FORM No. 452. A. C O. Ed. Auguit 5-16—5000 WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL U. S. ARMY JUNE 20. 1913 REVISED SEPTEMBER 16. 1914 REVISED SEPTEMBER 15. 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PFUNTING OFTICE 1916 U,S. VVar depf FORM No. 452. A. G. O. Ed. August 5-16—5000 WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL' ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL U. S. ARMY JUNE 20, 1913 REVISED SEPTEMBER 16, 1914 REVISED SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ■-^>''%.6 p« of D. JAN 2 1917 N. cJ War Depart^ment, Office of the Chief of Staff, Washington, August 22, 1916. 1. Classification of property. — Hereafter Government property in the hands of troops will be di\dded into classes as follows: Equipment "A" is the equipment prescribed for use in campaign, in simulated campaign, or on the march. It is limited to the animals and vehicles prescribed in the Tables of Organization, the equipment and clothing worn on the person, and the articles carried on mount, and transported in held, combat, and divisional trains. Equipment ''B'' is the equipment which, in addition to equipment "A," is prescribed for the use of troops in mobilization, concentra- tion, instruction, or maneuver camps, and during such pauses in opera- tions against an enemy as permit the better care of troops. Equipment ''C" is the sum of equipments "A" and "B." Garrison equipment is the equipment prescribed for use in garrison. 2. Unit accountahilitii equipment and accountabiliti/ therefor. — The unit accountability equipments of the various organizations will consist of the articles of "'A" and "B " equipm.ent prescribed in the unit account- ability manuals for the atrength authorized and will be accounted for by organization commanders on unit accountability returns (Form No. 451, A. G. O.) in accordance with War Department orders. 3. Accountability and responsibility for other Government property. — All garrison equipment and other Government property in the hands of organization commanders, except that held under unit accounta- bility, will be held on memorandum receipts from the various post, regimental, or other designated supply officers, who will render to the chiefs of the staff departments concerned returns as at present for all property for which they are accountable. 4. In this revised manual the unit accountability equipment for the present authorized minimum and maximum strengths is given in Part I . In Part II are given the sets of individual arms and e(|uipment of unit accountability equipment by which any increase or decrease in equip- ment corresponding to any authorized increase or decrease in strength may be readily determined and expressed. 5. Upon receipt of this manual organization commanders will immedi- ately adjust tneir (unit) accountability by turning in to the proper supply officer all surplus articles on hand and supplying the deficiencies by requisition, so that the articles on hand of unit accountability equip- ment of their respective organizations will conform to the number author- ized in this manual with the least practicable delay. All such adjust- ments will be covered by exchange of regular invoices and receipts . 6. In Part III of this revised manual is listed the garrison equipment for the present authorized minimum and maximum strengths. By order of the Secretary of War. H. L. Scott, Major General, Chief of Staff . TABLE OF CONTENTS. General instructions 3 PART I. Table. 1. Engineer property 7-23 2. Signal property 24 ORDNANCE PROPERTY. Equipment A. New Model Equipment (1910). 3. For band: Arms, ammunition, personal, and organization equip- ment- Arms 25 Ammunition 25 Personal equipment 25 Organization equipment 25 4. For company, battalion headquarters, regimental headquar- ters, and regiment: Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — ■ Arms 26 Ammunition 26 Personal equipment 27 Horse equipment 27 Organization equipment 28 Saddler's tools. 29 Officer's horse equipment 30 5. For company, battalion headquarters, and battalion (mounted) : Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Arms 31 Ammunition 31 Personal equipment 32 Horse equipment 32 Organization equipment 33 Saddler's tools. '. 33 Officer's horse equipment 35 Equipment B. 6. For band 35 7. For company, battalion headquarters, regimental headquar- ters, and regiment 36 8. For company, battalion headquarters, and battalion (mounted) 37 PART II. 9. Individual arms and equipments for field service 38 PART III. Garrison Equipment.- — Held on memorandum receipt — Not a part of the unit accountability equipment. 10. For band 41 11. For company, battalion headquarters, regimental headquar- ters, and regiment 42 12. For company, battalion headquarters, and battaUon (mounted) 44 5 PART I. Table 1. — Engineer property. Note. — Engineer equipment same for peace or war strength. Wlien an engineer battalion or provisional ba+talion is widely sepa- rated from the regimental headquarters, or is serving with an infantry di^'ision not yet provided with an engineer regiment, it may be author- ized by the Chief of Engineers to keep on hand, in addition to battalion equipment, one regimental headquarters equipment complete, except one tool wagon (eacort type) and one set field desks aruJ contents. [a Carried on spring tool wagon. 6 Carried on escort-type tool wagon, c Carried on com- pany tool wagon, d One-half carried on each company tool wagon.] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engineer regiment. Mounted engineers. Articles. >> S 5" c o at. .2 2 "3 5- 3 S at o g Blaeksmith's equipment b 1 2 5 b 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Anvils, blacksmith's 100-pound Aprons, leather $9.90 2. 41 Bags, coal, 2-bushel 2.00 Braces, ratchet, drill 1 2.44 Chisels — Cold 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .38 Cold , handled . 43 Hot . 43 Clinch cutters (buffer) .48 Clinching irons .50 Countersinks, iron .• .58 Drills, twist, sets of 13 9.22 Files — Flat, bastard, 16-inch .29 Flat, smooth, 16-inch .35 Half round, bastard, 16- in'h .33 Mill-bastard, 16-inch .23 ^lill, second cut, 16-inch.. .27 Round, bastard, 12-inch .12 Round, bastard, 8-inch.. . . .08 Flatters, handled .90 Forges, portable 19.80 Fullers, T and B, |-inch, sets of 2 . 76 Hammers — Ball peen, 3-pound . 76 Cross peen, 3-pound . 76 Earner's .48 Riveting i .50 Set : .44 Sledge, 10-poTind 1.00 Straight-peen, 2-pound .60 Turning 1.58 8 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Blacksmith's equipment — Contd. Handles — Chisel, hot File Flatter Fuller, top Hammer, farriers' Hammer, machinists' Hammer, sledge, 10-pound Hardies Heading tools, sets of 3 Headers, rivet, sets of 3 Knives — Shoeing Toe Nippers, shoeing Oilers, ^ pint Pincers, shoeing Pipe cutters. No. 2 Pritchels Punches — Fore and creaser, handled. Round, handled Square, handled Rakes, fire Rasps, shoeing, 16-inch Rules, 2-foot, 4-fold Shovels, fire Stocks, dies, and taps, No. 2 sets Swedges, T and B, sets of 8 Tire measures Tongs — Shoeing Smith's gad, |-inch and 1-inch Smith's, straight Vises, blacksmith Wrenches, monkey, 18-inch.. Blacksmith supplies ' Borax, pounds Coal, blacksmith's, bushels... Engineer regiment. .38 .92 .82 .41 .77 4.62 .54 .53 .53 .53 - .50 .43 .26 .64 24.00 4.00 1.35 1.68 .77 .77 12.00 1.50 ""'."io .20 .11 1 Note. — The quantities of supplies indicated are the minimum quantities which should tie kept on hand when in k'arrison and are the quantities which shotild at all times be ready to be taken into the field with the organization. Each organization will Ve allowed annually, for drill or instruction purposes, supplies to twice the money value of the allowance of supplies given in this manual. Supplies issued in replacement of those expended for these piu-poses wiO be charged against this money allowance, thus permitting greater flexibility in the expenditure of supplies for drill or instruction purposes. Supplies are listed in this manual as a matter of convenience. Supplies are not included in the unit accountability. 