. ;. .'ift " 5Uj;;;il^ir;ii;ttff!ittitiMft«^tfw«ntim'rtt')»..r^ Qass. Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT f THE CONEY ISLAND AN ACCURATE AND RELIABLE DmECTOKY AND OF THE TOWNSHIP Ob' GRAVESEND, KINGS CO., ' IXCLUDINC- ITS HOTELS, STO R P: S, TRADES A N I ) T R A D E S- MEN, PLACES OF AMLSEMEXT, RAIL- ROADS & DEPOTS, WrriJ LOCATION, TOGETHER WITH CAREFLLLV RE- VISED TIME TABLES OF CARS OF ALL ROUTES, AS WELL AS STEAMBOATS; .\ LSO A CORRECT H ISTO R Y A V rt A r(>^f PLETE A v i , | p l ^ I w ' ) r 'I H V MAP OF CONEY ISLANIl Otliei' LJs^eAil Inioi'iiiatiorL, 2^1, i sea CORVRIGHTED AND ^'ai-ISHED BV;^ ,) [ >' ^ " ■'j\ LA IV AND MERCANTILE FKINTEk-Al-^''Pm^^-^^R, "^^ 36. Fulton StreetT " Opposite City Hall, ■ -Brooklyn, N, Y. Everything in the " Souvenir " is copyrighted, Mr. JVilso/i's Poems separately, and all rights are reserved. "" ^ ^ P S H BAD BAY CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. ^p^ few years ago Coney Island was a low - gffl^waste of sand, renowned for its cooling ^ breezes, but sought out by comparatively few ' people during the heated term to bathe or fish. To-day, Coney Island is one of the finest sum- mer resorts on the Continent. The Souvenir purposes to point out briefly, yet accurately, the various means of reaching the Beach, the time necessarily consumed, and where to go after you get there, and, crowning the whole, a correct and complete map of the / Island, showing every place of interest and ' importance from Norton's Point to Sheepshead Bay. This information is given in the interest of the great public exclusively, and no misrep- resentation will be permitted in any case. A glance through its pages will convince any one that the book is a trustworthy encyclope- dia of all the routes to the various Beaches, (including time of arrival and departure of all trains and boats to and from Coney Island), to- gether with the best places, only, ©f resort. Our advertisers are of the best class only, old established and thoroughly trustworthy houses. In conclusion, we bespeak for the SouvENrR your kind indulgence, good wishes, best help. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. ¥^>f^^ff/ THE NEW BIJOU ALBUM CONTAINS RIGHT GRNUINK «4=PH0T0GRAPHS-J= Notable'people. With no two alike. All on tinted backffrounds, the eight "Photo'a" bciiis handsomely bound, in new, —UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL- DESIGNS IN CLOTH-AND-GOLD. Price, 25 Cents. {^"Single Samples from ''Photo's " Bent to any address on receipt of three one cent stamps. "Photo" Manufacturing Co., 437 Madison Street, BROOKLYN, N. Y. C-be (oon^-tj Gi^iaiacl 1 SOUVENIR p HOW TO GET THEPxE, AND WHERE TO GO. r^ M 1883 « OuMFLIMENTS C f- "^^ ,..-. • J FOREM, '''J ^^^ f Maniifacturer of ^ tes' Straw, Silk, & Velvet J ts Also, French Millinery, *^ 40&42 BOERUM PLACE. / J:»t(thHsh.->l tS6.-. '/U OHAS. W. HUB'S /tND ^Af\EI^OOM.S, 113 & 114 Livingston St., Cor. Boemm Piacs, BROOKL YN. Pianos of All Makers Ropaired And JVI^^l^K EC^XJ.^L to ]XE"W^ Kranich & Baeli's Cel eh rated Pianos, ANO THE '' PAUCE ORGANS/' Constantly on hand, for sale at moderate prices and on easv terms. PIANOS TUNED AT SHORT NOTIOE, CONEY TSI,AND SOUVKNTk. TABLE OF contents; PACR. Map of Coney Island "2 Hi efare [I Ihpetonga : A Poem ; Ilistoiy of Coney Islantl — illustrated 7 Soliloquy on Dust ■ Poeni_ }'^ The Grand Seabon -1 Sporting Events and Resorts 41 Fresh Water Supply to the Island -iT The New Iron Pier ^>7 West Brighton Beach ^d The Camera Obscura Official Time Cards of Railroads and Steamboats. West Brighton Beach Brighton Beach Brooklyn, Flatbush and Conev Island Railroad Brighton Beach Manhattan Beacn Enterprise Map of Manhattan Beach Railroad Manhattan Beach Hotel— illustrated Oriental Hotel— illustrated Manhattan Beach , y CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. ^petcnaa * Ihpetonga (pronounced Ifatonga), the ancient Indian name for Brooklyn freights and the shores of Long Island southward. CONEY ISLAND SOTTVF.NTR. A QUAINT EXTEMPORE POEM ON CONEY ISUND. By Wm. Wilson, Brooklyn, |ONE and forever are the whoops of Canarsiee, No more doth the brushwood conceal the dark foe, No more do the Rockaways hunt through the cedars Which lined the broad beach stretching out to the sea. Gone are the vineyards and the surf-sprinkled plum trees Which lured to Manhattan young Hudson the brave, ! No more do we barter the skins of our Island I As did the wild Indian who dwelt on our shores. i When the Hidf Moon bore down on the white sands of Coney The wild wolf was heard through the tall pointed pines, I While out through the surf came the clamoring I natives To meet the brave crew as they rowed for the shore. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIK. Their powwows they raised to the spirit of evil. And offered the wampum surrounding their bodies For beads and for trinkets the white men pre- sented, And friendship cemented the hour of their land- ing. i^own through the decades hath jjassed the strange story Which gave to the river surrounding Manhattan A name that 'midst nations is spoken with pride And hailed as the conduit of ne'er dying freedom. Cojumbus, the Spaniard, in the height of his prowess Ne'er dreamed that the fleets of the world would be anchored Breabt deep on the waters which Hudson since named, "While up through Gowanus his Dutch ship was, steered. When they gazed on the woods of Ihe high Ih- petonga, Which towered o'er the stream in the front of Manhattan, While sported the savage his tree-formed canoe. Fresh freighted with furs from the wolf and the beaver. COJNliY ISLAIMJJ SOUVKINIK. The glass beads of Amsterdam paid for the treasures For which the wild savage had toiled through the season, Yet happy was he the bright gewgaws to gather, And gave for the baubles the fruits of his labor. But changed is the scene since the advent of Hudson, For the hands of the white man have levelled the woodlands. And the dusky-browed savage has gone to his fathers And left Ihpetonga the queen of the ocean. The wigwams were cleared for the homes of the white man, The loom took the place of the bow and the arrow, The axe .and the .adze then fashioned the tim- bers And ])uilt the proud ships which were launched on our waters. No more o'er the woodlands or down by the river. Where proud Ihpetonga has lifted her head, I )0 we hear the wild whoop of the red-painted Indian, And the howl of the wolf in the forest is ended. CON-PV tc;t.and cqttv^.ktt? . I u . fiOppG BI^USHES, PAPERHANGINGS, ™l^ i^Vwicf s 56 MYRTLE AVENUE, 415 GATES AVENUE, 1157 FULTON ST. :o]E=LO oi^i_i-^:Kr. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. But up from the sea rose the white sands of Coney, And gave us the Island, the j^ride of our coun- try, Where men of all nations can mingle for pleasure And pass the hot months 'midst the spray of its waters. The rich and the lowly, the proud and the humble. Send back to their fatherland tales of their sporting On the banks of the ocean where Hudson first landed j Far back in the decades among the wild savage. How little we think as we sport in the waters .— Of the terrible scenes which gave to the wliiic man The right to the Island from the savage Canar- sies. Who fought to the death for the land of their fathers. I WM^^^T^^^^ CONKY ISLAND SOUVENIR. DONT FAIL TO SEE THE WONDERFUL CAMERA OBSCURA JVes^ Brighion Beach, Concourse^ near iJie Observatory. What is a Camera Obscura ? is often asked. Imagine yourself in a darkened room with mir- rors placed in such a position in the roof that all surrounding objects within range of the mirrors are reflected by their aid on a white movable disk in the centre of the darkened room. Not only are the landscape and figures repre- sented in their proper colors, but the motions of aJl objects are exquisitely rendered. The move- men^ts of the leaves of trees, children walking or running, horses and carriages moving, men at leisure or work, surf dashing on the Beach, bath- ers in their gambols, clouds changing as in na- ture — in short, nature's penciling of scenes which can only be reflected by mirrors. Professor Janton is sole proprietor of both Camera Ob- scuras at this place and at Prospect Park, Brook- ^vn. ^■^niission, lo cents; children, 5 cents. