)e THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT A RECORD OF TRAVEL ACROSS THE PLAINS AND IN OREGON, EXAMINATION OF THE MORMON PRINCIPLE. BT FITZ HUGH LUDLOW. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK: PUBLISHED BY HURD AND HOUGHTON. Camfirtlrse; SRtbcriStOc T^xti6, 1870. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by Hdrd and Houghton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York RIVERSIBE, CAMBRIDGE: STEREOTYPED AND PRINTED BT H. 0. HOUGHTON AND COMPANI. TO THE READER It was my original intention to have published these notes of my journey in the two-volume form, comprehending much additional material which would have made the work a complete and minute survey not only of the entire region traversed by the Pa- cific Railroad, but of much of the incalculably valu- ble and interesting region tributary to it on either side. Of the latter part of my journey, — after leav- ing Salt Lake City, — I have here, however, had room to give only the more salient features ; and by the same circumstances which rendered it advisable to reduce the book to a single volume, I have been com- pelled to throw much of the matter relating to the Mormons, their home, their problem, and their destiny, into what to most readers is the least attractive and most superficially noticed form — an Appendix. It is principally on behalf of this Appendix that I utter a word of prefatory remark. The engrossing question, " What shall we do with the Mormons ?' ' is, so far as I know from personal reading and infor- mation obtained at the best hands, treated in this Appendix from an entirely new point of view. I may say frankly that I believe my solution of the question the promptest, the most feasible, the least productive IV TO THE READER. of violent dislocation and suffering, which has yet been offered. Because I so believe and am desirous to have the fact tested by other minds, and because there is much in the small type at the other end of my book which is full as worthy of the larger typo- graphical honors as anything which precedes it, — be- cause, in fine, I think the reader will agree with me in calling the Mormon Matter at least as interesting as the rest of the volume, I here venture to ask that it may be read at least no more superficially than that. F. H. L. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAQK THE SETTING OUT 1 CHAPTER H. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT 23 CHAPTER m. FROM THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES . . . 102 CHAPTER IV. pike's PIKE AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS .... 139 CHAPTER V. INTO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS 191 CHAPTER VI. THE APPROACH TO SALT LAKE CITY 236 CHAPTER VH. THE NEW JERUSALEM 315 CHAPTER VIII. THE DEAD SEA. — THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY 'OF ITS BASIN 376 CHAPTER IX. SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE 409 Yl CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAOB ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON ... ... 445 CHAPTER XL ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER . . . . ,. • • • 473 APPENDIX 503 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. CHAPTER I. THE SETTING OUT. I MIGHT pass over without a word the whole line of railway communication between New York and Atchi- son, on the Missouri River, were it not that the uniform kindness of its officers to the party of which I was a member, and their interest in the artistic and scien- tific purposes of our expedition, deserve to be as well known by our acknowledgment, as their roads are without our mention. The moment that we stated our project to Mr. Scott and the other officers of the Pennsylvania Central, they not only presented the entire party with trans- portation over their own road to Pittsburg, but gave us letters of introduction which insured our being treated with similar courtesy on all the remaining roads to St. Louis. To them, to the officers of the Crestline route be- tween Pittsburg and Cincinnati, and to Messrs. Larned and M' Alpine of the Cincinnati and St. Louis road, we owe recognition, no less for the fine spirit of ap- preciation and helpfulness in which they received our enterprise, than for the diminution effected by their kindness in the burdens of a necessarily very expen- sive journey. There can scarcely be a better indica- 1 N 2 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. tion for the future of Science, Art, and Literature in our country, than the cordiality which such a course as that of these gentlemen shows existing between those professions and Commerce. I might add that Commerce herself has reason to note this indication as gladly ; for Science, Art, and Literature are daugh- ters of the same mature civilization as she, and to- gether they flourish or decay. At St. Louis we found a letter awaiting us from Colonel William Osborne, formerly of the Hannibal and St. Joseph's road and then President of the Platte County Railroad, extending between St. Joseph and the Missouri border opposite Atchison. This letter introduced us to Mr. Sturgeon, President of the North- ern Railroad of Missouri, and, by the combined cour- tesy of these gentlemen, we were forwarded freely all the way to the Kansas terminus of railway communi- cation. I shall have other such courtesies to ac- knowledge as our journey proceeds. At St. Joseph we completed our outfit by the pur- chase of additional blankets and ammunition ; and after a few pleasant days spent in a family of personal friends, went down by rail to the starting-point of our Overland Journey. Atchison is a small town, but a lively one. We had scarcely touched the ferry-wharf on the Kansas side before we were invited to a hanging. Lynch, C. J., was to sit that afternoon upon a couple of bushwhack- ers. His is a most impartial tribunal, which, to avoid giving offense, acquits nobody. The accused were, first, a man of fifty-five or thereabouts, a gray person who, in a more advanced state of society, might have bulled the gold market and cheated his acquaintance under the asgis of eminent respectability without the THE SETTING OUT. 3 wa'gging of a reprobative tongue ; second, a young fellow of imperturbable address, whom Wall Street would have esteemed highly in the position of con- fidential clerk to the foregoing. Neither of them had any look of the popularly conceived criminal, — prob- ably neither of them were any worse than fifty men in the crowd who clamored for their death. I heard one man, enthusiastic upon the even-handed justice of the occasion, who, if he had the theme of his eulogy meted to himself, would swing higher than Haman, or leave locks of his gray hair dabbled in blood upon every threshold in Atchison, — a man with the effron- tery to live under the very noses of citizens whose crape for brothers slaughtered by him in the border- ruffian times was scarce yet rusty on their wide-awakes. I speak thus, not because I deprecate stern frontier justice, but because the hands which administer it are nerved, almost invariably, by brute fury or caprice. In a new country, the indomitable pioneers who build the basement of civilization, have too much to do with subduing nature to bother their heads especially re- garding government. But government, while man- kind stays selfish, never can regulate itself While the workers are felling trees, breaking roads, and building cabins, the knaves and do-nothings get into political power. Before long the judge sits only to intimidate the just and excuse the villain. The sher- iff's baton becomes a finger-post to loop-holes for the •escape of thieves and murderers. The jury and the malefactor wink at each other across a rail. The gov- ernor stands waiting with a pardon to poke a hole through the coarse legal sieve which has casually caught an exceptional rascal across a wire. The legis- lature pass laws with cunning quirks in them, provi- 4 THE HEART OF THE COKTINENT. dent against a day when these shall be convenient for themselves. When this occurs, and the honest men find it out, Lynch-law is the only practical transition to a good form of government. A most horrible thing in the abstract, it becomes the sole thing in the con- crete. Perhaps it is essential to it that it should in most cases be administered by a furious mob ; but that is the most horrible part of its horror to a stranger. Nearly two thousand people were assembled in a deep ravine indented in the rolling plain back of the town, around a lone cotton-wood tree, under which stood the fatal wagon. Such a dreadful multitude may God keep from the death-scene of every man whose guilt is not double-dyed ! There was no attempt to classify it. Shaggy-bearded horsemen trampled under hoof swarming footmen, boys, and, shame to say it, women. Here and there stood the unhitched wagons of whole families who had come in from dis- tant ranches to make gala-day of the execution. These were the objects of general envy, for the view from their pedestals was not only more commanding, but more comfortable. It was a selfish sort of enjoy- ment to sit one's saddle at such a place. Stern Jus- tice and Domestic Felicity were both satisfied in the little family party which sat — grown people on boards, children on knees, babes in arms — cracking grim jokes with each other till the dreadful melodrama should begin. The trial was a short one. It was testified that the two accused had proceeded to the ranche of an old farmer living twenty miles out in the wilds back of Atchison; had beaten him insensible with a pistol- butt ; knocked his wife down with a chair ; and then hung his boy, a child of twelve years, tiU, to save THE SETTING OUT. 5 himself from suifocation, he consented to reveal the hiding-place of the farmer's funds. Taking these, whicli amounted to forty dollars, and all the horses in the corral, they had returned to the Missouri, con- verted the animals into cash, and, without the least attempt at absconding, began to enjoy their gains in speculation. Three days from the date of their crime they were in the hands of Lynch. These facts having been announced to the crowd, an opportunity, as they say in other assemblies, was given for the brethren to make a few remarks. One man on horseback, better dressed and more refined in his appearance than the rest, held the attention of the crowd with a speech of equal force and freedom from temper, in which he drew a sketch of the de- fenselessness which would result to the settler if, in his lonely cabin, he could not be sure that prompt and certain vengeance hung over his would-be assassins. The people heard him with a running fire of mur- murs, — saying, "Good!" "That's it T" and "I'm there too !" when he concluded his little speech with a vote for the instant death of both the bushwhack- ers. He was followed by others who spoke less ably, but all to the same point ; and the crowd finally decided that the younger man should be executed at once, — the elder have respite till the next day but one succeeding. I may be uncharitable to communities of incipient civilization, but the respite seemed to me granted rather with a view to thrifty economy of pleasures than for the sake of pity and completed shrift. Indeed, one person told me, " If we hung 'em both on Thursday, we shouldn't have anybody to hang on Saturday." The sentence being determined, its subject was 6 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. asked by the immediate committee in charge, what he had to say for himself. " Nothing," he replied, in a tone of nonchalance ; " only that you're going to murder a better man than any of yourselves." He was lifted to the wagon ; surveyed the stony faces of the crowd with a quick glance that took in no single look of pity ; the rope was adjusted, the wagon driven away, and there, a horrid fruit of man's hateful passions, he hung, uncovered to all vengeful eyes, and the pure, sweet, but unhelping heaven of May, quiver- ing from the limb of the cotton-wood. This is the wickedness of Lynch executions. Like old Tyburn, they rear more gallows-birds than they intimidate. The horribly hardening effects of public deaths was visible, audible in all the crowd. As the poor wretch swung there, now past injuring them, and to all noble natures an object of pity, if only for the first time, the men cracked their brutal jokes, and women laughed at them. Mothers pointed their boys to the tree, not as to a warning, but a spectacle. " This is not, nor it cannot come to good ! " With glutted eyes and unmoved hearts the crowd slowly withdrew from their place of fascination ; but, as their murmur lessened, the air was broken with wails of agony which might have melted a Marat. Lying at full length in a wagon outside of the crowd's former hem, a young woman, without friend or com- forter, was crying aloud for a husband whom she called God to witness had been cruelly murdered. These things are too horrible to dwell upon. We, at the East, are apt to think that the punishment of our old national transgressions is all condensed in the THE SETTING OUT. 7 war which has smitten us so sorely. But I felt within myself, that day at Atchison, that the bitter seed sown by ruffians under the segis of our Federal Government never bore fruit more poison to the con- stitution of society than such executions as had just taken place. It is but little wonder that the contempt for law, as the sum of all atrocities under a sanctified disguise, which was studiously cultivated among the people of Kansas by a past Administration, should breed to-day all manner of cruelties, though the pow- ers that be have changed. Barbaric habitudes of so- ciety cannot be nurtured for years, and then uprooted in a week. The arrow has been withdrawn from her heart; but "bleeding Kansas " bleeds still. I know all the palliations which a young society may plead for its excesses ; but I must say that the recklessness which met me in the street, at the busi- ness places, in my hotel, after the execution, made me wonder whether I was on earth or in hell. Women in the dress of ladies leaned across the tea-table and asked, "Have you been to the hanging ?" with as much sang-froid as a New Yorker might say, " Have you seen Faust?" Then, between sips of tea and bites of biscuit, such as had been, regaled those who had not, with particulars that made a stranger sicken at his food. I was expressing my surprise to an indigenous ac- quaintance made that morning, when he replied, " Haven't been long in Kansas, have you ? " " Six hours," I informed him. " Thought so. Lord bless you, nobody thinks anything of being hanged in this country ! Why, in one Kansas settlement there lived an old man who was too lazy to do anything for his living, and whose neighbors had to support him, until 8 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. finally they got tired of sendin' on him things, and con- cluded to put him out of his misery. When he stood on the wagon, with the rope around his neck, one new settler in the crowd took pity on him, and called out, ' Hold hard ! ye needn't hang him. I'll give him ten bushel o' corn.' ' Is it shelled ? ' drawled the old man in his old, lazy voice. ' No, — 'ta'nt,' says the settler. ' Drive on with your wagon,' says the old man." After which veritable history, my new acquaintance looked up at the sky, remarked that it was a pity they didn't hang both the bushwhackers, " it was such a nice day for liangin'," and bid me good-by with regrets that I could not stay over io-morrow. To turn an Eastern man's notions still more com- pletely topsy-turvy on the subject of tribunals and government, as we went down to the coach-office to arrange for our places overland, we met an agent, whom we had expected to transact with, going over to Leavenworth between two dragoons, to answer before the Brigadier-General of the Department for having violated some freight contract on the stage- route. I began to wonder whether, if we stayed a lit- tle longer in Atchison, we should not see a soldier tried for desertion in a justice court, or a church- member turned out of the fold for heresy by a surrogate. The Massasoit House, though far enough from re- sembling its ever-memorable namesake in Springfield, was still a very creditable hotel for a place on the ex- treme borders of civilization ; and we should have slept well but for the fact that a party of ranchmen and wagon-drivers, who had come into town for holiday, saw fit to end their pleasantly stimulating afternoon by a night of carouse in a neighboring rum-shop. Fiddles, THE SETTING OUT. 9 that were a fortuitous concourse of wood and catgut, without any attempt to systematize them or their noise; the sound of heels in the breakdown, loud swearing and yells for drink, kept us awake till a late hour of our last night on the Missouri River. It was not astonishing that, after a series of such unim- agined horrors as we had passed through, an Eastern lady just arrived should have asked us next morning, "whether those were bushwhackers next door." The hour of eight saw us embarked upon our ve- hicle, with all the baggage which it was absolutely necessary to carry : our commissary stores in boxes under our feet, where they might be easy of access in any of those frequent cases of semi-starvation which occur at the stations between the Missouri and the Pa- cific. Our guns hung in their cases by the straps of the wagon-top ; our blankets were folded under us to supplement the cushions. To guard against any emer- gency, we were dressed exactly as we should want to be, if need occurred to camp out all night. We wore broad slouch hats of the softest felt, which made capi- tal night-caps for an out-door bed ; blue flannel shirts with breast-pockets, the only garment, as far as mate- rial goes, which in all weathers or climates is equally serviceable, healthful, and comfortable; stout panta- loons of gray Cheviot, tucked into knee-boots ; re- volvers and cartouche-boxes on belts of broad leather about our waists ; and light, loose linen sacks over all. I may here anticipate, in order to dismiss the subject, by saying that a few hundred miles made some changes expedient in our attire. We doffed our sacks, and rode in our hunting-shirts ; we took off our belts, and slung them with holsters and ammunition beside our guns ; and exchanged our boots for loose slip- 10 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. perSj which are much less galling during a pro- tracted wagon-journey, keeping the former close at hand for use when we had, as sometimes happened, to ease the horses over a hard piece of road by walking ourselves. The Overland Mail vehicle is of that description known as the Concord wagon, — a stout oblong box on springs, painted red, with heavy wheels and axles, having a flat arched roof of water-proof cloth erected on strong posts, like those of a rockaway, and to this are attached curtains of the same fabric, which in bad weather may be let down and buttoned so tight as to make the sides practically as proof against storms as the top. In fine weather, when the curtains are up, no airier arrangement or more unobstructed view could be desired. The seats of the wagon are three, the passengers at the end sitting vis-a-vis ; those in the middle looking forward, with their backs against a strap hooked to the side-posts, as in the old-fashioned stage-coach. Six persons can ride comfortably inside, if they are only used to sleeping in an upright position; but the great pressure of travel to Den- ver often at that day compelled passengers to ride three on a seat, — an arrangement calculated to give one the liveliest ideas of the horrors of a negro hold on the middle passage. By the politeness of Messrs. Ben Holladay and Center, we were furnished with such letters to the Atchison agent of their line as insured us a stage to ourselves as far as Denver ; and Mr. Mun- ger, the superintendent between Atchison and Fort Kearney, did everything in his power to make our ride as comfortable as it could be. Just before we set out, we became acquainted with a Denver gentleman, Mr. Kershaw, and a lady in his charge, who were both THE SETTING OUT. 11 anxious to reach Colorado by the earliest conveyance. We accordingly offered them our remaining seats, and had no occasion to regret the hospitality, finding them most pleasant companions as far as they went with us, and becoming afterward indebted to them for many courtesies in Colorado. Just before we left, Mr. Hunger got word from fur- ther west that the buffaloes had started northward for their summer resorts, and were now reported upon the south bank of the Republican Fork of the Kaw. We immediately made up our minds not to lose their visit, as we might have no second chance of seeing them in their glory, perhaps none of seeing them at all, if we went on to Denver without stopping, and returned from the Pacific coast — as was then possible, and eventually proved actual — by the way of Pan- ama or Nicaragua. We accordingly made arrange- ments with Mr. Munger to lie by and wait for him about one hundred and eighty-five miles west of Atchison, at Comstock's Ranche in Nebraska. He, meanwhile, would make some final preparations for the proposed foray on the Kaw, and meet us at the ranche, or overtake us on the road in his light double buggy. The good sense of this course was afterward proved to our great satisfaction, as we never again saw buffa- loes in a state of nature after leaving the Republican Fork, passing Fort Kearney, where the main herd makes its most frequent transit to the plains north of the Platte, some weeks before they crossed the road there. The Concord wagon rumbled out of Atchison, and we were fairly on " The Plains." For a while we were accompanied by picket fences ; but these, in despair at the idea of limiting immensity, soon gave way to 12 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. rails, and by the time we reached Lancaster, — a sta- tion merely, not a town, — ten miles out of Atchison, the rails themselves had succumbed, and we were run- ning through an unbroken waste. "The Plains" are very different in their character from the Prairies. Nowhere, after leaving the Mis- souri River westward, does the traveller behold such stretches of grass running to the horizon, everywhere level like the sea, as he finds in Illinois. The great sedimentary deposits which form the prairies proper, were laid in a period of long quiet, and denuded of their superadjacent water by a slow uniform upheaval, or equally slow evaporation, which embraced much larger tracts of country than the formative influences further west. As might be expected, the land gives evidence of more spasmodic and irregular disturbances the nearer we approach the great spinal mountain- chain of the Continent. The grass around us was long and rich. Prairie- hens abounded in it, seeming almost as tame as barn- yard fowl. They were continually coming to the road and running ahead of the horses, so close to us, in- deed, that, had we chosen, we might have bagged the whole party's supper from the wagon as we rode. The common plover were only less plenty, dodging about in the grass with their peculiar culprit manner as we approached. The mourning dove, a little crea- ture of lovely shape and typical color, whose haunts embrace the entire Plains region, fluttered or hopped constantly about us in pairs. Several varieties of hawks, one of which we afterward discovered to be a true falcon ; some large ravens, and a species of meadow-lark, were the other principal birds which at- tracted our attention on this day. THE SETTING OUT. 13 The air was delightfully soft, the sky clear, and the road in excellent condition, even without considering that Nature and the wheels of travel are here the only menders of highway. In some places it was as com- pact and smooth as the finest gravel roads of the East. Indeed, with the exception of the portion traversing the terrible desert of Utah, and a few shorter pieces elsewhere, the entire route astonished me by its ex- cellence. Just after sundown we arrived at Seneca, a settle- ment as well as a station, sixty miles from Atchison. Here we took tea in quite an ambitious frame tavern, and our eyes lay lingeringly on the shingle of Civili- zation's last justice of the peace. There was a tin- shop in Seneca ; I think a lawyer's office ; and there were several dwelling-houses. After the darkness came on, and we rolled away from Seneca into its darkness, I began to realize that we were not going to stop anywhere for the night. It was a strange sensation, this ; like being in an arm- chair, and sentenced not to get out of it from the Missouri to California. I do not know whether it is necessary to inform anybody that the Overland Mail travelled night and day. I had known it always, but I never felt it till about twelve o'clock the first night out, when my legs began growing unpleasantly long, and my feet swelled to such a size that they touched all the boxes and musket-butts upon the floor. When these symptoms were further accompanied by a dull heat between the shoulders, and a longing for something soft applied to the nape of the neck, I wondered whether this was not what people on shore called wanting to go to bed. The facilities for such a gratification were so amus- 14 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ingly scanty that I con-eluded I must be mistaken. The back cushions of the wagon were stuffed as hard as cricket-balls, and the seat might have been the flat side of a bat. I tried fastening my head in a corner by a pocket-handkerchief sling ; but just as uncon- sciousness arrived, the head was sure to slip out, and, in despair, I finally gave over trying to do anything with it. At Guittards', a station famous among such passengers as have reached there in proper season for delicious suppers, we to-night stopped only long enough to change horses, and I took advantage of the halt to climb to the box. Here I rode the rest of the night, convinced that I could not surrender to Sleep until he had made a more protracted siege around the outworks. I felt convinced that my friends inside would not miss me, they having, some time before, reached that stage of sensation in which a stage-floor seems piled with human feet. When the fresh team started out with a plunge, and the fresh night-breath of the Plains began fanning my forehead, the fever of unsuccessful sleepiness left me, and I enjoyed myself as much as if I were not sure it would return to- morrow. During the night, near a small settlement called Marysville, we forded the Big Blue, one of the largest streams in this portion of Kansas — timbered with cot- ton-woods, sycamores, oaks, and occasional elms — and, a little after sunrise, stopped at " Seventeen Mile Point," one hundred and eleven miles from Atchison, and the last station this side of Nebraska. The stations on the Overland Road, between the Missouri and Denver, generally consist of a single wooden house, with stables attached, and a large corral, or inclosed yard, just adjacent. Some of the THE SETTING OUT. 15 more ambitious station-keepers cultivate several acres of land adjoining, in which case the traveller is de- lighted by the entrance of fresh vegetables into a bill of fare, which is elsewhere unquahfied pork and greasy potatoes. Occasionally, too, the station-keeper has both time and penchant for hunting ; the happy re- sult being buffalo-hump, antelope-steaks, and fricassee of prairie-chickens. But the majority of these impor- tant personages seem to have retired from the world under the influence of an ascetic spirit, and take grim delight in visiting the wrongs inflicted upon them by the society which they have left, on the innocent way- farer compelled to pay for their hospitality. Many of them have married copartners in their social grudge ; stern females, who boil bad coffee in an affronted man- ner, and hand you hot saleratus biscuit with an air of personal insult. All their principal supplies are drawn from Atchison by the Mail Company's conveyances ; and it is no unusual occurrence to lack sugar as well as milk in your tea, because "that stage" hasn't brought up the last order. The station-keepers charge variously from fifty cents in Kansas to a dollar in Nebraska, and westward, for every meal, without regard to qual- ity. Their charges upon the passengers they collect personally (though it is possible to buy meal-tickets at Atchison for the whole route) ; the board of the drivers is paid by the Company, who keep an account with the keepers for them and the stable-tenders. "While breakfast was cooking, I loaded a shot-gun, and started out for a short excursion in search of prairie-hens. Though we had seen numbers of them along the road, I was unable to start a single one in the grass. This I found to be the ordinary case at this hour of the morning and season of the year. 16 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. They wait till the sun is high and warm before they come out to strut and coquet with each other, — be- ing the dandies and people of elegant leisure in the social system of the Plains. I got back to the station- house with the charge in my gun, yet with pleasant sensations of willingness to be charged myself, due to more than a mile's tramp through the rich grass of the breezy divide. Just beyond the breakfast-place we entered Ne- braska. The country now became wilder and some- what more sterile. The signs of human occupation disappeared entirely, and with them the prairie-chick- ens became less and less abundant. These fowl, as may be known, flourish best in the neighborhood of settlements, — sometimes, like quail, relying princi- pally, over tracts of many miles square, for most of their subsistence, upon gleanings from the rick and stubble field. When found to any extent in perfectly wild regions, they occupy some secret spot far in the bosom of the Plains, where their natural food is steady and abundant; but they always prefer grain when they can get it, and will accompany wagons or stages for miles to pick up the droppings. Though the prai- rie-fowl diminished, the plovers and doves were still abundant. At Virginia City, one hundred and thirty miles from Atchison, the stage stopped for dinner about noon ; but our recollections of a station breakfast were not sufficiently fascinating to tempt us into sitting down at table. We now had occasion to congratulate our- selves on our provision in the matter of commissary stores, for, opening one of the boxes under our feet, we lunched, alfresco, under lee of the station-barn, on pilot-bread, sardines, and canned peaches. Our trav- THE SETTING OUT. 17 elling larder contained, beside many duplicates of such a lunch as this, apple-butter, put up by the Shak- ers ; preserved green corn and tomatoes ; jars of as- sorted pickles, tamarinds, and cans of beef, prepared by a process which left nothing but salt and heating necessary for the creation of a capital ragout. Before these stores were exhausted we had repeated occa- sion to thank them for three meals a day, several days in succession. Indeed, wherever we stopped long enough to do, or get any cooking done, on our behalf, we always varied our else carnivorous meal by something succulent from the Shakers' tins. By this time the whole party were greatly distressed from loss of sleep. A more sad-eyed, out-all-nigh tish set I never saw anywhere. But all of them except myself were just far enough gone in fatigue to take cat-naps against their strap or in their corners. My head was swollen with fever, but I could not succumb. After half an hour's vain attempt at sleeping in a heap, I left my room to the others who were in a condition to prefer it to the company of the best of friends, and once more sought the stage-box, where it was blowing a gale of wind that made fever and hats alike difficult to hold on to. Our driver was a terrible fellow, with all the fin- gers missing from one hand, — the most profane man and the greatest braggart I ever saw. He alternately drank from a black bottle and praised his own driving, until the reins dropped out of his remain- ing fingers, and he himself would have gone headlong from the box, had I not grasped his collar. We had just crossed a high bridge without parapets over one of the numerous streams in this region, called Big or Little " Sandy;" the leaders stopped, and began facing 18 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. the pole, and we were in imminent danger of being tipped over or backed down the steep bank. I jumped down upon the pole, and caught the reins just in time to save us; our Denver friend leaped out with his pistol drawn, and induced the driver to descend a little quicker than liquor and gravity combined would have brought him ; after which, with a word of expla- nation directed around the side to our friends within, we left the fellow who had nearly murdered us, cur- sing his tortuous way along the road, and drove to the next station ourselves. In mentioning this occur- rence, I should say, as an act of justice to the com- pany and its drivers, that it was a very exceptional case to see a drunken man on an Overland box. The only repetition of it in our whole journey occurred in the Rocky Mountains, just beyond Fort Bridger, and then without any accident. It is due to the drivers as a class to say that they usually astonished me by an abstemiousness, under circumstances of great soli- tude, monotony, and temptation, which would have done credit to any man of business in an Eastern city. Many of them, on principle, or from a sense of their responsibility, would not drink at all. Between Big Sandy and Comstock's we got our first experience of a thunder-storm on the Plains. At sun- set the clouds were piled into an ebon staircase, draped with gold, mounting from the western horizon to the zenith ; and as the daylight declined, the massive steps became tessellated every now and then with lightning working across them silently in strange patterns. The weather had been very warm all day, and we thought likely that this exhibition would prove nothing more than the heat-lightning of our Eastern summer even- ings. But about nine o'clock we were undeceived. THE SETTING OUT. 19 The sky "meant business." The agency that wrought those delicate traceries of golden sprig and anastomos- ing vein-work began to have a voice. At the foot of the great stair came a rumbling and a groan, as if the giants were beginning to climb. It grew louder, and here and there step parted from step, then the struc- ture lifted at the base and descended at the top, mak- ing a series of black blocks and boulders, hanging downward from the same level of sky with lurid interstices between them, through which the upward depths looked awful. Never ia my life did I see cloud distances graded with such delicacy. One could almost measure them by miles from the inky surface, hang- ing with torn fringes of leaden vapor just above our head, up through the tremendous chasms flecked along their wall, with dying gold and purple color, with won- derful light and shadows, and marked by innumerable changes of contour, to the clear but angry sky that paved the farthest depth of the abysses. I rode on the box for an hour looking into these glorious rifts with fascinated eyes. Then between their walls began a hurrying interplay of lightning, and the great artillery combat of the heavens commenced in earnest. At first the adjoining masses had their duels to themselves, — battery fighting battery, pair and pair. Half an hour more, and the forces had perceptibly massed, — their fire coming in broader sheet, their thunder bellowing louder. An hour, and the fight of the giants became a general engagement. The whole hemisphere was a blinding mass of yellow flame at once, and the reports were each one instantaneous shock, which burst the air like the explosion of a mine. Then the wind rose to a hurricane; and before the dust could be set whirl- ing by it, there followed such a flood of rain as I 20 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. never saw anjrwhere, on sea or land. Sitting on the box still, for I had much rather be soaked than desert such a spectacle, I found my breath taken away for the first minute, as if I had been under a waterfall. It was not drops, nor jets, nor a sheet ; it was a mass of coherent water falling down bodily. Five minutes from the time it began to wet us, the horses were run- ning fetlock-deep, with the road still hard under their hoofs, for the soil had not yet had time to dissolve into mud. Torrents were flowing down every incline; where the plain basined, the water stood in broad sheets revealed by the flashes, like new ponds suddenly added to the scenery. Still the storm did not spend itself in wind and water. The lightning got broader, and its flashes quicker in succession ; the thunder surpassed everything I have heard, or read, or dreamed of. Between explosions we were so stunned that we could scarcely speak to or hear each other, and the shocks themselves made us fear for the permanent loss of our hearing. One moment we were in utter dark- ness, our horses kept in the road only by the sense of feeling ; the next, and the vast expanse of rain- tram- pled grass lay in one embrace of topaz fire, with the colossal piles of clefted cloud out of which the deluge was coming, — earth and heaven illumined with a brightness surpassing the most cloudless noon. Suddenly there appeared before us a portent, of which I had read accounts in scientific annals, but which I had never seen before and never expect to see again. There was a temporary lull in the conflict above us. Into the blackness there rose out of the ground, apparently from a high divide, not a mile be- yond our leaders, a column of lightning sized and shaped like the trunk of a tall pine. Straight and THE SETTING OUT. 21 swift, but with a more measurely motion than that of the higher discharges, it shot up, shedding its glare for many rods around, and making a sharply cut band x)f fire against the black background of the clouds, until it struck the nearest mass of vapor. Then, with the most tremendous flash and peal of the whole storm, its blazing capital broke into splinters, and went shivering across the area, right over our heads. If it were only possible to paint such things ! But on can- vas they would seem even more theatrical than they do in these inadequate words. In all the wrath of nature, — mad hurricanes and thunder-storms, on sea or land, — there never visited me anything to com- pare in awful splendor, and the impression of ungov- erned power, with this upward lightning-stroke on the Nebraska Plains. Out of the deluge, the flame, and the roar, we sud- denly saw a corral and log-house, at our right-hand ; a small stream, swollen to a torrent, under tall cotton- woods, upon our left. The former were " Comstock's ; " the latter was the Little Blue. Drenched to the skin, but happy with the memory of the greatest night in my life, I jumped down, and passed one of the box- lanterns inside to be lighted, for the first time, by my comparatively dry companions. This effected, we opened the curtains sufficiently to let them escape ; with the assistance of the driver, got out of the boat all such dunnage as we intended to stop with us ; and by the time everything was disgorged but our guns, succeeded in awakening the occupants of the ranche to a sense of our needs. Comstock came to the door with a lantern of his own, and as soon as we pro- nounced the words "Hunger" and "buffalo hunt," welcomed us with a cordiality as cheering as dry 22 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. stockings. A moment more, and all our belongings were whisked out of the torrent into a long apart- ment, floored with hewn plank and nicely weather- tight ; the whip cracked on the off leader's withers ; and saying good-night to our late comrades, with an accompaniment of thunder, we saw them whirl away into the glare, and shut the ranche door between us and the storm. A tall ladder led up from the kitchen, reception- room, and bed-chamber we had just entered, into the "men folks' " loft, above. Ascending it, under Com- stock's guidance, we found a number of sturdy ranche- men snoring defiance to the outer storm, and without ceremony dropped down in our blankets on the inter- vals of floor between them. As we have seen, it can thunder in Nebraska, — but not loud enough to break such slumber as then and there fell incontinently upon our prostrate forms! CHAPTER II. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. CoMSTOCK had the early habits, without the aggres- sive and proselyting spirit, of most pioneers. He pit- ied our Eastern weakness, and let us sleep late, which, in Nebraska, means the sybaritic hour of eight a. m. It was still raining when we arose ; but it was only a trickle compared with the night before. A Euphu- ist, indefatigable in hunting metaphors to earth, might have said that the sky looked like a battle-field the day after an engagement, where the exhausted clouds lay still, mangled with lightning, and bleeding lymph from all their wounds down upon the world below. Or he might have compared it to a great ball-room, where the dancers had waltzed themselves to death to the music of the thunder-band, and were now strewn prostrate on the floor of their late revel, amid the drippings of ruptured goblet, flask, and wassail bowl. To the matter-of-fact person, it was simply raining, and after a style which promised steady con- tinuance all day; but whether the "tireless heavens" looked fagged to him or not, he must have acknowl- edged that he felt so, had he been of our party. We had not yet reacquired the old muscular tone of for- mer forest- camps, which makes sleep, on a log-floor and a blanket, as refreshing as on the springiest mat- tress. We were a little lame, and, though we said nothing about it, were unable to regard eight a. m., 24 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. an hour so luxuriously late as it appeared to our sturdy host, our last late breakfast having been eaten, like others of the series, at half-past eleven in New York. Yet we were undeniably refreshed from the sore, wide-awake sleepiness of the day before ; and a capital meal of stewed buffalo-hump and ante- lope-steak, washed down by coffee, surprisingly realis- tic for this latitude of pease and chickory ideals, creamed, moreover, from the sumptuous and unmis- takable udders of nature, proved palatable to us in the highest degree. I like so much to think of the Comstocks — one of the best, truest, kindest families of pioneer people we met in our whole journey, and having no equals for typical character or native goodness in our experience, short of Sisson's delightful ranche at the foot of Shasta Peak, in California, — I enjoy their memory so heart- ily, that I am fain to spend a portion of this rainy Nebraska day in making their portraits for my readers. Comstock himself is a man about sixty-three, with a head and face like the pictures of De Quincey. In contour only, not in expression ; for in the wrinkles around his eyes lurks a Yankee waggery, which no English face, even the shrewdest, ever simulates. His hair is grizzled and wiry, such as belongs to the iron temperament. He is of the medium height, com- pactly made, and in every limb and lineament shows the training of over half a century's pioneer hfe, hardship having braced instead of shaken him. He began his history in the western part of New York State, when bear-hunts were still an accessible pastime to people in the vicinity of Rochester, and all the now smiling lawns and meadow-lands of the region were COMSTOCK'S.-A BUFFALO HUNT. 25 howling wildernesses, here and there intersected by a bridle-path. From his earliest manhood he has been pressing the front of barbarism. He has lived succes- sively in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Texas, and Nebraska. As fast as civilization has come up to his stake set in the wilderness, he has pulled it up, and travelled to some newer domain, beyond the atmos- phere of artificial society. There is that in him which cannot tolerate fine gentlemen, town-meetings, polit- ical claptrap, and the gossip of mixed communities. As his eldest son said of himself, so he might say, " I cannot breathe free in sight of fences : I must be able to ride my horse where I like." Yet, for all this, there is nothing about him of the barbarism he has been fighting ; nothing of asceticism or misanthropy toward the society he has left behind. He is a de- vouring reader. The crannies of his log-house are full of old magazines — newspapers of ancient date — well-read and re-read books. He takes the liveliest interest in everything that concerns the East ; he is thoroughly acquainted with the names that have figured most largely in our public records, and has a general knowledge of recent literature which sur- prised me. He was never tired of hearing about New York, Boston, Philadelphia, their prominent people and institutions. I think he felt the same kind of interest in them that a boy feels in the Island of San Juan de Fernandez. An ideal blessedness sur- rounds Robinson Crusoe, to our youthful fancy, al- though on stern logical considerations, we should not care to be cast upon an uninhabited island ourselves. Nothing would tempt Comstock to live in a great city ; yet its diminished roar, heard far off on the rear of the buffaloes, fascinates him hke weird music. He 26 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. was driven out of Texas by the corrupt manners of the slavocracy around him, and he loves Freedom as he loves air. He never tires of talking about people who have helped her at the East. " I would go fur- ther," said he one day, "to take a look at Henry Ward Beecher, than to see the biggest old buffalo-bull that ever ran." Comstock is a widower, with a large family of chil- dren, most of them living with him, and two of them having children of their own under his roof On the Plains there is none of our Eastern necessity of leav- ing home to push one's fortune. There is plenty of pushing to be done in home's immediate neighbor- hood, — plenty of room to push, where a family is surrounded everywhere by league on league of the most fertile soil, which has never been appropriated, recorded, or even surveyed for the market. The Lit- tle Blue is fringed with cotton- wood of lofty growth : men and axes are the only remaining conditions for a house and a corral. To be sure, cotton-wood timber has one unpleasant idiosyncrasy : even while it is growing, all the crevices of its bark swarm with that wretched insect which has received its name from the slovenly beds of corrupt civilization, and con- ferred on them their main horror ; but a good sea- soning removes the pest, and I must say for Com- stock's that I never found an individual of the species while I stayed there. As for grain-land and pasture- lot, the only problem with the family is the point of the compass towards which they shall run the plough or drive the cattle; the consideration of how far never once intrudes upon their minds. The absence of fences makes it necessary to keep a tolerable stud of horses for the chase of stray steers. Occasionally COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 27 a herd of emigrant cattle goes past, along the Over- land trail, and not altogether unbeknown to its driv- ers, who are never celebrated for clear notions on portable property, absorbs a nice yoke of Comstock's animals, who chance to be feeding by the wayside. These have to be followed up and reclaimed, — a mat- ter which may cost a day's rough riding, but noth- ing in the shape of litigation, where there are no courts or lawyers, and little in the nature of alterca- tion, where everybody has so many cattle that two, more or less, are not worth a squabble. This is the main anxiety affecting the Comstock mind. It is quite unbothered with cumbersome and costly prep- arations for the wintering of stock. It needs and builds no barns or stables. The climate is at no sea- son so severe that animals require more than the shelter of a corral or an open shed. All over this region the luxuriant grass cures on the ground, and makes inexhaustible winter feed, without the trouble of mowing and stacking. The snows never last long enough to starve out the herds left running at large. They sleep, as well as graze, on the open plain, all the year round, never being driven in, save to yoke, brand, or milk them. These facts make the pastoral life almost Arcadian, as far as labor is con- cerned. When a pioneer, like Comstock, has secured a few fine breeding animals, he is in possession of the easiest managed and most rapidly increasing capital in the world. Beside his herds, Comstock attends to farming, in a moderate way, — raising sufficient corn for his horses' use, when work takes them out of pasture, and grain enough to keep his family supplied with flour. He has a vegetable patch, just across the Little Blue from 28 THE HEART OF THE CONTmENT. his corral, whose deep, rich loam and thrifty crops would delight the heart of any suburban market gardener. The necessities of life press a man so little in this bounteous region, that a comparatively small propor- tion of any day is devoted by the Comstocks to actual labor. Comstock himself is as sturdy at sixty-three as he was at forty, and goes out to the patch, across his log bridge, with a hoe over his shoulder, stepping as elastically as if he had pastime before him. His boys go with him ; and after a forenoon of steady work, all come in to dinner, and seldom return again to any heavier labor than breaking colts, hunting, or chasing estrays. Within an hour's ride, across the Blue, ante- lope are nearly as plenty as anywhere on the Plains ; and one afternoon's good sport will replenish the Comstock larders with the best fresh meat known to wild or civilized bills of fare. George Comstock, the eldest son of the old pioneer, lives with him in a partition of the ranch -house, — whose front is devoted to miscellaneous emigrant sup- plies, while its rear is the sitting-room of a thrifty Mrs. George and the nursery of a rising family. In all the delightful old genre pieces of the Dutch artists, and the eccentric old places in Wapping and Holborn which the character-novelists of London love to paint, there is nothing more original than the sight of that shop and dwelling-room combined : where slouching teamsters take their pull at the beer-mug or Jamaica bottle, on their way to California, across a counter where the family bread-batch rests in transitu to the oven ; where a pile of hickory shirts lies for sale on a shelf beside the family tea-kettle ; where the cradle and the cooking-stove are inextricably mixed with vinegar COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 29 barrels and meal-sacks ; where the babies play Hide- and-seek behind piles of wagon canvas, and the house- wife's work-basket is flanked by rows of Osgood's Cholagogue. In this omnium gatherum of commerce and the family I found most unsuspectable things : copies of the " New York Herald," fresh with all the bloom of last month; a luxury of advanced civilization known as ready-prepared egg-nog; a sewing-machine; all kinds of canned fruit from the Shaker settlements ; Sunday suits of great gloss, with a certain tenuity in the legs and arms, the very thing for a rotund, muscu- lar lover, fearless of exhibiting his outlines ; bandanna handkerchiefs shaming the flamingo ; plug-tobacco in great swarthy cubes; trace-chains, ox-yokes, frying- pans. Little Songsters, beaver-skins taken in barter, looking-glasses, felt hats, ticking clocks, — but let me not attempt the inventory of a collection which sur- prised me as much out on the rim of the buffalo herds as it would have surprised Crusoe to have been washed ashore from the wreck into the front door of a branch of A. T. Stewart's. The shop is a house of call to all the emigrants and drivers on their way westward, and adds not a little to the revenue of the Comstocks, who deserve everything they can make, since people fairer and less huckstering in their nature exist nowhere. To return to the other side of the house. The me- nage of Comstock, Senior, is in charge of his two daugh- ters, Frank and Mary, who for skillful housewifery, sterling common sense, and native refinement, are sur- passed by few women whom I ever met at the East. It was a perpetual surprise to me to hear girls whose whole life had been spent on the Plains or in the back- woods, talk of Longfellow and Bryant, Dickens and Thackeray, Scott and Cooper, when they came in from 30 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. milking, and sat down in their plain calicoes to knit the masculine stockings or mend the infantile pinafores. Nobody could talk more understandingly, criticise more justly, or appreciate more fully everything in their authors that related to natural feeling ; and if this book ever gets out to them (as I mean it shall), I shall be more interested in knowing their opinion of it than that of most critics who shall overhaul me in the cities. It is the pride of our American system that such womanly culture can coexist in the Nebraska wilds with those sturdy administrative qualities which subdue savagery into a home, and fight the battle for a civilization which shall presently come and build cities on their conquered field. Place on the frontiers of any other country in the world a family of women isolated from all the luxuries and softening influences proper to their sex, and after a few years have gone over their heads you will find a set of female boors living in a slovenly hut. But <'the peasantry" have no status in America. The nearest approach to them which we found in all our journeying was here and there a houseful of unfortunate "Pikes" or "Butter- nuts," whom slavery had degraded below the black level before they escaped from its miasma, and the first generation of whom still lay entangled in the accursed traditions of an accursed system, while the second and third were gradually struggling out into the light of new ideas. But even here there was a dim sense of something better to be had for the trying which does not exist among the disheartened lower strata of social Europe. As for the Comstocks, they were truly typical American people. They understood the sci- ence of pioneering as a chemist understands analysis and reactions ; but just as one of our chemists would COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. Bl bestir himself, and make his way up in the world, if ill-fortune drove him to the gold-diggings, so would they within three years' time adapt themselves to any social conditions into which fate might force them, and lay the foundations of a family whose position would be prominent in any town where it might live. I was hourly surprised to see the self-reliance of these sisters. They were sometimes left alone in the ranche for a day at a time, all the " men-folks " being off on a hunt or elsewhere out of call. On several such occa- sions a detachment from one of the numerous Indian bands who make this region by turns a neutral and a fighting ground, poured in to make the " lone women " a compulsory visit. Now, an Indian visit is no joke. Even where a tribe pretends to be friendly, its only distinction between that and the hostile bearing is, that instead of scalping you first and robbing you afterward, it takes all the property it can lay hands on, and leaves your hair for a more convenient season. A band of " friendly " Sioux comes to a small settle- ment, stops at the first house, emaciates itself by drawing in the cheeks and abdomen, denotes by sepul- chral grunts and distressed gestures that it has had nothing to eat for " three shneep " (whereby three sleeps, or entire days and nights, are intended), seizes on everything edible and, if the white feather is shown it, everything portable which it can appreciate beside ; confiscates guns, ammunition, and whiskey, and, hav- ing cleared out house number one, goes in succession to every other dwelling with the same emaciation, gesture, and appropriation, until it departs at the other end of the settlement stuffed beyond the elasticity of all conceivable animals save Indians and anacondas, and loaded with the materials for a month's barter 32 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. and a fortnight's " drunk." I asked Mary Comstock if she was not afraid of such visitors. "0 no ! " she replied ; " we always get the guns out of sight when we are left alone by the men-folks, so that if the In- dians come we needn't be robbed of what must defend us on a pinch ; and if we see them coming, we bolt the doors, and talk with them through the shut window. Sometimes they steal a march on us, and the first thing we know they're swarming in like bees, — asking for everything they see, hunting for something to eat, and begging to be "treated." We generally give 'em everything they want to eat, but when it comes to liquor, — not we ! One young Indian last summer got mighty sassy when his band came here, and insisted on having something to drink. At last I got a bottle of Perry Davis's Pain-killer, and handed him that. He just threw his head back, and took it down at one swallow. The next thing he gave such a yell, bolted through the door, and after that he never troubled me much." Comstock has two sons with him beside George, both excellent specimens of the young pioneer, — one about twenty, the other about sixteen years old. They are fine shots, fearless horsemen, industrious farmers and herdsmen, — with the same rich veins of original hu- mor and strong common sense which run through all the other members of the family. Their manners are frank, self-respectful, and, in the highest sense of the word, gentlemanly. There is a cordial kindness and a native refinement in all they do or say, as far from the artificial politeness or elegant puppyism which we too often find in our city boys at the East, as from the rustic greenness and awkwardness with which the traditions of romance and the stage invest the young backwoodsman. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 33 Beside these children of Comstock's and others of the third generation, the log-cabin shelters a number of ranch -men and hunters, who assist in caring for the crops and herds, and purveying for the family with their rifles. A young Philadelphian, William Butler, who built the ranch as an emigrant trading-post, sell- ing it to Comstock on the death of his brother and partner, lives here when he is not in the saddle or in camp. Willard Head, a dashing horseman, rejoicing in gorgeous leather breeches of Mexican manufacture, adorned with shiny bell-buttons all the way up the leg, makes this his rendezvous while awaiting promo- tion to the box of an Overland stage. Last, but as characteristic a pioneer as any of the family, comes John Gilbert, — a weather-bronzed youth of twenty- five, with the most resplendent set of teeth, blue eyes full of uncontrollable waggery, and a pair of hands skilled in every department of frontier craft, from throwing a lariat to building a house. His sight is as keen as an Indian's. This by itself makes him a capi- tal shot, and, combined with quick intuitions and gre^t experience, a guide unsurpassed by any I ever saw. Crowning his excellent physical qualities are a dry wit and inexhaustible backwoods' humor which would keep a camp cheerful if reduced to mule-meat and wild onions. The second day after our arrival at Comstock's proved as fair and sunny as we could desire. Every- thing had been prepared for our expedition to the buffalo country. A sack of flour, a small keg of salt pork, a box of hard-tack, a gridiron, two frying-pans, some camp-kettles, a pile of tin plates, and a lot of knives and forks ; a judicious selection from our own party's private stores, consisting of pickles, canned 34 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. fruits, condensed milk and cofTee, — all these, and numerous small boxes containing the condiments for a reinforcement of nature's hunger-sauce, stood in a pile that looked like moving-day, at the door of the ranche by seven o'clock in the morning. Hunger of the Overland Road had reached us with his double buggy and two fast horses on the evening before. Af- ter breakfast we immediately set out in the following order. The artist of the expedition. Hunger, and my- self, with a pair of rifles, a shot-gun, and the large color-box which accompanied our entire journey, occu- pied the buggy. Butler, George and Ansell Comstock, John Gilbert, and the two remaining gentlemen of our party went in a couple of large farm-wagons drawn by teams belonging to the ranch. Willard Head, and Thompson of the Overland station to the eastward of us, which bore his name, escorted us as skirmishers, each on his own horse. We forded the Little Blue just across the road from the ranch, passed the thrifty vegetable patch which supplied the Comstock table, and at once struck south over the trackless plain. The grass was tall and lux- uriant, but not so close as to impede our animals. In spite of the recent rain-storm, the ground, matted with grass-roots, bore our hoofs and wheels as firmly as a trotting-course. Everybody was in high spirits. To men just out of the hot-house of New York life, the air and sunshine were fairly intoxicating. Life swarmed around us more luxuriously at every step. The wild flowers of the Plains were a perpetual source of hap- piness to the eye. They made royal splashes of high color on the sunny sides of all the divides; they checkered the rich green of the ravines with delicious contrasts ; and every now and then, as the grass waved, I COMSTOCK'S. - A BUFFALO HUNT. 35 glowed upon us out of their secret nurseries among the tall blades, like tangled sunshine getting woven through the herbage by the shuttle of the wind. Be- fore we left home I had deeply regretted our failure to include a practical botanist in our party ; I regretted it still more when we were among the lavish Flora of the Plains ; and most of all, having to describe so inadequately what might have been treated so well, do I regret it now. But this makes no pretense to be a purely scientific book, and 1 must not omit to rehearse the beauties which rejoice the tourist, be- cause I cannot say how they would strike the botanist. Over all the higher lands of the rolling plain which we were traversing abounded a pink, purple, crimson, or sometimes nearly white blossom, known here as the Indian pea. It grows on a long, villous flower-stalk, around which both blossoms and leaves are symmet- rically arranged ; its pistil is carried in a sheath, with the stamens about its base, and its fruit is a pod in shape like a large flattened gooseberry, containing seeds of the size of a pin-head. This pod is edible when boiled in salt water; at least, it is eaten, though to an Eastern epicure its taste is undisguisably rank. The Indian pea at this season, when in full blossom, both from its profusion and the variety of its tints, is one of the most important contributions to the beauty of the Plains. Prairie roses are abundant everywhere on this por- tion of the Plains. I found the yellow, white, and pink varieties, all of which are luxuriant in blossom and deliciously fragrant. The tiny blue star-grass lurks everywhere among the taller herbage ; and in many places I saw a variety of sorrel ( Oxalis acetocella ) bearing yellow blossoms as large as a good-sized but- 36 THE HEAKT OF THE CONTINENT. tercup, though in every other respect it appears quite identical with our Eastern plant. Along the borders of the small streams, especially where the ground was shaded, grew a small variety of our evening primrose, of several tints, from pale straw-color to nearly orange ; and in low, moist spots I noticed several specimens of a flower only differing from this in the possession of black spots and a carinated structure dividing the corolla into segments, upon the middle of each of the petals. Another plant, which seemed to me a species of the abutilon, had handsome cupellate blossoms of a deep-orange color, striated longitudinally along the petals with delicate pale yellow. Here and there grew a white species closely allied to our garden " rocket;" and a wild sunflower, with a root which I found quite as edible and as flavorous as our Jerusalem artichoke, was very common on all the slopes of the divides. But the two most charming flowers of the region, the one for its perfume, the other for its color, were a tiny species having the habits and appearance of the water-lily, to whose family I supposed it to belong, and a crimson cup as large as a small althea, whose only name among the ranche people was " the ground popp3%" though whether it be really allied to that plant I regret my inability to state. Its plant-leaves are multilobed, and somewhat like those of our own poppy ; but it grows upon running stalks close to the ground, and to unscientific eyes seems quite as closely connected with the mallows. It appears in patches varying from a few feet to several rods in circuit, and wherever these occur, the ground is one gorgeous mass of magenta fire. It is the glory of the fertile plains in May and early June, and we afterward found it extending for miles among the barren sand- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 37 dunes beyond Fort Kearney, encroaching upon the ter- ritory of the cacti and the gramma-grass. Wherever it appears, it is the chief visual delight of the Plains, Flora. The tiny water-lily above mentioned, I only found once in all our progress to the buffalo country. We had halted at the bottom of a wet-draw to water our horses. I went above the place where they were drinking, to quench my thirst at a brown pool which appeared a trifle less stagnant than their watering- place, and, lying down with my face over the water, noticed an exquisitely subtle fragrance like that of tuberose and orange-flower combined. On pushing away the weeds which grew out over the pool, I found a nest of lovely white blossoms, smaller than the small- est strawberry-flower, shaped like an Eastern water- lily in miniature, with delicate yellow stamens and pistil, and moored on the water by slender green fila- ments rooted in the ooze of the pool. No American blossom that I am acquainted with, not even the trail- ing arbutus, possesses such an indescribable ethereal fragrance as this tiny water-lily. I sought in vain to preserve specimens of it. The pages of the note-book in which I pressed them, absorbed the petals as if they had been dew, and only stains were left, having none of the flower's characteristic odor. We had been travelling less than an hour, and had crossed a wet ravine, called " White Ash Draw," be- tween our original divide and the next further south, when we saw our first antelope. He was a mere glanc- ing spot on the sunny side of a slope two miles off, and disappeared too soon to be resolved by the field-glass. From that time forward we were continually uncov- ering pairs or groups of these lovely creatures, and before noon got near enough to some of them for 38 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. a shot. Butler's rifle brought down a fine young buck. We laid him in one of the wagons, and continued our march. It is perhaps no exaggeration to call the antelope the most beautiful as well as the swiftest animal of our American wilds. His size is that of a young red-deei; doe; his color a compromise between buff and fawn, shading here and there into reddish-brown, with a patch of pure white on the buttocks which gives rise to the Western term expressive of his stam- pede, " showing his clean linen." His ears grow far back on his head, are long, and curve so much that at a distance they appear like horns. The horns them- selves grow so immediately over the supra-orbital pro- jection as to seem coming out of the animal's eyes ; they are long, slender, have a comparatively slight retro-curve, and show no sign of branching, save a lit- tle bud which is developed, as in the engraving, near the root, when the antelope is about two years old. The older bucks are occasionally found with other rudiments of this kind. The chief peculiarity of the antelope is his lack of a " a dew-claw." His feet have no rudimentary hoof like the deer's. He is almost or quite an anomaly in this respect among the tribes with which he is al- lied. Whatever that deficiency may amount to, it certainly does not interfere with his speed, which is almost incredible, even to an eye-witness. We could scarcely believe that our sight had not deceived us, when, at one moment, we saw one of these little creatures plainly with the naked eye, browsing on a slope fifty yards off, the next beheld him dwindling to a mere speck, and the next lost sight of him alto- gether. His flight was more like that of a bird than COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 39 a quadruped, sometimes rather like a rocket than either. Occasionally we surprised a pair of antelopes on a wide area of even ground, where we could watch their stampede for a longer period without obstruction ; and the study of their motion became a perfect de- light to the eye. They seldom or never leapt like deer, but ran with level backs, and in smooth rhythm, like sheep, — their legs glancing faster than sight could follow. We got no expression for this peculiar gait till George Comstock, looking at a flock of them in full flight, ejaculated, idiomatically, " Lord ! dont they open and shet lively ! " It was quite amusing to see them baffle the attempts of one of our mounted men, whose enthusiasm over- came his experience. Clapping spurs to his horse, he rode with all his might at a flock of them, feeding within long rifle-shot, and came about eighty yards from them before they snuffed him and turned tail. For nearly ten minutes they treated him as a butter- fly treats a school-boy. Putting half a mile between them and his panting horse in as little time as it takes to write it, they paused, stood with their noses in air, and seemed to be having a quiet laugh among them- selves ; let him approach nearly as close as before, and then floated away, on a line at right angles to their former retreat, tempting him with the delusion that he might head them off! As often as he turned, they repeated these tactics, until at last he stopped, quite provoked at himself, and with his horse thor- oughly winded, to see their " clean linen " flash for an instant in the sun, as they went out of sight among some thick cotton-woods, on the edge of a distant run. It was about as hopeful a piece of business as trying to run down a telegraph message. 40 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. Later in the day, we learned the only way to hunt antelope with unvarying success. It is an old Indian method, and the white men on the Plains have learned as much adroitness in it as their exemplars. The antelope is not afraid of horses ; and by walking in the cover of his saddle-animal, the hunter can get quite near a flock without being discovered, provided he approaches against the wind. If the wind blows from him, it is astonishing how quickly their scent warns them of him, without the least aid from their eyes. Having got as near them as he dares in this way, he throws the coil of his lariat down from the saddle-horn, crouches and pickets his horse with a sharp stake, always carried with him for the purpose. Lying in the grass, he ties his bright colored bandanna (a strip of white cloth will answer, faute de mieiix) to a tall sunflower stalk, his ramrod, or a stick of any kind. If still too far off to attract his game, he crawls low on his hands and knees, dragging his rifle by his side, until he reaches a spot of such prominence that they would be sure to see him in an instant if he stood up. There he quietly lies down again on his stomach, and lifts his extemporized flag as high as he can reach. The antelopes see it, stop browsing, raise their heads, and peer forward with bulging eyes, but show no signs of fright. The flag is for a moment dropped out of sight into the grass. The beautiful creatures lower their noses, and attempt to resume their dinner. But there is something on their minds. After one or two distrait pulls at the sweet grass-roots, their heads are again lifted, and again they peer earnestly forward. Up goes the flag once more, and this time perhaps with a slow wav- ing motion. The antelopes' curiosity is now thor- ANTKLOPES. See page *-£ < I'aAIlUK DO^S. Sec page 40. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 41 oughly excited. For an instant they pause irreso- lutely, then make two or three hesitating steps in ad- vance, snuffing as they go. Again the flag is lowered. They turn to each other, and seem to be holding a parley. Their inevitable conclusion is that they will pursue their reconnoissance, and see what strange bird that is fluttering above the grass. When the flag is once more lifted, they advance again, and finally, un- less the wind shifts, or the recumbent hunter finds his patience ebbing, come up almost within pistol-shot of his ambush. Crack goes his rifle ; and he must be a poor shot indeed if one of the beautiful quarries before him does not turn a summerset and tumble head- long. I have known a single rifle-ball do the business for two antelopes, where they stood in range. If now the hunter does not discover himself, one at least of the remaining antelopes is often easily bagged. The survivors dart away for a moment from the side of their fallen comrade, but do not go far, often return, and nearly always stand still, to satisfy their own cu- riosity, within easy rifle-shot of the hunter. But un- less he actually needs the meat at once, or can avail himself of it before it spoils, the thorough-going hun- ter of the Plains is too chivalrous and merciful (to say nothing of economy, in a country where game is as plenty as at creation) to slaughter a beautiful animal for which, despite his own rough exterior, he has a true, even poetical, admiration. I never found a hun- ter on the Plains (I am not including boy- tourists and foreign emigrants) who would not blush to emulate Gordon Cummings. About six miles south of the spot where we en- countered our first antelope, we saw our first buffa- loes. John Gilbert, the wariest hunter of the whole 42 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. party, rode alongside of our buggy, and quietly pointed to eight or ten scattered black dots on a divide, nearly three miles away, to our right. Our glasses revealed their character ; and I should be al- most ashamed to let an old hunter know what a fever of enthusiasm that far-off glance communicated to my blood. It was such a strange jumble of feeling to remember operas. National Academy pictures, and the crowd on Broadway, so close on the heels of these grand old giants, who own the monarchy of the Con- tinent's freest wilderness. I felt as happy as a green boy, and trembled all over. Buffaloes — indubitable buffaloes — feeding on that vast, sunny, fenceless mead, in as matter-of-fact and bovine a manner as any New England farmer's cows on one of Coleman's or Shattuck's elm-dotted pasture-lots. They were too far away to take any notice of us, and proved to be only the outposts of the herd, — the extreme advance of venerable bulls, pushed across the Republican to reconnoitre. Just after we saw the buffaloes, I had a remarkable instance of John Gilbert's delicate Indian training as a guide. We had been steering all the morning, since we left the Blue, by the points of compass, but following the main divides for the sake of a good track as closely as we could without inconvenient ab- erration from the ford on the Republican, for which we had been making. The ground now began rising before us, and we came to a place where the divide forked. We had not yet seen the Republican, nor the timber which marked its first bottom. It became a question to us which way we should turn, east or west, as nothing more entirely without landmarks than the Plains out of sight of timber can well be imagined. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 43 John Gilbert was called upon to decide, while the party halted. He rode about in the tall grass for a few moments without any particular appearance of scrutiny, and finally remarked, — "We'll keep to the eastward, I reckon. Some fel- low 's gone wrong hereabouts lately. I wonder who it could be. Hunger, when you were coming along the road, did you pass a big covered wagon and a small ambulance, — a four-mule team hitched to one, and a span o' horses on t'other?" Hunger hadn't, but Thompson had seen such an " outfit " camped near his station the day before. " Well, that's it : it's come on down and turned off in the wrong d'rection, just hereabouts." " }Vhafs IT?" asked the . uninitiated, "and tvhere is it ? There's nothing to be seen of that kind." "0 yes, there is," replied John, positively. "I've just found the tracks. Here's one set o' narrow wheels, with eight big hoof-marks between 'em ; and a sorter mixed up with that is a set of broad wheels, with six- teen small hoofs in between them, a comin' after one another. One 's the ambulance and horses. T'other 's the wagon and the mules. Then, just a little divided from them, and turnin' easterly, is the old track our wagon made when we come down a shootin' from the ranche, ten days ago. So easterly 's our way ; and the other fellows '11 get lost, I reckon." To satisfy my curiosity, I jumped down from the buggy, pushed the high grass away, and among its matted roots discovered something like the marks he described. From the height where he sat on horse- back, they were as invisible to any ordinary eye as if they had been at the bottom of the sea ; and when I did discover them, they would have been as illegible 44 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. to my understanding for any pathfinding purposes as if they were cuneiform inscriptions on a slab from Nineveh. Still, every word John Gilbert said was afterward substantiated ; and how good reason I per- sonally had to thank my stars that those "fellows" did go astray, as well as who they were, and other matters concerning them, will all plainly appear before the close of this chapter. For the present, I refer to our quandary only as a remarkable illustration of the in- tuitional sixth sense acquired by a man like Gilbert, in protracted frontier experience. It must be remem- bered that since the ranch-wagon had passed down to the Republican, " ten days ago," the tremendous rain-storm, through which we came to Comstock's, had beaten the prairie hard enough to obliterate any vestige of travel on an ordinary road. We kept to the easterly, following John Gilbert's lead, passed the rise in the divide of which I have spoken, and came to the brink of a lofty bluff, from the base of which a broad plain extended two miles to the now clearly visible cotton-wood fringe along the Republican. We were compelled to ride along the edge for nearly three miles further, before we found a draw running back into the divide with sides suf- ficiently gradual to permit our descent to the river's first bottom. But none of the time demanded by this detour was thrown away. The view from the brink was one of the loveliest in nature. Broad level sun- shine flooded the green plain below us, and drifting cloud-shadows brought out the contour of the lofty blufis, which alternately projected into and receded from the plain on the river's further side. Here and there the fringing cotton-woods broke away, and let up to us pure blue glimpses of the river, itself reflect- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 45 ing the deeper sapphire of the summer sky. The air was wonderfully clear, — distance seemed partially annihilated. The White Rock Buttes, which we knew to be many miles away to the southward, came out clear and strong, so that we could see the undulations of their surface almost as plainly as if they were in the near foreground. The whole extent of territory within our vision was as fertile in appearance as the finest meadow-lands of the East, and so closely simu- lated cultivation in its smooth rolling downs and level fields that the eye continually looked for signs of hu- man residence, and found ever- fresh astonishment in the utter loneliness of the landscape. It was as if some great agricultural nation had suddenly been driven out of its ancient possessions, or stricken quickly asleep by magic in the deep green groves along the river-bank. But without apparent hyper- bole it is impossible to convey the strange impression of this lovely region of lawns without mansions, and farms without grange or barn. I am wrong in saying "without mansions ;" for on our descent to the broad alluvial level below the bluffs, the faces and voices of merry little colonists greeted us on every hand. The river-bottom was so riddled by the burrows of the prairie-dogs that we had to drive cautiously lest our horses should sink mid-leg deep at every step. I have travelled for miles in Nebraska and Colorado through the villages of these marmots ; but I never saw their life so teeming, and their habits so active, as here on the utterly undisturbed and un- frequented border of the Republican. The little crea- tures made the air lively with their chattering, which is a peculiar short shrill squeak rather than a bark, and the honeycombed soil as far as the eye could see was 46 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. in motion with their antics. They were to be seen in every variety of position. Here sat one on the top of his burrow, completely out of his hole, resting on his haunches, nearly upright like a squirrel, and peering curiously at us with a pair of shiny black eyes till our neighborhood grew too close for his nerves. Another showed both head and tail out of his door, keeping his more vulixcrable middle below the edge of the earth-pile ; and the still more cautious dog exhibited a mere nose-tip above his entrenchment, chirping at us occasionally in a querulous manner, as if he were ask- ing what in the world could be our business in his municipality. We made several attempts to get spec- imens, but failed here, as we indeed did everywhere else where we attempted the thing. In the first place, it was almost impossible to calculate one's aim for an object projecting so short a distance from the ground; and in the second, when one's shots did not go over or fall short, there was always enough life left in the little animal to tumble him down his hole beyond the risk of capture. So we soon abandoned the job. The people on the Plains have an effective but rather tedious way of catching prairie-dogs alive. They draw a barrel of water to some isolated hole that does not communicate with the rest of a village, and drown the occupants out by deluging their cul-de-sac. A couple of days' confinement tames them so thoroughly that they can be handled with impunity, and when they are let loose again they cannot be driven from the neighborhood of the house, but burrow somewhere about the foundation or under the doorstep, coming at a whistle to be fed with corn as fearlessly as a house-bred puppy. Though called dogs, they have of course no right to the name, belonging to the rodents, COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 47 and resembling in all respects the Eastern woodchuck more closely than any other of the tribe with which we are familiar. We shall find them repeatedly here- after in our progress to the Rocky Mountains, and have occasion to speak of their habits in various localities. I was offered a very pretty and well tamed pair of them at a station two hundred miles east of Denver, and much regretted my inability to close the bargain in . consequence of unwillingness to hamper myself with pets all the way to California. We found the Republican a clear stream, about fif- teen rods in width at the place where we struck it, — full of sandbars and quicksands, with treacherous banks of black and yellow loam, which came near cast- ing our horses when we tried to ford. We managed, however, to get across without " sloughing " where the water was only a little above our hubs. The southern edge of the stream was well timbered with fine old growths, mainly of elm and cotton-wood, un- der whose shadow we made our camp, and picketed our animals. We were on the Sioux hunting-ground ; and although our numbers and armament were suf- ficiently formidable to warrant us presumably against any attack, in accordance with frontier habits we dis- posed ourselves between the river and our large wag- ons, and stacked our guns within easy reach. Here the Eastern members of our party made their first acquaintance with an animal we had known by reputation since the earliest days devoted to the peru- sal of Mrs. Trimmer. The gifted beaver had left his "sign" on every tree adjoining the bank. If a work- man may be known by his chips, the admiration which we felt for an animal hitherto familiar only in the form of old-school hats, was thoroughly well grounded. We 18 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. saw many trunks a foot in diameter, and some as thick as eighteen inches, gnawed through with an even bevel all round the girth, as neatly as an experienced wood-chopper could have cut them with an axe. Beside the trees, which the next strong wind or an- other night's felling-bee of the beavers would tumble to the ground, we found immense numbers of logs, varying from the full length of the trunk to three feet, lying near the severed stumps, awaiting deportation to some projected dam, or further truncation by the tools which had felled them. A neater workshop or nicer work than this on the bank of the Republican never existed among the professors of any handicraft. Where the logs had suffered their final reduction, they were of as uniform length as if they had been cut by the gauge, and their conical extremities of such pol- ished smoothness that one had to examine closely before perceiving the channels made by the ivory gauges of the little workmen. With true human dis- honesty, we helped ourselves freely from their wood- pile, and in a few moments had a blazing camp-fire and a kettle singing pleasant prophecies of coffee. Before the water boiled, and while the antelope was dressing for dinner (the last he should ever be invited to, poor little fellow ! ) a few of us strolled out beyond the timber with our field-glasses. We did not need them to discover that the crown of the whole adjoin- ing bluff was alive with buffalo. There were certainly quite a thousand in plain sight ; yet these were only the second line of outposts, — the first, as we had seen, having already been pushed across the river as skirmishers. Some of them stood on the brink of a clay precipice, fifty or sixty feet high, surveying the horizon, but without any apparent emotion in view of COMSTOCK'S. - A BUFFALO HUNT. 49 our presence, while the farther ones cropped their way slowly through the grass without raising their heads. Two miles of plain and the height of the bluff inter- vened between us and them, accounting for a noncha- lance far greater than that of any other absolutely wild animal I am acquainted with. A herd of elk, deer, or antelope would have tossed up their heads and been away down the wind before we could have snapped our fingers at them. This bovine stolidity, as we shall see hereafter, is no result of misplaced confidence in human goodness, but a well based faith in the most admirable strategic arrangement known to the gregarious tribes of the brute world. My first experience of antelope-steak, was a gastro- nomic sensation, surpassing all the luxuries offered the palate by civilized bills of fare. The finest veni- son, the most delicate mountain mutton, afford no just comparison for it, though it possesses all the game flavor of the one, and the tenderness, without the inevitable talloivy suggestion, of the other. Spring- chicken, quail-breast, or frog's hind legs, are not more delicate ; and there is a flavor in the juice quite in- describable, belonging in fact to the idiosyncrasies and monopolies of nature. We had our antelope cooked in several modes : steak broiled on a gridiron ; a rib-roast, made by spitting the meat on a sharp stick thrust into the ground before the fire ; liver, as exquisite as sweet-bread, saide with a few scraps of salt pork ; and large coUops fried with the same relish to suit the hearty appetite of our frontiersmen. The only condiments we had with our meat were pepper, salt, and a can of the Shaker peaches, brought from our own party's commissariat ; nor would sauce of any piquant kind have been anything but an un- 4 §0 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. warrantaljle intrusion on the inmost Eleusinian mys- teries of gourmanderie. But I can imagine Soyer looking down on us from some fifth sphere of the world, where he is inventing a five hundredth method of treating ambrosia, and saying with tears of still human regret, " Ah ! I died too soon ! " After dinner, the artist opened his color-box, and began making a study of the antelope's head, which had been left entire for his purpose, while the two other gentlemen of our Overland party, accompanied by John Gilbert, Ansell Comstock, Butler, and myself, shouldered our guns and started for the bluff, to try stalking buffalo on foot. The afternoon was very warm, and the tramp through the grass of the river- bottom by no means easy ; but the enthusiasm of a first hunt would have carried our neophytes cheer- fully twice as far. We made our way to a precipitous draw, entering the bluff at a distance of three miles from our camp, and halted at its mouth to consider our course. On all the commanding prominences of the divide was stationed a giant bull, motionless, as if carven in bronze, noting our every gesture with red, inevitable eyes. We determined to hide in the cover of some low scrubby bushes, and wait until one of these senti- nels came down from his post to drink (the only cal- culable relaxation of his vigilance) at a neighboring puddle, which lay stagnant in a hollow of the draw. Having distributed ourselves, we waited with held breath for nearly an hour. The sentinel had forgot- ten us, we thought, for he began moving toward our ambush on a slow stately walk, and descended the side of the draw. We crept along behind the bushes on our hands and knees, intending to flank him, and COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT 51 get to the top of the bluff among the herd without his knowledge. Just as we came abreast of the pud- dle where he stood irresolutely snuffing, with an evi- dent suspicion weighing on his crafty mind, we looked upward at the post he had just left, and there was another bull, as large and wary as the sentry off duty. We were out-maneuvered, after all ; and in revenge for our calloused knee-pans, I regret to say that we poured one simultaneous volley into the buf- falo at the puddle. But even an old bull-steak, or the juicy hump and tongue, which were the only val- uable part of him, were denied us by an excitement which confused our aim. Revenge must be cool to fire straight. As it was, we had the mortification of seeing him lash with his tail such inconsequential portions of his surface as we had hit at the shame- fully small range of one hundred and fifty yards, and without apparent inconvenience shamble away on a leisurely cow-trot, up the draw toward his comrade. " Cuss his tough hide ! " ejaculated John Gilbert. " Why didn't we shoot for him in the first place, in- stead o' tr3dng to creep round ? Then we'd a' had a good tongue for supper at least. Now we hain't got nothin'." Some one suggested that we had intended to find better game in the herd, — if we had got there. ^^ Ef — that's very good — ^," said John Gilbert "Well, — we didnt. Now I don't believe in throwin' away a chance that's clost to you, for a maybe ten mile off. It's too much like Thompson's colt, that swam a r£yvin [ravine] to get a drink, 'cause he'd allays been watered on t'other side." Both the bulls had now moved out of sight, leav- ing their late sentry-station unoccupied. We con- 52 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. eluded to move up the draw as fast as possible, and get to the top of the bluff before the panic had be- come general among the herd, — there to lie down out of sight, while confidence was getting restored, and finally to creep through the grass, near enough for another shot. We ran up the draw at double quick, bending as low as possible, and had nearly reached the upper debouchment, when a turn to the right uncovered us to another prominence, and there lowered another pair of vengeful red eyes, burning out of a shaggy fell of hair ! We dropped down in an instant, but too late. With a leisurely step, the grim old vedette retreated in good order on the main body. To gratify new men, whose desire to see and cap- ture buffalo was greater than any possible belief in human experience, our frontiersmen, telling us all the while that it was useless, assisted us for three hours in twice as many repetitions of this maneuver. We might as well have attempted to surprise Grant or Napoleon. Our failures were good for us ; for they taught us more of the habits of the buffalo than we could have learned at home from a course of lec- tures, or a monograph of many pages devoted to that animal. Had we not learned it with our own eyes, we never could have regarded a true statement of the case as anything but a traveller's tale, and would have filed it alongside of stories about the Gyascutus, or the pelican feeding her young with blood from her own breast. In very truth, the disposition of the buffalo troops is not surpassed by the most skillful general's arrangement of his forces. On the moment of reach- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 53 ing a new feeding-ground, they fall into an order which seems rather the result of masterly strategy and deep-laid plan than any unconscious result of mere brute instinct. If, as is the case at the season when we visited them, the cows are running with newly dropped calves, the sucklings and their mothers are placed in the very centre of the herd. Ju|t outside of these is a series of lines occupied by the weaned calves and yearlings. The next concentric layer con- sists of the young bulls, able to fight and shift pretty well for themselves, but not yet to be trusted with state secrets, or the keys of a defensive position. Outside of these come the veterans of the corps, — venerable bulls, who have crossed the Arkansas and the Platte many successive summers, — who know all the good feeding-grounds, and can exercise a general direction and supervision over the cows and the youngsters on the march for their first or second time. These form the advance of the army proper. From their ranks, by a principle of natural selection as un- erring as Darwin's, come the skirmishers, who recon- noitre for the advance, and the pickets, who protect the main body. For both these functions, the very oldest and most wary bulls are chosen ; but even here a distinction is made which it is interesting to notice. I repeatedly found maimed and invalid bulls among the veterans on picket-duty, but never once among those thrown forward as skirmishers. A tacit convic- tion seems to exist among the buffaloes that, while age and experience are necessary for responsible posts of observation, perfect soundness of physique must accompany these to constitute the proper pioneers of a campaign. A bull, carrying in his hip the ten-years' souvenir of an ounce ball, or an arrow-head, can limp 64 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. back from a sentry-post, a mile or two outside the grazing herd, in time to stampede them by intelli- gence of an enemy; but nothing short of perfect wind and limb consists with the duty of going five or ten miles ahead of a corps, to scent and discover pasture. I have noticed their arrangement so widely that it is ifio mere theory with me, arising from an ad- miration which insists on pushing to the extreme a parallel between human and bovine sagacity. The bulls selected for sentry duty take up their position on all the prominences of the divide, leaving unoccupied, as we discovered on the day referred to, and always afterward, not a single point from which an approaching enemy may be commanded. The buf- falo, widely different from the antelope, depends scarcely at all on his scent; but those great round eyes of his, glowing in their earnestness or anger, like balls of fiery asphaltum, possess a length of range, and an inevitability of keenness, scarcely surpassed by those of any quadruped running wild on our con- tinent. Crouch and crawl where you may, you can- not enter the main herd without half a dozen pair of them successively, or at a time, focusing full upon you. Instant retreat of their owners follows ; at first no faster than a majestic walk, but, if your pursuit be hot, with increasing gradations of speed up to the heavy cow-gallop ; and then comes the stampede of the late quietly feeding herd, in a cloud of dust, and with a noise of thunder, like a general engagement. I have said it is impossible to get by the sentries ; but there is an exception for the case of a hunter, who, disguised in a wolf or antelope skin, is Avilling to crawl slowly, dragging a rifle, for two or three miles ; or the still rarer case of one who, lying down COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 55 completely out of sight in the grass, wriggles him- self painfully along, like a snake, till he gets within range. Being somewhat of an enthusiast in hunting as well as everything else, and having no animal disguises at hand to aid me in the former method, I resolved, after our repeated failures recorded above, to try the latter manner of approach. Nobody cared to join me. The rest of the party went around the foot of the bluff to watch the success of Hunger, who had just come from the camp on horseback, and was charging with carbine slung and revolver drawn, up another draw about a mile to the north of our first advance. I stayed on top of the divide, and, lying down close to the grass- roots, began to work myself toward the herd. I kept my secret so well that a coyote passed only a little over pistol-shot from me before he suspected dano-er. I crawled and rested at intervals for more o than an hour, the herd getting all the time in plainer sight, until finally my patience became exhausted, and several buffalo wandered as near me as four hundred yards. My rifle was the Ballard ( a weapon of whose excellence I shall hereafter have occasion to speak more at large), and put up for five hundred yards, though I have killed an antelope with it at six hundred. I was sure I might rely on it at my present distance, if the buffalo-fever could only be held in check. I took deliberate aim, and succeeded in hitting a fine bull, though the ball went too low for his final settlement, and he walked away laboriously to lie down where I could not follow him. Just at that mo- ment a pair of rifles spoke in quick succession lower down the bluff. Two old bulls on the edge of the herd gave as many jumps, and began lashing their 56 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. sides and shaking their heads after a most expressive manner. They had evidently been made to tingle somewhere, but were only provoked. For a moment they stood confronting each other, and considering themselves for the probable cause of the disturbance. Then the idea seemed to strike each simultaneously that the other had in some mysterious manner com- mitted the insult, and forthwith they rushed headlong against each other's adamant skulls with a shock which might have caved in an ordinary brick house. Then they locked horns, and pushed with such strength as nearly to lift each other on their hind legs ; then they tossed each other's heads sideways, broke hold, tram- pled the ground savagely, and joined their heads with another crash in desperate tourney. Another pair of shots broke up the comical misunderstanding, and set the whole detachment stampeding out of sight, after which I picked myself up a much more fatigued but decidedly a wiser man on the subject of penetrating herds, and joined my comrades just at the foot of the bluff, to find Hunger and a gentleman of our Over- land party responsible for the practical joke on the old bulls, at whose memory we were still laughing. It was long after sunset when we got back to camp. Our artist had made two or three studies of game and horses while we were "wasting our time" (as people always say to hunters who return light, though I notice that a nice pair of grouse or saddle of venison greatly dignifies the pastime) ; George Comstock had the remainder of the antelope cooking at a glorious fire, supplied as usual from the beavers' wood-pile ; and the aroma of our condensed coffee, just prepared by turning a gallon of water into a pint of paste, gave the wild pure air of the Plains a strangely incongru- ous but delicious flavor of civilization. COMSTOCK'S.-A BUFFALO HUNT. 57 After finishing our meal, we spread our blankets for the night, and lay down upon them to smoke and talk away that nice mezzotint hour which in camp shades away from supper to bed-time. From the " Noctes Ambrosiante " down to the last book on the Adirondacks, Literature delights to dwell on such occasions. The romance and poetry, the wit and wisdom, of the camp-fire belong to a specialty as individual and charming as Boswell's Johnson and the gossip of Leigh Hunt. I wish I could believe myself adequate to the analyzing of our camp palaver ; for it was so racy that no tyro can hope to do it the least justice, and even an old hand might shrink from at- tempting to redraw the most original of frontier orig- inalities. The magical beauty and the strange suggestions of our place and time seemed to open every heart, infuse some genius into every mind. He must have had a vulgar nature indeed who could not be caught up into one short inspiration by the mere reflection upon where we were. Half a score of white men all alone in the heart of the virgin continent ; some far Sioux camp and the vast cohorts of the buffalo our nearest neighbors in place or sympathy. Above us was the great, pure dome of a heaven so free from all taint of earthly smoke that the stars seemed to have been let down like cressets leagues closer to our heads than in the city, and burned in diamond points without veil or trembling. The air was of that strange sweetness which, having no scent and being absolutely limpid, is still called spicy and balmy by hyperbole straining vainly for an adequate name. Our fire leaped up gladly, as if it tasted the young original oxygen with our own human relish ; and across its faint, vanishing 58 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. edges came spectral glimpses of shivering trees along a distant bend of the Republican ; while boldly beyond the flame, the purple-black bluffs rose against the clear dark sky, their promontories merged by night into one long wall of shadow. Nothing broke the silence save now and then the yelp of a coyote, a night-bird's scream, our own subdued voices, and the lulling gur- gle of the river at our feet, on its way over dusky sand-bars to carry the message of the Rocky Mountain snows to the soft current of the Gulf and the mad waves of the Atlantic. We lay half-way between great mysteries, — in the lap of a loneliness as profound as the caves of the Nereids. But this loneliness mellowed instead of oppressing the quaint Western minds which were around us in the firelight. Some trifling remark about the hunt led to a queer idiomatic answer ; we began to laugh, and the fire of humor was straightway kindled to such a height that yarn after yarn, joke on joke, surjDrised the solemn dignity of nature. The simplest saying of any man who has lived like these pioneers much away from his kind takes the form of an aphorism. He has not been where he could give away the sap of his reflections before it crystallized ; he has not emptied his brains in loose small-talk; he has much bethought himself, — boiled himself down ; and when he speaks, be sure that it is " sugaring-off " time. I fancy the amount of thought is much the same in all men of quick intel- lects; they differ mostly in quality of thought and in the measure of its condensation. There is less dif- ference between the Yankee mountaineer and the Western plainsman than their local varieties of scene and habit would lead one to expect. The terseness and epigrammatic smack of both comes from isola- tion, and their talk has many resemblances. COMSTOCK'S.— A BUFFALO HUNT. 59 Ansell Comstock was lamenting the loss of his lariat. Butler saw it lying on the ground beside him, and called his attention to the fact by the figurative utterance, "If it were a snake, it would bite you." Before I left, I had heard Ansell reproving one of the children for a greasy face, by asking him if he wasn't ashamed to sprain all the flies' legs that lit on him. Metaphors like these were common speech at the Comstocks'. Some of the best stories and homnots told by our frontiersmen had reference to "Old Trotter," an ec- centric genius who drives on the first stage out of Fort Kearney westward, and whose deeds and sayings will in future time become as historical as those of Tom Quick in Sullivan County, New York State, Jim Beckworth in Colorado, or any other original elevated by pioneer tradition among its demigods. Trotter improved on the old yarn to the effect " The weather would have been colder if the thermometer had been longer," by saying that he had been where it was "so cold that the thermometer got down off the nail." He once stopped his stage, and steadily gazed into the sky until all the passengers alighted and began gaz- ing with him. Somebody said, "What's the matter, driver? what are you looking at?" — "Can you see the comet ? " rejoined Trotter, earnestly. Again for a space everybody made thorough search through the heavens. Finally the most impatient passenger an- swered, "No! I can't! Where is it? " The rest as- sented to him, upon which Trotter very quietly said, "Wall, if none of us can find it, I don't believe there's any there, — so s'pose we g'lang." On one occasion, Trotter took a vacation and came down to Atchison for the purpose of recreating in that gdded 60 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. capital, and beholding the gay world of fashion as displayed upon its costly Boulevards. It was imme- diately after pay-day, and Trotter was flush. After casting about for some method accordant with his original turn of mind by which his earnings might be dissipated with the highest degree of voluptuary sat- isfaction, he discovered that a band of minstrels was about to delight Atchison with a concert. He imme- diately went to the treasurer of the company, pre- vailed upon him to limit his number of tickets, and, forestalling the market, bought up every one of them himself Having thus effected what the brokers would call " a corner" in the world of amusement, he repaired to the hall at the hour of performance, occupied a seat in the centre, and had the entire concert to himself. Having thus experienced the sensation of solitary grandeur usually confined to kings and high digni- taries, he expressed himself fully satisfied with his money's worth, and the next morning departed for Fort Kearney, to drive until next pay day without a penny in his pocket. By far the most entertaining practical joke told of him (for the above has rather the complexion of a luxurious solemnity) is his stopping a man on the road who drove a miserable team of sick and aged little mules, with the ejaculation, " Look a'here, pil- grim ! I know a man that would give eight hundred dollars if he could only see them mules ! " " Why! " exclaimed the man, startled by such an unexpected prospect of luck, " Yeou da-on't say so ! Who is he ?" <^ Hes a blind man, " said Trotter ; " g'lang ! " With such stories as these, and many others belong- ing to that category of which a well known bel esprit once said to me, " 0, if one could only print the good COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 61 things which mustn't be printed, what a book that would be ! " our frontiersmen kept us lively until the fire burned down to coals, and we felt ready to wrap ourselves in our blankets. The next five minutes, and we were as sound asleep in that divine bed-chamber of all-out-doors as any baby that ever lay in its cradle, ignorant of human woe. the change from the lately abandoned vigils and labors of long city nights, — from the three-o'clock retirings, the nervous tossings, the un- solved problems that write themselves on the bed- curtain of him who lies down without any extinction of his business impetus, or cooling of life's competi- tive fever ! It was a return to childhood ; and the mother nature stroked our foreheads into slumber with a hand of soft sweet air, the moment that we touched our rugged pillows. Years had blotted out the memory of true sleep from us : now it returned as a new sensation. With the earliest rays of spring sunshine we were on our feet again, and but a little later saw us as deep as we could get in the clear, bracing water of the Re- publican. Thoroughly refreshed, we made our break- fast off our own stores, — supper having dismissed the antelope, — and prepared for the grand foray against the buffalo herd, of which yesterday had been only the burlesque ; to which, indeed, yesterday was related in much the same sort of way as Mrs. Trimmer and natural history apprenticeships in general are re- lated to actual experience of lions. The two horses which had been attached to Hun- ger's buggy were both of them well trained hunters of our present game. They were accordingly put under saddle, — Hunger retaining the chestnut, a 62 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. fine animal named Ben HoUaday, after the Overland Stage proprietor, and giving me " Nig," an excellent black horse, whose pluck and endurance I afterwards thoroughly tested. I owed this kindness partly to the fact that in my own private capacity I was very anxious for one good hunt on a horse that knew buf- falo, but mainly to Hunger's willingness to do a " courtesy to the Press," whereof, before leaving New York, I was a member. It both amused and gratified me to see the influence and interest of journalism extending so far beyond the reach of latest editions. No higher compliment could have been paid the profession. The last time I had used my press priv- ilege was in going to my parquet stall in the Acad- emy of Music, past a smiling door-keeper, who took tickets of other people. Here I vaulted to the saddle of one of the best hunters in the American wilderness, from the same professional spring-board ; and the two courtesies were but three weeks apart. Our artist, though a good shot, and capable of going to market for himself wherever there was any game, as well as most people, had seen enough buf- falo-hunting in other expeditions to care little for it now, compared with the artistic opportunities which our battue afforded him for portraits of fine old bulls. He accordingly put his color-box, camp-stool, and sketching-umbrella into the buggy, hitched a team of the wagon-horses to it, and, taking one of our own party in with him, declared his intention of visiting the battle-field solely as "our special artist." Thomp- son and John Gilbert accompanied us on their own horses. The rest stayed behind to watch camp. Fully recovered from the stampede of yesterday, the outer bulls of the herd, guarded by their sentinels. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 63 were grazing in plain sight along the top of the bluff. It was arranged that our four mounted men should lead in open order toward the foot of the bluff upon a quiet walk, and the moment the sentry bulls walked away to give the alarm, charge up the nearest practi- cable gulch that entered the bluff, getting to the top as quickly as possible. There each of us was to select his own bull out of the herd, and ride him down till he got within easy range. The buggy was to keep as close on our rear as it was able. Following this arrangement, we marched out from the shadow of the cotton-woods, and began pushing slowly through the grass toward our game. The sentries focused all their eyes on us before we had gone a quarter of a mile from covgr, but did not think us worth solicitude until we were a hundred and fifty rods closer. Then they began to paw un- easily, lash their sides, and stretch their necks with unequivocal earnestness. The buggy still kept right behind us, and we walked our horses about fifty feet apart. "We were a quarter of a mile from the foot of the bluff, when the first bull in front of us walked majestically away. A few rods further on, and all the sentries began a dignified leave-taking. " Now ! " cried Hunger, and the four horsemen spurred at once. We all took the same ravine, and scrambled up its sides (steeper than any hill where I had ever seen a horse pushed before) in hardly more time than I have taken to write the fact. "We gained the top of the bluff just before the sentries had reached their lines. The herd itself was not stampeded until we came in sight of its front. In an instant some un- countable hundreds of black, shaggy monsters threw their heads into the air with a force which lifted them 64 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. on their hind hoofs, and, making these last pivotal, whirled about, as John said, " Like as if they had springs in 'em." Then, with a ponderous trot, the whole line was away. We were about two hundred and fifty yards from them when the stampede became general. This was altogether too far for effective shooting from the saddle, except for an Indian, or some ex- ceptional white man who had spent his life with the herds; and even such ride as close as possible before using bow or rifle. So we again clapped spurs to our horses, and hammered on toward our game, just as the buggy succeeded in climbing the bluff. The buffalo heard us, and quickened their flight to that clumsy cow-gallop of which I have before spoken. In a few minutes we were putting them to their trumps. They continued to lead our horses for a mile, running quite at the rate of ten miles an hour. But our animals had not yet "got their wind;" and so long as the bulls kept on tolerably even ground where we could follow them, every minute brought us fresh advantage. If they reached the jaws of some unexpected draw, they would plunge thirty feet down its almost perpendicular sides with as little hesitation as we would leap a ditch ; but no such ill luck befell us. They showed signs of distress in about five min- utes from the first burst, and blew hard, though there was no diminution in their speed, while our animals were warming into their work splendidly. I selected the bull nearest me, each of the other horsemen picked his quarry, and for ten minutes more I knew nothing, in the heat of my first buffalo fever, but streaming wind, a great oscillating patch of hair and hide beyond me, and a sound of tram- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 65 pling like steady thunder. My horse was crazy with enthusiasm. He snorted as he ran, and his eyes bulged full of fire. I had got within a distance of my game where I should have been ashamed to miss a hat-crown at standing fire. I whirled my carbine round from my back, and dropping the reins let drive for the back of the foreshoulder. Good inten- tion ! The slug went harmlessly far over my old monster's neck, as the plunge of my horse threw the muzzle into the air. I was disgusted with the world, but sought to retrieve myself by one more effort. My breech-loading Ballard, the best arm for sport of all kinds that is made on the continent, had another cartridge in it within ten seconds. I was still within fifty yards of my buffalo, and again I fired. This time, in spite of my greenness at shooting on the gallop, I put a ball home, but not in the right place. It struck too low in the flank, and just bled the buffalo without stopping him. A third time I fired, and without any more valuable effect. The one or two places in which an ounce ball will stop a buffalo-bull, bear a charmed life to the tyro in saddle-shooting. My horse began to be fearfully winded, — this was his first time out during the season ; he was a generous loan ; and though the buffalo was rapidly tiring, I desisted from the chase in a state of dissatisfaction with myself only commensurate with my previous enthusiasm. As I sat, the Knight of the Rueful Countenance translated to Kansas (I omitted to say that our ride from Comstock's had once more taken us out of Ne- braska), Thompson rode up, and invited me to go and look at his success. "Well, I never wished to be mean ; it was pleasant to see somebody's success ; and I ac- cordingly rode with him a mile away, to find a mag- 5 66 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. nificent bull stretched dead as a smelt on a high grassy knoll where he had fallen with one unerring shot, right through the heart. Through the right portion of the heart, it is necessary to add ; for I felt a little less ashamed of myself on learning that a buffalo will travel, and get clear of capture, with a slug through the apex of that organ, nothing short of disturbing its valvular arrangement having the immediate effect to bring him down. For the first time I came close enough to a wild native buffalo to examine him minutely, and was obliged to confess that he was one of the noblest specimens of the brute creation. Upright, the hump of this bull must have stood over five feet high. It was the hair-shedding season, and all abaft the hump his body was as bare, save in two or three isolated patches of frowzy, faded wool, as a Chinese dog. This fact was advantageous to the examination of his anatomy ; and though he carried a head and chest only less ponderous than a young elephant's, I found a beautiful shapeliness of curve about his haunches, a cleanness of line, and even slenderness in his hind legs, that looked rather like a member of the deer or elk family than any of the bovine tribes. I stood admiring him and felicitating Thompson, when Hunger appeared upon a distant divide, beck- oning me to him. I left the dead bull, and rode to ask what was wanted. When I got within ear-shot, Munger hollowed his hand before his mouth and roared, " Bring along your painter." Glad to be of more use to somebody than I had been to myself, I set out in search of the buggy. About a mile away, I found it rolling placidly along through the grass, after the well-meaning but veteran wagon-team, I COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 67 told our artist that Hunger had something for him. At the news the buggy axles creaked joyfully ; the little old horses sprang forward on a gallop, with all the recalled freshness of their youth ; and in some- thing less than a quarter of an hour, we stood, or sat, beside Hunger and the champing Ben Holladay. That makes two : there were three of his company. He had ridden upon as big a bull as ever ran the Plains, stopped him with a series of shots from a Colt's army revolver, and was holding him at bay in a grassy basin, for our artist's especial behoof. He, on his part, did not need three words to show him his opportunity. He leapt from the buggy; out came the materials of success following him, and in a trifle over three minutes from his first halt, the big blue umbrella was pointed and pitched, and he sat under it on his camp-stool, with his color-box on his knees, his brush and palette in hand, and a clean board pinned in the cover of his color-box. Hunger's old giant glowered and flashed fire from two great wells of angry brown and red, burning up like a pair of lighted naphtha-springs, through a foot- deep environment of shaggy hair. The old fellow had been shot in half a dozen places. He was wounded in the haunch, through the lower ribs, through the lungs, and elsewhere. Still he stood his ground like a Spartacus. He was too much dis- tressed to run with the herd; at every plunge he was easily headed ofi" by a turif of Hunger's bridle ; he had trampled a circle of twenty feet diameter, in his sallies to get away, yet he would not lie down. From both his nostrils the blood was flowing, mixed with glare and foam. His breath was like a blacksmith's bellows. His great sides heaved labori- 68 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ously, as if he were breathing with his whole body. I never could be enough of a hunter not to regard this as a distressing sight. Yet I could understand how Parrhasius might have been driven by the devil of his genius to do the deed of horror and power which has come down to us through the centuries. I seemed to see Prometheus on his rock, defying the gods. Kill a deer, and he pleads with you out of his wet, dying eye ; a bear falls headlong with a grunt, and gives up his stolid ghost without more ado, if the bullet is mortal ; but here was a monster whose body contained at least four deathly bullets, yet who stood as unflinching as adamant, with his face to the foe. It was the first time I had seen moral grandeur in a brute. Hunger, Thompson, and I rode slowly round the bull, attracting his attention by feigned assaults, that our artist might see him in action. As each of us came to a point where the artist saw him sideways, the rider advanced his horse, and menaced the bull with his weapon. The old giant lowered his head till his great beard swept the dust ; out of his immense fell of hair his eyes glared fiercer and redder; he drew in his breath with a hollow roar and a painful hiss, and charged madly at the aggressor. A mere twist of the rein threw the splendidly trained horse out of harm's way, and the bull almost went headlong with his unspent impetus. For nearly fifteen 'min- utes, this process wEs continued, while the artist's hand and eye followed each other at the double-quick over the board. The signs of exhaustion increased with every charge of the bull ; the blood streamed faster from wounds and nostrils ; yet he showed no signs of surrender, and an almost human devil of im- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 69 potent revenge looked out of his fiery, unblinking eyeballs. But our Parrhasius was merciful. As soon as he had transferred the splendid action of the buffalo to his study, he called on us to put an end to the dis- tress, which, for aught else than art's sake, was terri- ble to see. All of us who had weapons drew up in line, while the artist attracted the bull's attention by a final feigned assault. We aimed right for the heart, and fired. A hat might have covered the chasm which poured blood from his side when our smoke blew away. All the balls had sped home ; but the unconquerable would not fall with his side to the foe. He turned himself painfully around on his quivering legs ; he stiffened his tail in one last fury ; he shook his mighty head, and then, lowering it to the ground, concentrated all the life that lasted in him for a mad onset. He rushed forward at his persecutors with all the elan of his first charges ; but strength failed him half way. Ten feet from where we stood, he tumbled to his knees, made heroic efforts to rise again, and came up on one leg ; but the death-tremor possessed the other, and with a great panting groan, in which all of brute power and beauty went forth at once, he fell prone on the trampled turf, and a glaze hid the anger of his eyes. Even in death those eyes were wide open on the foe, as he lay grand, like Caesar be- fore Pompey's statue, at the feet of his assassins. We then returned to Thompson's bull, where our artist sat down to make another study, leaving the buggy to return to camp and send out a wagon for our meat, and ourselves to set forth in search of new adventures. One of Thompson's intensest yearnings was to get 70 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. some cow-meat. This laudable desire had been frus- trated in all the hunts he had joined since the buffalo left the Arkansas this season. He liked hump and tongue very well, but naturally preferred game which he could use more economically than simply to cut out these, and leave the carcass. So he proposed a flank movement, by which we might get nearer to the herd. Munger had an equal anxiety to lasso some young calves. He had been very successful in this sport sev- eral summers before, and secured some capital speci- mens to send East, for curiosity, or to domesticate among the ranches for breeding. I \fas surprised to learn how frequent was the latter practice in this re- gion. Numbers of the settlers between Atchison and Fort Kearney had reared buffalo calves, and crossed them with domestic cattle, the hybrids proving very serviceable working-cattle, somewhat surly and un- manageable at times, but possessing greater speed and endurance than the common ox. I was further told, on excellent authority, what seemed hard of be- lief, and under the circumstances was impossible of tangible demonstration, that this hybrid had been found perpetuable. This is a curious fact, when we recollect how much more the cow and the buffalo differ from each other than the horse and the ass, whose mules are still sterile. I was equally anxious with Munger to get a nice pair of calves, as we were sufficiently near railroad communication to have sent them East to await our return. Accordingly John Gilbert and ourselves set out in a nearly southwesterly direction, leading diagonally between the main course of the Republican and a line of tall, conical mounds, called the White Rock COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 71 Buttes, parallel with the river six miles further south. We had gone about three miles across a rolling coun- try, much like the plain traversed from Comstock's, without seeing anything but the rear of the herd lately stampeded by us, when John Gilbert caught sight of a much larger herd, feeding a little nearer the Republican than our line of march. He proposed that we should separate, and, by alarming this herd at different points, stampede them in such confusion as to break up their order, make them spread out and open their centre to attack. Hunger looked through his field-glass, and was sure he saw calves ; Thompson took a look, and beheld the cows necessarily accom- panying ; I saw buffalo of some description or other, which was all that was needed to make me join the rest in assent to John Gilbert's proposition. Hunger, Thompson, and myself went to the south- erly ; John Gilbert alone took toward the river side, with the intention of stampeding the herd back into our hands. We had gone a little over a mile when the thundering of hoofs announced that John had suc- ceeded, and the next minute the herd came tearing over a high divide right toward us. As they saw us, they checked their impetus ; but so near us did they get that each of us might have shot his bull without difficulty, had our design been so childish and mur- derous. As it was, we left our rifles alone, not intend- ing to use them again till we could use the lasso with them. Still, no calves nor cows were visible. I be- gan to despair of ever seeing them. As the herd reached us, it swung its front round at right angles, and made about westerly. Hunger, Thompson, and I immediately rushed at it with all speed, and it separated into roughly divided detach- 72 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ments, one of which each of us selected to chase down. The herd was larger than any we had yet seen. It was impossible that our glasses should have deceived us. There were cows and calves somewhere in the herd, and this was the way to find them. In five minutes after I had selected my squad for attack, I was entirely separated from my companions. The ground was in splendid order for running ; the lay of the land as favorable ; my horse had acquired his " second wind," and his enthusiasm fully equaled my own. I never knew the ecstasy of the mad gal- lop until now. Like young Lochinvar, " We stayed not for brake, we stopped not for stone." Some draws which we crossed, made me shudder afterward as I thought of them. Now we were plunging with headlong bounds down bluffs of caving sand, fifty feet high, and steep as a fortress glacis, while the buffalo, crazy with terror, were scrambling half-way up to the top of the opposite side. Now we were following them in the ascent, my noble Nig using his fore-hoofs more like hands than any horse I ever saw before, fairly clawing his way up, with every muscle tense through passionate emulation. Now we were on the very haunches of our game, with a fair field before us, and no end to pluck and bottom for the rest of the chase, the buffalo laboring heavily, and their immense fore-parts coming down on their hoofs with a harder shock at every jump. Now we saw a broad, slippery buffalo-wallow just in time to leap it clear ; now we plunged into the very middle of one, but Nig dug himself out of the mud with one frantic tug, and kept on. Still we came closer to our buffaloes, and sud- denly I heard a loud thunder of trampling behind me. COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 73 I looked over my shoulder: there in plain sight was another herd, tearing down on our rear. As I afterward discovered, this was the herd stampeded in separate columns by Hunger and Thompson, joined again after making their detour. For nearly a mile in width stretched a line of angry faces, a rolling surf of wind-blown hair, a row of quivering lanterns, burning reddish-brown. The column was as deep as the line. I quickly bethought myself: It is death to get involved in a herd if my horse stumbles. If I have both pluck and luck to ride steadily in the line of the stampede until I can insinuate myself laterally, and make a break out through the side of the herd, all may go well with me, as it has with several hunters of my acquaintance, caught in this predicament. It was death to turn back. I should be trampled and gored to death. I should be wiped out like a grease-spot, and Nig with me, for the ter- ror of the herd was too extreme for me to hope to re- stampede them, with Hunger and Thompson prob- ably somewhere close on their rear. All this flashed through my mind in an instant. Nig was steadily shortening the distance between me and the herd ahead. I had just made up my mind to ride as long as he would stand in the line of the stampede, when the herd before me divided into two columns to pass around a low butte I had seen before. Quick as lightning this providential move of theirs suggested the means of my salvation. I made for the mound, reached its summit, and to Nig's great disgust, though he was fearfully short-breathed, and trickling with rivulets of sweat, halted him instantly to await the rear column. I had not many minutes of anxiety. The herd saw me fifty rods off, but, as I expected, 74 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. paid no more attention to me than if I had been a grass-blade. Nor could they, if they would. All stampedes are alike, whether of men or animals. For the front line to swerve is to be knocked down and slain instanter. This vis a tergo gives the van a cour- age of despair, while it takes away all option of move- ment. So the angry front line of faces saw me with- out fear. I had only a minute of certain life. The next would see me safe or beaten to a mummy. I dismounted, held my horse's head away from the coming herd, and faced it myself, with the rein over my arm and my rifle poised. As the herd got within a hundred yards of the mound, I delivered one stead- ily aimed ball at the fore-shoulder of the nearest bull. He gave a single wild jump, and began limping on three legs. I had done for him. For a few seconds, fear of his pressing comrades gave him enough extra speed to keep up with the rest ; but before the line reached the foot of the mound, he had tumbled, and the whole host was rushing over him. This obstacle, and the terror of his fate, sent the first lateral panic into the hearts of the herd. Once more, as the front line came so close that I could almost have jumped my horse on to their backs, I fired my rifle again. The ball did no damage to any but itself, flattening like putty on the thick-matted Gibraltar of one old bull's frontispiece, but it served my turn, and split the herd. They divided just in time to avoid being crowded over the mound by their rear, and in a mo- ment I was standing on a desert island, in a sea of billowing backs, flowed around on either side by a half-mile current of crazy bufialoes. Here was abundant opportunity to shoot, but not the slightest anxiety for doing so. I was safe ; I had COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 75 such a view of buffaloes as I never could have ex- pected, never would enjoy again. This was all-suffi- cient to me. I stood and studied the host with de- vouring eyes, while my horse snorted and pulled at the bridle in a passion of enthusiasm. The herd were about five minutes in passing me. During that time I saw the calves which Munger was looking for, and Thompson's much desiderated cows, beside numerous yearlings and two-year-olds, both bulls and heifers. There also appeared here and there a veteran bull, carrying about him the marks of bat- tle in the form of a stiff or broken .leg, or a bad scar in the flank. One old fellow made as good time on three legs as any of his comrades on four, though his useless member was in front, where most of the strain falls in running. His progress was absolutely com- ical. He reminded me of an aged ape hopping, with one hand on the ground to steady him, and his coun- tenance wore the most whimsical expression, his mat of hair being torn off in places, so as to disclose more of his features than I ever saw in any other buffalo. As he scrambled past in steady-by-jerks. Dundreary style, he seemed saying, " To be bothered in this way at my time of life ! " When the herd had passed, and joined the body I had lately been chasing, the combined force stopped about half a mile ahead. I turned, as the last lag- gards panted by the mound, and, for the first time since I reached my elevation, paid attention to the westward. Then I understood why the stampeders had halted so soon. They had come up with the main herd! Yes, there, beyond peradventure, in my plain sight, grazed the entire buffalo army of Middle Kansas. As 76 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. far as the western horizon the whole earth was black with them. From a point a mile in front of me their rear line extended on the north to the bluffs bound- ing the Republican, on the south to the very sum- mits of the White Rock Buttes, an entire breadth of more than six miles. I had no way of measuring the unbounded plain, looking westerly ; but a man on horseback, in the clear air of the region, and with a field-glass of Voigtlander's as good as mine, can recog- nize an object of the size of a buffalo at ten miles' dis- tance. I will not add my name to the list of travel- lers who have stated undeniable truths that nobody would beUeve. When I say that a hundred square feet of room was an exaggerated average allowance to the individual buffalo in the close-packed herd be- fore me, I have contributed all the elements neces- sary to each of my readers for his personal calcula- tion of the number in sight. I never saw any Eastern acquaintance who would credit me when I stated my own estimate diminished by one half Let it be enough to acknowledge that it reaches millions. As for comparisons, flies on a molasses barrel, ants on an ant-hill, tadpoles in a puddle, all these strong but vul- gar similitudes fail to express the ideas of multitude awakened by looking at that mighty throng. Arith- metic is as petty to the task as the lightning calcular tor to the expression of a hurricane. I have seen the innumerable herd of laughing waves in a broad sunny sea ; I have seen the same multitude lashed to mad- ness by a tropical cyclone ; I remember my first and my succeeding impressions of Niagara ; but never did I see an incarnation of vast multitude, or resistless force, which impressed me like the main herd of the buffalo. The desire to shoot, kill, and capture utterly COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 77 passed away. I only wished to look, and look till I could realize or find some speech for the greatness of Nature that silenced me. I had gazed for nearly an hour, when it suddenly occurred to me that more than twice that time had elapsed since I saw any of my comrades. I referred to the sun, for I had no watch in my hunting-shirt, and saw that it was at least three o'clock in the after- noon. I took one last look at the buffaloes, and came down from my mount of vision. The way back I was quite certain of It seemed the easiest thing in the world to retrace my steps. I remounted Nig, and be- gan pushing for home. I remembered that our camp was nearly clue north from a certain characteristic butte of the White Rock range. I resolved to bring this butte abreast of me, travelling down the middle of the plain, between it and the Republican, then to strike due north for the river, over the ground which had become familiar to us through two days' hunt. This matter was easier to promise than accomplish. I little knew the deception of which a traveller was susceptible on these endlessly uniform divides. I might almost as well have hoped to travel by foam- marks on the waves of the sea as by any idiosyncra- sies in this rolling sward. But as yet I was ignorant and happy. My chief troubles were the now plainly apparent fatigue of my horse, reacting from his late enthusi- asm ; a pair of badly sun-burnt hands, the bridle one of which, being the more exposed, was swollen into a very respectable red velvet pincushion, and felt as if it had been dipped in a jar of aqua-fortis. I was also exceedingly hungry, and had been unwise enough to 78 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. leave camp without so much as a piece of hard-tack in my pocket. I might at least have brought out a canteen of pure water ; but not having anticipated a protracted absence from the river, I had neglected even that, and began to have a tongue like a tile. My horse gradually became so used up, that I lay down with his long halter in my hand, and let him crop his dinner by piecemeal while I rested, for fif- teen minutes at a time. I found a large sunflower, whose root I pulled up and ate ; but the food was rather scanty, and whetted my appetite as a relish, in- stead of satisfying it like a meal. But my greatest suf- fering presently came on in the form of intense thirst. Before I reached the point abreast of the White Rock Butts, whence I was to commence my north- erly course, I was in veritable torment. I felt like a German Zwieback, dry-rusked through and through by a sun which pelted mercilessly on that shadeless waste, hot as our Eastern July. I was reduced to such a deplorable demoralization that I cheerfully, nay joyfully, consented to relieve myself, over and over again, in a way at whose very mention I had shud- dered when the old hunters told me of it in camp. I lay down by the side of those stagnant rain-puddles which stand in basins of hard-pan on the top of the divides, and, plunging my face in to the very eye- brows, drank ravenously, right over the hoof-marks of the buffaloes. Sometimes the water was thicker than cream with mud; sometimes red with the de- jections of the herd ; always as hot as blood, — yet I thought no more of these things than if I were a buffalo myself For the first time I fully understood the sufferings of travellers in the desert. When I afterward came to experience those sufferings my- COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 79 self, I found them but little worse than that trial on the Kansas Plains. Reaching the line of range I had selected, I struck due north for the river, sure of finding our camp and overjoyed at the prospect. I looked from the edge of the bluff, after a toilsome trudge of three miles on a tired horse, and saw everything to convince me that my course had been correct. Between the bluff and the river stretched a swale of dry grass, bounded by two expanses of green herbage ; the first bottom of the river descended by two well-marked curving terraces ; there was a fine old cotton-wood grove, with a pair of gaps in it where the beavers had been felling ; above this grove I saw a broad yellow sand- bar running diagonally half-way across the Repub- lican ; and to the eastward the river made a short curve toward me, narrowing the view of its bank to a mere strip, which was studded thickly with new timber-growth. Every feature which I have related was the fac-simile of a corresponding environment about our camp. I descended, as I thought, through the very draw by which we had yesterday approached the buffalo on foot. The likeness became more and more perfect as I went down. The same grotesque forms pre- sented by the profile of a precipice of indurated sand, the same arrangement of bushes, the same puddle to which the relieved sentinel came down when we fired our first shots, the same well-worn buffalo-path leading through the draw to the river. I chirruped cheerfully to Nig, as in assurance that we should soon reach home, and struck into the broad river-bottom with renewed patience. I reached the river without seeing any novel feature in the land- 80 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. scape, entered the cotton-wood grove, came to the very water's edge, — and found nowhere a trace of human kind. I thought it must be a joke. The party had played some trick on me. They were punishing me for my long absence by hiding in the timber near by. But then where were the wagons? Where the horses, the wheel-tracks, — above all, where was the burnt spot left by our camp-fire ? I had to confess that this was not our camp. It needs no explanation to understand how with that confession came a full assurance of the fact that I was about as badly lost as it is possible for a man to be. If there were one place exactly like our camp, there might be fifty. And so there were. Should I go up or down the river ? I concluded on the latter course. I calculated as nearly as possible my distance from home when I reached the main herd, and found it unlikely that I could have made enough return with my tired horse to have brought me abreast of the camp again. I set off along the edge of the river timber, at the best rate my horse could travel. A mile down I was stopped by an impassable swamp, running entirely across from the foot of the bluff to the river bottom. The water vegetation in it was almost tropically rank, and its pools swarmed with ducks. I had no time or thought for shooting. I dismounted from my horse, and, find- ing the bluff loose and sandy ten feet up, I led him along its slope around the marsh, in momentary dan- ger of his falling on me, and both of us going into the bog. We now entered a thick wood, containing some of the grandest old trees I ever saw in my life. They COMSTOCK'S.— A BUFFALO HUNT. 81 were mostly elms and cotton-woods, with an occasional oak, primeval in their size and luxuriance, making the ground under them black with the shadow of their dense foliage, and exhibiting tree-forms which might fill an artist with rapture. They grew entirely without underbrush, on a damp, velvety lawn of short grass, expanding their immense arms at the top of shafts a hundred feet in height, locking them together into their impenetrable roof, with graceful curves and grotesque angles, that surpassed anything in human architecture. It was one of those places continually met with in this region, which so strongly simulate human cultivation that the traveller finds it almost impossible to believe he is not in the park of some lordly demesne. To this feeling all wild animals contribute, but far beyond the rest, the gregarious buftalo, by making paths so like those of a well reg- ulated country-seat that everybody exclaims at the first sight of them, " Inhabited after all ! " These are thoroughly well beaten, straight as a gardener could lay them out, or following the conformation of the land in curves that could not be bettered. To add to the human suggestions of the delicious grove I had entered, two such paths crossed each other in its centre. I found one of them a pleasant relief to my tired horse. Pursuing it for half a mile, we emerged from the grove, or more properly became immersed in a thicket. Thorn-bushes hanging covered with wisps of buffalo hair recently scraped off, alternated with springy saplings, which in turn tore and flogged us, till I should have been driven back had there been any way out of the fix except forward. Patience, and an occasional use of my bowie-knife, at last 82 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. hacked us out to daylight ; but the view that broke on me was as little satisfactory as the thicket. A nar- row rift, eight feet deep and three wide, its nearer side a moist, springy clay, opened at my feet, discharging a small stream into the river. I tied my horse for a moment, plunged down into the fissure, and drank till it seemed as if I should burst. Climbing up again, I surveyed the opposite bank. It was the side of the main bluff itself, thirty feet high, and slanting at an angle of little less than seventy degrees. The river had curved around to meet it past the marsh and wood which I had just traversed, cutting away the first bottom entirely. But this I did not know till afterward. I explained the nearness of the river to the precipice, by supposing that the bed of the for- mer had fallen within the last two miles sufficiently to bring the first bottom as high above it as the blufif here appeared. Upon this, I reasoned that I must, after all, have struck the stream too far below our camp. Still, rather than turn back through the thicket, I would try crossing the rift and ascending to the top of the bluff, where I would have smooth ground for my return. The difficulty was how to get my horse over. There was no standing-room for a single pair of hoofs at the base of the bluff across the ditch. I accordingly built myself a bridge. In the first place, I flung lumps of clay from the springy side into the fissure, until I had a surface nearly enough even with the edge to receive a superstructure of sticks hacked from the thicket. On this treacherous fascine, which it took me a perspiring hour to com- plete, I managed to support the hind hoofs of my horse till he could dig his front ones into the bluff. I then ran before him, caught his bridle, and scaled COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUKT. 83 the height, with the noble fellow scrambling up after me as deftly and almost as perpendicularly as a climb- ing monkey. I never saw a horse east of the Mississippi that could have comprehended and met the situation like Nig. Whoever came after us to our bridge of fascines, must have thought that a very badly edu- cated company of beavers had been there. I wandered for a quarter of a mile down the river. The banks grew higher and higher with every rod. I found no sign of human life anywhere, save the remains of a Sioux camp. The occupants had not been long gone ; some of their lodge-poles lay in a bundle near the fire-place, and around it were still standing the crotched sticks on which they hung their pots. I had no anxiety to meet Sioux ; and as the hope of encountering my companions seemed increasingly slight in this direction, I turned and began retracing my steps, leading my horse by the bridle. Poor Nig was so battered by his day's strain and hunger that I could make better time in this way than on his back. A new misfortune now appeared to me. What scriptural writer says that trouble does not come out of the ground ? He had never contemplated a series of draws, with precipitous sides, running a mile into the heart of a bluff upon whose edge he was travel- ling, with a tired horse, and used-up personality. Here was a trouble resulting from the ground, which might well excuse imprecation. Did none of my readers ever get into a situation where Nature's obstacles seemed to have been created on purpose for him ? I had descended one of these reentrant draws at imminent peril to my neck, and climbed the other side with a difficulty only con- 84 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. quered by desperation ; I had made a detour of at least a mile, to get around another one, which looked absolutely untraversable ; I now came to a third, with sides literally precipitous. Its walls were fifty feet high, and ran sinuously, eating about into the plain further than I could see, with numerous lateral ramifications. After several vain attempts to flank these trenches of Nature, I came back to the edge of the bluff, and considered myself I was lost, faint, sick ; my horse quite worn out, and the sun not an hour high. I was uncomfortably near the Sioux, who a few days before had taken a Colorado soldier, on a hunt from Fort Kearney and lost like myself; had robbed him of horse, ammunition, arms, all he had in the world ; pulled out his beard, and left him naked as he was born, forty miles from the nearest white trapper. I made up my mind that I would descend the first practicable draw, cross the river, picket my horse, make a supper of sunflower-roots and wild onions, and camp down under my saddle-blankets, and with the returning light renew my search for our camp, along the northern and more level bank of the Republican. I was pretty sure that I could find the ford we had crossed, by hunting for our wheel-tracks. I accordingly led my horse down the nearest ramifi- cation of the great draw, and with great difficulty, for the bottom was a perfect slough, escaped from my embarrassments upon the low level of the river bank. Before I leave this entanglement of horrors, I must not omit to say that just before descending, I shot my first antelope. He was grazing on the side of a divide, quite six hundred yards off, to the naked eye appearing only a small brown spot in the sunshine. I wanted meat so badly that I never asked myself HUFKALO CALVES. See page 70. '-^-■^^ \ WOLVES ATTACKING A WnrNDED I!l KKAI.O. See piiite Si; COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 85 the question how I was going to get round to him, and pack him home. He had not seen or scented me when I lay down in the grass and poised my Bal- lard, which nominally put up for five hundred yards, but at that distance invariably threw the ball above, unless allowance was made for its habits. I spent as much time in calculating my aim as a boy of ten over a sum in division, and fired resting on my elbows. My brown spot went up into the air with one convulsive spring, turned a cart-wheel, and fell on his side in his tracks. The next moment I saw how impossible it was to get him, but went down the draw excusing the murder by a promise to go after him to-morrow. When that morrow came, he was a clean skeleton, picked by the wolves. Though I had not the meat, I had gained a pride and a confidence in my weapon which were everything to a man in my position, — and hugged it close to my breast ere I swung it round to my back, not knowing how often it might have to save my life before I saw camp again. I had many occasions to love that rifle afterwards ; and I should be ungrateful indeed, if I did not say that the Ballard breech-loader is, without a single exception, the best arm for Western work that was ever invented. In good hands, it fires seven balls a minute with perfect accuracy, having all the advantages ever practically used in a repeater ; it is the simplest in its mechanism of all breech-loading weapons, and never once got out of order during a daily use of eight months. Its breech is absolutely powder-tight, through the very construction of its cartridge ; this cartridge is an entire load, including percussion material, and cleans the bore in leaving it; nothing can be more portable, simpler, safer. The 86 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. man who is competent to use a rifle at all need never miss with it, and one who has made its acquaintance will never be without it in the wilderness. K this be high praise, I can only say that every expert who has seen its performance agrees with me. Over and over again in the far West, old hunters became so enam- ored of it as to offer me its original cost, several times told. I was half way across the first bottom when the sun went out of sight. Simultaneously with his disappearance, the wolves seemed to be assembling for jubilee. In every quarter I could see one of either the big gray or the coyote variety. They did not seem alarmed at me, and sat up on their haunches like so many shepherd dogs, in a circle around me and poor tired Nig, making the air dismal with their dis- cordant howls. I was not afraid of them, for they never attack a man unless mad with hunger ; but their presence, worn out as I was, filled me with gloom and foreboding. They seemed like harpy old women at a country funeral, crowding around to get a last look at the corpse. Moreover, they might at- tack my picketed horse in force during the night; and personal affection for him after my trial of his intelligent faithfulness, to say nothing of my own loneliness if he were killed, made me very anxious not to lose him. Despite the depression begotten of the wolves, my spirits had still to touch their zero point. Crossing the river bottom about a hundred rods from me, I presently saw a man, coatless, hatless, and, to my field-glass, of a rich-brown complexion, black-haired, and carrying a gun. So this was the meaning of the deserted Sioux camp on the bluff! How far off were the rest of the band ? COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 87 I knew it would not do to show the white feather. I leaped on my horse, whom I had still been leading, and rode toward the savage, hallooing with all my might. He stopped for a minute, eyed me curiously, took down his gun, thought better of it, and left for the neighboring timber. Upon this I put spurs to poor Nig, who met the exigency with all his reserve capital of speed. In five minutes more I was on the brink of the river. Directly opposite, on the northern bank, stood a snow-white tent, and above it floated St. George's Cross ! If Robinson Crusoe, in one of his goat hunts, had suddenly come to the offtce of the British consulate, he could not have been taken more aback by that sight than I by this ! I rubbed my eyes to make sure that it was not a dream of exhausted nerves and an empty stomach. But my horse gave a joyful neigh, which was quickly answered by several of the same sort, in the tent's immediate neighborhood. I knew horses were not given to nervous hallucination, and, without any at- tempt to explain a verdict which could not be im- pugned, plunged Nig into the Republican, and forded to the opposite shore. A bluff, jolly Englishman, of undeniable Pall Mall flavor, hailed me as I touched the bank, and pointed out the access to his camp. This was pitched on high ground, surrounded by a slough except at one narrow point, which was cov- ered with the densest forest and undergrowth. If an Englishman's house is his castle, his camp in this instance was still more so. Twenty resolute white men could have defended it against a thousand Sioux. Nothing in the defenses of Washington was stronger 88 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. by natural position. If the Rev. Clarence FitzPotts, with his love of the Mediaeval had been there, he would have erected a ruined donjon keep upon it immediately. With all the aid of friendly showing, I spent a full half-hour in getting round to shake the hands I had seen extended to me on my landing. I never knew that the sight of a British flag, and the sound of the British accent, could make me as glad as I was when I reached the camp. I was received with a genuine cordial welcome, which made me forgive Liverpool and the " Morning Post." My new acquaintance and his comrades were members of Lord Lyons's embassy, out on a buffalo hunt like myself. They had come all the way from Washington to see a herd, but as yet had not sighted a single bull. I was able to give them cheering news, and encourage them with the prospect of approaching reward for a difficult jour- ney. They had turned off in the wrong direction from the high northern divide, and found a series of bad draws and rough hammocks, which much ham- pered their progress. It was as John Gilbert had said. His unerring eye had not failed him. I now saw what a good thing for me it had proved that they went astray. Such a happy providence is not vouchsafed to one man in a thousand as this discovery of white friends and civilized shelter, when lost in the wild heart of the Continent. It is hardly necessary to say that the Indian I had seen proved to be an attache of the party. He had gone out hunting, and, when he returned, had a story as interesting as my own, about a savage figure start- ing from the grass. My horse was picketed. I had made amends for COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 89 the day's inanition by a hearty supper of Yarmouth bloaters, Scotch marmalade, toasted pilot-bread, canned beef, and English breakfast tea. There was a dreamy quiet over the whole twilight landscape, and I sat in it smoking my pipe, with a sense of perfect rest, only broken by my appreciation of the anxiety which would be felt for me by my party. I had finished my pipe, and sat chatting with one of the party, when another member came from the tent with a troubled face, and asked me if I knew anything about medicine. " Too much," I replied : " who is sick of it now ?" " Mr. has just been attacked with terrible distress in the epigastrium. He is suffering from wretched cramps, and I don't know but he may be in serious danger." I saw that his trouble was only one of our ordinary Western summer affairs, and, knowing that it would presently cure itself, set to work to relieve the imme- diate pain. I had one of the servants build a roaring fire, and set on it a camp-kettle full of water. In about five minutes this was scalding hot, and I kept a steady express-train of towels, freshly wrung out of it, running between it and the epigastric station re- ferred to. This treatment was an instantaneous success in more senses than one. It not only quieted the pa- tient's pain, but brought relief to the anxiety of his friends. When the bright fire I had made leapt up into the dark, it became a beacon to two despondent horsemen, who were searching vainly for me on the southern bluff. They immediately pushed for it ; and nearly an hour after the first towel had started from the kettle. Hunger and John Gilbert appeared at the 90 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. further bank of the river, and shouted, " Halloo ! " I left my patient sinking into a pleasant sleep, and dis- closed to them myself and my safety, after which I had the pleasure of piloting them round the slough by the same path which had led me to camp. They were as glad to see me as I to see them. I found that they had been in search of me for three hours, having returned from their hunt to dinner, and started out again to look me up soon after that. I in- troduced them to my new friends, got them supper, and then we all camped down under our blankets (my friends had thoughtfully brought mine out to me), to await the daylight that should enable us to return. The impression in our own camp had been that I was killed or horribly mangled by some old bull, whom I had brought to bay. Such things happen every sea- son ; and the fact that Nig was famous for his pluck in riding up to the very head of the buffalo whom his master had wounded, did not diminish the fear of my friends in my behalf I further found that I had been within a mile of our camp, when I struck the high bluff where I found the deserted Indian camp. I learned a new fact about the bluffs of the Republican. They do not run par- allel with the river, but alternately recede and ap- proach, making the river bottom a succession of am- phitheatres, the ends of whose semicircles rise precip- itously from the water, like the bluff in question. Had I known this fact, I should not have been misled by the conformation of the land. The very next amphi- theatrical bottom below the Indian bluff was the one on which our party lay encamped. This had been a day of curious good fortune to me, COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 91 though I regretted to think that it all arose from some corresponding misfortune on the part of my British friends. If they had not diverged from their course on the northern divide, I should have crossed the river to-night, only to change my place of deso- lation ; there would have been no British flag here to gladden an American eye. If my friend had not been attacked in the epigastrium, I should have built no fire. Had I built none, my comrades would have turned back to camp in despair. They had just con- cluded to do so, when my beacon flamed up through the dark. I thought of these things with a tendency to philosophize, but Zeno himself would have gone to sleep after such a day as I had spent. In five min- utes, thoughtless and philosophers, we were all " saw- ing gourds " together in the land of Nod. The sun was not half an hour high when our blan- kets were strapped behind our saddles, and we our- selves had shaken hands with our kind hosts. We had gone as far as Turkey Draw, a wet ravine about four miles from the English camp (and very well named, as the rapid departure from their nests of several turkey-hens at our approach convinced us), when we caught sight of two fine bufialo on the broad meadow, bordering the opposite side of the draw. I felt glad of an opportunity for retrieving myself, and bringing a little meat home to camp, after my long absence. So I stole quietly across the stream into its fringing timber, and, dismounting from Nig, took steady aim at the nearest buffalo. He was grazing with his haunches toward me. The ball broke his right hip, and he plunged away on three legs, the other swinging useless. I leapt on my horse, put spurs to him, and was in three minutes close on the bull's 92 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. rear. To my astonishment, and the still greater sur- prise of the two old hunters who came after me, the unhurt bull stuck to his comrade's side without flinch- ing. I fired another shot, which took effect in the lungs of the first buffalo ; the second sheered off for a moment, but instantly returned to his friend. The wounded buffalo became distressed, and slackened his pace ; the unwounded one not only retarded his, but actually stopped, came to the rear of his friend, and stood with his head down, offering battle ! This was the first instance of such fidelity known to Hunger, John Gilbert, or any old hunter to whom I have re- lated it. The buffalo bull, in pairing season, will forsake his wounded cow ; the cow will not stand a moment to protect her hurt calf; yet here was a devotion which had no instinct to inspire it, an ideal camaraderie rare even among men. The sight was to all three of us a sublime one. We could no more have , accepted the challenge of this brave creature than we could have smitten Damon at the side of Pythias. Epic bull ! Bull worthier of heroic bronzes than half the man- made heroes who prance in brass on public squares ! I had once in college a bosom friend like thee. How strangely the grotesque intertwines with our life's dearest things, and becomes transfigured above laugh- ter, when those things are consecrated of death ! My friend was called, in the rude style of man's endear- ment, "Our little Buffalo Bull," — for he was strong, vital, impetuous, and came from the Lake City of New York State, which gave him the former half of his soubriquet. If that man were by my side in peril, brave bull, he would stick by his friend to the death, as thou by thine. But he fell at Seven Pines, in the COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 93 front of his regiment, with a ball through the bravest forehead that ever faced friend or foe. Go, noble bull ! I cannot shoot ! I wish I had not slain thy brother ! The wounded buffalo ran on to the border of the next wet draw, troubling us httle to keep up with him, and in attempting to cross fell headlong down the steep, oozy bank, and never rose again. Not till that moment, when courage was useless forever, did faithful Achates drop from the side of his ^Eneas, and consider his own safety in flight. We took off our hats to him as he walked sullenly away, and gave three cordial cheers to his departing form as it van- ished beyond the fringing timber. Having cut off the hump and the tongue of our game, we continued our way to camp, reaching it after about four miles' further travel. Persons desiring to know how I was received, will please consult " The Lost Heir," T. Hood author. Next to having thought your friend dead, and found out you were correct, there is nothing more disagreeable than to think so and find it a mistake. " So much good tears lost," as Talfourd said of a lady who cried all the way through Mrs. Siddons' "Rosalind," supposing it to be her Lady Constance. However, my recent misadventure re- sulted well, in having convinced us all of the propri- ety of a compact never hereafter to stray away from our own party on the Plains. When I had received the full measure due me of felicitation and scolding, the horses which, just as I arrived, had been put under saddle with the intention of going out to look up Hunger and John Gilbert, as well as myself, were brought back to their original positions, and, breaking up camp, we all set out for a meadow five miles further down the Republican, on 94 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. the same side. Our prevailing motive was to gratify Thompson's inextinguishable enthusiasm for cows. If he had been Juno's cestrum, poor lo would have fared even more pitiably than the poets tell us. Thompson was a capital fellow and shot ; but if I were called on in a court of justice to testify what I regarded the salient point of his character, candor would force me to confess "cows." Despite the failures of yesterday, he was as certain that a promised land of cows was flowing with milk and calves just beyond the far tim- ber as if he had been permitted to stand where Moses stood, and view the landscape o'er. It was impossi- ble not to catch the infection of such certainty. To be sure, I had seen the main herd in a diametrically opposite direction, and all the stampeded detachments fled that way ; but how so much conviction could be based on an entire absence of cow was a psychological problem we felt inadequate to solve. So we blithely set forth with Thompson, a boo-scopic fervor gleam- ing from every eye. Our way led along the first bottom through a broad dry slash of last year's grass, yellow as a wheat-field. We occasionally sent a turkey-hen rattling from her nest, as we approached a timbered draw, and saw an antelope or two, but no fresh buffalo-sign appeared, or anything else of striking interest. An hour's ride brought us to one of the forward-curving extremi- ties of the high bluff*, and we were compelled to ford the river to the low bottom on the other side. We had great difficulty in getting our wagons across. The middle of the most practicable ford we could find, proved to have as treacherous a quicksand bot- tom as one ever sees. Our horses fell, and were only kept from drowning by the most vigorous efforts to COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 95 keep their noses perpendicular. Our wagons sank so rapidly, that, to save their tires from following their hubs out of sight, we were all compelled to strip our- selves, plunge in, unload them, and carry their con- tents to the shore. The water rose over the bottom- boards, and there stopped as we got the last box of hard-tack safe to land. We then hitched our saddle horses, which with the buggy had crossed safely, by extempore breast-straps and their picket-ropes, to the tugs of our struggling wagon-teams, and managed to unslough them just in time. The sun was as bright, the sky as clear, as yester- day, and all the party, more especially myself, with a red-hot pincushion for a hand, were greatly fa- tigued and perspired. Halting our horses to rest un- der the shade of some fine old cotton-woods between the river and the open, we plunged back into the Re- publican, and sucked refreshment through every pore, during a bath which lasted nearly an hour. Over and above this delightful relief, our swim had some inter- esting scientific results, which I transfer almost verba- tim from the hurried pages of my field-book, apologiz- ing for any deficiency which may be found in definite- ness of nomenclature, by the fact that in such circum- stances as ours an amateur scientist has neither books nor tests, except his own memory and intuitions. 