2 2 1 1 h 5 4 Nails, horeshoe, pounds | 25 Mounted engineers. "3 o- $0.10 .05 .06 .06 .08 .10 .20 .41 1.68 3.00 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL 9 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Blacksmith supplies — Continued. Nuts, assorted, |)Ounds Oil, machine, quarts Soft steel, bars, feet Tool steel, feet Carpenter's equipment Au2:ers, ship, handled, sets of 3. Awls, scratch Axes, handled, 32-inch Bits-T Auger, sets of 7 Expansion Screw-driver Braces, ratchet Chests, carpenter's Chisels — Cold Framinj^, handled, sets of 3 . Oividcrs, wing Drawknives Files, saw, taper Hammers, claw Handles — Ax, 32-inch. _. Chisel, framing, 6-inch Hammer, claw Hatchets Levels, carpenter's, 24-inch Mallets, carjDenter's Oilers, ^-pint Oilstones Planes, jack Pliers, side-cutting Plumb bobs, 6-ounce Rules, 2-foot, 4-fold Saws — Compass Crosscut, hand Rip, hand Saw sets Screw drivers Squares — Steel, carpenter's Try Tapes, metallic, 50-foot T bevels Wrenches, monkey, 12-inch Carpenter's supplies ' Chalk, carpenter's, pound Chalk lines, 40-foot Pencils, carpenter's, dozens Engineer regiment. 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 2 2 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _0 03 "3 O" 40 1 156 5 56300—16 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 r 4 1 1 See note, p. 8. Mounted engineers. O C3 40 1 156 5 10.05 .10 .03 .15 "'3.' 02 .14 .72 3.19 1.60 .13 2.25 8.50 .38 2.75 .47 1.70 .17 .10 .24 .10 .10 .63 2.63 .25 .41 .94 .86 1.37 .54 .26 1.00 1.30 1.30 1.10 .25 1.20 .25 2.30 .25 .72 ' .26 .08 .42 10 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Engineer regiment. Demolition equipment Augers — Earth, handled 2 Ship, IJ-inch, handled 2 Bars^inch, large 2 Wood, tamping 2 Boxes — Cap I 2 Match I 2 Chisels, cold 2 Circuit detectors 2 Crimpers 2 Drills— Single-bit, long 2 Single-bit, short 2 Hammers, sledge, 8-poimd .... 4 Magneto exploders 2 Pick mattocks, E. D. pattern, ' ' intrenching, ' ' handled 4 Shovels, E. D. pattern, "in- trenching" j 8 Reels, wire, firin" 2 Spoons, miner's, long 2 Wire, firing, double lead, No. 14, feet 2,000 Demolition supplies ^ d Caps, detonating 100 Explosive, pounds 200 Fuses, electric 200 Fuse— Bickford, feet 200 Instantaneous, feet 200 Matches, safety, boxes, dozen. . 1 Tape, insulating, rolls 2 Twine, hemp, 2-onnce balls. . . 2 Drafting equipment d Boards, drawing, 31 by 42 inches, with trestles Boards, drawing, 23 by 31 inches, with trestles Di\iders, proportional Erasers, steel 2 Erasing shields 2 Instruments — Dra^ying, office, sets. . . . Drawing, field, sets 2 Lamps, acetylene 2 Map measiues. 2 Pantographs O 03 is Mounted engineers. S 4 1 1 1,000 c 50 100 100 100 100 i 1 1 .. 2 1 ... i' "2 1 2 .. 2 1 ... 1 2 1 2 .. 1 c3 O" $5.25 1.32 .80 .25 2.85 .25 .38 5.00 .50 2.18 1.21 .80 14.85 .62 .70 2.55 1.00 .01 '".'625 .90 .08 .005 .045 .05 1.00 .08 8.70 6.25 9.16 .80 .12 46.59 14.00 28.93 2.20 70.00 1 See note, p. 8. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL 11 Table 1. — -Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Drafting equipment — Continued. Protractors — G. S., semicircular, 8-inch with cases G. S., semicircular, 6-inch. Scales — • Architect's, 12-inch, with sheath Engineer's, 12-inch, with sheath Slabs, ink Slide rules, 16-inch, with cases. T squares — 42-inch 24-inch Tents, hospital, regulation, with shield, complete Triangles — 30-60°, 10-inch 45°,_8-inch Tubes, tin Drafting supplies ' Books, note Carbide, in 10-pound cans, lbs. Cloth, tracing, 30-inch, 24-yard rolls Erasers — • Rubber, pencil Rubber, ink Ink- Drawing, black, bottles Drawing, blue, bottles Drawing, brown, bottles. . Drawing, carmine, bottles. India, sticks Pads- Pencil pointing, 11 by 4 inches Scratch, 6 by 9 inches Paper^ Blotting, 3f by 9^ inches, dozen Cross-section, 20-inch, 10- yard rolls Drawing, 22 by 30 inches, gross Drawing, 30-inch, 30-yard rolls Wrapping, 40 by 48 inches, dozen Paste, library, jars ' See note, p. 8. Engineer regiment. 2 2 6 d 6 40 _0 c5 "3 5* 2 2 4 a 6 50 Mounted engineers. 1 1 3 c 3 20 $15. 90 2.15 1.50 1.50 .35 7.00 8.00 6.23 70.00 .80 .80 1.10 .20 .11 7.00 .06 .05 .19 .19 .19 .19 .60 .08 .07 .20 1.54 6.66 2.80 .26 .22 12 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Engineer regiment. Drafting supplies — Continued. Pencils — Drawing IT Dravring 3H Drawing 5H Pens — Cro\>'-(iuill, dozen, vrith holder, cards Maynnng, dozen, with holder cards Pins, cones Tape, adhesive, rolls Thumb tacks, dozens Twine, hemp. 2-ounce balls. . . Hectograph equipment Hecto^raplis, clay, 20 by 24 inches I.e\ elers, hectograph Sponges Hectoeiaph supplies:' Ink- Green, hectograph, bottles. Red. hectograph, bottles.. Violet, hectograph, bottles Paper, book, 19 by 24 inches, quires Map reproduction eqidpment . . . . . Boxes, tin, 4 by 4 by 7 inches. Bottles, glass, l-quart Bowls, earthenware, 2-quart. . Brushes — Bristle, 4-inch Water-color Buckets. G. I Cans — G.alvanioed-iran. o-gallon. Galvani/ed-iron, 3-gallon. Chest.«. zincographic Frames, blue-print, 24 by 30 inches Glazed rollers Instruments, draudng, litho- graphic, sets Knives — Ink. 3-inch Scraper, 8-inch Lanterns, Dietz Needles, etching, sets Plate?, zinc, grained Presses, hand, lithographic I I" 12 12 2 2 4 10 E5- 12 12 12 Mounted engineers. $0.08 .08 .08 ,32 ,32 .08 ,02 .36 ,08 13.25 .25 .25 .17 .17 .17 5 .27 . 75 .06 .17 .83 .05 .53 ! 5.50 4.95 16.67 12.00 6.15 ' 7.50 .80 1.10 3.06 2.30 1.21 120. 00 I See note, p. 8. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EttUIPMENT MANUAL. 13 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Map reproduction equipment — Con, Roller grips, pairs Rollers, leather, 14-inch. Screw drivers Shears. 16-iuch Snake stones Sponges, sheep-wool Stoves, oil, single-burner Tents, hospital, regulation with shield, complete Towels, bath Trays- Enameled, 20 by 24 inches. Zinc, 24 by 30 inches Triangles — 30°-60°, 10-inch 45^, 8-inch T squares. 21-inch Tubes, tin Whirlers _ Wrenches, monkey. 12-inch... Map reproduction supplies ' Acid — Chromic, C. P., pounds Nitric, pounds Phosphoric, 85 per cent, pounds Tannic, C. P., pounds Albumen, e^x^, pounds Alum, powdered, pounds Ammonium bichromate, pounds Asphalturo, Venetian, pounds. . Asphaltum paint, ounces Banana oil, ounces Beeswax, yellow, ounces Charcoal, v.illow, pounds Cb eesecloth . white, yards Cotton, absorbent, pounds Dragons blood, pounds Flash, cans Gum arable, pounds Ink- Autographic, ounces Etching, pounds Hand press, black, pounds. Mutton tallow, refined, ounces. Oil- Coal, gallons T;avender, ounces Olive, in can, pints Engineer regiment. O c3 c3 cr S^ 1 300 3 1 12 25 1 3 4 10 1 Mounted engineers. $0.27 6.00 .25 1.25 .65 .60 4.84 70.00 .22 6.00 8.75 80 80 23 10 65 72 .66 .22 .55 .93 1.10 .11 .66 1.10 .03 .03 .04 3.30 .05 .30 1.50 .08 .33 .27 5.00 1.36 .02 .12 .46 .55 ' See note, p. 8. 14 ENGINEEK UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Map reproduction supplies — Con. Paper — Book, 19 by 24 inches, reams Autographic transfer, 17 bv 20 inches, gross Blotting, 19 by 24 inches, dozens Blue print, 30-inch, 50- yard rolls ' Brown print, 30-inch, 10- yard rolls ^ Pumice, powdered, pounds Roein. powdered, in cans, pounds Slips, etching, gamherger Soda, caustic, in cans, pounds. . Thumb tacks, dozens Toucbe. 4-oiince bottles Turpentine, gallons Varnish (00) "pints Wicks — I anterns, Dietz, dozens. . . Oil stove, dozens Miscellaneous equipment Bags, nail — 50-pound 100-pound Buckets, galvanized-iron Cans, galvanized-iron, 5-gallon. Carborundum wheels Chairs, folding Desks, field — Unit A Unit B Handles — Auger, ship Hammer, sledge, 8-pound . Hatchet, 16-inch Pick mattock, E. D. pat- tern, "Intrenching Lanterns — Dark Dietz Manuals — Engineer Field Ponton Marlinspikes Oiler, for typewriter Engineer regiment. 2 2 6 12 6 12 36 2 2 62 61 61 1.03 1.21 .53 5.50 5.50 1.25 25.00 25.00 .15 .20 .15 .15 1.00 3.06 1.00 1.00 .12 .20 1 Being subject to deterioration, only sufficient for immediate use will be kept on hand except when taking the field, when full quantities should be carried. 1 5 2 6 10 2 1 3 1 Mounted engineers. .2 2 "3 o" 3 6 26 1 1 $5.50 3.00 .50 2.85 1.60 .08 .12 .05 .50 .36 .83 .90 .33 .18 .10 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 15 Table 1.