LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. §I|ait3A^iop!jriB^ $0 Shelf -JLLIB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A TOPICAL OUTLINE ENGLISH HISTORY INCLUDING REFERENCES FOR LITERATURE FOR THE USE OF CLASSES IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES BY FREDERICK J. ALLEN, A.M. PRINCIPAL OF THE HIGH SCHOOL, MILFORD, N.H. Preeminent among the stories of the nations stands the story of the Anglo-Saxon race. JUL 12 189} BOSTON, U.S.A. I G o / <3^L 7 D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1895 Copyright, 1895, By FREDERICK J. ALLEN. THE LIBRARY! OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON j ^ TSTortoooti fficm : J. S. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE. History has more sides than the gold and silver shield. No writer has given us all that is best upon any period or subject. The method of the following pages, carefully developed, and tested in the class-room with gratifying results, enables the student to appropriate the best to be found in many books. It covers the entire field of English history, and aims to fill that place in its study which the laboratory manual fills in chemistry. The topics are more complete than can be found in any one text- book. They are placed upon the left side of the page, with num- bers upon the right referring to the pages of the latest editions of standard school histories. The arrangement is both chronological and related, special effort being made so to group facts that relation and result may be clearly understood. Careful attention has been given to dates, and constant sight of topic and date, rather than any committing to memory, fixes both in mind. In the case of sovereigns, the pages given mark only the beginnings of the reigns ; in other cases the references include all of value to be found. This book is a result of practical teaching, and those teachers who have seen it in preparation have warmly advised its publication. It is, first of all, a class-book, taking away no individuality of teacher or pupil, and being especially adapted to working purposes. The author's method has been as follows : — Have a variety of histories in the class ; let each pupil use a copy of the Topics and one or more text-books, with works of reference constantly at hand. Let the class keep note-books, also, in which may be written concise statements on the daily lessons, especially useful for re-review. This stimulates investigation, and arouses in each member of the class a desire to bring what others do not. 3 4 PREFACE. It also serves as a test in selection and discrimination. For instance, the author once asked his class for results of the reign of William the Conqueror, and twenty-five definite results, positive and negative, were promptly given. Names of writers have been combined with the historical topic*, because it is believed that literature is best understood when seen in its proper setting of political and social history; and the knowledge so gained will serve to direct further reading and research. In most cases one representative book is given with each author. As applying, in some measure, to the text-books referred to, the following quotation is made from Professor Charles F. Richardson : " From the days when Alfred translated Boethius and Orosius instead of Cicero and Tacitus, wise teachers have used means toward ends, have taken simple books instead of (invariably) great ones, and have sought to stimulate as well as to instruct." The histories to which reference is made are those in most com- mon use. Their arrangement is partly according to value. Some of them contain little upon the earlier periods, and should be supple- mented by cyclopedias and general works of reference. Green's and Gardiner's, the single-volume editions, are the most valuable ; while Curnow's, "written for English schools," is least so in some respects. Emery's Notes is a good guide to further study in literature. Where the histories afford no late information, as, for instance, in the case of Earl Rosebery, reference has been made to those periodicals most easily accessible to high schools and academies. To ensure completeness in this book as a practical manual, a carefully selected list of works for consultation has been placed at the end. F. J. A. MlLFORD, N.H., Oct. 27, 1894. ABBREVIATIONS. A. = Anderson's School History of England 1 (Maynard, Merrill, & Co.). M. = Montgomery's Leading Facts in English History (Ginn & Co.). B. = Buckley's History of England for Beginners (Macmillan & Co.). C. = Curnow's English History for Schools (George Philip & Son). T. = Thalheimer's History of England (American Book Co.). S. = Stone's History of England (Thompson, Brown, & Co.). D. = Dickens' Child's History of England (American Book Co.). G. = Green's Short History of the English People (Harper & Brothers). Gar. = Gardiner's Students' History of England (Longmans, Green, & Co.). E. = Emery's Notes on English Literature (Ginn & Co.). Br. = Brooke's Primer of English Literature (American Book Co.). Ap. = Appendix. Scrib. = Scribner's Monthly. Cent. t = Century Magazine. Harper — Harper's Magazine. Forum = The Forum. R. of Rs. = Review of Reviews. 1 Latest editions in all cases to 1894. 5 CONTENTS. PAGE Abbreviations . 5 English Sovereigns . 9 PART I. - OLD ENGLAND. 1066 A.D. I, Prehistoric Britain. 55 b.c 11 II. Roman Britain. 55 B.c-449 a.d 12 III. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 449-1066 12 Supplementary Topics 15 PART II. — FEUDAL ENGLAND. 1066-1485. I. The Norman Conquest. 1066-1154 16 Supplementary Topics 18 II. The Plantagenets. 1 154-1399 19 Supplementary Topics 23 Literature of the Age of Chaucer „ ... 24 III. Lancaster and York. 1 399-1485 25 Supplementary Topics 28 PART HI.— MODERN ENGLAND. 1485 . I. ' The Tudors. 1485-1603 29 Supplementary Topics 35 Elizabethan Literature 36 II. The Stuarts (and the Commonwealth). 1603-1714 37 Supplementary Topics 44 Puritan and Classical Literature 44 III. The House of Hanover. 1714 46 Supplementary Topics 53 Classical, Romantic, and Victorian Literature 54 Colonies of the British Empire 58 Additional Reading and Reference 59 Index 65 7 ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS. SAXONS. Egbert 827-839 Ethelwulf 839-858 Ethelbald 858-860 Ethelbert 860-866 Ethelred 1 866-871 Alfred 871-901 Edward the Elder . . . 901-925 Athelstan 925-940 Edmund 1 940-946 Edred 946-955 Edwin 955-959 Edgar 959~975 Edward the Martyr . . 975-978 Ethelred II 978-1016 Edmund II 1016 DANES. Canute 1 101 7-1036 Harold 1 1036-1039 Canute II 1039-1041 SAXONS RESTORED. Edward the Confessor . . 1041-1066 Harold II 1066 NORMANS. William 1 1066- 1087 William II 1087-1100 Henry I noo-1135 Stephen 1 135-1 154 PLANTAGENETS. Henry II 1154-1189 Richard 1 11S9-1199 John 1199-1216 Henry III 1216-1272 Edward I., 1272-1307 Edward II 1307-1327 Edward III 1327— 1377 Richard II *377~ I 399 LANCASTER, Henry IV 1399-1413 Henry V 1413-1422 Henry VI 1422-1461 YORK. Edward IV 1461-1483 Edward V 1483 Richard III 1483-1485 TUDORS. Henry VII 1485-1509 Henry VIII 1 509-1 547 Edward VI 1547— 1553 Maryi • • • 1553-1558 Elizabeth 155S-1603 STUARTS. James 1 1603-1625 Charles 1 1 625-1 649 The Commonwealth . . 1649- 1660 Charles II 1660-1685 James II 1685-16S9 William and Mary . . . 16S9-1702 Anne 1 702-1 714 HANOVERIANS. George 1 1 714-1727 George II 1 727-1 760 George III 1 760-1820 George IV 1S20-1S30 William IV 1S30-1S37 Victoria 1S37- U A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. >>s^ PART I. — OLD ENGLAND. 1066 A.D. I. Prehistoric Britain. 55 b.c. 1. Definitions, Area, Surface 1 : England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. 2. The Island once a Part of the Continent ; Chalk-cliffs, Glaciers, Climate, Trees, and Animals. 3. Rough-stone Age : Man of the River- drift and Cave ; Condition, Nature, Tools and Weapons, Duration, Remains. 4. Polished-stone Age : a Higher Race ; Government, Mode of Life, Occupations, Arts, Burial. 5. Bronze Age: The Celts; Early Accounts, Dwellings, Tools and Weapons, Metals, Druidism. What do we owe to Pre- historic Man? 1 See Preface. II A. 7, 8; M. 14-17; B. 3, 4; S. 1; D. 13. M. 1, 2 ; T. 9 ; Gar. 1. M. 2-5; B. 4, 5 ; T. 9, 10; Gar. 1-3. M. 5-7; B. 5, 6; Gar. 3-5. A. 9, 10, 15-20; M. 7-T1; B. 6,7; C. 1,2; T. 10; S. 1-5; D. 14-18 : Gar. 5-10. 12 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. II. Roman Britain. 55 B.c-449 A - D - 1.* Condition of Europe. 2. Caesar; Invasions of Britain, 55 and 54 B.C. ; Cassivelau- nus. 3. Invasion by Claudius, 43 a.d.; Caractacus, 50 a.d. 4. Fate of the Druids. 5. Boadicea, 61. 6. Agricola, 78-84. 7. Introduction of Christianity. 8. Departure of the Romans, 410-426 A.D. 9. Roman Towns, Forts and Walls, Roads, Laws and Taxa- tion. M. 18; D. 18. A. 16, 17; M. 18-20; B. 7 ; C. 3, 4; T. 11; S. 6, 7; D. 19, 20; G. 5 ; Gar. 11, 12. A. 20, 21; M. 20; B. 8; C. 5, 6 ; T. 12 ; S. 7 ; D. 20, 21 ; Gar. M. 21; B.8; T. 12, 13; S. 7,8; D. 22, 25. A. 21, 22 ; M. 2i, 22 ; B. 8 ; C. 6 ; T. 13, 14 ; S. 8 ; D. 22 ; Gar. 15. A. 22; M. 23; C. 6, 7; T. 14; S. 8 ; D. 23 ; G. 5 ; Gar. 16, 17. A. 26, 27 ; M. 22, 23 ; B. 9 ; C. 8; T. 17; S. 11 ; Gar. 23. A. 24; M. 27, 28; B. 9 ; C. 8, 9 ; T. 18; S. 11 ; D. 24; G. 6; Gar. 25, 26. A. 9, 22, 23, 25, 26; M. 12, 13, 21, 23-30; B. 8; C. 78; T. 14, i5> 1 T, s - 8 - IX I D - 2 4- 26 ; G. 5, 6 ; Gar. 17-21. III. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 449-1066. 1. The Teutons. 2. Saxon Pirates. 3. Picts and Scots ; Vortigern. B. 10 ; C. 1 1 ; T. 16 ; G. 1, 2. A. 31, 32 ; B. 10; C. 10, 12 ; T. 16 ; S. 12 ; D. 23 ; G. 7. A. 24, 25; M. 31, 32; B. 11 ; C. 10; T. 18; S. 12, 14; D. 27, 28 ; G. 6 ; Gar. 26. OLD ENGLAND. 13 4. Coming of Hengist and Horsa (Jutes), 449, 451. 5. The Saxons, 477. 6. Struggles between Saxons and Britons ; King Arthur, 520. 7. The Angles, 547. 8. Religion ; Names of the Days of the Week. 9. Gregory and the English Slaves. 10. Augustine and his Forty Monks, 597 ; Ethelbert of Kent. 11. Anglo-Saxon Government: Bretwalda, Kings, Divisions of the People, Political Divisions, Land-Tenure, Courts and Law, Moots, the Witan. 12. Education and Literature; Beowulf, Caedmon, Cuth- bert, Bede. 13. The Early Kingdoms (Hep- tarchy) ; Egbert, First King of all the English, 827-839. A. 25, 28; M. 32, 33; B. 11; C. 13; T. 18; S. 12; D. 28, 29; G. 7-9; Gar. 27. A. 29; M. 33, 34; B. 11; C. 15; D. 29, 30; G. 10-12; Gar. 27, 28. A. 31; M. 34, 35; B. 11-13; T. 19; S. 13; D. 29, 30; G. 11, 12; Gar. 33 , 35. A. 29; M. 34; B. 12, 13; C. 15, 16 ; Gar. 28. A. 31, 32; M. 53; B. 15; C. 12, 13; T. 20; S. 19; G. 4, 5. A. 33; M. 35; B. 16; T. 22; S. 14; G. 17, 18 ; Gar. 3 S, 39- A. 3°, 33, 34; M. 35-37; C. 16, 18; T. 22, 23; S. 14, 15 ; D- 3°, 3 1 ; G. 17-25; Gar. 37-41, 46. A. 30, 66, 67 ; M. 48-53 ; B. 14, 15,25,26; C. 14-19,39-41; T. 20, 31-34; S. 18, 19; G. 2-4, 14-16; Gar. 28-33, 44, 69-77. A. 34-36,69; M. 37, 38; B. 18, 19; C. 17; T. 19, 23, 52, 53; S. 20; G. 26-29, 34- 36, 3 8 -4i ; Gar. 49"5 2 ; E. 5, 6; Br. 5-19. A. 29,30,34,39; M. 39; B. 13, 19; C. 18; T. 24, 25; S. 13-17; D. 31, 32; G. 43, 44; Gar. 54, 55. 14 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 14. Britain becomes England. 15. The Danish Invasion. 16. Ethelwulf, 839-858; Ethelbald, 858-860; Ethelbert, 860-866 ; EthelredL, 866-871. 