• FROM • THE • SlERRaS • • TO • THE • SBU • "A ^-u!'* it <^^ a^fUt^"- ^vm'im< -K»^«iL*^.1?/i.^ — etchings and drawings bx Ma rion Holden Po pe P0EM5 By Charles Euiwell Edjon ILo^ Angeles? Jfrom tfte Sierras; to tije ^ea Ctcfjings; anb Bratoings; bp iHarion i^olijcn ^ope ii Cijarles; Jfartoell Cbgon Warren C potter, ^ubligfjer 1lo£f Angeles! . L 8 'P'2Z Cnpui-iglit, UlUi, liu (Eharlcs Jfartucll 1;bsmi / DEC -4 1916 . _ « ^r' '^■ ST. .JifU^-i- puena ^is^ta &tvttt pribge ere f lotos tfje riber of %o& Angeles; ^f\t railtoapg run tieneatf) tJje arcfjing tiribge; Clpsiian ^arfe, a refit cure for tije fioul (§uarbfi tfje \i}ii}t gate tfjat lets tfje tourists in. W^t patient footman, soon forgotton fjorse, tKfte auto trucfes, tfje costlp motor cars, Street cars, steam cars, aeroplanes pass bp JTor so toe go on lanb or in tije cloubs* igortf) €nb proatoap funnel ^oor, olb, lost abobe f)ugs tfje JjiU; iiU of tlje frienbg of poutf) fj^be passeb atoap; ZCfje plaster lias begun to leabe tbe toalls ^bobe tbe common realtp sign, :f or ^ale. ^i)t sfjining cars speeb fast beneatb tbe i)iU OTfjere jFremont fleto tbe pear Jf lag of tbis ^tate OTitb ^tars anb Stripes of tbese ®niteb States Co tell to all tbe toorlb our coast toas Jf ree* ^et custom, breebing, tie us to a tobeel Sb^t is rebolbeb bp sbaft of antique latos 3^un in tbe tooof of temporising cobes ^nb tbeologic creebs tbat fenoto not Cbrist* ZKfje ^ast anb present! Mill tfje :^uture bare Cut tbrougf) bense toalls so tljat toe learn ^i)t tKrutf)! '>f.ri/tIj:J.3i^i:s^J^;^ %a J^eina be TLosi Sngelesi, 1781 fje Jf orsterg, trel dalles anb tije ^icos» ^epulbebasi^ifllorenos;, Coronelg; ®f)^ Xugos, tJje ^erranos, ^Iberag WHtvt calleb to mass! bp tfjese olb mission cfjimes. l^fje ^la?a toas alibe toiti) jprancing steebs; (^ap ^enoritas smileb betjinb tfjeir fans 3n blacfe mantillas farougljt from faroff ^pain, Jf or Cfturcti anb ^tate fjelb tfjeir Jf iestas ijere* put noto tlje jangling street car brotons tJje bells; STfje ^la^a circle stnarms toitf) Jlexicans; ^i)t olb cfjurcf) bratos up closer to Jf ort J|ill ^s tfjougf) it feareb tftis toucf) of mobern life; ^nb toeU it map for ^ob is but a name OTljere minteb metal rules tfje toorlb of men* >v -'! -\ ^fiffOim^^ '^ V. f?' jHain anb jFourtf) Streets? p anb Doton tfte crotobeb Streets tfjep go, JIarb rocfe men totjo built tlje ^quebuct; ifWucfeerS anb concrete mixers, rougl) anb strong, OTell ftrotoneb bp brp iWojabe's burning Sun. l^be Snterurban cars block narroto ifWain ^nh glaring picture sbotos anb bolb saloons itlulct lonelp men in from tbe silences OTbere circumstances mafee or break a mam ^albation ^rmp anb tbe Volunteers ^ing raucous bpntns to turn tbem totoarb tbe Cbrist; (^ob bnotos tbep neeb it in tbis moil of greeb OTb^te toe quote men in terms of stocks anb bonbs. ifHen anb tbe #ame! ^ snatc!) for bie=Stampeb Signs! ^nb all one gets is Jf oob. Some Clotfjes anb ^leep! Central Square jFountain 1)e fjaugfitp pigeons beg go baintilp; tEftep strut anb coo just like us common folfes; Wi)t sunlight raintiotos eacf) rounb falling brop (Bi toater tfjat is splasfting in tfje pool ^nb fjere men sit anb argue toijile tfjep sit; Conbemn tfje (^obernment, tije toap of it; Settle tije great, complex affairs of ^tate tKo tf)eir content, ind) is ©emocracp. tKfje air of Jf reebom is So Stoeet anb neto W^\)at all tfjep sense is rigfjt to criticise* _.