T^5 I5G7 Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 377'/ f' ^ne OOLDE^ ^^^^ COMING List! Golden bells of heaven, Ring their chimes of love, The Prince of Peace and Shining Throng, Are coming from above To 'stablish on the lands of earth, A school of Life of heavenly worth, Home Life of Peace and Love. vX^vw^ftvIC Co ■ / ENTERED ACCORDING TO ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YEAR 1890, BY B. V. EATON IN OFFICE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Know that the Lord is God indeed , And the oppressed shall yet go free, The dawn of day is hast'ning on, The restful years of Jubilee. Life's grand , high school will open here, So sweet , so holy, broad and free , The Teacher Christ the pupils train , For everlasting Jubilee. This broad, high school of life and love. Is up in the heavens to-day. But soon extends to all the earth, And throughout earthlands bears full sway. 'Tis a school of love and glory. Held in the holy light of day. And is coming, yea 'tis coming, Upon the earthlands here to stay. *Extract of poem entitled " Dawn." And v/ill teach here the plan of heav'n, Which hath foundation grand and true ; Fourded on Christ, on Love Divine, The glorious coming Order New. From all selfishness 'twill free us, And ever save us from all sin ; UlDholding each one from falling, By sweet and holy light within. Truly a great deliverance. It to us each one yet w^ill bring. Never more bowed down in sorrow. Instead, in living light we sing. Let us look toward the morning , And be advancing with the dawn , That hope may light our pathway through Earth's troublous night now coming on . For there is a "time of trouble" Which precedes Sunlight of full day, A deep distress of nations all. Ere evil systems pass away . There is a day known to the Lord, One which is neither day nor night, But comes to pass at eveningtime, Behold, it shall indeed be liglit . For the heavenly light will come, And shining throughout all the earth, Will reveal the love and glory, Which bringeth forth the world's New Birth. Christ comes with brightly shining light. And surely frees the world from those Who the lovers are of evil. And who the right on earth oppose. It is said to all who will hear. Watch ye and pray that each one may Be able before Christ to stand. At op'ning of the coming day. Seek humbly for that purity, Full love which casteth out all fear, Soon in Christ's presence we must stand, The morn is nearing, very near. With lamps trimmed and lights all bm*ning And spirit pure and sweet and calm, Be ready that each enter may, To marriage supper of the lamb. We know that our great Redeemer Liveth and that he yet shall stand In love and power on the Earth, And rule in peace o'er ev'ry land. When o'er the Earth the righteous rule. The people then in joy rejoice ; When wicked rule, the people then In deepest mourning lift the voice. Such evil ones as will misrule, And who with mourning fill the land, Will yet be swept clean from the face Of Earth by God's almighty hand. The Lord hath heard the plaintive cry Of each and all who stand in need, Of those who look to Him for help. Nor shall they to Him vainly plead. All ye who seek and love the right, Raise now your heads and look on high, And know ye this in very truth. That your redemption draweth nigh. All things upon the earthlands here , Shall yet be shaken once again, And those which founded are in Right, Alone on earth can then remain . Man's Governments have overturiied, And will o'erturn again, again, Until he come whose right it is, O'er all the earth to sweetly reign. Conditions now throughout the earth. Seem to everywhere prepare For the final overturning, And the end of " Vanity Fair," The fairest among ten thousand, The altogether lovely one, The Leader, Saviour, Prince of Peace, In the true sense God's (Love's) own Son. This, the Real King of the Raco, This gentle one who once was slain, Is coming soon in power here, O'er all the Earth to truly reign. And misrule will be here until This pure and holy Rule shall come. Then peace and love divine will reign Sweetly throughout this outer home. And each one here will then become A law of life unto himself. And be ruled by the lo'/e of God, Instead of love of self and pelf. All his saints are coming with him, The fair and lovely white-robed throng. To 'stablish goodness here on earth, And fill all lands with joy and song. Each crowned in living, sparkHng light. Grand songs of full triumph they sing, Awaking the morn of glory, Heaven and Earth with music ring. And do you ask me why to earth, These fair and holy loved ones come, They would guide us gently onward, Would share with us their joys and Home. Would share with us their Home and Joys, In flow'ry fields of bliss on high, Would share with us undying love. In shining mansions in the sky. They bring to earth the morn of life, They bring the day of love and truth, The thousand year springtime of Earth, Of joy, of strength, of health, of youth. And all the earthlands then shall bloom, Sorrow and sighing flee away, And ev'ry one shall know the Lord, And shall know the heavenly way. All selfishness and human laws, Will then from earth be swept away, And peace and grand prosperity Will come and here will ever stay. Even the desert shall rejoice, And as the fragrant rose shall bloom, Ihe glorious day of life comes forth, To put an end to earthly gloom. The sensitives can see and feel, E'en though the dullards do not see That just beyond the darkness looms The Mom the Golden Jubilee. And the upper bells are ringing , That the silent listeners here, May know in truth that heav 'nly day, Is nearing, truly very near. Then join in the march of freedom, And throughout let the welkin ring, Hosanna to the Son of God, Hosanna to Earth's coming King. Welcome, sweet Millennial life. Welcome, the coming Order New, Away the selfish life of strife, Welcome, the Peaceful Order True. Each one will do to others then, E'en as himself would wish that they In turn should do to him again, Walking the living golden way. All bitterness and strikes and strife, Will here from thence no more be known, But ev'ry useful calling will Take on a restful, peaceful tone. No poverty will be here then, Nor hopeless drudging in that day, But sweet action all attractive. Will seem like free and joyous play. And humanity in freedom, Will peal forth life's sweet, joyous psalms. And never old nor weary grow, But gambol free as playful lambs. All fear and want will be unknown, There'll be sweet freedom from all care. And the spirit of the workers Will be free as ambient air. On wings of hope we rise and soar, The soul in joy begins to sing, Cold, wintry storms forever o'er, Now comes the never-ending spring. The time indeed is drawing near. When Christ and all his saints will come, And bring the New Jerusalem, They bring their joyous Life of Home. And as the New Jerusalem Descends from heaven on our sight. She pours her music, peace and love Adown the holy aisles of light. Eeaching each true and longing heart, And sweetly thrilling each pure soul. Lighting up the paths of wisdom. Unto the living, final goal. The King's Highway of Life is there, The great Highway of Holiness, And to and fro the saints all pass. Humanity to cheer and bless. Her gates of pearl stand open wide, And clear as crystal is her light, And never-ending day is there ; The peaceful city knows no night. New Jerusalem the golden Poised calm and free in fragrant air, Her streets of golden pave in view, And all her beauties rich and rare. A holy calm surrounding her, And music from her angel bands Descends on ears d£ mortals here, Throughout these outer earthly lands. Sweet Home of those who have conquered. Who here the earth before us trod , City of full love and beauty. Her builder and her maker, God. And in her love -light we will walk. And be forever in her care. The jubilee indeed is come, The sweet , the glorious morn so fair And ever down her aisles of light, Reaching the earthlands ev'rywhere, Float constant music, peace and love , Thrilling even the very air. Behold the race awake to life, To health and peace and lasting joy, The golden age indeed is come, And truly that without alloy. > When this grand life reigns full on earth, What happiness and bliss there'll be, Each one with heav'n surrounded here, For himself then will clearly see. The "New Heaven" and the ''New Earth", In the which righteousness doth dwell. And everywhere the very air. So sweetly whispers. All is well. VICTOR VALENTINE, M NORWOOD AVE. BROOKLYN, N. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS pn. 018 597 140 5 ^ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 018 597 140 5