the quarters and heels are the only parts in contact
with it ; which proves that they are intended by nature to meet
the ground first, and to bear the greater proportion of weight ;
but if the quarters of the hoof be removed to admit of the
straight shoe, the portion of weight intended to be borne on the
quarters must be thrown upon the heels, and hence the great
mischief which ensues from the common English shoe.
obvious, that the latter is as much calculated to
oppose the action of the leg and foot, as the former
is to facilitate it. For in order to apply the straight
shoe, the toe is allowed to grow and to project far
beyond the extent proper and necessary for the pro-
tection of the internal contents : and in addition to
this, if the shoe be made three times thicker at
the toe than at the heels,* the opposition to action
must be increased in proportion.
Notwithstanding that I am fully convinced of the
decided superiority of the French method of nailing
on the shoes, and of the peculiar advantages of the
curve at the toe, still I have two objections to the
French system in general, viz. the convex form of
the shoe on the ground side, and the concave form
on the foot side. I object to the first because the
horse is by no means so safe or secure on his feet,
more particularly when going over stones. To the
second, I refer for my objections to the chapter oa
the common English shoe, where the effects of the
concave form of the foot side of the shoe are fully
* The shoe recommended by Professor Coleman is three
Cimes as thick, at the toe, as at the heels. — Am. £d.
In the preceding pages the reader will have ob-
served, that I have noticed many advantages in the
French principle of shoeing, and that I have stated
that it is, in my opinion, superior to any system that
has come within my observation.
From the information I have been able to collect
from Fiench authors, from veterinary surgeons, from
cavalry officers, and other persons who have attend-
ed to the subject when in France, and who have
particularly observed the state of the feet of horses
in that country, I am fully borne out by their testi-
mony, and my own experience.
In a conversation with Mr. Sewel, the Assistant
Professor at the Veterinary College, who has re-
cently twice visited the Continent to enquire into
the state of the veterinary art, he remarked, with a
degree of earnestness that showed the impression
which their mode of shoeing had made on his mind,
" That he had seen more lame horses on his return,
in the stage-coaches from Harwich to London, than
he had met with during hoth his visits on the Conti-
nent." In the report which Mr. Sewel has lately
published, addressed to the governors and subscribers
to the veterinary college, it appears that he travel-
led through France, Germany, Prussia, Flanders,
and Holland, visiting all the public veterinary
Mr. Sewel was apprenticed very young at the Ve-
terinary College, where he has continued to this
time, and I think, after twenty years' experience
in the principles of pressure on the frogs of horses'
feet with thin-heeled shoes, that it must be admitted,
that he is fully competent to appreciate the merits of
such a doctrine.
After the foregoing declaration, 1 will leave the
reader to draw his conclusions on Mr. Sewel's opi-
nion of the thin heeled sj'stem, or of any other at
present in general use in this country.
To Sir Benjamia Bloomfield, who is on all occa-
sions ready to promote whatever appears likely to
be useful, I beg permission publicly to express my
respectful gratitude, for having obtained for me so
admirable an opportunity to ascertain the superior
advantages of the French system, with such altera-
tions as occurred to me, in the extensive royal estab-
lishment with which he is connected. It is very
gratifying to me to find, after four years' trial, that
the estabhshment is daily deriving benefit from its
adoption ; and I trust, that the public also will
eventually be convinced of the many advantages
which this system possesses.
In describing the French method, I observed that
there were, in my opinion, two great objections to
the shoe used in that country, viz. the convex ground
surface, and the concave foot surface ; my reasons
for disagreeing with this form on each side of the
shoe, have been stated in the chapter on the French
system. In the shoe I have adopted, I have revers-
ed the form on each side, making it concave on the
ground-surface, and convex on the foot-surface, with
an inclination from the inner to the outer rim. To
effect this form on each side, it is necessary that
the shoe should be sloped or bevilled on the ground^
side, from the outward to the inward part all round
the shoe, except about an inch and a half at the
heels. To accomplish this inclination on the foot-
side, it is necessary to thicken the inner part at the
heels, as far as the flat surface extends.
It may be supposed, that a plane inclining the re-
rerse of the common English shoe, will produce dis-
eases in the feet of horses which have not appeared
before. This is probable, if the inclination be car-
ried to an extreme; but some years have elapsed
without an instance of the kind in my practice. I
consider, therefore, that it is not likely to occur.
There is only one class of hoofs that such a shoe
could be applied to, viz. those with extremely concave
soles, which are invariably strong, and have abun-
dance of horn, and require a greater opposition than
any other to counteract contraction by the inclina-
tion of the plane. With all other kinds of feet, if
the shoe is clear of the sole, it is not practicable to
make the inclination to such a degree as to prove
The manner of punching the nail-holes, and the
curve at the toe, are similar to the French ; but it
is necessary that the outward edge of the inside ol
every shoe should slope inward to avoid cutting.
This comprises the form of the shoe I have adopt-
ed with so much success ; and it is satisfactory to
find, that the form of this shoe presents no difficult/
to any moderate workman, and when a little accus-
tomed to the shape, it is made with more ease than
the common shoe. For general work, the best Eng-
lish iron will last until the hoof wants paring. From
three weeks to a month is a right period for shoes to
remain on the feet ;* but for hard-wearing horses, and
those that work hard, English iron will require steel-
ing at the toes ; but in such cases Swedish iron will
be the best. Having mentioned the peculiar advan-
tages derived from the curve at the toe, I consider
it necessary to make some remarks on the advanta-
ges of the form of each side of the shoe. The
concave ground-surface renders the animal more se-
cure on his legs, as he has a greater purchase on
the ground, and by this form the weight is thrown on
the crust, or wall, which prevents any unnecessary
strain on the nails and clinches.
* Mr. Goodwin in a postscript to his work, states the absolute
necessity of taking off shoes as often as once in three or four
weeks (whether they be worn out or not' lor th>> purpose of re-
moving all superfluous horn, and to pieserve the hoof in its pro-
per form and size. — Am. Ed.
In a work published nearly a century since by
Soleseil a French veterinarian, he recommends an
Inclined plain outward on the foot-side of the shoe,
for contracted feet ; but his method of obtaining this
desirable form, is objectionable, inasmuch as he pro-
poses to thicken the inner rim, and to slope or bevil
the shoe gradually to the outer, leaving it much
thinner than the inner one. No doubt a regular
plane inclining outward may be obtained in this vvay,
but it IS at the expense of making the ground-surface
very convex ; by which means all the points of bear-
ing must necessarily be on the inner rim, when thick-
ened and raised sufficiently to clear the sole. This
form of shoe, though calculated to oppose the dis-
ease for which it was intended, produces an inconve-
nience which I have endeavoured to avoid, viz. an
unnecessary strain on the nails and clinches, and all
the consequences of their starting ; it besides furnish-
es a very insecure form for the ground-surface.
The plane inchning outward on the foot-side of
the shoe, 1 am aware may by some persons be ob-
jected to as impracticable ; but as I had formed an
opinion, that a shoe so shaped might prevent con-
traction, and other permanent diseases of the feet, I
determined to try it, because it appeared evident to
me, that when the weight of the animal comes on ^
shoe of this form, it must have a tendency to ex-
pand instead of to contract the hoof, and I have
o und, from much experience, that the obstacles op-
posed to this form existed only in theory, as there
are none in practice.
It is, however, necessary to remark, that the de-
gree of inclination must be regulated by the prerious
^State of the foot, and its propensity to contraction.
There are, like all other general rules, exceptions to
this ; but they are, however, very few. When it is
recollected that the horny sole, if not diseased, is
concave, it will in course admit of a convex surface
being appUed to it ; and when the superfluous parts
of the horny sole produced since the last shoeing are
removed, and the crust at the quarters are preserved
firm and good, there is scarcely an instance where
this mode of shoeing cannot be put into practice,
and sufficient room be left also to pass a picker be-
tween the shoe and the sole to the nails. Should a
foot, however, be in such a state as not to admit of
a shoe of this description, if the horse is valuable,
I have before recommended rest in a large loose
place or paddock until the horn is restored ; but if
he is required to be shod under these circumstances^
the state of the foot will in general indicate the form
of shoe most suitable for the occasion.