*» 0ii SitM \)t berricfes s^tanb, balb monuments; to trabe; Wip tljrousf) earth's crusit toe pump tfje i)itit}tn oil; l^usf) Ijere anb tijere toitf) force it generates ^nb toonber at tfte eartfjquafees in our toafee* 5oton ?Proatoaj> fromSTemplE ^ linbfolbeb Justice Sits, a sombre tfjing 3n courts of men tofjo quibble ober l.ato! Jlere also are tbe recorbs of our age 3n toritten boofes of transfers anb of trabes. jf ar boton tlje street an outgroton Citp J|aU OTtere our toise Colons talk efficiencp. .^^^: t. BotDtt Spring from jFiftf) f)ej> calleb it ^rimabera, tfjos^e olb Mom OTfjoSe language is rippling, trippling s^ong ?lut tufjen tfje #ringosJ came tfjep nameb it Spring, ^ closeb anb unresponsibe sufts^titute. Ci)is is tfje banfeers street inJjere men of migfjt puilb marble office piles to fjouse tfjeir toealtfj; iHafee slabes of men toitf) paper chains of bonbs tlTfjat run for tens of pears, so tljep be safe; ^nb pet tfjis business toorlb of ours Ijas neeb 01 all tlje printeb forms tfjat stanb for golb; J^ills of exchange, tlje bailp cfjecks of trabe, ^ijt gibe anb tafee ti^rougf) central clearing touse; Wit plap our parts, lenbers anb borrowers ®ntil ^Imigljtp (Sob strikes balances* Central Square Ije fjappp txtt& toabe in tfje sea s;ent ^^. toinb Braton from tf)e up=braft of tije fjeateb plains; nrije tpearp people tfjrong tfje cement seats ^0 catcJj a breatfj of countrp in tlje toton. J ^econb Cfturcf) of CfjrisJt, \)t s^Ioto ebolbins progressi ot manfeintr 3si marbeb bp brofeen sJjacbles^, etierj>= tofjere ^nb noto tfje Science of tije tfjings Cfjrist taugJjt 3si laib boton for t^e use of tijose tofto care* ®nselfis;fj Cijrisit tofjo otoneb no foot of lanb! i:obing tfje poor tofjo i)^b gudj neeb of it! ©ribing tlje monepcfjangers toitJj a scourge Wii)tn tijep befileb tfje fjolp temple Steps, put tijis creeb stanbs for i^ife'S J^ualitp; tKtje lie anb ^Jje of nature's graciousness ^nb gibing Cbrist lobe toitb no tijougbt of self OTill mafee a beaben of tbis coin=mab eartb; ^is i.ato of ^erbice fuseb in globj of i.obe OTill let tbe ligbt tbrougb sombre beils of creebs. Wi)t l^emple of tjje ^ome n all tfje lanbs tfjat front tfte misfttp sea ^tretcijins from s^tern (Gibraltar to ^ue? ^ou finb olb temples;, ruineb or in nit Wo tiarieb (^obfi, queer probuctsJ of mens; faitfjSi. J^ut toe, neto toorsfjipp^ts; at mobern sfjrine ^rap to tijat #ob toto formeb tfjisi s;cf)eme of tf)ingg; tKfte clean creatibe urge tftat ilenbsi Some ttoo ^0 reprobate, tfjat tijeir feinb libe again. Wiiti) ligfjt of iobe tfje altars; are afala?e; Cfje acolptes; of Jop s;iuins incens;e rare; W^t goob Higlj ^ries;ts; of Enolulebge cfjant a masis; Caugljt from tfje ^ngel Cfjoirs; of ^oes;p; ^ije temple tiells; are fjappp cfjilbrens; s;ongs;; V^^t ijolp recorbs;, imprint of our s;ouls;. ®p proabbap from ^ebentf) ijis; is; tije tooman'g street anb bap bp bap tlTijep tfjrong tije toalfes; in ainsftams anb in gilfes; Baintp anb bebonair, lonelp anb ricf) tE^fjep ribe in limousines or toalfe on foot; ^oor tnearp motfjers bragging toorn out bops; ^ flocfe of scfjool