— Engineer property — Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engineer regiment. Mounted engineers. Articles. 1 a o o 1 ll 1 S o 1 1 P. '3 Miscellaneous equipment — Contd. Padlocks, brass Scre^v drivers, small, typewriter. 12 5 1 6 5 $1.10 . 18 Stamps, steel, sets 2 1 7.70 Stand, folding, for field desk... o 2.00 Stencils, sets 2 1 .92 Typewriter, Underwood, 10- inch carriage 1 85.00 Wagons — Tool, company 2 1 "i' 1 385. 00 Tool, spring 1 1 300 00 Escort type 1 118. 00 Miscellaneous supplies ^ d 20 c 10 Canvas, 10-ounce, yards ^ Field desk supplies, Unit A — Books- Blank, indexed, 4Jby 6 bv i inch .40 2 4 1 1 200 50 2 , 2 100 300 300 200 200 12 1 .60 Stenographer's note. . . . 12 Brush, typewriter .10 Cards, guide, set .50 Envelopes — Penalty, 3J by 8| inches 2.30 Penalty, cloth, 4| by lOf inches .02 Erasers- Pencil, ruby .05 Typewriter .09 Paper — Carbon, sheets, 8 by 13 inches 2 1.00 Typewriter, medium, 8 by lOi inch sheets. 2.10 Typewriter, thin, 8 by 10 J inch sheets 2.15 Typewriter, thin, 8 by 13 inch sheets 2.15 Paper fasteners. Gem clip. 2 .10 Pencils, lead. No. 2, with erasers .07 Pins, cones .08 Ribbons, tvpewriter 2 .50 Field desk supplies. Unit B — Bands, rubber, gross 2 2 3 . 10 Blotters, 4 by 9 inches, dozen .05 Books, carbon, duplicat- ing, 4 by 6 inches .50 ! See note, p. 8. * Per hundred. 16 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer proper^?/— Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engineer regiment. Mounted engineers. Articles. 1 Si ■ .§1 i 11 P3 >> a 03 P. a o o S3 i u p< ■a Miscellaneous supplies — Contd. Field desk supplies, Unit B — Continued. Erasers — Steel 1 2 2 100 100 100 25 h 6 150 150 200 2 12 2 6 6 2 18 2 18 18 $0. 80 Rubber, pencil .05 Rubber, typewriter ' .09 Envelopes — Penalty, 3| by ^ inches 1 .30 Penalty, 3| by ^ inches 1.30 Penalty, cloth, 4^ by 10 ;| inches .02 Manila, 10 by 14 inches Ink- Black, pints .01 .50 Red, pints . .50 Inkwells .75 Pads, scratch, 6 by 9 inches Paper — Ruled, 8 by 13 inch sheets .05 .005 Rules, 8 by lOJ inch sheets .005 Paper fasteners, Gem clips MO Paste, tubes .37 Pencils, lead, No. 2, with eraser.! .07 Pencils, colored .09 Penholders.. .. .04 Pen points, dozens ! .10 Pins, cone . . . . ' .08 Ruler, 18-inch . .J .10 Shears, 8-inch .1 .90 Stamp, dating .75 Stamp pad, black ink . . - .18 Tape, office, spool .25 Wax, sealing, stick .18 Blank forms as follows: Civilian employees — Authority " for employ- ment, request for, E. D. 31 Changes in classified serv- ice E D 28 Efficiency reports, W. D. 20 Emergency and tempo- rary employees, E. D. 28a Personal cards, E. D. 29. . . 1 Per hundred. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 17 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 Engineer regiment. Mounted engineers. Articles. a o O f4 a a B o i .2 ^ n O "2 t2 Blank forms — Continued. Contracts- Articles of agreement, E. D. 19 12 12 12 18 18 12 6 50 24 24 24 100 12 12 12 6 12 12 50 24 12 24 . 12 . 12 . 12 . Articles of agreement, lease, E. D. 19c Funds — Abstracts of disbursement, W. D. 329 Account current, W. D. 320 Account current, small, W. D. 320a Estimate of funds, E. D. 16 Ledger sheet Vouchers- Cash receipts, W. D. 365. . . Emergency purchases and nonpersonal services, not exceeding |100, W. D. 332 Payroll, W. D. 334 Personal services, W. D. 335 Purchases and services other than personal, W. D. 330 Eeimbursement of travel- ino expenses, W. D. 350a. Miscellaneous — Personal report, E. D. 1 Reports of purchases and services, W. D. 14 Requests for blank forms E. D.21 Property- Abstract of property paid for, E. D. 25 Abstract of property paid for, small, E. D. 25a Invoices or receipts for engineer property, E. D. 35 Returns — Small, E. D. 13a First sheet, E. D. 13c.. Intermediate sheet, E. D. 13f Last sheet, E. D. 13d.. Report of lost property, E. D. 33 Requisitions for engineer property, E. D. 39 ... 56300—16 3 18 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer -property — Continued. Articles. Engineer regiment. Greaae, axle, pounds \ 10 Marline, pounds 36 Nails: 60d, wire spike, pounds 200 30d, wire spike, pounds 100 16d, wire, pounds 100 Oil: Signal, gallons 10 Machine, quarts 2 Staples, pounds 20 Screws, assorted, gross 6 Wicks: Lantern, dark, dozen 1 Lantern, Dietz, dozen 2 Wire, B. &. S. No. 16, pounds 50 Photographic equipment c Blankets, rubber 2 Brushes, spotting. Bulbs, rubber or cable release. 1 Buckets, canvas 2 Cameras — 3-A Kodak, complete with cases 1 3-A Graflex, with cases — Film tanks, Kodak, SJ-inch... Graduates, 8-ounce Lamps, ruby Manuals, photographer's Printing frames, 5 by 7 inches. Release, cable (see bulbs, rub- ber above). Rods, stirring, hard -rubber... 2 Shears, 8-inch 1 Skins, chamois. - j Tanks, duplicating sets . . . . [ Thermometers, photographic. | 1 Towels, bath 4 Trays, agate, nested, sets of 4. 1 Tripods, Crown, No. 2, folding Tripods, metal ,_ folding 1 Photographic supplies: ' Albums, film negative, 3} by 5^ inches Alcohol, denatured, pints [ Books, photographic, note 1 Cheesecloth, white, yards j 3 Cotton, absorbent, pounds Developer — j Ideal, M. Q., boxes 8 Pyro, tank, boxes 8 1 See note, p. 8. il Mounted engineers. 5 18 100 50 . 50 5 1 10 3 1 25 2 1 2 3 1 15 15 ). 15 .15 .02J .021 .02J .40 .10 .05 .30 .18 .18 .04 2.00 .15 .25 L50 21.95 66.00 3.75 .40 .77 .50] .45 .15 .90 .35 L90 .40 .22 3.15 4.62 L95 .77 .30 .40 .05 .30 .44 .35 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 19 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Photographic supplies — Continued. Films, Kodak, 3i by 5^ inches, rolls of 6 exposures '■ Formaline, pounds.^ Hypo acid, Kodak, in ^-pound boxes, pounds Intensifier, tubes Opaque, tubes Paper, developing, 3^ by 5^ inches, gross Paper, printing out, 3^ by 5i inches, gross ' Photo clips, dozen Potassium bicarbonate, pounds. Potassium bromide, tabloid, tubes Push pins, dozen Reducer, tubes Twine, hemp, 2-ounce balls... Wicks, ruby lantern, dozen... Pioneer equipment Adzes, handled, 32-inch Axes, handled, 36-inch Bars, pinch, large Blades, hacksaw, dozens Blocks — 8-inch, double 8-inch, single 8-inch, snatch 8-inch, triple Bolt clippers Climbers, lineman's, pairs Comealongs Files, crosscut saw Hammers, sledge, 8-pound. — Handles — Adz, 32-inch Ax, 36-inch Pick, railroad, 36-inch. — Saw, crosscut, 1-man Saw, crosscut, 2-man Hatchets Knives, Gabion Machetes, with sheaths Mauls, wood Peevies, handled Picks, railroad, handled Engineer regiment. 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i d 4 26 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 4 6 4 2 6 2 2 2 6 18 36 4 4 6 O (S 48 1 12 6 1 Mounted engineers. 24 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 h c 2 13 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 9 18 2 2 3 O 03 03 a* $0.31 .30 .32 .16 .40 1.25 1.50 .20 .20 .08 .08 .22 .08 .35 "L35 .72 .80 .40 3.22 2.06 5.25 5.66 2.00 3.38 1.38 .22 .80 .22 .24 .15 .10 .10 .63 .85 1.90 1.50 1.70 .65 1 Being subject to deterioration, only sufficient for immediate use will be kept on hand except when taking the field, when full quantities should be carried. 20 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. 30 6 18 4 2 Pioneer equipment — Continued. Pick mattocks — E. D. pattern, "intrench- ing," handled Large, handled Pliers, side-cutting Points, pike and hook Posthole diggers Rope, manila. 1 -inch diameter, 250-foot coils Saws — Crosscut, 1-man Crosscut, 2-man Hack Saw tools Screw jacks Shovels — E. D. pattern, "intrench- ing" Long-handled Tapes, metallic, 50-foot Wedges, steel, 5-pound Wrenches — Monkey, 18-inch Stillson, 18-inch Pioneer supplies ' Bolts- Drift, f-inch Drift, ^inch Rope — Manila, f-inch diameter, 50-foot lashings 24 Manila, ^inch diameter. 18-foot lashings 50 Sandbags, -with binders 500 Tape, tracing, feet 3, 000 Reconnoissance equipment ^ d Alidades 6 Barometers, aneroid, with cases 4 Boards, sketching 6 Chests, sketching outfit 6 Clinometers,ser\dce,with cases. 14 Compasses — Box........ 4 Prismatic, with cases 4 Watch 12 Field glasses, with cases 2 Holders, timing pad 6 Odometers, with cases 2 Pace tallies 14 I Se* note, p. 8. Engineer regiment. 60 12 4 4 2 2 80 80 62 Mounted engineers. 