SWEDEN BY VICTOR NILSSON, Ph.D. AUTHOR OF " LODDFAFNISMAL, AN EDDIC STUDY ILL U STRA TED NEW YORK PETER FENELON COLLIER MDCGCXCIX LIBRARY of 30NG«£SS fwo Copies deceived JUN 24 1905 Jowngnt tiury CLASS {/&. XAC. Nw £ c 3 O COPY B. •ess— =-se . NT Copyright, 1899, BY PETER FENELON COLLIER, CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 5 CHAPTER I SWEDEN IN PREHISTORIC AND EARLY HISTORIC TIMES — ARCHAEOLOGI- CAL FINDS AND CLASSICAL TESTIMONY 11 CHAPTER II DAWN OF SWEDISH HISTORY— HEIMSKRINGLA AND YNGLINGATAL . 33 CHAPTER III THE VIKING AGE— ANSGAR, THE APOSTLE OF SWEDEN ... 44 CHAPTER IV EARLY CHRISTIAN ERA— STENKIL'S LINE AND INTERCHANGING DYNASTIES • . 64 CHAPTER V THE MEDIAEVAL STATE— THE FOLKUNG DYNASTY . . . .. 80 CHAPTER VI UNIONISM VERSUS PATRIOTISM — MARGARET, ENGELBREKT AND CHARLES KNUTSSON .100 CHAPTER VII UNIONISM VERSUS PATRIOTISM — UNCROWNED KINGS OF THE STURE FAMILIES 115 CHAPTER VIII REVOLUTION AND REFORMATION— GUSTAVUS VASA . . . .130 CHAPTER IX REFORMATION AND REACTION— THE SONS OF GUSTAVUS I. . . 161 CHAPTER X PERIOD OF POLITICAL GRANDEUR— GUSTAVUS II. ADOLPHUS . .192 (3) 4 CONTENTS CHAPTER XI PERIOD OF POLITICAL GRANDEUR — QUEEN CHRISTINE „"■ , 220 CHAPTER XII PERIOD OP POLITICAL GRANDEUR— CHARLES X. AND CHARLES XI. . 242 CHAPTER XIII PERIOD OP POLITICAL GRANDEUR — CHARLES XII 268 CHAPTER XIV PERIOD OP LIBERTY — THE ARISTOCRATIC REPUBLIC . . . , 310 CHAPTER XV GUST AVIAN PERIOD— GUST A VUS III. AND GUSTAVUS IV. ADOLPHUS . 343 CHAPTER XVI THE CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY— CHARLES XIII. AND THE EARLY BERNADOTTES . 365 CHAPTER XVII PARLIAMENTARY REFORM — CHARLES XV 891 CHAPTER XVIII PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY — OSCAR II , 414 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Frontispiece— Charles XII. in the Battle of Pultowa . Gustavus Adolphus D. G. Rex Svec. Goth . The Battle of Pultowa Battle of Warsaw INTRODUCTION The kingdom of Sweden occupies the eastern and larger part of the Scandinavian peninsula, covering an area of one hundred and seventy thousand six hundred and sixty square miles, with a population of somewhat more than five mil- lions. Sweden is of nearly the same width, from east to west, throughout her whole length. If the country were divided into four equal parts, the southernmost part would correspond to the district of Gothaland, the next to the dis- trict of Svealand, consisting of most of what is north of the lakes Venar and Vetter and what is south of the Dal River, while the two remaining parts together would make up the district of Norrland. Gothaland, in ancient times called Sunnanskogs (South of the Woods), consists of the old provinces Scania, Bleking, Smaland and East Gothland by the Baltic, Halland and Bohuslaen by the North Sea, and West Gothland of the interior Svealand, or Nordan- skogs, consists of the provinces Scedermanland and Upland by the Baltic, south and north of Lake Meelar, respective^, Dal, Vermland and Dalecarlia on the Norwegian frontier, and Nerike and Westmanland of the interior. Norrland consists of the provinces of Gestrikland, Helsingland, Me- del pad, Angermanland and Westerbotten by the Gulf of Bothnia, a branch of the Baltic, and Herjedal, Jemtland nnd the Lapmark on the Norwegian frontier A great (5) 3 INTRODUCTION number of islands form part of the kingdom, of which the two largest, Gothland and (Eland, are situated in the Bal- tic. One-twelfth of the area, or as much as the whole state of Denmark, consists of water. Sweden is politically united with Norway and ruled by the same king, these united kingdoms forming the largest realm in Europe next to Russia, Sweden herself ranking as the sixth in size c Sweden is a country which offers striking varieties in scenery and conditions. In the southernmost province of Scania, an ancient home of culture, the nightingale and the stork dwell in the fertile plains, and the walnut, mulberry and chestnut trees render ripening fruit. Central Sweden is a wooded plateau, rich in rocky hills and inland seas. Although barren lands occupy large areas, these parts are characterized by a loveliness and picturesqueness which are still more pronounced in the northern provinces along the coast. Only in the inner mountainous regions of Norr- land is the scenery of real grandeur where the white-capped giants appear in vast groups, or in isolated peaks of six thousand to seven thousand feet in altitude, where a hun- dred glaciers with glacier rivers, moraines and erosions cover a surface almost as large as the glaciers of Tyrol, and where, in the turbulent course of mighty rivers, are formed tremendous waterfalls, one of them, The Hare's Leap, being the largest in Europe. Geologically considered, Sweden is situated around the centre of the ancient Scandinavian land-ice, and in the greater part of the country only two of the geological series, the oldest and the youngest, are represented. Thus the uneven, undulating surface of the Archa3an rocks, on which almost the whole country is firmly set, is in general INTRODUCTION 7 covered with quaternary deposits of gravel and clay., The mountains are rich in iron ore, the streams and lakes in fish, the woods in game, but the soil, itself of a good qual- ity, unfortunately rich in stones. This last- mentioned cir- cumstance, together with the rather severe climate, which yet is a good deal milder than might be expected, especially in the southern and western parts of the country, makes agriculture, which is the most important industry, profit- able only on the extensive plains of Scania, Upland and West and East Gothland. Still barley and rye are culti- vated within the Polar Circle, ripening in remarkably short time under the nocturnal light of the Midsum- mer sun. Dense forests cover Sweden in the very same latitude in which Greenland is clad by eternal ice. The short summers are of a surpassing loveli- ness. In Norrland there is a Swedish Icen, or gov- ernmental district, of the size of the State of Ohio, on which, between the 5th of June and the 11th of July, the sun never sets. If the earth was perfectly plain and even one would be able to see the sun above the horizon contin- ually during this period. But these northerly regions are very mountainous, and consequently you will have to climb a high peak in order to see the wonderful sight of a sun which stands still when it should set, and which marks the difference between night and day only by a rolling motion in the horizon. There is no country in the world where so many places for such observation are reached so easily as in Sweden. One may travel the whole distance from the southernmost point of the country to the very base of a mountain, Gellivara, Sweden's Klondike, from which the midnight sun can be seen for thirty-seven nights in succession. But although the sun itself is visible only from 8 INTRODUCTION the mountain peaks above the Polar Circle, the nocturnal light steeps the whole realm in midsummer-night's dreams of magic colors and reflectionSo The Swedish people are of Teutonic stock and have lived in the land they still inhabit for at least four thou- sand years, during this entire period not having assimilated other nationalities, or at least to no extent worth mention- ing, so that the Swedish nation is of an origin far purer than any other at present existing^ The kingdom of Sweden is the most ancient of the states still extant in Europe, for all historical monuments prove that the Swedes have kept to about their present territory 9 perfectly independent of foreign nations, probably for a long time divided into lesser communities, but for the past twelve hundred years united in one single realm. The languages spoken in the Scandinavian North belong to the Teutonic family of Indo-European languages, and seem to have been one and almost homogeneous up to the time of the Viking Age (about 700-1060), when various dialects commence to be distinguished. The old uniform language has been preserved in Northern loanwords in the Finnish and Lap languages and in about one hundred of the oldest Runic in- scriptions. The early Old Swedish, from the Viking Age to somewhat later than 1200, did not differ much from the Old Norse (the Old Norwegian and Old Icelandic), while the difference from the Old Danish was almost impercepti- ble. The sources for the study of this language period are about two thousand later Runic inscriptions and nearly one hundred Old Swedish loanwords, almost all proper names, in the Russian language. The classical period of Old Swed- ish falls between 1200 and about 1350. Its most important monuments are the provincial laws and a manuscript collec- INTRODUCTION 9 tion of saintly legends, called Codex Bureanus. The lan- guage of this period offers a number of dialects, of which only one, the Gutnic, is strictly defined. In the next period of Old Swedish, from 1350 to the Reformation, a universal language for the whole country is distinguished. The so- called Oxenstiern manuscripts and Codex Bildstenianus are the chief sources of our knowledge of this language period, mostly of religious contents. Modern Swedish dates from the Reformation, its later period being counted from the publication of the state law in 1734. The Swedish language seems to be based chiefly upon the dialect of Soedermanland, with influences from other dialects. Among the Scandina- vian languages, Swedish ranks next to the Icelandic in point of purity, and is the foremost of them all in point of beauty. The Swedes are a hardworking, industrious and intelli- gent race, not fully conscious of their own rich endowment and slow to push their individual claims. In moments of danger and distress, this people give evidence of an active heroism, which offers a great contrast to their usual quiet and peaceful demeanor. The Swedish nation is endowed with an unusual inventive power, which has placed it in the first rank of scientific research, having produced a quota of initiative spirits, as originators, founders and innovators of sciences, which is considerably larger than that of any other modern country, in proportion to the population. The national temperament is, like the soil, composed of extremes. With the serene quiet and almost sullen tranquillity goes a patience of extraordinary endurance which, when it gives in, surprises by the passion which takes its place. To the melancholy trait in the Swedish character is contrasted a great desire for the pleasures of life and exuberant animal spirits. Under a quiet surface, the Swede conceals a rapid 10 INTRODUCTION comprehension and an almost morbid sensitiveness, some- times causing people of other nationalities to judge him slow of intellect or perfidious, when he is only slow of ac- tion or indisposed to show his feelings. The most valuable inheritance from his ancestors is his moral courage, while the ancient Northern trait of self-restraint is often carried to an extreme. Akin to both is his dignity. He possesses great musical and improvisatorial gifts which complete his lyric-rhetorical temperament. There are some 6,000 Laplanders and some 20,000 Finns living in the furthest North, and foreigners to the number of about 20,000 dwell in Sweden, mostly Norwegians, Finns and Danes. More than 99 per cent of the population con- sists of native Swedes, and 99.9 per cent belong to the Lutheran state church or the Protestant denominations. The principal towns are Stockholm, the capital, with 300,000 inhabitants, enchantingly beautiful in situation, on the mainland and islands at the outlet of Lake Mselar into the Baltic; Gothenburg, with 120,000 inhabitants, the chief commercial centre, at the mouth of the Gotha River, by the North Sea; Malmoe, with 60,000 inhabitants, in Scania, by the Sound. The university towns of Upsala, in Upland, and Lund, in Scania, have 25,000 and 17,000 inhabitants, respectively. HISTORY OF SWEDEN CHAPTER I Sweden in Prehistoric and Early Historic Times — Archaeological Finds and Classical Testimony HE Swedes, although the oldest and most unmixed race in Europe, realized very late the necessity of writing chronicles or reviews of historic events. Thus the names of heroes and kings of the remotest past are helplessly forgotten, and lost also the history of its earliest religion and institutions. But Mother Earth has carefully preserved most of what has been deposited in her bosom, and has repaid diligent research with trustworthy and irrefutable accounts of the age and various degrees of civilization of the race which inhabited Sweden in prehistoric times. Thus it has been proved that Sweden, like most other countries, has had a Stone Age, a Bronze Age, and an Iron Age. But there is absolutely no evidence to prove the now antiquated theories of various immigrations into Sweden by different races on different stages of civilization. On the contrary, the graves -from the remotest times, through all successive periods, prove by the form of the skulls of those buried in them that Sweden has, through all ages, been inhabited by the same dolichocephalic, or long-headed, race which constitutes the overwhelming majority of her people to-day. (ii) 12 HISTORY OF SWEDEN Sweden, physically considered, is not of as high an- tiquity as some countries of Europe. Yet it has been inhabited during the last four thousand years, at least. In the quaternary period the Scandinavian peninsula was a centre of a glacial movement which spread its disastrous influences over Western Russia, Northern Germany and Holland. In that period no vegetable or animal life was possible in Sweden. From the fact that the earliest stone celts found in Sweden and Denmark are not polished, ar- chaeologists were led to suppose that the Stone Age of the North was contemporaneous with the Palaeolithic civili- zation in Western Europe. But this standpoint has been found untenable, because it has later become evident that the fauna surrounding the earliest inhabitants of the Northern countries was ours and not a quaternary one. The oldest types of finds of the Stone Age in the North have been discovered in the refuse-heaps on the Danish coast. These refuse-heaps, consisting of stone implements, shells, bones, etc., do not occur in Sweden, but the imple- ments characteristic of them are found scattered over some parts of the southernmost Swedish province of Scania. The shape of these earliest finds is exactly the same as of those of the later Stone Age, the only difference being that the former are not polished. But there are transitions between the classes, and the act of polishing must be regarded as an important phase of progress. The Stone Age of Sweden is quite remarkable. If the remains of the earlier period are scanty, the finds from the later one are all the more numerous. With the exception of Denmark and a part of North Germany, there is no Eu- ropean country which can boast of such rich and beautiful relics from the later Stone Age as the southern part of HISTORY OF SWEDEN 13 Sweden. The finds in the other countries mentioned are almost exactly like those of Sweden from the Stone and the Bronze Ages, both as far as implements and skulls are con- cerned, proving them to have been settled by the same race. The weapons and implements from the Stone Age con- sist of axes, daggers, spearheads, arrowheads, saws, and knives of flint; axes, gauges, handmills of stone; fishhooks and arrowheads of bone; earthenware, etc., etc. The graves of this period are dolmens, passage-graves, and stone cists, the last mentioned either uncovered or covered with a bar- row. The different forms of burial places seem to indicate four successive stages of the period. Through their exist- ence it becomes probable that the inhabitants of Sweden during the Stone Age had fixed dwelling places. A dolmen is a grave-chamber of which the walls are formed of large, thick stones set up edgewise, covered with one huge block of stone as a roof, all the stones being rough outside and smooth inside. The passage-graves are built in the same way, but are larger and distinguished by a long covered passage leading to it. These graves are surrounded by a low barrow, upon the top of which the huge roof -stones were originally visible. Dolmens and passage- graves occur in Sweden in considerable numbers along the coast of Scania, on the plains of West Gothland and in Bohuslsen, more sparsely in other parts of West Gothland and in Hal- land, with stray cases of graves of a similar construction in Nerike and Western Scedermanland. It is important to note the regions in which these graves have been found, for they must be identical with the parts of the earliest settle- ments. Such graves are also very common in Denmark, while only one has been found in Norway. The stone cists resemble very much the chamber of a 14 HISTORY OF SWEDEN passage-grave. They are larger and four-sided, and built of somewhat thinner stones. Stone cists standing partly visible above the barrow constitute a form peculiar to Sweden, occurring in great numbers in West Gothland, Bohuslsen, Dalsland and Southwestern Vermland, while the covered stone cists appear in the same provinces and in Nerike, East Gothland, Smaland, Bleking and the Island of Gothland. During the Stone Age the bodies were buried unburned, in a recumbent or sitting position. By the side of the dead body was usually placed a weapon, a tool, or some orna- ments, sometimes also earthenware vessels, now filled only with earth. These vessels may once have contained food. The elaborate graves seem to indicate a belief in a future life. The food, if any such was placed by