G B TO 5 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR rNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (jfKO!;' DifcECTOB Water-supply Papek 27 » WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA BY HARRY^ R. JOHNSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 ffionograpk Book X DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEORGE OTIS SMITH, Director 10 k Water- Supply Paper 278 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA BY HARRY R. JOHNSON WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1911 r\ CONTENTS. Page. Introduction 7 Topography '. . . . 10 Drainage 10 General features 10 Streams 12 Lakes 14 Climate 14 Rainfall 14 Temperatures « 17 Wind 18 Healthfulness 18 Natural resoiu"ces 18 Geologic features 20 Physiography 20 Non water-bearing rocks 22 Metamorphic and granitic mai^^inal rocks * 22 Unaltered sedimentary rocks 25 Volcanic rocks 25 Water-bearing rocks 27 Origin and distribution 27 Physical character 29 Structure 30 Sand dunes 30 Playa deposits 31 Water resources 31 Influence of rainfall 31 Surface supply 32 Developments on Rock Creek 32 Developments on Little Rock Creek 33 Underground water 36 Origin 36 Data concerning wells 37 West of Fairmont 37 Vicinity of Willow Springs 37 Vicinity of Rosamond 37 Vicinity of Redman 38 Vicinity of Reid ranch 38 Vicinity of Oliver Miller's ranch 39 Vicinity of Lancaster 39 Vicinity of Coleman's ranch 42 Vicinity of Esperanza 42 Vicinity of Palmdale 43 Vicinity of Oban 43 Vicinity of Del Sur 43 3 4 CONTENTS. Water resources — Continued. Underground water — Continued. Page. Other data 44 Distinction between artesian and nonartesian waters 44 Artesian waters 45 Flowing area 45 Nonflowing area 46 Variations in water level 46 Artesian springs / 47 Buckhorn Springs 47 Spring southwest of Lancaster 48 Indian Springs 49 Willow Springs 49 Nonartesian waters 51 Distribution , 51 Nonartesian springs 52 Springs of Antelope Buttes 52 Lovejoy (Croswell) Springs 52 Moody Springs 53 Bedrock springs 53 Springs on southwest slope of Tehachapi Range 53 Gerblick Spring 53 Barrell Spring ~ 54 Newquist ranch springs 54 Springs on Mrs. Dahl's ranch 54 Spring at Keeves ranch 54 Spring at Simmons's ranch 54 Mulford (?) Spring 55 Springs at Geier's ranch 55 Neenach water supply 55 Spring at La Liebre ranch house 55 Chemical character of ground waters : 55 Origin 55 Analyses 56 Formation of alkali 57 Quantity of dissolved solids 58 Hygienic conditions 59 Fallacies regarding underground waters 59 Suppositional sources 59 Use of the "water witch " 61 Inexhaustibility of artesian supply 61 Present economic development 62 Number of wells 62 Nonartesian wells 62 Artesian wells .' 62 Pumping plants 63 Cost of wells 63 Examples of well development 63 Post ranch. 63 Marigold ranch 65 Coleman ranch 6L Other ranches 65 Abuse of artesian resources 66 Future economic development 67 Maps and well data 68 ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate I. Outline map of southern California 8 II. ^, Yuccas on Mohave River south of Rancho Verde; B, Mud flow from cloud-burst in canyon of Midway oil district, California... 18 III. A, Faulted, folded, and overturned alluvial beds near head of Cajon Canyon; 5, Gravel inface about 6 miles east of Tilghman . 30 IV. Well sections and diagram showing probable underground condi- tions at Lancaster and vicinity, as indicated by well logs 40 V. A^ Palmdale reservoir, looking northwest; B, San Andreas fault trace near Anaverde ranch, looking northwest 42 VI. Reconnaissance hydrographic map of Antelope Valley region, California In pocket. VII. A, Type of well drilling rig used in Antelope Valley; B, Inserting perforated casing in partly completed artesian well 62 Figure 1. Diagram showing probable block and fault systems of the Antelope Valley region 22 2. Section of Antelope Buttes, showing attitude of tuffs and lava and their relations to granitic rocks 26 3. Diagrammatic plan and sections of alluvial fan, showing arrange- ment of debris 28 4. Diagram sho'VN'ing artesian conditions in Antelope Valley 36 5. Sketch map of Lancaster and vicinity, showing location of wells. . 41 6. Diagrams showing possible origin of Buckhom Springs 48 7. Sketch map of Willow Springs and vicinity 49 8. Diagrams showing possible origin of Willow Springs 50 9. Diagram showing the origin of Lovejoy Springs 52 10. Diagram showing possible origin of Gerblick Spring 54 11. Sketch map of Post ranch 64 5 WATER RESOURCES OF THE ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. By Harry R. Johnson. INTRODUCTION. Before the problem of making productive the waste spaces of the great West had been attacked with the vigor which during the last 20 years has wrought so great a change in portions of the western States and Territories, the term ''desert," carrying a picture of utter desolation — of miles of treeless sand or, at best, of waterless sage- brush plains and barren mountains — was applied to great stretches of country having unrecognized potentialities, so that the idea be- came fixed in the pubhc mind that such areas were practically worth- less. This idea was reflected in the maps of the period, on which vast areas having vaguely defined Hmits were labeled ''desert." Thus an extensive region in southeastern California lying east of the southern end of the Sierra Nevada and of the Tehachapi Range and north of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino ranges became known as the Mohave Desert. This great area, however, lying between the more favored coastal region south of the Sierra Madre and the agri- cultural and mining districts of the San Joaquin Valley, Sierra Nevada, and Colorado River, became in time the highway of overland travel, and its true character gradually became better known. Potable underground waters were discovered, the desert's agricultural value was recognized, settlement was begun, and the available surface water supplies were developed. With the growth of fixed population, distinctive names were appHed to different parts of what was origi- nally known merely as "the desert." Thus an area extending along the north side of the San Gabriel and San Bernardino ranges in the southwestern part of the region became known as Antelope Valley. At first the extent of this valley was not clearly outlined, but during recent years its limits have become more strictly defined. In like manner, the term "Mohave Valley" is applied even to-day, rather elastically, to the broad alluvial region on both sides of Mohave River from the margin of the San Bernardino Range northward. 7 8 WATER RESOURCES OP ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. The rapid development of southern Cahfornia in the early eighties, soon after the completion of the Santa Fe Railroad, brought a large number of eastern people to the region. Land values, already high, soon became greatly inflated, and realty speculations passed all reasonable bounds. Partly as a reaction from this condition in the Los Angeles region and partly as an expression of the promoters' abundant confidence, Antelope Valley, with its large area of cheap lands, was invaded by intending settlers, most of whom knew little or nothing of the peculiar limitations of development in arid Cahfornia. At this time and for a few years afterward Antelope Valley was developed rapidly rather than wisely. Of the towns then estabhshed, several now exist only in memory. Of Hispaniola, in T. 9 N., R. ,16 W., but a few posts bearing street names remain; Tierra Bonita, a few miles east of Palmdale, has vanished; the site of Almondale, farther south, with its complex system of avenues and a former population of over 200 people, is marked now by a dilapidated brick house and barn. Many ranch houses erected here and there in the valley at that time have been deserted for years. Most of these early settlers were victims of the promoter's wiles, of their own lack of caution and foresight, and of their general ignorance of local features and conditions, especially of water supply and chmate. In the settlements near the west end of the valley it was generally believed that the winter rainfall would be sufficient for crops and pasturage, and that water for domestic uses could be had only a few feet below the ground surface, as in the eastern lands from which most of the settlers had come. When it was found that the normal winter rainfall was at most 6 or 8 inches, and that around the margin of the valley water obtainable by wells lay in many places 100 feet or more below the valley floor, farming without irrigation was admitted to be impossible and one by one the homesteads were abandoned. Such localities as Almondale, or old Palmdale, which depended for their prosperity on water brought from Rock and Little Rock creeks, have a similar history. Thousands of dollars were spent in improve- ments, and crops were planted and even brought to maturity before it was realized that the costly systems had been built without definite knowledge of the supply of available water, which proved totally inadequate when the dry seasons came. These disastrous and unnecessary failures stopped for a time all growth in the valley, but development has lately taken a more satis- factory direction. With a frank recognition of the agricultural and climatic limitations of the region as compared with other parts of California has come a realization of the value of the artesian waters which, though long known to exist, had previously been usefully employed in only a few localities. , S. GiOlOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 278 PLATE I SKETCH MAP OF PART OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, SHOWING POSITION OF ANTELOPE VALLEY INTRODUCTION. ^ V Even now comparatively little of the water thus available is used to its fullest extent, and the most important problem confronting the settler in and near the flo\ving-well area of the valley is not where the water can be found, but how it shall be used to the best advantage. The most hopeful phase of present utilization of water in the region is the increasing use of pumping plants, which makes possible the culti- vation of lands around the margin of the artesian areas, where the soils are as a ride less alkaline than those in the lower part of the valley. During this later period of development the settlements that sur- vived the collapse of the earlier boom, as well as those of more recent establislunent, have been benefited by the increased agricultural output. Of these settlements, Lancaster, on the Southern Pacific Railroad, a town of about 400 po])ulation, is the most important, for the most notable increase in the use of pumped waters for irrigation has taken place near that town. Other settlements are Rosamond, near the north margin of the valley; Palmdale, about 10 miles south of Lancaster; Little Rock, in a fruit-growing section at the mouth of Little Rock Canyon; Willow Springs, an oasis in the dry plains, some miles west of Rosamond; Fairmont, Del Sur, Neenach, and Manzana, along the road between Lancaster and Gorman station; North Portal, the temporary headquarters for operations at the north end of the Elizabeth Lake tunnel, under construction as a part of the new Los Angeles water-supply system; and Redman ranch, the head- quarters of a newly established colony in the eastern part of the valley. The investigation of ground-water supplies in Antelope Valley, re- ported on herein, is only an extension of work carried on during the last 10 years by the United States Geological Survey — work that has comprised rather detailed studies of underground water in the part of southern California south of the San Gabriel and San Bernar- dino ranges and has resulted in the publication of a number of reports.^ (See PL I.) The maps that accompany this report are necessarily of reconnais- sance nature and have been prepared from various official and private sources supplemented by notes made in the field by the author. Wliere insufficient data were available, the locations of wells and other cultural features may have been incorrectly made, but it is believed that in general the maps are fairly trustworthy. The usefulness of such a report as is here presented depends very largely on the information and aid given by the people of the region under investigation, and the writer desires to express his indebtedness to the many persons who have assisted him in preparing his paper. 1 Water-Supply Papers U, S. Geol, Survey Nos. 59, 60, 112, 137, 138, 139, 142, 219, 225. 10 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. TOPOGRAPHY. Antelope Valley is in the southwestern part of the Mohave Desert, lying between the rugged mass of the San Gabriel and the northwest end of the San Bernardino ranges on the south and the Tehachapi Range on the west. The Tehachapi and San Gabriel ranges present bold and in many places precipitous faces toward the desert, but from a point near Palmdale northwestward the subsidiary hills known as Portal Ridge help to lessen the contrast between the steep San Gabriel Range and the flat Antelope Valley. The lowest part of this depression, lying at an elevation of about 2,300 feet, is occupied by Rosamond, Buckhorn, and Rogers dry lakes, and the surface of the valley slopes toward this area with a grade that decreases with distance from the mountains. The margin of the valley lands ranges in elevation from 2,600 feet along the south foot of the Rosamond Buttes to more than 4,000 feet on the Tehachapi flanks. The vaUey is an undulating brush-covered plain except for barren steep-sided buttes and ridges which rise islandUke above the level land and wliich are typified by the Sand Hills just southwest of Cottonwood Creek Wash; by Antelope Buttes, near Fair- mont; by Little Buttes, about halfway across the valley between Del Sur and Willow Springs; by Quartz HiU, about 5 miles south- west of Lancaster; by a butte at the northwest end of Buckhorn dry lake; and, in the eastern part of the valley, by many sand dunes. The irregular distribution of some of the marginal buttes has pro- duced corresponding irregularities in the outhne of the valley lands, so that in many places tongues of aUuvial material extend away from the main depression in among the buttes for a considerable distance. Such a tongue is the open stretch or pass of irregular width between Antelope Valley and Mohave Valley, along the flank of the San Gabriel Range. DRAINAGE. GENERAL FEATURES. The outline of Antelope Valley is determined on the south and west respectively by the position of the crests of the San Gabriel and Tehachapi Ranges and is fairly definite, for these ranges have con- siderable elevation and their sumimit Hnes are continuous and clearly marked. Toward the north and east, however, the position of the divides is at present less certainly known. Between the edge of the Tehachapi Range near Cottonwood Creek and the west end of Rosa- mond Buttes near Willow Springs, there is a stretch of detrital mate- rial 8 to 10 miles wide which extends northeastward along the Tehachapi flank. This area was visited only in the neighborhood of Willow Springs, but it is beheved to be a part of the drainage basin DRAINAGE. 11 of Antelope Valley, although the streams at its northeast end may possibly drain toward the town of Mohave and out toward the northeast. The somewhat similar arm of the valley extending from Palmdale southeastward along the flank of the San Gabriel Range for a number of miles probably marks the divide between Mohave River and the Antelope Valley drainage basin. Thus, though it is known that practically all the waters of Rock and Little Rock creels, except the parts lost by evaporation, find their way eventually into the Antelope Valley basin, it is not so certain that the streams farther east, which debouch upon the alluvium from the San Gabriel Range, ever reach Antelope Valley. The volume of these more easterly streams is, however, unim- portant, and as they flow northward they distribute their waters among the many buttes so that their channels can not be continuously traced. Undoubtedly Turner dry lake ultimately receives the dis- charge of some of these streams, and others, as the Oro Grande Wash, may swing toward the east and find their way into the basin of Mohave River. It is beheved that for the purposes of this report a fine drawn from a point about 6 miles east of Tilghman northward through Black Butte and then approximately along the county fine somewhat east of north toward Haystack Butte may be considered the divide between the Antelope Valley drainage basin and that of Mohave River. Although in its general features Antelope Valley resembles the Mohave Desert, its position at the immediate base of the Tehach- api and Sierra Madre ranges modifies favorably the amount and quahty of the waters which reach the lowlands. Some of the streams flowing from these higher ranges are perennial and all supply better water than the smaller streams that flow from the buttes of the desert proper. The two ranges are so high that their snow cover often remains until midsummer and maintains a continuous though gradually diminishing flow of water. On the other hand, the region is prevented by its position on the landward side of the ranges from receiving the benefit of the heavy winter precipitation and consequent heavy run-off of the more favored southern and western slopes. In general the streams of Antelope Valley flow at right angles to the trend of the mountains in which they originate; most of these streams converge toward Oban, and thence, though their channels are less clearly defined, sweep toward the northeast and empty into the Rosamond dry lake, or its extensions, the Buckhorn and Rogers dry lakes. The drainage fines north and east of the Rogers dry lake are unknown to the writer; most of the maps of the Mohave Desert region so far published are much generalized and they are not con- sistent, but a study of several of them indicates that a depression may 12 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. extend from the north end of the Rogers dry lake northeastward and eastward toward the Barstow region and about parallel with the Santa Fe Railway. On the other hand, the Rogers dry lake may be completely inclosed on the north by metamorphic and granitic marginal rocks. (See pp. 22-24.) Probably the most striking feature of drainage in Antelope Valley, as elsewhere in the arid West, is the sudden diminution in flow of all the streams as they enter the valley itself. Thus, except during periods of heavy precipitation, the streams without exception sink beneath the gravels of the valley at a distance of not more than 3 miles from the mouths of their canyons. When the region was visited, in the early winter, many of these streams were flowing quite heavily, but even at this time of the year no flowing surface water was found in the valley below an elevation of 2,500 feet, except what came from artesian wells and springs. STREAMS. None of the streams in the valley are large and only a few are worthy of mention. Those of the northern slope of the San Gabriel Range and the southeast slope of the Tehachapi are all short, with the exception of a few which have worked their way back far enough into the ranges to become important as water carriers. Of these Rock, Little Rock, and Amargosa creeks are the more important. The main fork of Rock Creek rises in the rugged region north of North Baldy, at an elevation of 6,500 feet above sea level, and the uppermost tributaries of its south branch, which drains the region immediately north of Mount Islop, head at an elevation of fully 8,000 feet. The creek flows northwestward past Shoemaker's ranch to the northwest corner of T. 4 N., R. 9 W., where it turns northward to the gravelly margin of Antelope Valley. Here it breaks into several distributaries which diverge from the apex of the alluvial fan built up by the stream itself. The more or less constant flow of Rock Creek is utihzed by irrigation canals that extend for some distance east and west from the mouth of the canyon. (See pp. 33-34.) Little Rock Creek, which rises in the high granitic mountain country in T. 3 N., R. 10 W., flows northwestward and enters Antelope Valley near Little Rock, in the northeast quarter of T. 5 N., R. 11 W. The channel of this creek in Antelope Valley is better preserved than that of any of the other streams and it is traceable almost to the vicinity of C. N. Reid's ranch, nearly 7 miles east of Lancaster. Here, however, the channel begins to lose its character and is not easily followed farther toward the Rosamond dry lake. The waters of this stream are used to irrigate lands adjacent to the settlement of Little Rock. DRAINAGE. 13 Amargosa Creek, which enters Antelope Valley about 3 miles west of Palmdale, is the only stream with even moderate flow between Little Rock Creek and the extreme west end of Antelope Valh^y. It was not visited, but it is understood to possess little value as a source of surface irrigation waters, as it heads somewhat below the snow line in the San Gabriels and its flow is therefore inconstant. A number of streams which, though draining rather small areas, carry considerable water, rise at the west end of Antelope Valley, between the junction of the Tehachapi and San Gabriel ranges. These streams are fed by copious springs which are particularly numerous at the southwestern end of the Tehachapi Range near the foot of the steep slopes. The largest of these creeks is called the Little Cottonwood, and, at the time it was visited, it flowed as far east as the east line of sec. 1, T. 8 N., R. 17 W. No accurate meas- urements of any of these springs or creeks are available. The large spring at Liebre ranch flows 1,500 gallons per hour. Between Little Cottonwood and Cottonwood creeks are Fish, Livsey, Tierra Seca, and Little Oak creeks, each less than 5 miles long, but a source of considerable water even in the summer time. It is stated that the drainage basins of these streams contain large springs which furnish much of the stream water that eventually finds its way into the gravels in this part of the Antelope Valley. Cottonwood Creek, the most important stream flowing into Ante- lope Valley from the Tehachapi Range, rises at an elevation of over 6,000 feet above sea level at a point some 8 miles west of Knecht's ranch, which is practically at the apex of the great alluvial fan built by this stream below the mouth of its canyon. Since this fan was deposited, the erosional ability of the creek has been changed, either through uplift or climatic oscillations, so that it has carved a sharply defined gulch in its own fan. In the northeast corner of T. 9 N., R. 15 W., this gulch is a prominent feature, but farther down in its course the stream, previously confined within a single channel, begins to distribute itself over a later alluvial fan which was apparently built up out of the loose gravels removed from its older delta. This portion of the Cottonwood Creek drainage is known locally as the Cottonwood Wash. Measurements of the flow of Cottonwood Creek are not available, but at the time the creek was visited water was running freely almost to the old road crossing near the stone hut in sec. 2, T. 9 N., R. 15 W. At the west end of Rosamond Buttes a sharply marked gulch extends from a point due north of and near Willow Springs. It is not known to just what drainage this gulch belongs, but it is probably a distributary of the stream which flows southward along the W. i of T. 10 N., R. 13 W. Other stream channels in the Rosa- mond Buttes are mere paths for storm waters. 14 WATER RESOUECES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFOENIA. LAKES. Lakes and ponds, most of them intermittent in character, exist at a number of points in and near Antelope Valley. The most permanent — Hughes and Elizabeth lakes — lie in depres- sions in an alluvial trough coinciding with the San Andreas fault zone. Elizabeth Lake receives the drainage of a small area in the surround- ing hills and may be fed by springs. Its waters remain fairly fresh, however, for at the northwest end it overflows occasionally through a meandering channel into the smaller Hughes Lake, which in turn feeds the headwaters of a southward-flowing stream that is a part of the Santa Clara drainage. Of somewhat similar character, except that they lie in completely inclosed depressions and are usually dry during part of the year, are Quail Lake, near the west end of Antelope Valley, and the Palm- dale reservoir, which was a closed depression even before the present levee and dam construction was undertaken. The existence of these lakes depends entirely on peculiar structural conditions to be de- scribed later (pp. 20-22). Intermittent lakes of another type are formed in the lowest portions of the broader alluvial basins by the addition of such flood waters from the surrounding drainage area as have not been absorbed en route by the gravels of the basin. In this arid region such waters, combined with those due to upward leakage, usually hold in solution con- siderable saline material, and on their evaporation leave the salts as an incrustation within and about the margin of the dry lakes These lake or '^playa" deposits are nearly level and form a smooth hard surface which, as in the Rogers dry lake, extends for many miles. Except during the hardest storms the lakes rarely contain water, unless where the ground-water plane approaches sufficiently near the surface to produce small scattered pools and damp spots of alkali-charged waters. Several such lakes of minor importance occur southeast of Antelope Valley. CLIMATE. RAINFALL. Climatologic data, except rainfall records, are meager for the Antelope Valley region. The records kept at Manzana, in the west- ern part of the valley and at Palmdale, in the south-central portion, form a fair basis for judging the amount of precipitation in othei sections of the valley. It is a general rule in the more arid inland parts of California that precipitation decreases with elevation. Hence it is probable that the rainfall in the vicinity of the Eosamond and Rogers dry lakes is somewhat less than at Manzana and Palm- dale. Precipitation throughout this region occurs almost wholly CLIMATE. 15 during the winter, the occasional summer storms being usually in the form of cloudbursts, during which several inches of rain may fall in a short time.^ The available rainfall records are presented in the following tables: 1901-2 a 1902-3.. 1903-4.. Rainfall records for Antelope Valley region. PALMDALE IIEADWORKS. [Elevation, 3.299 feet.] Years. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. Annual 1896-97 0.25 .03 02 .00 .00 .00 1.35 1.57 .05 .00 .00 33 0.32 T. .00 .00 .00 T. 1.42 .86 .00 1.28 .20 .32 0.43 .00 T. .27 1.79 .04 0.98 .14 .87 .32 .00 .00 3.78 2.38 1.00 .05 1.34 (a) 3.71 .07 .31 .00 4.50 (a) 1.31 .90 .97 .80 .38 (a) 0.04 .00 .00 .57 .15 (a) 0.32 .21 .00 .76 T. (a) 0.00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 («) 13.91 1897-98 6.16 1898-99 3.22 1899-1900 4.65 1900-1901 8.36 1 oni -2 7.26 i PALMDALE. [Elevation 2,657 feet.] (a) 0.00 (a) 0.00 0.00 (a) 0.00 (a) 0.00 (°) 0.36 0.05 2.58 2.00 0.00 MANZANA. [Elevation, 2,870 feet.] 1894-95 0.00 .00 T. T. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0.10 .00 1.04 .28 .00 .00 .08 .65 .00 0.49 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .10 T. .03 0.00 .40 .01 .21 .00 L27 .09 2.02 1.99 0.00 .48 .30 T. T. .71 2.55 .20 L78 3. GO .18 1.46 .14 .50 .29 .00 T. 2.79 1.09 2.70 1.70 1.15 1.11 3.20 .67 .60 0.00 0.00 3.04 .02 T. .10 6.68 1.52 .96 1.36 1.70 1.71 .47 1.35 .93 .25 1.14 3.02 0.08 .63 .04 .00 .04 .42 .61 T. T. 0.01 .25 .09 .38 .12 0.00 .00 T. .00 .04 .00 .00 T. 8.42 1895-96 4.48 1896-97 10.91 1897-98 3.07 1898-99 3.17 1899-1900 5.21 1900-1901 13.68 1901-2 6.20 1902-3 3.46 .00 U.84 1903-4 o Mean. 7.44 LITTLE BEAR VALLEY (SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAINS). [Elevation, 5,150 feet.] 1893-94 («) 0.04 .00 .00 .00 .00 (a) (a) 0.31 .00 .10 .00 («) (a) L21 .52 .00 .00 .46 (a) («) 1.49 .38 .00 2.30 4.10 T. («) 2.55 .00 2.65 1.38 .76 .62 («) 7.61 20.12 1.75 1.98 1.20 .74 (a) 2.48 15.27 2.38 5.16 3.80 (a) 1.39 2.25 2.01 T. 11.74 1.38 (o) .43 3.16 8.82 4.21 10.17 2.49 (a) 3.42 0.62 1.31 1.72 .03 .25 (a) 3.11 1.34 .00 .47 .15 4.56 (a) 4.63 .12 .00 .00 .20 (a) (a) (a) 22.83 1894-95 48.78 1895-96 13.18 1896-97 1897-98 33.21 20.00 1898-99 1899-1900 Mean. 27.60 a No record. 1 On Aug. 16, 1896, there was a cloud-burst at Harold station in which 5 inches of raia fell in two hours. Eighteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 4, p. 403. 16 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Rainfall records for Antelope Valley region — Continued. BARSTOW. [Elevation, 2,150 feet.] Years. July. Aug. Sept- Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June.! Annual. i 1890-91 0.00 (b) .11 .02 1.06 .16 2.15 (b) 2.47 (b) .27 .21 .00 .00 .65 (b) T. C) 0.77 .06 .20 .08 .11 (b) 0.05 (b) .06 .00 .00 .00 .00 (^) T. (b) T. 0.22 .00 .00 .00 (b) 0.00 {b) .00 T. .00 .00 .00 (b) a 2.52 1891-92 T. 1.10 T. .07 T. 0.06 .00 .34 .87 0.08 (&) .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 (&) .22 .00 .00 1.55 (b) T. T. .00 T. .25 0.25 (&) .72 .92 .00 .30 a. 39 1892-93 1893-94 189^95 2.55 2 52 1895-96 .24 1896-97 5.95 1897-98 1898-99 1 1899-19001 , 1900-1901 1 1901-2 1 1902-3 .00 .40 .00 T, T. T. .50 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .90 2.00 .00 T. T. T. .50 T. 1.10 .65 .55 .30 .50 T. 1.00 .10 3.50 .00 .10 .00 .40 .25 .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .00 (b) 1903-4 .90 1904-5 5.90 1905-6 1.80 1906-7 Mean for 8 years 2.85 a Half-year record. b No record. Monthly and annual mean precipitation at Mohave (elevation, 2,751 feet). Years. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. Annual. 1877-78 0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .71 T. .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 1.04 .00 .00 .12 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .81 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.75 .00 .00 .30 .00 .00 0.00 .29 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .27 .70 .33 .00 .00 "."66' .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 .00 T. .00 .00 .00 0.00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .10 .13 .00 T. .95 .00 2.21 .00 .03 .00 .29 .00 .80 .70 .00 .00 .68 .00 .52 T. .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 .32 .42 .00 T. .00 .00 .31 1.25 .76 .56 2.18 .45 2.15 .00 .27 .15 T. .14 .17 .00 .00 .88 1.66 .07 .84 .00 .00 1.25 .65 2.38 1.07 4.16 1.03 T. .00 .25 1.59 1.16 .08 1.06 2.23 7.30 .67 .76 .56 .88 3.68 .00 .82 .00 .29 .31 .00 .00 .21 .00 .60 .00 2.25 1.22 .62 .40 .00 .05 .00 1.77 .00 1.49 T. 2.62 .35 .85 .00 1.00 2.73 .48 2.66 1.31 1.86 .60 .37 .31 .73 .17 .02 .00 .70 1.00 (a) 1.74 .05 .50 .00 .58 .00 5.69 .06 T. 4.09 1.56 .03 .58 2.33 .47 .26 .54 .53 .00 1.17 T. .00 .00 3.18 .86 .50 .76 1.60 1.00 (a) 0.30 .00 .71 .06 .00 .00 2.17 .00 1.22 .00 1.75 3.43 .00 .19 1.61 1.53 .24 1.01 1.45 .82 .00 .48 T. .00 .14 .35 1.20 2.90 2.00 (a) 0.76 .22 .60 .18 .00 .00 .61 .61 .14 .14 .00 .00 .00 .36 "'.'is" T. .00 '.'66' .00 .00 .21 .00 T. 1.00 .00 .00 1.50 (a) 0.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .14 .00 .00 .00 T. .00 .00 .26 .00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 T. .42 .28 .00 .00 .00 T. T. (a) 0.02 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.05 .00 T. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .22 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 (a) 6.42 1878-79 2.67 1879-80 6.79 1880-81 1.27 1881-82 .63 1882-83 T. 1883-84 11.64 1884-85 2.84 1885-86 5.97 1886-87 1887-88 5.07 8.50 1888-89 8.22 1889-90 12.47 1890-91 6.40 1891-92 4.46 1892-93 5.48 1893-94 3.65 1894-95 7.88 1895-96 3.92 1896-97 5.66 1897-98 .60 1898-99 1.14 1899-1900 2.81 1900-1901 2.86 1901-2 3.51 1902-3 . . . . 2.92 1903-4 1.96 1904-5 6.10 1905-6 6.75 1906-7 (") Mean for 29 years 4.78 a Record not available. The following table represents the average monthly precipitation during the time noted after the- name of station. In the last column the normal annual precipitation, so far as records indicate, is shown. CLIMATE. 17 Normal precipitation. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual. Barstow, Cal., 5 veiirs" 0.5G 1.39 .90 0.34 2.49 .84 1.15 1.G3 .71 0.19 1.30 .17 0.00 .40 .03 0.00 .10 .05 0.10 .01 .08 00 .11 .04 0.12 .09 .07 0.85 .45 .25 0.58 .5(i .40 0.2;} 1.9C 1.26 4.12 Tehachapi, Cal., 31 years Mohave, Cal., 31 years 10.49 4.80 a Data doubtful. Other records covering a period of eifijht years show that the mean annual precipitation at Barstow for that period is 2.85 inches. TEMPER ATURE S. The great elevation of Antelope Valley — between 2,300 feet at its lowest part and over 4,000 feet along portions of its margin — modifies the heat of this part of the Mohave Desert somewhat, though tem- peratures of 110° or more are not uncommon during the summer. The nights are usually cool, and the ^'livableness" of the region is in consequence greater than it otherwise would be. During the winter months the thermometer sometimes drops as low as 25° near the foot- hills and considerably lower in the valley. It is stated that on Decem- ber 30, 1895, one of the coldest days ever experienced in the valley, the temperature fell to 6° above zero near Lancaster. Ice forms not uncommonly, and occasionally snowstorms sweep across the whole extent of the valley. It is generally believed by the settlers that the winter temperature of the belt of low foothills along the southern margin of the valley is considerably higher than that of the lowlands to the north. Temperature records in proof of this are not available, but such a warm foothill belt exists elsewhere in the State where topographic conditions are somewhat similar. The record of tem- perature for Mohave, the elevation and general surroundings of which resemble those at the margin of Antelope Valley, are presented in the following table as indicating probable conditions in the valley: Monthly and annual mean temperature at Mohave. [Elevation, 2,751 feet.]. An- Extremes. Years. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. nual mean. Max. Min. op "F. "F. "F. "F. °F. "F. op "F. o^ "F. "F. ° F. °F. °F. 1891.... 44.1 45.0 52.3 60.5 72.3 74.4 87.5 89.4 74.7 67.6 57.4 46.0 64.3 112 18 1892.... 45.9 48.8 54.2 58.0 69.0 76.9 84.8 88.1 79.5 63.7 54.7 43.7 63.9 115 25 1893.... 50.7 48.2 50.4 54.7 70.4 76.6 87.6 85.4 69.2 60.3 52.4 48.3 62.8 106 28 1894.... 41.0 42.5 53.7 64.0 69.8 69.8 84.0 89.0 76.0 67.9 58.3 44.7 63.4 108 16 1895.... 42.9 50.2 51.0 59.9 68.7 80.3 84.3 85.5 73.9 66.1 50.3 42.8 63.0 111 18 1896.... 48.5 50.1 53.4 52.3 60.8 83.5 88.3 83.7 74.1 65.6 52.0 47.3 63.3 111 25 1897.... 43.8 43.8 45.5 62.1 75.9 80.0 86.6 87.5 72.3 60.7 54.2 42.3 62.9 113 15 1898.... 37.8 51.4 48.3 62.1 63.9 80.0 87.8 88.0 78.2 64.4 53.3 42.4 63.1 115 16 1899... . 45.9 48.3 53.5 61.3 60.9 78.9 85.7 75.3 79.4 60.7 53.4 45.4 62.4 108 18 1900.... 49.1 50.0 54.8 51.0 66.8 78.6 83.2 77.1 64.2 60.3 54.5 47.8 61.1 107 25 1901.... 43.2 46.6 52.6 59.2 65.5 76.4 85.2 81.0 70.7 63.7 55.4 45.7 62.1 108 20 1902.... 45. 5 49.7 48.7 54.4 60.0 77.1 80.4 76.8 77.3 62.2 53.8 42.0 60.7 105 20 1903.... 46.5 42.0 49.0 51.4 68.7 76.2 83.8 86.6 74.2 67. 1 ! 56. 8 50.4 62.7 106 15 1904.... 46.4 53.0 55.0 61.0 80.2 82.2 83.3 90.8 79.0 66.6. 57.2 56.6 67.6 107 23 1905.... 48.6 48.4 52.8 60.2 61.8 77.4 95.8 90.8 79.3 77.0 56.4 46.0 66.2 114 20 1906.... 46.9 52.2 54.6 56.5 65.2 77.4 91.2 86.8 76.6 67.0 49.6 47.4 64.3 108 20 95093°— W8P 278—11- 18 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. WIND. No records of the velocity or frequency of wind in the Antelope Valley region are available, but all who have Kved there testify that during the spring months the region is swept by strong winds, which have occasionally injured growing crops. The writer's experience is limited to the months of November and December, 1908, December, 1909, and January, 1910. During a portion of this time the winds were not objectionable. Occasional storms from the west so filled the air with dust and finely comminuted alkali that it became unpleas- ant to work outdoors. When these winds are preceded by rain, they are merely disagreeable, but under other conditions and in some portions of the valley the finely blown particles act as might a keen knife upon alfalfa or other plants whose stems contain insuflSicient woody fiber to withstand the repeated attacks of the sand particles. The large areas of eolian sands on the eastern margin of the valley afford definite evidence of the activity of the winds. It maybe remarked here that the settler who has his agricultural interests most at heart is careful to plant hardy windbreaks, usually cottonwood or black locust, along the west side of his buildings. In some places the natural desert growth has been used for protection, rows of sage- brush and mesquite being left at intervals when a field is cleared for planting. In this way the force of the wind on the tender shoots of grain or alfalfa is somewhat broken until a stronger growth is made. Such natural windbreaks, unfortunately, are said to become harboring places for jack rabbits and other pests. t HEALTHFTJLNESS. This region, with its large number of sunny days in winter and its exceptionally dry summer climate, is, like portions of Arizona, an ideal place for those suffering with pulmonary complaints. Despite the high summer temperatures sunstroke is practically unknown, and hard manual labor, even in the sunshine, is neither unpleasant nor enervat- ing provided ordinary precautions as to diet and drink are observed. The general purity of the deeper ground waters must have not a little to do with the good health of those living in the region. NATURAL RESOURCES. Animal fife in the region studied is, with some exceptions, not now abundant. Jack rabbits and coyotes are a nuisance to the ranchers, but periodical onslaughts upon them afford sufficient protection. Antelope have become extinct in the lowlands and deer have almost disappeared from the mountains, as they afforded sport which appealed most strongly to the wanton instincts of the early hunters. Of desert plants valuable to man there are a number. In Antelope Valley the yucca grows both scatteringly and in thick groves of U. 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 278 PLATE M .■1. YUCCAS ON MOHAVE RIVER SOUTH OF RANCHO VERDE. See page 1 9. JL MUD FLOW FROM CLOUD-BURST IN CAN /^iJ uF .Vi.D.VA. 0,L U. STRICT. See page 28. NATURAL RESOURCES. 19 fantastic appearance, and its peculiar cellular wood has been used in the manufacture of a fiber cloth. Some years ago the cutting and hauling of the wood to railroad points for shipment to the factories was remunerative, but cutting has been prohibited because the wind- break value of these trees to the valley was thus greatly impaired. The trunks of the trees are even yet occasionally used in fence and shed construction, and for fuel. In Plate II, A, a yucca thicket on Mohave River is shown. In some parts of the valley lands, where the ground waters are near enough to the surface to give a certain, even if very small, amount of moisture to the soil, the usual desert growth becomes more abundant and of great size. Such conditions have produced the mesquite trees along the wash of Rock Creek to the south and southwest of Lovejoy Buttes and in the area of flowing artesian wells of the valley. Tliese trees and others of the more woody varieties of brush furnish a fair fuel to the settlers. The higher portions of the San Gabriel, San Bernardino, and Tehachapi ranges receive a greater precipitation than the valley lands and support a good stand of conifers and oak. Practically all the developed part of Antelope and Mohave valleys is devoted to agriculture; the undeveloped portion makes range for stock. In the western end of the valley, which is comparatively free from brush and is at present nonirrigable, a considerable area is planted in grain. Along the southern margin of the valley, from Neenach to Rock Creek, and in Leonis and Anaverde valleys, the almond, fruits (among which are the apple and pear) , and other prod- uce typical of a temperate climate are grown. The almond industry of the lower foothills, along the south margin of Antelope Valley, had its inception in the discovery that wild almonds grow in the can- yons of the near-by ranges. Wliere artesian waters have been used for irrigation in Antelope Valley, alfalfa, fruit, and many vegetables are grown, but much of this region will remain uncultivated until effective methods shall have been devised to remove alkali from the upper soil and subsoil. Of the mineral resources in the region only brief mention need be made. Gold has been mined in the San Bernardino, Tehachapi, and San Gabriel ranges, but the most productive districts at present are those in the Rosamond Buttes and east of Victorville. Plaster mills at Palmdale use in part gypsum obtained from the foothills southwest of the town. Limestones and fancy marbles suita- ble for building and for cement manufacture exist in the buttes near Victorville, and the ornamental portions of several of the larger office buildings in San Francisco are built of these marbles. Limestones also exist in the Tehachapi Range and in the mountains on the south- ern margin of Antelope Valley. 20 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. The volcanic breccias and ash of the Fairmont Buttes are being utiHzed in the Los Angeles Aqueduct as an admixture for the cement used in construction along the conduit. The material is quarried and crushed at a mill about 1 J miles northeast of Fairmont. Sodium sul- phate and sodium carbonate exist as efflorescent deposits in the low parts of the valley depressions. Near Buckhorn Springs some pros- pecting for these salts has been done, but no commercial development has been attempted. Clay suitable for pottery has been found near Rosamond, and brick clays exist at a number of places along the southern margin of Antelope Valley. GEOLOGIC FEATURES. PHYSIOGRAPHY. Geologic and structural conditions are so intimately related to the whole problem of water supply in this valley that a brief sketch of the history and character of the formations must precede the discussion of the water resources. Though no detailed geologic study has been made in any part of this region, many facts indicate that Antelope Valley is, except in its minor features, a faulted block along whose southern and north- western margins strong uplifts have resulted in the production of the Tehachapi, San Gabriel, and San Bernardino ranges. The Rosamond Buttes to the north are also probably the result of uplifts. These buttes seem to be separated from the valley by faults, but the heights east of them and the similar irregular bedrock region of low reHef east of Redman and north of Lovejoy Springs and Turner dry lake, appear to represent higher parts of the valley floor, separated from the lower parts beneath the valley proper only by gentle flexures. The first effect of the crustal deformation that produced the valley and its bordering heights was to stimulate erosion, and in consequence the valley became the receptacle for the detritus removed from the mountains. The southeast face of the Tehachapi Range is a great escarpment having a vertical rise of over 2,500 feet in a distance of less than 3 miles from the edge of the alluvium. Springs along the steep base of the mountain mass and deformations in the Quaternary gravels of the valley along axes parallel to the range point to the existence here of an extensive fault. Though on a somewhat less grand scale, this southeast face of the Tehachapi Range is comparable to and may be a continuation of the eastern front of the Sierra Nevada, which has long been known as a profound fault scarp. Both the San Gabriel and San Bernardino ranges are even more readily recognizable as of structural origin than the Tehachapi. As GEOLOGIC FEATURES. 21 has been shown by Mendenhall/ these ranges are bounded by faults along which the region of high relief has been uplifted. The course of the San Andreas fault, along which in various portions of California movement within historic times has taken place,- is clearly expressed on the accompanying map as a chainlikc series of long, narrovr, inclosed bashis or troughs constituting the depression in which lie Elizabeth and Hughes lakes and Leonis and Anaverde valleys immediately south of Portal Ridge. A view of the fault zone looking northwest from Anaverde Valley is shown in Plate V, B (p. 42). From Palmdaio southeastward along the foot of the range the feature is less distinct topographically, but its geologic effects have been no less profound. This fault crosses the San Gabriel Range several miles south of Cajon Pass and extends along the south side of the San Bernardino Range and through San Gorgonio Pass into the Colorado Desert. Mr. Homer Hamlin^ has pointed out that to an observer stationed on the Tehachapi Range near Cottonwood Creek a distinct linear arrangement of the buttes extending southeast from Willow Springs toward Rogers dry lake is visible, and that the general effect produced is that of a long, dissected fault scarp facing south. When examined more in detail the local conditions emphasize Mr. Hamlin's view. No bedrock is exposed west of the butte at Willow Springs, but the gentle southeast slope of the alluvial fans along the foothills of the Tehachapi is abruptly replaced at Willow Springs by a south-facing escarpment, ranging in height between 50 and 100 feet, and extending north 75° W., for a distance of about 5 miles. The escarpment is clearly of structural origin. Whether the deformation in the gravel deposits is due only to displacement in the hard rocks below, or to a line of actual fracture of the gravel beds themselves, it has resulted in a difference of about 100 feet between the elevation of the part of the plain to the north and of Antelope Valley to the south, the latter being the lower. More important yet in the economy of the region is the influence of the escarpment in determining the location of springs. Thus, Bean Springs, the several outflows at Willow Springs, the spring at Gerblick's mine, the springs on the south foot of the butte north- west of Rosamond, Indian Springs, and Buckhorn Springs, all coincide closely with a line projected from this escarpment southeastward along the steep south face of Rosamond Buttes. Although the eleva- tion of the buttes east of Indian Springs is low, this escarpment is none the less pronounced as far as the west margin of Rogers dry lake. Beyond this it appears to merge with the bedrock height of land along 1 Mendenhall, W C, Water-Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 219, 1908, pp. 14-18. 2 Report of State Earthquake Investigation Commission on the California Earthquake of April 18, 1906, vols. 1, 2, and atlas, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D. C, 1908. 3 Oral communication. 22 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. the San Bernardino-Los Angeles County line, but it was not farther examined. The northwestward projection of the escarpment passes with a slight northward swing into the Tehachapi at the low portion of the range in T. 10 N., E. 16 W., and thence falls approximately in line with a fault determined by Lawson^ during his studies of the Tehachapi Valley system. It is noticeable that in both systems the uplift is on the north side of the fault. The direct bearing of this structural feature on the water supply of Antelope Valley gives it an importance second only to that of the faults resulting in the Tehachapi and Sierra Madre uplifts. The physiographic history of the buttes and heights of land east of the Antelope Valley is obscure. No such striking evidence of the origin of the region as that just presented for the Rosamond Buttes was found, yet erosion seems inadequate to fully explain the topography. It is tentatively suggested that this region of irregular buttes and shallow intervening valleys has been less deformed by Figure 1.— Diagram showing probable block and fault systems of the Antelope Valley region. depression or elevation than either Antelope Valley or the marginal ranges. Figure 1 is a purely theoretic representation of what are believed to be the main blocks and faults involved in the production of the larger physiographic features of the Antelope Valley region. The small northwestward-dipping block in front of the Portal Ridge block, represents the Antelope Buttes near Fairmont. As the tuffs on the west side of these buttes dip at angles of 35° to 55° northwestward — a direction at right angles to the San Gabriel fault system — it is assumed that the underlying granite has been tilted in accordance with the Tehachapi rather than the San Gabriel faults. NON WATER-BEARING ROCKS. METAMORPHIC AND GRANITIC MARGINAL ROCKS. In discussing the sources of the water supply and the conditions under which it exists, the rocks of the Antelope Valley region may be divided into two classes — water-bearing and nonwater-bearing. For 1 Lawson, A. C, The geomorphogeny of the Tehachapi valley system: Bull. Dept. Geology Uni^ California, vol. 4, 1906, pp. 431-462. NON WATER-BEARING ROCKS. 23 all practical purposes the rocks of the margin of the valley, which include a number of formations, are nonwater-bearing. This is true not only of the granitic and metamorphic rocks of the Tehachapi and Sierra Madre ranges and of the volcanic and granitic buttes, which limit the valley on the north and east, but of the older nonmet- amorphic sediments in parts of the region. In the strictest sense, of course, some of these marginal rocks do contain water, but except where springs or water-filled fissures exist the supply they yield is usually inadequate for economic use. As previously indicated, the alluvium of Antelope Valley rests on the extension of the marginal rocks. Evidence of this is found in the buttes which at Fairmont and between Willow Springs and Del Sur project above the valley floor. As the metamorphic and granitic marginal rocks make an inclosed basin more or less completely filled with gravel, their impervious character prevents the loss downward of practically any of the waters which may be contained in the gravels. In the time allotted to the field work for this report only a generalized map of the line of con- tact between the bedrock and the alluvial filling of the valley could be made, but a few notes were obtained on the character of the older rocks. The oldest rocks of the region are probably the metamorphic rocks of the Tehachapi and Sierra Madre ranges. In the Tehachapi these rocks are principally limestones which stand in bold, steep bluffs about the heads of the several short streams flowing from that range into Antelope Valley. Granitic rocks which appear to be intrusive in the limestones have been noted on Livsey Canyon and below Knecht's ranch on Cottonwood Creek. Here schists and slaty rocks, apparently metamorphic sediments, are associated with the limestones. The age of these rocks is not known, but they resemble in appearance and relations the great metamorphic series of the granitic complex along the crest of the Sierra Nevada. On the southern slope of the south- west end of the Tehachapi the limestones are well exposed and they appear to extend toward Gorman station, but they were not traced farther south than the boundary line between Kern and Los Angeles counties. Granitic rocks occur in the Sierra Pelona, but no attempt has been made to map them. South of Fairmont, in Portal Ridge, a light-colored biotitic granite which has been greatly sheared and crushed in consequence of severe faulting parallel to the San Andreas rift valley is w^ell exposed on the walls of Elizabeth Lake tunnel and at many points in the surrounding hills. Thence southeastward almost to Palmdale the bedrock series of Portal Ridge consist largely of meta- morphic rock with some granite. Particularly good exposures of various coarse metamorphic schists, both hornblende and micaceous, are found along the narrow ridge just northwest of Amargosa Creek in sec. 30, T. 6 N., R. 12 W. Quartz Hill, at the extreme northwest 24 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. corner of the same township, is a granitic outlier which has resisted erosion sufficiently to become a prominent topographic feature. This butte near its west end exposes a basic rock, perhaps diorite, which should be a good road metal. Southwest of Anaverde Valley the main portion of the San Gabriel Range appears from a distance to be largely granitic. Broad zones of reddish rocks that contrast strongly with the gray masses of the granite are said to be intrusive volcanic dikes. The geologic conditions in the San Gabriel Range from Tilghman southeastward are unknown to the writer, but the wash material along the margin of this part of the valley and the general ap- pearance of the range indicate that it, too, is largely granitic and metamorphic. The buttes along the east side of the valley are, so far as visited, granitic and metamorphic, and in some of them the slates and schists of the latter series seem to predominate; others are almost entirely composed of a rather dark-colored and sometimes reddish biotite granite. Although the filling between these groups of buttes is allu- vial, it is probably quite thin, and all buttes and heights of land which characterize this part of the region are thought to be but the topo- graphic expression of a single underlying granitic mass, the surface of which lies only a moderate depth below the valley level. West of a line drawn approximately from the middle of T. 6 N., R. 10 W., north- eastward to and along the eastern margin of Rogers dry lake, the gravel filling of Antelope Valley probably thickens. On the geologic map this line is indicated in a general way by the western margin of the area of nonwater-bearing rocks, of which Lovejoy and Black buttes are a part, and though the butte region is not considered particu- larly favorable as a source of water supply, it is not impossible that potable water may be found in some of the larger depressions mapped as a part of the nonwater-bearing area. A somewhat similar condition as to possible water supply is found in the irregular region of buttes and depressions whose southern margin extends from Willow Springs eastward almost to Rogers dry lake. Only a few of the outcroppings of this rock mass were exam- ined, but it seems probable that the granitic and metamorphic rocks, which certainly occur in a portion of the region, are at other points marked by flows or extrusions of volcanic rock. The small group of low buttes in the northwest portion of T. 8 N., R. 13 W., and that about a half mile west belong to the granitic and metamorphic series, and their presence so far from the margin of the valley indicates a comparative shallowness of the basin at this point. NON WATER-BEARING ROCKS. 