15 3 9 2 1 30 6 2 2 1 1 40 40 12 25 250 1,500 c 3 2 3 3 7 2 2 6 1 3 1 7 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EftUIPMENT MANUAL. 21 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Engineer regiment. Reconnaissance equipment — Con. Pencil pockets Protractors, rectangular Sextants, pockel Tripods, wood, folding Reconnoissance supplies ' Books, note, field Celluloid, sheets Erasers, rubber, pencil Pads, timing Paper, sketching, sheets, gross. Pencils — Blue. Drawing, H Green Red Protectors, pencil-point Tape, adhesive, rolls Surveying eqiupment Boards, stadia, folding Field glasses, with cases Levels, engineers' Plane tables, complete Repair kits, steel-tape Rods, level, Pliiladelphia Slide rules, 16-inch, with cases. Stadia, computer's Tapes, steel, 100-foot Transits Tripods — Level Plane table Transit Surveying supplies ' Books- Level Transit Cloth- Survey signal, red, yards.. Survey signal, white, yards. Paper, plane table, sheets, dozens Pack No. 1 — Equipment: Augers, sliip, ^^-inch, handled. Awls, stitching Bags, nail, 10-pound Bags, for small articles Bars, pinch, small 2 1 2 2 1 I See note, p. 8. 6 d 32 72 28 36 3 28 84 28 28 28 12 a 16 36 14 18 1? 14 42 14 14 14 6 a 6 1 2 1 1 4 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 4 6 30 30 Mounted engineers. 3 4 1 3 c 16 36 14 18 14 42 14 14 14 6 a 16 36 14 18 14 42 14 14 14 6 a 2 1 1 $2.75 1.32 36.00 4.25 .20 .10 .06 .20 3.00 .08 .08 .08 .08 .05 .02 10.50 19.00 95.00 140. 00 8.00 12.54 7.00 • .70 8.50 225. 00 9.00 30.50 9.00 .35 .35 .12 .10 1.25 .80 .12 .25 .24 .43 22 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Engineer regiment. Mounted engineers. Articles. 1 e o 1 •a § 03 _2 l| P3 c a a o O ■a S .2 "^ a Pack No. 1— Equipment— Contd. Bits- Auger, sets of 7 • 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 8 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 6 4 2 2 2 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 8 8 4 4 12 4 $3.19 .13 Screw driver Bags, carpenter 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 • 4 2 2 4 . 2 4 4 65 Boxes, pack Is o. 1 8.25 Braces, ratchet 2.25 Chisels, framing, sets of 3 2.75 Files, flat, bastard, 12-inch .16 Hammers — Claw .45 Farrier's .48 Sledge, 8-pound .80 Hatches .63 Knife, shoeing, with case Nippers, shoeing. . . 1 .48 .82 Pincers, shoeing .77 Pliers, side-cutting 1.37 Punch, revoh-ing Rasp, shoeing, 16-inch Rivet set 1.32 .32 .45 Rolls, canvas, for tools 1.20 Saws, crosscut, hand, 20-inch. . 1.25 Squares, steel, carpenter's Tapes, metallic, 50-foot 1.20 2.30 Wrenches, monkev, 12-inch .72 Packs Nos. 2 and 3 — Equipment: ' Augers, ship, IJ-inch, handled. Bars, pinch, small 1.32 .43 Boxes — Cap 2.85 Match .25 Packs Nos. 2 and 3 8.25 Buckets, canvas 1.50 CWsels, cold .38 Crimpers .50 Drills, single-bit, short 1.21 Hammers, sledge, 8-pound Knives, clasp .80 .75 Pick mattocks, E. D. pattern, "mining," handlpd .70 Pliers, side-cutting 1.37 Rolls, canvas, for tools 1.20 Shovels, E. D. pattern, "min- ing " 2 2 6 2 .70 Spoons, miners', short 1.00 Pack No. 4— Equipment: Axes, handled, 36-inch .72 Boxes, pack, No. 4 8.25 > See note, p. 8. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 23 Table 1. — Engineer property — Continued. Articles. Pack No. 4 — Equipment — Contd. pick mattocks, E. D. pattern, "mining," handled Shovels, E. D. pattern, "min- ing" Pack No. 5 — Equipment: Blocks — 6-inch, double 6-inch, single 6-inch, snatch Boxes, Pack No. 5 Hatchets Machetes, with sheaths . - Rope, manila, f-inch diameter, 200-foot coils Saws — Folding, with cases Crosscut, hand, 20-inch. . . Pack No. 1 — Supplies:^ Beeswax, ounces Bolts, drift, i-inch Chalk, carpenter's, pounds. ... Chalk lines, 40-foot Nails — 60d, wire spike, pounds. . . 16d, wire, pounds Horseshoe, pounds - Needles, harness, papers Pencils, carpenter's, dozen Rivets, harness, assorted, pounds Shoes, mule, fitted Thread, harness, 2-ounce balls. Packs Nos. 2 and 3 — Supplies: ^ Caps, detonating Cord, detonating, spools Explosive, pounds Fuse, Bickford, feet Fuse lighters, Bickford Matches, safety, boxes, dozen.. Rope, manila, ^-inch diameter, 18-foot lashings Twine, hemp, 2-ounce ball Unions, detonating cord Wire, copper. No. 30, |-pound spools Engineer regiment. 10 20 2 2 2 40 i 4 2 10 10 3 2 1 6 1 200 8 180 400 120 2 4 4 48 Mounted engineers. 20 40 4 4 4 4 4 20 4 4 4 80 20 20 6 4 1 2 12 2 400 16 360 800 240 4 8 8 96 8 $0.70 .70 1.50 .83 3.50 8.25 .63 1.60 4.08 12.00 1.25 .02 .06 .20 .08 .021 .021 .08 .06 .42 .40 .12 .11 .m 2.92 .90 .00^ .02 .05 .18 .08 .02 .37 1 See note, p. 8. 24 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 2. — Signal property. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enlisted strength. 30 c c3 Minimum. Maximum. Articles. 109 >. a a B o O 4 a a 9 671 a . • « o ato £5 164 >, c C3 B. s o o = 53 13 it II 1011 tyso r Kits, flag, combination, stand- ard ' 4 ? 4 2 $3. 82 Glasses, field, type A (or type B)^ 14 65 1 1 |2|. |4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enlisted strength. Minimum (mounted). Maximum (mounted). Articles. 74 1 S o o 7 .22 229 a" ii ♦J o a-" Ill >. a a o. a .3 13 a ^■ «| ^ ^^ «J5 346 a ■wo n ? a. c Kits, flag, combination, stand- ard > 4 2 1 4 2 $3.82 Glasses, field, type A (or type B)^ 14. 65 1 A standard combination fl«g kit consists of: 1 case, $1.25; 1 staff, jointed, for 2-foot flags, $1.75 (when parts are suppliedseparately they cost as follows: Lower section 63 cents, middle section 60 cents, upper section 52 cents); 2 staffs, semaphore flag. 6 cents each; two 2-foot flags (one red with white center 20 cents, and one white with red center 18 cents) and 2 flags, semaphore, 16 cents each. 2 Type B glasses cost $17.50. The item of field glasses includes case and strap. Price of case and strap: Type A glass $4.50; type B glass S3. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 26 Table 3. — Ordnance property— Arms, ammunition, personal arid organiza- tion equipment. FOR BAND. New Model Equipment (1910). Articles. Num- ber for strength of 30 enlisted men. Unit price. Equipment A. ARMS. Class VII, section 2. Magazines, pistol, extra. Pistols, caliber .45 AMMUNITION, SMALL ARMS. Class VIII, section 2. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 1. Cans, bacon Cans, condiment Canteens Canteen covers, dismounted. 3S Cups Forks Haversacks . Knives Meat cans Pack carriers Pouches, first-aid packet. Spoons Class IX, section 2. Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Class IX, section 3. Pistol belts, -without saber rings ORGANIZATION EQUIPMENT. Class X, section 5. Stencil, personal equipment Class X, section 9. Pistol-cleaning kit 60 30 630 $0.52 12. 50 1 14. 50 30 .13 30 .11 30 .51 30 .48 30. .29 30 .06 30 2. 4'2 30 .10 30 .40 30 .60 30 .13 30 .06 30 30 1.56 2.10 2.77 5.35 1 Per thousand. 26 ENGINEEE UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 4. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment. New Model Equipment (1910). Articles. Enlisted strength. Minimum.' 109 4 d 01 n ^ 3 — ". u-^ 671 ■as -=5 Equipment A. ARMS. Class VII, section 1 . I Brushes and thongs ^ . . 103 Cleaning rods 13 Cleaning-rod cases 13 Fr()ni-si";ht covers 103 Oiler and thoug cases ^. Rifles, U. S., caliber .30 Screw drivers, rifle Class VII, section 2. Magazines, pistol, extra. Pistols, caliber .45 hAn'u arms. Class VII, section 5. Bayonets Bayonet scabbards AMMUNITION, SMALL ARMS. Class VIII, section 1. Cartridges, ball, caliber .30 ■ Class VIII, section 2. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45 103.. 103.. 13.. 80' 80 8,240 16i 619 78 78 619 619 619 380 190 481 481- 80 49, 520 609 84168 3,990 Maximum.i 164 158 20 20 158 158 158 20 gs 123... 123... 12, 640 .. . 13 1,011 do 951 $0.10 240 120 120 951 951 95l! 120 544 .38 .09 .03 .18 15. 00 .12 .52 272i 12.50 739 739 1.60 1.58 76,080*26.00 861147 252 5, 712 n4. 50 1 Ordnance equipment for Quartermaster Corps men attached will, if necessary, be provided and accounted for on Form No. 18, Ordnance Department, by the Quartermaster, tl. S. Army, under whom they serve. 2 One wagoner for each authorized wagon of the field and combat train. One set (f), in addition to equipment given in columns 3 and 7 above, to be procured for each wagoner present. 