6F AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRODUCTION TRANSPORTATION AND SALE OF Inspeded and PaSeurized Milk IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO 6-^..^,^ And Repealing Sedtions 1273 and 1274 of the Chicago Code of 1911 G. B. YOUNG Commissioner of Health Passed by the City Council of the City of Chicago, August 14th, 1912 ^i'tii. AN ORDINANCE Repealing Sections 1273 and 1274 oi The Chicago Code of 1911, and substitut- ing therefor an ordinance regulating the production, handhng and sale of Inspected and Pasteurized Milk. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Chicago: Section 1. That Sections 1273 and 1274 of The Chicago Code of 1911 be and are hereby repealed and that the following ordinance be substituted therefor : "1273. All Milk Sold or Kept for Sale to Be Pasteurized, Unless In- spected, and the Temperature of Said Milk During Storage and Transpor- tation Regulated.) It shall be unlaw- ful for any person', firm or corpora- tion to transport into the City of Chicago, or to transport or deliver from point to point within the city, milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk for human consumption which is of a higher temperature than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, provided that after June \st, 1914, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to trans- port into the City of Chicago, or to transport from point to point within the city, or to deliver any milk, cream, skim milk, or buttermilk for human consumption which is of a tempera- ture higher than 55 degrees Fahren- heit. All milk, cream, skim milk or but- termilk sold, offered for sale, exposed for sale, or kept with the intention of selling, or used in the manufacture of ice cream, within the City of Chicago, shall be pasteurized in a manner as hereinafter provided, unless such milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk is of the kind or grade hereinafter definecT as "Inspected." A. Inspected Milk,) "Inspected" milk, cream, skim milk or butter- milk shall be produced in dairies that have been inspected and approved by the Commissioner of Health. Any person, firm or corporation pro- ducing and selling, or producing and offering for sale or for delivery in the City of Chicago, or any person, firm or corporation engaged in the bottling, or receiving and handling in bulk of such milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall make a writ- ten application to the Commissioner of Health, stating the name and resi- dence of the applicant and the loca- tion and description of the premises where such milk is to be produced, bottled or handled. The Commissioner of Health shall thereupon make, or cause to be made, an inspection of tlie"premises, cows and the milk produced, and the manner of handling the milk, cream, skim milk, or buttermilk, and if the same arc found to comply with the requirements as hereinafter set forth, he shall issue a perniit allowing the milk, cieam, skim milk or buttermilk produced or handled on said premises to be brought into or sold in the City of Chicago, conditioned that the person, firm or corporation given such permit will re- port at once any and all sickness oc- curring in himself or any or all per- sons residing or employed upon such premises, and will not ship into, de- liver, sell or offer for sale in the City of Chicago or bring or deliver to any creamery or bottling plant supplying the City of Chicago, the milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk produced on said premises, whenever a case of con- tagious or infectious disease is known or suspected of having occurred in himself or any or all other persons re- siding or employed upon said dairy farm, or in the families of any person or persons so employed or in any dwelling in which said person or per- sons shall be domiciled. Every such permit to produce in- spected milk shall expire on the 30th day of June following the date of is- sue, and every such permit to bottle, or handle in bulk inspected milk shall expire on the 31st day of December following its issue. The Commissioner of Health, when it shall appear to his satisfaction that the provisions of this article have not been complied with, may at any time revoke such a permit by giving notice in writing. "Inspected" milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall be produced and handled in accordance with the fol- lowing regulations : (a) It shall be produced on farms scoring not less than 65 on the follow- ing score card; provided, however, that after January \st, 1915, farms on which inspected milk is produced shall score not less than 70 on this same score card. 0« of D. SCORE CARD. Score Equipment Perf. Al'w'd. cows. Condition 4 Health (outward appearance) 6 Comfort 4 Bedding 2 Temperature of stable....! Protected yard 1 Cubic feet of space per cow: Over 300, 2; over 400, 4; 500 to 1,000, 6 6 Feed 4 Water 8 Clean 6 Fresh 2 STABLE. Location 6 Well drained 3 Free from contaminating surroundings . . . •. 3 Construction 10 Tight, sound floor 3 ' Gutter 1 Stall, Stanchion tie 1 Low-down manger 1 Smooth, tight walls 1 Smooth, tight ceiling ... .2 Box stall 1 Light : 1 sq. ft. glass per cow, 2; 2 sq. ft. 4; 3 sq. ft. 6; 4 sq. ft. 8; even dis- tribution, 2 ; 10 Ventilation : Sliding win- dows, 2 ; hinged at bot- tom, 4; King system or muslin curtain 8 8 Stable yard (drainage) .... 2 MILK ROOM. Location 6 Convenience 2 Free from contaminating surroundings 4 Construction 4 Floor „....1.5 Walls and ceiling 1 Light .5 Ventilation 5 Screens 5 Arrangement 2 Equipment 6 Hot water or steam 2 Cooler 2 Narrow top milk-pail. .. .1 Other utensils 1 Water supply for utensils.. 