25 UNALTERED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. In certain portions of the region sedimentary rocks of unknown age have been found, but their relations to the bedrock series and tlieir lack of alteration suggest that they probably belong to the Cretaceous or a later period of deposition. The largest area of such rocks so far observed comprises a series of mucli folded yellowish-brown sand- stones at the extreme west end of the valley. Violent stresses, due to their proximity to the opposing faults of the Tehachapi and San Bernardino ranges, have greatly folded the beds here exposed. North of Quail the general trend of this series is toward the southeast, and immediately west of Quail structural folds are traceable for a short distance. This series of sandstones is overlain, apparently uncomformably, by a later, less coherent series of sands and gravels which are a part of the water-bearing rocks of the region, and at the line of unconformity north of the Gorman station road springy con- ditions prevail. Exposures of the older series, indicative ot consid- erable deformation, were noted along the south side of the road between Quail post office and Barnes ranch. No evidence of the age of tliis series of sandstones and shales has been found, but the degree of consolidation and general physical appearance suggest the lower Miocene or older, as it occurs in portions of the Sunset-McKittrick oil regions. VOLCANIC ROCKS. Immediately south of the area exhibiting this narrow strip of sedi- ments is a region composed of reddish or purplish brown volcanic rocks, which extend up the first ridges to an elevation of about 4,000 feet. The relation of this volcanic mass to the sediments on its northern side is unknown, but it appears to be in part at least faulted against them. The volcanic rocks are well exposed on Gookin Gulch from its mouth southward for about a mile, where the fracturing and crushing of the rocks along the San Andreas fault zone obscures their character. Although some of this lava is rather cellular and shows evidence of having been poured out at or near the surface, tuffaceous phases of it do not predominate except in the Antelope Buttes near Fair- mont. The structural and geologic features of this particular group of hills are interesting and may be best explained by reference to figure 2. The more westerly butte, a, consists of beds of heavy, roughly stratified tuff of basaltic material, with some granitic bowlders, the whole series having been tilted until it dips from 35° to 55^ toward 26 WATEE RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. the northwest. These beds, coarse at the top, grade downward mto more regularly bedded gray and dirty white tuffaceous sandstones, which at some horizons contain indurated conglomerate layers and creamy-white tuff beds. The underlying granites on which these tuffs were deposited make up most of the easterly butte h, and just north of the springs, in sec. 30, T. 8 N., R. 14 W., on the west side of the creek, the relation between the granite and tuff is clearly shown. It is believed that much of the water which seeps out here is derived from the porous beds of the tuff series concentrated at the impervious granite contact. The flow of lava shown at a is at the northern end of the west butte, where it is intercalated with the heavier tuffs. A clue to its character is found in the presence of granite bowlders, formerly part of the near-by tuff, which have been almost completely surrounded by the lava flow. The source of these tuffs and the flow is unknown, but judging from the coarseness of the former, it is believed to have been not far distant. Although granitic rocks were noted at the east end of the Rosa- mond Buttes, near Indian Springs, and at points along the scarp which a FiGTJBE 2.— Section of Antelope Buttes, showing attitude of tuffs and lava at c, and their relations to granitic rocks at &. extends toward Rogers dry lake, the bulk of the buttes between Rosamond and Willow Springs is a pinkish to dirty yellow rhyolitic lava. The data at hand are insufficient to determine the source or extent of these rocks. Outcroppings of the rock are as a rule craggy and irregular, but where the material has been loosened by decomposition more regular slopes, made up of platy fragments, are common. The usual color of the volcanic buttes is a fine pink, but in places where the rock is decomposed or tuffaceous it grades into a yellowish or dirty gray. Where the texture is firm and jointing is not too pronounced, the rock makes a fair building stone; the new hotel at Rosamond and the cottages and other buildings at Willow Springs are built of rhyolite from the butte just northeast of the springs. The dikes intruding the granites southeast of Palmdale (p. 24) may be a part of the granitic complex. WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. 27 WATER-BEARING ROCKS. ORIGIN AND DISTRIBUTION. The rocks of the roj^ion which contain sufTicient water for economic use have been classed, irrespective of their ajj^e or character, as water- bearing. These rocks are composed ahnost wholl}^ of the uncon- sohdated gravels, ''cements," sands, and intervening clays, all of which have been derived from the mountain ranges of the region by erosion and redistributed in the lowlands. So far as observed, all the water-bearing rocks of the Antelope Valley region belong to the class of transported deposits. From the rather limited present knowledge of the history of the ranges of the surrounding region it appears that the erosional effectiveness of most of the smaller streams entering the valley dates from the uplift of the Tehachapi and Sierra Madre ranges. It is presumed that before this uplift these mountains, though they may have existed as a region of relief, were of rather moderate elevation, so that the streams draining them were not active. These streams were probably stimu- lated into great activity by the uplift or series of uplifts that caused the topographic differences between Aijtelope Valley and the Teha- chapi and San Gabriel ranges. The uplifts were probably distributed over a comparatively short geologic period. As the mountains became higher, the rainfall and the grades of the streams and their erosive power increased, so that steep, narrow gulches and canyons were cut into the sharp escarpments bounding the ranges. The volume of material thus ground up and removed from the mountain masses w^as enormous, for with torrential rainfall and steep grades streams have great transporting power. In the region at the south end of the San Joaquin Valley, about 75 miles west of Antelope Valley, blocks of heavy sandstone 10 or 12 feet in diameter have been carried from their outcrops in the mountain several miles out on the fiat beyond the mouths of the canyons. Such happenings as this are unusual, but the general result of the sudden expulsion of detrital material borne along in a torrential stream from a constricted canyon on to an open plain is to produce a fanlike deposit, the apex of which is just at the mouth of the canyon. These aUuvial fans, detrital cones, or deltas, as they are called where formed by larger rivers, are well-recognized features throughout the arid West. An ideal diagram and sections (fig. 3) of an alluvial fan have been prepared to show the arrangement of the debris about the mouth of canyons in drainage basins whose precipitation is torrential in char- acter. This sketch is based on a study of a number of typical fans in the San Joaquin Valley, but it is applicable to this region as well. An examination of the plan, which illustrates one phase of fan devel- opment, shows that the stream leaves the mouth of its canyon with 28 WATER RESOUECES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. full force, but at the margin of the plain toward which it is flowing it spreads, so that it drops most of the heaviest material. The stream itself, which in the canyon has been confined to a single channel, diverges into several distributaries, each of which carries its own load of heavier gravels and sands, to be deposited in the order of their weight as the transporting power of the water diminishes. If one of these distributaries be followed downward along its course, it will be noted that low levees of gravel in the upper courses and of sands and mud farther down have accumulated on each side of the shallow channels. This linear arrangement of the material has been indi- cated on the diagram. It is characteristic of the fan type and undoubtedly plays a considerable part in allowing free percolation ^^^^ PLAN CROSS SECTION Figure 3.— Diagrammatic plan and sections of alluvial fan, showing arrangement of d§bris. Sketch eon- tours do not show channeling of fan. of water through the material. The drawing also indicates the con- tinued division of the distributaries and their gradual extinction around the lower margin of the fan, where the finer material comes to rest. So far as observed, the end point of this process of deposition is to be found in the thin, irregular flows of mud left on the lower slopes. Such deposits are in some places thick enough to obliterate the low bunchy grasses across which they have spread. A typical deposit of this character is illustrated in Plate II, B, which is a view taken several weeks after a cloud-burst in one of the canyons in the Santa Fe-Midway oil district, in the southwestern part of the San Joaquin Valley. The channel along which this material flowed shows in the picture as a faintly marked depression in front of the horse and rider, and the margin of the mud levee on each side of the WATER-BEARING ROCKS. 29 channel extends from the point where the horse is standing toward the lower left-hand corner of the picture. To gain a complete understanding of the growth of the fan it must be remembered that the description just given covers but a single phase, which may be repeated many times before the fan reaches its maximum development. Thus, after a period during which a cer- tain arrangement of bowlders and gravel and sand may have been made and more or less well-defmed channels formed, new distribu- tai'ies may be established and other deposits, perliaps of different texture and material, may be laid down so extensively as to conceal those of an earlier period. In this way such an arrangement as that indicated in the longitudinal and cross sections may result. The main facts to be emphasized in regard to this mode of accumulation are that the detrital material of the fan exhibits a generally irregular arrangement, but grows finer as its distance from the source of mate- rial increases. The alluvial fans about the margin of Antelope Valley are of this character, and in their growth and extension into the lowlands they have merged to produce the gently undulating floor of the valley. They attain their best development along the foot of the higher ranges. Perhaps the most typical, though not the largest fans, he at the mouths of the small canyons south of Del Sur. PHYSICAL CHARACTER. As the valley floor to an unknown depth is made up of detrital material which has been deposited in the manner just described, it is evident that there will be an intermingling of material from different points in various parts of the valley. But it is also true that the rocks predominating around the source of the detritus are likely to predominate in adjacent valley deposits. In such a comparatively smaU basin as the Antelope VaUey, however, the differences between the soils, except those of texture, are not particularly marked. Thus in a broad and indefinite zone from Palmdale northwestward through Fairmont to the extremity of the vaUey and thence northeastward along the margin of the Tehachapi Range the superficial deposits contain a considerable amount of granitic and schistose material, with some limestone. The soils south of the Rosamond Buttes and north of Fairmont contain decomposed and transported volcanic material intermingled with the granitic grains. In the vicinity of the dry lakes the texture of the soils is fiue, like that of the clays which underhe much of this region. The well records for the valley region indicate that the deeper deposits do not differ greatly from the gravels, sands, and clays of the surface. (See pp. 37-44.) 30 WATEK RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. STRUCTURE. Broadly considered, the great alluvial filling of the structural depression of the Antelope Valley is composed of lenticular and irregular beds which dip at low angles away from the bounding ranges and buttes. These gravels, sands, and clays show no evidence of deformation except at some points along the valley margin. At and just north of the central portion of T. 9 N., R. 15 W., a well- defined ridge, parallel to the Tehachapi, breaks the even slope of the great fan of Cottonwood Creek. So far as examined the gravels and clays exposed in this ridge, although they have been folded and faulted, are not unlike those near by, which lie as originally deposited. These hills, which express an anticlinal fold, either in the fan itself or in material only slightly older, prove recent structural changes in the region. Deformation of a similar character is evident in gravels at the west end of Antelope Valley. Along Liebre Creek these beds show dips ranging from 12° to 40°. Immediately northwest of the junction of the Bakersfield and Liebre ranch roads a dip of 70° to the north in granitic gravel was recorded. Southwest of Palmdale the San Andreas fault zone issues from behind Portal Ridge and for a short distance involves the gravels forming the margin of the valley deposits. They have, in consequence, been sharpty folded and at some points even overturned by the violence of the dislocation. Good exposures of these tilted gravels and sands are to be found along the road from Palmdale to Anaverde ranch, especially in sec. 29, T. 6 N., R. 12 W. From Tilghman southeastward along the San Gabriel Range a definite inface marks the southern margin of the valley filHng. Dips of 10°, sufficient to indicate deformation, have been noted on this inface. Plate III illustrates two phases of defor- mation in these marginal beds : A shows clearly a complete overturn of the gravels when faulted against a bedrock surface; B shows a gravel inface in which the beds are less disturbed. No deformation was observed along the east side of Antelope Valley, but enough evidence has already been given to indicate that the valley filHng is an alluvial deposit, undisturbed except along the margins, which have been flexed by the dislocations accompanying the uplift of the mountains. SAND DUNES. Antelope Valley is a region of high winds, which during part of the year sweep across the broad, unprotected plain with considerable violence. The usual direction of these winds is from the west, and in consequence along the eastern side of the valley cliiefly, but in other places as well, considerable sand-dune material has accumulated. Through the gradual growth of brush and grasses some of these it. s. geolooical -.uhvey WATFR-SUPPLY PAPFR ?7H Pi ATF III A. FAULTED, FOLDED, AND OVERTURNED ALLUVIAL BEDS NEAR HEAD OF CAJON CANYON. See page 30. J;. GRAVEL INFACE ABOUT 6 MILES EAST OF TILGHMAN. See page 30. EFFECT OF RAINFALL ON WATER SUPPLY. 31 dunes have become permanent, but elsewhere they encroach upon the fields and drift across roads and fences whenever the winds attain any particular strength. PLAYA DEPOSITS. In the lower portions of the valley are broad, almost horizontal stretches of very finely comminuted clays and silts, irregular in shape and tliickness but coinciding with the dry lakes in the lowest ])arts of the basin. As they contain a large amount of alkah, they are of httle or no agricultural value. The alkaline content of the soils in the lower portions of the region is almost wholly derived from the evaporation of such waters as reach these basins, either upon the surface or through slow upward move- ment of ground water. It is because of tliis action that saline incrus- tations occur where the ground-water level approaches the surface, as in the lower part of Antelope Valley and, on a smaller scale, in some of the small basins along the San Andreas fault zone, as well as south of Lovejoy Springs and east of Moody Spring. WATER RESOURCES. INFLUENCE OF RAINFALL. The water resources of the Antelope Valley region, both surface and underground, depend solely on rain and snowfall within the drainage basin, of which, so far as now known, the Rosamond, Buck- horn, and Rogers dry lakes occupy the lowest part. This basin has an area of about 1,550 square miles, of which 930 square miles may be considered as valley land. Its southern and western margin is the divide between streams draining toward the sea and those toward the Mohave Desert. On the north and east side of the valley, where detailed mapping has not been attempted, the drainage conditions are less well determined and the outer limit of intermittent streams draining into the valley is unknown. The records of Barstow and Mohave indicate that the mean annual rainfall in the region of low relief in the parts of the Mohave Desert north and east of Antelope Valley is less than 5 inches. The amount of surface water which reaches the vaUey from this region is therefore negligible. By far the greater part of its supply falls as rain and snow on the Tehachapi and San Gabriel ranges, which reach eleva- tions of from 4,500 to 7,000 feet in the former to over 10,000 feet in the eastern portion of the latter. Records for this high region are not available except at Tehachapi, which has a mean annual precipi- tation of 10.49 inches during 31 years. In Little Bear Valley, in the San Bernardino Range, where conditions are comparable to those in 32 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. the San Gabriel Range, a 5-year record shows a mean annual precipi- tation of 27.60 inches. The drainage basin of Antelope Valley, as far as known, has been roughly indicated on Plate I, page 8, with a heavy black line. The dotted black line mthin the area so outlined marks approximately the margin of that part of the basin capable of receiving and retain- ing waters derived from the whole drainage area. The heavy num- bers indicate approximate rainfall where placed. The valley receives water most plentifully from the high region south of Little Rock and Tilghman, and in moderate amounts from the Tehachapi slopes, from the small area southwest of Palmdale, and from the partly wooded slopes of the Sierra Pelona south of Neenach. It is not possible to present even approximate estimates of the amount of water absorbed by the unconsolidated filling of the main valley, but in view of the porosity of its marginal gravel fans and the upturned attitude of some of the supei'ficial deposits along the foot of the mountains, it must be a large proportion of the surface water that reaches it. The slopes of the Tehachapi and San Gabriel ranges are not particularly absoiptive, so that a relatively large part of the rain and sno^vfall must escape by evaporation into the air and as run-off into the near-by canyons and thence into the fan deposits (see pp. 27-29), the sands and gravels of which readily absorb the water that reaches them. STJIIFACE SUPPLY. Of the streams that debouch into Antelope Valley the more important have been briefly described on pages 12-13. Only two of these. Rock and Little Rock creeks, have been utihzed for irrigation. Definite information regarding the history of these developments is difficult to get, but the follo^\ing brief notes were obtained in the field: DEVELOPMENTS ON ROCK CREEK. In 1892 a periodical pubhshed in Chicago promoted a scheme by which the waters of Rock Creek were to be diverted at a point near the mouth of its canyon and distributed to lower lands both east and west of the stream. Open unlined ditches and flumes were constructed and lands were deeded in the expectation of irrigating about 1,000 acres. It is stated that settlers to the number of forty or more famihes built homes in the area that it was proposed to develop. After two or three years the water suppl}' was found to be inade- quate and holdings were abandoned, except along the upper portions of the main canals where a supply could be rehed upon. At present but four or five famihes reside continuously in the region. UTILIZATION OF SURFACE WATERS. 33 The only records of flow available for Rock Creek are those tabulated below, which have been pubUshed at various times by the United States Geological Survey.^ Discharge of Rock and Pallett Creeks, Los Angeles County, Cal. [Drainage area, 52 square miles.) Pate. Jan. 4, 1897 Do Jan. 4, 1898 Do Oct. 14,1908 Do Do Locality. Above Albergers Dam Tunnel approach Opposite dam site near where Pallett Creek enters Rock Creek. In development tunnel Above all diversions (U miles above Shoemakers).. Pallett Creok at road crossing near schoolhouse Below mouth of Pallett Creek Authority. J. B. Llppincott. do do do W. B. Clapp. do do Discharce in cubic feet per second. 5.3 1.33 5.27 1.33 G.5 1.8 9.4 DEVELOPMENTS ON LITTLE ROCK CREEK. The drainage basin of Little Rock Creek comprises about 78 square miles and undoubtedly gives a greater run-off during winter months than Rock Creek, with an area of 52 square miles, although the summer flow of the creek is considerably less, for a larger proportion of the drainage basin Ues below the part of the range in which the melting of the winter snows is sufficiently retarded to affect the summer run-off. About 15 years ago C. F. Cole and others planned to develop these waters and organized the South Antelope Valley Irrigation Co. Diversion works were constructed on this stream about 6 miles above the mouth of the canyon and the water was conducted in an open canal nearly 7 miles toward the northwest to a reservoir about 2^ miles south of Palmdale and just west of the Southern Pacific tracks, as shown in Plate V, A (p. 42). This reservoir is a natural feature due to the uphft of low hills along the north side of the San Andreas fault zone in such a way as to block the channels formerly draining into Antelope Valley. Except for the building of a levee to prevent overflow of the railroad right of way, practically no construction was necessary to convert this depression into a reservoir of a capacity stated to be 5,500 acre-feet. It was originally planned to divert winter storm waters into this reservoir where they were to be held until the succeeding summer. The great length of the unlined canal, about 7 miles, and the porous nature of the ground which it traversed for much of this distance decreased its value greatly as a conduit. On March 2, 1898, the flow near the intake of the canal was 2.02 second-feet as measured by Bert Cole, engineer for the company owning the land.^ After flowing a mile through the canal the water was reduced in quantity 1 Nineteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 4, p. 635. Water Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 28, p. 190. * From records of the United States Geological Survey. 95093°— wsp 278—11 3 34 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. to 1.60 second-feet, a loss between the two points of about 20 per cent. It is stated that at no time since its completion has the Palmdale reservoir been filled to its capacity, about 11 feet having been the greatest depth of water which it has held. Although clay exists in the bottom of the reservoir, there must be loss by seepage at least along its northern side. The material exposed here is a roughly stratified gravelly and sandy deposit similar to the valley filling, except that it has been tilted and fractured along the San Andreas fault zone. One of the most recent indications of this faulting is a crack coinciding exactly with the north edge of the reservoir. In Plate V, A, the apparent terrace extending from the center of the picture downward toward the lower right- hand corner is the scarp along this fracture. After the completion of the irrigation works and the expenditure (stated) of $182,000, water was distributed to users along the margin of the Antelope Valley between Little Rock post office and Palmdale. The population of this region at that time is not now known, but judging from the evidences of cultivation not yet obliterated it may easily have been 200. For about six years the colony prospered, but dry winters caused a great decrease in the flow of Little Rock, and it became impossible to get water to the reservoir. This led to the abandonment of most of the orchards at the west end of the colony. Three years ago a cloud-burst carried away the headgates of the canal and since then both the Palmdale reservoir and its inlet canal have been dry except for such water as has accumulated in the former during the winter as run-off from the adjacent slopes.^ The only remaining phase of development of the waters of Little Rock Creek is that adjacent to Little Rock post office. This colony was organized in 1890 to make use of waters taken from the creek in sec. 22, T. 5 N., R. 11 W., at a point where the flow of the stream is brought to the surface under interesting conditions. For nearly 5 miles above this point the stream bed is dry during a large part of the year, but just below the point of diversion, in section 22, the San Andreas fault crosses the stream. As at many other places along this zone the north side of the fault seems to act as a submerged dam and the underflow of the creek has been forced to the surface. A flume was submerged in the gravels of the creek bed at this point, through which much of the underflow was led into a canal on the east side of the creek. From this canal the water was distributed over lands lying mostly within sees. 12, 13, and 14, of T. 5 N., R. 11 W. After suit with the South Antelope Irrigation Co. the users of this water compro-* mised by allowing the company to use all water above 600 miner's inches, which was about one-half of the original amount filed upon by the settlers near Little Rock. The winter and spring of 1900 was 1 For a full description of the project, with plate and maps, see Eighteenth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey, pt. 4, pp. 711-775. UTILIZATION OF SURFACE WATERS. 