Having described the shoe I prefer and recom-
mend for general use, I must explain the necessary-
previous preparation of the foot in order to receive
it. When hoofs are protected by shoes, the con-
sumption of horn by wear and tear is nearly pre-
vented; but as the growth of the hoof is constantly
going on, it is evident that all the superfluous parts
will require to be removed at every period of shoe-
ing, otherwise it would run into a state of exuber-
ance similar to the human nails, if they were not
cut. The first part to be reduced is the toe, which
should be removed with a knife or rasp on the sole-
side of the foot, keeping in view the necessary
curve : the next parts are the heels, which should, if
they descend below the frog, be rasped to bring them
on a level with it : having attended to these two
points, it will then be seen how much it is necessary
to remove from the quarters, leaving them full and
strong, but in a straight line from the heels to the
curve, which allows the foot, when in action, a flat
part to land on, and describes a space equal to the
landing* part of the foot when shod with a parallel
shoe. This direction differs a little from the French
" adjusting balance," inasmuch as they direct foui-
points of adjustment at the toe, and two at the heels,
which leaves the quarters rounded, and renders the
foot not so secure on the ground. The sole next
must have attention, the superfluous parts of which
that have appeared since the last shoeing should be
removed, this will leave it concave, and the crust or
wall belovv the sole. Mr. Moorcroft observes, that
paring the soles has a tendency to bring on pumiced
feet, but I have not observed any such effect ; on the
contrary, if the sole is allowed to grow too thick, it
looses its elastic property, and the sensible sole suf-
fers in proportion to the degree of thickness and
want of elasticity. The next and last part which re-
quires attention is the frog. If it is smooth, firm,
and even on its surface, cleft, and sides, it will not
require the use of the knife ; but if it be too large,
rough, or uneven in its appearance, all the superflu-
ous parts should be removed in the way I have des-
cribed in the chapter on thrushes. The foot will
now be ready to receive the shoe, which may be ap-
plied without fear of produciug any inconvenience from
the alteration which has been made from the previous
method^ but which, ou many occasions, has been the
cause of serious mischief, in going from one plan to
It is necessary to observe when a shoe is nailed
on, that it should be about one-eighth of an inch
wider than the hoof at the heels, also a trifle longer
than the termination of the horn, or as much wider
and longer as is necessary to prevent the shoe imbed-
ing itself within the crust,* between the periods
of shoeing. This would take place by the growing
state of the hoof, if it were an exact fit when first
put on, and often produce corns, &c. ; it is equally
necessary, that the shoe should be neither too wide
nor too long, as that would produce a leverage that
would be injurious to the foot. It may be supposed;
that, by leaving the shoe wider than the hoof, cutting
would be a consequence, but as the heel is not a pai't
where striking occurs, there is nothing to apprehend,
as the cutting part of the foot is before the quarter^
and approaching nearer to the toe. It is also neces-
* This direction is too apt to be neglected. When smiths are
crowded with work, and have shoes ready made, it is for their
interest to put them on, ' fit or no fit.' This is frequently done to
the injury of the animal, and great inconvenience of the owner.-
When a shoe is too short or too narrow, in addition to the incon-
venience of corns, &c. above mentioned, it produces a strain upoi»
the foot ; as the weight of the animal is supported by a part, and
not the whole crust. — Am. Ed.
sary to remove a small portion of the inner edge of
the crust at the heels and quarters, leaving it sloping
a little inward ; this will fit it to the inclination of
the shoe, and allow the crust a bearing on its whole
thickness. With horses that have long pasterns, it
is considered useful to increase the thickness of the
shoe at the heels, with a view to give support and
to counteract too great a bend in that part ; never-
theless, if it is thickened more than usual, it is evi-
dent that it would occasion corns by increasing the
pressure on the heels, and would also give them a
shelving forward direction.
Having described the shoe, and the previous pre-
paration of the foot to receive it, I consider it ne-
cessary to make some observations on the advanta-
ges that attend the adoption of it.
It has been shewn, in the preceding part of this
work, that a material diminution of permanent dis-
eases of the feet has taken place in this establish-
ment, and also an evident improvement in them
generally j and that the proportion of lame horses
has been very considerably reduced. I could enu-
merate many instances where corns, contraction, and
other deformities of the feet have been removed al-
Notwithstanding the high opinion I entertain of
the advantages of this method of shoeing horses
over any other that has come within my observation,
I am, however, prepared to expect that we shall
occasionally have lame horses^ not from causes occa-
sioned by this mode of shoeing, but from the batter-
ing and concussion of the feet when in quick motion
over stones or hard roads.
It has been imagined by some persons, that draft
horses, when going up hill in curved shoes, cannot
have the firm hold of the ground that the straight
English shoe is supposed to afford, and that their
fore-feet are more liable to slip back. Now 1 am
convinced, that every one who has noticed the points
of wear in the English shoe, will admit, that when
the sharp edge of the toe of the common shoe is
worn off, which is done in a very few days, the then
form renders it far more likely to sUp, than the
broad surface of the curved toe, which, being at
first put on of the shape which the English shoe ac-
quires by wear, is consequently free from the disad-
vantage of the sudden and smooth slope thereby oc-
casioned. Thus the supposed benefit of the straight
shoe is of so short duration, as to be by no means an
equivalent for the great inconvenience produced by
it three-fourths of the time it is in wear, besides also
the impediments which an elongated toe opposes to
Those persons who may be averse to the adjust-
ing curve of the French shoe, will find that the next
best shape is a perfect plane on the foot-side and the
same on the ground side, of the width of the nail
holes all round, (which should be of the French
form,) and the remaining part of the web or width of
the shoe should be sloped or bevelled from the inside
of the nail heads, all round the shoe to the inner
rim, with the exception of from one to one inch and a
half of flat bearing on the heels, and the shoe should
be of an equal thickness from toe to heel.
[plate III. riG. 3, AND 4.]
A ERHAPs there is no shoe which can be so general-
ly applied as the bar shoe, and if I were compelled
to confine myself to the choice of one, 1 should most
decidedly select the bar ; there is, however, a strong
prejudice against their use, and I have, on many oc-
casions, observed horses crippled, and very tender
with plain shoes on, and compelled to work in that
way rather than have a bar, when, in all probabili-
ty, a bar might have enabled the horse to go sound.
This prejudice has arisen from their not having
been resorted to except in cases of emergency ; so
t-hat, to see a horse with a bar shoe is considered as
a notification of some imperfection, which material'-
ly deteriorates his value, and as horses are for the
most part a marketable article, it is not a matter of
surprise why this circumstance should operate in
this way ; however, those persons, who may have a
raluable animal possessing every desirable qualifica-
tion, can have no reason to get a fresh rather than a
good horse, when such a prejudice of fashion will
have no influence. Bar shoes are intended to re-
move pressure from one part of the hoof and to
€onvey it to others, and are used more particularly
for corns, sand-cracks, pumiced feet, breaches in the
crust, &c. &c. The manner of applying the ordina-
ry bar is, however, very objectionable, as it corres-
ponds in every particular with the form of the com-
mon shoe, with the exception of being continued all
round, and uniting both heels of the shoe together,
forming a bar which covers the posterior parts of
the foot. This bar is much narrower than the other
parts, and is bevelled and thicker behind, and slop-
ing towards the point of the frog. It is, therefore,
similar to a hollow cone, allowing the weight of the
animal to bear on an edge only, which produces all
the injurious consequences of the common shoe.
Pieces of sole-leather are freqiiently riveted on the
bar to raise the shoe further from the part suffer-
ing'; but in many cases where I have seen this prac-
tice resorted to, the increased pressure upon the
frog produced more mischief than the disease it was
intended to reheve ; in other cases, some parts of
the bar are what smiths call set down, so as to form
considerable shoulders on the foot side, which are
intended to take the bearing on the nearest sound
part, leaving a hollow space opposed to the diseased
part. This, however, can only be temporary, as
the additional pressure thrown on the shouldered
part is so great, that the strongest crust is not equal
to it long.
A narrow bar in the centre of the shoe is on some
occasions applied in flinty countries as a defence to
the sole, and is said to be useful. I consider the
great use of a bar shoe to consist in affording a
greater surface of defence than any other shoe,
which enables us to determine the weight of the
animal more generally on the foot by equalizing the
pressure on more bearing points than a plain shoe.
There is a numerous class of horses ^vhose hoofs
are thin and weak, and not sufficiently strong to sup-
port the weight of the animal in battering over hard
roads at a fast pace without inconvenience. This
appears at the heels and quar ers, where, instead ol"
the horn having' grown nauch s^nce the last time of
shoeini^, it will be found to wear faster than it grows;
that the sole is sepuiating from the crust, which
bends inwards, or projects in a shell outwards, and
that the heels take a shelving direction forwards.
In all feet of this description these consequences
shew themselves more or less, and for them I prefer
a bar instead of a plain shoe, to prevent the des-
tructive effects which arise from the use of any plain
I never find any difficulty in keeping flat-feeted
horses sound, at work, With bar shoes ; but 1 have
frequently found, on a trial of plain shoes, that I was
compelled to go back to bars again.
Instead of raising the bar by rivetting pieces of
leather on it, or of forming shoulders or projecting
parts ''the practice with the common bar shoe,) I
propose it to take as much general bearing as the
foot will admit, allowing the crust and frog to have
an equal bearing to relieve the suffering part ; it
will only be necessary to remove the horn of that
and the contiguous part, leaving a small space be-
tween the shoe and the crust. When the heels and
quarters have been worn away, and the frog pro-
jects below them, it will be necessary to set dowa
the part of the shoe opposed to each heel, so as to
admit a slight bearing on the frog, otherwise the
pressure would be too severe ; but if the heels and
quarters are on a level with the frog, that precau-
tion will not be required ; a plain flat bar will in this
case, be more suitable, and instead of making a nar-
row bar, which soon imbeds itself in the frog, and
produces so much partial pressure that it cannot be
worn long without inconvenience, I use a bar wider
than any part of the shoe ; of an equal thickness in
all its parts, and perfectly flat on both sides, which
aff"ords a much larger and more even surface to tread
on, and gives likewise more points of bearing on the
frog. In every other respect a bar shoe corres-
ponds both in form and principle with the plain shoe.
[plate III, FIG, 1,]
J. HE use of a Patten shoe is to raise one foot higher
than the other when standing in the stable.
In cases of lameness, for any considerable time,
either of the legs or feet, where probably the pri-
mary cause may have been removed, there is a want
of action in the parts from a long previous state of
relaxation ; a shoe of this description is on such oc-
casions found useful. To bring these parts into ac-
tion this shoe is put on the sound foot, which raises
the limb altogether, and so alters the position of the
leg, that the horse can bear but little weight on that
foot, and is therefore compelled to bear more weight
on the lame leg.
It is necessary to begin with this shoe for a short
time, and to increase the use of it by degrees until
it can be worn twelve out of twenty-four hours daily.
Many clumsy and awkward contrivances are in use
for this purpose, most of which are of a piece with
the shoe ; therefore, when it is put on, it must re-
main continually until the shoe is taken off again.
