LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. GujujriQy "f 0. Shelf 7 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THE Handbook of Amherst, MASSACHUSETTS. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY / FREDERICK H. HITCHCOCK. n, REVISED EDITION. Sfbrntu illustrations ^6 AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOUR. -Z THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THIS BOOK WERE M'.DE BY THE BOSTON ENGRAVING COMPANY, ■ 227 TREMONT STREET. Copyright 1891, 1894, by FREDERICK H. HITCHCOCK. Prinled and bound at the Appleton Press. iNTRODUCTION. D>«^C The Handbook of Amherst has been prepared in the hope of affording its readers a comprehensive view of one of the most attractive Httle towns of Western Massachusetts ; and it is beheved to be the first attempt at combining in one vokime the matters of permanent interest to residents, strangers, and college students alike. While the information, covering this broad field, is greatly con- densed in order to produce a book of convenient size, no effort has been spared to make it accurate, as well as complete in every detail. Other than that of being a " handbook," the volume has no pre- tensions. \Vith it as a guide, the visitor to Amherst can see every- thing of any importance in the town and the surrounding country ; and to both residents and students it should prove a valuable companion. Without the assistance of many of the friends of the town and its colleges, the publication of the book in its present form would not have been possible. The names of all those who have aided in gathering material, and in correcting the manuscript and proofs, can- not be mentioned, but among them were : Dr. \\'illiam S. Tyler, President M. E. Gates, President H. H. Ooodell, Dr. Edward Hitchcock, ^Villiam A. Dickinson, Es(i., Professor Charles Wellington, Professor W. P. Brooks. Charles O. Parmenter. and Rev. D. W. iv IXTRODUCTIOX. Marsh. To these and many others, whose suggestions have been most valuable, cordial acknowledgments of their kindnesses are due. The photographs, from which the large majority of the illustrations were made, were the work of Mr. J. L. Lovell, of Amherst. .\ few were furnished by Mr. H. N. Potter, of the class of 1891 in .Am- herst College, and by the Notman Photographic Company of Boston. A number of the illustrations of scenes outside of Amherst, that otherwise would not have been presented here, are loaned by Wade, Warner & Co., of Northampton, from " Picturesque Hampshire." .\ picture from the "92 Olio" is also used. Amherst, Massachisf.tts, June, eighteen liiindrcd and ninety-one. There have been so man\- changes at Amherst and the two Col- leges since the first edition of The H.\ndbook. of Amherst was published that it has been found necessary to make many additions and corrections to the letter-press in order to retain the original value of the book. With the new matter in the text and the new rover it is hoped that the Handbook will still be popular with the increasing number of peojile who admire Amherst and its vicinit)-. Amherst, Massachusetts, June, eighteen hundred and ninety-four. CONTENTS. c«j>«>4(>o PAGE AMHERST OF THE PAST i The Hartford Revolt — Settlement of Hadley— A Glimpse at Early Amherst — A Town at last — Wars and Rumors of Wars. THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY i6 The Beauty of an August Day — Characteristic Flowers and Birds — Literature of the Valley — Lrs Geology — A Few Historical Glimpsf:s. A FEW DELIGHTFUL DRIVES 33 Views from Holyoke — Charming Hadley — The " Meadow City" — Blood-Stained Deerfield — Other Attractive Places. AMHERST OF THE PRESENT 48 Its Situation — Material Condition — Glimpses along the Streets OF THE Village — North Amherst — The "City" — East Street — South Amherst. AMHERST COLLEGE 87 A Glance at its History — The College of the Present — The Summer School of Languages — A Tour of the College Buildings — The Greek Letter Fraternities — Their Houses. THE AGRICULTURAL COLLFCiE 161 Historical Notes — Present Conditions — The Experiment Stations — A Glance at the Buildings. NOTEWORTHY BUSINESS FIRMS 189 y- ^lll AMHERST OF THE PAST. :\ THE HARTFORD REVOLT— SETTLEMENT OF HADLEY ,^/^^ j' —A GLIMPSE AT EARLY AMHERST— A TOWN AT LAST— WARS AND RUMORS OF WARS. AMHERST was settled from the west. It lies among the lower foot-hills of the Green Mountains, east of old Hadley, of which it long formed a part. It took one hmidred years for the tide of English immigra- tion to get less than one hundred miles inland from the shores of Massachusetts Bay to Amherst. The movement, like that of the Pilgrims through Holland to Plymouth Rock, was roundabout, — first southeastward, into the State of Connecticut ; thence northward, along the river to Hadley ; and finally eastward, involving the entrance to Amherst from the west. The original settlers, coming mainly from Hadley and from Hatfield, then a part of Hadley, were nearly all the descendants of the earliest Hadley settlers. Their ancestors, with few exceptions, had come from England to Massachusetts Bay between 1631 and 1635, and finding near the shore less land and less freedom than they wished, sent explorers, in 1633, by land and water to the Con- necticut River. In 1635 and 1636 they moved through the wilderness to the fertile valley, settling at W'ethersfield and Hartford. There they remained for almost a generation, until religious disputes in 1659 and 1660 led a part of the body to move to Hadley. 2 rilE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. It is interesting to look back upon the principles which caused the division of the Connecticut settlements. The differences at Hartford occasioning the up-river movement sprang largely from divergent theo- ries of government. The friends of Rev. John Hooker, known in England as the light of the western churches, sought to obtain a larger personal liberty denied them at Hartford. The first lecture of this good man at Hartford sounded a note that should never be forgotten in the history of liberty in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and it foreshadowed in a wonderful manner the truths which lay at the basis of the Federal government founded more than a century later. On a Thursday, the ist of May, 1638, his text was, "Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you " (Deut. i. 13). He laid down " Doctrine i. That the choice of the public magistrates belongs unto the people by God's own allowance. 2. The privilege of election which belongs to the people, therefore, must be exercised not according to their humors, but according to the blessed will and law of (rod. 3. They who have power to appoint officers and magistrates, it is their power also to set bounds and limitations of the power and place to which they call them." And he gave as reasons: " i. Because the foundation of authority is laid firstly in the free consent of the people. 2. Because, by a free choice, the hearts of the people will be more inclined to the laws of the persons, and more ready to yield." On such broad principles were the early inhabitants of the Connecticut Valley nurtured, and such principles were especially cherished by the parents and grandparents of the first settlers of Amherst. Sixty-eight years intervened between the occupation of Hadley in 1659 and the settlement of Amherst, although the lands of the latter place were more elevated, lay but four miles away, and were within the boundaries of the town. The history of Hadley's own " Middle Street " makes this fact not at all surprising. It was not occupied for fifty-three years after the " West Street," and in 1720 it had only twenty families. The lots were first laid out by vote of the town in 1684. In 1687 most of them were given to inhabitants of the town on condition that they build within three years. An Indian war breaking out the following year, no one dared live outside of the fortifications ; and the grants had to be renewed in THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 3 1690 and 1692, only to be further delayed in their settlement by the French and Indian War until 17 13. In addition to the motive of personal safety, the wish to be near the common meeting-house, and to perpetuate the home and village life of England, did much to influence the people to move, when they did move, in large rather than in small bodies. The flow of population from England was checked about that time, thus retarding the growth of the colonies away from the seacoast. It is very clear that the Hadley settlers did not realize the value of the land lying at a distance from the river. They complained in 1673 that most of their woodland was a '• barren pine-plain, capable of very little improvement," and accordingly their boundaries were widened by the General Court so as to " run five mfles up the river and five miles down the river and six miles from their meeting-house eastward." This grant gave them all the land now included in the town of Amherst, but ten years after they begged for more, saying that " the inhabitants are shut up on the east and north by a desolate and barren desert," and '•' the young people are straightened for want of enlargement and remove to remote places " rather than live in Amherst. This petition brought them in May, 1683, an addition four miles square between Hadley and Springfield, extending eastward from the Connecticut River. It proved useless to them during the Indian wars, and was not even surveyed until 1 7 15. The following vote, passed by the town of Hadley on the 4th of March, 1 700, may still be deciphered in the old record-book, and it shaped for all time the positions of the main streets and the lots of Amherst, then known as East Hadley : — " Voted by the town, that three miles and one-quarter eastward from the meeting- house, and so from the north side of Mount Holyoke unto Mill River, shall lye as common lands forever, supposing that the line will take in the new swamp. " Voted, that the rest of the commons, eastward, shall be laid out in three divisions, that is to say, between the road leading to Brookfield. and the Mill River, notwith- standing there is liberty for the cutting of wood and timber so long as it lieth unfenced ; there is likewise to be left between every division forty rods for highways, and what will be necessary to be left for highways eastward and West through every division, is to be left to the discretion of the measurers ; and every one to have a proportion in the third division, and every householder to have a £^0 allotment and all others who are now the proper inhabitants of Hadley, 16 years old and upward, to have a ^^25 allotment in said commons." 4 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. Rendered into language that is more intelligible at the present day, this vote meant to reserve forever as common property the tract of land lying between Mount Holyoke on the south, and Mill River on the north, and extending from the " West Street " of Hadley eastward to a north and south line three and a cjuarter miles from the meeting-house, then standing in the midtlle of the street. The land east of this " Inner Commons," the present Amherst, was to be divided into three sections separated by highways running north and south, which are now repre- sented by Pleasant and P^ast streets, and these to be intersected by cross-streets, running east and west. Things moved slowly in those days, and it was three years later — May, 1703 — when the town measurers announced that the instructions of the vote had been carried out. Portions of East Hadley were allotted to individuals, whether they became settlers or remained in the old street, and the same names occur in the record of this division of land as may be found in the later division of South Hadley. The allot- ments were not made so much for immediate settlement as to allow the separate ownership of wood, pasture, and swamp lands, and most of those who were given lots never intended to reside upon them. So it was not until 1727 or 172S that the new territory began to be occu- pied, although tradition relates that a hardy woodsman named Foote attemjited unsuccessfully to live by fishing and trapping near what is known as " Ivist Street." For years that portion of the town lying just north of the Second Congregational meeting-house had the name of " Foote's Folly Swamp." The three divisions of East Hadley are ])lainly indicated to-day by the two north and south roads, of whi( h the village common and the East Street common are parts. Both of these highways, originally forty rods wide, have been narrowed from time to time as the roadways became improved, and there was less need of making detours to avoid the hummocks and treacherous mud-holes whidi first rendered trav- elling sinuous. Recent measurements made for The Handbook of Amherst locate this west highway as lying between the stone carriage block in front of the Amherst House on Amity Street and the residence of H. B. I'xlwartls on Lessey Street. The present position of Amitv Street is nearly that of the middle one of the three cross-highways laid out in the same widlli. lu 1754, Iladlcy reduced tlie west street to twenty rods' width, and the east street to twelve, and a large \y.\\\. of the THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 5 business of the precinct meetings for fifteen years — from 1767 to 17S2 — was to discontinue parts of these broad highways. The first of the three divisions was bounded by the fine, '• three miles and one-quarter from the Meeting-house," at Hadley and the west street, now Pleasant Street ; the second division lay between the west and east streets, and the third extended a mile from the east street to the Pelham hills. The first two were two hundred and forty rods wide, and all stretched from the Bay road on the south to the Mill River on the north. Ninety-seven persons received lots in either the first or the second divisions, and all were given sections in the third for pasture land. The first authentic record that the grants of land in East Hadley had been occupied is in the vote of Hadley, January 5, 1730, to lay out an acre of land for a cemetery for the " east inhabitants," who are known to hav^e numbered at that time eighteen families. The names of these early settlers are John Ingram, Sr., John Ingram, Jr., Ebenezer Kellogg, John Cowls, Jonathan Cowls, Samuel Boltwood, Samuel Hawley, Na- thaniel Church, John Wells, Aaron Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Richard Chauncey, Stephen Smith, John Nash, Jr., Joseph Wells, Ebenezer Scovil, Ebenezer Ingram, Ebenezer Dickinson. Twelve of these men came from Hadley, and the others from Hatfield. The first step toward the separation of the two settlements was taken in 1733, when Hadley voted that the "east inhabitants have a part of their taxes abated upon their hiring a minister of their own," previous to this every one being obliged to make the journey to the meeting-house at old Hadley for Sabbath worship. The parishes were finally divided by an act of the General Court, December 31, 1734, making East Had- lev the " Third Precinct " of Hadley on the condition of its settling a " learned orthodox minister," and erecting a meeting-house. The decree of the General Court bounded the new precinct, it " Being of the contents of two miles and three-quarters in breadth, and seven miles in length, bounded Westerly on a tract of land reserved by the town of Hadley, to lye as common forever. Southerly on Boston road, Easterly on Equivalent lands, and Northerly on the town of Sunderland." While the church affairs of the precinct thus became distinct from those of the parent village, town business was still transacted in the original settlement, and the town officers were almost entirely from that place. 6 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. The first minister of the Third Precinct, the Rev. David Parsons, who was born at Maiden, began his labors in November, 1735, settling per- manently four years later, when he was given money and land for building a liouse, and was promised ^100 salary, with an increase in proportion to the growth of the population. The meeting-house begun in 1738 was located upon the site of the present college Observatory, and, although not completed until 1753, was occupied some time prior to 1742. The history of this First Congregational Church is traced at some length in another portion of this book. It suffices to say here that its development and growth were parallel with the development and growth of the town, the paths diverging only when later religious differ- ences resulted in the establishment of the Second Parish, and the town, as a political body, discontinued its support of public worship. In 1739 Oliver Partridge resurveyed the town of Hadley, determining what still remains the eastern boundary of Amherst. He followed the provisions of the grant to Hadley in 1673, finding the point exactly six miles east of the old meeting-house, and running by compass a north and south line through it. The first surveyors had done their work without a compass, but they were in reality more accurate than Partridge, for the magnetic variation changed the line so that the lots in the southern part of the third division were widened considerably, while those at the north were narrowed. To offset this loss of territory, the town allowed about six hundred acres on the Flat Hills to those who had suffered by the relocation of the line. The Thinl Precinct of Hadley sent its share of men to the Indian wars that raged intermittently up and down tlie beautiful valley of the Con- necticut between tlie years of 1744 and 1763. Many brave men were sacrificed, but among those surviving, several gained the prominence and abilitv that placed them at the front at the opening of the Revolutionary War. Tlie year 1 749 finds the first indication tliat the settlement is alive to the necessity of providing the rising generation with opportunities for gaining some education. Appropriations, lilieral tor the times, were made "to Hire three School I )ainrs for three or four Months in the Summer seson to l.arne children to read." The i)ui)ils met at the teachers' homes, for there were no sciiool-houses until after i 764, when f(jur were ordered to be built, a " North, a South, a West Middle, and a South Fast Middle." josiah Pierce began to teach October 27, 1765. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 7 He was the first school-master, ami spent part of the year at each of the " Middle " school-houses. A graduate of Harvard College, he was paid $5.33 a month, adding to this by keeping an evening school, and preach- ing at the churches of the surrounding places for twenty shillings a Sun- day. It is not at all surprising that " he dismissed his school in disgust March 29, 1769," as the records have it. The school-house of this hard-working pedagogue stood upon the village common near the spot now marked by the watering-trough. In i 784 Amherst voted " to set up six schools." It is interesting to notice that before Amherst College had graduated a single student, thirty-nine Amherst boys had obtained degrees, thirteen from AVilliams, ten from Dartmouth, seven from Yale, and three from Harvard. Owing to the incorporation of South Hadley as a district in 1753, the name ''East Hadley" was changed to the "Second Precinct of Had- ley," and six years later, just a century after the founding of Hadley, the " Second Precinct " was made a district. Governor Pownell, in signing the act of incorporation, February 13, 1 759, gave it the name of Amherst, in honor of General Jeffrey .Amherst, prominent at that time as the com- mander of the memorable expedition against Louisburg, and still later as commander-in-chief and field marshal of the English armies. In 1776 General Amherst was created a baron. The new district held its first legal meeting March 19, 1759. From that time on, the spirit of independence and thrift seemed to take a firmer hold upon the people. They toiled diligently for the betterment of their estates, laying aside the generous store of English money that was to prove so useful during the hard times of the approach- ing war. Much of the public business previously centering exclusively in the mother settlement was transferred to Amherst, with the beneficial results always attending an interest in home affairs. In 1758 the white popu- lation actually outnumbered that of Hadley, and in 1776 had become some two hundred greater than in any of the surrounding villages. Nearly all the material conditions of the district surpassed those of the three villages which originally belonged to Hadley. Regular communication was opened with Boston in 1767 by the enter- prise of Simeon Smith, an Amherst citizen. Previous to that time all travelling had been done on horseback ; but Smith possessed a wagon that is recorded as being strong enough to bear a ton of f: eight. He 8 TIIR HANDBOOK' OF AMHERST. made a trip, by way of the old Bay road, in about a week, and found sufficient trade to bring him a good profit, the most remunerative i)art of his business being the importation of great quantities of New England rum. Youthful Amherst was not without its " ordinaries," or taverns, even in the davs of its smallest population. Ebenezer Kellogg was licensed in 1734, as the first ordinary-keeper. He kept his place for only three years, but within the next few years his successors were so numerous that a record of them would be wearisome. At the time he opened his tavern, the men of the town numbered twenty-nine, and only three hundred and fifty acres of land had been cleared and improved. One groggery for every sixty persons, the records say, was the proportion in 1783, when there were seven hundred inhabitants. All this time the residents on the outskirts of the district hatl been journeying several miles each Sabbath day to attend church services in the village. In 1772 they united in advocating a division of the origi- nal parish so that the north and south sections of the district should each have a church, the one in the centre to be discontinued. The same instincts that influence men to-day were no less active then, and the prospect of having their place of worship removed to an inconven- ient distance so alarmed the villagers that they begged the General Court to interfere in the matter. Their jietition was an able document. The records show that a committee from the august body of legislators visited .\mherst in March, 1774, but their report and the entire question was soon forgotten in the excitement of the war immediately following. Church matters did not become prominent again until 1781. A jxart of the parish withdrew in accordance with a vote passed October 15, 1782, and constituted themselves the Second Congregational l\arish. They had o])p()sed the selection of Rev. l)a\-id Parsons, Jr., to succeed his father as pastor, but were overruled by the majority. The incorporation of this new parish marked the end of the control of religious affairs by the district. Amherst assumed the inivileges of a town about this time by electing Nathaniel Dickinson, Jr., a representative to the Provincial Congress, which met successively at Salem, Concord, and Cambridge. The name of "town," used without authority in the records after 1776, was legal- ized bv a general law of the State in 1S76. ,\mhcrst must have i)roved a warm phue for the Tories of the Revo- JEFFREY; FIRST LORD AMHERST rilE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. II lutionary times. The character of the American ancestry of the early settlers of Hadley and Amherst, especially of that from Hartford, would lead one to expect to find men ready to stand up for freedom and human rights at the risk of life and property. With most of the men of Amherst this was true, but, as in not a few cases elsewhere, the highly educated classes were more loyal to the king of England and opposed to the popular idea of freedom, than the body of the people. The names of these opponents of the war included many of the leading citizens, at the head of whom was no less a personage than the Rev. David Parsons, Sr. Besides censuring and even imprisoning several of these obnoxious persons for being " notoriously inimical to American liberty," the town voted to support whatever action the Continental Congress might take for the safety of the colonies, and in January, 1776, actually deprived those "not owning independence of the crown of Great Britain " of the right of voting upon town matters. Even if former leaders be lukewarm and hostile at the time of a revolution in thought or action, the people find new men to go before them in the paths they are determined to tread. It was so at Amherst. Men less polished than collegians, some of them diamonds in the rough, some profane, came to the front in place of the more accomplished Royalist scholars and gentlemen. These men entered into correspondence with the Committee of Cor- respondence at Boston. Having " Red and Considered " the letter from Boston, they voted, March 14, 1774, to send a reply. Their letter was not a triumph of spelling or oratory, but it was a mine of sturdy sense. They had no more respect for capitals than for kings. One may not forget that Noah Webster and his spelling-book had not yet appeared, and often in the antique dress of the letters of the time there is something so grotesque as to cause a smile ; but one feels, when reading the quaint spelling, much as did Dr. Holmes at the sight of the ol I man, in '' The Last Leaf" : — " I know it is a sin For me to sit and grin At him here; But the old three-cornered hat, And the breeches, — and all that, — Are so queer." 