35 a period of low rainfall in the drainage basin of Little Rock Creek, and to insure the certainty of their water suj)ply during the following summer a steam pumping })lant with a capacity of 80 to 100 miner's inches was installed over a shallow well in the bed of the stream a short distance above the natural dam at the fault line. During the irrigating season all the water used was lifted by this pump, but fortunately it has been found unnecessary to operate it since, as the supply furnished by the flume has been sufficient. In December, 1908, the colony was in a more prosperous condition than any of those depending on surface waters for irrigating in the Antelope Valley. About 250 acres of pears, 200 acres of apples, and 50 acres of almonds are under cultivation, and fruit of high grade is produced, although it is believed by some of the growers that more water should be made available without an increase in acreage, to get the best results. Substantial homes and well-kept orchards and gardens are evidence of what can be done in the region by thoughtful cooperation in devel- oping and maintaining a water supply. The following tabulations of discharge for Little Rock Creek are arranged from the records of the United States Geological Survey,^ to which have been added a more recent measurement furnished by W. B. Clapp, of the United States Geological Survey, district engineer at Pasadena, Cal. Discharge of Little Rock Creek, Los Angeles County, Cal. [Drainage basin, 78 square miles.] Date. Locality. Authority, Discharge in cubic feet per second. April 20. Jtme 2. . July?.. 1896. In creek above headworks do (?) J. A. Vogelson.. J. B. Lippincott. Burt Cole 1898. February 20 In flume March 2 Above head gate . May Estimated flow. . June 4 to December 31 do. }....do. 1899. January ! Estimated flow. February do March do April do May do June do July do August do September ' do October ' do November i do December i do 1908. October 13 Burt Cole . do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... ....do.... ....do.... Head of flume near Little Rock post office. W. B. Clapp. 7.16 1.04 .26 5.11 2.02 5.20 Dry. 4.9 4.41 7.66 4.50 1.50 2.00 .2 .2 .2 .00 .00 1.00 1.11 a Mean. » Eighteenth Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 402-405; Nineteenth Ann. Rept., pt. 4, pp. 526-528; Twentieth Ann. Rept.,pt. 4, pp. 64, 540; Twenty-first Ann. Rept., pt. 4, p. 471; Water-Supply Paper 16, p. 193; Water- Supply Paper 28, p. 191. 36 WATER EESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFOENIA. UNDERGROUND WATER. ORIGIN. Antelope Valley lies between 60 and 75 miles from the ocean and its lowest portion is at least 2,300 feet above sea level. Springs at various points along the margin of the valley floor furnish a small amount of water to the gravels, but practically the full supply is derived directly from rainfall and run-off within its drainage basin. Of this whole area about 620 square miles is mountainous and about 930 square miles is valley land. It has already been shown (pp. 27-29) that the unconsolidated filling of the valley is in excellent condition to receive and absorb the run-off from the mountains and that the gravels, sands, and clays which compose it are irregularly distributed and interleaved. The distri- bution of these lenses of detritus can not be determined by surface indications, but since practically all the wells of the valley find water Figure 4.— Diagram showing artesian conditions in Antelope Valley. if driven sufficiently deep, there must be a fairly free communication between the various beds of gravels and porous sands. Figure 4 presents a hypothetical cross section of coalescent alluvial fans. The arrows show the direction of flow of waters entering the deposits at a — a, and their weight indicates the ease of transit of waters percolating through the gravels and sands. It will be noted that beneath the lowest part of the valley h, where it is assumed the finer clays and most compact sands are to be found, the waters circu- late freely only in the coarser beds of sand and gravel as at c. Less porous beds, as the sands (Z, may permit the percolation of a certain amount of water near the fan margin, but toward the center of the valley the deposit becomes less porous and the contained water is held back in the coarser portion of the lens. If the material of the fan be thus saturated beneath a, a hydrostatic column may be pro- duced, the height of which may be considered as the distance from a to/. The pressure that results is communicated to the waters confined DATA CONCERNING WELI^. 37 in tlie gravel beneath the less porous clays of the lower parts of the valley so that when released by a well or structural break they tend to rise toward the level a. As frictional obstruction to tlie free flow of water underground is inevitable, the water of no artesian well will rise to the level of its head, therefore, tlie yield of wells, other con- ditions beuig equal, indicates roughly the porosity of the strata in which they encounter water. The irregularity of the water-bearing lenses in Antelope Valley is thus attested, as there is considerable variation in tlie flow of wells believed to be otherwise similar. The best proof of the irregularity of the valley deposits is found in a study of the well logs furnished by drillers in tlie region. Fully GO per cent of tliese records were made by one driller and they are believed to be rehable. DATA CONCERNING WELLS. West of Fairmont. — Of the half dozen or more wells examined in the portion of Antelope Valley west of Fairmont the logs of but two are available. These logs indicate that gravelly and sandy beds, with only a minor amount of clay, predominate to a depth of about 150 feet, below which the clay increases in amount. At the school- house near Neenach water exists at a depth of 200 feet in a gravelly layer in this clay. Vicinity of Willow Springs. — Information as to the character of the unconsolidated material in the valley near Willow Springs is meager. From the surface to a depth rangmg from 75 to 200 feet, sand with a minor amount of clayey layers predominates. This sand rests on a compact clay bed which, in sec. 24, T. 9 S., R. 14 W., is about 150 feet thick. Surface water usually occurs at the top of tliis clay bed, but beneath it gravel lenses about 50 feet thick carry water w^liich is stated to be under pressure, though with insufficient head to bring it above the surface. In the same vicinity water occurs beneath a second clay bed at a depth of about 320 feet, where rather coarse gravel and sand allow a free flow of fair water, also stated to be artesian and to have risen 251 feet in the well when struck. At the Gerblick weU, in sec. 16, T. 9 N., R. 13 W., a plentiful supply of water is said to exist in sand at a depth ranging from 50 to 75 feet from the surface. It is possible that the large amounts ot water found in wells along the foot of Rosamond Buttes is due to the proximity of the fault or flexure on which Willow Springs are located. North of Little Buttes IJ miles, in sec. 6, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., water of good quality is found beneath a 20-foot bed of clay at a depth of 50 feet in sandy layers containing clayey intercalations. Vicinity of Rosamond. — From a point about 4 miles west of Rosa- mond southeastward to sec. 31, T. 9 N., R. 12 W., clay and coarse to medium sand with the clay slightly predominant occur from a depth 38 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. of 170 to about 220 feet. Near the bottom of these intercalated sands and clays are gravelly layers, which at some points carry weak artesian waters. From a depth of 150 feet downward both clays and sands are considerably indurated; limy layers, known locally as ''hardpan" or ''cement" are of common occurrence and offer con- siderable resistance to rapid drilling. From section 31 northeastward the water-bearing gravelly beds thicken considerably and appear to pass into a coarse granitic sand like that found in a well one-half mile northeast of Rosamond, which encountered bedrock at a depth of about 300 feet. In this well the water rose 2 feet. The fact that within one-half mile of this hole a good artesian flow was encountered at a depth of 115 feet suggests that in this vicinity the north margin of the flowing area is against bedrock. Here, as farther west, considerable quantities of ''cement" occur at depths from 100 feet downward. Surface water is encountered 5 to 15 feet below ground level and is quite plentiful. Nonartesian water also occurs at a depth of from about 30 to 75 feet in the region west of Rosamond. Artesian water in this vicinity has been struck at 115, 140, 185, 300, and 340 feet below the surface. Vicinity of Redman. — Records available for six of the wells sunk near Redman's ranch indicate that in the region to the west and north- west sand and thin intercalated clay beds exist to a depth of about 225 feet. Some "cement" occurs with these sands and clays. North of the schoolhouse the amount of "cement" increases. At depths ranging approximately between 225 and 450 feet blue clay with little included sand or gravel has been found, and this impervious bed has held down the artesian waters found in cemented sand and gravel beneath it. There is also a free gravel carrying artesian water near the top of this clay at a depth of about 215 feet. Northeast of Redman the conditions appear to be variable. A well about 1 mile south of Buckhorn Springs passes through clay with a small amount of sand to a depth of about 170 feet, below which heavy (and hence probably open) gravel carries a large flow of arte- sian water which appeared to have its greatest pressure at a depth of about 235 feet. Southeast of this locality, 2^ miles, the only clays encountered in a total thickness of 310 feet of sand were two thin beds at depths of 215 and 260 feet, respectively. The best artesian flow here was found at a depth of about 400 feet; at 250 feet a weaker flow is held down by a layer of limy "cement." Surface water occurs at 6 to 15 feet, nonartesian water at 80 to 100 feet, and artesian water has been struck at depths of 130, 175, 210, 215, 225, 250, 550 feet. Vicinity of Reid rancJi. — The deposit of sand with some layers of clay and cement which has already been described as occurring west of Redman, extends farther and occupies much of the S. i of T. 8 N., DATA CONCERNING WELLS. 39 R. 11 W., where it reaches to a depth of about 210 feet, but it thins toward the south where it is hirgely replaced by clay. The wells about one-half mile north and for a distance of 3 miles east of Reids penetrate clay and intercalated cement layers to a depth of 300 feet. Sandy lenses are uncommon, but where found they usually carry artesian waters, as in one of the older wells on Reid ranch, in which six separate flows were struck. The confining beds for such waters appear to be in some places "cement" layers, in others clay. Only one sandy layer in this vicinity has so far been correlated in different logs. This is a thin lens at a depth of about 400 feet in the northeast corner of T. 7 N., R. 11 W. Four miles south of Reid ranch two deep wells used for domestic supply penetrate sands and clay to a depth of between 80 and 115 feet. Below these sands and clays, clay and "hardpan" predominate to a depth of 565 feet. Though the water of these wells is artesian, the head is insulhcient to bring it above the surface. Surface water in this vicinity occurs at 5 to 15 feet. Artesian water is struck at 200, 250, 275, 300, 350, 375, 400, 450, and 570 feet below the surface. Vicinity of Oliver Miller's ranch. — Intercalated layers of sand, clay, and cement, with the sand layers predominating, extend from the surface to a depth between 200 and 240 feet in the vicinity of Oliver Miller's ranch. Toward the southwest some clay and cement are interbedded with the sand, and eastward and northeastward the sand, with its included clayey layers is reduced to about 150 feet in thickness. Beneath this sandy zone are clays with minor amounts of sand and "honeycomb cement." This term is applied throughout the region to a limy hardpan, either in clay or sand, which probably through the action of solvent water has been partly disintegrated and so rendered more or less cellular. In tliis condition it becomes, instead of the usual restraining agent, a free conduit for artesian waters. It is stated that some of the best flows obtained in Antelope VaUey occur in such honey-combed zones. At a depth of between 380 and 450 feet, at Miller's house, soft sandy layers are found, and these form a portion of the zone in which the lower artesian waters are found. Surface water here occurs at 5 to 20 feet and artesian water at depths of 145, 150, 240, 255, 285, and 450 feet. Vicinity of Lancaster. — The logs of about 35 wells within a radius of 2^ miles of the center of Lancaster indicate in a general way the underground conditions. The records are most plentiful for wells in Lancaster (sec. 15), and if the logs are reliable they make it pos- sible to know somewhat accurately the position and thickness of the various sand and clay and "cement" lenses. 40 WATER BESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells in the southeastern portion of sec. 15 penetrate inter- bedded sands, clays, and cement layers, among which the sands appear to predominate, to a depth ranging from 150 to 235 feet below the surface. This arenaceous lens loses its character toward the north and northwest owing to the increase in the amount of clayey material which it carries. Thus several of the wells in the north- west quarter of town penetrate but three or four sandy layers within the first 200 feet of depth, aggregating less than 70 feet in thickness. The log of Capt. E. M. Heaton's well, at the north edge of town, near the railroad, shows that but two thin layers of sand, less than 5 feet each in thickness, were penetrated in a depth of 220 feet; these thin layers represent the total thickness here of a lens which a mile to the south reaches, with its included clayey layers, a thick- ness of about 220 feet. In Plate IV are shown a hypothetical section (B-B) across sec. 15 from the southeast corner to a point near the middle of the north side and a section (C-C) from a point near the center of sec. 21 northeastward to the north-central part of sec. 12. The posi- tions of near-by wells have been projected to these lines and the generalized logs plotted. The deductions from the study of these logs as to the position of formations and water planes are shown. Data regarding the ground surface elevation of these wells are insufficient to fix their exact position, but as this difference in eleva- tion is probably within 10 or 12 feet it has been neglected. The location of wells is shown on the sketch map of Lancaster and vicinity (fig. 5) . Surface water near Lancaster varies from 5 to 50 feet below ground level. Below the sandy zone in sec. 15 clay, with a considerable amount of cement but little sand, is found. Some of this '^ cement" is of the cellular or honeycomb variety and becomes the flowage zone for artesian waters. In the southeast portion of the section a water-bearing sandy layer lies at a depth of about 325 to 350 feet. Water-bearing sand and cement layers occur at depths of 230 to 275 feet in the north part of Lancaster. Southwest of Lancaster the formation is clayey and contains evenly distributed cement layers. Several thin sandy layers occur at varying depths and these carry artesian water in most places. There is probably a more or less free connection between these sand lenses, as an artesian flow is encountered at a depth of only about 90 feet in this vicinity. The spring which rises at the center of section 21 is due to leakage of these artesian waters. The logs show that the sandy lens, between the surface and a depth of 235 feet in the south- east quarter of section 15, extends a mile or more toward the north- east, but includes in its upper portion more clay. In the clays m 215 F lens clayey lens cmcnT_ ;g-- 197 181 SECTION C-C. Position shown on diagram \\ \\a! mm " hP Sand 100 104 .c^^ clay \e^- -\aV ^eV C\3V .d ^^^ "Cement" Honeycomb" 9 10 «I29B 11 84. 16 15 .V° 220* 197 317^ ^^ IM / K 13 191 » 229.2' ^ ^,216 '^ 213 92 22 23 24 WATER-SUPPLY .PAPER 278 PLATE IV SECTION B-B. Position shown on diagram I 301 231 Z26 230 317 Sand with clayey layers WELL SECTIONS AND DIAGRAM SHOWING PROBABLE UNDERGROUND CONDITIONS AT LANCASTER AND VICINITY AS INDICATED BY WELL LOGS DATA CONCERNING WEI.LS. 41 iindorlying this part of the sand lens, liardpans and conients are loss important tlian southwest of Lancaster. Depths to artesian water noted in several wells are 80, 100, 130, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 270, 325, 350, 375, 425, 440, 500, and 515 feet. ,306 352 la^i^ Lii^LjSl L Figure 5. — Sketch map of Lancaster and vicinity, showing location of wells. The irregularity of depth indicated by these figures makes it impos- sible to define the zones in which during future drilling water may be expected to occur, although the study of adjacent wells will often serve as a guide. The above figures are selected at random from records of wells within the neighborhood of Lancaster. 42 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNL\. Vicinity of Coleman^ s ranch. — The logs of six wells are available in the region about Coleman's ranch, which is in sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 12 W., and vicinity. These logs, though they indicate considerable variety in the strata penetrated, show that clay predominates, although there is much '' cement," especially in the southwest portion of the section. A thia bed of sand is found just below the subsoil, and surface water occurs at a depth varying from 10 to 25 feet and is fairly well distributed. Clay with thin beds of '^cemenf and sand extends to a depth of between 75 and 100 feet and is underlain by a thin but continuous bed of sand which carries artesian water. Below this bed are clay and cement with only a minor amount of sand to a depth of about 350 feet, beyond which the logs do not extend. A zone of ''honeycomb cement'^ at a depth of about 140 feet carries an artesian flow, as does also a similar layer in the clay, which slopes from a depth of 230 feet in the western part of the area to about 265 feet in the eastern portion. The most westerly log of the group indicates that in this direction the amount of sand is increasuio:. This group of logs indicates a greater regularity in the thickness and position of the deposits underlying section 20 than is usual in Ante- lope Valley; there is a corresponding regularity in the position of the artesian horizons. Surface water in this vicinity occurs at depths of 10 to 15 feet. The upper artesian horizon is encountered at depths of 135, 150, 155, and 175 feet below ground surface, and the lower artesian hori- zon at 220, 230, 235, 265, and 320 feet below ground surface. Vicinity of Esperanza. — Seventeen logs, some of them incomplete, of wells in Esperanza and vicinity, are availa'ble, and of these nine indicate that the deposits underlying the Post ranch and the property just south of it are mostly clay with minor amounts of sand and cement to a depth of between 150 and 250 feet. Definite beds of sand are not known to exist except at a depth of about 25 feet where a zone 8 to 15 feet thick carries surface water. Beneath the clays and usually associated with sand is a considerable thickness of ''cement," much of which is cellular (honeycomb) and hence allows the free passage of artesian water. It is difficult to correlate beds in this part of the section, but a sandy uncemented zone is traceable at depths varying from 250 to 350 feet. The logs of wells north of Post's ranch indicate a higher percentage of coarse sand from the ground surface to a depth of 225 feet, but below this the "cement'* strata predominate, artesian flows occurring either in sands or "honeycomb cement." The general sandy character of the upper portion of these wells persists toward the north, even as far as sec. 2, T. 8 N., R. 13 W., where sand with a minor amount of "cement" and clay exists to a depth of 200 feet, below which the quantity of "cement" increases. U. 8. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATEH-SUPPLV PAPER 278 PLATE V J. PALMDALE RESERVOIR, LOOKING NORTHWEST. Dash line indicates position of San Andreas fault See page 33. B. SAN ANDREAS FAULT TRACE NEAR ANAVERDE RANCH, LOOKING NORTHWEST. Dash line indicates posrtion of San Andreas fault. See page 21. DATA CONCERNING WELLS. 43 Surface water in tlie vicinity of Esperanza occurs from a few inches to 25 feet from the sui-face. An upper artesian horizon is encountered at 135, 150, 160, and 185 feet below ground surface, the main artesian horizon at 215 and 260 feet below ground surface, and the lower artesian horizon at 285 and 310 feet below ground surface. Vicinity of Palmdale. — Although the wells of this vicinity lie entirely outside of the area of flowing waters the logs are interesting in showing the distribution of the hardpans or "cements" encoun- tered. North of Palmdale sands, some of them coarse, with con- siderable amounts of clay, contain only a few ''cement" layers, but toward the south and southwest the amount of ''cement," some of it apparently gypsiferous, increases remarkably. A reason for this may be found in the proximity of the structural area north of the San Andreas fault. (See PL V.) Sandy layers in the clay and "cement" at depths of between 250 and 380 feet form the water conduits of this vicinity. No shallow water is found, but nonartesian waters occur at depths of 245, 265, 270, 340, 375, and 380 feet below ground surface. Although prob- ably nonartesian, the water supply from the deeper zones is plentiful. Vicinity ofOhan. — Oban lies near the center of Antelope Valley, and as expected, the material penetrated in its vicinity is generally quite fine and clayey. A sandy zone at a depth of 15 or 20 feet, 3 miles west of the railroad, is found at correspondingly greater depths toward the ea^t until at the center of sec. 14, T. 8 N., R. 12 W., it is between 90 and 100 feet below the surface. Clay, with a moderate amount of "cement" and a few sandy layers, exists to a depth of between 240 and 290 feet, where water-bearing sand and gravel are found. The logs of the deeper wells west of Oban indicate a continuation of the clay below this sand to a depth of 500 feet, where there is a stratum of water-bearing sand. Surface water in this vicinity is found at depths of 2 to 12 feet, and artesian horizons are encountered at 85, 140, 170, 215, 225, 240, 255, 270, 290, 370, and 502 feet. Vicinity of Del Sur. — ^At Del Sur the formation is gravelly to a depth of 70 feet and nonfiowing waters in fairly plentiful amount are found beneath a thin clay stratum about 55 feet lower. Toward the west and northwest the beds are more clayey and con- tain small amounts of hardpan. On the west half of sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 14 W., clay was penetrated to a depth of 100 feet, below which lay sand to a depth of 120 feet. Water is found here at a depth of 122 feet. OTHER DATA. The evidence offered by the well logs as to the underground con- ditions in the valley, is supplemented by that afforded by the gravels along the valley margin, which at a number of points are sufficiently 44 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. upturned to show the actual succession and arrangement of the material composing them. The exposures usually show the expected irregularity and interlea^dng of such deposits as would be found near the mouths of torrential streams, and these, except in their coarseness, form a good index of the conditions farther out in the valley. The best exposures of this nature are the upturned gravels of the Sand Hills of T. 9 N., R. 15 W., and the vertical and overturned gravels and sands along the San Andreas fault west of Palmdale. DISTINCTION BETWEEN ARTESIAN AND NONARTESIAN WATERS. Though it has been shown that all the underground waters of Antelope Valley have a common surface origin within its drainage basin, a few words are necessary to explain the distinction between artesian and nonartesian waters. By reference to figure 4, page 36, it is evident that water entering the valley deposits at a and perco- lating between confining layers towards the lowest part of the basin at h, will acquire a pressure head which increases with increase in depth of the water. The well logs indicate that water is commonly encountered at several levels, even in a single well, as in No. 213 of section C-C, Plate IV. Almost invariably in such wells the strength of flow follows the rule above stated. The waters near the surface therefore seldom rise appreciably, and usually not at all, when struck. Even where they may have acquired a slight head the loss due to the friction of the gravels, sands, or other materials through which the waters percolate may have completely nullified the pressure head. The term nonartesian is apphed to all underground waters which do not show an appreciable rise when struck in drilling. They are usually confined, except near the margin of the valley, to the first 100 feet of depth. The term ''artesian" is applied to all underground waters which show an appreciable rise when struck, whether or not the pressure is sufficient to produce flows at the surface. The flowing area shown upon the map does not therefore, according to the above definitions, repre- sent the total artesian area. WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. 