1. Along the river banks, and in holes of its bed, we found several strong chalybeate springs, with bog- iron about their spiracles. Everywhere we discovered iron ore of some kind in immediate proximity to the water. Much of it was peroxide mixed into a yellow mass with clay; but we found some specimens of black-scale that were almost virgiif-pure, — certainly, I should say, reaching ninety per cent, of metal. It 96 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. appeared in large enough quantities to make its work- ing indubitably valuable, when the Pacific Railroad shall have given an outlet to the products of the Plains. 2. We found, both above and under water, slate in every stage of its formation, from the soft layer of clay, newly compacted into a slab, to the hardest kind of uncrystalline shale. When we dug down and brought up masses of the river bottom, they were laminated in parallel bands of varying color, which showed us plainly, as if written in characters of light, the succes- sive periods of changing detritus brought down by the stream. Some of the masses cracked across with a true slaty fracture, square and straight, breaking under slight pressure. Some bent like fresh clay. All laminated easily. A large number of specimens con- tained shells ; some of the older masses had them fossilized ; and in none did they belong to any species whose living representatives we could find along the stream. Most of them were acephalous, — allied to the clam ; some of them had corrugated valves ; one or two, the cardinal expansion of the scallop. Several were ostracidce. One particularly hard lump of clay- rock, which laminated with comparative difficulty, was a perfect congeries of gasteropod univalves, both fossil shell and cast remaining perfect. What sur- prised me most was to find slate containing these obsolete shells, so soft and so inchoate in its own petri- faction ; also to find such abundance of perfect fossils in clay -shale at all. All geologists know that through- out our Eastern region this friable rock is the poorest possible receptacle for the preservation of remains. I ascribe the durability of the matrix in the present instance to a small per cent, of lime acting as a ce- ment. COMSTOCK'S. - A BUFFALO HUNT. 97 3. Numerous flat plates of a yellow argillaceous limestone came up from the bed of the river, and were found in situ on its bank. These did not lami- nate, but broke across with as square a fracture as the slate. The lime was in combination, — probably an impure gypsum; but as to that, in the absence of chemical tests, I could only judge by a sulphurous taste and smell at the fracture. 4. Everywhere in the river appeared a very re- markable conglomerate, and like the slate in exhib- iting all the stages of formation. The matrix was the blue clay of the bank, the rubble was the gravel of the bottom. It was most interesting to read the his- tory of its formation in the progressive specimens. A lump of heavy clay breaks off the shore, and is rolled over the pebbles of the bed by a rapid shallow current, which presently gives it a spherical, oval, or cylindrical contour, and studs it with a mass of small imbedded stones. As these sink deeper, the clay laps over them, and begins catching a new layer of pebbles on its fresh surface. Some less recent balls which we brought up from the bed were two feet in circumfer- ence, and little else than a mass of pebbles, cemented by hardened clay. Several were so compacted and indurated that the surface seemed nearly as homoge- neous as porphyry, the matrix having become little less hard than the flintiest pebbles. This sight staggered me in my own preconceived view, and that of many geologists, regarding the igneous origin of the harder conglomerates. From what I saw I could well conceive how the very hard- est might have been the result of mere water-opera- tions. I had regarded the pebbles of igneous origin, found in conglomerates, as presumptive proof of the 98 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. same origin for the whole mass. But the pebbles in any conglomerate might easily have been the detritus rolled from hypogene rocks down the bed of a stream with tenacious clay banks like the Republican. This view opened to me a new .field of speculation upon the aqueous and igneous theories of many formations. 5. The pebbles and breccia-like detritus which in- here in the above conglomerates, are exceedingly diversified. I found among other water- worn detritus, appearing in patches between the clay and quick- sand of the bottom, every possible kind of silicious material, such as agate, pure quartz crystal, smoky, rosy, and cloudy quartz, cornelian (impure), cellular quartz, and quartz united with feldspar and horn- blende, or both, in all proportions and manners. One specimen of the cellular kind, associated with fibrous hornblende, was peculiarly beautiful, and resembled some of the rich auriferous specimens which I after- ward found in the Colorado mines (Gregory and Bob- tail lodes). All these minerals I regard as brought down by the ice and current from the head of the Re- publican, which, despite the United States Survey maps, is in all probability to be found as far west as Denver, and thirty miles south. They are all of Rocky Mountain formations, and resemble no outcrop in the region where I found them. 6. To a similar source may be ascribed the small particles of mica discovered in the ferruginous sand of the bed. In my field-book I wrote "must" instead of "may," but after discoveries made it necessary for me to suspend a decision. When I reached Fort Kearney, Lieutenant Davis, then garrison command- ant, showed me a specimen of mica which he had found, with many others Hke it, in clay beds on the COMSTOCK'S.— A BUFFALO HUNT. 99 Republican, about twenty miles above our second ford. I could not gather from his description as to whether it lay apparently in situ or washed in with other debris. If the former be the true case, it opens the same in- teresting question regarding the aqueous or igneous origin of mica, which a little above was started about the conglomerate. If the formation of mica can be gradual and aqueous, like that of clay shale, Lieuten- ant Davis' specimen would be an excellent illustration of the mineral in its earlier stages. It was so soft that, although in a tabular prism and nearly quite transparent, I could scratch it almost as easily as putty, and scrape its edges into powder with my nail, and without scaling off the laminae. At first sight it appeared like calc-spar, and not till it refused to effer- vesce with acids did it occur to me to try its cleav- age, when it laminated with ease to an indefinite thinness, each sheet showing a perfect micaceous iri- descence on the surface. 7. I also found an immense boulder of almost pure feldspar, the largest mass not distinctly crystalline that I have ever seen. It was as hard as iron, of a nearly similar weight, and about three feet in circum- ference. 8. Near our first ford I found a small outcrop of impure shaly-brown coal, of no apparent commercial value. Butler told me that he had seen an outcrop- ping seam of coal on the Little Blue Bluffs back of the ranch. I had no time to go and examine it, — can- not therefore be certain that it is true coal, — but am inclined to believe both this and the Republican out- crop of the same period as contemporary with much which I afterward found near Denver, and which was indubitably tertiary. Of that we shall speak further. 100 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. From, our ford we moved down along the north bank to the intersection of the Fort Riley and Fort Kearney trail with the Republican first bottom. In some places the track was so overgrown with grass that it needed John Gilbert's eyes to find it, and con- siderable imagination to conceive how it could have been but a few years ago a comparatively important route from the Kaw to the Rocky Mountains. At this point a decayed old bridge of logs overhung a small stream emptying into the Republican, and just above it the beaver dams were plentier and more interest- ing than we anywhere saw them during our journey. We here halted for dinner; and Thompson's cows not having yet turned up with any fresh steak, we were compelled to feed on canned provisions. These dis- posed of, Munger, the artist, and myself continued in the buggy along a beautifully smooth, grassy bottom, with gigantic cotton-woods fringing the river all the way, to a point about a mile above the junction of White Rock Creek with the Republican. Here we picketed our horses, and prepared to camp down, building a magnificent fire of old logs, with a hollow cotton-wood for a chimney. Thompson finally ap- peared to tell us that the others had got tired, and were camping four miles above, also to ask if we had seen any cows. We all the more regretted to say that we had not, inasmuch as the wagons contained our whole commissariat, and we were hungry enough to have done anything for a supper except reharness and ride back four miles after we had camped down for the night. Thompson returned to the base of supplies, and we went to bed supperless. Substance being denied us, we were fain to content ourselves with shadows. Our feet lay toward the river bank, and COMSTOCK'S. — A BUFFALO HUNT. 101 our magnificent, though purely ornamental fire made the gigantic white trunks and grotesque gnarled branches of the cotton-woods overhanging the stream dance and flicker like ghosts in a dream. I think this was one of the noblest chiaro-oscuro effects of fire-light that I ever saw in my life. Below us murmured the river, repeating the sky's purple twilight on its smooth depths, and glinting with diamond sparks from our flame on its fretful shallows. The air was the perfec- tion of breathableness, — softer, purer, clearer than anything east of the plains around Mount Shasta. The next morning we rejoined our companions just in time to cook our breakfast on the remains of their kitchen. I began to feel terribly sick of meat, and, in my rage for vegetables, broke my bowie-knife dig- ging wild onions. After this exploit, costing me a splendid weapon irreplaceable short of Denver, we made a ragout of onions and salt pork, which I can- not recommend to anybody living near Delmonico's, washed our dishes in the Republican, and turned north again toward the ranch. We reached Comstock's about two in the afternoon, with less buffalo-meat than we should have liked, but an experience of one of the loveliest and most inter- esting regions on the Continent; a region which the Pacific Railroad will make the most valuable farming- land between St. Louis and California. CHAPTER ni. FROM THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. On the 29th of May, our party were obliged to divide. We had waited several nights without find- ing a westward stage which would contain us all. Accordingly two of us stayed behind, while our two friends squeezed themselves into an overcrowded coach, where one at least of the passengers took it as a personal insult, using language unparliamentary and profane. Hunger had promised to send us on an empty coach from Atchison, during the next few days ; for this our friends were to telegraph when they reached Kearney. I was not sorry to stay with the Comstocks a lit- tle longer. We were both of us charmed with their original and kindly characters, and they never tired of hearing us talk about the great East. Apropos of that, John Gilbert told me that next year he was going east on a visit. I gave him a cordial invitation to come and see me, when he replied naively, " I don't think I shall get beyond Chicago." What a revelation ! How far west must we be, when going to Chicago was going east ! And yet we were only two hundred miles on a road numbering more than as many thousands. From the Comstocks we learned more of the social condition of Kansas and Nebraska than all editorials and speeches had ever taught us at the East. To a lEAX BAPTISTE MONOUEVIE. See page 104. l'(,n!Tl!AlT OK cnMSTOCK. See page 24 THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 103 remarkable extent this family had kept the good of frontier life, and shed aside the evil. I regarded them as in all respects trustworthy and unbiased historians of the events of the last few years ; yet they revealed to me a condition of affairs which was appalling. Nobody could suspect them of a bias toward the accursed system which had originally caused all the border troubles ; so I was obliged to beheve them when they said that bushwhacking, robbery, murder, jayhawking in general, had been committed under the sacred name of Liberty and the detested name of Slavery alike. Border Ruffianism had spread far beyond its original clique. In every small settlement or settled region, the party in power for the time had called to its aid all the means of vi- olence which coerced the first Free State men. If a settler did not lend himself to the tyranny in vogue, he was marked for plunder or destruction. Armed parties surrounded his house in the night, brought him out and shot or hanged him, confiscated his goods, drove off his cattle, and sent his family into the bush. This was done in the name of the cause most popular at the time, and for much of it no cause was responsible. It was mere organized pillage under a convenient party name, and got so lucrative that jayhawking absorbed into its profession all the bold, unscrupulous spirits who spurned the slow re- wards of industry; and it became as dangerous for a hard-working bond fide settler to become a "suspect," as honest people found it in the French Reign of Ter- ror. The Comstocks had seen men in whose loyalty to the Union and freedom they had as much confi- dence as in their own, utterly broken up and ruined by jay hawkers, pretending to represent those holy 104 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. interests ; they had sheltered from the halter and the pistol hunted acquaintances, whose only crime was the possession of property which the jayhawkers found valuable. For the last three days of our stay at Comstock's, a very interesting man was visiting there. Jean Baptiste Moncrevie, the Indian interpreter, is sixty- eight years of age, yet looks scarcely over fifty ; full of French grace, fire, and vivacity, grafted with American humor. He was educated in Paris, mar- ried, came over to this country to make his way in one of the professions, lost his wife in her first child- bed, and became insane. He recovered his sanity . after a protracted period, but the energy of his life was gone. He had no further ambition ; the thought of succeeding in the world was a mockery to a man who had lost the world's highest success. To get away from old associations, he went "West with Audu- bon, and became so well acquainted with frontier life that at the close of the ornithological tour he deter- mined to stay among the Indians. He is now per- fectly conversant with six different Indian languages, — the Sioux, Pawnee, Arapahoe, Blackfeet, Crow, and Flathead. He furnished me with some vocabularies, valuable not only in the practical, but the philolog- ical point of view. All the material which we pro- cured in this specialty, during our entire tour, we forwarded to Mr. George Gibbs, of the Smithsonian, whose book on the Indian languages must only be worthy of the opportunities he has enjoyed, and the erudition he possesses, to be the most complete dic- tionary, grammar, and comparative philology of sav- age speech ever issued in any country. Moncrevie's stories amused us much. I never heard a man de- THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 105 scribe an Indian " soldier-feast " as comically as he did. For the benefit of the uninitiated, let me say that this happy banquet consists of a series of the most frightful messes which ever entered a witch cauldron. For instance, there will be a ragout of dog, flavored with mud and sole-leather ; a soup of lizards, pig-gristle, and wild onions ; an enormous salmis of old mule and sunflower leaves. Your host is most generous with his provender. He heaps your plate with the nauseous delicacies until you sit aghast. If you cannot eat your portion, you are technically said to be " killed," and have to buy some other convive to eat it for you with a valuable pres- ent. One elastic Indian of long practice will some- times eat two other men's portions beside his own, and feel no more inconvenience from them than an anaconda from a goat au naturel. Moncrevie had once to pay the most valuable horse he had, to get his mess eaten by a Sioux brave. As these are debts of honor, the most capacious glutton goes to a sol- dier-feast with all the avidity felt by a gray Wall Street bull for a "corner " in Harlem. Nowhere on our travels did we find better oppor- tunities for studying Western tree-formations than along the banks of the Little Blue. The varied structure of the cotton-woods was a perpetual sur- prise to us. They seem by their heart-shaped leaf to be near relations of the poplar family; but they have none of that tribe's stifle, unyielding individ- uality. The poplar, especially the Lombardy, is the Mr. Dombey of our sylva, but there is nothing of the starched-shirt-collar school in the attitudes or ex- pressions of the cotton-woods. They are protean in their simulations. One whose butt we used for our 106 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. rifle-target, about forty rods from Comstock's door, passed for a magnificent white-oak until we got near enough to examine its foliage ; and everywhere in the neighborhood these mimetic trees wore the mien of the elm, the ash, or the hickory. Nature on the Plains, like the poet Saadi, has but a limited vocab- ulary, yet makes a wonderfully polytoned music with her scant material. It was about eleven o'clock on the night of May 30th, that we broke away from the cordial grasp of our friends and entertainers, to resume our places in the Overland Coach. To give some idea of the cheap- ness of board and the generosity of soul existing in the Comstock ranch, I will chronicle that our bill amounted to twenty-five cents a meal for the days spent in-doors, nothing at all for our lodging, as lit- tle for the share of transportation and edibles which we had enjoyed during our hunt ; and that for the days elapsing between our return from the Repub- lican and our resumption of the road, we could only obtain the privilege of squaring our account by de- positing the debt as a concealed keepsake in Frank's and Mary's hands, and running away before they dis- covered what it was. "We were fortunate enough to find our favorite box-seats unoccupied, and mounted to them with great satisfaction, thus avoiding the dreadful grudge which is created in the minds of a stageful of in- sides, by new-comers entering at an inhuman hour, with a proposition to re-sort their heads and legs. For the first forty miles our road lay along the Little Blue. The light-and-shade effects on its dense Mnge of foliage, and occasional glimpses of its glid- ing water, were well worthy of an artist's enthusiasm. THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 107 Every turn of the road brought us into some new loveliness : some deep embowered dell, scented with the ethereal spice of the wild grape-vine ; some lofty bluff leaving us just space to pass by a dug-way be- tween it and the river (one such place, called the Narrows, awakens some anxiety in the breasts of travellers who have not been case-hardened to dan- ger farther west) ; some broad stretch of rolling plain, where the distances were vague and mystical, — and ours was the only living spot in the great solitude. Our first driver told us that Hunger, on his way back to Atchison from the ranch, had run down, with his buggy, drawn by Nig and Ben, a pair of young antelope kids a fortnight old, captured them, and carried them home with him in triumph ! That was indeed a buggy superior to its birth. What tales it will have to relate, when it finally gets invalided among the veteran stage-coaches in that Chelsea of vehicles, a wagon-shed ! how their venerable doors will open with astonishment at a buggy that has hunted buffalo and captured antelope ! During the night we accomplished three stations. Little Blue, Liberty Farm, and Lone Tree. We rode at the average Overland Stage rate of a little over one hundred miles in twenty-four hours. Our second driver was a fine-looking young fellow who interested us much. A year before, he had been at the very bot- tom of the pit of drunkenness,— as apparently hopeless a case as existed on the road. From that horror his good angel had brought him up once more to his per- fect manhood ; and now he refused the proffer of liquor from one of the passengers, with an earnest " no ! no, I thank you," which only seemed brusque to those who did not know his history, and contained in it the 108 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. significance of a whole youth of misery. Many times afterward, on stage-boxes between Nebraska and Cal- ifornia, I thought of that handsome young face, hop- ing to Heaven that its frank brown eyes might be beclouded by death before liquor should redim them. He impressed me as a soul whose inhabiting devil would be no common fiend. His face was so writ- ten with the possibilities of extreme feeling that it haunted one like Guido's "Beatrice." It grew light enough, before we reached the break- fast station at Thirty-two Mile Creek, for us to see at wide distances apart several ranch houses and corrals, one at least of which was steadily inhabited. This appeared at our crossing of Pawnee Creek, a shallow affluent of the Blue. Here, too, we found real pathos in the sight of a rudely inclosed little grave-yard, containing one large and one small headstone. Even in this loneliness a man might be left still more alone ! The country in general was as uninhabited as we saw it about Comstock's. Antelope abounded on all sides, scouring out of sight from within easy rifle-shot at every turn of our road. The day before, a hunter had shot an elk on the river bottom, but a few miles from Thirty-two Mile Creek, so large that he had to return to his camp, and send back a wagon for him. The journey from Thirty-two Mile Creek to Fort Kearney (a distance of thirty-five miles) disclosed to us increasing barrenness in the soil, accompanied by a corresponding change in the zone of the flora. Cac- tuses became a prominent feature on all the hot sand dunes ; a peculiar desert species of the Asclepias here and there began showing itself; and wherever the arid ground yielded any herbage, the succulent grass of the Little Blue region was replaced by the short, THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 109 wiry gramma. This little plant is the main support of the herds along the Platte. Both the emigrant cattle and the buffaloes are very fond of it, though their attachment seems rather eccentric to anybody who has ever examined it. If you can imagine an inventive genius who had discovered a method of making an article for army rations, called " Desiccated Corkscrews," his products would be an approximate imitation of the gramma. If I ever felt like decrying that intolerable old fallacy to the effect that figures don't lie, it was when I heard a ranchman mention the avoirdupois of an ox who had fed on gramma en- tirely. How it can be nutritive, needs chemistry to show ; that it is so, all the plainsmen aver, and their cattle seem to prove it. The ground rose perceptibly between breakfast and Fort Kearney. We climbed several of the loftiest and longest hills we had seen since leaving St. Louis. About twenty miles east of the fort, we seemed to reach the top of a new terrace, and thenceforward rode nearly all the way on a level sand-plain, ex- tremely barren, very hot and dusty, and quite distress- ing to the horses. This plain was interspersed with bare sand-hillocks from five to twenty feet high, mak- ing it look as if it were the now abandoned dumping- ground of some pre-Adamic race of genii, who fol- lowed the dustman's trade for the rest of the solar system, and came to this world to unload. Beyond the hillocks, perhaps a distance of eight miles south- erly, rose a much higher range of equally barren bluffs, giving us, for the first time in our journey, a sensation of mountain scenery, and, so to speak, strik- ing the resolving chords between the low plains of Kansas and the high plateaus of the Rocky Mountain 110 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. region, whither we were tending. On our northern hand, about fifteen miles from the fort, we saw for the first time bounding our horizon the fringe of trees along the Platte. At first sight this river appeared as wide as the Hudson at Tappan Zee, or the St. John's below Pilatka. Its further banks were enveloped in a misty veil, and looked languidly soft, like far islands seen through tropical fog. Atmospheric distance never deceived so completely. The charming gran- deur and tenderness of scale on which this view seemed constructed, were delusions of the mirage. Hot sun and mirroring sand had wrought up the scanty materials of the stream into a dream of beauty which had no geometric reasons. Our best dreams of beauty are generally of that sort, belonging to the soul, and not to the intellect. We hated to have this vision disturbed by Gradgrind measurements of space. " If this were a delusion, let us dream on ! " I must confess that this region of mirage is almost the only place, till one reaches the Platte's ice-cold canon, in the mountains of Colorado, where the river exerts any fascination on the tourist. It will presently lose the assistance of mirage and imagination, and turn out the most miserably uninteresting and feeble-minded stream to be found on the continent. If it were com- pressed into a single bed, instead of being vaguely dispersed about great and small islands, in all sorts of intricate channels, it would approach the size of the Oswego River at the city of that name. About two o'clock, we passed a very picturesque party of Germans going to Oregon. They had a large herd of cattle and fifty wagons, mostly drawn by oxen, though some of the more prosperous " outfits " were attached to horses or mules. The people themselves THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. Ill represented the better class of Prussian or North Ger- man peasantry. A number of strapping teamsters, in gay costumes, appeared like Westphalians. Some of them wore canary shirts and blue pantaloons ; with these were intermingled blouses of claret, rich warm brown, and the most vivid red. All the women and children had some positive color about them, if it only amounted to a knot of ribbons, or the glimpse of a petticoat. I never saw so many bright and comely faces in an emigrant train. One real little beauty, who showed the typical German blonde through all her tan, peered out of one great canvas wagon cover, like a baby under the bonnet of the Shaker giantess, and coqueted for a moment with us from a pair of wicked-innocent blue eyes, drawing back, when the driver stared at her, in nicely simulated confusion. Several old women, of less than the usual anile hid- eousness of the German Bauerinn, were trudging along the road with the teamsters, in short blue pet- ticoats and everlasting shoes; partly to unbend their joints, as was evident from the pastime alacrity of their gait, and partly to oversee a crowd of children who were hunting green grass with sickles, and con- veying their scanty harvest to the cattle by handfuls at a time. In the wagons all manner of domestic bliss was going on. A young teamster, whose turn it was to ride, sat smoking a pipe and wooing his bashful dear, thus uniting business and pleasure in an emi- nent degree, under the shadow of a great wagon top, and on a barrel of mess pork. Many mothers were on front seats, nursing their babies in the inno- cent unconsciousness of Eve. Old men lay asleep on bales of bedding, with their horn spectacles still astride the nose ; old women, with similar aids, read 112 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. great books of theoretical religion, or knitted stock- ings of the practical kind. Every wagon was a gem of an interior such as no Fleming ever put on can- vas, and every group a genre piece for Boughton. The whole picture of the train was such a delight in form, color, and spirit that I could have lingered near it all the way to Kearney. About three o'clock we arrived at Fort Kearney, and again halted. The comparatively light-loaded stage which Hunger had kindly promised to send on to us, would arrive the next day. After dinner at the Overland station, we walked over to the fort, which is a mere inclosure of boards, containing several bar- rack buildings, and stores belonging to the trading- post. It is not intended to resist assault, but would probably furnish sufficient protection to settlers who might flee to it for asylum, from the Indian mode of warfare. Lieutenant Davis, then in command of a garrison of about a hundred Colorado troops, received us very politely, and asked us to make the fort our head-quar- ters. In the yard of his house we found a pair of nice little buffalo calves, which his men had captured in their last expedition against the Sioux. "With the engravings before us, it is needless to remark how strong is their resemblance to the calf of our domes- tic cow, at the same age. These are supposed to be about a month old. Our artist held two seances with the little creatures on the afternoon of our arrival and the next morning, transferring them to canvas in every variety of attitude, and getting their a?itmus and typical distinctions as well by heart as he had succeeded in doing with their belligerent sires. They are stupid little creatures, with the usual vituline Ii|ii|fli|i||||i I *i V (| " 11 ' THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 113 concentration of sense in their mouths and noses, and no very clear idea of the system on which their legs were planned ; but they have a slight suggestion of their future hump, and a certain spunkiness of de- meanor, which, to the close observer, bound them off from the common calf Their coats, too, are rougher than his, and show symptoms of coming curl ; but they are of a reddish-brown color, which is not un- common in our barn-yards. Punctually at the expected time, our stage came along, and, to our great satisfaction, contained only a couple of passengers. Our dreams of luxurious space were rudely disturbed by the appearance, while we were dining, of the coach from Omaha, which here intersects the main Overland road, with a caro-o of passengers mostly intending to keep on further west, and clamorous for their shares in our vehicle. After protracted negotiation, we compromised by receiving two of the new lot, who, with our party of four and the original occupants, crowded us into wretchedly tight quarters. For the thirty-six miles to Plum Creek station, the road continued to run through a country of only less aridity than preceded our entrance to Fort Kearney. The only spots of brightness on the dreary waste of sand and gramma were the crimson flowers of the ground-poppy, which afford such diversified beauty to the Plains about the Little Blue, and which here fought for a bare existence with the thickening myriads of cacti, bursting up between the spikes and saffron -colored blossoms of the latter, like flames twinkling among pale cinders. Again we went pattering out into the twilight, be- hind fresh relays. About nine o'clock, the moon rose 114 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. among a swarm of small straggling clouds. About eight miles from Plum Creek, her light fell on a broad encampment of Sioux, silvering the dingy skins and occasional canvas of the smoky U-fis into something like the Fenimore Cooper romance of Indian life. I could not help thinking that part of this illusion was owing to the early habits of the savage, which prevented any Indians from being in sight. It would take a good deal of moonlight to make an Indian look romantic. About the tents were a herd of pictur- esque, ewe-necked horses, feeding at their ease on the short, dry herbage, and showing their sides, mottled with the spots which characterize what we at the East call a " circus-horse," — still odder in the broad moonlight. Just as we passed the last tent, a strange figure burst through the narrow slit in it used as a doorway, and hailed our driver, who stopped for him, and took him on the box. He wore a handsome buckskin hunting-blouse, profusely embroidered and dangling with leather tags, a low slouch hat, and a beaded belt, from which peeped the butt of a six-shooter. His complexion was so bronzed, and his hair so long and black, that until I had looked him full in the face, and heard him speak, I took him for a Sioux. He was a white man, — or white as a man can be who has lived mu€h with the Indians of the Plains, — and had in his countenance one of the most singular mixtures of good-fellowship and desperadoism that I ever saw. I should have liked to see him on my side in a Plains fight, and been sorry to think he was on the other ; but there was an lago quality in his restless black eyes and the iciness of his laugh, which must have made any student of human nature uncomfortable THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 115 in a protracted acquaintance with him among lonely surroundings. About eleven o'clock, when we were about half a mile from the station called Willow Island, the moon became as suddenly obscured as if she had been put out with an extinguisher. The clouds grew inky black, and simultaneously the wind rose to a tempest. I never saw in my life such dispatch in getting up a storm. Another minute, and the clouds were pelting down on us hailstones as large as musket-balls. The mules became frightened, and plunged furiously. It was too black to see the heads of the leaders, but there was nothing to be done except advance ; so by coaxing, cursing, and whipping, the driver finally persuaded the team to take us as far as the station. We jumped down from the box, and in the dark, after imminent danger from the hoofs of the madly kicking wheel-mules, managed to unhook the traces instead of cutting them, as we had contemplated the necessity of doing. It will seem almost incredible to anybody who has not seen a hailstorm on the Platte ; but after we had got the team loose, and were standing by their heads, while the inside passengers used up half a box of matches in getting the lanterns lighted, the stage heavy with mails, seven inside passengers, and all their baggage, was forcibly blown back by the wind a dis- tance of several yards. I could compare its effect on myself only to having a stable door pressed steadily against my person ; and if I had not held on by one of the most obstinate of nature's animals, I should have been sent scurrying out of sight in the direction of Fort Kearney. Just as our patience began to give out under the buffets of the wind and the sound whipping of the 116 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. hail, our friend in the buckskin made his voice heard through the roar, and a stable-keeper appeared with a light, which was instantly put out. By this time our lanterns were lighted, and we managed to get our mules into their stalls without any accident more serious than a graze on one of the shins belonging to " our driver. It was quite out of reason to attempt going on in such a tempest. Accordingly we let our relays stay in the stable, and went back to tell the insides, penned into darkness and uncertainty by tightly but- toned carriage leathers, that we had concluded, after the manner of the Connecticut River mate, " to an- chor our end of the schooner." This seemed to meet as much approbation as they had to expend upon anything under the circumstances. They resigned themselves to an upright sleep against the straps and cushions, while we, who had still enough wakefulness in our legs to hunt up something better, betook our- selves to the stable, and lay down on clean straw in some empty stalls. I blessed the hailstorm which was pelting outside, for it had given me a chance to stretch myself. Dearest opportunity to the over- lander ! I have known hours when I speculated curiously on the torture of the rack, and wondered hpw the old martyrs could have found it so disagree- able. Certainly it seemed to me that any amount of relaxation could not be so painful as that sense of being shortened up, driven in, and clinched on the other side, which results from twenty-four hours' con- stancy to a bent position. I accordingly welcomed the chance of extending myself on the Willow Island straw, with a delight which would have scarcely been lessened, had the bare boards been substituted as a lying-place. THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 117 About three o'clock in the morning I was awak- ened by a tumbling and groaning in the next stall to mine. I rose, and felt my way to the sufferer, thinking that he had a fit. In the dark I put out my hand, and touched a leathern fringe. It belonged to our new passenger. He continued to toss and twist; he got into deadly combat with the wisps of straw under him ; I heard him send home three or four well-meant blows with his fist against the side of the stall, and then he muttered in a voice of hor- ror, " Murder ! murder ! God, murder ! " I caught him by the shoulder, and shook him soundly. As he woke, he felt for his pistol. I held his hand, and explained the facts of the case. '• thank you ! " said he; "I sometimes have the night- mare very badly, and then I remember, — such disa- greeable things — everything in fact that I ever saw in my life." It was broad daylight when I woke the second time. My friend of the next stall had disappeared, and did not join us when we again put ourselves en route. The hail had ceased, but had left a gray, greasy, despondent heaven, and a sullen, sobbing wind. We rode through a sterile country, with distant bluffs of dun sand bounding our plain on either side, till at Midway Station we stopped for breakfast. One of the greatest puzzles of the Plains is their nomenclature. You stop at stations called something " Spring," and look in vain for anything to drink but stagnant water. When you come to anything " Lake," you are nearly sure to find no expanse a pig could wal- low in. If you discovered a station named Brown's, you might be very sure that no one had ever lived 118 THE HEART OF THE COKTINENT. ' there but a family of Johnsons ; and there is no bet- ter Western reason for calling a station Pratt's Hill than because it is a hollow occupied by Joneses. We reached Cottonwood at dinner-time, but our previous experience gave us no encouragement to alight. We satisfied appetite with canned peaches, hard tack, and that charmingly portable little fish which so invariably accompanies Western immigra- tion that its empty tin coffins are seen scattered around every station door ; and the name for a spin- dling little fellow, whom the plainsman does not wish to compliment, is "You Sardine.'' The country around Cottonwood is more undulat- ing than any we had seen since leaving Comstock's. For miles both east and west of it, we continually climbed and descended hills, and passed through a series of sand canons, beginning to assume the typ- ical look of the mountain galleries further west. We observed projecting from the side of one of these, the first limestone outcrop we had noticed west of the Missouri River. Just west of Cottonwood, the Platte River is formed by the junction of its north and south forks. In the neighborhood of the confluence, the land be- gins rising westward perceptibly. About ten miles from Cottonwood, I got my first sensation of ascent toward the Rocky Mountains. There was a solid, under-braced look in the hills, a firm, resonant qual- ity to the road, which did not belong to alluvial bluffs. I felt as if I were standing on the first fold of the old fire-serpent, who ages ago wriggled him- self up under the crust, and protruded his flaming crest in the form of the Rocky Mountain summit. We continued passing over extensive undulations all THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 119 that afternoon, though the harder formations made no visible outcrop. It was just after sunset when we ascended a con- siderable elevation to the station of Fremont Springs, 29 miles west of Cottonwood and 379 from Atchison. We were now close beside the South Fork of Platte, and thenceforward to Denver, a distance of 274 miles, were hardly ever out of its sight. We stopped here to change horses, and take delicious draughts from the finest spring between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountain snow-peaks. We found it care- fully enshrined, as if it were a Greek god ; for a clear, cold, living fountain may well demand apoth- eosis at the lips which have cooled their fever in it in the midst of the journey beside those stagnant pools and that dull, creeping, muddy river, which are the lot of every passenger across the Plains. The station-keeper was faithful to his precious trust ; and the crystal water was so well protected under a lit- tle house of boards, that neither sun could heat nor impurities sully a single ripple of its ceaseless gayety. It was like a baby's soul cradled in from the world's evil; a joy without reaction, an abandon without danger. It sang temperance lectures without know- ing it, inspired in its sleep. It was a homily on good living, a parable of pure-heartedness ; without didac- ticism going straight to the point. People with flat flasks in their breast-pockets felt disgusted at them, and, for miles after we left the spring, could not bear to take its taste out of their mouths. We bade adieu to the beautiful fountain and the little lakes into which it ran on its way to the Platte, all alive with wild ducks, and mirroring the exquisite pink and salmon hues of a beautiful sunset. We rode 120 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. on twenty-five miles further, to Alkali Lake, where sleep so thoroughly overpowered me that instead of going into the station to take an Overland supper, I threw myself down on the stable straw, and slept a sleep like death, until the driver awakened me by protracted shaking. The sensation of having to get up and go on again, was one of the most miserable I ever knew. After all our experience, I could not learn the trick of sleeping upright ifi the stage. I kept on the box, and my whole nature fought slum- ber as if it were a disease. Nor did I ever learn ; and but for the necessity of the case summoning up all the Yankee ingenuity which was in me, I believe my comparatively uninitiated constitution would have given out before I got to Denver. I may say, in passing, that Alkali Lake was one of those places, now growing more frequent, where salts of soda and potash exist in nearly saturated solution with stagnant water, or occasional springs, in shallow basins along the banks of the Platte. The Platte it- self is not alkaline ; yet where the trail runs at any distance from it, emigrant cattle often suffer so much from thirst, that unless great watchfulness is used, they temporarily satiate themselves at the pools be- fore they can be driven to the river, producing a dis- ease of the stomach and intestines, which carries off multitudes of them every summer. The entire road along the South Fork is strewn with bleaching heads, whole skeletons, and putrefying carcasses, which mark the effects of this malady, heat, and overdriving. As for the human passenger, though in most cases his caution prevents him from an injurious gratification of his thirst, he still suffers intensely from the very inhalation of the air carrying alkaline particles. Few THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 121 manias, it seems to me, were ever more intense than my longing for pickles, lemons, tamarinds, vinegar, anything which could correct the alkaline excess in my blood. The rest of us suffered nearly as much; and we found that the acid stores which we had used the precaution to bring from the Missouri River were, as long as they lasted, the most invaluable portion of our commissariat. At times I have ridden for twenty miles in a state of absolute wretchedness, with the taste of soda crusting my entire mouth and throat as per- ceptibly as if I had just taken a teaspoonful of the commercial article. To the traveller on this part of the Platte, canned fruit, the sourer the better, is an absolutely indispensable portion of his outfit. The use of that word " outfit," is curiously broad upon the Plains. It means as many things as the Ital- ian "roba," or the French "chose." It may seem a very natural amplification of significance that this term, originally taken from an emigrant's preparation for the road, should come to be applied to a suit of clothes, or even the ranch which a man had put under cultivation. But it is rather amusing to hear a Durham bull referred to as having rather a short outfit of horns ; a mother threatening a refractory child with the worst outfit he ever got in his life ; or a stage-driver saying that he has a big outfit of passengers. I was still more interested to have a man in Colorado tell me of a friend of his who had been living among the Indians, and had come home " with just the prettiest outfit of small-pox that he ever see." The moon rose late, and was Yory light. At any other time I might cheerfully have sat up with her. In my present state of feeling, I wondered how poets 122 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. could ever have lingered out of bed long enough to write about her. A pumpkin cart full of moons, rein- forced by a Barnum's museum of nightingales, would not have been the least inducement to a man in my situation. We emerged from the hilly country we had been travelling since the middle of the afternoon, and came out upon a sterile-looking plain of sand and buffalo-grass, which resembled the country about Fort Kearney. It was after midnight when we reached Diamond Springs, a station four hundred and twenty- seven miles from Atchison, and another of the topo- graphical misnomers before referred to, possessing, so far as I could discover, as little that was valuable in the way of springs as of diamonds. It had, however, its uses to me. It meant bed. My mind was made up, that is to say, what mind I had left. It all rallied to the final support of my life's now one remaining idea. I jumped down from the box, stuck my head inside the leathers, and woke my friends from the miserable cat-nap they were indulg- ing, to bid them good-night till we met in Denver. They were too sleepy to be much surprised, and plead with great moderation for my continuance on the vehicle of torture. As for myself, I did not wait to see the horses change, but tumbled as well as I was able into the station-house, and was stretched on a bunk under my camp-blankets beside a sleeping sta- ble-keeper before the wheels rolled away. It was eight o'clock in the morning before I awoke. I think I never slept so much or of so excellent a quality in the same time. I was a new man when I stood on my feet, and the idea of breakfast began to dawn in on me like a dissolving view, replacing that of bed. THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 123 After breakfast, which was made a little more lux- urious than the usual Overland meal by the addition of some very nice Indian meal flapjacks, I posted up my journal, and then went forth to survey the land. Trenck amused himself with spiders, and in " Le der- nier Jour d'un Condamne " much food for meditation existed within four stone walls. The human eye is a wonderfully adjustable instrument, becoming a tele- scope for broad generalizations, and a microscope for details. I brought mine to the latter focus, and went hunting for objects of interest over a tract which more perfectly represented Platitude and Inanity, re- duced to their geographical terms, than anything east of the Goshoot Desert. I dwell on this Thohu Va-vohu a little longer be- cause, if I can at all approach its painting in words, I shall have succeeded in conveying to my readers an idea of the sand and gramma plains skirting the South Platte, better than any which could be ren- dered by an engraving. I emerge from a one-story house of logs, fifty feet long, fifteen broad, twenty feet to the roof-peak. It has no pretense of a fence, but a corral about a hun- dred feet west incloses a barn and two company sta- bles. In front of me stretches a waste of sand, midway in color between an ash-heap and the Rockaway Beach, inimitably flat to the east and west, bounded on the southern horizon by a range of equally gloomy bluffs, which may be six miles off, and a hundred feet high. In all the view is no tree, no vegetation of any kind which a grown man would not have to stoop to touch, no living thing or sign of any ; for the very antelope, which usually put a locomotive spot of in- 124 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. terest somewhere on such voids, had retired out of sight into the ravines of the bluff. Behind me, a hundred steps to the north, crept the Platte River, here apparently confined to a single channel about three hundred yards wide. It sneaks along between low banks, like an assassin river going to drown some- body. It does not woo or cajole ; it is a murderer who has lived past the arts of fascination ; a cruel courtesan, old, wrinkled, hateful, too life-weary to think of pleasing, yet loving to kill. And it has killed. It has proffered fords, and given quicksands ; it has engulfed in its treacherous bottom horse, rider, wagon, herd, all that was trusted to it. Fascinated by its ugliness and the story of its crimes, I come close to its edge. The oozy paste of loam which banks it curves glibly away from under my feet, and I am in the water before I know it. It is well I have not slipped off in a dark night, or how the greasy mud and the dribbling sand would toy with my fin- gers, and let me slip easily away ! I scramble up the bank by main force with a shudder. I was longing for a bath — had meant to try the Platte, though the ranchmen had informed me that it was only knee- deep, save in holes ; but I gave up the idea on look- ing at that water-fiend, a Lorelei, with all her treach- ery remaining, and all her graces gone. There is another reason why I should not go in. Across the desert waste from the southerly bluffs a torrid wind is blowing ten knots an hour. It is like a hot blast of the Cyclops' furnace escaping above ground. It comes so freighted with microscopic sand- grains that it is not as much the old school definition of wind — "air," as it is earth "in motion." I have been out five minutes, and there is not a pore of my THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 125 body which it has not stopped. I feel dry and caustic, a sort of mineral deposit rather than a fleshly man. If I went into the Platte, I should be stuccoed like a cheap country seat before I could use a towel. The river, too, is as bad as the air. It is a saturated solu- tion of sand ; a gray sirup of silex, which drops dust on your hand wherever you stop a ripple. The Platte is never entirely dry in the usual sense ; but what river can be rationally drier than this, which is com- posed, one particle in ten, of the driest thing on the globe ? Let me take stock of this pathless waste before me. When they are right under my feet, I can see the cork-screw curls of the gray gramma. I walk a little further, and begin to make distinctions. Everything is gray, but not all of it is gramma. A little furzy plant, the undersides of its leaves covered with a dry down that rubs to powder between the fingers, of name unknown, but resembling the artemisias ; a true artemisia, from six to eighteen inches high, also woolly ; a single spot of orange color as large as a half-dime, seeming to be a poor relation of the mari- golds ; a stinted sunflower ; a few sickly cactuses ; this is the vegetable inventory. The beautiful ground- poppy, and all other flowers which might enliven a landscape, had entirely disappeared. Despite the nakedness of the land, it swarmed with ants, whose industry was manifest in cones a foot high, though it was impossible to see any practical application for it in the shape of food asking storage. The same famine supported myriads of cheery grass- hoppers, with red wings and legs, which made them, when they flew, the only bright objects in the land- scape. A reddish - brown species of cricket also 126 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. abounded, its size averaging a little larger than our black insect of the States. Here is the animal inven- tory. I looked for lizards, and found none, though they may only have retired to private apartments in a temporary fit of disgust at their situation, since it seems almost inconceivable that some member of the family should not exist in so congenial a habitat. I was disappointed more especially not to find the horned toad, so called. A friend of mine in a "West- ern expedition had discovered it on the Plains of the North Platte, considerably east of Fort Laramie ; but we saw none in our present journey until within a day's ride of the Rocky Mountain Watershed, though repeatedly passing over tracts where they might rea- sonably be looked for. That night the wind blew more violently, if possi- ble, than it had at Willow Island. The ranch-house rocked under it, and such tempests of sand came fly- ing with it, that every crevice of the walls streamed with little jets, and every object that lay untouched for an hour was powdered half an inch deep. The air was intensely dry and irritating. At sundown it began to thunder and lighten. The flash and roar soon became almost continuous, and remained so till after midnight. With all this commotion came not a single drop of rain. In the States the water would have fallen half a foot deep. Here, though the sky was black as iron, it was equally hard and pitiless. The people told me that for years at a time the storms were equally severe and rainless with this one. I could think of nothing, when I looked at the heavens, but the agony of a bafiled yet unrepentant soul. Through the tempest of wind and sand, an east- going stage struggled about tea-time, bearing half THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 127 a dozen miserable passengers, every one of whom looked like a cast of himself in silex, unflattered in expression. They had come all the way from Califor- nia ; and I shuddered to think whether I should have grown as reckless as they by the time I was equally near my end of the journey. Some of them seemed merely hanging on to life by the neck of a pocket- flask. Solitary confinement, with a Chinese gong beaten at fifteen-minute intervals, day and night, for six months, near one's bunk-head, could not have re- duced victims to a more deplorable state of despair and defacultization. One passenger, who, being now only four hundred miles or so from home, felt as if he were beginning to catch sight of familiar chimney- pots, sold his blankets to the station-keeper, under an impression that he would have no further use for them. They were of the best California variety, a handsome blue, little worn, and could not have been purchased originally for less than ten dollars in gold. As I soon after bought them of the station-keeper for two dollars and a half in greenbacks, — and nobody ever does anything out there except at a tremendous profit, — I am led to conclude that the passenger must have lost much of his hold on life. I felt sorry for him whenever I wrapped myself up in his handsome spoils, though they proved an invaluable addition to my own during the bitter nights we afterwards spent next the snow-peaks. Beyond Spring Hill, the South Platte makes the nearest approach to beauty which you find in it till you see it issuing from its lofty canon back of Den- ver. All the way that we skirted it during the remainder of the afternoon, it was studded with picturesque islands, green as emerald. When the 128 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. sun declined so that its level rays overlooked, instead of pointing out the arid plains, and the carrion car- casses of dead cattle which pollute them, the view became quite fascinating. It was like fairy-land when the sun disappeared entirely, and the whole west became glorious with gold and purple, green and salmon, reflected in the slow-creeping water be- tween the islands. Whatever else may be lacking on the Plains, the sunsets are magnificent. To be sure, the natives cannot be held responsible for that ; if they could get at them, they would fry them. As it is, Nature triumphs over all ; and the two hours I used to sit on the stage-box worshipping her sunset divinity, were compensation enough for a whole day of discomfort. For twenty-five miles beyond Spring Hill, we rode through a solitude broken only by one station-house, a few antelope, and innumerable jackass - rabbits. The latter came tamely out to bathe their immense ears in twilight, squatting among patches of gramma and artemisia, or leaping across the road so close to us that if we had had time to stop and cook them, we might easily have shot a dozen as we toiled by them through the deep sand. About day-break we drew up at Beaver Creek Sta- tion, five hundred and thirty-three miles from Atchi- son, and a hundred and twenty from Denver. The station consisted, as usual, of a single house with the company's stables and corral attached, and is situated about three miles east of the Beaver Creek laid down on the maps. The light was vague when we first stopped, but sufficient to reveal a picturesqueness in the immediate landscape which set my heart bound- ing, after the experience of the past two days. Nature, THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 129 for a little respite, had repented her of neutral tints, and forsaken the Society of Friends. The Platte had made a concession to our rebellious aesthetic sense, by sending out from the main channel, where it crept eastward, some forty rods north of the house, a sinu- ous lagoon terminating in a marsh near the road. All along the borders of this still but living water, the grass was green and thick even to rankness, and its high banks bore in profusion succulent weeds, con- generic with those . that haunt our Eastern morasses. As the sun grew nearer the horizon, this pleasant feature showed to better advantage. The eye rested on the broad borders and patches of living greenness, with a feeling of comfort that no Eastern imagination can appreciate. The rosy hues of as lovely a sunrise as I ever saw, bloomed slowly out on the spotless mirror of the water, with the effect of a developing daguerreotype or a dissolving view. The lagoon became iridescent upon one side, remaining black as night under the shadow of the opposite bank ; and when a light mist began rising under the touch of growing light, the colors shone through breaks in its dancing masses beautiful as a dream. Still a little later, then the rosy changed to golden ; and when the sun first showed his edge, the water was turned to a sheet of topaz fire. With advancing dawn, large game broke into view. I thought I had seen ducks before, but the lagoon and the river swarmed with them to a degree which quite corrected my views on that subject. Two or three varieties of teal, the ruddy duck, a mallard, and a small diver were represented in the great argosy that rippled the smooth, glowing water ; and beyond my immediate ken, there may have been detach- 130 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ments from numerous others, Colorado possessing fourteen distinct species of the bird. Every step of my way along the margin of the main stream sent the quacking mistress of some future family scurry- ing off her loose-built nest, until the water was alive with gliding motion of exquisite grace, and colors of the most varied beauty. The cinnamon teal and the ruddy duck were rich warm patches that slipped past like tinted vapor; while the green and blue-winged teal shone cool and steely in the dawn which had come to waken them with me. It seems to me that I have never seen bird-life more plentiful or lovely. We were all seated on or in the wagon, when our scarred driver pointed westward across the Plains, now all aflood with the gold of the risen sun, and said, — " There are the Rocky Mountains." I strained my eyes in the direction of his finger, but for a minute could see nothing. Presently sight seemed adjusted to a new focus, an(i out against the bright sky dawned slowly the undefined shimmering trace of something a little bluer. Still, it seemed nothing tangible. It might have passed for a vapor effect on the horizon, had not the driver called it otherwise. Another minute, and it took slightly more certain shape. It cannot be described by any Eastern analogy ; no other far mountain view that I ever saw is at all like it. If you have ever seen those sea-side albums which ladies fill with algae during th^ir summer holiday, and in those albums have been startled, on turning over a page suddenly, to see an exquisite marine ghost appear, almost evanescent in its faint azure, but still a literal exist- ence which had been called up from the deeps and THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 131 laid to rcHt with infinite delicacy and difficulty, then you will form Home conception of the fir.st view of the Rocky Mountains. It in impossihle to imagine them built of earth, rock, jiny thing terrestrial ; to fancy them cloven by horrible chasmH, or .shaggy with giant woods. They are made out of the air and the sunshine which show them. Nature has dipped her pencil in the faintest solution of ultra- marine, and drawn it once across the western sky, with a hand tender as Love's. Then, when sight becomes still better adjusted, you find the most delicate division taking place in this pale blot of beauty, near its upper edge. It is rimmed with a mere thread of opaline and crystalline light. For a moment it sways before you, and is confused. But your eagerness grows steadier, you see plainer, and know that you are looking on the everlasting snow, the ice that never melts. As the entire fact in all its meaning possesses you completely, you feel a sen- sation which is as new to your life as it is impossible of repetition. I confess (I should be ashamed not to confess) that my first view of the Rocky Mountains had no way of expressing itself save in tears. To see what they looked, and know what they were, was like a sudden revelation of the truth, that the spirit- ual is the only real and substantial ; that the eternal things of the universe are they which afar off seem dim and faint. Soon after leaving the breakfast station, we struck a low range of tiresome sand-hills resembling those about Julesburg. Through them runs to the Platte, Beaver Creek, the first of a series of short streams, laid down on the maps as draining a broad plateau south of Denver, and communicating with the river 132 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. in nearly parallel lines. Bijou, Kiowa, and Cherry Creeks are the three others noticed; and there is a fourth, which does not appear on any United States map, emptying into the river near Denver, and called Coal Creek. I have said that Beaver Creek runs, but this is hyperbole. It just trickles. A thirsty mule might have stopped at one of the holes in its bed, and in five minutes drunk it dry, to stay so for an hour. Its pulse was feeble as syncope. As to Bijou, I do not feel that I am anticipating by its mention, for when we got to it there was nothing to anticipate; while Cherry Creek, running through part of Denver, is a mere bed, dry as Sahara, save when some express train of a snow-melting freshet comes thundering down from the range, to surprise human life and property in its murderous rush, as it did in 1864. At Junction, the next station west of Beaver Creek, we left the Platte, and took a cut-oflf to Fremont's Orchard, twenty miles across a succession of high sand-hills, on which the sun pelted and the dry hot wind blew more mercilessly than anywhere on our previous journey. I had left my canteen behind me at Diamond Spring ; one might as well look for water in an ash barrel as anywhere along the cut-off; and before we were half-way over it, I suffered from a thirst, only paralleled hitherto by the experience of my buffalo hunt. But for the misery of a parched tongue, a throat like a glass-house chimney, lips cracked by the alkali atmosphere, and the lassitude of a perfectly shadeless ride on the hottest day of the season, I should have enjoyed the new nature opening to study throughout this tract, with much zest and enthusiasm. From the time we left Junction THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 133 till we struck the Platte again, we seemed to be in a new zone, both botanically and zoologically. If we had altered our latitude by a hundred miles, we could hardly have entered a fauna and flora more widely differing from those of the Plains proper than we attained by the present slight change in our topo- graphical conditions. We found on the long sand-hills which we now had to climb, a greater variety of plants than we had discovered over all the comparative level between O'Fallon's Bluff and Beaver Creek. Among others were by far the handsomest asclepias I ever saw, with profuse pink blossoms ; a beautiful rose- colored cactus of the branching kind, several of the globular varieties, and the common yellow variety in great profusion ; a blue daisy, seen here for the first time, in all but its color nearly resembling the white millefoil daisy of the East; several sunflowers, and varieties of flowering bean and pea ; a blue flower, apparently of the larkspur family; another poor relation of the marigolds, like that noticed at Dia- mond Springs ; star-grass here and there ; and a very singular blossom, quite unknown to me, which con- sisted of a fusiform central sack of fibrous tissue containing pulp, and attached to this three membra- nous wings, like those of a maple-seed, but much larger and softer, as well as differently colored, a pale flesh tint characterizing the fresh specimens. These plants all grow out of a soil which might have rivaled the mountains of Gilboa for ignorance of either rain or dew, and with a desolate, hot exposure, where utter sterility might have been pardoned. Though they flourished, and I was informed that cattle could subsist themselves across this waste, I saw nothing in the shape of herbage which even a charity broadened 134 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. by appreciation of the gramma, could have called edible food. For the first time lizards appeared plentifully. A little brown-and-yellow variety, occasionally tending toward red, and in shape, as well as agility of motion, resembling the so-called chameleon of the Southern States, was the chief enlivener of all our toilsome climbs, darting across the road at our approach with great velocity, and whisking under the shadow of some fat cactus which hid everything but its beady eyes and betraying tail. The naturally expectable horned toad still failed to make its appearance. The air was merry with red-winged grasshoppers ; great liver-colored crickets basked on all the little sand- hummocks ; one old familiar friend of Eastern road- sides, the " tumble-bug," was here and there seen rolling its balls into a happy rotundity, under much more trying circumstances of ground than its rela- tion in the States ; a very handsome lady-bird beetle, in size considerably surpassing our own, and a small painted beetle of the pumpkin-bug appearance, fin- ished the more obvious catalogue of insect life on this tract. Less apparent to the eye,- but abundantly sensible to feeling, were the minute buffalo-gnats, which at intervals during the past three days had much annoyed us along the Platte, but now became a nuisance justifying imprecation. As if we had not enough to suffer from parching heat and thirst, mules tired to death, deep sand, and a surly driver, these pestilent little creatures swarmed around our heads and into our hair, stinging us on neck and scalp like so many winged cambric needles dipped in aqua-fortis, and utterly scouting the obstacle of a green barege veil which I had brought from Atchison THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 135 for defense against them. Wherever there was the minutest crevice in the barrier, they swarmed through without the mosquito's warning hum ; and the first sign that these microscopic Philistines were upon us, was an itching which no slaps or scratches could ap- pease. Ravens, crows, here and there a variety of black- bird, and a small ground-sparrow were the region's only contributions to ornithology, so far as I observed. The only mammalia anywhere to be seen were a herd of antelope, faultlessly constant to desolation, which crossed the road at lightning speed about a hundred yards ahead of us, on their way to drink at the Platte, an hour before we reached Fremont's Orchard. Prai- rie-dogs and jack-rabbits either did not exist in the neighborhood, or had the wisdom and good taste to keep their settlements away from the cut-off, and themselves out of the torrid sunlight. The last three or four miles of our way led us through a series of arroyos, or deep channels, to which I have before referred in describing the Plains formation, running towards the Platte, and evidently at some remote geological day the drains of rapid water-masses, though they have not been moist with- in the memory of man. Everything in their direc- tion, their shape, and the successive terraces of their banks, suggests a series of water-courses only recently dried up ; and not until one has traversed them en- tirely to the fine old cotton-woods at Fremont's Or- chard does he give up the notion that he must be near some temporarily exhausted affluent of the Platte. They are, all of them, larger than the chan- nels laid down on the maps as creeks, and, to all ap- pearance, might as well discharge some water from 136 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. the plateau at longer or shorter intervals ; yet their thirstiness is a matter of ages, not of years. At Eagle's Nest, a station eleven miles from the Orchard, I observed, for the first time since leaving Cottonwood, a stony outcrop from the universal sand. It was a friable sandstone, abounding in iron, and possessing a curious conchoidal cleavage, which, with a little delicacy of manipulation, enabled me to sepa- rate a large piece of it in concentric basins or belts. Its solidification was very recent, probably belonging to a postrtertiary period. From Eagle's Nest to Latham, a distance of twelve miles, we rode almost immediately along the banks of the Platte, which here began to compress itself within narrower boundaries, and rejoice in higher, much better timbered, and more picturesque banks. Just west of Latham, the main trail to California crosses and leaves the South Platte, the river itself making an abrupt bend of nearly 45° from the south- erly direction. The road to Denver, a distance of sixty miles, follows up the Platte, Denver being at the junction of that stream with the spasmodic and semi-mythical Cherry Creek. Reaching Latham about dark, I abandoned the stage which had brought me thus far westward, and awaited another, which was to start for Denver on the arrival of the eastward pas- sengers. It was ten o'clock before this happy pre- requisite was fulfilled. The interval of waiting I was only too glad to consume, after a tolerable supper at the station-house, in a straight-out slumber among the grain-bags of the company's stables, having first feed the driver of the Denver stage to wake me when he got ready for the start. I was surprised to find the Platte becoming quite a THE BUFFALO COUNTRY TO THE GOLD MINES. 137 nice stream soon after we left Latham. Its banks hid their sandy monotony under a fine cotton-wood fringe, which, without any extensive gap, continued all the way to Denver. The river was very narrow, in some places not half its width at Diamond Springs, and began to assume the clear, forcible look of a true mountain stream. Regarding this bright young brook, which should shortly become a melancholy sewer, I felt like some prophetic soul who sees the future outcast in the innocent child. It was sad to reflect what the Platte would come to. The night was a deUciously temperate one, the moon at its full, and I the only passenger who- shared the driver's seat; so I enjoyed unbounded facilities for feasting on the new landscape. There were many signs in it of cultivation. Ranches had dropped into the lap of nature; and though their surrounding meadows were far from what we should call green in the States, attempts at irrigation had been made here and there, and the grateful ground responded to the extent at least of a small vegetable garden. The land was a smooth rolling prairie, without high hills, and in some places generous enough to support a noble clump of trees at the distance of half a mile from the river. Nothing of any importance occurred during the night. The mountains, which had been growing plainer all day, were almost dimmed back into their morning romance of spirituality. Long's Peak, one of the loftiest in the range, rose ghastly on our im- mediate right ; and from the point of high light on its snowy head, the Sierra retreated into increasing mistiness toward the south, becoming a mere film of moonlit cobweb behind the invisible town of Denver. 138 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. I talked with the driver as far as Fort Lupton, — a stockaded rendezvous and trading-post, now aban- doned, situated on the east bank of the Platte, about thirty miles from Denver, — and then curled myself up in the front boot, found fortunately empty, to fin- ish the nap interrupted at Latham. Waking after a couple of hours, I found the dawn up before me, and resumed my seat on the box for the last fourteen miles. A few miles out of Denver the signs of civilization began to thicken fast. The inclosed ranches became more frequent. One island in the Platte had been brought under cultivation, and adorned with a house and garden which would not have shamed a neigh- borhood of Eastern country seats. Finally, as we ascended a hill, Denver broke upon us. It was a larger place, in its first impression on me, than I had expected to find. It lay scattered at the bottom and about the slopes of a basin formed by the lowest foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains ; and its white dots, relieved against the rich brown of the hills, made a very cheerful contrast. At six o'clock in the morning, we bowled over the rim of the basin, and rattled down to the stage office. At the door of the adjoining Planters' Hotel I met some of our party. They had reached Denver, as we expected, just a day before me, without any unusual accident or adventure. CHAPTER IV. PIKE'S PEAK AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. In a few days we were so thoroughly rested that we became tired of having nothing to tire us. We pro- posed to ourselves at least two subordinate trips out of Denver before we should finally leave the place for Salt Lake : the first to Pike's Peak, with the remark- able scenery and geological formations lying between it and Denver; the second to the chief Colorado gold mines and their business nucleus at Central City. Our kind friends at Denver took such a warm, prac- tical interest in the former of these expeditions, that we had hardly broached its subject when the means of accomplishing it were put at our disposal. Gov- ernor Evans very kindly offered us his ambulance, a comfortable vehicle, strongly built, ca,pable of accom- modating four persons, and the very thing for our purpose, and a pair of stout serviceable horses, accus- tomed to territorial travelling. Mr. Pierce was oblig- ing enough not only to pilot our expedition, but to contribute his own horse and buck-board to the ser- vice, taking our artist and his color-box beside him on the elastic machine. These two being provided for. Judge Hall occupied the fourth seat in the ambu- lance with myself and the two other Overlanders ; and having abundantly supplied ourselves with food and ammunition, we set out for our seventy miles' journey to the base of Pike's Peak, on the 10th of June, after an early breakfast. 140 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. Our road led us out of the southern portion of the town, past the barracks of a detachment of Colorado volunteers, called Camp Weld, in honor of the late secretary, who had resigned in their cause. The canip was a pleasant and orderly one ; the fine appearance of the men impressed us all. There is a lofty divide and wooded table-land, which sheds off Cherry Creek upon the east, and Plum Creek on the west side. This divide terminates in a much larger and loftier one, running nearly east and west from the Rocky Mountain foot-hills, an un- measured distance into the Plains. It is the opinion of many experienced frontiersmen that the Repub- lican Fork of the Kansas River takes its rise out of the eastern extremity of this divide. When we re- member the various masses of Rocky Mountain detri- tus discovered in our expedition to the buffalo coun- try on the lower portion of the Republican Fork, it certainly seems improbable that the stream rises any further east than this. There are not lacking hunt- ers and trappers who assert that they have drunk from the springs of the Republican on this divide ; but there is a long tract to be explored before the connection can be absolutely established. All the attempts which had been made to track up the course of the stream prior to our visit at Denver, had failed on account of the extreme sterility of certain por- tions of its banks. One train, to which a large re- ward had been offered for the discovery of a route from the Missouri to Denver along the main Kansas and the Republican, was obliged to turn north and seek the old trail, after having wallowed for days through sand-hills, where the teams could hardly pull their load, and nearly starved for lack of herbage. PIKE'S PEAK AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. 