The evil attending this is, that, on some occasions,
the increase of pressure, which is continued con-
stantly, is too great for the suffering hmb to bear,
and instead of being beneficial, when the shoe is
taken off, the lameness is considerably increased. A
great advantage is therefore obtained by making the
patten moveable, which is effected in a simple
way, and may be applied to any shoe which has
been put on for ordinary wear. The only altera-
tion consists in having a screw hole made on the
outside heel, the patten being made of a requisite
height from two to four inches from the shoe, with
three branches or legs forming an arch from each
heel of the shoe ; the inside branch fixed on the
inner rim of the shoe by a claw ; the front or mid-
dle branch advanced towards the toe of the shoe,
where it fixes also by a claw ; and, in the outside
branch, a round hole opposite to the hole in the
shoe, to which it is fastened by a screw.
The direction of the middle branch, where it it
connected with the arch of the patten, should be at-
tended to, as otherwise it may lock in the gratings
of cesspools ; the branch from the centre of the
arch should be perpendicular for an inch or two to
prevent eflfectually an accident of that kind. In
some cases of lameness, from an injury or inflamma-
tion of the joints, it may be useful to raise the heels
of the foot to relax the limb during the state of in-
flammation. In these cases, turning up the heels of
the shoe will answer the purpose. There are like-
wise other cases where the joints become diseased
from the heels being elevated too much, and the
weight borne on the toes ; here it is necessary to
elongate the toe of the shoe agreeably to the neces-
sity of the case, observing that the elongated part
is curved, otherwise it would do more harm than
[plate III. FIG. 2.]
In cases of contraction it has been considered by
some persons, that mechanical power presents a
simple and easy mode of relief; but the advocates
for such a remedy should have well considered the
probable consequences of a screw applied to a part
though not in itself sensible, yet firmly united with
living and sensible parts; and that any immediate
alteration in form, produced by the screw, must
equally affect the sensible parts which are united to
it. In this way I have seen serious injury produc-
ed. Though screw shoes are an old invention, they
were revived a few years back by a Mr. Jekyl. Jf
the screw is judiciously applied, it is in some casee
attended with advantage ; it should never be at-
tempted with thin or flat feet, as it invariably pro-
duces mischief in them ; but where there is plenty
of horn, strong and firm, it may be used with a bet-
ter chance of success. During the progress of the
attempt, a horse must be put out of work, his shoes
taken off, and his feet well saturated with water
some days previously to the application of the screw.
Various contrivances of this kind have been recom-
mended by different authors, most of which are ill
calculated to answer the intended purpose. All, that
have come within my observation, have a joint at
the toe, with a screw at the heels, the head of which
projects from the outside heel of the shoe ; by this
means the shoe is in continual danger of being torn
ofi" by hitching on something, or being entangled in
the litter. The shoe which Mr. Jekyl adopted was
of this description, with as many nail holes as could
be punched. A screw thick enough to an-wer this
purpose without bending necessarily increased the
thickness of the shoe to an unusual degree, and
where one heel is more contracted than the other
this shoe offers no means of applying the screw to
either ; and it is evident that the whole expanding
power with this shoe is determined on the nails and
chnches, which, on many occasions, tear out the
piece before the object is obtained.
A shoe was suggested to me by Sir B. Bloomfield
which obviates all these objections. It has two
joints, one on each side of the toe, and is therefore
made in three parts ; a centre or toe-piece, which
has two nail holes in it, and from the centre of this
a branch or flat piece of iron about an inch and a
half in width (of the same thickness as the shoe,)
which extends over the centre of the foot to the
termination of the frog, on which it is intended to
bear. As this branch approaches the wide part of
the frog it increases in width and thickness in order
to receive a circular hole through it, which is made
into a female screw on each side. The sides of the
shoe have three nail holes in each, with a claw on
the inner corner of each heel turned upwards, which
are tixed on the back part of the reflection of the
crust or wall, and may be called the beginning of
the bars. The two joints being completed, the shoe
is put on, and as the middle division of the shoe is
kept on by two nails at the toe, it affords a fixed
point for the action either of the inside or outside
quarter of the shoe, or both, as may be required.
Two short screws are necessary, which are applied
in the female screws of the centre branch, and the
opposite end of each acts in a small grove on the in-
side of the shoe at each heel. In a shoe of this
description there are no projecting parts beyond the
rim of the shoe, which is of the usual thickness, and
having claws at the heels there can be no strain on
the nails and clinches, and consequently no injury
can be done to the crust during the application of it.
It is necessary that the hoof should be kept in a
state of continual moisture ; each screw to have half
a turn daily, or every other day, as the nature of the
case may require. Bleeding and phj'sic are useful
during this process, and a diluting diet, as it is not
prudent to give exercise under this operation. From
two to four weeks will be sufficient to obtain all the
benefit that this shoe affords. The expansion takes
place principally in the centre or cleft of the frog ;
if it were at the heels or the quarters, in the same
degree as in the cleft of the frog, more mischief
would arise by separating the horny from the sensi-
ble laminae than any advantage that could be gained
by the use of the screw. On the first appearance of
expansion in the frog, however diseased (with ordi-
nary cleanliness, and the application of a few simple
remedies recommended for the cure of thrushes),
new horn soon fills up the diseased cleft, and in a
short time presents a frog full of sound and strong
horn. If the screws are not turned gradually, or if
they are applied too long, it will produce great mis-
chief When the screws are taken oil a shoe simi-
lar to that 1 have recommended for general use, will
prevent the heels from contracting again, which
would soon take place with the use of the common
English shoe. Exercise should at first commence
with walking, and increase by degrees. In cases
where I have not had success in the use of the screw
for the relief of contraction, I have noticed a devia-
tion in the growth of the hoof at the coronet itself;
and, as it descends, it wrinkles, and grooves appear ;
where they take place to any considerable degree,
I have never seen any good obtained by the use of
the screw. On the other hand, I have on many oc-
casions seen benefit from a judicious application
of it.
OHOEiNG smiths apply this term to the groove in
the outer edge of the ground-side of the shoe, which
is generally continued all round as near to the outer
rim as the iron will admit ; but in some instances it
is made deeper, and is not carried round the toe.
In the bottom of this groove the nail-holes are
The object of this groove is to receive the nail-
heads, but in general it is too superficial to answer
this purpose ; when a countersink head is used, the
groove is made deeper ; but the inner edge of the
groove is perpendicular, and the outer edge slopes
towards the exterior rim, to give the point of the
nail a slanting direction inward. It is considered,
that the smith who can keep this gi'oove nearest to
the edge of the shoe is the best workman, and it is
by them denominated fine fullering.
If this groove is cut deep into the shoe, it is
evident that it must weaken it, and if the iron is not
good, it will crack in the outer edge of the fuller,
and if it is superficial it affords no security to the
head of the nail, and if made with accuracy, and
deep enough to afford security to the head of the
nail, it is a tedious process, and takes up much time.
The fuller, or groove, has been recently altered at
the Veterinary College ; it is now carried further
into the shoe, and is similar to the German method
of making the groove, which gives an advantage in
taking more hold, by driving the nail through a
portion of the sole on the inside of the crust similar
to the French method of nailing.
Some persons have fancied, that by making two
or three grooves round the shoe, slipping would be
prevented ; it does not, however, appear to be
well founded, as such a practice is rarely seen.
1 HE ordinary English punch is square, and slightly
tapering, and is made more for the purpose of gettmg
it readily out of the shoe when the blow is given,
than for the security that the form of the hole may
give to the nail. It is appUed in the centre of the
fuller upon the depth of which the punched part
depends. The nail-hole is as wide, or nearly so,
on the foot side of the shoe, as it is on the ground-
side ; the smith who brings the nail-hole on the foot
side of the shoe nearest to the exterior edge is
considered the best workman.
It must be obvious that a hole of this form affords
little security to the nail. Burs are not unfrequently
left on the foot side of the shoe, from the smith
having omitted to remove or flatten them after
punching ; which sometimes produces mischief.
The holes of the Persian, Turkish, and Barbary
shoes are punched round, but not near the edge, as
they have no fuller. The German, Dutch, and
Russian shoes are punched in the bottom of a coarse
fuller. In the Portugueze method, the hole is very
large, oblong, and square, extending far into the
shoe, and is peculiar to themselves, and without a
fuller. In the Spanish, Flemish, Italian, and Swiss
modes, the punch hole is similar to the French.
The French hole I consider to be much the best,
and it, in my opinion, possesses some important
properties, but it requires two punches to form it
perfectly ; the first a small common counter-sink
punch, which is struck nearly through the shoe,
leaving only what is necessary to be opened by the
pritchel ; every hole having been opened in this
way, a large and deep counter-sink punch is then
used to every hole, which must be struck nearly as
deep into the shoe as the first punch, to admit the
counter-sink part of the head of the nail to be buried
in the shoe.
Much depends on this last punch being drivea
deep enough ; if it is not so, a shoulder will be
formed in the hole by the first punch being much
smaller than the second ; in this case the nail-head,
instead of being sunk deep into the shoe, will stand
out ; consequently it will not have sufficient security,
and the shoe will be more liable to come off.
Perhaps there may be a little advantage in sloping
the inner square of the hole rather more than is
done in the French method, to obtain a greater
degree of obliquity to the point of the nail. The
bottom of the hole is pntchelled in the usual way,
only with this difference, that it is made to receive
a flat instead of a square shank, and to be as near
the size of the shank intended to be driven as pos- .
sible, that the nail may tit and have a direction out-
wards. Instead of following the French in their
number of holes, which is eight, / use seven, four on
the outside, and three on the inside ; this leaves the
last hole of the inside at a greater distance from the
heel than the outside, where they are carried much
nearer to the end ; and instead of carrying the nails
all round the front of the foot, I prefer leaving a
Folid space at the principal point of wear at the toe.