17. Alfred the Great, 871-901. 18. Treaty of Wedmore, 878. 19. Alfred's Government, Laws, Navy, Literary Work. 20. Edward the Elder, 901-925, 21. Atheist an, 925-940 ; Edmund I., 940-946 ; Edred, 946-955 5 Edwin, 955-959. 22. Dunstan and his Reforms. 23. Edgar the Peaceful, 959- 975; Edward the Martyr, 975— 978; Ethelred the Unready, 978- 1016. A. 34; M. 39, 40; C. 11, 12; T. 39; S. 14; D. 32; G. 44. A. 40, 41 ; M. 40 ; B. 20 ; C. 20, 21 ; T. 26 ; S. 21 ; D. 38 ; G. 44-47; Gar. 56, 57. A. 41-43 ; B. 21 ; C. 21, 22 ; T. 27; S. 21 ; D. 38; G. 46, 47; Gar. 57, 58. A. 43-46 ; M. 40, 41 ; B. 21, 22 ; C. 22 ; T. 28, 29 ; S. 22, 23 ; D. 34-42; G. 47~5 2 ; Gar. 58-62. A. 45; M. 41,42; B. 22; C. 22; T. 29; S. 23, 24; D. 37; G. 48 ; Gar. 59. A. 45-47 J M - 42, 43 ; B - 23, 24 ; C. 23; T. 29-31; D. 37-42; G. 48-^2 ; Gar. 60-62 ; E. G. 48-52 7; B] 47> 48 7; Br. 19, 20. B. 24; C. 23, 24; T. 31; S. 24; D. 39; G. 53, 54; Gar. 62, 6 3 . A. 48-5°; B - 24, 27; C. 24; T- 35-37; S. 24, 25; D.43- 48; G. 54-57; Gar. 63-67. A. 49, 52; M. 43.44; B. 25-27; C. 24, 25 ; T. 36-39 ; S. 25, 26; D. 45-53; G. 55-6i; Gar. 65-69. A. 50, 53; B. 27-29; C. 24, 25 ; T. 37-40 ;S. 26, 27; D.48- 53; G. 57-62; Gar. 67-69, 78-83. OLD ENGLAND. 15 24. Massacre of the Danes at the Festival of St. Brice, Nov. 13, 1002. 25. Sweyn the Dane ; Edmund Ironside, 1016. 26. The Danish Kings : Canute the Great, 1017- 1036; Harold Harefoot, 1036-1039 ; Hardicanute, 1 039-1 041. 27. Edward the Confessor, 1 041- 1066. 28. Earl Godwin ; Harold II. 29. The Norwegian Invasion ; Battle of Stamford Bridge, Sept. 25, 1066. Supplementary Topics on Anglo- Saxon Britain. 1. Military Affairs (Alfred). 2. Feudal Tenure. 3. Effects of Christianity on the Saxons. 4. " Runes." 5. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 6. Art and Architecture; Westmin- ster Abbey. 7. Industry and Commerce. 8. Life, Manners, and Customs. A. 53, 54; B. 29; C. 25, 26; T.40; S. 27; D.54; G. 62; Gar. 81. A. 53-5 6 ; M.44,45; B. 29; C. 26; T. 40,41; S. 27; D. 54- 58; G. 62-65; Gar. 81-83. A. 56-60; M. 45; B. 29, 31 ; C. 27, 29; T. 42, 43; S. 28; D. 59-64; G. 65-67; Gar. 8 3 -86. A. 60-64 ; M. 45, 46 ; B. 32-35 ; C. 30; T. 43-48; S. 29-32; D. 65-72; G. 68-70; Gar. 86-91. A. 60-64 ; M. 46, 47 ; B. 32-35 ; C 30-33 ; T - 43-48 ; S. 29- 32; D. 65-78; G. 67-70; Gar. 87-96. A. 64; M. 59; B. 36; C. 33; T. 49 ; S. 32 ; D. 73-75 ; G. 78, 79 ; Gar. 93-96. M. 54 ; Gar. 33, 60. A. 86; M. 50-52; C. 15, 18; T. 54; S. 18; Gar. 69, 72. M. 53, 54; B. 18; S. 18; G. 21-36; Gar. 49-51. M. 54, 55- M. 55 ; B. 23 ; T. 54 ; G. 52 ; Gar. 61, 68; E. 7; Br. 21, 22. A. 26, 34, 63, 67, 68 ; M. 46, 55, 56 ; B. 34, 73 5 C. 325 ; T. 23, 48, 52 ; S. 9, 16, 31 ; G. 144 ; Gar. 51, 91. A. 68, 69 ; M. 56 ; B. 28 ; Gar. 38. A. 67, 68 ; M. 56, 57 ; S. 19, 20 ; Gar. 75-77- PART II.— FEUDAL ENGLAND. 1066-1485. I. The Norman Conquest. 1066-1154. The Normans. Duke William. 3. Battle of Hastings, Oct. 14, 1066. 4. The Conqueror crowned as William I. of England, 1066- 1087 ; his Policy. 5. English and Normans. 6. Feudal System ; Oath of Al- legiance. The Revolts of 1067-1069; Devastation of Northumbria. 8. King and Church ; Lanfranc. B. 31; C.36; T. 38,40; G. 71- 74 ; Gar. 80, 81. A. 60-64, 72; M. 58; B. 39; C 37, 43; T - 47> 49. 57; D. 68, 70, 71; G. 74-78; Gar. 88, 91-93. A. 65, 66; M. 59-61; B. 36 C 34; T. 49-51; S. 33, 34 D. 73, 75-78; G. 79, 80 Gar. 96-98. A. 72, 73; M. 61-65; B. 37,40; C 44; T. 57, 58; S. 46; D. 79, 80; G. 80, 81 ; Gar. 98-102. A. 75, 78; M.63,64; D.80,84; G. 92. A. 77, 86-88; M. 64, 68; B. 40, 41, 43; c. 46, 47; T - 54; S. 5 i,52;D.8o;G.S3-8 5 ; Gar. 104-106, 113. A. 74, 75 ; M. 62 ; B. 41-43 ; C. 44-46; T. 58, 59; S. 46- 48; D. 81-83; G. 81, 82; Gar. 102, 103. A. 75; M. 65,66; B. 43,44; C. 48; T. 59; S. 52, 53; G. 85, 86; Gar. 88, 89, 106-110. 16 FEUDAL ENGLAND. - 17 9. The New Forest. 10. 11. 14. 15- 16. 17- Domesday Book, 1080- 1086. Death of William I. ; Re- sults of his Reign. William II. (Rums), 1087- 1100. Rebellion of the Barons un- der Odo, 1088; Robert of Mowbray, 1095. Oppression of the People 1 ; Flambard Justiciar. Anselm Archbishop, 1093. / Robert and the First Cru- sade, 1096. Death of William Rufus. 18. Henry I. (Beauclerc), 1100- "35- 19. His Charter; Marriage. 20. Battle of Tenchebrai, 1106. 21. Results of Henry's Reign. A. 75 ; M. 66, 67 ; B. 44 ; C. 48 T. 64; S. 49; D. 86. A. 77, 78; M. 67, 68; B. 44 C. 47; T. 61 ; S. 50, 51 D. 84; G. 85; Gar. in 112. A. 76 ; M. 68-70 ; B. 45 ; C. 49 T. 60-62; S. 53, 54; D 87-89; G. 89; Gar. 114. A. 78, 79 ; M. 70 ; B. 45 ; C 50; T. 6 3 ; S. 54; D. 90 G. 89 ; Gar. 114. A. 79; M. 71, 72; B. 45, 46 c - 5°-53; D - 9 X > 93; G 89 ; Gar. 115, 120. M. 70, 71; B. 46, 47; C. 51 D. 94 ; Gar. 115-117. A. 80; M. 72 ; B. 47 ; C. 52 T. 6 3 , 64 ; D. 94 ; G. 8c 90 ; Gar. 117, 118. A. 79; B. 48; C. 53; T. 64 D. 95, 96; Gar. 120, 121. A. 80, 81; M. 72 ;B. 4 8; C. 53 T. 65; D. 97-99; G. 90 Gar. 121, 122. A. 81; M. 73; B. 49; C. 54 T. 65; S. 54; D. 100; G 91 ; Gar. 122. A. 82; M. 73; B. 49; C. 55 T. 65 ; S. 55 ; D. 100, 101 G. 91, 92 ; Gar. 122-124. A. 82; M. 74; B. 50; C. 56 T. 65, 66; D. 102-106; G 96 ; Gar. 124, 125. A. 84; M. 75; B. 50-53; C.5S Gar. 126-128, 131. 1 8 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HL STORY. 22. Stephen, n 35-1 154. 23. Matilda ; Battle of the Stand- ard, 1 138. 24. Civil War ; Robber Barons. 25. Henry Plantagenet ; Treaty of Wallingford, 1 1 5 3 . (End of the Saxon Chronicle.) Supplementary Topics on the Norman Period. 1. Government : Kings, Councils, Courts of Justice, Trial by Battle, Land-Tenure, Taxes, " Tallies," Militia. 2. Chivalry. 3. The Church (Lan franc and An- selm). 4. Education ; Historical Works ; Bayeux Tapestry ; Effect of the Conquest on the English Lan- guage. 5. Architecture. 6. Trade ; the Jews. 7. Towns. 8. Life, Manners, and Customs. A. 84; M. 75; B. 53; C. 59; S. 55; D. 114; G. 101 ; Gar. 131. A. 83-85; M. 75,76; B.53,54; C. 57,61; T. 66-68; S. 55, 56; D. 107, 112-116; G. 100, 101 ; Gar. 132, 133. A. 85; M. 76; B. 54,55; C. 60, 62; T. 67, 68; S. 55, 56; D. 115-119; G. 101-103 ; Gar. 133-135. A. 85, 86; M. 77; B.56; C.62; T. 68, 69 ; D. 116, 117 ; G. 104; Gar. 136, 137. A. 91; M. 77-82; B. 50, 51; C. 58; T. 54 ; G. 8 3 , 85, 96, 97 ; Gar. 112, 113, 126, 127. A. 88, 90 ; M. 83 ; B. 92 ; S. 68, 76, 77; G. 182, 183 ; Gar. 235. M. 82 ; B. 52 ; G. 85, 86, 89, 90, 103, 104 ; Gar. 88, 106-110, 128, 129. A. 92 ; M. 83, 84 ; B. 50, 51 ; C. 38, 106; S. 38, 75,76; G. 1 1 7-1 21 ; Gar. 93-98 ; E. 7 ; Br. 22-28, 34- M. 84, 85 ; Gar. 89. A. 102, 103, 116 ; M. 85, 118; B. 44; T. 75, 88, 89 ; S. 78 ; G. 86, 87 ; Gar. 115, 127, 128, 160. B. 51 ; G. 92-94. A. 91, 92 ; M. 85, 86 ; S. 78-80. FEUDAL ENGLAND. 19 II. The Plantagenets. 1 154-1399 1. Henry II., 1154-1189. 2. Possessions and Marriage. 3. Charter and Reforms. 4. Thomas a Becket. 5. Constitutions of Clarendon, 1 164. 6. Murder of Becket, Dec. 29, 1 1 70 ; its Results. 7. Henry, Lord of Ireland. 8. End of Barons' Rebellion, 1074-1174. 9. Circuits and Juries. 10. Last Days of Henry ; Re- sults of Reign. A. 95; M. 87; B. 56; C. 63; T. 70; S. 57; D. 120; G. 104 ; Gar. 138. M. 87; B. 57; S. 57; D. 120; G. 104, 106 ; Gar. 138. A. 95; M. 88; B. 57; C. 64; T. 70 ; D. 120 ; G. 106, 109; Gar. 138-141. A. 95-97; M. 89-93; B. 58-60; C. 64, 65; T. 70, 71 ; S. 58; D. 121-126; G. 103, 104, 106, 107; Gar. 140, 142- 146. A. 97; M. 91; B. 59, 60; C. 65; T. 71; S. 58; D. 128; G. 107; Gar. 143-145- A. 98; M. 93, 94; B. 60; C. 6 5; T - 7 2 , 73; S. 58, 59; D. 127-136, 141; G. 108- 110 ; Gar. 149-151. A. 98-100; B. 60, 61 ; C. 66; T. 72, 73; D. 137-139; G. 445* 446; Gar. 151, 152. A. 101; M. 95; C. 67; T. 74; G. 109, no; Gar. 153, 154. M. 95, 9 6; B.58; C.68; T. 74 ; S. 60; G. 109-112; Gar. 146-148. A. 100-102; M. 97; B. 62; C. 66-68; T. 74; S. 59; D. 139-146; G. 112; Gar. I5S-I58. 20 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. ii. Richard I. (Lion-hearted), 1189-1199. 12. The Third Crusade; De- vices for raising Money ; Free Towns. 13. Richard in Germany; his Death at Siege of Chaluz. 14. John Lackland, 11 99-1 2 16. 15. The Loss of Normandy. 16. King against Church; Stephen Langton. 17. The Great Charter, June 15, 1215. 18. Death of John ; Results of this Reign. 19. Henry III., 12 16-12 72. 20. His Guardians and Advisers. 21. Ratifications of the Great Charter. A. 102 ; M. 97, 98 ; B. 63 ; C. 69; T - 75; s - 6i ; D - 147 \ G. 112, 113 ; Gar. 159. A. 103, 104; M. 99, 100-103; B. 63 ; C. 69, 72 ; T. 76 ; S. 61; D. 148-154; Gar. 159, 161, 169. A. 104-106; M. 101 ; B. 64; C. 71; T. 77; S. 61; D. !54, i55> I 57" I 59; G. 114, 115 ; Gar. 161, 162, 165. A. 106; M. 103; B. 65; C. 73; T. 78; S. 62; D. 160; G. 122 ; Gar. 173. A. 107 ; M. 103, 104 ; B. 65, 66 ; C. 73; T. 78; S. 62; D. 160-166; Gar. 174, 176. A. 107, 108 ; M. 105 ; B. 66, 67 ; C. 74-76 ; T. 78, 79 ; S. 62 ; D. 167-171; G. 123-127; Gar. 1 76-181. A. 108-110; M. 105-108; B. 67-69; C. 76, 77; T. 79- 82; S. 62; D. 171-176; G. 127-130; Gar. 181-184. A. no, in; M. 108, 109; B. 69; C. 77; T. 81 ; S. 62; D. 176; G. 131 ; Gar. 185. A. in ; M. 109 ; B. 71 ; C. 78 ; T. 83; S. 6 3 ; D. 177; G. 141 ; Gar. 185. A. in, 112; B. 71, 72; C. 78- 80; T. 83; D. 177-183; G. 141, 142 ; Gar. 185-190. A. in, 112, 138; M. 109, 112; B. 74; C. 79, 82; T. 84; D. 179, 185; Gar. 185, 186. FEUDAL ENGLAND. 21 22. Henry's Extravagance; Church Building. 23. Provisions of Oxford (" Mad Parliament "), 1258. 24. The Barons' War, 1264. 25. Battle of Lewes, May 14, 1264. 26. Parliament of De Montfort ; House of Commons, Jan. 20, 1265. 27. Battle of Evesham, Aug. 4, 1265. 28. Results of this Reign. 29. Edward I., 1 2 72-1307. 30. His Reforms; First Full Parliament, 1295. 31. Expulsion of the Jews, 1290. 32. Conquest of Wales, 1284; First Prince of Wales, 1301. M. no; B. 73, 74 ; S. 73; G. 143-147; Gar. 187, 188, 192-197. M. in; B. 75; C. 81; T. 85; D. 187; G. 154, 155; Gar. 198. A. 112, 113; M. 113; B. 75, 76; C. 81, 82 ; T. 84, 85 ; S. 63; D. 187-193; G. 152-160; Gar. 200. A. 113; M. 113; B. 76; C. 82; T.85; D. 189, 190; G. 157; Gar. 201. A. 113; M. 113; B. 76, 77; C.8 2 ;T. 85; S. 63,74; D. 190; G. 158; Gar. 201-203. A. 113; M. 114; B. 77; C. 82; T. 85 ; S. 63; D. 192, 193; G. 159, 160; Gar. 203. A. 114; M. 115; S. 6 3) 74; Gar. 204-208. A. 114; M. 117; B. 78; C. 8s; T. 88; S. 64; D. 195; G. 161, 181 ; Gar. 208. A. 120, 121 ; M. 115, 117, 119- 121; B. 78-82, 85; C. 84, 85; S. 65; D. 199; G. 169- 184, 201-204; Gar. 208- 214, 218, 220, 221. A. 116; M. 118; B. 81; T. 88, 89; S. 64; D. 198, 199; G. 205 ; Gar. 212. A. 115, 116; M. 115, 116; B. 79,80; C. 85; T. 88; S. 64; D. 200-203; G. 161-169; Gar. 210. 22 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 33. Conquest of Scotland, 1296 ; Wallace and Bruce. 34. Edward II. (Caernarvon), 1307-1327. 35. Gaveston and the " Lords Ordainers," 131 2. 36. Bannockburn,June 24, 1314; Independence of Scotland, 1328. 37. Mortimer; Deposition of the King. 38. Edward III., 1327-1377. 39. Beginning of the Hundred Years' War with France, 1337. 40. Battle of Crecy, Aug. 26, 1346 ; the Black Prince. 