the side of the dead, would not necessarily point to the fact that such a future life was imagined merely as a continuation of earth life. The heathen Scandinavians of a later age believed that the dead remained for some time in their burial place before reaching their ultimate destination. For their pos- sible wants during this intermediate state food was left with the dead body. The total number of relics of stone found in Sweden is 64,000. Of these only 4,000 belong to Svealand and JSTorr- land, while of all the rest found in Gothaland 45,000 belong to Scania alone. In a much later age the Scandinavians were regarded as pure barbarians. For this reason it is important to ob- serve that graves from the Stone Age show that the Swedes in that remote period had several domesticated animals, the dog, horse, ox, swine, sheep, and, perhaps, also the goat. Hence they were certainly a pastoral people, not HISTORY OF SWEDEN 15 living exclusively by hunting and fishing. But whether they practiced agriculture cannot be decided in the present state of our knowledge. The fact that the very oldest graves are found in the most fertile districts of Southern Sweden seems to speak in favor of the supposition that agriculture was known and appreciated. Of metals, even of gold, the people of the late Stone Age were entirely ignorant, also of the art of writing. Hence no monuments of their language will ever be found. Still it is highly probable that the Teutonic ancestors of the Swedes began to settle in the land from the beginning of the Stone Age. It is true that some skulls, very much like those of the Laps, have also been found in the graves of the Stone Age; but it must be borne in mind that these burial places, im- pressive through their size and the amount of work and mechanical skill necessary for their erection, can be believed to have been originally intended only for kings or chief- tains, and their families. It was probably a custom, as in later heathen times, to bury with such distinguished people a number of slaves, dead or alive. The presence of skulls of a non- Scandinavian type can thus be explained, without the necessity of accepting the theory of an early mixture of two races. In the northern part of Sweden have been found relics of stone, usually of slate, which do not appear to have belonged to the people of the dolmens or passage-graves. They bear a close resemblance to those found in Finland and in other countries inhabited by Laps, Finns and peo- ples related to them. This seems to prove that these so- called Arctic stone implements are relics of the Laps and belong to the time when this people was still ignorant of 16 HISTOEY OF SWEDEN the use of metal. Judging from the number of relics found on the coast, from Westerbotten to Gestrikland, and in Dalecarlia, the Laps dwelt also in somewhat more south- erly parts of Sweden than at the present day. So far south as in the middle provinces, no Arctic stone relics have been found, still less in any of the southern provinces. This seems to indicate that the Laps and the Swedes did not dwell in the same parts of the country during the Stone Age, and their intercourse, if any, must have been of a very accidental and casual nature. That the Stone Age lasted a very long time in the North is proved by the fact that it reached a far higher development there than anywhere else in Europe. The best authorities think that it must have ended rather before than after 1500 B.C., or 3,500 years before our time. The Bronze Age followed upon the Stone Age. Flint exists in Sweden and was easily found. There are also copper mines, but their working is of comparatively mod- ern date. The copper of the Bronze Age must have been brought from abroad, and tin, necessary for the production of bronze, is foreign to Scandinavia. The knowledge of the working of any metal proves an immense progress. Yet there are strong grounds for the opinion that the be- ginning of the Bronze Age in Sweden was not connected with any great immigration of a new race, but that the inhabitants learned the art of working bronze by inter- course with other nations. The resemblance of the graves during the last part of the Stone Age and the early part of the Bronze Age points most strongly to such a conclu- sion. From Asia the knowledge of bronze, and the higher civilization dependent on it, had gradually spread itself HISTORY OF SWEDEN 17 over the continent of Europe, in a northerly and north- westerly direction, until it reached the coasts of the Baltic. The Bronze Age of Sweden began about 1500 B.C., and lasted for a thousand years, or until the beginning of the fifth century before Christ. The period has been divided into an Earlier and a Later Bronze Age, a division which has been questioned as to its absolute correctness. The works from the former are decorated with fine spiral orna- ments and zigzag lines. The graves generally contain re- mains of unburned bodies. The antiquities of the Earlier Bronze Age, almost without an exception, appear to be of native workmanship. They are distinguished by artistic forms and point to a highly developed taste in the working of bronze. They generally surpass in this respect the relics of the Bronze Age found in almost all other Euro- pean countries. The works belonging to the Later Bronze Age are characterized by a very different taste and style of ornamentation, though even they are often the result of great skill. The spiral ornaments are no longer pre- dominant, but the ends of rings, knife- handles, and the like, are often rolled up in spiral volutes. During this period the dead were always burned. But- tons, sword-hilts, and other works of bronze were some- times decorated with pieces of amber and resin inlaid. Objects are also often found overlaid with thin plates of gold. Remarkable are the rock-carvings from this period. The Swedes of the Bronze Age understood, by a kind of picture-writing, how to preserve the memory of important events, although an alphabet of any kind was unknown. The rock-carvings have been found abundantly in Bohus- leen (formerly a part of West Gothland) and East Goth- 18 HISTORY OF SWEDEN land, but also occur in Scania and other parts of Sweden. At the time of the arrival of Cortez in Mexico the Aztecs were exactly on the same standpoint. In spite of their high civilization, they were in the Bronze Age and pos- sessed a picture-writing, but were not acquainted with an alphabet. In Sweden, as in Mexico, there certainly once existed an oral tradition necessary for its interpreta- tion, which, now lost, leaves little hope for their present or future explanation. Yet they throw considerable light on Swedish civilization during this remote period. Thus they show that horses were already used for riding and driving. Cattle are represented. In pairs these are har- nessed to a plow, which is being driven by a man. Boats are depicted, generally very large ones, without masts, but with thirty pairs of oars or more. They are usually unlike at the two ends, sometimes adorned with an animal's head in the high and narrow stem, sometimes with a similar decoration also in the stern. The rock-carvings tell us nothing of the dwellings or the dress of the Swedes in the Bronze Age. All the instru- ments and tools necessary for the construction of wooden houses existed and appear to have been in use. The ma- terial was ever abundantly supplied by the Swedish forests, but it was not strong enough to withstand the influence of time. All the more surprising it is that articles of dress from such a remote period as the Earlier Bronze Age, 1000 B.C., should have been preserved to our time. Still such is the case, thanks to a combination of exceptionally favor- able circumstances. These garments are of wool of a very simple substance; some have been worn by men, others by women. The man's dress consisted of an unbrimmed cap of thick woven wool, a wide circular mantle, a kind HISTORY OF SWEDEN 19 of tunic, kept together with a woollen belt, and some nar- row strips of wool which probably covered the legs. In a man's grave was found a shawl of wool with fringes. The woman's dress consisted then, as it does now, chiefly of two garments, a jacket with sleeves and a long robe, the latter held together with a belt of wool, ending in orna- mental tassels. Large mantles, of mixed wool and cow hair, were used as wraps. The women wore splendid bronze ornaments, such as finger-rings, bracelets, torques and brooches. From the finds it becomes apparent that many women in those days carried weapons, a dagger often being found at the side of the body. Besides swords and axes of beautiful workmanship, fish- hooks, sickles and the different parts of harness have been found; also vessels of gold or bronze, evidently used for temple service. The Swedes of the Bronze Age were not acquainted with the art of forging the heated metal, but they possessed much technical skill in the art of casting. When the implement was taken out of the mold it was dipped in cold water, and very often the surface was orna- mented by means of punches made of bronze. Their good taste was as highly developed as their skill. That the work was done in the North is proven by numerous finds of the very molds in which weapons and agricultural implements were cast. During the Stone Age only Gothaland and parts of Svealand were inhabited. The finds of the Bronze Age prove that the limits of the population were about the same during this period. The southern provinces continued to be the more thickly settled. Twenty times as many finds have been made in the soil of Scania as in the rest of the country. Nbrrland was hardly settled to any extent until the Iron Age, and has offered comparatively few finds from ^0 HISTORY OF SWEDEN the Bronze Age, the total of which for the whole of Sweden amounts to about 4,000. The Iron Age followed upon the Bronze Age. It lasts to this very day, we ourselves still living in the Iron Age; but the term is generally applied to that part of the period which commences with the close of the Bronze Age, and ends with the fall of heathendom. During the Iron Age, the Swedes first became acquainted with iron, silver, brass, lead, glass, stamped coins from foreign lands, and learned how to solder and gild metal. Archaeologists have divided the period into two main parts, the Earlier and the Later Iron Age, both with subdivisions. The Earlier Iron Age includes the time from the fifth century B,c. to about the beginning of the fifth century A.x>. The first half of the Earlier Iron Age is characterized by swords with both blades and sheaths made of iron, thin crescent-shaped knives, brooches of iron, collars, and decorative plates over- laid with bronze. The graves resemble those from the end of the Bronze Age, containing burned bones in urns, or laid together in a heap. This circumstance makes it more than probable that the first introduction of iron in the North was not connected with any immigration of a new people. The finds of the earliest Iron Age are not very rich, but they prove that the people who have left them behind had been subjected to a very strong influence from the Gallic tribes living close to the south of the Teutonic area of population. Then came the second half of the Earlier Iron Age, charac- terized by a strong Roman influence. It commences with the extension of the Roman empire toward the North, about the beginning of the Christian era, and winds up with the beginning of the fifth century, when Teutonic migrations and invasions put an end to the power of Rome. In the HISTORY OF SWEDEN 21 hostile or friendly relations between Romans and Teutons the Swedes were not involved. But by the peaceful ways of commerce the influence of Rome penetrated to the peo- ple of the North. Great numbers of Roman coins have been found in Sweden, and also vessels of bronze and glass, weapons, etc., as well as works of art, all turned out of workshops in Rome or its provinces. Out of about 4,760 Roman coins of this time found in Sweden, no less than 4,000 were found in the remarkable Island of Gothland, in the southern half of the Baltic, 90 in the neighboring island of (Eland, 650 in Scania, but only 23 on the mainland of Sweden, excluding Scania. About 250 were found in Bornholm, 600 in Denmark, but only 3 in Norway. It becomes evident from these finds that there existed a reg- ular traffic over the Baltic, through Germany, between the Island of Gothland and the Roman provinces, from the epoch of the Marcomannic war down to the time of Septimius Severus. Similar finds have been made on the southern shore of the Baltic, showing that the traffic came from the southeast, along the valleys of the Vistula and the Oder. One of the most important discoveries of this period was the art of writing, which the inhabitants of the North seem to have acquired soon after the beginning of the Christian era. The earliest alphabetic symbols in Sweden, and the only ones used there during the whole of heathen times, were runes. These were probably invented a little before the Christian era by a South Teutonic tribe, in imitation of the Roman writing which the Teutons received from one of the Celtic tribes living just to the north of the Alps. The Ro- man characters were adapted for the use of inscriptions in stone and wood, the curves being changed into straight 22 HISTORY OF SWEDEN lines. The Runic characters, in use among all Teutonic tribes, were twenty-four in number; these older runes were, by the Scandinavians, later simplified and reduced to sixteen. There is a number of inscriptions in older runes in Sweden, dating from about 300 to 500 a.d. They are found chiefly on stones and gold bracteates, also in Eng- land, France, Germany, Wallachia and the west of Russia. All belong to about the same date, and are of Teutonic origin. The early Runic inscriptions do not contain any accounts of historically known persons or events. Yet they are of the greatest historical importance, for they show that during the Earlier Iron Age, in the fourth and fifth centu- ries, the language of Sweden, and consequently also the people, were Teutonic. These inscriptions in Sweden and neighboring countries give samples of the earliest known form of the Northern language, which is considerably different from its descendants, the Old Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic, but very much resembling the language spoken by the Goths on the Danube during the same period. The Later Iron Age commences with the fifth century and stretches to the beginning of the eighth century a.d. When Italy had been overrun by the " barbarians," the centre of the old civilization shifted to Byzantium, and there are many traces of an active intercourse with the capital of the Byzantine rule in the finds made in Swedish soil. Most of these finds consist of gold coins of the fifth century, the majority of them having been found in the islands of GEland and Gothland. The stream of gold com- ing from Byzantium must have been quite considerable, having its source in the tribute which many of the Byzan- tine emperors had to pay to the Goths on the Danube. HISTORY OF SWEDEN 23 They are the very same emperors whose names appear on the coins found in Sweden. The great number of costly and beautiful ornaments of gold found in Sweden, and dat- ing from this period, must have been made out of Roman and Byzantine coins, melted down. One of the largest hoards of gold ever found in Europe was discovered in the Swedish province of Scedermanland. Its weight was twenty-seven pounds, and it contained several ornaments of consummate workmanship. Remarkable are the graves from this period, discovered in the province of Upland. They are barrows containing the more or less mouldering remains of a large boat in which the dead man has been buried unburned with his weapons, horses, and other domestic animals. The swords found in these graves are of iron with hilts of beautiful designs in gilded or enamelled bronze. The shields and helmets are often of elaborate workmanship. Unlike the swords, which mostly, or perhaps always, are of foreign, generally of Celtic make, these ornaments and weapons are of domestic origin. It appears, from the many beautiful and artistic finds in Swedish soil, as if the inhabitants have benefited by their situation, aside and outside of the rest of the world. Con- tinual migrations subjected the tribes of the continent to repeated changes and to a never-ceasing series of new and heterogeneous impressions. The tribes of the North re- mained on the same spot, and their whole development was slower but more consistent. The foreign influences penetrated slowly and gradually, without crushing the old civilization. The industrial arts blossomed not so often in the North as in the South, but steadier, giving a clearer expression of the national traditions and peculiaritieSo 24 HISTORY OF SWEDEN These circumstances make the study of Northern antiqui- ties of absorbing interest. Before the end of this period, not only Gothaland and Svealand, but also the coast of Norrland, as far north as the province of Medelpad, were inhabited. As a whole, the first part of the Later Iron Age forms a transition between the Earlier Iron Age and the Viking Age, the archaeological finds of which we must leave aside to take up the threads of the earliest history. The Viking Age is exceedingly rich in stones with inscriptions in the later runes, some of these inscriptions being quite lengthy, and containing strophes of alliterative verse in Old Swedish. Before entering into an