12 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. But, after all, our own spelling is unreasonable, and the letter of the patriots is too earnest for more than momentary merriment. This is what they wrote : — " To the Kcspectable Com mi /tee of Correspondence in the toivn of Boston. " Gentn. : We think it needless to Recapitulate all those grievancses Which we sufter in Common with our opprest Brethren and Neighbors. Sufficient to Say that tho we have been Long silent we are not insensible of the oppressions we sufter and the ruin which threatens us or regardlis of the Diabolical Designs of our Mercenary and Manevolent Enemies Foreign and Domestic and are ready not onley to risque but even to Sacrifice our Lives and Properties in Defence of our just rights & liberties at Present we are only Galled not subdued and think ourselves heapy in having such vigilant and faithfull gardians of our rights in the Metropolis on hoom we Can Depend to Call on us in Season to unite with our suffering Countrymen in the Common Cause of America we hope and beg that you will Still Persevere in that most Honorrble & importent Imployment of watching over us with the Same Care and Fidelity which has hitherto Distinguish.d & grately Dignified your Characters in the Estimation of all who have a just sence of that best of Blessings Liberty & an Equal abhorence of that tame submition which tends to Entail on our Posterrity that worst of Curses Slavery. " Every Avenue to the Royal Ear seems to be blocked uji by the gross falsities & Designd Misrepresentations of those from sum of whom at Least \\e might have Expected better things but there is a King who Cannot be Deceived & who will not be mocked who has pointed out a never failing resource when Petitions & Remon- stances, Truth & justice are unsuccessfully opposed to Tironey and Oppression fals-- hood & Corruption & when you feel that impulse which will not brook longer Delay, the wisdum of the People will naturally write in mode of the best Appeal, to which you most Distant Brethren Expect to be summoned unless prevent,d by a sudding unexpected & very favourable Chandge of affears. their are whom Justice forbids to live but whom we would spare to Convince the wt)rl(l we Despise their utmost hate & malicious Cunning, the Colonies united are inviiicialily free & we dout not you are Convinc,d that the Preservation of that union outuciglis every other Considera- tion and is at Present our most Important Concern, while that is secure we have nothing to fear but may Laugh at all attempts to Enslave us we know of no punish- ment which Can be Inflicted on those vilens in Exalted Stations adequate to their own reflections & remorse accompanyd with our Neglect, Contempt & Detestation but at the same time should think ourselves happier if Everey banefull Noxious weed Could by aney means be Eradicated from this our fair garden of Liberty, we Entirely approve & Concurr with you in every measure hitherto adopted & Conducted & return our gratefull thanks to the People of Boston & the Neighboring towns in a Perticuler manner for the seasonable Indeavours & mandley opposition to prevent the Landing of the East India Companys teas which plan we are Convinc,d was artefully Projected to open the gate for the admition of Tyrany & oppression with all their Rapacious followers to Stalk at Large & uncontrol.d to Ravage our fare & Dear bought Posses- THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 1 3 sions. Everey measure which shall appear Conducive to the Publick good we are warranted to assure you will always be approved & support, d by a Large Majorrity in this District and [y?]our Continual Correspondence as Long as you shall think occa- tion requires meet with Due respect & attention we are in behalf of the District very Respectfully " Gent'm " your oblig'd cS; most hble, servts Moses Dickinson Reuben Dickinson Jacob McDaniel \ Committee " Nath'll Dickinson Joseph Williams Their actions fully sustained their words. The usual committees of "Correspondence," "Safety," and "Inspection" were chosen, and among the members were many who figured prominently in the affairs of the colonies. A representative was sent to the Provincial Congress, and in June, 1776, it was voted "That, should the Honorable Congress for the safety of the United Colonies in America ; Declare them Inde- pendant of the Kingdom of Great Britain ; we the inhabitants of the town of Amherst solemnly engage with our lives and fortunes to support them in the measure." Following April 19, 1775, Captain Reuben Dickinson gathered a com- pany of minute-men, who were under his call between two and four weeks, and at their disbanding he enlisted an eight-months company, of which the noted Daniel Shays of Shutesbury, the leader of the " Shays' Rebellion," was a non-commissioned officer. Amherst men joined other companies in varying numbers. A company under the command of Captain James Hendrick of Amherst obtained a good many. Captain Dickinson's command, and several of the others having men from the town, were at the battle of Bunker Hill. Later companies gathered by Captain Dickinson, Captain Harvey, and Captain Cook, from Amherst and the vicinity, were in General Gates' army, fought in the battles of September ig and October 7, 1777, and saw the surrender of General Burgoyne. Half of the English army and the defeated general himself, passed through Hadley and along the Bay road, then the southern boundary line of the town, on their way to Boston. To this day one of the old families of Hadley are in possession of a sword presented by General Burgoyne to one of the citizens of the town. 14 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. During the campaigns of 1777 until 1781, Amherst furnished its due proportion of men, distributed through several companies, and in many instances brave and efficient officers. Liberal bounties, formally offered by the town to the enlisting men, rapidly drained the store of hard money that had been laid up by the thrifty farm folk. The Continental bills depreciated in value until in 1780 a dollar in silver would buy a hundred of them, and a year after two hundred. Old soldiers boasted after the hard times were over, that $50 had often been paid for a single meal. The first of the rewards of the courage, with which each new depriva- tion of the war had been met, came, when the inhabitants of the town assembled on the 4th day of September, 1 780, bringing in their votes for a governor of the new commonwealth, as follows : " The Hon'ble John Hancock Esq'r, Forty three ; The Hon'ble James Bowdoin Esq'r eight." In the State convention which ratified the Federal Constitution, the Amherst representative, Daniel Cooley, probably reflected the wishes of his constituents when he voted against ratification. There were several years about this time when the town failed to send its representatives to the General Court, and at least twice it was fined for this neglect. An interesting description of the town in 1800 has been given in Dr. Tyler's able " History' of Amherst College." At that time the only store in the village stood at the corner of what afterward became Phoenix Row and North" Pleasant Street. At the opposite end of the row was the house later occupied by Noah Webster. A vigorous distillery stood within the square bounded by the Common and Spring and College streets, entirely at variance, happily be it said, with the present ideas' of sobriety. The situation of the home of Levi Cowles. on North Pleasant Street, and of Mrs. l*]merson, the Judge Strong estate, mark the former width of the two highways, for these buildings are among the few then standing. In 1 8 14 eight hundred acres of Hadley were added at tlie northwest corner of the town, and in 1815 the southern boundary was changed from the Bay road to the top of the Holyoke range. At this time there were not more than twentv-five houses in the village. Until several years after the college was founded the centre of trade and enterjirise was at East Amherst, and there the town-meetings were held. Amherst became ])rominent in 1787 through Shays' Rebellion. whi( h THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 15 took place almost within her own borders. The deluded soldiery, under Daniel Shays, encamped and drilled upon the Pelham hills, and return- ing from their rash attempts to defy the Federal authority at Springfield and Northampton, were followed by the regular troops across the south- ern part of the town to the Pelham hills again, whence they dispersed northward. To the War of 1812 the inhabitants of Amherst were bitterly opposed. Three citizens were sent to a convention of delegates from the towns of Hampshire County, and the memorial then adopted strongly solicited the Federal government to come to some terms of peace with Great Britain. Notwithstanding this, the demand for troops that came later was promptly met by Amherst, as well as the other towns of the Connecticut Valley. The War of the Rebellion sacrificed the lives of fifty-eight of the three hundred and seventy-four volunteers from Amherst ; and the expenses, public and private, amounted to more than $46,000. l6 THE HANDBOOK OF AMI/ERST. THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY. By Mabel Loomis Tudd. THK BEAUTY OF AX AUOi/ST DAY — CHARACTERISTIC FLOWERS A\D BIRDS— LITERATURE OF THE VALLEY— ITS GEOLOGY — A FEW HISTORICAL GLIMPSES. THE mellow light of a warm August afternoon lay shimmering over a grassy meadow road. No fences divided the rich farm lands on either side from the road, or from one another. The hum and buzz of innumerable insects filled the fragrant air, while distant sounds of mowing could be heard at intervals, as the rowan was being here and there gathered in by thrifty farmers. Nearer at hand fields of tropical-leaved tobacco sent out a slightly ])ungent odor, while an occasional tall stalk, crowned with its delicate pink blossoms, was allowed to ripen antl go to seed in the summer sunshine. In the eyes of two travellers, driving leisurely along this lovely way, the whole scene was richly, sensuously delightful. As they passed the fields of tobacco and of corn, a dull but continuous murmur became apparent, growing louder, until a large barn came into view, from which the sound emerged. Here a curious, and in this day somewhat unusual, sight appeared. Heavy machinery was cutting into small pieces and packing into great compressed masses the succulent cornstalks, — future food for cattle when this verdant meadow should be filled with snow and ice. In other words, ensilage was in process of manufacture. Farther on, fields of broom-corn, with airily wa\ing tassels, bordered the highway. And everywhere were farmhouses with generous barns, large orchards in which early apples began to show sun-warmed cheeks, and old chns full of dignity and grace. Toward the west flowed a noble river, not less than eight hundred feet wide, reflecting the sky on its placid surface. Still fiirther west, ranges of misty blue hills filled the distance, while nearer rose Mount Warner, the pioneer of all that ancient mountain brotherhood. THE HA XD ROOK OF AMHERST. 17 In the south lay the rugged and picturesque Holyoke range, and the steep sides of Mount Tom beyond the opening where the river has scooped its passage. Northward, Mount Toby showed itself in a lumi- nous, purple atmosphere, a rich tone modified in Sugarloaf, across the river, by its more scarred sides of red sandstone. The gentle slope of the Pelham and Shutesbury hills eastward was densely green, and but little colored by distance. Over all this homelike scene the caressing August sky and sunshine brooded tenderlv. Where, indeed, could they find a fairer tarrying-])lace? .-d^^^^^H^^^, .'. .„#ttw»w^ r^ Looking toward Mount Warner. This lovely Connecticut Valley — originally the Quon-eh-ti-cut. promi- nent in four States, no less than twenty miles wide in Massachusetts, the garden-spot of New England, rich, fertile, and beautiful — is full of interest to the geologist, the naturalist, and the historian, as well as to him who merely appreciates the rare beauty of its scenery, or the promise of its luxuriant crops. Pre-eminently a ftirming region, the valley has also many manufac- turing interests, as Holyoke, Springfield, and its other cities amply testify. But its pastoral character remains, and the beauty of its sweet meadows is as yet untouched. 1 8 THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. Many types of old New England houses abound. Hadley, Deerfield, and some of the earlier villages still preserve the colonial shapes and ornaments, the fan-lights above the doors, and the old hip and gambrel roofs. Somewhat later, a far less beautiful style came into vogue. The hall, instead of running straight-forwardly through the centre of the house, giving ample room for stairways, became contracted to a mere entrance lobby, barely large enough to contain a door into the rooms on either side, while a steep and narrow stairway was forced to contort itself cruelly in order to rise at all. These houses, however, have large, though low- ceiled rooms, and frequently, parlor cupboards in the wainscoted wall, large fireplaces, and elaborately carved window and door ornaments. Still later, came the first " modern " white, green-blinded country house with a side wing. A single path generally leads to the rarely used front door, diverging just before reaching its chilling hospitality into a branch walk to the more homelike side door, where all is cheerful and merry, where family life surges in and out over the stone doorstep, and hens peck contentedly about the short grass. Yet another style of farm- house appears, whose long row of sheds and out-buildings reaches to an astonishing distance, terminating in an immense barn by which the modest and insignificant dwelling is completely overshadowed. Sturdy and pious as the earlier inhabitants were, steadfast of purpose, and of noble lives, their aesthetic sense must have been very much in abeyance. Too sadly common is the fashion in this fair region, where Nature spreads her most tempting glories, of setting an uncompromising barn directly between the house and a wonderful view, of mountain and vale which any summer tourist would go miles to see for an hour. The inoffensive little house is perhaps perched close to the highway, and directly across the road, in its face and eyes, rises the dignified shelter of cattle and hay, shutting off all possible outlook. The age of the mansard roof infiiction is still apparent ; but later taste has displaced its ugliness, and smooth, well-kei)t lawns now often lead to charming houses of our own day, which, while preserving the best features of early colonial architecture, have added without and within the beautv of a more cultured and many-sided life. Very rich in flowers, ferns, and mosses is this favored valley. In late spring the shady roads are lighted by the pale pink of the laurel, set in its chark green leaves; and earlier, arbutus, hepaticas, anemones, antl all the brave company of early blosscjms fill the woods. Columbine and THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 21 cowslips, wild azalia, scarlet " painted-cup " and pimpernel, loose strife, meadow-lilies, yellow and scarlet, give place to hosts of wild roses and clematis, while yet later come cardinal flowers and closed gentians, the tiny five-leaved gentian and its royal fringed brother, brilliant black- alder berries glowing in the sun ; and last of all the weird witch-hazel holds sway in the bare November woods, companioned by airy ghosts from the milkweed pots, and spectral maiden-hair, white in its secluded recesses. And when "The murmuring of bees has ceased, But murmuring of some Posterior, prophetic, Has simultaneous come," then, " Besides the autumn poets sing, A few prosaic days A Httle this side of the snow, And that side of the haze. " Still is the bustle in the brook, Sealed are the spicy valves. Mesmeric fingers softly touch The eyes of many elves." — Emily Dickinson. A merely technical list of all the floral beauties of the region would fill a goodly volume. Professor Tuckerman's catalogue of the lichens shows their rare variety and number, and the ferns are no less noteworthy. Partridges drum undisturbed in their leafy homes, the rarer quail is still a resident, and the meadows and mountain-sides echo to the songs of numberless wild birds. Song-sparrows and bluebirds greet with throbbing music the early spring, after the longest and coldest winter has failed to drive the ener- getic bluejay from his covert in pine or hemlock, whence comes his "brigadier" note, with all its harshness full of cheer and hopefulness. The rose-breasted grosbeak, the pewees, the flaming orioles, the bobo- link and meadow-lark, the humming-bird and linnet, the cat-bird with its lovely song, the various swallows with their startlingly swift flight, the sweet-voiced vireos and warblers, — all, and a numerous brotherhood beside, fill the crevices of every fragrant spring and summer day with their flashing wings and tender songs, voicing the winds and the woods and the waters in sweetest melody. The rare red-necked grebe, the 22 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. snowy heron, and the night heron have been seen in the region, as well as the yellow-rail, the blue golden-winged warbler, and the yellow- breasted chat. About one hundred and thirty years ago a few elms were set out here and there. Some of these pioneers still survive ; but in general, atten- tion to ornamental trees has been given within the present century. The old-time Lombardy poplar, with its stiffly sentinel aspect, and its Bryant's Homo at Cunimington. shimmering, silvery leaves, was introduced at one time, but its repre- sentatives were generally cut down after a few years, and few now remain to give their stately dignity to any old liomcstead. Tlie dis- tinctive trees of this grassy, sunny Connecticut Valley are undoubtedly its elms. Their graceful branches appear in nearly all of the paintings of the region, and wave across the ])ages of the valley literature. And it has been prominent in literature since the early days, from Jonathan Edwards in his Northampton home, to the gentler if less profound philosophy of IJryaiit. whose " Story of the I'ountain " might well have been told of the for-away spring of our noble river. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 23 Bryant's home in Cummington was one of his two favorite spots for writing his poems. His journaHstic labors in New York were ever kept distinct from his deeply loved country life, where alone he would express himself in verse. The names of George Bancroft, Henry AA'ard Beecher, and George William Curtis belong to the valley ; and Dr. J. G. Holland, born in Belchertown, wrote of the region in " Kathrina," and "The Bay Path." Charles Dudley Warner remembers it in some of his daintiest sketches ; and here, too, linger memories of Jenny Lind, whose com- pelling voice comes floating down the years in the traditions of a previous generation. More lately, George W. Cable's increasing fiime adorns the Connecticut ; while to Amherst belongs the world-wide reputation Birthplace of Charles Dudley Warner at Plainfield. of " H. H.," and the posthumous fame of Emily Dickinson and her strange, strong poems. To the geologist, ten thousand years seem but a step. From evidences about Amherst and Northampton he assigns this length of time, " one of the shortest estimates," as the probable interval since the glacial period. In that age, misty and remote enough to the layman, the ice, covering all this region, furrowed deeply into the sandstone, particularly north of the Holyoke range, largely forming its bold and rugged outline ; it piled together other masses into rough hills, leaving in its path bowlders and clay and the stony soil so characteristic of New England. When this mass of ice, beginning to yield to the oncoming of a more genial age, melted in the sun, a great lake was formed, whose height was three hundred feet above the sea, and two hundred feet above pres- ent low water in the Connecticut River. Its shores were the present 24 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. boundaries of the valley. The surface of the ground over which we drive in the mellow August weather, listening to the peaceful farming sounds on every hand, was the actual bottom of this great prehistoric lake, in whose clays an abundant glacial flora has been found. There is evidence that the lake speedily shrunk to almost the present size of the river. This " Nile of New England " has gradually deposited the rich alluvial meadows, its chief wealth and beauty. Swinging through past centuries in other curves than now, it has formed seven great " ox-bows," cut- ting off subsequently all but the famous one, so distinctly seen from Three of the seven The Ox-Bow in 1840 and 1890, from Mount Ho the summit of Mount Holyoke. of the others are found to have dis- ap])eared only since the settlement of the valley. were in Hatfield, and four in Northampton. Ages before even the oncoming of the ice period, earthquakes and volcanic explosions carved our valley into a semblance of its present shape. Filled with waters from the sea, a narrow inlet or fjord to a height aboN'c the level uf Mount Holyoke, it endured through triassic times. Streams sweeping into the basin deposited sand and gravel flats. In these mud shores, animals long extinct and unimaginable made a huge procession of footprints since hardened into stone. These have been discovered, preserved, and described by the late President Hitchcock of Amherst College. Traces of reptiles, insects, fishes, and colossal frogs THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 25 are here found, and also the enormous prints of birds whose size, to correspond with their tracks, must have been at least five times that of the ostrich. These bird-tracks occur in thirty places through the Con- necticut Valley, between the upper strata. Into the late discussions of whether these great creatures with feet eighteen or twenty inches long were birds or not rather some unknown, three-toed animal we cannot enter. It is for us enough to know that the stupendous procession has been made to live again by the untiring genius of an enthusiast to whom we owe the resurrection of a long-vanished past ; and bird or animal, " strange indeed, is this menagerie of remote sandstone days." From this weird occupancy of antediluvian monsters to the days when the Agawams and other Indian tribes lived their nomadic and warlike lives in the fair vale, is a long step for a tense imagination. Here, however, they were found ; for how many years they had been here, or whence their pioneers may have come, cannot be certainly proven. But in 1631 the Connecticut first became known to our own forefathers. Early in the autumn of 1633 four men from Dorchester first visited its banks. Later, William Pynchon and his little band of followers, chiefly planters from Roxbury, came by the famous " Bay Path " through a hundred miles of forest to what is now the city of Springfield. An absorbing piety characterized these early settlements, as it had the original ones on the coast ; and a " meeting-house " was an earliest care. The first framed house was erected by Mr. Pynchon ; and deeds for the various allotments of land, the first ever executed in Western Massachu- setts, were drawn up whereby a formal purchase was secured from the Indians, who held from Nature herself a dateless and unwritten title. In all the early settlements it is a pleasant reflection that these legiti- mate purchases were always made with the wild but original owners. Northampton was subsequently settled, its rich meadow land proving very attractive. In 1654 measures were taken here also to build and establish a meeting-house. What means of calling the settlers together for worship may have been employed is not certainly known. \\'hile in Springfield this important instrument was a drum, it is believed that a large and sonorous cow-bell was first used in Northampton. Later, a salary is recorded as being paid for services in " blowing the trumpet," presumably for the same purpose. In 1659 about fifty settlers established the town of Hadley, its mag- 26 THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. nificent street twenty rods wide still bearing evidence to the good taste and forethought of those who planned the village. The name of Hadley was not given until two years later. Here, as in the first two settle- ments, measures were not only promptly taken for establishing churches, but schools were equally early in the thought of its founders. That this api)reciation of education was inherent and vital is shown by the noble array of famous educational institutions along the Con- necticut to-day. Mount Holyoke College, Smith College, Amherst Col- lege, the State Agricultural College, the schools at Northfield, summer schools in every direction, and a host of lesser institutions, are the blos- soms of that early aspiration and endeavor. So far, the terms of agreement with the Indians had been carefully kept ; any complaints from them had received immediate attention and adjustment, and everything was peaceable and friendly. Notwithstand- ing this pleasant state of affairs, military companies were maintained against any possibility of danger, as well as fortified houses in every town. In 1662 Hampshire County was established, chiefly unsettled terri- tory. It was then much larger than now, for the entire counties of Worcester and Berkshire have since been taken from its original boun- daries. Deerfield and Hatfield were settled in 1670, and Northfield in 1673. I'"* these early days Amherst was a part of Hadley, and it was not laiil out until i 703. The early peacefulness of the relations between Indians and settlers in the valley seems to have been largely due to the just and considerate policy of William Pynchon. The outbreak of " King Philip's War," in 1675, put an end to this quiet comfort. With a plan which appeared to embrace the sweeping away of every settlement from the north down the river, Northfield was completely burned bv Intlians, Deerfield had fallen with the terrible massacre at Bloody l.rook. and Hatfield, Hadley, and Northampton came next. In the meantime, however, the natives about Springfield, spurred to emulation by the ghastly deeds in the north, had gathered there, and burned nearly everything except the fortified houses where the inhabitants had fled for safety. In the first attack on Hatfield the skill of the English more than matched the numbers of their assailants. In Northampton, also, they were repulsed, but only after severe loss and destruction. THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 29 Old Hadley is still full of the traditions of those early days. On the 1 2th of June, 1676, at least seven hundred Indians attacked Hadley. It was then and there that the famous stranger, noble in dress and manner, dignified and venerable, unable longer to remain an idle spec- tator of so terrible events, issued forth and assumed command of the English forces, directing them in the most skilfully military manner. Encouraging and rallying, now at one point, now at another, his is per- haps the most picturesque and impressive figure in all our early history. By his aid the Indians were repulsed with slight loss to the English ; and, this accomplished, the mysterious stranger disappeared as silently and suddenly as he came. With the superstition of the times, it is not surprising that he was devoutly believed to be an angel from heaven, sent to save the colony in a disastrous crisis. It was afterward ascertained that this opportunely guardian angel was no other than Goffe, the regicide, who with his father-in-law, Whalley, and twenty-eight other judges, had been condemned in England for passing sentence of death upon Charles I., and had escaped in 1660. Both Goffe and Whalley had been officers of high rank in Cromwell's army. Escaping after their sentence, they had found refuge in 1664 at Hadley, unknown to all its inhabitants sa\e the family who sheltered them. In 1678 a peace was concluded, and King Philip finally conquered. Beauty in dress and the love of fine clothes did not perish entirelv, even with a background of bloodshed and slaughter. We learn that in 165 1 a law was passed in Massachusetts, restraining excess in dress. In 1673 twenty-five wives and five maids were tried before a jury for being persons of small estate, yet wearing silk against the law. A year later the wife of a Hadley man was again presented for wearing silk. She was found guilty, and fined ten shillings. At the March court in 1676 sixty-eight persons were presented by the jury, among them thirty young men, " some for wearing silk, and that in a flaunting manner, and others for long hair and other extravagances." Witchcraft seems not to have flourished in this rich and verdant valley, particularly in Hampshire County, to the extent which prevailed in the earlier settlements on the rocky coast. In 1645 the first cases of witchcraft in New England occurred at Springfield. During King Philip's War it lay dormant, naturally, under the more exciting events about. 