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. SoLiLOQu^oN Dust. \^'rkis Foem was written extem^ore^ at the request oj' a friend on- taking the dust from the dado of a room and holding the J>ar. tides on his finger P^ Incongruous mass ! Unfashioned, dull and unadorned; The unkempt atoms of thy bulk Man's searching wisdom may divine, Not so the power which permeates The whole with hidden laws ; These man doth not, nor can he understand, Unless some power as yet unknown Unveils the secret springs of life And shows the cause. Say, what is life ? Ye sage philosophers who strive To search through matter for its laws. Can ye define or render clear The power which gives it motion "; Or doth some common barrier keep Ye and the duller mortals back, In one commingled, listless throng. Each struck with awe the while ye gaze On life's trite forms. *Tis well to know The action of dissimilar things ; The various gases that assume CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Fish, Oysters, Gl>ms k LoBSTEtjS, l>^FljKWt 1001 I 1003 FULTON STREET, CORNER CAMBRIDGE PEACE, Has constantly on hand and fresh daily all kinds of llOCKAWAY AND JBLVtJ POINT ~tS^ — • •"^) '5- ON THE -^^mm^^ HALF SHELL. A Specialty for EVENING PARTIES AND RECEPTIONS, delivered and opened at the customer's residence. -ALSO THE- Largest East River, Cow Bay and MM! Pond Oysters In the City. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. A given form, by given parts conjoined. Such knowledge aids us in our search. And, wisely used, directs our thoughts To that great Cause of life and being Which from eternity hath been The motive power and sole support Of this our world. But take the dust From off some marble portico, 'Neath which the haughty purse-proud tread, Or, from some peasant's crumbled cot^ Collect the dull and dingy mass That time hath packed beneath the eaves; This, laid in heaps, will germinate ; Such varied form.s of life assume, Defying all the arts of man To trace the cause. Who hath not watched • A sunbeam dazzling in the shade Wherein a countless host display The power of njatter to assume A form invisible to man, Which, but for the sun's effulgence Would to the unlettered yet remain A hazy phantom of the mind. And human speech would fail to give An explanation. . COiNEY ISLAND SOtfVJENIR. BER THE frcliniit ^yailur, offers to the public all the latest novelties in dress goods, workmanship and finish, with prices that defy competition. All goods made to order promptly, and satisfaction guaranteed to every customer. Also a large assortment of constantly on hand to hire, and a perfect fit guaranteed — the same as if made to order. 1)0 not forget u'here you will get the value of your rnonev, G. ROSSBERG, mom ^ 284 Fwltoia St., (Up Stairs.) BROOKLYN, CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Yet thou, proud man, With all thy wondrous parts conjoined ; Thy quick conception and thy speech, Tliy brain's vast empire, and the train Of wonder-working faculties With which thou art alone endowed By nature set upon the world The living prototype of power; Yet thou wert dust, and must return To dust again. Look back through time And try to print upon your brain The virgin world's chaotic mode, When e'en the essence of your lives As yet had not begun to be. And say canst thou conceive a Form Somewhere existent, with the pov\Tr To call to being all forms of life Which now the universe display ? When thus conceived, but not till then, Can ye believe in God., William Wilson, CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. )^f^ ^ ^^ ft^P>^ MANUFACTUR^I\S OF SHO^V CASKS, 6 8 DE KILB AV,, GOB. FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Constantlv on hand and made to order. N. B. — Our goods delivered in the city or in New York without extra charge. PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. THE BROOKLYN, FLATBUSH & CONEY ISLAND RAILROAD. The depot of the Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island Railroad is located at the junction of Flatbush and Atlantic avenues and adjoining the Thirteenth Regiment Armory, being the most centrally located of all the Coney Island rail- roads, and is connected by horse cars to Fulton, Wall and South Ferries. On ordinary summer days thirty-three trains per day, each way, are run on this road. The ordinary interval between trains is half an hour, except on holidays and nights when fireworks are exhibited at the Beach, the headway being frequently reduced to fifteen and even ten minutes. It is well known that this road is, in proportion to the ground it covers, one of the costliest in the United States, having cost, including the magnificent hotel at Brighton Beach, about one and a half million dollars. The cars are of the finest material and finish that run to the Beach and rarely, if ever, a second behind time. Full summer time table will be found in connection with this. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Jpll^ Makes a Specialty of the W^jW? % fap %am4 W9 %ir4, Takes the Entire Management P^OR OWNERS. Coa/ and Wood at the Lowest Market Rates. InsuSancY in" first~compa¥ies^ offices ; 134 FLATBUSH AVENUE, OPP. li. I. B. B. DEPOT. No. 363 Atlantic Avenue, COJNEY ISLAND SOUVENIJR. mmm mmmmm mmmmw'^' The season of i88 opens grandly at Coney Island. No labor or expense has been spared by the managers of the railroads, of the great hotels, of the bathing pavilions, of the palace steamers, and of the restaurants and other places of resort and amusement to increase the facili- ties for reaching, and the accommodations at, this unsurpassable summer resort. The bathing is so enjoyable and so convenient that one may attend to his business in store or office or her business at store or home until tea time and then go to Coney Island and have all the pleasure and see all the sights that one can see at any pleasure resort in the world, take a bath, have the world pass in review before him or her in gorgeous turnouts and resplendent apparel, with the witchery of the finest music to add zest to the enjoyment, and get back home at a good bed- time unless one should be tempted to remain and enjoy the hospitality of the hugest and most hos- pitable and inviting of caravanserais. Many Brooklyn people will avail themselves of the steamboats to visit the island during tlie heated term. We give all the details they need for that purpose also. ,j Gentlemen from any part of the country who CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR, OFFICE OF THE MUM mum 10 EOERUM PLACE. LAIN .& C€ Established iS^y. WE HAVE UNEQUALLED FACILITIES FOE Addressing and Delivering Circulars. NOTICES, INVITATIONS, ETC. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. — ojjit pijAN is Classified Lists Furnished of Any Trade or Profession, LAIN & CO., Directory PubJishers- CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. are necessarily in the city at any time during the hot season, with or without their families, and tourists from abroad, unaccustomed to the fervent heat of American summers, will here find a cool and salubrious retreat, free from noise and dust, and with a temperature averaging ten degrees lower than that of the city. Residents of New York and Brooklyn who have, as a choice of evils, sent their families to some distant point for the summer months, can avoid that separation, and enjoy at Coney Island all the advantages of city, country, and seaside combined. HEALTHFULNESS — BATHING. As a tonic and restorative for energies impair- ed by overwork or illness or by close confine- ment, surely the best and cheapest medicine is the sea air and sea bathing. For the latter, no better facilities can be found or desired than are here provided. Comparatively few people are aware ot the magnitude and magnificence of the late improve- ments which have changed the character as well as the name of Coney Island, and none who have failed to visit Manhattan, Brighton and West Brighton Beaches, as the subdivisions ot the Island are now called, can comprehend the changes made from any ordinary description, but the reader will find interesting and entertaining Dr. J. F. BROGAN «> DENTAL PARLORS. Pulton St., cor of LaTsrrence Opposite Cowperthwait's Furniture Store; Entrance Lawrenc St. «t— -^— * In calling the attention of the public and my patrons, they are assured the very best dental services will be given at moderate rates. A Specialist having charge ot each ol ihe three department-:;, success is guaranteed in all operations. ist— Preservation of Natural Teeth. A Specialty made of the Treatmer^t and Preservation of Natural T^seth, b3' tilling and build- ing ENTIRE TEETH from the GUM with guJd, silver, platina, or •any material of merit. 2d — Correcting" irregularities and deformities of Teeth; also treatment of diseases of the Gums and mouth. 3d — Mechanical Dentistry. Insertion of our Improved Artifi- cial Teeth, giving a Natural Form, Appearance, and Articulation of the mouth. Vou would do well to call and examine our Artificial Work before purchasing elsewhere. In operating for CLEKT PALATES, and correcting irregular- ities or deformities of Teeth, we charge according to complication of case- Special attention given to the {ircservation and coirecting of ir- regularities of CHILDREN'S TEtiTll. Let parents be prevailed upun to give this matter mure consideration and attcntii-n; in lavor ot which 1 make no charge toi consultatioa. 'fLMELV .\DVU:fi heie is ijf the greatest importance, es[je(idllv in tlie case ol ( luldren where both irregularity and decay ol 'J'c-cth niu) t.c |.rrvrri'.--d if attended to in time. Full Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth, $10 to $50. Partial Sets, |i per Tooth. Artificial Teeth filled with Gold in the most approved manner, imitating the real expression of the mouth beyond all recognition. Small Gold Fillings, $j, and larger in piupoition. Amalgam or Cement Fillings, 50c. Treating a .Xerve, soc. l realing L Iterated Teeth, $1 to I5. GAS FRESH DAILY. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. material in the large map of Coney Island, printed in tlie Souvenir. It is the only correct one, from actual survey, which has ever been published. It will convey a fair idea of the means of rapid transit to this breathing place for the metropolis. Frequent excursionists will find it advisable to carry the Souvenir with them, as this railway map and the accompanying time tables are indis- pensable for ready reference. RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF CONEY ISLAND. The true history of the later develo])menl of Coney Island as a watering place and seaside re- sort for the metropolis would be a strange ro- mance, and probably it will have a stranger sequel in the next few years. Nothing more remark- able in the way of sudden prosperity and popu- larity, after long neglect and continued disfavor, is known in the history of any like enterprise. Within less than thirteen years four miles of the Coney Island beach was a barren waste, to which nobody claimed title, and which few people ever visited. Part of it was so desolate that few per- sons ever ventured to penetrate the wilderness. It was given up to "clammers" and "crabbers," as the fishermen who lived back in the swamps of the creek which divided it from the main land of Long Island were called. At the extreme west CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST FAIN. THE GREAT DENTAL ESTABLISHIiIENT OF Longenecker Bros., 519 & 5S1 FultonSt, Brooklyn, Cor. Duffield St. This is the ouly firm (except one) that manufactures the NITROUS OXIDE or LAUGHING GAS fresh daily, and guarantees to extract teeth without the slightest pain, ■ PLEASE NOTICE THIS : 12,784 Teeth extracted gince 1873, without one failure or one bad result. PRICE FOR EXTRACTING TEETH WITH- OUT FAIN. $1 for the first tooth ; 50 cents for each additional Tooth. No charge for Extracting when Artificial Teeth are ordered. Only $10 ioe A Full Upper or Lower Set of Teeth with Porcelain Gums, warranted strong and durable. Partial sets in proportion. These teeth are so natural and lifelike as to dely detection. Come and see them. Those requiring Artificial Teeth are requested to note the elegant disiDlay of work in their LARGE SHOW WIN- DOW, 519 FULTON STREET - Special attention given to Filling and Preserving the Natural Teeth, also to .the care of Children's Teeth. Open every day except Sundays, from 8 A. M. to 8 F. M. Saturdays to 9 P. M. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR, end a small pavilion and a few bath-houses ex- isted, and a little further east there was a small hotel, set far inland, at which an invalid or two could half live, half starve. To the west end a single dilapidated steamboat, which did duty most of the year as a tug-boat, and sometimes con- descended to the ignominy of labor as a lighter, made a morning and afternoon trip during the summer months, but the character of the per- sons availing themselves of this means of reach- ing the surf was such that decent and quiet folks, v/ho did not court insult and wished to avoid robbery and riot, shunned the route. A railroad track built to connect Bath, New Utrecht and other little towns along the bay coast v^ith Brooklyn, was extended to a point near the centre of the island; but it had neither depot nor hotel at its end, its trains ran no faster than a street horse line, and it was patronized chiefly by picnic parties. In fact, it is scarcely seven years since legal requirements compelled this railway company to drive a horse in front of its locomo- tives, in order to comply with ordinances against steam in the village streets. There was also a horse railway to a part of the island still further east, but it required at least four hours to go from Fulton Ferry to the beach. On the whole stretch of beach there was one hotel, where lodg- ing might be had for about ten persons; the <(>\i:\ 1 SI. AN J) )-\'-)\ \ i:\tR. Painter & Decorator, 4S5 Gates Air., B3:'Ooklyn3 N. T. Desires to inform liis patrons and tlie public generally, that he has noAV stocked his new store witli extensive selections of ART WALL PAPERS, from the best Manufacturers in the United States, comprising all qualities of Pktezes, Dados, Ceiling Decorations, Hand Prints, Velvets, Etc., from the cheap- est grades to the finest manufactured ; and is prepared to do all work that comes under the head of House Decorating, such as Painting, Kalsomining, Painting, Fres- co-Painting, Paper Hanging, etc. PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. A large assortment at the lowest market prices. WINDOW SHADES, of special designs, made and hung to order. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR, Others of the four or five buildings were mere sheds, called pavilions, where clams and crabs could be eaten and bathing suits obtained. Within seven years, and chiefly within the last five years, seven railways, running at the most rapid rate, on nearly tangent lines, supplied with the largest locomotives, and each train capable of seating 1,000 persons in finely finished open pnb ace cars, have been put in operation ; and Brook- lyn, which then limited speed to that of a horse, will probably authorize any number of elevated and underground connections to be built through its most important thoroughfares. The one dilapidated tug-boat has been replaced by a fleet of magnificent excursion steamers, which ply with the regularity of ferries, and on which a lone lady or child is safe from insult or injury. Claimants for the beach have arisen in plenty. The town of Gravesend has discovered that it has a title over 200 years old. Leases that eight years ago went begging at $75 each are now held at $50,000, and the question of title and leases is the basis of all political agita. tion in the little old hamlet of the solemn and suggestive name. Land which nobody then claimed, and on which few had the courage to "squat," cannot now be bought for any price to be named. The lonely fisherman, who caught occasional crabs, and delved and dragged for iso- CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. H. KNTTBEL, Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Spices, AND FRUITS k VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON. gl3 Bridge Street, Cor. Concord, BKOOKLYN' WM. PATTON GRIFFITH, Iitttv and Mercantile ,1 411 IlllliHll Sf 30^ FTTLTO^ ST., (9//. Ci/j' Halh BROOKLYN, N. Y. My best reference is the sample of 7?iy skill in j the ^^ Coney Island Souvenir^' which is abundantly \ corroborated by my numerous patrons^ for ivJioni 1 have done and am doing every tiescription oj plain and oriiamental Printings Lithographing, Elect ro- typing, JEiigraving and Binding. Excellence of ■ Eetter-press a specialty, ^ CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. lated clams in the sluggish creek, has resolved himself into numerous bands, and immense beds of clams, cultivated in Gravesend Bay, are the cause of breaches of the peace and of miniature war itself, while the pursuit of the soft-shell crab has become an organized industry. The four or five pavilions have been multiplied until there are nearly loo, each with its restaurant and bath houses ; and the one family hotel, with its five shabby rooms, has been replaced by twenty times the number, four at least of which are as fine as any to be seen at any sea beach resort in the world, and the whole ot which are capable of comfortably lodging 20,000 persons at night. It is safe to say that not more than Jioo,ooo was invested in Coney Island hotels, pavilions, rail- ways and steamboats prior to 1874, while at this moment there is employed fully f io»ooo,ooo of capital ; and where fifty persons then found occu- pation for three months of the year 5,000 now find almost constant employment. There are now over 3,500 bath houses along this beach, where four years ago there were not fifty. THE MARVELLOUS DEVELOPMENT OF CONEY ISLAND. It is a matter of amazement that the value of this beach should have been so long unperceived. Charles Godfrey Gunther built the first railroad, but his object was the accommodation of the CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. DR. G. BROCKWAY & CO., Operative cfe Meclianical 305 Fulton Street; PROPRIETORS OF THE Largest and Most Complete Dental Estab- lishment in Brooklyn. Carefully Note tlie No. 305 FULTON STREET. lu returning thanks to our many patrons and further presentius our services to them and the public, we simply say a constant and busy practice in our profession for the past 20 years should be a suflBcient guarantee of our ability to perform all dental oi)erationH, both surgical and mechanical, in a Imost satisfactory manner. Carefully note the following. The usual price of extracting under Gas is $2 the first tooth au'l $1 for every subsequent one, making a charge alone of $17 for simply extracting the upper set of natural teeth ; whereas, in our business,, we extract all the teeth that are to be extracted, making no charge therfor, and besides furnishing an upper or under set of the very best sets of plain and continuous gum sets of artificial teeth from $10 to $20, and partial sets of one tooth or more in pro portion, Avhich is, as observed, in reality giving the artificial sei away; for both extracting and set (as we have shown) donotco:=t aa much as the simple extraction of the diseased teeth alone. We manufacture the Gas fresh daily, Dr. G. Brockway a Co. have administered the gas for the past 20 years with uniform success;in which time thousands of diseased and aching teeth have been removed by us from the mouths of suflering humanity without causing the slightest p.uk or in- convenience to the patient whatever. Artificial Sets of Teeth Besides manufacturing allkinds of Rubber and Coralite work, we possess facilities (enjoyed by no other Dental establishment in this city) for getting up the most perfect fitting plates on gold and platina. In respect to operations on the natural teeth, we promise to treat them in the most correct and scientific manner. Teeth filled with gold, bone, and platina cements. ^^"Again, do not forget our number, which is 305 FULTON STREET. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. villages along his line, and the attractions of- Coney Island were apparently not perceived by him until late — in fact, too late for him to take advantage of ihem. It was not until 1874 that A. R. Culver, of Brooklyn, recognized that a road admitting of the rapid transit of large numbers to the beach would prove a paying enterprise. Alone and almost unaided, jeered at forv/hatwas considered the folly of building another railway to a beach that already had one railway and a horse car line that paid no dividends, he began the construction of the Prospect Park and Coney Island Road. Indifference to it v/as so great that he could not get a permit to build within the city line of Brooklyn. His own idea of the scheme was simply that a rapid road to the island would induce enough people to go there to make the traffic alone pay. He did not contemplate even a pavilion, much less a hotel, at the beach. When the road was about to be opened he looked about for a big tent to protect the guests invited to the opening. Not finding one to suit he built a pavilion, in which dinner was served. At once the need of a hotel and restaurant became clearly apparent, but the idea of building a family hotel, for the accommodation of ladies as well as gen- tlemen, was not even then thought of. It would have been considered preposterous if suggested that ladies or children could have been induced CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. A. J. FOREN, 40&42 BOERUM PLACE, cor. Schermer' horn Bt.j Brooklyn. MANUFACTUKEJR OF LADIES' STRAW, BILK and VELVET HATB, AlsOs Frei^cli i\lillinei\y- Agency for the Universal Fashion Co.'s Perfect-Fitting Patterns. A. J. FOREN, Also, Manufacturer of STRAW GOODS3 Schermerhorn Street, corner Boerum Place, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Straw and Panama Hats Alter- ed, Bleaclied Pressed and Dyed in the Latest Styles. Ladies' Felt Hats Cleaned, Dyed and Finished. Orders from the Country Promtuy Attended to, CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. to dwell over night in this horrible and sandy and solitary place. The result Avas that Cable's Hotel was built for gentlemen only, and so ex- isted till this season, when the expiring leases of the numerous pavilion keepers in front of Cable's gives Mr. Culver opportunity to build a magnifi- cent family hotel around the Observatory, with that unique structure as an elevator, not only to view