On looking at the foot side of the shoe, the nail-
holes (unlike the English, which are very near the
outer edge) extend a considerable distance into the
interior part of the shoe, the use of which will be
explained in the chapter on naiUng.
If the quality of the iron is not good, it will be
put to the test by the application of the punch ;
it will either burst on the outer part of the hole, or
cracks or flaws will be seen ; neither of which will
appear if the iron be good.
r RosTiNG, like shoeing, is a necessary evil, but the
inconveniences attending it show themselves much
sooner than the effects of ordinary shoeing.
In order to avoid wounds by treading one foot on
the other, it is the practice to turn up the outside
heel only : it is thus so much raised, that it turns
the foot on one side, and brings on an unusual strain
on the ligaments of the joints, which often pro-
duces lameness. The toes of saddle horses are
seldom frosted, therefore an unusual elevation of
the heel, either by one or two frost ruffs, alters the
tread so much, that it increases the action of some,
ON Frosting. 89
and diminishes the action of other muscles accus-
tomed to strong exertion ; it is also manifest that a
considerable increase of pressure on the heels would
follow, so that lameness frequently attends the prac-
tice of frosting, even for a short time. The ordinary
method of frosting, is by taking a shoe off, heating
the heels or toes, and turning them up ruff; but
this being iron only will last, for any efficient pur-
pose, but a short time ; and the same process must
be repeated, perhaps daily, as long as the frost lasts.
It is evident the hoof must suffer most severely by
such a continued and repeated perforation with the
nails, so that if a frost should last a month or two, it
is probable there would be scarcely horn enough
left to nail a shoe on with safety.
When frosting is required, I have found by steel-
ing the heels, and if a draft horse the toes also,
that they will last considerabl}^ longer, and conse-
quently diminish the frequency of driving nails.
A much shorter ruff also will answer, and the usual
tread will not be so much altered. A ruff on the
outside heel is sufficient, if on feet where horn
abounds, and the horn of the same heel may be
removed or lowered with safety, to counteract, in
some degree, the depth of the ruff; but as with thii>
feet, and weak low heels, it is not practicable to
remove horn, a bar shoe, with a ruff on the centre
of the bar, is desirable, or a short ruff on both heels,
observing to round the corners of the inside ruff, to
obviate the effects of treading one foot on the other.
Frost nails are frequently used, but the time they
last is so short, that the practice is injurious ; but if
they are on an emergency resorted to, the head of
the French nail presents a considerable substance
for that purpose, but the common English nail very
Many persons have suggested to screw in the
ruffs. I have tried screws in all feasible forms for
this object, but I have never found that any screw
would remain firm enough to answer any good pur-
pose. The most efficacious method of applying a
removeable ruff is to make a short square turn-up
at both heels of the iron only, through which punch
a square hole to receive the shank of a steel ruff,
which is rivetted at the end of the heels, leaving
the steel ruff in the inside of the iron ruff, about
half an inch higher than the iron ruff. A steel
ruff may be rivetted at the toe when required, in
the same way, observing to rivet the shank on the
outside of the shoe. To take these out, a few
strokes of the rasp will remove the bur of the
rivet, and by a trifling blow with a shoeing hammer
it will come out. The steel rutfs should have iron
shanks, and are easily made in a tool for that pur-
pose. The use of removable ruffs for ordinary pur-
poses, perhaps, may be considered tedious and too
expensive, but in a country like Russia, where the
frost continues regularly for many months, a pre-
vious preparation for the winter, would, I consider,
be attended with great advantage. The application
of ruffs for any considerable time produces corns,
and alters the natural form of the heels of the hoof,
especially if they are thin or flat, by inclining them
to an oblique shelving direction forward.
J HE inconvenience and danger occasioned by cast-
ing shoes are too familiar to ever}' horseman to
require any comment. Sometimes a shoe may be
pulled off by accident, but the causes may be princi-
pally attributed to the rottenness, together with the
bad form of the nail. The first consideration
should be the quahty of the iron ; if it be too brittle,
which may be ascertained by bending a nail once or
twice, the na;ls soon break : in endeavouring to
point them as it is termed by the smiths, the fibres
split, the nail appears somewhat hollow, and is of
no use ; the number of nails wasted in ordinary
■ihoeing forges, on an average, amounts to one-third.
If we consider this as general before shoeing, it
cannot excite much surprize that the shoes are
continually coming off. This inconvenience might
be very easily avoided by smiths, if they chose to
have it otherwise.
The form of the ordinary English nail is ill
adapted to answer the intended purpose, as it has a
small head with an abrupt shoulder, a square thick
shank three-fourths of its length, and the remainder
flat, thin, and often too weak, even to bear driving
through the horn ; the head usually stands out of
the shoe ; as the groove or fuller in the shoe, in
which the nail-holes are punched, is so superficial
as not to admit the head to sink into it, the nail-head
therefore soon wears or breaks o(f, and as the shoe
has but little purchase on the remaining shank,
from the nature of the hole, the shoe soon comes off.
The square thick form of the shank also ill agrees
with the intended purpose ; as it is the practice in
all English shoes to drive the nails into the crust
only, which in about one-half the horses is very
thin. This form of the sli^nk is calculated to pro-
duce compression on the sensible parts, but to
obviate this, smiths, when pointing their nails, ham
mer the square part of the shank on the nail stake
until it becomes flat and sulhciently thin to admit of
its being dr' en with safety ; but this endeavour to
remedy the improper form of the nail produces
another inconvenience, which facilitates the loss of
shoes. Those, who are acquainted with the nature
of metals, know that the hammering required to
flatten the square shank compresses the fibres of
the metal so closely together, and stiflens it so much,
that it brings it to a state approaching to hardened
steel ; a slight blow or the ordinary concussion of
action is suflicient to cast the shoe, when the nails,
being all broken off" just below their heads, leave
the shanks in the hoof; and when the flat part of
the shank is too thin in proportion to the thickness
of the other part, all the endeavours of the smith to
bring this thin part of the nail into a proper form,
or stiff enough to drive, is unavailing, and hence
•arises not only great mischief to the foot, but also a
great waste of nails.
A nail with a counter-sink head has been recom-
mended, and as far as the head is the object, it is
better than the common one ; but to the remainder
of the nail, in all that I have seen, there is the
same objection as to the common nail.
The French nail has a large square counter-sink
head, (see Plate IN', fig. 3.) which is received into a
corresponding hole in the shoe, into which it smks
more than three-fourths of its thickness ; a part of
the head remains below the level of the shoe, and
is flattened on four sides, leaving the centre of the
head convex and pointing. The shank is flat, broad,
and regularly tapering to its point ; in short, it is
similar to the tire nail, with trie exception of a flat
instead of a square shank. The nails should be of
different sizes, ;igreeable to the size and state of the
I now oiTer some remarks on their comparative
merits; between the English and the French nails.
The latter I consider to possess far superior proper-
ties over any other. The large, deep, counter-sink
head, as long as the shank remains sound, aff'ords a
security to the shoe while a bit of iron is left on
the foot ; but when the English head is worn off",
which soon takes place, the shoe is no longer safe.
Another security afforded by the French head is,
that it is firmly supported by the four sides of the
couiter-sink hole ; the English, by two sides only,
and very superficially. The shank of the French
nail being broad, flat, and taper, does not require
the hammering before spoken of as so prejudicial ;
it therefore can be driven into the hoof with all
the natural and genuine properties of the iron,
requiring only to be straightened, and stiffened a
little at the point ; but none of this stiffened part
remains in the foot when shod, as that is twisted
off by the pincers, and clenched on its appearance
through the hoof.
As the head of the French nails take a little more
time and iron, it is reasonable to allow that the
manufacturer should charge more for them ; but
when thC'trifling waste is considered, there will be
very little difference of expense between them and
the common nails.
In the choice of iron for this purpose, I beliere
the Russian which is brought from Archangel is the
best, and it should possess the properties of mallea-
bility and toughness : a good nail of a fair quality
will bend backwards and forwards from eight to
twelve times or more, before any evident marks of
breaking appear on the bent part : if the iron be
not good, it will crack and break at three or four
turns, and split in pointing. Swede iron, from the
superior strength and body of metal, seems to offer
great advantages ; but smiths in general prefer the
best Russian, because they think that the former,
though sound and strong, is too stiff for the manu-
facture of horse nails.
JN AILING is an important part of the art of shoeing,
and deserves mature consideration, as upon it very
much depends whether a horse goes sound imme-
diately from the hands of the smith. From a defect
in its principle, nailing contributes to the production
of those permanent diseases so frequently spoken of.
If lameness is caused by a direct stab, it will be
seen instantly, as it arises from taking too much
hold, pitching the nail inward, and at the same time
driving too high in the crust ; or from the point of
the nail splitting, and taking a contrary direction to
what was intended.
In other cases where the injury is not severe,
and where the nails are driven too near, and press
on the sensible parts, lameness will not show itself
so soon ; and the time of its appearance after shoeing
will be in proportion to the degree of pressure.
In all cases of lameness, where there is no particular
external indication, it is prudent to take the shoe
off, when, if it proceeds from the effects of a nail,
it will soon be discovered ; the usual remedies to
counteract inflammation will succeed in these cases.
Collections of matter on some occasions are found,
and produce troublesome ulcers, difficult to heal ;
they are, however, only of a temporary nature.
It must have been observed, from the ordinary fuller
being made too near the outer edge of the shoe,
and from the manner of punching the holes in the
fuller, that the nails are intended to be driven into
the crust, and Mr. Coleman observes, that, so long
as nails are made of iron this must be the practice ;
nevertheless, it is not so at the College now.