45 ARTESIAN WATERS. FLOWING AREA. Enough wells have been located in Antelope Valley to make it possible to outline on a map the area beneath which lie waters under sufficient head to flow over the surface of the ground when the con- fining materials are perforated, as by drilling. Tliis area occupies tlie central and lower portions of Antelope Valley, with a width north and south of about 13 miles and a length of about 25 miles, and contains over 240 square miles of territory. This esti- mate does not include a possible extension of the area under Rogers dry lake farther than has been drawn on the map. No conclusive data for or against such an extension are available. Topographically the conditions indicate that boring in or near the margin of this flat at points even north of Rodriguez might result in flowing wells, but the possible buried eastward extension of the Rosamond Butte scarp may act as a barrier to the northward flow of the artesian waters, as it does between Buckhorn Springs and Willow Springs. Within this area there have been drilled during the past 25 or 30 years over 300 wells, most of which are flowing to-day. Many of these wells were examined during the winter of 1 908-9, and much information was obtained, but for the following reasons this informa- tion is defective in certain respects, hence some of the conclusions drawn, especially regarding flow, must be incomplete and very general. Some of the wells were sunk only as a means for obtaining patent to Government land; with the granting of such patents an owner might leave his land and well with little further improvement, and under such conditions the deterioration of the well, especially as to flow, is rapid. No information as to fluctuations or former flow of such abandoned wells is usually available except when the owner or driller can be found, and then the data are commonly not a matter of record. During the winter season some of the wells are tightly capped and so are not available for measurement. Other wells rise below the water surface in reservoirs and so are inaccessible for flow tests. Defects in drilhng methods, some of them unavoidable, may result in procuring less than the maximum yield. A well casing may be perforated above or below the point at wliich the well penetrates a water-bearing stratum and consequently the well yields only a portion of its available flow. The accumulation of fine material within or around a perforated casing forms another source of trouble, resulting in a gradual decrease in the yield of the well. Again, if some of the gravels or sands penetrated above the artesian strata are sufficiently porous, the water during its rise to the surface, may waste away into these. 46 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. It may be stated, however, that if wells are carefully drilled, cased, and perforated, and the artesian zone is not too thin or too compact in texture, the strongest flows are to be expected in the lowest por- tions of the valley, that is, from the neighborhood of Oban eastward and a little north along the southern margin of Rosamond, Buck- horn, and Rogers dry lakes. South of Redman's ranch IJ miles several wells have been drilled which, judging from surface indications alone, should have yielded a good supply of flowing water. One of these, No. 70, was drilled to the depth of 612 feet, far enough to penetrate the lowest water-bearing zone yet found in the neighborhood, but the pressure was only sufficient to bring water to within about 6 feet of the surface. Such an occurrence indicates an unusual compactness in the material in the vicinity, or the existence of a buried dike of impervious clay or bed- rock which isolates the strata penetrated by these wells from the main body of water-bearing beds in the valley. It is possible that the obstruction, if it is merely a thick lens of clay, does not extend to the bottom of the valley, in which case it is reasonable to suppose that water may be forced beneath it, so that by deepening the wells a free flow can be obtained. Should the drill, however, encounter what is certainly known to be bedrock, further expenditure would be useless, as artesian water in quantity for economic use is found only in the sediments lying on top of the bedrock floor of the valley. NONFLOWING AREA. Extending around the margin of the flowing area is a zone of indefinite width within which plentiful waters exist, but these waters, though artesian, have not sufficient head to rise and flow over the surface. The inner margin of this area is the line at which weUs begin to flow, but the position of the outer boundary depends abso- lutely on the character of the water-bearing zone and the ground surface slope. In Antelope Valley it has been found that, with the value of the crops irrigated taken into consideration, pumping from a depth greater than 50 or 60 feet is at present unprofitable. To counterbalance the additional cost of farming due to this item, it is usually true that the soil of the nonflowing area is less alkaline and boggy than that within the flowing area, as it is better drained and, except near the flowing area, is not affected by the upward leak from the water-bearing strata. VARIATIONS IN WATER LEVEL. Information on this most important question of future develop- ment and conservation of Antelope Vafley water supply is meager. Owners of wells have kept no record of seasonal fluctuations from year to year, so that the relations between rainfall and volume of artesian flow can not be established. The Geological Survey has no ARTESIAN WATERS. 47 records prior to those obtained in the winter of 1909, durin<2: the period of inactivity in the use of water. It is stated that for certain wells, generally those just within the margin of the flowing area, the summer flow is considerably less than the winter yield, and sometimes ceases. This is true of well No. 141, in sec. 8, T. 7 N., R. 11 W., which origmally flowed 5^ miner's inches and when visited in the winter was flowing about half that amount. During the summer its flow ceases and its water is pumped. A well in Lancaster, near the Rockabrandt place, flowing 12.5 miner's inches when visited, is stated to flow but 8 inches in the summer. The flow of wells on the Coleman ])lace at the margin of the flowing area near Lancaster is reduced about half during the hot season. On the other hand, a well (No. 249) in sec. 14, T. 7 N., R. 13 W., also near the margin of the flowing area, is very slightly affected. A well on M. H. Cheney's place, in sec. 2, T. 7 N., R. 12 W., flowed 14 inches when visited, and is stated to flow but 10 inches during the summer. These few examples cover such information obtained regarding seasonal fluctuations as is sufficiently definite to include here, but it may be stated that there is a natural reduction in the pressure head during the period of high evaporation. How much of this is due to lowering of the w^ater table through evaporation and inadequate replenishment and how much to increased use of the water is unknown. Fluctuations of a less extended nature than those just described are due to pumping. It has been observed that the flow of wells adjacent to the pumping plants is usually reduced during the opera- tion of the plants, but the normal supply is resumed wdien the plant is shut down. Such close connection between wells is indicative of a free percolating medium between them. Uncapping of wells at some points causes a reduction in the flow of adjacent wells. ARTESIAN SPRINGS. Artesian water within Antelope Valley finds natural outlets in a number of springs, including Buckhorn Springs, a spring southwest of Lancaster, Indian Springs, and Willow Springs. Buckhorn Springs. — The several outlets which compose the Buck- horn group of springs are in sees. 27 and 28 of T. 9 N., R. 10 W., and are visible from a distance as low, grassy mounds in the flat brushy region between Buckhorn and Rogers dry lakes. The most typical of these outlets is near the cabin in section 28. The water bub- bles up strongly from the bottom of a small depression at the apex of a low mound, and brings wdth it a considerable quantity of clean white granitic sand which forms a small crater-like heap just at the point where the water issues. The quahty of this water is comparable to that of the neighboring artesian wells, and this, with the strong 48 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. upward current of the springs, suggests an identity of origin. It is only necessary to explain their leakage upward from beneath the impervious clay, which is probably the confining agent in this low portion of the Antelope Valley, and the reason for the existence of the springs becomes apparent. Two explanations are offered: Either the local interleaving of water-bearing lenses at this point has permitted the free upward leakage or flow of otherwise confined artesian water, as shown in a of figure 6, or else the fault which is beheved to exist along the south slope of the Rosamond Buttes, described on page 21, has deformed and fractured the water gravels lying beneath the surface as indi- cated in h of the figure, and so furnished a conduit for the deep artesian waters. The total flow of Buckhorn Springs is now impossible to measure and difficult to estimate. It may amount to about 20 miner's inches. At the time of the San Francisco earthquake the writer observed temporarily active fountains or springs produced in just this manner N. s a 5 FiGUBE 6. — Diagrams showing possible origin of Buckliom Springs. along the bed of Coyote Creek in the Santa Clara VaUey (of the north), where fractures produced by the earthquake penetrated deep enough into the valley filHng to become conduits for artesian water. Spring southwest of Lancaster. — ^The spring southwest of Lancaster (see p. 40) which is now hardly more than a seep, is located almost at the center of sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W., on a Httle grassy mound. Its water contains 182 parts per miUion of dissolved soHds, thus agreeing closely with the water of flowing wells just a few hundred feet north. The logs of wells in the vicinity show that artesian water is found at depths less than 100 feet from the surface and that it occurs at several horizons below the uppermost. These facts indicate very clearly that the water-bearing zones have free intercommunication, and that just at the spring the conduits reach the surface. The condition is clearly that indicated diagrammatically in a of figure 6, for Buckhorn Springs. ARTESIAN WATERS. 49 Indian Springs. — ^The group of outlets known as Indian Springs, located in the SE. } of sec. 14, T. 9 N., R. 12 W., was hastily examined. It Ues just at the foot of the steep south face of Ked Butte, which appears to be a part of the scarp of the Rosamond fault. Like Buck- horn Springs, the springs are believed to rise either along the fault plane itself or through fractures in the valley deposits produced in connection with the faulting. The amount of flow here is unknown, but is sufficient for use locally at near-by mining camps. ^yiUow Springs. — Seven or more strongly flowing springs all lie in the S. i of sec. 7, T. 9 N., R. 13 W., and have a combined flow sufficient to irrigate about 33 acres lying to the south of the points of outlet. Though these springs have long been known, they have been exten- sively used for irrigation only within the past few years. Mr. E. M. Hamilton, to whom the property now belongs, has, in connection mth many other improvements of a substantial nature, Figure 7, — Sketch map of Willow Springs and vicinity. constru(fted cement storage reservoirs at two of the springs, and from these the water is conducted to orchards and fields in the eastern portion of the property. The general arrangement of the springs is shown in the accompanying sketch map. Their alignment upon and parallel with the scarp extending west- ward from the butte northwest of the schoolhouse is a striking feature and indicates some relation between the two. The evidence for the existence of a fault coincident with the south face of this scarp has been presented, but its influence on the production of flowing waters along and near the crest of the ridge remains to be explained. There are three possible sources for the waters of Willow Springs. They may be (1) a portion of the artesian supply of Antelope Valley, (2) the underflow of a stream draining the higher region to the north, or (3) they may flow from the buried bedrock which is a part of the buttes to 95093°— wsp 278—11 4 50 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. the east. If from the first source, the waters rise along planes of weak- ness developed along a flexure or fault of which the scarp is the topo- graphic expression, as in a of figure 8. If of the second class, the flexure produced by the faulting, or possibly even the edge of the upthrust bedrock block, may act as a submerged dam, as in b, and so bring southward-flowing waters to the surface at the apex of the dam thus created. There is little evidence for supposing that all of these waters flow from the bedrock itself, but as there is the possibility that this may be a contributory source of water the diagram at c has been drawn to express graphically such a condition. The acceptance of the first hypothesis requires the assumption of flowing artesian water in a portion of the Antelope Valley where none as yet has been found. As no deep wells have been bored in the vicinity of Willow Springs, it is quite possible that artesian water may yet be found in the region south of the scarp. For this reason the margin of the flo^ving area upon the map has been left indefinite near Willow Springs. Much of the water flowing into the lowland east and southeast of the Tehachapi Range, but north of Antelope Valle}^, would enter the FiGUKE 8.— Diagrams showing possible origin of Willow Springs. gravels of the depression and seep southward toward Antelope Valley, as the buttes and ridges near Soledad Mountain would offer a defi- nite resistance to further eastward flow. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the springs are due to over- flow of ground water from the north against a buried dam such as that existing at Willow Springs. It would be expected under such conditions that the largest flows would occur in the gulches draining the ponded area beliind the dam, yet the deepest gulch answering these requirements is that just east of the schoolhouse at Willow Springs ; and this was entirely dry when visited in November, although immediately adjacent to a plentiful flow from the springs. No explanation for this has been found. The following table condenses the available facts in regard to the springs : NONARTESTAN WATERS. Water supply at Willow Springs. 51 No. Locations. Northeast of hotel In gulch west of house . West of fence At west reservoir. 8 East of west reservoir. Flow. 2 ,700 gallons per hour . Seepage Slight 360 gallons per hour. Total dissolved solids. Remarks. Parts per viillion. 312 Used for Irrigation and bathing; flows into a cement pool. This is called "borax spring" and is not used. Temperature 69°. A group of 7 or 8 springs which are led into a single channel and thence into a circular cement reservoir of 60,(KX) gallons capacity. Used for domestic purposes. A number of shallow wells have been sunk at various points along the line of springs, and water of fair quality is obtained from them. None of these wells flow over the surface, although they appear to be plentifully supplied with water. The chemical character of the Willow Springs water is given in the table on page 57. The springs which rise along the scarp to the west of Willow Springs as far as sec. 11 of T. 9 N., R. 14 W., are similar in character and origin. Of these, Bean Spring, which includes three of the larger flows, is the most important. NONARTESIAN WATERS. DISTRIBUTION. The nonartesian waters include most of the shallow ground waters in the valley, and so far as known, all the ground waters near the margin of the valley. These waters have a source identical with that of the artesian supply; their difference lies in the fact that the nonartesian water possesses no appreciable head. In portions of the valley where the nonartesian water is found in considerable quantity and of fair quality it is usually the result either of upward leakage from underlying artesian zones or of accumu- lation of surface water above an impervious layer. Within the flow- ing area of the valley, waters, higher in dissolved solids and usually in rather small quantit}^, are found at depths ranging from a few inches to a number of feet below the surface. The position and quantity of these waters are delicately adjusted to the capillarity of the soil, the humidity of the atmosphere, the upper limit of percola- tion through the soil, and to leakage from the underlying artesian zones. If this upward leakage reaches a level, for example, of 25 feet below the surface, capillarity in a soil of average texture may bring it 10 or 12 feet nearer the surface. If the depth thus reached is too great to be within the influence of evaporation, a plentiful 52 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. supply of fairly good water may be expected, but should the level be sufficiently near the surface of the ground the mineral content will become concentrated because of evaporation and the water supply will be more scanty. These conditions may account for the differ- ences in quality and quantity noted in the shallow wells of the Antelope Valley. NONARTESIAN SPRINGS. Springs of the nonartesian type have not been found in the valley proper, but they occur between the two larger hills of the Antelope Buttes northeast of Fairmont and among the buttes east of the valley. Springs of Antelope Buttes. — ^Water rises along the stream course in the E. J of sec. 31, T. 8 N., R. 14 W., at a couple of points, and after flowing a short distance toward the north again sinks beneath the gravels of the gulch. It is probable that these springs represent underflow from the region lying to the south, which has been brought to the surface because of the interruption offered to its flow by the bedrock of the buttes. Another explanation, however, may be that the waters percolating through the tuffaceous and gravelly upturned beds to the west strike the resistant underlying granitic bedrock, and so reach the surface at the contact between these porous and impervious formations. Reference to figure 9, which represents a cross section of the Love joy Buttes, will make clear conditions similar to those just described. N, FiGiTKE 9. — Diagram showing the origin of Lovejoy Springs. Lovejoy (Croswell) Springs. — The Lovejoy Buttes, extending east and west through the middle of T. 6 N., R. 9 W., serve as a practi- cally impervious dam to a large part of the waters percolating north- ward through the gravels of Big Rock Creek wash, and the Lovejoy (Croswell) Springs are excellent examples of springs whose origin is directly traceable to the overflow of dammed up ground waters. The lowest gap across the buttes extends northward between the two main groups as a deep gorge, which appears to have been orig- inally a channel for one of the distributaries of Rock Creek. It BEDROCK SPRINGS. 53 is natural, therefore, that the underflow of the creek has found an outlet at the upper end of this gorge in springs which represent the emergence of the dammed up ground waters from the south which have been forced over the bedrock of Lovejoy Buttes much as shown in figure 9. An indication of the proximity of these ground waters to the surface in the region just south of the springs is found in the deposits of alkali there noted. It is believed that water, possibly artesian, may exist here in quantity and quality sufficiently satis- factory for economic use. Lovejoy Springs are at present used for stock, though indications of plowing and the remnant of a dam below the springs suggest that the water may have been used at some time in a very small way to irrigate a narrow strip of grain or garden. Moody Springs. — Near the center of the north line of sec. 15, T. 6 N., R. 8 W., are Moody Springs, used by stock and the few travelers in the region. Though fairly palatable the water contains a much higher quantity of mineral matter than the artesian water of Antelope Valley. The reasons for the existence of this spring are similar to those for Lovejoy Springs, except that the obstruction to the underflow, a low, partly buried ridge of granitic rock, is not prominent. It extends across the course of the underflow in a northeast-southwest direction. It is possible that some water of an inferior quality may be obtained by wells in the flat east of the spring. BEDROCK SPRINGS. At many points in the foothills of the ranges inclosing Antelope Valley are springs which flow directly from the bedrock itself. They are not of great econonuc importance, but those which were noted in the course of the field work connected with the preparation of this report are briefly described. Springs on southwest slope of Teliachapi Range. — Springs are plenti- ful on the tributaries of Little Cottonwood Creek and usually escape from channels worn in the limestone of the metamorphic series so prominent in the Tehachapi Range. They have in the aggregate a considerable but unmeasured volume and must conduct some water into the gravels of this portion of Antelope Valley. They carry calcium in solution and have at certain points built rude low terraces of calcareous tufa below their outlets. Such a spring near the forks of Livsey Creek contains over 600 parts per million of dissolved sohds. The spring which supphes Knecht's ranch with water for domestic uses issues from granitic and metamorphic rocks, hence yields water that is much softer than that of the Livsey Creek Spring. GerUick Spring.— In the NW. I of sec. 16, T. 9 N., R. 13 W., just west of Mr. Gerbhck's house, is a spring which flows from the granite. 54 WATEE KESOUKCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Figure 10. — Diagram showing possible origin of Gerblick Spring. The spring is said to fluctuate little in volume and its low mineraliza- tion, about 180 parts total dissolved solids per million parts of water, suggests a bedrock origin. In a nearby mining shaft a flow of water estimated at 7 miner's inches was encountered on a contact between ''granite and porphyry," at a depth of 110 feet, and this water is believed to be a part of the supply tapped by the spring. The faulted condition of the bedrock in this vicinity probably affords a cause for this and other springs along the scarp between Gerblick's and Indian Springs. It is con- ceivable that artesian waters in gravels lying to the south of Gerbhck's may have found less constricted conduits along fault fractures in the bedrock than through the imperviousbeds of clay or cement directly above the artesian zone. Such a condi- tion is expressed in figure 10, in which a is the point of outflow and h the point of inlet for the water flowing upward through the fractures, represented by heavy black lines. Barrell Spring. — Barrell Spring, in sec. 7, T. 5 N., R. 11 W., has been a watering place for many years. It was not visited, but reports indicate that the water is apparently a seepage from the bedrock alongthe fractured zone of the San Andreas fault. Newquist ranch springs. — The springs at Newquist ranch, on the slopes south of the Palmdale reservoir, flow from an intrusive in the granitic rocks of the San Gabriel Range at a considerable elevation, and furnish sufficient water for domestic use. The water contains about 270 parts of solid matter per million. Springs on Mrs. DaTiVs ranch. — In sec. 13, T. 6 N., R. 13 W., on Mrs. DahFs ranch, are springs that yield suflicient water for domestic purposes. The water is conducted to the house from a tunnel in the granitic and schistose foothills. A test of this water made at the faucet shows a mineral content considerably greater than 600 parts per million. A spring in sec. 10, T. 6 N., R. 13 W., whose water is of somewhat better quality, has been used two years for irrigating a small garden patch. Spring at Keeves ranch. — At Keeves ranch, in sec. 14, T. 6 N., R. 13 W., the springs furnish water of the same general character as that of neighboring springs. It is probably somewhat softer than that in section 10, and rises at the foot of a knob which at a distance resembles serpentine. Spring at Simmons' s ranch. — ^The water of the spring at Simmons's ranch rises in sec. 5, T. 6 N., R. 13 W., and is piped to the ranch house in sec. 32 of T. 7 N., R. 13 W., where it is used for domestic CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF GROUND WATERS. 55 purposes. It contains about 550 parts dissolved matter per million and is palatable. Other betlrock springs occur in the neighborhood along the north slope of Portal Ridge, but nothing is known of the quality or quantity of their waters. MuJford (?) Spring. — A spring believed to be in sec. 31 of T. 7 N., R. 13 W., flows about 50 gallons per hour in the winter and somewhat less during the summer. It contains a low proportion of solid matter and is comparable in quality to the artesian waters of the valley. Springs at Geier's ranch. — The springs at Geier's ranch flow from granitic bedrock on the steep slope at an elevation of 2,940 feet just south of the ranch house in sec. 2T, T. 7 N., R. 14 W. The water contains less than 200 parts per million dissolved solids and is prob- ably as good as any of the bedrock waters along the south margin of Antelope Valley. Neenach water supply. — The settlement at Neenach and a number of the adjoining ranches obtain a supply of water from springs in the Sierra Pelona in the NE. i of T. 7 N., R. 17 W. The water of five springs is gathered through 1 ^-inch and 2-inch pipe lines and conducted to catch basins, thence through 4-inch, 3-inch, and 2-inch pipe suc- cessively, a distance of 7 miles to Neenach. A constant though variable supply is thus obtained which furnishes practically all the water for settlers in the main valley in this vicinity. The plant was installed 15 years ago by Henry Hatch, of Los Angeles, at a cost of $6,000, and the above information was obtained through his courtesy. Spring at La Liebre ranch house. — The water of the spring at La Liebre ranch house is hard, but its location and free flow make it one of the noted springs of the region. The flow amounts to 1,500 gallons per hour, but so far as could be learned none of this water is used for irrigation, though the spring is admirably located at the head of an irrigable tract of alluvial land. CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF GROUND WATERS. ORIGIN. All the waters found within and adjacent to Antelope Valley had, at the time of their precipitation, the purity of rain water, and what- ever chemical differences they have since acquired are due to their solvent action on the various minerals with which they have come in contact during their passage over and through the rocks and soils. It is therefore evident that the character of the water is related to the chemical character of the rocks of the valley and its rim. In order to study the character of the waters of the valley in a general way, analyses were made of several waters whose electrical 66 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. resistance had previously been determined by means of a modifica- tion of the Wheatstone bridge — an instrument devised in accordance with the principle that the resistance offered to the passage of an electric current through water decreases as the proportion of dis- solved solids in the water increases. The resistance as actually measured is reduced to an equivalent resistance at a standard tem- perature of 60° F., and by the use of a curve based on actual analyses and corresponding bridge tests, resistance may be reduced to pro- portionate parts of solid matter in a given quantity of water. Al- though the electrolytic method of determining the quantity of dissolved solids in a water is not accurate, it furnishes "a simple and rapid means of distinguishing relative amounts of total solids with sufficient correctness for many purposes. All determinations for the Geological Survey are stated in parts of solid matter per million parts of water. Waters which contain 150 parts or less of solid matter per million may be considered excellent; those containing more than 500 or 600 parts per million are inferior; those with intermediate amounts represent ordinary types of natural waters. The waters in any region may differ considerably in quality^ although the explanation may not be obvious. Such differences may be due to a variety of causes, among which may be mentioned the presence of soluble mineral matter along the course of the under- flow, different water temperature with consequent different solvent power, and concentration of water due to evaporation. This last cause is usually important only in regions where the ground waters are ponded near the surface so that free circulation is impeded and evaporation induced. It is probable that much of the ''caliche" or ''cement" (hardpan) found beneath portions of Antelope Valley and already referred to in discussing the well logs (pp. 38-39) has been formed as a result of deposition from percolating waters at a period when the horizon at which they occur was at the surface. The "honeycomb" cement may be a result of partial re-solution of material already deposited. It is usually an excellent conduit for artesian v/aters, while the more compact "cement" is equally effec- tive in confining the waters to less impervious layers of sand and gravel. ANALYSES. The following table shows the chemical character of six repre- sentative waters in the Antelope Valley : CHEMICAL CHARACTER OF GROUND WATERS. Analyses of Antelope Valley waters. [Walton Van Winkle, analyst. Quantities In parts per mllllon.l 57 WeUs. Owners. Total Locations, dis- solved. SiOs. Fe. Ca. 1 Mg. Na+K. CO,. HCOa. SOi. CI. N0|. 