30 THE IIA.VDBOOK' OF AMHERST. But at the close of the war it revived ; and a remarkable instance occurred at Hadley, when a Mr. Philip Smith was believed to be beset by the spells of a wretched old woman, who caused all sorts of myste- rious evils to assail him, finally causing his death. The old woman, however, was allowed to live on ; and there is no evidence of her ever having been brought to trial. About the time that Amherst was being laid out as one of the " precincts " of Hadley, fresh disasters awaited the valley dwellers, whose whole early progress seems to have been one long record of struggles with every sort of trial and discouragement. The brave settlement at Deerfield again became the scene of blood- shed and cruelty, when, at the beginning of Queen Anne's War, the French and Indians descended upon it, murdering and torturing on every hand. The fomous Deerfield bell was taken during this campaign, and is believed to be still hanging in a little mission church on the St. Lawrence River. The long-suffering valley dwellers were alternately allowed to breathe freely for a time, and then made to suffer all the distress of repeated wars for an almost endless succession of years. But in 1760, permanent peace came about, upon the surrender of the Canadian province to Great Britain. For nearly one hundred and thirty years wars had racked Western Massachusetts to its foundations. Hardly an acre of the beautiful green Connecticut Valley, now full of peace and sunshine and homely sound of toil, but has known the pressure of flying feet, hard-pressed by savage pursuer, — but has echoed to the terrible shouts of slayer and victim, or lias drunk tlie blood of friends and foes. And yet even these events faded into the dim past before the on- coming excitements of the Revolution. Few events of ])articular significance at this crisis occurred in the Connecticut Valley itself, although its roll of minute-men is a long and honorable one. There were, however, many famous rejiresentatives of Toryism in the region. The only event of local interest in this general connection was the " Shays' Rebellion," practically an uprising owing to a petulant feeling on the part of the insurgents that they had not been getting their fiiU dues in various ways. Headed by Daniel Shays of Shutesbury, they marched against Springfield and threatened tlie courts and the arsenal. THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 3 1 There was little bloodshed, and the chief indirect effect of the rebellion was to hasten the adoption of a Federal government. A camping ground is still pointed out northeast of Amherst. From the close of this rebellion onward, life prospered in the valley. Amherst, and its neighboring towns, strongly disapproved, and publicly expressed its disapproval, of the War of 1S12, being then, apparently, as ever, rather upon the conservative than the impetuous side of life. The primitive means of crossing the Connecticut River were, of course, ferries, for it does not appear certain that at any points between New Hampshire and Connecticut were available fords. In May, 1 718, nine pounds were raised for a free ferry for a year. The navigation of the Connecticut had always been a difficult problem, owing to the falls at South Hadley and Montague. It was not imtil after the close of the Revolution, and of Shays' Rebellion, which had for twelve years occu- pied the minds of all in Western Massachusetts, that an enterprise for faciUtating transportation sprang into new life. This was the building of canals around these falls. In 1792 this laudable enterprise was authorized by the legislature, and the names of those forming the corporation are still preserved. For many years the bridging of the Connecticut, or " Great River," was considered an impossible feat. It was attempted in 1792 at Green- field. A toll-bridge was established at Springfield about 1805. It was over twelve hundred feet long, and built with six imposing arches. Its opening to the public was an occasion of great rejoicing, processions, and speeches. The two travellers, whose glance backward over the long history of the fertile region they were passing so happily through had filled the whole golden afternoon, were now approaching the primitive and pic- turesque ferry at North Hadley. They hailed the sturdy boatman, who took them slowly across to the lovely Hatfield shore by hand. An idyllic little trip. In these August afternoons the sun begins to lean toward the horizon by six o'clock. A fresh coolness, even after the hottest days, springs into the air, and the two in the carriage passed herds of cows, soft-eyed and gentle, on their homeward way from pasture. As the level sun-rays swept across the meadows, the green of the rich grass was turned into velvety softness. The far, faint hills in the west came forth in a deep purple evening dress. While yet it seemed to be 32 THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. A Picturesque Ferry. summer, an unsuspected scarlet leaf of sumac glowed suddenly by the roadside, — brilliant forerunner of that palpitating glory of color which holds high carnival here throughout a royal autumn. In this calm time how remotely misty seem those volcanic da)s when all was but a strife of upheaval, — how impossible the stupendous proces- sion of prehistoric mammoths who left their huge footjjrints in the mud of that ])erpetual summer, — how equally far away the numb clas|) of the glacial silence, — how more than strange the knowledge that the bed of a great lake makes now the fertile farm, the shady woodland, the radi- ant roadside ! Nearer, yet still remote, the war-cries and the tragedies of two hun- dred and fifty years ago, and the sturdy strength and inflexibility of purpose which built up and made possible the beautiful life we know to-day. As the cool twilight descends, and one dwelling after another is passed, the little home lights flash out cheerily into the still evening. The warm yellow glow in the west grows less ; one bright star, senti- nel outpost of a countless host, springs into life, and all the sweet valley sleeps under the sky. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 33 A FEW DELIGHTFUL DRIVES. VIEWS FROM HOLYOKE—CHARMIXG HADLEY—THE "MEADOW CITY" — BLOOD-STAINED DEERFIELD— OTHER ATTRACTIVE PLACES. IN all New England there are few regions offering more delightful opportunities for riding and driving than the portion of the Connec- ticut Valley in which the town of Amherst lies. For miles around, easy country roads wind along the highlands and through the valleys, displaying lavishly all the beauty and grandeur of which indulgent Nature is capable. It is like a vast park, through which one may wander for months without exhausting the natural attractions, and be more deeply impressed each day by the wonderful variety. Not a few are the visitors who come to Amherst, and some of the neighboring towns, expressly to spend an outing in driving ; and none depart disappointed. With Amherst as a centre, there are long drives of a day or more to Pittsfield and Lenox, fashionable as summer and fall resorts ; to Worth- ington and Peru, on the lower Clreen Mountains, directly westward from Amherst, and twelve hundred and sixteen hundred feet above sea-level ; between Goshen and Ashfield — both delightful places in themselves — is a charming " Little Switzerland " ; and, further to the west, Williams- town and the Berkshire Hills are prominent ; Brattleboro' and Burlington are the pleasant objective points in Vermont, as are Monadnock in New Hampshire and Wachusett in Massachusetts. Indeed, the list is almost limitless. Of the shorter and more important drives for those who visit Amherst to become acquainted with the town and its surroundings, a few of the best have been selected for brief mention in this book. The ride to Mount Holyoke, eight miles, takes one to an outlook not surpassed in the world. The road runs southeasterly to the Middle Street of Hadley, four miles ; then south, along the Connecticut River, two and one-half miles, with many choice views ; then up the mountain- side through the veil of the old forest to the half-w-ay house. The rest of the trip to the summit is made in a quaint little car holding four per- sons, and making the ascent under a covered way by means of a station- ary engine at the bottom. Athletes will prefer to climb the 522 steps 34 THE HANDBOOK OF AMIIKRST. which follow the side of the railway. Since the opening of the railroad in 1854, there has never been an accirlent. The summit has a perpendicular elevation of 954 feet, and from it may be seen four States and forty towns, eight of which are in Connecticut. The panorama of the winding river, / fertile valley, and rugged mountains. W' Mount Holyoke. as far as the eye can see, well nigh defies description. The drive home may be varied by crossing the Hockanum ferry at the foot of the moun- tain, and following the other side of the river to Northamp- ton, and thence to Amherst. " Old " Hadley, four miles, by the " old road," Amity Street, or by Northampton Street. The cemetery, the broad streets liniMl witli elms, and the Elmwood House, are the objects of interest. The latter is on the site of the house where, two hundred years ago. Rev. Mr. Russell, the first minister of the town, hid the regicide judges, Goffe and Whalley, who had fled from England at the fdl of Cromwell. From thi- hiding- place Goffe emerged to assume command of the settlers and drive off the attacking Indians in a meinoral)k' bailie. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 35 The "Meadow City," as Northampton is known, is an eight-mile drive over a straight road. It is a thriving young city of fifteen thousand inhabitants, and many busy mills of almost national repute. It has been the home of such men as the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, Ciovernor Caleb Strong, Rev. Timothy Dwight, and to-day numbers among its inhabitants the noted novelist George \V. Cable, Judge 1). W. IJond, and President L. Clark Seelye. Northampton has many charming drives within its limits. Round Hill affords extensive views of river and meadow, and is The Russell Church and Elmwood House, in Hadley. of interest because of its connection with the historians Bancroft and MoUey, and the "sweet singer," Jenny Lind. "Paradise" is a delightful bit of nature preserved from the ruthless real estate agent by kindly hands. One may reach it for a walk from Paradise road. Among the other objects of interest in the city are Smith College for young ladies, the Clark Institute for deaf and dumb, and the many manufactories. Wade, Warner & Co., the publishers of " Picturesque Hampshire," and projectors of similar works of other Western Massachusetts counties, have a large printing business here, and publish the Hampshire County Journal, a prominent weekly. ze THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. Florence, three miles beyond Smith College, is the terminus of the horse-car line. A drive through it to Leeds, one and a half miles, and then along the stream to Haydenville and Williamsburg, brings one to the scene of the Mill River disaster of 1874, when 158 lives were destroyed in less than an hour. These towns are pleasant manufacturing villages. Easthampton, elev-en miles, by way of Northampton, is the seat of Williston Academy, a well-known preparatory school for boys. Return- A Glimpse of Smith College. ing by way of Mount 'Xoxw station and the Hockanum ferry lengthens the distance to fourteen miles. Mount Nonatuck, on the opposite side of the riser from Mount Holyoke, is ten miles from Amherst, whether one crosses the Connecti- cut by the Hockanum ferry, or goes by way of Northampton, and the meadow road to the sovUh. The ascent is by a carriage road, to the top, 852 feet above sea-level, where there is a comfortable house. The view from the summit is scarcely less beautiful than from Mount Holyoke. Plainville : two miles ; a little settlement in the town of Hadley ; Amity Street, first right after descending the hill. From riainville THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 17 thence by first left, around the base of Mount Warner, to North Hadley, and return by the northern side of the mountain, is a pleasant drive of nine miles. The Huntington Estate ; three and a half miles ; Amity Street directly west to the Connecticut River, then tbllowing the river north- ward. The first large house at the left is the sum- mer home of P)ishop The Huntington Estate. F. D. Huntington, antl with the adjoining estates is a fine example of the older Connecticut Valley homesteads. Following the river, the return may be made by North Hadley. Hatfield is five miles by way of North Hadley, and across the river by a picturesque ferry. This town was one of the earliest of those set- tled in this portion of the valley, and its history is filled with accounts of Indian wars. It is laid out in two long streets, lined from end to end with magnificent elms and pleasant estates. The return, if by way of Northampton, southward, is eleven miles ; or by Sunderland, northward, is fourteen miles, either way of great variety and charm. Whately and Whately Glen ; twelve miles ; is a delightful picnick- ing spot, and a haunt of artists and lovers of nature. North Hadley, the ferry to Hatfield, and northwesterly roads from Hatfield Centre. The return may be made by Sunderland, a mile or two fiu-ther. 38 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. North Amherst ; two miles ; North Pleasant Street. Return may be made by taking road to the west, to North Hadley, thence southeasterly to Amherst, the whole distance being from nine to twelve miles, accord- ing to variations ; or by the easterly road to North Amherst " city " ; whole distance five miles. North Amherst "city'' is two miles from Amherst by way of Mount Pleasant Street. Mount Toby is eight miles due north through North Amherst and the Leverett plain, into wildness where bowlders, hugh forest trees, clearest springs and brooks surround an unequalled bit of rural loveliness, at the very base of the mountain. A climb of two miles by an easy moun- tain road brings one to the to]). From the wooden tower, now de- stroyed by fire, could once be seen a wild sea of mountain tops and lands in more than eighty towns. It is seven miles to Shutesbury by way of North .\mherst "city," and following along the side of the roaring waters of the upper Mill River. The road is ])ictures([ue, and at times slmt in as if tlv,;re were no outside world ; but from the crest, with a deep chasm farther east, one can look {■AX over valley, hill, and range, and see dreylock in the west. Monad- nock in the north, and \\'achusett in the east. Leverett, six miles, through North .Xmherst " city," and directly north, affords a fine series of views. A pleasant way is by way of North .'\mherst and l''actorv Ilnljow. THE HAXDBOOK Of AMHERS7\ 39 Lock's Ponds, in North Leverett ; twelve miles ; a pleasant place to picnic. Montague, ten miles, through North Amherst, north through Leverett, passing Mount Toby, is a wide and picturesque drive. Sunderland, seven miles, through North Amherst, directly north. To reach South Deerfield by way of the Sunderland bridge, one must go through North Amherst village in a northwesterly direction for ten miles, passing through the villages of North Amherst and Sunder- land. Sugar Loaf Mountain, around whose base the road winds, after crossing the bridge, is well worth ascending. The town of Old Deer- field, five miles farther, is of great historical interest, and in it are many memorials of the fierce French and Indian wars that more than once devastated it. The return drive may be made through the North Hatfield meadows, dire(?tly south, and across the river by the Hatfield ferry, and thence to Amherst. In Pelham the fishing-rod factory of the Montague City Rod Com- pany is an interesting place to visit. It is about two miles directly east from Main Street. This industry was founded in the year i860 by H. Gray & Son, and was the first factory known in which fishing-rods were made by machinery. The founders carried on a constantly increas- ing business for fourteen years, and in 1874 sold out to J. (t. Ward & Co. Looking -toward North Amherst. This firm continued until 1880, when the business passed into the hands of Bartlett Brothers. The senior member of this firm, L. L. Bartlett, withdrew in 1883, and E. P. Bartlett, sole proprietor during the next six years, greatly enlarged the plant, and trebled the amount of business. 40 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. In 1889 the business combined with the Montague City Rod Company, This company now employs at this factory a full force of fifty hands, and has a constantly increasing business. Their annual output is about 75,000 fishing-rods of all grades, ranging from the boys' cheaj) rod to the finest Cerman silver mounted split bamboo rods. The catalogue contains descriptions of the two hundred different styles of fishing-rods manuflictured. The stock used is the native ash, maple, and birch ; also lancewood and greenheart wood imported from the West Indies, and bam- boo poles from Calcutta. Mr. K. 1'. IJartlett, who is now in charge at this The Fishing-Rod Factory. factory, has been connected with the business ever since it started, and as either part or sole owner during the last seventeen vears. It is owing in a large measure to his energy and business capacity that the business has grown and developed to its present large volume. His enterprise has aided very materially in the growth oS. the manufacturing interest of Amherst. The Montague City Rod Company has another large factory for fishing-rods at Montague (jty. The officers of the company are : President, L. I,. T.ardett of Montague City; treasurer, C. W. Hazelton of Turner's Falls. E. P. BarUett is one of the directors of the company, and superintendent of the factory at Pelham. Amherst is the post-office address of this branch of the firm. THE HAA'DBOOK OF AMHERST. 41 West Pelham church ; four miles ; and thence southward, behind the first mountain range following a mad brook down to Pansy Park, is a pleasant drive. The way is about fifteen miles if the return to Amherst is by going southeasterly to the Bay road, and thence through South Amherst. Mount Lincoln is a drive of about six miles due east to the West Pelham meeting-house, and thenre soutli, clinging to the left-hand roads The Tower on Mount Lincoln, with guide-boards. The roads follow a deep chasm at the left, a private graveyard at the right, the mountain woods, and along the mountain top to the summit. The tower is twelve hundred feet above the seadevel, the surrounding valleys, and no other point gives a clearer idea of the Connecticut Valley as a whole. As the position is higher than Mounts Holyoke and Tom and the Sugar Loaves, one may look directly across them to the distant and loftier continuations of the ( ireen Mountains. Pratt's Corner ; four to six miles, according to the variations ; East Street, turning north, and taking the first road to the northeast. This way is along the valley of the Pelham hills, and fiill of most charming scener3\ 42 THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. Pansy Park, the flower farm and seed establishment of L. W. Goodell, is situated about four miles from Amherst, upon the main road to Belcher- town, and about a mile this side of the railroad station, which takes its name from this place. Here in the summer time may be seen more than two thousand varieties of flowering plants, including pansies, asters, pinks, petunias, and many others, being grown by the acre for the seed. Especially during the months of August and September, all these make a gorgeous display of floral beauty, which attracts thousands of visitors annually from for and near. One of the most attractive features of the place is the aquatic garden and artificial pond, con- A Flower Field at Pansy Park. taining one of the largest collections of water-iiluits gnmn in the o])en air in America. Among other rarities in this collection are several varieties of the Japanese and sacred Egyptian lotus, and about twenty varieties of water-lilies from various parts of the world, including tlie magnificent blue and red lilies from Zanzibar. The cultivation of the latter has until recently been confined to the city parks and the grounds of the wealthy, on account of the high price of the i)lants ; but Mr. (loodell has shown that they can be as easily grown from the seed as the common annuals, and made to flower in tubs, and in this way they are now being grown from seed he has distributed all over the country. The very rare Victoria Regia, from the river Amazon, the largest water-lih' in the world, with leaves from four to six feet THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 43 across, was flowered at Pansy Park in the summer of 1890 without artificial heat, the first time this has ever been accomphshed in an open pond. The taste for the cultivation of aquatic plants increased so rapidly that the following season Mr. Goodell constructed ponds to cover several acres, and is cultivating this class of plants on a larger scale than has ever before been attempted. In addition to the seeds \ The First Victoria Regia grown without Artificial Heat. grown upon the farm, large quantities are imported from the growers of England, Germany, and France, and some varieties that require a long season to mature are grown on contract in the Southern States. A catalogue and price list is published annually in January by Mr. Goodell, and thousands of them sent out. The seeds are put up in hundreds of thousands of packets, and go by mail or express to customers in all parts of the country, and in fact all over the globe, as orders are received from Europe, the East and the West Indies, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and other foreign lands. Mr. Goodell's success in a business started under discouraging circumstances, and 4 44 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. in competition witli old established firms, is remarkable. He began during the Centennial year, with a capital of only S25, on a poor, run-down farm, which was mortgaged and otherwise deeply in debt. The old homestead, which has been in the Ooodell family for over a century, was a itw years ago one of the most neglected and unsightly in town, and would in the ordinary course of events have become one of the much-talked-of " abandoned farms." It is now a most attractive place, and well worth a long journey to visit. The year Mr. Goodell began business, he had less than two hundred customers, while now there are over fifty thousand. From two hundred to five hundred orders are received daily during the selling season in the winter and spring months. Six years ago, land more suitable for the cultivation of the flowers being needed, Mr. Goodell bought the two estates adjoining his own, where most of the growing has been done. Pansies being one of the leading special- ties, the distinctive name of " Pansy Park" was then given to the place. Belchertown ; ten miles ; a pleasant village on the hills at the southeast. The road is direct after passing through the Kast Amherst _ _ village and by the 1 Agricultural Fair grounds. Good hotel accommoda- tions, with several summer residences antl a handsome library building, add to the natural attractiveness of tlie place. A half a mile beyond the Pansy Park Station of the Massachusetts Central Railroad, the road passes the site of the birthplace of Dr. J. G. Holland, the well-remembered author. In the grove, at the right, just before crossing the railroad at Pansy Park Station, there was formerly a school-house in which Henry Ward Beecher, when a student at Amherst College, jireached his first sermon. Beautifiil roads and picnic grounds about the ponds abound between .