account of early Swedish history, let us gather what information the classical writers of his- tory have to give in regard to the countries of the North, or rather whatever of such information that has been preserved to our day. The Scandinavian countries are for the first time men- tioned by the historians of antiquity in an account of a journey which Pyteas from Massilia (the present Marseille) made through Northern Europe, about 300 B.C. He visited Britain, and there heard of a great country, Thule, situ- ated six days' journey to the north, and verging on the Arctic Sea. The inhabitants in Thule were an agricultu- ral people who gathered their harvest into big houses for threshing, on account of the very few sunny days and the plentiful rain in their regions. From corn and honey they prepared a beverage (probably the mead). By Thule is no doubt meant the Scandinavian peninsula, or rather the western coast of it. Pyteas also tells of the land of amber, or the southern shores of the Baltic, where the guttones are dwelling. As the northern and southern shores of the Bal- HISTORY OF SWEDEN 25 tic from the very earliest period seem to have been inhabited by the same race which has shared the same development and civilization, there is every reason to recognize the name guttones as identical with the one given to the inhabitants of the Swedish Gothaland and Island of Gothland. Several centuries pass without any notice of Scandinavia in the classical literature. In the still preserved manuscripts of the geographical work by Pomponius Mela, written in the middle of the first century a.d., is found a reference to Codania, a large and fertile island inhabited by Teutons. Codania is likely some scribe's misspelling of Scandi- navia. Pliny the Elder, who himself visited the shores of the Baltic in the first century after Christ, is the first to men- tion plainly the name of Scandinavia. He says that he has received advices of immense islands " recently discov- ered from Germany." The most famous of the many islands situated in the Codanian Bay was Scandinavia, of as yet unexplored size; the known parts were inhabited by a people called hilleviones, who gave it the name of another world. When he speaks of the British isles, Pliny again gives notice of islands, situated opposite Britain in the Teutonic Sea, without suspecting their identity with Scan- dinavia. He mentions Scandia, Nerigon, the largest of them all, and Thule. Scandia and Scandinavia are only different forms of the same name, denoting the southern- most part of the peninsula, and is yet preserved in the name of the province of Scania. Nerigon stands for Norway, the northern part of which is mentioned as an island by the name Thule. It is not surprising to find the classical writers ignorant of the fact that Scandinavia was not a group of large islands, but one great peninsula, as the xx 2 26 HISTORY OF SWEDEN northern parts were as yet uninhabited and their physical connection with Finland and Russia unknown. Tacitus is the first who mentions the Swedish name. In his work "Germania," of such great importance for the knowledge of the ancient Teutons, their conditions and institutions, and written about 100 years after Christ, the Baltic is described as an open sea called the Siievian Sea, shut out from the west by the Danish mainland of Jutland, by the Romans called the Cimbric Peninsula. The eastern shore is the country of amber. The Swedes are by Tacitus called Suiones, and he speaks of them thus: "Next occur the communities of the Suiones, seated in the very sea, who, besides their strength in men and arms, also possess a naval force. The form of their vessels differs from ours in having a prow at each end, so that they are always ready to advance. They make no use of sails, nor have they regular benches of oars at the sides: they row, as is practiced in some rivers, without order, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other, as occasion requires. These people honor wealth; for which reason they are sub- ject to monarchial government, without any limitations or precarious conditions of allegiance. Nor are arms al- lowed to be kept promiscuously, as among the other Teu- tonic nations : but are committed to the charge of a keeper, and he, too, a slave. The pretext is that the sea defends them from any sudden incursions, and men unemployed, with arms in their hands, readily become licentious. In fact, it is for the king's interest not to intrust a noble, a freeman, or even an emancipated slave, with the custody of arms." These remarks by Tacitus, in all their brevity, are of great importance. Boats, exactly corresponding to the HISTORY OF SWEDEN 27 description as given, have been found in Swedish graves of this period, and that they were used for river traffic, to bring the gold and products of Rome and Byzantium up the Vistula and Oder, is evident. The great opulence in dress and temple service of which the archaeological finds bear witness, and of which later writers also speak as characteristic of the Swedes, is a proof of the wealth that at all times has attended naval dominion. Thus far all the statements being fully corroborated, one cannot but place great importance upon those that follow. The Ro- man historian tells us that, on account of the honor which the Swedes held for wealth, they were subject to a mo- narchial government, without any limitations; that is, the crown was hereditary, not elective. This coincides in every way with Swedish conditions of political affairs, such as we know them from later times. The important conclu- sions to be gathered from the statements of Tacitus, are that the Swedes already at the dawn of the Christian era held the political supremacy in the Scandinavian peninsula, or at least in its eastern and southern parts, and that the various lesser communities stood in allegiance to the he- reditary king of the Sviar (Svear), or Swedes in a limited sense, the inhabitants of Svealand. The psychological conclusions made by Tacitus, on the basis of his own statements, hold good of the Swedes of to-day as well as of those of 2,000 years ago. They still honor wealth and a monarchial government and consider the sea their best defence against foreign foes. Ptolemy, the Alexandrine geographer of the second century after Christ, speaks of the Scandinavian islands, situated east of the Cimbrian peninsula. The fourth and most easterly of these is the one originally called Scandeia. 28 HISTORY OF SWEDEN He enumerates six tribes which inhabit it, the names being unrecognizable, except the one of Qutai, Gauts or Goths, by him for the first time mentioned as dwelling in Scan- dinavia. To this information, gathered from classical authors, nothing is added for the next four hundred years in regard to the countries of the North. Only in the sixth century, when Rome has succumbed before the Gothic invasions, and the Teutonic tribes have divided between themselves the provinces of the West Roman empire, new information about Sweden is given by a Byzantine author, Prokopios, a contemporary of emperor Justinian. He mentions Scan- dinavia by the name Thule, and says he bases his state- ments upon information obtained from people "who come from there." Prokopios says that in the immense island of Thule, in the northern part of which the midnight sun can be seen, thirteen large tribes occupy its inhabitable parts, each tribe having its own king. One of the largest tribes is the Gauts (the Gcetar, or the inhabitants of Swedish Crothaland). These tribes very much resemble the people of southern Europe, with the exception of the Skee Finns, who dress in skins and live from the chase. Prokopios tells a remarkable story about an immigra- tion to Sweden of Herulians, a Teutonic tribe closely con- nected to the Goths on the Danube. In the beginning of the sixth century, it happened that the Herulians, after an unsuccessful war with the Longobardians, were divided into two branches, of which the one received land from the emperor Anastasius south of the Danube, while the other made a resolve to seek a home in the Scandinavian pen- insula. When they had passed the Slavs, they came to HISTORY OF SWEDEN 29 uninhabited regions, whence they continued to the country of the Varinians, and later to that of the Danes. The Danes granted them a free passage and the use of ships, in which they crossed to the island of Thule. Here the Herulians went to the Gauts and were well received by them. Some decades later the Herulians in South Europe were in want of a king. They resolved to send messengers to their kinsmen who had settled in Sweden, hoping that some descendant of their old royal family might be found there who was willing to assume the dignity of king among them. The messengers returned with two brothers who belonged to the ancient family of rulers, and these were escorted by two hundred young Herulians from Sweden. That this immigration really took place there is no doubt. The district of Sweden where these kinsmen of the Goths settled was early distinguished from the surrounding ones, inhabited by the Gauts of Sweden, through the peculiari- ties of its laws and customs, of which some survived into the commencement of the nineteenth century. This district forms the southern part of the province of Smaland, called Vserend, its inhabitants Virdar, and the adjoining province of Bleking. The Gothic historian Jordanes, or Jornandes, called Master Ardan, who was a contemporary of Prokopios, has taken upon himself to explain the reason of the strange resolve of the Herulians to seek a home in Sweden. He speaks of the traditions of the East Goths, which tell of their descent from the people of the North. Similar traditions also have existed among the West Goths, Longobardians, Gepidse, Burgundians, Herulians, Pranks, Saxons, Swa- bians and Alemannians. Thus Jordanes: "In the North there is a great ocean, and in this ocean there is a large 30 HISTORY OF SWEDEN island called Scandza, out of whose loins our race burst forth like a swarm of bees and spread over Europe." The island of Scanclza, he says, has been officina gentium, vagina nationum — the source of races, the mother of na- tions. And thence also the Goths have emigrated. Material is lacking to prove the historical truth of the Teutonic traditions which point to Scandinavia as the cradle of the Teutonic tribes. But Jordanes, the first historian of Teutonic birth who speaks of Scandinavia, stands at the cradle of Swedish history, and, as a modern historian has expressed it, his shadow throws an umbrage across the whole field of Swedish historical research. The mistake, based upon Jordanes' history, of identifying the Swedish Gauts with the Goths has caused a great deal of mischief and ridiculous chauvinism, Gothic and Swedish history and royal lines being mixed up or put in connection with each other. In leaving aside the Teutonic traditions of the island of Scandza, or Scania, as the cradle of the race, let us quote a remark by Tacitus which seems to point to the conclusion that such traditions were current already in the first century of the Christian era: "I should think that the Teutons themselves are aborigines, and not at all mixed through immigrations or connections with non- Teutonic tribes. For those desiring to change homes did not in early times come by land, but in ships across the boundless and, so to speak, hostile ocean— a sea seldom visited by ships from the Roman world." The Old English poem of Beowulf must also be men- tioned among the sources which throw light on early Swed- ish history. Whether the Geatas of Beowulf are identical with the Jutes of Denmark, or with the Gauts of Sweden, HISTORY OF SWEDEN 31 is a much disputed question. Although, phonetically, the Old English name Geatas corresponds to the Old Swedish Gaidar, it seems most plausible to suppose that by this term is meant the Jutes, and not the inhabitants of Swed- ish West or East Gothland. This accepted, the poem does not contain much about the Swedes. But the information, therein given, of the Swedish kings is of great value, be- cause it renders the service of a firm chronological support to the facts gathered from another source. This source, of vastly greater importance, is the Ynglinga Saga, or ra- ther the poem around which it is spun, in Heimskringla, of which more in the next chapter. The first information of the religion practiced by the inhabitants of Scandinavia is given by Prokopios, who says that they worshipped many gods and spirits of the sky, air, earth, sea, and also some who were supposed to dwell in springs and rivers. Offerings were constantly made, the chief ones being of human beings, for which the first prisoner made in a war was destined. This sacrifice was made to "Mars," who was the highest god. The state- ments of Prokopios without doubt are correct. The Scan- dinavian war-god who corresponds to the Mars of classical mythology was Tyr. Odin, originally the ruler of the wind, became the highest god during the Viking Age. He is an aristocratic god, the god of the select few, whose cult succeeded that of Tyr as the cult of the latter had succeeded that of Thor, the thunderer, as the highest god. The idea of a supreme God was probably unknown until the contact with Christianity, or at least not common. Thor, the peasant god, is probably the oldest of the gods of Teutonic mythology, the representative of stern power and law-bound order. Thor was the most popular god 32 HISTORY OF SWEDEN of the Swedes, to judge from the great number of ancient Swedish proper names of which his forms a part. Besides Thor, Odin and Frey were the most honored. All the other gods and goddesses mentioned in Old Norse litera- ture were probably known, but few of them much wor- shipped in Sweden. CHAPTER II Dawn of Swedish History — Heimskringla and Ynglingatal NORRE STURLESON, the great historian and poet of Iceland, of the earlier half of the thirteenth cent- ury, is considered to be the author of the history of the kings of Norway which, after the first words of the first chapter, has been called Heimskringla. As an intro- duction to the work he has put the saga of the Yngling kings of Sweden, of whom many of the Norwegian kings were supposed to be descendants. The Ynglinga Saga is a paraphrase to the much older song of Ynglingatal, a poem composed by the Norwegian poet Thiodulf of Hvin (who lived in the latter part of the ninth century) in praise of the supposed Swedish ancestors of the Norwegian king Ragnvald. The Ynglings were probably not identical with the kings of Upsala, who were of the race of the Skilfings, but of South Swedish or Danish origin. It is either out of ignorance, or out of sagacity, that the poet selected the Upsala rulers as originators of the Norwegian line of kings, but he has been unfortunate in the choice of a name for the dynasty. The poem itself is a trustworthy historical document, at least as far as the times are concerned which come comparatively close to the time of its own composi- tion, the first part containing many traits of a mythical (33) 34 HISTORY OF SWEDEN character. The saga spun around it is far from trust- worthy. Of the poem evidently the first, or first few, strophes are missing, but the "historian" supplies the vac- uum with stories of the gods Odin, Niord and Frey, whom he, according to the ideas of his time, changes from god's into historic kings, the first who ruled Svithiod (Sweden). Among learned men in Snorre's day there was a craze for tracing the pedigree of all nations of any renown back to some of the heroes of ancient Troy. Snorre serves us a saga of Odin's migration from Troy which, besides being confuse, would appear only ridiculous, if it had not wielded about as highly disastrous an influence upon correct con- ceptions of Swedish history as the work by Jordanes. This migration saga is found in a still more elaborate form in an introduction to Snorre's Edda, and is responsible for the erroneous opinion held by earlier Swedish historians, that the Swedes had migrated from Asia under the lead- ership of a chief who called himself Odin, and that the Swedes and the Gauts were, if not of different origin, at least of a habitation of differing age, in their present loca- tions. Based upon the information found in Ynglinga Saga we will give a review of the history of the early kings of Sweden, although the first dozen, and more, of these kings are of a doubtful " historic' ' character. At the dawn of history, Sweden was, like most other countries of North- ern Europe, divided into petty communities, each ruled by a king. These communities seem to have been nearly identical with the "lands" or later provinces into which Sweden is yet divided, although the administrative divis- ions are different. In spite of the fact that it is about 1,200 years since these communities were united into one single HISTORY OF SWEDEN 35 realm, the inhabitants preserve to this day their respective peculiarities of customs and language. The most important among the chieftains of Sweden was, since time immemorial, the king of Upsala, who con- ducted the sacrifices and temple service at Upsala, the oldest and most celebrated place of heathen worship in the Scandinavian North. Originally, he had under his rule only one-third of the present province of Upland, the chief settlement of the Sviar, or Swedes in a limited sense. The Upsala kings belonged to the ancient royal race of Skilfings (or "Ynglings," according to Snorre), who traced their origin from the gods. The founder of the dynasty as accepted by Thiodulf and others was Yngve, who is said to have built the great temple at Upsala, moving thither the capital from the older Sigtuna and contribut- ing to the temple all his lands and riches. Yngve's son was Fiolner. King Fiolner was drowned by accident in a huge vessel full of mead, during a visit paid to King Frode in Denmark. His son Sveigder disappeared during a journey which he made in order to find Odin, the old. Both the names Fiolner and Sveigder appear to be mythical. Sveigder's son Vanlande was a great warrior. He is said once to have taken up his winter abode in Finland, which, together with several archaeological finds, point to an early inter- course between Sweden and Finland. Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande, marrying the daughter of Aude (the Rich), whom he afterward left and took another wife, bringing on himself a curse by so doing. Visbur's sons fell unexpectedly over him, burning him in his house. Domalde, his son, succeeded him. During a great famine in Svithiod he was offered to the gods in order to obtain 86 HISTORY OF SWEDEN good seasons. Domalde's son and grandson, Domar and Dygve, both reigned and died in peace. Dag, the son of Dygve, was so wise a man that he understood the language of birds. Agne, the son of Dag, was the ruler after him. One summer he invaded Finland with his army. Whei\ the Finns gathered there was a great battle, in which Agne gained victory, subduing all Finland. The daughter of a conquered chief, Skialf, was carried back to Sweden as his bride. But after a drinking feast, Agne was hanged in a tree by Skialf and her men. The place where this happened was called Agnefit, and is said to be identical with the site of Stockholm, the later capital of the country. Alrek and Eric became kings after the death of their father Agne. They got into a dispute one day while out walking. Having no weapons, they assailed and killed each other with their horses' bridles. Their successors, Yngve and Alf, the sons of Alrek, shared a similar fate, killing each other in the royal hall by the high-seat. After them Hugleik, the son of Alf, became king of the Swedes. On the Fyrisvols, the plains by the river Fyris in Upland, Hugleik was killed in battle against a famous sea-king Hake, who subdued the country and became king of Svithiod. The saga mentions that this Hake was a brother of Hagbard, whose love for the king's daughter, Signe, cost him his life. This love story is one of the most famous in the North and much spoken of in saga and song. The spot where Hagbard was hanged in a tree is still pointed out. When Hake had ruled as king for three years, Jorund and Eric, the sons of Yngve, returned with warships and warriors. They had grown up and become famous by conquering the king Gudlaug, of the Haleygians in Norway, whom they had met in Denmark. HISTORY OF SWEDEN 37 Now they met King Hake and his army at the Fyrisvols. In the battle, Eric was killed and Jorund fled to his ship. But King Hake was himself so grievously wounded that he ordered a warship to be loaded with his dead men and their weapons, and himself to be placed upon it. The sails were hoisted and the ship set on fire, and out it flew, with the dying king on board, between the skerries to the sea. Jorund now became king in Upsala. When he was one summer marauding in Jutland, he met a son of King Gud- laug, in the battle with whom he was overpowered, cap- tured and hanged. King Aune or Ane was the son of Jorund. He was a wise man who made great sacrifices to the gods. Being no warrior he lived quietly at home. Twice he fled from Upsala, on account of Danish invasions, remaining in West Gothland twenty-five years each time, and holding sway at Upsala for an equally long time between his periods of exile. He lived to become 110 years of age. The secret of his longevity was that he sacrificed one of his sons to Odin every tenth year, and was granted in return a decade of prolonged life. "When about to sacrifice his tenth son, the people interfered, and he died from old age. The last ten years of his life he was very feeble, drinking out of a horn like an infant. He was buried in a mound at Upsala. King Egil was the son of Ane, and, like his father, no warrior. Under his reign and that of his son, king Ottar, Sweden suffered a good deal of trouble from Denmark. The Danish kiag Frode had helped Egil against the re- volt of one of his subjects, and demanded from his son a scat, or tribute, in return. Ottar fell in battle against the jarls of Frode. Both he and his son Audils, who ruled .A. Svithiod after him, are mentioned in Beowulf as Ohthere 38 HISTORY OF SWEDEN and his son Eadgils of the royal Swedish line of the Scyl- fingas (Skilfings). This fact gives to Swedish history its first reliable date. The Danish king Hugleik, a contem- porary of King Ottar, died in 515 a.d., which renders with a certainty Ottar's reign as falling in the first part of the sixth century. Audils ruled for a long time and often went on viking expeditions to Saxonland, Denmark and Norway. In Saxonland, Audils captured the household of King Geir- thiof, among whom was a remarkably beautiful girl, called Yrsa. The king married her, but she was afterward taken to Denmark by King Helge of Leire after a successful plun- dering expedition in Svithiod. Helge had a son by her, Rolf Krake, but Yrsa returned to her first husband, after being told by Queen Alof, the wife of Geirthiof, that Helge was her father and Alof her mother. When Rolf Krake later became king his men once helped King Audils in one of his expeditions in Norway. King Rolf's men did not receive the compensation promised them, and Rolf came to Upsala to demand it for them. King Rolf was warned by his mother Yrsa that Audils was not well disposed, and he and his men made in haste for their ships. King Audils and his men started out in their pursuit. Then Rolf took a horn filled with gold, a recent gift of his mother, emptying its contents on the plain. Audils and his men stopped to pick up the gold, and Rolf thus made his escape. Rolf Krake is one of the most famous of Danish heroes. In the poetic language of the Old Northern literature, gold is often called "the seed of the Fyrisvols" or "Rolf Krake's seed." As King Audils once rode around the hall at a sacrifice his horse stumbled and fell, and the king was killed. Eystein, the son of Audils, ruled after him and was succeeded by his son Yngvar. Eystein was never able to HISTORY OF SWEDEN 39 defend his people against the Danes, while Yngvar was a successful warrior, both at home and abroad. But one summer when he was fighting in Esthonia he was killed by the Esthonians. He was buried in a mound close to the seashore. Anund was Yngvar 's son and successor. He went to Esthonia to avenge his father, ravaging the country and returning with great booty. In his time there were fruitful seasons in Svithiod. On this account, and because he made many roads, cleared the woods and cultivated the new land, he became one of the most popular of early Swedish kings. He was called Broet-Anund, viz., Anund Roadmaker. Ingiald, the son of Anund, became king in Upsala after his father. He was the most remarkable of all the Yng- lings (Skilfings), for, through violence and cunning, he united all the communities of Sweden into one realm. When his father died, the king at Upsala was certainly the supremely powerful ruler in Svithiod, but not the only one, for there were many district-kings who were to a great extent independent. There were not only kings in East Gothland, Soedermanland, and Nerike, but in Upland there were, besides the Upsala king, also kings in each of the three "lands" into which this province was formerly divided; viz., Tiundaland, Attundaland, and Fiedrunda- land. Ingiald ordered a great feast to celebrate the fact that he had come to the throne after his father, and invited seven other kings, all of whom were present, except Gran- mar, king of Soedermanland. When the Brage-bowl, on which promises were made, was carried in, King Ingiald made a solemn vow to enlarge his dominions by one-half, toward all the four corners of the world, or die. In the evening Ingiald set fire to the hall, and all the six royal 40 HISTORY OF SWEDEN guests perished with their followers. Ingiald took posses- sion of all the dominions belonging to the unfortunate kings. In the next year he surrounded the hall in which King Granmar found himself at the time, killing him and taking his land in possession. "It was a com- mon saying," Snorre tells us, "that King Ingiald had killed twelve kings and deceived them all under pretence of peace ; therefore he was called Ingiald Illrade (the evil-adviser)." His daughter, Asa, was of the same disposition as her father. She was married to Gudrod, king of Scania, but had to flee from the land after having caused the death of her husband and his brother. When it was learned that King Ivar, nephew of Gudrod, had entered Svithiod with an army, Asa counselled her father to set fire to the hall of the king after his men were drunk and asleep. Thus perished Ingiald Illrade with his daughter, very much in the same fashion in which he had killed so many of the petty kings. For the centuries following upon Ingiald's death, Snorre has a very short, or almost no account to give about Sweden and her rulers. What can be gathered from other sources, principally from late Icelandic sagas, is not trustworthy, mythical and fictitious elements being discernible. After Ingiald, Ivar Vidfamne (the Far-stretching) is said to have ruled Sweden, "also Denmark, Saxonland, all of Austria and one-fifth of England." One account has it that Ivar was the head of a new dynasty in Sweden. As he was originally king of Scania, perhaps these were the real Ynglings. Another source claims for the suc- ceeding Swedish kings descent from the old race of the Ynglings (viz., the Skilfings). Ingiald's son Olof, accord- ing to Snorre, fled to the woods of Vermland, until then HISTORY OF SWEDEN 41 uninhabited, and later came to Norway. But it is a mis- understanding of Thiodulf's lines which causes Snorre to say that King Olof was buried close by the Lake Venar, in Vermland. The province of Vermland was inhabited much earlier than in Olof's time, and the Olof who be- came the founder of a Norwegian dynasty was probably a Danish prince. Harald Hildetand of Denmark is said to have succeeded Ivar, and to have ruled over as much territory as his moth- er's father. Several sources speak of King Harald and the battle of Bravols, in which his life was ended and which battle generally is taken as a historic milestone, marking the opening of the Viking Age. It was fought somewhere about the year 740. King Harald had become old and almost blind. In Svithiod and West Gothland, the kings Sigurd and Ring (by the sagas made into one hero by the name "Sigurd Ring") ruled under Harald, while he reigned himself over Denmark and East Gothland. The relations were good at first, but their aspect soon changed. After great preparations on either side, Ring met Harald on the plains of Bravik in East Gothland. The battle was a long and bloody one and the most renowned in song and saga. King Harald, too old to take an active part, mounted a chariot, which carried him into the midst of the fight. When King Ring at last saw the chariot empty, he under- stood that the aged king had fallen and gave the sign that the battle should come to an end. King Ring caused the remains of his fallen foe to be burned with great pomp and ceremony on a pile with his horse, weapons and many a costly treasure of gold and silver. King Ring was said to have been ruler of Sweden and Denmark after King Harald. The sagas mention the hero, Ragnar Lodbrok, as his son 42 HISTORY OF SWEDEN and successor. While this great viking and sea-king ap- pears to have been a historic personage in the earlier half of the ninth century, it is impossible that he could have been identical with King Ring's son Bagnar, or that he or his sons ever were kings in Upsala or Sweden. With the first attempts to introduce Christianity into Sweden (of which more later) a more definite knowledge of Swedish rulers and conditions is gained. When Ansgar, the apostle of Sweden, visited the country for the first time, about 830, the ruling king was Bioern. Shortly afterward King Anund is mentioned. He fled from his land, but was reinstated with the help of the Danes. King Olof was on the throne at the time of Ansgar's second visit to Sweden, about 850. These kings must have been of the same family as those who held the throne up to the middle of the eleventh century, for their names all occur again in the line of later Swedish kings, the reigns of whom fall in the broad light of history. We have seen how Ingiald Illrade joined the various communities into one single realm. Although there is doubt whether this realm from the start embraced all Sweden, there is no historical evidence or any reliable traditions whatever to show that Sweden was ever divided into smaller kingdoms after the death of King Ingiald. When Ansgar reaches Sweden he travels through half of the coun- try in order to reach the commercial centre of Birka, where the king of Sweden is dwelling. No other king, great or petty, is spoken of, while the contemporary Icelanders mention jarls (earls) in Gothaland, which proves that the once independent kings in that district were made away with. Of particular importance is the account of a journey HISTORY OF SWEDEN 43 which a certain Wulfstan made to the North, at the close of the ninth century. This account is given in an Old En- glish translation of Orosii Historia, credited to King Alfred of England. Thus it runs: "Wulfstan said that he went from Schleswig to Truso in seven days, that the ship was all the way running under sail. Wendland was on his right, but Langeland, Lolland, Falster and Scania on his left, and all these lands belong to Denmark, and then Bornholm was on our left, which has a king of its own. Then after Born- holm, the lands of Bleking, Moere, (Eland, and Gotland, were first on our left, and these lands belong to Sweden." Wulf stan's account, besides furnishing evidence to prove the political consolidation of Sweden, also gives a good idea of the size of the country in this period. The once inde- pendent province of Scania, which had kings of its own, already belongs to Denmark. So does also the province of Halland, while Bohuslaen belongs to Norway. Dal and Vermland are contested provinces between the kings of Sweden and Norway, while great parts of Norrland are yet uninhabited, except by Laps, who ramble from one place to another, without a fixed dwelling place. In King Alfred's Orosius, Danish Jutland and Swedish Gautland (Gothaland) are alike called Gotland, which recalls the supposition of the majority of modern scholars that Gotland was in the earliest times the common Teutonic name of the North, and Goths the common name of its Teutonic inhabitants. CHAPTER III The Viking Age — Ansgar, the Apostle of Sweden \ N the North there is a great ocean, and in this ocean there is a large island called Scandza, out of whose loins our race burst forth like a swarm of bees and spread over Europe." These were the words the Gothic historian Jordanes put on parchment, inspired by the pop- ular traditions of a Teutonic migration from the North. Historic evidence is lacking to prove or disprove the truth of these words. But they may be applied to the phenom- enon which has given its name to the Viking Age. The Viking expeditions seem to stand in connection with the great Teutonic migrations, at least to be related to them in nature. The Teutons of the North were not di- rectly affected by the migrations, but at the close of the eighth century the same restlessness and desire of expan- sion appear to have taken possession of the Northmen as in earlier times of their relatives in more southerly lands. And it was a timely move, for the energy and strength with which these had in their time suffused Europe were dying out. Europe was in need of new blood and iron to wake her from her anaemia and to build up new institu- tions. The North was freed from a turbulent and lawless element and was brought in closer contact than ever before (44) HISTORY OF SWEDEN 45 with the learning and culture of the world. For centuries the Northmen had through their southern kinsmen been in contact with continental culture. But now they came out to see for themselves, to make themselves a place in a wider and richer world, or to bring home from there what they most desired of beauty, riches and culture. They were not delicate as to means. Violence was with them as natural as their freedom of individuality was in- dispensable. Yet they were to play a most important part in the cultural development of Europe, furnishing her with institutions of imperishable iron and changing the dark- ness of the Middle Ages into an era of chivalry in spirit and in deeds. The Viking expeditions were always undertaken by free men, and were in the North, from remotest times, consid- ered not only an honest but an honorable occupation. Slaves and freed men were excluded. The leaders — often kings or their sons — were always men of noble descent or of importance. As the Viking expeditions took on larger proportions, they became more and more organized; from random expeditions, undertaken by individuals, they de- veloped into national undertakings, led by the king or his chieftains, not for a pastime, but in completion of a national policy. On account of this latest aspect, it is but just to divide the field in which the Northmen were active accord- ing to their respective nationalities. With such a division applied, the Viking expeditions to the West, to Britain, France, Portugal and Spain do not pertain to Swedish history, for they were planned and undertaken principally by Danes and Norwegians. It is true that there were many Swedish participants also in these expeditions, as the sagas and the memorial stones on Swedish soil tell us; also true 46 HISTORY OF SWEDEN that some of the later Swedish provinces, like Bohuslsen 1 and Scania, sent out their large contingents of Vikings and sea-kings to the West, and that one of the oldest Swedish homes of culture, "West Gothland, had an appropriate channel to the West, by way of the mighty Gotha River, through which without doubt many a Viking expedition was sent; yet the leaders were in a majority of cases Dan- ish or Norwegian chieftains. For similar reasons the Vi- king expeditions to the East belong by right to Swedish history. In them the participants and chieftains were Swedes, to an overwhelming majority, and, from time immemorial, Swedish districts from which the expeditions were started. To Russia the Swedes first went on marauding expedi- tions; but after the countries of the North had been shaped into three large monarchies, they came to Russia upon special invitation, in order to found there a realm of strong and consistent government. This becomes evident from the testimony of the Russian historian Nestor, a monk in Kief, who lived in the latter part of the eleventh century. About the founding of the Russian empire by the Swedes he has the following remarkable statements: "In the year 6367 (after the creation of the world, which is the 859th after the birth of Christ) the Variagi (or Varan- gians) came across the sea, taking tribute from the Tchud and the Slavs," etc.