141 K the Republican can be proved to take its rise where I have supposed, its course is perhaps the best natural line for that portion of the Pacific Rail- road to be run between the main Kansas and Denver. Fewer engineering difficulties would exist on this line than on any other ; the finest grazing-land in America would be opened to settlement on the lower portion of the Republican ; and the barren land inter- vening between that and the high divide would offer no such obstacles to a railroad train as to make the route impracticable for cattle. Our present road led us from Denver to the crown of the smaller divide, and thence along its surface, to its junction with the larger. I must not omit to say that this latter is the watershed between the Platte and Arkansas rivers. It is about half-way between Denver and Colorado City. We proposed to reach it by our first day's journey, getting to Colorado City at the close of the second. Six miles of pretty level travelling brought us to the ascent of the Plum and Cherry Creek divide. By quite a steep rise we reached the top of the divide, and rested our horses while we enjoyed the scenery. From the foot of our lofty elevation the Plains stretched for a hundred miles to the east and north, to our sight as level as the sea, and still more soli- tary. Standing where all minor details were lost, we could not see the sail of a single wagon-cover whiten- ing the desolate, billowless main ; nor did there peer from it any little islets of green vegetation. It might have been the sea of the Ancient Mariner, and we " the first who ever burst " into its silence. The de- ception, if you choose to call it so, was quite perfect. But I do not like that word. Nature in her highest 142 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. moods runs the same idea into several creations. Great things resemble each other. The gods are of one blood, and the sea is like the desert. A yet grander sight than the dead sea of the Plains invited us on our right. We had risen so far above the Denver basin that the foot-hills shrank out of sight, and the mountains behind the town uncovered themselves boldly to our view. From our position they appeared nearly on a level with us, a fact of per- spective which enabled us to separate them into five or six distinct or anastomosing ranges between the level plains and the highest snow-peak. The arcs described by each range so intersected those of the neighboring ranges, that Judge Hall quite aptly com- pared our view to a herd of travelling dromedaries. Equally happy was another favorite illustration of the judge's, frequently used in his explanations of Colorado geology, in which he compared the unfold- ing of the several uplifts at our present point of vis- ion to the opening leaves of the peony. A book on the Rocky Mountains should say some- thing about those mountains, yet I confess that I have deliberated well ere deciding to do so. The description I have given of their first azure blossom- ing on the sky west of Beaver Creek, is no dreamier than must be a reader's idea of the mountains seen close at hand, after the most vivid description that can be written. In the East there is nothing to illus- trate the Rocky Mountains by. With the Rocky Mountains, the AUeghanies and the Taconic have no common terms. Here are none of those delicious, turfy glades, those enameled banks, which beautify the mountains of our Atlantic slope. The landscape is without a single patch of bright green. The PIKE'S PEAK AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. 143 mountains rise up in rugged, brawny masses, without the apology of color for a nakedness that is grand in itself They oppress you with such sublime size, they are the evident stone-mask of such a tremendous force spent in the old centuries, that you do not miss color in them, — do not think of it. Every cross-twist in them is the cast of a muscle strained by the gladia- tor, Fire. The gentler curves, the valleys that lead out of sight into mountain recesses, — these are sugges- tions of a gentler world-time, which came after the struggle. They are the kisses of the Water Nymph, and the dalliance of bland but treacherous Oxygen. The Rocky Mountains are full of infinite suggestion. Their presence makes a thoughtful man wish to sit down and learn from them; there is such genius in it, it so overawes one. You are surprised when you examine this feeling, and see how few of the qualities which made you admire other mountains, exist in these. What you see is a colossal mass of brown, and, in its highest lights, of amber, relieved against nothing, mediated by nothing, its wall bounding your entire western horizon. It is so consistently great, it is a congress of such equal giants, that you cannot compare it with any of the ranges you have seen be- fore. When you rise to a higher plane of vision, this single leaf of grandeur becomes a book. You con- fess you have not seen the Rocky Mountains until now. Mountain billows westward after mountain, their crests climbing as they go ; and far on, where you might suppose the Plains began again, break on a spotless strand of everlasting snow. This snow indicates the top of the range. But of what range ? Not the top of the Rocky Moun- 144 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. tains, but only of a small minor range in that range. That glittering ridge yonder is but one of a hundred lying parallel with it to the westward. We have not even yet seen the Rocky Mountains. I remember how the idea of crossing the Rocky Mountains used to look to me. It was an affair some- thing like the steep grades between Altoona and Pitts- burg, where it takes part of a day to go up, see the view, and come down satisfied on the other side. In spite of the atlas (or by favor of some of the earlier ones), I never could conceive of the Rocky Mountains except as a single range occupying a small line along the axis of the Continent. Comparatively little has been done for the geology of this region, so that sci- entific distinctions in that science have no more famil- iarized us with the multitudinous ranges than have those of geography. I suppose that to most Eastern men the discovery of what is meant by crossing the Rocky Mountains would be as great a surprise as it was to myself Day after day, as we were travelling between Denver and Salt Lake, I kept wondering when we should get over the mountains. Four, five, six days, still we were perpetually climbing, descend- ing, or flanking them; and at nightfall of the last day, we rolled down into the Mormon city, through a gorge in one of the grandest ranges in the system. Then, for the first time after a journey of six hun- dred miles, could we be said to have crossed the Rocky Mountains. The only name for the system is "nation." "Range" does not express it at all. It is a whole country, pop- ulous with mountains. It is as if an ocean of molten granite had been caught by instant petrifaction when its billows were rolHng heaven-high. PIKE'S PEAK AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. 145 In some places the parallel ranges thin out, leaving a large tract of level country quite embosomed be- tween snow-ridges, and, so to speak, alcoved into the very heart of the system. These are the "Parks;" and they form one of the most interesting as well as characteristic features of the Rocky Mountain scen- ery. Formations of this kind abound everywhere in these mountains; but the four principal ones form a series, running from a point considerably northwest of Denver quite into New Mexico. They are called, in their order. North, Middle, South, and San Luis Parks. They more nearly resemble the green dells of our Atlantic range than any other parts of this ; but their imitation is an expansion on the scale of miles to the inch. You might set down one of our smaller States in Middle Park without crowding it. The Parks are watered directly from the snow- peaks, being indeed only the inner court of those peaks, and catching the droppings from their eaves. The portions of the Parks most thoroughly irrigated, remain beautifully green throughout the year ; and over the whole region herbage is abundant. The sheltered situation of the Parks insure them an equa- ble climate; and old hunters who have camped out in them for months together, talk of life there as an earthly paradise. It will prove equally so to the far- mer and grazier when Colorado finds time to develop her agriculture. For the present they are difficult of access, and the most beautiful as well as the richest hunting-grounds in the far West. Elk, deer, and an- telope abound there ; wild animals of the cat kind, headed by the Rocky Mountain lion, are common in the wooded ridges that skirt them; they are not stinted in respect to bears, wolves, or foxes. 10 146 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. Perhaps, too, the Parks may be said to bound the extreme western range of the buffalo. I saw a buf- falo skull, to be sure, on a dry, gravelly plain near the Green River ; and tradition still speaks of their having formerly extended all the way into Utah. But the climate is such an antiseptic that the remains seen by me may have been a hundred years old, be- ing white as snow and hardly more than a perfect cast of head and horns in the salts of lime. It is cer- tainly many years since a herd has crossed the moun- tains, many even since it penetrated them further than the Parks. It is not at all an every-day matter, at this time, to shoot a "mountain buffalo;" so little, indeed, that I could not get absolute certainty as to whether he is identical with the ordinary buffalo of the Plains or a distinct variety. Some of my inform- ants described him as the same in everything but habitat, while others pronounced him much larger and fiercer. The probability is that this animal is only a descendant from strays left behind a herd that crossed the mountains, which gradually were adapted to the new conditions until they present an entirely distinct variety. The mountain buffalo is said not to be migratory. If this be true, the loss of such a strong race instinct is of itself sufficient to form the base of a variety distinction. I have been betrayed into the artistic error (or ex- cellence, according to your school) of painting more into my picture than I could see from my camp-stool ; of adding after experience to the present facts of vis- ion. But to see the Rocky Mountains means so much more than the view of any one mighty ridge or peak, that I might just as well give its idea by glancing across the whole billowy main as by stopping short PIKE'S PEAK AND THE GARDEN OF THE GODS. 147 where the undulations break on that ice-bound coast yonder, in clouds against the blue of heaven. The divide we were travelling was unlike those of the Plains, not only in being of much greater height and surface, but in its possession at intervals of deep ravines, finely timbered with pine, and bearing an underbrush of scrub-oak. The divide was outside of the lowest Rocky Mountain foot-hills, yet at the East it would have been called a mountainous country in itself The pine was getting rapidly cleared away from the divide by teams and choppers for the fuel- market of Denver We were every now and then, during the forenoon, passing great ox-loads of it on their way there. The oak was not that black-jack usually recognized as the scrub variety in our Atlan- tic sand barrens, but a tree with a comparatively deli- cate round-lobed leaf An innumerable array of un- known peas and beans showed pretty scentless flowers along the road, in every shade of purple, blue, and pink. In some situations the ground was all aflame with the intense scarlet flowers of " the paint-brush." About one o'clock, we descended into a valley of the divide, about twenty miles from Denver, in which, for the first time on our journey, we encountered those sculpturesque freaks of geology which form so large a field of interesting study throughout the Rocky Mountains, and were continually presenting themselves along our subsequent route to Salt Lake. The steep sand-bluffs, down which our course ran from the high plateau of the divide to the valley, were curiously channeled into isolated groups and masses, whose form gave every possible scope to one's fancy. The simplest of these formations were mere 148 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. sinuous galleries. Where the work of excavation had gone further, the sand rose in smooth cones or solitary pillars ; and in yet more complicated cases, the piles took a statuesque shape, which, with a trifling effort of imagination, became idols, gypsies about their camp-fire, witches, or mummies in their coffins. At first sight these formations were a good deal of a puzzle to me; but as we advanced, and saw them not only in the various stages, but undergoing the processes of production, their explanation became possible on at least one hypothesis, to which I will refer further on. A little beyond these statues, and in such plain sight of them that their moonlight view must have been like having a guard of honor composed of ghosts, we found " The Pretty Woman's Ranch " and its oc- cupants, the Richardsons. The nomenclature of new settlers is unconventionally direct. They glass of his telescope, and that Stansbury sought for it in vain ; an additional reason for Fremont's designation, since in this vapory region the cover of a telescope is not its least valuable part. The island rises steeply from the water, in some places with an ascent of more than forty-five degrees, with outlying reefs here and there of mica-schist and green hornblende. The composition of its rocky mass is variable, com- prising tufa derived from the feldspathic detritus of the older strata, conglomerate formed of water-worn quartzose and granitic fragments imbedded in a sedi- mentary matrix, and many metamorphic forms in which the clay schists predominate, these last often containing an abundance of iron pyrites, entire or in minute decomposition. This island does not rise high enough to reach the level at which the sub-carbonif- erous limestone would be likely to occur in a band continuous with that which caps Church Island and the main-land ranges to the south, but the lower and metamorphic strata which exist on it are sufficiently correspondent and cognate with those of the range to prove it a continuation of the Oquirrh. Near the summit is a very curious mass of schistose rock, per- forated by three immense windows, two of which are separated by a ragged mullion, and through them a splendid view of the lake may be obtained. From the highest table-land projects a castellated fragment which has led the Mormons to give the island a third name, so that one now has his choice between " Cas- tle," « Fremont," and " Disappointment " Island. The THE DEAD SEA. 391 suggestion of Stansbury, that good water might be obtained here by boring, has not thus far been acted on. Thus, although the vegetation of the island is more luxuriant and varied than that of Antelope, it still remains tenantless, and, so far as I know, unvis- ited. The absence of such springs upon it as water Antelope, is easily accounted for by its less height, and its consequent deficiency in capacity and area for congelation, all the springs of the former island coming from beds which have received the percola- tions of higher levels, in winter covered with vast masses of snow and ice. Boring would undoubtedly reach water, but of what kind may be questioned ; the strata through which it would be necessary to pass in order to strike the impervious stratum dip- ping under the bed of the lake from the Oquirrh, and forming the natur/il water-bed and conduit from the latter's summits, being largely saliferous them- selves, and so friable as possibly to admit of transu- dations from the surrounding brine. At a sufficient distance from the lake shore to obviate the latter difficulty, the increased height of the island would largely add to the labor and expense of boring ; but it is certainly worth while to make the experiment, as the present abundance of small vegetation, and the richness of the rapidly decomposing rock in all the solid elements of fertility, prove that irrigation would make the islaijd one of the finest cattle ranges be- tween the Mississippi and the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. The " benches," chronicling successive pe- riods of the lake's recession, are very prominent around the coast of this island everywhere. About fifteen miles from Fremont's Island and, nearly the same distance from Black Rock, across 392 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. that bay lying on our westward hand, whose deepest indentation is the furthest southerly point of the lake's extent, lies a lune-shaped mass called Stans- bury Island, although its insular character is part of the year entirely obliterated by the emergence of a sand-flat which connects it with the main-land not merely at one point, like the isthmus between Church Island and the lake shore, but along its entire breadth. It is the second of the islands in size, having a length of twelve miles, a circumference of thirty, and a peak near its centre, about three thousand feet above the level of the lake. As Antelope is the continuation of the Oquirrh, so Stanbury's Island seems to be the reappearance of a range running parallel to the Oquirrh, and separated from it by the Tuilla Valley about as far as that is separated from the Wahsatch. This valley is a basin corresponding to that in which Salt Lake City lies, though it differs from the latter in cradling no stream like the Jordan. As the Oquirrh dips at Black Rock to rise again in Antelope and Fremont Islands, so does this westward and par- allel chain sink at a point exactly due west of the dip of the Oquirrh to reappear in Stansbury and Car- rington Islands. Stansbury Island shows that it is the outlier and continuation of a distinct range from those of the Oquirrh system, by the difference in its geological formations. Its capping stratum is a black and gray limestone, like that of the Oquirrh, contain- ing multitudes of fossils belonging to the carboniferous period, both coralline and crinoidal ; but immediately beneath this the jumbled strata of conglomerate and metamorphic rocks found on Antelope and Fremont are replaced by deposits of a fine white sandstone, having in places an uninterrupted thickness of two THE DEAD SEA. 393 hundred feet, even along the edges where they crop out. On the eastern shore springs of water are abun- dant, and vegetation is luxuriant. Above the springs, the fine silicious rock rises in magnificent clifis, whose shining white wall and castellated cornice, contrasted with the rich verdure around the clear, fresh stream- lets at their base, in sunlight and full-moonlight pre- sent a picture of inconceivable beauty. Still higher the island rises toward the central dome in noble masses of barren rock, piled step on step in that sin- gular imitation of basalt which we sometimes find in limestone, amounting almost to a deception concern- ing its lithological character ; huge foursquare pil- lars and cleanly beveled battlements, vast towers and^ frowning fortresses, with salient and reentrant angles succeeding each other, as if by the plan of some Titanic military engineer ; great cuh-de-sac and deep recesses cut into the precipitous face of the coast wall ; all these making the grandest effects of chiaroscuro as the light plays with their vast bulks and hollows, until the weather-rounded summit is reached at a height as great as the monarch of the Catskills, and a view breaks on the adventurous climber, comparing for rugged sublimity with any but the grandest of the two Sierras. The rich vege- tation and abundant water on the lower levels of Stansbury Island make it the finest cattle range in the neighborhood of Salt Lake ; and it would doubt- less receive the preference of the Saints over Ante- lope as a pasturage for the sacred herds, were it not at so great a distance from the city. Time out of mind it has been frequented by the Indians ; its easy means of transit from the main-land make it a fa- vorite retreat and browsing-place for antelope and 394 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. other wild animals ; while the settlers of the Tuilla Valley herd their cattle there habitually. i Carrington Island, named after Captain Stansbury's assistant in the survey, is a mass shaped somewhat like a thick and clumsy fish-hook, with its heel placed southerly and about four miles from the northern promontory of Stansbury Island, about eight miles long from heel to point, six miles from heel to top of shank, and five miles in width, measuring from outside to outside across the deep bay on the north which separates the two members. It is separated from the eastern shore of the lake about as far as it is from Stansbury, by a shoal of hard, tufaceous rock which never becomes entirely uncovered ; indeed, reefs of tufa and sand-flats under water surround it on almost every side, covering an area larger than the island itself. It is without springs, but abounds in plants, many of them interesting both from their novelty and for their intrinsic beauty. The sego, before referred to, is very plenty; and Stansbury, who saw it on the 17th of June, when it was in full blossom, describes it as bearing lovely, lily-like flow- ers, which enlivened all the gentle slopes of the island. Its inner sepals are a delicate white, soft and creamy like the calla's, with a golden-yellow claw. " A large number of other plants were collected here, among which Cleome Liitea, Sidalcia Neo-Mexicana, Malvastrum Coccineum, Stephanomeria minor, a new species of Malaco- thrix, and Graia Spinosa were the most prominent." Limestone of numerous varieties belonging to the carboniferous seems the predominant formation on this island, suggesting the theory that the summit of the range has here dipped to the lake level; as the island, though possessing an acuminated form like THE DEAD SEA. 395 the rest, does not rise to any great height above the water. Hat Island is a bare rock, rising from the lake five miles north of Carrington, and so called from its fan- cied resemblance to an old beaver. About thirty miles to the north-northwest of this is Gunnison's Isl- and, named after one of the officers in Stansbury's ex- pedition. It really consists of two islands, the smaller of the two, a mere outlying knob of rock, rising about a hundred yards to the northward of the larger, and once, as Stansbury thinks, forming a part of it. The main island consists of an irregular ridge of compact limestone, like the cap of the range, and the great mass of Carrington Island. Its indented coast is peopled with countless hosts of cormorants, herons, gulls, and pelicans. Its northward face rises almost perpendicularly from the water's edge to the height of six hundred feet ; a wall of limestone show- ing strata of both the black and gray varieties. Stans- bury reports that the space between this precipice and the outlying islet is occupied by a beautiful and romantic little bay, with deep-blue waters so crystal- clear that the bar connecting the islands is distinctly visible beneath the water. Ten miles further to the north-northwest, and about two miles from the west shore of the lake, lies a small mass of emergent con- glomerate, about seventy feet high at its loftiest point, and continued under water in a shoal about knee-deep, for a mile or more northerly. From the shape of its ridge, it has received the name of Dolphin Island. Be- side these, there are in the lake several small banks and rocks just large enough to moor a boat to, but in- significant and bare of vegetation. So far as I know, the only ones which have received any name, are Egg and Mud Island. 396 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. Having discharged my conscience of all duties due the geography and hydrography of the lake, I return to my party, who have by this time finished their cave-hunting excursions, unpacked from the vehicles the hampers of eatables, and set the discoverer Smith at work preparing for our dinner. Though the pro- prietors of Black Rock Ranch are still Fourth-of-July- ing it at " the city," the cows are at home, carrying on their important part of the business with a week- day steady-mindedness as prosaic as if nobody ever had a holiday or flung a torpedo the whole year round. Smith, the discoverer, has acquired something of their business regularity by association ; and the dairy of Black Rock Ranch groans through all its clean-scrubbed shelves and bright-scoured pans, with the rich yellow.produce of his herd. There are plenty of active partners in the ranch, too, to be found among the denizens of its poultry -yard ; so that we are going to have the royalest of lunches, on fresh country cream, butter, and eggs, beside a big kettle- ful of that savory prepared coffee, whose solid basis, to the extent of two tin boxes full, we had brought with us from our own travelling stores, and whose invaluable assistance in getting up hasty camp break- fasts we have had occasion so often to acknowledge in crossing the Plains and the mountains, and bivouack- ing on the hunting grounds of our Western country. Besides these luxuries were a quantity of cold broiled chicken, some loaves of sweet home-made bread con- structed from Utah wheat, a boiled ham, half a dozen boxes of sardines, a jar of Crosse & Blackwell's chow-chow, another of Shaker apple-butter, and still another of hermetically sealed tomatoes, — some of these articles drawn from our own commissariat, and THE DEAD SEA. 397 a part packed into our hamper by one of the Mes- dames Townsend. While the discoverer was busy setting the tables and building a roaring fire in the kitchen to prepare our grub, we found a spare quar- ter of an hour on our hands, which it was decided, by a unanimous vote, could be no better spent than in making the better acquaintance of Salt Lake by a plunge into its bosom. We undressed in the kitchen of the ranch, and had only about half a dozen rods to walk to the water's edge. The beach was very disagreeable, consisting of flinty rock fragments, sharp as a razor, from one to eighteen inches long, and all seeming to he edge and point upward. At every step some cut or bruised foot came up with a jerk and a yell from its indignant owner, and self-gratulations were profuse when we reached the water. But our rejoicing was short-lived. The exchange was, if possible, of bad for worse. The water deepened very gradually ; and after wetting our feet, we had to walk further to reach a swimming depth than we had previously come from the kitchen. The mangling chunks of stone were no longer visible, but they were still there, and tangible as ever. Worse yet, it was not sand which covered them out of sight, but a layer of black mud six inches thick, through which the foot sank to its torture bed of spikes below, as through the fine silt of a sewer, or a compost -heap. No words can do justice to the filthiness of this Stygian mire. Every sense to which it appealed, recoiled in loathing. It felt like a clammy paste of rottenness, much colder than the water above, and sent a chilly shudder of horror crawling up one's spinal marrow, as one foot came up with a disgusting thlupp, and the 398 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. other sunk deeper with the vile stuff oozing lup be- tween its toes ; it dyed the clear blue brine, wherever it was disturbed, a black like foul ink diffusing itself in clouds for two yards round; and its smell, — what word-perfumer can do justice to that ? It was rotten- ness itself The worst odor of putrefaction that ever sickened me elsewhere, was night-blooming cereus compared with it ; it would have turned the stom- ach of a turkey-buzzard or a ghoul. I had the hardi- hood to examine it, and found that it consisted of the decomposed larvae of some insect like the mos- quito. But where had the tenants of these cast-off dwellings gone ? We were never troubled with mos- quitos or gnats at Salt Lake, either in the city or any other portion of the region ; yet the larv93 pres- ent along a rod of that shore represented a host of those midnight assassins large enough to have driven all Utah Territory stark mad, and sucked every Saint in it dry as parchment, though its population were as densely packed as that of China. At that time I had read nothing written by other explorers, and having only heard the commonly received report that Salt Lake, like the Dead Sea, is an absolutely azoic body of water, supposed I had made a new discovery in ascertaining the existence of insect remains there. Since then I learn, through Captain Stansbury, that the foul mass was examined by Mr. T. B. Peale, who pronounced it to consist, nine tenths of larvae and exuviae of Chirononms, or some species of mosquito probably undescribed; the remainder of fragments of other aquatic diptera and hymenoptera, both in the pupa and the mature state. Deposits similar to this at Black Rock are found in all the shallow bays of the lake, extending in layers a foot deep over THE DEAD SEA. 899 areas of many hundred acres in extent, and always horrible in their fetor, blackening the water like cut- tle-fish fluid, and producing an overwhelming nausea wherever they were stirred up. Neither Mr. Peale nor Captain Stansbury could arrive at any theory adequate for the explanation of the vast quantity in which the exuviae appeared. The latter, on page 177 of his most interesting report, says : " The question where these larvae originated, presents a curious sub- ject of inquiry. Nothing living has yet been de- tected in the lake, and only a few large insects in the brackish springs, which do not at all resemble these either in shape or size." I have seen no obser- vations since his which throw any light upon the sub- ject, unless my own be deemed thus successful. 1 did detect something living in the lake water, though whether its connection with the larvae be capable of making out I am not prepared to say. I brought back from the lake to Townsend's a quart-bottle of the water, gathered near the shore, but without dis- turbing the filthy deposit, and placed it in a west window, where it had the sun for the last five hours of the afternoon. For the first day or two the water remained perfectly clear. About the third day I ob- served small vermicular animals in it. I then neg- lected it until I came to pack the bottle the night before leaving, — ■ it may have been a week from the time of my visit to Salt Lake. Then for the first time I discovered a number of minute diptera float- ing in it dead. They resembled, in all but size, our common house-fly, or the Platte River buffalo-gnat, rather than a mosquito. It then struck me as pos- sible that the great number of these larvae deposited on the lake bottom may be accounted for by suppos- 400 IHE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ing a species whose rapidity of transit througl) their various stages of existence was as great as that of the insects found in my bottle, and whose mature life in the winged state was merely ephemeral. I think my experiment, in spite of its rudeness, still free from most of the sources of error. The water was so clear when I bottled it that I certainly should have seen any object as large as the dead flies I finally found there ; and as the bottle was never for a moment uncorked, their eventual existence in it could not be accounted for by their having entered in their winged state at the hotel, and perished there. I am therefore compelled to believe that the micro- scopic ova of some aquatic dipterous species were suspended in the lake water when I bottled it ; that they hatched into the grub state in the sunlight at my window, appearing as the worms I first noticed ; and the flies were their matured form (the sediment at the bottom containing their pupae), dead when I found them, either because they had no means of es- cape into the air, or because they were ephemeral, and had run their full cycle. I cannot account for the existence of such vast masses of exuviae in the lake on the ground that they are the sloughs of an extinct race or of an extant one accumulated through many ages, as the preservation of their forms, and the still active putrefaction at whose expense the terrible stench is kept up, necessitate a comparatively recent origin. It seems strange how such putrefaction can go on anj^how in a pickle as strong as that of Salt Lake ; but the probable truth is that it is commenced in the open air and hot sun, where the exuviae are cast up by the waves on the beach. I leave a subject which would be wholly unpleasant THE DEAD SEA. 401 but for its bearings on the interesting scientific ques- tion whether or not Salt Lake is uninhabited, with a passing reference to the fact that Governor Cummings mentioned to Captain Burton his having seen in the lake a reddish vermicular animal, about as long as the top joint of his little finger, who had spun himself a sheltering web inside of a curled leaf a few inches long. This may be some new variety of the caddis- worm, and it would be an interesting subject for ex- amination. After wading this sty of -concentrated nastiness (which nothing ever pushed me through but scientific enthusiasm, and the reflection how ashamed I should hereafter be if compelled to acknowledge that I had stood on the Salt Lake margin, without having breasted its waters), I came, nearly a hundred feet from shore, into a depth where I could comfortably swim. Once fairly in, I found the water very exhil- arating. It was as cold to the feel as the ocean at Long Branch in the bathing season, and from this cause, with its intense brininess in addition, gave me a tonic sensation like a brisk shower-bath. I felt none of the acidity and burning with which the lake affects some skins — only a pleasant pungent sense of being in pickle, such as a self-conscious gherkin might experience in Cross & Blackwell's aristocratic bath of condiments, after he had set his mind at rest about copper by reading the assurance on the label, and intrusted himself with full abandon to his luxurious immersion. I swam out about twenty rods into the lake, and supposed I must certainly be a long way beyond my depth, so stopped to tread water and look about me. As I threw my feet down, to my ut- ter surprise they touched bottom again j and the way 402 THE HEART OF TPIE CONTINENT. that I put out for the open sea, remembering the horrible pit and miry clay, was a caution ! I had to get some distance beyond the line of Black Rock be- fore I found water over my head. At that time I had no idea of what a shallow puddle the Great Salt Lake was. I thought, as I suppose most people do, that it was at least a thousand feet deep in the middle, and shelved oif rapidly from the bold limestone precipices which wall it at Black Rock. Instead of that, it is almost everywhere bordered by shallows, reaching from a hundred rods to several miles from the shore ; and the very deepest place found by that most minute and painstaking of hydrographers, Captain Stansbury, after innumerable soundings in every di- rection throughout the lake, was only thirty-five feet ! In some portions of the lake, many miles from either shore, I might have swam for half a day without get- ting beyond my depth. In common with all travellers, I experienced the most curious sensations of over-buoyancy. Without special effort, it was impossible to keep myself under sufficiently to have it feel like swimming, and not like lying on a sort of India rubber bed, where I made no break, but only a dent in some elastic substance which sprung under me. When I trod water, my bust emerged to considerably below the armpits ; when I lay prone or on my back, so much of the uppermost surface was exposed that I had to change my position frequently, in order to keep myself uniformly wet, so as not to be scorched by the perpendicular rays of the midsummer sun. It would be a splendid place for a swimming-school. No confidence need be taught there — nothing but the motions. And a more de- lightful gamboling-place cannot be imagined. I was THE DEAD SEA. 403 always passionately fond of swimming ; and after my long, dry, dusty ride across the plains and moun- tains, where I had enjoyed no bath with ample room to disport myself, or indeed any swim at all since I ducked in the crystal flood of the " Fonten-kee-boo- yeh " at the base of Pike's Peak, it may be conceived that I rioted in the bracing blue brine of Utah with a perfect boyish delight. I could scarcely bear to leave it, even to the dinner for which my clamber and my swim had procured me an appetite as boyish. I stayed in till all the rest of my party had gone out, then, lying flat on my back, with my head to the land and perfectly motionless, abandoned myself to the cradling motion of the long ground-swells, trusting to a breeze which blew directly on shore to waft me gently thitherward. The breeze did as I expected. I drifted in very rapidly and so comfortably that I could have lain on my soft couch and slept all day. Pres- ently I put down my hand to turn over, intending to swim the rest of the way ashore face forward. My palm instantly touched bottom, and I found that I had floated so far land-ward that I was in water only six inches deep ! The fact that a craft of a full-grown man's draught of water no more touched bottom in a shoal like that than in mid-ocean, is the best illustra- tion I can give of the remarkable density and lifting power of the Salt Lake water. Glad to have been saved the greater part of my return journey through the dumping-ground of dead gallinippers, I scrambled to my feet, and picked my way over the daggery beach to the kitchen with no worse result than a heel- bruise. I had from hearsay some idea of the incrusta- tions of salt which appear on every bather in Salt Lake when he comes out, but was not at all prepared for the 404 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. reality. The evaporation taking place while I walked the trifling distance across the beach to the house, was sufficient to turn me into a pillar of salt, or, as an old Mormon called it, to " Lotswificate " me. From head to foot, almost without a break, I was covered with a crystalline film, white as leprosy, and the thick- ness of ordinary stove-door isinglass. I had been a Nazarene ever since leaving New York ; and the effect of my long hair and full beard with the salt dried into them was very like that of the grasses which country ladies amuse themselves by vitrifying with saturated solutions of alum, giving me the appearance of a shaggy Triton wreathed with sea-weed and crystals. In the kitchen I found that very necessary conclusion to a Salt Lake swim, a wash-tub full of fresh water, and, jumping into that, divested myself of my acrid exuvice. The sensation of getting off the salt was very grateful, for, as I got drier, it made my skin feel absolutely thirsty like a tongue ; indeed, a smarting, burning sensation lingered in my pores to' a greater ^ or less degree all day ; and I could not help fancying that it made my fauces dry as well as my skin, pro- ducing by absorption an internal thirst corresponding to the outer one. This is not to be wondered at when we consider the great affinity of salt for the fluids of the body, the activity of all the absorbent surfaces in summer, and the intense brininess of the lake as re- vealed by the analyses made during Stansbury's ex- pedition. The brine of Salt Lake, in point of den- sity, has but one known superior on the globe — the waters of the Dead Sea. In a hundred parts by weight, the latter contain 24.580 of solid contents, and the former 22.422. The solid contents were con- stituted in the following proportions : — THE DEAD SEA. 405 Chloride of sodium . . . . . .20.196 Sulphate of soda 1.834 Chloride of magnesium 0.252 Chloride of calcium (a trace) and waste . . 0.140 22.422 (The specimen brought home by Captain Stansbury to be subjected to Dr. Gale's analysis was too small to be examined with reference to any other components than those here stated, and omits consideration of all gaseous matters held in solution by the Salt Lake waters, which are likely to be considerable, especially along the shore, where decay of organic bodies is con- stantly going on, and sulphide of hydrogen may natu- rally be looked for. Still, for all practical purpose, the analysis is abundantly precise.) The waters of the Dead Sea are much weaker in chloride of sodium, and much stronger in chloride of magnesium ; containing in their 24.580 of solid con- tents only 10.360 of the former, but 10.246 of the latter, while their chloride of calcium amounts to 3.920 parts, and their sulphate of soda to 0.054. The Salina salt wells are the strongest in the States, and the maximum yield of their brine is about 17 J per cent, in solid salt. That of the Salt Lake brine is about 20 per cent. It will be seen that although the density of the Dead Sea water is about two per cent, greater, its per cent, of chloride of sodium is only about one half, and thus the waters of Salt Lake are by nearly three per cent, the strongest natural brine in the world. The Mormons avail themselves of it for domestic purposes by the crudest possible pro- cesses of manufacture, — or frequently without man- ufacture of any kind, — collecting it from the rocks, which it incrusts in large quantities, and bringing it 406 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. to the city by cart-loads. I noticed that on Town- send's table it often seemed singularly damp, consid- ering the dry climate. Dr. Gale explains this fact by the presence of the chlorides of magnesium and calcium, both of which are very deliquescent, and in dissolving extend their deliquative action to the com- mon salt. In any but a new country, where people have enough to do without attending to the extreme refinements of domestic life, the lake salt would be refined, instead of used in its crude state, as it now so generally is. Dr. Gale's method for this purpose is beautifully simple and easy. It consists merely in pouring lake water, either just as it is bailed up or concentrated by boiling, upon a heap of the drying incrustations laid on a blanket or other porous bot- tom. This water being already a saturated solution of chloride of sodium, or nearly so, will dissolve little or none of that component, but takes up and leaches away all the other chlorides present. After repeating this process three or four times, and allowing the re- siduary mass to crystallize in the sun, the result is pure enough for all practical purposes. If absolute purity is desired, another filtration, this time fresh water at a temperature of 91|° F. being employed instead of salt, will remove the small per cent, of Glauber-salts still remaining, though its quantity is not sufficient, if left in the table salt, to produce any cathartic effect. The road which we had come is one of the emi- grant routes to California, leading from Salt Lake City round the northern promontory of the Oquirrh into the Tuilla Valley, past the range forming that val- ley's western wall, which smks to the level of the lake at a considerable distance from its shore, instead THE DEAD SEA. 407 of dipping boldly into its waters like the Oquirrh or the Wahsatch, and leaves a broad plain for the pas- sage of the road further west, thence striking across the desert and the Humboldt Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, and climbing over the latter into the great Gold State of the Pacific. The other principal road, and the one which we took on leaving Salt Lake City for good, strikes southerly from the city up the valley -of the Jordan to Utah Lake and Camp Floyd (now "Fort Crittenden"), and traverses a more southerly portion of the Great Desert to California. The for- mer route is taken by many, indeed, by most of the emigrant trains, the pasturage and springs along its course being plentier and more excellent. On our way back to the city we encountered a long train of forty or fifty wagons drawn by mules and oxen, and followed by herds of milch cattle, oxen, and yearlings, and flocks of sheep. The drivers were a fine-looking set of men, unmistakably Scandinavian in their fea- tures, dress, and language ; muscular, well knit, large- framed, and bronzed by long exposure over the moun- tains and plains which they had travelled for twelve hundred miles between the Missouri and Mormon- dom. The women were apparently a better grade than those who visit Salt Lake from Sweden without going further, and sat knitting, singing, and tending their babies as if they had not spurned the gospel offers, and were not now, with every tiu-n of their heavy wagon-tires, putting further behind them the invita- tion to stay and go to heaven with a fractional hus- band. Everybody looked contented except the poor draught animals, who lolled painfully, their big plead- ing eyes telling of a thirst which could be but poorly slaked at the scanty and brackish springs where they 408 THE HEART OF THE COKTINENT. stopped just as we met them, and which would be only intensified as they proceeded over the broad desert area between here and the Humboldt. I felt thirsty myself, and got out of our wagon to drink at the well where the herdsmen were supplying their need. The water was a warm, nauseous solution of minerals, which betrayed the existence of sulphur in the soil as well as the near neighborhood of the lake. I drank as much of it as I could, hoping that it would" moisten my throat sufficiently to last till I could get a draught from the city conduits ; but its effect was only to sicken even my far from fastidious stomach, and increase my thirst to such a miserable degree that Townsend's was doubly welcome when we ar- rived shortly after sundown. The effect of the snow lying in the lofty valleys between the mountain-tops of the Wahsatch and the pure red lustre of the Wah- satch itself, in the twilight reflections from the bril- liant heaven over the Oquirrh, behind Avhich the sun had just gone down, was a sight of such magical beauty as no pen or brush can hope to paint, no heart which it has filled with ecstasy can ever forget. Nine thousand feet above the Jordan, twelve thousand above the sea, inaccessible in many places to any climbing, and accessible nowhere short of forty or fifty miles' difficult, devious, and dangerous climb, — those spotless abysses of pearl and rose-tinted opal, of marble and clear ouyx, contrasted with vast masses of bare mountain that were all one auroral blush, looked to our enamored eyes like part of the heaven itself — the very gates and foundations of the city of God. CHAPTER IX. SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. It is as hard to leave San Francisco as to get there. To a traveller paying his first visit it has the interest of a new planet. It ignores the meteorological laws which govern the rest of the world. There is no snow there. There are no summer showers. The tailor recognizes no aphelion or perihelion in his custom : the thin woolen suit which his patron had made in April is comfortably worn until April again. The only change of stockings there is from wet to dry, or from soiled to clean. Save that in so-called winter frequent rainfalls alternate with spotless in- tervals of amber weather, and that soi-disant summer is one entire amber mass, its unbroken divine days concrete in it, there is no inequality on which to for- bid the bans between May and December. In San Francisco there is no work for the scene-shifter of Nature : the wealth of that great dramatist, the year, resulting in the same manner as the poverty of dab- blers in private theatricals, — a single flat doing ser- vice for the entire play. Thus, save for the purpose of notes of hand, the almanac of San Francisco might replace its mutable months and seasons with one great kindly, constant, sumptuous All the Year Round. Out of this benignant sameness what glorious fruits are produced ! Fruit enough metaphorical : for the scientific man or artist who cannot make hay while 410 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. such a sun shines from April to November must be a slothful laborer indeed. But fruit also literal : for what joy of vegetation is lacking to the man who every month in the year can look through his study- window on a green lawn, and have strawberries and cream for his breakfast, — who can sit down to this royal fruit, and at the same time to apricots, peaches, nectarines, blackberries, raspberries, melons, figs both yellow and purple, early apples, and grapes of three kinds ? Another delightful fact of San Francisco is the Oc- cidental Hotel. Its comfort is like that of a royal home. There is nothing inn-ish about it. Remember- ing the chief hotels of many places, I am constrained to say that I have never, even in New York, seen its equal for elegance of appointment, attentiveness of servants, or excellence of cuisine. Having come to this extreme of civilization from the extreme of bar- barism, we found that it actually needed an exertion to leap from the lap of luxury, after a fortnight's pleasaunce, and take to the woods again in flannel and corduroys. But far more seductive than the beautiful bay, the heavenly climate, the paradisaical fruits, and the royal hotel of San Francisco, were the old friends whom we found, and the new ones we made there. With but one exception (and that an express-company, not a man), we were received by all our San Francisco ac- quaintance in a kind and helpful manner, with a wel- come and a cheer as delightful to ourselves as it was honorable to them. Need I say whose brotherly hands were among the very first outstretched to us, in whose happy home we found our sweetest rest, by whose radiant face and golden speech we were most SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 411 lovingly detained evening after evening and far into the night ? A few days after our return to the East, when we read that dreadful message, " Statr King is dead," the lightning that carried it seemed to end in our hearts. We withered under it; California had lost its soul for us ; at noon or in dreams that balmy land would nevermore be the paradise it once was to us. The last hand that pressed our own, when we sailed for the Isthmus on our way home, was the same that had been first to give us our California welcome. Just before the lines were cast off, Starr King stood at the door of our state-room, and said, — " I could not bear to have you go away without one more good-by. Here are the cartes-de-visite I prom- ised. They look hard-worked, but they look like me. Good-by ! God bless you ! I hope to make a visit to the East next summer, and then we will get together somewhere by the sea. Good-by ! " He went down the ladder. When the steamer glided off, his bright face sent benedictions after us as far as we could see ; and then, for the last time on earth, that great, that good, that beloved man faded from our sight, — but, ! never from our hearts, either in the here or the hereafter. " We shall see him, but not now." We shall be together with him " in the summer by the sea ; " but that summer shall have other glory than the sun to lighten it, and the sea shall be of crystal. King was to have joined us in our Yo-Semite trip. We little knew that we were losing, for this world, our last opportunity of close daily intercourse with his sweet spirit, though we were grievously disap- pointed when he told us, on the eve of our setting out, that work for the nation must detain him in San Francisco, after all. 412 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. If report was true, we were going to the original site of the Garden of Eden, — into a region which out-Bendemered Bendemere, out-valleyed the valley of Rasselas, surpassed the Alps in its waterfalls, and the Himmaryeh in its precipices. As for the two former subjects of comparison, we never met any tourist who could adjust the question from his own experience ; but the superiority of the Yo-Semite to the Alpine cataracts was a matter put beyond doubt by repeated judgments; and a couple of English offi- cers who had explored the wildest Himmal'yeh scen- ery told Starr King that there was no precipice in Asia to be compared for height or grandeur with Tu- toch-anula and Tis-sa-ack. We were going into the vale whose giant domes and battlements had months before thrown their pho- tographic shadow through Watkins's camera across the mysterious wide Continent, causing exclamations of awe at Goupil's window, and ecstasy in Dr. Holmes's study. At Goupil's counter and in Starr King's drawing-room we had gazed on them by the hour already, — I, let me confess it, half a Thomas-a Didymus to Nature, unwilling to believe the utmost true of her till I could put my finger in her very prints. . Now we were going to test her reported lar- gess for ourselves. No Saratoga affair, this ! A total lack of tall trunks, frills, and curling-kids. Driven by the oestrum of a Yo-Semite pilgrimage, the San Francisco belle for- sakes (the Western vernacular is "goes back on") her back hair, abandons her capillary " waterfalls " for those of the Sierra, and, like John Phoenix's old lady, who had her whole osseous system removed by the patent tooth-puller, departs, leaving her " skele- SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 413 ton " behind her. The bachelor who cares to see un- hooped womanhood once more before he dies, should go to the Yo-Semite. The scene was three or four times presented to us during our seven weeks' camp there, — though the trip is one which might well cost a feeble woman her life. Our male preparations were of the most pioneer description. One wintry day since my return I was riding in a train on the New York Central, when an undaunted herdsman, returning Westward, flushed with the sale of beeves, accosted me with the ques- tion, " Friend, yeou've travelled consid'able, and be- lieve in the religion of Natur', don't ye ? " "Why so ? " I responded. " Them loots,'' replied my new acquaintance, pointing at a pair with high knee-caps, like those our party wore to the Yo-Semite. Other- wise, we took the oldest clothes we had, — and it is not difiicult to find that variety in the trunk of a re- cent Overland stager. We were armed with Ballard rifles, shot-guns, and Colt's revolvers which had come with us across the Continent ; our ammunition we got in San Francisco, together with all such commissa- riat luxuries as were worth transportation : our ne- cessaries we left to be purchased at that jumping-off place of civiHzation, Mariposa, whence we were to start our pack-mules into the wilderness. Let me recommend tourists like ourselves to include in the former catalogue plenty of canned fruits, sardines, and apple-butter, — in the latter, a jug of sirup for the inevitable camp slapjacks. No woodsman, as will presently appear inojur narrative, can tell when a slapjack may be tEie last plank between him and starvation ; and to this plank how powerfully sirup enables him to stick ! 414 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. The only portion of our outfit which would have pleased an exquisite (and he must be rather of the Count Devereux than the Foppington Flutter school) was our horseflesh. That greatest of luxuries, a really good saddle-animal, is readily and reasonably attain- able in California. Everybody rides there ; if you wish to create a sensation with your horsemanship in the streets of San Francisco, you must ride ill, not well : everybody does this last. Even since the horse- railroad has begun to clutter Montgomery Street (the San Franciscan Boulevards) with its cars, it is a daily matter to see capitalists and statesmen charging through that thoroughfare on a gallop, which, if re- peated in Broadway by Henry G. Stebbins, would cost him his reputation on 'Change and his seat in Con- gress. The nation of beggars on horseback which first colonized California has left behind it many tra- ditions unworthy of conservation, and multitudinous fleas not at all traditional, but even less keep worthy; but all honor be to the Spaniards, Greasers, and mixed breeds for having rooted the noble idea of horseman- ship so firmly in the country that even street-rail- roads cannot uproot it, and that Americans who never sat even so little as an Atlantic State's pony, on com- ing here presently take to the saddle with all their hearts. In most of the smaller California towns, a very serviceable half or quarter-breed saddle-horse is to be had for forty dollars, — the "breed" portion of his blood being drawn from an Eastern stallion, the remaining fraction being native or Mustang stock. This animal, if need be, will live on road-side crop- pings nearly as well as a mule, — travel all day long on an easy " lope," never offering to stop till fatigue makes him fall, — and, if you let him, will take you SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 415 through chaparrals, and up and down precipices at whose bare suggestion an Eastern horse would break his legs. Our party, seeking rather more ambitious mounts, supplied itself, after a tour through the San Francisco stables, with saddle-animals at an average of seventy dollars apiece. This, payable in gold, then amounted to one hundred dollars in notes ; but the New York market could not have furnished us with such horses for three hundred dollars. It may seem as if, like most cavalcades, we should never get started, but I must linger a moment to do justice to our accoutrements. If there be a more perfect saddle than the Californian, I would ride bare- back a good way to get it. Anything more unlike the slippery little pad on which we of the East amble about parks and suburban roads cannot be imagined. It is not for a day, but for all time, and for those who spend nearly the latter in it. Its wooden skeleton is as scientifically fitted to the rider's form as an old " incroyables " pair of pantaloons. There is no such thing as getting tired in or of it. Rising to the lower lumbar vertebrae behind, and in front terminating gracefully in a broad-topped pommel, it enables one to lean back in descending, forward in climbing, the great ridges on the path of California travel, — thus affording capital relief both to one's self and one's horse, and bringing in both from a fifty miles' march comparatively unjaded. The stirrups of this saddle are broad hickory hoops, shaped nearly like an Omega upside-down (xj), left unpolished so as to afford the most unshakable foot- ing, covered with a half-shoe of the stoutest leather, which renders it impossible for the toe to slip through or the ankle to foul under any circumstances. At- 416 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. tached to the straps from which these swing is a wide and neatly ornamented stirrup-leather, which effectu- ally prevents the grazing of the rider's leg. The sur- cingle, or, Calif ornic^, the cinch, is a broad strip of hair- cloth with a padded ring at either end, through which you reeve and fasten with a half-hitch stout straps sewed to other rings under the saddle flaps. This arrangement is not only far securer than our Eastern buckle, but enables you to graduate the tightness of your girth much more delicately, and make a far snugger fit. The only particular in which I could not commend and adopt the native practice was the Mexican bit. It is a dreadful instrument of torture, putting im- mense leverage in the rider's hands, and enabling him at will to tear the mouth of his horse to pieces ; in- deed, the horse on which it is used is guided entirely by pressure on the opposite side of the neck from that in which one seeks to turn him. Our Eastern way of drawing his head around would so lift the bit as to drive him frantic. There are very few horses of any breed, even the mustang, that never stumble ; and as I prefer lifting my horse to letting him break his knees or neck, I want a bridle I can pull upon with- out tearing his mouth. So, in spite of its handsome appearance and the very manageable single white cord into which its two reins are braided, I eschewed the Mexican head-gear, and took the ordinary Eastern snaffle and curb. Immense spurs completed our ac- coutrement, — whips being here unknown. I may as well make a word-map of our route be- fore going farther. Pilgrims to the Yo-Semite ship themselves and their horses from San Francisco by steamer to Stockton. This town is on the San Jo- SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 417 aquin, the most northerly of a series of rivers fed di- rectly from the Sierra Nevada water-shed, — a series, indeed, continued through much of the still lower Pacific coast to the Isthmus of Nicaragua. The Sac- ramento drains quite a different region, that of the broad plains between the Sierra and the Coast range, occupying the northern portion of the State, — re- sembling in its physical features, much more than any of the Pacific streams beside, the large isolated trunks which drain the east slope of the Alleghanies. The Colorado is almost the only other large river cre- ated from many tributaries, which debouches between the Columbia and the Isthmus, — and that rises east of the mathematical axis of the Rocky Mountains. The Yo-Semite Valley is one of the cradles through which the short Sierra-draining rivers reach the ocean ; its threading stream is the Merced ; and if on any good United States Survey map you will please to follow that river back to the mountains, when your finger-nail touches the Sierra it will be (or would, were the maps somewhat correcter) in the Great Yo-Semite. You will then see that our course led us across three streams, after leaving the San Jo- aquin at Stockton en route for Mariposa, — the Stanis- laus, the Tuolomne, and the main Merced. The dis- tance from Stockton to Mariposa is about one hun- dred miles, a small part of the way between fenced ranches, a much greater part on wide, open, rolling plains, somewhat like those of Nebraska, embraced between the two great ranges of the State. Here and there you find an isolated herdsman or a small settlement dropped down in this not unfruitful waste, and thrice you come to a hybrid town, with a Span- ish plaza, and Yankee notions sold around it. We 27 418 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. went the distance leisurely, consuming four days to Mariposa, for we stopped here and there to sketch, " peep, and botanize;" besides, we were dragging with us a Jersey wagon, bought second-hand in Stockton, in which we carried our heavier outfit till we should get our extra pack-beasts at Mariposa, and to which we had harnessed for their first time an implacable white mule with an incapable white horse, to neither of which each other's society or their own new trade was congenial. I shall not linger here as we did there. To an or- nithologist the whole road is interesting, — especially to one making a specialty of owls. The only game within easy reach is the dove and the California ground-squirrel, — a big fellow, much like our North- eastern gray, barring the former's subterranean hab- its. On the plains threaded by the road the pasture is good, save in the extremest drought of summer, when the great herds which usually feed at large on and between the river bottoms are driven to the rich green grass in the high valleys of the Sierra, — or ought to be : many cattle die along the San Joaquin every summer for want of this care. Occasionally the road winds through the refreshing shadow of a grove of live-oaks, standing far from any water on a sandy knoll. But the most magnificent trees of the oak family that I ever beheld were growing on the banks of the Tuolomne River, where we forded it at Koberts's Ferry. They were not merely in dimension superior to the finest white-oaks of the East, but sur- passed in beauty every tradition of their genus. Their vast gnarled branches followed as exquisite curves as belong to any elm on a New England meadow, and wept at the extremities like those of SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 419 that else matchless tree, — possessing, moreover, a sumptuous affluence of leafage, an arboreal emhon- pmit, unknown to their graceful sister of our low- lands. At Princeton, a thriving suburb of Mariposa, we completed our cavalcade of pack-animals, transferred our wagon-load to their backs (the average mule- pack weighs from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds), roped it there in the most ap- proved muletero fashion, and started into the wilder- ness. Let us call the roll. Beside the three gentlemen who with myself had formed the original Overland party, we numbered two young artists of great merit then sojourning for a short time in California, — Wil- liams, an old Roman, and Perry, an ancient Diissel- dorf friend, — also a highly scientific metallurgist and physicist generally. Dr. John Hewston of San Francisco. To serve the party, we secured a man and a boy. Regarding the former, perhaps the more truthful assertion would be that he secured us ; for, as will shortly appear, though we bought his services, he sold us in return. We picked him up in a San Fran- cisco employment office, after looking all over the city for a respectable groom and camp-cook, and find- ing that in a scarce-labor country like California even fifty gold dollars per month, with keep and expenses, were no sufficient bait for the catch we wanted. He was a meagre, wiry fellow, with sandy hair, service- able-looking hands, and no end to self-recommenda- tions ; but then it was impossible to ask after hi n at his '-last place," that having been General Johnston's camp during Buchanan's forcible-feeble occupation of 420 THE HEART OF THE CONTHSTENT. Utah. As he said he had been a teamster, and knew that soup-meat went into cold water, we rushed blindly into an engagement with him, marriage-ser- vice fashion, and took him for better or worse. The thing which I think finally " fired our Northern hearts " and clinched the matter was his assertion of nephewship to the Secession Governor Vance, whose name he bore, combined with unswerving personal loyalty. Lest by some future D'Israeli this be writ- ten down among the traditional greennesses of learned men, let me say that he was our pis-aller, — we find- ing ourselves within two hours of the Stockton boat, with nobody to help pack our mules or care for them and the horses. The boy we obtained near Mariposa. He was an independent squire to the man of whom we got the extra animals, and accompanied them as a sort of trustee and prochdn amy to an orphan family of mules. At fifteen years and in jackets, he was one of the keenest speculators in fire-arms I ever saw; could swap horses or play poker with anybody ; and, take him all in all, in the Eastern States, at least, I shall never look upon his like again. Thus manned, and leading, turn-about, four or five pack-beasts by as many tow-lines, we struck up into the well-wooded Sierra foot-hills, commencing our climb at the very outset from Mariposa. The whole distance to the Valley was fifty miles. For twelve of these we pursued a road in some degree practica- ble to carts, and leading to one of those inevitable steam saw-mills with which a Yankee always cuts his first swath into the tall grass of Barbarism. Passing the saw-mill in the very act of astonishing the wil- derness with a dinner- whistle, we struck a trail and SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 421 fell into single file. Thenceforward our way was almost a continuous alternation of descent and climb over outlying ridges of the Sierra. Our raw-recruited mules, and the elementary condition of our intellects in the science of professional packing, spun out this portion of our journey to three days, — though al- lowance is to be made for the fact of our stopping at noon of the second day and not resuming our trail till the morning of the third. This interim we spent in visiting the Big Trees, which are situated four or five miles off the Yo-Semite track. " Clark's," where tourists stop for this purpose, is just half-way between Mariposa and the great Valley. '' Clark " himself is one of the best-informed men, one of the very best guides, I ever met in the Califor- nian or any other wilderness. He is a fine-looking, stalwart old grizzly-hunter and miner of the '49 days, wears a noble full beard hued like his favorite game, but no head-covering of any kind since recovered from a fever which left his head intolerant of even a slouch. He lives among folk, near Mariposa, in the winter, and in summer occupies a hermitage built by himself in one of the loveliest lofty valleys of the Sierra. Here he gives travellers a surprise by the nicest poached eggs and rashers of bacon, home-made bread and wild-strawberry sweetmeats, which they will find in the State. Before reaching Clark's, we had been astonished at the dimensions of the ordinary pines and firs, — our trail for miles at a time running through forests where trees one hundred and fifty feet high wrre very common, and trees of two hundred feet by no means rare, while some of the very largest must have considerably surpassed the latter measurement. 422 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. But these were in their turn dwarfed by the Big Trees proper, as thoroughly as themselves would have dwarfed a common Green Mountain forest. I find no one on this side the Continent who believes the literal truth which travellers tell about these marvelous giants. People sometimes think they do, but that is only because they fail to realize the prop- osition. They have no concrete idea of how the asserted proportions look. Tell a carpenter, or any other man at home with the look of dimensions, what you have seen in the Mariposa County groves, and his eye grows incredulous in a moment. I freely confess, that, though I always thought I had believed travellers in their recitals on this subject, when I saw the trees I found I had bargained to credit no such story as that, and for a moment felt half-reproachful toward the friends who had cheated me of my faith under a misapprehension. Take the dry statistics of the matter. Out of one hundred and thirty-two trees which have been meas- ured, not one underruns twenty-eight feet in circum- ference ; five range between thirty-two and thirty- six feet; fifty-eight between forty and fifty feet; thirty-four between fifty and sixty ; fourteen between sixty and seventy; thirteen between seventy and eighty ; two between eighty and ninety ; two be- tween ninety and one hundred ; two are just one hundred; and one is one hundred and two. This last, before the storms truncated it, had a height of four hundred feet. I found a rough ladder laid against its trunk, — for it is prostrate, — and climbed upon its side by that and steps cut in the bark. I mounted the swell of the trunk to the butt, and there made the measurement which ascertained its diam- SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GKEAT YO-SEMITE. 423 eter as thirty-four feet, — its circumference one hun- dred and two feet plus a fraction. Of course the thickness of its bark is various ; but I cut off some of it to a foot in depth, and there was evidently plenty more below that. To make some rough attempt at a conception of what these figures amount to, suppose the tree fallen at the gable of an ordinary two-story house. You propose to cross by a plank laid from your roof to the upper side of the tree. That plank would per- ceptibly slope up from your roof-peak. Through another tree, lying prostrate also, and hollow from end to end, our whole cavalcade charged at the full trot for a distance of one hundred and fifty feet. The entire length of this tree before truncation had been about three hundred and fifty feet. In the hollow bases of trees still standing we easily sheltered our- selves and horses. We tried throwing to the top of some of them with ludicrous unsuccess, and finally came to the monarch of them all, a glorious monster not included in the above table of dimensions, as most of those measured are still living, and all have the bark upon them still, while the tree is to some extent barked and charred. When it stood erect in its live wrappings, it measured forty feet in diameter, — over one hundred and twenty in circumference ! Esti- mates, grounded on the well-known principle of yearly cortical increase, indisputably throw back the birth of these largest giants as far as 1200 b. c. Thus their tender saplings were running up just as the gates of Troy were tumbling down, and some of them had fulfilled the lifetime of the late Hartford Charter Oak when Solomon called his master-masons to re- freshment from the building of the Temple. We 424 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. cannot realize time-images as we can those of space by a reference to dimensions within experience, so that the age of these marvelous trees still remains to me an incomprehensible fact, though with my mind's eye I continue to see how mountain-massy they look, and how dwarfed is the man who leans against them. We lingered among them half a day, the artists making color-studies of the most pictur- esque, the rest of us izing away at something scien- tific, — Botany, Entomology, or Statistics. In Geol- ogy and Mineralogy there is nothing to do here or in the Valley, — the formation all being typical Sierra Nevada granite, with no specimens to keep or problems to solve. Of course our artists neither made nor expected to make anything like a realizing pic- ture of the groves. The marvelous of size does not go into gilt frames. You paint a Big Tree, and it only looks like a common tree in a cramped coffin. To be sure, you can put a live figure against the butt for comparison ; but, unless you take a canvas of the size of Haydon's, your picture is quite as likely to resemble Homunculus against an average timber- tree as a large man against Sequoia gigantea. What our artists did was to get a capital transcript of the Big Trees' color, — a beautifully bright cinna- mon-brown, which gives peculiar gayety to the forest, " making sunshine in the shady place ; " also, their typical figure, which is a very lofty, straight, and branchless trunk, crowned almost at the summit by a mass of colossal gnarled boughs, slender plumy fronds, delicate thin leaves, and smooth cones scarce larger than a plover's Qgg. Perhaps the best idea of their figure may be obtained by fancying an Italian stone-pine grown out of recollection. SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 425 Between all the ridges we had hitherto crossed, silvery streams leaped down intensely cold through the granite chasms, — all of them fed from the snow- peaks, and charmingly picturesque, — most of them good trout-brooks, had we possessed time to try a throw ; and now, on leaving Clark's, we crossed the largest of these, a fork of the Merced which flows through this valley. For twelve miles further a series of tremendous climbs tasked us and our beasts to the utmost, but brought us quite apropos at dinner-time to a lovely green meadow walled in on one side by near snow-peaks. A small brook running through it speedily furnished us with frogs enough for an eiitree. Between two and three in the afternoon we set out upon the last stage of our pilgrimage. We were now nearly on a plane with the top of the mighty preci- pices which wall the Yo-Semite Valley, and for two hours longer found the trail easy, save where it crossed the bogs of summit-level springs. Immediately after leaving the meadow where we dined, we plunged again into the thick forest, where every now and then some splendid grouse or the beautiful plume-crowned California quail went whir- ring away from before our horses. Here and there a broad grizzly "sign" intersected our trail. The tall purple deer-weed, a magnificent scarlet flower of name unknown to me, and another blossom like the laburnum, endlessly varied in its shades of roseate, blue, or the compromised tints, made the hill-sides gorgeous beyond human gardening. All these were scentless; but one other flower, much rarer, made fragrance enough for all. This was the " Lady Wash- ington," and much resembled a snowy day-lily with an odor of tuberoses. Our dense leafy surrounding 426 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. hid us from the fact of our approach to the Valley's tremendous battlement, till our trail turned at a sharp angle, and we stood on " Inspiration Point." That name had appeared pedantic, but we found it only the spontaneous expression of our own feelings on the spot. We did not so much seem to be seeing from that crag; of vision a new scene on the old fa- miliar globe, as a new heaven and a new earth into which the creative spirit had just been breathed. I hesitate now, as I did then, at the attempt to give my vision utterance. Never were words so beggared for an abridged translation of any Scripture of Nature. We stood on the verge of a precipice more than three thousand feet in height, — a sheer granite wall, whose terrible perpendicular distance baffled all vis- ual computation. Its foot was hidden among hazy green spicidce, — they might be tender spears of grass catching J the slant sun on upheld aprons of cobweb, or giant pines whose tops that sun first gilt before he made gold of all the Valley. There faced us another wall like our own. How far off* it might be we could only guess. When Na- ture's lightning hits a man fair and square, it splits his yardstick. On recovering from this stroke, math- ematicians have ascertained the width of the Valley to vary between half a mile and five miles. Where we stood, the width is about two. I said a wall like our own ; but as yet we could not know that certainly, for of our own we saw nothing. Our eyes seemed spell-bound to the tremendous pre- cipice which stood smiling, not frowning at us, in aU the serene radiance of a snow-white granite Boodh, — broadly burning, rather than glistening, in the white-hot splendors of the setting sun. From that SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 427 sun, clear back to the first avant-courier trace of pur- ple twilight flushing the eastern sky- rim — yes, as if it were the very butment of the eternally blue Cali- fornian heaven — ran that wall, always sheer as the plummet, without a visible break through which squirrel might climb or sparrow fly, — so broad that it was just faint-lined like the paper on which I write by the loftiest waterfall in the world, — so lofty that its very breadth could not dwarf it, while the mighty pines and Douglas firs which grew all along its edge seemed like mere lashes on the granite lid of the Great Valley's upgazing eye. In the first astonishment of the view, we took the whole battlement at a sweep, and seemed to see an unbroken sky-line ; but as ec- stasy gave way to examination, we discovered how greatly some portions of the precipice surpassed our immediate vis-d-vis in height. First, a little east of our ofi-look, there projected boldly into the Valley from the dominant line of the base a square stupendous tower that might have been hewn by the diamond adzes of the Genii for a second Babel experiment, in expectance of the wrath of Al- lah. Here and there the tools had left a faint scratch, only deep as the width of Broadway and a bagatelle of five hundred feet in length ; but that detracted no more from the unblemished foursquare contour of the entire mass than a pin-mark from the symmetry of a door-post. A city might have been built on its grand flat top. And ! the gorgeous masses of light and shadow which the falling sun cast on it, — the shad- ows like great waves, the lights like their spumy tops and flying mist, thrown up from the heaving breast of a golden sea ! In California, at this season, the dome of heaven is cloudless; but I still dream of 428 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. what must be done for the bringing out of Tu-toch- anula's coronation-day majesties by the broken win- ter sky of fleece and fire. The height of his preci- pice is nearly four thousand feet perpendicular ; his name is supposed to be that of the Valley's tutelar deity. He also rejoices in a Spanish alias, — some Mission Indian having attempted to translate by "^/ Capitan " the idea of divine authority implied in Tu- toch-anula. Far up the Valley to the eastward there rose high above the rest of the sky-line, and nearly five thou- sand feet above the Valley, a hemisphere of granite, capping the sheer wall, without an apparent tree or shrub to hide its vast proportions. This we imme- diately recognized as the famous To-coy-a6, better known through Watkins's photographs as the Great North Dome. I am ignorant of the meaning of the former name, but the latter is certainly appropriate. Between Tu-toch-anula and the Dome, the wall rose here and there into great pinnacles and towers, but its sky-line is far more regular than that of the south- ern side, where we were standing. We drew close to the edge of the precipice and looked along over our own wall up the Valley. Its contour was a rough curve from our stand-point to a station opposite the North Dome, where the Valley dwindles to its least width, so that all the interme- diate crests and pinnacles which topped the perpen- dicular wall stood within our vision like the teeth of a saw, clear and sharp-cut against the blue sky. There is the same plumb-line uprightness in these mighty precipices as in those of the opposite side ; but their front is much more broken by bold prom- ontories, and their tabular tops, instead of lying hori- SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 429 zontal, slope up at an angle of forty-five degrees or more from the spot where we were standing, and make a succession of oblique prism-sections whose upper edges are between three and four thousand feet in height. But the glory of this southern wall comes at the termination of our view opposite the North Dome. Here the precipice rises to the height of nearly one sheer mile with a parabolic sky-line, and its posterior surface is as elegantly rounded as an acorn cup. From this contour results a naked semi-cone of polished granite, whose face would cover one of our smaller Eastern counties, though its ex- quisite proportions make it seem a thing to hold in the hollow of the hand. A small pine-covered glacis of detritus lies at its foot, but every yard above that is bare of all life save the palaeozoic memories which have wrinkled the granite Colossus from the earliest seethings of the fire-time. I never could call a Yo- Semite crag inorganic, as I used to speak of everything not strictly animal or vegetal. In the presence of the Great South Dome that utterance became blasphe- mous. Not living was it ? Who knew but the debris at its foot was merely the cast-off sweat and exuvice of a stone life's great work-day? Who knew but the vital changes which were going on within its gritty cellular tissue were only imperceptible to us because silent and vastly secular ? What was he who stood up be- fore Tis-sa-ack, and said, " Thou art dead rock ! " save a momentary sojourner in the bosom of a cyclic pe- riod whose clock his race had never yet lived long enough to hear strike ? What, too, if Tis-sa-ack him- self were but one of the atoms in a grand organism where we could see only by monads at a time, — if he, and the sun, and the sea were but cells or organs 430 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. of some one small being in the fenceless vivarium of the Universe ? Let not the ephemeron that lights on a baby's hand generalize too rashly upon the non- growing of organisms ! As we thought on these things, we bared our heads to the barer forehead of Tis-sarack. I have spoken of the Great South Dome in the masculine gender, but the native tradition makes it feminine. Nowhere is there a more beautiful Indian legend than that of Tis-sa-ack. I will condense it into a few short sentences from the long report of an old Yo-Semite brave. Tis-sa-ack was the tutelar god- dess of the Valley, as Tu-toch-anula was its fostering god, — the former a radiant maiden, the latter an ever-young immortal, — " amorous as the month of May." Becoming desperately fascinated jvith his fair col- league, Tu-toch-anula spent in her arms all the divine long days of the California summer, kissing, dallying, and lingering, until the Valley tribes began to starve for lack of the crops which his supervision should have ripened, and a deputation of venerable men came from the dying people to prostrate themselves at the foot of Tis-sa-ack. Full of anguish at her na- tion's woes, she rose from her lover's arms, and cried for succor to the Great Spirit. Then, with a terrible noise of thunder, the mighty cone split from heaven to earth, — its frontal half falling down to dam the snow-waters back into a lake, whence to this day the beautiful Valley stream takes one of its loveliest branches, — its other segment remaining erect till this present, to be the Great South Dome under the in memoriam title of Tis-sarack. But the divine maiden SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 431 who died to save her people appeared on earth no more, and in his agony Tu-toch-anula carved her image on the face of the mile-high wall, as he had carved his own on the surface of El Capitan, — where a lively faith and good glasses may make out the efiS.