\mherst and Belchertown. The dri\e from Belchertown to Ijifield offers land views of more than ordinarv loveliness. ^**^Wfl^^f'**«- The Pond in Belchertown. Page 45. A VIEW OF BELCHERTOWN COM.VION. THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 47 South Amherst ; four miles ; South Pleasant Street, following the left-hand road after ascending the hill beyond Mill River. The Old Bay Road ; four miles ; the right-hand road after ascending the hill beyond Mill River, once the southern boundary of the town. It runs along the foot of the Holyoke range, was first a bridle-path, and later a part of the stage route between Northampton, Hadley, Brookfield, and Boston. The " Bay Path " has been made memorable by Dr. Holland. The road commands an immense variety of landscape. Mount Holyoke Co,,.: ;,..::-i Hadiey. The Notch ; five miles ; to the Bay road, thence over the Holyoke Mountain range. This cut was the first outlet of the great lake which once spread over this portion of the Connecticut Valley. South Hadley and Granby, each eight miles, are beyond the Notch. The former place is the seat of the Mount Holyoke College for young ladies, a well-known educational institution. Returning home by the road around the base of Mount Holyoke will give variet\-, and add only three miles to the distance. By crossing Smith's Ferry in South Hadley, the only ferry on the river which is operated by the force of the current, and following the river to Northampton, the drive will be lengthened by five miles. Granby is a small town, in early times a portion of Hadley. 48 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. AMHERST OF THE PRESENT. lis SITlWriOX— MATERIAL COXDmOX— GLIMPSES ALOXG THE STREETS OE THE VILLAGE — NORTH AMHERST— THE •'CITV — EAST STREET— SOUTH AMHERST. THE town of Amherst occupies a position a little east of the centre of Hampshire County, which was established by act of the General Court, May 7, 166.2. The original county included the present Berkshire County, set off in 1761; Franklin County, set off in 181 1; and Hampden County, set off in 181 2. There is but one city in Hamp- shire County, Northampton, and of the twenty-two towns, Amherst is the second ui point of population. The total population of the county, according to the national census of 1890, was 51,859. Adjoining Amherst are : Sunderland and Leverett, in Franklin County, on the north ; Shutesbury, in Franklin County, Pelham, and Belcher- town, on the east ; Granby, on the south ; and Hadley, on the west. On two sides, nature has provided the town sharp bountlary lines in the ranges of the Pelham hills and Holyoke mountains. Between these and the highlands, where the main village lies, inter- vene broad valleys, which stretch away westward, to the banks of tiie peaceful river. Several minor streams traverse the town in their ]o\\x- ney to the Connecticut, here and there broadening into graceful ponds, which never fail to attract the migrating water-fowl in sjiring and fall, affording many a gootl shot to the chance sportsman. The woods and the brooks as well furnish in their seasons similar amusement, although the latter are fast becoming desolated. The whirr of the I)artridge, the chatter of the squirrel, and the b()l)l)ing white tail of the rabbit, frecpiently startle the wandering scholar who loves co give himself to solitude and communion with nature. Sometimes a very shrewd luuiter is permitted to hear and see these things, if he is careful to be unarmed. The area of .\niherst is about twenty-eight and three-ijuarters S(iuare miles, and its \iliages are .Amherst, Nortii .\mlierst. North .\mherst "city," i'^ast Amherst, or ICast Street, and .South .\mherst. 1. Amity Street. 2. Lincoln Avenue. 3. Prospect Street. REFERENCES. 4. North Pleasant Street. 5. Main Street. 6. Spring Street. 7. College Street. 8. South Pleasant Street. 9. Northampton Street. THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 5' The distances from the centre to the surrounding villages are : North Amherst and the " city," two miles ; East Amherst, one mile ; South Amherst, four miles. North Amherst "city" is a mile eastward from North Amherst. The roads and streets that connect these villages with each other and with the neighboring towns are, in the main, the smoothest and most comfortable of country thoroughfares. Within the limits of constant and heavy travel they are laid and kept in repair with a thoroughness seldom seen in towns of equal size. Their entire length is about seventy- five miles. The New London Northern Railroad has stations at South Amherst, Amherst, and North /Vmherst " city." The distance from New London, Conn., where the road connects with the New York, Providence, and Boston and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroads, and with the steamer for New York, to Amherst is 85 miles ; from ^Villiman- tic, connecting with the New York and New England road, 56 miles ; from Palmer, connecting with the Boston and xA^lbany, 20 miles ; from Belchertown, connecting with the Massachusetts Central, 10 miles; from Brattleboro, connecting with the Connecticut River, and the Central Vermont, 36 miles ; and from Miller's Falls, connecting with the Fitchburg, 15 miles. The Massachusetts Central Railroad was extended through Amherst in 1888, and has stations at South Amherst and Amherst. Boston is 96 miles distant ; Oakdale, where connections are made with the Worcester and Nashua Railroad, 55 miles ; Belchertown, connecting with the New London Northern, 9 miles ; and Northampton, connecting with the Connecticut River and the New York, New Haven and Hartford roads, 8 miles. In pohtics, Amherst is usually found within the Republican fold. Its local elections are not carried on strongly marked political lines, but they are frequently more exciting than the State or national contests. There are about one thousand voters. A few statistics will give the practical reader an idea of the material conditions of the town. The tax rate for the year 1890 was $15.75 on every $1000, and during the four years previous averaged $15.50. In comparing this rate with that of other towns, the discount of- ten per cent allowed in return for early payments must be taken into consid- eration. 52 THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. Law and order have an almost undisputed sway over Amherst, and the guardians of the peace are hmited to a dozen constables and one night patrolman. The grounds of the two colleges are protected by specially appointed watchmen. The town lock-up is with rare excep- tions desolate of inmates. It frequently shelters a weary tramp from the cold, but offenders against the law, scarcely at the rate of a half- dozen a year. The fire department consists of two hose companies and a hook and ladder company, all under the charge of a board of twelve engineers appointed by the selectmen. In 1891 thirty-eight men comprised the working force of firemen. Hydrants are located at convenient intervals in the thickly settled portions of the town, and the force of the water supply is such that the hand-engine is seldom called into service. In the past four years, since 1887, the average number of fires has been five. The main village of .Amherst is lighted by gas and electricity. A water system was introiluced by a private company in 1881, supply- ing all the main portions of the town. The source of the supply is Amethyst I]rook, four miles distant, in Pelham, and chemical examina- tion has shown the water to be of excellent purity. Shortly after the introduction of water, a sewerage system was planned by the several influential citizens, and put in at the expense of benefit- ing abutters. It now consists of tliree divisions emptying into running brooks in different parts of the village, and the service is sufticient for the accommodation of all living in this portion of the town. One of the most attractive features of the village of Amherst is the Common, a long stretch of greensward reaching from the .Amherst Col- lege buildings to the business blocks. Previous to 18S0 it was an unsightly swamp, and was changed to its present good condition through the efforts of William A. Dickinson, Esq. The expenses were defrayed by private sul)scri])tion, and at i)rcsent it is largely cared for by the local improvement society. The national census of 1890 i)laccd the po])ulation of .\mherst at 4512, — an increase of 214 in ten years. .As augmenting the social and business life of the town, the 500 students attending the two colleges may well be added to this number. The actual growth of the town may be readil)' seen from these census figures: In 1776 there were 915 inhabitants; '790, 1233; 1800, 1358; 1810, 1469; 1820, 191 7; 1830, THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 55 2631; 1840, 2550; 1850, 3057; i860, 3206; 1870, 4035; 1880, 4298. The elevated situation, the pure air from the hills, the excellent water suppl}^ and the freedom of a country life, combined with the material comforts of modern homes, make Amherst one of the healthiest and most cheerful of the towns of Western Massachusetts. The deaths average about sixty-five in a year, and the proportion of sickness is small. Amherst exults in still retaining that ancient emblem of pure democ- racy, the town-meeting, and many are the patriotic words, sage counsels, and, it must be confessed, now and then, bits of oratorical filling, that have echoed in the ears of the oldest inhabitants at these assemblages of the people. The college boys have always been zealous in their attendance upon town-meetings, and there is more than one legend among them of the absurdities that were gravely legislated upon in the mythical times when students are said to have been allowed to cast their votes on important town matters. If such times ever did exist, no one can clearly remember them, although of course this casts no doubt upon the truth of these circulating stories. The annual meeting, when officers are elected and appropriations made, occurs on the first Monday in March. The yearly expenditures of the town reach about $42,000. In 1890 they were Si 10,947, which included the cost of the new town hall. The public debt in that year was $142,000. The total valuation of taxable property was $3,290,128. About $2,000,000 is untaxable. The taxable personal property amounted to $931,314, and real estate $2,358,814. The educational interests of Amherst are well provided for in the annual appropriations. The schools in 1891 were eleven in number, with twenty-one regular teachers. The expenditures for schools in the year 1890-91 were $11,499, or $14 for every pupil. The school build- ings and land are valued at about $60,000. Amherst schools rank well among those of the State. W. D. Parkinson has been superintendent since 1893. The village of xAmherst is the business centre of the town. Three short brick blocks, wherein are located the majority of the stores of the town, radiate from the Amherst House, a hostelry bearing an enviable reputation throughout the State. For many years this site has been occupied by the hotel of the town. The original building was burned, with the rest of the blocks in Merchants' Row, in 1879. The jiresent 56 THE II A XD BOOK OF AMHERST. house was built directly after the fire, and is owned by the Conkey heirs. Ordinarily, one hundred guests may be accommodated, and at such occasions as the commencement of the colleges, special arrange- ments nearly double this capacity. I). H. Kendrick has been the pro- prietor since 1S94. Connected with the hotel, T. L. Paige kis a finely equipped livery stable. About this end of the village Common are clustered the post-office, town liall, banks, newspaper office, and stores. At the further end rises College Hill, with its group of college buildings. The village post-ofifice and the Amherst Savings Bank are located in the block next the hotel. The employees of the post-office handle about 1,000,000 letters and 580,000 papers in a single year, and the cash receipts are never flir from $10,000 a year. The Savings Bank was incorporated Ai)ril 15, 1S64, and began busi- ness the 2d of January following. The amount of deposits, January i, 1891, was $1,359,419. E. F. Cook was then presi lent. The comfortable quarters of the Amherst Club are in the next block, which belongs to B. H. Williams. This club was organized in 189 1 by the young business men of the town, and it has handsomely ap|K)inted reception, reading, and billiard rooms. Herbert T. Cowles was the first president. The Amherst National Bank, in Hunt's Block, was organized in J.uiu-, ary, 1864, largely through the infiuence of tlie late Leonard M. Hills, who became its first president. At Mr. Hills' death, I,. 1 ). Hills suc- ceeded to the office, which he has since held. The capital of the bank is $150,000. The Baptist church stood for many years next to Hunt's Block. The society was organized as a branch of the New Silem and I'rescott church, November 8, 1827, later becoming a branch of the church at Northampton, and recognized as an independent organization on .\ugust 3, 1S32. This building was erected in 1855. 'l"he pastor in 1894 was Rev. G. L. Holman. Across the Common, on the corner of Spring Street, is the Crace Episcopal church, a handsome gray-stone structure, with a curious finger-like sjure at one corner of the tower. The Right Reverend 1'. IX Huntingt(jn, Rjishop of Cer.tral New York, organized the sociel\', with thirty-seven members, Se[)tember 12, 1864. Rev. S. 1'. Barker, 1 ).!)., was installed as the first i)astor, January 11, 1865, and until March of TJIE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 59 the year following, services v/ere held in the hall of the old Amherst Academy building, then standing on the present site of the Amity Street Grammar School. The church building was consecrated July 17, 1866 : it cost $40,000, and has a seating capacity of five hundred. At present there is a generous active membership, and since 1S93 the Rev. David Sprague has been the rector. The town hall is a picturesque building of brick, red sandstone, and granite. It was erected by the town in 1SS9 at a cost of $58,000, H. S. jMcKay of Boston being the designer. In addition to a handsome hall, seating eight hundred and fifty persons, there are rooms for the town officers, the district court, the town library, and several business men. In the rear of this hall, Company K, 2d Regiment, M. V. M., has a large armory, built by the town in 1S90 and rented to the State. The company was organized November 19, 1887, and in 1891 had full ranks with E. G. Thayer, captain; W, A. Thayer, ist lieutenant; F. A. Bard- well, 2d lieutenant. It was disbanded in 1894. In the rear of the American House Block, opposite, is the office of the Amherst Record, a thriving weekly, which was established in 1848. It first appeared in 1844 under the name of the HampsJiire ami Fraiik- lin Express, Samuel C. Nash being editor. In 1S65 it became the Haiiip- sliire Express, and three years later, the Avihcrst Record. The Record is published every Wednesday afternoon, and its editors, Carpenter & jMorehouse, are the proprietors of a large job and book printing business, Kellogg's Block, at this end of the Phoanix Row, stands upon the site of the home of Noah Webster, who resided in Amherst from 181 2 to 1822. The house was destroyed by fire in 1838. Masonic Hall, in Cook's Block, is the headcpiarters of the Pacific Lodge of Masons, the E. M. Stanton Post 147, of the Grand Army, and the Women's Rehef Corps. It is a peculiarity of the village, that the chief streets radiate in every direction from the Common, The most satisfactory results, therefore, of an attempt to see whatever there is of interest, will be obtained by taking the Common as a starting-place for a walk through each one. They are not in any case thickly populated for more than a tjuarter of a mile from the Common, and a raml)le about them, while not occupy- ing a long time, will well repay an admirer of country scenery, in the sight of the many comfortal)le homes, — for Amherst is truly a village of homes, — -and now and then the distant landscapes of rare beauty. 5 6o THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. From the side of the Amherst House, Amity Street, the " old road " to Hadley, extends directly westward to the town boundary, Plain- ville, and the Connecticut River. It is the modern survivor of one of the original roads of the town, laid out with a width of forty rods in 1703- The building opposite is a veritable landmark. When it was but one story high, it contained the town's first post-office, which was removed from East Amherst about 1820. The first postmaster sold out, after being a few years m this place, to one Jared \Vhite, who paid $100 for the business, and continued it in the same location. The building was purchased by Frank P. W^ood, who opened it as Wood's Hotel in 1882. It is best known to the college boys as "Frank's," and the warm-hearted proprietor has had a permanent position in the usually fickle affections of the boys, ever since he first demonstrated to them his skill as a cook and his kindness as a friend. More than one class and club has celebrated their friendship for the man and the place in their publications, and many a delectable game bird, rare-bit, or lobster have they enjoyed during the days when the restaurant was open. " Frank" entered private life in 1889, but as a caterer he is still in great demand. It is now an annex of the Amherst House. The Grammar School building opposite stands upon the site of Amherst Academy, in its day the most prominent educational institu-„ tion in this part of the State, and very influential in the founding of Amherst College. Opened in December, 18 14, the incorporators, when the charter was granted two years later, included all the leading citizens of the town, which was then about one-fourth its present population. Yox a dozen years both sexes were admitted to the Academy. A poor student preparing for the ministry was required to pay no tuition, and very frequently found kind people who gladly gave him his board. The number of pupils attending the Academy at one time amounted to ninety of each sex. After young ladies had been excludctl, the number varied between seventy-five and one hundred. Conne(^ted with the Academy as a i)upil was Mary Lyon, the founder of Mount Holyoke College at South lladley. Amoni; the teachers, since become prominent, was the venera- ble Professor William S. Tyler of Amherst College. The Academy build- ing was a three-story brick structure, and being considered unsafe, was taken down in 1S68 to make way iox the present school-house. The old homestead of Judge Strong, once the adjutant-general of ^mm^^i^;?A ^:,v^g%i^- ■••• Pa"e 6i. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 63 Massachusetts, stands some distance back from the street. It is now owned by Mrs. S. E. Emerson. South Prospect Street. Among the other residences on Amity Street are those of Professor E. P. Crowell, Dean of Amherst College ; E. Pj. Marsh, registrar of Amherst College ; Professor Charles Wellington, Dr. Charles k. Goessmann, Pro- fessor G. F. Mills, all of the Agricultural College, and the summer home of Hiram Heaton of New York. President H. H. Goodell of the Agricul- tural College lives on Sunset Avenue, near Amity. On Lincoln Avenue, leading directly to the Agricultural College, is one of the finest views in the town. On this street is the house of Mrs. C. D. Adams. That portion of Pleasant Street which extends northward from the hotel is most aptly named. For the distance of a quarter of a mile, great straight-trunked elms line each side of the road, almost uniting their branches overhead, and sheltering in the warm summer time many a tuneful katydid. The residences on the left side of the street are those of E. D. Bangs, the treasurer of the Savings Bank ; the Conkey Mansion, now the parish home of St. Bridget's church, and occupied by the pastor, the Rev. J. H. Gavin; the home of Levi Cowles, standing a generous distance back from the street ; and the dwelling of George Cutler. On the other side, live W. H. Long, William Kellogg, whose 64 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. house is on land bought from Noah Webster, and Dr. O. F. Bigelow. The Universalist Society, organized November, 1887, has erected a new church building here. The services were held in Masonic Hall pend- ing the erection of the church, and the Rev. J. H. Holden is pastor. The village cemetery includes within its limits the graveyard that was laid out by the town of Hadley in 1730. On the road toward the Agricultural College is the St. Bridget's Roman Catholic church, built in 1871. Previous to that time the North Pleasant Street. Catholics of the town held their meetings in Palmer's Pilock. on the site of which the town liall now stands. Until 1872 the pastors came from Northami)ton, but in that year Rev. Francis Hrennan was installed. The pastor since 1892, Rev. J. H. Gavin, is also pastor of the Hadley church. A short distance beyond is the residence of H. D. Fearing, manu- facturer of straw hats. Leaving Pleasant Street here, it will be interesting to return to Mount Pleasant Street, which extends over the hills to North .\mherst " city." A short distance from the fork of the two roads is W'ildwood Cemetery, a most beautiful spot, bought and laid out in 1888 by a private cor- poration. THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 67 Within this forlc, standing high above the roads at either side, and commanding a splendid view of the village and of the Connecticut Valley, is the Mt. Pleasant Institute, of which William K. Nash is the principal. The situation is one of the most beautiful in all Amherst, as anyone who has visited it will testify. The large, generous build- ings of the colonial style, surrounded by twenty acres of grounds belonging to the estate, and shaded by handsome forest trees, offer an ideal home for growing boys. The institute is designed for the educa- tion of boys in the broadest sense of the term, including not only the cultivation of the intellect, but the moulding of character and the Mt. Pleasant Institute. development of good health. Not more than sixteen pupils are accom- modated at one time, as it is believed that a larger number cannot receive the best attention and care. The courses of study include a thorough preparation for college, school of technology, or for busi- ness. The school was established in 1846. Returning to the village square, a walk to the American House brings one to the corner of Lessey Street. The first two estates, on the left, belong to E. P. Cook, the president of the Savings Bank. The second of these is occupied by Mr. Cook, and the first by Frank P. Wood, who formerly kept Wood's Hotel on Amity Street. For many years the Northampton and Amherst stages, owned by Mr. Cook, made their 68 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. two daily trips from the stables in the rear of this house. At the com- pletion of the railroad they were discontinued. The place is of historical interest, as it includes an orchard i)lanted by Noah Webster. Upon Oak Grove Hill, over which Lessey Street leads, are the resi- dences of Rev. W. S. Tyler, D.D., of Amherst College, and his son, Professor J. M. Tyler. The house of Dr. Tyler was the birthplace and youthful home of Helen Hunt Jackson, whose writings, under the nom- de-plume " H. H.," still charm many readers. The Chapter liouses of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity are on the summit of the hill. The " Oak Grove School " for young ladies occupies the colonial mansion, formerly the residence of J. Howard Sweetser of New York, on the opposite side of the street. This school was founded in 1885, and is conducted by Miss V. W. Buffam, a graduate of Welles- ley College, assisted by an able corps of instructors. The aim of the school is to train up girls with healthy bodies, sound minds, and refined manners. The facilities can hardly be excelled. The boarding pupils enjoy a well-kept home in a charming situation. Preparation is here made for college, several of the best institutions in the State accepting the certificates of the school in place of regular examinations for admis- sion. Main Street is a well-travelled thoroughfare along which one may look from the verandas of the Amherst House. It crosses New London; Northern Railroad near the station, and extends through East Amherst to Pelham. The meeting-house of the First Congregational Society, on the right side of the street, was dedicated September 23, 1868, the corner-stone having been laid September 21st of the previous year. The society dates back to the earliest settlement of the town, when there was no distinction between the religious and political body. The business of the parish was transacted in public meeting, and the necessary funds for its sup- l)(jrt were raised by taxation, togetlicr with those needed for highways and the other usual expenses of a town. Tlie first meeting-house was built about 1740, upon the site of tlie present college Observatory. It was a severely j^lain structure without and within, .\round the sides were ranged the pews, the men sitting on one side and the women on the other. 