41. Capture of Calais, 1347. A. 116-120; M. 116, 117, 120; B. S 3 , 84, 86; C. 86, 87; T. 89, 93 ; S. 64, 65 ; D. 207-218 ; G. 184-193 ; Gar. 214-224. A. 121, 122; M. 121; B. 87; C. 88 ; T. 94 ; S. 65 ; D. 219; G. 207; Gar. 224. A. 122 ; M. 122 ; B. 88 ; C. 90; T. 94; D. 219-224; G. 207- 209 ; Gar. 224-226. A. 122, 123, 127; M. 122, 124; B. 88; C. 90, 94; T. 95; S. 65 ; D. 224-226 ; G. 211- 216 ; Gar. 226-228. A. 123-126; M. 123, 124; B. 89,90; C. 91; T. 95; S. 65, 66; D. 226-232; G. 209- 211 ; Gar. 228-231. A. 126 ; M. 124 ; B. 90 ; C. 93 ; T. 95; S. 66; D. 233; G. 217 ; Gar. 231. M. 126, 127 ; B. 91, 92 : A. I20 ; -L.J.. *~w, x ~ t , ^,. y*., y*. j C 94, 95 ; T - 96 ; S. 66 ; )-2^8 : G. 223, 224 ; D. 236-23; , Gar. 232-240. A. 128; M. 127-129; B. 92; C. 96, 97; T. 97; S. 67; 1-242; G. 225-227; D. 239 Gar. 240-242. A. 129, 130; M. 129, 130; B.93; C. 98; T. 97, 98; S. 67; D. 242-244; G. 228, 229 Gar. 242, 243. FE I 'DAL ENGLAND. 23 42. Victory of Poitiers, Sept. 19, 1356. 43. Peace of Bretigny, 1360. 44. The Black Death, 1349 (1361, 1369). 45. Death of Edward III. 46. Richard II., 1377-1399. 47. The Government during his Minority ; his Uncles. Poll Tax and Peasant Re- volt, 1 38 1 ; Tyler and Ball. 49. Richard's Misgovernment and Deposition. Supplementary Topics on the Plantagenet Period. 1. Separation of Lords and Com- mons, 1 341. 2. Condition of Ireland. M. 130; B. 93; 230; A. 130-133^ 98; S. 67; D C. 99; T 244-247; G. 229 Gar. 251, 252. M. 130, 131 ; B. 93 ; C. 99 T. 99; D. 247; G. 231 Gar. 252-254. A. 130; M. 132,133, 148; B. 95, 96 ; C. 98 ; T. 98 ; S. 68 ; 96 ; C. 90 , -i . 90 , o D. 244; G. 247-250; 248-250. Gar. M. 134; B. 98; C. 100; T. 100, 101 ; S. 67, 68 ; D. 249, 250; G. 251; Gar. 262- 264. A. 134; M. 134; B. 99; C. 101 ; T. 102 ; S. 69 ; D. 251 ; G. 255, 261 ; Gar. 266. A. 134, 144; M. 134, 141; B. 101, 102, 106 ; C. 101, 114 ; T. 102 ; S. 69 ; D. 251-256 ; G. 260, 261 ; Gar. 265. A. 134-136 ; M. 135-137 ; B. 99, 100; C. 102, 103; T. 102, 103, 105 ; S. 69, 70; D. 256-265; G. 244-255; Gar. 267-269. A. 137; M. 139-141 5 B. 103, 104 ; C. 104, 105 ; T. 103, ; G. 262-264 ; 104 ; S. 70 , Gar. 278-288. M. 143; B. 95, 105; C. 84, 118; S. 74; G. 231-233 ; Gar. 243-246, 281. A. 98, 99; B. 60, 61, 89, 97, 98; C. 66, 90, 91; T. 72-74; G. 444-44S; Gar. 151, 152, 264, 265. 24 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 3. Arms and Armor; Scutage; Tour- naments. 4. The Wool Trade. 5. Towns; Fairs; Guilds. 6. Architecture. 7. Education: Cambridge, 1257; Ox- ford, 1264. 8. Friars; Roger Bacon. 9. Life, Manners, and Customs. Literature of the Age of Chaucer. 1. Sir John Mandeville, 1300- 1372; Voyages and Travels. 2. John Wycliffe, 13 24-1 384; Translation of the Bible. 3. William Langland, 1332 (?)- 1400 j Vision of Piers Ploughman. 4. Geoffrey Chaucer, i34o(?)- 1400 ; The Canterbury Tales. A. 90; M. 89, 98, 128, 129, 145, 146; B. 58, 62, 92; C. 64, 96, 97; S. 76, 77; G. 109; Gar. 141, 142, 235, 236, 241, 242. A. 133, 141; M. 125, 148; B. 94, 105; S. 78; D. 250; G. 224,225; Gar. 210, 211. 237. A. 121; M. 99, 100, 142, 147; B. 63, 67, 72; S. 78; G. 129, 177-179, 193-204; Gar. 168-170, 183, 240. M. no, 147; S. 71-73; G. 202; Gar. 170, 171, 206, 207, 246-248. A. 142; M. 102, 146; T. 86; S. 17, 69, 74-76; G. 217-219; Gar. 167, 168, 207, 258; Br. 22-24. A. 121,141; M. in, 144; B. 73; T. 86, 87; S. 73, 75; G. 138-141, 147- 152; Gar. 190-192; E. 8; Br. 26, 27> 35- A. 139-141; M. 98, 148, 149; B. 72; C. 108-112; S. 74, 78-80; G. 244- 247; Gar. 248-250, 268, 272-277, 281; E. 10; Br. 37, 38. A. 133; M. 133, 147; S. 69; Br. 49 ; E. 11. A. i33> i3 8 > T 42; M. 138, 139, 144; B. 96, 97, 105 ; C. 10S; S. 70; D. 250; G. 235-244, 258-260; Gar. 261, 266; E. 12, 13; Br. 40, 41. M. 133; B. 96; T. 107; G. 255- 258; Gar. 258, 259; E. 10, 11 ; Br. 36-40. A. 138, 142; M. 137; B. 96; C. 106, 107 ; T. 105, 106 ; S. 70, 71 ; G. 219-223; Gar. 270- 272; E. 14, 15; Br. 22-49. FEUDAL ENGLAND. 25 III. Lancaster and York. 1 399-1485. 1. Henry IV. (Lancaster), 1399-1413. 2. Conspiracies against him. 3. Persecution of the Lollards the First Martyr, 1401. 4. Battle of Shrewsbury, July 23, 1403. 5. The King's Last Days. 6. Henry V., 1413-1422. 7. Revolt of the Lollards. 8. Reasons for Renewing War with France. 9. Battle of Agincourt, Oct. 25. 1415. A. 146 ; M. 150; B. 107 ; C. 113; T. 108; S. 81 ; D. 266; G. 265 ; Gar. 286, 287, 289. A. 146, 147; M. 151, 152; B. 107, 108; C. 115-117; T. 108, 109 ; S. 81 ; D. 266- 272 ; G. 265, 266 ; Gar. 292- 2 95- A. 146; M. 153; B. 109, no; C. 118, 119; T. 108; S. 81; D. 266; G. 265; Gar. 291, 292. A. 147; M. 152, 153; B. 108; C. 117; T. 109; S. 81 j D. 270, 271 ; G. 266 ; Gar. 293, 294. A. 148; M. 154; B. no; C. 119; T. no ; S. 82 ; D. 272, 273 ; G. 266 ; Gar. 298, 299. A. 148; M. 155 ; B. no; C. 120; T. no; S. 82; D. 274; G. 266 ; Gar. 297. A. 149; M.155; B. 112; C. 121; T. no ; S. 82 ; D. 274, 275 ; G. 266, 267; Gar. 297, 298. A. 149; M. 155, 156; B. 112; C. 122; T. in ; S. 83; D. 2 75> 2 77; G- 267; Gar. 300, 301. A. 149; M. 156, 157; B. 113; C. 122-124; T. in, 112; S. 83, 84; D. 277-283; G. 268, 269 ; Gar. 301-303. 26 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 10. Treaty of Troyes, 1420 Results. n. Henry VI., 1422-1461. 12. Siege of Orleans, 1 4 28-1 429. 13. Joan of Arc. 14. End of the Hundred Years' War, 1453. 15. Margaret of Anjou, 1445. 16. Troubles at Home. 1 7. Jack Cade's Rebellion, 1450. 18. Wars of the Roses, 1455 1485. A. 149, 150; M. 157, 158; B. 113, 114; C. 124, 125; T. 112, 113; S. 84; D. 284- 288 ; G. 270 ; Gar. 304-306. A. 151; M. 158; B. 114; C. 126; T. 114; S. 84; D. a 9j G. 271 ; Gar. 307. A. 151, 152; M. 158; B. 114, 115 ; C. 127, 128 ; T. 114, 115; S. 84, 85; D. 9-11 ; G. 275-278; Gar. 309, 310. A. 152, 153; M. 159; B. 115; C. 128, 129 ; T. 115 ; S. 84, 85 ; D. 12-22 ; G. 274-279 ; Gar. 310-312. A. 153; M.159; B.116; C.131; T. 115; D. 23; G. 279- 281 ; Gar. 312-320. A. 153, 154; M. 159, 160; B. 116; C. 129 ; T. 116 ; S. 85 ; D. 24, 25 ; G. 280, 283, 285, 287, 288; Gar. 317. A. 154, 155 ; M. 160, 161 ; B. 116, 117; C. 130; T. 116, 117; S. 86; D. 23-26; G. 281-283; Gar. 320-324. A. 154 ; M. 161 ; B. 118 ; C. 130, 131; T. 117; S. 86; D. 26- 29 ; G. 281, 282 ; Gar. 322, 323- A. 155 ; M. 162-164 ; B. 118, 119; C. 131; T. 118; S. 86; D. 30; G. 283; Gar. 3 2 4- 1 Vol. 11. FEUDAL ENGLAND. 19. Battle of St. Albans, May 22, 1455 ; Northampton, July 10, 1460; Warwick, the "King-Maker." 20. Battle of Wakefield, Dec. 29, 1460. 21.. Edward IV. (York), 1461- 1483. 22. Battle of Towton, March 29, 1461. 23. Continuation of the War. 24. Barnet and Tewkesbury, 1471. 25. Edward's "Benevolences." 26. Edward V., April 9-June 26, 1483. 27. Gloucester Protector; Rivers, Grey, Hastings, and the Princes murdered. 28. Richard III., 1483-1485. A. 155, 156; M 27 65; B. 118, 2 ; T. 11J 119; C. 131, i 3 z ; S. 86; D. 30-32; G. 282, 283, 286-288 ; Gar. 324- 3 2 7> 33 2 -334- A. 156; M. 165; B.iiq; C.132, 133; T. 118; S.86; D.33, 34; G. 284; Gar. 327,328. A. 157 ; M. 167; B. 120; C. 134; T. 120; S. 87; D. 35, 36; G. 285, 292 ; Gar. 329. A. 157; M. 166; B. 120; C. 134; T. 120; S. 87; D. - 185 ; Gar. 328, 329. A. 157, i5 8 ; 121; c. 135-^37 121 ; S 186, 287 M. 167; B. 120, -137; T. 120, , D. 36-42 ; G. Gar. 331-334. A. 158, 159; M. 167; B. 122 ■-; S c M. C. 137; T. 42-44; G. 2, [69; B. 122 ; D. Gar. 334. 123; C. 168, 169 ; ±5. 122, 123 ; C. 142; D. 44-46; G. 290, 293; Gar. 335. A. A. 160; M. 169; B. 124; C. 140; T. 122; S. 89; D. 47; G. 299; Gar. 337. 160, 161 ; M. 169, 170; B. 124-126 ; C. 141 ; T. 122, 123 ; S. 89, x^. 4/~5 u ; 299; Gar. 337-340, 342 161, 163; C. 141 ; D. 54; G. 299 M. T. [70; B. 126 ; 123; S. 89; ; Gar. 341. 28 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 29. Henry Tudor. A. 141; M. 171, 172; B. 127; C. 142, 143; T. 123; S. 89; D- 5 6 > 57; G. 299-303; Gar. 341, 342. 30. Bosworth Field, Aug. 22, 1485. 31. End of the Wars of, the Roses; their Effects. Supplementary Topics on the Lan- caster and York Peripd. 1 . Parliament. 2. Agriculture and Trade. 3. Architecture. 4. William Caxton ; the Printing Press, 1474- 5. Learning and Literature : Sir Thomas Malory, Mcrte D Arthur; the Drama. 6. Life, Manners, and Customs. 7. End of Feudal England (or Middle Ages). A. 162, 163; M. 172, 173; B. 128; C. 143; T. 124; S. 89, 90; D. 58-60; G. 300, 301; Gar. 343. A. 155. 163-165; M. 173, 174; B. 128, 129; T. 124; S. 90, 91 ; G. 288-290, 301 ; Gar. 33°> 343, 345- M. 175; B. 123; C. 118, 135, 136; G. 264, 265, 271-274, 289-293; Gar. 329, 330. A. 165; M. 178; B. 122; S. 90; G. 292, 293. A. 168; M. 177, 178; Gar. 358. A. 160, 166; M. 167, 168, 177; B. 123, 124; C. 138, 139; T. 121, I22-, S. 89; G. 295-299; Gar. 358; E. 17, 18; Br. 54, 55. A. 166, 167; M. 177; C. 139; S. 91; G. 274, 294-299, 427; E. 16-18, 31, 32; Br. 50-56, 90-92. A. 164; M. 178; B. 122; S. 91; G. 288-292; Gar. 320-322, 330, 331. B. 128, 129; C. 145; T. 124; G. 301. PART III.— MODERN ENGLAND. 1485 I. The Tudors. 1485-1603. 1. Henry VII., 1485-1509. 2o Power of the King; Growth of Nationality. 3. " The Star Chamber ; " Emp- son and Dudley. 4. Symnel and Warbeck. 5. Henry's Politic Marriages. 6. Columbus; Vasco de Gama Cabot. ; B. 131; C. 145; — D. 61; G. A. 171 ; M. 179 T. 127; S. 97 301 ; Gar. 343. A. 171, 174, 175, 208; M. 180, 181, 184, 224; B. 134, 147; c 155. J 5 6 ; T - i2 7; s. 99; D.61; G. 301,302; Gar. 345, 346, 349. 35 6 "35 8 - A. 174-176, 228; M. 182, 183; B. 132-134; C. 156, 157; T. 131 ; S. 98, 100; D. 74, 77; G. 302, 303; Gar. 348, 349. 357, 363- A. 171-174; M. 184; B. 131- 133; C. 147, 148, 151-155; '. 129, 130; S. 97, 98 ; D. 62-72 347- G. 301 ; Gar. 346, M. 184; B. 134, 135; C. 157, 158; T. 130; S. 100; D. 73; G. 311 : Gar. «4, 3 56. I58; X. l^U j O. IUUj [ii ; Gar. 354, 356. M. 185, 186 29 175; M. 185, 186; B. 135; C. 158; T. 128; S. 99, 100; D- 75; G- 3°3> 395, 506; Gar. 354, 35 6 - 30 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 7. Henry VIII., 1509-1547. 8. The New Learning : Colet ; Erasmus ; More, Utopia. 9. Martin Luther (the German Reformation) . 10. Flodden Field, Sept. 9, 15 13. n. " Field of the Cloth of Gold," 1520. 12. Catharine of Aragon ; Anne Boleyn. 13. Cardinal Wolsey ; Thomas Cromwell. A. 175; M. 187; B. 136; C. 159; T - !3 2 ; s - IQI ; D - 76 ; G. 308 ; Gar. 361. A. 182, 184, 214; M. 188, 189, 197,216; B. 135, 136, 142, 150; C. 168, 200, 201; T. 128, 136-138; S. 104-106; D - 9 1 * 93-95 ; G - 3°3~3 2 3, 325.327, 333>339>340, 342- 344; Gar. 366-368, 371, 3 8 7> 3%8, 392, 394; E. 17, 20; Br. 56-58. A. 174, 179; M. 189, 190; B. i3 6 > 1 43'> C. 168, 169; T. 136, 137; S. 102, 103; D. 85, 86, 91 ; G. 320-322, 354; Gar. 377, 379, 387, 388, 396. A. 177 ; M. 190 ; B. 137; C. 162; T. 133; S. 102; D. 79; G. 380 ; Gar. 364. A. 178 ; M. 190 ; B. 139; C. 164; T. 134, 135; S. 102; D.82- 84; G. 324; Gar. 369. A. 176, 180-185; M. 190-194; B. 136, 139-141; C. 160, 167; T. 135-138, 140; S. 103-105; D. 76, 78, 80, 86-89, 91-93, 97-99; G - 311,328-330,336,337,348; Gar. 379-39^ 392, 395- A. 177-182, 186; M. 191-193, 198; B. 138-140; C. 163, 164; T. 133-137, 140; S. 103-105 ; D. 81-87, 89-91, 95, 102, 103; G. 310, 322- MODERN ENGLAND. 31 14. "Act of Supremacy;" Henry Head of the Church, J534- 15. Destruction of the Monas- teries, 1536-1539; Effects. 6. Jane Seymour; Anne of Cleves ; Catharine Howard ; Catharine Parr. 17. "The Six Articles," 1539. 8. "Act of Succession," 1534 (and 1544) ; Results of this Reign. 9. Edward VI., 1547-1553. 20. Somerset Protector. 