— "In the year 6370 (862 a.d.) they chased the Variagi back across the sea, giving them no tribute and commencing to govern themselves, but it turned out badly with legal affairs, tribe rose against tribe, caus- 1 The ancient name of this province, Viken, probably is the key to the disputed etymology of the word Viking. HISTORY OF SWEDEN 47 ing strife, and a rebellion was started. Then they said between themselves: 'Let us seek a p/ince who will gov- ern us and reason with us justly!' And they went across the sea to the Variagi, to the Russians, for thus were the Variagi called, just as others were called Sviar, others Nur- manni, others Anglii, and others Goths. And the Tchudi (the Slavs of Novgorod), the Slavs, the Krivitchi and the Vessi said to the Russians, 'Our land is great and fruitful, but it lacks order and justice; come and take possession, and govern us!' And three brothers with their followers were selected, and they took the whole of Rus with them and came. And the oldest, Rurik, took his abode in Novgo- rod, the second, Sineus, his in Bielo-Jesero, and the third, his in Isborsk; his name was Truvor. After two years Sineus and his brother Truvor died. Rurik then took the whole power into his hands and gave towns over to his men, giving to one Polotsk, to another Rostof, and to a third Bielo-Jesero. And into these towns the Variagi have migrated; the earlier inhabitants in Novgorod were Slavs, in Polotsk, Krivitchi, in Rostof, Meri, and in Bielo-Jesero, Vessi.' ' That the Variagi were of Swedish descent, and that it was they who gave the name of Russia to the Slav coun- tries, is proved beyond the possibility of a doubt. A most weighty argument is the large number of Swedish names in the list of Variag princes who reigned in Russia. It would not have been possible for Nestor to devise the more than one hundred leading names of Swedish origin which occur in his chronicle. Furthermore, it has been shown that there are fifteen Swedish loanwords in Russian. This is very much. Great and powerful nations have left behind a good deal less in modern languages, the Vandals three 48 HISTORY OF SWEDEN words, the Burgundians four or five, the Herulians one. Although the Swedes in Russia had no literature in their ancestral language, they have left behind more words than the majority of Teutonic tribes founding states and na- tions. The Old Swedish equivalents to some of the most important proper names which meet us in early Rus- sian history are as follows : Rurik==Hrcerekr, Sineus=Sign- jotr, Truvor=Tryggve, 01eg=Helge, 01ga=Helga, Igor= Inge, Ingvar. For two hundred years after Rurik, all the leading men in Russian history carry Swedish names, and all the czars of Russia were the descendants of Rurik, up to the year 1598. The emperor and historian Constantine Porphyro- genitus, speaking of Russia, makes the distinction between the Slavs and the Russians proper. In his description of the cataracts of the Dniepr, he gives to each the Russian and the Slav name, and these Russian names are nearly all understood by reference to old Swedish roots. Exam- ples are Gellandri (Gellandi)=the Noisy, Eyforr=the Al- ways Turbulent. Luitprand, the Italian chronicler, speak- ing of the Russians, says: "The Greeks call them Russians, we call them properly Northmen." The annals of St. Bertinus tell how Emperor Theophilus recommended some Russian envoys to Louis le Debonnaire, but how he, taking them for Norman spies, threw them into prison. The first Russian Code of Laws, compiled by laroslaf, presents a striking analogy to the Old Swedish laws. The Slavs must have originally borrowed the name Rus- sian from the Finns, who, up to the present day, call the Swedes Ruotsi. The name is in Sweden connected with a part of the coast of Upland still called Roslagen. The etymology of the name is Old Swedish rodr (rudder) HISTORY OF SWEDEN 49 and rodsmenn (oarsmen). Roslagen means " associations of oarsmen. " The district is famous for its large pecul- iar rowboats. By the term Russians, the Slavs originally- meant people from Roslagen, later Sweden in general. But when these Russians had become the founders of a new empire, south of the Baltic, it became necessary to devise a new name for the inhabitants of Sweden. This name was found in Variagi. Only the Swedes seeking employ- ment as sworn warriors in the service of the new Russian dynasty, or in the body-guard of the Byzantine emperors, were originally thus called. But when the name of the new nation of Swedes and Slavs became Russians, the Swedes, and the Scandinavians in general, became known as Variagi. The etymology of the word has been given as the Old Swedish vdr (sacramentum) and vceringar (sac- rament arii, soldiers bound by oath). The same name ap- plied to Swedes, or Northmen, occurs frequently in slightly altered forms in Greek and Arabic manuscripts. While Rurik and his brothers were building towns, which probably means the fortifying of ancient villages, two other Variagi, Askold and Dir, who were not of the family of Rurik, went down to Kief, and reigned over the Poliane. It was they who began the expeditions against Byzantium in 865. In speaking of this, Nestor calls the Bosphorus Sud, an Old Swedish word meaning a sound. The Bosphorus is also called Sud on a Swedish memorial stone over a man who was killed in a similar expedition. Oleg, the fourth brother of Rurik, was his successor, his son Igor being yet a minor. He was an energetic man and a great administrator. Smolensk, Lubetch and Kief were captured, and Askold and Dir put to death. Between the years 879-912, Oleg xx 3 50 HISTORY OF SWEDEN organized the Russian empire. For the sake of commerce, he tried to preserve peace with the Greeks, but when diffi- culties arose he called in new armies from Sweden and great expeditions started against Byzantium. But these Variagi were an unruly element, and, in order to satisfy their desire for war and booty, the Russian rulers always let a plundering expedition to the Caspian Sea follow every unsuccessful attack upon Byzantium; also when war with the Greeks was avoided through decrees of peace, expedi- tions to the Caspian Sea took place. These expeditions against the Arabs, who inhabited the coasts of the Caspian Sea, were neither in any marked degree successful. Masudi is the first author among the Arabs who mentions the expeditions of the Swedes. They came down the river Volga in their ships. The Arabs describe the "Rus" as blond and "tall as palm-trees." The burial of a Rus is described by Ibn Fosslan, who vis- ited Bulgaria in 921. "The hero was burned in a ship with weapons, horses, dogs and a woman." In 965, the Israelite, Ibrahim Ibn Jakub, made a journey to Germany. He tells that the Arabs in his day with Rus (Russians) meant partly the Swedes of Sweden, "who often came in ships from the West to plunder," partly the Swedes settled in Russia, ' ' who speak the language of the Slavs, on account of admixture with them." It was the destiny of the Swedes in Russia to exchange their language for that of the Slavs and finally to absorb Slav customs. Such might not have been the case if they had been greater in numbers, or if their coming had been deferred to a later, Christian period, when to a strong form of government would have been added a strong Church organization. Yet their influence was greater than that HISTORY OF SWEDEN 51 of the Vikings in any other country, for the Russian empire was entirely a Northern creation. To follow further the Rurik dynasty would lead us away from Swedish into Russian history. But let us mention that Oleg was succeeded by Rurik's son Igor, who also was a great war-lord, and undertook the third expedition of Russians and Variagi against Byzantium. His widow was the celebrated Olga, who was converted to Christianity and afterward canonized. She reigned during the minority of her son Sviatoslaf, whose conversion she was never able to effect. Sviatoslaf's son and grandson, Saint Vladimir and Jaroslaf the Great, were the Clovis and the Charle- magne of Russia. After the conquest of Kief, Oleg commanded a tribute to be paid to the Variagi "for the preservation of peace." This tribute to the Swedes was paid up to the death of Jaroslaf, who in 1019 gave assurance to the king of Upsala that it should be paid regularly, Vladimir having neglected to do so. This tribute could be nothing else than a scat paid to the king of Sweden by the rulers of Russia during the ninth and tenth centuries. Sweden possessed in those days a large territory south of the Baltic, which paid scat to the king of Upsala. It was called Austria (Austerike), and reference to it under this name is often made in sagas, chronicles and inscriptions. Ynglinga Saga gives incidents of close Swedish connections to Finland and the Baltic prov- inces, and archaeological finds point to Swedish settlements in Finland, already in the prehistoric period. Memories of conquests are preserved in statements by the Icelanders and by Saxo, the Danish historian, about the Austria of which the Swedish kings Ivar Vidfamne, Harald Hilde- tand, "Sigurd" Ring and Ragnar "Lodbrok" were rulers. 52 HISTORY OF SWEDEN Closest to an exact statement comes Snorre, who says that King Eric Edmundson of Sweden ruled over Finland, Ca- relia, Esthonia, Courland and "wide over all Austria." These countries belonged to Sweden until King Olof Skcet- konung "let all his scatlands get away from him." The chronicler Rimbert says that Courland, by which he means the Baltic provinces, in 850 belonged to Sweden. Shortly after this date fall, according to Nestor, those of the first Swedish contact with interior Russia (859) and of the found- ing of the Russian empire by Rurik (862). The Swedish dominion in the Baltic provinces, as well as the early Rus- sian empire, must consequently have held a position similar to the one of Norrnandie to France and England. The old Swedish name for Russia was Gardarike, for Novgorod Holmgard and for Byzantium Miklagard, which mean "Country of towns," "Island town," and "Great town," respectively. Vladimir of Russia, in 980, sent a number of Yariagi to the emperor. But already the emperors had prob- ably surrounded themselves with a small standing army of Yariagi or Barangoi, as they were called by the Greeks. They were treated with a good deal of respect and consid- eration, and in the North it was considered a distinction to have served in Miklagard, which even the sons of kings eagerly sought for. Soon not only Swedes, but also Nor- wegians, Danes and Icelanders were attracted, and Ice- landic sources have a good many, in part wildly exag- gerated, accounts of the Yariagi and their experiences in Miklagard. The Northmen were relied upon to support the tottering empire, and were despatched to the points where the hardest combats were fought. They had officers of their own nationality, and the strictest discipline was maintained. HISTORY OF SWEDEN 53 About the year 1050 a detachment of Variagi were accepted into the body-guard of the emperor, surrounding his person on all great occasions and in public ; also keeping watch over the imperial palace. When the emperor died, they had, according to Snorre, the privilege of passing through his treasury, each taking along all he could carry off. Another privilege of theirs was that they were allowed to keep their heathen faith in the midst of the Christian surroundings. Many and various as the reasons for the Viking expedi- tions must have been, the principal cause that led to their abolition was the contact with Christianity abroad, and the introduction of its teaching in the heathen North. The first missionaries to Sweden were sent by Louis the Pious, but Christianity was not entirely unknown before their arrival. For centuries, the Swedes had through commercial expedi- tions stood in direct or indirect contact with the Christian world, and this had brought home some knowledge of "the white Christ" and his gospel of peace. Many Northmen had been baptized while dwelling in foreign lands, and many must the Christian thralls have been who contin- ually were brought into the country. The influence thes® elements exerted probably could be traced to the ennobliug and developing of heathen myths, rather than to direct Christian conversions. And a similar influence of Roman and Greek myths, without doubt, exerted upon the North in earlier historic times. Ansgar, a learned and pious monk from the convent of Corvey, became the apostle of Sweden. He had spent two years in Denmark as a missionary when called upon by Emperor Louis to visit Sweden. Louis the Pious had re- ceived the assurance by Swedish emissaries that the new faith would not meet with any obstacle, and that many 54 HISTORY OF SWEDEN were willing to embrace it. Ansgar started in the year of 830, accompanied by Witmar, also of the Corvey convent. They were well received by King Bioern, and were able to comfort many Christians in Swedish captivity, besides con- verting some of the inhabitants. Among the converts was the powerful Jarl Herger, who for a long period was the chief supporter of Christianity in Sweden. After about a year and a half, Ansgar and Witmar returned to the em- peror, who, satisfied with the result of their mission, erected a special archbishopric in Hamburg for the spiritual needs of the North. Ansgar was made the archbishop and, with Ebo, archbishop of Rheims, apostolic legate among Swedes, Danes and Slavs. At the same time, Gauzbert was made the first bishop of Sweden under the name of Simon. He went to Sweden and was well received by its king and peo- ple. But a revolt against the new faith soon rose among the heathens, not issuing from the king but from the people. Gauzbert was captured and with contumely escorted out of the country, while his relative, Mthard, was killed, thus becoming the first Christian martyr in Sweden. For seven years the country was without a preacher of the Gospel, until Ansgar sent thither a new missionary, Ardgar, who stayed there preaching until the death of Herger. In the meantime Vikings had destroyed Hamburg, and not before its bishopric had been united to that of Bremen was Ansgar in a position to visit Sweden for a second time. This he effected early in the fifties of the ninth century, coming this time as a kind of ambassador from the kings of Denmark and Germany to give more importance to his mission. The heathen partisans, who recently had accepted the departed King Eric among the gods, resented, and the reigning king, Olof, dared not grant Ansgar the right to preach. The dif- HISTORY OF SWEDEN 55 ficulty was solved through the ancient custom of throwing dice. Ansgar was successful in the proceedings, and his cause was then brought before the Thing (or Assembly) for deliberation. The people decided that permission should be granted to preach the Gospel, principally on the grounds set forth by an old man who rose to remind the Thing that the new God had already helped a good many, and that it was a good thing to have him to fall back on when the old gods failed. After having built churches and baptized a great number, Ansgar returned home, leaving behind Erimbert, a relative of Gauzbert's. Archbishop Rimbert was Ansgar's successor, himself visiting Sweden. After his death, the archbishops of the North seem to have ceased taking interest in Swedish missions. The little church, left to itself, soon succumbed. When at last one of the archbishops, Unne, woke up to the necessity of visit- ing Sweden, he found that the Gospel was forgotten. He was himself surprised by death while in Sweden, and buried in the town of Birka, in 936. Numerous graves of the earlier Christians in Sweden have been found on the site of