'I'he first minister was Rev. David Parsons. In 1788 a meeting-house of a more elaborate character was erectetl upon the same site, and three years after, private individuals contributed the money for THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. /I the belfry. The opening of the College was followed by a need for bet- ter accommodations, and the third building, the present College Hall, was erected in 1S29. This cost ;$65oo, and originally had a portico in front supported by huge pillars. When it was finished, the society decided that the town should hold no meetings in it, and it was after it had been occupied some years that the people became worldly enough to allow stoves, kerosene lights, and an organ to be admitted. The growth of the society since it has occupied the present building has been steady. It has now the largest membership in the town, excepting only the col- lege church. The building cost $75,000. In the spring of 1890 the church celebrated its one hundred and fiftieth anniversary. Since 1892 Rev. Frank L. Goodspeed has l)een pastor. The residence of William A. Dickinson, Esq., treasurer of Amherst College, is situated upon the opposite side of the street. The estate adjoining has long been in the possession of the Dickinson family, and is now the home of INIiss Lavinia Dickinson, whose sister, Emily Dick- inson, left, at her death, the wonderful poems which have since been 72 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. published. This house was the first brick building in Amherst. The residence of the late Professor R. H. Mather is at the ritrht. During the first year of his administration, President Gates occupied the house. Mrs. T. B. Hitchcock resides in the house between it and the church. Further down the street, and standing some distance back, are the residences of Leonard D. Hills, president of the National Bank, and of Henry F. Hills, president of The Hills Company, manufacturers of straw goods. Beyond the railroad, on the same street, is the church building of tiie Methodist Episcopal Society, first organized in 1868, with Rev. E. F. Pitcher, pastor, and reorganized in 1S75, under Rev. S. L. Rogers. The present building was erected in 1879. In 1894 Rev. A. Scpn'res was the i)astor. The residence of S. A, Stevens is on the same side, near the East Street. Grouped near the railroad station of the New London Northern road are the only manufactories of the village. The wooden buildings of The Hills Company are devoted to the manufiicturing of straw goods. In the season closing May, 1891, this company made 350,000 dozen straw hats. G. B. Burnett & Sons occupy the brick building. Each year tliey turn out a large line of the finer grades of straw hats. Spring Street, extending eastward from the centre of the village 74 ^l^lfl'- J/AXDBOOK OF .LUI/ERS/: Common, has several pleasant residences, among them that of Professor D. P. Todd of Amherst College. The High School Iniilding. built about iS6o, is here. College Street is parallel with Spring Street. On the corner of the Common is the Beta Theta I'hi Mouse, and l)eyond, the Chi Phi and the Phi Delta Theta houses. The residences here include those of Dr. H. H. Seelye, assistant in the physical culture department of the Amherst College; Mrs. Laurens P. Hic':ok, widow of the late Dr. Hickok, whose works on philosophy perjjetuate his name ; exT^resident Julius H. Seelye, whose connection with Amherst College dates from 1S55 ; Professor W. L. Montague, of Amherst College, and the director of the Summer School of Languages; Dr. Edward Hitchcock, son of the president of Amherst College of that name; Mrs. A. L Cooper; and Dr. T. P. I-ield. A short distance beyond the railroad bridge, at the right on South Pleasant Street, is Mt. Doma, Mrs. R. G. Williams' Select Family School for girls. The })ast success of this institution has won it a repu- tation among its friends and pupils. It is recommended for its faithful and earnest instruction by man)- well-known educators. It is con- ducted by an able coips of teachers. On South Pleasant Street, beyond College Hill, are the Delta Upsilon House and the residence of IMrs. Edward Tuckerman. P>eyond the railroad bridge is the home of the Misses Snell, daughters of tiie late Professor E. S. Snell of Amherst College, l^ver since the death of Pro- fessor Snell, the weather statistics of the College have been kept and published from this house. A short distance from here is the residence of Professor A. L. Kimball of Amherst College, and beyond the railroad bridge is the home of Professor Iv P. Harris of the same institution. Pleasantly located on Park Street is the residence of Mrs. W. F. Stearns, whose father, Dr. William A. Stearns, was one of the presi- dents of Amherst College. Mrs. Stearns has here a Home School for \'oung Ladies, the oldest institution of its kind in Amherst. It offers, in addition to a thoroughly attractive home, all the advantages for an intellectual training, and for careful i)h\sical, social antl religious cul- ture, that can be found in the best and most exclusive private schools in the ICastern States. Mrs. Stearns personally conducts the affairs of THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 75 the school and is assisted by an able staff of teachers. The school offers especially fine opportunities for studying music and painting, in addition to the usual courses in the languages and other studies. The location is an admirable one. It is very healthful and convenient, and yet is sufficiently removed from the more travelled roads to ensure privacy. The school has many influential friends and is highly recom- mended bv them. Mill Valley. At Mill Valley, a mile from the village, on South Pleasant Street, is a picturesque group of comfortable farmhouses. Northampton Street is the direct road to Northampton. On the corner opposite College Hall is the Psi Upsilon House, and next to it is the Chi Psi Lodge. Still further from the Common are the Theta Delta Chi House and the homes of Professor William Covvles, Pro- fessor H. H. Neill of Amherst College, O. D. Hunt, a prominent merchant, and Professor B. K. Emerson, Professor A. D. Morse, and Dr. J. E. Tuttle of Amherst College. At the corner of Parsons Street, the first left, is the Zion Congrega- tional church, established and supported by the students of Amherst 6 76 THE HANDBOOK OF A^[HKRSr. College. The building was erected in 1868, and in 1891 Rev. Milton Waldo was the pastor. On Lincoln Street, near the Theta Delta Chi House, is the home of Professor Levi .S. Elwell. Dr. ^Llrshall Henshaw and Prof. G. D. Olds live on Orchard Street. On this street and on Northampton Street are entrances to the athletic field of Amherst College. North Amherst. — The road from Amherst follows along the rich highlands, descending a short hill or two, and rising again as it nears the village. Here everything clusters about a pleasant square, the stately white church, a brick school, stores, and neat dwellings. Just beyond the settlement the historic Mill River, once the northern boundary of the town, flows westward to the Connecticut. North Amherst " city " is a mile to the east, and Factory Hollow, a diminutive but active manu- facturing settlement, is a short distance to the north. The church building of the North Congregational Society was built in 1826. It contains a fine organ, the gift of Mrs. G. E. Fisher. The society was organized November 15, 1826. Rev. Eber W. Ga\lord was the pastor in 1891. The school building is occupied by a primary and a grammar school. The North Amherst Library Association has a collection of nearly two thousand volumes for public use in this building. The i^ost-ofifice was established about 1839. The nearest railroad station is at the " City." Among the residences here are those of Henry W. Haskins, several years one of the selectmen of the town, Edmund Hobart, and Jonathan Cowles, whose farm is one of the largest in the State. North Amherst " City" is not so large as its name would lead one to believe. The confiding visitor exi)ects something more than the single street, with its railroad station, store, church, and school- house. Peside some cheerful houses, and a factory or two, that is all there is. The village cemetery is a short distance on the road to Amherst. The Methodist Society, whose litUe meeting-house stands near the railroad track, was not regularly organized until INLarch 9, 1849, four years after the dedication of the building. ICxtensive repairs were made upon the house in 1876. The pastor in 1894 was Rev. J. Meracle. There is no post-office at the "City"; all the mail goes to North THE HANDBOOK OF AM HER ST. 8 1 Amherst, or is opened informally at the railroad station by the post- master, who drives over for it. The little Queen Anne school-house was built in 1890. Among the residences is that of A. R. Cushman, whose leather-board mills are some distance beyond the centre of the village. East Amherst, or "East Street," as it is locally and perhaps better known, is a mile eastward from the main village, Amherst. Like that place, it is built around a grassy remnant of one of the old wide roads, the east street, laid out in 1704. This village in the early part of the century was the active centre of the town. As late as the year 1825, town-meetings were held in the church which then stood at the head of the Common, where the iron water trough now is. The post-office is a branch of that at Amherst. The Second Congregational church was built in 1839, the first meet- ing-house of the society having been erected in 1790. Since 1886 Rev. F. J. Fairbanks has been pastor. The present beautiful Common was laid out by the enterprise of sev- eral public-spirited citizens, among them Charles O. Parmenter, at one time representative to the General Court. East Amherst had the first post-office of the town. It was in the house now occupied by Willard M. Kellogg, on East Street, some dis- tance north of the village store, and was opened about the year 1815, Rufus Kellogg being postmaster. The mails arrived only once a week at those times, and it is within the memory of Mr. Willard Kellogg that his father was summoned from the hayfield by the blowing of a horn to change the mail while the carrier, who came on horseback, sought rest and refreshment. Rufus Kellogg, after a few years, moved the office to the main village, keeping it in the building now occupied by Frank Wood. At the right on the Pelham road, just beyond its corner, near the residence of Noah Dickinson, and the Common, there stood in 1787 a tavern kept by Oliver Clapp, a friend and sympathizer of Daniel Shays, the leader of Shays' Rebellion. Landlord Clapp is said to have given aid and comfort in various ways to the insurgent captain. On the retreat of Shays from Springfield, January 28, 1787, with his eleven hundred men, a halt was made at the hostelry, but not for a long stay, as General Lincoln, commanding the State militia, was following in the rear. Just after Captain Shays had departed toward Pelham, eleven sleigh-loads of his provisions stopped at the tavern, where the horses were about to be 82 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. fed, but the loyal innkeeper hurried them after the retreating rebels, who were in great need of the stores, and would have been seriously affected if General Lincoln had appeared in time to take the loaded sleighs. After Clapp's tavern was given up, another was built at the north end of the Common. This is still standing, though it has outlived its first use by many years. On the east side of the Common is the okl residence of Oeneral Kbene- zer Mattoon, a major in the Revolution, member of Congress in 1801, a sheriff of Hampshire Country, major-general and adjutant-general of the State militia, and captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston. He was born in 1755, and died in 1843. A short distance from the village Common, on the road to Belcher- town, are the grounds of the Hampshire County Agricultural Society. South Amherst is a small farming village in the southeastern part of the town. It has a church, a post-office, and store, and not far away are stations of the Massachusetts Central and New London Northern Railroads. The South Congregational church was first organized in 1824, and reorganized in 185S. The church building, erected in 1825, was remodelled in 1843. l^^e first pastor was Rev. H. B. Chapin. Rev. H. W. Boyd was pastor in 1891. The post-office was estal)lished in 1838. The town almshouse, and farm, near the east street, was rebuilt, after a destructive fire, in 1882. It is valued at about $8000, and yields the town, under the superintendence of Henry C. Dickinson, a good return upon its value. THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 87 AMHERST COLLEGE. A GLAXCE AT ITS HISTORY— THE COLLEGE OF THE PRESEXT— THE SrALUER SCHOOL OF LAXGUAGES—A TOUR OF THE COL- LEGE Bi'HDIXGS—THE GREEK LETTER FR ATE RX I TIES— THEIR HOUSES. AMHERST COLLEGE was opened September iS, 1821, under the name of the " Collegiate Charitable Institution." On this day the first president was inaugurated, and the first building dedicated. As long before as 1762, the people of Hampshire County had made several ineffectual attempts to obtain a charter from the Cieneral Court and the Governor of the Province of INLissachusetts to incorporate a " seminary of learning." The matter seems to have been forgotten in the excitement of the approaching war ; but the interest then awakened was only in abeyance, and afterward resulted in the founding of Williams College and the establishment of Amherst Academy. It was from this latter institution that the vVmherst College developed. The Academy was opened in 1S14. The residents of Hamjjshire and the surrounding counties subscribed the money needed for its support, and in 18 16 the State granted it a charter. The building stood upon the site of the present grammar school-house on Amity Street ; and the land was the gift of Dr. David Parsons, afterward made president of the Board of Trustees. JNLany distinguished names are to be found upon the books of the Academy, connected with it as teachers and pupils. For years it ranked among the first schools of Massachusetts. In 1 81 8, when the trustees were engaged in collecting a scholarship fund of Sro,ooo for " indigent young men with the ministry in view," it became evident that the people were willing to give a larger sum for an institution of a higher grade. Accordingly, after more than $51,000 had been gathered in conditional subscriptions, it was voted to found the " Collegiate Charitable Institution." The money thus obtained was the first that Amherst College had, and to-day it is entered on the books of the treasurer as the '• Charitable Fund." 88 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. The laying of the corner-stone of the first building of the Charitable Institution, the present South College, is thus mentioned in the reports of the occasion : "On the ninth of August instant (1820) the Board of Trustees of Amherst Academy, together with the subscribers to the fund then present, a number of the neighboring clergy, and the preceptors and students of the Academy, preceded by the building committee and the workmen, moved in procession from the Academy to the ground of the Charity Institution." The dedication exercises, the fall of the year following, were simple, and opened with an address by Noah Webster, president of the Board of Trustees. The institution began September 19, with forty-seven students and three instructors. After the young college had been fairly launched upon its career, the trustees, who were still trustees of the Academy, turned their attention toward obtaining a State charter, which should give them the privileges of a recognized college. It was a long struggle against well-organized opposition from Harvard, Brown, and Williams colleges. State politics were affected not a little by it, but the publicity of the agitation only brought popularity to the infant institution. When the charter, which changed the name to Amherst College, was finally granted, February 25, 1825, the number of the students and instructors had increased nearly threefold. Upon those students who had graduated ])rior to the grant- ing of the charter the trustees immediately conferred the honorary degrees due to them. The first president of Amherst College was the Rev. Zephaniah Swift Moore, D.D. He had been president of Williams College, resigning that office to accept the position at Amherst. His official term was from September, 182 1, to June 29, 1823, when he died. The following list gives the names and terms of office of the succeeding presidents of the College : — Heman Humphrey, D.I > 1823-1845 Edward Hitchcock, D.D., LI.. l^ 1845-1854 William Augustus Stearns, D.D., LI..D 1S54-1876 Julius Hawley Seelye, D.D., I.I..I) 1876-1890 Merrill Edwards Gates, I'h.D., LL.l)., L.H.I)., chosen president July 30, 1890, assumed the duties of the office October 27 of the same year. His formal inauguration occurred at the following commencement. The government of the College is vested in a Board of Trustees, whose cor[)orate name is " The Trustees of .\mhcrst College." Its member- ^779 $156,196 The cost of an education at Amherst is so often a matter of serious concern within the family circle that reliable data cannot fail to be appreciated. Published estimates are often found to differ from experience. Careful inquiries have been made among trustworthy students of the College, and the estimates given below are based upon actual experiences. The effort has been to err, if at all, in overstating rather than understating those expenses which vary with a student's personal habits. The smallest annual expenditure reported was ^^308. 50, ' which included every item of cost except the long vacation. A large numljer of students spend less than $400, and this can Ijc done without suffering of any kind. The majority of students are believed to sjiend between $475 and S675 each year. In the following table the annual expenditures are itemized upon four different scales. The actual cost of each item has been carefully obtained and entered, without taking into consideration the fact that it is almost uni\ersally the (Mistom in college to reduce the net expenses by renting lurniture, or buying it, as well as books, at second hand, and of disposing of them at the close of the course or of the )ear. These and other very useful methoils of cconomi/ing may well be considered by students who wish to estimate in ad\anre the expense of going through college. The upper limit of expeniliture is of course indeterminalile. The estimate in this case is made on the assumption that the student rooms alone, while in the three lower tables, tlie exjK'nses of room-renl, fuel, lights, and furniture are entered as if sharetl with a room-mate. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 103 Least. Economical. Liberal. Expensive. Tuition Boolcs Room Fuel and Lights . . ISoanl Furniture fannual aver- age) Clothing Washing Society Fees .... Stationery Subscriptions .... Sundries Totals $110.00 8.00 {b) 12.00 11.00 1 1 1 .00 10.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 30.00 $110.00 15.00 30.00 15.00 129.50 15.00 70.00 15.00 (rt) 20.00 10.00 5.00 35.00 $110.00 20.00 75.00 25.00 14S.OO 30.00 150.00 25.00 {a) 20.00 15.00 20.00 50.00 $110.00 35.00 200.00 40.00 222.00 40.00 200.00 40.00 ((C) 20.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 5357-0O $469.50 $688.00 $1,027.00 {a) This sum is believed to be a fair average. (/') In the dormitory. The Department of Physical Education and Hygiene deserves especial attention here, because it was the first to be established as a part of the regular course in any American college. In fact, the systems of physical culture now in use in nearly ail the institutions of learning in this coun- try are largely copies, or embody many features, of the Amherst system. To the late President Stearns belongs the credit of suggesting that daily exercise under the supervision of a physician should be a required por- tion of the college student's life. He had found that, if left to them- selves, the students neglected to care for their health, and frequently graduated from college physically wrecked. The plan he proposed was at length adopted by the trustees, and a regular professorship founded. In i860 the Barrett Gymnasium was built for the department, and the year following Dr. Edward Hitchcock, the son of President Hitchcock, and the present incumbent of the position, was appointed. The history of the department is the history of the life of its chief. He developed a system at first unknown, then distrusted, but now apjiroved by the most eminent educators. I04 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. The present organization of the department brings within its scope everything which has a bearing upon the physical welfare of the college students. Its purposes may be conveniently classed under these five heads : — Personal acquaintance witli the i)hysical condition of every student. Requirement of the amount of daily exercise which experience has shown to be most beneficial, and the direction of all who take special exercise. Examination of every student at intervals during the college course, and preservation of all statistics thus taken. Class instruction in anatomy, physiology, and hygiene. Control of the general athletics of the College. These functions are fully performed. At all times during the college year Dr. Hitchcock is thoroughly conversant with the general health of every student. Overwork is scarcely possible under such care, and when sickness does occur, the case is carefully followed by the depart- ment, which interferes, however, in no way with the physician in charge. Students may at any time consult Dr. Hitchcock. Regular exercise in the Gymnasium is recjuired of every student in college. F^ach class assembles four days in the week for a half-hour's pleasant drill with wooden dumb-bells. There are always class officers to lead the exercise under the direction of the professor or his assistants. In a modified way, well adapted to the purposes of the department, the organization of the classes is like that of a military body. An annual prize drill occurs in Ma\-, the tliree upper classes competing. The prize on this occasion is $ioo, given by Dr. Rufus P. Lincoln, of the class of 1862, to the class obtaining the highest mark in the dumb-bell drill and marching. Athlcticall}' inclined students, particularly those in training for any of the college teams, are given every needed suggestion anerfec- tion. The members of the school are, to a great extent, teachers of various schools throughout the country, coming to Amherst to increase their knowledge and improve the methods which can be gained onlv from native instructors. Besides these, there are always many people who stud}- for their own pleasure, and young men and women in i)reparation for ((jUegc or special work. The average attendance in the five years ending in 1890 has been over two hundred, and nearly every State and Territory in the Union has been represented. An especial aim of the school is to furnish the best instruction and to reduce the expenses of those attending to a minimum. The tuition for any or all of the languages is i52o; for library economy and the THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHKKST. I I 3 sciences, each subject, S12 ; and for any subject in art, Sio. The lec- tures are 52 and $3 for the term, according to the course. A children's department, intended exclusively for pupils under the age of thirteen, has been very successfully introduced. It is in charge of a native teacher who is especially well adapted to the work of inter- esting and instructing young people. The tuition in this department is $6 for the term. The sessions of the school have always proved successful from a social as well as a scholarly standpoint. Amherst offers a wealth of natural enjoyment that is never unappreciated, and excursions, drives, and jjicnics are as numerous as there are days in the school term. Taken all in all, the life of a summer school student is far from being irksome. THE COLLEGE BUILDINGS. One of the chief features of a visit to Amherst is a walk through the college grounds, with a glance at the buildings and their interesting histo- ries. With the exception of College Hall, the Church, and the Cabi- nets, all will be found open during the greater part of the day when the College or the Summer School of Languages is in session. The Cabi- nets may be seen during fixed hours each week-day, usually from ten o'clock to five, between May 15th and November ist, and from ten to twelve and three to four at other seasons ; or they will be opened at any time on application to the custodians, whose residences are usually bulletined at the entrances. Perhaps the most convenient starting-point for such a tour is at the corner of Northampton Street and the Common, where stands College Hall, which was built in 1830, by the First Congregational Society of Amherst, and used by them as a place of worship until 1S67, when purchased by the College for $8000. The building is now used for the public lectures, commencement, and other exercises of the College, and has a seating capacity of eight hundred, which may be increased by nearly two hundred if the platform be brought into service. Next to College Hall is the 114 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. Henry T. Morgan Library, enlarged to its present size in 18S2. The original building included the square portion at the northeast corner and the tower, and was built in 1853 at an expense of $10,000. This was the first stone building of the College. The new portion, compris- ing the librarian's office and the rooms above it at the side, and the large book room at the rear, was designed by Allen & Kenway of Boston, and was completed at a cost of $48,381, which included the entire renovation of the original building. The whole structure is of Pelham granite. In the hallway, at the right of the entrance, and in the old i^ortion, is a room for small gatherings and recitations, used as headcjuarters of tlie alumni at commencement ; beyond it is a ]xicking- room, both of these opening into a large cataloguing-room. The libra- rian's office is at the end of the hallway. On the walls at the right of this hall are valuable specimens of Assyrian art, in the shape of eight huge sculptured stone slabs, bearing colossal mythological figures in relief and hieroglyphic inscriptions. Their actual cost was about $600; their value many thousands. These slabs were presented to the College in 1855 by the late Rev. Henry Lobdell, of the class of 1849, a mission- ary to Assyria, who died at Mosul in 1850. They were taken from the palace of Sardanapalus, the last king of Assyria, and their inscriptions belong to a period nine hundred years before Christ. In 1871 Rev, \W H. Ward, 1 ).!)