It has, however, been productive of great mischief,
inasmuch as it has a tendency to break down and
destroy that defence which nature intended to pro-
ject the internal sensible contents of the hoof
When the diameter of the crust is considered,
even in perfect hoofs, and compared w.th the dia-
meter of the shank of the ordinary nail, it cannot
excite surprise to see the hoofs of horses spUt and
mutilated in the manner they are ; but when it is
considered that one-half of the feet of horses are
defective in the natural production of horn, and
have consequently a thin crust, this mode of nailing
must add considerably to the number ; and as it has
been shown by the nature and direction of the hole,
that nails must be pitched inward, and as the hole is
so near the outer edge of the shoe, the nail must
necessarily be driven a considerable height in the
crust, to get hold enough to afford the shoe the
necessary support ; and the nail having been driven
inwards, it must, in the course of its direction
through the hoof, before the point comes through,
have taken a curved direction, when the curved
part being the nearest to the sensible contents, it
must more or less have a tendency to press, in
proportion to the degree of curve and approximation,
on the sensible parts.
Much depends on the proper size of the nail.
I have on many occasions seen smiths, for want of a
proper assortment, drive large clumsy nails into
small delicate feet, and on the other hand, small
feeble nails, not large enough to fill the clumsj?
holes of" a heavy shoe, for a large foot. The nail-
holes are generally too near each other ; so that
the frequency of driving nails so near together,
renders that part of the crust a mere shell, full of
holes : and the difficulty is great, which smiths
frequently meet in finding even a sound piece of
horn to drive the cHnch through. It is not unfre-
quent to observe a smith drive a nail half or three-
fourths of the way, then pull it out again, get a fresh
nail, give the point a new direction in search of a
bit of sound horn to drive some part of the nail in,
and repeat this driving and puUing out again eight,
ten, or even twelve times, before he considers the
nail safe ; and it is by no means an uncommon occur-
rence when shoes are taken off, to find where the
nails have perforated the crust in the way described,
the whole piece come off with the shoe as high up
as the clinches. The consequence of such a breach
in the wall may be readily imagined, the smith is
obliged to look to the remaining part of the crust,
where it has not been usual to drive nails, to keep
the shoe on by any means, he is therefore driven to
the toe and heels, or indeed any part of the wall,
where he thinks he can get a nail in, and when the
manner in which the weight of the horse is bearing
(only on an extreme edge of the shoe) is consider-
ed, there must be an unnecessary strain on the nails
and cHnches, and consequences, like those mention-
ed, are unavoidable. As I have already stated that
a breach in the wall on one side the hoof is fre-
quent, and as it sometimes happens that both sides
of the foot are torn off in this way, the toe and back
part of the heels are then the only remaining parts
where a nail can be driven, and the weight of the
animal is thrown on these two points ; it may thence
be readily imagined that he will not work long in
this state ; a run at grass for several months will be
necessary to restore this loss and waste of horn.
It is, however, probable, that so much mischief has
been done to the foot, that a run at grass will not
remove the consequences, and that some permanent
disease has taken place.
In the ordinary manner of nailing, we either see
the nail-heads standing far out of the shoe, or the
head is so small, or has been so rasped by the smith
to bring it more on a level with the shoe, that a few
days will wear it off. Grooms and coachmen have
a practice of taking their horses to the forge be-
tween the periods of shoeing', or to require a smith
to attend every Sunday morning to knock down and
tighten all the clinches, and to renew nails. The
starting of the clinches arises from the shoe getting
closer to the foot after it has been on a short time ;
and as the bearing is only on the outer edge, it
imbeds itself in some degree within the crust ; thus
the distance between the nail-hole on the foot side
of the shoe and the clinch must be shortened, so as
the shoe gets closer to the foot, the clinches are
pushed further through the hoof, which produces
the starting of the clinches, which invariably attends
the English manner of shoeing.
It sometimes happens that a clinch is not pushed
further through the hoof, but has started on the
ground-side between the head and the shoe, whence
it becomes loose and no longer performs its part in
retaining the shoe on the foot. It is obvious that
any plan of shoeing, which produces a starting of
the cUnches, must render the shoe very insecure on
the foot ; for the moment the chnches begin to start,
the only remaining support is afforded by the shank
alone ; and should the shank have been driven
through horn already split and shelly, it will account
for the number of cast shoes which are perpetually
seen. It is too much a practice with smiths to make
a nick in the hoof with an edge of the rasp, under
every nail, previous to turning the cUnch ; this is
done to let the clinch within the hoof, and to give
it a finish : but it is a bad practice, as it much
weakens the hoof. It may be necessary to remove
any rough part which the nail may have forced
through the horn, but to give the foot a finish the
rasp is too liberally applied to the clinch itself,
to weaken it until it is on a level with the hoof;
the part of the hoof between the shoe and the
clinches never fails to receive this finishing stroke,
which is very injurious, as it diminishes the thickness
of the crust. It may also be necessary to round the
bottom edge of the crust to the shoe, but that is all
which is required.
Having described the imperfections of all the
plans of nailing that have come within my obser-
vation in this country, I shall now explain a practice
which appears to me to obviate those inconveniences.
The French*method has some properties admirably
calculated to answer a better purpose, for instead
of driving the nails into the crust, a greater hold is
taken, as the manner of punching the hole indicates ;
the nail is driven within the crust, consequently
going through a portion of the sole, it takes a short
ohhque outward direction through the crust, which
is the reverse of the EngUsh plan, as has been
shown : their nails have an inward direction. By
taking so much hold, and giving an oblique outvvard
direction, the smith is enabled to bnng the clinches
much lower in the hoof, and nearer to the shoe :
this direction of the nail affords a much stronger
hold of the foot, and is less liable to split the crust.
An English smith, on a first view of the distance
that the French punch their nail-holes from the
outer edge into the shoe, decides, that they cannot
be nailed on the foot with safety ; a little practice,
however, proves that it is not only a safer, but a far
more secure method. What is here said has a
reference only to taking more hold, and directing
the nail obhquely outward.
I have already mentioned, that I consider the foot
side of the French shoe objectionable, as far as
relates to its concave form, which must produce an
unnecessary strain on the nails and clinches by
resting on the outward edge of the shoe, causing
the cUnches to start, and to produce all the bad
effects occasioned by their starting.
The shoe which I have adopted obviates these
inconveniences, and I cannot adduce a proof more
convincing of the truth of this than that on an
inspection of the feet, when horses are brought into
the forge to be shod afresh, I have general!)' found
the cUnches firm in the hoof and without any
appearance of starting, which 1 consider to arise
from the plane of the shoe inclining outwards, and
embracing the crust so tirmly at first, that it does
not admit of any aheration in the distance between
the shoe and the cHnch during the time of wear.
It therefore appears that the following important
advantages arise from the French method of nailing,
Tiz. preservation of the wall or crust, and a more
secure retention of the shoe on the hoof, and when
combined with the alteration in the form of the
shoe, which I have adopted, it is calculated to
prevent contraction, and compression of the sensible
parts within the hoof.
The facility with which smiths nail on these shoes
when titled, is not one of the least advantages of
this system. All the smiths that I have raokwith
state, that after a little practice they can nail on
three of these shoes with more ease, and in less
time, than two of any other form, and it is a rare
occurrence to see a nail wasted. Indeed the pre-
servation of the crust by the short and oblique hold,
and the security with which shoes are kept on, at
once indicate all these advantages, and also that at
every period of shoeing the hoofs have grown suflfi-
ciently to afford sound horn to drive the nails
through, as well as the great security that the large
and deep counter-sink head forms with the eboe.
[^From J. Clark's Treatise on the prevention of Diseases inci-
dental to Horses.]
Although the method of performing' the operation
of blood-letting is generally thought to be pretty
well known, yet there are many untoward accident*
that frequently happen from the unskilful and inex-
perienced, in performing this operation.
As horses are naturally timorous and fearful,
which is too frequently increased by bad usage, and
improper chastisement, they require, in some cases,
particularly in this of bleeding, to be taken una-
wares, or by surprise, and the onfice made into the
rein before their fears are alarmed ; for this rea-
son the fleam and blood-stick (as it is called) hare
been long in use, and, in skilful hands, are not im-
proper instruments for the purpose ; although, with
many practitioners, the spring-fleam would be much
safer, and, on that account, ought to be preferred.
When a lancet is used, the instant the horse feels
the point of it, he raises or shakes his head and
neck, in order to shun the instrument, before the
operator has time to make a proper orifice, which
frequently proves too small or too large ; for this
reason, those who have tried the lancet have been
ohliged to lay it aside.
Many people tie a ligature or bandage round the
neck, in order to raise the vein, and that they may
strike the fleam into it with the greater certainty;
but a slight view of its effects in preventing this,
and its other consequences, will show (he impropri-
ety of this practice.
When a ligature is tied round the neck, previous
to bleeding in the jugular veins, it is to be observed,
that it stops the circulation in both veins at the same
time ; hence they become turgid and very full of
blood, insomuch, that they feel under the linger like
a tight cord, and, as the parts around them are loose
and soft, when the stroke is given to the fleam, the
vein, by its hardness or tightness, slips to one side ;
of course it eludes the stroke ; hence a deep wound
is made by the fleam to no purpose, and this is some-
times too frequently repeated. Unskilful people
have likewise a custom of waving or shaking the
blood-stick, before they strike the fleam, in view of
the horse, whose eye is fixed on that instrument,
and, when they intend to give the stroke, they make
a greater exertion ; hence the horse, being alar.iied
by its motion, raises his head and neck, a disappoint-
ment follows. The struggle that ensues, by this
means, prolongs the operation ; the ligature, at the
same time, being still continued round the neck, a
total stagnation of the blood in the vessels of the
head takes place ; and hence it frequently happens,
that the horse falls down in an apoplectic fit. In
such cases, I have observed the operator greatly dis-
concerted, and desist from any farther attempts to
draw blood at that time, being prepossessed with
the idea that the horse was vicious and unruly,
although the very treatment the horse had just
undergone rendered bleeding at this time the more
necessary, in order to make a speedy revulsion from
the vessels of the head. Therefore, a ligature or
bandage ought never to be used till such time as the
opening is made into the vein, and even then it will
not be necessary at all times, if the horse can stand
on his feet, as a moderate pressure with the finger
on the vein will make the blood flow freely ; but, if
the horse is lying on the ground, a ligature will be
But farther, the concussion or shock the horse re-
ceives from his falling down in the above situation,
which will always happen if the ligature is too long
continued, may cause a blood-vessel within the head
to burst, and death may be the consequence.