the old commercial centre of Birka in the island Bioerkoe, in the Lake Mselar, unburned bodies in wooden coffins, and the graves without mounds. King Eric Edmundson was a contemporary of Rimbert. He was engaged in building up a Swedish dominion in Fin- land and on the southern shores of the Baltic. With King Herald Fairhair of Norway he was disputing the suprem- acy over the province of Vermland. He was succeeded by his son Bicern, who is said to have reigned for fifty years. Olof and Eric, Bicern's two sons, succeeded him, the former dying suddenly at a banquet. His young son, Styrbicern Starke (the Strong), one of the most famous of Swedish 56 HISTORY OF SWEDEN heroes, demanded his share of the kingdom when only twelve years old. When King Eric told him he was yet too young, Styrbicern two springs in succession installed himself on the mound of his father, by so doing making claim upon his inheritance, according to old usage. But when he came to the Thing to demand his share in the gov- ernment he was chased away with stone-throwing. King Eric gave him sixty ships with men and weapons to try his luck in Viking expeditions. Styrbicern won great fame during several years of continual warfare in the Baltic, capturing the mighty Jomsborg, a celebrated Viking nest in the island of "Wollin, later turning his weapons upon Denmark, where he made the Danish king Harald Gormson Bluetooth a prisoner. He now felt strong enough to attack his uncle, King Eric. Harald Bluetooth was to help him, but failed to do so. Styrbicern sailed with a fleet to Swe- den; after having landed he burned his ships to make a return impossible. King Eric met him at the Fyrisvols and fought a battle which was said to have lasted for three days. Styrbicern fell, and with him the larger part of his army. His uncle, the king, was after this called Eric Segerscell (the Victorious). After the battle the king ascended a high mound, promising a great compensation to the one who could compose a song in praise of the victory. The Icelander Thorvald Hialte, who never previously or afterward appeared as a scald, came forth and recited two strophes which are preserved to our day, receiving a costly armlet of gold as reward. This battle — next to the one at Bravols, the most famous in the heathen North— was fought in 988. King Eric invaded Denmark and took possession of the country, making the son of Harald Bluetooth an exile, to HISTORY OF SWEDEN 57 which facts Saxo, the Danish historian, testifies. In Den- mark Eric was baptized, the first Swedish king about whom this is said. But upon his return to Sweden he also returned to the old gods. Eric Segerssell was king of Sweden and Denmark until his death, which occurred in 994. His first consort, Sigrid Storrada (the Proud), from whom he later separated, played quite an important part in the history of her time. After the death of Eric, she married the exiled Svend Tjufvusksegg (their son being Canute the Great), who through this matrimony came to the throne of Denmark. Olof Skoetkonung, the son of Eric and Sigrid, succeeded his father. His surname is supposed to mean "the lap king," but he was no longer a minor at the death of King Eric. King Olof was not a powerful or energetic ruler, like the father. He let go, one after the other, the lands of his crown. Denmark regained its independence, and he lost also the scat-paying dominions south of the Baltic. Shortly after Olof ascended the throne, the Norwegian king, Olaf Tryggvason, had demanded Sigrid Storrada in marriage and obtained her consent. But when King Olaf asked her to become a Christian, she refused to change faith, where- upon he insulted her. Sigrid told him that this should cause his death. Two years later, when Sigrid was the wife of King Svend of Denmark, she prevailed upon her son and her husband to join hands in assailing Olaf Trygg- vason, who was expected back from an expedition to the lands of the Vends. The compact was made, and the Norwegian jarls, Eric and Svein, entered it. These all collected an immense fleet, which assailed the unsuspecting Olaf at Svolder, close by the coast of Pomerania. The Norwegian king lost the day and his life. This famous 58 HISTORY OF SWEDEN battle was fought in 1000, the kings of Sweden and Den- mark also taking a personal part in it. Norway was divided between the victors. The Swedish king received as his share the districts of Drontheim and Bohuslsen. These he granted to Jctrl Svein, who was the betrothed of his sister Hoi mf rid. Fifteen years later they were recaptured by the Norwegian king. Olaf Tryggvason had been a devout Christian. His sister Ingeborg was married to Jarl Ragnvald of West Gothland, who was baptized and invited Christian mission- aries to Sweden. Through such influences King Olof Skcet- konung was at last converted and baptized by Sigfrid, a German missionary, at Husaby in West Gothland, in the year 1008. Sigfrid, who has been supposed to be of En- glish parentage and a bishop of York, evidently came from Germany. He preached for a long period in West Goth- land and Vserend, in the latter district once being attacked by heathen men, who killed three of his companions. King Olof himself saw to it that the murderers were punished, and Sigfrid continued his noble work without molestation. He was later worshipped as a saint. Among other mission- aries who were active in converting the various provinces may be mentioned the Anglo-Saxon St. David, the apostle of Westmanland, the Anglo-Saxon St. Eskil and the Swede St. Botvid, the apostles of Scedermanland, and the German Stenfi, or Simon, the apostle of Norrland. St. David was a contemporary of St. Sigfrid, while the others were a few generations younger. It was' first through influence from England and Denmark, during the reign of Canute the Great, that Swedish conversions became more widespread and general. King Olof 's conversion met with a great deal of opposi- HISTORY OF SWEDEN 59 tion, especially in Svealand, which longest remained hea- then. Upsala, with its temple, was the heathen strong- hold of the North, and there the king had always, as one of his principal duties, to preside over the great sacrifices. King Olof was forced to accept the decision of a Thing which granted him freedom to select some part of the king- dom wherein to build churches and perform the duties of the new cult, but which forbade him to use his influence toward the conversion of his subjects. For this reason Olof dwelt principally in the more and more christianized West Gothland, in the capital of which province, Skara, a bishop was installed. The name of the first bishop was Turgot. Only after more than two centuries of endeavor was the Christian Church firmly established in Sweden, in the middle of the eleventh century; but even at that time the great mass of the people were heathen in name. The heathen party was so strong that it could for a long time, and occasionally with success, keep up the battle against Christianity. It took yet another century before the com- plete victory of Christianity was an assured fact. The reasons for the slow progress of Christianity in Sweden were many, the principal one not being an opposi- tion to the Christian doctrines. The superstitious change easily from one cult to another. The sceptics do not believe more in one god than in another. Of heathen sceptics there were a great many in the North who believed in noth- ing else than their own strength. But it was the Christian morals which were so difficult for the Swedes to accept. Accustomed to great personal liberty, they could not en- dure the restraint which Christian morals placed upon the individual. The very spirit of Christianity, with its kind- liness and meekness, was not attractive to the Northman, tfO HISTORY OF SWEDEN who in his own mental and physical force found a tower of strength. The period of the first attempts at conver- sion was not well chosen. The whole North was inflamed by the Viking rage for war and plunder. Then followed a period of disinterestedness when the good seed was sown but the field neglected. Later the too arduous zeal of the priests called forth criticism and resistance from the Swedes, so tardy in making a decision and so careful in weighing reasons for and against. To this must be added the great prestige of the Upsala temple as the heathen arc of worship in the North, and the influence of the scalds and saga men of Iceland. Iceland was discovered in 870, and settled principally by Norsemen from the British Isles and from the western coast of Nor- way, but also to some extent by Swedes and Danes. Sud- den and brilliant was the rise of Icelandic culture, and Icelandic scalds overran the whole territory of the North. At the court of every king and jarl these were at home, sometimes in great numbers, and soon to the exclusion of the native poets. For their poetry, both as to contents and form, they were chiefly dependent upon the heathen myths and traditions, and the result of their popularity must have been a perfect heathen revival in those days of growing scepticism. Through intercourse with Christians in Britain, the Icelanders had borrowed many a noble trait, and their taste found admirers in the old North, where such influ- ence must have been felt through centuries of indirect con- tact with lands of classical or Christian culture. We are told of the great number of southern coins found in Swed- ish soil. Which travel further and faster, thoughts or coins, and which are the more impressionable? So although it would be unjust to deprive the Icelandic poetry, the im- HISTORY OF SWEDEN 61 pressive and grand Eddie songs and the more artificial court-poetry, of any of its beauty or originality, it is not right to ascribe all the culture, whose blossom it is, to Ice- land, or Iceland and Norway, to the exclusion of Sweden and Denmark, or the Teutonic world at large. Good epic poetry has been written all over Teutondom. In Sweden strophes in the very metre of the majority of Eddie poems have been found on tombstones. In the same manner with the contents of the Eddie poems. Granting important ex- ceptions, we think that the heathen myths have been the same in the East as in the extreme West. The very fact that Icelandic court-poetry was accepted and enjoyed by continental chieftains presupposes a thorough knowledge and mastery of the more popular poetry of Eddie songs of gods and heroes. Hence the revival of heathendom in the North, by which a king like Olof Skcetkonung for a long time was influ- enced, finding his chief delight in the association with poets and saga men. In Norway, Olaf Haraldson had ascended the throne, and he put an end to Swedish dominion in the Norwegian districts. This caused strife, and also considerable annoy- ance to the provinces touching the frontier. Popular feel- ing rose high in Sweden, when the demands for a peace guarantee with Norway were disregarded by King Olof. Jarl Ragnvald sided with the people, desiring a union be- tween the Norwegian king and King Olof's daughter In- gegerd. At a great Thing held in Upsala, in 1018, King Olof listened to Norwegian emissaries pleading for peace and a royal marriage. Jarl Ragnvald complained of the annoyance caused to his people of West Gothland. King Olof became indignant, but was, through the forcible yet 62 HISTORY OF SWEDEN dignified appeal for peace by Torgny, the lagman (justice) of Tiundaland, compelled to a promise of peace and a con- cession of marriage. But the king did not keep his prom- ises. A betrothal was arranged but soon annulled by Olof, and the Norwegian king was in vain expecting his prom- ised bride. At the instigation of Jarl Ragnvald, Olaf Haraldson married King Olof 's illegitimate daughter Astrid. As this was done without the consent of her father, Ragn- vald dared not remain in Sweden. He went to Gardarike (Russia), where he died shortly afterward, in 1019, his widow, the princess Ingegerd, in Novgorod becoming the wife of the Russian ruler Jaroslaf. In Sweden, trouble was brewing against the king, who had broken faith with his people, and in order to avoid open revolt King Olof was forced to divide his power with one of his sons, who, although yet a minor, was solemnly elected king. He had in baptism received the name of Jacob, which so displeased his heathen subjects that it was changed to Anund. King Olof also agreed to maintain peace with Norway, meeting his son-in-law at Konghaell, in Bohuslaen, in 1019, for a peace agreement. King Olof died two years later and was buried by the church of Husaby, where he was baptized. He was the first king who introduced coinage into Sweden. The earliest coins were made of silver by Anglo-Saxons settled in Sigtuma, and resemble closely Anglo-Saxon coins of the same period. After the death of his father King Anund ruled alone. He entered into an alliance with his brother-in-law of Nor- way against Canute, who now was king both of Denmark and England. During Canute's absence, Anund and Olaf invaded Denmark. In the subsequent strife between Olaf and Canute, Anund took no active part. King Olaf had HISTORY OF SWEDEN 63 to flee to Russia. Upon his return he gathered an army in. Sweden, with the help of Anund, and entered Norway through Jemtland. At Stiklastad he met the much superior Norwegian army, and lost his battle and his life, in 1030. After his death, the sentiment in Norway changed radi- cally, and he was worshipped as a saint throughout the North. Of Anund's reign little is known. Adam of Bremen, an ecclesiastic, whose history of the diocese of Hamburg and Bremen, during the period 788-1072, is one of the most important sources of Swedish history in heathen times, says of Anund: " Young in years, he excelled in wisdom and piety all his predecessors; no king was more beloved by the Swedish people than Anund.' ' The historian gives as his authority the Danish king Svend Estridsen, who as an exile stayed at Anund's court. Anund died in 1050 and was succeeded by his older half-brother Emuni^ surnamed the Old. He was the son of a freed woman, the daughter of a Vendish chief. For this reason he had been passed over at the first election. Emund was educated by his mother's relatives, was baptized, but was not much of a Christian. He was popular neither with the new Christian church nor with the people at large. Emund's unpopu- larity with the masses was caused by an agreement with Denmark in regard to the boundaries when he ceded the province of Bleking. Emund died in 1060. With him the old royal line became extinct. A new line comes to the throne of Sweden, where, with the general acceptance of Christianity, a new era commences. CHAPTER IV Early Christian Era — StenkiVs Line and Interchang- ing Dynasties THE sources of Swedish history during the first two centuries of the Middle Ages are very meagre. This is a deplorable fact, for during that period Sweden passed through a great and thorough develop- ment, the various stages of which consequently are not easily traced, Before th year of 1060 Sweden is an Old Teutonic state, certain / of later form and a larger compass than the earliest of such, but with its democracy and its elec- tive kingdom preserved. The older Sweden, such as it had existed at least since the days of Ingiald Illrade, was in regard to its constitution a rudimentary union of states. The realm had come into existence through the cunning and violence of the king of the Sviar, who made away with the kings of the respective lands, making their com- munities pay homage to him. No change in the interior affairs of the different lands was thereby effected; they lost their outward political independence, but remained mutually on terms of perfect equality. They were united only through the king, who was the only centre for the government of the union. No province had constitution- ally more importance than the rest, no supremacy by one (64) HISTORY OF SWEDEN 65 over the other existed. On this historic basis the Swedish realm was built, and rested firmly until the commence- ment of the Middle Ages. In the Old Swedish state- organism the various parts thus possessed a high degree of individual and pulsating life; the empire as a whole was also powerful, although the royal dignity was its only in- stitution. The king was the outward tie which bound the provinces together; besides him there was no power of state which embraced the whole realm. The affairs of state were decided upon by the king alone, as in regard to war, or he had to gather the opinion of the Thing in each province; any imperial representation did not exist and was entirely unknown, both in the modern sense and in the form of one provincial, or sectional, assembly deciding for all the others. The latter form is one of transition, the modern form the ripe fruit, both brought out by the his- toric development. In society there existed no classes. It was a democracy of free men, the slaves and freed men en- joying no rights. The first centuries of the Middle Ages were one continued process of regeneration, the Swedish people being carried into the European circle of cultural development and made a communicant of Christianity. With the commencement of the thirteenth century Sweden comes out of this process as a mediaeval state, in aspect entirely different to her past. The democratic equality among free men has turned into an aristocracy, with aris- tocratic institutions, the hereditary kingdom into an elec- tive, or, at least, into one close upon turning into an elective, kingdom, while the provincial particularism and independ- ence have given way to the constitution of a centralized, monopolistic state. No changes could be more funda- mental. 