10 Clean 6 Convenient 2 Abundant 2 Milking suits 4 Total 100 Methods cows. Cleanliness Score Perf. Al'w'd 10 Cleanliness '12 Floor 4 Walls 2 Ceiling 2 Ledges 1 Mangers and partitions...! Windows ! No other animals in sta- ble 1 Stable air 4 Removal of manure 4 To field or proper pit.... 4 30 feet from stable 2 Cleanhness of stable yard. . 2 MILK P.OOil. Cleanliness 6 Care and cleanliness of uten- sils 10 Inverted in pure air 2 Clean (superficially) 4 Sterihzed 4 MILKING. Cleanliness 14 Clean, dry hands 4 Udders washed and dried 10 Cleaned with moist cloth 8 • Cleaned with dry cloth.. 4 CARE OF MILK. Cooling 20 Removed from stable im- mediately after milking each cow and promptly cooled 10 Cooled to 50° F. or be- low 10 51° to 55° F...: 8 56° to 60° F 6 Storing 8 Below 50° F 8 51° to 55° F 6 56° to 60° F 4 Transportation 10 Iced in summer 10 Jacket or wet blanket in summer 8 Dry blanket 4 Covered wagon 2 Total 100 .... Score of equipment. .. .X !=■•• • Methods X2= Total -^• 3 = Final Score. (b) It shall be obtained from cows which have been certified, by veteri- narians authorized by the Commis- sioner of Health, or by veterinarians appointed by the state or United States government, to be free from tubercu- losis and other diseases, not more than SIX months prior to the date that such milk is brought into the city, provided, however, that time shall be given until June 30, 1913, for the filing of such certificates. Animals known to be affected with tuberculosis or other infectious dis- eases shall not be kept in herds used for the production of inspected milk. The cows yielding same must be kept clean. Long hair must be clipped from the flanks, udder and from the tail sufficiently to clear the ground. The cows shall not be fed on slops, refuse of any distillery or brewerj^ glucose or any malt in a state of fer- mentation, putrefaction or decom- position, or any other putrefying or unwholesome foodstuffs. Milk from . cows fifteen days before and one week after calving shall not be mixed with . inspected milk. (c) The milking must be done by milkers who are clean as to both cloth- ing and person or by mechanical milk- ers operated by persons as above specified. When open milk pails are used they shall have an opening at the top not more than seven inches in diameter. (d) All utensils, mechanical milkers or other devices, used in the pro- duction and handling of inspected milk must be properly cleaned and steri- lized each time before using, and shall be so constructed that all parts are absolutely free from places where milk can accumulate or soak in so that it cannot be removed by simple washing, and the surface coming in contact with the milk or cream must be smooth and free from excessive rust. (e) All persons living upon farms where such milk is produced, or em- ployed thereon, shall be free from contagious or infectious diseases, and resident or domiciled in places free from such diseases, and shall not be exposed to or come in contact with any person suffering with or having a contagious disease, provided that no person shall be employed or permitted to work on such farm unless and un- til it shall have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Health of the City of Chicago that said person is not a typhoid or diphtheria carrier. It shall be the duty of every per- son, firm or corporation producing in- spected milk to notify the Commis- sioner of Health at once, by mail, of the occurrence of any sickness in any person, or persons, living or employed on their farms where such milk is produced. Milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk produced on any farm or bottled or handled in bulk where a case of contagious or infectious dis- ease has occurred, or is suspected to have occurred, shall not be shipped into or delivered, sold or offered for sale in the City of Chicago, or brought or dehvered to any creamery or bot- tling plant supplying the City of Chi- cago until the Commissioner of Health shall have been notified and shall have made an investigation and released such milk, cream, skim . milk or but- termilk for delivery in the City of Chicago. (f) The milk from each cow shall be removed from the stable immedi- ately after it is obtained, and shall then be strained and cooled at once to 60 degrees Fahrenheit or below. It shall then be kept at a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit or below until delivered to the consumer, provided that after June 1, 1914, the tempera- ture to which the milk must be cooled and at or below which it must be kept shall be 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (g) Inspected milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk exposed for sale, offered for sale or sold to the consum- er, shall be contained in tightly closed and capped bottles, or recepta- cles of a similar character. (h) All milk, cream, skim milk, or buttermilk produced and handled in the manner required in Article A of this section shall be labeled "In- spected Milk," "Inspected Cream," "Inspected Skim Milk," or "Inspected iButtermilk," as the case may be, in letters not less than -^^ of an inch high on the cap or cover of every package when contained in bottles or recepta- cles of a similar character, and not less than f^ of an inch high, on a tag, attached to each container, when contained in cans.. The serial number corresponding with the number of the permit given by the Commissioner of Health to the person, firm or corpora- tion producing such inspected milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall be plainly indicated in figures not less than % of an inch high on every case, can or receptacle of a similar char- acter in which such milkj cream, skim milk or buttermilk is sent or brought into the City of Chicago. The cap or stopper of the bottles or receptacles of a similar character in which saidinspec'ed milk , cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall be contained shall be plainly marked with the name of the day of the week upon which the said milk, cream, skim milk or butter- milk was first enclosed in bottles or receptacles of a similar character, pro- vided, that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to mark, cause to be marked, or permit to be marked upon any bottle or receptacle of similar character containing in- spected milk, cream, skim milk, or butterinilk the name of any other day than that upon which the contents was first enclosed iti bottles or containers of similar character. (i) All inspected milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk sold, of- fered for sale or kept with the inten- tion of selling or brought into the City of Chicago shall not yield more than a perceptible amount of sedi- ment or stain other than that of nat- ural butterfat, when a pint sample of the same is filtered through a pledget of cotton one inch in diameter, and shall be entirely free from dis- easp producing bacteria and blood, pus or other matter or things dan- gerous and detrimental to health. Inspected milk and inspected skim milk shall not contain more than 100- 000 bacteria per c. c. from October 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 150,000 bacteria from May 2 to September 30, inclusive. Inspected cream shall not contain more than 150,000 bacteria per c. c. from Oc- tober 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 300,000 bacteria from May 2 to September 30, inclusive. In the determination of the number of bacteria the culture media used shall be 1 per cent agar agar, having a reaction of plus 1.5 on Fullers' scale. The quantity of culture media used shall be 10 cubic centimeters per plate. The Petri dishes shall be 100 millimeters in diameter. The Plate cultures shall be incu- bated at a temperature of 37° Centi- grade, for a period of two days. The Petri dishes selected for count- ing shall be those containing not less than 20 nor more than 200 colonies per plate. B. Pasteurized Milk.) All milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk not complying with the requirements set forth for inspected milk in Article A of this section shall be produced, han- dled and pasteurized in accordance with the following regulations. (a) The said milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall be pro- duced on farms scoring not less than 55 on the score card as described in paragraph (a) in Article A of this section. (b) It shall be obtained from cows which, upon physical examination, arc- found to be free from disease. The cows shall be kept clean and shall not be fed on slops, refuse of any dis- tillery or brewery, glucose or any malt in a state of fermentation, pu- trefaction or decomposition, or any other putrefying or unwholesome foodstuffs. Milk from cows fifteen days before and one week after calv- ing shall not be mixed with pasteur- ized milk. (c) The milking must be done in a cleanly manner. When open milk pails are used they shall have an opening at the top not more than seven inches in diameter. (d) All utensils used in the pro- duction and handling of pasteurized milk must be properly cleaned and sterilized each time before using, and shall be so constructed that all parts are absolutely free from places where milk can accumulate or soak in so that it cannot be removed by simple washing, and the surface coming in contact with the milk or cream must be smooth and free from excessive rust. (e) All persons living upon farms where such milk is produced, or em- ployed thereon, shall be free from con- tagious or infectious diseases, and resident or domiciled in places free from such diseases, provided that no person shall be employed or permit- ted to work who is known to be a "carrier" of an infectious or conta- gious disease. (f) The milk from each cow shall be removed from the stable immedi- ately after it is obtained, and shall then be strained and cooled at once to 60 degrees Fahrenheit or below and kept at this temperature until pasteurized, provided that after June 1,, 1914, the temperature to which the milk must be cooled, and at or below which it must be kept shall be 55 degrees Fahrenheit. (g) All niilk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk required to be pasteur- ized shall not yield more than a per- ceptible amount of sediment or stain 'other than that of natural butterfat when a pint sample of the same is filtered through a pledget of cotton one inch in diameter, and shall _ be entirely free from disease producing bacteria, and blood, pus, or other mat- ter or things dangerous and detri- mental to health. Such milk and skim milk, before pasteurization, shall not contain more than 750,000 bacteria per c. c. from October 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 1,000,000 bacteria per ,c. c. from May 2 to September 30, inclusive. , Such cream shall not contain more than 800,000 bacteria per c. c. from October 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 1,500,000 bacteria from May 2 to September 30, inclu- sive. . ' ■ (h) ■ Every person, firm or corpora- tion installing or operating a pasteur- izer for the purpose of pasteurizing or treating milk, cream, skim