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We sing thy homes, each sacred spot From mansion high to humble cot ; For what degree, The home with school and church shall be The trinity that maketh thee, Ours on the sea. We sing the harbor at thy side Where proudest ocean-ship may ride ; Thy sheltered strand, With busy wharves where ship or fleet Can lay their treasures at thy feet, From ev'ry land. O bright gleams many an island-gem That deck full fair thy garment's hem Adown the bay ; Rock-bound, beach-dimpled and wood-crowned, With inn and cottage grouped around For summer's day. How soft the summer sunshine smiles Upon these cool, enchanted isles. With airs so clear That tourists come back o'er and o'er, As birds return to favored shore, Year after year ; And summer playgrounds for thine own Grown children who have not outgrown Their need of rest, Their souls' delight for pastures green, For cooling airs, for waters sheen, — Their happy quest; Thy barrier-isles, where evermore Old Ocean pounds their rocky shore. So thy blue bay Is haven safe; with throngs elate The steamers ply, and sea-craft wait Propitious day. On isles and shore, the beacons bright With earth-born stars illume the night, Whose constant rays Send messages across the dark To stately ship and humble bark. To guide their ways. Staunch stand thy forts, from adverse fates To guard and keep thy city's gates ; Forever they Will watch the highways of the sea. Lest danger come to thine and thee By night or day. DEERINGS OAKS We sing thy parks ; when hot sun falls On adamantine walks and walls And paved streets, On crowded homes and where thy heart Throbs fastest in the busy mart, What blest retreats, In sacred precincts set apart, Where Nature joins with kindly Art, And lo ! there smile Thy shady parks so fresh and fair Where all may breathe the cooling air, And hours beguile ; Where Art strikes with divining rod, Till fountain bursts from out the sod To fall in spray ; Makes arid spaces bud and bloom Till many flowers with sweet perfume Make glad the day ; And Deering's Oaks where roves the throng Are hallowed by the light of song The wide earth o'er ; Idyllic oaks a forest make, The hollow glade is limpid lake With pleasant shore ; And there by rustic bridge 't is spanned, Here boats are sailing near the land ; And there on isle The ducks' lone house with ornate walls, And here the sparkling fountain falls In spray the while. Fair Portland ! yet still more art blest In children of thy sacred breast, — A mother's pride ; And far and wide full many a name Now lights thee with a noble fame To aye abide ; [ I w^ EARLY HOME OF LONGFELLOW The bard was thine whose sweet words reach Around the world in rhythmic speech; His dreams of thee Brought back his youth ; O hallowed earth Art thou, the city of his birth, Upon the sea. He gave to thee, he loved so well, A flower of song, an immortelle ; Fresh as to-day, Untouched by time, 't will sing of thee, And give thee immortality Fore'er and aye. And one for happier firesides wrought From palace hall to lowly cot, — He was thine own ; Whose earnest work has grown and bound With ribbons white the world around, Linked zone with zone. Another, an illustrious son, Who in the Nation's halls has won Immortal fame ; Whose words and deeds on history's page Will glorify from age to age His honored name. Here 'neath a church's sacred dome A world-wide movement had its home, When earnest band Pledged faithful service to their King; Lo ! legions now allegiance bring From ev'ry land. O many more of thine have wrought With hand or heart or power of thought, For good or need ; They 've helped to make thy honored name, Have helped to build thy glorious fame, By deed on deed. HOME OF CHRISTIAN ENDKAVOR M0\ EMEN T 3477-251 Lot-3d Praise to the hardy pioneers, Led thee victorious through the years Of perils all ; Who planted on thy storied ground When with primeval forest crowned, A hamlet small. In the long ages yet to be. May children thine. Town by the sea, Make fairer name ; Long as thy rock-ribbed hills shall stand. Long as thy blue waves kiss the land. Increase thy fame. wm' . ^^ ^^ / -2^ ■^ — •■ - ^- --^^' -\/ :Sfe\ %/ •*-. ' %^¥iii ^OVJNO^