- gies unto this day. Sometimes these Indian traditions, being trans- lated according to the doctrine of correspondences, are of great use to the scientific man, — in the pres- ent instance, as embalming with sweet spices a geo- logical fact, and the reason of a water-course which else might become obscured by time. You may lose a rough fact because everybody is handling it and passing it around with the sense of a liberty to pre- sent it next in his own way ; but a fact with its facets cut — otherwise a poem — is unchangeable, imperdi- table. Seeing it has been manufactured once, nobody tries to make it over again. The fact is regarded subject to liberal translation ; poems circulate virgin and verbatim. In another chapter I may recur to this topic with reference to the Columbia River, and the capital light afforded to delvers in its wondrous trap- rock by the lantern of Indian legend. Let us leave the walls of the Valley to speak of the Valley itself, as seen from this great altitude. There lies a sweep of emerald grass turned to chrysoprase by the slant-beamed sun, — chrysoprase beautiful enough to have been the tenth foundation-stone of John's apocalyptic heaven. Broad and fair just beneath us, it narrows to a little strait of green between the hut- ments that uplift the giant domes. Far to the west- ward, widening more and more, it opens into the bosom of great mountain-ranges, — into a field of per- fect light, misty by its own excess, — into an unspeak-' 432 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. able suffusion of glory created from the phoenix-pile of the dying sun. Here it lies almost as treeless as some rich old clover -mead; yonder, its luxuriant smooth grasses give way to a dense wood of cedars, oaks, and pines. Not a living creature, either man or beast, breaks the visible silence of this inmost par- adise ; but for ourselves, standing at the precipice, petrified, as it were, rock on rock, the great world might well be running back in stone -and -grassy dreams to the hour when God had given him as yet but two daughters, the crag and the clover. We were breaking into the sacred closet of Nature's self- examination. What if, on considering herself, she should of a sudden, and us-ward unawares, determine to begin the throes of a new cycle, — spout up re- morseful lavas from her long-hardened conscience, and hurl us all skyward in a hot concrete with her unbosomed sins ? Earth below was as motionless as the ancient heavens above, save for the shining ser- pent of the Merced, which silently to our ears threaded the middle of the grass, and twinkled his burnished back in the sunset wherever for a space he glided out of the shadow of woods. To behold this Promised Land proved quite a dif- ferent thing from possessing it. Only the silleros of the Andes, our mules, horses, and selves, can under- stand how much like a nightmare of endless roof- walking was the descent down the face of the preci- pice. A painful and most circuitous dug-way, where our animals had constantly to stop, lest their impetus should tumble them headlong, all the way past steeps where the mere thought of a side-fall was terror, brought us in the twilight to a green meadow, ringed by woods, on the banks of the Merced. SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 433 Here we pitched our first Yo-Semite camp, — call- ing it "Camp Rattlesnake," after a pestilent little beast of that tribe which insinuated itself into my blankets, but was disposed of by my artist comrade before it had inflicted its fatal wound upon me. Re- moving our packs and saddles, we dismissed their weary bearers to the deep green meadow, with no farther qualification to their license than might be found in ropes seventy feet long fastened to deep- driven pickets. We soon got together dead wood and pitchy boughs enough to kindle a roaring fire, — made a kitchen table by wedging logs between the trunks of a three-forked tree, and thatching these with smaller sticks, — selected a cedar-canopied piece of flat sward near the fire for our bed-room, and as high up as we could reach despoiled our fragrant hal- dacckini for the mattresses. I need not praise to any woodsman the quality of a sleep on evergreen-strew- ings. During our whole stay in the Valley, most of us made it our practice to rise with the dawn, and, im- mediately after a bath in the ice-cold Merced, take a breakfast which might sometimes fail in the game- department, but was an invariable success, considered as slapjacks and cofiee. Then the loyal nephew of the Secesh Governor and the testamentary guardian of the orphan mules brought our horses up* from picket ; then the artists with their camp-stools and color-boxes, the sages with their goggles, nets, botany- boxes, and bug-holders, the gentlemen of elegant leis- ure with their naked eyes and a fish-rod or a gun, all rode away whither they listed, firing back Parthian shots of injunction about the dumpling in the grouse^ fricassee. 434 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. Sitting in their divine workshop, by a little after sunrise our artists began labor in that only method which can ever make a true painter or a living land- scape, — color-studies on the spot ; and though I can not here speak of their results, I will assert that dur- ing their seven weeks' camp in the Valley they learned more and gained greater material for future triumphs than they had gotten in all their lives be- fore at the feet of the greatest masters. Meanwhile the other two vaguely divided orders of gentlemen and sages were sight-seeing, whipping the covert or the pool with various success for our next day's din- ner, or hunting specimens of all kinds, — Agassizing, so to speak. I cannot praise the Merced to that vulgar, yet ex- tensive class of sportsmen with whom fishing means nothing but catching fish. To that select minority of illuminati who go trouting for intellectual culture, because they cannot hear Booth or a sonata of Bee- thoven's. — who write rhapsodies of much fire and many pages on the divine superiority of the curve of an hyperbola over that of a parabola in the cast of a fly, — who call three little troutlings "« splendid dag's sport, me hog ! " because those rash and ill-ad- vised infants have been deceived by a feather-bug which never would have been of any use to them, instead of a real worm which would — let me say that we, who can make prettier curves and deceive larger game in a dancing-party at home, did not go to the Yo-Semite for that kind of sport. When I found that the best bait or fly caught only half a dozen trout in an afternoon, — and those the dull, black, California kind, with lined sides, but no spots, — I gave over bothering the unambitious burghers SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 435 of the flood with invitations to a rise in life, and took to the meadows with a butterfly-net. My experience teaches that no sage (or gentleman) should chase the butterfly on horseback. You are liable to put your net over your horse's head instead of the butterfly's. The butterfly keeps rather ahead of the horse. You may throw your horse when you mean to throw the net. The idea is a romantic one ; it carries you back to the days of chivalry, when court butterflies were said to have been netted from the saddle, — but it carries you nowhere else in par- ticular, unless perhaps into a small branch of the Merced, where you don't want to go. Then, too, if you slip down and leave your horse standing while you steal on a giant Papilio which is sucking the deer-weed in such a sweet spot for a cast, your horse (perhaps he has heard of the French general who said, "Asses and savans to the centre!") may dis- cover that he also is a sage, and retire to botanize while you are butterflying, — a contingency which entails your wading the Merced after him five several times, and finally going back to camp in wet disgust to procure another horse and a lariat. An experience faintly hinted at in the above suggestions soon con- vinced me that the great arm of the service in but- terfly warfare is infantry. After I had turned myself into a modest Retiarius, I had no end to success. Mariposa County is rightly named. The honey of its groves and meadows is sucked by some of the largest, the most magnificent, and most widely varied butterflies in the world. At noon those of us who came back to camp had a substantial dinner out of our abundant stores, rein- forced occasionally with grouse, quail, or pigeons, 436 THE HEART OP THE CONTINENT. contributed by the sportsmen. The artists mostly dined h h foiirchette, \n their workshop, — something in a pail being carried out to them at noon by our Infant Phenomenon. He was a skeleton of thinness, and an incredibly gaunt mustang was the one which invariably carried the lunch ; so we used to call the boy, when we saw him coming, " Death on the Pail- horse." At evening, when the artists returned, half an hour was passed in a "private view" of their day's studies ; then came another dinner, called a supper ; then the tea-kettle was emptied into a pan, and brush-washing with talk and pipes led the rest of the genial way to bed- time. In his charming "Peculiar," Epes Sargent has given us an episode called the " Story of Estelle." It is the greatest of compliments to him that I could get thoroughly interested in her lover, when he bore the name of one of the most audacious and picaresque mortals I ever knew, — our hired man, who sold us — our — But hear my episode : it is THE STORY OF VANCE. Vance. The cognomen of the loyal nephew with the Secesh uncle. I will be brief Our stores began to fail. One morning we equipped Vance with a horse, a pack-mule to lead behind him, a list of pur- chases, and eighty golden dollars, bidding him good- speed on the trail to Mariposa. He was to return laden with all the modern equivalents for corn, wine, and oil, on the fifth or sixth day from his departure. Seven days glided by, and the material for more slap- jacks with them. We grew perilously nigh our bag- bottoms. One morning I determined to save the party from SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 437 starvation, and with a fresh supply of the currency set out for Mariposa. At Clark's I learned that our man had camped there about noon on the day he left us, turned his horse and mule loose, instead of picketing them, and spent the rest of the sunlight in a siesta. When he arose, his animals were undiscov- erable. He accordingly borrowed Clark's only horse to go in search of them, and the generous hermit had not seen him since. Carrying these pleasant bits of intelligence, I re- sumed my way toward the settlements. Coming by the steam saw-mill, I recognized Vance's steed graz- ing by the way-side, threw my lariat over his head, and led him in triumph to Mariposa, There I arrived at eight in the evening of the day I left the Valley, — having performed fifty miles of the hardest mountain trail that was ever travelled in a little less than twelve hours, making allowance for our halt and noon-feed at Clark's. If ever a California horse was tried, it was mine on that occasion ; and he came into Mari- posa on the full gallop, scarcely wet, and not galled or jaded in the least. Here I found our mule, whose obstinate memory had carried him home to his old stable, — also the re- maining events in Vance's brief, but brilliant career. That ornament of the Utah and Yo-Semite expedi- tions had entered Mariposa on Clark's horse, — lost our eighty golden dollars at a single session of bluff, departed gayly for Coulterville, where he sold Clark's horse at auction for forty dollars, including saddle and bridle, and immediately at another game of bluff lost the entire purchase-money to the happy buyer (Clark got his horse again on proving title), — and finally vanished for parts unknown, with nothing in his 438 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. pocket but buttons, or in his memory but villainies. Nowhere out of California or old Spain can there exist such a modern survivor of the days of Gil Bias ! Too happy in the recovery of Clark's and our own animals to waste time in hue and cry, I loaded my two reclaimed pack-beasts with all that our commis- sariat needed, — nooned at Clark's, on my way back, the J:hird day after leaving the Valley for Mariposa, and that same night was among my rejoicing com- rades at the head of the great Yo-Semite. That afternoon they had come to the bottom of the flour- bag, after living for three days on unleavened slap- jacks without either butter or sirup. I have seen people who professed to relish the Jewish Passover- bread ; but, after such an experience as our party's, I venture to say they would have regarded it worthy of a place among the other abolished types of the Mosaic dispensation. As for me and the mule, we felt our hearts swell within us as if we had come to raise the siege of Leyden. In that same enthusiasm shared our artists, savans, and gentlemen, embracing the shaggy neck of the mule as he had been a brother what time they realized that his panniers were full. Can any one wonder at my early words, " A slapjack may be the last plank between the woodsman and starvation ? " Just before I started after supplies, our party moved its camp to a position five miles up the Valley beyond Camp Rattlesnake, in a beautiful grove of oaks and cedars, close upon the most sinuous part of the Mer-» ced margin, with rich pasture for our animals imme- diately across the stream, and the loftiest cataract in the world roaring over the bleak precipice opposite. This is the Yo-Semite Fall proper, or, in the Indian, OUO-LOOKK, THE VO-.sJmMITK FALL. See pa^e 439. SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 439 " Cho-looke." By the most recent geological surveys this fall is credited with the astounding height of twenty-eight hundred feet. At an early period the entire mass of water must have plunged that dis- tance without break. At this day a single ledge of slant projection changes the headlong flood from cat- aract to rapids for about four hundred feet ; but the unbroken upper fall is fifteen hundred feet, and the lower thirteen hundred. In the spring and early summer no more magnificent sight can be imagined than the tourist obtains from a stand-point right in the midst of the spray, driven, as by a wind blowing thirty miles ' an hour, from the thundering basin of the lower fall. At all seasons Cho-looke is the grand- est mountain-waterfall in the known world. While I am speaking of waterfalls, let me not omit " Po-ho-no," or " The Bridal Veil," which was passed on the southern side in our way to the second and about a mile above the first camp. As Tis-sa-ack was a good, so is Po-ho-no an evil spirit of the Indian my- thology. This tradition is scientifically accounted for, in the fact that many Indians have been carried over the fall by the tremendous current both of wind and water forever rushing down a canon through which the stream breaks from its feeding-lake twelve or fifteen miles before it falls. The savage lowers his voice to a whisper and crouches trembling past Po- ho-no ; while the very utterance of the name is so dreaded by him that the discoverers of the Valley obtained it with great difficulty. This fall drops on a heap of giant boulders in one unbroken sheet of a thousand feet perpendicular, thus being the next in height among all the Valley cataracts to the Yo-Sem- ite itself, and having ,a width of fifty feet. Its name 440 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. of " The Bridal Veil " is one of the few successes in fantastic nomenclature ; for, to one viewing it in pro- file, its snowy sheet, broken into the filmy silver lace of spray, and falling quite free of the brow of the precipice, might well seem the veil worn by the earth at her granite wedding, — no commemorator of any fifty years' bagatelle like the golden one, but crown- ing the one millionth anniversary of her nuptials. On either side of Po-ho-no the sky-line of the pre- cipice is magnificently varied. The fall itself cuts a deep gorge into the crown of the battlement. On the southwest border of the fall stands a nobly bold, but nameless rock, three thousand feet in height. Near by is Sentinel Rock, a solitary truncate pinnacle, towering to thirty-three hundred feet. A little fur- ther are " Eleachas," or " The Three Brothers," flush with the front surface of the precipice, but their up- per posterior bounding-planes tilted in three tiers, which reach a height of thirty-four hundred and fifty feet. One of the loveliest places in the Valley is the shore of Lake Ah-wi-yah, — a crystal pond of several acres in extent, fed by the north fork of the valley stream, and lying right at the mouth of the narrow strait between the North and South Domes. By this tranquil water we pitched our third camp, and when the rising sun began to shine through the mighty cleft before us, the play of color and chiaroscuro on its rugged walls was something for which an artist apt to oversleep himself might well have sat up all the night. No such precaution was needed by ourselves. Painters, sages, and gentlemen at large, all turned out by dawn ; for the studies were grander, the grouse and quail plentier, and the butterflies more gorgeous SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 441 than we found in any other portion of the Valley. After passing the great cleft eastward, I found the river more enchanting at every step. I was obliged to penetrate in this direction entirely on foot, — clam- bering between squared blocks of granite dislodged from the wall beneath the North Dome, any one of which might have been excavated into a commodious church, and discovering, for the pains cost by a re- connoissance of five miles, some of the loveliest shady stretches of singing water and some of the finest minor waterfalls in our American scenery. Our last camp was pitched among the crags and forests behind the South Dome, — where the Middle Fork descends through two successive waterfalls, which, in apparent breadth and volume, far surpass Cho-looke, while the loftiest is nearly as high as Po- ho-no. About three miles west of the Domes, the south wall of the Valley is interrupted by a deep canon leading in a nearly southeast direction. Through this carton comes the Middle Fork, and along its banks lies our course to the great " Pi-wi-ack " (senselessly Englished as "Vernal") and the Nevada Falls. For three miles from our camp, opposite the Yo-Semite Fall, the canon is threaded by a trail practicable for horses. At its termination we dismounted, sent back our animals, and, strapping their loads upon our own shoulders, struck nearly eastward by a path only less rugged than the trackless crags around us. In some places we were compelled to squeeze sideways through a narrow crevice in the rocks, at imminent danger to our burden of blankets and camp-kettles ; in others we became quadrupedal, scrambling up acclivities with which the bald main precipice had made but slight compromise. But for our light marching order, — 442 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. our only dress being knee-boots, hunting-shirt, and trousers, — it would have been next to impossible to reach our goal at all. But none of us regretted pouring sweat or strained sinews, when, at the end of our last terrible climb, we stood upon the oozy sod which is brightened into eter- nal emerald by the spray of Pi-wi-ack. Far below our slippery standing steeply sloped the walls of the rag- ged chasm, down which the snowy river charges roar- ing after its first headlong plunge ; an eternal rainbow flung its shimmering arch across the mighty cauldron at the base of the fall ; and straight before us in one unbroken leap came down Pi-wi-ack from a granite shelf nearly four hundred feet in height and sixty feet in perfectly horizontal width. Some enterpris- ing speculator, who has since ceased to take the orig- inal seventy-five cents' toll, a few years ago built a substantial set of rude ladders against the perpendic- ular wall over which Pi-wi-ack rushes. We found it still standing, and climbed the dizzy height in a shower of spray, so close to the edge of the fall that we could almost wet our hands in its rim. t)nce at the top, we found that Nature had been as accommo- dating to the sight-seer as man himself; for the ledge we landed on was a perfect breastwork, built from the receding precipices on either side of the canon to the very crown of the cataract. The weakest nerves need not have trembled, when once within the para- pet, on the smooth, flat rampart, and looking down into the tremendous boiling chasm whence we had just climbed. Above Pi-wi-ack the river runs for a mile at the bottom of a granite cradle, sloping upward from it on each side at an angle of about forty-five degrees, SEVEN WEEKS IN THE GREAT YO-SEMITE. 443 in great tabular masses slippery as ice, without a crevice in them for thirty yards at a stretch where even the scraggiest manzanita may catch hold and grow. This tilted formation, broken here and there by spots of scanty alluvium and stunted pines, con- tinues upward till it intersects the posterior cone of the South Dome on one side and a colossal castellated precipice on the other, — creating thus the very typ- ical landscape of sublime desolation. The shining barrenness of these rocks, and the utter nakedness of that vast glittering dome which hollows the heav- ens beyond them, cannot be conveyed by any meta- phor to a reader knowing only the wood-crowned slopes of the Alleghany chain. Climbing between the stunted pines and giant blocks along the stream's immediate margin, — get- ting glimpses here and there of the snowy fretwork of churned water which laced the higher rocks, and the black whirls which spun in the deep pits of the roaring bed beneath us, — we came at last to the base of " Yo-wi-ye," or Nevada Fall. This is the most voluminous, and next to Pi-wi-ack, perhaps, the most beautiful of the Yo-Semite cata- racts. Its beauty is partly owing to the surrounding rugged grandeur which contrasts it, partly to its great height (eight hundred feet) and surpassing volume, but mainly to its exquisite and unusual shape. It falls from a precipice the highest portion of whose face is as smoothly perpendicular as the wall overleapt by Pi-wi-ack ; but invisibly beneath its snowy flood a ledge slants sideways from the cliff about a hundred feet below the crown of the fall, and at an angle of about thirty degrees from the plumb- line. Over this ledge the water is deflected upon one 444 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. side, and spread like a half-open fan to the width of nearly two hundred feet. At the base of Yo-wi-ye we seem standing in a cul- de-sac of Nature's grandest labyrinth. Look where we will, impregnable battlements hem us in. We gaze at the sky from the bottom of a savage gran- ite harathrum, whence there is no escape but return through the chinks and over the crags of an old- world convulsion. We are at the -end of the stu- pendous series of Yo-Semite efects ; eight hundred feet above us, could we climb there, we should find the silent causes of power. There lie the broad, still pools that hold the reserved affluence of the snow- peaks ; thence might we see, glittering like diamond lances in the sun, the eternal snow-peaks themselves. But these would still be as far above us as we stood below Yo-wi-ye on the lowest valley bottom whence we came. Even from Inspiration Point, where our trail first struck the battlement, we could see far be- yond the Valley to the rising sun, towering mightily above Tis-sa-ack herself, the everlasting snow fore- head of Castle Rock, his crown's serrated edge cut- ting the sky at the topmost height of the Sierra. We had spoken of reaching him, — of holding con- verse with the King of all the Giants. This whole weary way have we toiled since then, — and we know better now. Have we endured all these pains only to learn still deeper life's saddest lesson, — "Climb forever, and there is still an Inaccessible ? " Wetting our faces with the melted treasure of Na- ture's topmost treasure-house, Yo-wi-ye answers us, ere we turn back from the Yo-Semite's last precipice toward the haunts of men : — " Ye who cannot go to the Highest, lo, the Highest comes down to you ! " CHAPTER X. ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. After my return from the Yo-Semite Valley, I re- mained in San Francisco, or its delightful neighbor- hood, making short excursions around and across the bay, for more than a fortnight. But this lotus-eating life soon palled. I burned to see the giant Shasta, and grew thirsty for the eternal snows of the Cascade Peaks still further north. So much of a horseback ride to the Columbia as brought us into Oregon I here propose to sketch in brief. With the exception of one artist companion and myself, our party had become sated with travel, and gone home. One glorious September day we two took our saddle-bags, note-books, and color-boxes, put our horses on board the Sacramento steamer, and, without other baggage or company of any sort, set out for the Columbia River and Vancouver's Island. At Sacramento, on the next morning after leaving San Francisco, we shifted our quarters to a smaller and light-draught boat which was to take us up the shallow river to its head of navigation. This arrange- ment was a great economy of time. The country bordering the Upper Sacramento, for two hundred miles from the Californian capital, is level and com- paratively tame, so that no artistic advantage would have resulted from following the bank on horseback. From the little steamer the view became a perpetual 446 THE HEAKT OF THE CONTINENT. pleasure. About twenty miles above Sacramento we passed the mouth of Feather River, disgorging coffee- colored mud from the innumerable gold diggings along its course, and came into lovely blue water, pure as the cradling snow-ridges between which it issued. The immediate margin began to be thickly wooded with overhanging willows, oaks, and syca- mores. These were alive with birds of every aqua- tic description. The shag, a large fowl of black and dingy-white plumage, apparently belonging to the cormorant family, peopled every dead tree with a live fruit whose weight nearly cracked its branches ; every snag projecting from the river-bed was studded with a row of the same creatures at mathematically equal intervals, each possessing just room enough for his favorite pastime of slowly opening his wings to the utmost, and then shutting them again in solemn rhythm, like a pupil of Dr. Dio Lewis's, or a patient in the Swedish Movement-cure. The quiet embayed pools and eddies swarmed with ducks ; every sunny bar or level beach was a stalking-ground for stately cranes, both white and sand-hill ; and garrulous crows kept the air lively, in company with big California magpies, above our heads. The course of the river grew more and more sinu- ous as we ascended ; it was near the close of the dry season, and there remained none of those cut-offs which economize distance during the prevalence of the rains. The Upper Sacramento, especially when softened and rendered illusory by such a full moon as it was our good fortune to travel under, perpetually recalls that loveliest of fairy streams, the higher St. John's, in Florida. Nothing out of dreams is more peacefully enchanting than the embowered stretches ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 447 of clear water rippled into silver arabesque through a long moonlight night, or the hazy vistas, impur- pled by twilight, into which one swings around the short curves of the Sacramento, amid a silence that would be absolute but for his own motion, while be- yond either woody margin the great plains spread away untenanted, a waving wilderness of wild grass and tide. Enjoying the far-mente of a life of such sweet mono- tone all the more because it was such a contrast to our rough riding, past and future, we spent two golden days, as many mezzotint twilights, and a pair of silver nights upon our steamer. On the morning of the third day we reached Tehama, a dead-and-alive little settlement, seven hours' journey by the river- windings from Red Bluffs, the head of navigation, but only ten miles by land. We had now got in sight of mountains ; the ethereal blue of Lassen's Buttes, rimmed with the opal of perpetual snow, bounded our view northerly ; and as every motive for taking to the saddle now consisted with our desire for econo- mizing time, we here began our horseback ride, reach- ing Red Bluffs several hours before the steamer. Just out of Tehama we struck into a country whose features reminded us of the wooded tracts between Stockton and Mariposa. After two days of tule and wild grass, Nature grew suddenly ennobled in our eyes by thick and frequent groves of the royal Cali- fornia oak. There was a feeling of luxury in the change, which none can know who have not had a surfeit of boundless plains. We bathed our hearts and heads in shadow ; the fever of imbroken light went out of us ; our very horses shared in the relief, and gave themselves up to a sweet somnambulism 448 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. with which we had too much sympathy to break it by spurs. Red Bluffs we found a place of more apparent stir and enterprise than any Californian town we had seen, except San Francisco and Sacramento. There was quite a New England air about the main street, — so much so that I have forgotten to call it Plaza, as I ought. This place is the starting-pomt for all Over- land supplies sent between the Sacramento and Port- land. Immense wagons — shaped like the Eastern charcoal-vehicle, but dwarfing it into insignificance by a size not much inferior to that of a Mississippi flat-boat — are perpetually leaving the town, drawn by twelve mules or horses, and in charge of drivers whose magnificent isolation has individualized them to a degree not exceeded in the most characteristic coachman of the Weller tribe, or the typical skipper of the Yankee fishing-smack. There are few finer places to study genre than the California ranches fre- quented by the captains of these " prairie schooners." At convenient distances for noon halts and nightly turnings-in, the main freighting-roads of the State are adorned with gigantic caravanserais offering every accommodation for man and beast, provided with ar- cades straddling nearly across the road, under which all passing wagoners not only may, but must, shelter themselves from the rigors of rain or sun, and billeted along their fronts with seductive descriptions of the paradise within, to which few hearts prove obdurate after being softened by the compulsory magnanimity of the arcade. In time there must be a railroad all the way from Sacramento to Portland. There is not a mile of the distance between Red Bluffs and the Oregon metrop- ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 449 olis where it is not greatly needed already. Nearly the whole intervening region is exhaustlessly fertile, — one of the finest fruit countries in the world, — but so entirely without an economical avenue for its sup- plies or outlet for its productions, that many of the ranchmen who have settled in it feel despondent in the midst of abundance, and leave hundreds of mag- nificent orchard acres paved with rotting aj)ples which would command a " bit " a pound in the San Fran- cisco market, if the freight did not more than con- sume the profit, and the length of the journey render the fruit unsalable. The first day out from Tehama we made a distance of nearly forty miles, — part of the way through oak- groves and part over fine breezy plains, with the no- ble mountain chain out of which Lassen's Buttes rise into the perpetual-snow region continually in sight on the right hand. The only incident that occurred to us this day, in any other key than that of pure sensuous dehght in the fact of life and motion under such a spotless sky and in an air that was such breath- able elixir, together with the artistic happiness which flowed down on us from the noble neighboring moun- tains, was our discovery early in the afternoon of a cloud of dust about half a mile ahead, with the forms of a hundred horsemen dimly looming through it. Such a sight sets an old Overlander instinctively fum- bling at his holsters ; fresh as we were from the hor- rors of the desert, we felt our scalps begin to detach themselves slightly from the cranium. But we rode straight ahead, as our only method of safety was to wear a bold front, if the cavaliers were, as we half suspected, a party of Humboldt Indians, who had lately taken the war-path between Lassen's Buttes 29 450 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. and the coast. I don't recollect ever having been better pleased with the look of Uncle Sam's cavalry uniform than we were, upon coming up with the squad and finding it a detachment of our own men sent out to chastise the savages. That night we reached a ranch called the " Ameri- can," — and certainly its title was none too ambitious, for it had the whole horizon to itself, and to all ap- pearance might have been the only house on the Con- tinent. It was a place unvisited of fresh meat and ignorant of gridirons; but we were tired enough, after the first day of our return to the saddle, to sleep soundly in a bed of tea-tray dimensions, and under what appeared to be a casual selection from a hamper of soiled pocket handkerchiefs, when we had dis- patched the first of that long series of suppers on fried pork and green -serpentine saleratus-biscuits which stretched between us and the northern edge of Oregon. Though the month was September, the heat in the middle of the day upon the broad, rolling plains we now had to traverse was as oppressive as an Eastern July. During our whole horseback journey, therefore, we made it our custom to rise as soon after dawn as possible, breakfast, travel a stage of fifteen or twenty miles, make a long midday halt in some pleasant nook, and push on twenty miles further before we unsaddled for the night. We were jufft now enabled to make this second stage the most leisurely and the longest of the two, — for the moon was still in all the glory of its California brightness and plenitude, and to have travelled by moonlight between the Sacra- mento and Mount Shasta is one of the prominent memories of a life-time. No patriotic attachment is ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 451 demanded to make the Californian say with the Irish- man, that his country's full moon is twice as large and splendid as any other's. Phenomenally, at least, the bare facts support him. At noon of the day on which we left the American Ranch, we came up a rugged hill into the settlement of Shasta. This town is a mining depot of some im- portance, chiefly memorable to us for some excellent pie, made out of the California apple-melon, in won- derful imitation of the Eastern green-apple tart, and a charge of five dollars and a half in gold made by the great Californian Express Company for bringing a color-box (heavy as a small valise) from Red Bluffs, whither we had let it go on by boat. Why this should have left a memorable impression on our minds it would be hard to say ; for, although the de- mand was somewhat more than the stage employed by the Express Company would have charged to take either one of us the same distance, accompanied by a heavy trunk, we should by this time have acquired sufficient familiarity with extortion from the Compa- ny's officials to have paid very quietly a bill of fifty dollars for the same service, and then dismissed the trifling matter from our minds. But indignation at swindles is sometimes cumulative. At the town of Shasta we left the main wagon road, — finding that it passed a long way from the most important point on our itinerary, the base of Shasta Peak. By striking across the country six miles to the small settlement of Buckeye, we intersected a route little travelled, but far more picturesque, and leading directly to the great object of our longings. On the way to Buckeye we again encountered the Sacra- mento, here dwindled to a narrow mountain stream. 4§2 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. with bold, precipitous banks and a rock bottom, a smooth and deep, but rapid current, and full of trout and salmon. We crossed it on a rope-ferry, and climbed the steeps on the other side, but did not leave it. Thenceforward to Shasta Peak we were never out of its neighborhood. By this detour of ours we came into a country bet- ter wooded and watered than any through which we had been travelling. When the sun left us, we found the moonlight so seductive that we pushed on late into the evening, — making our all-night halt at a ranchman's whose name had been' given us by some passing native, who praised his accommodations un- boundedly, but proved much more of a friend to him than to ourselves. It is a duty to visit the afflicted. It is a misfortune, not a crime, to have a wife and six children, the latter all under twelve years of age. It is a still greater and no less irresponsible calamity to have them all prostrated by chills-and-fever, yet for- bidden to yield to its depressing influence by the stimulus of several million healthy fleas. Ignorance, not willfulness, may be at the causal bottom of a batch of bread which is half saleratus, and a stew of ven- erable hens which is one third feathers. Nor can we regard it as other than a beneficent arrangement in the grand scheme of Nature's laws, that a pack of noble hounds should pass the hours of slumber around our humble casement in the free indulgence of a lib- erty distinctly authorized by the sacred Watts, as fol- lows : — " Let dogs delight to bark," etc. Still, I think public opinion will sustain me in the view that the much afflicted family were not agreea- ble to pass the night with. ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 453 This is the place for a useful financial statement. Everything on our present trip cost a dollar. Bed for one, i. e. one's share of a bed for two, — supper, — each horse's forage, — breakfast, — every several item, a dollar. No matter how afflicted the family, sale- ratusy the bread, loud the dogs, — nothing was fur- nished under the dollar. When people happen to have enough dollars, this becomes comic. It reminded us of the Catskill Mountain House, where in specie times everything (after hotel bills) was twenty-five cents, — from getting a waiter to look at you, to hav- ing the Falls tipped up for you and spilt over. The day's journey between the afflicted family and Dog Creek, where we stopped the third night, is such an affluent remembrance of beauty that I feel glad while I write about it. We started under circum- stances somewhat tedious. Nobody was going toward Mount Shasta with so much as a pack-mule. The father of the afflicted family labored under the blight of his surroundings, and after severe thought gave up the task of attempting to recall when anybody had been going toward Mount Shasta. It was also too much for him to calculate when anybody would be going. We paid him his dollars, — wished that his shadow might never be less, which it couldn't very well, unless the ague can dance on a mathematical line, — and set out with the color-box carried alter- nately before us on our pommels. It had been our Mte noire from the time five dollars and fifty cents ransomed it at Shasta. We now began to wonder whether the Express Company also had carried it on a pommel, — in which case we thought we could for- give the Express Company. The morning was sultry, and as we started our horses forth upon a walk, — for 454 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. the box could not stand jolting, — we looked forward to a tiresome day. As we went on, Nature seemed determined to kiss us out of the sulks. Just as we broke into fresh grumbles, which we wanted to indulge, and our horses into fresh trots, which we desired, but could not tol- erate, we entered some lovely glen, musical with tink- ling springs, its walling banks tapestried with the richest velvet of deep-green grass, brocaded with spots of leaf-filtered sunshine. When we began to swelter, we came into the dense shadow of great oaks, or caught the balmiest wind in the world through aromatic pine and cedar vistas along the crown of some lofty ridge. It was impossible to be vexed with the step-mother. Fate, when the fingers of our mother. Nature, were straying through our hair. To drive away the last elf of ill-humor, and make us thenceforth agree to regard the box as an ornamental appendage which we were good-natured enough to let each other enjoy by turns, Pitt Eiver, the last fork of the Upper Sacramento, came glancing into our landscape, the very perfection of fluent free- dom and gladness. Every rod of the journey along its west bank disclosed a new picture. The misty blue mountains of the range toward Shasta Peak formed the abiding background of every view. Steep, fir-battlemented banks of one generic form, but end- less variety in the beauty of the tree forms and groups which rose from their glacis, mile after mile, framed in some new loveUness of light-and-shadow flecked bend, deep sepia-dark pool, singing shallow, or brawling rapid of the clear stream. Eagles were sail- ing, like a placid thought in a large heart, far over our heads in the intimacy of a spotless sky; the great ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 455 ground-squirrel flashed like a gray gleam over the gnarled mossy roots at the side of our narrow dug- way ; and in brilliant blots or darting shafts of Ma- genta fire, we recognized among the tree-tops that loveliest bird of the North American forest, the great crested woodpecker. Here and there, to introduce a human element, came cleared spaces- by the river's brink, where pointed wands stood impaling flakes of red salmon-flesh, — the open-air curing-house and out- door store-room of the Pitt River Indians. Once in the course of the day we lighted on a picturesque ragged hut, where the purveyors of this meat were soaking themselves in full side-hill sunlight, — where little savages of every degree of gauntness in their limbs, ochriness on their cheeks, shockiness in their heads, and protuberance in their abdomens, were gorging themselves to still more hideous ventral embonpoint, — where white men, lower than the lowest Diggers they herded with, had forgotten the little they ever knew of civilization, and stood glaring at us like half-sated satyrs as we passed. Other bits of genre hourly came into the picture with papoose- carrying squaws who hunted yew-berries along the road-side fringe of woods, youngsters wearing no at- tire but a parti-colored acorn basket of deft finger- work, which they carried loaded on their shoulders, or listlessly trailed empty at their sides. Dr. Prichard has some hideous pictures of Papuans and Australians; but if Ethnology were a match game, we could give him those two points, and beat him easily by playing a few of the Digger women whom we saw that day. They reached the ugliness of aboriginal specimens which we had encountered on the west verge of the Goshoot country; and if any earthly pilgrimage, short 456 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. of the mountains of Nightmare, can reveal their rivals, I should like to get into a prime state of health, and be allowed a peep at them through a spy-glass. The condition of the white men who live and make alliances with these poor creatures is too heart-sick- ening to print. The law that governs all associations of culture with barbarism, where the latter is in dy- namic excess, holds rigorously true in California. The higher race recollects only the cultivated evil of the state whence it fell, — and carrying to its savage mates subtler means of accomplishing vice than they knew before, presently gives rise to a combination from which all the simplicity of the low race is elim- inated, and into which enter all the devils of mature civilization. Nor do these devils come accompanied by a single grace or angel which softened or re- strained crime in the developed community. The at- tachment of this region's older settlers for their sav- age comrades is something incredible. To enjoy their society, they cheerfully embrace a life as impure, un- cleanly, free from all humanizing influences, as that of the lowest Digger with whom they consort. Some- times a strange incongruous romance, like moonlight on a puddle, lights up these mongrel liaisons, and in- fuses into them a burlesque of sentiment. We found one old hunter whose squaw ran away from him into the mountains at regular six months' intervals, and who invariably spent hundreds of dollars and no end to hardships in hunting her up and restoring her to his wigwam. Another, who had kept an Indian se- raglio from the time of the earliest gold discoveries, had repeatedly been to the nearest legal officer (two or three days' journey off), and besought him, without effect, to marry him to one of liis squaws in Christian ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 457 fashion. It certainly did seem hard that the poor fel- low should be forbidden to make the only reparation in his power for wrongs of twelve years' standing ; but the aesthetic, naturally enough to those who have seen Diggers, predominated over the legal and moral in the judicial mind, and he was finally sent away with an injunction never to show his face again while " this court continued to know herself" in the Shasta region. As often happens in the discipline of human life, the thorn in the flesh was withdrawn as soon as we had learned the lesson of bearing it resignedly. At the last crossing of the Sacramento, we learned from the ferryman that a providential wagoner was just ahead of us, going certainly to Dog Creek, and presumably, if we made it an object, all the way to Strawberry Valley, at the foot of Shasta. The one whose turn it was not to carry the color-box galloped ahead, and detained the wagoner until the heavy dragoon had time to come up. With a deep sigh of relief, we stowed our box in the " prairie schooner," — made a contract to have it packed on mule-back from Dog Creek to Shasta, in consideration of one among a gross of cheap watches which we had brought for trade with Indians and Trappers, — and, relieving our horses by the first canter they had enjoyed that day, sped away with the deep conviction that the man who first called chrome and white lead light colors must have been indulging the subtile irony of a dis- eased mind. The seven miles of our journey from the last Sac- ramento crossing to Dog Creek were even grander in their scenery than our morning stage. The road was a dug-way from one to seven hundred feet above the 458 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. base of a winding castellated cliff, here and there cut in rugged sandstone, but often both walled and but- tressed with steep slopes of virgin turf kept emerald by innumerable trickling springs, ice-cold and crystal- clear, while here and there it passed through woods as dark as twilight. The slope on which we travelled formed one side of a valley, green at its bottom as a New England meadow, and watered by a picturesque affluent of the Sacramento. About dark we came to the Dog Creek Ranch, where we had such a delicious supper of trout, cooked in the good old Green Moun- tain fashion with an Indian meal night-gown on, as made us " forget the steps already trod," followed by a really nice pair of beds, wherein we took long and ample preparation to "onward urge our way" upon the morrow. At Dog Creek we were encamped round about by the largest and most prosperous Indian tribe that we had seen on our trip. Their bows and arrows were elegant in shape and color : the former stained in a variety of patterns, sometimes carved, and wrapped as well as strung with deer sinews ; the latter headed with nicely cut pieces of a black obsidian which abounds in the vicinity of Shasta Peak, and which of itself is an unerring test of the original volcanic character of the mountain. The quivers of this Dog Creek tribe were the most beautiful preparations of whole mink, otter, and sable skins, which I have seen in Indian hands anywhere on the Continent. One of the men had a great cap made out of an en- tire grizzly cub-skin, the claws very nicely preserved and dangling behind, while the head curved forward on top like the crest of an old Greek helmet. No- where did we find neater, more ornamental berry ON HORSEBACK IKTO OREGON. 459 baskets, or more carefully worked dishes and basins, than those woven or scooped and stained by this tribe. In wandering through their stick-and-bark lodges, we found some tolerably good-looking men, far above the average brutality of the Diggers, with simple, pleasant expressions, and not afraid to look one in the eye. In one lodge crouched a man and woman who without exception were the oldest-look- ing people I ever saw. The husband was blind, the wife palsied ; but they had been left in charge of a sprawling family of their fifth generation, which haste and the warm weather forbade our counting; I gave the old lady a plug of tobacco, and watched, as she put it up against her husband's face, to see which of the wrinkles was his mouth ; while, on her filling a pipe and smoking with grunts of evident approba- tion directed to myself, I felt pleasant and biblical, as if I had been doing a good turn to Methuselah's aunt. Only forty miles more stretched between us and Shasta Peak. We had now reached an elevation where it was visible to us in its full majesty from the southwestern side. All day, after our leaving Dog Creek, its giant cone, snow-wrapt half way to the base, kept surprising us through clefts in the sur- rounding crags at the end of long wooded vistas, or on some clear, treeless height to which we had climbed, forgetting the mountain in our heat and labor. The country about us was becoming wilder and wilder : our road was sometimes a mere trail, half obliterated by springs or traversing rivulets. We now rode in the woods most of the time, and found the shadow, stillness, and fragrance all delicious. Beside all the springs we discovered the southernwood of our East- 460 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. ern gardens growing wild, its strawberry-scented and maroon-colored buds much larger than those of our variety, and, though a trifle less intense in their per- fume, still sufficiently sweet to make every nook in which they grew delicious for yards around. Here and there the woods showed some symptoms of au- tumnal change ; there were hectic spots now and then on the maple leaves ; but nothing approaching in loveliness the forest euthanasia of our Eastern fall appeared until we had crossed the boundary of Ore- gon. Shasta Peak is, by the track, nearly eighty miles from that line. To-day, just as the sun got down to the tree-tops, the wooded slope suddenly re- ceded from our left, and towered into one of those noble crags which all over the Continent go by the name of "Castle Rock," but which include no instance more truly deserving the name than this bold mass of pinnacles and bastions, bare as a Yo-Semite precipice, which lifted itself apparently about a thousand feet above the green glacis of the slope, stern and gray at the base, but etherealized along its crest and battle- ment by sunset splendors of red and gold. Simulta- neously with the Castle's appearance, our leafy covert parted before us, and disclosed in level light, which made its snow opalescent, and bathed its vast, rugged masses of stone and earth in one inclusive winy glow, the glorious giant of California which had drawn us hither through the wilderness. The height of Shasta is variously stated. It is certainly over sixteen thou- sand feet, and may likely be nearer eighteen thousand. One geological survey pronounces it the highest mountain in the Nevada Range, — a statement taking into account Mount Hood and the other great peaks of the Cascade system, which itself is but an Oregon ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 461 reappearance of the Sierra Nevada. The distance from which Hood, Saint Helen's, and Ranier could be seen with the naked eye led us afterward to regard this statement with some doubt ; but certainly no peak which we met in all our large experience of the mountains of this Continent ever compared with Shasta in producing the effect of vast height. All the others which we have seen, with the exception of Lander's Peak, whether in the Rocky, the Nevada, the Cascade, or the Pacific Coast Range, have suffered, visually, from modulation through their gradually as- cending tiers of foot-hills, or by the blending of their outlines with the neighboring peaks. This is espe- cially so with Pike's Peak, which, despite its being one of the loftiest mountains in America, has its pro- portions most dissatisfyingly disguised, in all but a single point of view in the canon of the Fontaine-qui- Bouille. Shasta is a mountain without mediations. It sits on the verge of a plain, broken for a hundred miles to the northward only by pigmy volcanic cones heaped around extinct solfataras. We approached it in the only direction where there were anything like foot-hills to climb ; but even upon us, on reaching Strawberry Valley, at its southwestern foot, the won- derful peak broke with as little feeling of gradual approach as if we had not seen its head glowing grander and more real out of the blue distance re- peatedlj'- during the last three days. When we first saw the whole of it distinctly, it seemed to make no compromise with surrounding plains or ridges, but rose in naked majesty, alone and simple from the grass of our valley to its own topmost iridescent ice. That view was not accorded to us on our first day out from Dog Creek. It was nearly dark when we 462 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. reached the Soda Springs, nine miles south of Straw- berry, — took a draught of the most delicious mineral water I ever drank, more piquant than Kissingen, and cold as ice, — resisted the seductions of a small, premature boy of eight, who issued from the Springs Ranch to dilate agedly on the tonic properties of the water, the relaxing virtues of the beds, and the ter- rors of the grim forest which lay for us in the black night between there and Strawberry, — and, clapping spurs to our tired horses, pushed forward with stern determination to reach Sisson's that evening. I think that a darker night than presently lapped us among the thick evergreens was never travelled in. There were some streaks of blackness a mile long, in which, literally, I could not see my horse's head. But we had learned confidence in our animals' sagacity, and walked them, cheerily whistling to keep each other informed of our whereabouts, through at least six miles of road utterly 'unknown to and un- seen by us. It was what Eastern people call very " poky ; " but the language addressed to us by the premature boy had made it a matter of personal self- respect for us to get to Sisson's that night. With a certain sense of triumph over that unpleasant and dissuasive child, we saw a lantern gleam from a cor- ral about ten p. m., and had our interrogative hail of " Sisson's ? " answered in welcome affirmative by Sis- son himself At Sisson's, or exploring with him in the neighbor- hood of Shasta, we passed one of the most delightful weeks in our diary of travel through any land. His house was a low, two-story building, which had run like a verbena in all directions over a grassy level, — putting out a fresh arm at every new suggestion of ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 463 domestic convenience, until it had become at once the most amorphous and the most comfortable dwell- ing in the California wilds. His herds were populous and prosperous ; only the merest pretence of fences broke their dream, without affecting their reality, of limitless pasture. His ranch ostensibly consisted of a few hundred acres ; but old Shasta was his only surveyor of landmarks, and his base of supplies was coextensive with the base of the mountain. His family consisted of an admirably energetic and thrifty wife, who had accompanied him from Illinois, where he used to be a school-master, and one pretty little baby-girl indigenous to Strawberry Valley. The presence of this mother and child in a wilderness which otherwise howled chiefly with rough sporadic men and equally rough ubiquitous bears, was a per- petual delight to us, so far from our domestic com- munications. We admired Shasta all the more for looking at it over a little, gentle, pink -and -white baby who lay asleep in its shadow, like a cherub pressed to the bosom of one of the Djinn. Escaping from the poetical ground, I may observe that be- tween the chief French restaurant of Sacramento City and the Dennison House in Portland, Oregon, no fam- ily whom we encountered lived in such wholesome and homelike luxury as Sisson's. If a Society for the Diffusion of Gastronomic Intelligence among the Heathen is ever founded in California and Oregon (and how bitterly such a philanthropic enterprise is needed my diary, spotted with the abominable grease of universal frying, bears abundant witness), I hope that the first tract which it publishes will be a biog- raphy of Mrs. Sisson; the first point insisted on by that tract, " This excellent and devoted woman used 464 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. a gridiron." Bless her! how she could broil things! No man who has not built up his system during a long expedition with brick after brick of pork fried hard in its own ooze, — who has not turned all his brain's active phosphorus into phosphate of soda by alkali biscuits drawn from the oven in the hot-dough stage, — who has not drunk his pease-coffee "straight" at the tables of repeated Pike settlers too shiftless to milk one of their fifty kine, — who has not slept myriads in a bed with Cimex lectiilarius and his livelier congener of the saltatory habits, — can imagine what a blissful bay, in the iron-bound coast of bad living, Sisson's seemed to us both in fruition and retrospec- tion. We occasionally had beef, when Sisson, or some near neighbor ten miles off, '* killed a critter," and distributed it around ; excellent mountain mutton, flavorous as the Welsh, was not lacking in its turn ; but the great stand-by of our table was venison, — roast, broiled, made into pasties, treated with every variety of preparation save an oil-soak in the pagan frying-pan of the country. As for chickens and eggs, it "snewe in Sisson's house " of that sort of "mete and drinke," — he was Chaucer's Franklin trans- ported to Shasta. Cream flowed in upon us like a river ; potatoes were stewed in it ; it was the base of chicken-sauce ; the sirupy baked pears, whose secret Mrs. Sisson had inherited from some dim religious ancestor in the New England past, were drowned in it ; and we took a glass of it with magical shiny rusk for nine o'clock supper, just to oil our joints before we relaxed them in innocent repose. Our rooms were ample, our beds luxurious, our surroundings the grandest within Nature's bestowal. Our capital host and hostess became our personal friends j and all ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 465 that they did for us was so heartily kind and so cheerily comfortable, that, if we were asked where, on the whole, we passed the pleasantest, as distinct from the grandest, week in California, I think we should answer, " At Sisson's, in Strawberry Valley." Sisson was, without exception, the best rifle-shot I ever saw. I have seen him bring down an eagle soaring as high as I could see it. Before a target, at any distance usual for such experiments, his aim was practically unerring. He possessed, in addition, two other prime qualities of a first-class woodsman, — keen sight for game in covert, and soft-footedness in stealing on it, — to a degree so unequaled in my ac- quaintance that I feel justified in calling him, not only the best shot, but the best hunter I ever knew. We spent three days in exploring, sketching, and deer-stalking with him, during all which time he was never once taken by surprise, but invariably saw his game before it scented him, and as invariably cracked it over before ourselves, or another old huntsman with us, had time to say, " Where is it ? " Our main ex- cursion led us about a dozen miles from the house to a lofty ridge, populous with game, thickly wooded with evergreens, and on its bold prominences giving us splendid views of Shasta. No height that we could attain dwarfed the grandeur of the mountain by sinking its base, and no lateral variation of our standing-points produced any change in its shape. New delicacies of rock and snow net-work came out as we shifted, and the sunlight produced different beauties of color and chiaroscuro in the glacier-like cradles of its upper ice ; but so far as height and form were concerned, it seemed to have no more parallax than a fixed star. This fact is of course 30 4^66 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. partly due to its being a nearly regular cone, but much of it depends on the intrinsic grandeur of a mountain standing lonely on the plain, full sixty miles in cincture, and in stature nearly eighteen thousand feet. We came back from our expedition with an abun- dance jf venison, a number of interesting color-studies, and memories of California scenery surpassed only by the Yo-Semite. We had struggled through miles of chaparral, after which no abatis that I ever saw on the Potomac would have been any discouragement to us, provided only we had the same wonderful horses. To get some idea of this peculiarly Califor- nian institution as we encountered it, imagine a side- hill which would have given the best horse a hard pull, even had it been bare of undergrowth, and set this hill as thick as it will hold with manzanita and burr-oak : the former, as its name implies, like a little apple-tree, only more viciously gnarled, leath- ery, and complicated in its boughs than the most pic- turesque old russet in a New England orchard, and ramifying at once from the root without any main trunk ; the latter, an oak-bush of the same general characteristics, having its swarming acorn-cups cov- ered with spikes like the chestnut. When these have interlocked with each other till the earth is invisible and the whole tract has become a lattice of springes and pitfalls, push a horse through it three miles up a slope of forty -five degrees, the breast-high twigs scourging him at every step ; and if you get out, as we did, without a fall or a broken leg to either man or beast, you will not only have acquired a just idea of the California chaparral, but an admiration for the California horse which will last you to your dying ON HOESEBACK INTO OREGON. 467 day. To repay us for this struggle, we had found one lake lying in a picturesque gorge, only twice before visited by white men ; while my artist comrade, al- ways the most indefatigable explorer of every party we were in together, climbed with his color-box to still another lake, of which he was the first discov- erer, and whose lovely lineaments he preserved in one of the best studies of our trip. Besides these results of our expedition, we brought away the satis- faction of having leaped our horses across the Sacrar mento Kiver. Where it flowed at the bottom of one deep ravine we had to traverse, it was a foot deep and ten feet wide. The twig which cracked under my horse's hoof, and fell into the stream as he sprang over, a month hence might be dashing about in the scud under the foot of some Pacific whaler, or, still further off in time, drift into the harbor of Hong Kong. Rivers always seem to me like the nerves of Nature : there is no conductor of thought and im- pression like that little silver thread which leads out from the ganglion of a deep forest spring, to spread, many leagues off, upon the sensory surface of the Oceanic World. In an earlier chapter I spoke of the mighty emotions which came thronging on me at the heads of the Platte and the Colorado : I felt them only less powerfully when my horse jumped across the Sacramento's birthplace. After a good day's rest at Sisson's, we bade the cap- ital fellow and his excellent wife a good-by which had more regret in it than we ever felt before for com- rades of a single week's standing, and resumed our northward journey. The country continued thickly wooded for nearly twenty miles from Strawberry, and the forest trail 468 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. was every now and then drowned out of sight by streams rushing from the snow of Shasta. When we emerged from the timber, we found ourselves on a plain opening widely to the north between diverging ridges, and scattered here and there with black sconce like the slag of a furnace. In some places an attempt had been made to mend the road with lava; and as it crunched under our horses' hoofs we could almost imagine ourselves making the circuit of Vesuvius, so evident was it from the look and feel of things that Pluto has at no very remote period boiled his dinner- pot on the hob of Shasta Peak. The day was fine, — the air more bracing than we had found since leaving the Yo-Semite. Our week of comparative rest at Sisson's had brought our horses into splendid condition for the road ; both we and they were boiling over with animal spirits ; and it was still early in the afternoon when we rode the fortieth mile of our way into Yreka, on the full gal- lop. I need not say that we had made other arrange- ments than our pommels for the transportation of our heavy baggage to the next place where we should need it. Sisson, always full of resources, had taken good care of that for us both. Neither to the traveller nor the raconteur is Yreka a place to linger in. It consists of one long street, with a tolerable brick hotel at one end, and a kennel of straggling houses swarming with Chinese of ill odor and worse repute at the other, — intersected by half a dozen lanes, devoted principally to stables, gambling-shops, and liquor dens. I only quote the language of all the inhabitants whom I conversed with, when I say that such glory as it once held among the northern mining-towns has entirely de- ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 469 parted from it. The discovery of the Boise and John- Day mines to the far northeast has attracted away all the principal gold seekers who once dug and panned in the vicinity ; and if there ever was a place which had nothing intrinsic to fall back upon, it is Yreka. We were glad to leave it after one night's rest. The day we evacuated it was atmospherically the most glorious that we enjoyed upon our whole trip. The air had a golden look, as if it not merely trans- mitted, but were stained with sunshine. The sky was spotless, the weather as warm as our mid-June, but without the least languor. The landscape was that broad plain I have mentioned, with Shasta on its verge, intersected by low rolling ridges, and broken by the cones of extinct volcanic spiracles, sometimes grouped, but oftener isolated. Shasta himself seemed to have gained rather than lost in majesty by our forty and now steadily increasing miles of distance. Either from atmospheric effect, or because we now saw a new and more irregular portion of his crown, the snow upon it became opalescent to a degree which I have never seen surpassed by any such effect. The light reflected from it seemed to gleam like a soft- ened flame deep down beneath some pearly medium, rather than any rebound of sunlight from a surface. The rugged hillocks between which we rode were bare and craggy at their tops, but all about their base, and far down into the plain, grew abundance of a plant wonderfully like the heather in its size as well as in the shape and color of its blossoms. Broad, ex- quisitely claret-tinted streaks and patches of this lovely thing softened the landscape everywhere. We seemed to be travelling in a beautiful confusion of Nature, where the Scottish Highlands had got to- 470 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. gether under a California sky with the Roman Cam- pagna. Throughout this sweet desolation reigned a visible and audible quiet which made our horses' hoofs seem noisy. Between Yreka and the Klamath River — a narrow, rapid stream, recalling some portions of the Housatonic, which we intersected about noon, and along which we rode for an hour — we met only two or three silent horsemen and as many eremetic wood- choppers. Turning north from the Klamath, we dined at a miserable settlement called Cottonwood, around which for miles in every direction departed gold hunters had burrowed till the ground was a honey-comb, or more properly a last year's hornets' nest, since there was no sign of honey in the cells, and, from what a most dejected native told us of the yield, never had been any to speak of Leaving dreary Cottonwood with even greater pleasure than we had felt in abandoning Yreka, we began ascending the slope toward the Oregon line. At every mile the country grew lovelier. California seemed determined to make our last impressions of her tender. The bare, brown rocks became densely wooded with oaks and evergreens. Late in the after- noon we came to broad meadows of such refreshing deep-green grass as we had not seen before since we left the rich farming lands of the Atlantic side, and the level golden bars which lay on them between forest edges made us homesick with memories of peaceful Eastern lawns at sunset. After crossing sev- eral miles of such meadows, and the quiet brooks which ran through them, we traversed a number of strange low ridges, undulating in systematic rhythm, like a mountain-chain making a series of false starts ON HORSEBACK INTO OREGON. 471 prior to the word "go," reached the true base of the Siskiyou Mountains, and began our final climb out of the Golden State. The road was very uneven, rocky, cut up by rivu- lets from the higher ridges, and in most places only a rude dug- way, with a rocky wall on one side, and a butment of thickly wooded debris steeply descending to a black, brawling torrent on the other. But we did not trouble ourselves with the road. The wild beauty of the forest absorbed us on either hand ; and we were astonished at the rapid transition which the leaves suddenly took on, from the dry, burnt look, characteristic of the end of the California dry season, to autumnal splendors of red and yellow, hardly ri- valed by the numberless varieties of tint in our own October woods. Just as the sun sank out of sight, we reached a lofty commanding ridge, stopped to rest, turned around and saw Shasta looming grandly up out of the valley twilight, his icy forehead all one mass of gold and ruby fire. It was one of the grand- est mountain sights I ever looked on : such a purple hush over the vast level below us ; such colossal broad shadows on the giant's foot ; such a wonderful flame on that noble, solitary head, which, but for the unbroken outlines leading up to it out of the twi- light, might have been only some loftier cloud catch- ing good-night sun-glimpses at half-way up the firma- ment. Good-night from Shasta ! Alas, not only to the sun, but to us ! We felt a real pang, as we con- fessed to ourselves that we were now looking upon this noblest and serenest, if not loftiest of all the mountains in our travel, for the last time in years, — perhaps the last forever. We gazed wistfully till ad- 472 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. monished by the deepening twilight ; then, as Shasta became a shadow on the horizon, plunged silently into the dense woods again, climbed to the Siskiyou summit, and, descending through almost jetty dark- ness, were in Oregon. CHAPTER XL ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. I HAVE never known, nor seen any person who did know, why Portland, the metropoHs of Oregon, was founded on the Willamette River. I am unaware why the accent is on the penult, and not on the ultimate of Willamette. These thoughts perplexed me more than a well man would have suffered them, all the way from the Callapooya Mountains to Portland. I had been laid up in the backwoods of Oregon, in a district known as the Long-Tom Country — (and cer- tainly a longer or more tedious Tom never existed since the days of him additionally hight Aquinas), — by a violent attack of pneumonia, which came near terminating my earthly with my Oregon pilgrimage. I had been saved by the indefatigable nursing of the friend I travelled with, — by wet compresses, and the impossibility of sending for any doctor in the region. I had lived to pay San Francisco hotel prices for squatter-cabin accommodations in the rural residence of an Oregon landholder, whose tender mercies I fell into from my saddle when the disease had reached its height, and who explained his unusual charges on the ground that his wife had felt for me like a mother. In the Long-Tom Country maternal tenderness is a highly estimated virtue. It cost my comrade and myself sixty dollars, besides the reasonable charge for five days' board and attendance to a man who ate 474 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. nothing and was not waited on, with the same amount against his well companion. We had suffered enough extortion before that to exhaust all our native grum- blery. So we paid the bill, and entered on our note- books the following Mem. " In stopping with anybody in the Long-Tom Country, make a special contract for maternal tender- ness, as it will invariably be included in the bill." I had ridden on a straw bed in the wagon of the man whose wife cultivated the maternal virtues, until I was once more able to go along by myself, — pay- ing, you may be sure, maternal-virtue fare for my carriage. During the period that I jolted on the straw, I diversified the intervals between pulmonary spasms with a sick glance at the pages of Bulwer's " Devereux " and Lever's " Day's Ride." The nature of these works did not fail to attract the attention of my driver. It aroused in him serious concern for my spiritual welfare. He addressed me with gentle firm- ness : — " D'ye think it's exackly the way for an immortal creatur' to be spendin' his time, to read them novels f'* " Why is it particularly out of the way for an im- mortal creature ? " "Because his higher enterests don't give him no time for sich follies." "How can an immortal creature be pressed for time?" " Wal, you'll find out some day. G'lang, Jennie." I thought I had left this excellent man in a meta- physical bog. But he had not discharged his duty, 60 he scrambled out and took new ground. " Now say, — d' ?/ou think it's exackly a Christian way of spendin' time, yourself?" ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 475 " I know a worse way." «Eh? What's that?" " In the house of a Long-Tom settler who charges five dollars a day extra because his wife feels like a mother." He did not continue the conversation. I myself did not close it in anger, but solely to avoid an extra charge, which in the light of experience seemed im- minent, for concern about my spiritual welfare. On the maternal -tenderness scale of prices, an indul- gence in this luxury would have cleaned me out be- fore I effected junction with my drawers of exchange, and I was discourteous as a matter of economy. We had enjoyed, from the summit of a hill twenty miles south of Salem, one of the most magnificent views in all earthly scenery. Within a single sweep of vision were seven snow-peaks, — the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson, Mount Hood, Mount Adams, and Mount St. Helen's, — with the dim suggestion of an eighth colossal mass, which might be Rainier. All these rose along an arc of not quite half the horizon, measured between ten and eighteen thousand feet in height, were nearly conical, and absolutely covered with snow from base to pinnacle. The Three Sisters, a triplet of sharp, close-set needles, and the grand masses of Hood and Jefferson, showed mountainesque and earthly ; it was at least possible, to imagine them of us, and anchored to the ground we trod on. Not so with the others. They were beautiful, yet awful ghosts, — spirits of dead mountains buried in old- world cataclysms, returning to make, on the brilliant azure of noonday, blots of still more brilliant white. I cannot express their vague, yet vast and intense splendor by any other word than incandescence. It 476 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. was as if the sky had suddenly grown white-hot in patches. When we first looked, we thought St. Hel- en's an illusion, — an aurora, or a purer kind of cloud. Presently we detected the luminous chromatic border, — a band of refracted light with a predomi- nant orange tint, which outlines the higher snow- peaks seen at long range, — traced it down, and grasped the entire conception of the mighty cone. No man of enthusiasm, who reflects what this whole sight must have been, will wonder that my friend and I clasped each other's hands before it, and thanked God we had lived to this day. We had followed down the beautiful valley of the Willamette to Portland, finding everywhere glimpses of autumnal scenery as delicious as the hills and meadows of the Housatonic. Putting up in Portland at the Dennison House, we found the comforts of civil- ization for the first time since leaving Sisson's, and a great many kind friends warmly interested in further- ing our enterprise. I have said that I do not know why Portland was built on the Willamette. The point of the promontory between the Willamette and the Columbia seems the proper place for the chief com- mercial city of the State ; and Portland is a dozen miles south of this, up the tributary stream. But Portland does very well as it is, — growing rapidly in business importance, and destined, when the proper railway communications are established, to be a sort of Glasgow to the London of San Francisco. When we were there, there was crying need of a telegraph to the latter place. That need has now been sup- plied, and the construction of the no less desirable railroad must follow speedily. The country between Shasta Peak and Salem is at present virtually without ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 477 an outlet to market. No richer fruit and grain region exists on the Pacific slope of the Continent. No one who has not travelled through it can imagine the ex- haustless fertility which will be stimulated, and the results which will be brought forth, when a continu- ous line of railroad unites Sacramento, or even Te- hama, with the metropolis of Oregon. Among the friends who welcomed us to Portland , were Messrs. Ainsworth and Thompson, of the Ore- gon Steamship Company. By their courtesy we were afforded a trip up the Columbia River, in the pleas- antest quarters and under the most favorable circum- stances. We left Portland the evening before their steamer sailed, taking a boat belonging to a different line, that we might pass a night at Fort Vancouver, and board the Company's boat when it touched at that place the next morning. We recognized our return from rudimentary society to civilized surroundings and a cultivated interest in art and literature, when the captain of the little steamer Vancouver refused to let either of us buy a ticket, because he had seen my companion on the upper deck at work with his sketch-book, and me by his side engaged with my journal. The banks of the Willamette below Portland are low, and cut up by small tributaries or communi- cating lagoons, which divide them into islands. The largest of these, measuring its longest border, has an extent of twenty miles, and is called Sauveur's. An- other, called " Nigger Tom's," was famous as the seign- iory of a blind African nobleman so named, living in great affluence of salmon and whiskey with three or four devoted Indian wives, who had with equal fer- 478 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. vor embraced the doctrine of Mormonism and the profession of day's washing to keep their Hege in lux- ury due his rank. The land along the shore of the river was usually well timbered, and in the level openings looked as fertile as might be expected of an alluvial first bottom frequently overflowed. At its junction with the Columbia the "Willamette is about three quarters of a mile in width, and the Columbia may be half a mile wider, though at first sight the difierence seems more than that from the tributary's entering the main river at an acute angle, and giv- ing a diagonal view to the opposite shore. Before we passed into the Columbia, we had from the upper deck a magnificent glimpse to the eastward of Hood's spotless snow-cone rosied with the reflection of the dying sunset. Short and hurried as it was, this view of Mount Hood was unsurpassed for beauty by any which we got in its close vicinity and afterward, though nearness added rugged grandeur to the sight. Six miles' sail between low and uninteresting shores brought us from the mouth of the "Willamette to Fort Vancouver, on the "Washington Territory side of the river. Here we debarked for the night, making our way in an ambulance sent for us from the post, a distance of two minutes' ride, to the quarters of Gen- eral Alvord, the commandant. Under his hospitable roof we experienced, for the first time in several months and many hundred miles, the delicious sensa- tion of a family dinner, with a refined lady at the head of the table and well-bred children about the sides. A very interesting guest of General Alvord's was Major Lugenbeel, who had spent his life in the topographical service of the United States, and com- bined the culture of a student with an amount of ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 479 information concerning the wildest portions of our Continent which I have never seen surpassed nor heard communicated in style more fascinating. He had lately come from the John Day, Boise, and Snake River Mines, where the Government was surveying routes of emigration, and pronounced the wealth of the region exhaustless. After a pleasant evening and a good night's rest, we took the Oregon Company's steamer, "Wilson G. Hunt," and proceeded up the river, leaving Fort Van- couver about seven a. m. To our surprise, the " Hunt" proved an old acquaintance. She will be remembered by most people who during the last twelve years have been familiar with the steamers hailing from New York Bay. Though originally built for river service such as now employs her, she came around from the Hudson to the Columbia by way of Cape Horn. By lessening her top-hamper and getting new stanchions for her perilous voyage, she performed it without accident. Such a vivid souvenir of the Hudson reminded me of an assertion I had often heard, that the Columbia resembles it. There is some ground for the compari- son. Each of the rivers breaks through a noble mountain-system in its passage to the sea, and the walls of its avenue are correspondingly grand. In point of variety the banks of the Hudson far surpass those of the Columbia, — trap, sandstone, granite, limestone, and slate succeeding each other with a rapidity which presents ever new outlines to the eye of the tourist. The scenery of the Columbia, between Fort Vancouver and the Dalles, is a sublime mono- tone. Its banks are basaltic crags or mist -wrapt domes, averaging below the cataract from twelve to 480 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. fifteen hundred feet in height, and thence decreasing to the Dalles, where the escarpments, washed by the river, are low trap bluffs on a level with the steamer's walking-beam, and the mountains have retired, bare and brown, like those of the great continental basin farther south, toward Mount Hood in that direction, and Mount Adams on the north. If the Palisades were quintupled in height, domed instead of level on their upper surfaces, extended up the whole naviga- ble course of the Hudson, and were thickly clad with evergreens wherever they were not absolutely pre- cipitous, the Hudson would much more closely re- semble the Columbia. I was reminded of another Eastern river, which I had never heard mentioned in the same company. As we ascended toward the cataract, the Columbia water assumed a green tint as deep and positive as that of the Niagara between the falls and Lake On- tario. Save that its surface was not so perturbed with eddies and marbled with foam, it resembled the Niagara perfectly. We boarded the " Hunt " in a dense fog, and went immediately to breakfast. With our last cup of coffee the fog cleared away and showed us a sunny vista up the river, bordered by the columnar and mural trap formations above mentioned, with an occasional bold promontory jutting out beyond the general face of the precipice, its shaggy fell of pines and firs all aflood with sunshine to the very crown. The finest of these promontories was called Cape Horn, the river bending around it to the northeast. The chan- nel kept mid-stream with considerable uniformity, — but now and then, as in the highland region of the Hudson, made a detour to avoid some bare, rocky isl- ON THE COLUMBIA EIVER. 481 and. Several of these islands were quite columnar, — being evidently the emerged capitals of basaltic prisms, like the other uplifts on the banks. A fine instance of this formation was the stately and per- pendicular " Rooster Rock " on the Oregon side, but not far from Cape Horn. Still another was called " Lone Rock," and rose from the middle of the river. These came upon our view within the first hour after breakfast, in company with a slender, but graceful stream, which fell into the river over a sheer wall of basalt seven hundred feet in height. This little cas- cade reminded us of Po-ho-no, or The Bridal Veil, near the lower entrance of the Great Yo-Semite. As the steamer rounded a point into each new stretch of silent, green, and sunny river, we sent a flock of geese or ducks hurrying cloudward or shore- ward. Here, too, for the first time in a state of abso- lute Nature, I saw that royal bird, the swan, escorting his mate and cygnets on an airing or a luncheon-tour. It was a beautiful sight, though I must confess that his Majesty and all the royal family are improved by civilization. One of the great benefits of civilization is, that it restricts its subjects to doing what they can do best. Park-swans seldom fly, — and flying is some- thing that swans should never attempt, unless they wish to be taken for geese. I felt actually desiUiisionne, when a princely cortege, which had been rippling their snowy necks in the sunshine, clumsily lifted them- selves out of the water and slanted into the clouds, stretching those necks straight as a gun-barrel. Ev- ery line of grace seemed wire-drawn out of them in a moment. Song is as little their forte as flight, — barring the poetic license open to moribund members of their family, — and I must confess, that, if this 31 482 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. privilege indicate approaching dissolution, the most intimate friends of the specimens we heard have no cause for apprehension. An Adirondack loon fortify- ing his utterance by a cracked fish-horn is the near- est approach to a healthy swan-song. On the whole, the wild swan cannot afford to '• pause in his cloud " for all the encomiums of Mr. Tennyson, and had better come down immediately to the dreamy water-level, where he floats dream within dream, like a stable vapor in a tangible sky. Anywhere else he seems a court-beauty wandering into metaphysics. Alternating with these swimmers came occasional flocks of shag, a bird belonging to the cormorant tribe, and here and there a gull, though these last grew rarer as we increased our distance from the sea. I was surprised to notice a fine seal playing in the channel, twenty miles above Fort Vancouver, but learned that it was not unusual for these animals to ascend nearly to the cataract. Both the whites and Indians scattered along the river banks kill them for their skin and blubber, — going out in boats for the purpose. My informant's boat had on one occasion taken an old seal nursino: her calf When the dam was towed to shore, the young one followed her, occasionally putting its fore-flippers on the gunwale to rest, like a Newfoundland dog, and behaving with such innocent familiarity that malice was disarmed. It came ashore with the boat's-crew and the body of its parent ; no one had the heart to drive it away ; so it stayed and was a pet of the camp from that time forward. After a while the party moved its position a distance of several miles while Jack was away in the river on a fishing excursion, but there was no eluding him. The morning after the shift he ON THE COLUMBIA RIVEE. 483 came wagging into camp, a faithful and much over- joyed, but exceedingly battered and used-up seal. He had evidently sought his friends by rock and flood the entire night preceding. Occasionally the lonely river-stretches caught a sudden human interest in some gracefully modeled canoe gliding out with a crew of Chinook Indians from the shadow of a giant promontory, propelled by a square sail learned of the whites. Knowing the natural, ingrained laziness of Indians, one can imag- ine the delight with which they comprehended that substitute for the paddle. After all, this may per- haps be an ill-natured thing to say. Who does like to drudge when he can help it ? Is not this very " Wilson G. Hunt " a triumph of human laziness, vindi- cating its claim to be the lord of matter by an inge- nuity doing labor's utmost without sweat ? After all, nobody but a fool drudges for other reason than that he may presently stop drudging. At short intervals along the narrow strip of shore under the more gradual steeps, on the lower ledges of the basaltic precipices, and on little rock-islands in the river, appeared rude-looking stacks and scaf- foldings where the Indians had packed their salmon. They left it in the open air without guard, as fearless of robbers as if the fish did not constitute their al- most entire subsistence for the winter. And within their own tribes they have justification for this fear- lessness. Their standard of honor is in most respects curiously adjustable, — but here virtue is defended by the necessities of life. In the immediate vicinity of the cured article (I say " cured," though the process is a mere drying without smoke or salt) may be seen the apparatus 484 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. contrived for getting it in the fresh state. This is the scaffolding from which the salmon are caught. It is a horizontal platform shaped like a capital A, erected upon a similarly framed, but perpendicular set of braces, with a projection of several feet over the river brink at a place where the water runs rap- idly close in-shore. If practicable, the constructor modifies his current artificially, banking it inward with large stones, so as to form a sort of sluice in which passing fish will be more completely at his mercy. At the season of their periodic ascent, sal- mon swarm in all the rivers of our Pacific coast ; the Columbia and Willamette are alive with them for a long distance above the cascades of the one and the Oregon City Fall of the other. The fisherman stands, nearly or quite naked, at the edge of his scaffolding, armed with a net extended at the end of a long pole, and so ingeniously contrived that the weight of the salmon and a little dexterous management draw its mouth shut on the captive like a purse as soon as he has entered. A helper stands behind the fisherman to assist in raising the haul, — to give the fish a tap on the nose, which kills him instantly, — and finally to carry him ashore to be split and dried, without any danger of his throwing himself back into the water from the hands of his captors, as might easily happen by omitting the coup- de- grace. Another method of catching salmon, much in vogue among the Sacramento and Pitt River tribes, but apparently less employed by the Indians of the Columbia, is har- pooning with a very clever instrument constructed after this wise. A hard wood shaft is neatly, but not tightly, fitted into the socket of a sharp-barbed spear- head carved from bone. Through a hole drilled in ON THE COLUMBIA RIYER. 485 the spear-head a stout cord of deer-sinew is fastened by one end, its other being secured to the shaft near its insertion. The salmon is struck by this weapon in the manner of the ordinary fish-spear ; the head sHps off the shaft as soon as the barbs lodge, and the harpoon virtually becomes a fishing-rod, with the sinew for a line. This arrangement is much more manageable than the common spear, as it greatly diminishes the chances of losing fish and breaking shafts. There can scarcely be a more sculpturesque sight than that of a finely formed, well-grown young Indian struggling on his scaffold with an unusually powerful fish. Every muscle of his wiry frame stands out in its turn in unveiled relief, and you see in him atti- tudes of grace and power which will not let you re- gret the '' Apollo Belvedere "pr the " Gladiator." The '•^} only pity is that this ideal Indian is a rare being. The Indians of this coast and river are divided into two broad classes, — the Fish Indians, and the Meat Indians. The latter, ceteris paribus, are much the finer race, derive the greater portion of their sub- sistence from the chase, and possess the athletic mind and body which result from active methods of win- ning a livelihood. The former are, to a great extent, victims of that generic and hereditary tabes mesenter- ica which produces the peculiar pot-bellied and spin- dle - shanked type of savage ; their manners are milder; their virtues and vices are done in water- color, as comports with their source of supply. There are some tribes which partake of the habits of both classes, living in mountain-fastnesses part of the year by the bow and arrow, but coming down to the river in the salmon-season for an addition to their winter 486 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. bill-of-fare. Anywhere rather than among the pure Fish Indians is the place to look for savage beauty. Still these tribes have fortified their feebleness by such a cultivation of their ingenuity as surprises one seeing for the first time their well-adapted tools, com- fortable lodges, and, in some cases, really beautiful canoes. In the last respect, however, the Indians nearer the coast surpass those up the Columbia, — some of their carved and painted canoes equaling the " crackest " of shell-boats in elegance of line and beauty of ornament. In a former chapter devoted to the Great Yo-Sem- ite I had occasion to remark that Indian legend, like all ancient poetry, often contains a scientific truth embalmed in the spices of metaphor, — or, to vary the figure, that Mudjekeewis stands holding the lan- tern for Agassiz and Dana to dig by. Coming to the Falls of the Columbia, we find a case in point. Nearly equidistant from the longitudes of Fort Vancouver and Mount Hood, the entire Colum- bia River falls twenty feet over a perpendicular wall of basalt, extending, with minor deviations from the right angle, entirely between-shores, a breadth of about a mile. The height of Niagara and the close compression of its vast volume make it a grander sio-ht than the Falls of the Columbia, — but no other cataract known to me on this Continent rivals it for an instant. The great American Falls of Snake are much loftier and more savage than either, but their volume is so much less as to counterbalance those advantages. Taking the Falls of the Columbia all in all, — including their upper and lower rapids, — it must be confessed that they exhibit every phase af tormented water in its beauty of color or grace of form, its wrath or its whim. ON THE COLUMBIA RIVEK. 487 The Indians have a tradition that the river once followed a uniform level from the Dalles to the sea. This tradition states that Mounts Hood and St. Hel- en's are husband and wife, — whereby is intended that their tutelar divinities stand in that mutual re- lation ; that in comparatively recent times there ex- isted a rocky bridge across the Columbia at the present site of the cataract, and that across this bridge Hood and St. Helen's were wont to pass for interchange of visits ; that, while this bridge existed, there was a free subterraneous passage under it for the river and the canoes of the tribes (indeed, this tradition is so universally credited as to stagger the skeptic by a mere calculation of chances) ; that, on a certain occasion, the mountainous pair, like others not mountainous, came to high w^ords, and during their altercation broke the bridge down ; falling into the river, this colossal Rialto became a dam, and ever since that day the upper river has been backed to its present level, submerging vast tracts of country far above its original bed. I notice that excellent geological authorities are willing to treat this legend respectfully, as contain- ing in symbols the probable key to the natural phe- nomena. Whether the original course of the Columbia at this place was through a narrow canon or under an actual roof of rock, the adjacent material has been at no very remote date toppled into it to make the cata- ract, and alter the bed to its present level. Both Hood and St. Helen's are volcanic cones. The latter has been seen to smoke within the last twelve years. It is not unlikely that during the last few centuries some intestine disturbance may have occurred along the axis between the two, sufficient to account for 4SS THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. the precipitation of that mass of rock which now forms the dam. That we cannot refer the cataclysm to a very ancient date seems to be argued by the state of preservation in which we still find the stumps of the celebrated " submerged forest," extending a long distance up the river above the Falls. At the foot of the cataract we landed from the steamer on the Washington side of the river, and found a railroad train waiting to do our portage. It was a strange feeling, that of whirling along by steam where so few years before the Indian and the trader had toiled through the virgin forest, bending under the weight of their canoes. And this is one of the characteristic surprises of American scenery every- where. You cannot isolate yourself from the national civilization. In a Swiss chalet you may escape from all memories of Geneva; among the Grampians you find an entirely different set of ideas from those of Edinburgh: but the same enterprise which makes itself felt in New York and Boston starts up for your astonishment out of all the flxstnesses of the Conti- nent. Virgin Nature wooes our civilization to wed her, and no obstacles can conquer the American fasci- nation. In our journey through the wildest parts of this country, we were perpetually finding patent washing-machines among the chaparral, — canned fruit in the desert, — Voigtlander's field-glasses on the snow-peak, — lemon -soda in the canon, — men who were sure a railroad would be run by their cabin within ten years, in every spot where such a surprise was most remarkable. The portage road is six miles in length, leading nearly all the way close along the edge of the North Bluff, which, owing to a recession of the mountains, ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 489 seems here only from fifty to eighty feet in height. From the windows of the train we enjoyed an almost uninterrupted view of the rapids, which are only less grand and forceful in their impression than those above Niagara. They are broken up into narrow channels by numerous bold and naked islands of trap. Through these the water roars, boils, and, striking projections, spouts upward in jets whose plumy top blows off in sheets of spray. It is tormented into whirlpools ; it is combed into fine threads, and strays whitely over a rugged ledge like old men's hair ; it takes all curves of grace and arrow-flights of force ; it is water doing all that water can do or be made to do. The painter who spent a year in making studies of it would not throw his time away ; when he had finished, he could not misrepresent water under any phases. At the upper end of the portage road we found another and smaller steamer awaiting us, with equally kind provision for our comfort made by the Com- pany and the captain. In both steamers we were ac- corded excellent opportunities for drawing and obser- vation, getting seats in the pilot-house. Above the rapids the river banks were bold and rocky. The stream changed from its recent Niagara green to a brown like that of the Hudson ; and un- der its waters, as we hugged the Oregon side, could be seen a submerged alluvial plateau, studded thick with drowned stumps, here and there lifting their splintered tops above the water, and measuring from the diameter of a sapling to that of a trunk which might once have been one hundred feet high. Between Fort Vancouver and the cataract the banks of the river seem nearly as wild as on the day 490 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. they were discovered by the whites. On neither the Oregon nor the Washington side is there any settle- ment visible, — a small wood- wharf, or the temporary hut of a salmon-fisher, being the only sign of human possession. At the Falls we noticed a single white house standing in a commanding position high up on the wooded ledges of the Oregon shore ; and the taste shown in placing and constructing it was worthy of a Hudson River landholder. This is, perhaps, the first attempt at a distinct country residence made in Ore- gon, and belongs to a Mr. Olmstead, who was one of the earliest settlers and projectors of public improve- ments in the State. He was actively engaged in the building of the first portage railroad, which ran on the Oregon side. The entire interests of both have, I believe, been concentrated in the newer one ; and the Oregon road, after building itself by feats of busi- ness energy and ingenuity known only tp American pioneer enterprise, has fallen into entire or compara- tive disuse. Above the Falls we found as unsettled a river margin as below. Occasionally, some bright spot of color attracted us, relieved against the walls of trap or glacis of evergreen ; and this upon nearer approach, or by the glass, was resolved into a group of river In- dians, — part with the curiously compressed foreheads of the Flat-head tribe, their serene nakedness draped with blankets of every variety of hue, from fresh flaming red to weather-beaten army blue, and adorned as to their cheeks with smutches of the cinnabar- rouge which from time immemorial has been a prime article of import among the fashionable native circles of the Columbia, — the other part round-headed, and (I have no doubt it appears a perfect sequitur to the ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 491 Flat-head conservatives) therefore slaves. The cap- tive in battle seems more economically treated among these savages than is common anywhere else in the Indian regions we traversed (though I suppose sla- very is to some extent universal throughout the tribes), — the captors properly arguing that so long as they can make a man fish and boil jDot for them, it is a very foolish waste of material to kill him. At intervals above the Falls we passed several small islands of special interest as being the cemeteries of river tribes. The principal, called "Mimitus," was sacred as the resting-place of a very noted chief I have forgotten his name. The deceased is en- tombed like a person of quality, in a wooden mauso- leum having something the appearance of a log-cabin, upon which pains have been expended, and contain- ing, with the human remains, robes, weapons, baskets, canoes, and all the furniture of Indian menage^ to an extent which among the tribes amounts to a fortune. This sepulchral idea is a clear-headed one, and worthy of Eastern adoption. Old ladies with lace and nieces, old gentlemen with cellars and nephews, might be certain that the solace which they received in life's decline was purely disinterested, if about middle age they should announce that their Point and their Port w^ere going to Mount Auburn with them. The river grew narrower, its banks becoming low, perpendicular walls of basalt, water-worn at the base, squarely cut and castellated at the top, and bare everywhere as any pile of masonry. The hills beyond became naked, or covered only with short grass of the gramma kind and dusty-gray sage brush. Simul- taneously they lost some of their previous basaltic characteristics, running into more convex outlines, 492 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. which receded from the river. "We could not fail to recognize the fact that we had crossed one of the great thresholds of the Continent, — were once more east of the Sierra Nevada axis, and in the great cen- tral plateau which a few months previous, and several hundred miles farther south, we had crossed amid so many pains and perils by the Desert route to Washoe. From the grizzly mountains before us to the sources of the Snake Fork stretched an almost uninterrupted wilderness of sage. The change in passing to this region from the fertile and timbered tracts of the Cascades and the coast is more abrupt than can be imagined by one familiar with our delicately modu- lated Eastern scenery. This sharpness of definition seems to characterize the entire border of the pla- teau. Five hours of travel between Washoe and Sacramento carry one out of the nakedest stone heap into the grandest forest of the Continent. As we emerged from the confinement of the nearer ranges. Mount Hood, hitherto visible only through occasional rifts, loomed broadly into sight almost from base to peak, covered with a mantle of perennial snow scarcely less complete to our near inspection than it had seemed from our observatory south of Salem. Only here and there toward its lower rim a tatter in it revealed the giant's rugged brown muscle of volcanic rock. The top of the mountain, like that of Shasta, in direct sunlight is an opal. So far above the line of thaw, the snow seems to have accumu- lated until by its own weight it has condensed into a more compactly crystalline structure than ice itself; and the reflections from it, as I stated of Shasta, seem rather emanations from some interior source of light. The look is distinctly opaline, or, as a poet has called the opal, like " a pearl with a soul in it." ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 493 About five o'clock in the afternoon we reached the Oregon town and mining-depot of Dalles City. A glance at any good War Department map of Oregon and Washington Territories will explain the impor- tance of this place, where considerably previous to the foundation of the present large and growing set- tlement there existed a fort and trading-post of the same name. It stands, as we have said, at the en- trance to the great pass by which the Columbia breaks throusfh the mountains to the sea. Just west of it oc- curs an interruption to the navigation of the river^ practically as formidable as the first cataract. This is the upper rapids and "the Dalles" proper, — pres- ently to be described in detail. The position of the town, at one end of a principal portage, and at the easiest door to the Pacific, renders it a natural entre- pot between the latter and the great central plateau of the Continent. This it must have been in any case for fur-traders and emigrants, but its business has been vastly increased by the discovery of that immense mining area distributed along the Snake Kiver and its tributaries as far east as the Rocky Mountains. The John Day, Boise, and numerous other tracts both in Washington and Idaho Territo- ries draw most of their supplies from this entrepot, and their gold comes down to it either for direct use in the outfit market, or to be passed down the river to Portland and the San Francisco mint. I do not lay particular stress upon the mines of Washington and Idaho as sources of profit to the Pacific Railroad. This is for the reason that the Snake River seems the proper outlet to much of the auriferous region, and this route may be susceptible of improvement by an alternation of portages, roads, 494 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. and water-levels, which for a long tnne to come will form a means of communication more economical and rapid than a branch to the Pacific Road. The north- ern mines east of the Rocky range will find them- selves occupying somewhat similar relations to the Missouri River, Avhich rises, as one might almost say, out of the same spring as the Snake, — certainly out of the sam'e ridge of the Rocky Mountains. "The Dalles" is a town of one street, built close along the edge of a bluff of trap thirty or forty feet high, perfectly perpendicular, level on the top as if it had been graded for a city, and with depth of wa- ter at its base for the heaviest draught boats on the river. In fact, the whole water-front is a natural quay, — which wants nothing but time to make it alive with steam-elevators, warehouses, and derricks. To Portland and the Columbia it stands much as St. Louis to New Orleans and the Mississippi. There is no reason why it should not some day have a correspond- ing business, for whose wharfage accommodation it has even greater natural advantages. Architecturally, the Dalles cannot be said to lean very heavily on the side of beauty. The houses are mostly two-story structures of wood, occupied by all the trades and professions which flock to a new min- ing entrepot. Outfit merchants, blacksmiths, printing- office (for there is really a very well-conducted daily at the Dalles), are cheek by jowl with doctors, tailors, and Cheap Johns, — the latter being only less merry and thrifty over their incredible sacrifices in every- thing, from pins to corduroy, than that predominant class of all, the bar-keepers themselves. The town was in a state of bustle when our steamer touched the wharf; it bustled more and more from there to ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 495 the Umatilla House, where we stopped ; the hotel was one organized bustle in bar and dining room ; and bed-time brought no hush. The Dalles, like the Irishman, seemed sitting up all night to be fresh for an early start in the morning. We found everybody interested in gold. . Crowds of listeners, with looks of incredulity or enthusiasm, were gathered around the party in the bar-room which had last come in from the newest of the new mines, and a man who had seen the late Fort Hall discoveries was " treated " to that extent that he might have be- come intoxicated a dozen times without expense to himself. The charms of the interior were still further suggested by placards posted on every wall, offering rewards for the capture of a person who on the great gold route had lately committed some of the grim- mest murders and most talented robberies known in any branch of Newgate enterprise. I had for supper a very good omelet (considering its distance from the culinary centres of the universe), and a Dalles edito- rial debating the claims of several noted cut-throats to the credit of the operations ascribed to them, — feeling that in the ensemble I was enjoying both the exotic and the indigenous luxuries of our virgin soil. After supper and a stroll I returned to the ladies' parlor of the Umatilla House, rubbed my eyes in vain to dispel the illusion of a piano and a carpet at this jumping-off place of civilization, and sat down at a handsome centre-table to write up my journal. I had reviewed my way from Portland as far as Fort Van- couver, when another illusion happened to me in the shape of a party of gentlemen and ladies, in ball- dresses, dress-coats, white kids, and elaborate hair, who entered the parlor to wait for further accessions 496 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. from the hotel. They were on their way with a band of music to give some popular citizen a surprise party. The popular citizen never got the fine edge of that surprise. I took it off for him. If it were not too much like a little Cockney on Vancouver's Island who used the phrase on all occasions, from stubbing his toe to the death of a Cabinet Lord, I should say, "I never was more astonished in me life!". None of them had ever seen me before, — and with my books and maps about me, I may have looked like some public, yet mysterious character. I felt a pleas- ant sensation of having interest taken in me, and, wishing to make an ingenuous return, looked up with a casual smile at one of the party. Again to my sur- prise, this proved to be a very charming young lady, and I timidly became aware that the others were equally pretty in their several styles. Not knowing what else to do under the circumstances, I smiled again, still more casually. An equal uncertainty as to alternative set the ladies smiling quite across the row, and then, to my relief, the gentlemen joined them, making it pleasant for us all. A moment later we were engaged in general conversation, — starting from the bold hypothesis, thrown out by one of the gentlemen, that perhaps I was going to Boise, and proceeding, by a process of elimination, to the accu- rate knowledge of what I was going to do, if it wasn't that. I enjoyed one of the most cheerful bits of social relaxation I had found since crossing the Missouri; and nothing but my duty to my journal prevented me, when my surprise party left, from ac- companying them, by invitation, under the brevet title of Professor, to the house of the popular citizen, ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 497 who, I was assured, would be glad to see me. I cer- tainly should have been glad to see him, if he was anything like those guests of his who had so ingenu- ously cultivated me in a far land of strangers, where a man might have been glad to form the acquaint- ance of his mother-in-law. This is not the way peo- ple form acquaintances in New York ; but if I had wanted that, why not have stayed there ? As a cos- mopolite, and on general principles of being, I prefer the Dalles way. I have no doubt I should have found in that circle of spontaneous recognitions quite as many people who stood wear and improved on inti- macy as were ever vouchsafed to me by social in- dorsement from somebody else. "We are perpetually blaming our heads of Government bureaus for their poor knowledge of character, — their subordinates, we say, are never pegs in the right holes. If we un- derstood our civilized system of introductions, we could not rationally expect anything else. The great mass of polite mankind are trained not to know char- acter, but to take somebody else's voucher for it. Their acquaintances, most of their friendships, come to them through a succession of indorsers, none of whom may have known anything of the goodness of the paper. A sensible man, conventionally introduced to his fellow, must always wonder why the latter does not turn him around to look for signatures in chalk down the back of his coat ; for he knows that Brown indorsed him over to Jones, and Jones negotiated him with Robinson, through a succession in which perhaps two out of a hundred took pains to know whether he represented metal. You do not find the people of new countries making mistakes in character. Every man is his own guaranty, — and if he has no just cause to 32 498 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. suspect himself bogus, there will be true pleasure in a frank opening of himself to the examination and his eyes for the study of others. Not to be accused of intruding radical reform under the guise of belles- lettres, let me say that I have no intention of intro- ducing this innovation at the East. In the afternoon of the next day we were provided, by the courtesy of the Company, with a special train on the portage railroad connecting Dalles City with a station known as Celilo. This road had but recently come into full operation, and was now doing an im- mense freight business between the two river levels separated by the intervening " Dalles." It seemed somewhat longer than the road around the Falls. Its exact length has escaped me, but I think it about eight or nine miles. With several officers of the road, who vied in giv- ing us opportunities of comfort and information, we set out, about three p. m., from a station on the water- front below the town, whence we trundled through the long main street, and were presently shot forth upon a wilderness of sand. An occasional trap uplift rose on our right, but, as we were on the same bluff level as Dalles City, we met no lofty precipices. We were constantly in view of the river, separated from its Oregon brink at the farthest by about half a mile of the dreariest dunes of shifting sand ever seen by an amateur in deserts. The most arid tracts along the Platte could not rival this. The wind was vio- lent when we left Dalles City, and possessed the novel faculty of blowing simultaneously from all points of the compass. It increased with every mile of ad- vance, both in force and faculty, until at Celilo we found it a hurricane. The gentlemen of the Com- ON THE COLUMBIA RIVEK. 499 pany who attended us, told us, as seemed very credi- ble, that the highest winds blowing here (compared with which the present might be styled a zephyr) banked the track so completely out of sight with sand that a large force of men had to be steadily employed in shoveling out trains that had been brought to a dead halt, and clearing a way for the slow advance of others. I observed that the sides of some of the worst sand-cuts had been planked over to prevent their sliding down upon the road. Occasionally, the sand blew in such tempests as to sift through every cranny of the cars, and hide the river glimpses like a momentary fog. But this discomfort was abundantly compensated by the wonderfully interesting scenery on the Columbia side of our train. The river for the whole distance of the portage is a succession of magnificent rapids, low cataracts, and narrow, sinuous channels, — the last known to the old French traders as " Dales " or "Troughs," and to us by the very natural corruption of " Dalles." The alternation between these phases is wonderfully ab- rupt. At one point, about half-way between Dalles City and Celilo, the entire volume of the Columbia River (and how vast that is may be better under- stood by following up on the map the river itself and all its tributaries) is crowded over upon the Ore- gon shore through a passage not more than fifty yards in width, between perfectly naked and perpen- dicular precipices of basalt. Just beyond this mighty mill-race, where one of the grandest floods of the Continent is sliding in olive-green light and umber shadow, smoothly and resistlessly as time, the river is a mile wide, and plunges over a ragged wall of trap blocks, reaching, as at the lower cataract, from 500 THE HEART OF THE CONTINENT. shore to shore. In other neighboring places it attains even a greater width, but up to Celilo is never out of torment from the obstructions of its bed. Not even the rapids of Niagara can vie with these in their im- pression of power; and only the Columbia itself can describe the lines of grace made by its water, rasped to spray, churned to froth, tired into languid sheets that flow like sliding glass, or shot up in fountains frayed away to rainbows on their edges, as it strikes some basalt hexagon rising in mid-stream. The Dalles and the Upper Cataracts are still another region where the artist might stay for a year's University course in water-painting. At Celilo we found several steamers, in register resembling our second of the day previous. They measured on the average about three hundred tons. One of them had just got down from Walla Walla, with a large party of miners from gold tracts still further off, taking down five hundred thousand dol- lars in dust to Portland and San Francisco. We were very anxious to accept the Company's extended invi- tation, and push our investigations to or even up the Snake Eiver. But the expectation that the San Fran- cisco steamer would reach Portland in a day or two, and that we should immediately return by her to California, turned us most reluctantly down the river, after we had made the fullest notes and sketches at- tainable. Bad weather on the coast falsified our ex- pectations. For a week we were rain-bound in Port- land, unable to leave our hotel for an hour at a time without being drenched by the floods, which just now set in for the winter season, and regretting the lack of that prescience which would have enabled us to accomplish one of the most interesting side-trips in ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 501 our whole plan of travel. While this pleasure still awaited us, and none in particular of any kind seemed present save the in-door courtesies of our Portland friends, it was still among the memories of a life-time to have seen the Columbia in its Cataracts and its Dalles. APPEE-DIX. UTAH'S LIFE PRINCIPLE AND DESTINY. The great ecclesiastical glory of Mormonism is to be tlie Temple. This is now in process of erection, but the work is pushed very slowly — prob- ably with a view to the greater soundness of its foundations, as the other reasons common in such cases, lack of money and of labor, can hardly be operative here, — the Church being enormously wealthy, able to control the time of all its disciples, and blessed with a male membership whose large majority is used to physical labor. The basement of the Temple, as I learned from a Mormon builder, was excavated several years ago, and its foundations partly laid, when Brigham Young discovered in the work something which dissatisfied him, and had it leveled to the ground. The foundations are now well up once more, and the gigantic ashlars are steadily coming in from their quarry in the canons. The stone used is a handsome compact granite, like the Quincy, but even whiter, and in the more ornamental parts of the superstructure will be associated with marble, and that magnificent crystalline limestone, traversed by veins of pure calc-spar, which, in almost every direction around Salt Lake, is found adjoining the metamorphic strata. The City is laid out in the shape of an L, whose upright points north and south. " Temple Block " is situated nearly in the inner angle of this L. On the east Brigham Young's, or " the Prophet's " block, adjoins it, with a street intervtoing. Heber Kimball's stands corner to corner with it, just north of Brigham's. That of George Smith (the original prophet's cousin, and keeper of the sacred archives) is on the west of it. Across the street, on the south of it, is the Council House Block. On the south- east is the block occupied by Mr. Wells, one of the chief apostles, and third of the three presidents, Brigham and Heber 1 being the others; the History Office is also on the same. The Temple Block is 660 feet square, its lines running due north, south, east, and west, its front being on the east The front line of the Temple is 78 feet 3 inches from the east line of the block ; the length of the building, including towers and pedestal, will be 186^ feet, and its width 118^ feet. I was very much surprised when I learned how compara- tively insignificant were the dimensions of a building intended to be the external symbol of God's abode among men, and the architectural glory of a people whose sectarian belief is so closely identified with its national 1 Written before Heber's death. With this understanding none of the essential statements are affected. 604 APPENDIX. life as the Mormons. The foundation walls, where they reach the surface of the ground, are 1 6 feet wide. From the surface they slope 3 feet on each side to the height of 7^ feet, having thus on their upper surface a width of 10 feet. On this base begins the true wall, which is 8 feet thick. Measuring from outside to outside of the north and south wall, the width of the body of the building will be but 99 feet — the larger measure- ment given above including the towers, which stand at each end of the east and west side. Beside these towers at the corners, there are two others, at the centre of the east and west sides respectively. Each of these towers has pedestals of the same form and proportions as the wall, built of immense rough ashlars laid in lime mortar. Along the north and south sides of the Temple, between the towers, the earth will be sloped into a glacis, or terrace, 6 feet high above the general level of the block ; and on its upper surface will begin a promenade with a width varying from 11 to 22 feet, and reaching round the entire building, with stone steps leading up to it from the lower level at convenient intervals along the slope of the glacis. The towers on the four corners start from their footing of 26 feet square, continue to the height of 16^ feet, where they reach the line of the first string-course, and are reduced to 25 feet square. They continue thus 38 feet higher to the second string-course ; are then reduced to 23 feet square, and rise another distance of 38 feet to the third string-course. From this course the corner towers Ijecome cylindrical, with an interior diameter of 1 7 feet ; those on the east rising to the height of 25, and those on the west to a height of 19 feet, before they reach their own proper string-pieces, or cornices. From these cornices, on all four of them, rise battlements 9 feet high. The string-pieces, save where broken by buttresses, are continuous all round the building, and are massive mouldings from solid blocks of stone. Each of the corner towers has on each of its exposed sides two ornamental windows in their 25 feet square section, two in the section 23 feet square, and one in the highest. The centre towers, on both the east and west ends, start 31 feet square, but are otherwise of the same proportions as the corner towers as high as the third string-piece. From that line the east centre tower rises 40 feet to the top of its battlement, and the west centre tower 34 feet, — each being thus 6 feet higher than its adjoining corner towers. Each of the centre towers is, furthermore, crowned with a spire ; the spire of the east tower rising to the height of 200, and that of the west to 190 feet. All the towers are ornamented at the corners of each story with pinnacled turrets, and each side of the towers is flanked by a pair of buttresses. On the front of each centre tower are two windows, each 30 feet high, set one above the other. It is expected that these will rival the finest abbey and cathedral windows of the Old World. They ■will be of the handsomest carved stone-work, with stained-glass panes ; and there are among the Mormons one or two artists in both these departments, whose talents, judging from small specimens of their work APPENDIX. 505 which I saw, are really quite remarkable. It is the intention that all the labor and the art expended on the Temple shall be distinctly indigenous ; and the pride which Brigham takes in all home productions tends to the constant development of the very class of abilities needed for this result. The height of the ridge-pole of the Temple will be about 100 feet. The foundation of the building looks more like that of a fort than of a cathedral. Not only do the massive side walls, 16 feet thick below, 8 feet above, contribute to this impression, but the partitions also, of enor- mous ashlars, by which the basement is separated into a multitude of rooms. In the centre of the area is the baptismal room, 59 feet long by 35 feet wide, separated from the main north and south walls by four rooms, two on each side, each 19 feet long by 12 wide. On the east and west sides of these rooms are four passages, 12 feet wide; and still further east and west four more rooms, two at each end, 28 by 38J feet. These rooms are all 16^ feet high, and are to have elegantly ornamented and groined ceilings. From the basement, by stair-ways in the towers, we ascend to courts 16 feet wide, running from tower to tower, and communicating by doors with all parts of the building. Out of the front or east court, a lofty door-way will enter the principal room of the Temple, 120 feet in length, 80 feet in width, and 38 feet in height to the crown of the ceiling. The ceiling is to be groined ; its arches, segments of an ellipse, resting upon columns based on the partition-walls below. These arches will meet in Ogive fashion at the centre, and be as profusely ornamented as possible by saintly artificers. The space outside of the columns supporting the arches, between them and the outer walls, will be divided into sixteen compart- ments, eight on each side, and 14 feet square, with a passage-way 6 feet wide, running along them the entire length of the building — each of these having in the outer wall (here 6 feet thick) a large elliptical window with the major axis perpendicular. The next story is to be precisely similar, except that the width of its large room will be one foot wider than that beneath it. The ornamentation of the building is intended to be symbolical of that employed on the celestial courts above. Its plan is already partially developed to Brigham by revelation through an angel, but will be com- municated in all its particulars only as required during the progress of the work. The ungodly understand this arrangement as synonymous among their own uninspired class with waiting to see how things will look ; but whatever they may say, I believe that Brother Brigham thinks he receives the plans from an angel. If it be really an angel, we must arrive at the painful conclusion that good taste is not necessarily included in that perfection of human nature which ensues on translation to the celes- tial state ; for such an architectural hotch-potch as that which I have just attempted to describe was certainly never seen on earth, and must render any part of heaven where it existed a very undesirable place of residence 506 APPENDIX. to people of cultivation. Among the adornments which are to be executed on the exterior of the barbaric pile are the following, which I quote ti-om the architect's own account of his plan : — " On the two west corner towers, and on the west end, a few feet below the top of battlements, may be seen, in alto-relievo and bold relief, the Great Dipper, or Ursa Major, with the pointers ranging nearly toward the North Star. (Moral : The lost may find themselves by the priest- hood.) " The pedestals under all the buttresses project at their base 2 feet ; above their base, which is 15 inches by 4^ feet wide, on each front is a figiu-e of a globe 3 feet 11 inches across, whose axis corresponds with the axis of the earth. " Above the promenade, close under the second string-course on each of the buttresses, is the moon represented in its ditferent phases. Close under the third string-course or cornice is the face of the sun. Immedi- ately above is Saturn with his rings. " The only difference between the tower buttresses and the one just described is, instead of Saturn being on them, we have clouds and rays of light descending. " All of these symbols are to be chiseled in bass-relief on solid stone. The side walls continue above the string-course or cornice 8| feet, mak- ing the walls 96 feet high, and are formed in battlements interspersed with stars. " The whole house covers an area of 21,850 feet." While this portentous structure is getting ready to surprise, if not to scare, the nations, the Mormons residing in the City of Salt Lake worship in cool or cold weather at " The Tabernacle," and in the dog-days at " The Bowery." The Tabernacle is situated on the southwest corner of Temple Block. It is a building of the sun-dried bricks or adobe in such universal use thi-oughout the western half of the Continent, — having its principal entrance in the southern gable, which fronts on the same street as Brigham Young's. Its length is 1 26 feet, its width 64 ; and its height so disproportionately small as not only to give it a very squat appearance, which its absence of pretension and temporarincss of purpose make a matter of no consequence, but to render it almost stifling when the July sun pours down on it, — a matter which, to the 2,200 people whom it can seat at a pinch, is of very great consequence indeed. With the first extremely hot weather, therefore, Sunday religion moves its quarters to "The Bowery," a structure like the booths of the ancient Israelites, or, to descend for illustration into an atmosphere more recent and familiar, like the arbors which used to be in vogue at many of our sea-side watering- places, and are still to be seen fronting some hotels at Long Branch and at Fire Island — a scaffolding of rough tree trunks the diameter of a tele- graph pole set firmly in the ground, ten or twenty feet apart, braced APPENDIX. 507 together by equally rough string-pieces at the top, and covered with successive layers of boughs green at first, but dried to parchment by the end of August, felted into each other, so to speak, until they are quite impervious to the sun. Rain in Utah there is but too little need of pro- viding against. The only " fair-weather Christian " must be a cool- weather one. The outer line of posts, in the Bowery, includes a nearly equilateral area of about 14,000 square feet, situated due north of the Tabernacle, and like it, on the Temple Block. I should judge it capable, without difficulty, of accommodating somewhere near 4,000 persons. Its seats are rude pine benches, some with backs, others backless, and provided, by the more luxurious members of the congregation, with hair or cornshuck cushions. On the inner posts hang kerosene lamps for use during the second Sunday service, which is held in the evening through the summer months at least, the afternoon being devoted to Sunday- school. A platform in length and breadth equaling the stage of a good- sized theatre, occupies about half of the northern side (the middle of the stage coinciding with the middle of the side), and affords rather more sumptuous seats than those of the auditorium (cane settees and chairs when I attended service) to a score or more of the principal men of Mormondom. The only approach to a pulpit is a plain drawing-room table, on which lie the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Latter-Day Saint's Hymn Book, flanked by a pitcher of water and a tumbler. On visiting the Bowery at the hour of beginning morning service, about half-past ten, as usual in most of our Eastern churches, I found the seats already well filled, but obtained a good position by the politeness of Brigham's son-in-law, Mr. Clawson. A pleasanter place to attend service in could hardly be imagined. The uninterrupted passage through the leafy covering of a delicious mountain breeze, whose edge, acquired by gliding over the hone of the perpetual snow, had been tempered just to a nicety by the sunshine of a cloudless summer sky, made fans entirely unnecessary ; and the liberty of the Gospel was broadly enough con- strued to admit of several bronzed agricultural saints near me sitting in the spotless freshness of snowy shirt-sleeves. The ladies were generally attired in airy muslin dresses without any over garment, except in a few scattered instances, where a black silk mantilla indicated some member of the Mormon aristocracy; and the children, who were present in large number, were, with striking good taste, dressed comfortably rather than ostentatiously — a course worthy of imitation at the East, and likely, if adopted, to increase greatly the number of youthful Christians who can say without hypocrisy, — " I have been there, and still would go : 'Tis like a little heaven below." The stage was occupied by nine or ten dignitaries of the Church, among whom I recognized that stalwart pillar. Brother Heber, Dr. Bernhisel, and a very pleasant-looking man, a bishop, to whom I had been intro- 508 APPENDIX.^ duced during the week. His name now escapes me, but I shall always recollect his face as expressing more genuine benevolence of nature, sincerity, and good sense than any I saw in Utah, except Brighara's. The exercises opened with a hymn given out by Dr. Bernhisel, and sung by the whole congregation with abundant fervor, under the leading of a small choir near the stage, accompanied by a melodeon and a violin. The tune was old familiar Ward, and in the words of the hymn was nothing which could shock the most fastidiously orthodox of Gentiles. Some of the hymns in the collection are very curious specimens of sa- cred and secular rapture commingled, as if the altar fire had been lighted with a coal from the kitchen-range of daily life. One, with which I became acquainted on another occasion, beginning " Upper California — ! that's the land for me ! " (written in the early days of the Mormon exodus westward, when California included what is now Nevada, and the Mormons had founded several settlements along the Sierra), was sung to an adaptation of the ancient negro favorite, " O Susannah ! don't you cry for me," and contained a vivid description as well as eulogy of the agri- cultural blessings ensuing to immigrants. It sounded like a melodious prospectus of some new township, with religious and water privileges, the advantage of the Christians and the ten-acre lot treated in the same access of religious spasmody. One jumble particularly entertained me — it went something like this : — " Where the blessing of Jehovah is poured out on Jacob's line, And the mountains all are flowing with milk and honey, and saints and wine." 1 am not sure that I quote the couplet precisely, except the last line, but that is correct, and the only part of consequence to the fun of the thing. After the hymn, the bishop of whom I have spoken made an extempore prayer. It was, as I should have expected, a plain, straightforward, hon- est-hearted appeal to the Divine Being for forgiveness of sins, and thanks- giving for the temporal blessings bestowed on the saintly community. At its conclusion, I was disappointed not to see Brigham rise to address us, but he had come in the week before from making an apostolic tour throughout the southern settlements, where he had averaged one speech a day, sbmetimes talking in the open air, and had a good excuse for rest- ing his voice to-day. Heber had been out too — accompanying Brother Brigham through his circuit, and playing Silas to his Paul everywhere. But Heber was a perfect Boanerges, as well as a Silas, and his thunder- ous utterances no more tired him than the work of keeping the small coal lively tires the leathern lungs which tradition makes it a part of his ear- lier manhood's career to have operated alternately with the sledge and cold chisel. He needed no rest, and accordingly gave us an address. This time it lacked one of those Heberistic characters which make his sermons as popular among the ungodly as Burton was in his best days — and popular after a fashion even still less congruous with Sunday and APPENDIX. 509 sanctities than " Forty Winlcs " or the " Thousand Milliners." It was not indecent. I confess that I felt my curiosity disappointed while my good taste and ethical sense were relieved, for I had braced myself to stand any amount of deviation from the line usually followed by preachers, whether as regards subject selected or treatment employed. In his ])v\- vate conversation, as I had many occasions of noticing, Heber granted himself the largest latitude of reference to matters which are usually ta- booed, or, if mentioned of necessity, only behind the screen of friendship's most intimate privacy ; and of substituting for the euphuisms and cir- cumlocutions in which such friendship mentions them, the very baldest and boldest literalities of speech. Without resorting to the old-fashioned pedantry of putting such conversation into a Latin note (as if Juvenal and Apuleius had set moderns the example of using their native speech for a cesspool of baleful immoralities that could not flow exposed to com- mon view down the channels of our sunlit Saxon), I cannot report the second President's habitual style of talking. It is sufficient to say that all subjects which, by the common consent of civilized communities in this age, are wholly withdrawn from the currency of talk, were his most favorite and habitual topics of conversation ; indeed, I never saw any man who had known him a day without learning his opinions upon some one of these subjects, or hearing him refer to them in the most unvarnished terms and with a peculiar lickerish relish. He is as audacious on the platform as he is in the parlor. I never should have believed possible the reports I have read and heard of his speeches, had they not been authenticated to me by the consenting testimony of numerous most re- spectable and unbiased men present on the occasions when they were delivered — still more by my own ear-witness of identical language used in private. Heber's favorite audience is one largely consisting of " the beloved sisters," and to this he expatiates by the hour after a fashion which would crimson the cheeks of an assembly of Camilles not utterly lost to the memories of a piu-e home and childhood. No more over- whelming proof can be offered for Mormonism's degradation of the mar- riage tie and its extinction of man's chivalric feelings of respect and pro- tection toward woman, than the fact that men of refined, gentlemanly, and scholarly antecedents, like Dr. Bernhisel, for instance, can hear one of their own sex talk in public to their sisters, mothers, daughters, and wives, upon the most private subjects in the most blatant way, and not tear him in pieces where he stands. On this particular occasion, Heber disappointed the morbid curiosity of such Gentiles as had gone to the Bowery to hear something improper, unless, indeed, their tastes were so simple that disloyalty satisfied them. Heber took no text, but his address was directed at the California regi- ments under Colonel (now (jeneral) Connor, lying camped on the first rise toward the Wahsatch Canons, about three miles out of the city, and admirably well posted to command it, either as an army of observation, or 510 ^ APPENDIX. in a strategic point of view. Heber did not like to have them there ; their presence was an insult to the Mormon Government ; they were there ostensibly lor the purpose of protecting immigration and the mails against the Utes, the rebel split from Washki's Shoshones, the Pi- utes, the Go-shoots, and other hostile Indians of the Range and Desert ; but the no less important function they were there to discharge, and the Mormons knew it, was the protection of United States officials, and the preservation of at least a semblance of United States authority, in oppo- sition to the Mormons themselves. From the roof of the O^jera House their white line of tents could be seen plainly beyond the rich green foliage that embowered the city, extending like a flock of snowy storks lit in a broad high meadow to rest on their way across the Continent ; and in this view were a charmingly picturesque set of objects. But unlike the poetical and migratory birds which they resembled, they were not harmless in their manners nor temporary in their sojourn. They were there to enforce taxes and drafts, if such were resisted ; to see that the Territorial Governor received respect, and Gentiles got even-handed jus- tice in lawsuits with saints, through the medium of inviolable United States courts ; they were there in fulfillment of Uncle Sam's constitu- tional pledge to sustain all his nephews in the enjoyment of a republican form of government. Their preparation for the maintenance of all these rights and causes was of the meagi-est — a couple of howitzers perhaps, and half a dozen little field-pieces, the heaviest carrying only a twelve- pound ball. But the men behind the guns were the true batteries. Though they might eventually be overwhelmed by numbers, — in fact, must be, if smouldering hostility ever broke forth into belligerent flame, — they would burn down the city first, and serve their cannon till the last round was exhausted ; then, making their extirpation the costliest job the Mormons ever undertook, die in their first tracks on a mound of their fallen enemies. They were old Californian grizzly hunters, men that had crossed the heaven-piercing barriers, and slid down the soul-dismaying precipices of the Sierra Nevada on snow-shoes ; old Indian-fighters, pros- pecters, forty-niners, and vigilance committee men — men who knew Fear by name, but had never shaken hands with him. Thrice or more had Brother Brigham prayed that these buffeting messengers might depart from him ; but Uncle Sam had answered him as a higher power an- swered the other apostle, thus far, however, omitting to give him grace suflicient to bear them. They wanted to be there, curious to say, as little as Brother Brigham wanted to have them. They had enlisted at the very outbreak of the Rebellion, with the understanding that they were to go east and south to fight the battles of the Union ; with most of them, I believe, it was an express stipulation. Judge of their chagrin when they found themselves compelled to settle down in their present life of inglorious ease under the Wahsatch — their only smell of powder coming in skirmishes with Indians ; the employment of their seething energies APPENDIX. 511 limited to this cat-watching-a-6iouse-liole kind of business ; the whole gigantic sell resulting from the government's changing its mind as to the economy of giving them transportation to the Potomac, without allowing them to change their minds as to the validity of their enrollment. But though they grumbled (in fact, I don't know but it would be more accu- rate to say, all the more because they did grumble), they were as stanch and formidable defenders as the Union could have had in Utah. Heber told his audience that they must cultivate feeUngs of Christian forgiveness to the blue-coat sojer-men ; they were all poor critters that had to do what they were bid, and probably none of them would keer, of their own accord, to be sticking their noses into the business of other peo- ple, and be spyin' and smellin' around a community of honest, industrious, respectable people that hadn't never done 'em no harm inowyshaper- manner. I don't know that Heber regarded this adverbial phrase as a single word, but he always pronounced it so. Poor critters ! he contin- ued, — with a sigh of such peculiar pathos that one felt he would like to eat them to put them out of their misery, — how could they know that the time was comin' when they would call on the Wahsatch to cover them, and the devouring flames of the Lord should roast them till the flesh sizzled on their bones, and they should cry out for Death to come ; but Death wouldn't have nothin' to do with their lousy carcases, any more'n you or I, brethren 'n sisters, would touch a lump o' cowyard manure when we'd just washed our hands to go to meetin'. Little good then would their shoddy coats do 'em ; the devil, who had a mortgage on them and the contractors that made 'em, wasn't scared at blue jackets and United States buttons. He did sincerely hope to see the day, brethren 'n sisters, when they might all be licked clean up as the small dust of the balance, 'n not one stone left upon another ; but till then it was their duty to in- dulge a sperrit of Christian forgiveness. O yes ! them and their wives and their little ones, though they whirled 'em around on their bayonets and stamped the blood of their prophets in the dust, until the terrible day of the Lord should come, and the Saints could sit under their own vine and fig-tree with none to molest 'em or make 'em afraid. He was a friend to 'em himself — he was. He didn't want to see 'em ripped open and torn to pieces with just wrath like a gutted catfish. He pitied them, for he thought of the day when the oppressed would hev to rise agin 'em and drive the last footprint of the tyrant from the soil God had given to His people. He pitied the people of the States, all on 'em. They were fightin' their brethren for the sake of the niggers. Talk of niggers ! Where were there miserabler niggers than the poor slaves that followed the fan- atic Abolitionist leaders at the North ? They didn't dare to say their soul was their own ; they had to go and fight their brethren and get licked — they always were licked like hell, and he thanked God for it ; everybody ought to that went into other people's premises and tried to break up their family arrangements ; and slavery was a family arrangement just as 512 APPENDIX. much as ours, brethren and sisters. Tliey had to follow their leaders like sheep over a stone wall, and get butchered like sheep by the thousands and thousands ; but, thank God, the thing was pretty nigh played out, and before long we'd see it. The Union was all gone to hell; there wouldn't be enough left in a few days to bury its carcase decently. There never could be any such thing as a reunion ; henceforth and forever the North and South were two separate nations, and the South were much the better fellows of the two. If he had been East at the breaking out of the rebellion, — as the Abolitionists called the Southerners' trying to keep them from stealing their niggers, ravishing their wives, and murdering their old men and babies, — he would have shouldered his musket and marched down to help those brave fellows, the Southerners — you bet ! But they didn't need any help ; they had no more to do than they could attend to. What was faith ? It was knowledge that the Lord God Om- nipotent reigneth. It was a belief that things would come to pass. Now, did we, brethren and sisters, believe that things would come to pass ? That the proud enemy would be destroyed, yea, smitten, until they that were in the uttermost isles should be proud of his tokens, and Lebanon should not be sufficient for a burnt-offering thereof ? Had we that ? He hoped we had, though there were some that hung down their feeble knees. This was a great day — there was no doubt but the Lord was moving. He pulled up a new peg and sot down a new peg every day. If we had not faith that brother Brigham, if necessary, could be inspired by the Lord to tumble Ensign Peak into Salt Lake — and we might live to see greater wonders than that, only we hai-dened our hearts as in the day of provocation — we had no show for heaven at all. It was a grain of mus- tard-seed, but it filled the whole earth. Wasn't that a miracle ? But His arm is not shortened. He was sorry to see that faith was waxing cold. Some of the young sisters needed a sort of stirring up — the breth- ren too were drowsy — he wasn't talking about the hot weather, though it was so hot he guessed he'd take a drink (took a drink and wiped his mouth on his cuff) — it would be hotter yet, and no drinks neither, if they didn't yearn inwardly and seek the kingdom. Where was he ? O yes — stirring up — till they should cry hosannah — with a sharp gad — a ten-foot pole, as he might say of gospel truth and exhortation — until they should repent and do their first works. Why, when they first come out here, weren't there lots of 'em that were glad enough of a peck o' j'el- low meal to keep themselves, and their wives, and their little ones from starving, and now they were riding around in their spring wagons, and old Buck and Bright that drew the Ark of their Covenant, their family ark, not built out of shittim wood, but ash and hemlock, across from the States — they were changed off for two-forty nags, and everything was to cut a dash ; but what they had gained in this respect (here he adopted the fixmous gesture made by Everett in his " Washington " address, and slapped his breeches pocket till the chink rang), was more'n lost by the APPENDIX. 613 fallin' off in sperritooality. But he guessed that what he'd said would bear fruit, and if it didn't he wa'n't to blame — he had done his dooty, and now he guessed he'd wind up. He hadn't made a speech to edifica- tion ekil to brother Brigham's, but he was a horse of another color, and there was plenty in what he'd said, any way, to bring 'em into the king- dom ; leastways, if he couldn't carry 'em slap in, up and through, to give 'em a saving hist any how, and might the Lord bless 'em all, forever and ever, amen ! After Brother Heber's sermon was concluded, we had another hymn sung with great earnestness, for it was set to the tune of the " Star Spangled Banner," and there was enough of the American element present to tinge the whole audience with enthusiasm despite the chuckling disloyalty of Heber. It is hard for Uncle Sam's prodigals to forget the old man ; Joe Smith does not seem to take his place at all ; and all the American Mor- mons outside the governing class, feel a sneaking thrill for the liberty pole and the spread eagle. One Sunday night a party of Conner's blue- coats got leave to come into service at the Bowery. The Mormon choir happened to select for one of their hymns that evening, this same tune, dear to patriotic hearts, and voices of 2j octaves compass. The boys who occupied a seat in the back part of the " Meetin' " had listened attentively to all the preceding service — had borne good-humoredly the invariable diatribes against the Government which formed the staple of Mormon sermons ; and had conducted themselves with the utmost decency, in accordance with Connor's orders, to avoid all cause of quarrel with the Saints, until the Mormons began to sing the national air. At first they found outlet for their enthusiasm in joining the music, but soon found they did not fadge with the regular attendants on the sanctuary. Not being favorite visitors, they had received from nobody the courtesy of a hymn-book ; and not being acquainted with the hymn, they sang Key's original words as they had learned them in camp. Having good out-door voices of their own, valuable rather for strength than skill in ritenuto and piano passages, they soon smothered the sacred under the profane lyric, and became aware by ominous scowls from the surrounding benches that they were disturbing the worship of the sanctuary. Always desir- ous to keep the general peace, they forthwith held their own, contenting themselves with such relief to ovei'charged nervous systems as might be afforded by beating time with their feet and fingers. Just as the choir finished the last verse, their ecstasy becoming incontroUable, burst forth in a volley of applause mingled with hurrahs. This was the feather which produced dorsal fracture in the IVIormon camel. " Young men ! " said a venerable bishop, sternly, from the rostrum, " you forget that you are in the house of the Lord." " Not a bit of it, ole hoss," one of the boys " spoke right out in meetin' ." " What in thunder diye want to sing such all-fired nice tunes for, if you want a feller to sit still and bust himself? " On the present occasion there were none of the blue-coats present and 33 514 APPENDIX. nobody "bust himself," but after the hymn an elderly gentleman (of sixty, perhaps, or thereabouts) rose and approached the (more or less) sacred desk. He was of good height and had had no quarrel with his cook. His weight might have been two hundred ; his general complex- ion was a cool permanent pink which shaded artistically into the warmer Magentesque tinge of a large, generously nourished, and globularly termi- nated nose. His clothes were that gray homespun which told of a Pene- lope among his wives ; and it was right he should have one, for in some respects he was the " tro\vfj.-nTis OSuo-o-ti/s," the many counseled Ulysses of Mormonism. He was the historian and keeper of the sacred archives, the cousin of the martyr Prophet and Revelator Joseph — George Smith. He wore a pair of silver mounted spectacles ; and his hair, which was rapidly turning white, hung in long, flossy strands from about a forehead whose slippery shine and intellectual height and bumpiness reminded me of Patriarch Casby in " Little Dorrit," while it suggested for its reful- gence a supernatural explanation. Among prophets and seers we cannot expect to see heads crowned with festal ^vreaths, — " Caput nitidum non licet impedire myrto " (although the nose did look secular and temporal) ; but this good man's polished poll might perchance be ac- counted for by the glaze naturally consequent upon the habitual resting on it of saintly halos and tongues of fire Mr. Smith spoke very well. I don't know how much inspiration is claimed for the Apostles who speak on Sunday, but if he was not in- spired he did not seem to miss it, for much that goes by the name is in- ferior to his sermon in good sense and interest. He reviewed the Mor- mon past in a vigorous sketchy way, contrasting it with the present, to show how manifestly the Saints had been the peculiar care of Providence, and how much cause they had for encouragement regarding the future. His references to the early persecution of the sect were remarkably tem- perate. I was surprised to find in the representative of a family which had suffered more than any other among the Mormons from the rancor of the Gentiles, altogether the calmest spirit manifested by any Saint I heard broach the subject. His mood was humorous and hopeful, and when he concluded his speech his audience were all smiles and cheerfulness. One of the bishops then made a prayer ; and after singing another hymn the congregation dispersed. George Smith's reference to the persecution of the Saints revived in my mind the memory of facts without taking which into account it is impos- sible to do justice to the Mormon people. We see their polygamy, their disloyalty, their cruelty to immigrants passing through Utah on the way to California, and they become mere devils to us, without one bright spot in the character, one atom of palliation for their spirit and their deeds. They are a people apart from the rest of mankind — not governed by the ordinary laws of human nature — vindictive, treacherous, blood-thirsty, wholly bad. Even among the wildest, most reckless of the neighboring APPENDIX. 515 frontiersmen, among persons claiming neither morals nor religion of their own, the Mormons are spoken of as a distinct race of beings, possessing the craftiness of the fox, the ferocity of the bloodhoimd, the salacity of the baboon, and the absence of all iDrinciple which characterizes the brute creation. One of the worst men that I met between the Missouri River and the Pacific spoke to me of them with a shudder, as an area thief would speak of a murderer. People living east of the Wahsatch talked of them with bated breath, if indeed they mentioned them at all — then only after searching scrutiny of me, and glancing in every direc- tion to see if one of their lurking spies might not chance to be within earshot. The Gentile settlers in the mountains seemed to have more fear of them than of the Indians at their worst. I am inclined to think that this reputation is not so much an annoyance as a satisfaction to the Mormons. It is not the mere result of atrocities ■which they have committed, though some of these, like the Mountain Meadow massacre, are well calculated to strike terror into every Gentile heart ; but part of the Mormon strategic system, invented and carried out in all its manifold complications by that longest-headed of men, Brigham Young. He knows that in some cases not only a good, but a bad name, is better than riches. The current knowledge that a man can snuff a candle with his Derringer, or has repeatedly killed his man on the " field of honor," saves him many an insult and many an encounter. Under the protection of a reputation for massacres, Brigham is aware that his people may sheathe the bowie-knife, and attend to the development of their country's more peaceful resources. He chuckles to think how his buga- boo keeps the children out of the sweetmeats'-closet, and his Guy frightens the cows from his corn. Utah needs all the labor she can possibly get in her thirsty fields and her wooded caiions ; in her infant shops and manu- factories ; on her mines of useful and, in some privately known localities, of precious metal; on her road making, her city building, and the founda- tions of her Temple. Every man spared from defense is gained by industry ; and Brigham alone knows how much is saved the Church exchequer in fortresses, military equipments, and militia drills, by the hard earned reputation of his people for ferocity. His capital lies right on the transit line between the two sea-borders of the Continent. Not only peaceful agriculturists but blacklegs and scamps of every kind pass through Salt Lake City, on their way between the Atlantic and Pacific States. All trains camp in or about the city, yet he never needs to reinforce his police ; there is never any row or disturbance among them, because an undefinable sense of prompt and certain death hangs over every man who meditates an outrage either against the Mormons or his fellows. The emigrant feels that his steps are dogged by Mormon spies every rod of the way from the Missouri River ; that the ranchman on the Plains, anywhere within a thousand miles of Salt Lake, the driver of the stage, the hunter, the guide, even the other emigrant like himself 516 APPENDIX. whom lie encounters on the way, may be noting all he does and says, to forerun him to the New Jerusalem, and be entered on the Prophet's memo- randum-book against his arrival. So his circumspection increases until it amounts to fear, and an absolute awe settles over him as he enters the red defiles of the Wahsatch Canons. The abundant portion of the Mormon reputation for ferocity which is true must be read in the lii^^ht of the past, or injustice will be done a hundred thousand souls who, in spite of their polygamy and disloyalty, are still our fellow-citizens. If the Mormons are vindictive, let us remember what a training they have had. In 1830 the " Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints " was first organized by Joseph Smith, though for ten years previous he had professedly lived in the receipt of communica- tions from angels. Divine inspiration, and all the other signs of Apostle- ship. Two years after, on the 25th of March, 1832, at Kirtland, Ohio, a mob tarred and feathered him and his disciple, Sidney Rigdon, for promulgating their sentiments by word and practice. (This was long before polygamy had been thought of as a tenet in the Mormon creed — the Saint's possession of their goods in common being their most obnoxious principle). The next year, on the 20th of July, another mob tore down the printing-office of the earliest Mormon newspaper, at Jackson City, Missouri ; tarred, feathered, and whipped the Saints, and compelled the leaders to leave the town and county ; upon which they returned to Kirtland, there to establish another paper, and lay the corner-stone of " The Lord's House." A little more than three months after (October 31 of the same year), ten houses inhabited by converts to the faith were destroyed by another mob. The persecution continued to rage, with bloody fighting, till the 4th of November, when all the Saints fled to Clay County, Missouri. In December, the Mormons of Van Buren County, Missouri, were attacked by their Gentile neighbors. In May, 1836, the Clay County Mormons were driven out, and went to Carroll, Daviess, and Caldwell Counties, in the same State — founding in the last of the three a town called "Far West." In January, 1838, after the failure of their bank, Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were compelled by a mob to flee for their lives from Kirtland, abandoning a " House of the Lord " which had cost the Mormons $40,000. The July following, about a hundred families, or nearly six hundred people, were driven out of Kirtland for Mormonisra, and fled to Missouri. In August and Septem- ber, havinp- attempted to elect members of their sect to county offices in Caldwell and Daviess Counties, Missouri, they were again mobbed ; and in one instance their winning the election excited the wrath of the Gentiles to such a degree that the latter turned out from his office by violence the officer elected, and several Mormons, Brigham Young among the number, had to flee for their lives to Quincy, Illinois. On the 1st of October, the Saints were driven out of their homes in Carroll County, afler a pitched battle. There was another battle at Crooked River APPENDIX. 