the island from, but to convey guests to rooms on the fourth and fifth floors. The dream of a seaside hotel five stories high is not at all preposterous in view of what has been accom- plished. The first notion of a family hotel on a grand scale was a Yankee notion. It was bred in the brain of Austin Corbin, a banker, of No. 6i Broad- way, and this was the manner of its begetting : — He had an invalid son, to whom sea air during the greater part of the year was pronounced ab- solutely necessary. Certain family and business reasons requiring his daily presence in New York compelled Mr. Corbin to select Coney Island as a seaside home, and so he moved with his son, the rest of the family, his horses and carriages, to the Oceanic House, the one small family hotel al- luded to as in existence prior to 1874. In riding and driving about the island Mr. Corbin discov- ered the condition of the titles and leases of the ground, and found that they could be easily CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. OUR SUMMER PRICES. i?iOTirn<^^^ REDUCED TO S3 PER DOZEN DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. FINEST QUALITY AND FINISH. NO CLUB ISTOKK. DURYEA, ill amt SS3 WW^TQW ST. BROOKLYN. N. B,™ No Branch Galleries. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. bought up. About 1874 he discovered also the bankrupt condition of the Bay Ridge and Jamaica Railroad, and being asked for loans to the com- pany made advances which were not repaid, and thus he found himself in possession of dead prop- erty. He then bethought himself of buying up the Coney Island property, making the railroad to Jamaica a road to the Beach, and of building a niagnificent family hotel at its end. .Plis origi- nal idea was a building to accommodate 700 guests and to cost $250,000, but after the con- tract was drawn up and the j^lans made he changed his mind (for the scheme was only an experiment), and ordered plans and contracts for the present temporary structure to accommodate only 200 persons. The project of a larger hotel has since been revived,, and doubtless additions for the accommodation of three times the number now lodged will be made at the close of the season. In lieu of this, however, the company may build, as projected, a large number of cot- tages facing on Sheepshead Bay, in the rear of and to the east of the hotel, for the accommoda- tion of families. These would at once, provide still water bathing, boating and fishing, in ad- dition to the ocean and surf facilities, and add to the seclusiveness which the company considers the true basis of permanent prosperity. That the original arrangements at the hotel for feeding the CONEY TSLAND SOUVENIR. A RUNAWAY HORSE. While bathing at Coney Island last week I met and was recognized by an old friend, and so changed was he that for some time I could not believe but that there was some mistake until he reminded me of an occurrence when I once saved his life (or at least from broken limbs) by helping him out of the way of a runaway horse, when he was so crippled with rheumatism that it was utterly im- possible for him to help himself. It happened as fol- lows: My friend had been crippled for three years with rheumatism in the hips and knees, and could onlv move around by the aid of crutches. On the day before uiention- ed, he had with assistance just alighted from a DeKalb Avenue horse car when a runaway horse came galloping full speed down Fulton Street & into DeKalb Avenae. My friend so terribly crippled could not possibly get out of the way & was certainly in great danger. I being mus- cular sprang forth and. seized him around the waist and by great effort lifted him on one side, just as the fright ened horse galloped past, and my friend was saved. When I had fully recognized him, znj surprise was indeed great, for instead of the man on crutches, he was skipping around in a bathing suit and gallantly attending two lovely young ladies about eighteen or twenty both blondes, I learned they were his nieces; his rheumatism had entirely disappeaerd. I questioned him closely and asked him what he had used to give such immediate and sur- prising relief. He replied, I heard from a lady that had been cured by David J. Cotter's Belt of Life and Electro Magnetic garments at No. 80 Court street, Brooklyn, N. Y. I called upon him and his ex- planation of the value of his improved Magnetic clothing over any- thing of the kind ever offered to the public, satisfied me of its effi- cacy; he also handed me many letters from physicians and others, speaking of the benefits derived from the use of his Belt of Life, I at once obtained the garments he advised and you see the result, and what is better, he only asked me for one-half the purchase money, allowing me to pay the balance when cured. Last week I paid him, and at the same time took two of my relatives with me, one suffering with asthma, the other with Indi- gestion. They both i^urchased garments, and yesterday told me that no money could tempt them to be without their goods. What is most surprising to me, I can wear my set in the extreme heat and feel perfectly cool, my relations also made note of that and I tell you frankly I would not be without my belt of life for its weight in ten dollar bills. As my freinds had the ladies to attend I left him; this morning I called upon the relatives mentioned, and they en- dorsed all he said. I also called upon Mrs. Ashforth of 192 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, who had been cured of a lame knee in three days by use of knee cap; she was in raptures over the curative effects of said goods, and had sent Mr. Cotter a splendid testimonial, which he handed me to read among many others after he had explained in a scientific manner the cause of disease and the effect produced by his wonderful garments. Yours Respectfully, JOSEPH HOOPER, Brooklyn, E. D, CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. multitude were inadequate appears from the fact that after the first season in 1877 a pavilion ac- commodating as many persons as the hotel itself had to be built, and already it has been found necessary to devote a wing of the amphitheatre in the bath houses to the same purpose of dining the occasional visitor. The Point Breeze pavil- ion at the end of the Marine Railway has also been added of necessity, and the Oriental Hotel, added would appear to supply every needed want. In fact, as Mr. Corbin says, no man can foresee the developments of any one year or tell when it will be necessary to devise new accommodations for the thousands who ask only the needful facilities of coming and going. The Brighton Beach Hotel, with its surround- ings, was the next advance made by the various powers which control the Coney Island district. The projectors saw the advantage of a hotel su- perior in all its appointments to the existing ones and a double advantage in a double track air- line railway from the heart of Brooklyn. A mill- ion and a half of dollars were invested in this en- terprise by the Brooklyn, Flatbush ^nd Coney Island Railroad Company, consisting of the lead- ing men and eapitalists of Brooklyn, and the en- tire work was constructed in three months. The hotel has no superior in appointments on the At- lantic coast, or at Newport or Saratoga, and the CONKY ISLAND SOUVENIR, Dr. J. C. KENNEDT, OPERATIVE DENTIST, DENTAL PARLORS, NO. 487 FULTON ST. BROOKLYN. The public and my patrons are assured of the very best dental services at moderate rates. Full Upper or Lower Sets of Teeth |10 to $20. Par- tial Seis, one dollar per Tooth. Artificial Teeth filled with Gold in the most improved manner, imitating the real expression of the mouth be- yond all recognition. Small Gold fillings, one dollar, and larger in propor- 'tion. Amalgam or Cement fillings, 50 cents. Treating a Nerve, 50 cents. Treating Ulcerated Teeth One to Five Dollars. A written guarantee is given warranting all operations. GAS FEESH DAILY. No extra charge foi the use of Nitrous Oxide, or Laughing Gas, in any operation, and can extract from one tooth to thirty under one dose of this entirely safe ai^d commendable agent, without the slightest pain or danger. No extra charge for preparing the mouth when teeth are to be inserted . In administering Nitrous Oxide or Chloro- form to Ladies, a lady in attendance. Will guarantee the best results in operations. Dr. J. C. KENNEDY, SURGEON DENTIST,. Thankful for past favors, and hoping to merit a con- tinuance of same, would inform his patients that his den- tal parlors are still at 487 Fulton street, directly oppo- site the Standard Dime Museum. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. only apparent error was in making it too small. This has now been remedied. The baths, pavil- ions and other surroundings are of equal quality, and the resort is as popular as any on tlie island. Our large map is the most accurate one of Coney Island ever published, and it shows the position of all the attractions which it is worth while for any visitor to regard. All the buildings on Manhattan, Brighton and West Brighton Beaches are shown on the map. SPORTING EVENTS & RESORTS. Superb as are the attractions of the Island in other respects, the turf and other sporting head- quarters and attractions are not at all behind them in all that is desirable. We give the lead- ing points in regard to these, as follows : — BRIGH'J^ON BEACH RACING ASSOCIATION. The Brighton Beach Racing Association con- trols a mile race track almost immediately behind the Ocean Hotel. The management of the Association is in the hands of a board of govern- ors, " ■ _ CONVEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Automatic Steam Carpet WORKS, 837 & 839 Myrtle Ave., cor Marcy, Brooklyn, FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Carpets Cleaned Thoroughly, Quickly, Cheaply, and Returned Promptly. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ! — Newly Patented Machines — No others like them on the Island. No Clubbing, Tearing, Kipping, or other injury whatever. PRICES FOR CLEANING. Per yard. Per yard. Ingrain and Three Ply 5c. t Wilton, Velvet and Aubussoiis 7c. Tapestry and Brussels 6c. | Axminster and Moquet - - - - 8c. Turkish 10c. TAKING UP, ONE CENT PER YARD. CARTAGE FREE. DISCOUNTS ON BILLS FOE CLEANING.— To Benevolent Insti- tutions, unsectarian, a donation of the whole bill. — To other Benevolent Institutes and Churches, a donation of one-fourth the bill.— To Pastors of Churches and Missionaries, 10 per cent.— Special Contract with Churches, Hotels. Lodges, and other organ- zations, for taking up, cleaning and re-laying. CARPETS COVERED BY INSURANCE. storage charged after 30 DAY^S. New carpets made, old ones altered, breadths changed, and all carpet work done at the lowest prices. SECOND-HAND CARPETS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR NEW ONES. In our CAEPET DEPARTMENT, Ave have New, Misfit, and Second-hand Carpets in great variety, from 25 cents per yard up- ward. Also, Druggets, Oil-cloths, Rugs, Mats, Carpet Lining, Stair- Pads, Rods, Buttons, &c., &c., at less than store prices. N. B. — If wanting a carpet, bring the length and width of your room. Our works and carpet room are open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.'ivr. COME AND SEE OUR NEW MACHINES WORK. J. Foster Keeler. Manager. J. E. Keeler, Proprietor. COiNEV ISLAND tiOUVEWlJR.. CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. I The Coney Island Jockey Club is composed largely of the members of the American Jockey Club. It owns 126 acres of land near Sheeps- head Bay, L. I., on which is constructed one of the best mile tracks in the country. The stand, stables and other conveniences are also among the best known. The main entrance is on Ocean avenue, about a mile directly inland from tl\e Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach Hotels, and can be reached by railroad from both hotels, and also by rail direct from Brooklyn via the Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island Railroad, or from New York by the Bay Ridge and Man- hattan Beach Railroad from the Battery. The Coney Island Jockey Club races under the rules of the American Jockey Club, WM. PATTOir GRIFFITH, Ijaw and Mercantile mil 411 11 luiiii, 3a ^; FULTOIV ST., (9//. O'^y Hall, BROOKLYN, N. Y. My best reference is the sample of my skill in the ^'' Coney Island Souvenir''' CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. DAMOMIA!! The Greatest Discovery of the Nineteenth Century. A Mammoth Presentation from Nature's Own Hand to the Afflicted and Suffering. DAMONIA. Is a Miujnctic Mineral Earth which has been discovered at only one point on the earth's surface (in the State of Texas). After a careful analysis by some of our most prominent Chemists it has been declared to contain the most Potent Medical Ingredients known to science. Among the many diseases for which Damonia has performed such wonderful cures are the following : Bright's Disease and all Kidney Complaints, Blood Poisoning, Chlorosis, Dyspepsia, Ma- laria, Chills and Fever, Female Diseases and General Debility. For Syphidiic or Mercurial affections of Throat, Skin or Bones, we guarantee a cure in every case. For Burns, Scalds, Bruises and sores of all kinds it has no equal. FOR SALE BY ALL DEUGGISTS. Price : Gone Dollar per bottle, six bottles for Five Dollars. DAMONIA MEDICATEd TOILET SOAP Beautifies the Skin and Complexion, and is the best ar- ticle known for all eruptions and skin diseases. DAMONLi MEDICATED BATHING SOAP, Magnetic and Strengthening. DAMONIA BALM DEOPS and COUGH ELIXIR, For Sore Throats, ^Coughs, Colds and ail Bioachial troubles. DAMONIA CONDITION POWDEES, Endorsed by all the best Veterinary Surgeons. DAMONIA MAGNETIC MINEEAL CO., 589 FULTON ST., BEOOKLYN. Send for Pamphlet, CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. R. F. WHIPPLE, » MOULDINGS, FRONT & VESTIBULE DOORS, STORE FRONTS. Blinds Repaired and Painted. OFFICE AND FACTORY : 20 and 22 Bergen Street, RT^OOKLT^YIV. Telephone, Bbooklyn, 516. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. DANIEL CANTY, Cracker and Biscuit Bakery^ NO. 532 GRAND STREET, Near Graham Av., Brooklyn, E. I). A PULL ASSORTMENT OF iiMMiiit CONSTANTLY ON HAND. GROCEES5 SALOONS AND HOTELS BIJF= PLIED. Telephone Call 343 B, Williamsburg. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. CLAPP BROTHERS, Wholesale & Retail Grocers and Wine Merchants, We make a specialty of FINE old WINES for MEDICAL USE, our large stock & vari- ety enables us to sell as cheap as any house In New York. Call and examine our goods. Orders pack- ed k shipped to any part of the Country with care & dispatch. Genuine Bass Ale, our Bottling. $1.75 Doz. A good sound Claret for $3.50 per Case & up. 4 year old California Wines, 6 varieties, 50c. Bottle or $2.00 per Gal. A fine old Whiskey at $4.00 per Gal. Piper Heidsieck at Cost. Postal Card orders delivered to any part of the City. CLAPP BROTHERS, 979 Fulton St. and 186 Fulton Cor. Orange. (t\KV lSLAIsJL)_ SO UVEN IR.,, 3'.0<0>0« TIIMEE TA.B1L.E- Trains to Brighton Beach. I.EAVJK rULTOX FERRY, RROOKLW, by Horse Cars. Time from Ferry to Flatbush Avenue Depot, 15 minutes, starting every two miiuites. FLA^rBUSH AVENUE iLOXG ISLAND ANU BlUGHTOA) Ufcl>OT.- *6X*7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 9.45, 10.15 10 45, 11.15, i >-45, f ■ M- 12. ^o 12.4,, 1 15 145 2 15, 2.45, 3.15, 3.45,4.1.5, 4.4o, 5.1o, y.4o, 6.1n, 6.4o. 7.15, 7.4o, '■i^^^%^^i^^^^^^'s.20,^.