mill? or buttermilk to be sold, offered for sale or kept with the intention of sell- ing, or fof the pasteurization or treat- ment of milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk to be shipped or brought into the City of Chicago, shall notify the Commissioner of Health in writ- ing, stating the time when and the place where such pasteurizer is to be installed, together with the name of the person or persons who will oper- ,ate said pasteurizer, and shall Hie with said. Commissioner of Health the names of the ozviiers and the location of all farms from which the milk that is to, he pasteurised at said plant is obtained. . - The Commissioner of Health shall thereupon make or cause to be made an inspection of such pasteuriser and the premises or plant wherein the ■ same, is operated. He shall also inspect or cause to be inspected all farms the milk snpply of zuliich, after pas- teurisation at said plant, is sold or rinte'iiided for sale or brought into the City of Chicago with the intention of selling for huntan consumption; and no such farms shall be allowed to bring or furnish milk, or cream to said pasteurising plant without first being inspected and found to comply with the requirements of Ar- ticle B of this ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation operating such a pasteuriser or pasteurising plant to receive milk or cream from any farm which has not been inspected and passed by the Commissioner , of Health. If all of the foregoing provisions have been complied with, and the pasteuriser or pasteurising equipment is such that 99 per cent of all bacteria and all pathogenic bacteria are killed in the milk treated therein at the tem- perature required in paragraphs (/) and (0 of Article B of this ordinance, the Commissioner of Health shall issue a permit allowing the milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk pasteurised in such pasteuriser and on such prem- ises to be brought into or sold in the City of Chicago. Every such permit shall expire on the 30th day of June following date of issue. The Commissioner of Health may ivithdraw his approval by serving no- tice in zvriting when any such pasteiiri- ser or pasteurising plant is not opera- ted in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or when the milk received thereat or pasteurised therein is obtained from farms that do not comply luith the requirements as set forth in Article B of this ordinance or from farms zvhich have not been inspected and fomid to comply with said requirements by the Commission- er of Health. In case of dispute in regard to tests made of such pasteuriser or pasteur- ising equipment or in regard to the icmperature to which the milk shall be heated, the person, firm or corporation making application to operate a pas- teuriser may make application to the Commissioner of Health to have the said pasteuriser or pasteurising equip- ment re-inspected. Such re-inspection or retesting shall be done by one per- son designated by the Commissioner of Health and another by the person, arm or corporation owning or oper- ating said pasteuriser, and in case of failure or inability to agree, the two to select a third. (i) In all continuous pasteuriza- tion the milk and cream shall be heated to a temperature which shall be determined and fixed b}' the Com- missioner of Health for each machine at a poii'it corresponding to a tempera- ture required to kill 99 per cent of the bacteria and all pathogenic bac- teria contained in the raw product, and shall show no colon bacilli in 1 c. c. as determined by cultural methods. All continuous pasteurizers shall be equipped with feeding pipe which is so constructed that the pasteurizer cannot be fed in excess of its normal working capacity, that is, in excess of the working capacity of the ma- chine at which 99 per cent of the bac- teria are killed when the required amount of heat is applied. A recording apparatus shall be in- stalled upon ail pasteurizers to re- cord during operation the temperature of the pasteurized product as it flows from the heater. The thermometer of this recording apparatus must be accurate and kept submerged in the milk in such a way that it is not ex- posed to escaping steam or other heat, except the heated milk, provided that if the pasteurizing is done in bottles or in other final containers, the temperature recording apparatus must be attached and adjusted in a tnanner so as to accurately record the temperature to which the milk, cream, skim, milk or buttermilk is raised and the duration of time for which said temperature is main- tained. The records made by this record- ing thermometer must be accurate and made in a chamber which is kept under lock and key in the control of the Commissioner of Health. The mechanism of the pasteurizer or pasteurizing system shall be such that the three important elements, namely, the temperature, time of ex- posure and the quantity of milk ex- posed at one time can be readily kept under control and observation by the Commissioner of Health. (j) The following conditions as to degrees' of heat and time of exposure shall be complied with : A uniform heating of 140 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes, or 150 de- grees Fahrenheit maintained for 15 minutes, or 155 degrees Fahrenheit maintained for 5 minutes, or 160 de- grees Fahrenheit maintained for V/o minutes, or 165 degrees Fahrenheit maintained for 1 minute. The time shall be calculated from the period that the entire quantity reaches the required temperature. (k) All milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk produced and