517 Missouri, on the 25th, in which several Mormons were killed. On the 30th, at Ham's Mills, Missouri, sixteen adults and two boys were slaughtered by a mob, in cold blood, and with no chance or weapons to defend themselves. On the 1st of November, the town of Far West was plundered by a mob, who captured Joseph Smith, his brother Hiram, and forty other Mormons, and after a mock drum-head court-martial sentenced them to be shot ; but General Doniphan interposed to prevent the execu- tion of the sentence, and the prisoners were sent to Richmond, Missom-i, to be tried. Here the civil authorities released them after a protracted confinement in jail, but they narrowly escaped butchery at the hands of the militia. Many other Mormons in various parts of the State suffered imprisonment about the same time, but were generally released without even the pretense of a trial. In 1839, the sect moved its head-quarters to Commerce, afterward called Nauvoo, in Hancock County, Illinois, where the Saints had rest for a season, and the town increased to a population of 15,000, or considerably over three fourths of the present size of Salt Lake City. In June, 1841, the Missourians attempted to get Joe Smith again into their hands, sending into Illinois a requisition fi-om their Gov- ernor. On this requisition he was arrested, but being brought up on a writ of habeas corpus, at Monmouth, Illinois, upon examination he was instantly released. On the 8th of August, 1842, he was arrested on a second requisition, but discharged as before — his arrest being adjudged groundless. One would have thought this second defeat of his enemies sufficient to discourage them, but it seems not, for a third requisition from the Missouri Governor was sent for him on the 26th of December, in the same year — only to be decided null, as before, on the 5th of the following month, January, 1843. It reads like a joke, but it is the truth that on the 23d of June, Smith was again arrested, to be released on the 2d of July. In 1844 the Mormons made the great mistake of retaliating religious per- secution in kind. They had now a home of their own, where their influ- ence was paramount, and might, by circumspect behavior, have established their position beyond the reach of enemies. But as usually and unfor- tunately happens when ill-luck lets up the persecuted, they used their new-gained power, not to set the ignorant and malignant who had perse- cuted them a better example of religion and philosophy, but to indemnify themselves for past injuries by inflicting the like on others, as if they had all the while been seeking, not liberty of conscience, but liberty to persecute; as if the salve for their own wounds was to stab some one else ; as if an injury were to be remedied, not by trampling it under the feet of the injured, but by passing it on to some one else. The " Excelsior " newspaper having libeled Prophet Smith, was visited by the Mormon marshal and his constables, who smashed its press and burned its types. Messrs. Foster and Law, the proprietors, sued out a warrant against Joe Smith, the marshal, and other Mormons, accessory to the destruction of the property, who resisted the sheriff when he came to serve it, and 618 APPENDIX. compelled him to summon the State militia to his aid, on the 6th of May, 1844. On the 17th of June, he succeeded in arresting Smith, who, as usual, was released after a few days' imprisonment. Meanwhile the Mormons were ready to defend their Prophet the moment he should give the word. On the 24th of June, the Governor pledged his word and the honor of the State for the personal safety of Joseph and Hiram Smith, and their followers if they would compromise for the sake of soothing the exacerbated people by laying down their arms and going to Carthage to be tried. The Mormons must have been sadly deficient at that time, both in angelic and legal advisers, for a heavenly revelation, or an hour's talk in the back-office of any country lawyer, would have shown them that this pledge in a practical point of view was not worth the breath it was uttered with, — a State, like a private corporation, having no honor, and that of its executive, however valuable in a personal point of view, possessing no official weight whatever. Deserted alike of angels and attorneys, the over-credulous Saints permitted themselves to be disarmed and sent to Carthage, under the escort of a company of militia bitterly opposed to them, and the next day the prisoners were ai-rested by the authorities of Hancock County, Illinois, on a charge of treason. Two days after, on the afternoon of June 27th, they discovered how little the most sincerely given private pledge could avail for their protection when a mob of Missouri- ans, whose number have been variously stated, but were certainly over a hundred, came to Carthage jail, beat down its iron doors, and butchered both the Smiths, in cold blood, besides inflicting serious injuries upon other of the prisoners. On the 4th of October, Brigham Young succeeded Joe Smith in the first Presidency of the Latter-Day Church, and early in the next year, 1845, "by special revelation," decided that the Mormons must leave Nauvoo. This decision was as long-headed as BHgham's usually are, for it enabled the Saints to say that they had taken the initiative, and had not been expelled by the action of the State Legislature, repealing the charter of Nauvoo, which took place nearly ten months after, on September 24th, 1845. Though they had anticipated this, it was not until it had taken place that they decided where to go. Im- mediate settlement of this question became necessary. Brigham Young and the Pratts — the latter perhaps the best educated and most scientific men in the sect, as the former was the man most thoughtful and capable in an executive point of view — had read with great interest Captain J. C. Fremont's reports of his Rocky Mountain explorations, which at that time were received by every investigating mind with the delight of some fascinating romance, and proposed to the convention appointed to deliber- ate upon the fiiture resting-place of their ark, that a pioneer company should be sent in Fremont's track to prospect for a suitable situation. This counsel prevailed over a multitude of others, and in 1846, all but a few hundred of the Saints abandoned Nauvoo for Council Bluffs, Garden Grove, and Mount Pisgah, in Iowa ; one band of 2,000 Mormons crossing APPENDIX. 519 the Mississippi on the ice, in the month of February. In the September following, after a battle of three days' duration, lasting from the 10th to the 13th, the rear-guard of the Saints, which had stayed behind to settle up their affairs, were forcibly driven out of Nauvoo, and now the entire Mormon body, with the exception of missionaries and secret agents, •whom it has always been the Mormon policy to keep scattered among the Gentiles, as a sort of picket-line to watch the movements of the enemy. On the 24th of July, 184 7, Brigham Young with his pioneer party of 143 men and 70 wagons entered the Salt Lake Valley, and in obedience to the Lord's revelation, to which I have heretofore referred, delivered to Brigham by an angel, the night previous, on Ensign Peak, selected what was then a wild waste of artemisias and saltworts, tenanted only by sage- cocks, badgers, and Go-Shoot Indians, as the future site of God's king- dom upon earth. The anniversary of this day is the real Mormon inde- pendence day, and kept by them with much more eclat than the 4th. It is not my intention to pursue their history further. I have only endeavored to show that up to the period of their settlement in the land where at present they hold the paramount authority, they had scarcely known rest for the soles of their feet. The question of their theology and their morals does not enter into the consideration Their tenets were doubtless extremely offensive to their neighbors on this side of the Mis- souri ; they cannot fail to offend the good taste and the religious sense of any people indoctrinated into the principles of Christian civilization. But this does not alter the fact that their perpetual molestation by mob violence during the entire period of their stay in the States, was persecu- tion of the bitterest character. One of the noblest achievements of the very civilization and Christianity which their tenets offend is the doc- trine of religious tolerance. The light by whose ray mankind have learned the falsity of those doctrines which constitute the staple of Mor- monism, is the very same light by which mankind have discovered the loathsomeness of religious persecution. And whether religious persecu- tion be loathsome or not, — whether or not the Mormons in some cases infringed by the practice of their belief upon the rights of adjoining com- munities, — they were certainly harassed and injured to a degree which may abundantly explain any bitterness of feeling which they now cherish toward their former neighbors. I have no desire to set myself up either as their advocate or judge ; I am only one among the many students of their problem ; and it becomes such an one to array all the facts he finds accessible that he may understand every phenomenon of their peculiar existence. Were I one of the early chemists studying the subject of the compound SO3 HO, and should find that one . of its phenomena was acidity, I certainly should not be thought particularly prejudiced in favor of sulphur because I was stringent in my quantitative analysis of the oxy- gen and water which are demanded to explain how the sulphur has been changed so as to exhibit an acid reaction. The Mormons, like any other 520 APPENDIX. community among mankind, are a compound : many Gentiles who have known them would tell me that I might press the figure still further with- out breaking its back and call them a sulphurous compound. They are a compound who exhibit in the most decided degree the phenomenon of acidity. If we really care to come at the truth about them, or have any other object than that of gratifying dislike by denunciation, we must consent entirely to dismiss the spirit of the special pleader on either side, and adopting that of the philosopher, to weigh dispassionately all the circumstances through which they have been brought to their present con- dition of hatred and vindictiveness. This appears to me the only way to study either an individual man or a body of men, and it is in accordance with this way that I have rehearsed the grievances which the Mormons endured in the States, — grievances of such sore and continuous char- acter as might well turn any body of men into Ishmaelites, without regard to the question whether their religion was false or true. When I found a man as dispassionate as George Smith appeared in his recital of the suffer- ings endured by his sect, and recollected that two of his cousins had been murdered in cold blood by the enemies of whom he spoke ; when I recol- lected how repeatedly Brigham Young had carried his life in his hand, and been driven from home, property, everything a man holds dearest, yet saw that under ordinary circumstances he controlled his temper and seldom spoke revengefully, I could not avoid acknowledging at least in this re- spect the intellectual greatness of the men, whatever I might think of their views upon theology and religion. If those are false, the triumph of self- control in the men is all the greater, for they achieve it without the help of that great adjuvant to calmness and self-control, — the being right. The world's archives furnish their students with many a sad story of people whom the verdict of humanity now calls right using their first hour of freedom to enslave, their first firm foothold to supplant, their first refuo-e from murder to slay their fellow-men. The gallery of historic paintings in which hang the grandest battle-pieces between Superstition, Tyranny, and Corruption on the one side. Truth, Freedom, and Holiness on the other, contains dark alcoves where the philosopher must turn aside to blush for his race as he sees laid in with a bloody brush pictures of the Protestant just escaped from rack and fagot dragging thither Arian and Skeptic with freshly unfettered hands ; and the Puritan importing across the sea the lash and the halter which he had fled from when wielded by Prelacy, to lay them on the backs and tighten them round the necks of Quaker and of Indian. Yet these were good men, and had a strength to rely on, which does not belong" to errorists like the Mormons. We cannot wonder at the spirit of the latter when we disapprove it most. The noble spectacle of a people breaking the yoke of tyranny to make freedom general is preserved for the generations which are to come after. The utmost that history thus far shows us is a people breaking the yoke for their own freedom's sake. Much has been said by popular speakers APPENDIX. 521 in praise of the Pilgrim Fatliers, as men who crossed a wintry sea and buried themselves in savage forests, to establish the great doctrine of liberty of conscience. Much as those brave men are to be reverenced, such an assertion respecting them seems incorrect. They left their Eng- lish homes and sought the American wilderness not for liberty of con- science but for liberty of Calvinism. Grant if we will the superiority of their set of doctrines over those of Prelacy ; we are still compelled to own that their motive in obtaining freedom was nowise nobler than that of the Laud faction in seeking supremacy. The liberty sought by both High Churchman and Puritan was liberty to worship God as their own consciences dictated — not the libei'ty of all men to do the same. To acknowledge this is no derogation from the purity of nature, the inflexible uprightness, the truthfulness of soul, which their bitterest enemies equally with their warmest friends must accord to the early settlers of New Eng- land. Indeed, it is only doing them justice to define their claims to ad- miration accurately. We prevent the acknowledgment of their real excellences by taking in their defense an untenable stand on virtues which they had not, — virtues which at that day were possessed by no people on the globe. In the early part of the seventeenth century liberty of conscience as an abstract principle was the Utopian dream of mild enthusiasts ; had it been proposed as a rule of general application of national and ecclesiastical government, it would have been scouted from the benches of Convocation and the seats of General Assembly alike. The furthest attainment that had been made by any people was the dis- covery that their own beliefs were right, and that no sacrifice of life or property was too great for the sake of securing their unmolested indul- gence. Tliis was a great advance from the servility and nonchalance which considered individual opinion a matter of no consequence com- pared with homogeneous institutions and the smooth working of mankind under one supreme hand and eye, like a vast senseless machine, — a great advance, but it was not liberty of conscience. The age was not ripe for the reception of that doctrine, and to deny its possession even by the brave men from whose veins much of our country's best blood is derived, is merely to confess that they had not reached a pinnacle of intellectual progress which was utterly inaccessible to any people at that day, — a height which we ourselves nearly two hundred and fifty years after them have only just reached, and on which even we stand but totteringly. They are as little to blame for not having attained the doctrine of liberty of conscience as distinct from liberty of their particular conscience, as they are for not making a screw-steamer of their May-Flower, establishing telegraph lines between their Massachusetts settlements, or printing the sermons of Cotton Mather on a ten-cylinder press. There was, therefore, no inconsistency in their persecuting those who differed from them at Plymouth, as they had been persecuted by those who differed from them in London, though they would have been most indefensibly inconsistent 522 APPENDIX. had they really set up for defenders of liberty of conscience. Never once did they blame their enemies on the gi-ound of their violating such liberty ; their grievance lay simply in the fact that they themselves, pos- sessing the only truth, were oppressed by errorists over whom they should have been supreme ; and the moment that they obtained such supremacy, without a thought that they were violating a universal right of mankind, they turned the tables on error and suppressed it with its own weapons. I do not know where to look for an instance of freedom sought for its own beloved sake — not merely as a personal privilege, but as the fran- chise of humanity. Even we, the acknowledged color-bearers of liberty — we, the American people, who have fought the fiercest battles of history, borne the bitterest pangs, suffered the hardest deprivations, and won the grandest triumphs, thi-ew oiT the yoke of England with one hand, while we riveted our own on the neck of Africa with the other. England drove out the Stuarts and subjugated Ireland with fire and sword, under pres- sure of one and the same popular impulse ; Holland was, at the same time, the fruitfulest mother of freemen and the crudest mistress of slaves ; the sound of the lash, and the groans of the tortured bondsman went up to plead with God against her from all her tropical colonies, before the songs of lofty faith, or the cheers of glorious triumph died on the ears of baffled Alva ; France rescued herself from the Bourbons and murdered Toussaint L'Ouverture. The philosopher looks in vain through time, and round the world, to find a people dedicated to any liberty except its own ; and gives \ip the hope of beholding such in his day, with a resignation born only of the perception that America, through a succession of fiery furnaces, is surely getting purified to take that place of sublime distinction in the eyes of his great grandchildren. Least of all the persecuted faiths does Mormonism contemplate liberty of conscience as a principle of national organization. ISTothing but the presence of the United States authority in its symbols of court, camp, and executive, prevent Utah from becoming the prey of the most unmingled tyranny which the world ever saw. Even the wisest and most dispassion- ate of the Mormon leaders look upon popular freedom, both civil and re- ligious, as a very undesirable thing. None of them remember their re- peated expulsions fi-om home, the ruin of their fortunes, the murder of their sons, the atrocities of all kinds which they suff"ered from mobs, as outrageous because they violated a principle, but solely because directed against them, the chosen people of God. Had the mob been a Mormon one, its object the propagandism instead of the extirpation of Joe Smith's doctrine, and its victims the Gentiles instead of the Saints, its whole moral character in their eyes would have been diametrically different. They put down dissent with the same strong hand which smote them in a coun- try where they held the minority. Nor is this course on their part the result of unreasoning indignation — a mob-method of settling differences like that from which they suflered in Missouri. It is the Mormon theory of government — the organic principle of Mormonism. APPENDIX. 523 Herein lies the political crime of the system — here is the ground of inevitable collision between Mormonism and the Government — the ine- radicable root of bitterness springing up between the now isolated nation- ality under Brigham Young and the people of the United States, who surround and have the supremacy over it. Mormonism is a distinct, sys- tematic, dispassionate contradiction of the American idea. Its position is one of avowed and essential hostility to that of the nation. Its leaders find a serious grievance in the delay of Congress to grant Utah the rank and privileges of a State. Here they do not show the practical wisdom and foresight which have characterized their views and decided their action in many other instances. To make Utah a State would be their own in- evitable destruction. They desire the State rank as an addition to their own emolument, pride, and power. They would fain possess a State constitution, as the Philistines wanted Samson, for their sport. They would reduce it to the instrument of their pleasure ; shearing it of the strength which endangers tyrants ; blinding it of the vigilance which pro- tects the people ; making it play at their feasts, the guardian of freedom reduced to a minister of their pomp, little dreaming that the blinded giant must surely rise in his wrath, and, bowing on the pillars, bring their Dagon temple' to the ground. Woe to Mormonism the day that Utah becomes a State ! In the Constitution of our country, in the first clause of the fcarth section of Article Fourth it is thus written : — " The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a re- publican form of onvernment." These words are the death-warrant of Mormonism. So long as Utah remains a Territory, the way in which its internal affairs are managed, under the shelter of a technicality may be left comparatively undisturbed by Congress, provided only that the national courts are respected, and the national taxes paid. The supreme people of the United States may blink at the fact that its territorial citizens are living under the yoke of despotism, — especially while the majority of those citizens accept that yoke, — for the Constitution only pledges its guarantee of a republican form of government to States. But once make Utah a State, and the last technical quibble is swept from under the feet of Mormonism. That in- stant, and it becomes the solemn duty of the nation — a duty which it can- not shirk if it would ; a duty whose neglect would violate the organic in- strument and principle of its existence ; a duty from which it cannot on any plea absolve itself without confessing its imbecility and branding itself with contempt before the world — to extirpate Mormonism as a civil institution from the soil of Deseret forever. Mormonism is, as I have said, a retrogression toward the ante-Christian ages ; a cession of all the ground which has been won from Ignorance and Despotism since the bh-th of Christ ; a surrender of every stronghold and charter of freedom for which patriots and martyrs have shed their blood ; a confession that all reform has only been a worse deforming ; that prog- 524 APPENDIX. ress has been deterioration ; that the sjiread of popular enlightenment has only plunged the world into deeper gloom ; that the civil and relig- ious emancipations which have cost humanity during our era tenfold more agony than has been endured, more tears than have been shed, more yearnings and strivings than have been felt for any other cause to which its heart can be devoted, are all naught or worse than naught, — as so many steps in a course steadily and continuously wrong since the day that man emerged from the dark portals of Idolatry and Judaism. On the other hand Republicanism stands forth as the representative and concrete form of human progress. It is the embodied idea of growth ; the solid, aggressive assertion of the fact that man has become wiser, bet- ter, happier with every step of the Christian era ; that the triumph of popular principles is the triumph of God ; that the utmost independence of individual thought and action consistent with the enjoyment of equal independence by his neighbor is every man's right, and the most favor- able condition for his perfection in goodness ; in fine, that the world has bettered and is bettering every year by an equitable distribution of its ad- vantages throughout society, and that man's conscience is inviolable : these are the things which America stands in the lists of nations to affirm ; these, if need be, to defend witli the right arm of power. Nothing can bring the Mormon and the national ideas together. There is no more compromise between them than between ice and fire, dark- ness and light. They are diametrically opposed forces. They are as un- mixable as water and oil. Absence of contact between them can alone prevent their collision. Theirs is an irrepressible conflict, — as irrepress- ible as that between the national idea and slavery, — and this conflict must terminate as that one did, with the triumph of the national idea. The Mormons feel the parallel instinctively and reveal the feeling uncon- sciouslj', in asserting, as they often do, and as Brigham Young did to me on the evening of the ball, that the very same spirit Avhich drove them from the East brought on the late war of the rebellion. They realize the fact that "two cannot walk together except they be agreed," and their system is so inherently and utterly obnoxious to that which founds and maintains our free institutions, that agreement is as impossible as it would be between America and an independent state of cannibals, infiinticides, or widow-burners, which by some magic had been transplanted from the Marquesas, China, or Hindostan into the place now occupied by Georgia. The safety from disturbance hitherto enjoyed by Mormonism at Salt Lake has been due entirely to its isolation. This cannot continue always. The Pacific Railroad will break it up entirely. When Utah becomes readily accessible, the Gentile element, led by motives of aggrandizement and the sanitary advantages of Utah as a residence, will come pouring in upon the Saints as at Nauvoo. Then the National Government will possess a constituency in the Salt Lake region which will demand its interposi- tion for their defense, and the American and Mormon systems will in- APPENDIX. 525 stantly come together in the shock of a conflict which though much more promptly settled than that from which we have just emerged cannot fail, if the present Mormon leaders are alive, to be as bloody. I find extreme uncertainty prevailing at the East in regard to the Mor- mon character and destiny ; but on no particular point to a greater de- gree, than on this — how the collision which I have called inevitable will occur, and how it will be settled. Many good and wise men, to whose moral natures polygamy is abhorrent, are still unable to see how it can ever become a valid ground for the interference of the National Govern- ment. To such, any governmental disturbance of local customs regarding marriage, looks as tyrannous as dictation concerning statutes of divorce. If Congress is to decide that a man may not marry as often as he pleases, why, they ask, may it not also settle the question as to what constitutes the legal ground of separation ? In the majority of the States nothing but infidelity is admitted as such a ground ; in a few States the decree of divorce is issued upon the simple proof of marital unhappiness. In the latter States both the divorced parties are free to contract fresh alliances. But, supposing that such divorced parties should come into one of the former class of States and select new partners, in this State they would be guilty of bigamy, their former partners not having been separated from them on any ground allowed by the State. Wliy should not such a case of bigamy be made the subject of Congressional legislation as well as that of Utah ? Moreover, marriage seems essentially to belong to those matters which are with most propriety settled in foro conscientice ; or, if we regard the importance of that relation in its bearings on the neighbors of the married, as settling to a great extent the happiness and safety of the social system, legislation upon it may most naturally be committed to the community immediately concerned. Those who have favored na- tional legislation against polygamy are in the habit of comparing it with slavery — an institution with which Congress to a certain extent was always obliged to concern itself, and which, finally, it was compelled by ratificatory action, at least, to destroy, in spite of the fact that it was do- mestic and internal to separate independent States. The analogy, how- ever, is a strained one. In the humanitarian point of view, slavery and polygamy are entirely diff'erent. The slave is held compulsorily ; in Utah the wife of the polygamist is not obliged to stay with him a single day after she is dissatisfied. She has merely to go to Brigham Young and inform him that she is unhappy with her husband ; upon which, after suf- ficient investigation to ascertain that her step is deliberate, and not the result of a sudden fit of passion the consequences of which she would repent in her calmer moments, the President decrees a divorce immediately. Cases have occurred in which a woman entered Brigham's office the wife of one man and went out of it another's. Nor does polygamy resemble slavery in the expansiveness of its results. The fact that a negro could be made to produce a hundred dollars' worth of cotton on one tenth of 526 APPENDIX. the outlay in food and clothes for which a similar amount of labor could be procured from the poorest freeman, tended to depreciate labor through- out the entire country ; and when, as often happened, especially among the class of slaves resulting from slavery's favorite practice of " miscege- nation," not only brute labor, but a high grade of mechanical ingenuity and artistic skill, could be procured for the still minuter fraction of an equally accomplished white man's wages, — not only muscular strength, but intellectual ability was undersold and degraded through the length and breadth of the land. But the possibility _of marrying two wives in Utah affects none of the partners to monogaraic marriages in other parts of the country — does not degrade the marital relation, nor alter the sacredness of the tie and the condition of the married woman elsewhere. In fact, the example of a polygamic community operates, by way of warning, to intensify the monogamic spirit of people beyond the boundary of its im- mediate influence. To say the least, the marriage question is a very del- icate and complicated one, and the central power of a Union like our own must hesitate long before it touches the question in any Territory or State. But there is no need of such an interference. Every end which might be attained by it may be secured without running the risk of establishing a bad precedent — of acting unconstitutionally against the liberty of conscience and popular sovereignty — by a method much simpler, even though less direct, and so far from being open to serious objections on the ■ground of om- republican principles, certain to be demanded in obedi- ence to those principles, for the settlement of the Mormon question, at no distant day. The moment that Mormonism becomes a power dangerous to the peace and supremacy of the Union, admit Utah into the sisterhood of States, and fulfill to her people t|ie constitutional guarantee of a republican form of government. For the attainment of that end. Congress will be compelled to deprive the Church of all civil authority ; and the unhallowed union of Church and State once terminated, Mormonism necessarily sinks to the level of any other sect. That sinking means destruction. Episcopacy and Presbyterianism flourish still more healthily, as we have seen in this country, when disentangled from the corrupting embrace of civil power; no longer state churches, as in England and Scotland, they become churches of the people, and draw fresh blood from the great, warm heart on which they were naturally meant to lie : but Mormonism has no popular basis — it must have authority, or perish. It is government as much as it is worship — it is a despotism in both ; in fine, it is Judaism revived, or rather, galvanized into a mockery of life, and adapted to the nineteenth century, in the particulars where it has not force enough to adapt the nineteenth century to itself. I have repeatedly asserted that Mormonism is Judaism, and this seems the best place to examine how far that assertion may be verified. There has always been a Judaizing tendency at work, with greater or less vigor, in the body of Christian civilization. It troubled the Apostles, who could APPENDIX. 527 scarcely leave their flocks before Judaistic teachers sprung up among them, and tried to bring them back under the former yoke of bondage. It has manifested itself ever since, in efforts made to substitute cumbrous rituals for the simple worship of a loving nature and righteous living ; sacred places like Samaria and Jerusalem, like Rome and the Temple, or the church edifice in general, for the spirit in which God would have men worship Him ; special sacred days, fasts, feasts, " new-moons and Sab- baths," for the one unbroken day of a whole devoted life. In the religion of this country the Judaizing tendency has powerfully manifested itself. Noble in its spirit, purposes, and results as Puritanism to a great extent has been, it has greatly favored and fostered this tendency. It has distrusted the mild discipline, the persuasive doctrines of the Christian dispensation, impliedly treating them as too lax for the regulation of human life, and needing to be reinforced by the sterner threats, and more terrible penal- ties of the Mosaic ages. It has abjured the doctrine of pi-ogressive revelation, and confounded the fulfillment of a dispensation intended for the infancy of mankind with insult to that dispensation and its blasphe- mous degradation from the respect due a revelation of God ; forgetting that the Bible itself declares its temporary purpose, calls it at best but a shadow of good things to come, and says that the first generation of our present era should not pass away before every jot and tittle of it was fulfilled. Standing on the untenable ground, that a system which was true for a given time and race, must be true for all times and all races ; moreover, influenced by a sombre spirit peculiar to its own moral constitu- tion (without which it would not have fallen into its intellectual mistake), it has favored the introduction among our people of a sort of hybrid religion, which may be called, at the risk of a theological bull, Old Testa- ment Christianity. The child brought up under its discipline finds it hard to believe that the Messiah has really come, and cannot see anything but a technical ground of disagreement between Christians and Jews. He hears the Old Testament read at church and in the family quite as often as the New — even oflener than any part but the polemic. He is taught to regard God chiefly as Force ; he hears of Him manifesting the passions of humanity, and a very imperfect humanity at that ; but is instructed to palliate these manifestations, on the ground that his force is the Supreme Force, his will the Paramount Will. Thus he learns that only in finite matters is " might makes right " an abominable doctrine ; that making the terms infinite, the proposition becomes a formula for the expression of the highest holiness of the universe. The Judaistic Christian, as I said of the Mormon, — though in a less degree, because he has not been consistent enough to carry out his views to their ultimate logical conclusions, — has thrown away the results of the last eighteen centuries, and gone back for his spiritual aliment to the crude and half- developed notions of truth and laws of life, which were granted to the imperfect faculties of the ancients, by that Divine Spirit of accommoda- 628 APPENDIX. tion which prepares for the human race its food in due season, — milk for babes, strong meat for men, — and furnishes mankind in any given era only with such pabulum as it can digest. As was said above, the whole error of Puritan theology lies in its obstinate denial of the lact that all Divine dealings with mankind are progressive. It insists on this denial because it fears that a confession of the fact involves the unsettlement of faith — involves an admission that what is true to-day may not be true to-morrow. If it conceded this it must lose its organic existence, for its axis is not love but belief — not a principle of life, but a set of doctrines. So, there is no way of escape for it. It cannot say that God's revelation of himself and of his plan of governing the universe, as given to the Jews, was a very good thing — even the very best thing for the day and the people to whom it was made ; that it conveyed the largest amount of truth capable of being comprehended by an infant race, and that to have conveyed more would have really had the effect of conveying less ; that just as I say " The sun rises " to a child, whom my utmost effort could not cause to comprehend the phenomena of terrestrial revolution, the Creator may describe Himself and his dealings to a Jew of Joshua's, David's, or Herod's time in a way which was absolutely perfect in its fitness to reveal the greatest amount of truth, and inculcate the highest degree of holiness which the ancient hearer was developed to attain, but which, at the same time, to me with my enlightenment of at least 1870 years plus the ancients', should be no truth at all, and no stimulus in the way of holiness. Unable to make this acknowledgment without the corollary that re- vealed doctrine is progressive ; unable to grant that corollary without the further conclusion that life, not doctrine, is the only eternal, unchangeable basis of religion ; unable to see that Christ came, not to impart an immutable creed, which in the nature of human intellect is a thing impos- sible, but to infuse a spirit into the life of mankind, which should keep the soul advancing into grander perceptions of intellectual truth forever, and to implant a deathless germinal principle, whose growth, while it sweetened and purified the moral character, should enable the reason to throw off shard after shard of creed, as it found their capacities successively too narrow to bound and embody the truth which its strengthening vision caught, and its increasing constructive powers formulated, — unable to do thus, Judaistic Christianity is compelled to accept the obsolete recjbne of types and shadows as equally commanding in our present life with the Christian regime of perfect day. It finds the Divine character delineated in the old Hebrew Scriptures by terrible physical symbols, by forcible, but to our present enlightenment, degrading anthropomorphisms. In the Scriptures of the Christian dis- pensation, — and progressively in the conceptions which have been de- veloped under the influence of its implanted spirit in the general con- sciousness of our age, — it finds an altogether higher and nobler state- APPENDIX. 529 merit of the relations between mankind and the Divine — of the char- acter of the latter, and the destiny of the former. But pledged by its original mistake it is compelled to carry both ideals, according them equal prominence, granting them equal respect. It therefore sets about finding a compromise. In the effort to make them fit, to reconcile them where they clash, it finds the Judaistic ideals always the most tyrannous, because they are expressed in terms most vehement, and symbols most physically tangible. The result is that Judaism gets a great deal more than its share in the statement, and the hybrid notions resulting from the compromise seem more properly to belong to the Hebrew than the Chris- tian period of the world. The disciple of Judaistic Christianity insists that his rushlight shall not be blown out though the sun stan-ds at high noon, and holds it so close to his eyes that they are too dazzled by its fire and bleared by its smoke to see the sun clearly. It would startle the old Puritan to charge him with the ancestry of Mormonism — but Mormonism is certainly the outgrowth of those Judaistic ideas which he has insisted on carrying over, past their fulfillment, into the life and thought of the Christian age. Talk with an intelligent Mormon upon the subject of his system, and so long as he does not touch upon polygamy you will be irresistibly reminded in all that he says of many a sermon which you have heard from the representatives of Puritan ideas. He loves as well as Cotton Mather, or his intellectual offspring, to introduce God to you in an atmosphere quaking with Hebrew thunders. He has a perfect arsenal of fiery clouds, and physical hells ; he swathes all his metaphors in garments of mysterious horror. He takes the Old Testament, as he takes all the Scriptures, literally, and consistently car- ries this literal interpretation into his daily life. Almost without exception, the Mormon leaders passed their childhood under the influence of the sternest Puritan thought. Both Brigham Young and Heber Kimball were brought up in its nurture and admoni- tion. They look back with reverence upon their parents and teachers, as having prepared them for the reception of the full Latter-day glory. I am far from charging upon Puritan theology any intentional share in the generation of Mormonism ; still, any dispassionate man, pledged to no sect, but to the spirit of Christianity in general, cannot fail to perceive that Mormonism is the legitimate outgrowth of its intellectual bias pushed to the extreme. Judaism has been praised, honored, imitated, kept alive in the Christian teaching of the age, until it has at last found disciples to reconstruct it as a living institution. It is curious to see how the very physical circumstances of Mormonism are a copy of the Jewish. The parallel is not a fanciful or accidental one. The Mormons acknowledge, in some points intend it, themselves. Kirt- land and Nauvoo were their settlements in Egypt ; Joe Smith was their Moses ; and when he died too early for a sight of the promised land, Brigham Young became the Joshua who led them all the way home. 34 530 APPENDIX. They have founded their Jerusalem in a Holy Land wonderfully like the original. Like Gennesaret Lake Utah is a body of fresh water emptying by a river Jordan into a Dead Sea without outlet and intensely saline. The Saints find their Edomites and Philistines in the Indians of the des- ert, whose good will they can only keep by perpetual tribute under the less humiliating guise of presents (as necessary as the backsheesh you give to a Bedouin, or the ransom you pay to a brigand), and in the Gen- tile troops of Uncle Sam. The climate is a photographic copy of the Judaean ; the thirsty fields must be irrigated through long seasons of rainless, cloudless heat, while the ridges of Lebanon, here called the Wahsatch, are covered with snow. The timberless plains, the wooded mountain gorges of Judiea are here, and here are the summer-shrunken streams, the dry beds or " wadies," which mark the path of the Syrian traveller. In the City of Salt Lake biblical imagery is perpetually re- called to the mind by the low adobe houses, which resemble the clay dwellings of Jewish times, and by the thick refreshing shade of irrigated gardens, where the inmates of the houses rest from the heat of the day, and slake their thirst with the delicious juice of that most oi-iental among fruits, the melon, which grows as luxuriantly here as in Palestine. I have elsewhere referred to the striking illustration of that passage, " He turn- eth men's hearts as the rivers of water are turned," when in such a gar- den I saw the master leading the precious liquid with his foot to the rootlets of some favorite plant by a little extempore channel from the main trenches. Nature, in Utah, having repeated the physical conditions of Palestine as closely as she ever repeats any of her work, has been assisted to the utmost by the energies of man. Mormonism is intended to be a theoc- racy like the Jewish. ]\Iormonism is a theocracy so far as human agency can make one. The Mormons have shown what can be made of the old Puritan idea carried out consistently to its ultimate conclusions. If the Jewish notions of theology are good for the nineteenth century, they have reasoned, why not the Jewish theory of government ? Both being equally of Divine ordinance for the Jews ; and one being insisted on as binding upon the conscience of the nineteenth century, why not the other ? The Puritans, equally with the Mormons, assented to the conclusiveness of this logic, and attempted to imitate the Jewish theocracy in their gov- ernment of the early New England communities, quoting the Old Testa- ment to any extent in support of their civil ordinances for the compulsory observance of Sabbath (as all Christians with Judaistic tendencies love to call Sunday) ; their commission of penal authority to the hands of clergy- men, deacons, and other ecclesiastical officers ; their whole code of relig- ious pains and penalties. But the Puritans broke down in one important particular where the Mormons have triumphantly gone on. They lacked one essential piece of the theocratic machinery — the supernatural. They had no prophets ; no miracle-workers ; none endowed with the gifts of APPENDIX. 531 healing and of tongues. They had a very rampant devil to be sure ; and witches innumerable, who in partnership did innumerable grievous devil- tries and sore witcheries ; but those were all on the debit side of their theocracy — a supernatural which belonged to somebody else, and repre- sented the stock in trade of a hostile house. Thus they came gradually to find that a Jewish theocracy was not adapted to modern times ; that is, their children so found it — and little by little, the substitution of here a piece and there a piece of governmental enginery resulted in quite an enlightened system of Republicanism, such as prevails in the greater part of New England at this day. If it were not the sorrowful fact that men's religious ideas are a matter of much less essential consequence to them than their ideas of material well-being ; and that they will worry along with a spiritual system that does not fit, a great while after they would have found intolerable a municipal or a digestive system, or even a pair of boots of the same character, the inapplicability of the Jewish theoc- racy to an era of Christianity and civilization would have been discov- ered at the same time with that of the theocracy ; and then we should have had no Mormonism. The Mormons have been better off than the Puritans. Through supe- rior gifts of inspiration and faith, or, as skeptics prefer to say, of " cheek " and credulity, they have acquired a supernatural which works as well as any in modern ages. They have not an empty shrine like the Puritan theocracy ; their divinity has descended to the tripod, and his presence fills the Temple. They are not compelled to put up with the meagre make-shift of a few petty selectmen and deacons. They have wealth of exorcists, and speakers in unknown tongues : the former being as numer- ous as the Saints possessed of powerful animal magnetism ; the latter, as they are not compelled to translate, susceptible of indefinite multiplica- tion. They have prophets and apostles whose imposition of hands is infallible ; some of them are said by the ungodly to take away whatever they lay their hands on, be it portable property or insupportable pains ; they have seers who wait on the Lord and are visited by angels ; but a rule prevails similar to that posted on the walls of some public institutions, and none of the waiters are permitted to receive anything from visitors, except the head-waiter Brigham. In other words, though the doctrine of open communication between earth and heaven is recognized by the Saints, the only person in the Church who can become the recipient of infallible revelations is the President. With his permission, however, Heber Kimball 1 or General Wells, his colleagues, may act as his proxy. The supernatural element is used with comparative infrequency. The fact that they possess it is, generally, enough for the Mormons. Now and then, on occasions of great excitement, — like the anti-Gentile assemblies 1 This assertion was written before Kimball died, but probably holds good for any successor he maj' have in the co-presidency. It may be as well, to avoid the necessity of any further explanation on the subject, to say here once for all that the entire Appendix supposes Kimball still living, and no substantial misapprehension will occur to any reader keeping this fact in mind. 532 APPENDIX. during Johnston's occupation, for instance, — a Saint is suddenly inspired to speak in an unknown tongue. A friend of mine, present at a sort of camp-meeting called together near Nephi in the year 1857, heard one of the saints address the audience to great apparent edification for nearly ten minutes, in language purporting to be that of an ancient Lamanite tribe, called the " Children of Glawdulgrum." My friend took down on the back of an old letter (the only note-book which happened to be con- venient) a few snatches from the part which, as he said, interested him as much as any of it. I give one snatch : — " Kravighi ! Karoom '. Ro eptepetla hrancobolomei degesh mapsasal- bonor. Hokopariini Keptepenil senkandra. Moipsopagath genendlis loluddgro toUa ? Kedepdrkomal uniinu pegesh sokathddlgoni. Nenope- temi lalaptdgro ebo-dungruno. Oheki degesh Wi was ! Wi was ! Mo- epne Karoom? Mopalpartogos lubebe bdttolob lupete bolobilandro ? Manapalbonor Kravighesseros Wi, bagamolu, penetebangroni — solughel- depinpin Wi was ! Wi was ! Hrancobolomei degesh epsekenkorugu kragash. Molu nongoddgragon ? Otse degesh — Wi was ! Wi was ! " The therapeutic imposition of hands and the exorcism of evil spirits are supernatural gifts oftener employed ; and their exercise has been at- tended with really marvelous results in well-authenticated cases of ner- vous and mental disease, such as chorea, epilepsy, neuralgia, hysteria, peri- odic mania, and the hke — whose cures, however, the ungodly classify with the phenomena of animal magnetism acting upon susceptible organ- izations. Of the more startling class of miracles, those seeming to con- travene some established law of nature and verifiable by direct experience, the Saints are properly chary. Brigham Young's splendid executive talents insure revelation from falling into disrepute, since a project which he decides to have accomplished, even in circumstances apparently the most unfavorable to its realization, is either inherently so feasible or carried through by such tact and force of will, that his followers have no difficulty in believing that he acts under Divine guidance. Possessing the supernatural as the credential and prop of its authority, the Mormon theocracy wields more unlimited power than any despotism on the globe. Here again it is a copy of the Jewish. As the High-priest, after consulting the Urim and Thummim, was infallible, and to be dis- obeyed only on pain of death or being cut oflf from one's people, so is Brigham in any case, for he carries his Urim and Thummim in his own breast — a judgment perpetually flooded with divine light, and always accessible. He is therefore the concentrated will, on all subjects which he chooses to assume the right of deciding, of more than one hundred thousand people. He nominally occupies no despotic place. Many a Mormon will indig- nantly deny that his power is any more absolute than that of the Presi- dent of the United States. The external shows of Republicanism are so far preserved that the unthinking part of the population really imagine themselves under a free government. Their head is a president, not an APPENDIX. 533 emperor ; but Louis Napoleon might be glad if his supremacy over the French were a fraction of that wielded by Brigham Young over the Mor- mons. His acts are called neither ukases, nor pronunciamentos, nor de- crees ; but no Asiatic tyrant ever issued such irresistible expressions of his will as does Brigham in publishing the orders of the Church. He, ostensibly, is nothing but the Church's mouth-piece ; yet as the Church has no other mouth-piece, and the Church is absolute, Brigham Young is the most indisputable tyrant on earth. In Japan — ■hitherto supposed the ideal representative of a pure despotism — the supreme power is weak- ened by division ; the spiritual and the temporal rulers may fall out and the people get their own ; but Brigham Young, under the skillfully painted disguise of " the Church," is Tycoon and Mikado in one ; he holds in his hand the gathered heart-strings and purse-strings of the whole nation, — the wires which control and move the mechanism of their entire interests for time and for eternity. A page of illustration is worth a chapter of mere statement. Let me suppose my reader a subject of the Mormon government, and take him through the career which every such an one is liable to run ; showing him the nature of the theocracy by the manner in which it may legiti- mately act upon the individual. I will expose him to no exceptional hardships. I will make him the victim of no peculiar oppressions, such as result in every nation — even in our own sometimes, as we must blush- ingly acknowledge — to the subordinate who incurs the dislike of the powers that be. He shall suffer only from the natural workings of the Mormon system — in most respects as all Mormons suffer daily — in all respects as some one of them sufiers every month or every year. I shall exaggerate nothing; suppose nothing to have happened which has not happened in every essential point repeatedly, and been known to happen by the great body of the Mormons themselves. ]Mi'. Polypeith (my reader can well excuse my hiding him under a Greek name when I have already gone so far as to take the liberty of Mormonizing him) determines that he will leave his pleasant home in the Eastern States, and cast in his lot with the Saints of the Salt Lake basin. He learns at the New York Agency, by one of whose officers he was con- verted, that a train of the brethren is expected to leave Atchison or Omaha early during the next month. He converts all his property into cash, save a couple of thousands which he spends in getting his own and his family's outfit. This consists of a large Plains' wagon with a canvas tilt, a load of furniture and provisions, a few cattle, and four mules whose value will be about doubled when they reach Salt Lake, or more than doubled if after they have drawn his wagon there he sends them on to California. The Polypeith family penetrate the Wahsatch by Emigration Caiion, and proceed to the public square, situated at the centre of the city. Here the Church, in the person of one of the presidents, or an elder appointed by Brigham, — perhaps, as happens on some occasions, though more rarely than in the early days of emigration, in the person of 534 APPENDIX. Brigham himself, — meets Mr. Polypeitli, makes him an address, and gives him the right hand of fellowship. He is then appointed quarters until he can look about him and prepare for his family permanent accommodations consistent with their circumstances, and the will of the Church. His wagon is unpacked, his goods are stored, and if it be warm weather, his cattle may be delivered to the charge of the Church herder, who makes a note of their marks and that afternoon takes them down to Church Island. After he has the dust washed out of his pores and the bruises of his jolt- ing ride across the mountains have turned a healthy color, he receives a billet from the Church (Brigham), commanding him to report him- self at the office in Prophet's Block at 11 o'clock a. m. on the following Tuesday. Obeying the mandate, he finds himself at the appointed time in a small plain room, like that appropriated by the recorder of deeds in a rural eastern county, where he is confronted with the Church in the shape of a peculiar but pleasant-looking man in pepper-and-salt clothes, who asks him a variety of questions, and with a younger man who puts down his answers in a sort of ledger, belonging, when at rest, on a shelf flanked by tin boxes. His name, age, and place of nativity are carefully noted ; likewise those of his family, and their total number. Then the Church (still Brigham) desires to know the avocation he has pursued before leaving the States. He replies that he has of late kept a grocery, but was formerly a cabinet maker by trade — he thought of going on with the grocery business here. Where did he prefer to settle ; in Salt Lake City or in one of the outer settlements — Nephi, Ogden, or Rush Valley, for instance ? He had meant to settle in Salt Lake City — the chances for his kind of business would probably be better there ; besides, there were greater advantages there of society and for the education of his children. The Church in pepper-and-salt takes an attitude of deep thought — hm — hm — will Mr. Clerk reach down from the shelf among the deed-boxes Book B ? The Church whispers — there is more thought. Mr. Polypeith waits in silent veneration until the Prophet speaks again. " Brother Polypeith — The Church, being as nearly as possible depend- ent on its own internal resources, is obliged to distribute them with dis- cretion so as to use every brother to the very best advantage. The Church has no room for any more grocers in Zion itself. That branch of indus- try is abundantly stocked at present. Without prejudice to the right of changing his avocation at some future time, if he is still so drawn, and the Lord opens the way to another grocery. Brother Polypeith may be of use to the Church in his former profession, Zion needs another cabinet maker. Or (Book B is consulted again). Brother Polypeith may find occupation, if he have agricultural leanings, in the development of the indigo of Zion. Or, there is a grist-mill sorely needed at Tuilla. But really the best opening seems to be that of the furniture." The result is that.before he has at all worn off the novelty of his posi- tion — standing a full-grown American citizen of means and family, to receive absolute dictation upon the method he shall adopt to employ APPENDIX. 535 those means and support that family — Brother Polypeith has changed, or gets changed for him, the channel of his entire energies and his future destiny in the community where he must live. He entered the Church office a grocer, to go out of it a cabinet maker. But the questions are not done ; before he goes he must answer further. How much property does he bring to Utah ? The entire savings of a small tradesman's hard life, he answers — and these amount to the sum of twenty thousand dollars. Is Brother Polypeith ready to make oath to that effect? He is and does so. Brother Polypeith is then informed that the Saints, from Brother Brigham himself down to the humblest cattle-boy, own nothing — that the Church owns all, and has a right to do what it will with its own. Furthermore, that twenty thousand dollars is a larger sum than the Church can availably embark in the cabinet maker's trade just now ; part of the sum can be employed for the interests of the Church better elsewhere. The Church will accordingly receive from Brother Polypeith, to be employed in advancing the spread of the king- dom, the sura of five or ten thousand dollars, as the case may be. There is no invariable rule for the sum taken ; it depends on the needs of the Church, or the wealth of the individual, and on the amount which, con- sidering the interests of the Church, can be beneficially employed in the owner's especial branch of business. The opinion of the chief party in interest (as we should call him according to our unenlightened Repub- lican and common law ideas) is of no weight whatever in contributing to the conclusion. It often amounts to a quarter, sometimes to a half of the entire property brought into Utah. It is now too late to back out (I am supposing the Polypeiths already baptized), and very likely there is no desire to back out ; the Polypeiths have perhaps known long ago the Mormon tenets in regard to the residence in the Church of all titles to individual property, or if they have not, their conversion was too thor- ough to be shaken by the discovery ; at any rate, here they are, in the Mormon power, of their own free will Mormons themselves ; they have taken the irrevocable step — and Mr. Polypeith has no alternative. So he forks over — we will say ten thousand dollars. That sum forthwith goes into the coffers of the Church (to wit, Brigham's Herring safe), and neither Mr. Polypeith, his heirs, nor his assigns, ever hear from it in the shape of principal or interest thereafter. He receives the ten thousand which the Church graciously accords him from his own former possessions, and sets up the furniture business. Dur- ing the first week or two of his life in Salt Lake City nothing occurs to make him sensible of the difference between the Mormon regime and that under which he lived in the States. Yet none the less is he becoming enmeshed in the secret toils of a system as unlike the free, open-air spirited government of our noble republic as the Council of Three, Jesuitry, or the Vehm-Gericht. Each of the twenty wards into which the city of Salt Lake is divided has a ruler of its own, who takes charge 536 APPENDIX. both of its temporalities and spiritualities with the title of bishop. He exercises supervision over the tithes due from citizens under him to the Church treasury ; has general charge of the Church's financial interests in the ward, and registers mai-riages, deaths, and births. But surpassing in importance all his other functions is that of secret investigator. He stands responsible to the Prophet President for the private lives — the most intimate circumstances and doings of his people. It is a principle of Mormonism that the President must be omniscient. The inmost secrets of every household must be revealed to him ; he must know what is whispered in the bride-chamber, the nursery, in the consultations of the lawyer and the doctor, in the lover's courtship, and on the dying bed. Fouche never knew as much as he must know, nor does the Superior of the Jesuit College. Fouche bothered his head with religious secrets, the Superior concerns his with political ones, only as subsidiary to other ends. Brigham Young must know all secrets ; and to attain this end indefinitely multiplies himself through bishops and their subordinates. The bishop is supposed to visit the members of the Church in his ward in the New England pastoral sense ; but his visits are sometimes of a much more for- midable character than those mild interviews for prayer and religious con- versation which the Eastern clergyman indulges in with his flock at peri- odic intervals. The bishop's crosier abroad has a hooked and a sharp end, each with its several ofhce, — " Curva trahit mites — pungit acuta rebelles." The Mormon bishop has no crosier, but he can prick as well as pull, and some of his visits are judicial though others be pastoral. He has proxies or deputies whose sole business it is to furnish him with that stream of knowledge of which he is the President's channel : plausible informers who enter families as guests, or watch them through windows and key-holes, like burglars making their preparation for a " crack ; " spies who climb trees and grape trellises to eavesdrop, or lie all night on ladders at second story shutters ; who accept confidences to betray them, and em- ploy all the black arts of the detective policeman to possess themselves of the very most trifling particular which may sometime be needed as a clew to the sinner against ecclesiastical authority. From this espionage even the most innocent life is no freer than that of the once detected derelict. The Mormon, like the Jew, has to learn that the God of a the- ocracy is a jealous God. In the States Mr. Polypeith's family has always been such a blameless one that the suspicion of suspicion never crosses their minds. They live with the same guileless freedom that has characterized their behavior everywhere. They little know that not in Milan before the Austrians were expelled, not in Havana at the present day — that nowhere among hunted Carbonari, Mazzinists, Fenians, Huguenots, Lollards, or proscribed French Loyalists, ever existed any people so closely watched in the house and by the way-side ; so minutely known in all their goings out and com- ings in ; so tracked and noted and booked down to the smallest particular APPENDIX. 537 of their conduct at bed and board ; subject to such scrutiny of the hands they clasp, the lips they kiss, the eyes they smile into, and the infinitesi- mal shades of expression which they unconsciously throw into clasp, kiss, and smile, as they themselves — this self-same blameless Polypeith family. So the first fortnight goes on in making acquaintances at home, stocking and working the shop on Main Street. Mrs. Polypeith, who still remains without a colleague, gets along pretty well at Mormon house- keeping by the aid of her two daughters, after discharging her " help " because she became too impudent to put up with, as frequently happens with her class at Salt Lake, owing to the fact that promotions out of it to a wifely rank in the household are sufficiently common to destroy any vestige of distinction between mistress and servant, which among the more unsophisticated may have survived the transit of the Plains and Kocky Mountains. It is not to be supposed that a buxom Mormoness will take much pains in doing up another woman's cap when she is occu- pied in setting her own for that woman's husband. Mrs. Polypeith has, however, given some quiet little teas in spite of her domestic trials, and Mr. Polypeith has celebrated his birthday by a modest dinner. Early in the week following the dinner he receives an invitation to call on the bishop. He cheerfully accepts it — perhaps flatters himself on the courtesy with which he is treated by so high a functionary thus early in his saintship. He is ushered into a private room, where he finds him- self confronted with the bishop and two or three elders beside. To his astonishment the object of the interview is not hospitality but judgment. He has been accused by somebody (and this is the nearest approach to definiteness with which he ever knows his accuser ; it may have been the " help " who was dismissed by Mrs. P., after having failed to win Mr. P.'s aifections, and thus seeks to avenge the " spretas injuriam formie ; " it may have been a guest at the dinner party, who was at the same time an agent of the Mormon Vehm-Gericht) of having taken, on the festal occa- sion last alluded to, a drop of his own liquor more than was good for him. Does he deny the charge ? Does he ask to be set face to face with the informers? Mormonism never "goes back" on its spies. The name of the accuser is of no consequence. Besides, he is brought up not for trial, but for sentence. The bishop takes care of all his flock without any assistance from themselves. The trial has been conducted with as much regard to his interests as if he were present, and the brother, more espe- cially as he is a new-comer and this his first offense, will be dealt with in a spirit of the utmost leniency consistent with the salvation of his own immortal soul and the welfare of the Church — that absolute theocratic proprietor, which owns him " neck, crop, and gizzard," from the tips of his boots to the forelock he has pomatumed for his visit to the bishop. Or, does he make a plea, as the old common law hath it, " in confession and avoidance," acknowledging that on the occasion referred to he may have crooked his elbow once too often, but then the superfluous draught 538 APPENDIX. was on his own birthday, in his own house, and from his own bottle ? Ruled out ! The Church knows no festivals, no privacy, no proprietor- ship but its own. As in " Le Diable Boiteux," so in the romance of Mormon Life ; as there with Asmodeus, so here with the Devil (or Angel, according as you be Saint or Gentile) of the Latter-Day Church, all the roofs of the houses come off like the cover from a soup-tureen ; he catches the cover by the knob of the chimney or the cupola, and looks down on the family simmering in its wickedness, or refreshes his nostrils with its odorous steam of sanctity, and not an ingredient in the pottage escapes his omniscience. No man's house is his castle in a theocracy. Thus was it with the Jewish ; thus with the Puritan ; and it is thus with the Mormon. Acknowledge that God can have deputies who rule in his name, and they must be gifted with the prerogatives of God. He does not leave the citizen at his door-sill — neither can they. No, Mr. Poly- peith ! You have left behind you the pestilent atheism of Republican government ; you are enjoying the blessings of that system which so many good men at the East have tried in vain to bring back ; you are forced to be reUgious whether you will or no. This is no community where a man with impunity can go home and get drunk in the bosom of his family. So Mr. Polypeith leaves the bishop's with a face longer by an inch ; a mind wiser by a revelation ; a pocket lighter by ten dollars — exactly the sum which he often used to read of in the pohce reports col- umn of his morning paper as paid promptly, " after which the magistrate advised the offender to take better care of himself in future, and he left the court-room in company with his friends ; " or, in default of which, " the prisoner was sent up for ten days." He used to read such accounts with a shudder, did Mr. Polypeith ; or, perhaps he thanked God, like the Pharisee, that he was not like other men — at least, not like this victim of the Publican, enjoying his visit at the generous city's island country- seat. Now he, the self-same Eusebius Polypeith, stands mulcted in the seLf-sarae sum — a degraded man — mulcted for drunkenness ! He groans from the bottom of his being — goes home — and does not tell Mrs. Poly- peith. Where does that fine go ? To the Church : namely, to the Her- ring safe in Brigham's office. A year has elapsed since he came through Emigration Canon. He has been tolerably successful in business. One morning he receives another missive ; the bishop wants a statement of his profits, concealing, abating nothing, under the penalty of Ananias and Sapphira — a statement veri- fied by his oath. There is something in the preparation of such a state- ment that makes any man brought up with Republican notions wince and feel humiliated, — even when he is doing it as a war necessity for the sake of supporting a National Government in whose stability he has co- equal interest with every neighbor of his. I do not believe that the most patriotic man in the United States ever receives the assessor's peremptory order to return his income without an instinctive feeling that he is suffer- APPENDIX. 639 ing a sort of grand national indignity — as if the collective sovereign people had given him a collective sovereign tweak o' the nose ; or searched his pockets like a collective sovereign constable, or looked over his shoulder while he was balancing his ledger with a collective sovereign impudence which it requires all his philosophy and patriotism to excuse, and of which he says to himself, as he sits down to obey the assessor, " I do hope that Congress will before long invent some less obnoxious way of collecting the national revenue ! " But in making our returns to the United States assessor most of us have the relief of considering that we voted to support the best government the sun ever shone on ; that we are in reality only collecting the tax from ourselves ; that, furthermore, we, through the representatives our ballots sent to Washington, shall have our say as to the manner in which the money shall be spent. Mr. Polypeith has no such relief He is the subject of a theocracy. In 1834, long be- fore he had heard of Mormonism, Joseph Smith the Prophet, and Oliver Cowdery (one of the three witnesses to whom the Angel of the Lord showed the plates of the Book of Mormon), met in Clay County, Missouri, and made a covenant with God that they would henceforth pay into his treas- ury, for the advancement of the heavenly kingdom upon earth, tithings of all that they possessed — imitating the Jewish theocracy in this respect as closely as all the others. Thenceforth all the Saints were expected to con- tribute likewise, and the custom which binds Mr. Polypeith has no other foundation than this thirty-two years' prescription. Nor has he any voice, directly, or by vote, in the disposal of his property after it goes into the Church coffers, to wit, Brigham's safe. The Church uses its money — i. e., Brigham spends it — without taking counsel of the taxed, but by Divine command, and that command is revealed to Brigham alone, while only the Divine Revelator has the right of looking over his accounts. There is, therefore, not one alleviating circumstance in the necessity under which Mr. Polypeith sits down to make out his exhibit of income for the bishop. Nevertheless, he winces his way through the task, and sends back the following : — 1 Being the 37th year of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- Day Saints. EusEBius Polypeith : Income return for Year ending at Date. Resulting from Cabinet Ware business $1,520.00 Dividends on Stock held in Eailroad Companies . . . 125.00 " " " " " Insurance " .... 245.00 Money paid Wife by executors of her Mother's estate in Mass. 300.00 Total $2,190.00 Attesiatur, E. Polypeith," A few days after this return has been handed to the Bishop, Mr. Poly- peith gets his order to repair to the Tithing Office and pay into the Church treasury (the Herring safe again) the sum of two hundred and 540 APPENDIX. nineteen dollars. Or, it is possible that he may receive instead one of those pleasant episcopal invitations with which he became acquainted earlier in the year, and on repairing with a heavy heart to his pastor's house find out that the terrible charge of making a false return has been lodo-ed ao^ainst him. He feels as guiltless of the wrong as a child a month old. He may discover that, in the opinion of the authorities, he has overvalued the original cost to himself of some of the articles on which he has estimated his profits. In this case he will, perhaps, be startled to have copies of his wholesale dealers' charges and vouchers presented to him. Or, he may have omitted in making his return to include the advance which he has received during the year on the original price of a pair of draught horses left behind at the East to be sold, whose pro- ceeds were forwarded to him. The transaction has totally escaped his mind — not so the Church's ! There, in black and white, he reads all its particulars — more precisely drawn out, it may be, than he could have done them by referring to his own private papers. A sickening sensation comes over Mr. Polypeith's soul as he realizes the omniscience and ubiq- uity of that power into whose grasp he has voluntarily resigned himself, irretrievably — forever ! If he is really innocent of all intent to cheat, Brigham reads character too skillfully not to know it ; and, instead of the fearful doom which awaits such as are fool-hardy or green enough to attempt defrauding the great Fraud of the Universe, — the outlawry, the delivery to the buffets of Satan, the vague, unnamable terrors, the lurking death, — he gets off with a solemn warning and a mulct which may amount to the duplication of his tithes. Suppose that, instead of having succeeded in his annual business by the time the next tithing day comes round, he has in reality sold nothing, but has accumulated either by manufacture or importation five hundred Bos- ton rockers. He has no money to give the Church ; but the Church takes toll out of every grist, and all is grist that comes to its mill. The Church is not fastidious ; it will take fifty of his five hundred rockers, and call it square. What can it do with them, d'you ask ? A Church founded upon a rock, one might think, can have no call for rockers, but it has. Mr. Polypeith is instructed to deliver them in the great Tithing Store-house, right under the personal eye of the Church, sail. Brigham. Then, if he has never had occasion to call there before, he sees a sight which surprises him. There are carts and rude Utah-made ranch-wag- ons standing at the gate to unload tithes of every description of product created by human industry. The shelves and the deep ware-rooms of the all-devouring theocracy groan and bulge with everything which it is con- ceivable that mankind should sell and buy on this side of the Rocky Mountains. Here are piles of rawhide, both cow and mustang, or even pig-skin ; bins of shelled corn, and cribs full of corn in the ear ; Avheat and rye, oats and barley ; casks of salt provisions ; wool, homespun, yarn, and home-woven cloth in hanks and bales ; indigo ; cocoons and raw silk ; APPENDIX. 