270 265 253 146 51 (°) Morford, S.J Mosby, John Vevsette Hahn, 15. W Post.C. N HamUton,E.M.. Average for 6 waters 14-18-12 26- 9-12 22- 7-13 8- 7-11 10- 7-13(?) 7- 9-13 330 460 267 161 283 312 52.0 45.0 39.0 39.0 10.0 25.0 0.84' 5.1 .SO 5.7 . 05 30. .07 23.0 . 08 40. . 25 44. 6.2 1.8 12.0 3.7 7.0 9.1 102 154 41 25 64 54 19.0 9.6 .0 6.0 .0 .0 196 325 140 90 176 155 54 55 31 25 44 101 65 29 18 5.5 25 19 0.64 .0 30.0 1.7 7.0 302. 2 36. .36 25.63 6.63 71.66 5.77 182.33 51.67 17.17 6.56 o Willow Springs No. 1. Wliere mineralized water issues at the ground surface, evaporation usually results in the deposition of a portion of the mineral content in crusts upon or as cementing material in the adjacent surficial deposits. Examples of such travertine deposits are found on the southwest slope of the Tehachapi Range, in front of Bean Springs and Willow Springs, and at other points where springs issue. None of the artesian wells noted, carry sufficient mineral matter to leave a deposit on the casing. Some of them, however, contain sulphur enough to produce a yellow- ish deposit on the algss usually found inside the casing of wells which have fallen into disuse. FORMATION OF ALKALI. Over a portion of Antelope Valley, especially in the lower part of the area of flowing wells, the surface of the ground is more or less spotted with incrustations of '^alkali." Three varieties of this are found; one, a ''white alkali," is sodium sulphate; another, called ''black alkali," from its darkening effect on vegetable tissue, is sodium carbonate; and the third is sodium chloride or common salt. Of the first two, the more injurious to plant life is the black alkali, as it has a tendency to hydrolize and form the harmful NaOH, which has a disintegrating effect on organic tissue. Except where under- draining and flushing of the alkali-ridden soils can be resorted to the most effective method of disposing of the black alkali is by the use of gypsum as a fertilizer; by this means the harmful salt is changed to the less injurious sulphate.^ Incrustations of alkali are seldom found except where the water plane is near the surface. Where this is the condition the effect of capillarity is to gradually raise the water to the surface and with it the dissolved mineral matter. As evaporation takes place this mineral matter is precipitated, and hence at and near the surface forms an incrustation which yields readily to the solvent action of » Waring, G. A., Geology and water resources of a portion of south-central Oregon: Water-Supply Paper U. S. Geol. Survey No. 220, 1908, pp. 75-76. 58 WATER BESOUKCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. rain or flowing surface water and so ma}^ be distributed to other por- tions of the surface. A very effective agent for the distribution and increase of surface alkaH in Antelope Valley is the waste from un' capped artesian wells, and so long as the illegal practice of allowmg such waste is persisted in, the natural accumulation of alkali at the surface will be increased. The following analyses show the com- position of white incrustation from the margin of pools whose water is saturated with sulphates, clilorides, and carbonates of sodium. The pools are near Buckhorn Springs and the data are available through the courtesy of E. V. Bray, of Berkeley, Cal., who states that large efflorescent crystals of sulphate of sodium occur in the mud of the vicinity. Percentages of sodium carbonate in incrustations from margin of pools near Buckhorn Springs, Cal. [Databy E. V. Bra5\] No. of sample. Localities. Fluff J' stuff, west pool Surface crust, east pool near pit Extreme north shore of east pool near pit North end of big pool Crust sacked in shed (well dried) Cnist east of east pool Hard crust in west pool Per cent of Na2C03. 21.7 37.7 7.67 15.33 44.96 30.14 48.54 The remaining percentage of each of these samples is a mixture of sulphates and clilorides. QUANTITY OF DISSOLVED SOLIDS* The determinations of total solids for the Antelope Valley waters indicate a range from somewhat less than 1 50 parts to over 600 parts of solid matter per million parts of water. The broadest distinction as to mineralization is that between the artesian and most of the nonartesian waters. Of these two groups the former, with a very few exceptions, are low in dissolved solids and ranli well among artesian waters of the Pacific coast. Some of the nonartesian waters, especially in wells near the margin of the valley, are poorer and at some points, particularly along the San Andreas fault zone, contain large quantities of mineral matter in solution. The waters of bed rock springs also show a considerable range in mineralization, as already indicated. In and near the flowing area the best water, that containing 150 to 200 parts of dissolved solids per million, is found in most wells within an ill-defined area extending from the southwest portion of sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 12 W., eastward and north through Lancaster and thence eastward along the N. J of T. 7 N., R. 11 W., and the southern part of T. 8 N., R. 11 W. FALLACIES REGARDING UNDERGROUND WATERS. 59 Water containing 200 to 250 parts of dissolved solids per million parts of water is found between Lancaster and a line swinging north and south about a mile east of Esperanza. From Reid's ranch eastward and northeast of Redman's ranch, thence in a broad zone westward toward Oban, and thence southwest toward east Esperanza is an indefinitely bounded zone in which waters contain 200 to 250 parts of sohds per miUion parts of water. Water in the remaining portion of the area of flowing wells, which includes the neighborhood east and north of Redman's ranch and the vicinity of Esperanza besides the broad region between Rosamond and Rogers dry lake and between Rosamond and Esperanza, usually contains slightly higher percentages of solids although not enough to affect its potability, for all of the water obtained from flowing wells is of excellent quality. Data as to the mineralization of waters from shallow and other nonartesian wells are scanty, but in general such waters, except those found well out in Antelope Valley, contain 250 parts or more of solid matter per million parts of water. The general rule, that the quantity of dissolved solids decreases toward the valley margin holds good. Ex- ceptions to this rule have been noted at Palmdale and Old Palmdale, where four of the six wells examined contain water that is moderately mineralized, and at the Barnes ranch in sec. 14, T. 8 N., R. 17 W., where the water contains between 200 and 250 parts per million of solids. In general the shallow water developed at several points along the foot of the Rosamond Buttes between Rosamond and Willow Springs is, perhaps because of the proxinuty of the flexed or faulted zone already described, of better quality than that in wells in alluvium along the north slope of Portal Ridge between Del Sur and Palmdale. HYGIENIC CONDITIONS. Except where shallow waters may have been contaminated by alkali or drainage from stables or outhouses, the ground water of the main Antelope Valley may be considered free from injurious quanti- ties of organic or mineral matter. In some of the wells near the foothills, however, the amount of dissolved mineral matter may be sufficiently high to prove deleterious, although Httle complaint is heard of bad effects among those who have been in the habit of using the water. FALLACIES REGARDING UNDERGROUND WATERS. SUPPOSITIONAL SOURCES. It may be considered beyond the province of an official report to give space to the consideration of the various untenable theories advanced from time to time regarding the source and inexhaustibility of the artesian waters of Antelope Valley. It is natural that the 60 WATEB RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. sight of a flowing or spouting well, especially in an arid region, should induce speculation as to the source of the water and as to the reasons for its flow; it is also natural that the simplest explanation therefor should be overlooked in the search for some more dramatic if less likely reason. In order that the reader may not take too seriously some of the fantastic theories locally advanced as to the origin of the well waters of the valley, a brief discussion of some of them has been included with the report. It is held by some that a free underground channel extends from the lower Owens River or from Owens Lake to the artesian basin of Antelope Valley. In support of this it is contended that Owens Lake has no visible outlet and the great quantity of water brought into the lake by the river has no escape except by underground leakage. Where, it is asked, can this water escape to if not into Antelope Val- ley ? In answer, it need only be pointed out, first, that Owens Lake is strongly saline because of an evaporation sufficiently high to remove annually more water than it receives; second, that in the hundred- mile stretch of country between Owens Valley and Antelope Valley there are many bedrock masses, such as buttes and desert mountain ranges, which would absolutely prevent percolation underground be- tween the two points; and, third, that the existence of a free under- ground channel over 100 miles long is utterly unproved, and no features observed in the region point to its possibility. So far as Owens Lake is concerned the high salinity of its waters proves the absurdity of considering it as a source of the pure waters of the Lancaster region. A much less fantastic though still untenable theory to account for the head developed in waters of Antelope Valley assumes that the water which falls as rain or snow in the upper portion of the moun- tains, finding its way into the artesian basin through fractures and channels in the bedrock, becomes in this way the artesian supply of the valley. It is quite true that a small portion of the ground waters may be fed into the basin in this manner, but the close- grained, impervious, granitic mass of the San Gabriel, San Bernar- dino, and Tehachapi ranges offers a most effective barrier to perco- lation, and the very small amount of precipitation in the region north and east of Antelope Valley indicates that correspondingly small amounts of water enter the generally impervious rocks there. It is evident that a still smaller part of such absorbed water would ever reach the valley. In both of these theories of origin for ground waters, the most natural sources, i. e., streams debouching into the valley from its marginal ranges, are entirely overlooked. It is argued without suffi- cient knowledge of the facts that the amount of water which these streams introduce is insufficient to account for the abundance of water in the gravels beneath the valley floor, but apparently the very FALLACIES REGARDING UNDERGROUND WATERS. 61 important factor of time is neglected. It must be remembered that for hundreds of centuries these streams have intermittently carried unmeasured quantities of water into the gravels where, sinking beyond the reach of evaporation, they have accumulated and filled the rock basin to the level of the lowest point in its rim. USE OF THE "WATER WITCH." In Antelope Valley, as elsewhere, believers in that curious anachro- nism, the old 'Svater witch" superstition, are still occasionally met. It is difficult to give to this belief sufficiently serious consideration to discuss it in an official report. At best some of the operators of the device may be self-deluded, but by far the greater number are no doubt simply shrewd charlatans who have some experience with conditions in the field in which they operate, and combining this knowledge wdth such successes as will fall to their lot simply from the operation of the law of chances succeed in convincing some individuals in an uninformed public that there is virtue in their method. The danger of a false prophecy is, naturally, materially lessened when the ' 'location" is made, as it usually is, in a region known to be generally underlain by abundant water. A prediction that water will be found anywhere in the central part of Antelope Valley is safe; hence success there should not be permitted to serve as a foundation for a reputation for occult powers on the part of a wielder of a forked twig. It is even conceivable that some assump- tions as to depth to water might be correctly made by the locator if his knowledge of other wells in the region were at all complete. The attempt to use the ''witch" to locate oil in Antelope Valley resulted, as would be expected, in disastrous failure, since two wholly unsuccessful wells, which are stated to have cost over $20,000, were drilled on the advice of an operator of the implement. INEXHAUSTIBILITY OF ARTESIAN SUPPLY. The most generally accepted fallacy, and one which, unfortunately enough, is most harmful of all to the continued welfare of the Ante- lope Valley, assumes that because wells have flowed generously in the past and some are flowing even too abundantly during the pres- ent they may be expected to flow for all time, no matter how many are drilled or how much water is withdrawn from the underground reservoir. The acceptance of this theory has resulted in most of the injurious practices with reference to artesian water in the valley, and too much emphasis can not be given to the statement that the arte- sian supply is not inexhaustible, and that if the riotous waste of water is continued during future settlement of the valley, wells now flowing will have to be pumped, and the water level in many of the present piunping wells may be expected to fall below the limit of profitable lift. 62 WATER EESOUECES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. PRESENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. NTTMBEB. OF WELLS. Keference to the map (PL VI, in pocket) shows that wells have been sunk in greatest number along the southern margin of Antelope Valley, especially between Del Sur and the vicinity of Reid's ranch. In all more than 350 wells of all types were examined in the course of this investigation, and of these nearly 75 per cent are flowing. Although the sinking of wells in the valley began as long ago as the seventies, the most pronounced development has taken place in the last 15 years. Drillers reported in 1908-9 that indications were favorable to a very considerable increase in the number of wells, especially in and adjacent to the flowing area. The table on pages 70-89 gives condensed information regarding wells which were visited or concerning which data were obtained. NONARTESIAN WELLS. The shallower surface wells and, at the west end of the valley especially, some of considerable depth have been dug by hand. A well in which the soil and underlying beds prove of sufficient strength to ^' stand up" without lagging is considered ready for use when windmill and pump or other form of lift is installed at the sur- face. Judging from the number of caved-in surface wells, some of which are said to have obtained good water, this sort of construc- tion for any except the shallowest wells is more expensive in the long run than that of a lined well. Shallow wells of the most satis- factory type, at least where the water tapped is in sufficient quan- tity, are those sunk according to artesian well methods — that is, by boring, casing, and perforating. Long buckets, adapted in diam- eter to the size of the well and furnished with inlet valves at the bottom, are used in such wells where the more effective methods of windmill or gas engine and pump have not been installed. The usual method of lift for nonartesian wells in the valley is the windmill, and because of the prevalence of winds during a great part of the year this is very satisfactory where the water is used only for domestic purposes and for stock. On the Dobey ranch, near Victorville, a double fan windmill raises water successfully from a depth of more than 300 feet, and this method should commend itself to settlers in Antelope Valley who are not in a position to install gas or steam pumping plants for deep nonartesian waters. ARTESIAN WELLS. The artesian wells of small bore, most of them less than 4 inches and some of them as little as 2 inches in diameter, sunk in the earlier days, were of little economic value, their purpose being usually only a step toward the obtaining of patents. In some places the depth U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER-SUPPLY PAPER 27H PLATE VII .1. TYPE OF WELL-DRILLING RIG USED IN ANTELOPE VALLEY. See page 63. B. INSERTING PERFORATED CASING IN PARTLY COMPLETED ARTESIAN WELL. See page 63. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 63 to water is tested witli small holes, but for actual use in irrigation wells 4 to 8 inches in diameter are most in favor, thoutijh there is at present a tendency toward the sinkmg of even larger holes. It is believed that except for pumpnig plants a diameter of 10 inches is about the maximum economical size where cost and serviceability are to be considered. Plate VII illustrates two phases of the drilling methods in common use in the region. Earth reservoirs for storing artesian waters are used almost exclu- sively throughout the valley except where pumping plants have been installed. The greatest economy in the use of such plants is obtained by pumping the waters directly to the crops. Reservoirs are usually constructed by dragging and tampmg earth around the margin of the excavation from which it lias been taken so as to form a levee 3 or 4 feet high. Most of these reser- voirs are 40 to 200 feet long and about two-thirds as broad, with a depth of 5 or 6 feet in the central portion. Formerly wells were sunk in the center of such reservoirs, but, because of the difficulty of get- ting at them and the possibility of cloggiug, this practice has given way to the better one of placing the well near by outside the reservoir and constructing a short flume or ditch through which the water discharges into it. As a measure of protection against leakage and evaporation the levees are generally planted with willow or cotton- wood trees. PUMPING PLANTS. The latest and the most scientific phase of water development in Antelope Valley is found in the use of pumping plants for irrigation. Not only are these plants installed on welLs outside of the flowing area but even where a good flow exists, the yield of the flowing wells being thereby greatly increased and without permanent detriment, so fal" as known, to neighboriag wells. COST OF WELLS. The cost and character of lift are briefly stated in the tabulated well data (pp. 70-89). Mr. M. J. Reynolds, of Lancaster, who has had large experience in well drilling in the valley, states that for average conditions the costs of drilling wells to a depth of 250 feet ranges from 60 cents per foot for a 4-uich well to 90 cents per foot for a 6-inch well, including casing. EXAMPLES OF WELL DEVELOPMENT. Post ranch. — The ranch belonging to Charles N. Post, of Chicago and Pasadena, includes the SE. i sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. It is one of several ranches which together are known as Esperanza, a settlement about 6 miles west of Lancaster. As it lies near the margin of the flowing area, it is comparatively free from alkali troubles and yet is 64 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. abundantly supplied with artesian water. The general arrangement of fields in this ranch is shown in figure 11; the fields planted to alfalfa have been irrigated from the adjacent reservoirs, but the larger of these fields is to be converted into a ''cienaga pasture" by allowing the water from reservoir No. 3 to spread over it and keep the ground moist, thereby insuring the growth of natural grasses. It is proposed to plant a portion of the large oat field to alfalfa and to irrigate this from the pumping plant at the extreme northwest corner 0-53 a-* PUMPIN& PLANT wm y ^S2 »Ar WELISO OSI YARD WELL cow PASTURE GARDEN -.qWELL 54- WATER qWELL SS TROUGH qWELL 56 OAT FIELD w£uo §!_ WELL S9 IVELL ALFALFA FIELD NO Z ALFALFA FIELD NO / Wf£i&4a 600 L_ 800 HO/fSS CO/fffAL Figure 11.— Sketch map of Post ranch. of the property. This plant comprises two adjoining wells sunk to depths of 275 and 418 feet, respectively, each of which yields flowing water. In the deeper well the upper flow, at about 275 feet, is cased off and only the water at 330 and 418 feet used. It is stated that the combined flow of these wells on completion was 40 miner's inches. A Byron- Jackson centrifugal pump No. 5 is connected with the wells, and this pump, worked by a 15-horsepower Fairbanks-Morse gas engine, throws a stream measured at 102.5 miner's inches. At pres- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 65 ent 40 acres of alfalfa is irrigated by this plant. The total cost of the engine, wells, housing, and pump was $1,600. Well No. 50 (table and map), which normally has only a slight flow, ceases entirely durmg the operation of the pumping plant. Its nor- mal head is insuflicient ordinarily to raise the water in a pipe more than a few feet above the ground, and to make it effective for domes- tic purposes a small windmill has been installed above it, and the water is lifted to a tank 19 feet above the surface. Wells 54, 55, and 56 (see table) are used only for stock watering at present, as their flow, never very large, is insufficient for irrigation. A sample of water from well No. 51 on this ranch was taken for anal- ysis, and the results obtained may be found in the table of analyses on page 57. Marigold ranch. — Adjoining the Post ranch on the west is the Mari- gold ranch, which includes 160 acres in sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. It belongs to George Marigold, of Los Angeles. Mr. W. Ohlson, mana- ger of the ranch, states that the developments here represent work during the past three years only. Trees and hedges have been planted and substantial buildings weU adapted to the needs of the region constructed. The pumping plant consists of a Byron- Jackson centrifugal No. 5 and an 18-horsepower Western gas engine, which develops sufficient powxr to give a yield of between 150 and 170 miner's inches of water from two adjoining wells. One of these wells, 590 feet deep, flowed but 7 miner's inches originally, and the other, though artesian, had only sufficient head to bring the water to about 16 feet from the surface. The total cost of the wells and plant was $2,500. The distribution of crops on tliis ranch is unlaiown, but Mr. Ohlson states that 35 acres of alfalfa and 5 acres of onions, besides a number of young eucalyptus and other trees and garden truck, are irrigated. Coleman. — The Coleman ranch, in sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 12 W., is cited as an example of what may be accomphshed, especially in the growing of alfalfa by careful, unremitting attention to the varying conditions governing profitable agriculture in Antelope Valley. The water is furnished by several flowing wells and a 509-foot artesian well (No. 177), over which a pumping plant, consisting of a 10-horsepower Sterns gas engine and a No. 5 centrifugal pump, has been installed. This plant is capable of increasing the yield of the well from about 8 to 40 miner's inches of water, which is used on alfalfa. Though the wells near this plant show the effect of pumping by the diminution of their flow, return to normal conditions follows soon after the plant is shut down. WeU No. 178, about a quarter of a mile east of the plant, though it fluctuates seasonally, is not affected by the pumping. Other ranches. — Other of the larger holdings in the flowing area of the vpUey belong to C. N. Reid, in sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 11 W.; to the 95093°— wsp 278-11 5 66 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Meadow Springs Lana & Cattle Co.; in sec. 14, T. 7 N., R. 11 W.; to Oliver Miller, in sec. 6, T. 7 N., R. 11 W.; M. H. Cheney in sec 2, T. 7 N., R. 12 W.; and to others, the size of whose ranches is not avail- able. Many small properties, particularly in the neighborhood of Lancaster, yield their quota of alfalfa and other produce, and a per- sonal study of the methods employed in the use of water upon these tracts of small acreage will repay the intending settler. ABUSE OF ARTESIAN RESOURCES. Reference has already been made to the waste of artesian water in Antelope Valley and its effect on the pressure head which governs the flow. No figures are available which can give, even approximately, the total volume of water thus needlessly lost. At the time the field was visited 60 uncapped wells, flowing from 1 to 15 miner's inches each, were wasting 2,721,600 gallons per day, or an amount amply suffi- cient for the daily needs of a city of 25,000 people. At this rate the loss would amount to about 1,000,000,000 gallons of water per 3^ear. Aside from this gross misuse of the resource most essential to the continued prosperity of the valley, the waste is attended by several other results equally bad. After wells have been flowing without control for some time, even when much of the water has found fairly definite channels of escape, a large portion of the lands in the vicin- ity become water-soaked and sour. They are thus not only rendered infertile, but in some places they become so boggy that the miring of stock in them has become a mere commonplace instead of the basis for legal action against the lawbreaker who habitually leaves his wells uncapped. Waste is also a prime factor in causing the rise of alkali and in effecting its distribution over lands possibly otherwise cultivable; in this connection the recent poisoning of cattle as a re- sult of drinking alkali-saturated surface water should be noted by stock owners. One well. No. 68 (table), in sec. 10, T. 8. N., R 12 W., about 3 miles south of Mr. Morgan's place, is a source of waste water which, though pure where it escapes from the ground, dissolves much alkali from the near-by flats. This well was visited by the writer, and he remembers the difficulty of driving along the boggy road and across the marshes which it has created during several years of uncontrolled flow. A conservative estimate places the waste from this well at 35,000,000 gallons per year. Well No. 256, which spouted vertically Si feet through a 1^- inch opening in a plug at the time it was visited, is located in sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. This well is stated to have been uncapped almost since completion a number of years ago. A pool, formed around the well, is the source of a stream which flows toward the northeast for several miles and finally coalesces with the overflow from other wells to form sloughs and ponds of stagnant, strongly alkaline water. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. 67 This well was again visited on June 12, 1910, when it was found to be still uncapped, despite the warnings given during the preceding ^vinter. The California State law (L., 1877-78, p. 195) })rovides a remedy for this misuse of artesian wells. The attention of residents of the valley and local law ollicers is directed to the following sections: Any artesian well which is not capped or furnished with such mechanical appli- ances as will readily and effectively arrest and prevent the flow of water from such well is hereby declared to be a public nuisance. The owner, tenant, or occupant of the land upon which such well is situated who causes, permits, or suffers such public nuisance, or suffers or permits it to remain or continue, is guilty of a misde- meanor. Also section 2, that — Any person owning, possessing, or occupying any land upon which is situated an artesian well who causes, suffers, or permits the water to unnecessarily flow from such well or go to waste is guilty of a misdemeanor. For the purpose of this act an artesian well is defined (sec. 3) as ''any artificial well the waters of which will flow continuously over the surface of the ground adjacent to such well at any season of the year;" and w^aste is defined (sec. 4) as follows: The causing, suffering, or permitting the waters flowing from such well to run into any river, creek, or other natural watercourse or channel, or into any bay, lake, or pond, or into any street, road, highway, or upon the land of any person other than that of the owner of such well, or upon the public lands of the United States or of the State of California, unless it be used thereon for the purposes and in the manner that it may be lawfully used upon the land of the owner of such well: Provided, That this section shall not be so construed as to prevent the use of such waters for the proper irrigation of trees standing along or upon the street, road, or highway, or for ornamental ponds, or for the propagation of fish. A fine of not less than $10 or more than $50, together with the cost of prosecution, is assessed against those convicted of violating any of the provisions of this act, and the supervisors or roadmasters are em- powered to enter upon the premises where wells complained of are situated and to institute action where violations of the provisions of this act are discovered. FUTURE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Antelope Valley has by no means reached the limit of development of its underground waters, but intending settlers and all others who have the interests of the region at heart must recognize its limita- tions in comparison with those of particularly favored regions in other parts of California. The elevation and climatic conditions limit definitely the range of agricultural products to such crops as will grow in a temperate region of mild winters but hot summers. The products of the valley at present find a market in Los Angeles and the desert mining districts 68 WATER RESOUECES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. to the north and northeast, and except as to a few special products, hke almonds, pears, and apples, the valley competes with other pro- ducing areas in various parts of southern Cahfornia. One of the factors that agitates the settler whose aim is the agri- cultural development of the region has been the unrestricted ranging of cattle. This is a condition that is usual in regions that are passing from the period of development represented by the cattle and sheep industry to that represented by agriculture. Happily, a better understanding between the cattle owners and the agriculturists is already being brought about and a conciliatory attitude has been reached which would not have been possible a few years since. One of the greatest drawbacks in the agricultural development of the Antelope Valley region is the alkaU which occurs at and near the surface over large portions of the flowing area. This is a very com- mon condition in areas of flow in arid and semiarid valleys in the West, and intending purchasers and settlers must be alert to its dangers. Certain of the lowlands of the valley are so alkaline that they can not be reclaimed; others, although alkaline, are cultivable with proper precautions; still other higher lands, chiefly outside the area of flow or near its borders, are free from injurious amounts of the alkahne salts. For the guidance of settlers and the protection of prospective investors there is urgent need of a systematic soil and alkali survey of the type made by the Bureau of Soils in the Depart- ment of Agriculture. MAPS AND WELL. DATA. The map of Antelope YaUey (PI. VI, in pocket) indicates approxi- mately, in addition to the general cultural and topographic fea- tures of the region, the distribution of the water-bearing and non water-bearing areas and the approximate outHne of the flowing areas. The locations of most of the wells which had been sunk to January, 1909, inclusive, are shown. Nonflowing weUs are indicated by an open circle, flowing wells by a sohd dot, and pumping plants by a circle inclosing a sohd dot when located over flowing wells and by two concentric open circles when over nonflowing weUs. Each well is numbered, or where weUs are too close together to be clearly indicated separately, a letter symbol is used upon the map and in the tables to indicate such groups. These numbers and letters refer to the table on pages 70-89, which gives essential facts of ownership, location, time of completion, class, depth, method of Hft, cost, use, and total dissolved soUds. As the temperature of the waters has a narrow range and does not indicate any particular condition of interest to the owner, it has been omitted from the table. A map of Lancaster showing well locations in the town is also included with the report (p. 41). MAPS AND WELL DATA. 69 The data upon which tliis table is based were collected by the author, with the veiy material assistance of owners and drillers throughout the valley. Especial thanks are due to Mr. M. J. Rey- nolds, whose systematic method of keeping records and logs of wells drilled during several years past and courtesy in making these avail- able are greatly appreciated. 70 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region. No. of well. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13a 13b 14 15a 15b 16 17 17a 18 19a 19b 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41a 41b 42a 42b 42c 43a 43b 43c 44 45 OAvner. James Barnes Vv. M. Fisher Neenach School O.Caldwell Southern Pacific. Tom \/. Gentry... Arnold American Mexi- can Cattle Co. (?) (?) A. A. UUman Mrs.E. B.Potter., F.D.Day do J. D. Gerblick... E.M. Hamilton. do S. O. Fowler Home Mining Co. Chas. A. Graves.. Caliss Spencer. Bailey.. .----do.(?) F. R. Thomas. J. F. Glasgow. J. E.Johnson. Frank Godde Wm. Strattman. . . Jake Ablutz Los Angeles County. H.N.Smith Mrs.M.H.Schieb- ler. Slater & Goldstein. W. B. Nimmo Mrs. Herbst. Alexander Mac- ready. Mitchell & John- son. Mrs. Jones. . George Marigold . . Sanders (?).. D r . Manning . ■Handinger.. Charley Smith. Frank Geier. AV. Ohlson.. .do. R. Riddell do do Reese Snowden. do do do Tote. Alston... Location. Sec.l4,T.8N, Sec.6,T.8N. Sec.l8,T.8N Sec.lO,T.8N, Sec.l5,T.8N, Sec.l4,T.8N, Sec.l3,T.8N. Sec.30,T.9N, ,R.17W. ,R.16W. .,R.16W. ,R.16W. „R.16W. ,,R.16W. ,R.16W. ,,R.14W, Sec.6,T.8N.,R.14W.. Sec.31,T.8N.,R.14W. Sec.36,T.8N.,R.15W. Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.6,T.8N.,R.13W. do Sec.l6,T.9N.,R.13W, Sec.22,T.9N.,R.13W. do Sec.l4,T.9N.,R.13W. .do. .do. Sec.24,T.9N.,R.13W, Sec.l8,T.9N.,R.12W. .do. Sec.l4,T.9N.,R.14W, Sec.20,T.9N.,R.13W, Sec.l9,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.2,T.6N.,R.13W. Sec.ll,T.6N.,R.13W. Sec.34,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.l9,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.l8,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.20,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.l7,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.l3,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.l4,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.l2,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.l,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.l4,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.34,T.8N.,R.14W. Sec.36,T.8N.,R.14W. Sec.24,T.8N.,R.14W. Sec.26,T.8N.,R.14W. Sec.l5,T.7N.,R.14W. Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.13W, .do. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.13W. do do Sec.ll,T.7N.,R.13W, do : do do Sec.ll.T.7N.,R.13W, Year com- pleted. 1893 1898? 1894? 1895? 1891 1881? 1908 1908 1904 1888 1888 1904 1904 1908 1907 1907 1890 1888 1888 1890? 1898 1890 1890 1885 1886 1886 1889 1886 1900? 1890 1887 1886 1885 1905 1906 1904 ..do.. ..do.. 1898? Class of well. 8-inch, bored do Dug do do 6-inch, bored 7-inch, bored 5-inch, bored Bored 10-inch, bored... 7-inch, bored do 7f-inch, bored... 5-inch, bored do 10-inch, bored. Bored 7-inch, bored. . do Bored. do. Dug, 3 by 4 feet. 6-inch, bored. Dug do Dug, 3 by 4 feet. Bored.. do 3-inch, bored. . . 6-inch, bored do Bored Dug, 4 by 3 feet. 13-inch, bored. . . 7-inch, bored 5-inch, bored 7-inch, bored 14-inch, bored... Dug, 4 by 4 feet. 7-inch, bored do 6f-inch, bored... .do. 6-inch, bored. 3-inch, bored. do 5-inch, bored. do do 8-inch, bored. 5-inch, bored. Depth to water a (feet). 30.. 94.. 200. 200. 40.. 110. 180. 140. 52.. 200- 60i-. 60^.. 65... 30... 3... 101^ 46.. 59. 90.. 100. 99.. 53.. 56. 30.. 120. 167. 113. 105. 160. 120. 206. 130. 80.. 120. 190. 16.. 16. 370- Depth of well (feet). 61 (?) 210-i- 200-1- 60 150 150 255 190 210 227 76 80 85 35 35 (?) 80 84 56 155 75 103 49 75 95 110 54-1- 70 560S 300? 287 175 120 113 187 160 214 150 140 190 590 250 380 a A^- Artesian water at depth indicated. b Quantities in miner's inches of 9 gallons per minute each, shown thus: R= original flow; 8= flow; E=estimated flow; no letter=actual measured flow. 400 ^stated WELL DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region. 71 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water 1 available. ^ Use of v/ater. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. Wind H Inches S Domestic 228 Log. Abandoned. 1 Not used Abandoned; log. do 1 Do. do Do. Wind i inch E Domestic; stock. Not used 268 Abandoned. 3i h. D. eas Ample Stock 252 Not used Do. Stock 286 In bedrock. Wind Domestic do . . do 226 245 262 8-foot windmill. . do 6 h. p. gas Wind $150.00 150.00 300. 00 $100.00 100. 00 450.00 10 inches S .do Domestic; irri- gation. do Log. Do. 20inchesE 1.3 inches S do Stamp mill Do. Domestic; cya- nide plant. do 274 306 367 ± Steam pump Wind 2 inches S 2.8-1- hiches S Domestic ; irri- gation. Stamp mill Several similar wells 11 h. p. gas 10-foot windmill. Hand 75.00 117.60 34.40 c 2, 000. 00 1,125.00 on this place. Domestic; irri- gation. Domestic Irrigation ; stamp mill. Stock 472 Log. 100± inches S do 75.00 (i 113. 00 25.00 425. 00 9,000 gallons pumped in 3 days by hand. Domestic; irri- gation. Domestic 270 Centrifugal; 4 10-foot windmill. 8-Hfoot windmill. do § inch S do Wind Small Schoolhouse 8-foot windmill.. 50.00 500. 00 150. 00 1.2 inches S Domestic Do. Abandoned. Not used 10-foot windmill. 1.66 inches S .... Domestic Not us3d 261 1 Caved in; log. Do. do Wind Domestic Caved in. Wind 251 Abandoned. Abandoned; caved in. Abandoned. Do. Not used Dry at present. Artesian and centrifugal; 18 h. p. gas. Artesian (com- bined with 41a). Artesian 2, 500. 00 150-170 inches . . . Irrigation (282 1282 261 303 do do do 7 inches Irrigation ... do 2 inches R . .do 290 do .do do 6 inches do 245 272 Temperature 81° F. do 4-1- inches do c Including plant. d -fPipe. 72 WATER RESOURCES OF AKTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. 46 47a 47b 47e 47c 47d 47f 49 f50 51 l52 53a 53b f54 B55 [56 A 57 !>{§ 60a 60b 61 62 62a 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81a 81b 82 83 C. N. Post. W. LaForce. ..do ..do .do. C. N. Post. Hoyt. C. N. Post. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do- .do. .do. do do L. S. Porter do Mrs. A. E. Lynn. Ella Kinton. ....do Patterson... W, B. Morgan. do do P. B. Lampman... Lindermann E. M. Hamilton Hotel. Wm. Oliver do John Demuth . Wm. Oliver C. W.Roberts C. N. Reid do Dan Emmett C.W.Davidson.... C.N. Reid H.D.Davis Benedict Ray do do Meadow Springs Land & Cattle Co. Location. Year com- pleted. Sec.lO,T.9N.,R.13W, See.l5,T.7N.,R.13W. do do .do. Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.13W. Sec.l4,T.7N.,R.13AY, Sec.lO,T,7N.,R.13W. do .do. .do. .do. -do. -do- .do. .do. .do. .do. Sec.l2,T.7N.,R.13W. do Sec.26,T.9N.,R.13W. Sec.20,T. 9N.,R.12W. do Sec.28,T.9N.,R.12W. Sec.22,T.9N.,R.12W. do do , Sec.2,T.8N.,R.12W. Sec.lO,T.8N.,R.12W. Sec.21,T.9N., R.12W. Sec.32,T.8N.,R.10W. do do Location unknown Sec.3,T.7N.,R.ll W. Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.llW. do Sec.l2,T.7N.,R.llW. Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.llW. Sec.34,T.8N.,R.llW. do Sec.22,T.8N.,R.llW, do Sec.20.T.8N.,R.llW. Sec.8,T.7N.,R.ll W. 1902 1894 1896 1896 1899 1902 1899 1908 1908 1905 1898 1905 1903 1905 1905 1905 1905 1904 1904 1905 1907 1907 1905 1906 Class of well. 3| inches inside diameter bored. Bored do do .do. 5 inches outside diameter , bored. Bored 4 inches outside diameter(?), bored, 4 inches inside diameter,bored. 10-inch, bored... 8-inch, bored 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 4-inch, bored 4 inches inside di- ameter, bored. do do 4-inch, bored do 8 inches outside diameter, bored. 6f inches outside diameter, bored. 9 inches outside diameter, bored. 6-inch, bored do 4J-iiich, bored... 4-inch, bored 4 J inches outside diameter,bored. do 6-inch, bored do 12| inches inside diameter,bored. 12 inches outside diameter, bored. 12-inch, bored... 6 inches inside di- ameter bored. 6-inch, bored 6 inches outside diameter,bored, 6-inch, bored do 5f inches inside diameter,bored. 3 inches outside diameter,bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 5 inches outside diameter.bored. Depth to water (feet). 310. 263 A. 290A. 230. 310-3G0. 1534--.. 330, 418. 240 248-270. . . 240-300. . . 235-240 -f-. 230 230 10,235,250. 250 18-340A... 11. 200A. 115... 240. . . 7 100... 110... 15.... 7 11-12. 11.... 45 12, 20A, 280A. 390-430A, 530A, 420 22 surface water. 399 280 280 227 225 25. Depth of well (feet). 360 250 387? 376 385 280 360 280 275 425 374 400 360 2804- 275 300 340 540 404 183± 50 240 140 500 ± 329 274 164 100 612 91 103 78 555 556 515 600 532 303 420 235 235 58 weltj data. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 73 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. Artesian 14 inches R 3 inches E Irrigation 290 284 do J117.40 Log of 47a, 1), and e. Exact data not ..do ..do 9 inches R available. Wells do stated to have flowed total of 50 .do 318.00 9+ inches R; 1.7 inches now. 274 270 ± 271 283 inches originally. Log. . ..do Not used Opens in reservoir. Artesian; wind.. Artesian Irrigation Analysis. do 108.00 1 1,600.00 168.30 8 inches R Log; opens in reser- voir. Log. fCentrifugal o n \ artesian. do (40 inches R ; •1 pimips, 102.5 1 inches. linchE 1 inch [irrigation Stock 281 294 Do. Artesian Irrigation do do 8 inches R In reservoir. do 160.00 180.00 6 inches R Do. do 2 inches R . Do. do 17 inches A . 299 278 283 do 10 inches A . . Artesian; centrif- ugal; 8h. p. gas. Centrifugal; 10 h. p. gas. 393. 25 113.00 75.00 300.00 140.00 400.00 30 inches S Log. 25 inches 12 inches S Not used Do. S500.00 do Includes 3 wells Artesian 4 inches Irrigation close together. Log. do do Slightly artesian. 7-8 inches S 1 inch do do Not used 237 303 Do. Log. Apparently reached bedrock. 3 feet to surface Artesian 219. 20 123.00 100.00 30-40 inches S; 27-30 inches. 10-12 inches S ; 7 inches. IJ inches Irrigation Stock 249 214 351 214 do water. Wind Domestic do Hand; nonflow- ing artesian. Centrifugal; 15 h. p. st«am. Centrifugal; 12 n. p. steam. (?) Does not quite flow. 170.00 175.00 725.00 15 inches do Water soft. Does 20 inches E Plenty Not used not quite flow. Does not quite flow. Not on map. Water used on 11 Artesian 11-12+ inches; 16 inches R. 60-70 inches pumped. 8 inches R 12.5 inches R ... Irrigation 233 163 167 198 174 158 167 Artesian and pumped. Artesian acres alfalfa. Upper water weak. Irrigation do do Contains a little sul- Artesian (pump- ing plant). do 4 inches R; 7 inches. 8-10 inches S . . do... phur. Log; pump dis- charge unknown. do Artesian 336.00 6 inches E 1§ inches R; 5 inches later. 6 inches Not used Irrigation do... Log. do do (?) Abandoned. Wind Domestic 178 74 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. Location. Year com- pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112a 112b 112c 113 114 115 116 117 118 .119 120 121 122 Dr. S.Worcester.. A. J. Renner ....do Stett. Ingersoll. C. N. Reid Rafiaelli.... Mrs. Crane. . C.W. Hoehle Charles Corneliuson John Carter. do .do. ...do do ....do A. J. Renner. ....do .do. .do. Renner, sr . . Andrew Watson. . . Carter. Hart.. Carter Garfield. John Carter Johnson. M.H.Cheney. do do , do , .do. Reese Snowden do C.N. Post do do Palmdale Hotel. S. T. Cull Sec.l2,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.l4,T.8N.,R.13W. do Sec. 2, T. 8 N., R. 13 W do Sec.lO,T.7N., R.llW. Sec.32,T.8N.,R.llW. Sec.25,T.8N.,R.llW. Sec.l8,T.8N.,R.10W. Sec.l4,T.8N.,R.llW. Sec.ll,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.l0,T.7N.,R.12W. 1908 1907 1907 1908 1908 6 inches outside diameter, bored, do ...do., ...do.. 427-432. 30 30. 7.. 1907 1907 1907 1907 do..-. 4-inch, bored 6 inches outside diameter,bored. 7 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 8 inches outside diameter, bored Best 210. -do. .do. 3 inches inside di- ameter, bored. 3| inches inside diameter,bored. Sec.ll,T.7N.,R.12W. do Sec.l4,T.7N.,R.12W. do .do. .do. Sec.l3,T.7N.,R.12W. do Sec. 34, T. 9 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 30, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 11, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.12W. do do do 1903 1908 1892 1906 1892 1892 1906 1905 1904 1905 4|-inch, bored... 5|;-inch, bored... 4-inch, bored 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 4 inches inside di- ameter, bored. 5| inches inside diameter, bored. 4| inches inside diameter,bored. 5f inches, bored . do 4i inches inside diameter, bored. 265 380-440. 245 Surface water 22. 240A 260A 24 surface water; 280A. 240 A 12-300 A 1907 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 320-350. 1908 .do. Sec. 11, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. .do. Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. .do. .do. Mrs. Hazel- tine. Sec. 26, T. 6 N., R. 12 W. 3^ miles NE. of West Palmdale. Sec. 26, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. 1896 1897 1897 1902 1894 1896 1896 5 inches, bored . . 4J inches inside diameter , bored. 3 inches outside diameter, bored. 4 inches, stove- pipe casing. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 3| inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 Inches, bored.. 160-180 290 160-180 19 surface water; 430 A. 240 A 240 A 247 A. 262... 120... 56.... 435 200 200 330 300 500 400 584 608 280 334 500 255 548 340 300 540 580 365 540 352 325 340 320 500 430 535 465 290 325 256 290 155 64 WELL DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 75 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. Artesian; pump- ing plant. Non flowing ar- tesian, do $478. 50 220.00 220.00 3G3.00 330.00 11 inches R; 40 inches pump. Irrigation Water soft; log. Not used Water struck at 185 do feet; log. Log. do do Surface water at 32 do do feet; log. Log. Artesian. . Domestic Not used 246 do 440.00 759. 20 GOO. 00 420.00 § inch Do. do do do Water soft; log. .. ..do 20 inches S 287 Log. do 3 inches S Not used Do. do. . do li inches 182 187 174 185 154 do li inches E —1 inch Artesian 112.00 3 inches do 5.5 inches Do. do 12 inches R 15 inches R; 13 inches. Irrigation do do 300.00 do 185 Do. Do. do 4 inches R; 3 J inches. Irrigation Do. do do 8inches S 13 inches S Irrigation do 184 do do 450.00 Water soft. Not do 15 inches E 330± 150 156 156 169 153 used as yet. do Artesian; 4 h. p. gas, No. 2 cen- trifugal. Artesian 246.50 2 inches [Combined flow \ of 20 inches I s. 10 inches 5 inches I do In reservoir. do 1 Irrigation do do 500.00 Irrigates 14 acres. do do 267.50 3 inches Log. do 12 inches 10 inches R Irrigation .... Pump being in- stalled. Log. do 203.00 .do do 4 inches S do do 10-foot windmill; 2i-inch pump. Pumping plant. . 192.00 525.00 12 inches do 1.1 inches S Domestic Stock and irri- gation. Not used 259 Log. Partial log; not on map. 48.00 76 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. Location. Year com- pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132a 132b 133 133a 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 J. C. Van Norden.. Sam Fletcher Adney Estate do do Mrs. Eddy — Wolfenber- ger. Oliver Miller .do. .do. ....do Tilden Estate. -do. Meadow Springs Land & Cattle Co. ....do .do. .do .do. .do. -do. -do. .do. ....do Ben. W.Hahn Mrs. Story. . Beadle J. W. Wilkins. George Miller. Butterworth Acme Cement & Plaster Co. Sec. 26, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. Sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.llW .do. .do. .do. Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. See. 18, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. Sec.6,T.7N.,R.ll W .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sec.4,T.7N.,R.llW. Sec.8,T.7N.,R.ll W. ....do Sec.6,T.7N.,R.10W. Sec. 18, T. 7 N., R 10 W. Sec. 31, T. 9 N., R. 12 W. Sec.8,T.8N.,R.12W. 1904 1897 1898 1899 1905 1903 1905 1905 (?) 1896 1903 do 1902? do 1902? do 1902? do 1903 do 1903 do do do 1899 1897 6 Inches, bored.. 4 inches, bored., ^ inches outside diameter , bored. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 3 inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored 60. Surface water, 47; 450 A. 261 A Surface water, 15;225A-294A. 235 375. 6 inches, bored . 5 inches, bored . 4 inches outside diameter, bored. do ? 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 4i inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 10 inches, bored . 4 inches outside diameter, bored. do 4J inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches inside diameter , bored. do Surface water 17; 345 A. Surface water 23; 253 A. 312 306,461. 240± A. 240,300,375,400. 11 surface water; 260 A. 235. 22 surface water, 235,285,290,320. 435,445. 400 5 1 inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 5 inches outside diameter, bored. 3 inches inside diameter, bored. 7 inches, bored.. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 230. 235,245,280,335. 16 surface water; 369 A. 25 .do. 45 surface water; 196 A. 7 surface water; 271 A. 69 700 5C4 431 340 400 380 335 500+ 480 441 530 400 320 300± 51 460 460 518 370 260 460 330 350 430 37 259 Sec. 26, T. 6 N., R. 12 W. Bored. 379. 400 WELL DATA. 77 Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of wat er available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. Water rose 2 feet Wind; nonflow- ing artesian. Artesian Stock when struck. Water within 5 feet J294.00 1\ Inches of surface. Log. do 7 inches R Z\ inches R Irrigation do 216 223 234 213 146 198 318 199 199 211 159 163 Do. do 1,035.00 Cost of well excep- tionally high. Log. do IJ inches R do 285.00 208.25 275.00 5 inches R 3 inches R; 3^ inches. 2 J inches R; IJ inches. Irrigation Log; now aban- doned. Log; contains slight sulphur. Log. do do Domestic and irrigation. do Log; includes 2 Artesian; cen- trifugal,8h.p. gas. Irrigation do wells. Log. Artesian 17 inches R; 4 or 5 inches. 17 inches R; 7 inches. 7 inches R; li inches. Not used Abandoned for cat- do tle. Log; abandoned. do Pumping plant • Data not available. Centrifugal; 6 h. p. gas. Artesian 22 inches E Nonartesian. Irrigation 166 153 169 153 162 166 do 2 inches E do 275.00 225.00 5^- inches R 4 J inches R; 1+ inch. 2 inches R; -i inch. 10 inches 4 J inches R . Irrigation No flow in summer- do do do Not used Formerly for irriga- gation. do 120.00 193.00 236.50 do 4 inches E 161 246 Considerable odor- do 3 inches R Irrigation less, colorless gas; analysis. Odor of sulphur; log. Water rose 1 foot 6-Inch pump and mill. Doubtfully arte- sian. Artesian when struck. Plenty of water. Log. Do. 3 inches R do o $3,000.00 9 inches . Manufacture of plaster. 223 Log. a Estimated. 