girls boton from %. ^. Jligb OTbile far beponb in clearcut aftergloto Cfje i3eaceful mountains marbel at our Ijaste. I^ailroab l^racksi ije mobern gteel trails come at la^t to camp ^ere bp tlje ganbp, toas^fjeb out riber beb; l^infeing us; all to tad) far lanb of eartf) OTiti) cijaing of Jf inance, Commerce anb of l^rabe. ^nb in ti)i^ greater protJjerfjoob of jlan OTill groto a J^eto €artl), born to ^uman Mttb&; i^ot faounb bp steel but ministereb for i|im OTfjo tausfjt tfje OTonbrouS glorp of tCfje Xobe! ipcamore (©robe nber tf)e libe oafesi s^fjabe tlje mocfeerg nest; Vti)t gpratolp gpcamoreg lift from tfje toast; ^fje citp bin is lost in nature's calm; €;j)e toilbtooob bibs tfje nerbous people toait. €lv^im ^ark ou dimh t\)t rain=toasf)eb ganbstone on a fenoll "^ ^ast gpiberp sumtrees jstoaping on ti)in stents^, IBeponb tf)e grepgreen spruces in a cleft 01 ijillsi* Jf ar off tfte fja^p mountains stanb Serene anb calm in toaning ligftt of bap; Cfte gcenteb luinb from out tfje fragrant pines Caresses eaci) tireb cfjeefe toitf) toucf) of balm. ^ilt little birfas (toee minstrels of tije sfep), ^ing jocunb songs of all eartlj'S goob to man. ^oft=footeb nigijt Steals up tlje still rabines, ileabes pou alone, at rest, in peace, toitf) (^ob. ©niliersial Citp agt of a tijousanb pears, built pesterbap! ^* ^ijell of a bream, reborn at mere caprice! ^ musJjtoom grototf) from gpaton of bagaries; ^btoton to tbe toinbsi bp poet alcbemists* tKbe mobie stars gfjine in tbis firmament ^ixeb for a fleeting time upon ?.ife's Screen; Silent as pet, but Soon ^rt's tuitcberp OTill catcb tbeir boices for posteritp. ^U far=off lanbs are brougbt before pour ?|oboS anb Eings upon equalitp ^nb eacb quaint pbase of (iobmabe eartb is bere ^een tbrougb a film, not barfelp, but aligbt; Cbe OTorlb a ^tage! ||umanitp tbe ^lap! ^nh no brop curtain falls until Hife bies. 3nner harbor; fean J^ebro 1jep mtktb tlje age=beep silt tJjroust) tubes of iron ^nh mabe neto lanb to Ijolb tfje toareJjouses puilt bp a strong municipalitp Ko sabe for all tJje unearneb increment. tKfje cargo boats anb steamers of tbe lines ^Ip up anb boton from far Alaska's colb ^0 torrib Manama's tremenbous gasb ^nb eaci) paps some small tribute to tbis port. ^0 goob ^aint ^eter sabes tbe souls of men OTitb pelloto golb, our stanbarb of tbis life. Vt\)t deeper of tfje ligfit ^ee strange SisttsJ from out my steel= ribbeb S^aft; tCfje fisifjins boats bp Jjunbrebsi seek tije beep; Vt\)t totite=toinseb pleasure pacfjts flit on tlje bap; tCije mobing picture sailors plougb tfje main OTiitb lanblegs tbat are fearful of tbe sea; l^lje statelp boats tbat carrp passengers; W^t lumber Scbooners boton from (Oregon; W\)t migbtp liners up from istbmus tuap; ^\)t sugar boats from Honolulu's sbore; Cbe toarsbips toitb our flotoing ^tars anb Stripes. IBut more tban tfjis 3 see tbe bap alibe OTitb boats on boats in cargo to all lanbs; ^ greater fleet built in tbis goob soutbU^est OTifjere men anb toomen are foreber free, l^be ocean toabes broke bigb ^bobe mp ligbt ©riben bp soutbeast b^inb in mistp blasts IBut in tbe i)a}t tbat cobers bistant plains ^ finer people grotus tban eartb i)^& seen* '-/^. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 017 138 418 7 #