^, 9 50, 10.20, 10.50, 11.34. A M S rl34 1 04 l.:i4, 2:04. 2.34. 3.04. 3.34, 4.04, 4.34 5.04, 5 34 6 04 (5 34 7.04, 7.34, 8.04: 8.34, y 04. 9.34, 10.04, 10.50, P. il. Leave BEKGEX STUEET'one minute later than Berlfqrd. PROSPECT PARK. -*G. 40, *7.25, 8.2->, 9.2o 9.do 10.25 10 ■ .^ 1 .-•% l}--}^ 1153 A M ]''09 12.24, 12.39, 12.54, 1.10. 1.24, 1..J9, 1.d4, 2.09, 2.24, -.3.1, 9^4 3 09 3 "4 3 39 3 54 4 09 4.24, 4 39, 4.54, .5.09, 5.24, 5.39, 5.54, 6.09, lit' 6:S 6 54; 7.09. 7 24; 7.39; 7:54,' 8.09, 8.24, 8.39', 8.54, 9.09, 9.24, 9.39, 9.55', 10.09, 10.25, 10.55, P. M. Trains from Brighton Beach I.EAVE FOR PROSPECT PARK AND FLATBUSH AVENUE. -*6 40 *7 40, S.40, n in in in 1/1 10 1 I 111 M iO A l\r 2.10 12.40. I.IO, 1.40, /. 10, ^.4U, o.iu, lio;i°i-r4!4ofkw;5.'4io.%,o;4',7.io;S:4o, sjio, 8.4o, 9.10, 9.40, 10 U., '%m PublbECTPARK. BERGEV STREET and BEOFORp STATION. -*a 40, *7.40, 8.40,940, 10.10, 10.40, 11.10, 1155 A. M._ 12.2.,. 12.r,o, l._-o, 1..55, 2.25, 2.55, 3.2.5,, 4.55, 5.25 5 .5.., 0.2o, 6.*,, ..->, -.5o, 8._o, 8.5.5, 9.25. 9.40, 9.55, 10 25, 10.40. 11.10, P. M. vnpRRii T AV to AH Trains to and from Flatbush av. stop at VANDERBILT AV. to land and receive passengers. 01 = Trains marked thus (*) will not run on Sundays. SOBT. WHIT3, Gen'l Sup't. Cars pass the Flatbush avenue depot for Fulton, Wall and South ^XIconifecUo^iTinadf with all Annex Boats, at Fulton Ferry, from Jersey City, and all road3 entering there. Horse Car Connections. FLATBUSH AV. DEPOT is reached by Atlantic a^^nue and 5th ave- ' nue cars, from Fulton, Wall and South Perries, and by the Flatbush avenue and Joerura street cars from Pulton terry prnnd * BEDFORD STATION is reached by Franklin aveiuie cars f,om Grand street Ferry; Lafayette avenue stages from Wall street Ferry, and ^'tfRGEN"sTREET% reached by Bergen street cars from Hamilton • ^"pros/fct'pARK is reacnedhy Flatbush avenue cars from Fulton FcnTy flee and Nosirandavenu'e cars, and Franklin avenue cars from Grand and Koosevelt street Ferries. .0<>0»'0- Call and see the Musical Cover, attacHed to any Sewing Maclime. Plays any tnne. I 1 CONEY IS CLAPP Package Tickets, 10 or more, good eltier way I 5« « .0 .'! I! I a* ■a © BHOOKLTN, Flatbush and Coney Island iiiitii lull TIME TiLBLE. Taking Effect June 15, 1883. r For Sale only at the R. R. Office, 185 Montague St. and at General Ticket Office, Prospect Park Station. C roNfc:V ISLAND SOUVENIR, UNPxiRALLELED SUCCESS OF THE Cele- ^^^^f brated House- f V^^g hold ! PERFECTION ITSELF ! So simple a child can understand it. FOR FAMILY AND TAILORING. E. M. WILLIAMS. 168 Broadway, Bet. 5th and 6tli streets, Brooklyn, E. D. Established 1860. Sole Agent in Brooklyn and vicinity. Old Machiis^es Taken in Exchange. Machines Rented. REPAIRINa ALL KINDS OF MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Agency Domestic Paper Fashions, Call and see the Musical Cover, attached to any Sewing Machine. Plays any tune. TIIVIE TABLE- Trains to Brighton Beach. MOAVU MlliiN I iKin i;ii(iui,ns. i'l iliiiMiCnM. Timo from Ferry to ,.|,i',„li \ .ill. I'l.i.i I . ,1.1. 1. II. , 'iirlinKi'ViTy two ininuti-s. Ia' 1-.I1 ni\ I l.iiM. Isl.l.MI \hl milHHTO.N) UKI'OT.- ., I , I, ., , , II. I,',. 11.1,-,. A. M. M.ir,. 11.V,, Trains from Brighton Beach nm 11(1 ih I I I 1 VM ^^^\l 1 !::: » V b top nt >iM)KRmLr \> ROBT 1 p t L Su.uluya. •WHITS for Fulton, Qenl Supt W 11 1 nil V icx 11 ts nt ruitu 1 rr 1 Con nt ( tlon«. on d oth nv b) thi, I Intt P» i,k Willi rnrs f n Grn »tr»tUrry a D9 Package Tickets, 10 or more, good either way I T ^ BROOKLTN, FlatMsh and Coney Island For Sale only at the R. R. Office, 185 Montague St., anil at General Ticket Office, Prospect Park Station. COI^ltV ISLAND SOrVKMR, CONEY IBLAHB. SEA BEACH ROUTE. Shortest ! Quiekest ! Cheapest ! EOUND TEIP 20 CENTtS. (^n Hiid after SzVTDRDAY, June 0, trains will leave Hixty-fiiai st, and Third av, for Coney Island at 7:00, 7:iO, 8:50, 9:15 A. M. and cver>- half hour thereafter till 8:15 p. m. Kciurniny leave Coney Island 7:35, 8:30, 0:25, 10:'22 a. m. and CA-ery half hour till 8:50 p. m. Court wt, Hamilton av, and Third av, cars connect at Twcnty-iifth rit, and Third av, direct for the depot. C. W, DOUGLAS, Superintendent. OLEMA & CRAIG, IMPORTERS OF Brandies, Wines, Gins, etc. AND DEALERS IN FINE BOUEBOM AND RYE WHISKEYS, 40 ITESST STBEET, NEW yORK. F. y.. CKAIG. CONEY ISLAND bOUVENlR. "Long Flake Cut" SMOKING TOBACO Will not bite the tongue or dry the throat. It is absolutely a Pare Tobacco without stem, and has no artificial flavor, but the rich, natural flavor of good Yirginia To- bacco. Prepared expressly for Meerschaum Pipes. Try it. Sample size, 10 cents, or 60 cents per pound, E. A. HATHAWAY, Jobber and Importer of Cigars, Tobaooo, and Smokers' Articles of every descriptionj 129 G-rand Street, Brooklyn, H. ¥. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. STANDARD MILLS Coffee-Roasting Establishment, CORNER OF FULTON k FRONT STS New York. SPECIALTIES IN COFFEES: BECKER'S CAFE DE PARIS, BECKER'S COMBINATION COFFEE, BECKER'S U. B. JAVA COFFEE. DEALER IN FINE TEAS & STRICT LY PURE SPICES. Catalogue and Price Li^t on application I F. BECKER, NEW YORK CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. MANHATTAN BEACH. FROM FLATBUSH AVENUE NO CHANGE OF CARS. Excursion Tickets, 25 Cents. CHILDREN'S EXCURSION 15 CENTS. Trains leave Flatbush avenue Depot (Atlantic and Flat- busli aves.) direct to the beach at -7 :20 A. M. 10 10 A. M, and half hourly from 11 :10 A. M. to 9 .40 P. M. Trains leave Manhattan Beach for Flatbush avenue De- pot without change of cars at -"-S.-IS A. M. 11: 00 fA, M, and on the even hour, and twenty -five minutes after the even hour, thereafter until 10:25 P. M. All trains stop both ways at FRANKIjIN (Bedford Station), Nostrand, Kingston, Troy and -Utica avs. GREENPOINT DIVISION-Trains leave Greenpoint at -6;30. 8:40, 10:10 A. M. and hourly from 11:10 A. M. to 9:40 P.M. Trains leave Manhattan Beach for Greenpoint at •■'■7:35, 10:05, 11:10 A. M. and hourly from 12:10 to 10:40 P. M. All trains both ways, stop at Humboldt, Grand and Ridgewood Stations. Trains marked thus ■"■ do not run on Sunday . Baggage called for and delivered between Manhattan Beach and any point in Brooklyn by the Long Island Ex- press. The only Express line to Manhattan Beach, Rate 50 cts. per piece. Grand Concerts every afternoon and evening by Gilraore's World Renowned Band. Magnificent Fireworks Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings augmented by the Grand Naval and Military Spectacle, The Bombardment of Alexandria, in which 350 Special ^Drilled and Equipped Troops will take part. Pain, of London, Inventor and Producer. Gilmore's World Renowned Band, Universally Recog- nized as the Best Military Musical Organization in Ex- istence, will give Grand Concerts Every Afternoon And Evening During the Season. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. JORDAH'S BROOKLYN Steam Carpet Cleaning Works. Ttt-enty-four 3'ears' experience ;u the business, with all the lat- e s t iiuprove- ments in machi- nery added. Customers are respectfully re- quested to send their orders di- rect to Factory by post, or Telephone No. 60. PATENTEE AND PROPEIETOR, 500 Baltic St CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. CONEY ISLAND. West Biightou Beach, Brigbton Beach, Manhattan Beach, Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad. Brooklyn depot, Nintli Avenue, and Twentieth Street. (Greenwood, Excursiou tickets 25 cents, wliicli entitle the holder to Free admis- sion on the New Iron Pier. All Excursion tickets issued bj' the Iron Steamboat Company at New York are good to return over the road of this Comisany and all horse car lines running from its Brooklyn Depot to Hamilton, South, Wall, Fulton and Catherine Ferries. SUMMER TIME TABLE, 1883. On and after SUNDAY, June 17, trains will leave the Brooklyn Depot for West Brighton at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:20. 