., of the class of 1856, and since 1870 editor of the Nezv York Independent, greatly enhanced the value of these works of ancient art by translating, from the cuneiform characters, into English the inscrijitions, which were found to be a record of a conquest. The manuscript translations are preserved in a bound volume in the Library, and are very interesting even to those not professing to be arch;^ological students. At the head of the stairs is the book-delivery room of the Library, opening from which is the reading-room, which occupies the entire second story of the original building, and formerly contained all tlic books of 1I1C I ,ibrar\'. The reference books and periodical literature are kept here. This is a large, finely decorated room, lighted by long windows, and a lantern in the roof. In the side opposite the entrance are beautiful stained- glass windows of api)ropriate design. They are the gift of Hon. Frederic Ayer of I.owrll. Leginning at the left of the entrance of the room, the paintings on the walls are in this order : the fust five j^residents of the College, Drs. Moore, Humphrey, Hitchcock, Stearns, and Seelye ; Pro- THE II A XD BOOK OF AMHERST. WJ fessor W. S. Tyler, Professor N. W. Fiske, Professor C P. Adams, Pro- fessor C. U. Shej^ard, Professor Aaron Warner, who were all at the same time members of the faculty ; and Joel Giles of Townsend, Hon. David Sears of Boston, Hon. Samuel Williston of Easthampton, Hon. Chester W. Chapin of Springfield, S. H. Winkley of Philadelphia, Hon. G. H. Gilbert of Ware, Rev. Dr. Brace of Hartford, Conn., who have been liberal bene- fiictors of the College. The portraits in the book-delivery room are of President Stearns and Hon. David Sears. The attendants will readily grant permission to inspect the book room, and visitors will find it very interesting. There are six floors for the storage of the books, each 50 by 41 feet in area and 7^ in height. They are entirely of iron lattice- work, which, with the walls of solid masonry and iron door, renders the entire room as nearly fireproof as it is possible it could be. The shelves are capable of holding 20,000 volumes on each floor, or more than 120,000 in all. At the first of January, 1891, there were 55,000 volumes in the Librarv, and the annual increase is between 2000 and 2500. In 1867, the libraries of the Athenje and the Alexandrian societies, then in very active existence, were merged into the college I>ibrary, and for some years the members of these organizations paid an annual fee to the College for the care and increase of the volumes. The students have always been allowed almost complete freedom of access to the book room and its contents. The building bears the name of Henry T. Morgan of Albany, whose generous gifts to the College aided in erecting the new portion of the Library. In 1891, William I. Fletcher was the librarian. Next to the Library stands the President's House. This was erected by the trustees of the Col- lege in the year 1834, and cost S9000. The first house erected for the president of the College is still standing, and, in a remodelled condi- tion, is the chapter house of the Psi LTpsilon Fraternity. President Humphrey occupied the present house immediately after its erection. For a number of years previous to 1891 it was a private school for young ladies, and after being again remodelled became the home of President M. E. Gates. Crossing the head of the Common, in front of the Library, the College Fence is noticed at the right. This is an institution peculiar to college men. It is usually the scene of the celebration of the victories of the College, and almost any summer evening a group of students can Il8 THE HANDBOOK OF AMIIRRST. be found gathered upon it, making the air melodious with college songs. It was presented l)y the class of 1889 and dedicated by appropriate exer- cises, in which the faculty and students took part, in the spring of 1887. Custom prohibits the freshman class, unless having won some honor for the College, from using this fence. Passing into the college grounds, the brick building at the right is Williston Hall, which occupies the site of the former North College dormitory. The dormitory was built in 1827 at an expense of $10,000, and was burned early in the spring of 1857. The loss occurred during the darkest days of Amherst's history, but it proved an unexpected benefit. Scarcely had the flames been extinguished when the late Hon. Samuel Williston of Easthampton announced that he would erect a new building, containing recitation rooms and laboratories that had long been needed by the College. Williston Hall was thus dedicated May 19, 1858, and cost $15,000. The main entrance of the building is on the north side, and in the hallway is an interesting memorial of the Amherst College students who fought in the Rebellion. It is a six- pound brass cannon, which was captured at Newbern, N.C., March 14, 1862, and upon it is engraved its history and the names of the Amherst students — four officers and sixteen i)rivates — who were killed in the battle. After its capture, the cannon was presented by General liurnside to the Twenty-first Regiment, M.\'., who in turn gave it to the trustees of Amherst College " as an enduring monument to the memory of their lamented brothers who fell while fighting for liberty and union." The Mather Collection of Art occupies the entire upper story of the building. It is probably the finest collection of plaster casts in the United States, excelling only that at l>oston, Mass. The honor of the sug- gestion, as well as of the actual gathering of money and purchasing of the collection belongs to the memory of the late Professor Richard H. Mather. Professor Mather solicited, largely from i)'.'rsonal friends, the first $10,000 of the fund, and made the selections himself when visiting Europe. The casts began to arri\e in 1874, and during Professor Mather's life not a year jiassed without the adilition of something desir- able. The collection has long since outgrown its ]iresent room, and until better accommodations an' ])ro\ided few adtlitions can be maile. although a fund is constantly accumulating. As an example of the care that IVofessor Mather took \\\ makmg the Tin-: iiAxnnook' of amiikrst. 123 collection, this room contains the only cast in existence of the bronze doors of the Senate Chamber at Washington. "Walker Hall. — This building was completed as it now stands in 1S83, and cost $87,250. Twelve years previously, a building of the same general design was erected on the same site through the gener- osity of Dr. W. J. Walker of Charlestown, Mass. The original ^Valker Hall was burned March, 1882, and with it was destroyed one of the most valuable collections of minerals in the country. A portion of the outside wall of the building alone remained, and after it had been strengthened on the inside, became a part of the new Walker Hall. The The Chemical and Physical Laboratory Building, expense of the rebuilding was met by the late Henry T. Morgan of Albany, N. Y., and in return he was honored by having his name attached to the College Library. The administration offices are in this building. The Chemical and Physical Laboratory Building was erected in 1S93, at an expense of jgioo,ooo, not including the cost of the ecpiip- ment and apparatus. It was designed by McKim, Mead and White and built by Norcross Brothers of Worcester, Mass., and is excellently arranged in every detail. The Barrett Gymnasium, erected in i860 at a cost of ;5io,ooo, was largely the means of developing the system of physical culture for which 9 124 THE HANDBOOK Of AMHERST. Amherst is justly famous. It was the first building in the country erected for gymnastic work in charge of a regularly appointed profes- sor. It is of Pelham granite, and is 70 feet long by 50 wide. It was designed by C. E. Parkes of Boston, and bears the name of Dr. Benja- min Barrett of Northampton, who was a large contributor toward the fund for its erection and support. Since the completion of the Pratt Oymnasium in 1884, the building has been used for various purposes, while awaiting alterations to make it a geological cabinet. The Barrett Gymnasium. When used as a gymnasium, the physician's office, dressing-rooms, and bowling-alleys were on the ground floor, with the main hall for class and si)ecial exercise above. The College Church, designed by W. A. Potter of New \'ork, was erected in 1X70-71. and cost $70,000, of which the late William I"'. Stearns, son of President Stearns, contributed $47,000. The site for the building was chosen for its remarkable beauty. A dormitory known as " l'".ast College " stood between it and the tree-sheltered i)ath leading to the college well. This dormitory was taken down shortly after the church was comi)lctcd. The view from the rear of the church is one of the finest within the limits of Amherst. Two miles across the valley, the Pelham hills rise in gentle outline, the range extending from the north. THE II AX D BOOK OF AM II EK ST. 12/ as far as can be seen, until near the southern limit of the town it is lost in the Belchertown hills. The valley, broad and fertile, is well popu- lated in parts, and contains nearly all the manufactories of the town. Toward the south it spreads out into generous farmlands through which run two thread-like railways. The grandeur of this landscape when the foliage has become brilliant in the fall, is unsurpassed by any in the west- ern part of the Commonwealth. This crest of the College Hill is visited by lovers of nature in every season of the year. The church building itself is not out of harmony with its surroundings. Its gray sides and brown sandstone trimmings are plentifully covered with the soft, clinging ivies planted by the college classes at their gradu- ation. At the entrances and between the windows are soft-hued shafts of marble. Curious carvings decorate the brown stones in the gable ends of the building. "Dei Glorije " and " A.D. 1S70" are on the north side ; the cross and other symbols of the Christian Church, with small reliefs of the four evangelists, between the windows, on the east side ; a lantern, thorn branch, passion flower, wheat, and grape vine, all typical of incidents in the life of Christ, on the south side ; and " Agnus Dei " and " Rex," " Lex," " Dux," " Lux," on the west side. The spire of the church is about one hundred and fifty feet high, and twenty-four feet square at the base. Its four sections are alternately square and octagonal. Within it hangs a chime of eight bells, given by George Howe of Boston, as a memorial of the Amherst boys who fell in the War of the Rebellion. The gift acquires special significance from the fact that the son of Mr. Howe was among the number whose lives were sacrificed for their country. The seats in the main portion of the church are reserved for the families of the faculty, the juniors, and seniors. In the right transept are seated the freshmen, in the left the sophomores. The capacity of the house is about six hundred. The stained glass window in the right transept was given by the Congregational church at Bedford, Mass., President Stearns' native place ; that oi)])osite, by Ex-Governor Onslow Stearns of Concord, N.H. ; and that in the rear of the church, by the late Eckley Stearns of Woburn, Mass. President Stearns' former church at Cambridgeport, Mass., presented the jiulpit. Tablets placed upon the church walls commemorate the usefiil lives of President Stearns, William F. Stearns, and Professor Richard H. Mather. The corner-stone of the building was laid in the autiunn uf 1875, ^'"'"^ the dedication occurred July i, 1S73. 128 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. At the side of the college grounds, and south of the church is The Pratt Gymnasium, begun in the summer of 1883, antl completed the following spring at a cost of $68,000. It ranks third among the col- lege gymnasiums of the country, those of Yale and Harvard only being superior in size and cost. The building is of brick with brownstone trimmings, and is 122 feet long and 88 wide. It bears the name of Pratt Gymnasium in recognition of the generosity of Mr. Charles M. Pratt of New York, a graduate of the class of 1879. In the hall, at the right of the main entrance of the building, is a brass tablet, bearing this inscription : — Erkcted by CHARLES MILLARD PRATT, of Brooklyn, N.V., Class Caftain of the Class of '79, TO INCREASE THE USEFULNESS OF HIS AlMA MaTER I\ THAT DEPARTMENT IN WllICII HE EVER FELT AN INTEREST, AND TO EXPRESS THE WARM AFFECTION WHICH HE CHERISHED FOR ITS FAITHFUL HEAD, L)R. EDWARD HITCHCOCK. The oiifice of the professor of hygiene and physical culture and the room for making physical examinations and recording statistics occupy the corner of the first floor, between the main and side entrances. The other rooms on this floor are the large dressing-room, containing 274 heated and ventilated lockers, and shower-bath, dry-rub, and small dressing-rooms. The main hall is 80 feet long by 64 wide, and contains such apparatus as is needed for class and individual exercise. It is two stories high, and lighted and ventilated from the sides and roof. A running-gallery, 207 feet 10 J inches long and 6 feet wide, encircles the hall I r feet above the floor. In the second story is the " Resort," the head(|uartcrs of the college weekly, The Amherst Stiiihuf, and a store- jilace fur many higlily ])ri/ctl trophies and relics of college interest; a billiard room, the only one in the country connected with a college gymnasium, and containing a i)ool and two billiard tables ; antl the rooms for the custodians of the building. The basement has a base-ball cage, 76 by 21 feet, three bowling-alleys, 70 feet long, and a sparring- room. Tub and sponge baths of the best patterns, dressing, and furnace rooms occupy the remainder of the basement. THE HANDBOOK Of AMHERST. 13I As the visitor passes up the walk from the main entrance of the Gymnasium, directly in front, is Appleton Cabinet, erected in 1855, at an expense of $10,000, appro- priated for the purpose by the trustees of the will of the late Samuel Appleton of Boston. Mr. Appleton left the sum of $200,000 at the disposal of his executors to be used for benevolent and scientific purposes, and it was in response to the urgent appeals of President Hitchcock, then in office, that the money for this building was obtained. The portion of the Cabinet first approached as the visitor proceeds from the Gymnasium, is the biological laboratory and lecture room, where specimens for class work and illustration are kept. The main part of the building has been made almost completely fire- proof for the protection of the collections that are stored in it. The entrance from the biological lecture room is closed by heavy iron doors. The second story is devoted to the Adams Zoological Museum, a large part of which was the gift of the late Professor C. P). Adams. The col- lection of insects and shells are kept in the horizontal cases. The latter collection comprises about eight thousand species, and of it Professor Louis Agassiz once said, " I do not know in all the country a con- chological collection of equal value." In the gallery at the head of the hall has been placed the Audubon collection of birds, presented to the College in 1886 by the Hon. E. E. Farnam, of the class of 1855. It is valued at $1200. The cast of the skeleton of the American Megathe- rium, near the entrance, was the gift of the late Joshua Bates of London, England. The original skeleton was found in Buenos Ayres, South America. The ground-floor of the Cabinet is chiefly occupied by the Hitchcock Ichnological collection, made by the late President Hitchcock between the years 1835 '^"^^ 1864. President Hitchcock was the originator and develoi^er of the science of Ichnology, and this collection is the largest and most valuable of its kind in the world. It now consists of 21.773 tracks of animals of 120 different species, all belonging to the general name of Lithichnozoa, or Stone-track animals. Most of the slabs were taken from stone- 10,000, raised by subscription. Much of the material used in the construction was contributed by persons living in Amherst and the neighboring towns, even at the distance of twenty- five miles. On one occasion these acceptable gifts were received just as work was about to be suspended for want of material to carry it on. At present the building contains thirty-two double rooms. In the summer of 189 1 extensive alterations were made in this building, steam heat and other improvements being introduced, and the suites of rooms so arranged that each student might have a well-lighted bedroom ; provis- ions made to accommodate three or four students who desire to occupy a common room as a study. The views from the windows of some of the upper rooms are magnificent. The College Chapel, next to the South College Dormitory, was built in 1827, and bore for some time the name of Adam Johnson of Pelham, who bequeathed money for its erection. The suits at law conducted by the college authorities to establish the validity of the will reduced the legacy to $4000, and 1 11,000 had to be raised from other sources. The building measures 100 by 56 feet. For many years it accom- modated all the departments of instruction in the College. Dr. Tyler says that beside the Chapel proper, the " buiUling originally contained four recitation rooms, a room for philosophical apparatus, and a cabinet for minerals on the ground-floor, two recitation rooms on the second floor, a library on the third floor, and a laboratory in the basement." The basement was the chemical workshoj) of Professor Hitchcock, afterward president of the College. The arrangements have been very little altered since then. The two rooms on the second lloor form now the small chapel, and the rooms above are seldom used. In ihe 136 THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. main chapel, morning prayers are held. The seniors are assigned the seats in the centre of the room hall, the juniors on their right, and the sophomores on their left. The gallery is for the freshmen and visitors. In favorable weather the ascent of the College Chapel tower will repay the visitor. There are ninety-eight steps to climb, and the summit com- mands a magnificent view of the Connecticut Valley. The stone step Woods Cabinet and Observatory. in the main doorway of the building is 358 feet above sea-level. The clock in the tower was presented by L. H. McCormick, '81. The next building, The North College Dormitory, was built in 1822, after the same l)lan as South College. Until the erection of the Chapel, daily prayers were held in rooms in the building. Its cost was $10,000. In 1893 the demand for rooms increased and the building was altered in the same manner as was South College. On the knoll, in front of the North College Dormitory, is situated The Woods Cabinet, with the College Observatory and the geological lecture rocjms adjoining. The building stands upon the site of the first meeting-house of the First Congregational Society. The Cabinet and the Observatory were built in T847 at a cost of $9000, which was raised $- ftjilfMr-V" THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. 14I by subscription, the name ot Hon. J. B. Woods of l-hifield being given to the Cabinet, and that of Hon. Abbott Lawrence to the Observatory, in recognition of their bequests to the College. The geological lecture room was added in 1855, and cost $1000; and two years afterward Enos Dickinson of South Amherst gave the Dickinson Nineveh Callery, which for twenty-seven years held the sculptured slabs now in the hall- way of the College Library. The collections in this building cover the whole subject of geology and mineralogy. The main room on the lower floor contains a collection valued at $10,000, illustrating the geology of the Western Hemisphere, with particularly complete collections from Massachusetts and Connecticut. The large collection of minerals in trays is not open to pubHc inspection. On the second floor is the Shep- ard collection of meteorolites, and in the gallery a very large collection illustrating the geology of the Eastern Hemisphere. The Observatory consists of an octagonal tower, 50 feet high and 17 feet in diameter, with a revolving dome and a central pedestal supporting a telescope with an aperture of 7^ inches and a focal lens of 8^ inches. The telescope was presented by Hon. Rufus Bullock of Boston, and cost $i8co. In the transit room, 13 by 15, is a transit circle built by Gambey of Paris, the telescope having a focal length of about 3 feet and an aperture of 2\ inches. Pratt Field, on Northampton and Orchard streets, about a (piarter of a mile from the college buildings, comprises about thirteen acres of land presented for athletic purposes in 1890 by Fred B. Pratt, of Brooklyn, a graduate of the class of 1887. The field is laid out with a (juarter-mile oval track, a hundred-yards straight-away track, and a short track for jumping. A handsome grand-stand, designed by William B. Tubby of New York, and having a seating capacity of six hundred, was erected in 1891 at the west end of the oval. It contains ample conveniences for the use of the college teams, inc hiding dressing-rooms and baths. Other portions of the field are to be laid out for lawn tennis and other out-of-door sports. The entire field cost about $20,000, of which about $9000 was the price of the grand- stand, all being the gift of Mr. Pratt. Hallock Park, on the opposite side of the railroad cut, belongs to the College : most of it was a gift of Leavitt H. Hallock, of the class of 1863. On the further side of Snell Street is Blake Field, which for many 142 THE HAXDBOOK OF AMIIi^RST. years was the only athletic field of the College. To Lucien I. Blake, of the class of 1877, belongs the credit of acquiring this field. In 1876 he gathered about $900 from the alumni of the College, paying the $600 additional in a mortgage in the name of the athletic associa- tion. In 1890 this debt was assumed by the trustees. The first athletic field of the College is now included in Pratt Field. It was sold to the Massachusetts Railroad, who at first proposed to lay their track through it, and recently re-purchased. THE FRATERNITY HOUSES. Nine of the many Greek-letter fraternities of the country are repre- sented among Amherst College students. In order of their establish- ment here, they are : Alpha Delta Phi, Psi Upsilon, Delta Kapi)a Epsilon, Delta Upsilon, Chi Psi, Chi Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Theta Delta Chi, and Phi Delta Theta. This number is probably larger in ])ro- portion to the size of the College, than can be found at any similar institution in the United States ; but notwithstanding this, tlie college authorities are unanimous in believing that Amherst has been benefited, intellectually and socially, by the presence of these fraternities. Thus far, any well-recognized fraternity has found its efforts to establish a chapter at Amherst warmly seconded by the faculty, although, on account of the rapid increase during the last few years, it is hardly ])r()bal)le that this iK)Iicy will be continued. Duriug the few years directly following the establishment of the earlier chapters, the senti- ment of the College generally opposed the idea of secrecy, and the o])en literary and debating clubs were very formidable rivals for society honors. At the present time the open societies have disappeared, with one exception, and more than eighty-two per cent of all the members of the College belong to the (ireek-letter fraternities. The actual numbers of students in college and members of the fraternities, since 1 889, wlien the last chapter was established here, are shown by the accomjianying table : — Students in Members ok CoLLEGE. Fraternities. 18S8-89 358 299 1 889-90 344 281 1S90-"" 352 2S9 THE HANDBOOK Of AMHERST. 