356; Gar. 363-366, 369- 377,382-385, 393,394, 397, 400, 401 ; E. 19. A. 183 ; M. 194 ; B. 141 ; C. 169 ; T. 137, 138; D. 91, 94; G. 334-33 8 , 340, 344, 349 \ Gar. 377, 385, 386,390,391, 393- A. 183, 185; M. 195-198; B. 143; C. 170, 171 ; T. 137, 139,140; D. 95-97; G.332, 338-341, 354, 355, 357; Gar. 394, 397, 398, 400. A. 185-187; M. 198, 199; B. 144-146; C. 171, 172; T. 140-142 ; S. 105 ; D. 98, 99, 102-105 ; G. 348, 356, 357; Gar. 395, 397, 400, 401. M. 199; S. 105; D. 101, 102, io 5; G. 355, 356; Gar. 399, 400; E. 19. A. 188; M. 200, 201; B. 146, 147; T. 142; S. 105, 106; D. 106, 107; G. 343, 354, 357, 361 ; Gar. 392, 395, 411. A. 189 ; M. 201 ; B. 147 ; C. 1 74 ; T. 143 ; S. 106 ; D. 107 ; G. 357; Gar. 412. A. 189-192 ; M. 201 ; B. 147- 149; C. 74-178; T. 143, D. 107-109, Gar. 144; S. IO6; LJ. ivjj- 112-114; G. 357-359; ( 412, 4I3, 4I5, 4l6, 4l8. 32 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 21. Book of Common Prayer, 1549; Thomas Cranmer. 22. Seizure of Lands; Rents; Bishop Latimer. 23. Lady Jane Grey named as Successor. 24. Mary I., 1553-155 8 * 25. Wyatt's Rebellion, 1554. 26. Execution of Lady Jane Grey, 1554. 27. Marriage of Mary to Philip II. of Spain, 1554. A. 189, 191, 194, 196; M. 193, 202 ; B. 141, 148, 151, 154 ; C. 174, i75> 177, 178, 184, 186; T. 137, 138, 143, 148; S. 101, 104, 106, 108; D. 108, no, 115-117, 122; G. 334, 337, 35 6 > 35 8 -3 6o > 362, 367, 368; Gar. 389, 400, 409, 413-416, 418, 425, 426; Br. 59. A. 189, 191, 196; M. 201, 202; B. 148, 149, 151, 154; C. 184; T. 148; S. 108; D. in, 122; G. 326,327,352, 35 6 > 3 6o > 362, 366, 367; Gar. 390, 417, 425; E. 21; Br. 59. A. 192 ; M. 204 ; B. 150 ; C. 178 ; T. 145 ; S. 107 ; D. 116; G. 361 ; Gar. 420. A. 193; M.205; B. 150; C.i 79; T. 146; S. 107; D. 118; G. 361 ; Gar. 421. A. 194; M. 205; B. 152, 153; C. 180, 181 ; T. 147; D. 123, 124; G. 362, 363; Gar. 423. A. 193-195; M. 205, 206; B. i5°- 1 53; c - 179- 182 ; T - 145-147 ; S. 107, 108 ; D. 118-120, 122, 124, 125 ; G. 363 ; Gar. 423. A. 194; M. 205, 206; B. 152, 153; C. 183; T. 146, 147, 148, 149 ; S. 107 ; D. 122, 123, 127; G. 362, 363, 368; Gar. 421, 423. MODERN ENGLAND. 33 28. Efforts to restore Catholi- cism ; Cardinal Pole. 29. Death of Mary. 30. Martyrs. 31. Elizabeth, 1558- 1603 (A Reign of Internal Develop- ment). 32. Her Counsellors; Sir William Cecil. Ty^. Religious Parties : Catholics, Jesuits; Protestants, Puritans. 34. Religious Legislation : Acts of Supremacy and Uniform- ity, 1559 ; Thirty-nine Arti- cles. 1563 ; Court of High Commission, 1583. A. 194-197; M. 206, 207; B. 15^ I 53> 1 54; C. 183, 184; T. 146-149; S. 108 ; D. 121- 123, 127-135 J G. 362-368, 370; Gar. 421-427. A. 197; M. 207, 208; B. 152, i55 J C. 184; T. 149; S. 109; D. 134; G. 369; Gar. 427. A. 195, 196; M. 207, 208; B. 154; C. 184; T. 147-149; S. 108; D. 128-135; G. 361-368; Gar. 424-427; E. 21. A. 198; M.2o8;B.i55;C.i8 5 ; T. 151; S. 109; D. 136; G. 369; Gar. 428; E. 23. A. 198, 199; M. 210; B. 157; C. 186, 192 ; T. J51 ; S. 112 ; D. 137; G. 371, 373, 376, 378, 381, 3S9-392, 396; Gar. 429, 433, 441,479,480. A. 199; M. 209; B. 157-159, 169; C. 189, 190; T. 155 ; S. 109, no, 115; D. 152, i55> T 5 6 ; G. 369, 376-379, 382-386,388-392,401,405- 410, 460-474; Gar. 396, 428-437,443-446, 453-45 6 > 468, 470. A. 209; M. 210-212; B. 157, 161 ; C. 185, 186, 189; T. 151, 152; S. no; D. 137, 138, 151 ; G. 377, 379, 3 8 4, 385, 406; Gar. 419, 420, 429, 43°, 454,468, 470, 472. 34 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 35. Question of the Queen's Marriage. 36. Mary, Queen of Scots. 37. Her Imprisonment and Exe- cution by Elizabeth, 1568- 15S7- 38. The Netherlands and William of Orange. 39. The Spanish Armada, July 1588. 40. Sir Walter Raleigh. A. 199 ; M. 213 ; B. 161 ; C. 187; T. 152 ; S. 109; D. 142,154, i55; G. 375,381,384, 387, 414; Gar. 431, 432, 435, 443, 444, 446. A. 201-203, 215; M. 209, 218; B. 159, 161, 162; C. 186, 187; T. 153, 154; S. no; D. 138-146; G. 369, 370, 375, 379-388; Gar. 432- 440. A. 203-205; M. 218, 219; B. 163, 164, 167 ; C. 182, 188, 190, 192, 193; T. 154-156; S. in ; D. 146-151, 157- 161 ; G. 388-392, 416, 417; Gar. 440-446, 45 6 -45 8 - A. 201, 205, 212; M. 219; B. 157, 160, 164-166; C. 190, 19 1 ; T. 155 ; D. 152, 156; G. 375> 388-390, 411-416; Gar. 443-445. 449> 45°> 453-45 7- A. 201 ; M. 220-222 ; B. 168, 169; C. 195, 196; T. 155, 157, 158; S. in, 112; D. 162-164; G. 375, 417-420; Gar. 446, 447, 458-463- A. 200, 214, 220-222; M. 214, 217, 236, 237; B. 169, 170, 181 ; C. 197, 202, 206, 211, 212, 351 ; T. 162, 163; S. 112, 116, 122, 123; D. 164, 167; G. 399, 488, 489, 506; Gar. 463, 464, 481, 486, 489 ; E. 27, 28 ; Br. no. MODERN ENCLAND. 35 41. Sir Martin Frobisher ; Sir Francis Drake. 42. The Irish Rebellion, 1595- 1602. 43. Elizabeth's Last Days; Splendor of her Reign. Supplementary Topics on the Tudor Period. 1. The Church of England, 1559. 2. East India Company, 1600. 3. Trade ; " Monopolies." 4. First Poor Law, 1601. 5. Grammar Schools. 6. Architecture. A. 200, 211 j M. 217, 220; B. 160, 169; C. 194, 195 ; T. 155 ; S. 112, 114; D. 162, 163; 0,415,416,421,506; Gar. 448-45 1, 45 7, 458, 460, 464. A. 206 ; M. 222 ; B. 171 ; C. 198, 199; T. 158, 159; S. 112; D. 165 ; G. 455~45 8 ; Gar. 451-453, 475-47S. A. 199, 200, 206-208, 210, 212, 214; M. 215-217, 222, 223 ; B. 159, 163, 169-172; C. 199; T. 156, 157, 159, 160; S. 109, no, 113, 114; D. 165-169; G. 374, 393-4oi, 45 8 » 459; Gar. 464, 479, 480. A. 183; M. 224, 225; B. 154; C. 175, 185, 186, 189; T. 151; S. 109, 115; G. 460; Gar. 396, 429, 472; E. 17; Br. 58, 59. A. 221; M. 217; B. 169; C. 311; T. 164; S. 115; G. 396; Gar. 75S. A. 210-212; M. 215, 224, 227; B. 160, 172; C. 194, 215; T. 129, 156, 157; S. 116; D. 169; G. 394- 396, 402, 405 ; Gar. 464, 476, 478. M. 222; B. 159; G. 374, 392, 393; Gar. 911. M. 225; B. 150; S. 121; G. 398, 407, 421; Gar. 419. M.226; S. 11S; G. 396, 397; Gar. 465, 467, 469, 471. 36 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 7. Life, Manners, and Customs. Elizabethan Literature (The Golden Age). 1. Sir Philip Sidney, 15 54-1 586 ; Arcadia. 2. Edmund Spenser, 155 2-15 99; The Faerie Queen. 3. Shakespeare, 1564-16 16 ; Dramas. 4. Ben Jonson, 15 74-1 63 7; Dramas. 5. Francis Bacon, 1561-1626; Essays. A. 210, 213, 214; M. 227, 228; B. 160, 161 ; S. 118-121; D. 169; G. 396- 401; Gar. 464-468. A. 205, 208; M. 217; B. 170; C. 191, 201 ; D. 156 ; G. 400, 416, 422; Gar. 457; E. 25, 26 ; Br, 71-78. A. 208; M. 215, 218; B. 170; C. 202, 203 ; T. 160 ; S. no ; D. 169; G. 370, 374, 420- 426; Gar. 473; E. 24, 25; Br. 80-84. A. 208, 215, 216; M. 215, 218, 226,302; B.65, 170 j G.203; T. 160; S. no, 127, 128; D. 169; G. 398, 400, 426- 436; Gar. 474; E. 32-36; Br. 92-103. A. 208, 289; M. 218; G. 288; S. 127; G. 437; E. 36; Br. 103, 104. A. 208, 223; M. 218, 236; B. 170, 183; C. 188, 202, 212; T. 160, 166; S. no, 125; D. 169; G. 438-442, 477, 490, 491 ; Gar. 474, 475, 486, 495>49 6 ; E - 2 9>3°; Br - 10 9- MODERN ENGLAND. 37 II. The Stuarts (and the Commonwealth). 1603-1714. 1. James I., 1 603-1 625. 2. " Divine Right of Kings.' 3. Hampton Court Conference, Jan. 14, 1604; Translation of the Bible, 161 1. 4. The Gunpowder Plot, 1605. 5. American Colonies; the " Pilgrim Fathers," 1620. 6. King and Commons. 7. Charles I., 1625-1649. 8. Schemes for Raising Money John Hampden. A. 219; M. 229; B. 175 ; C. 205; T. 162 ; S. 122 ; D. 170; G. 386, 388, 474; Gar. 481. A.219; M.232; B.176; C.206; T. 163; S. 126, 127, 157; D. 171 ; G. 477-479; Car. 492, 619; Br. 132, 133. A. 225;^ M. 230-232; B. 177, 178; C. 207; T. 163, 164; S. 124; G. 460-462, 480; Gar. 481, 482. A. 220; M. 232, 233; B. 178, 179; C. 208; T. 162, 163; S. 123, 124; D. 174-182; G. 482, 483 ; Gar. 483. A. 221, 225, 282; M. 233-235; B.178; C. 35 1-356 ;T. 163- 165 ; S. 124, 125 ; G. 472, 473, SOSS 1 *', Gar. 489. A. 223; M. 235,236; B. 178-180, 182-184; C 214, 215; T. 165, 166; S. 126; D. 183, 184; G. 480-486, 489-495 ', Gar. 482-487, 490-496, 500, 501. A. 225; M.238; B.185; C.216; T. 169; S. 128; D. 193; G. 496 ; Gar. 502. A. 226,237; M. 238-241; B. 186- 188, 193, 198; C. 217, 218, 221, 222, 228; T. 169-172; S. 128 ; D. 194, 195, 201, 202, 207, 208, 210, 218; G. 496, 497> 499-5 01 , 5^-518,527- 53 1 , 53S, 55° i Gar. 502-515, 5 2 3> 5 2 4- 38 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 9. The Petition of Right, 1628. 10. The Presbyterians. 11. The Scotch Covenanters, 1638. 12. Long Parliament, 1640-1660. 3. The Civil War; Cavaliers and Roundheads. 4. Oliver Cromwell ; his " Iron- sides." 15. Marston Moor, July 2, 1644 ; Naseby, June 14, 1645. A. 227 ; M. 239 ; B. 189 ; C. 219 ; T. 170; S. 129; D. 196; G. 501-503,519; Gar. 508- 510. A. 241, 250, 252, 270, 281 ; M. 241 ; B. 177; C. 223; G. 468-472,523,543,544,686, 812,813; Gar. 430,431,434, 470, 532, 543,546, ss^ss 6 , 583-586, 599. A. 229, 230; M. 241 ; B. 193, 194; C. 223; T. 172; S. 130; D. 202-204; G-. 522- 5 2 5, 5 2 9-534; Gar. 524- 5 2 7, 5 2 9- A. 230-237; M. 241-243; B. 194-197; C. 223-226; T. 173-181 ; S. 131 ; D. 204- 227; G. 534-57 1 ; Gar. 529-557- A. 232-237, 281 ; M. 243, 244; B. 197, 198; C. 226, 227; T. 174-176; S. 132, 133; D. 213-221 ; G. 542-559; Gar. 534-552. A. 239; M. 244, 245 ; B. 199; C. 228-230; T. 177; S. 133, 135 ; D. 202, 216, 218, 221 ; G. 466, 467, 552-557, 562; Gar. 539, 540, 545. A. 238, 239 ; M. 245 ; B. 199, 200; C. 228-230; T. 178; S. 135, J 36; D. 218, 219; G. 552,553^557, 55 8 ; Gar. 542-544, 548. MODERN ENGLAND. 39 1 6. King and Army. 17. "Pride's Purge," 1648. 18. Trial and Execution of Charles I., Jan. 30, 1649. 19. Establishment of the Com- monwealth, 1 649-1 660. 20. Difficulties of the New Re- public. 21. Prince Charles; Ireland, Drogheda, Sept. 11, 1649; Scotland, Worcester, Sept. 3, 1651. 22. Navigation Act, 1651 ; Dutch War, 165 2-1 654. 23. Cromwell and Parliament. 24. Cromwell as Protector, 1653-1658. A. 240, 241 ; M. 245, 246 ; B. 200, 201 ; C. 230; T. 178, 179; D. 220-227; G. 559-57 1 \ Gar. 553-55 7- A. 241 ; M. 246 ; B. 201 ; C. 231 ; T. 180; D. 227; G. 571; Gar. 557. A. 242, 243; M. 246, 247; B. 202; C. 231; T. 180-182; S. 137-139; D - 228-232 ; G. 57^57 2 J Gar. 557-560. A. 243; M. 247, 248; B. 202; C. 232; T. 183; S. 141 ; D. 233; G. 572 ; Gar. 561. M. 248; B. 203; C. 233; D. 233, 234; G. 572-574; Gar. 561, 562. A. 244, 245 ; M. 249 ; B. 203- 206; C. 233-235 ; T. 183- 185 ; S. 142-144; D. 234- 241; G. 5 74-5 78; Gar. 562-564. A. 246; M. 253, 254; B. 206, 207; C. 235, 236; T. 185 ; S. 144, 145 J D - 241, 242 ; G. 5 79> 5 8 °; Gar. 564,565. A. 246, 247 ; M. 249, 250 ; B. 207, 208; C. 237, 238; T. 186; S. 145, 146; D. 242, 243; G. 578-584; Gar. 565- 568. A. 247-249; M. 250-253 ; B. 208-211; C. 238, 239; T. 187-189; S. 146, 147 ; D. 243-25 1 I G. 584-596; Gar. 568-574- 40 A TOPICAL OUTLINE 25. His Death. 26. Richard Cromwell, Sept. 3, 1658-April 22, 1659. 27. Charles II., 1660-1685. 28. Punishment of the Regi- cides. 29. Corporation Act, 1661 ; Act of Uniformity, 1662. 30. New Amsterdam ; Renewal of the Dutch War, 1664- 1667. 31. The Plague, 1665 ; the Great Fire, 1666. 32. The "Cabal," 1667. 33. Treaty of Dover, 1670. 