3 If any rifles are provided with spare-part containers, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. < Per thousand. Note. — Should a detachment of any organization of the regiment be serving at a post separated from the remainder of the organization, the necessary articles of ordnance unit accountability equipment for the detachment will be issued to the officer in charge of the detachment by the commanding officer of the organization, who will continue to account for the property. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 27 Table 4. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. New Model EgmpMENT (1910)— Continued. Articles. Equipment A — Contd. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 1. Cans, bacon Cans, condiment Canteens Canteen covers, dis- mounted Cartridge belts, caliber .30, dismounted Cartridge belts, caliber .30, mounted Cups Forks Gun slings Haversacks Knives Meat cans Pack carriers Poucbes, first-aid Pouches for adhesive tape and foot powder Spoons 1 2 3 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum. 109 4 9 671 Class IX, section 2. Magazine pockets, web, double 1 Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets Class IX, section 3. Pistol belts, without saber rings HORSE EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 5. Bridles, cavalry Bridles, watering 2. . . . Currycombs 109 109 109 109 80 23 109 109 103 85 109 109 85 109 21 109 0 671 671 671 671 481 138 671 671 619 513 671 671 513 671 126 671 138 190 158 158 52 158 158 158 Maximum. 164 7 13 1,011 164 164 164 164 123 35 164 164 158 128 164 164 128 164 27 164 ga 13 13 13 13 1 s' 13, 13 3 13 13 10 1,011 1,011 1,011 1,011 739 2121 1,011 1,011 95i: 771' 1, on; 1,011 771 1,011 162 1,011 212 272 240 240 lOi 240 10: 240 lOi 240 go. 13 .11 .51 .48 3.40 3.77 .29 .06 .80 2.42 .10 .40 .60 .13 .35 .06 .77 1.56 1.10 .22 60 2. 10 1.91 .38 1 Issued separately only when cartridge belt, caliber .30, mounted, is provided with pockets for carr_ying revolver cartridges. = Issued with the curl> bridle, model of 1902, but not with the cavalry bridle, model of 1909. 28 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 4.— Ordnance property— Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. Articles. Enlisted strength. Minimum. §1 Equipment A — Contd. HORSE EQUIPMENT — continued. Class IX, section 5 — Continued. Feed bags ' , Grain bags ^ Halter headstalls Halter tie ropes Horse brushes Lariats , Lariat straps Links Picket pins Rifle scabbards Saddles, cavalry Saddlebags, pairs Saddle blankets Surcingles ORGANIZATION EQUIP- MENT. Class X, section 3. Steel tape, 5-foot Class X, section 5. Stencil, personal equip- ment Wagon stencil, sets, consisting of 26 let- ters, a to z, and 10 numbers, to 9, 5^ inches high ^ Class X, section 6. Pouch, Weldon rang finder Steel tape, 60-foot Weldon range finder. 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 158 138 158 158 158 158 Maximum. ga 13 1.011 © d — . o SB 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 212 240 240 240 240 $1.25 .13 2.04 .32 1.17 .53 .19 .33 .28 5.25 26.88 7.84 6.00 .33 .42 (') 5.04 .65 2.45 15.17 ' If feed bags and grain liags are not available, nose bags, at $1.20, may be used. 2 Company, $2.59; battalion headquarters, $2.71; regimental headquarters, $2.71. 3 In garrison, where parts of regiments are serving at separate stations, these wagon stencils can be sent by parcel post to organizations detached from headquarters, for the necessary time to mark their wagons. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 29 Table 4.— Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Articles. Equipment A — Contd. saddler's tools. Class X, section 9. Awl blades, harness, as- sorted , Nos. 43 to 48, inc Awl, pegging Awl, seat, handled Carriage, pricking, 3 wheels, Nos. 7, 8, 10. Compass, 6 inch Creaser, double, lig- num vitae Edge tool No. 1 Edge tool. No. 2 Extra blades, with fol- lowers for draw gage. Gage, draw, brass (with- out guard) Haft, awl, patent, with wrench Hammer, No. 3, rivet- Enlisted strength. Minimum. Maximum. gs mg : - - ■ Handle, peg awl, with wrench Knife, round Knife, splitting, 6-inch Needles, glover's. No. 3 papers Needlecase, leather — Needles, harness — No. 4, paper No. 5, paper No. 6, paper Nippers, cutting, 10- inch Oilstone, 1.125 by 2 by 8 inches, vm- mounted -a ''3 671 164 §a 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 9 0*13 — o So 1,011 10.02 .02 .15 1.25 .58 .23 .15 .15 .08 1.60 .41 .40 .07 .82 3.42 .08 .26 .05 .05 .05 2.95 .36 30 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EttUIPMENT MANUAL Table 4. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued . New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. Articles. Equipment A — Contd. saddler's tools — con Class X, section 9— Con Pliers, 6-inch Punches, hand, Nos."! 5, 7, 8, and 10 J Punch, revolving, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7 Rivet set Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold , Screw driver, 3-inch blade Sewing palm, leather. Shears", 10-inch, bent trimmers , Shoe knife, broad point Shoe knife, square point Slickers, steel Stitching clamp Stitching horse Thimble, best alumi- num lined, steel — Tool, claw Tool bag, saddler's... officer's horse equipment. Class IX, sections 5 and 6 Officer's horse equip- ments, sets ^ 1 No. 5. « No. 7, 8, and 10. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum. 109 671 sa. 03 2 Maximum. 164 29 S a 3 o sa ^ o 5a do 1,011 $0.55 f '.16 I 2.19 & 1.00 .52 .26 .09 .68 .85 .25 .18 .42 3.00 8.95 .04 .31 6 13.25 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 61 29 67.90 3 For the parts of a set of oflacer's horse equipment, see (o) p. 40. If the organization is provided with the .38 or .45 caliber revolver instead of .45-caliber pistol, the fact will be stated on the ordnance return and the above unit accountability equipment will be modified as shown by note on page 38. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 31 Table 5. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS. New Model EQtnPMENT (1910). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum.i Maximum.' Articles. 74 7 229 Ill 13 346 i o ■CI a ID". as ■^^ c3 3 3 o .o o "a § ft B o O i So- "3 O "3 P ft '3 Equipment A. ARMS. Class VII, section 1. Brushes and thongs ^ 69 9 9 69 69 1 .... 1 208 27 27 208 . 208 106 13 13 3 321 39 39 321 321 $0. 10 Cleaning rods .38 Cleaning-rod cases .09 Front-sight covers 106 3 106! 3 .03 Oiler and thong cases ^ .18 Rifles, U. S. caliber .30 69 1 208 106 3 321 15.00 Screw drivers, rifle 9 ....| 27 13 39 .12 Class VII, section 2. Magazines, pistol, extra 148 14 458 222 26 692 .52 Pistols, caliber .45 74 7 229 111 13 346 12.50 ammunition, small arms. Class VIII, section 1. Cartridges, ball, caliber .30 5, 520 80 16, 640 8,480 240 25, 680 J 26. CO Class VIII, section 2. Cartridges, ball, pistol, cali- ber .45 1, 554 147 4,809 2,331 273 7,266 * 14. 50 1 Ordnance equipment for Quartermaster Corps men attached will, if necessary, be pro- vided and accounted for on Form Xo. IS, Ordnance Department, by the Quartermaster, U.S. Army, under whorii they serve. 2 One wagoner for each authorized wagon of the field and combat train. One set (/) in addi- tion to equipment given in columns 2 and 5 above, to be procured for each wagoner present. " If any rifles are provided with spare-part containers, these numbers will be reduced accordingly. < Per thousand. Note. — Should a detachment of any organization of the battalion be serving at a post separated from the remainder of the organization, the necessary articles of ordnance unit accountability equipment for the de- tachment will be issued to the officer in charge of the detachment by the commanding officer of the organization, who will continue to account for the property. 32 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 5. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS — Continued. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. Articles. 1 Enlisted strength. Minimum. 