handled in the manner required in Article B of this section shall be labeled "Pasteur- ized Milk," "Pasteurized Cream," "Pasteurized Skim Milk," or "Pas- teurized Buttermilk," as the case may be, in letters not less than -f'g of ;an inch high on the cap or cover of every package, when contained in bottles or receptacles of a similar character, and not less than f^ of an inch high, on a tag attaclied to each container, when contained in cans, togethei" with a serial number corresponding with the number of the permit given by the Commissioner of Health, to the person, firm or corporation, for .the pastenrbcr or plant, pastenricing said milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk, and the cap or stopper of the bottles or receptacles of a similar character in which said pasteurized milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall be con- tained shall be plainly marked with the name of the day of the week upon which said milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk enclosed in said bottles or receptacles of a similar character, was pasteurized, provided, that it shall be unlawful for any person, iirm or corporation to mark, cause to be marked, or permit to be marked upon any bottle or recepta- cle of similar character containing- pasteurized milk, cream, skim milk or butlermilk the name of any other day than that upon which the con- tents enclosed in bottles or containers of similar character was pasteurized. (1) After January 1, 1914, all milk, cream, skim milk or butter- milk which is not of the grade o" kind defined in this section as "In- spected" shall be pasteurized at a temperature of not less than 140 de- grees Fahrenheit for not less than 20 minutes or not less than 155 dc grees Fahrenheit for not less. than 5 minutes. (m) The pasteurized product shall be cooled at once to a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or below. This cooling shall be so conducted that the pasteurized product is not exposed to possible sources of contamination. This cooling apparatus shall be so constructed that it can be readily cleaned and sterilized. Milk^ cream or skim milk shall be enclosed in tightly capped bottles or packages of a sifnilar character or in sealed cans immediately after pas- teurisation. Pasteurised milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk shall he kept at a tem- perature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or below while the same is stored or kept at a pasteurising plant, bottling establishment or milk depot. Pasteurized milk, cream, skim milk or butterfnilk exposed for sale, offered for sale or sold to the con- sumer, shall be contained in tightly closed and capped bottles, or recepta- cles of a similar character. Pasteurized milk and skim milk shall not contain more than 50,000 bacteria per c. c. from October 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 100,000 bacteria per c. e. from Maj^ 2 to September 30, inclusive. Pasteur- ized cream shall not contain more than 150,000 bacteria per c. c. from October 1 to May 1, inclusive, and not more than 300,(X)0 bacteria per c. c. from May 2 to September 30, inclu- sive, and shall not contain colon ba- cilli in 1 c. c. as determined by cul- tural methods. In the determination of the number of bacteria, the culture media used shall be 1 per cent agar agar, having a reaction of plus 1.5 on the Fuller scale. The quantity of culture media used shall be 10 cubic centimeters per plate. The Petri dishes shall be 100 millimeters in diameter. The plate cultures shall be incu- bated at a temperature of 37° Centi- grade, for a period of two days. The Petri dishes selected for count- ing shall be those containing not less than 20 nor more than 200 colonies per plate. (n) _Milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk which has been pasteurized and held for a period of twelve hours or more after such pasteurization shall not be repasteurized or reheated for the purpose of enhancing the keeping qualities of such milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk. 1274. Penalty and Seizure.) Ev- ery person, firm or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of the fore- going section shall be fined not less than $5.00 or more than $200.00 _ for each and every offense, provided, hoivever, that whenever the Commis- sioner of Health of the City of Chi- cago shall discover that any person, firm or corporation has violated any of the provisions of the foregoing sections, said Commissioner shall zvithin ten days from the date of such discovery, before suit is commenced, notify in writing the person, firm or corporation guilty of said violation that said violation has occurred, said notice to state the particular provi- sion of the foregoing section or sec- tions that has been violated. All milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk brought into the City of Chicago, or sold, offered for sale, or kept with the intention of selling, or of using in the manufacture of ice cream which does not comply with the re- quirements as set forth in the fore- going section, or with the standards therein set forth, shall be condemned" b}' the Commissioner of Health and rendered unfit for human food by coloring or otherwise treating, or shall be condemned, seized and de- stroyed, provided, that if in the opin- ion of the Commissioner of Health it is proper to do so the said milk, cream, skim milk or buttermilk may be tagged as follows : "Condemned, Commissioner of Health, Chicago," and returned to the shipper or pro- ducer. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDflTbD3S5