147 The following letter of Ex-President Julius H. Seelye, printed in the Century Magazine for September, 1889, gives an admirable idea of the advantages of the societies to their members, as well as of their position and relations to the College : — " (Others can give a more accurate opinion than I upon college fraternities else- where; hut so far as Amherst is concerned there can be only a favorable judgment concerning them by any one well informed. Without a doulit they exercise here a wholesome energy, both upon their individual members and upon the College. Com- bination is strength, whether with young men or old; and where men combine for good ends, better results may, of course, be looked for than where the same ends are sought by individuals alone. " Now the aim of these societies is certainly good. They are not formed for pleasure simply, though they are one of the most fruitful sources of pleasure in a student's college life. Their first aim is the improvement of their members, — im- provement in literary culture and manly character. They are all of them literary societies. An effort was made not long since to introduce among us a new society, with prominently social, rather than literary aims; but it not only failed to receive the requisite assent of the president of the College, but was not favored by any con- siderable number of the students, many of whom stoutly opposed it. " One of the happiest features of society life at Amherst is connected with the society houses. There are no better residences in the village than these, and none are better kept. They are not extravagant, but they are neat and tasteful; they have pleasant grounds surrounding them; the cost of rooms in them is not greater than the average cost in other houses, and they not only furnish the students occupying them a pleasant home, but the care of the home and its surroundings is itself a culture. " There need be no objection to these societies on account of their secrecy. The secrecy is largely in name ; it is, in fact, little more than the privacy proper to the most familiar intercourse of families and friends. Treated as the societies are among us, and occupying the ground they do, no mischief comes from their secrecy. Instead of promoting cliques and cabals, in point of fact we find less of these than the history of the College shows before the societies came. The rivalry between them is a healthy one, and is conducted openly and in a manly way. " The societies must give back to the College the tone they have first received. I am persuaded that in any college where the prevailing life is true and earnest, the societies fed by its fountain will send back bright and Cjuickening streams. They certainly give gladness and refreshment to our whole college life at Amherst." All of the fraternities represented at Amherst have chapter houses, and in most cases own them. These buildings are large enough to accommodate at least a portion of the members beside providing parlors, reading-rooms, and a lodge room for general use. The chapters of Chi Psi, Psi Upsilon, and .\lpha Delta Phi now own the entire southern 148 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. end of the square bounded by the village Common, Northampton Street, and South Prospect. The members of the fraternities are usually glad to welcome their friends for the inspection of the houses at any time, excepting only on Tuesday evenings, which are universally observed as " society nights." Presuming that visitors to Amherst have acquaintances in each fraternity ready to become their hosts, the following order will be found convenient for a tour of the houses : — The Delta Kappa Epsilon (Sigma Chapter) house is situated on Oak Grove Hill, Lessey Street, a short walk east from the Amherst House. The original portion of the house and the grounds were pur- chased by the chapter in 1885, and the new part added the same year. Together they now accommodate eighteen students. The Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity was founded in 1844 at Yale University, and in 1890 had thirty-one chapters and about eight thousand members. The Amherst Chapter was organized in 1846, the original members being six students of the class of 1848. The quarters of the chapter have been successively in North College, Cook's Block, and the present dwelling-house of W. H. H. Morgan on Maple Avenue. The chapter has thirty-four active and more than five hundred alumni members, among the more prominent of these latter being General F. A. Walker, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Judge I. H. Maynard, assistant secretary of the Treasury in President Cleveland's administration; Charles Hallock, editor oi Forest and Stream ; Mel- vil Dewey, librarian of the State of New York ; Rufus G. Kellogg, donor of the Kellogg prizes in Amherst College. Returning to the Amherst House, and proceeding in the directii^n of the College, at the right are the Alpha Delta Phi (Amherst Chaj)ter) houses, which occupy the lot on the corner of Pleasant and Sellen streets, and extending back to North Prospect Street. The new house was erected in 1890, and is a three-story and basement building, the materials used being l-'.lyria sandstone, pressed brick, and terra cotta. On the first floor are drawing, ban(piet, and reading rooms ; while the two ujijjcr floors furnish accom- modations ft)r eighteen members of the chapter. The house stands some distance back from the street, and faces the village Common. The chapter also owns the lot of land in the rear of this house, fronting on THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 153 South Prospect Street. The old house stands in the rear of the new one, facing the side street. Originally a dwelling-house, it was pur- chased by the society in 1874. It was the first chapter house to be established in Amherst, and contains rooms for sixteen students. The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity was established in 1832, by Samuel Eels, and has a membership of over five thousand. The Amherst Chapter was the first chapter of a Greek-letter fraternity to be established at Amherst, and its total membership is a little over five hundred. The active membership of the chapter averages about thirty-three. Among the alumni of the chapter the names of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, Rev. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock, Rt. Rev. Frederic Dan Hunt- ington, Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, Rev. Edward Hitchcock (president of Amherst College from 1845 to 1854), Hon. John E. Sanford, and Rev. E. Winchester Donald are prominent. Next to the Alpha Delta Phi houses, and facing the village Common, is the Psi Upsilon (Gamma Chapter) house. The building was erected as a residence for the first president of the College, Rev. Zephaniah S. Moore, and was the "President's House" until 1833. Its corner-stone was laid by Noah Webster, and the trustees of " The Collegiate Charitable Institution," September 18, 182 1, directly following the inauguration of President Moore and the dedication of South College. It was bought by the chapter in August, 1879, and now accommodates fourteen stu- dents. The Gamma Chapter was established in 1 841, by sixteen mem- bers of the classes of 1842, 1843, and 1844. For some years it was virtually a junior class society. The first rooms were in South College ; and later, after one or two changes, in Cutler's Block. This latter building was burned July 3, 1879, destroying nearly all the possessions of the chapter. In 1890 the chapter bought the adjoining estate on the corner of the Common and Northampton Street, intending to erect here a second building. The Psi Upsilon fraternity was founded at Union College in 1833, and in 1891 had 17 chapters and about 7000 mem- bers. In that year the Gamma Chapter had 38 active members and 425 living alumni, among whom are Ex-President Julius H. Seelye of Amherst College, Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst of New York, Ex-Governor Andrews of Connecticut, Hon. George B. Loring of Washington, Arthur S. Hardy of Hanover, N.H., Professor Herbert B. Adams of Johns Hopkins University, President H. H. Goodell of the Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Henry D. Hyde, Esq., of Boston. 154 THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. On the corner of Northampton and South Prospect streets, adjoining the grounds of the Psi Upsilon Chapter, is the Chi Psi (Alpha Chi) Lodge, erected in 1884, after plans made by- Robert S. Stephenson of New York. The Alpha was founded in November, 1864, by members of the classes of 1864, 1865, and 1866, and owns, in Addition to the lot on which the house is situated, the estate in the rear, known as the Burt place. The membership is small, rarely exceeding six men from each class. The Chi Psi fraternity was founded at Union College in 1841, and has Alphas in sixteen colleges, embracing in their membership about three thousand men. The lodge contains rooms for thirteen members, beside ample parlors, library, and room for fraternity purposes. The fraternity is represented in public life by Chief Justice Fuller, Ex-Speaker T. B. Reed, J. Sterling Morton, and Ex- Postmaster General Dickinson, and among other members are Commo- dore Elbridge T. (ierry, Hugh Cole, Esq., Francis M. Scott, Frederick D. Tappan, William Astor of New York, General Duane, late Chief of Engineers, U.S.A., President Thomas W. Palmer of the Columbian Exposition, President Brainard of Middlebury College, and Robert Earl of the New York Court of Appeals. On the right, further down Northampton Street, stands the Theta Delta Chi (Mu Deuteron Charge) house, which was pur- chased by the charge in 1889, and an addition made in the summer of 1890. The charge was founded in 1885, by twenty-four members of the classes of 1885, 1886, 1887, and 1888, and for five years occu- pied the second and third stories of Dickinson's, and the adjoining block. Pleasant Street. The present house accommodates twenty stu- dents, and the membersliii) of the charge in 1891 was thirty-five under- graduates and fifty-one alumni. The Theta Delta Chi fraternity was founded at Union College in 1846, and comprised, in 1891, nineteen charges. Before the war the fraternity was very strong in the Southern States, but it is now re]ire- sented in that section almost solely by its alumni. Returning to the corner of Northampton Street, and crossing the Common, the building on the left corner of College Street is the. Beta Theta Pi (ISeta Iota Chai)ter) house, purchased for a cha])- tcr house in 1 886, and accommodating twenty of the members. The chapter grew out of a local societs', tlie '"Torch and Crown," which was foundcil in 1X78 by members of the class of 18S1, and in the fall THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 157 of 1879 occupied the present Theta Delta Chi chapter house, on Northampton Street. The " Torch and Crown " received a charter from the Beta Theta Pi fraternity in 1883, and was made a chapter of that fraternity. In 1891 the fraternity had sixty chapters, and over nine hundred and fifty undergraduate members. Among its prominent members are Secretary of the Interior, John W. Noble ; Justices James M. Harlan, Stanley Matthews, and William B. Woods, of the Supreme Court of the United States ; besides ten United States senators, forty United States representatives, fifteen State gov- ernors, and six ministers to foreign countries. Proceeding down College Street, the second house at the left is the Chi Phi (Phi Chapter) house, built in 1885 by the chapter, then of nine years' standing. The building is of the Queen Anne style, and furnishes apartments for eleven students. From the time of the organ- ization of the chapter until the present house was completed, the head- quarters were in Palmer's Block, which once occupied the site of the town hall. The Chi Phi fraternity was founded in 1854, at Princeton College, and now has twenty-two chapters. Among the one hundred and sixty alumni and active members of the Phi Chapter are Hon. Henry Stockbridge, '77, of Baltimore, Md., and the Rev. H. H. Kelsey, '76, of Boston, who had much to do with the institution of the chapter. Further down this street, and opposite the home of Ex-President Seelye, is the Phi Delta Theta (Massachusetts Beta) house. The chapter was founded May 9, 1888, with twenty-three members from the classes then in college, and at once leased its present building and grounds of their owner. Professor W. C. Esty, securing the right of future ownership. It was the sixty-fifth chapter of the fraternity, which was founded at Miami in 1848. During the War of the Rebellion the chapter-roll was reduced to five ; and two of these were the causes of the reawakening of the fraternity. The organization is controlled by a general council and province presidents, whose power is absolute within their spheres, — a convention of the chapters once in two years, and a ])rovince conven- tion once in two years. In 1891 there were sixty-six undergraduate and twenty-four alumni chapters, the whole membership being 6803 under- graduates and alumni. The fraternity numbers among its members Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States. The only remaining fraternity house is situated on South Pleasant 158 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. Street, and to reach it the visitor should return to the corner of North- ampton Street, and pass College Hall, the Library, and dwelling-houses, on the way to the Central Massachusetts station. The Delta Upsilon (Amherst Chapter) house was purchased in 1882, thirty-hve years after the founding of the chapter. The rooms first occupied were in South, and later in North, College. The chapter was re-established in 1869, a hall being fitted up in Palmer's Block, which stood on the site of the town hall. Four years after, the chapter moved to quarters in Kellogg's Block, where a hall and several suites of rooms were occupied by the members, until the present house was entered. The Delta Upsilon fraternity was founded in 1834 at AVilliams College, and the Amherst Chapter in 1891 numbered twenty-nine active and 334 alumni members. Among the latter are : Rev. (icorge Washburn, president of Robert College, Constantinople ; Rev. Daniel Bliss, presi- dent of the Protestant College at Beirout, Syria ; William Swinton, author of Swinton's educational works ; Rev. Hiram C. Hayden, president of Adelbert College, Cleveland, O. The Phi Gamma Delta (Alpha Chi Chapter) was established Novem- ber 25, 1S93, and in 1S94 had eleven members. At the time of the establishment they occupied a house on Pleasant Street. The Phi Camma Delta fraternity was organized at Washington and Jefferson College in 1848, and in 1894 had 48 Chapters. Among the prominent members of the fraternity are Gen. Lew Wallace, John Clark Ridpath, INLaurice Thompson and Senator Z. B. Vance. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. l6l THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. HISTORICAL NOTES— PRESENT CONDITIONS — THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS— A GE4NCE AT THE BUILDINGS. THE Massachusetts Agricultural College was one of the first institu- tions of its kind to be founded in the United States. By an act passed July, 1862, Congress granted to each State a portion of the public lands, the money frogi the sale of which, it was provided, should go toward establishing and maintaining at least one college where " the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific studies, and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions of life." The State legislature formally accepted this grant April 18, 1863, and afterward set aside one-third of it for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Boston. The trustees for the Massachusetts Agricultural College were incorporated by an act of April 29, 1863, and they found their share of the Congressional grant to be 360,000 acres of land, which afterward yielded $219,000. The corpora- tion organized with Governor Andrew as president, A. W. Dodge, Esq., vice-president, and Charles L. Flint, secretary; but in 1864 the legisla- ture changed the legal name of the institution to the Massachusetts Agricultural College, and Hon. Henry E. French of Cambridge was elected president, the Governor remaining an ex-officio member of the board of trustees. The question of the location of the College provoked much discussion among the parties interested. The decision came when the town of Amherst promised $50,000, and sufficient land at a reason- able rate, the trustees accepting the offer May 25, 1864, and the Gov- ernor and Council approving the choice soon after. The present estate of the College — 383^ acres — was then purchased at a cost, including" the buildings then standing, of about $43,000. The erection of the first college buildings was authori/.ed by the trustees May 26, t866. In this year President French resigned, and was succeeded by the Hon. Paul A. Chadbourne, who in his turn retired the following year because of ill 1 62 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. health. The work of the trustees up to this time had been simply pre- paratory to the opening of the College, and, therefore, the list of actual presidents may be said to commence with President Clark, who suc- ceeded President Chadbourne. The terms of office of the presidents were as follows : — Colonel William S. Clark, Pli.I)., LL.D 1 867-1 S77 Charles Louis Flint, A.M., LL.15 1 879-1 880 Hon. Levi Stockbridge 1 880-1882 Hon. Paul Ansel Chadbourne (.Second Term) 1S82-1883 James Carruthers Greenough, M.A 1883-1SS6 President Henry Hill Cioodell was the acting president during six months of 18S3, and in July, 1886, was elected to the i)osition which he still holds. The College was opened for students October 2, 1867, the entering class numbering thirty-three. The instructors numbered four. Pefore the close of the term there were fourteen more students. The faculty comprised, in 1891, twelve members exclusive of the president. This body has the general direction of the College in matters relating to the curriculum and to discipline. The State Board of Agriculture constitutes a board of overseers of the College, and through their special committees make frequent examinations of the work and condition of the institution. Their annual reports are submitted to the legislature, and are published as public documents. The degree of Bachelor of Science is awarded to successful graduates, the governor of the Commonwealth signing the diploma. By a special arrangement between the authorities of the College and the Boston University, the former has become the Agricultural Department of the University, and receives its students in that science. Students of the Agricultural are permitted to matriculate with the University, and on graduation may receive its degree of Bachelor of Science, in addition to that of the College, thus obtaining the ])rivileges of alumni in both institutions. A military diploma is granted at the discretion of the professor of military science and tactics. The course of study at the C'ollege is entirely j^rescribed, and is largely scientific in its nature. There are ami)le provisions, however, for the study of literature and the languages. Generous financial aids are offered to students who wish to obtain an THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 165 education at a small expense. As nearly all the scholarship funds of the College have been established by the legislature, students coming from homes within Massachusetts are favored before those from other States. In addition to the following specified sums, $5000 is devoted each year to the payment of those who perform work in the various departments. About $250 is given annually in prizes. The scholar- ships are : eighty State scholarships, established by the legislature of 1886, $10,000; fourteen Congressional, established by the trustees, ^1120; private bequests (the income of $3000) amounting to $150. Application for one of the State scholarships is made to the State senator of the district in which the student resides ; and for a Congressional scholarship, to the representative to Congress. The necessary expenditures of a student in college are estimated as closely as possible in the accompanying table. It is assumed in these that the student actually pays for each item, any beneficiary money which may be credited to him by the College, or any other means which may be adopted to reduce the cost of an education, not being taken into consideration. It is believed that the estimate in the " Least " column may be followed without injurious deprivation of any kind. The students are required to room in the college dormitories, and with a room-mate ; the items of rent, furniture, fuel, and light are reduced by being shared. The actual cost of these items to each student is therefore entered in the estimates. In the rent of the higher-priced rooms, steam heat is included. Lkast. MODKKATE. Ami'LE. Tuition Hooks and Stationery .... Room Rent Furniture (annual average) . . Board Fuel and Light Washing I'lothing ♦.Military Suit Society and ('lass Taxes . . . Sul)scri]itions Sundries Boston University Course . . * Laboratory Fee Totals 380.00 8.00 24.00 8.00 90.00 11.00 10.00 30.00 (15-75) 3.00 15.00 (30.00) $80.00 12.00 36.00 15.00 108.00 15.00 15.00 60.00 ('5-75) 8.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 (30.00) $80.00 20.00 4800 25 00 I 26.00 25.00 25.00 1 00.00 (•5-75) 15.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 (30.00) $279.00 $389.00 $524.00 * Each of these items occur only once during the college course, and are not inchulcd in the totals. 1 66 rilE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. The military department of tlie College is under the direction of an officer of the United States army, detailed to the position by the Secre- tary of War. Instruction in military drill tactics is made one of the requirements of the College by the act of Congress providing for the establishment of the institution. Each student, not physically incapaci- tatetl, is tlius under the surveillance of the commandant. The cadet battalion, organized with four companies, is officered by the students of the upper classes ; and the drills are held three times each week. Recitations upon the tactics and the art of war, and practical instruc- tion in target, artillery, and mortar practice are features of the depart- ment. During the sessions of the College, the rooms of all the students are inspected once a week by the commandant. Most of the arms and ammunition used in the battalion are provided by the United States. The military diploma, awarded by the commandant at the sat- isfactory completion of the college course, recommends the receiver to an office if volunteer troops are ever called for by the State author- ities. Connected with the Agricultural College in their aims, yet distinct in organization and work, are the State Agricultural Experiment Station and the Hatch I'^xpcriment Station. These are so nicely arranged that they supplement each other in their experiments, neither one attempting the same line of investigations as the other, although in several instances the same person is in charge of similar departments in the College and in both of the stations. This plan lessens the necessary expenses, and increases the funds available in every department of experiment, resulting in unusually large returns in ])roportion to the outlay. The organizations of the two departments arc here gi\cn. The Massachusetts State Agricultural Experiment Station was established in 18S2, by an act of the legislature, passed May 12 of that year. The Station was located at the State Agricultural College, forty- eight acres of land being leased from the College, and its management was vested in a board of control of seven members, the governor of the Commonwealth being president ex officio. The sum of $3000 was first appropriated for ecpiipping the new station, and 1^5000 a year thereafter granted for its maintenance. This annual grant was increased in 1.S85 to $10,000. 'I'he objects of the investigations of the Station were fully set forth in the original act as follows : " The causes, prevention, and remedies of the diseases of domestic animals, plants, and trees. The Page 167. THE CHAPEL AND LIBRARY. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 1 69 history and habits of insects destructive to vegetation, and the means of abating them. The manufacture and composition of both foreign and domestic fertihzers, their several values, and their adaptability to dif- ferent crops and soils. The values, under all conditions, as food, for all form animals, for various purposes, of the several forage, grain, and root crops. The comparative value of green and dry forage, and the cost of producing and reserving it in the best condition. The adulteration of any articles of food intended for use of men or animals ; and in any other subjects which may be deemed advantageous to the agriculture and horticulture of the Commonwealth." After the organization of the Board of Control of the Experiment Station, Charles A. Goessmann, Ph.D., LL.D., was elected director and chemist, which positions he has held ever since. The director has six trained assistants in the chemical work and one in the field. The mem- bership of the Board of Control was increased in 1888 to eleven. They are elected for terms of years, — two from the members of the State Board of Agriculture, two from the Board of Trustees of the State Agri- cultural College, one from the Massachusetts Society for promoting Agriculture, one from the Massachusetts State Grange, and one from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, appointed by the respective organizations, and the president of the State Agricultural College, the director of the Station, and the secretary of the State Board of Agricul- ture. This Board of Control submits to the legislature, through the director of the Station, an annual report of its investigations, twenty-five thousand copies of which have been printed each year since 1889. The Station also issues occasional bulletins of ten thousand copies each, and monthly statements of official analyses of commercial fertilizers during the months of April and October of every year. The work at the Experiment Station is limited only by the amount of money available. Each new source of revenue opens a corresponding channel of investigation. The annual income amounts to ;? 