sx ^*o* •satrap; o> ?"Wfl ^-o ,4 ;• . * T a* &%. ^ ? «- ♦ AT "O. ^ ^ W »>«*. A^^ * ♦ A* %, . • A y o w- • AV "c*. W ■-r /ji,^' «*,. a* .* J A*^ > % ..•■••. ^ W ^ * a>*>v - P^v './?£>> V™V\. %^V V™V %^V V^V c ^/ -ifife %<** --ttte W .'KKfe %■/ -»2te w ••^•- \s .-ate »* v \ •i%\ ^^&T°o j>*s&ikX / (AUG o,^ \ ^Noqi^et to Jake (^aytioa > r ■ Qorinet tc fake auuga* by Fred TellerK* "A OPYRIGHT 1894 By FRED TELLE!! The Courier Printing Co , Seneca Falls, N. Y. J^f : BOUT fifteen years ago, this little tribute to Lake Cayuga was first published in the Seneca # County Courier. It has appeared in the press 1 the vicinity at intervals more or less frequently since. 1 take pleasure in following a suggestion made some time ago — that of gathering together a few of the delightful views to which it refers, and appareling it in a more sylvan costume. My only apology for sending it forth is that nothing — so far as I have been able to learn — has ever been written, either good, bad or indifferent, about our beautiful lake. It seemed to me that it merited something, even though the effort were but an indifferent one. F. T. Front Title P; age 7 - lint, 1 1 Cayuga Villa Lake Point, Vignette, - Wild Flowers. .___._ On Yon Hillside, Tin Hamlet, Fair Cayuga, Corner of Orchard Beach, Red Jacket Club House and Canoga Point, Initial Sailboats, - - 13 Twilight mi the Bea - 13 Monument Marking Birthplace of Red Ja 1 15 Oli. Link of the Past! Beckon Sachem and Warrior, 15 Initial Ca ass, - 17 Happy Hunting Grounds Theirs — - - - - 17 At Night's Portals. [9 Sombre Night Gathers 'Round the Day Beams Expiring, As Thy : ir Showing Stars Silvery Sheen. 23 Insert — ' Red Man. - - 23 LL ablaze is the west — the sun now declining Bathes golden the clouds hovering light over there On yon hillside thy hamlet, fair Cayuga, inclining Dips downward and thy mirrored lace fair — Bright steeple and housetop, gleaming gable and home, Transplendent in halo of sunset's bright sheen, The picture inverted on chrysolite dome And naught but the film of thv waters between. *T> ■ 4 O I. queen of fair lakes ! thy horizon is fading Into azure of distance iridescent with rose ; Canoga alar the Great Manitou Mantles Red Jacket's birthpl in twilight's repi ise. 's shading ace Oh, link of the past ! beckon sachem and warrior, Bring halcyon days when thev roamed here at will. The tribes of the Indian, the tents of thy people That gave thee the name that clings to thee still. 0>jAYUGA! 'tis then as shadows descending The wayfarer gathers the spell of thy charms; 5£ Darkness glides from the marshes with purple shades Ghostly sedges and flagtops melt in night's dewy arms: Light plays on the gloom — the past on the present The dusky trihes gather as phantoms to roam — Happy Hunting Grounds theirs — a Great Spirit has sent- We're hut intruders; this realm is their I : ileii(lm< (2> > I AY, sweet enchantress ! cast not thy netting, Shut not the gates of this paradise fair : Earth hath no pearl in such a beautiful setting That the heavens for the night garner into its care. Break not the spell ; thy legends weave into The charm that yon hold on the hearts you have won At night's portals we linger loath to have thee depart. A sweet summer idyl, a day almost done. OMIjER night gathers 'round the dav beams expiring, We put out the sconse with the last vesper prayer Then merged with thy waters, or with thee retiring, I s lost in the night or blends with the air — An intangible something of words yet unspoken— As th 3' bosom lies fair showing stars silvery sheen- rhal hearts can't express but our soul's thrills betoken, ill our lakes beautfiul, thou art the Queen. W 44 v.j J£_- ~*o, 'V'3S*v 4 O %S ■• ••' A> „ a a . *V6 * "**m* * ^&\ik*u ysM--\ /4V&% **•£■&'•% /4V&%, ** ^ Xn<£ •jfflfc W •Jill: ^s* .lli;', W ;JmI: ^ «j»^t W :J§ell W ^ * *-*!!*\g* v ^V : — ; V 'V*^>* V'—'V ^*^V* X ^ -IK- W ' 3. -."«"»> ^3. »o . » ' :>*_ /.c^r.^o ^.-S^-%, t o\.ii&-*o> ^\.^i,%_ Ac^.% o5°^ £°* l4°* * v ♦ 9 7 . * • '■> • v^ WERT J) V t »*' ^b. »•..* .A <^. ^% ■^o T