78 WATER EESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region— Continued. No. of well. Owner. liOcation. Year com- pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 fi79 E U80 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 W. M. Smith. Palmdale . Southern Pacific R. R. Alpine Plaster Co. . Dr. A. J. Garner... do .do. .do. Sec.2,T.5N.,R.12W. ....do Frank Ritter Southern Pacific R. R. Jasper Lindsay .do. .do .do. .do. .do. Koch. Butterworth Simpson Arthur Speaker.. E. C. Redman... Pliny Finch . Sec. 31, T. 6 N., R. 11 W. Sec.7,T.7N.,R.9W. Sec. 34, T. 9 N., R. 10 W. Sec. 18, T. 8 N., R. 10 W. Sec. 20, T. 8 N., R. 10 W. Sec.8,T.8N.,R. low, F. A. Bacon... E. C. Redman. E. G. Bartlett. C. N. Post H. J. Butterworth. C.N. Post E. C. Coleman do , Sec. 13, T. 8 N., R. 10 W. Sec. 20, T. 8 N., R. 10 W. Sec. 10, T. 7N.,R. 11 W. Sec.4,T.7N.,R.llW. Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 34, T. 8N.,R. 12 W. Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W Sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. do , .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Lancaster Ceme- tery. M. H.Cheney Burns . Sec. 15, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.13W. Lancaster Bakery. Porter B. F.Carter "Desert Claims". R.J. Hotchkiss... Lancaster Sec. 12, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. Sec.8,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec. 24, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. 1908 5 inches inside diameter , bored. Bored 245. 1905 1906 1906 12 inches, bored. Dug do 275,355,385. 35 38 1908 1905 1908 1908 1908 1906 1903 1898 1898 1903 1904 1898 1903 1900 1904 1904 1890 1899 do Dug 10 by 10 feet. 1908 I 10 inches, bored ....do 8 inches, bored 6+. 190. Bored 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 inches inside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter , bored. ....do 10,31,142A,238A 230 215. 220. Bored. 9 surface water; 250 A. 350 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 200,500. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 4 inches iaside diameter? bored. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. do , 5 inches outside diameter , bored. do 14, 42, surface wa ter;252,313A. 11 surface water; 132, 170. 227, 273, 332 A. 300 A 4 inches outside diameter , bored. do 327. Bored. 11 surface water; 148 A. 280 A 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. do do 15 surface water; 134, 189, 303 A. 128,140. 137 Bored 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 5 inches outside diameter , bored. 165 A, 22 A. WELL DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 79 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mU- lion). Remarks. 4 h. p. gas Steam pump? . . . 1550.00 Domestic and stock. Domestic and depot. 238 249 259 Log. 10 h. p. steam . . . 1 inch Log. Hand Not used do Domestic Irrigation Supply for en- gines. Irrigation 459 470 614 Raises 2 feet In 6-foot windmill.. winter. 4 h. p. steam 7 + inches E 40 inches S Centrifugal; 13 h. p. gas. $800.00 On San Andreas fault. Partial log. Wind 500.00 5 inches Domestic and stock. Stock 211 500-1- 257 Said to reach granite. Includes 2 wells. A rtA<«ifin 50 inches R, 70 inches S, 40 inches E. 2 inches E Not used Log. do 2-1f). 75 246. 75 1,000.00 325. 00 Log; pump in- stalled. Partial log. do Irrigation and domestic. Irrigatiou Domestic Irrigation . .do 257- 217 215 101 do 4 4- inches 2 inches do Log. do 40 inches S, 20 inches actual . 12 inches flow Artesian, cen- trifugal, 5 J h. p. gas. 550.00 Pumps 35 inches. do Artesian do Log. .....do 8 inches 197 Do. do Do. do 5 inches 181 211 186 206? 206 Do. Artesian, No. 5 centrifugal, 10 h. p. steam. Artesian 40+ inches pumped. 12 inches R, 9 inches. 1 inch Irrigation do Log. do do Log. Do, .....do do 5 inches 163 Do. do 10 inches R do - do Log. do Not used 210 do do 35 inches Not used Log. 80 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. 189a\ 189b/ 190 191 192 193 194 195 19G 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 Owner. C. I. Dunsmoore.. Doyle. Location. Edwards & Galla- her. do Nick Evertswell. O. F. Goodrich.. Mrs. Hannah .do. H. F. Keeler. ...do Lancaster. Charles Forsyth . . . G. L. West Lancaster School.. Frve Henry Gummert. Myers A. C. Noble. .do. .do. Protchard . . ....do J. K. Vance Jerome Rapelstein. M. J. Reynolds Joseph Reh F. H. Robinson. do T. V. Rockabrand. M. J. Reynolds F. H. •Robinson.. do do Sec. 16, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Lancaster , Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. ....do Lancaster . ....do Sec. 14, T. 7 N., R. 12 do Lancaster, .do. .do. Year com- pleted. 1904 1903? 1897 1897 1898 1908 Sec. 22, T. 9 N., R. 14 W. Sec. 22, T. 9 N., R. 14 W. Lancaster Sec.2,T.9N.,R.14W do Sec. 24, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 22, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. do do Sec.34,T.7N.,R.llW do Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. .do. Sec.l6,T. 7N.,R. 12 W. Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. J^ancaster Sec.4,T.7N.,R.12W. Lancaster Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Lancaster . do.... do.... 1902 1902 1902 1898 1909 1909 1904 1909 1909 Class of well. Bored. ....do ....do 4 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored 4 inches inside dia me ter , bored. Bored 4 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored do 4 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored 1895 1898 1898 1906 1907 1905 1907 1902 1900? 1905 1904 1902 do 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 6-inch auger (?) 6 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored 8 inches outside diameter, bored. Bored Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 7 surface water; 120, 135 A. 18 surface water. 14 surface water; 93?, 184 A. Ill A 15 surface water; 155 A. 7 surface water.. 228,261 A 151,268,322 A. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 125 120, 160 A. 138-155 first A; 240-267 second A; 298-304 third A; 367- 393 fourth A. Dry do 47 surface water; 138, 155 A. 516. 4| inches inside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 5-inch bored 6 inches outside diameter , bored. 3 inches spiral casing. Bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 3 inches inside diameter , bored. 3 inches inside diameter. 35 surface water; 82. 16 surface water; 279 A. 8 surface water; 235 A. 10 surface water; 93, 124 A. 70, 89, 164, 174, 206, 270, 324 A. 6 surface water; 81 A. 150, 235 A. 14 surface water; 265 A. 135?, 283 A. 125, 162 A., 230A 235, 290 A., WELJj DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 81 ! Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. 1 Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids ^parts per raU- llon). Remarks. Loc;; in reservoir. do ' Log. do 1 Do. do i ! Do. I do ' 1 . . ' Do. "" 1 A rtpsian "* \rtesian Locked; log. do Plugged; log. Artesian ; gas and centrifugal. Pumps 20 - 25 inches. Irrigation 5 acres 1S5± Log. do 12:V inches 190 (a) (o) 208 Log. (?) Domestic 16 feet gravel at bot- Nonflowing arte- sian. Artesian Ample? tom. No water below 160 1+ inch feet. Log. Dry- Abandoned Do. Incomplete . Incomplete Do. Artesian Location indefinite; Gas engine. Not used log. Log. (?) Not on map. (?) Log; not on map. Nonflowing arte- sian, ^....do Log. Do. Artesian do 8258. 40 12-t- inches Not used 205 Do. Artesian Irrigation Artesian; 10 h. p. gas. Artesian 391. 60 8600.00 do 188 Location uncertain; do 115.65 16 inches R 208 191 log. Log. do 4 inches E Log; flow lowers at do uncapping of ad- jacent wells. Log; not on map. do 208 210± Not on map. Do. do 84.00 6 inches R do 5 inches R Do. 1 o Probably good. 95093°— wsp 278—11- 82 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. 224 225 226a 226b 227a 227b 228 229 230 231 232 233 240 mi [241a 242 244 245a 24.5b 246a 246b 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 Owner. Jane Reynolds. Carl Schwab. . . \Southern Pacific / R. R. No. 1. ...do ..do.. ..do.. Joe Taylor. L. Tunneson. M. J. Reynolds Tunneson.. . B. Chatt. Judge Melrose. Coleman, E. C. do do Nathan Cole, jr John H. Carter E. C. Coleman do J. H. Carter A. W. Berrv. do '.. A. E. Ladner. .do. Sibley. Bowman & McCartney. Mrs. Hartnett Dr. LaForce. J. C. Hannah.. J. W. LaForce. Vysette. Location. Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 30, T. 8N.,R. 12 W. Lancaster ; Cameron Station .do. Oban; sec. 22, T. 8N., R. 12 W. Sec. 21, T. 7N.,R. 12 W. Lancaster .do. Sec. 3, T. 7 N., R. 11 W. Sec. 21, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. do .do. .do. Sec. 3, T. 5 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 11, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. do Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 20, T. 7N.,R. 12 W. .do. .do. .do. .do. Sec. 23, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. .do. Sec. 14, W. Sec. 15, W. Sec. (?) W. Sec. 15, W. T. 7 N., R. 13 T. 7 N., R. 13 T. 7 N., R. 13 T. 7N., R.13 Sec. 22, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. Year com- pleted. 1899 1899 1900 1900 1904 1906? 1006 1895 1908 1892 1899 (?) 1901- 1903 1892 1901- 1903 1905 1896 1896 1896 1896 1893 1885 1893 Class of well. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 6 inches outside diameter , bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 3 inches outside diameter , bored. 6-inch screw 5 inches outside diameter, bored. 4J inches inside diameter, bored. 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 5 inches outside d iameter , bored. 4-inch, bored Bored Bored for oil 3J inches inside d*i a m e t e r , bored. 2| inches Inside diameter , bored. Bored for oil 4 inches outside diameter, bored. do (?) 3i-inch, bored . 4-inch, bored. 7 inches inside diameter, bored. 21 inches inside di ameter, bored. 4 inches outside diame ter, bored. do 7 inches inside diameter, bored. 2|-inch, bored... Depth to water (feet). 17 surface water; 250, 289 A. 7 surface water; (?)A. 13 surface water; 261, 273, 398 A. 110 3 surface water; 221, 320 A. 95, 142, 191 A.... 130,207,241,343, 370, 380 A. 15, 27 surface water; 234, 391 A. 50 A.. 125 A. 300A 100A7 20 surface water; 280 A. 1,600 hot water A, ?, 1,800; warm water A. 125 A. 500, 830, A warm water; 900 A. 500+ A 14 surface water; 155, 241, 320 A. 220 A?. 300 A.. 230- - . 210 A. 215 A. Depth of well (feet). 430 262 402 148 124 371 324 380-1- 240? 558 317 64 125 300 100+ 282? 2,000 125+ 1,100 610 335 288 335 250 335 260 220 227 WELL DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 83 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. Artesian . 4i inches 160 355 Log. do 24i inches Artesian, pump- ing plant. 2 wells; log. Not in Antelope Valley; logs. Artesian i 50 inches E 7 inches Engine water . . . Log; flows into high tank. do Domestic 180 do do Log. do 8 inches R do S349.00 J+inch Irrigation Not used 193 do § inch do do Domestic, dairy, and irrigation. 191 do 2 inches do 1 inch do Slight Saltlick Nothing (a) Artesian water (no oil). 10,000.00± (?) Log and notes. 2 inches do } inch Not used Nothing 182 210± No flow during pumping and use of other wells. Log. Artesian water (no oil). Artesian 10,000.00± (?) 17 inches S Artesian, pump- ing plant. Artesian, 5 h. p. steam, centrif- ugal No. 3. On 2 wells; ar- tesian. Artesian —8 inches S Log. Log. $400. 00 (7 inches R 187 187 248 Uf inches R 2 inches R; 1 inch. Not used (?) Artesian 4 inches R; If inches. 2 inches 254 255 263 258 267 do ; do Very slight do 12 inches do 4+ inches E Stock Analysis. o Impure. 84 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. Location. Year com- pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275a 275b 276a 276b 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Mrs. Eva Porter. . Weinmiller, H. D. Vreeland C.N. Post Freyendall ....do Cyrus "Wheeler L. A. Overton Duniway . . Dr. Swartout. Falrview Mining Co. John Mosby Carl Blair. Simpson.. John Stuckey. Southern Pacific S. J.'Morford La Grande. . J. F. Langston. . Mellick . . . 9} B. Scates. ....do Ward Place. .do. .do. Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 4, T. 7 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 12, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 32, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. ....do 1906 1892 4J inches inside diameter, bored. Bored 275? A. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 2-inch, bored Sec. 34, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 30, T. 9 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 24, T. 9 N., R. 14 W. Sec. 18, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 24, T. 9 N., R. 13 W. Sec. 26, T. 9 N., R. 12 W. Sec. 26, T. 8 N., R. 12 W. Rosamond do. do 1908 1895 1908 1908 1908 4 J inches inside diameter, bored. 4-inch, bored 182 A. Dug. 1908 1908 1886 6 inches outside diameter, bored. 6-inch, bored 5^ inches outside diameter, bored. 4 inches outside diameter, bored. do 6-inch, bored 58 surface water. 73 21 surface water; 62?, 371, 520 A. 50? 112, 155 A. 147, 167 A. 6-inch, bored. 16 surface water. 17 surface water. do Sec.l4,T.8N.,R.12W. Sec.22,T.8N.,R.12W. 1908 Sec.2,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.28,T.8N.,R.12W. Sec.4,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.lO.T.7N.,R.12W. do do..w 5 inches inside diameter , bored. 4i inches inside diameter , bored. 14 surface water; 100, 190, 270 A. 1906 1890 Bored. 105, 365 A. .do. .do. do John Carter P. B. Matthison.. 3 inches inside diameter, bored. 2 inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches inside diameter, bored. Bored Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.34,T.8N.,R.12W. C. N. Reid. . . Hogan, Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.llW. Sec.22,T.7N.,R.llW. 1906 Mrs. A. J. Renner. G. M. Needham.. Garfield Carter. .. Sec.l4,T.8N.,R.13W. Sec.28,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.30,T.8N.,R.12W. 1906 1908 1906 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 8 inches, bored. . 5 inches inside diameter , bored. 5-| inches inside diameter, bored. 4i inches inside diameter, bored. 4^ inches outside diameter , bored. 230 A. 653 A.. 322, 328. Water stands at 22. Water stands at 19. 260 WELL DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — ContiDued. 85 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of mi^ chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (l)arLs per mil- lion). Remarks. ArtflRlan (?) Not used 244 do do Large Cattle Great wastage. do 5 inches R 3 inches R G inches R; 5i inches. Irrigation Domestic Irrigation 226 218 218 do do SI 40. 00 210.00 do Log; location un- Wind Domestic Irrigation do 252 323 certain. Pumping plant.. Artesian 500.00 300.00 Log; possibly ar- 10 inches tesian. Soft water; log. Hand 308 460 Artesian 112.70 IJ inches 15 inches S Irrigation Analysis; contains do sulphur. Hand Domestic 438 WindmiU? Soft water. Wind 1 Domesticand en- gines. Irrigation Not used Irrigation 616 330 220 186 206 300.00 33 inches 26 inches 45 inches E 11 inches E Casing reduced to 4 inches; analysis and log. do do 370.00 Log. do do 2 inches E do Artesian 203 200 257 201 do do do Includes 2 wells. (?) Artesian 198.75 35 inches R; 35 inches S. 22 inches R; 22 inches. do Never finished.. do Non flowing arte- sian. do 378.00 560.00 240.00 Not used Water soft. Artesian 10 inches E Location doubtful 86 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. Location. Year comr pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet). Depth of well (feet). 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320a 320b John Brown Col- ony. — — Sakey Hogan (?) Sec.l4,T.8N.,Il.llW, 1896 do W. P. Martin. Johnlseman.. Wilcox. Sec.22,T.7N.,Il.llW. do Sec.30,T.8N.,R.llW. .do. .do. 4 inches outside diameter , bored. 5^ inches outside diameter , bored . 27 surface water? Bored. 1907 M. H. Cheney. .do. Sec.2,T.7N.,R.12W. .do. Capt. E. M. Heaton do E. O. Murray Sec.lO,T.7N.,R.12W. 1904 1903 1902 1896 Bachert. Doyle. do.... Lancaster. do.... 4 inches outside diameter, bored. do , 2^ inches inside diameter, bored. 3^ inches inside diameter, bored. do 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 150 135-150. 250, 300 A . 150, 180 A. 235,265 A. 1906 1883 4 inches inside diameter , bcred. 235, 240 A. 450. C.H. Bachert. D. S. Menzies. .do. .do. .do. 1896 S.E. Heaton... Carter, sr. Carter do... do... L. Perez. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 3| inches inside diameter , bored. Bored B. F.Carter.... Mrs. Clara Kerr. Mrs. Story . Reynolds. J. A. Varela... do do A. V. Oldham. do Wm. Radloff.. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 4 inches inside diameter , bored. 7 surface water; 215 A. 1908 1907 1896 1897 1897 170 A. Sec.9,T.7N.,R.12W. 1905 Lancaster. 1904 Ling. Henry Brown J. R.Robinson Sec.21,T.7N.,R.12W. Sec.l6,T.7N.,R.12W. 3 inches outside diameter , bored. 4 inches inside diameter, bored. 3 inches inside diameter , bored. 2 inches inside diameter , bored. 4i inches inside diameter , bored. 5f inches inside diameter , bored. 4 inches inside diameter, bored. Dug 220, 280 A. 160 A. 235-285. 39 .do. .do. 1903 1905 4§ inches outside diameter , bored. -...do WELL. DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 87 Method of lift. Cost of well. . Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (parts per mil- lion). Remarks. (?) Not used Not on map. Artesian 1 inch 210 252 221 209 249 178 Wind Domestic and ir- rigation. Irrigation do Centrifugal?, 14 h. p. gas. A rtAsian . 12-1- inches E.... 2 inches do 3 inches do Log. Do do IJ inches do 14 inches 2 Inches R Irrigation . ...do 1 188 i Irrigates 6i acres ' alfalfa and 1 acre i orchard. 203 1 do do $175.00 8 inches R; 3.2 inches. 3 inches R; — 1 inch. 4J Inches 2i inches R; 2i inches. do 197 198 204 202 do Log (see Lancaster map). do 190.00 Irrigation do do do Domestic Domestic and ir- rigation. do 190 194 186 do 2 -1- inches 1 inch Log. do do Domestic do .do 203 194 do do 4 inches do 5 inches R; 4^ inches. Domestic i97 Log. In small cement res- do do 3 inches E IJ inches Domestic and ir- rigation. 198 198 209 ervoir. do do 5 inches R; 3 inches. —1 inch do 2i-inch centrifu- gal, 2ih. p. gas. Artesian — 3 inches Irrigation 186 do 22 inches E Good Irrigation 205 199 193 232 do do — 7 inches Domestic ...do Not on map. Do. Wind Artesian; centrif- ugal, 8 h.p. gas. Artesian 227.50 162.60 16 inches 6 inches Irrigation do do 88 WATER RESOURCES OF ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. No. of well. Owner. Location. Year com- pleted. Class of well. Depth to water (feet.) Depth ofwell (feet). 321 J, R. Robinson Mrs. Dahl... Sec.l6,T.7N.,R.12W. 322 do 323 George A. Lutz do 3 inches inside diameter, bored. 100 135 250 150 140 324 W. P. Sears ..do 1903 130,180A 325 George Lutz do 3^ inches inside diameter , bored. do 326 B. Rozenski do 327 C. I. Dunsmoor do 329 Hamilton. . . Sec.l8,T.7N.,R.12W. 4 inches outside. diameter, bored. 3 inches inside diameter, bored. 4i- inches inside diameter, bored. 270 330 do 331 Lancaster School. . do Lancaster 600 332 do 333 0. S. Buckley ..do 1906 4 inches inside diameter. 287 334 Crocker do 335 Howard Jones do 1902 3i inches, bored . 135 135 336 do do do 337 A.V.Oldham do 338 do do 339 H. D. Vreeland.... do 1902 3^ inches inside diameter, bored. 120 A . 150 160 335 170 370 240 340 do do 120 A 341 Wm. Jones do 170,300 342 do do 160 A? 343 Tunnison . . . do 1904 4 inches inside diameter, bored. Driven 235 A 344 Vance do 345 do 346 Show? do.. 347 (?) do 348 Knecht do 349 (?) do 350 F. H. Robinson.. . do 290 300 351 do do Bored 352 Adams do 1896 1896 4 inches outside diameter, bored. 3 inches outside diameter, bored. 291 264 353 T.V. Rockabrand. do WETJj DATA. Wells of Antelope Valley region — Continued. 89 Method of lift. Cost of well. Cost of ma- chinery. Quantity of water available. Use of water. Total solids (partes per mil- lion). Remarks. Artesian 8 Inches S 206 210 do t) inches E do . 18 inches do 14 inches R ' do 7 inches 193 do 6.J inches S do Stock 198 219 223 do i inch E Abandoned. do Very slight do 9 inches E Not on map. Do. do 279 204 do 7 inches Domestic and ir- rigation. Do. do Do. do Irrigation 183 Do, do Do. do Do. do 223 182 Do. do $97.55 4 inches E Do. Artesian, wind . . — 3 Inches Do. Artesian 4 + inches 200 ± 200± do 1 inch Not on map. Do. do 7 inches R do do 5 inches R Do. New black smith do shop; not on map. Not on map. do 1 1 Do. do 1 1 Do. do Do. do 2 inches Do. do 150.00 2\ inches R ... Do. do 4 inches R Do. do (?) Not on map, log. INDEX. A. Page. Acknowledgments to those aiding 9 Agricult lire, character and extent of 19 development of 67-G8 Alkali, formation of 57-58, G8 neutralization of 57 Amargosa Creek, description of 13 Anteloj)e Buttes, springs at 52 Antelope Valley, development of 8 location and extent of 7 Artesian springs, description of 47-ol Artesian waters, abuse of 6(>-67 area of 45-46 definition of . .^ 44, 67 development of 62-63 distribution and character of 45-51 exhaustion of ; 61 laws concerning 67 origin of 36-37 figure showing 36 B. Barren Spring, description of 54 Barstow, rainfall at 16-17, 31 Buckhorn Springs, description of 47-48 structure at, figure showing 48 Buttes, distribution of 10 C. Cameron, wells at, data on 82-83 Casing , insertion of, plate showing 62 Cement, manufacture of 19-20 Clays, character of 20 Climate, character of 14-18 Coleman's ranch, wells on 42, 65 wells on, data on 78-79,82-83 Cottonwood Creek, description of 13 Croswell Springs, description of 52-53 structure of, figure showing 52 D. Dahl's ranch, springs on 54 Del Sur, wells near 43 Desert, Mohave, true value of 7 Divides, position of 10-11 Drainage, description of 10-14, 32 map showing 8 Drilling, processes of, plate showing 62 E. Elizabeth Lake, description of 14 Erosion, character of 27-29 Esperanza, wells near 42-43 F. Fairmount, wells near 37 Fans, alluvial, distribution and character of. 27-29 figure showing 28 formation of 28-29 plate showing 30 Page. Faulting, evidence of 20-22, 25 figure showing 22 Fish Creek, description of 13 Flow, diminution of 12 Flowing wells, area of 45-46 G. Game, character of 18 Geier's ranch, springs at 55 Geology, description of 20-31 Gerblick Springs, description of 53-54 structure of, figure showing 54 Gold, occurrence of 19 Granitic rocks, description of 22-24 Gravels, structure of 30 structure of, plate showing 30 thickness of 24 water in 23 Ground water, occurrence and character of. . 51-52 Gypsum, utilization of 19 H. Hamlin, H., on faulting 21 Healthfulness, ideal character of 18 Hughes Lake, description of 14 Hydrographic map of Antelope Valley... Pocket. I. Indian Springs, description of 49 Irrigation, crops grown by 19 K. Keeves ranch, spring at 54 L. Lancaster, spring near 48 wells near 39-41 map showing 41 Lava, distribution and character of 25-26 Lakes, location of 10, 14 La Liebre ranch, spring at 55 Lancaster, wells at, data on 80-83, 86-89 wells at, sections of, plate showing 40 Limestone, utilization of 19 Little Bear Valley, rainfall in 15, 31-32 Little Cottonwood Creek, description of 13 Little Oak Creek, description of 13 Little Rock, development at 34-35 Little Rock Creek, description of 12 development on 33-35 flow of 35 Livsey Creek, description of 13 Lovejoy Springs, description of 52-53 structure at, figure showing 52 M. Manzana, rainfall at 15 Map, character of 9,68 of Antelope Valley Pocket. of Southern California 8 91 92 INDEX. Page. Marigold ranch, wells on 65 wells on, data on 70-71 Metamorphic rocks, description of 22-24 Midway oil district, cloudburst in, effects of, view of 18 Miller, Oliver, ranch of, wells near 39 ranch of, wells near, data on 76-77 Mineralization of water, character of 56-59 character of, analyses showing 56-57 origin of 55-56 Mohave, rainfall at 16-17,31 temperature at 17 Mohave Desert, true character of 7 Mohave River, view on 18 Moody Springs, description of 53 Mulford Spring, description of 55 N. Neenach, water supply of 55 Newquist ranch springs, description of 54 O. Oban, wells near 43, 46 wells near, data on 82-S3 Oil, nonexistence of 61 Pallett Creek, flow of 33 Palmdale, rainfall at 15 wells near 43 data on 74-75 Palmdale reservoir, description of 14 developments at 33-34 rainfall at 15 view of 42 Phosphates, occurrence of 20 Physiography, description of 20-22 figure showing 22 Playas, description of : 14,31 Pollution of water, occurrence of 59 Post ranch, map of 64 wells on 42,63-65 data on 72-77,84-85 Pumping, development of 9,63 R. Rainfall, influence of 31-32 records of 14-17 Redman's ranch, wells near 38,46 wells near, data on 78-79 Reid ranch, wells on 39 wells on, data on 72-73,84-85 Reservoirs, construction of 63 Rhyolite, distribution and character of 26 Rock Creek, description of 12 developments on 32-33 flow of 33 Rocks, nonwater bearing, description of 22-26 Rocks, water bearing, description of 27-31 structure of 30 Rosamond, wells near 37-38 wells near, data on 84-85 Rosamond Buttes, drainage near S. San Andreas fault, course of gravels at view of 13 21 44 , 42 San Bernardino Range, structure of 20-21 Page. Sand dunes, distribution and character of. . . 30-31 Sand Hnis, gravels at 44 San Gabriel Range, rocks of 24 structure of 20-31 Sedimentary deposits, character of 27-29 structure of 30 Sedimentary rocks, imaltered, distribution and character of 25 Settlements, distribution and character of . . . 9 Sierra Madre, rocks of 23 Simmons's ranch, spring at 54-55 SoUs, character of . ,. 29 South Antelope Valley Irrigation Co., devel- opments by 33-34 Springs, artesian, description of 47-51 location of, determination of 21 Springs, bedrock, description of 53-55 Springs, nonartesian, distribution and charac- ter of 52-53 Streams, development of 22-35 disappearance of 12 flow of 32,33,35 Structure, description of 20-22 figures showing 22 Structure, alluvial, character of 30 plate showing 30 T. Tehachapi, rainfall at 17,31 Tehachapi Range, rocks of. 23 springs on 53 structure of 20,21-22 Temperature, records of 17 Tierra Seca Creek, description of 13 Topography, character of 10 Towns, abandonment of 8 Travertine, deposition of 57 U. Underground waters, development of 62-68 fallacies concerning 5^61 occiu'rence of 36-89 figure showing 36 origin of 36-37, 5^61 quality of 55-59 V. Vegetation, character of 18-19 Volcanic ash, use of 20 Volcanic rocks, distribution and character of. 25-26 structure of, figure showing 26 W. Water level, variations in 46-47 Water resources, description of 31-89 Water supply, limitations of 8 use of 9 Water witch, delusion of 61 Well owners, list of 70-88 Wells, cost of 63 data on 37-44,62-66,70-89 development of 63-66 drilling of, plate showing 62 Willow Springs, springs near 49-51 structure of, figure sho-wing 49 wells near 37 Wind, force of 18 O :.- ^'?r-iS 4»"J9(*»'* RECONNAISSANCE HYDROGRAPHIC MAP OF ANTELOPE VALLEY RE(JION, CALIFORNIA BY HARllY B. JOHNSON LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 019 953 820 2 >^.* = V- -^ \ V -ir- ' ^^RiaB IM^- ■Z?^ r.,..i;i , ' "". ■'.'• jj/ ^-''I'^r*?^ 1. .^v.-'/ t^.'* - .iM *^9\ 'J .wl