Another custom equally absurd, is allowing the
blood to fall in a dung-hill amongst straw, in dry
sand, or in dry dust, by which means, no distinct
idea can be formed of the quantity that is, or ought
to be taken away. In such cases, I have seen
horses fall down in a faint from the loss of too much
blood, before the operator thought of stopping up
the orifice.* For this, and a variety of other rea-
sons, which might be mentioned, a measure ought
always to be used, in order to ascertain the quantity
of blood that is taken away.
* A case of this kind happened in London ; a master far-
rier was the operator
In pinning' up the orifice, some people have a cus-
tom of raising or drawing out the skin too far from
the vein, hence the blood flows from the orifice in
the vein into the cellular substance between it and
the skin, which causes a large lump or sweUing to
take place immediately ; this frequently ends in
what is called a swelled neck ; a suppuration follows,
which proves both tedious and troublesome to cure.
In cases, when a horse may be tied up to the rack,
after bleeding in the neck, pinning up the external
orifice may be dispensed with ; but, when a horse is
troubled with the gripes, or any other acute disease,
in which he lies down and tumbles about, it is neces-
sary that the orifice be pinned up with care, in order
to prevent the loss of too much blood.
As the neck or jugular vein, on the near side, is
commonly opened for conveniency by those who are
right-handed, the young practitioner should learn to
perform on both sides of the neck. This he will
find, in practice, to be not only useful, but necessary,
as he may frequently have occasion to draw blood
from horses in very awkward situations ; he will like-
wise find his account in it in a variety of cases, which
is needless here to particularize.
The proper place for making the opening in the
neck, or jugular vein, is likewise necessary to be
attended to ; for, when the orifice is made too low,
or about the middle of the neck, where the vein
lies deep under the muscular teguments, the wound
becomes difficult to heal, and frequently ends in a
suppuration, with a jetting out of proud flesh from the
orifice, which, unluckily, is as unskilfully treated in
the common method of cure, &c. which is, by intro-
ducing a large piece of corrosive sublimate into the
wound ; this not only destroys the proud flesh in the
lips of the wound, but a considerable portion of the
flesh around it ; and, in farriery, it is called coreing
out the vein. It frequently happens, that this corro-
sive application destroys the vein likewise ; I have
sometimes seen violent haemorrhages follow from this
cause, insomuch as to endanger the life of the animal.
The most proper place for making the opening in
jugular veins, is, where the teguments are thinnest,
which is about a hand breadth from the head, and
about one inch below the branching or joining of the
vein which comes irom the lower jaw, and which
may be distinctly seen, when any pressure is made
on the main branch of the vein.
In performing the operation with a fleam, the ope-
rator should hold the fleam between the fore-finger
and thumb of the left hand, with the second finger
he is to make a sHght pressure on the vein, and, be-
fore it becomes too turgid or full, make the opening ;
the same degree of pressure is to be continued on
the vein, till such time as the quantity of blood to
be taken away is received into a proper measure.
Another great error, which generally prevails in
opening the veins with a fleam, is the applying too
great force, or giving too violent a stroke to it, by
which it is forced through the opposite side of the
vein ; hence, there is danger of wounding the coats
of the arteries, as they generally lie under the veins,
or, in some particular places, of wounding the ten-
dons, especially when this operation is performed in
the legs, thighs, &.c. or in the veins, commonly called
the plate veins, under the breast, the consequences
are frequently very troublesome to remove, and, in
some cases, prove fatal ; hence, the remedy some-
times proves worse than the disease or lameness it
was intended to remove. Mr. Gibson,* in his trea
tise on the diseases of horses, mentions a case of a
fine horse, that was blooded in the plate veins, for a
lameness of the shoulder, which was followed with
* VoL II. page 187.
a hard oval swelling about the size of a goose 9gg,
which extended upwards on the breast, and likewise
down the leg, attended with excessive pain, fever,
deadness in the horse's looks, and all the other
symptoms of a beginning mortification. I could
likewise add a number of similar cases, which have
fallen under my own inspection, but shall not trouble
the reader with them at present.
In order to avoid the consequences sometimes at-
tending these local operations in the breast, legs,
&c. and, as horses are more or less troublesome and
restless, whereby accidents of this kind may hap-
pen, it will perhaps be adviseable, in most cases
of lameness, &c. to draw blood from the larger
veins in the neck only, where there is less dan-
ger of accidents, more especially if a spring fleam
is used ; for, although it might be of some advan-
tage, in particular cases, to draw blood as near
the affected part as possible, yet the bad consequen-
ces frequently attending it, ought to counterbalance
any advantages that may be expected from it, espe-
cially as the quantity of blood drawn from the small
veins is but inconsiderable, and, of course, no great
benefit can be expected from it in horses when
they are diseased.
The principal view, in drawing blood, is the
lessening of its quantity, by which the remaining
mass circulates with more freedom in the vessels ;
it likewise takes off the inflammatory tendency of
the blood, it removes spasms, &c. and prevents
other bad consequences that may follow, especial-
ly in plethoric habits ; and it ought always to be
remembered, that, when the signs or symptoms of
a disease are taken from the motion of the blood,
the disorders arising from it depend upon its circu-
lation being either increased or diminished ; hence,
therefore, all the changes which take place in the
texture, quantity, and quality of the blood, are at-
tended with a diminution or increase of its velo-
Although the cases which may require bleeding
are numerous, yet I would recommend one gene-
ral caution, which is, never to take away blood
but when it is absolutely necessary ; for it is a fluid
that may be easily taken away, but cannot be so
easily replaced ; besides, the practice of bleeding
frequently, or at stated times, is exceedingly im-
proper, as it disposes the body to become lax,
weak, and plethoric.
In bleeding, therefore, a due regard must always
be had to the constitution, age, strength, &c. of
horses, and the state or habit of body they are in
at the time.
It is commonly said, that the taking away a little
blood from horses, even when they are in health,
or when they are in the least indisposed, will do
no harm ; this, in one sense, may be allowed to be
literally true, but why draw blood from them on
every trifling occasion, unless there may be such
symptoms attending as may require it. I have ob-
served in many horses who have been very fre-
quently blooded, and which may be easily known,
from the cicatrices or marks on the neck-veins, that
their blood was poor and thin, and had lost that te-
nacity peculiar to rich blood, together with a con-
siderable portion of its florid and red colour. Butch-
ers who slaughter calves, may find their account in
bleeding them frequently, as it renders their flesh
white, by taking away the red particles of the blood.
But in horses it is quite otherwise, as they are des-
tined for hard labour and active exercises, it impairs
their constitutions, subjects them to diseases, and
hastens a premature old age.
As the blood of horses, more especially those who
are constantly employed in hard labour, or in active
exercises, when drawn from a vein, appears of a
darkish or deep red colour even in the highest state
of health, it is commonly said to be bad blood, and
more so, when a thick yellow or buff-coloured crust
forms on the surface after it is cold ; hence these
appearances are said to require a repetition of bleed-
ing"; for it very unluckily happens, that most of the
diseases to which horses are subject, are thought to
proceed from some impurities or humours, as they
are called, in the blood, which require to be drained
off by bleeding, and other evacuations.
With regard to any information that may be
drawn from the appearance of the blood when cold,
it will be found, that no certain conclusion can be
formed from it, since blood that is drawn from a
horse who is evidently disordered, will sometimes
have the same appearance, when cold, as that drawn
from a horse in health. On the other hand, blood
drawn from a horse in health, will sometimes have all
the appearance of that drawn from one labouring un-
der the most dangerous disease ; and this may depend
on so many concurring causes, that renders it difficult
to fix any precise standard how we may judge, eith-
€r of the health}' or morbid state of the blood in
horses when cold ; as its appearances are even af-
fected by the manner in which the operation of
blood-letting is performed, and that of the blood's
being received into the vessel.
When blood is drawn from a vein of a horse that
is in health, it appears to be an uniform fluid of a
red or darkish colour; but, after it has been exposed
to the cold air, &c. it coagulates into a stiff mass,
which gradually separates the thinner parts into a
pellucid serum, the thicker parts into a red or dark-
ish mass, which is called the crassamentum.
Although I am thus sparing of drawing blood from
horses on trifling occasions, when they may be said
to be in health, yet when cases occur that do require
it, I would recommend the taking away a greater
quantity at once than is generally done, that is, from
six to eight pounds, which will be about three or
four quarts English measure, according to the ur-
gency of the symptoms, &,c. at the time, the
strength and age of the horse considered. For, as
horses are very subject to inflammatory diseases,
and those that are of the spasmodic kind, and as
bleeding plentifully relaxes the whole system in
these cases, the taking away a small quantity of
blood, about one quart, or two pounds, is in fact tri-
fling with the disease ; the horse is said to have
been blooded, that satisfies his ovvner and the far-
rier; time is lost; the disease acquires strength, it
will then be beyond the power of art to mitigate or
to conquer it ; hence the horse falls a sacrifice to
timidity and ignorance. It is to be remembered,
that, in inflammatory diseases, (particularly when the
bowels are affected) that they make a very rapid
progress in horses, «nd, if they are not overcome at
the beginning, by bleeding plentifully, the horse com-
monly dies, in twenty-four or thirty hours, of a gan-
grene and mortification in the intestines. I have
seen so many cases of this kind, and which have
been confirmed on dissecting the bodies afterwards,
that I cannot be too full on the subject, in warning
practitioners how they should act in such cases; and,
perhaps, few occurrences in practice gave me more
uneasiness than to be consulted in the last stage of
these complaints, when nothing could be done for
the relief of the horse.