01 ENGLISH HISTORY. A. 249; M. 254, 255 ; B. 2IT, 212 ; C. 240 ; T. 189 ; S. 147, 148; D. 252, 253; G. 59 6 ~59 8 ; Gar. 574,575- A. 250; M. 255-257; B. 212; C. 240, 241 ; T. 189; S. 148; D- 253 ', G. 598, 599 ; Gar. 574- A. 250; M. 257; B. 213, 214; C. 242; T. 189-191; S. 149; D. 253-256; G. 600, 605 ; Gar. 575, 576, 578. A. 252; M. 260; C.243; D. 257; G. 617, 618; Gar. 580. A. 252; M. 260, 261; B. 217; C. 243,245; T. 192; S. 150; D. 258, .259, 261; G. 621- 623; Gar. 585. A. 254; M. 262, 264, 265; B. 219-221; C. 245, 246; T. 193; D. 262, 265, 267; G. 628, 635, 640, 646. A. 254, 255; M. 262, 263; B. 219-221; C. 246, 247; T. 193; S. 150; D. 262-267; G. 628, 629 ; Gar. 590, 592. A. 256; M. 258, 259; B. 221- 223 ; C. 249, 250; T. 194; S. 150; D. 268; G. 636, 6 39> 6 53, 6 54; Gar. 602, 608, 611. A. 257; M. 264, 265; B. 222- 224; C. 250, 251 ; T. 194, J95; G. 637-639; Gar. 600, 601. MODERN ENGLAND 34. The Popish Plot, 1678. 41 35. Habeas Corpus Act, 1679. 36. Whigs and Tories ; the Rye House Plot, 1683. 37. Death of Charles II. ^S. James II., 1685-1689. 39. Monmouth's Rebellion ; Sedgemoor, July 6, 1685. 40. The Bloody Assizes ; Jeffreys and Kirke. 41. Declaration of Indulgence, April 4, 1687; Oxford. 42. Trial of the Seven Bishops, June 29 and 30, 1688. A. 258, 259; M. 266, 270; B. 224; C. 253-255, 260; T. 195-197, 200; S. 151; D. 272-274, 287; G. 649-652, 656, 691 ; Gar. 615, 616. A. 259; M. 269; B.225 ; C.256; S. 151; G. 662; Gar. 617. A. 259; M. 266-268; B. 226, 227; C. 256-258; T. 196, 197; S. 151; G. 657, 661; Gar. 620-626. A. 261 ; M. 269, 270; B. 228; C. 258 ;T. 198, 199; D.284, 285 ; G. 663, 664 ; Gar. 627. A. 262; M. 270; B. 228; C. 259; T. 200; S. 152; D. 286; G. 664 ; Gar. 634. A. 262, 263 ; M. 271, 272; B. 226, 230, 231 ; C. 263, 264; T. 197, 200, 201 ; S. 152 ; D. 284, 287-291 ; G. 630, 655, 657, 661, 664, 665; Gar. 620, 635. A. 263, 265; M. 272-274; B. 2 32, 239; C. 264, 265; T. 201 ; S. 152; D. 280, 281, 283, 291-295, 302; G. 665, 666, 672; Gar. 625, 635, 637, 638. A. 265; M. 274-276; B. 235; C. 267, 268; T. 201, 202 ; D. 295-297; G. 667, 671 ; Gar. 640, 641. A. 265; M. 276, 277; B. 237, 238; C. 268-271 ; T. 202; S. 152; D. 297-299; G.671, 672 ; Gar. 642, 643, 42 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLLSH HISTORY. 43. William of Orange invited to the Throne ; the Revolution of 1688. 44. Convention Parliament, Jan. 22, 1689 ; Declaration of Rights. 45. William and Mary (Orange- Stuart), 1689-1702. 46. Jacobites and Nonjurors. 47. Mutiny and Toleration Acts, 1689. 48. The Bill of Rights, 1689. 49. Revolt in Ireland ; Act of Attainder; Battle of the Boyne, July 1, 1690. 50. Revolt in Scotland ; Mas- sacre of Glencoe, Feb. 13, 1692. 5 1 . Continental Wars ; Peace of Ryswick, Sept. 11, 1697. A. 266; M. 277-280; B. 238, 239; C. 271-273; T. 198, 202, 203; S. 152, 153; D. 268-270, 299-304; G. 640, 647,649,655,658,672-683; Gar. 589, 605, 609, 613, 643-648. A. 267; M. 280; B. 239, 240; C. 272; T. 203; S. 153; G. 682, 683; Gar. 646, 647. A. 269 ; M. 280 ; B. 240; C. 272 ; T. 207; S. 153; D. 305; G. 68^ ; Gar. 649. A. 269, 274; M. 281 ; B. 241 ; C 297; S. 153; G. 690- 692, 694-696; Gar. 651, 652, 664-666. A. 269, 270; M. 281, 282 ; B. 244; C. 274; G. 689, 690; Gar. 649-652. A. 267 ; M. 282, 283 ; B. 240 ; C. 274; T. 204; S. 153; G. 688 ; Gar. 656. A. 271, 272; M. 285, 286; B. 242-245 ; C. 274-277; T. 208; G. 686-688,692-694; Gar. 654-657. A. 270; M. 287; B. 241, 242; C. 275, 276; T. 207, 208; G. 685, 686; Gar. 652-654. A. 272-274; M. 287; B. 245, 246, 251; C. 277-279 ; T. 209, 210; S. 154; G. 6S4- 696, 699-701; Gar. 657, 658, 663, 667. MODERN ENGLAND. 43 52. The National Debt and the Bank of England, 1694. 53. Act of Settlement, 1 701. 54. Death of William ; Results of his Reign. 55. Anne, 1 702-1 714. 56. Whigs and Tories; High Church and Low Church. 57. War of the Spanish Succes- sion, 1702-1713. 58. Marlborough ; Battle of Blenheim, Aug. 13, 1704. 59. The Queen's Favorites ; Sacheverell. 60. Treaty of Utrecht, 1 713. 61. Union of England and Scot- land, 1707. A. 275; M. 288; B. 247, 248, 257; C. 278; S. 154; G. 699 ; Gar. 658-660. A. 278; M. 283, 300; B. 253; C. 279; T. 203, 212; G. 705 ; Gar. 672-674. A. 274, 275; M. 288, 289; B. 253; C. 280; T. 211 ; S. 154; D. 305 ; G. 703, 704, 707 ; Gar. 647, 648, 676. A. 275; M. 289; B. 254; C. 281; T. 212; S. 155 ; D. 306; G. 707; Gar. 676. M. 290, 291; B. 254; C. 281; S- 151; G. 570, 675, 690, 691 ; Gar. 620. A. 276, 277; M. 291-293; B. 254-257; C. 280-285; T. 210, 211, 213, 214; S. 155; G. 701-719; Gar. 667-672, 674,675,678-685,689-697. A. 276-278; M. 293, 294; B. 254, 256; C. 282, 283; T. 213; S. 156; G. 705-7 J 9; Gar. 65 7, 658, 676-685,687- 691, 695. A. 279; M. 295, 296; B. 260; C. 286,287 ; S. 157 ; G. 707, 716, 717; Gar. 677, 687, 690, 691. A. 277; M. 297; B. 261 ; C. 285 ; T. 214; S. 156; G. 719; Gar. 696, 697. A. 278, 279 ; M. 298; B. 258; C.2S5; T. 213,214; S. 156; D. 306; G. 714, 715 ; Gar. 685. 44 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 62. Death of the Queen. Supplementary Topics on the Stuart Period. 1. Science and Invention : Royal Society of London, 1660; Green- wich Observatory ; Sir Isaac Newton, 1 642-1 727. 2. Education ; Books and News- papers, 1 64 1. 3. Architecture ; Sir Christopher Wren. 4. The Quakers ; George Fox ; Pennsylvania, 1682. 5. Origin of the Standing Army, 1661. 6. Population. 7. Industry and Commerce. 8. Life, Manners, and Customs. Puritan and Classical Literature. 1. John Milton, 1608-16 74 Paradise Lost. A. 279; M. 299; B. 262; C. 287; T. 215; S. 156; G. 720; Gar. 699-701. A. 288; M. 268, 303; B. 218; T. 204; S. 151, 152; G. 609-611; Gar. 598, 623, 664; Br. 130-132. A. 268, 586, 289; M. 298, 299, 303; B. 249, 263; C. 278, 279, 295; T. 205, 209; S. 155; Gar. 663; E. 54, 55; Br - 10S-117. A. 255, 288; M. 264, 303; T. 204; Gar. 631, 632, 662, 663, 665-668, 679, 681, 683, 700, 701. A. 281, 282; B. 218; C. 355; T. 205; G. 660, 759; Gar. 629. A. 267; B. 215; C. 244, 294; G. 619, 633, 689; Gar. 584. A. 268, 284; C. 292, 293; S. 155; G. 765; Gar. 629. A. 268, 282-286; M. 303, 304; B. 249, 250,258; C.293; T. 204; S. 154, 155; G. 699; Gar. 628, 664, 670, 671, 686, 687, 697, 698, 701. A. 280-282, 285, 287; M. 304; B. 234, 258; C. 294; T. 205; S. 155; Gar. 630-633; E. 39, 40, 49, 50. 261 ; M. 259 ; B. 217, 218, 263; C. 288, 289; T. 191 ; S. 141, 151 ; D. 252; G. 464-467,526,527,531,543, 544, 600-604, 662 ; Gar. 5!9> 546, 57 2 > 596, 597 5 E - 39,40,44-46; Br. 1 1 7-1 23. MODERN 2. John Bunyan, 1628-1688 The Pilgrim 's Progress. 3. John Dryclen, 1631-1700; Ode on St. Cecilia's Da v. 4. Daniel Defoe, 1661-1731 ; Robinson Crusoe. 5. Dean Swift, 1667-1745 ; Gulliver's Travels. 6. Joseph Addison, 1672-1719 The Spectator, 1 7 1 1 . 7. Sir Richard Steele, 1672- 1729; The Tatler, 1709. 8. Alexander Pope, 1688-1744 Essay on Man. EX GLAND. . 261 ; M. 261 ; B. 217 ; C. 289, 290; S. 151; G. 467, 600, AoQ A a r\ Ann • fjC\Y r" r\f\ Br. i2 3; 45 625-628, 640, 670 ; Gar. 596- W~J v^w, v^w, V /v , 598; E. 47, 48; 124. A. 362 ; M. 302 j B. 226 ; C. 290; T. 191; G. 610, 637, 642 ; Gar. 623 ; E. 49, 50, 52, 53; Br. 125-130. A. 307 ; M. 298, 299 ; B. 263 ; S. 163, 180; E. 56, 57; Br. 135* l 39, MO- A. 280, 307, 308 ; M. 298, 299 ; B. 263, 269; C. 349; S. 156, 180; Gar. 693, 695, 718; E. 57-59; Br. 139. A. 280; M. 298, 299; B. 263; C. 348; T. 215; S. 180; Gar. 692, 693 ; E. 60-62 ; Br. 141, 142. A. 280; B. 263; C. 348; T. 215 j S. 180; E. 62, 6^; Br. 141. A. 280; C. 347; T. 215 ; Gar. 726; E. 59,60; Br. 136, 137. 4 6 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. III. The House of Hanover. 1714 1. George I., 1 714-1727. 2. Jacobite Rebellion of 1 715. 3. Septennial Act, 1 716. 4. The South Sea Bubble, 1720. 5. Cabinet Government; Wal- pole Prime Minister, 1721. 6. George II., 1 727-1 760. 7. The Spanish War, 1739. War of the Austrian Succes- sion, 1740-174S; Dettingen, June 27, 1743. 9. Jacobite Rebellion of 1745; Culloden, April 16, 1746. A. 293; M.306; B. 265; C. 297; T. 218; S. 162; D. 306; G. 721 ; Gar. 702. A. 293; M. 310; B. 266; C. 293, 300; S. 162; G. 725, 726; Gar. 704, 705. M. 31 1 ; B. 266 ; C. 300 ; S. 163 ; G. 725, 726 ; Gar. 706, 707. A. 294; M. 311, 312; B. 267, 268; C. 301 ; T. 220; S. 163; G. 728; Gar. 711, 712. A. 295; M. 308, 313, 314; B. 262, 268, 269; C. 302; T. 221; S. 163; G. 696-698, 721-734 ; Gar. 627, 628, 647, 648, 659, 660, 673, 687, 688, 709-732, 739, 743, 744, 764. A. 296 ; M.314; B. 270; C.304; T. 220; S. 163; G. 730; Gar. 718. A. 297; M. 315; B. 271, 272; . C.307; T. 221 ; G. 732, 733; Gar. 729, 730. A. 297-299; M. 316; B. 273; c. 3°7> 3° 8 ; T - 22l > 222 ; S. 164; G. 734, 741, 742; Gar. 732-739. 743- A. 299-301 ; M. 316; B. 273, 274; C. 308, 309; T. 222, 223; S. 164; D. 306; G. 743, 744 ; Gar. 739"743- MODERN ENGLAND. 47 10. Conquests in India; Lord Clive. ii. Seven Years' War in Europe and America, 1 756-1 763; Peace of Paris, Feb. 10, 1763. 12. Morals; Religious Revival; Whitefield and the Wesleys. 13. George III., 1760-1820. 14. The Ministry ; William Pitt (the " Great Commoner"). 5. John Wilkes; Freedom of Speech. 16. The American Revolution: Condition of the Colonies. 17. The Stamp Act, 1765 ; Tax on Tea, 1767; Boston Port Bill, 1774. A. 3°4-3°7; M. 317, 318; B. 276-280, 284; C. 311-313; T. 225; S. 165; G. 745, 746, 753. 754, 782, 783 5 Gar. 758-764, 801, 859. A. 302, 303; M. 318-320; B. 278-285; C. 310,311,314; T. 223-228 ; S. 164 ; G. 744- 748, 754-75 8 ^ 763,764; Gar. 747-75°, 75 2 -75 6 , 766,767- A. 33 2 -334; M. 321, 322; B. 2 74, 275; S. 174; G. 735- 739; Gar. 745, 746; Br. 154, 166. A. 308; M.323; B.285; C.316; T. 227 ; S. 166 ; G. 761 ; Gar. 765. A.' 3°2, 3° 8 , 3" J M - 3*4, 3 2 3, 326 ; B. 280-285, 296 ; C. 3 11 , 3 X 4, 3 X 7, 3 l8 , 322; T. 224, 227, 230, 233 ; S. 166; G. 748-763, 767-772, 781, 782; Gar. 728, 729, 738, 739, 742, 747-753,766, 773-777, 787- A. 310; M. 331 ; B. 289-292; C. 318, 319; T. 228; G. 764-76S, 773, 774; Gar. 769, 770, 774-776, 779- M. 324, 325 ; B. 290, 293; C. 320; T. 229; S. 166; D. 307; G. 758-760. A. 310-312; M. 325-32S; B. 290, 291, 294; C. 320; T. 230 ; G. 768-772, 776-778; Gar. 77°"774, 778-782. 4 8 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 1 8. Declaration of Independ- ence, July 4, 1776. 19. Early Battles. 20. Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777; French Aid for the Colonies, 1778. 21. Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, Oct. 19, 1781; George Washington. 22. The Colonies Independent; Peace of Paris, Sept. 3, 1783. 23. The Gordon Riots, 1780. 24. Trial of Warren Hastings, Feb. 13, 1 788 -April 23, 1795- 25. Burke, Fox, Sheridan, the Younger Pitt. 26. Law and Prison Reforms ; Bentham, Howard, Elizabeth Fry. A. 312 ;M. 328; B. 295; C. 321; S. 166; G. 778-780; Gar. 784. A. 312, 313; B. 294, 295; C. 321; T. 231, 232; S. 166; G. 779, 780; Gar. 782-786. A. 313; B. 296; C.322; T. 232; G. 781, 782; Gar. 786-788. A. 313; M. 329; B. 297; C.323; T. 233; G. 779, 785; Gar. 792, 794. A. 313; M. 329; B. 298; C.323; T. 234; S. 167; G. 786; Gar. 783, 784, 794-79 8 - A. 335; M - 33°; B - 2 97; Gar. 789-792. A. 315, 316; M. 330; B. 299- 301; C. 324, 325; T. 235; S. 167, 168; G. 783-785, 789, 795, 796; Gar. 801-811. A. 312, 316, 323; M. 332, 337, 361 ; B. 273, 303; C. 325, 326; T. 235, 236, 238,239; S. 168; G. 770-772, 786- 797, 799-818, 820-822, 825 ; Gar. 772, 780, 789, 790,795, 799-801,804, 806-812, 819, 822-835, 840, 842, 843, 846, 848, 855, 856; E. 75, 76; Br. 152, 153. A. 298; M. 331, 332; B. 312; S. 176, 177; G. 739-741, 829 ; Gar, 890, 939 ; Br. 155- MODERN ENGLAND. 