229 Maximum. Ill 13 346 Equipment A — Continued. PERSONAL EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 1. Cans, bacon Cans, condiment Canteens Canteen covers, dismounted Cartridge belts, caliber .30, mounted Cups Forks Gun slings Knives Meat cans Pouches, first-aid packet Spoons Class IX, section 2. Magazine pockets, web, double *. Pistol holsters, caliber .45 Spurs, pairs Spur straps, sets Class IX, section 3. Pistol belts, without saber rings. HORSE EQUIPMENT. Class IX, section 5. Bridles, Cavalry 74 Bridles, watering - ! 74 Currycombs [ 74 ~ "" " 74 74 74 74 i 74 74 74 Feed bags ^ . Grain bags ^ . . . . Halter headstalls. Halter tie ropes. . Horse brushes Lariats , Lariat straps . 229 229 229 229 208 229 229 208 229 229 229 229 208 229 229 229 21 229 229 229 229 229 229| 229 229 229 229! Ill 111 111 111 106 111 111 106 111 111 111 111 106 111 111 111 346 346 346 346 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 3 321 13 346 13 346 3 321 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 3 321 13 346 13 346 13 346 10 25 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346 13 346| $0.13 .11 .51 .48 3.77 .29 .06 .80 .10 .40 .13 .06 .77 1.56 1.10 .22 2.10 8.84 L91 .38 L25 .13 2.04 .32 1.17 .53 .19 ' Issued separately only when cartridge belt, caliber .30, mounted, is provided with pockets for carrying revolver cartridges. 2 Issued with the curb bridle, model of 1902, but not with the Cavalry bridle, model of 1909. 3 If feed bags and grain bags are not available, nose tags, at $1.20, may be used. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EaUIPMENT MANUAL. 33 Table 5. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS — COUtinUed. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. Articles. Equipment A — Continued. HORSE EQUIPMENT — Continued. Class IX, section 5 — Contd. Links Picket pins Rifle scabbards Saddles, Cavalry Saddlebags, pairs Saddle blankets Surcingles ORGANIZATION EQUIPMENT. Class X, section 3. Steel tape, 5-foot Class X, section 5. Stencil, personal equipment . . . . Wagon stencil, sets, consisting of 26 letters, A to Z, and 10 num- bers, to 9, 5 J inches high '^.. Class X, section 6. Pouch, Weldon ra,nge finder Steel tape, 60-foot Weldon range finder SADDLER S TOOLS. Class X, section 9. Awl blades, harness, assorted, Nos. 43 to 48 inc Awl pegging Awl, seat, handled Carriage pricking, 3 wheels, Nos. 7, Sand 10 Compass, 6-inch Creaser, double, lignum vitae. . . Edge tool, No. 1 1 Enlisted strength. Minimum. 741 74 69i 74 74 74 74 1 ... 1 1 229 229 208 229 229 229 229 Maximum. Ill 111 106 111 111 111 111 346 346 346 321 346 346 346 346 $0. 33 .28 5.25 26. 88 7.84 6.00 .33 .42 C) 5.04 .65 2.45 15.17 36 .02 3 .02 3 .15 3 1.25 3 .58 3 .15 3 .23 1 Company, 12.59; battalion headquarters, $2.71. 2 In garrison, where parts of battalions are serving at separate stations, these wagon stencils can be sent by parcel post to organizations detached from headquarters for the necessary time to mark their wagons. 34 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 5. — Ordnance property — Arms, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued . FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS — Continued. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. 1 Articles. Equipment A — Continued. saddler's tools — continued. Class X, section 9 — Contd. Edge tool. No. 2 Extra blades, with followers, for draw gage Gage, draw, brass (without guard) Haft, awl, patent, with wrench. . Hammer, No. 3, riveting Handle pes awl with wrench. . . Knife, round , Knifp splitting, 6-inch Noodle case, leather Class X, section 9. Needles, Glovers No. 3, papers Needles, harness: No. 4, paper No. 5, paper No. 6, paper Nippers, cutting, 10-inch Oilstone, 1.1 25 by 2 by 8 inches, unmounted Pliers, 6-inch Punches, hand ,Nos.5,7,8andlO Punch, revolving, 4 tubes, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7 Rivet set Rule, boxwood, 2-foot, 4-fold. . , Screw driver, 3-inch blade Sewing palm, leather Shear," lO-inch bent trimmers . Shoe knife, broad point Shoe knife, square point Slickers, steel Stitching clamp Stitcliing horse Thimble, best aluminum lined, steel Tool, claw Tool bag, saddler's Enlisted strength. Minimum. 229 1... 1 ... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1 ... 1... 2... 1... 1... Maximum. 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 346 $0.15 .08 3i 1.60 3; .41 .40 .07 .82 3.42 .26 .08 .05 .05 .05 2.95 {■: .36 .55 16 19 1.00 .52 .26 .09 .68 .85 .25 .18 .42 3,00 8.95 .04 .31 13.25 1 No. 5. 1 No. 7, 8, and 10. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 35 Table 5. — Ordnance property — Arrrts, ammunition, personal, horse, and organization equipment — Continued. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS — Continued. New Model Equipment (1910)— Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum. Maximum. Articles. 74 7 229 Ill 13 346 13 "3 ■6 "& c3 o C3 o ■^r. *^ rC 52 ■^ >. cr-. ac >> fl.'^. n ij g a "3 ft .2 S ^ 2. "3 s '& a c3 C3 4-i •a o H m o n n p Equipment A— Continued. officer's horse equipment. Class IX, sections 5 and 6. Officer's horse equipments, sets ^ 4 3 15 4 3 15 167. 90 1 For the parts of a set of officer's horse equipment, see (o) p. 40. NOTE. If the organization is provided with the .38 or .45 caliber revolver in- stead of the .45 caliber pistol, the fact will be stated on the ordnance return, and the above unit accountability equipment will be modified as shown by note on page 38. Table 6. — Ordnance property. FOR BAND. Articles. Equipment B. Class X, section 1. Arm locker, automatic pistol, caliber .45 Class X, section 5. Marking outfit, for metal Seal stamp Stencil outfit * 1 The stencil outfit consists of the following articles: One chest, 47 cents; 1 stencil brush, 11 cents: 1 bo:v stencil paste, 10 cents; 2 sets stencils, letters A to Z, period, and character &, 1 set J-inch size, 1 cent each, 28 cents, and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 56 cents; 2 sets figures, Nos. to 9^ 1 set i-inch size, 1 set each, 10 cents, and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 20 cents; 4 end pieces, ^inch size, 1 cent each, 4 cents; 4 end pieces, 1 inch size, 2 cents each, 8 cents. 36 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 7. — Ordnance property. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Enlisted strength. Minimum. Maximum. Articles. 109 4 9 671 164 7 13 1011 a as P. 1 II n i a> || S a- ■^ •3 "S s e E o O i o t-l «> at. o a = 3 i s C3 « (S ■3 a P5 s '3 Equipment B. Class VII, section 1. Cleaning rods, barrack Class X, section 1. 13 78 ?n T^O $0.14 Arm lockers, model 1903 rifle . 1 — 1 7 1 1 7 9.00 Class X, section 5. Marking outfits, for leather * . . Markino; outfits, for metal ' . . 1 1 1 1 7 7 1 1 .... 1 1 7 7 23.22 24.39 Seal stamps 1 1 6 9 1 1 6 29.10 Stencil outfits > 1 1 1 1 9 2 1.94 Class X, section 9. Arm repair chests, complete, model of 1910 3 1 6 1 6 57.54 1 When a regiment is in the field, 1 marking outfit for stamping leather and 1 marking outfit for stamping metal, and 1 stencil outfit are carried into the field with equipment A of the regimental headquarters. The balance of these articles are left in the storehouse. The stencil outfit consists of the following articles: One chest, 47 cents: one stencil brush, 11 cents: 1 box stencil paste, lOcents; 2sets stencils, letters A to Z, period, and character &, 1 set i-inch size, 1 cent each, 28 cents; and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 56 cents: 2 sets figures, Nos. to 9, 1 set Winch size, 1 cent each, 10 cents, and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 20 cents; 4 end pieces, i-ihch size, 1 cent each, 4 cents; 4 end pieces, 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 8 cents. 2 Carried in equipment "A" of the battalion headquarters. 3 For organizations equipped with the new model equipment, when a regiment is in the field 2 of these arm repair chests are carried with equipment A of the regimental head- quarters for use of each battalion, the balance of the arm repair chests to be left in the store- house. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 37 Table 8. — Ordnance ■property. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS. Articles. Equipment B. Clasfi VII, section 1. Cleaning rods, barrack Class X, section 1 . Arm lockers, model of 1903 rifle Class X, section 5. Marking outfits, for leather ' Marking outfits, for metal ' t . .. Seal stamps Stencil outfits ^ Class X, section 9. Arm repair chests, complete, model of 19103 Enlisted strength. Peace. in^ War. 229 111 13 « M — ' o >, a 03 03§ ■" C J^ o 03-" c3 03 m o PH.a 27 13 4 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 i 3 1 3-16 39 $0.14 9.00 -3.22 24.39 2 2.10 2 1.94 57. 54 1 When a battalion is in the field, 1 marking outfit for stamping leather and 1 marking outfit for stamping metal, and 1 stencil outfit are carried into the field with equipment A of the battalion headquarters. The balance of these articles are left in tile storehouse. The stencil outfit consists of the following articles: One chest, 47 cents; 1 stencil brush, 11 cents; 1 box stencil paste, 10 cents; 2 sets stencils, letters, A to Z, period and charac- ter &: 1 set J-inch size, 1 cent each, 28 cents, and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents, 56 cents; 2 sets figures, Nos. to 9: 1 set ^-inch size, 1 cent each, 10 cents, and 1 set 1-inch size, 2 cents each, 20 cents; 4 end pieces, i-inch size, 1 cent each, 4 cents; 4 end pieces l-inch size, 2 cents each, 8 cents. - Carried in equipment " A " of the battalion headquarters. 3 For organizations equipped with the new model equipment: when a battalion is in the field, 1 of the arm repair chests is carried with equipment A of the battalion headquarters or use of the battalion, the balance of the arm repair chests to be left in the storehouse. 38 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. PART II. Table 9. — Individual Anns and Equipments for Field Service. Ordnance Property. Note. — The tables below show the equipment for use with the .45- caliber pistol. In case organizations are equipped with the .38or .45- caliber revolver instead of the .45-caliber pistol, substitute for the articl e- of pistol equipment the corresponding articles of revolver equipmeif as follows: Articles of pistol equipment. Corresponding articles of revolver equipmen', , 20 cartridges, ball, revolver, cali- ber, .38 or .45. 1 revolver. 1 revolver holster. 1 revolver cartridge belt \nthout 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 pistol. 1 pistol holster. 1 pistol belt without saber ring. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. i saber ring. 1 magazine pocket, web, double. | NEW MODEL EQUIPMENT (l910). (a) Arms and equipments for all enlisted men, except those specified in paragraphs d, e, and / of Table 9 : 1 tr. S. rifle, caliber .30. 1 brush and thong. ^ 1 oiler and thong case.' 1 front-sight cover. 1 bacon can. 1 canteen. 1 canteen cover, dismounted. 80 cartridges, ball, caliber .30. 1 cup. 1 condiment can. 1 gun sling. 1 meat can. 1 knife. 1 fork. 1 spoon. 1 pouch, for first-aid packet. (b) Mounted men (except those specified in paragraphs d, e, and / of Table 9), will have in addition to (a): 1 cartridge belt, caliber .30, mounted. 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 pistol. 1 pistol holster. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 1 magazine pocket, web, double.'^ 1 spurs, pair. 1 spur straps, set. (c) Dismounted men (except those specified in paragraphs d, e, and / of Table 9), will have in addition to (a): 1 bayonet. 1 bayonet scabbard. 1 cartridge belt, caliber .30, dismounted. 1 haversack. 1 pack carrier. > To be omitted if rifle is provided with spare-part container. 2 To be supplied only when cartridge belt, caliber .30, mounted, is provided with pockets for carrying revolver cartridges. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EftUIPMENT MANUAL. 39 (d) For sergeants major, master engineers, senior and junior grade, regi- mental and battalion supply sergeants, sergeants, first class, color sergeants, sergeants bugler, company buglers, and members of band: 1 pistol. 1 pistol belt, without saber ring. 1 pistol holster. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 canteen. 1 canteen cover, dismounted. 1 cup. 1 bacon can. 1 condiment can. 1 knife. 1 fork. 1 spoon. 1 pouch, for first-aid packet. 1 meat can. 1 spurs, pair. Uf n^o^nted. 1 spur straps, set. j («) For first sergeants in addition to (d). 1 pouch for Weldon range finder. 1 steel tape, 60-foot. 1 steel tape, 5-foot. 1 Weldon range finder. (/) For wagoner (engineer) with each authorized wagon of field and combat train: 1 pistol. 1 pistol belt, without saber ring. 1 pistol holster. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 21 cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .45. 1 haversack. 1 pack carrier. 1 canteen. 1 canteen cover, dismounted. 1 cup. 1 bacon can. 1 condiment can. 1 knife. 1 fork. 1 spoon. 1 pouch, for first-aid packet. 1 meat can. (j7) Horse equipment for each enlisted man individually mounted on horse: 1 cavalry bridle, or curb bridle, model of 1902. 1 watering bridle (issued only with model of 1902 curb bridle). 1 currycomb. 1 feed bag. 1 grain bag. 1 halter headstall. 1 halter tie rope. 1 horse brush. 1 lariat. 1 lariat strap. 1 link. 1 picket pin. 1 rifle scabbard (if armed ^^ith rifle). 1 saddle, cavalrj', complete. 1 saddlebags, pair. 1 saddle blanket. 1 surcingle. {h) For men armed with rifle: Cleaning rod . ] Cleaning rod case. >1 for every 8 rifles. Screw driver. 40 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. ORDNANCE STORES FOR USE OF OFFICERS UNDER PAR- AGRAPHS 1520 AND 1522, A. R., 1913. Ordnance Property. (o) For oflBcers entitled to horse equipment (paragraph 1520, A. R., 1913).' 1 bridle, cavalry. 1 link. 1 bridle, watering (issued only 1 picket pin. with the curb bridle, model 1 saber straps, pair. of 1902). 1 saddle, McClellan, cavalr^^ 1 currj'comb. 1 saddlebags, pair. 1 feed bag. 1 saddle blanket. 1 grain bag. 2 saddlecloths, -with, insignia, 1 halter headstall. officers' . 1 halter tie rope. 1 spurs, pair. 1 horse brush. 1 spur straps, set. 1 lariat. 1 spur straps, black, set. 1 lariat strap. 1 surcingle. (p) Pistol equipment for use of officers under A. R. 1522. ^ 21 cartridges, ball, pistol. 1 pistol holster. 2 magazines, pistol, extra. 1 pistol belt, with saber ring. 1 pistol. Note. — The above equipments are for use with the .45-caliber pistol. In case organizations are equipped with .38 or .45 caliber revolvers sub- stitute for the articles of pistol equipment the corresponding articles of revolver equipment as follows: {q) Revolver equipment for use of oflRcers under A. R. 1522. ^ 20 cartridges, ball, revolver. 1 revolver holster. 1 revolver. 1 revolver cartridge belt. Note." — The sets of officers' horse eciuipments, pistol or revolver equip- ment on hand and also all individual equipment units retained on hand for additional men will, in each case, be briefly reported (in the space pro\dded for the purpose), on page 2 of the return — Form No. 451 A. G. O. — as so many sets, followed by the letter (a), (b), (c), etc., given in this manual to designate the unit, after the following manner: 7 sets (a). 3 sets (p). 7 sets (e). 3 sets (q). 3 sets (o). Each set of horse or pistol equipment pro^aded for use of officers, and each set of indi^•idual equipment obtained on account of additional men, should be complete and consist of only the articles enumerated in this manual as the unit for the set indicated by the letter. If at any time the number of rifles, gun slings, and cartridge belts on hand pertaining to the regular unit accountability equipment of the or- ganization is not sufficient to meet the provisions of paragraph 1522, A. R., 1913, then such stores will be drawn by the individual officers requiring the use of them from the post ordnance officer, or from the designated ordnance supjily officer, uiider memorandum receipt. The small arnis ammunition drawn by officers under A. R. 1522 of 1913 for expenditure in authorized target practice will be taken from the am- munition wliich is held by the organization commander under memor- andxim receipt from the supply officer, as authorized by paragraph 6, General Orders, No. 52, War Department, 1915. 