The quantity of blood here recommended to be
taken away at once, may, by many people, be ob-
jected to : In answer to which, I would observe,
that, in inflammatory cases, I have always found the
greatest benefit from it in practice.
The blood is a fluid of a peculiar nature ; it is the
great fountain of life, and the source of all the hu-
mours in the body ; it circulates through, and nour-
ishes «very part of the animal system, being convey-
ed from the heart by the arteries to the extremities
and surface of the body, and returned to the heart
again by the veins. This ciixulation is so complete,
that the most trifling wound or scratch is imme-
diately followed with a discharge of blood from
the small capillary vessels of the skin. In order to
explain more fully how the circulation is performed,
it will be necessary to give a short description of the
heart, the arteries and veins, with some general re-
marks on the pulse of horses.
The heart is a muscle of a conic figure, that is,
broad at its basis, and terminating in a blunt apex or
point ; it has four cavities, two of which are called
auricles or ears, and the other two ventricles. The
auricles are situated at the basis of the heart, and
receive the blood immediately from the veins ;
the right from the vein called vena cava, and
the left from the pulmonary vein ; at the bottom
of these auricles, are certain valves which open
into the ventricles, and shut again when the lat-
ter are filled with blood, in order to prevent its
return to the auricles: Thus, when the right
rentricle receives the blood through its auricle,
the valves shut, and the blood is forced, by the con-
traction of the heart, from the ventricle into the
pulmonary artery, which rises immediately out of
the right ventricle, and is carried into the lungs ; it
is returned from thence by the pulmonary veins into
the left auricle, which empties itself into the ven-
tricle on the same side, and by it the blood is forced
into the great artery or aorta, vrhich rises out of that
ventricle, and which conveys it all over the body ;
the blood is returned to the heart by the veins
(which, in their course, take in the chyle or nourish-
ment) to the right auricle of the heart, which com-
pletes the circulation.
'ihe heart is fixed at its basis, by the vessels, &c.
which belong to it, and to the mediastinum, &i,c. ; it is
contained in a bag or purse, called the pericardium,
within which there is a small quantity of a clear wa-
tery lymph, separated there by the exhaling vessels,
that the surface of the heart may not grow dry from
its continued motion ; the heart is supplied with
nerves and blood-vessels for its own nourishment.
The arteries are conical tubes or pipes, which
convey the blood from the heart to all the parts of
the body ; they posses a very elastic quahty, by
which they contract and dilate themselves, accord-
ing to the impulse of the blood, which is propelled
or forced into them by the heart ; 1 his contraction
and dilation of the arteries is called the pulse, and
which takes place in all the arteries at the same in-
stant of time ; for, as the left ventricle throws out
the blood into the arteries, they are dilated, and, as
soon as the elasticity of the arteries can overcome
the impulse of the blood, they are again contracted;
hence these two causes, viz. the action of the heart,
and the elasticity of the arteries, operating alternate-
ly, keep the blood in a continual circulation.
The arteries being conical canals, are large at
their origin, and gradually diminish towards their
extremities (resembling the trunk and branches of a
tree) where they anastamose, or join with the ex-
treme branches of the veins ; hence, the latter may
be said to be a continuation of the arteries.
The veins, as 1 have just now mentioned, are a
continuation of the extreme capillary arteries re-
flected back towards the heart, uniting their chan-
nels or branches as they approach it, till at last
they lorm the larger veins ; hence, they may be
said to resemble the branches and trunk of a tree,
inverted from the extremities to the heart. There
is no pulsation in the veins, because the blood is
thrown into them in a continued stream from a nar-
row channel to a wider.
In most of the veins where the blood rises in a
perpendicular column, as in the legs, &c. there are
valves which open towards the heart, and admit
the blood to pass freely ; but it cannot fall back or
repass these valves ; therefore, if it is not pushed
on with sufficient force, it may distend the veins, and
cause a sweHing of the legs. Hence it is observ-
ed, that this lentor or sluggish circulation of the
blood in the leg-veins, is removed, and the circula-
tion greatly forwarded, by muscular motion, or, in
other words, by exercise.
The veins, for the most part, accompany the ar-
teries ; hence, when a vein must be opened, it is to
be remembered, that an artery is near, and, fre-
quently, immediately under it, as large as the vein
itself, (and which may be easily distinguished by its
pulsation ;) and hence the coats of the arteries are
liable to be wounded by an unskilful operator in
drawing blood. The extreme branches of the arte-
ries and veins have numerous communications with
one another, resembling the fibres in the leaves of
plants, by which communications, the blood, when
obstructed from any cause in the branchings of these
vessels, may pass through by other channels that are
not obstructed ; this hkewise takes place when the
larger vessels are divided ; the circulation is contin-
ued by the detached branches of the remainmg
These remarks being premised, it remains to
make some observations on the pulse of the arteries
in horses, a due attention to which is of the utmost
consequence to practitioners in farriery, and which,
in the general practice, seems either to be not un-
derstood, or not attended to ; for, without a proper
knowledge of the pulse, we neither can form a right
judgment of diseases, in which the vascular system
is affected, the velocity of the blood increased or
diminished, neither can we judge rightly when it is
necessary to let blood, nor to refrain from it. It
will therefore be proper, first to consider the pulse
in a healthy state, before we can form a just idea of
it when a disease takes place.
The pulse of a horse that is in health, and nowise
terrified or alarmed, is from thirty-six to forty beats
in a minute ; it may easily be felt by pressing the fin-
gers gently on the temporal artery, which is situated
about an inch and a half backwards from the upper
corner of the eye. It is necessary to observe, that,
if the fingers are pressed too hard, (as the bone or
scull lies below the artery,) no pulsation will be felt,
as too great pressure stops the circulation in the ar-
tery at the time. It is likewise necessary to observe,
that the pulse of a horse, about thirteen or fourteen
hands high, is quicker than one of a larger size.
When a horse is in great pain, or in a violent fever,
the pulse will be raised from eighty to one hundred
beats in a minute, and sometimes considerably above
The pulse in a healthy state, is equal, moderate,
and free, which shows, that the heart and vascular
system in general are firm and vigorous, and that the
heart empties itself freely at each contraction and
dilation, that there is no impediment to the passage
of the fluids, through the viscera and vessels, and
* It is necessary to observe here, that the pulse of young ani-
mals are quicker than they are as they advance in life, and that,
in old age, they gradually decrease in fieqiiency. If the pulse of
a middle aged horse, much exceeds forty-five strokes in a minute,
some inflammatory disorder must be the cause. If much slower
the horse is labouring under debility. Exercise increases the fre-
quency of the pulse in all animals. The proper time therefore,
to examine the pulse of a horse, is not until after he has been
at rest, some hours at least. — Am. Ed.
that the nervous power acts uniformly upon every
part of the circulating system. Whereas, in a mor-
bid or diseased state, it will be unequal and inter-
mitting every now and then, varying in the time be-
tween the strokes, as well as the ibrce of the stroke ;
sometimes it will stop entirely, and sometimes it will
be immodeiMtely quick, at others unnaturally slow ;
sometimes it will be raised greatly above the healthy
degree of strength, and at others sunk as much be-
low it. This unequal or intermitting pulse, shows,
that the nervous sjstem is greatly disordered, and
portends great danger, especially if it becomes so
after long illness, when the strength is much ex-
When the pulse beats strong and quick, it shows,
that the morbid or diseased stimulus, excites the
heart to expel the blood, with great force, and that
the progressive motion of the blood is more rapid
and impetuous than it ought to be ; as this strong
pulse strains and speedily exhausts the vital powers,
it portends great danger, if not soon removed.
The hard, quick, and strong pulse, is generally a
symptom of considerable irritation, and shows, that
the heart is greatly stimulated ; this takes place in
inflammations of the viscera, as in peripneumony,
or inflammation of the lungs, stomach, intestines.
The hard, quick, low, or small pulse, shows great
inward pain, which, by sj^rapathetically affecting the
heart, excites it to empty its ventricles before they
are sufficiently filled with blood.
A quick pulse is generally a sign of a fever ; when
it is exceedingly quick and weak, it is always a very
dangerous symptom, as it shows, that the powers
of the heart are nearly exhausted, and that, in order
to support the circulation, it is forced to act more
frequently, and to empty its ventricles by a number
of weak contractions.
When the pulse beats soft and weak, it may be
owing to a general laxity of the fibres of the arte-
ries, or to a thin watery state of the blood, which
enables it to glide too easily through the vessels,
that the heart is not under the necessity of exerting
so much force in propelling it through the arteries,
as when they are more firm or unyieldmg, or when
the blood is more dense or viscid, which are great
impediments to a free circulation in particular or-
A weak pulse is a sign either of a considerable
debility or weakness of the heart, or too small a
quantity of blood in the vessels in general, or some
impediment to- the influx of the blood into the heart,
or to some, or all of these causes combined ; for this
I'eason, it is to be met with frequently in low fevers,
or towards the end of diseases that prove fatal.
When the pulse remains full under the fingers dur-
ing the contraction and dilation of the arteries, it is
a sign ol too great fulness of the vessels, either from
a plethora, or too great a rarification of the fluids,
by febrile, heat, or other causes ; it indicates danger
from accumulation, distension, and even rupture of
some of the blood vessels in particular organs.