66 HISTORY OF SWEDEN For lack of sources the historians were, until quite re- cently, led to the belief that the change was due to one tribe in gaining the ascendency over another, the political supremacy changing from one part of the country to an- other. The epoch was called "The Struggle between Swedes and Goths,' ' "The Struggle about the election of kings between Swedes and Goths." Now it is generally admitted that the straggle was between principles, not be- tween tribes. The circumstances sometimes were such that one section or province opposed others, but these divisions never were identical or at all depended upon racial or tribal conditions. It was a struggle between heathendom and Christianity, democracy and aristocracy, provincial partic- ularism and centralized state unity. The old provincial laws of Sweden are a great and im- portant inheritance which this period has accumulated from heathen times. The laws were written down in the thir- teenth and fourteenth centuries, but they bear every evi- dence of high antiquity. Many strophes are found in them of the same metre as those on the tombstones of the Viking Age and those in which the songs of the Edda are chiefly written. In other instances the text consists of alliterative prose, which proves its earlier metrical form. The expres- sions have, in places, remained heathen, although used by Christians, who were ignorant of their true meaning, as, for instance, in the following formula of an oath, in the West Gothic law: "Sva se mer gud hull" (So help me the gods). The laws show a good many individual traits and differ- ences, but these are not of such a serious character as to give evidence of having been formulated by tribes of differ- ent origin. A remarkable exception is formed by the laws of matrimony and inheritance for the inhabitants of Veerend HISTORY OF SWEDEN 67 and Bleking, who, it will be remembered, are the descend- ants of the Herulian immigration in historic times. In lieu of a missing literature of sagas and poetry, these provincial laws give a good insight into the character, morals, customs and culture of the heathen and early Christian times of Sweden. From the point of philology they are also of great value, besides forming the solid basis of later Swedish law. How the laws could pass from one generation to another, without any codification, depends upon the facts that they were recited from memory by the justice (lagman or do- mare), and that this dignity generally was inherited, for centuries being carried by the descendants of one and the same family. Interesting is the appendix to the law of the island of Gothland, the Guta Saga, being the fragment of a history of the island and its first contact with Christianity through a visit by St. 01 af of Norway. The style is the same simple and serene one as in the Icelandic sagas ; while the Gutnic dialect, in which it is written, more closely resembles the Gothic of Bishop Wulfila in vowel sounds than the language of any other known dialect. Quite an important appendix is found in the older form of the West Gothic law, consist- ing of lines of the kings of Sweden, with short but highly valuable accounts of their reigns and characteristics. Btenkil was the name of King Emund's successor. He was a jarl and married to Emund's sister. The statement that he was born in West Gothland is not confirmed by the authorities. His father's name was Ragnvald, and it seems likely that this Ragnvald was identical with the jarl spoken of above, who died in Russia. Stenkil had close relations with Russia, for his son Inge was called in from that coun- try to succeed his father. If Jarl Ragnvald was StenkiPs 68 HISTORY OF SWEDEN father, this only made his selection as king more plausible, being then the half-brother of Isiaslaf of Russia and the brother-in-law of the reigning kings of Hungary, France and Norway. King Stenkil was a devout Christian, but of a sagacious disposition, careful not to offend his heathen subjects by any Christian propaganda. He was a giant in size, and although phlegmatic, an ardent sportsman. Adal- vard, exiled by Emund, returned and did active work as bishop of Skara, also converting the population of Verm- land. Even among the heathen of Svealand, Christianity got a foothold, Adalvard the Younger being established as bishop in Sigtuna, close by the pagan centre of Upsala. But when he, in conjunction with Egino, of the newly erected bishop's chair of Lund, schemed for the destruction of the heathen temple of Upsala, he was removed by the command of the king, who found that such a plan, if carried through, would prove disastrous to both Church and throne. During the short reign of Stenkil there was a conflict with Norway, an exiled Norwegian jarl having been granted possessions in Vermland. King Harald Hardrade invaded Gothaland, punishing this insult by a victory over the Swedes. No further complications ensued, perhaps on account of the close family relations of the two rulers. Stenkil died in 1066, leaving two sons, Halsten and Inge, both minors. During their minority two men, both named Eric, relatives of Stenkil and the old royal line, fought for supremacy, and both fell in the contest for the crown. Hakon of West Gothland took hold of the reins of state and kept them for thirteen years, until King Halsten became of age, Hakon himself dying. Halsten was a de- vout Christian like his father, but less sagacious, trying to force the new faith upon the heathen of Svealand. For HISTORY OF SWEDEN 69 this reason he was dethroned, and his brother Inge called in from Russia. Bat King Inge was a Christian enthusiast like his brother, and was subsequently driven away by the irate inhabitants of Svealand, who now called to the throne his brother-in-law Sven, surnamed Blot-Sven (Sven, the Sacrificer), of heathen faith. The royal brothers dwelt undisturbed among the Christians, but after three years King Inge, in old heathen style, surrounded and set fire to the domicile of Blot-Sven, who with all his household perished within. King Inge resumed his reign, likely very much in his old spirit, for two other pretenders, although less formidable, appeared: Olof Nceskonung (Nose-king) and a son of Sven, called Kol or Eric Arscell. Two papal documents are preserved from Inge's reign. They consist of letters from Gregory VII., making appeals for closer relations between the pope and the Swedish king. An invasion was made from Norway, whose king, Mag- nus Barfod, subdued the inhabitants of the province of Dal. King Magnus built a fortified place on the isl- and of Kollandsce in Lake Yenar, close to the shore of West Gothland, but it was captured by King Inge, who set its occupants free, but without their weapons. Two bat- tles were fought at Fuxerna, the Norwegians being victors in the first, the Swedes in the latter. Peace was effected at a meeting between the two kings at Kunghaell in the summer of 1101, when it was agreed that the frontiers should remain as they were before the war. King Eric Ejegod was also present at the meeting, where the betrothal between King Magnus and King Inge's daughter Margaret was agreed upon. On account of the original nature of the meeting the Swedish princess was surnamed Fredkulla (Peace- Maiden). 70 HISTORY OF SWEDEN In 1103 the bishopric of Lund was raised to the dignity of an archbishopric, yet not becoming perfectly independent of the archbishopric of Hamburg-Bremen. The archbishop of Lund received the title of Primas of Sweden, preserved long after Sweden had obtained its own archbishop. King Inge died in 1111, receiving, by the appendix to the West Gothic law, credit for " having ruled Sweden with manliness, without breaking the law which governed each province." About his brother Halsten, who died before him, the same source says: "He was sagacious and good- natured; the cases brought before him were bettered, and Sweden became worse through his death." At the time of Inge's death, Jemtland was persuaded to pay scat to the Norwegian king, but it remained in connection with the church of Sweden. Inge's son Ragnvald died before him, and Halsten's sons, Philip and Inge the Younger, ascended the throne. They were of a more peaceful disposition toward the heathen than their predecessors, Christianity making great progress during their reigns. Philip died in 1118, Inge following him in 1125; his death was said to have been caused by poison. The epitaph over the two runs thus: "Sweden fared well while they lived, ' ' in the terse language of the source quoted above. "With them the race of Stenkil became extinct in the male line. In 1123 the Norwegian king, Sigurd Jorsalafare, under- took a crusade to the eastern parts of Smaland, which were still heathen. "Crusades" of this kind were not uncommon during that period, and were hardly anything else than Viking expeditions in Christian disguise. Great confusion ensued through the extinction of Sten- kil's line. Ragnvald Knaphoefde, probably the son of Olof HISTORY OF SWEDEN 71 Nseskonung, was chosen king, but lost his life through the contemptuous neglect of an ancient custom. The newly elected king should always make a tour of the realm, re- ceiving homage and giving assurance of his good faith to the population of the various provinces. The provincial laws had stipulations as to the nature and number of the gisslan (hostages) to meet and escort him through each province. This tour, called Eriksgata, Ragnvald under- took without accepting hostages upon entering West Goth- land. He was killed at Karleby, in 1130, by the peasants, indignant at what they considered an insult to all the West Goths. These had, moreover, made another choice in Mag- nus Nilsson, the son of Margaret Fredkulla in her second marriage. Magnus never made claim to the Swedish throne, endeavoring to become king of Denmark, after his father, Nils Svendsen, but losing his life in the attempt. Sverker, who had married the widow of the younger Inge, was in 1133 chosen king by the East Goths, and the Up-Swedes (in the provinces north of Lake Mseiar), having no special choice of their own, also agreed on him. After the death of Magnus Nilsson, the West Goths joined by formally acknowledging King Sverker, who, born in East Gothland, has been supposed to be the son of Eric Arssell, without solid reasons. During Sverker 's reign ecclesiastical matters developed. The old bishoprics of Birka and Sigtuna were changed into that of (Old) Upsala, where the pagan temple seems to have been at last changed into a church. New bishoprics were created in Linkceping, Strengnses, Westeros and Vexio. The whole of Swedish Finland formed one diocese. The famous Bernard of Clairvaux was asked by King Sverker and his queen Ulf hild to send monks of his order, and several Cistercian convents were 78 HISTORY OF SWEDEN founded. The quiet and scholarly monks from France, no doubt, soon began to exert a beneficial influence of impor- tance, through the means of their superior culture. A papal legate, Nicolaus of Alba (later Pope Hadrian IV.), visited Sweden in 1152, meeting all the dignitaries of Church and State for a conference at Linkceping. The legate was will- ing to give to Sweden an archbishop, but the matter was postponed, since no agreement could be reached in regard to the archbishopric's seat. Measures for the establishment of the Church on a firmer basis and the payment of Peter's pence to Rome were agreed on. Sverker was a good and peaceful monarch, but seems with old age to have lost some of his authority. A war with Denmark was brought on through an escapade of his son John, who had carried away two Danish women of noble birth. He returned them, and was himself killed by the peasants at a Thing. Yet the Danish king, Svend Grade, had the excuse for an invasion and entered Smaland with an army in the winter of 1153-54. The brave inhabi- tants of Vserend gave him a hearty welcome, and he soon returned to Denmark. It is an old tradition that a woman by the name of Blenda was chiefly instrumental in this result. When the peasants feared to attack the superior enemy, she had a splendid meal spread for the foe. After the Danes had partaken heavily of its eatables and drink- ables, they were surprised and routed by their hitherto invisible hosts and hostesses. King Sverker, now called "the Old," was murdered by his valet while starting for the Christmas matins in 1155 or 1156. The murder was, without doubt, committed at the instigation of the Danish prince Magnus Henricsson, who on his mother's side was a great-grandson of Inge the HISTORY OF SWEDEN 73 Elder, and who in this manner made his first attempt to reach the throne of Sweden. Already, in 1150, the Up-Swedes had in Eric, the son of Jedvard, found a man in their opinion better suited to rule Sweden than Sverker the Old. His mother is said to haye been the daughter of Blot-Sven and the sister of Kol, while his father was "a good and rich yeoman. " Through a mis- take he was named Eric ZX., but is more commonly known as St. Eric. One source calls him "lawgiver," although nothing is definitely known of his activity in this direction. At the death of Sverker, his son Charles was certainly of age, but the growing fame of King Eric made it useless for him to force his right, and Eric was recognized as king of the whole realm. King Eric was a warm friend of the Christian propa- ganda in his own country, and by crusades spread the faith outside of its borders. It was only natural that Sweden should turn its attention to Finland, with which country it had stood in close relations since the remotest period, and where Swedish settlements in all times existed. Accom- panied by Bishop Henric of Upsala, King Eric sailed with a fleet to the southwestern part of Finland, or the province now called Finland Proper, where the inhabitants were forced to receive baptism. This crusade must have taken place late in the fifties of the twelfth century. Eric soon returned, but Bishop Henric remained with other priests to have Christianity firmly established. These efforts met with considerable difficulty, and Henric was murdered by one of his converts. He was later worshipped as the patron saint of Finland. The pious King Eric was attacked by the perfidious prince Magnus Henricsson at East Aros (the present or xx 4 74 HISTORY OF SWEDEN New Upsala), in 1160. It is said that Erie was attending mass at the Trinity Church, when he was told of the ap- proach of his enemy. He remained till the service was over, after which he went to meet his fate. He was overcome and slain by the superior force. His pious life and virtues and the miracles which were said to have been worked at his grave made him the patron saint of Sweden, although never canonized by the Church of Rome. His bones are preserved in a shrine of gilt silver behind the high altar in the cathedral of Upsala, and were in Catholic days objects of worship. Oaths were taken "by the power of God and Saint Eric the King," his banner was carried in war, and the city of Stockholm still has his image on its shield. Charles Sverkersson (Charles VII.) now made valid his claims, the whole people rising to support him against the usurper Magnus. In the following year Magnus was killed by the indignant people. During the reign of Charles some important novelties in Church and State were intro- duced. Sweden received, in 1164, her first archbishop in Stefan, a monk of Alvastra. The archbishop's seat was first Old Upsala. Instead of jarls in the various parts, there is from this time on a jarl for the whole kingdom at the side of the king, whom he assists in the government of the state, sometimes obtaining a power rivalling that of his master. The first jarl of the realm was Ulf, the second Gutorm. The rivalry noticeable between the different prov- inces, which all thought themselves called upon to select a new line to rule after StenkiPs, ceased at the death of Saint Eric. What follows is a rivalry of interchanging dynasties. Charles Sverkersson was, in April, 1167, sur- prised by a pretender to the throne, Knut Ericsson, who deprived him of crown and life, while his little son Sverker HISTORY OF SWEDEN 75 was saved and carried away to the queen's uncle, Valdemar the Great of Denmark. Knut Ericsson was the son of Saint Eric, and ruled Sweden for twenty-five years in peace. In his youth he had made one unsuccessful attempt to reach the throne, after which he fled to Norway. After the death of King Charles he had to fight two pretenders, Kol and Burislev, the latter said to have been a son of King Sverker. During this period the Baltic and its coasts were con- tinually disturbed by heathen sea-rovers from the southern shores. A fleet of this kind entered Lake Meelar in 1187 and destroyed by fire the town of Sigtuna, which, as a mercantile centre, had succeeded the earlier destroyed Birka. The second archbishop of Sweden, John, was killed by the invaders. The first preliminary plan for the fortification of the present site of Stockholm was probably then laid, in order to prevent further invasions, and a little town commenced to grow up. Conditions in Finland were not satisfactory. Invasions by Esthonians and Vends were frequent, while the Finns themselves were troublesome and little devoted to the new faith. Bishop Henric's successor was killed, but Sweden continued to send bishops during the next hundred years. The relations with foreign powers were peaceable, the first known treaty between Sweden and a German prince