10:40, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 A. M. 12 M., 12:20, 12:40, 1:00, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, •2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:45, 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:1.5, 4:30. 4:4.5, 5:00, .V.15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:15, 6:30, 6:4.5, 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 10:4.5, 11:00 p. M. Returning trains leave West Brighton at 6:30, 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 9:55 10:25,10:4.5,11:05,11:25,11:45 a. m., 12:05, 12:25, 12:45, 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 2:4.5, 3:00, 3:1-5, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, 6:00, 6:15, 6:30, 6:45, 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45. 9:00, 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 10:45, 11,00, 11:15, 11:30 P. M. The 6 and 7 a. m. trains from Brooklyn, and the 6:30 and 7:30 a. M. trains from West Brighton will not be run on Sundays. Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach are only ten minutes' walk from West Brighton and are reached by Elevated Railways, Stagey:, Carriages and Marine Railway. Fare, 5 cents. HORSE CAR ROUTES TO THE DEPOT. The Park, Yanderbilt and Ninth av, line from Fulton and Catha- rine ferries via Prospect Park, the Jay and Smith st, line, the Ham- ilton av, and Ninth st, line from Hamilton ferry, the new Seventh av, line, via City Hall, the Adams st., Boerum place and Fifth av. line, and the Atlantic av, and Prospect Park line from Wall st, and South ferries run directlv to the depot. R . SOHERMERHORN, Engineer and Supt, TURKISH, RUSSIAN AND ELECTRIC BATHS, 34 CLINTON STREET, Brooklyn, N, Y. ShtTwing Location of The New Turkisli, Russian and Roim Batlis, 3 84 CLINTON STREET. CONEY ISLAND- SOUVENIR. DR. S. S. GUY, Jr„ No. 132 FLATBUSH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, Directly Opposite Long Island RR. Depot. I would call your attention to my 7ieiv process of setting Artificial t 'cth vntliout j)l(Ues. All operations known to tlie art of Dentistry, performed at my office at prices lower than elsewhere. For tliose wlio desire a more expensive and elegant imitation of the natural teeth, I model and carve porcelain teeth to correspond with the features, coloring them to suit the age, making them so natural that detection is impossible. My prices are Cash, half in advance, balance Avhen completed. I can afford to place my fees at extremely low figures as I do entirely a cash business. J3r. S. S. guy, Jr., DENTIST, 132 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, Directly opposite the L. T. E. E. Depot. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Frank J. Bennett, Dealer in Fine Ales, Wines, Liquors and Segars, lgl5 Atlantic Ave., Bel. Beaforil A- Nostranil Aves., BKOOKLTN- LAGER BEER A SPECIALTY: CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. Dr. J. F. BROGAN. DENTAL PARLORS. Fultcn St., cor of Ljaisrrence Opposite Cowperthwait's Furniture Store; Entrance Lawrenc St. m — -^^ — • In calling the attention of the public and my patrons, they are assured the very best dental services will be given at moderate rates. A Specialist having charge of" each of the three departments, success is guaranteed in all operations. 1 St— Preservation of Natural Teeth. A Specialty; made of the Treatment and Preservation of Natural Teeth, by filling and build- ing ENTIRE TEETH from the GUM with gold, silver, platina, or any material of merit. 2d — Correcting irregularities and deformities of Teeth; also treatment of diseases of the Gums and mouth. 3d — Mechanical Dentistry. Insertion of our Improved Artifi- cial Teeth, giving a Natural Form, Appearance, and Articulation of the mouth. You would do well to call and examine our Artificial Work before purchasing elsewhere. In operating for CLEFT PALATES, and correcting irregular- ities or deformities of Teeth, we charge according to complication ofcase. Special attention given to the preservation and correcting of ir- regularities of CHILDREN'S TEETH. Let parents be prevailed 'ipoii to give this matter more consideration and attention; in fevor of which I make no charge for consultation. TIMELY ADVICE tere is of the greatest importance, especially in the case of Children where both irregularity and decay of Teeth may be prevented if attended to in time. Full Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth, $10 to $20. Partial Sets, $1 per Tooth. Artificial Teeth filled with Gold in the most approved manner, imitating the real expression of the mouth beyond all recognition. Small Gold Fillings, $2, and larger in proportion. Amalgam or Cement Fillings, 50c. Treating a Nerve, 50c. Treating Ulcerated Teeth, $i to $5. GAS FRESH DAILY. CONEY ISLAND SOUVENIR. IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. Tlie only all-v/iiter roiit'o direct to CONEY ISLAND. And the Great Iron Oceau Piers, West Brightou Beach, Brigbtou Beach, ManLattau Beach. Coolest, Cleanest, Safest and Quickest Routes. The only line having exclusive control of all the docks and piers at \vhich it lands passengers, thus preventing annoying changes from l.ioats to cars, laying out in stream waiting to land and other vexa- tions delays. Leave Pier No. 1, North River, for the Gi-eat Ocean Iron Pier every Forty-five minutes from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Itctnrning leave the Brighton (new) Iron Pier every Forty-live uiinutcH from 8:30 a. :>i. to 11:1.5 p. M. 0x1 dajidayc' and Holidays boats will be run Half -hourly. EXCUr.fc-XON TICKETo FllTTY CENTS. Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach are only Ten minutes walk from the Iron Piers and West Brighton Beach Depot and are reached by Elevated Railroad, stages and carriages, running in con- nection Avith the boats of this Company, continuously Day and Evening. Fare Five Centh. brECLAL NOTICE, The eie\ated railways have opened a new station at Battery Place on the Sixth and Ninth avenue lines, directly opposite the Iron Steamboat Company's Pavillion, Pier 1, North River. Passen gers desiring to take boats will leave the cars at that point. Passengers from Second and Third avenue lines, holding Iron Steamboat excursion tickets, will be transferred to Sixth and Ninth avenue lines at South Feny free. Excursion tickets for sale at all down town track stations of the Elevated EaihvayR at fiO Cent=! cncb' ■^,^' SEED MERCHANT & IMPORTER 31 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. G-arden and Flower Seeds. Prepared Food for Mocking Birds, kc. Agricultural Implements, Tools, &c. , Florists' Requisites, Bird Seed, Bird Fanciers' Supplies. AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED RUMSON NURSERIES^, RED BANK, N. J. TRUSSES The"GIANT"isBest With Every Sale We Give a Written Guarantee for Five I Years. If foiiud.iu any way Imperfect, a NEW One will be Given I'EEE. Not Affected by Heat or Moistiire. Crutclies, Elastic Stockinf^s, Supporters, Suspensory Ban- dages, Bow-Leg Appaialns, Trusses & Surgical AiJ- piauces OF ALL KINDS, AT PKICLS AT LEAST :■> PLK CENT LOWEll THAN OTHER N DEALEES. p The Correct and Skilful Mechanical Treatment of Hernia or Rupture a Spe- cialty. WHEELER & BOLTON, Wliolesale and Retail Druggists & In trument Makers, 264, 266, 268 Ful- ton Street, Cor. Clinton St., Brookhn. A to C Anklet. AtoE Garter S,t( ckirg. F Ruee Cap. G to I Thigh Stocking. K to M Alidoniinal Supporter. R S T Shoulder Brace.