541 butter, cheese, and all manner of farm produce ; even the most destructi- ble of vegetable growths, — not only potatoes, turnips, and other root crops, but green pease and beans, fruit, and young cabbages ; hay, carpenters' ■work, boys' caps, slop-shop overalls, hemp-rope, preserves, tinware, sto- gies, confectionery, adobe bricks and tiles, moss and gramma mattresses ; buckskin leggins, gloves, moccasins, hunting-shirts, and complete suits, the manufacture of which the Mormon women make a specialty, arriving at a degree of excellence in their preparation, and beauty in their adornment, surpassed nowhere in the world, — not even among the Snake Indians. These are but a minute fraction of the contents of the Church Tithing Stores. I have seen day laborers who were too poor to pay their tithes in any lumped form at the end of the year, bringing them in at sundown in the shape of a tenth of the poor, flabby-meated gudgeons which they had caught in their day's fishing along the Jordan. The Church, under the wonderful management of Brigham, somehow or other succeeds in disposing of all that it receives in this way to the best advantage, and is not only a self-supporting, but a money-making concern of the most bril- liant character. By consenting to receive the tithes in form, wherever the Mormon finds it easier to bring the literal tenth of his possessions instead of their money value, it effects three most desirable ends. It secures the certain payment of its tithes, since the products of a man's industry are tangible, accessible, unconcealable, and therefore within its grasp as no notes or specie can be ; it acts as a perpetual stimulus to Mormon industry by affording one certain outlet to every man's products, — a market through which he can dispose of at least a part of such prod- ucts, however loth private dealers may be to run the risk of buying them ; and it adds another resemblance to the old Jewish theocracy, which tithed the property of the people in kind, to the multitude of simi- larities on which it bases its claim to the successorship of Israel as the repository of the Urim and Thummim, the possessor of the Original Priest- hood and the Eternal Truth, and the sole Architect of God's temple and kingdom upon earth. At the same time, Brigham's talents as a Roths- child being none less than as a Moses and a Richelieu, the Church loses nothing pecuniarily by taking Brother Clod's cabbages, and Brother Polypeith's chairs. Mr. Polypeith's diary for the next few years contains nothing more startling than the marriage of his two daughters to a well-to-do elder of the Church, possessing, besides five hundred head of cattle and a nice ranch in the region of Parley's Park, a trifle of two previous wives, who live harmoniously, not being able to quarrel, as one of them understands nothing but Norwegian, and the other possesses no lingual accomplish- ments beyond her original Shoshonee. To IVIr. Polypeith it seems a little odd at first to have a man paying attention to both his daughters at once ; early associations are difficult to conquer, and an only partially regenerate right leg of his twitches uneasily at the memory how it would have kicked 542 APPENDIX. such a suitor down-stairs at the East ; but grace triumphs when he re- flects that after all the elder does not mean any such thing as trifling with the young affections of the girls, since he proposed to Hannah Rebecca on Thursday, and to Lucetta Plumina on the Sunday following ; more- over, it is a great deal less wearing and expensive to order a wedding for two and get one's family nicely provided for in a single evening, than to string the paternal anxiety along. States-fashion, through two separate courtships, and disburse for two entirely distinct sets of presents and wed- ding-cake. So he says, "Bless you, my children — bless youl " and, to use the choice patriarchal vernacular, the elder " gits " with the lot. If polygamy at any time, during the progress of these occurences, seem to Mr. Polypeith any harder of deglutition because the two wives of his saintly son-in-law stand to each other in the sisterly relation, he may lu- bricate the morsel by that sage consideration which has doubtless been suggested to every dissatisfied person since the foundation of the world, " How much worse it might have been." He may have made the ac- quaintance of a family such as I myself became aware of while in the Mormon Zion. Passing with a very zealous believer through one of the streets in that city, I had my attention called by my companion to a com- fortable residence, belonging, apparently, to some person of more than average condition in the community. "There!" said ..the gentleman emphatically, — " there lives one of the very best men we've got in Salt Lake City." " How so? " I asked him. " The most noble-hearted, whole- souled, liberal fellow I ever knew. Doesn't stand at anything when he can do a generous action. Here's an instance. Two years ago his part- ner in business died insolvent, leaving two widows and. three daughters without a leg to stand on. He was very well off" himself, and a bachelor. So what does he do but go right over to his partner's house, see the two widows and three daughters — make it all right — and marry the whole of 'em. That's what I call a right down liberal action ! " I have seen it indignantly denied by Mormon defenders, that marriages of this sort are permitted in Utah ; but such a denial on their behalf would be scorn- fully repudiated by the Mormons themselves, who rather favor such mar- riages than otherwise, on the same ground that benevolent and sage old slave-holders, in the halcyon days of the Eastern and Southern Patri- archal Institution, used to buy whole families, to wit, that they live much more contentedly together than when they are separated. A mother and a daughter who are wives of the same man, or two sisters similarly situ- ated, are more apt to be patient with each other and freer from jealousy than strangers. I must now give a page of Mr. Polypeith's diary, which is so painful that he himself would gladly have blotted it out with his heart's blood — which I, indeed, would gladly suppress, were it not that I am writing the truth and have not the romancer's privilege of yielding to sentimental motives. Mr. Polypeith's family, after the daughters were married, con- APPENDIX. 543 sisted of himself, his wife, and one son nineteen years old — a fine, handsome, frank-natured young fellow who for some time had been a val- uable assistant to his father in business, and whom he was rearing to take his place when age should release him from the harness of active life. Among the neighboring families was one of an elder, whom the Church, shortly after Hiram Polypeith's nineteenth birthday, had appointed to go forth upon a foreign mission — a tour for the collection of converts in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, which would keep him abroad for two years — indeed, until he could bring a shijj-load of fresh Saints from the Baltic to New York, and thence across the Mississippi, and the Moun- tains to Salt Lake. The elder was a well-to-do man of fifty ; and it might have seemed just as advantageous to the interests of Zion to send a younger brother, with youthful energy, the " roving drop in his veins," the love of adventure, and the desire of making his way in the world, to sustain him through the labors of a mission, and less extensive family ties to bind him at home ; for besides being a little past middle age, he pos- sessed a large property, five wives, and a score of children. Among all his wives, as frequently happens, he doted most on the last and youngest one, to whom he had been married only about six months when the order came for his departure. The mandate grieved him sore, but theocracies know no sentiment save that of obedience to revelation, and though he would gladly have paid the expenses of a proxy and stayed at home with his little Zilpha and the others, he was compelled to bid them all adieu and fare forth one morning by the overland stage. The elder's family and that of Brother Polypeith had been intimate from the first year of the latter's settlement in Zion. They frequently met each other in the exchange of hospitalities. Mrs. Polypeith was weekly invited to tea at the Salmudys', and the Salmudys, on the princi- ple of its being inconvenient to move large masses, were reinvited in squads at a rate which went through them all in about one lunar period. When the elder came to go away, Mrs. Polypeith mingled her tears as she had her tea with the Mistresses Salmudy ; and Mr. Polypeith, grasp- ing Elder Salmudy's hand with emotion, told him that during his ab- sence he would endeavor to be such a friend to his family, as he would ask Elder Salmudy to be to his in case their positions were changed. There was one member of the Polypeith family who did not partake to the full extent in the general affliction felt at Elder Salmudy's departure. This was Hiram Polypeith — the handsome, spirited lad with the curly hair, red cheeks, and bright boyish eyes ;— who had his reasons. As the Salmudys lived next door to the Polypeiths on the right side, so did the Crandalls live next door on the left side. From the day that Mr. Polypeith took his house, his garden and the Crandalls' had opened into one another by a little wicket in the partition fence, and the relation of the two families had been as intimate as that of the former with the Salmudys'. The wicket almost always hung ajar, and the children of 544 APPENDIX. both households had held the inclosures in common, playing tag together around the gravel walks, dressing dolls and making-believe tea-fight under extempore houses rigged up beneath the cool shadows of acacias, quaking asps, cottonwoods, and rock-maples transplanted from the canons. The youngest child of the Crandalls was a pretty golden-haired girl, with laughing blue eyes and merry temperament — the pet of everybody, and a gleam of sunshine wherever she Avent. She was the little sweetheart of Hiram Polypeith from the time they first played together ; she was enough unlike him in every respect, except the fact of beauty and mutual attraction, to bring out the strongest positive characteristics of the boy, and awaken an intense feeling of chivalry in him, which manifested itself in every way — from fighting her battles with ruder and stronger children to carrying her tiny dinner when she went to school, and being her in- variable guard of honor at all jjicnics to Black Rock or the Lake in the Mountains. She returned his feeling with one of absolute confidence and admiration — was never so happy as when she nestled against his side, and, whenever her light heart thought of the future at all, never imag- ined a place in it whose centre was not her boy-gallant. One of their most frequent plays (as I suppose is the case with all children of every place and age) was " getting married ; " and the romantic tender- ness of Hiram's love for little Zilpha Crandall was shown by the fact that while the other little male-Saints had polygamic plays, he never added to his list of wives, but incurred the temporary suspicion or even infantile religious persecution of his mates as a bad' Mormon, by remaining sternly monogamic and marrying Zilpha over and over and over again. But they could not always remain children and play under the acacias. Zilpha, being just Hiram's age, as was woman's right, blossomed first, and became a demure, marriageable little Mormoness in long dresses (or, as a perverse Gentile friend used to call Mormon little girls, a " Mor- moniculess," Mormon little boys being similarly " Mormonicles), " while Hiram was blushing at the shortness of a roundabout, which he felt still more ashamed to exchange for that uneasily self-conscious garment, a coat with tails. Before either of them knew it, the golden-haired beauty had attracted the attention of that nmltuxoriverous mammal, Elder Sal- mudy, — a splay-footed quadrigenarian, with beetle brows, a raucous voice, which one would have as soon thought of as a frog's for the vehicle of love-making, and vast expansiveness below the epigastrium without ade- quate diameter of legs to sustain such a superstructure. Already, too, as the Gypsy Queen denominated Rector Racktithe, married the thii-d time, he was " a mighty waster o' women," having foiu" Mistresses Salmudy to watch for his martial footfall at the close of the laborious day. To adapt Louis in " Richelieu," " Fine proxy for a gay yo'iing cavalier ! " But why linger over the hagglings of the marriage market ? Salt Lake is no better than New York or London, though it does pretend to be, and Mormon parents sell their daughters for a " bon parti " just as ours do, — APPENDIX. 545 ttouorh not as universally as was tlie case in the much desiderated He- brew theocracy. The Crandalls were poor — Elder Salmudy was rich — Hiram Polypeith was only a boy — Zilpha was an obedient daughter. She cried bitterly — vowed she would always love Hiram — and married the multuxoriverous monster. As for Hiram — he gnashed his teeth in secret — that most helpless, uncommiserated, most laughed at of all human beings — a boy indulging a hopeless passion. \Vhat could he have expected? He would not be ready to many for years — Zilpha was a grown-up woman — did he suppose she was to be bound by the plays of a baby-house ? Pshaw ! So he crawled into the straw of his father's barn and wept out his heart-break, not even pitied by the hen whom his gi'ief had driven off her nest on the beam, and who scolded at him with the Grossest of cackles. Time will insist on healing such wounds for us though we swear he shall not, and despise ourselves as brutes for finally yielding to him. What was at first the bitterest ingredient in the boy's cup — the fact that his little Zilpha lived next door to him in his successful rival's house — became a sort of sad delight — gradually a delight with only a faint soupqon of sadness, for he saw a great deal of her without the elder, and cherished in his heart that fearful torpedo, liable to explode at any moment, the old love for her without the old right. Just as he was beginning to go about his work with some sort of equanimity, and to answer the criterion which old country women suppose infallible for the question whether a hopeless passion exists or not, by " taking his three meals reg'lar," Salmudy received the mandate to depart. Hiram could have gone to Brigham Young and hugged him round the knees ! It almost seemed as if the President had known his heart and intended to do him a personal favor. He did not dare to accompany his father to the stage office, lest instinct should be too strong for conventionalism, and the real sunshine of his heart at Elder Salmudy's parting break through the hypocritical clouds upon his face. So he stayed at home, hiding in the barn, and through a knot-hole saw with a quickened pulse of delight little Zilpha feeding her chickens from the back porch — heard her sing- ing blithely while she scattered the crumbs — as light-hearted as if it were indifferent to her whether her six-months' lord went to Copenhagen or Jericho, and it would be quite the same to her if he never came back from either. Already he began to calculate the chances against the elder's return : his years were against him ; the journey was full of exposures ; there were several sea-voyages to make ; the ocean baffled, there were still the Sioux, the Arrapahoes, and the Snakes on the way across Plain and Mountain — he blushed, catching himself suddenly, just about to enter a chamber of thought which was the vestibule of murder. Papa Polypeith's promise to keep a fatherly eye on the bereaved Sal- mudys gave Hiram constant occasion to run in next door. He went to see if his mother could help them ; if there was butter wanted ; if the 546 APPENDIX. flour was getting low ; if the cattle were getting on nicely ; if his father could transact any business for them ; if they wouldn't like to read the last New York papers ; if the flower-beds needed weeding ; if he could do anything ; if anything was wanted — yes ! something was wanted — wanted all the time, by one of that household. And O ! perilous gift ! — he brought it — brought all the strong, passionate, flaming love which he fancied he had raked out and buried under — the love which by God's law was his right and hers to whom he gave it, though man had set on it his black seal of execration. Neither knew when it came. The curves of danger are so gradual — its inclines so smooth. The two thought they were reviving innocent childhood's playtime. They sat under the acacias as of old; they talked of the houses he made for her to live in, and laughed at their baby- housekeeping. Did she remember when he stood in this cedar clump to be married to her with a big doll for a bridesmaid ? did he remember what he did as soon as the ceremony was over? She blushed as she recalled it and dropped her moist eyes ; he folded her to his heart and did it again. But they did not feel as they had in childhood — their lips parted slower — his arm was harder to unclasp. Day after day of delicious dreamy peril went on, in house and garden — part of it right before the eyes of the parental Polypeiths ; but they, remembering what attached playmates the children had been, and like all parents so slow to realize the fact that their child could grow up, saw the two walking and talking together, saw them inseparable in their stud- ies, their amusements, even their work, so far as they could help each other, and never warned them of a danger that they themselves did not suspect. Other eyes, however, were not so fondly blind. The other four wives of the elder had never been one with that excellent man in his admiration for Zilpha. One of them, moreover, was the spiritual wife of the bishop of that ward, and on more than one occasion had shown her devotion to the Church and to the man who should be her husband in the celestial mansions, by acting as eyes for him and the Vehm-Gericht. She was bound by the holiest of ties, therefore, to let no iniquity pass her scrutiny without revealing it directly to the bishop. Within the first month after her earthly husband's departure she had repaired to the hou^e of her spiritual one, and told him that she saw mischief hatching. His only reply was, " Watch.'" So she did watch. As for the other three, their feeling toward the pretty little Zilpha was of a less tragic and religious nature ; they hated her and waited to catch her tripping because they were unpleasantly homely ; had long and shabby or stocky and dumpy figures ; were without grace or womanly development in either spirit or physique ; were bald, sallow, wrinkled, uneducated, uncouth, while in every particular she had the impudence to be exactly the reverse ; because no handsome young man came to console them for the absence of Brother Salmudy, therefore they hated her with that poisonous petty hate which APPENDIX. 547 nothing can create in a woman bat the degradation to which she has al- ways been subject in a theocracy. Thus, both the Church and Personal Jealousy — Artificial Evil and Native Evil — were arrayed against the two young lovers, and searched out their most secret communings, their most intricate paths, with fiery eyes that never drooped in weariness or were damped by pity. Yet the lovers, wrapped in the isolation of that heavenly dream which made them the two only human beings in the uni- verse, toyed on like mating wrens, just over the fanged jaws of the black- snake. As innocent of evil intent as Francesca da Rimini and her lover, the two thought of nothing but the fact that they loved. They knew that they were each other's — they had no room, no politic coolness for the thought how to get it acknowledged that they were. They talked as if life were to be all an endless now ; as if Time were put to sleep for them, Age forbidden to approach them, the world banished from them, the elder never coming back from Copenhagen. What they would do when he did come back, was a thought which seemed so far away, that to have roused them to it from their trance of love would have seemed an imper- tinence of the same kind as waking a man from the middle of liis night's sleep to decide the choice of a name or a profession for his great-great- great grandson. They did not even reflect that Brigham was noted for his urbanity and kindness to unequally yoked wives, and that Zilpha's unhappy lot might be changed in an hour by going to his office with her story as soon as the elder returned and had a chance to be notified of her wish for the separation, so that he should not feel as if a trap had been sprung on him. Marriage they did not think of, for in the childhood with which their present lotus-eating life was continuous, had they not been married dozens of times ? How many times we tell lovers to be prudent — prudent even if only for the sake of their love ! But who obeys — who can obey that mandate ? There is something in love itself which takes policy out of the most politic head — and floods the veins with childlike heedlessness. Love is so necessary to the lover's exists ence — so vital an air to him, that it seems as if all around him must be loving too, and if so, that they can have no time and as little heart, to meddle with his happiness. One night, Zilpha stole out by the kitchen and the back porch, from the glum society of her four elder " sisters." Two of them were busily engaged in rocking separate cradles, each containing a young Salmudy of nearly the same age ; another was knitting stockings for her part of the family feet ; and another was reading the " Deseret News' " report of Brother Brigham's last sermon, which a face-ache had kept her from hearing with her fleshly ears. Such of the children as were not married and permanently out of the house, or in the cradles biting the gum ring of infancy, were either in bed up-stairs in a sort of phalansterian nursery, or out in town somewhere at social or religious meetings, or engaged in 548 APPENDIX. the favorite rural occupation of New England male-evenings, which hag survived the transit of the Rocky Mountains, seated around a stove with their feet on the fender ring, squirting tobacco juice between the legs, or joining with idiomatic old men in muzzy fur caps, talking politics and relating reminiscences. The women folks and the one inadequate astral lamp on the centre-table seemed one and all to need fresh filling if they were ever to be expected to shed light on anything, and difTused about them such an atmosphere of dejection that one would think they might have sufficiently well understood why a bright little girl like Zilpha could not stand it any longer in the room with them. Evidently, however, the tallest and stiffest sister could not accept these facts as sufficient to ac count for Zilpha's retreat, since she folded up her " Deseret News " with spinster-like precision, and followed the junior wife out like a chaperone. She was too late to find her in the kitchen or on tlie porch. The moon was at its second quarter and shed the peculiar, uncertain lunar twilight characteristic of that phase ; melting into each other the lines which at the planet's full come out silver-edged and distinct as strands of filagree ; the very light for lover's meetings, since it does not betray them to their enemies like the broader radiance, but tinges their faces to each other with a sweet enamoring mystery, and reveals them with a tender half-disclosure which leaves room for the imagination, always delighting in the adornment of the beloved with its own ideals, to make every feature and expression thrice beautiful, thus giving a new meaning to the poet's words, — " As darkness shows us worlds of light We never saw by day." After the elder girt his loins and fared on his mission, Hiram had constructed a little wicket in the fence between the Salmudys' and his father's garden like that which existed on the side toward the Crandalls. Toward this, through the half-moonlight, Zilpha made her way. Hiram stood ready to open it for her. He led her in, latched it after her, put his arm around her waist, and led her down the gravel walk to the shade of the acacias. For an hour they sat murmuring into each other's ears the sweetest words that are ever spoken on earth ; they forgot time, space, earth, all but the heaven of an immeasurable love that even on the outer sill of its vestibule had no place for an elder of fifty with four other wives. Before the last good-night embrace, a pair of those red, vengeful eyes, by aid of which the Church is omniscient, turned away fi-om the sight of the young lovers' rapture, which for the last half-hour they had been burning through the shrubbery to mark and chronicle. They turned away, and a pair of stealthy, cat-like feet with them, just in time ; for, stricken with sudden consciousness, and thinking that they heard a noise near the house, the two arose from beneath the shadow of the aca- cia, and hastened to the wicket. Just in time, for as they reached it, a APPENDIX. 649 gaunt dark figure unseen by them, got safely within the screening dark- ness of the elder's back porch. After breakfast the next morning, the lady who was reading the " Deseret News " on the night before, called upon the bishop of the ward, who complaisantly granted her an hour's private interview. All such readers as are too sensitive or squeamish to bear the whole truth regarding Mormonism, whatever depths of moral ugliness it may disclose,, will please dismount from my narrative at this stopping- place ; and, while I pursue the main road, cross the stile, and make a short cut by turning over a leaf, to meet me and get aboard again a few paragraphs on. Neither Zilpha nor Hiram know that their secret has been discovered. The former goes on with his business, the latter performs her share in the household duties of the absent elder's menage — they both meet and part as blithely as ever. To be sure, the young girl sees sour looks Ibllowing her everywhere from those whom it is a Mormon " triumph of grace " to call " sisters " ; but then she always received those, and hav- ing at the commencement made up her mind to pay no attention to them, is not now troubled by the question of more or less. As for Hiram, neither in human face, nor word, nor deed — neither in his own thought, nor in outside warning — is there anything to tell him that the Philistines are upon him. Now it is the full of the moon — a fortnight after that sweet secret meeting under the acacias — and he has a long walk to take for the as- sistance of his father's business. Old Brother Polypeith has to pay a note to-morrow, and Hiram must go on a collecting tour to the outskirts of Salt Lake City on the Camp Floyd Road. He promises the old couple that he will be back by eleven o'clock at the furthest. They need not sit up for him after that. If he comes back later, he will stop at a friend's of his who lives on the southern suburb. He carries nothing with him but his locusl^switch, — a mere sapling, not for use, but for ornament ; his revolvers are left behind, hanging at the head of his bedstead — why should he take any weapon ? He has no personal enemies, and it is the Mormon's boast that Salt Lake City is safer after dark than any town of its size east of the Rocky Mountains. Moreover, the full moon makes it as light as day, and if, in all the Mor- mon Zion, there could be such a lusus naturce as a robber or an assassin, he cei'tainly would not select this time of the month to ply his nefarious trade. If he whistles as he walks, therefore, it is because he remembers a favorite tune which Zilpha used to sing under the acacia when the "Mormonicles " and " Mormoniculesses " were married in play : — " Thus the farmer sows his seeds ; He stands erect and takes his ease, — Stamps his foot and claps his hands, Turns around, and thus he stands ! " The air is full of blithe influences. He walks as if by will, without 550 APPENDIX. muscle, singing and whistling by turns — full of a pleasant peace, and always thinking of Zilpha. He bows now and then to an acquaintance, — once or twice speaks to an intimate one. Everybody likes him — every- body seems kind to him. When was there a boy not yet twenty years old, who had made so many friends and no enemies ? What a pleasant moonlight this is I There are no clouds over it here, in the summer sky, as there are at the East. He looks up at it and walks unconsciously — his feet on the earth — his heart in the heavens. What if Elder Sal- mudy should never come home? The sea is dangerous. But then, even if he does come home, the same power which sent him on a mis- sion can take away from his horrible old bear-paws the one ewe-lamb that has been his — Hiram's very own from the beginning. That is one blessing 1 Brigham is good about divorces. What a sweet little home they can have by and by 1 " Waiting for a partner ! Waiting for a partner! Open the ring and let her in, And kiss her when you've got her in! " He stops whistling again to twifie the Wistaria and Madeira vine, the wild honey-suckle and the passion-flower about the porch of that sweet little home they shall have — when — when — and then, thinking when, he goes oifinto a reverie too sweetly transcendental to put into words. The town's thickest streets are reached ; he observes for the first time how lonely it can be, — how dark and hidden in a secluded suburb, even under the full moon. Two furlongs off he can see the house where he must present his largest bill ; its candles sending out through the panes two red streaks to struggle with the great silver flood, and finally get lost, utterly beaten out in the ocean dropping down from on high. Long shadows of barns, black as midnight for all the moon, — nay, by reason of the moon, whose contrast they are, — lie across the road ; and the sand- heaps along the fences, but half-lighted through the picket-slits and rail- gaps, are checkered with oblongs of swarthy penumbra. Though the moon is so bright above, she leaves spots below in which it is dark enough for murder to be done. There is an eddy of blackness behind that corner ranch, long ago deserted in the troublous " Johnston times," where a corpse might drift ashore out of the silver stream that washed the road-way, and though a procession passed all night long, not be seen till morning. " Now you are married, j'ou must obey " — Scarce has he again begun to whistle the old memories back from un- der the acacia, when — " Phiu-u I phiu-u-u 1 — phiew 1 " there comes a triple whistle from another mouth, and of a sharper shrillness. An- other, like it, answers it from out that black hollow, where all mid- night and blackness seem hiding from the moon ; then the lad hears a APPENDIX. 551 rush of feet, then a sack is thrown over his head, his mouth is stuifed with a wad of rags, and with pinioned arms he is dragged he knows not whither, as in a nightmare. Brother and Sister Polypeith sit cosily chatting on their door-step until after the appointed hour. It is past eleven ; neighbors have come in and joined them — gone home, and been succeeded by others who in their turn went home. The good old couple finally resolve to shut up the house. They are prepared for the alternative of Hiram's failure to return. He has probably, say they, spent the night at Brother Labys, with Joe. So they enter the homestead and bar the door ; sure that their boy will find it no hardship in such a summer night as this, to nestle down in the hay, if he does come back after all. For a little while, tender-hearted Ma Polypeith lies awake to hear her boy slam the gate ; but that sound failing her, and her conscience troubling her naught, she presently gives over watching and sleeps the sleep of the just. Tlie next morning they take their lonely breakfast with regret ; but certainly without alarm at Hiram!s absence. There is no doubt about Papa Polypeith's debtors, and if Hiram has stayed to breakfast with the Labys, he will go right round to the shop with the checks in time for his father to meet the notes. So saying, Pa Polypeith lights his after-break- fast pipe and by the side of Ma Polypeith strolls down the front gravel- walk to the gate, intending to saunter leisurely down to his Main street place of business. His hand is on the latch-rod, when an old and coarse-looking ranch wagon stops in front of his house. A Mormon ranchman, who sits on a board in front, reins in his mules with one hand, and silently beckons with the other. Hay, wood, vegetables, an order for cabinet ware ; these are the ideas that flash through Pa Polypeith's mind in an instant. But no ! The contents of the wagon are too meagre for produce, and the ranchman does not look like a saint well-to-do enough to want fresh fur- niture for his house. The wagon-load is only about six feet by two and a half, and it is covered with an old quilt. Pa Polypeith advances. " Well ? " says he to the ranchman. That person simply points with the unoccupied hand over his shoulder. Then Pa Polypeith steps up on a spoke and turns down the quilt. The next moment he falls from the spoke and grasps the side-board with both hands. " What is it ? " cries Ma Polypeith, curiously. She only sees his back ; and the white horror, that makes his face suddenly unmeaning, has spread into his very heart and throat, making him so bloodless that he cannot answer. She sees that something strange is under the quilt. She runs out and lifts it for herself. She gives a bitter cry that might tear the heart of a hyena — a devil — anything but a theocracy ; and climbing into the cart, with a man's strength takes up to her breast her only boy. Dead ! is he ? No I O God, no ! Worse ! For as the strength which was not quite bled 552 APPENDIX. out of him while he lay in that eddy out of the moonlight just enables him to say, he has suffered the most fiendish wrong which Hell can invent — the wrong after which the leaving of life itself, is a demoniac refinement of wickedness. The theocracy has inflicted on him that ven- geance which was inflicted on Abelard by the uncles of Eloise — has robbed him of manhood's self because he loved his rightful wife, even in the clutches of a wretch who had four wives already 1 Hiram lived — most horrible part of the story — he lived ! Two months pass by but he did not leave the house. Others who had suffered from the theocracy like him, went crawling like lepers along the shady side of the Salt Lake streets, ashamed to meet their kind. But he would never know the scorn of men. The shock which his mind had suffered had made him a confirmed idiot. The horrible truth was slow in coming to the ears of the only woman he had ever loved in his life. But it did come, and the next morning she was found quite beyond the reach of the sour-faced " sister " who had done her duty to the Church, beyond Elder Salmudy, beyond the bishop, beyond the theocracy itself, with an empty laudanum bottle by her side, and her soul under trees more unfading than the acacias ; all of which was delicately referred to in a paragraph in the " Deseret News," headed " Terrible affliction of an absent missionary, — Brother Salmudy." Mr. Polypeith was by no means a young man when he came to Utah, and this crowning trouble of his hfe aged him to such a degree that the most intimate of his Eastern friends would not have known him. (Here the reader, who from motives of delicacy has objected to knowing the worst of Mormonism, may remount the car of my narrative.) The coun- try which he had fondly hoped to make his Paradise, had become his In- ferno. He could not endure the sight of a face that he had known in Utah. The people he met on the street seemed to stare at him sidelong, with cold curiosity, or humbling pity. He had no heart for his work — he missed the deft hand, the cheery whistle, the sunny face that used to be beside him. He should never, never, never have any child to suc- ceed him in his business now. Everything he now did, was only for two broken old people, who would soon be in their graves. Why should he work to keep up a business which could be left to no one ? Neither he nor Mother Polypeith had any interest in themselves. All that they wanted -was the chance to scrape together enough of their property to leave a comfortable trust fund for the support of their poor wrecked boy when they should be gone ; and to get into some quiet place where none of them should be known ; where, without notice, they might nurse and tend him while they lived, and, seeing him provided for, lay their tired bones in the earth. So Mr. Polypeith sold his warehouse, stock, good-will, tools and all, and began making ready to go to California. There he might purchase some quiet little ranch, along the upper waters of the Merced or the APPENDIX. 563 Sacramento, and lead the secluded life of a vaquero. He knew nothing of agriculture, — he was too old to learn ; but comparatively little train- ing was necessary for the pastoral life, and the three of them could live on the proceeds of the yearly cattle sales, which was all that he now aimed at or cared for. Of course he could not make this resolution known. He distrusted his very daughters. They had become so identified in all their interests with the theocracy, and that vast power so entirely swallowed up all private relations, obliterated all personal and family ties, that he was not sure, poor old man, that even these children of his own loins — these sisters of a worse than murdered brother — would be faithful to his secret. They might not be able to, even if they would ; their husband was high in the Church ; one of those whose duty it is to know everything, and he prob- ably possessed means of marital pressure which could extort the truth from the two girls, Uke a Spanish torture-boot or thumbscrew. So it would be not only wiser for the three who were going, but more merciful to those left behind, if he kept the fact of his intended flight a profound secret even from them ; so they might honestly say they had no knowl- edge of it, and be spared a great deal of trouble. Nothing of his property now remained unconverted into the portable shape, except the house he lived in. After much casting about for a way to turn this into money without exposing himself to the suspicion of meditating an exodus (and he needed every cent he could raise for the accomplishment of his purposes), he finally hit upon a way by which, as he congratulated himself, he could secure the double end of saving all he owned, and, at the same time, lull any suspicions which might have been aroused in the omniscient mind of the theocracy, by the somewhat hasty and unexpected sale of his business. A rich neighbor, Elder Steatite, had repeatedly solicited him to sell his house, and still retained his fancy for it, keeping open the original very liberal off'er he had made for it ; and signifying his readiness to close on cash terms whenever ]\Ir. Polypeith should change his mind. To Brother Steatite, Brother Polypeith now repaired, and told him that as he had sold out his business, finding it too much care for his growing years, he wanted to purchase a ranch, already stocked, in the Tuilla Valley, where he might settle down com- fortably as an agriculturist for the remainder of his life. For this, he needed money, and if Brother Steatite would lend him something less than the sum he had offered to buy the house outright, he would give him a mortgage on the latter property to be exchanged for a deed in case he found anything in Tuilla to suit him. Brother Steatite was pleased with this opportunity of getting at least a contingent hold on the property, and loaned him what was a pretty fair price for it. It was agreed in the secret consultations of the sorrowful old couple, that they should move such portions of their household goods as they found desirable to take with them, by slow degrees, to a " cache," or hidden place 554 APPENDIX. of deposit, among the sage brush and rocks, a few rods oflF the emigrant road that led by the way of Black Rock ; and whenever a trusty teamster could be found in the trains that weekly, in some seasons almost daily, camped outside the city, he should be let into the secret of the cache, and hired to slop and take up the articles hidden there ; and then carry them on with him, and leave them in store at one of the Humboldt settlements, to be called for by the Polypeiths as they went through. Accordingly, one by one they moved the few things which they could, without attracting attention to their absence, Mr. Polypeith depositing one lot in the cache each time that he went on his pretended prospecting tour to Tuilla. Finally, having removed all they dared, they made ready to go them- selves. They had, fortunately, bought a team of mules and a large wagon for lumbering purposes, two years before, when an unusual run of good luck had given them the means and awakened in them the ambition to extend their business, — so the purchase of that essential requisite was not now to add another to the chances of having their flight suspected. They stocked their wagon with provisions for two months ; taking the most condensed form of everything which they could get : such as canned meats, fruit and vegetables, prepared milk and coffee. Shaker apple-sauce, hard-tack, and soup-biscuit. Though the expense of their outfit was considerably greater than if they had taken the ordinary salt pork and beef, they were able thus to provide for a much longer journey ; and in- sured themselves against the disaster of running short on the terrible tract which they must cross between Salt Lake and the fertile country about Lassen's, They came to their last Sunday in Salt Lake. At first, it seemed as if they could not bring themselves to go to the Tabernacle, for they should see the girls there ; and how could they look in those faces which had nestled against her bosom, and his bearded cheek, in the perfect trust of babyhood — how could they clasp those hands which had tenderly stroked their hair ; and hear the voices which had cooed up at them out of the cradle — knowing that it was for the last time, yet not disclosing it to them, in cries of heart-rending agony ? But they must do it, somehow. The care of poor Hiram had kept them at home a good deal on recent Sundays ; and the theocracy of Mormonism, like that of the Jews and the old Puritans, lays a severe penalty on absentees from service. Mr. Polypeith had once before, when his wife and children were ill for six weeks with typhoid fever, been put on the list of suspects, and possibly disloyal persons, who were to be dragooned with the sharp end of the Episcopal crook into worshipping God, and to be roundly fined for their past delinquencies. They could ill afford now to incur suspicion or expense ; so Mrs. Polypeith went to have her heart lacerated in the morning, and Mr. Polypeith in the evening. The principal morning sermon was delivered by the Prophet himself, and had for its subject, the Church's absolute proprietorship in all that APPENDIX. 655 its members have or are. Brigham took as his text, " Ye are bought with a price ; " and his aim was to make his flock feel grateful that the Church was graciously pleased to accept tithes of what they possessed, instead of stripping them naked, as it had an undoubted Divine right to do, skinning them afterwards to tan their hides. After sermon, the prophet told his flock further, that it had been revealed to him from on high that he must raise a militia regiment of able-bodied saints for the protection of the Territory against invasion from those children of hell, the Gentile soldiery ; and that the necessity of equipping them, and purchasing the most reliable kind of shooting-irons for their use, would compel him to levy on them an extra assessment beside the tithes already paid this year — it would probably amount to one fifth the amount usually collected in tithing. Whatever it was, he knew his people would hearken to the voice of the Lord ; and he wished that they might be prepared. Nobody grumbled or pulled a wry countenance. These extra assessments to cover suddenly arising needs of the Church were of too frequent occur- rence to be regarded as any particular annoyance. The people's chronic religious complaint in Utah, is hemorrhage of the portmonnaie. After elaborating tliis theme a little further, Brigham suddenly changed his voice to a sterner tone, and a look of grim solemnity settled in his face, which would not have done discredit to Balfour of Burley. " Brother Spotsby," — said he, addressing the bishop in whose ward the Polypeiths lived, — "I have something to say to you which makes me very sorry. In your flock there is a goat who must be separated from the sheep ; in your garden there is a root of bitterness which must be plucked up, lest many thereby become defiled ; in your division of the body of professors of religion, is one who must be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan. I can stand an open enemy ! I can endure even one of those sneaking Gentiles in Kossuth hat, roundabout with braided sleeves, skim-milk blue pants, and brass soldier buttons, — those wolves who have entered the fold of the faithful, down to Camp Floyd, — I can bear any- body that hates the Lord's truth right straight out, fair and square ; but I cannot away with an apostate ! Brother Spotsby, there is a man in your ward who must be dealt with without budging I He seeks to defraud the inheritance of the Lord ; he must meet the fate of Ananias and Sap- phira ! Before we meet again in this place, he must be sent to hell 'cross lots ! Brother Spotsby, after meeting you may come round to my office, and I will further impart to you the revelation in this matter." Though this speech moved the assembly somewhat more than it had been moved by the news of an extra assessment, their emotion was but a trifling and transient ripple compared with that thundering and rocking breaker of feeling, like the bore of some East Indian river, which would have swept over the same body of men and women at the East who should hear such words and understand their full purport. There were some there, and among these was Mrs. Polypeith — some women, children, and 556 APPENDIX. new-comers into the blessedness of the Saint's Rest, to whom the speech was figurative ; to whom it wholly and simply portended excommunica- tion, with its attendant isolation from sympathy, its outlawry, and all the evils which may easily be imagined as attendant upon it in a new and sparsely settled country, where men are so mutually dependent for the safety and happiness of every hour. But many — most, indeed, of those who heard the prophet's address to the bishop — knew that it meant the slaughter of one of their fellow-men ; the cool premeditated, pitiless killing of a human being (he might be a stranger to some of them, but was also doubtless the intimate friend of some), for the crime, not of taking another's life into his private hands, not even of sinning against his neighbor's rights of property ; for nothing that violated natural justice or social order, but for changing his mind ! — for coming to the conclu- sion after a long experience, it might be, of such doubts, perplexities, and trials as had agitated many a breast in that multitude, that Mormon- ism was not God's truth, but the Devil's lie ! And now, when the tear- less, merciless, unreasoning, irresponsible Sanhedrim of his rulers was to prove he was right in this conclusion by slaying him, there was not a man in all that theocracy-ridden assembly stirred enough to rise and protest against the crime of his brother's blood ! They were all old to such impressions ; they had heard and known such things until every man's heart was calloused ; though once the wave of passionate indigna- tion which swept them, listening to a speech like the prophet's, in its surging rebound, must have swept th^ Avhole fabric and personality of Mormonism into the night and darkness from which they came at first. Thus did the old Jews sit and see Achan murdered with all his innocent family ; thus did the young man Saul stand by and witness the stoning of Stephen, holding the assassins' clothes and consenting to the martyr's death; thus did the old Puritan behold the tender flesh of women seethe and crackle in the fires of the stake, — uttering no cry of horror, feeling no tear wet his stony cheeks ; and thus do men lose the humanity and the divinity of their natures under a theocracy everywhere. Mrs. Polypeith, as I have said, never dreamed of the meaning which really lay in the prophet's speech. Possibly she thought that the pro- posed excommunicate might be her husband — but he had already resolved to excommunicate himself; and before the sentence could be promulgated, he and she with their poor boy, would be where such a sen- tence was mere empty wind. So, in her tenderness for a heart already too heavily weighted, she carried home no account of Brigham's speech. Besides, she knew as well as anybody can know, in a country where one hardly dare trust his own sister for fear she may be a spy, that there were several malcontents in the ward beside her husband ; some of them comparatively reckless and much more prominent : the person referred to might be one of these. The partings were over ; the old couple had not betrayed themselves APPENDIX. 5i7 to their daughters. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday had gone, and in the darkness of Wednesday morning, about one o'clock, the three Poly- peiths left their Mormon home forever. They drove slowly through the town, so as to attract no straggler who might be awake at that hour ; and were soon on the desolate plain beyond the fens of the Jordan. Here they dared to go more rapidly, and before dawn broke, had reached the shore of the Lake and passed the point of the Oquirrh. Still they did not tarry. They might have aroused some one as they passed Black Rock Ranch, and they felt like guilty people fleeing from a murder; they trembled at every sound of the lake plashing along its stony beach, and the stunted cedars took the shape of crouching men. To think that these were American citizens, in United States territory, who had vio- lated no natural right, no law of their country, and yet they were obliged to move thus ! Let us not look abroad for the missionary objects of Republicanism. Austria, a more terrible Austria than that which crushed Venice, is nourished at our own breast. The Polypeiths had seen an emigrant train bound for Oregon pass through the city about noon of the day before. They were in hopes of reaching it some distance this side of the Tuilla settlements ; of merging themselves in it, and so travelling on unnoticed by any of the Mormon ranchmen, who, seeing them alone, might possibly identify them as be- longing to Salt Lake, until they had got safely across the boundaries of Utah. A little before sunrise, the mules began to lag ; and poor Hiram awakened from the vacant melancholy which now habitually shrouded him, to moan for food like a child. So, driving a few hundred yards off the track. Father Polypeith picketed his mules to a pair of stout sage stalks, to let them browse for a couple of hour?, and building a fire of the scrubby sage brush and grease-wood he had collected with his hatchet, assisted his wife to prepare breakfast. While they were eating this meal, the two congratulated each other on the thought that before noon, they would in all probability come up with the train and be comparatively out of danger. Their old hearts glowed with a momentary warmth ; they pictured to themselves the quiet nook which they might reach in California, and though it was only a place to die in, still they had suffered such entire loss of all which brightened life, that this prospect was a kind of substi- tute for happiness. The sun was two hours high, when they again put the mules in the wagon and resumed their journey. They had travelled but a couple of miles further, when they came upon fresh tracks ; and presently they saw the still smoking ash-heap which indicated a recent camping-place. Here the train had probably made its night-halt, and from the looks of the fire and the hoof-marks, it could not be very long since it started out again. They took fresh courage, chirruped to their mules, and went on as briskly as the sandy road and their heavy wagon would permit. Rising a little hillock, they had their eyes rejoiced, by seeing through the clear, dry air, which, on these plains, 558 APPENDIX. everywhere out of the immediate neighborhood of the Lake, has a sort of telescopic property, a long white serpent whose joints were wagons, taper- ing from the nearer rear to the far-off van, slowly winding under a thin tawny cloud of dust, and through the gray sage about two miles before them, toward the Tuilla Valley. Their hearts leapt into their throats with the joyful thought of such close safety ; they laughed like children ; even poor Hiram seemed to understand them, and snapped his fingers over his shoulder, as if defying the Saints and the whole theocracy they had left snoring behind them in Salt Lake City. Descending the opposite slope of the hillock they lost sight of the train, but knowing that every step brought them nearer it, considering the leisurely way in which emigrants travel, it kept its place as a stimu- lant in their fancy's eye, and they cheerfully pushed their mules through the sand, sure of overtaking their escort before it reached Tuilla. Their way now led through a narrow pass, with a low rocky ledge projecting from the bench-land on either side of them, shaggy with sage, and broken into fantastic crags and notches. Mr. Polypeith sat alone on a cush- ioned board across the front of the wagon ; his wife and son were comfort- ably lodged upon bags and mattresses under the tilt, with a pile of boxed household wares for the back to their seat. Just as they turned the corner of the pass and were again emerging upon the open sage plain, a sharp crack, and " ping ! " broke the golden morning stillness ; the old man's hands went up and the reins fell from them ; then, without a word, he fell backward into the wagon, while a red rivulet trickled over his temple and dropped from his gray hairs into the lap of his wife. With a shriek that might have pierced a fiend's heart, she caught him to her breast and dragged him back upon the mattress, — sprung to the board and caught the reins ; but before she could lash the team into a gallop two bull-necked wretches with painted faces had seized them close by the bits, and drawing each his revolver, fiercely ordered her to dis- mount. But strength failed her. Her brain reeled ; and only less dead than her husband, she fell upon his stiffening body, clasping Hiram in her arms. The assassins drew the mules to the side of the road, secured them, and entered the wagon. They lifted the dead man and threw him out into the brush as if he had been the carcase of a beast. Then they tore the boy from his mother's unconscious grasp, and sneering at his blank face of mindless terror, tumbled him to the ground after his father. Not even age and the helplessness of woman found mercy from them. The mother was dragged from the wagon after the son, and pitched in a limp, unresisting heap upon the corpse. Hiram, ignorant of all that was doing, first stood and looked curiously on his prostrate parents, then obeying the instinct of mere animal fear, turned to flee into the sage. One of the assassins deliberately raised his pistol, and as he was running, shot him through the back. As he lay weltering in blood and struggling in his death-agony, his moans pierced through his mother's unconscious- APPENDIX. 559 ness and reached her heart. She began to show signs of returning from her swoon. " Look out, Bill ! " spoke one of the Danites hurriedly ; " the old woman's a-comin' to. Why not make a job of it ? — sfie's no use ! What'll we do with her, anyhow ? " •' That's so ! " replied the other. " We can't take her back ; there's nowhere for her to go to, and she'll raise worse hell with the Gentiles than any o' the tribe, you bet. I believe it's only doin' the Church justice, and her a mercy, to send her to Californy too, alonger the rest 'o 'em. Here goes, anyhow " — She had opened her eyes and raised herself on one palm ; in this posi- tion, looking out of glassy, unmeaning, bedazed eyes, like one waking from a nightmare. The last speaker coolly put his revolver to her ear, pulled the trigger, and the last of the Polypeiths had forever escaped from the theocracy. The Danites dragged the three bodies out a hun- dred rods into the brush, made a great heap of sage and grease wood, laid their victims on it, and setting the whole on fire, calmly sat near and smoked their pipes, making blasphemous jokes the while, till every earthly trace of their crime was consumed. This final act of the horrible tragedy over, they turned the heads of the mules and drove them back toward Salt Lake, arriving there the next day. The wagon and its con- tents went into the Church store-house, to be sold ; while the entire sum of money resulting from the conversion of the Polypeiths' property, found in a belt around the old man's body, was passed directly into the iron safe in the Prophet's office. The married daughters only knew that their parents and their brother had fled from Utah ; — whither they went, how far they had gone, and what had become of them, they never learned, for the Church not only allows its members to have no secrets from itself, but keeps all its own as inscrutably as the Sphinx. Thus ends the story of the Polypeiths. And the promise which I made when I began it, I can now assert that I have kept. I have made not one single statement which is either false or exaggerated ; have supposed nothing to happen whose parallel has not repeatedly happened in Utah. If the wholesale assassination of the Polypeiths stagger the belief of any calm Republican Christian, dwelling at the East without the pale of theocracy, what will he think of the massacre, universally known in Utah, of a whole wagon-train of emigrants on their way to California ? I have before referred to this bloody affair, and will now briefly fulfill my promise to give its details. In May, 1857, Parley Pratt, one of the family whose name figures so conspicuously in the Mormon annals, — a man of superior education and marked ability, who has contributed many hymns besides numerous other productions to the literature of the Latter-Day Church, — was slain in Van Buren County, Arkansas, by a citizen of that State named Hector McLean, for having proselyted McLean's wife and taken her to himself, during his apostleship in the Cherokee Nation Country. 560 APPENDIX. This act, and the fact that McLean was largely aided in the pursuit and capture of his insulter by residents of that part of Arkansas, greatly incensed the Mormons against the people of that State, and determined them upon taking speedy vengeance for the killing of Pratt, who was very popular in Utah. Their opportunity did not arrive until the next autumn. On the 4th of September a train of 150 Arkansas emigrants, compi'ising many entire families, on their way to California, with about sixty wagons, a large herd of horses, mules, and beef-cattle, and the entire stock of household goods, provisions, and merchandise for barter, usually carried by such trains, amounting in value, as was estimated, to nearly $200,000, reached a spring and camping-ground at the west end of the Mountain Meadow Valley. Here they were surprised and attacked, while corraling their stock inside a circle of wagons, as is customary when on the halt, by an overwhelming force of men in the garb and paint of Indians. Here I must digress a little for explanation. In every Mormon settlement the traveller finds a number of men with long black hair, dark skins, and black eyes, whose slouching gait, sidelong, restless look, and entire style of make-up so suggest the native savage that he might easily mistake them for half-breeds tamed to the life of a white community. They are in reality pure-blooded white men, be- longing to the Mormons, and selected on account of their strong natural resemblance to Indians, as well as their love of adventure and skill in adapting themselves to savage modes of living, as go-betweens, to con- duct the intercourse of the Mormons with the tribes, whom they pretend to regard as former true believers, and call by the pretentious title of their Laraanite brethren. These men usually know several of the Indian languages, are enured to fatigue, fine fighters and hunters, cunning in every branch of forest-craft, acquainted with the mountain trails as thoroughly as the Indians themselves, and devote themselves especially to keeping up friendly relations with the savages ; part of the time living in their dens with them, making them presents contributed by the Church, conciliating them in every way, and in many instances acquiring unbounded influence over them. Whenever the Mormons want a cat's- paw for purposes so nefarious that their own appearance on the stage of accomplishment would make them obnoxious to the whole world ; when they want an exploring party cut off, a mail rifled, a Gentile settlement raided on, or wholesale assassination and plunder committed, these men have only need to stain their faces, strip themselves to skin hunting-shirt, or breech-clout and moccasins, and drumming up a sufficient party of the savages they have brought under their control, to lead them out to loot and massacre. I believe that in the earlier part of this work I have referred to atrocious expeditions of this kind in which (as in the Sweet- water raids, for example) a large number of the seeming Indians, undis- tinguishable from true savages in any other respect, were detected to be APPENDIX. 561 Mormons, from their using German, Irish, and other white brogues in con- versing with each otlier during the onslaught. Such, at least in large part, were the Indians who attacked the emigrants at Mountain Meadow. For about a day the brave Arkansians kept off their murderers by- lying behind their embanked bales and boxes, with their wagons corraled in a circle around them, their women and children inside of this rude extempore fortification ; and using their rifles vigorously all the time. Their enemies however had much the best of them, for they could lie almost entirely out of sight in the brush, and were besides between the emigrants and water, so that the latter and their families suifered severely from thirst. Still, though vastly their supei'iors in number, the savages did not gain an inch. They would probably have been obliged to retire disheartened without accomplishing their object, had not some of the Mormons thought of a stratagem by which they succeeded as they never could have done by force. Just at this juncture, the beleaguered Arkansians had their eyes glad- dened by the sight of an approaching body of white men, who had not before appeared on the scene, and seemed to be strangers crossing the mountains and wholly unconnected with the attacking party. After a parley with the Indians, the latter ceased firing long enough to let them go into the emigrant camp and have an interview. They told the Arkansians that they were settlers in the neighborhood who had always conciliated and been friends with the Indians, and that they possessed so much influence with them that they had persuaded them to cease hostiUties and let the emigrants proceed under their (the whites') escort, if they would only as a concession to the exasperated feelings of the savages permit that escort to take possession of their arms and ammunition. The Indians, they said, had recently lost some of their most valuable men by the hand of whites, who murdered them in cold blood and out of sheer wantonness, so that it was now with the greatest difliculty they could be persuaded not to attack every white man they met. The reasoning and propositions of their new-found friends appeared so plausible, and their disposition so friendly, that after consultation, the Arkansians concluded to accept their advice, and deposited with them all the arms and ammunition belonging to the entire train. Scarcely had they stripped themselves of their means of protection, when at a prearranged signal, all the savages rushed in, and joined by the white men, — among whom the well-known Mormon Elder Haight seems to have been the most prominent, — began butchering the helpless men, women, and chil- dren ; — nor did they stop pursuing them for several miles, and keeping up a running fire all the way, until they had killed 120 or more of the train. The last of the unfortunate men managed to get to Muddy Creek, forty or fifty miles away, but was tracked by the insatiate devils and shot down. Some of the deeds of the white savages rivaled anything in the annals of Indian cruelty ; such, for instance, as the case of one young girl, who 562 APPENDIX. was caught by the hair of her head while running, and as she knelt cry- ing for mercy to her Mormon captor, had his bowie-knife drawn across her throat from ear to ear. The smallest children, boys and girls, fi-om earliest infancy to ten years of age, were spared by the assassins and dis- persed among the settlements, to be taken into various Mormon families and brought up in the Mormon faith. Seventeen of these were afterward found by Mr. Forney, whom the government empowered to investigate the matter, and returned to their parents' friends in Arkansas. The wagons, cattle, and goods were parted among the Mormon actors in the massacre, and no suc- cessful effort at searching out any portion of this property had been made when I left Salt Lake. One wagon which had belonged to the train was then in the barn of a well-known Mormon citizen, and another well-to-do, much esteemed Saint, who had participated in the massacre and had taken one of the children to bring up, I met in the streets of Salt Lake repeatedly. He looked as jolly as you please, as if neither conscience nor digestion troubled him. The position which the United States government holds in Utah may be inferred from the fact that although the prominent participators in this, one of the blackest outrages of modern times, are perfectly well known in Utah, they go about among their fellow-men to this day with unblushing and fearless impunity. The Hon. Mr. Cradlebaugh, former delegate from Nevada, laid the case before Congress in a speech eloquent with terrible fact, and a United States Court (held I believe at Camp Floyd, under the protection of Johnston's guns) was convened to try the offenders, but as a matter of course they all slipped through. The cases had to go before a jury, and the panel had to be drawn from among the Mormons them- selves. If there happened to be one Gentile juror drawn, it was only at the risk of his life that he could vote guilty ; and if he did, his comrades would be certain to disagree with him. It is evident that until martial- law is proclaimed, no Mormon can ever be punished in Utah for a crime against a Gentile, — Gentiles having no rights there which a Mormon is bound to respect. I am not advocating the declaration of martial-law m the Territory ; of the necessity which justifies such an extreme measure I do not pretend to be a judge ; but I am sure that unless the United States intends to give over the entire Territory to the possession of a sin- gle sect, and virtually forbid all citizens who do not belong to that sect from settling in the Territory ; if it ever intends that it-s citizens shall be equally protected everywhere within its boundaries, their form of relig- ous belief notwithstanding ; if it does not intend to cede to the settlers of every new territory as part of their local franchise, analogous with state rights, the power to establish despotism more cruel than any in Asia or in Europe, and compel all new-comers to choose between bowing their necks to the yoke, being assassinated, or abandoning their claims iu the territory : then the United States Government will be compelled to take the opposite horn of the dilemma and open courts-martial in Utah for APPENDIX. 563 the trial of all such desperadoes as now threaten Gentile life in Utah with the certainty of acquittal by a jury of their peers. Doubtless, trial by jury is a palladium of liberty ; but in preserving the palladium let us be sure that we are not holding it as a screen for murder to stab behind ; let us take care lest we leave no liberty for the palladium to shield. If we can sufficiently purge ourselves of indignation and other personal passions to look at Mormonism with the calm intellectual eyes of the philosopher, it will present to us the most curious object of study which the world at present affords. Its life is an hourly anomaly. The feet that the system continues to exist, is as strange a one as it would be if the Falls of Niagara should begin pourino; up instead of tumbling down. As we have sought to show, it is a violation of all moral and intellectual laws of gravitation. It is a perpetual defiance to the progress of the age. AVe are irresistibly driven to the questions, What upholds it ? "VVTiat has carried it through trials well-nigh as fiery as any which ever assaulted the Christian Church, and placed it in a position of such pros- perity that it is capable of setting at naught successfully the will of the Government, the spirit of American Republicanism and the strongest people upon earth ? Its element of cohesion is not to be found where superficial students usually look for it, — in the fact that its system provides full swing for the baser passions of mankind in the institution of polygamy. One of the strongest of the IMormon leaders, Colonel Kinney, is not a polygamist at all, and the institution itself, so far from being an original element in the system, is but a recent importation into it. Besides, the Mormons are by no means a grossly sensual people ; quite as far from that, everybody who has lived among them will bear them witness, as the old Puritans or Covenanters. Their polygamy, of course, offers opportunity for the gratification of sensual men without the stigma which in civilized and Christian countries attaches to sexual inconstancy ; but it is a stern religious institution, not a voluptuary one. The grace and jioetry of Athens, the sensuous languor of oriental lands, are entirely absent from it. The Mormon is a polygamist not for indulgence, but from conviction. He hedc^es around his many marriages with a sterner legislation than that with which we protect our one. He man-ies repeatedly, because every time he is adding to his importance, elevating his position in the hie- rarchy of heaven ; because every father has in the kingdom of God a principality proportionate to his number of children. There cannot be imagined any country less favorable for the residence of a voluptuary than Utah. There is no such thing possible as promiscuous passion in Salt Lake City. Not only are the statutes severer against such practices, but the feeling of the people is more opposed to them than in any place on the globe. The man who wishes many objects of his attachment, must marry them all, and burden himself with a responsibility at each 564 APPENDIX. successive marriage for which even the most frantic sensualist could find no compensation. Moreover, a great mistake is frequently made at the East, in supposing that the " spiritual marriages," so often heard of in connection with the Mormons, correspond to those promiscuous and illicit relations gilded by Free Love with that once sacred name, and are merely an extension of the sensual area of the persons contracting them, with- out the necessity of his assuming any of the burdens of the husband. How impossible it is that this should be, may be perceived by putting together the facts that on the one hand all such relations outside the marriage tie are severely punished ; and when the transgressor not only violates social order in general, but trespasses on the close of some other man, that punishment takes the horrible form which (some of) my readers have read in the history of the Polypeiths ; and that on the other, a great many women in Utah are the physical and temporal wives of one man, the spiritual and eternal wives of another. The spiritual mar- riage is a ceremony of great intended solemnity, purporting to seal a woman to be the wife of a man after this life, — a contract and covenant ratified by the Church, and capable of bei.ig solemnized by Brigham Young alone, — that she shall form part of his celestial household and live with him in heaven forever. This involves no union of any kind on earth after the marriage ceremony is over. Nor is the element of strength in Mormonism any liberty of any kind, granted to the people of Utah, but not granted to other people elsewhere. The very reverse is true. The power resides in the hands of an exceed- ing few — really, and finally, I ought to say, in but one hand. The people, elsewhere in this country the sovereign people, are here the veriest creat- ures of despotism. They are no more a power than were the Venetians under Francis Joseph ; but they are ready to die in defense of the chain that binds them. The strength of Mormonism is this, — Mormonism is a one-man power. Mormonism is Brigham Young. The people are generally collected fi-om the lowest, the most credulous, the unthinking stratum of Europe. And Brigham Young is one of the most remarkable men of any age, of any country. Next to Louis Napoleon he possesses the vastest executive ability, the highest talent for government, which this century has seen ; and when I consider the disadvantages under which he has labored, his lack of a great name, like the elder Bonaparte's, behind him to give his very mistakes prestige ; his deficiency in education beyond the meagre help which he might receive from a common school in the early settle- ment of Western New York ; his being obliged to associate all his life with the gross, the ignorant, and the superstitious, — I do not know why I should make a reservation, when I speak of him superlatively, in the French Emperor's favor. Perhaps the best expression for the difference between the two would be to say, that he is Louis Napoleon plus a heart and intense moral convictions. There are some circumstances under APPENDIX. 565 which the addition must be a despotic ruler's weakness ; but then again there are other cases — and in Utali, among that wild, fiercely mobile na- tion of fanatics, these are not few — where it is a positive advantage. Brigham Young's power with the Mormons is a cause of inexpressible astonishment to every thinking mind which visits Utah. They do not seem to know it ; he works their hundred and twenty thousand wires (for that is probably not far from the right number of his subjects), sit- ting at his table in his plain little office, as a telegraph operator works a single line with a single key. He has acquired absolute ascendency over them. His power is the most despotic known to mankind. The Mormons would think of disputing a law of nature as soon as his will ; and that, probably because he works like nature, without any apparent selfishness, without anger, but inevitably, and with an almost invariable result of success and general beneficence. The people amuse themselves with the fiction that they, like us Gentiles at the East, have a voice in things ; that their votes elect their officers ; that they are a represen- tative government. But Brigham always knows who is going to Congress. I asked him if Dr. Bernliisel would be likely to get into Congress again. " No," he replied with perfect certainty, " we shall send Colonel Hooper as our delegate." When the time came Brigham would send in his name to the " Deseret News," whose office, like everything else valuable and powerful, is in his inclosure. It would be printed, of course, — a counter-nomination is a thing unheard of among the Mor- mons, and the Gentile residents have not the slightest show for a candidate of their own, — and on election day, the man Brigham named would be delegate as sure as the sun rose. Here is the crack in which the lever must be inserted when Mormonism rushes to its suicide by challenging collision with the United States authority. Here may it be pried off its base, for no administration can be caitiff enough to hold that a congress- man or delegate elected in this fashion belongs to that Republican form of government which the Constitution guarantees to all the States. All Mormondom is Brigham's. As the irresponsible trustee and treas- urer of the Church, its first officer in all things, secular and religious, he possesses absolute control of all the property of the Church, — and we have seen how vast that property is, — including the tithe of every man's private property, as a matter of course, and regular ; the right at will to sequestrate any further proportion of such property for Church purposes ; the gigantic Building Fund, for a temple and any other edifices he may choose to erect, of whose plan, specifications, and disbursements he is sole arbiter; the Emigration Fund, still vaster, from which are made the advances necessary to bring poor pi-oselytes from all the regions of Europe visited by Mormon missionaries, and into which those proselytes after their settlement in Utah are compelled to pay back that advance, by instalments, to the uttermost farthing of principal and interest, in addition to their tithes. One's mind becomes staggered at the immensity of the financial interests which this single man wields unquestioned. His 566 APPENDIX. supreme relation to both the secular and religious governments of Mor- monism and the unreporting character of such a relation, makes it impossible for any outsider to draw the line between his private posses- sions and those of the Church ; but he is for all practical purposes the owner of all the Church has. I heard many estimates of the amount of his personal fortune among those (which to be sure is not saying a great deal) who had as good opportunities as anybody else, and all of them made him by far the wealthiest man in America ; one, indeed, of the wealthiest men in the world. Since he has been in Utah, a single New York house is stated upon competent authority to have invested sixty millions of dollars for him in foreign securities.! The Gentiles regard this as an evidence of his sagacious anticipation that the whole Mormon fabric, so far as America is concerned, is destined to tumble in his time ; and that his practice of the principle " L'eglise c'est moi " is not meant to extend to identification with his sect's downfall. But among all the eyes watching him, none have ever accused him of peculation or dis- honesty of any kind in his office, if we disregard, as we ought, the mere baseless and proofless innuendoes of his avowed personal enemies. The mountain-stream that irrigates the city, flowing to all its fields and gardens, through open ditches on each side of the highway, passes through Brigham's inclosure ; if the Saints needed drought to humble them, he could back the waters to their source. The road to the only canon where firewood is easily attainable, runs through the same close, and is barred by a gate of which he has the sole key. A family-man wishing to cut fuel, must ask his leave, which is generally granted on condition that every third or fourth load be deposited in the inclosure for Church purposes. Thus everything vital, save the air he breathes, reaches the Mormon only through Brigham's sieve. What more absolute despotism is conceivable ? Here, again, is the pou-sto for Government interference. The mere fact of such power resting in one man's irresponsible hands, is a crime against the Constitution. At the same time, wonderful as it may seem, this power is controlled for the common good. His life is all one great theoretical mistake, yet he makes fewer practical mistakes than any other man, so situated, whom the world ever saw. Those he does make are not on the side of self He merges his whole personality in the Church with a self-abnegation which would establish in business a whole century of martyrs having a better cause. The people believe in him because he believes in himself He can slay them when they apostatize : they only quote Joshua and Achan, Moses and Korah, or some other bloody theocratic analogue. He may be privy to the Mountain Meadow affair : Samuel hewed Agag in pieces. He has in his Lion and Bee houses, in the Prophet's inclosure (called after the sculptured symbols which they bear on their central pedi- ments), and in other dwellings, over seventy wives after the flesh ; while 1 His British possessions alone make him to-day (1870) the third largest depositor in the Bank of England. APPENDIX. 567 it is so much the fashion to marry him spiritually, that he himself has no idea of the number of those who will share his menage in heaven, — many married on earth to other husbands having gone away from his office just after the cei-emony, never to speak to him again until the resur- rection. It is amusing to think how perpetually the usher at the door of his celestial saloon will be occupied for the first few years succeeding the Projihet's translation to bliss in the announcement of fresh " Mrs. Brig- hams." The last time anybody took the trouble to count the register, the number of these spiritual wives of his had run up to something like 5,000. But with all these, and more especially the 70-75 earthly ones, no one thinks of calling him a sensualist. He believes in himself and his doctrine, so the people believe in both. He is the best and most en- lightened helper of all his people's industries ; he knows so well the worth of labor to the dignifying of the man, that a few years ago, when many of the poor people alter a bad season came to him almost starving, to ask the help of the Church funds, he set them building a clay wall around the city to keep out hypothetical Indians, that they might feel they earned the aid afforded, and not learn to eat the bread of idleness. What I have before stated of his ingenuity in extemporizing a home- made gilt chandelier for his opera-house, is true in every department of business. He has made himself familiar with all the resources of Utah, and studies night and day to make them avail to the utmost. He has established in the more southern part of Utah the cane, cotton, and indigo culture ; and I had the pleasure of seeing a beautiful silk scarf, which would not have done discredit to the Chinese looms, sent him as the first fruits of that valuable branch of industry which he had estab- lished near Nephi ; distributing the cocoons and treatises on rearing the worms, together with plans for wheels and looms, among the people in the neighborhood when he went there on a jireaching tour. But all these excellences of executive ability, this boundless versatility and activity of mind, do not produce one tithe the confidence in him which is awakened by the universal belief in his sincerity of nature. He believes so strongly in Mormonism and Brigham Young, that he is the magnet by which Joe Smith has suspended six-score thousand souls. Perhaps the Mormon question will ultimately settle itself without a collision between Utah and the Government. If Brigham Young dies, it will be settled speedily. He is the key-stone of the airh of Mormon society. While he remains, these increasing thousands of the most het- erogeneous souls that could be swept together from the by-ways of Chris- tendom will continue to be builded up into a coherent nationality. The instant he crumbles, Mormondom and Mormonism will fall to pieces at once, irreparably. His individual magnetism, his executive tact, his native benevolence, are all immense ; but these advantages would avail him little with the dead-in-earnest fanatics who rule Utah under him, and the entirely persuaded fanatics whom they rule, were not his quali- 668 APPENDIX. ties all coordinated in this one absolute sincerity of belief and motive. Brigham Young is the farthest remove on earth from a hypocrite ; he is that grand, yet awful sight in human nature, — a man who has brought the loftiest Christian self-devotion to the altar of the Devil, who is ready to suffer crucifixion for Barabbas, supposing him Christ. Be sure that were he a hypocrite, the Union would have nothing to fear from Utah. AVhen he dies, at least four hostile factions, Avhich now find their only common ground in deification of his person, will snatch his mantle at opposite corners. Then will come such a rending as the world has not seen since the Macedonian generals fought over the coffin of Alexander ; and then Mormonism will go out of geography into the history of popular delusions. There is not a single chief, apostle, bishop, or elder, except Brigham, who possesses any catholicity of influence. I found this tacitly acknowledged in every quarter. The more enlightened, fore-looking of the people seem like citizens of a beleaguered town, who know they have but a definite amount of bread, yet have made up their minds to act while it lasts, as if there were no such thing as starvation. The greatest com- fort you can afford a Mormon is to tell him how young Brigham looks ; for the quick unconscious sequence is, " Then Brigham may last jut my time, — apres moi la deluge ! " Those who think at all deeply, have no conjecture of any Mormon future beyond him, and I know that many Mormons (Heber Kimball included) would gladly die to-day rather than survive him, and encounter that judgment-day and final perdition of theu* faith which must dawn on his new-made grave.