being entered into by King Knut and Duke Heinrich of Sax- ony and Bavaria, in regard to trade relations with Lubeck. King Knut died in the winter of 1195. He had four sons, but although he had selected one of them for his successor, "with general consent and through election by the foremost men in Sweden," Sverker the Younger, the son of King Charles, succeeded him. That this could take place with* 76 HISTORY OF SWEDEN out serious objection of Knut's sons can only be explained by the influence wielded by the Church and the nobles. The latter had already grown up to strength and impor- tance. Their leader was the mighty jarl, Birger Brosa, who had succeeded Gutorm. He was of the influential family of Folkungs, which, one of the first in the land, soon as- pired to the throne. Birger, himself married to a Norwe- gian princess, gave his own daughter Ingegerd in marriage to the new king, and remained in power. King Sverker sought the favor of the Church by sup- porting its claims. In a document of the year 1200, by which he donates some property to the church of Upsala, historians have seen the privileges extended to the Church as an independent power of state, whose members could be arraigned before an ecclesiastic forum only, and whose property was to be exempt from taxation. This is the spirit of the document; but the king had not, at that pe- riod, the right to grant such extensive privileges. King Sverker, and probably each of his successors, in turn, gave only an assurance of their sympathy with the Church policy, which was to its full extent an assured victory only toward the close of the thirteenth century. In 1202, Birger Brosa died, and with him the firm sup- port against the pretenders had fallen. The sons of Knut now made open revolt, leaving their places at Sverker's court. In 1205, Sverker gave battle to them at Elgaros, three of the brothers being killed and the fourth, Eric, fleeing to Norway. But a few years later he returned with an army, and Sverker found it safest to retire to Denmark, whence he returned with a splendid army, which King Valdemar II. Seier, had placed at his disposal. But this army was defeated at Lena, in West Gothland, in 1208, HISTORY OF SWEDEN 77 and Sverker returned to Denmark, now turning to the pope, Innocent III., who in vain threatened the pretender with his ban. Sverker entered Sweden with a new Danish army, but was killed at the battle of Gestilren, in West Gothland, in 1210. Eric Knutsson now came to undisturbed possession of the throne and thus remained until his death in April, 1216, his reign being short and uneventful. He was the first king of Sweden of whom it is known with certainty that he was anointed and crowned, thus placing himself under the protection of the Church. His queen, Kikissa, a sister of Yaldemar II., returned to Denmark after his death, there giving life to a son, who was named Eric, after his father. King Valdemar tried in vain to have this royal babe placed on the Swedish throne. John Sverkersson succeeded King Eric, being, on ac- count of his fifteen years of age, first surnamed the Young, later the Pious. By confirming and extending the rights of the Church which his father granted he won the favor of the ecclesiastics, and the attempts made by Yaldemar to have his consecration prohibited proved futile. Toward the end of his short reign (in 1220) King John undertook a crusade to Esthonia, where he left behind him his jarl, Charles, a brother of Birger Brosa, and Bishop Charles of Linkoeping, with a part of the army. These all perished in an onslaught made on them by the heathen in August of the same year, and the ravages by Esthonians continued as before. King John died in the island of Visingsce, in Lake Vetter, in 1222, like several of his predecessors, and was, like them, buried in the monastery of Alvastra. Eric Ericsson now became king of Sweden. The royal babe was then six years of age, a halting and lisping little 78 HISTORY OF SWEDEN creature. The Church took him under its protection, but there was no powerful man to take hold of the government during his minority. A pretender rose in the person of Knut the Tall, a great grandson of St. Eric, like the king himself. He defeated Eric's troops at Olustra, in 1229. Eric fled to Denmark, where he remained until the short and restless reign of Knut came to an end through his death, in 1232. Eric resumed the reins of government, with the Folkung, Jarl Ulf, at the helm. Pope Gregory IX., in 1230, gave commandment to the Swedish bishops to rouse the people to opposition against the ravages of the heathen in the Baltic provinces in the further parts of Finland. In 1237 he commands the Swedish bish- ops to have a crusade started against the heathen Tavasti in the interior of Finland. This crusade took place under the leadership of Birger Magnusson, who converted the barbarous Finns by the sword and erected a fort on the site of the later Tavastehus. Birger, according to Rus- sian testimony, tried to extend the dominion of Swedish supremacy as far as to the river Neva, but was repulsed by the Russians. Peace had reigned in Sweden for some time when new conflicts ensued. The peasants of Upland made an uprising in 1247, but were conquered at Sparrssetra and punished by heavier taxes. A pretender rose in the person of Holmger, the son of Knut the Tall. He was captured and beheaded in 1248. A papal legate, Bishop William of Sabina, visited Sweden and arranged, in 1248, an ecclesiastical meeting at Sken- ninge, effecting the final separation of Church and State, and establishing the former as an independent power at the side of the latter. Archbishops and bishops were now to be HISTORY OF SWEDEN 79 elected by the ecclesiastics and not by the king. Celibacy, previously not enforced in the Swedish church, was then introduced, meeting with a good deal of opposition ; for the ecclesiastical offices had already commenced getting heredi- tary, as had in earlier times the combined dignities of Asa priest and chieftain. Birger Magnusson had, shortly before the meeting of Skenninge, succeeded Ulf as jarl of the realm. This converter of the Tavasti was destined to play a most important part in Swedish history, shaping its des- tiny through the power of his iron will. He was the leader of the Folkung family and party, a nephew of Birger Brosa, and married to princess Ingeborg, a sister of the reigning king. Birger Jarl, as he is generally called, effected a satisfactory agreement with Norway at a meet- ing with Hakon in the summer of 1249, according to which the enemies of one realm should have no refuge, or support, in the other. Besides, it was agreed that the son of the Norwegian king should marry Rikissa, the daughter of Birger Jarl. King Eric died in 1250, at the age of thirty-four. He called himself Eric III., while in later times, when St. Eric was supposed to have been the ninth king of that name, he has been called Eric XI. He was said to have been peaceful, just and kind. CHAPTER V The Mediaeval *State — The Folkung Dynasty WITH Eric Ericsson the royal line of Saint Eric became extinct. The crown was, on account of his birthright, offered to Valdemar, the old- est son of Birger JarL He was crowned in Linkoeping in 1251. From this period on, a new historic source is found in the rhymed chronicles, of which Swedish litera- ture possesses several elaborate ones of more than 22,000 verses in all. Of these the Old, or Eric's, Chronicle, was written about 1320, and, like all the rest, anonymously. The verses are fine, the language pure and powerful; the portraits of historical personages are roughly drawn but interesting. Unfortunately these rhymed chronicles in general, and the Eric's Chronicle in particular, dwell rather on the description of impressive events of pomp and splen- dor than on historical facts; and the facts given are not always reliable. The Eric's Chronicle gives a brief review of events during the reigns of Eric and Valdemar; then for the events up to 1319 more fully. According to the Eric's Chronicle, Birger Jarl wished to succeed Eric, but had to step aside for his son, who was of royal descent through his mother, King Eric's sister. (80) HISTORY OF SWEDEN 81 But Birger Jarl remained the all-powerful, although un- crowned, ruler till his death. Many of the nobles were not satisfied with the election of Valdemar. They joined forces, gathering hired troops from Denmark and Germany. Birger met them at Her- vadsbro and defeated them, capturing the leaders, who were beheaded. Among these were Philip, a son of Knut the Tall, and Knut Magnusson, with others of the Folkung family, which often was at war between themselves when great interests were at stake. After this battle peace reigned under the powerful and sagacious rule of Birger. An assault upon Denmark by King Hakon of Norway and Birger jointly was planned, but a peace agreement took its place, in 1253. In the further complications between Norway and Denmark, Birger took no part. When later King Christopher of Denmark called upon his northern neighbors for help against revolts in his own country, these were ready to respond; but at the sud- den death of King Christopher these plans were frustrated. In 1260 Birger bettered the already friendly relations with Denmark, by arranging the marriage between King Valde- mar and the Danish princess, Sophia, whereupon he, himself a widower, married Mechtild, a queen-dowager of Den- mark. In Finland, conditions were the same as of yore, pagan tribes and Russian invasions rendering everything unsafe and perilous. Birger renewed the trade agreement with Lubeck, in 1251, with added privileges to Lubeck, but with the stipulation that those of its citizens who settled m Sweden must become Swedish subjects. In 1261 the same privileges were extended to Hamburg. It was at this period that the Hanseatic League was formed between the commercial centres of North Germany. The relations be- 82 HISTORY OF SWEDEN tween the league and the Scandinavian countries waxed quite intimate and, at times, menacing to the political independence of the latter. But Sweden derived many benefits through the contact with the reviving culture of Southern Europe, which was brought about through the Hanseatic League; the newly opened mining industry and the prosperity of Swedish commercial centres particularly owing much to this influence. Stockholm became the larg- est and most important of Swedish towns during the days of Birger, although he was not its founder. Also with England, Birger was carrying on peaceful proceedings; yet their purpose is not known. In 1237, the king of England had granted the merchants of the island of Gothland free trade privileges. Birger was a great and sound legislator, although it is not known with certainty how many of the judicial reforms accredited to him originated in these days. He made the law that sister should have equal share of inheritance with brother, and the laws of sanctity of home, Church, Thing and woman, which formed the kernel of a set of laws, later called Edsoere (Pledged oath), which every crowned king and his foremost men must pledge themselves to uphold. He tried to make away with the ordeal of walking on, or the handling of, iron as a legal testimony of guiltlessness. Further, he prohibited the cus- tom of self-imposed thraldom. The only act of Birger's which has been condemned was his attempt to introduce feudalism. His second son, Mag- nus, was created a duke, and received, at Birger's death, Soedermanland, with the castle of Nykceping as a duchy. This gave rise to much strife and many conflicts within the new royal branch of the Folkungs, and endangered the unity of the kingdom. Birger, the last jarl of the realm, HISTORY OF SWEDEN 83 was the first real statesman of Sweden, whose stern intellect and integrity of character won for his country an honored position among its neighbors, and for himself the admiration of many generations to come. He died in 1266. The first few years after Birger's death were peaceful. The archbishop's seat was removed to the present Upsala, where work was commenced on the magnificent cathedral. In 1271 the commercial privileges held by Lubeck and Hamburg were also granted to Riga. Yaldemar was a weak and frivolous man, and his licen- tiousness gave his brother Magnus the idea of pushing him aside, and later deprived him of the loyalty and respect of his people. The difficulties with his brothers ended in open conflict; Magnus and his younger brother Eric turned to Denmark and Germany, where they hired an army, King Eric Glipping of Denmark helping them with troops on promise of good securities. The brothers invaded West Gothland and defeated a Swedish army at Hofva, in 1275, while the king with his best troops remained inactive at Tiveden. Valdemar fled to Norway, bringing his son Eric with him. Venturing back into Yermland, he was captured and brought before Duke Magnus. Yaldemar went so far as to abdicate his throne, but the meeting ended in an agreement according to which Magnus was to become king of Svealand and Yaldemar to keep Gothaland. Eric was made a duke, but died in the same year. Magnus was crowned at Upsala in 1276. King Yaldemar did not long remain content with the new state of things. One month after Magnus's coronation he arranged a meeting with him at Lcedcese, over which King Magnus Lagabcete of Norway presided, but without being able to effect an agreement between the brothers. 84 HISTORY OF SWEDEN Valdemar now turned to King Eric of Denmark, and won an ally in him because Magnus had neglected to fulfil his promises. Magnus gained a supporter in Duke Gerhard I. of Holstein, whose daughter Helvig he married in Novem- ber, 1276. With the year 1277 war commences between Sweden and Denmark. Magnus invades Halland and Scania, while Yaldemar, with a Danish army, enters Smaland, burning the town of Vexio. With King Eric, Yaldemar enters West Gothland, capturing Skara. At last the Danes are defeated at Ettak. Early in 1278 peace is made at Laholm, Magnus promising to pay his debt to Eric, leaving the castle of Lcedcese as security. Each promises not to shelter the rebels against the other. Valdemar lost his cause and had to give up Gothaland and his royal title, keeping only his inherited estates. On account of his scandalous living, the nobles insisted upon his imprisonment, and ten years after his abdication he was placed in custody at the castle of ~Ny keeping. He survived all his brothers, dying in 1302. His son Eric was imprisoned at the castle of Stockholm, receiving good treatment like his father. When his cousin Birger was crowned, in 1302, he was set free, spending the rest of his life in Sweden as a private citizen. During Magnus Ericsson's minority he was a member of the king's council. When Magnus was sole occupant of the throne he took the title of "King of the Swedes and Goths," which, occasionally used before, henceforward became the customary one. A revolt against King Magnus took place shortly after the meeting at Laholm. Some of the nobles were dissatis- fied with the favoritism shown foreigners, a complaint which was only too often justifiable, and forever repeated, in the HISTORY OF SWEDEN 85 course of centuries, against the Swedish monarchs. Count Gerhard of Holstein was imprisoned, and the Danish knight, Ingemar, killed. The king invited the rebels to him at Gaellqvist, where he in an unexpected way made them prisoners, and had them beheaded, in August, 1280, confiscating their property. This incident is characteristic of the time, but there is no other authority for it than the Chronicle, The reign of Magnus was comparatively short, but a happy and glorious one. The relations with the island of Gothland were made closer and more intimate, although the proud independence of its inhabitants remained largely intact. They were to pay increased scat, but continued their government without royal officials. The Guts were of Swedish origin, and their island formed since the ninth century a part of Sweden, but their isolated position and great commercial activity made them almost independent. About the year 1000 they seek for themselves protection from the Swedish king, and after their baptism they turn to the bishop of Linkceping for spiritual guidance. Thanks to its position, halfway between Germany, Russia and Swe- den, Gothland gives rise to the most important commercial centre of Northern Europe after Lubeck. The inhabitants of Visby were Germans, to a great extent, and their con- flicts with the rural population were frequent. King Mag- nus appears as an arbitrator in such cases with an authority great enough to impose his conditions. In spite of the inimical relations between Denmark and Norway, Magnus held peace with both. As a legislator Magnus was even more important than his father, shaping and reshaping laws which furthered the development of the country and wielding an influence upon its jurisdiction reaching down to the present day. At a 8G HISTORY OF SWEDEN meeting of nobles at Alnsnoe, in 1280, King Magnus gave solemn pledge to the so-called Edsoere-laws of his father, and' made the nobility into a privileged class. All the men surrounding him and his brother Bengt (made duke of Finland), and on their estates, together with the trusted men in the service of a bishop, were freed from paying taxes to the king. The same privilege was extended "to all men who served with a horse, whosoever they serve." The ex- emption from taxes did not include those due the church or community, but only those due the king. The horse ser- vice (ro