16,500, of which $10,000 is received from the State, $5000 from the Hatch Experi- ment Station in return for doing the entire chemical work of that insti- tution, and about $1500 from certificates issued to dealers in commercial fertilizers as required by law. The grounds of the State Experiment Station are leased from the Agricultural College, at merely nominal rental, for a period of ninety- nine years, and comprise forty-eight and one-half acres, of which ten I/O THE HAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. are woodland. Seventeen and three-quarters acres are on the west side of the county highway, and thirty and a half on the east side. The buildings of the Station are valued as follows : — Chemical Laboratory (with fixtures) $15,000 Agricultural and Physical Laboratory (two) 12,000 Farmhouse 2,000 Barn and Feeding Stabk-s (w ith fixtures) 6,000 The Hatch Experiment Station of the Massachusetts Agricultural College was organized in 1887 under the jjrovisions of the Hatch act, which passed Congress and was approved by the President, March 2, of that year. The act established experiment stations in all the States and Territories of the Union, with the object of promoting " scientific investigation and experiment, and the principle and application of agri- cultural science." For each station the annual appropriation of $15,000 was granted ; of the first year's income, not more than twenty per cent, and the years following, not more than five per cent, of this sum might be used for erecting buildings for the Station. The president of the Agricultural College, Henry H. Goodell, LL.D.,was elected director, and the treasurer of the College, treasurer of the Station, which positions they have held ever since. The departments of the Station, as now established, are Agriculture, Horticulture, Entomology, and Meteorology. The Station is always engaged in investigations important to the farmer and other classes in the State. Quarterly bulletins of about eleven thousand copies are issued. Of the annual income, S5000 is paid by the Station to the chemical de])artment of the State Experiment Station, where all the work of that kind is jjcrformed. The ])roperty of the Hatch ]\xi)eriment Station is divided among the various departments as follows : Agricultural (barn) $4,000 ; Horticultural (greenhouses) $2,800; Entomological (insectary) $2,000; Meteorological (appara- tus) $1,800. By act of Legislature, 1894, the two Stations were consolidated and made a department of the College. THE COLLl'lCE liUIl. DINGS. The Agricultural College is situated on North Pleasant Street, about a mile from the village of Amherst. Eying upon the western slope of Mount Pleasant, it overlooks the entire Connecticut \'alle\', THE HANDBOOK' OF AMHERST. 173 within the boundaries of the prehistoric lake. The extensive grounds are always admirably kept, and the buildings offer many things of in- terest to the visitor. The distance is convenient for a pleasant walk or drive, and as the institution has been considered by the leading agricul- turists who have visited it from the United States and Europe, as the finest in this country, it certainly should not be neglected. In making the tour of the college buildings, it will be found most convenient to enter the grounds by the way of Amity Street and Lincoln Avenue, or by North Pleasant Street, in either case commencing with the college barn, at the left, and following the course marked out in this book. The first building to be noticed is the College Barn, built in 1869, and altered to its present form in 1889 ; valued at §14,500. The building contains the specimens used for illustration in the department of agriculture in the College. For this purpose there are typical specimens of farm stock, representing the different breeds of horned cattle and swine, a valuable stallion, and a small flock of sheep. The apparatus for farm work is very complete. The building is so neatly kept as to be attractive even to persons who have no special connection with agricultural affairs. In the manage- ment of the college farm it is intended to illustrate the systems and methods best suited to the conditions of this locality, and in all the operations the possible educational effect is kept prominently in view. While labor on the farm is not compulsory, not a little is performed by the students, and every opportunity is given to any who specially desire instruction in any particular line of farm work to obtain it. The dwell- ing-house adjoining the barn is occupied by the superintendent of the college farm and his assistants. Some distance southward from these buildings, and just beyond the boundaries of the college grounds, is the D. G. K. Society house. This was bought in 1891, from Professor C. D. Warner, whose residence it was. The next building is the Drill Hall, erected in 18S3, at an expenditure of S6500, a legislative appropriation for the purpose. The Armory, at the right of the entrance, contains the arms furnished by the State to the college corps of cadets. The main hall is 123 feet long and 48 feet wide, and has an asj^halt floor. It is heated by a hot-water system, introduced in 188S. This 1/4 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. comfortable winter quarters of the corps is used by the students as a gymnasium. The second floor of the buiUUng contains the command- ant's office, and a recitation room for the classes in military-tactics science. A short stairway leads into the tower of the building. On the campus adjoining this building are earthworks for use in mortar practice — a part of the regular military training of the College. On the right is the College Chapel, completed in iS86, at a cost of $31,000, which was provided for the purpose by special legislative appropriations. The material used in construction is Pelham granite, with brownstone trim- mings. The two entrances at the south end of the building lead into the alumni headquarters, and by winding staircases to the hall above. The college library occupies the main portion of the lower floor. This contained in 1894, about 15,500 volumes, and its rate of increase during the past three years has been twelve hundred volumes annually. The president's office is situated on this floor. The second story forms a hall capable of seating six hundred people, and here the Sunday ser- vices of the College, and the commencement exercises are held. The building is heated by steam and lighted by electricity. The South College Dormitory, beyond, was first built in 1S67, and contained several recitation rooms and the college library. On February 4, 1885, it was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt in 18S6, at a cost of ^37,000, a sjiecial appropriation by the legislature. The building is brick, three stories in height, and contains twenty suites of double rooms for students. The soutli wing overlooks the college campus and parade ground. In the north wing are recitation rooms and the museum of the biological department. The collection in this museum contains representatives of every type of American animal, and is valued at about $3500. The office of the Hatch r^.xperiment Station is in the tower of this building. The meteorological observatory of the Hatch ]''\periment Statit)n is also located in the tower. The observatory was established by money granted under the Hatch Ex]:)eriment Stations act of Congress, and it is modelleil as nearly as possible after the Central Tark observatory in New York City. 01)servations were commenced by Professor C. I). Warner, the first and i)resent director, on January i, 1SS9. Tiie instru- ments in use are all of the Drajjcr self-recording pattern, which ordi- narily require the attention of the observer not oftener than once a week. THE IIAXDBOOK OF AMHERST. lyj The most important of them is the electrograph, which was constructed after Professor Warner's design by Elliott Brothers, London, England. It measures the electric potential of the atmosphere, and keeps a record by a delicate and continuous photographic process. North College Dormitory, completed in the fall of iS6S. Its cost was S36, ooo, and sixty-four students may be accommodated in it. The college reading-room is on the first floor. Just behind this building is the Laboratory Building, the first of the college buildings, erected in 1867. Originally a two-story building, it has been altered, now being valued at $10,360. It now contains the chapel, used for morning prayers, the laboratory of the zoological department, and a part of the chemical department, on the first floor ; the rooms of the mathematical, physical, and chemical departments, on the second ; and an interesting collection of agricultural implements from Japan, in the third. This last story was formerly the drill hall of the cadet battalion, and is now used as a museum until a special building is erected. New Barns, Stable and Dairy School. — Near the centre of the col- lege estate and at the foot of the slope west of the campus, stand the new farm buildings erected in 1893 and 1894 at a cost of about 535,000, specially appropriated by the Legislature for the purpose. These in- clude a commodious storage barn with a capacity of 212 tons of hay and 380 tons of silage, connected with which are three large wings ; a horse stable and the farm house which has been moved from its for- mer site near the old barns. One of the wings will stable 70 cows, another will accommodate 75 sheep, 80 hogs and 20 head of cattle, while the third provides facilities for the manufacture of butter, and for instruction in matters pertaining to the dairy industry. This wing contains ice-houses, heavy machinery and light machinery rooms, boiler rooms, class-room, laboratory, and creamer and dressing rooms. It is equipped with all modern dairy machinery and educational appliances. In its basement will be installed an electric light plant to supply the whole institution and for use as an educational adjunct in the course in electricity. The barn and stables include many new features, and have been designed with especial reference to securing superior sanitary conditions for their occupants. In jjlace of the usual small allowance of perhaps 17^ 7 7//: //A NDB 00 K OF A MIIER S T. 250 cubic feet of air per animal, each cow in the new stable is allotted 1 100 cubic feet, and the room is abundantly lighted and ventilated. The interior finish has been designed with particular reference to clean- liness, and the walls and roof with a view to securing an equable and comfortable temperature. Across the ravine is the residence of the college pastor, and next to it is a Boarding-House, built by the College in 1868, costing $8000. For a number of years it was managed by the college authorities, but in 1 89 1 was in the hands of a boarding-club of sixty students. The house accommodates the family in charge of the practical details. The Barn, of the Hatch Experiment Station, is in the rear of the boarding-house. Built in i88g, and costing $4000, it is used for experi- ments in feeding farm stock, and in other matters of importance to the farmer. The building was burned in the spring of 1891 and immedi- ately rebuilt. Following the road as it completes the circle of the college grounds, the visitor finds himself before the Chemical Laboratory of the State Experinient Station, built of brick and sandstone. It faces to the south. The main building is two stories in height, measures 30 by 42 feet, and has a tower projecting from the southeast corner. Two parallel wings, each one story high and 32 feet long by 19 feet wide, join the rear of the building. The main house contains, on the ground-floor, the director's office, assistants' room, two small weighing-rooms, and passages leading into the wings, which are used as laboratories. Of the rooms on the upper floor, one is occui)ied by the assistants, and the other three are used for storing collections illustrating various agricultural industries. The building was erected in 18S3, after plans suggested by the director, and made by K. A. Ellsworth, a graduate of the College. Its cost was 5i 5,000, including the apparatus it contains. Of this sum, ;>i 1,500 was a legislative approi)riation. the rest coming from the regular income of the Station. The entire chemi- cal work of both the Massachusetts State and the Hatch Experiment stations is carried on in this laboratory. The Farmhouse and barn of the State F,x])eriment Station are situ- ated about out' hundred and Hfty yards north of the chemical laboratory, and are valued together at $8000. The house and main barn were built bef )re the farm passed into the hands of the State, and has been re- THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. iSl modelled from time to time since. Here resides the former of the Station, who is in general charge of the farm work under the superin- tendence of the director. The barn contains the seed-room, grain- room, silos, scales for weighing the crops, and live stock. In 1886 the feeding-stable and first wing were added, and shortly after another stable and wing of the same size were built in the rear of the first. Experi- ments in feeding and digestion that have been carried on here are among the most important to farmers of all that the Station has under- taken. A visit to the barn cannot fail to be of interest. Everything is kept in most perfect order and neatness. The buildings are subject to frequent change, depending upon the nature of the questions under investigation. The creamery attached to the barn was built in 1887, and the ice-house of one hundred tons' capacity was erected at the same time. Just across the town highway from the Chemical Laboratory stands the Agricultural and Physiological Laboratory of the State Experiment Station, a brick building, two and a half stories high, with brownstone trimmings, and a frontage of forty feet, and a depth of thirty-five feet. This was the first building in this country erected for the special purpose of studying the more intricate questions of plant growth with reference to agricultural plants, and the relation of fungus growth to plant dis- eases. It was completed early in 1890, at a cost of ;$ 10,000, appropri- ated by the State legislature. Its outfit cost nearly $3000. The second floors are divided into four, of equal size each. The lower floor is devoted to microscopic investigations. It contains an ofhce with two laboratories and a photographic studio, supplied with an overhead rail- road for bringing large plants from the shed to the camera. The second story is occupied by the assistant superintendent of the field and feeding experiments. He has an office, and a chemical laboratory for studying the physiological condition of the soil, and a private apartment. In the rear of the building, and connecting with it, is a covered shed, twenty- five feet square ; a glass house, of the same size ; and a greenhouse, twelve feet wide, and forty feet long. From the open side of the cov- ered shed, three parallel railways extend sixty feet on to the grounds. Within the shed are turn-tables and tracks, which lead into the glass house ; and altogether they furnish a very convenient method of trans- porting the plants under investigation to and from the open air. This system of connecting shed and glass houses and photograpliic studio by 1 82 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. means of railways is modelled upon a plan used by Dr. Hellriesgel, at Beruburg, Germany. The building was designed, in conformity with special instructions, by E. A. Ellsworth of Holyoke, a graduate of the College. It is maintained by a portion of the funds of the Hatch Experi- ment Station. Following the college road as it turns again in the direction of the town, the dwelling-house at the right is the home of the professor of horticulture. Ikyond is the Botanic Museum of the College, built in 1866, at a cost of $5180. It is a two-story frame structure, 43 by 45 feet, and was one of the four buildings erected about the time of the opening of the College. On the first floor is a laboratory and recitation room. On the floor abov^e is the Knowlton Herbarium, collected by W. W. Denslow of New York, of fifteen thousand species, one of the finest collections in the country. A large collection of native woods, and fifty specimens of wood from the Hima- laya Mountains, made by the celebrated travellers, the Von Schlagentwelt brothers, are also kept in this room. One of the most interesting objects in the room is a cast of a mammoth squash, grown in the jjlant house in 1873, which actually lifted, in the course of its growing, a weight equal to forty-five hundred pounds, and for some days after an accidental cracking of the shell supported five thousand pounds. The office of the college treasurer is in this building, his hours being from four to five o'clock one or two afternoons of each week. The neighboring stable was built in 1885 for the use of the horti- cultural department of the College, cost ^1500, and is conveniently arranged for the use of the department. The President's House, on the hiU-side, was built in 1SS4 for the use of President C.reenough, and cost $11,500. It is still the proi)erty of the College, and occupied as a residence by \\'. 1*. I'.rooks, professor of agriculture. On the land between this building mid the stable, tlie horticultural department makes experiments in growing small fruits and berries. A fine vineyard is at the north of the president's house, and a large peach orchard and a nursery at the east. These contain many of the finest vnrieties of vines and trees, which are cultivated entirely for experiment. The Durfee Plant House, a gift of the late Dr. Nathan Durfee of Fall River, at one time treasurer of tlie College, was built in 1868 at an expense of $12,000. On January 23, 18S3, the house was ])artially Page 1S5. THE PLANT HOUSE. THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. 187 destroyed by fire, but was immediately rebuilt, and is now valued the same as originally. The main house consists of an octagon, 40 feet in diameter, and two wings each 60 feet long and 30 wide. A workroom in the rear of the octagon communicates with two parallel pits each 50 feet long. A small wing. 24 by 16 feet, opens from the northeast corner of the octagon. The main house contains many types of plants for illustration and educational purposes. These are provided from the The Insectary. income of a $10,000 fund, the gift of the late Leonard M. Hills and his son Henry F. Hills, of Amherst. The pits and the small wing are used for growing marketable plants and flowers. The Greenhouse of the Hatch Experiment Station was constructed in the fall of 1888, after special plans devised by Professor S. T. Maynard, the head of the horticultural division. Completely fitted, it cost $2800, and is designed for experiments in plant-growing, with different methods of heating. There is a main room, containing the heatingapparatus, and two parallel greenhouses of exactly the same size and construction, extending from the soiith side. One of them is heated by steam, and 13 1 88 THE HANDBOOK OF AMHERST. the other by hot water. Valuable investigations are made here each winter, and the results widely published. The grounds at the south of this group of buildings is used by the horticultural department for experiments in fruit and ornamental tree- culture. The farmhouse on the opposite side of the road is one of the buildings bought with the land at the time of the establishment of the College. The small building at the left is the Insectary of the entomological department of the Hatch Experi- ment Station, built in 1889. The expense of its construction, $2000, was met by the Agricultural College and the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. The investigations of this department relate to the life and habits of insects injurious to vegetation, and are under the direction of the State entomologist, Professor Charles H. Fernald. The building is a story and a half high, 28 by 20 feet in area, and has adjoining it a greenhouse 30 feet long and 18 wide. The ground- floor contains the entomologist's office, a labora- tory, and an "insecticide room," where the various compounds for killing insects are tested. The laboratory occupies the entire half of the floor adjoining the greenhouse. This latter is divided into a hot room and a cold room, which are used for breeding insects. In the cellar of the main house are vaults for wintering such insects as may be under investigation. It was in this building that the extended investiga- tions of the gypsy moth, for the destruction of which the State has expended much money, were first made. The department is constantly receiving queries from all over the country, principally this State, how- ever, in regard to the destruction of common and injurious insects. Noteworthy Business Firms, \Y ALTER 7, B^GBEE Fine Goods A Specialt\', 6 AND 8 COURT STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. MAIN. MARKET. r ASniONABLE TAILOR. WM. K. STAAB. 139 Main Street, Northampton. -HEADQUARTERS FOR — FINE CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. Perfect Fit and Workmanshi)> Guaranteed. REVISED EDITION The Handbook of Amherst HANDSOMELY PRINTED AND BOUND. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. A guide to Amherst, and the surrounding towns of the Con- necticut Valley, to Amherst College, and to tiie Massachusetts Agricultural College. Will be iiiaile, lo :iii.> Address, FREDERICK H. HITCHCOCK. Amherst, Mass. Publisher. Or, 55 West 45th Street. New York. Shreve, Crump & Low Company. BOSTON, Engravers, Plate Printers, Die Sinkers, and Illuminators, ... M.4KF ... IN ... GOOD ... T^STH ... INVITATIONS, PROGRAMS, ARMS. CRESTS MONOGRAMS. SOCIETY DIES AND PLATES EXECUTED QUICKLY. The Finest Stationery that the Market affords supplied at OUR STATIONERY DEPARTMENT. ^Webster's International 1 Dictionary, The BJe-«v *' ITnatoridged." standard of the V. S. Supreme Court, of ttie V. S. Gov't J Printuitr ottii'p, and of nearly all the Sehoolbonks. Warmly ( commended by every State Supermteiideiitof .'schools. The One Great standard Authority. Hon. T). .T. Brewf.r,. Justice of I'. S. Supreme Court, write? " 1 commend it to all as the one preat standard authority." G. & C. IMCerriam Co., Publistaers, Springfield, Mass., V. S. A. i»^3~Si'nd for free pro-ipectn^ containing specimen pages, elr. rii;~l>o not buy cln'a]i photographic reprints of ancient editions THE MOST ARTISTIC NOVELTIES IN Fancy Oaods, Draperies, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Corsets, and everything pertaining to embroidery ami fancy needlework can always be found at E. F». COPELAIND'S, Main Street, Northamptoti, Mass. CriAS, B, nUBBELL, fatter anb ^uxniB^cx, €li.JC)tt fo DUNLAP &, CO.'S HATS. E. &, W. COLLARS AND CUFFS. MONARCH SHIRTS. DENT'S CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. GLYNN, The Tailor, ALWAYS HAS LATEST STYLES 'n WOOLLENS FIT GUARANTEED. Prir>es Consistent witli First-Class Work. (^^CHERMERHORN'S TEACHER S' AGENCY :: :: Oldest and Best Known in U. S. ESTABLISHED 1855 3 EAST 14th ST., NEW YORK. EMPIRE STEAM IdAUNDRY, 30 Court Street, Northampton, Ilass. The onlv laundry in Hampshire Co. where shirts are ironed by hand. AcENcv .\r North College, Amhersi. C. H. TUTTLE, Proprietor. cJA.nCS r. PAGE, ■ • DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, A HISTORY OF AMHERST COLLEGE. /*^ IXCE retiring- from his long active service in the class-room, ^^V the venerable Dr. William S. Tyler has been engaged in V^ preparing a new and popular edition of the History of Amherst College which will shortly be published by subscription. l)r. Tyler is the official historian of Amherst College. At the time of the Semi-Centennial Celebration in 1S71, he prepared the The Author '"^^'' ^"'^' ^'''''' now, the only history of the college ever published. His long and intimate acquaint- ance with Amherst and the high positions he has held in connection with the administration of the college especially fit him to be the author of its histor_\'. The causes which led to the establishment of the college are traced brielly, and the history of the successive administrations of Cnntpnt<4 ^'"" '"^'' ''^'^ presidents follows in an entertaining story. Such portions of the original History as are used at all have been very largely rewritten. The statistical matter ami other references which break the thread of the story have been omitted. There are entirely new chapters upon the flection and the admin- istration of President Seel_\e, the establishment and growth cf the Amherst system, the athletics of the college, the secret societies, and all the other features of Amherst life which have marked the period since the first History was published. In its mechanical make-up the book will be all that the best workmanship can make it. The manufacturing work will be done Mechanical Make=up '" ^''^' 1"'"'>"^' establishment of the well- known jniblishers, Messr.s. D. .'Vi'I'i.eto.n & Co., of New \'ork. It will be duodecimo in size, of about 400 pages, printed from entirely new plates on fine paper, fully illustraied and attractively bound. It will be a book that every alumnus and friend of Amherst will wish to read and own. There will also be a De Luxe edition of the History of Amherst College, limited to one hundred numbered copies. This edition will De Luxe Edition ^^ known as the Author's Autograph Edition, and will differ widely from the ordinary edition. It will be printed on heavy English paper, with large mar- gins, gilt top and uncut edges. In addition to the illustrations which will appear in the other edition, there will be a special portrait of the author, and in each of the one hundred copies Dr. Tyler will write his autograph. The binding will be an appropriate one, and the book will be inclosed in a neat box. There will never be more than one hundred copies of this edition issued. The Author's Autograph Edition will be sold at $5 a copy, and the numbers will be assigned in the order in which the subscriptions _„ . are received. Price The price of the regular edition will be $1.50 a copv. FREDERICK If. HITCHCOCK', Publisher. 1894 Dear Sir: Please send me wlien published eop of the edition of Dr. Tyler s A History of Amherst College, for whieh I loill pay on delivery. A ddress . Send all orders to the publisher at .\mherst, Mass., or 55 West 45th Street, New ^'ork. c OLLEGE PRINTING. PERIODICALS, ANKIALS, CATALOGUE-, MEN'l'S, ENGRAVED INVITATIONS, BASE-BALL AND SPORTING PRINTING, BADGES, BLANK-BOOK AND PAMPHLET WORK. SPECIAL TEXT-BOOKS, ETC. FIKST-CLASS I'RINTINC, OF EVERY KIMl. : : : : : J ORING & AXTCLL. 89 Dwight St., Springfield, Mass. nCNR^' ADAA\S. PHAR.D.. ==== = Hpotbccarv?, == = == No. I Cook'.s I^lock, Amherst, Mass. s HIRLEY SMITH. T)?ig0 an'^ ^oetximt^f 19 Tremont Row, Boston, Mass. FURNITURE, Carpets, Window Shades, Draperies, Etc. NO MOKK COMI'LETK STOCK I.\ II AMI'SII IRF, COrN'IV. Goods are here to be Sold, and at the LOWEST PRICES. E D. MARSH, AMHERST, MASS. r^ •I '. lu ■11