But, if the pulse, though full, is at the same time
soft and distinct, it is a favourable symptom, as it
shows, that there is no considerable constriction in
the vessels.
Upon the whole, the pulse is always bad when it
is very diflFerent from its natural state ; for, as a weak
and quick pulse shows debility in the heart and vas-
cular system, regard at the same time being always
had to other symptoms, if the pulse sink in fevers
there is great danger.
On the other hand, when the pulse is equal, re-
gular, and moderately full, especially if it becomes
so from being languid, weak, and irregular, on the
breaking out of some critical discharge, as that of
sweat or looseness, or the staleing frequently, it is a
sign of amendment.
From what has been observed, it will be obvious,
that the information to be attamed from a due atten-
tion to the state of the pulse in the diseases of hor-
ses, is of consequence in the practice of farriery.
Young practitioners ought therefore to make them-
selves well acquainted with all the variations that
take place in diseases, together with the changes
that happen when deviating from the healthy state
to the morbid or diseased.
It may be necessary again to observe, that, in
feeling the pulse of a horse in health, that he be
not frightened, nor anywise alarmed, as that will
make an alteration in the quickness of the pulse,
which will be apt to mislead the unexperienced.
Thus much may suffice at present concerning the
pulse in general ; it will be necessary to be more
particular when the signs to be taken from it are ap-
plied to particular diseases, and corroborated by
other symptoms, I shall therefore proceed to enu-
merate the different cases that may require bleed-
The cases which may require bleeding, are in all
violent bruises or strains in the muscular or tende-
nous parts ; in large wounds, especially when there is
a laceration or tearing of the parts without much
loss of blood from the wound ; in the beginning of
all cuticular disorders or eruptions on the skin, as
little pustules, dry scabs, &c. ; in large swellings on
the body or legs ; in all deep punctures, or small
wounds, when the horse shows symptoms of great
pain, &,c. ; in swellings of the legs and heels, from
inflammations, &c.
Bleeding is necessary in most diseases where great
sickness prevails, and is the speediest method of
giving relief in the beginning of inflammatory fevers,
to which horses are very liable ; it is also necessary
in all violent acute pains, as in the gripes or cho-
lic, strangury or suppression of urine ; in rheumatic
complaints, where the stifihess or lameness shifts
from one limb to another, or when it affects the
neck, and causing great stifihess, which is commonly
called the chords ; in inflammations of the eyes, or
palate of the mouth, which is called the lampars,
when the horse cannot eat his food on account of
the tenderness of the parts ; in all recent colds, at-
tended with rheums or defluctions about the throat,
eyes, &c. ; in recent swellings of the glands about
the throat, jaws, &c. ; in the jaundice, inflammation?
of the lungs, pleura, stomach, intestines, and other
viscera; in apoplexy, vertigo, or giddiness ; and in
all disorders where the head seems affected ; in the
beginning of impost humations, or collections of
matter in any part of the body, attended With great
pain; in plethoric or full habits of body, where pro-
per exercise has been long neglected ; and when a
horse becomes bieathless on the least exercise.
On the other hand, bleeding is to be avoided, un-
less in very urgent cases, in all extremes of very
hot or very cold weather, and whilst a horse is over-
heated from violent exercise ; in all cases of ex-
treme lowness of body, or weakness, through fatigue,
disease, &c.; after all evacuations by purging or
scouring, diabetes, or profuse staleing, loss of blood,
from great wounds, or profuse sweating. Bleeding
is likewise to be avoided, when imposthumations, or
collections of matter is once formed properly in any
part of the body ; likewise during the time horses
are moulting in the autumn.
Thus, I have endeavoured to show the principal
cases where bleeding is necessary, and likewise
where it ought to be avoided ; no doubt particular
cases and accidents may, besides those above men-
tioned, happen, when bleeding may be necessary, but
these, from what has been said upon the subject,
will readily occur to the judicious practitioner.
1 HE foot of the Horse developes a curious, compli-
cated, and lieautiful structure. It comprises all that
portion trom the coffin-joint downwards; and for
the sake of perspicuity, is generally divided into the
internal and external foot.
The internal foot of the horse is composed of
▼arious sensihle parts, appropriated to different pur-
poses. !t comprises in the first place, the navicular
and coffin-bones. T'.ie navicular-bone constitutes
the posterior part of the coffin-joint, and is connect-
ed to the pastern, and coffin-bones, by ligaments.
The coffin-bone is the lowest; and last bone of either
extremity. These two bones are the base and sup-
port of the column of bones above, and act as pul-
lies to those tendons which are inserted into the
foot. Their union serves to prevent concussion
when the limb is in motion.
The internal foot comprises in the next place, a por-
tion of those tendons that enter the foot for insertion ;
a considerable quantity of fatty substance situated be-
hind the back tendons, and serving as a soft and elastic
cushion for those tendons to act, or rest upon; also
two thin cartilages growing out laterally from the
coffin-bones, which help to prevent concussion and
keep the heels of the foot expanded ; the sensible
frog and sole ; and lastly a sensible laminated sub-
stance covering all the anterior and lateral parts of
the internal foot, which being received into corres-
ponding lamina3 on the internal surface of the crust,
support the whole weight of the animal. This has
been proved by removing the horny sole, frog, and
bars, (constituting the bottom of the foot) when the
crust was found sufficient to sustain the horses weight.
These laminae possess great elasticity, and afford to
the foot a most curious and complicated spring. The
internal foot secretes the external hoof; in other
words, the external horny hoof grows from the in-
ternal sensible foot ; consequently the internal foot
must necessarily be supplied with numerous blood-
vessels and nerves, which render it highly sensible
and easily inflamed. Any contraction of, or undue
pressure upon, the horny hoof is propagated to the
internal sensible foot, and interrupts its functions ;
consequently pain, disease and lameness follow.
The external foot, or horny hoof is intended to
enclose, and protect from injury the internal vascu-
lar and sensible foot. It is composed of a hard,
elastic, but insensible substance, very durable, and
admirably calculated for the purpose for which it
was intended. It consists of the wall or crust, the
sole, the frog, and the bars. The upper part of the
crust, where it is connected with the skin, is called
the coronet. The lower part in front, the toe ; the
sides of the crusl are named the quarters ; the
quarters terminate in the heels : and the heels are con-
nected with the frog. The crust descends from (he
coronet to the base (in a well formed foot) in a re-
gular slope, at an angle of about forty-five degrees,
giving to the hoof somewhat of a conical figure.
The inside of the crust is almost entirely covered
with a beautiful set of laminae, which very much re-
semble the under side of a mushroom. These are
received into, and united with similar laminae, situated
on the outer surface of the internal sensible foot, and
constitute a most powerful spring, to the horse in mo-
tion. The number of laminae situated on the inside
of the crust, has been computed at about five hun-
dred, in a middling sized horse. The outer surface
of the internal foot contains an equal number to re-
ceive them. Each laminae or fold has two sides and
an edge ; making three surfaces of union to each la-
minae. Consequently one foot of a middling sized
horse has three thousand points of union ; giving to
it a surface of about four square feet. Now as a
horse has four feet, and as each foot has a surface
of bearing of about four square feet, it follows that
a horse treads on sixteen square feet, instead of as
many inches, as might naturally be supposed. It
has been stated above that the attachment or union
between the folds or laminae on the inner surface of
the external foot or crust, and the folds or laminae on
the outer surface of the internal foot, are equal to
the support of the weight of the animal, when the
horny hoof, sole, frog and bars are removed. This
proves pretty clearly that the crust was intended to
support the weight of the horse, and not the frog,
as some have believed. Professor Coleman founded
his system of shoemg upon the idea that the frog
ought constantly to press upon the ground and sup-
port in a great measure the weight of the animal.
I may at some future period give an opinion upon
this subject, but at present I shall pass it over by
remarking that I am informed from a source that
may be credited, that Mr. Coleman's system is not
now practised at the Veterinary College, where he
is Professor and principal Director, nor in the Caval-
ry where he is the first Veterinary Surgeon. It
would seem therefore that experience has not prov-
ed its practical utility.
Fig. 1. — Represents part of a fore-leg, with a side
view of the foot, shod on Mr. Goodwin's system.
a. — Shows the shoe on a straight line from the
heel to the point of curve, and also the degree of
curve at the toe.
6, &c. — The parts where the nerve operation is
usually performed.
Fig. 2. — A side view of the coffin-bone.
a. — Shows the degree of curve at the toe, in the
natural bone, and harmonising with the French me-
thod of shoeing.
Fig. 1. — Natural hoof.
a. — French method of driving the nails within the
crust, and going through a portion of the sole.
Fig. 2.— Contracted hoof.
Fig. 3. — Convex sole, or pumiced hoof
Fig. 4. — Flat thin hoof, with weak low heels.
Fig. 5. — Natural coffin-bone.
Fig. 6. — Coffin-bone after some years shoeing.
Fig. 1. — Patten shoe.
Fjg. 2 — Screw shoe.
Fig. 3. — Bar shoe, the foot side, with the bar raised.
Fig. 4. — Plain bar shoe, the foot side.
Fig. 5. — Road shoe, with moveable toe-pieces.
Fig. 6. — Frost shoe, with moveable ruffs.
«. a, o. — Degree of curve at the toe.
Fig. 1. — Mr. Goodwin's shoe, the ground side.
Fig. 2. — Ditto Ditto, the foot side.
Fig. 3.- -French horse nail.
Fig. 4 — Straight line from the heel to the point
of curve at the toe, with the degree of curve.
Fig. 1 — Speedy cut boot.
Fig. 2. — Swab.
Fig. 3. — Water boot.
Fig. 4. — Bottom for water boot.
Fig. 5. — Rope boot.
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