1 Articles held on unit accountability under the provisions of pa'-astraph 1520 \. R., 1913, will be limitei to those shown under (o). Horse covers where requi'ed and the additional equipment authorizefl bv orders where an officer below the gra le of maior has provided Mmself with two mounts will be obtaine 1 on memorandum receipt from the post ordnance officer, or siipplv ofTicer. 2 Organization commanders may keep on hand a sufTieient number of these articles to meet the provisions of paragraph "l522 A. R., 1913. Articles held under the provisions of this paragraph will be limited to those shown under (p) or (ijr). ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 41 PART III. Garrison Equipment.' — Held on memorandum re- ceipt — Not part of unit accountability equipment. Table 10. — Ordnance 'property. FOR BAND. Articles. Enlisted strength, 30. Unit price. Class VII, section 5. N. C. S. 0. saber and scabbard (C. M.) Class IX, section 1. $6.00 Belts, garrison, baud, model of 1910 (C. M.) Belt, garrison, N. C. S. 0., model of 1910 (€. M.) 29 1 .85 2.71 Class IX, section 2. Saber knot (C. M.) 1—1 .85 Class X, section 1. Arm racks, for automatic pistol, caliber .45 1 32.75 Class X, section S. Decapping and cleaning tools, set (C. M.) 1 4.95 1 Repair and replacement of the articles of garrison equipment marked C. M. will be charged on the record of the cost of maintenance of the organization and, so far as is prac- ticable, will be held by and for the use of the organization to which originally issued. In case of permanent change of station such C. M. property will be transferred with it, by the usual exchange of invoices and re?eipts by the supply oflicers concerned, unless specific orders are otherwise given. 2 Saber, $3.50; scabbard, $2.50. Note.— Bacon and condiment chests h'ave been discontinued as a part of the field equipment. Those on hand form part of the permanent camp equipment until the supply on baud is exhausted. (G. 0. No. 3, W. D., 1915.) 42 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 11. — Ordnance property. Articles. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum. ^1 Ste 671 Maximum. 1,011 So Class VII, section 1. Drift slides Cartridge holders, gallery prac- tice rifles (C. M.) Rifles, gallery-practice, with appendages "(C. M.) Rifles, with Maxim silencers (CM.) Class VII, section 2. Magazines, pistol, extra ^ Pistols, caliber .45 - 42 150 6 1 Class VII, section 5. N. C. S. O. saber and scabbard (CM.) Class VIII, section 1. Cartridges, dummy, caliber .30, model of 1906 515 Class VIII, section 2. Cartridges, ball, pistol, caliber .453 _.!147 Class IX, section 1. Belts, garrison, band, model of 1910 (CM.) 2 Belts, garrison, enlisted men's, model of 1910 (C M.) 103 Belts, garrison, N. C S. O. model of 1910 (C M.) 4 Class IX, section 2. Saber knots (C M.) 4 Pistol holsters, caliber .45 ^ 7 252 900 36 6 40 3,090 64 200 16 10 790 8821168 12 2 619 158 40 4 40 4 42 8 384 200 48 6 48 $0.10 .24 15.45 22.25 .52 12.50 6.00 4,740*22.50 1,008 12 951 48 * 14. 50 .85 1.99 2.71 85 56 1 In addition to the above, the necessary garrison equipment should be prosured for each wagoner [resent with the field and combat train. - For provost guard and like occasions for each sergeant not otherwise provided for in Equipment A. 3 Saber, S3.o0; scabbard, S2.50. « Per thousand. ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 43 Table 11. — Ordnance property — Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Enlisted strength. Minimum. Maximum. Articles. 109 4 9 671 164 7 13 1,011 « o s >-. P. i l| _ o .25 ft o ® o n o .1 » CD O 6 to !>. c C3 P< a o 2 Is |l PC 11 O eg o a « S 'ah » Class IX, section 3. Pistol belts, without saber rings ^ 9 24 1 6 2 12 4 10 1 54 158 20 36 12 72 24 60 6 11 36 1 8 4 16 4 15 1 7 7 2 10 8 68 240 28 4 24 96 24 90 6 $2.10 Class IX, section 5. Horse covers (C. M.) ^ Saber straps, pairs (G. M.) Class X, section 1. Arm racks for U. S. rifle and automatic pistol or revolver "*. Class X, section 2. Fencing- outfits, Cavalrv, sets (C M )^ ". 4 4 6 6 .46 14.50 14.98 Fencing outfits, Infantrv, sets (O.M.)« : Class X, section 7. Aiming devices 23.46 .40 Recording rifle-rod outfits '1.55 Class X, section S. Decappina: and cleaning tools, set (CM.)...-. 4.95 ' For provost guard and like occasions for each sergeant not otherwise provided for in Equipment A. - To be kept on liand in organizations only where climatic conditions may require their use. s Old model, %h\ blanl^et lined, O. M., SIO.IO; model of 1912, .$3.36: blanket lined, model of 1912, $8. < «24.64. = A set con.'^ists of: 1 fencing glove, right, $3.10; 1 Cavalry plastron, .$4.75; 1 Cavalry mask, S6.30; 1 single stick, JO. 44; 1 wooden saber, $0.39. 6 A set consists of: 1 pair of fencing gloves, $6.20; 1 Infantry plastron, $6.20; 1 Infantry mask, $6.46; 1 fencing musket, ■'b2.55; 1 fencing bayonet, $1.95. 1 Complete with device for dummy cartridges, .$5.87. Note. — Bacon and condiment chests have been discontinued as a part of the field equipment. Those on hand form a part of the permanent camp equipment until the supply on hand is exhausted (G. 0. No. 3, W.D., 1915). 44 ENGINEER UNIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. Table 12. — Ordnance property. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS. Articles. Class VII, section 1. Drift slides Cartridge holders, gallery practice rifles (C. M.) Rifles, gallery practice, with ap- pendages (C. M.) Rifles with Maxim silencers (CM.) Class VII, section 5. N. C. S. O. saber and scabbard (CM.) Class VIII, section 1. Cartridges, dummy, cal. .30, model of 1906 Class IX, section 1. Belts, garrison, band, model of 1910 (CM.) , Belts, garrison, enlisted men's, model of 1910 (CM.) Belts, garrison, N. C. S. O., model of 1910 (CM.) Class IX, section 2. Saber knots (C. M.) Class IX, section S. Pistol belta, without saber rings ' Class IX, section 3. Horse covers (C. M.)^ Saber straps, pairs (CM.) Enlisted strength. Minimum. 74 7 229 28 100 4 CO o o in *- 0.a 345 2 69 3 2>^ 84 300 12 3 15 1,035 6 208 15 15 21 229 15 Maximum. Ill 13 346 42 150 6 03 03 530 2 106 3 10 111 3 126 450 18 3 19 $0.10 .24 15.45 22.25 2 6.00 1,590^22.50 13 lOl 6 321 19 19 29 346 19 .85 1.99 2.71 .85 2.10 («) ,46 1 In a iiHtion to the above the necessary garrison equipment should be procured for each wagoner present with the field and combat train. 2 Saber, 83.50; scabbard, S2.o0. 3 Per thousand. * For provost guard and like occasions for each sergeant ("except first sergeant and ser- geants, first class) who are provided for in Equipment "A." The accessary pistols, hol- sters, cartridges, aad magazines are provided for in Equipment "A." 5 To be kept on hand in organizations only where climatic conditions may require their use. « Old model, So; blanket lined, O. M., $10.10; model 1912, $3.36; blanket lined, model 1912, S8. ENGINEER T7NIT ACCOUNTABILITY EQUIPMENT MANUAL. 45 Table 12. — Ordnance property — Continued. FOR MOUNTED ORGANIZATIONS — Continued. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Enlisted strength. Minimum. Maximum. Articles. 74 7 229 Ill 13 346 i a o O Battalion headquarters. Battalion, total for. 1 a w ■w a* ffi.§ *j O ca 4.:) ■a ^3 Class X, section 1 . Arm racks for United States rifle and automatic pistol or revolver ' Class X, section 2. Fencing outfits, cavalry, sets (C.M.)2 4 2 8 4 10 1 12 6 24 12 30 3 6 2 12 4 15 1 .... 18 6 36 12 45 3 114. 50 14.98 Fencing outfits, infantry, sets (C. M.)'' 23.46 Class X, section 7. Aiming devices .40 Recording rifle rod outfits n. 55 Class X, section 8. Decapping and cleaning tools, set (CM.) 4.95 1 $24.64. 2 A set consists of: 1 fencing glove, right, SS.IO; 1 cavalry plastron, $4.75; 1 cavalry mask, $6.30; I singlestick, 44 cents; 1 wooden saber, 39 cents. 3 A set consists of: 1 pair fen:;ing giove^ $i.20; 1 infantry plastron, $6.20; 1 infantry mask, S6.46: 1 fencing musket, 82.65: 1 fencing bayonet, $1.95. * Complete with device for dummy cartridges, $.5.S7. Note — Bacon and condiment chests have been discontinued as a part of the field equipment. Those on hand form a part of the permanent camp equipment until the supply on hand is exhausted (G. O. No. 3, W. D., 1915). O