49 27. Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1 7 72- 1 807; Wilberforce and Clarkson. Union of England and Ire- land, 1800. 29. England in the French Revolution : Battle of the Nile, Aug. 1, 1798. 30. Trafalgar, Oct. 21, 1805. 31. The English in Portugal and Spain. 32. Waterloo, June 18, 18 15. (End of the Second Hun- dred Years' War of England and France, 1 702-1815.) 33. Napoleon, Nelson, Welling- ton. 34. The War of 1812. A - 35o, 35i; M. 332; B. 312, 313; C. 362, 363; T. 248; G - 395> 737, 74o, 796, 797, 823; Gar. 823, 857. A - 3i9; M. 337; B. 306, 309, 310; C. 330; T. 236, 237; S. 168; D. 307; G. 794, 795> 811-818; Gar. 795, 796,810,831-834,840-843. A- 317, 318; M. 332, 333 ; B. 307-309; C. 328; T. 236, 237; S. 169; G. 798-811; Gar. 820-830, 834-838. A. 321, 322; M. 333; B. 311; C 329 ;T. 238,239; s. 169; G. 820-822; Gar. 851-854. A. 324-327; M. 334; B. 314- 316; C. 331-334; T. 240; S. 170; G. 824-827, 832; Gar. 862-867, 871, 872. A- 329; M. 335, 33 6; B. 317, 3i8; C. 335, 336; T. 243; S. 171; G. 830-832, 834- 836 ; Gar. 874. A- 317, 318, 322, 325; M. 333- 336; B. 309, 318, 331; C. 327,328,331-336; T. 237- 240, 243; S. 169-172; G. 810, 811, 818-836, 839; Gar. 826, 834,837-840,844, 845,848-875,893,896,900, 938. A- 327, 328; M. 334, 335; B. 313; C. 334; T. 242, 243; S. 172; G. 827-830, 832- 834; Gar. 872, 873. 5 342 • T. 228, 247, 248; S. 185 ; G. 837-843; Gar. 877,879, 891, 893-905, 912, 913, 932-934, 937, 9 6l > 9 62 , 972. A. 35o, 35 1 ; M - 354, 355; B - 333, 334; C. 342; T. 248; S. 185; G. 833; Gar. 876, 877, 910, 911, 927. MODERN ENGL. I . \ 7). 5' 45. Victoria, 1837 . (A Reign of Peace and Progress.) 46. Her Marriage to Prince Albert, Feb. 10, 1840. 47. The Chartists. 48. Famine in Ireland. 49. Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1838-1849; Peel, Cobden, Bright. 50. The World's Fair of 1 85 1. 5 1 . Death of the Prince Consort, 1861. 52. American Civil War; the Alabama Claims. 53. Lord Palmerston. 54. Further Parliamentary Re- form, 1867 and 1886. 5 5 . Disestablishment of the Irish Episcopal Church, 1869; Abolition of Compulsory Church Rates. A.35i;M.35 7 ;B.337- C. 343 ; T. 248, 250; S. 187; D. 307 ; G. 840; Gar. 914. A.353;M. 3 62;B.3 4 ij C. 343 ; T. 251 ■• S. 187; Gar. 920. A. 356 ; M. 363-365 ; B. 340, 345; C. 343; T. 250, 251; S. 188; Gar. 922-924, 935, 936. M. 366, 367; B. 343; C. 344: T. 250, 251 ; S. 189; G. 841; Gar. 931-933. A. 353, 356; M. 365-368; B. 334, 340-345 I C. 340, 344 ; T. 244, 246, 248, 250; S. 188,205; G. 837-842; Gar. $75, 876, 879, 885, 887, 891-895,912,913,924-932, 936, 955, 958- A- 357; M. 3 68;B.34 7 ; T.252; S. 189; Gar. 937. A- 365; M.370; B. 35 7;T. 264; S. 190 ; Gar. 959. M. 37i, 372; B. 356; T. 264, 265; S. 198; G. 843; Gar. 958-960, 965, 966. A- 359; B. 344, 348-350, 355; T. 247, 254; G. 840, 842, 843; Gar. 901, 912, 938, 939,945,947,955,956,96o. A. 364; M. 373, 374; B. 355; S. 204 ; G. 843, 844 ; Gar. 961, 962, 972. A- 364; M. 374, 375; B. 358; C. 346; S. 197; G. 844; Gar. 962. 52 A TOPICAL OUTLINE 56. Education Act, 1870. 57. Irish Land Acts; the Land League. 58. The Phcenix Park Assassina- tion, May 6, 1882. 59. Home Rule for Ireland. 60. Disraeli; Salisbury; Parnell. 61. The Queen's Jubilee, 1887; the Prince of Wales. 62. William Ewart Gladstone; Prime Minister, 1868-18 74, 1880-1885, 1886, 1892- 1894. OF ENGLISH HISTORY. A. 365; M. 375; B - 35 8 , 359; C. 346; T. 270; S. 197; G. 840, 844 ; Gar. 920, 963, 965- A. 368-370; M. 376-378; B. 359> 360; C. 346; T. 268, 269 ; S. 197, 204 ; Gar. 962, 9 6 3> 97°> 97 1 - A. 3 6 9> 37°; M. 378; B. 360; T. 268 ; Gar. 970. a. 375 \ b. 3 6 ° ; T - 26 9 ; s - 2 °4 ', Gar. 970 ; Cent., vol. 4, 249- 264; vol. 15, 317, 318; Harper, vol. 75, 421-429; Forum, vol. 5, 331-340. A. 369, 374-376, 387; M. 373; B. 359> 360; C. 346; T. 265-268 ; S. 204, 205 ; G. 843, 844; Gar. 929-931, 93 8 > 939> 956, 961, 962, 966, 969, 970, 972; Scrib., vol. 14, 190-194 ; vol. 22, 262-265 ; Cent.yVoX. 1, 729- 744, 939-942 ; Harper, vol. 34, 753-758; vol. 36, 800- 809 ; vol. 65, 163-184 ; vol. 70, 339-349- A- 375; B. 354, 357; T. 271; S. 198, 221 ; Forum, vol. 4, 166-176; Harper, vol. 70, 745-773- A. 368, 388; M. 362, 374; B. 355> 360; C. 346; T. 266- 269 ; S. 204 ; G. 844 ; Gar. 926, 943, 955> 956, 958, 962-966, 970, 972 ; Harper, MODERN ENGLAND. 53 63. The Earl of Rosebery Prime Minister, March 3, 1 894 . Supplementary Topics on the Hanoverian Period. 1. Rebellion in Canada, 1 837-1 840. 2. The Opium War, 1839- 1842. 3. War in the Crimea, 1854-1856; Siege of Sebastopol; Florence Nightingale. 4. The Sepoy Rebellion, 185 7-1 859; Memorable Sieges; End of East India Company; Victoria Em- press of India, 1877. 5. The Soudan, 1884-1885; General Gordon. 6. Other Wars. Social and National Progress; Dis- covery and Invention (Watt and Arkwright) ; Steam Railway, 1830; Electric Telegraph, 1 837; Atlantic Cable, 1858. 8. Commerce and Navigation. R. vol. 33, 61-64 ; vol. 64, 741- 751; Scrib^ vol. 21, 125- 138; Forum, vol. 4, 553- 560; vol.8, 1-17; R.ofRs., vol. 9, 416-422, 429-433- of Rs., vol. 9, 422-428; Forum, vol. 17, 139-147. A. 352; T. 250; S. 190; G. 840; Gar. 914,916. A. 354; M. 369; B. 342; T. 25S-260; S. i93> J 94; G- 840. A- 357-36i; M. 369-370; B. 349,350; C.344; T. 252-255; S. 195, 196; G. 842; Gar. 943-948. A. 361, 362; M. 370; B. 351-354; C 344-346; T. 256-258; S. 191- 193; G. 842, 843; Gar. 948-955. A - 37 2 -374; B. 354-362; T. 267; S. 203, 204; Gar. 971; Cent., vol. 6, 556-561. A- 353-355. 357. 363. 364, 366, 367, 37 1 . 37 2 > 376; B. 342, 343, 354; C. 344, 345; T 260, 265-267; S. 190, 191, 194, 199-203; G. 840, 842; Gar. 956, 957, 970, 971. A. 336-342, 380, 381; M. 338-341, 355. 356, 368, 380-383; B. 321, 33SS37, 339, 356-363; T. 244, 270, 271; S. 179, 182, 183, 185, 206; G. 735-741. 79i. 792, 797. 828, 829, 837-844; Gar. 708, 813-818, 884-886, 905-911, 916- 918, 932, 933. 939. 940. A. 336; M. 340, 341; B. 361; S. 178; G. 729, 791-795, 822, 823, 828, 829, 837, 841; Gar. 722-728, 751, 860, 885-887, 936, 958. 54 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 9. Population, Land, and Rents. A. 7; M. 361, 408; B. 360; T. 22S; S. 183, 205, 211; G. 791, 828; Gar. 813, 817, 933; Forum, vol. 18, 161, 162. 10. The Postal Service; Police. 11. The Gregorian Calendar, 1752. 12. Periodicals. 13. Art and Music. 14. Travel and Exploration: Sir John Franklin ; David Livingstone ; Henry M. Stanley. 15. The British Constitution: House of Lords; House of Commons. 16. Rise of the English People; Unity of the English-speaking Race. Classical, Romantic, and Victorian Literature. 1. Novelists: Richardson ; Fielding ; Sterne ; Smollett. 2. Samuel Johnson, 1 709-1 784; English Dictionary. 3. David Hume, 171 1-1 776 ; History of England. A. 285; M. 348, 363; B. 191, 334, 339; C. 294; S. 140, 155, 197; Gar. 900, 901, 918, 920. M. 31S, 319; B. 295; C. 315; S. 182; Gar. 743. A. 381; M. 342; C. 295; T. 257, 270; S. 174; G. 767, 775, 776, 829; Gar. 722, 773, 779; E. 81; Br. 146, 153, 154. A. 340, 341; M. 342, 380; B. 322; S. 166, 174; Gar. 943, 946; E. 135- A. 365; M. 379; B. 362; Scrib., vol. 7, 662-692; vol. 8, 210-222; Br. 155- A. ap. 1-4; M. 358-362,380; B. 248- 262; T. 272-274; S. 208, 209; G. 231, 232, 536; Gar. 695, 710, 914; Forum, vol. 8, 531-541; vol. 17,329-339; Harper, vol 73, 505-517; Scrib., vol. 14,593-600. M. 383-390; B. 362-364; T. 234; S. 206, 207; G. 2-16, 787. A. 344; S. 173, 180; Gar. 746; E. 63-68; Br. 145-149- A. 344; M. 290; B. 321 ; C. 35°; s - J 73; E - 69-72; Br. 147. A. 344; S. 173; E. 72; Br. 150, 35 1 - 4. Thomas Gray, 1716-1771; Elegy in a Country Church- yard. 5. Adam Smith, 1 723-1 790 ; The Wealth of Nations. 6. Oliver Goldsmith, 1728- 1774; The Vicar of Wakefield. 7. William Cowper, 1 731-1800; The Task. 8. Edward Gibbon, 1 737-1 794; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 9. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 1751-1816; The Rivals. 10. Robert Burns, 1 759-1 796; The Cotter's Saturday Night. 11. William Wordsworth, 1770- 1850; The Excursion. 12. Sir Walter Scott, 17 71-1832 ; Waverley Novels. 13. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1772-1834; The Ancient Mariner. 14. Thomas Campbell, 1 777— 1844; War Songs. 15. Charles Lamb, 1 775-1834 ; Essays of Eli a. 16. Thomas Moore, 1 779-1852 ; Lalla Rookh. MODERN ENGLAND. 55 S. 173; Gar. 755; Br. 163. B. 301, 302; G. 792, 793; Gar. 810; E. 76; Br. 151, 152. A. 343; B.321; C.350; S. 173; E. 76-78; Br. 149, 163. A. 343; B.321; S. 173; E. 80- 83; Br. 166-168. A. 344; B. 321 j 150 Br. 21 ; E. 73, 74 A. 316; B. 321 ; C. 325 ; S. 168, 173; Gar. 811 \ E. 79; Br. 144. 13; S. 173; C E. 84, 85 ; Br A. 343; S. 173; Gar. 887, 888; E. 84, 85 ; Br. 168, 169. A. 3S3; S. 206; Gar. 889; E. 90-92 ; Br. 170-175. A. 383; S. 173, 186; Gar.. 889; E. 94-97; Br. 156-158, 175. A. 3 8 3; S. 173; Gar. 918, 920; E. 88, 89; B. 155, 171. A. 3 S 3 ; E. 92, 93; Br. 175. A. 385 ; E. 102; Br. 154. A. 382 ; S. 206 ; E. 93, 94 ; Br. 176. 56 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. 17. Thomas De Quincey, 1785- A. 385 ; E. 104, 105. i859; Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. 18. Lord Byron, 1 788-1824 ; Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. 19. Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792- 1822 ; Lyrics. 20. John Keats, 1 795-1 821 ; Lyrics. 2 1 . Thomas Carlyle, 1 795-1 88 1 ; Heroes and He?v- Worship. 22. Thomas Babington Macau- lay, 1 800- 1 85 9 ; Essays. 23. Sir E. G. E. L. Bulwer- Lytton, 1805-1873; The Last Days of Poinpeii. 24. Alfred Tennyson, 1809- 1892; I fly Is of the King. 25. Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1809-1861 ; Aurora Leigh. 26. Robert Browning, 181 2- 1889; Pippa Passes. 27. William Makepeace Thackeray, 1811-1863; Vanity Pair. 28. Charles Dickens, 1812- 1870; David Copperfield. A. 34 7, 3 82 ; S. 173, 184; Gar. 888; E. 85-87; Br. 177, 178. A. 382; Gar. 888, 889; E. 97, 98; Br. 178-181. A. 382; E. 98, 99; B. 181-183. A. 388 ; M. 380 ; B. 362 ; S. 206 ; Gar. 941 ; E. 106-108^120- 122. A. 386 ; M. 380 ; B. 362 ; S. 206 ; Gar. 903, 904, 941 ; E. 118- 120. A. 386; E. 113. A. 385; M. 361, 380; B. 362; Gar. 943; E. 133-135; Br. 184, 185. A. 385; E. 129-131. A. 385; E. 131-133; Br. 183, 184. A. 387; M. 380; B.362; S. 206; Gar. 940, 941 ; E. 108, 109. A. 387; Gar. 940; E. no, in. 29. Charlotte Bronte, 181 6- 1855; Jane Eyre. 30. Charles Kingsley, 1S19- i875; Hypatia. 31. John Ruskin, 1819 ; Modern Painters. 32. George Eliot, 1 820-1 880; Ada?n Bede. 33. Matthew Arnold, 1822- 1888; Essays in Ciiticism. 34. Jean Ingelow, 1830 ; Songs of Seven. 35. William Morris, 1834 ; The Earthly Paradise. 36. Algernon Charles Swin- burne, 1837 ; Mary Stuart. 37. John Richard Green, 1837- 1883; History of the English People. 38. Scientific and Philosophical Writers and Thinkers : John Stuart Mill (1806- 1873) ; Herbert Spencer (1820 ); Sir John W. F. Herschel (1 792-1871) ; Sir Charles Lyell (1797— 1875) i Hugh Miller (1802-1856) ; John Tyndall (1820-1893) ; Charles Darwin ( 1 809- 1882) ; Thomas H. Huxley (1825 ) ; Richard A. Proctor (183 7-1 888). MODERN ENGLAND. A. 387; E. 112. 57 A. 387; E. 114. A. I; M. 380; B. 362; E. 125-127. A. 3S6; E. 115, 116. A. 386; S. 206; E. 123, 124. A. 385. E. 136; Cent, vol. 10, 388-397. A. 386; E. 136, 137. B. 362 ; G. Introduction. A. 3S8, 389; M. 378-3S0; B. 361, 362 ; S. 206 ; Gar. 940, 941 ; E. 127-129; Br. 155. 58 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. Colonies of the British Empire. :. European. 1 2. Asiatic. 3. African. 4. Australian and Polynesian. 5. North American. 6. West Indian. 7. South American. 1 For Colonies see For A. ap.4, 5 ; M 294; B. 261,363; C. 74, 284, 323,337; T. 213, 214, 238, 240; S. 210; G. 818,837; Gar. 696, 848,970. A. ap. 5-8; M. 317, 318, 369; B. 169, 276, 277, 305, 345, 346, 353. 354, 3 6 3; C. 324, 325 ; T. 160, 164, 225, 256- 259; S. 115, 165, 190-193, 210; G. 396, 745, 746, 753, 754, 764, 782-785, 789, 795, 796, 809, 837, 842, 843; Gar. 758-764, 801-808, 858, 859, 948-955. A. ap. 9-1 1 ; B. 305, 327, 346, 359, 363; C. 37!-374; S. 211; G. 809, 837; Gar. 837, 858, 966-970. A. ap. 8, 9; B. 298, 299, 327, 3 28 , 346, 347, 3 6 3 ', C. 374- 380; T. 260-263; S. 211; Gar. 858, 967, 968. A. ap. 11, 12 ; B. 261, 278, 282, 283,327,338,339; C. 351; 3 6 3, 365-37 ; T. 214; S. 190, 211; G. 755-757, 764, 802, 833, 840 ; Gar. 696, 753-75 6 , 766, 784,914,916, 966, 967. A. ap. 12; B. 210, 211, 363; C 357-363; T. 188, 214, 238, 240; S. 211 ; G. 593, 764, 809, 837; Gar. 572, 837, 859, 966, 967. A.ap. 13; B. 363; C. 363, 364; T. 262; S. 211 ; Gar. 858. 'um, vol. 18, 161-172. ADDITIONAL READING AND REFERENCE. I. Prehistoric Britain. Early Man in Britain W. B. Dawkins. Celtic Britain J. Rhys. The Dawn of History C. F. Keary. Origins of English History C. J. Elton. II. Roman Britain. Roman Britain H. M. Scarth. The Romans in Britain H. C. Coote. The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon T. Wright. Gallic War (Books IV. and V.) Julius Ccesar. III. Anglo-Saxon Britain. The Making of England J. R. Green. Anglo-Saxon Britain G. Allen. Early English History E. A. Freeman. The Saxons in England J. M. Rouble. Alfred the Great R. Fault. Alfred the Great T. Hughes. Morte D' Arthur Sir T. Malory. Idyls of the King A. Tennyson. Vision of Sir Launfal J- R. Lowell. Macbeth W. Shakespeare. IV. The Norman Conquest. History of the Norman Conquest E. A. Freeman. The Normans in Europe A. If. Johnson. William the Conqueror J. Abbott. The Age of Chivalry T. Btdfinch. 59 60 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. The Crusades G. IV. Cox. The Children's Crusade G. Z. Gray. St. Anselm R.W. Church. Hereward, the Last of the English C Kingsley. Harold the Dauntless; The Betrothed Sir IV. Scott. Harold A. Tennyson. Harold Sir E. G. Bulwer-Lytton. In His Name E. E. Hale. V. The Plantagenets. The Early Plantagenets W. Stubbs. England under the Angevin Kings Miss K. Norgate. The Rise of the People J. Roivley. Edward III IV. War burton. Richard I /. Abbott. Simon de Montfort M. Creighton. John Wycliffe L. Sergeant. The Canterbury Tales G. Chancer. King John; Richard II IV. Shakespeare. Ivanhoe ; The Talisman ; Castle Dangerous ; Tales of a Grandfather Sir IV. Scott. The Scottish Chiefs Miss J. Porter. VI. Lancaster and York. Houses of Lancaster and York J. Gairdner. Richard III /. Gairdner. Wars of the Roses J. G. Edgar. Henry V G. M. Towle. Joan of Arc /. Michelet. Henry IV.; V.; VI.; Richard III W.Shakespeare, Eair Maid of Perth ; Anne of Geierstein ; Quentin Durward Sir JV. Scott. Last of the Barons Sir E. G. Bulwer-Lytton. VII. The Tudors. The Age of Elizabeth M. Creighton. The Tudors and the Reformation M. Creighton. The Era of the Protestant Revolution F. Secbohm. ADDITIONAL READING AND REFERENCE. 6 1 History of England J. A. Fronde. Mary, Queen of Scots, and her Accusers J. Hosack. Sir Philip Sidney H. R. Fox-Bourne. Henry VIII W. Shakespeare. Kenihvorth; The Abbot; The Monastery; Marmion; Lady of the Lake; Lay of the Last Minstrel . . . Sir IV. Scott The Faerie Queen E. Spenser. Queen Mary A. Tennyson. VIII. The Stuarts. The Fall of the Stuarts E. Hale. Life of Oliver Cromwell F. P. G. Guizot. Oliver Cromwell S. H. Church. Life and Letters of Oliver Cromwell T. Carlyle. Three English Statesmen; Pym, Cromwell, and Pitt . G. Smith. The Puritan Revolution S. R. Gardiner. Milton D. Masson. Bacon R. W. Church. Age of Anne E. E. Morris. Marlborough M. Creighton. Fortunes of Nigel; Legend of Montrose; Woodstock; Bride of Lammermoor; Old Mortality; Peveril of the Peak Sir W. Scott. Henry Esmond W. M. Thackeray. Lorna Doone R. D. Blackmore. IX. The House of Hanover. History of England ( i 713-1783) P. H. Stanhope. Memoirs of the Reign of George II H. Wdlpole. The Four Georges IV. M. Thackeray. History of England in the Eighteenth Century; Leaders of Public Opinion IV. E. II. lecky. Men of Invention and Industry . S. Smiles. Invasion of the Crimea A. IV. Kinglake. The Victorian Half-Century Miss CM. Yonge. History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century I. Stephen. The Queen (Victoria) Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. History of Our Own Times; The Epoch of Reform . /. McCarthy. The War of Independence J. Fiske. 62 A TOPICAL OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY. The Colonial Era G. P. Fisher. Life of" Gladstone W. Clark Russell. England under Gladstone J. H. Me Car thy. England Without and Within R. G. White. English Traits R. W. Emerson. English Statesmen T. IV. Higginson. Our Old Home ; American and English Note-Books N. Hazvthorne. One Hundred Days in Europe O. IV. Holmes. Tom Brown's School Days ; Tom Brown at Oxford . T. Hughes. Rob Roy ; Waverley ; Heart of Midlothian ; Red Gauntlet ; Guy Mannering Sir W. Seott. The Virginians ; Vanity Fair W. M. Thackeray. The Vicar of Wakefield O. Goldsmith. Barnaby Rudge ; Oliver Twist ; Tale of Two Cities ; Bleak House C. Dickens. Adam Bede ; Middlemarch George Eliot. X. General Works. Old English Chronicles History of the English People J. R. Green. History of England (i 603-1 642); A School Atlas of English History; Outline of English History . . S. R. Gardiner. History of England ; Essays T. B. Macaulay. History of England D. Hume. History of England f. Lingard. Pictorial History of England C. Knight. Childhood of the English Nation Miss E. S. A r milage. Lectures on the History of England M. J. Guest. Lectures on Modern History T. Arnold. Queens of England Miss A. Strickland. History of the Nineteenth Century R. Mackenzie. Student's Summary of English History T. Haughton. Church of England R. IV. Dixon. Middle Ages H. Hallam. Domestic Manners in England during the Middle Ages T Wright. Growth of English Industry and Commerce .... IV. Cunningham. House of Commons R. F D. Palgrave. English Government and Constitution J. Russell. Constitutional History of England . T.P. Taswell- Langmead. English Constitution . . W. Bagehot. Outline of Irish History r jj ADDITIONAL READING AND REFERENCE. §■> Constitutional History of England ( 1485) . jy. Stubbs. (1485-1760) . . IHIallam. (1 760-1 860) . . T.E. May. /• H. McCarthy. History of the United States G.Bancroft Old South Leaflets (historical documents) .... Edited by E D Mead. Origins and History of the English Language . . . G. P. Marsh Origins of the English People and of the English Language ... T r> -. , • /• Roemur. Development of English Literature and Language . A H. Welsh Cyclopedia of English Literature W. and R. Chambers. H,story of Elizabethan Literature G. Saintsbury Literature of the Age of Elizabeth E.P.Whipple History of English Literature H. A. Taine History of Eighteenth-Century Literature ..'.'.£. W. Gosse Victorian Poets . .• . J n '-, , ' ^ ,. . - T F , E. C. Stedman. Enghsh Men of Letters Series Ediudty J. MorUy. For Further Reference : Manual of Historical Literature (pp. 465-565). . . C.K.Adams. Reader s Guide to English History W. F. Allen Methods of Teaching and Studying History . . . '. Edited by G. S Hall. INDEX. Adam Bede, 57. Addison, Joseph, 45. Agincourt, Battle of, 25. Agricola, 12. Agriculture, 28. Alabama Claims, 51. Alfred the Great, 14, 15. Allegiance, Oath of, 16. American Revolution, 47 ; Early Battles 48. Ancient Manner, The, 55. Angles, The, 13. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 15, 18. Anglo-Saxon Government, 13. Anne, Queen, 43, 44. Anselm, 17, 18. Arcadia, 36. Architecture, 15, 18, 24, 28, 35, 44. Arkwright, 53. Armada, The Spanish, 34. Armor, 24. Arms, 24. Arnold, Matthew, 57. Art, 15, 54. Arthur, King, 13. Athelstan, 14. Atlantic Cable, 53. Attainder, Act of, 42. Augustine, 13. Aurora Leigh, 56. B of. Bacon, Francis, 36. Bacon, Roger, 24. Ball, 23. Bank of England, 43. Bannockburn, 43. Barnet, Battle of, 27, Barons' Rebellion, 17, Bayeux Tapestry, 18. Becket, Thomas a, 19. 19. OS Bede, 13. Benevolences, 27. Bentham, 48. Beowulf, 13. Bible, Translation of, 37. Black Death, 23. Black Prince, 22. Blenheim, Battle of, 43. Bloody Assizes, 41. Boadicea, 12. Boleyn, Anne, 30. Books, 44. Bosworth Field, 28. Boyne, Battle of, 42. Bretigny, Peace of, 23. Bretwalda, 13. Bright, 51. Britain becomes England, 14. Bronze Age, 11. Bronte, Charlotte, 57. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 56. Browning, Robert, 56. Bruce, 22. Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E. G. E. L., 56. Bunyan, John, 45. Burke, 48. Burns, Robert, 55. Byron, Lord, 50, 56. Cabal, The, 40. Cabinet Government, 46. Cabot, 29. Cade, Jack, Rebellion of, 26. Caidmon, 13. Caesar, 12. Calais, Capture of, 22. Cambridge, 24. Campbell, Thomas, 55. Canada, Rebellion in, 53. Canning, 50. Canterbury Talcs, The, 24. 66 INDEX. Caractacus, 12. Carlyle, Thomas, 561 Caroline, Queen, 50. Cassivelaunus, 12. Catharine of Arragon, 30. Catholicism, 33. Catholics, 33. Cavaliers, 38. Caxton, William, 28. Cecil, Sir William, 33. Celts, 11. Chaluz, Siege of, 20. Charles I., 37, 39. Charles II., 39. 4°. 4 1 - Charter, The Great, 20; of Henry I., 17; of Henry II., 19. Chartists, The, 51. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 24. Chivalry, 18. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 56. Christianity, Effects on the Saxons, 15 ; Introduction of, 12. Church, 16, 18, 20, 21 ; Abolition of Com- pulsory Rates, 51 ; Building, 21 ; Dis- establishment of Irish Episcopal, 51 ; of England, 35 ; High and Low, 43. Circuits, 19. Clarendon, Constitutions of, 19. Claudius, 12. Cleves, Anne of, 31. Clive, Lord, 47. Cloth of Gold, Field of, 30. Cobbet, 50. Cobden, 51. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 55. Colet, John, 30. Colonies, American, 37 ; Condition of, 47 ; French Aid for, 48 ; Independent, 48. Colonies of British Empire, African, Asi- atic, Australian, European, North Ameri- can, Polynesian, South American, West Indian, 58. Columbus, 29. Commerce, 15, 44, 53. Common Prayer, Book of, 32. Commons, House of, 21, 54; Separation from Lords, 23. Commonwealth, Establishment of, 39. Company, East India, 35 ; End of, 53. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater, 56. Conservatives, 50. Constitution, The British, 54. Corn Laws, Repeal of, 51. Corporation Act, 40. Cotter s Saturday Night, The, 55. Courts, 13, 18. Covenanters, The Scotch, 38. Cowper, William, 55. Cranmer, Thomas, 32. Crecy, Battle of, 22. Cromwell, Oliver, 38, 39, 40 Cromwell, Richard, 40. Cromwell, Thomas, 30. Crusades, First, 17 ; Third, 20. Culloden, 46. Cuthbert, 13. Danish Invasion, 14. Darwin, Charles, 56. David CopJ>erJield, 56. Days of Week, Names of, 13. Debt, The National, 43. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 55. Defoe, Daniel, 45. De Montfort, Parliament of, 21. Dettingen, 46. Dickens, Charles, 56. Discovery, 53. Disraeli, 52. Domesday Book, 17. Dover, Treaty of, 40. Drake, Sir Francis, 35. Drama, 28. Dramas, 36. Drogheda, 39. Druidism, 11. Druids, Fate of, 12. Dryden, John, 45. Dudley, 29. Dunstan, 14. Earthly Paradise, The, 57. Edgar the Peaceful, 14. Edmund I., 14. Edmund Ironside, 15. Edred, 14. Education, 13, 18, 24, 44. Education Act, 52. Edward the Confessor, 15. Edward the Elder, 14. Edward I., 21, INDEX. 6 7 Edward II., 22. Edward III., 22, 23, Edward IV., 27. Edward V., 27. Edward VI., 31. Edward the Martyr, 14. Edwin, 14. Egbert, 13. Electric Telegraph, 50. Elegy in a Country Churchyard, 55. Eliot, George, 57. Elizabeth, 33, 34, 35. Empson, 29. England, Definition, Area, Surface, 11 ; in the French Revolution, 49 ; Union with Ireland, 49. English Dictionary, 54. English People, Rise of, 54. English-Speaking Race, Unity of, 54. Erasmus, 30. Essay on Man, 45. Essays, 36, 56. Essays in Criticism, 57. Essays of Eli a, 55. Ethelbald, 14. Ethelbert, 14. Ethelbert of Kent, 13. Ethelred I., 14. Ethelred the Unready, 14. Ethelwulf, 14. Europe, Condition of, 12. Evesham, Battle of, 21. Excursion, The, 55. Exploration, 54. Faerie Queen, The, 36. Fairs, 24. Feudal England, End of, 28; System, 16; Tenure, 15, 18. Fielding, 54. Fire, The Great, 40. First Martyr, 25. Flambard, 17. Flodden Field, 30. Fox, 48. Fox, George, 44. Franklin, Sir John, 55. French Revolution, England in, 49. Friars, 24. Frobisher, Sir Martin, 35. Fry, Elizabeth, 48. Gaveston, 22. George I., 46. George II., 46. George III., 47, 50. George IV., 50. Gibbon, Edward, 55. Gladstone, William Ewart, 52. Glencoe, Massacre of, 42. Gloucester Protector, 27; causes Murder of the Princes, 27. Godwin, Earl, 15. Goldsmith, Oliver, 55. Gordon, General, 53. Gordon Riots, 48. Gray, Thomas, 55. Great Charter, The, 20. Greece, Independence of, 50. Green, John Richard, 57. Greenwich Observatory, 44. Gregorian Calendar, 54. Gregory, 13. Grey, Lady Jane, 32. Grey, Sir Richard, Execution of, 27. Guilds, 24. Gulliver's Travels, 45. Gunpowder Plot, 37. H Habeas Corpus Act, 41. Hampden, John, 37. Hampton Court Conference, 37. Hardicanute, 15. Harold Harefoot, 15. Harold II., 15. Hastings, Battle of, 16. Hastings, Lord, Execution of, 27. Hengist, 13. Henry I., 17. Henry II., 18, 19. Henry III., 20, 21. Henry IV., 25. Henry V., 25. Henry VI., 26. Henry VII., 28, 29. Henry VIII., 30; Head of the Church, 31. Heptarchy, 13. Heroes and Hero- Worship, 56. Herschel, Sir John W. F., 57. High Commission, Court of, 33. Historical Works, 18. History of England, 54. 68 INDEX. History of the English People, 57. Home Rule, 52. Horsa, 13. Howard, 48. Howard, Catharine, 31. Hume, David, 54. Huxley, Thomas H., 57. Hypatia, 57. I Idyls of the King, 56. Independence, Declaration of, 48. India, Conquests in, 47; Victoria Empress of- 53- Indulgence, Declaration of, 41. Ingelow, Jean, 57. Invention, 44, 53. Ireland, Area, Surface, 11; Condition of, 23 ; Famine in, 51 ; Home Rule for, 52 ; Revolt in, 42 ; Rising in, 51 ; Union with England, 49. Irish Land Acts, 52. Irish Rebellion, 35. Ironsides, Cromwell's, 38. J Jacobite Rebellions, 46. Jacobites, 42. James I., 37. James II., 41. Jane Eyre, 57. Jeffreys, 41. Jesuits, 33. Jews, The, 18 ; Expulsion of, 21. Joan of Arc, 26. John Lackland, 20. Johnson, Samuel, 54. Jonson, Ben, 36. Juries, 19. Jutes, 13. K King and Army, 39. King against Church, 20. King and Commons, 37. Kings, 13 ; Divine Right of, 37. Kingsley, Charles, 57. Kirke, 41. Lalla Rookh, 54. Lamb, Charles, 54. Land, 54; Tenure, 13. Land League, 52. Lands, Seizure of, 32. Lanfranc, 16, 18. Langland, William, 24. Langton, Stephen, 20. Last Days of Pompeii, The, 56. Latimer, Bishop, 32. Law, First Poor, 35. Laws, of Alfred, 14; Anglo-Saxon, 13; Roman, 12. Learning, 28 ; The New, 30. Legislation, Religious, 33. Lewes, Battle of, 21. Liberals, 50. Life, Manners, and Customs, 15, 18, 24, 28, 36. 44- Literature, 13, 28 ; of the Age of Chaucer, 24 ; Elizabethan, 36 ; Classical, Roman- tic, and Victorian, 54. Livingstone, David, 54. Lollards, Persecution of, 25 ; Revolt of, 25. Long Parliament, 38, Lords, House of, 54. Lords Ordainers, 22. Luther, Martin, 30. Lyell, Sir Charles, 57. Lyrics, 56. M Macaulay, Thomas Babbington, 56. Malory, Sir Thomas, 28. Mandeville, Sir John, 24. Margaret of Anjou, 26. Marlborough, 43. Marston Moor, 38. Mary I., 32, 33. Mary, Queen of Scots, 34. Mary Stuart, 57. Martyrs, 33. Matilda, 18. Militia, 18. Military Affairs, 15. Mill, John Stuart, 57. Miller, Hugh, 57. Milton, John, 44. Modern Painters, 57. Monasteries, Destruction of, 31. Money, 20, 37. Monmouth, Rebellion of, 41. Monopolies, 35. Moore, Thomas, 55. INDEX. 69 Morals, 47. More, Sir Thomas, 3c. Morris, William, 57. Morte D' Arthur, 28. Mortimer, 22. Music, 54. Mutiny Act, 42. N Napoleon, 49. Naseby, 38. Nationality, Growth of, 29. Navigation, 53 ; Act, 39. Navy, 14. Nelson, 49. Netherlands, The, 34. New Amsterdam, 40. New Forest, The, 17. New Learning, The, 30. Newspapers, 44. Newton, Sir Isaac, 44. Nightingale, Florence, 53. Nile, Battle of the, 49. Nonjurors, 42. Norman Conquest, Effects on the English Language, 18. Normandy, Loss of, 20. Norman Government, 18. Normans, 16. Northampton, 27. Northumbria, Devastation of, 16. Norwegian Invasion, 15. Novelists, 54. O'Connell, 50. Ode on St. Cecilia's Day, 45. Odo, 17. Orange, William of, 34 ; William (III.) of, invited to the Throne of England, 42. Orleans, Siege of, 26. Oxford, 24, 41. Oxford, Provisions of, 21. Palmerston, Lord, 51. Paradise Lost, 44. Paris, Peace of, 47, 48. Parliament, 28 ; the Convention, 42; of De Montfort, 21 ; First Full, 21 ; Long, 38. Parnell, 52. Parr, Catharine, 31. Parties, Religious, 33. Peasant Revolt, 23. Peel, 51. Pennsylvania, 44. People, Anglo-Saxon, Divisions of, 13; Oppression of, under William II., 17; Rise of the English, 54. Periodicals, 54. Philip II. of Spain, 32. Phcenix Park Assassination, 52. Picts, 12. Pilgrim Fathers, 37. Pilgrim's Progress, The, 45. Pippa Passes, 56. Pitt, The "Great Commoner," 47; The Younger, 48. Plague, The, 40. Poitiers, Victory of, 23. Pole, Cardinal, 33. Police, 54. Poll Tax, 23. Pope, Alexander, 45. Popish Plot, 41. Population, 44, 54. Port Bill, Boston, 47. Portugal, English in, 49. Postal Service, 54. Presbyterians, The, 38. Pride's Purge, 39. Prince Albert, 51. Prince of Wales, First, 21. Prince of Wales Regent, 50. Printing Press, 28. Proctor, Richard A., 57. Progress, Social and National, 53. Protestants, 33, Puritans, 33. Quakers, The, 44. Quincey, Thomas de, 56. Radicals, 50. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 34. Reformation, The German, 30. Reforms of Dunstan, 14; Factory, 50; under George IV., 50; under Henry II., 19; Law and Prison, 48; Parlia- mentary, 50, 51. Regicides, Punishment of, 40. Rents, 32, 54. ;o INDEX. Republic, Difficulties of the New, 39. Revival, Religious, 47. Revolution of 1688, 42. Richard I., 20. Richard II., 23. Richard III., 26. Richardson, 54. Right, Petition of, 38. Rights, Bill of, 42 ; Declaration of, 42. Rivals, The, 55. Rivers, Earl, Execution of, 27. Robber Barons, 18. Robert Duke of Normandy, 17. Robert of Mowbray, 17. Robinson Crusoe, 45. Romans in Britain, 12. Rosebery, Earl, Prime Minister, 53. Roundheads, 38. Runes, 15. Ruskin, John, 57. Russell, 50. Rye House Plot, 41. Ryswick, Peace of, 42. Sacheverell, 43. Salisbury, 52. St. Albans, Battle of, 27. St. Brice, Massacre of Danes at Festival of, 15. Saratoga, Surrender of Burgoyne at, 48. Saxon Pirates, 12. Saxons, Coming of, 13; Struggles with Britons, 13. Schools, Grammar, 35. Science, 44. Scotland, Area, Surface, 11; Conquest of, 22; Independence of, 22; Revolt in, 42; Rising in, 39 ; Union with England, 43. Scots, 12. Scott, Sir Walter, 55. Scutage, 24. Sebastopol, Siege of, 53. Sedgemoor, 41. Sepoy Rebellion, 53. Septennial Act, 46. Settlement, Act of, 43. Seven Bishops, Trial of, 41. Seymour, Jane. 31. Shakespeare, 36. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 56. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 48, 55. Shrewsbury, Battle of, 25. Sidney, Sir Philip, 36. Six Articles, The, 31. Slavery, Abolition of, 50. Slave Trade, Abolition of, 49. Smith, Adam, 54. Smollett, 54. Society, The Royal, 44. Somerset Protector, 31. Songs of Seven, 57. Soudan, The, 53. South Sea Bubble, 46. Spain, English in, 49. Spectator, The, 45. Speech,. Freedom of, 47. Spencer, Herbert, 57. Spenser, Edmund, 36. Stamford Bridge, Battle of, 15. Stamp Act, 47. Standard, Battle of, 18. Standing Army, Origin of, 44. Stanley, Henry M., 54. Star Chamber, The, 29. Steam Railway, 53. Steele, Sir Richard, 45. Stephen, 18. Sterne, 54. Stone Age, Polished, 11 ; Rough, 11. Succession, Act of, 31. Supremacy, Act of, 31, 33. Sweyn, 15. Swift, Dean, 45. Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 57. Symnel, 29. Task, The, 5$. Taller, The, 45. Taxation, 12. Taxes, 18. Tax on Tea, 47. Tenchebrai, Battle of, 17. Tennyson, Alfred, 56. Teutons, 12. Tewksbury, 27. Thackeray, William Makepeace, 56. Thinkers, Scientific and Philosophical, 57. Thirty-nine Articles, 33. Toleration Act, 42. Tories, 41, 43. Tournaments, 24. Towns, 18, 24; Free, 20; Roman, 12. INDEX. 71 Tovvton, Battle of, 27. Trade, 18, 28, 35; Wool, 24. Trafalgar, 49. Translation of the Bible , 24. Travel, 54. Trial by Battle, 18. Troyes, Treaty of, 26. Tyler, 23. Tyndall, John, 57. U Uniformity, Acts of, 33, 40. Union of England and Ireland, 49 ; of England and Scotland, 43. Utopia, 30. Utrecht, Treaty of, 43. Vanity Fair, 56. Vasco de Gama, 29. Vicar of Wakefield, The, 55. Victoria, 51; Empress of India, 53; her Jubilee, 52. Vision of Piers Ploughman, 24. Vortigern, 12. Voyages and Travels, 24. W Wakefield, Battle of, 27. Wales, Area, Surface, 11 ; Conquest of, 21 ; First Prince of, 21 ; Wales, Prince of Regent, 52. Wallace, 22. Wallingford, Treaty of, 18. Walpole, 46. War, American Civil, 51. War of the Austrian Succession, 46. War, The Barons', 21. War, Civil, 18, 38. War in the Crimea, 53. War, The Dutch, 39 ; Renewal of, 40. War of 1812, 49. War, Hundred Years', with France, 22; Reasons for Renewing, 25 ; End of, 26 ; End of Second, 49, 50. War, The Opium, 53. War, Seven Years' in Europe and America, 47. 50- War Songs, 55. War, The Spanish, 46. War of the Spanish Succession, 43. Wars, Continental, 42. Wars, Other, 53. Wars of the Roses, 26 ; Continuation of, 27 ; End of, 28. Warbeck, 29. Warren Hastings, Trial of, 48. Warwick, 27. Washington, George, 48. Waterloo, Battle of, 49. Watt, 53. Waver ley Novels, 55 v 1 1 'ealth of Nations, The, 55. Wedmore, Treaty of, 14. Wellington, 49. Wesleys, The, 47. Westminster Abbey, 15. Whigs, 41, 43. Whitefield, 47. Wilberforce, 49. Wilkes, John, 47. William the Conqueror, 16, 17. William II., 17. William and Mary (Orange-Stuart) , 42, 43. William IV., 50. William of Orange, 34; William III. of Orange invited to the Throne of Eng- land, 42. Witan, The, 13. Woisey, Cardinal, 30. Wool Trade, 24. Worcester, 39. Wordsworth, William, 55. World's Fair of 1851, 51. Wren, Sir Christopher, 44. Writers, Scientific and Philosophical, 57. Wyatt's Rebellion, 32. Wycliffe, John, 24. Yorktown, Surrender of Cornwallis at, 48. Younger Pitt, The, 48.